Maiden Voyage: What Does the Popular Idiom “Maiden Voyage” Mean?

The phrase “maiden voyage” has been used for many years as an idiom in the English language. If you are not familiar with the meaning of this term, its usage can leave you scratching your head. If you are stuck wondering what this phrase means or where it comes from then you have come to the right place. Here you will find the meaning of this phrase, information about its origin, some example sentences and conversations that will help you better understand it and use it properly, and some alternative suggestions you can say to mean the same thing.

Maiden Voyage

Maiden voyage meaning.

The phrase “maiden voyage” means the first trip out to sea, to the sky or over-the-road that is taken by a ship, aircraft or other moving vehicles for its specified purpose. It can also be used as a way to describe someone’s first experience doing something.

Origin of this idiom

The term “maiden” has been used as a descriptive term to mean “the first time doing something” since the mid-1500s. However, the phrase “maiden voyage” wasn’t first recorded until 1901 when it was used to describe the first time a ship went out to sea for its intended purpose.

“Maiden Voyage” Examples

Example sentences.

  • The maiden voyage of the Titanic ended in one of the most well-known catastrophes of all time.
  • This weekend I am taking my new boat out to sea on her maiden voyage .
  • The Titanic sank in April 1912 on its  maiden voyage  from Southampton to New York.
  • The ship made its  maiden voyage  last week.
  • The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during its  maiden voyage  in 1912.

Example Conversations

A discussion between two friends.

  • Friend 1: Would you like to go with me this weekend?
  • Friend 2: What are you doing?
  • Friend 1: I am going to take my speedboat out on her maiden voyage .
  • Friend 2: Sure! I would love to come.

A discussion between mother and daughter.

  • Daughter: I can’t believe you and dad bought me a car for my 16th birthday!
  • Mother: You like it then?
  • Daughter: I love it!
  • Mother: Good! I am happy to hear that! Where are you going to take it on its maiden voyage ?
  • Daughter: Most likely to the mall to get some new shoes with my birthday money.

Alternatives to “Maiden Voyage”

There are several other ways to say the phrase “maiden voyage” and state the same meaning. Other words or phrases you could say to replace this phrase include:

  • First voyage
  • First journey

What does “Maiden Voyage” Mean? | Image

Maiden Voyage

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maiden voyage

  • the first voyage of a ship after its acceptance by the owners from the builders.
  • nautical the first voyage of a vessel

Word History and Origins

Origin of maiden voyage 1

Idioms and Phrases

Example sentences.

The RMS Queen Mary made her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City.

In fact, its maiden voyage on familiar trails netted a series of both uphill and downhill PRs.

People might be surprised that during that period “Maiden Voyage,” one of your most well-loved standards, began as a TV jingle.

To some passengers a maiden voyage was a pleasure cruise; to others it meant a hope for new life.

His maiden voyage as skipper of his own ship made that reputation for the man.

He had had his fair fraction in the form of a crowd of enthusiastic friends who came to see him off on his maiden voyage.

THE ship's company was of a character befitting the greatest of all vessels and worthy of the occasion of her maiden voyage.

He has made it a custom to be a passenger on the maiden voyage of every new ship built by the White Star Line.

Definitions and idiom definitions from Dictionary.com Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

All Things Cruise

The Maiden Voyage: Seven Reasons To Take An Inaugural Cruise

An inaugural cruise: The phrase conjures visions of champagne christenings, celebrity godmothers and brand-new ship facilities and amenities. Is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Here are some issues to consider when deciding if to book an inaugural cruise on the newest and greatest ship:

The concept of a maiden voyage can be confusing, as the cruise ship will have an inaugural season , during which there will be several maiden voyages of different itineraries – (Mediterranean Inaugural!  Caribbean Inaugural! Alaska Inaugural!) Therefore, it can be hard to know when the real inaugural cruise actually occurs. Perhaps the best description of a true maiden voyage is the first revenue-producing voyage of a new ship – that is, the first cruise for which tickets are sold to the general public.

Consumers should know that they are likely not the first passengers to experience the ship.  The cruise companies usually host to one or more trips for the travel media and select members of the travel industry prior to its launch. This allows to the line to generate advance publicity for the ship and to do a final check on all processes.

As for the champagne and celebrities, some of these cruises do include a lot of fanfare, while on others it’s quite minimal.  These days, most ships go through a “naming ceremony” in a specific port and that is where much of the hoopla occurs. For example, the recent naming of the Seabourn Sojourn by former British supermodel Twiggy occurred on the River Thames in London and only bigwigs and press were in attendance.

Regardless of the pomp and circumstance, AllThingsCruise offers seven (7) fabulous  reasons that an inaugural cruise is a great bet:

  • The cruise lines realistically expect there may be some problems to be worked out and will oftentimes compensate for what they expect to be minor inconveniences with lower cruise fares.  Some inaugural cruises offer “introductory pricing”. 
  • Shipboard routines are still being established.  Some will complain about this, saying that service and continuity are not what they will be in later voyages. AllThingsCruise suggests you adopt a “half-full” attitude, appreciating rather than decrying that everything is not set in stone. Because the ship’s staff is still finding out what passengers want and need,  it is more likely to be flexible in getting it for them.  Things like menus, seating arrangements, and the scheduling of on-board activities may be available in ways not possible on later cruises. 
  • Each port is a new stop for a ship on an inaugural cruise so often its arrival becomes a local event.  Consider the recent U.S. arrival of Royal Caribbean’s mega-ship, the Oasis of the Seas … hundreds of people turned up to watch the ship arrive to its home port of Port Everglades, Fla.  So expect the locals to turn out to see the new ship, including politicians and local celebrities, often with music and other festivities. Not every port will do this, but it’s sure a sight to see when they do! 
  • The cruise lines are wise to the fact that the more positive word-of-mouth that’s generated from this first cruise, the better the bookings will be on future voyages. This may mean the cruise line “woos” you with extra special food, entertainment and activities.  Passengers on a maiden voyage can take advantage of perks that may not exist on future sailings.
  • There are often special inaugural events and keepsake items commemorating the voyage.  When Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 launched, she offered “Limited Edition” QM2 maiden-voyage commemorative items like playing cards, cups and saucers, T-shirts, stamps, painted ostrich eggs (!), baseball caps and key chains. These tokens are a great way to remember your voyage. Sometimes the lines even go a bit further, giving each cabin a very special present, often worth $50 or more. “Princess gave us a lovely ruby red engraved bowl when we sailed on the inaugural of the Ruby Princess, ” notes Cynthia Boal Janssens, editor and chief blogger for AllThingsCruise . “It is a lovely reminder of a beautifiul ship.”
  • Who among us doesn’t like the feeling of enjoying something that’s absolutely brand new, and how much bigger and better is that feeling on a 150,000-ton ship?  The vessel has seen no wear and tear. Every aspect of the ship is still in never-been-used, pristine condition.
  • And finally, everyone likes to be the first to experience something.  It’s human nature.  Inaugural passengers can’t help but feel a bit elite and a part of the ship’s history. How great is it to be able to say, “Oh, yes, I was on the maiden voyage”?

There is unquestionably something special about being on board a cruise ship during the inaugural cruise but they do fill up early.  If you are interested in finding out more about the cruise ships launching this year, please visit the new Inaugural Cruises section on AllThingsCruise.com .

what does the maiden voyage mean

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  • What is a Maiden Voyage?

The Titanic famously sank on its maiden voyage.

The term maiden voyage refers to the first expedition made by a vessel after its performance has been tested. The term has also been used to mean a person’s first time doing something. Before a ship’s maiden voyage, a bottle of alcohol (usually champagne) is broken over the ship’s bow for good luck. The history associated with maiden voyages dates back to ancient times with ancient civilizations having special ceremonies to invoke their gods to protect them on long ocean voyages. The ancients brought shrines into their ships, and the tradition proceeded long into the Middle Ages. Most ships have successful maiden voyages; however, some have been tragic, with the most famous being the RMS Titanic.

Notable Maiden Voyages

The rms titanic.

