Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev Is The World's Time-Travel Record Holder

Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev has spent more time in orbit around the Earth than anyone - 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes.

And thanks to Universe Today , we now know another interesting fact about the retired Russian space adventurer…

He's also the world's most prolific time traveller.

Universe Today points out that due to the effects of time dilation, Krikalev has actually lived for 0.02 seconds less than everyone else on Earth - effectively, he's travelled 0.02 seconds into his own future.

The calculation relies on Einstein's theories of relativity , which state that the passage of time is relative, and different, for two objects moving at different speeds or experiencing different levels of gravity.

But don't let the word 'theory' fool you - dilation is a real effect , and has been demonstrated in experiments conducted first by flying highly accurate atomic clocks around the world on jet aircraft, and later by GPS satellites which have to be reprogrammed daily to counter the effect.

Every astronaut in orbit around the Earth will undergo some level of dilation, since they are travelling at such great speed (7.71 km/s in the International Space Station) for long periods.

Still the amount of dilation is very small - just fractions of a second. But if you work out the maths, Krikalev has gone further than anyone else for a combined 0.02 seconds of time travel. A small step, perhaps. But in some ways a pretty amazing one.

Check out the full story over at Universe Today .

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Time travel is possible, but it’s a one-way ticket

Chenoa van den Boogaard , Physics and Astronomy editor

The ability to travel through time, whether it is to fix a mistake in the past or gain insight into the future, has long been embraced by science fiction and debated by theoretical physicists. While the debate continues over whether travelling into the past is possible, physicists have determined that travelling to the future most certainly is. And you don’t need a wormhole or a DeLorean to do it.

Real-life time travel occurs through time dilation, a property of Einstein’s special relativity . Einstein was the first to realize that time is not constant, as previously believed, but instead slows down as you move faster through space.

As part of his theory, Einstein re-envisioned space itself. He coined the phrase “spacetime,” fusing the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time into a single term. Instead of treating space as a flat and rigid place that holds all the objects in the universe, Einstein thought of it as curved and malleable, able to form gravitational dips around masses that pull other objects in, just as a bowling ball placed in the centre of a trampoline would cause any smaller object placed on the trampoline to slide towards the centre.

Courtesy and © of NASA

A computer-generated representation of Einstein’s curved spacetime. The Earth creates a gravitational dip in the fabric of spacetime which is deepest at its core. Courtesy and © of NASA

The closer an object gets to the centre of the dip, the faster it accelerates. The centre of the Earth’s gravitational dip is located at the Earth’s core, where gravitational acceleration is strongest. According to Einstein’s theory, because time moves more slowly as you move faster through space, the closer an object is to the centre of the Earth, the slower time moves for that object.

This effect can be seen in GPS satellites, which orbit 20,200 kilometres above the Earth’s surface. These satellites have highly precise clocks onboard that gain an average of 38 microseconds per day due to time dilation. While this time gain seems insignificant, GPS satellites rely on their onboard clocks to maintain precise global positioning. Running 38 microseconds fast would result in a positioning error of nearly 10 kilometres, an error that would increase daily if the time difference were not constantly corrected.

A more dramatic example of time dilation can be seen in the movie Interstellar when Matthew McConaughey and his crew land on a planet with an extreme gravitational field caused by a nearby black hole. Because of the black hole’s intense gravitational influence, time slows dramatically for the crew on the planet, making one hour on the surface equal to seven years on Earth. This is why, when the crew returns to Earth, Matthew McConaughey’s daughter is an old woman while he appears to be the same age as when he left.

So why hasn’t humanity succeeded in making such drastic leaps forward in time? The answer to this question comes down to velocity. In order for humanity to send a traveller years into the future, we would either have to take advantage of the intense gravitational acceleration caused by black holes or send the traveller rocketing into space at close to the speed of light (about 1 billion km/h). With our current technology , jumping a few microseconds into the future is all humans can manage.

But if technology one day allows us to send a human into the future by travelling close to the speed of light, would there be any way for the traveller to use time dilation to return to the past and report her findings? “Interstellar travel reaching close to the speed of light might be possible,” says Dr. Jaymie Matthews , professor of astrophysics at the University of British Columbia, “[but] this voyage is one way into the future, not back to the past.”

If we can’t use time dilation to return to the past, does this mean that the past is forever inaccessible? Perhaps not. Einstein proposed that time travel into the past could be achieved through an Einstein-Rosen bridge, a type of wormhole. Wormholes are theoretical areas of spacetime that are warped in a way that connects two distant points in space.

Image by Panzi, CC-BY 3.0

A visualization of a wormhole: The fabric of spacetime curves back upon itself, forming a bridge between two distant locations. Image by Panzi , CC-BY 3.0

Einstein’s equations suggested that this bridge in space could hypothetically connect two points in time instead if it were stable enough. “At the moment, even an Einstein-Rosen bridge cannot [be used to] go back in the past because it doesn’t live long enough – it is not stable,” Matthews explains.

“Even if it was stable, it [requires] other physics, which we don’t have. Hypothetical particles and states of matter that have “exotic” physical properties that would violate known laws of physics, such as a particle having a negative mass. That is why “wormholes” are only science fiction.”

While it would be fascinating to travel back in time to see the dinosaurs or to meet Albert Einstein and show him the reality of time travel, perhaps it is best if the past remains untouched. Travelling to the past invites the possibility of making an alteration that could destroy the future. For example, in Back to the Future , Marty McFly travels to the past and inadvertently prevents his parents from meeting each other, nearly preventing his own existence. But if he had undone his own existence, how could he have travelled back in time in the first place?

Marty’s adventures are a variation of the grandfather paradox: what happens if you go back in time and kill your grandfather before your father is conceived? If you are successful, how is it possible that you’re alive to kill your grandfather in the first place?

A recent study at the University of Queensland may have the answer to this baffling paradox. In this study, the researchers prove mathematically that paradox-free time travel is possible, showing that the universe will self-correct to avoid inconsistencies. If this is true, then even if we could travel back in time, we would never be able to alter events to create a different future.

While these new findings are enlightening, there appears to be more evidence that, although time dilation can allow us to glimpse the future, we will never be able to visit the past. As the late Stephen Hawking said in his book Black Holes and Baby Universes , “The best evidence we have that time travel [into the past] is not possible, and never will be, is that we have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future.”

Banner image by Alex Lehner, CC BY 2.0

240 thoughts on “ Time travel is possible, but it’s a one-way ticket ”

How do I go about time travel? what do I need how do I get those required things?

Very large ring magnets and some mathematics and will to see it in reality.

How about a sphere magnet ship…

hoe about 3d time and hemi synch or portals augmented reality,power of suggestion..drugs pcp binural tones frequency amplitude .virtual computing ie.

I’m a time traveling tourist, Stephen Hawking was wrong.

Time is simply a measurement of space under the amount given its mass and the amount of light and dark in which governs its mass in a 4dimensional reality step outside of the force in which permenates its flow one would reside there would be no past present or future there be a fixed permance of a constant here and now and so ok then what is to come.

Very well explained article !!

But I think if physics says time travel can be possible then it’s definitely possible. Considering not to go back to your childhood and fix things but rather can go to the past but as invisible person to them. So that,

No actions by you would impact your future.

Regards, Kirankumar DR

Tell me more

Yes.. I wish I can do this too 🙂

We will understand it better, by and by…

I have a theory for warp speed, but nasa would have to put it to the test…check my Facebook

I am reading for this drive , i am ready , without think my life safe or not

@Ravi chandila English translation please?

Please someone help me I just want to send a message to myself in my past.,to get the love of my life, he never revealed to me his feelings now my life is ruined by the decision of my elders Please help me, it’s question of my life and death. Nazneen

Is time travel machine is their, if the time travel machine is true can it move to the past . To bring back my lost life

That’s the problem you know.. it is not there that’s why we aren’t able to travel time..and yes it it will be built then you will be able to do so…..

damn my life is also lost and broken but still no one can give a time machine for free

DO NOT change the future. That’s why people like you couldn’t go. One wrong person to ruin it for the rest of us

On the point of time reversal, it is evidently impossible. The Uncertainty Principle prohibits spacetime reversal. The Universe is unable to remember its past (as a consequence of the Uncertainty Principle), therefore the Universe cannot reorganise itself.

Can I have to go on my past with another time travel it is a possible when just tell me about one thing that can I have to go in my past one year

we dont need magnets.we need a strong gravitational force to warp spacetime allowing us to travel through with speed of sound or speed of light or faster.we need to learn how to control such force carefully or it could be lethal.gravity slows down time.but it can theoratically work both ways.if we can reverse the gravity’s natural reaction we could speed up a spacecraft faster than light(its all relative(and theoratical))


oh and I forgot to add it can be the key to look into the universe and also travelling time(theoratical).speed and gravity are the key to the universe(theory not proved)

All you really need is a crystal diode with 16 sides, a large pain of glass, and a frequency transmitter near a bathtub full of ice cold water….if you reach the right frequency you can travel through time forward and reverse…

Magnetized metal(VCR Reading Head), to read time out of the Magnetosphere all around earth. The Magnetosphere kills 2 birds with one stone- it protects earth and it records human time:

Mystery solved and I will explain, I was in a coma 3 months and I experienced things, I traveled time forward and backward, it is not a one way ticket. Movies and songs are recorded on magnetic tape in a VCR tape Cartridge or Cassette tape,   Magnetic tape recording works by converting electrical signals into magnetic energy, which imprints a record of the signal onto a moving tape covered in magnetic particles.   3D life on earth(a movie), and the Magnetosphere all around earth coming from the core of earth(MAGNETIC ACTIVITY) without Atom Made Tape, is like a movie on magnetic Atom made tape in a VCR tape cartridge. Revolution and Rotation is the motor(VCR).

This is why people have those freaky Deji’vu feelings like they have lived this before, BECAUSE YOU HAVE, and how people can be psychic, and how there is Prophecy in the Bible. When a person dies, their Spirit- MIND(Thoughts, Feelings, Urges(Physical and mental personality)) breaks out of human body- a stopped heart is what releases the spirit from the human body. Then the Soul(Life) with the memory of your existence in it breaks out of spirit and goes back to your birthday with a erased memory, meanwhile your spirit goes back in time to when you were a teenager starting the mental puberty, maturity from that adult spirit you died with in last life.In that old movie Star Wars or maybe it was the Empire Strikes Back, there is a scene where Princess Laya plays like a 3D movie, that is EXACTLY how its of life on earth.

Mr Snow, I believe you as I have seen it too. As humans we have deep knowledge of things we cannot rationally explain but you have done a great job here.

I thought that Analogy would be a better and easier way to explain, or in a picture of the earth from far out in space with the atmosphere around it looks like a DVD disk and the earth being the center sticker but is in 3D.

Actually you are on to several things here. I have also had the infusion of knowledge that also had to do with comparing life to recorded movies and music. I know you were using it to explain your theory, but I do think there is something there, I always have. When you watch a movie you are seeing the past. Why can’t you somehow use a recording as a base to go back into? I agree with everything you said here, and it’s worth looking into.

Jeffrey, very interesting idea!! Could be something to that. As far as your coma experiences, I think there are things we just do not understand and are nearly impossible to explain. Perhaps time IS like a video tape, or a DVD? Magnetism is one of the forces of nature. I too have had some odd experiences that suggest that we are able to perceive things beyond our five known senses.

I think if you have had a near death experience, such as being in a coma, then you have experienced the powerful hallucinations provided by the chemical substance DMT which your body creates naturally in times of extreme trauma, but also found in most plants and used recreationally by some who are brave enough and into that kind of thing. Your theory is interesting, but completely unproven and as far as I know untested. If things were so simple, I’m sure many scientists would have already thought of such an idea and tested it.

How do I travel through time

Be alive and live life to the fullest is the best way to travel through time ! OR Befriend grey aliens../ They may hold the key to the sum of all knowledge in the universe..

Sounds good will it work

Really log vaps mil sakte hau h kya

Can you plz explain I didn’t get it

You dont first all you are not experienced in the field of the space time continum and you could you upset the already fragile and multitude of alternate realitys that have looping due irresponsible ones who somehow gotten the technology causing another altered time frame there are a disarray multiple reality which are looping in earths 4dimensonal time frame time traveling is not for a vacation or just to get a joy ride its a serious and complex reality not be joked about it is a real thing and certain individual have are upset the balance of earths original time zone note now the gaurdians of this region of milky way the galatic order of the light keepers Angelic gaurdians of the (names with held)are working over time ooh nice pun (over TIME) ha wow to restore Earth back to a original time continum

Who said I want a joy ride, my life is devastated even my kids are suffering, I want to commit suicide but can’t leave my kids back, Being captive for most of my life, if my life is changed nothing will be disturbed, only thing happens is 3 life’s will be saved. And more so over I don’t want to travel I just want to send a message to myself in my past plz on the date of 30th May 1996. My life is ruined plz help me, it was my dad,brother, sister who pushed me into the dungeon and my husband and his family took over the charge of torturing me. Nazneen

I want to go back in time and tell my 5 year old self to burn the creepy dolls that my mom bought cause there is demons in it at the same time I will kidnap and torture my dad right now go back in time and show the younger version of my dad show him what will happen to his future self if he don’t get rid of those possessed objects and keeps letting my mom buy those antiques I’m 18 now I’m single no girlfriend no friend alone nothing very depressed too and I try to remember the positive things that happened in my life which there aren’t many tho but the demons keep squeezing my memory brain and my mom keeps on making so much loud noise including her damn mouth I have attempted to burn the demonic dolls but I only burned them for a minute or two with gas cause I was worried I might accidentally set my whole neighborhood on fire but then my mom threw it all in the recycle instead of the trash so the demons just keep bothering me its driving me nuts he he.

