Viaggi Dell' Elefante - Tour Operator

7 Proposte di viaggio

Nella parte occidentale della macro-regione dell'Africa Australe si trova la Namibia, un Paese che non ha eguali in termini di grandi spazi e gemme naturalistiche, tre cui spiccano il Deserto del Namib, la Skeleton Coast, il Kalahari, il Kaokoland e il Parco Etosha.

La capitale della Namibia, Windhoek, è spesso descritta come una città dall’atmosfera continentale. Questo può essere dovuto alla sua architettura – palazzi che risalgono all’epoca coloniale tedesca - ma anche per la sua cucina, la sua cultura, i codici d’abbigliamento e le istituzioni scolastiche. Allo stesso tempo però Windhoek ha i colori, i suoni ed i ritmi di una moderna città africana. Marciapiedi che presentano tamburi africani e artigianato proveniente dal Nord del paese, contrastano con gli eleganti negozi che offrono sofisticati ornamenti Swakara e pietre preziose namibiane incastonate in gioielli d’arte sopraffina. Mentre alcuni negozi mostrano abiti, argenti e occhiali da sole importati dall’Europa, altri vendono in stock capi colorati provenienti dall’Africa dell’Ovest.

Etosha significa "il grande posto bianco" ed è conosciuto come "la terra delle acque asciutte" a causa della sua larga pianura salina che copre 4731 kmq della superficie totale del Parco. Il Parco è uno dei "santuari" della fauna africana: con i suoi 22.270 kmq è una delle più grandi aree di protezione del mondo. Un'ottima gestione del patrimonio animale la protezione dell'ambiente rendono il Parco Nazionale Etosha uno dei parchi più importanti dell'Africa Australe.

Per quanto riguarda la regione del Namib, trattasi di una striscia di deserto sabbioso e inospitale che si estende da nord a sud lungo la scarpata namibiana, creando un confine topografico ben definito con i territori dell'interno. La regione del Namib si considera divisa in due parti, rispettivamente a nord e a sud di Swakopmund: la parte sud appartiene al cosiddetto Namib Desert, una striscia costiera compresa tra l'Atlantico e la grande scarpata, che si ritiene sia desertica da almeno 80 milioni di anni, sebbene l'ambiente sia stato continuamente modificato da improvvise e violente alluvioni che ne hanno più volte sconvolto la morfologia. Qui sono note le dune di Sossusvlei, dall'intenso colore arancione, e i tronchi di acacie morte ancora in piedi che creano uno spettacolo surreale.

Altra località interessante è Kolmanskop, insediamento di minatori della fine del 1800 vicino alla cittadina portuale di Luderitz, che deve la sua prosperità ai diamanti che furono trovati nel territorio che fu dichiarato "Sperrgebiet" (zona riservata); Kolmanskop fu abbandonata a seguito delle guerre mondiali a causa delle condizioni avverse e oggi si presenta come una città fantasma ove il deserto è padrone di tutto e ove l'umidità che sale dall'oceano getta un velo di suggestivo mistero: è oggi una popolare destinazione turistica gestita dalla NamDeb (Namibia-De Beers). I turisti che vogliono visitare Kolmanskop devono ricevere un permesso dato che vige ancora la "zona riservata" del deserto del Namib: meta ricercata da fotografi e appassionati di città fantasma.

La regione del Damaraland, a nord, offre, dalla desolata costa dell'Oceano Atlantico, qui sempre agitato e ribollente di schiuma, un retroterra desertico capace di ospitare notevoli paesaggi. Nonostante il suo aspetto desolato il Damaraland può riservare sorprese eccezionali: l’incontro con un rinoceronte nero oppure un branco dei cosiddetti “elefanti del deserto”. Probabilmente la zona più conosciuta del Damaraland è la zona di Twyfelfontein. I Damara che un tempo vivevano in questa zona la denominarono Uri-Ais o “fontana saltante” dalla sua sorgente di acqua fresca. La Skeleton Coast è il tratto di costa compreso fra le foci dei fiumi Cunene e Swakop; in alcuni casi, tuttavia, lo si usa in senso più generico per indicare la parte costiera del deserto del Namib fino al fiume Orange. È nota per essere particolarmente inospitale e difficile da raggiungere: verso l'interno il deserto si estende per decine di chilometri, e dal mare è difficile avvicinarsi a causa delle forti onde causate dalla corrente del Benguela. In passato era chiamata "la terra che Dio ha creato con rabbia" dai boscimani, e "le sabbie dell'Inferno" (as areais do Inferno) dai portoghesi. Il nome odierno si riferisce ai relitti spiaggiati lungo la costa: se ne contano più di mille.

Graziosa cittadina della costa ovest della Namibia, Swakopmund è un luogo di singolare bellezza che ricorda vagamente un villaggio Bavarese, retaggio della colonizzazione tedesca del Paese. Posizionata tra mare e deserto, si vive un’atmosfera calda e rilassante. Vi sono splendidi viali ornati di palme e dei bellissimi Giardini Pubblici. La città possiede fra l’altro un piccolo acquario e un interessante museo di storia naturale. È considerata un paradiso per gli amanti della pesca, grazie ai suoi mari generosi, ma imprevedibili, alimentati dalle correnti dell'Oceano Atlantico.

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Easy namibia.

Itinerario self-drive Viaggio individuale – 10 giorni / 7 notti Date di partenza 2024: libere Dedicato a chi ha poco tempo a disposizione ma desidera vivere in autonomia i luoghi principali della Namibia assaporando l’autentica esperienza del self...

Namibia in libertà

Itinerario self-drive Viaggio individuale – 14 giorni / 11 notti Date di partenza 2024: libere Dedicato a chi desidera vivere in autonomia i luoghi più caratteristici della Namibia assaporando l’autentica esperienza del self drive in questa magica...

Introduzione alla Namibia

Viaggio in condivisione con altri operatori italiani minimo 4 partecipanti / massimo 10 14 giorni / 11 notti Un viaggio alla scoperta della Namibia, terra dei contrasti per eccellenza, dall’ambiente selvaggio e in continuo cambiamento. Visiterete...

Meraviglie della Namibia

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 13 giorni / 10 notti Un viaggio indimenticabile nella terra dei contrasti per eccellenza, con un susseguirsi di paesaggi unici in continuo cambiamento che vi faranno complet...

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo - minimo 6 partecipanti 14 giorni / 11 notti Un viaggio alla scoperta della Namibia, terra dei contrasti per eccellenza, dall’ambiente selvaggio e in continuo cambiamento. Visiterete paesaggi che...

Introduzione alla Namibia e Victoria Falls

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo - minimo 6 partecipanti 16 giorni / 13 notti Un viaggio alla scoperta della Namibia, terra dei contrasti per eccellenza, dall’ambiente selvaggio e in continuo cambiamento. Visiterete paesaggi che v...

Namibia Ecoluxury Speciale Wilderness

Viaggio individuale – minimo 2 partecipanti 13 giorni / 10 notti Date di partenza 2024: libere Itinerario “Fly-In”, in collaborazione con le esclusive strutture della Wilderness: costruite nel pieno rispetto del paesaggio circostante, vi permetter...

namibia viaggio tour

Wilderness Serra Cafema

Wilderness Serra Cafema si trova all’estremità nord-occidentale della Namibia, sulle sponde del fiume Kunene nella Hartmann Valley. È un camp intimo e tranquillo, con un mix unico di elementi rustici e di lusso, incastonato tra ombrosi alberi di acacia e il fiume. Quest'ultimo forma il confine naturale e politico tra Namibia e A...



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Viaggi Dell' Elefante - Tour Operator

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Namibia Safari Tours & Holidays

A safari in Namibia is as much about the wildlife as the country’s scenic beauty. In Etosha National Park it has one of the most storied wildlife reserves on the continent, but there’s so much more to experience here. The national parks of the Zambezi Region (formerly Caprivi Strip) are only now getting the attention they deserve, while the dune-scapes of the Skeleton Coast and its hinterland are simply extraordinary. And these are just starting points for exploring a country rich in experiences and safari possibilities.

14-Day Namibia Flying Safari

14-Day Namibia Flying Safari

$18,918 to $27,807 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , N/a'an ku sê (Wildlife Sanctuary) , Kulala WR, Skeleton Coast NP, Kaokoland, Etosha NP, Windhoek (End)

Tour operator has an office in United States

4.9 /5  –  149 Reviews

3-Day Etosha Guided Camping Safari Experience

3-Day Etosha Guided Camping Safari Experience

$675 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Budget Camping

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Etosha NP, Windhoek (End)

People Tours And Safari   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  30 Reviews

7-Day Desert and Dunes Self-Drive Safari

7-Day Desert and Dunes Self-Drive Safari

$3,207 to $3,491 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Luxury Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Kalahari Region, Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Erongo Mountains (Mountain Range) , Windhoek Airport (End)

Secret Namibia   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  20 Reviews

14-Day Namibia Breathtaking Adventure Tour

14-Day Namibia Breathtaking Adventure Tour

$5,720 to $5,940 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Kalahari Desert, Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Namib-Naukluft NP (Namib Desert) , Swakopmund (City) , Twyfelfontein (Rock Art) , Damaraland, Kunene Region, Epupa Falls (Kaokoland) , Western Etosha NP, Etosha NP, Eastern Etosha NP, Erindi GR, Hosea Kutako Airport (End)

5.0 /5  –  125 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

3-Day Eco-Friendly Etosha Self-Drive Safari

$501 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Etosha NP, Windhoek Airport (End)

5.0 /5  –  42 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

6-Day Etosha, Swakopmund & Sossusvlei (Camping)

$1,078 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Budget Camping

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Etosha NP, Swakopmund (City) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Windhoek (End)

Safari World Tours   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  2 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

16-Day Camping Namibia Self Drive Safari

$1,477 to $1,742 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Budget Camping & Guest House

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Kalahari Region, Fish River Canyon (|Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld TP) , Aus (Town) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Sesriem Canyon (Highlight) , Swakopmund (City) , Spitzkoppe (Damaraland) , Twyfelfontein (Rock Art) , Etosha NP, Waterberg Plateau, Okonjima NR, Windhoek (End)

Great Explorations Namibia   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  47 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

5-Day Taste of Etosha

$2,413 to $2,652 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Etosha NP, Eastern Etosha NP, Windhoek (End)

Nature Travel Namibia   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

4.9 /5  –  156 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

7-Day Highlights Namibia Mid-Range Fly-in Safari

$4,433 to $5,417 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Etosha NP, Hosea Kutako Airport (End)

Desert Africa Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  17 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

12-Day Namibia Self-Drive

$2,158 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Mid-range Lodge & Guest House

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Okonjima NR, Etosha NP, Omaruru (Town) , Swakopmund (City) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Windhoek (End)

Jenman African Safaris

4.9 /5  –  17 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

8-Day Highlights of Namibia Self Drive

$2,915 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Twyfelfontein (Rock Art) , Etosha NP, Windhoek (End)

Africa Zim Travel & Tours

5.0 /5  –  119 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

2-Day Ichingo Chobe River Lodge - 1 Night

$8,221 to $8,885 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Luxury Tented Camp

You Visit: Kasane (Start) , Chobe Riverfront (Chobe NP) , Kasane (End)

East Cape Tours

5.0 /5  –  61 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

7-Day Makgadikgadi Pans, Okavango Delta & Chobe Safari

$4,220 to $7,900 pp (USD)

Botswana & Namibia: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Bush Camp

You Visit: Maun (Start) , Makgadikgadi Pans NP, Moremi GR (Okavango Delta) , Zambezi Region, Chobe River, Kasane Airport (End)

Discover Africa Safaris

4.9 /5  –  423 Reviews

3-Day Etosha Explorer Namibia Safari

$715 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Okonjima NR, Eastern Etosha NP, Swakopmund (City) , Windhoek (End)

Swahili Paradise Tours & Safaris

4.1 /5  –  85 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

7-Day Sossusvlei, Coast & Etosha Accommodated Tour

$2,037 to $2,170 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 8 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Etosha NP, Windhoek (End)

Blue Crane Safaris Namibia   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  121 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

9-Day Diverse Namibia Overland Guided Exploration Safari

$4,751 to $5,115 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 7 people per vehicle) Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Damaraland, Ongava GR, Windhoek (End)

Kingfisher Safaris

4.7 /5  –  51 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

4-Day Zannier Omaanda Safari

$1,921 to $2,086 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Windhoek

4.7 /5  –  186 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

11-Day Zambezi Guided Group Namibia Safari

$6,593 to $8,143 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Okonjima NR, Etosha NP, Okavango River, Zambezi Region, Mudumu NP (Zambezi Region) , Hosea Kutako Airport (End)

Southbound Tours   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  9 Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

4-Day Desert Dash

$1,528 to $1,681 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Windhoek (End)

PEA Tours and Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

namibia viaggio tour

7-Day Luxury Namibia Fly-in Safari

$12,843 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Luxury+ Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Skeleton Coast NP, Damaraland, Eastern Etosha NP, Windhoek Airport (End)

CrissCross Namibia Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  59 Reviews

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  • Zambezi Region Safari Tours

8 Questions About Namibia Safaris

Anthony Ham

Answered by

Anthony ham.

namibia viaggio tour

When is the best time to visit Namibia?

“If I had to choose one month for a Namibia tour, it would be June (followed by May). Although June temperatures can plummet overnight, you get the best of both worlds: high-season prices have yet to kick in, but the weather is ideal for outdoor exploration. As long as you don’t mind high-season prices and higher numbers of visitors with whom to share the wilderness, July through to October is also excellent with generally dry, clear weather and good visibility. By October, temperatures are starting to rise towards uncomfortable levels. The rains are less of an issue in Namibia than they are elsewhere in southern Africa, but rain does occur, especially from December through to March or April. At this time, birdlife is abundant. However, some off-road trails may become difficult to navigate and wildlife tends to disperse and be harder to find (because of the additional water sources scattered around).”

What are the major attractions in Namibia?

“Wildlife is a major draw for visitors on Namibia safaris. Etosha National Park , in particular, is one of Africa’s most celebrated safari destinations – and rightly so. Its combination of hallucinatory salt pans and large wildlife populations (including lions, elephants and plains animals in abundance) give it a distinction found in few other parks. Less commonly visited, but for many travelers equally rewarding, are Damaraland and the reserves of the Zambezi Region, such as Bwabwata and Nkasa Rupara (Mamili) National Parks. Landscapes are another highlight. From the Waterberg Plateau and Namib-Naukluft National Park to Kaokoland and Fish River Canyon (Africa’s answer to the Grand Canyon), stark beauty takes on many forms here. Namibia has long been a popular destination for self-drive safaris, but a Namibia safari is now just as likely to be characterized by luxury lodges, both exclusive and remote, that bring class and comfort to the whole experience.”

How much does a Namibia safari cost?

“It is possible to do a Namibia safari on the cheap, by renting a 4WD and heading out into the wild. While vehicle rental costs are generally high, and fuel is never cheap, your vehicle will also be your home, and camping and national park fees are not as expensive as in some other countries. As a minimum, expect to pay US$175 per person per day. If you’re looking for higher comfort levels and for someone else to take care of the arrangements, Namibia safari prices also reach for the high end rather well. Although there are degrees of comfort and cost, the price of a Namibia safari package can go as high as US$1,075 per person per day.”

What is the wildlife viewing like in Namibia?

“The best places to see wildlife on a Namibia safari are in the country’s north. Etosha National Park is especially good for lions and elephants, but you’ll also see giraffe, zebra, wildebeest and all manner of antelope species. After dark, black rhinos gather at waterholes, including those alongside some of the main camping areas, and it was here that the BBC first filmed this unusual behavior. African wild dogs are a possibility in the northeast, while sable, sitatunga and red lechwe antelope are highlights in Bwabwata National Park. In the northwest, Damaraland and Kaokoland are famed for desert-adapted lions and elephants, and brown hyenas can be seen scavenging around seal colonies on the coast. Farther south, wildlife is scarcer and the main reason to visit is the scenery.”

How safe is Namibia for tourists?

