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Travel Advisory October 19, 2023

Brazil - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to Country Summary.

Exercise increased caution in Brazil due to  crime . Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Do not travel to:

  • Any areas within 150 km/100 miles of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to  crime . (Note: This does not apply to the Foz do Iguacu National Park or Pantanal National Park.)
  • Informal housing developments (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or conglomerados) at any time of day due to  crime  (see additional information below).
  • Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to  crime  (see additional information below).

Country Summary:   Violent crime, such as murder, armed robbery, and carjacking, is common in urban areas, day and night. Gang activity and organized crime is widespread. Assaults, including with sedatives and drugs placed in drinks, are common. U.S. government personnel are discouraged from using municipal buses in all parts of Brazil due to an elevated risk of robbery and assault at any time of day, and especially at night.

If you decide to travel to Brazil: 

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not accept food or drinks from strangers.
  • Use caution when walking or driving at night.
  • Avoid going to bars or nightclubs alone.
  • Avoid walking on beaches after dark.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Use caution at, or going to, major transportation centers or on public transportation, especially at night. Passengers face an elevated risk of robbery or assault using public, municipal bus transportation throughout Brazil.
  • Use increased caution when hiking in isolated areas.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the Country Security Report for Brazil.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

International Borders – Level 4: Do Not Travel

U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to areas within 150 km/100 miles of the international land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay without advance approval from security officials due to crime. Travel to the Foz do Iguacu National Park and Pantanal National Park is permitted.

Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Informal Housing Developments (commonly known as “Favelas”) – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Do not travel to informal housing developments (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or conglomerados), even on a guided tour.  Neither the tour companies nor the police can guarantee your safety when entering these communities.  Even in these communities that the police or local governments deem safe, the situation can change quickly and without notice.  While some informal housing developments have clear boundaries or gates, or even names such as “favela”, “vila”, “comunidade”, or “conglomerado”, other such developments may be less obvious, and may be identified by crowded quarters, poorer conditions, and/or irregular construction.  In addition, exercise caution in areas surrounding these communities, as occasionally, inter-gang fighting and confrontations with police move beyond the confines of these communities.  Except under limited circumstances and with advance approval, U.S. government personnel are not permitted to enter any informal housing developments in Brazil. Read the Safety and Security Section on the  country information page  and consult the maps on the Embassy’s website for further information regarding favelas.

Visit our website for Travel High-Risk Areas .

Brasilia’s Administrative Regions (commonly known as “Satellite Cities”) – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Without advance approval from security officials, U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to Brasilia’s Administrative Regions of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (non-daylight hours) due to crime.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Must be valid on the date of entry

One page required for entry stamp

Yes, beginning April 10, 2025

None required, but see Health section

More than 10,000 BR must be declared to Customs

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Brasilia SES 801- Avenida das Nacoes, Lote 03 70403-900 - Brasilia, DF Brazil Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7400 Fax: (61) 3312-7651 Email: [email protected]

Embassy Branch Office in Belo Horizonte Avenida do Contorno, 4520 / 2nd floor – Funcionários 30110-028 Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil Telephone: +55 (31) 3338-4000 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia

Consular Agency in Brasilia’s Consular District Manaus Consular Agency Edificio Atrium, Suite 306 Rua Franco de Sá, 310 69.079-210 Manaus, AM Brazil Telephone: 011-55-92-3611-3333 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia

U.S. Consulate General Porto Alegre Avenida Assis Brasil, 1889 Passo d' Areia 91010-004 - Porto Alegre, RS Brazil Telephone:  011-55-51-3345-6000 Email:  [email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Recife Rua Goncalves Maia, 163, Boa Vista 50070-125 - Recife, PE Brazil Telephone:  011-55-81-3416-3050 or 011-55-81-3416-3080 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-81-3416-3060 or 011-55-81-9916-9470 Email:  [email protected]

Consular Agency in Recife’s Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Fortaleza Avenida Santos Dumont 2828, Aldeota, Suite 708 60150-162- Fortaleza, CE Brazil Telephone: 011-55-85-3223-4902 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Recife

U.S. Consulate General Rio de Janeiro Avenida Presidente Wilson, 147, Castelo 20030-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Telephone:  011-55-213823-2000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-21-3823-2029 Email:   [email protected]

Consular Agency in Rio de Janeiro’s Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Salvador da Bahia Avenida Tancredo Neves, 1632, Caminho das Arvores Salvador Trade Center-Torre Sul, Room 1401 41820-020 - Salvador, Bahia Brazil Telephone:  011-55-71-3113-2090/2091/2092 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro: (21) 3823-2029

U.S. Consulate General Sao Paulo Rua Henri Dunant, 500 Chacara Santo Antonio 04709-110 - Sao Paulo, SP Brazil Telephone:  011-55-11-3250-5000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-11-3250-5373 Email:  [email protected]

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Brazil for information on U.S.-Brazil relations.  

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens.

Effective midnight on April 10, 2025 , a visa will be required for U.S. citizens to travel to Brazil, regardless of the purpose of travel. For more information about visa requirements, visit the Brazilian government-authorized website, https://brazil.vfsevisa.com

You will need:

  • A valid U.S. passport.
  • A valid Brazilian visa or e-visa, beginning April 10, 2025 for tourists and currently for all other types of travel.
  • Visit the Brazilian government-authorized website to obtain your e-visa: https://brazil.vfsevisa.com

Find a  Brazilian consulate abroad .           

Brazilian law requires any minor who is a Brazilian citizen (even dual nationals who are both U.S. and Brazilian citizens) to have permission from each parent to travel within Brazil or exit the country. When a minor travels with both parents, no written authorization is needed. When the minor travels with only one parent or without either parent, s/he  must have two original written authorization letters from each absent parent  and carry a copy* of the child’s birth certificate or have an annotation in his/her Brazilian passport authorizing travel alone or with only one parent. Brazilian citizen minors without authorization letters and a birth certificate* or an annotated Brazilian passport likely will not be allowed by authorities to pass through immigration or to board a flight departing Brazil.     

The U.S. Embassy and its consulates cannot intervene in Brazilian immigration matters or request that this requirement be waived for U.S. citizen travelers.

Written Authorization Letter:  If the absent parent is in Brazil, written authorization letters must be in Portuguese and notarized by a Brazilian notary. If the absent parent is in the United States or elsewhere outside of Brazil, the authorization must be done at the nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate using the form provided by that office. Again, please note that Brazilian law requires two original authorizations for each absent parent. This is important, because Federal Police may request and retain one authorization upon the minor’s entry into Brazil. Authorities may then request the second original document upon the minor’s departure.  Authorizations written in English or executed before a U.S. (or any non-Brazilian) notary public are not accepted by the Brazilian Federal Police.  Similarly, birth certificates issued outside of Brazil that are not  apostilled * and translated by a certified translator may not be accepted.

Brazilian Passport Annotation:  In lieu of carrying authorization letters, parents of dual U.S.-Brazilian citizen minors may instead request an annotation be placed in the minor’s Brazilian passport authorizing the minor to travel with only one parent, or to travel alone or with a third party. This annotation replaces the requirement for written authorization letters until the passport expires. Parents residing in Brazil should contact the Brazilian Federal Police for details on obtaining an annotated passport. Parents residing abroad should contact the nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate. The annotated Brazilian passport must not be expired and must be carried along with the minor’s U.S. passport at all times for Brazilian Federal Police to accept it in lieu of an authorization letter. There is no comparable annotation available in U.S. passports.

