The Best Travel Health Insurance Companies for Europe

If you’re traveling to Europe this summer, you will definitely want travel insurance to supplement your trip in case anything goes wrong. These are six of the best travel insurance companies for coverage in Europe.

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When you’re planning a trip to Europe, half of the fun is working out the details of your itinerary, creating a bucket list of attractions to visit, and mapping out the route you want to take.

It’s easy to forget about the finer details, like travel insurance.

That’s just human nature. Who wants to think about the bad stuff when there’s so much to look forward to?

Travel insurance gives you peace of mind while you’re exploring. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a relaxing wine tour through Italy or a more adventurous jaunt through Switzerland – being insured means you’ll come home with only awesome memories and not outrageous medical bills.

But there are different types of travel insurance for Europe and the Schengen zone. Here’s how to pick the best one for your needs.

Why You Need Travel Insurance for Europe

So why do you even need travel insurance for Europe, anyway?

It all comes down to a very blunt truth: literally anything could happen while you’re on the road, and you need to protect yourself. It’s truly no different than having health insurance in your home country.

Travelers don’t like thinking about worst-case scenarios, but it’s the responsible thing to do. And a good travel insurance policy covers everything from the smallest stuff – like lost and stolen luggage – to all the big picture items, like natural disasters or broken bones. Yes, even death.

In countries where you’re not a resident, the cost of things like medical bills and emergency evacuation are drastically higher than in your home country (even compared to the US, where those bills are crazy high already). So while you might not like the idea of dishing out money for insurance, you definitely don’t want to return from your trip with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses.

Note: Depending on your home country, you might need to apply for a Schengen visa. Furthermore, countries outside the Europe Schengen zone may have different visa and travel insurance requirements than member states inside the Schengen zone, including the UK. When in doubt, talk to an agent!

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If you take away just one important thing from this article, let it be this: Europe travel insurance is necessary. Just because these countries are developed and modern doesn’t mean you’re immune to accidents or illness on your travels.

Have a look at the different Europe travel insurance companies and their travel insurance plans.

1. Seven Corners: Best Travel Insurance Policy for Students

So you’ve got your visa application sent off and you’re planning on studying for a semester in Europe. Welcome to one of the best experiences of your life!

It’s likely that you’ll be required to have Europe travel insurance as part of your visa requirements to study abroad (and you may even need to present proof of insurance with your visa application and your visa letter). Regardless, travel health insurance is a must—and Seven Corners is the best.

Seven Corners has three different travel insurance plans specifically designed for international students. Each one is customizable so that you can even change the amount of medical coverage (up to $250,000) as well as the deductible. When you visit the student health center at your school, it’ll only cost you a $5 copay. Trip cancellation and interruption are also covered.

There are tons of options to add as well. For example, if you want to visit family back home while on your holidays, you can add coverage for when you return to the US (or wherever home may be). That means if you get into an accident while you’re at home, you’ll have health insurance coverage.

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2. SafetyWing: Best Travel Insurance Policy for Expats & Long-Term Travelers

SafetyWing has incredibly unique travel insurance offerings for long-term travelers/expats.

SafetyWing is a rare gem of a travel insurance company because their plans allow you to have coverage for as long as you want. It works like a subscription, and your plan renews every four weeks automatically (until you cancel).

You’ll get coverage up to $100,000 for travel medical insurance and emergency medical evacuation coverage in 180+ countries. Trip interruption and trip delay coverage is also included (up to $100/day), but trip cancellations are not.

There’s one downside: SafetyWing’s insurance policies will not cover your gear. For digital nomads traveling with laptops, cameras, and other items of high value, this may be a dealbreaker. The good news is that you can add supplemental insurance like InsureMyEquipment to make sure you’ve got complete coverage.

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3. World Nomads: Best Travel Insurance Policy for Adventure Travelers

World Nomads is an all-around awesome insurance provider, but especially if you’re an adventurous type. They cover over 300 sports and activities, and their Explorer Plan is catered specifically to those interested in higher-risk activities.

Snowboarding in Switzerland? Diving in the Mediterranean? Competing in an air guitar competition (seriously) in Finland? This is the policy for you.

World Nomads’ plans include up to $100,000 in emergency medical coverage, medical evacuation and repatriation, and coverage for stolen or lost luggage. Bonus: their policies have always provided coverage for pandemics/epidemics, so you’re well covered up to $100,000 in emergency medical for COVID-19 too.

The user experience and customer service with World Nomads is also top-notch. If you’re not completely sure if your activity is covered, definitely speak with an insurance agent about your case.

4. Tin Leg: Best Travel Insurance Policy for Seniors

If you’re a senior ready to leave behind the US and make your dream of Europe travels come true, Tin Leg is the travel health insurance company for you.

Travel insurance requirements can be stringent for seniors, especially if you have pre-existing conditions (or if you’re over a certain age). Tin Leg is unique in that it offers travel insurance for people up to age 90!

Tin Leg has a few different plans, including the Tin Leg Economy policy with basic trip cancellations and medical coverage up to $20,000. That’s a bit low compared to other plans, but the Tin Leg Luxury policy covers people up to $100,000 for emergency medical and $250,000 for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation.

Pre-Existing Condition coverage is also included if your policy is purchased within 15 days of booking your Europe trip.

5. Travelex: Best Travel Insurance Policy for Families

Taking the whole fam on a country-hopping tour of Europe? Travel insurance coverage is a must for the whole gang.

One of the best things about Travelex is that they provide free coverage for all children age 17 and under, as long as they’re traveling with you under a single policy. It doesn’t matter if you have one kid or five…they’re all covered for travel health insurance!

Travelex is a heavy-duty insurer, and although they only have two main plans they also tons of add-on options. The Basic plan covers $15,000 in emergency medical expenses, $100,000 for emergency medical evacuation, and $500 for lost and damaged baggage.

But with their Travel Select plan, your coverage skyrockets: you’ll get $50,000 in emergency medical, $1,000 for lost or damaged luggage, and $500,000 in medical evacuation coverage. You’ll also get 150 percent of your insured trip cost reimbursed if your trip is interrupted.

6. AXA: Best Travel Insurance Policy for Multiple Trips

If you’re addicted to Europe travel, getting covered by Ama’s Multi-Trip Schengen visa travel insurance is a must.

Multi-Trip is an AXA Schengen visa insurance for frequent travelers who plan on making several trips to Europe over one year. That means if, for example, you’re traveling between the US and France all year on business, you don’t have to purchase travel insurance more than once.

AXA offers medical insurance for expenses up to €100,000 ($111,000) for both the Schengen zone as well as other countries outside of Schengen. If your Europe travel takes you to places like Monaco and Liechtenstein, the AXA Multi-Trip Schengen travel insurance is a great option for you.

But before you plan multiple trips all over Europe, make sure you’re aware of the Schengen visa requirements. Citizens of certain countries may need to apply for a visa depending on the country (if you’re a traveler from the US, you likely won’t have to). Visa refusal is never a fun experience, so make sure to include your AXA Schengen visa insurance certificate with your visa application.

If you’re unsure about anything, AXA has some great customer service. When in doubt, give them a call.

best travel insurance usa to europe


Now that you’re aware of the different Europe travel insurance options and their different travel insurance policies, let’s make sure you’re clear on everything else travel insurance related.

Is travel insurance necessary in Europe? 

Yes, as soon as you leave the US (or your home country) to visit Europe and the Schengen area, travel insurance is necessary. Travel medical insurance is by far the most important asset for any traveler because those medical expenses will skyrocket if you get sick or injured abroad.

Plus your Schengen travel insurance should also cover things like trip cancellations and interruption. No matter what country you’re visiting, you need to be prepared.

Does travel insurance for Europe also cover the United Kingdom?

It’s important to understand that not all countries are part of the European Schengen area, including the United Kingdom. Your Schengen visa will not apply here, and your European travel insurance may not apply.

Some insurances, like World Nomads, will take into account that you’re traveling all over the European region and that you don’t just need Schengen travel insurance. When you’re requesting a quote online, you can select each destination you’ll be visiting.

You need to check with your travel insurance plan to make sure you’re covered for all your medical expenses and emergency evacuation (as well as anything else you want).

Talk to some travel insurance agents for greater clarity on your options. Europe travel awaits!

How much travel insurance do I need for Europe? 

The amount of travel insurance coverage you need for Europe/the Schengen area really depends on what you’re planning to do. In any case, your insurance plan should at least cover you for up to $100,000 in medical expenses and emergency evacuation.

You’ll also want to consider what kind of expenses you’ll incur if you’re not covered for things like trip interruption, cancellations, and lost/damaged luggage. You can’t often make corrections to your travel health insurance plan after you’ve begun traveling, so make sure you get it right!

Do US citizens need travel insurance for Europe?

Yes, US citizens absolutely need travel medical insurance for Europe, including the Schengen area.

If you’re a US citizen and you get sick or if you’re seriously hurt while in Europe or the Schengen area, you could face crazy high medical expenses. That could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt.

Europe travel insurance is a must for any traveler, and that means US citizens too.

What countries are included in Europe travel insurance?

Generally, Europe/Schengen travel insurance will cover all European countries. As mentioned above, insurers know that you’re likely to visit more than one country on your trip.

But do your homework. Some popular European countries aren’t part of the Schengen area, including the likes of Bulgaria, Croatia, and even the United Kingdom. When it comes to insurance coverage, make sure you read the fine print and make any corrections to your policy as needed.

Residents from certain countries other than the US may require a visa as well, and applicants will want to apply well in advance. Bottom line: your travel medical insurance (just like your Schengen visa requirements) may differ depending on where you’re going.

Does my health insurance cover me in Europe?

Depending on the health insurance coverage you have at home, you may have travel coverage for Europe travel too. Keep in mind this is still travel insurance though—you won’t be able to claim expenses for things like cosmetic surgery abroad.

But in general, residents of the US (and residents of other places, for that matter) shouldn’t assume they’re covered.

Pro-tip: review your policy in great detail before you leave, in case you need to make any corrections.

Do I need Schengen visa insurance for Europe?

Many citizens do not need a Schengen visa before traveling to Europe. You’ll need to figure out what the Schengen visa requirements are for your country first. If you’re a US citizen, for example, you do not need to apply for a Schengen visa.

Applying for a visa can be a daunting experience for some citizens, but the online process for applicants is pretty straightforward. Absolutely make sure you have proof of your Schengen visa travel insurance secured beforehand (like the AXA Schengen visa insurance certificate mentioned earlier), and include it with your visa letter and visa application.

Once you’ve received your Schengen visa, you’re good to go.

Now it’s time—are you ready to see Europe?

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The Swiftest

7 Best Europe Travel Insurance Plans for US Citizens in 2024

Updated on January 10, 2024 by Matthew H. Nash – Licensed Insurance Agent

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  • SwiftScore Our SwiftScore is a unique and proprietary insurance ranking system objectively comparing key metrics which are most important to Europe travelers. Learn more at the end of this page.




Comparing Policies

  • Compare dozens of the best Europe travel insurance policies from all the major providers in one place
  • Easily filter for the features you want and get support from their award-winning customer service team
  • Founded in 2013, has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers find affordable insurance coverage

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Fast Claims

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  • SwiftScore Our SwiftScore is a unique and proprietary insurance ranking system objectively comparing key metrics which are most important to travelers. Learn more at the end of this page.

Travelers Aged 55+

  • Pre-existing medical conditions are covered for a reasonable fee and they offer “cancel for any reason” as an add-on
  • $2,000 COVID quarantine coverage available w/ Safe Travels Voyager plan
  • Founded in 1998 and underwritten by Nationwide and GBG Insurance


Filtering Plans

  • This comparison website has the most comprehensive filters especially for Covid-19 which helps you search for the specific benefits you need
  • They have “Zero Complaint Guarantee” which promises a fair claims process
  • Established in 2003, Squaremouth has consistently been recognized for it’s exceptional customer service

best travel insurance usa to europe


An Established Brand

  • Well rounded, inexpensive travel insurance plans from an established and top rated global insurance company
  • AXA has plans that cover pre-existing conditions and their “Platinum” plan covers “cancel for any reason” with an optional add-on. They also offer helpful 24/7 Worldwide Travel Assistance Services
  • Founded in 1959 and underwritten by Nationwide

best travel insurance usa to europe

Family Travel

  • Their “Trip Interruption for any Reason” feature allows you to get a 75% reimbursement for any additional expenses if you decide to go home early from your trip
  • They have a variety of insurance products to suit any travel needs
  • Founded in 1993 and underwritten by Nationwide Insurance

best travel insurance usa to europe

$521 Per Year

Long-term Travel

  • Ideal for digital nomads and long-term travel, available to anyone anywhere
  • Scored lower because short-term travel coverage isn’t as robust as competitors
  • Founded in 2018 and is underwritten by Lloyds of London

travel insurance


  • Compare dozens of travel insurance policies from all the major providers in one place

Europe travel insurance FAQs

What is not covered by travel insurance.

You can expect your Europe travel insurance coverage to protect against a number of incidents, particularly those that are unforeseen and unexpected. However, several things may not fall under coverage, especially trip changes or cancellations due to personal preferences or whims. One example may be that you have a falling out with your travel companion and no longer want to go together. Another may be that you get swamped with work right before your trip and decide you shouldn’t leave on vacation after all. If you want more flexibility with your plans, the optional Seven Corners Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) upgrade that would make your trip eligible for reimbursement. Seven Corners also has Trip Interruption coverage to protect you financially should your trip get cut short due to covered emergencies. Furthermore, standard travel insurance plans do not cover pre-existing medical conditions. Still, most providers have optional packages you can purchase if this concerns you or your travel companions. Every insurance provider has different requirements, but most only give you 14-21 days after paying the deposit on your trip to add this upgrade to your plan.

Does travel insurance cover adventure sports and extreme activities?

Opportunities to participate in adventure sports or extreme activities abound in Europe. Whether you go surfing in Portugal, skiing in Chamonix, bungee jumping in the Swiss Alps, white water rafting in Slovenia, or something completely different, Europe will not disappoint. And you will be even more pleased to know that many travel insurance providers will cover these outdoor excursions. I recommend using and choosing the “Sports & Activities” filter. It will allow you to enter any extreme sport or activity you’re interested in while on your European vacation and then show you all of the standard insurance policies that cover them. Remember to read the policy details before purchasing any travel insurance plan.

What to do if you’re in an emergency in Europe?

