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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Meet Princess Runa

Meet her adorable sidekick too!

Spoilers for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1, Episode 8 "The Elysian Kingdom" to follow!

Meet Princess Runa... and her four-legged best friend too!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition, the series airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada and on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

In a cave on Trill, Burnham smiles as she looks up at Book in 'Jinaal' with the text 'The Story of Burnham & Book' and Star Trek: Discovery logo

My Star Trek Reviews

Jeremy A Perron's multiple year mission to complete an interesting and witty review for every Star Trek series, every movie, and maybe branch out into my novel collection. Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers beware!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Captain kirk meets a princess.

princess star trek

Air Date: 12/20/1968

Written by John Meredyth Lucas

Directed by John Meredyth Lucas

Cast: William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk     Leonard Nimoy as Commander Spock              DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy AKA “Bones”               James Doohan   as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott AKA “Scotty”         George Takei   as Lieutenant   Hikaru Sulu               Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura           Eddie Paskey as Lieutenant Leslie                  Bill Blackburn as Lieutenant Hadley Frank Da Vinci as Lieutenant Brent        Walter Koenig as Ensign Pavel Chekov                  Majel Barrett as Nurse Christine Chapel       Jeannie Malone as unnamed Yeoman               Lee Duncan as Crewman   Evans      Victor Brandt as Crewman   Watson       Dick Durock as unnamed guard# 1           Charles Beck as unnamed guard#2         Hal Baylor as unnamed guard#3              France Nuyen as Elaan            Jay Robinson as      Petri      Tony Young as Kryton             K.L. Smith as unnamed Klingon Commander

Ships and Space Stations: USS Enterprise NCC-1701, unnamed Klingon K't'inga-class battle cruiser

Planets:   Elas and Troyius

My Spoiler filled summary and review: The Enterprise is entering a solar system in space claimed by both Federation and the Klingons.   In the system are two planets Elas and Troyius that are often at war with one another.    With the development of nuclear weapons it is becoming more likely that the two peoples will wipe each other out.   So the two governments in an attempt to find peace they have arranged a marriage between the Ruler of Troyius and the Dolhman of Elas.   After Kirk explains to Spock and McCoy what is going on Spock notes that Elasian men were known to be hostile and aggressive while McCoy points out that the women had a special mystical power that can drive men wild.  

They meet with the Troyian Ambassador Petri and as they head to the transporter room their guest explains that the Dolhman is the most feared and hated person on his planet.   Petri asks if Kirk can slow the trip to give him time to prepare the Dolhman for her new life.   They end up beaming three men onto their ship.   These men are Elasian and they are the Dolhman’s bodyguards.   They insist on inspecting everything to make sure it is safe.   Kirk manages to convince them that it is and they beam the young woman abroad.   She immediately starts barking orders forgetting that she is not on her planet anymore.   Kirk amuses her at Petri’s request.

Kirk orders the ship to Troyius at the slowest possible speed which is stunning to the bridge crew.   Try to imagine a car trip where your vehicle never exceeds 15 MPH.    Soon however Kirk is called down to the Dolhman’s quarters because she is having a temper tantrum.   She doesn’t like the quarters, she is insulted by the Ambassador’s gifts.   Kirk tells her there are no better quarters and if she likes he can get her more things to break.   He leaves as he feels like it which annoys the Dolhman.   The Captain then tells the Ambassador that he is just going to have to get tough with the Dolhman in order to make progress.   When the Captain returns to the bridge Mr. Spock informs him of a blip on their scanners possibly a Klingon warship.  

Kirk discovers that his advice to the poor Ambassador didn’t go to well as our favorite Dolhman has literally stabbed him in the back.   While recovering in sickbay Nurse Chapel asks the wounded diplomat why it is anyone would want to be married to these Elasian women and he responds by telling her their tears contain special chemical hormones that make men fall madly in love with them.   While this is going on one of the Elasian guards named Kryton begins to sabotage the Enterprise and kills an engineer in the process.   