“Namibia is generally safe and politically stable. You’re unlikely to experience any problems in safari areas, such as parks, reserves and wilderness areas. Although most Namibian cities are considered safe and very few travelers run into trouble, you should be careful in larger cities, especially Windhoek, where petty crime is a growing problem. Road conditions are generally excellent along the main road network, although off-road conditions can prove difficult, from the deep sands of Namib-Naukluft and Khaudum National Parks to the axle-breaking rocks of Damaraland and Kaokoland. If self-driving in these areas, make sure you are prepared. The only risk of malaria is in the extreme north, along the border with Angola and in the Zambezi Region.”

How do I select a reliable Namibian tour operator?

“Your first stop when planning a Namibia holiday should be, where you can see the widest range of safari options in one place. The insights that you’ll get from expert reviews of the parks and from travelers’ experiences with operators offering Namibia tours could prove invaluable. Beyond that, talk at length to any company you are considering for your travel plans. No question should go unanswered. A visit to Namibia can be expensive and you want to be well informed about what you’re paying for. Safaris are a dream trip for so many, and avoiding a nasty surprise or preventable disappointment while on the adventure of a lifetime should be more than enough motivation to ask questions of the company you book with. Make sure that you spell out your expectations of your Namibia safari. Is it wildlife or the landscapes that you most want to see? What wildlife is on your bucket list? What’s your daily itinerary? How many hours can you expect to spend in the car each day? If a company is unwilling or reluctant to answer these questions, you should look elsewhere.”

What type of accommodation can I expect?

“If you’re self-driving, as so many visitors to Namibia do, you’ll likely sleep in a tent: either on the ground or on the roof of the vehicle. Camping areas in Namibia are often crowded, especially in popular wildlife areas such as Etosha National Park, but they’re also fenced, unlike in neighboring Botswana. Most have facilities that include showers, toilets and sometimes even restaurants, kiosks and swimming pools. Elsewhere, Namibia has a full complement of lodges and hotels, usually on the fringes of wilderness areas. These span the complete range of costs and comfort levels. Inside the parks, reserves and remote areas, luxury lodges and tented camps, usually designed to blend into their surroundings, dominate. They often have just 8 to 10 tents, ensuring an exclusive experience at all times. Tents are large, with comfortable beds, writing desks, private bathrooms and private decks or terraces. The night noises of Africa and cooling evening breezes make the safari tent one of my favorite places to sleep anywhere on earth.”

What can I expect from a safari in Namibia?

“If your Namibia tour is all about wildlife, expect a similar experience in Namibia as you would elsewhere in Africa. This means a pre-dawn wake-up call, safari drives in the very early morning and again in the late afternoon, and perhaps even a night drive. On these drives, you’ll be accompanied by a guide, a driver and sometimes a local tracker perched on a seat on the hood of the vehicle looking for animal spoor (marks or substances left behind as animals move through their environment). You can also expect a full breakfast after you return from the morning’s drive, plus lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, with plenty of relaxation time in between. If your visit is more about exploring wild landscapes, your focus may be different, but the daily rhythms (formed in part to avoid being out during the hottest times of the day) are likely to be similar.”

Namibia Safari Reviews

namibia viaggio tour

Lizzie is a reputed guidebook writer and author of the Footprint guides to South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Unspoilt wilderness and unique and stunning landscapes offering a variety of contrasting safari expe

A hauntingly beautiful country that stretches along the west coast of southern Africa, with wide open spaces, big skies and some of the earth's most mystical and vivid sunsets, any visitor is blown away by the way Namibia ‘looks’ –...

Full Review

namibia viaggio tour

Christopher is a British travel writer and has contributed to various Fodor's guidebooks and a range of travel magazines.

Sand, salt pans and stars: Southern Africa’s wild west

With the exception of the verdant Zambezi Region, most of Namibia is comprised of harsh and inhospitable desert, but I’ve always found it staggeringly beautiful. Namibia was the first place I really travelled in Africa; I’ve been back...

United States

The raw beauty of the country is striking.

Doing a self-drive in this country is an experience like no other. It is the most rugged, desolate, and hauntingly beautiful place I have ever been. The dunes, the sea, the wind, the rock, the vast emptiness. We saw stars at night with...

The most diverse scenery that still looks untouched by humans.

Arranged the Trip through Great Explorations. (Outstanding) Flew to Windhoek and hired a 4x4 from Namibia 2 Go. Drove down to Sesriem in the South where the magnificent red dunes then Deadvlei where the trees are frozen in time from a...

Beautiful country, people and nature!

We saw amazing sceneries, from deserts to ocean, from savanna to mountains, insane wildlife including rhinos fighting, leopards and all the expected animals and more! The roads were excellent, the lodges had character and luxury and the...


Incredible trip of 10 days all around Namibia. The travel agency organised everything and personalised it. All the lodges were excellent. Can't decide what was better, the dunes in Sossusvlei, or the wildlife in the North.

namibia viaggio tour

  • Partenza Garantita
  • Namibia e Mare

Come si mangia in Namibia

Gli hotel e i lodge in namibia, meteo namibia: quando andare, vaccinazioni per la namibia.

  • Documenti necessari
  • Denaro e prezzi in Namibia

Sicurezza in Namibia

  • Con cosa ci muoviamo in Namibia?
  • Tour di Gruppo con Accompagnatore
  • Viaggi aziendali o incentive
  • Viaggi per motociclisti off-road
  • Viaggi specialistici in Namibia
  • Viaggi Organizzati e con Guida
  • Viaggi di Nozze in Namibia

Perchè andare in Namibia?

  • Cosa vedere in Namibia

Safari in Namibia

  • Corrente elettrica e adattatori per la Namibia
  • I popoli: Himba, San e tanti altri
  • 5 animali da vedere in Namibia
  • Feste in Namibia
  • Artigianato Namibiano
  • La Cucina in Namibia
  • Namibia di Lusso – I nostri Lodge
  • Shongololo Express Namibia
  • Fly-in Safari
  • Estensioni Mare (e non solo)

Sostenibilità e Conservazione: Namibia di Lusso

  • In Namibia con Cate
  • Caterina Overland&Safari Guide
  • Dicono di ILoveNamibia

namibia viaggio tour


Namibia in compagnia, tour di gruppo e con caterina guida professionista.

Agenzia di Viaggi e Tour Operator specializzata in Tour Organizzati in Namibia con Guida Safari Professionista.

namibia viaggio tour

Volo in Libertà

Sei libero di scegliere, in completa autonomia, l’aeroporto e il volo che preferisci.

namibia viaggio tour

Miglior Prezzo Garantito

Grazie al contatto diretto con le strutture e gli operatori locali, garantiamo le migliori tariffe del web!

namibia viaggio tour

Assistenza in viaggio

I tour di gruppo prevedono la presenza di un accompagnatore certificato sempre a disposizione e assistenza locale.

Safari, Tour, Viaggi Organizzati in Namibia

Contrasti. Animali. Popoli. Immenso. Questa è la Namibia

Ciao, sono Caterina! I viaggi, la fotografia, il mondo …mi hanno sempre appassionata e ho avuto la fortuna di fare dei viaggi il mio lavoro.

La mia passione è l’Africa, dove sono guida safari professionista AIEA – AFGA.

Da una mia idea nasce Ilovenamibia. Da anni collaboro con agenzia di viaggi e tour operator di Firenze specializzata in viaggi in Namibia.

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia SILVER 2024 – Fly & drive – Voli inclusi

Vivi la Namibia assaporando ogni momento in piena liberta’. Con lodges 4 stelle!

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia Smart 2024

Scoprite l’incanto della Namibia con i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato e le sue emozionanti attrattive, dove deserti, oceani maestosi, savane ed infinite specie animali, vi lasceranno assolutamente stupefatti in più di un’occasione!

namibia viaggio tour

Tanzania Explorer 2024

Un safari nei parchi più noti del nord della Tanzania: Serengeti, Ngorongoro e Tarangire. Viaggio con guida-autista autista-guida locale parlante inglese e accompagnato da un interprete locale di lingua italiana, veicolo fuoristrada con tettuccio apribile e sistemazione nei lodge e campi tendati, tutti con servizi privati ensuite.

namibia viaggio tour

Meraviglie della Namibia in Lodges di Charme 2024

Un viaggio indimenticabile nella terra dei contrasti per eccellenza, con un susseguirsi di paesaggi unici in continuo cambiamento che vi faranno completamente immergere nella selvaggia natura namibiana. La vostra guida parlante Italiano vi accompagnerà per tutta la durata del viaggio facendovi vivere l’essenza di uno dei paesi più incontaminati e meno conosciuti e del mondo, Il luogo dei grandi spazi e infiniti orizzonti.

namibia viaggio tour

Panorama Namibiano Glamping 2024

Glamping, un nuovo modo di viaggiare, molto di tendenza nei giorni nostri, chic ma al tempo stesso rispettoso dell’ambiente!

Namibia a Capodanno con Cate

Namibia a Capodanno con Cate. Inizia il 2025 nel segno della bellezza!

La Namibia ti aspetta!

Seguici su Instagram

Namibia: un viaggio ricco di emozioni.

Un viaggio in Namibia non è solo un viaggio. E’ una esperienza unica e commovente. La Namibia ti ammalia, ti stordisce, ti rende vulnerabile.

8 cose che devi sapere

namibia viaggio tour

Aggiornamento per viaggi in Namibia

namibia viaggio tour

Documenti necessari per la Namibia

Viaggiare con i bambini in Namibia


namibia viaggio tour

Per chi è adatta la Namibia ?

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia: un Viaggio, mille Emozioni

namibia viaggio tour

Bici, pesca, trekking in Namibia: avventura allo stato puro!

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia…adatta a chi?

namibia viaggio tour

Il Self Drive in Namibia – auto a noleggio

namibia viaggio tour

Il Viaggio di Nozze in Namibia

namibia viaggio tour

Viaggiare in compagnia – Viaggi Accompagnati e con Guida

Namibia esclusiva.

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia di Lusso – I Lodge più belli

namibia viaggio tour

I❤Namibia Fly-in Safari

namibia viaggio tour

Tour in Shongololo Express Namibia

Consigli e informazioni utili.

namibia viaggio tour

Il Deserto del Namib

namibia viaggio tour

Il Parco Nazionale d’Etosha

namibia viaggio tour

Ristoranti in Namibia? Certo!

namibia viaggio tour

Cosa vedere in Namibia?

namibia viaggio tour

Voli per la Namibia

namibia viaggio tour

Sposarsi in Namibia

A proposito di namibia....

namibia viaggio tour

Khwai, Botswana, il paradiso dei fotografi

namibia viaggio tour

ZIMBABWE…animali e acqua!

namibia viaggio tour

San, Boscimani…il popolo più antico del mondo?

namibia viaggio tour

Una città fantasma nel deserto del Namib

Grotte in Namibia

Le Grotte della Namibia

Animali Etosha

La vendita degli animali in Namibia

Privacy overview.

namibia viaggio tour


Explore namibia offers organised self-drive holidays and private guided tours to namibia..

Discover Namibia in your own way with the unforgettable travel experiences offered by Explore Namibia. We provide organized self-drive vacations and private safaris to this enchanting African country. Whether you want to drive around with a fully equipped rental car or prefer the knowledge of an experienced guide and driver, you’ll find the perfect travel option with us.

Let us arrange your safari, including transportation and accommodations. Choose an adventurous camping experience or indulge in luxury at Namibia’s finest lodges. Join us on a journey of discovery through Namibia and be captivated by the breathtaking beauty of this unique country!





Length: from 9 Days (customizable)

Price from: €633,- EUR

Length: from 12 Days

Price from: €4.299,- EUR

Length: Customizable

Price from: €1089,- EUR

Length: 13 Days

Price from: €3.999,- EUR

Unforgettable Self-Drive Safari to Namibia

Take the wheel of your preferred fully equipped 4×4 rental car and journey at your own pace as you traverse the stunning landscapes of Namibia. With our self-drive safari, you have the liberty to navigate through this captivating African destination, where each turn reveals a fresh spectacle of nature’s wonders!

Uncover the hidden gems of Namibia

At Explore Namibia, we’ve curated a selection of diverse Namibia Self-Drive itineraries to simplify your planning. You can choose from these ready-made packages, or use them as inspiration to craft your very own custom safari adventure with our guidance. Explore Namibia will always make sure that you will experience the safari of your dreams!

Unforgettable Self-Drive Safari to Namibia

Namibia self-drive Inspiration

Discover the authentic atmosphere of Namibia and get inspired for your own self-drive adventure by watching our captivating videos. This way, you’ll get a good sense of our adventurous journeys to Namibia!


Organised 4×4 Self-Drive Holidays in Namibia


Explore Namibia offers organised self-drive holidays


Namibia 4×4 Car Hire

Namibia Tailor-made Travel Advice

Every traveller has their own preferences. Do you need assistance in planning your self-drive trip to Namibia? Our experienced tour consultants are ready to assist you! Together we fully customize the tour to your personal preferences, wishes and budget. We can assist you in many different ways. Our team of friendly and service-oriented Tour Consultants is available in Europe and Africa to assist you in creating a personalized proposal for your tailor-made trip to Namibia and to answer all your questions you might have.

A Trip To Namibia Will Sear Itself Into Your Mind

Discover spectacular namibia.

We guarantee that all our vehicles are in excellent condition and well serviced.

Included Self-Drive Trip:

Accommodation (hotels, guesthouses, lodges or campsites)

Unlimited kilometres

Complete camping equipment (camping trip)

Car insurance with standard excess

Third party insurance

Most accommodations are booked with breakfast and camping is self-catering

Personal travel App for cell phone

24-hours emergency service

Tips and route information

Airport/hotel transfers

Not included Self-Drive Trip:

International Flights

Park fees, entrance fees to museums

Personal expenses

Additional activities and excursions, e.g. game drives, boat trips, etc.

Meals (unless indicated as included)

Travel and cancellation insurance


Why Explore Namibia?

Years of experience.

Embark on your personalized Namibian adventure with Explore Namibia – the travel specialist for unique adventures to Namibia. Our in-depth knowledge, customer-friendliness and flexibility set us apart. Whether you choose a self-drive journey with our excellent rental cars or a private trip with a private guide and driver, we adapt to your preferences. Our satisfied customers confirm the exceptional trips we offer. Let Explore Namibia be your guide for an unforgettable safari. Together, we create memories that will last a lifetime!

Discovering Namibia: A Unique Travel Experience

Our service.

Our thoughtful team of knowledgeable Namibia experts are here to take care of every need, from the second you contact us to when you return home.

Efficient & friendly service

Our team of friendly and service-minded Tour Consultants is available in Europe and Africa to assist you making a personalized tailor-made travel proposal and to answer all questions you might have. You can reach us by phone, e-mail and chat. We can set-up a (digital) meeting to discuss all your wishes and preferences. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Qualified staff with local knowledge

When you travel into amazing, wild and exhilarating Africa, there is one thing you must surely have properly arranged beforehand. A safari holiday requires back-up of a local expert who has inherent knowledge of the local African situation. This can either be our local support office in case of self-drive or your personal guide in case of a private guide safari trip.

Sustainable mindset

We understand that our activities have a positive, but can also have a negative, impact on the surroundings; positive by creating (local) employment and social development, but we also realize that our tourists might have another impact on the environment. We attach great importance to reducing the pressure that tourism exerts on the natural and social living environment of our travel destinations, and we see it as our corporate responsibility, and are committed to, constantly improve in the field of responsible, and maintaining sustainable travel.

24-hours support

We are close by while you are traveling and always reachable. Should you feel uncertain along the way or hit a “bump along the road” you can easily contact us, and we will gladly assist you to make your trip and stay in Namibia as enjoyable as possible with little or no interruptions.


Book With Confidence

Reliable and trustworthiness.

We are, amongst others, proud member of the ATTA (African Tour Operator Association), the ANVR (Dutch Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators) and SGR (Dutch guarantee fund for prepaid travel money). This means we offer reliability and security towards our clients, as we work according to the ANVR travel and booking conditions, agreed with the European Consumers Association. The SGR label also provides financial certainty in case of possible bankruptcy.


The best way to discover Namibia is to drive with your own 4×4 vehicle.

namibia viaggio tour

Deals of the Week   All of Europe's finest   Up to 50% OFF

Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Namibia

Find the right fully guided tour for you in Namibia. There are 197 trips to choose from, that range from one day in length, up to 24 days. The month with the most departures is July, making it the most popular time to visit Namibia.

