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Star Trek: Armada – Guide and Walkthrough


Guide and Walkthrough (PC) by Billy_Lee

Version: 1 | Updated: 12/05/2003

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Species 9341

Species 9341 Mother Entity and Spawned Entity by Captain_Reisen Remember those squirmy, wormy creatures from the third Borg mission in Armada I? Well, they�re back with a vengeance and allied with Species 8472 (yeah, I know the real Species 8472 wouldn�t ally themselves with inferior lifeforms but as they�re both completely organic, why the heck not?) If you have a mod already installed and wish to include this in that mod, I have provided a means to do so (no new gui_global.spr, no new tech1.tt; instead, I have lines for you to copy and paste into those files, thus leaving any other game mods intact) If this messes up your game, tough luck. Nah, just kidding, simply uninstall the files and delete the offending lines. What�s included in this zip: 1. all necessary .odf files (zmama.odf, zentity.odf, gnttblst.odf, and nttblst.odf) 2. all SODs needed (zmama.sod and zentity.sod) 3. all textures needed (Z_mama.tga, zentity.tga, MamaW.tga, EntityW.tga, gbzmama.tga, gbzenity.tga) What�s not included 1. Admiral�s log pictures 2. AI support (for the AIPs) Installation 1. Place the .odf files in their respective folders (ships in Ships, gnttblst.odf and nttblst.odf in Special Weapons) 2. Place the SOD files in the SOD folder (duh) 3. Place the textures (the .tga files) in the RGB subfolder of the Textures folder Tricky parts 1. In the gui_global file, add the following lines underneath the last build item of Species 8472 (NOTE: gbzenity is not a misprint): b_zmama gbzmama 0 0 64 64 b_zentity gbzenity 0 0 64 64 2. In the same file, scroll down to the last Species 8472 wireframe and add the following lines: @reference=128 @tmaterial=interface zentityw1 EntityW 40 0 40 40 zentityw2 EntityW 0 40 40 40 zentityw3 EntityW 40 40 40 40 zentityw4 EntityW 80 0 40 40 zentityw5 EntityW 0 0 40 40 zmamaw1 MamaW 40 0 40 40 zmamaw2 MamaW 0 40 40 40 zmamaw3 MamaW 40 40 40 40 zmamaw4 MamaW 80 0 40 40 zmamaw5 MamaW 0 0 40 40 In your techtree folder, open the tech1.tt file and scroll down to the last Species 8472 ship and add: zmama 0 zentity 0 Open the regular ODF folder, select the Ships subfolder, and open the 8472_passive.odf file (make sure read-only is off for this file or you�re gonna have some trouble) Scroll down to the last build item (should be: buildItem5 = �8472_mothership�) and add the line: buildItem6 = �zmama� (as zmama builds zentity, the Passive embryo doesn�t need to build the entity) Credit where credit is due: Captain_Reisen (me!) for the .odf files The folks at Activision for the buildbuttons, the SODs, and the original textures Chu�Yu Chen for his excellent Species 9341 wireframes Friendly advice 1. Don�t alter the SOD size of these files (animated SODs, being composed of multiple segments, can only have the non-animated portions enlarged�this makes the animated parts look much smaller) 2. Be careful not to build too many Spawned Entities too quickly (they may be cheap, but they add up rapidly and given the tenuous nature of resource supply for Species 8472, it�s not a good idea to deplete your biomatter stores) 3. The Spawned Entities are weak creatures but readily replaceable�they make good scouts but they will not detect cloaked vessels


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Big, Giant Space Creature

I’m looking to see if anyone has any good ideas for a big, giant space threat creature. Something comparable to a Crystalline Entity or Fargate Jellyfish alien. (I want to break away from constant call-backs to various episodes for an adventure).

Has anyone conceived of a good threat monster that’s nicely different than ones we’ve seen before?

An episode of my campaign was set in an alternate future where people lived on the inside of a Dyson Sphere. They only existed as a feeding ground for a number of crystalline entities.

Star Trek Armada introduced Species 9341. They were unsuitable for assimilation, that’s way they were eradicated by the Borg. But they could be potentially valuable if one could discover a defense against assimilation.

The Star Trek: Titan novel “Orion’s Hounds” features several cosmozoans, including the Jellyfish species which is used by other aliens as spaceships.

