How Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue's Life

Tom Cruise smiling

Tom Cruise may have a certain reputation in the press , but he's typically known as the  quintessential professional on set. Still, sometimes he lets his guard down, like the time in 2020 when Cruise went viral for admonishing crew members who didn't abide by the COVID-19 rules on the set of "Mission Impossible 7." A leaked audio tape of Cruise's outburst made its way onto the internet. He could be heard saying (via The Sun ), "If I see you do it again, you're f***ing gone. And if anyone in this crew does it, that's it — and you too, and you too. And you, don't you ever f***ing do it again.They're back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us. We are creating thousands of jobs, you motherf***ers. That's it. No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their f***ing homes because our industry is shut down."

And while there's no doubt that Cruise is the kind of person who wants you to follow the rules — particularly when it comes to people's livelihoods, at least when it comes to COVID-19 safety guidelines — he also takes his role as an action hero just as seriously. In fact, the Hollywood star managed to save his co-star Elisabeth Shue's life in an incredibly scary near-accident to happen on set. Here's what happened.

Tom Cruise is an action hero on and off screen

Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue side by side

Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue's working relationship dates back to 1988, when they starred in the film "Cocktail." Shue played Cruise's love interest in the movie — but, she made sure to tell McCall in 1966 — not in real life. "They said I was having an affair with Tom Cruise during 'Cocktail,'" she recalled, calling the rumor "the most absurd thing I'd ever heard." They may not have been together romantically, but Cruise certainly cared about his co-star. In fact, he automatically went into action hero mode to save Shue's life.

Bill Bennett, a camera operator, recalled a moment when Cruise and Shue walked over to a helicopter to get notes for their next scene together. According to The Sun , Bennet wrote in a Facebook group called "Crew Stories"  that the chopper pilot kept the rotor going, which almost cost Shue her life. "The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly," he explained. But energized after receiving notes from the director, Shue began running towards the back of the chopper (where the blades are), and that's when Cruise "lunged after her, but only was able to grab her legs, tackling her to the ground."

Needless to say, Shue was shocked over what had just happened, but at the same time, grateful for someone like Cruise to react in the way that he did. Then again, this wasn't the first time Cruise has sprung to action to save someone from being severely injured on a movie set.

Tom Cruise was saving lives before he even knew it

Tom Cruise on a motorcycle

In April, Tom Cruise proved yet again that he doesn't just talk the talk, but walks the walk — saving a cameraman from falling off a moving train on the set of "Mission Impossible 7," according to the Daily Mail , which has photos of that exact moment. While Cruise is clearly quick on his feet when it comes to saving people from terrifying incidents, this is all in a day's work for someone like him.

While speaking to Cameron Crowe for Interview Magazine in 1986, back then Cruise had no idea what kind of impact he would have on people's lives, both on and off screen. He (via The Uncool ), "Let's face it, I'm not saving lives here. I feel fortunate, but this is just one aspect of my life. I love my work, but my family is very important to me, too. You pick up the paper and see that there are many things happening outside my little world." It's interesting to note that the movie star himself said that he "wasn't saving lives" — but did just that only two years later, and then again in 2021. 

Tom Cruise reportedly saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by spinning helicopter blades

  • Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue were shooting a helicopter scene for the 1988 film "Cocktail." 
  • During the shoot, Shue walked towards the helicopter's tail rotor, which can kill instantly.
  • Cruise lunged at Shue to stop her from walking into the spinning blades. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories .

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A camera operator who worked on the 1988 film "Cocktail" shared a dramatic behind-the-scenes story from the film's set where Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue's life by stopping her from walking into a spinning helicopter blade.

Bill Bennett, who is now a TV and commercial cinematographer, first shared the story on a private Facebook group dedicated to stories from film and TV sets called Crew Stories, The Sun newspaper reports . In the post, Bennett says that the crew was shooting an aerial scene from a helicopter. And after each take, they would briefly land the helicopter, and Cruise and Shue would approach to watch playback recordings and receive notes from the director.

As the helicopter would only be grounded for a few moments, Bennett said that the pilot would keep the tail rotor at the back of the helicopter running, but it was a no-go area because the blades appear invisible as they spin but "if you walk into it," he said, "it will kill you instantly." But one time after Cruise and Shue watched playback footage of a scene, Shue "took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter."

"Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but only was able to grab her legs, tackling her to the ground," Bennett said. "He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling 'Why did you do that?'

Bennett continued: "But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died. At that point, she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away. All of us in the helicopter were quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life."

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Insider has reached out to representatives for Shue for comment.

Bennett said that in 1987 when the incident took place, "mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done." 

"If it were the current day, there would've been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters," he said.

The Sun also reports that this story was spotted by writer Mike Timm, who sent it onto "Mission Impossible" director Christopher McQuarrie who confirmed the story with Cruise.

This isn't the first time reports of Cruise saving a life on a film set have been made public. Last week, it was reported that the "Top Gun" actor rescued a cameraman who slipped from the carriage of a moving train while filming "Mission: Impossible 7" in the UK.

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How Elisabeth Shue Was Almost Killed While Filming With Tom Cruise

Elisabeth Shue

Elisabeth Shue spent a substantial part of the 1980s playing iconic love interests, thanks to the decade-spanning Hollywood casting policy now known as "if the Shue fits." There was always plenty of danger on screen, what with the Biff Tannens and Johnny Lawrences inherent in the time period, but on at least one occasion, her life was put into very real peril due to a helicopter and an overabundance of enthusiasm.

The Sun  reported on the story after Bill Bennett, an uncredited aerial camera operator on the 1988 film "Cocktail," starring Shue as waitress and aspiring artist Jordan Mooney and Tom Cruise as newbie bartender Brian Flanagan, relayed it in a post in the Facebook group Crew Stories. 

"I witnessed Tom Cruise save Elisabeth Shue's life, for real," Bennett wrote. "We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elisabeth are riding horses along the beach. We were shooting film, but I had a video recorder in the helicopter to record the camera's video tap images."

Bennett went on to explain that the helicopter would land in between takes so that everyone involved could get a look at the footage and make adjustments. For the sake of time, the helicopter's rear rotor was left spinning, which left it both functionally invisible and entirely deadly. "It is a totally 'no go' area when working around helicopters," Bennett helpfully explained.

He continued, "So, after we had landed for the second or third time, Tom and Elisabeth came over. I opened the side door of the helicopter and they leaned in to watch the shot on the monitor. The director gave them a couple notes, and Elisabeth, getting quite excited, took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter."

Tom Cruise, Elisabeth Shue, and the subtle art of life-saving body slams

Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue

At this point, Tom Cruise clocked the danger and sprung into action, employing a physical restraint maneuver to be referred to henceforth as "Cruise control:" He tackled Elisabeth Shue and dropped her to the ground, saving her life in the process.

"Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but only was able [to] grab her legs, tackling her to the ground. He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling 'Why did you do that?' But by that time, he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died," Bill Bennett explained in his post. "At that point she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away."

Bennett noted that the near-death situation frazzled everyone's nerves, but they were all thankful that Cruise was there to save Shue from danger: "All of us in the helicopter, we're quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life."

As the Sun reported, this story made its way back to Cruise on the set of "Mission: Impossible 7," and he confirmed it was true. Thank goodness the superstar was so on the ball — the loss of his co-star would have left some big Shues to fill.

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Tom Cruise reportedly saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by spinning helicopter blades

Zac ntim   .

Tom Cruise reportedly saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by spinning helicopter blades

  • Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue were shooting a helicopter scene for the 1988 film " Cocktail ."
  • During the shoot, Shue walked towards the helicopter's tail rotor, which can kill instantly.
  • Cruise lunged at Shue to stop her from walking into the spinning blades.

A camera operator who worked on the 1988 film "Cocktail" shared a dramatic behind-the-scenes story from the film's set where Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue's life by stopping her from walking into a spinning helicopter blade.

