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Environmental Health and Safety

Slips, Trips, and Falls: Understanding, Preventing, and Mitigating Risks

By Gian Joseph, Safety Advisor

As we enter the rainy and cold season, we face several risks , which include slips , trips, and fall s in our day-to-day activities. It is important t o be aware of hazards around us and learn how to properly identify and assess any risks with each step.  

Slips, trips, and falls (STFs) are common accidents that can lead to severe injuries. These incidents occur in various settings, from homes and workplaces to public spaces , and i t is essential to understand the causes, consequences, and , most importantly, strategies for prevention and mitigation.   

1. Understanding the Dynamics of STFs. STFs are caused by the following .  

Insu fficient friction between the shoe and the walking surface. Common causes include wet or greasy floors, spills, and loose debris (Slip and Fall Accidents, 2021).  

When a person's foot collides with an object or an uneven surface, it caus es them to lose balance. Typical trip hazards include cluttered walkways, electrical cords, uneven flooring, and damaged or upturned mats (Slip and Fall Accidents, 2021).  

2. The Impact of STFs  

Slips, trips, and falls have far-reaching effects, affecting individuals and society . Personal i njuries range from minor cuts , bruises, sprains , and abrasions to fractures, dislocations, and head injuries (National Safety Council, 2021). The medical expenses associated with treating STF-related injuries can be substantial , including hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing care (National Safety Council, 2021). STFs can result in missed workdays and reduced productivity for both individuals and employers. Workers' compensation claims and absenteeism contribute to economic costs (National Safety Council, 2021). Lastly, t he physical and psychological consequences of STFs can limit mobility, independence, and overall quality of life, especially among older adults ( Sahyoun et al., 2020).  

3. Prevention and Mitigation Strategies  

Preventing and mitigating STFs involves a combination of awareness, environmental modifications, and education . H ere are some ways you can take precaution s against STFs in your daily activities;  

Clear Pathways: Maintain clear, unobstructed walkways by removing clutter and tripping hazards such as cords, toys, and loose rugs (Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA], 2002).  

Adequate Lighting: Ensure proper lighting in all areas, both indoors and outdoors, to improve visibility and reduce the risk of tripping over obstacles (OSHA, 2002).  

Slip-Resistant Flooring: Install slip-resistant flooring materials, especially in areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms and kitchens (OSHA, 2002).  

Footwear: Encourage the use of proper footwear with good traction, especially in environments where slip hazards are prevalent ( Sahyoun et al., 2020).  

Handrails and Guardrails: Install and maintain handrails and guardrails on stairs, ramps, and elevated platforms to provide support and prevent falls (OSHA, 2002).  

Warning Signs: Use signage to alert individuals to potential hazards, such as wet floors or uneven surfaces (OSHA, 2002).  

Education and Training: Promote awareness and provide training to individuals on recognizing and avoiding STF hazards (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH], 2015).  

Workplace Safety: Employers should implement safety protocols and conduct risk assessments in the workplace, addressing potential STF risks (NIOSH, 2015).  

Regular Maintenance: Routinely inspect and maintain buildings, walkways, and outdoor areas to identify and address potential hazards promptly (NIOSH, 2015).  

4. A Holistic Approach to STF Prevention  

Preventing and mitigating STFs require a collaborative approach involving individuals, organizations, and communities:  

Individuals : Exercise caution when walking, especially in unfamiliar or potentially hazardous environments. Wear appropriate footwear and take your time, especially in wet or slippery conditions ( Sahyoun et al., 2020).  

Employers: Create a safe work environment by identifying and mitigating STF risks. Provide training to employees on safety protocols and the proper use of equipment (OSHA, 2002).  

Property Owners and Managers: Ensure properties are well-maintained and free from hazards. Regularly inspect and address issues promptly (NIOSH, 2015).  

Government and Local Authorities: Enforce building codes and regulations that promote safety, especially in public spaces and commercial buildings (OSHA, 2002).  


Slips, trips, and falls are preventable accidents that carry substantial personal, economic, and societal costs. By comprehending the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies, we can significantly reduce the incidence of STFs and mitigate their impact. Whether at home, at work, or in public spaces, prioritizing safety and fostering awareness about STFs is crucial for the well-being of individuals and communities. Let us strive collectively to create environments where everyone can move safely and confidently, free from the fear of falling.  


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). (2015). Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2015-100/pdfs/2015-100.pdf  

National Safety Council. (2021). Injury Facts. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/work/overview/work-safety-introduction/work-...  

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (2002). OSHA Publication 3151-12R. Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments. https://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3151.pdf  

Sahyoun , N. R., Pratt, L. A., & Lentzner , H. (2020). The Changing Profile of Nursing Home Residents: 1985-1997. Journal of Aging and Health, 12(3), 336-363.  

Slip and Fall Accidents. (2021). InjuryClaimCoach.com. https://www.injuryclaimcoach.com/slip-and-fall-accidents.html  

Please note that the sources cited are accurate as of the time of writing this article. For the most current information, consult authoritative sources and local health authorities.  

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Fall prevention: Simple tips to prevent falls

Falls put you at risk of serious injury. Prevent falls with these simple fall prevention measures, from reviewing your medications to hazard-proofing your home.

Fall prevention is an important topic to consider as you get older. Physical changes and health conditions — and sometimes the medications used to treat those conditions — make falls more likely as you age. In fact, falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults. Still, fear of falling doesn't need to rule your life. Instead, consider six simple fall prevention strategies.

1. Make an appointment with your health care provider

Start by making an appointment with your health care provider. To assess your risk and discuss fall prevention strategies, your health care provider may want to talk about the following:

  • Your medications. Make a list of your prescription and nonprescription medications and supplements, or bring them with you to the appointment. Your health care provider can review your medications for side effects and interactions that may increase your risk of falling. To help with fall prevention, your health care provider may consider weaning you off medications that make you tired or affect your thinking, such as sedatives, antihistamines and some types of antidepressants.
  • Any previous falls. Write down the details, including when, where and how you fell. Be prepared to discuss instances when you almost fell but were caught by someone or managed to grab hold of something just in time. Details such as these may help your health care provider identify specific fall prevention strategies.
  • Your health conditions. Certain eye and ear disorders may increase your risk of falls. Be prepared to discuss your health conditions and how comfortable you are when you walk — for example, do you feel any dizziness, joint pain, shortness of breath, or numbness in your feet and legs when you walk? Your health care provider may evaluate your muscle strength, balance and walking style (gait) as well.

2. Keep moving

Physical activity can go a long way toward fall prevention. With your health care provider's OK, consider activities such as walking, water workouts or tai chi — a gentle exercise that involves slow and graceful dance-like movements. These activities reduce the risk of falls by improving strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.

If you avoid physical activity because you're afraid it will make a fall more likely, tell your health care provider. Your provider may recommend carefully monitored exercise programs or refer you to a physical therapist. The physical therapist can create a custom exercise program aimed at improving your balance, flexibility and muscle strength.

3. Wear sensible shoes

Consider changing your footwear as part of your fall prevention plan. High heels, floppy slippers and shoes with slick soles can make you slip, stumble and fall. So can walking in your stocking feet. Instead, wear properly fitting, sturdy, flat shoes with nonskid soles. Sensible shoes may also reduce joint pain.

4. Remove home hazards

Take a look around your home for potential fall hazards. To make your home safer:

  • Remove boxes, newspapers, electrical cords and phone cords from walkways.
  • Move coffee tables, magazine racks and plant stands from high-traffic areas.
  • Secure loose rugs with double-faced tape, tacks or a slip-resistant backing — or remove loose rugs from your home.
  • Repair loose, wooden floorboards and carpeting right away.
  • Store clothing, dishes, food and other necessities within easy reach.
  • Immediately clean spilled liquids, grease or food.
  • Use nonslip mats in your bathtub or shower. Use a bath seat, which allows you to sit while showering.

5. Light up your living space

Keep your home brightly lit to avoid tripping on objects that are hard to see. Also:

  • Place night lights in your bedroom, bathroom and hallways.
  • Place a lamp within reach of your bed in case you need to get up in the middle of the night.
  • Make clear paths to light switches that aren't near room entrances. Consider trading traditional switches for glow-in-the-dark or illuminated switches.
  • Turn on the lights before going up or down stairs.
  • Store flashlights in easy-to-find places in case of power outages.

