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Importance of Educational Excursion for Students

L K Monu Borkala

  • What are educational excursions?
  • Significance and importance of excursions for students

Educational excursions or tours are short trips by students, under the supervision of the school management. Students are taken to a place away from their usual routine environment.

The main aim of education is to impart knowledge. Imparting knowledge through a hands-on experience is one of the ways of making learning more interesting.

There are different methods through which schools and colleges try to deliver academic concepts. One of the most effective methods is by conducting educational tours.

Schools nowadays have made educational tours a part of their curriculum thereby making studying fascinating and engrossing.

The importance of educational excursions in schools is manifold. Here we have jotted down a comprehensive list of the benefits of school excursions. Though the list is not exhaustive, the key advantages are listed below.

Importance of Excursions for Students

1. practical knowledge is better than bookish knowledge.

According to a research article conducted and published in the US National Library of Medicine , National Institutes of Health, about 65% of students prefer visual learning aids.

These learners prefer to see how to do things rather than just talk about them. They prefer to watch demonstrations rather than sit through a lecture.

True to the famous phrase ‘seeing is believing’, your perspective changes when you see something in person.

For example, learning about a historical monument by actually visiting the site gives you a better insight than reading about it through text.

Educational excursions help students to grasp concepts through visual learning.

2. Stress Buster

stress written on board

Students are confined to the four walls of a classroom for most of their day. The drudgery and the monotony of the four walls can lead to a stressful learning experience .

However, educational trips organised by schools serve as a miracle stress buster. The very announcement of a school excursion gets students excited and enlivened.

Educational trips relax students who are otherwise anxious in a competitive classroom environment. It serves as a break from the normal routine of a usual day in school.

3. Builds Corporate Attitude

Educational tours build corporate attitudes amongst the students. Students taken on tours to corporate offices and industries will be exposed to the current employees in the sector.

This kind of exposure introduces them to the actions, conduct and practices of the employees.

Usually, these practices are formal and official which is a stark contrast to the informal behaviour and mannerisms of a college student.

Being exposed to the corporate attitude can give students an insight into the corporate attitude which they may have to adopt in the future.

4. Interactive Sessions

One of the main benefits of school excursions is the interactive sessions during these trips. Such field trips allow students to freely interact with friends, teachers, and others.

Educational excursions usually involve the interaction of a third person who is not a teacher or not part of the school management. This gives students a bit of liberty to interact with these new contacts.

For example, a trip to a science centre or a museum involves the interaction of students with the curator or guide of the museum.

5. Discipline

Teachers often expect the students to be on their best behaviour when on a field trip. Students follow these instructions well, as they are aware that their behaviour will reflect on their school.

So educational trips indirectly teach students discipline and control.

6. Added Information

Visiting a site often results in the transfer of new information. At times, certain data is not included in a textbook. Such omitted data can be directly gained from the excursion venue.

Further, experts can add more valuable and practical information to students during live interactive sessions.

For example, a doctor or hospital manager can explain a concept missing from the textbook during an educational trip to the local hospital.

A sales representative can elucidate details on sales invoices during an educational excursion to the supermarket.

It helps to get more exposure to any topic. Apart from textbook information, educational tours can add more exposure to any subject. It dives deeper into the topic than what is taught inside the classrooms.

7. Academic Augmentation

One of the importance of Educational excursions is the boost it gives to concepts learned in the classroom. A teacher can reinforce basic concepts by arranging an excursion to the topic related site.

For example, management students learning about human resources and employee management can be taken on an excursion to a factory or a company.

This gives students an enhanced learning experience on how resources are managed in factories and companies.

This also improves academic performance of students. A student exposed to educational tours has more practical knowledge .

Being able to transfer this practical knowledge on to paper during examinations can give you a better chance of scoring higher grades.

Students not exposed to excursions and educational tours will have only bookish knowledge and may just simply try to reproduce what the text book claims.

8. Opportunity

Educational excursions organised by schools allow students to travel to these new sites. It also provides the less fortunate students an opportunity to travel to these places without incurring much expenses.

9. Knowledge Organisation Is Better in A Naturalistic Learning Experience

Research conducted and published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology concluded that the organization of knowledge is crucially important for many cognitive processes.

