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LastPass Guide

LastPass app for iOS

Set up the LastPass app for iOS

LastPass for iOS Autofill Overview

Use LastPass for autofill via the iOS Safari extension

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Get Started

LastPass Quick Start Guide

About LastPass

What is LastPass and why should I use it?

What is the LastPass master password?

How is LastPass safe?

What makes LastPass secure?

Is LastPass GDPR compliant?

Is LastPass HIPAA compliant?

LastPass Security Incident Summary

Security Bulletin: Recommended Actions for LastPass Business Administrators

Security Bulletin: Recommended Actions for Free, Premium, and Families Customers

What have we done to secure LastPass

How do I contact customer support for LastPass?

What levels of customer support does LastPass offer?

Having trouble logging in?

Report a billing issue to LastPass

Report a bug or technical issue to LastPass

Create diagnostic logs in LastPass

Get console and network logs for LastPass in Chrome

Get console and network logs for LastPass in Firefox

Get network logs for LastPass in Safari

Get console and network logs for LastPass in Microsoft Edge

Get console and network logs for LastPass in Opera

Use the My Cases portal

I submitted a case but I'm not receiving any emails – what should I do?

Report a security issue to LastPass

Report a phishing email to LastPass

Is there a service outage for LastPass?

What happens if LastPass has an outage?

Login Verification

What is email verification?

Why is my device not recognized when I log in to LastPass?

How do I disable email verification for LastPass?

Verify your trusted device

Why am I seeing a message to check my inbox or review login info and try again when logging in to LastPass?

Why didn't I get an email sent from LastPass?

Why does my verification link show as expired when I verify my location for LastPass?

How does LastPass know if my master password was exposed?

Free LastPass trainings for business accounts

Best practices for traveling with LastPass

Best practices for using spell check in a browser


Create an account

Install and log in to LastPass

Log in to your online web vault for LastPass

What's new in LastPass?

Access LastPass on a non-admin or locked down computer

System requirements for LastPass

Allowlisting and firewall configuration for LastPass

Manage automatic updates for the LastPass browser extension

Install the LastPass binary component

Uninstall LastPass

Account Recovery

Set up all account recovery options for LastPass

Set up additional security options for LastPass

Set up biometrics and mobile account recovery on iOS for LastPass

Set up SMS account recovery for LastPass

Check if you have set up SMS account recovery for LastPass

Update your phone number for SMS account recovery for LastPass

Create a Recovery One Time Password to use during LastPass account recovery

Recover your lost master password for LastPass

Reset your master password using mobile account recovery on iOS for LastPass

Reset your master password using mobile account recovery on Android for LastPass

Reset your master password using a hint/reminder

Reset your master password using SMS account recovery for LastPass

Reset your master password using a Recovery One Time Password for LastPass

Revert to your previous master password

How does account recovery work for LastPass?

About account recovery options in LastPass

LastPass account recovery has failed because my current browser didn't save account recovery data on this computer

Why can't LastPass Support reset the master password for my account?

I am locked out of my email account and need to reset my master password, what should I do?

What is a Recovery One Time Password in LastPass?

Account recovery and one-time password verification for error_recovery1

Account Settings

Master password settings

Change your master password

Manage master password reminder

Email settings

Change email address for LastPass

Manage your security email address for LastPass

Manage email notifications

Privacy settings

Manage privacy settings

Manage account history tracking

View LastPass account history

What other data does LastPass handle?

Account history

Protecting private information

Alert settings

Manage password alerts

Protect your data with your master password

Security settings

Local and global security options

Security options in the LastPass browser extension preferences

Global security options in Account Settings

About password iterations

Change your password iterations for LastPass

Restrict LastPass access to specific countries

Manage the allowance of Tor networks

All account settings

Manage Account Settings

Manage General preferences in Account Settings

Supported languages for LastPass

Change the default language for LastPass

Change language on the homepage

Change language in the online web vault and desktop apps

Change language in local vault, browser extension, and new Admin Console

Can I change my profile photo in LastPass?

Manage Passwordless Options in Account Settings

Enable multifactor authentication for LastPass

Which multifactor authentication options does LastPass support?

Manage Trusted Devices in Account Settings

Manage Mobile Devices in Account Settings

Manage access restriction for my mobile devices

Manage authorization of my mobile devices

Rename my mobile device's label/random identifier

Disallow a mobile device from accessing LastPass

Manage Never URLs in Account Settings

Manage Equivalent Domains in Account Settings

About Strict Equivalent Domain and Subdomain Settings

Why doesn't LastPass recognize my equivalent domain as a valid domain?

Manage strict equivalent subdomains

Manage URL Rules in Account Settings

Browser Extension

Get started with the LastPass browser extension

Enable the LastPass browser extension

Use the LastPass browser extension

Install and log in to the LastPass browser extension

LastPass browser extension icon states

What is save and fill?

What version of LastPass am I running, and how do I update?

LastPass for Safari App Extension

Install and log in to the LastPass for Safari app extension on Mac

LastPass for Safari app extension icon states

Use the LastPass for Safari app extension on Mac

Troubleshoot or uninstall the LastPass for Safari app extension

Manage LastPass browser extension preferences

Change General preferences for the LastPass browser extension

Change Notifications preferences for the LastPass browser extension

Change HotKeys preferences for the LastPass browser extension

Change Advanced preferences for the LastPass browser extension

Change Icons preferences for the LastPass browser extension

Log in to sites using LastPass

Add a new site

Manage automatic logout

Why am I being asked for permission in Firefox to copy LastPass data to my clipboard?

Why do I see "Managed by Company" for the LastPass browser extension?

Deploy the LastPass browser extensions across your company

Deploy the LastPass browser extensions in Microsoft Intune

Log out of LastPass

Pausing or disabling LastPass on a website from the in-field menu

Desktop Apps

About the LastPass for Windows Desktop application

Install and log in to the LastPass for Windows Desktop application

Add and delete items in the LastPass for Windows Desktop application

Use the LastPass for Windows Desktop application

Troubleshoot the LastPass Windows for Desktop application

Use the LastPass Mac App

Install and log in to the LastPass Mac App

Use the LastPass Mac App vault

Log out or uninstall the LastPass Mac App

Mobile Apps

Use LastPass on a mobile device

Install and log in to the LastPass app for iOS

Set up Face ID for account recovery in the LastPass app for iOS

Set up Touch ID for account recovery in the LastPass app for iOS

Use LastPass on your Apple Watch

Use LastPass for autofill via the LastPass app for iOS

LastPass for iOS Autofill FAQs

Use the LastPass app for iOS

Add and manage passwords in the LastPass app for iOS

Generate a secure password in the LastPass app for iOS

Add and manage secure notes in the LastPass app for iOS

Add or manage form fill items in the LastPass app for iOS

Use the LastPass app on an iPad

Manage the LastPass app for iOS

Use security tools in the LastPass app for iOS

Manage settings in the LastPass app for iOS

Troubleshooting the LastPass app for iOS

Get diagnostic logs for the LastPass app for iOS

What data is collected when I use the LastPass app for iOS?

How do I opt-out of trackers on my mobile device?

LastPass app for Android

Set up the LastPass app for Android

Install and log in to the LastPass app for Android

Set up biometrics and mobile account recovery on Android for LastPass

How to use biometrics in the LastPass app for Android?

Set up and use Face Unlock with LastPass on a Pixel mobile device

Enable and use autofill in the LastPass app for Android

Use the LastPass app for Android

Add and manage passwords in the LastPass app for Android

Generate a secure password in the LastPass app for Android

Add and manage secure notes in the LastPass app for Android

Add and manage form fill items in the LastPass app for Android

Use the Sharing Center in the LastPass app for Android

Manage the LastPass app for Android

Use security tools in the LastPass app for Android

Manage settings in the LastPass app for Android

Troubleshooting the LastPass app for Android

LastPass app for Android FAQs

Retrieve diagnostic logs from your Android device for LastPass

General FAQs

Basic troubleshooting for LastPass (mobile)

I did not receive an SMS message from LastPass, what do I do?

How do I run the security challenge for LastPass on my mobile device?

How do I manage and organize my folders in the LastPass app?

Account Management

Unlock your LastPass account

Reset your LastPass account

Merge two LastPass accounts

Which LastPass account should I use?

How do I delete my LastPass account?

I know my master password – how do I delete my LastPass account?

I do not know my master password – how do I delete my account?

Account FAQs

What type of LastPass personal account do I have?

How do I migrate data between my LastPass accounts?

New User Experience

New LastPass Support Center experience

New LastPass Community experience

LastPass Free

LastPass Free FAQs

Changes to LastPass Free

What are device types?

What is my active device type, and how many switches do I have left?

How do I switch my active device type?

What happens after I switch my active device type three times?

What happens if I log in to LastPass Free on a non-active device type?

Is multifactor authentication affected by the changes to LastPass Free?

Is my linked personal account affected by the changes to LastPass Free?

How has LastPass Customer Support changed for LastPass Free users?

As a LastPass Free user, can I still export my vault data if I select Mobile as my active device type?

LastPass Families

Get started as a LastPass Families user

Join a LastPass Families account

LastPass Families FAQs

For Family Owners and Managers

Get started with LastPass Families

Use the LastPass Families Manager Dashboard

Log in to the LastPass Families Manager Dashboard

Add a family member in LastPass Families

Remove a family member in LastPass Families

Add a Family Manager in LastPass Families

Transfer the ownership of a Families account

Leave LastPass Families

Leave a LastPass Families account (as a family member or Family Manager)

Delete a LastPass Families account (as a Family Owner)

What is the difference between leaving and deleting a LastPass Families account?

How do I check which role I have in LastPass Families?

Can family members view or access my vault in LastPass Families?

LastPass Teams

Get started as a LastPass Teams user

Get started with LastPass Teams

Manage your LastPass Teams Account

Access the LastPass Teams Admin Console

Add users to LastPass Teams

View and manage LastPass Teams user settings

Manage LastPass Teams policies

Manage LastPass Teams multifactor authentication options

Generate LastPass Teams reports

About deleting users from LastPass Teams

Manually terminate a user from LastPass Teams

How much does LastPass cost?

Can I trial LastPass Business for free?

How do I sign up and activate a new LastPass Business account?

Upgrading to LastPass Premium

LastPass Premium FAQs

Upgrade to LastPass Premium

Upgrade to LastPass Premium from an iOS device

Upgrade to LastPass Premium from an Android device

Upgrade to LastPass Premium from your Mac

Upgrading from LastPass Premium to LastPass Families FAQs

How do I upgrade my LastPass Business account with an add-on?

Why would my billing period change?

Claiming your LastPass "Premium as a Perk" account

What if I encounter an issue when claiming my "LastPass Premium as a Perk" account?

Why am I being charged sales tax or VAT/GST for LastPass?

LastPass legal entity and invoicing change FAQs

Why do I see a message that I cannot purchase LastPass?

Why am I getting an error when I try to purchase LastPass?

Why do I see the message "We're unable to process your purchase at this time" when trying to purchase LastPass?

Why was my payment declined?

Print billing receipts for LastPass

Print billing receipts for a LastPass Premium or LastPass Free plan

Print billing receipts for a LastPass Families plan

Print billing receipts for a LastPass Teams or LastPass Business plan

How do I purchase more LastPass Business licenses?

Why can't I use PayPal to purchase LastPass?

How do I switch from LastPass Families to LastPass Premium?

When does my LastPass plan renew?

Enable or cancel auto-renewal for LastPass

Manually renew LastPass Premium or LastPass Families plan

Update payment and billing information

How do I manually renew my LastPass Teams or LastPass Business account?

Why am I seeing a message that my LastPass Business account has expired?

My LastPass Families plan has expired, what options do I have?

My LastPass Business plan is about to expire, what should I do?

My LastPass Teams or LastPass Business account has expired, what options do I have?

Downgrade from a LastPass Teams or LastPass Business account

My LastPass Teams or LastPass Business trial has expired

My LastPass Teams or LastPass Business trial is still active

Cancel LastPass Premium

How do I cancel my LastPass trial?

How do I refund a purchase for LastPass?

I was charged twice for LastPass, how do I get a refund?

Explore Features

Vault Management

Manage your vault

Use advanced options in your vault

Manage your vault identities

Create a vault identity

Edit a vault identity

Switch to another vault identity

Delete a vault identity

Why do I see a message that my selected identity no longer exists in LastPass?

Manage your passwords

Add a password

Edit a password

Delete a password

Share a password

Secure notes

Manage your secure notes

Add a new note

Edit or delete a note

Share notes with others

View changes in note history

About downloading attachments for secure notes

Form fill items

Manage your form fill items

Add a new item manually

Edit or delete an item

View changes in item history

About adding attachments to items

About sharing items with others

How do I prevent fields from being filled automatically?

How do I prevent the in-field icon from appearing for specific items?

Create a custom item type

Vault Organization

Manage folders within your LastPass vault

Restore deleted items and folders

Multifactor Authentication

Supported Authenticators

FIDO2 authentication in LastPass

Use a FIDO2 authenticator for LastPass MFA

Enable attestation validation policy for FIDO2 authenticator for LastPass Business users

Use the LastPass Authenticator app

Set up LastPass to use the LastPass Authenticator app

Step #1: Enable the LastPass Authenticator app in LastPass

Step #2: Enroll the LastPass Authenticator app

Step #3: Set up a backup authentication method for the LastPass Authenticator app

Use the LastPass Authenticator app to access your LastPass vault

Use the Call Me feature for the LastPass Authenticator app

Disable the LastPass Authenticator app for my LastPass vault

Regenerate your QR code and reset key in the LastPass Authenticator app

Manage the LastPass Authenticator app

What are the Security Checkup items in the LastPass Authenticator app?

Set up push notifications for sites in the LastPass Authenticator app

Re-enable push notifications for a site using the LastPass Authenticator app

Manage your registered accounts in the LastPass Authenticator app

Add an account to the LastPass Authenticator app

Why am I getting a message, "Device not paired, unrecognized QR code" in the LastPass Authenticator app?

Edit your accounts in the LastPass Authenticator app

Arrange your accounts in the LastPass Authenticator app

Manage groups in the LastPass Authenticator app

Create a group in the LastPass Authenticator app

Edit a group in the LastPass Authenticator app

Delete a group in the LastPass Authenticator app

View authentication history in the LastPass Authenticator app

Reset my biometrics for the LastPass Authenticator app

Move TOTP accounts in the LastPass Authenticator app to a new device or export them to a file

Import TOTP accounts from a file or other authenticator app using a QR code to the LastPass Authenticator app

Configure screen capture in the LastPass Authenticator app

Hide TOTPs when I open the LastPass Authenticator app

View the secret key of my TOTP accounts in the LastPass Authenticator app

Enable dark mode in the LastPass Authenticator app

Become a beta tester of the LastPass Authenticator app

I don't have a LastPass account, how do I move the LastPass Authenticator app to my new phone?

I have a LastPass account, how do I move the LastPass Authenticator app to a new phone?

Enable cloud backup for the LastPass Authenticator app

Restore from cloud backup in the LastPass Authenticator app

Use the Microsoft Authenticator

Set up the Microsoft Authenticator on your mobile device

Enable the Microsoft Authenticator in LastPass

View the QR code for the Google or Microsoft Authenticator app in LastPass

Regenerate a key for the Microsoft Authenticator in LastPass

Use the Google Authenticator

Set up the Google Authenticator on your mobile device

Enable the Google Authenticator in LastPass

Regenerate a key for the Google Authenticator in LastPass

Google Authenticator does not work on my Android device, how do I fix it?

Migrate from Google Authenticator to Microsoft Authenticator as a user

Migrate from Google Authenticator to Microsoft Authenticator as an admin

Use YubiKey multifactor authentication

Enable YubiKey in LastPass

Use YubiKey to log in to LastPass

Why is my YubiKey not lighting up when I use it?

Having trouble with YubiKey on your iOS device?

How do I use VIP YubiKey authentication?

Use SecureAuth Authentication

Step #1: Set up the SecureAuth Authenticate app

Step #2: Set up and configure SecureAuth in LastPass

Step #3: Use SecureAuth Authenticate to log in to LastPass

Use RSA SecurID Multifactor Authentication

Step #1: Set up the RSA SecurID integration with LastPass

Step #2: Set up and configure RSA SecurID in LastPass

Step #3: Use the RSA SecurID Authenticate app to log in to LastPass

Use Symantec VIP

Step #1: Enable multifactor authentication and add user Credential IDs (Admins)

Step #2: Set up and configure Symantec VIP in LastPass

Step #3: Use the Symantec VIP authenticator to log in to LastPass

Use Duo Security Authentication

Step #1: Set up and configure Duo Security authentication

Step #2: Log in to LastPass using Duo Security authentication

Use Grid Multifactor Authentication (no longer available)

Use Grid to log in to LastPass

Disable authentication for a lost Grid

Reset Grid for authentication

Use Windows Fingerprint Authentication

Use Smart Card Authentication

Use Toopher Authentication (not available for new users)

Use Transakt Authentication (no longer available)

How do I add more than one multifactor authentication option to use for LastPass?

How do I select my default multifactor authentication option in LastPass?

How do I log in to LastPass using different multifactor authentication options?

What are the best practices for using multifactor authentication in LastPass?

Disable multifactor authentication as a user

I am locked out because I can't disable multifactor authentication for my LastPass account

Instructions for LastPass admins

Step #1: Temporarily disable the policy for the locked out user

Step #2: Disable Multifactor for the locked out user

Step #3: Confirm that the user can log in and access their vault

Step #4: Re-enable the policy for the user

Step #5: Force the user to log out of all LastPass sessions to force Multifactor Authentication setup again (optional)

I lost my phone! How do I disable multifactor authentication via email?

I'm locked out of LastPass because I can't disable the LastPass Authenticator, what should I do?

Disable authentication for a new or lost device

How do I disable offline access for multifactor authentication for LastPass?

Why do I see "No supported devices were found" when I try to set up Touch ID on macOS for the Fingerprint multifactor authentication option in LastPass?

Why are my credentials filled before I am prompted for multifactor authentication for LastPass?

How do I enable the LastPass Authenticator app for Facebook?

Why am I seeing "Multifactor authentication failed"?

Why do I have to reset my authenticator app?

Manage Your Passwords

Can I disable the need to accept single shared items?

I deleted an item from Favorites, why is it missing from my whole vault?

How do I view username, password, and note history for sites?

About the "Allow Recipient to View Password" feature for shared items in LastPass

Generate secure passwords

Change site passwords

Create a TOTP for password items in your vault

Disable autofill for sites

View deleted items

Set up automatic logins

Require a master password reprompt

Manage your favorites

Use the LastPass command line application

Additional Security Features

Use temporary (one-time) passwords

Generate temporary one-time passwords for LastPass

Log in to LastPass using a temporary one-time password

Clear your temporary one-time passwords for LastPass

What is the difference between a One Time Password and a Recovery One Time Password?

Set up and manage Emergency Access

Add a trusted contact for emergency access

Trusted contact accepts or declines invitation

Emergency access user requests access

Approve or deny an emergency access request

Revoke emergency access for a user

How is Emergency Access secure?

I can no longer see data from my emergency contact in my LastPass vault. What do I do?

Set Up and Manage LastPass Credit Monitoring

About LastPass Credit Monitoring

Enable LastPass Credit Monitoring

LastPass Credit Monitoring and LastPass Premium Credit Monitoring FAQs

Set Up and Manage LastPass Premium Credit Monitoring

About LastPass Premium Credit Monitoring

Enable LastPass Premium Credit Monitoring

Cancel the LastPass Premium Credit Monitoring

Import Data

Import passwords from other sources into LastPass

Import from another password manager

Import passwords from Bitwarden into LastPass

Import passwords from Dashlane into LastPass

Import passwords from KeePass into LastPass

Import passwords from Keeper into LastPass

Import passwords from 1Password into LastPass

Import stored data from RoboForm into LastPass

Import from your web browser's built-in password manager

Import passwords from Chrome into LastPass

Import passwords from Firefox into LastPass

Import passwords from Microsoft Edge into LastPass

Import passwords from Opera into LastPass

Import passwords from Safari into LastPass

Import using another method

Import stored data into LastPass using a generic CSV file

Import a generic CSV file that was exported from LastPass

Import a LastPass encrypted file that was exported from LastPass

Manually add data from another password manager to LastPass if export feature is unavailable

Export Data

Export vault data from LastPass

Export vault data while logged in via the LastPass website

Export vault data from LastPass as a generic CSV file

Export vault data as a LastPass encrypted file

Export LastPass form fill items

Export Wi-Fi passwords from LastPass

Export on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

Export on Windows Vista (or later) and Windows Server 2008

Export Wi-Fi passwords using the LastPass browser extension

Export vault data for your identities

How do I move my vault data to another LastPass account?

Move vault data as a LastPass Business user

Move vault data as an existing LastPass user

Sharing Center

Use the Sharing Center

Share an item

Share multiple items at once

View and accept a shared item

Revoke a shared item

Remove a shared item

Clone a shared item (for editing)

Manage shared folders

Create a shared folder

View shared folders

Stop downloading a shared folder

Why is my shared folder missing from my vault?

Manage shared folder items

About hidden passwords for items within shared folders

About user and group access for shared folders

Edit users and access for a shared folder

Invite users or groups to a shared folder

Grant users or groups access permissions for shared folders

Restrict user or group access for shared folders

Remove users or groups from a shared folder

Share folders with users outside your company account

Delete a shared folder

Security Dashboard

How do I use the Security Dashboard?

Security Dashboard and Dark Web Monitoring - Admin FAQs

Can I prevent my LastPass users from using the Security Dashboard or dark web monitoring?

Security Score

What is the security score in my Security Dashboard?

Why does my password strength and security score change?

About excluding passwords from the security score calculation

Manage the "Control security score calculation" policy for LastPass Business users

Exclude a password from the security score calculation

Include a password in the security score calculation

View at-risk passwords in my LastPass vault

Change weak or reused passwords in my vault

Add a missing password in my vault

Disable password alerts for at-risk passwords

Dark Web Monitoring

What is dark web monitoring?

How do I enable dark web monitoring in LastPass?

How do I manage my dark web monitoring alerts?

How do I start monitoring individual email addresses for dark web monitoring?

How do I change passwords associated with compromised email addresses for dark web monitoring?

How do I stop monitoring specific email addresses for dark web monitoring?

How do I add a new email address for dark web monitoring that is not in the list?

Manage the dark web monitoring policy for LastPass Business users

Why am I being asked to share information with Enzoic?

Can I manually run a dark web monitoring scan?

Why are there duplicate entries of my email address in my dark web monitoring list?

Passwordless Login for Vault

About passwordless login for LastPass

LastPass Authenticator App

Enable the LastPass Authenticator app for passwordless login

Use the LastPass Authenticator app for passwordless login

Manage devices using passwordless login

Disable passwordless login for vault

Use passwordless login when your device is offline

How do I fix my account settings conflict for passwordless login?

Desktop biometrics

Use desktop biometrics for passwordless login in LastPass

USB security key

Use a USB security key for passwordless login in LastPass

Passwordless Login for Mobile

About passwordless login for LastPass on mobile

Use passwordless login for vault on mobile

LastPass for Oculus

Passwordless login for vault on Oculus

Resolving Errors

Why has my LastPass extension disappeared or become corrupted?

Why am I getting an "Error: Invalid Response" message?

Why do I see a message, "Hmm...this is taking longer than usual" in LastPass?

Why do I get a message, "Device Pairing Failed. An unexpected error has occurred" when pairing my mobile device?

Why do I see the message, "An error occurred while attempting to contact the server. Please check your internet connection" in LastPass?

Why do I see a message, "A consistency check failed when loading your sites. Please relogin" in LastPass?

Why am I seeing, "Installation failed, error code 1603" when installing LastPass?

Why do I see a "LastPass Security Warning" when I visit some websites?

Why am I seeing the message, "Error: Invalid JSON response" in LastPass?

Why am I seeing ERR_CLEARTXT_NOT_PERMITTED on my Android device?

"Please enter a valid username or one-time password" during account recovery

Invalid username

No Recovery One-Time Password was found

One Time Login is restricted by company policy (using a Recovery One-Time Password is prohibited)

Why am I seeing an error, "We couldn't contact the server. Check your internet connection and try again" then my LastPass session expires in Chrome?

Why am I seeing an error, "No private key. Cannot decrypt pending shares" message?

Step #1: Remove yourself from any shared folders

Step #2: Unlink your personal account (applicable toLastPass Business accounts only)

Step #3: Remove a specific user from all shared folders

Step #4: Confirm that you no longer have any shared folders listed

Step #5: Contact LastPass Support

Step #6: Share items again

Why am I seeing the message, "We've detected an insecure login form" when I visit a site?

Why am I seeing "Failed. Check your internet connection as well as the date and time on your device" when I attempt to create a secure note while offline?

Blocked connection when logging in to LastPass

FAQs and Troubleshooting

Basic troubleshooting for LastPass (desktop)

Where is my LastPass vault data stored locally on my computer?

Can I log in to multiple LastPass accounts on the same computer?

Why is my session expiring immediately after I log in to LastPass?