6. Use assistive devices

Your health care provider might recommend using a cane or walker to keep you steady. Other assistive devices can help, too. For example:

  • Handrails for both sides of stairways
  • Nonslip treads for bare-wood steps
  • A raised toilet seat or one with armrests
  • Grab bars for the shower or tub
  • A sturdy plastic seat for the shower or tub — plus a hand-held shower nozzle for bathing while sitting down

If necessary, ask your health care provider for a referral to an occupational therapist. An occupational therapist can help you brainstorm other fall prevention strategies. Some solutions are easily installed and relatively inexpensive. Others may require professional help or a larger investment. If you're concerned about the cost, remember that an investment in fall prevention is an investment in your independence.

  • Kiel DP. Falls in older persons: Risk factors and evaluation. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Dec. 29, 2021.
  • Falls in older people. Merck Manual Professional Version. https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/geriatrics/falls-in-older-people/falls-in-older-people. Accessed Dec. 29, 2021.
  • Important facts about falls. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html. Accessed Dec. 29, 2021.
  • Ferri FF. Falls in the elderly. In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2022. Elsevier; 2022. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Dec. 29, 2021.
  • AskMayoExpert. Falls (adult). Mayo Clinic; 2021.
  • Prevent falls and fractures. National Institute on Aging. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/prevent-falls-and-fractures. Accessed Dec. 29, 2021.
  • Fall-proofing your home. National Institute on Aging. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/fall-proofing-your-home. Accessed Dec. 29, 2021.
  • Takahashi PY (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Jan. 6, 2022.

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Prevention of Slips, Trips and Falls

On this page, how do falls happen, how to prevent falls due to slips and trips, what can you do to avoid falling at work.

Statistics show that the majority (67%) of falls happen on the same level resulting from slips and trips. The remaining 30% are falls from a height. This document will summarize information on "falls on the same level" (slips and trips). Falls from an elevation, such as falls from ladders, roofs, down stairs or from jumping to a lower level, etc., is discussed in other documents since each type of fall must be assessed as part of a fall prevention program .

Slips happen where there is too little friction or traction between the footwear and the walking surface. Common causes of slips are:

  • wet or oily surfaces
  • occasional spills
  • weather hazards
  • loose, unanchored rugs or mats
  • flooring or other walking surfaces that do not have the same degree of traction in all areas

Trips happen when your foot collides (strikes, hits) an object causing you to lose balance and, eventually fall. Common causes of tripping are:

  • obstructed view
  • poor lighting
  • clutter in your way
  • wrinkled carpeting
  • uncovered cables
  • bottom drawers not being closed
  • uneven (steps, thresholds) walking surfaces

Both slips and trips result from unintended or unexpected change in the contact between the feet and the ground or walking surface. This fact shows that good housekeeping, quality of walking surfaces (flooring), selection of proper footwear, and appropriate pace of walking are critical for preventing fall incidents.


Good housekeeping is the first and the most important (fundamental) level of preventing falls due to slips and trips. It includes:

  • cleaning all spills immediately
  • marking spills and wet areas
  • mopping or sweeping debris from floors
  • removing obstacles from walkways and always keeping walkways free of clutter
  • securing (tacking, taping, etc.) mats, rugs and carpets that do not lay flat
  • always closing file cabinet or storage drawers
  • covering cables that cross walkways
  • keeping working areas and walkways well lit
  • replacing used light bulbs and faulty switches

Without good housekeeping practices, any other preventive measures such as installation of sophisticated flooring, specialty footwear or training on techniques of walking and safe falling will never be fully effective.

For more information about effective housekeeping, visit the OSH Answers document on Workplace Housekeeping - Basic Guide .

Changing or modifying walking surfaces is the next level of preventing slip and trips. Recoating or replacing floors, installing mats, pressure-sensitive abrasive strips or abrasive-filled paint-on coating and metal or synthetic decking can further improve safety and reduce the risk of falling. However, it is critical to remember that high-tech flooring requires good housekeeping as much as any other flooring. In addition, resilient, non-slippery flooring prevents or reduces foot fatigue and contributes to slip-prevention measures.

In workplaces where floors may be oily or wet or where workers spend considerable time outdoors, prevention of fall incidents should focus on selecting proper footwear. Since there is no footwear with anti-slip properties for every condition, consultation with manufacturers is highly recommended.

Properly fitting footwear increases comfort and prevents fatigue which, in turn, improves safety for the employee. For more information on footwear visit the OSH Answers document on Safety Footwear .

You can reduce the risk of slipping on wet flooring by:

  • taking your time and paying attention to where you are going
  • adjusting your stride to a pace that is suitable for the walking surface and the tasks you are doing
  • walking with the feet pointed slightly outward
  • making wide turns at corners

You can reduce the risk of tripping by:

  • keeping walking areas clear from clutter or obstructions
  • keeping flooring in good condition
  • always using installed light sources that provide sufficient light for your tasks
  • using a flashlight if you enter a dark room where there is no light
  • making sure that things you are carrying or pushing do not prevent you from seeing any obstructions, spills, etc.
  • Fact sheet last revised: 2023-03-28


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Learn what you can do to prevent and control slip, trip and fall hazards in the workplace.

Page Content

Slip, trip and fall hazards, for more information.

Slips, trips and falls can happen in any workplace, and should not be overlooked. They can cause:

  • Minor injuries such as sprains and strains.
  • Broken bones due to the impact when trying to break the fall.
  • Back injuries due to the impact from the fall.
  • Cuts if the incident occurs near sharp objects.
  • Head injuries if the person hits the head upon impact.
  • Burns if the incident occurs near hot surfaces, or if the person is handling hot fluids.
  • Death in more serious cases. For example, a person may slip and fall off an open side of a building if it is not barricaded.

The table below lists:

  • Hazards associated with slips, trips and falls.
  • Examples of risk control measures that your risk assessment team can take to minimise or eliminate the risks associated with these hazards.

Employer's Role

  • Conduct Risk Assessments (RA) to eliminate or minimise slip, trip and fall risks.
  • Maintain a safe work environment (e.g. by selecting the right type of non-slip flooring and providing sufficient illumination at the workplace).
  • Provide employees with personal protective equipment (e.g. non-slip work shoes), training, instruction and supervision for relevant work activities.

To improve workplace practices, you should also:

  • Establish clear standards for workplace housekeeping and set an expectation for employees to maintain them. Refer to the WSH Guidelines on Workplace Housekeeping for more information.
  • Conduct routine workplace inspections to confirm that all hazards have been addressed, and to ensure that your risk control measures have been effectively implemented.
  • Encourage employees to report near-miss incidents so that you can prevent future accidents.
  • Encourage employees to submit ideas on slip, trip and fall prevention through a WSH staff suggestion scheme.

Employee's Role

  • Adhere to safe work procedures and instructions.
  • Not endanger yourself or others with unsafe behaviour (e.g. running across a wet floor or using a handphone while walking down the stairs).
  • Use personal protective equipment (e.g. non-slip work shoes) provided by your company.
  • Clean up all spills promptly.
  • Keep walkways and staircases free of obstacles.
  • Keep the floor in the work area dry, clean and free from clutter.
  • Tape down power cords or cables to prevent tripping.
  • Report any hazards you spot (e.g. damaged floor tiles, curled mats), and place a warning sign to alert others before the hazard is removed.
  • Report all near misses and accidents promptly to your employer.
  • Submit suggestions on slip, trip and fall prevention.
  • ABC Checklist – Slips, Trips and Falls

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Occupational Health and Safety Blog

Slips, Trips, And Falls Hazards | How To Prevent Them

Every year, countless individuals experience the unexpected mishap of a slip, trip, or fall. These incidents occur across all age groups and settings, from homes and public spaces to workplaces. While often brushed off as minor inconveniences or embarrassments, slips, trips, and falls can lead to serious injuries and significant financial and emotional costs.

The key to tackling this pervasive issue lies in understanding the factors contributing to these accidents and implementing effective prevention measures. In this blog, we delve into the causes of slips, trips, and falls, their impact, and, most importantly, how we can prevent them.

