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Does gravett island actually exist april 1, 2006 6:38 pm   subscribe.

Don't bother looking up Gravett Island -- it's named for Jacques Gravett, [screenwriter Ron] Moore's assistant.

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Gravett Island

Gravett Island is an island in the south of Earth 's Pacific Ocean . It was uninhabited in the 2060s .

In 2063 , Gravett Island was chosen as the location that some of the USS Enterprise -E crew would relocate to following the destruction of the ship to stop the Borg aboard it. ( ST movie : Star Trek: First Contact )

Around three-quarters of the crew made it to Gravett Island, from where they were recovered by the Enterprise after the Borg were stopped. ( TNG novel : Rogue )

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  • Gravett Island article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .

Gravett Island

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Ex Astris Scientia

Fictional Places on Earth

Gravett Island Sainte Claire Portage Creek Fair Haven Carbon Creek La Barre

Star Trek shows locations on Earth on various occasions. Most of them are located in the USA, some in Europe, and very few elsewhere on our planet. Most of these places really exist, although episodes are almost never shot on the actual location and they look accordingly different than in reality. For instance, while we can locate the various buildings of Starfleet in and around San Francisco , the matte paintings or CG creations often don't get the topology right. Likewise, sets such as the New York Streets don't look like the real New York, San Francisco, New Orleans or Detroit at the second glance.

A few locations on Earth that we could see in Star Trek were completely made up. We learn a bit about these places in the dialogues and in the form of maps or direction signs and we are able to narrow down where they should be located if they really existed. The following article takes care of:

  • Gravett Island, Pacific Ocean ("Star Trek: First Contact")
  • Sainte Claire, northern France (VOY: "The Killing Game I+II")
  • Portage Creek, Indiana, USA (VOY: "11:59")
  • Fair Haven, Country Clare, Ireland (VOY: "Fair Haven", "Spirit Folk")
  • Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, USA (ENT: Carbon Creek")
  • La Barre, France (TNG: "Family", "All Good Things", PIC: "Remembrance", "Maps and Legends", "The End is the Beginning" and season 2)

Gravett Island

After Picard has made up his mind in "Star Trek: First Contact", he activates the ship's auto-destruct sequence in order to destroy the Borg. As Picard, Crusher and Worf confirm the auto-destruct one by one, a map of Earth with several highlighted spots appears on a screen. We can see how the display zooms in to the "Landing Target" of the escape pods on Gravett Island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Picard then says "See you on Gravett Island" , confirming that this is the place the crew of the Enterprise is being evacuated to. Gravett Island doesn't exist in reality. It was named for Jacques Gravett, assistant to Ron D. Moore.

We can never see Gravett Island except for its location and outline on the screen on the bridge. The coastline of the island on screen tells us it is a rocky island, rather than an atoll. The coordinates are given as "18 136 128" on the display and don't make sense as geographic coordinates.

star trek first contact gravett island

However, we can see on the Earth map that Gravett Island is about the same longitude as Anchorage and the same latitude as Cape Town. This puts the fictional island in a very remote part of the South Pacific, fittingly not far from the famous Pitcairn Islands (of the Bounty mutineers) that would be several hundred kilometers to the northeast. The closest real island groups would be the Gambier Islands some 300-400km to the north and Marotiri (Bass Islands) at about the same distance to the west, both parts of French Polynesia, the latter of which is uninhabited.

star trek first contact gravett island

Sainte Claire

The Hirogen chose Sainte Claire, a fictional town in France, for their holodeck scenario in VOY: "The Killing Game I+II", in which the crew of Voyager take the roles of the French Resistance, fighting Nazis and Hirogen during the advance of the allied forces in 1944. The holodeck scenario about Sainte Claire may originally have been an educational program and was intentionally set in a generic French town that doesn't really exist, in order to allow some artistic license in the depiction of the place and of the events.

In real life, Sainte Claire was filmed in the Little Europe set .

