Fidya Tour Lombok Timur - Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat

Fidya Tour Lombok Timur - Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat

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Merupakan salah satu jasa tour & travel di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Kantor ini menyediakan berbagai macam paket liburan, wisata dan trip. Paket sudah termasuk tiket pesawat/kapal, akomodasi, transfortasi, makan, penginapan dan tour guide / pemandu wisata. Tersedia juga penjualan tiket pesawat dan laut.

Segera kunjungi tour travel terdekat ini untuk informasi lainnya seperti harga paket dan harga tiket.

Jam buka / kerja: Senin: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Selasa: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Rabu: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Kamis: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Jumat: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sabtu: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Minggu: Closed

Fidya Tour Lombok Timur Lombok Timur beralamat di Jl. P.Diponegoro Lingkungan Seruni No.26, kelurahan Selong, Selong, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83612, Indonesia.

Fidya Tour Lombok Timur Lombok Timur dapat dihubungi melalui kontak nomor telepon 0877-7666-2019

Kode pos dari Fidya Tour Lombok Timur Lombok Timur adalah 83612

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Ibadah Umrah

Gagal berangkat umrah, 20 orang jemaah fidya tour mengadu ke dprd lombok timur, sebanyak 20 calon jemaah umrah fidya tour and travel datang mengadu ke dprd lombok timur, senin (29/5/2023)., penulis: ahmad wawan sugandika | editor: sirtupillaili.

Gagal Berangkat Umrah, 20 Orang Jemaah Fidya Tour Mengadu ke DPRD Lombok Timur

Laporan Wartawan, Ahmad Wawan Sugandika

TRIBUNLOMBOK.COM, LOMBOK TIMUR - Sebanyak 20 calon jemaah umrah Fidya Tour and Travel datang mengadu ke DPRD Lombok Timur , Senin (29/5/2023).

Para jemaah ini menuntut uangnya dikembalikan lantaran gagal berangkat ibadah umrah .

Para jemaah ini mendapat pendampingan dari Gerakan Advokasi Rakyat Untuk Demokrasi dan Kemanusiaan (Garuda). Dugaan sementara, para jemaah menjadi korban penipuan.

Kepada, Direktur LSM Garuda Muhammad Zaini mengatakan, dari data awal sebanyak 22 orang jemaah telah melakukan penyetoran uang kepada agen senilai Rp33 juta per orang.

"Calon jemaah menyetorkan uang dari tahun 2021 sampai 2022. Namun sampai saat ini jemaah yang telah menyetorkan uangnya terus dijanjikan berangkat dan janji itu diberikan berulang kali, dan sampai saat ini belum ada yang diberangkatkan," ucapnya.

Baca juga: DPRD NTB Meminta Kementrian Agama Lebih Selektif pada Travel Umrah

Jika melakukan penipuan, maka Fidya Travel melanggar pasal 378 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) tentang penipuan.

Pada pasal 377 KUHP tersebut jelas berbunyi, barang siapa dengan maksud untuk menguntungkan diri sendiri atau orang lain dengan memakai nama palsu atau martabat palsu, dengan tipu muslihat dan rangkaian kebohongan terancam pidana penjara paling lama empat tahun.

Disatu sisi, H Ahamd Nurudin salah seorang jemaah haji mengatakan, tuntutan yang ditujukan kepada pihak Fidya Tour and Travel adalah pengembalian uang.

"Yang kita mau sekarang ini adalah pengembalian uang kami, karena kita sudah lelah dijanji-janji sampai 4 kali dijanjikan tapi tak jelas," tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut, Nurudin juga mengaku telah membayar pelunasan awal sebesar Rp 16 juta.

Pihak travel juga awalnya menjanjikannya berangkat tahun 2023 ini, itu pun dilakukan secara bertahap.

Akan tetapi, banyak calon jemaah dari Fidya Tour and Treavel yang sudah diberangkatkan menemui kendala saat melaksanakan umrah .

"Intinya kami sudah tidak mau berangkat melalui Fidya Tour, kami dengar banyak jemaah nya yang terlantar di makkah sana, mereka tidak disediakan hotel bahkan harus tidur di lapangan mereka, intinya kami mau uang saja, nanti kita cari treavel yang sudah resmi saja," tegasnya.

