oil paint travel case

How To Travel With Oil Paints: A Practical Guide for Artists

How To Travel With Oil Paints?

Table of Contents

Traveling with oil paints can be an exciting but challenging endeavor, as the unique qualities of these art materials call for special considerations. Whether you are a professional artist attending a workshop or an art enthusiast planning the perfect plein air painting trip, it is essential to know the best practices for packing, transporting, and managing your oil paints safely and efficiently.

One of the first concerns when traveling with oil paints is ensuring the safety of your materials. This not only involves protecting your paintings from damage, but also taking necessary precautions to prevent the accidental spillage of potentially harmful components such as solvents and mediums. Proper packing techniques, as well as the use of containers designed specifically for oil paints, can help alleviate these concerns.

Moreover, understanding the rules and regulations around traveling with art supplies, especially by air, can save you a significant amount of time and effort. Familiarizing yourself with airport security protocols, as well as knowing any country-specific restrictions on oil paint components, will not only help you plan ahead but also prevent unpleasant surprises during your journey.

Understanding the Basics of Traveling with Oil Paints

Traveling with oil paints can be a bit of a challenge due to the nature of the materials involved. However, with some careful planning and a solid understanding of the regulations, you can safely transport your art supplies to your next painting destination.

When preparing to travel with oil paints, it’s essential to consider the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. These agencies oversee airline travel and have strict rules regarding the transport of flammable liquids.

Oil paints themselves are not considered flammable, as they are a blend of pigments and oils like linseed or vegetable oil. However, many of the mediums and solvents commonly used in oil painting, such as turpentine or mineral spirits, are flammable materials. Gamsol, a popular odorless mineral spirit, is an example of a solvent that cannot be packed in either checked or carry-on luggage due to its flammable nature.

To comply with TSA and FAA regulations, you can opt for water-soluble oil paints or bring only the oil paints and find suitable mediums and solvents at your destination. Alternatively, you can ship any flammable materials separately via ground transportation to avoid airline restrictions.

It’s also crucial to properly pack your oil paints and related materials. Place the paint tubes in a durable, sealable plastic bag to prevent potential leaks. If you’re flying, consider security screening requirements. Some colors can look suspicious on an X-ray scanner, and it’s best to store your art materials in a transparent bag for easy inspection.

Keep in mind the temperature variations that occur during travel, especially if you’re flying. Oil paints can be sensitive to extreme temperatures, which may cause them to become too thick or too thin. To preserve your paints’ quality, store them in temperature-controlled environments as much as possible.

In summary, traveling with oil paints involves being aware of relevant regulations and guidelines, properly packing your materials, and considering temperature fluctuations. With these tips in mind, you can confidently transport your oil painting supplies to your desired destination and continue creating beautiful artworks.

oil paint travel case

Packing Oil Paints for Travel

When traveling with oil paints, proper packing is essential. First and foremost,  check the flash point  of your oil paints, since some airlines consider them as hazardous and may have special regulations.

Pack your paints in a sturdy plastic case  or a small cardboard box. You can use  bubble wrap  or other cushioning materials to prevent any damage to the containers. Make sure the lids of the paint tubes are tightly closed, and place them individually in  plastic bags  to prevent any leaks from spreading.

For brushes and palette knives,  wrap them in protective covers  before packing them alongside your paints . This helps to keep the bristles and blades safe during travel.

When it comes to your canvas, consider using a  travel-sized canvas  or one that can be easily folded. If you’re attending a workshop or staying in a hotel, you can always buy a canvas at your destination.

For your SDS (Safety Data Sheet) or MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), be sure to have a copy in both your  checked luggage and carry-on bag . This provides important safety information for airport security, allowing them to know the contents of your paint tubes are safe for travel.

As for the luggage itself, always check airline regulations on carrying liquids and hazardous materials. Some airlines may require you to pack your oil paints in your  checked baggage , while others might allow you to have them in your carry-on. Make sure to  label your packaging clearly  with your personal information and any relevant details regarding the oil paints.

In conclusion, packing your oil paints securely for travel requires attention to detail and compliance with airline safety regulations. By following these tips, you’ll be able to paint wherever life takes you, without any hassle or concerns.

Choosing the Right Materials for Travel

When traveling with oil paints, selecting the appropriate materials is critical to ensure a smooth and enjoyable painting experience. The first step is choosing your colors and pigments. Focus on selecting a versatile and compact palette that includes a range of primary colors, as well as some earth tones and secondary colors. This will allow you to mix a broad spectrum of hues without overpacking.

Selecting lightweight brushes is also crucial for travel. Ensure that the brushes have good quality bristles that can withstand the rigors of being transported. A mix of different brush shapes and sizes will provide flexibility when painting. Additionally, consider investing in a travel brush holder to protect their bristles during transit.

