Frauenradsport : Strecke, Etappen und Live-Übertragung der Tour of Scandinavia

Sandra Schuberth

 ·  23.08.2023

Die Tour of Scandinavia gehört zur UCI Women's World Tour

Die Tour of Scandinavia ist aus der Ladies Tour of Norway hervorgegangen, die für die Saison 2022 um zwei Tage verlängert wurde und auch Etappen in Schweden und Dänemark beinhaltet - jedenfalls bisher.

  • Die Strecke der Tour of Scandinavia im Detail
  • Diese Teams sind am Start
  • Die Skandinavien-Rundfahrt im Live Stream
  • Die Ergebnisse der Tour of Scandinavia 2023 finden Sie hier

Die Strecke: Das sind die 5 Etappen der Tour of Scandinavia 2023

In diesem Jahr wurde die Skandinavien-Rundfahrt von sechs auf fünf Etappen gekürzt. Grund seien die gestiegenen Kosten und die fehlende Finanzierung in Schweden, heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung des Veranstalters. Die zweite Etappe des Rennens in Schweden von Tanum Strand nach Strømstad wurde gestrichen.

Etappe 1: Von Mysen geht es am 23. August nach Halden

124,6 Kilometer

Erste Etappe Tour de Scandinavia: Mysen - Halden

Die erste Etappe der diesjährigen Skandinavien-Rundfahrt führt in Gegenden, die allen bekannt sind, die die Ladies Tour of Norway von Anfang an verfolgt haben. Mysen (Gemeinde Indre Østfold) war zuletzt 2022 Schauplatz einer Zielankunft und ist in diesem Jahr Gastgeber der “Grand Depart” des Rennens. Halden ist die Stadt, in der vor neun Jahren alles begann und in der bis zu diesem Jahr die letzte Etappe des Rennens stattfand. Diesmal wird der Spieß umgedreht - es wird ein spannendes Finale auf der 1. Etappe vorbereitet, bei dem die Fahrerinnen auf dem örtlichen Rundkurs auch die Festung Fredriksten erklimmen werden. Der Zielbereich befindet sich an der Kongens brygge im Stadtzentrum - wie immer.

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Zeitplan der ersten Etappe

  • Start Mysen: 14:55
  • Zwischensprint, Askim: 15:15
  • QOM Momarken: 15:55
  • Rakkestad: 16:39
  • Jetzt geht’s in die Finalrunde in Halden: 17:30
  • Zielankunft Halden: 18:10

Etappe 2: 24. August, von Vikersund nach Norefjell

157,7 Kilometer

Auf der zweiten Etappe der Tour of Scandinavia geht es von Vikersund nach Norefjell

Auf dieser Etappe gewann Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig als Solistin und legte damit den Grundstein für ihren Gesamtsieg bei der letztjährigen Skandinavien-Rundfahrt. Die diesjährige Etappe wurde jedoch im Vergleich zum Vorjahr leicht verändert. Der Start ist nach wie vor in Vikersund und die Etappe führt durch die Gemeinden Modum, Sigdal und Krødsherad. Der letzte Teil der diesjährigen Bergetappe führt über Eggedal in der Kommune Sigdal. Der Scheitelpunkt des entscheidenden Anstiegs zum Norefjell liegt damit etwas weiter vom Ziel entfernt als im Vorjahr. Die letzten fünf Kilometer der Etappe sind leichter. Das Ziel befindet sich wie im Vorjahr im Norefjell Ski & Spa.

Zeitplan der zweiten Etappe

  • Start Vikersund: 13:40
  • Zwischensprint, Vikersund: 14:25
  • Simostranda: 14:51
  • Krøderen: 15:40
  • Zwischensprint, Noresund: 15:55
  • Eggedal: 17:25
  • Zielankunft Norefjell: 18:10

Etappe 3: Am 25. August geht es von Kongsberg nach Larvik

135 Kilometer

3. Etappe - von Kongsberg nach Larvik | Kenneth Asbjørnsen / Evenfotografene

Die dritte Etappe der Tour of Scandinavia ist in diesem Jahr eine ganz neue Etappe mit neuen Gastgebergemeinden. Die Etappe beginnt in der Nähe des Wasserfalls von Kongsberg. Der erste Teil hinunter ins Lågen-Tal ist relativ einfach, bevor es über Vindfjell und Siljan hinauf nach Porsgrunn geht. Die Strecke führt am Stadtrand von Skien und im Zentrum von Porsgrunn vorbei, bevor es über Helgeroa und Stavern an die Küste von Vestfold geht. Das Finale in Larvik ist mit einem Anstieg auf den letzten 1,4 Kilometern relativ anspruchsvoll. Die Zieleinfahrt der 4. Etappe wird wegen des Transfers nach Dänemark relativ früh erfolgen.

Zeitplan der dritten Etappe

  • Start Kongsberg: 10:45
  • Hvittingfoss: 11:35
  • QOM Vindfjell: 12:20
  • Zwischensprint, Porsgrunn: 13:00
  • QOM Eidanger: 13:15
  • Helgeroa: 13:45
  • Stavern: 14:10
  • Zielankunft Larvik: 14:25

Etappe 4: Einzelzeitfahren am 26. August in Herning

16,5 Kilometer

Kurz und knackig - das ist die 4. Etappe, in der ein Einzelzeitfahren über 16,5 Kilometer auf dem Programm steht.

Zeitplan der vierten Etappe

  • Start der ersten Fahrerin in Herning: 15:55
  • Letzte Fahrerin im Ziel: 18:10

Etappe 5: 27. August - von Middelfart nach Kolding und weiter nach Haderslev

144 Kilometer

Auf der Schlussetappe geht es nach Haderslev in Dänemark.

Die Schlussetappe der diesjährigen Skandinavien-Rundfahrt beginnt im idyllischen Middelfart auf Fyn. Nach einer kleinen Schleife durch die Gemeinde passieren die Fahrerinnen die alte Lillebælt-Brücke, bevor sie nach Kolding fahren. Die Strecke führt am 750 Jahre alten Haus von Kolding vorbei, bevor es auf denselben Straßen wie bei der Tour de France im letzten Jahr wieder nach Süden in Richtung Haderslev geht. In Haderslev sind drei Runden auf einem 7,5 Kilometer langen Rundkurs zu absolvieren. Der Zielbereich befindet sich auf einem ca. 800 Meter langen Anstieg.

Zeitplan der fünften Etappe

  • Start Middelfart: 10:35
  • Durchfahren des Startbereichs in Middelfart: 11:05
  • QOM Birkemose golf club: 11:30
  • Ankunft in Kolding: 11:48
  • Zwischensprint in Kolding: 11:55
  • QOM Hejlsminde: 12:25
  • Zwischensprint in Christiansfeld: 12:36
  • Rundkurs Haderslev: 13:40
  • Zielankunft Haderslev: 14:30

Diese Teams sind 2023 bei der Tour of Scandinavia am Start

  • Movistar Team Women
  • UNO-X Pro Cycling Team
  • LIV Racing Teqfind
  • Canyon//Sram Racing
  • Team Jayco Alula
  • Team DSM-Firmenich
  • Team Jumbo-Visma
  • UAE Team ADQ
  • EF Education-Tibco-SVB
  • Team SD Worx
  • Team Coop-Hitec Products
  • Fenix-Deceuninck
  • Human Powered Health
  • Lifeplus Wahoo
  • Israel Premier Tech Roland
  • AG Insurance – Soudal Quick-step Team
  • National Team Denmark

>> Hier gibt’s die komplette Startliste

Die Tour of Scandinavia 2023 im Live-Stream

Die Tour of Scandinavia lässt sich im Fernsehen auf Eurosport 1 verfolgen. Zudem wird bei Discovery+ und GCN+ (beides über Bezahl-Abo) ein Live-Stream angeboten.

Meistgelesen in der Rubrik Profi - Radsport

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Etape actuelle

Prochaine étape.

EN DIRECT : Norvège - Norvège

Tour of Scandinavia - 29 août 2024

Suivez Tour of Scandinavia Norvège - Norvège en direct avec Eurosport. Norvège - Norvège commence à 02:00 le 29 août 2024.

Suivez les dernières informations du cyclisme et retrouvez Tour of Scandinavia . Résultats , Classements et les parcours. Une fois Norvège - Norvège terminée, n'oubliez pas de consulter le programme complet des étapes et de vous tenir informé en direct de la prochaine étape. Vous pouvez également retrouver une liste des Vainqueurs précédents .

Suivez Romain Bardet, Tadej Pogacar, Thibaut Pinot et d'autres coureurs majeurs pour découvrir qui domine cette saison. Suivez les équipes cyclistes les plus en vue en action - Bora-Hansgrohe, Jumbo Visma, Ineos Grenadiers et Cofidis pour n'en citer que quelques-unes.

Les fans de cyclisme peuvent découvrir les derniers titres de l'actualité Tour of Scandinavia , des interviews, des commentaires d'experts, des reprises et des temps forts. Suivez tous les grands événements de la saison, notamment le Tour de France, le Giro et la Vuelta.

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Tour of Scandinavia - Road race Women - Stage 1

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Current stage

LIVE: Norway - Norway

Tour of Scandinavia - August 29th, 2024

Follow the Tour of Scandinavia Norway - Norway stage live with Eurosport. Norway - Norway starts at 12:00 AM on August 29th, 2024.

Catch the latest cycling news and find Tour of Scandinavia results , standings and routes. After Norway - Norway is done, be sure to check out the full schedule of stages and get live updates for the next stage. You can also find a list of previous winners .

Follow Rui Costa, Mathieu van der Poel, Mark Cavendish and other key riders to see who is dominating this season. See the hottest cycling teams in action - Bora-Hansgrohe, Ineos Grenadiers and Cofidis to name a few.

Cycling fans can read breaking Tour of Scandinavia news headlines, interviews, expert commentary, replays & highlights. Keep up with all of this season’s top events, including the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and Vuelta a España.

