Acadia National Park and Coastal Maine in Autumn

Explore downeast maine: a feast for your eyes and your lens in fall.

Rugged, rocky headlands, a lighthouse carved into a granite ledge, a quiet harbor on a dreamy foggy morning, tide pools and crashing waves, or a hillside of flaming maples and birches—all these exciting photographic possibilities describe our classic Acadia National Park photo tour in October.

cadillac sunrise 2 - maine

Taking advantage of the best morning and evening light, on this timeless Photo Safari we thoroughly cover this chiseled iconic Maine coast national park, photographing landmarks such as Somes Sound (the only fjord on the east coast), the watery world of wave-washed rocky ledges and quiet tide pools in Seawall and Ship Harbor, nearby traditional coastal villages and the panorama of Maine’s broad, island-studded coastline.

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Our visit is timed for the average dates of peak autumn color on this stretch of the Maine coast. Acadia is justly famous for its autumn foliage display, with its mixed forests of beech, maple and hemlock interspersed with stands of white birch. With luck we photograph not only the colors themselves, but also their reflections in mirror-smooth beaver ponds. We also explore Jordan and Bubble Ponds, nestled between the glacially carved summits of Sargent and  Cadillac Mountains. The 1,530-foot summit of Cadillac Mountain, accessible by car and overlooking the vast horizon of the Maine coast, is a photographer’s delight at any time of day—now covered with blaze-red huckleberry growing amidst the deeply cracked granite boulders.

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The Acadia region also offers enduring and time honored human-made New England coastal landscape vignettes. Imagine lobster traps piled high, colorful “pot buoys” hanging on a boathouse wall of weathered cedar shakes, handcrafted wooden boats tied to a dock and lobster boats reflected in silvery, still water. One evening will find us catching the late light at Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse. Stone barns, inland farms and even the quaint shops of Bar Harbor all offer photo possibilities. These are but a few of the classic Down East flavors we capture with our cameras.

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Based on Mount Desert Island, this informative photo shoot will offer a feast of incomparable autumn colors to entice your camera. Photograph with us atop Cadillac Mountain as the sun rises over the idyllic Down East coast and sets the landscape ablaze with color!

Tour Itinerary

Day 1 We offer round-trip van transportation from the Bangor, Maine airport to our hotel near Acadia National Park. The group pick-up time to be announced. After settling into our accommodations, we meet again for dinner. (D)

maine photography tour

Day 7 We drive to the Bangor airport this morning. Please schedule your return flight homeward for no earlier than noon. (B)

Tour Details

2025 Acadia National Park and Coastal Maine in Autumn: Easy Activity Level: Van transportation. Much of the photography is done from the road near our van. On this tour expect to walk for one to two miles during the day (total walking per day) on the paved roadway, and on national park trails where uneven and varied terrain can be expected. Some trails require negotiating rocks, logs and roots, wet and slippery rocky tide pools and sandy beach. Anticipate coastal New England autumn weather with cool temperatures requiring a warm fleece jacket and a possibility of morning fog.

Tour Highlights

  • Trip timed for average annual peak of autumn color
  • Explore charming coastal villages and quiet harbors
  • Photograph sunrise over an expansive island-studded coastline from atop Cadillac Mountain
  • Only one hotel for the entire tour
  • Trip includes all meals, lodging, ground transportation, national park fees, photo guide and instruction

Tour Leaders

Mark thomas.

Mark Thomas


You take care of everything, from the moment of arrival until the departure. These services – driving vehicle, hotel, meals are all high quality. Mark’s optimism and enthusiasm helped us get the most out of this trip.

– C. Mazansky

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maine photography tour

Tour Description

Discover your next favorite photo tour.

Your Photography Adventure Starts Here!

Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris Enrollment Information

2025 acadia national park and coastal maine in autumn.

Oct 15 – Oct 21 2025

ENROLLMENT CONDITIONS 1. REGISTRATION A deposit and a signed Registration Form are required to reserve a place on a Van Os Photo Safari.


All prices are quoted in US dollars and all payments must be paid in US dollars. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, personal checks, and bank transfers for payment. Trip deposits are not refundable.

We must receive written notice of your cancellation; at which time the following cancellation fees apply:

Trip deposits are non-refundable. 150-91 days prior to tour: 50% of tour fee is refunded if we have received your payment in full. 90-61 days prior to tour: 25% of tour fee is refunded if we have received your payment in full. 60 days prior to tour: All payments made are non-refundable.

3. TRIP INSURANCE We strongly encourage you to protect your travel investment and purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes emergency evacuation coverage. We can provide travel insurance options, or it can be purchased independently. A CANCEL FOR ANY REASON policy is available. Trip participants without travel protection insurance are considered “self-insured.” Without insurance you assume all risks and losses for any conditions requiring your cancellation.


Van Os Photo Safaris are within the capabilities of average people in good health. Some of these trips require the capability of walking for several miles over uneven trails, stepping from a small boat to a wave-washed rocky beach, flying in small planes and helicopters, and occasionally hiking at high elevations—all while carrying an assortment of camera equipment. If you have concerns about your own capabilities and/or fitness as it relates to a trip, please inquire with our office before reserving a space. By forwarding a signed Registration Form and trip deposit, you certify that you do not knowingly have any physical or other conditions of disability that would create a risk for you, or other trip participants and you agree to inform our office in writing if changes in your health, including viral illnesses, occur any time prior to the tour. We reserve the right to request a doctor's statement of good health. The company's or trip leader's judgment shall provide the ultimate determination of an individual's ability to embark upon or to continue a trip. Once a trip has been confirmed, medical circumstances will not be considered as exceptions to our cancellation policy. We assume no responsibility for medical care or for special dietary requirements. Participants are asked to refrain from smoking with or near the group.


Participants will receive three emails before the trip departs: 1. Initial Tour Information confirms the deposit and provides pre-departure information. 2. Practical Tour Information provides clothing and photo gear recommendations, climate data, and applicable health advisories. Visa information will also be included (if applicable). 3. Final Tour Information includes arrival instructions, itinerary revisions (if any), hotel addresses, trip telephone contact information and participant list. We provide the trip leader's telephone number(s) and/or email address with final documents so you can inquire about special photographic questions you may have regarding your trip. We welcome your calls or email messages to [email protected].


Information supplied upon enrollment describes the specific details that are included in your trip fee. Generally, these include lodging in double room occupancy, all meals (specified in the itinerary as BLD denoting breakfast, lunch, or dinner), ground transportation during the trip in vans or small buses, internal tour air transportation as specified, meal and baggage tipping, and guide services provided by the trip leaders. Not included are airfare or other transportation from your home to the trip staging location, airport departure taxes, insurance, alcoholic beverages, and bar expenses (plus bottled water and soft drink expenses on international tours outside of North America), tips and gratuities to local guides, phone calls, passport or visa expenses, laundry, or items of a personal nature. Gratuities to Van Os Photo Safaris trip leaders are optional and always appreciated. Rates are based on group tariffs; if the trip does not have sufficient registration, a small party supplement may be charged.

Most of our trips are priced in double occupancy (shared) accommodation. Single accommodation is available for a supplemental cost in many locations; see the pre-departure trip information or call our office for details. You will be charged the single supplement fee if you desire single accommodation or if you wish to have a roommate, but one is not available. In some remote locations, clients with single rooms are infrequently compelled to share a room due to circumstances beyond our control. In such cases, appropriate per diem refunds will be made reflecting the direct cost of the single room at the facility where clients are required to share. There is no additional single supplement fee on ship-based cruises if you request a roommate and one is not available.

