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Road Trip (Film)

Born in the white-hot fury of the late-'90s, early-2000s teen-sex-comedy boom, Road Trip is the story of young Josh Parker and the consequences of one night's craziness.

Josh's long-term, long-distance girlfriend Tiffany has got silent on him, and so, believing she is dumping him, he accepts the advances of the beautiful Beth Wagner. The next morning, after Beth has left, Josh's friends E.L., Rubin Carver and Barry Manilow (not the Barry Manilow , mind you) come to investigate. Josh reveals that Beth videotaped their amorous adventures, evidence that his friends demand to see. Of course, the tape sitting on the TV contains a romantic message Josh recorded for Tiffany - the "sex with Beth tape" is in an envelope winging its way to Austin, Texas. Right as this realization sinks in, the phone rings - it's Tiffany, apologizing for not answering Josh's calls, as her beloved grandfather just died suddenly. Josh realizes there's only one option: get to Austin before the envelope and prevent Tiffany from ever seeing it.

Thus begins the wacky adventures of Josh, E.L., Rubin and Kyle - the one who actually owns the car - as they travel 1800 miles to try and save Josh's relationship. A quest that will take them through jumping broken bridges in a Ford Taurus, pretending to be members of a national black fraternity, stealing a school bus from a blind chick and discovering why you shouldn't send food back at greasy-spoon diners.

Released in 2000, Road Trip is one of Todd Phillips 's earliest films.

Provides examples of:

  • All for Nothing : Played with. It turns out that the trip wasn't strictly necessary after all, because Barry unwittingly replaced the offending part of the tape with a recording of his butt . However, it turns out that Tiffany was going to dump Josh anyway, due to the two having grown apart during their time at college, and Josh's presence at least allows the two to end things amicably and in person, instead of her doing it either over the phone or via a "Dear John" Letter . More importantly, all the people involved undergo Character Development as a result of the trip.
  • All Men Are Perverts : Mentioned in the Shower Scene by a topless woman. Barry is even called out for narrating this particular scene with excessive nudity.
  • Ass Shove : Happens to E.L. at the sperm bank when he asks the nurse for "assistance". It does provide him with the best orgasm he's ever had. This is even given a Call-Back at the end of the movie when he's bent over again, this time asking for three fingers.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis : Rubin's sophisticated calculations for the bridge jump. And it worked out ... kinda. He only predicted that they would make it across, he didn't say anything about the axles breaking or the vehicle exploding after succeeding in the jump.
  • Bachelor Auction : One of the extremely rare bachelorette versions, although the auctioneer is careful to point out that purchasing the woman in question in no way confers any suggestion that sex will result.
  • Big Beautiful Woman : Rhonda, as played by the late Mia Amber Davis.
  • Blatant Lies : "1600s? It says 1951." - "That's the address. OK?"
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick : Rubin and E.L. list off reasons in an attempt to justify Josh's cheating on Tiffany . And then comes Kyle's turn ...
  • Brick Joke : When E.L. tells Josh that it's not cheating if you're in different area codes. Tiffany tells Josh that she was with one other guy, other than him, when he was away at camp and she was 14 "and in different area codes."
  • Butt-Monkey : Poor Kyle.
  • Catapult Nightmare : Josh has two of them. Early on, after waking from his bad dream where he envisions his girl friend making out with another dude in the open. Another one when staying at the Manilows'. He has a third one in a deleted extension of that scene.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander : Barry. Witness both The Feeding and the Animal Song. Plus, of course, the Running Gag of "Austin... Massachusetts?"
  • Cool Old Guy : Grandpa Manilow.
  • Don't Explain the Joke : Kyle's joke about dogs and testicles goes awry because of him repeating the punch line.
  • Don't Try This at Home : Even if the Taurus hadn't mysteriously exploded, the impact would almost certainly have destroyed the chassis and suspension.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male : The random guy in Boston who had been mistakenly accused of cheating on his girlfriend is shown to get a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown by said girlfriend with never-the-less a baseball bat . How does the crowd who witnesses the situation reacts? They simply just gather around and watched as if the guy deserves it, all because he supposedly cheated .
  • This was taken to the point of Intelligence Equals Isolation , as Rubin also mentions how, until he started smoking pot to mellow himself out, he was the only kid to have panic attacks as a result of the Gulf War, being prescribed an adult dosage of Xanax.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto : Jumping a broken bridge with a Ford Taurus, the group is dismayed when the wheels fall off. They start to hike to find help - when the car explodes.
  • Face Cam : Upon Kyle during the fraternity house party.
  • Fainting : Kyle can't take the KKK joke.
  • And, of course, Amy Smart topless.
  • Flipping the Bird : The blind girl.
  • Only Sane Man : Josh
  • The Smart Guy : Rubin
  • The Pervert: E.L.
  • Butt-Monkey : Kyle
  • Josh is sanguine
  • E.L. is choleric
  • Kyle is melancholic
  • Rubin is phlegmatic
  • Framing Device : Barry tells the story in flashbacks.
  • Geeky Analogy : Rubin is able to teach Josh enough philosophy to beat a doctorate test by linking the information to something Josh likes (and will recall easily): wrestling. He even begins his ( two-day ) explanation by giving the Badass Boast of "I could teach a chimpanzee philosophy in two days; I just need something for him to understand." " Socrates is like the Vince McMahon of philosophy. He started it all."
  • Gilligan Cut : "Are there any guys out there who are just normal??!" - cut to Barry and his snake.
  • The Grunting Orgasm : E.L. during a... special medical inspection.
  • Home Porn Movie : The cause of all trouble.
  • Irrevocable Message : Not exactly a message, but the main character thinks he accidentally sent a sex tape of him cheating on his girlfriend. The main plot is the gang traveling to get the tape back.
  • Knight Templar Parent : Kyle's dad.
  • The Last Straw : Scott's character demonstrates he can spit across a ten-foot wide broken bridge. He did, but causing the other end of the bridge to collapse from his spit.
  • Limited Wardrobe : The guys all end up wearing the same clothes for several days due to their luggage being destroyed in the explosion . It's noticeable with Josh, whose sweatshirt gets dirtier and sweatier as the film progresses.
  • Male Gaze : During the Shower Scene , a woman is explaining how All Men Are Perverts . As she continues the explanation the camera zooms in on her breasts, until they're all we can see. When another girl picks up the thread of her complaints, the camera pans over to her - still with an extremely tight focus on her breasts.
  • Musicalis Interruptus : The dramatic music during the Orbital Kiss at the end stops when Barry and the red-haired lady come to their senses.
  • Nerd Glasses : The motel clerk.
  • Nipple and Dimed : Boobs!
  • Long-Distance Relationship : Josh and Tiffany have one.
  • Orbital Kiss : In the film's finale. Played for laughs with the transition from Josh/Beth to Berry/red-haired Lady.
  • Papa Wolf : Kyle's insanely strict father takes this one a bit too far.
  • Product Placement : Rubin appears on the cover of High Times magazine.
  • The Quest : For a sex tape.
  • Raging Stiffie : Grandpa Manilow and the goddamn Viagra.
  • Revenge Is a Dish Best Served : The asshole cook that gets upset about Kyle asking him to take powered sugar off his toast (a very mild request said very meekly by the nicest guy of the protagonists in a complete inversion of Unsatisfiable Customer ) retaliates by licking the sugar off and then shitting on the toast before handing it back. What is more disgusting is the fact that Kyle never figures this out and actually likes the taste.
  • Road Trip Plot : Unsurprisingly.
  • Secret Handshake : How Rubin get them into the fraternity house.
  • Sex as Rite-of-Passage : Kyle experiences this after scoring with Rhonda. It allows him to stand up to his father.
  • Shower Scene : Described by one of the characters and shown to the viewer - put on pause when an actual woman questioned it, the question is Hand Waved and we return to naked goodness.
  • Short Cuts Make Long Delays : Wherein the shortcut leads over a Broken Bridge . "Of course it's difficult, it's a short-cut. If it was easy it would just be the way ."
  • Stalker with a Crush : Jacob is a very creepy example of this when it comes to Beth.
  • Talking Animal : Grandpa Manilow's dog.
  • Tempting Fate : After the bridge jump, Rubin tells Josh that the cars tires just need fixing and they will only lose half a day on the trip. The car promptly explodes.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl : Kyle and Rhonda.
  • Unfortunate Item Swap : With the video tapes. There would have been no plot without it.
  • Unrated Edition : Minor changes, mostly the extension of the Shower Scene .
  • Unreliable Narrator : The main story is told through the eyes of Barry, a campus tour guide who's not playing with a full deck . Barry wasn't even present on the titular road trip. As such, the story has some highly improbable elements.