Children who are not dual citizens of Brazil: Please note that, while Brazilian law related to travel authorization does not explicitly apply to non-citizens of Brazil, Federal Police have, at times, delayed the travel of non-Brazilian minors who lack appropriate authorization from both parents. For this reason, we recommend that families of non-Brazilian minors who may travel through Brazil without one or both parents execute written authorizations (following the instructions in the preceding paragraph) in advance of travel and ensure that the minor, or the minor’s traveling companion, carries the original or notarized copy** of the minor’s birth certificate.

An exemplar of the form used by Brazilian authorities to document parental permission for minors to travel without one or both parents may be found here.

*There is a useful pamphlet published by the Hague Conference called “ The ABCs of Apostilles .” The Brazilian competent authority that issues apostilles is the  Conselho Nacional de Justiça .

**If the birth certificate was issued in Brazil, copies must be notarized by a Brazilian notary. If issued outside of Brazil, copies must be apostilled and translated by a certified translator into Portuguese.

HIV/AIDS Restrictions:  The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Brazil.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Crime:  The violent crime rate is high in most Brazilian urban centers. Public transportation, hotel sectors, and tourist areas report high crime rates, but these incidents can happen anywhere and at any time.  Be aware of your surroundings.

  • Informal housing developments in Brazil (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or satellite cities), even on a guided tour, at any time of day due to crime. Neither the tour companies nor the police can guarantee your safety when entering these areas. Even in favelas that the police or local governments deem safe, the situation can change quickly and without notice. In addition, exercise caution in areas surrounding favelas, as occasionally, inter-gang fighting and confrontations with police move beyond the confines of these communities.
  • Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to crime.
  • Any areas within 150 km of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to crime. (Note: This does not apply to the Foz do Iguacu National Park or Pantanal National Park.)
  • Consider avoiding the use of public, municipal buses in Brazil at any time of day, and especially at night. Crime trends indicate an elevated risk of robbery or assault on public bus systems throughout Brazil. The U.S. government recommends against personnel using public, municipal buses in all parts of Brazil.
  • Avoid going to bars or nightclubs alone and avoid leaving with strangers.
  • Before going on a date with someone you met on a dating app, tell a loved one who you are meeting, where you are going, and the details of the dating application account.
  • Be wary about inviting individuals to your residence. If inviting a new acquaintance to your residence, speak to your door attendant in advance about your invited guest.
  • Trust your instincts – if something does not feel right or if you suddenly feel ill, walk away from the situation.
  • If you believe you may have been drugged, seek immediate medical attention. Some people can have life-threatening reactions to these drugs. After that, report the crime to local police and contact us at the numbers listed below.
  • Traveling Outside Metropolitan Areas After Dark: Travelers are encouraged to organize their trips so that they can travel during daylight hours. Road conditions throughout Brazil can vary widely, and travelers must exercise caution due to debris in the road, horse-drawn carriages, unmarked speed bumps, and other infrastructure deficiencies.
  • Armed hold-ups of pedestrians and motorists can happen, including at or near public beaches. Personal belongings, left unattended even for a moment, are often taken. If you are robbed, hand over your personal belongings without resisting. Resisting will increase your risk of injury.
  • Carjackings and hold-ups can occur at any time of the day or night, especially at intersections and in tunnels. Some robberies involve individuals robbed at gunpoint and taken to make purchases or to withdraw as much money as possible from one or more ATMs.
  • Crime on public transportation occurs.  Registered taxis have red license plates and openly display company information and phone numbers.
  • Credit card fraud and ATM scams are common in Brazil. Work closely with your financial institutions to monitor accounts and keep your credit card in view while it is scanned at a point of sale.
  • Avoid using ATMs in unfamiliar, secluded, or lightly protected areas. Be aware that criminals often target ATMs and businesses in the early hours of the morning when there are fewer witnesses and law enforcement response times may be delayed. If you opt to use an ATM, select those that are located inside of secure facilities, such as an airport, hospital, bank, or government building. 
  • Avoid openly displaying your cell phone.  When using a ride share service or taxi, wait for its arrival in a secure area.
  • Avoid large groups or events where crowds have gathered. Public events of any nature, including concerts and sporting events, can unexpectedly turn violent.
  • Travel to any areas within 150 km of the international borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay, except in limited circumstances with the appropriate U.S. Department of State approvals. Individuals with ties to illegal criminal networks operate along Brazilian borders. Travel to the Foz do Iguaçu National Park and Pantanal National Park is permitted.
  • Enter any informal housing developments in Brazil (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or satellite cities), except in limited circumstances with the appropriate approvals.
  • Enter Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours.

To reduce the chance of becoming the victim of a crime, in addition to the above recommendations, please review the below precautions:

  • Limit the personal belongings you carry with you. Carry your money in your front pockets and limit the number of credit cards you carry. Make copies of all of your personal documents – including your credit cards, license, passport, etc. – and keep them in a safe place. This will be helpful if you lose your documents.
  • Do not carry or wear valuable items that will attract the attention of thieves. If you need to wear expensive jewelry or carry a camera, conceal it until you arrive at your destination.
  • Be aware of the street environment and avoid contact with those who may be looking for robbery targets. Seek a safer location. Go into a store, bank, or simply cross the street.
  • Do not walk on beaches after dark. Assaults are common.
  • Use increased caution when hiking in isolated areas, particularly near popular tourist locations in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Demonstrations  and strikes are common in urban areas, may occur unexpectedly, disrupt transportation, and may escalate into violence.

  • Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly become violent. 
  • Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.
  • Check the website of the Embassy or Consulate nearest you for current information on demonstrations.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Victims of Crime: 

U.S. citizen victims of crime should contact the local authorities to file a Brazilian police report before departing Brazil. In most instances, you can report crimes to the tourist or civil police. U.S. citizens should also inform the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate, but local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

  • Police number - 190
  • the U.S. Embassy at 011-55-61-3312-7000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Porto Alegre at 011-55-51-3345-6000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Recife at 011-55-81-3416-3050 or 011-55-81-3416-3080
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro at 011-55-21-3823-2000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Sao Paulo at 011-55-11-3250-5000

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Replace a lost or stolen passport
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Provide information on  victims' compensation programs in the U.S .
  • Provide a list of local lawyers who speak English

The local equivalent to the “911” emergency line in Brazil is divided among four services:

  • 190 - Policia (Police)
  • 191 - Policia Rodoviaria (on interstate roads)
  • 192 - Ambulancia (Ambulance)
  • 193 - Bombeiros (Fire Department)

Victims of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault:  Contact the nearest Embassy or Consulate for assistance after contacting local authorities.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities are inconsistent. Inquire with property management about the presence and functionality of safety equipment, such as fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Hazardous areas/activities are normally identified with appropriate signage in major urban centers but may not be in other locations. Tourism industry staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate and timely medical treatment is consistently available only in or near major cities. First responders can face delays accessing areas outside of major cities to quickly provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.  

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy or Consulate immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Firearms: Brazil forbids importing, exporting, and possessing firearms without prior authorization of the Brazilian Government. U.S. citizens are subject to arrest and prosecution in Brazil for possession of unauthorized firearms or firearm components anywhere in the country, including airports. This prohibition extends to spent shell casings or ammunition, even if inside luggage during transit, regardless of whether those items were legally purchased in the United States or elsewhere.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website  for more information.

Water Hazards:  Many of Brazil’s beaches have very dangerous riptides, even if the water looks safe. Ocean currents and waves are unpredictable, even in popular beaches frequented by tourists. Shark attacks are reported in the waters of some beaches in northeastern Brazil, particularly near Recife. Always observe posted warnings and never swim while under the influence of alcohol. Follow local authorities’ guidance and refrain from swimming alone in areas marked with red warning signs or at beaches where there are no municipal lifeguards or first responder services.

