From the highway in Wyoming during a solo road trip out west

18 Tips for a Solo Road Trip Out West

There’s always that one moment. 

You reach the crest of a hill. You round a bend. And suddenly, the landscape laid out before you literally takes your breath away.

You might argue that this is exactly the time when you’d want someone with you to share it. But there’s an extra intensity — a sense of being totally present — when you experience a moment like this alone.

Sunset along the Snake River during a solo road trip out west.

Taking a solo road trip out west is iconic. The vistas are truly expansive, like a landscape painting that breathes. And there’s a sense of being a pioneer all over again, exploring places that you’re sure no one has ever passed — mostly because you’re completely alone. 

I promise I’m not anti-social. In fact, one of my favorite parts of taking a solo road trip out west is meeting people along the way, which happens differently than when you road trip in a more dense part of the country, such as the South or the East. But I find a road trip in wide-open spaces to be a fantastic way to travel solo. That may sound counterintuitive, but it’s easy to feel lonely in a crowd of happy couples and families.

It seems as if the expectation to be alone is more natural out west. Could it be because these areas are often home to rugged individualists who want to escape the grid? Perhaps. Lower population levels in states west of the Mississippi are likely part of it too. 

Whatever the case, a solo road trip out west is ideal for meditation, for healing, for exploring thoughts and feelings. Places where Mother Nature demands your attention but little else does are especially good for someone experiencing a transition in life. Or for someone who simply wants to get away from it all. 

Going it alone in regions where gas stations are few and far between, however, does require you to be super smart about a few things.

The Rocky Mountains from I-70 heading west.

1) Before you ever plan a solo road trip out west, be sure to check out my blog on what to pack in a road trip emergency kit . I feel so much more confident knowing that no matter what comes, I can survive for a few days in my car. I also tend to go hiking along the way during a solo road trip out west, so I bring my backpack, which includes gear to help me survive for a few days as well . 

2) For a solo road trip out west, I recommend packing a cooler and a bag of food. Restaurants, even fast food joints can be few and far between. And because of the ongoing staffing shortages, sometimes they’re closed even if they exist at all. A cooler full of drinks, breakfast foods and other favorites can tide you over. 

Be sure that bag of food goes beyond the typical road snacks. In my last solo road trip out west, I packed turkey jerky, some salt-free tortilla chips, some nut and raisin mixes that I made at home and plenty of peanut butter and jelly. In my cooler, I included some mini packs of mashed avocado and a big bag of baby carrots, some yogurt, and some kombucha, sparkling water and Coke Zero. You do you, of course, but think about some healthy additions to your typical road trip snacks that can serve as balanced meals.

Stopping in Dinosaur National Monument on a road trip.

And don’t forget the water. Be sure you have plenty of reusable water bottles filled with drinking water. I always have extra in my car emergency kit, but I fill a few Nalgenes every day that I’m on the road — more than I’ll drink in a day — just in case I get stuck somewhere.

(I was really glad that I took a bowl of precooked rice and a can of tuna, too. By the time I arrived at my Microtel in Vernal, Utah, after a long day of driving and hiking, nearby restaurants were closed. but there was a microwave in my room. And that was a great dinner.)

3) Don’t leave that food in your car overnight! Bears have been known to rip doors off of cars and destroy the interior trying to get at food — and they can smell incredibly well. Take your food into the hotel with you. If you’re camping, use a bear canister ; depending on where you’re staying, rangers may ask you to also string up the canister and provide a means to hang it, or place it in a locker at the campground.

Craters of the Moon National Monument was a destination.

4) If you’re taking a solo road trip out west, I highly recommend both travel insurance and a roadside assistance plan. I have the Allianz annual plan as well as AAA. It’s reassuring to know that someone will come fetch you and make it all better if you run into a real problem.

5) When you take a solo road trip out west, gas stations can be sparse. And the last thing you want to do is run out of gas miles from anywhere. Even with roadside assistance, you could end up waiting a long while. If I’m down to half a tank. I’ll stop and top it off, just because I don’t always know how far it is till the next gas station. Of course, you can do a pretty good job of figuring that out by using the plethora of road trip apps listed in this blog that I wrote for Airsteam. 

I make good use of the rest area app, because on my last trip through northwest Colorado I stopped to find a potty six times at various places in one day, and only lucked out twice. One gas station was locked up; another didn’t have working restrooms; a visitor center was closed for Juneteenth…you get the idea. Thank God for rest areas.

6) On that note, another tip for a solo road trip out west is to take along a potty kit. I keep one in my glove box and several in my hiking pack. It’s nothing special — just a compostable sandwich bag with a single-use amount of toilet paper stuffed inside, paired with a small bottle of hand sanitizer. This way if I’m truly desperate I can find some shrubbery and make do without littering — I just toss the baggie when I see a trash can. (Though finding shrubbery can be as difficult out west as finding a restroom.)

I was surprised to run into a long stretch of dirt roads on a trip west.

7) In my work for Airstream, I recently interviewed several women who are solo female travelers. They had all kinds of ideas for safety and protection, including keeping an air horn handy. One travels with a gun, but I personally abhor guns and would never use or own one, so I carry pepper spray in my purse, and I have bear spray in my hiking backpack. Both will buy me some time in an emergency. 

I have a whistle, though that’s not as effective if you’re in a truly remote space. I also have an app on my phone called UrSafe that lets me push a button and send for help, as well as alert my emergency contacts. But again, that’s not always helpful if you’re in a remote area without cell service. 

So I also carry a sat phone. A satellite phone can be a bit of an investment upfront and does require a monthly service plan, but if you’re going to be hiking, biking or traveling in remote spaces, it’s a fantastic investment in your security. 

8) Sometimes when traveling on a solo road trip out west, you’ll pass through Native American lands. Many of these spaces have unique requirements: Sometimes you’re not permitted to take photos. Sometimes you have to provide identification upon entry and tell tribal representatives when you’re planning to leave the reservation. I know that as a Journey Here traveler, you’ll be respectful of customs and cultures. 

But what you might not know is that these lands often lack services. No restaurants, no gas stations and no cell service, sometimes for hours. Driving through a Native American reservation is a stunning experience, because you’ll get dark skies like no other, and it’s a rare glimpse into what the western part of the United States might have looked like centuries ago. But all of the tips is this blog are truly essential here.

solo trip out west

9) Keep your gadgets charged, and consider including a solar charger in your lineup. I keep all of my communications devices topped up when I’m traveling on a solo road trip out west. My phone is always plugged in, because it’s my navigation. But I also top off my spare battery, and I carry a solar charger so that, worst case, I can use the power of the sun to get a few sips of juice. Mine is small and light enough to strap on the back of my backpack so that every time I go hiking, it’s picking up energy.

10) If you’re not from these spaces out west, be prepared for a bit of culture shock. Those used to a more urban or suburban environment might be uncomfortable. I’ve found that if you can overlook some of the obvious differences and be friendly and relatable, people will be friendly and relatable in return. Having grown up out in the country in the Midwest, I learned that sometimes the barrier is a bit of insecurity. Some people in more rural spaces anticipate that a person who looks differently or dresses differently or has different license plates might be condescending. So being open and friendly when it seems appropriate knocks down a lot of those walls. 

Of course, some of these spaces really aren’t friendly to women traveling alone, people of color or people of different races, ethnicities or practices. So listen to your gut. Use all those skills that you use when you’re traveling in any foreign environment. Pay attention, try to assimilate as much as possible and be aware of prevailing practices. 

I find that national and state parks are often friendly environments. It means there’s a better infrastructure for and expectation of tourists and visitors. And the people who visit the park systems come from all over to explore and see new things, so diverse experiences and perspectives are baked in.

Sunset in the Navajo Nation is a special experience.

11) Stay organized. This is a good tip for any road trip, but when you’re in places with dust, sand and rocks, where opportunities to offload trash and especially recycling are rare, a few extra steps could save your sanity.

  • I built a little trash bin for my backseat out of the box that formerly held a case of almond milk from Costco. A small trash bag fit perfectly inside and was sturdy and stable. I put it within arm’s length of my driver’s seat. I tossed trash at gas stations but kept my cans in there until I could recycle them. 
  • I chose biodegradable and compostable servingware and dishes to lessen my impact while eating away from home. My sandwich and snack baggies are biodegradable and compostable too. I carry dish soap with me so that I can wash out my reusable water bottle each night.
  • I have an old rug over my floor mat so that as I’m getting in and out of my car with filthy shoes or hiking boots, cleanup is a little easier. I can grab the rug and shake it out along the way, then toss it in the washing machine on hot when I get home. 
  • I always keep a pretty big bottle of hand sanitizer in my center console. But I also have hand sanitizing wipes there, because sometimes you’re just dirty, and liquid sanitizer is only going to smear it around. I also have some Seventh Generation cleaning wipes handy so that I can wipe up spills like coffee or yogurt or bugs that find their way onto the dashboard and die. My car may be pretty cluttered during a solo road trip out west, but I don’t like it to be really grubby.

12) Stay comfortable. A road trip can be good for the soul, but it can be hard on the body. These are the ways I take care of myself.

  • The sun is much stronger in many parts of the west, especially at elevation, so I keep sunscreen in my center console. I always put it on my hands and wrists, as well as on my shoulder if the sun is coming through the side window.
  • I tore my hamstring at the connection to my hip this spring, and I’ve always had piriformis syndrome, so I put a custom cushion on my seat. That makes my lumbar support all wonky, however, so I also put a cushion behind my lower back. Yes, I very much feel like an old lady. I suppose maybe I am. But the ache is intolerable otherwise.
  • Being in the car puts me right to sleep. Literally, if I’ve been going hard, I can doze off at a stoplight driving across town. So I give myself plenty of time to sleep at night, in case my insomnia kicks in, and I try to avoid driving more than five to seven hours a day.
  • I also break up a long drive with a short hike. I use the pro version of the AllTrails app to find hikes along my route. I can think of no better way to restore blood flow while seeing unique gems, and an hour doesn’t put me too far behind. 

View from the car window during a solo road trip out west.

13) Prep your entertainment. Speaking of staying awake: You might not have cell service during your solo road trip out west, which means you also might not be able to make phone calls or listen to music. Download a lot of podcasts, audio books or language lessons. You can feed your brain from point A to point B. 

You can also download the Otter app and do some writing while you’re driving. Not literally, of course, but the Otter app allows you to speak into your phone and get a rough transcription of your thoughts, which you can send to email and clean up later. That’s actually how I wrote this blog. It was composed while I was driving from Vernal, Utah, to Salt Lake City amid some of the most gorgeous but remote scenery you’d ever hope to see.

14) Stop at the rest areas. They tend to be a little bit cleaner than gas station bathrooms, and there are often interesting tidbits or brochures about the region inside. Iowa has some of the best rest areas along I-80, with fascinating facts about the wind power turbines that you can see in motion all around you as you drive.

There’s usually some green space, if you need to get out and stretch your legs a little bit. Or If you need to close your eyes for 15 minutes, you can pull off at a rest area, park in one of the spots a little further toward the edge, lock your doors and put your seat back

And I’ve seen some amazing scenery from rest areas. Driving back to Idaho Falls from the Tetons during a solo road trip out west, I stopped at remote rest area along the Snake River. The sunset was so stunning that I went back to my car and grabbed my phone to take photos. The rest area in Glenwood Canyon, in Colorado, is right beside the sparkling Colorado River. And a rest area that I visited in Utah on my way to Salt Lake City had a path to the top of the hill at the edge of the parking lot where you could see a massive lake, plus whole eras of paleontological history in the bluffs behind it. 

So stop at every rest area that you see. You never know when you’re going to get another chance to go potty, and the views can be phenomenal.

Learning how to drive in the mountains is key during a road trip out west.

15) Stop at the viewing areas. My someday dream is to endlessly road trip with enough time to stop at every scenic pulloff. Getting out of the car is different than seeing the scenery at 65 mph. The air will smell different from place to place, depending on the flora and fauna. It might feel warmer or cooler or drier. You can hear the sounds of native birds and animals. Getting out and appreciating the detail of a place from the viewing area off the highway is a sensory experience. Most highways have signs at least a mile in advance so you can make your way over. 

16) When you set out on a solo road trip out west, you need to understand how to drive up and down big hills … aka mountains. Please don’t freak out when I encourage you to learn how to drive in the mountains. Believe me, I didn’t know how to for a long, long time. I grew up in very flat northeast Indiana. A little bit of time with Google or YouTube can help teach you how to use your gears and your brakes on steep inclines and declines and hairpin curves.

You also need to be aware that wild animals could cross your path, especially at twilight when deer are more active. And in certain parts of the country, you’ll encounter a lot of bicyclists riding on the shoulder. So you should watch not just the road, but also the sides of the road. 

17) Knowing how to handle things like a massive rainstorm, hail or an encounter with an animal is really important too. I didn’t grow up knowing this either. (Except deer. It was an unfortunate and expensive rite of passage to hit a deer driving alongside woods and fields every time you went anywhere, growing up in the rural area where I did.) I lived for three years in Chicago, so I’m comfortable in spaces that are dense, noisy and heavily populated — places without falling rocks or moose. But I promise you that this is something you can learn. 

If you really want to be empowered, try taking a wilderness first responder course — graduates are called “woofers.” While it’s intense, and it’s not necessary for a solo road trip, it will help you prepare for any eventuality and make you aware of things you should avoid or do in the outdoors.

Staying in a small town during a solo road trip out west.

18) And before you embark on a solo road trip out west, you should read our general solo travel safety tips . Among the important considerations here: 

  • Don’t tell people that you’re traveling alone.
  • Don’t tell them where you’re staying.
  • And be hyper-vigilant about the cars around you or the people hiking around you on a trail.

As with hiking, you should always tell someone where you’re going and when you expect to be there, so that if something happens, people know where to begin the search. I also share my location on my iPhone with a loved one. I may be traveling solo, but I have a whole support team back home.

One of the things that I love about a solo road trip out west is the sense of openness and awe and wild. I feel as if there are endless new vistas around every corner or at the top of every hill, and wide open spaces where I can think and explore forever. 

I also love the challenge that comes with being alone in these wide-open spaces where Mother Nature is in charge and you have to play by her rules. You have to be smart, savvy and aware. You have to have a plan A and plan B and a plan C.

Stopping for a hike in Wyoming during a road trip.

The good news is that just about anyone on a road trip is happy to share their tips and advice. So many people going in the other direction have told me about their favorite spots in the town I’ll be passing through next, or a majestic view on the highway ahead. So many people have been willing to share information or ask questions. They call it trail magic when you’re hiking. I’m sure there must be a similar name for the kindness I’ve found during a road trip.

A solo road trip out west can be an incredibly moving, empowering and stunning experience. You’ve heard of Eat Pray Love , right? For me, it’s Drive, Think, Hike . I don’t always have someone to travel with, but I’d never want to give up those experiences. So pack well. Fuel up often. And get ready to see things that blow your mind and crack your heart wide open.

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How To Plan A Trip Out West in 2024: Your Complete Guide

How To Plan A Trip Out West in 2024: Your Complete Guide

Oh, the wild west! Whether you want to road trip along the Kenai Peninsula, spot wildlife in Yellowstone National Park, or stroll through the vibrant Grand Canyon, there's much to explore. But with so much scattered around, is it possible to see it all? Let's break down the steps and start planning your next adventure out west.

solo trip out west

From navigating the national parks and diving into history-rich museums to feeling the city buzz and dipping into the rugged coastline, you're spoilt for choice. Whether it's a peaceful retreat or an adrenaline-fueled vacation, there's no doubt you'll find it here. 

But with a hefty handful of things to do in the west, how can you squeeze it all in? Maybe you're heading out on a 7-day trip out west, or perhaps you're thinking about a 3-week road trip… This in-depth guide will take you through everything you need to know. Here's how to plan a trip out west! 

Map in front of car windshield

Step 1. Decide when you want to head out west 

How many days do you need for a road trip out west? The answer you're looking for depends highly on you. It's about your preferences, travel style, the attractions you want to see, and the activities you want to do. The best time of year to road trip out west can vary greatly depending on these factors. 

Planning a trip out west any time of the year can offer many pros and cons. Each season hosts unique experiences, like shredding on snowy slopes in winter or hiking in spring.  

The west is well-known for its sublime scenery, and an ideal time to explore is during the shoulder seasons. The springtime showcases a wealth of wildflowers as they surge across the snow-melted mountains. In contrast, the fall brings colorful foliage with a few raindrops. The low season offers backpackers more affordable prices on accommodation and flights too! 

The wintertime offers action-packed events and activities for both snow and sports lovers. If you're interested in skiing or snowboarding, now's the time to shine! Prices can soar around Christmas, so it's not ideal for budget travelers. 

The west's summertime boasts hot and dry weather, making it a stellar time for outdoor activities. Tourism is usually at its height this season, so it may not be ideal for those bound to a strict budget. 

Step 2. Create your ideal travel budget 

If you're planning a trip out west, you're probably left thinking, how much will this cost? Now's the time to construct your very own travel budget. It sounds simple and not so appealing, but it's a crucial step to get more bang for your buck. 

When creating your ideal budget, remember to factor in accommodation, transport, flights, rental car hire, food, etc. Every last detail counts! 

The standard daily budget for travelers out west can differ greatly, depending on your travel style. If you're looking to keep it low cost, stay just outside the popular tourist areas and find budget accommodation in advance. If you're planning to hire a car, remember the money for fuel and tollways!  

Traveling has become more affordable in recent years. You can make the most out of your adventures by using these comprehensive  budget travel tips .  

Budget journal

Step 3. Figure out the must-see destinations 

All right! The United States West is home to an inundating inventory of dazzling destinations. Whether you want to lay low in a coastal town or sweat it out in a national park, a lot goes on on this side of the country. If you're heading out on a road trip out west, here are some top destinations you could add to your itinerary: 

  • Yosemite National Park 
  • Museum of American West in Denver 
  • San Francisco city 
  • Rocky Mountain National Park 
  • Jackson Hole 
  • Getty Center in Los Angeles 
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Space Needle in Seattle 
  • Beaches in California 
  • Zion National Park
  • Grand Canyon 

Step 4. Establish your route  

How do you plan on getting around? Are you thinking about a 2-week road trip out west, or would you prefer a 5-day visit? Are you driving a car, campervan, or participating in a group trip? 

Whatever your preference is, there really is no right or wrong way to do it. Plan your route out west, and remember to calculate time, cost, and distance. 

Yellow car on road

Step 5. Figure out your accommodation 

Out west, there is a huge range of accommodation. Depending on your travel tastes, what you choose can vary greatly. When planning a trip out west, you'll encounter everything from budget hostels to luxury resorts. You can also choose between  Airbnb ,  Couchsurfing,  hostels , sharehouses, and hotels. 

Save yourself time by comparing different hotel options on websites like . You can even sign up to score hotel deals alerts to save extra money.  

 Step 6. Research some activities and attractions 

Now's the time to ask yourself, what are some of the best things to do out west? Maybe you've seen a photo of a canyon you'd like to conquer, a beach you'd like to bathe on, or a desert spa that's calling your name… 

Whatever you're feeling, get it down on paper! Here are some activities to add to your itinerary out west: 

  • Kayak through the Emerald Cove
  • Hit the dunes of Las Vegas on an ATV tour
  • See Palm Springs from above on the aerial tramway  
  • Hike through Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park on a day tour  
  • Tour the Grand Canyon 
  • Hit the heights of Temecula on a hot-air balloon ride   
  • Go on a Napa and Sonoma Wine Country full-day tour  

Step 7. Get down to the nitty gritty  

Now that you know how to plan a trip out west, it's time to get down to business. Get your travel visa and documents organized, and make sure you've got travel insurance too. Being prepared in case things go wrong can bring you great peace of mind. If you need help figuring out what's right for you, take a peek at this insider's guide on the  best travel insurance for 2023 .

Step 8. Start packing  

Packing doesn't have to involve running around your room, frantically fumbling through drawers, throwing clothes everywhere, and screaming, "I can't find anything"… In fact, packing can be quite the opposite. All you need to do is stay organized and pack ahead of time. 

Scan over all the items in this  complete vacation packing list  to ensure you've all the necessities. Keep your clothing organized with  packing cubes  and utilize all the room you have. Heck, even stuff socks and underwear into your shoes! 

When planning a trip out west, there are going to be some long hours spent on the road. To help make your life easier and not break the bank, don't forget these travel essentials: 

  • Universal Travel Adapter
  • Power Bank  
  • Water Bottle  
  • Travel Wallet  
  • Noise-Cancelling Headphones  
  • Hiking Shoes  

Packed baggage with camera and laptop outside

Why visit the west? 

This part of the United States is home to some of the most unique landscapes on earth. With rolling hilltops, sandy deserts, vibrant cities, and a whole lot more, there is something to satisfy every type of traveler. 

Rural escapes, stunning scenery, crashing coastlines, and more! 

Now that you know how to plan a trip out west, it's time to take off your serious shoes and slip into something a little more comfortable. Pilot can help you plan the most epic trip, so what are you waiting for? Start the countdown now! 

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Inspired Routes

30 Gorgeous West Coast Road Trip Routes You Gotta See to Believe

Posted on Published: January 31, 2023  - Last updated: December 18, 2023

Ready for an epic road trip adventure through the American west? From amazing coastal views to stunning national parks, the western part of the USA has some truly unbelievable landscapes. If you’re looking for the best west coast road trip – here’s 30 routes you’ll absolutely love.

west coast road trip USA view of ocean and road with black sand beach and rugged coastline

This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, see my  disclosures .

Whether you’re looking to take a leisurely drive over a long weekend or plan an amazing adventure covering a lot of ground over 2 weeks, this list has a bit of everything.

Visit charming towns along the California and Oregon coast. Go hiking in the national parks out west and catch views of dramatic landscapes. Rugged coasts, dense forests, wide open spaces and outta-this-world desert scenes, you’re about to find your perfect road trip out west in this guide .

Let’s dive in!

large mountain peak and lake with some snow green forest white puffy clouds on road trip out west

Must-see video: west coast road trips

West coast road trip map

This map includes highlights of some of the destinations on the west coast road trip itineraries below. Check out the full guide on each destination below!

Oh and by the way, I haven’t been everywhere (yet), so I’ve called in some help from some fellow travel writers to create these epic itineraries. Enjoy!

Essentials for your Road Trip USA west coast

road trip out west to mt rainier national park hiking trail through meadow of flowers and trees and mountains in distance

Before we dive into the list of awesome road trips, make sure you’re prepared by packing the right gear. Here are some suggestions to make your road trip go smoothly.

  • Collapsable cooler. Perfect for if you’re flying to a destination for a road trip, or just to store when you’re not using it. A collapsable cooler keeps your drinks and food cool, too.
  • Appropriate clothing for weather. From tank tops to a winter coat, be sure to check the weather before you go and take the appropriate layers. If you’re hiking, this is my favorite medium hiking coat , rain jacket and sun hat .
  • Emergency items like satellite communicator and first aid kit . We all think it will never happen to us – until it does! This 2-way satellite communicator comes with me on all road trips and hiking adventures. Take this first aid kit for your car or pack it for day hikes.

hiking trail through rocky terrain

  • GoPro. Capture the best photos and videos of the road (while another adult is driving) or take it for underwater adventures and swimming. This GoPro goes with me on every trip!
  • Reusable water bottles. Pack one or two for each person to avoid buying single-use plastic bottles. Refill at restaurants, hotels and clean water stations at national parks.
  • Right hiking gear. If you’re visiting any of the national parks in the west and stepping foot out of your car, you’ll want the right gear to be comfortable. These are my favorite hiking shoes , hiking socks , trekking poles and hiking backpack that accompany me to any hiking destination.

By the way, if you’ll need to rent a car for this adventure, try searching Discover Cars first. It’s free to use, the site searches the major car companies and I typically save 10-30% using Discover Cars .

US west coast road trip

Gahhh! I’m so excited for you! Epic adventures await on a west coast road trip. Starting off with a few of my favorites…

1. Oregon Coast road trip

oregon cliffs and ocean on a road trip usa west coast

Distance: 745 miles Recommended time: 5-10 days Best time of year: May through October

The Oregon Coast is perfect for road trips, with 363-miles of stunning coastlines and more than 15 not-to-be missed towns.

It’s perfect for a choose-your-own-adventure kind of trip, to accommodate your interests and the amount of time you have to spare. But if you have some flexibility, you could easily spend a week and a half exploring the coastline.

Start your trip in Portland and make your way to the northern portion of the Oregon coast. Cannon Beach should absolutely be on your bucketlist, home to the iconic sea stack, Haystack Rock. Here, you can explore tidepools, keep a lookout for puffins in the summertime, and have a bonfire right on the sand. 

Making your way south, stop at Pacific City Beach, which offers sweeping sand dunes and epic rock formations at Cape Kiwanda . If you’re brave, this is an excellent spot to take on the chilly Pacific waves at a surf lesson- it’s one of the most popular places along the coast to catch a wave!

Continuing south, the town of Florence has a charming historic downtown, with ice cream parlors and salt-water taffy stores. Florence is also home to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area , a 40-mile stretch of rolling sand dunes that has earned the town the name “Sandboarding Capital of the World.”

At the southern tip of the Oregon Coast, you’ll find the Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor in Brookings. This recreation area has rugged sea stacks, secluded beaches, and some of the most jaw-dropping vistas you’ll find on the West Coast.

Finally, make your way back to Portland, completing the 745-mile loop around the western portion of the state.

Summer is absolutely the best time to head to the Oregon Coast , thanks to the pleasant weather and clear skies. If you want to avoid the crowds, though, early fall (late September and early October) can be a good time to get most of the attractions to yourself and snag some decent deals on accommodations.

The Oregon Coast from Portland is certainly worthy of being on this list: road trip USA west coast!

Recommended by Jessica of Uprooted Traveler

2. Pacific Coast Highway road trip: San Francisco to San Diego

Big Sur california view of grey beach teal water scenic road through mountain

Distance: 615+ miles Recommended time: 3-10 days Best time of year: November through April

You’ll want to keep this west coast road trip itinerary! The drive from San Francisco to San Diego, California is absolutely stunning.

From the rugged, untouched coast of Big Sur to the sandy beaches of Southern California and charming towns in between, this is a bucket list road trip, for sure!

Fly into San Francisco and rent a car , drive the coast and fly back out of San Diego. You can do this trip in as little as 3 days, but 7-10 days is recommended.

There are over 30 fabulous stops on a San Francisco to San Diego road trip , so you’ll never run out of things to do.

Starting in San Francisco, be sure to visit the Golden Gate Bridge and hike the Land’s End Trail for spectacular views of the bay. Next up is Monterey, where you can shop and dine in the historic Cannery Row, or visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium .

There are plenty of things to do with kids in Monterey too, making this road trip option one of the best on this list for families.

A must-see along this US west coast road trip is Carmel-by-the-Sea. Charming architecture met with great beaches, this is a fun stop. This is a great spot for an overnight stay , because Big Sur is next and there’s not very many accommodations for a few hundred miles.

Fill up on gas in Carmel-by-the-Sea before hitting the road to Big Sur. This undeveloped stretch of land is where cliffs meet the ocean, where whale watching, sea lions and sea otters are prominent nearly year round.

There are so many things to do in Big Sur that every vacation style will love this region. Be sure to stop by the Bixby Creek Bridge, McWay Falls and Sand Dollar Beach.

As you make your way through Southern California, the charming towns of San Luis Obispo and Solvang make way for Malibu, Huntington Beach, La Jolla and finally to San Diego.

Ideally, you could spend 2 days in San Diego , visiting the highlight including Balboa Park, Old Town San Diego , the Gaslamp District and Coronado Beach.

This fun-filled road trip can be done any time of year. The Big Sur coast sees a lot of marine fog during the summer and early fall months, so winter and spring are the best times for views and the fewer crowds.

Recommended by me – Nikki of Inspired Routes

3. Washington National Parks

mt rainier hike up skyline trail with paved path wildflowers and mountain in distance

Distance: 600+ miles Recommended time: 7 – 14 days Best time of year: June through September

If you’re looking to see some of the most beautiful views on the western part of the United States, then a Washington state national parks road trip is a must!

On this trip, you’ll see the sites and hear the sounds of Mount Rainier, Olympic and North Cascades National Parks, as well as see the Rainy City, Seattle.

Start the road trip in Mount Rainier, hit Olympic second, and then make your way towards North Cascades for a long , but totally worth it road trip. 

This trip can quickly become over 600 miles, so it’s recommended to have at least a week to complete it, but having 10 to 14 days is more ideal.

Starting in Mount Rainier, it’s a must to visit the Paradise area of the park, and spend some time hiking the trails, such as the Skyline Trail . The Nisqually Vista trail is one of the best beginner trails in the state.

After you’ve spent time enjoying the best things to do in Mt Rainier National Park , head north towards Olympic National Park. Start your visit on the western half, along the Pacific Coast. Visit Ruby and Rialto Beaches before heading to Hurricane Ridge.

From here, drive out of the park and stop in Seattle before the last leg of the trip. Spending just one day in Seattle , you can see the highlights like Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, Museum of Pop Culture and the Olympic Sculpture Park. Be sure to take one of the Pike Place Market food tours while you’re in town!

North Cascades is your final destination, where you’ll be greeted with towering peaks. See the fabulous Diablo Lake and Washington Pass Overlook. Embark on the Maple Pass Hike or to Blue Lake.

Because this Washington road trip is through many mountains, it’s best done in the summer, as many roads close in the winter.

If you’re flying in, it’s best to fly into Seattle and then rent a car there. And don’t forget your America the Beautiful parks pass , as you’ll get good use out of it on this trip!

Recommended by Kassidy of The Hiking Helper

4. Anchorage to Seward, Alaska (one of the most scenic on this list of road trip USA west coast)

west coast road trip itinerary view of Alaska wilderness trees green and yellow and lake in fall

Distance: 125 miles Recommended time: 2+ days Best time of year: April through September

The drive from Anchorage to Seward Alaska is arguably among the most beautiful stretches of road in the USA. On a map the distance between these two cities is just 125 miles, but with all the stunning views and beautiful places along the way it takes much longer than 2 hours to drive.

This road trip follows the Old Seward Highway which traces Turnagain Arm, a waterway that forms the northern boundary of the Cook Inlet off of the Gulf of Alaska.

On one side of the road is deep blue water with snow-capped mountains in the distance and on the other side are the stunning forest-covered Chugach Mountains with endless hiking trails to explore. Beluga whales can be spotted along this section from July through August.

Once you reach the town of Portage, the highway crosses onto the Kenai Peninsula, where the small harbor town of Seward is located. Here you will find Kenai Fjord National Park , which is accessible by both land and water. By land, hike up to Exit Glacier or, by water, spend a day on a glacier cruise into the park.

Other great places to stop on this road trip from Anchorage to Seward include the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, the Alyeska aerial tram in Girdwood and a boat ride to Portage Glacier in Portage.

This road trip is best in the warmer months, from April through September. Beginning in October, many businesses and tours begin shutting down for the season. Seward is a charming town to stay in with many lodging options ranging from hotels, quaint cabins by the water and bed and breakfasts.

This Alaskan adventure is undoubtedly one of the best west coast road trip itineraries!

Recommended by Susan of This Big Wild World

5. Arizona road trip: Phoenix to Tucson

pink sky at dusk with road below and mountain in disance

Distance: 110+ miles Recommended time: 3+ days Best time of year: spring or fall

This US west coast road trip is based in Arizona, and you’re certainly in for a treat!

While Phoenix may be the official capital of Arizona, Tucson is the outdoor hub of the state. One hundred and twelve miles to the southeast of Phoenix, Tucson’s surrounded by mountains, saguaros and the only National Park protecting the sacred Saguaros – Saguaro National Park. 

The drive on Interstate 10 isn’t much to write home about, but when you begin to close in on the Tucson City limits, the fun begins. You’ll first reach the western half of Saguaro National Park, a pristine landscape covered in cacti.

This part is geared toward photographers and those without the need for handholding. It’s best viewed at sunset when Arizona’s famed skies put on a show.

After sunset, continue into the city for delicious Mexican food and your lodging. The following day you can explore Tucson , drive the 50 minutes up to Mt Lemmon, a 9,000+ foot goliath casting its shadow over Tucson, or head to the eastern end of town for the second half of Saguaro National Park.

If you choose the park, know it’s more developed, mountainous (trails go as high as 8,000+ feet), and has a visitor center. The eastern part is perfect for families and those looking for a moderate day hike. The main area isn’t large but offers a nice loop drive with various trailheads to start your walks.

If you’re visiting in the warmer months and looking to escape the heat, Mt. Lemmon is your best friend. On average, the top of the mountain offers visitors a 22-degree reprieve from the heat below . Here, you’ll find miles and miles of hiking and mountain biking.

After your adventure, stop by the famous Cookie Cabin for delicious pizza and an even more tasty Pizookie. Then, on your way down, stop by Windy Point and take in the sunset. Tucson’s known for putting on the best sky magic in the southwest. 

Lastly, be careful while driving on Mt. Lemmon’s scenic byway. It’s curvy and a favorite of cyclists in the area. 

Recommended by Alec of Explore with Alec

6. San Francisco to Yosemite (iconic west coast road trip route)

San Francisco bridge with cliffs in background white waves and large bridge

Distance: 212 miles Recommended time: 2+ days Best time of year: May through September

Visiting Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular weekend trips from San Francisco, and is a fantastic option for one of the best west coast road trips itineraries!

A scenic road trip from San Francisco to Yosemite is the best way to enjoy the area. The most scenic route to  Yosemite from San Francisco  takes CA-99 S and CA-140 E and goes through the towns of Merced, Mariposa, and Midpines to the Arch Rock Entrance of Yosemite National Park. 

The distance between San Francisco and Yosemite NP via this scenic route is just over 200 miles, and the average driving time is about 4.5 hours. 

However, making stops in Merced, Mariposa and Midpines on the way to Yosemite is a must-do. Therefore, choose to spend an extended weekend in Yosemite instead of a weekend.

Merced, called the “Gateway to Yosemite’, is about 130 miles away from San Francisco. Make a stop in Merced and do wine tasting at Vista Ranch , see the historic Merced County Courthouse Museum and visit the fabulous Merced Antique Mall. 

After a break in Merced, head to Mariposa, only 37 miles from Merced. The town Mariposa is such a charming Gold Rush town.

You might enjoy staying overnight in Mariposa . Choose a 2-hour zipline adventure at Yosemite Ziplines & Adventure Ranch from the mountain in Polaris Rangers to Downtown Mariposa. Afterward, indulge in delicious bites at Charles Street Dinner House and explore fantastic Mariposa wineries like Casto Oaks Fine Wine and Art and the Butterfly Creek Winery.

Continue to Yosemite after Mariposa, but make a break in Midpines, which is only 12 mi southwest of El Portal in Yosemite. Midpines is a lovely place for picnicking, swimming, rafting and fishing.

After Midpines, head to Yosemite. The stylish Rush Creek Lodge at Yosemite is in Buck Meadows and on the way from Midpines to Yosemite Valley. Check-in at your room and start exploring the marvelous Yosemite National Park.

El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, Yosemite Falls, Glacier Point viewpoint, Fallen Wawona Tunnel Tree and Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias await you! 

The best time to visit Yosemite is from May to September. 

Recommended by Milijana of World Travel Connector 

7. Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon

orange curvy sandstone rock in antelope canyon arizona

Distance: 726 miles Recommended time: 3+ days Best time of year: spring or fall

One of the best road trips in the western USA is  Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon . Because Las Vegas airport has so many connections and fairly cheap flights, many people like to fly into Las Vegas and explore from there.

This road trip starts in Vegas and explores some of the amazing destinations northern Arizona and southern Utah has to offer.

You can do this road trip as a loop, or as a there-and-back trip. Starting out at Vegas head west towards Flagstaff and along the way you can stop off and enjoy Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and Kingman Arizona.