Cost increases may occur unexpectedly due to rising costs of airfares, ground transport, fuel surcharges, accommodations, and currency fluctuations, among others. Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. may be compelled to amend prices, and we reserve the right to do so without prior notice. An increase in trip prices shall not be sufficient grounds for any refund of funds paid for the trip other than as determined by the terms of our cancellation policy.


Whenever possible, our trip participants are lodged in comfortable, modern hotels. We select among the best available accommodations but refrain from extravagance. Some interesting photographic destinations are far removed from modern amenities, however, and where necessary we will be accommodated in rustic country inns, cabins, or tented camps.

Meals are always a special part of our trips for the camaraderie they engender and the opportunity they provide to try new foods from different areas. Depending on the trip and specific locale, participants order restaurant meals from the full menu or, less frequently, table d'hôte. Some trips include picnic lunches in the field. Fruit juice for breakfast and coffee or tea is included with the meals. Soft drinks are included with meals on tours within North America. Participants are responsible for their own bar tab (including bottled water, soft drinks, as well as alcoholic beverages on tours outside of North America) at restaurant lunches and dinners.

Our itineraries are intended as examples only. Participants should allow for flexibility due to changes in weather, natural history or cultural events, or other logistical arrangements deemed necessary by Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., or our leaders.

The second tour leader (and any subsequent additional leaders) listed for each trip on the website will be added as the group size warrants. If only one space remains on a trip, and logistics permit, we accept two people traveling together, even if it exceeds the trip maximum.


Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. and/or their Agents act only as agents for the passenger (trip participant) in regard to travel including, but not limited to, sightseeing, meals, lodging, transportation, and all other services whether by railroad, motor coach, automobile, van, boat, ship or aircraft or any other conveyance, and they assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned for any reason whatsoever, or through the acts, bankruptcy or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the trip.

They can accept no responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay, cancellations or changes in flights or other tour services, and by force majeure including sickness, weather, strike, war, volcanic eruption, terrorist acts, political unrest, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics and outbreaks, or other causes. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the passenger, as trip fees provide for arrangements only for the times and locations stated. Baggage is at the owner's risk entirely.

The right is reserved to 1) substitute hotels of similar category for those indicated and to make any changes in the itinerary or transport where deemed necessary, or caused by changes in flight schedules or equipment substitution; 2) cancel any trip prior to departure due to low enrollment, in which case full refund of the paid trip funds will be given, but Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. is not responsible for any other trip preparation expenses such as penalized or non -refundable air tickets, visa fees, travel insurance premiums and medical related expenses; 3) At the company’s sole discretion, suspend or postpone any trip due to force majeure or disease outbreak in which case the trip may be rescheduled, or a refund issued less any non-refundable deposits paid to tour component providers on behalf of the passenger, or a travel credit given, but Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. is not responsible for any other trip preparation expenses such as penalized or non-refundable air tickets, visa fees and medical related expenses; 4) substitute trip leader(s) for the leader(s) originally specified, in which case the substitution is not a basis for participant cancellation or refund other than provided by our normal cancellation policy; or 5) accept or retain any person as a member of any trip.

Trip prices are based on tariffs and exchange rates in effect at the time of publication and are subject to adjustment in the event of any change therein.

A signed Registration Form with the Enrollment Conditions and Release and Assumption of Risk sections must be returned by each participant prior to the commencement of the trip. Participation by any trip member will be declined in the absence of the signed Registration Form including the Release and Assumption of Risk section, with no trip fee refund. No modification to the Registration Form including the Release and Assumption of Risk section will be accepted.

Should Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., or anyone acting on their behalf be required to incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, the enrolling trip participant(s) agree(s) to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. In the event a lawsuit is filed, the enrolling participant(s) agree(s) to do so solely in the County of Lewis in the State of Washington.


I have read, understand, and agree to the terms, conditions, and provisions of the enrollment information, as stated on the Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc website and the Enrollment Conditions section of this form, especially noting the policy on cancellations, refunds, and limitations on responsibility.  I further agree to the limit on liability as stated below and on the Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc website.

I am aware that during any trip or tour that I am voluntarily participating in under the arrangements of Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., a Washington corporation, and its employees, agents and associates, certain risks and dangers exist while traveling in the United States, foreign countries, and wilderness areas in any country or territory that include the possibility of property damage, bodily injury, and death. There is a possibility of accident or illness occurring without access to immediate or timely medical treatment or facilities. There is a risk of tropical or communicable diseases that may require quarantine and removal from the tour at my expense, food-related illnesses, the risk of personal injury and property damage or delay or inconvenience by forces of nature, wildlife or wildlife models, quarantine, political instability, acts of terrorism, strikes, government restrictions or regulations change, thefts, and the risk of accidents during travel while on foot or by aircraft, train, automobile, van, bus, boat, ship, or other conveyance. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of this trip or tour. In consideration of, and as part payment for the right to participate in such trips, tours and/or other activities and services arranged for me by Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, agents and associates, I have and do hereby assume all risks, and hereby release Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, shareholders, agents and associates, and will hold them harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, debts, claims, and demands of every kind and nature, howsoever caused, which I now have or which may arise of or in connection with any of my trips or tours and participation in any activities arranged for me by Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, agents and associates.

Should Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this Agreement, I agree to indemnify them and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. In the event a lawsuit is filed, I agree to do so solely in the County of Lewis in the State of Washington and further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict-of-law rules of that state. The terms hereof shall serve as a release and assumption of all risk for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, and for all members of my family.

If any part, article, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Agreement is not enforceable, the affected provision shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the requirements of the law, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. may take photos and video during your photo tour and use them for promotional purposes. By making a trip reservation with us, you agree to let us use your name and likeness in any images and video in which you may appear, for our promotional materials, website, or advertising. We may also use any written reviews or photos and video you may provide us with for use on our website and in any advertising and all other forms of publicity. If you prefer to be excluded from this proviso, please let your tour leader know at the beginning of your trip.

I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, shareholders, agents, and associates, based on any and all claims from which I have released them.

Get Your Free Ebook A Guide To Organizing And Finding Your Images By John Shaw

Van Os Photo Safaris uses the information you provide to contact you about our upcoming tours, special offers, and trip reports. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information, check out our Privacy Policy.

maine photography tour

Get Your Free Ebook Panorama by John Shaw

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Reflection of Lighthouse

Reflection of Lighthouse

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Moon rise over Rockland Harbor

Moon rise over Rockland Harbor

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

Marshal Point Lighthouse

Marshal Point Lighthouse

Fall foliage, waterfalls, and covered bridges are the focus of this photo adventure.

Fall foliage, waterfalls, and covered bridges are the focus of this photo adventure.

Sunset at the Lighthouse

Sunset at the Lighthouse

Vinalhaven Island

Vinalhaven Island

maine photography tour

  • Organization

Coastal Maine Photo Tours

Join us for an educational travel experience and let us take you to some of the most spectacular locations on the Maine coast, and beyond. Come explore the culture, history, and landscape of Maine while expanding your photography skills.

Offerings include 1/2-day photo-walks, 1-day photo tours, overnight trips to the islands, and a fall foliage 8-day photo excursion in western Maine in October. Both sea and land excursions are open to any skill level of photographer. Your guide, Dee Peppe, professor at the University of Maine, has lived in Maine for 40+ years and is an enthusiastic educator who is skilled at helping participants realize their personal photographic vision. Bring any type of camera, smart phones to DSLRs, and even those just out of the box. No previous experience required. Children welcome on most tours.

Excursions may include: lighthouses, sand beaches, rocky coastline, quaint fishing villages, island communities, historic cities, gardens, museums, wineries, artist’s studios, foliage, waterfalls, covered bridges, galleries, and other cultural and natural settings.