Why am I being logged off immediately after logging in to LastPass?

Why do I see a message about enabling Sideloading for LastPass?

Why did my LastPass extension just warn me that I was reusing my master password elsewhere?

Why doesn't LastPass launch, save, update, or autofill my data for a site?

Why are my LastPass vault contents blank, missing, or replaced with special characters?

How do I clear the local cache for my LastPass vault?

How do I refresh sites to force a sync of my LastPass vault data?

Force a sync of vault data using the LastPass browser extension

Force a sync of vault data using an iOS device

Force a sync of vault data using an Android device

Why are my sites not launching from the desktop app or my online vault?

I just upgraded my LastPass plan but my vault is blank, what should I do?

How do I generate sharing keys for LastPass?

How do I remove the LastPass autofill icon from my login fields?

How do I print out my sites and secure notes for LastPass?

How does LastPass support accessibility?

What is "Allow access to file URLs" in Chrome?

What is the difference between my local vault and my online web vault?

Some of my passwords and vault items are missing! How do I get them back?

How do I permit offline access to my LastPass vault?

Enable offline access for your account

Enable offline access via the mobile app

Why do I see a lock icon for my stored passwords in my LastPass vault?

How do I move a sub-folder up a level in my vault?

Help! I think my LastPass account has been compromised!

How do I view and manage my active LastPass sessions?

Why am I not being prompted for multifactor authentication?

Revoke trust for a device

Disable offline access

Why am I being prompted for multifactor authentication when I set my device as trusted?

Why does my browser indicate that LastPass has an invalid or expired security certificate?

Since my LastPass vault is encrypted with my master password, why can my One Time Passwords decrypt it?

How do I protect myself from phishing scams?

My Antivirus program has warned me that LastPass is a virus/trojan/suspicious, should I be concerned?

Was LastPass at risk from the OpenSSL DROWN attack?

How do I enable or disable my web browser's password manager?

How do I prevent LastPass from filling erroneous form fields?

Should I be concerned about reports that my master password can be stolen?

Admin Tools

Get Started with LastPass Business

Overview of LastPass Business

Understanding user types

Families as a Benefit

LastPass Families as a Benefit – FAQs for Users

LastPass Families as a Benefit – FAQs for Admins

Claim your Families as a Benefit account

Link your LastPass Families as a Benefit account

Unlink your LastPass Families as a Benefit account

Link or unlink your personal account in LastPass

Link your personal account

Migrate data between your accounts

Unlink your personal account from within your company account

Unlink your company account from within your personal account

Policies involving linked personal accounts (LastPass Business only)

Why do I get a message that I can't link an account with another linked account or LastPass Business account?

Enable multifactor authentication (admins)

Get started as a LastPass Business user

Join a LastPass business account as a new user

Join a LastPass business account as an existing user

Email templates for new LastPass Business users

Where can I view free Master Class trainings for LastPass Business accounts?

What type of LastPass "business" account do I have?

What has changed for the LastPass business plan packages?

What are the feature differences between the Advanced SSO and Advanced MFA add-ons for LastPass Business?

Add and Manage LastPass Business Users

How to add LastPass Business users

Manually add LastPass Business users in the old Admin Console

Set up Welcome email templates for new users in LastPass

Use a standard Welcome email template for new users

Use a custom Welcome email template for new users

Set up Welcome email templates for existing users in LastPass

View and manage LastPass Business user settings in the old Admin Console

Terminate LastPass Business user accounts in the old Admin Console

Federated Login

What is federated login for LastPass?

What are the limitations for LastPass users with federated login?

Which identity providers are supported for LastPass federated login?

Which LastPass "business" account types include federated login for LastPass?

Which LastPass features do not support federated login?

How do I migrate users from one federated login Identity Provider to another?

How do I convert an existing LastPass user to a federated (Microsoft Entra ID, Okta, Google Workspace, PingOne, or OneLogin) user?

How do I convert an existing LastPass user to a federated (AD FS or PingFederate) user?

How do I migrate from using AD FS or PingFederate to a cloud-based federated login identity provider for LastPass?

How do I change my Okta federated integration from Implicit flow to Authorization Code flow with PKCE?

How do I change my Microsoft Entra ID federated integration from implicit flow to Authorization Code flow with PKCE?

How do I update my Microsoft Entra ID federated login integration to allow logins from managed mobile devices?

What are federated statuses?

Rotate knowledge components for Federated Login

Rotate knowledge components for Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) Federated Login

Troubleshooting knowledge component rotation for Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) Federated Login

Rotate knowledge components for Okta Federated Login

Troubleshooting knowledge component rotation for Okta Federated Login

Recurring and forced vault re-encryption

How do I defederate and refederate users?

Federated login experience for LastPass Business users

Access LastPass using federated login

Step #1: Download and install LastPass

Step #2: Activate federated login for LastPass Business

Step #3: Verify your linked personal account (if applicable)

Step #4: Log in to LastPass

Log in to LastPass using the LastPass browser extension

Log in to LastPass using LastPass for Windows Desktop application

Log in to LastPass using the LastPass app for iOS or Android

Step #5: Start using LastPass

How do I activate federated login via Microsoft Entra ID, Okta, Google Workspace, PingOne, or OneLogin as a brand new user?

How do I activate federated login via AD FS or PingFederate as a new user?

How do I activate federated login as an existing user that is newly converted?

How do I verify my linked personal account for federated login in LastPass?

How do I verify my linked personal account from a desktop?

How do I verify my linked personal account from a mobile device?

Why am I being prompted to enter my email address again for federated login on the mobile app?

Why do I get an "Invalid password" error message when trying to log into LastPass with a valid set of login credentials?

Quick start guide for LastPass Business admins managing federated login integrations

Set up simplified federated login for LastPass using AD FS

Step #1: Ensure the required components checklist is complete

Step #2: Capture your Identity Provider URL and Identity Provider Public Key

Step #3: Configure your LastPass Business federated login settings

Step #4: Install the LastPass Active Directory Connector

Step #5: Register your company-wide key with LastPass

Step #6: Apply access control policy changes

Troubleshooting federated login for Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)

Step #1: Check Windows updates and LastPass components versions

Step #2: Check your firewall settings

Step #3: Check your AD users' permissions

Step #4: Check that the AD FS plugin is installed and registered with the correct custom attribute value

Step #5: Check the custom attribute configuration

Step #6: Check that the custom attribute is populated

Step #7: Check the AD FS server farm configuration (if applicable)

Known issues and additional troubleshooting for Federated Login for Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)

Set up federated login for LastPass using AD FS

Step #1: Ensure the required components checklist is complete in LastPass

Step #2: Capture your Identity Provider URL and Identity Provider Public Key in LastPass

Step #3: Configure your LastPass Business federated login settings in LastPass

Step #4: Install the LastPass Active Directory Connector in LastPass

Step #5: Register your custom attribute with LastPass

Step #6: Apply access control policy changes in LastPass

How do I confirm that my custom attribute is listed in my Active Directory?

How do I upgrade the AD FS plugin for LastPass federated login?

Microsoft Entra ID

Set Up Federated Login for LastPass Using Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD)

Step #1: Create a Provisioning Token and Capture the Connection URL in LastPass

Step #2: Configure the Provisioning App for LastPass in Microsoft Entra ID

How do I add the "active" user attribute in Microsoft Entra ID for LastPass federated login?

Step #3: Configure the Login App for LastPass in Microsoft Entra ID

Step #4: Configure Federated Login Settings for Microsoft Entra ID in LastPass

Step #5: Add Users/Groups to the Provisioning and Login Apps in Microsoft Entra ID

Set up Federated Login for LastPass using Okta without an authorization server

Step #1: Create a Provisioning Token

Step #2: Create the LastPass Provisioning App

Step #3: Enter the Provisioning Token and Connection URL into LastPass Provisioning App

Step #4: Enable Provisioning to the LastPass Provisioning App

Step #5: Generate LastPassK1 in LastPass

Step #6: Create a Single-Page App for LastPass to Enable Login Using Okta

Step #7: Enable the Authorization Code Grant Type

Step #8: Add Custom Attribute to the LastPass Login App in Okta

Step #9: Set Up Okta Federated Login in LastPass with PKCE Flow

Step #10: Assign Users to the LastPass Provisioning App

Assign a Group to the LastPass Provisioning App

Assign a Person to the LastPass Provisioning App

Step #11: Assign Users to the Single-Page App

Assign a Group to the Single-Page App

Assign a Person to the Single-Page App

Set up Federated Login for LastPass using Okta SSO and active directory

Step #1: Create a Single-Page Application for LastPass to Enable Login with Okta

Step #2: Enable the Authorization Code Grant Type

Step #3: Add a Company-Wide Key as a Group Claim

Step #4: Enable CORS for LastPass

Step #5: Set Up Okta Federated Login in LastPass with PKCE Flow

Step #6: Provision Users to LastPass Using the LastPass AD Connector

Step #7: Assign the User to the Single-Page Application

Set Up Federated Login for LastPass Using Okta With an Authorization Server

Step #1: Generate a Provisioning Token

Step #2: Create the LastPass Provisioning App in Okta

Step #3: Enter the Provisioning Token and URL into the LastPass Provisioning App in Okta

Step #4: Enable Provisioning to the LastPass Provisioning App in Okta

Step #5: Create and Configure an Authorization Server for LastPass

Step #6: Enable CORS for LastPass in Okta

Step #7: Create a Single-Page Application for LastPass to Enable Login Using Okta

Step #8: Enable the Authorization Code Grant Type for Your Single-Page App

Step #9: Set Up Federated Login for Okta in LastPass with PKCE Enabled

Step #10: Assign the User to the LastPass Provisioning Application

Assign a Group to the LastPass Provisioning Application

Assign a Person to the LastPass Provisioning Application

Step #11: Assign the User to the Single-Page Application

Google Workspace

Set Up Federated Login for LastPass using Google Workspace

Step #1: Create Directory Service API

Step #2: Create Service Account

Step #3: Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account

Step #4: Integrate Directory in LastPass

Step #5: Configure OAuth consent screen in Google Workspace

Step #6: Configure OAuth Client ID in Google Workspace

Step #6.1: Configure OAuth Client ID for LastPass browser extension

Step #6.2: Configure OAuth Client ID for iOS

Step #6.3: Configure OAuth Client ID for Android

Step #6.4: Configure OAuth Client ID for LastPass Desktop

Step #7: Enable Federated Login in LastPass

Troubleshooting Federated Login for LastPass using Google Workspace

Checking audit logs for provisioning

FAQs for Federated Login for LastPass using Google Workspace

How do I manually sync users for federated login for LastPass using Google Workspace?

How do I change the sync settings of a live Google Workspace integration?

Set Up Federated Login for LastPass Using OneLogin

Step #1: Generate a Provisioning Token and obtain the Connection URL in LastPass

Step #2: Add the LastPass Provisioning app in OneLogin

Step #3: Configure the LastPass Provisioning app and enable provisioning in OneLogin

Step #4 (Optional): Configure group synchronization between OneLogin and LastPass

Step #5: Create login apps for LastPass in OneLogin

Step #6: Add API for LastPass in OneLogin

Step #7: Set up OneLogin federated login in LastPass

FAQs for Federated Login for LastPass using OneLogin

How do I enable provisioning and federated login for users without a default role using OneLogin?

How do I enable federated login for users provisioned via OneLogin?

Set Up Federated Login for LastPass using PingOne

Step #1: Create a Provisioning Token and Capture the Connection URL for PingOne in LastPass

Step #2: Configure the Provisioning App for LastPass in PingOne

Step #3: Configure the Login App for LastPass in PingOne

Step #4: Configure Federated Login Settings for PingOne in LastPass


Set Up Federated Login for LastPass using PingFederate

Step #1: Capture your Identity Provider URL and Identity Provider Public Key

Step #2: Configure Federated Login Settings for PingFederate in LastPass

Step #3: Install the LastPass Active Directory Connector

Step #4: Register your Company-wide key with LastPass

Step #5: Create a new Service Provider (SP) Connection

Active Directory Connector

Active Directory Connector FAQs

Set up the LastPass Active Directory Connector

Installing the LastPass Active Directory Connector

Configuring the LastPass Active Directory Connector

SCIM Provisioning

SCIM provisioning FAQs

What happens if I delete a provisioned user in LastPass?

What happens if I rename a provisioned user in Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) or Okta?

How do I remove a directory integration?

Set Up SCIM Provisioning for LastPass Using Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD)

Step #1: Create a Provisioning Token and Capture the Connection URL

Step #2: Configure the Provisioning App in Microsoft Entra ID for LastPass

How do I configure an alternate email as login ID instead of the default UPN?

Step #3: Add Users/Groups to the Provisioning App in Microsoft Entra ID

SCIM provisioning FAQs for LastPass Business using Microsoft Entra ID Active Directory

How do I deprovision users for LastPass in Microsoft Entra ID via SCIM?

How do I disable users for LastPass in Microsoft Entra ID via SCIM?

LastPass SCIM Provisioning using Microsoft Entra ID Troubleshooting

User provisioning failed because the user is already present in LastPass

User provisioning failed because the user is in a different company

User deprovisioning/provisioning attribute update failed

Microsoft Entra ID user creation conflict

Redundant accounts being created for all users

Set Up SCIM Provisioning for LastPass Using Okta

Step #1: Generate a Provisioning Token and Copy the Connection URL

Step #2: Create the LastPass Provisioning Application in Okta

Step #3: Enter the Provisioning Token and Connection URL into the LastPass Provisioning App

Step #4: Enable Provisioning to the LastPass Provisioning Application in Okta

Step #5: Assign Users to the LastPass Provisioning Application

SCIM Provisioning FAQs for LastPass Business Using Okta

Set Up SCIM Provisioning for LastPass Using Google Workspace

Step #1: Create a Directory Service API in Google Cloud Platform

Step #2: Create a Service Account in Google Cloud Platform

Step #3: Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account in Google Admin Console

Step #4: Integrate Google Workspace Directory in LastPass

Set Up SCIM Provisioning for LastPass Business Using OneLogin

Step #1: Generate a Provisioning Token and Capture the Connection URL

Step #2: Create the LastPass Provisioning app in OneLogin

Step #3: Configure your LastPass Provisioning app and enable provisioning

Step #4 (Optional): Configure group syncing between OneLogin and LastPass

SCIM Provisioning FAQs for LastPass Business Using OneLogin

Set up SCIM Provisioning for LastPass using PingOne

Step #1: Create a Provisioning Token and Capture the Connection URL for PingOne

Step #2: Configure the Provisioning App for LastPass

LastPass Business Admin Console

Access the LastPass Business old Admin Console

Access via direct URL

Access via the web browser extension

Access via the desktop website

Manage Your LastPass Company Profile

Add LastPass to Your Corporate Policies

Add and Manage LastPass Admin Policies in the old Admin Console

Generate LastPass Business reports in the old Admin Console

Add and Manage LastPass Business Groups in the old Admin Console

Manage Email Notifications for LastPass Business in the old Admin Console

What's New in LastPass Business?

Advanced Business Options

Advanced LastPass Admin Options

LastPass Admin Management of Global Equivalent Domains

Add new Global Equivalent Domains

Delete existing global equivalent domains

Add new Global Equivalent subdomains

Delete existing global equivalent subdomains

LastPass Admin Management of Global Never and Global Only URLs in the old Admin Console

LastPass Admin Management of Multifactor Authentication Options

How do I manage multifactor authentication options for LastPass Business in the old Admin Console?

How do I disable multifactor authentication for LastPass Business users in the old Admin Console?

About Multifactor Authentication for Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in LastPass Business

Integrate Duo Security with my LastPass Business account

Regenerate key for Duo Security authentication

Integrate Symantec VIP with my LastPass Business account

Regenerate VIP certificate for Symantec VIP authenticator

Integrate SecureAuth with my LastPass Business account

Regenerate App ID and key for SecureAuth authentication

Integrate RSA SecurID with my LastPass Business account

Regenerate shared secret for RSA SecurID authentication

Reset MFA shared secrets for Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, LastPass Authenticator and Grid

Actions for end users after MFA shared secrets are reset in LastPass

Required actions for Workstation MFA admins before resetting MFA shared secrets

LastPass Admin Management of Trusted Mobile Devices

Use the LastPass Provisioning API

Add new users via the LastPass API

Get shared folder data via the LastPass API

Get detailed shared folder data via the LastPass API

Apply batch changes to groups via the LastPass API

Get user data via the LastPass API

Delete users via the LastPass API

Update users via the LastPass API

Enable users via the LastPass API

Disable users via the LastPass API

Reinvite users via the LastPass API

Disable multifactor authentication for users via the LastPass API

Event reporting via the LastPass API

Reporting - expired master password via the LastPass API

Reporting - master password about to expire via the LastPass API

Send password reset email via the LastPass API

Update user email via the LastPass API

Require master password change via the LastPass API

Destroy user sessions via the LastPass API

Use the LastPass Enterprise API Postman Collection

How do I reset my Enterprise API provisioning hash?

Install the LastPass software using the old Admin Console

How do I manage my URL rules as a LastPass Business admin in the old Admin Console?

How do I manage user roles in the old Admin Console?

How do I migrate a role to a custom admin level?

How do I add a new user role?

How do I apply a user role?

How do I edit an existing user role?

How do I delete a user role?

Business FAQs and Troubleshooting

Why am I getting a "Please contact your company administrator for help" error message after I log in to LastPass?

What happens when my admin resets my master password?

Why don't I see any master password reset options for LastPass?

Why is the Remember Password option displayed when a policy is enforced to disallow it?

Where is my Vault Data stored for LastPass Business?

What types of data does LastPass store?

Where is my data stored?

How does LastPass protect my data?

How can I request to move my Vault Data?

What is the process of migrating my data?

If I have linked my personal account, where is my data stored?

Why do I keep getting prompted to change my master password when I log in to LastPass?

I am a super admin, why can't I reset a user's master password in LastPass?

If I change my company's domain, how do I make sure my LastPass users are updated?

Passwordless Login for LastPass Business

About passwordless login for SSO apps

About passwordless login for workstations

About passwordless login activation for SSO apps

How do I activate passwordless login for SSO apps?

How do I sign in to SSO apps using passwordless login?

Passwordless Login Troubleshooting for Users

I can't find my activation email for passwordless login, what should I do?

I have a new phone, how do I move passwordless login to my new device?

My phone is unavailable, how do I use passwordless login?

I am locked out of my LastPass account because I can't use passwordless login, what should I do?

I lost my phone that has passwordless login, what should I do?

Why do I see a message, "This link has already been used or expired" when activating passwordless login?

Admin Console

Access the MFA Admin Console

User Provisioning

Admin Audit

How do I create custom attributes for my SSO app in LastPass?

How do I enable step-up authentication for SSO apps as a LastPass admin?

Does LastPass offer API Integrations?

What is Step-Up Authentication?

LastPass Universal Proxy

What is LastPass Universal Proxy?

Using the LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) protocol in the LastPass Universal Proxy setup

Server mode default authentication methods

User mapping in LastPass Universal Proxy

Minimum software requirements for LastPass Universal Proxy

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Overview

Docker version

Set up LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Docker version

Download the LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x docker image

Upgrade LastPass Universal Proxy to v5.0.x Docker version

Rollback to LastPass Universal Proxy v5.x Docker version

Remove the LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x docker image

Windows executable version

Set up LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Windows executable version

Download LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Windows executable version

Install LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Windows executable version

Upgrade LastPass Universal Proxy to v5.0.x Windows Executable version

Upgrade LastPass Universal Proxy v3.x to v5.0.x Windows Executable version

Rollback to LastPass Universal Proxy v4.2.3 on Windows

Disable or remove LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Windows executable version

Set up LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x

Download LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x

Find the integration key

Install LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x

Upgrade LastPass Universal Proxy to 4.x

Disable or remove LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x

Set up LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux

Download LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux

Install LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux

Remove LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x Docker version

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x LDAP configuration using command line

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x LDAPS configuration using command line

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x RADIUS configuration using command line

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x using command line interface (CLI) on Windows

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x LDAP configuration using command line on Windows

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x LDAPS configuration using command line on Windows

LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x RADIUS configuration using command line on Windows

How do I set up Network Policy Server (NPS) in Windows Server for LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol?

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x with the configuration file without using the CLI tool on Windows

Restrict access to my configuration file for the LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x on Windows

PowerShell scripts in LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy 4.x using command line interface (CLI) on Windows

LastPass Universal Proxy 4.x LDAP configuration using command line on Windows

LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x LDAPS configuration using command line on Windows

LastPass Universal Proxy 4.x RADIUS configuration using command line on Windows

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy 4.x with the configuration file without using the CLI tool on Windows

Restrict access to my configuration file for the LastPass Universal Proxy 4.x on Windows

PowerShell scripts in LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux using command line interface (CLI)

LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x LDAP configuration using command line on Linux

LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x LDAPS configuration using command line on Linux

LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x RADIUS configuration using command line on Linux

Configure LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x with the configuration file on Linux without using the CLI tool

Universal Proxy v4.x configuration example on Linux

Restrict access to my configuration file for the LastPass Universal Proxy on Linux

Assign Users

Provision users with a LastPass MFA account

Supported VPN Configurations

Cisco ASA VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

Cisco ASA VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

Cisco ASA VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

Cisco ASA VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol

Cisco ASA VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol on Linux

Cisco ASA VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

Cisco CSR 1000v router configuration for AAA authentication with LastPass Universal Proxy

F5 BIG-IP APM VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

F5 BIG-IP APM VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

F5 BIG-IP APM VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

F5 BIG-IP APM VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol

F5 BIG-IP APM VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol on Linux

F5 BIG-IP APM VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

Fortinet VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

Fortinet VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP

Fortinet VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP on Linux

Fortinet VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol

Fortinet VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol on Linux

Fortinet VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

Meraki MX VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

Meraki MX VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

OpenVPN Access Server VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

OpenVPN Access Server VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

OpenVPN Access Server VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

OpenVPN Access Server VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol

OpenVPN Access Server VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol on Linux

OpenVPN Access Server VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

OpenVPN Community Edition VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

OpenVPN Community Edition VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

OpenVPN Community Edition VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

OpenVPN Community Edition VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol on Linux

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

How to check the timeout and cookie settings in Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect?

Pulse Secure VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

Pulse Secure VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

Pulse Secure VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

Pulse Secure VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol

Pulse Secure VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAPS protocol on Linux

Pulse Secure VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

SonicWall VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

SonicWall VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol

Sophos XG Firewall VPN configuration for LastPass Universal Proxy

Sophos XG Firewall VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol

Sophos XG Firewall VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy LDAP protocol on Linux

Sophos XG Firewall VPN configuration for the LastPass Universal Proxy RADIUS protocol


Configuration checklist for LastPass Universal Proxy using LDAP protocol on Windows

Active Directory settings

VPN server configuration examples

Checklist for configuring Cisco ASA VPN

Checklist for configuring Fortinet VPN

Universal Proxy v5.0.x configuration example

Universal Proxy v4.x configuration example

LastPass settings for the test user

Testing the authentication

Testing Cisco ASA VPN

Testing Fortinet VPN

LastPass Universal Proxy Troubleshooting

How do I determine the current version of LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x?

How to validate if LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x can communicate with your primary authentication server and/or LastPass Authentication Server?

How to set the log level in LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x?

How to gather diagnostic information for support about LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x?

How do I run diagnostics for LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x?

How do I determine the current version of LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x on Windows?

How to validate if LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x can communicate with your primary authentication server and/or LastPass Authentication Server on Windows?

How to set the log level in LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x on Windows?

How to gather diagnostic information for support about LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x on Windows?

How do I run diagnostics for LastPass Universal Proxy v5.0.x on Windows?

How do I run diagnostics for LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x?

How do I determine the current version of LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Windows?

How to validate if LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x can communicate with your primary authentication server and/or LastPass Authentication Server on Windows?

How to set the log level in LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Windows?

How to gather diagnostic information for support about LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Windows?

How do I determine the current version of LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux?

How to validate if LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x can communicate with your primary authentication server and/or LastPass Authentication Server on Linux?

How to set the log level in LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux?

How to gather diagnostic information for support about LastPass Universal Proxy v4.x on Linux?

Managed Companies (MSPs)

About managed companies for LastPass Business

Convert a LastPass Business account to support managed companies

Managed companies in LastPass Business admin FAQs

MSP License Management

About license management for managed companies in LastPass Business

Allocate more licenses to a managed company in LastPass Business

Return licenses from a managed company back to the primary account

MSP Company Management

Add a managed company in LastPass Business

Use templates to add a new managed company in LastPass Business

Access a managed company in LastPass Business

Suspend a managed company in LastPass Business

Reactivate a suspended managed company in LastPass Business

Detach a managed company in LastPass Business

Run reports for managed companies in LastPass Business

MSP Admin Management

About admin levels for managed companies

Manage custom admin levels in the MSP Admin Console

About custom admin level permissions in the MSP Admin Console

View and assign admin levels in the MSP Admin Console

MSP Advanced MFA

Enable the Advanced MFA add-on for a managed company

Disable the Advanced MFA add-on for a managed company

Invite existing LastPass users in a managed company to activate passwordless login

Resend the passwordless login activation email to users in a managed company

About Professional Services Integrations for LastPass Business

Set up a Datto Autotask integration

Set up a ConnectWise Manage integration

ConnectWise user privileges for LastPass PSA integrations

Import companies from PSAs

How do I fix duplicate managed companies imported from my PSA?