Electricity Blackouts:  Power failures in large urban centers are common and sometimes followed by increased crime. Most tourist hotels are equipped with generators, minimizing the impact of a blackout, but you should remain cautious.

Natural Disasters:  Flooding and mudslides occur throughout the country and can be fatal. Monitor news and weather reports and adhere to municipal advisories before traveling to areas prone to flooding or landslides. Many of Brazil’s larger cities have frequent heavy rainstorms that cause flash flooding and can disrupt traffic.

Customs Restrictions : Contact the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, D.C. or one of Brazil's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding import and export regulations. Please also refer to our  information on customs regulations .

  • Brazilian customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporarily importing or exporting items such as firearms, antiquities, mineral samples, tropical plants, wildlife, medications, and business and communication equipment. 
  • In the Amazon region, there is special scrutiny of exporting biological material. People raising, growing, or exporting biological materials without permits can be charged with “biopiracy.”

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  Brazil does not have legal restrictions on same-sex marriage, relations, or events coordinated by LGBTI organizations. However, according to the 2019 Human Rights Report, violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals was a serious concern, with local NGOs reporting 297 LGBTI persons were victims of hate killings. See our  LGBTI Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:  Brazilian law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and mental disabilities in employment, education, and access to health care. However, accessibility to public transportation and the ability to accommodate the needs of physically disabled persons are limited in most areas. 

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

COVID-19 Testing: Brazil is a very large, diverse country with varying medical resources, both private and public, throughout the country. Many private labs perform COVID-19 testing at various prices, typically between $20 and $100.  PCR, serology-based antibody tests, and antigen tests are available.  Turn-around time varies widely depending upon location. Please verify turn-around time with your chosen lab before taking the test.  Express results within 2-4 hours are available in many locations at an increased fee, including in the Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo and Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Testing is available in the private sector without a doctor’s prescription, but a prescription may be required for insurance payment.

In the public healthcare system, each Brazilian state has its own COVID-19 testing plan. We recommend that you  contact local/state authorities for more information.  Typically, a COVID-19 test is ordered by an emergency room physician and then sent to a public lab. Turnaround time is much slower and can take up to seven days, but tests are generally free.  Information on testing sites and procedures is available through the  official app of the Ministry of Health.

COVID-19 Vaccines: The COVID-19 vaccine is available for U.S. citizens to receive in Brazil once they register with the public Unified Health System (SUS) . According to the Ministry of Health, available vaccines include AstraZeneca/Oxford (Fiocruz), CoronaVac (Butantan), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), and Pfizer (BioNTech). For more information on local availability of COVID-19 vaccines, please see the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s website and also contact local health authorities .  

For emergency services in Brazil, dial 192.

Ambulance services are not present throughout the country or are unreliable in most areas except in state capitals and other large cities. 

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. 

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See  our webpage  for more information on overseas insurance coverage. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with the  Government of Brazil  to ensure the medication is legal in Brazil. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. 

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Though the yellow fever vaccine is not required to enter Brazil, travelers wishing to be vaccinated should consider receiving it prior to travel, as local supplies are limited. Please note that the yellow fever vaccine should be administered ten days prior to travel for it to be effective.

Also note that, while yellow fever vaccine is not required to enter Brazil, some neighboring countries (French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Bolivia, and Paraguay) do require travelers with recent entries in Brazil to show proof of yellow fever vaccination.

All travelers to the country are advised to carry documentation, such as a vaccination card, that they have been appropriately vaccinated for yellow fever.

The following diseases are prevalent in Brazil:

  • Chikungunya
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Travelers' diarrhea
  • Tuberculosis
  • Schistosomiasis

In recent years, outbreaks of these diseases have also been detected in certain areas of Brazil:

  • Yellow fever

Elective Surgery : Although Brazil has many elective/cosmetic surgery facilities that are on par with those found in the United States, the quality of care varies widely. If you plan to undergo surgery in Brazil, make sure that emergency medical facilities are available and professionals are accredited and qualified. Some “boutique” plastic surgery operations offer luxurious facilities but are not hospitals and are unable to handle emergencies. 

Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website for information on Medical Tourism, the risks of medical tourism, and what you can do to prepare before traveling to Brazil.

Non-traditional Medicine: Several U.S. citizens have died while seeking medical care from non-traditional “healers” and practitioners in Brazil. Ensure you have access to licensed emergency medical facilities if seeking such services.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Public Transportation:  Consider avoiding the use of public, municipal buses in Brazil at any time of day, and especially at night. Crime trends indicate an elevated risk of robbery or assault on public bus systems throughout Brazil. The U.S. government recommends against personnel using public, municipal buses in all parts of Brazil.

Public buses are one of the main modes of inter-city road travel. Buses can range (depending on route and price) from luxurious and well-maintained to basic and mechanically unsound. Bus hijacking can occur at random.

Road Conditions and Safety:  Driving on Brazil's roads poses significant risks. Poor driving skills, bad roads, and high-density traffic make road travel more hazardous than in the United States. Road maintenance is inadequate in many areas and some long-distance roads through the Amazon forest are impassable much of the year due to flooding. 

Apart from toll roads, which generally have their own services, roadside assistance is available only sporadically and informally through local mechanics. The fastest way to summon assistance in an emergency anywhere in the country is to dial 193, a universal number staffed by local fire departments. This service is in Portuguese only.

Traffic Laws:  Travelers planning on staying for more than 180 days should obtain an Inter-American Driving Permit to carry with their valid U.S. license if they plan to drive in Brazil. Such permits can be obtained through AAA or other sources. Please note:

  • Everyone in the vehicle must wear a seatbelt. Brazilian federal law requires child seats for all children under the age of 7 ½. From age 7 ½ years to 10, children must only ride in the back seat.
  • Drivers must yield the right of way to cars on their right. Compliance with stop signs is rarely enforced, so many motorists treat them as yield signs. It is common for drivers to turn or cross one or more lanes of traffic without warning.
  • Drivers often flash their lights or wave their hand out the window to signal other drivers to slow down. 
  • Pedestrian crossings are only observed in some places, such as Brasilia. 
  • Drivers must have their daytime running lights on during the day and headlights on at night on Federal Highways.
  • Under Brazil’s Lei Seca (“Dry Law”),  you cannot operate a vehicle with any measurable blood-alcohol level. Checkpoints are often set up in urban areas, and randomly chosen drivers are required to perform a breathalyzer test. Those in violation are subject to legal penalties and having their vehicle impounded. 

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. Visit the website of Brazil’s  national tourist office  and  national authority responsible for road safety . 

Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Brazil’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Brazil’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Brazil should also check for  U.S. maritime advisories and alerts .  Information may also be posted to the   U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
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Brazil was cited in the State Department’s 2022 Annual Report to Congress on International Child Abduction for demonstrating a pattern of non-compliance with respect to international parental child abduction. Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in  Brazil . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report. 

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Brazil Visa & Entry Requirements

Everything you need to apply for an evisa and travel to brazil.

If you’re planning a trip to Brazil, you need to understand the visa and entry requirements . The visa you need depends on your nationality and how long you’ll stay.

With this guide, you can find out whether you’re eligible for a Brazil e-Visa , and everything you need to apply . Check all the eVisa conditions and the information required for a successful application with brazilevisas.com.

Brazil’s Visa Policy for Foreign Visitors

Brazil’s visa requirements are divided into 3 catgories :

  • Countries eligible for the eVisa
  • Other visa-required countries
  • Visa exempt countries

Check each category below to find out what you need to travel to Brazil.

Countries eligible for the Brazil eVisa

The Brazil eVisa is available to citizens of:

  • United States

You must hold a valid passport from one of these countries to apply for a Brazil visa online . It’s the most convenient visa option for eligible short-stay visitors.