In an emergency in any European Union (EU) country, dial 112 from any phone. You may want to consult this list of European emergency phone numbers for European countries not part of the EU. Should you or another traveler insured by your policy experience a medical emergency, be sure to contact your travel insurance’s customer support line. They will coordinate transportation to a hospital that is up to US standards so that you can receive the best treatment possible.

Does travel insurance cover cancellation due to Covid or other communicable diseases?

Travel insurance companies are constantly adapting to the pandemic. As a result, many standard travel plans cover COVID-19 related cancellations or medical treatments. You can use a comparison website such as to find the best new policies. I recommend choosing a plan with at least $50,000 in emergency medical coverage and $100,000 for medical evacuation. If you have already purchased a plan, check with your provider whether they have a policy rider that will cover trip cancellations due to communicable diseases. It is important to highlight that some aspects of travel may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic but not covered by insurance. These may include border closures, quarantine restrictions, negative test requirements, fear of travel due to new outbreaks, etc. If you think any of these issues may alter your travel plans, buying a Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) upgrade will give you added peace of mind.

How long does an insurance claim take?

After completing a claim with all necessary documentation, expect reimbursements to take 6 to 8 weeks. This time frame may vary from one provider to another, though.

What happens if my travel insurance claim is rejected?

If your claim was rejected, there are several potential reasons why: the policy did not cover the claim, required procedures were not followed, pre-existing medical conditions were not disclosed or costs were not accurately reported. If you believe your claim is valid, but the insurer rejects it, they will notify you of the available follow-up steps.

Does travel insurance cover emergency dental work?

Travel insurance policies tend to cover a minimal amount of dental work, ranging from $100-$750, and only for natural teeth. Bridges, crowns and false teeth do not fall under coverage, and neither do routine cleanings and exams. Trip insurance plans also limit when covered dental work can be performed. Review the full details for any plan you intend to purchase and ask the provider for clarification if you are unclear about its benefits.

Does travel insurance cover the death of a relative?

The answer to this question differs between policies. Suppose a relative of yours dies from a pre-existing health condition or suicide, you may not be eligible for bereavement benefits if you bought the cheapest travel insurance plan available. However, some policies with higher premiums will reimburse you regardless of the cause of death. It’s essential to read the policy details in full for relevant specifics. Another aspect to consider is who each provider deems “covered relatives” are. Do in-laws count? Siblings? Pets? Cousins? Grandparents? Again, there is no one-size-fits-all answer as it varies from one insurance plan to the next.

Most common problems while traveling in Europe and how to avoid them:

When traveling in Europe, there are far fewer illnesses one has to worry about than in more exotic, tropical destinations. The most typical illness people experience is food poisoning, which is no more common than it is in the US. That said, if you’re traveling through some of the southern European countries in the peak of summer, be mindful of the potential for sunstroke (aka heatstroke). Symptoms include vomiting, nausea, high fever, nausea and the possible loss of consciousness. If you suspect that you have sunstroke, consult a medical doctor immediately.

When it comes to accidents in Europe, the ones involving tourists are rather run-of-the-mill, such as trips and falls, car accidents or those involving sports or outdoor activities. For the latter, always ensure that you book your activities through reputable companies with a solid safety track record. Another common accident amongst Americans in Europe is from driving mopeds. If you do not know how to operate one properly, be sure to ask for advice and instructions before setting off on any grand adventures. And once you do, take your time and stay alert.

Muggings and pickpocketing are most common in tourist-packed cities like Florence, Paris, Barcelona, Belgrade, Marseille and Sofia. Be mindful of your possessions when in large crowds and alert to your surroundings whenever you’re out exploring, especially at night. It’s also vital to remain alert whenever you take public transport to reduce your risk of being a victim. Remember that pickpockets often work in teams, in which one distracts you while the other steals your valuables.

Emergency resources for Europe

Phone numbers.

If you are in a European Union country, dial 112 from any phone in the event of an emergency. For countries in Europe that are not part of the EU, refer to this list for each country’s specific emergency hotline number.

US embassy or consulate details

Each European country has at least one US Embassy or Consulate General. Use this list to locate the embassy or consulate nearest to your vacation destination. Each city/country’s webpage will have its phone number, address, hours of operation, and other essential information regarding citizen services. Travelers who wish to play it safe can register their trip with the closest US Embassy or Consulate through the Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program . A significant benefit of the program is that it sends you travel advisories specific to your destinations within Europe. Listing your trip also allows them to communicate with you and your family should an emergency occur.

Other local knowledge that is helpful for travelers


Using your American mobile phone in Europe adds up quickly. To avoid spending a small fortune on mobile phone service, take advantage of the free Wi-Fi available in most cafĂ©s, fast-food restaurants, and some hotels. Sending emails and texts via messaging apps or making Wi-Fi calls are also great ways to save money. Remember to switch all of your phone’s app updates to manual instead of automatic since data charges can add up quickly. However, if you want to be constantly accessible, upgrade to an international calling plan with your US mobile phone carrier before leaving home. Your other option would be to purchase a European SIM card as a more affordable way to stay connected. If you prefer the latter, contact your US mobile phone carrier for more information, as they will need to unlock your phone from their network before you leave for vacation. Prepaid credit for calls, messages and data is relatively affordable in Europe, and unlike in the US, you can still receive calls even if you run out of credit within a given country.

Not all countries in Europe use the euro (€), so I recommend checking in advance which currency each country you’ll be traveling to uses. To see which countries use the euro, visit the European Union’s website . Also, the World Atlas has a helpful chart that lists all European countries and their respective currencies (see bottom of the page). Always have cash on hand while traveling through Europe to cover public transportation costs, tolls, parking garages, gas (petrol), tips, and other low-cost purchases you may make. To get the best exchange rates, withdraw cash from a local bank’s ATM upon arrival. In Europe, ATMs are known as cash machines. Be sure to steer clear of non-bank-owned cash machines such as Travelex, Cardpoint, etc., since they are more vulnerable to being hacked and charge significantly higher fees and exchange rates. Remember to alert your bank in the US of your exact travel dates and respective destinations, so they don’t block your card. Also, note that if any business asks you whether you would like your purchase to be in the local currency or US dollars when using a credit or debit card, always choose the local currency. If you opt for USD, you will be charged an additional processing fee for the simple privilege of being told the price conversion!

Getting Around

Europe has excellent public transportation, including cross-border flights, trains and buses within the continent. If you prefer to travel between European countries via train, you might want to look into purchasing a Eurail pass. While there are various tiers you can opt for when buying such a pass, they all give you the freedom of not having to commit to specific destinations or dates. However, it will require you to complete all of your travel within a given time window. Buying individual tickets for each particular destination is also an option, and it may save you money if you are not planning to make more than 2 or 3 trips by train. When it comes to flying, I recommend using a flight comparison site such as or . You can often find very reasonably-priced tickets with major airlines. It is important to note that budget airlines generally do not allow flight changes or cancellations and charge extra for luggage and food. Bus networks within Europe are not as extensive as their rail equivalents, but they are much more affordable and more readily available. You can buy your tickets at station kiosks, onboard or online; booking in advance online is always your best bet for securing a seat for your preferred date and time. For those who wish to see Europe by car, it is always best to reserve your rental before leaving on vacation. One thing that catches many American visitors off-guard is that most rental cars in Europe come with manual transmissions. Therefore, if you prefer an automatic, you will need to filter for this when comparing various rental car offers. Keep in mind that cars with automatic transmissions will cost more per day than those with manuals.

Throughout all of Europe, prices are inclusive of sales tax, known as a value-added tax (VAT), so you can expect to pay the price you see on menus and price tags. For those of you who are traveling throughout the European Union, you may be able to reclaim some of the VAT you pay on larger purchases (the minimum amount varies from country to country). Please visit the European Union’s Taxation and Customs Page website to learn more about getting a VAT refund. For non-EU countries, you will need to inquire specifically with their customs agents at the local airports. Additional information is available at Global Blue . Should you wish to receive an on-the-spot refund, allow for an extra 45 minutes to 1 hour at your departure airport.

Unlike in the US, tipping is not as standardized or costly. In some cases, it is not even expected. Tipping your taxi driver an extra €1 is adequate or a little more if they help you with your bags. No tipping is necessary in cafĂ©s or restaurants where you order at the counter. However, if you are receiving table service, look at your bill ––they don’t call it a check-in Europe––to see if a service charge has been included. If so, then tipping is not necessary. If not, then 10% is a good tip for quality service. Of course, you are welcome to tip more if you feel the service was outstanding. Other service providers that often get tipped are hotel housekeeping staff, room service staff, bellhops, and activity and tour guides.

What to pack for Europe

Apart from Travel Insurance, we recommend you bring the following items for maximum health, safety, and enjoyment of your trip to Europe.

A final note about travel insurance for Europe

I have spent dozens of hours researching travel insurance, including getting quotes and comparing coverage from all the most popular brands. Regardless of where you’re going I am confident that you will also find that offers the best way to compare policies with the ideal combo of coverage and price.

I wish you and yours an incredible journey.

SwiftScore Ranking Methodology

  • Average price for a 2-week vacation based on a 35-year-old California resident traveling to the Europe with a $3,500 trip cost
  • Coronavirus coverage
  • Cancel for any reason (CFAR)
  • AM Best rating of the underwriter
  • Key policy details including cancellation, interruption, emergency medical evacuation, and baggage & personal effects
  • Ease of sign up
  • Policy language clarity
  • User reviews

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4 Best Travel Insurance for Europe in 2024

Home | Travel | Europe | 4 Best Travel Insurance for Europe in 2024

Getting European travel insurance is one of the main requirements for obtaining a Schengen visa, whether for traveling, studying, or working overseas.

However, if you don’t need a Schengen Visa , you may ask yourself, Do I need travel insurance for Europe ? Well, it’s always a good idea. As I mentioned in my guide to the best international travel insurance companies , you should buy coverage if you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re protected in any unforeseen circumstances.

Europe Alps, travel insurance for Europe

4 Best travel insurance for Europe in 2024

Of course, not everyone needs the same kind of coverage, so in this article, I’m sharing the best travel insurance for Europe and Schengen travel insurance that meets all the visa requirements:

  • Schengen visa travel insurance requirements
  • Europe travel insurance cost & comparison
  • Best travel insurance for Europe

What should European travel insurance cover?

Not to spoil the surprise, but Heymondo is the best option for Europe trip insurance and Schengen Area travel insurance . Heymondo offers comprehensive coverage at an affordable price, and it’s the only company that pays your medical expenses upfront , so you don’t have to worry about filing a reimbursement claim.

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Another great option, if you’re traveling on a budget and don’t mind having a deductible, is SafetyWing . Just be aware that there is a $250 deductible per claim, and they don’t cover medical expenses upfront. You will need to pay out of your pocket and ask for reimbursement later, but it is the cheapest option by far.

I’ll give you a full review of other top travel insurance for Europe below .

Is travel insurance for Europe mandatory?

If you’re required to have a visa to enter the Schengen Area, you must have travel medical insurance for a Europe trip . Be aware that not all travelers need a Schengen visa, so check the requirements for different countries below.

If you’re a citizen of a country in the Schengen Area, you don’t need travel insurance for Europe , but it’s wise to have coverage for your trip .

What countries need a Schengen Visa to visit Europe?

Travelers from the following countries must purchase European travel insurance to obtain a Schengen visa and visit the Schengen Area:

Schengen visa insurance requirements

To obtain a Schengen visa, you must have Schengen Area travel insurance . That is, insurance that covers the Schengen Area and meets these requirements:

  • At least $30,000 in coverage for medical emergencies and accidents : Healthcare and medical expenses in Europe aren’t cheap, so emergency medical coverage is a requirement. No matter where you travel in the Schengen Area, your insurance will cover the medical fees if you get sick or injured.
  • Repatriation coverage in case of medical incidents or death : If you fall gravely ill in a remote area or require further medical attention for a serious injury, you may need to be transported back to your home country. This is an expensive service, so your insurance should include repatriation coverage. This way, you won’t have to pay big bucks for transportation fees.
  • Coverage in all 26 Schengen Area countries for the entire duration of your trip : Even if you’re not planning to visit all 26 countries (which would be incredibly ambitious!), your insurance policy must cover all of them. The best Schengen travel insurance policies allow you to select “Europe” as your coverage area, so you don’t have to worry. I always recommend reading the fine print to ensure you don’t encounter any problems when applying for your Schengen visa.

What countries are in the Schengen Area?

schengen area eu countries

The 26 countries that make up the Schengen Area are:

  • Czech Republic
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Of those countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are the only countries that don’t also belong to the European Union.

How much does European travel insurance cost?

Choosing the best travel health insurance for Europe is one of the most frequent doubts among tourists. We currently have a policy with Heymondo , and we’re very happy with it. The company has been super responsive and helpful whenever we’ve needed assistance. I love that they take care of medical payments for us upfront, so we don’t need to pay out of pocket and file a claim.

If you’re still unsure which European tourist insurance best suits you and your needs , look at the table below. I’ve compared the cost of European travel insurance from 4 different companies. To be as impartial as possible, I’ve simulated the prices for a 30-year-old American traveling to Spain for two weeks with a trip cost of $2,500.

*Price used for example

For this European travel insurance comparison , I chose the cheapest policies that cover the Schengen Area and meet all the requirements. While Heymondo isn’t the cheapest, it offers better coverage than the others, and it’s the only one that pays for medical expenses upfront.

Also, remember that these prices are just an example and can vary depending on your trip’s duration, your country of origin, destination, and other factors. However, no matter the cost, you want travel insurance, even for the cheapest places to visit in Europe .

Best Europe travel insurance

Again, each European travel insurance company has its advantages, so I’m sharing an overview of each option below to help you make the best choice.

1. Heymondo , the best travel insurance for Europe

Heymondo is the best holiday insurance for Europe , offering $200,000 in emergency medical coverage and no deductible. One of the main advantages of Heymondo insurance is the 24/7 customer support and medical chat . This way, you can quickly consult a doctor or get directions to the nearest hospital.

Heymondo, best travel insurance for europe

Another thing I like about Heymondo is that it takes care of everything, so you won’t have to pay a single bill out of pocket . No more filing claims and waiting for reimbursement! Just remember that for Heymondo to cover expenses upfront, you must contact them before going to the doctor. If you forget or don’t have time, don’t worry. Heymondo will refund your money after you send them the medical invoice.

