
How FAM trips and event strategy can elevate your brand

fam trip events

We’re all guilty of it. One minute you’re aimlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed, killing time before your kid’s soccer practice wraps up or your next appointment starts, when suddenly something catches your eye. Maybe it’s a post of someone using a power drill which reminds you that you need to get going on that bathroom reno, new running shoes that you’re positive will finally give you the motivation you need to start running twice a week, or a picture of that resort in Baja you’ve been dying to stay at, like, forever. Whatever it is, it’s enough to prompt you to click the ‘buy’ button–and that’s exactly why influencer marketing and media coverage is so effective.

Whether your company is launching a new product or looking to showcase a destination, proven ways to generate excitement and awareness are by hosting a FAM trip or planning a brand activation.

What is a FAM trip?

Traditionally, a familiarization trip–commonly called a FAM trip or FAM–is when a destination or tourism brand hosts media, travel agents or suppliers for an experience, This could be something as simple as an afternoon hike highlighting offerings from a few providers capped off with a farm-to-table dinner, to a weeklong, all-expenses paid trip to a luxury resort in Thailand. The idea is that the resulting media coverage leads to more bookings, while agents on the supplier side are more knowledgeable about the products they’re pushing which can increase sales.

“You don’t know what you don’t know, and attending FAM trips is a quick and easy way to get insider access to a destination,” explains travel writer Jody Robbins , who goes on hosted trips multiple times a year to research upcoming articles. “A good FAM trip will not only familiarize you with the destination, but will uncover a new perspective.” 

Now that bloggers and influencers have developed so much klout and loyal audiences, FAMs are expanding to include this type of new media and trips are no longer just tourism focused. Forward-thinking companies are putting together customized brand activations which give influencers an opportunity to connect with and use their products, creating content they can then share organically with their followers.

“In the past, most companies would launch new products at trade shows and through press releases, which is somewhat effective but not very exciting,” says Aaron Sales, co-founder of Global Sessions which has worked with brands like Nike to support their brand influencer programs. “Today, consumers and media desire authentic experiences that allow them to fully understand and appreciate the product. When you feel a product in your own hands and can have a direct conversation with the designer or someone knowledgeable and passionate about the product, you immediately become an ambassador. It’s one thing to read a one-pager on the latest and greatest, but it’s completely different when you get to cast the rod from shore and hook into a 12 pound trout with the owner of the company.”

Nike brought in Global Sessions to develop the event strategy for a product launch , where they presented new apparel to a group of fashion bloggers, photographers and media from high-profile outlets like Vogue , HYPEBEAST and Gear Patrol. Global Sessions sourced a venue to put Nike’s ACG React Terra Gobe shoe to the test and provide an incredible backdrop to create content, as well as arrange transportation, meals, lodging and experiences. 

How to make a familiarization trip successful

Many companies that host FAM trips or influencer marketing events bring in a third-party agency to assist with things like the run of show and venue finding services, and benefit from their insider knowledge.

“Logistics and timing are hugely important factors in running a successful FAM tour,” says Kieron Weidner from First Nature Tours , which is a longtime partner of Global Sessions. His company works with destination marketing organizations (DMOs) like Travel Oregon and Brand USA by providing professional guides, luxury transportation and expert insight into each area. 

“Things often take longer than anticipated, and it’s important to know the destinations and attractions well enough to plan accordingly. Also, having relationships in place with key partners can assist in hosting the group, and providing the kind of experience that will really sell the participants on the destination.”

fam trip events

On the media side, journalists appreciate a bit of flexibility and free time built into schedules to give them time to properly explore based on their interests.

“One of the best FAM trips I was on offered two different half-day blocks we could choose from,” Robbins recalls. “One block was culinary, the other family travel, another outdoor adventure, etcetera. Everyone split into different groups and got the [story] angles they needed.”

She adds that including a unique experience is also appreciated, as well as getting an opportunity to meet the locals.

“One example is when I did a UK FAM that took us into Oxfordshire and Highclere House, AKA Downton Abbey. Anyone can tour Highclere House, but this was memorable for a few reasons: it was timely because the movie was coming out in a few months, and it was bucket list-worthy. Sure, you can do it on your own, but that takes some effort and our FAM timed it just right with not only a tour and tea, but an evening performance where we could wander through the castle at will. 

“Our FAM had organized a tea with Lady Carnarvon, the mistress of the house. Having unhurried time with her was not only invaluable for my story, but is something I’ll never forget.” 

fam trip events

What to avoid when planning FAM tours

The most important thing to remember when planning a media visit or influencer marketing event is that one size does not fit all . Many organizers are guilty of cramming in too many different activities to try and showcase everything, which means participants barely have enough time to properly experience it, never mind actually create content. It’s almost always better to spend more time at fewer places.

“It’s important to balance the learning and site inspections with time to truly relax and enjoy the destination, and [travel advisors] won’t want to return with a group if they don’t enjoy their overall experience,” Weidner says. 

He suggests setting accurate expectations for the participants well in advance, and always calling ahead to keep partners updated with arrival time and group size to ensure the experience moves smoothly, Most importantly, be informed.

“Know the answers to the questions that your participants need to know.”


fam trip events


Explore our upcoming selection of FAM trips, each crafted to offer a unique blend of education, luxury, and adventure. Our trips span across continents, featuring popular destinations like Paris and Tokyo, exotic locales like the Maldives and Machu Picchu, and exclusive retreats in secluded corners of the world. These trips are more than just vacations; they are opportunities to engage with local cultures, understand new travel products, and network with industry leaders. With TopFams, you're always at the forefront of travel trends and destinations. Our FAM trips are carefully selected to ensure they meet the high standards of quality, safety, and educational value that our advisors expect. Stay updated with our ever-evolving roster of FAM trips, designed to keep you ahead in the dynamic world of travel.

fam trip events

Amazing Morocco

Explore Morocco's charm on our exciting fam trip: Marrakech, local cuisine, vibrant traditions, and Essaouira's relaxation await.

fam trip events

Glimpses of India

Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors, rich cultures, and diverse landscapes of India, from the iconic Taj Mahal to the serene backwaters of Kerala.