197 Fully Guided tour packages in Namibia with 532 reviews

6 Day Dunes & Wildlife Accommodated Safari Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

6 Day Dunes & Wildlife Accommodated Safari

The tour was amazing, far exceeding my expectations. Although distances were great so a lot of time was spent travelling, we saw so much. The accommodation was of a very high standard and the activities were well organised. Highest praise to our tireless guide/driver/mechanic/cook Tinashe who was always smiling and providing an endless stream of interesting information in an engaging way. The 6 Day tour is exceptional value for money and I can highly recommend it. The organisation by Chameleon was perfect throughout.

7 Day Namibian Highlights Accommodated Safari Tour

  • Overland Truck

7 Day Namibian Highlights Accommodated Safari

Fantastic would definitely recommend this tour. Accommodation in Windhoek - bah- more like backpackers. Used it for convenience sake to depart from and return to. However regretted not booking my last night at Heja Lodge which looked fantastic. I was picking up my Nomad tour from there early in the morning and regretted staying in Windhoek at Chameloen Guest House the last night. Room dark, very basic.

Wonders of Namibia National Geographic Journeys Tour

Wonders of Namibia National Geographic Journeys

Beautiful country. Tour hits all the most known places. Roads aren't great so the long hours in the bus got tiring. Guide good at planning frequent stops.

Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days Tour

Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days

We really enjoyed our tour and were the only two with our driver; Seven. Whilst we would have preferred to meet other travelers, this meant that whatever we wanted to see or do, our choices were accommodated. Seven was an excellent guide whose broad knowledge of the area, locations and ability to find the Big Four was amazing. He totally made our trip the best it could be. The only criticism is that we spent a wasted night back in Windhoek midway through our 7 day tour.

Taste of Namibia 7 Days DEPARTING MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS **Sustainable Approach to Travel Tour

Taste of Namibia 7 Days DEPARTING MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS **Sustainable Approach to Travel

More than excellent !! Quick response and very good value for money. Our tour guide Stefanus was excellent and an amazing multitasker. He took great care of us and accommodated all of our needs. Would repeat in a heartbeat!!

Namibia Explorer (Accommodated) - 10 Days Tour

Namibia Explorer (Accommodated) - 10 Days

I was very satisfied with my 10 day Namibia Coverage Lodging trip, organised by Discovery Tours. Everything was well planned, the lodges good and the guide experienced and nice. Would definitely recommend this trip.

9 Day Etosha, Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei  Camping & Lodge Safari * DEPARTING SATURDAYS Tour

9 Day Etosha, Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei Camping & Lodge Safari * DEPARTING SATURDAYS

Discover Namibia - Camping Tour

Discover Namibia - Camping

Pre-tour information For the most part, the pre-tour information on the itinerary, transport, accommodation, excursions, conditions and so on was fairly accurate. There are three points where changes are needed. 1. Temperatures. Our tour started at the beginning of October, on the cusp between the colder winter months and the hot summer. It was much hotter than I expected with daytime temperatures reaching or exceeding the mid to high 30s most days. My impression that it would be cooler than this was reinforced by the Swakopmund temperature chart you include in the trip notes. From this I expected mid teens to low 20s. I did not know that Swakopmund is by far the coldest place that we visited. If you are going to show any temperature charts, these should be representative of the general conditions that travellers are likely to experience in Namibia as a whole. The tour was actually run by a local company, Mabaruli and I found this statement on their website: “October is the hottest month in Namibia with temperatures above 40°C”. Why was that information not added to the Exodus website? If I had known that in advance I seriously doubt that I would have chosen October for this tour. 2. Activity level. The trip was described as “Leisurely/Moderate” and at level 2 on a 10-point scale. There is no way that this is accurate. While there is a lot of time spent sitting in the truck doing nothing more than looking out of the window, when activity is required it was very tiring in the heat of the day. Bear in mind that there is no upper age limit for this tour and I think that everyone on our tour was over 50. What might be leisurely for a 20 year old may not be for a septuagenarian like me. 3. Initial meeting. There was no information on the time and place of the initial tour meeting on day 1. This should be specified clearly and unequivocally. Then everyone would know what to do and could arrange their travel plans around this meeting. Itinerary Overall I was satisfied with the itinerary. Maybe some minor tinkering is needed (eg. two hours at the craft market on day 12 was too long) but there were no major deficiencies. Staff There were three staff: Ronney, the tour leader, and two camp assistants, Happy and Jonas. Ronney was responsible for the overall arrangements, acting as guide while on the road, and as the full-time driver. This is too much for one person and it is no wonder that he was somewhat grumpy at times. One of the camp assistants should be a qualified driver and be able to relieve the tour leader of some or all of the driving responsibilities. Happy and Jonas were responsible for preparing the meals, setting up and breaking camp. Both were lovely blokes, always ready to help with a smile. Happy was a bit reserved at first but warmed up after a few days. Transport The truck was quite comfortable and reasonably roomy with two spare seats that were used for excess luggage (backpacks and so on). However, it was not well designed for the purpose. There were two pairs of windows at the front, above the driver's cabin. However, there was a wide solid horizontal panel between them that was exactly at eye level for anyone of normal height. As a result, forward vision was very limited. That is a ridiculous design for a safari truck. The roof opened for “game viewing” but there was nowhere near enough room for all of the passengers and we had to stand on the seats to get high enough to see. I don't know what can be done about this but the truck was certainly not fit for the purpose. We saw other trucks on our travels where everyone could simply stand up and see. Such trucks should be used for future tours. The trip notes say “People are expected to move around to permit everyone a chance to have a window seat.” One couple hogged the prime position (the front left seats) for the entire tour and declined to move. Allegedly this was because one of them suffered from travel sickness. The tour leader should have been more assertive, insisting that everyone got a turn in that prime position. People who suffer from travel sickness should not go on tours that will exacerbate their condition, or take suitable medication to combat the problem. A couple of days into the tour I noticed that one of the rear tyres was totally worn out, with the canvas showing through. The truck should never have been sent out in that condition. A couple of days later a tyre blew out but it turned out to be a new tyre that had been installed to replace the bad one, probably while we were in Swakopmund. It took an hour for the spare tyre to be put on. This blew out within 15 minutes so clearly the spare tyre were not in a suitable condition. We limped the rest of the way to Sophienhof camp with this flat tyre. The next day we were dumped in Outjo while four new types were being obtained. We were told this would take two hours. It took more than four hours, with no communication from the tour leader in the meantime. I realise that time is a bit elastic in Namibia but that is no excuse for keeping us in the dark. We had no choice but to sit and twiddle our thumbs waiting where we were told we would be picked up. We missed half a day in Etosha, the most important tourist destination in Namibia. Hotels The Prost Hotel in Swakopmund was perfect. Beautiful rooms, great breakfast and well situated close to the centre of town. The two hotels in Windhoek were not so good and the logic for using a different starting and finishing hotel was unclear. I would prefer that the starting and finishing hotel were the same. The Arebbusch Lodge is too far from the centre of town. However, this was not my major objection. Near the restaurant and bar there is a very nice pool area with umbrellas, tables, chairs and loungers. This was off-limits to us, being reserved for residents in “The Square”. The pool that we could use was small, a bit dirty, far away, and lacked umbrellas, tables, chairs and loungers. It was totally inadequate. You should not patronise a hotel that practises such blatant discrimination against some of its guests. The Utopia Boutique is also inconvenient in its location, really not near to anything. Moreover, it was disappointing to find that some of our group had nice, airy rooms around the pool area while others (including us) had small dark rooms with no view at all except for a blank wall. We are all on tour together, paying the same price, and should have similar accommodation. If the Utopia Boutique cannot satisfy this requirement, then go somewhere else, preferably within safe walking distance from the centre of Windhoek. When we arrived at the Utopia Boutique mid-afternoon there was a noisy party going on next door but we were told that if it wasn't quiet by 9 pm reception would call the police. The trouble was, reception closed at 8 pm and there was nobody around to take action. Eventually, at 10.30 pm, I found a security guard who said he would phone the manager who would then phone the police. The management should have made sure that someone was available in reception at 9 pm to deal with the noise if it was continuing. Maybe the partying was a one-off event and would not happen again but the hotel should have made sure that we were not disturbed. Campsites The campsites were a mixed bag. The first one, Sesriem, was quite poor. Our site was a long walk from the bar, shop and restaurant. The pool was a bit closer but it was so poorly maintained that it was uninviting. The toilet and shower block closest to our site was in very bad condition. The two sites in Etosha were acceptable, while Solitaire and Sophienhof were both very good. Brandberg was nice except that it was a very long and dusty walk to the bar and pool area. The worst one was Waterberg. While the campsite itself was fine, to get to the bar and pool involved a very long walk up hill. And when you finally arrived, the pool was an absolute disgrace, full of slimy green algae. Meals The meals provided were generally good to exceptional, particularly the dinners where Happy and Jonas went to great efforts to provide variety and to allow for the special dietary requirements of two of our group. Quantity was never an issue; sometimes the amount left over was something of an embarrassment in a country where there are some very poor people. There is one meal that requires special mention, and that is the dreadful buffet dinner at Waterberg. This was not included in the tour and turned out to be the worst, and most expensive, meal that we had in Namibia. With nowhere else to eat, and nothing on offer apart from the buffet, we had no choice. This should definitely be deleted in future, substituting an included dinner at one of the other campsites such as the ones in Etosha. Paid excursions We went on two excursions in Swakopmund. In the morning we chose the Sossusfly joy flight. We had high expectations of this flight, especially considering the very high price of $N460 each for just over 2 hours. We were quite disappointed, especially by the Skeleton Coast which was obscured by fog. I suspected that this was a common occurrence and later found out that there is fog for 4 days out of 5. Another problem was that what you saw depended on which side of the plane you were on. Usually, in these types of flights, the pilot makes sure that everything is seen by passengers on both sides. You should not be recommending this flight. In the afternoon, we went on Charly's Namib Desert tour. The minibus was very comfortable and Borden, our guide, was extremely knowledgeable and likeable. It was a terrific four hours. We travelled through the 'moonscape' where we were told about the history, geology, flora and fauna. The main focus was on the plants and they were presented in an interesting and informative manner. There were plenty of stops to photograph the weird landscape. Overall we were extremely satisfied with this tour. Ron Duggleby October 2018

10 Day Discover Namibia Small Group Safari Tour

10 Day Discover Namibia Small Group Safari

My daughter and I did the 9 day discover Namibia tour and had a fantastic time. The itinerary and accommodations were great, and our guide Willem was fantastic. He was extremely knowledgeable, patient, and accommodating; we could not have asked for a better guide. Namibia is a beautiful country; we would love to return.

Discover Namibia - Lodges Tour

Discover Namibia - Lodges

Our Namibia tour was terrific. Such a diverise landscape from extreme deserts to amazing animals in Etosha. Most of the accomodations were good except for one but we had a terrific time. When we finished the tour, we found the world had changed drastically due to the virus.

7 Days / 6 Nights Sossusvlei, Swakopmund and Etosha National Park ( Comfort) Tour

7 Days / 6 Nights Sossusvlei, Swakopmund and Etosha National Park ( Comfort)

Try and get Kenneth to run your tour - he is excellent

11 Day Classic Namibia Highlights Tour

11 Day Classic Namibia Highlights

Private 10 Days Beauty of Namibia - Lodges Tour

Private 10 Days Beauty of Namibia - Lodges

WOW, Motema Tours had everything under control !! From the booking consultations to the Excellent guided excursions. Not only were they well prepared, but they also had all Covid-19 regulations in place for our safety. We highly recommend Motema Tours and Safaris for a Great Tour.

Tailor-Made Best Namibia Tours, Private Trip Tour

Tailor-Made Best Namibia Tours, Private Trip

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Tailor-Made Private Namibia Desert Adventure, Daily Departure Tour

Tailor-Made Private Namibia Desert Adventure, Daily Departure

What people love about fully guided tours in namibia.

A wonderful tour. The tour description is precise, and we actually went through like that. Like the most tours, you'll probably need to ask something to them, but they were responsible almost all the time, which was helpful. Accommodations are very satisfiable. Of course, they're not like 5 star hotel, but are high quality given the places we visit. I liked especially 2nd to 5th nights. As others mentioned, we need to spend lots of time driving without music, but I feel that was inevitable to visit across the country. Still, what I was amazed the most was the guide. Gideon, our guide, prepared pretty meals every time, explained well about everything, spotted animals quickly in the safari, drove with safety, and clean the bus every day. Thank you for the experience
I loved it! Namibia is a beautiful country and it was such a great experience to see it with this tour. The places where we stayed were lovely and the people were very nice. The only maybe advice I can give is to have a better communication between company and tour guide. I and another girl had dietary requirements and he was not aware on the first day. Because of this, he had to go get a different lunch than he had prepared already. I also expected the company to communicate with the tour guide that I had a flight on the last day, since they asked me that. He was also not aware of this. I thought he would know, so this made it a little stressful on the last night to arrange this.
The group makes the trip good. The CEO was good with all the information he gave on daily basis whether it was on logistics or other tour related. The driver was very care and knew not only about driving but was able to fix problems given the long distance driving. All in all the tour pretty much covered the highlights of Namibia. We enjoyed the tour and the group and recommend it to others.

Regions in Namibia

  • Sossusvlei (75)
  • Etosha National Park (61)
  • Skeleton Coast (6)

Travel Styles

  • Fully Guided
  • Best time to visit Namibia in 2024/2025
  • Best 10 Day Namibia Itineraries 2024/2025 (with Reviews)

Discover TourRadar

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  • See All Tour Operators in Namibia
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namibia viaggio tour

Namibia is Southern Africa's most westerly nation and is home to some of the most beautiful desert plains and sand dunes. This nation has a truly unique landscape; completely unlike Angola, South Africa and Botswana which are its neighbours. Namibia is also one of the largest countries in African, covering 824 000 square kilometres.

  • Etosha National Park
  • Lunar Landscape
  • Fish River Canyon
  • Namib-Naukluft National Park
  • The Himba People

About Namibia

Namibia is Southern Africa’s most westerly nation and is home to some of the most beautiful desert plains and sand dunes. This country has a truly unique landscape; completely unlike its neighbours Angola, South Africa and Botswana. Namibia is also one of the largest countries in African, covering 824 000 square kilometres. While it covers a seemingly endless amount of space, at every turn you’ll find yourself facing a truly magnificent sight and rugged beauty.

Although Namibia’s desserts may look lifeless, they’re in fact buzzing with life and activity. Home to the African wildlife that tourists travel miles to observe, as well as their very own wild horses and snakes, Namibia has several game reserves for their visitors to visit. The most popular and established being the Etosha National Park where guests can either choose to camp or stay in luxurious accommodation.

If you’re planning an adventure into this beautiful and inspiring country, make sure you land up in Swakopmund, visit the Fish River Canyon, Damaraland and the Kaokoveld. A trip to the Skeleton Coast will show you the beauty of a desert meeting a coast. The Kalahari however, is one of the most astounding aspects of this nation, as it’s endlessly beautiful terrain and wildlife will take you to a mysterious and enchanting new world.

The capital city of Namibia is Windhoek, a city which is heavily influenced by Namibia’s previous colonial ruler, Germany. Today, however the country has close ties to South Africa; its currency linked to that of the rainbow nation.

Nomad tours will take you on an adventure like no other through the beautiful Namibian terrain, showing you the beautiful deserts, game reserves and cities while enlightening you to the lifestyle of the locals and the history of the country. For an exciting, unforgettable Namibian tour, travel with Nomad Tours.

Viaggio in Namibia

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I  costi  dei nostri viaggi e tour organizzati in Namibia sono indicativi, ovvero  da riconfermarsi tramite preventivo  anche in base alle variazioni che deciderai eventualmente di apportare. In molti casi infatti esiste la possibilità di personalizzare alcuni servizi o parti dei programmi di viaggio, confezionandolo "su misura" per te o combinandolo con altre destinazioni come ad esempio il Sudafrica, il Botswana con le cascate Victoria o le favolose Seychelles .

