How to Create a Trip Planning Spreadsheet [5 Free Templates]

  • Last updated April 25, 2023

Travel planning can get exhausting, especially when you have no clear starting point. You can make this (at least) tolerable by creating a trip planning spreadsheet. Here, you can keep your itinerary, transportation details, budget allocation, and similar aspects.

In this article, we’ll discuss how you can create a trip planning spreadsheet using Google Sheets and why it’s so useful. We’ll also provide five different templates you can readily use for your travel planning.

Table of Contents

How to Create a Trip Planning Spreadsheet on Google Sheets

Step 1: make multiple tabs on your spreadsheet.

To keep your travel planner tidy, you should first create several tabs inside your spreadsheet. This allows you to categorize the kinds of information you’re going to deal with. For example, you can separate your flight details from your budget planning.

Follow the instructions below to do this.

  • Launch your browser, then go to .
  • Click “ Blank ” under the “ Start a new spreadsheet ” section.

Creating a blank spreadsheet on Google Sheets

  • Hover over the name of the current worksheet (usually named “ Sheet1 ”), click on the drop-down arrow, then select “Rename.”

Renaming a worksheet on Google Sheets

  • Type your preferred worksheet name, then press  “Enter”  or “Return”  on your keyboard.
  • To add another worksheet, click on the  “Add Sheet”  icon (plus + symbol) at the bottom-left corner of your screen.

Adding another worksheet in Google Sheets

  • Repeat steps 1 to 4 to rename the worksheet.

Common Tabs to Add

You can create many kinds of worksheets depending on your specific requirements. Here are some common tabs you’d typically see in a trip planning spreadsheet:

  • Itinerary: Include the basic details of the places you plan to be in, like dinner reservations, conferences you need to attend, tourist attractions, etc.
  • Transportation: Keep your flight schedule, the routes you plan to take, your commute options (car rental, bus, etc.), and similar information.
  • Accommodation: List the names and locations of your lodgings. You can also include whether or not you’ve made a reservation already, the room prices, and more.
  • Food: Plan where you can get your meals, the restaurants you want to visit, and the average costs of eating out.
  • Budget: Track your day-to-day expenses and see how much money you’re left with.
  • Packing List: Don’t leave anything essential at home before embarking on your trip — passports, IDs, cash, and similar things.
  • Activities:  List the things that you can do at your destination, like bar hopping, nightlife activities, concerts, and so on.

Step 2: Add Column Headers

After creating multiple tabs, you can further categorize your details using column headers. These are found at the top of your worksheet, describing what kind of values are present in a column’s cells.

To add column headers, simply follow these steps.

  • Click on the first cell (cell A1) in the upper-left corner of your worksheet.
  • Enter your preferred column header, such as “Location”  (as used in our example).
  • Repeat the previous step for other cells in the same row. (We used the headers “Date,” “Time,” “Transportation,” “Costs,”  and  “Status”  in our example below).

Adding column headers in Google Sheets

  • Once done, select all the column headers you’ve added, then click “Bold”  in the toolbar.

How to bold text in Google Sheets

  • Alternatively, you can make them bold by pressing “Ctrl” + “B” (or “Cmd” + “B”  for Mac) on your keyboard.

Common Column Headers

The column headers we’ve used in the demonstration above are applicable to the Itinerary tab. Keep in mind that you can virtually use any word or phrase for your column headers, though. Below are some options you can consider.

For the Accommodation tab

  • Nearby shops and attractions
  • Room prices

For the Transportation tab

  • Travel date and times
  • Flight details, such as flight schedule and flight number
  • Car rental company, including name, address, and contact number

For the Budget tab

  • Daily budget
  • Total budget
  • Total amount spent
  • Amount remaining
  • Expense description

After adding your column headers, you can start filling out the fields with your information.

Step 3: Personalize Your Travel Planning Spreadsheet

All that’s left for you to do is add a touch of creativity to your vacation spreadsheet. Here are some ways you can do this.

Use Conditional Formatting

The term “conditional formatting” simply refers to a change in a cell’s appearance when certain requirements are met. Below is an example where we change a cell’s color to green when it contains the word  “Done.”

  • Right-click on a cell, then select “View more cell actions” > “Conditional formatting.”

Accessing Google Sheets conditional formatting

  • On the side panel that appears, click the drop-down list under the “Format cells if…”  menu.

Conditional formatting in Google Sheets

  • Select  “Text is exactly”  from the options.

Changing conditional formatting rules in Google Sheets

  • Type  “Done”  in the “Value or formula”  field.
  • Click on the “Done”  button to save your changes.

Adding conditional formatting rules in Google Sheets

  • Drag the cell’s contents to copy the conditional formatting rules to other cells.

Use Alternating Colors

If you’re dealing with a lot of details, you can also use alternating colors, making it easier for you to read. Here’s how to enable different cell colors on your spreadsheet.

  • Select the cells you want to display in alternating colors.
  • On the menu bar, select “Format” > “Alternating colors.”

How to add alternating colors in Google Sheets

  • Choose your preferred color, then click the  “Done”  button to save your changes.

Selecting alternating color styles in Google Sheets

When to Use a Trip Planner Template

You can use spreadsheets every time you’re planning a trip — there’s no reason you shouldn’t! They are handy regardless of whether you’re traveling to a nearby town or going on an overseas vacation.

How about trip planner templates? Well, if you don’t have the time to create a spreadsheet from scratch, using a template would be excellent. These are some helpful pre-made planners that are ready for you to fill out.

Free Google Sheets Trip Planner Templates

1. daily itinerary planner spreadsheet.

Daily Itinerary Planner Spreadsheet screenshot

Especially when traveling to faraway places, going into detail about the activities you plan to do daily is a good practice. You can share this daily itinerary with the people you went on a trip with, letting them know where to find you in case of grave situations.

Template Features

  • Categorize your itinerary into multiple days (which are color-coded for organization)
  • Describe your activities in a separate section and indicate the time and location where you’ll do them
  • List the diners or restaurants where you can eat near the location of your activity
  • Schedule your day properly by indicating the end time for each activity

Access Template

2. Travel Budget Template

Travel Budget Template screenshot

Allocating your travel budget ahead of time lets you set boundaries when it comes to spending. This lets you know what costs you need to put first, too. Such money allocation is rarely followed, though (with impulsive purchases and unplanned expenses), making it important to have an expense planner and tracker throughout your trip.

  • Categorize your expenses per location according to the transportation you used, your accommodation, food you ate, and activities you did
  • Pick from a drop-down list of common transportation methods (e.g., bus, car rental, ferry, etc.)
  • Enter your total and daily budget allocation, as well as their converted counterparts in your destination’s local currency
  • Automatically calculate your daily expenses, including the total amount spent and your remaining budget for the day
  • Calculate your total expenses throughout the trip, as well as the amount remaining from your budget

3. Travel Checklist Template

Travel Checklist Template screenshot

Successful and non-stressful trips can’t go without good preparation. For example, you’d want to ensure that your passport hasn’t expired yet before strutting over to your flight. A travel checklist spreadsheet would be handy in this case.

  • Set a completion status for each of your to-dos
  • Categorize your to-do list into  “Travel prep,” “Home prep,” “Transportation,”  and “Money/documents”
  • Add notes to each item on the list
  • Set a due date for your to-dos
  • Determine the number of days remaining for you to accomplish the things listed with an automatic counter included
  • Automatically count the number of tasks that are not yet done and those already finished

4. Destination Planner Spreadsheet

Destination Planner Spreadsheet screenshot

Researching your destination should always be part of your planning. For example, you want to know the available hotels and accommodations that you can opt for in your target location. This lets you find the ones with the lowest prices, the most convenient in terms of route, and more.

Knowing the current climate and the community there would be essential too. This allows you to anticipate what things to bring, what activities you can possibly do, and similar aspects.

  • Enter your destination’s information, such as its current season, whether it’s rural or urban, and more
  • List the tourist spots that you can visit in your destination, including their name, specific location, and transportation route
  • Detail the activities that you want to do, together with their category, description, duration, and estimated expenses
  • Find and compile a list of all available accommodations in your target location, as well as their name, address, price range, and pros/cons

5. Packing List Template

Packing List Template screenshot

Before your trip, it is helpful to make a packing list of everything you’ll need — bathing essentials, clothing, money, documents, and more. Then, right before leaving your home, you can do a quick check to see if you’ve already placed every item on your list inside your luggage. You can do both with a packing list spreadsheet.

  • Enter the details of your target destination, such as its usual weather, temperature, clothing restrictions, and more
  • Add notes about your packing list
  • Categorize your items by location, like the beach, conference, office, and other places
  • Classify your things by type, such as clothing, money, documents, electronics, etc.
  • Mark the items “Ready” once you have prepared them inside your luggage

Why Use Our Templates?

Below are some reasons you’d want to use the travel spreadsheet templates we have here at Spreadsheet Point :

Formulas and Drop-down Lists

We added several drop-down lists for common topics to make things easier for you. For instance, we included a drop-down where you can select common transportation types like buses, ferries, airplanes, car rentals, and more.

Easy Sharing and Collaboration

All of our templates are built on Google Sheets — you can easily collaborate with your friends in planning your trip with the  “Share”  button.

Color-Coded Categories

We displayed each category in unique colors and shades to keep them tidy.

Other Trips on Planning Your Travel

In addition to the travel planning templates we’ve discussed, here are a few bonus tips you can apply to prepare for your trip:

  • Pick a location that your current finances can accommodate.
  • Don’t bring things that won’t fit inside your backpack to avoid paying for extra luggage costs.
  • When selecting a hotel or apartment, choose one that’s near major transportation lines.
  • Weigh whether taking a bus would be more cost-effective than taking a flight.
  • Always get travel insurance before embarking on your trip — it won’t shield you from accidents, but it will keep you from having an empty bank account.

Enjoy Your Trip with Everything Prepared

A lot of unknowns await you at your destination — unexpected expenses, spontaneous activities, booking problems, and more. With a trip planning spreadsheet, you can minimize these by anticipating the things on your journey. Feel free to use the templates we’ve included here to plan a successful trip today.

You can also access more of these useful templates on our Gumroad  profile. Don’t forget to use the code “ SSP ” to get 50% off all templates!

  • 4 Free Google Sheets Itinerary Templates To Plan Your Trip
  • Build a Schedule Template in Google Sheets [Free Downloads]
  • The 9 Best Google Sheets Templates to Streamline Your Life
  • Google Sheets Expense Tracker: Free Template & How to Use
  • Ultimate Guide to Making a Google Sheets Timeline

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trip planning in excel

The Travel Quandary

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template – Easy To Use Excel Format!

You’re about to embark on your next adventure – hooray! 

Travel planning comes naturally to some who thrive on the challenge to find the best deal on a tour, stay at the coolest hotel or dine at the hottest new restaurant. These travellers are always at the airport on time, check opening hours of attractions before leaving home and have packing down to a fine art form. On the other end of the scale, there are travellers who prefer to go with the flow, do things spontaneously and are happy to rock up to a new destination and “wing it”.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), 1.4 billion people travelled internationally in 2018. And apparently, there are over 750 million users of Microsoft Excel worldwide. There’s a high chance that you’ll fall into both of these categories (we don’t know the exact number but it would make for a pretty neat Venn diagram). And if you also classify yourself as an “unprepared” and/or “unorganised” traveller, our trip planner template is designed to help YOU.

