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occupational health & travel clinic isle of wight

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We offer a range of services, which we believe are of most value to the majority of our patients. If there are services that you would like to see introduced or have any suggestions as to how you think we might improve upon existing services please let us know here.

Providing the highest quality care that can be delivered within the limited available resources means we need your support and understanding too.

You can help by managing minor illnesses yourself (see Pharmacy First), by making sure you follow treatment instructions, and calling to cancel any appointments you don’t need/cannot attend in advance.

GP services (primary care) are commissioned / contracted each year

The different contracts are run by NHS England (South East Regional Team), the HIOW Integrated Care Board and the IW County Council. Priorities are set to meet national and local needs.  Co-ordination with GP Practices is organised into localities: Wight Primary Partnerships Ltd is in the Central and West Wight Primary Care Network

Health screening

Health screening is available by appointment with a member of the Nursing Team in our screening clinics. The Practice nursing team will check your blood pressure, cholesterol and urine and give diet, exercise and smoking advice.

Hearing aids and batteries

We have a limited amount of hearing aid batteries which can be provided to patients.  Please ask our Patient Advisors.


These are done by appointment with the Practice Nurse

Long term condition clinics

We offer various Nurse-led clinics for long term conditions such as Diabetes, Anti-Coagulation, Asthma & COPD.  All clinics are appointment based.

New patient clinics

When registering with the Practice all patients are offered a routine health check. This is a valuable opportunity to discuss health needs and for your past medical history to be reviewed. We are required to record ethnic origin.

Non-NHS examinations, letters and certificates

The Doctors are able to complete private medical insurance claim forms and private certificates and to carry out medical examinations for insurance, driving, employment and sport, at their discretion. These do not form part of their NHS work and therefore a fee is payable.

Pharmacy First

High street pharmacists are medicines experts and they can also give advice on common health problems which may save you a trip to your GP practice. The Pharmacy First scheme offers expert advice on:

·         Medicines

·         Bugs and viruses (Nasty coughs and colds and flu)

·         Aches and pains

·         Skin conditions and allergies

You don’t need an appointment to see a pharmacist, you can speak in private and many prescriptions are free when using this service.

If you need to see a GP they will refer you back to The Practice.

Phlebotomy (blood test) clinics

We offer a phlebotomy service to all our patients, by appointment only, at Brookside Health Centre. Our clinics operate every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and every other Wednesday. On arrival, please book in at reception, or by using our self check-in screen. You must only book an appointment for a blood test if you have been instructed to do so by a clinician.

Blood tests for Hospital Outpatient Clinics are available at the Pathology Department at St Mary’s Hospital in Newport. Please check with the department direct for current clinic times.

Isle of Wight phlebotomy arrangements

Asthma Clinic

The asthma clinic is open to all asthmatic patients. Your doctor may refer you, but you are also able to book your own appointments.  You can either book by telephone, in person, or via Patient Online Services.

The aim of the clinic is to help diagnose asthma, to educate patients about their asthma, and to provide monitoring and support. It is run by practice nurses, who have had special training in respiratory diseases. They will be able to help find the right medication to control symptoms and identify patients with poor control of their asthma. The nurses help patients self-manage their asthma and to improve the quality of life.

Antenatal and Postnatal Clinics

These are by appointment with the midwife.  You can pick up an information form to make your first booking online from Brookside Reception.

Travel vaccinations

AUGUST 2023 –  PLEASE NOTE – we are currently extremely busy with enquiries, and so advise that if your travel dates are before the end of 2023, and/or you are planning to visit more than one country, please call and attend the Travel Clinic at St Marys Hospital

Isle of Wight NHS Trust – Travel Clinic (iow.nhs.uk)

We offer advice on medication, vaccination and general health care to enable you to plan your holiday safely.  A holiday vaccination form is available from reception or click here to download. Where possible it is advisable to complete this two months prior to your departure date. This will give the nurse enough time to check your current immunisation status and the requirements for your destination and return the form to you so appointments can be made if needed. Some vaccinations need to be given at least four weeks in advance to ensure cover. The NHS does not cover the cost of all medication needed for overseas travel and there may be a charge.