Lombok Timur

Jemaah haji gagal berangkat, fidya tour and travel, dprd lombok timur.

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Pimpinan Fidya Tour Cabang Lotim Berjanji Tetap Akan Memberangkatkan Calon Jemaah Umrah

Pimpinan Fidya Tour Cabang Lotim Berjanji Tetap Akan Memberangkatkan  Calon Jemaah Umrah

Pimpinan Fidya Tour dan Travel cabang Lombok Timur, M. Syahroni menegaskan pihaknya tetap bertanggungjawab untuk memberangkatkan calon jemaah umrah yang belum diberangkatkan. Bahkan, kata dia, antara pihak perusahaan dengan calon jemaah sudah menandatangani surat pernyataan di atas materai 10.000 mengenai masalah keberangkatannya. "Tertundanya pemberangkatan calon jemaah umrah akibat adanya COVID", terang Syahroni.***

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About the Activity

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More activities in lombok, meeting and pickup, additional information, language and guide, ticket details, cancellation & refunds, reviews from travelers, availability and prices.


Travel Itinerary

  • Exclusive to travelers from this booking.

Locations in the itinerary

Pickup details.

  • Travelers can choose a custom pickup or meeting location.
  • We will pick you up at your Hotel whwrever you stay in Senggigi, Mangsit, Mataram and Kuta Area
  • Travelers will be picked up 20 minutes before departure time

Pickup points

  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Tour Guide Available In

  • Mobile or paper ticket accepted
  • One per booking

Ticket Redemption

  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
  • Suplier may cancel the activity on account of bad weather conditions.
  • Suplier may cancel the activity due to too few participants.
  • Cancel at least 1 day before activity starts in Asia/Makassar time to receive 100% refund.

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Jama'ah umroh fidya tour & travel ngadu ke dprd lotim minta uang dikembalikan.

Kedatangan mereka itu dalam rangka mencari solusi atas gagalnya keberangkatan mereka berumroh padahal sudah melakukan penyetoran di PT. Fidya Travel & Travel. 

Ketua LSM Garuda Indonesia M. Zaini yang mendampingi para jama'ah bersama anggotanya mengatakan bahwa ada 22 jama'ah yang telah melakukan penyetoran uang kepada PT. Fidya Tour & Travel masing-masing sebesar Rp. 33 Juta. 

Calon jamaah itu, kata Zaini, menyetorkan uang dari tahun 2021 sampai 2022, namun terus dijanjikan untuk berangkat dan janji yang diberikan berulang kali dan sampai saat ini belum ada yang diberangkatkan.

Karena itu pihaknya meminta DPRD Lombok Timur beserta Pemerintah Daerah untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap semua travel umroh yang ada di Lombok Timur. "Termasuk beberapa travel umroh yang terindikasi illegal," ujarnya.

Selain itu, Zaini juga meminta supaya DPRD bersama Kementerian Agama Lombok Timur untuk memberikan teguran dan sanksi kepada pihak Travel umroh yang terindikasi melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang melanggar hukum.

Sementara itu, Wakil Ketua DPRD Lombok Timur H. Daeng Paelori yang turut hadir bersama Komisi II DPRD menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya bersyukur bahwa persoalan-persoalan seperti itu bisa mengemuka ke publik. 

Ia meminta Kantor Kementerian Agama Lombok Timur untuk mengawasi betul aktivitas jasa travel umroh seperti yang beroperasi di Lombok Timur. Pasalnya, kata Daeng, ada ratusan orang yang mengadukan hal yang sama kepadanya. 

"Ini masih satu kasus ini, kami dapat laporan ada ratusan orang yang belum berangkat," ujarnya. 

Daeng berharap supaya persoalan tersebut segera menemukan jalan keluar. "Kasian jama'ah kita, di tengah-tengah kerinduannya ke Baitullah, mau naik haji harus mengantre panjang, alternatif umroh, tapi ternyata umroh juga sulit," ucapnya. 

Terkait persoalan jama'ah umroh dengan PT. Fidya Tour & Travel yang dimediasi saat itu mengatakan bahwa ada iktikad baik Perusahaan untuk bertanggung jawab. Ia meminta supaya para jama'ah tidak putus asa, namun harus terus menguatkan tekad sembari menunggu solusi dari perusahaan. 