Palette knives are another essential tool for mixing and applying paint. Opt for lightweight, easy-to-clean knives with comfortable handles. Stainless steel or plastic knives are suitable options due to their durability and reduced weight.

As for the painting surface, a lightweight canvas is ideal for portability and effectiveness. Pre-stretched canvases or canvas panels are excellent choices for travel purposes, as they take up limited space and are ready for immediate use. Alternatively, you can bring a roll of unstretched canvas and cut it to size when needed, making it an even more compact and lightweight option.

Using vegetable oil as a painting medium can be an effective and convenient alternative to traditional oils when traveling. This is because vegetable oil has a low toxicity level and can be easily obtained in most locations, making it a safer and more accessible choice for artists on the go.

In conclusion, planning the right materials for your oil painting adventures includes prioritizing lightweight, durable, and versatile options such as a compact color palette, quality brushes, palette knives, a portable canvas, and vegetable oil.

oil paint travel case

Managing Carry-On and Checked Luggage

Traveling with oil paints can be daunting, but with proper planning and packing techniques, you can have a stress-free experience. The key is to be mindful of both your carry-on and checked luggage limitations while prioritizing the safety of your art supplies.

Carry-On Baggage  Your carry-on bag is the best place to pack your essential oil painting supplies, such as brushes, palette knives, and smaller tubes of paint. This allows for easier access during your journey and ensures they are in your possession at all times. It’s important to note that most airlines have a carry-on liquid allowance of 3.4 ounces (100ml) or less per container, and oil paints fall under this category. Be sure to check your specific airline’s guidelines before packing these items in your carry-on luggage. To avoid potential leaks, place tubes of paint in sealed plastic bags or plastic containers with screw-top lids.

Checked Baggage  Larger items like canvases, easels, and bulkier oil painting supplies should be packed in your checked luggage. For added protection, wrap your canvases in bubble wrap or foam sheets, ensuring that the surface remains free from damage during the baggage handling process.

To pack tubes of paint, follow these steps:

  • Place each individual tube of paint in a separate plastic bag.
  • Organize tubes by color and size.
  • Pack tubes in a sturdy plastic or metal container to prevent crushing.
  • Place the container in the middle of your suitcase, surrounded by cushioning materials like clothing or bubble wrap.

Remember, some countries have restrictions on importing certain art supplies, including oil paints. Make sure to research your destination’s regulations to avoid potential issues at customs. By effectively managing your carry-on and checked luggage, you can confidently transport your oil painting supplies and make the most of your artistic journey.

Transporting Oil Paints by Ground Transportation

Travelling with oil paints can seem challenging, especially considering temperature fluctuations and various regulations for different modes of ground transportation. However, with proper planning and preparation, moving your oil paints can be hassle-free and safe.

To begin with, always store and transport oil paints in a well-protected container, such as a durable plastic or metal box. Make sure the container can be tightly closed to prevent any leakage. It’s essential to pack the paints securely and add cushioning materials, like bubble-wrap or foam, to avoid damage during transit.

When choosing a method of ground transportation, options include personal vehicles, buses, trains, and even shipping via courier. Each mode has its unique requirements and considerations. For example, in a personal vehicle, you have greater control over temperature and storage but need to take extra precautions regarding the paints’ placement in the car to avoid potential hazards.

While travelling on buses and trains, inform the carrier about your oil paints. It ensures proper storage and adherence to their specific guidelines. Also, always carry a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for your oil paints and have a clear understanding of their hazardous properties.

Temperature control is a critical factor when transporting oil paints. Be mindful of the location inside the vehicle and avoid direct sunlight or extreme temperature fluctuations. Ideally, store the paints in the vehicle’s air-conditioned or temperature-controlled compartment to maintain air circulation and consistent temperature conditions.

In summary, to transport oil paints by ground transportation effectively, select a well-protected container, plan your mode of transport, adhere to carrier guidelines, and ensure proper temperature control. By considering these suggestions, you can move your oil paints safely and efficiently.

Oil painting materials

Final Precautions and Considerations

When traveling with oil paints, it’s important to take some final precautions to ensure the safety and security of your art supplies. First and foremost, make sure to pack your oil paints in a  zip-lock bag . This will prevent any potential leaks or spills, as well as keep your luggage organized.

It’s essential to consider the  hazardous  nature of oil paints while traveling. Some oil paints may have a low  flash point , making them more flammable. To find information about the specific oil paints you are using, look up their  Safety Data Sheet (SDS) , also known as  Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) . This document provides crucial information about the paint’s chemical composition, flash point, and other safety concerns.

When packing your oil paints, use  bubble wrap  to provide extra cushion and protection against damage. Keep in mind that some locations have specific regulations regarding bringing art supplies, so make sure to research the rules for your destination. This will help you avoid any complications with security or customs.

In addition to these precautions, it’s crucial to consider the  location  where you’ll be painting. Make sure to choose a well-ventilated area, away from open flames and heat sources. This will reduce the risk of accidents while working with potentially flammable materials.