From Flagstaff head north towards the Grand Canyon, one of the best stops on this road trip. After checking out the Grand Canyon, head north to Page, Arizona, which is a great stop-over city to spend the night.

The next morning head out to explore all the best sights near Page, such as Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. After touring these incredible places, you can start heading towards Zion National Park.

After hiking some incredible trails inside the park, grab a hotel room in Springdale , just outside Zion. The next day head out back towards Las Vegas, while stopping at Valley of Fire State Park on your way back.

Of course you can spend longer at any of these destinations, but if you’re short on time this road trip can be done in 3 days . 

The best time to do this road trip is in spring or fall. In the summer it can be incredibly hot in this part of the country. Zion in particular is one of the best national parks to visit in May , if you can arrange for it.

The winter is a great option if you really want to avoid the crowds, but some trails and roads could be closed so keep that in mind. Don’t forget to buy your Antelope Canyon tickets in advance, as they sell out really fast.

Recommended by Jessica of Unearth the Voyage

8. Utah national parks road trip

Zion National park view of canyon with massive orange rocky cliffs and road deep in valley

Distance: 878+ miles Recommended time: 5 – 14 days Best time of year: anytime

One of the best American west coast road trip adventures is through the Mighty 5 in Utah. A stunning display of nature and endless views greet you on a Utah national parks road trip .

It’s best to start this road trip by flying into Salt Lake City and departing from Las Vegas. Rent a car, RV or camper van to explore these amazing national parks.

From Salt Lake City, travel about 4 hours to Moab. There, you’ll have access to Arches and Canyonlands National Park. Ideally, you’d have a few days to explore each park. But you can see quite a bit with just one day in Arches National Park .

Hike to Delicate Arch, the most famous arch in the world! Visit the Devil’s Playground, where you’ll see multiple arches in a short distance. The last major stop within the park is The Windows, where you see the huge Double Arch.

Canyonlands National Park has expansive views with many overlooks and hiking trails. The Mesa Arch Trail is a short walk to an arch overlooking the canyon, and perfect for a sunrise adventure. Be sure to check out the views at Grand View Point Overlook, Green River Overlook and White Rim Overlook.

The journey to Capital Reef is a fun drive along Utah Scenic Byway 24. Once there, be sure to check out the Fruita Historic District, Hike the Hickman Bridge Trail and take the Capitol Reef Scenic Drive.

For out-of-this-world views, you’ll love Bryce Canyon National Park. Check out the viewpoints at Inspiration Point and Bryce Point. This park has a shuttle system that’s convenient and prevents congestion within the park.

Be sure to take the shuttle to Sunrise Point, where you can start a phenomenal 3.2 mile hike, the Queens Garden Trail and Navajo Loop . Walk through the funky hoodoos into the base of the amphitheater. So fun!

The last park on this US west coast road trip is Zion. This is one of the most visited national parks in the USA, and for good reason! Massive canyon views surround you throughout the park.

Take the Zion shuttle to hike The Narrows, or apply for a permit to hike Angels Landing . For a low-key trip to Zion with kids , you could hike the Canyon Overlook Trail, Emerald Pools or Pa’rus Trail.

After your visit to the Mighty 5 in Utah, take the 2.5 hour drive to Las Vegas. Fly out directly or spend a day or two exploring Vegas and the area’s many attractions.

Want to see more of Las Vegas? Check out what you must do in Vegas for first timers .

9. Salt Lake City to Yellowstone (perfect US west coast road trip)

multicolored prismatic spring with steam coming off it and parking lot in distance

Distance: 321+ miles Recommended time: 3+ days Best time of year: May through September

Salt Lake City is a beautiful place to start your road trip to Yellowstone National Park. Surrounded by the Wasatch Mountains, breathtaking views will greet you from the get-go.

The drive from Salt Lake City to the west entrance of Yellowstone National Park is 321 miles and takes 5 hours to drive via I-15N. It’s one of the best west coast road trips USA!

If you’d prefer a more scenic route, consider taking a longer trip to the south entrance of the park through Jackson, Wyoming, via Highway 89. This longer loop (SLC to Yellowstone and back to SLC) includes 12 hours of road time, covering 734 miles.

Whether you have a few days to spare or all week, take this trip at your own pace.

The scenic drive from Salt Lake City to Yellowstone detours through Jackson and Grand Teton National Park. Jackson is a popular ski resort and has a charming wild west feel to the town.

If you’re looking for lodging in Jackson, consider staying at Elk County Inn , Wyoming Inn of Jackson Hole or at The Lodge at Jackson Hole .

Grand Teton National Park is just miles away from Jackson. The beautiful park features amazing hiking trails and scenic views, including Inspiration Point Grand Teton . Most known for its beautiful mountains, the Teton Range is famous for its sharp peaks.

Once you’ve made your way to Yellowstone, best places to stay in Yellowstone are limited. Old Faithful Lodge and Cabins, Canyon Lodge and Cabins, Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel are great options for lodging. Keep in mind West Yellowstone and Gardiner are also great nearby areas to stay.

Most of the roads and amenities in Yellowstone are closed through May in the Tetons and in the park. May is a great time to visit because it’s less crowded, but most of the park, including the most popular attractions, is open.

Recommended by Candice of CS Ginger 

10. Salem, Mt Hood and Oregon waterfalls loop

mount hood at sunset and lake reflection pink sky

Distance: 530 miles Recommended time: 3+ days Best time of year: June through September

Starting in  Salem  or Portland, you can easily visit the wide range of Oregon’s diverse terrain in a short time. This Oregon Highlights loop can be completed in less than 11 hours (530 miles) of driving time. 

You’ll want to spend a minimum of 3 days on this road trip, though it’s best enjoyed over a full week, or even longer.

While the trip can be enjoyed all year round, you may sometimes need chains or snow tires to drive through the mountain pass in winter. For the best road tripping weather in Oregon, aim for June through September. 

First, spend as much time as you want in Oregon’s largest cities – Portland or Salem, where you’ll find tasty eateries, urban hikes and cute shopping streets. 

Next, head East on I-84 through the impressive Colombia River Gorge with its many waterfalls, on your way to the trendy windsurfing town of Hood River. 

You can pick up treats from local apple farms as you head South through Mt. Hood National Forest and drive by snow-capped mountain peaks on your way to Central Oregon.

After enjoying your favorite outdoor adventure activities in the high desert, make your way back over the mountain range to Silver Falls State Park . This is where you can see 10 waterfalls on one trail – and even walk behind a few of the falls! 

Continue back into the Willamette Valley. Explore Oregon wine country around McMinnville, Oregon, taking your pick of scenic vineyards for wine tasting.

Then, continue West just 1 hour to reach the rugged Oregon Coast. You can climb the dunes at Pacific City and grab some crispy fish and chips. Make a final stop at the Tillamook Cheese factory on your way back to Salem or Portland.

Recommended by Michelle of Intentional Travelers

Can you believe this list?! Not even half done, there’s way more ideas to build your perfect west coast road trip itinerary coming right up!

11. Death Valley to Yosemite (find adventure with this road trip USA west coast route)

view of brown tan rocky terrain at Death Valley national park

Distance: 319 miles Recommended time: 2-3 days Best time of year: September or October

The drive between Death Valley and Yosemite is an epic adventure through some of America’s most iconic national parks, and it’s one of the best west coast road trips!

The 2 parks have their own distinct personalities — Death Valley National Park is a desert expanse with hundreds of mountain ranges and some of the lowest elevation points in North America, and Yosemite National Park is filled with granite cliffs and waterfalls that provide majestic landscapes.

Start your trip at Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park. You can stop along Highway 190 as it passes through Furnace Creek, but plan on stopping near Zabriskie Point for sunset views of the surrounding mountains and valley floor.

Then head north towards Mono Lake and stay overnight in Lee Vining or Mammoth Lakes . End your trip in Yosemite Valley after driving through Tioga Road in Yosemite.

The drive from Badwater Basin to Yosemite Valley is 319 miles and takes 6 to 6.5 hours non-stop. You can finish the road trip within a day but it’s recommended to spend at least 2-3 days exploring the parks and in between.

Highlights of this road trip include Lone Pine, Crowley Lake and Mammoth Lakes.

The best places to stay are inside Death Valley National Park and Yosemite National Park so you’ll get more time to explore the park. Since Tioga Road is closed from November through May and Death Valley gets scorching hot during the summer, the best time to do the road trip is in the fall. 

Recommended by Rasika of Bae Area And Beyond

12. Road to Hana, Maui

black sand beach epic maui road trip with green covered cliffs and ocean

Distance: 52 miles Recommended time: 1- 2 days Best time of year: anytime

When you think of Hawaii, a road trip may not come to mind but driving the  Road to Hana  on Maui is one of the best ways to experience this island. The scenic drive takes you from Kahului to the eastern side of the island to the town of Hana. 

While obviously not located in the Continental US, it’s a must-see on this list of best road trip USA west coast!

The Road to Hana is 52 miles of one lane bridges, hairpin turns and curves. This road trip will take up an entire day so make sure you pack lots of snacks and fill up for gas before you embark on this journey.

The winding road takes you past jaw-dropping seascape views, roaring waterfalls, pristine beaches and through lush rainforest. Some highlights of this drive include Twin Falls, the Painted Forest, Honomanu Bay, the awe inspiring Wai’anapanapa State Park, Wailua Falls and Haleakala National Park.

Most people drive the Road to Hana and back in the same day but if time allows, stay the night in Hana town . If you stay at the  Hana Maui Resort  you’re in for a real treat.

This will give you a full day to experience the Road to Hana and to not feel rushed on the way back. Plus it’s not the most enjoyable drive at night on a narrow, winding cliffside road.

Since we are talking about Hawaii, you can road trip the Road to Hana anytime of the year. Just avoid this journey during heavy rains as flash floods can happen in the blink of an eye and parts of the road can get swept away.

Don’t forget to wear your bathing suit, water shoes and pack a lightweight towel because pulling off the side of the road to swim under a waterfall is the name of the game. Buckle up, enjoy the ride and prepare for a road trip of a lifetime.

Recommended by Jess of I’m Jess Traveling 

13. San Francisco to Lake Tahoe

bright blue lake water and shore road trip usa west coast

Distance: 323 Recommended time: 2+ days Best time of year: June through October

A road trip from the San Francisco Bay Area to Lake Tahoe is filled with gorgeous vistas and plenty of amazing things to do!

This road trip is 323 miles and can be done in only 2 days, but do yourself a favor and spend a few more to really soak up the beauty of the area! A road trip to Lake Tahoe can be completed in any season of the year, however summer or fall is recommended to avoid possible road closures due to snow.

Departing from San Francisco, travelers should head east on Highway 80 through Donner Pass, Truckee and then Tahoe City on the lake. 

Driving around the full length of Lake Tahoe is 72 miles of pure beauty. In summer, there are  many swimming beaches  such as Kings Beach, Zephyr and Sugar Pine Point Beach. 

The Tahoe East Shore Bike Trail is a 3 mile long paved path that runs from Incline Village to Sand Harbor either on bike or on foot. Many other hiking trails also provide a break from being in the car, such as Eagle Rock or down to Emerald Bay.

Tahoe Lakeshore Lodge & Spa and Hotel Azure Tahoe are both wonderful choices for lodging due to their lakefront locations, incredible views and lovely rooms.

After circling the lake, visitors are in for a fun day of adventure in Virginia City . This old silver mining town is filled with old saloons selling sarsaparillas, tours of underground mines and old schoolhouses, wooden sidewalks and plenty of cute shops. 

This Lake Tahoe road trip can end by taking an easy flight out of the Reno airport or travelers can head back on the scenic Highway 50 for another route back toward the Bay Area. No matter which route you choose, your San Francisco to Lake Tahoe adventure is sure to be one of the best west coast road trips!

Recommended by Sierra of Island and Alpine

14. Grand Teton to Glacier National Park (amazing sights on this road trip USA west coast)

Yellowstone national park waterfall with snowy mountain cliffs nearby

Distance: 500+ miles Recommended time: 10 – 14 days Best time of year: August or September

The next road trip USA west coast is a must-see! A Wyoming and Montana road trip from Grand Tetons National Park to Yellowstone National Park to Glacier National Park is a great way to take in some of the most scenic and wild places in America.

At Grand Teton National Park, you’ll see the Teton Mountains, considered one of the most beautiful stretches anywhere in the Rockies.   Must-see in Grand Teton include Inspiration Point, Jackson Lake Beach and the Hike to Taggart Lake.

These parks are so amazing in late summer and early fall, Grand Teton made the list of one of the best places to visit in August in the US.

In Yellowstone, you’ll see some of the most famous landmarks in the country: Old Faithful, Mammoth Hot Springs, and the Grand Prismatic Spring. The wildlife, wide open spaces and scenic views are simply incredible.

And finally, in Glacier, you’ll see the park’s namesake glaciers, along with big horn sheep and, depending on the season, one of the most famous drives in America: the Going-to-the-Sun Road. Don’t miss the beautiful waterfalls in Glacier National Park , including Virginia Falls, Saint Mary Falls, Baring Falls and more.

You can start by basing yourself in Jackson, Wyoming, then move on to West Yellowstone, Montana, and end your trip in Whitefish, Montana. 

The trip is over 500 miles from start to finish, however, plan on putting many more miles than that on your car as you explore the parks. 

If you rent a car , you can fly into Jackson and fly out of Kalispell. Just make sure you get a car with unlimited miles!

Timing this road trip is the real challenge, as these parks are remarkably different from season to season.  

This trip is perfect for a shoulder season road trip since you’ll find smaller crowds in May and September than in the summer. 

However, watch for seasonal closures, as some of the highlights of the parks (especially Glacier) are only open in the late summer. If you want to be able to experience all of the best sites at each park, plan your trip for August or the first half of September and book early! 

While these parks can technically be visited in winter, highway closures combined with heavily restricted park access make these a winter destination for those with a true sense of adventure (and an ability to be flexible!).

Ten days is enough to get the highlights of each park, but, if you can spring for 2 full weeks, you won’t regret it! If you do end up with more time, you can even see more of the  National Park Sites in Montana  or Wyoming.

Recommended by Stephanie of History Fangirl

15. Kauai road trip

multicolored canyon with blue sky, green trees and red cliffs

Distance: 80 miles Recommended time: 3+ days Best time of year: anytime

While not in the continental US, this is absolutely one of the best west coast road trips!

Home to the jaw-dropping NaPali Coast, you can’t actually circle the whole island via car, but you can drive most of the perimeter. This road trip takes you around as much of the island as you can drive from north, to south, then west and back north again.

Starting in Princeville, Hawaii on the north shore of Kauai, visit the famous Hanalei Pier , an iconic place in Kauai. Go snorkeling on Anini Beach, one of the best beaches in Kauai . You’ll want to spend at least one day exploring the north shore, or more if you have the time.

Next stop is Kapaa, this eclectic beach town perfect for smoothies and swimming. Be sure to stop at Java Kai, one of the best places to eat in Kauai . Later that day, make your way south to Koloa.

Famous for Poipu Beach, this is typically the sunniest and driest part of the island. Visit Shipwreck Beach and hike the Mahaulepu Heritage Trail , where you’ll see the stunning southern coastline.

On your 3rd day touring the island, you’re in for a real treat! Drive about an hour northwest to the Waimea Canyon State Park. Also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, the Waimea Canyon is a stunning, multicolored canyon and a must-see in Kauai.

There, you can spend some time at the overlooks or hike the Waimea Canyon Trail , which takes you into the canyon to a lush waterfall. So fun!

After seeing the Waimea Canyon, you’ll want to head to Koke’e State Park to witness the stunning NaPali Coast . Visit the Kalalau Lookout or Pu’u O Kila Lookout for amazing views of the rugged coastline. If you’re prepared with hiking boots and trekking poles , hike the Pihea Trail for even more views of the NaPali Coast.

This epic Kauai vacation and road trip around the island can be done anytime of year. You’ll want to spend as many days in Kauai as possible to experience the magic of the island, but at minimum 3 days and 4 nights to complete this road trip.

Recommended by Nikki of She Saves She Travels

16. Portland to Seattle, plus Astoria

view of coast and bridge in Oregon with poles sticking out of water

Distance: 275 miles Recommended time: 4+ days Best time of year: spring and summer

One of the best road trips in the western U.S. hits 3 of the best cities in the Pacific Northwest: Portland, Astoria and Seattle.

The entire route is only 275 miles and about 5 hours if you drive straight through. But you’ll want to spend 2-3 nights in each stop to enjoy each of these wonderful spots and their surroundings. This PNW road trip is the perfect combination of beautiful scenery, history, bucket list attractions and great food.

In Portland, stay at the Hyatt Centric and you’ll be in walking distance to Pioneer Courthouse Square, as well as some great restaurants. The City of Roses is one of the best food cities in America after all.

Make sure to eat some of the  famous foods of Portland  like a Voodoo Doughnut and local charcuterie from Olympic Provisions. If you have the time, a day trip to the Columbia River Gorge is worth an excursion.

Drive to Astoria via route 26. It’s worth the 5 extra minutes on your 2 hour trip for the scenery. The best part is you’ll see the northern Oregon Coast. Stop at Ecola State Park for stunning views of Cannon Beach.

When you arrive in Astoria on the Columbia River, stay at the Bowline Hotel . Spring for a riverfront room where you’ll have gorgeous views from your balcony. Stroll the Riverwalk, admire the Victorian architecture, and explore the historic gems of the Lewis and Clark expedition. 

When leaving Astoria, go across the Astor-Megler Bridge to follow the 101 to Seattle. This large port city has lots of museums, gardens, and coffee shops.

Although it’s touristy, go to the top of the Space Needle for incredible vistas and explore Pike’s Place Market to see whole fish being tossed back and forth at the fish markets. 

This American west road trip offers classic views of the ocean and the moody coastline. Plus it’s a road trip you won’t soon forget!

Recommended by Denise of Chef Denise

17. Las Vegas, Southern Utah and Arizona (epic adventure: road trip USA west coast)

Grand Canyon National Park red multicolored canyon at sunset on a west coast road trip

Distance: 850+ miles Recommended time: 7+ days Best time of year: March through May

Start and end this  epic 7 day southwest road trip loop  in Las Vegas. You’ll see 12 amazing natural features, including 4 national parks, and one modern engineering marvel. Not to mention any extra days spent exploring Vegas at the beginning or end of your trip!

Begin with a day trip out to Death Valley National Park. Return to Vegas for the night.

Next, explore the beauty of Red Rock Canyon scenic drive , a national recreation area in the morning and the fiery red swirls of Valley of Fire State Park in the afternoon. Drive to St George, Utah to spend the night.

Enjoy the next 2 days exploring Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks . Both have stunning hikes and views. Continue on to Page, Arizona.

Spend a day in this area visiting photogenic Horseshoe Bend, touring Antelope Canyon and paddling or hiking around Lake Powell.

Next, explore the Grand Canyon’s South Rim in just a day . Take the scenic drive in from the east entrance and end the day at Mather Point viewpoint for stunning sunset views. Drive to Flagstaff, Arizona to overnight.

A quick morning visit to Walnut Canyon National Monument is worth it to see ancient cliff dwellings up close and personal. Then get on the road and drive to Hoover Dam, gaining an hour as it operates on PST, arriving in time to catch one of the afternoon Dam Tours.

Back in Vegas, use the evening to explore or catch a show!

Spring is the ideal season for this road trip. You’ll avoid the extreme heat of summer but also miss most of the snow and reduced winter hours at the higher elevation parks.

An America the Beautiful National Park Pass will save you hundreds of dollars on this road trip itinerary. It pays for itself several times over in just a week, and it’s valid for a year.

This amazing western USA road trip is busy and covers a lot of ground! If you can expand your time to 2 weeks, you take take a more leisurely pace.

Recommended by Rachel of Means to Explore

18. Death Valley to Mammoth Lakes, California

view of mammoth lakes with forest and mountains

Distance: 200 miles Recommended time: 4-5 days Best time of year: spring or fall

Take an amazing American west coast road trip full of outdoor adventures in the Eastern Sierras from Death Valley to Mammoth Lakes!

The drive north along US-395 is approximately 200 miles and takes about 4 hours straight through, but it’s definitely worth taking at least 4 or 5 days to fully explore all the areas along the way.

Start your road trip in Death Valley National Park , located along the border of Nevada and California. Death Valley is home to the highest recorded air temperature on earth, as well as the lowest point in North America at Badwater Basin.

Head from Death Valley to the town of Lone Pine, which is famous for being home to Mount Whitney, the highest point in the continental US. You’ll need a permit to hike Mt. Whitney , but if you’re lucky enough to snag one, standing on the 14,505 foot summit is a truly incredible feeling. If you just want a view of Mt. Whitney, camp in the Alabama Hills for a truly spectacular sight of the Sierra Nevada.

After you come down from that high, drive north to Bishop and partake in your favorite outdoor pursuit . This mountain town is home to plenty of hiking trails, mountain biking trails and rock climbing crags.

Finally, make your way to Mammoth Lakes where you can continue your outdoor adventures or take a break and soak in some of the many nearby hot springs . Be sure to check out the Crab Cooker if you like it hot! And say cheers to your epic road trip with a local beer at Mammoth Brewery.

Recommended by Allison of She Dreams of Alpine

19. Alaska Highway (amazing idea for west coast road trips)

view of buffalo crossing road on Alaska Highway road trip USA west coast

Distance: up to 1,390 miles Recommended time: 7+ days Best time of year: May through September

Are you looking for an epic road trip USA west coast? Look no further than the Alaska Highway! Stretching 1,390 miles from Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Delta Junction, Alaska, this highway will take you through some of the most beautiful scenery in all of Canada and Alaska.

To get to the Alaska Highway (Alcan), you’ll need to take one of two ways to get to Dawson Creek: either up Icefield Parkway ( Banff to Jasper National Park ), or through British Columbia down the Sea-to-Sky Highway. Perhaps take one there and the other on your way back home!

When planning your road trip on the Alaska Highway, it’s important to consider how much time you want to spend on the road and where you want to stop along the way.

The highway can be completed in as few as 3 days, but that will feel very rushed. Even spending at least a week along the Alcan highway will feel too fast if you’re fully taking advantage of everything this incredible journey has to offer. 

While the Alaska Highway winds through some of the snowiest parts of the world, the road is open and maintained all year long. However, this amazing west coast road trip is best between May to September.

From wildlife viewing opportunities and breathtaking mountains, to roadside attractions like Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park, there is something for everyone along the Alcan Highway. 

There are plenty of national parks, provincial parks and free remote camping spots along the way, as well as small hotels and inns in even the smallest of towns. Do keep in mind that peak season along the Alaska Highway is short and things book up fast, so the earlier you make reservations the better!

Recommended by Chris & Sara of Chris and Sara

20. Southern California road trip: Los Angeles, Joshua Tree, San Diego

US west coast road trip view of California pier with carnival rides above ocean

Distance:  408 miles Recommended time:  4 days Best time of year:  spring or fall

If you’re looking for a Southern California sampler, this 4-day road trip itinerary is for you! On this looped route, you’ll see the best of Southern California including Los Angeles, Joshua Tree National Park, and San Diego for some city, desert and beach time!

Whether you’re traveling to Southern California as a couple, solo, with young kids or even exploring LA with teens , you’re going to love this road trip!

Because this route is a loop, you can easily start from Los Angeles or San Diego depending on where you can secure the cheapest flights. Spring and fall are the best times to visit all 3 destinations because of great weather and fewer crowds.

In Los Angeles, you’ll want to stay at least 2 full days to get a good taste of the city. 

First, visit the downtown LA area where at Grand Central Market, you can try many local favorites including strawberry donuts from The Donut Man and Mexican sweet and spicy fruit cups at La Frutería.

Also nearby is Angel’s Flight Railway, the Last Bookstore and the iconic Bradbury Building.

On your second day in LA, be sure to visit Griffith Observatory, which has great views of the Hollywood Sign and downtown LA. If you prefer another museum, the Getty is one of the best art museums in the city, or instead opt for a half day at the Santa Monica Pier to ride the ferris wheel at Pacific Park.

In Los Angeles, stay in Burbank for a more quiet location, or Silver Lake to be right next to the action downtown!

Next, take a  day trip to Joshua Tree National Park . 

Check out Barker Dam Nature Trail with authentic petroglyphs, Keys View for a one-of-a-kind view of ecosystems colliding, hike Lost Horse Mine Trail Loop to learn about the Western mining history in the park, and finally visit Cholla Cactus Garden with plants that you can only see here.

Joshua Tree has some phenomenal camping or check out the many unique vacation rentals nearby including those that look like spaceships!

San Diego is the final stop on this loop (or maybe first for you depending where you flew into). 

You can see the highlights of San Diego in one day including Balboa Park where there are over 20 local museums and gardens, the historic Gaslamp Quarter with a vibrant nightlife scene, and Cabrillo National Monument where you can explore the Point Loma Tide Pools and maybe spot some sea lion!

Be sure to check out the best things to do in Old Town San Diego as well, including the birthplace of California.

In San Diego, stay along the marina or near the Gaslamp Quarter for the most central location. The Horton Grand Hotel is a great affordable option with a beautiful courtyard!

Recommended by Alanna of Periodic Adventures

More ideas for a west coast road trip

This final 1/3 of the list we’ll hit more of the west coast states, including Washington, California, Oregon and many more. Let’s keep going!

21. Denver to Moab

large lake with mountains and trees on partly cloudy day

Distance: 348 miles Recommended time: 5+ days Best time of year: April through October

This is an American west coast road trip that offers a variety of views from the stunning Rocky Mountains to the desert landscapes in Utah.

Starting in Denver, Colorado, spend a day enjoying the city sights like Union Station, 16th Street Mall and the Denver Art Museum. From there, hit Interstate 70 through the gorgeous Rocky Mountains.

So many charming mountain towns greet you along the way. Be sure to stop and see lake Dillon, and Sapphire Point Overlook which is stunning, particularly in the summer sun.

Next stop by Vail for shopping and dining. This 4-season town is great for skiing in the winter, hiking and biking in the spring, summer and fall. Stay overnight at the Lodge at Lionshead to break up the long drive on this Denver to Moab road trip .

The next day, you’ll drive through more of the Rocky Mountains and Glenwood Canyon out to western Colorado. Swim at the world’s largest mineral hot springs in Glenwood Springs or grab lunch in the charming downtown.

On your way out of Colorado be sure to visit the Colorado National Monument, where this scenic drive provides hiking opportunities and the last of the dramatic landscape in Colorado.

Hop off I-70 and take the scenic highway 128 in Utah. Drive through rocky red desert scenes along the Colorado River to Moab.

Once in Moab, take a day or more to hike in Arches National Park and see the sights of Canyonlands National Park. From there, take a long day’s drive back to Denver, or go through the Mighty 5 in Utah and fly out of Las Vegas.

22. San Francisco, CA to Newport, OR (one of the most underrated road trips USA west coast)

coastal waters with rugged cliffs lighthouse and blue ocean

Distance: 625 miles Recommended time: 3+ days Best time of year: May through October

Taking a  Pacific Coast road trip  is a bucket list experience, and one of the most beautiful stretches is between San Francisco, California and Newport, Oregon.

Start to finish is about 625 miles and will take approximately 14 hours, so allow at least 3 days for this road trip. North of San Francisco, catch CA-1 and stop at Point Reyes National Seashore. It’s a great place to spot gray whales and elephant seals in the spring.

As you continue north, you’ll be treated to stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and rugged cliffs. Once you reach Mendocino, take some time to explore this charming coastal town. Enjoy the best Mendocino restaurants , Glass Beach, botanical garden and so much more.

Pick up Highway 101 when CA-1 ends in Leggett. When it’s time to stop for the night, you can camp at Sue-Meg State Park in Trinidad. It’s a verdant park with easy access to oceanfront trails.

Get an early start the next day, because you’re in redwoods territory. Plan to do some hiking in Redwoods National and State Parks. Since there are multiple parks, stop at the visitor center for maps and advice from rangers.

The next stretch of the coast is stunning! You’ll want to stop at every scenic overlook; there isn’t a bad view along the entire drive. This is especially true once you enter Oregon. 

Brookings is a good place for an overnight at Beachfront Inn . From there, Newport may only be 200 miles away, but it’s definitely going to take some time to get there. A few of the must-see spots include Spruce Island Viewpoint, Meyers Creek Beach Viewpoint, and Heceta Head Lighthouse and Cape Perpetua. 

Once you’re in Newport, head to Mo’s Seafood and Chowder for some crave-worthy clam chowder. While there are now multiple locations, there’s nothing like a cup from the original.

With its incredible views of the Pacific Ocean, historic lighthouses, charming towns, and lush forests, a drive from San Francisco to Newport is one of the best west coast road trips , and an experience you’ll remember forever.

Recommended by Theresa of The Local Tourist

23. Kona to Hilo, Big Island, Hawaii

volcanoes national park red lava at sunset with dark sky

Distance: 200 miles Recommended time: 5-7 days Best time of year: anytime

The Big Island of Hawaii is a bucket list destination and a must-see. A road trip to experience all the unique places should definitely be part of your Big Island itinerary . 

As most visitors land at Kona International Airport, this road trip starts in the beach town of Kona, then continues to the rainforest town of Hilo, followed by a visit to the Volcanoes National Park and then back to Kona.

A total of 5-7 days are recommended for this Big Island road trip to explore all the best sights. 

Plan to spend a few nights in Kona to experience the amazing beaches and snorkeling activities. Kona is the drier side of the Big Island and where all the brand-name resorts are.

The next stop is Hilo, which is around 2 hours drive from Kona. Hilo is where the amazing waterfalls are like Akaka falls and Rainbow Falls. Plan to spend a couple of nights in Hilo. 

Hilo makes for a great base to visit the Volcanoes National Park which is around 45 minute drive from Hilo.

There are amazing hikes here like the Kilauea Iki Crater hike, and you can see the lava glow depending on recent volcanic activity in the park. Visit the nearby black sand beach which is amazing to see. (Oh and if you love unique beaches, be sure to add the Black Sand Beach Vieques in Puerto Rico to your bucket list!)

Finally, make your way back to Kona to complete your road trip. 

In Kona,  King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel  is a great beachfront hotel at a prime location. In Hilo, the Castle Hilo Hawaiian Hotel is a great oceanfront property. 

Although not on the continental US, you can definitely say this is one spectacular road trip USA west coast!

Recommended by Anu of Destination Checkoff

24. Boise to Twin Falls (road trip USA west coast – perfect weekend getaway)

gorge in Idaho view of bright blue water at base of canyon

Distance: 285 miles Recommended time: 2+ days Best time of year: May through September

If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path road trip in Western USA, give Idaho a try.

From Boise to Twin Falls, you’ll walk on the Oregon trails where emigrants travelled in the early 1800s, discover lava tube caves and paddleboard on a crystal clear turquoise river.

Start in Boise, the capital city of Idaho . Make sure to walk around the city center, visit the Old Idaho Penitentiary and hike the Table Rock trail (a 3.5 miles hike).

Then, drive to Three Island Crossing State Park. It’s 73 miles away from Boise.

Stop at Y Knot Winery for a winery tour and a wine tasting. You can stop at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Site and see the original wagon ruts and Conestoga replicas. Or take a self-guided tour of the park.

The Three Island Crossing State Park has a nice campground if you’re camping.

The next day, drive to Twin Falls and explore the Thousand Springs State Park complex . Make a first stop at the Malad Gorge unit, where you can walk along the rim to the Devil’s Washbowl Overlook.

Next up, drive to the Ritter Island unit, where you can paddleboard around the island and admire Lemon Falls. When you are ready, drive to Box Canyon Springs. You can hike down to enjoy the Snake River.

End your day at the Niagara Springs unit before arriving in Twin Falls for the night.

Don’t miss the Perrine Coulee Falls, the Shoshone Falls and the Perrine Memorial Bridge in Twin Falls. If time allows, drive north to Shoshone and stop at the Mammoth’s Idaho Cave and the Shoshone Ice Cave.

Recommended by Emilie of Love Life Abroad

25. Portland to Yellowstone National Park

waterfall through trees west coast road trips itineraries

Distance: 800+ miles Recommended time: 2+ days Best time of year: May through August

A great road trip to take in the Western USA is from  Portland, Oregon to Yellowstone National Park , and back again.

There are 2 routes that are roughly the same distance, one which follows a southern route and one which follows a northern route. It’s the northern route that passes through some amazing landscapes.

Taking the northern route will cover over 800 miles and can be done in as little as 2 days. However, if you are combining it with a visit to Yellowstone National Park, visit the park first and take a leisurely drive back to Portland over several days, stopping at least once along the route.

From Portland, you take I-84, along the Columbia Gorge Creek. If you have time and are doing this route over a few days, stop at Multnomah Falls, one of the most popular recreational places to visit in the Pacific Northwest.

After Columbia Gorge Creek, you will meet I-90 which travels through spectacular scenery and past Coeur d’Alene which sits on the northern end of Harrison Slough lake. 

From wide open country to mountain passes with slopes of trees on either side and then ranch country of Montana, the ever-changing landscape will leave you awe-inspired. 

Yellowstone National Park is your destination and it won’t disappoint. Don’t miss Old Faithful, Grand Prismatic Spring, the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and Mammoth Hot Springs.

On your return journey, spend a few nights in Missoula and enjoy leisure time in Caras Park, meditate among the statues of the Garden of 1000 Buddhas, or visit the National Bison Range. And then head back toward Portland.

This route is best taken during summer due to possible road closures due to snow/ice conditions during the winter. There are some steep mountain roads to pass which may be hazardous to drive. 

And be aware that later in summer, the landscape may not be completely visible due to forest fires. However, if you manage to avoid them, you will have a pleasurable drive along this US west coast road trip!

Recommended by Cath of Passports and Adventures

26. Anchorage to Fairbanks (gorgeous west coast road trip itinerary)

river in valley in alaska during a vacation to west coast road trip itinerary

Distance: 360 miles Recommended time: 5 – 7 days Best time of year: June through September

Alaska offers an ideal road trip to visit its gorgeous national parks!

Starting in Anchorage, head north toward the small town of Trapper Creek for approximately 2 hours. You should stay 1-2 nights in the Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge. This quaint lodge is in a secluded area and has a few restaurants onsite.

From there, you can drive further north for 2 hours to Denali National Park or take the  McKinley Explorer train ride  from the nearby town of Talkeetna. This luxurious train offers double decks for upstairs seating under the glass dome windows and downstairs restaurant dining.

The scenic train journey (climbing from 350 to 1600 feet altitude) takes 5 hours and crosses many rivers.

Once in Denali National Park, you can stay at the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge for 2 nights. This resort offers a huge main lodge, several restaurants and many gift shops.

You’ll want to spend at least 1 full day touring the nearby Denali National Park where you’ll see jaw-dropping scenery. If you’re lucky, you’ll spot some wildlife such as grizzly bears, ground squirrels, golden eagles, Dall sheep or wolverines!

Onward to Fairbanks for a 2.5-hour drive, you can stay at the comfortable  Westmark Fairbanks Hotel which offers expansive views from the rooms.

One fun excursion to do in Fairbanks is the  Riverboat Discovery tour  which takes you on an eventful cruise on the Chena and Tanana rivers aboard an authentic sternwheeler boat. Observe sled dog training, bush pilot flying and visit a traditional village.

This is one of the best west coast road trip itineraries, and the best time of year to do it is in September to see the amazing Autumn colors!

Recommended by Jan of Jan Adventures

27. Southern California charm: Ventura, Santa Barbara, Solvang

Solvang California windmill with patio and potted plants

Distance:  130 miles Recommended time:  3-4 days Best time of year:  anytime

While this west coast road trip may be low in mileage, it takes you through some of the best spots in California! A route primarily along an ocean-front section of Highway 101, you’ll see Ventura, Channel Islands National Park, Santa Barbara and Solvang. 

Departing from Los Angeles, drive north roughly 2 hours to your first stop, Ventura. You’ll want to spend at least 2 nights here.

