How to Be Happier When You Travel

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A few years back on a solo trip to Europe , Jaime L. Kurtz found herself standing on the Croatian island of Hvar. The sun shone. Boats bobbed in the Adriatic Sea. But instead of feeling happy and free, she felt homesick and lonely.

“I realized that a lot of this was due to my own habits and personality, rather than to characteristics of the places themselves,” Kurtz, an associate professor of psychology at James Madison University and author of The Happy Traveler: Unpacking The Secrets of Better Vacations , tells Condé Nast Traveler .

A weekend spent on Italy's Amalfi Coast, for example, is certain to come with sunshine, colorful hillside landscapes, and bright blue waters. But it can also come with unpredictability (think, language barriers) and stress (notoriously hard-to-navigate roads). Research shows that rather than the trip itself, the anticipation and subsequent memories of a vacation often bring us the most happiness.

Of course, it doesn't (and shouldn't) have to be that way. Here, happiness experts share how to find more moments of joy in travel—no matter where you are.

Plan for Your Personality

The thrill of a new place is always enticing, but you need to factor in your personality when planning a trip. “You're still you when you travel,” reminds Kurtz. If you’re introverted, consider seeking a secluded beach getaway or a trip to a tranquil spa . That said, do pick a place that offers outdoor adventure or a fun food scene, too, so you still have opportunities to take yourself out of your element.

For an extrovert, no matter how relaxing it may seem, the beach will grow boring. “We pretty much all have our limits in terms of how long we can simply lie on the beach or sit on the porch,” says Kurtz. “We tend to need variation and activity more than we think.” Incorporate a challenging hike into a trip, do a homestay, or make reservations in advance to try exotic local cuisine.

Image may contain Vegetation Plant Outdoors Tree Nature Rainforest Land Bridge Building Green Jungle and Path

Incorporate a bit of adventure into the trip—even if you think you don't need it.

Research has found we often assume in certain situations—like sitting on a train—we’d rather mind our own business. But as it turns out, we’re actually happier chatting with seatmates.

“Social relationships are critical to happiness,” says Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California who researches the science of human happiness. “The happiest people have solid strong relationships.” Positive emotions, she says, are experienced more often—and more intensely—when shared with others.

Don’t discount casual interactions, like talking with your barista at a coffee shop, either. These, too, can contribute to positive emotions, Lyubomirsky says. Vacation also provides an opportunity for more in-depth interactions, where you might meet up to hike with a newfound friend or trying an exciting new restaurant with a couple you just met, which can make travel more memorable and increase the joy we feel.

Image may contain: Human, Pedestrian, Person, Downtown, Urban, Town, Building, City, Architecture, Metropolis, and Crowd

Find Moments of Awe

The Grand Canyon , the Sagrada Familia , Italy's Cinque Terre High Trail : “These places can make us feel overwhelmed and small—in a good way—and research suggests that awe can inspire us to be more helpful and generous to others,” says Kurtz.

To fully immerse yourself, limit technology when you're in these spots—take them in with real people, not virtual ones. While a ton of research suggests strong social ties are linked to psychological well-being and happiness, posting for online followers can have the opposite effect. One study out of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that the more people use Facebook, the unhappier they are. Another, out of the U.K. , found that Instagram—which has a tendency to lead people to compare their experiences to those of others—was one of the most damaging social media apps when it came to well-being.

And while you'll have to practice, you can also find awe on a more regular basis, according to Lyubomirsky, by directing your attention to moving or uplifting details—the glow of the stars on a particularly clear night, or fresh, local ingredients that you normally find frozen at home.

Image may contain Nature Mountain Outdoors Valley and Canyon

Aim for Novelty with a Bit of Familiarity

There’s a case to be made for flying somewhere far away. A study that analyzed 37 million tweets found that the farther a post was geo-tagged from home, the more likely it was to use positive words. Novelty and variety can boost happiness and teach us about ourselves—helping us to make lasting memories, says Kurtz. But take note: To sustain positive emotions, humans need some sense of familiarity, too, according to Lyubomirsky. “When things are 100 percent different and foreign there can be some stress or you might find things ugly because you don't understand them.” Try the Goldilocks equation: Not too familiar, but not so different that you’re terrified. (One example might be visiting an English-speaking country if you’re newer to international travel.)