By following these safety-minded tips, you can travel confidently with your oil paints and enjoy painting without worry, no matter where your artistic journey takes you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to pack oil paints for air travel.

To pack oil paints for air travel, place them in a clear, sealable plastic bag to avoid leakage. You can also use bubble wrap or padded envelopes to protect the paint tubes from damage. Keep them in your checked luggage to avoid any restrictions on carrying them in your carry-on.

Are there any restrictions on taking oil paints on an airplane?

Yes, there are restrictions on taking oil paints on an airplane. Typically, you can bring a limited quantity of non-flammable oil paints in your checked baggage, but check with your airline for their specific guidelines. It is not recommended to carry oil paints in your carry-on due to their potential flammability.

How can I safely transport oil painting mediums during travel?

To transport oil painting mediums, use small, leak-proof containers or purchase travel-sized versions of your preferred mediums. Place them in a sealable plastic bag and pack them with your oil paints in your checked luggage.

What precautions should be taken for traveling with wet oil paintings?

When traveling with wet oil paintings, first place a sheet of wax or parchment paper over the surface to prevent smudging. Then, use a specially designed wet painting carrier or construct a cardboard box with foam padding to separate the artwork from other items in your luggage.

How do I protect my oil painting supplies while traveling?

To protect your oil painting supplies, use durable storage containers or padded art supply bags. Wrap brushes in cloth or place them in protective tubes, and secure any containers of mediums, solvents, or varnishes to prevent leakage.

Can I bring oil painting solvents on a plane?

No, you cannot bring oil painting solvents on a plane, as they are considered hazardous materials. It is best to purchase these items at your destination or use alternative, non-hazardous solvents like odorless mineral spirits that comply with airline regulations.

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Articles » Travel » How to Pack your Oil Paints for Airline Travel

How to Pack your Oil Paints for Airline Travel

  • Last Updated: August 24, 2019
  • Written by: Elisabeth Larson Koehler

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how to pack oil paints for airline travel

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Doing airline travel with oil paints requires a little extra thought when it comes to packing. I travel with paints, brushes and a french easel fairly frequently. There are certain criteria that you will need to follow before you take off. I will go through them with you so you can be sure that you will not have any problem traveling with your paint supplies!

how to pack oil paints for travel

What to pack where?

When packing you want to be sure to put your brushes, paints, and palette knives in your checked baggage NOT your carryon. Packing your paints in your checked luggage is obvious of course because of the liquid element. Keeping your palette knife in your checked baggage will ensure that it wont get confiscated by security in thinking that it might be a weapon. Having anything that is splattered with paint sometimes raises suspicions so it is best to steer clear of anything disagreeable with the airport security and keep your brushes in your checked luggage.

How to pack your oil paints for travel

Be sure to securely pack your paint tubes in a couple plastic bags in the event that one might explode in your luggage – this would at least confine the paint to the bag instead of it getting all over your suitcase. this unfortunate incident happened to me once with a can of lead white – it was not so fun getting lead white over everything!

How to pack your Easel

You can either pack your easel or carry it on the airplane with you. If you have a cover for your easel it will be fine for you to carry on, otherwise it might be best for you to pack it as well in your checked luggage.

how to pack your oil paints for airline travel

My french easel has paint marks all over it and once took it as a carry on without a cover and would rather never do so again as it led the security personnel to investigate all of my supplies. They wanted to throw everything away because they thought that oil paint is hazardous – thankfully the ordeal was cleared when their manager assured them that the paint was not hazardous. That all to say, it is best to avoid running into any potential problems if possible to avoid any extra stress for yourself. At least feeling threatened about ALL of my paint getting thrown out was very stressful for me!

Dealing with Oil Paint and Airport Security

In the event that you are asked about tubed oil colors be prepared to state the following: Artists’ oil colors are not hazardous since they do not contain solvents. If you are asked further about them be careful to never use the word ‘oil paint’ or even ‘paints’. Instead say that they are artists colors in vegetable oil.

how to pack your oil paints for airline travel

Traveling with lead white paint can also make airport security question as it will come up as black on an x ray scan since lead is impenetrable to x-rays. Here too simply state that it is lead based white artists’ color in vegetable oil.

If you Wish to be Extra Cautious

In most cases you can find a materials safety data sheet (MSDS) from all materials manufacturers on their website. All art material manufacturers will upon request provide a material safety data sheet (MSDS) on their products. You can use this sheet to present to airport security if necessary. If there is no such data sheet on your paint manufacturers website then they will provide one for you upon request.

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Hello! I'm Elisabeth Larson Koehler

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4 thoughts on “how to pack your oil paints for airline travel”.