Access to a Quantum Computer Network on the web would be a good start. A series of ChatBots and webhook sites strategically placed in not only space, but in time. A series of algorithms and I think information can be transferred backwards to ones self…

How do we know that there are no horde of tourists among ourselves?

How do we know we’re all not tourists?

We’re all time travelers. We all travel into the future daily. 1 second at a time. Lol…

Agreed! I had the same thought!

Excellent question

If is possible, I would like to go back to: January the 1st 1975 & relive the 70’s as I prefer that decade to the awful one I am facing now, Back then We had more police our streets & left our front doors open, Those days were far much more better .

Please do comment on my blog post regarding time travel

how about you ask the flash to help you

I need the time travel so I’m fails so many times i love time travel i have to go fast and future so i have no idea im travel is a my dream so my dream solution plz say me i have time travel so please help me someone please…..

I think you are over reacting

When we look at the stars now it is what they looked like years ago so what if we go to the stars and look down?

You cant go to the stars. It will just take billions and billions of years to go even to the next nearest star than our Sun- proxima centuri. Sorry to say, but do you think that you will be alive all those years??

You can do that without going to the stars… our planet reflects light as well thus making it visible from other parts of the universe…. has the word “reflection” crossed your mind ? 😉

Contact me on my hangout I will help you [email protected]

bro just time travel its not that hard

Please help me to time travel, can I see myself when I go back in time like Harmaini sees herself in Harry potter?? Or can I send messages to myself I know the particular date when to send. It’s not the mistake I had done in my past but it was done by my father and brother who are safe, happy enjoying their lives,my life is totally ruined Please help me. Nazneen

I want to go back in time to save my wife .it was a bad mastake she died .that could be changed i need to go back and save her. Please help me.yours gordon sutcliffe

Would love to hear more how it’s possible, as I am really so desperate to go back in time. I lost my wife 6mons back because of COVID and I will do the impossible things to make it happen.

DMT Experience

what is that?

Dmt experience. Time travel, out of body and sometimes superhuman capabilities.

Jump into a black hole

We have to lose something(the past) to gain something(the future) in time travel.Time cannot be played with.Am I correct.

you need to have d e t e r m i n a t i o n

Time machine is possible

speeder than light LOL

speeder than light cuz if the light break it limits it will move backward in time

Don’t Just don’t disturb the past

I want to go back in time and see my dad. I miss him.

mee too raina I lost my father the day before you posted the comment 18th may, crap it hurts me so much. I would rather die to bring those moments back….

Everything is connected . Time isn’t real .

It is universe we travel to and not a time line in one universe

Ask trump….Mandela effect…. dmt 5th dimension

u need an X-WING starfighter and a lightsaber to fight the knights at past and a R2-B2 to track

The fact that no one has time travelled to the past is the proof that time travelling will NEVER exist.

Others have. Portals open most of the time. Example: Miami Fl. Magnetic Material gets bombarded by the sun. Which fractures and formed portals within that area. Ley lines can lead to the portals of travel within miami for just to start. One can laugh or wonder if. In my experience jumping for the better the word of it (Movie Jumper) can be done. You can either Teleport or Time Travel. Our sun open these portals everyday. The best time when Sun spots start to emerge. All that electrons traveling at light speed is enough to rupture our magnetic fields on Earth. You will return of course. Like water on a lake or an ocean time will corrects itself. Your inner clock is your ticket back home. With a little math,fourth dimensional thinking,a magnetic meter, the right location,history research and luck. You may get to expirence it. First clue….cold spots…it may not be a ghost.

Plz can you help me please help me you can save my life

I wish I could help you, I can sense your sufferings.

You need a bag of hyperlink modules to start, then nuclear beepbeep gatangas, when you have that come back here and I will tell you what you need next.

You need high voltage beepbeep gatangas and a large broonasic magnet of about 450 Gauss, come back here when you have these and I will tell you the rest.

you need an old fashioned police box

If you rotate the center of the earth in the opposite direction, then the whole earth can be moved back in time, on the other hand, if you move the center of the earth and change its position by separating it from the part of the earth, then you will be able to time correctly. Let’s reach the other side.

How I could time travel any time travel machines inverted

give audition in the flash series..

I think that to go back in time you’d to travel faster than the speed of light since time stops at the speed of light but if you wanted to go back to say mlk’s assassination you would need to go at least 10 times the speed of light

You don’t want to, the moment you wrote that message is a historical point in time.

When time travel is possible, you should d̵͔̮͉̣̯̳͌i̩͒̍̆͟ͅs͎̲̖͙̺ͬ̽̊͆͢r̖̹͆͂̚͘ê̛̫̪̱͇̘̩ͬg̖͉̤͚ͭͣ̊̌͜a̯̗͚̬͍̱̦͑͂͒͡ṟ̝ͦ͗͘d͋҉̪̖̥͔̟̟͚̻ ͎̬ͧ̔́i̧͚̫̻̇ͮͫ̆t̩̻͉̩̘̰̠̫̓̂̕ ̦̻̳̦̉͆̊̇̀i̴̗͍̞͙͇ͣ̈́mͦ̑ͦ̚͏͚̜̬̹̘̟̭m̱͕̻͇̮̠̰̼ͫ̌͆͡e̢͈̜̱ͩd̵̦͙͔̭̹̃̿̈̚ͅi̛̖̬͓͚̩̝̗ͯa̦͎̭̣̭̘͔͙̅̏́ṯ̴̟ͥ̀͗e̵͎̭͓̟͗ͨ̂͒l̼͕͕ͦͦ͜y̸͙̯̺̘͉ͣ,͈̻͙̭̺̘̞̑ͫ͜ ͔̗̣͒͜d̶͇͚͉̦̞̗͛̍o̞̮̻̲̜̠̒ͩ̈́̀ͅ ̲̙̦̮̺̉́͂̏̀ṋ̞͖̌͠o̬͕̯̩͓̮̫̝͛ͩ̐͛͜t̼̙̿͊͆̕ ̲͚̲̬̦̗̐̀m̢̹̜̭̠̬͗̆ͣą̲̺̻͈̹͎̈́̇̉͛ǩ̜̪̱̀e̜̳͔͉̣͓̓͗͘ ̉҉̲̞̘͈ͅc̴̦̣̝͇͈̙̋ͥ́o̫͇͇̘̻̠̹͎ͯ̀n̺̹̣̦̔̇̾͢t͚̹͚̙̞̪̗̺̄͂͜a̞̗̖̻̩͉̋͛̆͘c͙̙̎͘t̻̠̣͉̹̠̣̲̐ͧͩ̈́̕ ̶͕̗̬̿w͓̞͍̹̰͖͉ͦ͐͡i͎̞̾ͦ̃̈́̕t̜̺̖̭̍ͦ͞h͙̰̬̖͎̰͛̇ͮͫ͡ ͣͯ͏͕̻͚̹̺ā̱̙̝̦̤̼̥͡n̶͔̜ͥ͆̌̋y̷͓̻̺̺͉͇̻ͨọ̱͙̜̈́̉ͣ̔͟ņ̦̟͔̜̫̗̒ͬe̡͕̮̓͂̚ ̡͓̘͚̭̹͔̉͐͋̽t̖͍͚̝̬͈̝͌͋͘ͅẖ̗̖͚̼͔͕͆̓̾͜a͈̣͍͕͍̋ͦͩͭ͢t̖̪̤̳͎̱̏͡ ̛̻̠̼̬̓ͫl̶̞̤̣͔̗͔̂ͅö̹̞̦̖͚̫̜̱́ͯ͠o̧̯̱̪̓ͮ̋k͉͎̝̻̓ͧ̕s̤͈̪̍͟ ̤̞̳͔̝̪̟̹̔̂ͨ͜h̛̝̲̰̻͗̅̏̃u̜̙͐̇̈͝m̧̞̮̟̦̳̟̊a̸͓̺̲̼̜͊͛̐n̶̳̮̒.͇̻͚͓̳̺̜̱͋ͬ͗ͩ͢

It’s Close I can feel it

Yes it becomes a history but my life also in the past changes and the present also with it. The way I’m suffering from the pain and want to end my life I’m 100% sure at least sure no one around me is or was as hopeless and horrible as my hubby I’m devastated I really want to send a message to my past it may not start but it will definitely change. I was forced, not given any option, my father and brother gave me wrong information and had no concerns for me. It was just survival for me. I repent for not killing myself when I had time, but now if I have a chance why not. Now when I’m out of my marriage I come to know a guy then had feelings for me, was madly in love and wanted to ask for my hand, now I want to inform my self and change everything plz help me.

I too would like to go back in time. I just wish he lived a happy eternal life. I would just like to repeat to come back in 2020.

I heard from a guy in Idaho that time travel is possible. You’ll need to go online and purchase a pogo stick looking device and make sure not to forget the crystals.

I think u need a black-hole-proof spaceship, go to the centre, escape the black hole and viola! You are now in the past. If you can’t escape, then you’d travel to a time where that black hole didn’t exist.

Believe me you time travel! If not physically then you do mentally,like you through dreams.

Though they sale it online, it would not take the chance. It is as simple as beating the speed of light and having some system to send you to the time you want. Time however is not real, and were just traving universes. It will all be in the open in 2028 according to other travelers.

All you need base on how to travel to time is very simple but had to find firstly find a way to get to space through a space rocket secondly find a very perfect consifigration for traveling to tiTme then find a very fast rocket that could create a form of force reaction in space in order yo enable fast speed in space for the break through of non gravity in space and make sure that while doing all you activities is not far away from planet and not also to close to planet earth and make sure that you are with wristwatchs whose time is set disame then you can to the future

Man you can get all you need for too build a time machine in your local store man, man I sure wished I’d kept mine but it frightened the heck off me man, sometimes when I fart I find a grape in my pants

time travel is a fake, baseless and delusional idea. If you believe in that crap then tell us if we are living in the future or in the past. To travel backward the entire system has to return all along with nature and events, it won’t be for you alone except time travel only happens in the mind.

you would need to get about 1,000,000 pounds of silicon and then somehow conduct enough energy to make 500 cars run without an engine and then go to a nuqular power plant and somehow make a portal. but the whole world could go out of orbit if you do that so I wouldent sugest it.

Time machine is good and bad because,with the time machine you will know about your future which is not good.

Is time travel actually a real thing because if it is then I need it because I am trying to go back in time to fix all of my mistakes

So what if time travel is the reason that we now believe there are other realities in our own world.this could be that a Time traveler we could only go back and couldn’t come back, and on doing so if you do something to change the past in stead make a new reality.making other things are deferent and ours realty stays the same . sometimes reality gets mixed up make the mandela effect that we see today

Time in the future it is faster then now. The past is slower so you can travel . It is up to you. One way is to meditate. You can travel and see any body you want right now. You can fly faster then light. That is one way. You go to the future. To go to the past you sleep for a long time. Some time you go to the future or the past. Your heart well stop and your body gets cold. Sometimes you can control it sometimes you can’t.

but how do we know that is really true ? i mean i want to figure this out, i want to time travel, but how is it that simple ? so many people have been trying to figure this out for many years and its that simple ?

Yeah what if you get stuck in there what do you do than

You cant go there in the first place. Dont worry. With current technology, we will only end up messing some few microseconds. Highly doubtful, if we can end up getting the news of travelling hundreds of years in our lifetime.

wait what would happen if someone saw you while you where in past/future i’m curious

Time is an illusion based on perceived reality and is only relative to our limitations. Time isn’t what it seems and all things can’t be figured out

Im on a school computer looking this up and i found this article and scrolling trough it and ive not heard one statement here as good as yours bro

This is blowing my mind people, then I see the school boy on the post. Great stuff, whoever reads this is already capable of travelling through time. Think about all people who have posted on this thread, now think about who will read mine. Now think of those €opposite trolls $ who never ever bother posting on you tube thread etc. But ONE comment from one of the time travellers who wrote on this thread. So that opposite troll is me,I don’t normally post.however because of previous comments I’m posting here. And I love the DMT shit I loved that and lived that one out in real life,,,,another day.

So my point is ifOne or two threads have made me write this….then what will my post make others write , think…..then I could travel back and not write this…. then what. Love the conception of time how can u travel something that doesn’t YOU perceive to be time, like a train can only run on its train tracks, a car can only drive on a road etc It’s posibble I know it is. Sometimes when u have fun times moves swift but locked in jail it goes snail pace. U c me. I write letters to myself from past from future. Remember everything that happens in present becomes part the past. But the future is what you hold in your hands. Question is, now you know….what the f are u gonna do about it?.. 01/04 ==== 21

Hahahah only realised school boy is named BIG dick pissing myself laughing I gotta go pee. Respect certified

so not halal mode

True so were not traveling in time. It is just different universe (on what we call) different time, day, tears, etc.

You would be scared for life

you will desepear

Maybe it has happened before and we just don’t know that they’re from the future. If people in the future time traveled, the would know that it’s dangerous to mess with the past and would pretend to be part of the past.

I believe time travel is already possible, however we cannot fix past mistakes without altering future predicaments. Say we stop JFK’s assasination, that would completely change the future from that point forward to one none of us can know/guess or conclude the effects? Other time travel purposes go to the future I think that from now our world will die off before 2096 basdd on overpopulation, global warming & polution as such creating islands of plastic waste in our oceans. The best thing my opinion go back to the garden of Eden, kill that Serpent Satan before he tricks Eve into the forbidden fruit. Then let God raise, enlighten & teach us how to be humanly sustainable on his planet & I guarantee technology & smart phones? Ain’t no part of it!!

Time travel possible but one n only theory of Stephen hawking

How it is possible to jump in time …??

