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Star Trek III: Redemption

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Star trek iii: redemption.

Directed by Brandon M. Bridges

Time is of the essence

When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him, she will have to enlist the help from an unexpected source.

Majel Barrett Brandon M. Bridges Dennis Gard Robb

Director Director

Brandon M. Bridges

Alternative Titles

Star Trek: Redemption, Star Trek III:Redemption, Star Trek III : Redemption

Science Fiction Animation

Releases by Date

01 jan 2013, releases by country.

252 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

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Review by veronica

i first saw this series, all 12 hours of it, ten years ago and from there on out i have just had this insane outlook on life. literally nothing could prepare me for the first time I saw the meticulously detailed price is right set recreation that took 7 years to make and the participation of actual price is right crew members. every single character in this shares a face and they all walk like a combat poser video. the director voices 99% of the characters. it's a 12 hour running conversation with himself. you fall into this fucked up star trek ASMR slumber, like its actually amazing how he has the ability to capture that so well, and then…


Review by gamerfeet

endless droning dialogue about nothing, with static shots of people's faces and awkward turns. characters walk around the ship like grum from the pillgrums. the boring dialogue is interspersed with random jokey character moments that fall flat. and then BAM: the price is right theme plays and you're sent through a meticulous recreation of the set for like fifteen minutes while the author's self-insert looks around in admiration. the guy who made this has super-autism and i deeply respect his commitment and power.


Review by DylanColeslaw

The fuck is this?


Review by daphny ★★½

the price is right set is the centerpiece of this twelve hour long xtranormal star trek asmr

just when you think you're safe THE FUCKIN HORNS KICK IN BWA BWA BWA BWAAaaaaa

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Star Trek III: Redemption

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"Time is of the essence."

Star Trek III: Redemption is a fan-made CGI film , produced by Brandon M. Bridges as a sequel to Star Trek II: Retribution and the third entry in the Specter series. The plot for the movie was first worked on March 8, 2012, and the official writing began on July 17, 2012. A teaser trailer for the movie was posted on YouTube on July 24, 2012. Production for the movie officially began on July 27, 2012, and the final scene was posted on December 20, 2013.

In 2023, more than eight years after the remastered version of Redemption was shared, a sequel and prequel, Star Trek IV: Resurrection , was announced. Production began in January 2023, and the first scenes began appearing later that month.

  • 1.1 Act One
  • 1.2 Act Two
  • 1.3 Act Three
  • 1.4 Act Four
  • 1.5 Epilogue
  • 2 Memorable Quotes
  • 4.1 References to Star Trek canon
  • 4.2 References to other franchises
  • 4.3 Bloopers
  • 6 Dedication
  • 7.1 Re-Use of Material from Star Trek: Specter
  • 7.2 Star Trek III Remastered
  • 8 Future & Sequel
  • 10 Post-Production
  • 11 Fan Involvement
  • 12 Deleted Scenes
  • 13 Voiceovers
  • 14 Reception
  • 15 Soundtrack
  • 16 Musical Motifs
  • 17.1 Dedication Plaque
  • 18.1 Uniforms
  • 18.2 TNG Tricorders
  • 18.3 VOY Tricorder
  • 18.4 Type 25 Shuttle
  • 18.6 HD Screencaps
  • 20 External links
  • 21 Star Trek III: Redemption
  • 22 Star Trek III Remastered

Summary [ ]

When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him, she will have to enlist help from an unexpected source.

Act One [ ]

In late 2399, the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald is moored at the Starfleet Museum Annexe, the night before she is to be decommissioned. With the ship deserted and almost entirely powered down, Captain Kendra Ronston takes one last look around before disembarking herself.

After wandering around the ship, she finds herself in Ten Forward. After reminiscing alone for a few minutes, Renee Mitchell unexpectedly arrives, followed moments later by Dr. Falwell, Captain Hargrove, and Lesley Kal, who is now a civilian. After a tense moment between Kal and Mitchell--the two having parted ways years prior after a messy breakup--the planet below them suddenly begins to break up, and the five crewmembers are barely able to power up the engines in time to escape destruction themselves. Unable to raise Starfleet Command, they rush to Sector 001 to find Earth a prehistoric and volcanic ruin devoid of life. As Ronston takes a shuttle down for a closer inspection, a ship from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers arrives, commanded by Merv Ronston. Aboard the Fitzgerald , he explains that what happened in the Alphekka system and at Earth are just symptoms of a much larger problem, that space-time across the quadrant has been "fractured" somehow, and time distortions have devastated almost all of known space. Worse, the effect is spreading, and within five days, the present will have been completely obliterated.

Captain Ronston sends him off to conduct a survey of the Federation and look for survivors while she tracks the distortions to their source in the Vandor system. While investigating the remains of a laboratory on Vandor IV, Admiral Bradley Prentice, and Dr. Braiyon Garr unexpectedly appear, having arrived by shuttlecraft hours earlier. Prentice agrees to join Ronston and assist in their efforts, while Mitchell makes a discovery of her own: DNA traces spread through the laboratory that are weeks old, which apparently belong to Dr. Braiyon Garr, and impossibly, also to the long-dead Captain Gaius Reyf, killed during a mission to Dominion space nearly two decades earlier.

Later, aboard the Fitzgerald , Garr reveals that the distortions in space and time were caused by a massive detonation of Omega particle energy, theorizing that if the explosion was somehow part of an effort to go back in time, it would amplify the molecule's destructive force and spread the devastating effects through time as well as space. Unfortunately, he lacks the scientific expertise to reverse the effect, and even if he did, the only place to stop it would be at the focal point where it began in the first place--meaning they have to go back in time.

Ronston is able to locate a patch of stable space large enough to make an attempt, but getting to it requires crossing into Cardassian space, and even with the unfolding disaster, it's unlikely they would permit the Federation starship to cross their borders. With Prentice's help, the crew prepares to make an attempt, but when they enter Cardassian space, they are immediately attacked by a trio of warships. Merv Ronston rescues them at the last minute, and despite taking severe damage during the battle, the Fitzgerald is able to complete the time jump successfully.

Act Two [ ]

Reproducing the temporal energy surge, the crew finds themselves in the year 2378, all but crippled from battle with the Cardassians and made worse by the rough trip through time. With the replicator system inoperative, Mitchell is unable to make repairs, as all of the ship's emergency parts and supplies had been transferred due to the impending decommissioning. With less than two days of emergency life support remaining, a plan is hurriedly hatched to send an away team to the Fitzgerald of this time to obtain parts needed to make repairs. With the crippled Fitzgerald concealed inside the Azure Nebula, a team of five departs in a shuttlecraft, leaving Dr. Falwell and Commander Mitchell behind.

The away team boards the past version of the Fitzgerald and sets to work rerouting the ship's security systems to avoid detection. Although they are able to secure the supplies they need, Prentice accidentally sets off the intruder alert while trying to cover for Ronston, and the away team hastily falls back to the cargo bay. Garr is able to beam Hargrove, Kal, and the supplies off the ship, but before he can do likewise for himself, Ronston, and Prentice, Merv Ronston shuts down the transporters. Moments later, Lieutenant Erickson arrives with a security team and quickly takes them to the brig. On the shuttle, over Kal's objections, Hargrove elects to return to the Azure Nebula so that Mitchell can begin repairs.

On this era's Fitzgerald , Captain Reyf discusses the situation with Lieutenant Erickson and Commander Prentice in his ready room, and over their objections, he decides to meet with the intruders and hear what they have to say. They tell him about the disaster in the future, and Prentice recounts his own experiences in the alternate timeline, suggesting this may be their only chance to prevent both disasters. Reyf is suspicious of their account at first but becomes convinced when Garr reminds him about the role he played after Reyf lost his father at Wolf 359. At almost the exact moment, the transmission comes in from Mellis II advising of the visit by the Garr from this time frame. After discussing the situation with his senior staff, Reyf allows Garr and his away team to return to their own ship.

With repairs nearly complete, Ronston meets with Kal in her ready room and, impressed by her renewed professionalism and exemplary performance since the disaster began, offers her the opportunity to return to Starfleet. Before Kal can reply, Mitchell summons her to Engineering, reporting her readiness to reinitialize the main power systems. With Ronston and Prentice assisting, Mitchell is able to bring main power back online, and minutes later, the Fitzgerald --once again operational and with a now-reinstated Kal at the helm--leaves the Azure Nebula and sets course for the Alcawell Mineral Refinery.

At the station, history unfolds as it did originally: the Mark-I ISS Voyager appears, disables the shields around the space station, and then forces the inhabitants to evacuate. Once all the ships, shuttlecraft, and escape pods are out of sensor range, this era's Garr boards the station to retrieve the neutrino dampener, only to face Ronston, Prentice, and Hargrove inside the main airlock, all armed with large phaser rifles. A short time later, he meets with them and his counterpart in the briefing room aboard his ship, and they tell him about their mission and ask for his help. Deeply skeptical--in large part due to the presence of his counterpart--Garr at first refuses their request until his future counterpart tells him that Reyf will die.

With Garr's help secured, the away teams return to the Fitzgerald , where Garr shares what he discovered on this era's Fitzgerald : Drakus is dying, and soon. Prentice recalls that in the alternate timeline, he used a modified phaser to disable the Borg technology that had been sustaining him and that absent a replacement in 2399, the only possible answer would be to return to a time when the Borg were still a presence in the Alpha Quadrant. This leads him to conclude that there's only one possible explanation: Drakus is going to go back to the year 2367, with the objective of boarding the Borg cube that invaded Federation space and salvaging the technology he needs while the Borg are "asleep."

Planning to follow Drakus back to 2367, Garr assists with last-minute preparations, moments before his counterpart destroys the Alcawell station--precisely as he did before. Reminded that they're dealing with an unstable element with this era's Garr, Ronston orders the ship to warp speed, and both the Fitzgerald and the Mark-I ISS Voyager successfully complete a time jump to 2367.

Act Three [ ]

Arriving safely in the year 2367, the crew is startled to discover that they are not alone: directly off their starboard beam is the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald , NCC-85107-A, from 2378. Prentice and Ronston angrily demand answers from Captain Reyf, who calmly explains that he wasn't about to let a crew of seven take on Drakus alone and that if he really is responsible for Drakus' existence in the first place, the situation is partly his fault and he can't sit idly by and do nothing. Though angry that Reyf's intervention has caused them to arrive one month later than they were supposed to, Ronston relents and says she understands why he did what he did and accepts his offer of help.

Scanning space, there is no sign of Drakus until a beacon begins to transmit on a frequency that could only have come from 2399. Tracking it to its source, the Fitzgerald discovers a signal buoy floating in space. A short time later, the buoy emits a powerful subspace signal and directs it towards the ship from 2399, activating one of the holodecks. Going to the holodeck, Ronston finds herself face-to-face with none other than Drakus himself--and even more startling is the message he brings: that all he wants is to live out his remaining days in peace and that he's a changed man since he and Prentice last saw each other. With that, he disappears.

Later, the three crews confer via visual teleconference, and all agree that they can't trust Drakus or take him at his word and that something more must be going on. When the Garr of 2378 hears Kal and Ronston discussing why the signal overloaded the ship's transceiver array, he realizes the signal is coming from the Beta Stromgren system--the self-same site where he first constructed the ISS Voyager . Reyf wants to go there immediately, but Ronston wants to avert the temporal disaster in the future first, so the three ships set course for the source of the disaster: Sector 411, the Beta Reticuli System.

The Mark-I ISS Voyager takes the lead while the starships Fitzgerald hang back and seals what turns out to be a minor temporal fracture before they continue. Unknown to the others, in the process, he collected the verteron particles he needs to run his temporal reactor, the real reason he had the other two ships remain out of range.

En route to Beta Stromgren, Drakus visits the Mark-I ISS Voyager in holographic form and presents his younger self with a tempting offer: he has developed a process to restore damaged tissue to normal, but it won't work on his own physiology as he is "too far gone." He offers to use it to restore Garr's physiology to its original state in exchange for his help in defeating "those that stand between me and what I want." Garr appears to consider his offer, and Drakus disappears.

A short time later, the ships arrive at Beta Stromgren and make a chilling discovery: a modified Federation construction yard putting out inexplicable energy readings, which lights up as the Fitzgerald approaches to reveal a red-hulled ISS Voyager , which Kal dubs "the Mark-II." Drakus hails the 2399 Fitzgerald to gloat at their being too late to stop him, and as they watch, the new ship powers up and launches from the yard. A fierce battle ensues, as the two starships Fitzgerald make a valiant effort to disable the Mark-II before it can escape. At first, Garr and the Mark-I ISS Voyager remain out of the fight, but seeing how badly Reyf and Ronston are overmatched and knowing they'll be killed without his help, he enters the fight against Drakus.

As he draws Drakus' fire away from the starships Fitzgerald , Reyf and Ronston swing around to take advantage of the Mark-II's one weak spot: its aft command processors. They manage to score a direct hit, but the impact sends the Mark-II careening into the Mark-I, which is disabled. Simultaneously, as Drakus regains control of his listing ship, his warp engines come on-line. Enraged by his counterpart's betrayal, he destroys the disabled Mark-I and then warps out of the system, leaving the two crippled starships Fitzgerald behind with the debris from the destroyed Mark-I.

Act Four [ ]

After the Mark-II departs, Prentice locates a single intact escape pod among the Voyager debris. Kal detects one life sign aboard, faint but alive, and Ronston orders it beamed to sickbay. A recovering Garr demands to know why she didn't tell him their foe was a version of him from an alternate future; admitting that she made a mistake in not telling him, Ronston pledges full disclosure from that point on.

The construction yard they found is actually a replicator, which Prentice dubs "the starship replicator," Ronston decides to use it to expedite repairs. Knowing they have only one more opportunity to stop Drakus--when the Borg cube reaches Earth, only to be disabled by the Enterprise --Ronston insists that they must be ready this time. With no time to lose, the crews immediately begin repairs and retrofits, and the ships are again made ready for action--just in time for the Battle of Wolf 359. On her bridge, Kendra Ronston listens to the comm chatter from the battle, and when Kal announces that all the Federation power signatures from the battle site have ceased, she looks stricken. Barely able to maintain her composure long enough, she orders a course set for the Wolf system as soon as the Borg ship departs and leaves the bridge. Prentice explains that Ronston decided not to intervene with the battle, even though the two starships Fitzgerald combined possessed more than enough firepower to disable or even destroy a Borg cube of this era--and feels as though the decision was tantamount to killing all 11,000 plus herself. Meanwhile, Reyf returns to his own ship to grieve the loss of his father for the second time.

En route to the Wolf system, Reyf receives an unexpected visitor in his quarters: his counterpart from the future. Sometime later, he boards the other Fitzgerald , but with Ronston unavailable, he speaks with Prentice instead, revealing his belief that the admiral is questioning his allegiance to Drakus. Hargrove pointedly questions why his counterpart would "sell his soul to a devil like Drakus," and Reyf reveals that in return for his assistance, Drakus promised to rescue his father from the Goodson just before it was destroyed. Prentice acknowledges that from his perspective, it might be worth it: get his father back, then stop Drakus at some later date. Just then, the call comes in that the Fitzgerald has reached the Wolf system.

Prentice returns to the bridge, and a visibly broken Ronston arrives a moment later, escorted by Dr. Falwell. Ronston watches on the viewscreen as the Fitzgerald flies through the Wolf 359 debris field, and after a few minutes, Kal asks to speak. She gives a stirring speech, and the other bridge officers remind Ronston that the mission isn't over yet and they still need her. When even the Garr from 2378 agrees, Ronston resumes command, and the ship sets course for Sector 001, where the Borg have already arrived.

As the Borg ship approaches Earth, the Fitzgerald and its counterpart arrive on the outskirts of Sector 001. Reyf elects to join Ronston and her ship, while his Fitzgerald moves off to monitor the situation from a distance and render aid if required. With preparations made, Ronston sets course for Earth, and they quickly catch up with the Borg vessel. Kal quickly locates the Mark-II, powered down and secured via magnetic grapple to the hull of the Borg cube, on the far side from the Enterprise -D. As the Fitzgerald closes in, the Borg attempt to lock on with their tractor beam; despite efforts by both Garrs, the shields fail and the Borg lock on. They activate a cutting beam and begin slicing into the secondary hull, disabling the ship's propulsion systems in the process before the Borg ship abruptly shuts down. Kal immediately reads two transports from the Mark-II aboard the Borg cube and tracks the coordinates. While Mitchell assesses the damage, Ronston leads an away team of herself, Hargrove, Reyf, and both versions of Dr. Garr, all armed with specially adapted phaser rifles, aboard the Borg ship.

Inside the cube, Ronston and her away team track Drakus' life signs and discover he and Admiral Reyf extracting nanoprobes from an inactive Borg drone. Garr immediately fires, but Drakus is protected by a forcefield and rejoices at his victory. Ronston and her officers try to convince Admiral Reyf to help them, but the admiral does nothing. Drakus gloats, only to be shot in the back by Admiral Reyf. Drakus falls, and Admiral Reyf simply says to his counterpart: "For our father." The admiral shuts down the forcefield and moves to join the away team, only to be shot in the back by Drakus, critically wounded but still alive on the deck. Hargrove, Garr, and Ronston fire their phaser rifles in unison, completely vaporizing Drakus and ensuring he can never hurt anyone again. The Garr from 2378 steps over to examine the body of Admiral Reyf as Prentice signals from the Fitzgerald : the propulsion systems have been badly damaged, and Mitchell can't fix them in time to get away from the Borg ship, meaning when the cube explodes, it will take the Fitzgerald with it. Kal suggests evacuating in a shuttlecraft, and Prentice orders Ronston back immediately, knowing they have only a few minutes. The away team prepares to depart but are stopped when the 2378 Garr reactivates the forcefield and declares his intention to remain aboard the Borg ship until it self-destructs, sacrificing himself rather than run the risk of turning into Drakus. Ronston and her Garr try to persuade him to change his mind, but he remains adamant and refuses, leaving them no choice but to return to the ship without him. Moments later, Prentice pilots a shuttlecraft away from the Fitzgerald , attempting to remain out of sight from Starfleet as he flees the area. Seconds before the Borg cube explodes, Reyf's Fitzgerald enters transporter range and beams the shuttle aboard before accelerating to warp speed away from the site. The Borg cube explodes, and history is left to unfold as it did before. Using the leftover boronite ore and the hastily-rescued reaction chamber, Mitchell is able to return Reyf and his ship safely to 2378, and the two crews say their tearful goodbyes.

Epilogue [ ]

Returning to 2399, Ronston and her crew discover that 2399 is back to normal, not a trace of temporal damage. More importantly, when the shuttle re-enters normal space, directly before them is the USS Wehmann --the ship belonging to Merv Ronston. Along with space and time, Merv was restored as well. On board, Kendra tearfully reunites with him, and together they all return to Earth.

Recording a log entry, Ronston remarks that it was surprisingly easy to convince Admiral Thornton that her experiences were genuine. She also notes that she put her entire crew in for commendations, particularly Lesley Kal. After some deliberation, Starfleet agreed to reinstate Kal's commission--but not as a lieutenant commander. Ronston notes that Kal will have to work her way up from the rank of lieutenant but that she can do so with the help of her friends.