I thought about a cosmozoan which lies dormant in space until a planet has formed around it. Then it feeds on the life on its planet somehow, killing thousands of people each day. I thought this would be an interesting dilemma for a crew.

In one of Iain Banks’ Culture novels, there are Coty-sized creatures called Behemothaurs, which have entire ecosystems inside them.

Something like that might be interesting.

One of the earliest Star Trek adventures I gamemastered a quarter of a century ago was about a gigantic could creature consisting of complexe organic molecules on lead basis which was destroying colonies on both sides of the neutral zone in early 2270s (TMP era). The crew of the completely overhauled USS Reliant had to find a way to stop this creature before it destroys more colonies. They did this by constructing a special torpedo.

What about a creature that feeds on stars, e.g. entering an orbit, collecting solar radiation and emitting some radiation that is dangerous / deadly to humans as product of their digestion? Or maybe something involving subspace? Living in/feeding from/manipulating…


Never forget the cyclopean possibilites posed by entities f4om Outside, where the angles are all wrong and and the shifting eyes are mouths and you are unsure if it even has a shape, tantalizing some with the lure of lore wont to drive seemingly sane beings mad. The province of Lovecraft and Hermaeus Mora, the deadlights of Stephen King.

flying spaghetti monster anything that resembles a tyranid (from warhammer 40k) ship a sentient quasar that moves through different systems and gas clouds to get more mass to feed it some kind of 'space trapdoor spider" that sucks its prey into a dimensional pocket. space dragon space amoeba a “space worm” that travels via “worm holes”

You know that a quasar is the center of a galaxy and thus a supermassive black hole!


wouldn’t be the first time that something from another galaxy was invading and needed to be stopped. Okay but maybe a pulsar star, or something else.

An entire supermassive star moving through a system would be enough to destroy everything just with the gravitational pull. Wouldn’t even have to be supermassive… just a regular star, or even an average planet in the right place would totally disrupt a star system.

I mean, a system is built around one or more stars… and now you have another, and it’s moving… and that actually would be a way for it to feed. It tears apart other stars and planets with it’s gravity, absorbing them and becoming larger.

If you want to have a star in your series, try using an avatar like Trance Gemini.

It wouldn’t “destroy” most objects - star systems and planets are much bigger than you might suppose - but it would disrupt orbits. The process would happen very slowly (over months, years or even decades) but depending on the speed, trajectory and size of the invading object, the system would be completely reconfigured.

Deleted a couple of posts there folks.

Please play nicely…

Mod hat off.

Sol is an average star as the Universe goes, but Earth could crash into it and not be noticed.

A supermassive object like a quasar would completely disrupt a system as it moved thru it, and the ewnergy given off would likely sterilize any planets therein, and if it got close enough to the primary would start drawing it into itself.

It might take a while for the effect to be noticed, but not for it to happen.

Yeah a quasar (as in the system of superhot gas and matter surrounding the central black hole of a galaxy) would wreak that kind of damage. You were specifically discussing stars, which are signifcantly smaller.

A quasar or something on the scale of Eta Cassiopiae would definitely wipe out the system - some time before it actually arrived there!

I was referring to the quasar or pulsar originally suggested by JDW, and suggesting even an ordinary star would destroy any system in travelled thru.

Sorry if it wasn’t clear

Even an object of the size of a small planet or a moon would wreak havok with any solar system it passes. V’ger in its large size of several AU could not have an equaly huge mass, because it would have the same effect on a solar system as a black hole. Thus the V’ger could could not have a significant mass and V’ger itself could not be larger that a large space station.

A quasar would definitely wipe out the whole system, a pulsar would incinerate anything caught by the beams, and both a pulsar and a star would disrupt orbits which would likely destroy the system - but not the worlds. (Except in the long run of course.)

Note that the chances of an actual collision with a body in the system are very small.

They’re all very different things - even if Trek’s writers never really figured out the difference!

Sorry, but no, it wouldn’t. You’d need something significantly more massive to “wreak havok” - a body the size of Neptune would distort orbits as it passed through and leave some worlds on very different paths, but it would leave most of the system untouched. A moon-sized world would sail merrily through, be deflected from its original path by the star’s gravity and then leave again. It would affect very little.