Sainte Claire looks quite small, which is also verbally confirmed in the episode. Chakotay, who in his role as an allied captain had been in the town before the war, says: "Sainte Claire's not a big place." Yet, "Le Coeur de Lion" is a bar of a kind that would not exist in a village or a very small town. Sainte Claire has a certain degree of urbanity.

star trek first contact gravett island

Furthermore, the town appears to be of major strategic importance, as Katrine aka Janeway says: "The Americans won't even be able to approach this city without our help, and if they can't liberate Sainte Claire the assault into Germany could fail." Janeway also mentions that she expects the "American 4th Infantry to invade Sainte Claire Tuesday dawn." This may be historically correct, as the 4th Infantry Division landed at Utah Beach in June 1944 and then advanced through northern France and Belgium into Germany. It is obvious that Sainte Claire has to be located somewhere in northern France, not far from the Belgian border. However, the maps of the surroundings of Sainte Claire don't give us more information about its possible location or about a possible real place standing in for the fictional town on a map. The second map that we can see up close in the first part doesn't even include any form of labels.

star trek first contact gravett island

In the second part of the episode we can see a street map of Sainte Claire. This map can be identified as one of Toulouse. As the Art Department was probably just looking for a "French-style" street map to stand in for Sainte Claire, it doesn't matter that Toulouse is actually located in southern France. However, Toulouse is a major city, and the map with its systematic street grid and various roundabouts and squares makes Sainte Claire look a lot bigger here than it is otherwise supposed to be.

star trek first contact gravett island

Portage Creek

The town Portage Creek in Indiana is the site of the Millennium Gate, the first self-contained ecosystem to be constructed on Earth, as seen in VOY: "11:59". Construction of the Millennium Gate started soon after December 31, 2000 when Henry Janeway was the last inhabitant to give up his resistance against the project. The building was dedicated in 2012. In the course of the construction the whole town was likely demolished. There is a town named Portage on Lake Michigan in Indiana, but none named Portage Creek. Most likely a non-existing town was chosen on purpose, because it would cease to exist in the Star Trek Universe. Since the Millennium Gate doesn't exist in reality either, the non-existence of Portage Creek is not really a continuity issue. Portage Creek, however, is a real place in Alaska.

The episode was filmed in Paramount's New York Streets set .

The most definite evidence for the location of Portage Creek is that Henry Janeway goes to Bloomington to purchase supplies because the local businesses are boycotting him because of his resistance against the Millennium Gate. Bloomington is a city some 80 kilometers south of Indianapolis. Henry Janeway certainly wouldn't travel across the whole state to buy items that are available (to anyone but him) in Portage Creek itself or in the vicinity. So Portage Creek is almost definitely not more than 50 kilometers away from Bloomington. 50 kilometers would be far enough and 80,000 inhabitants would be big enough for Janeway to make sure the people there don't resent his resistance against the project. Also, Portage Creek likely isn't located north of Bloomington because then Indianapolis may be an even better place to get what he needs.

star trek first contact gravett island

On a perhaps related note, Bloomington, Indiana is the hometown of Kathryn Janeway, as mentioned in the later Voyager episode "Imperfection". It certainly has no bearing on the issue that Janeway may have been born close to where her ancestors came from, but her pride in the Millennium Gate in "11:59" (provided that it was a success) sounds a lot like local patriotism.

Shannon O'Donnell is on her way to Florida when she passes Portage Creek, but since we don't know where she came from it doesn't give us a cue about the location of Portage Creek. The fact that Canton, Ohio, is being considered as an alternative building site is not helpful either. Furthermore, Henry Janeway says he's never been outside Indiana. Well, this would be a stretch if the town we are talking about were Portage, located rather close to the border of Illinois and to Chicago. But he likely exaggerates a bit.

Shannon O'Donnell gives us more possible cues with this mention of regional attractions not far from Portage Creek (but not necessarily in Indiana): "I saw the world's largest ball of string this morning, and the world's largest beefsteak tomato this afternoon. It was the size of a Volkswagen. The string, not the tomato." While I always thought of the "largest ball of strings" as more of a joke, there are indeed several contenders . None of them seems to be close enough to Indiana. And the reference regarding the tomato is just too indefinite.

The Irish town of Fair Haven can be seen in two Voyager episodes, "Fair Haven" and "Spirit Folk". In both episodes Fair Haven is said to be located in County Clare in Ireland. Fair Haven is small but it has a train station, which may further narrow down the town's location, considering that the railway network in the western part of Ireland is rather sparse. The sign on the train station also gives us the Gaelic name of Fair Haven: "Cuan Soineanta" (of which, unsurprisingly, the English translation is "Fair Haven"). Just as in the case of Sainte Claire, the Fair Haven holoprogram may have been laid out intentionally not to depict a real but rather a generic Irish town.