On your first evening, you should visit Ventura’s Main Street. This pedestrian-friendly street is full of theaters, boutiques, breweries, and restaurants . Check out TikiGirl for shopping and Rumfish y Vino for dinner. You could also visit the historic Spanish Mission San Buenaventura or grab drinks at the VenTiki Tiki Lounge.

Using the next full day, visit Channel Islands National Park . Departing from Ventura Harbor, take the official boat taxi, Island Packers, to see one of the least visited national parks in the country. Along the way, dolphin, sea lion, or other marine life sightings are nearly guaranteed. 

On your 3rd day, drive an hour north along the coast for your next stop, Santa Barbara . Two nights are also recommended here. Santa Barbara has a wide variety of activities.

From surfing to kayaking and hiking to wine tasting, there is no shortage of fun things to do . If you’re looking to stay in the heart of the action, try the Hotel Californian. Other recommended spots for food or drinks include Zaytoon, Handlebar Coffee Roasters, Loquita and the Santa Barbara Public Market.

Finally, your last stop takes you inland to California’s Danish town. Solvang is memorable for its windmills sprinkled throughout the walkable town.

A thematic experience, Solvang boasts many bakeries and hosts festivals celebrating its Danish heritage. It’s also within the Santa Ynez Valley, so you can visit many wineries and sample some of California’s best wines. If you like cycling, this area is also quite popular among cyclists and you can even do a wine and cycling tour . So fun!

Recommended by Taylor of Taytrum Travels

28. Portland to Southwest Utah (more amazing sights on this US west coast road trip)

utah rocky cliffs desert scenery

Distance: 2,000+ miles Recommended time: 6+ days Best time of year: May or June

This is the West USA road trip for pacific northwest dwellers who are emerging from a long winter and craving sunshine!

The best time for this road trip is the last week of May or the first week of June. The parks are open and it’s hot in SW Utah but it is not the high season yet.

At just over 2,000 miles roundtrip, you will cover some ground. Plan on setting aside at least 6 days to complete the loop, and 8+ days if you have the extra time. 

Beginning in Portland, drive east to Boise, Idaho for your first night. Make sure to stop at Shoshone Falls on the way.

From Boise, continue to SW Utah, stopping in Salt Lake for lunch. Spend 3-5 days exploring all that Southwest Utah has to offer and soaking up the desert sun.

Stay at Under Canvas Zion for a luxury glamping experience, and/or at Zion EcoCabins for other worldly views from your A-frame or private hot tub. For details and more places to stay check out where to stay Near Zion National Park . 

Allocate at least 1 day to explore Zion National Park. Hike Angels Landing for sunrise and Canyon Overlook Trail in the afternoon.

The next day, venture to Red Cliffs National Conservation Area for incredible scenery and hiking, then hop over (5 minutes) to Quail Creek Reservoir to cool off. You can even rent paddle boards and kayaks. 

On your last day, begin your journey home and stop at Bryce Canyon National Park on the way.

Spend a few hours exploring the trails around Sunrise Point to get a feel for the park. The Queens Garden Trail and Navajo Loop offers spectacular scenery.

Continue on to Park City for your last night. Spend the evening strolling the picturesque streets. Rise early to make your way back to Portland.

Recommended by Jade of Well and Good Travel

29. Las Vegas to Death Valley

Death Valley national park california road trip west coast USA multicolored sand hills at sunset

Distance: 298 miles (there and back) Recommended time: 1 – 3 days Best time of year: October through April

Unknowingly to most, Las Vegas is actually a perfect starting point for many west coast road trips itineraries. You can oftentimes find affordable flights to the McCarran airport which will start your adventure off on the right foot.

This Las Vegas to Death Valley road trip will take you to other-worldly landscapes, epic hikes and some of the best views. 

The Furnace Creek Visitor Center in Death Valley is located just over 2 hours from the airport and this road trip can actually be completed in just one day! Get an early start to your day so you can catch the breathtaking sunrise inside the park. 

After arriving in the park, head to Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes to watch the sun rise over the undisturbed and smooth sand dunes. You can choose to hike to the top of a dune or watch closer to the parking lot. Once the sun has risen, head to the Mosaic Canyon Trail for a 3.3-mile hike. 

Other stops on this road trip include lunch at Stovepipe Wells, marveling at the lowest place in North America , Badwater Basin, driving Artist Palette drive, Golden Canyon trail and watching the sunset over Zabriske point. 

It’s HIGHLY discouraged to visit this park in the summer months as the temperature rarely dips below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so this road trip is best done between October and April . If you’re wanting to extend your time in Death Valley, you can grab a room at one of the 4 on-site lodges or a campsite.

If completing this west coast road trip in a day, you will then return back to Las Vegas for a good night’s rest and to prepare for the rest of your L as Vegas adventures . No matter how long you choose to spend on the road trip, it’ll surely be one to remember for years to come.

Recommended by Jordan of The Homebody Tourist

30. Seattle to Glacier National Park (a favorite on this list of American west coast road trips)

waterfall along cliff green water at base on a US west coast road trip

Distance: 805 miles Recommended time: 5+ days Best time of year: April through October

This west coast road trip itinerary is one of the most scenic routes in the U.S! It passes through 2 national parks, varied landscapes, gorgeous lakes and quaint cities like Spokane and Coeur d’Alene. 

A perfect itinerary would be spending 1 full day hiking through Mount Rainer, exploring the best of Paradise Mt Rainier , including Myrtle Falls and Reflection Lakes.

The next day can be spent by driving to the Idaho panhandle. If you have the time, be sure to stop in Palouse Falls and Spokane City along the way.

Then spend one day in Coeur d’Alene, and 2 days exploring Glacier. Be sure to check out all the amazing things to do in Glacier National Park like the Going-to-the-Sun Road, the Avalanche Lake Trail , iconic Lake McDonald and going stargazing.

It’s optimal to take this road trip between April – October since the scenic roads at Mount Rainer and Glacier National Park are closed in the winter. 

To make the most of your time, make sure to leave early from Mount Rainer on day 2. There’s a lot of ground to cover between Mount Rainer and Coeur d’Alene, and you will thank yourself for finishing it in a single day.

Waking up in Idaho on day 3 will make the remainder of the trip much more relaxing.

In each National Park, there are lots of campsites available to reserve, but in between Mount Rainer and Glacier, one of the best places to stay is at One Lakeside Hotel , right at the heart of Coeur d’Alene.

Of course, if you have more time, you could add a day for each part of the journey, or spend one day in Seattle , too.

Recommended by Caleb of Pazook Travel Journal

US West coast road trip itineraries

rocky scenery with blue sky orange spires on a road trip out west

Whew! What a list!

There are exciting adventures around nearly every curvy road, mountain, desert scene and coastal area in the American west. There’s simply so many breathtaking views along these routes in the west. How do you ever choose?!

Let’s recap that list one more time, in a quicker fashion…

Road trip USA West Coast ideas

  • Oregon Coast
  • San Francisco to San Diego
  • Washington National Parks
  • Anchorage to Seward
  • Phoenix to Tucson
  • San Francisco to Yosemite
  • Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon
  • Utah national parks
  • Salt Lake City to Yellowstone
  • Salem, Mt Hood and Oregon waterfalls loop
  • Death Valley to Yosemite
  • Road to Hana, Maui
  • San Francisco to Lake Tahoe
  • Grand Teton to Glacier National Park 
  • Kauai road trip
  • Portland to Seattle, plus Astoria
  • Las Vegas, Southern Utah and Arizona
  • Death Valley to Mammoth Lakes
  • Alaska Highway
  • Los Angeles, Joshua Tree, San Diego
  • Denver to Moab
  • San Francisco, CA to Newport, OR 
  • Kona to Hilo, Big Island, Hawaii
  • Boise to Twin Falls
  • Portland to Yellowstone National Park
  • Anchorage to Fairbanks
  • Ventura, Santa Barbara, Solvang
  • Portland to Southwest Utah
  • Las Vegas to Death Valley
  • Seattle to Glacier National Park

Related posts to read next: 29 Amazing Road Trips USA: Scenic (& Underrated) Routes You’ll Love 17 Exciting Winter Road Trips USA: Scenic and Unexpected Routes You’ll Love 32 Amazing Stops on a San Francisco to San Diego Road Trip (You’ll Love) AMAZING Utah National Parks Road Trip (Map, Best Hikes, Scenic Route Between Parks + More) 12 Epic Scenic Drives Colorado (Map + Tips + Photos)

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30 gorgeous west coast road trip routes with road trip images coast wild flowers and mountains

Sunday 19th of February 2023

These all look like beautiful road trips! I think I would combine a few different ones and go for a couple of weeks of exploring!

Thursday 2nd of March 2023

Loooove this idea! So many good ones, it would be hard to choose. Wise to combine a few :)

Thursday 16th of February 2023

Marvelous places! I’d so loooove to ride my motorcycles on some of these roads, especially Death Valley!

Friday 17th of February 2023

Oh that would be so much fun Isabella! Sounds like a trip in your future ;)

Wednesday 15th of February 2023

This is an epic road trip guide through the American West Coast. We are planning to take a road trip from Seattle to San Francisco so this will serve as a great resource.

Oh that will be an awesome road trip! Love the coastal, moody vibes from Seattle to San Francisco. Have fun!!

Linda (LD Holland)

We do love a great road trip and these are some great choices on the west coast. We have talked about investing in a satellite communicator and really should follow up. And now day we will make it up to Alaska for a great summer road trip.

Linda yes! A satellite communicator is crucial when you're in areas with no cell phone coverage. And gosh, a road trip through Alaska sounds amazing too. Enjoy!

These all so incredible, I don't even know how I would choose! The Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon route looks out of this world😍

Right?! There's so many fabulous places in the western USA, it's really difficult to decide, that's for sure!

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Home » North America » USA » West Coast

Ultimate West Coast Road Trip Guide for 2024

Going on a West Coast road trip has to be one of the most magnificent experiences in the USA. This region, comprising of California, Oregon, Washington, is one of the most beautiful parts of the world and offers countless things to do and places to see. Sorry East Coast – these routes have gotcha’ beat.

While traveling on the West Coast, you’ll have the option of taking many road trip routes. You can take a road trip on Highway 101 along the iconic coastlines of the Pacific Ocean, or you can navigate through the epic Cascades and the Sierra Nevada mountains inland.

Being raised in Oregon, and having taken several road trips on the West Coast, I have a lot to share with you, my fellow broke backpackers.

In this USA West Coast road trip planner, I’ll cover several topics, including how to stick to a budget, the best places to visit on the West Coast, and plenty of ideas and itineraries to easily organize your entire trip.

So come with me as we go on a road trip of the West Coast, USA!

A girl smiling in front of a hippie van in California United States of America.

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Renting a Car or Campervan in West Coast

Where to stay on your west coast road trip, the best west coast road trip itineraries, pacific coast highway roadtrip – 10 days, the basins – 14 days, west coast’s national parks – 21 days, the ultimate west coast road trip – 1 month, west coast road trip stops, off the beaten path west coast road trip destinations, west coast national parks, west coast roadside attractions, west coast scenic drives, usa west coast road trips costs, west coast road trip tips, camping on a west coast road trip, final thoughts on the west coast road trip.

Renting a car is the most popular way of getting around while backpacking the USA and that sure does include the West Coast. There are a myriad of car rental agencies here that offer varying deals and varying models.

To find the best rental car deal in the USA, use search engines that compare the prices of individual companies. I personally like using as they’ve never failed to give me a great price.

redwood national park road trip northern california

You can also rent an RV or campervan, which means you don’t have to worry about packing camping gear. You will have to empty and refill the various waste and water tanks to live the van life though, which will require a visit to the proper facilities. RVs also cost more to rent, use more gas, and demand higher prices at campgrounds.

Make sure you also purchase a policy to cover your vehicle against any common damages such as tires, windscreens, theft, and more at a fraction of the price you would pay at the rental desk.

We suggest booking a campervan with Outdoorsy as they usually have a good selection and good prices. Better yet, Broke Backpackers also get a $40 discount with Outdoorsy! Just use the coupon code “BACKPACKER” when checking out.

The roads are generally very good and a sedan or economy car should deliver you to most of the West Coast’s top destinations. Only in the most remote portions of the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades will you need to be concerned about having 4-wheel drive.

If you’re on a West Coast road trip during the winter and conditions are poor, you will definitely need all-wheel or 4-wheel drive.

Tips for Saving Money on Car Rentals in the US

A of my personal favorite tips on how to save money on your West Coast USA road trip …

oregon scenic drive in winter

  • I mentioned before that you can reach out to vehicle relocation services, like Cruise America , as a way of saving heaps of cash on rentals. Pursue these as best you can as they can save you a lot of money. Don’t get your hopes up too much though, as availability is always limited.
  • Car insurance isn’t always mandatory in the USA but is highly encouraged. This being said, you don’t necessarily have to buy car insurance from the company you’re renting from. Purchase a policy to cover your vehicle against any common damages such as tires, windscreens, theft, and more at a fraction of the price you would pay at the rental desk.
  • Many credit card companies offer free car insurance if you book the car with the proper card. Call your credit card company for more information regarding terms and conditions.

The most and best parties are usually in the larger cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle. These cities have the most bars, clubs, and just a greater selection of places to drink. The larger cities also host a greater amount of shows and touring musicia

While there are TONS of epic places to stay along the West Coast, here are three that are absolutely worth reserving in advance!

Best West Coast Mountain Getaway: Earthlight Washington Villa

cabin set on a mountain ridge with an orage yellow sunset and snow covering the mountains west coast road trip

This mountain villa in Waterville, Washington just might be the most incredible Airbnb on the West Coast. Built on the edge of a ridge that overlooks the Columbia River and some stunning mountains. Enjoy it all from a truly legendary deck that features a jacuzzi and panoramic views. Only one hour from Leavenworth and 15 minutes from the nearest town, you’ll get to be as secluded as possible while still having 21st-century amenities in reach.

Best West Coast Beach Cottage: Oregon Coast Beach Getaway

wooden living room of a west coast beach cottage

This Oregon Coast beach cottage is mere steps from one of the West Coast’s most legendary beaches. Multiple comfy beds, a large kitchen, and a wood-burning stove all add to the homey feel–just 100 yards from the ocean. You’ll also have easy access to local breweries and some hiking trails if you’ve had enough beach time!

Best Airbnb in Los Angeles: Downtown LA Condo

airy dining room with large windows in los angeles airbnb on a west coast road trip

Where you stay in LA matters a LOT, so why not choose this iconic condo located right near the City of Angels’ main attractions? The 1 bedroom condo features glass windows, 20 ft ceilings, and a rooftop pool that you’ll be thankful for if you visit in the summer! You can also count on a super comfy bed, a TV, fast Wifi, and EPIC views of LA.

Best Places to Stay on Your West Coast Road Trip

Here are some of the best places to stay all along the West Coast.

Below is a list of sample road trips up (and down) the West Coast. Varying from 10 days to 30 days in length, they cover many of the West Coast’s top attractions. Each itinerary provides day-by-day highlights, which are meant to give you some awesome West Coast road trip ideas and maximize the natural beauty you’ll get to experience.

Since the West Coast is massive and I can’t go into every single detail for each location, I’ve created more specific road trips to help you out a bit. Get ready for a heavy dose of driving in the USA inspo!

  • California Road Trip
  • Oregon Road Trip

A road trip on Highway 101 is one of the most popular and desirable adventures in the United States. This route features an amazing coastline that shifts every step of the way. While you’ll see other states too, this is the California trip of your dreams!

Starting in Southern California, you’ll see palm trees and surf-worthy swells slowly turn to dramatic cliffs. By the time you reach the Olympic Peninsula, you’ll be surrounded by lush, temperate rainforest, the likes of which you can see nowhere else in America.

On the road trip from San Diego to Seattle, you will pass by several of the most interesting cities in the region, Must-do’s include visiting Los Angeles , Santa Barbara, and Seattle. Between these many places, you will have your pick of bars, restaurants, and local markets.

Ultimately, a road trip on the Pacific Coast Highway is a no-fail and I wouldn’t be surprised if you decided to spend more time on this itinerary.

map of west coast road trip itinerary 14 days

Highlights: San Diego, Los Angeles, Big Sur, San Francisco, Point Reyes National Seashore, Redwoods, Oregon Coast, Olympic National Park

Notable bars and restaurants: Zeitgeist (San Francisco), A.O.C. (LA), Lost Abbey (San Diego), Annie’s Cambodian Cuisine (Eureka), Pelican Brewery (Cape Kiwanda), The Schooner (Netarts), Local Ocean Seafoods (Newport), Chestnut Cottage (Port Angeles), Granny’s Cafe (Port Angeles)

Where to Sleep:

  • Freehand Hostel Los Angeles
  • Green Tortoise Hostel San Francisco
  • Ecola Creek Lodge (Cannon Beach)

hidden waterfall marion falls oregon photography roaming ralph

You’ve only got 10 days on this West Coast Road Trip and it’s definitely not a lot of time for such a massive creation. Don’t expect to see each and every highlight on the way, especially when visiting LA where traffic can get hectic, to say the least.

You’ll have to plan your activities ahead to enjoy a stress-free adventure. The best activities are surfing around SoCal, camping in Big Sur, and whale watching. If you’re more of an active person, you should check out the hiking trails on the Olympic Peninsula. Exploring San Francisco and the Redwoods is a great experience too. As popular as it is, you can’t miss out on the Golden Gate Bridge, especially at sunrise or sunset.

If you’re into scenic drives, check out the Pacific Coast Highway (Highway 101) and Highway 1 – both offer incredible views!

Depending on when you’re visiting, you’ll be able to attend some cool festivals. Here are the coolest:

  • Festival of the Dark Arts in Astoria (February)
  • Goonies Day in Astoria (June)
  • SF Outside Lands (August)
  • Desert Daze (October)
  • Redwood Coast Music Fest (October)

solo trip out west

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

This is quite literally the opposite of a road on Highway 101 – this route primarily covers the eastern portion of California, Oregon, and Washington, areas that are defined by arid landscapes and rugged mountains.

Starting this road trip in California, you’ll begin in the hottest official place in the USA before escaping to the Sierra Nevada. You’ll pass by Yosemite , Lake Mono, and Lake Tahoe before reaching Oregon. Here, you’ll get a break from the desert by visiting Crater Lake before heading to the deserts around John Day again. By the time, you reach Washington, you’ll be in the rolling hills of the Palouse.

Given the harshness of the landscape, I advise that you undertake this road trip in late-spring or early-fall. Although it’s the desert, there is still a high probability of snow in the passes.

map of the west coast itinerary

Highlights: Death Valley, Sierras, Lake Tahoe, Lassen Volcanic NP, Crater Lake, Bend, Wallowas, Palouse

Notable bars and restaurants: Holy Smokes Texas Style BBQ (Bishop), The Stove (Mammoth Lakes), Peg’s Glorified Ham n Eggs (Reno), Crux Fermentation Project (Bend), McKay Cottage (Bend), Roosters Country Kitchen (Pendleton)

  • Villa D’billa Airbnb (Reno)
  • Moderne Hostel (Mammoth Lakes)
  • Mellow Mountain Hostel (Tahoe)
  • Bunk + Brews Historic Lucas House (Bend)

Death Valley best hikes on the west coast

The best activities on this road trip are definitely climbing in Yosemite and canoeing at Lake Tahoe. For everyone who’s into adventures and adrenaline, you can ski and then stay at a cabin on Mammoth Lakes and hike the John Muir Wilderness. Biking around Crater Lake and taking epic photos in the Palouse is a bit more relaxing.

For scenic drives on this road trip, I’d recommend the Tioga Pass, Lassen Scenic Byway, and Highway 395. There are more drives that you can find online, but these ones are my personal favorites.

The best events you can attend are:

  • Bishop Manzanar Pilgrimage (April)
  • Burning Man (August),
  • Mammoth Festival of Beers and Bluesapalooza (August)
  • Bend Brew Festival (October)

palouse falls eastern west coast road trip

One look at the map for this itinerary and you will probably exclaim how random it looks. Given that you will be visiting every national park between California and Washington, it’s pretty clear that there will be a great deal of driving.

But there’s going to be equal if not a greater amount of majesty. The national parks of the Western USA are famous and arguably form the finest collection in all of North America. You’re going to see deserts, valleys, giant redwoods, lakes, and mountains; if you can think of a landscape, it’s going to be featured here.

Luckily, there will be plenty of breaks on this best national parks edition of a West Coast road trip. You’ll also see many of the West Coast’s major cities, including Portland and Bellingham, and have the chance to take a brief road trip on Highway 101. So even if you are itching to go camping and get a little dirty, there will still be some showers along the way.

map of west coast road trip itinerary 10 days

Highlights : Joshua Tree National Park , Kings Canyon, Channel Islands, Yosemite, Crater Lake, Olympic, Mt Rainier, North Cascades

Notable bars and restaurants: Stonefly Restaurant (Markleeville), Austin’s Restaurant (Tahoe), Aaron Schat’s Roadhouse (Bishop), John’s Pizza Works (Mammoth Lakes), Peg’s Glorified Ham n Eggs (Reno),

  • Emerald Forest Cabins (Eureka)
  • Maverick Inn (Klamath Falls)
  • Bavarian Bungalow Getaway (Leavenworth)

crater lake sunset roaming ralph photography

On this road trip, you’ll come across the absolute best hiking trails in the US . You can do a separate road trip in Redwoods, bike around Crater Lake, or check out the awesome beaches of the Olympic Peninsula if hiking is not your thing. For the more creative ones, you’ll love taking pictures at Death Valley National Park, hell, you might as well stay in Death Valley.

All scenic drives that I mentioned above can be visited on this road trip too, but I’d recommend checking out the Cascade Loop and Lassen Volcanic Scenic Byway .

This is it – the most complete road trip from California to Washington that you can do in 30 days. Just about every destination that has been covered so far in previous road trips is included here. This includes a road trip on the California Coast, a road trip from San Francisco to the Sierra Nevada, the Oregon Coast, the Washington Cascades, the Olympic Peninsula, and much, much more.

All of the major cities on the West Coast are included as well. There will be plenty of places to visit while staying in Los Angeles -do check out the Santa Monica pier for some prime people watching- San Francisco, Seattle, and every other city for that matter. Regardless of where you choose to spend your time – be it in the cities or in nature – it will be time well spent.

This itinerary also has the added benefit of featuring the amazing San Juan Islands, located at the end of a Highway 101 road trip. These are among the most beautiful places to stay in Washington and a mandatory given the amount of time you have.

map of west coast road trip itinerary 3 weeks

Highlights : Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Big Sur, San Francisco, Sierras, Lake Tahoe, Redwoods, Oregon Coast, Crater Lake, Bend, Portland, North Cascades, Seattle, Olympic Peninsula

Notable bars and restaurants: A.O.C. (LA), Lost Abbey (San Diego), Zeitgeist (San Francisco), Annie’s Cambodian Cuisine (Eureka), Crux Fermentation Project (Bend), Cartopia (Portland), Dick’s Drive-In (Seattle)

  • Otter’s Pond Bed & Breakfast (Orcas)

painted hills viewpoint sunset oregon road trip roaming ralph photography

Well, you’ve got a whole month on your hands! So you better do everything the West Coast has to offer, right? Whether it’s surfing while staying in Santa Cruz , exploring LA’s nightlife, or hiking trails in the Sierra Nevada – you’ll never get bored.

A couple of things I’d definitely recommend though are sailing in the San Juans, alpine climbing in North Cascades, and taking the delicious beer in Bend. What you end up doing during the 4-week road trip is completely up to you, but you can be sure to have a blast!

Hit up the road and check out the most beautiful scenic drives in the West Coast. They include Highway 101, US-26, and Crater Lake Rim . If you’ve got a nice car and love driving around, add these to your list as well.

Below is a list of the best road trip stops on the West Coast. Study them well and decide which ones you like the most for your road trip.

Southern California Road Trip

Southern California or SoCal is the drier, sunnier part of California, known for its desert landscapes, Latin-influences, beach culture, and urban sprawl. It is distinct from Northern California in many ways and should definitely be discussed in its own section.

Southern California is by no means small – it hosts millions of residents, leagues of land, amazing national parks, and a lot of coastlines – but for the sake of brevity, we must condense all of Southern California into a single section.

The region is best known for its easy-going and Epicurean culture. Metropolises, like Los Angeles and San Diego, host huge populations of people who just want to have fun in the sun, do business, and maybe get famous. The parties in Southern California are often extravagant and it goes without saying that places like Hollywood or Santa Barbara  get really crazy.

los angeles at night road trip california

Southern California is also well-known for its desert landscapes and climate. Sunshine is plentiful, temperatures are warm, and rain is infrequent.

Superlative national parks, like Death Valley and the magical Joshua Tree , exhibit the arid beauty of Southern California. Add in some of the best beaches on the West Coast and you can why the surfer and beach culture is strong here.

In the end, Southern California is a paradisiacal place, both in mind and reality. People flock here in pursuit of dreams, warmer climates, and sometimes for no reason at all. I can think of no better place to start a fantastic road trip up the West Coast than Southern California.

Northern California Road Trip

Northern California or NorCal is a bit more temperate than SoCal, both in climate and attitude. The weather is moodier, people are slightly more cosmopolitan, and the food is far more eclectic.

You won’t find the desert beaches and vast deserts of SoCal; NorCal has grander forests, more alpine areas, and a rougher coastline. Its home to many of the best hikes in California .

Nothing illustrates the difference between NorCal and SoCal better than comparing Los Angeles and San Francisco. Whereas LA is more defined by its entertainment and pleasure industries, San Francisco is a technological utopia that hosts some of the most influential industries in the world i.e. Google.

As a city, San Francisco is far denser, better planned, and all-in-all more modern than Los Angeles. Staying in San Francisco can be refreshing and recharging, especially after spending a long time on the road. It has superior public transport, more public works, and a greater amount of accommodation options.

San Francisco also benefits from being a part of the greater Bay Area , which offers West Coast roadtrippers a huge array of activities.

golden gate bridge at dawn road trip to san francisco

There’s the increasingly affluent but always gritty Oakland in the East Bay as well as the gorgeous if not opulent Marin County in the North Bay. The stunning Napa Valley has some of the best wineries in California and the coastline around SF is spectacular.

Along the coast, Big Sur, Monterrey, John Muir Woods, and Point Reyes are all worth visiting.

Finally, Northern California offers some of the best landscapes in California. Legendary areas like Yosemite National Park , Tahoe , and the Redwood Forest are all worth visiting as are the lesser-known ones like Lassen , the John Muir Wilderness , and the Lost Coast .

Northern California is definitely one of the best places that you’ll visit on your West Coast road trip route. Like Southern California, I had to, unfortunately, be very brief with this region.

  • Best Hostels in San Francisco
  • Is San Francisco safe?
  • Incredible San Francisco Airbnbs
  • Things to Do in Santa Rosa

Oregon Coastal Road Trip

Whimsical Oregon – home to hipsters, endlessly flowing beers, and some of the most enchanting beaches and hikes on the West Coast .

Over the years, Oregon has been the recipient of many titles and stereotypes, some of which are spot-on. Though not the enclave for the weird that it used to be, Oregon is still one of the most endearing and charming states in the entire country and is still utterly unique.

Oregon is one of the most geographically diverse states on the West Coast. It has deserts, mountains, rainforests, beaches, gorges, and volcanoes; you name it, and Oregon has got it. Because of this, there is an immense amount of things to do in Oregon, from relaxing to finding the best hikes you’ve ever seen.

mt hood sunset trillium lake oregon photography roaming ralph

The largest and most well-known city in Oregon is Portland. Famed for its craft beer scene, amazing food, and uncanny residents, backpacking Portland is definitely one of the best experiences you can have on your West Coast road trip. Grab a bike, grab a brew, grab a friend, and go for a joy ride in the city.

If you’re looking for a good hike, there are several trails near Portland in Forest Park , the Columbia River Gorge , and at every Portlandians favorite landmark, the elegant Mt Hood .

Almost as famous as Portland is the Oregon Coast . The Oregon Coast is far more rugged, moody, and, arguably, more beautiful than the California Coast – people love to visit here in order to get away.

The Oregon and California Coasts are, thankfully, connected via the amazing Highway 101, which runs further up to Washington. Taking a road trip on Highway 101 up the West Coast is undoubtedly one of the best ways to experience the region.

Oregon’s Highway 101 attractions include Cannon Beach , the Oregon Dunes , and Cape Perpetua .

  • Iconic cottages in Oregon
  • Epic treehouses and lodging in Oregon
  • Where to stay in Portland
  • Best hostels in Portland

Eastern Oregon Road Trip

Many imagine Oregon to be a dreary, rainy wonderland full of trees and hippies. While this is true for the Western portion of Oregon, few realize that this is not the case for nearly two-thirds of the state.

Eastern Oregon is situated in a mostly high desert. Here, the people are more conservative, the landscape is harsher, and the sagebrush rolls on endlessly. It’s an ideal place to grab a quality Oregon cabin and really get acquainted with this unique class of nature.

Eastern Oregon is separated from the rest of the state by the Cascade Mountain Range . These mountains extend north through Washington and south to Northern California.

The Cascades have a profound effect on the climate. Eastern Oregon receives far less rain than the West and is much more arid. The Oregon Cascades are beautiful as well, and many of the top places to visit on a West Coast road trip are located in this range.

smith rock near end oregon road trip roaming ralph photography

The aforementioned Mt Hood , superlative Crater Lake , and countless waterfalls throughout the state can be found in the Oregon Cascades.

The desert dominates Eastern Oregon. Locations like the Painted Hills, Alvord Desert, Smith Rock , and Owyhee Canyonlands are all wonderful representatives of Eastern Oregon’s stark beauty.

Those looking for more than just desert though will be happy to hear that places like the Wallowa Mountains and the Blue Mountains offer more alpine experiences.

There are lots of things to do in Eastern Oregon. Aside from seeking solitude, people often visit Eastern Oregon for adventurous activities. Whitewater rafting, skiing, and hiking are all excellent here.

Staying in Bend , the largest city in Eastern Oregon, is an excellent place idea as it offers lots of outdoor opportunities year-round.

Road Trip to Seattle

Visiting Seattle is a must while road-tripping the West Coast. It’s one of the most prosperous and dynamic cities in the Pacific Northwest. It’s a culturally rich place that has helped gestate the careers of some of the greatest icons in American history including Ray Charles, Nirvana, and Jimi Hendrix.

Economically, it is one of the fastest-growing American cities and hosts several important companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, and Starbucks. Lying on the banks of the Puget Sound and in the shadow of the massive Mt Rainier , Seattle may also be the most beautiful city on the West Coast.

Seattle is best explored at a leisurely pace. Allocate lots of time to walk around and visit the many cafes in the city. Drink coffee and beer in copious amounts and be sure to eat the local seafood, which is bountiful in the city. Basically, try not to rush through Seattle’s many places to visit .

Though there are several restaurants to visit around Seattle, no trip to the city is complete without a visit to the iconic Pikes Place Market .

seattle washington state road trip with mountain rainier at dusk

Seattle is a very outdoorsy city. Lots of backpackers love Seattle because of its laid-back, hipster vibe . There are tons of parks around the city that offer amazing views of the surrounding cityscape/landscape and display quintessential PNW lushness, including evergreens and maples.

From parks like Jose Rizal, Kerry Park, Discovery , and Seaword , you’ll have astounding views of the city and Cascade Range. Seriously, these viewpoints are some of the best I’ve ever visited.

There are several notable museums in Seattle. The ultra-modern Museum of Pop Culture, Seattle Art Museum, and the Chihuly Garden are all gorgeous museums and are among the best places to visit in Seattle.

Consider sailing on  Elliot Bay  as well. You can charter a larger, more luxurious sailboat, which will obviously cost more, or choose a more affordable option. You can rent a kayak for good rates and even sail for free every Sunday with the Center for Wooden Boats , the latter of which is one of the best free things to do in Seattle!

  • Best hostels in Seattle
  • Where to stay in Seattle?
  • Epic Seattle itinerary
  • Things to do in Seattle

Olympic Peninsula Road Trip

The Olympic Peninsula hosts Washington’s best national parks , beaches, rugged mountains, and some of the densest and wettest rainforests in North America. It is an Arcadian destination where you could get lost for days (or weeks); it is, without a doubt, one of the top West Coast road trip destinations.

The Olympic Peninsula is located west of Seattle across the Puget Sound . You can reach the peninsula from Seattle by road via Tacoma and Olympia or by ferry.

Our favorite West Coast road trip route, Highway 101 , actually starts/ends at the Tumwater/I-5 junction, just south of Olympia, and circles the entire Olympic Peninsula too. (As if this road couldn’t get any better?)

The vast majority of the Olympic Peninsula is a part of the Olympic National Park . Within the park, you’ll find all sorts of natural attractions. Here you can go hiking, climbing, mountain biking, and rafting all within the course of a day, maybe.

shi shi beach olympic peninsula washington road trip

Near Port Angeles is the Hurricane Ridge Road, which grants access to the Hurricane Ridge . Aside from hosting a ski resort, Hurricane Ridge has one of the most jaw-dropping vistas in the state, as you’ll see huge swathes of peaks and forests.

Continuing west and then south around the Olympic Peninsula, you’ll reach the furthest shores of Washington state. Along the western portion of the Olympic Peninsula are a series of ultra-rugged and remote beaches among the most beautiful places on the West Coast.

Most of these require either a 4×4 car or a hike on foot to reach. Some of the best beaches of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula are Rialto Beach , Shi Shi Beach , and Ruby Beach .

Finally, the Hoh Rainforest is accessed via a series of dirt roads on the western edge of the peninsula. The Hoh is one of the most incredible rainforests in the world. Overrun by mammoth trees and covered nearly head to toe in lush moss, the Hoh seemingly offers nearly every shade of green imaginable.

Road Trip to Bellingham and the San Juan Islands

North of Seattle is the Salish Sea, which, apart from linking Seattle to the Pacific Ocean, hosts a number of idyllic islands and communities.

Most notable are the San Juan Islands – a gorgeous archipelago that offers some of the most bucolic and relaxing settings in the Pacific Northwest. It’s the perfect place to grab a quirky Washington treehouse and just bask in the awesomeness of nature. These in addition to Bellingham on the mainland are some of the best places in Washington.

Driving north from Seattle, you’ll first pass by Anacortes , which is the primary docking area for ferries to the San Juans as well as Vancouver Island .

South of Anacortes is Whidbey Island . Though not as gorgeous as the San Juans, Whidbey is still very nice and actually offers one of the most scenic drives in Washington. Whidbey Island is connected by bridge to the mainland at Deception Pass .

orcas in bay in the pacific northwest west coast road trip

Bellingham is one of the coolest towns on the West Coast, thanks to its awesome brewery scene, young population, and outdoorsy culture. It’s primarily a college town, inhabited mostly by students, but lots of people end up falling in love with Bellingham and settling here permanently. Like any good student town, the nightlife is usually ramped up, and the beer, in particular, is quite good in Bellingham.

Bellingham is very close to Canada, Mt Baker, and the San Juan Islands, which makes it a great base for exploring the Pacific Northwest.

The San Juan Islands are one of the best places to visit on a West Coast road trip. Here is a Pacific paradise with untouched woods, calm waters, and gorgeous scenery. Small towns like Friday Harbor make for amazing places to stay for a rest stop.

People love to visit the San Juans to unwind and escape from civilization. Migrating orcas are frequently seen in the San Juans as well, which makes them popular with whale watchers.

You can reach the San Juans via ferry back to Anacortes. The ferry runs all year though less frequently in the winter.

Cascades Road Trip

Though the Cascade Range extends all the way into Oregon and California, the portion in Washington is arguably the best. The Washington Cascades are home to two of the West Coast’s best national parks – Rainier and North Cascades – in addition to several superlative wildernesses.

For mountaineers, hikers, and anyone interested in the outdoors, the Washington Cascades are among the most beautiful places .