Microsoft Excel is not only used by accountants and finance people. Microsoft Excel has become the ultimate planning and analysis tool, recognised and used worldwide which is why we’ve chosen it to create our trip planner template. We hope you find it useful and welcome your feedback and recommendations!

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template - Easy To Use Excel Format! | trip planner template 1


Why use a spreadsheet to plan your trip.

  • Identify gaps in your itinerary (closures, public holidays, mandatory reservations)
  • Save money (better budget decisions, better choices on trip)
  • To get you excited! You’re going on a holiday! Hooray!

Download your free trip planner template here

Note: For Google Docs template, download the .zip file and upload the spreadsheet to your Google Drive. Once uploaded, open with Google Sheets.

Using this spreadsheet

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template is built into a spreadsheet which is divided into six sections. We’ve built this trip planner to include 16 days of travel but you can adjust the length of the trip by adding or removing columns in the spreadsheet.

Once you’ve confirmed your travel plans, add them here. This is where you can record all your reservations – flight details, accommodation, car rental, equipment rental, tour reservations etc. Listing them on one tab means you can quickly jump in and find those important details when you need them.

2. Planning

Researching airlines, hotels, Airbnbs, car hire, tour operators and travel insurance policies can be exhausting. You’ll probably go through a phase where you’ll have so many tabs open on your browser, it’ll make you want to pull your hair out! If you also need to compare prices and dates with your travel companions, it can become downright overwhelming.

When you find a potential option you like, add it to the “Planning” tab. When your research is condensed into a neat summary, it will be a simple exercise of reviewing all possible suppliers, key dates and prices and then after a process of elimination, you will be left with the most suitable option.

A budget is by no means set in stone. Our budget tab is designed to help with your travel planning decisions. We feel that it is important to understand the costs of a holiday before making any hasty decisions. And we consider it even more important that you don’t spend beyond your means!

We don’t want to sound like party-poopers but the last thing you want is to get ripped off and/or find yourself stuck abroad without any money. By understanding where you plan to spend the bulk of your hard-earned money on your holiday, you can plan where you’ll allow yourself to splurge and other areas where you may need to tighten the purse strings.

For example, we give ourselves extra budget for food and coffee experiences as this is an aspect we love about travelling. We tend to book budget/basic accommodation on the road depending on the destination and available options, as all we need is a bed, access to a (preferably) hot shower in a secure room.

A good chunk of your budget will already be paid or known in advance before you’ve even left home (i.e. flights, some ground transport, accommodation, tours (if applicable) etc), so this should also help when allocating your budget to food, shopping and extras. There will also be times where you need to be strict and say “no” if your gut feeling and bank account tell you that you cannot afford a certain something. Be conservative but also be kind to yourself – you are treating yourself to a holiday after all and you’ll have to spend money to fully enjoy the experience!

4. Itinerary

We spend a lot of time planning our travel itineraries on a day by day basis and even breaking it down to each hour of each day. Some people call us crazy but when we are short on time and have an extensive list of things to see/do/eat/shop etc, we prefer to be organised.

Laying out our trip day by day also helps us to block out periods of time for travel or to take note of when restaurants and attractions are closed. Of course, plans can and will change. Rain may force you indoors (museums, galleries, shopping) or an unknown public holiday may disrupt your planned travel day.

We recommend using this tab to roughly outline your plans and drop in the activities and places you simply cannot miss. You can move activities to different days if your original plan doesn’t work out. If you want, record your daily expenses at the bottom and you can track how your actual spending goes against your budget.

5. Packing List

For those who begrudge packing, it tends to be the case that you will end up wearing 20% of your packed belongings during 80% of your trip. Or if you’ve left packing until the last minute and thrown items higgledy-piggledy into your suitcase, you’ll arrive at your accommodation to realise you’ve forgotten your favourite undies or packed the wrong shoes.

Packing lists work. Once you’ve considered the weather and climate at your destination, your baggage allowance plus the duration of your trip, you can plan what you need and limit unnecessary purchases on the other side.

We’ve compiled a pretty epic packing list covering practically every type of adventure and possibly everything that you may need. Feel free to adjust accordingly to your requirements.

6. Checklist

This is the final step before you walk out your front door to embark on a brand new adventure. Before you go, use this tab to ensure you’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s. And then you’re off!

Bon voyage!


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Give us your feedback of the Trip Planner Template below!

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28 thoughts on “the ultimate trip planner template – easy to use excel format”.

HOLY COW I cannot believe I found EVERYTHING I needed all in one for FREE. I feel like I have ROBBED someone! My partner and I never grew up in households where family vacations were had, so we have no idea what were doing. Thank you kindly to The Travel Quandary. If I can donate, share your page, volunteer, etc. let me know how I can repay <3


How you extend the dates! I am going for a month

This template is so great! Planning a trip to New Zealand and will be traveling around a lot – this is super helpful!


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your files!

Thanks so much for the template. This is a very good start for a traveller like me. Easy to use!

Amazing template! Exactly what I needed. Thank you!

Thank you for the great tool! I was wondering if theres a way to enter an end date as well to the itenerary?

Hi there! I was wrapped to see that the template is created by some Aussies! and local ones as well. I’m from Melbourne! Template is a charm! Just what I’ve been looking for ages! Planning our Europe trip for 2023 that got cancelled in 2020! (We all know why!!) Will let you know how it goes and will definitely check out your website! Thanks,

Hi Rosanna, we’re so glad to hear that you’ve found this template useful! Very jealous that you’re planning an escapade to Europe. No doubt it will be amazing! Safe travels 🙂

Thankyou for your post on THE ULTIMATE TRIP PLANNER TEMPLATE on excel. It is very usefull. I have been using this template to plan my trips for a while now and it has saved me a lot of time. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a travel planner.

Didn’t work. At least, not on my version of excel.

something about “delimited” something or another.

Hi Piotr, We’re sorry to hear this. What version of excel are you using? Are you on a Mac or PC? If you wish, we can email you an Excel copy of the template.

So so sooo helpful! I’m happy to find this great itinerary template! Thank you so much.

Thanks Tahira! We’re so glad that you found it helpful. Enjoy your travels! 🙂

Hi Tahira, we’re thrilled you found this template helpful. Enjoy your travels!

I needed this so much, easy and simply. Thank you for a great spreadsheet.

Thanks Nga! Happy travel planning!

Hi Nga, we’re so glad you loved this spreadsheet. Hope you had an amazing travel adventure!

Thank you , soooo much ! I appreciate you putting this together and sharing it

Hi Priscilla! So glad that you found this planning template useful! We hope you enjoy your trip!

I am so excited to find this. (Thank you, Pinterest!) I will be leaving in a month on an eight day train trip and this is exactly what I needed to get all my ducks in a row. Thank you so much!

HiTeresa! We’re so glad to hear this and so exciting for you. Enjoy your trip!

This is great! Found this as i was looking for a newer travel planner and this is very helpful and user friendly!

We’re so glad to hear this! Happy travel planning!

great tool. never used a planner before and it has most every item to consider… add a route sheet for those who driving to, during and back from their vacations…

Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback. We’ll look into adding a new tab for routes.

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All About Planners

Printable planners to organize your home, business and life!

March 5, 2019

How I use Excel to organize all my travel plans (research, itinerary, hotel, tours, bookings, packing list etc.)

I’m off to Europe later this year! This is the biggest trip I’ve done to date – almost 7 weeks. I’ve used various methods for travel planning in the past including a printable planner , bullet journal and attempted to (but quickly abandoned) various travel apps.

For this trip I wanted something I could use to keep everything in the one place. Enter: Excel spreadsheets!

I started out with a budget spreadsheet and ended up with a few spreadsheets to organize  everything: 

1. Handy info reference page 2. To do list 3. Budget 4. Attractions (and their cost) 5. Itinerary by Month 6. Itinerary by Week 7. Flight Comparison 8. Accommodation Comparison 9. Car Rental Comparison 10. Transfer comparison 11. Tour comparisons 12. Travel insurance 13. Spending Tracker 14. Before We Leave Checklist 15. Packing List 16. Outfit Planner

The spreadsheets can be used for any / every domestic and international trip. I also used these spreadsheets for a quick 10 day road trip around New Zealand and they worked great – simple, quick and easy – I wish I thought to use Excel for trip planning sooner!

Here’s a look into my trip planning process – I hope it gives you a few ideas!

To enlarge the screen of the video, click the square icon in the bottom right hand corner of the video (it will say ‘full screen’ when you hover your mouse over the icon).

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more planning videos

If you’d like a copy of my travel planning spreadsheets, they’re available in my online store and Etsy shop.

Handy Info reference page

I find this overview page helpful as a catch all for that random info that doesn’t really have a place e.g. the dates we’re leaving, how much annual leave each person has and what dates (if coordinating multiple schedules), what currencies are needed etc.

travel planning spreadsheet organizer research family holiday stress free template diy

Since I’m travelling with others I included a column to put who is responsible for planning what. I color coded by country e.g. yellow = Finland.

This spreadsheet is specifically for things to book, research or check. I created a separate spreadsheet with things to do before we leave e.g. convert currencies, print itinerary, apply for visa etc.

I wanted to compare budget versus actual and have the totals for each travel expense automatically calculate. So what tool could be more perfect than Excel? This is the reason I ended up creating spreadsheets for everything in Excel – I already had the budget so figured I may as well keep everything in the one place.

There are pre-filled expenses (and space to add your own) for:

  • Accommodation
  • Tours & attractions
  • Contingency

travel budget excel planner organizer trip vacation holiday template itinerary weekly monthly

Itinerary by Month

This is one of my favorite spreadsheets and the one I go to first when planning a big trip. I can see the entire holiday in front of me. A great overview page.

Excel makes it easy to rearrange things too – just cut and paste.

I always color code my itineraries – it makes it much easier to follow. I can also see if I’m spending too much time in one place. I typically try not to spend more than 5 days in one country per trip so it doesn’t get too same same and because there’s so many places to see!

travel planning spreadsheets itinerary excel organizer color coded template

Itinerary by Week

Since Europe is a big trip I’ve opted to use Visit a City. However I created a weekly itinerary spreadsheet for my recent New Zealand road trip. Visit a City, like the name suggests, only has cities as it not ideal for planning road trips. This spreadsheet is a good overview if you don’t want to schedule things out in 30 minute timeslots (like I do with the Visit a City tool).

Related:  How I use Visit a City for trip planning

weekly itinerary planner excel template spreadsheet quick simple color coded travel organizer trip tool research roadtrip

Flight Comparison

I wanted a spreadsheet to compare flight times and flight prices. I know there are online tools like SkyScanner but print outs from websites are never formatted nicely and to be honest I’d never look at them again. I wanted one place to compare everything so I had separate lines for each route and each airline I was comparing. I much prefer this format for quick and easy comparison.

This is the finished product after I’ve chosen (and booked!) the flights. I deleted all of the ones I didn’t book (so this spreadsheet was a lot more messy when it was a work in progress!)

Accommodation Comparison

I’ll be doing another post here on the blog with my process for choosing a hotel but this is the spreadsheet I use to organize it all:

There’s lots of info to keep track of and with multiple destinations it’d be impossible to remember them all. I enter in about 3 – 4 hotel options in each destination (color coded of course!) and then can compare. Once I’ve chosen and booked the hotel, I delete the others from the spreadsheet (you could also hide the cells if you want backup options / something goes wrong once you get there and the hotel has overbooked etc.)

If you’re doing a road trip and need to know which have parking included for free you could type over the ‘luggage storage?’ heading and replace it with ‘parking?’ (or just put if it has parking in the notes column).