Other visa-required countries for Brazil

Travelers from some African and Asian countries need a traditional visa for Brazil. If you’re from a visa-required country other than Australia, Canada, and the United States, you need to apply for your visa in person .

Check the visa requirements for your nationality and apply at the embassy.

Visa-exempt countries for Brazil

Visa exempt countries for Brazil include all European Union member states and several Africa, Asian, and Central American countries. Visa exemptions are for up to 90 days in most cases.

Important : Australia, Canada, and the United States are no longer exempt from visa requirements for Brazil. An eVisa is required for entry from April 10, 2025.

Visa requirements to work or reside in Brazil

The Brazil eVisa does not allow you to work or stay in Brazil long term. If you want to stay longer than 90 days, of for reasons not permitted with an eVisa, you need to get a different visa type regardless of your nationality.

Eligibility Conditions for the Brazil eVisa

As well as being from an eligible country , you must meet the other eVisa requirements.

Maximum length of stay To get an eVisa for Brazil, you must be staying for no more than 90 days.

Permitted travel reasons You can apply for an eVisa if you’re traveling to Brazil for tourism, business, transit, sports and artistic performances

Documents You Need to Apply for an eVisa

To apply for your eVisa for Brazil you need your:

  • Debit or credit card

Make sure your passport was issued by one of the eligible countries and is valid for at least 6 months after the date you’ll enter Brazil. You need to upload a digital copy of your passport bio page and proof of employment as part of the application process.

For the Business eVisa , applicants need to provide:

  • Business invitation letter
  • Proof of company’s financial support
  • Proof of sufficient funds (.e.g bank account statement)

You must also supply a recent digital photograph of yourself . It must meet all the Brazil visa photo requirements .

Technical Requirements for the Online Visa Application

You need an electronic device connected to the internet to complete the online visa application.

Use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or personal computer to apply from anywhere in the world.

There are no specific technical requirements. Complete the form from your device and submit your application. If you do have any issues completing your application, get in touch with the brazilevisas.com technical support team .

Information Requirements for the Brazil eVisa Form

To complete your Brazil eVisa application, you need to provide accurate information.

Personal information

  • Nationality
  • Date of birth

Passport data

  • Passport number
  • Expiry date

Travel details

  • Date of arrival
  • Reason for visiting

Make sure you enter all your information accurately. Mistakes or missing information could lead to processing delays. Check the tooltips provided on the brazilevisas.com form for additional information on what to include in each field.

Entry Requirements for Brazil

As a foreign national, you need your passport, visa and e-DBV to travel to Brazil . Make sure you have both ready for inspection by immigration officials.

You must apply for your visa and travel to Brazil using the same passport. If you have renewed your passport since your visa was issued, you’ll need to reapply for your visa.

Holding a valid passport and approved visa does not guarantee entry. Immigration authorities will verify you meet all the entry requirements.

Do I need travel insurance to travel to Brazil?

Travel insurance is not mandatory to travel oto Brazil, but it is recommended . Consider taking out an insurance policy that covers trip cancelations, medical emergencies, and lost luggge.

Healthcare costs for foreigners in Brazil can be high, so it’s advisable to take out comprehensive insurance.

If you're traveling as part of a tour group or if you've booked your trip through a travel agency, they might have their own requirements or recommendations regarding travel insurance.

Additional requirements for children traveling to Brazil

Children also need a passport and visa to travel to Brazil. In addition, children who are are traveling with just one parent, or other relatives/a third party should carry:

  • Copy of the child’s birth certificate
  • Letter of consent from the non-traveling parent or guardian

Check the latest requirements for traveling to Brazil with children and make sure you have all the relevant documents.

  • Acesso rápido
  • Órgãos do Governo
  • Acesso à Informação
  • Acessibilidade
  • Redefinir Cookies
  • Mudar para o modo de alto contraste
  • imposto de renda

Electronic Visitor Visa (e-Visa) - U.S., Canadian & Australian Citizens

Required documents for e-visas  (tourism/business), stays up to 90 days.

Citizens travelling with passports from  Australia, Canada and the United States visiting Brazil for tourism and business will be subject to visa requirements for entry into Brazilian territory starting from April 10 th , 2025. These citizens can require e-Visas through the portal https://brazil.vfsevisa.com/ . The process is easy, and quick and if the requirements mentioned below are met, in a few days the applicant will receive the e-Visa on his or her e-mail.

Attention: Electronic visas (e-Visa) are only for citizens of Australia, Canada and the United States.


  • Valid Passport (signed, valid up to the end of the travel to Brazil, 2 visa pages free)
  • Visa application form (completed online)
  • Passport-style photo (2” x 2”, white background)
  • E-visa fee payment (US$ 80.90)


In addition to the visa application requirements stated above, applicants who are younger than 18 years of age at the time of application must present the following additional materials:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Authorization for Issuance of Brazilian Visa for a Minor , signed by both parents
  • For children of Brazilian parent(s):  Declaração de Não-Cidadania  declaring that the applicant is not a Brazilian citizen ( does not hold a Brazilian Birth Certificate ), signed by Brazilian parent(s).
  • If only one parent is listed on birth certificate, only that parent’s signature is required.
  • If one parent has sole custody of applicant, a notarized copy of the court order awarding sole custody and  exclusive parental rights must be presented.
  • If one parent is deceased, a death certificate must be presented.
  • Copy of passports or other form of photo ID for both parents.
  • The name on the parent’s photo ID must match  parent’s name on the child’s birth certificate. If said parent has changed his or her name since the issuance of the birth certificate, the parent must present documentation showing proof of the name change (e.g. marriage certificate or court order)

Brazilian Gringo

Learn Brazilian Portuguese, Learn Portuguese Online, Brazilian Culture, Teach English in Brazil, Brazil Jobs

The Ultimate Guide to the Brazilian Tourist Visa

November 13, 2014 By Josh Plotkin 313 Comments

In an attempt to simplify the lives of people who wish to travel to Brazil on a tourist visa I’ve created this page that should cover 99% of the questions that people have. Everything from how to apply for your Brazilian tourist visa, how to extend your visa, what happens if you overstay your visa, what you can do and can’t do on a visa is covered in this post.

Please note that none of the following constitutes legal advice. Though every effort has been to provide accurate information based on official sources, consultations with legal professionals and hundreds of conversations with people who have been through the system, there are no guarantees when it comes to Brazil. Your mileage may vary.

Update November 2017: A new law went into effect that changed some of the laws governing the rights of foreigners in Brazil. This law also changes the fine for overstaying on a tourist visa from R$8.28 per day to R$100 per day, maxing out at R$10,000. See the law here:

Countries that do not require a tourist visa to Brazil

Holders of passports from the following 76 jurisdictions do not need to apply for a tourist visa before entering Brazil. For most South American countries it is possible to enter Brazil up to 90 days with just an ID card. Citizens of all other countries

Andora, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cypress, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland. Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia. Malta, Macau, Monaco, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Malta, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Saint Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Tunisia. Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vatican, Venezuela.


How to Apply for A Brazilian Tourist Visa

In general these are the documents you will need to apply for a Brazilian visa. Check the specific requirements of the Brazilian consulate in your jurisdiction.

  • A valid Passport with at least 6 months of eligibility and 2 blank pages left open
  • A signed Visa Application Form. You can get one from any consulate’s website .
  • State ID or utility bill to prove residency in the jurisdiction you’re applying in (US citizens)
  • 1 recent 2″ x 2″ color passport-type photo showing the full front view of your face
  • Copy of your round trip ticket to Brazil (or other proof of outbound travel)
  • Money Order for Consular fees
  • Proof of yellow fever vaccination may be required if you’ve visited certain countries within 90 days before applying. Verify with your consulate.