By understanding these risks, we empower ourselves to create safer environments, whether looking at the comfort of our homes, the safety of public spaces, or the well-being of employees in a workplace. This guide aims to heighten awareness, encourage preventive action, and highlight our shared responsibility in reducing the risks and consequences of slips, trips, and falls. Join us as we navigate through this important topic step by carefully step.

The Importance of Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls

The impact of slips, trips, and falls can be highly significant, from bruised shins to broken bones. These incidents aren’t just about physical injury. The repercussions can ripple outwards, affecting an individual’s quality of life, workability, and mental well-being. In the workplace, such accidents can lead to significant downtime, loss of productivity, and even legal implications for businesses. It’s estimated that the annual costs associated with occupational falls run into billions of dollars globally, impacting not just individuals but entire economies. Therefore, it’s clear that these everyday accidents are anything but trivial and that preventing them should be a top priority for everyone.

Basic Understanding of Slips, Trips, and Falls

To prevent these incidents, we first need to understand them. So, what exactly are slips, trips, and falls? A slip occurs when there is too little friction or traction between your footwear and the walking surface, leading to a loss of balance. A trip happens when your foot or lower leg hits an object, and your upper body continues moving, resulting in loss of balance. A fall can result from a slip or trip but can also occur due to other factors, like poor lighting, lack of handrails, or sudden illness.

Each of these incidents can occur under various circumstances. While some common causes include wet or uneven surfaces, poor footwear, and cluttered walkways, there can also be less obvious contributors, like insufficient training or awareness. This article aims to delve deeper into the world of slips, trips, and falls, elucidating their causes, impacts, and, most importantly, the strategies for prevention. The goal is not to instill fear but to inspire a culture of safety, vigilance, and proactive measures to keep everyone safe.

Slips and Trips

Definition and Differences: Slips, Trips, and Falls

While the terms ‘slips,’ ‘trips,’ and ‘falls’ are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct occurrences. As we’ve already discussed, a slip occurs when there is insufficient traction between your foot and the walking surface. This lack of grip may cause an imbalance, leading you to fall.

Trips, on the other hand, occur when your foot contacts an object in its path or drops unexpectedly, causing you to lose balance. A trip might occur due to clutter, an obstacle in the pathway, or an uneven walking surface.

Finally, a fall is a sudden, uncontrolled descent for various reasons, including slips, trips, loss of consciousness, or other health-related issues. Falls can occur on the same level (for example, falling on the floor) or from one level to another (like falling down the stairs or from a ladder).

Common Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls

Understanding the common causes of these incidents is the first step toward prevention. Below are some major factors that often contribute to slips, trips, and falls.

  • Wet or Oily Surfaces: One of the most common causes of slips is the presence of wet or oily surfaces. This might occur in areas prone to spills or leaks, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and certain industrial environments.
  • Uneven Surfaces, Irregularities, and Obstacles: Uneven walking surfaces or irregularities such as potholes, cracks, or abrupt transitions can cause trips. Obstacles might include clutter, cords, open drawers, and other items that haven’t been stored properly.
  • Poor Lighting Conditions: Inadequate lighting can make it difficult to see and avoid potential hazards like spills, obstacles, or changes in level. This can lead to both trips and falls.
  • Weather Hazards: Outdoor slips and falls often increase during bad weather conditions such as rain, snow, or ice, which make surfaces slippery and vision less clear.
  • Human Factors: Rushing, distraction, fatigue, or lack of proper training can also contribute to slips, trips, and falls. These can often be mitigated through awareness and training.
  • Improper Footwear: Footwear unsuitable for the work environment or the current weather conditions can increase the risk of slips, trips, and falls. For example, smooth-soled shoes might not provide enough traction on a wet or oily surface, leading to slips.
  • Loose or Unsecured Mats or Rugs: Unsecured mats, rugs, or carpets can shift underfoot or present tripping hazards with their edges.
  • Improper Use of Equipment: This might involve using chairs instead of ladders, climbing on shelves, or not using safety equipment correctly, all of which can lead to falls.
  • Poor Housekeeping: If work and walkway areas are not kept clean and orderly, they can contribute significantly to slips, trips, and falls. Examples include cluttered workspaces, cables across walkways, or spills not promptly cleaned up.
  • Lack of Safety Training: Employees not properly trained on the correct job procedures, including safety equipment, can be at higher risk for accidents.
  • Inadequate Maintenance: Neglecting maintenance can lead to hazards such as leaky pipes (leading to wet surfaces), potholes, or uneven flooring, which can cause slips, trips, and falls.
  • Poorly Designed Walkways: Walkways with sudden drops, absence of handrails, sharp turns, or inadequate space can increase the risk of falls.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain conditions like poor vision, balance disorders, or mobility problems can also increase the risk of slips, trips, and falls.
  • Age: Both the very young and the elderly are at an increased risk for falls, partly due to factors such as lack of coordination, decreased strength, or reduced balance.

Remember, while this list of causes is extensive, it is not exhaustive. There may be other contributing factors depending on the specific circumstances or environment. That’s why it’s crucial to carry out regular risk assessments to promptly identify and address potential hazards.

Prevention of Slips Trips and Falls

Impact and Consequences Of Slips, Trips, And Falls

The impacts of slips, trips, and falls extend beyond the immediate event and can have lasting effects on the individuals involved and the organizations they belong to. These incidents can result in physical injuries, financial costs, and psychological distress.

Physical Injuries: From Minor to Severe

Physical injuries resulting from slips, trips, and falls can range from minor to severe. Minor injuries may include bruises, abrasions, or sprains. At the same time, more severe cases can lead to fractures, concussions, or even life-threatening injuries such as traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord damage.

In some cases, these incidents can lead to chronic pain or long-term disability, affecting the individual’s ability to perform daily activities or return to work. Falls, in particular, can be especially dangerous for older adults, leading to hip fractures or other serious injuries that significantly impact their independence and quality of life.

Financial Implications: Costs of Accidents

The financial implications of these incidents are also considerable. For individuals, this can include medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages during recovery. Additionally, they might face expenses related to modifying their home for accessibility if the fall leads to a long-term disability.

For businesses, the financial costs can be substantial. There are indirect costs besides direct costs like medical expenses and workers’ compensation claims. These can include lost productivity due to employee absence, costs related to training replacement employees, and potential increases in insurance premiums. In severe cases, businesses may also face legal fees if they are negligent in providing a safe environment.

Psychological Implications: Fear and Anxiety After a Fall

The psychological impacts of slips, trips, and falls should not be underestimated. People who have experienced such an incident may develop a fear of falling again. This fear can limit their activities, reduce their independence, and decrease their quality of life.

Anxiety, depression, and social isolation can also result from the fear of falling or the consequences of an injury, such as disability. Employees may experience stress or anxiety about returning to work, especially if they feel the environment is unsafe.

Understanding these impacts highlights the importance of preventive measures to ensure safe environments, reducing the risk of slips, trips, and falls. The following sections will explore strategies to identify potential hazards and implement effective control measures.

Slips Trips And Falls Hazards

Slips, Trips, And Falls Hazards Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is critical in preventing slips, trips, and falls. It involves identifying potential hazards, evaluating their risks, and determining appropriate control measures. A thorough risk assessment should consider all areas and activities in a given environment, from the home to the workplace.

Identifying High-Risk Areas in the Home or Workplace

High-risk areas vary depending on the setting. These might include staircases, bathrooms, and kitchens in the home, where wet surfaces are common. Outdoor areas like driveways or walkways can also present risks, especially in adverse weather conditions. Any area without sufficient support structures could be risky for older adults or those with mobility issues.

In the workplace, high-risk areas could be those with heavy foot traffic, wet or uneven surfaces, or places with lots of equipment and machinery. Industrial kitchens, construction sites , warehouses, and healthcare facilities are examples of workplace environments that often have high-risk areas.