I believe V’Ger the vessel was less than a hundred km long, making it the size of a small dwarf planet. It probably had a high density and therefore an higher mass. The cloud’s mass would have been less. Again not much in the grand scheme of a star system.

Sorry, but every mass influences everything around it. your moon-sized world would not “sail through” a solar system and leave the rest on the system untouched. Its mass would automatically influence every single object which comes close to it. Asteroids, comets near its path would change their course. Even other planets are affected. A rogue planet entering a solar system will change that system. But this would be a slow thing, because it would months or even years to pass through thy system.

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Statistical values, production capabilities, armada 1 mother entity.

The Mother Entity is Species 9341 's pendant of a Starbase and a Tier 1 Yard . It produces Entities on a very high rate. It has no other defensive properties, although this was probably never the intention (see the campaign bug in the Extermination mission on the matter). This station cannot be built by conventional means, as there is no constructor for this faction. It is only part of the single-player campaign and may be part of custom maps.

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Star Trek: Armada » YMMV

  • Demonic Spiders : The Species 9341 organisms you encounter in the Borg campaign of the first game. They're highly resistant to conventional weapons, they can't be assimilated, and their weapons? Psychic blasts that ignore your shields and armor and instantly wipe out a percentage of your crew every time they hit you. The only truly efficient way to kill them is to use the Diamond's Ultritium Burst ability, which requires a lot of time and resources to deploy in decent enough numbers. To make it worse, there are several 'Mother' entities that crank out the smaller creatures at a rapid pace. Said mothers are also effectively indestructible to conventional weapons.
  • If you've played these games before reading this Trope page, you probably didn't realize how little value people's lives have in them.
  • Appropriately, the Federation have some of the best counters to them in high-level play, downplaying this trope. The Sovereign Class ships can turn on their Corbomite Reflector to prevent the cubes' devastating torpedo damage, the Steamrunner can disable their engines so the cubes can't move, the Temporal Stasis Field (superweapon) can render a group of them completely helpless to the Federation fleet, and the Nebula Class can completely remove their shields. This helps curtail the Fusion Cubes' power to a degree, but facing them head-on without sufficient abilities and planning is a suicidal proposition due to their absurd firepower and durability and a few mistakes can still spell defeat.
  • Also Borg Transwarp gate+Romulan Subspace rift ship. Bypasses the weakness of the Romulan weapon and clears a nice foothold for your fleet.
  • The Klingon Frigate, the Koloth Class, can qualify as well. Combine a couple with some Science Ships for the "Death Chant" buff and a fleet of Negh'Var &/or Qeh'Rel battleships and watch your fleet tear through the enemy's fleet and base. The fleet is not as durable as the Fusion Cubes but still delivers rivaled mass destruction.
  • The Species 8472 Battleship is a formidable ship. While not as overtly powerful as Fusion Cubes, they can still be massed to devastating effect. They also possess the researchable ability Psionic Insanity which is essentially a temporary mind control spell. Sail your Battleships into the enemy fleet, leveraging their considerably durability (comparable to Tactical Cubes) and you can force an enemy fleet to fight one another, while your Battleships destroy the helpless ships. Not even Fusion Cubes are immune to this spell.
  • Along the Neutral Zone is particularly nasty, especially if you don't explore the map to see that the enemy base is behind a wall of turrets. And that's before the Enterprise flies in demanding repair ships situated behind the wall.
  • Most later missions actively start with you having to chase Borg ships away from your base if you want to build anything, rarely ever giving you a moment to breathe.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight : The first game, released in 2000, has the Borg decide that, in the name of capturing an Omega molecule, they require "an independent mind," leading to their assimilation of a Dominion cloning outpost, creating a clone of Jean-Luc Picard in order to recreate Locutus. Two years later, Star Trek: Nemesis says that the Romulan Empire had enacted the same plan for their own reasons.
  • Nightmare Fuel : The Premonition is one of the last remaining ships from a future where almost everybody, including most likely all of the major characters from the series set in the TNG era, are now mutilated, cadaveresque, cybernetic Borg drones, trapped within their own minds for the rest of their existance until they're disposed of like meat and used batteries .
  • Obvious Beta : The first game suffered a really bad case of this on its initial release, and the 1.1 patch didn't do a whole lot to help things. Worse still, Activision cut off support for the game only a couple of months after its initial release, leaving incoming Armada II developers Mad Doc Software to create a 1.2 patch that finally fixed all the major problems with the game. Armada II itself suffered a few bugs on its initial release, including one very obvious problem in that ship explosions weren't implemented properly, but was nowhere near as bad as the first game.
  • Scrappy Mechanic : The requirement for officers to build any structure or ship. Players used to StarCraft — which this series emulates to an extent — may be surprised that structures cut into their "supply limit" which means choosing a good ratio of base defenses & structures to your mobile fleet. While this is supposedly meant to prevent players from spamming base defenses with their spare resources, it means that you need to decomission extraneous buildings to free up supply if you need a larger fleet. On the plus side, warp speed in Armada II helps you zoom home if you need to defend.
  • Sequelitis : Armada II isn't bad enough to cross into The Problem with Licensed Games territory, but it's widely seen as an inferior sequel due to poor game balance, the 3-D battlefield being mostly superfluous, and a less interesting story for the single-player campaign.

