visit adelaide gaol

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visit adelaide gaol

When Adelaide was established a free colony in 1836, many believed that Adelaide would be a utopian society as all settlers were highly educated, so there was no need for a prison. Sadly things did not go as plan and the first prisoners were held on the HMS Buffalo- a floating prison hulk

A temporary gaol was then set up in a wooden hut, which was surrounded by a wooden fence. this enclosure was often over-crowded and escapes were frequent.  as the prison grew, permanent buildings slowly replaced the makeshift huts., adelaide gaol is the longest continually operating gaol in the country. from 1841 to 1988 adelaide gaol was home to over 300,000 people, both guilty and innocent, including men, women and children., a total of 45 executions were performed onsite. initially, executions were public and were held in front of the gaol buildings. up to 2,000 people attended public hangings, adelaide gaol is now a museum, tourist attraction, function centre and registered cemetery..

visit adelaide gaol

Adelaide Gaol

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From $10.50 to $17.00 Admission entry fee Adult: $17.00 Concession: $14.00 Child: $10.50 (aged 4 to 15) Family: $44.00


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Image: a two storey stone building with a brick arched loggia and barred upper storey balcony. A security camera is mounted on one end of the building.

Adelaide Gaol

At a glance.

Located in Thebarton, Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest buildings in South Australia and one of the longest continually operating prisons in Australia, opening in 1841 and closing in 1988. During this time it housed over 300 000 male and female prisoners and saw forty five executions. Designed by George Strickland Kingston and based on England’s Pentonville Prison, today the Adelaide Gaol still retains much of its early character despite numerous additions and alterations. The Adelaide Gaol currently operates as a tourist attraction, museum and function centre.

A Colony Without Crime?

Following his own three year prison sentence Edward Gibbon Wakefield developed a model of systematic colonisation which resulted in the 1836 founding of the Colony of South Australia, a place where land was sold rather than granted and to which no convicts would be transported. It was expected that this free colony would attract a better, more responsible class of people and so no provision was made for a gaol in the original plans for Adelaide and any criminals that were arrested were held in irons upon ships or within tents.

However, with a growing prisoner population, and an increased fear that escaped convicts from eastern Australia would find their way to the Colony, more secure and permanent arrangements were soon needed. In 1837 offenders waiting for trial were held in a temporary wooden stockade and convicted felons were transported to Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) or to Sydney, New South Wales. Transportation continued until 1851, when British transportation laws changed, with over 200 men and women sentenced during this time (Scheiffers 2002:1).

The stockade was very unhygienic (many prisoners suffered from dysentery and rheumatism) and very soon after its erection became dangerously overcrowded with 100 prisoners committed in 1838 where provision had been made for only twenty eight. Consequently, in May 1840 George Strickland Kingston was commissioned to design a permanent prison for the Colony. Construction was to take priority over all other planned buildings, with a design based on England’s Pentonville Prison.

Building the Adelaide Gaol: 1840-1850

In July 1840, successful tenderers Borrow and Goodier, began construction on the new gaol using stone from the nearby quarry, red bricks made on site, and imported sandstone from Van Diemen’s Land for coping, sills and towers. On Christmas Eve 1840 the first fourteen prisoners were moved from the temporary gaol to the new gaol, which was still under construction, with the remainder transferred in early 1841.

Despite original estimated costs of £7 000, by 1841 the costs had exceeded £16 000 with only half the work completed, mostly due to changes to the plans by Governor Gawler. George Grey, who replaced Gawler that year, immediately stopped construction and a court case ensued when Grey refused to honour payments. Notwithstanding these problems, the Gaol was officially completed later that year.

1845 saw the first call for repairs at the Gaol and the ordering of more work, including gravelling of yards and whitewashing. Regular whitewashing of stone and brickwork continued throughout the Gaol’s life, in fact, in April 1857 the walls were reportedly whitewashed every week ( The South Australian Register , 13 April 1857 p.2).

The outer wall was completed in 1846 and by 1848 most of the rest of the gaol was finished. The final sections of the inner wall were completed during this time and these provide a rich source of prison graffiti, including a number of images of ships and a variety of sundials.