Alternatively, these services are readily available at certain Pharmacies and Private Clinics – contact your local pharmacy for more information.

Before you travel, it’s important to find out whether you will need vaccinations for the country you’re visiting. The following websites will help you. • Travel Health • Fit for Travel • Masta  • Gov.uk for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card

The Practice holds travel vaccines clinics where our practice nurses can offer medical advice regarding travel and administer vaccinations where appropriate.

It is very important that you plan far enough ahead of your travel, and that you make an appointment for at least 8 weeks before your date of travel.  Before you book your appointment you will need to fill out a travel risk assessment form which you can pick up from reception or download from our website,  and return to the Practice once completed, at least one week before your appointment.

The practice is not able to offer travel vaccine support at short notice.


Yellow Fever and some other immunisations have to be done at a designated centre.  We are unable to provide these vaccines at the Practice.

Vaccines which we can administer at the Practice include Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio.

Vaccines which we cannot administer at the Practice include Yellow Fever, Rabies, Meningitis, Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis B.

Women's health clinics

Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55.

It can sometimes happen earlier naturally. Or for reasons such as surgery to remove the ovaries (oophorectomy) or the uterus (hysterectomy), cancer treatments like chemotherapy, or a genetic reason. Sometimes the reason is unknown.

Perimenopause is when you have symptoms before your periods have stopped. You reach menopause when you have not had a period for 12 months.

Menopause and perimenopause can cause symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, hot flushes and irregular periods. These symptoms can start years before your periods stop and carry on afterwards.

Menopause and perimenopause symptoms can have a big impact on your life, including relationships and work.

There are things you can do to help with symptoms. There are also medicines that can replace the missing hormones and help relieve your symptoms.

You can find out more about the menopause and perimenopause, symptoms and treatment here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/menopause/

If you think you have signs of the menopause or perimenopause, you can also contact your local surgery to discuss your options.

Miscarriage/Still born

When someone loses a baby whether as a result of miscarriage or still birth it is devastating for all those involved.

Counselling and bereavement services are available and it’s important to talk to someone about your experiences and get the help and support you need.

You can find information here from the charity Sands https://www.sands.org.uk

and the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance https://babyloss-awareness.org/support/

Osteoporosis/Bone health

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It develops slowly over several years and is often only diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes a bone to break (fracture).

It affects over 3 million people in the UK.

Losing bone is a normal part of ageing, but some people lose bone much faster than normal. This can lead to osteoporosis and an increased risk of broken bones.

Women also lose bone rapidly in the first few years after the menopause.  Women are more at risk of osteoporosis than men, particularly if the menopause begins early (before the age of 45) or they’ve had their ovaries removed.

Many other factors can also increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, including:

  • taking high-dose steroid tablets for more than 3 months
  • other medical conditions – such as inflammatory conditions, hormone-related conditions, or malabsorption problems
  • a family history of osteoporosis – particularly a hip fracture in a parent
  • long-term use of certain medicines that can affect bone strength or hormone levels, such as anti-oestrogen tablets that many women take after breast cancer
  • having or having had an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia
  • having a low body mass index
  • not exercising regularly
  • heavy drinking and smoking

If you’re at risk of developing osteoporosis, you should take steps to help keep your bones healthy. This may include:

  • taking regular exercise to keep your bones as strong as possible including weight-bearing exercises, where your feet and legs support your weight (like walking, running or dancing) and resistance exercises (for example, using weights)
  • healthy eating – including foods rich in calcium and vitamin D
  • taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D
  • making lifestyle changes – such as giving up smoking and reducing your alcohol consumption

You can read more about osteoporosis, prevention, causes, symptoms and treatment here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteoporosis/

You can also speak to the healthcare team at your local surgery if you have concerns about osteoporosis.