The current study investigated whether naturalistic learning experiences can drive rapid measurable changes in children.

An investigation on the effects of a week-long zoo summer camp (compared with a control school-based camp) on the degree to which 4- to 9-year-old children’s knowledge about animals was organized.

These findings provide novel evidence that naturalistic experiences can drive rapid changes in knowledge organization.

10. More Memory Power Through Hands-On Experiences

Seeing, touching, and live experience of an academic concept enhances memory power.

According to the findings published in Psychological Science , a journal of the Association of Psychological Science, exploring objects through touch can generate detailed, durable memories for those objects.

11. Better Perspective

Travelling often involves new situations, new people, and new adventures. Some educational excursions are organised to a different state or country.

Such excursions introduce students to a whole new world. A world they might not have seen or encountered.

Therefore, field trips enhance students’ outlook and help them to gain a fresh perspective of the world around them.

12. Educational Excursions Make Students Curious

person trekking over the hills

One of the benefits of excursions is that these educational trips make students curious and thirsty for more knowledge on the topic.

Students are eager to learn and see what they have learned in the classroom through textbooks.

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13. A Fun Time with Friends

Excursions are a fun-filled time with classmates and peers. Students enjoy interacting with friends outside of the school campus. It increases the bond between classmates and allows them to interact freely with each other.

14. A Unique Learning Environment

childern studying in the woods

Educational excursions provide a unique and informal way of learning. It provides a break from the usual desk and chair learning method.

Excursions to open spaces like zoos and botanical gardens and parks provide a natural learning environment . Such natural surroundings provide a casual and relaxed method of studying.

15. Opens a Window of Opportunity

Another importance of excursions for students is that this exposure opens up a window of opportunity when it comes to careers and choices.

During interactive sessions on educational excursions, students talk to different people from varied fields. In classrooms, student’s knowledge of the outside world is limited. This also helps in improving the art of communication in students.

Excursions introduce students to other professions other than the ones introduced behind closed doors of a classroom.

16. Two-Step Learning Process

One of the importance of excursions in schools is that it involves a beneficial two-step process.

Step 1: It is the first step where teachers usually research on the excursion site before taking students. Teachers prepare themselves well to supplement the practical knowledge with facts, figures, and additional information on the place of visit.

Step 2: It involves the knowledge enhancement for students in terms of the feel and live experience of education. These trips contribute to better academic performances for students.

Therefore, educational excursion benefits both teachers and students, making them more adaptable to new learning methods . This in turn enhances the popularity of the school.

Including educational excursions and trips in schools has become part of the curriculum in many parts of the country.

Due to the innumerable benefits of educational excursions, the modern educational system has included excursions and trips as part of the school curriculum in many parts of the country.

Students are given a hands-on learning experience on these trips, thereby providing a holistic approach to education.

The time has now come to include educational tours and excursions in the curriculum. Modern industries today warrant the need for educational institutions to compulsorily include excursions in the syllabus.

This practical exposure encourages students to perform better and score higher grades. It provides an all round development of students which is the main aim of today’s education.

Including educational excursions in the curriculum will guarantee a holistic approach for students.

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What Makes a Good (and Great) Excursion?


Any teacher will tell you that excursions provide benefits that promote student learning while also allowing different styles of learning through experiences. In light of COVID-19, taking students on safe but also fun excursions may seem daunting but applying controlled approaches can mitigate risks, ensuring that students can experience learning outside the classroom. This article will discuss why excursions are beneficial for student learning, what makes a good excursion and tips for planning excursions in a COVID-19 changed world.

What Are the Benefits of Excursions?

There are many benefits to taking students on excursions. Teach Starter outlines the main student benefits of excursions as encouraging students to:

  • experience natural stimuli
  • broaden their worldviews
  • learn from specialist educators
  • experience hands-on learning
  • have their curiosity stimulated.

School Activities Australia suggests similar benefits , but adds on one extra that may be even more relevant following the impacts of COVID-19:

  • social skills - giving children an opportunity to interact with new people and in a new environment.