By 1850 the planned demi-octagon was completed, forming most of the basic shape of the prison today.

Expansion and Improvement: 1850-1900

The second half of the 19th century saw a series of expansions, renovations and improvements to the Gaol, beginning with the construction of a work yard on the western side in 1853. In 1854 Yatala Labour Prison opened and Adelaide Gaol became primarily a prison for remand and short term prisoners not sentenced to heavy labour. Many prisoners were employed within the prison bakehouse and kitchen or as cleaners and maintenance workers. Others were permitted to work outside the walls in the vegetable gardens or olive plantations, or were employed in building roads, planting trees or damming the Torrens (Hill 2006:6).  1854 also saw the death of William Baker Ashton, the first Governor of the Adelaide Gaol, in his upstairs apartment in the gaol’s administrative building. Being a rather portly man, and with the added complication of rigor mortis, Ashton was unable to be moved down the building’s narrow staircase, resulting in his body being removed through a window and lowered to the ground.

In 1858 the ground and first floor of a new multi-storey cell block was constructed between Yards 1 and 2, with a third floor added in 1862 and new balconies in 1881. In 1862 a bluestone cell block was erected between Yards 4 and 5, and in 1864 part of the original central 1841 cell block was demolished to make way for another two storey building between Yards 3 and 4. 1864 was also the year that the Gaol was supplied with gas for lighting.

A new cell block (the Remand Centre) was constructed in 1871, with cells facing into a central corridor rather than back to back. This was followed in 1872 by stage one of a new service wing, stage two of which was completed by 1879. This wing, to the south of the original prison and now sitting between the New Building and the rest of the Gaol, has undergone many alterations and at closure housed the bakery and kitchens.

With up to three prisoners sharing cells in 1875 (Scheiffers 2002:28) there was increasing concern over overcrowding and poor conditions, which resulted in the construction of the New Building in 1879. Also in 1879, a fire in the central 1841 cell block, between Yards 3 and 4 required extensive repairs and a new roof. The space was repurposed as a dining room in 1881, then converted to a shower block in the mid-20th century before returning to a dining hall in the 1970s.

From 1884 a visiting magistrate began to visit the Gaol once a fortnight to hear complaints, answer questions and to oversee the trials of prisoners who had broken rules ( News 7 November 1942 p.4). The majority of cases recorded in the Prisoner Misconduct Books 1885-1956 (State Records of South Australia, GRS/2758) relate to minor fights between prisoners, possession of prohibited goods and destruction or defacing of the cell or items within it and were mostly punished by a period of solitary confinement.

Adelaide Gaol in the early 20th Century: 1900-1942

Although there were fewer major structural alterations in the early 20th century, the Gaol did continue to change in the years leading up to the Second World War. 1905 saw a new wall erected in Yard 5 to separate different classes of prisoners and it is reported that many other improvements and repairs were made across the gaol in 1911 including extra ventilation in the female cells ( Daily Herald , 29 June 1911 p.4). In 1916 electric lights were installed in the New Building’s padded cells and by 1942 every cell in the gaol was outfitted with electric lights, which could remain on until 9pm.

1942 also saw a change of fashion for the women in the gaol with the old uniform of ankle length grey-blue cotton dresses, flannel petticoats, poke bonnets, white stockings and black laced boots replaced with shorter blue cesarine (a post-war cotton fabric developed in Sydney and commonly used for uniforms as it did not crease easily) dresses, broad-brimmed hats and tan shoes ( News 7 November 1942 p.4).

Military Use: 1942-1946

During the Second World War (1942) part of the New Building was taken over by the military to be used as a detention barracks, as well as to hold some foreign nationals under the Enemy Aliens Act (Scheiffers 2002:35). While soldiers and regular prisoners were usually kept separate, in 1945 an enquiry found that 'soldiers under detention for purely military purposes were adversely affected by contact with prisoners with civil convictions' ( The Advertiser , 4 October 1945 p.6).  After the war, in 1946, the military moved out of the New Building and it was extensively repaired and restored to return it to its pre-war state.