The Washington Cascades can be roughly broken into 4 sections: the Gifford-Pinchot, Mt. Rainier, the Okanogan-Wenatchee, and North Cascades .

The Gifford-Pinchot section of the Cascades is the most southerly part of the range and is a part of the eponymous national forest. Here you’ll find Mt Adams – the second highest peak in the Cascades – and Mt St Helens – the famous active volcano. Some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Pacific Northwest are also in the Gifford-Pinchot.

mt baker north cascades washington state road trip

Mt Rainier is the largest mountain in the Cascades and hosts a national park. Mt Rainier National Park offers some of the best hikes and camping opportunities in Washington. The Summerland , Wonderland, and Tolmie Lookout trails are some of the most popular. Mt Rainier is also famous for its wildflowers, which bloom around July.

The Okanogan-Wenatchee area is home to many of Washington’s premier ski resorts. Stevens Pass, Snoqualmie, and Leavenworth are all notable locations.

Leavenworth is a very charming town in its own right and was designed to resemble a Bavarian village. Nearby to Leavenworth are the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and superlative Enchantment Basin , both of which offer amazing hiking opportunities.

Finally, the North Cascades – near the border of Canada – has some of the most rugged and remote peaks in the country. There are lots more hiking opportunities to be had around the North Cascades. Popular trails include Hidden Lake Lookout, Lake Anne, Sahalie Arm , and Copper Ridge . There is excellent skiing at Mt Baker as well, which is the highest mountain in the area.

Eastern Washington Road Trip

Eastern Washington is very different from the Western portion of the state. Lying on the other side of the Cascade Range, Eastern Washington is arider and desert-like, much in the same way as Eastern Oregon.

This part of Washington is distinctly more agrarian as well, and people tend to lean towards of the conservative side of the political spectrum. Regardless of its differences, Eastern Washington is a gorgeous place to visit and offers some of the most unique places to visit in Washington.

Though I’ll be frank when I say there is not a whole lot to do in Eastern Washington. Aside from a few very notable and beautiful attractions, 80% of Eastern Washington is either boring farmland or shrubbery. Definitely consider visiting this region but don’t allocate too many days to it.

palouse hills washington state road trip

Spokane is the largest city in Eastern Washington. It’s a peaceful city that doesn’t see much in the way of tourism. There are a few notable landmarks in the city like Spokane Falls, Davenport Arts District, and Manito Park .

Architecture fans may enjoy wandering around the city to see the works of Kirtland Cutter , who was one of the most influential architects in the PNW.

Most people just use Spokane as a base to explore the surrounding landscape. Spokane benefits from the excellent road trips nearby. The ever-charming Coeur d’Alene, and Sandpoint, Idaho are both very close to Spokane as is the Canadian border. Mountain lovers will love having the Northern Rockies right at their fingertips in Spokane.

South of Spokane is the Palouse , a very pastoral region that could easily rival Tuscany in terms of beauty. With rolling hills and endless fields, many photographers love Palouse. Consider a visit if you are looking to escape to the countryside. Steptoe Butte offers one of the best views of the hills.

Palouse also has one of the best waterfalls in the Pacific Northwest: Palouse Falls . This mighty waterfall drops into a gorgeous canyon and makes for excellent photographs. Hikers can walk to the base of the waterfall through the canyon itself as well.

Looking for some more unique West Coast road trip ideas? Then check out these off-the-beaten-path locations for a chance to see something different!

Nevada Road Trip

Nevada is a state directly east of California, best known for debaucherous Las Vegas. Because of its proximity to Los Angeles (a 4-hour drive), Las Vegas and Nevada are frequently visited on a California road trip.

Visit Las Vegas for a chance to party big and win bigger at the casinos, and consider visiting the rest of the state. There are several excellent attractions in Nevada that have nothing to do with LV like the Valley of Fire, Great Basin National Park, and Reno. 

Lake Tahoe is probably the biggest draw in the area. There are many cool things to do in Lake Tahoe , and it’s an ideal place to have your own vehicle.

Idaho Road Trip

Idaho is a relatively neglected state that doesn’t get much attention from the rest of the country. While some of it is admittedly unimpressive – the south is an endless expanse of ugly agriculture and weird towns – there are still a lot of cool things in Idaho.

sawtooth mountains sunrise twin lakes roaming ralph photography

Boise is quickly becoming one of the most charming cities in the Western USA and has a great culinary scene. The mountains of Idaho, being a part of the northernmost section of the American Rockies , are also very beautiful. The Sawtooth Range, Nez-Perce Woods , and the lake town of Sandpoint are all very attractive places worth visiting.

One of the best ways to see these mountains is to stay in a cabin in Idaho , as they offer unrivaled views of the mountains and the best scenic spots in the state.

Vancouver Road Trip

If you’ve finished your West Coast road trip route and want more, then why not continue your trip into Canada? While Vancouver isn’t exactly off the beaten path, it is just across the Washington-Canada border and one of the most gorgeous cities in the entire world.

Backpacking Vancouver offers many adventurous opportunities including skiing, hiking, sailing, and ferries to Vancouver Island. Granted, there aren’t many coastal roadways in British Columbia but the mountains are superlative and only a few hours drive away from Vancouver!

The US national parks are among the most beautiful places on the West Coast! Visit any one of the following areas for a glimpse of the best of the West Coast’s splendor and get ready to take lots of pictures.

yosemite valley with snow in winter

California National Parks

  • Kings Canyon/Sequoia (SoCal) – Home to the giant sequoias, which are one of the tallest trees in the world. Framed by quintessential-Sierra Nevada craggy peaks, Sequoia National Park is incredibly unique.
  • Channel Islands (SoCal) – Islands that have huge ecological diversity. Good for whale watching, scuba diving, and hiking.
  • Yosemite (NorCal) – Granite wonderland full of some of the sheerest and most dramatic rock walls in the world. A Mecca for rock climbers and hikers. Plan your visit to Yosemite ahead of time!
  • Death Valley (SoCal) – One of the hottest and most inhospitable places in the world. Defined by surreal geology, mountains, and enormous sand dunes, Death Valley National Park just can’t be missed.
  • Joshua Tree (SoCal) – A desert national park close to Los Angeles. Home to unique flora and fauna. Popular with hikers , climbers, and weekend warriors.
  • Redwood (NorCal) – Park dedicated to some of the oldest and greatest trees on the planet. One of the California Coast’s best attractions.
  • Lassen Volcanic (NorCal) – A highly volcanic area defined by bubbling thermal pools and active volcanoes, and one of the best camping spots in California .
  • Pinnacles (NorCal) – Set-up to preserve unique rock formations and local bat populations.

Oregon National Parks

  • Crater Lake (Oregon) – The only national park in Oregon and one of the best places in Oregon. Insanely deep and clear lake sitting in a collapsed caldera.

Washington National Parks

  • Mt Rainier (Washington) – The highest mountain in the Cascades and home to the largest glaciers in the lower 48. An alpine paradise.
  • Olympic (Washington) – One of the most geographically diverse regions on the West Coast. Mountains, glaciers, rugged coastline, and rainforest all in one place.
  • North Cascades (Washington) – “The Alps of the USA.” Vast and wild national park that protects some of the most beautiful mountains in America.

Americans have a weird affinity to the strange landmarks that are usually found out in the middle of nowhere. The roadside attractions on the West Coast have become so admired that many people go on a trip just to see them! Below is a list of some of the most interesting West Coast roadside attractions.

roadside attraction dinosaur california

  • Forestiere Underground Gardens (Fresno) – An impressive and intricate series of underground passageways with gardens everywhere. Very pretty place.
  • Trees of Mystery (Klamath) – An amusement park of sorts with, most notably, two giants statues of Paul Bunyon and his ox Babe .
  • Salvation Mountain (Niland) – A pretty famous attraction on the edge of San Diego. Surreal and Gaudi-like shrine in the desert. Definitely one of the most unique things to do in Southern California.
  • Cabazon Dinosaurs (Cabazon) – One of the OG California roadside attractions! A favorite for many.
  • Oregon State Hospital Museum of Mental Health (Salem) – A real mental institution that was used for filming One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Now displays important artifacts from the movie as well as archaic therapeutic techniques.
  • Octopus Tree (Tillamook) – An old spruce tree that came to be shaped like an octopus by unknown means.
  • The Oregon Vortex (Gold Hill) – A place where the laws of physics are purportedly non-existent due to paranormal activity.
  • Rosie (Sekiu) – An anthropomorphic fish statue complete with a pink skirt, bra, and tennis shoes. Doesn’t get much weirder than this.
  • Codger Pole (Colfax) – Local totem pole built to commemorate a local football game. Depicts the players as they appeared in the 1930s during their first match. Dedicated in 1988 during their final rematch.
  • Wild Horses Monument (Vantage) – Dedicated to Washington state’s centennial. A collection of iron horses galloping on a ridgeline over the Columbia River Gorge.

You have endless options for gorgeous roads on the West Coast. Choose any one of these scenic routes listed below to gain more West Coast road trip ideas!

Each drive features some of the best places to visit on a USA West Coast road trip and several other scenic byways detours as well.

1. Highway 101/1 (California/Oregon/Washington)

One of the finest drives in the entire USA. Road trip from San Diego to Seattle via Highway 1 and 101, which hugs the near entirety of the West Coast.

Watch the coastline change from desert-like to temperate and see some of the finest scenery of all. Highway 101 attractions include the California Redwoods, camping at Big Sur , the rugged Oregon Coast, and the lush Olympic Peninsula in Washington.

2. Highway 395/97 (California/Oregon/Washington)

A great alternative to a road trip on Highway 101 – this route takes you through Eastern California and the Cascades of Oregon and Washington. See epic mountain vistas and visit some of the best national parks in the West.

Highlights include Death Valley, Yosemite, Crater Lake, Bend, the Columbia River Gorge, and Leavenworth. This California-to-Washington state road trip begins in Los Angeles and ends in Seattle, and requires a transfer between Hwy 395 and 97 near Lassen NP.

sierra nevada mountains on West Coast road trip

3. Highway 26 (Oregon)

Travel from sea to sky and get a taste of Oregon’s geographic diversity. Start at Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast and travel eastbound on 26. Pass by Portland and stop at the mighty Mt. Hood.

Continue down 26 to reach the Oregon High Desert and be sure to stop by Bend, Smith Rock, and the Painted Hills along the way.

4. Cascade Loop (Washington)

Hands-down the most scenic drive in Washington state. This enormous loop starts and ends in Everett – north of Seattle – and offers a little bit of everything. Begin by taking the Stevens Pass Greenway deep into the Cascade Mountains.

From there, head north and loop back around back west via the superlative North Cascades Highway. Finally, end your Washington state road trip in the Puget Sound via the Whidbey Isle Scenic Byway.

road eastern sierra nevada california road trip

Even if you’re unable to travel on $10/day like in some of my favorite countries, this West Coast road trip guide will at least help you minimize expenses.

Each West Coast state will cost different amounts of money. California will be the most expensive state, followed by Washington, and then Oregon.

Generally speaking, the average daily budget for a road trip on the West Coast will be between $175 – $250 – this includes gas, a rental car, lodging, food, drink, and activities.

Gas is very expensive on the West Coast and will lead you to an early bankruptcy if you’re not careful. Do everything you can to limit the costs of gas by planning/sticking to routes, using a fuel-efficient car, and carpooling.

a girl standing on top of a white car as she looks at the sunset and the ocean

Going on a road trip in the USA with a group is fun, more environmentally friendly, and cheaper. Traveling with other people is the best way to save money, but we understand this isn’t always possible!

No fear! You can also save money on a solo trip by camping and staying at hostels, grocery shopping, and taking your time (i.e. not driving 500 miles a day).

Food and lodging will cost as much as you’re willing to invest. Staying in fancy digs and eating out for every meal will obviously drain your funds. Camping out and cooking for yourself will save you much more money in the long run.

You will probably visit several national parks as well and each has a fee. Pick 1-2 parks, or invest in an America the Beautiful Pass .

While these costs might seem steep, always remember you can always save a TON by camping. But even if you don’t spend any nights under the stars, you can rest assured that your money is allowing you to see some of the very best places to visit in the US .

Average Costs of a USA West Coast Road Trip

Below is a breakdown of the average costs of a USA West Coast road trip:

Rental car : $30-$100

RV rental:  $100-$300

Gallon of gas: $4.50 – $5.50

Average AirBnB:  $120

Hotel room: $200

Hostel dorm bed: $50

Campground:  $5-$20 (sometimes free!)

Sandwich:  $6-$9

Beer at a bar: $7-$10

Coffee: $4-

Bottle of Whiskey from market:  $20

Dinner for two:  $35-$75

Here are some things you should definitely know before hitting the roads of the West Coast!

Best Time to Visit West Coast

Depending on what you want to do on your road trip and what kind of climate you like, the West Coast can be visited at any time of the year . With temperate winters, sunny summers, and few extreme weather patterns, the West Coast is relatively pleasant no matter what time of the year it is.

The West Coast of the United States is a huge region with many distinct climates. The northern areas (Oregon and Washington) are well-known for being wet, dreary, and grey while California is famous for being warm, sunny, arid, and smokey.

Note that these are generalizations and that individual climates are, in reality, far more complex (but we’ll get into that soon).

Summers on the West Coast are usually bright, warm, and dry, and depending on the latitude and proximity to the sea, summers can be more or less very long and very dry.

multnomah falls winter landscape oregon road trip

While this means that you can be guaranteed good weather, it also means higher prices. Wildfires also start in the dry summers, which have become an enormous problem in recent years.

Winters on the West Coast are very mild and most of the yearly precipitation falls during this time. Snow is not very common for West Coast cities located near the sea.

Portland and Seattle may see a few snowy days in the winter while San Francisco and Los Angeles may only see snow once in a lifetime. Both the Cascades and the Sierra Nevadas receive plentiful snow and skiing is a very popular activity in these mountains.

Autumn is a usually lovely time to go on a road trip down the West Coast. Temperatures are still pleasant and nights are crisp. November is a transition month and when the rainy season usually starts – the Pacific Northwest can receive bucket loads of rain and, hopefully, California is no longer on fire.

Spring is also a good time to go on a USA West Coast road trip. The rain is slowly subsiding, temperatures are rising, and the hordes of tourists haven’t arrived yet. This is the greenest time in California, though Oregon and Washington (the Evergreen State) are pretty much always green (aside from the very eastern parts).

Top Tips for Broke Backpackers

Below is a list of West Coast road trip ideas for saving money. Try and practice these as much as possible.

  • Rent an economy car : Prices can be as low as $25/day depending on the time of year and how far in advance you reserve. Economy cars are also more fuel-efficient. Use apps like ViaMichelin to find cheap gas, which, seriously, always ends up being one of the most surprising and costly expenses on a road trip.
  • Use vehicle relocation services : These brilliant services offer huge discounts to people on the condition they get a vehicle to a certain place at a certain time. No joke, you can rent a car sometimes for as low as $1/day! Availability is very limited though, so keep a watchful eye on the sites. Check immova and Cruise America to start with.
  • Sleep overnight in an empty lot : Though not technically legal, people sleep in parking lots all the time. Make sure the lot is safe by asking around. Walmarts are reportedly good places to park overnight as they allow overnight parking.
  • Camp : Unless you want to fork out big bucks for a lodge, you have to camp. With a solid backpacking tent , campgrounds are way less expensive and sometimes even free.
  • Cook your own food: Eating out can be very expensive. Cook your own food as much as possible to save – I recommend bringing a portable backpacking stove. Otherwise, have a fancy night out at a food cart.
  • Do free shit: There are lots of free activities on the West Coast! From epic hiking trails to laying on the beach to going to the local monuments; all of these things cost you nill. Be sure to keep your ear to the ground for all things free in the West.If you’re feeling really adventurous and want to save some cash, consider picking up a backpacking hammock.
  • Pack a filtered water bottle : It’s good for your wallet and the environment.

packable travel medical kit

Things go wrong on the road ALL THE TIME. Be prepared for what life throws at you.

Buy an AMK Travel Medical Kit before you head out on your next adventure – don’t be daft!

West Coast Road Trip Travel Insurance

Traveling in the USA is generally safe , but you never know what can happen while on the road! Do consider getting good backpacker insurance sorted before you head off on an adventure.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

solo trip out west

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Camping while traveling is absolutely one of the best ways to experience the majesty of the West Coast. This region has some of the most spectacular landscapes in the country and some truly awesome campgrounds. For those on a West Coast road trip, camping is an absolute must.

There are all kinds of campgrounds on the West Coast that offer a wide range of amenities and rates. Generally speaking, there are four types: private, public, dispersed , and backcountry . Below is a brief explanation of each.

camping on an oregon road trip

Private – Larger campgrounds that offer the most amenities including communal kitchens, showers, and maybe onsite restaurants. Most appropriate for demanding campers. Most expensive as well. Payment is made through the office of the owners.

Public – More basic campgrounds that offer limited but crucial amenities. Running water, electricity, and bathrooms should be but are not always present. Good prices. Payment is made to a public organization either online or via a dropbox at the camp.

Dispersed – aka wild camping and primitive camping . Camping in an area that is not an official campground but is still legal. Little to no amenities. Almost always free.

Backcountry – Camps located in the wilderness areas. Almost always require a hike to reach. Often no facilities so campers must bring food, cooking gear, camp supplies, etc. Permits are usually required and can be arranged at a nearby ranger station.

A lot of campgrounds, especially those at the national parks, can fill up very quickly. Consider booking a campground ahead of time to ensure that you have a spot. If you plan on sleeping at more unique sites – like yurt camps or a fire lookout – you will definitely have to book ahead.

Lots of campgrounds have walk-up sites available, which you’ll need to arrive early to claim. If you strike-out on the walk-up sites as well, there may be overflow camping nearby.

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

West Coast Camping – Gear Checklist

The West Coast has some of the finest camping in the whole country. This means a proper road trip packing list is essential .

You could sleep in your car or an RV while traveling on the West Coast but sleeping outside under the stars is way more fun. Having a good tent will keep you comfortable on those chilly nights and give you lots of flexibility when it comes to finding a place to sleep.

Here are some other things that I recommend adding to your RV packing list if you plan on camping out…

Pacsafe belt

Travel Security Belt

This is a regular looking belt with a concealed pocket on the inside – you can hide up to twenty notes inside and wear it through airport scanners without it setting them off.

sea to summit towel

Microfiber Towel

Hostel towels are scummy and take forever to dry. Microfibre towels dry quickly, are compact, lightweight, and can be used as a blanket or yoga mat if need be.

Gifts for backpackers

Petzl Actik Core Headlamp

A decent head torch could save your life. If you want to explore caves, unlit temples, or simply find your way to the bathroom during a blackout, a headtorch is a must.


‘Monopoly Deal’

Forget about Poker! Monopoly Deal is the single best travel card game that we have ever played. Works with 2-5 players and guarantees happy days.

Mesh Laundry Bag Nomatic

Hanging Laundry Bag

Trust us, this is an absolute game changer. Super compact, a hanging mesh laundry bag stops your dirty clothes from stinking, you don’t know how much you need one of these… so just get it, thank us later.

backpacker drinking using grayl geopress filter bottle

Drink water from ANYWHERE. The Grayl Geopress is the worlds leading filtered water bottle protecting you from all manner of waterborne nasties.

Single-use plastic bottles are a MASSIVE threat to marine life. Be a part of the solution and travel with a filter water bottle. Save money and the environment!

We’ve tested the Geopress  rigorously  from the icy heights of Pakistan to the tropical jungles of Bali, and can confirm: it’s the best water bottle you’ll ever buy!

Free West Coast Camping

Those on a road trip down the West Coast should totally take advantage of the many free campgrounds spread throughout the state. Keep on reading for a list of some of my favorite free West Coast camping spots .

best backpacking stoves

Note that some campgrounds listed in this guide may require a 4×4 vehicle to access.

By now, you should know everything there is to know about the West Coast and possible road trip hotspots. I know, it’s a lot to take in, and you’ve still got numerous options to choose from – which is why it’s important to plan ahead properly instead of just hitting the road.

Sort your packing list, your car, or stylish RV and your insurance first, come up with a rough itinerary and then you can be almost 100% sure that you’ll have a successful trip.

Of course, all road trips are flexible and you can always make spontaneous decisions (which is the best thing about them), but if you’ve got the time and your budget allows it, take a month and follow my complete 30-day west coast road trip. That way, you won’t miss out on anything! And if you don’t like it, just skip one stopover and go to the next one.

Now, enough talking! Let’s hit the road… the West Coast awaits!

sunset camp at goat rocks overlooking mt adams

Updated April 2024 by Samantha Shea

Made it this far? You get 15% OFF to book a place to stay ! Offer valid exclusively for Broke Backpackers 😉

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solo trip out west

How to Plan a Trip Out West (Itinerary Included)

If you’ve ever wanted to plan a trip out West, but feel overwhelmed by the amount of places to go and see, I’m here to (hopefully) ease your anxiety!

When my husband and I started planning our trip out West we were completely frazzled by the amount of information available to us online. While it was all helpful, it almost made it more challenging. It felt like we had to jump back and forth between multiple websites to get all of the details we needed.

I’m here to share our full itinerary from the trip, including hotels, places to eat, hikes and more. I’m hoping you can use this posts as a starting point to plan your trip.

* Please keep in mind we planned far in advance and were able to watch prices to ensure we found the cheapest deals. We booked (almost) everything in May for an October trip!

Basic Overview

Dates: Oct. 19 – Oct. 28, 2017

Transportation: Flights from Cleveland -> Las Vegas, Las Vegas -> Cleveland nonstop via Spirit Airlines. It cost $170 per person, roundtrip. We rented a car via Dollar Car Rental, which is a part of the McCarren Rental Car Center. It cost roughly $25/day to rent the car.

Locations in order: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park (UT), Page, Grand Canyon National Park (AZ), Las Vegas (NV)

First Stop: Zion National Park [Hotel: Bumbleberry Inn ]


We flew into the Last Vegas airport, rented the car and drove straight to our hotel in Zion. The drive took about 2 hours and 40 minutes. The drive is easy and scenic (if you’re driving during the day). We arrived to the hotel after midnight.

We stayed at the Bumbleberry Inn, which was $90/night. It was one of the cheapest places we could find in the area. We stayed here for three nights. It’s located in Springdale’s downtown area, where you will find almost all of the hotels and places to eat.

The good and bad.  The room was cheap, so as you can imagine it was subpar. We didn’t mind, though, since we only needed it for sleeping and showering. As long as we had a bed, decent WiFi and running water, we didn’t care. The major good: the hotel has it’s own restaurant called Wildcat Willies, where you get a free breakfast every morning as part of your stay. The food was incredible. It is not what you picture when you think of hotel food. This was great for us since we needed a hearty meal to start each day before hiking. The hotel is in walking distance of a market, a lot of other restaurants and a shuttle stop, which you’ll need to take to get in to the park.

Where to eat.  As mentioned above, we ate at Wildcat Willies every morning for breakfast since it was free for us. We also enjoyed a dinner there the first night. It’s relatively cheap and again, delicious! Our second dinner we went across the street to Oscar’s Cafe, a Mexican restaurant. It was cheap but we had giant servings, so we were pretty happy. Just try and get there early – it seems to be one of the more popular places to eat!

Second stop: Bryce Canyon National Park [Hotel:  Best Western Plus Ruby’s Inn ]


After we wrapped up our hiking in Zion for the day, we hopped in the car and made the drive to Bryce Canyon, which is about 1 hour and 50 minutes, and we gained an hour driving into Arizona. We arrived a little after 7pm.

Keep in mind while you’re planning that Utah and Arizona are in different time zones. So throughout the trip you may gain or lose an hour, depending on where you’re headed. 

We stayed at the Best Western Plus Ruby’s Inn, which was $95/night. There are only two or three hotel options in Bryce Canyon, so I’m guessing you’d end up staying here. Our room was fairly nice and close to the restaurant. We stayed here for two nights.

The good and bad.  The room was nicer than the one in Zion, but this time we did not have complimentary breakfast. The hotel is broken up into several buildings, so if you get the second floor you won’t have to deal with noisy upstairs neighbors. The hotel had a pool and hot tub, which we took advantage of. There’s also a decent market, where we purchased all of our snacks for hiking.

Where to eat.  There is literally two restaurants in the entire area, so getting dinner the first night was a bit challenging and frustrating. The restaurant connected to the hotel, Cowboy’s Buffet & Steak Room, is big and has a buffet option, but since there are limited places to go it was packed. Try and grab food at an odd time to avoid the crowds.

Third stop: Page, AZ [Hotel:  Best Western View of Lake Powell Hotel ]


We woke up early in Bryce to catch the sunrise and complete our last hike, then left to make our way to Page, AZ where we planned to visit the famous Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon. The drive was about 2 hours and 30 minutes. We arrived a little after 4pm.

We stayed at the Best Western View of Lake Powell hotel, which was $100/night. This was the nicest hotel room we stayed in. It had a nice little pool and a decent complimentary continental breakfast buffet. We stayed here for one night.

The good and the bad.  As I mentioned, this hotel was very nice. It had an excellent view of Lake Powell and a clean, welcoming lobby. The room was easily the nicest one we stayed in on the entire trip. We had no complaints!

Where to eat. Since we only stayed one night, I can only offer one suggestion to you: El Tapatio (can you tell we love Mexican?!). Our server was friendly and fun, the margaritas were so good, and the food was great.

Fourth (and last) stop: Grand Canyon National Park [Hotel:  Yavapai Lodge ]


After a long day spent in Page, we hit the road for the Grand Canyon. The drive was about 2 hours and 30 minutes. We arrived around 6:30pm.

We stayed at one of the well-known hotels within the park, Yavapai Lodge, which was $120/night. The room was similar to the one in Bryce Canyon, and it was broken up into buildings the same way. We stayed here for two nights.

The good and the bad.  The cell service in the Grand Canyon is not great, so we were pretty disappointed when we discovered we had no WiFi in our room. The only place you could access it was in the main lobby where the restaurant is, which was about 5 minutes from where we were staying. We were right by a shuttle stop, which was really nice when we were ready to begin hiking.

Where to eat. Restaurants are pretty limited once you’re inside the park and at this point in the trip we were getting lazy, so we ate in the main lodge both nights. It’s set up like a Sheetz, where you go up to a screen and order your food and drinks, then wait for your number to be called. They also had a pasta buffet option if you didn’t feel like waiting. The food was so so.

I hope you found this information useful as you begin to think about or plan your trip. There are plenty of other great places to visit in the area like the Arches, but this was the route we wanted to take in order to see the most with the time we had. We definitely want to take another trip out there! It’s hard to see everything if you don’t have a lot of paid time off (which we don’t).

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solo trip out west


Wildcat Willy’s is amazing! We are there every day we were there. We stayed at a B&B though.

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You travel like we do, making sure we catch the deals and trying to find cheap hotels. This is a great guide!

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Gordon Naruta

Nice guide! Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

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som eof those photos are incredible

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This is very helpful, thank you. Do you remember some of the names of hikes you did at each place? We are planning a trip and will have three little kids so trying to find some manageable hikes for them. We will have a 5yo, 3yo, and 8mo

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Zion – Emerald Pool, Weeping Rock, Pa’rus would all be great options with kids! Bryce – I would say the rim trail would be your best bet.. it’s the flattest area. Navajo Loop would be fun too but there is some elevation! Grand Canyon – honestly I think you could really only do the rim trail area. Any other trails take you down the canyon which can become very steep and challenging.

I hope you have a great time!

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Nomadic Neen

Nomadic Neen

Travel Blog

13 Amazing Days Out West: US Road Trip Itinerary

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In May 2021, I took a road trip with my travel buddy, Doug, and one of his friends. We explored SIX different states and saw SIX different national parks in just 13 days. It was an exhausting but ever so rewarding trip.

* Disclosure: Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, which means that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I only recommend products and/or services I use myself. Your support helps keep this website running and allows me to continue providing valuable content. Thank you for your support!

To save you the time in creating a road trip itinerary for yourself, check out ours to use or use as a starting point to plan your own version of this road trip!

Day 1: Las Vegas, Nevada

Fly into Las Vegas, Nevada. Enjoy the Las Vegas Strip and nightlife for a fun and exciting start to the road trip!

Day 2: Las Vegas, Nevada

You’ll probably need a recovery day after your flight/nightlife adventures. Hang by the pool at your hotel and get that tan started.

To save yourself some time tomorrow when the road trip officially starts, go pick up your rental car. The LV Strip is extremely close to the LV airport, so you can take a cheap taxi or Uber there to pick up your car.

Day 3: Las Vegas, Nevada to Flagstaff, Arizona

Today is a jam-packed sightseeing day on the road trip! We’re going to make a few stops along our journey from Las Vegas to our final destination in Flagstaff.

When you’re leaving Las Vegas, make a quick stop at the infamous “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign .

About a half hour from Las Vegas, you’ll be able to make a tiny detour and see the Hoover Dam ! Park your car, and take a quick walk over the pathway to take in the full sight. It’s quite marvelous.

Drive two more hours and welcome to Arizona. First stop in Arizona is Oatman . This town is something straight out of a movie. It is your typical old west town and there are donkeys roaming around the streets. Yup. Donkeys. This is one of the many stops along the famous Route 66.

About one hour further down Route 66 there is a cute rest stop called Hackberry General Store . They’ve got souvenirs and snacks and super clean bathrooms , which is a must while on a long road trip.

Three more hours in the car and you’ve arrived in Winslow, Arizona . Another town along Route 66. This one made famous from The Eagles’ song “Take it Easy”. This is the place to stop for some lunch. There is a 50s style restaurant called the Sipp Shoppe right across the street from the Eagles’ corner that has some great and affordable options.

Also in Winslow, there is the Meteor Crater , which is essentially just a giant hole in the ground, but still a pretty neat spot if you’re willing to spend $22pp on this giant hole.

Last stop for the day is Flagstaff, Arizona. There’s plenty to do here, but a must stop is the Lowell Observatory . This is a late night activity, so get a good nap in before, but it is a relaxing way to end your evening in Flagstaff.

Day 4: Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Village

Rise and shine! Hop in the car and drive two hours to the Grand Canyon Village. Grand Canyon Village is about 10 minutes from the South Rim Entrance of the Grand Canyon . This one is pretty self-explanatory. You can hike, eat, or just admire the beauty of the Grand Canyon for the rest of the day.

Day 5: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Another day in the Grand Canyon… Again, self-explanatory…

Bring Arizona to your home with these adorable succulents!

Day 6: Grand Canyon Village, Arizona to Albuquerque, New Mexico

A decent amount of driving is on the schedule today, so plan to get up on the early side. We’re back on Route 66 now, and three hours of driving will bring you to Holbrook, Arizona , which is known for their dinosaurs. Basically there are dinosaur statues everywhere. Spoiler alert: they’re underwhelming.

Right outside of Holbrook is Petrified Forest National Park and the Painted Dessert . Driving through and making stops throughout the park will leave you speechless.

Once you’re done staring at the colors of the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest, hop in the car and drive three hours east to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the night.

I recommend staying at Hotel Albuquerque Old Town. There is a Mexican restaurant right in the hotel that is to die for. You’ll thank me later.

Day 7: Albuquerque, New Mexico to Alamosa, Colorado

A fun morning in Albuquerque ahead, so fill your bellies with a delicious breakfast at Frontier Restaurant . Get anything with a tortilla. They’re made in house, and are perfect. Me and Doug still talk about them.

After breakfast indulge in a self-guided Breaking Bad tour . Starting at the Breaking Bad Store. Check out sites such as Dog House Drive In and Walter & Skylar’s house, but beware of the homeowners here. There is a woman who sits on a lawn chair on the front lawn with signs and threatening to call the cops at everyone taking pictures of her house.  

After the tour, drive approximately 4 hours to Alamosa, Colorado. Alamosa is the closest city to Great Sand Dunes National Park . This is the perfect late afternoon activity since the sun isn’t as strong. Pack your goggles and tie up your hair, because it can get WINDY.

Back in Alamosa, there is a delicious Thai restaurant called Siam Cuisine to end the evening at.  

Day 8: Alamosa, Colorado to Denver, Colorado

Alamosa has a bunch of chain restaurants to indulge in as well. One of my personal favorites, IHOP was our choice for breakfast before the four-hour drive to Denver, Colorado.

Spend the day enjoying the city. There is plenty to do. For lunch, enjoy a half-yard of beer at The Yard House with a delicious Bavarian pretzel too.

For dinner, head to Avanti , which is a pretty unique place in my opinion! It’s open seating, so first-come first-serve. There are waiters and waitresses wandering around to take your drink orders, but the food is all different stations/restaurants that you can order from by just walking over to whichever one you’re in the mood for! Pretty neat.

Day 9: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Another day another national park! Today is Rocky Mountain National Park , which is about 1.5 hours away from Denver, Colorado. It’s actually much closer to Boulder if you’re looking to stay in a closer city.

Take in the mountain views and hike around the trails and lakes. It’s one of the most beautiful, serene places out there. That’s coming from someone who doesn’t like snow and the mountains were covered in it.

Day 10: Denver, CO to Moran, Wyoming

Today is a road trip day. Pack the car with lots of snacks and make a good playlist. We have eight hours ahead from Denver to Moran, Wyoming, where we’ll be staying for our next few national parks.

The drive from Denver to Wyoming may be long but it is absolutely beautiful, so don’t dread it!

Once you arrive, settle into the Hatchet Resort , where you’ll feel nothing but comfortable. It’s a really homey little place, and I cannot recommend it enough. Hatchet is about 30 minutes from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. To get there you have to drive through Grand Teton National Park (don’t worry you’re not charged for this section), so the drive is unbelievably gorgeous and will leave you speechless.

Jackson Hole has some amazing restaurants to choose from and some great shopping. It’s a wonderful down to relax and wind down in after that long day in the car.

Day 11: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yellowstone is a bit of a drive from Moran, but Moran is the closest place to the Wyoming entrance. It takes about 1.5 – 2 hours to arrive at the Yellowstone National Park entrance .

Heads up!!!! You HAVE to drive through and PAY for Grand Teton National Park if you are entering Yellowstone through Wyoming. This isn’t a problem for the annual pass holders of course, but if you are paying per park, each one is $35 to enter, so that’ll be a $70 day just to enter the park. Plan wisely.

Visit the famous Old Faithful and Grand Prismatic Spring ! Take in all of the colors and smells of the springs. That’s right, did you know sulfur smells terrible because if not, you’ll learn really quick.

There’s an abundance to see in Yellowstone, so ensure you pick your spots and plan it out well to not waste anytime.

Day 12: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming to Salt Lake City, UT

Grand Teton National Park is an absolutely majestic place to see, and even though you drove through it to get to Yellowstone and drove by it each trip into Jackson Hole, I recommend taking a few hours to drive around the park itself.

You can see some more bison wandering around, an adorable family of grizzlies , and even a fox or two!

Make a stop at Jenny Lake and admire the glacier-blue, crystal-clear waters. Your whole world will stand still when you see the beauty here.

Once you’re done in Grand Teton, hop in the car and start your 5-hour journey to Salt Lake City, Utah.

This part can be adjusted, and I honestly recommend it to be. Flights out of Jackson Hole were not doable for us this time around so we went to SLC for better flight options, but you don’t have to.

Day 13: Salt Lake City, UT

Before heading to the airport, make a stop at Red Butte Gardens . The colors and aroma of the flowers is the perfect relaxing activity before boarding that plane. There are plenty of different flowers and plants to see. You might even see a bunny hopping around!

Grab some lunch and head to the airport. It’s time to go home and tell all of your family and friends about your amazing road trip out west!! 

Build your own adventure with this A-Frame Cabin!

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So glad you,re back!! You did something that I always wanted to do but didn,t. To this day I still regret it. however,you are keeping my dream alive with all your blogs and I sincerely want to thank you and say to you keep them coming!!