Besides, it covers electronic equipment , something that most travel insurance doesn’t include. For us, that coverage is crucial since we always travel with two laptops and professional camera gear.

We’ve been using Heymondo’s annual travel insurance and have been delighted with the experience. We have had to use the customer support more than once, and the team has always been professional, efficient, and kind. If you choose this company for your European travel health insurance , you can save 5% with our Heymondo discount .

2. SafetyWing , a cheap European travel insurance

If you’re looking for a low-cost Schengen travel insurance policy, look into SafetyWing . It’s one of the cheapest travel insurance companies on the market, offering excellent coverage without a hefty price.

SafetyWing’s European travel health insurance includes extensive emergency medical coverage, evacuation and repatriation protection, and up to $5,000 in trip interruption benefits for added peace of mind.

SafetyWing, holiday insurance for europe

However, while SafetyWing has some of the lowest prices on the market, remember that it’s more of a medical travel insurance , so its trip-related coverage is minimal.

Also, there is a $250 deductible, so you’ll have to pay $250 before the company covers your medical costs. If you don’t want to deal with a deductible and want the added benefit of having your expenses paid upfront, I recommend Heymondo .

3. Trawick International , the best Europe travel insurance for seniors

Trawick International is another option to consider, especially if you’re looking for a good travel insurance plan for seniors . Trawick is affordable and features great medical benefits, including coverage for pre-existing conditions. The company also offers decent protection for natural disasters and repatriation.

This company also has travel insurance with Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) . So, if you add CFAR to your policy, you’ll get reimbursed for your flight and accommodation expenses if you call the trip off, regardless of the reason for your cancellation. However, there are specific terms and conditions, so I recommend reading the policy thoroughly.

Trawick International, tourist insurance europe

It’s important to review the different Trawick policies since some pertain to European travel insurance while others are tailored to students or tourists coming to the USA. In our comparison, we looked at the Safe Travels Explorer plan, which includes decent trip cancellation and interruption coverage, but only a small amount of baggage loss protection.

Overall, you can get much more coverage for the same price or a bit more. For example, Heymondo offers $200,000 in emergency medical expenses compared to Trawick’s $50,000. Plus, Heymondo pays your medical expenses upfront.

4. Travelex , another good travel health insurance for Europe

Lastly, Travelex is dependable tourist insurance for Europe that meets all Schengen visa insurance requirements. Its Select plan is the more expensive option, but it includes extensive repatriation and evacuation coverage, as well as natural disaster protection.

Travelex, a great travel medical insurance for a europe trip

You’ll also be covered for travel-related expenses like baggage loss/theft, trip cancellation/interruption, and trip delay. Travelex is also a travel insurance that covers pre-existing conditions , making it a good choice if you want your policy to cover treatments and medication abroad for chronic diseases like diabetes.

On the other hand, the Select plan is the most expensive option of the policies we looked at, and the emergency medical expense coverage is very low. In comparison, Heymondo offers much better coverage for a lower price.

What should travel insurance for Europe cover?

When shopping around for travel medical insurance for Europe , make sure you’re looking for the best coverage. Below, you can see what the best European travel insurance should include:

Emergency medical expenses

Emergency medical coverage is the most basic and essential requirement for any European holiday insurance . Even the cheapest policies include this type of coverage. With emergency medical expenses protection, you’ll be covered for any visits, tests, treatments, and hospitalizations during the trip due to illness or injury.

However, chronic illnesses or sicknesses that existed before the start of the trip are excluded from this coverage. For example, the insurance won’t cover treatment for cancer, as that’s a chronic disease that must be treated in your country of origin. On the other hand, an emergency operation for appendicitis would be covered.

Sicily, best European travel insurance

Emergency medical expenses, something that’s covered with European travel insurance

As for injuries and accidents, most policies don’t cover incidents that occur while practicing extreme sports or risky activities. In the case of Heymondo , some adventure sports are included in the Premium plan. For other insurers, there is the option to add this type of coverage to your policy for an extra fee. So, if you’re a daredevil and plan on participating in some extreme sports during your trip, I recommend getting a policy with Heymondo.

Evacuation & repatriation

Evacuation and repatriation coverage are other must-haves when buying insurance for a European trip . If you have to return to your home country due to a medical emergency or death abroad, this coverage will take care of the associated expenses. Moreover, if a family member back home gets seriously sick or dies, or there is an accident at your home, the costs will fall under this category.

Unexpected delays can happen while traveling, be it a flight delay, weather problems, or an issue with the airline. This is why many European travel insurance companies include trip delay coverage. This covers expenses like meals and accommodation if your trip is delayed several hours or more.

Trip cancellation & interruption

As for trip cancellation , it’s often not included in European travel insurance . You usually must take out a trip cancellation policy or add this coverage to your plan.

With trip cancellation protection, you’ll be covered if you have to cancel your trip for health, legal, or work reasons. The amount varies depending on your policy, but you could recover up to 100% of the money you invested in the trip. Of course, you must provide documentation justifying the cancellation.

Northern Lights in Iceland, europe travel insurance

If you want the option of canceling your trip for any reason and getting reimbursed, look into Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) insurance . Many companies offer this coverage as an add-on.

Moreover, trip cancellation coverage is especially useful if you’re visiting multiple countries in Europe. An unexpected incident may come up in the middle of your trip, such as a family member getting sick or a natural disaster back home. Instead of losing all the money you paid for the rest of your journey, you can get reimbursed with European travel insurance with trip cancellation/interruption benefits.

Baggage loss, theft, or damage

It’s not uncommon for luggage to get lost, stolen, or damaged during travel. For this reason, I consider this type of coverage essential for any European travel insurance plan .

Be sure to check the monetary amount for this benefit since some insurers don’t offer as much protection as others. I also suggest keeping your most valuable and expensive items with you in a backpack or carry-on so you don’t risk losing them in your checked baggage.

If you can’t store your things in a hotel, consider using a luggage storage service once you’ve arrived at your destination. This way, you’re not a walking target for pickpockets!

Electronic equipment

If you’re bringing electronic equipment like a camera or laptop, be aware that these items aren’t typically covered under the baggage loss benefit. An exception is Heymondo , which includes electronic equipment protection in its policies.

For most other European travel insurance plans , you’ll have to get this coverage as an add-on for an extra fee.

Adventure sports

This is another benefit that’s often available as an add-on. If you know you’ll be participating in some extreme activities, adding this type of coverage to your policy is a good idea. Adventure sports include things like bungee jumping, skydiving, scuba diving, and white-water rafting.

Heymondo is one of the few European travel insurance companies that include adventure sports protection in its policies.

Search and rescue

Another insurance benefit is search and rescue coverage. This covers the cost of an organized search and rescue effort should you get lost or reported missing during your trip.

Natural disaster evacuation

Finally, natural disaster coverage will pay for the transportation costs if you need to return to your home country due to a natural disaster at your destination. Examples of natural disasters include earthquakes, floods, landslides, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires.

Europe travel insurance with a discount

If you decide to get travel insurance for a Europe trip , remember that you can take advantage of our discount to save money on your policy.

Italy, europe travel insurance requirements

In the case of Heymondo , you can get a cheaper European travel insurance policy for being a Capture the Atlas reader. Just click our link below to get a 5% discount on Heymondo insurance .

Also, be sure to read our guide on the best discounts for travel so you can save money on flights, hotels, rental cars, and more.

Is Europe travel insurance worth it?

Even if you aren’t required to get a Schengen visa (and thus European travel insurance ), getting coverage is still a good idea. We never travel without insurance, and I advise everyone to do the same. After all, you never know what could happen abroad, whether you get in an accident or fall ill.

Throughout the years, my friends and I have had many experiences that highlight the importance of having insurance.

For example, I was studying English in Ireland with my cousin when he had to have emergency surgery for appendicitis. Luckily, he had EU travel insurance, so the cost of his operation was covered. He would have been stuck paying thousands if he hadn’t had travel medical insurance for Europe .

Another time, I was taking a trip to Germany, and my luggage never arrived. I was stressed out about not having any clothes or toiletries, but fortunately, I had travel insurance, so the company covered the cost of all the clothes and necessities I had to repurchase.

Iceland's Golden Circle, a place to visit with european travel insurance

While those two scenarios ended nicely, my family and I have had less-than-ideal situations that resulted from not having insurance coverage.

One of those was when I planned a trip to Ukraine years ago. I had to cancel it because of a family emergency, and since I didn’t have travel insurance for Europe , I lost all the money I had invested in flights and hotels.

Similarly, my mom didn’t bother to get insurance before traveling to London. Someone stole her bag in a pub, so she lost her cell phone, camera, and wallet (with her ID and credit cards). She could’ve been covered for these losses if she had purchased European holiday insurance . Unfortunately, she had to pay to replace everything herself.

As you can see from the examples above, all kinds of unexpected circumstances crop up while traveling. It’s always better to have the added security of trip insurance. Take it from me, and don’t learn your lesson the hard way!

Other things to plan for your trip to Europe

Once you get the best travel medical insurance for Europe , finish organizing your trip with these helpful tips:

  • Get one of the best SIM cards for Europe to avoid paying for roaming while using internet in Europe . We always use the Holafly eSIM , and you can even purchase it if you’re already abroad.
  • Get a travel credit card to avoid hefty fees when using foreign ATMs. There are even some great credit cards with no foreign transaction fees that you can take advantage of.
  • Check the iVisa website to see if you need a Schengen visa for your trip. If you do, make sure you request it in advance so you have it in time for your trip.

Lastly, enjoy your trip to the fullest!

FAQs – Travel insurance for Europe

If you still have concerns about European trip insurance , these answers to commonly asked questions may help:

Do I need travel insurance for Europe?

Travel insurance for Europe is mandatory for citizens who are required to apply for a Schengen visa.

Do I need European travel insurance if I have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?

No, you don’t need European travel insurance if you have an EHIC.

Do I need Europe travel insurance for a Schengen Visa?

Yes, those applying for a Schengen visa must have European travel health insurance .

Which countries are required to have travel insurance to Europe?

Travelers who are residents and hold passports from the following countries must have travel insurance for Europe : Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burma/Myanmar, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian National Authority, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

What is the minimum medical coverage to get a tourist visa to Europe?

Individuals must have European travel insurance with a minimum of $30,000 in emergency medical coverage to get a tourist visa to Europe.

The best travel insurance for Europe should include emergency medical coverage, repatriation and evacuation, baggage protection, and trip delay protection. It’s also a good idea to include trip cancellation coverage in the policy.

What’s not covered by travel insurance for Europe?

Some European travel insurance plans don’t include trip cancellation benefits, but this may be available as an add-on. Other things that aren’t typically included are adventure sports, electronic equipment, and natural disasters.

What is the best travel insurance for Europe?

The best travel health insurance for Europe is Heymondo since it has an excellent price-to-coverage ratio and no deductible. Plus, it is the only company that pays your medical bills upfront, so you don’t have to pay out of pocket and file a claim for reimbursement.

How much is travel insurance to Europe?

The cost of Europe travel insurance can range from $2/day to $7/day or more.

Is travel insurance for Europe worth it?

Yes, European travel insurance is absolutely worth it , whether it’s mandatory for you or not. In addition to emergency medical coverage, you’ll have baggage, trip delay, and repatriation benefits that can save you thousands of dollars.

What happens if I get sick or have an accident in Europe and I don’t have travel insurance?

If you need medical assistance during your trip, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for any care you receive at the hospital or a doctor’s office. If you have a European Health Insurance Card, you can go to a public medical center. You’ll have to pay out of pocket, but you can file a claim for reimbursement once you return to your home country.

What should I do if I have travel insurance and get sick or have an accident in Europe?

If you get sick or injured while abroad, contact your insurer to find out which medical center or hospital to go to. You can go to the nearest public hospital or clinic if you have a European Health Insurance Card.

What is the age limit for getting travel insurance for Europe?

Some insurers have age limits on their policies, such as Heymondo and SafetyWing, which cover individuals up to 69 years old. Other companies have higher age limits or no limits at all.

Can I extend my travel insurance to Europe if I’m already traveling?

The ability to extend your coverage depends on the insurer. For example, SafetyWing policies automatically renew every 28 days until you select an end date. Heymondo allows you to take out a policy if you’re already traveling, but you’ll have to wait 72 hours after purchasing it for it to go into effect.

Does my travel insurance for Europe cover a flight canceled by the airline?

Generally, European travel insurance doesn’t cover flights that are canceled by the airline. If you want this type of coverage, look into Cancel For Any Reason insurance.

I hope this guide helps you find the best travel health insurance for Europe and that you feel better prepared for your trip. Remember, if you need a Schengen visa to enter the Schengen Area, you’ll need proof of insurance to get the visa.

However, even if you don’t need a Schengen visa, it’s still worth getting European travel insurance . It’s always safer to travel with insurance coverage. This way, you can enjoy your trip and have peace of mind knowing you won’t have to pay any medical bills and cancellation fees out of your own pocket.

Again, Heymondo is the best European holiday insurance , offering excellent coverage for a reasonable price and direct, upfront payments for medical expenses. If you decide to buy a policy, take advantage of our 5% Heymondo discount code below.

Stay safe, and have a wonderful time in Europe!

best travel insurance usa to europe

Ascen Aynat

Comparativa de los mejores seguros de viaje 2024 Covid-19 - CuĂĄndo contratar un seguro de viaje - Seguro de viaje para estudiantes - Seguro de viaje Erasmus

14 replies on “ 4 Best Travel Insurance for Europe in 2024 ”

' src=

Is there a Schengen insurance that covers the UK on the same trip?

' src=

Hi Supinda, Yes, with the companies above, you can find European travel insurance plans that cover Schengen countries and the UK.

' src=

I wish to travel multiple trips to Europe 4-5 days duration

4-5 trips per year Mostly with my kids

Then I recommend you annual multi-trip travel insurance instead.

Let me know if you have any questions, Ascen

' src=

We are a family of four and applying for long term resident visa for Spain. We need health insurance for the visa. What do you recommend?

How long are you planning to stay in Spain. I usually recommend Heymondo, but if you’re staying for long, maybe it’s better to get a health insurance instead of a Travel Insurance,

Thanks, Ascen

' src=

Great information. Thank you so much for the information. Amazing services are there. i am very glad to see this blog. in the Schengen visa Itinerary also, providing good services like Flight Itinerary, Hotel Reservation and Travel Insurance are there.