Bill Bennett, who is now a TV and commercial cinematographer, first shared the story on a private Facebook group dedicated to stories from film and TV sets called Crew Stories, The Sun newspaper reports . In the post, Bennett says that the crew was shooting an aerial scene from a helicopter. And after each take, they would briefly land the helicopter, and Cruise and Shue would approach to watch playback recordings and receive notes from the director.

As the helicopter would only be grounded for a few moments, Bennett said that the pilot would keep the tail rotor at the back of the helicopter running, but it was a no-go area because the blades appear invisible as they spin but "if you walk into it," he said, "it will kill you instantly." But one time after Cruise and Shue watched playback footage of a scene, Shue "took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter."

"Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but only was able to grab her legs, tackling her to the ground," Bennett said. "He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling 'Why did you do that?'

Bennett continued: "But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died. At that point, she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away. All of us in the helicopter were quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life."

Insider has reached out to representatives for Shue for comment.

Bennett said that in 1987 when the incident took place, "mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done."

"If it were the current day, there would've been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters," he said.

The Sun also reports that this story was spotted by writer Mike Timm, who sent it onto "Mission Impossible" director Christopher McQuarrie who confirmed the story with Cruise.

This isn't the first time Cruise has saved a life on a film set. Last week, it was reported that the "Top Gun" actor rescued a cameraman who slipped from the carriage of a moving train while filming "Mission: Impossible 7" in the UK.


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Tom Cruise saved co-star Elisabeth Shue’s life by tackling her moments before she walked into spinning helicopter blade

  • Chris White
  • Published : 7:54 ET, Apr 27 2021
  • Updated : 8:55 ET, Apr 27 2021
  • Published : Invalid Date,

TOM Cruise turned real life superhero by saving his co-star's life when he tackled her to the ground moments before she was about to walk into a "deadly" spinning helicopter blade.

In a scene more in keeping with his fighter pilot film Top Gun, the Hollywood actor allowed Elisabeth Shue to cheat death on the set of comedy-drama movie Cocktail by rushing to her rescue.

Tom Cruise leapt into action to save Elisabeth Shue's life on the set of Cocktail as she was about to walk into a spinning blade

The actress was unaware of the protocol when getting out of a helicopter, as the rotor blades still furiously turn even after the pilot has turned off the engine.

But Tom - who even in 1987 was a fully trained chopper and jet pilot - averted the danger by rugby tackling her to the floor, avoiding certain instant death for Elisabeth.

Details of the dramatic incident - which happened 34 years ago when safety procedures weren’t as stringent - have only now come to light after the aerial camera operator on the set of the film, Bill Bennett ASC, revealed the story in a Facebook group called Crew Stories.

Remarkably, Tom got wind of Bill posting the tale online and confirmed it to be true.

The post was seen by writer Mike Timm, who sent it onto Mission Impossible director Christopher McQuarrie - who is currently filming the seventh installment with Tom.

Mike told Bill: "I sent this post to Christopher McQuarrie, who’s working with Tom on MI. He loved the story and, of course, Tom confirmed it."

Bill, now a top TV and commercial cinematographer, said the crew of the film Cocktail - which hit cinema screens in 1988 - were left "shaken up" by the "close call".

"I witnessed Tom Cruise save Elisabeth Shue’s life, for real," he said.

The tale of Tom saving Elisabeth's life on the set of Cocktail has only now come to light after the details were revealed by an aerial camera operator

"We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elisabeth are riding horses along the beach.  We were shooting film, but I had a video recorder in the helicopter to record the camera’s video tap images. 

"After a couple takes, the pilot would land the helicopter on the beach, and Tom and Elisabeth would come over to watch the shot recordings and get notes from the director. The only monitor was at my operating position in the left front seat of the helicopter."

Bill explained that because they would only be on the ground for a couple of minutes, the pilot would let the engine continue to run with the rotors turning.

"It was also quite loud, and you had to shout to be heard over the noise of the engine," he added.

"You have to know, when you are working around helicopters, that the area at the back of the helicopter, where the tail rotor is spinning, is deadly.

"The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly. It is a totally “no go“ area when working around helicopters.

"So, after we had landed for the second or third time, Tom and Elisabeth came over, I opened the side door of the helicopter and they leaned in to watch the shot on the monitor.

"The director gave them a couple notes, and Elisabeth, getting quite excited, took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter."

Bill said he was strapped in with a five point harness and so was unable to rush to her rescue, but frantically leaned out and screamed "stop".

"Just at that same moment that Tom saw where Elisabeth was going," he added.

Tom, pictured here in 2012 hit Jack Reacher, 'instantly saw the danger' when he co-star headed towards the spinning blades

"Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but only was able grab her legs, tackling her to the ground.

"He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling “Why did you do that?”

"But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died.

"At that point she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away.

"All of us in the helicopter, we’re quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life."

The shocking incident happened back in 1987, at a time when Bill says "mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done".

"If it were the current day, there would’ve been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters," he added.

And even more than three decades on, Tom continues to show his mettle by performing his own terrifying stunts on the set of Mission Impossible.

He and co-star Hayley Atwell were seen dashing along the roof of a moving train in a daring scene for the new movie being filmed in North Yorkshire.

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Tom Cruise rescued co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by a spinning helicopter blade

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A camera operator from 1988 film Cocktail has shared an incredible behind-the-scenes story that could have resulted in a freak accident, had it not been for Tom Cruise.

According to Bill Bennett, Cruise saved co-star Elisabeth Shue’s life when he tackled her to the ground moments before she was about to walk into a “deadly” spinning helicopter blade.

Details of the dramatic incident 33 years ago have come to light this week after the aerial camera operator posted the story in a Facebook group called Crew Stories.

Cruise – who would have been in his mid-20s at the time – has since confirmed it to be true, according to The Sun .

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Tom Cruise in 1988 film Cocktail. Picture: Supplied.

Bennett, who is now a top TV and commercial cinematographer, said the crew were left “shaken up” by the “close call”, explaining just how dangerous the situation was.

“I witnessed Tom Cruise save Elisabeth Shue’s life, for real,” he said.

“We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elisabeth are riding horses along the beach. We were shooting film, but I had a video recorder in the helicopter to record the camera’s video tap images.

“After a couple takes, the pilot would land the helicopter on the beach, and Tom and Elisabeth would come over to watch the shot recordings and get notes from the director. The only monitor was at my operating position in the left front seat of the helicopter.”

Bennett explained that given they were only intending to land for a few minutes, the pilot would let the engine continue to run with the blades still turning.

“It was also quite loud, and you had to shout to be heard over the noise of the engine,” he added.

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Elisabeth Shue was Cruise’s love interest in the film. Picture: Supplied.

“You have to know, when you are working around helicopters, that the area at the back of the helicopter, where the tail rotor is spinning, is deadly.

“The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly. It is a totally ‘no go’ area when working around helicopters.

“So, after we had landed for the second or third time, Tom and Elisabeth came over, I opened the side door of the helicopter and they leaned in to watch the shot on the monitor.

“The director gave them a couple notes, and Elisabeth, getting quite excited, took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter.”

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Shue recently starred in TV series The Boys. Picture: AP Photo.

Bennett explained that as he was strapped in a harness he was unable to reach out after her, but frantically leaned over and screamed “stop”, which was drowned out by the helicopter noise.

“Just at that same moment that Tom saw where Elisabeth was going,” he said.

“He lunged after her, but only was able grab her legs, tackling her to the ground.

“He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling ‘Why did you do that?’

“But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died.

“At that point she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away.

“All of us in the helicopter, we’re quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life.”

The incident occurred back in 1987, at a time when Bennett says “mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done”.

“If it were the current day, there would’ve been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters,” he added.

After the post gained traction on social media, writer Mike Timm sent it onto Mission Impossible director Christopher McQuarrie – who is currently filming the seventh instalment with Cruise.

Timm told Bennett, according to The Sun : “I sent this post to Christopher McQuarrie, who’s working with Tom on MI . He loved the story and, of course, Tom confirmed it.”