Just like previously Sainte Claire, Fair Haven was filmed in the accordingly redressed Little Europe set .

star trek first contact gravett island

The by far best clue for the location of Fair Haven is a direction sign in the town center. It includes (counter-clockwise, in 90° steps) the directions to:

  • Killalow, 3.5 miles
  • Holy Island, 7.5 miles
  • Tuamgraney, 5 miles
  • an unknown fourth place

All three recognizable places are located around the Lough Derg, a major lake in County Clare, and all are within a radius of a couple of miles. As we draw a circle with the radius given on the sign around every town on the sign, we can see that Fair Haven must be on the southwestern shore of Lough Derg, roughly halfway between Killalow and Tuamgraney. Only the direction to Holy Island wouldn't really work, because it would send us right into the lake instead of roughly the same direction as Tuamgraney. Of course, there is no real town in the place where Fair Haven must be located. And the nearest railway is a line that ends in Killalow and always did.

star trek first contact gravett island

Some other places in County Clare are mentioned in the episode. In VOY: "Fair Heaven", Seamus doesn't fully remember if he met his wife on the way to the fair in Doolin or to Kilkee for trout fishing. Doolin is 80km away from the supposed location of Fair Haven, and Kilkee is 90km away. That's quite a journey for a time in which many places could not be reached by railway, but at most with horse carts. Anyway, both places would be equally plausible. Also, Katie O'Clare aka Kathryn Janeway wants to take Michael Sullivan to a Nickelodeon in Doolin, as mentioned in VOY: "Spirit Folk".

Carbon Creek

Carbon Creek is a small mining town in Pennsylvania, with a population of 611 according to the town sign. A Vulcan survey ship crashed near Carbon Creek in 1957, while observing the launch of Sputnik. Among the three survivors was T'Pol's great-grandmother T'Mir. This is why T'Pol visits Carbon Creek in 2152. Her visit confirms that Carbon Creek exists as a real town in the Star Trek Universe, unlike the two above holographic creations. However, there is no real Carbon Creek in Pennsylvania.

star trek first contact gravett island

The Carbon Creek scenes were filmed on the California State Route 138 in Crestline, north of Los Angeles, with its distinctive look of the 1950s that didn't require a lot of redressing. We can see a road sign "State Hwy 138" in one shot in the episode, which is obviously an original sign of the California State Highway 138.

star trek first contact gravett island

If we are looking for the possible real location of Carbon Creek in Pennsylvania, there is conflicting evidence:

Theory 1: Carbon Creek is in western Pennsylvania. The highway sign is the best visual evidence in the episode. Pennsylvania also has a State Highway 138, which can be found in Butler County in the western part of the state. On the other hand, green signs like this one likely didn't exist in the 1950s. There are some old mines in this county according to the Pennsylvania Mine Map Atlas, although it is doubtful they were in operation in the 1950s. At the end of the episode T'Mir goes to a patent office in Pittsburgh, which is not far away from the possible location of Carbon Creek in the western half of the state. Mestral and Maggie go to a baseball match in Doylestown, which in this case could be a town of that name in Ohio, some 120km west of Butler County, PA and some two hours by car today. Theory 2: Carbon Creek is in eastern Pennsylvania. It is possible that Carbon Creek was originally meant to be located in the Coal Region of eastern Pennsylvania (perhaps even in Carbon County), where mining still dominated the economy in the 1950s. Doylestown, the site of the baseball match, was likely meant to be the more prominent town of that name and the seat of Bucks County in the southeastern corner of the Pennsylvania (not far from Philadelphia), rather than Doylestown, OH. There is no mention as to whether the home team of Carbon Creek or perhaps a neighboring bigger town was on an away game in Doylestown or whether Maggie had another connection to Doylestown. However, if Carbon Creek were in the western region of the state, it seems very unlikely that they would go to a match so far away. The trip would take five and a half hours by car still today (one-way). Rather than that, someone might travel from the Coal Region to Doylestown, PA to support his home team, which would take less than two hours by car.

Overall, theory 2 seems a bit more plausible. The highway signs comes into sight only accidentally anyway. And someone may have recommended the patent lawyer in Pittsburgh to T'Mir, rather than one in nearby Philadelphia.

Well, there are other factual errors in the episode. Velcro was registered by George de Mestral(!) in 1955, two years prior to the episode. Also, Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957 and stayed in orbit until January 4, 1958. No exact dates are given in the episode, but when the Vulcan ship crashed it should have been fall or winter in Pennsylvania. In the episode the lush vegetation of Carbon Creek looks like spring or summer throughout the episode. Also, the baseball season should have been long over when Maggie invited Mestral, unless the three Vulcans had been in town for already the complete fall and winter at that time.