' src=

Thank you for all the useful information about traveling with paint and other supplies. I was just about to leave for a plein air experience in southern France when the pandemic hit and everything was cancelled. I would have made a lot of mistakes with traveling so now I know better. I have one of the French easels and I find it really a nuisance to set up and take down. I do like the idea of buying canvas and rolling it in a tube. Can you roll up acrylic paintings the same way?

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Good to hear from you Louise! Am glad to hear that this was helpful! Yes, I also am a little bit frustrated with French Easels more for the reason that they can be quite heavy and tiring to carry around for longer distances. Glad that you like the idea of rolling up canvas in a tube – it makes everything much easier. And yes thankfully – acrylic paintings can also be rolled up in a tube in the same way 🙂

Pingback: How to Pack Paint Brushes for travel - Art Studio Life

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Very helpful! Thank you!

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Tangible Day

Our Miniature Hobby Lifestyle

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter

A paint carry case allows you to transport your painting supplies with ease, so you can paint miniatures anywhere! Whether you’re a dedicated painter or just starting out, there are plenty of great paint carry cases available to suit any budget.

In this article, I’ll show you how I found my ideal painting case for traveling to conventions, or simply to organize and store my stuff without worrying about where everything is located.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying  case - vertical feature image

In a Hurry? Check Out the Editor’s Top 3 Paint Carry Cases 🏆

  • Make Up Train Organizer Case (Most Versatile)
  • ArtBin Bottle Storage Portable Carrying Case (Quick and Easy)
  • Citadel or Vallejo Style Paint Storage and Carry Case (Bespoke, Custom)

Read on to learn more about some of the challenges of taking your hobby paints with you, how to overcome those issues; and importantly, the features, and pros and cons of each of the top 10 recommended paint carry cases.

Paint Carry Case or Portable Workstation? Yes, There’s a Difference!

Paint carry cases and portable miniature painting workstations are both great for taking your art and painting supplies with you, but there are some key differences between the two.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - foam case photo

A paint carry case is typically a “case or box” that is designed to hold paints and a few brushes or tools for ease of transport. These cases are usually lightweight and compact so they can be easily carried around from place to place. They also tend to be very affordable, and great for the budget conscious.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - painted miniature under cool directional lighting

On the other hand, a portable miniature painting workstation is much more than just a way to store and transport your supplies. Certainly, there’s overlap between a portable paint station and a carry case.

But you’ll find that a portable hobby workstation usually has more capacity for hobby things; and likely consists of several extra components. The Frontier Wargaming Case is an example.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - frontier wargaming case 2.0 from Tangible Day

These may include actual table-top work surfaces, e.g., cutting mat, dedicated storage modules, e.g., drawers, shelves, and sliding compartments, even built-in light fixtures, and an overall sturdier construction that allows you to properly unpack and set up your miniature painting workspace wherever you go.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - wargaming hobby paint case for travel and storage

This makes a portable hobby workstation ideal for longer trips or the hobbyist who want to be serious about their work wherever they are. If you’re looking for a dedicated, travel-ready “hobby workstation” check out this article . Otherwise, learn more about the my suggestions for useful paint carry cases for the minimalist hobbyist on the go.

Hobby Teleportation: A Paint Carrying Case is Sentiment on-the-go

If you’ve been in a hobby for long enough, then you may have discovered something. The activity itself has become a part of your identity. You might have a favorite brand, type of brush or color palette. You are connected to your hobby at a personal level.

When you leave your workspace, or find yourself in a situation where painting miniature figures would be convenient, you feel antsy, agitated. Being near a hobby desk may be comforting to you (not all of you).

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - hobby work area messy and productive

But I know that for an artist, a miniature painter, the activity of working on something exciting, inspiring, is soothing in a way that’s hard to describe. There’s a comfort, an almost instant gratification of seeing your work come to life.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - hobby paint desk

But, it’s not just any hobby or painting supplies that will do the trick. You need the stuff you’re familiar with. That’s where the paint carrying cases or boxes come into play.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - close up warhammer 40k imperial fist space marine

The challenge? Finding a case that meets all of your needs while still being affordable and easy to transport. Fortunately, you have a wide selection of options available, each offering features and benefits which will help make it easier for you to transport your gear.

Must-Know Bottle Types for Hobby Paints and Art Media

When you’re shopping for a case to take your paints and other supplies with you, it’s a good idea to know what will fit. Do you know the dimensions of the bottles, pots, and other doodads you’re planning to travel with?

Here is a chart listing the key dimensions for popular brands of hobby paint mediums.

The types of bottles and pots you’ll find on the market today fit into one of four categories.

  • Dropper style bottles (e.g., Vallejo, Army Painter Paints)
  • Flip Top Pots (e.g. Citadel/Games Workshop, Privateer Press P3, Badger)
  • Paint Tubes (e.g., Scale 75, Oil Paint brands)
  • Other Types of Bottles (e.g., Kimera Paints, Pro Acryl )

Depending on the type of paints you’re going to travel with, you may want to choose a case that can accommodate them easily. In other words, you want them to fit!