How to plan a vacation hotel research comparison spreadsheet process tips steps what to check rating template organized


While researching what attractions I want to go to, I also record the cost (rather than wasting time going back to check). By recording the cost I can also check if I’m over or under-budget. I usually come up with a big list and then may scrap things. Note that the attractions list is different to the tours list. The tours spreadsheet I use for half day and full day organized trips, the attractions list is things like boat cruises, paid viewpoints, museums etc.

This spreadsheet is also useful for working out whether a city pass / discount cards are worth the money.

You could put the opening hours in the notes section but Visit a City automatically keeps track of this for me so I didn’t bother.

Still a lot of things to add for this trip!

Travel planning organizer spreadsheet color coded budget attractions itinerary month week simple system

Tour comparisons

I use these for day trips. Viator (not sponsored) is my go to for day trips. It gives me ideas of what’s popular and I also use it to compare whether it’s cheaper to get there myself (e.g. train) or if I should join an organized bus tour.

Transfer comparison

Keep track of all your transport:

  • To and from airports
  • Day trips e.g. train
  • Bus transfers between cities
  • Number of underground trips e.g. how much to pre-load on an Oyster card in London
  • Compare the cost of buying one off tickets versus a 24 hour pass

I’ve found this really helpful for comparing whether it’s more cost effective to get the train and do a day trip ourselves instead of joining an organized tour.

travel planner organizer transfer comparison budget transport planning day trip versus diy how I trip plan vacation organizer excel template

Car Rental Comparison

I don’t need this spreadsheet this time around – no way am I brave enough to drive in Europe especially if I’m going to places where the road signs are in another language!

I did use this spreadsheet for my New Zealand road trip – the column / table format makes it really easy to compare different quotes.

Travel insurance

Self explanatory. I do my comparison in this spreadsheet recording things like the excess, how much medical cover is included, whether I need to pay extra to insure my laptop etc. Once I’ve chosen I highlight in bold. Or you could just delete the rows.

travel insurance comparison tool excel spreadsheets

Spending Tracker

If you’re travelling by yourself, use these to record your spending as you go. I.e. stop trying to piece together receipts and bank statements when you get back (especially if you’re traveling for work)

Traveling with friends or family? Don’t worry about trying to split the bill at dinner – record who paid for what in the spending tracker

travel spending spreadsheet excel expenses tracker work trip deductions organizer family planner gap year holiday

Before We Leave Checklist

I transferred my printable before we leave checklist into Excel and since I’m travelling with up to 3 other people for parts of this trip, added a column for who is responsible.

before we leave checklist excel template to do list travel organizer simple quick easy editable template

Packing List

Pre-filled but with space to add your own. Conveniently categorised into: – Documents to Take – Essentials – Clothes – Toiletries – Miscellaneous – Kids

Outfit Planner

I feel the cold so like to be prepared for all weather conditions. But I also don’t want to overpack (gotta leave room for chocolate and stationery). So instead of trying to remember what the temperature will be at each place, I created this spreadsheet.

Record the high and low temperature, as well as the usual number of days rain during the month you’re visiting each destination. Now you have a good idea what weather to pack for.

outfit planner temperature record travel planner organizer color coding what to pack checklist packing template diy printable

It may seem like a lot of spreadsheets but it’s so much less stressful with everything organized and color-coded in the one place for quick reference. I’ve found travel planning peace <3

About the spreadsheets:

  • Add and delete columns as you please
  • Formulas are already set up e.g. budget spreadsheet
  • Filters (e.g. by city or country)
  • You can print the spreadsheet when you’re finished
  • Since you’ll be doing your hotel research using a computer it’s convenient to pop it straight in digitally
  • Because it’s digital you can email yourself a copy for backup and don’t have to worry about losing paper
  • You can adjust the spreadsheets
  • Dates pre-fill on the itinerary spreadsheets
  • Keep all your research organized and in the one place – the spreadsheet is set up for easy comparison

See Part 2 of my itinerary planning process + the other half of my travel itinerary template in this post.

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excel travel planner organizer template editable custom itinerary week month packing list car rental outift budget diy vacation

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Periodic Adventures

How to Plan a Trip in Excel with Free Template

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Welcome to part two of my Excel series where we’re going to dive a little deeper on how to plan a trip (specifically trip budgets) in Excel! If you missed part one, click here for excel basics.

That post covers Excel terminology, basic functions, and common mistakes and shortcuts, while this post focuses on how to actually use Excel for your trip planning needs!

Free Travel Planning Spreadsheet!

Before we begin, I’ve created a FREE Excel trip planner for budgeting. For the first half of this post, I’ll use that as a baseline to walk you through how to plan a trip budget .

Getting Started

The main components of creating a budget spreadsheet on Excel for trip planning are the number of people and each cost per person. The trip planner I’m sharing has everything broken down for you already.

First, you want to input the number of travelers. This is most helpful when you’re trying to split costs in a group and when you have the base price for an activity but have multiple people to pay for.

travel planner excel

Then you want to input each line item expense. On my planner these are broken up into three sections: accommodation, transportation, and “other,” which includes food, activities, and anything else you want (i.e. travel insurance, etc.).

Now, in each cell, you can enter in the cost and the dates. There are two sets of columns representing two locations. If you don’t need another location, just ignore the orange boxes.

Vacation Budget

Automatic Math

Once you input all your costs, the Excel spreadsheet will update the total costs for you, based on the number of travelers. If that sounds confusing, I’ll show you how I did it, so keep reading.

total cost for trip to paris

Changing the Spreadsheet

Adding more lines for expenses.

First, if you need to add rows, for multiple activities or whatnot, you want to do so in a way that maintains the calculators. If you simply insert a new row, it will be blank and the calculators will not be added. So, what you need to do is highlight the row you want, copy the row, then with the row number highlighted, hit “insert copied cells.” It will add the row above the one you have highlighted.

how to plan a trip in Excel


Adding More Lines for Expenses:

First, if you need to add rows, for multiple activities or whatnot, you want to do so in a way that maintains the calculators. If you simply insert a new row, it will be blank and the calculators will not be added. So, what you need to do is highlight the row you want, copy the row, then with the row number highlighted, hit “insert copied cells.” It will add the row above the one you have highlighted.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”5315″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Adding another location:

If you want to add another location, you’ll need to highlight all the cells from one location, copy them and paste them a couple columns over. The calculators will be maintained. BUT there is one important thing you need to change. The total cost at the top in green isn’t including your new location total cost. You’ll need to go into the function bar at the top and add the cell that reflects the total cost of Location 3.

For example, in the figure below, the total cost is summing F43 and L43, but not R43 (which is Location 3). To add it in, I can type  =sum(F43, L43, R43) [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”5316″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Adding another location

For example, in the figure below, the total cost is summing F43 and L43, but not R43 (which is Location 3). To add it in, I can type  =sum(F43, L43, R43 )

Altering Trip Planner in Excel

How to Plan a Trip: Starting from Scratch

Now if you’d rather start from scratch, let me explain how to compile your own travel budget planner in Excel. First open a new spreadsheet and give it a title so you remember what you’re doing. Similarly to above the main goal is to input each line item expense then have Excel do the math for you on a total budget, cost per person, or something similar. I will say that I tend to run away with the planning process and my spreadsheets get CRAZY. I once planned a European backpacking trip that we never took and just look at this Excel Spreadsheet. It should come with its own interpreter. My point is that your spreadsheets don’t always need to look beautiful. The goal is that they will do the math for you and keep your budget organized so you don’t end up saving up too little or not realizing what your options are.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or using my free budget planner, I recommend learning how I set it up so that if you need to change the calculators you know how!

Europe trip budget Excel

Math that you need

First you’ll need to take sums to get the total cost. I went over how to do this in Excel Basics, but for a refresher you’ll need to type in  =sum()  and in the parenthesis you’ll either type or highlight the cells you want to add together.

Other common equations and functions you’ll need:

Total cost = (Cost per night) (# of nights)  which in Excel in the cell you want the total cost to appear, you’ll type =(Cell1) (Cell2) where for each cell you’ll type in the letter and number (ex: B2) or you’ll highlight the cell. This is useful if you want the total cost and you only have a cost per person or a cost per night, like airfare and hotels, respectively.

Cost per person = (Total Cost)/(# of travelers)  which in Excel is similar to the above. In the cell where you want the cost per person to be, you’ll type  =(Cell1)/(Cell2) 

example calculation of vacation budget, function, basics, beginners

Summary of Steps

1 Open a fresh Excel spreadsheet and name it accordingly

2  Enter each line item expense with a name in one column and a cost in the next column over

3 Somewhere on your spreadsheet denote the number of travelers

4 Use the above equations to calculate total costs, costs per person, etc.

* Feel free to make notes on your spreadsheet. I find that the most helpful trip planners are more than just the expenses. I usually write down flight info, tour times, the rental car company, hotel name and address, and anything else I feel like I need. It helps me to know that everything I need will be in one place.

This is the basis for how I plan a trip in Excel! I hope you found this two part series helpful and I hope that moving forward, you can see Excel as a great tool, rather than some scary math machine. If you have questions, shoot me a comment!

Other planning resources:

  • Excel basics (if this was too much, too fast)
  • How to travel for less
  • Ultimate guide to easy trip planning
  • How to find things to do on vacation
  • Ways to save up for travel for students

woman looking at a Georgia magazine with lots of guides to Athens and Georgia strewn about in front of her

My Travel Essentials

  • Travel Insurance  – Going on an international trip? Don’t forget travel and medical insurance with SafetyWing .
  • Travel Card  – If you’re new to travel hacking, fear not! My favorite card for beginners gives you $750 in rewards when you spend $4,000 in the first 3 months, plus lounge access, 10x points on hotel bookings, and free TSA pre-check!
  • Get Your Guide  – Check out Get Your Guide for a one-stop-shop for booking travel activities.
  •  – This is my favorite hotel search aggregator, specifically for reading reviews. On , the reviews can be searched for keywords like WiFi, breakfast, pool, amenities, etc.! So helpful!
  • Anti-pickpocket bag – Worried about having your valuables swiped? PacSafe makes the best travel bags with zippers and straps that lock and with mesh steel enforced fabric.
  • Give the Gift of Travel  – This is the perfect gift for travelers in your life! Tinggly allows you to gift experiences around the world, perfect for birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries.
  • Staycation Idea  – Check out Resort Pass , which gives you day passes to resorts so you can use their pool, spa, and fitness center, a great staycation idea!

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How to plan a trip in Excel using a free budget travel spreadsheet, including important math, functions, and more! Let Excel do the math for you!

Recent PhD graduate and hyper-planner of Periodic Adventures. I share detailed travel itineraries and guides that you can use to plan your trips -- complete with practical tips, estimated costs, navigation info, and everything else you need to spend more time traveling, and less time worrying.

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This is such a helpful guide, I love using a spreadsheet to plan my trip! Will upgrade that planning with these tips!

I’m so glad! Spreadsheets are awesome!

This guide is awesome! I’ve wanted to get better at planning my trips so I don’t always blow my budget, I’ll try this on the next one!

I hope it helps keep you on track. Budgeting can definitely be tricky.

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Home > Tips > Free Trip Planning Spreadsheet for Excel: Perfect Trip Planner Template

Free Trip Planning Spreadsheet for Excel: Perfect Trip Planner Template

By Dymphe / January 10, 2023

Having a trip planning spreadsheet is very convenient if you're planning a trip. I made the perfect trip planner template that you can use for planning your travels!