Key Considerations for Risk Assessment

A comprehensive risk assessment should consider various factors. These include:

  • The Environment: Assess the condition of the floors, lighting, staircases, and walkways. Look for hazards like wet surfaces, uneven floors, poor lighting, or lack of handrails.
  • Human Factors: Consider the behavior and health of individuals in the environment. Are they rushing? Are they carrying heavy items that may obstruct their view? Do they have any health conditions that increase their risk?
  • Tasks: Evaluate the tasks being performed. Does the job involve working at height, handling hazardous substances, or heavy physical labor? Are workers exposed to distractions or time pressure?
  • Footwear and Clothing: Assess whether appropriate footwear and clothing are worn for specific environments and tasks.
  • Previous Incidents: Look at the history of slips, trips, and falls in the environment. A pattern might indicate a persistent problem that needs addressing.

Importance of Regular Safety Audits

Regular safety audits are essential to maintain a safe environment. These audits involve routinely inspecting the environment and practices to ensure that safety measures are up-to-date and effectively implemented. They help identify new or overlooked hazards and assess the effectiveness of current control measures.

Regular audits also demonstrate a commitment to safety, which can encourage individuals to take responsibility for their safety and that of others. This fosters a proactive safety culture where hazards are promptly reported and addressed, further reducing the risk of slips, trips, and falls.

Slips and Trips Hazards

Prevention and Control Measures For Slips, Trips, And Falls

Once potential hazards have been identified through risk assessment, it’s crucial to implement prevention and control measures to mitigate these risks. This involves a range of strategies, from good housekeeping practices to installing safety features.

Housekeeping Best Practices

Proper housekeeping is one of the most effective ways to prevent slips, trips, and falls. Here are some best practices:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean floors regularly and immediately clean up any spills. Ensure to put up “wet floor” signs until the area is dry.
  • Declutter: Keep walkways and work areas clear of clutter and obstacles.
  • Proper Storage: Store materials and equipment properly when not in use.
  • Maintenance: Promptly repair any damages to walkways and work areas, like cracks or uneven surfaces.

Installing Safety Features (Handrails, Non-Slip Mats, etc.)

Installing safety features can greatly reduce the risk of accidents. Here are a few examples:

  • Handrails: Install sturdy handrails on all staircases and other areas where individuals may need extra support.
  • Non-slip Mats: Use non-slip mats in areas prone to wet or slippery conditions.
  • Guard Rails: Install guardrails around elevated platforms, mezzanines, and other fall hazards.
  • Visible Markings: Use reflective tape or other visible markings to highlight changes in floor level or other hazards.

Appropriate Footwear for Different Surfaces

Wearing the right footwear can significantly reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Choose shoes with good traction, especially for wet or slippery surfaces. Protective footwear should be worn in workplaces where specific hazards are present, such as construction sites.

Prompt Removal or Correction of Identified Hazards

Address identified hazards as quickly as possible to prevent accidents. If a hazard cannot be immediately removed or corrected, ensure it is clearly marked, and individuals are informed about it until it can be addressed.

Adequate Lighting

Ensure all areas have sufficient lighting to allow individuals to see and avoid potential hazards. This is particularly important for stairways, hallways, and outdoor paths. Replace burnt-out bulbs promptly and consider installing automatic lights in often-used areas.

By implementing these prevention and control measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls, promoting a safer environment for everyone. In the next section, we’ll explore additional strategies and considerations specific to the workplace.

Slip Trip And Fall Hazards Control Measures

Workplace-Specific Considerations

While many of the principles of slips, trips, and falls prevention apply universally, certain considerations are particularly relevant to workplaces. These involve safety training, employer responsibilities, and industry-specific hazards.

Importance of Safety Training and Awareness Programs

Safety training is vital to workplace safety . Regular training sessions can ensure that employees are aware of potential hazards and the best practices for avoiding them. Training should cover topics such as proper use of equipment, safe handling of materials, and emergency procedures.

Awareness programs, too, can play a crucial role in maintaining a safe work environment. These programs could include regular safety reminders via bulletins, emails, or meetings, encouraging employees to be vigilant and proactive about safety.

Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights

Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe work environment. This involves conducting regular risk assessments, addressing identified hazards promptly, and providing necessary safety training and equipment. They should also have procedures in place for reporting accidents or hazards and ensure that employees feel comfortable using these procedures without fear of retaliation.

Employees, on the other hand, have the right to a safe workplace and the right to speak up about safety concerns. They also have a role in maintaining safety by following established procedures, using provided safety equipment, and promptly reporting any hazards or incidents.

Industry-Specific Hazards and Control Measures

Every industry has its unique set of hazards, so it’s important to consider these when planning prevention and control measures. For example, spills and hot surfaces might be major hazards in a restaurant kitchen. Measures could include non-slip mats, appropriate footwear, and caution signs. In a construction site, falls from a height might be the primary concern, necessitating guardrails, safety harnesses, and fall arrest systems.

In conclusion, slips, trips, and falls are common but preventable incidents. By understanding their causes and impacts, conducting regular risk assessments, and implementing effective prevention and control measures, we can significantly reduce these accidents, fostering safer homes, workplaces, and communities.

Slips Trips And Falls

The Role of Training in Preventing Slips, Trips , and Falls

Proper training programs are essential to educate employees on recognising hazards and taking preventive measures. Key training includes:

  • Slips, Trips , and Falls Training:  This program focuses on identifying potential slip, trip, and fall hazards, understanding the causes and learning preventive measures. Through  online slips, trips, and falls training , employees can learn how to recognize and mitigate these risks effectively and promptly report such incidents.
  • Hazard Awareness Training:  General hazard awareness training helps employees recognize various workplace hazards, including those that could lead to slips, trips and falls. It promotes a culture of safety and vigilance.
  • Housekeeping and Workplace Organi z ation:  Training on maintaining a clean and organized workplace can prevent many trip hazards. This includes proper material storage, cable management and clear walkways.
  • Emergency Response Training:  Knowing how to respond in the event of a slip, trip or fall is crucial. This training covers first aid, emergency procedures and reporting protocols to ensure quick and effective response to incidents.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training:  Employees must know how to select, use and maintain their PPE. PPE training includes instructions on wearing non-slip footwear, gloves and other protective gear to minimize the risk of slips, trips and falls.
  • Work at Height Training:  Work at height course  educates employees on the risks of working at heights and teaches safe practices for performing such tasks. This specialized training helps prevent severe injuries resulting from fall incidents.

Preventing slips, trips, and falls is no small task, but it is a crucial one. As we’ve explored in this guide, these incidents are far from trivial, carrying the potential for serious physical injuries, significant financial costs, and profound psychological impacts. Yet, armed with the knowledge of what causes these incidents and understanding their impacts, we’re already halfway towards prevention.

The steps to creating safer environments—at home, in public spaces, or at workplaces—aren’t overly complex. They begin with recognizing the potential hazards and involve a thoughtful blend of risk assessment, implementing practical measures, and fostering a culture of safety awareness. From basic housekeeping to installing safety features, each action reduces the risk.

It’s important to remember that the responsibility of preventing slips, trips, and falls doesn’t rest on a single individual or group—it’s a collective effort. Employers, employees, homeowners, and public facility managers all have roles to play. And in our various roles, we all contribute to a larger, shared goal: creating safer environments for everyone.

Preparing for and preventing these incidents can seem daunting in a world where the unexpected is expected. But, as we’ve seen, it’s not only possible; it’s a critical part of our commitment to safety for ourselves and others. Let this guide serve as a reminder and resource for that commitment, helping us make each step we take a safer one. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards safer environments and greater awareness. Let’s continue to take steps, big and small, toward a safer tomorrow.

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Slips, trips and falls

Each year slips, trips and falls cause thousands of preventable injuries.

  • Safety by topic

The most common ones are: 

  • musculoskeletal injuries (injuries to muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage and spinal discs)
  • bruises 
  • fractures 
  • dislocations. 

More serious injuries and deaths can also happen. 

Slip, trip and fall hazards 

Some things that can cause you to slip are: 

  • the wrong footwear 
  • polished, wet or greasy floors. 

In most cases, people trip on low obstacles that are hard to spot, such as: 

  • uneven edges in flooring 
  • loose mats 
  • open drawers 
  • untidy tools, or 
  • electrical cables. 