road trip movie breakfast scene

  • Vomit Discretion Shot : Josh's girlfriend is about to vomit during his nightmare vision, but then suddenly wakes up.
  • Wacky Fratboy Hijinx : The boys of Xi Chi plant a Klan hood on Kyle, accusing him of bigotry. When Kyle faints in terror, the boys reveal it to be a prank and a loud party ensues.
  • Watch the Paint Job : The precious Ford Taurus.
  • Wild Teen Party : A relatively mild example near the beginning, with a good-natured "girl auction" taking place in the front room and an least one group upstairs experimenting with lesbianism and group sex.
  • You Have Waited Long Enough : E.L. does this on Josh, directing him to Beth.
  • The Rage: Carrie 2
  • Creator/Rachel Blanchard
  • Sugar & Spice
  • Creator/Todd Phillips
  • Road to Perdition
  • Creator/DreamWorks SKG
  • The Road to Wellville
  • AmericanFilms/N–S
  • ImageSource/Live-Action Films (M to Z)
  • Raging Stiffie
  • Return of the Living Dead Part II
  • MediaNotes/Restricted Rating — Film Series
  • The Road to El Dorado
  • Films of 2000–2004
  • Romancing Bullet

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Road Trip Soundtrack

Road Trip 2000 - Movie poster

List of Songs

Fortune and Fame - The K.G.B.

Fortune and Fame

Josh showed up at the party, there were some games and entertainment happening. Meanwhile, upstairs in one of the bedrooms, Barry was hanging out with two girls.

Duet - Black Eyed Peas

Black Eyed Peas

Beth approached Josh and asked if he would be willing to bid on her.

Early Morning - Jungle Brothers

Early Morning

Jungle Brothers

After Josh successfully won the auction for Beth, they danced together at the party.

I'm Gonna Fall - Ash

I'm Gonna Fall

Later on, Beth recorded a video of Josh in his bedroom while he played some music and even stripped down.

The Salmon Song

Barry played guitar and sang at the party.

I Got A Girl

Breckin Meyer

Josh recorded a song in a video message for his girlfriend.

Mr. E's Beautiful Blues - Eels

Mr. E's Beautiful Blues

E.L. tries to get Josh to open up about the sex tape while also discussing why Josh feels guilty about his actions with Beth.

Freakin' You - Jungle Brothers

Freakin' You

Beth is seen talking to an unnamed topless girl in a locker room.

Only Worse - Randy Travis

Randy Travis

Music plays in the cafe while Kyle complains about his incorrect order to the waiter.

Voodoo Lady - Ween

Voodoo Lady

E.L. shows up with a stolen bus, and the trip continues with another travel montage.

Natural High - Bloodstone

Natural High

Barry drops a mouse into the snake's cage.

It's Tricky - Run-DMC

It's Tricky

There's a scene where some guys dance on stage to a song, and Kyle joins them on stage.

Inside My Love - Minnie Riperton

Inside My Love

Minnie Riperton

Kyle has a romantic encounter with a larger lady named Rhonda on a swing bench outside.

e.m.s.p - Kid Rock

Kyle appears to be in a different mood as the group hits the road again.

I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister

I Wanna Rock

Twisted Sister

The guys sing along to a song while on the bus and eventually arrive at Barry's grandparents' house.

I See You Baby - Groove Armada

I See You Baby

Groove Armada

While Barry's grandfather watches TV, the guys show up. Kyle's parents inquire at the hotel if anyone has seen their son.

Lovin' Machine - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

Lovin' Machine

The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

The group makes it to the University of Austin.

Pumping On Your Stereo - Supergrass

Pumping On Your Stereo

Josh, E.L., Rubin, and Kyle take the bus back to Ithaca and arrive 57 minutes late in front of Josh's classroom.