Coastal Maine Photo Tours

  • Address 407 Main St. Rockland, Maine 04841
  • Phone 207-594-1224
  • Website
  • Hours Spring, summer, fall, and by request.

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  • Sporting Camps and Wilderness Lodges

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  • DownEast and Acadia
  • Greater Portland and Casco Bay
  • Maine's Lakes and Mountains
  • MidCoast and Islands

Searching for " " Almost there...

Travelers from all U.S. states are able to travel to Maine without providing a negative COVID-19 test result or quarantining, unless otherwise determined by the Maine CDC. International travelers from approved countries will be subject to any federal requirements for travel.

Learn how our safe travel protocols are helping ensure everyone's visit is a safe one.

A private Maine boat tour, around the scenic Mid Coast Maine area, guided by a licensed USCG Captain and long time commercial photographer.

Three Osprey chicks sit in a nest over the Kennebec River near Bath, Maine.

Welcome to Captain Dave's Maine Photo Safaris

Hop aboard the Rockin Spartan for a private photography and sightseeing tour by boat, around the scenic Mid coast Maine area, captained by USCG Captain Dave Cleaveland, a longtime professional photographer in Maine.  During the trip, you'll see Eagles, Osprey, Seals and other wildlife, up to 10 lighthouses, several different rivers, working lobster boats, a civil war fort, fishing villages and Boothbay Harbor.  Need a little help with your photography?  Captain Dave will get you in the right spot for the best light for your photos, and will help you with your photography skills.  Want to concentrate on Maine Lighthouses?  Wildlife?  Fishing villages?  Maybe you want to slurp some oysters at a local oyster farm?  Captain Dave will customize each trip to meet your expectations.  Be sure to check out our photo gallery to see what Maine has to offer you!  Contact Captain Dave today for more  info.



Captain Dave Cleaveland 10 Water Street, Richmond, Maine 04357 [email protected] 207 380 6343

2024 Maine Photography Workshop

The milky way in acadia national park.

Join us for a Maine photography workshop in Acadia National Park where we’ll capture our Milky Way over some of the most spectacular landscapes in the Atlantic Coast of the United States.

We are running this tour during the months of September and October   2024 , which is a beautiful time of year to explore Acadia’s scenic overlooks, photograph the coastline, and capture the Milky Way.

maine photography tour

During this Maine photography workshop , we will focus specifically on landscapes and nightscapes shooting the Milky Way over the most photogenic landscapes Acadia National Park has to offer.

Also known as “The Crown Jewel of the North Atlantic Coast”, in Acadia National Park you’ll see and photograph some of the most beautiful rocky shorelines, coves, and scenic overlooks in Maine.  Since we will be photographing towards the ocean, the light pollution is almost nonexistent in this particular area, making it ideal for astrophotography .

We will personally help you capture the best possible images during this Acadia National Park photography workshop . They will show you the best techniques to shoot the Milky Way, from the basics to the most advanced techniques like star-tracking, and they will also run post-processing sessions so you can bring your captured images to life.

While this workshop is primarily focused on Astro shooting at night, we will also photograph plenty of sunrises, sunsets, and daytime images during the trip, as the Milky Way visibility is early at night.


  • Photo tours in September & October   2024
  • Group size: 10 participants + 2 instructors.
  • Main topics: Landscape & astrophotography.
  • Main areas: Acadia National Park.
  • Best time to capture the Milky Way from various scenic locations.
  • Dedicated post-processing sessions .
  • Accommodation included in Bar Harbor  close to the best locations.

Acadia Photography Workshop

2024 Maine Astrophotography Workshop Itinerary

Our Maine astrophotography workshop itinerary is flexible, and it will be adjusted according to the weather conditions so you can make the most of this trip.

Our workshop will be during the best time of year to capture a south-facing Milky Way over Maine’s rocky coastline, when our galaxy is visible from around 8 PM to 10 PM.

Depending on the conditions, we might also have the opportunity to photograph the fall colors over some of the most iconic landscapes in Acadia NP.

DAY 1: Acadia Photography Workshop

Our Maine milky way photography workshop begins at the “Bar Harbor Motel” at 2:00 PM. This hotel is situated in an ideal spot at one of the shortest drives from the main shooting locations, and it’ll be our base camp during the entire trip. It also puts us in close proximity to the beautiful and quaint town of Bar Harbor , where there are plenty of amenities and restaurants.

After a meet and greet with the rest of the group and a welcome speech, we will prepare for our first sunset session at Jordan Pond.

Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park during a sunset in the fall

On a sunny Fall day, one could not ask for a more beautiful view and hike than this pond. It’s a very picturesque location, ideal for different types of landscape photography, especially long exposures. Depending on the fall colors, the slopes of the Acadia mountains can show multiple colors, like red, oranges, and yellows.

At night, we’ll visit our first night location at Eagle Lake , the largest freshwater lake in Acadia National Park. Here, we’ll capture the Milky Way aligned with the mountains and some interesting elements in the foreground, including reflections if we are lucky with the wind.

Milky Way over Eagle Lake in Acadia National Park

DAY 2:  Maine Photography workshop

On the second day of our Acadia photography workshop, we will start with a sunrise shoot from  Boulder Beach . Here, we will capture the ball-sized boulder rocks and ocean views with the iconic cliffs and pines of Acadia National Park in the background. 

After that, we will get some grub, recharge some batteries, and rest up.  In the afternoon, we will take you on an optional hike at Great Head Trail, which overlooks Sand Beach.

Later in the day, we will visit the Schoodic Peninsula , the only part of Acadia National Park on the mainland. This peninsula offers dramatic views west over Mount Desert Island. Depending on the weather and cloud cover, we will shoot the sunset from one of the many roadside pull-offs.

If the conditions allow for clear skies, this location offers fantastic photo opportunities to capture amazing Bortle 1 views over the ocean and an unobstructed view of the Milky Way at a beautiful and rocky coastal location.

Rocks on the shore of Boulder Beach in Acadia

DAY 3: Maine Astrophotography Workshop

On day three, we will visit  Thunder Hole  for a beautiful sunrise and then walk along the impressive  Ocean path . This is a flat trail that follows one of the most dramatic stretches of coastline in Maine. We will stop at the numerous vantage points from which you can photograph this visual feast.

We will scout out compositions from  Monument Cove , where you’ll enjoy the views of some rugged granite walls and spectacular pillars shaped by centuries of waves and storms, to  Otter Point , another popular spot with amazing views of the coastline.

After this morning session, we can get food, rest up and recharge.  Later in the afternoon, we will have our  first post-processing session , where we will work on the images that you have captured during the trip, with a special focus on your night images. We’ll show you the best techniques according to your skills, from the basics to some top-notch post-editing techniques.

In the evening and, after our editing session, we’ll visit  Otter Point  again to photograph this location at sunset till’ the  Milky Way  emerges over Acadia’s southern skies.

We’ll also visit another secluded location called  Hunters Beach , which is a short half-mile flat walk to the beach.  We will get there to capture the Milky Way band setting over the mountains.

Milky Way photographed during a dark and clear night in Acadia National Park

DAY 4: Acadia Astrophotography Workshop

In our last sunrise, we’ll revisit one of the main icons of Acadia NP at Jordan Pond. The light and conditions can create a drastic change in the scene, and we’ll look for new compositions at this gorgeous lake, this time under the morning light.

Later that afternoon, we’ll do a second post-processing session where we’ll continue with the editing instruction to help you with your images of the trip.

In the evening, we will head south to  Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse . This lighthouse dates back to 1858, and it’s one of the most historical and photogenic spots in Acadia National Park. We’ll arrive in time to grab a good spot to enjoy a beautiful sunset as the sun sets over the horizon.