fam trip events

Riverside Luxury Cruises & Travel Minds Present a Seminar at Sea

Embark on a transformative journey on the Riverside Debussy with Riverside Cruises and Travel Minds on the romantic Rhine as we set sail on a Seminar at Sea tailored exclusively for travel advisors.

fam trip events

Wildlife Wanderer Kenya Safari

Experience a once-in-a-lifetime safari through Kenya's wildlife havens with top-tier accommodations and expert guidance.

fam trip events

Kenya & Tanzania

Embark on a thrilling safari adventure through Amboseli, Masai Mara, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater.


fam trip events

Explore the majestic Himalayas, ancient temples, and warm hospitality of Nepal, where spirituality and natural beauty intertwine seamlessly.

fam trip events

Experience the timeless charm of Bhutan's ancient monasteries and emerald valleys, nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas.

fam trip events

Indulge in the exotic paradise of Sri Lanka, where ancient ruins, lush tea plantations, and golden beaches await exploration amidst a rich cultural tapestry.

fam trip events

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Explore Puerto Vallarta's diverse charms, from golden beaches to thrilling jungle adventures.

fam trip events

Montego Bay, Jamaica

Embark on an extraordinary journey to Montego Bay, a tropical paradise nestled on the northwestern coast of Jamaica.

fam trip events

Cancún, Mexico

Cancún is a world-renowned destination that seamlessly blends natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture.

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Travel Agent FAM Trips: What They Are + How to Find Them

Ahhhh.... the travel industry. It's a beautiful industry and one we here at HAR are lucky enough to work/play in! One of the greatest perks in travel are travel agent familiarization trips, or FAM trips for short. They're also sometimes called FAM tours.

Here's the thing, people outside the industry usually have two conflicting thoughts about travel agents:

1) When they find out I work with travel advisors they ask if travel agents still exist.

2) Then they immediately think I'm a travel advisor and ask, " Do you get to travel a lot? For free?!? "

Here's the answers to those questions:

1) Ooooooh, my friend, travel agents sure do exist! In 2022, traditional travel agencies market share was 21% and online travel agencies was 22% ? True story. Here's more on a travel agent career outlook .

2) And yes, as a producing travel advisor you get to travel a lot and sometimes for free or at a significant discount. Producing is the key word here. :)

What I can never figure out is how you can think travel agents aren't around if they get to travel all the time to gorgeous destinations for free or reduced costs. 🤔 Wouldn't the market be flooded with people wanting to become a travel agent if that was the case?!

Jumping off waterfall on mexico familiarization trip

These enviable trips are called FAM trips and they're key to travel advisors being invaluable resources to their clients.

(For those of you dying for some 'me time' on the beach, don't worry, FAM trip is short for familiarization trip. It DOES NOT mean you have to bring your family with you on the trips. 😂 In fact, if +1s are allowed, it is often at a little higher cost but often FAM trips are just for advisors.)

So let me break down what a FAM trip is, what happens on FAM tours, where you can find FAM trips, and the question I know you all are asking, how you can get invited on a familiarization trip!

What is a FAM trip for travel agents?

A travel agent FAM trip is a trip offered by a vendor, destination or another entity in the travel industry

Jamaica travel agent FAM tour

Let's clarify one thing. A FAM trip is not the same as travel agent discounts on personal travel. For that, you can check out our article with over 200+ travel agent rates we lovingly keep updated for you. :)

A travel agent FAM trip is a trip offered by a vendor, destination or another entity in the travel industry—like an industry association, a host agency or a travel consortium to travel advisors—allowing the travel agent to experience the product/destination so that they can better sell it.

Travel advisors are salespeople at their core and like any salesperson, they can sell more when they experience the product or service.

Vendors and destinations know that travel agent FAM tours are a cost-effective way to increase sales. All the pics the travel agents post while on FAM trips are darn good PR and advertising!

I'll tell you a secret: once you become a travel agent and start connecting with industry colleagues

a) you will get out of offices all. the. time. from colleagues traveling to awesome places and

b) your social feed will be crammed full of pics from your industry besties traveling around the world. :)

What are the different types of familiarization (FAM) trips?

Those social feeds crammed with enviable travel photos I just mentioned? Well, they are meant to be marketing the destination/property/etc. So you should definitely be feeling FOMO and jealousy.

BUT! That could literally be the only hour the advisor was able to enjoy the pool or beach during their 3-day familiarization trip. Like most things on social, the reality of a FAM trip is often much different than what the photos painted.

Let's break down FAM tours into a few categories so you have a better idea of what to expect.

And for the record, I just created these categories since I really feel like we need to differentiate them so please help me grow this industry lexicon and start throwing them around in industry forums! 😂

Vatnajokull Glacier, Lagoon, ATV Excursion travel agent familiarization trip

Working FAM trips

These FAM trips are exactly what they sound like. Working FAMs are the majority of familiarization trips and they are meant to maximize your time in the destination.

This means that you're often up at 6 am, on your feet all day visiting multiple properties (called site inspections ) or having in-destination experiences like a pasta-making class or white water rafting.

After a full day of action, you sit down for your dinner and do some serious networking. You don't hit the bed until 10 or 11 pm. FAM trips are tons of fun, but they are also tiring! It's like traveling with your ADHD friend that is inexhaustible. :)

The company or destination that organized the FAM trip wants you to see and experience as much as possible so you often have a jam-packed schedule from sun up to past sundown.


Experiential FAM trips are still working familiarization trips but have a more relaxed schedule, as in you won't be touring 4 resorts in Jamaica a day and then have evening activities. :)

You might be staying at a dude ranch and each day have an activity or two planned.

Or you might have attended a travel conference and signed on for the pre/post tours where you get to do a guided activity each day and then return to your hotel at night. (Here's a guide to maximize your travel conference learning and networking.)

Experiential FAM tours are my favorite FAMs because they're easier to remember more vividly. Plus, I don't come away completely overstimulated and sleep deprived!

Iceland lagoon travel agent FAM tour


When your agency starts really producing, award FAM trips will open up for you.