La Barre (or: Labarre) is Jean-Luc Picard's home village in France. La Barre is mentioned on a screen in TNG: "Conundrum" and spoken out by Picard in TNG: "Chain of Command II". The place can be seen in TNG: "Family" and in TNG: "All Good Things". Many years later, the château also appears in the first three episodes of Star Trek Picard, "Remembrance", "Maps and Legends" and "The End is the Beginning" and during the whole second season of the series. The region is represented by a matte painting in "Family". All episodes include footage that was filmed in different Californian vineyards, so the landscape doesn't look quite as it should in France. Still, the depiction of La Barre in Star Trek is overall relatively consistent.

star trek first contact gravett island

Most likely La Barre initially wasn't meant to be a specific French village, although the name may have come to pass by someone looking for actual place names on a map. There are several places named "Labarre" or "La Barre" (the bar) in France. The most likely candidate according to my research is La Barre , a small village in the department of Haute-Saône, region Franche-Comté (since 2016: region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté), in eastern France. Looking from the present-day village is eastern direction, we can see a small château in the center and some hills, similar as on the matte painting. The river Ognon flows right in front of the château. The château is not quite as impressive in our time, the hills are lower and there are meadows and corn fields in the place of the 24th century vineyards, but overall it seems close enough. (Well, we would have to ignore that in the 24th century the sun would be in the northern sky).

star trek first contact gravett island

We can see two versions of the Picard family home in Star Trek. In TNG: "Family", it is a timber-frame house (filmed in Encino, California). Since PIC: "Remembrance", Jean-Luc Picard resides in the Château Picard, a very different looking stone building (filmed in The Sunstone Vineyards & Winery). In the first season of PIC, we could still attribute this to the fire that killed René and Robert Picard and may have destroyed the old house. Since PIC: "Assimilation", we know for sure that the château has existed in much he same form at least since the 20th century. It looks larger in the 2024 aerial view in "Watcher" than it would be in 2401 in "Farewell", though. We may argue that if wings were added and removed on the rear side, this may well include the timber-frame house from "Family".

star trek first contact gravett island

After a bottle labeled as "Château Labarre" had been used on TNG, a new prop with the corrected designation "Château Picard" was created for "Star Trek Nemesis". The French inscription on that label contains a few errors, and unfortunately it does not provide further information on the location of La Barre.

A new bottle label for Château Picard red wine created for Star Trek Picard indicates that La Barre is indeed located in the region of Franche-Comté and retroactively confirms my suggestion that Picard's home village really exists and of where in France it can be found. The label reads "Château Picard - Bourgogne Franche-Comté". This is an interesting ambiguity because it could refer to the grape Bourgogne (Burgundy) produced in the region of Franche-Comté, or it could refer to the amalgamated region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (since 2016).

star trek first contact gravett island

The area of La Barre, Haute-Saône, currently isn't known for its wine. The famous wine region Côte d'Or is located about 50km to the west. In PIC: "Watcher" in 2024, no wine is growing at the château because it has been abandoned, but we can recognize regularly arranged plants that look like remnants of vine stocks.

So while La Barre does exist in real life, there are some liberties in its depiction as a generic French village (with Californian architecture).

Re-Uses of the New York Streets Set - in-depth investigation of the set that appeared in 14 episodes

Re-Uses of the Little Europe Set - in-depth investigation of the appearances as Sainte Claire and as Fair Haven

Observations in PIC: "Remembrance"

Some screen caps from TrekCore and Memory Alpha . Thanks to Jim Hart for the theory and the evidence that Carbon Creek may be located in eastern Pennsylvania and to Bill G. for bringing Doylestown, OH to my attention.

star trek first contact gravett island

Last modified: 07 Nov 2023

star trek first contact gravett island

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Fleet Yards

Gravett Island

Gravett kermres

Gravett Island, located at coordinates 18 136 128, was an isolated and uninhabited island located in Earth 's South Pacific.

Gravett is part of the Kermadec Island chain, off of New Zealand.  It rose from the ocean, approximately 3.5 km Northwest of Curtis Island, on April 13, 2036.  Submarine eruptions and movement of tectonic plates resulted in the new, uninhabited island rising from the water, and scientists have been studying it ever since.  By 2367, seismologists and terraformers have begun the Atlantis Project to raise a whole new sub-continent from the ocean’s depths; on Stardate 44012.3, while visiting his family on Earth, Captain Jean-Luc Picard was offered, and refused, the chance to become the new director of the project.