Kirk forces his way into Elaan’s room with assistance from Spock.   Kirk in no uncertain terms tells her that her position in society requires she follow her duty no matter how undesirable that might be and if she doesn’t want to do it then she should forfeit her position.   She throws things and tries to stab Kirk but he dodges and in some cases gives the Dolhman a taste of her own medicine.   However as this goes on she confess to Kirk that her fear is no one likes her and she would like Kirk to show her how to change that.   She cries and as Kirk wipes away her tears he falls under her spell.   They make love until Kirk called away when Kryton’s communication to the Klingons is detected and his sabotage is discovered.   To avoid interrogation by way of a Vulcan mind meld, Kryton steals a phaser and commits suicide.  

Kirk checks in with Elaan who says that Kryton was in love with her and probably formed an alliance to prevent her marriage.   The two embrace again and Elaan asks not to be brought to Troyius and instead use his ship to destroy that planet so that she can be with Kirk forever.    Spock and the Doctor run in and this is not as bad as it could be, for Dr. McCoy already knows about the tears.   He asks Kirk if they touched him.   McCoy vows to find an antidote.   However this becomes the least of their troubles as the Klingon ship moves into attack.  

Kirk orders the ship into warp but Scotty discovers the Kryton’s had sabotage the Enterprise so that it will blow when it hits warp.   The Klingon ship just swings by hoping to provoke the Enterprise into jumping so that the bomb will go off.   Elaan goes to the bridge but Kirk tells her he can’t defend her this way and decides asks her to go to sickbay.   Scotty is able to deactivate the explosive set up   but the sabotage wrecked the dilithium crystals.   Without the crystals the ship is operating on battery power and can barely crawl.   As the Klingon ship returns the battle between it and the Enterprise is like a young boxer fighting a senior citizen who just walked out of a nursing home.

In sickbay the Ambassador offers her a necklace.   In a sign of growing maturity she accepts it.   However she does not stay but returns to the bridge to die with Kirk.   While there Mr. Spock makes a startling discovery.   Her necklace is made out of dilithium crystals, and Elaan explains that on her world these are “common stones” and quite worthless monetary wise.   With her permission Spock takes the neckless down to engineering.    Once the crystals are in place the Enterprise is returned to full strength allowing Kirk to make short work of the Klingons.  

Elaan leaves for her wedding and says one last good-bye to Kirk; Kirk lets her go but won’t go the royal wedding as he can’t bear to watch.   McCoy later creates a cure for the Elasian tears that we were earlier couldn’t be done.   However Spock points out Kirk was already in love with the Enterprise .   The cure to love is a starship.      

Additional thoughts: First Nona and now Elaan!   What is up with these beautiful women who think they need to drug Kirk in order to get him to sleep with them?    Joking aside in both cases it was clear why they had to: Elaan is royalty who is being provided taxi service to her wedding, and Nona was his friend’s wife.   Also to be fair to Elaan her case is a bit different.   Her chemical tears are something her body naturally produces and it’s her specie’s way of mating whereas Nona was going full Cosby.  

In addition I am not sure I bought into Spock’s “Captain Kirk was already in love with the Enterprise ” line at the end.   It is cute but I am not sure it is accurate.   It seems to be a better explanation is Kirk is human and not Elasian therefore the effects were simply limited.   Kirk was taken by Elaan but not enough to completely lose his mind.   For example he might not be able to resist her sexual advances but when she says things like “use the Enterprise to destroy Troyius” he can deflect that with easy.    As time goes on the effect should naturally start to wear off in any non-Elasian.

What the hell is up with Lt. Uhura having to give up her quarters to Elaan?   They don’t have guest quarters?   They have had guests before.   What about Kodos the Executioner and his acting company ?   Did they put crewmembers out?   How about Journey to Babel when they had all those diplomats, did they have to have people sleep on the floor?   Okay, say the Dolhman wants the best quarters; wouldn’t that have been Captain Kirk’s?   Maybe there is some religious restriction for occupying quarters that belonged to a man so she has to have the best female quarters?   If that is the case then why Lt. Uhura?   Last I checked the highest ranking woman on the Enterprise was Dr. Ann Mulhall so wouldn’t hers be the best?   I never noticed much a difference between quarters on the Enterprise whether they are Captain Kirk’s or Ensign Garrovick’s .    