Many ways. The most used is creating a black hole which can be done in a few ways. 1) traveling forwards or backwords faster than the speed of light 2) been known during heavy lightning strikes. Each way is a fast movement that opens the black hole. It has been done by the Government since the 1980s though they claimed they never beet the speed of light until 2002. However, Time is a illusion and their for we are actually traveling different universe that are differnt than ours even if the difference is by 1 thing. Each universe may have (what we call) different time, days and years. And each time we change that time line we created a new one. It is belief as CERN has said they destroy 5 universe, that they can travel to them. Since 2012 it has seem we been shifting and is now belief they have possibly came together. The event is known as The Mandela Effect.

No one has the right theory in my thinking. Only a few things are wrong. It is universes with (what we call) different time, days and years we are traveling to and not time itself as it is a illusion. Their is no stop to how much we can do, or where we can go. No limit as such say.

There is no God. No magical serpent or Garden of Eden ever existed. Basing a scientific theory on archaic stories does no one any good.

You choose a hopeless eternity. I choose hope through the promise of salvation through Christ for those who believe. You see, I have child in heaven. Thankfully, have a hopeful reality that I can embrace. There is a God. Our known universe is only 14 or so billion years old… is it mathematically possible that random molecules out of the Big Bang mixed in just the right way from to form a complex cellular organism… with DNA… and result in humans and such diversity of life forms? It’s naive to accept this as a result of chance. Think about it. How is that remotely possible without a creator?

Hahaha. You make it seem as tho the big bang happened, and we just popped into existence? Naw it’s called evolution baby, we started out as microscopic organisms, seriously, when did you drop out of school? But that’s like saying a some guy writes a book to explain away natural phenomenons that they were to stupid (un-evolved) to grasp and the concept good and bad and the eternal damnation, And thus, the Bible, and boom, everyone now was made by God, hahaha. When you can prove he/she exists, and that the Bible was a autobiography, and not just some twisted piece of Fiction, that has no real basis in reality, and cannot be proved to be more that a work of Fiction. Rather than being used as the16th Century control tact, ‘be good or you’ll go to hell’. But I guess that’s what they mean when they say ignorance is bliss, (maybe if I was as ignorant as y’all believers I’d believe to). But I can’t see how a ‘GOD’ would ever ask one of its creations to kill another.. Genocide, Crusades, all the ethnic cleansing.. All In the name of God Almighty! Hahahahahhaaa. Aliens are more believable than this shit, and theirs no proof they exist either. Hahahahaha. Fug’n Bible thumpers. ‘Step out side your faith and see the world for what it really is, a complex organism, mad of gravity and dust, quite a unique specimen! And we, yes Bible bangers, this includes you, are destroying it like the bubonic plague.’. ‘The end is coming and it’s our fault’

Have you taken the time to read The Old Testament and the prophecies therein that came to be ?.

How do you explain that ?.

My last post should read GS not G

You have not had an encounter yet with God. Don’t be so certain on yuour theory of evolution. He came and shook my reality to it’s core. Made thing possibly that no one could ever explain.

What are you talking about? Ur so wrong and funny in every way.

BlissfullyInformed just told me his comment was all an April fools prank. He believes in Jesus and was just fooling.

Time travel is very much possible just as you decided to come existence in this century meaning one can decide to be in another time zone . life is all about numbers, you just have to work on numbers

I’m pretty sure ppl don’t decide to come into existence. If that were true I wouldn’t be replying to your comment.

Un like your other reply, I understand what you mean. Each timeline (or universe as some see it) can easily be traveled to at will. No different than traveling threw your time you want to visit.

Science has proven a few things from the Bible is true. God does exist. Christians are confused with time and what it says. For a example. God created the world, as science even belives it was God who created the big bang, yet the bang has happen itself creating the moon, planets and stars. Christians also fail to understand chapter 1 and 2 of gen. spoke of two different creations which can be why we see dinosaurs before humans as chapter 1 spoke of animals first and humans 2nd. Their also was different time than, as without the moon a full day is 6 hours. It would take 4 days back than to equal are 1 day. Time is lost and Christians are just confuse on that time. That does not proof their is no God. As they have already found the robes of Jesus and remains of Noah’s ark, it proves much did happen. The bible only has less than 50% of what was written.

Changing the past is impossible, because if we went back into the past, that means we were already there during the time you experienced it.

We all know how to get into time travel but how do we get out……..

You don’t need time travel – all you need is life. And what is life? Life is the evolution of the impossible into the inevitable over an infinite amount of time.

if it is shown that if something, such as a solution to a particular class of equations, were possible, then two mutually contradictory things would be true, such as a number being both even and odd. The contradiction implies that the original premise is impossible.

This is called proof by impossibility. Thus if some traveled back in time far enough to kill his grandfather, we have the contradiction and therefore it is impossible.

You could argue that he would be able to time travel, but not kill his grandfather. However almost anything a person does going back in time would cause the same contradiction, thererfore it is the traveling back in time that is impossible.

Actually, it probably is possible to travel back in time, however to do so, you would also have to travel so far in space that you cannot see anything that happened before your current time due to the speed of light, because this to could affect the future.

The reason I am here is that, i really want to go back the day when our matriculation exam was just finished. Everything around me is peaceful and happy. Currently, I am living in dire situation. People are dying outside on the streets. Smokes everywhere. Everything is in doom. Ah, yeah. I really miss my past. If you are reading this, you can judge me in anyways. I just want to live peacefully and happily.

You must live in Portland

I entirely know what you say and how you feel, Robin. I am totally convinced that future is no promise to offer a better place to live. World is becoming unnecessarily more complex and more horrible and more insecure. Therefore, travelling back in time to a point where things were still far away from such ordeals is what I aspire. But I think if it is possible to travel back in time without the possibility of carrying our lived experiences with us, it will be useless as we will be repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Now, this begs the questions “in what type of physique could we imagine ourselves back there if such time travel becomes possible? That is, becoming younger again in a physical regression (as I said this would be a torture without having learned from all these later years)? Or appearing at our desired times in our present physique and age? I believe the most ideal one would be if we appeared at our desired point in time at the same age that we were at that point of time with a good feeling of our later lived experiences.

Mam all u need to do is just run faster as much as u can or visit the black hole because in both condition time just slow it down ….

Time travel is simple. If you do happen to travel to the past you create a new time line not affecting the time line you left. In essence you going to the past is now your future. Even if you were able to return you may never know if you remained in your time-line or created a new one. So even if you changed something in your travels it would happen in the future not the past.

Sorry time traveling is not possible, there is no way you can go into the past or the future ‍♂️. You can only be in the time you are already in.

Incorrect. General relativity allows time travel into the future. You need a space ship that can travel extremely fast though, approaching the speed of light, or you need to get close to a supermassive black hole.

It is travel into the past that there is no known practical way to do, and is probably impossible.

So what happens when we Die? Where do we go? I want to go back in time so I can meet my childhood friends…

Simple question from a simple mind:

At what point, when a person says they are from the future, do we stop throwing them in the funny farm and actually start listening??

When they show actual proof. Not just some random prediction of the future.

I don’t believe that “glimpses into the future” could be possible. If it were so, we could glimpse blueprints of the future that we could bring back to the present and build before they were invented. My personal.beleif is in any time frame there is only one active time which is the present. The past no longer exists and the future hasn’t occurred yet, so there is no such thing as ‘time travel’ except for the frame we are in now.

First off time is not real we make time if you travel anywhere all you are doing is beating the Earth speed try this for a mathematical equation the Earth travels a thousand miles per hour you’re not beating human time that is your own equation the Earth travels a thousand miles per hour a space shuttle travel 17,000 mph you can beat time that you made so time is not real you are only beating the Earth speed if you go in a space shuttle and go around the earth 17,000 miles per hour the Earth only travels a thousand miles per hour plus it has all types of gravitational pull from the Moon Earth’s access on the til t you figure out the mathematical equation I cannot time travel is real if you can beat the Earth speed and we can it has nothing to do with its 12:00 it’s 1:00 that’s not real time is made up as a mathematical equation you can beat the Earth speed you can go back into the Earth’s time in a space shuttle but you’re not beating anything except the Earth’s speed think about that one time is not real at all all it is is a mathematical equation think about that one real long

What I’m trying to say is this a space shuttle travel 17,000 mph the Earth travels a thousand you beat it 16 times faster that’s all you did you’re not beating any time you’re not beating 1:00 you’re not beating 3:00 all you’re doing is beating the Earth’s time you can go in reverse around the Earth 17,000 mph okay you can go forward with the Earth’s centrifugal force 17,000 miles per hour you’re not beating anything you’re beating a mathematically equation that we we created astronauts been traveling time for instance for years and haven’t told us because of the space shuttle that does travel 17,000 mph it beats the Earth speed 16 times a boggles my mind you have the Earth access the moon gravitational pull but you can get in a space shuttle and travel 17,000 miles per hour and beat the Earth’s speed 17 times think about it

If any scientist or anybody can actually answer this question how do you set up this equation with the Earth spinning a thousand miles per hour you have the moon pulling gravity the Earth’s access on until I want to know tell me then wondering for a while this equation popped into my head about 2 years ago I’m not a math whiz or anything I just thought about it weird how the mind works I’m not into space or any space stuff at all I’m Samanthas boy friend John antos wrote this

I liked your post and the knowledge you given. I also written a post on Time Travel.

how would any of that stuff be true because e’*34+Em would stop all the forss of vissecs and how would we do it if you now what i mean??? also thanks for the scuff for my project

I would love it if I had a real life time machine here with me now which could take me to anytime I want, the past, present or future. If I had a time machine here with me now, I would go to the past in September 2004 when I was born and give myself to another family that is actually rich and not this horrible family that I have now.

that not nice

Close but not quite right scientists of the idiotic variety, yes, you don’t want people to travel back in time to mess with their own pasts, of course, but you say it’s impossible, but it’s not, and I’m always ignored with my crazed crackpot theories, so what’s the harm in telling the truth as I see it, while it could be possible to travel to the past, here in lies the problem with rewriting the future, while some believe it’s possible to travel back in time, but it’s very expensive and definitely a one-way trip to the future or to the past. Basically Doc Brown got the mechanism for time travel almost right but the energy out put needs to be quadrupled instead, allowing for the ‘physical item, being or vehicle’ to transport through time without killing the time traveler in question. Wormholes are unpredictable, until warp speed for spaceships are a thing, it is not possible for the space ships to achieve time travel, unless they want to enter a black hole, which I would not recommend. as you need warp speed to survive the emptiness of the black hole, without being ripped to shreds. Say for example, Back to the future 1, the timeline doesn’t erase it continues on without the ‘said time traveler’ in existence basically the Marty from Wimpy George’s timeline did time travel to the past and messed with his parent’s meeting so to speak, but never return to the same timeline therefore Marty A went known as a Missing Child in timeline A, while it continues on without him, however Marty A became Marty B/C, in the Successful George Timeline. So that is what I’m talking about. the timeline changes only for the time traveler themselves the ones who are left behind don’t experience a thing of timeline rewritten-ism, as it would never happen in the first place. The other thing is if you want to mess with your own childhood, to make a better life for the past self, the key thing to remember it’s not really you. It’s an alternative version of you, that you interfered with. creating a parallel timeline to it’s original, yet slightly different. Yes it would be awkward to raise yourself. but as long as you are staying in the past, nothing should happen until the age you traveled back in time, unless of course you touched your past self and suddenly de-aged and merged with your past self, is an option 1, option 2 the future self explodes spreading guts all over the place and therefore the past self, of you became a murderer of your future self, I am more inclined to believe option 1 as option 2 seems a little too out there. Basically you would have two memories one of the former timeline and one of the current different timeline. Still traveling through time is truly a one way trip and if you want to travel through time, you would need some time travel mechanism, the way you scientist talk is basically a dream version, or an OBE version (OUT-OF-BODY-EXPERIENCE) which is basically a vivid/lucid dream which is not true time travel, the true time travel is based on the BTTF Trilogy not the idiotic versions you preach about. I believe I’ve said enough.

Mystery solved and I will explain, I was in a coma 3 months and I experienced things, I traveled time forward and backward, it is not a one way ticket. Movies and songs are recorded on magnetic tape in a VCR tape Cartridge or Cassette tape, Magnetic tape recording works by converting electrical signals into magnetic energy, which imprints a record of the signal onto a moving tape covered in magnetic particles. 3D life on earth(a movie), and the Magnetosphere all around earth coming from the core of earth(MAGNETIC ACTIVITY) without Atom Made Tape, is like a movie on magnetic Atom made tape in a VCR tape cartridge. Revolution and Rotation is the motor(VCR).

This is why people have those freaky Deji’vu feelings like they have lived this before, BECAUSE YOU HAVE, and how people can be psychic, and how there is Prophecy in the Bible. When a person dies, their Spirit- MIND(Thoughts, Feelings, Urges(Physical and mental personality)) breaks out of human body- a stopped heart is what releases the spirit from the human body. Then the Soul(Life) with the memory of your existence in it breaks out of spirit and goes back to your birthday with a erased memory, meanwhile your spirit goes back in time to when you were a teenager starting the mental puberty, maturity from that adult spirit you died with in last life.In that old movie Star Wars or maybe it was the Empire Strikes Back, there is a scene where Princess Laya plays like a 3D movie, that is EXACTLY how its of life on earth.

If only wish I could undo everything what I’ve done wrong in the past, I’d be more happier

And that my friend is absolutely what you do not or would not know. Everyone focuses on what they don’t or haven’t had rather than what positives they do have around them. To change the ingredients of a past life only changes the flavour you have in this life, it does not make you happier.

No, travel to the future is not possible. Like, future is unpredictable and always have been so give up on that field

Already has been, and has been proven.

Time travel is not so possible for every one , but there are already time travelers on earth #@*

Who are these time travelers?

Depends if it is the Governments (they done it since the 80s), or if it was a Accidental travel, or a simple us creating our own machine. Either way, one can easily find storys, and other evidence with a good research. I have a website that shows the effects of change cause by time travel.

They are out their (done by the government since the 80s) but the future is open with time travel (told its open since 2028) so they travel back much.