Simply put, they're awards trips for top producing travel agencies but they also function as a FAM because they may include visiting a few properties. Plus, when most people think of FAM trips, they're wondering about free or discounted tours and award FAM trips fall into that category.

On award FAM trips, the host really pulls out the stops so you can experience all the host and the destination have to offer

On award FAM trips, the host really pulls out the stops so you can experience all the host and the destination have to offer! After all, these are the agencies that bring in a lot of sales.

Award FAM trips are typically fully comped and the familiarization trip host will have all sorts of great things planned for you! It's a lot of networking and fun, and less work. :)

What happens on a travel agent FAM trip?

Your itinerary will vary based on the type of travel agent FAM trip you're on. As I mentioned earlier, working FAMs have jam packed schedules!

If I were to generalize, I would say that on a FAM tour expect to be wined and dined at different properties or restaurants. You'll tour various properties where you'll see different room categories as well as meet with key staff that will allow you to better serve your clients.

When it comes to cruise ships, cruise FAM trips are often called Seminars at Sea when you get to sail on the ship and ship inspections when you tour it while it's in port.

Travel Agent Fam trip Ship inspection

And equally as important on FAM tours is the networking and bonding that happens with your host and fellow travel colleagues. Most advisors have their family and then they have their 'travel family', which are the colleagues they get to travel around the world with. As we all know, travel bonds people like nothing else!

Cruise FAM trips are often called Seminars at Sea when you get to sail on the ship and ship inspections when you tour it while it's in port.

Travel agent FAM trip technology + FAM trip marketing

You'll take tons of pictures and videos to share with clients and use for marketing. You'll also take a lot of notes. How do you keep all that FAM trip info straight? Here's a few resources for you.

Fam with Intention has a paid course on what to do before, during and after your travel agent FAM tour to make sure you maximize the experience.

Keeping track of everything you see and do, as well as the people you meet on travel agent FAM trips is challenging. HAR has free ship inspection forms as well as free site inspection forms that can help you out. They're old school PDF but can't beat free!

And if you are looking for something way more snazzy in app form (paid), check out MyFamTrip or FamGuru .

How much do travel agent FAMs cost?

travel agent fam trip white water rafting

I wish I had a specific answer for you but travel agent FAM prices will vary from completely free (sometimes referred to as hosted, as in they're 100% hosting you) to a decent discount.

Here's what you can generally expect included on a travel agent FAM trip:

  • Excursions/Activities

What's usually not included on travel agent FAM tours:

  • Tips for your drivers, bellhops, guides, housekeeping, etc. (These people work incredibly hard and depend on tips so make sure to bring cash.)
  • Your travel insurance (never included)

Where can I find a list of travel agent FAM trips?

Great question! Here are a few places you can find FAM trips listed.

HAR's INDUSTRy calendar

We have a great list of FAM trips on HAR's free travel industry event calendar that you can check out.

Often times travel industry conferences in popular tourist destinations will offer pre/post-add-ons that allow you to experience the destination at a discounted rates.

FAM-SPEcific websites

Other online places to find travel agent FAMs are destination-specific websites like:

  • MexicoFamTrips.com
  • CaribbeanFamTrips.com
  • JamaicaFamTrips.com

There are also a few websites that list travel agent FAM trips like :

  • Famtrips.travel
  • FAMrates.com (paid subscription)
  • WanderfullyFammed , which are led by an advisor/photographer and part of the trip is that she provides all the marketing content for advisors to promote it during and after.

But here's another secret, the real travel agent FAM deals that are generously subsidized are not publicized. They are invite-only FAM trips or require you to apply, where the competition is stiff.

Ireland Castle on travel agent familiarization tour

Travel Consortium + Host AgencY FAM TRIPS

Your host agency and/or consortium are one of the places where you can find the generously subsidized FAM trips.

Only members of their networks have access to these FAM trips and there may be sales or other requirements you need to meet. They may send out an email with the opportunity or they may reach out to advisors they know would be a good fit for it so that's another reason to cultivate those relationships with your host and consortium!


Another place where you can find severely discounted travel agent FAM trips is through destinations and preferred suppliers like cruise lines, tour operators, destination management companies (DMCs), and resorts.

\When you sign up as an advisor with them that gets you into their database and you'll receive information on upcoming travel agent FAM opportunities.

These FAM trips may be emailed out to the entire database and you have to apply, or it may be that the organization reaches out individually to their ideal travel advisors. Again, build those relationships at travel industry events so you're top of mind. :)

travel agent ship inspection FAM trip lunch

How the heck can I get invited on a travel agent FAM trip?!?

Love your enthusiasm!

Let's back up a step because the first requirement is that you're a travel agent. If you aren't one but think it would be a cool career (it totally is), check out our article with more info on how to start your travel agency .

The next requirement hurdle is you'll need to be a producing advisor.

On rare occasions, new advisors without a history of sales can be invited on a travel agent FAM trip, but you'd have to show you have the potential to bring in sales. This is usually done by showing your network of friends/colleagues/clients as the target demographic for that particular FAM trip.

Another option for newbies is you can show that you are serious and focused on selling that particular brand/destination/trip type. Do this by reaching out to your BDM (business development manager) and writing up an in-depth sales plan on what you'll do to bring them sales.

Other than that, each FAM will have its own requirements which they'll communicate to you.

travel agent familiarization (fam) trip scuba diving

FAM Trip Etiquette

Believe it or not, not everyone behaves well on FAM trips. Whether this is your first FAM trip or your 30th, it's important to know FAM trip etiquette.

We put together a one sheet for you to help promote proper FAM etiquette. Share with colleagues or print some out for your upcoming FAM and offer them to any new advisors who may need some guidance on etiquette!

If you're someone that hosts FAM trips, feel free to use the image and send out with your FAM materials.

FAM Trip etiquette

You now are fully educated on one of the best travel industry secrets... travel agent FAM trips! I hope you can experience one soon as they're amazing experiences. :)

If you're an advisor that landed on this article, I would LOVE to have you share any FAM experiences or advice in the comments below!