A short time later, a shuttle is taking Ronston to her new command, ultimately revealed to be the new Sovereign -class USS F. Scott Fitzgerald , NCC-85107-B. On board, Ronston is reunited with her entire crew, including Admiral Prentice, noting that Garr and Kristie are also present. Prentice points out that Admiral Reyf is also present, the past having been changed so that he is still alive. Surrounded by her friends and colleagues, Ronston formally assumes command of the new ship and sets course for the unexplored mass of the galaxy.

In 2378, Gaius Reyf concludes a conversation with Kendra Erickson about their vision of the future and, in his quarters, sits at his desk and asks the computer to play a particular music file. Garr's favorite folk melody begins to play, and Reyf begins to smile, finding, at last, that comforting element to the music that his late friend had always tried to tell him about.

Memorable Quotes [ ]

The principal cast from the previous film will return and will be seen alongside their past counterparts from 2378. Three versions of Dr. Garr will appear, one from an alternate version seen at the end of Retribution , the original version from 2378, and one as the villain, Drakus.

  • Captain Kendra Ronston. Commanding officer, USS F. Scott Fitzgerald . In the film's opening scenes, she is shown packing up her personal effects prior to the ship's decommissioning. When the temporal disaster strikes, she takes the Fitzgerald into space one last time to combat the phenomenon.
  • Admiral Bradley Prentice. Starfleet flag officer. Crossed paths with Dr. Braiyon Garr after the space-time continuum shattered in 2399, and was with him at Vandor IV investigating the source of the disaster when they encountered the Fitzgerald away team. Prentice acts as an expert in the alternate timeline seen in Retribution throughout the film and on the villain, Drakus. Despite his rank, he acts as an advisor on the Fitzgerald instead of a supervisor.
  • Captain Jennifer Hargrove. Boarded the Fitzgerald for one last look around prior to its decommissioning. After the temporal disaster, she becomes the acting first officer under Captain Ronston.
  • Commander Renee Mitchell. Boarded the Fitzgerald for one last look around prior to its decommissioning. After the temporal disaster, she resumes her role as the chief engineer. She and Kal are no longer on intimate terms at the start of the film but they repair their relationship throughout the story.
  • Dr. Elizabeth Falwell . Chief medical officer of the Fitzgerald . She visits the ship with Hargrove and Kal before it's decommissioned, and stays on board after the temporal disaster. Falwell helps her colleagues cope with the difficulties they face by serving as a de facto counselor in addition to her medical duties.
  • Lesley Kal. Former Starfleet lieutenant commander, boarded the Fitzgerald with Dr. Elizabeth Falwell and Captain Hargrove for one last look around, and remained aboard to assist the crew with their investigation. No longer a member of Starfleet, she is later revealed to have left the Fitzgerald following an unknown incident involving Commander Mitchell and a serious falling-out with then-Commander Ronston. Kal had a self-destructive spiral after leaving the Fitzgerald but Ronston helped her. Throughout the film, she repairs her relationship with Mitchell and impresses Ronston enough to be offered a provisional reinstatement of her commission. On returning to 2399, Starfleet restores her commission but only to the rank of lieutenant.
  • Dr. Braiyon Garr (2399). Highly placed Starfleet science officer. His wife was killed when the temporal disaster struck in 2399, and enlisted the aid of first Admiral Bradley Prentice, and later Kendra Ronston and her crew to undo the damage.
  • Dr. Braiyon Garr (2378). Former Starfleet Intelligence operative and member of Section 31.
  • Drakus. Warlord from an alternate history, who causes a temporal disaster by traveling back in time. He is not seen for most of the film, but his goal is to obtain technology from a Borg cube that invaded Sector 001 in 2367 to restore his physiology. He reaches the cube but is killed by the counterpart of Gaius Reyf.

References to Star Trek canon [ ]

  • The main title theme of Redemption is actually a medley of the title theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture and the end credits theme from season 3 of Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • The sound made by the doors on the 2399 Fitzgerald is from the TNG episode " Yesterday's Enterprise ", and was chosen over the standard door sound to make the ship seem to be showing its age.
  • The ambient bridge sound of the 2399 Fitzgerald is one of two versions of the ambient sound of the Enterprise -E bridge, specifically that from Star Trek: First Contact . The other, from Star Trek: Insurrection , would be heard at the end of the film as the ambient sound of the bridge of the Fitzgerald -B.
  • The combadges worn by the 2399 officers are those seen in the TNG episodes " Future Imperfect " and " Parallels ". However, unlike those episodes, the colored bars behind the Starfleet delta do not indicate rank.
  • The sound made by the combadges in Redemption is a re-use of the sound made by Bajoran communicators in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • Sound effects from Star Trek: First Contact onward are used to make the 2399 Fitzgerald 's computers appear more advanced and different from those in 2378. Scenes in 2378 continued to use sound effects from Star Trek TNG. The LCARS displays reflect the classic TNG design, hinting that the 2399 Fitzgerald is an older design and not fully upgraded. (Notably, the shuttlecraft seen early in the film features the newer "Future LCARs Concept" graphics by Robert Brisson and David Kleist, which were also seen on the bridge of the Wehmann .)
  • The "This station under computer control" LCARS graphics on the consoles on the 2399 Fitzgerald are inspired by similar graphics seen in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .
  • Vandor IV was the site of the Manheim experiments in the TNG episode " We'll Always Have Paris ".
  • When Ronston argues with Hargrove about transporting down to Vandor IV, Hargrove at first strongly objects, a nod to an exchange between Captain Picard and Commander Riker in the TNG episode " Encounter at Farpoint ", during which Riker recounted an incident when he refused to allow Captain De Soto to beam down to a planet. The exchange in Redemption clearly shows Hargrove acting in the capacity of a first officer, despite holding the rank of captain, which is also a nod to Star Trek: The Motion Picture --which saw Captain Will Decker doing the same. Falwell cites regulations allowing the captain to lead an away team with armed escort, referencing Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , where a similar regulation was quoted by Lt. Saavik.
  • The sound and appearance of the 2399 Fitzgerald transporter is reminiscent of the 29th century transporters seen in " Relativity ".
  • In Ronston's ready room, the items on the shelf behind her chair are props from Star Trek: The Original Series (specifically a tricorder, phaser, and communicator). The gold model across from her desk is that of an original-configuration Constitution -class starship, presumably the original Enterprise .
  • Like Captain Picard's, Ronston's ready room sports what appears to be a fish tank in one corner, though what (if anything) is inside is never addressed, and the prop is never shown up close.
  • The desktop computer terminals in use aboard the 2399 Fitzgerald reflect a design first introduced in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , and later seen in several episodes of Star Trek: Voyager .
  • When elaborating on Omega, Garr mentions that Starfleet located a source of boronite ore in the Badlands. Boronite ore was referenced in the VOY episode "The Omega Directive," in which Seven of Nine states that the Borg were able to use boronite to synthesize Omega molecules. The Badlands were frequently seen or referenced in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , and were depicted as an area filled with volatile and deadly plasma storms.
  • The Fitzgerald is shown to feature an Astrometrics lab, identical in appearance to that of the USS Voyager . (In the first film, a large Stellar Cartography room was shown, identical to a similar facility seen on the Enterprise -D in Star Trek Generations ; though not explicitly stated in dialogue, it may be assumed that this change and that of the transporter room is a result of the alternate timeline introduced at the end of the first film. From a production standpoint, the changes were made as the Voyager sets were easier to light and produce scenes with.)
  • During a scene in Astrometrics, Ronston shows the crew imagery of the space-time continuum breaking apart using stock footage from the TNG episode " Redemption " showing the outbreak of the Klingon civil war (first renegade birds-of-prey attacking the IKS Bortas over Qo'nos, and then from the conclusion of the episode, the House of Duras under attack from orbit). This sequence is accompanied by the music track "Klingon Attack," from Star Trek: The Motion Picture . The second are recreations of shots from Star Trek: The Motion Picture , first showing the refitted USS Enterprise approaching the V'ger cloud and then showing V'ger itself approaching Earth. The second sequence is accompanied by another track from ST:TMP, an excerpt from "Spock Walk." Other sequences were planned but not included due to time constraints.
  • The sound effect of the 2399 Fitzgerald accelerating to warp speed is actually a re-use of the Enterprise 's warp acceleration from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .
  • Like TNG, VOY, and ENT, Redemption makes frequent references to the number 47. One notable use comes when Dr. Garr mentions that the Fitzgerald has 47 decks, opposed to the 42 on a standard Galaxy -class starship.
  • The red alert sound of the 2399 Fitzgerald is that of the USS Voyager and the Enterprise -E. The bridge lighting for condition red is also closely based on the Enterprise -E in Star Trek: First Contact .
  • During the attack by the trio of Cardassian warships, Dr. Garr says, "Congratulations, captain--you wanted them angry, they're angry!" Garak spoke the same quote in the DS9 episode " Sacrifice Of Angels ".
  • The interior ambient of the Borg cube is actually the corridor ambiance of the original Enterprise , reduced in speed by 50%
  • The cargo bay and transporter used by the away team to transport back to their shuttle reflects the layout seen in TNG's first season, in the episode " Datalore ".
  • The layout of Main Engineering on the 2399 Fitzgerald reflects a layout seen in one of the alternate universes seen in the TNG episode "Parallels," with the master systems display table (or "pool table") set alongside the warp core rather than in the main area. The set also features the large metal frame seen in TNG's " Booby Trap " and "Parallels," and in the film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .
  • On the 2399 Fitzgerald bridge, the two alert bars along the back wall employ colored graphics and do not change based on the ship's alert status as they did in Star Trek: The Next Generation . This is a reference to the TNG episode "Parallels," where one of the alternate bridge sets did the same thing. In Redemption , the colored bars are a re-use of the "condition green" alert bars from the Voyager bridge.
  • The light arches to either side of the command chairs on the 2399 Fitzgerald bridge, along with the added tactical console behind the captain's chair, are also from "Parallels." As in that episode, the conn and ops stations are colored silver instead of their usual peach.
  • The consoles on the 2399 Fitzgerald feature metallic trim, which was introduced in the future time frame of the TNG finale " All Good Things... ", which would later become part of the bridge sets of the Defiant and the USS Voyager . The door labels are also reminiscent of the future time frame of "All Good Things..."
  • Early in the film, when the Fitzgerald reaches Sector 001 and races towards Earth, the shots of the ship flying past the various planets are inverted shots based on those from Star Trek: The Motion Picture .
  • The layout of the Fitzgerald shuttle cockpit is based on the runabout cockpits seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . This is correct given the exterior design of the shuttle (as seen in Star Trek: Insurrection , which did re-use the runabout set). However, the set incorrectly uses the two-window design of the runabout (as opposed to the large single window on the shuttlecraft) and lacks side-facing windows.
  • The tricorders used by the 2399 officers are closely modeled after those seen in Star Trek Nemesis , and use the same sound effects.
  • When the 2399 away team transports down to Vandor IV, they are shown with devices attached to their uniforms (each on the left shoulder). While a cut line of dialogue would have established these as personal forcefield generators to protect against the radiation in the laboratory, the props themselves are actually neural stimulators, as seen in Star Trek: Voyager .
  • The layout of the 2399 Fitzgerald transporter room reflects the layout of the one from Voyager and the Enterprise -E.
  • The 2399 Fitzgerald corridor set includes light fixtures to either side of turbolift doors seen in the corridor sets of the Enterprise -E.
  • The warp core on the 2399 Fitzgerald pulses the same way as the new warp core did in the TNG episode " Phantasms ".
  • In the remastered version of Redemption , the LCARS columns in Main Engineering (in both 2378 and 2399) show the correct graphics, obtained from HD screencaps from " Remember Me " (the tall column in the main room, opposite the chief engineer's office) and " Lonely Among Us " (the tall column in the back of the chief engineer's office) respectively, instead of recycled graphics from " Future Imperfect ".
  • The interior of the temporal vortex the Fitzgerald passes through is a re-use of the slipstream from Star Trek: Voyager . Exterior shots of the Fitzgerald during that sequence are reminiscent of shots of the Enterprise -D inside the vortex from the TNG episode "Time Squared."
  • During the time travel sequence, the computer monitors all show static; this is a nod to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , where the same thing occurred on the bridge of the Klingon Bird-of-Prey.
  • The Azure Nebula, its appearance, and the fact of its composition, including serillium, are references to the VOY episode " Flashback ".
  • The ambient sound of the bridge of the crippled 2399 Fitzgerald is actually that of the damaged Voyager bridge from the two-part episode " Year of Hell ".
  • Redemption features a rare appearance of the Galaxy -class battle bridge emergency turbolift, seen only twice in Star Trek: The Next Generation --first, in the pilot, and later, in the season six episode " Starship Mine ". The turbolift seen in Redemption reflects the later design.
  • The controls of the large Volga -class shuttle (which dialogue shows is named the Reichert ) used by the away team are portrayed by sound effects from Deep Space Nine runabouts and, in later scenes, the helm controls of the USS Voyager .
  • Ronston notes that Kal has previously worked as a Dabo girl on Casperia Prime. The planet was mentioned as a potential honeymoon spot for Commander Worf and Jadzia Dax in the DS9 episode " Change of Heart ". The conversation also references the Qualor system (" Unification "), Risa (frequently referenced, seen in the " Captain's Holiday " and " Let He Who is Without Sin... "), and Rigelian whiskey, alluding to a star system frequently referenced in Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • When the shuttle arrives at DS9, the flyover sequence references the pilot episode of Star Trek: Voyager , " The Caretaker ". In the episode, a shuttlecraft does a similar inspection of the USS Voyager docked at the station. Like the episode, the sequence ends with a close flyover by the shuttle of the ship's registry: USS F. Scott Fitzgerald , NCC-85107-A.
  • After the shuttle lands on the superstructure of the 2378 Fitzgerald , Kal says, "Disengaging engines, securing thruster exhaust...we're down." The line references the Star Trek: Voyager episode "The 37s," where Tom Paris said the same thing once the ship had landed on the planet's surface.
  • One scene in the 2399 sickbay shows props resembling Voyager test cylinders (as seen in the episode " Eye of the Needle ") in Falwell's office. Production notes indicate these were originally intended to be emergency lanterns' .
  • A scene in the 2378 engine room shows Merv Ronston carrying a holographic camera, similar to the one used by the Doctor in the VOY episode " Latent Image ".
  • The graphic seen as Kal is accessing the command systems is almost identical to one seen in the TNG episode " Brothers ".
  • Prentice notes that the original version of Dr. Garr (and thus, Drakus) was once a member of Section 31, the secretive Starfleet Intelligence organization introduced in the DS9 episode " Inquisition ".
  • When Garr activates the companel on Deck 11, the display is actually a re-use of the holodeck control interface seen in Star Trek: First Contact .
  • In 2378, when Commander Prentice calls for intruder alert, Lieutenant Erickson follows the intruder (Admiral Prentice from the future) into a corridor and is seen entering from the alcove opposite the blind corridor leading to the transporter room. Given the layout of the original Stage 8 complex, this is accurate, as a hidden door (never seen on screen) in the back of the chief engineer's office does indeed lead to that part of the corridor set.
  • Lt. Erickson's tactic to use thermal sensors to locate the intruders is reminiscent of Worf's method in the TNG episode " The Game ".
  • The appearance of the 2378 transporter effect reflects that of the USS Voyager , while the sound is heard in Star Trek Generations .
  • The design of the Fitzgerald brig reflects that of the USS Voyager , albeit with TNG-style colors.
  • One of the items on the shelf in Reyf's ready room is a TOS-style science tricorder.
  • The gold model in Reyf's ready room is that of the refit USS Enterprise from Star Trek: The Motion Picture .
  • While in the 2378 brig, Garr mentions that with the use of Borg technology, he would "walk through this forcefield like it was thin air." This is a reference to the Voyager episode "Hope and Fear," which saw Seven of Nine use exactly that method to escape Arturis' brig on the Dauntless .
  • The design of the 2378 observation lounge reflects the set layout as seen in Star Trek Nemesis , including the three gold starship models at either end of the room. Though not seen clearly in Redemption , it may be assumed these models represent the history of the starships Enterprise , not the lineage of the USS Fitzgerald .
  • The Type-7 shuttlecraft seen in the film (named "Celia") saw frequent use in the early seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • While attempting to restart the main power grid, Prentice notes a problem in one of the computer system's optronic integrators. A similar device was mentioned by Chief O'Brien in the DS9 episode " The Assignment ".
  • The climax of the film takes place during the events of the TNG episode "The Best of Both Worlds," part 2. The events of the episode are briefly recapped near the middle of the film.
  • The exterior shot of the two starships Fitzgerald holding position just after arriving in 2367 echoes a similar shot from the TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" (informally referred to as the "duality" shot).
  • The subspace beacon left by Drakus is played by a ship recorder from Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • When Merv Ronston and his team of engineers beams aboard the 2399 Fitzgerald , the large piece of equipment with them is the neurogenic field generator from the Voyager episode "Waking Moments."
  • The notion of a powerful subspace transmission activating a starship's holographic systems was inspired by the Voyager episode "Unimatrix Zero," where the Borg used a similar method to activate the sickbay holographic emitters to convey a holographic message from Captain Janeway.
  • Garr says that the site where he built the ISS Voyager is the Beta Stromgren system, a perfect site due to a supernova the previous year. The system appeared in the TNG episode " Tin Man ", and the supernova takes place at the end of that episode.
  • Kendra Ronston orders coffee from the replicator, "Double strong, double sweet." This is a nod to Chief O'Brien, who in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was frequently seen ordering coffee, "Jamaican blend, double strong, double sweet."
  • The sound effect of the close warp-speed flyby of the ISS Voyager is recycled from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .
  • Garr's Price is Right holoprogram follows in the footsteps of Tom Paris and his assortment of 20th-century-themed holoprograms, including the "grease monkey" simulation and the Captain Proton program.
  • When Drakus appears in the mess hall of the ISS Voyager , Dark Garr immediately says, "Who the hell are you?" In Star Trek Generations , Dr. Tolian Soran greeted James T. Kirk the same way.
  • Drakus' response, "Don't you recognize your own face, in a mirror darkly?" references the episode of Star Trek: Enterprise by the same name.
  • In the first film, Garr's time device was powered by an "anti-time reactor," to which Drakus refers when visiting his younger counterpart in Redemption . The concept of anti-time was introduced in the TNG series finale, "All Good Things..."
  • The "standard Federation construction yard" used by Drakus to construct the Mark-II ISS Voyager is played by the drydock model from Star Trek: The Motion Picture .
  • While studying sensor scans of the drydock at Beta Stromgren, Mitchell remarks, "Something weird is going on out there." In the TNG episode "Emergence," Geordi La Forge says the same thing about one of the Enterprise 's cargo bays, using nearly identical inflection.
  • When the Mark-II ISS Voyager launches, the bridge is shown at blue alert. This is a nod to the VOY episodes "The 37s" and "Demon," where condition blue was also sounded. In those episodes, it accompanied a starship landing or lifting off from a planetary surface.
  • During the Battle of Beta Stromgren, Reyf orders Lt. Erickson to "make the Fitzgerald a more serious threat." Captain Janeway gave a similar order to Lt. Tuvok while attempting to disable the titular missile in the VOY episode " Dreadnought ".
  • During the Battle of Beta Stromgren, Dark Garr identifies the secondary command processors of the Mark-II ISS Voyager as a vulnerable spot. The same spot on the USS Voyager was also shown to be vulnerable in the Voyager episode "Basics," part 1.
  • When Admiral Prentice visits Dark Garr in the Fitzgerald sickbay, his first words are "How many fingers do I have up?" while holding up his hand and giving the Vulcan "live long and prosper" sign. The gag is a direct allusion to Star Trek III: The Search for Spock , as is Dark Garr's wry response: "That's not very damn funny."
  • The same scene also marks the first time Garr is seen without his signature glasses; his line "It's times like this I wish I wasn't allergic to Retinax-5" moments before he puts them back on is a reference to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . In that film, Dr. McCoy observes that he typically prescribes Retinax-5 for elderly patients with deteriorating eyesight, leading Admiral James T. Kirk to point out his allergy to the medication, thus necessitating his use of glasses.
  • The bridge of the Fitzgerald- B seen at the end of the film is a re-dress of the bridge of the USS Daystrom from the first film (itself based on the bridge of the Enterprise -B from Star Trek Generations ), featuring colors sampled from HD screencaps of Star Trek: First Contact , and "Future LCARS Concept" computer screens by Robert Brisson and David Kleist.