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Army Painter Speed Paint set dropper bottles on shelf

For example, Vallejo dropper bottles may fit well in a MDF cut shelf or compartment, but jostle around in a box designed for larger diameter Citadel flip top pots.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Colorful Pro Acryl Paint Basic Set colors

For those with a mix of different bottle and pot styles, you may need a more flexible, modular, or versatile solution. This could be a typical “tool box” type art box, such as the Pro ArtBin (which lacks compartmentalization, and precludes any sense of good organization) or a “pluck foam” hard paint case, like the Casematix hardcase .

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Citadel paint pots on a wood shelf

What About Paint Tubes?

Hobby paints and media in tubes, i.e., the toothpaste approach, are the most cumbersome design and I have no idea why any company would go this route for dispensing paint. Though, I think this is because thicker viscosity paint is easier to package and use when they are in tubes.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - abteilung 502 oil paint on paper palette

Suffice it to say, oil paints and acrylics such as those from Scalecolour, use tubes which fit in the same category. You’ll need something either pretty specialized, or as above, use a toolbox style container.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - painted necron on a painting handle

If you’re like me most of the time and just want a do-it-all paint carry case, I highly recommend that you look at a cosmetic train cases . See more about this below.

Cosmetic makeup train cases come in a variety of sizes and configurations, are highly organized, some are waterproof, and more importantly, look absolutely professional!

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Makeup train case black aluminum shell and handle, professional aesthetic

Some have wheels you can roll around (if you’re really taking your hobby stuff with you). They also tend to fit under the seat of airplanes, overhead storage bins on public transport, and carry well usually with a shoulder strap or durable handle.

What Should You Put in a Paint Case?

A quick note about what I tend to suggest people bring with them on the go when traveling with their miniature painting hobby, scale model project, whatever.

First off, bring paints! This may sound obvious but choosing a paint case is also about what type of paints you plan on traveling with. As above, some paints are easier to transport than others.

Here’s the breakdown from my vantage point. Vallejo Model Color and Game Color (Air version or not) are great for airbrushing and come in dropper bottles. These are usually easier to travel with (vs. the Citadel/Games Workshop/Privateer Press pots).

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - spilled citadel paint pot

This is because flip tops can leak if not sealed tightly. On an airplane, for example, the change in air pressure can force open the lids of paint pots, which are simply friction- or snapped-closed.

Next, I suggest having at least one form of cleaning solvent with you. Simple Green, Windex, glass cleaner, rubbing alcohol, etc. are all great ways to clean your brushes in a pinch. For those of us who use oil paints and media like me, bringing some mineral spirits can make all the difference.

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Army Painter portable wet palette

I also suggest bring some form of easy to clean palette so you can mix paints on the go. For those who use wet palettes, where are some great wet palette options to choose from . A small container of water for brush cleaning is highly recommended as well.

Paint brushes? Tools?

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - paint brushes for miniatures and scale modeling

Finally, be sure to bring your favorite brush. Here’s the brush I use most for 90% of my miniature painting work nowadays. You shouldn’t need too many brushes…though it all depends on what you’re planning to do with your hobby when you’re away from home.

Top 10 Recommended Miniature Painting Carrying Cases for Traveling and Storage

There are pros and cons to every carry case or box for taking your miniature painting hobby with you. You’re balancing the size, weight, and capacity. And, if you know anything about traveling, e.g., car, bus, train, plane, your stuff needs to take a beating, so whatever you’re using should be durable and secure.

The entire community of hobbyists has debated the best way to take their hobby with them. At this point, I’ve tried a lot of ways to move my art supplies with me, and learned a few things a long the way (and wasted quite a bit of money). Hopefully, I can impart some of this insight for you here.

Here are 10 hobby paint carrying cases I would suggest you take a closer look at depending on your needs, aesthetic tastes, and particular collection of hobby paints, brushes, and supplies.

  • Makeup Train Organizer Case
  • ArtBin Bottle Storage Super Satchel, Portable Carrying Case
  • Miniature Paint Carrying Case for Ink and Paints
  • Vallejo Hobby Range Carry Case
  • Citadel Style Paint Storage and Carry Case
  • Hard Shell Paint Travel Case
  • Vallejo or Army Painter Storage and Paint Carry Case
  • ArtBin Sidekick Storage Bin
  • Pro Art Plastic Boxes
  • Tool Box with Tray

See below for more details and a review of each paint carry case for your hobby and art supplies!

1. Makeup Train Organizer Case

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case -  Makeup Train Organizer Case

The Makeup Train Organizer Case is one of my favorite choices for taking paints and hobby supplies with me. There is a problem with it that I’ll mention in a moment.