Consigli di viaggio: cosa vedere in in Namibia

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Home / Tours / By Country / Namibia Tours

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Namibia Tours take you across an incredibly vast and varying landscape. Nestled between the large Kalahari Desert and the South Atlantic coastline, Namibia is made up of four main regions and home to some of the world’s largest, and oldest national parks.

Namibia is famous for the highest sand dunes. With its deserts and seascapes Namibia is a real treat for any traveler on a  Namibia Tour.   Windhoek is the capital with a booming trade industry in semi-precious stones. It’s rich in natural resources, has a solid modern infrastructure along with diverse cultures and 300 days of sunshine a year.

Let the Namibia Adventure Experts Help

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41 Days or more

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15 – 25 Day Namibia Tours

8 – 14 Day Namibia Tours

1 – 7 Day Namib Tours

Top Namibia Safari Tours

Namibia Packages from Windhoek

  • Windhoek to Victoria Falls Tours

Cape Town to Namibia Adventures

Namibia to Botswana Tours

  • Etosha National Park Tours

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R 80,700 Original price was: R80,700. R 68,595 Current price is: R68,595.

Cape Town to Victoria Falls Tour (Comfort) *Most Booked Trip*

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R 54,250

Namibia & Delta Safari (Comfort) Tour (12 Days)

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R 39,400

Namibia and Botswana Safari – 12 Day

namibia budget overland safari

R 51,275

11 Day Best of Namibia in Comfort

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Showing 1–12 of 118 results

Kenya tribes

R 209,085

64 Day Cape Town to Masai Mara Adventure

Cape Town to Victoria Falls Experience Adventure with G

R 207,755

63 Day Nairobi to Cape Town Adventure


R 181,120

Nairobi to Cape Town Overland Adventure (58 Days)

Nairobi to Cape Town Tour on an Overland Adventure southbound.

R 132,975

49 Days Cape Town to Kenya Tour

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R 136,605

48 Day Kenya to Cape Town Adventure

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R 93,455

41 Day Cape Town to Zanzibar Adventure

Tanzania Safari Tours

R 107,099

Cape Town to Serengeti Safari – 40 Days

Tanzania Serengeti Safari Lions Tree

R 111,599 Original price was: R111,599. R 89,279 Current price is: R89,279.

40 Day Serengeti to Cape Town Overland Adventure

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R 94,380

40 Day Zanzibar to Cape Town Adventure

Elephants of Botswana Moremi and Nata

R 77,530

30 Day Southern Africa Experience

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R 137,599

30 Day Southern Africa Highlights: Cape Town to Cape Town Adventure

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R 72,299

28 Day Southern Africa Tour from Cape Town to Johannesburg

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Botswana Namibia Tours (2)

Camping namibia tours (47), journeys namibia tours (19), namibia 1 - 7 day tours (11), namibia tours (26 - 40 days) (8), namibia tours 15 - 25 days (37), namibia tours 8 - 14 days (49), namibia tours from south africa (54), small group namibia tours (60), southern africa namibia tours (97), top seller namibia tours (22), tours in namibia accommodated (58), tours to namibia and botswana (64), tours to namibia on a budget (78), zambia & namibia safari (25), zimbabwe namibia tours (59).

Previously known as South West Africa, Namibia used to be a German settlement. Since World War I it came under the administration of South Africa, but the German heritage is still very evident in the architecture traditions and dress of the Herrero tribe’s womenfolk. This tribe still copy the dress of the 19th century German missionaries’ wives.

Namibia is a land of rich natural resources and overflows with diamonds, uranium, copper, silver, tin and other minerals.

Recommended Namib Tours

  • Namibia Tours from Windhoek
  • Popular Namibia Tours from Cape Town
  • Namibia Tours from Johannesburg
  • More Namibia and Botswana Tours

Namibia Tours by Game Reserves

  • Namib Desert Tours

Highlights of Namibia Safari Tours:

  • Admire the Skeleton Coast from the air
  • Stay up at night watching the Okaukuejo waterhole in Etosha National Park
  • Visit the ghost town of Kolmanskop
  • Camp below the monolthic boulders at Spitzkoppe
  • River raft down the Orange River
  • Explore the sand dunes beyond Swakopmund on a quadbike
  • See the sunrise over Sossusvlei from the top of Dune 45
  • Meet the Himba Tribe
  • See ancient rock art at Twyfelfontein
  • Stargaze in Namib Desert
  • Get up close to cheetahs
  • View Africa’s greatest canyon , the Fish River Canyon

10 Reasons to travel to Namibia on Tour

Top Tips on Namibia Travel:

Best Family-Friendly Safari Destinations in Africa

Best Time to Overland in Africa: Travel Calendar

Travel Namibia: Explore Desert Wonders [Guide]

Thrilling Activities to Enjoy in Namibia [Guide]

Top 10 Places to Visit in Southern Africa

Wildlife of Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park is a 22 000-square kilometre area of wilderness set around a salt pan. It is one of Africa’s best safari destinations , especially in the dry winter months of May to October when the animals congregate around the waterholes. Simply wait for herds of zebra, springbok and elephants to arrive along with lion and the occasional rhino. The three camps inside the park have their own waterholes too. If you’re camping at one of them you don’t even need to go for game drives, just sit and watch the wildlife on your doorstep!

The landscapes of Namib Desert

The Namib Desert stretches across much of Namibia and provides some of the country’s most spectacular scenery. This desert is renowned for its giant red sanded dunes. Known to be some of the highest dunes in Africa, making it both the oldest and most beautiful desert in the world. You can climb the dunes at Sossusvlei and ride down on sand boards at Swakopmund.

The best way to take in the epic scenery of the Namib is by doing a hot air balloon ride at dawn, which allows you to watch the sunrise above a desert wonderland. Take in the scenery of Oceanic vistas of undulating terracotta sand dunes, set against rugged mountains. The Namib is also home to desert animals such as oryx and springbok

Layers of history at Kolmanskop

Located in the southwest corner of Namibia, Kolmanskop was once a prosperous diamond mining town. However it was abandoned a few decades ago and was thereafter reclaimed by the desert. Half of the ghost town is submerged in sand, while the other half crumbles away year by year. Walking around the ruins is one of Namibia’s most eerie and photogenic experiences.

The otherworldly beauty of Deadvlei

In the Namib-Naukluft National Park, Deadvlei is one of Namibia’s most visited places. Deadvlei was once covered in water and trees but when the water dried up, the trees died too leaving blackened skeletons among the cracked puzzle pieces of the dry pan. Surrounded by huge dunes, Deadvlei looks impossibly cinematic.

Hiking the Fish River Canyon

In southern Namibia lies the Fish River Canyon. Africa’s largest canyon at 500 meters deep and 27 kilometers wide. The best way to experience the canyon is to do the challenging Fish River Canyon hike, a seven-day and 90-kilometer long trek that covers half the length of the canyon. Taking in some spectacular landscapes and unbeatable camping spots under the stars.

The desert-adapted animals of Damaraland

Namibia is famous for its desert-adapted elephants and rhino, which can be found in the north west of the country. Damaraland is where they roam freely in this unofficially designated wilderness area of rugged mountains and cliffs rising up from the desert. Desert elephants cover a vast territory in search of water, so tracking them down is part of the experience and the thrill of finding them on game drives beats easy sightings of elephants on your usual safari. Desert rhinos also have vast ranges and aren’t easy to find. Luckily you can track them on foot with a guide from the ‘Save the Rhino organisation’ which has been working to protect these animals for the last 30 years.

4x4ing the Skeleton Coast

Much of the the Skeleton Coast, a 500-kilometre stretch of dune-swept coastline in northern Namibia, is largely uninhabited and inaccessible. Part of the southern section is open, but only to 4x4s. Going on a 4×4 adventure in this desolate but beautiful part of Namibia rewards you with epic dune drives, eerie shipwrecks and ancient river canyons. Colonies of Cape fur seal and sightings of dolphins and whales in the Atlantic Ocean add to the appeal.

Water-based safari in the Zambezi Region

A narrow strip of land wedged between Angola and Botswana, the Zambezi Region offers a totally different safari experience to the rest of Namibia. This region was formerly known as the Caprivi Strip. It’s rivers and lush vegetation support animals such as hippos, crocodiles and buffaloes. For a unique safari experience you can spot these animals among others such as lion, elephant and kudu from small river boats. Alternatively gliding on a mokoro or traditional dug out canoe is just as peaceful and beautiful.

Road tripping through vast uninhabited landscapes

Namibia is one of the best countries in Africa for road tripping, see mind-blowing desert and mountain scenery. The areas has amazing campsites in remote locations and countless diverse attractions to see along the way. Although many roads are gravel, they are in excellent condition and ensure an enjoyable adventure.

Adrenaline activities

Apart from game viewing and hiking, Namibia has a whole host of exciting outdoors activities to get your adrenaline pumping. You could go sandboarding down the world’s tallest dunes or see the vast desert landscapes from the air on a skydive or para-glide in Swakopmund. Or rather go rock climbing on the Spitzkoppe and Brandberg Massif mountains or even cave diving in the Dragon’s Breath Cave. Try kite surfing with southwesterly winds at Walvis Bay or raft the rapids of the Kunene River in the north. Must Read our Thrilling Activities to do in Namibia.

Wildlife Highlights on a Namibia Safari

Etosha national park.

Etosha National Park is the country’s flagship park and offers terrific game viewing opportunities. The landscape of bush and grasslands provide a home for 114 mammal species and 340 bird species. The dry winter months are ideal when animals congregate around waterholes, making them incredibly easy to spot. Four of the Big Five (elephant, rhino, leopard and lion) are in the park. If you are lucky you may catch sight of a cheetah. In addition expect to see giraffe and herds of zebra, blue wildebeest and springbok. Black-faced impala and the damara dik-dik are special antelopes of Etosha.

Namibia is largely a desert country, so many of its animals adapted to survive the harsh dry climate. These include oryx, springbok, meerkat, ostrich and bat-eared fox as well as the desert-adapted elephants and rhino.

A strong contrast to the white terrain is when the flamingos flock to the salt pan’s edge creating a pink hue. It is also known as ‘place of dry water’ because the pan is usually very dry, occasionally filling with water for brief periods in the summer. During this time it attracts pelicans and flamingos.

The Namib-Naukluft National Park

The National Park is bordered by the Namib Desert  in the west and the Kalahari Desert in the east. This expansive wilderness is bigger than Germany, reaching the size of around 49,768 square kilometers. Thereby making it the biggest game park in all of Africa and the fourth biggest in the world.

It includes Sossusvlei, Sesriem, the Welwitschia Trail, Sandwich Harbour, the Naukluft Mountains and the Kuiseb Canyon. The Naukluft Mountains are located in the northeast of Sesriem, where the primary slope juts out into the desert. These mountains were guarded within the Park in 1968 in order to protect a rare breeding concentration of Hartmann’s mountain zebra. Briefly following this, land was purchased to the west of the mountains and was joined to the reserve. Thereby creating a corridor that links the mountains to the Park. This permitted oryx, zebra and other wildlife to migrate between the two regions and in 1979 the reserves were eventually combined to form the Namib-Naukluft National Park .

An astonishing assortment of animals inhabit this arid area. Here you will see hyena, gemsbok, jackal, snakes, geckos and intriguing insects such as the Namib desert beetle.  The beetle is unique as it collects water on its back. Along with plenty of kudu, klipspringer, duiker, steenbok, leopard, baboon, black-backed jackal, bat-eared fox, African wild cat, caracal and aardwolf. Naukluft’s steep escarpments are the nesting lands for numerous cliff-breeding bird species, including majestic Black eagles.

The rain falls between the months of February and April in this region. A wind that brings the fog and rain is also responsible for forming the Park’s massive sand dunes. Sossusvlei’s dunes are among the highest in the world, rising to heights of over 400 meters high.

Located in the northwest of the country and is home to free-roaming desert elephant and desert rhino. Desert elephants which are found only in northern Namibia and Mali. They are not a distinct species, but rather African elephants that have adapted to surviving in desert conditions. Similarly desert rhinos are adapted from black rhinos. One exceptional wildlife highlight of Namibia is being able to track these desert rhinos on foot with a guide.

Skeleton Coast National Park

The Skeleton Coast National Park stretches along Namibia’s largely uninhabited desolate coastline. Here you’ll find large colonies of Cape fur seals which are preyed on by brown hyenas. On a boat trip from Walvis Bay you may be able to see Namibia’s marine mammals including whales and dolphins.

Zambezi Region

Formerly known as the Caprivi Strip, the far north eastern part of Namibia offers a different wildlife experience to the rest of Namibia due to its rivers and water sources. This is where you can see hippo and crocodile and it’s one of few places in the country where buffalo occur.

There’s a herd of between 90 and 150 wild horses in the southwest of Namibia near Aus. No one knows the exact origin of the horses, but it’s thought that they were part of German breeding programs and released from farms during World War I. While not your usual safari animal, the herd is famous enough to become a tourist attraction. Usually spotted from the road between Aus and Lüderitz.

The Fish River Canyon

The mighty Fish River Canyon is the second largest canyon in the world, leaving you breathless as you take in all its glory. Several mammals, reptiles, insects and fish live in the natural pools of this unusual habitat.

Destinations within Namibia

The namib desert.

Stretching for more than 2000 kilometres along the Atlantic Coastline from South Africa to Angola.

Sossusvlei is a salt and clay pan amid towering red dunes in the southern part of the Namib desert, which is part of the Namib-Naukluft National Park. Rust-red dunes mark this territory by rising 300 metres above the valley floor, a spectacular sight to see.

The capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia, Windhoek is the social and economic hub of the country. It is a vibrant city with much to see and do. Many African safaris begin here, so make sure to spend some time exploring the city before you head off into the desert.

Most Budget Namibia tours visit Swakopmund , a quaint Bavarian town offering a variety of adventure activities. Situated on the Atlantic coastline it is a popular holiday destination offering wonderful beaches and superb seafood.

There are plenty of action-packed activities for adrenalin junkies such as skydiving, hot-air ballooning, paragliding over the dunes, quad biking and sandboarding. However, there are also leisurely safari drives and quaint fishing spots. The town also has an interesting museum to visit along with the national Aquarium as well as shops and restaurants. Alternatively take a boat cruise and visit the dolphins and seal colonies offshore.

The Spitzkoppe

The Spitzkoppe is very popular with rock climbers all over the world due to their granite peaks, with the highest outcrop being 1784 meters above the desert floor. The peaks are for seasoned rock climbers, but despite this there are many conquests of these rocky outcrops.

Skeleton Coast

On the Skeleton Coast you can visit the many shipwrecks that scatter the shores and have given this eerie place its nickname of ‘the land God made in anger’ . When sailors were washed ashore here, they had no chance of survival. To add to this, there’s a misty fog that hangs in the air for most of the year. You can see clay castles, experience the salt pans or hike the dunes. Even view the rock engravings and go on desert walks and drives or take a flight over the coast.

The Caprivi is a narrow strip of land north-east of Namibia and has considerably more rain than the rest of Namibia, hence the Okavango and the Kwando rivers. This changes the landscape and vegetation slightly resulting in extensive floodplains, floating papyrus swamps and lush riverine forest.

Damaraland has a dramatic landscape of red-hued mountains, enormous granite koppies (hills) and wide, open, sandy plains. It lies south of Etosha National Park and north of Swakopmund . Some of the highlights are the bushman paintings in Twyfelfontein , and learning more about the way they used to live off of the land.

When is the Best Time for Namibia Safari Tours?

The most popular time to visit is Mid December to Mid January,   late April to early June or late Aug to Mid-Sept . The resort areas are at their busiest during these times. In May to Oct it is the dry winter season with warm sunny days while nights are cold often falling below freezing temperatures.

From Dec to March the Namib-Naukluft Park and Etosha National Park are extremely hot. Because of this, the Fish River Canyon is closed to the public between December and April. Flooding also occurs at this time, making the roads impassable.

How to get to Namibia (Airports)

Hosea Kutako International Airport is located 45 minutes east of Windhoek and is the main entry point for air traffic. There are a number of international flights into Namibia from from Frankfurt, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Victoria Falls and Maun to the international airport. The airport is serviced by British Airways, South African Airways and Lufthansa who all operate flights to Namibia.