The RMS Titanic was one of the world’s most famous ships not only because it was the largest ship at the time of its completion but also because it met a tragic end during its maiden voyage. The owners of the Titanic chose to forego the traditional elaborate ship launching ceremony. The ship’s maiden voyage began on April 10, 1912, under the command of Captain Edward Smith with about 2,224 people on board. Two days after the ship’s launch at around 11:40 pm the ship struck an iceberg on the starboard side which allowed water to get into the ship. The ship took around 2 hours and 40 minutes to completely sink with the death toll estimated at more than 1,500 people. Most of the deaths were due to the ship’s crew not being adequately prepared for such an event and the ship not having enough lifeboats.

Launched on June 10, 1875, the Mohawk was owned by William T. Garner and was the largest racing yacht of the time at 140 feet. The yacht’s doomed maiden voyage began on July 20, 1876, off Staten Island with the entire Garner family on board. A sudden violent gust of wind struck the yacht making it capsize. The accident had no survivor as everyone on board drowned. The yacht was later recovered and renamed the Eagre. The Eagre participated in a survey of the Nantucket Shoals led by Lieutenant E.M. Hughes.

The Vasa was constructed at the command of King Gustavus Adolphus as the flagship of the standby regiment. The ship was under the command of Captain Sofring Hansson who received the command to set sail on the ship’s maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, from Alvsnabben. After a journey of approximately 4,200 feet to Tegelviken, water began filling the ship from the open gun ports. A strong wind had filled the ship’s sails, and because it was unstable, it was unable to right itself when forced on the port side. Thirty people died in spite of all the efforts of ships nearby. The ship was salvaged in 1961 and is now a major tourist attraction.

Safety Standards on Present-day Vessels

To prevent a catastrophic loss of life on a transport vessel stringent safety requirements have been set up. All ships are required to have enough lifeboats for all the people on board and the crew expected to be trained on proper evacuation procedures. Transport vessels are only certified once they have proven to have met all the required safety measures.

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10 Things to Know About Maiden Voyages and Inaugural Sailings on Brand-New Ships

what does the maiden voyage mean

For those of you lucky enough to sail on a brand-new cruise ship, you'll know the feeling: the excitement -- both yours and crew's; the feeling of walking into a cabin and knowing that you are the first person to sleep there; and that smell -- that new ship smell.

The first few sailings of any new ship are traditionally called shakedown cruises, where the ship and the crew are put through their paces ahead of a revenue sailing. Nowadays, though, many of the lines simply bill these cruises as "maiden voyages" or "inaugurals" and use them as a chance to trial new systems and technologies on fee-paying passengers.

So when you next step onboard a new ship, keep in mind two pieces of advice: Don't expect everything to work, and be patient.

Here are 10 things to know about sailing on a brand-new cruise ship.

1. Not everything will run smoothly.

It just won't, so don't expect it to. That includes technology, dinner arrangements, show bookings, room service or service in general. The show that you've booked? The performers might not have finalized their rehearsals or the technology might not yet be in place. The particular wine that you absolutely have to try? The order might not have gone through. The dining time and restaurant that you've pre-booked? Your booking might have been misplaced. Ditto with pre-booked shows.

wait staff

2. Be patient with crew.

Most lines will get their top crew in from other ships for a new ship's first season, and these people will be used to dealing with new ships (and be masterful in dealing with unexpected issues). But even the most experienced crew won't know every part of a new ship. So if your turndown service is not done exactly at the time you expect it, you've requested something in your cabin that hasn't arrived or your breakfast order is not quite right, be patient -- crew members are on a learning curve too.

3. It's possible not everything will be open.

I went on Carnival Sunshine's maiden voyage after it underwent a massive refurbishment that saw it changed from Carnival Destiny, and the specialty Japanese restaurant wasn't open, nor were the water slides. Other things that might not be available on an inaugural sailing? A spa treatment, perhaps a piece of new gym equipment or a mini-golf course that has some technical glitches.

4. You might run into famous people.

There are so many celebrity chefs now associated with cruise ships -- Jamie Oliver, and Thomas Keller in the U.S., for example, and James Martin, Atul Kochhar and Marco Pierre White in the U.K. -- that you are almost certain to spot one onboard an inaugural. Similarly, many ships invite "celebrities" with tenuous links to the line, or people they hope to promote the ship via social media. This is especially true if the godmother is someone famous, such as HM The Queen, for example, who named P&O Cruises' Britannia or Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth, who christened Royal Caribbean's Quantum of the Seas.

ship construction

5. You might run into shipyard workers.

This is a funny one: Sometimes ships aren't actually completely ready when they first set sail. Last minute tweaks, including a restaurant that needs to be built or plumbing issues that might need to be addressed, means engineers might be onboard to finish off the work. Cabins can be limited because the cruise line might have to block staterooms for the workers. (Note: These might not be inside cabins either. On a trip on Allure of the Seas , one lucky workman got to sleep in the Royal Suite as he was finishing it off!) If you run into shipyard workers, don't expect them to be as friendly as the crew.

6. You might run into top cruise line execs.

Unless you're an avid cruise line personnel fan, you're unlikely to know all but the most high-profile cruise line execs, but many mid-level executives will be onboard as well. They're getting to know the ship itself and how it works, so chances are, they will appreciate constructive feedback from you. They might hold Q&As or informal gatherings, which will be posted in the daily planner. Check them out! It's your chance to give your opinions.

7. You get to try out the new stuff.

OK, so the cruise line might be using you as a human guinea pig, but you are also the first to see new shows, the first to try out that new celebrity chef restaurant, the first to sample the cool new technology and the first to try out the activities. For example, on the inaugural cruise for Royal Caribbean's Quantum of the Seas , we were among the first to check out the smash "Starwater" in the Vegas-like setting of Two70; the first to taste chef Michael Schwartz's superb restaurant; the first to try the Ripcord by iFly sky diving simulator; and the first to see Mamma Mia! Oh yes -- and you get to be the first to write the review on Cruise Critic !

cruise passengers docked in Cozumel

8. Expect locals to be excited.

When the ship makes its first port calls, it probably will receive a special welcome. This varies depending on where you sail, but in the Caribbean, it will often be a steel band and dancers; in Europe, it might be a delegation of dignitaries, perhaps with a marching band. Cruising is a major financial boon to port cities, so new ships might be greeted by mayors, town councillors, port officials and local press -- in fact, everyone associated with the planning.

9. You get to shape the ship.

This is perhaps the most exciting, albeit intangible, aspect of being on a new ship. Your experiences onboard are invaluable to how the ship and other ships in the fleet will be operated. The cruise line is using your feedback to determine what shows work, what restaurants are popular and which cabin features click. The top cruise line executives are onboard to help work out kinks -- and evaluate concepts that might not be performing as well as they hoped. In many cases, upper management is very responsive to passenger opinions.

10. You get bragging rights.

And finally: You're entitled to boast (just a little) -- particularly if you're on the inaugural sailing.

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What does maiden voyage mean?

Definitions for maiden voyage maid·en voy·age, this dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word maiden voyage ., princeton's wordnet rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes.

  • maiden voyage noun

the first voyage of its kind

"in 1912 the ocean liner Titanic sank on its maiden voyage"

Wiktionary Rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes

The first trip of a vessel in its intended duty.

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maiden voyage

A maiden voyage is the first voyage or trip made by a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft after it has been built or launched. It is often celebrated or treated with significance as it marks the beginning of its operational existence.

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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage is the fifth album led by jazz musician Herbie Hancock, and was recorded by Rudy Van Gelder on May 17, 1965 for Blue Note Records. It was issued as BLP 4195 and BST 84195. It is a concept album aimed at creating an oceanic atmosphere. Many of the song titles refer to marine biology or the sea, and the musicians develop the concept through their use of space and almost tidal dynamics. The album was presented with the Grammy Hall of Fame Award in 1999. According to Bob Blumenthal's 1999 liner notes, "Blue Note logs indicate that an attempt had been made to record "Maiden Voyage", "Little One" and "Dolphin Dance" six days earlier, with Hubbard on cornet and Stu Martin in place of Williams. Those performances were rejected at the time and have been lost in the ensuing years." A different version of "Little One" was also recorded around the same time by Miles Davis and his quintet for the album E.S.P., also released in 1965.

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Chaldean Numerology

The numerical value of maiden voyage in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

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The numerical value of maiden voyage in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

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Translations for maiden voyage

From our multilingual translation dictionary.

  • पहली जलयात्रा Hindi
  • முதல் பயணம் Tamil

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The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage in 1912.

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Maiden voyage, itineraries released for the disney destiny.

Bookings open to the general public on Sept. 12

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The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox.