References to other franchises [ ]

  • A shot of the door to sickbay early in the film shows its room number to be 4077. This is a reference to the TV series M*A*S*H, which was set as MASH #4077.
  • When her crew appears hesitant to leave the observation lounge during an early scene, Ronston raises her voice and says, "Unless I'm mistaken, it still says 'captain' on my uniform." This is a nod to Stargate SG-1 , in which Colonel Jack O'Neill frequently pointed out that "It says colonel on my uniform."
  • The set used for the Vandor IV laboratory is a re-use of the Genomex set from the TV series "Mutant X," reflecting the layout of that set as it was seen during the show's second season.
  • Among the debris in the destroyed Vandor IV laboratory are several consoles from Stargate Atlantis . A Lantean holographic display can be seen on one of the back walls.
  • The ambient sound of the Vandor laboratory is that of the Technodrome from the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.
  • The 2399 uniforms mirror designs seen in the Star Trek Online MMORPG game. The belt buckle worn by Admiral Prentice is also from the game.
  • When the 2399 Fitzgerald arrives in Sector 113, after Prentice says, "We have a problem," Ronston turns to him and says, "I didn't authorize any problems." This mirrors a quote from Captain Dylan Hunt in the TV series Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda .
  • The requirement that the Fitzgerald accelerate to warp 8.8 to travel in time is a nod to the Back to the Future trilogy, which required the time vehicle to reach a velocity of 88 miles per hour. Later in the film, Garr says, "You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally! ", and in a later scene, Mitchell references a "flux capacitor."
  • The visual and sound effects of the Fitzgerald traveling through time are also obvious references to Back to the Future , which also used bursts of light to indicate a time shift was taking place.
  • After the time jump is completed, when Ronston regains consciousness in sickbay, Dr. Garr says to her, "That's right, Dorothy, it was all just a dream." This is a dual nod to both the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz and the TV series Stargate SG-1 , whose second episode saw Colonel Jack O'Neill use this same line.
  • One of the pieces of decoration in Ronston's ready room is a gold Touchstone from the Stargate SG-1 episode of the same name. The prop also later appears as set dressing in Kal's quarters.
  • During the shuttlecraft launch sequence, Falwell wishes the away team "Godspeed, and good luck." This is a reference to Stargate SG-1 , which frequently saw General Hammond giving the same sendoff to teams venturing through the Stargate.
  • Though the track was edited for its use in Redemption , the shuttle launch sequence is backed by music from Apollo 13 (specifically "All Systems Go/The Launch"). In Apollo 13 , the track accompanied the launch of the titular spacecraft and mission.
  • The engineering tool used by Hargrove in the Jefferies tube is actually a Star Wars lightsaber .
  • When describing the location from which Drakus accessed the computer aboard the 2378 Fitzgerald , Garr says it came from "panel AA-23." AA-23 was also the cell block number from which Luke Skywalker claimed to be transferring Chewbacca in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope .
  • As seen in the first film, the holoprogram Reyf and Falwell are discussing upon leaving the holodeck is a recreation of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein."
  • Prentice's frequent use of the phrase "We're doomed" references the original Star Wars trilogy; in those films, C-3PO frequently lamented circumstances by saying those words.
  • The name of the Alcawell Mineral Refinery seen in this film comes from one of the Star Trek: Voyager novels, specifically #2 ("The Escape"), published in May 1995. In the novel, Alcawell (roughly translated into "the station") is the site of a long-abandoned group of time shuttles, visited by the Voyager crew in desperate need of critical parts to repair the warp engines. More on the novel can be found here .
  • The launch and docking bays of the Alcawell station are played by the hangar bay of an Imperial Star Destroyer and the Death Star, respectively. The scale of the latter was clearly adjusted to accommodate the Intrepid -class ISS Voyager .
  • The sound of the boronite reaction chamber activating is actually the activation sound of the proton packs from the Ghostbusters films.
  • Prentice's quote, "Never put off for tomorrow what you can do yesterday," is a nod to the Men in Black: The Animated Series episode "The Head Trip Syndrome." In the episode, Agent K said the same thing to Agent J just prior to traveling back in time.
  • The sound effect for impulse-power flybys of the ISS Voyager is a re-use of the sound of the MADmobile (from the Inspector Gadget cartoon) driving past.
  • When the beacon left by Drakus activates and begins broadcasting, the sound effect is that of an Imperial Probe Droid from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back .
  • The appearance of the temporal fracture seen midway through the film is a re-use of the appearance of an energy tear from the TV series Reboot . The visual effect in Redemption is composed of six layers altogether, with four-second animations that loop.
  • Dark Garr's Price is Right holoprogram blends elements from a number of different incarnations of the show, and the scene in Redemption employs an assortment of camera shots actually seen on the show at various points in history.
  • Dark Garr's quarters on the Mark-I ISS Voyager feature a number of allusions to various 20th century franchises, including Back to the Future , The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask , Tron: Legacy , and Stargate SG-1 .
  • When confronting Drakus at Beta Stromgren, Prentice tells him, "You can come along peacefully or in pieces." This is a nod to an episode of DuckTales , where the same line was used by GizmoDuck to threaten a robotic opponent.
  • Following the Battle of Beta Stromgren, Dark Garr remarks, "...the tall, dark, and sinister ugly man that we're chasing down is really a scary future version of me." The first half of the statement is a direct quote from Disney's Aladdin .
  • From the same scene, Dark Garr's remark, "But if I can't trust you, then I can't trust your statement that I can trust you" directly quotes the title character of the TV series House .
  • The notion of a starship replicator traces its origins to William Shatner's Mirror Universe anthology; in the novels Spectre and Dark Victory , Kirk's mirror-universe counterpart constructs just such a device in the Goldin Discontinuity. Ronston's allusion to technical hurdles related to the replicator's size is also based on the novels.
  • In Lesley Kal's quarters on the 2399 Fitzgerald , the black panel next to the door shows a series of exotic-looking glyphs. Those symbols are, in fact, the Stargate address for Earth (incorrectly featuring Earth itself as a point of origin), a reference to the TV series Stargate SG-1 .

Bloopers [ ]

  • In an apparent blooper in the original release of Redemption , Admiral Prentice's uniform appears to change from the white Star Trek Online uniform to a First Contact -style uniform, as seen in the TNG films and the later seasons of DS9, and then back again near the end of the film. (This was later explained as a side effect of a costume change late in the production process and would be corrected in Star Trek III Remastered to use the white uniform exclusively.)
  • The Master Systems Display in engineering on the 2378 Fitzgerald mistakenly shows the ship's registry number as NCC-85167-A. NCC-85167-A was originally meant to be the Fitzgerald 's registry number, and signage from early in the production cycle for Specter reflects it accordingly. The error on the Engineering set was never corrected, and when the set was recycled for Redemption , it remains visible.
  • Near the middle of the film, just after Reyf orders Lt. Erickson to bring the 2399 officers to his ready room, the perspective cuts back to the brig. In the first shot, the 2399 crew is mistakenly shown wearing their combadges.
  • Immediately after Mitchell restores power to the 2399 Fitzgerald , in the wide shot as the warp core lights up, Admiral Prentice can be seen leaving Engineering--but moments later, he and Mitchell arrive on the bridge in the same turbolift.
  • When Kal reports for duty after her commission is reinstated, she identifies herself as "Lieutenant Commander Lesley Kal." Moments later, Ronston incorrectly addresses her as "Lieutenant," only to change to "Commander" later.
  • After Kal and Mitchell reconcile in Ten Forward, Garr steps into the corridor to speak with Ronston. Although they should be on deck 10, the door labels incorrectly show them on deck 12.
  • During the Battle of Beta Stromgren, Ronston orders "Hard to port;" the visual effect that follows mistakenly shows her Fitzgerald veering sharply to starboard .

As its name implies, Redemption 's primary motif centers around the notion of redemption; that is, restoring something damaged to its proper state, or better.

The film opens with images of a horrific temporal disaster, which has ripped apart the space-time continuum in 2399 and reduced Earth to a prehistoric volcanic wasteland. Thus, the film's A-plot centers around the crew's efforts to undo the damage and restore the future. A more subtle plot point centers around the Fitzgerald itself--at the start of the film, Ronston reveals that the ship is about to be decommissioned. A later conversation with Prentice further reveals that the ship will then be "made into a museum piece," which Ronston's tone implies to be a less than fitting end. The events depicted in the story, then, progress in such a way as to give the old ship a more proper sendoff.

The character arcs likewise share this theme, interspersed with the theme of friendship. In the opening scenes of the film, as Ronston takes one last look around before disembarking, Mitchell appears, and the two spend a few minutes reminiscing--until Mitchell mentions Lesley Kal, with whom she was shown to be in a happy relationship at the end of Retribution . Ronston then notes that none of the crew have had much luck with relationships, including her own attempts with Prentice. Moments later, when Kal appears, she and Mitchell don't speak to each other and can barely even look at each other. As the film progresses, their relationship gradually improves until Mitchell reveals the depth of her feelings to Garr--not knowing Kal is standing in the open doorway and can hear her. This returns their relationship to equilibrium and the two embrace.

Kal has her own story arc. In the opening scenes, when she visits the ship, she alone is shown not wearing a Starfleet uniform, instead donning blue lipstick and a leather outfit reminiscent of an old-style flight suit. It's revealed that she is no longer in Starfleet and that whatever caused her relationship with Mitchell to disintegrate also destroyed her Starfleet career, after which she fell into a self-destructive spiral and wanted nothing further to do with duty or responsibility. In a conversation with Ronston, Hargrove bluntly tells her not to trust Kal, but Ronston insists on giving her a chance to prove herself. Then, when the temporal disaster happens, Kal has accompanied Falwell and Hargrove to the Fitzgerald and finds herself pressed back into her former position as operations officer. As the story progresses, Kal slowly regains the trust and respect of her crewmates--including Hargrove--and near the middle of the film, Ronston even reinstates her Starfleet commission in recognition of her continued service.

Another similar story arc centers around the version of Dr. Garr from 2378, nicknamed "Dark Garr." When Ronston and her crew first meet him, he displays all the traits he exhibited in Specter --arrogance, callousness, smugness, and cold determination to complete his own mission. However, as soon as he learns that in Ronston's timeline, Gaius Reyf was killed in one of the last skirmishes of the Dominion War, he agrees to join their mission to prevent Reyf's death. As the story progresses, he shows increasing signs of regaining his humanity. Following an offer from Drakus to help restore his damaged physiology, Dark Garr decides the price is too high and sides with Ronston and his era's Reyf, joining a fierce attack against the Mark-II ISS Voyager , even losing his own ship in the process. Later, he even summons his future counterpart to make peace between them. Though the other Garr is initially skeptical, he agrees to keep an open mind in light of his counterpart's heroism.

Kendra Ronston's relationships also play a significant role in the story. Early in the first act, she meets up with ex-husband Merv Ronston over the volcanic Earth and is less than kind in her dealings with him, at one point openly criticizing his attempts to patch things up with her as poorly timed and bluntly asserting her authority, sending him on a survey mission while she attempts to learn the cause of the temporal disaster. Later, when the Fitzgerald is forced to cross into Cardassian territory, it comes under attack from three Cardassian warships and is nearly destroyed--until Merv Ronston arrives and distracts the Cardassians long enough to allow Kendra to complete her mission, losing his life in the bargain. Kendra is later shown to be devastated by this, and when her younger self asks if her Merv is "worth it," she immediately responds that he is. Later, when the Merv Ronston of 2378 visits her in her ready room, Kendra nearly breaks into tears and makes him promise her that no matter what happens, he will not turn his back on her younger self. Given how hard-edged she is shown through most of the film, this was received by viewers as a particularly powerful moment for her.

It was also established at the end of Retribution that Admiral Reyf--from the alternate timeline seen in that film--had thrown his lot in with Drakus and was helping him, and is on the bridge of the Mark II ISS Voyager when it launches, serving as first officer and tactical officer while Drakus pilots the ship. After the Mark II fails to overpower either the Mark I or either version of the Fitzgerald , Drakus becomes suspicious of Reyf's motives. When the admiral visits his younger self via hologram, the younger Reyf reveals that he is questioning his allegiance and that his reasoning for helping Drakus to start with was the promise that his father would be rescued before the Borg could destroy it at Wolf 359.

In addition to the theme of redemption, friendship plays a critical role in advancing the story. Early in the mission, Ronston points out that for the first time in her career, she's leading a fractured crew that isn't a cohesive whole, which frightens her even more than the outside threats they face. Falwell tells her that the best thing to do is try to unite the crew behind something inspirational, becoming de facto ship's counselor in the process. Throughout the film, Falwell continues to play this role, offering a caring ear and support whenever she can. At one point, while the majority of the crew is aboard the counterpart Fitzgerald , she encourages Renee Mitchell to sleep on one of her biobeds when she realizes the engineer is afraid of being alone.

Moreover, later in the film, after Dr. Garr becomes depressed after visiting the counterpart Fitzgerald and seeing Reyf alive after so many years, Prentice sends Kal to speak to him and try to get him back to work, knowing she's faced her own share of personal demons. She does, and Garr does indeed return to work, and when he takes proposed shield modifications to Mitchell, he realizes she's upset about something and gets her to tell him about the problem, inadvertently allowing Kal to overhear.

This is a critical plot point because of the amount of backstory. Earlier in the film, Ronston had a heart-to-heart conversation with Kal about helping keep her out of trouble after she left Starfleet. Kal is visibly moved, but later Ronston has a similar conversation with the 2378 Reyf in his ready room after he follows them back in time. In that exchange, Reyf comments, "I couldn't let you face this alone," referring to Ronston's mission to find Drakus and eliminate him once and for all. In effect, this scene reveals that Reyf taught his crew good morals, particularly regarding friendship and the importance of helping others. In turn, Kendra Ronston taught the same lesson to Kal, who in turn taught it to Garr. Perhaps most critically of all, Reyf understands the importance of friendship and the support that comes with it due to Garr having helped him grieve and recover after the loss of his father.

Later, after the crew of the 2399 Fitzgerald listen to the Battle of Wolf 359 on Starfleet's comm channels, Kendra Ronston herself becomes depressed, knowing she's allowed over 11,000 innocent people to perish. Falwell's best efforts yield no results, as she indicates to Prentice as she leaves Ronston's quarters. When she later returns to the bridge, the rest of her crew--including Reyf--remind her that they're stronger as a team and need her. Even Dark Garr agrees, and the collective insistence is enough to pull Ronston out of her depression, and she resumes command from Prentice just in time to set course for Sector 001 to intercept the Borg cube.

Dedication [ ]

Dedication (Starfield)

For Kristie.

Like the first film, Star Trek III: Redemption begins with a "For Kristie" dedication.

Unlike the previous films, Redemption makes very little of the name. A character named after the individual briefly appeared at the end of Retribution , and appears in two scenes in Redemption , first on the bridge of the Fitzgerald -B as Ronston assumes command, and then in a post-credits flashback. As portrayed in this film, Kristie appears as a tall, muscular blonde woman, and in the scene in 2399, she is shown wearing a Starfleet combadge, though not a uniform. Unlike the previous films however, Redemption ends with a second dedication and a photo, which was also seen very briefly

Garr and Kristie (2369).

Production [ ]

Production of Redemption began on July 27, 2012. A trailer was released that included clips from Specter that had been re-rendered with new visual effects, including a lens flare similar to that seen in Star Trek . The production notes stated that a new version of the Deep Space 9 station would appear in the movie, designed by Jörg Gerlach instead of the original designer, Dave Charnow.

ISS Voyager docks with Alcawell Mineral Refinery (Specter).

Like Specter and Retribution before it, Redemption is to be produced as though it were a live-action film, rather than a CGI production. The computer-generated effects shots in Redemption are limited in camera movement and interior shots use effects to mimic a practical production. So far, Redemption has more animated shots of elaborate sets than its predecessors and is using simplified lighting for low-light scenes to reduce rendering time.

On September 22, 2012, the final scene of Act I (Scene 15, "Sector 113") was completed and posted online. It was announced that the production would be stopped temporarily to fix errors and inconsistencies that were noticed in Act I. These errors included issues with the uniforms and inconsistencies with the presence/absence of characters' eyebrows from one shot to the next.

Re-Use of Material from Star Trek: Specter [ ]

The production materials from the first film were kept during the production of Retribution and Redemption . For scenes in Redemption set in 2378, they reused as much material from Specter as possible to speed up production. Most of the original material was used without any changes, including shots of the original bridge and engineering sets which continued to use static console displays instead of the video monitors introduced in Retribution . A set that was briefly seen as Lieutenant Erickson's quarters was originally built for an unproduced scene near the middle of the film; after that scene was initially cut the set was to be seen as part of the epilogue, but that was ultimately replaced with the scene in Ten-Forward. In the second time-travel sequence, Garr appears to relive his life through stock clips seen in Specter, shown in reverse chronological order to demonstrate going back in time. All the clips were reused from Specter without any alteration.

The original character models for the Fitzgerald crew were reused for Redemption , mostly without any modification. The only change made was to correct an error with the characters' eye color, which was mistaken during Specter . Only Reyf was intended to have brown eyes, while Prentice was intended to have blue, and Merv Ronston to have green, but in some scenes, all the characters had dark brown eyes. This error was fixed for Redemption .

Some of the archived materials were updated for their appearances in Redemption . For example, near the end of the second act, the Fitzgerald crew intercepts the ISS Voyager during its raid on the Alcawell Refinery, which was shown in Specter . A portion of the original scene was reused, but all the visuals were re-rendered to match the visual style of Redemption and the sound effects mix was updated to include weapon sound effects from Babylon 5 . Several new shots were also added to that segment, including during the evacuation sequence which shows a new shot of shuttlecraft and escape pods flying out of a launch bay, as well as shots of the ISS Voyager approaching the station. Additionally, what was a static shot of Voyager in the docking bay in Specter has been replaced with an animated camera pass.