Depending on the clouds and night conditions throughout the trip, we’ll reserve the last night to do any of the night shooting plans that we couldn’t do in the previous days. If we are lucky with clear skies on the previous nights, we’ll do a new location, such as South Bubble Rock overlook.

Colorful sunset in Acadia National Park

DAY 5:   Acadia Astrophotography Workshop

For the final day, we’ll do a final sunrise shooting along the Acadia coastline to photograph the cliffs and waves under the beautiful morning light.

After a breakfast in our hotel, we will conclude our Maine photography workshop.

Join this Capture the Atlas photography workshop to Acadia

PRICE: USD 3,190

Deposit: USD 1,500

A $1,500 deposit is required to reserve your spot for this workshop. You can also pay in full at any time. The remaining balance is due 120 days before the start of the tour . If the remaining balance is not paid in full by the due date, you will lose your spot.

What does the price include?

  • Accommodation in shared double rooms with queen beds at the Bar Harbor Motel for 4 nights, including breakfast.
  • 5 days of photo guide services by professional landscape and astrophotographers.
  • Instruction in a small group of 10 participants with a 5:1 ratio (5 students per instructor).
  • Dedicated post-processing astrophotography sessions .
  • Access to Dan Zafra’s full Capture the Milky Way Course (valued at $299)
  • Access to the recorded material during the expedition.
  • Access to David Aguilar’s  Moody Landscapes course


  • Transportation (including flights) to Acadia National Park. 
  • Transportation during the trip (we will arrange carpools when traveling to different locations).
  • Private room – Extra $560 (*Subject to availability)
  • Acadia National Parks entrance fee.
  • Meals except breakfast.
  • Health/travel insurance (We can help you purchase the best travel insurance according to your needs).
  • Personal expenses, tips, and any other service not mentioned in the “INCLUDED” section.

* Capture the Atlas operates under a CUA (Commercial Use Authorization) with the National Park Service to run photography workshops in the park premises.

maine photography tour

  • 29 Sept. 2024
  • 03 Oct. 2024
  • Dorian Sanders
  • James McGivern

maine photography tour

  • 07 Oct. 2024

Daniel Hannabuss

What will I learn during this Maine photo workshop?

This workshop is mainly focused on night and Milky Way photography . However, we will also photograph landscapes during the blue and golden hours, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn about landscape astrophotography .

What you learn during the workshop will vary according to your goals and skills. Your instructors are professional photographers with extensive experience who will help you take your photography to the next level.

Photography basics

Some of the photography basics you can learn during the workshop are:

  • Getting comfortable shooting different types of landscapes and photos in manual mode
  • Adjusting the best camera settings in each situation
  • Familiarizing yourself with the basics of night and Milky Way photography
  • Enhancing your compositions with the best techniques 
  • Designing your own shooting workflow to be more effective in the field 
  • Photographing daytime and night panoramas

Advanced photography techniques

Some of the advanced photography techniques you can learn during the workshop are:

  • Creating powerful compositions that tell a story and engage the viewer.
  • Building a connection between your photography and your vision.
  • Becoming a master of light : learn how to enhance it and keep it under control.
  • Advanced night & Milky Way photography techniques like stacking and panoramas.
  • Advanced bracketing and exposure blending to capture the best dynamic range.
  • Using wide-angle distortion and focal length blending to create powerful images.
  • Focus stacking to capture tack-sharp images with interesting foregrounds.
  • Advanced Milky Way shooting using a star-tracker

Post-processing techniques

Some of the post-processing techniques that you can learn with are:

  • How to start using Lightroom and Photoshop (all the basics).
  • Preparing your images in Lightroom/Adobe Camera Raw to start on the right foot.
  • Stitching panoramas using different software like Lightroom, Photoshop, or PTGui Pro.
  • Stacking night images using Starry Landscape Stacker or Sequator.
  • Reducing the noise in your night images using Topaz Denoise AI.
  • All types of Blendings (exposure, focal length, focus, etc.).
  • Light shaping and Dodge & Burn in your landscape images.
  • Advanced Milky Way techniques like star reduction, structure, natural colors, etc.

maine photography tour

Your instructors on this Acadia astrophoto tour

Dorian Sanders will be the tour leader  of this workshop and will help you capture the night images that you’re envisioning.

He is a skilled astrophotographer who also has extensive experience, having led workshops focusing on how to use star trackers, how to compose scenes for the most dramatic images, and how to process using a plethora of digital platforms.

Being based in Vermont, Acadia National Park is practically in his backyard; having been there countless times over the past few years, he is very familiar with the main subjects that you’ll be photographing on this trip, and he can also help you with other topics like landscape photography. He will show you how to find great compositions and help you with your night photography, from the basics to advanced techniques like star-tracking.

maine photography tour

James McGivern  will be the  co-leader  of this workshop. He is a proficient astrophotographer and an expert in capturing all types of images, from wide-field nightscapes to deep-sky imaging. ‌ James is based in Southern California and has explored and photographed some of the best places for Astro in the US, including Death Valley, Joshua Tree, etc. ‌ He has taught night photography workshops at Sky’s the Limit Observatory and has volunteered for several outreach programs at the observatory. ‌ James will be able to help you with your night photography from the basics to advanced techniques like star-tracking.

What to bring to an Acadia photo tour

Below, you can find a summary of things you might need:

Photography Gear

  • A mirrorless or DSLR camera.
  • A sturdy tripod and a remote shutter.
  • A wide-angle lens, such as 14-24 mm.
  • A medium zoom lens, such as 24-70 mm.
  • A telephoto lens, like a 70-200 mm lens.
  • A camera bag to transport all your equipment.
  • A headlamp for the night shoots.
  • A lens warmer to prevent humidity from fogging up your lens.
  • Glow-in-the-dark tape for your tripod.
  • A laptop for the post-processing sessions

Some optional items if you are focused on advanced MW photography are:

  • A star-tracker.
  • A laser for doing the polar alignment.

*While zoom lenses are acceptable for this workshop, prime lenses are recommended for Milky Way photography. Some of the best lenses in this range are:

-20 mm f/1.8, 24 mm f/1.4, 28 mm f/1.4, 35 mm f/1.8, 40 mm f/1.4, 50 mm f/1.8

You can get them either from your camera brand or from third-party manufacturers like Rokinon or Sigma.

*This Maine astrophotography workshop focuses on Milky Way nightscapes and not on deep-sky imaging. However, you can bring a telephoto/telescope and take your own deep-sky photos if you like.

You may be interested in this guide, where you can dive deeper into  photography equipment for traveling .

maine photography tour

Even though the sun makes temperatures warm during the day, nights can be chilly after sunset in late September, with temperatures around the 50s in the evening and night.

For this reason, we recommend bringing the following clothing:

  • A system of layers to wear at night (base layer, windproof layer).
  • A good pair of breathable boots (to protect your feet and ankles while hiking over rocks and uneven terrain).
  • A light hat and gloves for the night photography sessions in case it gets cold.


If you are traveling from outside the US, you may need a specific travel visa or an electronic travel authorization (“ESTA”) depending on your country of origin. We can help you with this process.


During this  Acadia astrophotography workshop , we will be staying in shared rooms with private bathrooms at the  Bar Harbor Motel , one of the  top-rated accommodations  close to the National Park.

Double shared room in Bar Harbor Motel

This is not a hiking photo tour, however, there are a few walks and hikes to get to and from the photography locations that you should consider. 

Also, there are longer and tougher hikes that we can offer as optional during the day if there are enough participants interested such as the Great Head Trail or the Beehive Trail. 

What expenses should you consider for this Acadia Photography Workshop?