Cruise fell in love with aviation in 1986 while filming Top Gun shortly before he started work on Cocktail. He got his pilot license in 1994.

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Crew member shares moment Tom Cruise ‘saved co-star’s life after close call with spinning helicopter blades’ on set

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Tom Cruise on Mission:Impossible set.

Tom Cruise has been hailed a hero after a crew member on his 1988 film Cocktail shared the moment the star apparently ‘saved’ the life of co-star Elisabeth Shue.

The pair were filming scenes for the classic movie in Jamaica, with a helicopter capturing the lovers riding horses along a beach.

Bill Bennett, the man filming from the chopper, recalled the reported near-miss in a Facebook group, Crew Stories , which will make the hairs stick up on the back of your neck.

Writing in a Facebook post recently, Bill claimed he witnessed Tom ‘save Elisabeth Shue’s life for real’, after the actress came ‘feet’ away from walking into a helicopter’s spinning rotor blades – which can kill in an instant.

Remarkably, writer/director Mike Timm said he sent Bill’s message to Tom’s Mission:Impossible director Christopher McQuarrie, with the actor apparently ‘confirming’ it.

Bill told the group: ‘I was the aerial camera operator for the movie Cocktail.

Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue in Cocktail.

‘We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elizabeth are riding horses along the beach. We were shooting film, but I had a video recorder in the helicopter to record the camera’s video tap images. [sic]’

He explained the only monitor Tom and Elisabeth could use to see their scene in order to get notes on the next take was in the other seat of the helicopter, and as the chopper were only on the ground for a couple of minutes the engine would continue to run, with the rotors turning.

He went on: ‘You have to know, when you are working around helicopters, that the area at the back of the helicopter, where the tail rotor is spinning, is deadly. The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly. It is a totally “no go“ area when working around helicopter.

Elisabeth Shue And Tom Cruise In 'Cocktail'

‘So, after we had landed for the second or third time, Tom and Elizabeth came over, I opened the side door of the helicopter and they leaned in to watch the shot on the monitor. The Director gave them a couple notes, and Elizabeth, getting quite excited, took off suddenly, running towards the BACK of the helicopter.

‘I was strapped in with a five point harness, so I couldn’t do anything, but I leaned out and screamed, STOP!!” [sic].’

Bill said that at that same moment Tom saw where his co-star was going and, as a trained pilot in both airplanes and helicopters, he ‘immediately saw the danger’.

Tom Cruise on set of Mission:Impossible.

The cameraman wrote: ‘He lunged after her, but only was able grab her legs, tackling her to the ground.

‘He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling “Why did you do that?” But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died.

‘At that point she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away. All of us in the helicopter, we’re quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said.

‘Tom had, in that instant truly saved her life.’

It’s a hairy tale that garnered a massive response from members of the group – however, according to one, they were able to confirm the story with Tom, who is currently working on Mission: Impossible 7.

Sharing Tom’s reported backing of the story, Mike Timm wrote in one of the comments: ‘I sent this post to Christopher McQuarrie who’s working with Tom on MI. He loved the story and of course Tom confirmed it.’

While we’re yet to hear from Tom or Elisabeth on whether or not this is what went down, you have to admit it makes for a pretty great story in hindsight – now safe from the rotors. contacted reps of both Tom and Elisabeth for comment.

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Tom Cruise in Cocktail (1988)

A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love. A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love. A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.

  • Roger Donaldson
  • Heywood Gould
  • Bryan Brown
  • Elisabeth Shue
  • 162 User reviews
  • 67 Critic reviews
  • 12 Metascore
  • 5 wins & 6 nominations


Top cast 67

Tom Cruise

  • Brian Flanagan

Bryan Brown

  • Doug Coughlin

Elisabeth Shue

  • Jordan Mooney

Lisa Banes

  • Kerry Coughlin

Gina Gershon

  • (as Andrea Morse)

Chris Owens

  • (as Justin Louis)
  • Job Interviewer
  • (as Harvey Alperin)
  • (as Sandra Will Carradine)
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Did you know

  • Trivia Actress Gina Gershon stated in a podcast Interview that during their bed scene, Tom Cruise knew she was extremely ticklish and tickled her so hard, they both fell off the bed. It was, in fact, the take used in the movie.
  • Goofs When Doug falls down the stairs of the subway station he lands next to a puddle of water. In the next scene the puddle is not there anymore.

[Last Barman poem]

Brian : I am the last barman poet / I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make / Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake / The sex on the beach / The schnapps made from peach / The velvet hammer / The Alabama slammer. / I make things with juice and froth / The pink squirrel / The three-toed sloth. / I make drinks so sweet and snazzy / The iced tea / The kamakazi / The orgasm / The death spasm / The Singapore sling / The dingaling. / America you've just been devoted to every flavor I got / But if you want to got loaded / Why don't you just order a shot? / Bar is open.

  • Alternate versions Some TV versions have some alternate takes of some scenes with no harsh language, such as the scene when Brian and Doug have their bar fight.
  • Connections Featured in Siskel & Ebert: Tucker: The Man and His Dream/Vibes/Cocktail/Clean and Sober/Bagdad Cafe (1988)
  • Soundtracks All Shook Up Written by Elvis Presley and Otis Blackwell Performed and Produced by Ry Cooder Courtesy of Warner Bros. Records By Arrangement with Warner Special Products

User reviews 162

  • Jan 17, 2013
  • How long is Cocktail? Powered by Alexa
  • July 29, 1988 (United States)
  • United States
  • Spanish Sign Language
  • The Bartender
  • Dunn's River Falls, Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica
  • Touchstone Pictures
  • Silver Screen Partners III
  • Interscope Communications
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $20,000,000 (estimated)
  • $78,222,753
  • $11,789,466
  • Jul 31, 1988
  • $171,504,781

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 44 minutes
  • Dolby Stereo

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Tom Cruise in Cocktail (1988)

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The day Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by spinning helicopter blades

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The day Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by spinning helicopter blades

elisabeth shue tom cruise

In 1987 Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue’s life by stopping her from walking into a spinning helicopter blade on the set of comedy-drama movie Cocktail.

In 1987 Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue’s life by stopping her from walking into a spinning helicopter blade on the set of comedy-drama movie Cocktail, an aerial camera operator on the set of the film, Bill Bennett, recalled last April in a Facebook group called Crew Stories, The Sun newspaper reported.

Bennett explained that the crew was shooting an aerial scene from a helicopter. They would briefly land the helicopter after each take and Cruise and Shue would approach to watch playback recordings and receive notes from the director.

Bennett said that the pilot would keep the tail rotor at the back of the helicopter running as the helicopter would only be grounded for a few moments. the back of the helicopter was a no-go area because the blades appear invisible as they spin but “if you walk into it,” he said, “it will kill you instantly.” But one time after Cruise and Shue watched playback footage of a scene, Shue “took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter.”

Cruise, who in 1987 was already a fully trained chopper and jet pilot, averted the danger by rugby tackling her to the floor, avoiding certain instant death for Shue.

“Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but only was able to grab her legs, tackling her to the ground,” Bennett said. “He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling ‘Why did you do that?’

Bennett continued: “But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died. At that point, she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away. All of us in the helicopter were quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life.”

In 1987 when the incident took place, “mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done,” Bennett recalled.

“If it were the current day, there would’ve been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters,” he said.

The day Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by spinning helicopter blades

This story was spotted by writer Mike Timm, who sent it onto “Mission Impossible” director Christopher McQuarrie who confirmed the story with Cruise, The Sun also reported.

According to Insider , this isn’t the first time reports of Cruise saving a life on a film set have been made public. In April in fact, it was reported that a cameraman who slipped from the carriage of a moving train while filming “Mission: Impossible 7” in the UK was saved by the “Top Gun” actor .

Top Gun: Maverick , the sequel to the 1986 action drama that sees Tom Cruise reprising his role as Pete Mitchell, is slated to hit the theaters on Nov. 19, 2021.

As already reported, Paramount Studios delayed “Top Gun: Maverick” from 2020 to this year in a dramatic shift in film release dates amid the surging coronavirus pandemic .

