London Theatre Breaks

London Theatre Breaks

Theatre and Hotel Packages with London Theatre Breaks 2024 / 2025

Harry Potter Studio Tour Packages

Join in as the world descends on the sleepy Hertfordshire village of Leavesden, just outside of Watford. Harry Potter Studio Tour packages and breaks take place at the Studios where all eight of the Harry Potter films were made, with accommodation at your choice of central London hotel.

Book your Harry Potter Studio tour package with hotel breaks 

Bookings for 2024 are now live

  • Book for February and March 2024
  • Book for April to June and September to November 2024
  • Book for July and August 2024

The Studio Tour

The Harry Potter Studio Tour packages give ordinary Muggles like you and me the chance to step into the enchanted world of Harry Potter.

Book the Making of  Harry Potter studio tour at Warner Bros. Studio near London – a memorable highlight to your short London break.

Our one, two and three night packages in London will feature the highlight of the Harry Potter Studio tour and coach transfers between London and Leavesden. 

Can I suggest you stay two nights so that you can be in London for an early start to make the most of the day AND don’t have to go all the way home after your tour?

This brilliant studio tour takes you behind-the-scenes of the Harry Potter Films and features the authentic sets, costumes and props. It also includes the animatronics and special effects that are normally closely guarded secrets of the film world.

Can’t wait? You need to get booking. You can’t just turn up, you have to book in advance. So why don’t you book accommodation at the same time and make it a short break or holiday treat.

Ticket, accommodation and coach from Victoria and Kings Cross

Prices of Harry Potter Tour Packages depend on when you travel – it is the same travel/accommodation/ticket package just different prices.

So what do you get to see on the tour?

  • Great Hall – used in all eight of the Harry Potter films
  • The Forbidden Forest
  • Dumbledore’s office including some never-before-seen treasures
  • Diagon Alley, with its famous shops – Ollivanders wand shop, Flourish and Blotts, the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, Gringotts wizarding bank and Eeylops Owl Emporium
  • The stunning 1:24 scale model of the Hogwarts castle, which was used for aerial shots.
  • A permanent addition allowing visitors to walk through the wizarding bank of Gringotts, the Lestrange vault, a gallery of goblins and so much more.
  • NEW: Professor Sprouts Greenhouse – This has quickly become a fan-favourite set  since it was added to the HP Tour in 2022. Home to many exotic and magical plants including a potted Mandrake try and pull one out as you pass!  

Temporary Exhibitions in 2024 Harry Potter Packages

Magical Mischief – Jan to April: demonstrating filmmaking trickery, magical pranks and wizarding mishaps.

Dark Arts – 15 September to 05 November 2023. Dark Arts returns to the Studio Tour in 2023. As the lights are dimmed and the pumpkin lanterns flown in, the stage is set for a Hogwarts Hallowe’en including Wand Combat and the hunt for the Dark mark.

2024 accommodation and entry to go to see the Making of Harry Potter can be organised for the whole family.

Our Harry Potter Studio Tour breaks include pre-booked tickets for the tour of the Warner Brother’s Studio tour, your choice of central London accommodation and transport by double decker bus from central London to Leavesden Studios.

You can make the most of your London break with lots of time to explore the rest of London. Visit Madame Tussauds, The Tower of London or even take in a show for a London Theatre Break .

Harry Potter Studio Highlights

Highlights at Warner Brothers Studio Tour London include the original Hogwarts Express steam engine, including a recreated station platform, Platform 9 ¾, as part of our Harry Potter Studio tour packages. You can also enter the Great Hall, Diagon Alley and the eerie Forbidden Forest. 2019 also sees a new permanent exhibition under the towering marble pillars of the grand banking hall of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

Harry Potter Studio Tour Packages London Theatre Breaks

Harry Potter Places

Obviously the studios are not the only place to visit to walk in Harry’s footsteps. If you want to find out more Theatre Breaks would heartily recommend Harry Potter Places . It’s got so much information and we love the Supplementums – great detail!

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Harry Potter Studio Tour Package Reviews

Thanks for the reviews that we have received – do feel free to send us more : we are always keen to hear what you have to say.

Very very good - 99 out of 100
My cousin and I enjoyed the whole experience. We stayed at the Holiday Inn. It was clean, service and food were excellant. The Harry Potter Studio tour was out of this world!! Exceeded our expectations! Would definitely recommend.
I booked on to the Harry Potter Tour, because I could not get my prefered date, direct, at short notice. I'm so pleased I did, an all round great experience, from first contact, to booking, to the day of the tour. Our hotel was perfectly located in the heart of London, clean, well staffed, and newly refurbished. On the day of the studio tour, we by passed all the queues with our pre-printed vouchers, great service all round Thank You
We had an excellent break away. The hotel was lovely, staff were polite and courteous and the breakfast was delicious. The tour itself was very good. I would have preferred an earlier entry time as there was so much to see and it took us almost 4 hours to get around it all. All in all a very good break away with the family. Thank you.

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About Simon Harding

Simon Harding has grown up in and around London's Theatreland and has been working here ever since he left school: promoting its shows to anyone who will listen!


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Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter™ mit Übernachtung im Premium Hotel

Was inklusive ist.

Übernachtung in einem Premium Hotel nach Wahl

Weitere Extras wie Frühstück, je nach gewähltem Hotel

Eintritt in die Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™

Hilfreicher Guide für eine selbstständige Harry-Potter-Filmlocations Walking Tour

Was wir lieben

  • Besichtige die authentischen Filmsets der Harry-Potter-Filmreihe

Kostenfrei für Kinder unter 4 Jahren (bei Buchung anzugeben)

Wähle zwischen zwei Time-Slots: 09:00 bis 13:45 Uhr oder 14:00 bis 18:30 Uhr


  • Inklusive Übernachtung im gebuchten Hotel
  • Inklusive weiteren Extras wie Frühstück, je nach gewähltem Hotel
  • Inklusive Tickets des gebuchten Zeitslots und am gebuchten Datum für die Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™
  • Veranstaltungsort:  Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, Studio Tour Drive, Leavesden, WD25 7LR Marylebone, Großbritannien
  • Inklusive Guide für eine selbstständige Harry-Potter-Filmlocations Walking Tour durch London
  • Deine selbständige Harry-Potter-Filmlocations Walking Tour durch London startest und beendest du an einem Ort deiner Wahl

In den Studios

  • Audio-Visuelle Führer auf Deutsch verfügbar (Aufpreis von 4,95 GBP)
  • Dauer der Tour: ca. 3 Stunden (Empfehlung)
  • Eintritt für Kinder unter 4 Jahren kostenfrei
  • Kinderfreundliche und behindertengerechte Einrichtung

Weitere Informationen:

Bis spätestens 3 Tage vor Anreise erhältst du die E-Tickets für The Making of Harry Potter™ per E-Mail mit den genauen Uhrzeiten, je nach Verfügbarkeit, innerhalb des von dir gewählten Zeitslots. Bitte drucke das Ticket aus und lege es bis 30 Minuten vor Tourbeginn vor.

  • Bitte beachte: Veranstaltungsuhrzeiten können sich kurzfristig ändern. Die Überprüfung der Veranstaltungsuhrzeit liegt in der Verantwortung des Kunden.
  • Den Guide für die Walking Tour erhältst du zum Downloaden als Link in deiner Buchungsbestätigung sowie später noch einmal per E-Mail.

Bei Buchung des Überraschungshotels informieren wir dich vor Anreise per Telefon oder E-Mail über die Hoteldetails.

Stornierung und Umbuchung

Die Bedingungen sowie das Formblatt zur Unterrichtung bei Pauschalreisen findest du in den Allgemeinen Geschäfts- und Reisebedingungen des Veranstalters "Wagner Kurzreisen GmbH".