Anything, Anything (I'll Give You) - Buckcherry

Anything, Anything (I'll Give You)

Second song in end credits.

University Of Ithaca Alma Mater

Gordon Henderson and His Midnight Music Makers

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My Drinking Lady

Heart Shaped World - Jessica Andrews

Heart Shaped World

Jessica Andrews

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Films with Similar Music

American Wedding

American Wedding

2003 • 53 songs


2007 • 18 songs

The Condemned

The Condemned

2007 • 10 songs

Kicking and Screaming

Kicking and Screaming

2005 • 16 songs

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Michael Simpson

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Movie's ratings

  • Kinorium 6.9 2849
  • IMDb 6.5 179 755
  • Critics 57% 93

Awards and Nominations

road trip movie breakfast scene

Road Trip (Music From the Motion Picture)

Different stars.

  • 1 Eels Mr. E's Beautiful Blues 3:59
  • 2 Kid Rock E.m.S.P. (feat. Uncle Kracker) 7:18
  • 3 Jungle Brothers Early Morning 5:32
  • 4 Run-DMC It's Tricky 3:04
  • 5 Buckcherry Anything, Anything (I'll Give You) 3:49
  • 6 KBG Fortune & Fame 3:30
  • 7 Supergrass Pumping On Your Stereo 3:19
  • 8 The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Lovin' Machine 3:44
  • 9 Twisted Sister I Wanna Rock 3:03
  • 10 Ween Voodoo Lady 3:48
  • 11 Ash I'm Gonna Fall 5:13
  • 12 Minnie Riperton Inside My Love 3:58
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Road Trip

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The Hangover Part II

Todd Phillips — Top Rated Movies


Critique: 5

Road Trip is mellow and dirty, which is the wrong combination.

Vulgar for some parents, but teens will love.

The movie is sloppily made, but there’s almost a sly charm to the sloppiness, and the unevenness of the filmmaking doesn’t detract...

Road Trip may not be an ambitious film, but it doesn’t lack for imagination, and the nasty edge of its comedy makes it refreshing.

Slightly more mature and better assembled, Road Trip goes one better on American Pie by teasing out the idiosyncrasies in four guys existing in&nbs...

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Unlike «Eurotour,” there are already TWO bright characters in the quartet, a more meaningful, down-to-earth plot, really funny situations and some kind of light presentation without trying to squeeze laughter out of the viewer. I once bought this film on VHS and watched it with the boys – romance! Translated to English

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Gross, Point Blank: 10 Most Disgusting Eating Scenes From Movies

From incredible to inedible, TIME presents a 10-course menu of filmdom’s most gut-churning eating scenes

road trip movie breakfast scene

THE DINER: Kyle Edwards (DJ Qualls), the high-strung member of the movie’s road-tripping crew

THE SETTING: After ordering a morning meal at a strip-mall eatery, Kyle expresses dismay at seeing his breakfast covered in powdered sugar. The group’s burly server (Horatio Sanz) takes back the order with a smile.

THE MEAL: Two pieces of French toast, licked by Sanz and given a brief tour of his crotch

NAUSEA LEVEL (ON A SCALE OF 1 to 10): [ 7 ] It’s the little details that make this scene: Sanz’s tongue penetrating the bread or the faint outline of the slice in his sweatpants. Genius!


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Home > Films > R > Road Trip

Wednesday September 18th 2024

Road Trip | 2000

Road Trip poster

  • Locations |
  • Atlanta , Georgia ;
  • Tennessee ;
  • Massachusetts
  • Todd Phillips
  • Breckin Meyer,
  • Seann William Scott,
  • Paulo Costanzo,
  • Ethan Suplee

Josh Parker ( Breckin Meyer ) and chums undertake a cross-country dash, from ‘Ithaca, New York State’ to ‘Austin, Texas’, to retrieve a compromising videotape posted to his girlfriend in this lacklustre (though hugely successful) addition to the college sexcom genre. The film was shot in the South, mainly around Atlanta , Cumming and Lawrenceville , Georgia , and in Nashville , Tennessee .

The campus of the fictitious ‘Ithaca University’ is the University of Georgia in Athens (though the opening aerial shot is of Harvard University , Cambridge , Massachusetts , later recycled in the same director’s Old School ).

The University of Tennessee in Knoxville is the real thing, but the ‘University of Austin’ is Emory University , Atlanta , and ‘Memphis’ is Broadway , Nashville .

The foursome stop for breakfast in the Gwinnett Diner, Highway 124 at Gwinnett Drive, Lawrenceville , Georgia . You’ve missed your opportunity to sample the French toast – the diner closed in mid-2011.

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Visit The Film Locations

Georgia | atlanta.

Visit: Georgia

Visit: Atlanta

Flights: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport , 6000 North Terminal Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30320 ( tel: 800.897.1910 )

Visit: Tennessee

Visit: Memphis

Flights: Memphis International Airport , 2491 Winchester Road, Memphis, TN 38116 ( tel: 901.922.8000 )

Massachusetts | Boston

Visit: Massachusetts

Visit: Boston

Flights: Logan International Airport , 1 Harborside Drive, Boston, MA 02128 ( tel: 800.235.6426 )

Travel around: MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority)

Road Trip (2000)

Full cast & crew.

road trip movie breakfast scene

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(Photo by Fox Searchlight. All rights reserved/Courtesy Everett Collection)

25 Essential Road Trip Movies of the Last 25 Years

We’re looking down the horizon and beyond for some of the best road trip movies that defined the genre over the last 25 years! To rev up this list, we selected American movies movies, journeys that begin in the States (where they actually finish is part of the fun). The movies celebrate the sights and sounds of the country, or at least will inspire you to pull out that camping gear, putting the convertible top down, and hitting the open road. These rides can be cross-county ( Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle ), on the freeway ( Dog , Sideways ), trekking across a few state lines ( Little Miss Sunshine , Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ), hitting a new time zone ( Road Trip ), or even runnin’ coast-to-coast ( Rat Race , Transamerica ). Even the Academy has felt the need for reasonable speed, awarding Best Picture to both Green Book and Nomadland . Carpool lane? Of course: we’ve got an Oscar strapped in the passenger seat!

So whether you’re looking for a map to a long summer drive or fixing a flat in your life, turn to these essential 25 road trip movies of the last 25 years (in chronological order)!