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Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden & Denmark

Experience Nordic Culture Along the Arctic Circle

  • Description
  • Dates/Prices
  • Helpful Info

We’ll venture deep into the heart of Scandinavia to discover the countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The Nordic region’s natural beauty is truly something to behold and its rugged landscapes are arguably some of the most scenic on earth. During our exploration of Scandinavia, we’ll visit historic towns, taste Scandinavian cuisine, and most importantly, meet the warm-hearted Nordic people.

  • Explore the Viking Ship Museum
  • Travel the Flam Railway through the Nordic mountains
  • Enjoy city tours of Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Oslo
  • Visit historic castles and palaces



After arriving in the beautiful harbor city of Stockholm, enjoy a city tour to experience this metropolitan area that blends medieval and modern. Our tour will feature views of the Royal Palace from Old Town, where you’ll have free time to explore and enjoy lunch on your own. Our last stop of the day is the famous Vasa Museum that highlights the Vasa warship from 1628. M eals in Flight, D


This morning, embark on a delightful lunch cruise that includes a stop at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Drottningholm Palace, where you will enjoy a guided tour. Our visit to the Queen and King’s residence offers an immersive journey through Sweden’s rich royal history, showcasing the opulent staterooms, beautifully preserved interiors, and stunning Baroque gardens. Cruising back to Stockholm, you’ll have time to dine at a local restaurant and take a stroll through the charming city streets. B, L


We will depart this morning and travel west to Mariefred, a charming small town located on the shores of Lake Mälaren. This town offers a serene atmosphere with beautiful landscapes and is home to Gripsholm Castle, a stunning Renaissance fortress that houses the Swedish National Portrait Gallery. Next, have a locally grown lunch with a beautiful view over the local lake. We will continue on to Grythyttan for the night, known for its natural mineral springs. B, L, D


We begin our journey to Oslo, Norway, with a stop for lunch along the way. Upon arrival, enjoy a narrated tour of the capital and see the world famous Vigeland Park, Oslo Opera House, and more. Visit the Fram Museum, which tells the story of Norwegian polar exploration, with a focus on the Arctic and Antarctic regions. After a day of sightseeing, we’ll enjoy dinner together at our hotel. B, L, D


Today, we journey along charming country roads to a traditional Norwegian mountain farm on our way to Stalheim. Here, you’ll discover how mountain farm life has evolved over the years, blending old traditions with modern practices. We’ll also visit one of the beautiful Stave churches in Norway before continuing to Stalheim, located high on the mountain with sweeping views of the Nærøy valley. B, L, D


This morning we venture on the Flam Railway! With twisting tunnels that spiral in and out of the Nordic mountains, the Flam Railway reflects the most daring and skillful engineering in railway history. This afternoon, we’ll cruise from Flam to Gudvangen amid the spectacular scenery of Aurland and Næroy Fjords. B, D


Today we travel to the Hardanger Fjord area, known as “Norway’s Garden,” for the temperate climate and rich soil that produces an amazing array of fruit trees. We’ll stop at the Hardanger Juice and Cider factory for a guided tour of the farm and some tasty samples. On our way to Bergen, we’ll take the funicular to Mount Fløien before a delicious dinner. B , D


This morning explore Bryggen, one of Norway’s main attractions known for its colorful wooden houses. The pier “Bryggen” was built after the great fire in 1702 and is included on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. We will also see the local Fish Market before we visit the famous Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg’s home, Troldhaugen, for a guided tour. Afterward, we return to Bergen for an afternoon at our leisure. B, D


We depart Bergen in the morning for a short flight to Copenhagen, Denmark. This afternoon, meet our guide for a city tour to visit the Little Mermaid sculpture, the Gefion Fountain, the palace of the Danish Royal Family, the National Library, and more. Afterward, we’ll settle into our hotel and enjoy dinner together. B, D


Today, we visit the 16th century Kronborg Castle — the UNESCO World Heritage Site made famous by Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Continuing our drive, we’ll stop to meet a wonderful farm family. This evening, we’ll return to Copenhagen for a group dinner. B, D


Today, we continue our travels to Roskilde for a visit to the famous Viking Ship Museum, where you’ll explore their exhibitions and living workshops. Enjoy time on your own this afternoon to explore the National Museum of Denmark, stroll along the harbor area, or peruse the area’s quaint shops and restaurants before returning to the hotel for dinner. B, D


After fond farewells, return home with memories of our scenic adventures through Scandinavia. B, Meals In-Flight

ACCOMMODATIONS: Nights 2-3: Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm, Sweden Night 4: Loka Brunn, Grythyttan, Sweden Night 5: Comfort Hotel Børsparken, Oslo, Norway Nights 6-7: Stalheim Hotel, Vossestrand, Norway Nights 8-9: Clarion Hotel Havnekontoret, Bergen, Norway Nights 10-12: Scandic Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Departure: September 10, 2025
  • Return: September 22, 2025
  • Double : $6,099
  • Single: $7,049

*Price per person

*Includes round-trip airfare from STL or MCI, call for other gateways

*Passport required

Identification :

Valid passport required to travel.

Orange luggage tags are provided and are to be placed on your “checked luggage” (large bag). You do not need a tag for your carry-on bag, for which you will be responsible for taking on and off the coach. There is limited space in the cabin of the coach, so unless you require your carry-on bag while traveling, we will stow it in the luggage compartment.

Walking Distance

To fully enjoy your vacation, you should be in good physical health and understand there are times when a good deal of walking is involved in our tours. Those who have difficulty walking may not want to take this trip or should discuss their personal situation with their doctor before deciding. You should be able to walk at a steady pace for a mile at a time for a daily total of three to four miles per day and be able to manage steps to board/de-board the motorcoach several times a day. In addition, many US and European airports require lengthy walks to get from ticketing counters to your departure gate. Due to the lack of proper facilities at some of the farms, ranches, and off-the-beaten-path sites we often visit, we are unable to accommodate walkers and wheelchairs.

We are finding that larger European cities are closing their historic districts to motor traffic. This, of course, adds to the amount of walking involved when visiting a city (sometimes on uneven and/or cobblestone walkways). In addition, you should know that you may be required to exit the motorcoach at each stop because local law often does not allow travelers to remain on the motorcoach while it is parked for a scheduled stop.

Average Temps High of 65°, low of 50°

Norwegian & Danish Krone (Norway and Denmark), Swedish Krona (Sweden)

GMT-5 (6 hours ahead of New York)

Hotel Amenities

Hair dryers, TV/cable, telephone, and spa services are available.

Terms and Conditions:

Please refer to our policies HERE for more information on our terms and conditions.

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Tour of Scandinavia - Straßenrennen Damen - 1. Etappe

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Nächste Etappe

LIVE: Tour of Scandinavia - Norwegen - Norwegen

29. August 2024

Tour of Scandinavia live bei Eurosport: Die Etappe Norwegen - Norwegen startet um 02:00 am 29. August 2024.

News, Videos, Tour of Scandinavia Ergebnisse , Tabelle und Streckeninfos. Nach der Etappe Norwegen - Norwegen gibt es alle Ergebnisse und Gesamtwertungen, die Vorschau zur nächsten Etappe, Reaktionen, Interviews und Experten-Analysen. Dazu gibt es auch die Liste der Spielplan .

Bei Eurosport findet Ihr Infos, News und Videos zu den deutschen Topfahrern Lennard Kämna, Emanuel Buchmann, Maximilan Schachmann oder Nils Politt und internationalen Stars wie Tadej Pogacar, Jai Hindley, Mathieu van der Poel, Primoz Roglic, Wout Van Aert, Julian Alaphilippe, Peter Sagan und Mark Cavendish.

Welche Teams dominieren die Rennen und Rundfahrten – wir liefern Updates zu Bora-hansgrohe, Alpecin-Fenix, Jumbo-Visma, Ineos, Movistar, Quick Step und allen anderen Mannschaften.

Radsport-Fans bekommen bei Eurosport Breaking News, aktuelle Tour of Scandinavia -Infos, Interviews, Highlights und exklusive Experten-Einschätzungen zu allen Top-Events der Saison, besonders zu Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, Vuelta a España und Rad-WM.

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Tour of Scandinavia - Corsa in linea Donne - Tappa 1

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Prossima tappa.

LIVE: Norvegia - Norvegia

Tour of Scandinavia - 29 agosto 2024

Segui il Tour of Scandinavia Norvegia - Norvegia tappa live con Eurosport. Norvegia - Norvegia comincia alle 02:00 il 29 agosto 2024.

Scopri le ultime notizie di ciclismo e trova Tour of Scandinavia Risultati , Classifiche e percorsi. Al termine della Norvegia - Norvegia, assicurati di aver controllato il programma complete di tutte le tappe, gli aggiornamenti live per le tappe successive. Puoi anche trovare la lista dei Vincitori precedenti .

Segui i grandi campioni come Rui Costa, Mathieu van der Poel, Mark Cavendish, Filippo Ganna e gli altri campionissi che stanno dominando la stagione. Inoltre goditi lo spettacolo dei grandi team in azione, come Bora-Hansgrohe, Ineos Grenadiers e Cofidis tra gli altri.

Gli appassionati di ciclismo possono leggere tutte le ultime breaking news di Tour of Scandinavia , le interviste, i commenti degli esperti, le repliche e gli highlights. Resta aggiornato su tutti gli eventi più important di questa stagione inclusi Tour de France, Giro d’Italia e Vuelta di España.

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Vuelta a España stage 11 Live - Hilly route could ignite a GC battle in Galicia

A new era at the tour of scandinavia - preview.

Vollering chases another historical top spot after Tour de France Femmes second, Uttrup Ludwig plays to home crowds

NOREFJELL NORWAY AUGUST 14 A general view of the peloton crossing a bridge during the 7th Ladies Tour Of Norway 2021 Stage 3 a 145k stage from Drammen to Norefjell 791m LTourOfNorway LTON21 UCIWWT on August 14 2021 in Norefjell Norway Photo by Luc ClaessenGetty Images

The Tour de France Femmes may be over but the racing evolution continues this week with the Tour of Scandinavia – built on the foundation of the Ladies Tour of Norway. 

The new six-stage race will take riders through Denmark, along the coast of Sweden, and into Norway from Tuesday August 9 to Sunday August 14, delivering further opportunities for general classification riders to extend themselves in a growing Women's WorldTour calendar.