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star trek armada species 9341

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  • 1 Description
  • 2.1.1 Mission 1: "Premonitions"
  • 2.1.2 Mission 2: "Paradise Revisited"
  • 2.1.3 Mission 3: "Vendetta"
  • 2.1.4 Mission 4: "Dark Omens"
  • 2.2.1 Mission 5: "To the Gates of Sto'vo'kor"
  • 2.2.2 Mission 6: "The Enemy Within"
  • 2.2.3 Mission 7: "A Good Day to Die"
  • 2.2.4 Mission 8: "Gray Eminence"
  • 2.3 Romulan Campaign
  • 2.4 Borg Campaign
  • 2.5 Omega Campaign
  • 3.1 Characters
  • 3.2.1 Species 9341 ships
  • 3.2.2 Borg ships
  • 3.2.3 Breen ships
  • 3.2.4 Cardassian ships
  • 3.2.5 Federation ships
  • 3.2.6 Ferengi ships
  • 3.2.7 Jem'Hadar ships
  • 3.2.8 Klingon ships
  • 3.2.9 Romulan ships
  • 3.2.10 Son'a ships
  • 3.3.1 Borg stations
  • 3.3.2 Cardassian stations
  • 3.3.3 Dominion stations
  • 3.3.4 Federation stations
  • 3.3.5 Ferengi stations
  • 3.3.6 Klingon stations
  • 3.3.7 Romulan stations
  • 3.4.1 Planets and planetoids
  • 3.4.2 Stars and star systems
  • 3.4.3 Stellar regions
  • 3.5.1 Nebular classification
  • 3.5.2 Technology and weapons
  • 3.6 Races and cultures
  • 3.7 States and organizations
  • 3.8 Other references
  • 4.1 Related media
  • 4.3 External links

Description [ ]

Summary [ ], federation campaign [ ], mission 1: "premonitions" [ ].

The USS Enterprise -E, accompanied by two Akira -class ships, must eliminate rogue Jem'Hadar attack ships in the sector, in order to secure colonization efforts. A construction ship is also present to build a permanent outpost in the system. Once all Dominion ships are destroyed, a temporal vortex is detected, and a Starfleet vessel emerges, pursued by two Borg spheres. Picard recognizes it, like he has seen it before. The vessel identifies itself as the U.S.S. Premonition , and its CO, Captain Thaddeus Demming, informs Captain Picard that a major Borg invasion is imminent. Within the hour, a force of Borg ships will attack and destroy Starbase 612, the first step to the assimilation of the Alpha Quadrant.

Mission 2: "Paradise Revisited" [ ]

Ambassador Worf, on temporary assignment to the Ba'ku settlement, and commanding the U.S.S. Avenger , must eliminate a force of Son'a warships intent on reclaiming the planet. He receives word of the Borg invasion, and heads to Qo'noS to gain reinforcement.

Mission 3: "Vendetta" [ ]

En route to Qo'noS, Worf is ambushed by Toral, and a small force of Klingon warships. Outgunned, he must traverse the Ikolis Expanse, a hazardous region of space, to escape, salvaging derelict vessels and even a Federation Starbase and Shipyard to assist along the way. In order to prevent Toral seizing the Klingon throne, Worf takes the Avenger to the location of the Sword of Kahless.