Falls can result from a slip or trip, but many occur from low heights. For example: 

  • steps 
  • stairs 
  • kerbs, 
  • holes 
  • ditches, or 
  • wet or slippery surfaces. 

WHS duties  

As a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), you must always aim to eliminate the risk of slips, trips and falls, so far as is reasonably practicable. If that is not possible, you must minimise risks so far as is reasonably practicable. 

You must identify hazards, and assess and control risks. Think about your: 

  • work areas 
  • work procedures 
  • tools 
  • equipment.  

Consulting with workers can help you find better and easier ways to identify and minimise risks. You should also review control measures to ensure they are working as planned.  

Workers also have duties, including taking reasonable care for their own health and safety. 

Managing risks  

The best way to manage the risk of slips, trips and falls is to eliminate hazards at the design stage of the workplace.  

If you can’t eliminate the risk, you must minimise it so far as is reasonably practicable. 

Designing safe workplaces 

In designing floors, stairs, lighting, drainage and storage: 

  • keep floors at a single level and use slip-resistant floor coverings 
  • install extra power points to avoid trip hazards from trailing cords 
  • ensure all areas are well lit, particularly stairwells 
  • have good drainage and slip resistant grates 
  • have lots of storage, so things aren’t left in walkways. 

Safe work procedures 

Work procedures can also impact on the incidence of slips, trips and falls. Have clear procedures to: 

  • remove rubbish to avoid trip hazards 
  • return tools and other items to their storage areas after use 
  • report and clean spills 

Keep the workplace clean 

All workers share responsibility for keeping the workplace clean and tidy.  

Make sure you: 

  • have adequate rubbish and recycling bins 
  • have cleaning schedules in place 
  • dry floors after cleaning 
  • don’t have cords on walkway or work area floors. 


Training helps workers become more aware of slip and trip hazards and helps to prevent injuries.  

Training should include:  

  • awareness of slip and trip hazards 
  • identifying effective control measures 
  • duties of workers. 

Using personal protective equipment (PPE) 

As a PCBU, you should only use PPE: 

  • after you have implemented all other possible control measures. 
  • as an interim measure until you can use a better control measure 
  • as a backup in addition to other control measures. 

Slip-resistant footwear 

Slip-resistant footwear is a type of PPE. 

Slip-resistant footwear should be appropriate for the work and workers must wear it properly. 

In wet conditions, the shoe sole tread should: 

  • be deep enough to help penetrate the surface water 
  • make direct contact with the floor. 

In dry conditions, the shoe sole tread: 

  • pattern should be a flat bottom construction 
  • should grip the floor with maximum contact area. 

Types of slip-resistant footwear 

Urethane and rubber soles are more slip resistant than vinyl and leather soles.  

Sole materials that have tiny cell like features are slip resistant. 

Supporting information

  • Model Code of Practice: How to manage work health and safety risks  
  • Model Code of Practice: Managing the work environment and facilities 
  • Slips and trips at the workplace fact sheet  
  • The interactive safe work method statement (SWMS) tool provides information on preparing, using and reviewing SWMS for high risk construction work.

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SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your  state or territory work health and safety authority .

We develop national policy relating to WHS and workers' compensation.

Wet Floor Sign

Slip, Trip & Fall Prevention: Assessment

Start reducing slips, trips and falls with a risk assessment using Zurich’s 10-point Slip, Trip & Fall (STF) contributing factor rating system.

Industry All

Delivery Onsite

Pricing Starting at $3,600*

No matter what industry you are in, slips, trips and falls (STFs) account for one of the greatest workers’ compensation and general liability exposures. This can have a significant financial impact on your business. In the U.S., over 8.7 million people are injured by slips, trips and falls every year, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 

To understand where and how STF risks could occur on your property, our risk engineers can perform an STF assessment using Zurich’s 10-point STF contributing factor rating system. The program follows a logical process to identify the areas that have the greatest potential for a slip, trip and fall incident. The 10-point analysis is based on 10 risk factors identified by forensic analysis of Zurich STF claims.

The assessment evaluates designated areas of the property, rating each contributing factor potential from very low to very high. This data helps to develop strategies to minimize the potential risk. We then provide a comprehensive risk improvement report outlining the process, illustrating the results and suggesting ways to reduce the risk of slip, trip and fall incidents. 

The Zurich 10-point method of evaluating areas starts with understanding the contributing risk factors that commonly combine to cause a slip, trip and fall event. We have outlined these contributing factors in an evaluation form that is designed to be easy to use. We will show you how to use the tool step by step, providing examples where appropriate. 

This solution is available in the United States but may not be available in other jurisdictions. For solution needs outside the United States, contact Zurich to be connected with a Zurich Resilience Solutions representative where available.

*Pricing subject to change.

In the U.S., over 8.7 million people are injured by slips, trips and falls every year. * [1]

How safe are your floors? What about your stairs? Have people fallen recently?

We have helped many businesses eliminate or minimize STF incidents​.

Assessments are conducted in a way that avoids disruption to your operations​.

Assessment includes Zurich’s 10-point STF contributing factors guide for future self-assessments.

[1] According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

How It Works

Phone discussion to understand your needs and loss history​

Game plan created for the onsite visit​

Initial plan outlines specific areas to be assessed​

STF assessment carried out, rating the contributing factors ​

Preliminary results reviewed​

STF risk improvement report compiled and delivered

Supporting Downloads

Slip, trip and fall assessment guide

Is this solution right for you?

Talk to one of our specialists today to learn more

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Am Fam Physician. 2024;110(2):online

As published by the USPSTF.

The full recommendation statement is available at https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/recommendation/falls-prevention-community-dwelling-older-adults-interventions . The USPSTF recommendations are independent of the U.S. government. They do not represent the views of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or the U.S. Public Health Service.

This series is coordinated by Joanna Drowos, DO, contributing editor.

A collection of USPSTF recommendation statements published in AFP is available at https://www.aafp.org/afp/uspstf .

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  • How to stay safe while traveling this fall

Travel Troubleshooter

Like many Americans, I’m traveling this fall. And like many Americans, I’m wondering: Is it safe to travel this fall?

It all depends, experts say.

“This fall, there are a few things travelers should be concerned about from a safety standpoint,” notes John Gobbels, chief operating officer of Medjet .

For example:

  • Have you seen the “TOURISTS GO HOME” signs in Europe this summer? Some popular destinations are slamming the door in our faces, fearful that too many tourists will destroy their cities. It’s a valid concern, but you don’t want to be caught in the middle of that.
  • Instability is on the rise. The wars in the Middle East and Ukraine are more complicated than ever and unlikely to be resolved by this fall. In fact, the Israel-Hamas war is threatening to spread to other parts of the region, potentially complicating travel to destinations now considered safe.
  • The U.S. elections aren’t helping. This presidential race may be the most contentious one in recent memory, which could affect your safety. “Americans should be mindful of local feelings toward them and have a plan if negative sentiments actually start to feel threatening to their safety,” says Gobbels. 

In other words, if you’re taking a short, domestic trip, there’s nothing extraordinary awaiting you. But if you’re going abroad, things may get interesting this fall. 

“It’s going to be a relatively normal travel pattern,” says John Rose, chief risk and security officer for ALTOUR , a travel management company. But you will still need to take some precautions.

Here’s where I’m headed this fall — and why I’m a little nervous

I’m on the road 365 days a year, which means I think about travel safety constantly. I’m planning to be in several destinations this fall, and frankly, I’m a little worried. Here’s what I’m doing to stay safe:

  • I’m starting my itinerary in Dublin, which has a fairly good reputation for safety — although there are parts of the city that I would be wise to avoid. I plan to spend most of my time working in my apartment and sightseeing in all the popular attractions. Tourist traps with lots of foreign visitors can be scary because they attract petty thieves and criminals, so careful planning is a must.
  • I’ll also be in Istanbul — a city with a reasonable safety record unless you are stupid. And by “stupid” I mean accepting an invitation to a bar from a friendly stranger and then getting suckered into buying overpriced drinks, which is a well-known scam. I’m also wary of discussing politics and religion of any kind in Turkey. If I keep my head down, I should be absolutely fine.
  • My final stop this fall is Doha, Qatar. I visited this place during the pandemic, just as it was gearing up for the World Cup, and I found that it was one of the safest places on the planet. I will be there during the U.S. presidential election, and I have promised myself that if asked about Trump or Harris, I will immediately change the subject to the weather.