The Disney Destiny will sail its maiden voyage from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Nov. 20, 2025.

Disney announced the special four-night cruise will include stops at both of Disney Cruise Line’s island destinations in The Bahamas – Disney Castaway Cay and Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point.

Following the maiden voyage, the inaugural season of the Disney Destiny will feature four- and five-night cruises to The Bahamas and Western Caribbean.

Disney Cruise Line Castaway Club members can book a Disney Destiny cruise as early as Sep. 6, 2024, and bookings open to the general public on Sep. 12, 2024.

Click here to learn more .

The new heroes and villains-inspired ship features new experiences.

  • Pride Lands: Feast of The Lion King , a first-of-its-kind dining experience celebrating the music of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “The Lion King”
  • “ Disney Hercules ,” an all-new, Broadway-style show retelling the popular Disney Animation film
  • De Vil’s , a wickedly chic piano lounge celebrating the one and only Cruella de Vil
  • Edna Á La Mode Sweets , a one-of-a-kind confectionary inspired by Pixar Animation Studios’ “The Incredibles”
  • The Sanctum , Disney Cruise Line’s first lounge inspired by the powerful sorcerers and mystical artifacts of Marvel’s Doctor Strange
  • Plus, staterooms and suites featuring custom artwork of Disney stories; a new, villain-packed storyline aboard the AquaMouse water attraction; and tributes to legendary Marvel Super Heroes like Black Panther, Spider-Man and Iron Man.

The ship is part of Disney Cruise Line ship's expansion project, which also includes other ships like Disney Wish, Disney Treasure and Disney Adventure.

Disney also announced plans to expand its cruise line by adding four new vessels to its fleet between 2027 and 2031.

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Disney Cruise Line sets sail date for new Destiny ship

disney destiny cruise ship

Words:  Bea Mitchell

| 2 min read

Disney has also unveiled the Pirates of the Caribbean-themed bar

Disney Cruise Line has announced the sail date and destinations for the Disney Destiny’s maiden voyage.

On 20 November 2025, the Destiny will depart from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on a four-night cruise to both of Disney Cruise Line’s island destinations in the Bahamas – Castaway Cay and Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point .

The maiden voyage will be followed by a season of four-night and five-night cruises to the Bahamas and the western Caribbean.

The Destiny is themed to Disney’s heroes and villains, with new bars inspired by Cruella de Vil, the Haunted Mansion, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Disney Cruise Line has shared a first-look at the Pirates of the Caribbean-themed bar, called Cask and Cannon and based on the characters and scenes in the Disney parks attractions.

The drinking establishment will be furnished with pillaged and pilfered treasures, and guests will enjoy an extensive menu of rums, as well as bootlegged brews.

In addition to the bars, the Destiny will include a new dining experience inspired by  The Lion King  called ‘Pride Lands: Feast of the Lion King’, as well as a new Broadway-style show based on Hercules .

The Disney Destiny also includes Café Megara and Café Merida. The former is themed to Hercules , and the latter to  Brave .

Disney Cruise Line’s expansion

Other experiences on the Destiny include a sweet shop called Edna Á La Mode Sweets, and a new lounge inspired by Doctor Strange .

The Disney Destiny is part of a multi-year expansion of the Disney Cruise Line fleet. At this year’s D23 fan event, the company announced four new cruise ships .

Currently, there are five ships in the Disney fleet, with four others already being developed. The four additional ships teased at D23 will bring the fleet to a total of 13.

Bookings for the Disney Destiny open on 12 September.

Images courtesy of Disney

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The filmmaker expected his subject to be angry. To cry or scream, curse him out. He had, after all, betrayed her.

For two years, Eric Goode, the producer behind the mega-hit “Tiger King,” had purposefully concealed his identity from the star of his new documentary series. Her name was Tonia Haddix, an Ozarks-based exotic animal broker who was obsessed with chimpanzees. And Goode would ultimately play a key role in having the “humanzee” she considered her child, an ape named Tonka, removed from her home.

Yet when Goode and Haddix finally came together for a filmed face-to-face, she was cordial. Friendly, even. “She was so surprisingly OK with it,” the director, 66, recalls now. “Almost to the degree where she felt more important because it was me.”

In fact, Haddix allowed the production’s cameras to trail her for another year and a half, culminating in “Chimp Crazy,” the four-part docuseries that premiered on HBO and Max this month. Now that the program is out, however, Haddix — who did not respond to multiple inquiries from The Times — is publicly saying she never would have participated if she’d known from the outset that it was a Goode production. Critics, too, have called the series’ ethics into question, voicing concerns about what standards should apply to nonfiction filmmakers, especially those making series with high entertainment value.

A woman wearing pink in a pink and white bedroom.

Goode admits he doesn’t know how he identifies: Journalist? “I don’t think so.” Animal rights activist? “No. I’m more of an animal welfare guy.” He wasn’t even a filmmaker before “Tiger King.”

Goode does not necessarily feel obligated to follow the educational or ethical guidelines by which conservationists and journalists abide. Without these “indoctrinated boundaries,” as he calls them, he has the freedom to find — or, in the case of “Chimp Crazy,” provoke — dramatic on-screen conflicts and satisfying resolutions that traditional documentarians might not. Still, Goode’s own discomfort with the tactics he employed against Haddix points to the pitfalls of this approach. He may not characterize himself as an activist, but his work as a filmmaker originated with his desire to protect exotic animals — and any viewer of “Chimp Crazy” or “Tiger King” who isn’t aware of that background is liable to feel unmoored.

With its cast of outlandish characters and a well-timed premiere date — it launched on Netflix in March 2020, right when COVID-19 lockdowns forced everyone indoors — “Tiger King,” a seven-episode exploration of the world of private tiger ownership, became one of the wildest successes of the streaming age. It made subject Joe Exotic, an eccentric felon with an affinity for mullets, tattooed eyeliner and big cats, into a household name. It propelled Carole Baskin, Joe’s archnemesis, onto “Dancing With the Stars.” And in 2022, the Big Cat Public Safety Act, which makes it illegal for private citizens to purchase animals like lions, tigers and leopards, was finally signed into law by President Biden after a decade of advocacy by animal rights groups.

Tonia Haddix in "Chimp Crazy."

‘Chimp Crazy’ is a disturbing docuseries that argues against the ownership of primates

HBO’s “Chimp Crazy,” a docuseries premiering Sunday from “Tiger King” director Eric Goode, is less about the animals in question than the people who own them.

Aug. 18, 2024

Goode is not a big-cat aficionado himself, but he’s been drawn to reptiles since he was a boy. Growing up in Sonoma in Northern California, he and his four siblings roamed the family’s land, playing with spiders and snakes. It was the gift he received on his 6th birthday that most captured his attention, though: a Greek tortoise, whose shell would go on to become the logo for the Turtle Conservancy he opened in Ojai in 2005.

In his 20s, Goode was a nightlife fixture in New York City, co-founding Area, the 1980s club that featured art installments and merchandise from the likes of Keith Haring, Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. He would go on to launch such establishments as the Waverly Inn, the Bowery Hotel and the Jane Hotel. He palled around with Madonna, dated Naomi Campbell and directed a couple of Nine Inch Nails videos — one of which, “Pinion,” was so racy that MTV wouldn’t play the full thing on air.

A man and a woman pose in front of an American flag in the 1980s.

It was during this era that Maurice Rodrigues, then a part-time zookeeper at the Bronx Zoo, first encountered Goode. When the fish tank broke at Goode’s now-defunct restaurant the Park, Rodrigues was called in for a repair. Afterward, Goode invited him to dinner there.

“I’m in my early 30s, just this little Jersey boy, and we’re sitting at the best table in the place surrounded by actual models,” Rodrigues remembers. “But Eric and I started talking about turtles so much that we completely ignored these beautiful women. Finally, they got frustrated and said they were leaving. And Eric’s like, ‘OK, bye!’”

Bonded by their love of chelonians — turtles, terrapins and tortoises — the two men began traveling the world together to research the reptiles. But they found the Turtle Survival Alliance conferences they attended to be drab. Instead of listening to boring lectures regurgitating scientific papers they’d already read, why not present video footage?

“Our aim was to try to buy animals from poachers and catch them on camera,” says Rodrigues. “We got undercover cameras and found a pair of eyeglasses that had a spy camera in them. I thought we were going to maybe get killed.”