Best practices for using the PSA billing integration update

Which ConnectWise capabilities do I need for the billing update?

Set up the PSA integration billing update

Map Autotask Services or ConnectWise Products

Map Autotask Accounts or ConnectWise Companies to LastPass

Map Autotask Contracts or ConnectWise Agreements

Update user counts for managed companies in a PSA

About PSA user counts update errors

Disable updating user counts for a managed company

Schedule PSA billing update

How am I notified on scheduled PSA billing updates?

Acronis Integration for LastPass Business

Set up the Acronis integration for LastPass Business

Manage LastPass Business users in Acronis

Reset the Acronis integration for LastPass Business

New Admin Console

What is the new Admin Console in LastPass?

New Admin Console FAQs

What's new in the LastPass Admin Console?

Why am I seeing a different number of Pending invitation users in the new Admin Console than Invited in the old console?

Why am I seeing a different number of Enrolled users in the new Admin Console than Active in the old console?

Where can I find the CID (account number) and API secret?

How do I force new policies to apply to all LastPass users immediately?

Where can I find the "Last login" information?

Transitioning to the new Admin Console - FAQ and Guide for existing accounts

LastPass Admin Console statuses

Why are security metrics different in the old Admin Console and the new Admin Console?

New Admin Console continuous improvements

The Adoption Dashboard in the new Admin Console

Adoption Dashboard overview in the new Admin Console

Rates in the Adoption Dashboard

About the security dashboard in the new Admin Console

View security score details of users

Why do I see "0" as the master password score for my user?

Onboarding experience for LastPass Business users

Manually add users in the new Admin Console

Upload a CSV list of users in the new Admin Console

Manage users in the new Admin Console

About terminating users in the new Admin Console

Manually terminate users in the new Admin Console

Transfer a user's stored vault data to another user

Reset a user's master password (super admin)

Enable the "Permit super admins to reset master passwords" policy

Force active users to log off from LastPass

About the encryption process when a super admin resets a master password

Require master password change in the new Admin Console

Require master password change in the old Admin Console

Destroy all sessions and force user logoff

View user statuses in the new Admin Console

Filter LastPass users in the new Admin Console

Take action on filtered users in the new Admin Console

Customize the user table view in the new Admin Console

I customized my table view settings for my Users page, why did it revert back to the default view?

View LastPass user details in the new Admin Console

Export a list of users in the new Admin Console

Manage groups in the new Admin Console

Add a group manually in the new Admin Console

Edit or delete a group in the new Admin Console

Manage users for groups in the new Admin Console

View group policies for users in the new Admin Console

Take action on a user group within the new Admin Console

What are admin levels?

Best practices for using a service account in LastPass Business

View and assign admin levels in the new Admin Console

Manage custom admin levels in the new Admin Console

About custom admin level permissions

Remove a user from an admin level in the new Admin Console


Use directory integrations for automated provisioning in the new Admin Console

How do I reset my provisioning token for a directory integration?

How do I reset my API key for the LastPass AD Connector?


About LastPass App Integrations

Sign in to SSO apps for LastPass

Sign in to an SSO app from the app's sign-in page

Sign in to an SSO app while logged out of LastPass

Sign in to an SSO app from the LastPass browser extension

Sign in to an SSO app from within your LastPass vault

Add SSO apps for LastPass user

Manage LastPass SSO Apps

Delete LastPass SSO Apps

What types of apps can be integrated with LastPass?

We are already using another SSO solution. How do I turn off the "Cloud Apps" option for my end users?

We have multiple accounts for an application, and different teams are using separate accounts. Can I add and manage all accounts?

Add MFA Apps for LastPass users

Remove MFA Apps for LastPass users

Manage users and groups assigned to MFA apps

LastPass MFA for Microsoft Entra ID

How do I configure my Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) account to use LastPass MFA for authentication?

LastPass MFA for Microsoft AD FS

How do I set up LastPass MFA for Microsoft AD FS?

How do I download and configure LastPass MFA for Microsoft AD FS?

How do I sign in to my Windows account using LastPass MFA for Microsoft AD FS?

How do I uninstall LastPass MFA for Microsoft AD FS?

Workstation MFA

What is Workstation MFA for LastPass?

System requirements for LastPass Workstation MFA

What is offline authentication for Workstation MFA?

Enable passwordless login for Workstation MFA

LastPass Workstation MFA FAQs

What are the differences between Workstation Login and Workstation MFA in LastPass Business?

Migrate users from Workstation Login to Workstation MFA in LastPass

Sign in to your Windows workstation using LastPass Workstation MFA

Sign in to your workstation via RDP using LastPass Workstation MFA

Sign in to your Windows workstation using offline authentication

How do I pair my Windows workstation again but keep offline authentication enabled?

How do I change my Windows password but keep offline authentication enabled?

Troubleshooting offline authentication for Windows workstations

Sign in to your Windows workstation using passwordless login

Uninstall Workstation MFA for Windows

Restore passwordless login for a Windows workstation

Set up LastPass Workstation MFA for Windows

Step #1: Review account and system requirements

Step #2: Set up automated provisioning

Step #3: End users enroll the LastPass Authenticator app

Step #4: Download the Workstation MFA installer package

Install Workstation MFA for Windows on a single workstation

Deploy Workstation MFA for Windows across multiple workstations

Enable RDP access for LastPass Workstation MFA

Update LastPass Workstation MFA for Windows

Set up and view debug logging for Workstation MFA for Windows

Hide all other Windows credential providers except for LastPass Workstation MFA

Sign in to your Mac workstation using LastPass Workstation MFA

Sign in to your Mac workstation using offline authentication

How do I pair my Mac workstation again but keep offline authentication enabled?

How do I change my Mac password but keep offline authentication enabled?

Troubleshooting offline authentication for Mac workstations

Sign in to your Mac workstation using passwordless login

Uninstall Workstation MFA for Mac

Error code 8: Something went wrong with LastPass authentication

Set up LastPass Workstation MFA for Mac

Download and configure the Workstation MFA installer for Mac

Update LastPass Workstation MFA for Mac

Generate logs for Workstation MFA for macOS

Universal Proxy

How do I set up LastPass MFA for VPN (Universal Proxy)?

Passwordless apps

Workstation Login

What is LastPass Workstation Login?

System requirements for LastPass Workstation Login

What is the difference between using a One Time Password and a temporary one-time passcode for LastPass?

LastPass Workstation Login FAQs

Install LastPass Workstation Login for Windows as a user

Pair the LastPass Authenticator with Workstation Login for Windows

Log in to Windows using LastPass Workstation Login

How do I uninstall LastPass Workstation Login in Windows?

Set up LastPass Workstation Login for Windows as an admin

Update LastPass Workstation Login for Windows

Install LastPass Workstation Login for Mac as a user

Pair the LastPass Authenticator with Workstation Login for Mac

Log in to your Mac using LastPass Workstation Login

How do I uninstall LastPass Workstation Login from my Mac?

Set up LastPass Workstation Login for Mac as an admin

Update LastPass Workstation Login for Mac

Password apps

Push password apps to users (no longer available)

Share passwords with groups in LastPass Business

Shared folders

Manage shared folders as a LastPass Business admin

Manage general policies in the new Admin Console

Add a multifactor policy in the new Admin Console

Manage the hash iterations policy for LastPass Business

Passwordless Login Policies

Manage the passwordless login for vault policy

Manage the passwordless login for vault on mobile policy

Create general reports in the new Admin Console

Export user activity event reports in the new Admin Console

Export admin activity event types reports in the new Admin Console

View site login activity in the new Admin Console

View security reports in the new Admin Console

View SSO login activity reports in the new Admin Console

View SAML response reports in the new Admin Console

View MFA user activity reports in the new Admin Console

View MFA admin activity reports in the new Admin Console

Manage advanced enterprise options in the new Admin Console

Manage URL Rules for users in the new Admin Console

Manage Global Never and Global Only URLs for users in the new Admin Console

Manage multifactor authentication options for users in the new Admin Console

Install the LastPass software using the new Admin Console

Install LastPass using a manual GUI installer for Windows

Install LastPass using an automated silent installer for Windows

Which features are included by default in the LastPass installers for Windows?

How do I limit features, configure parameters, and enable logging when deploying the LastPass silent installer for Windows?

Install LastPass using a manual GUI installer for macOS

Install LastPass using an automated silent installer for macOS

Deploy the LastPass Mac App using Apple Business Manager

Manage keys in the new Admin Console

Manage OAuth Keys for users in the new Admin Console

Change the SAML certificate of an application in the new Admin Console

View and delete an existing SAML key in the new Admin Console

How do I generate a new SAML key?

How do I delete an existing SAML integration?

SIEM Integrations

Integrate Microsoft Azure Sentinel with your LastPass Business account

Integrate Splunk with your LastPass Business account

Guides and Resources

LastPass Technical Whitepaper (PDF)

LastPass Business Toolkits

Use the LastPass Admin Toolkit


LastPass Business Toolkits for Admins and Users

LastPass Admin Toolkit: Using Single Sign-On (SSO)

LastPass Admin Toolkit: LastPass Passwordless Login & Workstation Login

LastPass Admin Toolkit: LastPass MFA apps

LastPass End User Toolkit

Getting started resources

Managing LastPass Account Settings

Protecting your data with your master password

Setting up all account recovery options

Managing automatic logout

Navigating your LastPass vault

Logging in to sites using LastPass

Compliance, risks and security resources

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Toolkit

Protect Yourself from Social Engineering Attacks

Phishing, Smishing, and Vishing

Protect Yourself from Phishing

Phishing Scam Example Scenarios

Social Engineering on Dating Apps and Social Media

Recommendations for Protecting Yourself From Social Engineering Attacks

LastPass Business Deployment Guides

LastPass MFA Deployment Guide

Step #1: Deployment Planning

Step #2: Provisioning

Step #3: Configuration & Testing

Step #4: Policies & Reports

Step #5: End User Communication

Step #6: Official Announcement and Training

Step #7: Deployment

LastPass Security Features Overview (PDF)

Welcome to LastPass Executive Email Template (DOC)

Welcome to LastPass Company Email Template (DOC)

LastPass Business Helpdesk Guide for Admins (PDF)

LastPass Business MSP Deployment and Adoption Guide (PDF)

LastPass End-User Desk Reference Guide (PDF)

LastPass Sample Import sheet (CSV)

LastPass Secure Note Import Samples (ZIP)

LastPass for Firefox Policies (JSON)

W-9 Form (PDF)

LastPass Enterprise API Postman Collection (ZIP)

LastPass glossary

Use LastPass for autofill via the iOS Safari extension 

You can enable LastPass as your chosen autofill option in the Safari mobile browser extension, which is one of two available autofill integrations available for LastPass on iOS. This integration gives you the full desktop experience of LastPass all from the Safari mobile browser, allowing you to automatically fill login credentials and form fill data directly into websites launched in the Safari browser, as well as offer the ability to save credentials, generate secure passwords, edit vault items, and much more.

Enable LastPass for autofill in the Safari extension

To get started, enable LastPass to be used for autofill in the Safari mobile browser extension.

  • iOS device running iOS 15 or later
  • LastPass app for iOS app installed and running v5.12.0 or later

Log in to the LastPass app for iOS.

  • Log in to the LastPass app for iOS app with your email address and master password .

Enable LastPass in the iOS Safari extension.

  • Open the Safari app.

lastpass safari autofill

Allow permissions for LastPass to save and autofill.

  • Tap LastPass: Free Password Manager in your Safari settings to access permissions.
  • Always Allow (for your past and current browser history in Safari)
  • Always Allow on Every Website (for all websites you visit now and in the future in Safari)

LastPass for iOS Safari extension enabled

Use LastPass for autofill via the Safari extension

  • Open the Safari app and navigate your desired website's login screen.
  • Your credentials are automatically filled in for you.

Autofill in the iOS Safari extension

  • If you have enabled Touch ID, Face ID, PIN, or Require master password Re-prompt , you will be prompted to verify your login.

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Use LastPass for autofill via the LastPass app for iOS LastPass can automatically fill stored login credentials from your vault for various apps and websites seamlessly on your iOS device.

LastPass for iOS Autofill FAQs View answers to frequently asked questions about using LastPass to automatically fill stored data from your vault into apps and websites via both autofill integrations.

If you need additional support after reading this article, please contact us below.

How-To Geek

How to autofill from a password manager on an iphone or ipad.


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How your iphone can make your driving experience better, i use these iphone shortcuts to rescue my unproductive days, quick links, fill passwords in safari and web views, fill passwords in other apps.

Everyone should use a password manager , and third-party password managers like LastPass , 1Password , or Dashlane work better on an iPhone or iPad than you might think. You can directly autofill passwords on websites and apps using a share sheet action. It's just hidden by default.

UPDATE: If you’re on iOS 12, there’s a new and improved password manager integration that’s incredibly easy to use. 

Your iPhone or iPad offers integrated password autofill , long as you use Apple's keychain for your passwords. Safari will prompt you and ask whether you want to save a password when you type one on a website, and so will some third-party apps. You can view these passwords from Settings > Accounts & Passwords > App & Website Passwords. However, the below tricks will help you use third-party password managers.

Related: Why You Should Use a Password Manager, and How to Get Started

Third-party password managers work in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and any other application that uses a "web view" that displays a web page. Unlike on desktop browsers, this autofill doesn't happen automatically. You have to tap a button to autofill your credentials, which is good for security , anyway.

To do this, navigate to the login page on the website where you want to fill a username and password  and tap the "Share" button. For example, in Safari, the Share button is at the bottom of the screen. In Chrome, tap the men button and then tap the "Share" button at the top left corner of the menu.

Related: How to Customize the iOS Sharing Menu

You will first need to enable the share sheet action before you can use it. Once you've done this a single time, it will be easily available in the future. To do this, scroll to the right on the second row of icons and tap "More".

Locate your password manager's action and enable it. You may have to scroll down to find it. You can touch the grippy handle and move your finger to reorder actions in the list. For example, if you drag your password manager's action to the top of the list here, it will appear at the left side of the action list on the sheet and be more easily accessible without any scrolling required.

If you don't see the password manager's action in this list, you will first need to install the password manager's app from the App Store. As long as the app is installed, its action will appear as an option you can enable.

Tap "Done" once you're done.

You can now tap your password manager's icon on the share sheet to start autofilling. Your password manager will first authenticate you, just as if you opened its app. For example, LastPass can use Touch ID or Face ID for this.

Once it's authenticated, you'll be able to choose a login. It'll show you logins that match the current website available in your web browser, so you can choose your preferred account if you have multiple ones. Tap the account and the credentials will be automatically filled on the current page.

These password manager actions also work in some other apps, but only if that app's developer has added a button to support third-party password managers.

If an app does support your password manager, you'll see a keyhole or lock icon in or near its password field. Tap it and you'll be able to choose your password manager action to autofill a username and password associated with the app, just as you could in your browser.

If you don't see this icon, you'll have to either manually type in your username and password or copy and paste it from your password manager app.

  • iPhone & iPad

Safari User Guide

  • Get started
  • Go to a website
  • Bookmark webpages to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Import bookmarks and passwords
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • View links from friends
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Interact with text in a picture
  • Change your homepage
  • Customize a start page
  • Create a profile
  • Block pop-ups
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Hide your email address
  • Manage cookies
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • See who tried to track you
  • Change Safari settings
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts

lastpass safari autofill

Change AutoFill settings in Safari on Mac

To change these settings, choose Safari > Settings, then click AutoFill.

Open Safari for me

If your Mac or Apple keyboard has Touch ID , you can use Touch ID to fill in user names and passwords and to fill in credit card information. See Touch ID & Password settings .

Don't let your browser autofill your passwords — here's why

Autofilling passwords exposes them to any malicious script on a webpage

Laptop displaying text 'Enter password' and 'Log in'.

You should turn off autofill in your password manager, and stop using some browser password managers altogether, argues a Czech security researcher.

"Most password managers have the autofill feature enabled by default, even though it reduces the security of the stored password," said Marek Toth, a penetration tester at Avast, in a recent blog post .

  • Microsoft now lets you log in without any password at all
  • The best password managers you can get
  • Plus: How to download YouTube videos in Chrome

Autofilling is when your password manager fills in the username and password fields in a website's login page with your saved credentials without you actively prompting the password manager. 

The characters pasted into the field can then be "read" by scripts present in the login page — such as might be preset in an online ad that has nothing to do with the page itself — and those scripts will be able to copy and send your username and password anywhere. 

Of course, those scripts could also read your username and password when you actively fill in the fields when logging in, but at least you have control over when that happens. 

Autofilling tries to fill those fields all the time. Malicious scripts can and sometimes do create invisible login fields that you can't see to catch those credentials without your knowledge, as three researchers discovered in 2017 .

Toth found that most major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera and Vivaldi automatically filled in usernames and passwords by default, as did the stand-alone password managers LastPass , Dashlane and Sticky Password . 

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The Safari and Brave browsers did not autofill passwords, Toth said, nor did the 1Password , RoboForm and Bitwarden password managers. Another password manager, Keeper , will autofill passwords on a site-by-site basis with user permission.

"By activating autofill by default, our users perceive the value of a password manager sooner," Dashlane Chief Technology Officer Frédéric Rivain told us. "This ultimately increases their chances to continue using a password manager and thus become more and more secure."

"The autofill also provides an anti-phishing protection as Dashlane only suggests users' information on the specific website linked to their password," Rivain added. "The only vulnerability identified is when an attacker has modified the website you're logging into, in which case they can steal your password whether or not you have autofill enabled."

"We are constantly evaluating ways to improve the autofill flow to protect our users while still offering a convenient login experience," said Dan DeMichele, vice president of product management at LastPass. "we always recommend users only visit sites and click on links that they trust to prevent against potential attempts to steal login information."

"If the user wants to be in control of the credential filling, this option is available as an extension preference setting and, for Business users, as a policy," DeMichele added. "Delivering a secure service for our users remains our top priority."

We've got instructions below on how to disable autofill in Dashlane, LastPass and the browsers in which it's possible.

See what happens for yourself

You can see what Toth is talking about by using his online demonstration. Enter a fake username and password into the login fields on this page, and let your browser or password manager save the credentials:

Then go in the same browser to this page. You may have to click somewhere on the page or click on the "Allow Notifications" box for this work:

If your browser or password manager automatically fills in passwords, you'll see the username and password you typed in displayed on the page. 

Username and password displayed on a website demonstrating the risks of letting password managers autofill passwords.

That's a major security risk because not only you can see those credentials, but a malicious script embedded in the web page might be able to as well. 

Modern websites are full of third-party tracking scripts, embedded frames and dynamic ads that often have nothing to do with the company running the website, and any one of those elements might be able to steal your username and password.

This isn't a new discovery, to be sure. We found several older blog posts by different researchers advocating against letting browsers and password managers autofill passwords. Here's a demo, related to the 2017 study mentioned earlier, that tests whether browsers are autofilling:

And here are the results:

A browser displaying a username and password as a demonstration of the risks of letting browsers autofill saved passwords.

How to disable autofilling

So how do you get around this? 

Well, first of all, stop using browsers to save your passwords, or at least sensitive passwords such as those for social media, email and anything that involves credit cards or financial transactions, including banking and shopping sites. It's already too easy to steal saved passwords from web browsers in other ways.

You can't even disable autofilling in many Chromium-based browsers, including Chrome, Opera and Vivaldi. Brave is an exception because it doesn't autofill to begin with, and Edge has a special Microsoft-only setting. 

How to disable autofilling in Firefox

1. Open a new tab.

2. Click the gear icon at the top right of the page.

3. Scroll down to and click Manage more settings.

4. Click Privacy and Security in the left-hand navigation bar.

5. Scroll down to Logins and Passwords and deselect "Autofill logins and password".

How to disable autofilling in Microsoft Edge

Microsoft gets around Chromium's limitations by adding a Windows security check if you disable autofill. You'll have to input your Windows user password if you want the browser to fill in your passwords.

1. Click the three horizontal dots at the top right of the browser window.

2. Scroll down to and click Settings.

3. In the Personal profile window that appears, select Passwords.

4. Under "Offer to save passwords/Sign in", select "With device password."

5. Enter your Windows user password.

How to disable autofilling in LastPass

Instead of using a browser to save your passwords, use a password manager. LastPass is our top choice among best password managers, but it's one of the main offenders in autofilling. 

The option is turned on by default, even though if you turn autofilling off and then turn it back on again, you get a big fat warning pop-up telling you it's a security risk. 

A warning pop-up advising LastPass users of the risks of letting the password manager autofill passwords.

Here's how to turn off autofilling in LastPass:

1. Click the LastPass extension icon in your web browser.

2. Scroll down to and click Account Options.

3. Click Extension Preferences.

4. Under General, deselect "Automatically fill login information".

LastPass will still work fine after you make this change. To log into websites for which LastPass has saved the credentials, you'll just have to click the LastPass icon that displays in each login form field.

How to disable autofilling in Dashlane

The other big password manager that autofills by default is Dashlane. You'll have to disable autofill on a site-by-site basis.

1. Open the Dashlane web interface, mobile app or desktop application.

2. Select the credential you want to edit.

3. Under Autofill options, deselect "Automatically log me into this website".

  • How to change the default browser in Windows 11

Paul Wagenseil is a senior editor at Tom's Guide focused on security and privacy. He has also been a dishwasher, fry cook, long-haul driver, code monkey and video editor. He's been rooting around in the information-security space for more than 15 years at, SecurityNewsDaily, TechNewsDaily and Tom's Guide, has presented talks at the ShmooCon, DerbyCon and BSides Las Vegas hacker conferences, shown up in random TV news spots and even moderated a panel discussion at the CEDIA home-technology conference. You can follow his rants on Twitter at @snd_wagenseil .

Hurry! Save 50% on this top-rated password manager

Hurry! One of our top password managers is 50% off right now

Act fast! Our favorite Ninja Air Fryer Pro has just dropped in price right now

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Dmitry Ra

Safari autofill international phone number

Safari Autofill keeps removing the "+" sign from my phone number. I'm located in Moscow, Russia and whenever I order something the phone should be provided in international format , i.e +7 and so on.

This is exactly how the phone is filled in my contact card and when I click on autofill it also shows a plus sign, but when I click to fill it is removed. It is very annoying to add it manually each time and it makes autofill useless.

Is there a way to fix this please?

User uploaded file

P.S: Chrome browser is doing it correctly

User uploaded file

MacBook Pro, macOS High Sierra (10.13.1), 15-inch, Late 2011

Posted on Nov 11, 2017 9:08 PM

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mykonos tourism

The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » Greece » 15 Best Things to Do in Mykonos (Greece)

15 Best Things to Do in Mykonos (Greece)

Mention Mykonos and a few images will spring to mind, whether it’s celebrities sunbathing on yachts, bright white Cycladic architecture or paradisiacal beaches.

One of the most popular islands in the Aegean, Mykonos has a fun-loving, cosmopolitan atmosphere and is well-established as a gay-friendly destination.

You’ll want to spend as much time as possible in the fashionable and arty Chora (Mykonos Town) getting share-worthy shots of the famous windmills and pure white houses. Even the cracks between the marble paving stones are painted white here.

Afterwards you can investigate the enchanting ruins of Delos and head off to all corners of Mykonos in a matter of minutes, hunting down the best beaches and vantage points.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Mykonos :

1. Mykonos Windmills

Mykonos Windmills

The first sight that hoves into view before you pull into the harbour is this row of seven white windmills posted on a small cape.

These would most likely have been built by the Venetians as long ago as the 16th century and are oriented to the north to catch the prevailing wind.

They were built close to the harbour to mill grain offloaded from ships to make it easier to transport.

The mills have become a symbol for the whole of island and are a simple walk southwest of the Alefkandra quarter.

There’s a small gift shop next to the road, and you can join the gaggle of photographers taking snaps of the white mills contrasted by the blues of the sky and sea.

Recommended tour : Mykonos Walking Tour

2. Matogianni Street

Matogianni Street, Mykonos

A north to south street through Mykonos Town, with little alleys darting off it, Matogianni Street is where it all happens.

By day you can idle along, perusing souvenir shops, boutiques, jewellery stores and a couple of international chains like Sephora and Lacoste.

When hunger strikes you could opt for a souvlaki or gyro or sit down at one of many tavernas, which tend to be more reasonably priced here deeper in the town.

And in the evening there’s a delectable choice of restaurants at romantic spots with bougainvillea climbing the walls, and bars that do a roaring trade to the early hours.

Delos Island

At the old harbour you can set sail for one of Greece’s most treasured archaeological sites.

The island of Delos is just a couple of kilometres from the southwest coast of Mykonos and its excavations have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

If you’re up to scratch on Olympian Greek mythology you may know Delos as the birthplace of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis.

But more than a thousand years beforehand the island was already a venerated holy sanctuary.