Top Gun 2 which Paramount had already been delayed because of the COVID-19 crisis from Jun. 24 to Dec. 23, 2020, had been delayed again from Jul. 2 to Nov. 19, 2021.

The internet was set ablaze on Dec. 16, 2019 when the latest trailer of Top Gun: Maverick debuted (the first one was released on Jul. 18, 2019).

The two-minute trailer boasts blockbuster scenes with Maverick taking to the skies in F/A-18 Super Hornet , F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft and an ‘Area 51’-type jet .

Facing an uncertain future and confronting the ghosts of his past, Maverick is drawn into a confrontation with his own deepest fears, culminating in a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those who will be chosen to fly it.

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Photo credit: Paramount and Buena Vista Pictures

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How Tom Cruise saved co-star Elisabeth Shue’s life from spinning helicopter blade

Tom Cruise

While filming comedy-drama Cocktail in 1987, Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from certain death, according to aerial camera operator Bill Bennett ASC .

In a Facebook group called Crew Stories, Bennett recalled the moment he saw Cruise turn into a real-life superhero when he saved Shue from a moving helicopter blade.

According to The Sun , Timm told Bennett, “I sent this post to Christopher McQuarrie, who’s working with Tom on MI. He loved the story and, of course, Tom confirmed it.”

Bennet’s post read, “We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elisabeth are riding horses along the beach. We were shooting film, but I had a video recorder in the helicopter to record the camera’s video tape images,”

He continued, “After a couple of takes, the pilot would land the helicopter on the beach, and Tom and Elisabeth would come over to watch the shot recordings and get notes from the director. The only monitor was at my operating position in the left front seat of the helicopter.”

Bennett explained that because the helicopter would only be on the ground for a couple of minutes, the pilot left the engine to run with the rotors still turning.

“It was also quite loud, and you had to shout to be heard over the noise of the engine,” he added.

Bennett went on, “You have to know, when you are working around helicopters, that the area at the back of the helicopter, where the tail rotor is spinning, is deadly.”

The tail rotor would have killed the Karate Kid star instantly

“The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly. It is a totally “no go” area when working around helicopters,” explained Bennett.

After they watched playback footage of a scene, Shue “took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter.”

Bennett, who was unable to rescue her due to being strapped in with a five-point harness, recalled frantically leaning out as he screamed, “Stop!”

“Just at that same moment that Tom saw where Elisabeth was going,” he added.

“Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but was only able to grab her legs, tackling her to the ground.”

“He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling “Why did you do that?”

Allegedly, Cruise then pointed toward the tail rotor while “screaming that she almost died.”

In the 1980s, ‘mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done’

Bennett recalled, “At that point, she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away.”

Bennett went on to say that because the incident happened back in 1987, “mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done.”

“If it were the current day, there would’ve been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters,” he added.

Over three decades later, Cruise has continued to save lives as he also recently rescued a cameraman who slipped from a moving train while filming Mission: Impossible 7 .


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That Time Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue from a Helicopter Rotor

Turns out tom cruise may really be ethan hunt. .


We often see Tom Cruise kicking ass and saving the world on screen, but recently a story was confirmed about him saving his co-star in real life. Think back to the 1988 movie Cocktail . Yeah, that wasn't a big action movie, but it still had some danger. 

Cruise starred in the movie with Elisabeth Shue. And according to a new report from  The Sun , the aerial camera operator Bill Bennett, who worked on Cocktail , wrote about the heroic act on Facebook. It's been reported that Cruise confirmed this with Mission: Impossible  director Christopher McQuarrie.

Head over to  The Sun’s website  to read the full account, but here are the highlights. 

“We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elisabeth are riding horses along the beach,” Bennett wrote. “After a couple takes, the pilot would land the helicopter on the beach, and Tom and Elisabeth would come over to watch the shot recordings and get notes from the director. The only monitor was at my operating position in the left front seat of the helicopter... The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly. It is a totally 'no go' area when working around helicopters."

So Cruise and Shue watch the playback of the scene and then Shue “took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter.”

“Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger,” Bennett wrote. “He lunged after her, but only was able to grab her legs, tackling her to the ground… At that point she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away. All of us in the helicopter, we’re quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life.”

Thankfully, Cruise's tackle saved Shue's life, the movie went on shooting, and the story was virtually forgotten for the last 34 years until the Facebook post brought it up. 

It sounds like an exceptionally close call and is another moment in the lore of Tom Cruise. 

Let us know what you think in the comments. 

'Cuckoo' and 'The Nice Guys' Producer Ken Kao Wants More Mid-Budget Films

“trust your taste, trust what you're trying to say to people, and trust your instincts.”.

How can you break into the film industry? Especially if you're not in Hollywood or you come from a different profession, like law for instance. Is thick skin essential? Can you balance business with creativity?

If you're pondering any or all of these thoughts our latest podcast is here to help. In this episode, we chat with producer Ken Kao, co-founder of Waypoint Entertainment, where he shares insights on these topics, some of his personal experiences, and his experience on some recent projects.

Ken’s latest feature, Cuckoo , written and directed by Tilman Singer, stars Hunter Schafer, Dan Stevens, and Jessica Henwick and premiered at the 2024 Berlin International Film Festival. It's currently in theaters.

With a diverse portfolio spanning films everywhere from indie darling Mid-90s to Academy Award-winning The Favorite and The Nice Guys (featuring Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe), Ken's expertise and vision have shaped much of the landscape of modern cinema.

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In today’s episode, No Film School’s GG Hawkins speaks with Ken Kao, co-founder of Waypoint Entertainment and producer of some of the hottest films of 2024, to discuss:

  • How Ken started in the industry, moving from lawyer to producer without film school
  • Advice for emerging filmmakers and indie producers
  • The Waypoint x Neon partnership and the opportunity in mid-budget films
  • How he selects projects, being a genre-agnostic producer
  • How Waypoint stays nimble and adaptive in the ever-changing industry
  • What every producer or aspiring producer should be consuming and Ken’s media diet beyond movies
  • Living in Hawaii and maintaining distance from Hollywood
  • His latest feature, Cuckoo , by Tilman Singer, starring Hunter Schafer, Dan Stevens, and Jessica Henwick
  • Waypoint’s involvement in the release of Longlegs , directed by Osgood Perkins and starring Nicolas Cage and Maika Monroe
  • Other projects currently in development

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elisabeth shue tom cruise

Tom Cruise saved co-star Elisabeth Shue’s life by tackling her moments before she walked into spinning helicopter blade

  • Chris White
  • Published : 12:40, 27 Apr 2021
  • Updated : 13:29, 27 Apr 2021
  • Published : Invalid Date,

TOM Cruise turned real life superhero by saving his co-star's life when he tackled her to the ground moments before she was about to walk into a "deadly" spinning helicopter blade.

In a scene more in keeping with his fighter pilot film Top Gun, the Hollywood actor allowed Elisabeth Shue to cheat death on the set of comedy-drama movie Cocktail by rushing to her rescue.

Tom Cruise leapt into action to save Elisabeth Shue's life on the set of Cocktail as she was about to walk into a spinning blade

The actress was unaware of the protocol when getting out of a helicopter, as the rotor blades still furiously turn even after the pilot has turned off the engine.

But Tom - who even in 1987 was a fully trained chopper and jet pilot - averted the danger by rugby tackling her to the floor, avoiding certain instant death for Elisabeth.

Details of the dramatic incident - which happened 34 years ago when safety procedures weren’t as stringent - have only now come to light after the aerial camera operator on the set of the film, Bill Bennett ASC, revealed the story in a Facebook group called Crew Stories.

Remarkably, Tom got wind of Bill posting the tale online and confirmed it to be true.

The post was seen by writer Mike Timm, who sent it onto Mission Impossible director Christopher McQuarrie - who is currently filming the seventh installment with Tom.

Mike told Bill: "I sent this post to Christopher McQuarrie, who’s working with Tom on MI. He loved the story and, of course, Tom confirmed it."