Then, in 2009, “The Cove” came out. The documentary, in which a team set out to secretly capture a bloody Japanese dolphin slaughter, was named the best of the year at the Academy Awards. “That’s when Eric said, ‘Let’s not do these little amateur films anymore,’” says Rodrigues. “‘Let’s do something for a global audience that we can pitch to anyone, and if it’s successful, maybe we can raise money for conservation.’”

A monkey, wearing a shirt and pants, stands on a man's shoulders.

Using his own money, Goode began bringing a small professional production crew along on his travels with the aim of making a project about the extinction crisis. CNN got wind of the footage and committed to shooting a pilot for a TV series. The network ultimately passed on the show in 2019, but after “Tiger King,” Goode started to revisit some of the topics he’d been interested in for his next project.

“We were looking at bushmeat markets in Southeast Asia, female trophy hunters, butterfly collectors,” said Jeremy McBride, Goode’s producing partner. “We wanted to explore this broader theme of individuals’ relationships with exotic animals.”

That’s when things started heating up at the Missouri Primate Foundation. The facility’s owner, Connie Casey, bred chimpanzees that starred in movies, appeared on Hallmark greeting cards and appeared at children’s birthday parties — including a chimp named Travis, whom she sold for $50,000 when he was an infant, and who went on to attack a Connecticut woman named Charla Nash in 2009, ripping out her eyes, nose, lips and nine fingers.

After receiving a dozen citations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Casey was sued in 2017 by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which claimed she had violated the Endangered Species Act. That’s when Haddix, trying to purchase a chimp, learned about Casey’s struggles and agreed to take legal ownership of the animals in the hopes of helping her new friend evade trouble.

But PETA did not relent. In 2020, the organization negotiated an agreement with Haddix that stipulated she could keep some chimps on the Missouri property if she renovated and expanded their facilities.

It was in the midst of this legal back-and-forth, in June 2021, when Haddix received a phone call from Dwayne Cunningham.

A close-up of a man dressed as a clown.

Goode brought in the former Barnum & Bailey circus clown, who was sentenced to 14 months in federal prison in 1999 for trafficking tortoises and endangered iguanas, to be his liaison to the reclusive Casey, who hadn’t granted an interview to anyone since the journalist Peter Laufer for his 2010 book, “Forbidden Creatures.” If she was going to talk to anyone, Goode surmised, it would more likely be a guy whose “livelihood was also shut down because of animal rights groups” than the guy who made “Tiger King.”

Cunningham was open to the assignment because, as an animal lover, he wanted to see with his own eyes if the chimps were truly being mistreated. Likewise, Goode couldn’t forget what Laufer — a friend who is also on the advisory board of his Turtle Conservancy — told him about his time in Missouri.

“Peter described it as being so horrific — that he’d done prison interviews and been in civil wars, and nothing prepared him for it,” says Goode. “What made me feel like it was worth it, morally and ethically, was the knowledge I had about what was going on inside that house. I thought: ‘You know what? The end justifies the means, in this case.’”

The plan worked — sort of. Though Casey never agreed to an interview, Cunningham did win over Haddix. She later told Rolling Stone that she agreed to be part of the project because Cunningham was “a big animal person” who “would even come out early just so he can help bottle-feed some of our baby hoofstock.”

With her collection of wigs, eyelash extensions and spray-tanned body, the 54-year-old made for a visually intriguing subject. Plus, she was forthcoming, admitting to the cameras that she cared more about Tonka than her own human son.

A woman in heavy makeup rests with eyes closed.

Just days after the film crew arrived in Missouri, a judge ruled that all seven of the chimps who lived there would be sent to a Florida ape sanctuary because Haddix had not renovated the habitat to the standards previously agreed upon with PETA.

But when local sheriff’s deputies and the U.S. Marshals Service arrived at the Missouri property to seize the seven chimps on July 28, 2021, they found only six animals. Haddix told them the missing primate, Tonka, had died on May 30 from heart failure.

As “Chimp Crazy” reveals, however, Haddix had sneaked her most beloved chimp to a friend’s house in Ohio. From there, she moved Tonka to her home near the Lake of the Ozarks, where she had outfitted her basement with a cage.

Almost immediately after kidnapping Tonka, Haddix let the documentary crew in on her secret. But she still did not know that Goode was behind the project — something he was increasingly “not fully comfortable with,” he acknowledges. “I don’t want to be that kind of person. I just kept thinking, ‘When is the right time to tell her that this is me?’ I always kind of thought it could have been sooner.”

The crew, meanwhile, was growing concerned. Haddix was in the dark, and now they had unwittingly become accessories to a crime. Alan Cumming, who starred with Tonka in the 1997 film “Buddy,” teamed up with PETA to offer a $20,000 reward for information about the chimp’s whereabouts. Cunningham, who is referred to as a “proxy director” in the series, says he and some camerapeople raised these issues with their bosses.

“I’m sure it was hard for the crew to have to understand that maybe there’s a greater good in not acting so quickly,” Goode says. “It was a very unsettling period. I was talking to my primatologist friends and saying, ‘If I don’t do something, is this chimp going to be OK?’”

A woman faces a chimp through a clear barrier.

Goode shared video of Tonka from the basement with the scientists, who attempted to identify physical tics that indicate mental distress. Cunningham shared his own observations of the chimp with Goode: Tonka was clean. He wasn’t having anxiety attacks. Yes, Tonia occasionally fed him Happy Meals or Powerade, but “he was always loved,” Cunningham says.

In May 2022, Haddix confided to Cunningham that she planned to euthanize the chimp; she said the animal’s veterinarian told her Tonka was so unwell it was cruel to keep him alive. Cunningham notified Goode, who decided it was finally time to tell PETA where Tonka was.

The producers called PETA on May 30, 2022, and requested an in-person meeting. The next day, they met with the organization’s lawyers. On June 1, PETA filed an emergency motion to remove Tonka from Haddix’s care.

“We would have wanted to know the moment the filmmakers found out that Tonka was in Tonia’s basement,” says Brittany Peet, the PETA Foundation’s general counsel for captive animal law enforcement. “I’m incredibly grateful that they did ultimately loop us in so we were able to get Tonka out. I don’t think that every documentary filmmaker would have made the choice that they did, called us and risked their project to save a life.”

In the days leading up to Tonka’s removal on June 5, 2022, Haddix was still in the dark about who had revealed her secret. She confessed as much to Cunningham, who wore a hidden camera when he went to talk to her during that period.

“I didn’t feel guilty,” Cunningham insists. “I always said to Tonia, ‘Don’t ever say anything to me that you don’t want the whole world to know.’ And Tonia being Tonia, she just kept talking. So I didn’t feel guilty; I felt like I was doing my job. But I felt bad for a friend, because I could see that the love story was spiraling out of control.”

Tonka the chimp.

When he eventually met Haddix, Goode began by telling her that he related to her. “There are certain animals,” he says in the series, “that if people took them away from me, I would be very, very upset.”

He was referring to the chelonians he keeps on his Ojai property, where approximately 40 endangered species of turtles or tortoises live. While he says he does like being around them for “selfish reasons,” the animals reside in Southern California because they’re either extinct in the wild or so endangered that poachers pose a critical risk to the remaining population. “I don’t want to say I’m, like, trying to create a loophole for why I can keep a tortoise and someone can’t keep a chimp,” he says. “It would certainly be better to keep our animals in the wild, just because the environmental conditions are very hard to replicate.”

Goode has been a controversial figure in conservation circles. Craig Stanford, a human evolutionary biologist who has led USC’s Jane Goodall Research Center, says his colleagues often question his association with someone who directed something “really trashy” like “Tiger King.” (He is on the Turtle Conservancy’s Board of Directors and sat for a “Tiger King” interview that was eventually cut.)

“How dare you capitalize on these gorgeous, endangered animals to make millions?” Stanford says, describing his peers’ criticism. “I say, ‘Well, OK, yes, but he did shine a light, and it did lead to stricter regulations. And he did donate some of the proceeds from it to a very good cause.’” (Goode says he and two other “Tiger King” partners donated $1 million of the series’ proceeds to a program for tigers in the wild in India.)

Such judgments are enough to make Goode wish one of his other, non-animal-centric projects — such as a documentary he recently shot about his late mother — was being released before “Chimp Crazy.” “That way, people wouldn’t think I’m just using this model of ‘Tiger King’ and that’s all I can do,” he says.