The race will take the peloton from Copenhagen to the Swedish coast and then the route will hark back to familiar territory from the former four-day Ladies Tour of Norway. 

The racing will head from the coastal town of Moss, further inland to Mysen and then onto  the climb to Norefjell, likely to be pivotal in the competition for the general classification. The first overall victor will then be crowned in Halden.

Tour of Scandinavia reveals details of inaugural edition Battle of the North renamed Tour of Scandinavia in light of Ukraine war Demi Vollering: I was in the form of my life at the Tour de France Femmes

After taking on the Giro d’Italia Donne and Tour de France Femmes combination, and winning both, last year’s Tour of Norway winner Annemiek van Vleuten will be absent from the race. Demi Vollering (SD Worx), however, started her run at the Tour de France Femmes, where she came second, so will be taking to the start line for the first Tour of Scandinavia as a key favourite. 

Also sure to attract plenty of attention will be Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig (FDJ-SUEZ–Futuroscope) who’ll have the rare opportunity to set off in front of a home crowd, with the Copenhagen start marking the beginning of the first Women's WorldTour racing in Denmark. 

Some riders will be looking for the Tour of Scandinavia to deliver the hoped-for results the French tour didn’t and others who missed out altogether will be hoping to prove their stage racing prowess so the same doesn’t happen next year. 

The biggest motivator, however, will of course be chasing the first ever Tour of Scandinavia crown and another chance to mark the name in the history books as part of the ever-growing chapter on women's cycling.

The contenders 

LE MARKSTEIN FRANCE JULY 30 Demi Vollering of Netherlands and Team SD Worx react disappointed on arrival crosses the finishing line during the 1st Tour de France Femmes 2022 Stage 7 a 1271km stage from Slestat to Le Marksteinc TDFF UCIWWT on July 30 2022 in Le Markstein France Photo by Dario BelingheriGetty Images

With last year’s Tour of Norway winner, Van Vleuten, absent, there is no looking past the rider who came second to her at the Tour de France: Demi Vollering (SD Worx). 

The 25-year-old wasn’t on the start line in 2021, so we haven’t got to see how she fares specifically on the ascent to Norefjell, but from what we’ve seen in recent weeks she is clearly carrying the best climbing form of any of the riders on the start list, having finished a clear second to the Movistar rider on both of the mountainous stages of the Tour de France Femmes.

Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig will be continuing through from both the Giro d’Italia Donne and Tour de France Femmes, with the lure of a first ever Women’s WorldTour race on home soil enough to see the Danish rider from FDJ-SUEZ-Futuroscope continue her run. The 26-year-old, who came fifth in the Ladies Tour of Norway last year, finished seventh overall at the Tour de France Femmes and also took a stage win, plus with a history of being buoyed by the crowds there's every incentive to race aggressively on home territory – not the she usually needs an excuse to animate the racing. 

Erica Magnaldi (UAE Team ADQ) is also another rider to watch who’ll be making it a trio of stage races with Italy, France and Scandinavia, having finished eighth at the Giro Donne d’Italia while also riding in support of third-placed Mavi Garcia. Team DSM also have a strong card to play on the uphill finish, with Liane Lippert who finished tenth on the final stage of the Tour de France Femmes to La Super Planche des Belles Filles.

Lucinda Brand is a promising prospect for the overall for Trek Segafredo, with this year’s Tour de Suisse winner well able to handle herself on the punchy stages, and descents as well as the climbs. The versatile rider also has history on her side, having won the Ladies Tour of Norway back in 2016. The team will also have the winner of the youth classification of the Tour de France Shirin van Anrooij for when the road heads up and Chloe Hosking for the sprint stages. The final stage to Halden will likely be of particular interest for the Australian as that’s where she took a stage victory last year at the race's predecessor event. 

Team Jumbo Vismas Dutch rider Marianne Vos celebrates her sprinters green jersey on the podium after the 8th and final stage of the new edition of the Womens Tour de France cycling race 1233 km between Lure and La Super Planche des Belles Filles on July 31 2022 Photo by Jeff PACHOUD AFP Photo by JEFF PACHOUDAFP via Getty Images

Winner of the Tour of Norway from 2017 through to 2019, Marianne Vos , will be leading Jumbo-Visma and there’s every chance she too could be leading the race before the queen stage to Norefjell – just like she was at the Tour de France Femmes ahead of the mountains. Still, she’d be looking for a solid buffer in advance of the crucial climb to hold off the inevitable offensive from the climbing specialists in the penultimate stage. Perhaps a more predictable outcome is that she'll be well-placed to add to her already considerable stage victory tally of eight.   

BikeExchange-Jayco will be giving Georgia Williams the opportunity to lead the GC charge, with the New Zealander fresh from a Commonwealth Games time trial bronze medal. They'll also be supporting Lotto Thüringen Ladies Tour winner Alexandra Manly for the sprints, though they've got options on that front with Ruby Roseman-Gannon on the squad as well.

Canyon-SRAM’s Neve Bradbury is returning to stage-racing for the first time since her Giro d'Italia Donne debut, where she netted second in the youth classification and tenth overall. There will also be another young Australian to keep a keen eye on, with Sarah Gigante (Movistar) continuing her return from a concussion , which started with the Postnord Vårgårda team time trial earlier this week. 

The 21-year-old hasn’t had a lot of opportunities yet to take on stage races in Europe, so will be sure to relish this one to test her growing form after a solid training block. It’ll also be a last chance for Gigante, and of other riders too, to deliver a performance that could snare or bolster a spot in the national team at the Road World Championships in Wollongong. The Australian eligible performance window closes the day the Tour of Scandinavia concludes.

The opening stage in Copenhagen on Tuesday August 9 will mark the first time that Denmark has hosted a Women’s World Tour race with the 145-kilometre day starting at the famous square Kongens Nytorv in the Danish capital and ending in Helsingør with three local laps. 

After that, the race transfers to the Swedish coast for stage 2, with the peloton working its way through seaside holiday destinations as they cross the 153.4km from Orust to Strömstad.

By stage 3, the race will be in more familiar territory, travelling through landscapes often visited by the Ladies Tour of Norway with a 118.8km route starting by the canal in Moss. It is inland for the first QOM at 24km, with another at 86km, and then there is an intermediate sprint at Karlshus before the road loops back in and out from the coast before heading to Sarpsborg for three laps before the final sprint unfolds in front of the town hall.

It’s hilly terrain for stage 4 from Askim to Mysen as the course moves inland to the Norwegian region of Indre Østfold Kommune, described as the “Norwegian part of Tuscany”. There are QOM points up for grabs at Momarken, 20km in, and Vammasletten at 80km, with sprints at 47km and 101km before the race ends after 119.2km with a slight uphill to the finish in Mysen. 

On Saturday August 13, it is time for the 127.4km Queen stage. The course from Vikersund to Norefjell, a crucial day for the GC contenders, starts with two laps of a circuit before heading off past lake Soneren and then onto lake Krøderen. After the peloton works away from the shores they head to a gruelling final 10km climb. In 2021, this was where Van Vleuten secured the Ladies Tour of Norway stage victory and a lead on the overall she carried through to the end. 

The final 153.4km day starts in Lillestrøm, just north of Oslo heading up to the first QOM at 7.5km, to a sprint at 40km and another at Aremark at 107.2km before the route heads down to the finishing circuit, at Halden. The technical laps, which also deliver more sprint points at 144km, lead to the final line at the inner harbour, where the crowds will watch the first ever winner of the Tour of Scandinavia cross the line. 

How to watch

The Tour of Scandinavia is one race where you will be able to watch much of the action unfold in real time. The race has come on board with at least two hours of coverage per stage, with times for live transmission from 16:00 to 18:15 CET for the first four stages and 11:00 to 14:30 CET for stage five and 12:00 to !4:15 for the final day to Halden.

Internationally ,the coverage will be going out through Discovery, with Eurosport 1 as the main channel and with every stage but the last going out live on that platform, with the finale receiving delayed coverage. The race, however, will be live every day on GCN+ and Discovery+. Coverage can also be found on Norway TV2, 6 Eren in Denmark and Kanal 9 in Sweden while Claro Sports in South America and Super Sports in Africa will air the show delayed. Highlights will also be available on the UCI YouTube channel . 

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Simone is a degree-qualified journalist that has accumulated decades of wide-ranging experience while working across a variety of leading media organisations. She joined Cyclingnews as a Production Editor at the start of the 2021 season and has now moved into the role of Australia Editor. Previously she worked as a freelance writer, Australian Editor at Ella CyclingTips and as a correspondent for Reuters and Bloomberg . Cycling was initially purely a leisure pursuit for Simone, who started out as a business journalist, but in 2015 her career focus also shifted to the sport.

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Women’s Tour of Scandinavia 2022 - Route, predictions and contenders

Women’s Tour of Scandinavia 2022 - Route, predictions and contenders

The next stage race in the Women’s WorldTour skirts through Denmark, Sweden and Norway and some of the biggest stars in the peloton are due to start

If you’re hungry for more exciting stage racing following the inaugural Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift , there isn’t long to wait as the women’s peloton go to battle once more on the 9th August. This time, it’s a far cry from the rolling hills of rural France, instead they will race against the striking, dramatic backdrop of Scandinavia over six days.

Things kick off in Copenhagen, a city that has had its fair share of cycling fever in the last few weeks with the Grand Depart of the men’s Tour de France taking place in the city. We can expect big crowds and plenty of excitement from the Danes who have enjoyed an incredibly successful season of cycling with Jonas Vingegaard taking the overall win in the men’s Tour de France and Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig winning a stage of the women’s.

The route then heads into Sweden for one day only, as the peloton will race along the stunning coast at Bohuslän. The final four stages take place in Norway – the Tour of Scandinavia is an improved and extended edition of the Ladies Tour of Norway which has been on the women’s professional racing calendar since 2014. Perhaps the most punishing stage of the race is on the penultimate day, it finishes up a 11.1 kilometre climb that averages a 6.1% gradient. Tour de France Femmes winner Annemiek van Vleuten took victory when the Ladies Tour of Norway finished on this climb in 2021.