So what is a Dolhman anyway?   This isn’t very clear in the episode.   At first I thought she was the ruler of her planet and it seemed to be when the Ambassador referred to her title as the one his people most fear.   Then there are others that suggest she isn’t.   For one there is no talk about a merging of governments once she marries the ruler of Troyius, just that she will be that planet’s queen.   Yet nothing is said for the continued government of her own planet.   When talking with Kirk she refers to her rights as hers by right of being a member of the royal family.   However she never refers to herself as the monarch.   Could it be that the Dolhman is like prince/princess the title that the children of the monarch get?   Yet she is often called THE Dolhman, so perhaps it’s a position like the Princess Royal of Great Britain or the Madam Royal of France?   

Whatever she is she clearly expects all her wants to be met and is not used to hearing ‘no.’ The only limit she acknowledges is the power of the Council but she still tries to defy it.   I am not sure how much power she has on her own planet.   There is a “Last Emperor of China” feel about her.   Where she has life and death power over her immediate servants she may have little to no power in areas which it matters.   One can feel for her desire not to get married against her will; however as Kirk points out that possibility comes with her position.   If she wants control over whom she marries give up the position.  

Also not since Yeoman Tonia Barrows have we had a more kinky character.   I for one think Elaan knew exactly what a spanking was when he first threatened it.   The whole thing seemed to excite her.   The first thing she says when Kirk is affected by her tears is she asks about the spanking.

I am no civil liberties lawyer but shouldn’t forced mind-melds be illegal?   Or would this fall under the “dirty bomb in a suitcase” torture exception?

Also at the beginning of the episode they stated that this system was under the control of the Federation.   These two planets don’t seem like Federation worlds to me.   Since when are Federation members allowed to go to war with one another?   That makes less sense the living quarters situation on the Enterprise .  


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How Christina Chong held Star Trek canon together in 2022

As La'an in Strange New Worlds , Christina Chong created a fresh way to see the Final Frontier.

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - JULY 23: Christina Chong visits the #IMDboat official portrait studio at San...

The secret main character of Star Trek’s 2022 break-out hit series isn’t who fans expected.

In the very first episode of Strange New Worlds , the new security chief of the U.S.S. Enterprise also has to fill in as acting first officer. Enter Lt. La’an Noonien-Singh, played by Christina Chong.

In terms of Star Trek lore, La’an is an interesting vector of various tricky canon questions. Strange New Worlds takes place before The Original Series , and yet, La’an is the one character who has previous knowledge of two classic adversaries: the Gorn and Khan. As a survivor of a Gorn attack as a child, La’an’s intel on carnivorous lizard aliens predates Capt. Kirk’s old-school Gorn smackdown in TOS . And because her ancestor is the infamous Khan Noonien Singh , she also knows all about genetic engineering and the tyrants of Earth’s past.

Speaking to Inverse in May 2022, Strange New Worlds writer Davy Perez referred to La’an as an “Easter egg basket,” insofar as she “is an outsider and new character, and she also gets to be an audience surrogate.”

“I’ve got goose pimples now thinking about Season 2.”

Strange New Worlds instantly clicked with audiences worldwide, resulting in the most critically acclaimed new Star Trek in more than a decade. And, episode by episode, Christina Chong’s performance as La’an created a through line for the entire series. From her Gorn trauma in “Memento Mori” and “All Those Who Wander,” to her hilarious round of Enterprise Bingo in “Spock Amok,” to her memorable turn as an over-the-top fairy-tale princess in “The Elysium Kingdom,” Chong boldly went where no debut Trek actor has gone before.

Speaking to Inverse as part of our Scene Stealers end-of-year series, Chong reveals her surprise at the importance of La’an’s role, her warm feelings about her fan-favorite appearance on Doctor Who , and what’s in store for Strange New Worlds Season 2 and beyond.

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Ethan Peck as Spock and Christina Chong as La'an in 'Strange New Worlds.'

La’a relives a traumatic memory via a Vulcan mind meld with Spock (Ethan Peck) in the episode “Memento Mori.”

Do you think La’an is an audience surrogate for people who’ve never seen Star Trek?

Yeah, I guess so. Because she’s completely new. She’s new to the ship and new to the team as well. You learn the whole backstory of the Gorn through her. And her last name is literally Khan’s last name. The writers are so clever in how they merged both canon characters and the original characters with new characters. I guess the only word for it is “retro.” It’s modern, but it’s old school.

