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Medication travel overrides and how students can get them

  • By Matt Lazzareschi

It can be stressful for students to manage their healthcare needs, including the need to maintain their medication regimen while traveling. Unfortunately, foregoing medications when traveling for things like a study abroad program or returning home between breaks is a common reality.

Here, we uncover what a travel override is and how Wellfleet can help ensure students have the medications they need while they’re traveling.

What is a travel override?

A travel override, also known as a prescription override for travel, is a request to fill a prescription prior to one’s next eligible fill date, or to receive a supply greater than their plan’s limit, due to upcoming international travel.

Who is eligible for a travel override?

Members traveling outside the country, who have an active student health insurance plan during the months of travel, are eligible for a travel override.

However, members traveling within the U.S. are generally not eligible for a travel override. This is due to the ease with which medicines may be moved to an in-network pharmacy in the location they are going.

To ensure there is no interruption, it’s a good idea for students traveling domestically to contact a pharmacy near their travel destination to ensure they are in-network and that the prescription can be transferred.

It’s important to note that controlled substances may be eligible for travel overrides within the United States; however, state-specific limitations will apply.

Ensure medications are legal in the host country before traveling abroad

Students should also be aware of whether their medication is permitted in the country they are traveling to. If they have medications that are illegal in that country (even when acquired lawfully in the United States) the medications may be confiscated, and the student could be jailed or deported. 1

So, before traveling overseas, students should always check with the embassy of the host country to find out if the medication is legal, how much they can carry, and what paperwork may be needed, like a prescription or physician’s note.

When should a travel override be requested?

It’s best to start the travel override request process five to ten days prior to the expected travel date. This is because an override may not be necessary as most prescriptions may be refilled after 75 percent has been used.

It’s always best for students to contact Wellfleet Rx to find out when their prescription is eligible for a refill and if the travel override is the best option.

While it’s nice to have additional medication for the unforeseen, students are typically only allowed the amount of medication needed for each day of travel. Further, the supply can only be provided during the period when their coverage is active.

When contacting Wellfleet, students will need some basic information to get started with the request, including:

  • Travel dates and destination
  • Medication name(s) and dosage
  • The quantity and days’ supply needed

With this information, Wellfleet Rx can quickly validate and approve the request. In fact, 99.6 percent of travel override requests are completed within one business day, and 87 percent are approved the same day. 2

For more information on how students can request a travel override, contact customer service at 877-640-7940.

While the cost of prescriptions can be challenging for some, find out how Wellfleet Rx plans can help students receive financial assistance to reduce the cost of their specialty medications .

1 CDC. (N.D.). Traveling abroad with medicine. Retrieved on November 7, 2022, from .

2 Wellfleet (2022). Travel override outcomes 2021. Retrieved November 7, 2022. Unpublished company document.

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©2024 Wellfleet Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wellfleet is the marketing name used to refer to the insurance and administrative operations of Wellfleet Insurance Company, Wellfleet New York Insurance Company, and Wellfleet Group, LLC. All insurance products are administered or managed by Wellfleet Group, LLC. Product availability is based upon business and/or regulatory approval and may differ among companies.

Travel Medications FAQ

Q: what is a vaction override / travel supply.

A: A vacation override or travel supply is a request to have a prescription filled early or for more than a thirty (30) or ninety (90) day supply. This request is usually made when the patient will not have enough medication while they are traveling.

Q: Who is eligible for an override?

A: Any patient can request a vacation/travel supply.

Q: What information is needed to process a vacation override / travel suppy?

A: Patient should fill out the "Prescription Override Worksheet" available from the pharmacy. (downloadable PDF available below) The patient should make sure they know how much medication will be needed to have a sufficient supply of medication while gone.

  • Prescription-Override-Worksheet.pdf

Q: How many months can be requested?

A: Most insurance benefits allow for an unlimited number of months up to 1 year. MSU Caremark allows 2 vacation overrides per patient per year. If the patient needs more than an available 3 months supply, they should reach out to the insurance to request the desired supply needed. The pharmacy staff can assist the patient in determining if a call to the insurance is needed.

Q: How long does it take to process the override?