Other domestic airports included: Eros, Keetmanshoop, Oranjemund, Ondangwa, Oshakati, Grootfontein, Mpacha, Runud, Walvis Bay and Luderitz Airports. Eros Airport is located just outside of Windhoek and has daily flights to Sossusvlei, Swakopmund and Etosha.

Facts on Namibia

  • Full name: Republic of Namibia
  • Capital city: Windhoek
  • Area: 825,418 sq km; 318,694 sq miles
  • Population: 2,055,080
  • Time Zone: GMT/UTC +1 ()
  • Daylight Saving Start: 1st Sunday in September
  • Daylight Saving End: 1st Sunday in April
  • Languages: English (official); Afrikaans (official); Herero (other); German (other); OshiKwanyama (other); Nama (other)
  • Religion: Christian (80-90%); Native religions (10-20%)
  • Electricity: 240V; 50HzHz
  • Electric Plug Details South African/Indian-style plug: 2 circular metal pins above large circular grounding pin
  • Country Dialing Code: 264

Namibia Safari Tours

Budget Namibia CAMPING Safaris

Namibia SMALL GROUP Safari Tour

Best Namibia OVERLAND Tours

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  • Etosha Safari on a Budget
  • Namib Desert
  • Caprivi Strip
  • The Perfect African Sunrise
  • Twyfelfontein Rock Paintings
  • Namibian Potjiekos Recipe
  • The Himba Tribe
  • Etosha – ‘Place of dry water’

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namibia viaggio tour

  • Viaggi in Namibia

Viaggio in Namibia

Benvenuto in queste pagine di viaggi in Namibia . La Namibia è un grande paese situato in Africa occidentale . Sconosciuto ai francesi in quanto non appartenenti alla ex Africa coloniale francese , questo paese , indipendente solo dal 1990 , merita senza dubbio di essere conosciuto ! Sapevi che la Namibia ha le dune più alte del mondo? Il sole splende 300 giorni l'anno ? E il suo territorio è un rifugio per la fauna selvatica... Fidati di noi , non rimarrai deluso durante il tuo viaggio in Namibia ! In questo posto fantastico c'è ben poco del Sud Africa occidentale: potrai vedere i leoni, gli elefanti e le giraffe nel Parco nazionale Etosha . Partendo dalla capitale del Namibia, Windhoek , potrai sorvolare in aereo il deserto o le coste di Swakopmund , rabbrividire di fronte a una foresta con gli alberi carbonizzati ancora in piedi dopo quasi 1000 anni, dove potrete scoprire uno dei più grandi canyon del mondo ... Non c'è dubbio che un tour in Namibia sarà un momento indimenticabile, da vivere con la famiglia, con gli amici o in coppia.

Il viaggio in Namibia su misura per te

Crea il tuo safari ideale in Namibia, 100% su misura

Safari in Namibia

Sussurri nel deserto

  • Etosha National Park
  • Welwitschia Plant
  • Namib-Naukluft Park
  • Sesriem Canyon
  • Skeleton Coast
  • Skeleton Coast Park
  • Ongava Game Reserve


  • Namib Desert
  • Duurdrift Spitz Berg
  • Quirimbas National Park
  • Quirimbas Islands
  • Baía de Pemba
  • Bazaruto Archipelago
  • Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Tour in auto da sud a nord

  • Fish River Canyon
  • Keetmanshoop
  • Twyfelfontein
  • Otjiwarongo


  • Otjozondjupa
  • Okonjima Main Camp
  • Groot Waterberg
  • Windhoek Town and Townlands

Viaggi in Namibia on the road

Scopri la Namibia - Tour in Auto

  • Palmwag Lodge
  • Hakusembe River Lodge
  • Caprivi Zipfel
  • Victoria Falls


  • Lamberts Bay
  • Città del Capo

Viaggi in Namibia in autunno

Odissea namibiana: una spedizione familiare

Guida di viaggio in Namibia

Un viaggio in Namibia è un’immersione totale in un luogo sconvolgente e indimenticabile: qua potrai trovare un’intimità con la natura e le sue creature che difficilmente troverai altrove. Tra la vastità dei deserti e quella dell’oceano, un tour della Namibia sarà un viaggio all’insegna delle emozioni forti.

Cosa vedere, cosa fare in Namibia?

I luoghi più belli da visitare in namibia.

Quello che vedrai in Namibia sarà quanto di più simile ad una spettacolare tavolozza di colori; non pensare che il deserto, che compone la maggior parte di questo paese, sia una distesa di sabbia sterile. Rimarrai estasiato a vedere come l’uomo, ma specialmente la natura, si sono fatti spazio in questo ambiente. Un viaggio nel deserto in Namibia è davvero l'esperienza di una vita. Continua a leggere per sapere cosa non puoi davvero perderti durante il tuo viaggio in Namibia.

  • Deadvlei è la Namibia in una foto: colori incredibili e contrasti scioccanti. Vedrai come il bianco della piana di sale si scontra con l’arancione sgargiante delle dune e l’intenso azzurro del cielo. Su questa tela, il nero carbone degli alberi secchi di acacia, un tempo appartenenti ad un’oasi rigogliosa, risalta come in un quadro.
  • La Quiver Tree Forest al crepuscolo o all’alba sarà un’altro colpo d’occhio imperdibile: guarda il cielo tingersi di rosso, lilla e viola, in contrasto con le forme contorte degli alberi della foresta.
  • Un altro luogo che non puoi non vedere è la valle di Twyfelfontein , nel Damaraland: più di duemila pitture rupestri sulle rocce di arenaria - che potrebbero risalire addirittura tra i seimila e diecimila anni fa - hanno conferito a questa valle il titolo di patrimonio dell’Umanità.
  • Meraviglioso lo spettacolo dei fenicotteri rosa che popolano la Walvis Bay lagoon , il luogo ideale per vedere questi volatili e svariate altre specie di uccelli.
  • Sandwich harbour è un’altra tappa immancabile del tuo tour, perché la meraviglia del deserto che si tuffa nell’oceano è qualcosa che non puoi limitarti a immaginare.

Cosa fare in Namibia?

Dai safari fotografici all’esplorare uno dei deserti più antichi del mondo, le attività che puoi fare in Namibia sono le più diverse, ma hanno tutte un punto in comune: saranno tutte uniche ed eccezionali. Che tu voglia una vacanza all’insegna dell’avventura, dello sport o della scoperta della natura - o, perché no, tutte le precedenti! - affidati a uno dei tour operator selezionati da Evaneos: la sua conoscenza del Paese ti permetterà di esplorarne gli angoli più nascosti e intimi. Ecco allora una lista delle attività che proprio non puoi non fare!

  • Il safari in Namibia è un’esperienza assolutamente imperdibile, e uno dei posti migliori in assoluto è il parco nazionale di Etosha . Non solo grandi felini, giraffe, zebre ed elefanti, ma anche specie più rare come l’orice, l’impala, i rinoceronti bianchi e gli ancor più rari rinoceronti neri sono gli abitanti di quest’area splendida sia per la sua fauna che per la sua flora.
  • Il trekking sul fish river canyon sarà una delle attività più belle da fare in Namibia: non solo un percorso impegnativo, ma anche uno scenario tra i più suggestivi e impressionanti del Paese.
  • Esplora il deserto del Namib, il “grande luogo”, uno dei più antichi al mondo: per essere un deserto, la vegetazione e la fauna presenti sono estremamente varie, e viaggiando verso il Sossusvlei e il Kalahari, più a sud, vedrai un susseguirsi di colori e sfumature incredibile. Aguzza la vista: il deserto del Namib ospita dei veri campioni in materia di mimetizzazione!
  • Nel Sossusvlei , scala le dune più alte del pianeta: tra i 200 e i 380 metri di altezza, le dune più famose sono Big Daddy e la duna 45. Un’esperienza simile ti metterà davvero alla prova! Altrimenti, esplora tutta la zona in 4x4 per una scarica di adrenalina assicurata.
  • Entra a contatto con almeno una delle tantissime etnie presenti in Namibia: gli Himba, ad esempio, vivono ancora esattamente secondo tradizioni antichissime. Scoprirne cultura la cultura e gli usi sarà un’esperienza incredibile!

Quando andare in Namibia?

Il periodo migliore per andare in Namibia è quello dell’inverno australe, quindi da aprile a  novembre: la stagione secca è il periodo ideale per i safari, perché gli animali si concentrano attorno alle poche pozze d’acqua rimaste, e questo accade specialmente tra maggio e agosto. Inoltre, il caldo è molto più tollerabile. Considera che specialmente sull’altipiano l’escursione termica tra giorno e notte potrebbe essere importante. Evita accuratamente la stagione delle piogge!

Informazioni utili per viaggiare in Namibia

Organizzare un viaggio in Namibia può essere impegnativo, logisticamente parlando, specialmente considerati tutti gli spostamenti in auto. La Namibia non è particolarmente famosa per la qualità delle strade, e se pensi di affidarti a Internet… la copertura della rete è veramente scarsissima. Non solo per gli spostamenti, quindi, ma anche per un occhio più attento e specializzato, affidati ad un tour operator locale esperto! Nel mentre, ecco qualche informazione utile per raggiungere il Paese.

  • Volo: in base alla stagione, alla compagnia aerea e alla data dell’acquisto, un volo per la 700 - 1000 euro.
  • Documenti: sarà necessario un passaporto con almeno sei mesi di validità residua. Non sarà invece necessario il visto per soggiorni inferiori a 90 giorni. Ti invitiamo comunque a controllare nuovamente le politiche in materia di visto, perché possono essere soggette a variazioni.
  • Vaccini: se hai viaggiato in paesi a rischio trasmissione sarà obbligatoria la vaccinazione contro la febbre gialla.
  • Assicurazione: raccomandata, che copra sia le spese di un eventuale rimpatrio aereo sanitario che le spese mediche necessarie.

Cosa mettere in valigia?

Preparare la valigia per la Namibia non è così complicato come potresti pensare: viaggiando nella stagione secca, le temperature sono piacevolissime durante il giorno. Porta quindi abbigliamento estivo e consono al trekking e ai safari, ma non sottovalutare le escursioni termiche tra notte e giorno: abbi cura di mettere in valigia, quindi, anche abiti più pesanti. Porta con te tutti i medicinali di cui potresti avere bisogno, specialmente quelli per il mal d’auto, non bere assolutamente acqua corrente e lavati sempre le mani dopo qualsiasi escursione. Occhiali da sole, cappello, protezione solare e tutto quello che potrebbe proteggerti dal sole è d’obbligo, assieme ad un buon repellente per insetti quando andrai a fare i safari. Infine, obbligatoria la macchina fotografica: non riuscirai mai a spegnerla!


Il miglior periodo per un viaggio in Namibia è la stagione secca, ovvero tra aprile e novembre: fa caldo e bello in tutto il Paese. Se non sopporti l'idea di trovarti in mezzo a tanti altri turisti, prediligi le prime settimane di novembre od il mese di aprile: anche se la pioggia non è del tutto sparita, riuscirai lo stesso a goderti il viaggio. Evita assolutamente la stagione delle piogge (da dicembre a marzo).

Consigli per le tue vacanze in Namibia

namibia viaggio tour

Le recensioni dei viaggiatori dopo il loro viaggio in Namibia


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Loro la chiamano Africa ...

...noi la chiamiamo casa

African Explorer

African Explorer

Viaggi e safari in africa dal 1972.

Il Tour operator italiano specializzato in viaggi e safari in Africa da oltre 50 anni. African Explorer ha aperto la strada all'avventura in Africa da 50 anni . Oggi siamo i leader indiscussi nel settore dei viaggi e dei safari in Africa, offrendo una combinazione vincente di esclusività, comfort e autenticità nel continente africano. Abbiamo un'idea per ogni modo di viaggiare e ti aiutiamo a creare la tua esperienza, la costruiamo insieme a te per poi fartela vivere al 100% secondo le tue esigenze e i tuoi tempi.


Partenze Speciali

Malawi with the Explorer

Malawi with the Explorer

12 /giorni 9/notti

L'Africa degli Uomini

Uganda - Karamoja

Uganda - Karamoja

13 /giorni 10/notti

Namibia Explorer in self-drive - Estate

Namibia Explorer in self-drive - Estate

15 /giorni 12/notti

Africa del Sud

Tipologia di viaggio

Il tuo viaggio in Africa inizia da qui.


Tour con piccoli gruppi


Viaggi Individuali


Viaggi di Nozze


Viaggi per famiglie


Per le tue richieste su misura

Lasciati ispirare

Scegli la destinazione

Scopri la bellezza senza pari dell'Africa, una terra di infinite opportunità con i suoi 54 paesi unici, ognuno pronto a incantarti. Sogni avventure selvagge e safari indimenticabili? Vivi tutto questo in Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe e Uganda, oppure ammira panorami desertici e coste mozzafiato in Namibia e Sudafrica. In alternativa, immergiti nel cuore pulsante africano esplorando Ghana, Togo, Benin, Marocco e Madagascar.


Ghana Togo Benin


In evidenza

I viaggi più richiesti

namibia viaggio tour

Kenya Explorer - 4, 11, 18 Agosto

L'Africa degli Animali

10/giorni 7 /notti

namibia viaggio tour

Kenya Explorer

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia Explorer

15/giorni 12 /notti

namibia viaggio tour

Sudafrica Smart

Viaggi su misura.

Itinerari personalizzati ed esclusivi creati secondo le vostre esigenze e passioni

Destinazione mare


Isola di Pemba


Isola di Mafia


Scopri l'Explorer che è in te

L'Africa non è solo una destinazione; è un'esperienza unica, un'emozione indimenticabile, un sogno che attende di essere vissuto e condiviso. "Ciò che non hai mai visto lo trovi dove non sei mai stato." (Proverbio africano)



Dicono di noi

Linda Romano

Linda Romano

Nicolò Bargna

Nicolò Bargna

Giulia Liberati

Giulia Liberati

Gianni Finini

Gianni Finini

Notizie e consigli di viaggio

Tanzania e kenya: la grande migrazione, il centro di recupero di animali in namibia, mauritius: il nuovo programma di vaccinazioni.

African Explorer

Namibia Experience

Namibia Self-Drive Safaris

Explore Namibia’s highlights and hidden gems in your rental car on private self-drive tours

  • Self-Drive Safaris & Tours


  • What to Expect

Your self-drive tour in Namibia

Stunning sunsets, impressive landscapes, and a variety of things to do and experience – explore Namibia independently in your rental car. Namibia is one of the best countries for self-drive trips in Africa: good amenities and infrastructure, reliable local rental car agencies, overall safety and security as well as friendly and helpful locals make it a preferred destination for memorable road trips. If you are a confident and fairly experienced driver and don’t mind long hours behind the wheel, you will enjoy an adventure on the open road. Look forward to a spectacular experience: desert tours and catamaran trips, safari game drives and hiking tours, ghost towns and ancient rock art. Travel as couple or family, solo or with your friends. You can overnight at personal guest houses, remote desert camps or family-run guest farms. Our experienced travel experts plan your itinerary, book your accommodations and your rental car, and share important tips and tricks for the road with you.

What makes us the right choice

Group of people waving at sunset

We plan and book your trip, you enjoy the experience.

Two self-drive travellers at Tropic of Capricorn sign

Booking with us is not more expensive than organising the trip yourself.

Self-drive accommodation Elegant Desert Lodge

Stunning locations, attentive service, and charming ambience.

Best namibia self-drive safaris & tours.