Just remember: Part of finding joy in travel involves stepping out of your comfort zone, pushing yourself to do new things, and experiencing cultures different from your own. The more you do that, the more you'll enjoy it.

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Rossi Writes

The Joy of Travel – 20 Reasons Why Travelling is Good for Your Career, Personal Growth and Soul

By Author Rossi Thomson

Posted on Last updated: 5th September 2022

Categories Lists , Travel , Travel Experiences

Travelling seems to be the buzzword on everybody’s lips these days.

With cheap flights and options that vary from short city breaks and luxury staycations to round-the-world trips, it has never been easier (or more affordable) to pack a bag and go. For a day, a weekend, a week, a month or even more.

Seeing amazing architecture, admiring centuries-old pieces of art, tasting new foods and accumulating memorable experiences to last you a lifetime becomes a quasi-addiction that you are only too happy to feed.

I call it The Joy of Travel .

In other words, that indescribable feeling you get when you make the first step on a new journey to discover yet another portion of the world. It doesn’t matter if the journey is of a thousand miles or much, much less. What matters is that it makes you feel alive.

Yet, soon the people around you (like parents, employers and close friends) may start questioning your choice to travel.

  • Why do you spend so much money on travelling ? Don’t you have a mortgage to pay?
  • Why do you need to go there when you have all that you may want at home? Did you know that they don’t sell marmite in shops abroad?!
  • Why do you need to go on another city break this year? Haven’t you already been to three?
  • Why are you dragging your kids to yet another museum with art by people we have never heard of? Don’t you know that kids simply want to play?
  • Why did you take a sabbatical instead of concentrating on your career?
  • Why there is a gap in your CV? It seems like you value having fun over working hard.
  • What if we hire you and then you leave our company in order to travel more?

These are all difficult questions that everyone who loves travelling has been pressurised with. At least once. Often, countless times.

Yes, on the surface, regular travelling may seem disruptive to an established daily routine which includes family obligations and a good job. It is also draining in terms of money and paid vacation time.

Yet, travelling gives you so much more in return. From the deeply satisfying feeling of being connected to other people and the world to an improved skill set and higher stress threshold.

So, in order to help you deal with those nagging and niggling questions about your travel habits which you may be getting from friends, relatives, colleagues and your (current or potential) boss, here are twenty reasons why travelling is actually good for you.

Read on, enjoy, and use as appropriate!

The Joy of Travel –

20 reasons why travelling is good for your career, personal growth, and soul, 1. travel helps you hone your decision-making skills.

With so many options in terms of travel, you quickly learn to make complex decisions about where to go and when, what accommodation to book and what sights to see. You know that you can’t cram it all into a couple of days, so you precision-pick what you are interested in and what is not your cup of tea. You learn to have at all times several variables in mind. For example:

  • money – how much you can afford to spend on accommodation, food and sightseeing;
  • distance – how far from your point of interest you can stay; and
  • time – how many hours you have at your disposal at each place on your schedule.

The more you travel, the more you hone your decision-making process.

Sooner, you find it easier to make decisions with regards to everything else in your life. At work, this streamlined approach and the ability to juggle several variables and different outcomes is what sets you apart from the rest.

2. Travel Helps You Develop Your Research Skills

Research is a big part of both study and work processes nowadays. The ability to research new ways to do things and having the skills to find out what your competitors are up to can be the decisive factor between failure and success. Both in business and your personal life.

Well, have you noticed how much research you need to do everytime you plan a trip?!

From finding the best tickets in terms of time slots and prices to discovering those hidden gems that all the other tourists miss, a well-conducted research is at the basis of your successful trip.

You can easily transfer your research skills from your travels to your job: monitoring industry leaders’ websites for promotions, discovering blogs and articles by local experts, unearthing little-known bits of information both online and in print.

Research helps save money and find valuable data. Being good at research will take you to the forefront of your field.

3. Travel Helps You Learn to Better Communicate Your Expectations

You can’t be reticent when you travel, especially if you travel as a couple or as a part of a group.

Failing to tell your partner that you really, really want to visit a particular sight may lead to your not seeing it all. People rarely are able to read minds and get tired of always having to ask you what you want to do. Plus, you usually have limited time at each destination. And, once you have left it, you may never have the chance to go back.