Post War Repairs and Additions: 1945-1970

Several changes occurred across the Gaol following the war. In 1947 radios with headphones were installed in cells but were replaced, in 1958, with fixed speakers. It is reported that these radios were most often tuned to classical or religious stations (Scheiffers 2002:37) but by the 1980s the graffiti suggests that SAFM was the most common radio station listened to by prisoners.

In 1956 a non-contact visitors’ centre was constructed which meant that prisoners and their visitors no longer had to shout across the Sally Port, but could sit at booths and talk. This also reportedly led to more contraband being smuggled into the prison.

In 1961 Dr Blum (the dentist) began to visit weekly and he, along with the doctor (who had begun visiting in 1955), greatly improved the health of the prisoners.

The first threat of major demolition of buildings in the 20th century came in 1965 due to the poor condition of some of the older structures. However, most of the Gaol buildings were considered heritage, and demolition was prohibited, resulting in repair, patching and painting being undertaken instead. The inability to sufficiently upgrade the gaol to modern prison specifications resulted in a decrease in living standards which would ultimately lead to its closure.

Conversion to an all Male Facility: 1970s

In 1969 female prisoners were transferred to the Northfield Women's Rehabilitation Centre and so the gaol became an all male facility, requiring extensive renovations and upgrades.  Amongst these was new central watch tower built in 1972 which allowed for greater surveillance of the yards. In addition, the dining and recreation room in Yard 6 was refinished, the Induction Centre, Activity Room and Library replaced the female laundry and toilet in Yard 3, the women’s kitchen became a classroom and the Yard 3 dorm became a clothing store.  The men also took over the care of the rose garden which had been established by female prisoners in 1932. The brick wall between Yards 2 and 3 and the wall between Yards 5 and 6 were demolished and replaced in the 1970s while the interior of the 1871 (Remand) cell block was cement rendered.

Final Alterations, Construction and Closure: 1980-1988

Concerns over the cost of maintaining heritage buildings were raised again in the 1980s and the decision was made to allow the Gaol to deteriorate, with plans to close the prison by the end of the decade. Very few alterations were made during this time, with exceptions being the conversion of a space in Yard 3 to the Activity Room in 1980 and installation of security cameras and exterior lighting in 1984. Contact visitations were also allowed for the first time in 1984.

In 1986 remand prisoners were moved out of the Adelaide Gaol and sent to the newly constructed Adelaide Remand Centre (South Australia State Heritage Branch 1990:n.p.) with longer term prisoners moved out in increments. Inmates were sent to other institutions, or, for those nearing the end of their sentence, granted early release, until on 3 February 1988, the final night of operation only six prisoners remained (Scheiffers 2002:123-124).

On 4 February 1988 the Gaol was officially decommissioned and in the process of turning the Gaol into a heritage and tourism site the State Heritage Branch ensured that:

as much of the heritage material as possible remained intact and in situ. Prisoners were invited to leave personal items in their cells when they finally walked out. These items included clothing, books and posters. (Scheiffers 1999:3).

Unfortunately many of these personal items have since been removed, although some stickers and posters do remain on the walls and doors of a few cells.

A Tourist Attraction: 1989-Present.

The Adelaide Gaol first opened to the public on the weekend of 14-15 August 1988 with tickets sold through Bass. Over 4 000 people attended, with following open weekends in June, July, August and September 1989 attracting between 500 and 1 000 visitors (Sheiffers 1999:3-4).

Due to the use of the site as accommodation, which would continue until 2007 when the site was found not to meet safety regulations, the toilets in the New Building were upgraded and repainted, with provisions made for women.

1992 saw the patching and painting of salt damp damage in the Yard 6 Recreation Room. In 1993 the Gaol saw its first major function, followed by a Youth conference in 1994 attracting over 5,000 people, a series of Lion’s Trash and Treasure Markets beginning in 1996, and the hire of the New Building for weddings, festivals, movie screenings and charity events, which continue to this day.