Star Trek III Remastered [ ]

Main Bridge I (No Monitors)

2378 main bridge for the remastered version of Star Trek III: Redemption

The remastering process for Redemption was ongoing, and more significant changes were planned. One of the changes was a new bridge for scenes set in 2378, which would have a darker color scheme and harsher lighting, similar to the bridge from Star Trek Generations . The process began almost immediately after the full cut of Redemption was posted to YouTube, and it continued through 2014. Progress photos were regularly posted on Facebook, comparing the original and remastered versions of various shots. The remastering process was declared completed on August 13, 2014, and the following five days were spent trying to present the film at its original resolution of 1128x480, instead of 720x306 as it had been previously seen on YouTube. However, the video that was finally uploaded on August 16, 2014, appeared to retain the same resolution as the previous release. At the same time, previously-posted individual scenes from Star Trek III Remastered were removed, and the existing cut of Star Trek III: Redemption on YouTube was made unlisted. The original release had aggregated 117,287 views.

Future & Sequel [ ]

During the production of Redemption , there were rumors of a sequel being made. The director, Bridges, stated that Redemption would be the final film in the Specter trilogy and that it would be his last Star Trek film, and the ending of the third film would be a fitting conclusion to the trilogy.

Fitzgerald and Judicator

Concept art for an unproduced sequel to "Star Trek III: Redemption:" the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald and the USS Judicator .

Script notes indicate that a fourth film or spinoff episode was planned at one point. However, only a few details of the script were made available:

  • The untitled two-part episode follows Reyf and his crew in the "corrected" timeline seen at the end of Redemption
  • A massive space-time disruption would mysteriously appear in Sector 411, in the Beta Reticuli system, similar to " All Good Things ".
  • The visual effect for the anomaly would be a re-use of the temporal fracture seen in Redemption .
  • The plot would involve a ship from the future (post-2399), implied by concept art to be played by Mark Kingsnorth's Ascension -class, commanded by an aged Kendra Ronston.
  • The final words of the first part would be "He's coming" (It is not clear who "he" refers to, but it can be assumed that this refers to Drakus).
  • At the conclusion of the second part, the Fitzgerald is struck and damaged by an emission from the anomaly, similar to the Enterprise -B's encounter with the Nexus energy ribbon in Star Trek Generations , resulting in Captain Reyf becoming unstuck in time. This was intended to set up a multi-episode arc involving his recovery.

A sequel/prequel, Star Trek IV: Resurrection , was announced in January 2023. The project appears unrelated to the initial concepts developed after Redemption was completed.

Shortly after Act III began production, rumors began to spread regarding possible endings for Redemption . Myriad predictions had already circulated on YouTube, but fueling speculation was a request made via TrekMeshes for a Sovereign -class texture set featuring the registry name and number of the Fitzgerald . A short time later, a modified version of Paul Trenkler's Sovereign -class mesh was made available at Trekmeshes.ch featuring custom-made registry, confirming that future plans for Redemption somehow involve a Sovereign -class USS F. Scott Fitzgerald . No additional details were immediately available concerning the new ship's involvement, though original script notes from Specter archived at Scifi-Meshes.com indicated that at one point, the Fitzgerald was to be a Sovereign -class vessel rather than a Galaxy -class refit.

On Friday, January 4, 2013, the first details of Redemption 's finale emerged via YouTube in response to a viewer inquiry. In response to a question regarding whether the finish would destroy the 2399 Fitzgerald , the producer confirmed that while the ship would be destroyed, Captain Ronston and her crew would all survive and would return to 2399.

The ending as produced keeps largely to the expected outline. When the Fitzgerald intercepts the Borg cube at Earth, the ship is damaged by a Borg assault similar to that seen in "The Best of Both Worlds." While Ronston leads an away team into the cube for a final confrontation with Drakus, Mitchell reports the damage has disabled the ship's propulsion systems and can't be repaired in time to escape the Borg cube's coming self-destruction. On the cube, Drakus is protected by a forcefield but is shot from behind by Admiral Reyf, who prepares to join Ronston and her crew before being shot and fatally wounded by Drakus. Combined weapons fire from Ronston, Reyf, and Hargrove incinerates Drakus, destroying him for good. While Reyf pauses to speculate on the life his double would've lived in 2399, the younger Dr. Garr from 2378 reactivates Drakus' forcefield generator and refuses to go back with Ronston, believing that no matter what happens, there will always be a chance he'd turn into Drakus, a possibility he can't live with. Despite an emotional plea from Reyf, Garr refuses to relent, and Ronston is forced to beam back to the Fitzgerald without him.

As Captain Reyf's Fitzgerald from 2378 races to rescue the 2399 officers, they take refuge in a shuttlecraft and move to intercept the other Fitzgerald . Ensign Kal is able to modify the transporters to transport the moving shuttlecraft aboard, and seconds before the Borg cube explodes, she is able to rescue the shuttle, and the Fitzgerald escapes to warp. Returning all involved to their own times, Ronston finds herself in command of a new Sovereign -class USS F. Scott Fitzgerald , Gaius Reyf alive, Garr and Kristie reunited, and everything back to normal in 2399.

A post-credits scene explains how the various timelines apparently resolved since clues are given throughout the film that by its conclusion, the Prime timeline seen at the beginning of Specter and the one seen in Redemption are one and the same. In the year 2369, just after Garr accepts the assignment to Starfleet Intelligence, he is visited by Kristie, with whom he takes a photograph. Dr. Garr thanks her for love and support. Further, Kristie encourages him to mend his friendship with Gauis, which he says he'll do with her help. She answers that she'll be with him every step of the way. When she leaves, she is met by an ensign bearing a message seemingly received eight months prior (the approximate time frame of the events seen in the film's final act), coded for Kristie's eyes only, and with instructions to deliver it to that time and place. After the ensign leaves, Kristie plays back the message, only to see a recording of Dr. Garr apparently made aboard the Mark-I ISS Voyager prior to its destruction, who wants to talk to her about "the future." The final shot of the film depicts the Fitzgerald approaching an untouched and pristine Earth.

Post-Production [ ]

Shortly after the first full cut of Redemption was posted, Bridges indicated that additional post-production work would be done on the completed film before it was officially finalized. The full cut posted already boasted several improvements, including a new bridge set and higher-quality renders of the characters; the initial cut of Redemption had been rendered using Poser's "preview" settings, while in the full cut the bulk of the first act looked to have been re-rendered using the Poser FireFly engine. The differences were especially noticeable thanks to the 2399 uniforms, which gained shine effects and detailed bump mapping on the collars.

In addition to updating the sets and re-rendering the character animations at higher resolutions, several scenes were revised from their initial versions. The first such scene as Scene 16B, the initial time jump back to 2378; the revision replaced David Fang's cover of "Hope Lives Again (Arkology Theme)" with the original version by Matthew McCauley, but was otherwise indistinguishable from the initial version. Next was Scene 58B, "The Battle of Beta Stromgren," which saw significant changes and improvements from the original version; to date several revisions have been posted to YouTube, with the latest sporting "Borg Attack" (from the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Regeneration"), as well as a number of new visual effects shots.

Bridges has indicated that unlike Specter and Retribution , whose post-production processes were partial and abbreviated, Redemption would be completely remastered over time, and that in its final form Redemption would be "as close to perfect as possible."

Fan Involvement [ ]

Unlike the preceding two films, when Redemption commenced production, no real effort was made to solicit story feedback from viewers. Scifi-Meshes.com--whose membership had played an integral role in the creative process for the first film and most of the second--appeared to be uninvolved with Redemption , and the project thread on 3DGladiators.com seemed less collaborative and more presentational. Bridges has been largely silent on the matter, except for a single comment via Facebook that after what happened with Scifi-Meshes.com towards the end of Retribution 's production cycle, input on the story from viewers--while still welcome--would be strictly controlled, and that he was no longer affiliated with SFM. A subsequent post on 3DGladiators.com on another topic confirmed the latter sentiment.

Deleted Scenes [ ]

Midway through production, notes emerged detailing several scenes which had been deleted before being made. Most were brief character moments involving Lesley Kal, both the 2378 and 2399 versions, however those were dropped due to pacing concerns. A full scene between Captain Ronston and Admiral Prentice aboard the shuttle while waiting for word from the away team was also scrapped; that conversation would have shown them discussing the failed relationship that Ronston alluded to at the beginning of the film. It too was dropped over concerns about pacing, fearing too much time had already been spent on the Kal-Mitchell love story, and the Ronston-Prentice arc could be developed later in the production.

Script notes also show a major aspect of the time travel/alternate history plot was dropped. According to the notes, at some point, the 2399 and 2378 crews would have compared notes on their respective histories, discovering that in the original history Dr. Garr created a number of holoprograms while at Starfleet Academy, while in the revised history he did not, and that difference would be explained by Reyf never having lost his father and therefore never needing Garr's help to recover, a difference further attributable to the unseen presence of the ISS Voyager at the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367. In Specter , Garr had offered to take Reyf to that time and place to save his father, as he had been believed killed when the Borg destroyed his ship--however, in the alternate history created at the end of Specter , the ISS Voyager would have destroyed the Goodson before the Borg could, ensuring Thomas Reyf's death as the first act of Drakus' revenge. Understandably, this plot arc was dropped for fear of making the story too complicated for casual viewers.

Additional notes concerning the climax of Redemption indicated that at one point, the Fitzgerald was to undergo saucer separation, however that plot aspect was scrapped when a model of the Galaxy -class dreadnought could not be located that could properly separate.

A deleted scene taking place just before the fleet arrives at the Beta Reticuli system was to have featured Dark Garr visiting Ronston via hologram in her ready room, to ask for her insights on his lost humanity. This would have set up Dark Garr's arc for the remainder of the film; several references to this scene remained in the final film, especially the fact that from that point forward Ronston seems to take a softer hand with him. The scene, later identified as Scene 53D, "A Residue of Humanity," was later produced and added to Star Trek III Remastered .

Voiceovers [ ]

In response to inquiries from Star Trek Reviewed and other volunteer groups seeking to contribute voiceovers to Retribution following its completion, Bridges issued a strongly-worded statement discouraging such requests, adding that voiceover casting calls would not be issued until Redemption was completed, if even then, as no final decision had yet been made regarding a voice cast. A request by a fan audio group to do their own dub independently was also denied, Bridges justifying the decision by expressing discomfort with having potentially multiple versions of Redemption on the Web, emphatically stating that no fan dubs conducted in this manner would be honored if and when a casting call occurred.

Shortly following the completion of the first full draft of Redemption , Bridges stated in a YouTube comment that due to the outcome of the first casting call for Specter , no voice casting would be carried out for it, Retribution , or Redemption , and that the versions using his temp tracks would be the final and definitive versions.

Reception [ ]

Initial reaction to Redemption was overwhelmingly positive, with early scenes generating far more hits than the final scenes of Retribution . Viewers reacted strongly to the destruction of Alphekka IV and the chilling views of the devastated Earth and the new and underlying friction between the crew.

Early scenes suggested the dynamic would be very different among the principal cast than in the previous two films. In addition to the overarching sci-fi plot, a significant subplot would be the different crewmembers attempting to resolve their differences.

Viewers continued to respond positively through the completion of Act I and well into Act II, with many commenting that the production felt like "an old-fashioned Star Trek episode." Viewers have credited the small character moments--in particular the scenes with Dr. Falwell--as some of the best elements of the film.

Reaction to Redemption remained largely positive during and after production, with viewers consistently referring to the third film as "epic," and a fitting conclusion to the trilogy. Like its predecessors, Redemption received high praise for its faithful depiction of the Gene Roddenberry universe and its ideals for humanity, in particular the role of teamwork in solving the galaxy's problems. Unlike in Retribution , the divisions between the crew are believable, as is the ultimate resolution of those conflicts. Viewers also responded very positively to the arc involving Captain Ronston's decision to allow Wolf 359 to happen, particularly her emotional breakdown in its aftermath. Above all, fans praised the story's dedication to quality, the depth of the characters, and the film's avoidance of the typical pitfalls of fan works.

The primary criticism directed at Redemption centers around the lack of a full voice cast, a trait shared by the previous two films. Critics have also panned some of the visual effects sequences, in particular shots during the Beta Stromgren battle sequence, many of which mirror shots from the series and films.

During production of the film's first act, criticism--some of it harsh--was directed at the depiction of the relationship between Lesley Kal and Renee Mitchell. Although it was seen in Retribution , it was treated the same as any other relationship among the crew; in Redemption , their estrangement and eventual reconciliation become significant plot points, ultimately resolved with the assistance of Dr. Garr. Although the issue of homosexual relationships was given a wide berth in the majority of Star Trek canon--addressed directly only in the DS9 episode "Rejoined" --in response to criticism of his depiction of one in Redemption , Bridges was quick to point out that it was a logical inclusion to the plot given the dynamic among the crew in this film, which was different and less comfortable than it had been previously. Moreover, Star Trek has always approached different lifestyles--usually portrayed via alien races--with a mindset of openness and tolerance, and notably Ronston's crew reacts to their relationship just like any other.

Following its release, Redemption remained by far the most popular entry in the trilogy. In April 2014, Redemption eclipsed Specter in numbers of views, reaching 74,024 on April 29th, compared to Specter 's 69,698 on the same date. It accumulated in five months a view count of over 80,000, a figure that Specter had yet to reach despite being available for viewing since August 2012. As much as two months after its release, Redemption continued to attract an average of 1,000 views daily, compared to 250 for Specter and 155 for Retribution .

By comparison, Retribution had attracted only 36,495 total views, despite having been available for viewing for five days more than Specter .

Soundtrack [ ]

Redemption uses music from a variety of sources, unlike its predecessors which mainly used music from the Star Trek franchise. Redemption includes music from other franchises and genres, including contemporary and mainstream media, as well as lesser-known entries such as ReBoot and DuckTales . This reflects the lighter tone of the film compared to Retribution .

Musical Motifs [ ]

Like Specter before it, Redemption uses musical leitmotifs in its score:

  • Jerry Goldsmith's theme from Star Trek: Voyager is used frequently with Dr. Garr (both versions) and represents his humanity. It is heard in this capacity for the first time just before the Fitzgerald reaches Alcawell, as Garr visits Mitchell in Ten Forward and talks to her about reconciling with Kal.
  • Jay Chattaway's theme from The Inner Light , used in Specter 's epilogue to represent Garr's innocence, reappears during an exchange between Ronston's Garr from 2399, and Captain Reyf in 2378, but tellingly is never heard in any scene with Dark Garr.
  • Diane Warren's instrumental version of "Faith of the Heart," the theme from Star Trek: Enterprise , became the ship's theme for the Fitzgerald in the first film, and was heard several times as the ship's musical identity. That theme resurfaces multiple times in Redemption , first as the shuttle makes its final approach to DS9; then later as Ronston sees her ship through a window; third, as the ships leave the Beta Reticuli system; and finally, as Ronston sees her ship for the final time through the window of the shuttlecraft near the film's climax.

The sets for Redemption were mostly the sets from Retribution , retextured to appear more like their TNG counterparts, and with brighter and more natural lighting schemes. Because the plot called for both the 2378 and 2399 versions of the sets to appear side by side, some 2399 sets were modified to be readily distinguishable from their 2378 counterparts.

In addition to re-using and redressing sets from the previous two films, several new sets were constructed specifically for Redemption . In addition to a brig for the Fitzgerald --which appeared to be a recolored version of the Voyager brig--several new sets for the ISS Voyager were built, including the residential corridor, a full mess hall, as well as a new set for Garr's quarters. They were seen briefly in Specter , following the nightmare sequence, though that set was an unlit re-dress of the Fitzgerald quarters set, and the shot was framed in such a way that only a few stock props were visible. The new Voyager quarters set appeared to resemble Garr's quarters as seen at the end of Retribution ; some of the same props were visible, as were diplomas that were seen in Garr's office in Specter .

Main Bridge (2399)

The first trailer released offered glimpses of several original sets from Specter , notably the captain's ready room and the main corridors, and while there appeared to be some improvements in lighting, most of the sets otherwise appeared unchanged from the first film.

Promotional renders made available on Facebook on Friday, July 27, 2012 offered the first glimpse of the set for Dr. Garr's quarters aboard the 2399 version of the Fitzgerald , which differed from the brief look that appeared in the first and second trailers. Instead of a view of the Milky Way galaxy, the large wall monitor displays a view of a blue planet and moon, and the room appears fully furnished. The gold NCC-1701-A model, gold Triforce symbol, Delorean time machine, diplomas, antique television, and Risian Horga'hn remain on the set from Retribution ; new additions included the photo of Kristie from the office at Starfleet Headquarters in Specter , a 3D chessboard, a camping lantern, bar of gold-pressed latinum, and large photo or painting on the far wall; and a Green Lantern from the franchise of the same name, and what appeared to be the Touchstone from the Stargate SG-1 episode of the same name on one momento shelf; an Atari and Nintendo Entertainment system on the other. Several photos also called attention to what appeared to be a framed photo autographed by MMA Fighter Tecia Torres, which one caption indicated was featured by special arrangement with Torres herself.

Dedication Plaque [ ]

Bridge Plate 00005

The dedication plaque of the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald NCC-85107-A, as seen in the opening scene of Star Trek III: Redemption.

For the first time, a closeup will be featured of the dedication plaque on the bridge set of the Fitzgerald . Because it was never clearly visible in either of the previous two films, a proper plaque was never made; instead, a rudimentary alteration was made to a scan of the plaque from the Enterprise -D. The new version sports the ship's complete name, the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald , and lists the ship as a "Mark-II Galaxy-class" starship.

The plaque changed multiple times during production of Redemption and Star Trek III Remastered . The opening shot in the prologue sequence was reworked to replace the still shot with a close camera pass, which for the first time rendered the text clearly legible on screen (a similar pass was introduced at the end of Scene 68, "Cemetery of Dead Ships," just before Ronston addresses Dr. Garr). Production stills showed that over the course of production of Star Trek III Remastered , at least three distinct versions of the plaque were used. During the epilogue scene on the bridge of the Fitzgerald -B, that ship's dedication plaque was also clearly shown in a closeup, with a distinct set of names from its predecessor and a different ship's motto.

The dedication plaque of the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald, NCC-85107-A, as seen in the opening scene of Star Trek III Remastered.

Third-Party Contributions [ ]

More than its two predecessors combined, Redemption features a number of assets contributed specifically for the production, rather than objects fortuitously located during the production process.

Uniforms [ ]

Redemption features a different uniform design for personnel in 2399 than was used in the previous two films. Specter and Retribution utilized the First Contact -style uniform made by Warrior (and available for download at 3DGladiators.com), with Voyager - and TNG -style variants created as needed. Redemption , on the other hand, features uniforms styled after those used in Star Trek: Online. Early clips featured a modified version of Warrior's original texture, however by the time the third scene was completed, new uniform textures had been created especially for use in the film by DeviantArt user DopiusFishius. The new uniforms were introduced in Scene 4, and earlier scenes were re-rendered to reflect the new uniforms during later production stopdowns.