A: The pharmacy asks for 5 business days to complete all overrides.

Q: When should I put in my request?

A: It is recommended to start the override process 2 weeks before your departure. This ensures the patient is not leaving for vacation without the medications they need.

Q: How do I know when my override request has been completed?

A: The pharmacy has several methods to contact patients when prescriptions are ready. Auto text messages, auto phone calls and emails can be sent to the patient when all prescriptions are ready. If the patient is enrolled in our “SyncRx” program, they will receive a personal phone call from one of our pharmacist.

Q: Are there any exclusions that may apply?

A: There are some exclusions that may apply. Some insurance carriers may not allow for more than the standard refill amount. Some insurances require their patients to transfer prescriptions to the area they are traveling. There are also medications that may not be eligible for early refill. Controlled substances and other insurance defined “non-essential” medications may not be available for early refill or vacation supply amounts. The pharmacy staff can assist patients in determining if any of these exclusions apply.

cvs travel override

Get Pharmacy Advice

Holistic health advice from real pharmacists, how to get medications if going on vacation.

How do I get my medication if I’ll be going out of town and will be away from my favorite pharmacy?

This is a very popular question at the pharmacy…it’s prime travel time right now!  Have no fear, there’s an option or two for you depending on specific travel plans.

First, you may want to determine if your insurance will pay for your medication before you hit the road (or air).  This will save you a lot of worry about how you’re going to get your next refill.  Most insurances will  pay for your prescription a good 5 to 7 days before it’s due!  You can find this information by calling your insurance company or having the pharmacy process a refill for the medication in question.

If you’ll be taking off before your insurance will pay for your medication, give your insurance carrier a call to see if they’ll allow for a vacation override.  If you’re traveling within the country, you may find that an override will not be issued because you can easily get the prescription transferred to a pharmacy in the area of your destination.

If you get your prescriptions at one of the various major retail pharmacy chains, you’ve got it made.  This is because these companies have pharmacies all over the country and every pharmacy within a particular company (i.e.  Rite Aid Pharmacy) is connected by internet…a pharmacy on one side of the country can pull your prescription from the pharmacy you use at home and fill it, so long as they are part of the same chain!

However, if you end up having to go to a pharmacy of a different company, have the pharmacist call your local pharmacy to transfer your prescription to the temporary location.  It’s an easy process and you can always have your local pharmacy call the temporary drugstore to get the prescription back once you return from your get-away.

There are certain laws that vary from state to state, especially with control substances so be patient with the pharmacy staff while they figure out how they can help you if a problem should arise!

Warning: based on many state laws, you may only be able to transfer your prescription for a control substance one time…meaning you won’t be able to transfer it back when you get home.  In this case, you would need to be prepared to get a new prescription from your physician!

Now, if you’re traveling abroad, your insurance will most likely issue you a vacation overide so you won’t run out of your medications while in another country.  The approval of an override may vary depending on the nature of the medication.  Some insurance companies require the pharmacy to call them for the override, so be sure to pass the word on to the pharmacy staff, if this is the case!  You may get a little resistance from the pharmacy staff (the unfortunate truth -some people work harder than others and some pharmacies are more hectic), but they’ll get over it! 🙂

If you’re calling the insurance company on your own, be prepared with the details of your travel plans (i.e. duration, destination, etc.) as the insurance company may need to document this before they’ll consider any vacation override requests.  If the pharmacy is making the call for you, leave your travel information with the staff so they can pass the info on to the insurance representative.

Here’s a special request I have of you: allow ample time for the pharmacy staff to call the insurance to get the override.  Being patient and coming back later in the day to pick up your medication will make for happy pharmacy employees, and you can bet there’ll be a greater willingness to help from the pharmacy people!

Oh yeah, and don’t wait until the last minute! 🙂

Got it? E-mail me at [email protected] .  Don’t want to? Then definitely leave a comment below.

Wanna free-up some money for your trip?  Check out our free video course on how to save money on your prescription medications.  You can use the money saved for the fun stuff while you’re away!

Have a great trip!