From the point when you auditioned to when you got actually the scripts, were you surprised by how huge your role was?

Yes, 100 percent. I took this role thinking, “Oh, I’ll be in one or two episodes” or “I probably won’t be in every episode.” I thought I’d have loads of downtime. And then suddenly, I was like, “Whoa, OK, I’m in this whole freaking thing!” And not only that, but the story of the enemy in Season 1 is based around my character. It was incredible and I was so grateful. Obviously, in 2020, I hadn’t worked at all. So to go into 2021 with this character and with the Star Trek franchise was such a blessing.

Uhura, La'an and Sam Kirk

Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), La'an (Christina Chong), and Sam Kirk (Dan Jeannotte) in “Children of the Comet.”

Strange New Worlds is episodic, but La’an goes on a huge emotional journey in Season 1.

It’s all about what she's been through and her trauma. She has a hard time trusting people. She knows that if you love somebody, they die at some point. So why would I trust and meet these new people, my family on the Enterprise , because, at some point, the Gorn are still out there! She’s thinking, “Something terrible is going to happen; I’m going to lose them.”

It’s a journey of her trusting. And trust is earned. You don’t trust willy-nilly. It’s a process.

Your first big TV role was in Doctor Who in 2011 as Lorna Bucket. How do you feel about that now?

It’s interesting, I just did a convention at the Wales Comic Con, and there’s been this kind of resurgence of Lorna Bucket. It’s been on Twitter as well. Suddenly everyone realized that was me. But at the Wales convention, you know, you have photos out on your table, and there was some Star Trek and some Halo. But the Doctor Who photos were really going. And I thought, well, maybe it’s because not everyone has quite seen me in Star Trek yet. But I was so fascinated that after over 10 years, people still remember that.

“She was the companion who never was!”

I think it’s because she gave River Song her name. It’s a very poignant mark in their journey for that generation of Doctor Who . I also had a death scene — and the fact that she could have been the companion. She was the companion who never was!

Christina Chong in 'Doctor Who'

In “A Good Man Goes to War,” in Doctor Who Season 6 (2011), Christina Chong played a reluctant soldier named Lorna Bucket, who ultimately helps the Doctor (Matt Smith) and creates an alternate name for River Song/Melody Pond. (Alex Kingston).

You’re so hilarious in the Strange New Worlds episode “The Elysium Kingdom.” How much of this other version of La’an did you create? I mean, it’s basically a totally different character, this fairy-tale princess...

I talked to the director, Amanda Row, before we started filming. I told her I used to do children’s entertainment. I would do parties. And do pantomime, which is very over the top. I told her I was thinking that kind of level, and she said, “100 percent, do that.” It was on the page, she was a princess, but on the day, we were all creating new characters. Which is why I decided to bring the singing element into it.

Everyone was going to play opposite of their characters, and I was like, “Right, in Episode 2 [‘Children of the Comet’] she says she can’t sing.” I didn’t tell anybody I was going to do it. On the day, I just held this massive note and started singing this song. There were a couple of times when I did actually laugh out loud with Babs [Olusanmokun] and everyone else. It was hard to keep a straight face. I just went totally out there. I thought, “You know what, I’ll give a give 120 percent, and they can pull it back if they want.” But they didn’t pull me back.

Christina Chong as Princess Thalia in 'Strange New Worlds.'

La’an is transformed into Princess Thalia in the Strange New Worlds episode “The Elysian Kingdom.” The dog, Runa, is Chong’s real dog, also named Runa.

I feel like this is a hallmark of older Star Trek shows getting to do more than one genre in a season. Will that tradition continue in Season 2? Will we see even more genres?

Definitely. I’ve got goose pimples now thinking about Season 2. The showrunners have a lot of fun with it. They’re always thinking “How can we take this to the next level? What’s Star Trek never done before?” I’m really looking forward to those episodes in Season 2. Obviously, after Episode 8 in Season 1, that’s our barometer.

In Episode 9, La’an leaves the Enterprise on a personal mission. In Episode 10, we see her in an alternate future, serving with Capt. Kirk (Paul Wesley). Without spoilers, can you give any clue as to how her journey in Season 2 is different than Season 1?