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Star Trek: First Contact

Alice Krige, Brent Spiner, and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

The Borg travel back in time intent on preventing Earth's first contact with an alien species. Captain Picard and his crew pursue them to ensure that Zefram Cochrane makes his maiden flight ... Read all The Borg travel back in time intent on preventing Earth's first contact with an alien species. Captain Picard and his crew pursue them to ensure that Zefram Cochrane makes his maiden flight reaching warp speed. The Borg travel back in time intent on preventing Earth's first contact with an alien species. Captain Picard and his crew pursue them to ensure that Zefram Cochrane makes his maiden flight reaching warp speed.

  • Jonathan Frakes
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Rick Berman
  • Brannon Braga
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Brent Spiner
  • 371 User reviews
  • 127 Critic reviews
  • 70 Metascore
  • 8 wins & 21 nominations total

Star Trek: First Contact

Top cast 89

Patrick Stewart

  • (as Levar Burton)

Michael Dorn

  • Zefram Cochrane

Alice Krige

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Neal McDonough

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Dwight Schultz

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Adam Scott

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Jack Shearer

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Eric Steinberg

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Did you know

  • Trivia On account of budgetary restrictions, the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) was never quite satisfied with the Borg sets and costumes as used during the series. However, the significantly bigger budget for this film finally allowed them to design the Borg in a way that was much closer to what they had intended. As a result, the suits and sets were reused extensively on Star Trek: Voyager (1995) .
  • Goofs When Geordi is asking Cochrane to look at the intermix chamber blueprints, he is wearing sunglasses, even though his artificial eyes don't require protection from the sun. The sunglasses are probably needed in case a local comes looking around. Only Cochrane and Lily knew about time travelers, and Geordi's futuristic implants could blow their cover. Geordi used dark glasses for the same purpose in Time's Arrow, Part II (1992) as well.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : [Quoting "Moby Dick"] And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.

Lily Sloane : What?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : "Moby-Dick".

Lily Sloane : Actually, I never read it.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Ahab spent years hunting the white whale that crippled him, a quest for vengeance, but in the end, it destroyed him and his ship.

Lily Sloane : I guess he didn't know when to quit.

  • Crazy credits After 'Stunt Players' are listed, the 'Stunt Borg' are listed.
  • Connections Featured in Siskel & Ebert: Space Jam/The Mirror Has Two Faces/The English Patient/Breaking the Waves (1996)
  • Soundtracks Theme from 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture by Jerry Goldsmith

User reviews 371

  • Big Movie Fan
  • Nov 17, 2002
  • How long is Star Trek: First Contact? Powered by Alexa
  • When was the Wilhelm scream heard in the movie?
  • What is 'First Contact' about?
  • Who returns from the previous movie?
  • November 22, 1996 (United States)
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  • Memory Alpha, the Star Trek wiki
  • Star Trek 8
  • Titan Missile Museum - 1580 W. Duval Mine Road, Green Valley, Arizona, USA
  • Paramount Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $45,000,000 (estimated)
  • $92,027,888
  • $30,716,131
  • Nov 24, 1996
  • $146,027,888

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 51 minutes
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Surround 7.1

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Alice Krige, Brent Spiner, and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

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Enterprise crew stuck on Gravett Island (RAR)

Moderator: Vympel

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Post by FaxModem1 » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:51 am

Re: Enterprise crew stuck on Gravett Island (RAR)

Post by Prometheus Unbound » Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:22 am

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Post by tezunegari » Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:55 am

Post by Prometheus Unbound » Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:21 am

tezunegari wrote: At what point in the movie does the Ent-E get destroyed - before or after the Borg shot Cochranes base?

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Post by Tribble » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:54 am

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Post by biostem » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:57 am

Post by Tribble » Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:24 am

biostem wrote: Wait, so are the Borg dead in this scenario? Even if they succeeded in destroying the Enterprise, I get this feeling that at least a few drones would make it to the surface...

Post by biostem » Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:33 am

Tribble wrote: biostem wrote: Wait, so are the Borg dead in this scenario? Even if they succeeded in destroying the Enterprise, I get this feeling that at least a few drones would make it to the surface...

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Post by Eternal_Freedom » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:11 am

Post by biostem » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:18 am

Eternal_Freedom wrote: IIRC the drones seen in Regeneration are from the crashed wreckage of the Borg sphere the E-E shot down over Montana, not drones that escaped from the ship, so regardless of whether or not some drones survive the ship's destruction several Borg drones will be present on Earth. As for how long it was, STFC is set in 2063 and Regeneration is somewhere in the 2150-2155 range I think. So about ninety years.