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I think you owe it be more specific. HAWAII for example …to soak more money from tourists…. has a law that ONLY HAWAIIAN LOCATED DOCTORS CAN WRITE AND you can then fill the prescription you need. They say to hell with the DOCTOR that is caring for you at home.

Vacation overrides are common. In CT. you can get 2 per year/ I have never had a problem yet and I go out of the country twice a year. I use CVS and I have MEDICARE & ANTHEM BC/POS.

Recently I phoned and immediately got a vacation overide from Cigna Home Delivery. I did not need to provide an itinerary, and, it is my privacy issues to where an for how long I travel anyway !!!!! My overide was delivered within 4 days. A few days later my wife phoned to get a vacation overide from Cigna Home Delivery and got the run around. One office phones another office and then again and again and the itinerary is brought up. Why are these people on their little power trips able to affect the travel plans and medication insurances of senior citizens???? Cigna Home Delivery needs a top down cleaning of the dead wood.!!

THANK YOU for your help!!!! I am completely lost when it comes to asking for a vacation override!!! Your outline has helped me know how to start!!!!

I’ve been wondering what you would do about medication if you’re going abroad for a vacation. That’s nice that your insurance company an issue a vacation override. It’s nice to not have to worry about running out of your medication.

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FDA approves over-the-counter syphilis test amid national and Spokane County surge

Amid a local and national surge of syphilis, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration this month approved an over-the-counter test for the sexually transmitted infection.

While some may believe it is a disease of the past, syphilis is more prevalent in the United States than any time since the 1950s. Between 2018 and 2022, cases of the disease rose by more than 80% across the country, according to the CDC. In Spokane County, cases of syphilis rose last year to the highest level seen in at least two decades, Spokane County Regional disease investigation specialist Kirsten Duncan said.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that can be spread whenever sexual contact occurs. The disease can have serious long-term health impacts if untreated. Individuals with the disease can be cured from it through a course of penicillin.

Last week, the FDA approved the first at-home, over-the-counter test to detect syphilis in human blood. Completed in 15 minutes, the “First To Know Syphilis Test” works with a pinprick of blood.

“We continue to see advancements in tests, particularly tests for sexually transmitted infections, which can give patients more information about their health from the privacy of their own home,” said Michelle Tarver, acting director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, in a statement.

Last year, the FDA similarly approved an at-home over-the-counter test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Celebrating the approval of their company’s product, NOWDiagnostics CEO Rob Weigle said in a prepared statement that the test will increase the pace of slowed efforts to combat the increasingly prevalent disease.

“Testing is one of the most important tools we have in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections, and for the first time ever, consumers now have a fast and simple syphilis test that can be performed in the privacy of one’s home, with a result in minutes,” Weigle said.

According to a NOWDiagnostics spokesperson, the tests will be sold at the retail price of $29.98.

The at-home test does not preclude the need for further confirmation of syphilis. Should it be positive, those taking the test should see their doctor for a second opinion and treatment.

The at-home tests recently approved and the usual tests done by a medical provider with a blood draw can have false negatives. It typically takes 90 days from the point of exposure before a patient is more likely to test positive, Duncan said.

The FDA indicated the at-home test may be helpful to those who believe they may have been exposed to syphilis but feel embarrassment over a sexually transmitted infection.

“Access to home tests may help increase initial screening for syphilis, including in individuals who may be reluctant to see their health care provider about possible sexually transmitted infection exposure. This can lead to increased lab testing to confirm diagnosis, which can result in increased treatment and reduction in the spread of infection,” Tarver said in a statement.

That is a relevant concern for many patients in Spokane who may consider having an STI a moral failing even when their physician does not, Duncan said.

“There can be a lot of fear around going to a health care provider and saying that you think you might have been exposed. And so having this option to do this at home can be a great option and feel like lower stakes for people,” she said.

Syphilis tests are generally available at low cost with insurance, she added. The Spokane Regional Health District can conduct syphilis tests for those uninsured or otherwise unable to receive a test through their primary care physician. This service is prioritized for those who may be at a higher risk for the disease, such as drug users and those without housing.

A sign to look out for indicating you may need a test are open sores where sexual contacts occurs. Other symptoms include a nonitchy rash on your stomach, arms, feet or legs and a wart-like growth in the genital area.