This isn’t giving anything away, but I think she is continuing on that same kind of trajectory of growth. In Season 1, we saw her come to the point she’s at in Episode 9. She’s focused on helping that little girl, Oriana, find her family. If she can do that, she can have closure. Season 2 is a continuation of her journey. How far can she open up? How much is she willing to risk emotionally?

How long could you play La’an?

It depends on a few things, for me personally as an actor, but also for the franchise as well. We want to keep evolving her. As long as we can find ways to keep growing and evolving, like life. So hopefully, definitely, a few more years. But we’ll see what happens after that.

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

This article was originally published on Dec. 23, 2022

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Chris Pine (I)

IMDbPro Starmeter Top 5,000 541

Chris Pine at an event for Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

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  • 8 wins & 37 nominations total

Chris Pine and Ariana DeBose in Wish (2023)

  • Steve Trevor

Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Sofia Boutella, and Chris Pine in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

  • Captain James T. Kirk

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

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Alan Tudyk, Chris Pine, and Ariana DeBose in Wish (2023)

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Ad Lucem (2023)

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Danny DeVito, Annette Bening, Chris Pine, and DeWanda Wise in Poolman (2023)

  • Darren Barrenman

Hugh Grant, Michelle Rodriguez, Chris Pine, Daisy Head, Regé-Jean Page, Sophia Lillis, and Justice Smith in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)

  • Dr. Gregory Zonkowski

Laurence Fishburne, Jonathan Pryce, Thandiwe Newton, and Chris Pine in All the Old Knives (2022)

  • Henry Pelham

Chris Pine in The Contractor (2022)

  • Hair Transplant Surgeon
  • Alistair Covax (voice)

Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

  • Norman Bates
  • Attorney (voice) ...

Home Movie: The Princess Bride (2020)

  • Jay Singletary

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

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Robin Wiltshire in My Heroes Were Cowboys (2021)

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Ariana DeBose and Chris Pine Reveal Hidden Disney Gems in 'Wish'

Personal details

  • 6′ 0½″ (1.84 m)
  • August 26 , 1980
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • No Children
  • Parents Robert Pine
  • Relatives Anne Gwynne (Grandparent)
  • Other works TV commercial for "Armani Code Ice" men's fragrance - Model
  • 2 Pictorials
  • 7 Magazine Cover Photos

Did you know

  • Trivia Age 27 at the time of filming, he was the youngest actor to play the lead in a "Star Trek" film or series.
  • Quotes [on fame] If the worst thing that happens in your life is that you're asked the same question repeatedly for a month, and people look very interested while they're talking to you and wanting to know about you, think about every day you worked at that restaurant and every day you worked as a delivery man for Domino's, every day you were a host, every day you were a bartender and worked until 4 a.m. And then just be very grateful.
  • Trademarks Sparkling blue eyes
  • Salaries Untitled Star Trek: Beyond Sequel $13,000,000
  • How old is Chris Pine?
  • When was Chris Pine born?
  • Where was Chris Pine born?

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Memory Alpha

Wallace Shawn

Wallace Shawn ( born 12 November 1943 ; age 80) is the American actor and playwright who played Zek on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .

Outside of Star Trek , Shawn is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Vizzini in The Princess Bride , the acclaimed 1987 comedy/fantasy film co-starring Chris Sarandon and Carol Kane . He is also known for his work in Woody Allen films, for his role in the 1995 film Clueless , and for voicing Rex the toy dinosaur in the Toy Story films produced by Pixar Animation Studios .

  • 1 Early life and aspirations
  • 2.1 Woody Allen films
  • 2.2 Film work, 1979-1989
  • 2.3 Film work, 1990s-present
  • 2.4 Television work
  • 2.5 Voice-over work
  • 3 Playwrighting
  • 4 Star Trek appearances
  • 5 External links

Early life and aspirations [ ]

A native of New York City, New York, Shawn graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in history from Harvard University. He then studied economics and philosophy at Oxford University in England, with the intention of becoming a diplomat. He began to involve himself with theater in 1970. He wrote his first play in that year, entitled The Hotel Play . He began acting on stage, as well, though mostly in his own plays or in projects with theater director Andre Gregory .