Time travel 101-

Create a closed loop circuit around a full metal structure, hermetically seal it and bring O2, Use two tesla coils to create north and south poles. (Artificial Magneto sphere.) Make sure to pain the outside in lead to prevent any cosmic rays from penetrating the materials on the inside. (Radiation = bad). Connect a ball made of w/e with wires that alternate the current from the coils to w/e panel on the outside of the structure to make it move via inductive magnetic / electric Lorentzo (Lorentzo = ExMfield = Velocity. = Antigravity) Create Antigravity by using forces from the inside reactor. (Pressurized Mercury, and Tesla Turbine.) Then Move 10-100x faster than light depending on the charged field, Friction will be added to the electric field instead of the craft allowing the G-forces not to crush you inside. The field will take the pressures of outer space, The temperature of space will allow for super conductivity of the structure.

Eventually you will arrive in the future, if you stay in one place. but account for the movement of earth in your travel log. To see outside you will need a monitor / camera system, as any leaks through a viewing area will cause death by radiation from the cosmic rays from the field you have created.

The O2 can be used as a backup generator, through air pressure and the tesla turbine.

There are many different ways to make wormholes, but the curvature of space is really hard to calculate to send a machine far out to the end and create a link with the machine that wants to travel there. And leaving one behind to get back.

If you can imagine it, it can be done. You just need the knowledge of not dying to complete it.

U.S.S. Tourist, You’re a time traveler or just insanely smart.

You don’t need to go the speed of light. Human Time is recorded in the magnetospere as a movie is record, ed on magnet VCR Tape or a song on a record. A VCR or record does not have to go light speed to retrieve the recorded info. All of life is recorded in 3D by our Magnetosphere. My Analogy is imagine a VCR tape cartridge being the earth, imagine life on earth being the movie but in 3D with out adom made tape, imagine Rotation and Revolution of Earth being the VCR putting all in to motion- playing. That is how its done, the magnetosphere kills two birds with one stone, it protects earth and records time, human time is in a magnetic bubble that is why the Bible refers our time is different from gods time and this is how God the maker(PLANET OF UNITED SUPREME BEINGS) can flip through our time to know everything. By the way long before life on earth, he built the original 7 wonders of world(Pyramids) to Pump the Seven gasses into the atmosphere of this planet found in the goldilocks zone, so Life can live on it, and that life of all types is his technological cyborgs that grow and multiply on earth also he seeded it with plant, trees, sea creature and things that fly,. Anyway that above is how time is recorded.

Until recently, I thought my neighbor was a crackpot until he actually invented a time machine. He utilized an ordinary closet, and showed me the sophisticated (to me) instrumentation he had installed. I was very skeptical at first, until he offered a small demonstration and entered the time coordinates and energized his invention. To my amazement, when I opened the door, the clock on the wall was 30 minutes later than when we stepped into the machine. OMG!!! Destroy this thing before it destroys us!!!.

So happy to have my husband back after 6 months of separation. get any kind of relationship/marriage help you want from….Robinsonbuckler11 @gmail com………………………

I find it odd that people say time travel isn’t possible yet… If time travel is possible, it has always existed. Meaning, there is not past present it future, only our perception of time. What we know as past present and future have always been occurring simultaneously, so travel was invited the moment the universe wss formed. Dinosaurs are roaming the earth right now, and forever. A version of me is typing this and has always been typing this, within this perceived moment of “time” and time travel has always happened, whether or not we exist in that reality at the right “time” to observe time travel is the only question.

I find it odd that people say time travel isn’t possible yet… If time travel is possible, it has always existed. Meaning, there is no past present or future, only our perception of time. What we know as past present and future have always been occurring simultaneously, so travel was invited the moment the universe was formed. Dinosaurs are roaming the earth right now, and forever. A version of me is typing this has always been typing this, within this perceived moment of “time” and time travel has always happened, whether or not we exist in that reality at the right “time” to observe time travel is the only question.

Their had to be one point however, when it was created and started, and for that, there was nothing but the current time. Once it was created, than we had a pass, present and future to which we can go back to millions of years to see Adam and Eve with the dinosaurs or go millions of years in the future. However, given the events that changes, each time a new time line has been created. We also have destroyed the planet and repopulated many times in the last million years. Each event changed, or something we do different (without traveling) enters a new universe where some things may be different or the same. Today are universe are shifting a lot.

To be fair, even if it is a one way trip into the past, that doesn’t stop machines going back. We could send a machine back and order it to do anything we want and then tell it to meet us at a certain time in the future. We send it back, then go straight to the meeting point we agreed and then we’ll be able to prove if it worked or not.

I’m a girl who has read a book about seeing future through a box. So is it actually possible?

Time travel has been done on purpose by the Government since the late 1980s. From research, the mostly use kids, or future Presidents. Their are some cases where people have been struck by lightning or came across some tragically event that cause them to leave their timeline either forward or behind in time. The Mandela Effect is the current cause of how things go wrong when time travel is not done right. Click on my name to see the website.

Even as traveling to a location as a future or pass date is possible as what people here mean. However, as you said, it is numbers. Time is a illusion and we do not travel threw time, just universe that are different than ours. What we call time dates and months is what changes each universe. We are all from different universes today as they came together. The mandela effect is a fine example.

thx to eleon wont we soon be able to digitize our conscious being, then accelerate that data pass the speed of light some how then download it into some android or something…..i dunno…..just a thought

I want to go to my elementary school again. Someone help me out, I know its Idiotic but stil.. I am not good at science. As far I understood, 1) we can trace through time if we travel fast than speed of light.. I think memory os the only thing that is faster than light, Yeah I can go to Paris within 1 sec in my memory but yeah its illustion, i want in real 2) Through Blackhole – I think its Bermuda triangle

if you travel back in time you will still be your age now. That is how it worked with others. No one gets younger otherwise traveling to far back would kill you. No school would let you return to school as a adult so not possible.

Plz help me I just want to send a message to myself in my past and save my self from a beast plz help Nazneen

Would love to experience many moments in life again for the first time again!

I think that time traveling should be left alone, for the sake of humanity. There are some things we’re not ready for yet.

Well stephen hawking may be wrong. I mean, the study proved that the universe self corrects itself to prevent inaccuracies. So maybe tourists from past do visit us but we don’t remember them as the universe alters our memory. If you guys have read about Butterfly Effect, a simple mistake today may grow through years to become a giant disaster in future so if you think of it, oncoming tourists from future may cause giant inaccuracies. Imagine this, You have travelled to past. You brought two cakes for yourself, so you pay the shopkeeper 20$. The shopkeeper invests the 20$ in stocks, strikes gold there and becomes a rich businessman.His daughter goes to Cambridge and marries someone else than the person she was supposed to marry according to time. Can you imagine the magnitude of inaccuracy after 100 years? Therefore, whatever the tourists from future do, is corrected by the universe and we don’t remember it. Creepy, but food for thought.It also adds a special meaning to the word ‘Fate’.

How much wacky terbacky (i.e. weed) you be smokin’ JOE JOE?

Hmmmm…. As brilliant of a mind as Stephen Hawkins was, how is he so sure that he would even recognize hordes of tourists from the future? Almost everyone is aware of the warning of the Butterfly Effect. So I’m sure any future visitors Intelligent enough for Past-Time travel would be amply attuned to this.

Most future people coming to the pass (our time) seems careless and not intelligent. Most are taking FBI lie detector test and telling us what is happening in the future. That is a bad idea, because if you tell us (example) who is the next President, and the Government does not like the person they than can change that event to let someone else in (as seen in 2020) One should never acknowledge who he or she is or why they are their. Most traveling is to get knowing of the pass or to pick up certain things. Since are pass is changing, events are changing and are timelines are messed up, someone made a mistake. The Mandela Effect is a fine example.

Wow that’s great plz help me go to my past plz,I can’t do it by my own at least help me send a msg to myself in my past Nazneen

I think it is possible, but time traveling is really just changing universe created by different time lines. Our whole solar system is in a whole different place now and Earth is much smaller in this universe from the one I grew up end. Someone has already changed the timeline.

Roads? Where we’re going, you don’t need roads!

Youre wrong about your measurement of speed for traveling, in order for time to slow down, with inside an object compared to outside. Scientists proved that time with inside an object at an excelorated speed actually appeared to have slown down during the duration of time for the test. The speed was far less then the terminal speed of a rocket for NASA at 256,000 kms p/h.

In to the volicity of space. Generating a vacuum of space, could be no different the the actual transport of matter over frequency where in fact matter can be carried by sound. It is believed that an alien civilization harnessed this energy in the form of bolisks that where believed to carry the same properities and in consideration of harmonic resinance, the simularities could be used in order to carry large weight. In accordance with a documentry on theoretical science.

However the properties, present the fact that a working property controdicts your counter intuative theory of gravitational deceloration of matter to colide within itself to absorb all things into non existance as to the transfer of matter into energy, rather then your idiolisms of transfer between dimentional space to another destination that is not linked or the transfer between time that isnt, either.

However to reproduce the fabric of time within space in a practical measurement as I have mentioned, would put an end to all the lunacy of an unmeasureable field, which people fail to identify. Like running into a glass window. Only to not know what forcefield is present.

Time travel into the past can be achieved simply going faster than the speed of light.

The closer you get to the speed of light the slower time goes

If you reach the speed of light time stops

If you go faster than the speed of light it starts to reverse

Why does no one seem to know this?

Christopher Reeves did this in Superman 3 brah.

Any time travel, pass and future, is by going faster than the speed of light. It is said by reversing that that you can go back in time. However, I assume since the Government has done this since the 80s they have better ways (maybe tying in a date) and not having to go to a unknown date.

I want to send a message to myself in the past on a particular date plz can you help me, this means a lot lot lot to me,plz help me Nazneen

Why don’t we drop the declaratory statements that it “is or isn’t possible!” Until someone actually does so. Just say “maybe”.

People have and their are records both to the pass and future. The Government has done it since the 80s as part of the “star wars project” and are much better at it today. This explains the black holes in the sky of 2019, and the CERN destroying 5 parallel universes in 2013. We also see changes because of time travel events changing time. The Mandela Effect is a find example.

I want to send a msg to myself and my family in the past ,is it possible plz help me my life will be saved one who helps me saves me and my kids from a pack of beasts,

The worst idea ever. We all want to do this and where does it stop. A lottery win does not sound bad if you knew the actual location, time and place. After a while though, would you not want to write that hit song, become the author of the Harry Potter books, stop 9/11? The idea of giving your pass self (a time time travel was not proven) information of the future could change things in a major way. This would cause one small thing to change creating many others to change. This has already happen in simple ways of the The Berenstein Bears changing to The Berenstain Bears. This is a small event but this event “The Mandela Effect” now has over 3,000 changes.

What if you decided to give your pass self information about a lottery ticket that would be a winner, bought late at night and he was hit by a car on the way to get it. Changes the whole future. However, If detailed right, done right, with no large changes, it may not effect much, but to know your being given info from yourself in a future time (when that was not known much or provrn back than) You would either assume it is a joke or you gone crazy.

I don’t want to win a lottery, my decision about my career and studying was right but my family and their cruelty has put me into this worst condition I just want to go back complete my studies and live a life like a human not like a animal or slave,help me plz Nazneen

Can someone take me to 2013? i can pay later to all of you in bitcoins so its a win win and you dont need to do anything, just wait

LOL but still complicating on my side

You travel in your dreams where time and space colloids ..That’s y sometimes the dream which you dreamt might be a 10 mins reel time but you felt dreaming whole time like 6 to 8hrs .. Probably even traveling to parallel universe

I agree. Dreams as we know it is not a simple sleep. The part of the brain we do not use while awake, we use at night. This is the phenomenon part of the brain that can do thing we feel a human can not do. We of course use less than 30% of our brain. By the use of 100% of the brain we would use both sides and be able to do common things such as read thoughts, move things without touching them etc. The idea of using this side of the brain, would be the theory we can leave our bodies and visit different universe, see what could of happen shall we done something different, and even see future events. This may be why we notice different memories to some things as we could of held some from another reality.

It would be very weird, however, if we were trapped in that universe, or another body and fail to return to ours. Is that how people die in their sleep?

i just fell like going to late 70’s, where i can see majority of family.. i am willing to trade life for it…..

Time travel to the pass is just as common as the future. However, as both has been done it is NOT travel threw time. Time is a illusion we created. We are actually traveling threw different universe with (what we call) different time, dates, years, etc. The Mandela Effect is a find example how traveling threw different reality’s change the time lines.

As a add on to the above, Time travel is not a theory, has been proven, and has been done by the Government since the 1980s. Their is many residue in our history to even show some time travel storys to be real.

Where can one get a reverse watch, is it really possible to go back in past with its help, is it sooo easy ,plz help me ??????? Nazneen

US20060073976A1- search this patent number,this describes the process for time travelling,I really don’t think magnetic energy will work,maybe heat focused on a specific point could expand the fabric of space and make a hole in it.even then I will the hole take you to another would be one thing to time travel but selecting a point in time would be could only travel to the time you device was built?

Is there a watch which back travels in time or reverse time watch? Is it true? How to get one? But with that how can I send a message to myself in my past, plz help Nazneen

I don’t believe such a watch exist and their are plenty of smart minds with huge funds trying to travel.right now there are only theories.

Thank you very much for your response. I just want to send a message to myself in my past. Nothing much will be changed but 3 literally dying devastating lives will be saved. We are suffering for the mistakes and egoistic arrogance of others so if possible plz help me

Traveling back in time isn’t just a when problem, it’s a *where* problem. Where was the place you’re standing right now a thousand years ago, or a thousandth of a second ago? There is no useful answer to those questions, so there’s nowhere to travel back in time to.

Traveling forward in time? You’re doing it now.

when you step through a door is time lost when you come back through? lets say you return days Later how much time did you loose. what exactly is Time,.? is dialation a safe way to return ,. a Blackhole will assist you in in travel, the question is will you arrive safe,.