I am so happy that I can keep your dream alive for you! I promise to keep the content coming and interesting!! xoxo

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I’ll get consistent on here again eventually but for now, enjoy the view I had wandering around on Lincoln Center’s campus today 😉🐝

The Wandering Road

Usa rv road trip travel blog.

solo trip out west

The Ultimate Western USA Road Trip Guide

Our 10-week rv route through montana, wyoming, and the pacific northwest – including detailed itinerary and expense breakdown.

Western USA RV Road Trip Photos The Wandering Road Blog Sarah Hubbart

Table of Contents


Quick stats, cost breakdown.

The American west was made for road trips. We spent the better part of 10 weeks exploring this wonderland of big skies, open roads and small towns. Our early summer trek, first through the mountains and later along the coast, kept us in temperatures that peaked in the 70s. Such a difference from the summers of our recent past spent in the humidity of Washington, D.C. or the 100 degree+ temperatures of the Sacramento valley.

The route included some of our favorite places along with some new discoveries. While Montana will always have my heart, I have a new found appreciation for Idaho’s unsung beauty. And I think everyone should drive down the Oregon coast at least once.

Living in D.C. for so long, one of the small talk questions I got the most when people learned I was from California would be: “which coast is your favorite?” My default answer was always that I like the west, and I like the east, for different reasons. But if I am honest with myself, there is something that just feels right when I am in the western states. Maybe it’s the fresh air, maybe it’s all that space, maybe it’s the wild west and gold rush history that didn’t happen all that long ago. If you haven’t had a chance to get out there and see it for yourself, what are you waiting for?

Read on for a detailed account of our 10-week trip, including destinations, campground reviews, and costs to help you plan a road trip through the American west.

Looking for more travel ideas? Read my detailed coast-to-coast itinerary here or check out my other USA destination guides here .

  • Days On the Road: 69.
  • Miles Traveled in RV (not counting the additional miles put on the car when exploring): 3,427.
  • States Driven Through: 6.
  • National Parks Visited: Crater Lake National Park, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, Redwood National and State Parks.
  • Number of Campgrounds Parked At: 21 (9 county/state/national parks, 9 private, 3 free camping spots).
  • Visitors: 9, for a total of 20 nights. Life at The Chateau became like adult summer camp!
  • Repairs: Oil changes for both vehicles, sealant for a leaky roof seam. The Chateau got its first road scars after we backed it into a campsite all wrong and scratched the back bumper. Nothing serious, thankfully.
  • Grand Total Travel Costs for 10 Weeks On the Road: (read later in post for more details): $6,6775

Campground Price Guide:

$ = Free $$ = $10-$30/night $$$ = $30 – $50/night $$$$ = Over $50/night

McKinley Park Rose Garden, Sacramento, California

Departure: We kicked off the summer road trip by rolling out of Sacramento at the end of May 2019.

Four Mile Flat Quarry Camping

Klamath Falls Four Mile Flat Quarry – GPS: 42.431503, -122.160638 $ Review: We started the trip with some free camping. It was hard to find info about this spot online but it exceeded my expectations. Kind of middle of the nowhere. A rocky parking lot by the water with more camping spots tucked along a rough road. I would stay here again for a night but wouldn’t make this a destination in itself. Local attractions: Crater Lake National Park (about an hour away). Miles from previous location: 360 miles.

Idaho National Forest Signs

Sweet Roystone Hot Springs – 7882 N. Hwy 52 Sweet, ID 83670 $$ Review: A very nice family-owned campground with renovated bathrooms and wifi. My favorite part was the hot springs that you can access for a minimal fee. Local attractions: Boise. Miles from previous location: 400 miles.

Ketchum Idaho Saloon

Bellevue Riverside RV Park and Campground – 403 Broadford Road, Bellevue, Idaho $$ Review: An older, small private campground with lots of long-term guests. Good wifi and close proximity to Sun Valley. Local attractions: The charming towns of Hailey and Ketchum (the nation’s first ski resort and the final resting place of Ernest Hemingway), Craters of the Moon National Monument. Click here to read about our visit. Miles from previous location: 195 miles.

Boondocking in Grand Teton National Park

Jackson Area

Spread Creek – Forest Road 30290 $ Review: This is our favorite boon docking spot to date! No amenities, unbeatable views and an unmatched location for exploring the northern part of Grand Teton National Park. We stayed in spot #3 and it was great for our rig. The road to spots #5-10 gets really rough so might not be a good fit for larger RVs. Read more about our visit here. Local attractions: Jackson and Grand Teton National Park. Miles from previous location: 267 miles.

Grand Teton National Park

Kelly Gros Ventre Campground – 100 Gros Ventre Campground Rd, Kelly, WY 83011 $$$$ Review: After four nights of boondocking, we decided to try out our first National Park campground. We snagged a spot without a reservation. This is a nice woodsy spot with electric hookups but no showers. We found showers at the Colter Bay Campground and at a gym in town. There’s a great spot to see moose near the campground. Local attractions: Jackson, Grand Teton National Park. Miles from previous location: 44 miles.

Snow in Yellowstone National Park, June 2019

West Yellowstone Baker’s Hole Campground – 3 mi NW of West Yellowstone on US 191 $$ Review: We were torn about where to stay during our visit to Yellowstone National Park. Our priorities were 1) staying as close to the park entrance as possible; 2) avoiding “parking lot” campgrounds and 3) paying a reasonable fee. This campground fit the bill! We found a first come first serve electric hookup site. No showers available. No cell service, either. Local attractions: West Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park. Read my guide to help you avoid the crowds in Yellowstone here . Miles from previous location: 124 miles.

Cody Nite Rodeo

Cody Buffalo Bill State Park, North Fork Campground – near Cody, Wyoming off US 14 W/ US 16 W / US 20 W $$$ Review: One of the best state park campgrounds I have ever seen. Located about 15 minutes from downtown Cody. We were able to find a walk-up site with electricity but were told that it is hard to get in without a reservation later in summer. Nice views of the surrounding rocky cliffs (some of the formations reminded us of southern Utah). Coin operated showers. Local attractions: Cody is the quintessential wild west town. Read more about our visit here. Miles from previous location: 132 miles.

Murray Hotel bar in Livingston, Montana

Livingston Osen’s RV Park – 20 Merrill Lane, Livingston, MT 59047 $$$ Review: We picked this campground for its proximity to downtown Livingston, which also made it a good launching point for exploring both Yellowstone and Bozeman, Montana. It is clean and well-maintained but the spots are pretty close together. Management closes the entrance gates at 9 pm each night but you can open and close them manually as needed. Local attractions : Ben and I love Livingston; it’s just about the perfect small town. It was the original gateway city to Yellowstone. Be sure to check out the Murray Bar and Neptune’s. Bozeman is about 30 minutes away. It’s a larger college town with a very walkable main street. Miles from previous location: 178 miles.

Montana State Capitol

Helena Cromwell Dixon Campground – 15 miles west of Helena at MacDonald Pass off Highway 12. $$ Review: Quiet, rustic camping on the top of a mountain just outside of downtown Helena. Local attractions: The state capitol building is gorgeous. Visit quirky Lewis and Clark Brewery and Broadwater hot springs. Miles from previous location: 123 miles.

Dinosaur dig site near Choteau Montana

Great Falls Dick’s RV Park – 1403 11th St SW, Great Falls, MT 59404 $$$ Review: This is an urban campground with older facilities and lots of long term guests. That being said, it is the most convenient place to stay while exploring Great Falls. Local attractions: Great Falls feels like a city on the rise. Read my guide to the Electric City here. Don’t forget to visit the mermaids. Miles from previous location: 121 miles.

Kalispell Brewing mural

Kalispell Rocky Mountain Hi Campground – 825 Helena Flats Road, Kalispell 59901 $$$ Review: Glacier country is a whole other (unbelievably gorgeous) world. This campground is spacious and has a full laundromat on site. It gets busy with families and kids on the weekends. Local attractions: Glacier National Park, Whitefish, Kalispell. Read more about our visit here. Miles from previous location: 227 miles.

*** If you want, add a stop in Wallace, Idaho on your way to Washington. It’s a much-celebrated small town with a big personality that I look forward to visiting in the future.

#SodoFrenchie Mural in Spokane Washington

Spokane Area Peaceful Pines – 1231 W 1st St, Cheney, WA 99004 Review: We stayed about 20 minutes outside of downtown Spokane in the sleepy college town of Cheney. This private campground is small with recently updated bathrooms and showers. We had some issues with the wifi connection. Local attractions : Spokane is an under-the-radar city with a charming waterfront and beautiful architecture. Read my guide to the city here. Take a day trip to the nearby resort town of Coeur D’Alene. Miles from previous location: 250 miles.

Yakima Wine Country, Washington

Yakima Area Horn Rapids Park – 78410 Overlook Dr, Benton City, WA 99320 $$ Review: Inexpensive and spacious with electric hookups. Kind of in the middle of nowhere, yet convenient for exploring Yakima wine country. Local attractions: Highly recommend stopping by some wineries (like WIT and Col Solare) or breweries (Bale Breaker) and a trip into Yakima proper for some of the award-winning tamales from Los Hernandez. Miles from previous location: 154 miles.

Rufus Landing The Dalles Oregon

The Dalles Area Rufus Landing $ Review: Free boon docking on the river. I was surprised by how busy this gravel parking lot gets! We stayed here two nights. Local attractions : The Dalles is a quaint small town; there’s hiking in a state park nearby; Hood River is a good stop for breweries and outdoorsy fun. Miles from previous location: 120 miles.

Tillamook Creamery Ice Cream Flavors

Tillamook Air Museum Grounds – 5005 Highway 101 South, Tillamook, OR 97141 $$ Review: A no frills and inexpensive camping spot next to the tiny Tillamook airport and air museum. Super close to town. Local attractions: Tillamook was our first stop on the Oregon coast. Be sure to visit the famous Tillamook Creamery – it lives up to the hype. From this home base we also explored Cannon Beach and Pacific City. Click here to read my complete guide to the Oregon Coast. Miles from previous location: 157 miles.

cape perpetua campground

Yachats Cape Perpetua Campground – 2200 US-101, Yachats, OR 97498 $$ Review: This is it. The perfect campground in the perfect coastal town. (As long as you don’t need cell service.) I fell hard for Yachats. Local attractions: Redwoods, fresh sea food, and tide pools galore. Click here to read my full guide to Yachats. Miles from previous location: 93 miles.

Sunset Bay, Coos Bay, Bastendorff Beach

Coos Bay Bastendorff County Park – 63379 Bastendorff Beach Rd. Coos Bay, OR, 97423 $$$ Review: We were excited to get a last minute spot at this campground but it came with serious pros and cons. It’s a great location for checking out Charleston, North Bend, Coos Bay, and the surrounding area. It’s also very busy and crowded and the bathrooms leave much to be desired. Local attractions: Be sure to check out the nearby adorable beach towns of Florence and Bandon. Click here to read my complete guide to the Oregon Coast. Miles from previous location: 74 miles.

Brookings Oregon Coast Rock Formations

Brookings Sea Bird RV Park – 16429 Highway 101 South Brookings, OR 97415 $$$ Review: Truth be told, we planned to state at Harris Beach State Park but turns out everything was full because there was a kite festival that weekend (true story). Sea Bird is a small private campground with a mix of travelers and long term residents. Local attractions: There’s no shortage of stunning views along Oregon’s southern coast. Be sure to stop by Crazy Norwegian’s Fish and Chips in Port Orford. Miles from previous location: 107 miles.

Trinidad California Beach

Trinidad Emerald Forest Cabins & RV – 753 Patricks Point Drive, Trinidad, CA, 95570 $$$ Review: What a wonderful campground, with camping spots tucked in among tall evergreens! Great for families. Just outside of the quiet fishing town of Trinidad. Local attractions: It’s a short drive to Redwood National and State Parks or Eureka. Read more about our visit here. Miles from previous location: 86 miles.

Ferndale California

Fortuna Area Van Duzen Campground – Swimmers Delight – 12 miles east of Highway 101 on Highway 36 $$ Review: This was a last minute find for us. While we only stayed for one night, this would be a fun spot to spend a long weekend. The spots are large and quite literally surrounded by giant redwoods. Local attractions: Soak up the nature, and visit the charming Victorian village (and dairyland) of Ferndale. Miles from previous location: 40 miles.

Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens

Fort Bragg MacKerricher State Park – West Pinewood Campground – three miles north of Fort Bragg on Highway 1, near the town of Cleone $$$ Review: IMHO this is the best place to stay in Fort Bragg, by far. Huge campsites within walking distance to the beach and only a short drive to downtown. However, in our experience, California state parks are more expensive to dry camp in than other states, and the amenities are limited. Local attractions: Fort Bragg is a charming coastal town with shops, restaurants and North Coast Brewing Co.. Enjoy fresh seafood, beach hikes, and wildlife watching. Read more about our visit here. Miles from previous location: 117 miles.

Downtown Sacramento California Street Art Mural

Arrival: We returned to Sacramento at the end of July 2019, just in time to see friends and family and then fly back to Washington, D.C. for a work trip.

Just like “normal” life, you can pretty much spend as little or as much as you want while living the full-time RV lifestyle. I was very curious to compare our costs during this leg of the trip with our expenses from April 2019, our mad dash across the country. (You can read about that itinerary and why we had to travel across the whole USA in one month here .)

And you guys, guess what? I think we are figuring out this whole full-time RV thing! In June and July, we stayed at several pricey campgrounds out of necessity while visiting popular destinations like the Tetons or the California coast. But we also found some great deals at state park campgrounds and boondocked whenever we could. We found our travel speed sweet spot, moving every five days or so and limiting drive days to around three hours (most of the time). That schedule helped us balance time for work with time for fun. We are loving how RV travel allows you to experience an area the way the locals do.

I added a new “health” category to our expense tracker this month. We had our first dog health scare this month when Hobbes had a flare up of a past back injury. I shared more about how we keep Hobbes healthy on the road in this blog post for the Pet Food Institute. My top recommendation for RVers (or anyone traveling with their dog) is to keep a file of past health diagnoses and vaccination records with you. It was so helpful to be able to share this information with the new-to-us vet so they had some context for his symptoms.

Western Road Trip RV Travel Expenses At a Glance:

10 Weeks/69 Days on the Road

Gas: $1,497 This included fuel for both The Chateau and our car. Let’s just say the difference in gas prices between Montana and the California coast was “significant”. Ouch.

Campground Fees: $1,922 This breaks down to $28/day. Not bad. We stayed at a mix of free campsites, state and national parks, and private campgrounds. This total also includes parking fees in the few cities we visited with parking meters. In comparison, we spent $1,300 for just 30 days in April.

Eating and Drinking Out: $1,585 Mostly includes meals in the $15-30 range (and lots of coffee). We admittedly spend a lot in this area since trying new restaurants is one of the best ways to get to know a new city, IMHO.

Entertainment: $282 A minor league baseball game, bowling, the Cody Nite rodeo, and visiting a dinosaur dig.

Groceries: $1,288 This number also includes random household supplies purchased along with groceries at Walmart.

Health and Wellness: $165 Mostly day passes for gyms (and showers)!

RV and Car Maintenance: $213 Oil changes, etc. Also includes some organizational supplies and a new ottoman!

Connectivity: $451 My phone plan, a wireless jetpack for wifi, and our mail forwarding service.

Grand Total: $6,775

This breaks down to $98/day or $1.98 per mile.

Our primary goal in embracing the full-time RV lifestyle is to see and experience as many new places as possible (rather than saving money) – and clearly that shows. Adjusting your speed of travel or avoiding eating and drinking out are the easiest ways to save money on the road.

I hope this information is helpful if you are planning to jump into fulltime RV living or just an extended road trip across the American west. Feel free to send me a comment or an email if you have any questions about the itinerary.

I am currently planning the next leg of our journey : fall in the USA’s upper Midwest… your recommendations would be much appreciated! Be sure to click here to read my latest dispatches from the road and follow me on Instagram for more updates!

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Bearfoot Theory

Solo Road Trip Planning Guide: Tips for Traveling Alone

Hit the road with these essential tips for planning your first solo road trip – including where to camp, gear to pack, finding fun activities, eating well, and staying safe.

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

A few winters ago, I spent three months traveling around New Zealand in a van. It was my first-ever solo road trip, and I learned a TON of helpful road trip tips in the process – from how to plan, what gear to pack, and how to eat well on the road.

Since returning to the states, I put many of these road trip tips into practice, from a week long solo road trip around Nevada in my Subaru to traveling solo for months in my first Sprinter Van .

Your first solo road trip can be a little intimidating – especially as a female – so I wanted to share some of the things I learned from my experiences being alone on the road.

With this guide to planning your first solo road trip, you can travel smarter and safer, all while having a blast in your own company.

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Planning Tips for Your First Solo Road Trip

Here are a few road trip tips to keep in mind when planning out your route and your solo road trip overall.

Take the Scenic Route

I always recommend taking the scenic route. It’s about the journey, not just the destination, right? So plan your route to be enjoyable and take time to enjoy the landscapes you pass through.

During my road trip to Nevada a few years back, my goal was to get off-the-beaten-path as much as possible, and the old country roads ended up being the best part of my trip. Fewer cars meant less stress, I could focus more on the scenery, and I could pull over wherever I wanted.

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Give yourself plenty of time so you can stop at viewpoints and grab a bite to eat at that cute little cafe you happen to come across when cruising through town. It’s no fun being rushed, so plan extra time into your route and know that with all the stops, it’s probably going to take you longer than you expect to drive those miles. That way, if you see something unplanned that strikes your interest, you’ll be able to stop and check it out. If you find yourself feeling rushed, alter your route if possible so you can cover less ground and actually have time to stop and enjoy the scenery.

Find Cool Stuff to Do

Road tripping isn’t just about sitting in the car. It’s about finding fun things to do along the way. Do your research ahead of time and make note of the places you’d like to visit on your road trip, but be open to possibilities as well. You never know what local gems you’ll find by talking to people. Coffee shops, local stores, and visitor information centers can be great places to seek out info from the locals who know best. Also, don’t pass up quirky roadside attractions or an intriguing sign pointing down a dirt road. Stop to check it out! Some of the best stuff you won’t find in a guidebook.

While being spontaneous can lead to some of the best memories, you’ll also want to have a few stops in mind. National Parks are a great place to start. If you don’t have one already, consider getting an America the Beautiful Pass which grants you free admission to all national parks and public lands for $80 a year. Read more about how to save money in National Parks here .

Download Helpful Apps

Download a couple apps ahead of time so you’ll be ready to go when you’re looking for a place to eat or something to do. Here are some of my favorite travel planning apps for road tripping:

  • AllTrails – for finding local hiking trails
  • MTB Project – for finding local mountain biking trails
  • Peak Finder – for identifying local peaks
  • Tripadvisor – for restaurant and accommodation reviews
  • Yelp – for local services and spots to eat

Gather Resources Ahead of Time

Invest in a couple of guide books for the areas you’ll be exploring. Hiking books, road atlases, trail maps, national park maps, and regional guides like Lonely Planet can also help you plan your trip.

If you’re looking for ideas on where to go, my friend Kristin Addis of Be My Travel Muse has an awesome round up of the 30 Best Solo Travel Destinations in the US , many of which would make for great road trips.

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What to Pack for Your Solo Road Trip

What you pack for your solo road trip really depends on you, what you like to do, and whether you’ll be camping or not. Check out our Road Trip Essentials Packing Checklist for a complete list of suggestions. In the meantime, here are a few helpful suggestions to get you started, from apparel to outdoor gear, to entertainment, and more.

Solo Road Trip Basics

Always carry a map in your car for those times when you are out of service and you can’t use the GPS on your phone. I like to buy a road and recreation atlas for whatever state I’m traveling in. They show parks, monuments, campgrounds, dirt roads, and all kinds of other helpful information.

During my Nevada road trip I found that many of the free campgrounds didn’t have any potable water available. Invest in an inexpensive water jug to make sure you always have an adequate water supply both at camp and in case of an emergency. Fill it up before you leave and when it gets low, you can refill it at most truck stops.

Many campsites require a small fee and the only way to pay is cash. Keep a little bit of cash with you so you aren’t caught empty-handed when the ranger asks you to pay up. Cash is also handy for those times when you come across a local farmers market or roadside stand that only takes cash.

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

Road Trip Apparel

Bring clothes that are functional and can be worn multiple times. You also want your clothes to be comfortable and to breathe well. Think leggings or yoga pants, tank tops, a down puffy, a rain jacket, etc. I also always like to pack a hoody. If there’s a chance you’ll want to go out to a nice meal, bring one nice outfit that won’t wrinkle in your suitcase. As for shoes, I like to bring a trail shoe and my trusty Teva sandals which I can wear on walks, in water or with socks at camp… so fashionable, I know 😉

For more clothing suggestions that are perfect for road trips, check out these blog posts:

  • What to Wear Hiking
  • Best Layers for Hiking in the Fall
  • Van Life Clothing Packing Checklist

Outdoor Gear

As far as gear, what you’ll need depends if you’re camping or not. If you’re going to be camping whether in a tent or your car, a comfortable sleeping pad and a real pillow is a must. You’ll also want a camp chair that you can lounge around camp in, a good cooler , and a camp stove .

For more on what to bring road tripping and camping, check out our complete Road Trip Essentials Guide .


When you are traveling alone, you won’t have anyone to entertain you, so bring a few things to keep you occupied once you are at camp or your Airbnb or hotel. Like to draw? Bring a sketch pad. Photographer? It’s a great chance to practice and work on your creativity. Musically inclined? Throw a ukulele or guitar in the car. Enjoy reading? Bring a book or two that you can relax with in your downtime.

I also recommend loading up your phone with plenty of tunes to pass the time. This is your chance to belt it out, bang on the steering wheel, and have a blast. I’m a HUGE fan of Spotify. The Premium Membership is $9.99/month and allows you to save music and listen to any song on-demand on your phone, even when you have no cell phone service. You can follow your friends’ playlists and discover playlists organized by genre (everything from “Afternoon Acoustic Chill” to “Legendary Guitar Solos”).

If music isn’t your thing or you need a break from rockin’ out, download a couple of audiobooks or a bunch of episodes of your favorite podcasts . Here’s a list of our favorite outdoor podcasts .

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

Solo Road Trip Safety Tips

Know the basics of auto repair.

I’m a complete idiot when it comes to mechanics – I barely know how to check my oil (my dad cringes). But in the case of an emergency, it’s a good idea to know a few basics like how to check fluids and how to change a tire, and have things like a car battery charger in your car.

Before you leave, check to make sure your spare tire has air in it. The last thing you want is to get a flat and then find out that your spare is flat too. It’s also a good idea to sign up for AAA or another roadside repair service if your auto insurance doesn’t cover that. If your vehicle is older and hasn’t been serviced in a while, it’s probably worthwhile to take it in to have the fluids checked and topped off.

Finally, always carry the owner’s manual – that’s the best book you can have in your car.

solo trip out west

Carry a Communication Device

If you will be traveling on the backroads or anywhere where there is no cell phone service (this includes a lot of National Parks), you should always carry some sort of device that you can use to communicate in case something goes wrong.

I have a Garmin inReach which is a GPS tracker and navigation tool that also lets me communicate via satellite (no cell service needed). With a device like this, you can send and receive text messages to any cell phone number or email address no matter where you are, share your location, send updates, and call for help if needed.

You should also make sure someone close to you has a loose idea of your itinerary and check in with them via text or phone when you roll through a town. And definitely let someone know if you are going hiking or doing any other sort of solo activity away from your car.

How to Feel Safe at Night While Road Tripping Solo

If you don’t feel safe, you won’t be having fun, and choosing the right campsite can make all the difference. When I was on my first solo road trip in Nevada, I tried to choose campsites that had a handful of other campers there. I didn’t want so many people that it felt crowded, but having a few families or couples around assured me that it would be hard for a weirdo to go unnoticed. I was also friendly to my neighbors, but not so friendly that I could be interpreted as inviting unwanted company to my campsite.

As far as sleeping, I used to drive a Subaru, and I slept in the back of my car. Now I travel in a Sprinter Van . Sleeping in a vehicle, as opposed to a tent, helps me feel more secure because I lock the doors, and if something goes wrong, I simply hop in the front seat and drive away. My car also has a loud alarm that I could set off using a button on my door key if I wanted to cause a commotion.

If you don’t have a car you can sleep in, think about what you need to protect yourself and to make you feel safe while you are sleeping in your tent . Whether that be a loud alarm that you can sound off, pepper spray, or something else to give you peace of mind – have it within arm’s reach.

If you don’t feel safe camping solo, opt for a hotel or Airbnb (see below)…and have a cushion in your budget just in case.

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

Keep an Eye on the Gas Tank

This may seem obvious, but if you are traveling in rural areas and you don’t know how far it is until the next gas station…fill up. Nothing can ruin your day faster than running out of gas in the middle of nowhere when it could have easily been prevented.

Have a Hide a Key

What happens if you accidentally drop your car key when you are out on a hike? Having a hide-a-key stashed somewhere outside your car could save you a lot of hassle. Just be smart about where you stash it so it’s not super obvious.

Finding Accommodation on Your Solo Road Trip

Finding good campsites.

Finding campsites while on the road can be a challenge, and you generally want to do so before you get out of cell service range so you can research your options. Check out our entire guide to finding free campsites for all the apps and the exact process I use to find campsites on the road.

Free campsites, also known as dispersed camping, generally have less (if any) amenities and also tend to be a little more isolated so make sure you’re prepared with everything you need and that someone knows where you’re going if you decide to go this route.

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Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

Finding a Last Minute Hotel or Airbnb

If you’d rather stay in a hotel, Hotels Tonight is a great app for finding last-minute deals…although you won’t always find a room especially in smaller towns. If there’s nothing on Hotels Tonight, check and

Check Airbnb too. Again, you won’t always find something in smaller towns, but Airbnb can be great for solo travelers. For the most economical option, check “Private Room” when searching which means you’ll get your own room in a home where someone else is living. When I’m going this route, I always try to find a place where the host has good reviews, and in lucky cases, you might even get some good local intel from your host and make a new friend.

Camp Cooking Tips for Your Solo Road Trip

Make meal prep easy.

Cooking for one during your road trip can be tough. Depending on the length of your trip, consider pre-cooking a few of your meals. Things like pasta salad and quinoa salad save well and can be easily eaten during a quick roadside break or when you get to your destination. Things like spaghetti sauce, soup, and other saucy dishes can be portioned out, frozen, and reheated. Veggies can be chopped and stored in reusable containers or a Stasher Bag for easy cooking. This makes dinner prep and cleanup easier and you’ll probably eat better than if you are making everything from scratch at camp.

Using non-stick pots and pans will simplify cleanup too. For dishes, pack a small dish brush or sponge and some biodegradable soap, and remember to always practice Leave No Trace principles .

If you like cooking at camp, consider making one-pot meals. My friends from Fresh off the Grid wrote a guest post with 6 killer one-pot recipes perfect for road tripping .

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Bring plenty of healthy snacks to help avoid binging on chips, candy, and other gas station junk food. Easy to snack on fruit like grapes, blueberries, apples, bananas, and mandarins are nice to have (I wash everything before setting out so they’re ready to go). I also love bringing along pre-chopped veggies and dips like hummus and Bitchin Sauce and other snacks on the healthier side like light popcorn, nuts, and baked chips.

Have you ever done a solo road trip? How did it go? Share your experience in the comments below.

Hit the road with this solo road trip planning guide for women traveling alone including how to plan, what to pack, and tips for staying safe.

With two decades of hiking and seven years of van life under her belt, Kristen has dedicated her life to helping people experience the positive effects of nature. As a pioneer in the outdoor blogging space, she founded Bearfoot Theory in 2014 and has since authored more than 350 blog posts about outdoor travel, hiking, camping, and van life. Her work has been featured in National Geographic, Outside Magazine, and Backpacker, and when she’s not on the road, she lives in Park City, Utah with her partner Ryan, their son, and two adventure pups.

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Great article full of useful information! I see you were driving combi – one question to that: do you think it would contain 2 people sleeping in it? Considering that the luggage would be stored on top of the car?

Myself and a friend were planning a road trip across Europe and wanted to use her combi. I’m just not sure if we would fit in 😉

Is a combi a van or a car with a hatchback? Is so, then I’m sure you’d be fine. Maybe bring a tent just in case you need some extra space?

I do a lot of solo hiking and was thinking of getting a phone tracking app so my husband can see where I am. Do you use one that you would recommend?

Hi Erica – Kristen brings a Garmin inReach Mini when she heads into the backcountry. It has two-way messaging and location sharing. Happy trails!

Sorry combi must be European expression 🙂 It’s the same type of car as your Subaru in the pictures. It’s good news two people can sleep inside. Tent is planned just in case yes. Thanks for your reply 🙂

Great post, lots of good info. I’m going to have to look into getting a SPOT. I plan to travel in a van solo in a couple years once both kids are off to college. In the meantime, we’ll be going to Colorado this summer and plan to do some hiking and camping. The SPOT would be a nice reassurance, just in case.

I got the same Outback as you and getting ready for a month-long trip in South cali, Az, Utah and Wyoming , great tips , thanks. Used to travel in VW bus but this time its a solo trip.

Thats so awesome! You’ll have to come back and tell me how it goes. Safe and happy travels!

I leave for my first solo road trip two weeks from today. I feel like I have done so much reading and research, but I am still super nervous for some reason. Your tips are awesome and I can’t wait to apply them and see where the road takes me!

How did it go? Can you provide any additional feedback or suggestions from your experience? I’m getting ready for my first solo trip in August to see majority of New Mexico!

This is great information! I’m doing a small road trip this winter with my dog, and I’ve been trying to work out all the details. This is definitely helpful so that I’m not missing anything!

I’m one of those solo road trippers and camp quite often. At first it was kinda freaky but got used to it. I do carry but I also have a clip on my keys that I use to clip the zippers together in my tent while I sleep. The keys will sound if someone is trying to open the zipper and it prevents the zipper from opening since the two are bound together by use of the clip.

This is a great idea, just need something in the tent to pee in as unclipping jangling keys to go outside is kind of counterproductive!

Wow great guide! I have always wanted to do a road trip, I think a lot of people are put off because they find it too intimidating, particularly the thought of going on your own, but in reality if you plan ahead you can put yourself in a much better position.

Very cool post. I will be doing a bunch of solo trips myself. I was surprised you took your Subaru and not the Sprinter. What was your motivation?

I didn’t have my Sprinter at the time 😉

I am going on a solo road trip, will be stopping a lot to do photography. Great tips Thank You

Hey there, I’m from Australia and spent two months road tripping around the west mostly tent and car camping. I liked forest service campsites, small, pretty, cheap and everywhere. They also have good clean facilities and often a camp host which can make it feel safer. Lots of families or older couples without kids camp here and are very friendly. Lots of hunters too, initially this made me feel a bit uncomfortable, just me and a bunch of men but I never had any problems. I would tent camp most times and cook at camp to keep costs down, I was travelling in sept/Oct so being able to make a fire quickly is a must and being able to set up camp with a head torch is useful. I slept in the car if it was wet or later in the trip when I parked in BLM areas alone so your tips about keeping the car locked and the driver seat clear make sense. Also important to have enough money to take yourself out to dinner now and again particularly on wet nights as trying to cook eat etc gets irky. And to stay in a motel to catch up on laundry and just veg in comfort for a bit like you would at home. Same with airbnb. Main concern for me was driving in cities on wrong side of road for me! So I hired a car from a regional airport in the middle of where I wanted to be and started in a town that did not feel to overwhelming. It was also quite possible to avoid major city centres for quite some time and when i did i would stay in suburbs and bus to city centre. This driving info will not be helpful to those in the US but may give other solo female travellers from other countries an idea of what is possible if you fear driving out of a major US city as soon as your plane lands!

Looks like the road to Mount Cook in NZ. This is a great and helpful Blog.

As I find your tip about going as off-the-beaten-path as possible in order to reduce stress, focus on the scenery, and be able to pull over wherever one wanted, what if one wants to do the solo trip around a certain city or country abroad? If I were to do this abroad, I would hire a taxicab ahead of time on the day one has to go to the airport and the day to head back. Doing this will help ease stress on the start and end of the trip.

Thanks for sharing this information and also for giving us a bit of guide when it comes to towing.

You’re welcome, Jeff. Thanks for reading!

I’ve never really thought of some of this guide. THanks for sahring.

Thanks for reading!

I love posts like this. I’m going to take any help I can get to drive.

Enjoy your adventures 🙂

Hi Kristen! My name is Angelina and I am planning my first solo road trip. I will likely be staying in my car and I will have a tent in case it is warm enough. Do you have any tips about road trips in the winter? I am currently planning to drive to the south/ south west to enjoy the outdoors more.

Exciting! Just be sure to pack layers so that you have plenty of clothing options to choose from. A warm sleeping bag is also an important thing to have and an insulated sleeping pad if you plan on sleeping outside.

Very helpful, I plan on taking my solo trip across America next year your guide and tips are awesome thanks

Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

22 Best Solo Road Trip Ideas In The USA (Epic!)

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Looking for fun solo road trip ideas in the USA?

Then you’re in the right place!

Whether it’s your first time going on a road trip by yourself or the hundredth, the solo road trip destinations and routes mentioned below are sure to please.

Discover stunning coastal drives, adventurous routes showcasing national parks, and road trips that introduce you to local history, cultural, and even a few oddities!

Best of all, each road trip listed below has been carefully curated to appeal to solo travelers specifically so that you can confidently hit the road on your own and have an amazing time.

Ready to get inspired and find your perfect solo road trip? Keep reading!

Table of Contents

Road Trip By Yourself With Confidence (Free Course!)

But first, before we dive into our ultimate solo road trip guide, I want to invite you to grab access to the free Savvy Solo Traveler ecourse, which can help you successfully plan your  first solo travel experience !

The six-day ecourse is designed to help you feel confident about booking your solo trip and exploring the world alone. Lessons include:

  • Common solo travel fears and how to overcome them
  • How to choose your perfect solo trip
  • How to tell loved ones you’re hitting the road solo
  • Mentally preparing for your solo journey without losing your mind
  • Essential steps for staying safe on a solo trip
  • How to take amazing solo selfies

Grab your seat in the course here . Then keep reading to learn everything you need to know about creating the perfect solo road trip itinerary and how to travel solo successfully .

Best Solo Road Trip Ideas In The USA

Now it’s time to dive into our list of epic solo road trip destinations in the United States!

One of the biggest solo travel advantages is having ultimate freedom over your itinerary, and this guide shares some great routes to schedule into yours.

This list is in no way exhaustive, so if you have a route to add please leave it in the comments below. For instance, while many of the trips in this list are shorter, you might also consider a cross country road trip alone .

My goal: To empower this solo female travel community to confidently hit the road solo!

1. NYC To The 1000 Islands

Solo road trip ideas on the east coast from NYC to the 1000 Islands

Start: New York City

End: 1000 Islands, New York State

Distance: 352 miles+

About the solo road trip:

Looking for solo road trip ideas on the East Coast ? This is one of my favorites!

First of all, bustling New York York sits in stark contrast to the laid-back 1000 Islands, a region that straddles the New York (US)-Canadian border and features 1,864 islands. This means you get two completely different experiences at the beginning and end of your trip.

In NYC, wander interesting neighborhoods like the Upper East Side and the West Village , book a private NYC photo tour or explore local culture through a fun group tour , enjoy outdoor adventure through hiking in Manhattan , dine at truly unique New York restaurants , and take in some of the best views in NYC for free , to name a few experiences.

Honestly, I recommend spending as much time as possible in New York City before your road trip begins, as it’s one of the best places to travel solo in the US !

In the 1000 Islands, take a SUP yoga class with River Yoga, sip your way through the Thousand Islands Seaway Wine Trail, go whitewater rafting on the Black River with Whitewater Challengers, take a sunset sail with Sail Ontario, hike in the 2,636-acre Wellesley Island State Park, and visit the famous Boldt Castle before relaxing with a waterfront meal at Bella’s Restaurant in Clayton.