By 1994 the Gaol was attracting over 12 000 visitors annually and in 1997 self-guided tours began to be offered. By 1998 visitor number were exceeding 16 000 annually (Scheiffers 1999:n.p.) and without the watchful eye of a tour guide visitors were increasingly prone to leave their own mark on the Gaol resulting in a large amount of vandalism.

The Gaol continued to operate with growing visitor numbers and offered both guided and self-guided tours, as well as ghost tours, up until 2013 when a dispute arose between members of the Adelaide Gaol Preservation Society. The resulting court case led to the Gaol being placed under new management and tours suspended. The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) began to clean-up the Gaol in late 2013, continuing recent restoration efforts to the cell blocks and towers in which damp and animal damage has been addressed, but which also has resulted in the disposal of materials which may have been original to the prison.

Executions at the Adelaide Gaol

On 18 November 1840, while the gaol was still under construction, Joseph Stagg, a runaway convict from Van Diemen’s Land was hanged for the murder of John Gofton. He was the first of forty five prisoners executed at the Adelaide Gaol. Stagg and a further six men were executed on a portable gallows outside the gaol until 1858 when an Act of Parliament prohibited public executions. From 1861 to 1883 prisoners were executed on a portable gallows between the gaol’s walls. Amongst the thirteen executed in this time was Elizabeth Woolcock, the only woman executed in South Australia. Woolcock was accused of murdering her husband, Thomas, by mercury poisoning and, despite the jury recommending leniency due to her youth (she was 26) and the circumstances of her abusive marriage, she was executed on 13 December 1873.  Also executed during this period was William Burns, a sailor executed in January 1883 for the stabbing murder of Henry Loton on board the Douglass. Burns’ grave, located between the walls of the gaol, is decorated with inscribed graffiti of sailing ships. Burns was also known for his pet sparrow, which had lived in his cell. Following his execution it was reported that the bird had flown around the gaol for some time looking for him ( The South Australian Advertiser , 19 January 1883, p.5).

From 1894 to 1950 executions were undertaken in a permanent gallows in A-wing in the New Building. Twenty one prisoners were executed at these gallows before the construction of a forth gallows in the Hanging Tower where the final four prisoners were executed beginning with John Balaban in 1953 and ending with Glen Valance, the final man executed in South Australia, and the second to last in Australia, on 24 November 1964.

Archaeology at the Adelaide Gaol

In 2007 an Adelaide Gaol volunteer fell through rotting floorboards of a building in Yard 2 to discover what appeared to be the remains of an earlier building. Excavations undertaken by archaeologists from the South Australian Museum uncovered five distinct levels of occupation. Level one, which dated from prior to European settlement showed evidence of Indigenous use of the site through the discovery of stone tools. Level two showed evidence of early European settlement and was dated to between 1836 and 1840 through the discovery of a range of artefacts including glass, ceramic, buttons and a child’s tooth. Bricks, animal bones and scrap metal marked level three which dated from the gaol’s construction, 1840-1847. Level four, dating from 1847 to 1900 showed the original layout of the building which had been divided into six cells. Artefacts recovered from this layer revealed activities undertaken by female prisoners including oakum picking. The final level, level five, dated from 1900 and contained evidence of the building’s use as a recreation area and tea room. The excavations have remained open and can be viewed by the public along with a range of the artefacts recovered.

In 2013 a large portion of the Adelaide Gaol’s extensive graffiti was recorded. Over 4 500 individual graffito were identified and analysed and it was discovered that location and visibility, along with the passage of time, both short term within an individual sentence and overall throughout the gaol’s operation, impacted the amount of graffiti and the themes expressed within it. Additionally, the graffiti reflected increased drug use and an increase in racism and political extremism in the second half of the 20th century, the emergence of 1960s counter culture, and a change in the way people identified themselves at the turn of the last century. The graffiti was also able to give some indication of the effectiveness of prison education programs and recidivism rates of the 1970s and 1980s (Agutter 2013).

By Rhiannon Agutter, History Trust of South Australia

Uploaded 23 February 2015

Rhiannon Agutter, History Trust of South Australia, ‘Adelaide Gaol’, SA History Hub, History Trust of South Australia,, accessed 12 September 2024.