Bei Reisen, die mit dem Kauf von Eintrittskarten (z.B. Musicals, Konzerte, Opern) verbunden sind, gelten für die Tickets sofort nach der Buchung Stornierungskosten von 100 % des Ticketpreises.

Umbuchungsanfragen sind bis 7 Tage vor Anreise möglich. Wende dich dafür bitte an unser Service Team unter [email protected] .

Veranstalter der Reise

Anreise & umgebung.

Autofahrer finden die Warner Bros. Studios im Stadtteil Leavesden unter dieser Adresse:

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London Studio Tour Drive, Leavesden WD25 7LR Marylebone Großbritannien

Wenn du mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von aus London anreist, nimm ab London Euston die Bahn der Southern Railway bis zur Haltestelle Watford Junction (20 min). Dann fahre mit dem Bus der Linie 10 bis Ashfields (15 min), von wo aus du die Warner Bros. Studios in wenigen Gehminuten erreichen.

Verzauberte Großstadtgefühle in London

Die Stadt an der Themse gehört zu einer der meist gefragtesten Ziele für Städtereisen in ganz Europa. Jährlich lockt London Millionen Touristen zu den bekannten Highlights wie dem London Eye, dem schönen Bezirk Notting Hill oder in die Museumshallen.

Dazu lädt internationale Kulinarik in den hippen Vierteln wie Soho oder Camden für erstklassigen Gourmet-Genuss ein. Szenig wird es vor allem auf dem Camden Market, wo sich neben etlichen Foodvans auch Stände für Bandshirts, Jeansjacken und Hipster-Schmuck aneinanderreihen. 

London gilt vielleicht als eine der etwas teureren Städte Europas, dennoch gibt es vor Ort unendlich viele Möglichkeiten für günstige Aktivitäten. So sind einige der Museen völlig kostenfrei , darunter auch beliebte Hotspots wie die National Gallery oder das British Museum.


Warner bros. studio tour london – the making of harry potter™.

Muggel aufgepasst! Warum verbringst du deine nächste  Städtereise nicht in London und besichtigst während der spannenden Warner Bros. Studio Tour London die authentischen Filmsets von Harry Potter™ ?

  • Freu dich darauf, die faszinierenden Spezialeffekte und Produktionsgeheimnisse der Harry-Potter™-Filmreihe zu entdecken
  • Betritt die Große Halle von Hogwarts und den Gemeinschaftsraum von Gryffindor
  • Erlebe animatorische Figuren
  • Geh durch die Winkelgasse

Die Tour durch die Warner Bros. Studios – in denen alle der acht Filme produziert wurden – widmet sich dem Talent, dem Einfallsreichtum und der Kunstfertigkeit, die die unglaublichen Geschichten auf der Leinwand zum Leben erweckten.

Exklusiver Blick hinter die Kulissen

Die Warner Bros. Studios, in denen die Erfolgsgeschichte ihren Lauf nahm, öffnen für dich ihre Tore. Entdecke während der Warner Bros. Studio Tour London die vielen geheimen Ecken und Winkel dieser einzigartigen Zauberer-Welt. Schaue  hinter die Kulissen und freu dich auf bisher unbekannte Details der Filmkulissen, die in den 8 Filmen verborgen blieben.

Lass dich in zwei Filmstudios von den beeindruckenden Spezialeffekten und der künstlerischen Animationstechnik der Filmemacher begeistern. Erfahre mehr über die Green-Screen-Technologie, die Warner Bros. gebrauchte, um die vielen faszinierenden und spektakulären Filmszenen und die unverwechselbare Magie der Harry Potter-Filme zu erzeugen.

Einmal selbst in Hogwarts sein

Laufe durch die Große Halle von Hogwarts und statte dem Arbeitszimmer von Dumbledore einen Besuch ab, in dem auch der Sprechende Hut sowie das Schwert von Gryffindor auf dich warten. Erkunde den Gemeinschaftsraum von Gryffindor und werfe einen Blick in den Jungenschlafsaal. Oder wie wäre es mit einem Besuch im Klassenraum von Professor Snape oder aber in Hagrids Hütte?

Doch auch außerhalb von Hogwarts gibt es viel zu entdecken. Wandle auf den Spuren von Harry Potter durch die Winkelgasse , besuche Ollivanders Zauberstabladen und erlebe Weasleys zauberhafte Zauberscherze sowie die Zauberbank Gringotts.

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London Erfahrungen

Gäste loben die Tour mit positiven Bewertungen auf HolidayCheck und Tripadvisor . Die Vielfalt, das große Angebot und das authentische Erlebnis bringen jedoch nicht nur die Besucher zum Schwärmen. So wurde die Tour bereits mehrfach ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit:

  • Travellers' Choice Award 2021
  • Globe Travel Awards – Beste Attraktion für Junggebliebene im Vereinigten Königreich 2019
  • Family Traveller Awards – Bester Familienausflug Großbritanniens 2017

Seit Dezember 2021 ist die Fortsetzung der legendären Geschichte endlich auch auf der Bühne des Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt in Hamburg . Nachdem das prämierte Theaterstück Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind bereits in London, New York, Melbourne und San Francisco aufgeführt wurde, kommt es nun endlich auch nach Deutschland.

Die Warner Bros. Studio Tour Highlights im Überblick

  • Erlebe verblüffende Kostüme und Animationen
  • Erfahre mehr über die faszinierenden Spezialeffekte
  • Betritt die Große Halle , den Verbotenen Wald und die Winkelgasse


FAQ: Häufige Fragen und Antworten - Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter™

Wo findet die Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™ statt?

Die Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™ findet hier statt: Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, Studio Tour Drive, Leavesden, WD25 7LR, Vereinigtes Königreich

Wie und wann erhalte ich meine Tickets für die Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™?

Bis 3 Tage vor dem Event erhältst du deine E-Tickets für das Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™ per E-Mail. Drucke diese bitte aus und lege sie vor Ort bis 30 Minuten vor Tourbeginn vor.

Wie erfahre ich, um welches Hotel es sich bei Buchung des Überraschungshotel handelt?

Solltest du das Überraschungshotel gebucht haben, melden wir uns nach deiner Buchung telefonisch oder per E-Mail bei dir, um dir dein Hoteldetails mitzuteilen.

Wie lange dauert die Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™?

Ein durchschnittlicher Besuch der Warner Bros. Studios – The Making of Harry Potter™ dauert ca. 3,5 Stunden. Du kannst dir jedoch so viel Zeit lassen, wie du möchtest.

Wie viele der Harry Potter Filme wurden in den Warner Bros. Studios produziert?

Alle acht Filme wurden hier produziert. Du wandelst also wahrhaft auf den Spuren Harry Potters.

Welche Zeitslots gibt es für die Warner Bros. Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter™?

Du kannst dich für einen Zeitslot zwischen 09:00 und 13:45 Uhr oder 14:00 bis 18:30 Uhr entscheiden. Die genauen Uhrzeiten innerhalb des von dir gewähltem Zeitslots erhältst du dann mit deinem E-Ticket bis 3 tage vor Anreise.

Odyssey Magazine

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package

Embarking on the London Warner Bros. Studio Tour is akin to stepping into a world where magic meets reality. From wandering the enchanting Diagon Alley to marveling at meticulously crafted sets, the experience promises to captivate fans and first-time visitors alike.

But what truly sets this tour apart is the upcoming 2024 attraction, the Return to Azkaban. With a reputation for exceeding expectations and transporting guests into the heart of the wizarding universe, this tour is a must for anyone seeking an extraordinary adventure in London.