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia Highlights

Places Windhoek, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Spitzkoppe, Erongo Mountains, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau

from 27,000 NAD person sharing a double room

namibia viaggio tour

The Best of Namibia

Places Windhoek, Kalahari, Fish River Canyon, Luderitz, Tiras Mountains, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Ugab Valley, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau

from 46,000 NAD person sharing a double room

namibia viaggio tour

Highlights Windhoek to Victoria Falls

Places Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Etosha National Park, Kavango & Zambezi Region, Chobe National Park, Victoria Falls

from 49,000 NAD person sharing a double room

namibia viaggio tour

The North of Namibia

Places Windhoek, Erongo Mountains, Twyfelfontein, Grootberg, Epupa Falls, Kunene River, Etosha National Park, Okonjima Nature Reserve

from 40,000 NAD person sharing a double room

namibia viaggio tour

Namibia Highlights in Style

Places Windhoek, Okonjima, Onguma Reserve, Twyfelfontein, Erongo Mountains, Swakopmund, Namib Desert

from 76,500 NAD person sharing a double room

namibia viaggio tour

Highlights of Namibia and Botswana

Places Kalahari, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Etosha National Park, Zambezi Region, Chobe National Park, Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls

from 116,000 NAD person sharing a double room


After a long day on the open road, we know how important it is to arrive at a welcoming home away from home. On our Namibia self-drive tours, you overnight at hand-selected guesthouses, farms, camps, and lodges. When suggesting accommodations, we focus on personal ambience, attentive service, and excellent value for money. Our team regularly visits and re-visits the most popular accommodations as well as hidden gems to be up to date on any new developments and changes. This way, we can recommend you the best camp, or guesthouse that fits your expectations and needs – whether you’re looking for a luxurious lodge or a family-run guest farm. Whichever you choose, on your Namibia self-drive safari, you will spend the night in stunning locations in the middle of nature.

Cottage at the Waterberg Guestfarm

When suggesting accommodations for your self-drive trip, we focus on personal and intimate camps with a welcoming character – like the Waterberg Guestfarm.

Mess tent at Mushara Bush Camp Etosha National Park

You can choose between guesthouses, guest farms, lodges or tented camps – like the family-friendly and down to earth Mushara Bush Camp just outside Etosha National Park.

Sunset at the Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch seen on self-drive tour

Camps like the Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch offer activities such as scenic sundowner drives which self-drivers are welcome to join as well.

Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge at sunset

Standards range from back to basics to highly luxurious. What they all have in common: stunning locations yet easily accessible – like the Ai-Aiba Rock Paintings Lodge in the Erongo Mountains.

Swimming pool at the Elegant Desert Lodge

Some camps, like the Elegant Desert Eco Camp in the Namib, even have swimming pools to take a dip after a long day on the road.

What to expect on a Namibia self-drive safari

For the independent and intrepid traveller, a self-drive safari is a particularly unique way to explore Namibia, surely one of the best countries in the world for a self-drive adventure. Our self-drive safari itineraries are carefully handpicked to ensure you get the most out of your time in Namibia, but without having to compromise on comfort and peace of mind.

As you might expect, on a self-drive holiday, you drive yourself in your 2×4 or 4×4 rental car from one destination to the next. Along the way, we have included exciting activities into your itinerary: a visit to a seal colony, walking up and running down the sand dunes of Sossusvlei , or looking for the desert adapted elephants of the Damaraland . Depending on location and activity, you can join guided experiences as well. Your accommodation may offer a guided sunset drive, a nature walk or a game drive together with a professional guide in Etosha National Park . This way, you get the best of both worlds.

What to see and where to stay on our self-drive safaris

Namibia is a special country for self-drivers, with staggeringly beautiful and largely unadulterated landscapes and plenty of opportunities to get far from the beaten track. But it’s also generally more accessible than many other African countries, with good amenities, roads and infrastructure, which means you don’t have to be a hardened pro to have a memorable self-drive adventure.

Generally speaking, you can experience the same activities and visit the same landmarks as you would on a guided safari. On our Namibia Highlights safari, you’ll explore iconic destinations including Etosha National Park, Swakopmund and Sossusvlei at your own pace. Our North of Namibia  safari will have you traversing some of the most wild and ruggedly spectacular reaches of the country, while our longer options also take you across the border into beautiful Botswana.

We will arrange a reliable and durable vehicle (either 2×4 or 4×4, depending on your itinerary and preference) with all the equipment you might need for your safari. We work with only the most trusted and reputed local car rental agencies. We arrange all your accommodation for you based on our extensive experience of Namibia, leaving you to focus your attention on the joys of the open road. You will overnight in a range of idyllic and well-located lodges and camps, giving you easy access to the country’s many highlights.

Cross-border self-drive tours: Namibia, Botswana, South Africa & Victoria Falls

Namibia is home to many highlights of Southern African travel. But so are its neighbours Botswana and South Africa. On crossing-border self-drive trips, you can experience it all: the Namib Desert as well as the Okavango Delta, Etosha as well as Chobe National Park and even Cape Town in South Africa or the Victoria Falls in Zambia or Zimbabwe. That doesn’t mean crossing-border self-drive holidays have to be stressful – when planning your itinerary, we make sure to include a few days that are more relaxing and see you spending more than one night in one place. It’s not just about ticking off the sites but enjoying the big and small moments along the way. You can cross the country borders in your rental car; eventually returning to the place you started your journey or drop your car in another bigger town or city. No matter the itinerary, on self-drive tours in Southern Africa you should be prepared to spend many hours and kilometres in the car – after all, the journey is the destination.

Who should go on a self-drive safari in Namibia

Travellers who are looking for a tailor-made experience, flexibility and privacy should choose either a private guided safari, or a self-drive safari. Other than on our guided group safaris, you will travel with your friends and family only and can adapt your itinerary to your personal preferences. On a self-drive tour, you are behind the wheel, decide when and where to stop and enjoy ultimate privacy. A road trip in Namibia will always include at least some days with long driving distances and you should be a confident and somewhat experienced driver. Knowing how to change a tire without assistance is crucial on long and lonely gravel roads when other people let alone car repair shops are far and few between. We not only book your rental car but also your accommodations. This means your trip does follow a set structure. However, you still have the option to stop along the way or spend a day at leisure. Many accommodations and national parks offer guided activities open to book for self-drive travellers. When joining a guided activity, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the view. If you’re looking for an adventurous road trip that offers maximum flexibility but follows a pre-booked itinerary for peace of mind, our Namibia self-drive tours are for you.

Interested in Guided Safaris?

Have a look at our guided tours, if you want to get to know Namibia together with a local guide.

Zebra closeup Namibia

Experience Namibia with us

Speak to one of our local advisors, let's start planning your trip.

We will get back to you within 2 working days.


Namibia, Botswana & Zimbabwe

Tour description.

One of the best tours of three countries, Namibia Botswana & Zimbabwe is great tour for people that love breathtaking landscape & wildlife of Africa. 

This tour can be booked as family adventure or you can simply join one of our last minute tours.

Paradise for landscape & wildlife photography.

This tour can be adapted & tailor made with mix accommodation at mid-range & or luxury standards. 

Guests that wish to make part or the whole tour as fly-in experience are welcome, please contact us for quote.

Small group tour with minimum of 2 participants & maximum of 12, it can depart any day of the week.

namibia viaggio tour

tour highlights

Himba people.

Himba People Cover

Bwabwata National Park

Bwabwata National Park Cover

Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park Cover

Namib-Naukluft National Park

Namib-Naukluft National Park Cover

Skeleton Coast

Skeleton Coast Cover

Cape Cross Seal Reserve

Cape Cross Seal Reserve Cover

Windhoek - Capital of Namibia

Windhoek - Capital of Namibia Cover

Chobe National Park

Chobe National Park Cover

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls Cover

Sossusvlei - UNESCO World Heritage

Sossusvlei - UNESCO World Heritage Cover

Prices Per Person

Detailed itinerary, day 1: windhoek to sossusvlei.

In the morning, we will pick you up from any hotel in Windhoek & on the way to Sossusvlei, one of the most amazing and fascinating places on Earth, situated in the very heart of the sandy dunes. The Namib is considered to be the oldest desert in the World and recently the ‚ Sand Sea’ was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Traveling through the surreal, diverse and changing regions, from bare desert-land, through African bush, grassy savanna to sandy dunes. Experiencing thrill of being surrounded by the world of mountains, rocks and sand. Sheer feast for passionate photographers – capturing nature with the eye of camera! Good chance of spotting ostriches, antelopes, baboons and zebras. Break for lunch at the small oasis Solitaire. Opportunity to taste famous Solitaire apple pie, served at the desert bakery. Arrival at the lodge late afternoon, rest and relaxation after the trip.

Meals: as selected.

Distance: around 350 km (gravel road).

Accommodation: 2 nights in Namib Desert at Agama Lodge or similar.

Day 2: Dune 45, Sossusvlei & Deadvlei

Early morning before sunrise, drive towards Sossusvlei and Dead Vlei - a place of the highest dunes in the World, set in the midst of the World’s oldest desert. Unique chance for spectacular landscape photography! Climbing scenic Dune 45, while enjoying incredible desert vistas and ever changing scenery of the Namib. Off-road trail takes us to Dead Vlei where ancient, dried up acacias stand amidst the orange dunes creating surreal landscape. Optional hiking the ‚Big Daddy’ dune and afterwards visit to Sossusvlei with optional hiking the ‚Big Mama’ dune. After lunch, hike through spectacular rock formations of the Sesriem Canyon.

Optional Activities:

  • Helicopter flight over the dunes

Distance: around 150 km on tar, gravel and sand roads.

Day 3: Namib Desert to Swakopmund

After breakfast, we are travelling through the Namib Desert and Namib-Naukluft Park – venturing north-west to small town-oasis Swakopmund, set on the Atlantic coast. En route, crossing Kuiseb River dry bed, traveling through vast regions of Savannah and desert.  Good chance of sighting ostriches, springboks, mountain zebras and oryx grazing in their natural habitat. While crossing iconic Tropic of Capricorn, time for break, stretching legs and short photo-moment. On arrival at the coast, short visit to Walvis Bay Lagoon to observe flocks of Greater & Lesser Flamingos,

After arrival at the coast short visit to Walvis Bay Lagoon to meet Lesser & Greater Flamingoes.

Recommended  optional activity: 

  • Scenic flight from Sossusvlei to Swakopmund over the Namib Desert & Skeleton Coast.

Accommodation: 2 night in Swakopmund at Royal Sea Star Guesthouse or similar.

Duration : around 5 hours.

Day 4: Optional Activities

Today is time of rest & exploring Swakopmund and the coast on your own.

Optional activities:

  • Visit to the ‚lunar landscape’ and Welwitchia Mirabilis trails - botanic attraction, known as the ‚living fossil’; considered to be one of the oldest and most original plants on Earth.
  • Quadbike ride into the dunes and rolling hills of the Namib.
  • City tour of Swakopmund and visit to the Crystal Gallery.
  • Visit to National Marine Aquarium.
  • Snake Park.
  • Street-craft-market.
  • Bicycle tour of the Mondesa township.
  • Fishing offshore.
  • Early morning dolphin cruise can be combined with Sandwich Harbor Excursion making it full day activity. 

Distance:  120 km, tar road.

Day 5: Twyfelfontein UNESCO World Heritage

Travelling along the Atlantic coast, on the salt road to Twyfelfontein in scenic Damaraland. En-route visit to Cape Cross and seal colony, then admiring mountainous Brandberg Massif, one of the most magnificent and majestic places in Namibia while passing by Damara villages in the communal areas; chance to spot ostriches, jackals, hyenas and springboks. Ethnic experience with the Damara tribe and their disappearing culture at the ‚Living Museum’. You are treated to traditional dances, village presentation and can try fire-making with just two sticks. We are surrounded by fascinating nature, wildlife, rock formations and magnificent, scenic landscape of Damaraland. 

Accommodation: 1 night at Twyfelfontein Lodge or similar.

Distance: 360 km (gravel road, including 110 km salt road).

Duration: around 8 hrs including lunch break.

Day 6: Kaokoland and Himba People.

Discovering beauty of Twyfelfontein rock engravings, UNESCO World Heritage site – one of the largest concentration of petroglyphs in Africa. You can admire most interesting petroglyphs, out of over 2000 works, created centuries ago in the rusty-orange rocks by San people, Bushmen inhabitants of these regions. The site forms a coherent, extensive and high-quality record of ritual practices relating to hunter-gatherer communities in this part of southern Africa and eloquently illustrates the links between the ritual and economic practices of hunter-gatherers. 

After visit, venturing further north-west, into magnificent Kaokoland, region inhabited by semi-nomadic Himba people. Himba are one of the few, remaining tribes in the World, continuing to live as they did centuries ago and nearly completely separated from the civilization. After arrival in Opuwo if time permitting visit to Himba Village for unforgettable cultural experience 

Meeting Himba people and unforgettable visit to the village, learning about ancient, nomadic way of life. Unique opportunity to observe exotic culture and customs as well as chance for ethnic photography. Himba people  are a tribe of nomadic pastoralists who inhabit the Kaokoland area of Namibia. The Himba have clung to their ancient traditions. Beautiful Himba women are noted for their intricate hairstyles and traditional jewellery. Both Himba men and woman wear few clothes apart from a loin cloth or goat skinned mini-skirt, they rub their bodies with red ochre and animal fat to protect themselves from the sun that gives their appearance a rich red colour. Himba jewellery is made from iron or shell, and due to their intricate designs have become very popular amongst tourists.

Distance: around 300 km on gravel road.

Duration: 6 hrs with visiting and stop-overs.

Accommodation: 1 night at Opuwo Country Lodge, featuring exceptional sunsets and scenic landscape viewed from the large deck of the lodge, you can relax at the water-edge pool overlooking the mountains.

Day 7: Etosha National Park.

After breakfast, on the way to Etosha National Park – wildlife sanctuary and treasure of Namibia, considered to be one of the most loved and most visited game parks of Africa! Entrance through Galton’s Gate on the western border of Etosha. Driving through the park to Okaukuejo camp: admiring variety of magnificent animals: antelopes, giraffes, zebras, lions, elephants (largest in Africa), rhino, leopards, cheetah and hyenas roaming through the bush. In the evening, relaxing dinner served in the thrilling atmosphere of the wild. At the camp's waterhole, thirsty animals gather for the drink of water, while you are invited to watch the ever-changing ‘theater of nature’ till late!

Accommodation: 1 night at Okaukuejo Resort or similar.

Distance: around 380 km on tar and gravel roads.

Duration: 5 hrs.

Day 8: Etosha National Park

Wildlife adventure while visiting waterholes, natural springs and view points of the park. Nighttime game viewing at the waterhole. 

(Optional activity, can be booked the same day at camp’s reception: park organizes night time game drives in an open vehicle, only with park rangers.)

Distance: 100 km, gravel roads.

Duration: full day game drive

Accommodation: 1 night at Namutoni Resort or similar.

Day 9: Divundu & Okavango River

Today traveling north-east to Divundu in the Caprivi Region. 

On the way to Divundu, you will be passing by villages in the rural areas. In the late afternoon arrival at the lodge situated on the banks of the Okavango River.

  • Sunset Cruise on the Okavango River

Accommodation: 1 night in the Caprivi region at Nunda Lodge or similar.    

Distance:  around 560 km, tar road.

Day 10: Caprivi Strip

In the morning 3 hour game drive in Buffalo Core Area of Bwabwata National Park, famous for it's healthy population of Buffalos & Elephants. Wonderful opportunity for birding on the Okavango River with around 500 different birds species found in this area.

After game drive moving along the Caprivi Strip inside Bwabwata NP, with occasional wildlife sighting, this is very smooth drive.

Accommodation: 2 night at Namushasha Lodge or similar.

Distance: around 230 km, tar roads.

Day 11: Mudumu & Kwando area

Today morning and afternoon game drive in Mudumu National Park & Kwando Core Area.

Day 12: Botswana & Chobe National Park

In the morning travelling towards Botswana border, after crossing the border, we are checked in to the lodge in Kasane.

In the afternoon 2 hour game boat cruise into Chobe National Park for wildlife experience on the river. Opportunity for wildlife photography. 

Meals:  as selected.

Accommodation:  1 night at River View Lodge or similar.

Distance: around 200 km.

Day 13: Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

In the morning 3 hour game drive in Chobe National Park.

Short brake for lunch in Kasane and after lunch crossing the border to Zimbabwe. Arrival at the small town of Victoria Falls situated near world-famous Victoria Falls, after arrival visit to the falls, one of the ‚Seven Natural Wonders of the World’, locally known as Mosi-oa-Tunya ‚smoke that thunders’. Victoria Falls was discovered for the first time by the Europeans, by Scottish missionary and explorer David Livingstone, who wrote in his journal: ‚No one can imagine the beauty of the view from anything witnessed in England. It had never been seen before by European eyes; but scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.’