Traveling back in time is impossible. 2 reasons why that are never taken into account.

A) The stuff you are made of ( subatomic material) is being used by something else. It I not like you are a facsimile of the already existing material. What you are made of is exactly the same existing material. The problem is exact stuff can not exist in 2 different places in the same point in time. You will either : Decompile or fall out of phase with the universe. Both bad outcomes for the time traveler.

B) Lets look at it from logical commonsense. You have a bar of gold . You intend to send the bar back 1 second in time. Now you have 2 bars of gold . You send those 2 bars back one second . You have 4 bars …… do that 50 times . You have over 900 trillion bars of gold. All made of the exact subatomic particles. The more the bars back the more the existing mass of the universe increase. What are the consequences of changing the mass of the universe . Hence the paradox . Information can not be destroyed., It also can not be created.

At least this is the way my brain perceives going back in time.

Time is a function of change. None of the 4 forces The strong force , The weak force , Electromagnetism and Gravity can not work without time.

I will figure out time travel one day but only for the past.

I wish I could travel back to 18th of June to save my mom.

Is time travel really a one way ticket? Theoretically, if you can go one way, you should be able to go back.

Time is not one way. It’s consequences are however irreparable given certain circumstances and is not something that should be taken lightly or thought of in a manner of disregard. I’ve only very recently decided to take to your social platforms regarding space and time.

You can try finding me on Instagram. I’m not familiar with these platforms to better direct you there. My Instagram name is johnrvh

On Twitter it seems to be @_JohnRvH

If I go forward I will have to pay extra bills and taxes. I don’t think I can afford it.

You’re the first person I’ve come across in this timeline that has a sense of humor. Thankfully, going forward is not possible if that future hasn’t been created yet.

timetraval is no joke if its created the whole universe could go out of orbit.

Cauchy problem converging to non minimal terraces as t → +∞

Stephen Hawking may he rest in peace a genius but not all knowing. As far as he knows we haven’t been flocked by tourists, in the same maybe these UFO sightings are actually time travelers from the future coming to the past to view how we really lived why things really happened the way they did, etc. To limit the imagination of possible and impossible is wrong then you create fantasy. And we have learned from history that there is truth in fantasy. I.e. the different mythos of the different ancient cultures from around the world including those of the Norse. Improbable and probable should be more appropriate. It’s possible because it can be imagined improbable die to the right math or this or that not existing or matching up. I also believe that if time travel to the past were possible that the changing of something in the past would create a new timeline running current with your timeline at which will inevitably collide and will cause the collapse of the universe at which point a new universe will be born.

so i think the speed of light is only relative to deciding a point of destination -initially- as specific gravity of destination needs to be ascertained to calculate the frequency needed to run an alcubierre-white engine to bend space correctly to cross space ‘quickly’, the point of reference may well be jupiter in our solar system for the fact of the moons that orbit it, i surmise that by using a ‘dead end ‘ equation that usually puts notable mathematicians into the outer regions by trying to solve it may actually be the key as calculations end in a loop of 4-2-1 ie 3N+1; this process of calculation creates a sine wave over time/distance relative to specific gravity of chosen destination – as time is determined by gravity therefore if the speed of light to a destination can be used to ascertain the specific gravity of a ‘body’ to visit ie a star or sun due to receivable resonant frequencies emitted by the body, then the constrictions of the speed of light do not exist other than to give a constant, by using the 3N+1 method of calculation ,once the speed of light and returning resonant frequencies of a destination are determined the calculation can be extrapolated to match the distance giving the end point -in doing this the sine wave required can be ascertained and be condensed to create a wormhole and allow the alcubierre-white engine to ‘bend or distort space enough so that the bubble you are in matches the required specific gravity of the destination – the frequency of the body nearest to the destination point should be used and resonated inside the bubble to create synchronicity of frequency and cause attraction i also believe that travelling through space require the ability to see things from different perspectives and it requires the ability to navigate through a series of what may be described as “Aims Windows” where your point of view needs to change inherently with a given position at a given point in the galaxy

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A history of time travel: the how, the why and the when of turning back the clock

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For most of human history, the world didn’t change very quickly. Until the 1700s, kids could largely expect their lives to be similar to their parents, and that their children would have an experience very similar to their own, too. There were obviously changes in how humans lived over longer stretches of time, but nothing that even different generations could easily observe.

time travel world record

My first introduction to science fiction was Valérian and Laureline. I was ten years old. Every Wednesday there was a magazine called Pilote in France, and there was two pages of Valerian every week. It was the first time I’d seen a girl and a guy in space, agents travelling in time and space. That was amazing.

The past is written. The present? We have to deal with it. But the future is a white page. So I don’t understand why people on this white page are putting all this darkness.

God! Let’s have some color! Let’s have some fun! Let’s at least imagine a better world. Maybe we won’t be able to do it, but we have to try.

The industrial revolution changed all of this. For the first time in human history, the pace of technological change was visible within a human lifespan. 

It is not a coincidence that it was only after science and technological change became a normal part of the human experience, that time travel became something we dreamed of.

Time travel is actually somewhat unique in science fiction. Many core concepts have their origins earlier in history. 

The historical roots of the concept of a 'robot' can be seen in Jewish folklore for example: Golems were anthropomorphic beings sculpted from clay. In Greek mythology, characters would travel to other worlds, and it's no coincidence that The Matrix features a character called Persephone. But time travel is different.

The first real work to envisage travelling in time was The Time Machine by HG Wells, which was published in 1895. 

The book tells the story of a scientist who builds a machine that will take him to the year 802,701 - a world in which ape-like Morlocks are evolutionary descendants of humanity, and have regressed to a primitive lifestyle. 

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The book was a product of its time - both in terms of the science played upon (Charles Darwin had only published Origin of the Species 35 years earlier), and the racist attitudes: it is speculated that the Morlocks were inspired by the Morlachs, a real ethnic group in the Balkans who were often characterised as “primitive”.

Real science

But of course, this was science fiction - what about science fact? The two have always been closely linked, and during the early days it was no different. In 1907, the physicist Hermann Minkowski first argued that Einstein’s Special Relativity could be expressed in geometric terms as a fourth dimension (to add to our known three) - which is exactly how Wells visualised time travel in his work of fiction.

The development of Special and then General Relativity was significant as it provided the theoretical backbone for how time travel could be conceived in scientific terms. In 1949 Kurt Gödel took Einstein’s work and came up with a solution which as a mathematical necessity included what he called “closed timelike curves” - the idea that if you travel far enough, time will loop back around (like how if you keep flying East, you’ll eventually end up back where you started).

Minkowski's expression of the fourth dimension, no special glasses needed

In other words, using what became known as the Gödel Metric, it is theoretically possible to travel between any one point in time and space and any other. 

There was just one problem: for Gödel’s theory to be right, the universe would have to be spinning - and scientists don’t believe that it is. So while the maths might make sense, Gödel’s universe does not appear to be the one we’re actually living in. Though he never gave up hope that he might be right: Apparently even on this deathbed, he would ask if anyone has found evidence of a spinning universe. And if he does ever turn out to be right, it means that time travel can happen, and is actually fairly straightforward (well, as far as physics goes anyway).

Since Gödel, scientists have continued to hypothesise about time travel, with perhaps the best known example being tachyons - or particles that move faster than the speed of light (therefore, effectively travelling in time). So far, despite one false alarm at CERN in 2011, there is no evidence that they actually exist.

Chancers and hoaxes

Of course, the lack of real science when it comes to time travel has not stopped some people from claiming to have done it. With the likes of Marty McFly and Doctor Who on the brain, chancers and hoaxers have realised that time travel is immediately a compelling prospect. Here’s a couple of amusing examples.

The not-quite-a-Tardis IBM 5100

At the turn of the millennium, when the internet was still in its infancy, forums were captivated by the story of John Titor. Titor claimed he was from the year 2036, and had been sent back in time by the government to obtain an IBM 5100 computer. The thinking appeared to be that by obtaining the computer, the government could find a solution to the UNIX 2038 bug - in which clocks could be reset, Millennium Bug-style, leading to chaos everywhere.

Posting on the 'Time Travel Institute' forums, Titor went into details on how his time machine worked:  It was powered by “two top-spin, dual positive singularities”, and used an X-ray venting system. He also gave a potted history of what humanity could expect: A new American civil war in 2004, and World War III in 2015. He also claimed the “many worlds” interpretation of quantum physics was true, hence why he wasn’t violating the so-called “grandfather paradox”.

Titor claimed he was from the year 2036, and had been sent back in time by the government to obtain an IBM 5100 computer.

Okay, so he probably wasn’t a real time traveller, but in the early days of the internet, when anonymity was more commonplace, he truly captured the imaginations of nerdy early adopters who perhaps, just a little bit, hoped that he might be the real thing.

More recently, in 2013, an Iranian scientist named Ali Razeghi claimed to have invented a time machine of sorts. It was supposedly capable of predicting the next 5-8 years for an individual, with up to 98% accuracy. According to The Telegraph , Razeghi said the invention fits into the size of a standard PC case and “It will not take you into the future, it will bring the future to you”. The idea is that the Iranian government could use it to predict future security threats and military confrontations. So perhaps it is time to check in and see if he managed to predict Donald Trump?

The actual Time Lord, Professor Stephen Hawking

So is this the best we can do? Will we ever manage to crack time travel? Some scientists are still sceptical that it could ever be possible. This includes Stephen Hawking, who proposed the 'Chronology Protection Conjecture' – which is what it sounds like. Essentially, he argues that the laws of physics are as they are to specifically make time travel impossible – on all but “submicroscopic” scales. Essentially, this is to protect how causality works, as if we are suddenly allowed to travel back and kill our grandfathers, it would create massive time paradoxes.

Hawking revealed to Ars Technica in 2012 how he had held a party for time travellers, but only sent out invitations after the date it was held. So did the party support his argument that time travel is impossible? Or did he end up spending the evening in the company of John Titor and Doctor Who?

“I sat there a long time, but no one came”, he said, much to our disappointment.

Huge thanks to Stephen Jorgenson-Murray for walking us through some of the more brain-mangling science for this article.

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To celebrate the release of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets , Luc Besson is today behind the lens at TechRadar. Here’s what we’ve got in store for you:

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  • From Verne to Valerian: how France became the home of sci-fi
  • Luc Besson talks streaming, viral videos and cinema tech
  • Star spangled glamour: making space travel cooler than ever before
  • A history of time travel: the how, the why and the when
  • 20 best sci-fi films on Netflix and Amazon Prime
  • Amazing future tech from sci-fi films that totally exist now

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is released in UK cinemas August 2nd, and is out now in the US.

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The Most Extreme Human Spaceflight Records

A look at some of the records people have set during spaceflight.

Looking Back: 45 Years of American Spacewalks

On April 12, 1961, humanity became a spacefaring species when cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin blasted into orbit on a 108-minute flight high above Earth.

So Gagarin set the original record — first person in space. But over the years, people have notched many other records as our species has extended its toehold in the cold depths of space. 

Here's a look at some of these marks, from the oldest person in space to the most consecutive days spent away from terra firma .

Related: Biggest Milestones of Human Spaceflight

First people in space

Gagarin was the first person to fly in space, and the first American followed only a few weeks later. Alan Shepard blasted off on Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961.

The first female in space was Valentina Tereshkova , a Russian cosmonaut, who flew in space in June 1963. There were several other female cosmonauts selected with her, but none of the others flew. The next woman in space, Svetlana Savitskaya, didn't fly until 1982. The first American woman in space was Sally Ride , who reached space on June 18, 1983 as part of space shuttle mission STS-7.

For almost 20 years, the Americans and the Soviets were the only nations with astronauts. The first nation outside of those two countries to fly an astronaut was the former Czechoslovakia, which saw Vladimir Remek fly on the Soviet Soyuz 28 mission in 1978. Since then, dozens of nations from all over the world have seen their citizens fly in space on American, Soviet or Russian spacecraft.

Oldest person in space

U.S. Sen. John Glenn , D-Ohio, was 77 when he flew on space shuttle Discovery's STS-95 mission in October 1998. The mission marked Glenn's second spaceflight; he had become the first American to orbit the Earth back in February 1962.

So Glenn holds another record as well: the longest time between trips to space (36 years 8 months).

The oldest woman in space was Peggy Whitson , who was 57 years old during her last flight (Expeditions 50, 51 and 52 in 2016-2017).

Youngest person in space

Cosmonaut Gherman Titov was one month shy of his 26th birthday when he launched into orbit aboard the Soviet spacecraft Vostok 2 in August 1961. He was the second person to orbit the Earth, performing 17 loops around our planet during his 25-hour flight.

Titov was also the first person to sleep in space, and reportedly the first to suffer from "space sickness" (motion sickness in space).

Tereshkova was not only the first woman in space, but also the youngest – her record of 26 years still stands today.

Most consecutive days in space

Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov spent nearly 438 consecutive days aboard the Mir space station , from January 1994 to March 1995. He therefore holds the record for longest single human spaceflight — and perhaps set another one for wobbliest legs when he finally touched down.

The most consecutive days in space by an American is 340 days, which happened when Scott Kelly took part in a one-year mission to the International Space Station in 2015-16 (along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko).

The longest single flight by a woman took place in 2016-17, when American astronaut Peggy Whitson spent 288 days aboard the space station. NASA astronaut Christina Koch is scheduled to break that record when she returns from a 328-day mission to the space station in the spring of 2020. 

Shortest spaceflight mission

Alan Shepard, on May 5, 1961, became the first American in space . Shepard's suborbital flight in NASA's Freedom 7 vehicle lasted just 15 minutes, carrying him to an altitude of 115 miles (185 km). He splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean just 302 miles (486 km) downrange of his Florida launch site.