Good poses on a bright orange staircase.

Haddix, he says, has been having a difficult time with the film’s release. A few weeks ago, Cunningham traveled to St. Louis to screen all four episodes for her. After she watched the first one, which features the most video of her with Tonka, he says she cried in his arms. Then there was silence. “I told her she had to get up off the couch because we had to move it back,” Cunningham says. “She started laughing, and that kind of broke the ice a little bit.”

They’ve continued to exchange text messages, as have Haddix and Goode. The director says Haddix requested a number of “Chimp Crazy” posters be sent to her so she could sign and sell them. In public, however, she seems to be presenting a different story. And that upsets Goode.

“She said that I offered her money so she would continue to film with me, or guaranteed she could go see Tonka — both of which are absolutely, categorically not true,” he says, noting that the production did pay her for use of some archival footage.

The way Goode sees it, Haddix would have been caught eventually, with or without him. By her own admission, she told friends, family and neighbors that Tonka was in her basement.

“So yes, we are the bad guys — we turned her in. But I think that was inevitable,” he says. “I just try to use the moral compass that my mother gave me in life. I don’t know where that falls, but there definitely is one.”

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Amy Kaufman is a columnist at the Los Angeles Times, where she writes a monthly A-1 column, “For Real With Amy Kaufman.” The series examines the lives of icons, underdogs and rising stars to find out who the people are shaping our culture — for real. Since joining The Times in 2009, she has profiled hundreds of influential figures, including Stevie Nicks, Kevin Hart, Joan Rivers, Michael B. Jordan and Lady Gaga. She also works on investigations and was part of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize finalist team that covered the tragic shooting on the “Rust” film set. Her work often shines a light on the darker side of the entertainment business, and she has uncovered misconduct allegations against Randall Emmett, Russell Simmons and Chris D’Elia. In 2018, her book “Bachelor Nation: Inside the World of America’s Favorite Guilty Pleasure” became a New York Times bestseller.

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what does the maiden voyage mean

How Travis Kelce came to own Swift Delivery, a racehorse named after Taylor Swift

A s noted thoroughbred owner Barry Irwin searched for a horse that could potentially work as a maiden voyage into owning for Chiefs superstar tight end Travis Kelce, he came upon an aptly named gelding: Swift Delivery.

“I thought it was a cute name and appropriate for him. I thought he might get a kick out of it,” Irwin said. “We first and and foremost liked the horse. … The whole thing seemed like it was pre-ordained.”

Little did Irwin know just how fitting a match Swift Delivery and Kelce would be.

Kelce’s new racehorse is actually named after the three-time Super Bowl winner’s pop star girlfriend, trainer Mark Casse told The Post, having been christened well before the purchase.

“Travis didn’t just buy a horse – he bought a pretty good one,” Casse said. “This is a beautiful horse with a good pedigree by one of the top sires in the world.”

While the Swift Delivery-Taylor Swift connection seemed more happenstance at first than an actual connection, the two are actually intertwined.

D.J. Stable named the now 3-year-old racehorse with some family help, with the girlfriend of one of the family members playing a leading role.

TikTok user @emslavs — who goes by Emily Slavkin on her social channels — posted last April how she and her boyfriend created a list of potential names for a horse.

“His grandfather owns a bunch of racehorses,” she said in the video.

She shared a list of the names, with Swift Delivery receiving a checkmark that signified both her and her boyfriend approved of the name.

Kelce and Swift have been dating for more than a year, with their relationship blossoming last season during the NFL season when Swift attended the majority of his games.

“I am a huge Swiftie, so I want her to be named something Taylor Swift-related,” Slavkin said.

After Bloodhorse broke the story Tuesday of Kelce’s ownership of the horse, she posted a follow-up video explaining the background for the name.

“I obviously came up with Swift Delivery because I love Taylor Swift, I want her to know who I am. Taylor, if you see this, I love you so much,” Slavkin said. “But now I found out today Travis Kelce bought my horse.

“So Taylor or Travis, I love you guys so much. Taylor, I just saw you in London for my birthday on the last night of the Eras Tour in Europe. I named a horse after you, I just love you so much. I hope Travis enjoys his new horse and I hope she (sic) goes on to win you guys lost of money and is just the most incredible horse in the entire world. Does this mean I’m kind of in Taylor’s universe?”

Even with the Swift-influenced name, the odds of Kelce actually owning the horse were perhaps as long as those of the Chiefs beginning a three-peat hunt in 2022.

Both are now realities.

It all started with Kelce’s friendship with Alex Zoldan, the son of Phantom Fireworks CEO Bruce Zoldan.

Phantom Fireworks is based out of Youngstown, Ohio — Kelce is an Ohio native who attended Cincinnati — and describes itself as “the unrivaled leader in the consumer fireworks industry” on its website .

The elder Zoldan is longtime partner with Irwin, the founder of Team Valor International, and the two have a strong professional relationship that includes 2011 Kentucky Derby winner Animal Kingdom.

Kelce attended this year’s Kentucky Derby with Alex. That’s where Irwin met him for the first time and the idea of Kelce potentially finding a horse to own took off.

“We broached the subject of buying a horse and he seemed interested,” Irwin said. “He’s a very charismatic guy. He was awesome.”

Fellow owner Gary Barber, who is also an established movie producer, called Irwin and told him of a horse for purchase named Swift Delivery.

“I said, ‘You got to be kidding,'” Irwin recalled.

They eventually worked out a deal with Kelce, Irwin, the two Zoldans and an unnamed partner purchasing 25 percent of the horse, which sold in May for $55,000, per equibase.com .

Barber has the majority ownership percentage.

Swift Delivery has performed quite well since the purchase, although The Associated Press noted Kelce has only been involved with Swift Delivery for roughly one month.

He won his first race by 16 1/2 lengths on June 23 and then triumphed again July 19.

Swift Delivery’s next race is set for Saturday in the Toronto Cup at Woodbine.

“He had to overcome a lot of adversity,” Casse said of the July 19. “He’s like a rising star. On Saturday, he’ll have another test biggest toughest competition. I think he’s up to the task.”

Irwin said he does not expect to see Kelce in the near future since that overlaps with the 34-year-old’s quest for another Super Bowl.

But if the horse emerges as Casse and Irwin expect, there could be opportunities to watch him compete in bigger races down the road.

“I think he’s got a chance to be a top horse,” Irwin said. “He’s got the pedigree, he’s got the desire and he’s a pretty impressive animal.”

With Kelce now in the horse racing world, it’s brought some extra buzz to the sport and continued the crossover with stars from other sports joining the ownership ranks.

Earlier this year, former Phillies World Series champion Jayson Werth’s horse, Dornoch, won the Kentucky Derby.

There certainly will be some added eyeballs on Swift Delivery now.

“My kids, who live all over North America, including in Canada, I got messages from them,” Casse said. “Everybody is excited, it’s like Travis is coming to a party or something.

“My wife and I are big fans of Travis and, of course, we’re Swifties. It’s cute, it’s nice, it’s exciting. It’s nice for horse racing. Now, we have to go out and perform.”

He added: “There’s nothing like owning a race horse when it wins.”

How Travis Kelce came to own Swift Delivery, a racehorse named after Taylor Swift

what does the maiden voyage mean

It 'Took a World' to Create Royal Caribbean's 'Utopia of the Seas'

It 'Took a World' to Create Royal Caribbean's 'Utopia of the Seas'

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Coco Cay, Bahamas – Royal Caribbean’s Utopia of the Seas cruise ship had its maiden voyage just last month. Construction of what exceeds 1,100 feet in length took place in Saint-Nazare, France, but it’s more realistic to say that this monument to the vastness of the human imagination was produced around the world. And that’s no insight.

What’s so big, what’s so fast, and what defies description in consideration of the myriad of features on board speaks to something that’s well beyond the capacity of Saint-Nazare’s inhabitants to create. And that’s not only not an insight, it’s also not an insult of those who live and work in Saint-Nazare.