There are different airports within a relatively short drive from Acadia. The nearest airport to Acadia National Park is  Bar Harbor Airport (BHB), which is 8.8 miles away. Other nearby airports include Bangor (BGR) (42.6 miles), Rockland (RKD) (46.8 miles), and Portland (PWM) (114.3 miles).

Airline ticket prices will depend on the airport you are flying from. We recommend reading this article if you want to find the best flights from your current location.


Transportation will not be included, and all the driving will be on paved, easy roads, so any type of vehicle is fine for this Maine photo workshop.

When traveling to different locations on the tour, we will try to carpool as often as possible. Some parking areas are small, and we would like to minimize our impact on the land and ecosystem as much as possible.

maine photography tour

Meals are not included, except for breakfast in our hotel.

Bar Harbor has grocery stores where you can buy food, drinks, and snacks. We recommend buying some groceries and snacks before the start of the tour, since our schedule will completely depend on the shooting conditions, and some days, we might not make it to any of the local restaurants for lunch/dinner.

Entrance Fee

The Acadia Narional Park pass cost $30 per vehicle and is valid for a week. You can get your pass online or in person at the kiosk before entering the park.

If you plan to visit more national parks within the following year after the workshop, we recommend getting the “America the Beautiful” annual pass, which gives you unlimited access to all national parks and some state parks in the country for only $80. You can get it online here .  

What makes this Maine astrophoto tour unique?

Unforgettable, frequent questions about our astro workshops, what level should i be to attend this photo tour to acadia national park.

Whether you are experienced or just starting out in Milky Way photography,   you are welcome, and I am convinced that you will progress quickly. Together, we will send you home with a thorough knowledge of many photography areas, from the basics to multiple advanced techniques.

Once you sign up for the workshop, we will discuss your skills and goals for this tour, and I’ll organize a teaching plan so you can make the most of this experience.


Generally, we won’t do any long or strenuous hikes, since most locations are a relatively short walk from the parking lot. The maximum distance/elevation hike during the trip will be no longer than 1.5 miles and with no more than 500 ft elevation gain. Some hikes will be optional and you’ll have the opportunity to choose between the hike or a post-processing lesson.

Also, many of the shoots will be done at night between 8PM and 11PM, with sunrise sessions scheduled in the mornings. For this reason, we recommend having good energy levels and being in good physical shape to enjoy this experience.


There is no age limit. This trip is perfect for anyone over 18 years old who wants to photograph Acadia with us.


Non-photographer companions are welcome to join the tour, and they need to book a spot under the same price and conditions as any other participant. (We don’t allow non-participant companions tagging along with the group). We have had plenty of non-photographer companions over the years and all of them enjoyed an amazing experience. As long as they enjoy nature, beautiful landscapes, and are a bit patient with the schedules of a photo tour, joining the trip can be a great experience regardless of the shooting.


You don’t need a star-tracker, but you can bring one to the workshop if you have a good foundation in Milky Way photography and you’d like to focus on some advanced shooting.

Our Happy Students!

I’ve had the opportunity to work with and help countless photographers over the last few years. Sharing and teaching photography is my passion, and I love doing this both online and in the field.


Join the expedition

Terms and conditions.

This tour is governed by these Terms and Conditions.

The Maine coastline is the most impressive place where I have photographed the Milky Way on the US East Coast. Rugged coastline, steep cliffs, wild beaches, and endless pines create a dreamy scenery to photograph our home galaxy. The seascapes also offer majestic views during the golden moments of light like the sunrise or sunset.

Acadia is known as “The Crown Jewel of the North Atlantic Coast” for good reason, and on this trip, you’ll have the opportunity to capture it with your eyes and camera forever.

Let’s capture the Milky Way!  

maine photography tour

Maine Photo Tour Gallery

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Acadia National Park Photography Tours & Photo Workshops

Acadia and Beyond 2024 – Featuring Puffins

Join Maine photographers John K. Putnam and Benjamin Williamson from July 28 – August 2 for an epic photo workshop featuring three of Maine’s most significant icons… Acadia National Park, the Atlantic puffin, and lobster! We’ll kick off our workshop with a lobster bake at John’s home in Southwest Harbor where we’ll have a chance to meet and mingle. We’ll spend the next day and a half exploring Acadia National Park where we’ll bring you to some of our favorite spots around the park. Between outings, we will be in the classroom listening to lectures, editing, and sharing images. On the afternoon of the 30th, we will drive to Lubec, Maine, which will be our home base for the next three nights. The following three mornings we will depart from Cutler Harbor to the Atlantic puffin nesting colony of Machias Seal Island, maximizing your chance to fill your memory card full of close-up shots of puffins! In between these excursions, we will visit several locations along the spectacular coastal landscape of Maine’s Bold Coast, including Quoddy Head State Park where we will have the chance to photograph dramatic cliffs as well as the West Quoddy Head Lighthouse. This workshop is open to 12 attendees and includes three instructors.

Acadia National Park, Maine photo workshop featuring trips to Machias Seal Island for puffin photography.

Basic Schedule

Day 1:  Afternoon Lobster bake and meet and greet in Southwest Harbor.

Day 2:  Sunrise field trip to Acadia. Break. Lecture, slide show, and editing. Sunset field trip to Acadia.

Day 3:  Sunrise field trip to Acadia. Check out of Bar Harbor accommodations. Editing and slideshow. Drive to Lubec. Check-in at the Eastland Motel. Dinner. Sunset field trip.

Day 4: AM departure for puffin tour. Afternoon break. Dinner. Sunset field trip.*

Day 5: AM departure for puffin tour. Afternoon break. Dinner. Sunset field trip.*

Day 6: AM departure for puffin tour. Say our goodbyes.*

* If the timing works out and the conditions look favorable, sunrise field trips while in Lubec might be an option.

This workshop requires a good amount of physical mobility. Though we will never be taking long, strenuous hikes, we will be walking distances up to a mile or more. The footing in Acadia is often uneven, rocky, and root-covered. Roads can get us only so far and flat paths are rare… and we will leave both. Aside from Acadia, the landing at Machias Seal Island requires a certain amount of agility, read more about this below.

About the Puffin Tour

Machias Seal Island is the only place accessible from the U.S. where the public can photograph Atlantic puffins from land, and Bold Coast Charter Co. is the only U.S. tour authorized to make landings on the island. The birds are viewed from hides and are often only a few feet away. Large, telephoto lenses are not necessary. I use a 100-400mm lens which I find to be perfect. All that said, landings on the island  are not guaranteed . Neither are departures to the island. Bold Coast Charter Co. has been running this tour for many years and they put the safety of their passengers above all else. If a landing is not possible the boat will instead cruise the shores of the island where we’ll have the chance to photograph puffins swimming in the water and flying through the air. We may also have a chance to photograph harbor seals and gray seals resting on the rocks.

Getting onto the island from the boat can be an adventure all in itself, from Bold Coast Charter Co:

Island landings involve participants transferring from the tour vessel into a large outboard-powered skiff which is navigated to a designated landing area on the rocky shoreline. Depending on the sea conditions, there is a possibility of wet feet, although most days we manage to keep everyone completely dry. While assistance is provided at every stage of the landing, conditions are slippery, and a degree of physical mobility and surefootedness is required .

I encourage you to read the Bold Coast Charter Co. FAQ page which can be found HERE   -but please direct any questions you may have regarding the tour to J.K. Putnam Photography.

*Bold Coast Charter Co. does not offer refunds for non-landings, therefore, J.K. Putnam Photography cannot either. You will be fully refunded the cost of the Bold Coast Charter tour ($250 per day) in the event of the Bold Coast Charter Co. tour being canceled.