Studies suggest that there may be an academic benefit to teaching outside the classroom. Ofsted (a UK government body) conducted research into taking students on excursions and teachers found that excursions were integral to learning and raised teaching standards. Additionally, Educating Adventures and Nature Play Queensland , both organisations that work with children on outdoor excursions and natural learning, claim that students who participate in learning outside the classroom achieve higher test results.

In interviews with teachers who have experience in planning and executing excursions for young students, we discussed the idea that isolations and lockdowns have severely impacted student confidence and social situations. This theory is further supported by a study from Headspace in August 2020 where 70 per cent of participants indicated that COVID-19 had had a negative impact on their relationships with friends, 65 per cent reported a negative impact on their study situation and qualitative data revealed that young people felt that COVID-19 had impacted their confidence in achieving their goals. Combatting these newly-identified issues should be a priority in schools, and combining learning with positive, practical, out-of-class experiences could be an inclusive and effective strategy.

What Makes a ‘Good’ Excursion?

Excursions can take many forms and address several learning areas at once. The Australian Directory of School Activities, Excursions and Accommodation published an article outlining the Best School Excursions for 2022 . This included potential excursion locations in each state and territory such as:

  • gravity discovery centres
  • climbing centres
  • walks/tours
  • theme parks.

We interviewed a number of Australian teachers, and found these common themes necessary to create a ‘good’ excursion. It must:

  • promote key learning outcomes and the outcomes must be identifiable
  • have a clear purpose
  • identify with the school ethos
  • combine theory taught in the classroom, followed by a practical component
  • allow for new.

Furthermore, although the above factors combined make a good excursion, to make an excursion great, it should allow for students to take calculated risks in unfamiliar places – after all, this is how true learning takes place. This includes encouraging students to engage in conversations with new people, providing students with new responsibilities, encouraging them to apply what they have learnt in the classroom in ‘real world’ situation and engaging in activities that enhance leadership skills and promoting teamwork with different groups of classmates.

The Student Travel Planning Guide’s tips for organising trips includes the idea to ask students to research the location prior to the excursion and get them to participate in a quiz or create posters to encourage many types of learning on the one topic.

The Australian Directory of School Activities, Excursions and Accommodation’s Top Tips for Successful School Excursions, Camps and Incursions outlines the following as essentials for creating empowering and enlightening excursions:

  • giving context to the trip
  • preparing students with an outline
  • giving students ownership to ‘drive’ the excursion
  • keeping students busy and engaged
  • bringing learnings from the excursion back into the classroom.

One teacher who we interviewed outlined an example of these ideas in practice. The example was an excursion to local markets where students would interview stall holders and complete observations. Following their investigation, students were allowed to participate in the markets and purchase goods. This activity encouraged student ownership, allowed the students to stay focused, promoted new social interactions and combined theory with a practical learning element. The excursion would arguably have been even better if there had been prior learning about entrepreneurship and then follow up learning reflecting on the day of the excursion.

Another example can be taken from outdoor education. Students can only learn the basics and theory of abseiling in a classroom. They must go abseiling to learn how to do it and then they need to learn how to apply the skills learnt in a variety of abseiling situations. Teachers will tell you that this is true learning - when a student does not just ‘regurgitate’ what they have learned in a classroom environment, but they have applied it effectively in new and different situations.

Conducting Excursions in a COVID World

As life returns to the new normal and venues open, schools should follow guidelines to ensure that they are COVID-safe. Our previous School Governance article ‘After’ COVID-19: Safe Excursions for Schools , outlines COVID-19’s impact on excursions, why risk management is important and provides advice for when conducting an excursion.

On top of following COVID-safe plans, teachers planning excursions should have pre-excursion checklists including precautions for students with high-risk medical conditions, supervision requirements, excursion communication plans and others. Each excursion should also have its own unique risk assessment to ensure that appropriate controls have been put in place prior to the excursion commencing.

Excursions should be designed to bring teaching and learning to life. Regardless of COVID, this premise has not changed.

In the classroom students get theory and some practical applications in subjects such as information technology, science, the manual arts and catering.  Well-planned and carefully-executed excursions allow students to see their learning in real life situations and encourages them to put their theory and classroom lessons into practice. It gives the learning a sense of purpose and validity because the students can apply it in a variety of new situations. 

Now that we are once again venturing outside of our own backyards , schools need to re-engage with their students in excursions that enhance their total learning experience, while still keeping the students safe and engaged in quality learning.