Shepard would later get more than this tiny taste of space experience. In 1971, he went to the moon on NASA's Apollo 14 mission . During that flight, the 47-year-old astronaut set another record, becoming the oldest person to walk the surface of another world.

Farthest away

The record for the greatest distance from Earth has stood for more than four decades. In April 1970, the crew of NASA's Apollo 13 mission swung around the far side of the moon at an altitude of 158 miles (254 km), putting them 248,655 miles (400,171 km) away from Earth. It's the farthest our species has ever been from our home planet.

Most total time spent in space

Cosmonaut Gennady Padalka holds this record, with a little more than 878 days accrued over five spaceflights. That's almost two and a half years (2 years 4 months 3 weeks 5 days) spent zipping around the Earth at about 17,500 mph (28,164 kph).

For women, the record is held by NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson , who spent more than 665 days in space. That also happens to be the endurance record for any American astronaut.

Longest continuously inhabited spacecraft

This record belongs to the International Space Station, and it grows every day. The $100 billion orbiting lab has been continuously occupied since Nov. 2, 2000. [ Infographic: The International Space Station – Inside and Out ]

This span of time — plus two days, since the first station crew launched Oct. 31, 2000 — also marks the longest period of continuous human presence in space.

Longest space shuttle mission

The space shuttle Columbia launched on its STS-80 mission on Nov. 19, 1996. It was originally slated to return to Earth that Dec. 5, but bad weather pushed the landing back two days. When Columbia finally came home, it had spent nearly 17 days and 16 hours in space — a record for a shuttle mission. [ Most Memorable Space Shuttle Missions ]

Most time on the moon

In December 1972, Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan of NASA's Apollo 17 mission spent just under 75 hours — more than three days — poking around on the surface of the moon. They also performed three moonwalks that lasted a total of more than 22 hours.

Perhaps the astronauts lingered because they suspected humanity wouldn't be back for a while — Apollo 17 marked the last time people traveled to the moon, or even went beyond low-Earth orbit.

Incidentally, the first moonwalk took place on July 20, 1969, during Apollo 11 , when Neil Armstrong stepped outside of the Eagle lunar module. He was shortly followed by his crewmate Buzz Aldrin. The moonwalk lasted a little over 2 hours, 31 minutes — about the same length of a typical Hollywood movie.

Fastest human spaceflight

The crew of NASA's Apollo 10 moon mission reached a top speed of 24,791 mph (39,897 kph) relative to Earth as they rocketed back to our planet on May 26, 1969. That's the fastest any human beings have ever traveled. 

The Apollo 10 mission served as a dress rehearsal for NASA's first moon landing two months later, on July 20, 1969.

Apollo 10 astronauts Cernan, John Young and Tom Stafford orbited the moon in their command module Charlie Brown and Lunar Module Snoopy. Later, Stafford and Cernan took the Snoopy lunar lander down to within 50,000 feet (15,243 meters) of the moon's surface before returning to dock with the Charlie Brown module.

Most spaceflights by an astronaut

This one is shared by two NASA astronauts. Franklin Chang-Diaz and Jerry Ross both went to space seven times aboard NASA's space shuttles. Chang-Diaz made his flights between 1986 and 2002, while Ross made his between 1985 and 2002.

First spacewalks

The first-ever spacewalk was performed by Alexei Leonov , who performed a 12-minute spacewalk during Voshkod 2 on March 18, 1965. The astronaut later said that he had trouble getting back inside the spacecraft (his spacesuit ballooned) and that he also was close to getting heatstroke, but he made it back home safely.

The first American spacewalk was performed by Ed White on June 3, 1965. The first spacewalk by a woman wasn't for nearly 20 years afterwards, when Svetlana Savitskaya performed a spacewalk on July 25, 1984, outside of the Salyut 7 space station. The first American woman to perform a spacewalk was Kathryn Sullivan , who left space shuttle Challenger on Oct. 11, 1984.

The first untethered spacewalk (one of only a handful performed) happened on Feb. 7, 1984, when Bruce McCandless used the Manned Maneuvering Unit to move away from space shuttle Challenger during mission STS-41-B.

Most spacewalks

Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Solovyev made 16 spacewalks over the course of five missions in the 1980s and 1990s.

Solovyev spent more than 82 hours outside his spacecraft on those excursions — another record. [ The Top 10 Soviet and Russian Science Missions ]

U.S. astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria has an American record of 10 spacewalks, with a total time spent outside of 67 hours 40 minutes. Close behind is the woman to make the most spacewalks; American astronaut Peggy Whitson, performed 10 spacewalks over several missions for a total time of 60 hours 21 minutes.

Longest single spacewalk

On March 11, 2001, NASA astronauts Jim Voss and Susan Helms spent 8 hours and 56 minutes outside the space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station during the STS-102 mission, performing some maintenance work and preparing the orbiting lab for the arrival of another module.

It remains the longest spacewalk in history.

Biggest space gathering

It may sound unlucky, but the record for the largest human gathering in space stands at 13 – which was set during NASA's STS-127 shuttle mission aboard Endeavour in 2009.

In July 2009, Endeavour docked with the International Space Station. The shuttle's seven-person crew then went aboard the orbiting lab, joining the six spaceflyers already there. The 13-person party was the largest-ever gathering of people in space at the same time.

While subsequent NASA shuttle and station crews matched the 13-person record, it has never been topped.

Most women in space at once

This record stands at four women in orbit at the same time.

In April 2010, NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson traveled to the International Space Station in a Russian Soyuz spaceship. She was soon joined on the orbiting lab by NASA astronauts Stephanie Wilson and Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger and Japan's Naoko Yamazaki, who made the trip aboard the space shuttle Discovery on its STS-131 mission.

Most expensive spaceship

Member nations began building the International Space Station — which is about as long as a football field and boasts as much living space as a five-bedroom house — back in 1998. It was completed in 2012, although more expansions are in store.

The cost for the orbiting lab was estimated at $100 billion in 2011. That makes the station the single most expensive structure ever built. The cost will continue to rise due to more modules and time operating the station.

This photo of the International Space Station was snapped by an STS-133 crew member on the space shuttle Discovery on March 7, 2011.

Largest spaceship ever built

Once again, the International Space Station is the winner.

The orbiting lab is the product of five space agencies representing more than 15 countries. From one end of its backbone-like main truss to the other, it measures about 357.5 feet (109 meters) across. There are huge solar arrays at each end of the truss, and they have a wingspan of 239.4 feet (73 m).

Astronauts live inside a series of connected, pressurized modules that are attached to the main truss. These modules have a habitable space roughly equivalent to the interior cabin of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet. The station is currently staffed by six astronauts, but that population has jumped to between nine and 13 people when a visiting vehicle — like a Russian Soyuz or fully crewed NASA shuttle — was docked.

The space station is so large that it can easily be seen by the unaided eye from the ground if skywatchers have clear skies and know where to look. The station appears as a fast-moving bright light that can outshine the brightest star (Sirius) or Venus, depending on viewing conditions.

Additional reporting by staff writer Hanneke Weitering and Elizabeth Howell , Contributor.

Follow senior space writer Mike Wall on Twitter: @michaeldwall . Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook .

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Michael Wall is a Senior Space Writer with  and joined the team in 2010. He primarily covers exoplanets, spaceflight and military space, but has been known to dabble in the space art beat. His book about the search for alien life, "Out There," was published on Nov. 13, 2018. Before becoming a science writer, Michael worked as a herpetologist and wildlife biologist. He has a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology from the University of Sydney, Australia, a bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona, and a graduate certificate in science writing from the University of California, Santa Cruz. To find out what his latest project is, you can follow Michael on Twitter.

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Sergei Krikalev, a Russian Cosmonaut, Holds the Official World Record for Time Traveling, but it Is Not How You Might Imagine!

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Russian mechanical engineer and cosmonaut, Sergei Krikalev is one of the most renowned rocket scientists in the world. He has gone on six space flights and spent a total of 803 days, nine hours, and 39 minutes in space. His journey started in 1985 when he was chosen to be a cosmonaut. By early 1988, he started training for his first mission on the Mir space station. On 26th November of 1988, the expedition started with the launch of Soyuz TM-7. Krikalev and crew returned to Earth five months later on 27th April of 1989.

Sergei Krikalev

On May 19, 1991, Krikalev’s second Mir mission began with the launch of Soyuz TM-12. Due to delayed crew replacement, Krikalev needed to prolong his stay. He returned to Earth on March 25, 1992. His third expedition, STS-60 Space Shuttle Discovery, took off on February 3, 1994. After logging another eight days, seven hours, and nine minutes in space, Krikalev returned home on 11 February 1994.

STS-88 Space Shuttle Endeavour was a 12-day mission that ran from 4th to 15th December of 1998. Krikalev’s final two expeditions were aboard the International Space Station. ISS Expedition 1 launched on October 31, 2000, and he left the ISS on 18th March of 2001. His final mission, ISS Expedition 11, began on April 14, 2005, and continued until 10 October 2005.

Soyuz TMA-6 spacecraft

Krikalev’s extended stay on the ISS or the International Space Station has added one more achievement to his name – time travel! To understand how it works, you first need to know that to travel in time, one would have to achieve the speed of light while traveling in space. So, if we could build a spaceship that can go fast as the speed of light or 186,000 miles per second, we could possibly travel in time. Albert Einstein was the first to theorize that.

Sergei Krikalev

While orbiting around Earth, the ISS travels at the speed of approximately 7.66 km per second, which, though impressive, is nowhere near the speed of light. However, when you combine the speed of the International Space Station and the extended period of time that Krikalev spent in space, you will see that he has actually traveled 0.02 seconds into the future, and it is possible due to the process called time dilation.

International Space Station

Differences in relative velocity and gravity can cause time dilation, but each factor affects time differently. For example, while orbiting the planet, satellites and astronauts stay further away from Earth’s center than people on the ground. Therefore, they will experience reduced gravitational time dilation. That means time would move slightly faster for the astronauts, and when they return to Earth, they would technically be coming back into the past. However, velocity affects the time dilation differently. In this case, clocks would tick relatively slower for the astronauts than people on the ground. That means upon returning to Earth, the astronauts will have to adjust their clocks by advancing the time.

Because Earth’s gravity is weaker than many other planet’s, gravitational time dilation has very little effect. Relative velocity is the primary factor that causes astronauts to experience time dilation. However, current technology can only achieve a limited velocity. That means its effects on time travel are minuscule. For example, if an astronaut spends six months on the ISS, he/she will have aged less than people on Earth, but only by a difference of 0.007 seconds. The difference would have been far greater if the ISS traveled at the speed of light.

(Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4)

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Meet the zeptosecond, the shortest unit of time ever measured

A particle of light, called a photon (yellow arrow), produces electron waves out of an electron cloud (grey) of a hydrogen molecule (red: nucleus). The result of those interactions is what’s called an interference pattern (violet-white). The interference pattern is slightly skewed to the right, allowing researchers to calculate the time for the photon to get from one atom to the next.

Scientists have measured the shortest unit of time ever: the time it takes a light particle to cross a hydrogen molecule. 

That time, for the record, is 247 zeptoseconds. A zeptosecond is a trillionth of a billionth of a second, or a decimal point followed by 20 zeroes and a 1. Previously, researchers had dipped into the realm of zeptoseconds; in 2016, researchers reporting in the journal Nature Physics used lasers to measure time in increments down to 850 zeptoseconds. This accuracy is a huge leap from the 1999 Nobel Prize -winning work that first measured time in femtoseconds, which are millionths of a billionths of seconds. 

It takes femtoseconds for chemical bonds to break and form, but it takes zeptoseconds for light to travel across a single hydrogen molecule (H2). To measure this very short trip, physicist Reinhard Dörner of Goethe University in Germany and his colleagues shot X-rays from the PETRA III at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), a particle accelerator in Hamburg. 

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The researchers set the energy of the X-rays so that a single photon, or particle of light, knocked the two electrons out of the hydrogen molecule. (A hydrogen molecule consists of two protons and two electrons.) The photon bounced one electron out of the molecule, and then the other, a bit like a pebble skipping over the top of a pond. These interactions created a wave pattern called an interference pattern, which Dörner and his colleagues could measure with a tool called a Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy (COLTRIMS) reaction microscope. This tool is essentially a very sensitive particle detector that can record extremely fast atomic and molecular reactions. The COLTRIMS microscope recorded both the interference pattern and the position of the hydrogen molecule throughout the interaction.

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"Since we knew the spatial orientation of the hydrogen molecule , we used the interference of the two electron waves to precisely calculate when the photon reached the first and when it reached the second hydrogen atom," Sven Grundmann, a study coauthor at the University of Rostock in Germany, said in a statement .

That time? Two hundred and forty-seven zeptoseconds, with some wiggle room depending on the distance between the hydrogen atoms within the molecule at the precise moment the photon winged by. The measurement is essentially capturing the speed of light within the molecule. 

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"We observed for the first time that the electron shell in a molecule does not react to light everywhere at the same time," Dörner said in the statement. "The time delay occurs because information within the molecule only spreads at the speed of light."

The results were detailed Oct. 16 in the journal Science . 

Editor's note: This story was updated to correct the value of the zeptosecond. It is a decimal point followed by 20 zeros and a 1, not 21 zeros. 

Originally published on Live Science.

Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Science, covering topics ranging from geoscience to archaeology to the human brain and behavior. She was previously a senior writer for Live Science but is now a freelancer based in Denver, Colorado, and regularly contributes to Scientific American and The Monitor, the monthly magazine of the American Psychological Association. Stephanie received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. 

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time travel world record

Extraordinary Travel World Records

Travel world records.

time travel world record

While you’ve definitely heard of the Guinness Book of World Records , you might not know that this famous compilation of world records was created in the 1950s by, yes, the Guinness Brewing Company.