About the Author

Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

Steph grew up in the travel industry, helping on and off with her mom's homebased travel agency. She has worked with thousands of agents in her role as a former host agency director before leaving in 2012 to start HAR. She's insatiably curious, loves her pups Fennec and Orion, and -- in case you haven't noticed -- is pretty quirky and free-spirited.

If you’re looking for Steph, she leaves a trace where ever she goes! You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (her fav) and Pinterest as 'iamstephly'. 🙂 You can also catch her on her Substack, Bumblin' Around, where she writes on things outside the world of HAR.

Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

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Events team

fam trip events

Written on 11 th December 2018 by Nancy Brown

Why are FAM trips important to event agencies?

FAM (familiarisation) trips are a vital learning tool for TAG's Events team. Our event managers are focused on delivering the best possible experience for our clients – and these inspections ensure that we have first-hand product knowledge and can advise on exactly what to expect. Read on to learn more.

What is a FAM trip anyway? 

A FAM trip (or familiarisation trip) is where events planners (and/or potential clients) are invited by a supplier to experience a hotel or an activity first-hand. The supplier shows off what they can offer, so the events manager can develop a better understanding of their services and envision how the event would work before proposing the idea to the client. 

How does this benefit our clients? 

1. FAM trips play an important role in scouting out the very best locations for our clients . We only want to work with the best suppliers – and our events managers are hard to impress – so it’s important that we experience venues and services for ourselves. The events team attend FAM trips in locations that are relevant to their work or clients, whether it be a city that regularly comes up in event briefs, or whether it could be a “wildcard” destination in a proposal.

2. Our event managers are always in the know. They strive to develop their product knowledge, so you can be certain that the advice you receive on hotels, venues and any other suppliers is accurate and up to date. This enables our clients to make informed decisions because we have seen the quality of the bedrooms, the standard of the food and drink, and the level of customer service you would receive on-site. 

strong connections

3. It’s about strengthening the relationships between TAG, our suppliers and key contacts. This brings huge benefits to our clients because it ensures a smooth booking process and means we can negotiate excellent rates for you. 

4. We keep our clients in mind. When our event managers attend FAM events, they keep our clients in mind. For example, if they’re exploring a new venue, they’ll keep an eye out for the specific features and characteristics that clients would appreciate. We will always be thinking about new opportunities for you. 

suppliers and clients

What TAG Events say…

 “I recently attended a FAM trip with a hotel supplier in Paris and I found it very worthwhile. I experienced first-hand the hotel’s excellent customer service and high-end décor, so I felt confident when proposing the venue for a corporate summer party enquiry. We ultimately booked the accommodation and event space at the hotel, and I liaised with the supplier contact I made on the FAM trip.”

Sammi Wratten, Events Manager at TAG, London team

Bethany Chamberlain thumbnail.jpg

21 st December 2018

TAG announces expansion of Events division to Los Angeles and promotion of Bethany Chamberlain as Events Director


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What You Should Know About a FAM Trip

Annie Brigham, Digital Marketing Coordinator

What is a FAM trip?

Who attends a fam trip, who pays for a fam trip.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip for Travel Agents and Media Personnel?

What are the benefits of a FAM trip for the Hosts?

What are some things to keep in mind when planning a FAM trip?

A FAM trip stands for “familiarization trip” and is one incentive of being in the travel industry. FAM trips are exclusive educational trips for travel agents, media personnel, and resellers. These familiarization trips provided by travel businesses such as travel operators, tour operators, and accommodation suppliers allow them to experience their services and destinations first-hand. FAM trips are opportunities for travel businesses to familiarize agents and media personnel with their destination and immerse them in the local culture, introduce them to local operators, and highlight the benefits their company offers, essentially take them backstage. For instance, they can have the opportunity to meet a celebrity chef that they have been referring their clients to.

The usual people presented on these trips are Travel Agents, suppliers, and media partners such as Journalists, Editors, Influencers, & Tour Operators. These individuals are necessary for countless travel businesses’ success, and as suppliers and travel operators, you are looking to build a long-term working relationship with them. The aim is to keep track of key industry influencers and invite people relevant to your industry’s success. These invitations may rope in a travel agent you have worked with in the past, who you want to enhance your relationship with or introduce new offerings to, or a new prospect who has recently jumped on your radar who can potentially help you collect new business.

Though FAM trips are endlessly changing and evolving, and differentiate per business, tour operators, cruise lines, and hotels interested in showcasing their points of interest typically provide everything for these trips. FAM trips are more often than not fully sponsored invite-only events unless there is a partnership with a rental car company or airline that exists. Sponsorships are customary because the host provides the money or product in exchange for their visit.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip to Travel Agents and Media Personnel?

Familiarization trips present numerous benefits to the attendees. The head benefit of a FAM trip is that it allows travel agents and other travel industry providers to gain ideal first-hand experience. This involvement enables them to understand better the several benefits that different kinds of trip excursions offer to their clients. As a result, they can better supply the perfect services and vacations to their client based on their desires and needs and effectively inform their clients on what they can expect. In addition, media personnel, travel writers and editors, and photographers can gain first-hand experience that can help provide better content, details, and photographs for their future publications. These trips grant journalists opportunities to develop tailored stories that they may want to develop further. For example, the trip may introduce them to a chef who has a fascinating life story or recipe to share. A further benefit is that the FAM trip guests can expand their professional network by building connections with other travel agents, suppliers, and media personnel; most FAM trips embrace downtime to relax with other professionals. This schedule allows them time to get in touch with industry experts and exchange stories on what has worked for their business. By developing long-lasting relationships with travel operators and suppliers, they will also acquire better deals for themselves and their future clients.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip to the Hosts?

Arranging a “familiarization trip” is a valuable marketing tool. As a host of a FAM trip, one benefit is that you can generate new leads and business for your company. By permitting these professionals to gain first-hand experience with your products, they will better understand and share the benefits of your travel offerings with their clients. When it comes to benefits from hosting media personnel is that you are enhancing your media coverage; travel writers and photographers take part in these trips to photograph your offerings and compose content. If you can impress and inspire your guests during a FAM trip, then you should be able to generate first-rate reviews and recommendations for your travel business. For example, one of our clients , Arizona, invited an Editor in Chief on a FAM trip to their destination. The Editor in Chief made a customized trip with a luxury angle and published over 20 full pages of material about the destination and included them in the cover. The clients were very thankful for these results and said that the benefits of these results were worth more than five times that than the overall cost of the FAM trip.

After conversing with some of our employees regarding their client’s FAM trip success stories, we have put together some things we think you should consider when planning your FAM trip: You must research and plan the trip and itinerary during the FAM trip planning stage according to your media personnel and travel agent’s profiles. Look at their previous publications and create activities that they will find appealing, craft experiences with multiple “wow factors” that they can share in their publications. Keep in mind that it is up to the criteria of your guest when it comes to what will get published; not everything that they experience will be incorporated. Provide thorough itineraries and trip information as soon as possible in the planning process; this will allow your FAM trip guests to raise any concerns or questions ahead of time and will enable you to customize their stay exceedingly well. When crafting a detailed itinerary for your guests, you must also be mindful of their time on your trip; you must provide a good balance of activities and educational events with free time to relax and take a breather. Lastly, put together a plan for contingencies; keep in mind that not everything will go to plan. It would be safest to prepare for anything from a last-minute guest cancellation up to flight cancelations, emergencies, or lockdowns. But, again, it is better to over plan.

Special thanks to our Connect Worldwide FAM trip experts Eduardo Peraza and Pedro Berruecos for contributing to this article. Contact us today if you are looking for a destination marketing partner or are interested in learning more about attending, planning or hosting a FAM trip.

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What Are Fam Trips And How To Get The Most Out Of Them

  • International Tour Operators
  • Group & Multi-Day travel
  • Customer Experience

Familiarisation Trips, better known as Fam Trips, are educational trips organized exclusively for media partners or travel agents and resellers, by travel businesses such as tour operators and accommodation establishments.

Fam Trips are designed to equip participants with adequate product knowledge to either sell onto clients or publish for media coverage. Travel businesses host Fam Trips to showcase their business and product to the people who resell or cover them in media.

Either way, the fundamentals of Fam Trips remain the same, you want to create memorable, fun, and personable experiences for the people who undertake them. They are essentially marketing tools that highlight your travel offering and are one of several ways to generate leads and new business for your travel company.

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Who Goes On Fam Trips?

Fam Trips are usually set up either as invitation-only sponsored learning trips or at discounted rates exclusively available for travel agents to book.

Travel agents and resellers go on Fam Trips to experience first hand a travel product or offering. This gives them insight into the finer details of the offering and lets them add a personal touch to their sales pitch.

Travelers are on the lookout for personalized travel experiences and something as simple as a travel agent knowing whether there is a packed breakfast available to take on a day hike excursion without needing to check details with the establishment saves time, conveys efficiency and will attract customers to your travel business .

Fam trips are not only for travel agents or resellers though, media partners also participate in them too. Travel writers or photographers join Fam Trips for media to write up articles and take beautiful images to post and share in their publications.

Fam Trips

Tips On How To Run Successful Fam Trips

You want to apply the same basic principles to your Fam Trips regardless of whether you are hosting Media or Suppliers. In both cases, the trips should be experiential and relevant to your product.

Set Expectations

Email your suppliers and media partners their proposed itineraries a few weeks in advance so that they know what to expect from the Fam Trips and can raise any questions they may have to prepare for it.

When hosting Fam Trips for Media discuss your expectations for the press coverage before the trips begin so that you are all on the same page. Establish where the write-ups will be published, the length and frequency of the articles, expectations for social media posting etc.

Fam Trips

Offer Authentic Experiences

While you do need to pull out the stops and offer the same experiences that full paying guests would get, you do not want to misrepresent your offering by including something not ordinarily part of your repertoire.

Clients will be disappointed if they read about a sundowner experience on the riverbank but discover on arrival at your lodge that it is not in fact on your activities list it.

Create Partnership Offerings

Contact surrounding travel businesses to see if they would be interested in creating partnership offerings to provide to the suppliers and media partners.

Approach restaurants who might be interested in hosting groups for some of their meals. Or contact a bicycle tour operator to ask if they would lead groups on a trail experience.

This will give the other businesses the opportunity to increase their visibility and get mentions in the media and it will help you to spread some of the costs involved in hosting Fam Trip groups.

Fam Trips

Offer Alternative Itineraries

Where applicable, showcase a number of your most popular activities to the people on your Fam Trips. Not only will this highlight more aspects of your travel business, but it will also negate the possibility of accidentally excluding someone from partaking in particular activities.

Consider people’s varied interests and add one or two alternatives to your itineraries. The idea is for your suppliers and media partners to make the most of their Fam Trip experience so limiting your educational Fam Trip activity to a snorkeling trip might not work in your favor if you are hosting people who do not enjoy swimming for example.

Set A Manageable Schedule

Remember the people you host on your Fam Trips are working even if it may not always seem like it. With this in mind, remember to allocate a certain amount of downtime on your Fam Trips to allow your travel agents and media partners to check in with the office, organize the information they are putting together on your travel product, or have a quick catch up with the family at home.

Fam Trips

Provide All Necessary Information

Your suppliers and media partners are going to need the details of all the accommodations they stay in, restaurants they dine at, and activity providers who guide them on their Fam Trips. As the organizer, you will have easy access to all of this information.

Compile a list of all the names, email addresses, contact numbers and social media handles of your partners onto a database and share it with the people on your trip. This way they will be able to accredit everyone accordingly.

You can include the brochure images and write-ups of your travel product in this informational package too. You might find that your suppliers need to update your product on their site and this will make sure that they have what they need.

Most of this information will likely be required in a digital format, so either email it or make it available to download from a limited access portal.

Make Follow Ups After The Trips

Do not leave it too long after your Fam Trips have finished to follow up with your travel agents and resellers to get their feedback.

See if they have any questions or suggestions for you and check that your media posts are published and all the information is optimized, correct, and up to date.

Keep the communication lines open and find out what worked and what didn’t and learn from each experience and Fam Trip.

Fam Trips

Remember that your travel agents, suppliers, and media partners are key players in your business’ success and Fam Trips are a good way to nurture relationships with them. So consider the time and resources you spend hosting Fam Trips and nurturing relationships as an investment in marketing your business and promoting your travel offering.

In an industry where experience is everything, going the extra mile and working together to give clients the best possible service will translate into stellar reviews and glowing recommendations for all parties involved.

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About the author

Maria Claudia Lira (she/her)

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Smart Meetings

14 FAM Trip Tips to Follow If You Want to Be Invited Back

by Allison Fazio

August 3, 2018

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Ah, FAM trips. The glitz the glam—the gift baskets! With all the star treatment and the wining and dining, it can be easy to forget that you’re actually at work. Fatal error No. 1. Familiarization trips are no doubt a perk for those in the meetings industry, but they are not your next vacation. You’d be surprised how many professionals fail to realize that. Don’t be one of those people.

Smart Meetings CEO Marin Bright has seen it all in her years in the events industry. We asked her what it takes to be a standout—nigh, FAMtastic—trip participant. Here are her tips:

1. FAMs are business trips. Act like you’re at the office—even if you’re in Hawaii.

2. Only accept FAM trips to destinations and hotels that could actually serve your attendees.

3. Hit the tarmac dressed for success. You never know who you will sit next to you on the plane.

4. Be punctual. To everything.

5. When you’re getting a tour of the guest rooms, don’t test out the bed.

6. We mean it. It looks bad.

7. FAM with a plan! Go in with a list of events in the planning stage so you are open to any possibility for designing brilliant experiences that may cross your path.

8. Be open. That thing you have never considered before may be the perfect thing to mix up an annual meeting that has become predictable.

9. Don’t get too personal. Your hosts need to know more about your business than they do about your latest diet cleanse.

10. No jeans to dinner. C’mon.

11. No uninvited guests.

12. No breaks! You’ll want to take measurements, jot down notes and snap photos—these will serve you when you’re searching for the perfect venue six months down the road.

13. Come away with three action items every day. Three people you can connect with when it comes time to make meeting magic happen.

14. While you might feel VIP, be humble. This needs to be a win-win experience for the hosts.

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Travel Agent FAM Trips: What is a FAM Trip?

Written by: Guest on April 16, 2018

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There are a lot of perks to becoming a travel agent and one of them is FAM Trips. FAM Trip stands for “familiarization trip” and it is a trip exclusively for travel agents (and sometimes their guests!) that are provided by suppliers or travel operators. Seminars at Sea are similar to FAM trips, but they are offered by cruise lines and give agents the chance to experience the ships and sailing itineraries that they’ll be selling.

These trips are provided as a way for agents to gain an understanding of the benefits of different trips that they can sell to their clients.

When you’ve seen a resort or on a cruise for yourself, you can better help your clients understand what to expect. The more first-hand experience you have, the better you will be able to choose the perfect vacation for your clients based on their wants and needs .

fam trip events

KHM Travel Group agents participate in various FAM Trips and Seminars at Sea throughout the year. We have excellent relationships with many of the top preferred suppliers in the industry, and that allows our agents to get great deals and have wonderful experiences on FAM trips.

One of many benefits to becoming a travel agent, these “working trips” allow our agents to have fun, enjoyable and useful experiences at resorts and destinations across the country and around the world. When you go on a FAM Trip, you will return with the education and confidence you need to make new bookings! In fact, you can take photos and post them on your own social media accounts or share them directly with your clients to spark their desire to reach out to you about their next trip.

fam trip events

Another benefit to FAM trips and Seminars at Sea is that while you’re having fun, you also get the opportunity to network with other travel agents! While these trips are “working trips” there is usually time set aside for agents to relax and enjoy the pools, beaches, bars and other activities. Take advantage of the “down time” and mingle with fellow agents and discuss what has and hasn’t worked for their business. Make sure to exchange information and stay in contact. It’s a great way to extend your professional network!

Curious about what these trips are like? Check out our recaps from a few of our past FAM trips and Seminars at Sea:

KHM Travel Agents Experience Culture & Adventure on Azores FAM

Club Med FAM Highlights an Action-Packed, All-Inclusive Punta Cana Experience

Exploring the Western Caribbean on the Norwegian Getaway Seminar at Sea

Want to become a KHM travel agent? Contact us to learn more about this rewarding career, or easily get started online today .

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The dos and don’ts of venue FAM trip planning

March 27, 2012 by Petra Clayton

FAM trips, also known as familiarisation trips, offer the perfect platform to bring people to your venue to experience first-hand what is on offer. Think journalists, event organisers and PAs. In their own individual ways, the showcase element of a FAM trip is the ultimate vehicle for selling unique room and venue attributes, a building’s overall character and the expertise of the team behind the delivery. They’re looking for an experience that gives them a story to tell to their readers, clients and customers.

Before you plan your next FAM trip, remember these important tips:

  • Plan a detailed itinerary. Remember what you want your guests to experience and why.
  • Consider timings and the length of the event and stick to them.
  • Make sure your itinerary only includes activities and experiences that people in the future could actually do, so it is a true representation of the venue and its available services.
  • Consider who you would like to attend and how many you would like to attend. Think about the reason you are inviting these people and remember that quality is more important than quantity.
  • Create and distribute an ‘Order of Events’ itinerary prior to the event.
  • Let people know what they need to bring with them, e.g. swimsuit, wellies, camera.
  • Create a guest list for distribution and supply badges to everyone in attendance.
  • Ensure you have enough staff on duty and that they are well briefed.
  • Prepare thoughtful goodie bags that leave a positive, lasting impression.
  • Don’t forget the reason for inviting people to a FAM trip is to showcase your venue.
  • Don’t assume anything. Expect that your guests know nothing about the venue and make sure you cover even the most obvious details, e.g. facilities on offer, location, USPs.
  • Don’t forget about the little details. Give as much information as you can to guests prior to their visit in terms of directions, parking, where to go on arrival and dress code.
  • Don’t miss an opportunity. Coordinating FAM trips can be a challenge, so make the most of having engaged guests on site and grasp every opportunity to speak with your guests about their requirements, thoughts and concerns.
  • Don’t forget to follow up after the event. It is important you do not see the FAM trip as the end result of your hard work and planning. Make sure you contact each and every guest following the event and find out how you can help them moving forward.

These are just a few helpful pointers to consider when organising a FAM trip. If you would like further information or help with organising a FAM trip, please contact Custard Communications on 01483 740747 or email [email protected]

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Travel Industry Today

Ensemble announces 2024 fam schedule.

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Following the success of its inaugural ‘Further Your World; Exclusive Educational Trip’ last month, Ensemble, has announced an initial schedule of FAM trips for 2024, with destinations ranging from the Maldives and South America to the Middle East.

The new FAM program is centred on providing members with firsthand in-destination experiences to build greater knowledge of and relationships with the consortium’s partners.

Through ‘Further Your World,’ Ensemble says advisors will gain direct access to in-demand destinations, emerging themes, and new products, along with the opportunity to engage in networking, and participate in educational programs to elevate their performance within the travel industry. The process to be considered includes applications and pre-trip training along with additional follow-up and training for up to a year following the trip to better track and measure success.

The first FAM experience in partnership with Silversea to Iceland was completed in July 2023 with additional trips this year to Egypt with Egypt & Beyond; a cruise along the Mekong River through Cambodia and Vietnam with AMA Waterways; and a trip to Ecuador with G Adventures.

2024 program

A range of trips to destinations around the globe ranging from immersive trips with a duration of seven to 10 days, as well as shorter “city breaks,” includes itineraries with the following partners to trending and emerging destinations:

• Intrepid – Feb. 17-27 – This 11-day Antarctic adventure will provide advisors with an in-depth experience to one of the top trending destinations with opportunities to learn about this remote part of the world that is drawing travellers to this remote part of the world in record numbers.

• South American Tours Peru – March 2-7 – An immersive trip to Peru’s most popular cities and experiences including Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, and Machu Picchu will give advisors opportunities to learn about the country’s cultural, adventure and nature offerings from the Andes to the rainforest as well as get a taste of the gourmet culinary scene.

• Metropolitan Tours Peru – March 16-23 – Another opportunity to explore the archaeological richness and colorful traditions of Peru with visits to Lima, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Cusco.

• Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority – April – Along with site inspections of these twin islands’ hotels and resorts, participants will have an opportunity to explore the area just as their clients would including a stop at the weekly market where they can meet locals.

• South American Tours Ecuador – May 4-15 – This trip to the Galapagos, Quito, and Otavalo will give advisors a comprehensive look at Ecuador’s wide range of topography from jungle-rainforest to the high slopes of the Andes, and then down to the Pacific coast. The trip also includes a visit to the Galápagos and options to do “get below the surface” with dive excursions.

• Travel Excellence – June 7-14 – A 7-day trip to Costa Rica features highlights of this country’s vast nature, wildlife, rich culture, and diverse gastronomy from the rainforest to the Arenal Volcano, culminating in a visit to one of the most beautiful beaches of the Pacific Coast.

• Cunard – Aug. 5-12 – Sailing from Rome to Barcelona offering opportunities to visit landmarks in Rome and Pisa and sunbathing in Palma de Mallorca before ending the adventure in Barcelona.

• AmaWaterways – Oct. 19- 26 – This sailing on the Danube from Budapest to Vilshofen will give advisors a firsthand look at why this storied river has inspired generations of artists, poets, and musicians with opportunities to see timeless architecture and art in three capitals: Budapest, Bratislava, and Vienna.

• G Adventures – Oct. 20-27 – This Northern India itinerary to Delhi, Agra, Jaipur and Pachewa includes a visit to the Taj Mahal and ends with a stay in a timeless desert village.

Additional dates will be announced with partners including Koveli Travel to the Maldives; Island Routes for a November 2024 Jamaica fam; a trip to Israel with Eshet also in November; and a Big Five trip to Guatemala in April.

Dates and itineraries for additional FAMs will be shared with members as they are confirmed, including another trip with Silversea, which hosted the inaugural Further Your World FAM trip, and others.

“We are thrilled to offer a comprehensive and diverse schedule of FAM trips for 2024 that will allow our advisors to gain insight into so many emerging and trending destinations covering all parts of the world,” said Jenn Kotacka, Sr. Director of Training and Development for Ensemble. “We are truly grateful to our partners who have embraced the new FAM program and are as excited as we are to provide our members with these important opportunities to experience their product and learn about the nuances these destinations offer as they represent the types of trips that their clients are asking about.”

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New to TTG?

Grecotel plans uk events and fam trips for 200 agents in 2024.

The Greek hotel group is set to host regional events in the UK for agents in partnership with TTG Luxury this June and October as well as a raft of fam trips. 


Grecotel is to host two regional exclusive events for travel advisors this year as it looks to continue growing trade sales and awareness in the UK market.

Events will be held in partnership with TTG Luxury , including a lunch in Bath on 20 June to attract agents in the southwest and a Yorkshire event in October.

April Hutchinson, editor of TTG Luxury said: “We are delighted to partner with Grecotel on these events which prove how keen they are to ensure their trade relationships grow stronger and stronger. We’ve already held one event in London with the team, and we are already seeing the results of that in bookings being delivered to the hotels across Europe and partnership growth for the brand.”

Grecotel is also on track to host more than 200 agents this year, including almost 30 at the recent  Carrier Retreat, an exclusive four-day event at Grecotel Corfu Imperial resort. 

“As you can see from the number of agent fam trips we host, our travel agent partners are really important for us. In 2023 we equally welcomed more than 200 travel agents on fam trips to our hotels too,” said Konstantinos Sinis, director of sales UK & Luxury for Grecotel.

For the second consecutive year – last year was in Corfu, this year in Crete – Grecotel will host the Gold Travel Counsellors conference in June and the Elegant Resorts managers’ conference at the end of October.

The Designer Travel Academy was recently held in Crete and several fully hosted fam trips with leading agents and operators from across the UK will also be held in May, June, September and October.

“Grecotel has seen a growth in the UK market of over 120% within the past three years and we are now pacing ahead at 35% so looking at a very successful 2023,” Sinis said.

“The UK is now the leading market for Grecotel and the highest in growth. We have built a fantastic base during peaks, and we expect a lates market for the higher room categories. It will be another successful year for Grecotel – but more importantly for Greece,” he added.

Grecotel is also continuing to expand the team in the UK, Sinis added.

“Our trade mix is being constantly increased – we have hired Liz Shaw for the north and Yiannis Ioannou for London and the south. We will also soon be looking for the third person to join us focused in marketing as we sign more than 40 contracts of marketing contributions with travel agents and tour operators,” said Sinis.

Meanwhile, Grecotel is continuing its “new era of renovations” with the completion of work at Cape Sounio in the Athenian Riviera opposite the temple of Poseidon, while Grecotel Corfu Imperial has had a fifth floor of luxury accommodation added.

Sinis said the group was especially keen to highlight its new addition in Athens to agents, The Dolli “as one of the most exclusive” hotels in the city.

Agents interested in attending Greoctel’s events in the UK with TTG Luxury should contact April Hutchinson . 

Are you an agent and would like to try a Grecotel hotel for yourself? Win a three-night stay for two at Amirandes Grecotel Boutique Resort in Crete. 

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  3. What is a FAM Trip? A Travel Blogger's First Press Trip Tips

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  4. FAM Trip with Gateway Travel

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  5. What You Should Know About a FAM Trip

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  6. Fam Trip 2020

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    Many companies that host FAM trips or influencer marketing events bring in a third-party agency to assist with things like the run of show and venue finding services, and benefit from their insider knowledge. "Logistics and timing are hugely important factors in running a successful FAM tour," says Kieron Weidner from First Nature Tours ...

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  13. Travel Agent FAM Trips: What is a FAM Trip?

    There are a lot of perks to becoming a travel agent and one of them is FAM Trips. FAM Trip stands for "familiarization trip" and it is a trip exclusively for travel agents (and sometimes their guests!) that are provided by suppliers or travel operators. Seminars at Sea are similar to FAM trips, but they are offered by cruise lines and give ...

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    By paying for tickets and flying yourself to these seminars, you can often network with marketing executives and tourism board teams in order to land future fam trips. Speaking at Events is a Great Way to Gain Authority and Get Press Trips. Some of the best places to network with brands for fam trips include: TBEX.

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    The official & complete eBook is available for download after subscribing. Includes, important tips to follow before, during, and after your FAM Trip. Also includes tips on writing your request and sample request & thank you letters. Learn everything there is to know about Travel Agent Discounts from travel industry veterans who have over 20 ...

  18. The dos and don'ts of venue FAM trip planning

    The dos and don'ts of venue FAM trip planning. March 27, 2012 by Petra Clayton. FAM trips, also known as familiarisation trips, offer the perfect platform to bring people to your venue to experience first-hand what is on offer. Think journalists, event organisers and PAs. In their own individual ways, the showcase element of a FAM trip is the ...

  19. Mexico FamTrips

    Select a Trip Select a Trip July 22-25, El Dorado Maroma, A Spa Resort July 29- August 1 Dreams Natura FAMILY FAM August 30 - September 2 - Secrets Moxche - Wedding Fam September 2-5, MAHEKAL Resort and Spa Playa del Carmen September 3-7, El Dorado Seaside and Generations Riviera Maya October 2-5, Sensira Resort & Spa Riviera Maya November 18 ...


    SCHEDULE. Following the success of its inaugural 'Further Your World; Exclusive Educational Trip' last month, Ensemble, has announced an initial schedule of FAM trips for 2024, with destinations ranging from the Maldives and South America to the Middle East. The new FAM program is centred on providing members with firsthand in-destination ...

  21. TTG

    Grecotel plans UK events and fam trips for 200 agents in 2024. 29 May 2024 by Emma Dooney. The Greek hotel group is set to host regional events in the UK for agents in partnership with TTG Luxury this June and October as well as a raft of fam trips. Grecotel's Kostas Sinis at an exclusive hosted dinner for agents in London.

  22. THE BEST Things to Do in Monino

    Things to Do in Monino, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 294 traveler reviews and photos of Monino tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Monino. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  23. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  24. NC fosters relationships with global educational partners at

    NC fosters relationships with global educational partners at international events. Global agents are pictured with the NC team during the Familiarization (FAM) trip on May 1 at the Welland Campus. This is the first of a series of two articles on international education events held Spring 2024. This spring, Niagara College has participated in a ...

  25. The Caribbean's Most Iconic Food Event Is a Beachfront ...

    Today, the 16th annual culinary event announced the famous names who will appear at the five-day event from Jan. 15 through Jan. 20, 2025, including José Andrés, Andrew Zimmern, Kristen Kish ...

  26. 9 Best Cruise Lines for Solo Travelers [2024]

    Quantum of the Seas. Harmony of the Seas. Spectrum of the Seas. Ovation of the Seas. Once onboard, Royal Caribbean offers a ton of on-board activities, shows and dining experiences that make it ideal for solo travelers. Plus, they often have meet-ups for solo travelers looking to make friends while onboard. Book Now.


    Fact Sheet: Secretary Austin's Tenth Visit to the Indo-Pacific Region. Starting on May 29, 2024, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III will travel to the Indo-Pacific region for the tenth time since taking office. His trip will occur as the Department of Defense continues to strengthen U.S. relationships with allies and partners to advance ...

  28. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  29. 'Bachelorette' Star Trista Sutter Resurfaces, Suffers Self-Doubt ...

    5/27/2024 5:29 AM PT. Trista Sutter is putting to bed rumors she's missing or dead ... resurfacing with her fam in Mexico and telling fans on Insta she's on a journey to combat self-doubt and fear ...

  30. Apart Hotel Yantar

    4.0. Very good. 2 reviews. #2 of 4 hotels in Elektrostal. Cleanliness. Service. Value. The Apart-Hotel offers its guests free parking of the Yantar complex, 24-hour security and video surveillance, free WI-FI in rooms, a cozy Reception zone on the ground floor, two high-speed elevators making it pleasant and quick to go up to the 5th floor ...