Post by Eternal_Freedom » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:27 am

Post by Tribble » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:08 am

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Star Trek: First Contact

“Star Trek: First Contact” is one of the best of the eight “ Star Trek ” films: Certainly the best in its technical credits, and among the best in the ingenuity of its plot. I would rank it beside “ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ” (1986), the one where the fate of Earth depended on the song of the humpback whale. This time, in a screenplay that could have been confusing but moves confidently between different levels of the story, the crew of the Enterprise follows the evil Borgs back in time to the day before mankind made its first flight at warp speed.

That flight, in 2063, was monitored by an alien race, the Vulcans, who took it as evidence that man had developed to the point where it deserved to meet another race. But now the Borgs, starting from the 24th century, want to travel back through a temporal vortex (how I love the “Star Trek” jargon!), prevent the flight and rewrite history, this time with Borgs populating the Earth instead of humans.

The latest edition of the starship is the “Enterprise E” (and there are plenty of letters left in the alphabet, Capt. Picard notes ominously). It is patrolling deep space when it learns the Borgs are attacking Earth. The Enterprise is ordered to remain where it is–probably, Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) notes bitterly, because he was a prisoner of the Borgs some six years ago, and “a man who was captured and assimilated by the Borg is an unstable element.” These Borgs are an interesting race. They are part flesh, part computer, and they “assimilate” all the races they conquer into their collective mind, which organizes their society like a hive. There is even a queen ( Alice Krige ), although she is not fat and pampered like an ant or a termite, but lean, mean and a student of seduction. One of the movie’s intriguing subplots involves Data ( Brent Spiner ), the Enterprise’s android, who is captured and hooked up to a Borg assimilating machine–which fails, because it can’t crack his digital defenses. Then the Queen tries some analog methods all her own.

The central plot takes place as the Enterprise follows a Borg ship back through time to Earth, which, the Trekkers are dismayed to learn, is now populated by Borgs. To turn history around again, they need to be sure man’s first warp flight succeeds. Earth is recovering from World War III, and a brilliant inventor named Cochrane ( James Cromwell , the tall farmer from “ Babe ”) has adapted a missile for this historic flight.

He leads a commune that seems to be part hippie, part survivalist, and spends much of his time listing to rock ‘n’ roll and drinking, to the despair of his associate Lily ( Alfre Woodard ). These two do not believe the weird story they get from the starship crew, and at one point Lily nearly fries Picard with a stolen gun. (He: “Maximum setting! If you had fired, you would have vaporized me.” She: “It’s my first ray gun.”) The plot moves deftly between preparations for the Earth launch, Data’s assimilation tortures on the Borg ship, and a fight against a Borg landing party on the Enterprise, which Picard personally directs, overruling doubts expressed by his second-in-command, William Riker ( Jonathan Frakes ) and their own assimilated Klingon, Worf ( Michael Dorn ).

Some of the earlier “Star Trek” movies have been frankly clunky in the special-effects department; the first of the series came out in 1979 and looked pale in comparison to “Star Wars.” But this one benefits from the latest advances in f/x artistry, starting with its sensational opening shot, which begins so deep inside Picard’s eyeball, it looks like a star-speckled spacescape and then pulling back to encompass an unimaginably vast Borg starship. I also admired the interiors of the Borg probe, and the peculiar makeup work creating the Borg Queen, who looks like no notion of sexy I have ever heard of, but inspires me to keep an open mind.

“Star Trek” movies are not so much about action and effects as they are about ideas and dialogue. I doubted the original Enterprise crew would ever retire because I didn’t think they could stop talking long enough. Here the story gives us yet another intriguing test of the differences among humans, aliens and artificial intelligence. And the paradoxes of time travel are handled less murkily than sometimes in the past. (Although explain to me once again how the Earth could be populated with millions of Borgs who are expected to vanish–or never have been–if the Enterprise succeeds. Isn’t there some sort of law of conservation of energy that requires their physical bodies to come from, or be disposed of, somewhere, somehow?) “STFC” was directed by Frakes, who did some of the “ST Next Generation” shows for television, and here achieves great energy and clarity. In all of the shuffling of timelines and plotlines, I always knew where we were. He also gets some genial humor out of Cromwell, as the inventor who never wanted fame but simply enough money to go off to a “tropical island with a lot of naked women.” And there is such intriguing chemistry between Picard and the Woodard character that I hope a way is found to bring her onboard in the next film. “Star Trek” movies in the past have occasionally gone where no movie had gone, or wanted to go, before. This one is on the right beam.

star trek first contact gravett island

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

star trek first contact gravett island

  • Alice Krige as Borg Queen
  • Brent Spiner as Data
  • James Cromwell as Zefram Cochrane
  • Alfre Woodard as Lily Sloane
  • LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge
  • Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi
  • Jonathan Frakes as William Riker
  • Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard
  • Michael Dorn as Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher
  • Brannon Braga
  • Ronald D. Moore

Directed by

  • Jonathan Frakes

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Published Apr 4, 2023

Origin Of First Contact Day Explained

Live long and prosper.