You may also have to pay a fee, which is charged in reciprocity for an identical fee paid by Brazilian citizens who apply for a tourist visa to your country.

United States: US$ 160.00 Algeria: US$60.00; Angola: US$100.00; Australia: US$ 35.00; Canada: US$ 65.00; CAD $81.50 Japan: US$ 25.00; Nigeria: US$ 65.00; United Arab Emirates: US$55.00; United Kingdom: US$175.00 (only if stay is over 180 days); all other countries: US$20.00.

You’ll need to schedule an appointment in advance with your local Brazilian consulate or embassy in order to apply for a visa. It should take between 1-2 weeks for your visa application to be processed. Check the list below for your nearest consulate location .

Your closest Brazilian consulate may be very far away, in which case it’s recommended you look into a visa expedition service to avoid having to make a 20 hour trek.

Time Restrictions on the Brazilian Tourist Visa

Brazilian tourist visas are typically valid for up to 10 years from the date of issue. Residents of some countries must enter Brazil within 90 days of the visa being issued in order for it to be valid. Countries  on the list found here  with (90) next to them have this requirement.

You are allowed to stay up to 90 days per visit to Brazil and a total of 180 days per year in the country as a tourist. You can stay 180 consecutive days in Brazil but you’ll need to go to the Policia Federal and request an extension. More on that below.

How Does the 180 Day Thing Work?

A lot of confusion is generated by misunderstandings of how the 180 days are distributed, resulting in panic filled nights and people changing their travel plans. Some of the confusion can be cleared up by better understanding the terminology that we use.

There’s 2 distinct pieces of paper that are often referred to as ‘my tourist visa’.

1. Brazilian Travel Visa – A piece of paper that authorizes a passport holder from a non-visa exempt country to enter Brazil.

2. Arrival card – A piece of paper that you receive upon arrival authorizing your stay for a certain period. Never more than 90 days, but less can be given under the discretion of the Federal Police Agent.

During any one year period you are allowed to spend 180 days inside Brazil. This can be broken up any way that you want. 10 days here, 20 days there, 90 days here, 60 days there. Many people stay for 90 days, request a 90 day extension then leave once their second 90 day extension runs out.

The year is calculated based on the first time you enter Brazil, and not on the calendar year or some calendar that the Federal Police invented, as some people erroneously believe. So if you entered Brazil for the first time on June 15, 2014, you have 180 days to spend between June 15, 2014 and June 14, 2015, 180 days to spend between June 15, 2015 and June 14, 2016, etc.

What this means is that let’s say you entered Brazil for the first time on February 12, 2010. You came to Brazil for a few weeks to see Carnival and haven’t been back since. It’s now November 14, 2014. Your period for this year started February 12, 2014 and ends February 11, 2015. You can spend the 90 days or so until your period starts over, at which time you have another 180 days to spend in Brazil between February 12, 2015 and February 11, 2016.

Keep in mind that the visa card you receive on arrival determines how long you have to stay until you have to apply for an extension or leave the country in order to have not overstayed. They may give you less than 90 days, but they will never give you more than 90 days at one time.

When leaving Brazil it’s a good idea to ask the immigration officer at the airport to simulate a reentry in their computer to see how much time you really have left this period and when you’ll be able to reenter if you’ve used up all of your time already.

In some cases people who have entered via land borders have found that their period started later than they thought due to computers not syncing up data with other immigration computers.

What if I’m a Dual Citizen?

While in the past you may have been able to enter Brazil using one passport, stay for 180 days, then leave and re-enter under another passport, this is no longer the case. It used to be that different passports were recorded differently in the system. Recently the Federal Police have been connecting all of the information in their systems in a process known as  encruzamento de informações,  and now everything shows up as the record of one person.

If you’ve heard somebody say that they were able to succeed in entering under a 2nd passport, this is likely due to the  imprudente imperícia  or  negligência of the Policia Federal agent who received them at the border crossing. Sometimes there is an error in the system when processing entrances, and sometimes the person managing the system creates an error, resulting in someone doing something they shouldn’t have been able to.

I heard about some special cases…

Due to the lack of uniformity in how procedures in Brazil are carried out, there is a lot of confusion about how things actually work.

There are the laws as they are written, the procedures by which organs of government apply those laws, and what actually happens on a day to day basis.

The systems are supposed to operate in a certain way, but sometimes there are unexplained errors in the system. People are supposed to do their jobs in a certain way, but sometimes they make mistakes. Sometimes people get results than differ from the norm because the person attending them that day made a mistake.

How to Extend Your Stay in Brazil

Requests to extend your tourist visa for an additional 90 days must be made at the local Federal Police office. A complete list of Policia Federal locations is found at the bottom of this post.

It’s very important that you extend your stay before the initial 90 allotment has run out. If you stay 91 days and go to the Federal Police expecting to get an extension the Federal Police may give you a paper telling you that you have 7 days to leave the country instead.

You will need the following documents:

  • A filled out visa extension request form. Found here.
  • A printed bank statement or valid credit card to prove you will have sufficient money to spend another 90 days in the country; the bank statement has to be in your name.
  • Proof of outbound travel. For simplicity’s sake, bring an airline ticket. A bus ticket will probably work without too much explaining. Having none of this, but having hotel bookings in a neighboring country may work with a bit of explaining done in your best Portuguese .
  • Your passport  with the entrance stamp to Brazil.
  • Your tourist card  (Cartão de Entrada) , issued when entering Brazil.
  • Receipt of payment of visa fee . To do this you’ll first need to fill out this online form  (updated July 2018) and print out a receipt which you can pay at any bank. On the web form under Unidade Arrecadadora choose the city you’ll be submitting your request to. If you’re in a capital city you’ll choose Superintendincia regional no estado de [whatever state you’re in]. For codigo de receita STN use 140090, being the code for visa extentions. Then click ‘gerar guia,’ print out the form and pay the R$67 fee at the bank. Bring the receipt with you when you submit your visa application. Note that the website doesn’t always work with all browsers, so if it does something funny for you then try in a different browser.

Can I Change From A Tourist Visa to Another Visa Type?

If you enter Brazil under a tourist visa you will not be able to change visa types from within Brazil. You will need to leave the country then reenter under your new visa type in order for it to take effect.

Applying for a Student Visa for example must be done at a Brazilian Consulate or Embassy outside of Brazil. Some Europeans have reported success in completing this process in nearby Argentina or Uruguay, while many Americans have been told they need to do this in their home country. You’ll probably have to do this in your home country as well, but you may get lucky and succeed in getting your student visa without leaving the continent.

The exception to this is if you get married to a Brazilian in Brazil, or have a child born in Brazil you can apply for permanent residency at the Federal Police station without having to leave the country.

Overstaying a Brazilian Tourist Visa

Update November 2017:  The new Lei da Migração  has increased the fine for overstaying from R$8.28 per day to R$100 per day. The new maximum fine is now R$10,000.

Overstaying your tourist visa can happen in two cases:

  • You’ve stayed beyond the 90 [or whatever they give you] days granted on your arrival card, or the 90 days granted by your extension.
  • You’ve stayed in excess of 180 days during your 1 year period.

Once you’ve overstayed your tourist visa you will be subject to a fine of R$100 per day that you overstay, with the maximum fine being R$10,000. Whether you overstay 100 days or 10 years the fine is the same.

When you leave Brazil via airport, if they notice that you’ve overstayed they will take you into the back room and make you sign a form acknowledging that you’ve overstayed and that you agree to paying the fine. They will also leave a nasty stamp in your passport saying that you’ve overstayed and that you have an outstanding fine.  Make sure you have the form they give you with you when you return to Brazil in order to avoid complications. 