Planning a trip in advance is always a good idea. But how do you plan everything? You may have some emails with hotel reservations. Or you may have noted down some great things to do at your destination. It can be very difficult to organize everything.

Your trip can be much more relaxed if you have everything under control.

What you need is one place, a trip planner template, where you collect all the information you have! You want to be able to see everything you need to know for your trip in one place.

If you want that too, then my trip planning spreadsheet will help you out for sure! The spreadsheet is great to plan your activities and organize your trip!

You can also use this travel planning template to decide how your trip is going to look like. Write down all your options, then use this spreadsheet to compare them and choose the best one!

Table of Contents

Why Use a Trip Planning Spreadsheet in Excel for Planning Your Trip

An Excel trip planning spreadsheet can be very helpful for everyone who is planning a trip! It makes your travels much easier.

It is very easy to use and it allows you to collect a variety of data in one place. This ease is why many businesses use it, but you can use it for personal things as well!

What's great is that you likely already have Excel on your computer! That's because it's part of Microsoft Office. This makes it easy to use this trip planner template immediately after downloading it.

But even if you don't have Excel on your computer, you can still make use of this travel planning spreadsheet! For example, you can use it in Google Sheets.


When Do You Need a Trip Planner Template

Depending on the type of trip you are doing, planning can be harder or easier. For example, if you are doing a weekend trip to a nearby city, planning is much easier. Although if you are going on a trip from the US to Europe for example, it is much more difficult!

But whether it is difficult or easy to plan your trip, this trip planner template is always very convenient to use.

A trip planning spreadsheet can help every trip and make it much more relaxed!

A Free Trip Planning Spreadsheet for Excel

If you scroll down you can immediately download the trip planner template and use the travel planning spreadsheet.

But first I want to explain what it includes. There are several sections that are useful for specific parts of your trip.

It is very easy to work with the Excel spreadsheet for planning your trip.

You can fill in all the details of your trip in a very easy way. Keep in mind that you can edit all white cells in the spreadsheet. The grey cells are what I made and you should not edit those ones.

1. Itinerary: The First Part of the Trip Planner Template

The first part of this trip planner template contains the itinerary of your trip.

This is the most important part of your trip planning.

Here you can write down exactly what activities you plan on doing during your trip. You can specify the activities for each time of the day.

Doing this allows you to see if you can do all the activities that you want to do. Furthermore, you can see if there is time left for extra activities!

In the spreadsheet, you can fill in the start date of your trip. Furthermore, you can specify the number of days your trip will last. Then, it generates the days for you and you can fill in the itinerary!

Make sure to plan enough time in case something takes more time than you expect!

What's great is that you can also try out different itineraries for your trip. Then you can decide which itinerary you like most, and keep that one in the spreadsheet!

2. Transportation

The next part of the trip planning spreadsheet is all about the way you get to your destination.

Do you know those emails you get when you book a flight that I was talking about before? You put all that information here. You fill in the date and time of your flight and enter some more details.

Or if you travel by bus, you can enter all the information about your journey by bus!

Furthermore, you can use this place of the spreadsheet for travels you make during your trip.

For example, when you go island hopping in Greece. You can enter here all the details of the ferries between the different islands.

Also, this is the place where you fill in the details on your airport transfer.

This allows you to have one place where you can access all the information! That's exactly why you need this travel planning spreadsheet.

You can also use this section to try out different travel options.

For example, you can compare different flights and see which combination is the cheapest. Or you can see which flights give you most time at your destination!

Train station

3. Accommodation

The "Accommodation" part of the travel planning sheet is about where you stay during your trip.

You want to fill in all the information about the hotels or apartments you stay at here.

It is great to have a place where you can store all the necessary information about your accommodation.

Also, you can use this section of the spreadsheet for planning a trip.

Sometimes, when comparing hotels, you lose track of all the options you have! You can use this spreadsheet to plan where you can stay.

You can write down all the different options you have, including the cost of the option.

When you wrote everything down, you can compare and choose the hotel you want to stay in for your trip! After that, you can have a look at the next part of the trip planner template!

The costs section is one of the most important sections of the spreadsheet.

You can write down what costs you expect for each day of your trip. You can specify what type of cost it is.

The spreadsheet gives you a summary of all the costs for each day, and of the total cost of the trip.

You can also use this section to compare different options to make your trip more affordable.

5. Packing List: The Last Part of the Trip Planning Spreadsheet

The packing list is one of the most convenient parts of this trip planning spreadsheet.

You can write down which items you need for your holiday trip. You can specify both the type of item and the quantity.

Furthermore, you can write down whether you still need to buy the item before you go on your trip!

But the most important column in this section is the "packed" column. Here you can write down if you already packed an item. That way you can make sure you have everything packed that you need during your trip!

Do You Need Excel for This Trip Planner Template?

To work with this trip planning tool you need an application that can edit spreadsheets. Excel is such an application and is very convenient.

But you don't need Excel to work with the trip planner template.

There are other applications that you can use to open these files. You only need to make sure the application you want to use can open .xlsx files.

One of the most popular alternatives to Excel is Google Sheets. This is a free application that you can use to work with my travel planning spreadsheet.

Go to and upload the spreadsheet there. After that, you can open the file with Google Spreadsheets.

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Plan your ideal trip with travel itinerary templates

You've got places to go and things to see, and these travel itinerary templates will make sure you get to see them all. keep all your details in one place, list your possible destinations, and arrange your trip artfully with these templates designed to help business trips go smoothly or give you the vacation of a lifetime..

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Free and Customizable Travel Itinerary Templates with Excel

Table of contents, introduction.

Planning a trip involves many details, from booking flights and accommodations to organizing daily activities. A travel itinerary template can help you stay organized and ensure that you make the most of your travel experience. In this article, we’ll explore how to use a travel itinerary template in Excel, as well as provide options for free templates in Google Sheets and Word. These tools can help streamline your travel planning process and keep all your information in one place.

Why Use a Travel Itinerary Template?

A travel itinerary template simplifies the process of planning and organizing your trip. It helps you keep track of important details such as flight information, hotel reservations, daily activities, and contact information. By using a template, you can ensure that nothing is overlooked and that all your travel plans are easily accessible.

Benefits of Using a Travel Itinerary Template


Using a travel itinerary template helps you stay organized by keeping all your travel details in one place. This makes it easy to reference your plans and ensures that you don’t miss any important information.

Time Management

A well-structured itinerary helps you manage your time effectively. By planning your activities in advance, you can maximize your time at each destination and avoid wasting time figuring out what to do next.

Peace of Mind

Having a detailed itinerary provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a plan in place for every aspect of your trip. This reduces stress and allows you to enjoy your travel experience fully.

a peaceful landscape for travelling easytripai - itinerary template, Travel itinerary template Excel


Travel itinerary templates are highly customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your specific needs. You can add or remove sections, change the layout, and personalize the template to suit your travel style.

Free Travel Itinerary Templates with Excel

Excel is a versatile tool that is widely used for organizing data. It is also an excellent choice for creating travel itineraries. Here are some benefits and tips for using Excel to create your travel itinerary:

Benefits of Using Excel for Travel Itineraries

Easy to use.

Excel is user-friendly and offers a variety of features that make it easy to create and customize your travel itinerary. You can use templates or create your own layout from scratch.

Customizable Templates

There are many free travel itinerary templates available for Excel. These templates can be easily customized to include all the details of your trip, such as flight information, accommodation details, and daily activities.

Data Organization

Excel allows you to organize your travel information in a clear and structured manner. You can use different sheets for different aspects of your trip, such as transportation, accommodations, and activities.

How to Use an Excel Travel Itinerary Template

Choose a template.

Start by selecting a travel itinerary template that suits your needs. There are many free templates available online that you can download and customize. Some popular sources for free Excel templates include Microsoft Office, Vertex42, and Smartsheet.

Customize the Template

Once you have chosen a template, customize it to fit your specific travel plans. Add your travel dates, flight information, hotel reservations, daily activities, and any other important details. You can also personalize the template by changing the colors, fonts, and layout.

Organize Your Information

Use different sheets within the Excel file to organize various aspects of your trip. For example, you can have separate sheets for transportation, accommodations, activities, and important contacts. This helps keep your information organized and easily accessible.

Update and Save

Regularly update your itinerary as you finalize your travel plans. Save a digital copy on your devices and print a hard copy to take with you. Having both digital and physical copies ensures you can access your itinerary at all times.

Itinerary Template Google Sheets

Google Sheets is another excellent tool for creating and managing your travel itinerary. It offers similar functionality to Excel and has the added benefit of being easily accessible from any device with internet access.

Benefits of Using Google Sheets


Google Sheets can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This makes it easy to view and update your itinerary on the go, without the need for specific software.


Google Sheets allows multiple users to collaborate on the same document in real-time. This is especially useful if you are traveling with others and need to share and update the itinerary collectively.

Free Templates

There are many free travel itinerary templates available for Google Sheets. These templates can be easily customized to suit your travel plans. Some popular sources for free Google Sheets templates include Google Drive Template Gallery and Smartsheet.

How to Use a Google Sheets Travel Itinerary Template

Find a template.

Search for free travel itinerary templates in the Google Sheets Template Gallery or other online sources. Choose a template that fits your needs and make a copy to your Google Drive.

Customize the template with your travel details, including dates, flights, accommodations, activities, and important contacts. You can also personalize the design by changing colors and fonts to match your preferences.

Share and Collaborate

If you are traveling with others, share the Google Sheets document with your travel companions. This allows everyone to view and update the itinerary in real-time, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Access Anywhere

With Google Sheets, you can access your itinerary from any device with internet access. This makes it easy to view and update your travel plans while on the go. Save a copy for offline access if you anticipate being without internet during your trip.

Itinerary Template Word

Microsoft Word is another popular tool for creating travel itineraries. While it may not have the same data organization capabilities as Excel or Google Sheets, it offers flexibility in design and formatting.

Benefits of Using Word for Travel Itineraries

Flexible design.

Word allows you to create highly customized and visually appealing itineraries. You can use text boxes, tables, images, and other formatting tools to design an itinerary that suits your style.

Word is user-friendly and widely used, making it easy for most people to create and customize their itineraries. You can start with a blank document or use a template as a starting point.

Printable Templates

There are many free travel itinerary templates available for Word. These templates can be customized and printed, providing a hard copy of your itinerary to take with you. Some popular sources for free Word templates include Microsoft Office and

How to Use a Word Travel Itinerary Template

Download a template.

Search for free travel itinerary templates for Word on websites like Microsoft Office and Choose a template that fits your needs and download it to your computer.

Open the template in Word and customize it with your travel details. Add your travel dates, flight information, hotel reservations, daily activities, and important contacts. Use formatting tools to personalize the design and layout.

Print and Share

Once you have customized your itinerary, print a hard copy to take with you on your trip. You can also save a digital copy and share it with your travel companions via email or cloud storage.

Combining Tools for the Best Results

Using a combination of Excel, Google Sheets, and Word can provide the best results for creating a comprehensive travel itinerary. You can take advantage of the strengths of each tool to ensure that all aspects of your trip are well-organized and easily accessible.

Final Tips for Creating a Travel Itinerary

Start early.

Begin planning your itinerary well in advance of your trip. This gives you ample time to research your destination, make reservations, and organize your plans.

Be Detailed

Include as much detail as possible in your itinerary. The more information you have, the easier it will be to navigate your trip and avoid any potential issues.