So, you quickly learn to communicate exactly what you want to see and do during a particular trip.

Making your expectations clear is a valuable skill in any work environment. It puts everybody on the same page as to what needs to be done and achieved. It also helps prevent conflicts or misunderstandings as no-one likes to have to second-guess what people around them think.

4. Travel Helps You Develop Your Negotiation and Compromise Skills

All this is very good but what happens when you and your travelling partner expect different things from a trip (assuming that you communicated them clearly to one another – see point 3 above).

This is when you soon develop your negotiation skills. You agree to do one thing as long as they agree to something proposed by you. You suggest that you are happy to go to the sea, but it would be nice if next year they come to the mountains with you.

Or, if everything else fails, you both agree to spend a bit of time apart. So, you go to the museum you have always wanted to see and your partner relaxes by the pool all morning book in hand.

It’s all a question of achieving mutually acceptable compromises. Which make travelling so much more enjoyable.

Being a good negotiator can open many professional doors for you. From being able to negotiate the best salary and perks for yourself to being in control during a difficult meeting with a supplier, it all comes down to seeing what the other party is offering, knowing what your limitations are and then marrying both as best as possible without you or the other side losing face.

5. Travel Helps You Fine-Tune Your Organisational and Scheduling Skills

Once you have settled on a destination, it’s time to begin the planning stage. Soon, you become a master of compiling complex schedules. After all, you want to experience the joy of travel to the max. So, even after a strict elimination process, you still pick to do many, many things within one day. In all honesty, back home it would take you weeks to complete the same number of activities.

Still, anything is possible, you reassure yourself. You can definitely:

  • arrive early morning;
  • drop your stuff at ‘Left Luggage’ at the train station;
  • queue (while the queue is still tiny) to climb to the top of Bruneleschi’s dome of the Gothic Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore;
  • spend a moment in the adjacent Baptistry;
  • walk up to Accademia, pick your pre-booked ticket and simply fall in love with Michelangelo’s David;
  • then walk down to Palazzo Vecchio and Piazza dei Signori;
  • admire the statues in the Loggia della Signoria;
  • pick your pre-booked tickets and spend a spellbinding hour and a half in the Uffizi Gallery;
  • walk down to Ponte Vecchio to see the views and the goldsmiths’ shops;
  • then pop down to Michelangelo’s birth house followed by a quick visit to the Cathedral of Santa Croce in order to see the tombs of some of Italy’s most notable sons;
  • have a sit-down meal at a local restaurant tucking into some Tuscan delights;
  • pick your luggage and get on the train to Pisa that same evening; and
  • book into your hotel for a good night sleep.

Based on a day I planned for myself and spent in Florence, Italy some years ago. It all worked like a charm and was interspersed with lots of gelato-eating, photo-taking, and window-shopping, too.

Even if your travel style slows down with time, this ability to organise your day and schedule activities in an organic manner (taking in consideration local opening times, the influx of tourists and the walkable distances in town) is a valuable skill.

Being organised, efficient and able to set up and follow a schedule is something to be proud of and it certainly helps a lot both in your family and professional lives.

6. Travel Helps You Be More Flexible and Think on the Spot

Things happen when you least expect them. This seems especially valid when you are on the road.

Last summer our flight from Treviso, Italy to Stanstead, England was canceled just past midnight.

What to do? We spent the night at a hotel (paid by the air company) and in the morning we travelled close to four hours to Bergamo where we were placed on another plane. Then, in accordance with the legal framework, we claimed compensation and, after several phone calls and emails, were paid a small amount for our troubles.

It was inconvenient, unpleasant, and very, very hot. We were travelling with a small child and some rather heavy luggage. But there was nothing we could do to make the plane come pick us up from Treviso airport. Instead, we adjusted ourselves to the situation and managed to reach England after all.

The ability to be flexible is highly valued. Knowing that in spite of your best efforts and adherence to plan, things can still go wrong, will free up space in your mind to think on your feet. This way you are able to react according to the actual circumstances rather than in line with what you want to be happening right now.