' src=

hi Nigeria passport holder want to attend 15 days course in amsterdam Netherland base in Dubai UAE which travel insurance do you recommend for me thanks

' src=

I would try this one.

Let me know what you think.

' src=

We are a family of five traveling to Italy from the US. We are planning to do some hikes there. Which insurance do you recommend?

If you are going to have any kind of hiking or adventure sport I would go with insuremytrip standard for sure. It is the best insurance for Europe if you plan up to 2000m.

' src=

Thanks for this great post! I found all the info I need to decide which is the best travel insurance for my trip to Europe. I hope don’t have to use it though

I am glad to read you! Let me know if you have any question and safe travels!

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best travel insurance usa to europe

Road Trip EuroGuide

Do I Need Medical Insurance For Travel In Europe (+5 Best Providers)

Some of the links may be affiliate links , and at no cost to you, I earn a small commission if you make a purchase. I only recommend stuff I love and use, and the income goes back into making this little blog successful!

Let’s talk about medical insurance for traveling in Europe – Do I need it? And what’s the cheapest, best, and most inclusive?

Maybe it’s the over-thinker in me, but every couple of trips, I like to reflect on lessons learned – What will I remember most? What was the best meal? What sucked about the trip? This helps me decide what to pay attention to when booking my next adventure. And my biggest lesson learned is to be prepared in case I get sick while traveling in Europe.

Here are a few of my personal experiences when I was glad I paid the ~$40 a month for travel medical insurance and access to an English-speaking doctor :

  • When I had a bad flu in Estonia , and I was flying out for a trekking trip in Norway the next day. I called my travel doctor, got a prescription for something stronger than Paracetamol, and was feeling better by the time the flight got around.
  • Or when I needed to see a gyno in Norway for some medicine involving what turned out to be my first-ever UTI. I ended up paying nothing for the visit, which included a full gyno check and a comprehensive STD panel. Even with my full insurance in the States, I don’t get treated this well!
  • And finally, when my girlfriend and I ate some delicious, albeit dubious, street food in Morocco ( as one does ), we couldn’t hold anything down. We ended up needing some heavy prescription medication to cure our stomachs so we could continue the trip.

All of these scenarios have one thing in common ( other than me ). You never know what can happen. It’s usually the small things – like a common cold, a stomach issue, or a terrible toothache that can ruin a trip unnecessarily if you’re not prepared . And by prepared, I mean having access to call an English-speaking doctor who can consult and write you a prescription if needed.

âžĄïž My personal recommendation for the overall best travel insurance is SafetyWing Nomad Insurance . âŹ…ïž

Through my travels in Europe, I’ve learned to plan ahead, and I’ve learned to travel safely so I can continue doing the things I love. Travel medical insurance is on my checklist of things to have, along with my passport and a phone charger.

Table of Contents

Do You Need Medical Insurance For Travel In Europe?

YES, you will need travel medical insurance while traveling in Europe. Especially when it comes at a relatively small price for peace of mind. You don’t want to have the shits after a fantastic dinner in Greece and have to:

  • Navigate a foreign hospital system
  • Translate your medical condition into a foreign language
  • Figure out how the hell to pay foreign medical expenses
  • Get access to a Western-trained doctor

Let’s get into what to look for and my shortlist recommendations.

Is Travel Insurance Enough For My Trip To Europe?

Likely not. As you plan your trips, it’s important to understand the difference between travel insurance ( which I thought was more inclusive than it is ) and travel medical insurance ( which is what you actually need ).

✔ Travel Medical Insurance (Travel Health Insurance) for Europe

  • Typically, it will cover emergency medical care, evacuation, and repatriation (ie. getting you back to your home country).
  • It gives you access to hospitals and doctors for unexpected medical problems, like stomach bugs, cases of flu, and other random accidents that just happen. (👈 this is what I’ve used it for mostly )
  • Remember, it does not replace your normal healthcare, rather it’s there in case of emergencies. For example, you can’t get a regular checkup abroad using travel medical insurance outside your home country.
  • Travel Medical insurance in Europe is a good idea if you’re worried about getting sick or hurt while traveling – just think about the foreign foods you’ll be eating, all the tours and walking you’ll be doing in the heat or cold, and the metros you’ll be riding full of people.

👉 PRO TIP: Don’t wait to get home to get medicine if you’re sick. Pharmacies, clinics, and even hospitals in Europe are top-notch and are used to working with Americans. Just make sure you keep the bills (if there are any) so you can get things reimbursed by your travel insurance.

✔ Travel Insurance for Europe

  • Travel insurance plans are designed to protect you from financial losses due to canceled plans or lost luggage, travel delays, or natural disasters.
  • Some credit cards offer limited travel insurance to protect for these types of things but only if you’ve booked the trip through the card ( Chase Preferred is the one I use for this perk ).
  • Travel insurance for Europe is a good idea if you’re worried about any potential disruptions to your trip.

Will My US Health Insurance Cover me In Europe?

The short answer is NO. Most health insurance programs limit their coverage to the home country due to so many things like politics, taxes, differences in global healthcare policies, cost, etc.

So when you travel or are abroad, you will need to cover your ass on your own. This is where buying travel medical/health insurance for Europe comes into play.

Me skydiving because even when I travel in Europe, I am covered by my medical insurance.

5 Best Medical Insurance Policies For Travel In Europe

Here is a list of the best travel health insurance in Europe. I use Safetywing, but each policy offers its own unique little things that might work better for your travel situation.

👉 PRO TIP: The 911 of Europe is 112. In most countries in Europe, if you have a medical emergency, call 112 and get connected to the ambulance, fire department, or police.

1. SafetyWing Nomad Insurance ( I Use This )

This is the one I use when I travel because it covers both travel and medical insurance and is overall the best for what I care about.

  • Includes coverage for doctors, hospitals, emergency medical evacuation, travel delays, lost checked luggage, emergency response & natural disasters.
  • It’s flexible and works like a subscription, with multiple services for different sorts of travelers, nomads, and remote workers.
  • It’s pretty cheap, starting at $40 a month.
  • COVID-19 coverage is included, and it covers quarantine abroad!
  • 24/7 emergency assistance, you get to talk to a real human who is also a traveler.
  • Can purchase while already traveling in about 180 countries.

How To Enroll: âžĄïž Visit Website âŹ…ïž

2. insuremytrip.

This would be my second “go-to” for sorting out travel medical insurance , because the InsureMyTrip compares tons of different insurances for you, giving you the pros and cons of each so you can pick what’s best for you.

This is what I thought was interesting and valuable about them:

  • Compares plans from a bunch of different vendors and spits out what’s best for your specific trip requirements.
  • “Anytime Advocates” help fight alongside you to get your claim reviewed and approved.

3. World Nomads

World Nomads offers a lot of the same protection as SafetyWing and is probably one of the more inclusive options out there regarding activities. Here are some of the benefits I see with them.

  • Very comprehensive plans, including coverage for trip protection & cancellations, emergency medical or dental, loss/theft/damage of your bags and tech gear, and emergency evacuation.
  • Can buy plans while abroad as well, so you can extend your trip if you want.
  • Coverage for COVID-19, which is sadly still rare among insurance.
  • Covers over 200+ adventure activities ( watch out for those exceptions )

How to Enroll: âžĄïž Visit Website âŹ…ïž

4. allianz travel insurance.

This is a huge insurance company, to say the least, so there are options galore. When doing my research, what stood out to me was the following:

  • They cover all the usual, including trip cancellation, travel delays, medical assistance and evacuation, and even rental car insurance.
  • Options are for single trips, multi-trips, or annual insurance (for those on sabbatical like me!)
  • Children 17 and under are covered when traveling with parents/grandparents for some plans
  • A little more pricey than the top two, but it depends on the policies.

5. IMG Global Insurance

This option is the closest thing to normal health insurance and therefore has a few added perks.

  • Includes coverage for doctors, hospitals, emergency medical evacuation, travel delays, lost checked luggage, and natural disasters.
  • Some plans cover COVID-19 emergencies ( read the fine print )
  • Tons of plans to choose from, including short and long-term options, but they tend to be more pricey.
  • Best for people living overseas longer rather than short-term travelers, in my opinion.

FAQ: Travel vs. Medical Insurance in Europe

Let’s jump into a few more frequently asked questions.

What Is The Best Travel Insurance For Europe?

I use SafetyWing, but have done the research and informed myself on a few of the other best travel insurances for Europe. Each one offers a pretty similar and comprehensive package, with a few key differences that may appeal to you and your travel situation. I have the pros and cons of each policy reviewed below.

How much does Travel Medical Insurance Cost?

The cost can vary quite a bit depending on the policy. Some insurance companies offer basic coverage for around $40 per person per month (this is what I usually get), while others offer more comprehensive plans that cost several hundred dollars.

There are also a number of factors that can affect the cost of medical insurance, such as the length of the trip, the number of people traveling, and the medical history of the travelers. As a result, it’s important to compare rates from different companies before purchasing a policy.

Does Travel Medical Insurance cover COVID?

Unfortunately, I’ve learned that most travel medical insurance policies do NOT cover COVID-19 ( or pandemics/epidemics in general ). However, there are some policies, which I recommend below, that will provide coverage for medical expenses related to the virus, like per diem quarantine stipends and COVID testing.

Do EU citizens get free healthcare?

We all know that Europeans get universal healthcare, but the question remains: do its citizens get free healthcare? The answer is no.

Europeans get what is called a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which covers them like our travel medical insurance would in the EU.

Universal healthcare in Europe is supported by the massive taxes its citizens pay so that everyone can have access to healthcare when they cross EU borders, including the poor, and even foreigners. It’s not perfect, but it’s the safety net we all sometimes need when we’re sick and away from home.

Bottom Line? No matter where you are in Europe, if you get sick, go to a pharmacy or clinic and they will help you, no questions asked. Look for the green or red crosses everywhere.

This is what a pharmacy looks like in Europe.

What To Expect When You’re Sick In Europe

I wanted to share some practical options for when you get sick in Europe. The bottom line is, that you should call your travel medical insurance doctor and get their opinion on the next steps. They may send you a prescription via email or send you to a local clinic.

✅ Pharmacies in Europe

When people get sick in Europe, before visiting their doctor, they first go to their local pharmacy. Pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe medicine for small things like colds, flu, stomach aches, scratches, back pain, sinus things, etc. Every town or city will have at least one 24-hour pharmacy because it’s regulated by the EU.

So when you’re sick, travel insurance or not, head to a local pharmacy and use Google Translate if you must to tell them where it hurts. They will prescribe you what you need. If they can’t help you, they will send you to the nearest doctor or clinic.

✅ Medication in Europe

Here are a few things I learned from traveling and living in Europe.

  • Medication that needs a prescription in the US is sometimes over the counter in Europe.
  • Medication names are different – we call meds by their brand, like Tylenol. Europeans use the medicine term, acetaminophen. Same thing, different name.
  • Doses can be stronger in Europe, so make sure you listen and read what the pharmacist tells you – don’t go rogue.
  • When in doubt, paracetamol cures everything when taken as directed.

✅ Clinics in Europe

I’ve been to a few clinics in Europe, in Croatia, Estonia, Spain, and in Norway to name a few. They all work more or less the same. I googled a clinic online, saw which was closer, and took a taxi to the spot. You usually walk into a reception area, fill out some basic paperwork, and then wait to see a doctor.

In some countries, you pay some small fee, in others nothing – it just depends on the laws of the land you’re in. I paid $120 in Croatia for a clinic visit and nothing in Estonia or Norway for a similar emergency visit.

Clinics are great for getting tests done or seeing a doctor who can examine you more closely.

✅ Getting Medical Help in Europe

If you’re too sick to get out of bed, you can always call 112 and an ambulance will come get you. You can also ask your hotel to call a doctor for you. These are more expensive, but keep the bill, and work it out with your travel insurance later on.

Conclusion: Medical Insurance For Travel In Europe

I love wandering off on my own to explore places I’ve never been to before. I believe it’s the best way to meet the locals and truly experience the culture of a place.

And to cover my ass in case I get sick or injured, I use and recommend SafetyWing Insurance .

For anyone scared of traveling alone — don’t give up on it! Plan your trip and make sure you are traveling safely — be aware of your surroundings, always carry an external battery, tell your friends where you are staying, and purchase travel medical insurance for Europe so you don’t have to worry.

Here is me NOT worrying and going for it solo in Europe for a little inspiration!

best travel insurance usa to europe

If you dont live your own story, you will live someone else’s . – A very wise person

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Mariana Barbuceanu is the owner and author of the Road Trip EuroGuide, a blog that inspires fellow travelers to explore Europe more authentically through slower travel and digging deeper into the culture of a place. When she isn't writing about her adventures, she is planning trips for her community and coaching people on how to take that next step towards a much-needed sabbatical.

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Do I need travel insurance to visit Europe?

What does travel insurance for europe cover, what isn’t covered by european travel insurance, how much does travel insurance for europe cost, how to get the best travel insurance for europe, europe travel information & requirements, europe travel insurance faqs, related topics.

Europe Travel Insurance: Your Essential Coverage Guide

Leigh Morgan

  • Based on our research, our top picks for travel insurance for Europe come from Tin Leg , Generali , and Seven Corners .
  • If you have an emergency while traveling overseas, a European travel insurance plan can reimburse you for some of your losses.
  • American medical insurance doesn’t cover the cost of receiving health care in Europe , so it’s especially important to get medical and medevac insurance when traveling in Europe.
  • Street crime, risks of terrorism, and political unrest are some of the reasons trip interruption, cancellation, and medical coverage should be considered when visiting Europe.
  • In addition to medical costs, a comprehensive travel insurance plan for Europe can also help cover costs associated with cancellations, delays, lost baggage, and more.
  • While cheap insurance with basic coverage can cost as little as $1 per day, you can expect to pay around $8 to $11 per day for more extensive travel insurance.
  • To compare plans and find the right policy to suit your needs, we recommend using an online comparison tool .

Our top picks for the best europe travel insurance

  • Tin Leg: Best Rated Travel Insurance
  • Seven Corners: Best Value for a Robust Coverage
  • Generali Global Assistance: Best Value Travel Insurance

Our top picks for Europe travel insurance

Tin Leg

Seven Corners

Generali global assistance.

Standard European travel insurance usually covers every country in the European Union (now excluding the UK ) and the Schengen Zone . If you plan to travel to either country, make sure your insurance plan will cover you. If you plan to travel to a non-Schengen, non-EU country, ask your agent to write a custom policy that includes every destination on your itinerary. Alternatively, you can purchase an annual insurance plan that covers you for multiple trips and destinations.