While the newly crowned Tour de France champion isn’t expected to start in this race, there are still some big names due to be competing. Perhaps the most standout favourite of them all is Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig of FDJ-Suez-Futuroscope who will be hoping to perform well in front of a home crowd. The Dane proved her form at the Tour and is a strong contender to take victory overall here.

Read on for a full outline of the route, contenders and our prediction to take the victory in the inaugural Tour of Scandinavia.

Tour of Scandinavia 2022 Route

Stage one, Copenhagen – Helsingør (DEN), 145,6 km

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Stage two, Orust – Strömstad (SWE), 154 km

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Stage three, Moss – Sarpsborg (NOR), 119 km

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Stage four, Askim – Mysen (NOR), 119,2 km

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Stage five , Vikersund – Norefjell, 127,4 km

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Stage six, Lillestrøm – Halden, 153,4 km

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The stand out riders on the current start list for the Tour of Scandinavia are FDJ-Suez-Futuroscope’s Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig – a stage winner at the Tour de France Femmes who is well-suited to the final climb and will hope to impress a home crowd – and Team SD Worx's Demi Vollering . The Dutch rider finished second at the Tour de France Femmes and won the polka dot jersey, plus she was the closest challenger to Annemiek van Vleuten of Movistar in the mountains. Van Vleuten won't be starting the race in Copenhagen, so her Movistar teammates, such as Sarah Gigante and Katrine Aalerud , will be looking to take a rare chance of leadership opportunity here. 

Marianne Vos of Jumbo-Visma is the other big name on the start list. The final Queen stage may be too much for the legendary Dutch rider but the punchy stages earlier on in the race will be extremely well-suited to her. She proved at the Tour de France Femmes she is in fantastic stage-winning form so it will be interesting to see if she carries this with her to the Tour of Scandinavia. 

Liane Lippert will be Team DSM's GC hopeful – the German rider performed well in the Tour de France Femmes. Charlotte Kool will be able to have her chance in the sprint stages for the team as their main sprinter Lorena Wiebes is not starting this race. Canyon//SRAM bring a team of promising young climbers including Mikayla Harvey and Neve Bradbury , both of whom will want to make their mark on the WorldTour stage. Alice Barnes could also contest the sprint finishes earlier on in the race for the German team.

Joscelin Lowden of Team UNO-X is another rider who will look to perform well in the hillier stages, especially riding for a Norwegian team. Lowden showed strong form in the Tour de France Femmes with a good breakaway effort on stage five. 

Teams such as Trek-Segafredo look to have brought a roster focussed on the sprint stages, with Chloe Hosking likely their protected sprinter. Shari Bossuyt of Canyon//SRAM is another one to watch in the fast finishes, as is Alexandra Manly of Team Bike Exchange-Jayco and Susanne Andersen of Team UNO-X. Barbara Guarischi of Movistar will likely be the Spanish team's chosen rider for the sprint stages as Emma Norsgaard is not starting in Copenhagen.

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Fantastic insight into Scandinavia. Highlights were the local guide who took us cycling in Copenhagen and a 4th generation local guide at wild, beautiful Vrångö Isla...

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Travel to northern Europe’s historic, stylish and cosmopolitan cities on this fairy-tale tour of Scandinavia. See the iconic mermaid in Copenhagen and visit the grand city hall in Stockholm. During this tour, you’ll learn about the region's Viking history and why Helsinki is the capital of cool.

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A fishing village and mountains in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, at sunset

Your Perfect Scandinavia Itinerary (1 week, 2 weeks, or 3 weeks)

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As far as European travel destinations go, Scandinavia is easily one of the most captivating. This enchanting region is your gateway to out-of-this-world natural beauty, the northern lights , and an enviable lifestyle that’s considered to be one of the happiest and healthiest on the planet.

I could wax poetic about Scandinavia all day long, but don’t worry — I won’t waffle on. If you’re reading this post, I’m guessing you’ve already decided you want to explore this breathtakingly beautiful corner of Northern Europe and you’re looking for some itinerary inspiration. Mapping out a Scandinavia itinerary can be as frustrating as it is fun, so let’s dive right in! 

If you’re not sure what to do with your time in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, here are a few itinerary ideas that’ll give you a taste of the region’s greatest hits.

Travel to: Scandinavia

A boat and colourful houses along the harbour in Nyhavn, Copenhagen

One-week Scandinavia itinerary

  • Route: Copenhagen -> Stockholm -> Oslo

Thinking of visiting Scandinavia and only have one week to spare? Not to worry! You can still get a feel for the region by visiting its effortlessly cool capital cities over the course of seven days. 

The perfect introduction to Denmark , Sweden , and Norway , this route is great if you’re after a mix of stellar historical attractions, bohemian charm, and a dose of hygge for good measure. Get ready to explore everything from opulent palaces to top-notch museums and world-renowned cuisine in these stylish capitals. 

Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Oslo are connected by frequent and reliable high-speed trains, so travelling between the cities is a breeze.

People walking on the roof of the Opera House in Oslo, Norway

Two-week Scandinavia itinerary

  • Route: Copenhagen -> Stockholm -> Oslo -> Bergen -> Flåm -> Sognefjord

With two weeks to spend in Scandinavia, you can travel through the contemporary capital cities and explore one of the most spectacular regions in this part of the world: the western coast of Norway .

Immerse yourself in Copenhagen’s superb cafe and culinary scene. Stroll through the cobbled, medieval streets of Stockholm’s Old Town. Learn about Viking history in Oslo. Take in the spectacular vistas on a train ride from Oslo to Bergen. And get ready to be blown away by the spellbinding scenery in Sognefjord. 

Pink skies at sunset over Stockholm, Sweden

See Also: 11 Best Things to do in Stockholm While Travelling Solo

Three-week Scandinavia itinerary

  • Route: Copenhagen -> Gothenburg -> Stockholm -> Oslo -> Trondheim -> Bodø -> Lofoten Islands -> Tromsø

Planning to spend three weeks travelling around Scandinavia? Lucky you! This itinerary will take you through the region’s capital cities before heading to Northern Norway for a glimpse of the country’s wild, unspoiled wilderness and (hopefully!) the northern lights.

You could follow this itinerary any time of the year, but Northern Norway is especially magical during the winter months — and, of course, it’s also the best time to see the northern lights . 

Speaking of the northern lights, Tromsø — a small city located 350km north of the Arctic Circle — is renowned for being one of the best places in Europe to witness the remarkable phenomenon that is the aurora borealis. If you have your heart set on seeing those otherworldly celestial lights dancing in the night sky, plan to spend at least a few days here to increase your chances of spotting them.

Want more itinerary ideas? Explore our range of Scandinavia tours and trips to find your perfect adventure now.

The northern lights over water in Northern Norway

Can’t-miss sights and experiences in Scandinavia

Now that you’ve got your itinerary sorted, it’s time to start planning the most exciting part of your Scandinavia sojourn: everything you’re going to see and do in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

Fuel your wanderlust and get even more amped up about your trip with these can’t-miss attractions and experiences.

  • Sail Norway’s fjords. It’s no secret that Norway has some of the most astonishingly beautiful fjords on the planet. There are more than 1,000 fjords dotted around the country’s coastline, but Geirangerfjord and Sognefjord are two of the most famous.
  • Visit Copenhagen’s famous landmarks. The colourful facades at Nyhavn, the famous Little Mermaid statue, and Tivoli Gardens are a few musts when you’re sightseeing in Denmark’s laid-back capital.
  • Go island-hopping around the Stockholm Archipelago. Made up of roughly 30,000 islands, this is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle and go hiking, sea kayaking, or cycling alongside fields of wildflowers and sweeping views of the Baltic Sea.
  • Try an open-faced sandwich. Smörgås in Swedish, smørrebrød in Danish, smørbrød in Norwegian — the pronunciation of this traditional Scandinavian sandwich may change depending on which country you’re in, but one thing they all have in common? They’re delicious (and you have to try one while you’re in this part of the world).

A traditional red and yellow house on the water with mountains in the background in the Lofoten Islands, Norway

  • See the stunning landscapes of the Lofoten Islands. You’ve probably seen photos of the Lofoten Islands’ craggy mountains and idyllic fishing villages on Instagram, but nothing compares to seeing the rugged beauty of this remote archipelago in person.
  • Explore Denmark’s fairy tale castles. Frederiksborg Castle (which can be visited on an easy day trip from Copenhagen) is a highlight for any castle fanatic, but there are plenty of grand palaces scattered throughout the country.
  • Celebrate Midsummer in Sweden. Thinking of heading to Scandinavia in June? Try to plan your visit to coincide with Swedish Midsummer, an annual festival that celebrates the start of summer with traditional food, music, and a whole lot of pickled herring and schnapps.
  • See the northern lights . Head to Tromsø — Norway’s gateway to the Arctic — for the chance to cross this once-in-a-lifetime experience off your bucket list.

Traditional huts and houses on the Stockholm Archipelago in Sweden

Getting around Scandinavia 

Thanks to an extensive network of train, ferry, and bus services, travelling between Scandinavian countries is both easy and convenient.

Express trains are available between popular destinations (like Copenhagen and Stockholm, for example) and overnight trains are ideal for longer journeys. However, like almost everything else in Scandinavia, train tickets are expensive. Booking ahead and buying an Interrail or Eurail pass will help to keep costs down.

Buses are surprisingly comfortable in Scandinavia, and they offer a viable alternative to the region’s rail network. It’s also worth noting buses are the best transport method of choice when travelling to remote destinations or around the northern reaches of Sweden and Norway.

Mountains and a waterfall in Geirangerfjord, Norway

If you’re short on time — and if you’re planning to travel to the far north — hopping on a flight with a local carrier is your best bet.

Ferries are also an essential part of the Scandinavia travel experience, so don’t forget to pack your motion sickness remedies.

Keep in mind that it may be more difficult to get around the northern part of Sweden and Norway during the winter — especially if you’re planning to rent a car or travel by bus. It’s entirely possible to run into service disruptions or road closures due to inclement weather, so extra planning and preparation is necessary for a Scandinavian holiday in winter. 

What does your dream Scandinavian itinerary look like? Let us know in the comments!