Quick Facts about Victoria Falls: 

Since 1989 the falls are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Formed as the full width of the river plummets in a single vertical drop into a transverse chasm 1708 meters (5604 ft) wide, carved by its waters along a fracture zone in the basalt plateau. The depth of the chasm, called the First Gorge, varies from 80 meters (260 ft) at its western end to 108 meters (354 ft) in the center. The only outlet to the First Gorge is a 110 meters (360 ft) wide gap about two-thirds of the way across the width of the falls from the western end, through which the whole volume of the river pours into the Victoria Falls gorges.

Accommodation: 2 night in Victoria Falls at Pamusha Lodge or similar.

Distance:  around 100 km on tar road.

Day 14: Victoria Falls

Today is free day for your individual exploration of the town and many optional activities, you can find full list of this activities here:   Wild Horizons

Distance: around 20 km on tar road.

Day 15: End of the Tour

After breakfast, our guide will take you for your flight to Victoria Falls international airport.

Meals: breakfast,

Transport, fuel, 14 nights accommodation and reservations, meals as selected, national park entrance fees, game drives in National Parks in the provided tour vehicle, experienced tour guide for the entire tour, airport transfers within the tour dates.

Not Included

Scheduled, international flights ‚to/from’ Namibia and Zimbabwe, individually extended accommodation, additional transfers (airport transfers beyond tour dates, which we may arrange at euro 20 pp), individual travel and medical insurance, lunches & water if not selected, drinks and alcoholic beverages, optional activities, gratuities and tips, trip extensions, visa to Namibia, Botswana & Zimbabwe (if required).

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Emanuele Augello

Guida Turistica, Tour Facilitator, Tour Guidati

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Desert Nature

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Lo "Spirito Guida" della Namibia

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Tour in Namibia di 12 giorni

Questo tour è ideale per chi desidera conoscere la Namibia con la comodità di un viaggio organizzato per piccoli gruppi di partecipanti e una guida locale parlante italiano.

10-12 giorni

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da 4000 a 5000 € volo incluso


da 4000 a 5000 € a persona

Volo incluso

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Home Viaggi Tour in Namibia di 12 giorni

Perché scegliere questo Tour

Il viaggio è programmato per piccoli gruppi - minimo 2 persone e massimo 16 – con una guida locale parlante italiano, sempre presente durante i giorni di viaggio. Il tour include diversi pasti, fotosafari, escursioni ed esperienze nelle località visitate. Dall...

Un gioiello nell’Africa Australe

Il deserto Namib incanta con la sua bellezza selvaggia e surreale. Situato lungo la costa atlantica della Namibia, questo vasto deserto è noto per le dune maestose, alcune delle più alte al mondo, che si ergono come monumenti naturali in tonalità di rosso e ar...

I maestosi paesaggi del Damaraland

Damaraland è una regione di straordinaria bellezza e diversità geografica caratterizzata da paesaggi desertici e montagne spettacolari. Le imponenti formazioni rocciose di granito dalle tonalità rosse e arancioni offrono un contrasto straordinario con il cielo...

Dettagli viaggio

kalahari deserto

Partenza in aereo per la Namibia con arrivo il giorno successivo (previsto scalo aereo intermedio). Pasti e pernottamento in volo.

Arrivo all'aeroporto internazionale di Windhoek, incontro con la guida turistica di lingua italiana e partenza per il deserto del Kalahari. Durante il trasferimento di circa 4 ore è prevista una sosta per il pranzo (incluso). Arrivo al lodge all’interno in una riserva privata e sistemazione in camera. Al tramonto è previsto un fotosafari per ammirare gli animali che popolano questa riserva: gnu neri, orici, giraffe e suricati. Rientro al lodge, cena e pernottamento.

Dopo la prima colazione, incontro con la guida e partenza per il Deserto Namib. Durante il trasferimento di circa 5 ore è prevista la sosta per il pranzo (incluso). Nel pomeriggio arrivi nel lodge nei pressi dell’ingresso del deserto Namib. Sistemazione in camera e tempo a disposizione. Cena e pernottamento.

Partenza di buon mattino con la guida per il Parco Namib Naukuluft. Superato il cancello di ingresso, si percorre una strada asfaltata per 60km fino al punto di ritrovo con le guide locali che, a bordo di veicoli 4x4, effettuano una sorta di servizio navetta tra la sabbia del deserto fino al punto di Sossusvlei. Goditi sia Sossuvlei sia, con una camminata lungo il crinale di una duna, Deadvlei. Al termine prosegui per la visita al Canyon di Sesriem, un profondo abisso scavato attraverso le rocce dall'acqua. Rientro al lodge per il pranzo (incluso) e tempo a disposizione per rilassarti o partecipare a delle escursioni facoltative. In serata, cena e pernottamento nel lodge.

Partenza in direzione nord alla volta della cittadina di Swakopmund. Prima dell’arrivo sono previste le visite alla Moon Valley e alla spianata delle Welwitschia. La prima è una zona quasi priva di vegetazione caratterizzata da piccoli canyon e formazioni rocciose dall’aspetto lunare. La spianata delle Welwitschia è un percorso all’interno del Parco Naukluft che consente di ammirare queste piante molto particolari presenti solo nel sud dell’Angola e in questa parte della Namibia. Le welwitschia hanno soltanto 2 foglie, possono vivere per più di 1500 anni con la capacità di sopravvivere in circostanze molto dure e apparentemente senz'acqua. Arrivo a Swakopmund nel tardo pomeriggio. Sistemazione in hotel, tempo a disposizione e pernottamento.

Giornata a disposizione per visitare Swakopmund e fare escursioni facoltative. Dal punto di vista architettonico, Swakopmund è stata fortemente influenzata dall’architettura coloniale tedesca. Puoi camminare per le sue strade e percorrere il tratto pedonale lungo la costa. Alle spalle della cittadina si trova il deserto dove puoi fare delle escursioni in quad o jeep 4x4. Dal vicino porto di Walvis Bay partono anche delle divertenti escursioni in barca per ammirare foche e delfini. Pernottamento in hotel.

Partenza in mattinata per la regione del Damaraland con sosta fotografica lungo la Skeleton Coast. Durante il trasferimento – di circa 400km – è previsto il pranzo. Prima di arrivare al lodge, in base al tempo a disposizione, visiti i siti di Twyfelfontein Rock Art – ricco di incisioni rupestri - e la Foresta Pietrificata di Khorixas. Nel tardo pomeriggio arrivi al lodge: sistemazione in camera, cena e pernottamento.

Il tour prosegue per raggiungere il Parco Etosha. Durante il percorso fai una sosta a un villaggio Himba per conoscere le loro tradizioni e il loro stile di vita. Gli Himba sono un popolo indigeno che vive tra il nord della Namibia e il sud dell’Angola. Il pranzo (incluso) è previsto durante il trasferimento. Nel pomeriggio raggiungi il lodge nei pressi del Parco Etosha e, al tramonto, partecipi a un fotosafari guidato per ammirare la fauna selvatica che vive in questa regione. Rientro al lodge, cena e pernottamento.

Intera giornata di safari fotografici all’interno del Parco Etosha con il veicolo del tour. Pranzo nel corso del safari all’interno del Parco. Facoltativamente puoi anche partecipare a un safari con veicolo 4x4 scoperto guidato da ranger del Parco Etosha. In serata sono previsti la cena e il pernottamento nel lodge.

Parti dal Parco Etosha in direzione sud fino alla località di Otjiwarongo. Durante il trasferimento è incluso il pranzo. Nel pomeriggio arrivi al lodge di Otjiwarongo e partecipi a un fotosafari con veicoli 4x4 all’interno della riserva per avvistare le rare antilopi Roan e Sable, elefanti, rinoceronti, giraffe, zebre e molti altri. Questa località è nota anche per i suoi eccellenti progetti di conservazione della fauna locale tra cui i grandi gatti selvatici (Cheetah Conservation Fund). Cena e pernottamento nel lodge.

Con un trasferimento di circa 3 ore raggiungi l’aeroporto di Windhoek in tempo utile per l’imbarco sul volo di rientro in Italia (previsto scalo intermedio). Pasti e pernottamento in volo. 

Arrivo in Italia. 


Caratteristiche del viaggio

Migliori esperienze, scopri l’etnia kung.

Segui una guida !Kung – suddivisione della popolazione San che vive nel deserto Kalahari - per conoscerne l'antico stile di vita e imparare le loro tecniche di sopravvivenza.


Un'escursione a bordo di aerei da turismo sopra il deserto Namib offre l'opportunità unica per ammirare l'incredibile bellezza e la vastità dello spettacolare paesaggio desertico. 


Da Swakopmund parti per questa divertente esperienza a quattro ruote in mezzo alle dune del deserto con una guida che ti accompagna dalla foce del fiume Swakop lungo l’alveo.


La Namibia è famosa per la sua produzione di gemme come il diamante, l'opale e il quarzo, che si possono acquistare e trasformare in bellissimi gioielli o oggetti d'arte.

I nostri Consulenti


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1. Richiedi il preventivo;

2. Lo specialista di questo viaggio ti risponde;

3. Studia una proposta su misura per te;

4. Ti invia il preventivo gratuito e senza impegno!

Federica Roveda

Tour con partenze garantite con minimo 2 partecipanti e massimo 16 come da programma e con guida locale parlante italiano; pernottamenti in hotel e lodge; trasferimenti, escursioni, fotosafari, ingressi ai Parchi e ai siti come da programma; pasti co...

Tour con partenze garantite con minimo 2 partecipanti e massimo 16 come da programma e con guida locale parlante italiano; pernottamenti in hotel e lodge; trasferimenti, escursioni, fotosafari, ingressi ai Parchi e ai siti come da programma; pasti come da programma (9 prime colazioni, 8 pranzi, 7 cene); assicurazioni base copertura bagagli e spese mediche; quote iscrizione.

DURATA 12 giorni


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Namibia Tours & Holidays

Namib-Naukluft National Park, Fancifully curved sharp crests of orange dunes with tree in Namibia

Home to proud tribes steeped in tradition, herds of rare desert-dwelling elephants, wild horses and massive colonies of seals, Namibia showcases the very best of Africa's raw landscapes.

From quaint German-inspired towns to uninhabitable deserts, bushland filled with wildlife and a rocky coastline littered with shipwrecks, Namibia's untamed charm is compelling, captivating and camera-worthy.

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Premium Namibia

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Articles of Namibia

The top 7 destinations for travel in April 2024

Why a visit to a ‘living museum’ was the highlight of my Namibia trip

I visited 7 African countries on 1 Intrepid trip; here’s why Namibia stood out

7 things you need to know about an adventure in Namibia, according to a local leader

How a discarded bicycle changed a community in Namibia

Planning your first trip to Africa? Here’s why you should start with Namibia

10 facts you probably don’t know about Namibia

A language guide for Southern Africa

Namibia at a glance

Capital city.

Windhoek (population 477,000)

2.6 million

English, Afrikaans

(GMT+02:00) Windhoek



Type D (Old British 3-pin) Type M (see D)

Learn more about Namibia

Best time to visit namibia.

The best time to visit Namibia depends on what you want to see and do. The dry season (May-September) is considered the best time to explore the Nabim Desert and go on safari as the temperatures are comfortable, vegetation is thin and wildlife congregates around waterholes.

The shoulder months (April and October) may be a better option for a safari without peak season crowds; however, Namibia's national parks and reserves never feel   too   crowded.

While it can be trickier to spot game in the wet season (November-March), you might be lucky to see cute newborns as it coincides with the birthing season .

Learn more about the best time to visit Namibia

Culture and customs

Human settlement in Namibia can be traced back to as early as 15000 BC. In the time since, a diverse mix of people and communities have inhabited Namibia, culminating in a unique cultural heritage made of symbolic beliefs, traits and traditions.

Today, most of the population sits within the larger Aawambo cultural group found mostly in the north of Namibia. Other large cultural groups that make up Namibia are the Nama, Damara, Kavango and Ovaherero people.

Namibia was colonised by Germany from the late 1800s until 1919. Because of this, Europeans now make up 5 per cent of the population. German influences can be seen throughout Namibia by way of cuisine, language, architecture and more. As much as 10 per cent of Namibia’s population is made up of people who have migrated from South Africa.

The national language is English; however, many Namibians also speak multiple Indigenous languages, such as the Aawambo language.

Eating and drinking

Like many countries, the majority of Namibia’s cuisine stems from the traditional cooking techniques and produce found in the area. In more recent times, immigrating cultures, specifically German and English, have added to the culinary scene. With a large variation of meats to cook with, it’s no surprise that many of the popular dishes feature meat in some way, often accompanied by a strong flavour and paired carbohydrate.

There are plenty of options for non-meat eaters, too. Some must-tries include green asparagus, omboga (dried spinach), Namibian olives, owawa mushrooms, geelrys (rice dish), oshigali (puree beans) and more.

Things to try in Namibia

A staple daily dish to many, mieliepap is a porridge-like meal usually made with cornflour and served with a selection of vegetables or even a meat protein like fish or goat.

A dish cooked in a small iron pot, potjiekos is a stew that typically combines game meat with hearty vegetables like cauliflower, pumpkin and cabbage.

This dish is of Dutch and Afrikaans origin and serves as a way to store meat. By using a savoury rub of flavoured spices, salt and vinegar, then left to air dry, biltong is a tasty snack that can last for a long time if cured correctly.

Namibian oysters are known to be meatier and fast-growing than in other areas of the world. They are likely to be prepared differently depending on where you go.

Fat cakes are a very popular snack in Namibia and other parts of the world. Essentially, fat cakes are just deep-fried dough balls that can be made into sweet or savoury dishes. So, it's no wonder they're popular!

Geography and environment

Red desert dunes, rugged bushveld, dense woodlands and plains of gravel make up Namibia's ancient terrain. Home to the monumental Fish River Canyon and sharing the iconic Kalahari Desert with   South Africa   and   Botswana , Namibia has some of the most interesting landscapes in   Africa , if not the world.

With little arable land and a warm climate, Namibia is prone to prolonged periods of drought, making farming difficult. Bordered by Angola, Botswana, South Africa and   Zambia , Namibia also has a stretch of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean where visitors can see where the desert meets the sea.

Top 10 places to visit in Namibia

1. fish river canyon.

There's more to the Fish River Canyon than its sheer size. With remote hiking trails, magnificent view points and raging river torrents during the rainy season, visitors will be breathless at the epic views and sense of isolation when visiting this canyon, believed to have been formed more than 500 million years ago.

A not-to-be-missed stop on our epic 40 day Zanzibar to Cape Town wildlife tour.

2. Damaraland

The timeworn terrain of Damaraland makes for interesting, otherworldly landscapes to travel through. The combination of strange rock formations, parched valleys, ochre boulders and amber sunsets makes for magic memories.

See it for yourself on our 17 day Premium Botswana & Namibia tour .

3. Sossusvlei sands

This huge clay pan wrapped in red sand dunes occupies a large part of southern Namibia. With some of the tallest dunes in the world, Sossusvlei's variety of colour, size and flora make it a glory to behold.

Get a jaw-dropping view of the nearby dune giants from atop Dune 45 or below at the Dead Vlei pan while on our 30 day Southern African Adventure or a 13 day Namibia Discovery tour .

4. Cape Cross

This protected area on the cape of the southern Atlantic is most famous for its resident seal colony, one of the largest in the world.

While in Swakopmund, see enough seals to last you the rest of your life with an excursion to Cape Cross on our 10 day Premium Namibia tour .

5. Ship to shore

Namibia's Skeleton Coast has been called 'The Land God Made in Anger' by the San Bushmen and 'The Gates of Hell' by the Portuguese, and it's not hard to see why. With gale-force winds battering the shore, rolling surf and thick fog, the Skeleton Coast has ruined many a mariner over the years. Evidence of this is scattered along the coastal sands, with a collection of rusting ships resting on the beaches - an eerie yet enthralling sight.

See the Skeleton Coast for yourself on a 17 day Premium Botswana & Namibia adventure.

6. Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park might be one of the best places to see some of Africa’s iconic wildlife. With its artificial watering holes and wide clear spaces, it’s likely you’ll grab some stellar snaps of the hard-to-miss inhabitants, including elephants, zebras and even black rhinos.