But, that’s not all.

Along this solo road trip, you’ll have numerous options for interesting stopovers, like Corning (home to the famous Corning Museum of Glass !), Oswego County (with beautiful parks like the Happy Valley Wildlife Management Area and Salmon River Falls Unique Area), Lewis County (where you can explore rugged countrsyide), and Lawrence County (home to some of the best hiking in Upstate New York ).

This road trip is great for solo travelers because it truly offers a choose-your-own adventure experience. You can go off the grid and travel in solitude or choose popular activities that put you with other people.

Moreover, there are loads of things to do in New York State that you can explore along the route!

-Jessie Festa, Jessie on a Journey + Epicure & Culture

2. Las Vegas To Grand Canyon Solo Road Trip

solo road trip ideas to the Grand Canyon South Rim

Start: Las Vegas, Nevada

End: Grand Canyon, Arizona

Distance: 270 miles+

One of the coolest and safest road trips in the USA for solo travelers is the route from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon, which is stunning and is also done on interstate highways. 

It will take about four hours one way to get there, covering about 270 miles. Drive down the Las Vegas Strip and head towards the Hoover Dam (via I-515 S and I-11 S), which you’ll get to in about 40 minutes.

Spend a couple of hours admiring this man-made engineering marvel, which straddles the Nevada-Arizona border. It is recommended that you book tickets in advance for touring the Hoover Dam and visiting special exhibits, which you can do here.

From the Hoover Dam, it is another 95 miles to reach the Grand Canyon West Rim and 240 miles to the Grand Canyon National Park. Once you are at the park’s West Rim, you can enjoy the glass-bottomed Skywalk Bridge ( tickets here ) and soak in the views of the natural gem.

If you are heading towards the South Rim, consider spending a night or two in the Grand Canyon village to sleep right in the park. This makes it easier to wake up early and take in a gorgeous Grand Canyon sunrise, as well!

– Mayuri from ToSomePlaceNew

3. Maui’s Road To Hana In Hawaii

Road to Hana is the ultimate solo road trip

Start: Paia, Hawaii

End: Haleakala National Park Entrance, Kipahulu District, Hawaii

Distance:  60 miles

About the solo road trip :

Maui’s Road to Hana is one of the most famous US road trips — and with over 600 hairpin turns, dozens of beautiful vistas, and plenty of exciting stops along the way, it’s easy to see why!

Plus, beautiful and safe Hawaii is a paradise for those traveling solo , making this road trip the perfect addition to a solo Hawaii itinerary.

Start your drive in Paia, a surfing town on the north side of the island. Follow the road east for the next 60 miles for some of Maui’s most beautiful scenery!

Technically, this road goes past the tiny town of Hana and ends at the eastern entrance of Haleakala National Park. This is one road trip that is definitely more about the journey than the destination.

For the best experience, rent a car and drive this road yourself. That way, you can stop along the route as much as you want!

To get helpful and entertaining commentary along the way, download an audio guide app before you go, such as the Shaka Guide. 

While there are dozens of stops along the way, there are a few must-visits. The first one is the Keanae Peninsula, which you’ll see just past Mile Marker 16. Here you can try the famous Aunty Sandy’s banana bread — made with sweet Maui bananas — and enjoy views of the ocean along the rugged, lava-crusted coastline.

Next, make sure to visit Waianapanapa State Park at Mile Marker 32! You’ll need an advance reservation to enter, but it’s worth it to visit Maui’s most beautiful black sand beach. 

Just past Mile Marker 45, you’ll reach the most photographed waterfall on Maui, Wailua Falls! This 80-foot waterfall is just a short hike from the road.

Finally, make sure to stop at Haleakala National Park at Mile Marker 42 (the mile markers start going down once you pass the town of Hana). Here you can hike the famous Pipiwai Trail — one of the world’s most beautiful hiking trails — which takes you through a bamboo forest and to the gorgeous 400-foot Waimoku Falls.

-Jennifer from Glassesandboardingpasses

4. Blue Ridge Parkway In North Carolina

Linville Gorge Wilderness is one of the top solo road trip destinations

Start: Cherokee, North Carolina

End:  Waynesboro, Virginia

Distance: 469 miles

Arguably ranking among the world’s greatest road trips and the most iconic driving routes in the United States, the Blue Ridge Parkway stretches 469 miles from Cherokee, North Carolina to Waynesboro, Virginia. 

This stunningly scenic route was originally envisioned by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1935 as a means to connect Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia — where it turns into the equally picturesque Skyline Drive. 

The visionary plan was part of his historic New Deal initiative, which FDR designed to improve American infrastructure and create jobs as a means to accelerate the nation’s economic recovery after the Great Depression. 

The vast majority of the construction of the 469-mile parkway was completed by 1966, but it took another 21 years to finish the eight-mile stretch in North Carolina that includes the technically difficult engineering feat now known as the Linn Cove Viaduct.

Now, with more than 15 million people driving some portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway every year, it is the most visited unit of the US National Park Service. 

The fact that the Blue Ridge Parkway is so popular is a big part of what makes it so safe for solo travelers. You may be alone in your car, but there are virtually always other cars, RVs, and cyclists riding the winding, mountainous roads through the heart of the Blue Ridge region.

You’ll likely encounter friendly strangers at many of the 200+ breathtaking overlooks along the way, and the 200-mile North Carolina section takes you close to charming mountain towns such as Asheville, Cherokee, Banner Elk, Blowing Rock, and Boone that offer plenty of overnight accommodation options. There are also great hiking trails near Boone !

The parkway is an extraordinary conservation initiative, with virtually no commerce — including hotels, restaurants, billboards or, importantly, gas stations — alongside the road.

What it does offer is jaw-dropping natural beauty, including Jefferson, George Washington, Nantahala, and Pisgah National Forests; numerous impressive state parks; and countless hiking trails, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and streams. 

The North Carolina section is where you’ll find many of the parkway’s most noteworthy landmarks, including Mount Mitchell (the tallest peak east of the Mississippi River), Grandfather Mountain, the Linville Gorge Wilderness, Looking Glass Rock, and Julian Price Memorial Park.

Each of these iconic places offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the splendor of America’s wilderness at its most pristine.  

-Bret Love & Mary Gabbett from Blue Ridge Mountains Travel Guide

5. Solo Road Trip Through New York’s Finger Lakes Region

Visiting Rainbow Falls in Watkins Glen State Park on a solo road trip

Start : Rochester, New York

End : Syracuse, New York

Distance: 270 – 350 miles

New York’s incredibly popular Finger Lakes region is a peaceful getaway filled with world-famous wine, locally produced ciders and craft beers, stunning waterfalls, dramatic gorges, and some of the best hikes in Upstate New York . It’s the perfect combination for a solo road trip!

Road tripping routes through the Finger Lakes are completely open to your own interpretation. 

A more relaxing break might involve circumnavigating Seneca and Cayuga Lakes on boozy wine tasting tours and slowly exploring quaint lakeside villages.

However, the action-packed Finger Lakes itinerary I’ll be sharing begins in Rochester and ends in Syracuse, with a total driving distance of anywhere between 270 miles by main roads and 350 miles by taking the scenic route.

Up first is a true Finger Lakes hidden gem: Letchworth State Park, which is lesser-known and further out from the epicenter of state parks around Ithaca, New York. Three gorgeous waterfalls and a dramatic 400-foot deep horseshoe-shaped gorge are unmissable Letchworth highlights.

From hidden gem to magazine front cover, the Finger Lakes’ star attraction is Watkins Glen State Park , which is one place you absolutely can’t miss on a visit to the region. A beautifully crafted stone walkway transports visitors past 19 picturesque waterfalls cascading through Glen Canyon, climaxing at spectacular Rainbow Falls.

Take a break from the waterfalls by sampling award-winning wines, swimming in Seneca Lake, and visiting 19th-century Belhurst Castle in the small but charming city of Geneva.

Back to gorges and waterfalls, a scenic trip awaits in the famous college town of Ithaca.

First is Taughannock Falls State Park, which features the tallest single drop waterfall east of the Rockies. Next up, blow the cobwebs off with steep gorge hikes in both Robert H Treman and Buttermilk Falls State Parks.

The last stop after leaving Ithaca is arguably the prettiest and most tourist-friendly village in the region, Skaneateles. This quintessential and vibrant Finger Lakes hamlet sits on a clear blue lake with high-end dining and boutique stores a plenty.

New York’s Finger Lakes cater to solo travelers who enjoy photography, hiking, countryside drives, and escapism; however, starting out solo doesn’t necessarily mean staying solo. Join a highly rated wine tour to meet like-minded people and make new connections.

– Mark and Kristen from Where Are Those Morgans ?

6. Driving The Great River Road In Louisiana

Great River Road is one of the top solo road trips

Start : New Orleans, Louisiana

End : New Orleans, Louisiana

Distance: 280 miles

The Great River Road in Louisiana isn’t a shy kind of place. Its iconic images include grand avenues with dripping live oaks, opulent plantation homes, and mint juleps on the side. 

Yet, of course, there’s more to it than that. And through initiatives like the Whitney Plantation Museum, which focuses on sharing the stories of those enslaved rather than their owners, there’s never been a better time to explore this part of the US. 

Most road trips start and finish in New Orleans — and with very good reason. It’s a fantastic city to explore. Forget any notions of all-night parties (unless you want to), as in New Orleans you’ll find tasteful art galleries, cool gardens, acres of history, and an abundance of chicory coffee and sugary beignets. 

From there, consider a detour to Lafayette to see Vermilionville, a living museum that tells the tale of the Acadian people, refugees from French Canada and forerunners of Cajun culture and cuisine. Stop along the way for bowls of gumbo and foot-stomping Zydeco music. Just watch out for the gators along the edge of the road. 

Then follow the Old Man River and drive beside the Mississippi along the Great River Road. It’s fun to stop off at Louisiana’s state capital Baton Rouge to check out the museums and the bar that serves oysters in nearly 100 different ways. 

But the real draw is the story of those swamps and those grand plantation homes. 

It may not sound like it but a swamp tour is a serene way to spend half a day. Drift amid marshmallow and tumbling leaves on the bayous as alligators watch with glee. 

Then make sure to visit at least these two plantation homes: Oak Alley and the Whitney. 

Oak Alley is the famous one; the one with a tunnel of trees along the driveway and a feature in a Beyoncé video. 

Then there is the Whitney, a place with haunting statues of enslaved children. A graveyard for babies. Trading chains and shackles amid the Gone with the Wind era romance.

It makes for a sobering visit. And adds important context to an otherwise flamboyant and fun road trip from New Orleans.

In terms of why this road trip is great for solo travelers, you can explore the plantations at your own pace and yet there’s always company to be found thanks to the legendary southern hospitality.

-Abigail from Inside the Travel Lab

7. Death Valley To Yosemite National Park In California

Mammoth Lakes is one of the top solo road trip ideas

Start: Death Valley, California

End: Yosemite National Park, California

Distance: 285 miles

An amazing solo road trip in the US is the drive through the Eastern Sierras from Death Valley to Yosemite. The views out your window will take your breath away, and this 285-mile trip through California features many spectacular outdoor spaces that you can explore to your heart’s content and truly enjoy solo.

Begin your solo road trip in the unique and unforgiving landscape of Death Valley National Park near the border of Nevada. This desert is the hottest place on earth, and you can visit the lowest point in North America at Badwater Basin.

From there, head west to the town of Lone Pine to check out the highest point in the continental US, Mount Whitney. While you can hike to the 14,505 foot tall Mount Whitney summit in one day — if you’re lucky enough to win the permit lottery — it is a very intense hike. You can take an easier hike to appreciate this epic peak in the distance instead.

Then continue your road trip north to Bishop. This cool mountain town is a playground for hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing.

Continue your outdoor adventures by exploring all the things to do in Mammoth Lakes, where you can also rejuvenate with a relaxing soak in the local hot springs.

This awesome road trip culminates in the iconic Yosemite National Park. Enjoy the beauty of Tuolumne Meadows on your drive into the park as you head to Yosemite Valley. Here you’ll find yourself in the shadow of the grand granite walls of Half Dome and El Capitan. Be sure to spend at least a night or two in the park to cap off your Eastern Sierras solo road trip!

-Allison from She Dreams of Alpine

8. San Diego To Los Angeles California Road Trip

San Diego to Los Angeles is the best road trip for single woman in the USA

Start: San Diego, California

End: Los Angeles, California

Distance: 120 miles

If you’re looking for solo road trip ideas that are simple yet scenic, this one is for you.

A road trip from San Diego to Los Angeles might not win you any points for originality, but it works perfectly if you are a solo traveler looking for a convenient and safe adventure with stunning scenery and plenty of options for lodging, entertainment, and dining. 

Unlike some other California road trips, the drive from San Diego to Los Angeles doesn’t require you to spend hours on the road and go to remote areas with scarce cell phone coverage. 

Moreover, if you decide to take a 120-mile drive from San Diego to Los Angeles, you will have countless options — from the upscale La Jolla just north of San Diego where you can visit galleries and admire wildlife to beautiful Orange County famous for its surfing spots like Trestles and San Onofre and the historic mission in San Juan Capistrano. 

Another spot that is worth your attention is Laguna Beach, home to the stunning Crystal Cove State Park showcasing unspoiled beauty and rich marine wildlife. If you’re looking for a solo beach vacation , it’s perfect for that, too.

And then there is Dana Point, a small seaside town that has been dubbed “the whale capital of the west” that offers daily boat tours if you want to see these iconic animals. 

Of course, solo travel in Los Angeles also offers tons of things to do and see, from beautiful beaches to amazing shopping to world-class restaurants to epic LA hikes with waterfalls .

If you plan to do this route for the first time, make sure to spare enough time because you will have an infinite amount of places to choose from. At the end, it’s recommended to spend a minimum of 3 days in Los Angeles .

-Daria from The Discovery Nut

9. Route 66 From Chicago To Los Angeles

the Blue Whale of Catoosa along Route 66 is one of the top solo road trip destinations

Start: Chicago, Illinois

End: Los Angelos, California

Distance: About 2,500 miles

Route 66 is an iconic highway in the United States , originally created to connect Chicago to Los Angeles. It has since been re-routed and extended.

Moreover, it’s also known as the Will Rogers Highway or simply “The Mother Road” and has been recognized in popular culture on TV shows like The Simpsons and Doctor Who and on video games such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Start in Chicago at the “Begin” sign and see a bit of the city before heading off on your 2,500-mile adventure road-tripping from Chicago to Los Angeles while traversing eight states:

  • New Mexico,
  • and California.

Make your way over two weeks to Los Angeles, where you’ll be rewarded with Pacific Ocean views. Most choose to end their adventure at the Santa Monica Boardwalk.

There are many attractions along Route 66, but some of the most famous ones are the St. Louis Gateway Arch in Missouri, the Blue Whale of Catoosa outside of Tulsa in Oklahoma, and the Grand Canyon, which is one of the most popular day trips from Route 66. 

Plus, there are so many fun things to do when traveling solo in Texas .

This road trip is perfect for solo travelers because it’s fast-paced and provides many opportunities to meet other travelers on the road. While you may spend your nights in interesting kitschy motels, you’ll spend your days in diners and at roadside attractions where quirky characters abound.

-Stephanie from Oklahoma Wonders

10. Florida’s Gulf Coast

Florida Gulf Road Trip

Start: Destin, Florida

End: Marco Island, Florida

Distance: 600 miles

As one of the largest states in the US, the Sunshine State of Florida has a huge diversity of culture, climates, and landscapes that’s often lost on many travelers who may build their vacation around just one place. From north to south, Florida has so many faces, making it perfect for exploring on a road trip.

The Gulf Coast of Florida in particular offers a variety of local foods, ecosystems, and some of the best beaches in the country.

Your road trip starts on Florida’s Panhandle — so named as the handle by which the entire peninsula can be carried. 

Known as the Emerald Coast, one visit to the town of Destin will show you why. The emerald green waters beg you to stay for at least a few days, and you should. Hike the dune trails at Henderson Beach State Park then spend time lounging on these gorgeous beaches.

From Destin, head east to the state capital of Tallahassee. The landscape becomes wooded and the small city is easy to navigate. Don’t miss the Tallahassee Museum and a Shakespeare performance at the Amphitheatre.

The next day set off for Cedar Key to explore one of Florida’s hidden gems. Foodies will love a visit here as the small town is famous for their clams.

This part of the Gulf coast below the Big Bend is where Florida’s Nature Coast begins. Drive south to Crystal River and Homosassa and spend a few days exploring Three Sisters Springs by kayak where you can swim with manatees in the crystal clear warm springs.

Just south of the Nature Coast is Tampa and St. Petersburg where you should visit Ybor City, the historically Cuban quarter of Tampa. The food and local culture here are worth the day trip to the city.

After exploring the many things to do in Tampa and Sarasota, the drive south reveals a landscape that’s more remote and coastal as you head to southwest Florida.

Fort Myers is a vibrant and vintage city made famous by its notable summer residents Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, who both had homes here. Plan a visit to tour their houses and spend a day swimming and sunbathing on Sanibel Island or Fort Myers Beach.

From here, wind your way to the Paradise Coast of Naples and Marco Island, the gateway to the Florida Everglades and the Ten Thousand Islands, one of the most beautiful and popular destinations in Florida.

-Lori from Naples Florida Travel Guide

11. Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway In South Dakota

Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway

Start: Black Hills, South Dakota

End: Spearfish Canyon, South Dakota

Distance: 20 miles

If you’re looking for solo road trip ideas for the Midwest , this route takes you through 1,000-foot limestone cliffs, waterfalls, and stunning scenery without the crowds!

Head to the Black Hills of South Dakota for a spectacular drive through the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway. This peaceful 20-mile winding drive runs through a canyon between Spearfish and Cheyenne Crossing and is filled with breathtaking scenery, waterfalls, lakes, and limestone cliffs — natural beauty you have to see for yourself!

There are three waterfalls in the canyon and all bring their own unique appeal. The first being Bridal Veil Falls, which you can see from the road, making it a convenient stop. The other two are Roughlock Falls and Spearfish Falls, both near the Spearfish Canyon Lodge. Viewing all three is a must.

If you’re up for a little adventure travel , you can rent an ATV across from the Spearfish Canyon Lodge and explore the area, ride around the trails, and jump in a cool creek.

Other than near Roughlock Falls, you likely won’t run into anyone except the free-range cows, which makes for a fun way to explore the canyon. There are also numerous hiking trails throughout the route.

As you’re probably gathering, if you want to spend the night, the Spearfish Canyon Lodge is a great place to do that as it sits along the Scenic Byway and is near two of the three falls. There’s an on-site restaurant and Little Spearfish Creek runs behind the lodge and provides a serene setting to relax. 

While in the area, you’re near so many historic sites, such as Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood, and the Crazy Horse Memorial. There’s so much to see and do! The area is beautiful any time of year, but fall is especially pretty when the autumn colors come alive. 

This route is perfect for solo travelers, too, as it’s easy to get to and traverse, and there’s a sense of solitude and calm. That being said, you’re still close to amenities and civilization. Bonus: The people of South Dakota are very friendly!

You can go at your own pace, stop when you want to stop, and take in the peace and beauty that surrounds you.

-Erica from Ericakeel

12. Solo Road Trip From NYC To Boston

Don't miss the NYC skyline when you road trip alone as a female

Start:  New York City

End: Boston, Massachusetts

Distance : 200 miles

The drive from New York City to Boston is ideal for those searching for a quick and reasonable road trip. It’s a great choice for solo travelers since it’s not too long and there is lots to see along the way. Along the route, you’ll get to enjoy two of the East Coast’s major cities as well as the stunning coastline. 

Go on this road trip during the summer, when the weather is pleasant and great for sightseeing. This area of the US is especially beautiful during the fall when the forests are tinted orange and make a great photo subject.

With just over 200 miles this road trip takes around 3.5 hours one way — although you could drive for slightly longer and take the scenic road through Providence, a highlight of New England. Definitely make a stop in New Haven, Connecticut for some fantastic museums, beautiful architecture, and delicious thin-crust coal-fired New Haven-style pizza.

This is the perfect weekend road trip, although you could also spend an extra week if you want to explore the many fun and unique things to do in NYC and Boston .

You’ll start in New York City and head north. If you’re up for it, make a little detour to Long Island to explore the local wine country , hiking trails , and beaches that are perfect for a picnic along the way.

– Victoria from Guide your travel

13. Length Of Vermont To The Canadian border

Biking in Stowe is a fun activity if you want solo road trip ideas on the East Coast

Start : Brattleboro, Vermont

End : Canadian border near Alburg, Vermont

A road trip the length of Vermont to the Canadian border is a delight for solo travelers. Vermont locals are typically kind, friendly, and willing to help out when needed. The charm of tiny Vermont villages and their residents enhances any road trip through the Green Mountain state.

Start your journey in the south at Brattleboro. The first stop is at the West Dummerston covered bridge, one of over 100 covered bridges in Vermont.

Head up scenic Route 100 through the heart of the Green Mountain. Stop at picturesque towns with nary a stoplight. Don’t miss the Vermont Country Store in Weston for unique gifts.

The iconic town of Stowe is an all-season destination on your solo road trip. It’s a world-class ski destination in the winter and a popular foliage spot in the fall. In summer, outdoor enthusiasts have loads of choices for adventure travel , including hikes to waterfalls, biking on the Stowe Rec Path, or scaling Mount Mansfield, the highest peak in Vermont.  

The vibrant city of Burlington is your next destination. Rent a bike to pedal along the Burlington Bike Path, one of my favorite beautiful bike rides . The bike trail leads to spectacular beaches with views of the Adirondacks across Lake Champlain.

For a relaxing afternoon, take a cruise on the Spirit of Ethan Allen with narration about the history and nature of the Lake Champlain Valley. 

The final stage of your solo road trip is a drive through the bucolic Champlain Islands. Search for the mysterious miniature stone castles along the roadsides and sample some local agrotourism products. Apple picking and wine tasting opportunities also abound.

The road trip is just over 200 miles from Brattleboro to the Canadian border. Each mile is packed with Vermont charm and friendliness. 

-Karen from Outdoor Adventure Sampler

14. Southern Utah Solo Road Trip

solo road trip ideas in the Midwest include visiting national parks

Start : Las Vegas, Nevada

End: Las Vegas, Nevada

Distance: 1,049 miles

One of the best solo road trips in the US is in Southern Utah exploring the state’s five national parks and everything in between. It’s best done in 10-14 days as a loop from Las Vegas. 

In terms of distance, the route is a little over 1,000 miles in total, but I would leave wiggle room for side trips and any last-minute additions.

While the five national parks — Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Arches, and Canyonlands — are the main highlight, there are so many other amazing things to do and see. A few recommendations include:

  • trekking the Burr Trail (of the best Utah hiking trails ),
  • driving Scenic Byway 12,
  • exploring Goblin Valley State Park and Snow Canyon State Park,
  • seeing the giant sandstone buttes of Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park,
  • hiking to the Horseshoe Bend overlook,
  • walking inside of Antelope Canyon,
  • and swimming at Lake Powell, to name a few.

This is a particularly great road trip for solo travelers because it’s popular and easy to be around people, though it’s just as easy to get away from those crowds if you wish. 

No matter what you do, you’ll see some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. 

This is a must-do for outdoor enthusiasts, no matter the skill level. Just be sure you’re prepared according to that level and always let someone know where you’re going and when to expect you back.

-Megan from Red Around the World

15. Savannah To Charleston Solo Road Trip

Savannah to Charleston is a popular solo road trip route

Start : Savannah, Georgia

End:  Charleston, South Carolina

Distance:  105.9 miles

If you’re a fan of beautiful architecture, Southern food, and coastal cities, Savannah and Charleston make an ideal option for a road trip. Southerners are known for their overt friendliness, and both cities are accustomed to hosting solo travelers.

The two cities are close to one another, so you won’t waste much time driving — which means more time for exploring.

The distance between Savannah and Charleston is approximately two hours, and the most common route is HWY 17 to I-95 and then back to HWY 17.   

The best place to stay in Savannah is the Historic District, and The Marshall House is a good centrally located hotel for solo travelers.

River Street, City Market, and the Plant Riverside District are known for being entertainment hubs. They’re packed with the highest concentration of restaurants and bars and are where you’ll find the most live entertainment — and also the largest crowds.

If you prefer enjoying lovely old architecture in a more romantic setting, try strolling along Jones Street. It’s known for being one of the prettiest streets in the city and walking it is one of the best things to do in Savannah .

A few must-see attractions include the stunning Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Bonaventure Cemetery, Wormsloe, and Forsyth Park. The Olde Pink House is the most iconic restaurant in Savannah, while ghost and trolley tours are the most popular activities.

On the drive from Savannah to Charleston, be sure to detour through Yemassee to see the Old Sheldon Church Ruins, and then stop to visit The Angel Oak, a giant 60-foot-tall oak tree estimated to be over 400 years old located on the outskirts of Charleston.

Once you’re in Charleston, the Spectator Hotel and Planters Inn are two fantastic hotel options. It’s easy to walk to numerous attractions and restaurants from either spot.

Charleston is also a great city for shopping! Visit Historic Charleston City Market to watch local Gullah artists make sweetgrass baskets by hand, and then head over to the shops lining King Street to do more high-end shopping.

If you’re a fan of architecture, be sure to stroll down Charleston’s cobblestone streets, which are lined with historic churches and beautiful mansions. The always-popular Rainbow Row makes an ideal place to snap a few selfies.

Stroll down The Battery to catch a sunset along the water before heading to Husk for dinner and then on to Babas on Cannon for an evening cocktail.  

-Erin from Savannah First-Timer’s Guide

16. Overseas Highway In Florida

Overseas Highway in Florida is one of the top solo road trip ideas in the USA

Start: Miami, Florida

End: Key West, Florida

Distance: 150 miles

Driving the Overseas Highway is the perfect solo road trip for travelers that love the Florida weather and dream of visiting the beautiful Florida Keys.

This route starts in Miami and takes you all the way to Key West, the southernmost city of the United States. The 150-mile scenic drive is iconic and offers unbelievable views of the Gulf of Mexico and all of the islands in the Florida Keys.

Even though the drive can be made in only three and a half hours, the best way to do it is by taking at least two or four days to fully take in the route’s beauty and take advantage of the excellent stops along the 42 bridges that make the road. So take your time!

Some of the must-do stops on the way are the stunning Islamorada (a village of six islands), the Dolphin Research Center in Marathon, and the Seven Mile Bridge — the largest segmental bridge in the world.

Other nice places to stop along the way include the Coral Castle Museum in Homestead, Everglades National Park , Bahia Honda State Park, and Key Largo, one of the best scuba diving destinations in the country.

This is an excellent road trip for solo travelers because it is easy to navigate, has amazing weather all-year-round, and allows you to visit some of the prettiest places in Florida.

-Camila from Travel Cami

17. Geronimo Trail From Arizona To New Mexico

Driving the Geronimo Trail on a solo road trip

Start: Douglas, Arizona

End: Cloverdale Cemetery Animas, New Mexico

Distance: 54 miles

If you are a solo road tripper and crave a drive that is totally off the grid, I have one for you. After hundreds of US road trips, my favorite remains the Geronimo Trail in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. 

It is one of the most unique US road trips and it is much more remote and isolated than the famous highway in Nevada that claims to be the Loneliest Road. How lonely? On a 90-minute drive on Geronimo Trail, I saw only three cars.

Geronimo Trail starts just east of Douglas, Arizona, where 15th Street turns into Geronimo Trail at the small Douglas Airport. A few miles later, the pavement ends and Geronimo Trail is a dirt road from this point. 

Note: A 4WD vehicle is highly recommended! Also, please pack solo road trip essentials like a spare tire and extra food and water just in case you run into any issues. I had no problem with a small SUV. 

About 35 miles later you will reach the Arizona/New Mexico border. About six miles into New Mexico, Geronimo Trail officially ends and turns into County Road 002—which is even more lonely. I saw only one car in 90 minutes!

The massive appeal along Geronimo Trail is rustic vibes, wide open spaces, astounding scenery, and time to be at one with your thoughts. The beginning of Geronimo Trail runs along the US/Mexico border and you will likely see Border Patrol agents and vehicles. 

As Geronimo Trail turns northeast, San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge signs appear. The refuge is an oasis in the surrounding desert and features protected fish and seldom-seen migrating birds. If you enjoy hiking, the Black Draw Trail is a great spot for bird watchers. 

Between the refuge and the AZ/NM border, there are a handful of large ranches, intense side roads (like Sycamore Canyon), one Mormon Trail historic marker, and a few small pioneer cemeteries. Basically, Geronimo Trail’s allure is miles and miles of dirt road, astounding scenery, and just you and your vehicle. Crank your tunes—or turn the radio off to let your deepest thoughts surface.

To find this approximate route on Google Maps, search Douglas, AZ to Cloverdale Cemetery Animas, NM in “Get Directions”. Note that Street View (the blue man) is not available for almost all of this road trip, which lends to its mystique.

-Charles from McCool Travel

18. Kansas City To Rocky Mountain National Park In Colorado

Kansas City to Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the top solo road trip ideas in the USA

Start: Kansas City, Kansas

End: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Distance: 650 miles

A road trip from Kansas City to Rocky Mountain National Park is an essential trek through Americana. 

Around 650 miles separate these two disparate destinations. The craggy peaks of the Rocky Mountains are a stark contrast from the flatlands of Kansas. But both offer stunning beauty in their own rights. 

Starting in Kansas City, you do what pioneers, prospectors, and cowboys did 150 years ago; head west!

Crossing the prairie, you can imagine what those early settlers saw. So much of it remains as it was back then. 

Especially beautiful are the rolling grasslands of the Flint Hills in Kansas. The springtime is especially amazing as the fresh shoots of grass carpet the hills in a lush green blanket.

Stop into the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve to stroll through the hills of native grasses and herds of bison.

But don’t dally too long. You still have a bit of a drive to get to Rocky Mountain National Park.

Until you reach Denver, you will be covering mile after mile of this grassland. Although beautiful, you’ll likely be ready for a change of scenery.

And what a welcome sight Denver is! The Rocky Mountains set the backdrop behind the skyline to welcome you to the next part of your journey.

There are so many fun things to do in Denver for solo travelers , too. Additionally, nearby, Boulder is a smaller college town with plenty to explore. And Estes Park is right outside of your final destination. Any of these are also great stopping points for a bite to eat or to pick up supplies. 

Stop into Mountain Sun Pub in Boulder for some great food in a lively atmosphere. There are only booths along two walls with the center lined with tables. As a solo traveler, this is a great way to meet the locals and fellow visitors alike.

But don’t forget what you came for: The amazing hikes and camping in Rocky Mountain National Park. Honestly, this park has some of the best hikes in the world ! Stop into the visitors center and pick up your map. You have endless trails to choose from.

The park offers shuttle service to many of the trailheads, which makes it great for hiking as you don’t need loop trails to get you back to your car. 

Alpine lakes, streams, and trails open up plenty of ways to explore or relax. 

The long, open road and the serene mountain trails both offer solitude for the lone traveler. But there are lots of places to mingle with locals and visitors alike for the more social solo travelers. 

-Steve from Maps Over Coffee

19. Michigan’s Lower Peninsula

Stopping at a beach on a Lower Michigan Peninsula solo road trip

Start:  Benton Harbor, Michigan

End:  Mackinac Island, Michigan

Distance: 340 miles

The west side of Michigan features natural beauty, food and drinks, and fun cultural attractions worth writing home about.

This 350-mile route is great for solo travelers because the driving is easy, there are plenty of places to take breaks, and you can see the best scenery without having to venture too far off the beaten path.

Starting from the southern border, work your way up Lake Michigan along I-94 and then I-196. You’ll find tons of beach towns as well as plenty of lighthouses as you make your way to Holland. This small town is known for its Dutch heritage and features a windmill originally from the Netherlands.

Continue northeast to Grand Rapids, also known as Beer City USA. Sample drinks at one or more of its breweries and visit the larger-than-life sculptures at Meijer Gardens or the Gerald Ford Presidential Library.

Heading west on I-96 brings you to Muskegon where you’ll find even more beaches. This small town also has an amusement and water park called Michigan’s Adventure, which features a handful of roller coasters. Closer to the lake, you can tour the USS Silversides, a WWII-era submarine docked along the shore.

Continuing north on US-31 and then M-22, you’ll arrive at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, which is highlighted by sand dunes towering 400 feet above the turquoise waters of Lake Michigan. You can take a scenic drive to the top of one for stunning views with minimal effort or try climbing up one yourself.

Continue on M-22 around the Leelanau Peninsula through the heart of Michigan’s wine country. Stop into tasting rooms yourself or continue to the resort town of Traverse City and join a tour so you don’t have to drive.

While you’re in Traverse City, try its famous cherries and dine in the local farm-to-table restaurants. Once you’ve had your fill, continue north on US-31 to I-75.

Mackinaw City serves as the gateway to both the Mackinac Bridge and Mackinac Island. The bridge connects the Upper and Lower Peninsulas and there are great spots to view it from Fort Michilimackinac and the beaches to the east. Mackinac Island is most easily reached via ferry. 

The small island in Lake Huron has no motorized vehicles, so visitors and locals walk, bike, or ride horse-drawn carriages. It’s famous for its Victorian architecture and delicious fudge and is the perfect cap for your Michigan road trip.

-Kris from My Michigan Travel

20. Montana Road Trip On I-90 & Highway 93

Glacier National Park is one of the top solo road trip destination

Start: Billings, Montana

End: Glacier National Park, Montana

Distance: 637 miles

If you’re looking to safely road trip alone as a female , I highly recommend visiting Montana.

After growing up there and taking several of my own, there are many reasons to consider a drive along I-90, including the fact that some of the most beautiful nature is located along this route. 

I recommend starting your trip in Billings, which is easy to fly into and is Montana’s largest city, before heading to Bozeman and Yellowstone National Park. You’ll need to make a slight detour from I-90 to get to the park on Highway 191.

Along the way up north on Highway 93, make sure to add stops in Butte, Missoula, and Whitefish. All offer unique reasons to visit and a different feel—Montana is more varied than you might think! 

If you have the time, also make sure to stop off at the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park, which features cave formations that are millions of years old.

The remaining drive is super easy with very clearly marked signs that take you from one town to another. Most of it is highway driving with little traffic and plenty of beautiful views. 

Finally, if one national park wasn’t enough, you get to end your 637-mile trip at another national park: Glacier. I do recommend planning your accommodations in advance if you can in order to make sure you have a place to stay when you get there!

-Alex from Alex on the Map

21. California Solo Trip Along The Mendocino Coast From San Francisco

California is a popular option for a road trip alone as a female in the USA

Start: San Francisco, California

End: Redwood National Park, California

Distance: 311 miles

Highway 1 from San Francisco up to Mendocino Coast and Redwood National Park is one of the most beautiful drives on the planet, maybe comparable to the Canadian Icefields Parkway in Banff and Jasper National Parks in its grandeur. One is through the mountains and the other along the Pacific, both equally fantastic. 

You can do a loop or drive out-and-back from San Francisco. The route on 101 is inland and boring but it’s a lot faster.

The route on Highway 1 is drop-dead gorgeous but very time-consuming because of the many stops, activities, and the winding road. You can do 101 going one way and loop back on Highway 1 to get both the benefits. 

The drive from San Francisco to Redwood National Park is 320 miles and takes about six hours on 101. You can choose to go further up or do a shorter route depending on your timeline. 

Some of the top attractions on the drive include Redwood National and State Parks where you can spend a few days and do many hikes and activities.

The scenic Avenue of the Giants runs parallel to the freeway and has many amazing stops. You can drive the entire road or a section as you coast through redwood trees and stop at many state parks along the way. 

Another recommended stop is at the Laguna Point Beach at MacKerricher State Park, which offers some of the most spectacular tide pools absolutely worth visiting for half a day or more.