7. Travel Helps You Understand the Power of Money and Budgets

Two euros (or pounds) for a coffee doesn’t sound that much. A new top and a new bag are the order of the day when you need a little bit of cheering up. Unfortunately, these spontaneous expenses quickly add up and then you wonder why you are always short of cash towards the end of the month.

When you really want to travel and have amazing experiences, you soon realise that the only thing that stops you from doing it is not having enough money. After all, transport, insurance, accommodation, and food are not free.

Hence, you soon start not only to save any spare euro that you have but also to judge the necessity of each purchase through the prism of your travel plans. A new pair of earrings for 10 euros?! This equals your food budget for a day in a far-flung place.  A night out on the town costing you at least 50 euros?! This may buy you a slightly more comfortable hotel room rather than having to stay at a hostel again.

In other words, you quickly learn to prioritise your purchases and to meticulously budget for your time abroad.

On the other hand, once you are at your destination, you are only too aware that not sticking to your daily budget can be the difference between having a great time and finding yourself in financial trouble far away from home. With no immediate support network to help you along, spending above budget 20 euros frivolously every day may be the difference between eating the last few days of your trip or not.

Being good with money and being able to stick to budgets are highly valuable skills both in personal and professional plans. At a time of overconsumption and of companies cutting corners only too willingly, being able to show that you are a dab hand at prioritising expenses and saving money may be your strongest feat.

8. Travel Helps You Sharpen Your Eye for Bargains

In this financial line of thought, travel can also help you develop an uncanny ability to spot a bargain from a hundred feet.

Buying a combined ticket for three sights will save you one third of their individual prices? Done! Waiting for the sales in order to get a new cabin-size suitcase and save 50% off its original price? Excellent!

At the same time, you soon start to differentiate between a real bargain and a false one.

Buying something in a package may not always translate into financial savings. Especially, if due to lack of time, you only end up doing one of the pre-paid things.

Real bargains are great not only for the money you save but also for giving you that fabulous feeling that you have gotten extra value against a portion of the full price.

Knowing the shortcuts and the techniques for achieving bargainous prices will help the budgets of both your family and your company. This will earn you praise and more available money to spend on other (hopefully travel-related) stuff.

9. Travel Helps You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

People tend to stick to what they know. Be it other people, fashion styles, and even places.

This is why being the newcomer in a tight-knit group can be such a daunting prospect. And why some people tend to spend their every holiday over thirty years at the same resort.

When you embrace the joy of travel for what it really is, i.e. exploring the world and its many different faces, rather sooner than later you need to get out of your comfort zone.

  • You may need to get up really early in order to catch a plane. Even though you may not be an early riser at all.
  • You may need to approach people and ask in a foreign language (and mainly with your hands) how to get from point A to point B. Even though you are anxious just thinking about talking to strangers.
  • You may need to get your point across when you are unhappy about a service. Even though you are non-confrontational to a fault.

Travelling gets you places and most of them are beyond the confines of what you know. Being able to navigate the unknown is a valuable skill and state of mind.

It makes you more self-assured, more confident, more open to the world.

Well-based confidence can give you a competitive edge and get you far ahead on your career path.

10. Travel Helps You Find Creative Ways to Overcome Obstacles

Obstacles may present themselves at any time when you travel.

It could be:

  • luggage not arriving at the same time as you;
  • weather that is not as nice as the forecast promised;
  • large crowds visiting the same sights as you even though the travel guidebook that you read promised that they were off-the-beaten-track.

It could be anything, really. For example, many people come to Italy expecting it to be always sunny and nice outside. But here (especially in Northern Italy) it rains and even snows. So, what to do when you imagined sun-soaked walks, gelato in hand, but instead you are faced with a downpour.

Well, instead of locking yourself in your hotel room and complain on social media about the injustice of it all, you put your creative hat on. You capitalise on things that the country is famous for and which are weather-impervious. Like Italy has lots of thermal baths and spas, large expos, cooking classes, great indoor places for children to play, and so much more that can be done inside (see the full list here , in fact).

This ability to come up with creative solutions to obstacles which may threaten to derail your plans will come in handy in your professional endevours, too. Capitalising on your travel experiences, you may be the person to come up with an out-of-the-box suggestion as to how to overcome a problem your company is facing.