So when it comes to safety, I’m right there with you. And I’m a little worried, too.

Pro advice for staying safe when you travel this fall

You can avoid dangerous situations this fall by following these simple tips from security experts.

Research your destination very carefully

Don’t book a trip somewhere without doing your homework, even if you’ve been there many times. Things change, says Jeremy Murchland, CEO of Seven Corners .

“Something that should be top of mind for every savvy traveler is what is happening politically at your destination,” he adds. “From overtourism protests to election cycles to labor strikes, current events can impact your ability to travel. In extreme circumstances, they also can put you at higher risk than normal.”

Seven Corners has been monitoring the security situation, and Murchland says he’s noticed an increase in tensions heading into the fall travel season.

Make a plan and follow it

Once you know what potential dangers you face, you’ll need to come up with a plan, according to Carrie Hartman, president of the global business travel and relocation platform 3Sixty . For example, consider this fall’s predicted hyperactive hurricane season.

“Having an emergency plan in place — including knowledge of local shelters and emergency contacts — can literally be lifesaving,” she says.

Don’t wait until you arrive before coming up with a plan because by then, it might be too late.

Stay away from politics

As tempting as it might be to talk about your favorite candidate, don’t.

“The presidential election in the United States is looked at very negatively in most of the world, regardless of which side of the political spectrum you might fall on,” says Rose, the ALTOUR security expert.

“Because of this, it’s highly advisable to refrain from any political discussions, especially about the countries that you’re visiting. Visitors can actually be jailed in some countries for creating a discussion on that country’s politics, especially if they consider it to be negative in tone.”

Stay safe this fall

Bottom line: You can stay safe by taking a few simple steps — and avoiding dangerous places. And there are also a few new tricks that will help you stay out of trouble.

“While it’s impossible to eliminate all risks completely, there are proven ways to significantly mitigate them,” says Daniel Durazo, director of external communications at Allianz Partners USA. 

Allianz has released a new version of Allyz TravelSmart , its travel app, that has dedicated safety alerts. Anyone can download and use the app, which also offers a hospital finder to quickly point you in the direction of a nearby health care facility and a medical dictionary.

Also, if you don’t mind letting the government know where you’ll be, you can register for the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. It’s a free service that allows U.S. citizens and nationals traveling abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. The State Department will notify you if there’s a problem at your destination and may be able to offer assistance.

So is it safe to travel this fall? Yes — as long as you take a few commonsense precautions.

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The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times.

Taking a trip this fall? Here's the one travel tip you should follow

There's one thing Jerry Slaff won't do when he travels to Edinburgh and Dublin this fall: complain.

He's hoping to avoid summer tourists by going in October.

But if he doesn't – if he gets stuck in a long line or has to fight the crowds at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery – he'll stay quiet. Slaff, a playwright from Rockville, Maryland, figures that travelers did plenty of griping this summer and people are tired of it. Also, complaining doesn't change anything. So why bother? 

Check out Elliott Confidential , the newsletter the travel industry doesn't want you to read. Each issue is filled with breaking news, deep insights, and exclusive strategies for becoming a better traveler. But don't tell anyone!

That's not the only thing smart travelers aren't doing this fall. They're avoiding some popular destinations, as well as shying away from ambitious itineraries and last-minute decisions about their trips. But there is one thing everyone must avoid this fall – and I'll tell you in a second.

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What's the outlook for fall travel?

Travel is still expensive and chaotic but this fall travelers will see a little relief compared to summer. A new survey by travel insurance company Faye suggests 68% of American travelers plan to go somewhere during the upcoming fall and winter season, down 3% from last year. And half of them plan to leave the country, which is a continuation of a travel trend that started earlier this year.

Here's what they can expect: 

  • Airfares are mixed for fall travelers. Domestic ticket prices are down 11% compared to this time last year, to an average round-trip fare of $257, according to the airfare app Hopper. If you're flying to Europe, they're down only 2% ($813 round-trip), but if you're headed to Asia, ticket prices are up 4% from last fall ($1,417).
  • Hotel rates have slipped but remain higher than last fall. The average room rate is $183, up 11% compared to this time in 2022, but down from summer highs of over $200 per night, said Hopper.
  • Car rental rates are falling. Preliminary booking data shows a 15% decline in the average car rental rate compared with last fall, said Mark Mannell, CEO of CarRentalSavers.com . But the lines at the counter may stay. "Agencies are still understaffed, and we have seen some long lines at locations that serve a lot of international travelers," warned Mannell.

Overall, that's good news. And there's more: Travelers like Slaff, who are headed to Europe, won't have to worry about paying the $7 fee to be charged by the new European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). It's been postponed to early 2024.

So it's a much better time to travel than this hyper-busy summer, as I explain in my free guide to fall travel . But what should you not do when you travel this autumn?

Visit a summer destination

Some travelers try to outsmart the seasonal crowds by booking a traditional summer destination, like a beach, during the fall. Bad idea. "A lot of people go to places like the Greek Islands and Amalfi Coast in October, when the prices reduce significantly," said George Morgan-Grenville, CEO of Red Savannah , a tour operator. "But what they often don’t realize is that the tourist infrastructure is being dismantled for the winter. Many or all of the restaurants can be shut, beach clubs have closed, and the towns and villages are going on vacation themselves."

Wait to book

Travelers assume that because it's the off-season, they'll be able to wait until the last minute to book. But with demand still high, this is not the fall to try that, said experts like Duncan Greenfield-Turk, chief travel designer at Global Travel Moments . "Don't procrastinate," he said. "Availability may be limited during this vibrant travel season." That's particularly true of some of the more popular tourist destinations in France, Greece, Italy and Portugal.

Schedule a tight connection

Think all of our summer air travel troubles are over? Not so, said Bob Bacheler, the managing director of Flying Angels , a medical transport company. Airlines are not out of the woods, and with the holiday travel season approaching, it's better to play it safe. Bacheler pointed out that on average, a quarter of flights experience a delay. So there's a reasonably good chance you'll get delayed if you're flying. "Any connection with less than one hour is asking for trouble," he said.

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Vacation in a popular tourist attraction

I know, I know. You put off your summer vacations because you wanted to see the Colosseum in Rome or climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower. But you might want to wait a little bit longer, said Nathan Heinrich, host of the I'm Moving To Italy! Podcast. "Areas that usually only fill to capacity during the summer months are expected to be overbooked this fall as well," he said. He's telling his listeners to head for less crowded places like Piemonte or the Prosecco Hills of northern Italy.

Here's the one thing you absolutely must not do when you travel this fall

Most importantly, don't overlook your paperwork. Yeah, it sounds boring, but believe me, it is anything but that when you have a paperwork problem.

Just last week, my sons and I were almost denied entry into Vietnam. My son had filled out his visa incorrectly – he said his port of entry was Ho Chi Minh City instead of Da Nang – and they nearly turned us away at the border.

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Truth is, no one wants to think about paperwork until they have to. And by then it's often too late. Whether it's COVID test requirements on a cruise or your passport renewal, paperwork has never been more important. The State Department currently takes 10 to 13 weeks to process a new passport . That means if you don't have a valid passport by Labor Day, your fall trip just became a winter trip.

"Avoid waiting until the last minute to renew your passport," said David Alwadish, CEO of ItsEasy Passport & Visa Services . Also, bear in mind that for many popular fall destinations, you need at least six months of validity on your passport in order to get into the country. 

So check your paperwork, and then recheck it. Otherwise, you could end up like me: waiting nervously in a line at customs in Da Nang, and hoping that the customs agent is feeling generous.

Fortunately, she was.

Christopher Elliott  is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded  Elliott Advocacy , a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes  Elliott Confidential , a travel newsletter, and the  Elliott Report , a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can  reach him here  or email him at  [email protected] .

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Feeling like fall!


Clear skies overnight in this unseasonably cool and dry air mass will lead to low temperatures dropping through the 50s. There will be towns waking up to the upper 40s! Clouds bubbling up today could produce a few showers thanks to an upper level low pressure system. Warmer temperatures are on the way to end the week.