Etosha NP is just one of the many unique animal-filled destinations on our incredible 22 day Cape Town to Vic Falls wildlife tour . But if you don’t have that long, it also makes a great last stop on our 10 day Premium Namibia adventure .

7. Zambezi River

The Zambezi River isn’t just the fourth-longest river in Africa; it’s also the hangout spot for some pretty famous animals. Look for hippos, monkeys, elephants, buffalo, birds and more aboard a canoe or cruise.

Sip a drink or two and watch for Africa’s mighty animals from your feature stay on the Zambezi River on our 17 day Premium Botswana & Namibia tour or 7 day Premium Botswana trip .

8. Walvis Bay

Bird lovers should consider a stop at Walvis Bay, which is typically a stop on the way to nearby Swakopmund. Thousands of migratory birds, including the fan-favourite flamingos and portly-pouched pelicans are seen across the lagoons and bird sanctuaries.

Get out your binoculars and get ready to tick off some bird sightings as you visit Walvis Bay on our 10 day Premium Namibia adventure .

9. Swakopmund

If, while in Africa, you have a hankering for German architecture, stop by the spookily named Skeleton Coast for a visit to the town of Swakopmund. Wander through the mix of Namibian and German influences of this seaside stop, enjoying the open-air market and fresh sea breeze. You could also find yourself on a dolphin and seal boating adventure to nearby Cape Cross or out on a local fishing excursion.

Swakopmund is a destination fit for any African itinerary. That’s why you can find it on all our Namibia tours, including our 13 day Namibia Discovery tour , our 22 Amazing Southern Africa adventure , and our 63 day Africa Encompassed Southbound tours .

10. Orange River

Named the Orange River for its unique hue, this waterway has been an important part of Namibian and South African history – namely, the diamond rush in the 1800s. While diamond mining is a continuing business in the region, many people simply come to enjoy paddling the waters.

Enjoy a day on the water at Orange River while on a 13 day Namibia Discovery tour .

What’s travel without a meaningful souvenir or two? When in Namibia, Intrepid encourages travellers to support local makers who put time and effort into handmaking their wares. Culturally significant items are often available for purchase, especially in tourist areas. Speaking to the local sellers can be a great way to learn about their culture and understand the significance of what they are selling.

It's a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand generally have strict quarantine laws.

Things to buy in Namibia

Many of the beautiful textiles sold around Namibia can be used in a multitude of ways, e.g., for clothing, tableware, art and more. Look to buy from traditional artists and makers in craft markets to support local talent and local industries.

Wooden crafts

A hand-carved wooden object is a great memento to take home from Namibia. There’s likely a souvenir for everyone with crockery, bowls, animal figures, dolls, instruments and more. You’ll see traditional African masks for sale, which are often items that have a symbolic meaning to the local people.

Precious gems

As one of the largest producers of diamonds in the world, you’re likely to find a sparkly item or two in Namibia. Be sure to do some research or ask your guide about where to go, as not all shops will have the real deal.

Festivals and events

Public holidays that may impact travel include:.

Workers' Day

Cassinga Day

Ascension Day

Heroes' Day

Human Rights Day / Namibian Women's Day

 Please note Namibia public holidays may vary

Further reading

Similar destinations.

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South Africa

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Namibia travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travellers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travellers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need a visa to travel to Namibia?

If you are from Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States, or other visa-exempt countries, you generally do not need a visa if you are travelling in Namibia for up to 3 months (90 days). If you plan to stay longer or if you are intending to work or volunteer, you may need a visa.

All visitors are required to have a passport valid for at least 6 months after the intended date of entry into Namibia. You will also need blank pages in your passport for the entry and exit stamps, as well as a return ticket.

It is advised that you check your visa and noted entry period are correct before leaving the immigration counter upon arrival. If you plan on purchasing a visa on arrival, ensure that a visa can be issued at your intended entry location.

You may also need to hold a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate if you are arriving from a destination with active yellow fever.

This page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates.

Last updated: 05/12/2023

Is tipping customary in Namibia?

While not mandatory, a tip of 10% is considered standard when dining in Namibia. With the typical Namibian earning a modest wage, a small tip to porters, housemaids and other service workers would be appreciated.

What is the internet access like in Namibia?

Travellers will be able to access the internet quite easily in the cyber cafes of Namibia’s large cities, but limited to no access should be expected in regional and rural areas.

Can I use my mobile/cell phone while in Namibia?

Mobile phone coverage is good in Namibia's large cities and towns, but less so in rural and mountainous areas. Ensure you have global roaming activated before leaving home if you wish to use your mobile phone.

What are the toilets like in Namibia?

Depending on which areas of Namibia you are travelling in, expect to encounter a combination of squat toilets and flushable toilets. Carry your own supply of soap and toilet paper as these aren't always provided.

Can I drink the water in Namibia?

While tap water is considered safe in Namibia's cities, drinking tap water isn't generally recommended in Namibia. For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water. Fill a reusable water bottle or canteen with filtered water instead. Ask your leader where filtered water can be found; some hotels we stay in may have drinking water available. It's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Namibia?

Credit cards are usually accepted by large hotels and western-style restaurants but not by smaller vendors. Ensure you have adequate cash to cover purchases not able to be made on credit.

What is ATM access like in Namibia?

ATMs are easily found in large cities and urban centres, but are rarer in small towns, rural areas and villages. Be sure to have other payment methods available when venturing out of the big cities, as ATMs aren't always an option.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilise school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before travelling?

Absolutely. All passengers travelling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while travelling?

Intrepid takes the health and safety of its travellers seriously and takes every measure to ensure that trips are safe, fun and enjoyable for everyone. We recommend that all travellers check with their government or national travel advisory organisation for the latest information before departure:

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Meghan Markle Embraces Quiet Luxury in a Peach Maxi Dress and White Pantsuit on Her Nigeria Tour

The Duchess of Sussex began her day in Heidi Merrick and vintage Lanvin and finished it with Altuzarra.

preview for 8 Times Meghan Markle Channeled Princess Diana’s Style

The couple first visited Lightway Academy in Abuja, Nigeria, for its inaugural mental health summit. Meghan wore a peach-colored maxi dress by Heidi Merrick with vintage Lanvin earrings, Emme Parsons sandals, an Ariel Gordon bracelet, and an Aurate necklace, per the Meghan Markle fashion account, @whatmeghanwore . She accessorized with a Cartier watch and bracelet.

the duke and duchess of sussex visit nigeria day 1

Harry spoke to students at the school about the importance of discussing mental health, leading Meghan to tell them after, “You see why I’m married to him?”

He told them:

If I say mental health, do you know what it means? In some cases around the world, in more than you would believe, there is a stigma when it comes to mental health. Too many people don’t want to talk about it ‘cause it’s invisible. It’s something in our mind that we can’t see. It’s not like a broken leg, it’s not like a broken wrist. It’s something that we are still relatively unsure of. But guess what? Every single person in this room, the youngest, the oldest, every single person has mental health. So therefore, you have to look after yourself to be able to look after other people. And other people have to be able to look after themselves, to look after you. That’s the way it works. And there is no shame to be able to acknowledge that today is a bad day, okay? [If] you woke up this morning feeling sad, [if] you left school feeling stressed, [if] you’ve lost a loved one in your family, and you don’t know who you talk to or who to speak to, all of these things you may be led to believe are not for conversation. We are here today to tell you that that is not the case. Every single one of those things is completely normal. It is a human reaction, whether it’s grief, stress, whatever the feeling is, it comes from an experience that you have had. You can have it. She can have it. I can have it. They can have it. Every single one of us is likely to have that on any given day. So if, if you take anything away from today, just know that mental health affects every single person in the entire world. And the more you talk about it, the more you can kick stigma away, far, far away into long grass, and then everybody will have the opportunity to be able to share how they’re feeling, how they’re coping, and then you can help other people. So will you promise to us that after today, no more being scared, no more being unsure of mental health? If you are unsure, then ask. Ask your teachers. Ask your friends. Be there for one another. If you see your friend in your class not smiling, what are you gonna do? You gonna check in with them? Are you gonna ask him if they’re okay? ‘Cause it’s okay not to be okay.

Meghan and Harry then went to the Defense Headquarters , where Chief of Defense Staff Christopher Musa formally welcomed the couple to the country. Meghan changed into a white Altuzarra pantsuit for that meeting.

The couple signed the visitors book there, and Meghan paid homage to her Nigerian heritage, writing, “With gratitude for the support of the Invictus [Games] community. And for welcoming me home.”

Harry admired her calligraphy and said, “She has beautiful handwriting,” per the trip’s pool reporter.

meghan markle in her white altuzarra pantsuit

Tomorrow, Meghan and Harry will attend a training session for the organization Nigeria: Unconquered, according to People . Meghan will co-host a women in leadership event with Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the director general of the World Trade Organization, in the afternoon. In the evening, the couple will attend a reception hosted by the chief of defense staff to honor military families.

On Sunday, the last day of the trip, the duke and duchess “will attend a basketball clinic with Giants of Africa, a cultural reception, and a polo fundraiser for Nigeria: Unconquered,” People wrote.

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  1. Viaggi e Tour in Namibia

    I nostri Viaggi e Tour in Namibia suscitano sensazioni primordiali che scaturiscono dal profondo del nostro essere. Fare un viaggio in Namibia significa vivere il fascino del paese degli spazi aperti, degli orizzonti infiniti, delle aspre montagne, dei profondi canyon e delle immense dune di sabbia che caratterizzano il Deserto del Namib, il più antico del mondo.

  2. Africa

    La Namibia è una destinazione affascinante e variegata, che offre paesaggi mozzafiato, parchi naturali ricchi di fauna selvatica, deserti incontaminati e culture ancestrali. Scopri le nostre proposte di viaggio per la Namibia, tra safari, lodge, escursioni e avventure. Viaggi Dell'Elefante, il tour operator specializzato in Africa.

  3. Tour e viaggi organizzati in Namibia

    Viaggio in Namibia, tra deserti di dune altissime e sconfinate savane. Parti all'avventura con Turisanda! Trova agenzia ... case fronte oceano adagiate sulla sabbia ed edifici coloniali. Spesso fuori dai tour tipici di un viaggio in Namibia d'élite, è la capitale dell'avventura. Libero sfogo agli appassionati di skydivinig, sandboard su ...

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  6. Self-Drive Holidays Namibia

    Explore Namibia offers organised self-drive holidays and private guided tours to Namibia. Discover Namibia in your own way with the unforgettable travel experiences offered by Explore Namibia. We provide organized self-drive vacations and private safaris to this enchanting African country. Whether you want to drive around with a fully equipped ...

  7. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Namibia 2024/2025

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  8. Best Namibia Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Namibia Tours & Vacations. Home to proud tribes steeped in tradition, herds of rare desert-dwelling elephants, wild horses and massive colonies of seals, Namibia showcases the very best of Africa's raw landscapes. From quaint German-inspired towns to uninhabitable deserts, bushland filled with wildlife and a rocky coastline littered with ...

  9. Viaggi Namibia: tour organizzati e costi 2024

    Namibia. 10-12 giorni. da 4000 a 5000 €. Volo incluso. Tour in Namibia di 12 giorni. Questo tour è ideale per chi desidera conoscere la Namibia con la comodità di un viaggio organizzato per piccoli gruppi di partecipanti e una guida locale parlante italiano. 4.8 (95)

  10. Namibia

    Kruger, Delta & East Africa 2024. View Tour. Book Now. A 34-day African journey from Johannesburg to Ngorongoro, traversing the wilds of Kruger, Botswana, and beyond. Discover the Big 5, navigate the Okavango Delta, marvel at Victoria Falls, and indulge in Zanzibar's historic charm. A mosaic of safaris, scenery, and cultural treasures awaits to ...

  11. Viaggi in Namibia

    Viaggi di nozze in Namibia. Assistenza in italiano 24/7: Veratour sempre in linea con te. Vera Assistance, Vera Top e Vera Extra: la migliore assicurazione per il tuo viaggio in Namibia. Namibia, in viaggio con Veratour! Safari in Namibia, natura e paesaggi incantati: Namib, Etosha, Kalahari, Damaraland, Skeleton Coast.

  12. View All Namibia Tours

    Namibia Overland Adventures by length. 41 Days or more. 26 - 40 Day Namibia Tours. 15 - 25 Day Namibia Tours. 8 - 14 Day Namibia Tours. 1 - 7 Day Namib Tours.

  13. Viaggio in Namibia

    Guida di viaggio in Namibia. Un viaggio in Namibia è un'immersione totale in un luogo sconvolgente e indimenticabile: qua potrai trovare un'intimità con la natura e le sue creature che difficilmente troverai altrove. Tra la vastità dei deserti e quella dell'oceano, un tour della Namibia sarà un viaggio all'insegna delle emozioni forti.

  14. African Explorer

    Viaggi e safari in Africa dal 1972. Il Tour operator italiano specializzato in viaggi e safari in Africa da oltre 50 anni. African Explorer ha aperto la strada all'avventura in Africa da 50 anni . Oggi siamo i leader indiscussi nel settore dei viaggi e dei safari in Africa, offrendo una combinazione vincente di esclusività, comfort e ...

  15. Namibia Self-Drive Safari Tours

    Great mix of landscapes & wildlife. Private Self-Drive Trip. Highlights of Namibia and Botswana. Places Kalahari, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Etosha National Park, Zambezi Region, Chobe National Park, Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls. 21 Days. from 116,000 NAD person sharing a double room. See all tours.

  16. Namibia Self-Drive Tours & Itineraries

    Explore 22 self-drive trips and itineraries created by kimkim local specialists in Namibia. Namibia offers a chance to explore Southern Africa and see the Atlantic Ocean, dunes, and deep caves. Embark on the 14-day Namibia and Botswana safari road trip and witness varied landscapes as you drive past wildlife. If you only have eight days to spend in Namibia, try the "Africa for beginners" 8-day ...

  17. Safari Tours In Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

    One of the best tours of three countries, Namibia Botswana & Zimbabwe is great tour for people that love breathtaking landscape & wildlife of Africa. This tour can be booked as family adventure or you can simply join one of our last minute tours. Paradise for landscape & wildlife photography. This tour can be adapted & tailor made with mix ...

  18. Tour Guidati

    Lo "Spirito Guida" della Namibia. Italiano di nascita ma africano nel cuore. In Namibia dal lontano 2003, nel 2009 dà vita alla sua agenzia locale con l'intento di essere la vetrina virtuale in cui operatore e viaggiatore s'incontrano, in cui l'avventura prende forma tra le pagine del web fino a far diventare realtà il viaggio della tua vita.

  19. Discover Namibia: Namibia To Victoria Falls Tour

    Go on an epic 12-day adventure in Namibia that includes two days on the Zimbabwean side of Victoria Falls. 12 Days / 11 Nights. Notice of Right to Opt Out of Sale/Sharing ...

  20. Tour in Namibia di 12 giorni

    Il viaggio è programmato per piccoli gruppi - minimo 2 persone e massimo 16 - con una guida locale parlante italiano, sempre presente durante i giorni di viaggio.Il tour include diversi pasti, fotosafari, escursioni ed esperienze nelle località visitate. Dalla capitale Windhoek si raggiunge lo splendido Deserto Namib per poi proseguire verso la costa atlantica e la cittadina di Swakopmund.

  21. Namibia road trip

    A baby seal at the Cape Cross Seal Reserve, one of our favorite places on this Namibia road trip. Day 8. Spitzkoppe - Etosha National Park (Okaukuejo Campsite), 436 km/270 mi. Distance - 436 km/270 mi, tar/gravel road. Driving time - 4h40min.

  22. Best Namibia Tours & Holidays 2024/2025

    Namibia Tours & Holidays. Home to proud tribes steeped in tradition, herds of rare desert-dwelling elephants, wild horses and massive colonies of seals, Namibia showcases the very best of Africa's raw landscapes. From quaint German-inspired towns to uninhabitable deserts, bushland filled with wildlife and a rocky coastline littered with ...

  23. Meghan Markle Wears Two Quiet-Luxury Looks on Her Nigeria Tour

    Meghan began the tour wearing two quiet-luxury looks, featuring pieces from designers including Lanvin and Altuzarra. The couple first visited Lightway Academy in Abuja, Nigeria, for its inaugural ...