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Key Points

  • Immerse in an immersive Harry Potter experience with Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London.
  • Enjoy hotel amenities , breakfast , and transportation for a convenient and comfortable stay.
  • Explore iconic sets like Diagon Alley and Hogwarts Express with meticulous attention to detail.
  • Explore the magical world of Harry Potter for an unforgettable and enchanting experience.

Here's some more nearby activities we've reviewed

  • Ranthambore National Park Safari Booking
  • The Kensington Palace Gardens Royal High Tea
  • The Ultimate Jack the Ripper
  • The Cloak and Dagger Tour in London

Tour Details

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Tour Details

Set out on an enchanting journey through the magical world of Harry Potter with a Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London that offers an immersive experience filled with iconic sets, original props , and captivating costumes from the beloved movie series.

When booking this tour, guests can expect inclusive hotel amenities such as breakfast , roundtrip coach transportation , and luggage storage. The tour also provides sightseeing opportunities like exploring Diagon Alley, viewing genuine props displays, and wandering through the Hogwarts Express and Forbidden Forest sets.

With a duration of 2 to 5 days, visitors will have ample time to enjoy these attractions. Plus, the tour offers a stay at the Royal National Hotel, ensuring a comfortable and convenient experience for all Harry Potter enthusiasts.

Tour Experience

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Tour Experience

Enjoy the spellbinding world of Harry Potter at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London, where visitors can explore iconic sets, original props , and captivating costumes from the beloved movie series.

  • Magical encounters await as guests step into the enchanting world of Diagon Alley.
  • Gain behind the scenes insights into the creation of the genuine props display.
  • Experience the thrill of boarding the iconic Hogwarts Express.
  • Explore the mysterious Forbidden Forest and witness the original costumes worn by the characters.

This tour experience offers a unique opportunity to explore the magic of the Harry Potter universe, providing fans with an unforgettable journey through the iconic locations and intricate details that brought the beloved series to life.

More Great Things To Do Nearby

Booking Information

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Booking Information

The booking information for the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour in London includes details on pricing, duration , inclusions , and hotel accommodation. The tour starts at $274.31 per person for a 2 to 5-day experience.

Inclusions encompass a hotel stay with breakfast, roundtrip coach transportation , an entrance ticket to Warner Bros Studio, and luggage storage. Guests are accommodated in twin/triple rooms at the Royal National Hotel, with amenities such as free luggage storage and various room preferences available.

The check-out time is at 11:00 AM, and guests can enjoy additional hotel amenities during their stay. Room preferences can be tailored to individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience throughout the tour.

Customer Reviews

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Customer Reviews

Guests have shared their experiences and feedback through customer reviews, offering valuable insights into the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour in London. Traveler opinions highlight the magical cultural impact of the tour, bringing the beloved Harry Potter universe to life.

Here are some key takeaways from the reviews:

Immersive Experience : Visitors praised the tour for its immersive experience, transporting them into the world of wizards and witches.

Attention to Detail : Many reviewers appreciated the meticulous attention to detail in recreating iconic sets and props from the movies.

Friendly Staff : Travelers from various countries commended the friendly and knowledgeable staff for enhancing their visit.

Memorable Moments : Several guests mentioned that the tour created unforgettable moments that made their trip to London truly special.

Important Information

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Important Information

For a seamless and enjoyable experience, visitors are advised to review the important information provided for the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour in London.

When considering accommodation options , guests will default to the Royal National Hotel, with twin or triple room sharing. The cancellation policy allows for free cancellation up to 3 days in advance, ensuring flexibility for travelers.

It’s essential to note that the tour isn’t suitable for children under 5 years old, emphasizing the target audience for this magical experience. Participants should check availability for their preferred dates and ensure they meet at the designated meeting point, conveniently accessible through Google Maps.

Additional details regarding accommodation and the departure process will be shared to enhance guests’ understanding and comfort during the tour.

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Directions

Navigating to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London from the Royal National Hotel is a straightforward journey that offers a magical start to your Harry Potter adventure. To make the most of your trip, consider the following tips:

Public Transportation: Take the London Underground (Tube) from Russell Square to Euston Square Station. From there, change to the Overground and head to Watford Junction. The studio is a short shuttle bus ride away.

Local Cuisine: Before or after your tour, indulge in some local cuisine at the nearby cafes and restaurants in Watford. Try traditional British dishes or grab a quick bite to eat to fuel your magical day.

Interactive Maps: Use online maps or apps to navigate the public transportation routes efficiently.

Tour Guidance: Look out for helpful signs and staff at the Warner Bros. Studio for any additional assistance you may need.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we have reviewed.

  • London Eye River Cruise and Standard London Eye Ticket
  • London by Night Sightseeing Tour – Open Top Bus
  • The Beatles London Walk
  • Private Sherlock Holmes Walking Tour in London
  • Inner Circle Access of Stonehenge Including Bath and Lacock Day Tour From London
  • White Cliffs of Dover and Canterbury Cathedral Tour From London

Common questions

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Common questions

Can Guests Bring Their Own Food and Drinks to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour?

Guests cannot bring outside food and drinks into the Warner Bros. Studio Tour. However, they can explore the souvenir shop for Harry Potter merchandise and snacks available for purchase. Enjoy the magical experience without worrying about outside food restrictions.

Are There Any Special Events or Activities Included in the Tour Package?

Special events at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London offer interactive experiences like Return to Azkaban, exploring sets , props, and costumes from Harry Potter movies. Visitors can enjoy Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Express, and the Forbidden Forest.

Is There Wi-Fi Available at the Hotel Included in the Package?

Yes, Wi-Fi is available at the hotel included in the package. Guests can enjoy room service and access nearby amenities. The hotel provides convenient services for a comfortable stay while exploring the magical world of Harry Potter.

Are There Any Restrictions on Photography or Filming at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour?

Photography rules at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour include restrictions on flash and tripods to preserve the magic. Filming restrictions ensure a respectful experience for all visitors. Remember to soak in the wizarding world without the distraction of constant filming.

Can Guests Request a Specific Hotel for Their Accommodation Instead of the Default Royal National Hotel?

Guests can make specific requests for hotel accommodations beyond the default Royal National Hotel. Options may involve preferences for food and drinks, Wi-Fi availability , and proximity to the studio tour. Special events, activities, and photography restrictions should also be considered.

Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • London Old Pub Crawl: Exclusive Self-Guided Audio Tour
  • London: 2-Hour Historic Pub Tour
  • Private Transfer: From Camden to London Heathrow Airport.
  • London: 2-Hour Haunted Pub Walking Tour
  • Private Transfer: London Heathrow Airport to Winchester.
  • Heathrow Airport to Tooley Street LondonSE1P 4SA
  • Wapping and the Old London Docks: a Self-Guided Audio Tour
  • London: Medieval History Walking Tour From the Tower
  • London: The Changing of the Guard Experience
  • Blockbuster Film Tours at the Old Royal Naval College
  • London: Same-Day Luggage Delivery To/From Hotel or Airport

London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package - Last Words

Set out on a magical journey through the wizarding world with the London Warner Bros. Studio Tour. From exploring Diagon Alley to riding the Hogwarts Express, this tour offers an enchanting experience for Harry Potter fans.

With glowing reviews and a new attraction on the horizon, the tour promises an unforgettable adventure in London.

Don’t miss out on this spellbinding opportunity to learn about the world of Harry Potter.

London x London

Posted on Published: 13th October 2022  - Last updated: 20th October 2022 Categories Where to Stay in London

By: Author Lauren Kendrick

3 Wizardingly Wonderful Harry Potter Hotels in London

3 Wizardingly Wonderful Harry Potter Hotels in London

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Ever wondered what it would be like to stay at a magical hotel? You can do just that at one of these enchanting Harry Potter-themed hotels in London.

Calling all Harry Potter fanatics, these Harry Potter hotels in London are not to be missed. 