Additionally, next to MacKerricher State Park is Glass Beach, a popular spot for finding sea glass — though note that because so many people take the sea glass it’s becoming increasingly harder to find.

There are many more attractions along the drive so you can take a day or a few days to drive. 

This is a great road trip for solo travelers because it’s an amazing way to experience natural wonders in peace. The solo road trip allows for solitude but it also offers fun beaches and mountain towns with great food and company. Moreover, the drive is very safe for the solo traveler. 

– Jyoti from Story at Every Corner

22. Skyline Drive In Virginia

Views along Skyline Drive in Virginia on the ultimate solo road trip

Start: Front Royal, Virginia (northern entrance to Skyline Drive)

End: Rockfish Gap exit, Virginia

Distance : 105 miles

Skyline Drive is pure sky! From the second you enter this highway winding through Shenandoah National Park at Front Royal until you exit at the Rockfish Gap Entrance Station there is a big blue sky ahead. And if you’re lucky enough to own a convertible, you will feel like an eagle on your solo trek. 

No matter what season you visit Shenandoah National Park—spring, summer, fall, or winter—you’ll delight in the deep forests, curving roads, and waterfalls to be discovered. Wild creatures abound, including bats, turkeys, and black bears. 

Located within convenient driving distance of Richmond, Charlottesville, and Washington, DC, Shenandoah National Park attracts solo runners, hikers, and walkers.

This is a great getaway for city folk especially with all the Airbnb rentals available. That being said, if you want to stay at the park campgrounds or at Skyland Resort and Big Meadows Hotel , you need to book early. 

Note: Depending on what season you visit, the 105-mile Skyline Drive can turn into a traffic jam. This is also not a road built as a raceway. Skyline Drive weaves its way across western Virginia with a speed limit of 35 mph.

For Washingtonians, the best entrance is the Front Royal Entrance. 

Stop at the Dickey Ridge Visitors Center to shop for books on hiking or get a panoramic portrait. There are regular stops along the way where you can park in a lot to hike through forests, climb Stony Man or Hawksbill, check out the Appalachian Trail, or meditate at the Shenandoah waterfalls.

Expect to take three hours traveling the entire length of the park on Skyline Drive. 

Skyline Drive ends at Rockfish Gap; it is the northern entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are 200,000 acres of protected land at Shenandoah National Park for you to explore.

– Terri at

Renting A Car For Your Solo Road Trip

Need a rental car for road tripping by yourself in the USA?

Use  Discover Cars  to quickly compare your car rental options. Their comparison tool does the homework for you, so there’s no need to have up 10+ tabs trying to figure out which company is the most affordable. Actually, you can save up to 70% using their tool!

view from the car window during a solo road trip through the USA

How To Road Trip Alone

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to traveling alone , though ultimately solo travel is an empowering experience that gives you total freedom over your itinerary.

That being said, if it your first time heading out on a solo adventure by car, the following solo road trip tips can help:

-Make sure you have good car insurance as well as roadside assistance (like AAA) in case of an emergency.

-Travel with solo road trip essentials like a spare tire, extra food and water, a sleeping bag and pillow, and sunglasses.

-Know your limits when it comes to how far you can drive, especially as nobody else will be in the car to help keep you awake.

-Keep loved ones informed of your travel plans and check in regularly. This way your absense will be noticed right away in an emergency.

-Install personal safety apps on your phone — like the Emergency App from the American Red Cross.

Travel Insurance For Your Solo Road Trip

When visiting the USA — or anywhere else in the world — it’s wise to get travel insurance.

One of the  best travel medical insurance for travelers  is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country).

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

Click here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

solo road trip ideas in the USA

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About Jessie Festa

Jessie Festa is a New York-based travel content creator who is passionate about empowering her audience to experience new places and live a life of adventure. She is the founder of the solo female travel blog, Jessie on a Journey, and is editor-in-chief of Epicure & Culture , an online conscious tourism magazine. Along with writing, Jessie is a professional photographer and is the owner of NYC Photo Journeys , which offers New York photo tours, photo shoots, and wedding photography. Her work has appeared in publications like USA Today, CNN, Business Insider, Thrillist, and WestJet Magazine.

Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

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Great article! Discover everything America has to offer from the freedom of the open road. Travel with pleasure, be free from the schedule.

31 BEST Places in the USA for Solo Female Travelers in 2024

06/20/2024 by Kristin Addis 28 Comments

The United States is gorgeous, from sea to shining sea. I love being from such a huge and varied country with all kinds of landscapes, cultures, and sights.

I’ve traveled to over 65 countries over the past decade, most of them alone, which only makes me appreciate the USA more. There’s nothing in the world quite like it.

Here are some of my favorite places for solo female travel in the USA, plus the advice of several other solo women travelers to get you started:

Table of Contents

1. Maui, Hawai’i

best places in usa for solo female travelers

I forgive you if you don’t think of Hawai’i when you think of great places to travel solo, and I wouldn’t have either until I actually went to Maui alone last year. It was fantastic! There was so much to do, from taking lessons at a women’s surf school to driving the Road to Hana and joining snorkeling trips.

I thought honeymooners would surround me, but I actually found that people were very outgoing and friendly, coupled off or not. So, all in all, I highly recommend going to Hawai’i solo , much to my surprise! If you are visiting for the first time, find out which island is the best for you .

Book your stay in Maui here.

Book guided tours in Maui here.

2. The Big Island of Hawai’i

best places in usa for solo female travelers

While most people go to the more tourist-heavy islands like Oahu , the Big Island of Hawai’i is well worth considering instead. With volcanoes, world-class diving and snorkeling sites , interesting beaches, and miles of hiking trails, there’s more to discover than on any other island in the state. In fact, it’s larger than all of them, combined!

After visiting more than six times, my favorite things to do on the Big Island are swimming with the manta rays at night in Kona , hiking to the Captain Cook memorial, and joining boat tours.

It’s also one of the best places for adventurous solo female travelers. It’s easy to meet friends through activities, at the beach, and by going on day tours. On top of that, the island is easy to navigate with a rental car, as there is one main road that circles it.

Book your stay on The Big Island here , or consider staying in a real treehouse (!).


The Perfect Hawai’i Big Island Itinerary

The Best Beaches on the Big Island of Hawai’i

24 Amazing Things to Do on the Big Island of Hawai’i

3. Alabama Hills, California

alabama hills sunrise

The Alabama Hills is Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land, meaning it’s owned by the public, with arches, beautiful views of the eastern Sierras , and lots of Hollywood history. I did a solo road trip here and enjoyed every minute of it.

If you are a photography lover , the Alabama Hills have plenty of photogenic stops, including the popular Movie Road (pictured above), Mobius Arch (go at sunset!), Boot Arch, and Miss Alabama herself.

As a solo traveler, you’ll get lots of solitude in the Alabama Hills and the other parts of my California deserts road trip , which I loved. Among the beautiful things about traveling in this part of the world are all the wide-open spaces and the spiritual vibe. Plus, you can’t beat the stargazing or the sunsets!

The Ultimate Alabama Hills, California, Guide

4. San Francisco, California

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Whenever people who aren’t from the state visit California , almost everyone ends up falling in love with San Francisco. As a native Southern Californian, it’s in my DNA to roll my eyes and find this offensive, but deep down, I silently agree. The Bay Area in general is beautiful and temperate and has a unique culture. My European friends often say it has a charm that reminds them of home.

I love it for the ease of getting around on the BART system, how small and contained the city itself is, and how picturesque and multicultural it is. Try a yoga or meditation class, head there during Pride, or see some live music at the Outside Lands Festival.

Other than that, San Francisco is the perfect place to jump off from or end up in when on a road trip along the Pacific Coast Highway too!

Book your stay in San Francisco here.

5. Big Sur, California

mcway falls

I’ve looked on every continent, and I still haven’t found anywhere as beautiful or majestic as Big Sur on the central coast of California, though it’s seen its fair share of disasters lately. Still, when accessible, McWay Falls in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park is one of the dreamiest waterfalls I’ve seen.

Big Sur is a fantastic place to unwind. If you want to meet others, the campsites can be pretty social. However, when I’m out there, I find the best companions are the dolphins and whales jumping out of the gorgeous Pacific Ocean, and the squirrels and deer on the trails.

For more on my favorite state and national parks in California, check out my musings on Alamo’s Scenic Route.

Book your stay in Big Sur here.

6. Lake Tahoe, California

lake tahoe sand harbor overlook

One of my favorite spots to explore on my own is in my backyard: Lake Tahoe ! There are nearly limitless trails to discover here during the summer months, including Tallac , which is pictured above. Emerald Bay in the south of Lake Tahoe, also offers great hiking opportunities.

For those who don’t feel comfortable hiking or biking on their own, there are multiple companies that offer guided tours .

If you don’t like hiking, it’s good to know that there are many other things to do in Lake Tahoe . You can take pictures at some of the most beautiful parts of the lake , for example, or if you’re visiting Lake Tahoe in winter, you can go skiing or sledding.

Need a place to stay? We’ve got you covered with a list of the best Airbnbs and boutique hotels .

7. Mendocino, California

mendocino headlands state park

If you’re looking for moody coastline, crashing waves, spotted seals, incredible sunsets, adorable BnBs (with my favorite being the Sacred Rock Inn and Brewery Gulch Inn ), and an abundance of inspiration, Mendocino is the perfect spot for a weekend getaway.

This is more of a retreat for those who want some peace and quiet. Walk along the coastal bluffs, explore Van Damme State Park, check out the glass-sand beach in Fort Bragg, and eat delicious food at the Noyo Harbor Inn.

8. Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington

mount rainier national park pinnacle peak

When it comes to national parks in Washington , Mount Rainier is easily my favorite. It’s such a prominent volcano that you can see it from most major freeways and suburbs of Seattle. Hiking around it is also easy enough, with trails like the Skyline serving up beautiful views all along your way. It’s a popular national park, so if you’re hiking solo , you’ll rarely be truly alone.

9. Seattle, Washington

best places in usa for solo female travelers

If you want to visit a city teeming with activity but still find time for solitude, head to Seattle, where the various neighborhoods and activities provide opportunities for both, sometimes even on the same day.

Here you’ll find cultural foods , fantastic museums , and beautiful public parks. Talented local musicians perform throughout the city on most nights, so you can catch jazz, experimental, rock, punk, metal, baroque, blues, and hip-hop.

You can navigate the city via public transit by day, or taxi or ride-share by night. Seattle is very solo-traveler-friendly, so you’ll notice other people dining and enjoying the musical ambiance alone. Don’t hesitate to reach out and get past that “Seattle Freeze,” as people are friendly once you start the conversation.

Book your stay in Seattle here.

10. Portland, Oregon

best places in usa for solo female travelers

The beauty of Portland is that a solo traveler can be as social as they’d like in the city and then retreat to the forest for solitude at any time. The city is just a short drive from the Columbia River Gorge , where you’ll find the majestic Multnomah Falls, among others.

In town, you’ll enjoy bearing witness to all of Portland’s quirks, like its quintessential donut scene . Biking is quite popular too; you can join in on the cycling fun by taking a bike tour that focuses on the city’s vibrant art and poetry culture.

11. Las Vegas, Nevada

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Las Vegas wouldn’t have been the first place that I would have expected to be awesome traveling alone, but with so much to do, it’s actually perfect! People are in a good mood here. They’re there to be social and have a good time. I almost always make friends when I visit, whether with a group or by myself.

There are fun indoor activities, like the famous wax museum, Madame Tussaud’s , and there’s so much to see that isn’t on the strip, like the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam . (These are my favorite day trips to take from Las Vegas .)

Las Vegas is also an excellent jumping-off point if you want to explore Reno (next on this list). You can plan your Highway 95 road trip based on this guide .

It’s also a great spot to start if you’re doing a bigger American Southwest road trip , which was one of my first big solo road trips , including Utah and Arizona .

12. Reno, Nevada

best places in usa for solo female travelers

My current hometown , Reno is truly the biggest little city in the world. Because of it’s pretty small size but excellent amenities, it’s a wonderful place to travel alone. It’s a hub for those looking to get lucky at casinos, and a great spot for events like the hot-air balloon race each September, when hundreds take to the sky. Thanks to the art, food, and culture boom of the last decade, there are tons of funky little cafés and restaurants as well.

If you love nature, there’s a place for outdoorsy people who want to hike or ski in and around Lake Tahoe too. Along the extraordinary lake, you’ll find bobcats, migratory birds, hiking trails, majestic mountains, and if you head into the Black Rock desert , salt pans, sand dunes, brilliant stars, and hundred-year-old trees. In Reno, you’ll have the time and space to take it all in.

13. Page, Arizona

arizona itinerary

Page is the jumping-off point for several of Arizona’s most beautiful places. I was blown away in particular by Horseshoe Bend and of course the famous Antelope Canyon. If you’re considering which of the two canyons to visit, I did a comparison of Lower and Upper Antelope Canyon , though both are worth checking out for different reasons!

Since this part of the world attracts so many travelers, I found it easy to have conversations with others who were free-camping with me and even made a friend when I ventured to the paid campsites for a shower (but not in the shower itself — we met in the parking lot later, I swear!).

Book your stay in Page, Arizona, here.

See tours available in Page here.

14. Moab, Utah

utah things to do

Utah is one of my favorite states to road-trip through solo . I’ve done it twice, and I’d do it again!

Although Zion National Park is gorgeous, and I love the national forests around Provo, it’s Moab that I find the best as a solo female traveler. It’s a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts. There is a multitude of parks, like Canyonlands and Arches National Parks , as well as Dead Horse Point State Park . Basically, it’s one of the most beautiful areas on earth, with a high concentration of incredible rock formations and free campsites, and plenty of things to do .

I find that when a place attracts people because of common interests, especially something outdoorsy, it tends to be social. Moab is no exception. It’s a favorite among van-lifers, which means you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet others on the trails, in cafés, and at viewpoints .

Book your stay in Moab here.

15. Sun Valley, Idaho

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Idaho really must be one of the most beautiful states in the wintertime , when I stayed here and fell in love with the natural hot springs, the tranquil views, the spectacular sunsets, and snowmobiling when my legs were too tired from the fantastic snowshoeing and skiing around this quaint town.

Sun Valley locals are also more than happy to have a conversation with visitors and newcomers.

If you want to venture outside of Sun Valley , there are many amazing hot springs , like my favorite, Kirkham , to check out. You can find my Idaho itinerary here .

Book your stay in Idaho here , or stay in a cozy, heated treehouse !

16. Glacier National Park, Montana

glacier national park things to do lake mcdonald

Glacier National Park in Montana is a magical slice of outdoor heaven that is perfect for solo travelers with an adventurous spirit and who thrive in solitude. Here you’ll find crystal-clear lakes, abundant greenery as far as the eye can see, and some of the best stargazing in the US.

If you’re into hiking, you will be happy to hear that there are plenty of hikes in Glacier National Park too.

Don’t be intimidated by the park’s size, because it’s totally doable to visit for just a couple of days. Check out everything you can do in Glacier National Park in just 48 hours for inspiration.

17. Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe seems like the more upscale, artsy, and design-focused part of New Mexico — and I love it! While other areas of the state have their own character, Santa Fe serves up that quintessential Southwestern vibe that most people picture when they think of New Mexico.

This is where you’ll find some of the finest restaurants, the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA). The Meow Wolf Museum is a trippy wonderland, and the galleries of Canyon Road had me enchanted. It’s a solo traveler’s paradise, with many awesome things to do.

solo trip out west

First Name:

18. Bayfield, Wisconsin

apostle islands

Midwesterners are known for being friendly, and they lived up to their reputation when I visited Bayfield, Wisconsin. It’s an artsy town with outgoing residents, and it’s small enough that it feels intimate, yet big enough that there is plenty to do. I visited in August , and it was the perfect time to join a kayaking or boat trip, or take a drive around to the various orchards.

There are plenty of beaches and quirky hangouts as well, and camping opportunities abound. If you visit in December , January , or February , the famous caves ice over, which looks incredible. If you’re into photography and the outdoors, then you will absolutely love this little town on Lake Superior, the jumping-off point for the Apostle Islands .

Book your stay in Bayfield here.

19. Chicago, Illinois

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Visiting such a large city solo gives you a sense of anonymity that can be exciting. When I lived in Chicago, Illinois , I loved going on solo adventures all over town and discovering cultural gems, quirky restaurants, and unexpected museums.

Each neighborhood in Chicago has a personality of its own, filled with endless adventures. Whether you’re staying for a couple of days or a few weeks, you can be sure that Chicago lives up to the hype of being one of the most fascinating cities in the country (and it’s safe too).

No matter if you visit during the frigid winter or the lively summer, don’t miss out on an architecture boat tour — Chicago is bursting with history, and many stories come to the surface through its unique architectural history. You can also take a tour of the legendary Art Institute of Chicago before opening hours, for a VIP experience.

I recommend that solo travelers choose accommodations that are in the Loop (downtown) area or close to an L train (Chicago’s metro) for easy access to public transport. This will give you the freedom to move around town without having to navigate the buses or use rideshares, which can get expensive, especially if you’re on your own.

If you are looking for ways to save money, check out all these incredible things to do in Chicago for free !

20. Detroit, Michigan

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Although it’s known as the Motor City, there’s so much more to Detroit than cars and engines. It has a reputation for being one of the most historically rich destinations in the country, let alone the Midwest. It’s famous for its contributions to music, industry, and architecture especially.

Start your solo trip to Detroit with a walking tour that highlights the city’s beauty and architectural gems. You also won’t want to miss a trip to Belle Isle, a massive, 982-acre island park home to a conservatory, aquarium, museum, and nature center. Who knew you could find a peaceful green paradise in such an industrial place?

That’s what makes Detroit so special for a solo trip, though. You could spend hours walking around town, getting a feel for its urban flair, and then head somewhere else to connect with nature and find solitude.

There is so much to do in Detroit that you might find yourself going back over and over again for a solo trip or otherwise.

21. New Orleans, Louisiana

solo female travel in new orleans - Taken at Royal and Dumaine street in the French Quarter

New Orleans is just the right place for solo female travelers : there’s something for everyone here (check out our vegan guide , for example). You’ll find a fascinating and rich cultural history, one that you can discover over a long weekend.

If it’s your first trip, stay in a boutique hotel on Royal Street, right near the allegedly haunted LaLaurie Mansion , or check out our list of boutique hotels in New Orleans . While you may have heard of the Garden District and the French Quarter, you absolutely cannot miss the Bywater district , where you’ll find hipster art and culture with a Southern twist. Of course NOLA is best known for Bourbon Street and Mardi Gras .

Though New Orleans is a large city, you can easily get around via public transportation (bus or streetcar), or navigate on foot. You’ll be surrounded by tourists and locals — as with any city, exercise caution.

Our New Orleans packing list will help you get the most out of your trip.

Book your stay in New Orleans here.

22. Austin, Texas

girlfriend getaway austin texas

In recent years, Austin has completely exploded in popularity. More and more young people are choosing to transplant themselves to this hip Southern city, and I can’t blame them. There’s so much to do there — from catching live music to the summer street festivals and top-notch museums, this city has it all.

Austin is the perfect solo destination for travelers who enjoy meeting other people on the road. It’s very social, with bustling restaurant, café, and bar scenes. Go shopping at North Loop vintage stores, see the city on a bike tour , or connect with your inner child at the Museum of Ice Cream . It’s no wonder Austin is such a popular destination for travelers, solo or otherwise.

23. Big Bend, Texas

best places in usa for solo female travelers

They say everything is bigger in Texas, and that’s certainly how it felt exploring Big Bend National Park . The sky, the landscape, and the wide-open spaces felt endless. Plus, Texans are friendly.

Check out the Windows Trail, watch the sunset on the Rio Grande, and hike to your heart’s content in one of the biggest national parks in the system.

24. Nashville, Tennessee

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Famously a destination for girls’ trips and bachelor bashes, Nashville has a bit of a reputation for being a party city. Maybe as a solo traveler, this is exciting to you. No worries if it’s not! There is much more to Nashville than its vibrant nightlife.

The city is bubbling over with historical sites, street festivals, live shows, and much more. It’s also one of the cheapest destinations in the USA and has plenty of free things to do . The Tennessee State Museum and Cooter’s Place Museum are among many free museums one can visit; there are also plenty of parks and the legendary Music City Walk of Fame.

When you travel solo, you don’t have anybody to split transportation and accommodation costs with, so finding reasonably priced destinations makes a big difference in how much you can stretch your dollar. Nashville is my top pick for such an affordable solo trip.

25. Louisville, Kentucky

solo trip out west

Louisville is one of the USA’s most underrated cities, and a great destination for solo female travelers. Often nicknamed “the Gateway to the South,” the city is most famous for its bourbon culture, but there’s much more to discover here.

You can also visit museums (the Kentucky Derby Museum is one of the most famous), explore caverns, go to the farmers’ market, admire the landmarks, and take numerous day trips (horse farms, for example).

All in all, Kentucky has a lot to offer to lovers of culture, history, and the outdoors, and you will easily make friends over some delicious bourbon.

26. Islamorada, Florida

islamorada indian key islamorada things to do, florida keys one-week itinerary

Also known as the Village of Islands, Islamorada is a beautiful destination for a solo traveler. The best time to visit is during the winter or early spring, when hurricanes are raging somewhere else. When you get here, it’s super easy and affordable to navigate the town with the free electric-vehicle taxi service called Freebee .

Islamorada has beautiful snorkeling (interested in snorkeling in Key Largo ?), awesome fishing opportunities, and uninhabited mangrove islands to explore. If you rent your own boat, you can go to some of the best off-shore reefs and fishing spots; if you rent a kayak, you can check out the historic ghost town of Indian Key. 

Water-based activities aren’t for everyone though, so hop on the road and drive over to Windley Key to walk along giant walls of carved limestone. Islamorada also has a thriving local arts culture, supported especially by the Morada Way Arts & Cultural District. Plus there are beautiful beaches (check out the best beaches in Key Largo ) and vibey restaurants where you can find freshly caught seafood, live entertainment, and activities like feeding the tarpon.

Since it’s uniquely situated among the rest of the Florida Keys , you can also conveniently take a bus north toward Key Largo or south to Key West , stopping at tropical destinations along the way, like those in Marathon and Big Pine .

Book your stay in Islamorada here (the hotel also offers fishing charters!).

27. Miami, Florida

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Colorful and vibrant, Miami stands out as one of the most unique cities in the US. Between hearing salsa at all hours of the day in Little Havana and finding murals by world-renowned artists throughout town, your senses will be delighted.

If you thought it was all about crowded beaches and roaring nightclubs here, think again. It’s a great place for solo female travelers, because of the abundance of things to do in Miami . Plus, the city has an excellent reputation for being extremely hospitable, and even quite safe in general.

Whether you are looking for a beach vacation on which you can soothe your worries with a dip in the ocean or a full-on intercultural experience, you’ll find it in Miami.

28. Savannah, Georgia

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Savannah is dripping with Southern charm and definitely has plenty to do to keep any solo traveler occupied. Some travelers describe it as the closest thing to a fairytale, and judging by the elaborate architecture, towering oak trees with Spanish moss, and overall historical atmosphere, I think they’re right.

Fall in love with Savannah by hopping on an e-bike tour to see the highlights. As it’s such a globally recognized soul-food destination, get a taste by taking a food tour . Both of these activities are great if you want to have a bit of social interaction with other travelers, but if you want to hit the town solo, make sure to spend time strolling through the Historic District and River Street.

Ready to be enchanted? Check out this ultimate Savannah guide for more ideas of what to do and where to eat.

29. Washington, DC

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Our nation’s capital city is undoubtedly the mega-hub for incredible historical sites and museums, such as those at the National Mall . Personally, I prefer going to museums solo, so I can move through each exhibit at my own pace. I’m that girl who needs to read every placard and see every little thing, so going by myself gives me the freedom to do that without holding anybody else up.

If this is also you, Washington DC will be heavenly to visit alone. Get up before dawn to see the way the rising sun illuminates the Lincoln Memorial, because nobody can stop you. This city is truly magical at sunrise, before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

You can also grab a seat on a historic hop-on-hop-off landmarks tour for another self-paced option. Or, if you prefer your history lesson a bit spookier, check out this haunted history ghost tour .

30. Cape Cod, Massachusetts

best places in usa for solo female travelers

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is a family-friendly beach destination. Because it’s safe, easy to explore, and absolutely stunning, it’s especially suited to solo female travelers. Parts of it are also only an hour from Boston and Providence.

If you have a car, you can more efficiently explore the ocean beaches and epic sand dunes. On the bay side, you’ll get breathtaking sunsets, which are even more spectacular at low tide, when the colors reflect off the sand-flat puddles.

If you like to hike, try the 25-mile Cape Cod Rail Trail , which runs from Wellfleet to Dennis. You can rent a bike in outposts along the trail and deviate to marshes, lakes, and cranberry bogs. Wellfleet has drive-in movies and a weekend flea market if you’re looking for a more relaxing adventure. Gay-friendly Provincetown boasts restaurants serving the legendary clam chowder, lively nightlife, shop-til-you-drop opportunities, and whale-watching excursions .

Book your stay on Cape Cod here.

31. Hudson Valley, New York

solo trip out west

The Hudson Valley is nothing like New York City , yet the Big Apple is only an hour away. Here you’ll find farmers markets and mom-and-pop shops in place of grocery stores and chain restaurants, and gorgeous views accessible via many outdoor activities, such as rock climbing (some of the best is at “the Gunks”) and hiking. Or you can explore trails at Harriman or Bear Mountain State Park or experience the Walkway over the Hudson .

There are so many pocket towns, called “hamlets,” where you can walk through orchards, browse art galleries, and skip along the railway. The valley is also an excellent place for a road trip, especially during the fall, when the leaves are starting to change color.

best places in the usa for solo female travelers

Though the United States is huge, and no list could ever do justice to the wealth of places to see and experience, these are a few of our favorites. I hope this list helped you to get a sense of where to start — or continue — your solo journey.

If you have some favorite solo spots to share, please tell me in the comments below!

About Kristin Addis

Kristin Addis is the founder and CEO of Be My Travel Muse, a resource for female travelers all around the world since 2012. She's traveled solo to over 65 countries and has brought over 150 women on her all-female adventure tours from Botswana to the Alaskan tundra.

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Ijana Loss says

01/21/2018 at 7:31 am

I’ve actually been kind of thinking I wanted a list like this for a while! There are tons of articles about the best places in the USA to visit, but this list pertaining specifically to solo travel is great! And I love how many of these places don’t need a car to get around; I would much rather use public transport or my feet if possible

Kristin says

01/22/2018 at 2:22 am

Which is a rarity back home, but I agree!

01/21/2018 at 3:32 pm

Hey there! Glad you have added a post about the US, this is awesome. I love the Western US in my travels, hard to believe it is the same country! Here are my thoughts to add to this nice post plus some Eastern US call-outs solo or with friends, hope this is helpful as I have traveled a lot of the East:

1. Minneapolis and New Orleans: travel 3-4 hours north of Minneapolis to Lake Itasca, and an hour downstream of New Orleans and you will get to see the beginning and end of the mighty Mississippi River! There is St. Paul, MN, Minneapolis’ sister city, interesting history and it is the capital of Minnesota. You can walk in comfort for miles through downtown Minneapolis even in winter through the Minneapolis Skyway System, an engineering achievement.

2. Oregon coast: One of the most breathtaking views and experiences I have ever had was a rare sunny day along the Oregon coast. I got to see the coastline specifically near Florence, Oregon with rocks sitting on the beach several stories tall, temperate rain forests (not all rain forests are tropical) with trees hugging the cliff sides maybe 1000 feet steep if not more, sliding down to the beautiful blue ocean. Then there are the huge sand dunes (not like Namibia, but really neat). June is the best time to get it to clear up, that is the catch, having the weather cooperate (visibility).

For those who are on the Eastern side of the US, besides Cape Cod you’ve got:

3. The warm ocean beaches stretching from North Carolina (south of Cape Hatteras) to Florida: NC is quiet/quaint, South Carolina lots to do, so need to avoid busy season, Charleston, SC my favorite for history, Georgia coast for nature (loggerhead nesting) or for rustic privacy (11 private islands) or resort fancy vacations, Florida for tropical feel or exciting Miami, or more relaxed feel of the Gulf coast, or see the Everglades, swim with manatees and dolphins. 4. The FL Keys: Drive it or bike it, includes incredible bridges like the Seven Mile Bridge over the water 5. Niagara Falls, 6. New York City (you can go solo here, I have, the food is great, Manhattan is fun, 15% is park land, can do it too at a reasonable price if flexible), 7. Washington, D.C (use mass transit you are set, so much history and history being made, Smithsonian, it’s all free! Saw every museum then they built 3 more!), 8. West Virginia-Virginia Blue Ridge Parkway down to NC Smoky Mountains: For those into mountains instead of beaches, not as steep as the West, but so green, lush, and prehistoric (most diverse species of trees in North America)! 9. Maine coastline up to Canadian border: Gorgeous, rocky coastline, ending your trip at Pembroke, ME and see the “Reversing Falls” (yes the tides are so big there that the roaring cascades stop and reverse, need to get there 1 hour or so before high tide). If go into Canada, Bay of Fundy tide change biggest in the world. You can do a lot of this by bike! I have this in my travel plans soon!

I’d love to visit the Keys

02/27/2018 at 6:25 am

Yes, the Keys are great and offer some fantastic diving opportunities among other things. Morehead City, NC as well as Flower Garden Banks off Texas are great options as well in this regard! (but nothing like Rajat Ampat I am sure and I can only speak for the East Coast, I bet you could list off the top of your head spots to go out West! 🙂 ).

04/25/2019 at 3:58 am

Omg – you have to go to the Keys. I think Key West is closer to New Orleans than Miami. And, while you are at it jump down to the BVI.

Brittany Quaglieri says

01/22/2018 at 11:37 am

As a born-and-raised Cape Codder, I enthusiastically second it as a great destination for solo travelers! I take a solo trip to Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket (sometimes both!) every year. Thanks for including me in this post!

03/15/2018 at 11:08 am

GReat list! I would add Portland Oregon, and Eugene and Bend Oregon!

JD White says

03/23/2018 at 10:46 pm

Wow, what a list! I’d have to agree on San Francisco. I definitely left my heart there last April! Have you considered exploring more in the prairie regions? I might have some suggestions!

03/25/2018 at 8:20 pm

Feel free to add them here!

Alissa M says

05/28/2018 at 4:17 pm

Charleston SC is also a gorgeous destination & one easy to traverse solo. Historic neighborhoods are breathtaking.

One can easily walk much of the city, along with a free trolley and many bicycle cabs

05/29/2018 at 12:51 am

Thanks for the addition! I’d love to check out the South.

03/28/2019 at 11:46 pm

Hi Kristin,

I’m planning a trip to Alaska for northern light in September, I want to visit some places in the west coast of US after 1 week in Alaska.

My questions are: 1. Can you share typical places suit for solo traveler in the west coast as I plan to spend 1 week there? I’m not into shopping 2. Is it safe for girl to travel alone there 3. Are there public transportation eg: subway, bus

The itinerary is : Ho Chi Minh city –> Alaska –> West Coast –> Ho Chi Minh city

Thank a lot advance. Leu

04/01/2019 at 5:14 pm

Hi Leu, There will probably not be dorms in Alaska that you can use. I wish that hotel availability was better there. It might be more expensive but worth it! I would travel there solo, though Anchorage does have some crime. Sadly the public transport in Vietnam is much better than in the US so renting a car is best!

George Fox-Edwards says

04/30/2019 at 5:49 am

I wish I’d read this post when I roadtripped the West coast of the US! So much adventure to be had, let alone epic sights to see. Can’t believe I’d never heard of Moab before, that’s been swiftly added to the bucket list!

05/01/2019 at 6:23 pm

Moab is soooo awesome!

Solo Female Traveler says

09/13/2019 at 8:29 pm

Oh my gosh. My next travel destination: The Big Island! I definitely believe Hawaii is the most friendliest place and ideal for solo travelers. Amazing post! 🙂

09/16/2019 at 1:37 am

John Harper says

01/11/2020 at 4:42 am

Las Vegas is on my bucket list. This list is awesome to explore USA. What time do you recommend to visit Big Sur?

01/12/2020 at 9:32 pm

Probably September. The weather is still nice and the kiddies are back in school so fewer tourists. However that’s close to our burning season which seems to be a yearly thing now so hard to say.

02/07/2021 at 6:36 pm

I’ve been looking where to vacation as a solo female for a year now. I want to pull the trigger this March. I’ve narrowed it down to Utah or South Dakota. History and mountains are my interest. Thanks for the website. It was very informative

02/09/2021 at 9:43 am

Denise says

09/12/2021 at 10:57 am

I am turning 50 in March and would like to plan a trip that involves being active : like hiking , yoga beaches . Any advice ?

Mikaela says

03/02/2022 at 8:54 pm

I am planning a little solo road trip around the Southwest this spring and am really wondering about the free campsites you mentioned around the desert, especially Utah! I am sure I would stumble upon them somehow during my wandering, but for the sake of some broad planning and peace of mind, could you reccomend some free campsite areas? How did you find them, asking around or a cool website or both? Any tips are greatly appreciated ??

03/07/2022 at 10:09 am

Yes, look specifically for Bureau of land management areas on maps. When you are on BLM land, look for little side roads. Those almost always lead to an area where you can camp. You just have to be at least a mile from the road and not visible from major roadways. You also have to leave no trace so keep in mind that these areas do not have any services including bathrooms. Quite often, you will also need a 4WD vehicle. You can also look at or the dyrt. Sometimes those are decent resources.

Chrish Smith says

03/02/2022 at 9:55 pm

I read a lot of Blog Post on Solo Travel but this blog are really interesting and I never read blog topic like this. Your writing skill Awesome!

03/07/2022 at 10:07 am

12/01/2023 at 6:13 am

My name is Donna,I would like to go on a Solo weekend, where no driving is involve,just walking from sites to sites and affordable. And Amtrax is my way of getting to my weekend getaway. 3-4 hours is my train ride.

West Coast USA  Tours for Solo Travelers

West Coast USA Tours for Solo Travelers

  • Choose from 100+ West Coast USA tours
  • 1,100+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
  • 24/7 customer support

10 best West Coast USA solo travel packages

Compiled by

West Coast USA  travel expert at TourRadar

Steff West Coast USA travel expert at TourRadar

Wild West – 5 days

California express - 3 days, san francisco & yosemite express 3d/2n (from los angeles), dreams of the west end in san francisco, northern california (8 days), california national park discovery, los angeles, yosemite, and giant sequoia, la explorer (3 days), la explorer (3 days, la explorer hotel 2 nights), wild west 4d/3n (from san francisco).