Most cosmetic train cases are incredibly durable and constructed with durable materials. In this case, the organizer case shown here is formed with an aluminum frame and siding. It’ll protect your hobby contents from bumps, scrapes, and drops. Of course, there’s a limit to all of this. The Makeup Train Organizer Case is somewhat heavy and could be cumbersome to carry because of its size.

On the other hand, this case has an extendable cantilever 6-tiers tray structure which opens up and out. This gives you visible direct access to your most commonly used paints, hobby instruments, and brushes. The storage compartment on the bottom of the case is spacious for your other hobby supplies. You can fit entire spray paint cans, for example, in that roomy bottom space. Things like varnishes and primer aerosols will tuck in nicely.

For carrying convenience, the handle has a non-slip texture for easy transport. There’s a stain-proof plastic film on both trays and the bottom compartment to protect from spills and scratches to items. You can add foam trays (purchased separately) if you also want to transport miniatures in the case, too. Finally, the entire case locks with a key for privacy and security. While I would never leave my hobby stuff along for long in a public space, it’s a nice option for peace of mind.

The Makeup Train Organizer Case is not only highly functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Take a closer look!

  • Durable and protective construction with aluminum frame and siding for extra durability and protection
  • Unique design featuring an extendable cantilever 6-tiers tray structure along with a spacious bottom ensures roomy space for painting supplies
  • Soft non-slip handle for easy portability, locks securely with a key for added privacy and security when traveling
  • Aesthetically, it looks cool (depending on the model)
  • Somewhat heavy (>4.5 lbs or 2kg) and cumbersome
  • Draws attention

2. ArtBin Bottle Storage Portable Carrying Case

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Artbin Paint bottle storage portable carrying case

The ArtBin Dropper Bottle Storage Carrying Case is a great paint carry case for miniature painters. It will fit any of the dropper style bottles from popular hobby brands like Vallejo Model Air or Game Color, Army Painter, and Reaper Master Series paints.

With pre-fit plastic trays, it will help you organize, store, and display 0.5oz bottles of ink, paint, or other similar sized screw cap bottles of art media. Specifically, the included trays hold up to 32 individual bottles each, and are designed to store the bottles upside down for easy flow of paints, allowing users to easily and quickly identify their bottles.

When you’re ready to work, simply pull put the trays, lift the stands for displaying your colors, and get to painting. I found this works best when you need to see the color of your paints without reading their labels.

The carrying case is made from durable and easy-to-clean plastic that can withstand wear and tear. It’s the same stuff you might find on those impervious pencil cases you used in school. In addition, the 2 snap-tight closures ensure contents stay secure during transportation and the sturdy plastic handle makes it easy to carry around. This product measures 15.25 x 14 x 3.5 inches and comes with two trays (64 bottle capacity total).

  • Organized storage for dropper bottles of ink and paint
  • Two tray design with slots to store 32 individual bottles per tray
  • Durable and easy-to-wipe plastic to withstand wear and tear
  • Portable container with 2 snap-tight closures to keep contents secure when carrying
  • Sturdy plastic handle for easy transport and measures 15.25 x 14 x 3.5 inches
  • Only designed to store dropper bottles, e.g., Vallejo, Reaper Paints
  • A small bottom space for thin, narrow paint brushes and tools, but that’s it

3. Miniature Paint Carrying Case for Ink and Paints

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - miniature paint carrying case

The Miniature Paint Carrying Case for Ink and Paints is a bit more versatile that the ArtBin Bottle Storage Portable Carrying Case (shown in #2 ), but not by much. It’ll hold a wider range of bottles and pots in a foam tray that lets you squeeze slightly larger, oddly shaped bottles. Generally, you should be able to fit up to 60 bottles of typical 15-17ml sized dropper bottles, e.g., Army Painter type paints, making it a great choice of the hobbyist who use these colors.

The foam and zipper case combination makes it lightweight and compact. Its size makes it perfect for travel as it has a handle for easy carry and is small enough to fit into a larger bag or box. I’ll note that from my perspective that this case is a step-above from DIY options. Grab foam egg trays and put that in a similar type of suitcase or zipper case and you may have something similar for much less cost.

Nonetheless, this is a cool looking, functional way to take your hobby paint colors in a stealthy, durable, and compact package. This paint carrying case is uses the stiffer EVA foam for inserts within a zipper enclosure. The interior is lined with soft velvet material to keep your paints from bouncing around while traveling.

The textured exterior can withstand wear and tear. Exterior measurements are about 14″x9″x3″, while the interior foam insert tray has 60 1″ inch wide holes to keep paints in their place. As mentioned, you can get slightly larger bottles to squeeze in and hold. You’re mostly limited by the height of the bottles (no more than 2.8-3″ tall).