Heart health  

According to the British Heart Foundation, women are twice as likely to die of coronary heart disease – the main cause of a heart attack – as breast cancer in the UK.

As a woman your hormones might give you some protection from coronary heart disease in your pre-menopause years but post-menopause your risk rises and continues to rise as you get older and it is increasingly important to be aware of the risk factors.

  • High blood pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Being overweight
  • Not doing enough physical activity

Identifying and managing risks early on could help you lower your risk of a heart attack in the future.

Women over the age of 40 can visit their local GP or nurse for a health check to check their cardiovascular risk. If you’re aged 40–74 and living in England, you can ask for an NHS health check.

You can read more about preventing coronary heart disease here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronary-heart-disease/prevention/


Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb starts to grow in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Endometriosis can affect women of any age.

It’s a long-term condition that can have a significant impact on your life, but there are treatments that can help.

The symptoms of endometriosis can vary. Some women are badly affected, while others might not have any noticeable symptoms.

The main symptoms of endometriosis are:

  • pain in your lower tummy or back (pelvic pain) – usually worse during your period
  • period pain that stops you doing your normal activities
  • pain during or after sex
  • pain when peeing or pooing during your period
  • feeling sick, constipation, diarrhoea, or blood in your pee during your period
  • difficulty getting pregnant

You may also have heavy periods.   You might use lots of pads or tampons, or you may bleed through your clothes.

For some women, endometriosis can have a big impact on their life and may sometimes lead to feelings of depression.

There is currently no cure for endometriosis, however there are treatments that can help ease the symptoms.

Contact your local surgery if you think you have the symptoms of endometriosis.

You can read more about endometriosis here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/endometriosis/

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition, affecting one in every ten women in the UK, that affects how a woman’s ovaries work.

The 3 main features of PCOS are:

  • Irregular periods or no periods at all – which means your ovaries do not regularly release eggs (ovulation)
  • excess androgen – high levels of “male” hormones in your body, which may cause physical signs such as excess facial or body hair (usually on the face, chest, back and buttocks)
  • polycystic ovaries – your ovaries become enlarged and contain many fluid-filled sacs (follicles) that surround the eggs (but despite the name, you do not actually have cysts if you have PCOS)

If you have at least 2 of these features, you may be diagnosed with PCOS.

There is no cure for PCOS, however the symptoms can be treated.  Speak to your surgery if you think you may have the condition.

You can read more about this condition here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos/

HPV Vaccinations

Girls and boys aged 12 to 13 years (born after 1 September 2006) are offered the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as part of the NHS Vaccination programme.

The HPV vaccine helps protect against cancers caused by HPV, including:

  • cervical cancer
  • some mouth and throat (head and neck) cancers
  • some cancers of the anal and genital areas

It also helps protect against  genital warts .

In England, girls and boys aged 12 to 13 years are routinely offered the 1st HPV vaccination when they’re in school Year 8. The 2nd dose is offered 6 to 24 months after the 1st dose.

It’s important to have both doses of the vaccine to be properly protected.

If you’re eligible and miss the HPV vaccine offered in Year 8 at school, it’s available for free on the NHS up until your 25th birthday for:

  • girls born after 1 September 1991
  • boys born after 1 September 2006

You can find out more about HPV and how the vaccines work here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/hpv-human-papillomavirus-vaccine/

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 50, but younger women can also get breast cancer.

About 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. There’s a good chance of recovery if it’s detected at an early stage.

For this reason, it’s vital that women check their breasts regularly for any changes and always have any changes examined by a GP.

Breast cancer can have several symptoms, but the first noticeable symptom is usually a lump or area of thickened breast tissue.

Most breast lumps are not cancerous, but it’s always best to have them checked by a doctor.