What to Bring

Photo Equipment:

As far as camera equipment goes, a Digital SLR or mirrorless camera is your best option. My favorite lenses are my 14-35, 24-105, and 100-400 but we will make anything work… though a telephoto lens is recommended for photographing the birds. You will need a laptop with editing software installed (my preferred software is Adobe Lightroom which is what I will be using for any editing demonstrations).

  • DSLR or mirrorless camera
  • Wide-angle and telephoto lens
  • A sturdy tripod and head
  • Rain cover for your camera
  • Camera backpack. A backpack is necessary for the Machias Seal Island landing… you must be hands-free. If you sign up for this workshop you will receive 15% off your next f-stop purchase at!
  • A laptop with editing software installed

Clothing and Other Gear: The most recommended piece of gear is a pair of sturdy shoes. Many of our locations will be uneven and rocky, so hiking shoes are very helpful. I also recommend layering your clothing. The temps we will be working in will change, starting cool in the mornings and warming up throughout the day, and then dropping again at night. You will want warm clothing for windy days and for the boat ride out to Machias Seal Island. Other suggested items are found below.

  • Insect and tick-repellant

Price: $2995

Join our mailing list to be the first to know when registration for future workshops opens! SIGN UP HERE

Included in the price are the lobster bake, three instructors, classroom space, snacks and drinks in the classroom, motel accommodations in Lubec, three puffin tours, and bagels and bagged lunches on days 4, 5, and 6.

Attendees are responsible for:

  • Personal Accommodations during the Acadia portion of the workshop (nights of July 28 & 29).
  • All Meals (other than the meet and greet dinner and bagels and bagged lunches in Lubec)
  • Your Own Transportation (we will carpool if we can)
  • Park Entry Fees

We suggest booking accommodations in Bar Harbor ASAP. We have arranged for a reduced rate with Stay Bar Harbor, all of their properties are within walking distance of our classroom space. Contact Brandon Monroe at 207-266-9136 and tell him you’re with J.K. Putnam Photography. Accommodations In Lubec at the Eastland Motel will be made for you and are included in the price of the workshop.

Acadia park passes can be purchased in person at the following locations:

  • Hulls Cove Visitor Center
  • Sand Beach Entrance Station
  • Bar Harbor Village Green
  • Thompson Island Information Center
  • Blackwoods Campground
  • Schoodic Woods Campground
  • Seawall Campground

You can also purchase a pass online  HERE .

A $500 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking to hold your spot, the full payment is due 60 days ahead of the workshop start date.

Cancelations :

Cancelations made 60 days in advance will receive a full refund for any amount paid over the non-refundable deposit. Cancelations less than 60 days before the start of the workshop will receive no refund. If a canceled spot can be filled before the start date of the workshop a full refund will be given, including the deposit.

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155 Greenville Road Shirley Mills, Maine 04485

Wildlife photography.

Home » Moose Watching » Wildlife Photography

As  Maine moose watching tour  guides our passion is Maine’s wildlife and  Maine wildlife photography  at Moosehead Lake. We are fortunate to spend each day in Maine’s Moosehead Lake area observing habitat of moose, deer, loons, eagles, waterfowl and various forms of Maine wildlife in their natural setting, our beloved North Maine Woods. Our registered Maine guides recognize that wildlife photography requires strong field skills, that is why we take our wildlife photographers to the best areas based on the goals of the wildlife photography the photographer is looking to get out of the experience in Maine with us.

Photography is one of the many ways you can get outside and enjoy wildlife spring, summer and fall in Maine. Spring in the Moosehead Lake area is a time when life again blooms after its long winter sleep. Both wildlife and wildflowers come alive in Maine’s North Woods. Maine wildlife are stretching their legs after the long Maine winter and our guides take you into the natural habitat to see the first born of the  spring season .

Two moose spotted during Maine moose tour.

During Maine’s peak  summer season  wildlife find respite from the day’s heat in shallow bogs, ponds and shade of Maine’s boreal forest. Seek out moose and loons with our registered Maine guides for optimal on water wildlife photography during summer in Maine. Black bear are elusive in Maine and known by wildlife photographers as Maine’s ghost of the woods, but with patience and an experienced Maine guide seeing a Maine black bear is possible.

The most sought after time of year for wildlife photography in Maine’s Moosehead Lake area is when summer fades into autumn and the  fall foliage  transforms the North Maine Woods into spectacular shades of yellow, orange and red. Needless to say, autumn in Maine creates a splendid colorful backdrop for wildlife photography. This also is the time of year that photographers seek out our registered Maine guides to find the bull moose of the Maine woods. Since vegetation growth on ponds has come to a halt, bull moose are more prevalent in remote woods spots and along rough Maine woods roads. The color of the woods creates a beautiful backdrop for wildlife photography.

The Maine North Woods is home to Maine’s moose, but also Great Horned Owls, Pileated Woodpeckers, Wood Ducks, Hawks, Turkey Vultures, Turtles, Squirrels, Chipmunks, White Tailed Deer, Mink, Fisher, Wild Turkeys, Cardinals, Bald Eagles, many Warblers, Bohemian Waxwings and more! Join Northeast Whitewater Maine Moose Watching for wildlife photography this season.

Man and Woman Taking Pictures

Maine Wildlife Photography Trip Pricing

1 or 2 Participants – $379 Land or Canoe $39 for each additional person Private wildlife photography tours are available from Early May – Mid October.

Call or email Northeast Whitewater Maine Moose Watching tours to set up your Maine wildlife photography safari today:

Don’t forget to check out and follow along with our moose sightings on our Facebook page!

sign up for northeast whitewater email newsletter exclusives!

Northeast Whitewater Moosehead Lake, Maine 207-695-0151 888-484-3317

Northeast Whitewater 155 Greenville Road Shirley Mills, Maine 04485

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Photo by: Ron Rosenstock Location: Vinalhaven Maine

Photography tour, vinalhaven maine making meaningful photographs.

Single Accommodations Included on this Tour, Contact Strabo for Discount on Double Room

Check out Ron’s video on YouTube with a brief summary of his Maine Workshop.

“Through photography I have sought to explore the space between the finite and the infinite. For me, photography is on the borderline, the veil between the known and the unknown….a search for what is beyond the doorway of perception. What draws me—what speaks to me—-is the mystery.” ~ Ron Rosenstock


June 9-14, 2025, $2795 in single rooms, double occupancy will be discounted., per person, double occupancy*.

*U.S. dollars based upon minimum of 7 participants. There is a small group surcharge of $300 if 3-6 participants.

Tour Overview

This workshop/tour is designed for photographers of any skill level, and any type of camera. Ron Rosenstock will be showing prints and digital slide shows of before and after  processing of his images. He will demonstrate post capture techniques of contrast control, as well as using digital techniques that are similar to what used to be done in the film dark room. Ron’s goal will be to educate participants as to the unlimited possibilities of image making with any...

This workshop/tour is designed for photographers of any skill level, and any type of camera. Ron Rosenstock will be showing prints and digital slide shows of before and after  processing of his images. He will demonstrate post capture techniques of contrast control, as well as using digital techniques that are similar to what used to be done in the film dark room. Ron’s goal will be to educate participants as to the unlimited possibilities of image making with any camera, including infrared. He will also be demonstrating printing and matting techniques.

Maine is such a truly special place to photograph. Ron has been vacationing in Vinalhaven for many years. It is very much an extension of his backyard, so you will have a great photographic and educational experience. Although Vinalhaven is not your characteristic Maine destination, it provides a wonderful location for a photographic workshop, without the typical New England tourism. As long as the light is good, we try to keep busy photographing, but during mid-day we take a lunch break and travel to our next location. The days are long, so we try to give you some time to catch your breath, download images, and get ready for the next location. Keep in mind that the Maine coast weather forces us to be flexible, so trust Ron’s instincts here! The itinerary below may not be followed to the letter, but not to worry.