If you’ve been patiently waiting for your Hogwarts acceptance letter (and let’s face it, you have), we come bearing good news. It’s finally arrived and you’re allowed to enter the magical wizarding world at one of these Harry Potter hotels.

These Harry Potter hotels have thought of everything – enchanting floating candles, replicas of The Great Hall, owls, and even Nimbus 2000’s.

If you’re in the mood for the ultimate Harry Potter experience make sure you plan a trip to platform 9 & ¾ at Kings Cross, visit the magical Harry Potter World Tour or visit one of the many Harry Potter filming locations in London like Leadenhall Market and Grimmauld Place.

Whatever you decide to do during your Harry Potter stay, we know that you’ll have a magical time.

What are you waiting for? Grab your acceptance letter and wizarding uniform, and get ready to step into Hogwarts at one of these Harry Potter hotels in London.

Read Next: What You Need to Know Before Visiting the Harry Potter Studio Tour

Best Harry Potter Hotels in London: At a Glance 

Best harry potter-themed hotels in london , georgian house hotel.


Georgian House Hotel

From the outside, Georgian House Hotel doesn’t exactly strike you as enchanting. But, don’t let that fool you into thinking that this is not the best Harry Potter-themed hotel in London. Behind that ordinary door is a magical wizarding world and Hogwarts awaits you.

Inside this Georgian hotel you’ll find an abundance of character and charm – and that’s before you even reach your wizarding sleeping quarters. 

Concealed in the lower ground floor of this award-winning hotel, curious guests can find the wizarding chamber. It’s in this area of the 19th Century hotel that muggles have no entry, so you best remember to pack your Hogwarts acceptance letter. 

Once in the chamber, wizards pass through a portrait-lined passageway lit by candlelight – that’s as close to The Great Hall as you’re going to get. 

There are two types of stay here: The Wizards Chamber and The Enchanted Chamber.

The Wizard’s Chamber has mystical gothic rooms featuring magical castle details with stained glass windows, stone walls, archways, trunks and cauldrons. Sleep in four-poster beds hung with velvet curtains that are almost the exact replica of Gryffindor’s living quarters. 

The Enchanted Chamber is a little smaller and cosier than that of the wizards, but still just as magical. These rooms are designed for couples, and you can find these rooms concealed behind a bookcase door on the lower ground floor and feature the same Harry Potter memorabilia. 

During your stay, non-muggles can enjoy a bewitched breakfast experience, enchanted afternoon tea and wizard potion making on Saturday through Sunday.

Hagrid’s Hut

Hagrid’s Hut

Hagrid is one of the most intriguing Harry Potter characters, and his hut was an interesting place that was off limits to some. But not to you – you can stay in a real life replica of Hagrid’s Hut . 

Slip on your Hogwarts uniform that’s waiting for you at the entrance, no muggles allowed and certainly no Slytherin – this uniform is for Gryfindors only. 

Just in case you weren’t sure if Hagrid actually lived here, there’s a life-size cut out of Hagrid and his frightening furry friend. If you’re afraid of spiders, then beware there’s a miniature version of Aragog (Hargrid’s pet spider). 

Inside Hagrid’s Hut is a stone walled living area that’s fit for wizards and witches and has everything you need to perform dark arts spells and potions. Sitting above a roaring fire is a miniature version of Hippogriff – the part horse, part eagle who comes to Harry’s rescue on more than one occasion. 

There’s no shortage of owls at Hagrid’s Hut and it’s Harry Potter tradition that all wizards be assigned one. And, despite being a hut in the enchanting forest, Hagrid’s hut has all the modern modcons you could need like WiFi, flat screen TV’s and a fully equipped kitchen. 

There’s two bedrooms at Hagrid’s Hut, one with bunks beds for little Hogwarts attendees. You’ll find the magic continues here too, magical floating candles, more owls and the bigger bedroom has a stone wall just like Hagrid’s Hut. 

Harry’s House

Harry’s House

All wizards are welcome to stay at Harry’s House , and muggles are tolerated. Fans will love this Harry Potter-themed house which is just a short drive from the Harry Potter Studio Tour.

This enchanting Harry Potter apartment transports you into the film sets as soon as you step foot inside the wizarding world. Harry’s House comes with two bedrooms, one for the big kids, with magical candles floating candles as a lamp shade… And beware of the basilisk lurking around the bed frame. 

Little wizards will find their wizarding quarters have bunk beds, and all children are assigned an owl throughout their stay. You’ll even find trunks for draws and Nimbus 2000’s incase you fancy a game of quidditch in the garden. 

The magic continues in the hallway where you can enter platform 9 & ¾, but we wouldn’t recommend muggles attempt to enter. Ouch. Enjoy a magnificent feast in The Great Hall, complete with floating candles, Harry Potter House’s memorabilia and a magical starlight projector. 

Dotted around Harry’s House, there are plenty of reminders that you’re now in Hogwarts. In the living quarters there’s a roasting fire alongside an ink pot and quill to scribble down all your spells and potions.  

This Harry Potter hotel in London even has a Harry Potter themed toilet seat, there’s nothing from the wizarding world you won’t find at Harry’s House. And, even though this house is for wizards, modern wizards still need WiFi, flat screen TV’s and a fully equipped kitchen for you to whip up a feast. 

Harry Potter Hotels in London: Frequently Asked Questions

Can you sleep at harry potter world london.

Unfortunately, you can’t sleep at Harry Potter World. But, there’s some wizardly wonderful Harry Potter-themed hotels that you can stay at. The Georgian House Hotel has a secret Harry Potter living quarters that’ll make you feel like you’re in Hogwarts.

How far is Harry Potter world from King’s Cross? 

The Warner Brothers Studios in Watford is 21 miles away from King’s Cross . Driving from London King’s Cross Station, where the platform 9 & ¾ is, takes roughly 30 minutes. Though, London traffic is no joke so expect this to take up to an hour. I’d recommend hopping on a train (there are specific buses from Watford, the nearest railway station) or booking onto a tour. 

Where in London is Diagon Alley? 

Parts of Diagon Alley were filmed in London at Leadenhall Market . Leadenhall Market is in the City of London, and you might recognize it from the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  Other locations for Diagon Alley include Stoney Street (by Borough Market) and of course, at the Warner Bros Studios. 

Harry Potter London Accommodation Guide: Map

Harry potter hotels: read next.

  • The Harry Potter Studio Tour Guide
  • Self-Guided Tour of Harry Potter Locations in London
  • Harry Potter Filming Locations in London
  • Time to Discover: Leadenhall Market

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VIP Tour of Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio London

Warner Bros Studio Tour

Join our Harry Potter VIP tour of the Warner Bros Studio London and learn about The Making of Harry Potter. Our VIP tour package includes private transfer from your Central London hotel in a premium vehicle. Upon arrival avoid the crowds with priority access and be greeted by intereactor staff. Enjoy an exclusive talk about how the Harry Potter books became movies before stepping into The Great Hall. Enjoy a glass of champagne or soft drink on this semi private visit in The Great Hall with a maximum of 50 people.  From here follow the studio tour at your leisure with a self-guided visit passing some of the most iconic sets.

Our Harry Potter VIP tour of Warner Bros Studio is available every Friday. Given this limited availability, it’s recommended to book in advance since tickets are likely to sell out.