TNG Tricorders [ ]

Redemption will feature new props for the scenes in 2378. Specter and Retribution had featured props from the now-defunct DTEMachine.com, including VOY-style tricorders, a hypospray, and a desk computer. For Redemption , new versions of those props would be featured--including for the first time a TNG-style science tricorder in what may be an in-universe retcon--courtesy of DeviantArt user TheMightyZoidZilla (see External Links below), who agreed to provide the props specifically for use in the production.

VOY Tricorder [ ]

The scenes set in 2378 and involving the crew from that year will feature the second-generation tricorders from Star Trek: Voyager , and for those scenes, a new and much more detailed 3D model by Tim Davies (DeviantArt user SuricataFX) will replace the previous model, originally from DTEMachine.com.

Type 25 Shuttle [ ]

Later planned scenes will involve the use of a 2399-era shuttlecraft, in contrast to the Insurrection -style shuttlecraft already seen during the low-altitude flyover of Earth. Original script notes had indicated that the Volga -class runabout would play the role, however DeviantArt user JamieTakahashi granted the use of his Type-25 shuttle for those scenes.

For the first time since Specter , Redemption will feature all-new LCARS console graphics for the starship sets, including the bridge of the ISS Voyager , provided by Robert (Robert Brisson) and Deif (David Kleist), both from The LCARS Community. Adge's LCARs will continue to serve as graphics for animated computer screens.

Robert's improved graphics could first be seen in the Astrometrics set in Scene 12, on the side workstations and their control panels, though the original graphics from 2006 remained in use on the main consoles in the center of the room. Kleist's Future LCARS Concept (FLC) graphics have been slated to replace the more traditional graphics in the Fitzgerald shuttle cockpit, and this change will be introduced in the next full cut of Redemption to be released.

HD Screencaps [ ]

Acknowledgment was given in the film's end credits to TrekCore.com, explained via Facebook post as the source of HD screencaps used in refining the lighting and coloring of some of the sets.

ISS Voyager (Blue)

ISS Voyager Mk I

In addition to the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald, the ISS Voyager returns. The original, the Mark I, as seen in Specter and in Retribution , and a new version, the Mark II, being constructed by Drakus in 2367. The Mark II features a dark red hull and an overall darker color scheme in contrast to the Mark I.

ISS Voyager (Red)

ISS Voyager Mk II

It was stated during the production of Specter that the overall blue color scheme of the ISS Voyager was based on the character of Megabyte from the TV series ReBoot. The Mark II ISS Voyager seen in Redemption seems to have drawn its color scheme from the character Hexadecimal, from the same series.

In Specter , the ships' warp engines glowed a solid blue color, much like the visual effects of the TV series and films. Beginning with Retribution , however, the engines were shown to have a subtle shifting pattern to them, similar to the visual effects for the warp cores in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek: Voyager . Clips shown in the trailer depict the engines as operating both ways, so it was not immediately apparent which standard (or both) would be featured in Redemption .

External links [ ]

  • Scifi-Meshes.com: "Redemption" Discussion Thread
  • TVTropes.org: Star Trek Redemption at TVTropes.org
  • DeviantArt: DopiusFishius at DeviantArt.com
  • DeviantArt: TheMightyZoidZilla at DeviantArt.com
  • DeviantArt: SuricataFX at DeviantArt.com
  • DeviantArt: JamieTakahashi at DeviantArt.com
  • ShareCG: Download Star Trek Online Uniform Textures for P4 Female
  • TrekCore.Com: Star Trek Multimedia Screencaps & Information

Star Trek III: Redemption [ ]

  • YouTube: Star Trek III: Redemption
  • YouTube: Star Trek: Time Warp Trilogy "Making Of" Featurette
  • YouTube : Star Trek III: Redemption [Remastered]
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Star Trek:The Next Generation “Redemption” Blu-ray review

| July 30, 2013 | By: Matt Wright 35 comments so far

star trek iii redemption

“Redemption” comes in a cardboard slipcover that opens up to artwork showing the other major characters in the episode.


The inside slipcover art of the Blu-ray disc case is the Klingon capital city matte painting, it’s basically a mini poster if you take it out of the slipcover.


An insert with an UltraViolet code to redeem a digital copy of “Redemption” is also included.

The Episode

“Redemption” continues the Worf (and fleshing out of the Klingon culture in general) arc that started with “Sins of the Father” in Season 3, continued in Season 4’s “Reunion”. This of course also continues the themes of a Klingon civil war that were brewing a year earlier during “Sins…”. Worf’s personal journey to regain his family honor and to expand his personal horizons by serving the Klingon Empire directly, rather than his previous outsider status as a Starfleet officer, takes center stage for much of the story. The treacherous Duras sisters also get quite a bit screen time as they try their wiles on Picard and Worf in turn. The politics of the blockade and Romulan involvement aren’t quite as exciting as remember them, but still generally satisfactory. The whole Sela character is fine, and I think it’s pretty a fun way to bring back Denise Crosby, but the whole character’s backstory is quite convoluted.

The standout secondary plot is actually Data’s, where he takes command of the USS Sutherland and comes up against a first officer who doesn’t think Data can command. Naturally it is Data’s own abilities to quickly analyze and synthesize a solution that exposes the Romulan supply running.


So we have a nice dovetailing of Worf’s own personal adaptation of both the Klingon and the human ethics and ideas of honor at the end of part two, Worf’s family honor being redeemed, and Data’s own redemption in the eyes of a doubting crew.

Redemption continues what quickly became TNG’s trademark for season endings/beginnings, a cliffhanger two-parter that left you wanting more over the summer. Redemption also has the honor of being the cliffhanger that kicked off the 25th anniversary celebrations of Star Trek in 1991.

While “Redemption” isn’t quite “Best of Both Worlds” (but really what is?), it’s certainly the second best TNG season cliffhanger.

Michael Dorn said in the documentary on a previous season set that at the end of every season he would go knock on Rick Berman’s door and ask if he was going to be returning the next season. One wonders if Dorn wasn’t a little bit worried for his job after the moving send-off Worf is given after he has resigned his Starfleet commission and walks the deck full of his former crew to the transporter room in his new Klingon uniform. I certainly remember wondering what that would mean for Worf in the fall.


With this version of Redemption we don’t have to wait all summer for the next season (or the Season 5 Blu-ray release this winter), the second part starts right up after a very brief fade out from the end of part one. While this worked fine for Best of Both Worlds, since part two literally picks up right where part one left off, in “Redemption” it’s clear some time has passed since part one, at least a couple of weeks, if not more. It would have been nice to have a longer pause between halves, or perhaps a small title card that said some to the effect “a few weeks later…”.

Video and Audio Quality

As we have come to expect from CBS Digital (who did both parts in-house), the audio and video is up to their excellent standards. The video presentation is generally fantastic and much improved over the DVD release. Much of the episode is spent in and around Klingon ships and the capital city of Qo’noS, as such, the scenes are dark, moody, and dripping with subtle lighting. With the old standard definition presentations this lead to murky shadows and details lost in the haze. Now things are dark, moody, but very clear.


Season 4 was the debut of the new Klingon Vor’cha class ship model and we can see it here in great detail. Qo’noS stands out as a gorgeous green orb with tons of detail.


Another standout is the detail in the matte painting for the capital city. CBS Digital embellished the fire bombing of the city that is shown toward the end, at the peak of the Klingon civil war, it looks much better than the original rather odd orange mist-like effect.


Bonus Material

Like the “Best of Both Worlds” single-disc release earlier this year, there is an exclusive documentary and audio commentary.

“Survive and Succeed: An Empire at War” – This 30-minute documentary is  a look at Klingons as portrayed in TNG, this includes interviews with Ron D. Moore who basically invented the TNG-era interpretation of Klingons, actors Robert O’Reily (Gowron) and Gwynyth Walsh (B’Etor) who both discuss how theatrical it is to be a Klingon, the Shakespearan quality of it, and the fun of being transformed by the makeup. Dan Curry (TNG VFX supervisor who also had extensive martial arts training) is interviewed on his creation of the Bat’leth and how his martial arts training helping to shape Klingon fighting style of Mok’bara, he brings the first metal Bathleth prop made to the interview. Dennis Madalone (TNG stunt coordinator) discusses fighting with a Bat’leth. Ron Jones gets a few minutes on the musical themes of Klingons. Denise Crosby recounts pitching Rick Berman the idea of Sela, and Michael Dorn admits he has never understood how the whole Sela thing worked.


Audio commentary with Ron D. Moore and the Okudas – Moore consulted his original scripts and notes to prepare for this commentary so it’s chock full of details and things cut from the final episode, however it drags a bit since it goes the entire 90 minutes. There are lots of factoids from the Okudas about the production design, and the three also end up covering a lot of ground that was talked about in previous documentaries and/or commentaries in Season 3. But that’s just the general nature of commentaries.

The original episode promos are also included.


TrekMovie will be back later this week with a review of the TNG Season 4 set.

This is a great TNG two-parter.

I still get a big thrill, and a bittersweet feeling, when Worf leaves Enterprise to join the Klingons at the end of Part I.

Terrific review!

Love the review but just one thing. The Vor’cha class battlecruiser premiered in “Reunion” not Redemption.

did NOT care for part 2 all that much.

Geez. I am still getting my cash together for the TOS collection.

Donations are welcome. : )

@2 – Oops you’re right I got my “Re-” episodes mixed up.

Unification next?

I don’t think CBS Home Video has any other two-parters on their slate.

Unification doesn’t span two seasons, it will be in Season 5 when it comes out in December, so they don’t have a real reason to make it a separate release.

And the other season cliff-hangers are lackluster, they know they won’t sell.

“What’s that!?” “what is that?…” “a Klingon..” “i don’t believe this”

This was an epic 2 part. Back when star trek meant something to me. A struggle between two cultures. Worf is torn apart by it, but it also makes him stronger and defines who he is. Incredible story.

One of the reasons TNG is gonna have fans for decades to come is episodes like these.

I don’t see a point in these individual releases. They’re just a cheap ploy to take more money from fans.

@11: Disagree.

First of all, there are those who don’t buy the complete series (again) but are happy to get the two-parters in HD, which were the highlights of the series.

Second, even for those who buy the season boxes, these releases are useful, since they present the split cliffhangers as feature films, making them easier to watch.

Third, and most important: it’s nothing but sensational to get an old TV show like NextGen in HD glory in the first place. A couple of years ago, I never thought that would happen due to the enormous processing costs. CBS has every right to squeeze every cent out of potential customers to finance further Trek shows on HD. Someone has to pay the bill for all the excellent, outstanding work no one should be taking for granted…

Okay, I know the Klingon language started with Star Trek: The Motion Picture. But did it take off in Star Trek: The Search for Spock? It’s my opinion that we got the modern take on the Klingons from that third movie. It was then expanded by TNG.

Oh, I am one of those who is not upset about the possibility of Klingons in the next movie. In the TOS world, they are the main adversaries for the Federation and Kirk. And they can serve as great metaphors for issues we face today. After all in the prime universe, they will eventually be allies.

aww rev jim doc brown as a klignon villain………i remember both liking and disliking his portrayal at the same time….seems less disconcerting lately for some reason….n he was great in an episode of fringe too…. personally im all for these stand alone presentations n i love the exclusive extras as well….probably wont buy season 4 right away unless they have a great sale on it…so will probably get the standalones first..

As a not particularly big fan of TNG, I’ll shell out for the odd episodes I like, so Best of Both Worlds and Redemption are must-buys . . . a shame Chain of Command and Gambit aren’t up for consideration. I’d grab those like a shot!

I’ll be happy to hear from Ron Jones, but it seems strange to have him on this documentary as he did not score these episodes and had just left the show by this point. His insights might have been better on the season 4 set as he did score “Reunion” and some earlier Klingon shows.

I noticed a big ol’ blooper last night that is relevant only to this 2-hour “Redemption” movie — when they’re listing the cast, they list actor Timothy Carhart twice in a row. Weird.

As for the cries of money grab…. the answer is simple. You don’t want it, DON’T FRAKKING BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD I’m sick of some complaints!

Around 4 years ago CBS released the Fan Collective sets. I purchased the “Borg”, “Alternate Realities”, “Captain’s Log” and “Klingon” sets. These collections had almost all of the great episodes from the various series. If they put those sets on Blue Ray that will be supercalifragilistic. Especially for TNG these sets have all the iconic episodes except “Unification” and “Reunion”. This would be mostly for TOS fans like me who can’t watch, much less purchase full seasons of the other shows. I did however purchase the excellent “Enterprise Season 4”.

USS Sutherland (not “Southerland”)

BTW: Worst.Bridge.Set.Ever.

Nebula class should look a lot like a Galaxy class bridge.

I realize they had a budget but it just looks shoddy and cheap. It worked for the ancient USS Hathaway in season 2 (a Constellation class) but not for a “modern” starship, even if she’s under repair.

@19: Agreed. Quite a disappointment, as I recall, in an otherwise beautifully produced show.

I read an areticle on startrek.com that had an interview with Mr. Dorn and it was awsome to see that he watches star trek like any fan does. When its on he will stop and watch. Very humble man.

I, too, am sick of the complaints from people who have no intention of buying in the first place. If you’re not going to buy them because you “don’t see the point of these releases,” then obviously you’re not the target market. And no one is forcing you to spend your money on them. Some people actually get ANGRY about something they’re not even going to buy in the first place. Ridiculous!

personal i am glad they are releasing the two parts as feature type film blu-rays,i have all of next gen on dvd and at this stage not willing to spend so much cash on someting i already own,this is not top bad a price,plus if i do decided to buy the boxset once they come down i could either sell on or keep as they do have extars not are not on the boxset,win win

I guess we’re not seeing this one in Fathom Events.

Michael Ansara AKA Kang has passed away at age 91, The “Broken Arrow” star Cochise as well. May he rest in peace. The last of the great three Klingon Commanders (Koloth, Kor, Kang).

May your afterlife in Sto’vo’kor be as glorious as your life has been, Michael Ansara. Only a fool fights in a burning house :(

You have lived and died in glory and hold a special place in out hearts.

I’m sure they will releasee “All Good Things…” as a single movie when that time comes around.

*nods to 25* Yeah, read about it yesterday. But it makes watching his perfromances even more poiyant, i guess. They dont make Sci-fi like they did when Dax, Kor, Kang & Koloth partied… :(

He had a great appearance on Babylon 5 as well. Larger than life he was.

It already IS a single movie…

I was underwhelmed with the re-editing of the Best of Both Worlds into a “90 minute TV movie”, at least as how it was presented in the theatre screening. All they really did was remove the opening credits from Part II, and did a bad edit between the famous Riker’s “Fire!” moment at the end and the start of Part II. Could have been a lot stronger. I’m guessing that any special features on these one-off discs will be rolled up into the complete series release we’ll get when all the seasons are done.

(The Late) Richard Dawson’s Ruffled Shirt:

I also noticed the Timothy Carhart blooper. I reckon some dimwit accidentally put his name up a second time instead of Whoopi Goldberg. Do you think they’ll ever correct it? Could Whoopi sue?

6 T’Cal … yes!


What I would really like is a Blu-ray release of the Motion Picture Director’s Edition. Who’s with me?

#33 — I am!!

Here’s hoping they do a bluray of “Chain Of Command”; I’d certainly want to get that one.

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Star Trek III: Redemption

Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

Time is of the essence.

  • Release Date: 2013-01-01
  • User Rating: 7 / 10 from 3 ratings
  • Runtime: 4h 12min
  • Director: Brandon M. Bridges

When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him, she will have to enlist the help from an unexpected source.

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Majel Barrett

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Brandon M. Bridges

Dennis gard robb.

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Starship wrote: » - Starship and J. Cassio are the same person: me.

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tnpir4002 wrote: » ^ Well, that's what happens when modelers are known by different names in different places. The Erics I can fix; how do you want to appear, as Starship or as J. Cassio? (At least I'm thorough.)
lennier1 wrote: » Well, you do owe yourself a coffee, but that's a different story.


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Duty, Honor, Redemption

  • 1.1 Contents
  • 2 Background information
  • 3 External link

Summary [ ]

Contents [ ].

  • Introduction – Harve Bennett : The Man Behind the Movies by Terry J. Erdmann
  • Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Background information [ ]

  • Bookriot.com ranked the novel among as one of the best Star Trek books. [1]

External link [ ]

  • Duty, Honor, Redemption at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)

Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

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Star Trek Redemption

Star Trek Redemption (Web Animation)

Lighter and Softer sequel to the popular Star Trek fan film Star Trek Retribution , completed in Winter 2013.

The year is 2399, and the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald is about to be decommissioned, when disaster strikes . A Negative Space Wedgie suddenly and inexplicably starts tearing through the space-time continuum, destroying planets and leaving nothing in its wake. Several of our heroes just happen to be aboard their mothballed ship when it happens, and they courageously set out to stop the disaster . After narrowly escaping destruction themselves , they discover that even Earth is reduced to a Lethal Lava Land . An investigation reveals that Drakus is behind it, and that the whole string of Disaster Dominoes was set off by his going back in time. To prevent the cataclysm, they have to follow him back and stop him.

Like its predecessors, Redemption was initially released onto YouTube as a series of webisodes, with a final full cut posted once it was complete.

A sequel/prequel, "Star Trek IV: Resurrection," was announced in January 2023.

  • Admiral Bradley Prentice. Former commanding officer of the Fitzgerald . Mysterious steely-eyed stranger, though he seems content to merely advise rather than take command of the mission.
  • Captain Kendra Ronston. Commanding Officer of the Fitzgerald . Still strong-willed and opinionated, but not quite sure of her ability to lead during this crisis.
  • Captain Jennifer Hargrove. Acting First Officer of the Fitzgerald . A "captain without a command", who falls in as Ronston's exec to feel useful.
  • Lesley Kal. Former Operations Officer of the Fitzgerald . Now a civilian, with a troubled history since leaving the fleet.
  • Commander Renee Mitchell. Chief Engineer of the Fitzgerald . Has some history with Kal that led to Kal leaving Starfleet.
  • Dr. Elizabeth Falwell. Chief Medical Officer of the Fitzgerald .
  • Dr. Braiyon Garr. Omnidisciplinary Scientist who apparently knows everything except the one thing we need to know. Also has very personal reasons for wanting to fix the temporal disaster.
  • Drakus. Big Bad . The Dr. Garr from the Alternate Timeline of the previous movie, who is determined to survive no matter the cost.