Although you don’t have to officially buy travel insurance unless you plan to apply for a visa, it’s wise to buy coverage even if it’s not required. Travel insurance protects against losses associated with medical emergencies, travel delays, lost or stolen luggage, and a wide range of other travel-related problems as we can see below.

Best Rated Travel Insurance

Why we like it.

  • Excellent primary coverage for medical expenses
  • High limit for emergency evacuation coverage
  • Optional cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage available
  • Comes with coverage for hurricanes and inclement weather
  • Coverage for pre-existing conditions is available if purchased within 14 days of the trip deposit
  • Baggage delay coverage requires a 24-hour waiting period
  • Low coverage limits for baggage and personal effects

Best Value for a Robust Coverage

  • Offers coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Cancellation & Interruption coverage standard
  • Covers action sports & equipment
  • Cancel for any reason not included standard
  • Must meet waiver for pre-existing conditions to be covered

Best Value Travel Insurance

  • Lowest cost of all Generali Global Assistance plans
  • 24/7 emergency travel assistance included
  • Telemedicine included
  • Lower coverage than other Generali plans
  • Pre-existing conditions are not covered by the Standard plan
  • No coverage for accidental death and dismemberment during on-land travel

Here are some of the reasons Americans should get travel insurance for visiting Europe

Risk of falling victim to street crime

Instances of pickpocketing, general theft, financial scams, and street muggings are not uncommon throughout Europe , as highlighted by the European Crime Prevention Network . Such acts of opportunist theft often happen throughout major European cities such as London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome, places where there are a high number of visiting tourists with their guard down. Therefore, it’s important that you keep your valuables out of sight and secure, especially when visiting popular tourist sites and traveling on public transport.

Purchasing travel insurance to Europe that covers you for loss of items can go a long way to relieving any stress you receive from falling victim to pickpockets and thieves during your vacation to Europe.

Risk of terrorism

Much like the rest of the Western world, E urope remains on high alert for the risk of terrorist attacks , especially in recent years, especially from Islamic and political extremists - as seen in the official Europol data . Although Europol and local law enforcement strive to keep the risk of attack relatively low, it is not without basis that attacks can happen.

Therefore, it’s important for US citizens to take out travel insurance that covers them for emergency medical coverage and emergency evacuation coverage , should the worst happen while they are on

Political unrest

Political demonstrations, industrial strikes, and even riots are not uncommon across many European nations , especially in the nation’s capitals. As seen in the recent Paris riots in 2023 , these demonstrations can spill out across the city and cause chaos to both tourists and locals alike.

Having an insurance plan that covers you for any trip interruptions, cancellations, and medical coverage for any unforeseen accidents you may face is ideal when traveling across Europe .

Outdoor activities

Visitors to Europe can enjoy a huge range of outdoor activities. Whether this is hiking through the foothills of the Alps, scaling the numerous mountains scattered across the continent, swimming and boating along its endless shores, or an exciting mix of all - this all comes with its own particular risks.

If you plan to enjoy the endless opportunities of the great outdoors while on vacation, you must have travel health insurance in Europe that covers you for sporting and adventure pursuits.

Risk of a driving accident

Generally speaking, driving in Europe is a safe affair. However, it is important to remember that each country has its own unique driving conditions and rules, as can be seen on the official website of the EU . It’s important to familiarize yourself with the rules and driving customs of any European country you are visiting.

If you are planning to hire a vehicle while vacating in Europe, you should consider taking out rental care travel insurance that covers accidents, theft, and vandalism . Also, considering the general risks while driving on unfamiliar roads, emergency medical coverage is a must.

European travel insurance usually bundles several types of coverage into a single policy. Here are some of the most common types of travel insurance available:

Travel medical insurance in Europe

The best travel insurance for Europe should, at the most basic level, include coverage for medical emergencies and emergency evacuation coverage. Your American health insurance won’t pick up the tab if you need medical care while you’re in Europe. Therefore, it’s important to buy travel medical insurance . Health insurance for travel to Europe covers lab tests, X-rays, and other medical expenses. This type of insurance also covers the cost of repatriation, which is when you leave Europe and return to the United States.\

Medical travel insurance can be purchased as part of a comprehensive travel insurance plan or as an independent policy on its own. In addition to medical travel insurance, consider broadening your policy to include coverage for travel delays, cancellations, and interruptions.

Medical evacuation insurance

In addition to your travel medical insurance in Europe, you should have medical evacuation insurance , better known as medevac coverage. It would be convenient to get sick less than 1 mile away from a hospital, but many emergency situations occur in remote areas without immediate access to medical care.

This type of travel insurance pays to transport you to the closest suitable medical facility. For example, if you sustain serious injuries while skiing or hiking, your insurer will cover the cost of having a helicopter transport you to a trauma center.

Trip cancellation insurance

If you have to cancel your trip for no fault of your own, trip cancellation insurance reimburses you for all prepaid, nonrefundable travel expenses up to the limit outlined in your policy. For example, this type of travel insurance may cover the cost of flights, prepaid hotels, and prepaid excursions. Some policies will also offer cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage . This allows you to cancel your trip for any reason and claim back between 50% and 70% of your total prepaid travel expenses.

Trip delay insurance

These days, flight delays are common. It’s also possible for a cruise ship, ferry, or bus to depart later than scheduled, causing you to miss your connection. If this happens while you’re traveling in Europe, trip delay insurance will cover meals, lodging, and other expenses incurred due to the delay. To use this type of travel insurance, you must be using a common carrier, which is a company that provides transportation services to the public.

Trip interruption insurance

It’s no fun ending a trip early, but it’s even less fun if you lose money on prepaid lodging, meals, and other expenses. Trip interruption insurance takes the sting out of this situation by reimbursing you for the unused portion of your trip.

Insurance for personal items

Comprehensive travel insurance usually covers baggage loss, baggage theft, and damage to the personal items in your luggage. For example, if your duffel bag gets stuck in a machine at the airport, your travel insurance may cover the cost of replacing some of your damaged belongings.

Rental car coverage

If you plan to travel around town in a rented vehicle, consider getting rental car coverage for extra peace of mind. This type of insurance covers accidents, theft, and vandalism.

Standard travel insurance covers many things, but it usually excludes the following:

  • Intentional acts:   If you damage a rental car on purpose, your travel insurance won’t pay a dime.
  • Pre-existing conditions:   Travel health insurance doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions, which are health problems that you have before you travel to Europe. For example, if you’ve had hypertension for 10 years, your travel insurance won’t pay any medical expenses associated with a hypertensive crisis. If you are aware of any ongoing illnesses, it is advisable to purchase insurance for pre-existing conditions .
  • Reasonably foreseeable events:   An emergency is a serious, unexpected event, so you don’t know when it’s going to occur. With a reasonably foreseeable event, there is some indication that an emergency might happen. If you choose to travel anyway, your travel insurance won’t cover any costs associated with trip cancellations, trip delays or trip interruptions.
  • Injuries caused by risky activities:   SCUBA diving, skydiving, and mountain climbing are risky. Standard travel insurance doesn’t cover medical expenses associated with these activities, so you’ll need to buy a policy that includes coverage for adventure sports.
  • Government travel restrictions:   Your insurance company has no control over how a government conducts its business. Therefore, if one of the countries you’re visiting decides to implement new travel restrictions during your trip, travel insurance won’t cover any of the associated costs.

Travel insurance for a trip to Europe can be as cheap as around $1 per day for very basic coverage. For a comprehensive policy, you can typically expect to pay $8 to $11 per day.

To give you a better idea of how much travel insurance for Europe costs we got price quotes for a trip to Ireland from three different insurance providers.

For each quote, we applied the following travel details:

  • Age: 35 years old
  • Destination: Ireland
  • Trip Length: 7 days
  • Trip cost: $2,000
  • Date: August 2024

This table displays three quotes for basic travel insurance plans where plans don’t reimburse the full trip costs:

If you want to purchase more comprehensive travel insurance that covers trip cancellations and interruptions, your premium will be more expensive:

It’s important to understand that many factors influence the cost of travel insurance.

  • Age:   Older people have a higher risk of developing serious injuries. Travel insurance providers account for this risk with higher prices. However, there is also the opportunity to purchase specific travel insurance for seniors - these policies are designed with elderly travelers in mind.
  • Trip length:   The longer your trip is, the more money you’re likely to spend. Insurers charge more for long trips to account for the increased cost of reimbursing you for delays, cancellations, and other problems.
  • Destination:   Some destinations are a bit riskier than others. Insurance companies charge higher premiums to avoid losing money on claims.

How much travel insurance do I need for Europe?

Knowing what level of travel insurance you need for Europe depends on the trip you plan to take. It’s vital to factor in your choice of destination, the activities you plan to do, and the likelihood of you needing to cancel your trip. All of these can determine what type of coverage you will need and by how much. Generally speaking, a standard comprehensive insurance plan will cost you between 5 and 10% of your total trip costs

To get the best travel insurance for Europe, follow these tips:

Plan your itinerary carefully

The cost of travel insurance depends on your destination and the type of transportation you plan to use.

Purchase extra coverage if you plan to participate in adventure activities

Most travel insurance plans don’t cover adventure activities, so be sure to purchase additional protection if you plan to take part in such plans

Think about how much flexibility you want

If there’s a good chance you’ll experience an unexpected hiccup, consider purchasing comprehensive health insurance for European travel rather than a basic policy

Consult the table below for a quick overview of the requirements for traveling from the United States to Europe

Tips for visiting Europe

Are there covid-19 restrictions for entering europe.

As of September 2023, most countries have eliminated their COVID-19 screening requirements. However, the situation may change at any time, as SARS-CoV-2 mutates regularly. It is there for advisable that you take out a travel insurance policy that offers COVID-19 coverage .

Do I need a visa to travel to Europe?

In most European countries, including the  27 countries in the Schengen Zone , you don’t need a visa for trips lasting 90 days or less. You do need a visa if you plan to travel to Turkey or the Russian Federation, regardless of how long you plan to stay.

If you plan to stay in the country for more than 90 days, you may need a Schengen visa or a country-specific visa. The Schengen visa allows you to travel between countries in the Schengen Area without going through a check at every border crossing.

As of mid-2025, the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will go into effect. This system will require any US citizen traveling to Europe to complete an ETIAS application for any European nation that is a co-signer of the Schengen Agreement. The application will cost $8, although some travelers are exempt from paying this fee.

The table below shows the tourist visa requirements for European countries.

Does American insurance work in Europe?

Most U.S. health insurance plans will not cover medical care and treatment outside the United States . Although there are some small exceptions, having comprehensive EU travel insurance will protect you against huge medical bills, travel delays, and much more

Does Medicare cover you in Europe?

In most situations, US-based insurance policies such as Medicare will not provide coverage outside the US. Therefore, it is best to purchase a medical travel insurance plan. This will protect you from huge bills when you require health care or medical supplies you get outside the U.S.

Do I need travel insurance for Europe?

In most cases, travel insurance isn’t required, but you should get it anyway. This type of insurance gives you extra peace of mind in the event you experience a delay, cancellation, or other problem outside of your control.

Is travel insurance for Europe worth it?

Absolutely, travel insurance is worth it . You never know when you’ll come down with a serious illness or experience some other type of emergency. It’s good to have travel insurance to reimburse you for your losses.

How much does travel insurance for a trip to Europe cost?

It depends on your age, destination, and trip cost. For the most basic coverage, you can purchase a policy for as little as $1 per day. A more extensive travel insurance policy for Europe will generally cost between $8 and $11 per day.

Can I use my U.S. health insurance in Europe?

No. Your U.S. health insurance won’t cover any medical expenses incurred in Europe

About the Author

Leigh Morgan

Leigh Morgan is a seasoned personal finance contributor with over 15 years of experience writing on a diverse range of professional legal and financial topics. She specializes in subjects like navigating the complexities of insurance, savings, zero-based budgeting and emergency fund development.

In the last five years, she’s authored over 300 articles for credit unions, digital banks, and financial professionals. Morgan is also the author of “77 Tips for Preventing Elder Financial Abuse,” a book focused on helping caregivers protect the elderly from financial scams.

In addition to her writing skills, she brings real-world financial acumen thanks to her previous experience managing rental properties as part of a $34 million real estate portfolio.

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The best travel insurance policies and providers

Katie Genter

It's easy to dismiss the value of travel insurance until you need it.

Many travelers have strong opinions about whether you should buy travel insurance . However, the purpose of this post isn't to determine whether it's worth investing in. Instead, it compares some of the top travel insurance providers and policies so you can determine which travel insurance option is best for you.

Of course, as the coronavirus remains an ongoing concern, it's important to understand whether travel insurance covers pandemics. Some policies will cover you if you're diagnosed with COVID-19 and have proof of illness from a doctor. Others will take coverage a step further, covering additional types of pandemic-related expenses and cancellations.

Know, though, that every policy will have exclusions and restrictions that may limit coverage. For example, fear of travel is generally not a covered reason for invoking trip cancellation or interruption coverage, while specific stipulations may apply to elevated travel warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Interested in travel insurance? Visit to shop for plans that may fit your travel needs.

So, before buying a specific policy, you must understand the full terms and any special notices the insurer has about COVID-19. You may even want to buy the optional cancel for any reason add-on that's available for some comprehensive policies. While you'll pay more for that protection, it allows you to cancel your trip for any reason and still get some of your costs back. Note that this benefit is time-sensitive and has other eligibility requirements, so not all travelers will qualify.

In this guide, we'll review several policies from top travel insurance providers so you have a better understanding of your options before picking the policy and provider that best address your wants and needs.

The best travel insurance providers

To put together this list of the best travel insurance providers, a number of details were considered: favorable ratings from TPG Lounge members, the availability of details about policies and the claims process online, positive online ratings and the ability to purchase policies in most U.S. states. You can also search for options from these (and other) providers through an insurance comparison site like InsureMyTrip .

When comparing insurance providers, I priced out a single-trip policy for each provider for a $2,000, one-week vacation to Istanbul . I used my actual age and state of residence when obtaining quotes. As a result, you may see a different price — or even additional policies due to regulations for travel insurance varying from state to state — when getting a quote.