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Ashley Nitransky

Ashley is a Content Editor at TourRadar. When she’s not writing, travelling, or obsessively checking flight prices on Skyscanner, you can find her attempting to fine-tune her photography skills or watching a shark documentary.

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Grand Tour of Scandinavia

Guaranteed departure (Copenhagen-Helsinki). The Grand Tour of Scandinavia includes the Nordic capitals; Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki, as well as the Norwegian fjord region; Hardangerfjord, Sognefjord and Geirangerfjord.


Itinerary - day by day, arrival in copenhagen view details hide details, copenhagen - the capital of denmark view details hide details, copenhagen - oslo (overnight cruise) view details hide details.

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Oslo - the capital of Norway View details Hide details

Oslo - hardanger mountain plateau - ulvik view details hide details, ulvik - hardangerfjord - bergen view details hide details, bergen - flåm railway - fjord cruise - balestrand view details hide details.

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Balestrand - day at leisure View details Hide details

Balestrand - briksdal glacier - fjord cruise - geiranger view details hide details, geiranger - olympic town of lillehammer - oslo view details hide details, oslo - stockholm view details hide details, stockholm - the capital of sweden view details hide details, stockholm - helsinki (overnight cruise) view details hide details.

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Helsinki - the capital of Finland View details Hide details

Departure from helsinki view details hide details, tour category.

DFDS Seaways - outside cabin

Accommodation at approx. 4 star hotels or at unique properties selected for their atmosphere or attractive location.

Outside (seaside) cabin included during overnight cruises.

See Gold accommodation

Services included: 

  • 12 nights accommodation including daily 3-course or buffet dinner (except on day 2 in Copenhagen, day 6 in Bergen and day 12 in Stockholm) and Scandinavian buffet breakfast, in centrally located first class hotels, all rooms with private facilities.
  • Room with fjord view in Ulvik and Balestrand (in main/modern building).
  • 5 lunches on days 5, 6, 9, 10, & 11.
  • Overnight cruise Copenhagen - Oslo, including accommodation in a 2-berth outside cabin with shower/WC, buffet dinner and breakfast on board.
  • Entrance to Tivoli Gardens on day 2.
  • 3-hour guided tours in Copenhagen, Oslo & Helsinki, 4-hour guided tour in Stockholm.
  • Visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo.
  • Visit to Stadtshuset (City Hall) in Stockholm.
  • Panorama tour of Bergen incl. ride on the Fløibanen Funicular to Mt. Fløyen.
  • Bergen Railway, Voss-Myrdal.
  • Flåm Railway, Myrdal-Flåm.
  • 2-hour cruise on the Sogn- and Nærøyfjord, and a 1-hour cruise on the Geirangerfjord.
  • Excursion in open car to Briksdal Glacier.
  • All ferry crossings in Norway.
  • Overnight cruise Stockholm - Helsinki, including accommodation in a 2-berth outside cabin with shower/WC, dinner and buffet breakfast on board.
  • Luggage assistance at all hotels.
  • English speaking tour escort throughout.
  • Transportation by modern deluxe coach with reclining seats & seatbelts etc.
  • Transfers airport/hotel on first and last days to coincide with individual flight times (only included if arriving/departing on the same day as the escorted coach tour starts/ends).
  • Electronic travel documentation, including a detailed travel itinerary and travel vouchers.
  • 24/7 emergency phone service while travelling.

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Scandinavian Airline SAS Hails 'New Era' as Exits US Bankruptcy Process

Scandinavian Airline SAS Hails 'New Era' as Exits US Bankruptcy Process


SAS aircrafts are parked on the ground during a pilot strike at Copenhagen Airport, Denmark July 18, 2022. Ritzau Scanpix/Liselotte Sabroe via REUTERS/File Photo

By Terje Solsvik and Marie Mannes

OSLO (Reuters) -SAS said on Wednesday it has exited U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, with the Scandinavian airline's CEO hailing a "new era" with a stronger balance sheet and new owners.

Sweden-based SAS restructured debt of more than $2 billion, adjusted its fleet and delisted its stock in a process that wiped out the stakes of its more than 250,000 former owners.

"This is truly a new era for SAS with a much stronger position, lower debt and lower cost," SAS CEO Anko van der Werff told Reuters, adding that the airline had seen a strong operational performance during the recent summer season.

SAS said ongoing cost cuts helped it post its highest-ever monthly profitability in July and it sees opportunities in a growing market, without providing further details on earnings.

"Now, we must look ahead and complete the transformation that we have started," van der Werff said.

SAS sought bankruptcy protection in July 2022 after years of struggling with high costs and low demand, leading to a court-approved plan making Air France-KLM, hedge fund Castlelake, investment manager Lind Invest and the Danish government its new owners.

SAS had initially forecast the process would take between nine and 12 months, but this was revised several times.

Air France-KLM will initially hold a 19.9% stake in SAS, boosting the French-Dutch group's footprint in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Air France-KLM could raise its stake and become a controlling shareholder after a minimum of two years, subject to regulatory conditions and financial performance.

SAS will switch its customer loyalty programme next month to SkyTeam, of which Air France-KLM is a leading member, from Star Alliance, which includes Lufthansa and United Airlines.

"SAS, Air France and KLM customers will now have a larger number of destinations via codeshares," Air France-KLM CEO Benjamin Smith said in a statement.

SAS said it exits the court proceedings with a total investment of $1.2 billion, comprising $475 million in new unlisted equity and $725 million in secured convertible debt.

Regional rival Norwegian Air underwent a similar restructuring from 2020 to 2021, emerging with a slimmed-down fleet and lower debt.

On Tuesday, SAS reached a wage deal with its cabin crew in Norway, ending a labour strike over pay and working conditions, which it said would aid operations.

(Reporting by Terje Solsvik in Oslo, Marie Mannes in Stockholm and Rishabh Jaiswal in Bengaluru; Editing by Mrigank Dhaniwala, Varun H K and Alexander Smith)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Scandinavia & Baltic Cruises

Unpack once and visit seven different scandinavian countries.

Best Cruise Line Itineraries

Recommend Magazine 12-time winner

On a Baltic cruise with Princess®, unpack once and visit seven different countries within Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Let the gold-lined palaces and monuments recount stories from these revolutionary regions. Along the way, meet the many famous figures that call these lands home. From Vikings to castles and cathedrals, relive history as you come face-to-face with these significant sites.

Scandinavia & Baltic cruises

On a Scandinavia and Baltic cruise, discover a whole new way of life. Feel the spirit of Stockholm’s Gamla Stan, hear from craftsmen in Tallinn and explore Helsinki’s Senate Square, where art, culture, religion, politics and education converge. Trek throughout these cities alongside expert guides who hold secrets of seasons past. Or step into the homes of locals to uncover long-standing traditions.

Featured Scandinavia & Baltic Cruise Ports

Discover some of the world-renowned destinations that await you on an Scandinavia & Baltic cruise with Princess.

With a history as long as its city wall, Berlin is a staggering destination for any traveler. On a Baltic cruise, honor those who lost their lives at the Holocaust Memorial. Watch history unfold as you visit the 20th-century remnants of the Berlin Wall. Or enjoy a change of pace touring the rooms and gardens of German dukes before you at Schwerin Castle.

Copenhagen boasts equal parts charm and culture. Before you set sail on your European cruise, indulge in thrills at Tivoli Gardens, and ride a bike along Nyhavn’s waterways, passing multicolored homes on the way. Tour ancient fortresses, like Kronborg Castle, which inspired Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Or make a stop to see Copenhagen’s most famous symbol, The Little Mermaid.

With a deep-rooted respect for design, Helsinki is cloaked in elaborate styles from the present and past. On a Baltic cruise, admire the creative architecture of Suomenlinna Fortress, and learn about the city’s naval past. At Market Square, shop hand-crafted goods, or see a collection of artifacts at the Kiasma Modern Art Museum.

As a major trading port, it should come as no surprise that Oslo is home to many valuables. On a Baltic cruise, visit Vigeland Sculpture Park, and view over 200 colossal figures created by a famous Norweigan sculptor. Watch experts blow glass at the Hadeland Glassworks gallery. Or snap a photo at the Holmenkollen Ski Jump, featured during the 1952 Olympic ski-jumping competition.

Covering 14 separate islands, Stockholm is a cultural playground waiting to be explored. On a Scandinavia cruise, waltz through the Royal Palace, and explore 600 royal rooms. Capture postcard-worthy shots of Stockholm City Hall, one of the most iconic landmarks in the city. Or transport to the 10th century when you arrive in Sigtuna — Sweden’s original capital — and discover where it all began.

Travel back in time as you walk through the medieval streets of Tallinn, admiring the city’s preserved history and architecture. On a Russia cruise, journey through the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and learn about tsar regime. View tombs and coats of arms that live in St. Mary’s Cathedral. Or get a rare taste of local tradition at the Museum of Estonian Drinking Culture.

If you are interested in the longer Scandinavia & Baltic cruises, you’ll love Princess® Epic Voyages. Learn more about our expertly curated itineraries for your next extraordinary adventure.

Why Cruise Scandinavia & Baltic Cruises

From astounding fjords to astonishing palaces, the treasures of Scandinavia and Baltic region welcome you to explore.

Step back in time

Get up close to historical gems on a Baltic cruise with Princess. View ships and treasures found in royal burial mounds of the Oslo fjord at the Viking Ship Museum. Or learn what it’s like to be a prize winner at Stockholm's Nobel Peace Museum, and get up close to the world’s oldest preserved warship at the Vasa Museum

Fjords & Viking Legends

Formed by the hands of the glaciers

A Baltic cruise is your key to the Norwegian Fjords — Mother Nature’s crown jewel. Upon arriving in Stockholm, ride along the brinks of Tyrifjord, a 52-mile inlet that boasts greenery and deep blue waters. Relax amidst the serenity of Oslo Fjord, and discover treasures from beneath its seas at the Viking Ship Museum. With Princess, sail to Scandinavia’s oldest capital and revel in the natural wonders before you.