Mission 4: "Dark Omens" [ ]

The Enterprise arrives at Starbase 612, only to find its defense fleet in ruins and most of the station's facilities heavily damaged. The player must salvage as many ships as possible, and bring local stations back on-line in order to repel a second wave of attack, including an assault by assimilated Starfleet vessels, and eliminate the local Borg base.

Klingon Campaign [ ]

Mission 5: "to the gates of sto'vo'kor" [ ].

The Borg have struck at Klingon territory as well. Chancellor Martok must lead an assault on a Borg force attacking the Gamma Eridon system. Once the Borg have been eliminated, Martok heads for his command base to find out why expected reinforcements did not appear.

Mission 6: "The Enemy Within" [ ]

Having escaped from Worf in "Vendetta", Toral has assembled a formidable fleet, and launches an assault on Martok's starbase. The base must be held until the Avenger arrives, when Martok evacuates to the Defiant -class vessel, and leaves the sector, bound for Qo'noS, to present the Sword of Kahless to the Klingon High Council.

Mission 7: "A Good Day to Die" [ ]

Qo'noS is embroiled in conflict as Martok arrives aboard the Avenger . Worf's vessel is refitted with a cloaking device, and dispatched to trail Toral. Martok must attack and destroy Toral's main base. Toral manages to escape the attack, with Worf in hot pursuit...

Mission 8: "Gray Eminence" [ ]

Continuing from the end of "A Good Day to Die", Toral escapes to a Romulan base near the border. Martok's fleet follows behind, and launches an assault to clear the sector of all Romulan presence. With Toral and the Romulans routed, Martok announces that this is only the beginning of a larger war with the Romulans.

Romulan Campaign [ ]

Borg campaign [ ], omega campaign [ ], references [ ], characters [ ], starships and vehicles [ ], species 9341 ships [ ], borg ships [ ], breen ships [ ], cardassian ships [ ], federation ships [ ], ferengi ships [ ], jem'hadar ships [ ], klingon ships [ ], romulan ships [ ], son'a ships [ ], stations and outposts [ ], borg stations [ ], cardassian stations [ ], dominion stations [ ].

Dominion cloning facility • Dominion research facility • Dominion Shipyard Station Alpha ( Dominion shipyard )

Federation stations [ ]

Ferengi stations [ ], klingon stations [ ], romulan stations [ ], locations [ ], planets and planetoids [ ], stars and star systems [ ], stellar regions [ ], science and classification [ ], nebular classification [ ], technology and weapons [ ], races and cultures [ ], states and organizations [ ], other references [ ], appendices [ ], related media [ ].

  • ST video game : Armada II
  • " The Best of Both Worlds " ( TNG episode)
  • " The Sword of Kahless " ( DS9 episode)
  • " The Omega Directive " ( VOY episode)
  • Section 31: Cloak ( TOS novel)

Cover image.

External links [ ]

  • Armada article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Gamespot.com review
  • Gamespy.com review
  • 1 USS Wasp (NCC-9701)
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class

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Star Trek Armada Gamespot Guide

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SIMILAR ITEMS (based on metadata)

Memory Alpha

Borg species designations


Species 5618: Human

The Borg used numerical species designations to identify various species and cultures they encountered.

As part of her idolization of Seven of Nine , Naomi Wildman developed a habit of memorizing Borg species designations, something which Seven suspected her mother would not approve of. ( VOY : " Survival Instinct ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Though not explicitly stated, species designations are mostly consistent with being sequential, i.e. each newly encountered species received a number one higher than the previous one. Some anomalies exist, such as the Alpha Quadrant Ferengi having the low number of 180, which may hint at an early first contact with the Borg under unusual circumstances. Numbers do not appear to have been re-used even after the species had been assimilated. Whether the Borg had a designation for themselves is unknown.

According to a deleted line from VOY : " Dragon's Teeth ", the Turei were known to the Borg as " Species 532 ". Likewise the Vaadwaur encountered the Borg in 1484.

Apocrypha [ ]

Several additional species designations are given in non-canon works:

External link [ ]

  • Borg species designations at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Past Tense, Part I (episode)


A1 Ship Conversions Mod

a1_conversions.zip —

star trek armada species 9341


This mod by Dragon Master takes the jem'hadar and species 9341 ships from Armada I and puts them into Armada II :). This also has a borg ship created by using the Borg Transwarp portal from the federation missions, but there is a problem with the physics file so for now it stands upright. Some ships have build buttons and others do not, this is due to the fact that A1 may not have had them. Very nice file if you like those ships from A1 and want them ported over to A2 ;)

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An addon I'd like to see

Moderators: thunderchero , MrVulcan

Cadet 1st Year

Post by nuketheborg » Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:34 am

Cadet 2nd Year

I have the original Descent...