AIG Travel Guard

AIG Travel Guard receives many positive reviews from readers in the TPG Lounge who have filed claims with the company. AIG offers three plans online, which you can compare side by side, and the ability to examine sample policies. Here are three plans for my sample trip to Turkey.

best travel insurance usa to europe

AIG Travel Guard also offers an annual travel plan. This plan is priced at $259 per year for one Florida resident.

Additionally, AIG Travel Guard offers several other policies, including a single-trip policy without trip cancellation protection . See AIG Travel Guard's COVID-19 notification and COVID-19 advisory for current details regarding COVID-19 coverage.

Preexisting conditions

Typically, AIG Travel Guard wouldn't cover you for any loss or expense due to a preexisting medical condition that existed within 180 days of the coverage effective date. However, AIG Travel Guard may waive the preexisting medical condition exclusion on some plans if you meet the following conditions:

  • You purchase the plan within 15 days of your initial trip payment.
  • The amount of coverage you purchase equals all trip costs at the time of purchase. You must update your coverage to insure the costs of any subsequent arrangements that you add to your trip within 15 days of paying the travel supplier for these additional arrangements.
  • You must be medically able to travel when you purchase your plan.

Standout features

  • The Deluxe and Preferred plans allow you to purchase an upgrade that lets you cancel your trip for any reason. However, reimbursement under this coverage will not exceed 50% or 75% of your covered trip cost.
  • You can include one child (age 17 and younger) with each paying adult for no additional cost on most single-trip plans.
  • Other optional upgrades, including an adventure sports bundle, a baggage bundle, an inconvenience bundle, a pet bundle, a security bundle and a wedding bundle, are available on some policies. So, an AIG Travel Guard plan may be a good choice if you know you want extra coverage in specific areas.

Purchase your policy here: AIG Travel Guard .

Allianz Travel Insurance

Allianz is one of the most highly regarded providers in the TPG Lounge, and many readers found the claim process reasonable. Allianz offers many plans, including the following single-trip plans for my sample trip to Turkey.

best travel insurance usa to europe

If you travel frequently, it may make sense to purchase an annual multi-trip policy. For this plan, all of the maximum coverage amounts in the table below are per trip (except for the trip cancellation and trip interruption amounts, which are an aggregate limit per policy). Trips typically must last no more than 45 days, although some plans may cover trips of up to 90 days.

best travel insurance usa to europe

See Allianz's coverage alert for current information on COVID-19 coverage.

Most Allianz travel insurance plans may cover preexisting medical conditions if you meet particular requirements. For the OneTrip Premier, Prime and Basic plans, the requirements are as follows:

  • You purchased the policy within 14 days of the date of the first trip payment or deposit.
  • You were a U.S. resident when you purchased the policy.
  • You were medically able to travel when you purchased the policy.
  • On the policy purchase date, you insured the total, nonrefundable cost of your trip (including arrangements that will become nonrefundable or subject to cancellation penalties before your departure date). If you incur additional nonrefundable trip expenses after purchasing this policy, you must insure them within 14 days of their purchase.
  • Allianz offers reasonably priced annual policies for independent travelers and families who take multiple trips lasting up to 45 days (or 90 days for select plans) per year.
  • Some Allianz plans provide the option of receiving a flat reimbursement amount without receipts for trip delay and baggage delay claims. Of course, you can also submit receipts to get up to the maximum refund.
  • For emergency transportation coverage, you or someone on your behalf must contact Allianz, and Allianz must then make all transportation arrangements in advance. However, most Allianz policies provide an option if you cannot contact the company: Allianz will pay up to what it would have paid if it had made the arrangements.

Purchase your policy here: Allianz Travel Insurance .

American Express Travel Insurance

American Express Travel Insurance offers four different package plans and a build-your-own coverage option. You don't have to be an American Express cardholder to purchase this insurance. Here are the four package options for my sample weeklong trip to Turkey. Unlike some other providers, Amex won't ask for your travel destination on the initial quote (but will when you purchase the plan).

best travel insurance usa to europe

Amex's build-your-own coverage plan is unique because you can purchase just the coverage you need. For most types of protection, you can even select the coverage amount that works best for you.

best travel insurance usa to europe

The prices for the packages and the build-your-own plan don't increase for longer trips — as long as the trip cost remains constant. However, the emergency medical and dental benefit is only available for your first 60 days of travel.

Typically, Amex won't cover any loss you incur because of a preexisting medical condition that existed within 90 days of the coverage effective date. However, Amex may waive its preexisting-condition exclusion if you meet both of the following requirements:

  • You must be medically able to travel at the time you pay the policy premium.
  • You pay the policy premium within 14 days of making the first covered trip deposit.
  • Amex's build-your-own coverage option allows you to only purchase — and pay for — the coverage you need.
  • Coverage on long trips doesn't cost more than coverage for short trips, making this policy ideal for extended getaways. However, the emergency medical and dental benefit only covers your first 60 days of travel.
  • American Express Travel Insurance can protect travel expenses you purchase with Amex Membership Rewards points in the Pay with Points program (as well as travel expenses bought with cash, debit or credit). However, travel expenses bought with other types of points and miles aren't covered.

Purchase your policy here: American Express Travel Insurance .

GeoBlue is different from most other providers described in this piece because it only provides medical coverage while you're traveling internationally and does not offer benefits to protect the cost of your trip. There are many different policies. Some require you to have primary health insurance in the U.S. (although it doesn't need to be provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield), but all of them only offer coverage while traveling outside the U.S.

Two single-trip plans are available if you're traveling for six months or less. The Voyager Choice policy provides coverage (including medical services and medical evacuation for a sudden recurrence of a preexisting condition) for trips outside the U.S. to travelers who are 95 or younger and already have a U.S. health insurance policy.

best travel insurance usa to europe

The Voyager Essential policy provides coverage (including medical evacuation for a sudden recurrence of a preexisting condition) for trips outside the U.S. to travelers who are 95 or younger, regardless of whether they have primary health insurance.

best travel insurance usa to europe

In addition to these options, two multi-trip plans cover trips of up to 70 days each for one year. Both policies provide coverage (including medical services and medical evacuation for preexisting conditions) to travelers with primary health insurance.

best travel insurance usa to europe

Be sure to check out GeoBlue's COVID-19 notices before buying a plan.

Most GeoBlue policies explicitly cover sudden recurrences of preexisting conditions for medical services and medical evacuation.

  • GeoBlue can be an excellent option if you're mainly concerned about the medical side of travel insurance.
  • GeoBlue provides single-trip, multi-trip and long-term medical travel insurance policies for many different types of travel.

Purchase your policy here: GeoBlue .

IMG offers various travel medical insurance policies for travelers, as well as comprehensive travel insurance policies. For a single trip of 90 days or less, there are five policy types available for vacation or holiday travelers. Although you must enter your gender, males and females received the same quote for my one-week search.

best travel insurance usa to europe

You can purchase an annual multi-trip travel medical insurance plan. Some only cover trips lasting up to 30 or 45 days, but others provide coverage for longer trips.

best travel insurance usa to europe

See IMG's page on COVID-19 for additional policy information as it relates to coronavirus-related claims.

Most plans may cover preexisting conditions under set parameters or up to specific amounts. For example, the iTravelInsured Travel LX travel insurance plan shown above may cover preexisting conditions if you purchase the insurance within 24 hours of making the final payment for your trip.

For the travel medical insurance plans shown above, preexisting conditions are covered for travelers younger than 70. However, coverage is capped based on your age and whether you have a primary health insurance policy.

  • Some annual multi-trip plans are modestly priced.
  • iTravelInsured Travel LX may offer optional cancel for any reason and interruption for any reason coverage, if eligible.

Purchase your policy here: IMG .

Travelex Insurance

Travelex offers three single-trip plans: Travel Basic, Travel Select and Travel America. However, only the Travel Basic and Travel Select plans would be applicable for my trip to Turkey.

best travel insurance usa to europe

See Travelex's COVID-19 coverage statement for coronavirus-specific information.

Typically, Travelex won't cover losses incurred because of a preexisting medical condition that existed within 60 days of the coverage effective date. However, the Travel Select plan may offer a preexisting condition exclusion waiver. To be eligible for this waiver, the insured traveler must meet all the following conditions:

  • You purchase the plan within 15 days of the initial trip payment.
  • The amount of coverage purchased equals all prepaid, nonrefundable payments or deposits applicable to the trip at the time of purchase. Additionally, you must insure the costs of any subsequent arrangements added to the same trip within 15 days of payment or deposit.
  • All insured individuals are medically able to travel when they pay the plan cost.
  • The trip cost does not exceed the maximum trip cost limit under trip cancellation as shown in the schedule per person (only applicable to trip cancellation, interruption and delay).
  • Travelex's Travel Select policy can cover trips lasting up to 364 days, which is longer than many single-trip policies.
  • Neither Travelex policy requires receipts for trip and baggage delay expenses less than $25.
  • For emergency evacuation coverage, you or someone on your behalf must contact Travelex and have Travelex make all transportation arrangements in advance. However, both Travelex policies provide an option if you cannot contact Travelex: Travelex will pay up to what it would have paid if it had made the arrangements.

Purchase your policy here: Travelex Insurance .

Seven Corners

Seven Corners offers a wide variety of policies. Here are the policies that are most applicable to travelers on a single international trip.

best travel insurance usa to europe

Seven Corners also offers many other types of travel insurance, including an annual multi-trip plan. You can choose coverage for trips of up to 30, 45 or 60 days when purchasing an annual multi-trip plan.

best travel insurance usa to europe

See Seven Corner's page on COVID-19 for additional policy information as it relates to coronavirus-related claims.

Typically, Seven Corners won't cover losses incurred because of a preexisting medical condition. However, the RoundTrip Choice plan offers a preexisting condition exclusion waiver. To be eligible for this waiver, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • You buy this plan within 20 days of making your initial trip payment or deposit.
  • You or your travel companion are medically able and not disabled from travel when you pay for this plan or upgrade your plan.
  • You update the coverage to include the additional cost of subsequent travel arrangements within 15 days of paying your travel supplier for them.
  • Seven Corners offers the ability to purchase optional sports and golf equipment coverage. If purchased, this extra insurance will reimburse you for the cost of renting sports or golf equipment if yours is lost, stolen, damaged or delayed by a common carrier for six or more hours. However, Seven Corners must authorize the expenses in advance.
  • You can add cancel for any reason coverage or trip interruption for any reason coverage to RoundTrip plans. Although some other providers offer cancel for any reason coverage, trip interruption for any reason coverage is less common.
  • Seven Corners' RoundTrip Choice policy offers a political or security evacuation benefit that will transport you to the nearest safe place or your residence under specific conditions. You can also add optional event ticket registration fee protection to the RoundTrip Choice policy.

Purchase your policy here: Seven Corners .

World Nomads

World Nomads is popular with younger, active travelers because of its flexibility and adventure-activities coverage on the Explorer plan. Unlike many policies offered by other providers, you don't need to estimate prepaid costs when purchasing the insurance to have access to trip interruption and cancellation insurance.

World Nomads offers two single-trip plans.

best travel insurance usa to europe

World Nomads has a page dedicated to coronavirus coverage , so be sure to view it before buying a policy.

World Nomads won't cover losses incurred because of a preexisting medical condition (except emergency evacuation and repatriation of remains) that existed within 90 days of the coverage effective date. Unlike many other providers, World Nomads doesn't offer a waiver.

  • World Nomads' policies cover more adventure sports than most providers, so activities such as bungee jumping are included. The Explorer policy covers almost any adventure sport, including skydiving, stunt flying and caving. So, if you partake in adventure sports while traveling, the Explorer policy may be a good fit.
  • World Nomads' policies provide nonmedical evacuation coverage for transportation expenses if there is civil or political unrest in the country you are visiting. The coverage may also transport you home if there is an eligible natural disaster or a government expels you.

Purchase your policy here: World Nomads .

Other options for buying travel insurance

best travel insurance usa to europe

This guide details the policies of eight providers with the information available at the time of publication. There are many options when it comes to travel insurance, though. To compare different policies quickly, you can use a travel insurance aggregator like InsureMyTrip to search. Just note that these search engines won't show every policy and every provider, and you should still research the provided policies to ensure the coverage fits your trip and needs.

You can also purchase a plan through various membership associations, such as USAA, AAA or Costco. Typically, these organizations partner with a specific provider, so if you are a member of any of these associations, you may want to compare the policies offered through the organization with other policies to get the best coverage for your trip.

Related: Should you get travel insurance if you have credit card protection?

Is travel insurance worth getting?

Whether you should purchase travel insurance is a personal decision. Suppose you use a credit card that provides travel insurance for most of your expenses and have medical insurance that provides adequate coverage abroad. In that case, you may be covered enough on most trips to forgo purchasing travel insurance.

However, suppose your medical insurance won't cover you at your destination and you can't comfortably cover a sizable medical evacuation bill or last-minute flight home . In that case, you should consider purchasing travel insurance. If you travel frequently, buying an annual multi-trip policy may be worth it.

What is the best COVID-19 travel insurance?

best travel insurance usa to europe

There are various aspects to keep in mind in the age of COVID-19. Consider booking travel plans that are fully refundable or have modest change or cancellation fees so you don't need to worry about whether your policy will cover trip cancellation. This is important since many standard comprehensive insurance policies won't reimburse your insured expenses in the event of cancellation if it's related to the fear of traveling due to COVID-19.

However, if you book a nonrefundable trip and want to maintain the ability to get reimbursed (up to 75% of your insured costs) if you choose to cancel, you should consider buying a comprehensive travel insurance policy and then adding optional cancel for any reason protection. Just note that this benefit is time-sensitive and has eligibility requirements, so not all travelers will qualify.

Providers will often require CFAR purchasers insure the entire dollar amount of their travels to receive the coverage. Also, many CFAR policies mandate that you must cancel your plans and notify all travel suppliers at least 48 hours before your scheduled departure.

Likewise, if your primary health insurance won't cover you while on your trip, it's essential to consider whether medical expenses related to COVID-19 treatment are covered. You may also want to consider a MedJet medical transport membership if your trip is to a covered destination for coronavirus-related evacuation.

Ultimately, the best pandemic travel insurance policy will depend on your trip details, travel concerns and your willingness to self-insure. Just be sure to thoroughly read and understand any terms or exclusions before purchasing.