There’s a lot to discover, like the Terrace of the Lions from the 7th century BC, the Doric Temple of the Delians, the Minoan Fountain, a series of market squares and the Theatre Quarter, laid with splendid mosaics.

You can also see phenomenal Hellenistic mosaics at the House of Dionysos, the House of Masks, House of the Trident, House of the Lake and House of the Dolphins.

Recommended tour :  The Original Morning Delos Guided Tour

4. Delos Archaeological Museum

Delos Archaeological Museum

After 30 years of excavations the French School of Athens needed a museum for all its discoveries on Delos, and this was inaugurated in 1904. The archaeological digs have continued for more than 145 years, and the museum had to be expanded in 1931 and 1972 to accommodate all of this material.

The oldest pieces here are the ceramics, going back more than 3,500 years.

There are also numerous grave statues and stele from the 7th to the 1st century BC, as well as clay figurines, mosaics, jewellery and everyday items from the Hellenistic Period.

Among the must-sees is a bronze mask of Dionysos from the 2nd century BC, an ivory plaque with a relief of a Mycenaean warrior as old as 1400 BC and a magisterial sculpture of Boreas kidnapping Oreithya from the end of the 5th century BC.

5. Alefkandra (Little Venice)

Alefkandra, Mykonos

Around the western lip of the Old Harbour is a gorgeous web of little car-free alleys.

These are laid with the typical dark marble paving stones with cement coated with the same brilliant white paint as the houses.

It’s the waterside that gives Little Venice its nickname, where restaurants open on to a narrow path less than a metre above the sea and tables for couples line the way.

These buildings have slightly shambly wooden bay window boxes and balconies painted in blues and greens.

Facing west, the sunsets are impossibly beautiful, so try to get a table before twilight, and look down round to see the windmills catching the last rays.

Suggested tour :  Mykonos and Little Venice Sunset Cruise

6. Old Harbour

Old Harbour, Mykonos

After catching the SeaBus from the new port at Tourlos you’ll disembark at the marble quays of the Old Harbour.

On the east side are the arcades of the Town Hall dating to the 1700s, in front of which is the tiny church of Agios Nikolaos, crowned with a blue dome.

There’s a string of bars and restaurants hugging the curve of the harbour and if you investigate the side streets you’ll come across boutiques, design shops and tasteful souvenir stores, shoulder to shoulder with quaint little churches like Agia Eleni and Agios Kirykos.

7. Church of Panagia Paraportiani

Church of Panagia Paraportiani

Just north of Little Venice, in the Kastro neighbourhood is the fascinating Church of Panagia Paraportiani.

This monument was built between the 15th and 17th century and comprises four separate, interconnected churches beneath a fifth built on top.

That highest church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Panagia) and is easy to pick out for its dome.

The oldest is Agios Anargyros, begun in 1425, while the remaining four churches were all constructed in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Like the Mykonos Windmills it’s a monument that attracts people for the photo opportunities, framing the asymmetrical white walls against the azure sky.

8. Rarity Gallery

Rarity Gallery

Recently Mykonos has gained a reputation as an art destination, and has a lot to do with the Rarity Gallery.

Founded in 1995, this three-room space was the first to present paintings, sculpture, photography and installations by artists of international standing.

On a visit you can expect to see pieces by established names, but may be surprised by less renowned, emerging talent that the gallery has taken under its wing.

Some of the artists featured over the last two decades include pop artist Julian Opie and Carole Feuerman, known for her hyper-realistic sculpture, and Hong Sung Chul, famed for his three dimensional string sculptures.

9. Archaeological Museum of Mykonos

Archaeological Museum of Mykonos

The island’s own modest but engaging archaeological museum has artefacts recovered from Mykonos and adjacent islands, dating from prehistory to the end of the Hellenistic Period around the 1st century BC. In the large collection of ceramics is a pithos (jar) from the 7th century BC with reliefs depicting the capture of Troy.

There’s also exceptionally old Cycladic patterned pottery from as long ago as 2800 BC, preserved funerary steles from the island of Rineia off Delos and black vases from the Ionian Islands.

Another outstanding piece is a statue of Heracles wielding a club, also from Rineia and fashioned from the finest Parian marble in the 2nd Century BC.

10. Agios Sostis Beach

Agios Sostis Beach

If you’re craving some space to yourself, make for the beaches in the less frequented north of Mykonos, which is scattered with natural parks.

Agios Sostis has no beachfront bars, restaurants or sun beds and is all the better for it: The beach is noticeably quieter than those in the south, and behind is not much more than gently sloping hills with sparsely dusted with scrub.

Head north and there’s a small village with a taverna and church, and another much smaller cove bathed by shallow, glimmering water.

11. Elia Beach

Elia Beach, Mykonos

On the other hand you might want to experience Mykonos at its most vibrant and cosmopolitan.

In which case Elia Beach on the south coast is a great pick.

It’s the longest beach on the island, and is the choice of gay tourists to Mykonos.

Ringed by arid slopes, Elia is a bay with golden sand at its centre and shingle beneath the low cliffs to the east.

Naturists also flock to Elia, and even though this beach is one of the most popular on the island it never feels overcrowded as there’s plenty of room for everyone.

You can hire a jet-ski from the jetty at the centre of the beach or hike up the barren slopes past white Cycladic houses to see the bay in all its splendour from above.

12. Dio Horia

Dio Horia, Mykonos

Also at the forefront of the island’s contemporary art scene is Dio Horia, a gallery hosting exhibitions, providing residencies and championing young talent from countries outside the art world’s attention.

In the three years since it opened, Dio Horia has exhibited work by Tracey Emin, David Adamo, Erik Parker and Nina Chanel Abney.

Dio Horia also has a publishing arm, and organises events and pop-up installations around Mykonos.

There are upcoming solo shows in 2018 for the well-known contemporary artists Trudy Benson, Peter McDonald and Raul de Nieves.

13. Kalo Livadi Beach

Kalo Livadi Beach, Mykonos

In the southeast of Mykonos Kalo Livadi is a supreme sandy beach fronting a picturesque valley with clusters of white houses.

A few hundred metres from the coast, the beach has a soft gradient, allowing children to play in the shallows and confident swimmers to venture a long way out without worrying about currents.

The shore has regimented blocks of sun loungers, six deep and divided by wooden walkways.

These are rented out by the restaurants behind and can be pretty pricey, but are worth every penny if you want full service.

If you prefer to go your own way, there’s a patch under the rocks on the west end of the beach where you can lay your towel.

On the west side is a boat charter company with its own jetty if you’re up for a self-navigated voyage.

14. Kalafatis Beach

Kalafatis Beach, Mykonos

Two beaches over from Kalo Livadi, Kalafatis is another alluring sandy bay with an arc of golden sand and shallow, clear waters.

What sets this beach apart is that it is oriented to the east, and not far offshore there are generous breezes.

So while you recline on your sun lounger you’ll see windsurfing sails zipping across the horizon.

Joining them in summer are some snazzy-looking yachts anchored in the bay.

Kalafatis also has a watersports centre for motorised activities like wakeboarding, waterskiing and jet-skiing.

On the northern edge of the bay is a quay with waterfront restaurant and where tour boats set off for cruises.

15. Armenistis Lighthouse

Armenistis Lighthouse, Mykonos

Six kilometres north of Chora is a working lighthouse guiding traffic along the strait between Mykonos and neighbouring Tinos.

Positioned far above the water, this edifice was completed with an octagonal tower in 1891 and flashes a white signal every ten seconds.

It was raised in response to a disaster in which the Volta steam ship sank off the north coast of Mykonos in 1887, at the cost of 11 lives.

If you’d like to see the original Fresnel lens, it has ended up at the Mykonos Maritime Museum.

Although you can’t go inside, the lighthouse is a trip worth making for the awesome scenery.

This is best done just after sunset when you can see the lights of Agios Sostis and Laouti on the other side of the strait.

15 Best Things to Do in Mykonos (Greece):

  • Mykonos Windmills
  • Matogianni Street
  • Delos Archaeological Museum
  • Alefkandra (Little Venice)
  • Old Harbour
  • Church of Panagia Paraportiani
  • Rarity Gallery

Archaeological Museum of Mykonos

  • Agios Sostis Beach
  • Kalo Livadi Beach
  • Kalafatis Beach
  • Armenistis Lighthouse

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Why you must visit

an island made by Gods for people.


Visit Mykonos

Who hasn’t have something to say about Mykonos, who hasn’t swim in its vast boundless blue waters, who hasn’t lived unforgettable moments…

Mykonos is: the sea, the sky, the sun, the hospitality, the fun, the harmony, the charm. A never-ending real myth surrounding us, every part of it a reality, something special, challenging you to live it, taste it, relish it. A barren island, arid, scorched by the sun, full of golden beaches and crystal waters. The white colour, the stone and the scattered mountains are indelible memories in the mind. The natural elements are vivid and strong, filling you, guiding you in new sensations; the air, the sun, the moon are the eternal guides.

The harmony of the Mykonian architecture is astonishing. The location and the way the town of Mykonos is build -inside the Northern eye- the port, the particular colours... It is an exceptional masterpiece. No man and no plan would be able to create something so unique.




Mykonos is easy to reach from Athens' two ports (Piraeus and Rafina) by boat, especially in summer when ferry companies add to their scheduled journeys.



Speedboat 3 hours, ferry 5 hours.

Daily from 07:00 passenger ferries and speedboats departure from the port of Piraeus leaving for the island of Mykonos.


Speedboat 2 hours, ferry 2.5 hours.

Daily from 07:15 passenger ferries and speedboats departure from the port of Rafina leaving for the island of Mykonos.

With Plane you can travel to Mykonos island from Eleftherios Venizelos Airport, or others airports.


From mykonos airport, useful links.

useful link image

Information about travelling to Greece is available at the Greek Tourism Organization (website: ).

For any specific tourism inquiries that you may need during your stay (tickets, guided tours, charters), you may contact one of the islands travel agencies:

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Next 5 days

Source: National Observatory of Athens /

Small houses and restaurants on the sea at sunset.

An island of beauty and magic

Small picturesque houses next to each other on the sea.

Unique Experiences

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Touring the Island

Filming in mykonos.

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She was the most famous woman in the world. He was a peasant, a pirate, a shark. The Greek Tycoon is the story of their fiery romance. Liz Cassidy, the unhappy widow of an assassinated American president, is pursued by womanising millionaire businessman Theo Tomasis, who proves to be very persistent. Starring Jacqueline Bisset, Anthony Quinn, Edward Albert and James Franciscus.


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Michael Pappas and his girlfriend, Cathy, are enjoying the white sand beaches of a Greek island as well as the freewheeling nature of the locals. When Michael meets Lina, who is in Greece from Paris doing archaeological work, he is attracted by the beautiful foreigner. Cathy, unhappy about Lina getting close to Michael, confronts the woman- only to be unexpectedly wooed by her charms as well.


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Archaeological site with low stone walls and 2 headless statues. In the background is the sea.


Tall stone wall on a cobbled street opposite a white church with a blue dome and plants with pink flowers.

Ferry routes

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©Gatsi/Getty Images

Mykonos is the great glamour island of Greece and flaunts its sizzling St-Tropez-meets-Ibiza style and party-hard reputation. The high-season mix of hedonistic holidaymakers, cruise-ship crowds, buff gay men and posturing fashionistas throngs Mykonos Town (aka Hora), a gorgeous whitewashed Cycladic maze, delighting in its cubist charms and its chichi cafe-bar-boutique scene.

Best Time to Visit

Best things to do, attractions, must-see attractions.

Elia beach on the Mykonos island, Cyclades, Greece.

This beautiful stretch of golden sand has craggy cliffs on either side and an excellent waterfront restaurant. It's backed by some large resorts and,…

Agios Sostis

Agios Sostis

This gorgeous, wide strip of golden sand receives far fewer visitors than the south coast. There's no shade and only limited parking but there's a popular…

Greece, Cyclades Islands, Mykonos, Mykonos Town, Paraportiani Church, White church

Panagia Paraportiani

Hora (Mykonos)

Built between the 15th and 17th centuries, Mykonos’ most famous church comprises four small chapels – plus another on an upper storey reached by an…

Archaeological Museum of Mykonos

A headless, almost limbless 2nd-century BC statue of Hercules in Parian marble is the highlight of this small, well-presented collection. Otherwise it's…


Clear waters and golden sands make this one of the island's most famous beaches. It's completely lined with noisy beach bars and rows of umbrellas, but…

Super Paradise

Super Paradise

Flashy, trashy and great for people-watching – Super Paradise is Mykonos' most popular gay-friendly beach. The action is split between the glitzy JackieO'…

Tourliani Monastery

Tourliani Monastery

Located in the centre of Ano Mera, the island's other main settlement, this castle-like monastery (founded in 1537 but rebuilt in 1767) has a gorgeous…


This beautiful crescent-shaped cove became popular in the hippy era and is still known for its beach parties. There's a good selection of tavernas, plus a…

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Mykonos Travel Guide

Last Updated: June 19, 2024

Four windmills at sunset on the island of Mykonos in Greece

But it’s tough to resist with its winding streets, small alleys lined with whitewashed houses overlooking a beautiful harbor, centuries-old windmills, beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants, and world-class nightlife.

It’s an energetic island, especially in the summer when it’s bursting to the seams with visitors. Prices skyrocket during this time, making a few days in paradise a costly affair.

While I loved my time in Mykonos, I wouldn’t suggest visiting during July or August — especially if you’re a budget traveler. Come during the shoulder season instead, when prices are a bit lower and the tourist hordes aren’t as thick.

This travel guide to Mykonos can help you plan your trip, save money, and have an epic visit.

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Mykonos

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Mykonos

The harborfront and Old Venice neighborhood on the island of Mykonos in Greece.

1. Go beach hopping

The beaches here are gorgeous. The water is brilliant turquoise and so clear that it looks like the boats are floating on glass while the soft white sand is perfect for lounging with a book and people watching. Paranga, Paradise, and Super Paradise are the most popular beaches here. Personally, I think Platys Gialos Beach is the most stunning (it’s a wide, sandy beach). Psarou Beach is more laid-back while Elia Beach is the quietest and tame. For wild nights, head to Paradise Beach. At many of the beaches, you can rent lounge chairs, though the tend to be expensive.

2. Relax in Little Venice

Because of the houses on the water, this neighborhood is referred to as Little Venice. During the 14th century, the island was part of the Venetian trade routes, which inspired the architecture (hence the name). It’s a nice place to spend some time eating a meal, having a coffee, or browsing one of the many art galleries. The houses are built in the Italian style and have colorful exteriors. During the late afternoon, lots of people file in to have a drink and watch the sunset for the restaurants on the water. There’s a great view of the windmills here (you can also walk to them as they are just ten minutes away).

3. Wander Mykonos Town

Mykonos Town, or Chora (which means simply “town” in Greek), is the biggest village on the island. It has those iconic whitewashed homes, picturesque windmills, and narrow footpaths leading to churches and boutique shops. All the cobbled streets are pedestrian-only. There are lots of cafes, restaurants, and bars to discover here so spend some time strolling around.

4. Explore Delos Island

Delos is a tiny island off the coast of Mykonos and is a site of huge archaeological importance. Today, the entire island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with extensive archaeological work still ongoing. The supposed birthplace of the Greek gods Artemis and Apollo, the ruins here include temples, statues, a theatre, and sanctuaries dating back to 3000-2001 BC. This was considered the most sacred island to the ancient Greeks. My favorite part was seeing the remains of buildings and statues that have been standing for thousands of years. Boats leave from Mykonos daily for around 22 EUR round-trip. Admission to the site and museum is 12 EUR. A half-day tour from Get Your Guide (including pick-up, boat transportation, and skip-the-line admission) is around 65 EUR.

5. Visit Panagia Paraportiani

This Byzantine church in the Kastro section of Mykonos Town dates back to 1425 and took around two centuries to complete. It’s part of a larger building composed of five separate churches that are all connected. During the Middle Ages, there was a castle in this spot with a fortified tower that stood next to the church. It’s built in the traditional style of the Greek islands with the whitewashed exterior and domes topped with crosses. These five churches, each dedicated to a different saint, were built over the centuries, with the last one completed in the 17th century. Admission is free. Just be sure to dress respectfully.

Other Things to See and Do in Mykonos

1. hang out at elia beach.

The longest stretch of white sands in Mykonos, this beach also has clear waters ideal for snorkeling. It’s about 10 kilometers (6 miles) from Mykonos Town, which makes for an ideal day trip away from the bustling tourist spots. It’s lined with restaurants and bars, as well as watersports kiosks advertising water-skiing, parasailing, and windsurfing. There are lounge chairs you can rent and palapas where you can find some relief from the sun as well. (Note: Nudists love hanging out here!)

2. Go scuba diving

There’s excellent scuba diving all around Mykonos. You won’t find a lot of coral, but there are lots of fish and a few wrecks. Paradise Reef has a large variety of marine life, including sponges, barracuda, octopus, and starfish. There’s also Dragonisi, an island off the coast of Mykonos, with its unique underwater rock formations. A two-tank dive with Mykonos Diving Center costs around 100 EUR. There are even options for beginners to learn about diving and experience it for themselves. These start at 150 EUR.

3. Visit the Archaeological Museum

This museum won’t take you long to visit as it’s very small, but it contains some treasures, such as a headless statue of Hercules from the 2nd-century BCE, carved beautifully out of Parian marble. There’s also an extensive collection of ceramics from the island that dates back as far as 900 BC. There are also a lot of artifacts from nearby Delos, including pottery and funerary monuments too. It’s 4 EUR to visit.

4. Explore Lena’s House

This is a traditional 19th-century Mykonian house-turned-folk-museum. It contains the original owner’s antique furnishings as well as artwork like paintings, tapestries, and woodcarvings, all laid out to resemble how the house would have looked in the 1800s. Be sure to also check out the display case of 18th-century Mykonian women’s clothing, as well as the two courtyards and dovecote (a building for holding doves or pigeons). Admission is 2 EUR.

5. Watch the sunset at the windmills

The 16 windmills on the hills around Mykonos Town are an iconic symbol of the island (you’ve probably seen them on Instagram). They also happen to be the most popular place to watch the sunset. There will be crowds, so get there early to secure a good spot!

6. Go snorkeling

If you’re not a diver, you can still check out some of the underwater activity by renting snorkeling equipment. Paranga Beach has the island’s best snorkeling conditions with calm weather and clear waters, but you can also hop on a boat tour for some deep-water snorkeling. A boat tour costs about 50-80 EUR per person and lasts a few hours. Renting gear costs around 20 EUR.

7. Take a boat tour

Although this may not be a budget-friendly option, it’s a relaxing way to spend an afternoon or evening. There are cruises for all interests here, from party cruises to more scenic-themed trips. Many cruises go to Delos or the Rhenia Islands (with lots of time for swimming) or let you hang out at Paradise Beach for a bit before having a BBQ back on the boat. Tours start from 49 EUR, while Get Your Guide all-inclusive trips with food and drink start at 70 EUR.

8. Visit the Aegean Maritime Museum

The Aegean Maritime Museum covers everything from ancient Greece to the modern-day. Its exhibits include amphorae and pottery, old nautical maps, navigational instruments, and incredibly detailed models of sailing ships and steamers. The museum is right in the middle of Mykonos Town in a 19th century building that was once home to Captain Nikolaos Sourmelis who helped the Cretans during their war for independence. Don’t miss the giant Fresnel lighthouse in the courtyard before you leave! It’s amazing. Admission is 4 EUR.

9. Tour a vineyard

Mykonos Vioma is a family-run historic vineyard and organic farm that offers tours and tastings. It’s a complete farm-to-table experience, as the farm also produces a variety of products that you’ll also get to sample, including different kinds of vinegar, vine leaves, grape molasses, and honey. You’ll also learn about the wine-making traditions of Mykonos and the processes the farm uses today. If you’re there at the end of September, don’t miss the end-of-season grape harvesting, stomping, and merry-making!

10. See the sunset at Armenistis Lighthouse

This 19th-century, 19-meter-high (62-feet) lighthouse stands on top of a hill on the northeast side of the island. It was built after a British steamship sank off the coast in 1887. It’s still a functional lighthouse and is a reminder of the island’s maritime history. While you can’t go inside, it makes a spectacular spot for sunsets. Because of its strategic location for sea vessels, you get incredible views of the sea and surrounding area. Just keep in mind that the road to get up here is quite steep!

Mykonos Travel Costs

Street in Mykonos old town with white-washed buildings with blue doors and windows on the island of Mykonos in Greece.

Camping is your cheapest option on Mykonos. At Paradise Beach, you can get a campsite for 18 EUR during peak season, or 12 EUR in the shoulder season. They also have single cabins and prices range on a sliding scale from 34 EUR in April to 90 EUR in July and August. Paradise Beach is closed during the off-season.

Budget hotel prices – Budget two-star hotels start at 195 EUR in peak season, although you can usually find small locally-owned guesthouses that are cheaper. In the off-season, single rooms start at 60 EUR per night.

Mykonos also has lots of Airbnb accommodations. For a private room in peak season, prices start at 140 EUR per night and escalate steeply from there. Entire apartments start from 160 EUR, but average around 300 EUR (and can be as high as 750 EUR per night).

Prices are significantly cheaper in the off-season. A private room ranges from 60-100 EUR per night while an entire apartment averages about 150 EUR per night (but you can find studio apartments for 50 EUR).

Average cost of food – Traditional Greek cuisine is very healthy, using a lot of fresh seasonal vegetables, olive oil, lamb, fish, pork, and cheeses (especially feta). Yogurts are also super common. Filo pastries stuffed with meat or spinach and cheese are a local favorite as are souvlaki and gyros.

To eat cheap, stick with eating gyros, souvlaki, and kebabs. These start around 5 – EUR and easily fill you up. If you’re on a tight budget, you can live off these for as little as 15-20 EUR per day.

Restaurants cost more here than elsewhere in Greece. At one that serves traditional cuisine, expect to pay around 17 EUR for a main dish like moussaka and about 5-8 EUR for a glass of wine. A Greek salad costs 10-12 EUR.

Fish is more expensive, costing around 25 EUR for a fillet and a way too expensive price per kilo, so just avoid ordering per kilo. After that, prices really go up the nicer and more luxurious the restaurant.

All restaurants charge for bread. The price is between 1.50-3 EUR.

Beer is 5-6 EUR while a latte/cappuccino is around 4 EUR. Cocktails are expensive, however, usually costing 12-20 EUR. Bottled water from the supermarket is 0.50 EUR.

If you cook your meals, expect to pay 50-65 EUR per week for groceries including pasta, vegetables, chicken, and other basic staples.

Backpacking Mykonos Suggested Budgets

If you’re backpacking Mykonos, expect to spend at least 90 EUR per day. This budget covers a hostel dorm, taking the bus the get around, cooking most of your meals, eating cheap street food like gyros, limiting your drinking, and doing mostly free activities like hanging out at the beach. If you want to take part in the party scene, you need to add at least another 30 EUR per day. If you travel during peak season, expect to spend closer to 130 EUR per day.

On a mid-range budget of 170 EUR per day, you can stay in an Airbnb during the shoulder season, eat out for all your meals, have a few drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like cruises or snorkeling trips. if you visit during the summer, expect to spend closer to 200 EUR per day for this budget.

On a “luxury” budget of 300 EUR or more per day in the shoulder season, you can stay in a hotel, eat out anywhere you want, drink as much as you’d like, party the nights away, take more taxis or rent a car, and do whatever activities and guided tours you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky really is the limit!

Mykonos Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

Mykonos is by far the most expensive island in the region and is a tricky place to visit on a budget. There’s not a lot you can do here to cut your costs. If you stick to cheap eats, only see a few attractions, and limit your drinking, you’ll spend less but still more than you would elsewhere. Here are my suggested ways to save money in Mykonos:

  • Avoid peak season – If you can, come here before June when the beaches get overcrowded and prices triple. The shoulder season is a must if you’re on a budget.
  • Take advantage of free attractions – You can still enjoy Mykonos to the fullest if stick to the free attractions, like visiting the windmills, hanging out on the beaches, and walking around Little Venice and Mykonos Town. You don’t have to take tours and cruises to have fun!
  • Redeem hotel points – If you sign up credit cards, you can use those points when you travel. Most cards come with at least 1-2 nights free when you join, which can help you save a lot on your trip. Here’s a post to help you get started with the basics so you can earn points right away and have plenty for your trip.
  • Curb your drinking – It’s easy to blow a LOT of cash on partying in Mykonos. If you do want to experience the nightlife, keep it minimal or have a few drinks in your hotel room first.
  • Don’t stay in Mykonos Town – Accommodation prices in the town are the most expensive on the island. The further you go from the town, the cheaper things get. There is a decent bus system to get you to and from town so you won’t be isolated.
  • Book overnight ferries – Greece’s inter-island ferries can get quite expensive if you are visiting a lot of them. Taking the overnight ferries can save you up to half off the normal price plus save you a night of accommodation.
  • Get a ferry pass – Eurail/Interrail has a ferry pass that has 4- and 6-trip options. The only caveat is that you can only take Blue Star and Hellenic Seaways ferries. Those tend to be the larger, slower ferries and, depending on the islands, might require you to connect somewhere. You’ll need to research routes in advance to see if the pass is worth it. I would search routes on FerryHopper to see if it works for you.
  • Go to museums on their free admission days – Most museums have some days when admission is free. Check the Odysseus Culture website for details as they vary from museum to museum.
  • Bring a water bottle – The tap water here isn’t safe to drink so bring a reusable water bottle to save money and reduce your plastic use. LifeStraw is my go-to brand as their bottles have built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.