Unique Architecture

Magnificent and monumental

Travel to lands where ancient architecture abounds. Wander the cobbled streets of Stockholm’s old town, Gamla Stan, one of the largest and best-preserved medieval city centers in Europe. Explore a treasure trove of late Renaissance and Rococo architecture in Copenhagen, like Rosenborg Castle, Kronborg Castle or Frederiksborg Castle. Or walk through 'Upper Old Town,' home to some of Tallin's oldest and most notable structures. Experience it all on a Baltic cruise.

Shore excursions

Our award-winning Scandinavia and Baltic cruise shore excursions bring you to palaces, Viking heritage and hidden gems. In partnership with Discovery™, tour three royal residences in Copenhagen — including Fredensborg and Frederiksborg Castle. You’ll also enjoy a Hamlet-themed journey through Kronberg Castle, which inspired the famous play. Or travel through a traditional Danish village, and discover hundreds of years of history along the way.

Local connections

On a Baltic cruise, learn the secrets to crafting an Estonian beer from a master brewer, and pair your sips with snacks. Journey through Tallinn’s most notable sites — including Palace Square and the Great Guild Hall. Or stroll through Stockholm’s ‘Haymarket,’ and sample regional delicacies while hearing from chefs and vendors.

Enjoy even more history and culture with More Ashore late-night departures and overnight stays. On a Baltic cruise, see Berlin’s most iconic sites — like Checkpoint Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate. Or stroll under the Nordic twilight, and end the night at Oslo’s Ice Bar.

Baltic & Scandinavia Cruise Onboard Experience

Curated comfort, world-class entertainment and international flavors await you.

Experience Scandinavia without ever stepping off the ship. Our onboard activities bring the diverse cultures of the region directly to you. Sing, dance, feast and celebrate in a way that only the Baltic and Princess know how.


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Your stateroom is where you rest and recharge between adventures. That’s why every room is equipped with the expertly designed Princess Luxury Bed, 100% Jacquard-woven cotton linens and our SLEEP program created by a board-certified sleep expert. From interior cabins to full suites, unwind in any of our staterooms, and enjoy peace of mind with the option of connected rooms for families of four or more traveling together.

Flavors that inspire

Take a week-long vacation on a Bahamas cruise with more to love, calling on additional Caribbean ports. Visit Princess Cays for a day in the sun, sand and surf. Then have more time to explore Trunk Bay – one of the “Cruise Wonders of the World” – during a late-night stay in St. Thomas on Eastern Caribbean itineraries. From relaxation to adventure, experience cruises to the Bahamas that have more range with Princess.


Find your joy

Embark on adventures by day, and indulge in entertainment by night. Watch Movies Under the Stars® at our 300-square-foot outdoor theater. Attend original productions from Broadway legend Stephen Schwartz, composer of  Wicked . Or learn traditional moves, like Flamenco or Irish stepdance, and listen to popular music from the destinations on your itinerary. On a European cruise with Princess, the choice is yours.

Youth & Teen Center

Step outside the classroom

Our European cruises were crafted with every guest in mind — even the younger ones. From 6-month old babies to 17-year old teens, kids can unwind and relax or play and explore. In partnership with Discovery™, kids can learn even more with special insights about Italy, Greece and everywhere in between. With engaging activities on board and ashore, kids can see history books come to life before their eyes.

Reset, recharge, relax

Your European cruise should be every bit as refreshing as it is inspiring. Unwind in the Sanctuary, a retreat just for adults, and relish in tranquility. Or book an appointment at the Lotus Spa®, named "Best Spa on a Cruise Ship" by Spafinder Wellness 365™. Enjoy relaxing treatments — like facials, hot stone massages and detoxifying wraps — that will leave you recharged for upcoming adventures.

Vegas hits the seas

Experience the thrill of cards, dice, roulette and blackjack at the casino onboard our European cruises. Learn from experts — like our staff or perhaps other guests nearby — and put your skills to the test. More casual players can pull up a seat at the slot machines for the same adrenaline at their own speed. For an afternoon full of games, join fellow travelers for Bingo, or compete in scheduled group tournaments.

Sailing Scandinavia & Baltic cruises

Our Princess fleet includes ships that range from small to large vessels. While aboard, marvel at Europe’s breathtaking scenery and enjoy regionally inspired cuisine. Those sailing on Scandinavia and Baltic cruises even have the chance to experience Sky Princess®.

European Cruise Articles

Read about storied attractions, charming history, diverse cultures and preparation advice for cruising Europe.

Explore Europe

Learn all about our exciting options to visit Europe from cruises to in-depth cruisetour vacations. 

The top ten things to do in Norway

Planning a holiday to Norway? Discover the best museums, restaurants, cafés, attractions and experiences in the Scandinavian country.

Must-do summertime activities in Scandinavia

Discover the best summer holiday activities in Scandinavia, including wild swimming in Stockholm and rooftop drinking in Oslo.

Five reasons to cruise from Southampton

Looking for a cruise vacation from Southampton? Set sail to Canada, the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, Florida and around the British Isles with Princess Cruises.

How to see Stockholm from a unique perspective

Ice bars, rooftop tours, meatballs and more – use our handy city guide to get a fresh view of Sweden’s brilliant capital.

Six places to see the Northern Lights in Norway

Hoping to see the Northern Lights in Norway? Discover the best places to try to catch a glimpse of Mother Nature's exceptional light show

Travel, Airfare, & Hotels: Let Princess Get You There

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Remove the hassle from air travel and give yourself the gift of flexibility, time, and a thicker wallet with Princess EZair® flights. We negotiate lower rates with the airlines, allow you to modify your flight up to 45 days prior with no penalty, and protect you if your flight is late or canceled.

Princess EZair flight quotes are available on our cruise search result details pages.

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Let Princess pick you up from the airport and take you directly to your ship or hotel when you arrive, even if you didn't book your airfare through us. A uniformed Princess representative meets you at the airport after you've retrieved your luggage and transports you directly to your ship or hotel without you having to worry about the logistics of navigating a new city.

Cruise Plus Hotel Packages

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Extend your cruise vacation, and simplify your travel plans with a hotel stay at the beginning or end of your cruise. With a Cruise Plus Hotel Package, a Princess representative meets you at the airport and pier, transporting you to and from your hotel. The package includes the cost of your hotel stay, transportation, luggage handling, and the representative’s services.

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Scandinavia & Baltic Cruises

Scandinavia and Northern Europe were shaped by the mercantile culture of the Hanseatic League, and graced with astonishing beauty. Come experience the world’s iconic cities in Norway and Sweden. See Peter the Great’s namesake Russian capital. Discover the jewels of Estonia.

Highlights of Scandinavia & Baltic Cruises

Europe’s Baltic nations boast some of the continent’s most atmospheric Old Towns. Hanseatic homes and churches dot the cityscape of Tallinn, Estonia. The cobblestone streets of Stockholm’s Gamla Stan straddle one of the oldest inhabited islands of the city’s scenic archipelago. St. Petersburg, Russia’s sparkling jewel, hosts remarkably preserved palaces. The nations of the Baltic Sea were made for exploration, and Viking makes your discoveries all the more rewarding. Here are a few sample highlights you will enjoy on a Scandinavia cruise:

  • Stockholm’s archipelago, the “Venice of Scandinavia”
  • Neoclassical and Art Nouveau treasures of Helsinki
  • St. Petersburg’s magnificent gilded architecture
  • Tallinn’s red rooftops and slender steeples
  • Brightly colored houses of Copenhagen’s Nyhavn district
  • Picturesque wooden buildings hugging Bergen’s harbor
  • Norway’s splendid vistas of fjords, glaciers and soaring peaks
  • Breathtaking sculpted massifs of the Lofoten Islands
  • Dazzling wintertime displays of the northern lights
  • Extended daylight hours of the midnight sun

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2024-2026 OCEAN CRUISE AND AIR FARES:  Offer applies to bookings made from August 1-31, 2024. Terms & conditions for select promotions may vary. $25 deposit is applicable to all itineraries except World Cruise products. Special fares plus up to FREE roundtrip airfare valid on select departures of Canada & New England Scenic Shores; Eastern Seaboard Discovery; Grand Hawaii & Polynesia; Hawaiian Islands Sojourn; Panama Canal & Central America; Panama Canal & the Pacific Coast . Airfares may vary on other gateways & departures. Airfare does not have to be purchased to get cruise\cruisetour offer. All prices are in US dollars and for US residents only. Additional restrictions may apply. 2024 : Pay in full by at time of booking if within 120 days of departure. 2025 : Pay in full by September 30, 2024. 2026 : Pay in full by March 31, 2025. Offer may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Offers Expires August 31, 2024.

*$25 DEPOSIT:  For itineraries 35 days or less, a $25 deposit applies to January 2025 & onward departures; for itineraries greater than 35 days, a $25 deposit applies to March 2025 & onward departures; World Cruise products excluded; call for details.

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AIR UPGRADE:  Upgrade to Premium Economy air from $999 per person or Business Class air from $3,499 per person based on select gateways and dates. Premium upgrades may not be available on all departures. Additional airline-imposed baggage charges may apply; for more information visit  Airline Luggage Restrictions  . Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received. For more information about customized air services and US gateways, visit the  Viking Air Plus

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A Taste of Scandinavia

7 days | discover stylish scandinavia on the ultimate urban adventure..

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Do as the locals do on this urban adventure reaching from the bohemian quarters of Copenhagen to the stylish boutiques of Oslo. Spot the little Mermaid while exploring Copenhagen, listen to the tales directly from locals, explore the cobbled streets of Gothenburg, and nibble traditional cinnamon rolls at a Swedish coffee house, then head out to Vrango Island for some kayaking.