You should also see a GP if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • discharge from either of your nipples, which may be streaked with blood
  • a lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • dimpling on the skin of your breasts
  • a rash on or around your nipple
  • a change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast

Breast pain is not usually a symptom of breast cancer.

Mammographic (breast) screening, where x-ray images of the breast are taken, is the most commonly available way of finding a change in your breast tissue (lesion) at an early stage.

As the risk of breast cancer increases with age, all women who are 50 to 70 years old are invited for breast cancer screening every three years.

Find out more about the symptoms, causes, diagnoses, prevention and treatment of breast cancer here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/breast-cancer/

Domestic or Emotional Abusive

If you are in a Domestic or Emotional Abusive situation we can help.  Please let us know and we can discreetly arrange contact with support organisations.

Children and Babies Immunisation Clinic

Clinics are held by the practice nurses. Appointments can be made via reception, Patient Online Services or by invitation.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinic

If you have emphysema, chronic bronchitis or chronic asthma, the specially trained nurses in the clinic can help you manage your symptoms and find the best treatment to cope with breathlessness, cough and wheeze.  They are able to do lung function tests to find out how much lung function has been lost and then direct your treatment at that level, to improve your quality of life.

Flu Vaccination Clinic

From September each year vaccinations to prevent flu are available for patients over the age of 65 and for those at any age who are at risk from chronic diseases. We will contact you to let you know about available flu clinics.

Flu clinics are also advertised on the practice website, and within the Practice.

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board / NHS England / IW County Council

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board Building A, The APEX St. Cross Business Park Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5XW

Tel: IOW 552 064 www.hantsiowhealthandcare.org.uk

NHS England South East Regional Team Oakley Road Southampton SO16 4GX

Tel: 023 80296914 www.nhs.uk/services

Isle of Wight County Council Customer Service Centre County Hall, High Street Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD

Tel: IOW 821 000 www.iwight.com

Diabetes Clinic

Most diabetics are cared for in the practice, rather than being referred to the hospital.  We hold weekly clinics for annual and general reviews run by our specially trained Practice Nurses.  We hold dedicated clinics to assess results and advise on medication, insulin initiation and changes, diet and lifestyle.  As part of the diabetic annual review, an appointment will be made to see the podiatrist, and a retinal screening appointment will be offered. We have close links to the diabetic service at St Mary’s Hospital and offer a combined service with some patients having shared care between ourselves and the hospital.  Patients are referred to the hospital service where necessary.

Leg Ulcer Clinic

The leg ulcer clinic mainly specialises in compression bandaging as a form of treatment for leg ulcers.  It is run by the practice nurses and is held weekly at Brookside Health Centre.  Initial assessment is undertaken to determine whether this form of treatment is suitable for individual patients.

It is very important that you comply with the advice, guidance, and requests of the nurses, to ensure that improvement in the health of your leg is achieved.

Well Leg Clinic

The well leg clinic aims to promote ‘healthy legs’ for those individuals who suffer from venous disease which may put them at risk of developing leg ulcers.  Follow-up care is offered to those individuals who have experienced leg ulcers in the past.  This is also provided by our practice nurses and is held weekly at the health centre.

Social Services

Our Social Prescriber can help you with Social Care Service contact and provision set up.

NHS Dental Service

Patients who need information about National Health Dental Services should telephone 111.  There are no dental services provided at Brookside Health Centre.

Community Nursing

The Community Nursing Team provide a nursing service to housebound patients only. The service they provide may include wound care, pressure area care, continence support, administration of injections and care of patients who are approaching the end of their lives.

The team are no longer based at the practice and contact for the team has now moved to St Mary’s Hospital, so please ring 01983 534323 to speak to a member of the administration team, or to leave a message.

Test Results

All patients need to telephone the practice to obtain information regarding test results, but you can also view them via Patient Online Services or on your NHS App.

Please allow at least a week after providing a sample for urine, smear or blood testing, before contacting us.