"Tadi saya dengar bahwa kepala cabang perusahaan ini mau bertanggungjawab jawab," kata dia.

Meskipun Ia mengaku risih dengan hal itu, lantaran kepala cabang perusahaan jasa tersebut juga merupakan putra daerah yang berupaya untuk menjadi pengusaha tangguh dalam bidang Itu. 

"Kasian, yang tadinya muncul pengusaha-pengusaha hebat tiba-tiba harus tenggelam gara-gara ditipu oleh orang-orang di pusat," pungkasnya. (Yns) 

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The Ultimate Guide To Exploring The Central Air Force Museum in Monino, Russia!

Posted on Last updated: July 9, 2021

Categories Russia

The Ultimate Guide To Exploring The Central Air Force Museum in Monino, Russia!

Expert travel storyteller Jordan Adkins, founder of, brings a decade of adventures across 101 countries and 450+ UNESCO sites into rich, off-the-beaten-path narratives, melding ecological expertise with genuine, seasoned travel insights. His full bio can be found here.

If you’re in Moscow and looking for somewhere a bit different to spend the day, escape the crowds or just venture from the city centre then the Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino is definitely worth a trip.

Or perhaps you’re more like me, somewhat of an aviation fanatic, where the opportunity to see these monolithic aircraft is an opportunity of a lifetime not to be missed.

Like this imposing Tupolev Tu-95 ‘Bear’…

Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

How To Get To The Russian Central Air Force Museum In Monino!

The Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino is about 40 km east of Moscow. Also known as the Russian Federation Air Force Museum, it is the largest in Russia and the best air museum in all of the ex-Soviet Union. Sorry, Riga Aviation Museum… 

It’s collection features over 170 aircraft, including conventional planes, helicopters, gliders, and some unusual flying machines. Try counting the stars, you’ll be here all day….

It really should be considered a landmark of Russia.

Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

The Central air force museum in Monino consists of one main building where there is information on the history of Russian aviation (though mostly only in Russian) and an indoor hangar featuring a number of WW2 fighter aircraft.

Outside however is an enormous open air area where hundreds of post WW2 aircraft are stored which have to be the museums main attraction.

Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

Many of the aircraft on display were top secret during and even after the Cold War.

Known only by their NATO code names, these aircraft were at the cutting edge of design and aeronautical experimentation of the time. A couple of aircraft on display at the Central air force museum in Monino are still types that are in active service.

Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

The Soviet’s Concord, the Tu-144 ‘Concordski’, still wearing the hammer & sickle

Along with military aircraft there is also a few civilian aircraft on display, one of particular note the Tupolev 144.

Not many people realise that it was actually the Soviet’s who built & flew the world’s first first supersonic airliner….they snuck in 2 months ahead of the Concorde

Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

The Mil V-12, the largest helicopter ever built! The museum not only houses planes but a large number of helicopters too.

From attack to transport they’re just as impressive. Greeting you at the gate you can’t miss the Mil V-12, it’s size is dwarfing and its longer than a Boeing 737.

It’s almost unbelievable that this thing got of the ground with its strange design features, but it did and still holds records to this day.

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Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

The museum is located next door to an active Air Force Base so you may be lucky enough to see some of the current inventory of the Russian airforce buzzing overhead.

Fighter jets and transports leaving their dark streaks across the sky, on the day I was there there were probably 7 or more circling around every few minutes or so.

Not many museums provide a free air show along with the ticket!

Russian Central Air Force Museum at Monino

A place with a difference and plenty of history. The Central Air Force museum in Monino is the only place in the world you can see some of these machines.

To visit the Monino air force museum simply head to Moscow’s Yaroslavskaya railway station (Russian: Яросла́вский вокза́л, Yaroslavsky vokzal) and ask for a return ticket to Monino (Russian: Мо́нино). It’s about 1.5 hours each way, leaving hourly and costs roughly $6 USD return.

When you get off  the train  just follow the signs for the Monino air force museum where the entry ticket is around $5 USD and if you need it the GPS is 55°49′58.05″N 38°11′02.41″E. Have fun!


Monino – Central Museum of the Russian Air Forces

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Probably the most famous air museum in Russia – and formerly in the whole USSR – the Central Air Force Museum in Monino doesn’t need a presentation for aviation enthusiasts from every part of the world. As a matter of fact, still today this is probably the world’s largest collection of military and experimental aircraft manufactured in the Soviet Union.