  • Hold up to 60 bottles of typical sized dropper bottles
  • Lightweight and compact design with a carry handle
  • Durable and wear-resistant exterior
  • Fit into larger bags or cases
  • No room for paint brushes or other hobby tools
  • Stealthy design for inconspicuous portability
  • Possibly cheaper alternatives if you’re creative

4. Vallejo Hobby Range Carry Case

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case -  Vallejo hobby range carry case

If you already have a collection of Vallejo hobby paints, or similar style of bottles, then take a closer look at the Vallejo Hobby Range Carry Case . While company branded, it can carry any dropper bottle with similar dimensions as those of the Vallejo paint line.

Specifically, this plastic carry case has 72 spaces for 17 ml (or 0.6 oz) bottles. For obvious reasons, the packaging does not include any paint. It’s just the carrying case.

There’s not much else to say, except that it works well. It keeps paints organized and safe during travel or storage. It is lightweight yet strong enough to protect the contents inside from getting knocked about, spilling, etc. Plus, it comes with a handle so you can easily take it on the go.

  • Lightweight and durable plastic construction
  • Portable with handle for easy carrying
  • 72 spaces for 17 ml bottles
  • A perfect pairing with dropper bottles (especially for Vallejo fans)
  • Exclusive to hobby paint dropper bottles
  • It’s expensive

5. Citadel Style Paint Storage and Carry Case

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - bespoke custom citadel paint pot case for travel

This is a bespoke paint carry case designed specifically for Citadel paint pots from Games Workshop. This case is designed specifically for 0.6 fl oz (17ml) pots, and will not fit the taller, larger 0.8 fl oz (24ml) pots will not fit. If you have the larger GW paint pots, then it would be possible to transfer your paints to the smaller containers for this carrying case.

Note that this is a custom made-to-order case, so read vendor’s description carefully before ordering. I’m checked this case out before and there are quite a few features you may want to know about. Its a product that crosses into the portal workstation territory, given the different modules it contains. Take a closer look for the different ways you can customize this carrying case for your paints and other hobby things.

Overall, this storage and carry case provides miniature painters with great portability and convenience while keeping their paints secure and organized.

  • Made specifically for Citadel paint pots with flip up lids
  • Room for tools, brushes and many other tools
  • Customizable with several modules
  • Comes with adjustable dividers to fit your specific needs
  • Strong box exterior, perfect for transporting hobby supplies
  • Not compatible with taller 0.8 fl oz pots
  • It’s going to be heavy fully-loaded
  • The wooden suitcase aesthetic is not for everyone

6. Hard Shell Paint Travel Case

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - hardshell paint travel case

I’m not 100% sure how important a hard case paint travel case is to you. But if you’re looking for something that resembles the popular Pelican hard cases for taking your paints with you when you travel, then the Casematix hardshell paint travel case may be it. The Casematix Hard Shell Paint Travel Case offers a overkill (imho) solution for miniature painters who need a reliable way to store and transport their supplies.

This case has a hard shell exterior, making it perfect for safeguarding against damage from knocks or bumps, as well as offering waterproof, spill-proof and leak-proof construction to protect the paint bottles inside. Inside the case is a soft, shock absorbing foam interior with customizable pluck foam interior so you can customize how you store your paints.

Note that this will allow you to store and travel with paint bottles and pots of almost any size and shape. Even taller bottles of Badger or P3 paints will fit easily in this case. Because the top lid presses down, you also won’t need to worry about lids flipping open while in transit.

Plus, with two sets of padlock rings on the outside, you can feel extra secure about traveling with your supplies. All in all, this is an excellent choice for miniature painters looking for top-notch protection and convenience.

  • Hardshell plastic case with impact resistant exterior
  • Waterproof, spill-proof and leak-proof construction
  • Soft, shock absorbing foam interior with customizable compartments
  • Two sets of padlock rings on the outside for added security
  • Compression design will prevent flip-top lids from opening accidentally
  • Will fit a variety of paint sizes; customizable foam interior tray
  • Limited capacity (depending on the size of bottles, pots, and how you organize them in the foam)

7. Vallejo or Army Painter Storage and Paint Carry Case

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Vallejo Army Painter storage and paint carry case

This is similar to the paint carrying case shown in #5 , except this miniature paint case will hold Vallejo, Reaper Style, or Army Painter dropper bottles.

Other details you should know about this carrying case include an insert made of 1/8″ tempered hardboard, which has a dark brown color and is perfect for direct paint application. While not an ideal solution as compared with a porcelain glazed palette, you can use this hardboard surface as a dry palette for mixing acrylic colors.

This hobby art-friendly box measures 13″x16.5″x4.5″ and is ideal for securely storing paint bottles with a diameter of around one inch and up to three inches long. The Reaper Master Series dropper bottles that I tested here fit well, and I do prefer this kind of system over the rugged foam cut inserts some of the other cases use.

While some of you artists may be concerned with the durability of wood, or laser cut press board materials, which could warp, the case is a classic solid wood material, e.g., birch, that that can handle the rigors of travel. Note that orders for this case include options for custom graphics or keeping the simple stock exterior. A good tip for those with questions is to inquire directly with the vendor before ordering this carrying case.