If we have received your results before you contact us, and the GP has any concerns we will contact you.

You can call us for test results information between 2pm and 4pm Monday to Friday. Please press option 3 for test results once your call is connected.

You can now undertake an online consultation with the Practice via the e-Consult section on our Practice Website.  You can tell us about your medical problem, request a repeat sick note and all other manner of things.  You can also find information to self-help, or find out what your local Pharmacist can help with, by accessing e-Consult.  More and more patients are finding and enjoying the benefits of accessing assistance via e-Consult, which is available 24 hours a day from the comfort of your own home.

Family Planning


Contraception aims to prevent pregnancy and contraceptive and contraception are free for most people in the UK.  This includes services for people aged under 16 provided they are mature enough to understand the information and the decisions involved.  There are strict guidelines though for professionals who work with people under 16.

There are currently 15 different contraception methods to choose from so you can choose which one will suit you best.

These include:

  • combined pill
  • condoms (female)
  • condoms (male)
  • contraceptive implant
  • contraceptive injection
  • contraceptive patch
  • intrauterine device (IUD)
  • intrauterine system (IUS)
  • natural family planning
  • progestogen-only pill
  • vaginal ring

There are also two permanent options involving female and male sterilisation.

You can get contraception for free from:

  • most GP surgeries (talk to your GP or practice nurse)
  • community contraception clinics
  • sexual health clinics (these offer contraceptive and STI testing services)
  • some young people’s services

You can read a helpful contraception guide here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/?tabname=getting-started

You can also find local sexual health services, including contraception clinics here https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/other-services/Sexual-health-information-and-support/LocationSearch/734   or call the national sexual health line on 0300 123 7123.

Emergency contraception

Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if the contraception you have used has failed – for example, a condom has split or you have missed a pill.

There are 2 types of emergency contraception:

  • the emergency contraceptive pill – Levonelle or ellaOne (the “morning after” pill)
  • the intrauterine device (IUD or coil)

You need to take the emergency contraceptive pill within 3 days (Levonelle) or 5 days (ellaOne) of unprotected sex for it to be effective – the sooner you take it, the more effective it’ll be.

The IUD can be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex, or up to 5 days after the earliest time you could have ovulated, for it to be effective.

You can find out more about emergency contraception, possible side effects and where to get it here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/emergency-contraception/

You can find out all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth, including a due date calculator and various elements of support on this handy NHS guide here https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/

We offer a weekly “Drop-In” Family Planning Clinic at Brookside, on Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm, with one of our Advanced Nurse Practitioner’s.

Sexual Health

You can find information and advice about sexual health, including contraception and sexually transmitted infections on the NHS website here https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/

You can also call your local sexual health clinic if you need help and advice.  You can find details of your local clinic here https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/sexual-health/find-a-sexual-health-clinic

We provide a sexual health service to patients which includes COIL fitting and removal, as well as implants. Please discuss an appointment with an ANP or GP.

Cervical screening is one of the best ways of protecting yourself from Cervical Cancer.

Cervical screening (a smear test) checks the health of your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your womb from your vagina. It is not a test for cancer, it is a test to help prevent cancer.

  • All women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 should go for regular cervical screening
  • You will be invited to an appointment by letter and it is important that you attend.
  • During the screening appointment, a small sample of cells will be taken from your cervix.
  • The sample is checked for certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause changes to the cells of your cervix. These are called “high risk” types of HPV.
  • If these types of HPV are not found, you do not need any further tests.
  • If these types of HPV are found, the sample is then checked for any changes in the cells of your cervix. These can then be treated before they get a chance to turn into cervical cancer.
  • You’ll get your results by letter, usually in about 2 weeks after your appointment.  It will explain what happens next.

Contact your GP surgery online or by phone if you think you are due to have cervical screening but have not been sent an invitation.