Because all great ideas start over a pint of stout, Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director of the Guinness Brewery, conceived of the idea after he got into an argument at a party about the fastest bird-shooting game in Europe. Beaver originally thought a book of world records would not only be a great promotion for Guinness, but would help settle pub arguments before they got physical. Basically, it was an early version of googling.

Fast forward, and there are thousands of world records published in the Guinness Book of World Records — including many focused on extraordinary travel feats. Some are legitimately impressive, and even jaw-dropping, like the fastest time to travel to all seven continents and the longest journey completed barefoot. Others are more bizarre, like the longest birthday ever and the farthest distance skateboarded by a goat.

All, in their way, astound. Here are some of the most mind-blowing Guinness travel records of all time.

(Inspired? You can apply for your own Guinness travel record or attempt to unseat someone else’s achievement.)

Fastest Time to Travel to All 7 Continents

time travel world record

After meeting by chance when they were both volunteer parking attendants at a concert in New Zealand, Julie Berry and Kasey Stewart decided they wanted to set a record by visiting all seven continents in a little over four days.

The duo called their mission 7in72 — as in 72 hours — and while they didn’t quite meet their goal, they still set the record. They ended their journey in Antarctica after traveling for 92 hours, 4 minutes and 19 seconds, having spent an average of three to six hours on each continent. Though the trip was speedy, they packed in seeing the Pyramids of Gaza, sampling beer in Frankfurt and peering out at the Toronto cityscape from the CN Tower.

Berry and Stewart share another link as well: They are both former reality TV show contestants. Berry was on “Survivor” while Kasey was on “The Bachelorette.”

Youngest Person to Travel to All Sovereign Countries

time travel world record

A lot of travel junkies aspire to travel to a few new countries each year, and some even try to maintain a number of overall destinations equal to their age. James Asquith, who lives in the UK, wanted to do more — so he traveled to all 196 sovereign countries around the globe by the age of 24, making him the youngest person in the world to achieve this feat.

Asquith visited his first country outside of the UK in 2001. Then between 2008 and 2013, he visited the other 195.

Fastest Time to Visit All Disney Theme Parks

time travel world record

If you’re mad about the mouse, you might aspire to eventually visit all 12 Disney theme parks around the world. And if you’re really obsessive, you might try to beat the record of a woman who accomplished this feat in three days.

Canadian blogger and Disney superfan Lindsay Nemeth made her way to Disney destinations around the world in 75 hours and 6 minutes. She began her epic journey in California at Disneyland, then made her way to Florida, Europe, Hong Kong and Japan.

Oldest Person to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

time travel world record

Octogenarian Robert Wheeler is proof that you’re never too old to pursue your dreams. Guinness World Records reported that Wheeler became the oldest man to climb Mount Kilimanjaro when he reached the summit in two days at age 85.

Wheeler made it to the top of the tallest mountain in Africa despite having two knee replacements and two shoulder procedures. When things got tough, he turned to inspiration in the form of Ernest Hemingway’s novel “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.”

And the former professor of psychology isn’t done yet: He plans to attempt the record again for his 90th birthday in 2019.

Longest Barefoot Journey

time travel world record

Who needs shoes anyways? Certainly not Eamonn Keaveney, who set a Guinness World record for longest barefoot journey after walking sans shoes for more than 1,200 miles. The barefoot walk took him a little over two months. 

Keaveney was reportedly inspired to complete the journey to raise awareness for Pieta House: Suicide and Self Harm Crisis Centre, in the name of a friend he’d lost.

Longest Journey by Skateboard

time travel world record

Robert Thomson was awarded a Guinness World Record for longest journey by skateboard after skating more than 7,000 miles from Switzerland to China.

If that weren’t enough, Thomson’s journey was part of a larger around-the-world-challenge that involved cycling, sailing, rafting and riding a train. Aside from the train ride, the more than 12,000-mile journey sounds pretty tiring, and the skateboarding was the last leg of the journey. Considering the balance and stamina it takes to stay on a skateboard for any length of time, Thomson’s record is particularly awe-inspiring.

Fastest Time to Cross the Continental United States by Wheelchair

time travel world record

Matthew Eddy — who has muscular dystrophy, uses a ventilator, and operates his power wheelchair with two fingers — set a Guinness World Record for fastest time to cross the continental United States by wheelchair after making the journey in 126 days.

Eddy, who was accompanied by a photographer, his respiratory therapist and a vehicle-support driver, began his journey in Lynn Beach, Mass., and ended in Long Beach, Calif. Taking five days to rest during the trip, he visited 12 states and averaged about five hours of travel per day, often enduring extreme temperatures. It took an additional five hours each day to set up and break down the equipment.

First People to Cross the Atlantic in a Hot-Air Balloon

time travel world record

While businessman and philanthropist Richard Branson is well known for founding the Virgin Group, you might be surprised to learn that he also holds a world record for crossing the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon.

In 1987, Branson and his fellow adventurer Per Lindstrand set out to fly more than 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean. Branson told Guinness World Records that he was partially motivated by the need to drum up some press for his new venture, Virgin Atlantic airlines.

The pair reached their goal in 31 hours and 41 minutes. Four years later, Branson got a new partner and set the same record for crossing the Pacific Ocean in a hot-air balloon.

Fastest Time to Visit All Sovereign Countries

time travel world record

While it took James Asquith five years to visit all 196 sovereign countries in the world, Cassandra De Pecol made the journey in one year and 193 days in 2017. Her accomplishment afforded her the Guinness World Record for fastest time to accomplish this goal.

De Pecol undertook the mission in order to raise awareness for world peace and show other young women that they, too, can achieve goals generally only attributed to men.

In order to fund her record-breaking trip , Pecol told Guinness World Records that she slept in train stations, couch surfed, worked as a housekeeper at a bed and breakfast in exchange for room and board, and picked up other odd jobs to stay financially solvent.

First Band to Play On 7 Continents

time travel world record

When U.S. rock band Metallica wrote the song “Wherever I May Roam” in 1991, it’s unlikely that the group knew they would become the first band to play all seven continents 22 years later.

The band set the record in 2013 after an aptly named show in Antarctica called “Freeze ‘Em All.” The concert was put on for 120 scientists and contest winners, and was undoubtedly a bucket-list experience for both Metallica and the concertgoers.

Longest Birthday Ever

time travel world record

Every now and then you have an exceptional birthday that you’d like to extend. Happily, there’s a way to do just that — by traveling across time zones.

German Sven Hagemeier set the Guinness World Record for longest birthday ever when he extended his birthday to 46 hours by jetting across time zones. Because of his time-hopping, Hagemeier reportedly spent most of his birthday in an airplane to keep the sun from setting on his big day.

Despite the amount of time he spent in the air, Hagemeier told Guinness World Records that everyone he met was eager to help him achieve his goal and showed him the sights in record time. His travels took the 26-year-old lifelong Guinness World Records devotee from New Zealand to Australia to Hawaii, where his wife awaited him at the stroke of midnight.

Longest Time Spent in Space

time travel world record

Because being on a space station can be lonely and wreak havoc on the human body, lengthy stints away from Earth are rare. Which makes astronaut Gennady Padalka record-busting 879 days in space particularly impressive.

Padalka accomplished this feat during three visits between 2002 and 2012. He has also reportedly embarked on nine spacewalks, with the longest one lasting six hours. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Padalka’s experience is that he has literally traveled through time — his excessive time in space slowed his internal body clock.

Fastest Circumnavigation of the World on a Bicycle by a Female

time travel world record

Very few people can boast that they’ve traveled around the world; even fewer can claim to have done it in less than six months by bicycle.

In 2012, Juliana Buhring set a Guinness World Record for fastest circumnavigation of the world on a bicycle by a female when she made the more than 29,000-mile trip in 152 days. Buhring reportedly trained for the trek for eight months, and her adventure was not without roadblocks. She became sick in India, encountered wild dogs in Turkey, fought her way through angry birds in Australia, had almost 30 flat tires, and suffered six broken bike spokes. Additionally, her bike required four complete tire changes and three chain replacements.

Buhring made the journey to raise awareness for the Safe Passage Foundation, which provides assistance to young people living in isolated communities often referred to as cults.

Most Casinos Visited

time travel world record

Because the house always wins, it’s a smart idea to limit your casino visits. Unless, that is, you’re visiting in the hopes of setting a record.

In 2002, U.S. resident Edwin Wheeler set a Guinness World Record for most casinos visited when he reached his 358th. Wheeler made the visits over a period of 47 years and visited some casinos more that once, which brought his total number of casino visits to 372, or around eight per year.

Farthest Distance Skateboarded by a Goat

time travel world record

Goats are known for their impressive climbing and voracious eating abilities. But did you also know that they can skateboard?

Happie, a pet goat in Florida, set a record for the farthest distance skateboarded by a goat when she rode her board 118 feet in 25 seconds. Her trip was reportedly derailed by a parking barrier, but she went far enough to give herself a place in history.

Apparently, Happie, known as “Skate Goat,” took up skateboarding on her own with no cajoling from her human parents, which makes her accomplishment even more inspiring.

Fastest Office

time travel world record

Dream of traveling for a living? If you put your office on wheels, you can make this fantasy a reality.

That’s exactly what Edd China of the UK did when he created a driving desk that traveled at speeds as fast as 87 mph, earning him the record of “fastest office” in 2006 during Guinness World Records Day. And that's not at all: He also holds the Guinness records for the fastest shed, toilet, bed, milk float and largest motorized shopping trolley. Because, why not?

time travel world record

Anderson Dias Visited all 195 Countries in Record-Breaking Time

time travel world record

This Record-Breaking Traveler visited all 195 Countries in the Fastest Ever Time

Anderson dias overcame economic disadvantages to see the world. in 2019, he became a record-breaking traveler....

At the end of November 2019, a month before the first cases of coronavirus emerged, a 26-year-old Brazilian man named Anderson Dias broke the world record for visiting every country on Earth in the fastest documented time. He completed his trip in 543 days, shaving 11 days off the previous record, held by an American woman named Taylor Demonbreu.  

FTT spoke with Anderson from his current base of Recife, northeastern Brazil, where he’s overseeing the build of a new house for his parents, to discuss the highs and lows of such an ambitious trip, and his next big travel mission.

time travel world record

Esme Benjamin: When did you first decide you wanted to be the fastest person to visit every country? 

Anderson Dias: I come from a poor family and grew up in a poor neighborhood in Salvador, Brazil. When I was 17, I left home to work and study. I was selling cell phone cases on the streets to keep me going, and I was good at it. I managed to earn about $10,000 – enough to do an English language school program in Ireland. That’s where I fell in love with traveling. I spent six months there and came home with a completely different mindset. 

Back in Brazil, I eventually opened my own store, selling cases and fixing phones – when you grow up poor, you have to teach yourself new things and figure out ways to make money. I had improved my situation, but I wasn’t satisfied because life isn’t just about money, it’s about dreams. That’s when I had the idea to do something big. Something that could go down in history and get me out of my comfort zone. I decided to sell my business, my car, and all my possessions and start traveling the world as fast as possible. 

EB: I have no idea how you would begin to plan or budget for a trip of that magnitude. How did you go about it?

AD: You won’t believe this, but I didn't plan anything! I would buy flights on the spot, arrive in one country, spend some time there, then buy a ticket to the next country. It sounds crazy, but I always say done is better than perfect. There are people who plan a lot and do nothing, I'm the type who does it without even knowing if it will work. I didn’t even have enough money to complete the trip when I left Brazil. 

time travel world record

EB: So did you have to work while you were traveling? 

AD: I estimated I’d need $100,000 to visit all the countries and get back home, but I only had $30,000 after selling my things, so I used the internet to get the money. I focused on creating content and growing my Instagram following so I could partner with brands. In the beginning, it was hard because I had less than 10,000 followers and brands look for high numbers. But when I got my first 100,000, they were interested. 

EB: What was the biggest challenge of your trip? 

AD: The biggest challenge of my trip was to keep myself motivated. Traveling for a year and a half without stopping, going through various difficulties – it took a lot of emotional fortitude. I almost died a few times. When I was in Guyana, I met a girl at a bar who tried to convince me to come back to her hotel. When I went with her to get a taxi, three guys beat me unconscious and robbed me. It was scary, but you have to prepare your mind. This was only country number 11, and if I let the fear consume me, I’d never finish the trip. 

EB: That’s a scary thing to go through. What were some of the other difficulties you faced while traveling? 

AD: Some countries have really complicated visa rules and restrictions. At that time Saudi Arabia was virtually impossible to visit as a tourist, but I relied on my Brazilian Instagram community a lot to get me connections at embassies etc. It was also very hard getting into countries coping with war or unrest, like Yemen. 

time travel world record

EB: How long did you spend in each place

AD: In safe places that I really liked, around 7 - 10 days. In unstable countries, only one. 

EB: What was the absolute highlight of the trip? 

AD: The highlight of my trip was undoubtedly seeing gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Knowing that those animals are endangered and being able to get within three meters of them in the wild is something unique. I was privileged, and I’m so thankful for that experience.   

time travel world record

EB: You shared all your adventures on social media. How important is it to you to inspire others to travel far and wide? 

AD:  In Brazil, we have 209.5 million people, and only a tiny number of them travel. My mission is to show people that traveling is not something that’s exclusively for rich people. Anyone can travel if they make it a priority, and they should because when we travel, we widen our minds, we start to understand other perspectives and ways of living. We learn to judge less and to have more compassion. So on Instagram, I teach people how to make money on the internet and show them how they can travel cheaply. 

EB: Which country would you most like to return to one day and why?  

AD: There are so many places I fell in love with: Thailand, the Maldives, the Seychelles, Russia, Iran. But I think Afghanistan would be my top country. That part of the planet is amazing. It’s more beautiful than Switzerland because you see mountains and rivers but no humans. Also, the locals are lovely and friendly. I had a great time in Afghanistan. 