Trip overview

  • Take a ferry to Vrango Island, a stunning fishing town in the Gothenburg Archipelago, and discover this rocky nature haven by kayak (summer months only).
  • Don't miss Gothenburg's Haga district, with its picturesque wooden houses and the iconic Skansen Kronan, as well as laid-back Langgatan street.
  • Join a local guide and cafe-hop your way around Alingsas, a town known as the Capital of Fika (Swedish cafe and food culture). Learn of the local love affair with coffee, discover the story behind the cafe culture and, of course, treat your tastebuds to sweet Swedish delicacies.
  • Discover Norway's quirky, colourful capital of Oslo, join your leader for a guided orientation walk and then head out to stroll the city at your leisure - going wherever your heart leads.
  • By travelling on this trip, you’ll directly support our Intrepid Foundation partner, Eden Reforestation Projects. Donations help them provide local employment opportunities and tackle climate change one tree at a time as they restore forests across 10 different countries.
  • The areas visited on this trip can be very cold at night throughout the year, especially at the start and end of the season. Please bring appropriate clothing for adverse weather conditions, including base layers, hat, gloves, scarf, coat and anything else that will keep you cosy.
  • Scandinavia can be an expensive destination in many ways, from museum entrance fees to optional activities, but especially in terms of eating out. Your leader will be able to advise on how to have the best value holiday in Scandinavia.
  • Space is at a premium in Europe and your hotel is no exception. Rooms are often small, but usually the central location makes up for that. For those travelling as a duo, hotels often don't have double beds, but rather two single beds that can be pushed together. Occasionally bathrooms will be shared with other guests.
  • On this trip we predominantly travel by public transport therefore we recommend packing light and smart for this trip as you'll be required to carry your own luggage between train stations, ferry ports and hotels, which can include going up and down multiple flights of stairs, and across cobblestones. Train stations often don’t have lifts available.
  • There isn’t much time in Oslo and Copenhagen on this trip - extra time is recommended for both cities. Please consult with your agent about booking additional accommodation in both cities (subject to availability).
  • This trip gives you a taster of southern Scandinavia which doesn't cover the Norwegian Fjords. If you would like to explore further you may want to consider looking at our longer trips - Copenhagen to Northern Norway, Scandinavia & Baltic Circuit, Complete Scandinavia.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024

Welcome to Copenhagen. If you arrive early, which is highly recommended, why not visit the pastel-coloured waterfront houses in the Nyhavn area. Drop in at an industrial-chic bar for a drink or stroll around the famous Tivoli Gardens, home to the world's oldest rollercoaster. Another area worth checking out is Norrebro, a residential area known for its wide range of restaurants. Meet your group at 6 pm then head out for an optional group dinner if it takes your fancy.

  • Hotel (1 night)

There are no meals included on this day.

  • Copenhagen - Glyptotek Art Museum - DKK125
  • Copenhagen - National Museum of Denmark - DKK130
  • Copenhagen - The Round Tower - DKK40
  • Copenhagen - Amalienborg Palace - DKK95
  • Copenhagen - Christiansborg Palace - DKK175
  • Copenhagen - Tivoli Gardens - DKK160
  • Copenhagen - Botanical Garden - Free

The adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6pm. Please look for a note in the hotel lobby or ask the hotel reception where it will take place. If you're going to be late, please inform the hotel reception. We'll be collecting your insurance details and next of kin information at this meeting, so please ensure you have all these details to provide to your leader. If you can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time, you may wish to arrive a day early so you're able to attend the welcome meeting. We'll be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability).

Today see Copenhagen through a different lens. Join a local guide from Street Voices, a socially responsible company, with a mission to enhance life quality for socially vulnerable people and be led to the unlit corners of Copenhagen. You will hear different tales from lives on the edge and get insight into the life of a homeless person, their everyday struggles, and how to follow the unwritten rules of the streets. The afternoon is free for you to further explore this Scandinavian city. Venture into the Freetown of Christiania, self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood south-east of the city center. It is regulated by a special law, the Christiania Law of 1989, and has been a source of controversy since 1971 when squatters took over a former military area. Stroll along the harbor or head out to the classicist palaces of 18th century Amalienborg, to this day the main residence of the Danish Royal family. Perhaps pay a visit to Frederik's Church, also known as Marble Church, the Court House on Nytorv Square or check out the facade of the red brick town hall. Alternatively, the National Museum is not to be missed, nor is the Christiansborg Palace in the very center of Copenhagen.

  • Copenhagen - Street Voices guided tour

Please note that rooms in hotels in Scandinavia can often be smaller and more basic in comparison to accommodations in other parts of Europe.

A morning train ride will get us to Malmo in Sweden, via the famous Oresund Bridge that spans the strait separating Denmark and the Scandinavian Peninsula. Malmo has gone through somewhat of a transformation, or should we say revival, over the past twenty years thanks to the construction of the Oresund Bridge and the opening of Malmo University. Now, a city once reliant mainly on shipbuilding is growing steadily with architecture firms, IT companies, students and start-ups. Just under half of Malmo's population is under the age of 35, so it really now is a progressive city that knows how to have fun. Spend some time checking out the Old Town, the castle or perhaps have a glance inside Apoteket Lejonet, a 1896 pharmacy in Neo-Renaissance style. Then continue on to Gothenburg (by train or bus depending on availability at the time of booking), where you'll spend the night.

  • Pension (1 night)
  • Malmo - Leader Led Walk

Please note that our accommodation in Gothenburg has shared communal bathroom. As Gothenburg has topped the Global Destination Sustainability Index for a number of years now, the city is considered one of the greenest hotel cities in the world. Our hotel is no exception and holds an official eco-certification.

Today's travel time is approximately 4 hours (1 hour to Malmo, 3 hours to Gothenburg).

Catch an early-ish ferry from Gothenburg to Vrango Island. Vrango is the most southerly island of the Gothenburg Archipelago, with a permanent population in the low hundreds and a strong fishing industry. The island is known for its stunning beaches and protected nature reserves and you'll explore the coastline in an included kayaking activity (summer only). In the afternoon, enjoy some free time strolling around the town or maybe try an optional floating sauna, before returning to Gothenburg for a free evening. Sweden's second largest city is known as the world's most sustainable destination and is exemplary example of what a responsible tourism destination should look like.

  • Vrango Island - Day Trip
  • Vrango Island - Island Tour with Local Guide (Oct to Apr)
  • Vrango Island - Sea Kayaking (May to Sep)

Please note that today's kayaking activity takes place only during the summer months from May to September (excluding 4, 7, 14 and 18 July departures), and is subject to weather conditions. During the winter months from October to April you will explore the island on a guided island tour instead.

Today's travel time is approximately 3 hours (return).

This morning you'll head to Alingsas, regarded as the Capital of Fika, a Swedish cafe and food culture. You'll be accompanied by a local expert to tour some of the town's best traditional cafes. You'll learn of the local love affair with coffee and discover the story behind this town's special cafe culture. And, of course, you'll also get a chance to sample Swedish cinnamon buns, biscuits, chocolate truffles, pastries and sandwiches. You'll return to Gothenburg in the late afternoon and have a little time to explore at your leisure. Perhaps visit the Göteborg City Museum, housed in the former East India Company House and built during the time when Gothenburg's role was that of a major maritime trading centre. Take in the architectural ensemble on Gustav Adolfs Torg, go shopping along the main boulevard Avenyn, check out the iconic Skansen Kronan, stroll along bohemian Långgatan street or sip a coffee in the charming Haga quarter, known for its picturesque wooden houses.

  • Alingsas - Guided Fika experience
  • Gothenburg - Paddan Boat Tour - SEK250
  • Gothenburg - Fish Market Feskekörka - Free
  • Gothenburg - Göteborg City Museum - SEK70
  • Gothenburg - World of Volvo Museum - SEK225
  • Gothenburg - Museum of Natural History - SEK70
  • Gothenburg - Aeroseum - SEK130

Departures of 5 May and 9 June 2024 will enjoy Fika experience on Day 4 due to Public holidays in Sweden and cafes in Alingsas being closed.

Catch a morning bus across the border to Norway's capital Oslo. Your leader will take you on an initial orientation walk so you get a first taste of this quirky, colourful city. It's definitely worthwhile to spend the afternoon perusing delicacies at Maschmanns Food Market, admiring the handiwork of glass blowers at the Hadeland Glassverk, or simply strolling along Karl Johans Gate, the main shopping strip of the city. Perhaps head to the Munch Museum to glimpse Edvard Munch's famous 19th-century painting, The Scream. In the evening say 'skal' ('cheers') to the group over dinner. Why not seek out some traditional Norwegian fare based around cod and mackerel dishes.

  • Oslo - Leader Led Walk

Today's travel time is approximately 4 hours.

Your trip ends today after breakfast. If you would like to extend your stay in Oslo please speak to your travel agent at the time of booking as we will be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability).

  • Oslo - Island Hopping on Oslofjord - NOK130
  • Oslo - Fram Museum - NOK140
  • Oslo - Holmenkollen Museum - NOK190
  • Oslo - Museum Edvard Munch - NOK180
  • Oslo - Resistance Museum - NOK100
  • Oslo - Akershus Castle & Fortress - NOK100
  • Oslo - 24 hour Transport and Sightseeing Pass - NOK520
  • Oslo - The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History - NOK180

If it's all ending too soon, you can extend your trip by combining it with the 'Scandinavia Explorer', taking in the Norwegian fjords, Sweden's capital Stockholm, and ending in Helsinki in Finland. Or complete the loop and additionally tack on our 'Baltic Experience' trip, travelling from Helsinki through the Baltic States, and ending in Vilnius. Alternatively see more of Norway on the 'Northern Norway Explorer' heading all the way up across the Arctic Circle. Most departure dates are designed to create these perfect combination trips.

6 breakfasts

Train, Public bus, Metro, Ferry

Hotel (3 nights), Pension (3 nights with shared facilities)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement applies to all nights of your trip and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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Cruises to St. Petersburg, Russia

Tabs view st. petersburg cruises, st. petersburg port guide.

St. Petersburg Shore Excursions

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There’s no destination on a Scandinavian cruise that’s more mysterious and enduring than St. Petersburg, Russia. An enigma of historic and religious sites and the birthplace of of some of literature’s greatest works, here you’ll explore museums housing some of the biggest and best art collections in the entire world. St. Petersburg is an intellectual city, a cultural capital where arts, music, and creativity thrive despite the bitter winters. May to July brings about the White Nights, a short time in St. Petersburg where the sky is completely lit up throughout the entire day, making late spring and early summer a prime time to visit St. Petersburg.