If you are worried about symptoms of cervical cancer such as:

  • bleeding between periods, during or after sex, or after you have been through the menopause
  • unusual vaginal discharge

Contact your surgery, do not wait for your next cervical screening appointment

You can find about more about cervical screening and watch a short video explaining the cervical screening procedure here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-screening/

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occupational health & travel clinic isle of wight

Occupational Health & Travel Clinic

Categories : NHS Clinics , Occupational Health Categories : NHS Clinics , Occupational Health

Address: Holly House, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle Of Wight, PO30 5TG

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Isle Talk IAPT

About this clinic.

  • Contact details and opening times
  • Departments and services
  • Patient ratings and reviews

Information supplied by Isle of Wight NHS Trust

Important information

Our services are currently extremely busy and we expect them to remain busy and under increased pressure during the strikes. We will only cancel appointments and procedures where it is necessary, if you aren’t contacted by us to rearrange, please still attend your appointment.

You can help by:

  • Only using our  Emergency Department  or  call 999  for life threatening injuries or illnesses
  • Collecting family and friends from hospital as soon as they are ready to be discharged to free up beds for those who need them
  • Support friends, family and neighbours with shopping and collecting prescriptions if needed
  • Only call 999 in the event of a life-threatening illness or injury
  • Visit NHS 111 online or call NHS 111 for heath advice, or contact your local pharmacist or GP.

For general information, visit our patients and visitors page .

Thank you for your continued support.

Current waiting times

  • Emergency Dept : 2 hours and 25 minutes
  • Emergency Dept (children) : 1 hour and 7 minutes
  • Urgent Treatment Centre : 44 minutes

Isle of Wight NHS Trust Logo


We aim to provide the best possible care for our patients by continually developing our services and remaining at the forefront of orthopaedic surgery. We aim to achieve this by continuous evaluation of our services. As a team we offer consultation and treatments for a variety of orthopaedic conditions.

All of our services are supported by our colleagues in the x-ray department, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. St Mary's has both a CT and MRI scanner.

Many of the consultants and rehabilitation staff within the department are invited nationally and internationally to teach at courses and conferences. The department is involved in the teaching of medical students and surgical trainees.

Surgeries are offered on an inpatient and day-case basis depending on the treatment being suggested.

Inpatient and day case procedures

Some procedures are often referred to as Day Cases, which means you will undergo your procedure and return home the same day. As a results of expert surgery and anaesthetics and highly skilled team of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, many of our patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery will not need to stay in hospital overnight and will be ready to go home the same day, for some patients this includes hip and knee replacements procedure. This will be discussed at your outpatient appointment with our clinical team.

The 2 wards we currently have open for Orthopaedics are called Alverstone and Luccombe. Alverstone is dedicated to planned surgery and is an MRSA free zone for the following procedures:

Associated services

We have a close working relationship with occupational therapists and physiotherapists. For some conditions and for some patients after having surgery, therapy forms a vital part of the treatment, in some cases we will recommend starting your exercises at home before you have surgery. This will be explained during your clinic appointments and your Patient Information booklets

Service specialisms

Each consultant surgeon and many other staff focus their expertise for a specific part of the body. Having such specialist skills means patient care is focused and specialised - allowing better care and treatment. Each patient we see is offered treatment for their condition by a consultant surgeon who is a specialist in that area.​

Knee surgery 

Conditions treated.

We have a wide experience in the treatment of knee conditions and have specialist experience in the following areas:

  • Treatment for Arthritis
  • Total and partial knee replacement
  • Ligament surgery
  • Cartilage surgery
  • Arthroscopy (keyhole) surgery to the knee
  • Revision total knee replacement

Patients requiring joint replacements or revisions will attend pre operative assessment and be provided with physiotherapy and occupational therapy information to prepare patients for their surgery and what to expect after the operation. St Mary's utilises a full enhanced recovery post operative regime for all major surgery which aims to get individuals recovered quicker, in some instances on the same day. If you wish to find information about a specific problem or operation you may find this in one of our patient information leaflets.