What are the different types of travel insurance?

best travel insurance usa to europe

Whether you purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy or rely on the protections offered by select credit cards, you may have access to the following types of coverage:

  • Baggage delay protection may reimburse for essential items and clothing when a common carrier (such as an airline) fails to deliver your checked bag within a set time of your arrival at a destination. Typically, you may be reimbursed up to a particular amount per incident or per day.
  • Lost/damaged baggage protection may provide reimbursement to replace lost or damaged luggage and items inside that luggage. However, valuables and electronics usually have a relatively low maximum benefit.
  • Trip delay reimbursement may provide reimbursement for necessary items, food, lodging and sometimes transportation when you're delayed for a substantial time while traveling on a common carrier such as an airline. This insurance may be beneficial if weather issues (or other covered reasons for which the airline usually won't provide compensation) delay you.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption protection may provide reimbursement if you need to cancel or interrupt your trip for a covered reason, such as a death in your family or jury duty.
  • Medical evacuation insurance can arrange and pay for medical evacuation if deemed necessary by the insurance provider and a medical professional. This coverage can be particularly valuable if you're traveling to a region with subpar medical facilities.
  • Travel accident insurance may provide a payment to you or your beneficiary in the case of your death or dismemberment.
  • Emergency medical insurance may provide payment or reimburse you if you must seek medical care while traveling. Some plans only cover emergency medical care, but some also cover other types of medical care. You may need to pay a deductible or copay.
  • Rental car coverage may provide a collision damage waiver when renting a car. This waiver may reimburse for collision damage or theft up to a set amount. Some policies also cover loss-of-use charges assessed by the rental company and towing charges to take the vehicle to the nearest qualified repair facility. You generally need to decline the rental company's collision damage waiver or similar provision to be covered.

Should I buy travel health insurance?

best travel insurance usa to europe

If you purchase travel with credit cards that provide various trip protections, you may not see much need for additional travel insurance. However, you may still wonder whether you should buy travel medical insurance.

If your primary health insurance covers you on your trip, you may not need travel health insurance. Your domestic policy may not cover you outside the U.S., though, so it's worth calling the number on your health insurance card if you have coverage questions. If your primary health insurance wouldn't cover you, it's likely worth purchasing travel medical insurance. After all, as you can see above, travel medical insurance is often very modestly priced.

How much does travel insurance cost?

Travel insurance costs depend on various factors, including the provider, the type of coverage, your trip cost, your destination, your age, your residency and how many travelers you want to insure. That said, a standard travel insurance plan will generally set you back somewhere between 4% and 10% of your total trip cost. However, this can get lower for more basic protections or become even higher if you include add-ons like cancel for any reason protection.

The best way to determine how much travel insurance will cost is to price out your trip with a few providers discussed in the guide. Or, visit an insurance aggregator like InsureMyTrip to quickly compare options across multiple providers.

When and how to get travel insurance

best travel insurance usa to europe

For the most robust selection of available travel insurance benefits — including time-sensitive add-ons like CFAR protection and waivers of preexisting conditions for eligible travelers — you should ideally purchase travel insurance on the same day you make your first payment toward your trip.

However, many plans may still offer a preexisting conditions waiver for those who qualify if you buy your travel insurance within 14 to 21 days of your first trip expense or deposit (this time frame may vary by provider). If you don't need a preexisting conditions waiver or aren't interested in CFAR coverage, you can purchase travel insurance once your departure date nears.

You must purchase coverage before it's needed. Some travel medical plans are available for purchase after you have departed, but comprehensive plans that include medical coverage must be purchased before departing.

Additionally, you can't buy any medical coverage once you require medical attention. The same applies to all travel insurance coverage. Once you recognize the need, it's too late to protect your trip.

Once you've shopped around and decided upon the best travel insurance plan for your trip, you should be able to complete your purchase online. You'll usually be able to download your insurance card and the complete policy shortly after the transaction is complete.

Related: 7 times your credit card's travel insurance might not cover you

Bottom line

Not all travel insurance policies and providers are equal. Before buying a plan, read and understand the policy documents. By doing so, you can choose a plan that's appropriate for you and your trip — including the features that matter most to you.

For example, if you plan to go skiing or rock climbing, make sure the policy you buy doesn't contain exclusions for these activities. Likewise, if you're making two back-to-back trips during which you'll be returning home for a short time in between, be sure the plan doesn't terminate coverage at the end of your first trip.

If you're looking to cover a sudden recurrence of a preexisting condition, select a policy with a preexisting condition waiver and fulfill the requirements for the waiver. After all, buying insurance won't help if your policy doesn't cover your losses.

Disclaimer : This information is provided by IMT Services, LLC ( ), a licensed insurance producer (NPN: 5119217) and a member of the Tokio Marine HCC group of companies. IMT's services are only available in states where it is licensed to do business and the products provided through may not be available in all states. All insurance products are governed by the terms in the applicable insurance policy, and all related decisions (such as approval for coverage, premiums, commissions and fees) and policy obligations are the sole responsibility of the underwriting insurer. The information on this site does not create or modify any insurance policy terms in any way. For more information, please visit .

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How to Find the Best Travel Insurance

Profile photo of Barbara Marquand

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Table of Contents

What travel insurance covers

How much does travel insurance cost, types of travel insurance, how to get travel insurance, what to look for in travel insurance, best travel insurance comparison sites, which insurance company is best for travel insurance, when to skip travel insurance, travel insurance, recapped.

Travel insurance can cover medical expenses, emergencies, trip interruptions, baggage, rental cars and more.

Cost is affected by trip length, pre-existing medical conditions, depth of coverage, your age and add-ons.

You can get it through credit cards or third-party companies, & can shop on travel insurance comparison sites.

Before buying, evaluate risks, know existing coverage, obtain quotes online and review policy details warily.

Skip it if you buy flexible airfare and hotels, already have coverage or only book refundable activities.

Booking travel always carries some degree of uncertainty. Travel insurance provides a safety net so you can step out with confidence. You may not need travel insurance for inexpensive trips, but it can provide a sense of security when you prepay for pricey reservations, a big international trip or travel during cold and flu season, which can be unpredictable.

According to insurance comparison site Squaremouth, travelers in 2023 spent an average of $403 for comprehensive coverage, compared to $96 for medical-only policies. Comprehensive plans typically cost between 5% and 10% of the insured trip cost.

Since that price tag is no small amount, it helps to know how to shop smart for travel insurance. Here's how to find the right travel insurance plan for you and your next adventure.

Depending on the type of coverage you’re looking for, the chart below will help you determine what to look for when selecting a policy:

Depending on the policy, travel insurance reimburses you or offers services when something goes awry. There’s even coverage for the worst-case scenario: if you die in an accident while traveling. Accidental death coverage pays your beneficiary a lump sum in that case.

Before you buy, take a little time to get familiar with different types of travel insurance products, how it’s priced, and what it covers and excludes. If you’re traveling during these uncertain times, you’ll want to make sure that the policy you select covers coronavirus-related emergencies. Usually, the more thorough the coverage, the more it will cost.

Travel insurance costs vary depending on:

Length and cost of the trip: The longer and more expensive the trip, the higher the policy cost.

Cost of local health care: High health-care costs in your destination can drive up the price of trip insurance.

Medical conditions you want covered: Conditions you already have will increase the cost of travel insurance coverage.

Amount and breadth of coverage: The more risks a policy covers, the more it will cost.

Your age: Generally the older you are, the higher the price.

Any optional supplement you add to your policy : Cancel For Any Reason , Interrupt For Any Reason and more.

Keep these factors in mind when considering different travel insurance options.

You’ll find a wide selection of travel protection plans when you shop for a policy.

Typically, travel insurance is sold as a package, known as a comprehensive plan, which includes a variety of coverage.

Here are seven of the most common types of travel insurance:

Travel medical insurance

These plans provide health insurance while you’re away from home. Although in some ways these policies work like traditional health plans, generally you cannot use travel health insurance for routine medical events. For example, a routine medical checkup is usually not covered. In addition, these policies often include limitations on coverage and exclusions for pre-existing conditions.

Although most travel insurance plans cover many recreational activities, such as skiing and horseback riding, they often exclude adventure sports, such as skydiving or parasailing, or competition in organized sporting events. You may need to buy a special travel policy designed for adventure or competitive sports.

International travel insurance

Most likely, your U.S.-based medical insurance will not work while you’re traveling internationally, and Medicare does not provide any coverage once you leave the United States outside of a few very specific exemptions. If you plan on traveling abroad, purchasing travel medical insurance could make a lot of sense.

» Learn more: Travel medical insurance: Emergency coverage while you travel internationally

Trip cancellation, interruption and delay

Trip cancellation coverage reimburses you for prepaid, nonrefundable expenses if the tour operator goes out of business or you have to cancel the trip for one of the covered reasons outlined in the policy, such as:

Your own illness.

The illness or death of a family member who’s not traveling with you.

Natural disasters.

Trip interruption insurance covers the nonrefundable cost of the unused portion of the trip if it is interrupted due to a reason outlined in the policy.

Trip delay coverage reimburses you for expenses such as lodging and meals if you’re delayed during a trip (e.g., your flight gets canceled due to weather ).

Many package policies cover all three. These policies are different from the cancellation waivers that cruise lines and tour operators offer, the Insurance Information Institute says. Waivers are cheap, ranging from $40 to $60, and often include restrictions. For example, according to the institute, waivers might not refund your money if you cancel immediately before departure. Waivers are technically not insurance policies.

Some companies offer additional layers of coverage at extra cost. “Cancel For Any Reason” coverage will reimburse a large part of the trip cost, no matter why you back out. And some companies let you pay extra to cover pre-existing conditions if you cancel for medical reasons.

Some insurers and comparison sites let you customize a policy by choosing types of coverage a la carte. For example, is a comparison site that provides quotes from different providers.

Baggage and personal belongings

How does lost luggage insurance work? This coverage reimburses you for baggage and personal belongings that are lost, stolen or damaged during the trip. Some plans also reimburse you for extra expenses if you experience a baggage delay for more than a certain period, such as 12 hours.

Your renters or homeowners insurance may cover personal belongings while you are traveling. It’s best to review your homeowners insurance policy to determine the level of coverage it provides so you do not end up paying for a benefit you already have.

» Learn more: Baggage insurance explained

Emergency medical assistance, evacuation and repatriation

This coverage pays medical expenses if you get sick or injured on a trip . Medical evacuation coverage pays for transporting you to the nearest hospital, and medical repatriation pays for flying you to your home country.

» Learn more: Can I get travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions?

24-hour assistance

This service is included with many package plans. The insurer provides a 24-hour hotline that you can call when you need help, such as booking a flight after a missed connection, finding lost luggage, or locating a doctor or lawyer.

Generally, travel insurance companies do not cover sports or any activity that can be deemed risky. If you’re thinking of incorporating adventurous activities into your vacation, choose a plan that includes adventure sports coverage.

Most travel insurers cover a wide array of services, but the specific options vary. Some plans include concierge services, providing help with restaurant referrals, tee time reservations and more. Many services also offer information before the trip, such as required vaccinations. The only way to know what’s included is to read the policy.

» Learn more: Should you insure your cruise?

Accidental death and dismemberment insurance

This coverage pays a lump sum to your beneficiary, such as a family member, if you die in an accident while on the trip. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance policies also pay a portion of the sum to you if you lose a hand, foot, limb, eyesight, speech or hearing. Some plans apply only to accidental death in a plane.

This coverage may be duplicative if you already have sufficient life insurance, which pays out whether you die in an accident or from an illness. You may also already have accidental death and dismemberment insurance through work, so it's best to check your policies to ensure you’re not overpaying.

» Learn more: NerdWallet's guide to life insurance

Rental car coverage

Rental car insurance pays for repairing your rental car if it’s damaged in a wreck, by vandals or in a natural disaster. The coverage doesn't include liability insurance, which pays for damage to other vehicles or for the medical treatment of others if you cause an accident and are held responsible.

Ask your car insurance company whether your policy will cover you when renting cars on the trip. U.S. car insurance policies generally don’t cover you when driving in other countries, except Canada.

Car insurance requirements are complex because they vary among countries. You can usually purchase liability insurance from the rental car company. Learn about car insurance requirements by searching for auto insurance by country on the U.S. Embassy website .

» Learn more: Best credit cards for rental car coverage

A note about single vs. long-term policies

Single trip insurance plans are a great option for those going on a single trip for a specific length of time (e.g., a two-week vacation) and then returning home. The price of the policy is usually determined by the cost of the trip.

Long-term travel policies cover you for multiple trips, but there are limitations to how long you can be away from home, if you can return home during your travels and how many trips you can take. In addition, trip cancellation and interruption coverage is either not offered or capped at a dollar amount that can be significantly below the total cost of all the trips taken during the covered period.

Long-term travel insurance plans — often called 'multi-trip' or 'annual travel insurance' — are a suitable option for those who travel often and are satisfied with the amount of trip cancellation coverage for all the trips they take over the duration of the policy.

» Learn more: How annual (multi-trip) travel insurance works

Below, we include how to obtain travel insurance, along with the pros and cons of each option.

Some credit cards offer trip cancellation and rental car insurance if you use the card to book the trip or car.

When you book a trip with your credit card, depending on the card you use, you may already receive trip cancellation and interruption coverage.

» Learn more: 10 credit cards that provide travel insurance

Here are a handful of credit cards that offer varying levels of travel insurance coverage for purchases made with the card.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card

on American Express' website

Chase Ink Business Preferred Credit Card

‱ Trip delay: Up to $500 per ticket for delays more than 12 hours.

‱ Trip cancellation: Up to $10,000 per person and $20,000 per trip. Maximum benefit of $40,000 per 12-month period.

‱ Trip interruption: Up to $10,000 per person and $20,000 per trip. Maximum benefit of $40,000 per 12-month period.

‱ Baggage delay: Up to $100 per day for five days.

‱ Lost luggage: Up to $3,000 per passenger.

‱ Travel accident: Up to $500,000.

‱ Rental car insurance: Up to $75,000.

‱ Trip delay: Up to $500 per ticket for delays more than 6 hours.

‱ Travel accident: Up to $1 million.

‱ Rental car insurance: Up to the actual cash value of the car.

‱ Trip delay: Up to $500 per trip for delays more than 6 hours.

‱ Trip cancellation: Up to $10,000 per trip. Maximum benefit of $20,000 per 12-month period.

‱ Trip interruption: Up to $10,000 per trip. Maximum benefit of $20,000 per 12-month period.

Terms apply.

Pros: Coverage is free.