Post by Jatopian » Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:29 am

Past Administrator

Re: I have the original Descent...

Post by Achilles » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:09 am

Jatopian wrote: http://www.theborgcollective.com/ -Jatopian

Post by nuketheborg » Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:04 am

Jatopian wrote: But, we already have some crewless ships. A1 = Species 9341; A2 = Species 8472, Cardassian Dreadnought Missile. It would just be work for the SOD people... nothing really new... Oh, and maybe we can alter your evaluation of the Collective. http://www.theborgcollective.com/ -Jatopian

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Post by cecilzero1 » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:32 pm


Post by iOSYS » Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:22 pm

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Post by QuantumHalo » Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:27 pm

Post by iOSYS » Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:28 pm

Post by nuketheborg » Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:28 pm

Post by Jatopian » Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:49 pm

Post by QuantumHalo » Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:57 pm

Post by MajorPayne » Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:38 pm

Post by iOSYS » Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:01 pm

Post by MajorPayne » Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:15 pm

Post by iOSYS » Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:10 am

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Armada 2 Files , i need permission for ships and stations

Tryptic wrote: Are you making the mod for Armada 2 directly, or are you using the Fleet Operations engine? I would recommend that you do it through Fleet Ops, as it is more stable and easier to run on new computers. If you do this, then even if you are using Armada 2 assets, you are technically working on a Fleet Ops mod, and the developers have given everyone permission to use Fleet Ops assets in Fleet Ops mods. That seems to me like it would help with a lot of the permissions you are looking for. If you keep asking around, you may be able to get an answer directly from a Fleet Ops Dev who can confirm this.

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  1. Species 9341

    Species 9341 is the Borg designation for a space-dwelling species unsuitable for assimilation. Not much is known of their background. They were encountered by the Borg during their invasion of the Alpha Quadrant around 2376, when they were attempting to transfer the Omega particle to the Delta Quadrant before their final assault on Earth. Although initially overwhelmed, the Borg successfully ...

  2. Star Trek: Armada

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  3. Species 9341

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  4. Let's Play Star Trek Armada

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  5. The unofficial Species 9341 as an NPC race addon

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  7. Space Monsters!

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  8. Species 9341

    Star Trek: Armada II. Other. Species 9341. Species 9341. species_9341.zip — Download nn_mpu1 nn_mobile_mpu1 Mod Statistics. 1,028 Downloads Uploaded 20 years ago; Star Trek: Armada II; 176.24 KB in size nn_mpu2 nn_mobile_mpu2 Description. this is a new ship for 8472.... fught on. nn_lb2 ...

  9. Big, Giant Space Creature

    An episode of my campaign was set in an alternate future where people lived on the inside of a Dyson Sphere. They only existed as a feeding ground for a number of crystalline entities. Star Trek Armada introduced Species 9341. They were unsuitable for assimilation, that's way they were eradicated by the Borg.

  10. en:games:star_trek_armada_1:mother_entity [mwohlauer.d-n-s.name / www

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  11. Spezies 9341 Question image

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  12. 10th anniversary

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  13. Star Trek: Armada

    Star Trek: Armada is a real-time strategy (RTS) video game published by Activision in 2000. The game can be played either in a single-player campaign, or in a multi-player internet combat mode. In either mode, the player(s) build and maintain fleets and stations of one of four factions: Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Borg. The single-player mode is story-driven: the player has a series of ...

  14. Species 9341 at Star Trek: Armada 2 Nexus

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  15. YMMV / Star Trek: Armada

    A page for describing YMMV: Star Trek: Armada. Demonic Spiders: The Species 9341 organisms you encounter in the Borg campaign of the first game. They're …

  16. Armada

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  23. Armada 2 Files , i need permission for ships and stations

    Hello there,i want to create my own armada 2 mod , and show it on youtube long ago i found this site armada 2 files , now i need many permissions for ships stations planets and so on.what is about modders that wanted to have permission but you can'…