Stay Flexible

While having a detailed itinerary is important, be prepared to make changes as needed. Travel plans can sometimes be unpredictable, and being flexible will help you adapt to any unexpected situations.

Review Regularly

Regularly review and update your itinerary to ensure that it remains accurate and reflects any changes to your travel plans. This helps keep you organized and prepared throughout your trip.

What is a travel itinerary template in Excel?

A travel itinerary template in Excel is a pre-designed spreadsheet that helps you organize and plan your trip details, including flight information, accommodations, daily activities, and important contacts.

Where can I find free travel itinerary templates?

You can find free travel itinerary templates for Excel, Google Sheets, and Word on websites like Microsoft Office, Vertex42, Smartsheet, and Google Drive Template Gallery.

How can I customize a travel itinerary template?

You can customize a travel itinerary template by adding your specific travel details, changing the layout, and personalizing the design with colors, fonts, and other formatting tools.

Can I use Google Sheets for my travel itinerary?

Yes, Google Sheets is an excellent tool for creating and managing your travel itinerary. It offers similar functionality to Excel and allows for real-time collaboration and easy access from any device with internet access.

What are the benefits of using a travel itinerary template?

Using a travel itinerary template helps you stay organized, manage your time effectively, reduce stress, and ensure that you have a comprehensive plan for your trip. It also allows for customization to suit your specific travel needs.

How do I share my travel itinerary with others?

You can share your travel itinerary by saving a digital copy and sending it via email or sharing it through cloud storage services like Google Drive. If you use Google Sheets, you can share the document directly with your travel companions for real-time collaboration.

Using a travel itinerary template in Excel, Google Sheets, or Word can greatly simplify the process of planning and organizing your trip. These templates help you stay organized, manage your time effectively, and ensure that all your travel details are easily accessible. By customizing and regularly updating your itinerary, you can enjoy a stress-free and well-organized travel experience. Whether you’re planning a short getaway or an extended journey, a detailed itinerary is an invaluable tool for any traveler.

Further Reading

For more information on travel planning and itinerary templates, explore these resources:

Vertex42 – Offers a variety of free Excel templates, including travel itineraries. – Provides free and premium templates for Word, Excel, and Google Sheets. Smartsheet – Features customizable templates and tools for project management, including travel planning.




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10 Essential Tips For Travel Planning With Excel


  • 1.1 1. Create a Master Travel Itinerary
  • 1.2 2. Utilize Conditional Formatting
  • 1.3 3. Track Expenses and Budget
  • 1.4 4. Plan Your Itinerary by Day
  • 1.5 5. Collaborate with Travel Companions
  • 1.6 6. Use Excel Templates
  • 1.7 7. Create a Packing Checklist
  • 1.8 8. Research and Compare Accommodation Options
  • 1.9 9. Track Flight Details and Updates
  • 1.10 10. Create a Travel Journal

Stay Organized and Stress-Free with Travel Planning Excel

Are you tired of juggling multiple travel itineraries, hotel bookings, and flight details? Look no further! With the power of Excel, you can streamline your travel planning process and ensure a stress-free vacation. In this article, we will walk you through ten essential tips to help you make the most of Excel for travel planning.

1. Create a Master Travel Itinerary

Start by creating a master travel itinerary in Excel. This will serve as your central hub for all important details, such as flight information, hotel bookings, and activities. Keep it organized by using separate columns for each piece of information and color-coding them for easy reference.

2. Utilize Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is a powerful feature in Excel that allows you to highlight specific cells based on certain criteria. Use this feature to color-code your itinerary based on travel dates, priority activities, or even weather conditions. This will make it easy to identify and prioritize your travel plans.

3. Track Expenses and Budget

Keep track of your travel expenses and budget using Excel. Create a separate sheet to monitor your expenses, including accommodation costs, transportation expenses, and daily spending. This will help you stay within budget and avoid any financial surprises during your trip.

4. Plan Your Itinerary by Day

Break down your travel itinerary by day using Excel. Create a separate sheet for each day of your trip and list the activities, attractions, and restaurants you plan to visit. This will give you a clear overview of your daily plans and help you make the most of your time at each destination.

5. Collaborate with Travel Companions

If you are traveling with friends or family, Excel can be a great tool for collaboration. Share your travel itinerary with your companions and allow them to make edits or add their own suggestions. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and can contribute to the travel planning process.

6. Use Excel Templates

Save time and effort by utilizing pre-designed Excel templates for travel planning. There are numerous templates available online that cater to different travel needs, such as trip planners, packing lists, and expense trackers. Find the template that best suits your requirements and customize it to fit your travel plans.

7. Create a Packing Checklist

Don’t forget anything important by creating a packing checklist in Excel. List down all the essentials you need to pack for your trip, including clothing, toiletries, travel documents, and electronics. Check off each item as you pack to ensure that you have everything you need for a comfortable and hassle-free journey.

8. Research and Compare Accommodation Options

Excel can be a valuable tool for researching and comparing accommodation options. Create a spreadsheet with columns for hotel names, prices, amenities, and user reviews. This will help you make an informed decision and choose the best accommodation that suits your preferences and budget.

9. Track Flight Details and Updates

Keep track of your flight details and any updates using Excel. Create a separate sheet for your flights and include columns for departure and arrival times, flight numbers, and any changes or delays. This way, you can stay updated and plan accordingly, ensuring a smooth travel experience.

10. Create a Travel Journal

Document your travel experiences and memories by creating a travel journal in Excel. Use a separate sheet for each day of your trip and write down your thoughts, highlights, and photos. This will serve as a digital scrapbook that you can look back on and cherish long after your journey ends.

In conclusion, Excel is a versatile and powerful tool for travel planning. By following these ten essential tips, you can stay organized, save time, and ensure a stress-free travel experience. Embrace the power of Excel and start planning your next adventure today!

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My excel travel itinerary template & how to use it

My excel travel itinerary template & how to use it

After 9 years of creating travel itineraries - I have come to follow my own little process. I even crafted an excel travel itinerary template and I am sharing in this post the methodology and steps I always take !

1. Select the country for the travel itinerary

First pick a country, either like this famous French lottery ad or from an existing bucket list. There is no better ways, just let your mind wander!

(Pardon the bad subtitles encryption, but this ad in France is like a national private joke now. I had to add them myself to share this to the world ! but I am no pro at this at all :) ) 

My first stop is usually the French Ministry of foreign affair website section called “ advices to travelers ”. I would seek the similar platform of your own country. On the French one I can get real and up-to-date information about safety, visa process for my citizenship as well as any mandatory vaccines I must have. It also has all the great links to the official visa websites of the country I want to visit. This avoid wasting time searching for visa information and ending up on un-official agent site who do the procedures for you expensively.

2. Create the rough structure of your travel itinerary

Once I have decided that traveling there was safe and my timeline to get the visa was okay - I start into the details of the travel itinerary. My first step is often to see the couple of recommended itineraries from  the lonely planet - either I own the book or sometimes it can be found on their website.

It’s also great because you can buy just the chapters that you need on their shop in digital format so I can have them with me to work wherever I am on my iPad Pro (see how I turned mine into a blogging station ).

This way I have a rough idea of names of places, where most of the tourists go. Sometimes their itineraries are great and suit my needs, and sometimes it will be the “what I should avoid list” to stay off-the-beaten track.

Then I start searching, searching and searching the internet with key works such as: itinerary, road trip, one week in, two weeks in etc... This is to be able to understand the most common routes and get a sense of what can be achieved in the same timeframe as mine.

By that point, you have been exposed to dozens of travel plans, amazing photos and videos. You should start to get an idea of the key sights or activities you want to do. It’s time to put it into a format that suits you.

3. Put the travel itinerary down into a readable format ! My excel travel itinerary template !

Over the course of 9 years, I almost always work with the same excel file format. You can download the empty template here ! Do customize it to your liking !

Tab 1 is the overall route breakdown - it’s the non-detailed piece that helps me get a rough sense of what can be done in a day and timeline. I put weeks. Usually colors the dates if they are public holidays or week-end. Then, the following details per day: Morning, afternoon, evening, night, transport and comments.

The general travel itinerary tab

I would just put lists of visits & sights to see in morning, afternoon and evening to see how busy my days are. I try to plan per half days or full days (then I merge the cells together). I have a night row to be able to add either the city where the night will be spent or if I have to take an overnight bus or train. Transport is where I would put information such as: self-drive, flights ETA, train or other relevant mode of transport. Comments are any other things that I must know at a glance.

Once I have done all the above - in this page I can see a general overview, when I need to rent a car, where I will be tired from an overnight train and need to put the next morning as “rest” for example. It gives a good and quick summary of my trip.

Under this table, I usually copy/paste all the links to amazing blogs, content that have significantly helped me build my travel itinerary. So that when I am traveling, I can go back to them or just to re-read them later on as I continue the fine tuning of the travel itinerary. I also copy paste the website or contact of the travel agent, tours and other diving center I am considering.   

Sources information below the itinerary

4. Time to dive in budgeting the details of the travel itinerary

The second tab is the detailed budget. It’s where I go into the neaty-gritty and I start compiling the numbers. This usually is done by another round of detailed research and some educated guesswork.

Detailed budget tab

As I am still wired as a French person - my currency of reference is always the Euro. Most information you find on the internet are often expressed into the local currency too. Therefore, in this file on the left side, there is the detailed day to day budget and on the upper part and upper right there are all the information that are permanent: any relevant exchange rates as well as food budget.

My food budgets are my buffer in most itinerary. First, because I love to eat and I don’t like being restricted to try that amazing restaurant I saw on a blog. Second, when you walk all day long, I need to plan for coffee or beer break - these are important to budget too! I mostly budget breakfast unless I have already pre-booked all accommodation and they all contain it. 

At the very end of this list of possible detailed expenses, I usually add up the fixed costs: visa, flights and vaccines. Then make the total. Most my budget files have a buffer of 10-15% more (mainly thanks to the oversized food budget) and if I am unsure of a cost, I always put it at the highest that I could find on the internet to be on the safe side. These extras allow as well for souvenirs shopping (since I never budget that).

I keep track on my budget white travelling by using the app called Trabee pocket. I have done a full review of it here.

Other expenses part of the itinerary

5. Add more tabs and details to suit your needs

When the travel is a long one - I often create 2 more tabs - they help me with the bookings and as a checklist:

Transport: listing in the date of departure and arrival, as well as from and to. Then I fill up the exact time and company or method. If a private driver I would also add the contact information in the notes.  

The transport tab

Hotels: I would list here, the check in and check out date as well as the number of nights. Then once the bookings are made, I add the name of the hotel/hostel and the contact information or website. In some countries, I even add the GPS coordinate or I pre-save the addresses into google maps (to find them quicker when I need to find my way to them).

Hotel tab to help for the bookings

On average a travel itinerary takes me between 1 week and 3 days depending on how familiar I am with the country I am researching. Since I am always on the lookout for new travel ideas - I often compile lots of notes so I can be much quicker. If I have no idea at all and no-one I know to give me pointers, I can take up to 2 weeks to research a destination fully.

Check out my Resource page to know all the websites that I use the most to build my travel itineraries.

To me making those itineraries is already a good part of the trip, it builds my anticipation and I get really excited when I start looking at all the photos and videos available from other fellow travelers!