Bill, now a top TV and commercial cinematographer, said the crew of the film Cocktail - which hit cinema screens in 1988 - were left "shaken up" by the "close call".

"I witnessed Tom Cruise save Elisabeth Shue’s life, for real," he said.

The tale of Tom saving Elisabeth's life on the set of Cocktail has only now come to light after the details were revealed by an aerial camera operator

"We were filming the scene from a helicopter, where Tom and Elisabeth are riding horses along the beach.  We were shooting film, but I had a video recorder in the helicopter to record the camera’s video tap images. 

"After a couple takes, the pilot would land the helicopter on the beach, and Tom and Elisabeth would come over to watch the shot recordings and get notes from the director. The only monitor was at my operating position in the left front seat of the helicopter."

Bill explained that because they would only be on the ground for a couple of minutes, the pilot would let the engine continue to run with the rotors turning.

"It was also quite loud, and you had to shout to be heard over the noise of the engine," he added.

"You have to know, when you are working around helicopters, that the area at the back of the helicopter, where the tail rotor is spinning, is deadly.

"The rotor is invisible when it is spinning, and if you walk into it, it will kill you instantly. It is a totally “no go“ area when working around helicopters.

"So, after we had landed for the second or third time, Tom and Elisabeth came over, I opened the side door of the helicopter and they leaned in to watch the shot on the monitor.

"The director gave them a couple notes, and Elisabeth, getting quite excited, took off suddenly, running towards the back of the helicopter."

Bill said he was strapped in with a five point harness and so was unable to rush to her rescue, but frantically leaned out and screamed "stop".

"Just at that same moment that Tom saw where Elisabeth was going," he added.

Tom, pictured here in 2012 hit Jack Reacher, 'instantly saw the danger' when he co-star headed towards the spinning blades

"Tom is a pilot, rated in both airplanes and helicopters, and instantly saw the danger. He lunged after her, but only was able grab her legs, tackling her to the ground.

"He rolled her over, dragging her at the same time, and you could see the momentary anger on her face while she was yelling “Why did you do that?”

"But by that time he is pointing at the tail rotor which is now a couple feet away, screaming at her that she almost died.

"At that point she turned white, and he pulled her back towards the front of the helicopter and they walked away.

"All of us in the helicopter, we’re quite shaken up by the close call, but there was nothing to be said. Tom had, in that instant, truly saved her life."

The shocking incident happened back in 1987, at a time when Bill says "mandatory safety meetings were not commonly done".

"If it were the current day, there would’ve been a very formal safety meeting that would take place before the helicopter ever arrived, discussing all the dangers of working around helicopters," he added.

And even more than three decades on, Tom continues to show his mettle by performing his own terrifying stunts on the set of Mission Impossible.

He and co-star Hayley Atwell were seen dashing along the roof of a moving train in a daring scene for the new movie being filmed in North Yorkshire.

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Dressed in black, Tom, 58, was pictured running over a bed of coals for his return to the role of Ethan Hunt, an agent of the Impossible Missions Force, in the Christopher McQuarrie directed flick.


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Hayley, who is 20 years his junior, also appeared more than capable as she grappled with the shaky train – having already had some action experience from her time as Peggy Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Sun revealed in December that the thrill-seeking pair  had been secretly dating  after being spotted holding hands at a London screening.

Elisabeth Shue

Award-winning actress Elisabeth Shue has starred in 'The Karate Kid,' 'Leaving Las Vegas' and 'CSI.'

Elisabeth Shue

Who Is Elisabeth Shue?

Elisabeth Shue began acting in TV commercials as a teen. Her first film was 1984's The Karate Kid . She followed up that success with the lead role in Adventures in Babysitting (1987). Shue was nominated for an Academy Award for the 1995 drama Leaving Las Vegas . More recently, she starred in the TV crime drama CSI from 2011 to 2015.

Born on October 6, 1963, Shue grew up with three brothers, William, Andrew and John, in South Orange, New Jersey. Shue was an athlete, competing with her brothers on the soccer field. She later became a gymnast.

While a student at Columbia High School, Shue started her acting career. Her first part was in a Burger King commercial when she was 16 years old, and she landed more advertising work soon after. She attended Wellesley College after graduating from high school in 1981.

Popular Film Star

In 1984, Shue made her film debut in the box office hit The Karate Kid . She played Ali, the love interest of the title character Daniel (played by Ralph Macchio ), in the movie. With 1987's Adventures in Babysitting , Shue moved from a supporting to a starring role as the heroic babysitter in this popular comedy. The following year, she shared the screen with Tom Cruise in Cocktail . Shue suffered a tremendous personal loss around this time. Her older brother William died in an accident during a family vacation. Shue told Biography magazine that this tragedy changed her personal outlook. "What happened to Will taught me that human beings are fragile. His death taught me not to be afraid anymore of who I was."

Shue went on to appear in the two sequels of the hit sci-fi comedy Back to the Future in 1989 and 1990. Soon after her career slowed down until landing her breakthrough dramatic role in 1995's Leaving Las Vegas . She played a hooker named Sera who becomes involved with an alcoholic played by Nicolas Cage in the critically acclaimed drama. Shue told Entertainment Weekly that she "got lucky" when she landed this part. "If you're not a star, you usually don't even get to read for a role this complex and beautiful, let alone get it."

Shue won several awards for Leaving Las Vegas , including the Independent Spirit honor for best actress and also picked up her one and only Academy Award nomination thus far. She followed Leaving Las Vegas with The Trigger Effect (1996) and The Saint (1997) and the 1997 Woody Allen film Deconstructing Harry .

Later Career

In 2007, Shue brought a personal story to the big screen. She and her brother Andrew, a former actor who found fame as a cast member of the popular 1990s TV drama Melrose Place , produced the independent film Gracie . The movie follows a young girl who loses her older brother in a car accident. She then sets her sights on taking his place on their school's soccer team. Both Shue and Andrew acted in the film, which was based in part on their late brother William. The director was Shue's husband Davis Guggenheim, and her brother John was a co-producer.

After this deeply personal film, Shue chose an interesting mix of projects. She played a version of herself in the 2008 offbeat comedy Hamlet 2 and starred in the 2010 horror flick Piranha 3D . In 2011, Shue tried her luck on the small screen. She joined the cast of long-running TV crime drama CSI as Julie Finlay. She stayed with the crime drama until its cancellation in 2015. She also starred in the 2019 show The Boys .

Personal Life

Shue has been married to producer and director Guggenheim since 1994. The couple has three children, Miles, Stella and Agnes. In addition to acting, Shue is a devoted tennis player. She is also a graduate of Harvard University, having studied there off and on again until she officially earned her bachelor's degree in political science in 2000.


  • Name: Elisabeth Shue
  • Birth Year: 1963
  • Birth date: October 6, 1963
  • Birth State: Delaware
  • Birth City: Wilmington
  • Birth Country: United States
  • Gender: Female
  • Best Known For: Award-winning actress Elisabeth Shue has starred in 'The Karate Kid,' 'Leaving Las Vegas' and 'CSI.'
  • Astrological Sign: Libra
  • Wellesley College
  • Harvard University

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  • Last Updated: October 12, 2022
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elisabeth shue tom cruise

Cobra Kai's Elisabeth Shue, 57, who was in 1984's Karate Kid with Ralph Macchio, says she used to be 'too hard' on herself: 'I beat myself up!'

By Heidi Parker For

Published: 18:00 EDT, 22 January 2021 | Updated: 09:44 EDT, 25 January 2021

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Cobra Kai actress Elisabeth Shue cared too much about 'what other people thought' when she was younger.

The 57-year-old actress - whose first big-screen role came in The Karate Kid with Ralph Macchio in 1984 - has revealed the advice she'd give to herself at that stage in her life and career.

'I would tell her to not expect so much, and not care so much what other people thought of her,' she said while appearing on the ID10T with Chris Hardwick podcast. 'I think that was pretty detrimental to my soul, all those years of caring so much what people thought of you.'