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Adelaide Gaol Preservation Society, Adelaide Gaol, 2014 ( ).

Agutter, R Marking Time: Graffiti at the Adelaide Gaol (Master of Archaeology thesis, Department of Archaeology, Flinders University, Adelaide, 2013).

Daily Herald  , Improvements at the Gaol, 29 June 1911 p4

Griffiths, ARG A, History of South Australian Prisons (M.A thesis, Department of History, University of Adelaide, 1964)

Hill, C, 'The Past and Future of the Adelaide Parkland Olives', Paper presented at The Adelaide Parklands Symposium: A balancing act , Adelaide, 10 November - 12 November 2006, ( )

News,  Fashions Have Changed at the Adelaide Gaol, 7 November 1942 p4

News,  Criminals in Army 'Should be Segregated', 3 October 1945 p3

Payne, P and E Grant, Adelaide Gaol: Scoping study, Report for the History Trust of South Australia (Adelaide, 2006)

Scheiffers, S,  On the Smell of an Oily Rag: The Story of the First Ten Years of Adelaide Gaol Museum 1988-1998  (Adelaide: Adelaide Gaol Preservation Society, 1999)

Scheiffers, S,   Inside: A Brief History of the Adelaide Gaol  (Adelaide: Openbook Print, 2002)

Schwager, Brooks, James and Partners Pty Ltd,  Adelaide Gaol Conservation Plan  (Sydney: Schwager Brooks, 1988)

South Australia Prisons Department, Annual Report  (Adelaide: Government Printer, 1967-1974)

South Australia Prisons Department, Annual Report of the Comptroller of Prisons and Chief Probation Officer  (Adelaide: Government Printer, 1971-1973)

South Australia Sheriffs and Comptroller of Prisons Office, Report on Gaols and Prisons for the Year…  (Adelaide: The Office, 1904-1955)

South Australia Sheriff’s and Gaols and Prisons Department, Annual Report on Gaols and Prisons for the Year…  (Adelaide: Government Printer, 1955-1965)

South Australia State Heritage Branch,  Adelaide Gaol: Visitors’ Guide  (Adelaide: State Government of South Australia, 1990)

South Australian  , Government Gazette, 21 August 1846 p2

South Australian Register,  Adelaide Gaol, 13 April 1857 p2

South Australian Register , Prison Labour, 27 March 1862 p2

South Australian Register,  Enlargement of the Adelaide Gaol, 17 May 1879 p10

South Australian Register,  The Douglass Murder, 19 January 1883 p6

South Australian Register,  Our Gaols, Asylums and Reformatories, 11 May 1886 p7

State Records of South Australia, GRS/2758, Prisoner misconduct books - Adelaide Gaol 1885-1956. Department of Correctional Services

State Records of South Australia, GRS/2759, Matron’s Journal (Adelaide Gaol) 1981-1915. Department of Correctional Services

State Records of South Australia, GRS/2788, Keeper’s Journal (Adelaide Gaol) 1937-1958. Department of Correctional Services

State Records of South Australia, GRS/2789, Night Warder’s Report Books - Adelaide Gaol 1943-1988. Department of Correctional Services

The Advertiser , Army Offenders “Humiliated”, 4 October 1945 p6

The Register,  Buildings, 30 December 1905 p9

The South Australian Advertiser, The Execution of Burns, 19 January 1883 p5

The South Australian Register, The Convict Stagg, 21 November 1840 p2

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Please note Adelaide Gaol will be closed on 20th Friday and 21st Saturday September 2024 for a private event.

Education & OSHC Tours

Adelaide Gaol offers education tours mapped to the Australian Curriculum and SACE.

Guided education tours run for 60 minutes. Please arrive 10 minutes before your booking time so tours can start promptly. Tours are interactive. Early and primary school tours emphasise life as a prisoner inside Adelaide Gaol, middle years are based around a Poetry Slam competition where students compose Haikus and the senior secondary tour culminates in a subject-specific debate.

All students have the opportunity to explore the gaol yards and cells, touch artefacts such as handcuffs and escape ropes, and contemplate South Australia’s dark history.