' sborder=

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) 51%

' sborder=

The Straight Story (1999) 95%

' sborder=

Tumbleweeds (1999) 82%

' sborder=

Almost Famous (2000) 91%

' sborder=

Road Trip (2000) 57%

' sborder=

Rat Race (2001) 45%

' sborder=

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) 75%

' sborder=

Sideways (2004) 97%

' sborder=

Transamerica (2005) 77%

' sborder=

Little Miss Sunshine (2006) 91%

' sborder=

Cars (2006) 75%

' sborder=

Zombieland (2009) 89%

' sborder=

Away We Go (2009) 67%

' sborder=

Paul (2011) 70%

' sborder=

We're the Millers (2013) 48%

' sborder=

Chef (2014) 87%

' sborder=

Grandma (2015) 91%

' sborder=

Mississippi Grind (2015) 91%

' sborder=

Pee-wee's Big Holiday (2016) 83%

' sborder=

Green Book (2018) 77%

' sborder=

Nomadland (2020) 93%

' sborder=

The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021) 97%

' sborder=

Bad Trip (2021) 79%

' sborder=

Dog (2022) 77%

' sborder=

Joy Ride (2023) 90%

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The Funniest Road Trip Comedy Movies

Ranker Film

There's something about the open road that continues to inspire hilarious comedies year after year. The best road trip movies are about the mishap-filled journey as much as the funny destination. This is a list of the top movies about road trips including everything from The Blues Brothers to Little Miss Sunshine to Borat . If you're planning on going on your own adventure, you might be interested in the best 2018 songs perfect for your road trip playlist .

What films will you find on this list of the best road trip movies? Dumb and Dumber  continues to make audiences laugh. Whether Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels) and Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) are traveling by dog-car, scooter or Hawaiian Tropic bus, the result is pure hilarity. Vacation – starring Chevy Chase – is another classic road trip comedy.  Tommy Boy finds the dynamic duo of Chris Farley and David Spade traveling across the country on a mission to save the family business. Other good films featured on this best road trip movies list include Planes, Trains and Automobiles , Road Trip , and Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle .

Which road trip movie do you think is the funniest? Give your favorites a thumbs up and please add any good films that are missing.

Tommy Boy

Tommy Boy presents Chris Farley in his prime as Thomas "Tommy" Callahan III, an incompetent heir to his late father's auto parts business, who embarks on a wild sales trip with straight-laced colleague Richard Hayden (David Spade). The unlikely duo's misadventures and epic mishaps make for a riotous road trip full of quotable lines and uproarious scenes that have solidified this film as a beloved comedy classic.

  • Released : 1995
  • Directed by : Peter Segal

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Planes, Trains and Automobiles delivers side-splitting humor with Steve Martin as Neal Page, an uptight advertising executive desperate to get home for Thanksgiving, and John Candy as Del Griffith, a chatty shower curtain ring salesman. The duo finds themselves stuck together on an outrageously chaotic journey filled with canceled flights, rental car disasters, and unlikely sleeping arrangements—a must-watch for fans of laugh-out-loud road trip comedies.

  • Released : 1987
  • Directed by : John Hughes

Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber showcases the hysterical journey of two dimwitted pals, Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) and Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels), who embark on an epic cross-country trek to return a briefcase full of money to its rightful owner. With endless slapstick comedy and unforgettable one-liners, this classic film is sure to leave viewers in stitches as they witness these lovable fools face one ludicrous obstacle after another.

  • Released : 1994
  • Directed by : Peter Farrelly, Robert Farrelly


Vacation follows the Griswold family—led by bumbling patriarch Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase)—as they embark on a disastrous yet hysterical drive from Chicago to California's Walley World theme park. Featuring memorable comedic moments like Aunt Edna's untimely demise and Christie Brinkley's flirtatious Ferrari Girl character, this 1983 comedy remains an iconic piece of Americana that guarantees laughter from start to finish.

  • Released : 1983
  • Directed by : Harold Ramis

We're the Millers

We're the Millers

In We're the Millers , a small-time drug dealer (Jason Sudeikis) recruits a stripper (Jennifer Aniston), a runaway teen (Emma Roberts), and their naive neighbor (Will Poulter) to pose as his wholesome family in order to smuggle drugs across the Mexican border. Hilarity ensues as this ragtag bunch of misfits navigates their way through a series of hilarious road trip mishaps, all while trying to maintain their fake-family façade.

  • Released : 2013
  • Directed by : Rawson Marshall Thurber

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers features John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd as Jake and Elwood Blues, two brothers who reunite their blues band in order to save the orphanage they grew up in. This 1980 musical comedy is packed with high-speed car chases, legendary cameos by artists such as Aretha Franklin and James Brown, and unforgettable tunes that will leave you singing "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love" long after the credits roll.

  • Released : 1980
  • Directed by : John Landis


Kingpin introduces us to Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson), a washed-up former pro bowler with a prosthetic hand who teams up with Amish bowling prodigy Ishmael Boorg (Randy Quaid) in hopes of winning a million-dollar tournament. This Farrelly brothers' comedy strikes the perfect balance between slapstick humor and heartwarming moments as Roy and Ishmael navigate their way through an absurd series of events, all while trying to avoid the vengeful wrath of pro bowler Ernie McCracken (Bill Murray).

  • Released : 1996
  • Directed by : Robert Farrelly, Peter Farrelly

Road Trip

In Road Trip , college student Josh Parker (Breckin Meyer) accidentally mails his long-distance girlfriend Tiffany Henderson (Rachel Blanchard) a videotape meant for another girl. With his motley crew of friends in tow—including Seann William Scott as the raucous E.L.—Josh embarks on a madcap journey to retrieve the tape before it's too late, encountering zany situations and uproarious mishaps that make for a hilarious cinematic ride.

  • Released : 2000
  • Directed by : Todd Phillips

Midnight Run

Midnight Run

Midnight Run stars Robert De Niro as Jack Walsh, a bounty hunter tasked with bringing accountant Jonathan "The Duke" Mardukas (Charles Grodin) back to Los Angeles after he embezzled millions from the mob. As they traverse the country avoiding mobsters and the FBI alike, their comedic banter makes for an entertaining ride rife with unexpected twists and turns, elevating this action-comedy into an absolute must-watch.