About the Author

Annalise Wright

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Definition of excursion

Did you know.

In Latin, the prefix ex- means "out of" and the verb currere means "to run." When the two are put together, they form the verb excurrere , literally "to run out" or "to extend." Excurrere gave rise not only to excursion but also to excurrent (an adjective for things having channels or currents that run outward) and excursus (meaning "an appendix or digression that contains further exposition of some point or topic"). Other words deriving from currere include corridor , curriculum , and among newer words, parkour .

Examples of excursion in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'excursion.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Latin excursion-, excursio , from excurrere

circa 1587, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

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“Excursion.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 10 Sep. 2024.

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from Latin excursio, excursion- "a going out," from excurrere "to run out, make an excursion, extend," from ex- "out, forth" and currere "to run" — related to current

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Medical definition of excursion, more from merriam-webster on excursion.

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Britannica English: Translation of excursion for Arabic Speakers

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  • How to Start Planning a School Excursion

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School excursions are an exciting part of a student’s learning journey and contributes to the development of well-rounded individuals who are prepared to navigate and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. Meaningful travel experiences can have a lasting impact on students' personal growth, cultural understanding, and academic development.

Sounds wonderful but, the planning and organisation of these excursions often fall on the shoulders of the teachers who are already time poor.  Anyone who has ever planned an excursion will know it can be admin intensive and time consuming. Planning a school excursion requires careful organisation and attention to detail so we have listed some key points to help you get started:

Determine the purpose and objectives: Clarify the purpose of the excursion and identify the learning outcomes or goals you want to achieve. Consider the educational value, relevance to the curriculum, and the interests of the students. Answering this question will guide you on deciding on destination and duration of your excursion.

Obtain the necessary approvals: Seek approval from school administration, the relevant authorities, and obtain any required permits or permissions. Depending on where you are going there may be government rebates available to your school so start to collate this information early the approval process can take time.

Set a budget: Determine the available budget and allocate funds for transportation, accommodation (if necessary), meals, entry fees, and any other expenses. Consider additional costs such as insurance or emergency contingencies.

Choose a destination: Picking a suitable destination is not just about checking the weather or time of year but more about researching a destination that aligns with the purpose and objectives of the excursion. Consider factors such as distance, accessibility, safety, time, and educational opportunities.

Plan the itinerary: Create a detailed itinerary that outlines the schedule, activities, and timings. Include transportation arrangements, sightseeing spots, educational visits, and any other relevant activities. You may want to evaluate the balance between educational and recreational components. You may even need to use this information for a parent presentation evening and don’t forget to compile an emergency list of services in the area.

Arrange transportation: Determine the mode of transportation (coach, flights, or school transport) based on the distance, size of the group, and budget. Make necessary bookings and ensure safety measures are in place. You may want to consider getting more than one quote, transport often accounts for a large portion of the excursion costs.

Organize accommodation and meals: If an overnight excursion, arrange suitable school group accommodation considering factors such as proximity to the destination, safety, and affordability. The accommodation will often include all meals for you but if not, plan meals and dietary requirements for the duration of the excursion. Do not underestimate the time it takes to collate dietaries and rooming lists this is one of the areas that change frequently and updating your accommodation is important.

Communicate with stakeholders: Inform parents, students, and teachers about the excursion details, including dates, destination, itinerary, cost, and any requirements or restrictions. Obtain consent forms and collect necessary medical information from students.

Ensure safety and supervision: Develop a risk management plan addressing potential hazards and safety protocols. Your school may already have a template for this so check with your school administrator. Ensure an appropriate ratio of supervisors to students and allocate responsibilities accordingly. Brief teachers and supervisors on safety procedures and emergency protocols.

Arrange educational activities: Coordinate with relevant venues or educational institutions to schedule visits, workshops, or guided tours that align with the educational objectives. Make necessary reservations and communicate any specific requirements.

If you are feeling overwhelmed just reading the above, you may want to consider using a travel agency or a company that specialises in planning school excursions to help plan your school excursion. There are several benefits to working with a travel partner not only do they take away the admin and save you time, but they can also provide valuable insights, destination knowledge, and suggestions to ensure a well-planned and smooth trip.