Illustrated art of the Vulcan leader greeting humans with 'Live long and prosper' / Rob DeHart

On the eve of First Contact Day, let's revisit the origins of this significant moment in Star Trek history.

Cochrane and the Vulcan leader shake hands initiating First Contact

Star Trek: First Contact

How Was April 5 Chosen?

Yes, it’s time to celebrate a day that, well, hasn’t happened yet . Before we jump into a detailed explanation of what First Contact Day is within Star Trek canon, we thought we’d address a practical matter — how and why did the writers-producers of Star Trek: First Contact choose April 5 as First Contact Day?

In Montana, a crowd of observers watch the historic landing of the first extraterrestrial craft to openly and publicly visit Earth.

We turned to the film’s co-writer, Ronald D. Moore, who offered a remarkably simple, sensible and succinct explanation. “The short answer on First Contact Day is that it's my oldest son, Jonathan's birthday,” Moore told “And that's the only reason the date was chosen.”

What is the Significance of First Contact Day?

First Contact Day pays tribute to the flight of the warp-capable Phoenix and the pivotal first interaction between humans and Vulcans, which occurred on April 5, 2063.

The Vulcan leader greets Cochrane with the Vulcan salute 'live long and prosper'

The Phoenix , built and piloted by inventor Zefram Cochrane, was the spacecraft that marked mankind’s first successful attempt at traveling at warp, utilizing a warp drive. That night, shortly after launch, the Phoenix broke the warp barrier, which caught the attention of a Vulcan survey ship, the T'Plana-Hath , as it was passing Earth.

The T'Plana-Hath , landed in Bozeman, Montana, after tracking the warp signature of the Phoenix , believing this civilization was advanced enough with their discovery of faster-than-light travel. Minutes later, a robed Vulcan, displaying the split-fingered Vulcan greeting, made the acquaintance of Dr. Cochrane, initiating Earth's first contact with another species and ushering in a new era for humanity.

First Contact was made, and it paved the way to the formation of the United Federation of Planets.

First Contact Day Watch List

Eager to discover more about First Contact and First Contact Day? We've got a watch list for you!

  • " Metamorphosis " ( Star Trek : The Original Series) – Stars Glenn Corbett as a young Cochrane
  • " First Contact " ( Star Trek: The Next Generation ) – Starfleet’s official definition of "making first contact" is to make contact with a planet or species that is about to become warp capable. In this episode, we see just how delicate the moment of First Contact can be. 
  • Star Trek: First Contact  –  The Next Generation  big-screen adventure with James Cromwell in the role of Cochrane (which he reprises, briefly, on  Star Trek: Enterprise  and  Star Trek: Lower Decks )
  • " Homestead " ( Star Trek: Voyager ) – Neelix and Naomi Wildman throw a party celebrating the 315th anniversary of First Contact Day, complete with heaping portions of Cochrane's favorite food (cheese pierogi), a classic jukebox, and Tuvok flashing the Vulcan salute and speaking the legendary line, "Live long and prosper" 
  • " Grounded " ( Star Trek: Lower Decks ) – Mariner enlists her friends on a rogue mission to exonerate her mother, which includes a detour to Bozeman, Montana. In the three centuries since First Contact, Bozeman has become a tourist attraction thanks to Cochrane’s efforts. There’s even a replica of the Phoenix you can ride like a magic carpet right into space, piloted by a holographic representation of Cochrane himself! 