  • Released : 1988
  • Directed by : Martin Brest

Rat Race

A modern-day twist on the classic madcap chase film, this comedy features an ensemble cast, including John Cleese and Rowan Atkinson, competing in a wild race to find a hidden fortune. Hilarity ensues as each character encounters outrageous obstacles and colorful opponents along their frantic journey.

  • Released : 2001
  • Directed by : Jerry Zucker

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle follows best friends Harold Lee (John Cho) and Kumar Patel (Kal Penn) on their quest for late-night munchies—specifically those delicious sliders from White Castle. Along the way, they encounter eccentric characters like Neil Patrick Harris playing a drug-addled version of himself, resulting in gut-busting hilarity that has made this stoner comedy a cult favorite.

  • Released : 2004
  • Directed by : Danny Leiner

Joe Dirt

David Spade's lovable loser embarks on a quest to find his long-lost parents, encountering a slew of eccentric characters along the way. This offbeat road comedy celebrates the power of resilience and self-discovery in the face of adversity.

  • Directed by : Dennie Gordon

Mr. Bean's Holiday

Mr. Bean's Holiday

Rowan Atkinson's beloved character embarks on a trip to the French Riviera, where he inadvertently creates chaos at every turn. The film combines slapstick humor with picturesque European settings, making for a light-hearted, visually appealing road trip adventure.

  • Released : 2007
  • Directed by : Steve Bendelack

Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Paul Reubens brings his iconic character to life in this whimsical adventure across America in search of his stolen bicycle. Pee-wee's innocent charm and imaginative spirit make this road trip comedy a timeless classic.

  • Released : 1985
  • Directed by : Tim Burton

Due Date

Robert Downey Jr.'s uptight architect and Zach Galifianakis' eccentric aspiring actor form an unlikely duo in this raucous journey across America. The film keeps viewers laughing while showcasing the transformative power of friendship and personal growth during unexpected detours.

  • Released : 2010


Robin Williams stars as a well-intentioned father who takes his family on a disastrous RV trip, leading to a series of comedic mishaps and unexpected encounters. The film showcases Williams's comedic genius while reminding us of the importance of family connection amidst the chaos.

  • Released : 2006
  • Directed by : Barry Sonnenfeld

Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine

This heartwarming and quirky indie film follows a dysfunctional family as they travel together in a rickety VW bus to support their young daughter in a beauty pageant. With complex characters and emotional depth, this comedy proves that even the most unconventional journeys can lead to profound personal growth and familial bonds.

  • Directed by : Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris

Wild Hogs

Four middle-aged friends, played by Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, and William H. Macy, hit the open road on motorcycles, seeking adventure and escape from their mundane lives. The film's blend of slapstick comedy and heartfelt moments make it a fun and relatable portrayal of friendship and rediscovering one's passion.

  • Directed by : Walt Becker

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

This classic 1963 comedy is undoubtedly a memorable road trip comedy, featuring a star-studded cast racing to find buried treasure. From roadside mishaps to comedic misunderstandings, this film set the standard for the chaos and hilarity that characterize the best road trip comedies.

  • Released : 1963
  • Directed by : Stanley Kramer


When a family attempts to recreate a memorable road trip from their childhood, hilarity ensues in this reboot of the classic comedy. Ed Helms and Christina Applegate's pitch-perfect performances keep audiences laughing through every twist and turn.

  • Released : 2015
  • Directed by : Jonathan M. Goldstein, John Francis Daley

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Sacha Baron Cohen's mockumentary-style comedy follows the unforgettable character Borat as he travels across America to learn about its culture. The film is both shocking and hilarious, as Cohen's outrageous antics expose cultural divides and challenge societal norms.

  • Directed by : Larry Charles

Sex Drive

This raunchy comedy follows a group of friends on a cross-country journey to lose their virginity, resulting in outrageous escapades and hilarious misadventures. The film masterfully combines crude humor with genuine heart, making it a memorable addition to the road trip genre.

  • Released : 2008
  • Directed by : Sean Anders

The Bucket List

The Bucket List

Despite its somber premise, this film starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman is surprisingly uplifting, as two terminally ill men embark on a road trip to complete their bucket list. Through laughter and shared experiences, the film reminds us of the importance of living life to the fullest and cherishing the connections we make along the way.

  • Directed by : Rob Reiner

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Kevin Smith's iconic slacker characters hit the road in this irreverent comedy, on a mission to sabotage the Hollywood adaptation of their comic book alter egos. The film delivers non-stop laughs and clever pop culture references, making it a must-see for fans of Smith's unique brand of humor.

  • Directed by : Kevin Smith

Identity Thief

Identity Thief

Melissa McCarthy shines as a brazen con artist, leading Jason Bateman's character on a wild chase to clear his name. The film cleverly balances slapstick humor with heartfelt moments, illustrating the unlikely relationships that can develop on the road.

  • Directed by : Seth Gordon


Wine connoisseurs and comedy lovers alike will appreciate this critically acclaimed film about two friends on a wine-tasting road trip through California. The film's sharp wit, engaging characters, and beautiful scenery create a humorous yet introspective journey of self-discovery.

  • Directed by : Alexander Payne

College Road Trip

College Road Trip

Martin Lawrence and Raven-Symoné star in this family-friendly comedy about a father-daughter duo road-tripping to visit colleges. The film is a lighthearted reminder of the challenges and joys of letting go and embracing life's transitions.

  • Directed by : Roger Kumble

Paper Moon

This classic road trip comedy set during the Great Depression pairs a charming con man with a precocious young girl, played by real-life father and daughter Ryan and Tatum O'Neal. Their adventures and evolving bond create a touching and timeless story filled with humor and heart.

  • Released : 1973
  • Directed by : Peter Bogdanovich

Bad Grandpa

Bad Grandpa

Johnny Knoxville brings his signature outrageous stunts and pranks to this hidden camera comedy, playing an elderly man on a road trip with his young grandson. The film pushes the boundaries of taste while showcasing the undeniable bond between the two characters.

  • Directed by : Jeff Tremaine

Are We There Yet

Are We There Yet

Ice Cube stars in this family comedy as a man attempting to win over his girlfriend's children by driving them across the country to visit their mother. The film offers a humorous take on the challenges of blended families and the unexpected bonds that can form on the road.