Acting career [ ]

Woody allen films [ ].

He made his feature film debut in Manhattan (1979), directed by Woody Allen . Shawn has since appeared in several of Woody Allen's subsequent films, including Radio Days (1987, with Kenneth Mars and Mike Starr ), Shadows and Fog (1992, with David Ogden Stiers , Camille Saviola , Kurtwood Smith , Kenneth Mars , and Richard Riehle ), The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001, again with David Ogden Stiers, as well as John Schuck ), and Rifkin's Festival (2021, with Isabel Lorca ).

Film work, 1979-1989 [ ]

After Manhattan , Shawn had small roles in films such as All That Jazz (1979, with Ben Vereen and Cathie Shirriff ), and Atlantic City (1980, co-starring Robert Joy ), both of which were nominated as Best Picture by the Academy Awards. Shawn then acquired recognition for "playing" himself in the unique 1981 film My Dinner with Andre , in which Shawn and his long-time friend, Andre Gregory, discuss their life experiences and philosophical views during a meal in a restaurant. Shawn also co-wrote this film with Gregory, and both won a Boston Society of Film Critics award for their work. Also that year he had an uncredited role in the film Strong Medicine with Carol Kane .

Shawn's other film credits throughout the '80s include Strange Invaders (1983, with Louise Fletcher , Kenneth Tobey , Dey Young , and Thomas Kopache ), Deal of the Century (1983, with Richard Herd , Graham Jarvis , Richard Libertini , and Tony Plana ), Head Office (1985, with Merritt Butrick ), The Bedroom Window (1987, with Brad Greenquist , Mark Margolis and Leon Rippy ), the aforementioned The Princess Bride (1987), She's Out of Control (1989, with Catherine Hicks and Derek McGrath ), and Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills (1989, with Robert Beltran and Ed Begley, Jr. ).

Film work, 1990s-present [ ]

In the early 1990s, Shawn appeared in such films as Mom and Dad Save the World (with Terri Garr and Thalmus Rasulala ), The Cemetery Club (with Bernie Casey and Robert Costanzo ), and The Meteor Man (with Frank Gorshin and Tommy "Tiny" Lister, Jr. ). He also played the title role in Vanya on 42nd Street (1994).

In 1995, Shawn co-starred as debate teacher Wendell Hall in Clueless . In 1996, he and Star Trek: The Next Generation guest actors Ray Walston , Christopher McDonald , and Daniel Roebuck appeared in the comedy House Arrest . In 1997, he and Mimi Craven appeared in Just Write . In 1999, he co-starred with Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 's Christopher Lloyd in My Favorite Martian , with Ray Walston.

His other film credits include The Haunted Mansion (2003, starring Eddie Murphy , with Rachael Harris , Derek Mears , and Michael McAdam ) and Southland Tales (2006, starring Dwayne Johnson , John Larroquette and Holmes R. Osborne ) Shawn also appeared in Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (2008) and Furry Vengeance (2010). In 2009, he was featured in the film Capitalism: A Love Story .

More recently, Shawn had roles in Vamps (2012, with Malcolm McDowell ), A Late Quartet (2012), Another Kind of Wedding (2017), Book Club (2018, with Ed Begley, Jr. ), and Marriage Story (2019, with Mary Wiseman , Rich Fulcher , and Bill Blair ).

Television work [ ]

On television, Shawn appeared in two episodes of Paramount Television 's Taxi , which starred Christopher Lloyd . He later had a recurring role on NBC 's The Cosby Show , appearing in four episodes (and voicing in one other) from 1987 through 1991. Next Generation guest star Sabrina LeBeauf was a regular on this series.

From 1994 through 1998, Shawn made recurring appearances on Murphy Brown . Also in 1994, Shawn guest-starred on CBS ' The Nanny , starring Next Generation guest actor Daniel Davis . Shawn's episode, "Pinske Business", also featured another Next Generation alum, the aforementioned Ben Vereen. Shawn also reprised his role from the film Clueless in the short-lived television spin-off series that followed.