Similar to many air museums in western Countries, this aircraft collection has been located on the premises of an active airbase since it opened its doors back in 1958. For this reason, in the years of the Soviet Union and even for some time after its collapse, the collection couldn’t be visited without prior permission. A specially restrictive visiting policy was applied to foreign visitors, due to the technological content of the exhibition. Today things have greatly improved in this respect, and visiting is absolutely free for everybody, both Russians and foreign tourists, like it is the case for most similar sites in the West.

To be sincere, I expected something like what you can find in former peripheral Countries of the Soviet bloc – an array of rotting fuselages, landing gears, rusty jet engines and no information around. It turned out I was totally wrong. What caused my inaccurate prevision was I had failed taking into account the singular passion and nostalgia that Russians show still today for their Soviet past, at least when it comes to military power and technological glory. In this respect, many other more ‘western’ and politically correct neighbor Countries in Europe, like Italy and France, have a much colder attitude towards aviation and their own past aeronautical endeavors.

So, at Monino the conditions of the aircraft both inside and outside are extremely good, especially if you consider the harsh weather that aircraft bodies have to sustain in the terrible Russian winters. From photographs on the web you can rapidly realize most aircraft are covered in snow in winter, so visiting may be also not much rewarding in that season. I visited in September, and except for a Soviet-grey, cloudy day I could enjoy a normal visit.

From the technical viewpoint, the collection is composed of many aircraft and engines up to WWII, hosted indoor, plus a huge outdoor collection of aircraft covering the majority of military models deployed by the Air Force of the Red Army over the years of the Cold War, in their respective roles – strategic bombers, fighters, …

Also some really rare prototype aircraft are part of the exhibition – some of them, like the Tupolev Tu-144 and the Sukhoi Su-100, are unique and very famous. There are also some iconic (gigantic) Mil helicopters, and some liners. There is much information around for less experienced enthusiasts, almost all placards both in Russian and English – a very rare sight in English-unfriendly Russia! If you can speak or understand Russian – unlike me – you can also have guided tours with former Air Force staff, which are reportedly much interesting.

The following photos were taken during a visit in September 2015.

Getting there

One of the reasons for so few interested people actually include Monino in their visit plan is the fame of the place as almost unreachable, inconvenient and expensive. This fame is due to the many companies on the web chattering about permissions, passport requests, tickets in advance, many hours to get to the place and so on. These companies usually ask for many hundreds dollars for taking you on the trip.

These are genuine tourist traps. There is no need for any permission, the place is not any more an active base (since long) and you are not asked any document. Plus, getting there with the local railway system serving the greater Moscow area is very easy – the train has Monino as destination – and the totally inexpensive trip takes about 1h 20min, only due to the countless stops.

First of all, note that I don’t speak russian nor can I read the Cyrillic alphabet. Nonetheless, I managed to get to this place about 20 miles from center Moscow to the East without troubles and traveling solo.

Trains going to Monino depart Moscow Yaroslavskaya in central Moscow rather frequently, about two to four times per hour – accurate timetable available briefly googling for local trains from Moscow to Monino. The terminal is the local railway terminal, placed right behind the main cottage-like building of the railway station (from where you can go as far as Vladivostok…). You can buy a ticket from one of the countless automatic vendors – in Russian, impossible for me – or from one of the countless ticket offices – this was my option. I got a ticket for both ways – you just have to say “To Monino and back”, even though Russians are not friends of English, this request was immediately understood by the officer. The fare is very cheap. The line I considered terminated at Monino, reached after many many stops and about 1h 20 minutes later. Note that the railway ticket is required also for leaving the station on arrival, so you’d better keep it safe.

If all you had seen before in Russia is St. Petersburg and central Moscow, you might be a bit shocked, and feel like you had leaped in the past and well back into the Soviet era – large and cheap concrete buildings, partially paved roads, many elderly people walking around along silent streets and more bicycles than cars around. Sure the village is nothing special and far from monumental, but it’s not dark nor scary or unsafe. Plus you can notice signs of its past vocation, as ghost insignia and abandoned control booths typical to a former military installation can be spotted immediately close to the railway station and around the village, together with a Lenin’s statue still proudly placed in a small square on your path to the museum.