11. Travel Helps You Learn How to Mediate Between People

When you travel with other people (family, colleagues or friends), sooner or later there will be a situation which will make everyone jump against everybody else.

One of your group wants to go to the beach and another wants to shop?! Cue an argument that can spoil the whole day.

Stepping in with a calm head and mediating between people can dissipate the stress. Allowing everyone to express how they feel and setting up firm but fair rules for a respectful exchange is a difficult task but someone has to do it. If you accept the challenge and don’t let emotions rule, everyone will be thankful and much happier at the end of it all.

Mediation is a valuable skill. Knowing when to let people talk and helping them express themselves in a constructive manner will earn you kudos at work and at home.

12. Travel Helps You Expand Your Horizons

Have you ever thought that your country has the best art, the most interesting history and the best looking and most hospitable people?

Well, travel can change your set ideas about the world.

You may come to realise that people have different ways to do the same thing. That certain foods taste better abroad. That every country has unique nature, beautiful art, and lovely people. Just like yours.

This enriches your soul and makes you more appreciative of things which before you might have easily dismissed.

Travel helps you expand your expectations of the world. Hence, you are better prepared to work in a multicultural environment and have a stronger foundation to deal with a team with diverse cultural norms.

13. Travel Helps You Experience a Sense of Purpose and Achievement

In a world overloaded with information which makes us question how happy we are with what we have, travel can bring us closer to that elusive feeling of feeling content.

There is nothing better than the sense of achievement after a long day of exciting sightseeing when, in a short amount of time, you have seen so much.

Be it a visit to an art gallery to enjoy the company of the Old Masters. Be it a hike through a gorgeous place. Be it a food tour savouring your way through the flavours of a nation.

Travel can really make you feel purposeful and full of energy. After all, travelling for most people equals achieving their dreams of seeing certain fabled places and experiencing them for themselves. There is nothing better than having your dreams become reality.

Having this sense of purpose and achievement makes you a happier, calmer person, too. And it propagates into all of the different spheres of your life.

14. Travel Helps You Develop Your Interests

Chances are you travel to places that interest you in order to see things that interest you, too.

Often, lost in the stress of daily life, the first thing we forget to take care of is our hobbies and our personal interests. We may not notice it at first, but making time for them becomes more and more difficult when faced with a demanding family and job.

Travel may be the only chance we get to reconnect with what is important to us.

I used to have a very stressful, high-power job that kept me chained to the computer up to 12 hours a day. Monday to Friday with the weekends often taken over, too. Going on short breaks to Italy to experience its art, food and sun helped me stay sane. Just knowing that Venice was only two hours away from London and that I could easily get there and see all that artistic beauty was enough to give me a bit of respite.

Other people travel in order to practice their photography, to eat new foods, to develop their artistic skills.

When we are too caught in our daily lives, travel opens a little bracket allowing us to re-centre on ourselves, to think about what we want to do with our lives. It also gives us the impetus to start making the changes we need in order to focus more on our own interests (both creative and purely personal).

15. Travel Helps You Awaken Your Creativity

Faced with the exuberance of the world, your heart and your soul soon begin to need to be surrounded by colour and excitement every waking moment.

It could be something as simple as buying colourful fabrics and authentic souvenirs abroad in order to give your home a touch of happiness and creativity.

Or, it could be that after a while you may begin to feel a desire to replicate on home turf the wonderful things that you’ve seen on your travels abroad.

For example, many people are inspired to start a business after falling in love with a particular destination. From importing its food to organising trips to it – the sky is the limit when you feel the creative sparkle in your soul.

I started my blog Rossi Writes led by my excitement of having just moved to live in Italy . Three years later I am still at it and writing has been a great outlet for me during moments of feeling bleak and down.

16. Travel Helps You Get Physically Active

In a world where spending all your time in front of a computer is an acceptable way to lead your life, travel gets us moving.

Getting from point A to point B requires that we leave the house and get on a plane (or train, car, boat). Then, once at our destination, we use our feet to get to know it.

By walking around we see the most exciting, most beautiful things. It could be a walk through a museum; it could be a hike through a stunning landscape. The important thing is that we use not just our mind, but also our body in order to experience the world.