You’re technically supposed to pay this fine at a Banco do Brasil outside of Brazil, but in practice you’ll probably pay this fine when you try to reenter Brazil. If the immigration officer notices that you’ve overstayed he will hold onto your passport while you go to a bank or casa loterica to pay your fee. In some cases people have been sent back on the plane they came in on because their flight arrived in the middle of the night when banks were closed and the immigration officer didn’t want to be responsible for them. To avoid complications, bring Reais with you and arrive during normal business hours.

It’s also possible to go to the airport a day before your flight and pay the fine so that you don’t have to do this on the way back.

It’s worth noting that once you overstay your tourist visa you have committed an administrative infraction and have achieved irregular status. The penalty if you are caught is deportation and you will not be allowed back in until your period starts over.

On the rare occasion that a foreigner is caught by the authorities having overstayed their visa, they will typically be referred to the Federal Police and given between 3 and 8 days to leave the country.

Can I Get Married After Overstaying My Tourist Visa?

It is possible to marry to a Brazilian in Brazil regardless of how much time you have overstayed, as this is viewed as a fundamental human right. This is the law of the land, but  cartórios in the state of Rio de Janeiro have decided to not process marriages where the foreigner has overstayed their tourist visa. In this case you will need a court order to override their incorrect interpretation of the law.

When is the Next Time They’re Going to Give Amnesty?

There was a proposal that would’ve given amnesty to illegal foreigners in Brazil that was tabled on January 31, 2015. There is no indication as to when the motion will be considered again. View the proposal here.

Laws Governing the Brazilian Tourist Visa

Update:  A law passed in May 2017 that went into effect in November 2017 made some changes to the foreigner code. Previously,   LEI Nº 6.815, DE 19 DE AGOSTO DE 1980.   was the law which governed foreigner activities in Brazil. This law has been revoked and superceded by  Projeito de Lei 13445 / 2017 , which establishes the Lei da Migração or Migration Law.

A careful reading of this law would solve much of the confusion that people bring to this page. The rest of the confusion could be cleared up with uniform application of processes dictated by the laws as they are written.

What You Can and Can’t Do on a Tourist Visa

Article 9 states that tourist visas are granted to those who don’t intend on immigrating and aren’t aiming to participate in paid activities in Brazil.

Article 98 clarifies that you’re forbidden from partaking in paid activities in Brazil under a tourist visa.

Article 106 specifies a lot of things that foreigners can’t do, such as be the captain of a Brazilian boat, provide religious service to the armed forces, be a public auctioneer, be the leader of a trade union and a lot of other things that most foreigners wouldn’t think of doing.

Article 107 lays out the political activities that you’re forbidden from partaking in, such as organizing a political party, organizing a parade or demonstration or performing acts of political espionage.

Rights and Restrictions of Tourists in Brazil

Here are some rough translations of selected parts of Title X

Article 95. The foreigner residing in Brazil enjoys all of the rights recognized by Brazilians under the terms of the Constitution and the law.

Article 96. The foreigner should present proof of their legal stay in Brazil whenever requested by any authority or their agent.

Contact Info For Official Offices

You can find a complete list of Brazilian consulates around the world here.  Here’s another list in case you can’t find what you’re looking for there.

Brazilian Consulates in the US

Washington, D.C. Brazilian Embassy 3006 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008-3634 (202) 238-2700

Consular Service 3009 Whitehaven Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20008-3634 (202) 238-2828 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia

Consulate General of Brazil in Boston The Statler Building 20 Park Plaza, Suite 810 Boston, MA 02116 (617) 542-4000 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction:_Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

Consulate General of Brazil in Chicago  401 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3050 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 464-0244 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin

Consulate General of Brazil in Houston 1233 West Loop South, Park Tower North, Suite 1150 Houston, TX 77027 (713) 961-3063/64/65 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas

Consulate General of Brazil In Los Angeles 8484 Willshire Blvd., Suite 730 / 711 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone # (323) 651-2664 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, U.S. Pacific Islands (Johnston, Midway, Wake, Howland, Jarvis, Baker, Palmyra & Kingman), California counties of Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura

Consulate General of Brazil in Miami 80 SW 8th Street 26th Floor Miami, FL 33130-3004 (305) 285 6200 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: Florida,  Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and the Bahamas

Consulate General of Brazil in New York 1185 Avenue of the Americas 21st Floor New York, NY 10036-2601 (917) 777-7777 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Bermuda

Consulate General of Brazil in San Francisco 300 Montgomery Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 981-8170 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and California counties of Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Ladera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benedito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislau, Sutter,Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolunme, Yolo and Yuma

Brazilian Consulate General in Atlanta 3500 Lenox Road, Suite 800 Atlanta, GA 30326 Phone: (404) 949-2400 Email: [email protected] Jurisdiction: States of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi and Tennessee.

Brazilian Consulates in Canada

Note that the Visa Requirements for Canadians are the same as mentioned above . The visa fee must be paid with money order from Canada Post or your local bank.

Consulate General of Brazil in Vancouver

666 Burrard Street – suite 2020 Vancouver, BC  V6C 2X8 Phone: 1 (604) 696-5311 Fax: 1 (604) 696-5366 [email protected] Jurisdiction: Serves British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon and Northwest Territories

Brazilian Embassy in Ottawa –

450 Wilbrod Street, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6M8 Phone: (613) 237-1090 Fax (613) 237-6144 [email protected]

Brazilian Consulate General in Toronto

77 Bloor Street West, 1109 Toronto, Ontario. Phone: (416) 922 2503 Fax:  (416) 922 1832. [email protected] Jurisdiction: Ontario, except Ottawa, Manitoba and Nunavut

Brazilian Consulate General in Montreal

1, Westmount Square, suite 1700 Montreal, QC H3Z 2P9 Phone: 514-499-0968 [email protected] Jurisdiction: Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland

Federal Police Station in Belo Horizonte. Bring a book to read while you wait.

Federal Police Station in Belo Horizonte. Bring a book to read while you wait.

Federal Police Offices in Brazil

The official list can be found here . Note that they give the incorrect address for the Policia Federal in Belo Horizonte and you should instead go to the address I’ve indicated below.

ACRE Rua Floriano Peixoto, 874 Centro 69908-030  Rio Branco AC Phone: (55) (68) 3212-1200 Fax: (55) (68) 3223-3565

ALAGOAS Av. Martin Luther King (Cais do Apolo), 321 Bairro do Recife 50030-230 Maceió AL Phone: (55) (81) 2137-4000 Fax: (55) (81) 2137-4033

Av. Maceió S/N – Bairro Jaraguá 57025-080 Maceió AL Phone: (55) (82)- 216-6767

AMAPÁ Av. Ernestino Borges, 1402 Bairro Jesus de Nazaré 68908-010 Macapá AM Phone (55) (96) 3213-7500/ 7504

AMAZONAS Av. Domingos Jorge Velho, 40 Bairro Don Pedro II- Planalto 69042-470  Manaus AM Phone: (55) (92) 3655-1515/ 1517 Fax: (55) (92) 3656- 7676

BAHIA Av. Oscar Pontes, 339 Bairro Agua de Meninos 40460-130  Salvador BA Phone: (55) (71) 3319-6000 Fax: (55) (71) 3321-3927

CEARÁ Rua Dr. Laudelino Coelho, 55 Bairro de Fátima 60415-430 Fortaleza CE Phone: (55) (85) 3392-4900 Fax: (55) (85) 3392-4973