When it’s remembered that something as basic as a pencil is a brilliant consequence of impressive amounts of global cooperation, what can be said about the almost tiring vastness of the Utopia of the Seas? Really, how to describe that which moves so fast on the ocean, but that entertains thousands of passengers of varying interests all day and night for three and four-day excursions? If Amazon is “the everything store,” Utopia is the everything ship full of endless eating, swimming, sporting, and entertainment options. Which is a description that most certainly insults the ship’s vastness. Better to just check it out, ideally in person (particularly if you have very generous in-laws), but at least online. Then marvel. In particular, marvel at the incredibly sophisticated blending of global effort, parts and knowledge that was necessary to create the Utopia in five short years.

In his uneven but at times wildly insightful 2011 book Adapt , Tim Harford wrote about an individual who set out to build a rather prosaic toaster oven all on his own. Ok, not so fast with prosaic and toaster. As Harford noted, an ordinary model “has more than 400 components and sub-components, made from nearly 100 different materials,” after which consider all the components, sub-components, and materials that go into the making of those 400 components, sub-components, and materials. It wears you out just thinking about it, and this is but a toaster oven.

Needless to say, the end result of this individual endeavor was a much-less-than-sleek looking toaster oven that soon enough wasn’t one. It broke. Harford’s essential point was that an individual could spend his life constructing a toaster that wouldn’t measure up to the cheapest version on sale at retailers, and that likely wouldn’t last long as is.

Contemplate the limits of the individual working alone relative to the Utopia of the Seas. To then say that it’s a spectacular product of staggering amounts of globalized cooperation of man and machine insults statement of the obvious. It also raises the obvious question of the why behind embrace of tariffs and other barriers to the allegedly dirty word that is “globalization.” Utopia of the Seas rejects such anti-progress thinking.

That’s because there’s quite simply no way the Utopia of the Seas would exist absent mostly free global trade. Not a chance. Not only would the cost of the Utopia’s production in a parts and labor sense soar exponentially if it were constructed in autarkic fashion, it’s arguably even truer to say that limits of human knowledge within any one country would make construction of something so vast an utter impossibility.

Interesting about all this is that the Utopia of the Seas set sail during a summer in which Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are battling it out for the right to be president of the United States. As part of their battle, both are telling voters they’ll employ tariffs aimed at substantially raising the cost of cooperation for individuals and machines the world over. In Harris’s case, she likely just doesn’t know that it literally “takes a world” to create any market good. In Trump’s case, the fact that his last name can be found on buildings around the world signals that he intimately knows what Harris doesn’t.

Despite this, both candidates have made their support of tariffs about protecting the typical worker. A walk of the Utopia of the Seas (more than a few Make America Great Again caps were spotted by yours truly) calls such a stance into question. Jeff Bezos’s yacht is 417 feet to Utopia’s 1,100+ feet, but the working-men and women on Bezos’s Koru are working .

On the Utopia of the Seas they’re playing in a fashion that even people like Bezos couldn’t have imagined not terribly long ago, not to mention the 2,000+ that the Utopia employs. Royal Caribbean’s latest (but certainly not its last) creation is a reminder that free trade doesn’t just bless workers with plenty at prices that continue to decline, it can also lay claim to substantial work opportunities as a consequence of people working together without regard to country origin.

what does the maiden voyage mean

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  • [n] the first voyage of its kind (in 1912 the ocean liner Titanic sank on its maiden voyage)

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A dictionary is a listing of lexemes from the lexicon of one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically (or by consonantal root for Semitic languages or radical and stroke for ideographic languages), which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc. It is a lexicographical reference that shows inter-relationships among the data.

A broad distinction is made between general and specialized dictionaries. Specialized dictionaries include words in specialist fields, rather than a complete range of words in the language. Lexical items that describe concepts in specific fields are usually called terms instead of words, although there is no consensus whether lexicology and terminology are two different fields of study. In theory, general dictionaries are supposed[citation needed] to be semasiological, mapping word to definition, while specialized dictionaries are supposed to be onomasiological, first identifying concepts and then establishing the terms used to designate them. In practice, the two approaches are used for both types. There are other types of dictionaries that do not fit neatly into the above distinction, for instance bilingual (translation) dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms (thesauri), and rhyming dictionaries. The word dictionary (unqualified) is usually understood to refer to a general purpose monolingual dictionary.

There is also a contrast between prescriptive or descriptive dictionaries; the former reflect what is seen as correct use of the language while the latter reflect recorded actual use. Stylistic indications (e.g. "informal" or "vulgar") in many modern dictionaries are also considered by some to be less than objectively descriptive.

The first recorded dictionaries date back to Sumerian times around 2300 BCE, in the form of bilingual dictionaries, and the oldest surviving monolingual dictionaries are Chinese dictionaries c. 3rd century BCE. The first purely English alphabetical dictionary was A Table Alphabeticall, written in 1604, and monolingual dictionaries in other languages also began appearing in Europe at around this time. The systematic study of dictionaries as objects of scientific interest arose as a 20th-century enterprise, called lexicography, and largely initiated by Ladislav Zgusta. The birth of the new discipline was not without controversy, with the practical dictionary-makers being sometimes accused by others of having an "astonishing" lack of method and critical-self reflection.


When is the best time to book a cruise?

Erica Silverstein

The best time to book a cruise is when you've done your planning, picked a ship and found a cruise fare that fits your budget and offers good value. But that doesn't stop vacationers from wondering if they'd find a cheaper price if they wait to book tomorrow, next week or next month.

I'd love to give you a magic date to circle in red on your calendar so you'd know for sure that was the best time to book a cruise. The truth is there's no one best day, but knowing a few things about how cruise lines price cabins and when they tend to run promotions will help you identify high-value deals. When you see one, you'll know it's as good a time as any to book your next cruise vacation.

What is the best day to book a cruise?

Everyone wants to know the cheapest day to book travel — as if fares drop like clockwork on Wednesday morning and rise with the sun on Thursday. It doesn't work that way.

It used to be that lines like Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruise Line would offer midweek sales on select cruises every Tuesday or Wednesday. These lines still offer the occasional flash sale, but they don't always fall on the same day of the week.

Within a given cruise sale's promotional period, I've seen cabin prices fluctuate daily and I've seen them stay the same for a week. It all depends on how many cabins a cruise line has allocated for a specific fare class and whether those rooms happen to sell out or not.

I could tell you that it's cheaper to book a cruise at the beginning of a sale because availability is greatest. However, if the line sees a certain cabin category on a specific ship failing to sell as expected, it could drop rates halfway into the sale period.

The exception is any highly anticipated and publicized cruise, especially if it's a one-off voyage or a short-season sailing, like a Great Lakes cruise . The maiden voyage and early inaugural season cruises of a new Royal Caribbean or Disney Cruise Line ship will sell like hotcakes on the day bookings first open; the most beloved theme cruises also book up quickly. World cruises have sold out within hours, even with price tags of $150,000 per couple.

If you have exclusive early access to book one of these cruises, due to being a past passenger or loyalty program member, take advantage and book your vacation the day the voyage goes on sale.

Related: The best credit cards for booking cruises

What is the best month to book a cruise?

If there's no best day to book a cruise for the best deal, you might think there's a best month. While you can find cheap cruises any month you look, I can give you some pointers about which months are most likely to feature cruise sales with value-added promotions.

The best months to book a cruise are January through March, when nearly every cruise line launches some kind of wave season promotion , and November through December, when Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales often start well before Thanksgiving and end days or weeks after. You might find a cheap cruise deal or a fare packed with extras (like complimentary beverage packages, free kids fares or reduced deposits).

Are you guaranteed to find the cheapest, most freebie-laden pricing during these months? Of course not! Cruise lines sometimes inflate prices before a sale, so deals for 30% or 50% off may not be as good as you think. Or, the cruise line may offer its best fares in a one-off sale at another time of year.

Whether the winter months are the best time to book a cruise depends on which itinerary you're hoping to book and how popular that sailing is that year. In a year when Alaska cruises are popular, the wave season promotions in January and February might not be especially good because the lines don't need to discount to fill cabins. But if Alaska cruise bookings are soft, the wave season specials could be the best of the year as cruise lines pull out all the tricks to fill ships.

Related: How to book a cruise using points and miles

What is the best time of year to book a cruise?

I could say that winter is the best time of year to book a cruise because that would cover the late-fall Thanksgiving week sales and wave season promotions. I can guarantee that your cruise line will offer some promotions during the winter, but that doesn't mean it's the best time to book.

If you want to book a solo or family cabin on a Mediterranean cruise in July, you likely want to book much earlier than January for the most availability and the best prices. As I said earlier, great sales and deals can pop up year-round, including on other holidays such as Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.

what does the maiden voyage mean

How far in advance should I book a cruise?