Our top tip would be to make sure you specifically look for companies who specialise in organising customised educational tours for schools .  

  • They should work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, educational objectives, and preferences, matching your curriculum outcomes to help bring your classroom learning to life. 
  • These companies often have established relationships with hotels, transportation providers, and attractions, allowing them to negotiate better rates and discounts. They can help you maximize your budget and find cost-effective solutions while maintaining the quality of the trip.
  • They should be experienced in addressing safety concerns and implementing risk management strategies. They can provide guidance on health and safety protocols, insurance coverage, and emergency assistance during the excursion.
  • They may also be able to help collate all your attraction risk assessments and are invaluable support when things not go according to plan. They can handle any unforeseen circumstances, troubleshoot issues, and provide a point of contact for teachers, students, and parents.

Every school has its own specific procedures and guidelines for planning excursions and these guidelines may vary from one educational institution to another. So, if you are managing the logistics of your next excursion yourself, we would recommend that you start planning early or if you decide to work with a company who specialises in organising school excursions be sure to communicate the educational outcomes upfront. Whether it's fostering cultural understanding, enhancing topic knowledge, or developing leadership skills, sharing these objectives will help the agency create a program that is meaningful and targeted.

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What is Educational Travel?

Adventurous, exploratory, informational and fun are some of the ways we describe our educational tours . Done right, educational tours expand travelers’ world view. Not only do students learn, they learn to love to learn. Through cultural exploration and immersion, students become global citizens. They develop a stronger understanding of history, language and geography as well as gain independence, confidence and problem solving skills.

We say it because we believe it: travel changes lives.

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Your Educational Tour Team

We are dedicated to ensuring you love travel as much as we do, program consultants.

Program consultants are your pre-departure partner. From tour selection, to group recruitment to easing pre-departure nerves, they are with you every step of the way.

“Jill was absolutely awesome! From the initial planning stages to last-minute changes to our itinerary, she was available and receptive. At every step of the journey, she was tirelessly supportive and encouraging.” — Adam R. Group Leader

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Traveler Support

As the group leader, you’ll know the most about your specific group’s tour and your school’s policies on travel, becoming the first stop for parent and student questions. But for ACIS policies including questions on insurance and payment plans, our traveler support team is eager to help.

“Everyone I talk to is so friendly and helpful!” — Harriet P. Parent

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Tour Managers

Part guide, part educator, part engineer, part magician—ACIS Tour Managers lead your group while on tour. They know their destinations, but more importantly they know teachers and students. They keep students engaged, teachers relaxed and the whole group excited to see what will happen next.

“The highlight of our trip was Espin, our tour manager! He is the most AMAZING human being on the planet! He knows everything about everything and is able to communicate with any age group.” — Rose B. Participant

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What to Expect on Your Educational Trip

Expect fun, expect adventure, expect to return home with stories you’ll be telling family and friends for years. Our tours are designed by true travel pros who want you to make the most of your time on tour and return home eager to travel again.

Daily Schedule

Each ACIS tour combines just the right mix of planned educational excursions and free time for exploration. Your daily schedule will, of course, vary depending on your location, type of tour and if it is travel-intensive or a more leisurely, single-city program. Typically, you’ll wake up bright and early, and after breakfast, enjoy a morning excursion. You might have a sightseeing tour, cultural connection, entrance to a museum (usually with a reserved entrance so you can avoid the long lines) or walking tour. You’ll have some time for lunch and then enjoy another activity. Dinners will be in town, and then you’ll further explore to see the city sparkle at night.

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Cultural Connections

Cultural Connections, included on every ACIS international tour, take cultural understanding to a whole new level. Through immersive activities such as learning the steps of the flamenco or a French cooking class, students look at the culture and history of a place from a different vantage point. It is the ultimate in experiential learning.

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ACIS helps you make the most of your time on tour by only using three- and four-star hotels near the heart of what you came to see. We place a priority on booking hotels in convenient and safe areas , with easy access to both local attractions and public transportation. After all, you want to be exploring, not commuting.