  • Our VIP  tour experience begins with pickup from your London hotel. Travel in a luxury vehicle to Warner Bros Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter
  • On arrival be greeted by interactor staff who will escort you to receive your VIP tour tickets
  • Get the full VIP treatment! Wait for this magical Harry Potter experience to begin
  • Enjoy a talk about the how the Harry Potter books were transformed into movies
  • Step into The Great Hall for an exclusive visit.  This includes a glass of champagne or a soft drink as you enjoy extra time in The Great Hall
  • Enjoy an executive visit with a maximum of 50 guests
  • Start your self-guided tour revealing behind-the-scenes secrets of the making of Harry Potter as you explore all areas of the Warner Bros Studio. This includes The Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore’s office and Platform 9¾. You’ll even get to hop onboard the original Hogwarts Express!
  • Continue with a walk inside Gringotts Wizarding Bank and a stroll down Diagon Alley. Take time to admire the extraordinary scale model of Hogwarts Castle
  • At the end of your VIP Studio Tour, we will drive you back to your London hotel.

Your executive vehicle that collects and returns you to the Warner Bros, Studio is exclusive to you and your group. The price per person depends on how many are in your group of up to 4 persons per group.  The individual price falls as the number of people in the vehicle increases.

How to Book

The private transfer includes a chauffer driven vehicle that seats up to 4 passengers to and from the Studios.

harry potter tour und hotel

What’s Included?

harry potter tour und hotel

The Great Hall

  • Traval in a private executive vehicle with pickup and dropoff at your Central London hotel
  • On arrival you will be greeted by an interactor staff member
  • Avoid the crowds with priority entrance
  • Enjoy a talk about how the Harry Potter books were turned into films
  • Step into The Great Hall and enjoy a glass of champagne or a soft drink
  • Enjoy semi-private time in The Great Hall with a maximum of just 50 guests
  • From The Great Hall continue with a self-guided visit
  • 5.00pm: Depart from your hotel in Central London
  • 6.50pm: Arrive at the Studio tour
  • 10.15pm: Depart from the Studio tour
  • 11.00pm: Arrive back in Central London, with drop-off at your Central London hotel


  • All timings are approximate and are based on traffic conditions which can vary
  • After booking you will be contacted by one of our staff to confirm the exact departure time from your Central London hotel
  • If your hotel or airbnb is not located in Central London please contact us with the full hotel or aribnb address to find out if we can pick-up from this location
  • On selected dates the tour will operate earlier starting at 3.15pm from your hotel and arriving back at your hotel at approximately 9.00pm

Tour Booking

Terms and conditions, you might also be interested.

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Happy to Wander

A Magical Guide to the Warner Bros Studio Tour in London: Everything You Need to Know

Last Updated: February 16, 2022

*FYI - this post may contain affiliate links, which means we earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase from them. Also, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Check out our Privacy Policy and Disclosure. for more info.

harry potter tour und hotel

Fact: In my entire life, I’ve only cried once at a tourist attraction.

And judge me all you want, but this cryfest happened at a Harry Potter studio tour.

… Allow me to explain myself.

Like most children born in the 90s, much of my youth was spent daydreaming about the arrival of my Hogwart’s acceptance letter. As this dream dwindled with the hardships of adulting, I instead took comfort in carbs and magical movie marathons.

But, it didn’t take much for these childhood dreams to resurface. A trip to London was all it took to re-open the floodgates (literally).

Let me tell you: for a Harry Potter fan, there is no attraction on this Earth more overwhelming and amazing than the  Warner Bros Studio Tour London, (AKA London’s Harry Potter set tour), which brings you through the filming site for all 8 movies in the Harry Potter franchise.

In addition to sets, you’re also shown countless props, the best gift shop in the world, and even a chance to taste butter beer for yourself. Come on now, is it at all a surprise that I bawled when I got to the end?

Read onwards for important info to know about the tour, some tips to keep in mind and of course, a recap of the experience (with plenty of photos!) Be careful for this section, as spoilers are abound!

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PS: Check out my full list of Harry Potter themed attractions and experiences in London for more nerdy goodness.

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Basic information to know about the Harry Potter Set Tour

If you’re interested in booking the epic Warner Bros Studio Tour in London for yourself, then here are some basic must-knows.

Harry Potter Studio Tour Tickets Info:

I first visited this attraction in 2014 and it was a hot mess then, and has only grown in popularity in the past few years.

If this Harry Potter set tour is a must-do for you, then make sure you book your tickets WELL in advance or you risk not being able to go!

Luckily, even when tickets are sold out on the main site, there are tours you can book online that will have tickets available for sold out dates.

Sometimes, booking with a tour is worthwhile because you not only guarantee your tickets, you also get the convenience of private transport there, which is nice and much less stressful than using public transport yourself.

Here is a breakdown of different Harry Potter Studio tour options that include transport. For your convenience, I also lay out their costs and what they have to offer:

Tickets can also be purchased online from the studio itself  here.

How to Get to the Warner Bros Studio Tour in London:

Despite its name, the Warner Bros Studio London is actually located in Leavesden, which is northwest of London.

While booking a tour/private transport is the easiest and most convenient way to get there, it is still quite painless to reach via public transit, as a shuttle bus runs from Watford Junction railway station.

To get to the Watford Junction station, you need to make use of London’s overground system.

Not sure about the best route to get there? Check out this handy trip planner .  The tour’s website recommends that you arrive at Watford Junction 45 minutes prior to your tour time.  

Remember to bring change, as the cost for the shuttle bus is 2 pounds each way.

NOTE : Leave a lot of leeway for you to get there. We definitely got lost a few times due to the transfers, and were stressed to the max! For a more stress-free experience, consider prebooking a tour that comes with transport. Here’s one for under $100USD.

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Tips for Doing the Harry Potter Set Tour Like a Pro

Having addressed the basics, here are some tips you should keep in mind when planning your visit:

1. Check on the Warner Bros Studio Tour website for special events

The studio tour often has special weeks during which there are specialized displays or demonstrations.

If you have quite some time in London, I suggest looking up when special events are happening and to plan accordingly.

I was luckily around for the beginning of Wand Week, so I got to see wandmakers do their thing and I even got to pose with some Death Eaters. Super cool!

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2. Allow extra time for travel

Especially if you are new to London, trying to navigate the transit there can take time, so give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the studio.

That being said, do not hyperventilate if your ticketed time is fast approaching. While the reservation system does assign you a time, they won’t turn you away if you are a bit late.

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3. Don’t forget to print your Warner Bros Studio Tour ticket

This will make the whole process smoother.

One girl that came with us didn’t print hers and upon arrival, she realized that her order never actually went through.

Luckily, even though they claim there is no box office at the attraction, she was able to purchase a ticket there, but do book in advance to save yourself the trouble.

4. Set yourself a budget for magical souvenirs

Trust me, when you enter the Harry Potter Studio Tour Shop for the first time, you will lose all sense of self control.

You will suddenly want all these things that you would never need.

Legit wizard robe? Okay!

Replica wand? Yes please.

There are so many amazingly crafted souvenirs for sale that you will easily empty your wallet.

For budget-conscious backpackers (like me) or large families with crying children, setting a budget beforehand is a must.

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5. Grab yourself a free Warner Bros Studio Tour London passport

At some point during the tour, you might notice children getting awesome embossed stamps on a Harry Potter passport.

Uh, yeah, those are actually not just for kids!

I shamelessly (and sweetly) asked a staff member for one, and they kindly obliged.

Getting the stamps is fun and having a Harry Potter passport is pretty much the best souvenir ever.

6. Be sure to check out other Harry Potter filming locations around the UK too

If you’ve made it all the way to Leavesden, you’re actually pretty close to a variety of other Harry Potter filming locations!

While this set tour is of course incredible, there are dozens of other real-life filming locations scattered around the UK that you can visit for yourself. Click here for a full list.

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Harry Potter Set Tour Recap with Photos

With those tips out of the way, I’d love to show you some photos and a brief overview of the experience from my visit in 2014. Note that they have added a lot since then, but still…

WARNING: spoilers, spoilers, spoilers. 