Some extra research tips to create your travel itinerary

  • Don’t believe the instagram photos only. It takes a lot of skills to take photos of a highly touristic place and making it look like it’s empty. (Like Maya bay in Thailand?) Always research non-glamorous and less qualitative photos of a place just to make sure you set your expectations right.
  • If you are a frequent traveler, don’t hesitate to cut some of the things that don’t impress you anymore. This way you can just take time to see the off-the-beaten track and more difficult to reach locations. Like for me: temples. If they are not UNESCO listed, have a very special view point or are en-route, then I don't make special detours to visit one and if it’s the only thing to see in a city, I can skip the city altogether. 
  • I found that in the Lonely planet, the places that where mentioned with the least amount of details or just as a small paragraph are often the ones that I personally liked the most. 
  • Don’t rely only on books & internet. Your colleagues, family and friends are the best source of information because they probably have the same expectations as you!
  • Don’t be cheap. If you are not on a super long journey, then you don’t always need to follow a backpacker lifestyle. It’s important to know where to spend and where it’s okay to spend more to get a better experience. No-one will judge you if you splurge a bit, and you will forever keep the memory, that is priceless.
  • I use extensively google translates which is really useful in countries like Taiwan or Japan when the best online resources are not in English.   

Credit for the banner photo:

Some of the links in this post are affiliated links. I receive a commission at no extra cost to you if you click through and make a purchase. I only recommend services or products that I use, it helps me keep this website live. Read more here . Thank you for your support !

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11 Free Travel Itinerary Templates for Your Next Trip in Google Docs, Excel, & Word

Content Partnership Specialist

July 10, 2024

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There are a lot of things that go into planning a trip.

From scheduling flights, booking hotels and car rentals, planning activities, and ensuring all of them fit within your timeline and budget too!

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or simply someone looking to create an organized travel schedule for your upcoming trip, then you should consider using an itinerary template. 

Itinerary templates help you organize your activities, manage your time , calculate your expenses, give you a breakdown of all your important travel information before a trip, and help you make the most out of your business trip or vacation. 

Head over to the sections below to find out what makes a good itinerary template, and discover 11 free templates you can use to help you plan your next trip! 🏝️

What is an Itinerary Template?

What makes a good travel itinerary template, 1. clickup business travel itinerary template, 2. clickup vacation itinerary template, 3. clickup trip planner template, 4. clickup event planning itinerary template, 5. clickup 24 hour itinerary template, 6. clickup basic agenda template, 7. clickup conference itinerary template, 8. clickup board meeting agenda template, 9. excel vacation itinerary template, 10. google docs travel itinerary template, 11. microsoft word business trip itinerary template.

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An itinerary is a document that outlines all of the details of your trip, from your flight and hotel reservations to your planned activities and budget, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

That said, trip planners should turn to itinerary templates to give you ready-to-use and organized fill-in-the-blank pages that you can use for every type of trip. 

Itinerary templates can help business and leisure travelers:

  • Save time, plan more effectively, and provide an organized format for all the important details of their trip
  • Have a digital planner to keep track of all the details they need to consider when planning their travel, such as dates and locations, transportation and accommodations, and activities
  • Get quick access to all of the necessary details in one place
  • Help manage last-minute changes more effectively

Think of these free itinerary templates as your personal travel agent assistant. They’re there to assist you with planning the most important parts of your trip, so you spend more time enjoying the moment than worrying about what’s next and how you’re getting there.

Moreover, creating a detailed travel itinerary is beneficial if you’re visiting a new city or country you’ve never been to before. 

So what should a travel itinerary look like? Let’s take a look!

There are several types of itinerary templates for different occasions. The most commonly used and sought templates are for business trips, vacations, event planning, and global and domestic travels.

And while there are many types of itinerary templates out there, the best ones offer the following basic elements: 

  • Have clear and concise language
  • Organized and easy-to-read format
  • Customizable and easy to edit
  • Easily accessible and sharable 

And if you need to shift your plans around due to unexpected changes, a solid travel itinerary template should offer the flexibility to let you make changes without compromising the flow of your trip. It also shouldn’t require you to start your travel itinerary from scratch.

Ultimately, these templates should help you create a personalized travel itinerary, save time, and stay organized to help you become a better planner.

Speaking of which—here are 11 hand-picked travel itinerary templates that can help you with that! Each one offers a unique format and features. Check them one by one to see which templates suit your needs the best.

11 Travel Itinerary Templates for Your Next Trip

Ensure that business trips are effectively planned to save time and lower costs using this template

Traveling for work? 

This Business Travel Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you get all your important travel details and work schedules, all in one place. 

Easily notate your travel dates, hotel information, flight number, and other important information in an organized and easy-to-follow format in ClickUp Docs . If you have multiple travel plans or want to keep your past and future travel itinerary docs in one place, then simply add nested pages under one Doc to keep everything neatly organized and accessible.

And because ClickUp Docs allow you to have full control of sharing permissions and privacy, you can keep your pages private to protect your personal information or securely share them with selected people via a link.

Best of all, ClickUp is available on the mobile app , so you can take your itinerary template wherever you go and access it any time of the day.

Use this free travel itinerary template to streamline your business travel planning process and establish a consistent standard itinerary that you can use again and again.

Bonus: AI travel planners !

Streamline your travel planning process using this template

Planning a road trip or exploring a new city?

Whatever type of vacation you’re planning for, this Vacation Planning Travel Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you create a visual roadmap of your planned activities.

With this free travel itinerary template, you’ll be able to plan your destinations, use ClickUp Custom Fields to add important details such as hotel addresses, type of activity, hours of operation, travel time, accommodations, reservations, and so on to ensure you’re on the right track to hit all the spots you have planned to visit on your trip!

Additionally, this template allows you to visualize your road trip itinerary in Map view, as shown above, and other views in ClickUp, such as List, Embed Board, and Doc view. Each custom view offers a unique look at your travel itinerary to help you visualize and organize your plans in the best way that works for you. 

Use these vacation planning templates to give you the structure and organization you need to plan your next trip and have a stress-free getaway!

Visualize your trip, budget plan, reservations, and everything in between in one place using the ClickUp Trip Planner Template

Streamline your travel planning with ClickUp’s Trip Planner Template ! Say goodbye to the chaos of scattered details and hello to a centralized hub for all your trip essentials. From flights to accommodations, activities to budgets, this template has you covered. Save time by organizing everything in one place and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

With customizable features like custom statuses, fields, and views, you can tailor the template to suit your specific needs. Collaborate effortlessly with friends and family to create the ultimate travel experience. Whether you’re jetting off for a quick getaway or planning a work trip, this template provides the tools you need for a successful trip.

Set your budget, research destinations, create itineraries, and finalize details all within ClickUp’s intuitive platform. Track progress, assign tasks, and monitor productivity with ease. From start to finish, ClickUp’s Trip Planner Template empowers you to plan your dream trip efficiently and effectively.

ClickUp Event Planning Template allows you to align your team and resources for smooth collaboration to get the job done

Whether you’re born with natural event planning skills or perhaps someone who’s looking to get better at it, this Event Planning Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you plan your next events with ease!

This event planning itinerary template includes three highly visual ClickUp Views that can be customized for any need, from organizing and scheduling event dates on a List and Board to drag-and-drop planning on a Calendar.

Each view provides pre-built Custom Fields, which allow you and your team to add important details, such as progress percentage bars, payment status, due dates, budget status, and more. You can also create Custom Task Statuses to help identify the stage each task is, keeping everyone in the loop on where each task stands at all times. 

You can download the app on your mobile device to access your tasks regardless of your event’s location, and use this itinerary template to help you become a pro at planning events and start managing all of your business operations, teams, and event planning —all in one place. 

This Template helps you stay focused and organized with a clear daily schedule

Sometimes, it’s best to take things day by day, especially when your workload and to-do lists are getting out of hand. 

Seize the day and stay productive (and motivated) by turning to the 24 Hours Itinerary Template in ClickUp to guide you when creating your daily schedule!

This free itinerary template includes pre-built Custom Fields and Custom Task Statuses to help you easily plan and visualize your daily tasks. And because those features are fully customizable, you can edit and add whatever fields and statuses work best for your workflow.

Use this template to assist you with daily planning , so you easily view all of your to-dos, stay focused on what’s on your plate each day, and make the most of every day!

Use this template to create an organized agenda for your travel

Meetings are a great way to sync with people in real time.

However, without a proper agenda, you might forget to discuss important matters, lose control of the meeting flow, and veer off track, leaving the attendees with more questions than answers or thinking, “this could’ve been an email.” 😅

Don’t let that happen to you! 

Whether you’re hosting a face-to-face or virtual meeting, having a prepared agenda beforehand keeps your meetings productive and helps make the most of your attendee’s time— the free Agenda Template by ClickUp can help you prep for your next meeting.

This template provides you with sections for your meeting details, participants, and so much more. And because this template is available ClickUp Docs, you can easily format the page to support any type of meeting , embed links to add more details to your agenda, and easily share it with your team before the meeting so they can come prepared with insights or questions. 

Use this itinerary template to help you plan and keep your next meetings productive! 

Event planners can use this Conference Agenda Template to help everyone stay on the same page when it comes to planning and organizing events.

Planning a conference and need a conference agenda template ?

This Conference Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you create, visualize, and manage your events all in one centralized place.

This template offers pre-built views, such as Box, Calendar, and List view, and Custom Fields and Custom Task Statuses to allow you to create your ideal itinerary for your event. Moreover, you can add custom tags to your tasks to add another layer of organization to your itinerary and add new Custom Fields to keep your tasks as detailed as possible as you plan your live or virtual conference events .

And if you need help getting started, no problem. It comes with a Getting Started Guide to help you get familiarized with the template and serve as a guide to help you plan your next event !

ClickUp's Board Meeting Agenda Template serves as an outline to focus on and quickly address the key issues and ensure everyone is on the same page about what needs to be done

A meeting agenda is a must, especially for board meetings. 

The Board Meeting Agenda Template in ClickUp offers pre-built Custom Fields to help board members and leadership create a high-level and organized meeting agenda, and run productive meetings. You may also add single or multiple assignees to each task and subtask to clearly note who’s responsible for completing the task or presenting the topics and check them off the list as each task or topic has been discussed to easily track and note what is yet to be completed.

Use this itinerary template to help you create an organized meeting agenda , keep everyone in the loop ahead of the meeting, and promote open discussion among all participants, which can lead to stronger decisions and better outcomes.

Excel Vacation Itinerary Template

If you’re an Excel user, then this template is for you.

Microsoft Excel offers a handy Vacation Itinerary template that you can use to organize all of your trip details. Whether you want to start a road trip itinerary with friends or a personalized itinerary of your full trip, this trip itinerary template includes entries for flight information, lodging, emergency contacts, activities, and so on. 

Once you’ve filled out the template with the details of your trip, simply save it on your computer or print it to take a physical copy of your itinerary with you or leave a copy for your friends and family while you’re away on your vacation.

Google Docs Travel Itinerary Template

If you like keeping things simple when planning your trips, then this travel itinerary template will work for what you need.

This template allows you to add and edit your travel details, such as destinations, transportation, lodging, and what you need to pack for your trip, in organized tables in Google Docs (where you can also connect to Google Sheets). 

This is one of the many customizable templates that’s free to download. Save it on your computer or print a copy to take with you!

Microsoft Word Business Trip Itinerary Template

Keep your business trips as stress-free as possible by creating a detailed flight itinerary, meeting schedule, and more all on one page. Use Microsoft Word’s Business Trip Itinerary template to keep track of important dates, departure and arrival times, destination addresses, phone numbers, travel time, and other notes about each item on your itinerary. 