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Travel rule—never underestimate the importance of food to teenagers! But beyond providing authentic, delicious and satisfying meals, our dinners become a cultural experience because they’re enjoyed in local restaurants. Breakfasts are typically provided at your hotel and lunch is generally available on your own. Your Tour Manager will be sure to point you in the right direction for affordable and delicious eats.

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Definition of excursion noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • on an excursion They've gone on an excursion to York.
  • There are regular weekend excursions throughout the summer.
  • a business trip
  • a five-minute trip by taxi
  • a long and difficult journey across the mountains
  • a tour of Bavaria
  • the first expedition to the South Pole
  • We went on an all-day excursion to the island.
  • The children were on a day’s outing from school.
  • We had a day out at the beach.
  • a(n) foreign/​overseas trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition
  • a bus/​coach/​train/​rail trip/​journey/​tour
  • to go on a(n) trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition/​excursion/​outing/​day out
  • to set out/​off on a(n) trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition/​excursion
  • to make a(n) trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition/​excursion
  • destination
  • Our ship offers 13 different excursions.
  • Princess Tours runs independent excursions from selected hotels.
  • We decided to make an all-day excursion to the island.
  • We signed up for a shore excursion to New Orleans.
  • Optional excursions include a tour of the ancient city and a day's horse-riding.
  • take (somebody on)
  • excursion into
  • excursion to

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Dictionary definition of excursion

A short trip or journey, usually for pleasure or a specific purpose. "She went on an excursion to the nearby city to explore the museums."

Detailed meaning of excursion

It can be a day trip or a longer trip, but it is usually a temporary departure from one's usual routine or place of residence. Excursions can be organized by travel agencies, schools, or other groups, and can include activities such as sightseeing, hiking, or visiting historical or cultural sites. It can also refer to a deviation or a departure from a main course of action or a usual path, as in a excursion from a topic in a conversation or from a main subject in a book. In general, the term implies that there is a short trip or journey, usually for pleasure or a specific purpose, whether it's a day trip or a longer trip, and that it can include different activities, and that it's a temporary departure from one's usual routine or place of residence.

Example sentences containing excursion

1. We went on a thrilling mountain excursion during our vacation. 2. The school organized a field excursion to the local museum. 3. I booked an excursion to explore the coral reefs while visiting the island. 4. The excursion to the national park offered breathtaking views of the scenery. 5. The tour guide provided interesting facts during our city excursion . 6. We enjoyed a relaxing boat excursion along the river.

History and etymology of excursion

The noun ' excursion ' traces its origins back to the Latin word 'excursio,' which is derived from the verb 'excurrere.' 'Excurrere' is a compound of 'ex,' meaning 'out of,' and 'currere,' meaning 'to run.' Thus, the etymology of ' excursion ' can be understood as a journey that involves venturing out or running out from one's usual location or routine. Over time, this term found its way into Middle English as 'excursioun' and eventually evolved into the modern English word ' excursion .' This etymology encapsulates the essence of a short journey or trip, often taken for pleasure or a specific purpose, where one temporarily departs from their regular activities or surroundings.

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Further usage examples of excursion

1. The excursion to the historic site gave us insights into the past. 2. The excursion to the amusement park was a highlight of the trip. 3. We signed up for an excursion to visit the ancient ruins. 4. The excursion included a guided hike through the forest. 5. The excursion to the vineyard offered a wine tasting experience. 6. We embarked on an exciting safari excursion to spot wildlife. 7. The excursion to the waterfall allowed us to swim in its refreshing waters. 8. The excursion to the art gallery showcased masterpieces from renowned artists. 9. We took an adventurous ATV excursion through rugged terrain. 10. The excursion to the chocolate factory delighted our taste buds. 11. The excursion to the botanical garden showcased a wide variety of plant species. 12. We joined a guided excursion to explore the underground caves. 13. The excursion to the historical landmark provided a glimpse into the past. 14. We participated in a guided snorkeling excursion to explore the vibrant marine life.,,,

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n. - Wandering from the main path of a journey; A journey taken for pleasure.

Usage examples (40)

  • During your stay we recommend an optional pre-bookable excursion to the Monastery of St. Catherine.
  • And I think Gman would enjoy an Austin excursion as well.
  • The train excursion from Merida to Izamal no longer is in operation.
  • Do you have any idea how exhausting a museum excursion is with 2 toddlers?