The weekend is looking fantastic! Plan on plenty of sunshine Friday through Sunday, it will be warmer with highs in the mid 80s and a touch more humidity. It will stay dry for any outdoor plans this weekend, but rain chances increase Monday with an approaching front.

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Ukraine war latest: Russia takes 'strategically important' town - as it creeps towards major population centres

Russia claims to have taken control of the Donetsk town of Niu-York, calling it a strategically important logistics hub. It comes as civilians are fleeing the city of Pokrovsk in Donetsk amid heightened attacks. Leave a question for our military analysts in the box below.

Tuesday 20 August 2024 18:40, UK

  • Zelenskyy says situation in the east is 'difficult'
  • Russia claims to have taken control of Donetsk town of Niu-York - and say it's strategically important
  • Civilians flee Ukrainian city as Russian attacks intensify
  • Firefighters in Ternopil grapple with blaze after strike
  • Michael Clarke : Battle of bridges is about to begin
  • Putin 'in a position he never dreamt of in his worst nightmares'  
  • Your questions answered: What is Ukraine hoping to achieve with invasion of Russia?
  • Live reporting by Kieren Williams 

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Later this week military analysts Sean Bell and Michael Clarke will answer your questions on Ukraine's invasion of the Russian region of Kursk - and the wider war.

What does the incursion mean for the conflict and, on the opposite side, how quickly is Russia advancing inside Ukraine?

Submit your question in the box at the top of this page.

That's all our live coverage on the war in Ukraine for now.

We will be back if there are any major developments this evening. 

If not, we'll be back tomorrow with all the latest updates.

Before we go, here's a reminder of today's key events:

  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that the situation in the east is 'difficult' as Ukraine warns Russia has redirected troops into the region to continue their advance there;
  • Moscow claims to have taken the strategically important town of Niu-York as it attempts to continue across the region;
  • While Ukraine is ceding ground to Russia in the east, it has an opportunity in Kursk to seize more territory, Sky News' military analyst Professor Michael Clarke has said;
  • A fire continues to rage for a third day at a Russian oil depot hit by a Ukrainian drone attack;
  • Meanwhile, firefighters in the Ukrainian city of Ternopil are also battling a fire after a fuel reservoir was hit;
  • The US are insisting their policy on the use of American weapons in Russia has "not changed" - even in light of recent pressure from Mr Zelenskyy.

Ukraine is said to be making "marginal advances" in the Kursk region as fighting continues, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has said.

We've brought you news on Ukraine's struggles in the east of Ukraine (see 14.35 post) but further north, Kyiv's incursion into Russia continues.

On 6 August, Ukraine threw a surprise counterpunch that saw their troops surge across the border into Russia.

Ukraine has previously claimed to have captured 1,250sq/km (480 square miles) and 92 settlements in Kursk, forcing tens of thousands to flee (see 12.53 post).

Today, Ukraine's army chief said that its forces had advanced 28-35km (17-21 miles) into Kursk.

But the US-based thinktank said that, while still making progress, Ukraine was no longer eating up Russian territory as fast as it once was.

Using geolocated footage from 19 August, Ukrainian forces were confirmed to be in Vishnevka, the ISW said, around 14km (8.5 miles) from the border.

The Russian defence ministry said that they had struck forces operating in that area - potentially tacitly acknowledging the progress Kyiv had made.

It is known that Ukraine has targeted bridges in the region, perhaps as an effort to stifle Russian attempts to counter their incursion.

But Kyiv's army chief said that Russia was moving troops from other directions to Kursk, to strengthen its positions there.

Even facing losses further east, Sky News' military analyst Professor Michael Clarke said there were still opportunities from Kyiv in Kursk nonetheless (see 12.39 post).

These pictures show Kyiv's forces on the frontline in the Donetsk region.

Russian forces have been advancing in recent days and threaten to seize key settlements, including Pokrovsk.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has described the situation in the east as "difficult".

Vladimir Putin's recent trip to Azerbaijan was an "effort to shift focus away" from Ukraine's Kursk attack, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has said.

The Russian president recently spent two days in the country where he tried to present himself as an "effective diplomat", the research group said.

The content and presentation of the visit did not stray beyond the usual, but...

"The timing of this visit is noteworthy given the ongoing situation in Kursk Oblast and the Kremlin's continued efforts to downplay the Ukrainian incursion's magnitude and impact," ISW said.

They added: "Russian state media focused on Putin's trip to Azerbaijan, amplifying minute details, likely in part to divert attention from the uncomfortable situation in Russia by saturating the information space with a showcase of the Kremlin's global diplomatic engagement and alleged successes."

Away from the battlefield, Ukraine has passed a law paving the way to ban the Russia-linked minority Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in the country.

Kyiv has cast the UOC as complicit in the Kremlin's invasion.

They have accused it of aiding Moscow's 30-month assault by spreading pro-Russian propaganda and housing spies.

A new bill passed in parliament bans the Russian Orthodox Church and the government will assemble a list of "affiliated" groups who will face similar treatment.

Russian security services (FSB) have detained a scientist over suspected treason, according to reports.

A scientist in Moscow allegedly carried out suspected cyberattacks on behalf of Ukraine, Interfax news agency has said.

The distributed denial-of-service attacks were said to have been carried out on critical infrastructure on behalf of Ukrainian security services, it quoted the FSB as saying.

It was added that the scientist sent money to the Ukrainian military, as well as gathering information on Russian armed forces.

The suspect, the FSB claimed, had confessed, although it was not immediately clear when the arrest was made.

Russian media outlets published what they claimed was footage of the scientist's detention.

Footage also shows a man arrested in a snow-covered city, suggesting they had been detained some time ago.

 Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said the situation in the east, near Toretsk, is "difficult", amid Russian advances in the region.

There have been 14 combat clashes reported in the Toretsk area and 34 in the Pokrovsk sector since the start of the day, Ukraine's general staff said.

Russia has sent more troops to Pokrovsk today, according to the Ukrainian army, to support the offensive there - seemingly in an effort to capitalise on momentum.

In our 13.37 post we mentioned that Russia had taken Niu-York, which is less than six miles (10km) from Toretsk, and this morning we reported on the evacuation of the nearby Pokrovsk (8.05am post).

Despite successes in its Kursk invasion, Kyiv has struggled in its east, losing ground to Russian forces.

"The Ukrainians have been under tremendous pressure [there] for several months, but it's becoming intolerable now at Toretsk - which is quite a small place but it's important because it's close to Pokrovsk and Chasiv Yar," Sky News' military analyst Professor Michael Clarke said.

The latter, Prof Clarke said, is important because it is high ground that controls movement towards Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, and Pokrovsk is important because it is a transport hub and controls movements north and westwards.

Prof Clarke added: "They're struggling to maintain their hold on the area. 

"And that's the problem here... Kramatorsk and Sloviansk are the really important places, if Russia gets them, it gets the whole of the Donbas."

Russia has summoned a senior US diplomat to protest the presence of American journalists in Kursk.

Moscow has complained about the "provocative actions" of journalists in the region.

On 6 August, Ukraine launched an incursion into Russia, taking many by surprise.

Now, the Russian foreign ministry has said it told US Charge d'Affaires Stephanie Holmes that reporters had illegally crossed into the region too.

It added that Russia intended to prosecute them.

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was recently freed in a historic prison swap - after being jailed on alleged espionage charges.

Russia has claimed to have taken control of the Donetsk town of Niu-York.

Moscow described the town as a strategically important logistics hub, in eastern Ukraine.

While Russia refers to Niu-York as Novgorodskoye - the Russian spelling of the settlement's Soviet-era name - Ukraine gave it back its original name in 2021.

In a statement, the Russian Defence Ministry claimed to have "liberated" the town.

Earlier in the day, the Ukrainian military said that heavy fighting was under way in the Toretsk sector, including in Niu-York.

Sky News has not verified Russia's claims, but if true it would show Moscow is creeping ever closer to the larger population centres in the region.