Tropes seen in Redemption include:

  • Abandon Ship : At the end of the film, the 2399 Fitzgerald is disabled by weapons fire from the Borg cube, and with only minutes to go before the cube self-destructs, Prentice orders this.
  • Aborted Arc : For most of the first and second acts, Ronston's Garr seems to be getting set up in more of an antagonist role than one of the good guys. Then, abruptly, as soon as they visit the 2378 Fitzgerald , all of a sudden he's solidly one of the team—though this could also be an example of Character Development .
  • Acting for Two : Double invoked; not only is a single voice actor once again voicing all the characters, but this time around he's voicing several different versions of each character .
  • Renee Mitchell, whose shoulders are noticeably broad compared to the other female cast members. More clearly visible during the scene where she makes up with Kal in Ten Forward; the black leather tank top shows she's muscular under that uniform.

star trek iii redemption

  • A Mother to Her Men : Ronston is revealed to be one of these when she's talking to Kal on the shuttle, and we find out she's been trying to keep Kal out of trouble during her self-destructive downward spiral.
  • Anachronism Stew : The Price is Right holoprogram. The basic season 31 daytime Barker set, with the season 35 Race Game Curtain, season 33 MDS contestants' row, season 36 MDS black floors, season 37 camera 5 pad logo, 1994 Davidson camera 5 pad black cover, and the 2002 primetime special stars. And a video wall and stage monitors that aren't actually from any TPiR set.
  • When we get to 2378, we get what looks like a piece of Stock Footage of the Fitzgerald docked at Deep Space Nine from Specter . It is, however, a brand new piece of footage, as the models for everything except the Fitzgerald are completely new, and the scene lighting is vastly improved over the first film.
  • A short time after that, we get a direct re-use of a scene from Specter , but everything about it's been given a facelift: the lighting on the characters is noticeably better than the original, and the background plates of the corridor have been re-rendered at higher resolution.
  • When the 2399 crew is trying to escape the 2378 version of the Fitzgerald , we see the 2378 transporter effect, and it looks a whole lot better than it did in the first film.
  • Apocalypse How : A side effect of Time Travel : repeated detonations of Omega particle energy damage the space-time continuum beyond repair.
  • Lampshaded by Hargrove, who upon first seeing the ore sample, dryly comments , "It certainly is a big, green rock."
  • Arc Number : As with the preceding films and with canon, the number 47.
  • Attack! Attack... Retreat! Retreat! : Just after arriving in 2378, Hargrove unwittingly floats the idea of boarding the Fitzgerald of that era to get the spare parts they need. When everyone in the room looks at her, she has an Oh, Crap! moment and starts babbling about how dangerous that plan is...just before admitting, "And we're going to do it, aren't we?"
  • Author Filibuster : All three films are a bit of an Author Tract for the role of friendships.
  • Avengers Assemble : Overlaps with Putting the Band Back Together ; the past and present crew of the Fitzgerald gather aboard the mothballed vessel for one last round before it gets decommissioned—and then band together when disaster strikes.
  • Ax-Crazy : The 2378 version of Dr. Garr. Compared to his counterpart from 2399, it doesn't take him very long to convince the 2399 officers that he is emotionally unstable. Prentice even comes out and says it after they meet with him aboard the ISS Voyager —"We're playing a dangerous game here." A short time later, he is proven correct when Dark Garr blows up the Alcawell Station for no real reason.
  • Badass Boast : Drakus delivers one when the heroes track him down at Beta Stromgren. In response to Admiral Prentice's warning that with three against one, the odds are not in his favor: "A bold statement for someone in your position... admiral. " Cue ominous glowing red eyes.
  • The crew of the 2378 Fitzgerald too, as they follow their 2399 counterparts back in time without really knowing why.
  • Bad Present : In 2399, Earth and The Federation have all been wiped out by a massive temporal disaster.
  • Bad Vibrations : In the opening of the film, the first sign that something's wrong is when the Fitzgerald begins to shake.
  • Become a Real Boy : Drakus tempts Dark Garr with this, saying he's developed a procedure to repair the damage to his tissues. He's too far gone to use it on himself, but he promises Dark Garr that in return for his help, he'll heal the damage and render all that Borg technology (his Achilles' Heel ) unnecessary.
  • Beneath Suspicion : Invoked and then subverted. While on the infiltration mission to the 2378 Fitzgerald , Hargrove says that she and Kal will be able to move more freely because at this time they're just Ensigns rather than senior staff. But being just Ensigns means they lack the sufficient security clearance to fully execute the plan.
  • Big Bad : Drakus.
  • Big Damn Heroes : Ronston doesn't even blink at the thought of going back in time. 'Course, Earth HAS been turned into a Lethal Lava Land , so...
  • Big Damn Movie : The Federation is wiped out by a temporal disaster, the crew goes back in time to get help from their past selves, and they relive Wolf 359.
  • Bittersweet Ending : When it's all said and done, the future is restored and Drakus is dead, and everyone is back where/when they belong—except for Dark Garr .
  • Blessed with Suck : Dark Garr's vital life functions are being sustained by Borg technology, which proves to be Drakus' undoing in the future, since by 2399 the Federation has learned how to fight and defeat the Borg.
  • Blind Without 'Em . Dark Garr is shown for the first time without his ever-present glasses, and in the moments before he puts them back on, we get a brief glimpse through his eyes (amusingly enough, of his glasses), and the view is horrendously blurry.
  • That darned problem with the rank pips disappearing when the characters turn certain ways is back.
  • During the shots of the empty ship corridors, one of the wide double doors next to the large MSD display is still dark red from the set's appearance in Retribution .
  • The uniforms were adapted from textures meant for different pieces of clothing, and so the front and back halves don't always line up properly. New and very high-quality uniforms came from a user on DeviantArt . The character animations in the trailer and some of the early scenes had been re-rendered with the new uniforms, but if you look closely in the backgrounds of some shots, you can still spot the original uniforms.
  • Keep a close eye on the characters' lips. To make them appear older here, for most of the shots the lips are made to appear smaller than they originally did in Specter and most of Retribution . In some shots, however, they're at their normal (read: Poser default) size.
  • Commander Mitchell has broad shoulders unlike any other cast member, and the uniform tunic doesn't always fit her exactly.
  • Pay careful attention to the characters' rank pips; when the movie starts, all four of the main cast wearing uniforms have captain's rank, but in later scenes, Mitchell and Falwell both have only three pips.
  • In the pan of Ten Forward in the scene where Ronston visits the 2378 ship, some crewmembers are visible wearing AGT combadges and the "orange" uniforms from the alternate timeline in "Retribution."
  • In 2378, when Garr exits the turbolift into the corridor on deck 11, in the wide shot the turbolift door has "12" on it. (This shot was re-used from Specter )
  • Bond One-Liner : After Dark Reyf shoots Drakus, Dark Garr quips, "I guess forever just isn't what it used to be."
  • Book Ends : In Specter , the first scene set aboard the Fitzgerald began with Reyf reading in his quarters. The final scene of Redemption shows the same thing.
  • Break the Haughty : When our heroes first meet Dark Garr, he's as cocky and arrogant as he was in the first film, but the more he sees of their mission, the less cocky he gets. After the Battle of Beta Stromgren, he even approaches his counterpart to try to show that he's "not the supervillain everyone thinks I am."
  • Broken Ace : Dr. Garr seems like one of these at the start of the film, but improves over time. Dark Garr, on the other hand...
  • Buddy Picture : A scene in Garr's quarters on the Fitzgerald shows the photo of Kristie from the first film, across from a computer terminal showing the photo of himself and Reyf, also from the first film. It's a bit of foreshadowing about the 2378 Fitzgerald following its 2399 counterpart back in time.
  • Bunny Ears Officer : Averted with the Fitzgerald crew in all three films, significant for a fan work. The crew behaves exactly as Starfleet officers should, right down to Hargrove (as acting first officer) objects to Ronston's beaming down to Vandor IV.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday : Drakus' reaction when confronted about the time fracture he caused, then left to wreak untold havoc on the future.
  • When Ronston is looking around the bridge, she looks first at the captain's chair (as she is the ship's CO at the time), then looks left to the first officer's position, a reference to the fact that in the previous film she was the ship's first officer. Then, she looks up at the tactical station, alluding to the fact that in the first film she was the tactical officer and security chief.
  • When the shuttlecraft arrives at the 2378 Deep Space Nine, their flyover of the past version of the Fitzgerald is a double invocation. First in that the entire sequence references a similar flyover in the pilot of Star Trek: Voyager , and second in that the BGM is the theme from Star Trek: Enterprise , which was heard in Specter during the launch sequence.
  • When Garr is in the corridor outside the holodeck, Reyf and Falwell walk right by him completely unaware that he's there. The moment is a re-use of a scene from the beginning of Specter .
  • When the 2378 Prentice orders Ensign Hargrove to deploy security teams to the transporter rooms, she responds, "Me, sir? But I'm not—", a nod to the fact that in Specter she was shown to be very unsure of herself.
  • The way the cargo transporter starts to power up, and then abruptly shuts down, is a nod to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Starship Mine," where similar events leave Picard trapped aboard the Enterprise just as the deadly baryon sweep begins.
  • When the 2378 Reyf and company are talking about what to do with the 2399 officers, the EMH tells him that her analysis shows them to have aged by 19.72 years, which when you remove the decimal point is the year The Price Is Right premiered. Both of the previous films featured The Price Is Right set in some capacity.
  • The Cameo : The "other time frames are emerging into ours" sequence was written specifically to give Kirtemor's V'Ger 3D model some airtime.
  • Canon Discontinuity : Perhaps wisely, there are very few references to Retribution ; this film almost comes across as what the "proper" sequel to Specter should've been.
  • Captain Morgan Pose : In 2378, Commander Prentice does this to Max Garrett as he scans the ship for intruders.
  • The Chains of Commanding : These are poignantly visible with Kendra Ronston, who doesn't seem to be handling all the aspects of being a captain that well. Offering something inspirational to her crew when they need it is one; having several awkward conversations with Kal is another.
  • Chekhov's Armoury : It's pointed out very early on that Admiral Prentice originates in "another timeline," which opens up any number of possibilities.
  • Chekhov's Gun : At the very least, Prentice is in the unique position of knowing more about Drakus (and about the original version of Dr. Garr) than anyone on the Fitzgerald crew.
  • Closest Thing We Got : Kendra Ronston says that Dr. Falwell is the closest thing to a ship's counselor on board, and Falwell unofficially assumes that role from that point on.
  • The Captain : Kendra Ronston. Fortunately a Reasonable Authority Figure ; she listens to what the people she commands have to say.
  • The Lancer . Jennifer Hargrove is this. Although she has the same rank as Kendra, when things start to go wrong, she assumes the role of Number Two and Communications Officer . Justified in that the crew has so few people.
  • Wrench Wench : Renee Mitchell.
  • The Medic : Dr. Falwell. She's also The Heart .
  • The Smart Guy : Dr. Garr.
  • Seventh Ranger : Admiral Prentice is this. It's lampshaded when 2378!Prentice asks Ronston about it: "Even though he outranks you, he seems perfectly at ease taking orders as well as giving them."
  • Conflict Killer : In 2378, news of Drakus' Evil Plan suspends Dark Garr's existing conflict with Starfleet, as he agrees to help the 2399 crew.
  • Conqueror from the Future : Drakus.
  • Continuity Drift : For a fan work there are surprisingly few of these, but they do pop up from time to time. Most are explained away as time paradoxes.
  • Continuity Nod : When the 2399 officers are in the cargo bay on the 2378 Fitzgerald , Kal says something like "don't count your drinks before they're served," a nod to the fact that since leaving Starfleet she's had what Dr. Garr calls several "interesting" occupations.
  • Continuity Overlap : The third act of the film overlaps with Wolf 359 and its aftermath.
  • Crew of One : Garr with the Mark-I ISS Voyager .
  • Critical Staffing Shortage : The 2399 Fitzgerald has just five (later seven) people aboard. Kal has to double as both conn and ops because they don't have a pilot, Hargrove is acting XO and tactical, and everyone has to pitch in to make repairs and stand watch.
  • Crusading Widow : Ronston's Garr from 2399; his wife (Kristie) is said to have been killed in the temporal disaster, and his efforts in the film are said to be aimed at bringing her back.
  • Cry into Chest : Played with; after they witness the Battle of Wolf 359, Kal is seen sobbing into Mitchell's shoulder in her (their?) quarters.
  • And later, the Battle of Wolf 359.
  • Custom Uniform : Drakus and Dark Reyf both have these, what appears to be a First Contact-style uniform but with a dark gray undershirt instead of one of the division colors from a standard uniform.
  • Damage Control : Renee Mitchell, first as the crippled Fitzgerald hides in the Azure Nebula, then during the Battle of Beta Stromgren.
  • Dark Is Evil : Invoked on the Mark-II ISS Voyager . Consider: the Fitzgerald is well-lit on the inside and has a sparkling hull; the Mark-I ISS Voyager has some dramatic lighting on the inside but for the most part looks like a normal starship, blue hull armor notwithstanding (which somehow doesn't look all that threatening). Then we have the Mark-II, with its dark red (blood red) hull and the dark interiors, which seem to barely have enough light to see by and no more.
  • Kendra Ronston to her ex-husband when he wants to come with her: "Imagine my relief to have your support."
  • Garr, when trying to "comfort" Mitchell: "You're both as stubborn as a pair of Klingons." * Beat * "Don't blame me, they're your personality flaws."
  • Deal with the Devil : Just as Garr did with Reyf in the first film, Drakus tries to subvert Dark Garr with one of these.
  • Death Glare : Garr gives his 2378 counterpart one of these when he protests his innocence. "Haven't done anything? By now, 47 innocent souls aboard the starship Fairgrieve have paid for your ambition with their lives."
  • Defrosting Ice Queen : In the second film Hargrove was one of these; she seemed to be fully defrosted by the end of Retribution , but by the time of Redemption is just as cold and standoffish as ever.
  • Demoted to Extra : Howard Parks from the first film; he's seen exactly twice when we're in 2378, and unlike the scenes in Specter isn't present during the briefing scene in the observation lounge.
  • Determined Expression : Kendra Ronston's default expression. Inverted with Admiral Prentice; he seems to be on Valium through most of the film.
  • Doom Magnet : The USS F. Scott Fitzgerald seems to be one of these.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome : Dark Garr on the Borg cube. He chooses to stay behind, going so far as to ensure that Ronston can't beam him away, and then yells for the others to leave without him—right after telling his counterpart, "As long as he exists, then in a way I got what I wanted."