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excursion noun

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What does the noun excursion mean?

There are 15 meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun excursion , four of which are labelled obsolete. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

excursion has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

How common is the noun excursion ?

How is the noun excursion pronounced, british english, u.s. english, where does the noun excursion come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun excursion is in the mid 1500s.

OED's earliest evidence for excursion is from around 1537, in the writing of Richard Benese, Augustinian canon and surveyor.

excursion is a borrowing from Latin .

Etymons: Latin excursiōn- , excursiō .

Nearby entries

  • exculpation, n. a1715–
  • exculpative, adj. a1832–
  • exculpatory, adj. 1781–
  • excur, v. 1656–
  • excuriate, v. 1656–76
  • excuriation, n. 1658
  • excurrency, n. 1650–
  • excurrent, adj. 1605–
  • excurse, n. 1514–
  • excurse, v. 1566–
  • excursion, n. ?1537–
  • excursion, v. 1792–
  • excursional, adj. 1811–
  • excursionary, adj. 1757–
  • excursioner, n. 1786–
  • excursioning, n. 1836–
  • excursionism, n. 1854–
  • excursionist, n. 1800–
  • excursionize, v. a1813–
  • excursionizing, adj. & n. 1830–
  • excursion steamer, n. 1833–

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, compounds & derived words, entry history for excursion, n..

excursion, n. was revised in September 2024. is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
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Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into excursion, n. in September 2024.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1894)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View excursion, n. in OED Second Edition

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[ ik- skur -zh uh n , -sh uh n ]

a pleasure excursion; a scientific excursion.

weekend excursions to mountain resorts.

an excursion of tourists.

excursions into futile philosophizing.

  • Physics. the displacement of a body or a point from a mean position or neutral value, as in an oscillation.
  • an accidental increase in the power level of a reactor, usually forcing its emergency shutdown.
  • the range of stroke of any moving part.
  • the stroke itself.
  • Obsolete. a sally or raid.

verb (used without object)

  • to go on or take an excursion.

an excursion fare; an excursion bus.

/ -ʒən; ɪkˈskɜːʃən /

  • a short outward and return journey, esp for relaxation, sightseeing, etc; outing
  • a group of people going on such a journey

an excursion ticket

an excursion into politics

  • (formerly) a raid or attack
  • a movement from an equilibrium position, as in an oscillation
  • the magnitude of this displacement
  • the normal movement of a movable bodily organ or part from its resting position, such as the lateral movement of the lower jaw
  • machinery the locus of a point on a moving part, esp the deflection of a whirling shaft

Other Words From

  • ex·cursion·al ex·cursion·ary adjective
  • preex·cursion noun

Word History and Origins

Origin of excursion 1

Example Sentences

It is disappointing and, frankly, frightening that Thompson walked away from his repugnant Sea World excursion scot-free.

Several events specifically cater to kids, making this a fun excursion for the whole family.

I learned a lot about myself on that excursion, and from the trip as a whole.

There was, instead, a nauseating excursion into base and sad fantasies.

While a two-day feeding frenzy makes for a fun excursion, the human body is only capable of so much consumption.

Out gets Uncle David, looking brown and healthy after his northern excursion.

The other day an excursion was arranged to Sondershausen, a town about three hours' ride from Weimar in the cars.

We got back to Weimar about eight in the evening, and this delicious excursion, like all others, had to end.

To my friends ever since I have not failed to recommend the passage of the Butterley tunnel as a desirable pleasure excursion.

From childhood I had longed to see something of the world, and this excursion to Paris was the first gratification of that wish.

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  1. Educational Excursion for Students: Importance & Benefits

    Learn how educational excursions can enhance students' learning experience, knowledge, and skills. Find out the advantages of school trips, such as practical knowledge, stress relief, corporate attitude, interactive sessions, and more.

  2. School Excursions- What is School Excursion and Objectives of School

    A school excursion, also known as a school trip or field trip, is an educational outing organized by a school where students travel to a location outside the regular classroom environment.

  3. What Makes a Good (and Great) Excursion?

    Excursions provide opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom, broaden their worldviews, and develop social skills. This article discusses the benefits of excursions, what makes a good and great excursion, and how to conduct excursions in a COVID-19 changed world.