The most important sign is when these symptoms do not go away and continue to persist for months at a time.

“It’s usually there for three to six weeks, and so if you have this open sore that’s not getting better, that’s a really good time to go in and get tested for syphilis,” Duncan said.

Syphilis in Spokane

Before 2016, few individuals in the Spokane area were infected by the sexually transmitted disease. But the disease has seen a precipitous rise in recent years – from 59 cases in 2015 to 379 cases in 2023.

Last year is the highest number of cases on record, according to the health district and a 60% increase in infectious cases from 2022. Syphilis cases this year remain high but at a similar pace to those seen last year, Duncan said.

For much of syphilis’ rise of the past decade, Spokane County has led the state in diagnosed cases. But in recent years, other areas of Washington have had higher rates of syphilis transmission.

While case rates were rising in Spokane, there were 9.2 syphilis cases per 100,000 residents statewide in 2017, according to a 2021 report from the Washington State Department of Health. That number remained relatively constant through 2020 until statewide figures jumped to 19.2 cases per 100,000 in 2021 – compared to just 10.9 per 100,000 a year earlier.

Guidance on syphilis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that men who have sex with men get tested for syphilis annually or up to every three months, depending on their risk factors. In 2021, the Spokane Regional Health District changed its local recommendation, urging all sexually active, nonmonogamous individuals be tested annually – in part because of a rise in cases among those who engage in unprotected heterosexual sex.

The health district is paying closest attention to the rise of congenital syphilis, which is spread from a pregnant person to their fetus. While adults can be treated for syphilis, the disease causes stillbirth or miscarriage in a fifth of cases and there is an additional 9% chance that the infant will die within the first month of their life. Children who survive are at risk of long-lasting symptoms.

The number of congenital cases of syphilis has tripled from 2022 to 2023, Duncan said.

Earlier this year, the health district put up a number of billboards across the city to raise awareness about syphilis, especially among those who are or could become pregnant.

“Syphilis could harm your baby,” reads one of the billboards.

“Your rash and sore might be syphilis,” reads another.

Health district spokesperson Kelli Hawkins said the billboards “caused a lot of discussion” and reaction to them was “decidedly mixed.”

“It made us happy that it got people talking, because that’s what they were meant to do,” Hawkins said.

Duncan said the awareness from the signs was needed because many at risk in Spokane do not believe syphilis is a threat to them.

“The data is really showing that syphilis is impacting everyone across the board in Spokane who is sexually active,” she said. “But we were hearing from our health care providers that they would offer a test and the patient would decline because they don’t think its a concern, it’s something that’s not around anymore. And that is the furthest from the truth.”

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  1. Vacation exception/override

    Once you are cleared with insurance, if the claim doesn't go through, pharmacy needs to call insurance for override. Long hold time is not an excuse to not provide service. Ask them nicely. Or you can get a hold of insurance and have them call the pharmacy. 7.

  2. Meds for Vacation : r/CVS

    TIA. It also depends on your insurance provider. They may need proof, Itinerary or Travel Plans, and then need to authorize the vacation override. Control scripts are the harder scripts to get overridden for vacations. Plus people assume the date filled is the starting point for renewal. Most insurance base renewal on date picked up and paid ...


    If you try to fill a prescription before reaching your refill allowance, your claim will be rejected as "refill too soon". There are some situations, however, when an override will be granted, such as in the event of a natural disaster, a stolen prescription, active military duty, travel or vacation. To request an override, please call the ...

  4. How to Get a Prescription Refilled Early

    The process of requesting an early refill involves some back-and-forth between your pharmacist and your insurance company, and may sometimes involve your provider. For this reason, you should ask ...

  5. Accessing Care While Traveling

    Your Drugs. There are several ways to get your prescription while you are away from home: Request a vacation override, allowing you to pick up your prescription drug early (up to a 90-day supply) by calling CVS Caremark ® at (844) 740-0635; members are eligible for one vacation override per prescription within a six-month period; standard cost ...