star trek iii redemption

  • Same with the uniforms, but for a different reason. The textures for the uniforms were too much for Poser to handle at the usual settings, so the transparency map was removed so they would at least look passable. But some shots are rendered at high resolution, and the uniforms look like they're actually supposed to. What gives it away (aside from subtle differences in lighting and shadows) is the front of the collars: in the "preview" renders, the collars are solid like they were in the first two films, but in the "real" renders, they're parted like they were in TNG.
  • Kendra Ronston has seen her ex-husband killed after she was mean to him, only to come face to face with his younger self; been forced to ally herself with Dark Garr, whose motives and loyalties are questionable at best; and been forced to sit by and allow the Battle of Wolf 359 to happen without interfering, listening silently as 11,000 Starfleet officers in 2367 lose their lives to the Borg. When she returns to 2399 to find Merv alive and well and the Federation restored, it's because she persevered through circumstances that would break most people.
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom : What happens to Alphekka IV when the temporal disaster strikes.
  • Ronston gets hers when she sends Falwell to comfort Mitchell.
  • Falwell's comes when she tells Ronston to give encouragement to the rest of the crew. And pretty much every one of her scenes after that follows suit.
  • Merv Ronston's comes when he distracts the Cardassians so his ex-wife (who was mean to him just a few scenes earlier) can complete her mission.
  • Kal's comes when she looks at Mitchell during the first time jump; arguably Mitchell's happens at the same time.
  • Dark Garr's comes almost as soon as he is introduced, during the meeting scene on Voyager he is openly contemptuous—until someone mentions Reyf, which is when all of his Jerkass traits vanish and he demands to know what happens to his friend.
  • Evil Counterpart : Drakus is this to Dark Garr and 2399!Garr.
  • Evil Gloating : Drakus when he meets his opponents at Beta Stromgren. He gloats about how badly they're overmatched and boasts that once again they've failed to stop him—right before he launches the Mark-II ISS Voyager .
  • Evil Is Bigger : Inverted; the Fitzgerald is said to have 47 decks, while the Intrepid class (to which the ISS Voyager and its Evil Twin belong) have 15 decks. Justified in that Intrepid -class ships, being smaller, are both more maneuverable and probably easier to handle by one crewmember.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy : Invoked with Dark Garr after the Fitzgerald crew from 2399 first meets him; he blows up the Alcawell Station simply because he can, don't forget.
  • Evil Sounds Deep : Just listen when Drakus speaks.
  • Evil Twin : Drakus and his "better self" from 2399.
  • Face Death with Dignity : Dark Garr at the end of the film.
  • Face, Nod, Action : Common for this trilogy, the characters will deliver their dialogue, then nod, then exit.
  • Facial Dialogue : There's still a lot of this, particularly between the couples.
  • Failure Is the Only Option : Overlaps with Trailers Always Spoil . Did you really think they'd reach Earth and find everything was fine?
  • Fatal Flaw : Each of the characters appears to have one, but the most important is Kendra Ronston's seeming insecurity; unlike the previous two films, where the burden of command fell on others, this time when she has the captain's chair she's shown to doubt herself more than once, eventually leading to a Heroic BSoD after witnessing Wolf 359 .
  • Fate Worse than Death : What Dark Garr sees as living with the possibility of one day becoming Drakus.
  • Fire-Forged Friends : Kal and Mitchell fit into this category; they could barely even look at each other when the film started, but after battling the Cardassians, going back through time, infiltrating their own ship, and much, much, more, they finally reconcile.
  • Inverted however, in that as soon as Prentice shows up, Ronston goes from calling him "Bradley" to "Admiral Prentice."
  • And everyone seems to be a little cool to Garr, since they all address him as "Dr. Garr."
  • Potentially justified; could be the result of the dam pulling water to its far side for purposes of making electricity.
  • So, Drakus' entire motivation is the fact that the Borg technology keeping him alive was destroyed. Right? Yet, when the Mark-II ISS Voyager is launched, it can clearly be heard making the same sounds as a Borg ship, implying it has Borg technology of some kind. If Drakus can replicate one type of Borg technology, why can't he replicate another?
  • Funny Background Event : A somber example; on the bridge of the 2399 Fitzgerald , after the Battle of Wolf 359 and Kal's announcement that "All Federation power signatures from the site of battle have ceased," 2399!Garr moves as though he wants to comfort Reyf, who he knows has just overheard his father's death. Dark Garr stops him, and the two share a nod of understanding as 2399!Garr leaves Reyf alone.
  • Future Me Scares Me . Dark Garr says this about Drakus at the end of the film. It's heavily implied, though not stated outright, that 2399!Garr feels the same way about Drakus.
  • Genki Girl : The 2378 version of Jennifer Hargrove.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere : The ISS Voyager . No explanation as to its origins was given in Specter or in Retribution ; the question was raised in the first film but then quickly Hand Waved away. Its origins are partially explained in this film (although where the construction yard used to build it came from is still left unexplained).
  • Inverted with Renee Mitchell, established as a Butch Lesbian early on. As the chief engineer, she only has a tricorder.
  • Godzilla Threshold : Seems like we've got one of these on our hands, since even frakking Earth is laid to waste in 2399.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors : Overlaps with Color-Coded for Your Convenience ; the villain's Cool Starship is red, the sort-of-good-guy's is blue.
  • So, because the ship is about to be decommissioned, everything is shut down. When the planet is about to explode (read: when there's a good opportunity for jeopardy), it takes forever to get the impulse engines on-line. Yet, when the danger is passed, suddenly there's warp drive available right when we ask for it?
  • Also, when we took that little tour through the deserted ship, all the rooms were shown as empty, including sickbay. Then, when we go to sickbay for a DNA analysis, suddenly everything's unpacked as though nothing happened.
  • And how exactly temporal distortions terrorize planets isn't even addressed.
  • At the very end, Ronston's reaction to Dr. Garr's presence. Since he returned with her through time, why is she suddenly surprised that he's around?
  • Happily Ever After . The film's ending strongly hints this for our heroes.
  • Hard-Work Montage : Overlaps with A-Team Montage after the Battle of Beta Stromgren, showing the two crews working to repair their ships and find a way to stop Drakus once and for all. "International Code" from the film Independence Day .
  • Dr. Garr, when he transports Kal, Hargrove, and the supplies they need back to the shuttle, with no regard for his own safety.
  • Merv Ronston, who throws himself and his crew into the line of fire to save his ex-wife and her ship from pursuing Cardassians.
  • Heel–Face Turn : Dark Reyf at the end of the film.
  • In an interesting invocation, Dark Garr has one of these when he learns about the 47 people on the Fairgrieve .
  • Kendra Ronston has a major one after Wolf 359, since she and her crew could've stopped it if they'd chosen to, but the repercussions to history were unthinkable. Her breakdown is so severe that Prentice assumes command in her place.
  • He's Back! : Kendra Ronston, after her Heroic BSoD , returns to command after a Rousing Speech by—of all people—Lesley Kal.
  • He Who Fights Monsters : Dark Garr, at least when compared to Drakus . This is lampshaded when 2399!Garr and Dark Garr have a conversation on the holodeck.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen : Despite being the cause of a massive temporal disaster that basically destroys all of 2399, Drakus is referred to but not seen for the entirety of the film's first two acts. Viewers are taking it on faith that he even appears at all, based on his brief appearance in the trailer. (But remember, Trailers Always Lie !)
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs : In a moment of exasperation, Ronston tells a pacing Dr. Garr, "Doctor, for the love of negative ions, sit down ."
  • Holodeck . The ever-present holodeck makes several appearances in Redemption , first as a means of communication between Drakus and the crew of the 2399 Fitzgerald , then later in its more traditional role as a holographic environment simulator .
  • How Many Fingers? : In a nod to Star Trek III: The Search for Spock , Admiral Prentice poses exactly this question to Dark Garr after the Battle of Beta Stromgren. He responds, "That's not very damn funny."
  • I Am a Monster : Dark Garr seems to feel this way when he learns that 47 people aboard the starship Fairgrieve have been accidentally killed as a result of his experiments.
  • 2399 Garr is adamant that Drakus may look like him and sound like him, but he is not the same. So don't call him "Braiyon Garr".
  • Dark Garr takes the same attitude, saying that his intent was to change his life only and that he was not an Omnicidal Maniac like Drakus.
  • I Can't Believe I'm Saying This : Hargrove, when she's describing how risky it would be to sneak aboard their ship's 2378 counterpart, only to reverse course at the last moment and say in resignation, "...and we're going to do it, aren't we?"
  • Dr. Garr with his self from 2378.
  • Inverted, at least at first, between Captain Ronston and her younger self; the younger version actually asks for her advice in dealing with the Merv Ronston of her time.
  • Ink-Suit Actor : Braiyon Garr (the 2399 and 2378 versions at least). As with Specter , the animator performed his lines live and then mimicked those actions when animating the figure. The result is that Garr's actions tend to be more lifelike than the other cast members.
  • Insufferable Genius : 2399 Garr at first, though he gets better with time... just in time for Dark Garr to show up and remind everyone JUST how insufferable he is.
  • In Spite of a Nail : In every timeline seen by our heroes in the three films, there's a version of Braiyon Garr, but each one of them is a very different person.
  • Intimate Healing : After Wolf 359, Kal and Mitchell are seen hugging in Kal's quarters, as the crew deals with the aftermath.
  • I Owe You My Life : Dr. Garr says this about the rest of the Fitzgerald crew.
  • I Shall Taunt You : Drakus to his opponents just before he launches the Mark-II.
  • Also with Kendra Ronston after Wolf 359, lampshaded when her away team transports to the Borg ship at the end and she orders phasers set to full power.
  • Jurisdiction Friction : There's a little of this between Ronston and Hargrove at first, since they're of equal rank, but after Kendra's Rousing Speech just before they enter Cardassian space, this seems to go away as they turn their attention to the mission.
  • Kicked Upstairs : Bradley Prentice; in the last film he was a captain, this time around he's an admiral.
  • This is somewhat lampshaded during the epilogue, as Ronston mentions the Kristie android from 2378, but doesn't make any mention of the one we last saw on the bridge of the Iron Vulture at the end of Retribution .
  • Lame Pun Reaction : Prentice makes several time-travel jokes, prompting an eventual wry glance from Ronston.
  • Drakus. "I. AM. Forever!"
  • Laser-Guided Karma : Despite a massive temporal disaster, miraculously the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald finds itself unscathed.
  • Law of Conservation of Detail : It's not clear exactly how a massive energy release at warp 8.8 will propel our heroes back in time. It just...happens.
  • The theme for "hope" in this film seems to be the "Hope Lives Again (Arkology Theme)" from Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda . It's heard twice near the end of Act I, once as Ronston gives a Patrick Stewart Speech to the crew, and again during the Time Travel scene.
  • The Adama family theme from Battlestar Galactica (2003) pops up several times during "family bonding" moments and seems to serve as one of the film's friendship themes.
  • In Retribution , the Prentice/Ronston love theme was "Romantic Theme" from Talespin . The same music reappears when Prentice confronts Lt. Erickson in Reyf's ready room about her deployment of security personnel.
  • Reyf's theme in Specter was the friendship theme from Star Trek: First Contact ; a soft synth version plays in the background when the 2378 Reyf visits the brig to talk to the 2399 officers.
  • In Specter , the theme from Star Trek: Voyager served as Garr's theme (the good version of him anyway). That theme surfaces again several times in Redemption , though notably only after the crew visits the 2378 version of their ship.
  • The Fitzgerald has its own motif, the instrumental of "Faith of the Heart" from Star Trek: Enterprise . It was only heard once in Specter , not at all in the sequel, but is heard twice in Redemption : once as the shuttle approaches Deep Space Nine in 2378, and again as Ronston looks at her ship from the 2378 counterpart.
  • Anytime Kendra is getting sentimental about her ex-husband, we hear a theme from Disney's Atlantis , specifically that film's own Leitmotif for the Whitmore family.
  • "Leave Your Quest" Test : Drakus presents Dark Garr with one of these towards the end of the film, offering Garr the means to restore his damaged physiology to normal, in exchange for a Heel–Face Turn against his companions.
  • Let Me Get This Straight... : Invoked by several 2399 crewmembers throughout the course of the movie.
  • Limited Advancement Opportunities : In Retribution , Kal, Mitchell, and Hargrove were Lieutenant Commanders, and Ronston and Falwell were Commanders. By the time of Redemption —which takes place ten years later —everyone has moved up exactly one rank. Except for Hargrove, who moved up two and by the end of the movie Kal, who actually lost one.
  • Living Emotional Crutch : Kristie was apparently this for Dark Garr, since losing her is what drove him mad.
  • Magic Countdown : We get several countdowns in the film, and while most of them make passable attempts to observe the realities of linear time, a time or two there are distinct gaps.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything : Justified, in that the 2399 main characters are the only ones on the ship.
  • Manipulative Bastard : In contrast to the 2399 Garr, Dark Garr shows signs of this from the very start. His conversation with his counterpart in Engineering has this feel to it, but it goes nowhere since Garr doesn't want anything to do with him.
  • When Garr confronts Ronston in her ready room over being left off the away team, at one point he tells her, "At some point you have to step back and take a chance." When their efforts to convince Dark Garr seem to be going nowhere, Ronston says this verbatim back to him, and it seems to get his attention.
  • When Dark Garr is aboard the Fitzgerald explaining Drakus' intentions, he takes a short bow when Falwell mentions his name. Later on, when Drakus visits Dark Garr aboard the ISS Voyager , he bows in exactly the same way when Dark Garr realizes who he is.
  • When Kendra confronts Reyf about his deceitful acts leading up to his following her back to 2367, he says, "Deception and subterfuge won't help any of us," moments before promising that it won't happen again. Admiral Reyf said those exact words in Retribution .
  • In the same scene, Lt. Erickson comments that "It seemed like a good idea, at the time," when confronted by Captain Ronston (her future self) about planting a tracking device in some supplies. Later, when Dark Garr confronts Ronston about withholding Drakus' true identity from him, she says, "It seemed like a good idea, at the time."
  • A scene midway through the film shows us Garr's quarters on the Fitzgerald . Later on, when we see Dark Garr's quarters on the ISS Voyager , many of the same furnishings are visible, including the DeLorean from Back to the Future , subtly reminding the audience that he and Ronston's Garr are different versions of the same person.
  • When our heroes finally catch up with Drakus at Beta Stromgren, he tells them that they'll pay the price for ignoring his warning to stay out of his affairs. Prentice, trying to be threatening, tells him, "That's a bold statement for someone in your position." Hargrove then adds that with three against one, the disadvantage is Drakus'. The villain just grins and says, "That's a bold statement for someone in your position."
  • Prentice himself has two Catch Phrases for situations they face; "We're doomed" when the situation is tense but not life-threatening, and "I have a bad feeling about this" when something MAJORLY life-threatening is about to go down. Guess which one he uses when they meet Drakus and his shiny new ship.
  • Earlier on, we saw Dark Garr blow up the Alcawell station seemingly because he could. After the Battle of Beta Stromgren, Drakus does the same to the Mark I.
  • The BGM actually does this, doubling as a bit of bookending. The first scene in the film—of Kendra Ronston saying her final goodbye to the old Fitzgerald —is backed by the First Contact theme, which plays again through her final log entry, which ends with the reveal of the new Fitzgerald .
  • Medium Blending : Seeing the CGI Astrometrics set combined with live-action Stock Footage from Star Trek: TNG .
  • Meet Your Early-Installment Weirdness : The crew from 2399 interacting with their past selves from 2378.
  • Later, we go from Dark Garr's Sad-Times Montage , in which he is clearly sad and feeling sorry for himself, to an ominous and threatening visit by Drakus to the Mark-I ISS Voyager .
  • At the climax of the film, we go from being scared of Drakus, to elated that he's dead, to feeling warm and fuzzy as Ronston forgives Dark Reyf, to hating Drakus for shooting Dark Reyf , to feeling sorry for Dark Reyf again...right before our pulses start pounding again when we realize the 2399 Fitzgerald will have to be abandoned due to battle damage, to confusion (and anger?) at Dark Garr for sealing himself behind Drakus' forcefield .
  • Mook–Face Turn : Admiral Reyf at the end, going so far as to shoot Drakus in the back.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate . Drakus, since he started life as Dark Garr .
  • Motive Decay : Dark Garr. At first he refuses to join our heroes to help them stave off the temporal disaster, but decides to do so when he learns Reyf's life might be at stake. Then that seems to take a backseat to his desire to redeem himself.
  • Moving the Goalposts : First the crew has to go back to 2378; then they discover that they have to go back even farther, this time to 2367.
  • Ms. Fanservice : Renee Mitchell. In the scene between her and Garr in Ten Forward, she's wearing a tank top made of black leather .
  • Must Make Amends : Although he doesn't come right out and say it, the 2399 version of Garr is acting this way in regards to Drakus; even though the two of them are completely separate individuals, Garr still acts like he feels responsible for what Drakus has done.
  • The scene starts off with Other Me Annoys Me on the part of 2399!Garr.
  • Mythology Gag : Garr's beloved holoprogram, a replica of The Price Is Right , appears in this film, after being described as his pride and joy in the first film.
  • Never Found the Body : Drakus at the end of Retribution , paving the way for his appearance here.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands : We'd never heard about this odd computer quirk that alerts security in the event one person accesses the system from multiple locations before...
  • Near the start of the third act, it's revealed that everything would have been fine if not for the 2399 Fitzgerald crew traveling back in time; for Techno Babble reasons, this partially caused the temporal disaster. If they'd left well enough alone, everything would've been fine.
  • Nice Mean And In Between : The three Garrs - 2399 Garr is nice (relatively speaking), Drakus is mean, and Dark Garris the "in-between" as the Token Evil Teammate .
  • No One Gets Left Behind : Kendra Ronston is this to Lesley Kal, refusing to forget about her even after they had some kind of MAJOR falling out , doing everything she could to keep her out of trouble.
  • The celebration that Mitchell talks about, which involved non-synthaholic drinks. She had a hell of a hangover the next morning... but wasn't late for her duty shift!
  • There's also the little matter of exactly what happened between Kal and Mitchell. At the end of Retribution they seemed to be getting along just fine, but here they're not even on speaking terms.
  • "Not So Different" Remark : Beneath it all, Dark Garr is really just lonely and pining for lost love, a fact he raises with his counterpart from 2399 in an effort to make peace.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain . For most of Specter , fans wondered why the main cast seemed so afraid of Dr. Garr. When we meet him this time, everyone is afraid of him for good reason—and the audience gets a not-so-subtle reminder of why when, after he agrees to help the 2399 crew, he still destroys the Alcawell station, seemingly For the Evulz .
  • Not So Stoic : Jennifer Hargrove; after witnessing the Battle of Wolf 359, even she breaks down and actually cries.
  • Official Couple : Kal and Mitchell. They were together during the last film, and even though Redemption starts out with the two of them alienated and estranged, it was obvious from the start that they'd patch things up before it was all said and done.
  • Off Stage Villainy : Both Drakus and Dark Garr did their evil deeds in the previous two films, and while some are alluded to in Redemption , very little villainy is seen from either of them. At least, until near the end of Act III...
  • Just when Ronston, Kal, and Hargrove are about to toast "absent friends," the ship gets hit hard by something and then starts rumbling ominously. Even the BGM knows it's Serious Business . The crew looks out the window, and what used to be a lush blue planet suddenly has fire cracks all over its surface. Very calmly, Ronston says, "Get to the bridge. NOW."
  • The reaction of the 2399 crew when the cargo transporter fails with them still standing on it , and a moment later the cargo bay door opens, and in walks a security team led by none other than Captain Ronston's past self. And she looks pissed.
  • After our heroes get to 2367, and Kal gets the viewscreen working. "This," says Ronston, "I was not expecting." Turns out the "other" Fitzgerald from 2378 followed them back in time, and because of their damaged sensors our heroes didn't pick them up.
  • At the end of the Battle of Beta Stromgren, the Mark-I ISS Voyager is disabled, and Drakus fires some sort of torpedo at it. Dark Garr, trying to make repairs on the bridge, looks up and sees the projectile on the viewscreen. His reaction? "Ohh, shittt..."
  • Older and Wiser : The 2399 crew, compared to their 2378 counterparts.
  • Omnicidal Maniac . Drakus. And how.
  • One Last Job : The crew of the F. Scott Fitzgerald seem about to either retire along with their ship or go their separate ways when disaster strikes. They band together along with their mothballed starship for one last adventure.
  • The Only One : After the temporal disaster, our intrepid heroes aboard the Fitzgerald find themselves in this position; The Federation is all but wiped out, and the rest of Starfleet seems to have disappeared.
  • Orchestral Bombing : The Battle of Beta Stromgren employs "Retreat," Jerry Goldsmith's Borg chase music from Star Trek: First Contact .
  • Our Time Travel Is Different : When the Fitzgerald goes back in time, it looks like the Wormhole Time Travel variety.
  • At the climax of the film, what prompts Dark Reyf to finally turn against Drakus is remembrance of his father.
  • Percussive Maintenance : On multiple occasions, frustrated crewmembers slap their fists against their consoles.
  • Permission to Speak Freely : Invoked several times by various crewmembers, but most notably with the 2378!Prentice when speaking with 2399!Ronston. At first she seems taken aback, before realizing this is Commander Prentice and not Admiral Prentice.
  • Plot-Driven Breakdown : The damage sustained by the Fitzgerald during the battle with the Cardassians and then on the trip through time leaving the ship all but crippled, forcing the crew to go to their ship's past counterpart to scavenge supplies.
  • In the shuttle, when Hargrove and Garr are arguing, just before Prentice breaks them up, Hargrove is very clearly about to say something beginning with the letter "F."
  • Later, when they all reach 2367 and Ronston is in Reyf's ready room, Dark Garr seems to be trying to bait her into an argument. She does the exact same thing—but fortunately Prentice is there to keep the peace.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner . Inverted; the one liner is actually Drakus.
  • On the Borg cube, the tool Drakus is using on the Borg drone is clearly Dr. Phlox's medical scanner from Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • Quotes Fit for a Trailer : It's hard to imagine how some of the dialogue will fit into the completed film, since some clips seem to duplicate one another.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale : Kal says this verbatim about the planet that's about to destroy itself. Mitchell says it again when the ship reaches Sector 001.
  • Really 700 Years Old : Drakus. At the end of Specter , Garr was thrown back in time, but not by ten years as he'd intended—in Retribution , we learned that he'd instead been thrown back by 78 years. With the "present day" portion of Redemption set in 2399, that means that between the end of Specter and the start of this film, Garr/Drakus aged a total of 98 years.
  • Rebuilt Set : Several of the USS Fitzgerald sets to depict the 2399 ship, especially the bridge.
  • Probably comes as no surprise that the starship sets from Retribution continue to appear as the interiors of the Fitzgerald , appropriately redressed of course.
  • The Vandor IV laboratory looks a lot like Garr's lab from Specter . Just with a lot more rubble, and a MUCH better lighting scheme.
  • Redemption Equals Death : Dark Garr at the end of the film. Ashamed of what he sees of himself in Drakus, and knowing that the possibility will always exist of himself turning into his Evil Twin , he chooses to remain behind on the Borg cube, and die when it self-destructs.
  • Refusal of the Call : Inverted with Lesley Kal, who by 2399 has left Starfleet and leads a shady life, eschewing all her responsibilities in favor of what Garr calls an "interesting" lifestyle. One might've expected her to want nothing to do with duty and responsibility—much less a uniform—ever again...but from the very start she does her part, and then some.
  • Replacement Goldfish : The Sovereign-class USS F. Scott Fitzgerald NCC-85107-B at the end of the film.
  • The Reveal : Pretty evident by their similar appearance, but the moment when the captain of the Goodson addresses the bald officer as "Mister Reyf," identifying him as Gaius Reyf's father.
  • Revenge Before Reason : Inverted with Drakus; before, he put his desire for revenge above all else, but this time, when presented with a perfect opportunity to eradicate his foes on the starships Fitzgerald , he instead goes off to heal himself.
  • Revenge Myopia : At the start of Specter , Garr's enemy was simply said to be all of Starfleet; in Retribution , his attentions were focused solidly on Reyf for his actions in the first film. This time around, his loathing is seemingly targeted at Prentice, despite the fact that—technically—it was Kendra Ronston that stopped him in the alternate timeline.
  • It's heavily implied that midway through their conversation, Garr realizes Kal is there, and everything that follows is a deliberate attempt to get them back together. Very possibly serving as setting this Garr apart from Dark Garr (who reappears in the following scene), and from Drakus.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory : This is quietly hand waved in reference to the various timelines. We the viewer have now seen three distinct timelines, the original one from Specter , the nightmarish future we saw in Retribution , and now the seemingly peaceful 2399 from the early scenes in Redemption . Prentice seems to recall the Retribution timeline, and indirectly references it once (when he says "The last time I saw him, I deactivated all of them," referring to the scene in Retribution when he shot Drakus with a phaser that shut down his Borg technology). They all seem somehow to be familiar with the Specter timeline as well.
  • Near the end of the film, Lesley Kal gives one, trying to convince Ronston to return to duty following a Heroic BSoD . All the other officers present—including Dark Garr—join in.
  • Why the Fitzgerald shakes when Renee powers up the warp core.
  • The only possible explanation for a number of notable omissions from the story, such as how exactly their Time Travel method actually works, or how the 2378 Fitzgerald is able to follow their future counterparts back through time undetected.
  • Sanity Has Advantages : Lampshaded in an exchange between Garr and Dark Garr, in which Garr points out that he has "something to believe in," referring to his crewmates, while Dark Garr just runs away from everything and lives a life of misery.
  • Sarcasm Failure : While in the brig on the 2378 Fitzgerald , Prentice quips, "We're doomed," only to get scowls from his cellmates.
  • Scenery Gorn : A shuttlecraft flyover of the lava-fied Earth, just to drive the point home that this is not a dream .
  • Despite Starfleet's well-established prohibition against deliberately engaging in Time Travel , Ronston and her crew don't even blink at doing it to restore 2399 to its pristine, un-disaster-fied state. Invoked again later on in the interactions between the 2399 crew and their 2378 counterparts, who let slip little nuggets of information about the future, to alter how their pasts unfolded.
  • Kendra Ronston does this herself a whopping three times : once when she tells her past self that Merv Ronston is "absolutely" worth it, then again when she tells Prentice's past self that Merv is a good man (a subtle hint to Prentice not to pursue her and potentially disrupt any potential relationship between herself and Merv), and a third time when she begs Merv Ronston's past self to stay patient with her past self, no matter what happens. Kendra and Merv said to teach other in the previous film.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong : The Fitzgerald crew goes back in time to undo a temporal disaster in 2399.
  • Ship Tease : Kendra Ronston and Bradley Prentice. It was hinted at in Specter that Prentice was interested in then-Lieutenant Erickson, then again a few times in Retribution . In Redemption , it's said that they tried it and it didn't work, apparently because Ronston still had feelings for her ex-husband. Prentice and Kendra are later said to have "a unique relationship."
  • The title sequence, for one, strongly resembles that of Star Trek: TNG , right down to the Fitzgerald flying past the camera just like the 1701-D did.
  • The combadges are from the TNG episode "Future Imperfect."
  • The camera shots of the empty corridors are directly taken from the TNG episode "11001001."
  • "Lesley...how long is this thing between you and Renee going to go on?" sounds remarkably similar to a conversation that happened in the anti-time future of the TNG Grand Finale , "All Good Things."
  • Falwell even responds "Sorry" just like Bones did.
  • "To absent friends," aside from being a real Navy toast to salute fallen comrades, was featured in both Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and in Star Trek: Nemesis .
  • Just exactly what is in those glasses that Ronston and the others are toasting with? The liquid is blue, so is it at all possible that it might be Romulan Ale?
  • Many of the monitors have static displays saying "This Console Under Computer Control" similar to the Enterprise in Star Trek III .
  • The set layout of Main Engineering is a callback to the TNG episode "Parallels," which had the pool table right next to the warp core instead of in the big open area. Likewise, the two alert bars in the back of the bridge are colorful instead of orange, also something only seen in one of the alternate realities in "Parallels."
  • Ronston says "Punch it!" in a clear reference to Star Trek XI.
  • The shot of the Fitzgerald passing Saturn is very similar to a shot in TNG's "Best of Both Worlds" as the Enterprise -D races towards Earth.
  • The shots of the Fitzgerald passing by Jupiter are exact mirror images of shots from Star Trek: The Motion Picture as the Enterprise prepared to warp away to meet V'Ger.
  • "That was a waste of a perfectly good heartfelt sentiment" harkens back to a similar line spoken by Deadpan Snarker Jack O'Neill (with two L's) in Stargate SG-1 : "That was a waste of a perfectly good explanation."
  • "In my experience, there's no such thing as luck."
  • "Kendra, risk is part of the game if you want to sit in that chair."
  • "We have a problem." "I didn't authorize any problems."
  • When the Fitzgerald completes its first time jump, the visual effect of it re-entering normal space is identical to the one from Back to the Future . Right down to the sound effect, which is taken from the final time shift of the third film .
  • And for that matter, the word Alteran .
  • When we see Kal's quarters, a number of allusions to the Stargate-verse are scattered about: the Ancient repository of knowledge , an Atlantis DHD , the touchstone from early in SG-1, and at one point even the Milky Way gate address to Earth shows up as a piece of wall decor.
  • Drakus greets them by saying, "Well what were you expecting— a disembodied brain in an android body? A chrome mask with blades and a cape perhaps?"
  • Hargrove stepping forward and boldly declaring "Today IS a good day to die!" is both a reference to to TNG and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , as well as a rare Call-Back to Star Trek Retribution , when she quoted Chancellor Martok, strongly hinting at some form of Klingon heritage in her. This is lampshaded when, after shooting Drakus only for the phaser blast to be stopped by a forcefield, she swears in Klingon . For bonus points, the curse is a longer version of one she muttered in Retribution.
  • Drakus, chewing the scenery as he shouts, "No more games, no more riddles, no more curtains ONE AND TWO, just PLAIN CURTAINS!"
  • "For our father."
  • In a way, the music for the scene where Dark Garr says his goodbyes to the others is a shoutout. The music is from a scene in Supernatural with the two lead characters saying goodbye to their father; in the same way, Garr is saying goodbye to Reyf, who in all three films has been portrayed as something of a father figure to his officers—while at the same time acknowledging Reyf's own father.
  • Shrouded in Myth : Drakus, since in this film's timeline he didn't exist, but Admiral Prentice (who comes from a timeline where he DID exist) is very definitely frightened by him.
  • Sliding Scale of Alternate History Plausibility : So the point that seemed to be made at the end of Star Trek Retribution was that the timeline had been changed, and nothing in either Specter or Retribution occurred as we saw it. Yet, when we go back in time in Redemption , suddenly we find ourselves back in the original timeline from the beginning of Specter ?
  • Sliding Scale of Endings : So, the first film ended on a high note. Retribution ...not so much. The trailer seems to strongly hint that this is going to be a damned Reset Button Plot . Say it ain't so!
  • Sliding Scale of Silliness vs. Seriousness : So we have a story in which the "present day" is torn to pieces by the villain's evil deeds. So we go into the past to stop him, and wind up...in the events of the first film?
  • Sliding Scale of Unavoidable vs. Unforgivable : It's hard to imagine how this one won't come into play. If we're going back in time and the Dr. Garr from 2378 is somehow going to be involved, if our heroes from 2399 know what's going to happen because of him, do they let him go on his merry way when it's all over, or do they have Something More Sinister in mind for him? Perhaps a Heroic Double Cross?
  • Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration : So Drakus seemed to be perfectly fine at the end of Star Trek Retribution ... but now, ten years later, apparently he's dying because of what Prentice did.
  • Smug Snake : Dark Garr, much more so than we ever saw in Specter . Could also be an instance of Flanderization.
  • Space Clouds : Invoked twice: the Azure Nebula, and the supernova remnant at Beta Stromgren.
  • Space Is Noisy . A signature element of the trilogy is that anytime an exterior shot of space is shown, some form of wind is audible, in addition to whatever standard Stock Sound Effects might also be in use.
  • Still Wearing the Old Colors : After the mission to the 2378 Fitzgerald Kal is still wearing that era's uniform until Ronston has to tell her to take it off. And get back into a real Starfleet uniform.
  • Not only that, but apparently severe-weather sounds are the "theme" for this film. The sounds of Time Travel in this movie are also played (quite convincingly) by the sounds of thunder, lightning, and tornado winds.
  • Stock Trailer Music : Trailers for both Specter and Retribution began with the same cue from Star Trek XI. The trailer for Redemption actually uses a piece of music by Two Steps from Hell .
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality : Jennifer Hargrove. And to a lesser extent, both versions of Dr. Garr.
  • Sympathy for the Devil : In the first film, Garr was presented as blinded by his obsessions to restore his lost love, and in the second film as consumed by his thirst for vengeance and unredeemable. But Redemption gives us a much more favorable glimpse of the character: he starts out as unhinged and even Ax-Crazy when he first meets the 2399 officers, but as time progresses he seems more stable and much more human.
  • Also, the end credits—though several meshes sourced from Scifi-Meshes.com appear in the film, in the wake of what happened during production of Retribution , SFM does not appear as a source for 3D models.
  • Team Mom : Kendra Ronston in 2399. Justified in that she's the captain of the Fitzgerald by this point, and the people with her are less a unified crew than they are a loosely affiliated group of misfits forced together by circumstances.
  • Techno Babble : Largely averted until about two-thirds of the way through the film; except for a few snippets here and there, the scientific aspects of the situation were usually dealt with in only a few words, and often in layman's terms.
  • Temporal Paradox : There appear to be several (read: A LOT) of them in this film, but they're basically ignored .
  • He comes so very close to saying it's simply someone else's problem .
  • And Kal snaps him back to reality by reminding him that You Are Not Alone .
  • The Hero's Journey : The film is this for Kendra Ronston.
  • Theme Music Power-Up : This happens several times; first when Mitchell finally restores power to the crippled Fitzgerald , then again minutes later as they leave the nebula, and then again as they make the time jump to 2367.
  • This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself : Kendra Ronston and Gaius Reyf both say this before they transport to the Borg cube for the Ultimate Confrontation with Drakus, Ronston because she was forced to watch Wolf 359 happen thanks to Drakus, and Reyf because his father lost his life at Wolf 359.
  • Time Is Dangerous : Doing too many time jumps in the manner that Drakus does can be hazardous to your health.
  • Time Travel : To fix everything our heroes will have to go back in time.
  • Time-Travel Tense Trouble : The cast members stumble over tenses several times; Prentice calls Ronston on it once, only for her to admit she gave up trying to keep the tenses straight as soon as they arrived in 2378.
  • Timey-Wimey Ball : So we don't know how accelerating to warp 8.8 or releasing 1.21 jigawatts of energy causes them to go back in time. But when they do, they wind up in the events of the first film, which should be an alternate history. When one of the characters brings that up, the point is quickly HandWaved away.
  • Tired of Running : After her Heroic BSoD , Kendra Ronston orders the Fitzgerald to pursue the Borg cube (and Drakus with it) to Sector 001. When they catch up to the Borg ship and Drakus beams over, Hargrove immediately questions Kendra's decision to lead the away team to finally stop Drakus for good. Ronston's response: "Because of him, I had to stand by and watch 11,000 good men and women lose their loves to the Borg. One way or another, he's not getting away this time."
  • Title Drop : In the very first scene no less.
  • To Absent Friends : Ronston toasts this at the start of the film; at first it seems like she's referring to Reyf, but later in the film when 2378 Prentice asks what happens to Garrett and Parks, and Ronston doesn't answer, one begins to wonder just who else she might've been referring to.
  • Trailers Always Spoil : The Redemption trailer makes no attempts to be coy about the fact that there will be not ONE, not TWO, but THREE versions of Braiyon Garr in this film. Or that Time Travel will be happening. Or that the crew will interact with their alternate selves from an Alternate History .
  • Trilogy Creep : So Specter was originally just supposed to be a standalone, one-off story, and ended that way. Then Retribution came along, and many fans assumed that even though Drakus was making threats at the very end, that was it. Then, less than a month later, the first trailer for Redemption appeared.
  • Tron Lines : The ISS Voyager has them...sort of.
  • Trouble from the Past : Drakus, thanks to getting thrown back 78 years at the end of Specter .
  • True Companions : The crew of the Fitzgerald . The scenes in 2378 show that Prentice and Erickson especially didn't particularly care for one another at first, but by 2399 they've managed to resolve their differences.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm : Jennifer Hargrove, when she returns with Kal to their disabled ship with the parts in tow. Rather than listen to Mitchell and Falwell's opinions about her decision to leave Garr, Prentice, and Ronston behind, she harshly orders Mitchell to repair the ship, leaving her to murmur softly, "Aye...captain."
  • Underside Ride : To avoid detection by their past selves, the 2399 crew docks their shuttle on the hull of the 2378 Fitzgerald in a very obscure place, though it wasn't on the bottom of the ship per se (It was next to "the ventral nacelle pylon," you see). Setting down on the underside of the same part of the ship would have looked cooler, but would have risked discovery from all the ships and work bees flying around.
  • Also some residual UST between the Captains Ronston. That little private chat they have in the observation lounge...
  • Villains Act, Heroes React : What happens in the Alphekka system is pretty obviously the result of some villainous deed, about which our heroes know nothing until the planet explodes.
  • Villainy-Free Villain : Dark Garr comes into the picture with everyone hating him and being afraid of him for what he would have done in the original timeline, and we the viewer not exactly in love with him either. As things progress, however, he shows much more depth and humanity than we gave him credit for in the first two films.
  • What Does She See in Him? : In 2378, Lt. Erickson has this conversation with her future self about her ex-husband-to-be. The future self immediately says yes, no doubt a reference to Merv's heroic self-sacrifice in 2399 to save her from the Cardassians.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : Despite a plot resolution that was neat and tidy, no mention is made of what happened to Drakus' "starship replicator" from Beta Stromgren.
  • What You Are in the Dark : Garr is shown aboard the ISS Voyager , alone and away from the rest of the cast, feeling...well, lonely. Not at all evil or demented...just lonely.
  • We Used to Be Friends : Reyf and Dark Garr.
  • A ship about to be decommissioned, meant to be run by a crew of hundreds suddenly being run by just a few individuals. Sounds like that other Star Trek III .
  • A movie starting out with cataclysmic events triggered by time travel, with the protagonists also going back to stop it. Sounds kind of like Star Trek: First Contact .
  • A more powerful ship from the future jumps back to a time right before a major battle that will cause severe destruction and loss of life, but could be averted if the future ship intervenes and destroys the aggressor with their advanced weaponry. That's also the plot of The Final Countdown
  • Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him? : Invoked by Hargrove when they finally catch up with Drakus. When they meet, Drakus greets them, but before he can start monologuing, she steps forward, declares "Today IS a good day to die!", pulls up her phaser rifle and FIRES!...only for the phaser burst to hit a forcefield.
  • The World Is Just Awesome : A number of small moments spread throughout the film showing Kal enjoying (seemingly) mundane things. In particular, the launch of the shuttlecraft after the Fitzgerald arrives in 2378, crippled by the battle with the Cardassians and the trip through time; her expression is of awe and wonder as the shuttle maneuvers through the Azure Nebula. The significance of that isn't lost on Captain Ronston.
  • You Can't Go Home Again : Towards the end of the film, Reyf says this almost verbatim to Dark Garr in his ready room.
  • You Did the Right Thing : Prentice assures Ronston of this on more than one occasion.