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Graphic illustration of a seated Data and Deanna Troi, with Tasha Yar and Jean-Luc Picard standing between them, and Q in a judge's robe in floating bubble

Memory Alpha

First Contact Day

Zefram Cochrane makes first contact

Humans make official contact with an alien species for the first time on April 5 th , 2063

First Contact Day was a holiday celebrated to honor both the warp 1 flight of the Phoenix and first open contact between Humans and Vulcans on April 5 th , 2063 in Bozeman , Montana . ( Star Trek: First Contact )

Shotgun used by Zefram Cochrane (mirror)

Mirror First Contact

The mirror universe equivalent of First Contact Day was also on April 5 th . Instead of peacefully greeting the Vulcans, the Terrans slaughtered all of the members of the survey ship . The day was later celebrated as a holy day by the Terran Empire . ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly "; DIS : " Die Trying ")

When Captain Kathryn Janeway was a child, the holiday was just considered a day off from school . Later, at least some schools such as WSA continued to operate on First Contact Day. ( VOY : " Homestead "; ST : " Children of Mars ")

Naomi Wildman and Neelix planned the 315th observation of the event aboard the USS Voyager . The festivities included Zefram Cochrane 's favorite food , cheese pierogies , and rock and roll music on Tom Paris ' jukebox . At Neelix's insistence, Tuvok gave the Vulcan salute while reciting the greeting given by the Vulcans during first contact: " Live long and prosper. " He did not see the point of it, but everyone in attendance applauded. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

During a battle in 2380 , Commander Jack Ransom noted the USS Cerritos was being "carved up like a First Contact Day salmon ." ( LD : " No Small Parts ")

On this day in 2385 , the planet Mars was attacked by rogue synths . 92,143 people died in the attack. ( ST : " Children of Mars "; PIC : " Remembrance ", " Maps and Legends ")

Kovich was born on First Contact Day of an unknown year. ( DIS : " Die Trying ")

  • 1.1 Background information
  • 1.2 Further Reading
  • 1.3 External link

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

  • Star Trek: First Contact co-writer Ronald D. Moore chose the date for first contact in honor of his son, Jonathan, whose birthday is April 5 th . ( Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 273; ( AOL chat , 1997 ))
  • First Contact Day was also cited in the first draft of the script for ENT : " Fusion " (which had the working title "Equilibrium"). In that script, Trip Tucker told Fraht about this holiday, commenting about it, "' That's kind of dull... just an excuse for kids to get the day off from school. "
  • First Contact Day has become adopted by the Star Trek franchise in the real world as a date to publicly celebrate Star Trek in the broadest sense as an elaborate annual public relations event, and uses the occasion to announce new releases for that year – those of merchandise in particular. The event was instituted in 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns as a kind of a "pick-me-up" (the first event therefore conducted virtually by remote digital means), ànd to celebrate the 25th anniversary of First Contact , the film in which the date was established. [1]

Further Reading [ ]

  • "First Contact Day: Shaping a Legacy", Joe Fordham , Star Trek: First Contact - The Making of the Classic Film , pp. 140-159

External link [ ]

  • First Contact Day at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Gabriel Bell


  1. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

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  2. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

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  4. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

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  5. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

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  5. Gravett Island

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  11. Star Trek: First Contact

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  13. Star Trek: First Contact movie review (1996)

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  15. Gravett Island

    Gravett Island. From a fictional location: This is a redirect from a fictional location or setting to a related fictional work or list of places. The destination may be an article about a related fictional work that mentions this place, a subsection, or a standalone list of settings. For redirects named for fictional characters use { {R from ...

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  18. Have a Great First Contact Day!

    First Contact Day pays tribute to the flight of the Phoenix and the pivotal first interaction between humans and Vulcans. It occurred on April 5, 2063. That night, the Vulcan survey ship the T'Plana-Hath landed in Bozeman, Montana, after tracking the warp signature of the Phoenix. The Phoenix was the spacecraft that marked mankind's first ...

  19. Memory Alpha : Projects/47 project

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  20. Origin Of First Contact Day Explained

    First Contact Day pays tribute to the flight of the warp-capable Phoenix and the pivotal first interaction between humans and Vulcans, which occurred on April 5, 2063. The Phoenix, built and piloted by inventor Zefram Cochrane, was the spacecraft that marked mankind's first successful attempt at traveling at warp, utilizing a warp drive.

  21. Lily Sloane

    Lily Sloane was a 21st century Human female who worked with Zefram Cochrane in the early 2060s to build Earth's first warp-capable spacecraft, the Phoenix, in Bozeman, Montana. A survivor of the devastation of Earth's third World War, Sloane was somewhat used to seeing murder and people getting "a thrill from murdering someone… all the time" in the society that was left in the 2060s. From ...

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  23. First Contact Day

    First Contact Day was a holiday celebrated to honor both the warp 1 flight of the Phoenix and first open contact between Humans and Vulcans on April 5th, 2063 in Bozeman, Montana. (Star Trek: First Contact) The mirror universe equivalent of First Contact Day was also on April 5th. Instead of peacefully greeting the Vulcans, the Terrans slaughtered all of the members of the survey ship. The day ...