Some would say that the best way to experience this tour is by seeing everything first hand, but if you are curious to see photos and more, feel free to scroll further.

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Your magical experience begins as soon as you walk into the building. All around the lobby are canvases with various Harry Potter characters, as well as props and other cool artifacts hanging off the walls.

Even the task of waiting in line (typically the most mundane thing ever) is a joy for this tour.

The queue moves very quickly and there is plenty for you to nerd out about as you wait.

Most notably, Harry’s  cupboard under the stairs , is right next to the queuing area, ensuring that you get a perfect view of this iconic set.

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You’ll notice that groups are taken in based on their spot in line, rather than their timed reservation.

This is why there is some flexibility when it comes to your arrival time.

If you’re a few minutes late, no worries, just hop in the queue and you will make it in all-the-same.  

The tour begins with a brief video introduction to the franchise, followed by a preshow featuring Rupert, Daniel and Emma themselves.

As this preshow concludes, the screen reveals the doors to the  Great Hall!  During my tour, they invited any birthday kids to come up and help open the doors.

After  seriously  wishing it was my birthday, I bitterly watched two ecstatic kids live out their childhood dreams, revealing the first stop of the tour, the amazing…

1. Great Hall!

This is the the only part of the tour where your time will be limited, as they let tour groups in every few minutes.

As such, if you want photos, be sure to snap them  quickly !

Being in this room is an unreal feeling. In addition to the long tables, cutlery and elaborate set pieces, you also get to view costumes from students in each house, and important Hogwarts faculty as well!

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2. The Big Room

After your time in the Great Hall, you are brought into the  Big Room , which houses a variety of sets, props and costumes.

Here, you are given free reign to explore for yourself and gawk at all the amazing pieces the room contains!

Highlights for me were definitely the  Potions classroom  (complete with a Snape costume on display),  the Gryffindor Common Room  and  the Weasley House .

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Many of the sets also have interactive buttons where you can make objects move by pressing them.

This was especially cool in the Weasley kitchen, where the touch of a button could make an iron move on its own, make vegetables chop themselves, etc. Super neat!

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For those seeking a sweet photo opp, there are several green screen opportunities to ride a broom as a Quidditch player and more! I didn’t wait in line for this bit, but it definitely looked like a lot of fun! Here are some photos from the Big Room:

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3. The Backlot

After perusing the Big Room, you are brought outside to the  Backlot , home to a variety of sets including Harry’s  Privet Drive home , the  Hogwarts Bridge , the  Knight Bus  and of course,  the concession stands!  

It’s at this point in the tour that you can live out your childhood fantasy of sipping a nice, cold  butterbeer.  

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Be sure to explore the bridge before you purchase a butterbeer, as no food or drink is allowed on that set. 

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Now, while public opinion seems to be split on the taste of butterbeer, I have to say that  I. loved. every. single. sip.  

It’s very possible that I was blinded by the magic of my surroundings, but I would argue that it’s worth a try regardless!

NOTE: If you want to purchase a souvenir cup, remember to bring a bag or something to wrap it in, as that stuff can get mighty sticky. Here’s a sample of the cool things you’ll see in the backlot!

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4. Art Department, Creature Effects and Diagon Alley

When you’re ready to go back inside, countless wonders from the  creature effects & art department  await you. Here, you really get to appreciate the depth of work put into creating a whole magical world.

I was really wowed by everything.

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In this area, you will see masks, wigs, models and more of your favourite magical creatures.

In this second half of the tour as well, you get to walk through Diagon Alley. The details and work in the set will absolutely blow you away. The shops look so real, you’ll be tempted to go knocking on their doors.

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5. Hogwarts Castle Model

And lastly, the grand finale of the Harry Potter set tour… The model of Hogwarts!

This one here is a real showstopper.

A walkway surrounding the model allows you to view it from all angles, taking in the fine details of this wonderful school.

For many Harry Potter fans, seeing the castle like this is a dream come true. Now, if only it were real!

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At the end of the tour, just before the entrance of the Harry Potter Studio Tour Shop, you will see this wonderfully beautiful quote appear on the screen:

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It was at this point that  I began to bawl.  I couldn’t help it!

Everything that I loved about the series had been shown to me in the past few hours, and for that short period of time, I got to live out my dream of seeing the magical world that made my childhood.

Messy and gross, I walked into the gift shop, which was a massive treasure trove of things you never knew you wanted or needed. Wands for every character? I’ll take 100.

And there you have it,  the most magical experience ever . One day, I  will   visit the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but until then, I think this tour has given me enough happy & geeky memories to last. …. At least for the next little while.

Any more questions about visiting the Warner Bros Studio Tour in London?

 Over to you – have you ever been to the Warner Bros Studio Tour in London? IF NOT, THEN WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? No jk, uh I meant to ask, which part would you most look forward to?!

harry potter tour und hotel

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7 thoughts on “A Magical Guide to the Warner Bros Studio Tour in London: Everything You Need to Know”

Enjoyed every bit of your blog article.Much thanks again. Really Cool.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

bookmarked!!, I like your blog!

thanks Jane!! 😀

Hi Christina! I’m going to be traveling alone to London this week, would the Harry Potter tour be fun for a solo traveler? Also, I was considering buying a groupon for a night tour, but the picture of you holding the butter beer appears to be outside? I guess we would be missing this part of the tour if I went at night then eh?

hi Lisa, I hope this comment isn’t too late! but YES YES YES the tour would 100% still be fun as a solo traveler (provided that you like Harry Potter haha). I didn’t realize they had a special night tour, but the butterbeer was outside in a special lot where they had lots of big props and set pieces (it’s part of the tour) so I can’t imagine they would leave it out for any reason. I have my fingers crossed for you!

Thank you for this article and the pics. I always need to take a peek of the atmosphere beforehand since I’m going solo. I hope they will let me use my selfie stick inside.

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The 10 Best Harry Potter Tours in London

Grab your wands and prepare for a magical trip through London.

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Courtesy of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter

Though you won't find Eeylops Owl Emporium, Flourish and Blotts, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes or Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions in London 's streets, that doesn't mean you can't indulge in the world of "Harry Potter." Knowledgeable witches and wizards lead themed tours that discuss not only filming locations for the beloved Potter films, but also the wizarding world's most famous individuals like Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Consulting Muggle traveler opinion as well as expert input from the top witches and wizards, U.S. News & World Report found the best Harry Potter London tours on offer.

Note: These tours take place on foot, by bus or on trains, so it's best to leave your brooms and Floo powder at home.

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter

Price: From 53.50 pounds (around $67) per person Duration: 3.5 hours

For Potterheads, no trip to London is complete without a stop to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter , which explores how the "Harry Potter" films were made. During the self-guided visit, travelers will wander the Diagon Alley set, board the Hogwarts Express, view props and costumes and much, much more. Visit around Halloween for the Dark Arts or the winter holidays for Hogwarts in the Snow; the tour is decked out in seasonal décor for both events.

"As both a filmmaker and 'Harry Potter' fan, I was absolutely blown away by this tour," says Leilani Osmundson , senior digital producer at U.S. News Travel. "The sets, props and costumes were incredible and very well-maintained, and there were written explanations for almost everything." Osmundson suggests staying at the back of the group when entering the Great Hall for a chance to snag photos with fewer people in the shot when the group moves on. Keep in mind, this great experience comes with equivalent fees: Travelers warn of high ticket prices and expensive souvenirs. To avoid crowds, get to the studio early.

The tour is self-paced and you can explore as long as you wish. The tour is located in Leavesden, Watford, which is about 20 miles northwest of central London. Take the train to Watford Junction then board the complimentary shuttle to the studio.