  6. Vacation override : r/PharmacyTechnician

    As someone who operated from both sides of the phone (retail tech/insurance tech), it is easier to work with the pharmacy, but either will do (edit: most of the time, if it is controlled, you better bet your bippy we need to talk to the pharmacist). The main concern is that the patient be aware of and respect the vacation supply override ...

  7. PDF Prescription Drug FAQs

    override. You can contact CVS Caremark at 855-298-2488 to request a vacation override. Please note that because the pharmacy is legally required to have a valid prescription on hand, you may need to have your doctor call in a prescription to the pharmacy. They cannot fill a prescription based on an override alone.

  8. Long Trip & Prescriptions

    Determine which will run out during your trip. -- Bring your list of the prescriptions that'll "run out" to your pharmacy. -- You may need to get a letter from your PCP authorizing "early refills." The pharmacy might demand that letter/permission from your doctor. -- Be prepared to show the pharmacy proof of your travel plans.

  9. PDF 2022 Summary of Benefits

    before you leave the U.S. You can request a vacation override for up to a 90-day supply of your medication. If you are traveling outside of the country and have an emergency drug expense, submit your itemized receipt with the completed SilverScript claim form to the GIC at P.O. Box 556, Randolph, MA 02368.

  10. Medication travel overrides and how students can get them

    In fact, 99.6 percent of travel override requests are completed within one business day, and 87 percent are approved the same day. 2. For more information on how students can request a travel override, contact customer service at 877-640-7940. While the cost of prescriptions can be challenging for some, find out how Wellfleet Rx plans can help ...

  11. Travel Medications FAQ

    A: Most insurance benefits allow for an unlimited number of months up to 1 year. MSU Caremark allows 2 vacation overrides per patient per year. If the patient needs more than an available 3 months supply, they should reach out to the insurance to request the desired supply needed. The pharmacy staff can assist the patient in determining if a ...

  12. How to Get Medications if Going on Vacation

    You can find this information by calling your insurance company or having the pharmacy process a refill for the medication in question. If you'll be taking off before your insurance will pay for your medication, give your insurance carrier a call to see if they'll allow for a vacation override. If you're traveling within the country, you ...

  13. Accessing and Managing Care While Traveling

    To ensure an adequate supply of prescription drugs while traveling — especially for individuals taking maintenance drugs — members may request a vacation override, allowing them to get up to a 90-day supply early by calling CVS Caremark ® Customer Care at (844) 740-0635. One vacation override per prescription is available within a six ...

  14. What to expect when traveling with prescription medications

    In some instances, Humana's insurance plans give members a "vacation override" that allows them to refill a prescription early in advance of a trip. If you're going to be gone longer than 30 days and you're used to getting 30-day refills, check with your doctor or pharmacy about getting a 90-day refill to cover you while you're away ...

  15. PDF Benefits Handbook

    override. This will allow you to obtain your next refill early (you must have refills remaining on your prescription). You may also contact Customer Care at 1-888-217- 4161 for assistance. Using CVS Specialty for specialty medicines CVS Specialty Pharmacy is a full-service mail order pharmacy that provides home

  16. Facebook

    You may encounter a similar issue to refilling your medication early; therefore, the pharmacy may need to contact your insurance for a vacation override. If you travel often and this happens to you, my recommendation is to use large retail pharmacies because the process of transferring a prescription is generally much easier (e.g., Walgreens in ...

  17. Vacation over ride- controlled substance : r/CVS

    Usually the patient calls insurance and explains that they'll need a vacation override first, then when the script needs to be filled the pharmacy calls. It all depends on if the pharmacist wants to fill the medication early though.

  18. FDA approves over-the-counter syphilis test amid national and Spokane

    Amid a local and national surge of syphilis, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration this month approved an over-the-counter test for the sexually transmitted infection. While some may believe it is ...

  19. Vacation override : r/CVS

    Can anyone tell me the steps of vacation override cvs. Coins. 0 coins. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming ... and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Technology Travel Popular Posts Help Center ... r/CVS • 61 Vaccines, 560 rxs, 120 Durs sign off on and fill out, 40+ narcotics, 76 pcq calls, 18 c2 cycle counts ...