DISTRITO FEDERAL SAIS Quadra 7 – Lote 23 Setor Policial Sul 70610-902  Brasília DF Phone: (55) (61) 2024-7500/ 7501/ 7502/ 7503/ 7678 Fax: (55) (61) 2024-7401

ESPÍRITO SANTO Rua Vale do Rio Doce, 01 São Torguato – Vila Velha 29114-670  Vitória ES Phone: (55) (27) 3041-8000/ 8002 Fax: (55) (27) 3041-8030

GOIÁS Av. edmundo Pinheiro de Abreu, 826 Setor Bela Vista 74823-030 Goiânia GO Phone: (55) (62) 3240-9600 Fax: (55) (62) 3240-9623

MARANHÃO Av. Daniel de La Touche, 4000 Cohama 65074-115  São Luis MA Phone: (55) (98) 3131-5100/ 5173 Fax: (55) (98) 3131-5103

MATO GROSSO Av. Historiador Rubens de Mendonça, 1205 Araés 78008-000  Cuiabá MT Phone: (55) (65) 3614-5600/ 5665 Fax: (55) (65) 3314-5506 E-mail:  [email protected]

MATO GROSSO DO SUL Rua Fernando Luiz Fernandes, 322 Lar do Trabalhador 79110-901 Campo Grande MS Phone: (55) (67) 3368-1100 Fax: (55) (67) 3368-1169 E-mail:   [email protected]

MINAS GERAIS Rua Francisco Deslandes, 900 – Anchieta – in the 3 rd floor of Shopping Plaza Anchieta (Note that the office has moved and and many official sources are outdated and mistakenly report that this is located at Francisco Holandes)

30310-530  Belo Horizonte MG Phone: (55) (31) 3218-6420 Fax: (55) (31) 3335-8832

PARÁ Av. Almirante Barroso, 4466 66610-000  Belém PA Phone: (55) (91) 3214-8000/ 8014 Fax: (55) (91) 3214-8043

PARAÍBA BR 230, Km 07, Via de Acesso Ponta de Campina 58310-000 Cabedelo PB Phone: (55) (83) 3248-5900 Fax: (55) (83) 3248-5901

PARANÁ Rua Professora Sandalia Monzon, 210 Santa Candida 82640-040  Curitiba PR Phone: (55) (41) 3251-7500/ 7501 Fax: (55) (41) 3257-2738 E-mail:  [email protected]

PIAUÍ Rua Maranhão, 1022 – Norte – Centro 64000-010  Teresina PI Phone: (55) (86) 2106-4924 Fax: (55) (86) 2106-4921

RIO DE JANEIRO GIG International Airport – Av. Rodrigues Alves, 1 – 3º floor – Centro 20081-250  Rio de Janeiro RJ Phone: (55) (21) 2203-4000 Fax: (55) (21) 2253-3454

RIO GRANDE DO NORTE Rua Dr. Lauro Pinto, 155 Nova Lagoa 59064-250  Natal RN Phone: (55) (84) 3204-5503/ 5500 Fax: (55) (84) 3204-5604 E-mail:  [email protected]  and [email protected]

RIO GRANDE DO SUL Av. Ipiranga, 1365 – Azenha 90160-093  Porto Alegre RS Phone: (55) (51) 3235-9000/ 9001/ 9003/ 9007/ 9020 Fax: (55) (51) 3235-9004

RONDÔNIA Av. Lauro Sodré, 2905 – Costa e Silva Porto Velho RO 76802-449 Phone: (55) (69) 3216-6200/ 6225 Fax: (55) (69) 3216-6244/ 3229-3546

RORAIMA Rua Fernao Dias Paes Lemos, 11 Calunga 69303-220  Boa Vista RR Phone: (55) (95) 3621-1515 Fax: (55) (95) 3621-1525

SANTA CATARINA Av. Paschoal Apostolo Pitsica, 4744 Agronômica 88025-255   Florianópolis SC Phone/Fax: (55) (48) 3281-6500

SÃO PAULO Rua Hugo D’ Antola, 95 – Lapa 05038-090  São Paulo SP Phone: (11) 3538-5000 Fax: (55) (11) 3538-5930/ 6187 E-mail:  [email protected]

SERGIPE Av. Augusto Franco, 2260 Siqueira Campos 49075-100  Aracajú SE Phone: (55) (79) 3234-8500/ 8579 Fax: (55) (79) 3234-8547

TOCANTINS Av. Teotonio Segurado, Qd 302 Norte QI 01 Lote 02 77006-332  Palmas TO Phone: (55) (63) 3218-5700/ 5715 Fax: (55) (63) 3218-5715

Using a Visa Expedition Service

While this guide was written for people who like to figure things out by themselves, some people may prefer to use the services of a visa expedition company. In other cases there may be no other option but to use the services of such a company, as they often have connections and insights into the visa application process that mere mortals cannot hope to attain under short notice.

If you would rather pay someone to take care of all of the dirty work for you, here are three visa expedition services that come recommended by readers:

VisaHQ  – The most popular option recommended by Brazilian Gringo readers.

Travel Visa Pro  – These guys are supposedly pretty quick and they offer a lot of other services as well such as legalizations.

Passport Visa Express  – Somewhat of a dinosaur in the visa expediting industry. Their website is really easy to use with a tool that shows you everything you need to know based on your zip code.

Though I believe this to be the best information you’ll find on this subject on the internet, nothing is guaranteed since this is Brazil after all, where bureaucrats can make up rules on the spot and deny your legal requests just because they can.

You may hear people disputing some of the assertions made above. I’m not going to say that they’re wrong, because their experience might speak to the truth of a particular government office on a certain day when a specific person was working there and decided that things were going to be done differently that day.

I understand that people make significant life decisions based around their legal status in Brazil and I’ve gone to painstaking lengths to gather enough stories from people to be able to guarantee with reasonable certainty that what I’ve written is actually how things work in practice.

Best of luck to you out there. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences so we can all benefit from them, please do so below.

Before You Comment

I’m sure you have questions about your case. I assure you that there’s nothing unique about your situation, and I’ve probably answered a question like yours several times before. Read through the comments thoroughly before asking another question.

If after reading you still feel like you need to ask a question, I’d like to ask you a question first. Is it information that you want from me, or are you hoping that I’ll remove some of the uncertainty you’re feeling about this process? At some point on your Brazilian journey you’re going to have to learn how to proceed boldly in situations of uncertainty. If you don’t start now, then when?

If you feel like your situation is really complex and you want help beyond what’s written in the article, leave a comment so that I can answer your question in a place where others can read it.

If you have legal issues that go beyond needing simple help with your tourist visa, email me and I’ll refer you to an immigration lawyer in Rio who can sort you out.

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About Josh Plotkin

Josh Plotkin is a long term expat and digital nomad who loves exploring Brazil. You can follow him on Youtube.

Do I need a visa to visit Brazil?

Bailey Freeman

Sep 28, 2023 • 3 min read

A woman with a suitcase looks at digital screens in an airport in Brazil

Brazil has varying visa rules depending on your country of origin © FG Trade / Getty Images

Brazil is a vast country, home to a treasure trove of diverse travel experiences. Enchanting rainforests, sprawling wetlands, buzzing cities and perfect beaches all make for spectacular stops on your itinerary. 

But before you go, make sure you have your visa paperwork sorted. Here's what you need to know about Brazil’s visa policies.

Will I need to get a visa before going to Brazil?

Brazil offers different visas depending on the purpose of your travel and your country of origin. The country’s visa system is largely based on reciprocity: if Brazilian citizens can travel to the country in question without a visa, those citizens can travel to Brazil without a visa for any reason as well. The only exceptions to this rule are the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan – travelers from these countries can now visit Brazil for tourism without a visa, thanks to a policy change in July 2019. 