  • Released : 2005
  • Directed by : Brian Levant

Dirty Grandpa

Dirty Grandpa

Robert De Niro and Zac Efron share an outlandish and uproarious road trip as a grandfather-grandson duo, exploring the wild side of life amidst endless comedic debauchery. This light-hearted comedy proves that age is just a number when it comes to having a good time.

  • Released : 2016
  • Directed by : Dan Mazer

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

Three fabulous drag queens hit the road on an inspiring cross-country journey, teaching audiences about friendship, love, and acceptance. With tongue-in-cheek humor, they face adversity head-on, making it a hilarious and heartfelt road trip classic.

  • Directed by : Beeban Kidron

Something Wild

Something Wild

Jeff Daniels and Melanie Griffith form an unlikely pairing in this road movie that takes them on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected romance. These two unforgettable characters catapult the film from quirky comedy to thrilling adventure, captivating audiences from start to finish.

  • Released : 1986
  • Directed by : Jonathan Demme


This animated adventure cleverly combines heartwarming family moments with laugh-out-loud humor as two elf brothers embark on a quest to resurrect their late father. Their magical, journey is riddled with hilarious mishaps and surprising discoveries, making it an unforgettable road trip comedy.

  • Released : 2020
  • Directed by : Dan Scanlon

Bad Trip

A hidden camera comedy follows two pals as they hilariously navigate a wild road trip filled with unexpected (and oftentimes awkward) encounters. Eric André and Lil Rel Howery's undeniable chemistry ensures non-stop laughter throughout this outrageously fun ride.

  • Released : 2021
  • Directed by : Kitao Sakurai

Johnson Family Vacation

Johnson Family Vacation

A family road trip turns into an outrageous comedic adventure as Cedric the Entertainer leads his family to a reunion, encountering various eccentric characters and obstacles along the way. The perfect blend of slapstick humor and heartfelt moments make this a must-watch comedy.

  • Directed by : Christopher Erskin


An army ranger and his military canine companion embark on a heartwarming and humorous journey in this touching buddy comedy. The dynamic between man and dog leads to countless entertaining situations along their road to healing.

  • Released : 2022
  • Directed by : Reid Carolin, Channing Tatum


Five college buddies embark on one last wild road trip before facing the inevitable realities of adulthood. Kevin Costner stands out in a lively ensemble cast, exploring themes of friendship and growth in this entertaining coming-of-age comedy.

  • Directed by : Kevin Reynolds

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

Two drag queens and a transgender woman traverse the Australian Outback in a glitter-adorned bus named Priscilla, displaying their outrageous fashion sense and irresistible humor. This unforgettable comedy chronicles the growth of friendship, acceptance, and self-discovery amidst wild escapades.

  • Directed by : Stephan Elliott

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh

Two old friends reunite on a road trip to explore a long-lost dream of becoming stand-up comedians. Chevy Chase and Richard Dreyfuss deliver heartwarming performances packed with laughter and life lessons in this endearing buddy comedy.

  • Released : 2019
  • Directed by : Greg Pritikin

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Sacha Baron Cohen returns as the iconic Kazakh journalist, taking audiences on another hilariously bizarre cross-country journey through America. This time, joined by his daughter, they tackle social issues with their unique brand of cringe-worthy yet ingenious humor.

  • Directed by : Jason Woliner

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

Fans of the hit hidden-camera TV show will love this off-the-wall road trip comedy packed with their favorite pranks and challenges. The Jokers' chemistry and quick wit make this a non-stop laugh fest as they compete in a high-stakes competition.

  • Directed by : Chris Henchy

Interstate 60

Interstate 60

A young man stuck at a crossroads in life embarks on a magical and mind-bending road trip down the mysterious Interstate 60. With delightful detours and peculiar characters, this enigmatic comedy offers a fun and thought-provoking journey.

  • Released : 2002
  • Directed by : Bob Gale

Road Trip: Beer Pong

Road Trip: Beer Pong

Boozy antics and chaotic misadventures define this comedy sequel centered on a group of friends in pursuit of the ultimate beer pong championship. Their outrageous journey guarantees countless laugh-out-loud moments throughout.

  • Released : 2009
  • Directed by : Steve Rash

Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank

Set in the 1970s, Paul Bettany's portrayal of a gay man confronting long-buried family secrets on an unexpectedly emotional road trip will captivate viewers. This heartfelt drama-comedy explores themes of acceptance and self-discovery with both laughter and tears.

  • Directed by : Alan Ball

Rolling Kansas

Rolling Kansas

  • Released : 2003
  • Directed by : Thomas Haden Church

The Road Within

The Road Within

  • Released : 2014
  • Directed by : Gren Wells

The Family Plan

The Family Plan

  • Released : 2023
  • Directed by : Simon Cellan Jones

Between Two Ferns: The Movie

Between Two Ferns: The Movie

Zach Galifianakis takes his offbeat talk show on the road in this hilarious mockumentary-style road trip comedy. With cringe-inducing celebrity interviews and side-splitting antics, it's a perfect blend of humor and adventure.

  • Directed by : Scott Aukerman

Away We Go

John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph give charming performances as a couple searching for a place to call home before their baby arrives. Their cross-country journey is filled with laughter and love, making this indie dramedy a feel-good voyage.

  • Directed by : Sam Mendes

Joy Ride

  • Directed by : Adele Lim


Haley Lu Richardson and Barbie Ferreira team up in this poignant and humorous road trip comedy about two teenagers seeking a legal abortion. It's a timely, entertaining exploration of friendship and female empowerment that never loses its heart or sense of humor.

  • Directed by : Rachel Lee Goldenberg

The Long Dumb Road

The Long Dumb Road

  • Released : 2018
  • Directed by : Hannah Fidell

The Guilt Trip

The Guilt Trip

Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand create a memorable mother-son duo in this heartfelt comedy about a cross-country sales trip. Their endearing rapport and comedic mishaps make for an enjoyable voyage filled with laughter and family bonding.

  • Released : 2012
  • Directed by : Anne Fletcher

The Man in the Hat

The Man in the Hat

Delightfully whimsical and charming, this French road trip comedy follows a man and his tiny Fiat 500 as he embarks on an eccentric journey through picturesque France. The film's lighthearted adventures, coupled with its enchanting musical score, make it a captivating cinematic escape.