Start Planning Your Next Trip with Travel Itinerary Templates

When it comes to planning trips, having an itinerary is key.

But we get it. Making a detailed itinerary can be quite time-consuming. That’s why using an itinerary template can be such a great tool! Stay organized and use the templates we provided above as a starting point for creating your own customized itinerary for your upcoming trips and events.

And if you’re a fan of customizations, then you’ll click well with ClickUp. 

It offers a fully customizable platform with hundreds of features and templates to give you the power to create a personalized experience, connect all your notes and work together, and build a workflow and itineraries that work for you.

Get access to ClickUp’s customizable templates for free today, and start getting excited about planning your next event! 

Bon voyage! 👋

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trip planning in excel

Plan a trip or a vacation

From international trips with friends to a weekend getaway with family, different trips require different plans. With so many moving parts, it’s easy to get lost in the details. This is where we come in. Use the Microsoft apps and services you know and love to get you organized, so you can spend less time planning and more time having fun.

Brainstorm ideas for a group travel vacation

How to plan a group vacation or trip

Roll call! Planning a trip with others is a group effort. From brainstorming together to narrowing down availability, wrangling people to make a decision can feel like herding cats. Instead of dealing with long email chains or disorganized text message threads, rely on the apps, products and travel templates from Microsoft to help.

A digital binder to store everything

With OneNote, you can easily keep everything you need for your trip, organized and with you. Create sections for different needs such as brainstorming, travel notes, itineraries, and more.

You can access it from anywhere you've got an internet connection... and it's free!

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

"I just love having EVERYTHING in one place."

Tip:  Consider seasonality and special needs Popular events might mean higher prices and crowds. Consider these factors for people who may have special needs in your group. For example, an elderly person may have difficulty with mobility where a large event is taking place.

When traveling in a group, it's important to be aware of everyone's needs. From emergency contact info to allergies, each person should fill out an emergency info and make them accessible to the group, just in case. You can use one of these list templates on Microsoft Create.

Tip:  Get to know the culture Traveling internationally? Be mindful of the customs, traditions, and common laws of the country you're visiting. Researching these can go a long way to make sure you’re being respectful and safe.

Budget for the group vacation or trip

Budgeting for the group vacation or trip

Dealing with money can be a fickle thing… especially among friends and family you’re traveling with. Whether you’re planning a short trip or a long excursion, planning a budget and keeping track of expenses is important to ensure you don’t overspend while having fun. With these budgeting and budget tracking tools , you can skip the bickering and focus on enjoying your time instead.

How much do you want to spend on your trip? Depending on the needs of the trip and your personal preference, where you want to invest your money matters.

Tip:  Check your own finances first This may feel like common sense, but it's easy to be swayed by a group. Take a look at your own finances first and make a decision on what your limits are and consider what is important to you. For example, if you're a foodie, you might want to take a cheaper airline in order to splurge on food.

Tip:  Make agreements before the trip It may be an uncomfortable conversation to have, but agreeing as a group ahead of time can save a lot of potential arguments later. For example, does everyone pay an equal %? Does one person pay for transportation and another pay for lodging?

"I'm just glad there's no more bickering about who spent how much more..."

Create the perfect travel itinerary.

Create the perfect travel itinerary

This is the fun part—well, at least the fun part of planning. Creating an itinerary is all about discovery and seeing the potential of what your vacation can be. A hotel in a great neighborhood, top-rated restaurants nearby, iconic destinations, and more. There’s so much to find (and organize)... if only there was a single place to do it. Oh wait, there is.

Tip:  Different vacations require different needs International trips may require a visitor’s/tourist Visa. You’ll need to research this in advance and make sure you request one in time for your trip.

"I never thought that all I would need to plan my roadtrip would be Bing!"

Tip:  Schedule time for nothing It may seem counter-intuitive… but pick an interesting area and give yourself time to wander. You never know what hidden gems you might find when you slow down and take in the sights around you.

Tips before you leave on a group vacation

Create and share vacation memories

Flights and lodging booked, restaurants reserved, tickets purchased… You’ve got everything ready. Or do you? If you’ve ever felt that nagging sensation of “I think I forgot something” you know just what we’re talking about. Get a second opinion to help make sure you’re totally prepared for your trip with these handy tools.

Break the language barrier

If you're going to a destination where you don't speak the language, it can no doubt be a little daunting. With a little help from Microsoft, you can turn your phone into a live translator to help you navigate unfamiliar places. The Microsoft Translator app can translate text, speech, and images such as menus and signs. It can also help you speak like a local by hearing your translated phrases to help you with pronunciation.

Tip:  Traveling with pets Different airlines have different pet policies. Research in advance what pet policy your airline has, as they might have breed restrictions or health policies. Most of all, make sure your furry companions are comfy for the flight, with plenty of food and water.

Tip:  Traveling with the elderly or children Make sure to bring proper identification, weather-appropriate clothes, any medication, and brief them on how to contact someone in case of emergencies. Depending on the type of trip, you might also want to consider travel insurance or other safety precautions.

Create and share vacation memories

Creating and sharing vacation memories

When you get back from your adventure, the first thing you want to do is share the amazing memories you've made... but before you do that, you'll want to make sure you have all the photos that were taken on the trip available to you.

One place to store it all

You can create a folder that's shared only to those in your travel group. You can add all your pictures there and they can upload theirs as well. It's a super simple way of making sure everyone can share photos with each other.

With tons of photos you can now dive into creating a story to share with friends and family!

Tip:  Make your shared OneDrive folder before you leave This makes it easy for everyone to upload photos during the trip, so you don't need to wait for them all at once!

"Sway is so pretty... I can't get over it. I made one for my honeymoon and my parents will STILL look at it!"

Tip:  Tell a story with more than pictures When creating a memorable photo book or story, it's important to remember the details. Share tidbits you learned during your experience to help your vacation story come alive!

With lots of templates and Design Ideas that intelligently help you create layouts that meet your needs, PowerPoint can be the ultimate digital photo album tool.


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Free Itinerary Templates

By Kate Eby | February 28, 2018

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An itinerary is essentially a schedule that can aid in organizing travel plans, conferences, meetings, and other events. Itineraries are most commonly used for business trips and personal travel to provide a record of important details, such as transportation and lodging information, business meetings, tourism plans, and emergency contacts. Whether you’re embarking on a business trip or family vacation, an itinerary can help you plan ahead, pack appropriately, and prioritize activities in order to save time while traveling. To make your process even more efficient, below you’ll find free travel itinerary templates, planning checklists, meeting itineraries , and other templates for Microsoft Excel and Word, PDF, and Google Docs. All of the templates are professionally designed and easy to use, and you can print them to provide a hardcopy during travel or to utilize in a meeting.

Business Itinerary Templates

Business travel itinerary template.

Business Travel Itinerary Template

Keep track of flight information for both departure and return trips, accommodations, rental car details, and meetings or events with this business travel itinerary. You can plan for multiple travel dates, and the template is designed with alternating colors for an easy-to-read layout.

‌ Download Business Travel Itinerary Template

Business Trip Checklist Template

Business Trip Checklist Template

Customize this checklist template by adding tasks that need to be completed and items to pack on a business trip. Using a checklist can help ensure that important items are taken care of and that nothing is overlooked. It’s a simple planning tool that can have a big impact on the outcome of a business trip.

Download Business Trip Checklist Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Simple Business Trip Itinerary

Simple Business Trip Itinerary

This blank itinerary template offers a basic format that can easily be customized for a specific trip. Create a multi-day itinerary that covers transportation, lodging, meetings, and any other travel details that you want to keep track of. Consider adding hyperlinks to locations, such as hotels and restaurants, so that you have a record of online resources while traveling.

Download Simple Business Trip Itinerary 

Business Trip Report Template

Business Trip Report Template

A business trip report typically follows a memo format and provides a summary of the purpose and results of a business trip, including recommendations or follow-up actions that need to be taken. This is different from a business trip expense report, which is used to keep track of travel expenses for reimbursement. You can save and print the template as a Microsoft Word or PDF file.

Download Business Trip Report Template

Word  |  PDF  | Smartsheet

Travel Agency Planning Form

Travel Agency Planning Form

Travel agents can use this form to collect information from clients and create travel plans. Edit the template to include whatever details are relevant for the client and the type of trip, such as flight preferences, travel insurance options, lodging information, or discounts offered. Create a record of client information for future reference.

Download Travel Agency Planning Form

Word  |  PDF

Flight Itinerary Template

Flight Itinerary Template

Multi-flight trips can be complicated, but a simple template can help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. This Excel itinerary template will help you keep track of flight info so that travelers have all the details on a single spreadsheet. Enter your flight numbers, airport locations, and departure and arrival times for each leg of your journey, including layovers.

Download Flight Itinerary Template

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Vacation Itinerary Templates

Vacation itinerary template.

Vacation Itinerary Template

Plan a quick three-day trip, a five-day getaway, or a longer vacation with this comprehensive itinerary template. You can make and record plans for each day of your trip, including restaurant reservations, entertainment ideas, transportation, and nightly lodging. This provides a detailed look at your daily itinerary as well as an overview of the entire vacation.

‌ Download Vacation Itinerary Template

Vacation Planner Template

Vacation Planner Template

While creating a vacation itinerary requires advance planning, doing so allows you to relax and enjoy your trip without having to make arrangements while traveling. This vacation planner template is designed to help you compile information, compare options, and then create an itinerary based on what you discover. It can be used for planning a variety of trips, from family vacations and reunions to student field trips or travel for sports team competitions.

Download Vacation Planner Template

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Travel Day Planner

Travel Day Planner

Use this Microsoft Word itinerary template to create a schedule for outings and events on a single day. Keep track of items to bring, restaurant locations, tourist attractions, and important notes. You can create your own easy-to-carry guide to follow throughout the day, and stick to your travel plan or make adjustments as you see fit.

Download Travel Day Planner

Family Vacation Itinerary Template

Family Vacation Itinerary Template

This itinerary template is designed with families in mind, and provides sections for listing all of the important trip details, which may include traveler names, medical info and contacts, other emergency contacts, and travel plans. Keep track of activities that your family plans to enjoy along with any corresponding details you want to document, such as cost, location, or advance tickets.

Download Family Vacation Itinerary Template

Excel  |  PDF

Travel Planning Checklist

Travel Planning Checklist

Create a simple checklist for planning a personal trip or vacation. This template includes sections for adding items to complete at work, arrangements for home and pet care, a packing list, and other tasks. A to-do list can provide organization and accountability before you leave for a vacation.

Download Travel Planning Checklist

Meeting and Event Itinerary Templates

Formal meeting itinerary template.

Formal Meeting Itinerary

Keep meetings on track with this organized itinerary that shows topics to be covered, presenter names, and the time allotted for each agenda item. You can also record the names of everyone in attendance, the meeting objective, and the location. This is a Google Docs template that can be modified to suit your particular organization and easily shared with team members.

Download Formal Meeting Itinerary Template

Word | Smartsheet

Meeting Minutes and Itinerary

Meeting Minutes and Itinerary

This meeting itinerary template for Word provides a traditional layout with room to record minutes. Customize the template by adding a business logo or editing the items included in the itinerary. The template also includes a signature line for secretary approval.

Download Meeting Minutes and Itinerary

Weekly Staff Meeting Itinerary Template

Weekly Staff Meeting Template

Plan your weekly staff meetings and share the itinerary with attendees in advance. The agenda includes an overview of weekly achievements, progress updates, action items to discuss, and scheduling info for the next meeting. This template provides a roadmap to follow during the meeting and can also serve as a record of what was covered.