All this talk of the best time to book a cruise raises the question of how far in advance you should book. The key to the answer is recognizing that cruise lines adjust pricing as cabins sell out (or fail to do so) on any given ship and itinerary.

Cruise lines want you to book as early as possible. Not only do they get cash in hand sooner, in the form of your deposit, but they can rest easy when a ship sells out early knowing they don't have to work to get people to come on board and spend more money.

Therefore, cruise lines often offer their best fares when bookings open to incentivize travelers to book early. Cruises open for bookings a year or more in advance. For example, as of August 2024, I can book a cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line through spring or fall of 2026, depending on the ship.

Related: 15 ways that cruising newbies waste money on their first cruise

Now, it might be the itinerary I'm looking at won't be popular, and the cruise line will lower the fare closer to sailing. Or, the itinerary will sell well, and prices will only go up from the original price. I can't know for sure, though I can guess that peak-season trips to popular destinations on a newer cruise ship are more likely to sell quickly. Christmas and New Year's cruises , top suites and limited specialty cabins (such as solo and family cabins) also tend to sell out early.

If you ask me, the answer to "How far in advance should I book a cruise?" is as early as possible for the most popular cruises and cabin categories and at least nine months before most sailings.

Can I book a cruise at the last minute?

Yes, you can book a cruise at the last minute, but that doesn't mean you should.

In the cruise industry, a last-minute booking is considered any cruise purchased after final payment is due, generally 60 to 90 days before sailing. That means you have to pay the entire cruise fare at the time of booking rather than paying a deposit and the rest at a later date.

The final payment date is a day of reckoning for cruise salespeople. It's the last date that undecided travelers can cancel without penalty. Once final payment is due, the cruise line has a more accurate picture of who is likely to sail (since once you pay, you're likely to go, barring an emergency). At that point, the line can see if the ship is comfortably full (meaning it can hold prices steady or raise them because it's not worried about filling the ship) or is too empty (meaning it better run some promotions to get more folks in cabins).

If it's the latter, that's when you get last-minute deals on cruise ships with unsold cabins. However, even if that last-minute cruise is cheap, the 11th-hour airfare or precruise hotel booking could eat into your savings.

For the real procrastinators out there, the absolute last day you can book a cruise before its departure has changed over the years. Currently, a cruise line could accept a booking mere hours before sailing, as long as boarding is still open and the ship's manifest (the list of passengers and crew members on board) has not been submitted to the authorities.

In actuality, most cruise lines will sell available cabins through the day before sailing but limit or deny same-day bookings. Depending on the line, you might only be able to book cruises within a day or two of departure directly with the cruise line's reservations department.

Booking a cruise just days before sailing should only be attempted by travelers within an easy drive of the cruise port. You should also make sure that you have time to get any necessary documentation, as well as make related travel plans.

what does the maiden voyage mean

How do I know if I'm getting a good deal when I book?

Regardless of when you're booking a cruise, you'll want to know if the fare you're paying for your vacation at sea is a cheap deal, average or overpriced. The best way to know that is to do your research.

Tracking prices allows you to watch the rise and fall of cruise fares over time, so when the fare drops, you'll recognize the price as a deal and be able to pounce on it. This strategy is best if you plan to book early and aren't as concerned about the ship selling out immediately.

Don't forget to watch for value-added promotions as well. For example, Norwegian's Free at Sea promotion currently includes six booking perks (a free beverage package, a shore excursion credit, specialty dining, Wi-Fi, extra guests and buy-one-get-one-free airfare).

If that sounds like too much math homework, I recommend that you call a travel agent . A cruise-knowledgeable travel adviser can help you plan your trip and determine if the current pricing is good or if you should hold out for a deal.

Bottom line

I'll say it again: The best time to book a cruise is when you see a price and promotion that seems like a good value to you. If you feel like you're getting your money's worth on a cruise purchase, go ahead and book that dream vacation. There's no way to be absolutely sure you're buying when the cruise fare is the lowest possible price with the maximum number of fare inclusions.

Sometimes you might be forced to choose between the cheapest possible fare and one that offers a greater total value, given the included perks. Knowing when cruise lines will likely run promotions will help you strategize, but sales can pop up anytime — and not every promotion offers the cheapest fares.

Stop trying to game the system and focus instead on planning the perfect cruise vacation you and your loved ones will reminisce about long after you've forgotten how much you paid for the trip.

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  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
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  • Celebrity Cruises

Advantages of a Maiden Voyage?

By KKB , March 21, 2022 in Celebrity Cruises

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5,000+ Club

Looking at the Ascent Dec. 2023--it's less expensive than the Beyond this year (similar itinerary).

Curious what additions we might see to a Maiden Voyage.

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Arizona Wildcat

Arizona Wildcat

30 minutes ago, KKB said: Looking at the Ascent Dec. 2023--it's less expensive than the Beyond this year (similar itinerary). Curious what additions we might see to a Maiden Voyage.

Additions?  Likely none except extra supervisory staff trying to get things organized or working correctly.

2023 cruises likely to be a bit cheaper because the pent up demand from the last 2 years will be greatly reduced. 

1,000+ Club

Bragging rights, sorry.   🤪


I was watching a couple bloggers that were on the RCL Wonder of the Seas for its maiden voyage and they had wished that they had waited for a few cruises to get under their belt. Issues from the staff still finding their way, to shows not having all their props to the sprinkler system going on in the promenade. 

500+ Club

These days a maiden voyage gets you a ship with a bunch of YouTubers and social media influencers 


1 hour ago, t18c97 said: I was watching a couple bloggers that were on the RCL Wonder of the Seas for its maiden voyage and they had wished that they had waited for a few cruises to get under their belt. Issues from the staff still finding their way, to shows not having all their props to the sprinkler system going on in the promenade. 

My friends go on Wonder this week, I told them that they are lucky that it wasn't the first one!


Nothing plus a good chance of it being cancelled.


A restaurant critic that I followed here in L.A. always said to never go to a new restaurant until they've been open at least six months, or maybe it was a year. It takes that long to get all of the kinks out. I would apply that to a new cruise ship too. I would pass on a maiden voyage.

There are nearly always unfinished things and a few teething problems but it is very exciting seeing a brand new ship and most likely being one of the first to sleep in a cabin.  you sometimes get given extra small gifts/mementos etc but really it is all about the atmosphere for me. 

"Live from...."

Fly and Sail

Nothing. Except the likelihood that the sailing is being cancelled if the ship fitting runs behind schedule and possible service deficiencies as the crew will be new, even if they come from other X ships.

I'm following the BEYOND updates closely on Cpt. Kate's social media and considering how the ship looks I find it amazing to unbelievable that the maiden voyage is just around the corner.

13 hours ago, KKB said: Looking at the Ascent Dec. 2023--it's less expensive than the Beyond this year (similar itinerary). Curious what additions we might see to a Maiden Voyage.

I think you’re likely to see  less than exemplary service because the crew is a new team working together. It’s like going to a restaurant on opening day or spring training in sports. There’s also a chance the cruise will be cancelled because the ship had unforeseen delays being built. 


They give you a piece of paper that says you made the inaugural trip and smells like new


1 hour ago, mfs2k said: I think you’re likely to see  less than exemplary service because the crew is a new team working together.

Guess it depends upon management.  We sailed a restart cruise whose staffing would have been equally new as a team, and the service was absolutely outstanding in all respects.

We were told, for example, that there had been a great deal of time spent feeding dining staff in other restaurants to 'tune up' the process.  It was fun for the crew, too, as they had an opportunity to experience and critique dining venues that they would otherwise never have had an opportunity to enjoy.


They usually take the best staff from other ships for a maiden,,,,they like to make a good impression on the first sailing,or preview sailing when it’s full of press and travel agents.


We recently returned from cruising on the Apex.  One of the BTs told me that he had the opportunity to transfer to the Beyond.   He said he turned it down because he opened up a few ships and said it was too much turmoil and hassle.  He said he was getting too old and smart to keep doing that.  He said it takes at least a month to get everything running smoothly and  things are constantly getting changed

i can relate because I worked in construction and the automotive industry. The first month after starting up is a nightmare.    Nothing is ever 100% and there are many changes required and everything is an emergency that needed to be corrected yesterday.  It is frustrating and hard to do if you don’t have the equipment or supplies.   