There is wireless internet at your accommodations. There is a fee for parking at the Rockland Ferry parking lot along with fee for the ferry. We will notify you if there are other participants living in your area, so you can car pool to Rockland.

If you are considering converting a camera to infrared you can obtain information at , and Ron suggests getting a 720 NM Conversion.  Contact Ron for more info. 

  Ron started leading photo tours in 1967. In those years he has led hundreds of tours to many destinations worldwide. Ron has retired from Clark University after teaching photography there for thirty years. He has published five books of his exquisite black and white photographs:  The Light of Ireland ,  Hymn to the Earth ,  Chiostro  (Cloister),  Inspirations , Photographs of Iceland, and his color book  Journeys . Ron’s work has been featured in over one hundred exhibitions, both in the U.S. and abroad, and his photographs are to be found in the permanent collections of the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA.  Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University, the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, MA, and the International Center of Photography in New York City.

Ron is happy to share his vision and insights to all who travel with him. Although he now only photographs with a digital camera, his philosophy of teaching hasn’t changed since the early large format film days. He firmly believes that the photograph comes from within, not from without. Meaning you can’t buy creativity, however, you have to learn to recognize that creative spirit within. Ron teaches exercises that will help that creative spirit come to the surface. These may consist of: 1) Entry ways to seeing, 2) photographing in the NOW, 3) practical aspects of printing, exhibiting and getting your work out there. During the photo tour he will teach and use a digital projector several evenings.

Most people who travel with Ron have a basic understanding of how the camera works, and others who know everything about the camera. He doesn’t focus on technical knowledge, rather places the emphasis on a more Zen approach. Ron believes it isn’t necessary to know all the latest digital technique, but it is necessary to know yourself. Please feel free to view Ron’s website and e-mail regarding any questions.

Why do you LOVE nature photography?   By Ron Rosenstock

Let me use some of the same words, Nature photography is LOVE!  Since the very beginning of our species starting to walk upright, we have been recreating nature in various art forms, from cave paintings to digital photography. Technology has changed, but what is most important, hasn’t. The world’s greatest artists have received their inspiration from nature. We are as much a part of nature as nature is a part of us.  For those of us that take the time to smell the flowers, it’s so much more.  Poets but their feelings into words, painters paint and we photograph.  Each image we make is showing us on a deeper level, who we really are. “Listen, my heart, to the whispering of the world.  That is how it makes love to you” Tagore

Fitness and Health

Walks and hikes can be on rough terrain and up to a couple miles in length. Trails can be uneven, slippery. You need to be able to climb uphill or over rocks. All participants need to be agile and able to manage their own gear and luggage in and out of the vehicle. Anyone who is reasonably fit should be able to take part in most of the activities. If you have any special needs or any physical condition that you feel might prevent you from fully participating, please contact Strabo Tours with your concerns (607-423-2525).

Photo Leader

Ron rosenstock, photo gallery.

Vinalhaven Maine photo tour Ron Rosenstock

Vinalhaven was great. I learned new things from Ron and enjoyed the place, which is like another country. We had a fantastic sunset the first night.

— Hope

I had to think for a while about the highlight of the tour. Ron was very open minded about which post processing software was used by the participants. He addressed the general principles of post processing, rather than focusing on a single software product. The inclusiveness of this approach was the highlight of the workshop for me.

— Jeff Wilburn

What is your overall rating of the trip? 10 out of 10. Working with Ron, great leader and teacher. The accommodations were also a 10, a relaxing environment with local great owners. The meeting room was great for our group. Great photo shoot locations. Instruction and the opportunity to talk about photography, all lead by Ron.

— David Pinkham

Ron does a great job of getting us to beautiful places and keeping us very comfortable, and helping us with our photography.  His love for Vinalhaven came through in many ways. Having Ron show us editing was great. I would suggest he do 2 photos per person, though I learned a lot from watching him work on others’ photos. And the matting was very helpful. Leaving with a printed photo all matted and in a protective plastic was great. Vinalhaven is a very special place.  I am so glad we got there. And as per Ron’s style, he took us to hidden away places and privately owned spots. We got much more of a sense of the island through the local people Ron interacted with. I enjoyed getting much more used to IR, Ron’s comments during the week were very helpful regarding the IR. I didn’t use my regular camera on purpose, so I’d have to concentrate on the IR. The group was lovely.

— R & M Thayer

Wonderful! I thank you, Ron, for one of the most memorable experiences I have ever encountered! What a delight. And loved that all the participants were gentle and loving and kind!

— J. Dunne

Just wanted to say “thanks” for a great Tour! Loved the areas you selected. Great crew. Great participants. Great time!

— J. Trunck

More testimonials, tour itinerary, june 9: home - vinalhaven maine.

Vinalhaven is 15 miles off the coast of Maine from Rockland and it is the largest of the 14 year-round island towns of Maine. You can reach the island by taking the ferry from Rockland. You can leave your car in the parking area by the ferry and walk on to the boat, Ron will meet you when you reach Vinalhaven. After checking into the hotel we will go over the itinerary for the week and enjoy a welcome dinner. (D)

June 10-13: Vinalhaven

We will be photographing in beautiful areas from sunrise to sunset, with a mid-day break for lunch in one of the local restaurants, or perhaps a picnic lunch. Each day we’ll explore something new, including a boat yard, lobster wharf, many natural areas where we may encounter seals and a variety of seabirds ( Double-crested Cormorant, and Black Guillemot).

Vinalhaven is a quiet, scenic lobstering village. It offers an array of scenic walks and nature trails such as Lane’s Island Nature Conservancy, and other natural areas such as Basin Preserve for sunrise photography. We will find land and seascapes at Granite Island and The Carrying Place . Lobster fishing is one of the main sources of income on the island; therefore we will spend time at several excellent harbors. After dinner, we may head out for an evening shoot.

Ron will make various presentations during your stay, at mid-day, evening, or perhaps an early morning if the weather prohibits the group from photographing. (Continental breakfast each day, Dinner the last evening)

June 14: Vinalhaven - Home

Ron typically departs on the first ferry this morning. You can choose to depart with him or wander in the morning on your own to enjoy another photo shoot.

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Phone 207-594-1224                     [email protected]

Coastal Maine Photo Tours

Photography Sailing Adventure

Join this 4-day schooner cruise photo tour aboard one of the finest schooners sailing Maine’s Penobscot Bay,  Mary Day . (Sept. 24-28)

Curtis Island Lighthouse, Camden Maine, shot aboard schooner Mary Day on the Photography Sailing Adventure.

Come expand your photography skills, while experiencing and enjoying 19th century sailing on a Maine windjammer cruise. The direction of the wind will determine our destination as schooner Mary Day has no engine. This photography sailing adventure will bring plenty of shooting opportunities on and off the boat.

Photo Workshop Info:

You will be met at your skill level with guidance to build on your camera-handling techniques. With constant review of your images, I’ll point out your strengths and offer tips on composition and vision. There will be exercises in seeing and on exposure, and group discussions on camera handling. Discussions will be based on the skill level of the group. There will be something for everyone. A slideshow on our last evening will kick-off our celebration of everyones images.

Sunset on the schooner Mary Day while anchored in the Eggemoggin Reach.

“Dee was quick to praise a good eye, quick to show us how to take the best advantage of a moment or a scene and ready with answers to all our questions.” – Pamela F.

  DATES: J uly 14-18, 2024 (sold out) Sept. 24-28, 2024

PHOTO FEE: $650 Non-photographing companions are welcome at no fee. Cancellation policy is 7 weeks before the cruise date. See below.