Where to Stay in Mykonos

Mykonos doesn’t have a whole lot of budget accommodations thanks to the high-rolling tourists that visit. Here are some of my suggested places to stay that don’t cost a fortune:

  • Studio Eleni
  • Mycocoon Hostel Mykonos
  • Hotel Milena
  • Matina Hotel

How to Get Around Mykonos

Brightly colored boats in the old port of Chora on the island of Mykonos in Greece.

The fare for the bus is between 1.60-2.40 EUR, depending on where you’re going. offers you a breakdown of routes and schedules. Keep in mind that routes are drastically reduced in the shoulder season and the off-season.

Boat – Mykonos Sea Transfer and Mykonos Seabus are two groups of boat taxi operators that can take you to all of the island’s best beaches, including Paraga, Paradise, Super Paradise, and Elia. It’s an excellent way to do some beach hopping throughout the day. Return trips start at 4 EUR.

Scooter/ATV rental – There are lots of scooter and ATV rental shops all around the island. You can usually find a scooter rental for about 28 EUR per day for one person, while ATVs start from 40 EUR per day for two people. In the off-season, some shops rent out their vehicles for about one-third of that price.

Taxi – You won’t have to go far to find a taxi on Mykonos but wait times can be long during the peak season. Prices are high too. It costs around 14 EUR from Mykonos Town to Platys Gialos, and 22 EUR from Mykonos Town to Kalafatis or Elia. Skip the taxis if you’re on a budget!

Car rental – Car rentals start at 50 EUR per day in the peak season and 20 EUR per day in the shoulder season. Drivers need an International Driving Permit and must be at least 21 years old. For the best rental car deals, use Discover Cars .

When to Go to Mykonos

The peak season in Mykonos is from June to August. Temperatures average in the mid-20s°C (mid-80s°F) each day and this is when the island is busiest (some might even say overcrowded). All the clubs, restaurants, and bars are jam-packed and prices are high. There’s virtually no rain or clouds this time of year so pack for lots of heat and sun.

The shoulder season (April-May and September-October) is my favorite time to visit. There’s still enough action to keep you busy, and you can still meet plenty of people, but it’s not nearly as crowded. Prices are lower and the weather is beautiful, especially during the fall when the average daily high temperature is 26°C (79°F). The rain doesn’t really start until November and tapers off in March, so you’ll still be able to enjoy plenty of sunshine too. It would be a good idea to pack an umbrella or rain jacket for this time of year.

Winters in Mykonos are mild, but many businesses close, and the island is virtually deserted. If that doesn’t bother you, then visiting Mykonos during this time can be very enjoyable for its slower pace of life. Expect daily highs around 14°C (57°F). Also expect plenty of rain. From November through February, there are at least seven days with rain every month. You’ll definitely want to pack sweaters and rain gear, if you plan on visiting during the winter months.

How to Stay Safe in Mykonos

Mykonos is very safe to visit, but like most busy destinations, there’s a risk of pickpocketing and petty crime around tourist attractions. Don’t bring your valuables to the beach and definitely don’t leave them unattended. When you go out to the bar, only take the money you need. Leave your wallet at home.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here. However, the standard safety precautions apply (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.). For specific information, check out one of the many incredible solo female travel blogs on the web. They’ll give you tips and advice that I can’t.

And, because this is a party island, everyone should be mindful of drinking too much or taking their eyes off their drink. Avoid drugs at all costs, or you may face huge fines or even jail time.

If you rent a car, drive carefully. Greeks drive aggressively so you’ll want to make sure you take extra care on the roads.

If you go out hiking, always bring water and sunscreen and wear a hat. The heat can be taxing!

Scams here aren’t very common but you can read about common travel scams to avoid here.

If you experience an emergency, dial 112 for assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Avoid isolated areas at night, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID, and don’t keep a lot of valuables on you.

The best piece of advice I can give is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Mykonos Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • HostelPass – This new card gives you up to 20% off hostels throughout Europe. It’s a great way to save money. They’re constantly adding new hostels too. I’ve always wanted something like this and glad it finallt exists.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • The Man in Seat 61 – This website is the ultimate guide to train travel anywhere in the world. They have the most comprehensive information on routes, times, prices, and train conditions. If you are planning a long train journey or some epic train trip, consult this site.
  • Rome2Rio – This website allows you to see how to get from point A to point B the best and cheapest way possible. It will give you all the bus, train, plane, or boat routes that can get you there as well as how much they cost.
  • FlixBus – Flixbus has routes between 20 European countries with prices starting as low 5 EUR! Their buses include WiFi, electrical outlets, a free checked bag.
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!
  • Ferry Hopper – If you’re looking to book your ferries, this website is an easy way to search the various companies, piece together routes, and book your tickets.

Mykonos Travel Guide: Related Articles

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Mykonos Things to Do

Explore the picturesque alleys of Chora

Stroll around Chora, the main village of Mykonos

Swim and party at Super Paradise Beach

Swim at Super Paradise and other beaches

Visit the sacred island of Delos with a boat trip

The sacret island of Delos

We have compiled a list of the best things to do in Mykonos , which includes the absolute must-sees and must-dos on the famous island: places to visit, attractions, where to swim, activities, tours, where to eat, and more.

In brief, the top places to visit are Chora (the main village) and the famous Little Venice , while the top activities are relaxing on the beautiful beaches , dining in fancy restaurants , and partying at famous nightclubs .

Open the table of contents to see our proposals of 15+ best things to do once in Mykonos.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Select a section and you will be directed there. 1. Watch the Sunset at Little Venice 2. Stroll around Chora 3. Swim at the most amazing beaches 4. Book a Stay at a Boutique Hotel 5. Explore the island with your own car 6. Eat at the Best Restaurants 7. Learn to Cook with a local 8. Experience the Nightlife 9. Boat Trip to Delos & Rhenia 10. Go Sightseeing 11. Savor delicious wines 12. Have fun with Sea-related Activities 13. Indulge in Shopping therapy 14. Visit Santorini by Helicopter 15. Watch a Movie at an Open-air Cinema 16. Relax & Party at SantAnna, a huge Seaside Pool 17. Escape the crowds at Unspoiled Beaches 18. Explore the authentic Ano Mera Village 19. Visit Mykonos Animal Welfare Organization More / By Type  

Sunset at Little Venice

1. Sunset at "Little Venice"

The most unique area in Mykonos Town is known as Little Venice. Waterfront Cycladic houses with colorful, wooden balconies are kissed by the waves of the Aegean, creating a photogenic seascape with a romantic atmosphere . It is even possible to stay in one of the houses and enjoy exclusive views of Mykonos' most poetic sunset . Little Venice Bay can also be admired from the area of Alefkandra and the windmills a few steps south. What to do: Sunset is the best time to find yourself in Little Venice. Note that if you want to grab a drink at one of the seafront bars, booking a table in advance is recommended.

Discover Little Venice

Shopping alleys of Chora

2. Stroll around Chora, the Main Town

As soon as you arrive on the island, its capital Town welcomes you for a vacation full of vivid colors. The traditional whitewashed Cycladic houses right by the sea and the stone-paved alleys create a fairytale-like environment! You can either enjoy a shopping spree at the sophisticated boutiques or savor a refreshing drink at the scattered chic cocktail bars . After dusk, a plethora of bars and clubs await you to join the party scene until dawn. What to do : Cocktail at Little Venice • Take photos at the traditional windmills • Have a romantic dinner by the sea • Meet Petros the Pelican • Visit Mykonos Archaeological Museum

Explore Chora

Super Paridise beach

3. Swim at the most amazing beaches

Mykonos stands out for its long golden shores that attract thousands of visitors and offer excellent facilities, including lively beach bars. Alternatively, you can board a water taxi . Its departing point is Platis Gialos beach and it approaches 7 of the most popular beaches on the island: Ornos, Paraga, Paradise, Super Paradise, Agrari, and Elia. For one ticket to the beach plus a return ticket, the price is 10 €. If you want access to numerous beaches, a one-day ticket costs 20 €. Some of the beaches that you need to include in your bucket list are: • Paradise Beach : The bay of Paradise has been a tourist hotspot since the 1980s and houses beach bars and clubs . It enhances its partying ambiance with daily events by world-class DJs. While enjoying its crystalline waters, you may also visit the watersport facilities available for an adrenaline boost. The best thing to do is pack your best swimsuit and get ready to dance the evening away! • Super Paradise Beach : Situated next to Paradise Beach, Super Paradise can be reached via a water taxi or bus. It is quite vivid throughout the summer season. Known as Greece's most queer-friendly bay, it attracts travelers from all around the world. Especially during the high season, numerous night-long parties are organized on the beach. • Psarou beach : One of the most popular beaches on the island lies only 4 km from the Town (Chora). It is famous for its luxury beach bars, restaurants, and resorts . It is sandy, with calm turquoise waters, and almost entirely covered with sunbeds and sun umbrellas. One of the most popular beach bar-restaurants on the island, Nammos , is located there.

Discover more Beaches

The Wild Hotel

4. Book a stay at a boutique hotel

Mykonos is known for its luxurious attitude, posh facilities, and top-quality accommodation. Such an ambiance is maintained at the leading boutique hotels and villas. Some of the best hotels are Cavo Tagoo in Tagoo, Kensho in Ornos, Bill and Coo in Megali Ammos & Mykonos Grand Resort in Agios Ioannis. They set high standards concerning providing visitors with everything they could ask for. Excellent views, astonishing aesthetics, crystal clear infinity pools, and a fascinating gastronomic scene are only one aspect of the experience!

Find the Perfect Hotel

Ok Car Rental agency

5. Explore Mykonos with your own car

Renting a car or a scooter is the easiest way to move around the island without relying on buses. It will offer you the opportunity to set your schedule while you will also have the chance to visit remote places or beaches that are not reachable by bus. On the other hand, parking might be an inconvenience, especially in Chora. In cooperation with the best local car rental agencies , we offer the best prices and our service is rated .

Rent your car with us!

Hippie Fish Restaurant

6. Eat at the best restaurants

Undoubtedly, one of the best things to do is to taste the different kinds of cuisine offered. Mykonos has a fascinating and diverse gastronomic scene, from local taverns with a traditional aura to luxurious restaurants for fine dining. Dining at some of the finest restaurants should be a part of your list! Greek cuisine , both on its own and as a part of Mediterranean gastronomy, is internationally renowned. The cozy tavern To Maereio in Town and Fokos at Myrsini bay are two exquisite places to try homemade Greek dishes. When looking for an upscale dining experience , several restaurants can meet the expectations of even the most demanding palates. Don't miss some of the most popular ones: Matsuhisa (Japanese fusion in Town), Coo , Hippie Fish (Greek-Mediterranean flavors in Agios Ioannis), and Nammos (Mediterranean fusion in Psarou).

Discover more Restaurants

Mykonian Spiti Cooking workshops

7. Learn Greek recipes with a local

Located In the heart of Mykonos, in the traditional village of Messaria, Mykonian Spiti offers a well-structured culinary seminar where guests learn to master the basics of traditional Greek cuisine. You will have the chance to collect vegetables and cook authentic Greek recipes following the instructions of a local chef. When the meal is ready, you will be served and eat it, accompanied by crisp wine, at the premises of this lovely stone-built Mykonian house.


Nightlife in the bars of Little Venice

8. Experience the nightlife

The island is world-famous for its nightlife. Getting in one of the nightclubs or, at least, trying a cocktail in the many bars, must be added to your bucket list. Some of the best bars and clubs to visit are: • Cavo Paradiso : As an internationally acknowledged party hub , Cavo Paradiso club is where you want to be for an unforgettable clubbing experience. All the partying takes place around its Mykonos-shaped swimming pool, the main attraction on the spot. With world-acclaimed DJs frequenting the club, including Carl Cox and David Guetta, the legendary parties at Cavo Paradiso can easily attract over 3.000 people. • 180° Sunset : For a more chilled-out atmosphere and exotic cocktails with a panoramic view , don't skip a visit to 180° Sunset Bar. This is an open rooftop bar located at Castle Panigirakis, which offers breathtaking views of the sunset, the stars, the sea, and the town. • Jackie O’ : Jackie O’ is another must-visit bar. It is located just below Paraportiani church and is ideal for sunset cocktails and dancing all night long. Drag shows also take place every night, adding a spicy note. • Caprice Bar : While you're in town, you may also stop by for a drink at the mythical Caprice Bar, which is situated in the quarter of Little Venice. It offers some of the best views on the island, along with exotic cocktails and an upbeat ambiance.

• Kastro's : In addition, nestled in Little Venice, the cozy pillows of Kastro's are perfect for a stop. From there, you will enjoy a refreshing beverage while gazing at the ever-blue Aegean Sea.

More about the nightlife

Boat trip to Delos

9. Boat trip to Delos & Rhenia

A visit to the uninhabited islet of Delos is one of the most popular things to do in Mykonos. Various day tours allow you to visit that small island near Mykonos and see what makes it so special. Delos is a major historical landmark. Known as the sacred island of antiquity, Delos used to be one of the greatest sanctuaries of Ancient Greece and an island with great political power due to its location. Its archeological site constitutes a World Heritage Site. A museum has been established on the island to display some interesting archeological findings. Several boats and sailing tours go to Delos and the island of Rhenia. The nearby uninhabited islets are ideal for a day's visit! Don't skip adding one of the following tours to your list!

• Visit Delos Sacred Island

The most popular destination that you can easily reach is the sacred island of Delos, which is currently uninhabited but bears great historical importance . At only a 40-minute boat ride away, Delos offers a deep insight into the ancient past, having served as a major religious pilgrimage location and a political center. Numerous archaeological findings remain intact in their original locations. Others are currently housed in the Archeological Museum of Delos.

Book a transfer to Delos

• Sailing Tour to Delos and Rhenia

Rhenia islet is also highly recommended as it takes only a few hours of sailing to get there. This small uninhabited island is ideal for day trips . Its past is intertwined with Delos since Rhenia once served as its necropolis (cemetery). While both islands still attain ruins of ancient temples and Byzantine churches, Rhenia is visited mainly for its crystal clear waters . If you want to balance out the busy atmosphere of Mykonos, spending a day sunbathing on Rhenia is an excellent choice. Booking a boat tour to both islands is strongly recommended!

Book the Tour to Delos

• Luxury Catamaran boat trips

A cruise on a luxury vessel is the perfect way to recharge and have fun. Those who seek to escape the crowds and enjoy privacy and tranquility for a day should consider taking a cruise on a fancy catamaran . Although no stopovers to Delos and Rhenia are included in that cruise, sailing in the turquoise waters of the Aegean sea is a fun thing to do. You will get to swim, snorkel, and sunbathe on the deck. In addition, you will be able to gaze at the sunset and enjoy the most peaceful moments, accompanied by a delicious meal with wine .

Book the Luxury Tour

The monasteri of Panagia Tourliani in Ano Mera

10. Go sightseeing

Have a break from partying and visit some of the local landmarks! • Windmills : While you are in town, don't forget to take a close-up shot of the windmills - a true open-air museum! The lovely photogenic buildings are considered the signature landmark of the island . They were once used to crush wheat and cereals. Although no longer functional, they are well-preserved. The windmills remind us of the past of the island and the way the strong Cycladic winds attributed to the process of grinding grains a century ago. • Paraportiani Church : Another impressive building you have to see is the Church of Panagia Paraportiani, an eccentric set of buildings that consists of five different churches. The oldest one dates back to the 14th century ! The intriguing Orthodox church can easily be reached on foot from Little Venice. • Armenistis Lighthouse : In order to enjoy some peace on the busy island, a peaceful location is the Lighthouse of Armenistis. The lighthouse, a sentinel of the old maritime traditions of Mykonos, is presently under the Hellenic Navy's Hydrographic Office's wing. Taking a road from Agios Stefanos, it can be found atop the edge of the hill, overlooking the azure Aegean . The spot offers marvelous sea views - notably when the sunset paints the horizon in shades of crimson and gold. • Monastery of Panagia Tourliani : Another major attraction is the Monastery of Panagia Tourliani in Ano Mera. Named after an icon of the Virgin Mary found near Tourlos, the monastery was initially built in 1542 by two priests and restored in 1767. The contrast between its Cycladic architecture and some red details, as well as the outdoor marble murals and exquisite yard fountain, creates an imposing aura. The interior is even more elaborate, with a hand-painted altar screen and icons of saints dating back to 1775.

Discover more Sights

Vioma winery

11. Savor delicious wines

We are firm believers that tasting the local flavors provides a deep insight into the tradition of the place you are visiting. That is definitely the case with Mykonos, especially when it comes to wine-making traditions. The island's rich soil, windy nature, and mild winter climate allow its viticulture to thrive, resulting in excellent wines with a deep, earthy flavor. We recommend incorporating a winery visit into your itinerary. In the picturesque village of Ano Mera, the top-notch winery Vioma welcomes travelers to its viticultural setting and vineyards. It presents its finest quality wines, including but not limited to Athiri, Assyrtiko, Malagouzia, and Mandilari. Interestingly, during the growth of grapes, classical music is played to enhance their quality traits! Another option is the Mykonian Farm . A guided wine-tasting tour is the best way to learn about Mykonian wine. Make your reservation as soon as possible!

Book a Wine Tasting Tour

Kitesurfing session in Ornos

12. Have fun with sea-related activities

Spend a day indulging in the watersports available on the beaches of Mykonos! Some of the most adventurous water sports centers are situated on the golden beaches of Kalafatis and Platis Gialos. You can rent a high-speed jet ski or try windsurfing and kitesurfing (independently or with an experienced instructor to guide you). • Watersports : The beaches, especially Super Paradise beach, are ideal playgrounds for watersports . Their waters are calm and the certified schools will give you the perfect opportunity to add some fun to an otherwise lazy day at the beach. Equipment and lessons are provided, all while taking the necessary safety measures. Jet Ski : Renting a jet ski is a good option for everyone over 15 years old. It will offer you an amusing experience regardless of your fitness level. It is easy to learn, and a professional can show you how to handle it. Wakeboarding : That new trend has become very popular on the island. Everyone over 8 is welcome to take a lesson and enjoy the ride! Flyboard : Last but not least, Flyboard is one of the most exciting watersports available. • Scuba Diving : Another intriguing activity seems to be scuba diving. If you are already enjoying the Aegean, go one step further and explore the seabed with a scuba-diving adventure. One of Greece's top diving centers, Mykonos Diving Center, has been welcoming sea enthusiasts since 1978. The devoted personnel and diving instructors ensure a pleasant, safe, and exciting underwater experience ! Applying all safety protocols, the center provides all the necessary equipment while actively trying to live up to the expectations of every diver. • Kitesurfing : Mykonos is also known as the island of the winds . For that reason, it has been gaining popularity as a kitesurfing destination during the last decade. The intriguing sport is available at Korfos bay, a famous kitesurfing hub. The bay is only 2.5 km away from Chora, making it easy to visit. There, Kite Mykonos Center welcomes everyone who wants to give it a shot. The experienced instructor Alexandre Kuzolitz ensures that every participant is safe and properly equipped.

Discover more Sports

Louis Vuitton boutique in town

13. Indulge in shopping therapy

Luxurious fashion stores are an absolute must if you want to renew your summer outfit collection. You will encounter world-renowned designer brands that fascinate any fashion enthusiast by offering a selection of the trendiest clothes and accessories for your wardrobe. Your stay on the island is the right moment to indulge in a high-end shopping spree and discover the best-hidden gems while strolling around the picturesque alleys! After all, a summer vacation would be incomplete without at least one shopping pilgrimage to the haute couture temples of Louis Vuitton , Chanel , Gucci , and more. When shopping is your call, we believe it is worth splurging a bit in order to be among the most fashionable people on the island!

Discover more Shops

Helicopter transfer to Santorini

14. Visit Santorini by helicopter

Book a private helicopter transfer between Mykonos and Santorini and enjoy a luxurious flight above the Aegean Sea! Private helicopter transfers are a fast, fun, and safe way to get from one island to the other. They allow you to enjoy a panoramic view of the Cycladic landscape like no other. During the transfer, you will see the most beautiful places on the islands from a distance, including lovely whitewashed villages, impressive cliffs, and the famous volcano of Santorini. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience worth every penny!

Book your heli transfer

Cine Manto Open Air Cinema

15. Watch a movie at an open-air cinema

Few things compare to an open-air movie night with fresh popcorn and a soft drink during the Greek summertime! Luckily, Cine Manto in town offers a romantic environment underneath the stars, where movie enthusiasts can happily gather to watch classic and blockbuster movies screening daily . The cinema is open throughout the entire tourist season and it offers a bar-restaurant to cater to its guests. Promising one of the most delightful summer night experiences , a starlit screening is something not to be skipped!

More Businesses of interest

SantAnna Seaside Pool

16. Relax & party at SantAnna - a huge seaside pool

Shifting from Paradise to the neighboring Paranga bay, we come across one of the most elegant establishments of Mykonos: the SantAnna beach bar & restaurant. Founded in 2017, it features the largest seaside swimming pool in Europe! It provides two separate bars , a top-notch fusion cuisine restaurant, and a variety of lavish beauty salons . The SantAnna experience is exceptionally well-rounded, leaving nothing to chance. Guests can relax by the pool on the comfortable sun loungers, frolic in the pool, or savor a sushi plate with flavorful shisha. Every summer, numerous music events , and private parties take place on its premises.

Discover more Beach Bars

Agrari beach

17. Escape the crowds at unspoiled beaches

The majority of beach photos depict crowded, organized shores with huge beach bars and restaurants. Keep in mind that there is another side to this cosmopolitan Cycladic island, more serene and pure. • Agios Sostis bay : One of the best-unspoiled beaches is the bay of Agios Sostis, located a bit further away from the bustling southern beaches. While no public transportation is available nearby, a rental vehicle can easily take you there. The untouched golden shore is 250 meters long, with crystal clear waters. It is secluded and ideal for a private plunge. • Fokos bay : Another great secret spot is Fokos bay on the northern side of the island. It is an unorganized bay with no facilities besides a traditional tavern nearby. That hidden gem remains tranquil even during high season and is only reachable with private vehicles. • Agrari : Last but not least, the shimmering beach of Agrari is another quiet area you could opt for. Located near Elia bay, the two create a vast 8 km coastline of powder-like sand and indigo waters that captivate one's heart. Agrari beach is pristine, with only one small cafeteria and a handful of sun loungers. The path leading down to it is narrow and steep, so caution is essential.

Ano Mera village

18. Explore the authentic Ano Mera village

Ano Mera provides a much calmer setting compared to the overwhelmingly busy alleys of the main town. At only 8.3 km from Chora, this cozy Cycladic village remains authentic and tranquil since it has not become as touristy as other Mykonian locations. It is the second largest settlement on the island, flaunting a beautifully paved central square and several landmarks: the church of Panagia Tourliani, the uphill Gyzi Castle, and the Paleokastro Monastery all lie there. Some cafes and restaurants are also located around. Not to miss: Visit an authentic Mykonian farm and participate in the farm operations.

Explore Ano Mera

19. Are you an animal lover? Visit Mykonos Animal Welfare

Mykonos Animal Welfare is a legal charity established in 2005. Since then, it has been involved actively in the health and welfare of animals on the island. Their main objectives are education, sterilizations, emergency vet care, feeding, and rehoming abandoned cats and dogs. Visit their website:

25. More things to do

Mykonos has had its own local beer since 2017, produced by Mikonu Brewery (or Mykonos Brewing Company) a few kilometers away from Town. The establishment offers tours with beer tasting and also boasts a taproom, where guests can enjoy a glass of beer in a family- and pet-friendly space. But that's not all! There are a lot more things to do; from amazing places for coffee to cooking workshops and more.


In addition to its famous nightlife, Mykonos boasts top-notch restaurants, excellent accommodations, great beaches, considerable sights, and many hidden gems. Moreover, various activities are available on the island to satisfy all visitors.

We have listed the best things to do in Mykonos based on what type of traveler you are below.

Best things to do for couples

Mykonos offers its guests lovely views and scenery, top-tier accommodations, excellent restaurants, and endless nightlife options to choose from. The island's setting and infrastructure can provide every couple with anything it could ask for!