The way she was: Cobra Kai actress Elisabeth Shue cared too much about 'what other people thought' when she was younger. Seen in 2017

The way she was: Cobra Kai actress Elisabeth Shue cared too much about 'what other people thought' when she was younger. Seen in 2017

Shue, who worked with Tom Cruise in Cocktail, added, 'I would tell her that, for sure.


elisabeth shue tom cruise

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'And then I would tell her that it's OK to just be who you are.

'To be somebody who's not caring about the business, to be somebody who doesn't know how to wear dresses properly and is clueless about all the things that I was clueless about.'

So young: The 57-year-old actress - whose first big-screen role came in The Karate Kid with Ralph Macchio in 1984 - has revealed the advice she'd give to herself at that stage in her life and career

So young: The 57-year-old actress - whose first big-screen role came in The Karate Kid with Ralph Macchio in 1984 - has revealed the advice she'd give to herself at that stage in her life and career

The film was a hit: With William Zabka in a scene from The Karate Kid

The film was a hit: With William Zabka in a scene from The Karate Kid

Elisabeth - who went on to appear in Leaving Las Vegas, Back To The Future and CSI - admitted she was too hard on herself earlier on in her career.

The sister of Melrose Place star Andrew Shue added, 'I think I beat myself up so much when I was younger because I expected so much out of myself and was constantly comparing myself and wondering what everyone thought of me.

'I would just say, "Just accept where you are and just enjoy the moments of working with all these really interesting people. That's all it's going to be. That's it."'

Elisabeth - who has kids Miles, 23, Stella, 19, and Agnes, 14, with husband Davis Guggenheim - also revealed what advice she would give to other parents to pass onto their own children.

They had chemistry: Shue with Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail from 1988

They had chemistry: Shue with Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail from 1988

Her serious film role: The blonde with Nicole Cage in 1995's Leaving Las Vegas

Her serious film role: The blonde with Nicole Cage in 1995's Leaving Las Vegas

She explained: 'Well, one thing I've learned about being a mom is that kids do not like advice. I don't think you can impart too much advice, they don't wanna hear it.

'This will sound cliche, but I would say, try to be a good example of how you would hope that they would grow and evolve as humans.

'I would say that's the best you can do ... mirror, for them, certain character traits. I feel like, at the end of the day, that's really what your job is.'

Her hit show: She is in season three of the smash hit Netflix show Cobra Kai

Her hit show: She is in season three of the smash hit Netflix show Cobra Kai

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Tom cruise's 10 best drama roles, ranked.


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20 Best Jerry Maguire Quotes

Tom cruise's new movie role with oscar-winning director sounds like his best in 25 years, jessica chastain's 10 best movies, ranked.

Although Tom Cruise mainly focuses on action movies these days, his career was also filled with several acclaimed dramatic performances. Long before Cruise started to scale the sides of buildings or jump from planes in franchises like Mission: Impossible , he made a name for himself balancing action-heavy movies with more nuanced roles in dramas, legal thrillers, rom-coms, and more. As a four-time Academy Award nominee, Cruise was no stranger to complex and challenging characters in intensely dramatic movies.

The best Tom Cruise movies also included some of his strongest dramatic performances, as he embodied all types of characters, from an idealistic Harvard graduate to a seedy pickup artist. Cruises' filmography boasts works from iconic filmmakers like Martin Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson, and even Stanley Kubrick. As a true titan of modern cinema, Cruise has plenty to offer as a dramatic performer , and it’s a real shame he hasn’t been taking up non-action movie roles in recent years.

10 Cocktail (1988)

Tom cruise as brian flanagan, cocktail (1988).

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Cocktail (1988) follows the story of Brian Flanagan, played by Tom Cruise, a young and ambitious bartender who teams up with a veteran bartender, Doug Coughlin, portrayed by Bryan Brown. Together, they take on the upscale bar scene in New York City, creating a flashier and more theatrical style of bartending that captivates their patrons. The film explores themes of success, ambition, and personal relationships within the fast-paced nightlife industry.

By the time Cocktail was released in 1988, Tom Cruise had already made a name for himself as a major movie star with roles in Risky Business and Top Gun . While these previous roles highlighted his skills as a comedic actor and up-and-coming action star, Cocktail allowed him to delve into more dramatic territory while maintaining elements of lighthearted comedy. As the story of a business student who takes up bartending to make ends meet, Cocktail was a hit at the box office that highlighted Cruise’s undeniable star power .

The critics were not so kind to Cocktail, as reviews called it shallow, and the film won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture. However, looking back on Cocktail , there were hints of Cruise’s bright future in more dramatic roles as he imbued the struggling bartender Brian Flanagan with a real sense of humanity. While Cruise himself may disparage Cocktail as “ not a crowning jewel ” in his career (via Rolling Stone ), there’s a lot to love about this 1980s romantic comedy-drama.

9 The Firm (1993)

Tom cruise as mitch mcdeere.

The Firm is a legal thriller directed by Sydney Pollack, based on John Grisham's novel. It stars Tom Cruise as Mitch McDeere, a young lawyer who joins a prestigious law firm only to discover its dark secrets. As McDeere delves deeper, he finds himself entangled in a web of corruption and danger. The film features a strong supporting cast including Gene Hackman and Jeanne Tripplehorn.

Before action movies became Tom Cruise’s primary focus, he took up roles in challenging legal dramas like The Firm , a heart-racing thriller based on a novel by John Grisham . As the story of an ambitious young lawyer excited to join a prestigious law firm, the sinister realities of the system become apparent when he starts to learn the dark secrets hidden just below the surface. From money laundering to tax schemes, The Firm was an enjoyable uncovering of corporate corruption.

Cruise gave a strong performance as Mitch McDeere, a bright-eyed Harvard Law graduate who slowly started to realize the deception and dishonesty that have enveloped the legal system. With Cruise in top acting form, it was thrilling to see him alongside major talents like Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, and Holly Hunter, who was nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role. With plenty of twists and turns throughout, it’s no surprise The Firm was a hit at the box office (via The Numbers ), taking in over $270 million against its $42 million budget.

8 Vanilla Sky (2001)

Tom cruise as david aames, vanilla sky (2001).

Vanilla Sky is a psychological thriller directed by Cameron Crowe, featuring Tom Cruise as a wealthy publishing magnate named David Aames. Released in 2001, the film explores themes of identity, reality, and the consequences of one's actions, intertwined with surreal events. Co-starring Penélope Cruz and Cameron Diaz, the film is known for its intricate narrative and engaging performances. Vanilla Sky is a remake of the Spanish film "Open Your Eyes."

Tom Cruise reunited with his Jerry Maguire director Cameron Crowe for the sci-fi psychological thriller Vanilla Sky , the fascinating story of a magazine publisher who begins to question reality after being disfigured in a car crash. As an ambitious mix of genres, Vanilla Sky sometimes crumbled under the weight of its own concept yet remained an enjoyable addition to Cruise’s more dramatic works. Vanilla Sky also featured a strong supporting cast, including Kurt Russell, Penélope Cruz, Tilda Swindon, and Cameron Diaz in one of her very best roles.

As the story of a man who wants it all and loses everything, Vanilla Sky felt like an intriguing waking dream as it delved into the very nature of consciousness . Although Cruise has played it safe with franchise action pictures for much of the 21st century, his role in Vanilla Sky showcased his affinity for stranger projects and ability to push things into exciting new territory. It’s a shame there aren’t more entries like Vanilla Sky in Cruise’s filmography because it was a uniquely thrilling film.

7 Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

Tom cruise as dr. bill harford, eyes wide shut.

Eyes Wide Shut is a 1999 drama mystery directed by Stanley Kubrick centering on a Manhattan doctor who goes to unexpected lengths to please his wife after she admits she was unsatisfied and almost had an affair a year earlier. Eyes Wide Shut stars Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman as husband and wife.