Check prices & availability on:

Evan Evans Tours – Harry Potter Film Locations Walking Tour

Price: Adults from 30 pounds (about $38); kids from 25 pounds (around $31) Duration: 3 hours

Along this walking tour, you'll see the telephone booth that takes you to the Ministry of Magic, the Millennium Bridge and King's Cross Station, among other top filming locations. Tour-takers say the guides share fun Potter facts along with information about London.

Tours depart at both 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. every day. You will need a valid travel card for the Underground, as part of the tour is on the Tube. The outing is not wheelchair accessible. Evan Evans tours also runs an outing that buses trip-takers to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London.

group of people in withces hats and wands

Courtesy of Tour for Muggles

Tour for Muggles

Price: Adults from 17 pounds (about $21); kids from 15 pounds (around $19) Duration: 2 hours

"Harry Potter" fans praise the witches and wizards who lead this tour, saying they are full of fun information and are passionate storytellers. A few note that if you're traveling solo, this is a great tour to take. The walking tour takes travelers throughout London – including across the Thames – and tells stories about Harry, Ron and Hermione along the way.

No more than 20 people will be on the tour. You'll meet your guide near the Monument Tube station. Tours generally depart at 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. daily, though additional times may be available. You can also book this as a private tour.

See Your City – Original Harry Potter Locations Tour

Price: Adults from $20; kids from $15 Duration: 2 hours

During See Your City's jaunt, you'll not only learn about the filming of "Harry Potter" (including the bridge destroyed in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"), but guides will also quiz you along the way so you can earn points for your house. Travelers praise the guides for their fun and informative delivery, saying that there are several spots on the tour that they wouldn't have seen by themselves.

Tours run mornings at 10:30 a.m., and afternoons at 2 and 7 p.m. In addition to English, See Your City conducts tours in Italian, German, French, Spanish and British Sign Language. The company runs other "Harry Potter"-themed tours, including one that explores London by boat and one that runs at night.

International Friends – Small Group Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter & Oxford

Price: Adults from 194 pounds (roughly $243); kids from 189 pounds (about $237) Duration: 11.5 hours

This daylong tour begins with a visit to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London to see the sets (including the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid's Hut and the Great Hall), costumes and props from the films. After spending about four hours at the studio, the coach will whisk you away to nearby Oxford where guides will take you on a walking tour of the university buildings and city streets. Tourgoers call this an excellent way to spend the day and appreciated the stop in Oxford.

Trips depart from central London around 8 a.m. and return around 7:30 p.m. In addition to "Harry Potter" outings, International Friends runs "Downton Abbey" tours.

group of tourists in front of Palace Theatre, London

Courtesy of London With a Local

London With a Local – Free Harry Potter Wizarding Tour

Price: Free Duration: 2 hours

Tourgoers routinely encourage "Harry Potter" fans to take this tour, saying the guides and stories shared are both fantastic. The walking tour meets at Palace Theatre, where the play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" performs. (While seeing the play isn't part of the tour, you may want to grab tickets to the show while you're in London.) From there, guides will lead you down Diagon and Knockturn alleys (aka Charing Cross Road) and past buildings that inspired the Gringotts Wizarding Bank and the Ministry of Magic. Be sure to refresh your trivia knowledge, too, as guides quiz travelers for the Hogwarts Trivia House Cup.

Tours depart at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., but daily availability can vary. The tour is free, though tips for the guide are appreciated. London With a Local runs other movie- and book-based free tours, including James Bond and Sherlock Holmes tours.

Check availability on:

Brit Movie Tours – Wizards London Bus Tour

Price: Adults from 32.50 pounds (about $40); kids from 21 pounds (roughly $26) Duration: 3.5 hours

Hop on an air-conditioned bus to see spots in London that served as a backdrop for the eight "Harry Potter" films. Sights tourgoers will see include the spot used for the Leaky Cauldron, the spot where the Knight Bus squished itself through traffic and more. Along the way, guides will quiz you about the books. Plus you'll see a few spots from the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise. Many travelers say the bus tour is a bargain and praise the guides. A few others note they could have found the stops by themselves.

Tours run year-round on Sundays (usually at 9:30 a.m.) as well as Wednesdays in the warmer months. Availability can vary, however. Brit Movie Tours also runs a walking version of this tour.

London Top Sight Tours – J. K. Rowling & Wizard Walking Tour

Price: Adults from 20 pounds (about $25); kids tour free Duration: 3 hours

This tour focuses not only on the books and movies but also the woman who created them: J.K. Rowling. Along the tour, you'll see locations that inspired Rowling and visit the graphic design firm that created design for all the movies. Additionally, this walking tour stops a "Harry Potter"-themed shop. London tourists say the guides do an excellent job.

Tours depart from King's Cross. Tours run at 10 a.m. and 1:30 and 4 p.m. daily. The company runs a variety of other London tours, as well as private tours.

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City Wonders – Fully Guided Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter

Price: Adults from $312; kids from $299 Duration: 6 hours

As the name implies, City Wonders conducts fully guided excursions to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour. Guides meet the tour group – of no more than eight individuals – at the Euston War Memorial before boarding a train to get to the studio. Upon arrival, a trained guide will lead your group through the Studio Tour. You'll view props, costumes and sets like Ollivander's, the Gryffindor common room and more. Along the way, guides will share interesting tidbits about the movies. Travelers say the tours are excellent and the guided portion through The Making of Harry Potter is extra special. They also say that sampling Butterbeer or other magic foods is a must, but warn of long lines for concessions.

The tour departs at 11:05 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. daily. City Wonders runs a variety of tours, including outings to the British Museum and the Tower of London .

Free Tours by Foot – Harry Potter Walking Tour London

Price: Free Duration: 2.5 hours

If you're hoping to save some knuts, sickles and galleons on a London trip, this could be a great tour option. As the name implies, Free Tours by Foot runs pay-what-you-wish walking tours. The "Harry Potter" tour will go by Westminster Tube station (as seen in "The Order of the Phoenix"), Godwin's Court (Knockturn Alley), St. Paul's and Trafalgar Square, among other top sites. Travelers say it is a wonderful tour, as guides share information about both the boy wizard and London history.

Tours run daily at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Though tours are free, reservations are required and there is a $3 booking fee. Additionally, part of the tour takes place on the Tube, so make sure you have plenty of money on a travel card.

Harry Potter Tours in Scotland

London isn't the only place in the United Kingdom to get your Potter fix. Scotland – where you'll find the real-life Hogwarts Express and Hogwarts castle – is another must-visit destination for fans. Here are some tours to consider:

  • Free Harry Potter Tour: Explore Edinburgh on foot to hear about the influence the city had on the books. Book on Free Harry Potter Tour .
  • The Magical Highlands Tour (Includes Steam Train Journey): See the Scottish Highlands and take a ride on the Jacobite steam train (aka the Hogwarts Express). Book on GetYourGuide .
  • Harry Potter & the Hogwarts Express: Visit filming locations in the Highlands including the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Book on HAGGiS Adventures .
  • J.K. Rowling's Edinburgh: Traverse city streets to learn about the Potter stories and their creator. Book on The Potter Tour .
  • The Potter Trail: Grab a wand and explore Potterific sites around Edinburgh on this free tour. Book on The Potter Trail .
  • J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Walking Tour in Edinburgh: Find out where He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is buried and the namesakes for some of the characters. Book on Viator .
  • Jacobite Steam Train Experience. Take a ride on the Hogwarts Express and snap photos of Cairngorms National Park. Book on Scottish Tours .
  • Immersive Harry Potter Tour. Get quizzed on your magical knowledge while walking through Edinburgh. Book on: Viator | Get Your Guide .