Follow Anderson on Instagram here


time travel world record

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NASA Astronaut Sets Record for Longest Trip to Space by an American

When Frank Rubio returns from the International Space Station on September 27, he will have spent 371 consecutive days in space

Will Sullivan

Will Sullivan

Daily Correspondent

Frank Rubio floats with his arms crossed on the International Space Station with a view of Earth out a window behind him

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio broke the record for the longest journey in space by an American, at 355 consecutive days as of Monday.

Since September 2022, Rubio has been living on the International Space Station (ISS). By the time he returns to Earth at the end of the month, he will have spent more than a year in space, according to NASA .

A physician who has previously worked as a helicopter pilot and flight surgeon, Rubio became a NASA astronaut in 2017. He departed for the International Space Station on September 21, 2022, launching away from Earth on the Russian Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft, accompanied by Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin.

The crew was originally scheduled to stay on the ISS for six months. But in December, while their capsule was docked at the ISS, it developed a coolant leak, per the Associated Press (AP). In January, NASA announced that the compromised spacecraft would not be used for a normal crew return and would only carry people from the space station in the case of an emergency. It returned to Earth with no passengers on March 28.

Another spacecraft, the Soyuz MS-23, was originally intended to bring a subsequent crew to and from the ISS in March. Instead, it launched as a replacement ship for Rubio, Prokopyev and Petelin on February 23 . Because Russia needed time to prepare an additional Soyuz spacecraft to transport a replacement crew, the original crew’s stay was extended until September, per CNN ’s Jackie Wattles.

“I think this [record] is really significant in the sense that it teaches us that the human body can endure, it can adapt and—as we prepare to push back to the moon and then from then, onward onto hopefully Mars and further on in the solar system—I think it’s really important that we learn just how the human body learns to adapt, and how we can optimize that process so that we can improve our performance as we explore further and further out from Earth,” Rubio said in an August interview with Good Morning America .

Rubio officially surpassed the previous American record for longest space mission at 1:39 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, according to ’s Robert Z. Pearlman. The previous record was held by NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei , whose 355-day mission on the ISS lasted from April 9, 2021, to March 30, 2022. Vande Hei’s stay was also longer than originally intended—when Russia sent two people to the ISS to film a movie, the additional space station traffic delayed Vande Hei’s departure, writes CNN.

When Rubio returns to Earth with his crewmates on September 27, the length of his journey will have stretched to 371 days, per the AP. That’s still well short of the world record for a stint in space, set by Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov. He spent 437.7 days on the Russian space station Mir between 1994 and 1995, orbiting our planet 7,075 times during his stay, according to the New Mexico Museum of Space History .

Spending extended periods of time in a microgravity environment like the ISS comes with health risks. Long stays in space can cause a  loss of bone density, a reduction in muscle mass and vision problems . It can also cause the brain to expand , according to a study published in June.

Astronauts can also experience issues with their equilibrium when they first return to Earth, Rubio said during the Good Morning America interview, per ABC News ’ Mary Kekatos.

“I’m not sure how it will be for me,” he said to Good Morning America. “I’m preparing for the fact that it might be a challenge, that it might take a couple of days before I’m somewhat normal, but the reality is it’s going to take anywhere from two to six months of really intense rehab to get back to my normal, and that’s just part of the process.”

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Will Sullivan

Will Sullivan | | READ MORE

Will Sullivan is a science writer based in Washington, D.C. His work has appeared in Inside Science and NOVA Next .

Guinness World Records

Fastest time to travel to all seven continents

Fastest time to travel to all seven continents

The fastest time to travel to all seven continents is 3 days 1 hour 5 minutes 4 seconds and was achieved by Sujoy Kumar Mitra and Dr Ali Irani (both India) in Melbourne, Australia, on 7 December 2022.

Sujoy and Dr Ali are passionate travellers and do believe that all records are made to be broken. "Today we might be successful in breaking a record, tomorrow someone else will break our record".

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Labor Day air travel caps record-setting summer, in three charts

time travel world record

By Alex Leeds Matthews, CNN

(CNN) — A record number of travelers is expected to shuttle through the nation’s airports this Labor Day weekend, with as many as 17 million passengers expected from Thursday through the following Wednesday, the Transportation Security Administration said.

The agency, which tracks the numbers of passengers it screens for security, is projecting as many as 2.86 million passengers on Friday alone, in what’s expected to be the busiest air travel day of the holiday.

That would exceed the number of passengers screened on the same day last year and in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted air travel across the country.

All 10 of the busiest days in 2024 occurred earlier this summer , with a peak of more than 3 million passengers passing through checkpoints on July 7. Since Memorial Day weekend, the agency has screened nearly 240 million passengers, averaging 2.7 million daily, it said.

The anticipated holiday traffic continues a trend in 2024, which has seen higher traffic at the nation’s airports throughout the year. The expected Labor Day passengers, however, won’t even break into the agency’s top ten record-setting volume days in 2024.

During the same period of time in 2019, the daily average passenger volume was 2.3 million. Air travel dropped off markedly during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, only recovering to levels similar to those of before the virus in 2023. This summer’s surge appears to be in spite of the virus, with the US expecting its largest summer wave of infections in two years.

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These are the top 10 destinations for Labor Day travel

By Megan Cerullo

Edited By Aimee Picchi

Updated on: August 19, 2024 / 3:56 PM EDT / CBS News

A popular U.S. destination for Labor Day travel is becoming even more desirable as an end-of-summer season vacation spot.

Seattle is the nation's top Labor Day weekend destination, according to AAA booking data, which found that the city jumped 30% in popularity this year for domestic travelers after also topping the list in 2023. 

Overall domestic travel is up by 9%, according to AAA booking data, while the cost of taking trips within the U.S. is down 2%. 

Americans traveling by car can expect to see savings on gas costs. The typical cost for gasoline now stands at about $3.50 a gallon, compared to the national average of $3.81 over Labor Day weekend a year ago. Overall demand for gas is down, driven in part by the pandemic enabling remote work, which has changed driving habits.

Fewer Americans are planning to travel internationally over Labor Day weekend this year compared to 2023, according to AAA data. While the cost of domestic trips are down slightly, the cost of international travel has jumped 11%, according to AAA.

As far as international destinations, countries in Europe are the most popular vacation spots for American travelers. Eight of the top ten international destinations booked through AAA are European cities. 

What is the best time to travel on Labor Day?

Airports and roads will start to get busy beginning on Thursday, Aug. 29, ahead of the Labor Day weekend. Roads are expected to be most congested in the afternoon and early evening on Thursday and Friday, according to Inrix, which provides transportation insights and data.

If you're traveling on Thursday or Friday, aim to hit the road in the morning to avoid traffic jams, experts say. If you aren't taking off until Saturday, it's best to wait until the afternoon to depart. 

"Drivers should expect the most severe traffic jams before the holiday weekend as commuters mix with travelers," Bob Pishue, transportation analyst at Inrix, said in a statement. "Monitoring traffic apps, local news stations, and 511 traveler information services may help drivers navigate around congestion and reduce driver frustration this Labor Day." 

Traffic is expected to be heaviest in the afternoon on Sunday and on Labor Day, Monday, September 2.

Here are the top 10 domestic and international destinations for Labor Day travel. 

Top 10 domestic destinations

  • Seattle, WA 
  • Orlando, FL
  • Anchorage, AK 
  • New York, NY 
  • Boston, MA 
  • Las Vegas, NV 
  • Denver, CO 
  • Chicago, IL 
  • Juneau, AK 

Top 10 international destinations

  • Vancouver, BC, Canada 
  • Rome, Italy 
  • London, England 
  • Paris, France 
  • Dublin, Ireland 
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands 
  • Barcelona, Spain 
  • Athens, Greece 
  • Mexicali, Mexico 
  • Edinburgh, Scotland 

Megan Cerullo is a New York-based reporter for CBS MoneyWatch covering small business, workplace, health care, consumer spending and personal finance topics. She regularly appears on CBS News 24/7 to discuss her reporting.

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It began with sibling rivalry. Now he has 181 Guinness World Records.

David Rush is on a streak of shattering scores of Guinness World Records, each one more oddball than the next

time travel world record

Motivational speaker David Rush was looking for a way to share a message about perseverance when he came up with a zany idea: He would teach himself to juggle blindfolded, and go for the Guinness World Record.

He’d learned to juggle while he was in college, and it seemed like a fun way to draw attention while also making up for the times he’d tried and failed to juggle while jogging, he said.

Rush practiced juggling while blindfolded for weeks at his home in Boise, then in late 2015, he broke the world record with a time of 6 minutes 34 seconds. It was heady stuff.

Soon he decided that winning one Guinness title wasn’t enough. He wanted to break as many records as he could.

His 6½-minute juggling record eventually led to him juggling while blindfolded for more than an hour , and Rush also shattered scores of other Guinness World Records , each one more oddball than the last.

Catch 59 marshmallows in his mouth in less than one minute? No problem. Balance 101 toilet paper rolls on his head? Yes, please.

Earlier this year, after Rush broke his 180th world record for bursting the most balloons with chopsticks in one minute, he decided to go for the ultimate prize. He wanted to break the record of holding the most concurrent Guinness World Record titles.

Although Guinness no longer monitors who tops the record for most broken records, Rush said he knew that Italian serial record breaker Silvio Sabba had also racked up 180 concurrent world record titles.

On Jan. 30, Rush documented his 181st record of smashing 55 vinyl records in 30 seconds, then submitted the evidence and paperwork to Guinness World Records.

He has gotten his records certified in two ways: Either having an official Guinness representative with him on site, which Rush has done a couple of times. Or the more common method, having volunteer timers and witnesses, then submitting official paperwork, videos and photos to Guinness.

Sabba, who lives in Milan, holds more than 200 Guinness records, but about 20 of those were later broken by other people, said Rush, 39. He said it’s a common problem among those who seek fame by excelling at stacking bars of soap or catching table tennis balls with shaving foam on their heads.

In early August, Rush said he received certification from Guinness World Records that he’d won the record for smashing vinyl records. That meant he had topped Sabba’s streak, he said.

To celebrate, Rush posted a video on YouTube for his 50,000 subscribers, outlining the hard work that went into achieving his dream.

“I know it’s something I’ll now have to work to hold on to, but I’m up for it,” he said. “It’s a great feeling of accomplishment every time I can add another record to the list.”

Rush said he developed his competitive streak early on while growing up in Boise.

“I have two older brothers, and we were always competing against each other at foosball, table tennis and swimming,” he said.

“I always came in second or third as a kid, but then one day, I beat my brother Jonathan in a swim race,” Rush said. “I’d grown taller than him, and it was the first time I’d ever beaten him at something. I vividly remember being proud of that.”

He said he was always competitive academically, graduating in 2007 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and working for several years in the tech industry before becoming a motivational speaker.

While promoting the importance of science, technology, engineering and math in public education, he decided that perhaps the Guinness World Records could be something that sets him apart. Where others maybe saw goofy tricks, he saw a collection of worthy challenges.

Since 2015, Rush has posted all of his Guinness World Record attempts on his website and social media sites, including Instagram and TikTok , where he has 95,000 combined followers.

Employees at Guinness World Records in London took note when Rush showed up at their offices earlier this summer and broke 15 records in one day , including the fastest time to drink a liter of lime juice through a straw. Rush claimed the world title with a time of 13.99 seconds.

“I threw up immediately afterward,” he said.

Guinness World Records spokesperson Kylie Galloway confirmed to The Washington Post that Rush is among the most prolific record breakers of all time.

“We believe that joy comes from discovery, empowerment comes from giving your all and happiness comes from sharing your passions,” Galloway said in an emailed statement.

Rush said he’s not even close to finished.

“I love the challenge and the training — it helps get me out of bed in the morning,” he said, noting that he runs up to 1,000 miles a year and eats a whole-grain, high-protein diet to keep him in shape for balancing chain saws , taking wet sponge hits to the face and slicing kiwi fruit while standing on a balance board .

“It makes me feel good to keep my body moving and try something new,” he said. “I’ve always loved a challenge.”

His wife, Jennifer Rush, and his three children, Jeremy, 8, Peter, 6, and Felicity, 2, are enthusiastic supporters of his obscure undertakings.

In 2021, Jennifer Rush allowed herself to be wrapped in plastic cling wrap more than a dozen times so her husband could beat his previous world record with a time of one minute, two seconds.

“We love and support each other in everything, and I couldn’t be more proud of David,” she said. “It’s been a lot of fun, and we’ve acquired a lot of really weird things, but we’ve made lots of memories together.”

Among the items that now take up space in Rush’s basement and garage are: Four unicycles, hundreds of juggling objects, piles of chopsticks, three pogo sticks, a Samurai sword and a water balloon launcher.

“Our house is constantly filled with junk purchased for my latest endeavor,” Rush said. “But it does keep life interesting.”

During the pandemic, he and his family began a quest to visit all 63 national parks in the United States.

“We’ve now been to 62 — everything except the National Park of American Samoa,” Rush said. “But in February we’re planning to go there on a cruise.”

He said his wife and kids are thankful their family adventures are for enjoyment, not for speed.

“I think there’s a record for visiting the most national parks in the shortest time period, but it’s probably best not to go there,” he said.

time travel world record


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  25. Labor Day air travel caps record-setting summer, in three charts

    The expected Labor Day passengers, however, won't even break into the agency's top ten record-setting volume days in 2024. During the same period of time in 2019, the daily average passenger ...

  26. These are the top 10 destinations for Labor Day travel

    AAA forecasts record-breaking Labor Day travel 02:05. A popular U.S. destination for Labor Day travel is becoming even more desirable as an end-of-summer season vacation spot.

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    Festival Global Marketplace booths are open from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. daily, just in time to grab one last snack before Luminous The Symphony of Us, the nighttime spectacular on World Showcase Lagoon.

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