  • Directed by : John-Paul Davidson, Stephen Warbeck
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The Road Trip: cast, plot and everything you need to know

The Road Trip is a romantic comedy set in Spain and starring Emma Appleton, Laurie Davidson and David Jonsson.

The Road Trip on Paramount Plus stars Emma Appleton as Addie who is taking a road trip through Spain.

The Road Trip on Paramount Plus is a romantic comedy that brings to life another bestseller by author Beth O'Leary as it follows on from the success of Paramount’s previous hit drama The Flatshare , also a book by Beth O’Leary. 

Starring Emma Appleton, Laurie Davidson and David Jonsson, this series follows Addie (Appleton) who is on a road trip to a friend’s wedding in Spain when she’s forced to share the ride with her ex Dylan (Laurie Davidson). Flitting between the past and the present, the show focuses on giving love another shot and explores whether someone can be the right person but at the wrong time. 

Novelist Beth O’Leary, author of The Road Trip , says: "I'm so thrilled to finally be able to shout about this news! 42 and Paramount Plus were the dream team behind  The Flatshare series, so it's wonderful to know The Road Trip  is in such safe, skilled hands. 

"From my very first glimpse at an early script for this show, I knew it was going to be something really special, and now that we have our incredible cast lined up, I just cannot wait to see The Road Trip brought to life." 

Here’s everything you need to know about The Road Trip on Paramount Plus…

The Road Trip release date

The Road Trip is a six-part series will premiere on Paramount Plus and we expect it to hit our screens in 2024. When a UK and US release date is announced, we’ll update you on here. 

* Sign up for Paramount Plus here.

The Road Trip the plot

The Road Trip follows Addie (Emma Appleton) is setting off on a road trip in a creaky campervan with her sister Deb (Isabella Laughland), heading to a friend’s wedding in Spain. However, they hit a bump in the road when they have to share the ride with Addie’s ex, Dylan (Laurie Davidson), his best friend Marcus ( Industry star David Jonsson) and a complete stranger called Rodney (Angus Imrie). 

The story intercuts between Addie and Dylan’s intoxicating holiday romance in the past and the surreal escapades on their road trip in the present. But everyone has secrets and life in a campervan offers no place to hide. Plus, they all have different ideas about what really happened during their holiday fling and why the pair broke up. Will Addie and Dylan’s journey back to where they first fell in love lead them to an unexpected happily-ever-after?

The Road Trip cast — Emma Appleton as Addie

Lead actor on The Road Trip is Emma Appleton plays Addie, who is forced into close quarters with her ex. She has starred in The Killing Kind , Lola, Everything I Know About Love, The Last Letter from your Lover, Traitors and The Witcher . She also played Nancy Spungen in the series Pistol , about The Sex Pistols. 

Emma Appleton as Ingrid Lewis in The Killing Kind.

Laurie Davidson as Dylan

Laurie Davidson is playing Addie’s ex Dylan. He previously played William Shakespeare in the series Will and has also had roles in Cats, The Good Liar, The Sandman, Guilty Party and The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die . 

Laurie Davidson.

David Jonsson as Marcus

David Jonsson takes on the role of Dylan’s best friend Marcus. He previously starred as Gus in the hit series Industry and has also been in Endeavour, Deep State and Rye Lane . He has a lead role in BBC1's Agatha Christie mystery Murder Is Easy .

Gus has a new, more casual look, for Industry season 2.

Who else is starring in the Road Trip? 

Other stars of The Road Trip include Isabella Laughland ( Foundation , Trigonometry ) who plays Addie’s sister Deb and Angus Imrie ( The Crown, Fleabag, The Archers ) who plays Rodney, who bags a lift with the gang.

Angus Imrie, here with his mum Celia Imrie.

Is there a trailer for The Road Trip?

There's no trailer for The Road Trip just yet, but as soon as one is released we’ll post it on this page. 

Behind the scenes, locations and more on The Road Trip

The Road Trip is filmed on location in Bristol and this island of Gran Canaria which is part of Spain. 42 is producing the 6 x 45 min series in association with PTIS – the international studio division of Paramount Global. The drama was commissioned by Sebastian Cardwell, Paramount's Deputy Chief Content Officer, UK.

Sebastian Cardwell says “We saw brilliant success across the globe with  The Flatshare , and we are thrilled to be working with 42 again on adapting another of Beth’s much-loved and best-selling novels. The Road Trip is the perfect addition to our expanding drama slate on Paramount+ and I can’t wait to see this incredible cast bring these characters to life.”

China Moo-Young  (Everything I Know About Love)  is lead director of The Road Trip and Stella Corradi  (Killing Eve)  will direct block two. Executive producers for 42 are Miriam Brent, Rory Aitken and Eleanor Moran. Nikki Wilson ( Wolf, Doctor Who ) is producer and Kingsley Hoskins ( The Girl Before, The Flatshare ) is co-producer. Ryan O’Sullivan & Matilda Wnek  (Vigil 2)  are the lead writers and serve as executive producers on the series. Phoebe Eclair-Powell  (Two Weeks To Live)  writes episodes three and four, with Olivier award-winning Waleed Akhtar  (The P Word)  writing episode five.  

Miriam Brent, Rory Aitken and Eleanor Moran, Executive Producers at 42 said: “We are so excited to be setting off on  The Road Trip . It’s a unique privilege to be trusted with a second Beth O’Leary bestseller, and Ryan and Matilda have done an extraordinary job of translating the hilarious and poignant narrative to the screen. With the brilliant China Moo Young in the driving seat as lead director and such a wonderful cast, it’s going to be one hell of a ride!”

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I'm a huge fan of television so I really have found the perfect job, as I've been writing about TV shows, films and interviewing major television, film and sports stars for over 25 years. I'm currently TV Content Director on What's On TV, TV Times, TV and Satellite Week magazines plus Whattowatch.com. I previously worked on Woman and Woman's Own in the 1990s. Outside of work I swim every morning, support Charlton Athletic football club and get nostalgic about TV shows Cagney & Lacey, I Claudius, Dallas and Tenko. I'm totally on top of everything good coming up too.