“This was our first bus tour, and our main tour guide, Roberto, was wonderful! He was very communicative and helpful.” Stephanie Turner, traveled in September 2022

Wild West – 5 days

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Cruise under the Golden Gate in San Francisco
  • Visit the iconic Hoover Dam
  • Explore Spanish Missions in Santa Barbara
“Itinerary was great, stops were time limited but gave enough chance to see the attractions and views!” Ivana Dimanche, traveled in March 2024

California Express - 3 Days

  • Drive the scenic Route #1 California coast
  • Walk among giants at Yosemite National Park
“The San Francisco/Yosemite tour was awesome. It exceeded my expectations.” Ritika Das, traveled in March 2019

San Francisco & Yosemite Express 3D/2N (From Los Angeles)

  • Explore Santa Barbara's Spanish Mission
  • Tour Hearst Castle's grand estate
  • Taste Denmark in California at Solvang
“Wonderful tour! Highly recommend.” Tf, traveled in June 2024

Dreams of the West end in San Francisco

  • Tour Las Vegas Strip's dazzling sites
  • Explore Hollywood's iconic Walk of Fame
  • Marvel at the Grand Canyon's vast beauty
“Accommodations were great. I would recommend this trip to others.” Wade Thompson, traveled in August 2017

Northern California (8 Days)

  • Fall in love with quaint Carmel, Big Sur and Napa Valley
  • Visit the historic gold and silver mining town of Virginia
  • Admire the golden gate bridge of San Francisco
“Awesome new friends, great itinerary and fantastic experience.” Amelia Schubach, traveled in May 2022

California National Park Discovery

  • Walk beneath Yosemite's massive granite cliffs
  • Drive through iconic San Francisco landmarks
  • Explore Death Valley's extreme landscapes

Los Angeles, Yosemite, and Giant Sequoia

  • Stroll along Santa Monica Pier
  • Walk among giants at Sequoia National Park
  • Visit Yosemite's El Capitan and waterfalls

LA Explorer (3 Days)

  • Check out the legendary Venice Beach
  • Discover LA, Santa Monica and Beverly Hills
  • Hit the boutiques at Melrose Ave

LA Explorer (3 Days, LA Explorer Hotel 2 Nights)

  • Explore Sunset Boulevard's vibrant bars
  • Enjoy Venice Beach and local almond lattes
  • Tour Hollywood Walk of Fame with a guide

Wild West 4D/3N (from San Francisco)

  • Tour Las Vegas' famous casinos and shows
  • Explore Yosemite's El Capitan and waterfalls
  • Learn about Hoover Dam's monumental impact

Travel Styles

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Detroit, MI

The 18 best solo trips in the U.S.

Ready to venture out on your own? Our selection of the best solo trips in the U.S. are the perfect way to get started.

Scott Snowden

Solo travel is booming—for good reason. Sure, sharing experiences with friends, family, or your significant other is fun, but taking a trip alone is a whole other type of adventure. You can build confidence, take in moments without distraction, and, best of all,   get to do exactly what you want to do. No debates about where to eat or what to see, just you and your whims. Being solo also makes it easier to strike up a conversation with a stranger, be it a local or fellow traveler. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to venture too far to enjoy a fulfilling solo sojourn.  Whether you’ve done this before or are looking to take your first trip alone, we've rounded up the best cities to visit as a party-of-one that will provide plenty of new experiences, whether you're an art enthusiast, foodie or beach lover. From the historic streets of Boston to the mountains of Colorado to the hills of San Francisco , here are some of the best solo trips to take in the US with plenty of itinerary suggestions to boot. 

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

Best solo trips in the U.S.

1.  nashville, tn.

Nashville, TN

Let your love of music—and hearty Southern cooking—guide your trip through Nashville . For a toe-tapping good time, head to the Basement and possibly catch a 'secret' show from a national headliner in an intimate setting. Before the music, fill up with some finger-licking good Tennessee pork shoulder at Jack’s Bar-B-Cue , where you’ll make friends while waiting in long lines (trust us, it’s totally worth it) or test your limit for spicy food at Prince’s Hot Chicken Shack or Hattie B’s . Celebrate a successful solo sojourn by ordering a cocktail at White Limozeen , the pink-hued, Dolly Parton-themed rooftop bar atop the Graduate Nashville .

2.  Marfa, TX

Marfa, TX

Independent travelers with an artistic side need to visit Marfa, which has quickly become a top destination for artists looking for a productive retreat. Miles away from any other city and hours from the nearest airport, this teeny-tiny small town (population: less than 2,000) in the desert boasts large-scale art installations (including the Instagram-famous Prada Marfa one), the Chinati Foundation art museum, and a historic army fort . Unsurprisingly, there aren’t many hotels here; however, we recommend Hotel Saint George , a minimalist-inspired boutique hotel with a bustling lobby bar and stylish interiors.

3.  New York, NY

New York, NY

While being alone in a city as densely populated as the Big Apple might seem lonely, we guarantee it’ll feel quite freeing in no time. Get in a New York state of mind while heading to the city’s fabulous museums (including the MoMA , The Met , and the Whitney ), gorgeous public spaces and phenomenal performances on Broadway or at the Metropolitan Opera. Don’t forget to get a taste of the world-renowned Brooklyn food scene , and never fear going to a restaurant or bar to dine solo—in New York, that’s standard fare. Make SoHo your home base for exploring by staying at the design-centric Crosby Street Hotel , where guests and locals can mingle throughout the chic public spaces.

4.  Boulder, CO

Boulder, CO

Hiking boots are a must if you’re visiting Boulder. Skiers and snowboarders take over the city in the winter, and when the weather is good, visitors flock to Eldorado Canyon State Park , Flagstaff , Chautauqua Park , and the Flatirons . Stay in the heart of town at the historic Hotel Boulderado , which puts you within walking distance of the vibrant Pearl Street Mall . Along this four-block-long pedestrian-friendly hotspot, you’ll find a slew of shopping, drinking, and dining options .

5.  Portland, OR

Portland, OR

Portland's laid-back vibes and numerous attractions make it ideal for a solo trip. Join fellow foodies as you sample your way through SE Division Street, including a savory breakfast at Pine State Biscuits and a creamy milkshake from Fifty Licks . Then, retreat to nature with a hike through Forest Park ; alternatively, stroll among thousands of flowers in the International Rose Test Garden . Looking to make new friends? Try hitting up a concert at local favorite Mississippi Studios or grab a beer at the city's many breweries. After an action-packed day, retreat to your room at The Nines , conveniently located downtown.

6.  Asheville, NC

Asheville, NC

Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, this dynamic North Carolina city is a favorite among artists and outdoor lovers alike. The tranquil waters of the French Broad River, located within the city limits, are perfect for a kayak trip, while the nearby mountains offer plenty of great hikes and look-out spots for photographers and nature enthusiasts. If you want a more refined experience, check out the palatial Biltmore Estate , America's largest privately owned house. You can even spend the night here: Three properties can be found within the 8,000-acre grounds. Beer enthusiasts will also love it here: Asheville has more breweries per capita than any other city in America.

7.  Boston, MA

Boston, MA

While Boston might loom large in American history (it is the oldest city in New England, after all), you can walk the narrow winding streets and explore the relatively small center in a day. The nearly 400-year-old town is full of hidden treasures that can be discovered on a self-guided walking tour. Tired of trekking on foot? Try one of the trolley tours—the guides are top-notch, and you might just make some friends while aboard the bright vehicles. Also, history buffs will especially appreciate staying at The Liberty , a 19th-century-era jail-turned-luxury hotel.

8.  Bozeman, MT

Bozeman, MT

Even when you're alone in Bozeman, you're never lonely. The city is beloved not just because it's the perfect home base for solo activities like hiking, skiing, and horseback riding but also because the scene in town boasts interesting museums, distilleries, breweries, and restaurants. When you've had your fill of Palisade Falls, the Gallatin Canyon, or Bridger Bowl , stroll around the laid-back town's historic brewery sector or dig into the heritage of this wild northern landscape at the Museum of the Rockies before heading back to your room at the upscale Kimpton Armory Hotel Bozeman .

9.  Chicago,IL


With top-notch museums and parks and a public transportation system that rivals any other across the country, Chicago is a winning bet for a vacationer still unsure about the pros of solo traveling. Indulge in some retail therapy along the Magnificent Mile (North Michigan Avenue) and visit an amazing spa for some much-needed R&R. Along the Magnificent Mile, you’ll also find a slew of splurge-worthy stays, including The Peninsula. In terms of entertainment, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. Check out the city’s top comedy clubs , including The Second City and the Laugh Factory . Or, if it’s postcard-worthy views you’re after, make your way to one of the city’s many rooftop bars .

10.  Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA

Make sure to pack a comfy pair of shoes when visiting the city’s top attractions , including the Space Needle , Pike Place Market , Fremont , and Pioneer Square . Art lovers will also appreciate a stay at Hotel Max , followed by visits to Chihuly Garden & Glass , the Seattle Art Museum (SAM), and the Frye Art Museum . Before you skip town, grab a cup of the world-famous coffee from a local café (we recommend Elm Coffee Roasters ) and hop on one of the Puget Sound ferries to take in the scenic landscape, including the skyline, waterfront, and, in the hazy distance, Mount Rainer.

11.  San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

In a city that fully embraces free spirits, your desire to fly through local museums, restaurants, and eclectic neighborhoods solo will see you fit right in. Tourist sights include the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island , and hopping aboard one of San Francisco’s historic cable cars. Once you've checked those off your list, explore one of the city's charming neighborhoods, such as Hayes Valley, Noe Valley or Pacific Heights. Try the Proper Hotel, which features a swanky rooftop bar, for accommodations.

12.  Florida Keys, FL

Florida Keys, FL

If it’s sunny days, warm temperatures, and turquoise water you’re after, look no further than this laid-back locale. Rent a bike and take a leisurely ride around the Keys, stopping at cafés and shops along the way. In the afternoons, head for the beach with a book and get ready to meet fellow travelers with a colorful cocktail in hand at the beachfront bars. If you want ultimate peace and seclusion, head straight to Little Palm Island , a private island resort about 30 minutes away from Little Torch Key via boat.

13.  Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

Visiting D.C . solo allows you to explore the entire city at your own pace. Many  museums are free and deserve an entire day of exploring—like the National Gallery of Art , the National Museum of African American History & Culture , and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History . In the evening, take in a transformative performance at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts or enjoy a play with a side of history at Ford's Theatre , where President Lincoln was assassinated. Prefer to shop and eat your way through vacation? Make sure to visit Dupont Circle and Georgetown , where splurge-worthy stays–including the Four Seasons –abound.

14.  Austin, TX

Austin, TX

Young-at-heart solo travelers will find Austin’s lively spirit infectious. The city attracts creative types, many of which regularly flock to local music venues. Visit the Continental Club for fun-filled nights, take a stand-up paddleboard tour of Lady Bird Lake , and stroll down South Congress Avenue , dotted with fantastic shopping. Of course, no trip to Austin is complete without some good ol’ Tex-Mex, and options abound, including Veracruz All Natural , Gabriela’s , and Matt's El Rancho . Once you’ve hit food coma status, head back to your room at the trendy LINE hotel and hop into bed.

15.  Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia, PA

Whether you’re a history buff looking to delve into our nation’s past, you want to eat your way through vacation, or you simply need some time by yourself, Philadelphia is the place for you. Stay near Center City (you can’t go wrong at The Loews ) and the whole shebang will be easily accessible: Gorgeous Rittenhouse Square —and the surrounding shopping area—is a stroll away, as is Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell . Art enthusiasts should visit the magnificent Barnes Foundation and the sprawling galleries at the Philadelphia Museum of Art . Foodies, on the other hand, will appreciate the city’s booming culinary scene , including top restaurants like Laser Wolf and Vernick Food and Drink—just be sure to save room for a cheesesteak or two.

16.  Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI

Formerly down-and-out Detroit has experienced quite the renaissance in recent years. Today, the city is a dynamic canvas for art, music, and thought. Hoof it around the Grand River Creative Corridor , the Dequindre Cut Greenway , and the so-called Guggenheim Ghetto to take in some incredible street art at your own pace, or head to landmarks of Tha D's Motown heritage like the Motown Museum and the homes of hitmakers Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, and Aretha Franklin. When you've worked up an appetite, follow your nose for some Detroit-style pizza at Loui's or Polish dumplings at Pietrzyk Pierogi . Finally, rest your head at the chic, centrally located Detroit Foundation Hotel , so you’re never too far from all the action.

17.  San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA

San Diego is all about the beach, surf, and California burritos. The 1,200-acre Balboa Park deserves a full day (or two) of your attention. Here, you’ll find gardens, hiking trails, museums, and the world-famous San Diego Zoo . After a day of museum hopping and wildlife spotting, you’re sure to work up an appetite. So, make your way over to the Gaslamp Quarter neighborhood and take your pick of eclectic eats, including American Junkie for pub grub, the Butcher’s Cut Steakhouse for top-notch chops, Asti Ristorante for Italian fare, and Bang Bang for fresh sushi. Stay close to all the action (or, in this case, incredible eats) by booking a room at the Andaz San Diego .

18.  Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix, AZ

Excellent eats, stunning desert surroundings, and gorgeous sunny weather: Expect all this and more in Phoenix. While visiting Arizona’s capital city, take advantage of the plentiful hiking opps, including Papago Park, Camelback Mountain  and Phoenix Mountains Preserve . Later, bar-hop your way through downtown Phoenix ( Khla , Barcoa Agaveria  and Baby Boy are a few of our favorites). Finally, catch up on some R&R at the tranquil Royal Palms Resorts & Spa , where you can lounge by the pool, people-watch in lush courtyards, hit the spa, and take cocktail-making classes—all while admiring beautiful flora and Camelback Mountain in the distance.

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Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

solo trip out west

Travel Solo for the First Time: Complete Guide for Newbies

Janice Waugh

June 7, 2023 by Janice Waugh

a first time solo traveler gazing in awe at her surroundings

You're going to travel solo for the first time. It's a big deal and yet, not such a big deal if you know how.

You likely have some questions.

You may have some concerns.

Don't worry, we're here to help.

For more than 14 years, Solo Traveler has been helping people with solo travel tips for newbies, as well as for those stretching their solo travel muscles to more challenging destinations.

Some people don't give their plan to travel solo a second thought. Others live with anxiety at every stage of the planning process. For still others, their worries only come at the 11th hour. They are about to leave and start to panic.

Having a good sense of what solo travel is like and planning for it will go a long way to easing you into your first solo trip. There is a lot of information on Solo Traveler. In fact, there are over 700 posts about the many aspects of solo travel.

This post covers the basics of how to travel alone for the first time. It will also point you to more in-depth articles on specific aspects of solo travel. If you're in your 20s or 30s, check out this piece on solo travel .

It's my hope that it will help those who are new to solo travel find what they need to go with confidence.

a make traveler with arms outstretched, viewing the green landscape around him

Table of Contents

How to Travel Alone for the First Time

When first-time solo travelers announce their intention to travel alone, they often face a lot of questions from family and friends. The primary one is, “why”? To get this issue out of the way, read about the why of solo travel here .

Now, let's get on to the how.

Preparation for your first solo trip can be broken down into a number of parts. You need to decide:

  • How much you have to spend.
  • Where to go.
  • How to get there.
  • Where you will stay.
  • How long you will stay.
  • How you will travel at your destination.

Huh! Those six decisions look pretty familiar to anyone who has traveled. Yes, much of solo travel is the same as all travel.

However, there is another list, this time of questions, that first-time solo travelers need to consider:

  • Am I ready to travel by myself?
  • How challenging a destination should I consider?
  • Am I comfortable with my own company?
  • Do I want to meet people on my trips or is solitude my objective?
  • What do I need to do to be safe?
  • How do I ensure my loved ones that I will be safe?
  • Am I better to go solo on a group tour or is independent solo travel right for me?

Those seven questions are not the questions that every traveler asks. They are, however, important for those traveling solo for the first time.

Below, we'll get into tips and advice that will help you answer each question.

senior woman standing in front of a map holding a passport, preparing for first time solo travel

Is Solo Travel a Good Idea? Get Ready for Your First Solo Trip

Solo travel is a confidence booster but you have to actually travel solo for that to happen. So how do you gain confidence before you go? I have a few suggestions.

  • Find your cheerleader . When you tell people about your trip, notice who is excited about it. Spend as much time as you can with those people as they will build your confidence. Try to avoid the naysayers.
  • Stop watching crime shows. They are not representative of the dangers in the world.
  • Plan how you will stay in touch with home . The fact that you will stay connected will build your confidence.
  • Find a local contact . Chances are, someone you know, knows someone where you're going. Get the concept of six degrees of separation working for you.
  • Find out if there is a Greeter program in your destination so that you can meet up with a local.
  • Be patient with yourself . Take your time. Please know that even very experienced solo travelers become overwhelmed from time to time, especially at the outset of a trip. It will pass! Be prepared to handle this by reading Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Conquer First-Day Solo Travel Anxiety .

solo trip out west

Best Countries for a First Solo Trip

Your choice of destination for first time solo travel is important. It can make the difference between a successful, confidence-building first trip with a future of many more solo trips, or one with mixed results. I suggest that first trips be to destinations where it's easy to find people who speak your language. In your own language, you'll find it easier to navigate, feel safer, and meet more people.

Certainly you can travel your own country. There is always more to see near home. But if you want to visit another country, as many new travelers do, consider Canada , the United States , the United Kingdom , Ireland , Australia , or New Zealand .

You'll find more specific ideas for where to go on your first solo trip here.  You may also want to read  Best Solo Travel Destinations: Real Solo Travelers Love These,   Best Budget Destinations for Solo Travelers , and Summer Solo Travel: Great Destinations, Good Times Guaranteed .

solo trip out west

Travel Solo but Not Lonely

Solo travel need not be a lonely experience. Many solo travelers say that they meet more people traveling alone than they do when traveling with others. After all, you are not focused on a companion. You are open to meeting people and that makes people feel comfortable approaching you.

However, there are things you can do to make sure you have a social experience. Here are a number of posts that will help.

  • How to Travel Alone Without Being Lonely: 10 Tips & 12 Posts
  • Eating Alone Is Easy When You Know How
  • Expert Tips for Shy Travelers and Solo Travel Introverts

Stay Safe While Traveling Solo

There is so much to be said on this topic, especially when you are traveling solo for the first time.

Here's a link to our  Solo Travel Safety: 50 Tips post that covers just about everything you need to know.

Here are a few basics:

  • Arrive at a new destination well before dark . Daylight gives you a better sense of the safety of a place.
  • Take the business card of your hotel with you when you go out for the day.
  • Don't tell people you meet where you're staying. Your accommodation should be your safe zone.
  • Be prepared to be impolite if someone is bothering you. This comes up in Solo Female Travel Safety: Advice for What Women Worry About .
  • Always have travel insurance . Since I started to travel at 15 years of age, I've always had insurance. Read: A Complete Guide to Travel Insurance for Solo Travelers .
  • Use public Wi-Fi with a VPN. If you're planning to use public Wi-Fi for doing anything that requires security, such as booking a hotel room with a credit card, make sure you have a VPN. Read  Best VPN for Travel: What, Why, How & New Recommendations .
  • Keep your money and credit cards in multiple places . Here's  How to Manage Money While Traveling .
  • Download these safety apps . Here are 10 Solo Travel Safety Apps to give you peace of mind.

Remember, as you travel you're in a holiday mindset and a different culture. Both factors will affect your ability to judge situations. To keep you safe in a variety of situations, it's helpful to be clear on your safety rules before going. And, most importantly, trust your instincts.

female travelers on their first solo trip walking throgh a city on an audio tour

Should Your First Trip Be a Tour?

When does a tour make sense?

  • being alone
  • your safety
  • finding the time to plan
  • missing important highlights
  • navigating new cities
  • getting lost
  • If you want to go to a destination that you consider challenging.
  • If you want to break up a long trip. If you're on your own for a month or more, you may want to include a tour so that you have company for a while and you can relax while someone else manages the details.

Tour companies are not all the same. There are a wide variety of experiences available and a number of things to consider when choosing a tour.

Read  How to Choose a Tour: Top Tips for Solo Travelers.

Taking a tour can be a good way to get an introduction to a destination and help you build your confidence. By adding time on your own at the end of a tour, you can then travel solo independently for the first time as well.

You'll also want to browse our solo travel tours  page or, if you already have a good idea of what you're looking for, use our searchable trips page to get to what you want faster. Solo Traveler is the best source for a continuously updated list of a variety of tour companies offering trips with no or low single supplements. If you'd like to receive it by email each month, you can sign up here .

a woman on her first solo trip smiling from the driver's seat of her car

How to Plan to Travel Alone

If you have decided that you have the confidence, that you are comfortable in your own company, and that you can take care of your safety, you may have decided that you will travel solo independently.

Here are my suggestions:

  • Make a budget . Know how much you can spend so that you plan your transportation and accommodation, the two most expensive aspects of a trip, accordingly. Here's more on creating a budget , along with a handy interactive spreadsheet.
  • K now the basics . Before you leave, be sure you understand the visa requirements and spend a few moments to understand the currency exchange. Make sure your passport doesn’t expire for at least three months after your trip ends as some countries have such a minimum for visitors.
  • Book your flights/trains.  Yes, you check your passport and visa needs first and then book your flights. You don't want to get ahead of yourself, put the money out for a flight and discover later that you have to pay a fee to have it changed. Also, book your transportation so that you arrive before dusk. Everything looks better in daylight and, if your hotel/hostel isn't to your liking, you'll have time to make changes.
  • Book your accommodation. Arriving in a new city, not knowing how it works, and still having to find a place to stay can be stressful, especially when it's your first time traveling solo. Plus, you can end up spending more than you budgeted because you just have to get a place. If you're looking for a hotel, we use and recommend . Here are a variety of other options: Best Accommodation for Solo Travelers: The Choice is Yours .
  • Study a map. Maps provide a bird’s-eye view of a new destination. They give you a sense of distance between places and, therefore, what’s possible to do in a day. You’ll also get a sense of where the areas are that you want to avoid for safety reasons.
  • Add important numbers to your phone. Research useful apps for your phone and download them when you have free Wi-Fi. While you may not want to stay connected with home as you travel, important numbers should be in your phone before you leave. Get the front desk staff at your accommodation to help you add important local numbers to your phone such as the one for your hotel or hostel.
  • Pack light so you can manage your own things. One carry-on sized bag and a daypack or large purse should do it. Here's how to pack light . A reader recently provided an excellent reason for this from their own experience: “I used the info on your blog about traveling with only carry-on and a small wardrobe when I traveled solo to Peru. Having no checked bag saved me from missing a connecting flight in the Lima airport.”
  • Arrive at the airport, train, or bus station early. Whether it’s traffic congestion or a massive lineup at the airport, many things can slow you down when trying to catch a flight.
  • Don’t plan much for your first day. Take the time to settle in and get to know the city and how it works. Do people line up for the bus? What’s the street food like and where are the busiest stands? What’s within walking distance of your lodging? Take it slow and learn.

solo trip out west

Tips from Seasoned Solo Travelers

Over on the Solo Travel Society on Facebook, there are many experienced solo travelers as well as people who are new to traveling alone. I asked those experienced travelers what tips they would offer a solo travel newbie and here's what they had to say.

  • Annalie   Carry a game with you, like a backgammon set, chess, a pack of cards. People all over the world can become friends over a simple game!
  • Scott   Leave the third pair of socks and the fourth t-shirt at home. Pack more smiles than you think you'll need, and more patience. Take all the expectations out of your pack and leave 'em at home.
  • Pamela   Go to the market while you are traveling. The experience will shed light on cultural, culinary, agricultural, linguistic, and family composition differences. People are always willing to teach you something new and befriend a stranger with a wealth of information. My first experience of this was in Aruba. I saw very little at the market that I was familiar with, but I came out with knowledge and friends.
  • Tony   Join free walking tours whenever you can! It's great for getting to know the city, learning its history, and meeting other backpackers.
  • Laurie   When you travel solo for the first time–or any time, for that matter–spend Day One at your new destination getting oriented: stop at the local chamber of commerce for a free map and suggestions for must-see points of interest; if you ride, rent a bicycle, you'll cover a lot more ground and still be able to see things up close and personal; chat with storekeepers, cab drivers, and servers and ask them their thoughts about their mayor, their favorite place to eat and drink, changes they've seen in the area over the years, and where they would take out-of-town visitors. Spend the rest of your time following up on their suggestions and return to let them know how you fared.
  • Toni   Give yourself the gift of strangers: ask questions, share impressions, get directions. Use Facebook or Twitter to friend or follow for ongoing exchange and learning.
  • Sam   Make sure (wherever possible) that you arrive at your next destination during daylight hours. When you have to find your way from the airport or train station to your accommodation it is much less nerve-racking to do this during the day when you can see where you are going and there are lots of people around and shops open to ask for directions. Once you get to your accommodation you then still have some time up your sleeve to get your bearings, have a look around, and plan where you will start exploring the next day. Plus, if you are staying at a hostel it is good to arrive before people are making dinner or having afternoon drinks as this is one of the best times to get a feel for the place and meet new people.
  • Tracey   Take the time to observe how people interact and how things work. While sitting at a sidewalk cafe, on a park bench, or just killing time standing in a lineup, I love to watch locals going about their day. If you pay attention to the little things, you can learn a lot: how to use public transit (and how to conduct yourself on it), whether to pay your bill at your table or at the counter, whether people are expected to line up in an orderly fashion or just jump in where you can, how to tip, or how to hail a cab. I find this particularly useful in a place where I don't speak the language.

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Stories About First Solo Trips

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What is first time solo travel really like? Well, that depends a bit on you, but here are a few descriptions by readers of Solo Traveler.

  • Deborah I was a late bloomer as far as travel goes. I took my first solo trip to Nassau, Bahamas when I was 34. I was nervous at first, but I got there and made so many travel friends. I had a glorious time. I haven’t stopped traveling yet and I’ll be 64 soon. I'm planning another big trip around the world. I'm retired now and will live on the “road” until I decide to come back.
  • Massy On my first solo trip I went to Japan. I am an introverted person and I get very self-conscious about myself (seriously). On January 1, 2013 I posted on my Facebook page the “2013 mission to Japan.” On my birthday in July 2013, I bought a ticket as a gift for myself. I got a lot of questions from friends because no one really went solo. I made it to Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. It was the most worthwhile and enjoyable experience. It was fascinating to see how communication clashes and cultural differences bring people together. It was just an amazing journey. I learned so much. I met new people. What a journey! It’s addictive.
  • MG I went to Puerto Vallarta and I was depressed. Then I met new friends at the hotel. I didn’t expect to end my vacation having so much fun. This is one good thing about traveling solo. You get to meet new friends that you wouldn’t have if you were in a group.
  • Leslie I had just gotten my professional designation, which took 7 years of exams (post-college) and I wanted to do something big to celebrate. I love to travel, but several of my friends said they couldn’t get the time off or couldn’t afford to go somewhere too far away. I finally decided I shouldn’t be held back just because no one could travel with me, so I booked a camping safari in Tanzania! I love animals and an African safari had always been one of my dreams. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that scared to get on a plane and fly halfway around the world by myself (and to a Third World country, no less). It was exciting! I learned that I’m much more self-sufficient than I thought and that traveling alone can be fun and very rewarding. Now that I know I can travel alone and be just fine, I feel like the possibilities are endless!
  • Zola My first earned vacation out of college I booked a week in Mexico. I loved going on an adventure by myself. I learned a few lessons from first time solo travel that have been useful for my other solo trips I have taken to Bali, Egypt, and Thailand.

If you're looking for even more tips, don't miss The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It .

Enjoy your first solo trip!

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Solo vacations: the 36 best places to travel alone in 2024.

These fun destinations make traveling on your own simple and spectacular.

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From beach retreats to artsy escapes, take your next solo trip to somewhere spectacular.

Waterfalls in Norway.

Perth, Australia

Aerial of Beaver Creek at night.

Beaver Creek, Colorado

Diver observing Southern stingrays as they glide over the sand in search of buried crustaceans on the Sandbar, Grand Cayman Island.

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

The Eiffel Tower and River Seine in Paris, France.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Flowers and greenery in the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, in the summer.

Asheville, North Carolina

Road through green hills of Tuscany, Italy.

Tuscany, Italy

Boats in harbor of Santa Barbara, California.

Santa Barbara, California

Man paddleboarding in Iceland glacier lagoon.

New York City

Toronto skyline across the water.

Seville, Spain

Beach in Naples, Florida.

Naples, Florida

Aerial of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Seattle skyline with Mt. Rainier in the background at sunset.

Portland, Oregon

Lake Quill and Sutherland Falls in the mountains of New Zealand.

New Zealand

Souvenirs on the Jamaa el Fna market in old Medina, Marrakesh, Morocco.

Galápagos Islands

Colorful buildings in Charleston, South Carolina.

Charleston, South Carolina

Aerial of the Sydney Opera House.

Athens, Greece

Beignets and a cup of coffee.

New Orleans

Aerial of river and greenery with Austin skyline in the background.

Austin, Texas

Elephants crossing a river in Sri Lanka.

San Francisco

Crown Alley in Dublin, Ireland.

Munich, Germany

Solidão Beach (Loneliness Beach) in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Florianópolis, Brazil

Whangarei Falls in New Zealand.

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15 Best Trip Destinations for Solo Female Travelers

Here are the top travel destinations around the world for women traveling solo.

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Solo travel can be intimidating. Whether you're heading to a city in your own country or across the globe, traveling alone can bring up a long list of concerns — from the awkwardness of dining on your own to more serious issues of safety, especially for women. But despite any nervousness or uncertainty, traveling on your own can be one of the most freeing and rewarding experiences.

Choosing the right destination is key, so we've collected some of the best destinations around the world for women to travel on their own.

  • Best for those with safety top of mind: Iceland
  • Best for booking single rooms: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Best for free attractions: Washington, D.C.
  • Best walkable destination: Barcelona
  • Best for natural beauty: Norway's fjords

Read on to see our full list of the top spots for women traveling solo.

Between exploring the charming streets of Reykjavik, chasing the northern lights , and driving the famous Ring Road, solo female travelers can have an unforgettable trip in Iceland and feel safe doing so. The country has consistently ranked first on both the Institute for Economics and Peace's Global Peace Index and the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report , so visitors can rest assured that safety and gender equality are prized in this naturally stunning destination. Solo tourists can head out into the wilderness via well-traveled (often busy, even) hiking trails and make friends with locals and fellow foreigners alike.

Copenhagen, Denmark

In the quirky Danish capital, you'll find plenty of centrally located hotels offering single rooms, each providing the perfect jumping-off point for Copenhagen adventures. Must-visit spots include Nyhavn , the iconic canal lined with multicolored houses (opt for a tour for a closer look at the city's waterways), and Tivoli Gardens , a historic amusement park. Then stop for a quick bite at the TorvehallerneKBH food hall. With Danish culture valuing the importance of community dining, solo travelers should never feel alone.

Washington, D.C., United States

The manageable size and easy layout of the U.S. capital make it an ideal stomping ground for solo travelers. In addition to exploring the memorials along the National Mall, you can take in the exhibits at the many Smithsonian museums (plus the zoo), all walkable and offering free admission. If you want to explore Washington D.C. further, get on two wheels at one of the hundreds of Capital Bikeshare stations, which extend to Arlington, Alexandria, and Montgomery County. Alternatively, take advantage of the efficient D.C. Metro for day trips to nearby areas.

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is an extremely walkable city, and you're unlikely to get lost as long as you have a map of some kind. You can window shop along Las Ramblas, stroll down the beach boardwalk, and wander through the Gaudi-designed Park Güell while taking in the gardens and panoramic views of the city.

The dining options are conducive to solo travel, too. Instead of sitting by your lonesome in a dining room, you can take your paella al fresco at one of the many waterfront restaurants (people-watching is built-in entertainment) or opt for a counter seat at a tapas bar.

Norway's Fjords

Lara D'agostino/Travel + Leisure

There's no better environment for self-reflection than the soothing blue-and-green canvas of the Norwegian fjords. In Bergen , you can ride up the Fløibanen funicular or embark on a daylong journey on the Bergen Railway. Head to Gudvangen and take a cruise through Aurlandsfjord and Nærøyfjord. Equally impressive as the waterfalls-at-every-glance boat ride is the Flåm Railway trip, with views outside the window changing from seascapes to snow-capped mountains. This trip is for the solo traveler seeking peace in nature rather than busy biergartens and the like.

Seattle, Washington, United States

Thanks to the omnipresence of Seattle's coffee culture, a solo diner (or drinker) is not an uncommon sight. Plus, the city's proliferation of cafes means there's a rest stop around every corner to break up visits to Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, or the campy Museum of Pop Culture , aka “MoPOP.” The compact downtown area makes it easy for visitors to zip between attractions, restaurants, and shops on foot — and anything that is slightly farther is accessible by the easy-to-use Link light rail .

Munich, Germany

The jolly German mentality shines through in this Bavarian city, where tourists and locals bond over brötchen in mom-and-pop bakeries and pints in the biergartens. Although Oktoberfest happens only in the fall (and does not lend itself to a solo experience, per se), the beer halls in Munich maintain that same kind of festive ambience throughout the year. Hofbräuhaus is, hands down, the most famous and guaranteed to contain an abundance of other tourists. Fellow travelers can also be found climbing the Olympiapark tower ( Olympiaturm ), the top of which provides views extending as far as the Alps.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

The rise in Croatian tourism has improved the ease of travel, and the country's low crime rate heightens the appeal. Protected by 6,365 feet of pristine walls, the oceanfront medieval city of Dubrovnik gives you history, culture, and beautiful beaches all in one destination. Its cobblestone streets guide visitors to artisanal shops and local eateries, while a walk along the walls offers spectacular bird's-eye views of the Adriatic coastline. Just a few minutes from Old Town, there are plenty of opportunities for kayaking and snorkeling via tours and rentals offered right on the beach.

Austin, Texas, United States

Austin's festival culture makes it easy to get pulled in multiple directions, but it's also a great way to meet new people. There's plenty to see and do, whether you're checking out live music or eating your way through Tex-Mex and BBQ restaurants and food trucks. When you need a little quiet time, head downtown for a walking tour, or find a spot to watch the Congress Avenue Bridge bats soar.

For a city of its size, Austin is typically considered quite safe. Note, though, that the ubiquity of booze here can be a blessing or a curse. While it keeps the streets populated (and therefore generally safe) at night, alcohol can lead to crime even within tourist circles, so exercise caution while participating in Austin's lively bar scene.

Salzburg, Austria

Overlooked by the Hohensalzburg Fortress and bisected by the Salzach River, Mozart's hometown has storybook allure. After reliving scenes from “The Sound of Music” at Mirabell Gardens and Nonnberg Abbey, relax with a coffee on the terrace of Cafe Tomaselli or a pint in the 1,400-seat outdoor area of Austria's biggest biergarten, Augustiner Bräu .

While the entire city is walkable, Salzburg is also one of the country's most bike-friendly cities. More than 100 miles of cycle paths mean you can pack way more into a day and get around more efficiently (and economically) as a solo traveler.

Taipei, Taiwan

xPACIFICA/Getty Images

The capital of Taiwan offers an ideal mix of history and modernity. You'll find temples and skyscrapers, contemporary malls and traditional night markets — perfect for making a meal out of snacks while shopping for accessories and souvenirs. Taipei has the bustle of a major Asian metropolis but with important urban comforts as well. Street signage and public transportation all have names in English — and even though crime is overall low in the country, the metro system has “ Safe Waiting Zones ” marked on the platforms, which are monitored closely by video feed to protect passengers at night.

Melbourne, Australia

This Australian metropolis is one of the most livable cities in the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit . Throw in a free tourist tram that reaches the major sights — including Queen Victoria Market, Carlton Gardens, and Federation Square — and Melbourne's got simplicity and safety all rolled up in one. Because Australia offers a Working Holiday visa allowing visitors between 18 and 35 to work in the country for a year, the city is especially popular with young expats.

Stockholm, Sweden

Ivey Redding/Travel + Leisure

Sweden's safe, accessible cities are ideal for solo-traveling women. The cobblestone streets of Stockholm's Old Town, or Gamla Stan, are home to coffee shops, restaurants, stores, and even a castle, prompting hours of exploring on foot. The modern areas surrounding it are also easy to navigate through a string of metro stations, which double as art exhibits with their over-the-top murals, mosaics, and sculptures.

Okinawa, Japan

For a taste of Japan without the overwhelming hustle, head to Naha, the capital of the Okinawa islands. The monorail is super accessible, linking the airport to the city center. Within walking distance of the city center are the Naminoue city beach, Tsuboya pottery district, and Makishi Public Market, where the pull-up-a-chair stands are primed for solo dining.

London, England

For European charm without the culture shock or language barrier, there's London . Visitors could spend days just roaming along the River Thames, snacking in Borough Market, and admiring the eclectic houseboats, or strolling through the Royal Parks and eyeing luxury items at Harrods . After dark, grab a seat alongside locals at a pub or catch a show in the West End, then enjoy a late-night bite in nearby Chinatown. The endless sights and entertainment are easily connected via the London Underground, better known as the Tube.

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