The only problem is that there are no signs for reaching the museum – not any until you are in front of the gate -, which is about .7 miles from the station to the other end of the village (South). You can take a (rare) taxi, or enjoy the walk. The latter was my option. The road is extremely straightforward. Actually it’s basically straight. If you don’t have a digital map, you can simply print the Google map of Monino with a satellite view of the buildings – this again was my option – and this is definitely enough to get to the place. I prepared this small map with the path I’ve followed and some notable sights.

The ticket to the museum is less than 3 dollars, very cheap.

For going back you just reverse the plan. Travel time in total for the trip both ways may be 3h 10min, including train and transfers between the gate and Monino station by foot. Adding about 3 hours for visiting the museum with a relaxed pace, a visit to Monino from central Moscow may take about 6 hours, so you may plan something more than half day for this visit.

Opening times can be obtained from the official website , some Google-translation is needed if you like me don’t know Russian.

Including descriptions of all aircraft in Monino would be impractical and probably uninteresting. For this reason I will include only photographs and some comments. For an almost-full list of the aircraft in Monino, with something about each of the preserved exemplars, I would recommend the book in English A guide to the Russian Federation Air Force Museum at Monino  by Korolkov and Kazashvili, published in the US.

In the blue-roofed building of the ticket office some early aircraft engines and panels about the history of aviation in Russia are presented.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Then you can enter the neighbor hangar, with some unique aircraft from up to WWII. These include an exemplar of the world-famous Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

The rest of the exhibition is hosted on the other side of the road. Immediately past the gate on one side you have probably the world’s largest helicopter, the twin-rotor Mil Mi-12. Facing this monstrosity, some iconic bombers, including the Tu-4, i.e. a licence-built Boeing B-29, and a prototype Tupolev Tu-22M, with ancestral engine fairings later replaced on the production version. Also notable are a Tu-22, Tu-128 – a really massive interceptor – and two very famous Soviet prototypes, the Myasischev M-50 and the Sukhoi Su-100, with its characteristic Concorde-like deflectable nose.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

In a hangar nearby it is possible to find some further experimental aircraft, including rocket-propelled aircraft, high-atmosphere balloon capsules and other curious items.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Placed on an off-limits grassy area nearby the hangar there are some very uncommon aircraft awaiting restoration, and on the other side a good collection of Mil and Kamov helicopters, including the Mil-24A featured in the third chapter of the John Rambo series, a Mil-10 flying crane helicopter and a huge Mil-6 which used to work as a flying command station.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Nearby is the ‘Yakovlev alley’, where most aircraft from this high-tech design bureau are presented.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Approaching the far end of the exhibition grounds you can spot some of the Soviet ‘big ones’, including an Antonov An-22 Anthei, an Ilyushin Il-76, an Il-62 and a very rare Tupolev Tu-114 turboprop with counter-rotating propellers. This was among the fastest-flying propeller-driven aircraft in history.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Recently added to the collection, on one corner of the exhibition are two truly iconic Cold War veterans, a Tupolev Tu-142 and a Tu-22M Backfire, both retired production exemplars.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Other interesting items are a rare Beriev Be-12 huge seaplane, a pretty old Ilyushin Il-18 and a Il-2, and obviously the world-famous prototype Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic liner.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Before taking to the ‘MiG alley’ and ‘Sukhoi alley’ reaching to the exit, three unique prototypes should not go unnoticed, namely the Lavochkin La-250 supersonic interceptor, with a 1956 variable incidence delta wing, the high altitude Myasischev M-17, a twin tailed, ultra-high aspect ratio wing, the Buran flight emulator, created to reproduce the flight dynamics of the ill-fated Buran orbiter in terminal maneuvers, and the Bertini-Beriev VVA-14 ekranoplane. The latter was off-limits when I visited, and could be spotted sitting derelict in the backyard, awaiting restoration.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Approaching the exit you can notice a full array of MiGs, including some more rare to find in the West, like the MiG-25 ‘anti-Blackbird’ Mach-3 interceptor, and various Sukhoi designs ranging from early prototypes to the more modern exemplars. Among them a Lisunov Li-2, a licensed Douglas C-47, was undergoing active restoration when I visited.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

Finally, some photos of the ‘pleasant village’ of Monino, a former militarized village.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force Monino Moscow Soviet Aircraft

The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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  23. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered ...