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Blast and Cruisers - Do you ever take breaks off?

  • Thread starter 1ntense
  • Start date Nov 15, 2016
  • Nov 15, 2016

Years ago I decided to blast and cruise, around 10 years ago to be precise. I have since been advised by a couple of people, one was a previous coach that I used and one was a coach that I was considering using in the future to come off for 8 weeks. I therefor feel that I need to at least consider doing so. I do feel that I don't get as much from gear in general than if I would if I cycled, I hadn't really thought about it until recently but it got me thinking that maybe I would get a lot more for it if I were to have a bit of time off. One of them is saying to try and restore my HPTA which after 10 years Im guessing maybe pretty difficult and even with a great PCT would take longer than 8 weeks which leaves me kind of wondering what the point is other than like I said above to give my body a break so that I maybe respond better but then Im thinking is it worth putting myself through 8 - 14 weeks (one is recommending PCT plus 8 weeks off) of feeling like crap for that? Im just looking for opinions here really and for peoples experiences that blast and cruise that have had breaks, just wondering if those who have, did you notice more effects from the gear when you got back on?  

What do you cruise at? I think they're telling you to come off because they might have the old-school misconception that receptors get over saturated when it's actually myostatin levels slowing gains. If you take the right amount of cruise time your gains won't suffer  

little slice

little slice

Featured member / kilo klub.

I used to cruise on an amp per week so 250mg but for the last year Ive been going down to 140-150mg per week. ATM that consists of 20mg prop sub-q daily. Can you elaborate on the myostatin levels? Ive read several times that the receptors are basically constantly regenerating and there is no down regulation. I do think I would get more effects after some time off although Im not sure why that would be. It just kind of makes sense to me as with any drug when you don't use it for a while, then take it, it always feels stronger after the break. Another thing that Im thinking is that I think a lot of pros come off, I think Ive heard Rich Piana say that he comes off of everything, pretty sure Ive seen George Farah says people need to come off of everything so Im guessing that includes Kai, theres someone local that is friends with Lee Priest and knows Flex Wheeler, he also comes off so there must be a reason that they do it. I just don't like the idea lol I guess Im just psychologically addicted.  

1ntense said: I used to cruise on an amp per week so 250mg but for the last year Ive been going down to 140-150mg per week. ATM that consists of 20mg prop sub-q daily. Can you elaborate on the myostatin levels? Ive read several times that the receptors are basically constantly regenerating and there is no down regulation. I do think I would get more effects after some time off although Im not sure why that would be. It just kind of makes sense to me as with any drug when you don't use it for a while, then take it, it always feels stronger after the break. Another thing that Im thinking is that I think a lot of pros come off, I think Ive heard Rich Piana say that he comes off of everything, pretty sure Ive seen George Farah says people need to come off of everything so Im guessing that includes Kai, theres someone local that is friends with Lee Priest and knows Flex Wheeler, he also comes off so there must be a reason that they do it. I just don't like the idea lol I guess Im just psychologically addicted. Click to expand...



Active member.

time off is 200 Cyp a week HRT for about 6-8 weeks  


I see no physiologic reason to "come off" entirely if you have no interest in fertility. In fact, I think it would be more detrimental to health. I think many believe the myostatin level increases simply due to the increased muscle mass...not from the anabolics, per se. I haven't yet figured out what I want to cruise on...I think it's very individual and should be based on health markers and the way one is feeling when on gear, along with how much they're blasting. For example, I'm on an "extended" blast, but it's only 500-600mg test/week. been running that dose since June, making slow and steady gains. Blood tests every 6 weeks, and so far fine, and feel fine. BP fine. I'll prob eventually go to a cruise with 150-200/week test and maybe some masteron added in....  



Maybe this will help. Had two guys I went to high school with. Identical twins. One blasts and cruised (HRT cruise) and the other one cycles on and off. 2 months on 2 months off. They are both the same size when they end their cycles. The cruiser actually had a little less bf but barely noticeable. I haven't seen them in years but we have a mutual friend. Can give any particular details like cruise dose but in high school they were very lean and in shape...I was fat and short. Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk  

get it in ya

get it in ya

Featured member / verified customer.

trt&tren said: Maybe this will help. Had two guys I went to high school with. Identical twins. One blasts and cruised (HRT cruise) and the other one cycles on and off. 2 months on 2 months off. They are both the same size when they end their cycles. The cruiser actually had a little less bf but barely noticeable. I haven't seen them in years but we have a mutual friend. Can give any particular details like cruise dose but in high school they were very lean and in shape...I was fat and short. Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk Click to expand...



No I'm dead fucking serious. That's funny...I just read it. It does sound like a troll. Lmao! What the fuck was the matter with me this morning. I'm trolling here and on another thread I bashed the wrong person. Ha I was tired this morning. Up late studying. Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk  

Consider when you come off your giving your body a break from all the ml upon ml of oils and solvents that do in time take a toll on you internally.  

< <Samson> >

< <Samson> >

Funny, I have heard this before without any reason or true logic I have been running 6 months out of a year for the last 4 years. I donate blood regularly(2-4 months) & get blood work at the same rate. So far - I am as healthy as a horse  

< <Samson> > said: Funny, I have heard this before without any reason or true logic I have been running 6 months out of a year for the last 4 years. I donate blood regularly(2-4 months) & get blood work at the same rate. So far - I am as healthy as a horse Click to expand...
  • Nov 16, 2016
1ntense said: Heard what before? So basically the general consensus is that people who blast and cruise don't really come off. I know it kind of sounds silly to ask as blasting and cruising is what it is which is cruise during your off times. I just thought there might be people who still come off just to give their bodies a rest here and there or perhaps had to come off some whatever reason that might be able to answer whether they felt that sensitivity go gear was restored at all. Click to expand...
thebigbus said: a lot of this will be anecdotal, and also comes down to whether or not receptors get "desensitized" or "downregulate". research suggests they don't. It suggests the opposite. And of course people who come off will be "responsive" to gear again, because they will have lost muscle...lost glycogen storing ability...etc. They get back on and start gaining again..getting better pumps...yada yada, and think "man, I'm more responsive to gear since I came off". Well...yeah, but at what cost? The cost of hormonal roller coaster along with SOME loss of gains. One would have to control for those above factors to see if coming off then resuming gear was "better" than just staying on and increasing dosages. And that won't happen, most likely. To each their own on this one. I think coming off entirely is far riskier from a health perspective than cruising. And I think "cruises" are quite subjective as well. One man's blast is another man's cruise. Depends on goals and amt of muscle mass to be maintained...etc. Click to expand...


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I do occasionally and I look at it as resetting myself. That has nothing to do with androgen receptors for the reasons mentioned above. It's merely a mental break and to see how I am. Things are different now as I am fairly settled and have no plans to travel for extended periods of time. But in the past travelling for a few months at a time was a future plan. Therefore I started coming off so I simply knew I could handle it incase I ever had to come off. I also want kids in the future so that is another factor but my breaks are very rare now and my HCG usage could be much better. Right now I am off everything and that is after approx 1 year of blasting and cruising. I haven't been off too long but I feel decent. My sex drive is coming back fairly quickly and my strength is ok. My diet hasn't been perfect but I can see the difference in softness especially in my lower abs. I have also lost some fullness but I am doing ok. Plus I made the decision to get off everything so no peptides or hgh to help maintain gains. Although for others I would 100% recommend gh boosters and other aids to help maintain whilst off aas. I like to experiment on myself so I can help others out so that's the main reason I try different things each time. Next time I will definitely add in some peps... specifically lr3 and hgh frag or hgh.  

Dante_718 said: Who had the bigger Cawk? "You look like you get fucked in the ass for Crack" Click to expand...



Ive noticed Im in much worst doing pct. Physiologically addicted like many others. To be honest my blood work takes a shit after pumping hcg, and nolva. Id rather just blast and cruise. Similarly, I have no need to pct since Im done having kids. To each their own....  

Thanks guys, after seeking opinions from various places I decided to jump on again after a low dose 6 week cruise. Perhaps not the best time to jump back on as Ive got the beginnings of a cold emerging but it had to be done. The thought of coming off all together seemed a bit of a pointless thing to do really. I may want more kids in the future but with the knowledge around these days, I feel that there are protocols out there that I can run when that time comes. I also conceived a child whilst on a cycle so Im not overly worried about that atm  

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HCG during your blast and cruise, what do you do?

blast and cruise fertility reddit

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for those planning and stay on for life or just on blast and cruising for your competitive career and or just for a set period of time here's one for you: how many of the blast and cruisers use HCG? for both potentially clutching onto fertility and or as an escape plan should for whatever reason you do decide or are forced to come off gear (health implications, loss of sources, loss of income, fertility reasons ect)  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

I use HCG indefinitely, it isn't that expensive so why wouldn't you, also for the last point you stated.  

im pretty sure its what ill be doing 250iu x2 weekly during cruise 500iu 2x weekly during blast if nothing else it keeps the nads full only prob is it will likely cause my cruises to require an AI as im pretty damn oest sensitive  

500iu every 5 days, then a lot more during PCT. Mainly because I am conscious of fertility concerns and ultimately the Mrs and I will want children. This is the first time I have done a blast and cruise, as currently bulking, then going to cruise for 2/3months, before a blast cut for the summer.  

Simon 88 said: 500iu every 5 days, then a lot more during PCT . Mainly because I am conscious of fertility concerns and ultimately the Mrs and I will want children. This is the first time I have done a blast and cruise, as currently bulking, then going to cruise for 2/3months, before a blast cut for the summer. Click to expand...

Bulk for 12, cruise for 12 and then cut. I may then cruise again, but will want to see how bloods are etc. I will eventually come off yes, at some point next year. The main reason for coming off will be that I promised my Mrs I would when we try to have kids, as well as giving the body a rest.  

I've wondered this myself. I was always under the impression that prolonged HCG use (as would be seen during B&C) would likely desensitize the leydig cells. Would be interested to hear someone more educated on the subject deny or confirm my thoughts?  

"As I posted elsewhere, there is no report anywhere of hCG administration as a cause of primary hypogonadism. If you know of such a case, it would be the first in the entire known body of scientific literature. In other words, "put up or shut up." This is a continuing myth by those who purport to have knowledge while actually possessing none. This is along the line of the hCG diet, 24-hour urine testing for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and FSH monitoring for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). hCG desensitization DOES NOT occur clinically. Anyone who says it does, does not know the literature, is trying to advance a myth, and probably believes in the hCG diet! Can hCG desensitization occur? Absolutely. There are many animal models demonstrating this effect, but, again, this effect is NOT seen clinically in FDA approved doses or less. Is there evidence for hCG desensitization in humans for hCG doses higher than FDA approved levels? Indirectly, a single study in does over 5,000 IU exploring testicular response to hCG administration reveals a leveling of T production. hCG administration does stimulate estradiol and progesterone production. In fact, the estradiol rise occurs before the T rise. The article "van Bergeijk L, Gooren LJ, van der Veen EA, de Vries CP. Effects of short- and long-term administration of tamoxifen on hCG-induced testicular steroidogenesis in man: no evidence for an oestradiol-induced steroidogenic lesion. Int J Androl 1985;8(1):28-36,: cited as support does nothing of the sort. This is a vain attempt to confuse the issue and by hopefully presenting a peer-reviewed article to win the argument. It ain't gonna work! According to the abstract, the study examines the effect of tamoxifen hCG-induced testicular steroidogenesis. They do not use a model of hCG desensitization. The study is exploring a "local" effect of estradiol on T production. In fact, if you even give the slightest thought the study is about hCG desensitization, the study would not work!!! Duh . . . If the cells were desensitized to hCG, they would not produce estradiol or T, thus NO study on tamoxifen effects. Another study (abstract below) cited by another forum is "Tang P-Z, Tsai-Morris CH, Dufau ML. Regulation of 3{beta}-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in Gonadotropin-Induced Steroidogenic Desensitization of Leydig Cells. Endocrinology 1998;139(11):4496-505." THIS IS A STUDY IN RATS!!! This expert is so desperate to prove him/herself. they cite rat studies. If we were to translate this study to humans, which is fraught with so many pitfalls, the easiest method is by dose (IU/kg). The dose for the rats is 100-125 IU/kg. For a 75 kg human, this would be 7,500 IU or more. A dose more than FDA approved, used clinically, and what they claim to cause hCG desensitization. 3{beta}-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/{Delta}5-{Delta}4 isomerases (3{beta}-HSD) are enzymes that catalyze the conversion of {Delta}5 to {Delta}4 steroids in the gonads and adrenal for the biosynthesis of sex steroid and corticoids. In gonadotropin-desensitized Leydig cells, from rats treated with high doses of human CG (hCG), testosterone production is markedly reduced, a finding that was attributed in part to reduction of CYP17 expression. In this study, we present evidence for an additional steroidogenic lesion induced by gonadotropin. Using differential display analysis of messenger RNA (mRNA) from Leydig cells of rats treated with a single desensitizing dose of hCG (2.5 {micro}g), we found that transcripts for type I and type II 3{beta}-HSD were substantially (5- to 8-fold) down-regulated. This major reduction, confirmed by RNase protection assay, was observed at the high hCG dose (2.5 {micro}g), whereas minor or no change was found at lower doses (0.01 and 0.1 {micro}g). In contrast, 3{beta}-HSD mRNA transcripts were not changed in luteinized ovaries of pseudopregnant rats treated with 2.5 {micro}g hCG. The down-regulation of 3{beta}-HSD mRNA in the Leydig cell resulted from changes at the transcriptional level. Western blot analysis showed 3{beta}-HSD protein was significantly reduced by hCG treatment, with changes that were coincidental with the reduction of enzyme activity and temporally consistent with the reduction of 3{beta}-HSD mRNA but independent of LH receptor down-regulation. The reduction of 3{beta}-HSD mRNA resulting from transcriptional inhibition of gene expression, and the consequent reduction of 3{beta}-HSD activity could contribute to the inhibition of androgen production in gonadotropin-induced steroidogenic desensitization of Leydig cells. The gender-specific regulation of 3{beta}-HSD by hCG reflects differential transcriptional regulation of the enzymes to accommodate physiological hormonal requirements and reproductive function" - Michael Scally  

1000 p/wk on blast or cruise does it work? i dunno do i want to stop and see? no  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

I don't do that when cruising otherwise will need ai Recently started with blast Why? Don't know actually To put my mind at ease I guess According to sperm count kit I'm still above normal-20 mil/ml after b&c since March-april Have 2 kids already so fertility isn't my concern I don't do that when cruising otherwise will need ai Recently started with blast Why? Don't know actually To put my mind at ease I guess According to sperm count kit I'm still above normal-20 mil/ml after b&c since March-april Have 2 kids already so fertility isn't my concern  

Sebbek said: I don't do that when cruising otherwise will need ai Recently started with blast Why? Don't know actually To put my mind at ease I guess According to sperm count kit I'm still above normal-20 mil/ml after b&c since March-april Have 2 kids already so fertility isn't my concern Click to expand...
arcticfox said: Blast and cruising and been taking 500iu Tue/friday. Im coming off for a few month maybe longer in Jan and i will be running a PWER PCT Click to expand...

blast and cruise fertility reddit

Blast and cruising and been taking 500iu Tue/friday. Im coming off for a few month maybe longer in Jan and i will be running a PWER PCT  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

I have heard people doing 1000 IU per week who are on B&C.  

I'm doing 1000a week with on TRT , no oestrogen problems just got bloods done aswell it's well within range  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

think provirons better. Ive started taking 50mg ED and already noticed an increase in mojo  

in what regard? im talking about HCG use in order to minimize testicular atrophy and some maintenance of function just in case i need to come off for any of the above reasons and to not have lentil sized testicles  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

I have run 1000iu ew since i have cycle/bridge/cycle. (wouldnt call my pityful amounts a blast tbh) my problem is i just banged 1000iu EW. but now going to switch to 500iu twice a week.  

i take it you require an AI year round then? tbh after what dumdum has mentioned above its certainly provided food for thought and i imagine i will be running 1000iu EW for the duration if not indefinitely just a shame that i KNOW ill require an AI with that amount which means another annual outgoing for as long as i B&C  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

on 200iu hcg every other day, sperm production has gone mental, i have to knock one out twice a day at least, is this normal  

blast and cruise fertility reddit

1000iu every Monday without fail. Also take adex year round, .25 2x weekly while cruising, keeps away puffy nips. Depending on compounds while blasting will adjust dosages. Not as ridiculously horny as I have been in the past, but occasionally it's nice to think of things other than sex. :lol: Only on occasion though, my cock was getting battered like a piece of fish.  

1000iu every Monday without fail. Also take adex year round, .25 2x weekly while cruising, keeps away puffy nips. Depending on compounds while blasting will adjust dosages. Not as ridiculously horny as I have been in the past, but occasionally it's nice to think of things other than sex. :lol: Only on occasion though, my cock was getting battered like a piece of fish. Click to expand...
im pretty sure its what ill be doing 250iu x2 weekly during cruise 500iu 2x weekly during blast if nothing else it keeps the nads full only prob is it will likely cause my cruises to require an AI as im pretty damn oest sensitive Click to expand...
on 200iu hcg every other day, sperm production has gone mental, i have to knock one out twice a day at least, is this normal Click to expand...

blast and cruise fertility reddit

I didn't use hcg during my first 2 cycles and I recovered ok (had blood work to confirm that). I was younger then and it seems that younger guys recover better. What concerns me more (and I'm sorry if I'm hijacking your thread OP) is the long term risk of staying on illegitimate trt. How many of you guys give blood and/or get regular blood checks to see how you're doing? Previously I got checked out with my Gp but I am not comfortable with making it a regular visit. I don't want this stuff on my medical record for obvious reasons.  

I wanted this to be a sort of self admin trt fAq anyway so you're not hijacking To answer what I pesonally will be doing: cruise equal to slightly longer then I blast, run hcg at 500iu twice weekly throughout (getting ai right will be tricky ) And get bloods done via medichecks and other private labs during my cruises pre blast Im also looking into jerry rigging a phlebotomy kit worse case scenario but this im not certain on as I need to see all variables I may just donate as the hormones themselves will make little difference to the recipient and my hygiene practice is stellar (more so than when I've had blood taken at gp) The only real p1sser for me is being gyno prone so with hcg and trt dose ill probably still require an ai and then there is the factor that one day i MAY try to come off due to a possible future international move but equally I am accepting that I'll probably require trt for life after any kind of prolonged shut down How did you get bloodwork from your GP without letting on you're using?  

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Lee_1978 is offline

Hi all, Having come to the end of my latest cycle, I've made the tentative decision to continue using testosterone for the foreseeable future. Prior to outlining my latest cycle, I don't think i would have a given the idea of cruising much consideration, but from some advice i was given on here and the issues i have off cycle, I began looking into it and have drawn up a really basic plan as below: Test E 120 mg EW ( Mon/Wed/Fri) 250 iu HCG EW i'm considering adding HGH at some point, but don't really know how or if it would be beneficial. For anyone with experience or who blasts and cruises, what do you think of think of this cycle? Also - What effect does cruising have on your balls? On cycle regardless of how much HCG I run, my balls shrink to nothing. My test levels prior to starting my cycle was 640 ng/dl - so a part of me wonders if i should just run a PCT and wait until my natty test levels are tanked before I cruise. The primary reason I want to blast and cruise is to maintain my size. Off cycle is a constant struggle to hold onto the weight my body doesn't seem to like or want. As a natural ectomorph, i understand that surpassing my genetic limit is a factor. One issue I have is that I'm now out of gear and awaiting my order, and due to the current worldwide situation, it's taking a lot longer than usual, so as a result I haven't pinned in nearly two weeks. I'm hoping it'll turn up this week and wondered if perhaps the first pin should be a little higher due to depleted test levels? The only thing i'm using is Proviron at 50 mg ED, which is keeping me full and hard. gal_register('gal_100_7501967', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_116_7501967', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_77_7501967', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');

Windex is offline

Stock up on your future orders for extra gear. I would do 250IU HCG the MWF of your injections for 750IU Total Your HRT is pretty basic. I don't know your age but I would also consider adding in 100mg Deca per week (can split that up into MWF as well). It's quite inexpensive. I would also make sure you are supplementing with DHEA and Vitamin D3. HGH is certainly beneficial but it has in my opinion the worst mileage relative to the price. For the price of 1 month of HGH you could use the same money and invest in MK677 + EQ + Deca + Anavar and get a lot farther gal_register('gal_78_7501968', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_100_7501968', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_87_7501968', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
Originally Posted by Windex Stock up on your future orders for extra gear. I would do 250IU HCG the MWF of your injections for 750IU Total Your HRT is pretty basic. I don't know your age but I would also consider adding in 100mg Deca per week (can split that up into MWF as well). It's quite inexpensive. I would also make sure you are supplementing with DHEA and Vitamin D3. HGH is certainly beneficial but it has in my opinion the worst mileage relative to the price. For the price of 1 month of HGH you could use the same money and invest in MK677 + EQ + Deca + Anavar and get a lot farther Yes, my cycle is really basic, but as this is new territory for me, I just want to be cautious, but saying that, if i decide to run nandrolone , would NPP be ok? Is there any added benefit to taking 750 IU HCG EW? gal_register('gal_89_7502291', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_100_7502291', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_87_7502291', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');

i_SLAM_cougars is offline

Originally Posted by Lee_1978 Hi all, Having come to the end of my latest cycle, I've made the tentative decision to continue using testosterone for the foreseeable future. Prior to outlining my latest cycle, I don't think i would have a given the idea of cruising much consideration, but from some advice i was given on here and the issues i have off cycle, I began looking into it and have drawn up a really basic plan as below: Test E 120 mg EW ( Mon/Wed/Fri) 250 iu HCG EW i'm considering adding HGH at some point, but don't really know how or if it would be beneficial. For anyone with experience or who blasts and cruises, what do you think of think of this cycle? Also - What effect does cruising have on your balls? On cycle regardless of how much HCG I run, my balls shrink to nothing. My test levels prior to starting my cycle was 640 ng/dl - so a part of me wonders if i should just run a PCT and wait until my natty test levels are tanked before I cruise. The primary reason I want to blast and cruise is to maintain my size. Off cycle is a constant struggle to hold onto the weight my body doesn't seem to like or want. As a natural ectomorph, i understand that surpassing my genetic limit is a factor. One issue I have is that I'm now out of gear and awaiting my order, and due to the current worldwide situation, it's taking a lot longer than usual, so as a result I haven't pinned in nearly two weeks. I'm hoping it'll turn up this week and wondered if perhaps the first pin should be a little higher due to depleted test levels? The only thing i'm using is Proviron at 50 mg ED, which is keeping me full and hard. Here’s what I do: Testosterone Cypionate - 200mg per week Primobolan Enanthate - 200mg per week HCG - 500ius per week Optional: Nandrolone Decanoate - 100-200mg per week (Good for your joints) Trenbolone Enanthate - 100mg per week (I don’t recommend cruising on Tren , as one of the major points of a cruise is to give your androgen receptors a rest. However it’s a small dose, but enough to keep you hard and nasty looking if you should find yourself cruising at maintenance calories or a slight deficit.) gal_register('gal_209_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_89_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_100_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_114_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_123_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_127_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_128_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_77_7502292', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars Here’s what I do: Testosterone Cypionate - 200mg per week Primobolan Enanthate - 200mg per week HCG - 500ius per week Optional: Nandrolone Decanoate - 100-200mg per week (Good for your joints) Trenbolone Enanthate - 100mg per week (I don’t recommend cruising on Tren, as one of the major points of a cruise is to give your androgen receptors a rest. However it’s a small dose, but enough to keep you hard and nasty looking if you should find yourself cruising at maintenance calories or a slight deficit.) Wow, that would be a cycle for me! What does the primo do for you while you cruise? gal_register('gal_209_7502312', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_89_7502312', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_100_7502312', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_114_7502312', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_123_7502312', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by Lee_1978 Yes, my cycle is really basic, but as this is new territory for me, I just want to be cautious, but saying that, if i decide to run nandrolone , would NPP be ok? Is there any added benefit to taking 750 IU HCG EW? NPP would require every other day injections which would add confusion to your current protocol. You'd be better off using Deca and then NPP when you want to blast. gal_register('gal_89_7502314', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_87_7502314', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by Lee_1978 Wow, that would be a cycle for me! What does the primo do for you while you cruise? Keeps protein synthesis sky high
Originally Posted by Windex NPP would require every other day injections which would add confusion to your current protocol. You'd be better off using Deca and then NPP when you want to blast. Cool. What dose would you use if running deca alongside test on a cruise? gal_register('gal_87_7503569', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by Windex Stock up on your future orders for extra gear. I would do 250IU HCG the MWF of your injections for 750IU Total Your HRT is pretty basic. I don't know your age but I would also consider adding in 100mg Deca per week (can split that up into MWF as well). It's quite inexpensive. I would also make sure you are supplementing with DHEA and Vitamin D3. HGH is certainly beneficial but it has in my opinion the worst mileage relative to the price. For the price of 1 month of HGH you could use the same money and invest in MK677 + EQ + Deca + Anavar and get a lot farther Just realised you've answered my question about dosing deca. Isn't the point of a cruise about maintenance? Wouldn't it be better to save the EQ and Anavar for a blast? gal_register('gal_78_7503570', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_100_7503570', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_87_7503570', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by Lee_1978 Just realised you've answered my question about dosing deca . Isn't the point of a cruise about maintenance? Wouldn't it be better to save the EQ and Anavar for a blast? Neither EQ or Anavar are androgenic -based compounds. Blasting works best with androgenic compounds in addition to increasing dose. At 200mg EQ per week or 20mg of Anavar a day you get tons of anabolic benefits without health side effects. gal_register('gal_78_7503574', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_119_7503574', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_229_7503574', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_87_7503574', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');

Octaneforce is offline

If money is not a factor, theres no reason not to run hgh year round. I love that shit. It made me thicker and denser. On the flipside if you cannot commit to hgh theres no point in it. It takes years of use to REALLY see the size increase.
Originally Posted by Octaneforce If money is not a factor, theres no reason not to run hgh year round. I love that shit. It made me thicker and denser. On the flipside if you cannot commit to hgh theres no point in it. It takes years of use to REALLY see the size increase. Exactly - it is the barrier of entry when it comes to GH. MK677 seems to be the budget alternative though.

kelkel is offline

Originally Posted by Windex Exactly - it is the barrier of entry when it comes to GH. MK677 seems to be the budget alternative though. It's like the Walmart of GH, but works every time.
Originally Posted by Windex Neither EQ or Anavar are androgenic -based compounds. Blasting works best with androgenic compounds in addition to increasing dose. At 200mg EQ per week or 20mg of Anavar a day you get tons of anabolic benefits without health side effects. Got it. I'm going to stick with deca and test for now and perhaps somewhere down the line I'll incorporate other compounds. gal_register('gal_78_7504160', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_229_7504160', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_87_7504160', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by Windex Exactly - it is the barrier of entry when it comes to GH. MK677 seems to be the budget alternative though. I'm intrigued - one to read up on for sure.

Eduke93 is offline

Originally Posted by Lee_1978 Hi all, Having come to the end of my latest cycle, I've made the tentative decision to continue using testosterone for the foreseeable future. Prior to outlining my latest cycle, I don't think i would have a given the idea of cruising much consideration, but from some advice i was given on here and the issues i have off cycle, I began looking into it and have drawn up a really basic plan as below: Test E 120 mg EW ( Mon/Wed/Fri) 250 iu HCG EW i'm considering adding HGH at some point, but don't really know how or if it would be beneficial. For anyone with experience or who blasts and cruises, what do you think of think of this cycle? Also - What effect does cruising have on your balls? On cycle regardless of how much HCG I run, my balls shrink to nothing. Are you planning on staying on TRT for the rest of your life? You can recover after cruise but you are playing with fire if you stay on for extended periods of time. Regardless of HCG your still going to shut yourself down so your balls will still take a hit. If your worried about fertility I’d consider running a PCT now as you haven’t jabbed in a while and following this check your sperm so you have know your baseline and can freeze some as well. Then go back on and cruise if that’s what you want to do. My test levels prior to starting my cycle was 640 ng/dl - so a part of me wonders if i should just run a PCT and wait until my natty test levels are tanked before I cruise. The primary reason I want to blast and cruise is to maintain my size. Off cycle is a constant struggle to hold onto the weight my body doesn't seem to like or want. As a natural ectomorph, i understand that surpassing my genetic limit is a factor. It’s down to you man, if you understand the potential health risks and fertility isn’t a worry/you’ve frozen some sperm then go ahead! I started cruising (TRT = 150mg p/w, HCG 500IU 2x p/w) a couple of years ago and I love it, no dips in hormone levels gym performance is consistent... lots of benefits! One issue I have is that I'm now out of gear and awaiting my order, and due to the current worldwide situation, it's taking a lot longer than usual, so as a result I haven't pinned in nearly two weeks. I'm hoping it'll turn up this week and wondered if perhaps the first pin should be a little higher due to depleted test levels? The only thing i'm using is Proviron at 50 mg ED, which is keeping me full and hard. When your gear comes start with your planned TRT regimen (if you decide to go ahead), no need to shoot more. That’s your bigorexia brain kicking in... a few weeks taking nothing wont have much of an impact at all providing your eating well and training... ^^^ Hope this helps... gal_register('gal_100_7504734', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_116_7504734', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_77_7504734', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');

SilverBack G's is offline

Can you blast and cruise Anavar /primo ? if so Which one would you use if you could use either gal_register('gal_78_7504862', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');

Test Monsterone is offline

Originally Posted by SilverBack G's Can you blast and cruise Anavar/primo ? if so Which one would you use if you could use either Primo is fine as it is not known to be liver toxic. Anavar is one of the least liver toxic oral steroids , but they are all toxic to some degree. I would never run an oral year round, hell I don’t even run orals in my cycles. I think if you looked at two identical twins over 5 years and one took orals and the other didn’t, you wouldn’t know the difference. Orals just makes shit work faster but they don’t help you keep it once you’re off. gal_register('gal_189_7504880', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_78_7504880', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
I see, good to know thank you!

AR's King Silabolin is offline

All in all i think its better to do a PCT. Why buff all the time?. Boring. Try to better training and diett. Add mk677. Learn how to get gympump wo the anabolics. So much efficient pre workout nuttrients. As Piana stated. Come off. Be in charge. Dont let your life and body be ruled by drugs. Ull be buff in two weeks next time. More mass u hold on to, less mass u gain next time because u dont wanna do crazy dosages. Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 04-13-2020 at 07:48 AM .
Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin As Piana stated. Come off. Be in charge. Dont let your life and body be ruled by drugs. He should have taken his own advice....
Originally Posted by Test Monsterone Primo is fine as it is not known to be liver toxic. Anavar is one of the least liver toxic oral steroids, but they are all toxic to some degree. I would never run an oral year round, hell I don’t even run orals in my cycles. I think if you looked at two identical twins over 5 years and one took orals and the other didn’t, you wouldn’t know the difference. Orals just makes shit work faster but they don’t help you keep it once you’re off. Anavar was created in part for people with failing livers. Liver toxicity and Kidney Renal strain are the 2 most misunderstood organs with respect to AAS. I have a colleague that's been on Therapeutic Anavar for the last 5 years and has a better lipid profile than 99% of Americans walking around. I don't know where you got the idea that anything from orals isn't maintainable but that's simply not true. Just because the water weight disappears when you stop taking Dbol doesn't mean you didn't create muscular hypertrophy while on due to lifting heavier. gal_register('gal_78_7505045', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_91_7505045', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Last edited by Windex; 04-13-2020 at 11:25 AM .
Originally Posted by kelkel He should have taken his own advice.... He should have stayed off the blow at 300 pounds
Originally Posted by kelkel He should have taken his own advice.... Stil, its a good advice. Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk
Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars He should have stayed off the blow at 300 pounds Not necessarely. But when u in a periode of your life use heavy doses of HGH straight for 15 years and get addicted to stims later on, ull run into problems later, roidblows or not. Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk
Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars He should have stayed off the blow at 300 pounds Shhh it was pre-workout powder.
Originally Posted by Windex Anavar was created in part for people with failing livers. Liver toxicity and Kidney Renal strain are the 2 most misunderstood organs with respect to AAS. I have a colleague that's been on Therapeutic Anavar for the last 5 years and has a better lipid profile than 99% of Americans walking around. I don't know where you got the idea that anything from orals isn't maintainable but that's simply not true. Just because the water weight disappears when you stop taking Dbol doesn't mean you didn't create muscular hypertrophy while on due to lifting heavier. I’m not saying that gains from orals are not maintainable. I’m saying that just because they help someone get to their goal faster through quicker absorption, water retention, etc., doesn’t mean it will improve one's physique in the long run. I think that people should aim to look the best they can at TRT doses, not at the peak of their cycles. To me, orals are like a turbo charger, in that yes it will make you go faster, but at the cost of wear and tear. Personally I’m not trying to hurry up and put on 10 lbs in 4 weeks. For what? If there is ANY chance of liver toxicity, I don’t want anything to do with it. Same with sarms . Chance of cancer? Fuck that. For what? 5 extra lbs you’ll probably lose right after the cycle is over. People on here are pretty wreckless with their protocols I believe. Steroid users in general are. I’m not trying to put my body at more risk than it needs to be, so orals to me are not worth it. I’m 33 years old, I trained 17 years naturally, why do I need to hurry up and add 10 lbs and also strain my liver. Maybe your friend doesn’t have liver problems, but all the studies show that anavar is hepatotoxic, so I’ll take those studies over someone’s anecdotal experience. gal_register('gal_78_7505125', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_165_7505125', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0'); gal_register('gal_141_7505125', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0');
Originally Posted by Test Monsterone Maybe your friend doesn’t have liver problems, but all the studies show that anavar is hepatotoxic, so I’ll take those studies over someone’s anecdotal experience. Var may be hepatotoxic in larger doses (to some) but I don't recall studies showing negative responses to low dose therapy. It's a healing agent even used low dose and long term in children.
Originally Posted by Eduke93 ^^^ Hope this helps... Great advice. I gave no fertility issues or concerns about freezing sperm. Have toy had a 'break' since starting cruising?

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Difference between TRT and Blasting n Cruising ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mon Jovi
  • Start date Start date Apr 23, 2020
  • Apr 23, 2020

So this question popped in mind, i thought i should ask the experts. Also i wanted to ask, As during TRT, does Blast n Cruise also have HCG protocol, to keep balls intact ?  


Dude I was literally wondering this this morning. Thanks for posting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk  


balls intact means what exactly? cause what hcg does is mimic LH, it does not prevent suppression. by mimicking lh it will signal the leydig cells (your nuts) to plump up.  


  • dylangemelli

really there isnt much difference other than terminology... many people that are medically on trt would never have any idea about blasting and would just stay on their medical dose permanently... thats really the only difference other than just terminology...  

Super User 4

Not much difference, Dylan has you covered  

  • Apr 24, 2020

So people on BlastnCruise never comes off test too ?...and do they use pct/hcg while cruising ?  

If you’re cruising is truly the same as TRT, then it’s true, you’ll simply stay on test. Most of the guys recommend 100-200mg test e per week but some go over that. It’s just that when you consider what Drs prescribe it’s typically in that 100-200 range so that’s what a true “cruise” would look like. Anything over that and you’re just staying on cycle and adding organ risk that’s not worth it in the long run. Re PCT, no, you don’t need any of it when you’re on TRT I’m learning. But most recommend giving blood every 2-3 months to cover off accumulation in red blood cell count. Word to the wise there, don’t tell the people at the donor clinic that you’re on ANY medication. I got denied because I’m on a daily dose of anticonvulsants. So I need to find another way, somehow. Been on TRT about 3 mos now... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk  


Chairman of Board

TRT is medically prescribed and puts you at a dose that maintains stable test levels that should naturally occur. Cruising can be the same thing most of the time, but some people cruise above natural levels (which is unhealthy)  

So how one maintain fertility and testicular atrophy while on cruise if not taking hcg or anything else ?  

To give you and idea of TRT a doc won’t put you on it if u plan to have kids down the line. It will likely make you infertile. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk  

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  1. Blast and cruise fertility : r/PEDs

    Having fertility issues can cost more than a lifetime of juice. Hcg or freezing your jizz is definitely a good idea. 4. BicyclingBro. • 3 yr. ago. Toss in HCG if you're worried about it. Otherwise, when you want to have kids, you can come off and fertility will generally be recoverable with some HCG and a strong PCT, though it may take a ...

  2. [Discussion] Pros and cons of a blasting and cruising lifestyle?

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  3. Fertility Protocol while Blasting and Cruising : r/PEDs

    Here and then is as good as null... Since all blasts and cruises will shut you off. You need to run hcg permanently to even try to avoid leydig cells from dying off. Preferably ED or EOD. 250 to 350 IU... Before trying to have kids, use hmg at 150 IU ED for 2 weeks then 150 IU EOD until you successfully conceive.

  4. Pct and fertility after years of blast/cruise

    Pct and fertility after years of blast/cruise. Thread starter rigs03; Start date Aug 27, 2020; Tags blast and cruise fertility pct Aug 27, 2020 #1 R. rigs03 Member. I'm 34 and have been blast/cruising for about 5 years now. ... LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp Email Share Link. Home. Forums. Anabolic Steroids & Performance Enhancement. Steroid Post ...

  5. Blast and Cruisers

    Identical twins. One blasts and cruised (HRT cruise) and the other one cycles on and off. 2 months on 2 months off. They are both the same size when they end their cycles. The cruiser actually had a little less bf but barely noticeable. I haven't seen them in years but we have a mutual friend.

  6. blast and cruise....pros and cons? Either way, I wanna!!

    132. May 18, 2011. #3. its fun i like it. when i cruise i usually do 125mg per week (normal range i presume) then when i blast i go up to 750-1000 its nice. i stay on for a full year and then come off, then wait 4 months usually then go back on. prolly wont go back on if im happy with my size thou.

  7. How much does Blast&Cruise increase your chances of infertility?

    50% of the time, it works every time. Being on androgens doesn't help fertility. This doesn't mean you can fuck away raw on steroids. Steroids don't make you infertile. I would think that B&C becomes more attractive once you hit your 30's and 40's because your natural levels start to decline anyways.

  8. Blast and Cruise

    blast blastandcruise cruise fertility hcg trt. Jump to Latest 3K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by FlyingScotsman1885 May 17, 2018. F. FlyingScotsman1885 ...

  9. HCG during your blast and cruise, what do you do?

    500iu every 5 days, then a lot more during PCT. Mainly because I am conscious of fertility concerns and ultimately the Mrs and I will want children. This is the first time I have done a blast and cruise, as currently bulking, then going to cruise for 2/3months, before a blast cut for the summer.

  10. Blast and cruise advice

    The primary reason I want to blast and cruise is to maintain my size. Off cycle is a constant struggle to hold onto the weight my body doesn't seem to like or want. ... It's down to you man, if you understand the potential health risks and fertility isn't a worry/you've frozen some sperm then go ahead! I started cruising (TRT = 150mg p/w ...

  11. Anyone has experience with blasting and cruising test since ...

    You could run HCG for fertility reasons. If you are really set on on going on cycle do your due diligence as far as getting all your blood work and your sperm tested. Right now you don't know if you even have healthy sperm. Would you want to risk going on a blast or cruise and impact your testicular health if you don't know your baseline?

  12. Mantain fertility while blasting and cruising

    How can you maintain fertility and keep your testes healthy with HCG if you are blasting and cruising with test? I'm not looking to do this, just trying to... Home. Forums. New posts. Media. New media New comments. Steroids SARMS eBooks. Resources. Latest reviews. Podcast. Steroid Profiles. SARMS. Videos. EF Home. Log in Register. What's new.

  13. hCG/hMG protocols for those who blast and cruise, testicle ...

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  14. [cycle] pros and cons of a blast and cruise lifestyle?

    It is a well established fact that aas reduces your lifespan. The severity obviously depends on your use. If you are on a true trt cruise most of the time, and blast responsibly, chances are in your favour that the damage is mitigated somewhat, but you are still burning years off nonetheless.

  15. Difference between TRT and Blasting n Cruising

    Platinum. Apr 24, 2020. #7. If you're cruising is truly the same as TRT, then it's true, you'll simply stay on test. Most of the guys recommend 100-200mg test e per week but some go over that. It's just that when you consider what Drs prescribe it's typically in that 100-200 range so that's what a true "cruise" would look like.

  16. Blast and Cruise

    And this is traditional cycling I'm talking about, with blast and cruise it'd be almost unavoidable. Also, "blast and cruise" really refers to taking very high dosages for short durations, 50mg ed of test would not be considered blast and cruise, it's more like 2 grams/wk of test for 4 weeks, and then 4 weeks off, etc etc.