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trip and fall risk


  1. How to Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls

    What are Slips, Trips, and Falls? Slips, trips, and falls are among the most common hazards in the workplace. They put many workers at risk of sprains, strains, cuts, bruises, fractures, and other injuries. At worst, they can also lead to death, especially in high-risk occupations such as construction.

  2. Slips, Trips, and Falls: Understanding, Preventing, and Mitigating

    Slips, trips, and falls have far-reaching effects, affecting individuals and society. Personal i njuries range from minor cuts, bruises, sprains, and abrasions to fractures, dislocations, and head injuries (National Safety Council, 2021). The medical expenses associated with treating STF-related injuries can be substantial, including hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing care ...

  3. Slips, Trips, and Falls: Preventing Workplace Trip Hazards

    Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention. Some slip, trip, and fall prevention measures are permanent, including: Adequate lighting. Handrails. Slip-resistant surfaces in high-risk areas. Effective drainage, ventilation, and other methods to keep surfaces dry. Marking the edges of steps or elevation changes.

  4. Slips, Trips and Falls

    Hazards in the Workplace. In 2022, 865 workers died in falls, and hundreds of thousands were injured badly enough to require days off of work. A worker doesn't have fall from a high level to suffer fatal injuries; 144 workers were killed in falls on the same level in 2022, according to Injury Facts. Construction workers are most at risk for ...

  5. Fall Prevention: 9 Ways to Avoid Slips, Trips, and Falls

    Many different types of assistive devices can help prevent falls or trips. They can also reduce a fall's severity or complications if any happen. Assistive devices for fall prevention can include: supportive tools while up and about, such as: ... Digital assessment of falls risk, frailty, and mobility impairment using wearable sensors. https ...

  6. Fall prevention: Simple tips to prevent falls

    Your health care provider may evaluate your muscle strength, balance and walking style (gait) as well. 2. Keep moving. Physical activity can go a long way toward fall prevention. With your health care provider's OK, consider activities such as walking, water workouts or tai chi — a gentle exercise that involves slow and graceful dance-like ...


    revent slips, trips and fall. ean up spills immediately. Install warning signs for wet floor areas (in. uding freshly mopped floors).Wear shoes with good support and slip-resistant sole. appropriate for the job task.Remove tripping hazards in. walkways, doorways and stairs. Keep drawers and cabin.

  8. PDF Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention

    Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention | 5 Table 1. Slip, trip and fall (STF) workers' compen-sation claims by body part injured, 1996-2005. Body part n % of total STF claims Lower extremities 185 44.9 Upper extremities 69 16.7 Multiple body parts 67 16.7 Back/trunk 73 16.2 Head/neck 18 4.3 Unknown 60 12.7 Total 472 100.0 Source: Bell et al. 2008 ...

  9. PDF Slips Trips Falls Hand out for Safety Committee Meetings

    Slips, trips, and falls cause nearly 700 fatalities per year and many more injurious accident in the workplace according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are three physical factors involved in slips, trips, and falls: friction, momentum, and gravity. Each one plays a role. Friction is the resistance between objects, momentum is affected ...

  10. CCOHS: Prevention of Slips, Trips and Falls

    Housekeeping. Good housekeeping is the first and the most important (fundamental) level of preventing falls due to slips and trips. It includes: cleaning all spills immediately. marking spills and wet areas. mopping or sweeping debris from floors. removing obstacles from walkways and always keeping walkways free of clutter.

  11. PDF Prevent Tip sheet Slips, Trips and Falls

    Prevent Slips, Trips and FallsTip sheetWe may not consider slipping at home or tripping on the sidewalk to. e serious risks, but they can be deadly. Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional-injury-related deaths overall in the U.S. and the number one cause of death for those 68 and older, according.

  12. Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

    Death in more serious cases. For example, a person may slip and fall off an open side of a building if it is not barricaded. Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls. The table below lists: Hazards associated with slips, trips and falls. Examples of risk control measures that your risk assessment team can take to minimise or eliminate the risks ...

  13. PDF Slip, Trip & Fall Prevention Handbook

    develop a risk management plan which identifies, assesses, controls and monitors safety hazards and risks. The following information, together with the slips, trips and falls risk management tool and worksheet at the back of this booklet, will help you develop a risk management plan and record your assessments.

  14. Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

    Workplace injuries from slips, trips and falls result in more than 260,000 missed workdays a year. The average worker misses 11 days of work following such injuries. And these injuries cost employers an average of $20,000 per incident, according to EHS Today, a trade magazine for environmental health and safety professionals.

  15. Slips, Trips, And Falls Hazards

    Appropriate Footwear for Different Surfaces. Wearing the right footwear can significantly reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Choose shoes with good traction, especially for wet or slippery surfaces. Protective footwear should be worn in workplaces where specific hazards are present, such as construction sites.

  16. 6 Tips to Help Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

    A stumble down a stairway. A trip over an uneven surface. Slipping on the ice. It can lead to a variety of regrettable events ranging from a simple bruised shin to an extremely serious injury. It's just one of a number of conditions and situations that set the stage for slips, trips and falls in the workplace. According to the U.S. Department ...

  17. PDF Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Guide

    Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Guide Slips, trips, and falls can never be fully prevented, though necessary measures should be taken to eliminate STF hazards as much as possible. Slips, trips, and falls are the leading cause of accidents/injuries at businesses and workplaces. In fact - slips, trips, and falls are the most frequent causes of ...

  18. Understanding the Factors of Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries

    Objects or other hazards that the worker can fall against. Comprehensive slip, trip and fall assessments for creating effective fall prevention improvements must consider all of these factors. It is a convenient strategy to construct a simple "fall factors" checklist to create a process that will always be followed in an assessment.

  19. - Slips, trips and falls

    The best way to manage the risk of slips, trips and falls is to eliminate hazards at the design stage of the workplace. If you can't eliminate the risk, you must minimise it so far as is reasonably practicable. Designing safe workplaces . In designing floors, stairs, lighting, drainage and storage:

  20. Identifying & Managing Slip, Trip & Fall Risks

    Slip, trip and fall injuries can also result from inattention and distractions such as carrying items, using a cell phone, having a discussion or listening to music. Analyzing Risk Potential. A first-time slip, trip and fall audit can produce a lengthy list of findings. As with other safety risk assessments, it is important to prioritize each ...

  21. Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention

    Implementation of effective slip, trip and fall improvement requires the right tools, people and communications. We can help your slip, trip and fall prevention team define and document the policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities needed to effectively reduce slip, trip and fall incidents. We also can help your team develop the tools ...

  22. Slip, Trip and Fall Risk Management Guide (USA)

    Slip, Trip and Fall Risk Management Guide (USA) Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of accidents and/or injuries at businesses and workplaces. The National Safety Council estimates that 25,000 slip and fall accidents occur daily in the U.S., accounting for 15 percent of all workplace accidents. According to the Occupational Safety ...

  23. Slip , Trip & Fall Prevention: Assessment

    In the U.S., over 8.7 million people are injured by slips, trips and falls every year, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. To understand where and how STF risks could occur on your property, our risk engineers can perform an STF assessment using Zurich's 10-point STF contributing factor rating system. The ...

  24. Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    The USPSTF recommends that clinicians individualize the decision to offer multifactorial interventions to prevent falls to community-dwelling adults 65 years or older who are at increased risk for ...

  25. How to stay safe while traveling this fall

    Here's where I'm headed this fall — and why I'm a little nervous. I'm on the road 365 days a year, which means I think about travel safety constantly.

  26. Planning fall travel? Here's the one thing you should avoid

    If you're flying to Europe, they're down only 2% ($813 round-trip), but if you're headed to Asia, ticket prices are up 4% from last fall ($1,417). Hotel rates have slipped but remain higher than ...

  27. Weather Alert: Tracking heavy rain and storms today

    It's another gloomy start to the day with low clouds and fog, we also have some rain and the risk for thunderstorms moving through. Be prepared for rain at any point throughout the day, but we will also manage to squeeze in some dry times too. Any storms this afternoon will be capable of producing heavy rain, lightning, and gusty wind.

  28. Ukraine war latest: Russia takes 'strategically important' town

    Vladimir Putin's recent trip to Azerbaijan was an "effort to shift focus away" from Ukraine's Kursk attack, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has said. ... they "take a bigger risk", Prof ...