  • Made specifically for Vallejo dropper style bottles
  • Good storage and organization for other hobby tools and brushes
  • Customizable with several module options
  • Design modularity
  • Stylish, strong suite case like construction
  • Not designed for Citadel style paint pots
  • Heavy fully-loaded
  • Locking clasp is simplistic

8. ArtBin Sidekick Storage Bin

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Artbin Sidekick Storage Bin review

When you are searching for an effortless storage solution to keep your miniature painting materials secure and organized, the ArtBin Sidekick Storage Bin is unquestionably a great choice. It’s the all-in-one way to take your stuff with you. Busy? In a rush? Throw your stuff in there and go.

This is my dependable plastic hobby art box that I tend to toss things in when I don’t know what I need and kind of just want to get out the door. There is a top tray under the lid that you can keep your tools, glues, or other common instruments you need organized. The bottom compartment is where I would put paints and things.

Be careful, however. Your paints will get thrown about and if your lids aren’t snapped on tight, things can open up and you’ll have a mess on your hands. I do like the latch system as there’s quite a tactile locking feeling when you open or close it. It feels secure and I’m comfortable carrying the entire bin from the carry handle. At 10″ x 15″ x 7-3/4″, it’s big enough for medium to light duty hobby paint travel needs.

  • Convenient storage solution for art or craft supplies
  • Made of tough, translucent polypropylene
  • Secure latch for the lid
  • Additional storage space in the top of the lid and tray
  • Lift-out tray reveals bulk storage area beneath
  • Handy carrying handle for easy transport
  • No real compartmentalization for organization
  • Not much more convenient than a regular fishing tackle box

9. Pro Art Plastic Box

Need a Paint Carry Case? Top 10 Picks for Every Miniature Painter - best hobby paint carrying case - Pro Art Plastic Box

If you’re in doubt about what will work as a paint carrying case for you, then I suggest going with one of these types of boxes. The Pro Art Plastic Boxes are strong, function well enough for taking art supplies with you. They are lightweight, affordable, and you have easy access to what you need. Because some of the models are translucent and you can see through the plastic, you may not even have to open the box to see what’s inside!

Most of these designs give you easy access to frequently used items like brushes, tools, and glues while a larger bottom compartment is perfect for storing larger or oddly shaped items. Tips for traveling with oil paints or acrylic paint tubes is that they will fit in one layer over another, if you lay them down on the bottom of the box or, depending on size, stack the tubes upside down (e.g., cap down). You may also discover some models that have shoulder straps making them more convenient to carry around when running errands.

  • Easy access to frequently used items like brushes, tools, and glue
  • Sturdy latches and hinges keep it secure.
  • Simple design,
  • Durable plastic
  • Very affordable
  • No specialized compartments for hobby paints
  • Limited organizational options

10. Tool Box

Best hobby paint carrying case - A Toolbox, the universal storage and travel solution

The conventional Tool Box is an all-purpose, master-of-none option for miniature painters and the traveling hobbyist. There are literally hundreds of models, designs, and types of tool boxes. Take your pick! The one I’m showing you here is the the prototypical you’d find online at a price most of us would consider affordable without sacrificing quality of construction.

In this case, the Tool Box with Tray shown here has a good balance capacity and portability. It comes with a divider tray (similar to the ArtBin boxes shown above) that allows you to easily organize your tools and brushes and keep them neatly organized. And its robust construction means it can handle plenty of wear-and-tear.

The box is made of plastic with a gray color. It’s dimensions are 16”L x 7.5”W x 9.5”H, making it pretty compact and lightweight. It comes with low profile heavy duty latches and handle for easy carrying, as well as two removable interior organizers with snap close lids for added convenience.

  • It’s a tool box. It works.
  • Trays and removable organizers gives you clear access to your paints, hobby contents
  • Plastic, durable construction
  • Secure latches for lid closure
  • Spill proof interior (could come in handy)
  • Fits almost any hobby paint brand bottle or pot, with the exception of larger bottles
  • Budget-friendly
  • Uninspiring?
  • Almost no organizational options

Summary Table: Top 10 Paint Carrying Cases for Miniature Artists and Painters

Whether you want a dedicated, stylish paint carry case or just need to find something that gets the job done quickly and easily, there is a great selection of carrying cases out there. With the right carry case, you’ll be able to transport your paints with ease, allowing you to paint and make art anywhere.

I’m sure I missed a favorite miniature paint carrying case or box, but this shortlist should give you an idea of the range out there.

Do your own research and find what works for you! Let me know which paint carrying case or box is your favorite in the comments below.

Thanks for reading! Happy painting!

Still Not Sure? Here are 3 Recommended carry cases for Paints and Hobby Media

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