Make a day of museum hopping from the Hermitage Museum onto the Dostoevsky Museum, finishing the afternoon off at the Russian Museum. If church tours are more your thing, check out the ornate domes of the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood, or take photos of the beautiful Nikolsky Cathedral. Vodka tastings? You bet Russia’s most famous export is alive and well in St. Petersburg, too. Whatever you fancy, Russia’s cultural capital will captivate you on your St. Petersburg cruise.

With the safety of our guests and crew always our top priority, we are removing St. Petersburg, Russia from upcoming itineraries in 2024, due to the current situation in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with all who are impacted by this conflict.

Recommended Sailing

Starting From

Avg. Per Person Taxes & fees included*

View All Cruises to St. Petersburg, Russia

Top sights & attractions for cruises to st. petersburg, hermitage museum.

There are over 350 rooms in the world-renowned Hermitage Museum, so you’ll find it impossible to see everything in the short time you have there. When you cruise to St. Petersburg, Russia, come here with a plan on how to see your favorite artists and time periods on display here.

Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood

Elaborate and breathtaking, this Russian Orthodox cathedral is one of the most recognizable sights in all of St. Petersburg. The mosaics and colorful domes are what the cathedral is famous for, along with it being the site of an assassination attempt of Tsar Alexander II. Beauty and Russian history collide as you explore the church.

Russian Museum

Even if you were previously uninformed about Russian art, the Russian Museum is the perfect primer for the local art scene. Spend the day perusing the museum at your leisure, then bring all sorts of art history tidbits back to the ship with you.

Peterhof Palace

This set of palaces and gardens is yet another example of St. Petersburg’s opulence. Meant to invoke a similar reaction as the Palace of Versaille, Peterhof stands up to the hype. It’s open from 9am to 7pm Sunday through Friday, and closed Mondays.

Learn More About St. Petersburg Shore Excursions

Top things to do in st. petersburg, tour the palace of rasputin’s famous murder.

The elaborate Yusupov Palace along the Moyka River was built for Russian aristocracy in the late 1700s, and it encapsulates the art and culture of Russia at the time. Don’t miss a tour through the very castle where Rasputin was assassinated. It’s a harrowing place where you’ll quickly get a taste of the wealth and status of the day.

See the Winter Palace

The Winter Palace also comprises part of the Hermitage Museum, but you could easily spend your entire time there simply walking the colorful grounds, where the palace glitters in gold and teal blue. Russian emperors lived in the Winter Palace from the 1700s until the 1900s.

Explore the Dostoevsky Museum

Famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky lived in St. Petersburg for much of his life, and the Dostoevsky Museum was erected in the apartment where he lived from 1878 to 1881. Today, you can walk in his footsteps and experience his apartment for yourself. It’s a must-see for literary types and fans of Russian literature.

Top Food and Drink Spots Near the St. Petersburg Cruise Port

Address: Nevsky Prospekt 47, St Petersburg

Classic Russian cuisine comes with a side of history at Palkin, which was also the site where famous Russians like Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, and others once sat and broke bread together. Try the fried foie gras, the salmon caviar, or the boar and venison dumplings. Adventurous, filling dishes are the name of the game here. 

Address: Petropavlovskaya St., 4, St Petersburg

You might not have tried truly authentic Russian food before, but Chekov is the place to change that. Inside, you’ll feel transported back to the 19th century, though the menu is decidedly modern. Try the marinated brandy trout fillet or the chicken liver pate. Delicious dumplings, called pelmeni , are stuffed with meat and made in-house daily.

L’Europe Restaurant

Address: Mikhaylovskaya Ulitsa, д. 1/7, Saint Petersburg

Located within the Grand Hotel Europe is a fine dining experience like no other in St. Petersburg. It’s one of Russia’s oldest restaurants, which only adds to the charm of getting to spend an evening here. Sunday brunch is a favorite. Every Wednesday, dancers and performers move to the classical sounds of Tchaikovsky during the dinner service. There is a wine-pairing menu as well as an elaborate seven-course menu including dishes like duck confit, salmon tartar, red caviar, and a four-cheese tortellini.

Culture & History of the St. Petersburg Cruise Port

Tsar Peter the Great founded the capital city of St. Petersburg in 1703. Ever since, St. Petersburg has become a cosmopolitan hub for arts, culture, and style. Famous authors like Nikolai Gogol and Dostoevsky were inspired and influenced by their times living in the city, which is immortalized in their literature. Though the climate was harsh and the winters almost unbearable, St. Petersburg remained a place where immigrants and visitors flocked to for hundreds of years. Today, it’s the second-largest city in Russia behind Moscow, home to a population of over 5 million people.

St. Petersburg Port Facilities & Location

When your cruise to St. Petersburg, Russia docks in port, you’ll have to quickly go through immigration before continuing on to explore everything the city has to offer. The port, called the Marine Facade, is a passenger port equipped to handle wide berths and plenty of cruise traffic.

Transportation in St. Petersburg

The metro system in St. Petersburg is comprehensive and runs daily until midnight. Otherwise, biking and taking a taxi or shuttle bus from the port into the center of town are great bets for getting around during your St. Petersburg cruise stop. It’s about a 30-minute drive from the cruise port to the city center, or around 45 minutes to get to the Hermitage Museum.

Shopping Near the St. Petersburg Cruise Port

You won’t be hard-pressed to find some of Russia’s enduring souvenirs, from famous nesting dolls to Russian vodka, chocolate, and other goods that tourists love to take back home with them. These souvenir shacks and stands are scattered throughout the city, making it easy to shop when you feel like it. But St. Petersburg isn’t all kitschy wares. There’s also a growing boutique shopping scene here, like the impressively large Galeria or a smattering of vintage shops selling clothes dating back to the days of the Soviet Union.

Local Currency & Tipping Customs

The local currency in Russia is the rouble (stylized as R), and you’ll find credit and debit cards are used all over the place here. Still, it’s handy to have a little bit of cash in case you need it. ATMs are widely available, too. Tipping your taxi driver isn’t expected, but you can round up or leave behind a few R if you’re particularly happy with the service you received. At restaurants, leaving 10% is customary.

Find Cruises to Russia's St. Petersburg Port

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    The final four stages take place in Norway - the Tour of Scandinavia is an improved and extended edition of the Ladies Tour of Norway which has been on the women's professional racing calendar since 2014. Perhaps the most punishing stage of the race is on the penultimate day, it finishes up a 11.1 kilometre climb that averages a 6.1% gradient.

  16. Highlights of Scandinavia (12 Days) by Costsaver with 42 Tour Reviews

    Highlights of Scandinavia (12 Days), a 12 days tour from Copenhagen to Oslo, Vradal and 6 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments. Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on ... For tours departing after November 1st, 2024, a minimum payment of $200 is required to confirm your booking with Costsaver. The final payment will be ...

  17. 10 Best Scandinavia Tour Companies & Reviews

    Reviews. 4.5 Avg. Rating for Scandinavia Trips|4,667 Reviews for Scandinavia Trips. All Intrepid Travel company reviews. Why we love them. They're highly committed to sustainable tourism and contribute to crucial initiatives like climate action, focusing on local cultures and more. Featured Scandinavia Trips. # 2.

  18. Capitals of Scandinavia Tour 2024

    View day-by-day trip itinerary. Travel to northern Europe's historic, stylish and cosmopolitan cities on this fairy-tale tour of Scandinavia. See the iconic mermaid in Copenhagen and visit the grand city hall in Stockholm. During this tour, you'll learn about the region's Viking history and why Helsinki is the capital of cool.

  19. Your Perfect Scandinavia Itinerary (1 week, 2 weeks, or 3 weeks)

    Two-week Scandinavia itinerary. Route: Copenhagen -> Stockholm -> Oslo -> Bergen -> Flåm -> Sognefjord. With two weeks to spend in Scandinavia, you can travel through the contemporary capital cities and explore one of the most spectacular regions in this part of the world: the western coast of Norway. Immerse yourself in Copenhagen's superb ...

  20. Grand Tour of Scandinavia from Copenhagen

    The Grand Tour of Scandinavia. 15+ days. All Year. Travel from Copenhagen to Oslo, the fjords, Bergen, Stockholm, Helsinki and back. FROM EUR 1815. 15 days escorted Scandinavia tour with guaranteed departure. Including the Nordic capitals; Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki, and the Norwegian fjords.

  21. Scandinavian Airline SAS Hails 'New Era' as Exits US Bankruptcy Process

    OSLO (Reuters) -SAS said on Wednesday it has exited U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, with the Scandinavian airline's CEO hailing a "new era" with a stronger balance sheet and new owners.

  22. Baltic Cruises

    Our award-winning Scandinavia and Baltic cruise shore excursions bring you to palaces, Viking heritage and hidden gems. In partnership with Discovery™, tour three royal residences in Copenhagen — including Fredensborg and Frederiksborg Castle. You'll also enjoy a Hamlet-themed journey through Kronberg Castle, which inspired the famous play.

  23. Scandinavia & Baltic Cruises

    Call Viking at. 1-866-984-5464. Experience the iconic locales of Norway, Denmark and Sweden from the comfort of elegant ships with only 930 guests. Included excursion per port and Free Wi-Fi.

  24. Scandinavia Tour

    The Taste of Scandinavia was an excellent opportunity to see three countries in southern Scandinavia with an excellent guide Johanna. There was a good range of activities with local guides. A wonderful way to experience travelling through the regions with visits to Copenhagen, Malmo, Gothenburg and Oslo. Looking forward to returning to see even ...

  25. Wonders of Scandinavia

    Discover the magic of the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen. Feel the Danish hygge in the fairy-tale village of Dragør. Tread in the footsteps of the Vikings in Oslo. Chill out at the world's first Ice Bar in Stockholm. Learn about the royals in Sweden as you tour their official residence, Drottningholm Palace. Join this quest to find the Wonders of Scandinavia!

  26. St. Petersburg Cruise: Best Cruises to St. Petersburg

    Whatever you fancy, Russia's cultural capital will captivate you on your St. Petersburg cruise. With the safety of our guests and crew always our top priority, we are removing St. Petersburg, Russia from upcoming itineraries in 2024, due to the current situation in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with all who are impacted by this conflict.