  • Book a room with a private pool Mykonos is a cosmopolitan island, with its famous well-organized beaches continuously crowded during the high season. Booking a room with a private pool will allow you and your partner to plunge into clear waters and enjoy the scenery at your convenience. Discover the best hotels and find the ideal accommodation by clicking the "Private Pool" box on the "Recommended For" filter!  
  • Watch the sunset from the Windmills Mykonos Town is an excellent location for gazing at the sunset. However, the trademark windmills at the end of the promenade may be the most idyllic location to watch the sun submerge into the sea while hues of red gradually appear in the blue sky. The overall scenery is more than bewitching, so taking a few photos there during that time of the day is totally recommended!  
  • Sip cocktails at Little Venice The bars situated along the promenade in the area of Little Venice are perfect for your evening or night cocktail. Many of them are housed in old traditional houses, making them absolutely lovely. Numerous bars also host parties until the early morning, so you can continue your night more lustily if you feel like it. Discover the best bars in Town !  
  • Enjoy a romantic dinner at a seaside restaurant Mykonos is home to several top-notch restaurants with some of the best chefs creating culinary wonders for their guests to feast upon. Establishments serving both Greek-Mediterranean and international cuisine operate in Mykonos, while their style ranges from fine dining restaurants to traditional taverns. Have a look at the best restaurants and click on the "Sea Side" option of the "Extra Features" filter to find the perfect place for your romantic dinner!  
  • Rent a quad to discover more of Mykonos By renting a quad you can approach remote enchanting locations around the island! Quads are an ideal means of transport for duos, especially if you want to rent a vehicle that is more budget-friendly than a car.  
  • Admire the scenery from above A helicopter tour around Mykonos island is probably the most special way to admire the sights and landscape of the island, as well as views of the vast cerulean Aegean Sea! Except for that, if you feel the desire to visit the scenery queen of the Cyclades, which is no other than Santorini, a helicopter transfer from Mykonos to Santorini and vice versa is also available!  
  • Book a sunset cruise Nothing is more romantic than setting sail for a tour in Mykonos' waters with your partner during the sunset. Watch the sky become a colorful palette while the buildings get showered with deep golden sunlight. During your sunset cruise tour , you will be able to enjoy the magical scenery and a refreshing drink at the same time!  
  • Visit a local winery If you and your partner are wine lovers, you should consider paying a visit to one of the  wineries . Apart from learning more about wine production, each visit comes with wine tasting!  

Best things to do for families with kids

Below, you will find some of the best activities to try out for fun family time!

  • Watch a movie at an open-air cinema A visit to an open-air cinema for a screening under the stars is a ritual for Greek people during summer. Watching a movie in an outdoor setting with a light breeze caressing your shoulders is a one-in-a-lifetime feeling that no one should skip when visiting Greece. Cine Manto in Chora allows you to experience that, so make sure to add it to your holiday bucket list!  
  • Visit Delos island Delos used to be a sacred place during antiquity since Apollo and Artemis were born there. The remains of sanctuaries of the two gods and the city around them have survived until this day, while the archaeological museum of Delos hosts exhibits from the excavations that have taken place on the island. Delos and the islet adjacent to it, Rhenia, can only be approached by boat. For that reason, make sure to book your tour to Delos in advance!  
  • Visit the family-friendly beaches Mykonos is mainly considered an adult-friendly destination due to its intense nightlife. However, the large number of visitors has resulted in many beaches being well-organized, making them appropriate for children. Most shores around Mykonos are sandy and the waters are azure and crystal clear. Elia, Lia, Kalafatis, and Ornos are just a few options! Check out the best beaches that meet your family's needs by selecting the "Family-Friendly" option after clicking the "Type" filter.  
  • Rent a car to explore the island Renting a car is the best way to travel around the island to explore various locations, pristine beaches, and remote villages without having to rely on the strict timetables of public transport or pricey private transfers. We work with the best car rental companies on the island, which offer a plethora of vehicle options for you to choose the most fitting for your family.  
  • Pay a visit to the regional museums The Town is home to several museums of different themes, including the Archaeological Museum , the House of Lena , a Maritime Museum , and an Agricultural Museum . Paying a visit to some of the regional museums will allow you to learn more about the island's history and culture and introduce your kids to a different side of Mykonos.  

Best things to do for single travelers

Mykonos island is the ideal destination if you are planning a solo trip to the Greek islands! Due to its cosmopolitan nature, locals are very friendly and hospitable, while thousands of guests are visiting the island to meet new people and have the time of their lives!

  • Make new friends at the clubs As the queen of nightlife, the clubs host hundreds of events and parties, where people dance, sing, drink, and overall have fun until dawn! The atmosphere is friendly and flirty, so meeting new people in the clubs is one of the easiest yet most entertaining things to do!  
  • Take a scuba diving lesson Scuba diving is one of the most preferred water activities in Greece. That comes as no surprise since the waters are transparent while the seabed is home to thousands of beautiful marine species. One of the oldest diving centers in Greece happens to be located in Mykonos, offering safe and thrilling underwater experiences!  
  • Hike the countryside  Escape from the glamorous side of the island by exploring its unspoiled regions! A hiking adventure will introduce you to pristine beaches and the local landscape, allowing you to relax and enjoy a more peaceful side of the island.  
  • Do watersports Many well-organized beaches in Mykonos, especially Super Paradise beach, are perfect spots for sea-related activities. Jet-skiing, wakeboarding, and flyboarding are all available for you to boost your adrenaline levels! If you are more interested in kitesurfing, Korfos beach constitutes a famous hub for kitesurfers where you can enjoy your favorite watersport!  
  • Go island hopping An island-hopping adventure is the best way to see more of the Cyclades on your own! Regular ferry connections allow you to visit neighboring islands located only a few hours away from Mykonos, including Santorini , Paros, and Tinos .  

Best things to do for backpackers

Backpacking in Mykonos is a clever way to save some money during your stay in Mykonos. However, due to the island's tourist nature, visiting as a backpacker is recommended for just a few days. Island-hopping to places that feature hiking trails and other activities of that kind is the best thing to do!

  • Stay at Paradise camping Only 50 meters from the waters of the infamous Paradise Beach in Mykonos lies Paradise Beach Camping. Its facilities include a mini-market, an on-site restaurant, and a boutique. You can either stay at a bungalow or a cabin and enjoy everything that this fully-organized site boasts!  
  • Enjoy traditional food at a tavern Mykonos is a Cycladic island, which means that taverns serving fresh fish and seafood couldn't be missing! A tavern is the most traditional type of eating establishment and allows you to taste authentic Mykonian food. Fokos Tavern in the secluded Fokos bay and Rizes restaurant in Ano Mera are two of the best choices, but you can find taverns within Mykonos Town, too.  
  • Join a hiking adventure A hiking tour will take you to the beautiful countryside to encounter the more relaxed and traditional side of the island. Tasting local produce, seeing panoramic views, and swimming are all included in the Mykonos Hiking Adventure Tour!
  • Go island hopping If you have fallen in love with the Cycladic landscape, consider visiting more islands! Islands like Santorini and Naxos are fitting for backpackers due to their majestic landscapes, secluded beaches, and a plethora of hiking trails. Ferry crossings from one island to the other are regular in summer but make sure to book your tickets in advance because of the increased demand!  

Best things to do with friends

Visiting Mykonos with your friends is the best decision if you lust after a vacation full of fun-filled memories! Bustling clubs playing all genres of music, luxurious cruises, and cosmopolitan beaches will definitely not disappoint you!

  • Visit Paradise and Super Paradise beaches Both Paradise and Super Paradise are world-renowned beaches. Both being lively 24/7, the fun never dies there! They are well-organized, with sunbeds and parasols, restaurants, and watersport facilities. Many famous clubs and bars lie close to the beaches; in particular, Jackie O' Seaside is located near Super Paradise beach, while Tropicana and Cavo Paradiso are situated behind Paradise beach.  
  • Enjoy the renowned Mykonos clubbing No friend group should leave Mykonos without experiencing its vivid nightlife at least once! Alternatively called the Greek Ibiza, numerous parties and events are hosted in the clubs throughout summer, with world-famous DJs often being in charge of the music. Most people are very friendly, so you may make even more friends while on the island!  
  • Fly to Santorini with a helicopter A helicopter tour has become the most preferred VIP transfer option between the two most touristy islands of Greece! It allows you to get from one island to the other quickly while gazing at the charming landscape from above!  
  • Eat with a local Having a local educate you on Greek cuisine and Mykonian history and culture is invaluable. By visiting the Mykonian Spiti , you will have the opportunity to taste homemade food, learn cooking tips, and experience the traditional way of life in the house of a local! Crisp wine will accompany your meal, too! If you want a more interactive experience, we suggest booking a cooking class . Joining such an activity will gift you with ideas that you can practice back home and impress your family, friends, or guests!  
  • Board a catamaran for a cruise There is no better way to spend the afternoon than boarding a catamaran and setting sail to the cerulean waters of the Aegean! With the Full-day Catamaran Cruise with Fresh Lunch , you and your friends can spend the day exploring the beaches and also taste a delicious lunch. In addition, the Sunset Catamaran Tour to Rhenia island will take you to the charming islet of Rhenia to swim or snorkel during the sunset. While you enjoy the crystal-clear sea, a chef will be preparing your Mediterranean dinner!
  • Go island hopping Mykonos is an ideal starting point for island-hopping in the Aegean! Ferry crossings are frequent, allowing you to reach many other islands in only a few hours. For those who want to continue enjoying long nights, Paros and Ios are known for their clubs and lively nightlife! On the other hand, Santorini and Naxos are more fitting for travelers who want to change scenery, participate in activities, or go sightseeing.  


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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

22 Best Things to do in Mykonos In 2024

Written By: The Planet D

Updated On: June 11, 2024

Welcome to the shimmering shores of Mykonos, Greece’s own slice of paradise in the Aegean Sea! This guide is your ultimate companion to uncovering the best of what Mykonos has to offer. We’re not just talking about its world-famous beaches and parties; there’s so much more! From strolling through charming streets in Mykonos Town to discovering hidden culinary spots, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll also dive into the rich history and culture that make this island truly unique. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned visitor, our insider tips will help you experience Mykonos like never before. So, let’s set sail on this exciting adventure and find out why Mykonos is one of the top Greek Islands on every traveler’s list!

Top Things to do in Mykonos, Greece

Top things to do in Mykonos Greece

Mykonos is a romantic destination, a place for honeymoons and rendezvous. Likewise, it attracts party-goers and weekenders looking to blow off some steam. Don’t be surprised to find big crowds in Mykonos, especially in the high season. But it’s something that shouldn’t scare you off, because it’s a destination you can approach from many angles. You can still find the quieter beaches and the charming towns that, despite Mykonos’ small size, still remain off the tourist trail.

So with that in mind let’s discover the best things to do in Mykonos so you can plan your next trip to this amazing Greek Island.

1. Mykonos Town

Things to do in Mykonos Town

After arriving on one of the best Greek islands, make a beeline for Mykonos Town. Exploring its narrow streets lined by whitewashed houses is one of the first things to do in Mykonos, Greece. Not only will it give you a great taste of what Mykonos Island life has to offer, but you’ll begin to get your bearings.

Nestled on the western coast of the island, Mykonos Town, also known as Chora, is the beating heart of Mykonos. As we wandered through its maze-like, cobblestone streets, we fell in love with the vibrant yet laid-back atmosphere that defines this iconic town. Mykonos town is like walking in a postcard, with its white-washed buildings and blue-domed churches (just like the ones you see in Santorini) creating a striking contrast against the unbelievably blue sky. We were truly blown away.

Navigating the maze of streets is a fun challenge and we enjoyed just getting lost, checking out some great shopping in the boutiques along Matogianni Street, which also happens to be one of the prettiest streets on the island, and sipping Greek coffee at a cafe. It felt like we were in our own movie scene. You may want to read: Is Greece Expensive, a complete guide to costs for travel in Greece.

2. Paradise Beach

Best things to do in Mykonos Paradise Beach

With your steps complete, it’s time to indulge in the beach life of Mykonos Island. For a relatively small island, Mykonos has no shortage of beautiful beaches, and picking the best one is an unenviable task. With that said, Paradise Beach is the perfect place to start.

Paradise and Super Paradise Beach combine to create a stunning location that also happens to be home to the island’s most fun beach party scene. In the height of summer, the beach floods with scantily clad men and women bathing in the Aegean sun. Come nightfall, the party scene goes up a notch with music and tropical cocktails at beach clubs like Jackie O’ and The Super Paradise Beach Club.

Outside of the high season, you’ll find sparkling white sand devoid of large crowds. Add on some beachfront restaurants and it’s a pristine spot to enjoy a day out. Make sure to book your sunbed in advance so you have the best seat in the house.

3. Monastery of Panagia Tourliani

Things to do in Mykonos Monastery of Panagia Tourliani

A brief drive from the heart of Mykonos Town, a visit to the Monastery of Panagia Tourliani is one of the top things to do in Mykonos, Greece. Like the beaches, there is stiff competition for the most gorgeous monasteries and churches on the tiny island. But Panagia Tourliani is not one to miss.

Almost five centuries old, the monastery is a sight for sore eyes. The clean stone facade complete with a trio of bells and an adjacent bell tower is an impressive sight. Not to mention the arresting marble fountain that features embellished decorations.

Equally transcendent is the interior that has been painstakingly restored to its former glory. We especially loved taking in the hand-painted altar screen and iconography from the late 18th century.

4. The Kato Mili Windmills

Things to do in Mykonos Windmills

One of the most spectacular sights in Mykonos is the Kato Mili Windmills backed by the pink sky at golden hour. A brief trip from Little Venice, a row of white and brown windmills dots the coastline and are a glimpse into the island’s old wheat industry.

Back in the day, there were 20 of these famous windmills. While only seven remain, they’re now one of the most popular attractions on Mykonos. Each windmill is a perfect cylinder that rises out of the ground with brown thatched roofs. They’re simple yet beyond elegant, a memorable example of 18th-century Greek architecture.

They’re free to visit and make for some amazing photographs. But be sure to return at dusk for one of the best sunset spots on Mykonos.

5. Little Venice

Best things to do in Mykonos Little Venice

In Mykonos Town, Little Venice is a neighborhood that will quickly steal your heart. It’s the waterfront section of town where the white houses meet the Aegean Sea, creating a vision straight out of your wildest dreams. Like the windmills, Little Venice is where Mykonos’ natural beauty and man-made opulence meet.

Much of what you see in Little Venice was developed in the 18th century by merchants. Now they’re vacation homes, restaurants, and a number of trendy bars that are perfect for sunset cocktails. Just be sure to make a reservation ahead of time. You can also wander down to the sea and let the water lap between your toes as you watch the sun touch the horizon with the windmills in the foreground.

6. Agrari Beach

Things to do in Mykonos Agrari Beach

Agrari Beach contrasts greatly with Paradise Beach. The popularity of Mykonos brings in hearty crowds and beach parties, something that can be hard to escape in the summer. But Agrari Beach is the place to go to experience the pristine beaches and crystal clear waters of Mykonos without rubbing shoulders with strangers.

You’ll find this beach on the quieter section of the island’s southern coast. The golden sand runs along the shore until it connects to Elia Beach, creating a spectacular 5-mile coastline of nothing but powdery white sand and turquoise sea.

After walking down a steep, narrow path, you’ll step onto the soft sand, where you’ll discover a small concession stand and a few sun loungers that you can use to bask in the warmth.

7. Delos Island

Things to do in Mykonos Delos Island

Taking a boat trip to Delos Island is one of the things we recommend, especially if you love Greek history. Departing from the Old Harbor in Mykonos Town, it will take you about 30 minutes to reach the small Cycladic island.

The history of Delos Island goes back over 5,000 years. It’s teeming with prominent archaeological sites, many of which form the crux of Greek myths and legends. Such is the array of history, that the entirety of Delos Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Local mythology says that Artemis and Apollo we born right here. But that’s not all. As you explore, you’ll find columns that have stood in place for centuries on the side of paths shared by pilgrims year after year. The island’s history, however, reaches its zeniths with Delos’ 5,000-year-old stone huts.

The best way to experience Delos is to jump on one of the guided boat tours. This is one of the most popular tours in all of Mykonos, so book early if you can.

8. Psarou Beach

Things to do in Mykonos Psarou Beach

A couple of miles outside of Mykonos Town, Psarou Beach is another popular spot for a day on the sand. Lined by upscale beach bars, a series of opulent resorts, and some of the best food on the island, Psarou is a place to experience the lap of luxury.

The beach is almost entirely made up of sun loungers and rows of beach umbrellas. You can forget about laying down the towel here. Instead, spend your day taking in the sights and sounds plus the odd celebrity if you’re lucky. Keeping the summer crowds in mind, you may want to book a sun lounge ahead of time.

On the water is where the real fun is, however. Once you’re settled, it’s time for water sports. Go on a scuba diving trip or jump on board a jet ski. Afterward, dine at the iconic beach bar restaurant Nammos.

9. Armenistis Lighthouse

Things to do in Mykonos Greece Armenistis Lighthouse

Little Venice may be the best sunset spot on Mykonos, but it’s not always budget-friendly. This is especially true if you want to drink at the best bars along the coast. For a totally free sunset, make your way to the Armenistis Lighthouse.

The lighthouse is located on the island’s northwest coast where you’ll have uninhibited views of the colorful horizon along with the even smaller island, Tinos. It’s easy to get here also, being just a four-mile bus or taxi from Mykonos Town.

It’s best to give yourself plenty of time to explore the century-old lighthouse. Mykonos has a rich maritime history. The lighthouse is dedicated to telling that story and remembering the lives lost in a shipwreck in the years prior to its creation.

10. The Old Port

Things to do in Mykonos Greece Old Port

The development of a modern port on Mykonos has taken the focus of its historic Old Port. Many travelers don’t even take the time to explore. But if you’re like us, then that’s all the more reason to add the Old Port to your Mykonos itinerary.

Like the main town, Old Port is surrounded by a maze of narrow streets. Among them are smiling locals and an authentic collection of local shops. Without the cruise ships, the water is left for small fishing boats that come in and out as if they’ve traveled back to before Mykonos was a tourist mecca.

As you explore the Old Port, keep your eye out for the famous Peter the Pelican. This pelican has taken on legendary status among locals and seeing him wherever he is is a big tick on your Mykonos bingo card.

11. Scuba Diving

Things to do in Mykonos Scuba Diving

A few days on the shore of the Aegean Sea will have you excited to explore life beneath the surface. The glistening baby blue water is every bit as spectacular as the Mediterranean Sea, with as many marine treasures awaiting your arrival.

There are many great scuba diving spots around Mykonos, including from Psarou Beach. But for beginners, Lia Beach is the perfect place to begin. Within the protected bay you’ll find calm swimming conditions with excellent clarity as you learn the essential skills alongside your instructors.

Once you’ve completed your first dive, you’ll be ready to attack some more sites around Mykonos. Paradise Reef is one for the books. Here, you’ll find a prismatic array of coral, starfish, barracuda, and octopus. If you want to swim around a shipwreck, you can also do that at Dragonissi.

Mykonos is the perfect place to learn to Scuba Dive as the water is crystal clear and really calm. This tour is perfect for beginners!

12. Ano Mera Village

Things to do in Mykonos Ano Mera Village

Like the Old Port, Ano Mera Village is another amazing part of Mykonos that sees a disproportionately meager amount of visitors. But while most are enjoying the Mykonos beaches, you can take the time to explore one of the oldest towns on the island, in peace.

The old-time village is centered on a town square and boasts Greece’s patented whitewashed homes. Ano Mera provides travelers with a unique and authentic experience within a charming Cycladic village. The streets are just as thin, yet without the bustle. This leaves you with a tranquil townscape that boasts several major landmarks, including Panagia Tourlani, the Paleokastro Monastery, and the Gyzi Castle.

Explore on a whim and don’t be afraid to get lost when you visit Ano Mera Village. That’s exactly how you’ll end up on a beautiful cafe patio, sipping wine and overlooking the Aegean Sea.

13. Church of Panagia Paraportiani

Things to do in Mykonos Panagia Paraportiani

Admiring the stunning Church of Panagia Paraportiani is one of the best things to do in Mykonos, Greece. On the shore of the Aegean Sea, the church is a photographer’s dream. It’s an incredible mix of classic white Greek architecture, cobblestones, and the bright blue sea.

The church is, in fact, a much larger complex that features five distinct chapels. Each has its own peculiar design and domed roof. The oldest, Agios Anargyros, was built in the 15th century complete with a gorgeous bell tower.

Arriving at the complex is easy. You can simply jump on a bus and get off at Fabrika Central. It’s also possible to walk from Little Venice.

14. Elia Beach

fun things to do in Mykonos Elia Beach

On the southern coast, Elia Beach is the other half of a sandy shore shared with Agrari Beach. Elia Beach is a mix of amenities and tranquility. Here, you can enjoy the sun lounges and water sports without dense crowds, with ample extra sand to lay down the towel.

During the summer months, there are occasionally beach parties featuring DJs, booze, and plenty of dancing. But that aside, it’s a relaxed spot that is loved among the LGBTQ community and even the odd nudist.

When you depart the sand and go for a swim, you’ll discover crystal-clear waters and a brilliant mix of blue shades. Aside from swimming, you can venture out on a jet ski, get a view as you para-sail and you can also try your hand at windsurfing when the breeze picks up.

15. Wine Tasting

Fun things to do in Mykonos Wine Tasting

No time in Mykonos would be complete without exploring the island’s vineyards and sampling the local wines. After all, Mykonos is one of the oldest wine-growing regions on earth.

A wonderful place to do just that is at Mykonos Vioma Organic Farm . From your elevated position on Mykonos, you’ll bask in the wondrous views of the vineyards and the coast from the patio. You can also sign up for a vineyard tour that will take you behind the scenes of this beautiful farm.

But Vioma is not just about exceptional wine tasting. As the name suggests, there’s much more to this organic farm. Take your time exploring to discover traditional Mykonian delicacies such as rusks, hams, authentic Greek salad, and artisan cheese.

If you want to take a guided wine tour, this one that goes to a locals home is a great way to sample the wines of the region and have an authentic Mykonos experience.

16. Mykonos Maritime Museum

Cool things to do in Mykonos Aegean Maritime Museum

The Greeks have a storied relationship with the sea. In centuries past, they discovered new islands and expanded well beyond the mainland. Now, out of the 2,000 islands in the nation, around 170 are inhabited.

Today, the nation still depends on the sea to get from A to B. As you travel around Greece, water taxis and ferries are popular, not just to transfer locals and tourists, but cargo too.

To learn about Greece and Mykonos’ oceangoing history, both ancient and contemporary pay a visit to the Aegean Maritime Museum. Journey back as far as the Neolithic era as you discover historic documents, ancient maps, treasures, and replica ships from the Minoan period. Complete the experience by learning about moments that changed the course of local history and the tales of ships that have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Cool things to do in Mykonos Kayaking

You’ve explored the charming villages, viewed the sunset from the coast, and swam beneath the sea. But for a fresh perspective, it’s time to grab your paddle and kayak around Mykonos.

As you float along the crystal clear sea, you’ll be able to achieve a spectacular vantage point from which to admire the island. Much of Mykonos is accessible, but there are many nooks and crannies along the coast that you’ll only be able to see and reach from the water. With the help of a guided kayak tour, you’ll be able to.

There are a few operators on the island, depending on where you are based. We took this guided kayak tour which took us to wild rock formations where we paddled into grottos, and explored the northern coastline all while keeping our eye out for marine life.

18. Rhenia Island

Rhenia Island is another of the nearby islands you should add to your itinerary. In the shadows of Mykonos, Rhenia Island is a well-kept secret. Although it has a rich human history that dates back thousands of years, today, no one lives here. It’s now an untouched paradise.

With zero ferry infrastructure, the only way to make it here is on a guided tour or private boat . But once you’ve arrived, you’ll have no shortage of amazing adventures. Here, the beaches are clean, without any footsteps and the sea is a dream to swim in.

The island’s human history is on full display. Centuries ago, the island was deserted and its ancient temples were left to survive by themselves. Add on some quaint 20th-century churches and you can see why Rhenia Island is one of the best day trips from Mykonos.

19. Boat Tours

Best things ot do in Mykonos Greece Boat Tour

Many of the best beaches on Mykonos can be found on the breathtaking southern coast. You could spend a day at each, but for a memorable experience, go island hopping and join this full-day south coast cruise .

Beginning at Ornos Beach, for eight hours, you can kick back and slowly make your way along the spectacular coast while sipping one Greek wine and sampling ouzo. After visiting a couple of beaches, you’ll venture further offshore to discover Dragonissi Island. Upon arrival, you’ll spot the sea caves that glisten against the water.

Afterward, dive into the calm waters of Frangias Bay and have lunch at a seaside restaurant on Kalafatis Beach. Last up is the vibrant Super Paradise Beach before getting dropped off right back at your hotel.

20. Mykonos Archaeological Museum

The Cyclades are akin to an open-air museum, such are the number of historic sites. But without having to travel to Delos or Rhenia, you can visit the Mykonos Archaeological Museum.

History lovers and architectural buffs will have a blast as they explore the incredible collection. You will be able to get up close to ancient vases, vessels, works of art, and columns.

The museum may be small but it’s been masterfully curated. Further highlights include a stunning mortuary urn that explores the story of the Trojan War. For those who missed out on exploring Rhenia, check out the museum’s Purification Pit. This was discovered in 1898 and included hundreds of urns and vessels that harbored offerings to the gods.