Cons: You can’t customize the insurance to meet your needs. Most credit cards offer secondary car rental insurance, which pays for the costs not covered by your regular car insurance plan.

Travel agents and travel reservation sites

You can buy travel insurance when you book your flight, hotel and car rental.

Pros: Buying is as quick and easy as clicking “yes” when you book reservations. Coverage is inexpensive.

Cons: You can’t customize the coverage.

» Learn more: Airline travel insurance vs. independent travel insurance

Travel insurance comparison sites

You can compare different policies and review quotes at once based on the trip search criteria you’ve input into the search form. Examples include marketplaces like Squaremouth or

Pros: You can choose a policy that fits your needs and compare policies and pricing in one place.

Cons: Comparing multiple policies takes time.

Travel insurance companies

You can purchase travel insurance directly from an insurance provider.

Pros: You can choose a policy that fits your needs. Many travel insurer websites also offer information to help you understand the coverage.

Cons: You’ll need to go to multiple websites to compare coverage and pricing.

» Learn more: The best travel insurance companies right now

Keep these tips in mind when you’re considering a trip insurance policy.

Evaluate the financial risks you face when traveling. Can you bear those costs yourself, or do you want insurance?

Examine what coverage you already have: Does your credit card offer travel insurance? Do you have renters or homeowners insurance to cover belongings? What is the deductible? Will your health plan cover you in all the locations where you travel?

Get quotes for trip insurance online. Choose a package of the benefits you need and compare prices for similar coverage among carriers.

Narrow your choices and then read the policy fine print to understand what’s covered, what’s excluded and the limits on coverage. You may find that the lowest-priced policy is too restrictive and that paying a little more gets you the coverage you need. Or you might find that the cheapest, most basic policy fits the bill.

If you don’t know which provider to go with, it makes sense to browse a list of plans on a travel insurance comparison site. These online marketplaces will often include plans from the best travel insurance companies along with customer reviews.


best travel insurance usa to europe

Compare plans from more than 30 providers.

Over 86,000 customer reviews of insurers.

Under its Zero Complaint Guarantee, Squaremouth (a NerdWallet partner) will remove a provider if any customer complaint isn't resolved to its satisfaction.

Has a filter option to see policies that provide COVID-coverage.

best travel insurance usa to europe

Compare plans from 13 providers.

See good and poor customer ratings and reviews for each insurer when you receive quotes.

“Learning Center” includes travel insurance articles and travel tips, including important how-to information.

Quotes provided from each provider include a link to COVID-19 FAQs, making it easy for customers to review what’s covered or not.


best travel insurance usa to europe

Compare plans from more than two dozen providers.

More than 70,000 customer reviews.

“Anytime Advocates” help customers navigate the claim process and will work on behalf of the customer to help with appealing a denied claim.

Includes a link to plans that offer COVID coverage.

best travel insurance usa to europe

Compare plans from 11 providers.

Search coverage by sporting activity, including ground, air and water sports.

Many types of plans available for students, visiting family members, new immigrants, those seeking COVID quarantine coverage and more.

best travel insurance usa to europe

Compare different insurance plans from 35 providers.

Over 5,600 customer reviews on Trustpilot, with an average 4.9 stars out of five.

Formerly known as AardvarkCompare, AARDY includes a “Travel Insurance 101” learning center to help customers understand various policies and benefits.

Quote search results page includes COVID-coverage highlighted in a different color to make it easier for customers to review related limits.

Whether you’re looking for an international travel insurance plan, emergency medical care, COVID coverage or a policy that includes extreme sports, these providers have you covered.

Our full analysis and more details about each organization can be found here: The Best Travel Insurance Companies Today .

Allianz Global Assistance .

Travel Guard by AIG .

USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services .

Travel Insured International .

World Nomads .

Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection .

Travelex Insurance Services .

Seven Corners .

AXA Assistance USA .

There are a few scenarios when spending extra on travel insurance doesn't really make sense, like:

You booked flexible airline tickets.

Your hotel room has a good cancellation policy.

It's already included in your credit card.

You haven't booked any nonrefundable activities.

» Learn more: When you don't need travel insurance

Yes, especially for nonrefundable trips and travel during the COVID-era. Whether you purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy or have travel insurance from your credit card, you shouldn't travel without having some sort of travel protection in place to safeguard you and your trip. Travel insurance can protect you in case of an unexpected emergency such as a canceled flight due to weather, a medical event that requires hospitalization, lost luggage and more.

There are many good travel insurance policies out there and a policy that may be great for you may not be good for someone else. Selecting the best plan depends on what coverage you would like and your trip details.

For example, World Nomads offers a comprehensive travel insurance policy that has excellent coverage for adventure sports. Allianz provides coverage for trips of varying lengths of time through its single trip plans and multi-trip plans. Some providers offer add-on options like Cancel For Any Reason travel insurance. If you’re not sure which plan to go with, consider looking at trip insurance comparison sites like Squaremouth or Insuremytrip.

Yes, you can. However, it's better to purchase it sooner rather than later, ideally right after booking your trip because the benefits begin as soon as you purchase a policy.

Let’s say you’re going on a trip in a month and a week before departure, you fall and break your leg. If you’ve purchased a travel insurance policy, you can use your trip cancellation benefits to get your nonrefundable deposit back.

Most comprehensive travel insurance plans offer trip cancellation, trip interruption, emergency medical and dental, medical evacuation, trip delay and lost luggage coverage. Many plans offer COVID coverage, but you’ll always want to check to ensure that the policy you choose provides that benefit if you’re traveling during these times. Some plans may also allow you to add features like Cancel For Any Reason travel insurance.

It depends which credit card you have. Premium travel cards like the Chase Sapphire ReserveÂź and The Platinum CardÂź from American Express offer travel insurance benefits if you book a trip using your card or points.

However, the coverage provided by the credit cards is usually lower than if you purchased a standalone policy. Review the travel insurance benefits on your credit card and check that the limits are adequate before foregoing from purchasing a separate plan.

Let’s say you’re going on a trip in a month and a week before departure, you fall and break your leg. If you’ve purchased a travel insurance policy, you can use your

trip cancellation benefits

to get your nonrefundable deposit back.

It depends which credit card you have. Premium travel cards like the

Chase Sapphire ReserveÂź

The Platinum CardÂź from American Express

offer travel insurance benefits if you book a trip using your card or points.

Unpredictability is one of the mind-opening joys of travel, but travel insurance should contain no surprises. The time you spend to understand your options will be well worth the peace of mind as you embark on your next adventure.

Whether you’re seeking a single or a long-term policy, each travel insurance option offers different strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the right policy depends on your trip needs, your budget and how important various benefits are to you.

Keep reading

If you want to dig in deeper to world of travel insurance, these resources will point you in the right direction.

What is travel insurance?

How much is travel insurance?

Is travel insurance worth it?

What does travel insurance cover?

Does travel insurance cover COVID?

Insurance Benefit: Trip Delay Insurance

Up to $500 per Covered Trip that is delayed for more than 6 hours; and 2 claims per Eligible Card per 12 consecutive month period.

Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply.

Please visit for more details.

Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.

Insurance Benefit: Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance

The maximum benefit amount for Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance is $10,000 per Covered Trip and $20,000 per Eligible Card per 12 consecutive month period.

Insurance Benefit: Baggage Insurance Plan

Baggage Insurance Plan coverage can be in effect for Covered Persons for eligible lost, damaged, or stolen Baggage during their travel on a Common Carrier Vehicle (e.g., plane, train, ship, or bus) when the Entire Fare for a ticket for the trip (one-way or round-trip) is charged to an Eligible Card. Coverage can be provided for up to $2,000 for checked Baggage and up to a combined maximum of $3,000 for checked and carry-on Baggage, in excess of coverage provided by the Common Carrier. The coverage is also subject to a $3,000 aggregate limit per Covered Trip. For New York State residents, there is a $2,000 per bag/suitcase limit for each Covered Person with a $10,000 aggregate maximum for all Covered Persons per Covered Trip.

Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company.

Insurance Benefit: Car Rental Loss & Damage Insurance

Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance can provide coverage up to $75,000 for theft of or damage to most rental vehicles when you use your eligible Card to reserve and pay for the entire eligible vehicle rental and decline the collision damage waiver or similar option offered by the Commercial Car Rental Company. This product provides secondary coverage and does not include liability coverage. Not all vehicle types or rentals are covered. Geographic restrictions apply.

Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire PreferredÂź Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire ReserveÂź

Luxury perks: The Platinum CardÂź from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business PreferredÂź Credit Card

1x-10x Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Southwest Rapid RewardsÂź Plus Credit Card

1x-2x Earn 2X points on SouthwestÂź purchases. Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare. Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services, and select streaming. Earn 1X points on all other purchases.

50,000 Earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

best travel insurance usa to europe

U.S. News takes an unbiased approach to our recommendations. When you use our links to buy products, we may earn a commission but that in no way affects our editorial independence.

The Best Travel Medical Insurance of 2024

best travel insurance usa to europe

Allianz Travel Insurance »

best travel insurance usa to europe

Seven Corners »

best travel insurance usa to europe

GeoBlue »

best travel insurance usa to europe

WorldTrips »

Why Trust Us

U.S. News evaluates ratings, data and scores of more than 50 travel insurance companies from comparison websites like, Squaremouth and InsureMyTrip, plus renowned credit rating agency AM Best, in addition to reviews and recommendations from top travel industry sources and consumers to determine the Best Travel Medical Insurance Plans.

Table of Contents

  • Allianz Travel Insurance
  • Seven Corners

Buying travel insurance is a smart move for any type of trip, but you may not need a policy that covers everything under the sun. If you don't need coverage for trip cancellations or delays because you're relying on your travel credit card to offer these protections, for example, you may find you only need emergency medical coverage that works away from home.

Still, travel medical coverage varies widely based on included benefits, policy limits and more. If you're comparing travel insurance plans and hoping to find the best option for unexpected medical expenses, read on to learn which policies we recommend.

Frequently Asked Questions

The term travel insurance usually describes a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes coverage for medical expenses as well as trip cancellations and interruptions, trip delays, lost baggage, and more. Meanwhile, travel medical insurance is coverage that focuses on paying for emergency medical expenses and other related care.

Travelers need international health insurance if they're visiting a place where their own health coverage will not apply. This typically includes all international trips away from home since U.S. health plans limit coverage to care required in the United States.

Note that if you don't have travel health insurance and you become sick or injured abroad, you'll be responsible for paying back any health care costs you incur.

Many travel insurance policies cover emergency medical expenses you incur during a covered trip. However, the included benefits of each policy can vary widely, and so can the policy limits that apply.

If you're looking for a travel insurance policy that offers sufficient protection for unexpected medical expenses, you'll typically want to choose a plan with at least $100,000 in coverage for emergency medical care and at least that much in protection for emergency medical evacuation and transportation.

However, higher limits can provide even more protection from overseas medical bills, which can become pricey depending on the type of care you need. As just one example, Allianz says the average cost of emergency medical evacuation can easily reach up to $200,000 or more depending on where you’re traveling.

Your U.S. health insurance policy almost never covers medical expenses incurred abroad. The same is true for most people on Medicare and especially Medicaid. If you want to ensure you have travel medical coverage that applies overseas, you should purchase a travel insurance plan with adequate limits for every trip. Read the U.S. News article on this topic for more information.

The cost of travel medical insurance can vary depending on the age of the travelers, the type of coverage purchased, the length of the trip and other factors. You can use a comparison site like to explore different travel medical insurance plans and their cost.

  • Allianz Travel Insurance: Best Overall
  • Seven Corners: Best for Families
  • GeoBlue: Best for Expats
  • WorldTrips: Best Cost

Coverage for preexisting conditions is available as an add-on

Easy to purchase as needed for individual trips

Relatively low limits for medical expenses

No coverage for trip cancellations or trip interruption

  • Up to $50,000 in emergency medical coverage
  • Up to $250,000 in emergency medical evacuation coverage
  • Up to $2,000 in coverage for baggage loss and damage
  • Up to $600 in baggage delay insurance
  • Up to $1,000 for travel delays
  • Up to $10,000 in travel accident insurance
  • 24-hour hotline assistance
  • Concierge services


Purchase comprehensive medical coverage worth up to $5 million

Coverage for families with up to 10 people

Low coverage amounts for trip interruption

Medical coverage options vary by age

  • Up to $5 million in comprehensive medical coverage
  • Up to $500,000 in emergency evacuation coverage
  • Up to $10,000 in coverage for incidental trips to home country
  • Up to $25,000 in coverage for terrorist activity
  • Up to $500 in accidental dental emergency coverage
  • Up to $100 per occurrence in coverage for emergency eye exams
  • $50,000 in coverage for local burial or cremation
  • 24/7 travel assistance
  • Up to $25,000 in coverage for accidental death and dismemberment per traveler
  • Up to $500 for loss of checked baggage
  • Up to $5,000 for trip interruptions
  • Up to $100 per day for trip delays
  • Up to $50,000 for personal liability

Qualify for international health insurance with no annual or lifetime caps

Use coverage within the U.S. with select providers

Deductible from $500 to $10,000 can apply

Doesn't come with any nonmedical travel insurance benefits

  • Up to $250,000 in coverage for emergency medical evacuation
  • Up to $25,000 for repatriation of mortal remains
  • $50,000 in coverage for accidental death and dismemberment

High limits for medical insurance and emergency medical evacuation

Covers multiple trips over a period of up to 364 days

Deductible of $250 required for each covered trip

Copays required for medical care received in the U.S.

  • Up to $1,000,000 of maximum coverage
  • Up to $1,000,000 for emergency medical evacuation
  • Up to $10,000 for trip interruptions
  • Up to $1,000 for lost checked luggage
  • Up to $100 per day for travel delays
  • Up to $25,000 in personal liability coverage
  • Medical coverage for eligible expenses related to COVID-19
  • Ability to add coverage for your spouse and/or child(ren)
  • Repatriation of remains coverage up to overall limit
  • Up to $5,000 for local burial or cremation 
  • $10,000 to $50,000 for common carrier accidental death

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Holly Johnson is an award-winning content creator who has been writing about travel insurance and travel for more than a decade. She has researched travel insurance options for her own vacations and family trips to more than 50 countries around the world and has experience navigating the claims and reimbursement process. In fact, she has successfully filed several travel insurance claims for trip delays and trip cancellations over the years. Johnson also works alongside her husband, Greg, who has been licensed to sell travel insurance in 50 states, in their family media business.

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