More recently, Shawn has guest-starred on such series as Sex and the City (starring Kim Cattrall ), Fat Actress (starring Kirstie Alley ), Sci-Fi Channel 's Stargate SG-1 (with Bruce Gray ), Desperate Housewives (with Teri Hatcher , Mark Moses , and Alfre Woodard ), and Law & Order: Criminal Intent (developed by Rene Balcer ). He also had a recurring role as Dr. Howard Stiles on Crossing Jordan , starring Miguel Ferrer and Jerry O'Connell . Roxann Dawson served as a producer and frequent director on the latter series.

Between 2008 and 2012, Shawn played wealthy attorney Cyrus Rose on Gossip Girl . His early episodes were shared with Mädchen Amick . From 2008 through 2009, Shawn played the recurring role of William Halsey on The L Word , co-starring with Kristanna Loken , Brian Markinson , and Lucia Rijker . In 2009, Shawn guest starred in the final season of ER , on which Scott Grimes was a regular.

Between 2013 and 2015, Shawn guest starred as "fixer" lawyer Charles Lester in three episodes of The Good Wife , and later carried over the role to five episodes of the spin-off series The Good Fight (2018-22). From 2014 to 2016, Shawn played the recurring role of Winslow Elliott in Mozart in the Jungle , which co-starred Malcolm McDowell .

Since 2018, Shawn has been starring as Dr. John Sturgis on Young Sheldon , the prequel spinoff of The Big Bang Theory , often alongside Ed Begley, Jr. as Sturgis’s rival Dr. Linkletter or Wendie Malick as university president Dr. Hagemeyer.

Voice-over work [ ]

Shawn's distinct, high-pitched voice has been used in several animated films, most notably as Rex the Dinosaur in Disney/ Pixar Animation Studios 's Toy Story films (1995's Toy Story , 1999's Toy Story 2 , and 2010's Toy Story 3 ). He also supplied voices for the Emmy-winning TV series Teacher's Pet and its 2004 film adaptation (also voicing David Ogden Stiers and Kelsey Grammer ). In addition, he voiced Insuricare boss Gilbert Huph in another Disney/Pixar hit, The Incredibles .

Shawn also lent his voice to Chicken Little (2003, with Next Generation star Patrick Stewart ). In addition, Shawn voiced Bertram in the "Emission Impossible", "Sibling Rivalry" and "The Big Bang Theory" episodes of Family Guy , the popular animated series created by Star Trek fan Seth MacFarlane . Majel Barrett also had a voice role in the first episode.

Playwrighting [ ]

As a playwright, Shawn's works are typically politically charged and controversial. His more well-known plays include Aunt Dan and Lemon (1985, which earned Shawn Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding New Play) and The Designated Mourner (1997). The latter and two other plays ( Marie and Bruce and The Fever ) have been made into films, all of which were adapted for the screen by Shawn himself. Shawn also created a new translation of Bertolt Brecht's play The Threepenny Opera which ran on Broadway in 2006.

Star Trek appearances [ ]

  • " The Nagus " ( Season One )
  • " Rules of Acquisition " ( Season Two )
  • " Prophet Motive " ( Season Three )
  • " Ferengi Love Songs " ( Season Five )
  • " Profit and Lace " ( Season Six )
  • " The Emperor's New Cloak " ( Season Seven )
  • " The Dogs of War "

External links [ ]

  • Wallace Shawn at Wikipedia
  • Wallace Shawn at the Internet Movie Database
  • Wallace Shawn at the Internet Broadway Database
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)


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  6. Star Trek: Discovery Enlists Emperor Georgiou for Important Mission

    princess star trek


  1. Star trek


  1. "Star Trek" Elaan of Troyius (TV Episode 1968)

    Elaan of Troyius: Directed by John Meredyth Lucas. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, France Nuyen. While transporting an arrogant, demanding princess for a political marriage, Captain Kirk must cope both with her biochemical ability to force him to love her, as well as sabotage on his ship.

  2. Elaan of Troyius

    Elaan of Troyius

  3. Elaan of Troyius (episode)

    The Enterprise transports Elaan, Dohlman of Elas, to an arranged marriage on Troyius. "Captain's log, stardate 4372.5. On a top secret diplomatic mission, the Enterprise has entered the Tellun star system. Maintaining communications blackout, we have taken aboard Petri, Ambassador from Troyius, the outer planet, and are now approaching the inner planet, Elas." Disgruntled by the cloak-and ...