Tom Cruise has worked with many great directors, but one of his most impressive collaborations was on Stanley Kubrick’s final film, Eyes Wide Shut . As a highly unusually erotic mystery, Eyes Wide Shut starred Cruise alongside his then-wife Nicole Kidman as they embarked on a seedy nighttime adventure that brought them right into the heart of a masked orgy organized by a secret society. With a unique sense of style, Eyes Wide Shut was one of Kubrick’s most artful films as he peeled back the complexities of human psychology in a cryptic story of sex and secrets.

Kubrick died shortly before the release of Eyes Wide Shut , and although it was well-received at the time, it was also misunderstood and subjected to censorship due to its R-rated content. However, looking back on Eyes Wide Shut today, it’s clear that it was one of Kubrick’s most accomplished works, as he managed to showcase a side of Cruise never before seen on screen. Eyes Wide Shut was bold, challenging, and subversive, as well as a strong showcase of Cruise’s incredible skill as a dramatic actor.

6 The Color of Money (1986)

Tom cruise as vincent lauria, the color of money.

The Color of Money is a 1986 film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Paul Newman as pool hustler Fast Eddie Felson, who mentors a young and talented player named Vincent Lauria, played by Tom Cruise. The film explores themes of mentorship, ambition, and redemption as Eddie seeks to impart his knowledge and experience to the brash newcomer while grappling with his own past in the world of competitive pool.

As a legacy sequel to the 1961 sports drama The Hustler , The Color of Money paired Tom Cruise with screen legend Paul Newman, who reprised his role as “Fast Eddie" Felson. Directed by Martin Scorsese, The Color of Money was the only sequel by the iconic filmmaker and was an interesting follow-up that explored pool players hustling their way through halls and eventually to a major tournament. Part of the joy of The Color of Money was watching Cruise and Newman play off one another as one star entered the backend of their career while the other was just at the beginning.

While Cruise has earned a reputation for doing his own stunts in action movies like Mission: Impossible , he also insisted on performing his own pool stunts in The Color of Money (via UPI ). As an accomplished drama blending metaphors of hustling and pool, The Color of Money's success lay firmly on the incredible trio of actors Cruise, Newman, and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. While The Color of Money does not get nearly as much recognition as Scorsese’s better-known films , it was an underrated entry in his filmography that’s well worth seeking out for Cruise's performance alone.

5 A Few Good Men (1992)

Tom cruise as lieutenant daniel kaffee, a few good men.

Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, and Kiefer Sutherland star in A Few Good Men, a legal drama that follows military lawyer Daniel Kaffee, who defends two Marines on trial for murder, uncovering a high-level conspiracy in the process. The 1992 movie is based on the eponymous stage play written by Aaron Sorkin.

Director Rob Reiner paired Tom Cruise with acting legend Jack Nicholson for the legal drama A Few Good Men . With a screenplay by the future writer of The Social Network and The West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin, A Few Good Men was categorized by its strong writing as Cruise gave his all to a meaty and complex role about a military lawyer discovering his seemingly open-and-shut case was anything but. As the hypocrisies of a mean-spirited Colonel, played by Nicholson, slowly unveiled themselves, this suspenseful courtroom drama kept viewers on the edge of their seats.

A Few Good Men was an insightful deconstruction of the moral corruption that can take place behind the closed doors of respected military institutions. The climatic showdown between Cruise and Nicholson in the courtroom was one of the most iconic courtroom scenes of all time. Although Cruise gave a great performance, it was Nicholson who was most memorable as he shouted the famous line, “ You can’t handle the truth! ”

4 Jerry Maguire (1996)

Tom cruise as jerry maguire, jerry maguire.

High flying sports agent Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) has a crisis of conscience, and writes a heartfelt company-wide memo resulting in a swift termination of his services. Scrabbling to retain his athlete clients, Jerry starts his own management firm, with the only colleague who leaves with him - single mother Dorothy Boyd (Renee Zellweger). Retaining just one client, football player Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.), Jerry and Dorothy begin to fall in love as their new business venture struggles

Jerry Maguire was one of the most quotable movies of the 1990s, whose heartfelt and humorous story resonated with viewers. Featuring an incredible performance from Tom Cruise as the title character and as one of René Zwelleger’s best movies , this laugh-out-loud dramedy walked the fine line between comedy and drama to prove once again why Cruise was one of the biggest movie stars of this era. As the story of a sports agent going out on his own after being fired, Jerry Maguire succeeded due to its compelling main characters' vulnerable search for purpose in his life and career.

From lines like “ you had me at hello ” to “ help me, help you ,” Jerry Maguire’s script was littered with memorable moments and iconic turns of phrase. Cruise was perfectly suited to the role of a morally righteous sports agent who was not willing to turn a blind eye to the dishonest practices of his former employers. Considering the materialistic landscape of late 20th-century America, the message at the heart of Jerry Maguire felt like a breath of fresh air and a great dramatic turn from Cruise .

From "Show me the money" to "You complete me", these are the best Jerry Maguire quotes.

3 Rain Man (1988)

Tom cruise as charlie babbitt.

Rain Man follows the story of Charlie Babbitt, who discovers his estranged brother Raymond, an autistic savant, after their father's death. Charlie, portrayed by Tom Cruise, and Raymond, played by Dustin Hoffman, embark on a cross-country journey that changes their lives. Directed by Barry Levinson, this 1988 film explores themes of family, connection, and understanding, highlighting Hoffman's award-winning performance as Raymond.

While Dustin Hoffman took home the Academy Award for his portrayal of the autistic savant Ray Babbitt in Rain Man , this role would not have been nearly as effective without an actor of Tom Cruise’s stature to play off. As the story of a younger brother exploiting his sibling’s incredible intelligence and photographic memory, Rain Man was one of Hoffman’s best movies and an important addition to Cruise’s varied body of work . It’s a road trip movie but also the story of two brothers connecting despite their vast differences.

Rain Man highlighted autism during a time when little was known about the condition and its release influenced more funding, medical research, and awareness among the general public (via Guardian .) Cruise had a difficult challenge with Rain Man as he had the thankless task of leading a movie where the audience focus was primarily on the title character. Although Cruise has usually excelled in leading man roles, Rain Man was an interesting example of him knowing how to play off his supporting co-star and allow Hoffman’s Oscar-winning performance to shine through.

2 Born on the Fourth of July (1989)

Tom cruise as sergeant ron kovic, born on the fourth of july.

Ron Kovic, driven by a strong sense of patriotism, enlists in the Marine Corps and is deployed to Vietnam. His life takes a drastic turn when he sustains a severe injury, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Returning to a nation divided over the war, Kovic struggles with his newfound disability and the disillusionment with his former beliefs. His path to recovery and self-discovery leads him to become a passionate anti-war activist, using his voice to advocate for peace and the rights of veterans, redefining his purpose and legacy.

While Tom Cruise has played plenty of glorified military heroes in fast-paced action movies, the realities behind the war were powerfully addressed through his role in Oliver Stone’s Born on the Fourth of July . This anti-war biographical drama followed Stone’s Platoon to highlight once again criticisms of the United States' involvement in Vietnam. Through the story of the paralyzed soldier Sergeant Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July showcased how the glorious illusions of war can be quickly shattered by the lived realities of veterans' experiences.

In one of his strongest performances, Cruise took audiences on a journey through Kovic’s desire to fight for his country and eventual transformation into an anti-war activist who felt betrayed by the government in whose name he lost his ability to walk. Born on the Fourth of July was a truly unforgettable film that got right to the heart of human emotions to tell a highly political story of fighting, fortitude, and the futility of war. Cruise’s deeply moving portrayal of Kovic earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

1 Magnolia (1999)

Tom cruise as frank t.j. mackey, magnolia (1999).

Set in Los Angeles, Magnolia follows the lives of nine characters through interconnected stories revolving around a dying television producer, his estranged prodigal son, a young boy genius, and a compassionate cop. As a rare climatic phenomenon occurs, these individuals confront their pasts and seek forgiveness and attempt to grow from their past experiences.

Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia was released in the same year as Eyes Wide Shut , meaning 1999 was an incredible time to be a fan of Tom Cruise’s more dramatic roles. As one of the most unique movies of all time, Magnolia showcased a new side to Cruise’s acting skills as he portrayed the dating guru Frank T.J. Mackey , perhaps the most compelling character in the film’s ensemble cast. As an arrogant and vulgar motivational speaker and pickup artist, Frank admittedly used his charm and charisma to take advantage of those in his life.

Cruise was nominated for an Oscar for his fantastic performance, which deconstructed his superstar as he stole every scene he was in. With a repulsiveness that’s masked by confidence, Frank’s complex psychology was intrinsically linked to being abandoned by his father as a child and having his mother pass away when he was just 14. Tom Cruise brought all these aspects together in his intensely rich Magnolia performance, which was his finest achievement as a dramatic actor.

Sources: Rolling Stone , The Numbers , UPI , Guardian

Tom Cruise



    elisabeth shue tom cruise

  2. Promotional Photo of Elisabeth Shue and Tom Cruise in Cocktail (1988

    elisabeth shue tom cruise

  3. Elisabeth Shue y Tom Cruise en “Cocktail”, 1988

    elisabeth shue tom cruise

  4. Cocktail (1988)

    elisabeth shue tom cruise

  5. Studio Publicity Still from "Cocktail" Tom Cruise, Elisabeth Shue

    elisabeth shue tom cruise


    elisabeth shue tom cruise


  1. Cocktail,1988- Tom Cruise & Elizabeth Shue ❤👑

  2. Jimmy Cliff

  3. Tom Cruise saved the life of cocktail co-star (Elisabeth Shue)😳

  4. Münchener Freiheit

  5. Vết Thương Phơi Bày- Open Sore- Song by Phantom Handshakes- Diễn viên Elisabeth Shue & Tom Cruise

  6. 🎬 La SioraTrouble Racconta Cocktail #hovistounfilm #sioratrouble #cocktail #elisabetshue #tomcruise


  1. How Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue's Life

    Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue's working relationship dates back to 1988, when they starred in the film "Cocktail." Shue played Cruise's love interest in the movie — but, she made sure to tell ...

  2. Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue From Being Killed by ...

    Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue were shooting a helicopter scene for the 1988 film "Cocktail." During the shoot, Shue walked towards the helicopter's tail rotor, which can kill instantly.

  3. How Elisabeth Shue Was Almost Killed While Filming With Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise, Elisabeth Shue, and the subtle art of life-saving body slams. At this point, Tom Cruise clocked the danger and sprung into action, employing a physical restraint maneuver to be ...

  4. Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue's Life from Spinning ...

    Tom Cruise is a hero on the big screen and in real life. A new report from The Sun (via NME) reveals Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue's life during the production of the 1988 comedy ...

  5. Elisabeth Shue

    Elisabeth Shue (born October 6, 1963) [1] is an American actress. ... In 1988, Shue starred in Cocktail as the love interest of Tom Cruise's lead character. The following year, she starred in the short film Body Wars, ... Shue starred in Greyhound opposite Tom Hanks, released in 2020.

  6. Tom Cruise reportedly saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being

    Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue were shooting a helicopter scene for the 1988 film "Cocktail." During the shoot, Shue walked towards the helicopter's tail rotor, which can kill instantly.

  7. Tom Cruise saved co-star Elisabeth Shue's life by tackling her moments

    TOM Cruise turned real life superhero by saving his co-star's life when he tackled her to the ground moments before she was about to walk into a "deadly" spinning helicopter blade. In a scene more in keeping with his fighter pilot film Top Gun, the Hollywood actor allowed Elisabeth Shue to cheat death on the set of comedy-drama movie Cocktail ...

  8. Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue from Being Killed by ...

    Tom Cruise Once Saved Elisabeth Shue from Being Killed by a Helicopter Blade on the Set of Cocktail, Crew Member Says. Andrew Shuster Apr 27th, 2021, 2:22 pm . Twitter share button.

  9. Tom Cruise rescued co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by a

    Tom Cruise rescued co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed by a spinning helicopter blade. Crew members have recalled a dramatic on-set moment that could have ended with an actress being killed ...

  10. Tom Cruise-Elisabeth Shue "Cocktail"

    Watch the romantic comedy Cocktail, starring Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue, as they fall in love while working as bartenders in New York and Jamaica. Enjoy the 1988 classic with its catchy ...

  11. Tom Cruise 'saved co-star from spinning helicopter blades' on set

    Tom Cruise has been hailed a hero after a crew member on his 1988 film Cocktail shared the moment the star apparently 'saved' the life of co-star Elisabeth Shue. The pair were filming scenes ...

  12. Cocktail (1988)

    Cocktail: Directed by Roger Donaldson. With Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown, Elisabeth Shue, Lisa Banes. A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.

  13. The day Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from being killed

    In 1987 Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue's life by stopping her from walking into a spinning helicopter blade on the set of comedy-drama movie Cocktail, an aerial camera operator on the set of the film, Bill Bennett, recalled last April in a Facebook group called Crew Stories, The Sun newspaper reported.

  14. Tom Cruise saved Elisabeth Shue's life from spinning helicopter blade

    While filming comedy-drama Cocktail in 1987, Tom Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from certain death, according to aerial camera operator Bill Bennett ASC. In a Facebook group called Crew ...

  15. Cocktail

    "Cocktail" (1988) - starring: Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown, Elisabeth ShueMusic: "Oh I Love You So" by Preston SmithCREDITS:Buena Vista Pictures (1988)Director - ...

  16. Cocktail (1988 film)

    Cocktail is a 1988 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Roger Donaldson from a screenplay by Heywood Gould, and based on Gould's book of the same name.It stars Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown and Elisabeth Shue.It tells the story of a business student, who takes up bartending in order to make ends meet.. Released on July 29, 1988, by Buena Vista Pictures (under its adult film label ...

  17. That Time Tom Cruise Saved Elisabeth Shue from a Helicopter Rotor

    Apr 28, 2021. We often see Tom Cruise kicking ass and saving the world on screen, but recently a story was confirmed about him saving his co-star in real life. Think back to the 1988 movie Cocktail. Yeah, that wasn't a big action movie, but it still had some danger. Cruise starred in the movie with Elisabeth Shue.

  18. Tom Cruise saved Elisabeth Shue from 'certain death' on Cocktail set

    TOM CRUISE saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue from a fatal accident involving a helicopter during the filming of their 1988 movie Cocktail. The star himself has since confirmed the amazing and ...

  19. Tom Cruise saved co-star Elisabeth Shue's life by tackling her moments

    Tom Cruise leapt into action to save Elisabeth Shue's life on the set of Cocktail as she was about to walk into a spinning blade Credit: Rex 9 Elisabeth and Tom shot comedy-drama film Cocktail in ...

  20. Elisabeth Shue

    Elisabeth Shue began acting in TV commercials as a teen. ... The following year, she shared the screen with Tom Cruise in Cocktail. Shue suffered a tremendous personal loss around this time. Her ...

  21. Elisabeth Shue, 57, who starred with Tom Cruise in Cocktail, said she

    The way she was: Cobra Kai actress Elisabeth Shue cared too much about 'what other people thought' when she was younger. Seen in 2017 Shue, who worked with Tom Cruise in Cocktail, added, 'I would ...

  22. Tom Cruise once saved Elisabeth Shue's life on the set of Cocktail

    According to a new report from The Sun, Cruise saved his co-star Elisabeth Shue's life during the filming of the 1988 comedy Cocktail. A recount of the story comes from aerial camera operator Bill ...

  23. Tom Cruise's 10 Best Drama Roles, Ranked

    Before action movies became Tom Cruise's primary focus, he took up roles in challenging legal dramas like The Firm, a heart-racing thriller based on a novel by John Grisham.As the story of an ambitious young lawyer excited to join a prestigious law firm, the sinister realities of the system become apparent when he starts to learn the dark secrets hidden just below the surface.

  24. Crystal Blue Pool featuring Tom Cruise Elizabeth Shue Cocktail

    From the album Paradiso Blu which can be found on the Releases tab on this site.