21. Island Hop

Things to do in Mykonos Greece Island Hop

There’s far more to the world around Mykonos than just Delos and Rhenia islands. The Cyclades are home to over 200 islands and you can access all the major ones such as Santorini , Tinos, and Naxos from the local port.

Frequent ferry crossings will give you plenty of options when it comes to exploring the surrounding islands on your own. Likewise, there is an abundance of local tours that will showcase the beauty of the Cyclades on a yacht.

Santorini is another famous destination in the Cyclades and is a few hours away from Mykonos. You can easily take a make a day trip of it with five ferries crossing each day. Another option is Tinos, which is just 30 minutes by boat and boasts some beautiful traditional villages.

Interested in Santorini? Check out our guide on the amazing island.

22. Bike Tour

things to do in Mykonos Bike Tour

Exploring beautiful Mykonos on two wheels promises to be as memorable an adventure as any on the island. Even as you grow more and more familiar with the mountainous, sun-soaked Mykonos, there’s always more to see. On a bike, you can do just that without wasting any time.

Joining a local expert on a bike tour will help you get off the beaten path and away from the island’s most iconic destinations. Take the back streets through charming villages and capture coastal and town views that you wouldn’t have otherwise seen. As you explore the countryside, you’ll get to know Mykonos on a deeper level.

The hilly nature of the island has forced some bike operators to provide a variety of tours for different fitness levels. So there’s no entry barrier for travelers.


Best things to do in Mykonos Greece

What is Mykonos best for?

Mykonos is best known for its incredible nightlife, beach parties, and beautiful beaches. But it also offers a charming old town and great Cycladic architecture.

Why is Mykonos so famous?

Mykonos is famous primarily for its amazing nightlife, attracting visitors worldwide with its numerous bars and clubs. It’s also known for its picturesque landscapes, featuring iconic windmills, whitewashed buildings, and beautiful beaches.

Which is better Santorini or Mykonos?

The choice between Santorini and Mykonos really depends on what you are looking for out of your vacation. Santorini is ideal for those seeking dramatic volcanic landscapes and romantic settings, while Mykonos is the place to be in the Greek Islands for the party scene.

Is 3 nights in Mykonos enough?

Spending three nights in Mykonos will allow you just to scratch the surface of its main attractions, including the beaches and Mykonos Town. In our opinion 5 days in Mykonos is the perfect amount of time to enjoy the full scope of what Mykonos has to offer.

How to get to Mykonos

How to get to Mykonos Greece

There are two ways to get to Mykonos. The most scenic is by boat. Multiple companies, such as Hellenic Seaways, Blue Star, and Sea Jet, operate regularly between Mykonos and various Greek destinations.

It can take between three and five hours to go between Athens and Mykonos. Blue Star and Hellenic take around five hours but tend to provide a more sturdy ride.

Sea Jet on their smaller catamarans can get you there the quickest. However, if you get seasick, be aware this ride can get bumpy. We recommend booking in advance for all three, especially Sea Jet.

You can fly to Mykonos during the summer months. This isn’t the budget-friendly option but will help you get to the island a lot faster. The daily flights from Athens last only 25 minutes.

Best time to visit Mykonos

Best Time to Visit Mykonos Greece

Mykonos has a long span of glorious weather. This lengthens the period travelers should be looking to visit the island. The weather is warm by May and lasts until October.

Mykonos’ high season begins in June and ends in September. During this period, the weather is at its peak, the water is balmy, and the atmosphere is electric. Of course, this period comes with crowds and higher hotel rates. But it’s the quintessential Mykonos experience.

You can save on room rates while enjoying nice weather in May and October, but some restaurants and tours may not be operating. Outside of this sixth-month span, Mykonos is quiet and without the warmer weather, it will unlikely be the trip you’re expecting.

Where to stay

Mykonos Greece Accommodation Suggestions

With the best attractions covered and some key questions answered, let’s check out some places to stay in Mykonos that suit all budgets.

Budget – Elena Hotel Mykonos

In the heart of Mykonos Town and just 6 minutes from the beach, Elena Hotel Mykonos offers convenience and comfort. Each room has a TV and Wi-Fi, while guests will enjoy the daily buffet breakfast and airport transfers.

Mid-range – Harmony Boutique Hotel

Next to the Old Port in Mykonos Town, Harmony Boutique Hotel balances luxury and price. Just two minutes from the beach, guests will enjoy stylish accommodation with sea and sunset views. There are also spa and fitness centers and an onsite restaurant.

Luxury – Cavo Tagoo

Also in Mykonos Town, Cavo Tagoo has a stunning infinity pool with views out to the sea. Each room features the height of luxury, with distinct decor and some come with either a spa bath or private pool. To pamper yourself, sign up for their range of spa treatments before dining at their onsite restaurant.

Plan Your Next Greece Vacation With These Resources

  • Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Greece
  • The Best Things to do in Athens, Greece
  • 17 Best Cities in Greece To Visit
  • Places to Visit in Epirus – The Best Kept Secret in Greece
  • The Best Places to Visit in Santorini, Greece
  • 23 Unique Things to Do in Crete
  • Best Cave Hotels in Santorini – The Ultimate Luxury Vacation

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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1 thought on “22 Best Things to do in Mykonos In 2024”

Thanks for sharing! Mykonos is definitely a gem that’s worth a visit!

Mykonos Beaches Guide

Mykonos Tourism Guide

Mykonos, greece travel tips and beaches guide.

Beach in Mykonos, Greece

Mykonos is one of the world’s most popular beach destinations , and once you go, you want to return time and again. There are several beaches around the cosmopolitan island , all of them beautiful, with crystal-clear turquoise waters , some with bars and restaurants, others nearly deserted. It also helps that the hotels are beautifully designed , and usually offering postcard-worthy views. But because there are so many beaches and so many wonderful places to stay, we have done all the work for you and point you in the right directions. This is your guide to the best of the Mykonos experience.

View over Mykonos, Greece

Why Go to Mykonos?

Beaches, beaches, beaches. That’s why everyone goes to Mykonos. But there are many great beaches all over the world, including in neighboring destinations in the Mediterranean, so what makes Mykonos special? It’s its stunning natural beauty , its sunsets , and the fact that it has adapted so remarkably well to tourism, changing very little over the years. You won’t find high-rises on the coast like in many parts of the Mediterranean. Here you’ll still see the traditional local architecture , made up of small whitewashed buildings. And then there’s the nightlife and the partying by the sea, but if that’s not your thing, you also have plenty of quiet, relaxing places for yourself by the calming blue of the Aegean. Mykonos is the best island to visit from Athens and one of the most unforgettable in the world!

What and where is Mykonos?

Mykonos is a Greek island, part of a group on the Aegean Sea known as the Cyclades, in southeastern Europe. It’s 150km (93 miles) to the southeast of Athens, 150km (93 miles) north of Santorini and 230km (143 miles) north of Crete. It has around 10,000 permanent residents and is about 1.5 times the size of Manhattan. It takes just 40 minutes to drive from the western end (where the main town is) to the eastern end.

What is Mykonos known for?

Mykonos is known as a trendy beach paradise and a party island , much like Ibiza, but it’s much more than. In fact, most of the partying happens at less than a handful of beaches, and most people spend more time quietly sunbathing and swimming than drinking and dancing. It’s also known as a well-preserved Greek island, with centuries-old windmills and a pretty maze of narrow streets lined with whitewashed houses. It offers beautiful sunset views and stylish hotels , which attracts couples on a romantic getaway or honeymoon. It’s also one of the world’s top destinations for gay travelers and the main gateway to the uninhabited island of Delos, which is one of Greece’s most important historical sites , with ruins from ancient Greece.

Why is Mykonos so popular?

Mykonos grew as a travel destination in the 1960s, first attracting hippies and then wealthy Europeans. In the 1980s, it became one of the world’s first gay-friendly destinations. Today it welcomes all kinds of people. It’s popular because of its beautiful beaches, lively and romantic atmosphere, live-and-let-live attitude, and because it’s one of the Greek islands that are easiest to reach. There are direct flights from many of the major European cities and regular ferries from Athens.

How to Go to Mykonos

Mykonos is easy to reach by ferry from the two ports in the Athens region -- Piraeus and Rafina. Piraeus is the one closest to the center of the city, and Rafina the closest to the airport. On a regular ferry, it takes about 5 hours to go from Piraeus to Mykonos. On a speedboat, that journey takes just 3 hours. From Rafina, the ferry takes 2.5 hours and the speedboat 2 hours. However, the services from Rafina are only an option if you’re heading straight to Mykonos from Athens’ airport. If you’re visiting Athens before heading to the islands, the port of Rafina is about 1 hour and 15 minutes away, so you won’t be really saving time choosing it over Piraeus. The shortest travel time from Athens to Mykonos is 3 hours by speedboat, from Piraeus. Mykonos is also connected by ferry to other islands, such as Santorini, Naxos, Paros, Ios, Milos, Folegandros and Crete. The travel time between the islands depends on the distance and the type of boat, so it can range from 30 minutes to 5 hours. Flights from Athens to Mykonos take about 30 minutes. Direct flights from Western Europe (London, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome and other major cities), take 2 to 4 hours. See the Mykonos transportation guide .

Naturally, Mykonos is a summer destination, with July and August being the most popular months. May, June and September are perhaps the best times to go. The weather is usually hot, dry and with perfectly blue skies, but it can be windy (the famous “meltemia” winds of the Aegean Sea are particularly strong in July and August). The beaches in the south of the island are usually more protected from the winds.

How many days should I spend in Mykonos?

Five days is the ideal amount of time in Mykonos. That allows you to tour the island, take a trip to Delos, explore several of the beaches and enjoy the nightlife and the strip of bars in Little Venice. You’re likely here to relax, so there’s no need to rush. Two days would be a minimum, but that wouldn’t give you the full Mykonos experience. Also keep in mind that if you’re coming on a ferry from Athens and then returning, you’ll spend much of those two days traveling. Accommodation can be expensive, so if you can’t afford five days, stay at least 3 nights.

Mykonos is a seasonal and very in-demand destination, so prices are high, especially accommodation. It’s the most expensive Greek island, together with Santorini. The cheapest accommodation can be as much as €135 (165 US dollars or 120 British pounds) in the high season. Restaurants are also among the most expensive in Greece, but you can always have the gyros, souvlaki and Greek salads sold at small eateries around the island for as little as 3 or 5 euros each. One way to save on meals is to stay in an apartment and cook for yourself! To save on accommodation, book early (as much as 6 months in advance, as prices go up as demand increases)! If you include the cost of accommodation, you can spend anywhere between 150 and 500 euros per day. That all depends on the hotel category, where you eat and if you ride the bus or rent a car, scooter or ATV. Thankfully, practically all of Mykonos’ attractions (beaches, windmills, churches and sunsets) are free and you can walk to different beaches from a large number of hotels! -- see the best beach hotels .

What are the main towns in Mykonos?

Chora (sometimes spelled Hora) is Mykonos' main town and better known as Mykonos Town . It’s located on the western coast, by the two ports, and is where you find the vast majority of hotels, restaurants, bars and shops. Outside of the beach clubs, it’s where you have the best nightlife, especially around the waterfront by Little Venice . The only other village is Ano Mera, located roughly in the center of the island. Ano Mera has a 16th-century monastery, charming streets and authentic tavernas, but no hotels, so you won’t find many tourists. The other major area for visitors is the southern coast, which has the main beaches. Buses from Mykonos Town take you there.

Where should I stay in Mykonos?

If you want beachfront hotels, choose the beaches of Platys Gialos, Psarou, Ornos, Super Paradise or Elia. If you prefer to be within walking distance of restaurants and nightlife, stay in Mykonos Town. Those who like quieter areas, away from the crowds, will enjoy Agios Ioannis and Panormos. But if you’re here to party, stay in Paradise Beach or Paraga. You find the complete information about these places and hotel recommendations here: Where to Stay in Mykonos

Do I need a car in Mykonos?

Renting a car in Mykonos is quite common. In fact, many people choose to do so, instead of relying on the sometimes infrequent buses. It allows you to see more of the island and reach more beaches, especially the more remote ones in the north. The main beaches, however, have regular bus services, so you don’t really need a car . Parking in the center of Mykonos Town can be a challenge, and you may end up having to park in the outskirts or on the parking lot by the Old Port. Only the bigger hotels have parking lots. Also remember that cars are not permitted in the narrow streets of Mykonos Town (they’re easily accessible on foot). There are only about 30 taxis in the whole island and they can be expensive. Uber is not available in Mykonos.

What are the best things to do in Mykonos?

The top activity in Mykonos is beach-hopping. You can tour most on the southern coast in one day and there are also boat tours. End the day admiring the magical sunset view between the windmills and Little Venice. Follow that with a walk around the pedestrian streets of Mykonos Town, browsing the shops and discovering the perfect restaurant and bar. The top cultural experience is Delos island, which is a short boat ride away. Many of the artifacts found there are now on display in Mykonos’ archaeological museum. See the top 10 things to see and do in Mykonos .

Is Mykonos safe for tourists?

When it comes to personal safety, travelers to Mykonos have nothing to worry about. It’s practically crime-free and there are no real dangers. If your concern is health, you should just remember to always pack plenty of sunscreen and water.

What airlines fly into Mykonos?

The following airlines have year-round or seasonal flights to Mykonos: easyJet (from the UK, Germany, and Italy), British Airways (from London), Aegean (from London, cities in Greece, Cyprus, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland), Ryanair (from Austria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Hungary, and Italy), Condor (from Düsseldorf), Vueling (from Barcelona), Lufthansa (from Frankfurt), Neos (from Italian cities), Volotea (from major and smaller cities in Greece, Italy, Croatia, and France), Wizz Air (from Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania), Transavia (from Amsterdam and Paris), Austrian (from Vienna), Eurowings (from Cologne), TUI Fly (from Brussels), Blue Bird Airways (from Tel Aviv), and Qatar Airways (from Doha).

What currency is used in Mykonos?

Greece is part of the Euro zone of the European Union, so the currency in Mykonos is the euro. Credit cards are accepted at practically all hotels and at major restaurants and shops. However, it’s a good idea to always carry some cash, as you’ll need it if you take the bus or make small purchases such as water and snacks. There are ATMs in Mykonos Town and at the major beaches.

Official Mykonos Tourism Board

Mykonos doesn’t have its own tourism board or an official tourist office on the island, but there are many travel agencies in the main town if you need any travel information. However, you’ll likely have all your questions answered on this website. It provides useful tips from travel experts and locals, not associated with or sponsored by any local business, institution or organization -- it’s entirely independent and unbiased.

Mykonos Beaches Guides

Below is your complete guide to the most recommended and accessible beaches in Mykonos. Each beach attracts different types of people and offers different types of activities, but they're all guaranteed to give you the perfect Greek island experience. Just click on the images to know more details about each beach, how to get there, and where you should stay.

Agia Anna Beach, Mykonos

Agia Anna Beach Relaxing, Romantic

Agios Ioannis Beach, Mykonos

Agios Ioannis Beach Families, Relaxing, Swimming

Agios Sostis Beach, Mykonos

Agios Sostis Beach Nudism Friendly, Relaxing

Agios Stafanos Beach, Mykonos

Agios Stefanos Beach Families, Swimming, Water Sports

Agrari Beach, Mykonos

Agrari Beach Gay Friendly, Nudism Friendly

Elia Beach, Mykonos

Elia Beach Gay Friendly, Nudism Friendly

Fokos Beach, Mykonos

Fokos Beach Nudism Friendly, Relaxing

Ftelia Beach, Mykonos

Ftelia Beach Relaxing, Water Sports

Kalafatis Beach, Mykonos

Kalafatis Beach Families, Water Sports

Kalo Livadi Beach, Mykonos

Kalo Livadi Beach Families, Swimming, Water Sports

Kapari Beach, Mykonos

Kapari Beach Relaxing, Nudism Friendly

Lia Beach, Mykonos

Lia Beach Relaxing, Water Sports

Megali Ammos Beach, Mykonos

Megali Ammos Beach Relaxing, Water Sports

Old Port Beach, Mykonos

Old Port Beach Sunbathing, Views

Ornos Beach, Mykonos

Ornos Beach Families, Swimming

Panormos Beach, Mykonos

Panormos Beach Gay Friendly, Nudism Friendly

Paradise Beach, Mykonos

Paradise Beach Parties, Swimming

Paraga Beach, Mykonos

Paraga Beach Nudism Friendly, Parties

Platys Gialos Beach, Mykonos

Platys Gialos Beach Families, Water Sports

Psarou Beach, Mykonos

Psarou Beach Swimming, Water Sports

Super Paradise Beach, Mykonos

Super Paradise Beach Gay Friendly, Parties, Swimming

Nude beach, Mykonos

NUDE BEACHES Where to take it all off

Family-friendly beach, Mykonos

FAMILY BEACHES Where to take the kids

Gay beach, Mykonos

GAY BEACHES Where the rainbow flags fly

Pool, Mykonos

POOLS Dive by the sea

Beach Hotel, Mykonos

BEACH HOTELS Where to wake up with sea views

Mykonos Resorts

Resorts Relax and be pampered

Mykonos accommodation.

Beach Hotels

Beautiful Hotels

Boutique Hotels

Budget Hotels

Central Hotels

Family Hotels

Luxury Hotels

Romantic Hotels

Mykonos Transportation

From Athens

Mykonos Airport

Ferries and Ports

What to See and Do

Top 10 Attractions

Best Beaches

Tours & Cruises

Romantic Mykonos

Gay Mykonos

Other Greek Islands

Antiparos Beaches

Folegandros Beaches

Ios Beaches

Milos Beaches

Naxos Beaches

Paros Beaches

Santorini Beaches

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17 Top Tourist Attractions in Mykonos

By Mike Kaplan · Last updated on May 4, 2024

When people think of Greek island paradises , the island of Mykonos is what they picture. With its whitewashed buildings, sandy beaches, crystal blue waters and 300 days of sunshine, it’s no wonder why this nonstop party island is one of the most popular travel destination in the Aegean Sea. Steeped in tradition and myth, Mykonos is said to be formed from the bodies of giants that were slayed by Hercules.

Today, the island is a playground for celebrities and a regular stop for the world’s largest cruise ships. Come to island, not only to explore all the fun attractions and things to do in Mykonos but also to experience the quintessential Greek island atmosphere. With the maze-like streets of Mykonos Town that are lined with little shops, art galleries, stylish bars and restaurants you’’re set for an unforgettable vacation.

See also: Where to Stay in Mykonos

17. Armenistis Lighthouse

Armenistis Lighthouse

This lighthouse stands like a sentinel over the Armenistis area, bearing symbolic testimony to the rich maritime past of Mykonos. The lighthouse overlooks the stretch of water between Mykonos and the neighboring island of Tinos. People continue to visit the site and try to absorb the historical aura of the area.

At present, the octagonal tower is managed by the Hellenic Navy’s Hydrographic Office. The lighthouse itself is not open to the public. But you can visit the site’s exterior. You have the chance to view a heart-stopping sunset with a cliff view, while the historical aura and the eerie, dormant landscape add to the overall magnetism of the site.

16. Agios Sostis Beach

Agios Sostis Beach

Named after a nearby Church, Agios Sostis beach is one of the more remote beaches in Mykonos. A large, sandy beach, it sits at the northern mouth of a bay and is a favorite amongst surfers due to the strong north-westerly winds. At the beach, you will not find umbrellas, deck chairs or beach bars. As there is no bus connection between Agios Sostis Beach and Mykonos Town, access is limited to private vehicles and taxis.

Kiki’s Tavern offers a great lunch spot. It is an open-air eatery offering local fish dishes and beans. If you are looking for a downbeat beach spot Agios Sostis is highly recommended. Simply bring your towel and find your unspoiled spot on the beach.

15. Archaeological Museum of Mykonos

Archaeological Museum of Mykonos

Built in 1902, the museum’s elegant architecture was designed by the renowned architect Alexandros Lykakis. Among the finds from this historic island is the ‘Pithos’. It is a large jar made in a workshop in the 7th century BC, richly decorated with embossed pictures of scenes from the Trojan War. The display also includes grave statues, funerary urns from Rheneia, and pottery dating from the 25th to 1st century BC.

The museum is located in Mykonos Town, on a dominant position above the old harbour. All relics are spread over six grand, illuminated exhibition rooms and a leafy courtyard. Visitors are welcomed by statues of Hercules and Aphrodite.

14. Rarity Gallery

Rarity Gallery

The Rarity Gallery holds various exhibitions throughout the year, hosting many cosmopolitan artists. Located in in a lovely historic manor house in the heart of Mykonos Town, it is a wonderful way to spend a morning. It was the first gallery in Greece to exhibit the works of internationally recognized contemporary artists.

A range of media is represented: You can find paintings, sculptures, and photographs. Established in 1995, the two curators who founded the gallery said their goal is to offer an original and carefully curated aesthetic experience aimed at strengthening the public’s appreciation for contemporary art, whilst also honoring the artists and their exposure.

13. Cine Manto Mykonos

Cine Manto Mykonos

‘Dinner and movies under the stars’, boasts the official website of Manto Cinema. Greece is famed for their tradition of open-air theater, and this particular Mykonos cinema upholds this custom. From gardens to the cinema, they offer an alternative experience in Mykonos, where you can unwind and find peace while taking part in interesting activities such as partaking in garden yoga, or a mosaic workshop – there is an activity for everyone.

A tiny lush oasis in the heart of bustling Mykonos lies this perfect getaway, the chance to experience romantic films in a retro atmosphere on an island that never sleeps. Grab a bite at the Cine Manto restaurant before a screening, or ask to be served a meal whilst you watch.

12. Folklore Museum

Folklore Museum

This museum is located in the Kastro neighborhood in Chora, in an 18th-century whitewashed house with red brick windows. It is a storehouse of antiquities belonging to the 19th century. Formally opened to the public in 1958, items on display include vintage furniture, tools, historical photographs, and ceramic tools.

It has a fine collection of paintings and highly preserved cannons from the War of Independence of 1821. If you want a glimpse of a quintessential 19th-century middle-class seating room or bedroom, you can find it here at the Folklore Museum . There are six exhibition halls. You can also see traditional musical instruments, historical plates and prints, locks and keys, and all vintage items.

11. Panormos Beach

Panormos Beach

Those looking for a more relaxing beach experience can head to the northern side of Mykonos, where a cozy bay forms Panormos Beach, and a cove protects the area from high winds. Less developed and harder to reach than the other beaches, Panormos Beach has fewer accommodations and fewer visitors. Visitors need private transport to get there as no bus or boat goes to Panormos.

The quiet beauty of this beach does attract a regular crowd that enjoys the beach volleyball area and the shaded taverna. Stroll along the white sand or enjoy a walk in the surrounding countryside.

10. Super Paradise Beach

Super Paradise Beach

The aptly named Super Paradise Beach seems to have one goal: to out-party Paradise Beach. Travelers who came to Mykonos for peace and quiet should stay away from Super Paradise Beach, where the loud music and open-air party atmosphere is present day and night. Those who did come for the dreamiest summer parties will find the fun that they are looking for at the numerous beach bars.

Dine in a luscious Mykonian spot, the Paraj Restaurant, for fresh fish dishes and seawater views. You can also partake in water sports such as riding on jet skis and wakeboards if partying isn’t your thing.

The sands are completely covered in sunbeds and thatch parasols. To get there, there is now a shuttle operated by the beach club, departing from the bus terminal at Fabrika. This beach represents all that Mykonos has to offer: beauty, enjoyment, and relaxation. The Jackie O’ beach club is a place to let loose with a tremendous beach atmosphere. You can enjoy funky DJ sets in the afternoon that continue throughout the evening.

9. Platys Gialos Beach

Platys Gialos Beach

On the south side of Mykonos lies Platys Gialos Beach, a family-friendly beach where numerous hotels are located. Hotel guests staying on Platys Gialos can walk directly from their rooms to the beach to relax on a sunbed or enjoy watersports. Platys Gialos is also a mini travel hub where taxi-boats depart regularly for the island’s other famous beaches.

Located just a short distance from the main town of Chora, Platys Gialos Beach lies in a picturesque half-moon bay. Along the beach there is an abundance of Greek and Italian restaurants as well as cheap and delicious Mediterranean take-away.

8. Ano Mera

Ano Mera

While it’s easy to spend an entire Mykonos vacation on the beach, an inland excursion to Ano Mera can’t be missed. Here in this village, you can experience a more authentic side of island life away from boutique resorts.

The village of Ano Mera was built around a 16th Century monastery called the Panagia Tourliani. The restored monastery, with its statuesque bell town and marble fountain, can be toured daily. Inside the monastery there is a collection of Byzantine relics for viewing, and the marble-tiled area around the monastery is home to several souvenir shops and restaurants.

Nearby to Ano Mera there is an even older monastery, the Monastery of Paleokastro, as well as the ruins of a Byzantine castle.

7. Panagia Paraportiani

Panagia Paraportiani

Historic religious sites on Mykonos can also be found along the coastline, and Panagia Paraportiani is one of them. Located at the entrance to the Kastro neighborhood of Chora, the whitewashed walls of this seaside church form a unique shape due to the building’s unusual construction.