‌ Download Weekly Staff Meeting Itinerary Template - Word

Event Itinerary Template

Event Itinerary Template

Create a simple itinerary for a conference, workshop, fundraiser, or other event with this schedule template. You can show activities that occur in different locations simultaneously, such as different speakers at a conference, and display the starting and ending time for all activities. Use this template to plan a single or multi-day event.

Download Event Itinerary Template

Excel  |  PDF

Tips for Planning a Business Travel Itinerary

Some companies hire a corporate travel planning service to manage trip planning, booking, and emergency services. However, small businesses and independent consultants can simplify their travel planning by keeping a few tips in mind.

  • Begin Planning Early: While some trips occur with short notice, you should aim to start planning a month in advance (if possible) to reduce stress and ensure that you get the services you need at the best rates available. Schedule any business meetings before securing transportation, lodging, and other travel details. It can also be helpful to arrive a day or two early to give you time to get organized and recover from jet lag.
  • Bring a Backup Itinerary: Mobile devices, cloud-based storage, and the global availability of Wi-Fi make it easy to access documents from anywhere. But technology can fail, and devices can be lost or stolen, so it’s wise to print a hardcopy of your itinerary to bring in your carry-on luggage. If you’re traveling overseas, consider emailing a copy of your itinerary to your local contact as well.
  • Check the Weather: This may seem obvious, but in some locations and at certain times of year, you may need more than your typical business attire in order to be prepared and comfortable. Before packing, check the weather forecast for your destination.
  • Confirm Arrangements: Verify that a hotel will provide all the services you will need before booking. Once arrangements have been completed — but before setting out on your business trip — confirm lodging and other travel details to ensure that everything is in order and your itinerary is accurate.

Creating an organized itinerary will give you a map to follow during your trip so that you can focus on business engagements and other work responsibilities.

Create Flawless Travel Itineraries with Work Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

Travel Itinerary Template

Easily create a concise summary of your travel plans using our free Travel Itinerary Template for Excel or Word. List your flight, transportation, lodging, meeting times and other activities so that you can get the information quickly while you're on the go. It includes a place to add hyperlinks, so you can link to maps or your flight's check-in page. Save the spreadsheet onto your mobile device (using OneDrive or whatever you prefer) so that you can access it easily. You may also want to print a paper copy just in case.

Travel Itinerary Template

Other Versions

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

Authors: Jon Wittwer , Jim Wittwer, and Laura Cutler


This travel itinerary template allows you to keep the many different and important trip details in one place. Details like confirmation numbers, flight times, meeting times and locations, car rental and hotel locations, and more. It is organized in a way that flows nicely with the actual trip: leaving on a flight, renting a car once you arrive, checking in at your hotel, attending meetings and events and then flying back home. It's an effective solution when planning a trip for yourself, your boss or fellow employee.

Create a Vacation Itinerary

We tried to design this to make it easy to customize. For example, if you are going on a vacation instead of a business trip, you could change the "MEETINGS" section to "ACTIVITIES" and then list some of the possible activities you could do while on your trip.

Instead of "Topic" and "Room" as labels you could add "Cost" and "Hours" to note how much an activity would cost and what hours the museum, store, or attraction is open.

Example Vacation Itinerary

Travel Tips and Resources

  • Check the Weather!! at - This is a pretty cool travel planner by Weather Underground that will show you the weather during your trip. Use whatever weather app you prefer, but remember to check the weather.
  • Tips for Traveling Abroad at - This is an important checklist to use if you are traveling out of the country.
  • Check with Big Brother at - Flying? Check TSA's rules and remember to leave the key-ring pocket knife that you got for Christmas at home.

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For the Office

Free Excel Templates | Exceltemple

Trip Planner Excel Template

Trip Planner Excel Template is used for planning about a trip. It contains information about all the requirements of a trip. It is generally used by travel guides and travel agencies however, you can also use it if you are planning about going on a trip.

Benefits of Using Trip Planner Template

It has many benefits associated with its use. Some are mentioned below:

  • It makes your trips organized and well-scheduled.
  • It will help you to complete all the requirements of your trips so that you would not have to bother during the trip. Hence, you can make proper arrangements to meet all the requirements for your trip. You can also share this document with your teammates who are planning to go with you on the trip. This will let them review the arrangements that they have made for the trip.
  • You can use it to make plans for your all kind of trips whether they are air-travels or roadside or sea travels. You can also use it if you are going on hiking.
  • If you are in a school or college and are planning about taking the students on a trip, then this trip planner will be extremely helpful for you to plan the trip correctly. You will be able to make timely and complete arrangements for such a trip.

A well-planned trip always gives enjoyable memories and is free of worrisome. Therefore, you must plan your trips as per their requirements and use the Trip Planner tool for planning your trip.

Format of a Trip Planner Excel Template

Trip Planner Excel Template

This template is usually found in MS Excel format. MS Excel tabular format can entail information about many aspects of a trip; however, you can also use the MS Word document if you do not want to use the tabular style for making a trip plan.

In MS Excel, you can mention the financial aspects of a trip in a separate column and the expenses in a separate worksheet in the same Excel workbook. You can also mention it in the same worksheet by making a separate column for the budget of the trip and a separate column for expenses.

You will include the details of each expense like the fuel expense, food expense, hotel rent expense, etc. in the expense titled column.

Similarly, you can make another column that may include the luggage that is required for the trip. This may include quilts and clothes and water, etc. Similarly, you can mention other details that are related to the trip.

Daily Expense Tracker Template in Excel Format

Sample Template Of Trip Planner Excel

You can find some sample templates of the Trip Planner on the internet on some blogs. If you get customized templates then, they will give you a better idea that how a trip planner document really looks like and how can you create it, and what information is inserted in it. You can also avail of some good templates which you can use for planning your trips.

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Free Download 10 Travel Planner Template Excel

Planning your trip before its execution is the best practice. When trying to attain perfection in anything without planning, does not lead you to success. So planning must be done to achieve success in every single thing even if you go on an unplanned trip it might create a hassle for you. Planning does not need so much effort just needs some attention and determination. If you go on a planned trip then it will add up to your enjoyment.

In this article, I have presented some travel planner templates in excel that makes your travel planning process much easier. You can easily edit these travel planner templates in excel. These are designed professionally. Here I enlist the most captivating travel planner template excel:

1. Simple and Tourism Schedule Excel Template:

Make your tour schedule with this colorful planner template. It allows you to detail the plan of your trip on daily basis. You can even describe hourly planning here.

Try this template in WPS and save in Word doc:

2. Useful Travel Schedule Excel Template:

Use this blue-colored professional travel planner template in excel for your business trip meetings or training etc. this is available for free download.

3. Travel Account Book Excel Template:

Use this simple bright-colored travel account book for preparing your travel plan for business, family trips, or any other. Free download this well-organized travel planner template in excel.

4. Fresh Travel Book Keeping Form Excel Template:

Keep track of your monthly or yearly business trips by using this fully organized travel planner template in excel. Graphical illustration attracts more. Download this tabular formed template for free.

5. Travel Carry-on List Excel Template:

Make travel carry on the list so you never miss anything. For a business trip, you might be guided for bringing any kind of documents. This simple travel planner template in excel helps you to do so.

6. Travel Itinerary Schedule Excel Template:

A travel itinerary document allows you to plan your trip properly. Free download this well-organized travel planner template in excel if you want a perfect and hassle-less trip.

7. Business Trip Reimbursement Form Excel Template:

Searching for a well-explained expense tracker template? Grab this manageable travel planner template in excel with a field of the total at the bottom where your expense total can be calculated automatically. Available for free download.

8. Travel Expenses Report Excel Template:

If you are looking for a travel expense report to present your all expense to the finance department. Don’t miss this professional travel planner template in excel.

9. Travel Expense Report Excel Template:

You can customize this amazing travel planner template in excel as a monthly travel planner. Free download this minimalistic template. It helps you present your expenses to the finance department in a sophisticated way.

10. Business Trip Application Excel Template:

Wants to go on a business trip? Don’t miss this simply amazing travel planner template excel free download. It looks like a permission letter.

Wants to go on a wonderful Trip? Plan your next trip with the travel planner template excel. You will enjoy your trip. WPS office software is a hub of tempting and amazing templates. Visit WPS office software if you want professional templates for a fee.

  • 1. 10 Best Mileage Log Excel Template to Track Your Business Travel
  • 2. Best 10 Travel Excel Template Free Download
  • 3. 9+ simple travel itinerary template Excel free download
  • 4. Top 10 travel expense report template Excel download 2024
  • 5. Ten Best Travel Budget Template Excel Free Spreadsheet
  • 6. 9+ Well Organized Free Excel Travel Itinerary Template

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.

trip planning in excel

Holiday Trip Planner

trip planning in excel

The Holiday Trip Planner is the best way to map your entire holiday journey. With an easily customizable design and convenient drop-down menus to help you quickly change any detail, this template has all the tools you need to fill each day with a clearly laid-out schedule. Just enter all the information listed in this template and you will have a step-by-step plan to help you maximize the entire getaway. This is a great tool for any individual or someone traveling on business to accomplish certain tasks and make sure they have been completed. Make your holiday travel simple and convenient with this Trip Planner!

How to Use the Holiday Trip Planner

After you have successfully downloaded the file below, containing the Trip Planner, you can begin to edit and customize your document!

The Planner is set up to be as simple and straightforward as possible. Start in the upper left-hand corner of the page by filling out the required information. Here you can enter your name, length of trip, the total number of people accompanying you, and the date of your trip.

Next, move down to the main table and select the times you want to schedule certain events on your trip. There is a convenient drop-down menu to select specific dates and times. After you have entered in the relevant times and day, simply click in the corresponding cells, under the day, and write down anything you want to accomplish during that time.

At the bottom of the page, there is also a section to mark your various expenses along your trip. This is just a simple way for you to monitor your spending and keep everything in the budget as you plan your ideal getaway. Under each of the categories in this section, simply write the total amount you spent for the day. The template will add everything up for you!

Now you have all the necessary tools to plan the perfect holiday trip!

Top Reasons to Use the Holiday Trip Planner

  • Everything you need is one tab
  • Keep track of multiple days for longer trips
  • Tracks mileage and other common expenses

Plan the perfect trip with this organizational template!

Download:  Holiday Trip Planner

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  19. Trip Planner Excel Template

    Trip Planner Excel Template. Trip Planner Excel Template is used for planning about a trip. It contains information about all the requirements of a trip. It is generally used by travel guides and travel agencies however, you can also use it if you are planning about going on a trip. Benefits of Using Trip Planner Template.

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    Eric, I searched Excel for a template on travel and found one called Trip Planner. They start with tabs for Travel (flight info), Lodging, Activities, and Budget. You can, of course, edit or add tabs as needed. I have used Microsoft OneNote before, but that only really works for me for trips of a week or less.

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    1. Simple and Tourism Schedule Excel Template: Make your tour schedule with this colorful planner template. It allows you to detail the plan of your trip on daily basis. You can even describe hourly planning here. Try this template in WPS and save in Word doc: Free Dwonload. 2. Useful Travel Schedule Excel Template:

  22. Holiday Trip Planner

    The Planner is set up to be as simple and straightforward as possible. Start in the upper left-hand corner of the page by filling out the required information. Here you can enter your name, length of trip, the total number of people accompanying you, and the date of your trip. Next, move down to the main table and select the times you want to ...