Ready to book? Scroll to the bottom of the page and complete our online form.

OSHC Great Escape Program

Our OSHC Great Escape Program is a kinesthetic, play-based day out. Children are split into teams and rotate through four activity areas to experience and learn about life at Adelaide Gaol.

OSHC Staff will be given maps and activity sheets to lead children between the activity areas. Children rotate around four activity areas, spending 30 minutes in each area. One of the areas includes eating lunch (students bring their own lunch).

Early Years Education Tours

Our Early Years Education Tours are kinesthetic, play-based activities where students participate in Adelaide Gaol's 'Guard in the Yard' (it's our take on the Christmas 'Elf on the Shelf'). Children follow a magical puppet guard who hides in each yard and tells them interesting things about the gaol.

Primary School Education Tours

Our Primary Education Tours are interactive and allow students to experience what it would have been like as a prisoner at Adelaide Gaol. Let you Years 3-7 students explore one of South Australia's oldest Colonial buildings.

Middle School Education Tours

Our Middle Years Education Tours are interactive and structured around teams finding inspiration to write Haiku poems to present in a poetry slam competition held in the Visitor Centre at the end of the tour.

Secondary School Education Tours

Our Secondary Education Tours are interactive and structured around teams finding evidence to defend their position in a debate which is held in the Visitor Centre at the end of the tour. Tours are mapped to SACE curriculum subjects: English, Legal Studies, Modern History, Nutrition, Philosophy, Psychology, Outdoor Education, Society and Culture.

Education tour cost

A standard $86 fee applies for the 60 minute education program

*Guided and self-guided programs are available Monday-Friday 10am-4pm. A minimum of 10 guests is required to secure an education tour booking.

Please note these fees are only applicable when booking a Guided Education Tour. Self-guided fees are available here .

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DECD defined ratios for teachers/supervisors

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Adelaide Gaol Preservation Society Inc

A Visit to the Adelaide Gaol – 1939.

Adelaide Gaol Ghost Tours murder & maybem tours paranormal investigations history tours

Behind Prison Walls. 1939.

On Saturday morning I found myself the possessor of a pass of admission to His Majesty’s Gaol Adelaide. My companion was Miss Sylvia Cowles, an English visitor who for the past 13 years has been a voluntary handicraft instructress to the women in Holloway Prison, London, and who during her world tour has inspected many women’s prisons in America and Australia. Miss Cowles will return to England in the Orion on Thursday.

It was interesting and gratifying to learn that the daily average number of women prisoners for the whole of the state, except in cases of a few days confinement in country gaols, all the women are housed at the Adelaide Gaol, is the lowest on record being a daily average of 6.

It was also interesting to hear from Matron Hogarth who has been in charge of the women for the past 10 years, of the hygienic changes in the regulation clothing during her term of office, and the present uniform Is far removed from the conception which the majority of people have of traditional prison clothing. It is both attractive and serviceable, the blue frocks well made in a coat style, by the tailors imprisoned at Yatala, stitched hats to match, fawn stockings, and tan shoes, also made at Yatala, of a type which many a woman golfer or hiker would find very useful and acceptable in her wardrobe.

A moments comparison with the old time clothing, of which samples are still to be found in the prison storeroom, ungainly full skirted dull blue frocks and unattractive sunbonnets, white cotton stockings, and black blutcher boots, will suffice to show that restoration of self respect is much easier for the women prisoners of today than it was in the past. Every woman knows the telling effects of clothes on her outlook on life.

The bathing arrangements too have undergone a change, and the old thick slate slab bath in the open courtyard, which has given place to spotless bathrooms with hot water heaters, still stands as a reminder of days gone by. Bedsteads have replaced hammocks in the cells. Prisoners may borrow from the library reading material for their leisure hours, in the winter they may sit by the fire at certain hours in the sewing room with their embroidery or knitting, and in the summer they may tend the flower garden which borders their courtyard.

Sweet smelling violets greeted us on Saturday and some new antirrhinum plants sent in by a discharged prisoner who wished to provide for a further colourful corner, were gaining the special attention of one of the women.

There is a group of three women who now visit the Adelaide Gaol regularly. Two teach the women prisoners handicrafts, and the third is concentrating on reorganising the garden. Knitting is the chief occupation of the handicraft workers, who are with the prisoners every week, and wool is donated by the workers themselves, and their friends.

They have no organised committee, prompted by the thought that the days must seem long to the women inmates and their interests must be few, the three women approached the gaol authorities and tried out a day’s experiment. It seemed to fill such a need that they have continued with the work and are planning to make the recreation room brighter and provide some comfort for the hospital ward. Now that the handicraft workers are known, the afternoons they have with the prisoners are developing into happy meetings. The matron assists, and all knit together, it resembles quiet a little social meeting.

Acknowledgement: The Advertiser. 28 March 1939

Adelaide Gaol Ghost Tours murder & maybem tours paranormal investigations history tours

James Albert Coleman – Executed 2 July 1908

Adelaide Gaol Ghost Tours murder & maybem tours paranormal investigations history tours

A Picturesque Penitentiary – 1878


  1. Visitor information

    This means there are some changes to how you can get to the Gaol. Adelaide Gaol Stays Open. Adelaide Gaol is open as usual. All visits and events, including school trips, will go on as planned. New Access and Parking. Getting There: You can only get to Adelaide Gaol through Bonython Park. Enter Bonython Park from Port Rd and follow the signs.

  2. Visiting the Gaol

    We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country. We work in partnership with the First Peoples of South Australia and supports their Nations to take a leading role in caring for their Country. Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest remaining colonial ...

  3. Visit Adelaide Gaol

    Due to construction work on the new Mothers and Babies Hospital, Gaol Road has been closed. All visitors will need to access our location via Bonython Park. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Starts On: September 09, 2024. 7:30 PM. Approx end time:

  4. Tour information

    Guided tours of Adelaide Goal are conducted by independent private tour operators, usually outside of normal opening hours. These operators have been carefully selected based on their knowledge of the Gaol and their ability to provide our visitors with a memorable experience. Tour operators work on a rotating roster, so please check the ...

  5. Adelaide Gaol Ghost Tours History Tours Paranormal Investigations

    The Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest public buildings in Adelaide and has functioned as a prison (and place of execution) for almost 150 years. It was home to some of South Australia's most notorious criminals, serial killers and lunatics. It is said to be one of the most haunted sites in South Australia. With a gruesome and dark history ...

  6. Adelaide Gaol Ghost Tour

    Visit the Adelaide Gaol execution sites & graves. Our ghost tours include a visit to the Gaol's horrific execution sites and the famed Hanging Tower. Here you can see and explore the executioners' room and holding cell where the prisoners were confined whilst awaiting execution. You can stand on the trap door, right under the gallows in the ...

  7. Adelaide Gaol

    Adelaide Gaol is a former Australian prison located in the Park Lands of Adelaide, in the state of South Australia.The gaol was the first permanent one in South Australia and operated from 1841 until 1988. The Gaol is one of the two oldest buildings still standing in South Australia, the other being Government House which was built at the same time. The prison is now a museum, tourist ...


    For More Info on Adelaide Gaol Ghost & History Tours: Call: 1300 HAUNTED or 0407 715 866. Email: Haunted Horizons Ghost Tours. Or visit their website at Adelaide Gaol, history, heritage, prisoners, executions and ghosts... all you need to know.

  9. Adelaide Gaol

    Please visit our website for details. Adelaide Gaol was open for business from 1841 to 1988, the Gaol was one of Australia's longest continuously operational prison facilities. Over those gruelling 147 years, the Gaol housed some of the state's most notorious and dangerous criminals. Almost 300,000 prisoners whiled away some time at His (or Her ...

  10. About

    Adelaide Gaol is the longest continually operating gaol in the country. From 1841 to 1988 Adelaide Gaol was home to over 300,000 people, both guilty and innocent, including men, women and children. A total of 45 executions were performed onsite. Initially, executions were public and were held in front of the Gaol buildings. Up to 2,000 people ...