Photo Payment:

  • Pay with credit card with 4.9% fee.
  • Pay with bank transfer for 2% fee.

BOAT FEE : bunks start at $1 265 , must book with Mary Day , cancellation policy is 8 weeks before the cruise.

Schooner Mary Day has begun accepting reservations for the 2024 season and their bunks are currently half booked. If you are at all interested in this opportunity I suggest that you book your cabin now. Go to the Mary Day website , click Book A Trip, select your date. Definitely check out the video on their home page, too. Then immediately book your Photo Tour. More boat info below.

“Each stop along the coast was beautiful (even with some cloudy weather), and the photos I was able to take during the tour were amazing.” – Eron D.

Schooner Mary Day.

Coastal Maine Photo Tours are always based on an experience. This Maine photography sailing adventure is both land and sea.

  • How about a hike on an uninhabited island, a nature preserve, or a lobster picnic on a deserted beach?
  • Visit a remote fishing village, or historic coastal town.
  • Onboard possibilities include; relaxing to the rhythm of the wind and waves, taking a turn at the wheel, helping raise & trim the sails, or learning maritime navigation.
  • Evening anchorages will provide a night sky display that you may have never seen before. Best on the east coast.
  • There’s always the chance for a refreshing dip in the bay.
  • And we will eat like queens and kings.

Photo opportunities during shore excursions while on a photo cruise on schooner Mary Day

NOTE: This is bay sailing amongst the islands. Sometimes there can be some chop, but no ocean waves and wakes. Call if you have concerns and would like to discuss this further.

On the deck of schooner Mary Day.

About Schooner Mary Day:

  • Built to carry passengers with comfort in mind with heat in all the cabins.
  • Two private heads (bathrooms), one with a hot shower.
  • Cozy & pleasant cabins with lots of head room.
  • Comfortable bunks with mattresses 6’2” long.
  • 90’ of uncluttered decks with deck chairs.
  • Coast guard inspected and impeccably maintained by the crew.
  • With 14 cabins there is sleeping for 28 guests; double beds, single, and bunks.
  • Access to the boat and to the cabins is by wooden ships ladders.
  • Delicious meals are cooked on a woodfired cookstove.
  • An all-you-can-eat lobster bake.

Crew on Schooner Mary Day.

Additional Info:

  • I recommend watching the video on this web page. (Same video as posted above.)
  • To get a peek at the accommodations.
  • Get a sense of what a day is like aboard the boat.
  • Read Mary Day’s description about the 4-day cruise.

American Bald Eagle.

Cabin Reservations:

  • Go to this website and click on Sept. 24 for their availability. h ttps:// , or call (800) 992-2218 if you don’t see what you need.
  • Please note that the schooner’s cancellation policy applies when booking your cabin with them.
  • Contact me to let me know that you are booking your cabin on the boat.
  • Board the boat on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 4pm or later (we leave the dock the next morning).
  • Return on Saturday, Sept. 28 around 11:00am.


  • I will give a complete refund if I need to cancel the tour for any reason.
  • If you cancel your registration more than 50 days before the start of the event, your tour fee will be refunded to you, minus a $95 processing fee.
  • If you cancel 49- 31 days before the start of the event, 50% of your tour fee (which will include the processing fee) will be refunded.
  • If you need to cancel 30 days or less from the start of the tour, your tour fee (minus a $95 processing fee) will be refunded only if we are able to fill your slot in the program.
  • To cancel you must contact me to activate the cancellation.
  • I suggest that you consider travel insurance.

Lighthouse sailing adventure, Schooner Mary Day, Penobscot Bay Maine


  1. Coastal Maine Photo Tours

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  2. Coastal Maine Photo Tours

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  3. Maine's Most Photographed Lighthouse

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  4. Maine Photography, fine art photographs of Maine coast, mountains

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  5. Lighthouses

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  6. Mountaintop Sunrise : Acadia National Park, Maine : Fine Art Landscape

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  1. Photography Workshops in Maine

    Coastal Maine Photo Tours: Photography Workshops in Maine

  2. Acadia National Park Photography Tours & Photo Workshops

    Private Photo Tours in Acadia. Enjoy a personalized photography tour in Acadia National Park. These tours are customized to fit your needs and provide as much or as little instruction as you want. ... Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679. Twitter; Instagram; Facebook; Flickr; Visit our Gallery. 334 Main Street. Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679. Open June ...

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  4. The Maine Island Photo Tour

    TWO DATE CHOICES: July 9, 10, 11 or Sept. 17-18-19. RATES: $655, includes your photo guide, all ferry & charter boat tickets, and a unique Maine experience. Non-photographing companions are welcome at no fee. Pay by check to save on the booking company fee. Cancellation policy is below. Limited to 7 people.

  5. Acadia National Park, Coastal Maine Photo Tours

    The 1,530-foot summit of Cadillac Mountain, accessible by car and overlooking the vast horizon of the Maine coast, is a photographer's delight at any time of day—now covered with blaze-red huckleberry growing amidst the deeply cracked granite boulders. The Acadia region also offers enduring and time honored human-made New England coastal ...

  6. Acadia Photo Safari

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  7. Coastal Maine Photo Tours

    Address 407 Main St. Rockland, Maine 04841. Phone 207-594-1224. Website Hours Spring, summer, fall, and by request. Offerings include 1/2-day photo-walks, 1-day photo tours, overnight trips to the islands, and a fall foliage 8-day photo excursion in western Maine in...

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  9. Acadia National Park (with Puffins) Photo Tours and Workshops

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  11. Maine Coast Photo Tours and Workshops

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  12. Maine photography Workshop

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  13. Monhegan Photography Workshop

    take advantage of photo opportunities from sunrise to sunset and beyond. After hours shooting at Monhegan Island Light, the second highest lighthouse in Maine. DATES: June 16-21, Sold Out! Join us in 2025. Date coming soon. TOUR PRICE: $1150, includes photo instruction and tour planner.

  14. Maine Fall Colors Photo Tour 2025

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  15. Downeast Maine Coast Photo Tours and Workshops (Puffins, Whales

    Join us as on an instructional photo tour and workshop to the remote Downeast Maine Coast. We will travel by land and sea to photograph puffins, seals, whales, eagles, lighthouses, and other coastal landscapes. We will also visit Campobello Island in Canada. We will photograph some incredible lands

  16. Maine Photography Tours

    Visitor Centers Weddings & Events Places To Stay Local Services Agriculture Associations Business Services Chambers of Commerce Educational Government Agency Kids Summer Camps Newspaper Organization Retirement Community Real Estate Sales Worship/Church Membership Join Member-Partner Support Marketing Opportunities Maine Invites You Membership ...

  17. Maine Lighthouse Photo Tour

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  18. Acadia and Beyond 2024

    Price: $2995 Register Now. Join our mailing list to be the first to know when registration for future workshops opens! SIGN UP HERE. Included in the price are the lobster bake, three instructors, classroom space, snacks and drinks in the classroom, motel accommodations in Lubec, three puffin tours, and bagels and bagged lunches on days 4, 5, and 6.

  19. Maine Wildlife Photography

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  20. Maine Moose and Fall Foliage Photo Tours and Workshops

    When: October 2-6, 2016 (Sorry Full) Sign up for Waitlist. Workshop begins on Sunday at 2 pm and ends Thursday at 11 am. Where: Baxter State Park Maine and the Northern Forest. Price: $ 1500. per person, all inclusive: Instruction, Food, Lodging and Transportation from lodging facility to photo locations. Click here to see Testimonials.

  21. Tours Archive

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  22. Vinalhaven Maine Making Meaningful Photographs

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  23. Photography Sailing Adventure

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