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  1. Harry Potter Studiotour in London inkl. 4*Hotel für 99€

    harry potter tour und hotel

  2. Harry Potter Tour London & 3* Hotel & Flug ab 179 €

    harry potter tour und hotel

  3. Overnacht in het Harry Potter Hotel in Londen!

    harry potter tour und hotel

  4. Harry Potter Studio Tour in London • Tickets + 4* Hotel ab 139€

    harry potter tour und hotel

  5. Harry Potter London Reise: Studio Tour inkl. Nacht in 4* Hotel

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  6. London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour mit Hotelpaket

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  1. Warner Bros. Studio Tour + Hotel Stay

    This stylish 4-star hotel is just a short drive from Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter, and the historic city of St Albans.. Guests can enjoy complimentary access to the Spirit Health Club, with a gym, pool and spa facilities.. Indulge in a delicious meal at the hotel restaurant, or enjoy a drink at the bar. All Day Dining means you can grab a bite to eat at any hour ...

  2. Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio Tour 2024/2025

    Besuche die Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London für ein einmaliges Harry Potter-Erlebnis. Bei uns findest du attraktive Angebote, bei denen die Eintrittskarten sowie eine Hotelübernachtung mit Frühstück inbegriffen sind. Alle acht Harry Potter-Filme wurden in den Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden gedreht, einem hochmodernen Film- und ...

  3. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

    Discover the magic of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London! Explore authentic sets, props, and costumes from the Harry Potter films. Book now for an unforgettable experience.

  4. Harry Potter Studio Tour Packages

    2024 accommodation and entry to go to see the Making of Harry Potter can be organised for the whole family. Our Harry Potter Studio Tour breaks include pre-booked tickets for the tour of the Warner Brother's Studio tour, your choice of central London accommodation and transport by double decker bus from central London to Leavesden Studios.

  5. Harry Potter Studio Tour with Hotel Pickup & Dropoff

    Available Every Day from £ 149 per Person. For all Central London hotels. Our Warner Bros. Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter with hotel pick up and drop off is the most convenient way to travel to and from The Warner Bros. Studios. We pick up from all Central London hotels and residential addresses. Travel in an executive vehicle with ...

  6. London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour with Hotel Package

    Combine an overnight stay in central London with an entry ticket to the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio and a return transfer to your hotel. Explore the sets from the movie. Be impressed by Gringott's Wizarding Bank, the Forbidden Forest, and many more sites. Decide to stay 1 to 4 nights in London. Choose to stay 1, 2, 3, or 4 nights in London.

  7. Harry Potter Studio Tour in London Tickets mit Hotel

    Betritt die Große Halle, den Verbotenen Wald und die Winkelgasse. Von Julia. Redakteurin. ᐅ The Making of Harry Potter™ - Studio Tour ⇒ Angebot inkl. Tickets und Hotelübernachtung in London TOP Bewertungen Bis zu 50% sparen GRATIS Kundenservice ⇒ Jetzt buchen.

  8. London: Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour With Hotel Package

    The booking information for the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Tour in London includes details on pricing, duration, inclusions, and hotel accommodation. The tour starts at $274.31 per person for a 2 to 5-day experience. Inclusions encompass a hotel stay with breakfast, roundtrip coach transportation, an entrance ticket to Warner Bros Studio, and ...

  9. Harry Potter Studio Tour London Hotel Package

    Available Every Day from £ 125 per Person. Warner Bros. Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter. Our Warner Bros. Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter & London hotel package is a great way to get tickets to the Warner Bros Studio Tour, as well as enjoy a stay in a London hotel. Choose to stay in a London 3-star, 4-star or 5-star hotel.

  10. Fully Guided Tour of Warner Bros Studio Tour London

    What You Will Do. Go behind the scenes of the Harry Potter movies at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter. Accompanied by a guide, you'll explore the studios for three hours to see costumes, props, and sets from all of the beloved movies. Peek inside Dumbledore's office, stroll down Diagon Alley, and much more.

  11. 2024 (London) Warner Bros. Studio Harry Potter Tour with Superior

    Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter and Oxford Day Trip. 219. Full-day Tours. from. $196.22. per adult. LIKELY TO SELL OUT*. Fully Guided Tour of Warner Bros Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter.

  12. 3 Wizardingly Wonderful Harry Potter Hotels in London

    Pimlico. £££. From the outside, Georgian House Hotel doesn't exactly strike you as enchanting. But, don't let that fool you into thinking that this is not the best Harry Potter-themed hotel in London. Behind that ordinary door is a magical wizarding world and Hogwarts awaits you. Inside this Georgian hotel you'll find an abundance of ...

  13. Harry Potter Deluxe Tour

    Enjoy an executive visit with a maximum of 50 guests. Start your self-guided tour revealing behind-the-scenes secrets of the making of Harry Potter as you explore all areas of the Warner Bros Studio. This includes The Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore's office and Platform 9¾. You'll even get to hop onboard the original Hogwarts Express!

  14. The Experience

    It was really good value for the amount of time we were there.". "You definitely have to experience this! Remember to book the tickets early, a month before the visit may be too late.". Experience Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter, explore the sets, discover the history and home of the Harry Potter film series.

  15. The Ultimate Guide to Warner Bros Studio Tour London

    For budget-conscious backpackers (like me) or large families with crying children, setting a budget beforehand is a must. 5. Grab yourself a free Warner Bros Studio Tour London passport. At some point during the tour, you might notice children getting awesome embossed stamps on a Harry Potter passport.

  16. 10 Best Harry Potter Tours in London (2024)

    Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter. Price: From 53.50 pounds (around $67) per person. Duration: 3.5 hours. For Potterheads, no trip to London is complete without a stop ...

  17. Official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts.

    Wizarding World - Official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Discover your Hogwarts house, wand and Patronus, play quizzes, read features, and keep up to speed on the latest….

  18. Deluxe Tour

    Your Deluxe ticket includes a 2 ½ hour guided tour with a small group, surrounded by the authentic sets, props and costumes, where you will learn the behind-the-scenes secrets at the studios where it all began. After stepping onto the authentic stone floor in the iconic Hogwarts Great Hall, you will receive the unique opportunity to return to ...

  19. Tara Gates

    By Andrew M. " A place where dreams come true ". Jul 2018. The Tara gate is one of the four main gates of Omsk fortress. It is also known as the "Northern Gate". The gate was restored in 1991, and is predominately a cream colour with white borders. It was originally built in 1792. We heard that there was a museum at the top of the gate, but ...

  20. Tickets

    Dark Arts 13th Sep - 10th Nov 2024. Hogwarts in the Snow 16th Nov - 19th Jan 2025. Tickets. Individual. Family. Souvenir Gift Ticket. Gift E-Ticket. Tickets and Hotel. Deluxe.

  21. Omsk Planetarium

    Marina Mall Boothill Casino and Resort Caracalla Therme Marquette Park East Beach The Getty Villa Teec Nos Pos Trading Post Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Davis Farmland Spam Museum and Visitor Center Historic Bar Harbor Self-Guided Walking Audio Tour Guide Harry Potter Film Locations Walking Tour Doha Helicopter Tour Olivas Querencia Extra ...

  22. Hotel Tourist Omsk official site

    The hotel complex Tourist was built in 1973-1979. according to the original project of the Omsk architect L.V. Kiseleva. For the construction of the hotel, a picturesque place was chosen on the banks of the confluence of the Omi and Irtysh rivers - the square of the founder of the city Ivan Dmitrievich Bukhgolts, which to this day is the center of the business and cultural life of the city of ...

  23. THE BEST Omsk Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    1. Omsk Aеroclub. 2. Chernoglazov Denis. Full-Day Trail to 6 hidden Beaches, Colomitos and Snorkel Transportation from Sphinx Airport to anywhere in Cairo and Giza African American History Tour with Museum Admission Into the Night: Chasing Aurora Borealis with Warmth and Treats!