  11. Adelaide Gaol

    From $10.50. 18 Gaol Road, Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000. Closed now. 088231 4062. [email protected]. Visit Website. The new Women's and Children's Hospital is being built next to Adelaide Gaol. This means there are some changes to how you can get to the Gaol.

  12. Adelaide Gaol

    Building the Adelaide Gaol: 1840-1850. In July 1840, successful tenderers Borrow and Goodier, began construction on the new gaol using stone from the nearby quarry, red bricks made on site, and imported sandstone from Van Diemen's Land for coping, sills and towers. On Christmas Eve 1840 the first fourteen prisoners were moved from the ...

  13. Adelaide Gaol in Adelaide

    The Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest public buildings in Adelaide, dating back to the colonial period. A prison building that was the site of many public executions by hanging, it is also said to be . The Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest public buildings in Adelaide, dating back to the colonial period. ...

  14. Adelaide Gaol

    We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country. We work in partnership with the First Peoples of South Australia and supports their Nations to take a leading role in caring for their Country. Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest remaining colonial ...

  15. What will I see?

    Check out the archaeological dig by the South Australian Museum in the grounds of the Gaol. The dig revealed that the Gaol site was once a temporary site for the earliest white settlement of Adelaide. The dig uncovered finds reflecting the changing nature of prisoners' activities at Adelaide Gaol, their personal life and hidden secrets.

  16. Life in Adelaide Gaol

    Read about an 1878 visit to the Adelaide Gaol. Read about a 1939 visit to the Adelaide Gaol. Waste Disposal and Sanitation Challenges. Disposal of night waste was quite advanced during the Gaol's early days considering Adelaide's sewage system was introduced in 1881 (water was 1861). Prisoners dug trenches out the back among the olive ...

  17. Adelaide

    Adelaide (/ ˈ æ d ɪ l eɪ d / ⓘ AD-il-ayd, [8] [9] locally [ˈædəlæɪd]; Kaurna: Tardanya, pronounced [ˈd̪̥aɳɖaɲa]) is the capital and most populous city of South Australia, [10] and the fifth-most populous city in Australia. "Adelaide" may refer to either Greater Adelaide (including the Adelaide Hills) or the Adelaide city centre.The demonym Adelaidean is used to denote the city ...

  18. Travel to Russia, Russian Tours and Vacation Packages

    The classical tour of Moscow and Saint Petersburg is designed for tourists, who just start their acquaintance with Russia and its two treasures — the biggest cities, Moscow, the capital, and Saint Petersburg, the cultural center and the cradle of architectural and gems of tsar époque. The classical program usually takes from 5 to 8 days and ...

  19. Find Cheap Flights from Adelaide to Moscow

    Use Google Flights to plan your next trip and find cheap one way or round trip flights from Adelaide to Moscow. Find the best flights fast, track prices, and book with confidence.

  20. PDF A Visit to the Adelaide Gaol

    Visit to the Adelaide Gaol - 1939. On Saturday morning I found myself the possessor of a pass of admission to His Majesty's Gaol Adelaide. My companion was Miss Sylvia Cowles, an English visitor who for the past 13 years has been a voluntary handicraft instructress to the women in Holloway Prison, London, and who during her world tour has ...

  21. Education & OSHC Tours

    Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest remaining colonial public buildings in Adelaide and is the site of some of the state's most grisly history. ... Preffered date of visit. Preffered time of visit. 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM Level of education required Other level of education required: ...

  22. Find Cheap Flights from Moscow to Adelaide

    Use Google Flights to plan your next trip and find cheap one way or round trip flights from Moscow to Adelaide. Find the best flights fast, track prices, and book with confidence.

  23. A Visit to the Adelaide Gaol

    Behind Prison Walls. 1939. On Saturday morning I found myself the possessor of a pass of admission to His Majesty's Gaol Adelaide. My companion was Miss Sylvia Cowles, an English visitor who for the past 13 years has been a voluntary handicraft instructress to the women in Holloway Prison, London, and who during her world tour has inspected many women's prisons in America and Australia.