But citizens of dozens of other countries can also travel to Brazil without a visa; check this  Brazilian consulate general website  for a comprehensive list. Visitors who don’t require visas can stay in Brazil for up to 90 days per entry, and they can’t exceed 180 days within 12 months. Travelers need to have a valid passport with at least two blank pages left.

Happy girls having fun drinking cocktails at bar on the beach

Types of tourist visas for Brazil

For citizens of countries who do need a visa to enter Brazil, the primary tourist visa is the VIVIS, which covers tourism and business travel. Traveling for business does require some additional paperwork, including a letter from the applicant’s employer on company letterhead detailing the applicant’s job, the purpose of the trip, the length of the trip and other employment details. Check your nearest consulate’s website for a full list of business letter requirements.

Visa costs vary depending on the traveler’s country of origin. The visa costs US$180 for Angolan citizens, $85 for Algerian citizens, and $115 for Chinese citizens. The cost for travelers from all other countries is $80. Applications for visas can only be completed through Brazil’s E-consular platform . Apply for your visa well in advance of your trip in case there are system delays.

Visas for working are known as VITEM VI visas, and they allow visa holders to work and study in Brazil for up to 90 days in a 12-month period. The following countries are exempt from having to apply for the VITEM visa: Austria, Chile, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Spain, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom.

Can I extend my visa for Brazil?

Extensions aren’t available for every country – check with your local Brazilian consulate. If an extension is available to you, it will be granted by the Federal Police Department in Brazil. Note that your total stay still can’t exceed 180 days in 12 months. 

Do I need a yellow fever vaccine to enter Brazil?

Brazil doesn’t require a yellow fever vaccination to enter, but it does recommend getting the vaccine if you are headed to any of the following states: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins.

This article was first published Oct 13, 2021 and updated Sep 28, 2023.

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Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

Brazil Visa for Tourists: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: September 9, 2023

Brazil Tourist Visa Requirements - Brazil Map

Brazil visa requirements are fairly straightforward and easy to understand. Most of the process is online including the application submission and the processing status.

Brazil issues a 5 or 10-year multiple entry visas to passport holders from developed countries and 90-day multiple entry visas from developing countries. The 90-day multiple entry visas must be used within one year of issue.

The application submission process, visa fee and documentation vary from consulate to consulate. Refer to your nearest consulate page for exact and up-to-date information.

Table of Contents

Brazil visa requirements.

Brazil Tourist Visa Image

Visa EXEMPT passport holders

90-day entry.

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Czech Republic
  • El Salvador
  • South Korea
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United Kingdom
  • Vatican City

60-day Entry

30-day entry, visa required nationalities.

  • Afghanistan
  • Burkina Faso
  • Central African Republic
  • Cook Islands
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Dominican Republic
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • North Korea
  • Mariana Islands
  • Marshall Islands
  • Palestinian Authority
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Sahrawi Arab Dem. Rep.
  • Saint Lucia
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Sudan
  • Timor-Leste
  • Turkmenistan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States

Application Process

Brazil Tourist Visa Requirements - Visa Application

First, check if you need a visitor/tourist visa to travel to Brazil in the “Visa Requirements” section above.


The first step in the application process is to fill and submit an online application at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  website. You can also check your visa status here after you submit/mail your application to the consulate.


After you fill in the online application form, you need to upload the following documentation

  • Digital photo that follows the ICAO standard
  • Digital signature
  • Round-trip airline ticket
  • Hotel/hostel booking
  • Passport ID page
  • Address proof (electricity bill/driving license)

You should not book any airfare/hotel until your Brazil visa is approved. For the visa application, there are a couple of ways you can print a flight itinerary and hotel booking without actually booking airfare/hotel. Copa Airlines and American Airways let you hold and save a flight itinerary.

Alternatively, websites like Orbitz let you cancel an airline ticket within one day of booking by 10 pm CST. For hotels, book a hotel with a “refundable” or “pay at check-in” option. Take the print of the hotel booking for your visa application and cancel the booking later.

After submitting the online application, you will be able to print the receipt (also called RER). Print this receipt, sign and affix a passport-size photo.

You must submit/mail the following documentation to the consulate –

  • Original passport with at least 2 blank pages and valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry in Brazil
  • Signed receipt of the submitted online form (RER)
  • One passport-size photo must be affixed to the signed RER above
  • A signed cover letter addressed to the embassy (required only at some consulates)
  • Visa fee (cash is not accepted and the mode of payment is different in each country)
  • Last 6 months bank statements (required only at some consulates)
  • A prepaid self-addressed envelope (only if you prefer to receive your passport in the mail)

Visa fee depends on the following.

  • The country of your passport and
  • The country you are applying in

For example:

  • If applying in the US, the visa fee is $ 20 USD for Indian passport holders and $160 USD for US passport holders.
  • If applying in Australia, it’s $36AUS for Indian passport holders and $63AUS for Australian passport holders
  • If applying in India, it’s Rs1600INR for Indian passport holders and Rs5200INR for Canadian passport holders

Refer to your  consulate page  for exact and up-to-date visa fee information.

Apply in person

You can submit your visa application in person at the consulate. Some locations require an appointment. Refer to your consulate page for exact and up-to-date information.

The return method of the passport cannot be changed once the application is submitted at some consulates.

Apply by mail

You can also mail your application to the consulate. Make sure to add additional days and any mail delays to the visa processing time.

Some consulates do not accept mail-in applications. Refer to the consulate page for exact and up to date information.

Apply through a visa/travel agency

You can employ a visa/travel agency to submit the application on your behalf. Any further communication after the application is submitted must happen through your visa/travel agency only.

Priority visa service

There is no priority/rush visa service. Processing times vary from consulate to consulate. Refer to your consulate page for current processing times.

Customer service

The visa section at the consulates does not answer phone calls. Any inquiries must be made via email. Refer to your consulate page for the contact email. If you are using visa/travel agency for your visa application, all communication must happen only through them.

Application withdrawal

Email is the only way to communicate with the consulate after you submit/mail your documents. It would be difficult and time-consuming to withdraw the application in case of emergency. Contact the consulate via email in such a case.

Immigration and Customs

Brazil Tourist Visa Requirements - Brazil Travel

Some airlines do not let you check in online if you need a visa to travel to the destination country. If you check in online or at the airport, either way, make sure to arrive at the gate a bit early and see the airline staff. They have to go through the visa requirements again and put a “Docs OK” stamp on your boarding pass.

Usually, everyone will be given a 90-day entry. Carry a copy of your return ticket and hotel/hostel booking for just in case. They may sometimes want to see a copy of your return ticket.

You also need to fill in an arrival/departure record which will be stamped and given back to you at the immigration and customs. Do not lose this, you will need to return this at the time of your departure. You will have to pay a fine if you lose this.

Make sure you have your arrival/departure record with you. You will go through the immigration again at the time of your departure. You need to return your arrival/departure record at this time, else you need to pay a fine. Also, see the airline staff at the gate to get your documents verified.

You may have to go through immigration and customs on your return to your home country or the country you are flying back to. If you are flying back on a Boeing 777, expect long lines at the immigration and customs.

Brazil Tourist Visa Requirements - Sao Paulo Teatro Municipal

Brazil has all the scenic and cultural variety you can think of. From time-preserved colonial towns to world-class beaches, Brazil has everything. Brazil visa requirements are also fairly simple and clear. Application submission is online and processing is quicker as well.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from HeyMondo . HeyMondo offers a 5% discount to Visa Traveler readers (use the link above), and covers all medical and travel emergencies during your trip.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


United States USA Tourist Visa Image


United Kingdom UK Tourist Visa Image


Canada Tourist Visa Image


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