  4. Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po

    Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po, referred to as "Po", was a Xahean female, born in 2240.In 2257, she was expected to become queen of Xahea.. As a young girl, Po began spending significant amounts of time in the dilithium-rich caves of her world. Her brother, the king of Xahea, taught her about science and technology, while her mother told her to be extraordinary. She claimed that when she was nine, she ...

  5. Persis Khambatta

    Persis Khambatta

  6. Nyota Uhura

    Nyota Uhura - Wikipedia ... Nyota Uhura

  7. "Star Trek" The Paradise Syndrome (TV Episode 1968)

    The Paradise Syndrome: Directed by Jud Taylor. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Sabrina Scharf. Trapped on a planet whose inhabitants are descended from Northwestern Native Americans, Kirk loses his memory and is proclaimed a God while the crippled Enterprise races back to the planet before it is destroyed by an asteroid.

  8. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" The Dauphin (TV Episode 1989)

    The Dauphin: Directed by Rob Bowman. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. Wesley falls for the young future leader of Daled IV, unaware just how dangerous the girl's protective and overly restrictive guardian can be.

  9. Tonia Barrows

    Tonia Barrows | Memory Alpha - Fandom

  10. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition, the series airs on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada and on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe.


    Episode Title: Elaan of Troyius. Air Date: 12/20/1968. Written by John Meredyth Lucas. Directed by John Meredyth Lucas. Cast: William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy as Commander Spock DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy AKA "Bones" James Doohan as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott AKA "Scotty" George Takei as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant ...

  12. Kaitaama

    Kaitaama was a princess from Krios Prime, who was, in 2152, due to become First Monarch of the Sovereign Dynasty of that world. Shortly before her inauguration, she was kidnapped by two Retellians named Plinn and Goff, who secured her in a stasis pod. When their ship malfunctioned, they contacted Enterprise NX-01 and asked for help. Initially, they told Captain Jonathan Archer that they were ...

  13. Who is the invisible princess on "Star Trek: Discovery"?

    Then, while eating alone in the mess hall, she discovers a young alien woman who's used her ability to become invisible to stow away aboard the Star Trek: Discovery. After Tilly convinces Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po she means her no harm, the young alien woman reveals she's from a planet that's about to achieve warp capability and is poised to ...

  14. "Star Trek: Enterprise" Precious Cargo (TV Episode 2002)

    Precious Cargo: Directed by David Livingston. With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. While Trip is repairing a stasis pod at a Retellian cargo ship and the woman inside, heir apparent to the throne of Krios, wakes up, the ship makes a hasty departure. Trip must make a plan to escape.

  15. List of Star Trek characters

    List of Star Trek characters

  16. star trek

    First I've heard of "Star Trek: Short Treks". So now we have a show only available online with a spinoff show only available online, which is apparently required viewing for the first show. ... Who is the invisible princess on "Star Trek: Discovery"? 9. Why was this Discovery episode named "Unification III"? 7. Star Trek novel where Riker ...

  17. Thalia

    Princess Thalia was a fictional character from the storybook The Kingdom of Elysian, written by Benny Russell. She was one of three monarchs who ruled in the magical Kingdom of Elysian. She was the leader of the eastern region of the kingdom and was described as having a "kind-heart" that "was forever with her people". In the story, Queen Neve's Crimson Guards invaded Thalia's kingdom, seized ...

  18. Sofia Boutella

    Sofia Boutella - IMDb ... Sofia Boutella

  19. Princess Leia

    Princess Leia - Wikipedia ... Princess Leia

  20. How Christina Chong held Star Trek canon together in 2022

    As La'an in Strange New Worlds, Christina Chong created a fresh way to see the Final Frontier. The secret main character of Star Trek's 2022 break-out hit series isn't who fans expected. In ...

  21. Sofia Boutella

    Sofia Boutella - Wikipedia ... Sofia Boutella

  22. Chris Pine

    Chris Pine - IMDb ... Chris Pine

  23. Wallace Shawn

    Wallace Shawn | Memory Alpha | Fandom