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star trek iii redemption


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  1. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    Star Trek III: Redemption: Directed by Brandon M. Bridges. With Majel Barrett, Brandon M. Bridges, Dennis Gard Robb. A massive temporal disaster strikes in the year 2399. Much of the Federation destroyed and Earth is a volcanic wasteland. Desperate to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew, and travels into the past to undo the damage.

  2. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him ...

  3. Star Trek III: Redemption [Remastered]

    Watch Star Trek III: Redemption, a fan-made film that imagines a dystopian future for the Federation and Earth. Can the crew of the Enterprise save the day?

  4. Redemption (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

    List of episodes. " Redemption " is a two-part episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Parts I and II of "Redemption" comprise the 100th and 101st episodes of the series, also being the fourth season finale and the fifth season premiere. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures ...

  5. Star Trek III Redemption (2013) Stream and Watch Online

    Released January 1st, 2013, 'Star Trek III Redemption' stars Majel Barrett, Brandon M. Bridges, Dennis Gard Robb The movie has a runtime of about 4 hr 12 min, and received a user score of 100 (out ...

  6. Star Trek III: Redemption

    Star Trek III: Redemption. 2013 Animation, Science Fiction · 4h 12m. We've checked all the major streaming services, and this title is not found on any of them right now. Get Notified. When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland.

  7. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    Star Trek III: Redemption (2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. ... Star Trek a list of 41 titles created 26 Sep 2017 2013 a list of 3245 titles created 13 Mar 2022 Disclosure Movies/TV Series a list of 88 titles ...

  8. Star Trek III: Redemption

    When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him ...

  9. Star Trek III Redemption (2013)

    100. NR 4 hr 12 min Jan 1st, 2013 Science Fiction, Animation. When a massive temporal disaster strikes the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a ...

  10. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    Star Trek III: Redemption. 2013. When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage.

  11. Star Trek III Redemption (2013) Cast and Crew

    Meet the talented cast and crew behind 'Star Trek III Redemption' on Moviefone. Explore detailed bios, filmographies, and the creative team's insights. Dive into the heart of this movie through ...

  12. Star Trek III: Redemption

    Star Trek III: Redemption is a fan-made CGI film, produced by Brandon M. Bridges as a sequel to Star Trek II: Retribution and the third entry in the Specter series. The plot for the movie was first worked on March 8, 2012, and the official writing began on July 17, 2012. A teaser trailer for the movie was posted on YouTube on July 24, 2012.

  13. Redemption (episode)

    Ronald D. Moore. Directed by. Cliff Bole. In-universe date. 44995.3-44998.3 (2367) Podcast. ML: " Redemption and Redemption II ". Picard balances his Federation and Klingon duties as new Klingon Chancellor Gowron faces a civil war. Worf and his brother Kurn fight to regain their father's honor.

  14. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Redemption (TV Episode 1991)

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  15. Star Trek III: Redemption (animation movie, 2013)

    A massive temporal disaster strikes in the year 2399. Much of the Federation destroyed and Earth is a volcanic wasteland. Desperate to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew, and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him, she will have to enlist help from an ...

  16. "Star Trek III: Redemption" Revisited: Opening Titles ...

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  18. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    Summary. When a massive temporal disaster strikes, the year 2399 is left a devastated ruin with much of the Federation destroyed and Earth a volcanic wasteland. In a desperate bid to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister ...

  19. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    Star Trek III: Redemption (2013) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows. What's on TV & Streaming Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV News.

  20. Star Trek III: Redemption

    Animation. Star Trek III: Redemption. tnpir4002 418 Posts: 1,277 Member. 11 years ago edited January 2014 in Finished Work #1. Hi folks, Since my first two major film projects (Star Trek I: Specter, and Star Trek II: Retribution) had threads here, I couldn't resist the urge to create one for the third and final installment in the trilogy: "Star ...

  21. Duty, Honor, Redemption

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  22. Star Trek III: Redemption (2013)

    Star Trek III: Redemption (2013) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows. What's on TV & Streaming Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV News.

  23. Star Trek Redemption (Web Animation)

    Star Trek Redemption. "Time is of the essence." Lighter and Softer sequel to the popular Star Trek fan film Star Trek Retribution, completed in Winter 2013. The year is 2399, and the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald is about to be decommissioned, when disaster strikes. A Negative Space Wedgie suddenly and inexplicably starts tearing through the space ...