Hip surgery

We have a wide experience in the treatment of hip conditions and have specialist experience in the following areas:

  • Total hip replacement and revision of total hip replacements

Foot and ankle surgery

A small example of the conditions treated are:

  • Foot deformity
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Diabetic foot complications
  • Sports related injury
  • Other trauma

Hand and wrist surgery

The department has recognised expertise in the following areas and most hand surgery is done as day surgery. This means that the majority of patients will attend the hospital on the day of surgery have their operation and go home later that day.

  • Hand and wrist trauma
  • Nerve compression
  • Dupuytren's contracture
  • Degenerative conditions of the hand and wrist, including joint replacement
  • Tendinopathies

Shoulder and elbow surgery

We treat all conditions around the shoulder and elbow but have recognised expertise in the following areas:

  • Arthroscopic (keyhole) shoulder surgery
  • Shoulder joint replacement surgery
  • Instability around the shoulder and elbow
  • Rotator cuff disorders
  • Nerve injury/entrapment
  • Elbow and shoulder trauma

If you wish to find information about a specific problem or operation you may find this in one of our patient information leaflets.

Contact details

St Mary's Hospital Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5TG

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Continence Service - Isle of Wight

It is estimated that 14 million men, women, young people and children of all ages are living with bladder problems, roughly the equivalent size of the over 60 population in the UK. It is also estimated that 61% of men in the general population experience lower urinary tract symptoms ( LUTS ) and around 34% of women are living with urinary incontinence.

6.5 million Adults in the UK suffer with some form of bowel problem. 1 in 10 of the population are affected by faecal incontinence, with over half a million adults suffering from faecal incontinence, with a negative impact on their lives. It is likely that 0.5-1% of adults experience regular faecal incontinence that affects their quality of life.

Incontinence is a subject which many people find difficult to discuss or seek help for and often causes anxiety, loss of self-esteem and can be isolating. A lot can be done to help cure, treat or manage bladder and bowel problems and there is a much wider choice of treatments, products and management options available to people.

About the service

As well as providing care, support and advice to individuals, their families and carers the team have written guidelines and developed documentation to support patients and healthcare professionals.

Alison  Spearman , Continence Service Team Leader  said “We know many people are suffering in silence and not seeking help because they are either ashamed or embarrassed. A lot of older people believe it is an inevitable result of ageing, but it is not something you have to put up with just because of your age. We want people to be aware of us and the help we provide to manage the problem for people of all ages”.

A Urinary Catheter Passport has been written for people with long term catheters. The document will contain patient specific personal information, catheterisation history, change record, how the patient manages day to day, self-management advice and much more.

The purpose of the catheter passport is to improve communication across Trust Services and reduce catheter associated urinary tract infections. The Catheter passport has been developed to ensure people who are catheterised receive the optimum standard of care by improving communication between the hospital, community services, the ambulance service, out of hour’s service and the person”.

All patients with a long term catheter in situ should have been issued with one and all new patients will be supplied with one when they are first catheterised. Please contact your district nursing team or the healthcare professional providing your catheter care if you haven’t been issued with a passport.

The  Isle of Wight's  Continence Service aims to support and provide care, solutions and advice to those with needs; promoting and maintaining dignity at all times whilst enabling them to take an active role in society where possible. The  advisors  are all passionately committed to providing individualised holistic care for each service user.

The Continence service will also support hospital staff in meeting the needs of complex individuals whilst they are staying in hospital, such as those with spinal injuries.

Accessing the service

Please contact your GP who will be able to carry out preliminary tests before referring you onto the service.

Continence Advisors are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Continence Administrators are available Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Contact information

Telephone: 01983 552457  

Email address

[email protected]

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  1. Travel Health Clinic

    A comprehensive travel consultation with a specialist health medical professional costs just £25 per person and is deducted with any travel vaccine administered at the same time. Travel Consultation - £25 (per person) Cholera - £65.00 (2 doses) Hepatitis A - £60.00. Hepatitis A/B - £80.00*. Hepatitis A/Typhoid - £80.00.