Five small churches that were built on top of each other beginning in the 14th Century became the Panagia Paraportiani that can be seen today. The asymmetrical shape and rare combination of architectural styles combined with the ocean view have helped to make Panagia Paraportiani one of the most photographed sites in the world.

6. Paradise Beach

Paradise Beach

No trip to Mykonos is complete without a visit to Paradise Beach, one of the most popular party spots in all of Greece and home to the island’s largest nightclub. It used to attract all the hippies in the 70s, and a decade ago it was synonymous with the gay community. Currently, it attracts young crowds, who dance, drink, and lie on the sand all day and night, to the sound of music.

During the day, several open-air lounges on Paradise Beach serve cocktails to beachgoers while they relax beneath grass-roofed cabanas and umbrellas. The summer parties start in the middle of the afternoon and last until daybreak. Overlooking the beach is a large club called Cavo Paradiso which has major international DJs playing throughout the summer.

5. Elia Beach

Elia Beach

Elia Beach is the largest sandy beach in Mykonos. Somewhat isolated and more laid back than the party beaches, it is almost completely covered in parasols and sunbeds, but there is a small sun-bed-free section. This is where you will see the proud rainbow flags and gay crowds to the far end on the right side. Elia is 25 minutes by car from Mykonos Town. It can be reached by bus, departing from the Old Port or by boat from Platis Gialos.

There are plenty of boutique hotels centered around the beach. With a never-ending beach of white sand and a light cool breeze in the air, customers can expect efficient drinks and food table services from the nearby Arte and Mare Resort restaurant. It is mostly quiet in the morning, with people arriving around lunchtime and leaving in the evening.

4. Kato Milli

Kato Milli

Kato Mili, or the “lower windmills” in Greek, is a row of historic windmills that stand facing the sea in the town of Chora. A defining feature of the Mykonos landscape, the wood-and-straw capped windmills were first constructed in the 16th Century by the Venetians.

Today, the preserved windmills are iconic relics that have been converted to museums and are among the most popular attractions in Mykonos. There are currently 16 windmills on Mykonos of which 7 are situated on the famous landmark hill in Chora. Visit the windmills to see how the Venetians harnessed the power of the wind, and enjoy a panoramic view of the town and ocean.


Mykonos makes a great home base for a short trip to the island of Delos, the birth place of Apollo and Artemis in Greek legend. Delos is uninhabited, and daily ferries can take you there from Mykonos for the chance to explore the ruins.

The island’s top sights include the Sacred Harbor, now a dry lake; the Terrace of the Lions, Cleopatra’s House, and the House of Dionysius, a luxury private home built in the second century. Delos also boasts a museum filled with Greek sculptures and vases as well as a small cafe.

2. Little Venice Quarter

Little Venice Quarter

As the name suggests, Little Venice Quarter is a section of Mykonos where the barrier between the buildings and the sea is nonexistent. Waves lap the sides of the charming houses, cafes and restaurants that sit elegantly perched on the water’s edge.

Built during the 16th and 17th Centuries by wealthy sea merchants, Little Venice Quarter is situated on the western edge of Chora near Alevkantra beach. The romantic atmosphere and ethereal beauty of Little Venice Quarter make it a favorite hangout for artists who have recreated the scene in countless paintings.

1. Get lost in Mykonos Town

Mykonos Town

The maze-like streets of Chora were designed to discourage invasion. It was easy for invaders to get lost in the narrow, winding streets, and that is the same for tourists. Embrace it! There are beautiful white buildings with stucco to admire and chic boutiques and fine jewellery shops to explore.

It is a traditional Cycladic village, built around a bay. Cars are not allowed in the heart of town, which makes the walk among the labyrinth highly pleasurable. Bougainvillaea, colourful windows, doors, and balconies, and the mesh of white and cobalt are truly breath-taking. Follow your instincts around the maze. It is quiet in the morning and during the day, yet is invaded by people in the afternoon.

Map of Things to do in Mykonos

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Mykonos Villa Luca Bianco Is Close To Everything! Just 3 Minutes To Mykonos Town Where All The Amazing Shopping, Dining And Nightlife Is! Mykonos Villa Luca Bianco provides luxury accommodation for up to ten people in five separate bedroom areas…

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Villa Dorita

Mykonos Villa Dorita is considered a luxurious and sensational choice for all kinds of guests! The impressive, newly built Mykonos Villa Dorita is situated at a privileged location with breathtaking, unobstructed panoramic views of Corfos bay and Mykonos Town…

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Villa Casa Prinsessa

Mykonos Villa Casa Prinsessa! There is no other villa in Mykonos that can compare to the level of Design and Quality as Villa Casa Prinsessa! Explore Villa Casa Prinsessa! A Luxury villa with 10 bedrooms, 2 infinity pools, 1 kids pool, jacuzzi, and a panoramic view!…

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Further decline in Mykonos tourism

Further decline in Mykonos tourism

International air traffic to Mykonos is on a downward trajectory for another year, according to plans for available seats that airlines have for this summer so far.

On the other hand, passenger traffic from abroad to Santorini is stabilizing after a year of decline.

This contrasts with the wider performance of Greece, which shows increased scheduled air seats from abroad by 8.1%.

Tourism on Mykonos has been in a period of decline for the past three years, a trend attributed on the one hand to the very large numbers of visitors without the necessary carrying capacity and infrastructure, and on the other to the particularly high prices and the low value-for-money, according to sources in the Greek tourism industry.

Last year, international passenger traffic to Mykonos airport fell by 5.9% to 1.12 million travelers from 1.19 million in 2022. In Santorini, meanwhile, international passenger traffic at the airport decreased by 9.9% to 1.5 million travelers from 1.7 million in 2022.

For this summer, airlines have scheduled 5.8% fewer seats on their flights to Mykonos, according to the Airdata tracker data of the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE).

The biggest reductions are found in flights from the UK. The corresponding flight schedule for the same period to Santorini appears unchanged compared to last year, as it shows a marginal change of -0.2%.

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Moment freak wave smashes tourist beach in Mykonos leaving swimmer with broken ribs and sending sunbathers fleeing

  • Sayan Bose , Foreign News Reporter
  • Published : 11:06 ET, Jul 22 2024
  • Updated : 11:09 ET, Jul 22 2024
  • Published : Invalid Date,

THIS is the moment a massive freak wave caused by a passing ship smashed the shore of a tourist beach - leaving two people injured.

Sunbeds, slides and parasols were all seen being washed away by the raging sea as horrified beachgoers scrambled to take cover in Agios Mykonos, Greece .

The moment the freak wave smashed the coast injuring two people

Shocking footage captured by a beachgoer shows the massive wave sweeping two tourists off their feet.

Two people and a boy who appeared to be much younger scrambled to get out of the sea as they watched the freak wave approach.

The wall of water then smacked a woman who was on dry land before knocking her down to the floor.

Onlookers were then seen rushing towards to woman in a bid to help her get out of the water.

Takis Papadakos, who filmed the dramatic incident on the Greek beach, said that the injured woman "was hospitalized with two broken ribs".

The ship that caused the massive freak waves belongs to Fast Ferries Andros - a ferry service used for local transportation.

The captain of the ship was arrested for "violating regulations related to reckless operation near other boats and causing negligent injury", Protothema  reports.

It is understood the Mykonos Port Authority has now launched an investigation into the matter.

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It comes after a huge "meteo" tsunami left tourists scrambling as it rocked up in the holiday hotspot of Menorca.

The freak weather surged onto the port of Ciutadella in  Menorca , submerging rows of sun loungers under the water.

At least five large meteo-tsunamis with oscillations over three feet were witnessed, say  Spain’s  national weather agency Aemet.

Footage shows tourists running across the beach trying to find higher land as the waves start to crash into the shore.

The water quickly pushes up the sand dragging in giant inflatable slides and pieces of wood into the sea.

It came less than 24 hours after another  meteo-tsunami crashed into the shores of Majorca .

The sea level rose sharply and flooded parts of Puerto Alcudia, on the northeast coast of the popular holiday island.

In 2018, a meteo-tsunami devastated several holiday resorts, with waves crashing into bars and terraces by the coast in the island's Port Andratx.

A German dad-of-two died after being swept to sea in Majorca - just hours after the tsunami laid waste to the holiday island's beaches.

Yacht owners were filmed desperately trying to stop their boats being washed away.

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The strong current broke the ropes of a historic sailing boat used by the Majorca Island Council - which had to be rescued by sailors and brought back to port as it drifted out to sea.

One shocking clip showed desperate boat owners battling to keep their yachts from being washed away as the wave pounded a jetty in Port Andratx, Majorca.

What is a meteo-tsunami?

METEO-TSUNAMIS are a freak weather phenomenon that causes large, tsunami-like waves.

They are triggered by disturbances in air pressure caused by fast-moving weather events, like thunderstorms, and are generated when rapid changes in barometric pressure cause the displacement of a body of water.

Most tsunamis are geological, meaning they are triggered by vertical movement on the seabed, which can be caused by an earthquake or landslide.

The difference with a meteo-tsunami is that they are created by the weather.

A small, rapid change in atmospheric pressure – even by a few millibars – can change the sea surface elevation by a few centimetres.

This elevation can go unnoticed in deep water, but in shallower water near shorelines, it can cause the sea level to rise significantly, often by several feet.

They can reach heights of six feet and more, and have been observed in many places around the world, including Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Coast and the Mediterranean.

Sunbeds, slides and parasols were all seen being washed away by the raging sea

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  • Published : 16:06, 22 Jul 2024
  • Updated : 16:09, 22 Jul 2024

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Watch as 'meteo-tsunami' sends menorca tourists running & washes away sunbeds.

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The freak  weather  surged onto the port of Ciutadella in  Menorca , submerging rows of sun loungers under the water.

A German dad-of-two died  after being swept to sea in Majorca - just hours after the tsunami laid waste to the holiday island's beaches.

Yacht  owners were filmed desperately trying to stop their boats being washed away.


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One shocking clip showed desperate boat owners battling to keep their  yachts  from being washed away as the wave pounded a jetty in Port Andratx, Majorca.

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Kyle richards removes 'wife' from instagram profile amid marriage woes, 'rhobh' star kyle richards scrubs 'wife' from ig profile ... is mauricio next.

Kyle Richards is sending her own not-so-subtle message to Mauricio Umansky about the status of their marriage – it's kaput!!!

"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star removed "wife" from her Instagram bio on Thursday after Mauricio was photographed kissing a young woman at an airport in Greece days before.

Kyle's IG bio now reads "Mom, actor, author, producer, animal lover, a RHOBH, CAA." The word "wife" was previously sandwiched between "Mom" and "actor" – but not anymore.

Still, Kyle lists herself as a "wife" on her X account, yet she has totally scrubbed Mauricio's last name from her social media profiles, which is never a good sign. And Kyle's flirty relationship with country singer Morgan Wade ain't helping matters.

Mauricio Umansky Kisses Mystery Woman at Airport Year After Kyle Richards Split

Of course, Mauricio was behind all the new drama with Kyle after he was filmed Tuesday smooching a mystery woman at the airport in Mykonos. As the pics show, Mauricio had just gotten off a plane and dove right into the arms of this hot blonde, signaling to Kyle they are dunzo.

The real estate agent split from Kyle a year ago after 27 years of marriage. They share three daughters – Sophia , Alexia and Portia .

They have been leading separate lives now for well over a year, so it seems the handwriting's on the wall.

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mykonos tourism

Like the Mykonos Windmills it's a monument that attracts people for the photo opportunities, framing the asymmetrical white walls against the azure sky. 8. Rarity Gallery. Source: Rarity Gallery. Recently Mykonos has gained a reputation as an art destination, and has a lot to do with the Rarity Gallery.

For any specific tourism inquiries that you may need during your stay (tickets, guided tours, charters), you may contact one of the islands travel agencies: NAME. OWNER. TEL / FAX / E-MAIL. Delos Travel. M. Chatziioannou & Sia OE. (+30) 22890 23051, (+30) 22890 22145. [email protected] .

Chora The island capital is a typical town of the Cyclades, one that will impress you with its sheer beauty and style. Walk along its narrow backstreets, see the little whitewashed houses with the blue-coloured window frames and the small wooden balconies, the pots of colourful fragrant flowers, the little churches & the museums, pass by the busy shops that line the streets and enjoy your ...

Bike tours. The roads on Mykonos aren't long, but they offer plenty for cyclists. Pedal the narrow backcountry lanes to Ano Mera or any of the more than two dozen beaches. Reward your explorations with a drink at a seaside taverna. Operators like Yummy Pedals offer bike rental, guided tours and loads of info and advice. Sailing

A first-time guide to Mykonos. Anna Kaminski. Jun 25, 2024 • 7 min read. Mykonos is known as a party island, but there's plenty more to see and do Getty Images. Mykonos is the party animal of the Cycladic islands, Greece's answer to Ibiza, with sun-seekers flocking to the beach clubs by day and bass lines pounding through its superclubs ...

Mykonos is the Greek Island for pulsing nightlife and upscale beach clubs. Its name conjures up images of bright white windmills, turquoise skies, and tanned bodies lining golden sandy beaches. As the most popular Greek Island in the Aegean Sea, Mykonos has high energy that attracts a diverse and upscale crowd who thrive on its dance-till-dawn ...

Explore the beaches, nightlife, shopping, culture and nature of this iconic Greek island. From Hora to Delos, from windmills to dairies, find your perfect Mykonos experience with Discover Greece.

Mykonos is the jet-setter of the Cyclades, inviting you to experience its palpable energy, perfect beaches and pulsating nightlife. Mykonos has been attracting an international crowd like a magnet since the 1960s and has been voted a top summer holiday destination time and again for good reason. Exceptional beaches, award-winning restaurants ...

free. #3 in Mykonos. Address: Paraga beach. Beaches, Free, Sightseeing. TYPE. 1 to 2 hours. TIME TO SPEND. Read More. Paraga Beach, located just 4 miles southeast of Mykonos Town, is a small but ...

4. Platis Gialos Beach. 2,553. Beaches. This quintessential Mykonos beach boasts crystal clear turquoise waters and soft sand, with traditional white houses perched on the hillside above, making for a picturesque backdrop to a day in the…. See ways to experience (26) 5. Paradise Beach. 2,165.

Mykonos tours whisk you away from the tourist crowds to discover the island's authentic delights by land or sea. Explore the coastline and inland hills on a half- or full-day sightseeing tour by minivan or 4x4, opting to pair a wine tasting, cooking class, or food tour to your itinerary. Seafarers can set sail across the azure waters of the ...

Mykonos Travel Guide. Last Updated: June 19, 2024. One of the biggest tourist destinations in Greece, Mykonos predominantly attracts cruisers, partiers, and honeymooning couples. It is the most expensive island in the Cyclades due to the crowds and upscale tourists the island attracts. But it's tough to resist with its winding streets, small ...

Consider a shoulder season trip Winter is Mykonos' slowest tourism season, so you'll find the best deals during this time. Keep in mind that some of the island's cultural attractions will operate ...

Discover the Best Things to Do in Mykonos: Chora town, Restaurants, Night Clubs & Beach bars, Tours & Activities, Wine Tasting, Diving, and more. (+30) 211 85 03 006. Ferry Tickets; ... Backpacking in Mykonos is a clever way to save some money during your stay in Mykonos. However, due to the island's tourist nature, visiting as a backpacker is ...

7. Delos Island. Taking a boat trip to Delos Island is one of the things we recommend, especially if you love Greek history. Departing from the Old Harbor in Mykonos Town, it will take you about 30 minutes to reach the small Cycladic island. The history of Delos Island goes back over 5,000 years.

Mykonos is a Greek island, part of a group on the Aegean Sea known as the Cyclades, in southeastern Europe. It's 150km (93 miles) to the southeast of Athens, 150km (93 miles) north of Santorini and 230km (143 miles) north of Crete. It has around 10,000 permanent residents and is about 1.5 times the size of Manhattan.

The island's top sights include the Sacred Harbor, now a dry lake; the Terrace of the Lions, Cleopatra's House, and the House of Dionysius, a luxury private home built in the second century. Delos also boasts a museum filled with Greek sculptures and vases as well as a small cafe. 2. Little Venice Quarter.

Mykonos Tours. Mykonos Tours - Shore excursions is a boutique travel agency focusing on private tours in Mykonos.Our hand-picked team of fun, knowledgeable & professional drivers ...

Tourism on Mykonos has been in a period of decline for the past three years, a trend attributed on the one hand to the very large numbers of visitors without the necessary carrying capacity and infrastructure, and on the other to the particularly high prices and the low value-for-money, according to sources in the Greek tourism industry. ...

In 2023, Mykonos saw a 5.9% decline in international air traffic, while Santorini experienced a 9.9% drop. ... According to data from the Airdata tracker by the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE), airlines have scheduled 5.8 percent fewer seats on their flights to Mykonos for this year. Sources suggest that the ongoing ...

THIS is the moment a massive freak wave caused by a passing ship smashed the shore of a tourist beach - leaving two people injured. Sunbeds, slides and parasols were all seen being washed away by the raging sea as horrified beachgoers scrambled to take cover in Agios Mykonos, Greece.

Mykonos Traveller. Mykonos Traveller is the most detailed travel guide, offering local information for Mykonos island in Greece! From where to sleep and party, eat and drink, things to do, beaches to enjoy and attractions to see, to any kind of shops for your free time and also various of travel services to choose from!

THIS is the moment a massive freak wave caused by a passing ship smashed the shore of a tourist beach - leaving two people injured.Sunbeds, slides and ... It is understood the Mykonos Port ...

Mykonos is not only for the rich, and, especially this year, more people may be able to live luxuriously on the island while on vacation. View of the old port. ... According to a report by Mykonos Live TV, tourism activity on the island of the winds is on a slump this time even though we are at the beginning of the high season. Locals attribute ...

Of course, Mauricio was behind all the new drama with Kyle after he was filmed Tuesday smooching a mystery woman at the airport in Mykonos. As the pics show, Mauricio had just gotten off a plane ...

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  1. Apple Safari AutoFill Passwords

    Automatically fill in online logins, forms, payment information, and more with LastPass autofill. Secure and simplify online shopping by storing your payment information in a digital wallet. Learn how a digital vault can secure your online life. LastPass monitors third party data breaches in one place, keeping you informed and secure.

  2. Use LastPass for autofill via the iOS Safari extension

    Use LastPass for autofill via the Safari extension. Once enabled, you can use LastPass to automatically fill login credentials and form fill items in Safari. Open the Safari app and navigate your desired website's login screen. Your credentials are automatically filled in for you. Optional: To see all fillable credentials, tap then tap LastPass ...

  3. Autofill Passwords for iPhone & iPad

    Autofill by LastPass allows you to create, save, and autofill credentials to your iPhone, iPad or any iOS device. Simplify how you login or checkout with LastPass. ... Access your digital life while on the go with LastPass for iOS Safari Extension. With autofill, iPhone and iPad users can create, fill, and save credentials without leaving the ...

  4. Autofill for Passwords, Saved Payment Methods & Logins

    LastPass autofill will securely populate form fields with your relevant information the next time you need it. Autofill important credentials right from your browser extension without opening your vault. Set-up save and autofill on your mobile devices to take LastPass everywhere you go. Instantly generate and save new passwords when creating ...

  5. How to Use LastPass Autofill

    LastPass autofill puts passwords - and password security - on autopilot. How to use LastPass autofill on desktop The browser extension is the key to autofill on any desktop or laptop browser. So always download LastPass to your browser. ... For example, LastPass offers extensions for the mobile Safari and Chrome browsers that autofills stored ...

  6. How to Enable the LastPass Extension for iOS

    1. Open the LastPass app. 2. Tap Tools on the bottom of the screen.3. Tap "LastPass extension" from the list. 4. Tap "Enable extension" when the dialog pops up. 5. Follow the prompts on the following screen, and tap "Add the extension" on the bottom of the screen. 6.

  7. Using LastPass on iOS: Tips and Tricks

    Tap Passwords & Accounts. Tap Autofill Passwords. Turn the toggle on to Autofill Passwords. Select LastPass from list. Unselect iCloud Keychain. 2. Save new accounts easily. If you login to a site or app that isn't already saved to your vault, there is an easy way to save it from the mobile login screen.

  8. How to Autofill From a Password Manager on an iPhone or iPad

    To do this, navigate to the login page on the website where you want to fill a username and password and tap the "Share" button. For example, in Safari, the Share button is at the bottom of the screen. In Chrome, tap the men button and then tap the "Share" button at the top left corner of the menu. Related: How to Customize the iOS Sharing Menu.

  9. Change AutoFill settings in Safari on Mac

    To change these settings, choose Safari > Settings, then click AutoFill. Complete forms with information from any contact card in Contacts. To view or edit information, click Edit. Save user names and passwords you enter on websites, then easily fill in the saved information when you revisit the same websites.

  10. LastPass not autofilling on Safari Big Sur Mac : r/Lastpass

    LastPass not autofilling on Safari Big Sur Mac. Hi, I recently downloaded LastPass from the LastPass website (because I read online that the version offered on the App Store is out of date). I am able to successfully install, sign in, and run the LastPass Safari extension, but I can't fill in any fields. The small LastPass icon is present in ...

  11. Apple Safari Password Manager

    In Safari, open up Preferences and click Passwords. Copy-paste any stored logins to new entries in the LastPass vault. Once you've transferred your existing credentials, open System Preferences and click iCloud, then uncheck Keychain. You'll be prompted to enter your Apple ID and complete the instructions.

  12. Don't let your browser autofill your passwords

    The Safari and Brave browsers did not autofill passwords, Toth said, ... Here's how to turn off autofilling in LastPass: 1. Click the LastPass extension icon in your web browser. 2. Scroll down to ...

  13. LastPass on Safari not autofilling if auto fill is unchecked

    What is annoying me is Safari always asking me to save my passwords in its own password storage mechanism, which I don't want to use. As far as I know, if I don't want to receive these alerts asking to save passwords I have to uncheck the option to auto fill user and password in Safari's Preferences>Autofill.

  14. Your Digital Life Just Got Easier on Your iPhone and iPad

    Just start typing and your LastPass vault will auto populate when you're using the iOS Safari Extension. Select the right form fields from your customized dropdown menu and go. For optimal mobile experience, it's recommended that you turn on autofill for mobile applications and turn on autofill for the iOS Safari Extension. Check it out!

  15. Safari autofill international phone number

    Safari Autofill keeps removing the "+" sign from my phone number. I'm located in Moscow, Russia and whenever I order something the phone should be provided in international format , i.e +7 and so on. This is exactly how the phone is filled in my contact card and when I click on autofill it also shows a plus sign, but when I click to fill it is ...

  16. Password Vault for Apple Safari

    In Safari, open up Preferences and click Passwords. Copy-paste any stored logins to new entries in the LastPass vault. Once you've transferred your existing credentials, open System Preferences and click iCloud, then uncheck Keychain. You'll be prompted to enter your Apple ID and complete the instructions.

  17. Get In-App Autofill with LastPass and iOS 12

    Open the Settings app. Tap Passwords & Accounts. Tap Autofill Passwords. Turn the toggle on to Autofill Passwords. Select LastPass from list. Unselect Keychain. Now when you visit apps and sites, your usernames and passwords stored in your LastPass vault will be suggested as an option to autofill. How to autofill in iOS apps and sites Just open ...

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    Main content; How to set up autofill on a Mac computer in Safari, so you don't have to type in your information each time. You can set up autofill on a Mac computer in your Safari

  19. Flag of Ecuador in Moscow, Russian Federation (Google Maps) (#2)

    Flag of Ecuador (Google Maps). Explore Flag of Ecuador in Moscow, Russian Federation as it appears on Google Maps as well as pictures, stories and other notable nearby locations on

  20. LastPass's Seamless Summer Continues With More Save & Fill and Autofill

    Emily Calo • July 27, 2022. LastPass's seamless summer continues with the arrival of a new infield save and fill experience for desktop browsers and - coming soon - a simplified autofill experience on Android devices. The release of these feature improvements comes directly from customer feedback - you asked, and we listened.

  21. Russian Academy of Arts

    Russian Academy of Arts (Google Maps). Explore Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow, Russian Federation as it appears on Google Maps as well as pictures, stories and other notable nearby locations on

  22. Google Chrome AutoFill Passwords Extension

    Step-by-step guide on how to start autofilling with LastPass. Go to and click the option to Get LastPass Free. Create a LastPass account, with a master password - the last password you'll need to remember. When prompted, download the LastPass extension to Chrome. Ensure the extension is red, meaning you're logged in to your ...

  23. AutoFill for Android

    AutoFill by LastPass is designed to autocomplete forms fields with your logins and passwords, credit card information, address, and more on Android. Save time and know that your private information is securely stored. ... Apple Safari. Save keystrokes and stay secure online with our Safari password manager. Microsoft Edge.

  24. What is Catfishing?

    Integrating LastPass into your digital life Installing LastPass and integrating it into your digital life is easy and painless. First, create a LastPass account. Next, you'll want to download the LastPass app on your devices and the LastPass browser extension on Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. Third, you'll want to create a master password.