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road trip movie breakfast scene


  1. Road Trip : French Toast Scene

    road trip movie breakfast scene

  2. Road Trip : French Toast Scene on Make a GIF

    road trip movie breakfast scene

  3. DJ Qualls' french toast scene in 'Road Trip' movie

    road trip movie breakfast scene

  4. Road Trip Movie French Toast

    road trip movie breakfast scene

  5. Road Trip (2000)

    road trip movie breakfast scene

  6. Road Trip : French Toast Scene on Make a GIF

    road trip movie breakfast scene


  1. The road trip (movie 2) THE ESCAPE

  2. Road Trip movie #funny #movie #comedy #facts #fyp #foryou #viral #roadtrip

  3. The road trip (movie) #movie

  4. ROAD TRIP Movie Trailer (2016)


  6. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)


  1. Road Trip (4/9) Movie CLIP

    Road Trip movie clips: http://j.mp/1L5B95vBUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/JKHwg4Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6prCLIP DESCRIPTION:Kyle (D...

  2. Road Trip : French Toast Scene

    DJ Quails orders french toast without powdered sugar, so the disgusting waiter (Horatio Sanz) fixes it his way.

  3. Road Trip: Mini-riot

    Josh (Breckin Meyer) and his friends (Seann William Scott, Paulo Costanzo, DJ Qualls) are involved in a fight after refusing to leave without their mail. BIN...

  4. Road Trip (2000 film)

    Road Trip is a 2000 American road sex comedy film [5] directed by Todd Phillips and written by Scot Armstrong and Phillips. The film stars Breckin Meyer, Seann William Scott, Paulo Costanzo, and DJ Qualls, with Amy Smart, Tom Green, Rachel Blanchard, and Fred Ward in supporting roles. The film follows Josh Parker (Meyer), who enlists three of his college friends to embark on an 1,800-mile ...

  5. French Toast is Served Best Warm... Gross! [VIDEO]

    Cult comedy classics like Road Trip all have cinematic devices like the scene we feature today. Physical comedy abounds as the characters are unaware of how the server/cook is abusing them. This scene is particularly crass; the best moment being the server walking away and farting -- with the outline of the French toast in his sweat pants.

  6. Road Trip (2000)

    Road Trip: Directed by Todd Phillips. With Breckin Meyer, Seann William Scott, Amy Smart, Paulo Costanzo. Four college buddies embark on a road trip to retrieve an illicit tape mistakenly mailed to a female friend.

  7. Road Trip (Film)

    Road Trip. Love is never having to say you're sorry you made a sex tape with a woman then mailed it to your girlfriend. Born in the white-hot fury of the late-'90s, early-2000s teen-sex-comedy boom, Road Trip is the story of young Josh Parker and the consequences of one night's craziness. Josh's long-term, long-distance girlfriend Tiffany has ...

  8. Road Trip Soundtrack (2000)

    Find out the songs from the comedy movie Road Trip, featuring artists like Eels, Black Eyed Peas, Run-DMC, and more. See the scenes and times where the songs are played in the film.

  9. Road Trip (2000)

    Overview. After an Ithaca College student films his one-night stand with a beautiful sorority girl, he discovers one of his friends has accidentally mailed the homemade sex tape to his girlfriend in Austin. In a frenzy, he must borrow a car and hit the road in a desperate bid to intercept the tape. Todd Phillips. Director, Writer. Scot Armstrong.

  10. Road Trip (movie, 2000)

    All about Movie: directors and actors, where to watch online, awards, reviews and ratings, related movies, movie facts, trailers, stills, backstage. ... and the University of Georgia. The university seen in a flyover in the opening scene is actually Harvard University; the same footage was later used in the film Old School in 2003. The diner ...

  11. Road Trip (1/9) Movie CLIP

    Road Trip movie clips: http://j.mp/1L5B95vBUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/JKHwg4Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6prCLIP DESCRIPTION:Josh (B...

  12. Road Trip

    THE DINER: Kyle Edwards (DJ Qualls), the high-strung member of the movie's road-tripping crew THE SETTING: After ordering a morning meal at a strip-mall eatery, Kyle expresses dismay at seeing his breakfast covered in powdered sugar. The group's burly server (Horatio Sanz) takes back the order with a smile. THE MEAL: Two pieces of French toast, licked by Sanz and given a brief tour of his ...

  13. Road Trip

    Amy Smart, Ethan Suplee. Josh Parker (Breckin Meyer) and chums undertake a cross-country dash, from 'Ithaca, New York State' to 'Austin, Texas', to retrieve a compromising videotape posted to his girlfriend in this lacklustre (though hugely successful) addition to the college sexcom genre. The film was shot in the South, mainly around ...

  14. Road Trip (2000)

    Find out who played the toe sucker and other characters in the comedy movie Road Trip, directed by Todd Phillips. See the full list of cast and crew members, including actors, writers, producers, and more.

  15. 25 Essential Road Trip Movies of the Last 25 Years

    Looking for a movie to inspire your next road trip? Check out this list of 25 American movies that celebrate the sights and sounds of the country, from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas to Cars. See the critics' consensus, synopsis, and cast for each film.

  16. Road Trip Comedies

    Tommy Boy presents Chris Farley in his prime as Thomas "Tommy" Callahan III, an incompetent heir to his late father's auto parts business, who embarks on a wild sales trip with straight-laced colleague Richard Hayden (David Spade). The unlikely duo's misadventures and epic mishaps make for a riotous road trip full of quotable lines and uproarious scenes that have solidified this film as a ...

  17. Road Trip (3/9) Movie CLIP

    Road Trip movie clips: http://j.mp/1L5B95vBUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/JKHwg4Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6prCLIP DESCRIPTION:Rubin (...

  18. The Road Trip: cast, plot and everything you need to know

    The Road Trip is a six-part series based on Beth O'Leary's novel, starring Emma Appleton and Laurie Davidson as exes who share a campervan ride to Spain. The show flashes between their past romance and their present adventures, with secrets and surprises along the way.

  19. Easy Rider

    Easy Rider is a 1969 American road drama film starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, and Jack Nicholson as bikers who travel through the Southwest and South. The film explores the counterculture of the 1960s, features a famous soundtrack, and was nominated for two Oscars.

  20. Road Trip (5/9) Movie CLIP

    Road Trip movie clips: http://j.mp/1L5B95vBUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/JKHwg4Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6prCLIP DESCRIPTION:Josh (B...