  2. Brookside Health Centre

    Please complete form here at least 6 weeks prior to your travel date. SEPTEMBER 2024 - PLEASE NOTE - we are currently extremely busy with enquiries and are currently not offering travel consultations. Please contact Occupational health & Travel Clinic - 01983 534209 - Travel Health Clinic :: Isle of Wight NHS Trust (iow.nhs.uk)

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    The isle of Wight Community Respiratory Service is a Nurse and Allied Healthcare Professional led service covering the whole of the Isle of Wight. We work alongside hospital Doctors and GPs with the management and rehabilitation of patients with complex chronic lung disease such as: We also provide Teaching and specialist respiratory support ...

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    AUGUST 2023 - PLEASE NOTE - we are currently extremely busy with enquiries, and so advise that if your travel dates are before the end of 2023, and/or you are planning to visit more than one country, please call and attend the Travel Clinic at St Marys Hospital. Isle of Wight NHS Trust - Travel Clinic (iow.nhs.uk)

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    Find Occupational Health near Isle Of Wight on Yell. Get reviews, contact details, opening hours and search for other health services or treatments near you. ... Clinics Health And Safety Training Private Clinics First Aid Training Travel Vaccinations. Need Help? Occupational Health FAQ. View map View map. Filter results. Category

  6. Occupational therapy services

    St. Mary's Hospital, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG ... Occupational therapy services. Contact department. Phone. 01983 534007 More in St Mary's Hospital. Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection rating ... Information supplied by Isle of Wight NHS Trust. Support links. Home; Health A to Z; Live Well; Mental health; Care and ...

  7. Occupational Health & Travel Clinic

    Contact information for Occupational Health & Travel Clinic, Holly House, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle Of Wight, PO30 5TG ... Isle Of Wight, PO30 5TG. Landline: 01983 5... Landline: 01983 5... Message now. Report a problem with this listing . 0 Reviews Leave a review. Useful Tools. Get a fabulous new logo. Use our fabulous new logo builder ...

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    NHS Community Clinics are located across the Isle of Wight to provide local services. The Clinics provide office accommodation and clinical space for a variety of Community and Mental Health services. Patients are treated in a community setting often closer to their home which is more convenient and reduces the need to attend St Mary's ...

  9. Occupational Health

    A good Occupational Health service makes sound business sense and helps companies become more productive and save money. Being based at St Mary's Hospital we can service the needs of the Island population effectively and we have provided health and travel services to the NHS, businesses, and the general public for over 25 years.

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    The team provides health and social care to adults and is made up of both health and social care professionals. The team also provides an Adult ADHD Diagnostic service. The team is multidisciplinary and consists of the following professionals:-. Care Co-ordinator. Community Learning Disability Nursing. Hospital LD Liaison Nurse. Support workers.

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  14. Health surveillance :: Isle of Wight NHS Trust

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  16. Isle of Wight

    Accessing the service. Anyone aged 16 and over can access the service by calling: 01983 532860. You can also refer yourself to the Talking Therapies Service by completing this online Self-Referral Form. The service offer appointments via telephone, through an online video platform and face-to-face. Our opening hours are:

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  18. Health Visitors

    Topic 7 of Healthier Together with Dr Sanjay Patel. Periorbital Cellulitis (being treated with antibiotics) Non-tuberculous mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis. Recognising mastitis and c-section infection in women with brown skin. Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year of age. Home milk challenge to confirm cow's milk protein allergy.

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  23. Continence Service

    The Isle of Wight's Continence Service aims to support and provide care, solutions and advice to those with needs; promoting and maintaining dignity at all times whilst enabling them to take an active role in society where possible. The advisors are all passionately committed to providing individualised holistic care for each service user.