  4. Benefits of Educational Tours : A Holistic Approach to Learning

    Here are several key reasons why educational tours are important: 1. Experiential Learning:Educational tours provide students with opportunities to learn through firsthand experiences, allowing ...

  5. Excursion Definition & Meaning

    Excursion is a noun that means a going out or forth, a trip, or a deviation from a course. Learn more about its synonyms, examples, etymology, and medical and kids definitions.

  6. The Benefits of School Excursions for Students

    Great school excursions take planning and effort but the rewards can be huge for both students and teachers and something students will remember for a long time. The importance of school excursions and the benefits school excursions offer students are listed below. Get some ideas for great school excursions at

  7. How to Start Planning a School Excursion

    Learn the key steps to organise a successful school excursion, from determining the purpose and objectives to arranging transportation and accommodation. Find out how a travel agency or a company that specialises in school excursions can help you save time and money.

  8. Educational Travel 101

    Educational travel is a fun and immersive way to learn about the world and yourself. ACIS offers 200+ customizable itineraries to destinations around the world, with cultural connections, experienced tour managers and traveler support.


    Excursion is a noun that means a short trip usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people. Learn how to use it in sentences, see related words and phrases, and find out how to pronounce it.


    Excursion is a noun that means a short journey or involvement in something, often for pleasure. Learn how to use it in sentences, see synonyms and contrast with irony, and explore its pronunciation and translations.

  11. EXCURSION definition and meaning

    An excursion is a short journey, usually for pleasure or enjoyment, or a trip to an interesting place. It can also mean a deviation, digression, or movement from a normal position. Learn more about the word origin, pronunciation, and usage of excursion.

  12. excursion noun

    An excursion is a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people. Learn how to use this word in different contexts, see synonyms and contrast with related terms, and listen to the pronunciation.

  13. Excursion

    1. The excursion to the historic site gave us insights into the past. 2. The excursion to the amusement park was a highlight of the trip. 3. We signed up for an excursion to visit the ancient ruins. 4. The excursion included a guided hike through the forest. 5. The excursion to the vineyard offered a wine tasting experience. 6.

  14. Excursion

    Excursion - Definition, Meaning & Examples. Last Updated on: March 19, 2023 by The Editor. Part of Speech. Excursion is a noun. Meaning. ... Excursions were a popular form of entertainment in the 19th and early 20th century, especially in Europe and the USA.

  15. EXCURSION Definition & Meaning

    Excursion is a noun that means a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return. It can also mean a deviation, digression, or movement from a mean position or value. See the origin, usage, and related words of excursion.

  16. Meaning of excursion

    An excursion is a short journey made by a group of people for pleasure. Learn more about this word, its pronunciation, synonyms and translations in different languages.

  17. Definition of EXCURSION

    Excursion means a short journey for a specific purpose, a group pleasure tour, or a digression from the topic. Learn more about the word, its synonyms, and word combinations with Wordsmyth dictionary.

  18. Excursion

    Excursion definition, n. - Wandering from the main path of a journey; A journey taken for pleasure.. See more. ... start student account; start teacher account; schools & higher ed; ... At one point there was a train excursion to the Izamal, ...

  19. Excursion

    An excursion is taken more for pleasure than for practical reasons. Your business trip, when you spent most of the week waiting in airports and adjusting to different time zones, does not count as an excursion.

  20. excursion, n. meanings, etymology and more

    Excursion is a noun that has 12 meanings, six of which are obsolete. It comes from Latin excursiōn-em and means a departure from the ordinary course or a deviation from the normal.

  21. EXCURSION Definition & Meaning

    Excursion is a noun that means a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return. It can also refer to a deviation, digression, or movement from a mean position or value. See more meanings, synonyms, and examples of excursion in sentences.

  22. All resources related to 'excursion'

    Excursion means a short trip or journey, often for pleasure or education. Learn how to use it in different contexts, such as boat excursion, shore excursion, or digression, and see synonyms and translations.

  23. excursion

    Mom made a two-day excursion to California for business. synonyms: trip similar words: drive, expedition, jaunt, journey, outing, pilgrimage: definition 2: a group tour taken for pleasure, often at a lower fare.