Happy cruising 🌊 🚢 🇺🇸 🌅


I have to agree that about the only advantage might be bragging rights.    Having said that I've seen in the past they sell a "Maiden Voyage" but they had 2 or 3 cruises prior for VIP, Press and Travel Professionals.    My question would then be --- What does a Maiden Voyage really mean. 

As others have said I've seen them cancelled due to technical issues.    Many also say there are lots of growing pains as the staff is trying to figure out how everything works and lots of shake down issues.

I was on an inaugural flight once and the crew were laughing at themselves trying to figure out how to do everything form the coffee pots to the PA System.     I do have to say it was a fun experience  and everything was BRAND NEW and not a blemish anywhere.


3 hours ago, JeanieC,Aston said: They usually take the best staff from other ships for a maiden,,,,they like to make a good impression on the first sailing,or preview sailing when it’s full of press and travel agents.    

You are correct about the crew, they are the key. We have sailed on more than half a dozen Celebrity ship Inaugurals. There weren’t any problems and we enjoyed every one. 


I have never done a maiden voyage.  Probably never will either.  Of course I do not buy a new car in its very first model year either.  Let others work out the issues if there are any and put fixes in place for overlooked things.  Also I wait for actual reviews to be posted by paying customers before I buy anything.  For new ships that might be 6 months of sailings or more to get a balance of reviews.  In general the reviews from maiden voyages tend to be a bit sugar-coated here.

1 minute ago, TeeRick said: Of course I do not buy a new car in its very first model year either.  Let others work out the issues if there are any and put fixes in place for overlooked things.  Also I wait for actual reviews to be posted by paying customers before I buy anything. 

Pro-tip: Try to avoid getting admitted to a teach hospital in July, unless you want to be taken care of by a brand new intern, just out of medical school. 


1 hour ago, Jim_Iain said: What does a Maiden Voyage really mean.

I recall seeing it put as the "Inaugural Voyage" in places (a term you used later in your post about that flight).  Strictly speaking, a ship's "maiden voyage" is her first voyage after construction is complete and she's handed over to her new owners.

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what does the maiden voyage mean

What is the meaning of maiden voyage?

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the first voyage of a ship after its acceptance by the owners from the builders.

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What are the synonyms for first-timer?

Synonyms for first-timer would be debutant, virgin or beginner.

What is the meaning of NCV in shipping line?

Near Coastal Voyage &#1571;&#1602;&#1585;&#1576; &#1585;&#1581;&#1604;&#1577; &#1587;&#1575;&#1581;&#1604;&#1610;&#1577;

What is the meaning of the family name Bozarth?

My husband's mother's maiden name is Bozarth and she told me it means "Fine Art".

What is a good sentence for maiden?

Iron maiden!!

What is theh abbreviation for maiden name?

The abbreviation for a woman's maiden name is "NEE".

What does maiden voyage mean?

Maiden Voyage means the first voyage for a ship, or other transport.

How may times has the titanic been sailed before?

The Titanic sank on its maiden (first) voyage.

Were was the titanic going on its maiden voyage?

her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City.

What was the maiden voyage for the Titanic?

Her first, and last voyage.

What are the release dates for His Maiden Voyage - 1928?

His Maiden Voyage - 1928 was released on: USA: 26 February 1928

When was Maiden Voyage - Bounding Main album - created?

Maiden Voyage - Bounding Main album - was created in 2004.

How many people where on the titanic before it sank?

This was it's maiden voyage, meaning it sank on it's first trip

What type of voyage was the titanic taking when it sank?

Maiden voyage.

What voyage was titanic making?

its maiden voyage, the first and only.

What is the antonym of maiden voyage?

The antonym is last (or final) voyage.

What do you you call a ship on its 1st voyage?

A ship on its first voyage is a ship that is on its maiden voyage.

When was Maiden Voyage - Herbie Hancock album - created?

Maiden Voyage - Herbie Hancock album - was created on 1965-03-17.


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what does the maiden voyage mean

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  1. Maiden Voyage: What Does the Popular Idiom "Maiden Voyage" Mean?

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    MAIDEN VOYAGE definition: 1. the first journey made by a ship or spacecraft: 2. the first journey made by a ship or…. Learn more.

  3. MAIDEN VOYAGE Definition & Meaning

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  5. What is a Maiden Voyage?

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  6. Maiden Voyage

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  8. What does maiden voyage mean?

    Definition of maiden voyage in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of maiden voyage. What does maiden voyage mean? Information and translations of maiden voyage in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

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    A s noted thoroughbred owner Barry Irwin searched for a horse that could potentially work as a maiden voyage into owning for Chiefs superstar tight end Travis Kelce, he came upon an aptly named ...

  14. It 'Took a World' to Create Royal Caribbean's 'Utopia of the Seas'

    Coco Cay, Bahamas - Royal Caribbean's Utopia of the Seas cruise ship had its maiden voyage just last month. Construction of what exceeds 1,100 feet in length took place in Saint-Nazare, Fr

  15. What To Know: Maiden Voyage Meaning

    Now you have a good understanding of what does maiden voyage mean. While we have seen the christening of sea-going vessels in movies or on the news, celebrate the purchase of your newly owned boat before its maiden voyage. The mild winters allow for year round boating in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. A small gathering is a fun ...

  16. What does maiden voyage mean?

    What does maiden voyage mean?.The world's largest and most trusted free online dictionary: definitions, synonyms, word origins, example sentences, word games, and more.

  17. When is the best time to book a cruise?

    The maiden voyage and early inaugural season cruises of a new Royal Caribbean or Disney Cruise Line ship will sell like hotcakes on the day bookings first open; the most beloved theme cruises also book up quickly. World cruises have sold out within hours, even with price tags of $150,000 per couple. ... That means you have to pay the entire ...

  18. Advantages of a Maiden Voyage?

    What does a Maiden Voyage really mean. I recall seeing it put as the "Inaugural Voyage" in places (a term you used later in your post about that flight). Strictly speaking, a ship's "maiden voyage" is her first voyage after construction is complete and she's handed over to her new owners.

  19. Where did the term maiden voyage come from?

    Best Answer. Maiden voyage is a term that comes from the late 1800s. It refers to the fact that a maiden is a virgin, in the same way that a brand new ship has never gone out to sea. Wiki User ...

  20. What is the meaning of maiden voyage?

    What does maiden voyage mean? Maiden Voyage means the first voyage for a ship, or other transport. How may times has the titanic been sailed before? The Titanic sank on its maiden (first) voyage.

  21. English Kids

    What Does the Popular Idiom "Maiden Voyage" Mean?

  22. What Does the Popular...

    What Does the Popular Idiom "Maiden Voyage" Mean?

  23. What Does the Popular Idiom "Maiden...

    What Does the Popular Idiom "Maiden Voyage" Mean?

  24. 828-256-2841 Phone Number

    The current phone owner is located at 519 W Pine St, Maiden, NC, 28650. Historical records link +1-828-256-2841 to past owners James Sweet and Tamika Howell. The 828 area code is designated under the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the state of NC. This area code primarily serves the counties within the 28650 zip code.

  25. Maiden Voyage: What Does the Popular Idiom 'Maiden Voyage' Mean?

    Apr 3, 2024 - The phrase "maiden voyage" has been used for many years as an idiom in the English language. If you are not familiar with the meaning of this term, its usage

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    Astraditional methods falter, Balochistan's embrace of organic farming marks a pivotal shift towardssustainable agriculture in a land besieged by resource scarcity.

  27. Mayfairstamps us 1932 Maiden Voyage Santa Rosa Seattle to NYC ...

    <p>Mayfairstamps us 1932 Maiden Voyage Santa Rosa Seattle to NYC Cover aal_29131. California <br><br>We will combine shipping for Purchases. It is $1.50 + 10 cents for each additional item within the US & $2.75 + 25 cents for each additional item outside of the US. <br>Please note that this does not apply to collections. Please wait for a combined invoice before making payment.<br><br>Feel ...

  28. After the long, dangerous voyage across the ocean, stepping ...

    After the long, dangerous voyage across the ocean, stepping foot in the New World was like a breath of fresh air. What does "like a breath of fresh air" mean in the sentence? The people felt relief at the end of their journey. -a sentence "like a breath of fresh air" mean.