17. Travel Helps You Test Your Resilience to Stress

Being able to work under pressure is a basic job requirement these days. We are supposed to be able to juggle several things at once both at work and home. Obviously, without breaking a sweat.

Travel is the perfect school to test and increase our resilience to stress.

Starting with expecting the unexpected and learning to deal with it, and ending with mastering the communication process with people from different cultures and with different attitudes, travel throws at us many curveballs at any one time.

It may feel scary at the start, but you soon adapt yourself to it all. From learning that eating on your own at a restaurant is not an insurmountable task to not expecting that everything and everyone has to stop to tend to your needs. Travel is character-shaping and -strengthening.

18. Travel Helps You Become More Aware of Health and Safety

At home you may be living in a safety bubble guaranteed first by your parents and then by your partner and/or community. Travel can shift your perspective about the world.

Soon you learn to read people and situations better and to make decisions based not on emotions and fleeting wants but on how safe the experience will be. You learn to keep your guard up. You realise that you are in charge of your decisions and your belongings.

You stop seeing yourself as a fragile flower that needs constant supervision and help. Instead, you act as a grown-up person who can stand up for herself and judge a situation based on observed and perceived dangers.

From simple things like deciding where to eat based on hygiene to much more complicated situations when you need to decide in a split second how to extricate yourself from some potentially unpleasant circumstances, you learn to trust your sixth sense. To appreciate how safe the environment is and to take only measured risks.

19. Travel Helps You Appreciate What You Have

At the end of a trip (be it of several weeks or a day-long) there is nothing better than getting back to your own bed. At least for me.

Having witnessed what the world has to offer – from its most beautiful, most inspiring offerings to its (sometimes) darker side – you begin to look at home with different eyes.

You may have been unsatisfied with your lot in life, but having seen how other people live (and still smile no matter what), you learn to value so much more what you, yourself, have achieved.

What you have may not be loads, but suddenly just it being there, waiting for you to return, becomes a driving force.

Travelling is great! Having something or someone to return to is what gives you roots.

20. Travel Helps You Feel More Connected

Travelling – actively exploring new places and learning about them – makes you feel more connected with the world as a whole. You observe and learn how other people, other cultures live. And through the contact with them, you connect better both with your inner self and those around you.

Through the different experiences you have abroad you learn more about yourself – what makes you tick, what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Through this knowledge, you feel more committed to yourself as a person, more willing to stand up and fight for your dreams.

Through the positive experiences you accumulate when you travel, you feel more engaged with humanity. More open to other people, their stories and their point of view.

And this connection, this feeling of being alive, of belonging is what gives us the strength to continue forward.

Thank you for reading! Please, leave me a comment, pin the image below or use the buttons right at the end to share it on social media.

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Friday 22nd of January 2021

Hi Rossi, I am so impressed with this article! Would you possibly allow me to use some quotes from this ...I'm writing an article about The Joy of Discovery through Travel ! I would certainly give you the credit. Also you can have a look at my website (focus on Southern USA). Exciting to find a soul who shares my JOY !!

Dear Angela,

Thank you for your comment and for your kind words about my blog post. You are very welcome to place a link to my article in your writing. Unfortunately, I don't allow direct quotes in line with the advice of the copyright attorney who helped me after a large number of my blog posts and photos were stolen. Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

Sunday 24th of February 2019

Wow....amazing article, Rossi! Absolutely loved it! Spot on, insightful, so well written - I’d always thought travel was good for the soul and fostered personal growth (not to mention aiding in understanding people of other cultures which in turn promotes PEACE), but until reading your article I didn’t realize in just how many ways it can make you a better, stronger, smarter, more self reliant person! Travel rocks! And it’s sooo much more fun than sitting in a classroom... Also, I agree with all your “20 Reasons” and found myself thinking several times, “...that is SO true! I never thought of it that way...” when thinking about my own experiences with travel. Travel is a marvelous teacher. I’m so glad I found your blog.

Monday 25th of February 2019

Thank you for your very kind words, Lisa! I am glad that my blog post resonated with you. I wrote it very spontaneously and had a lot of fun putting it together. It's nice to know that somebody else finds it interesting. Best wishes,

Sonia M Checchia

Friday 27th of April 2018

I can't tell you how much I love this article. Thank you.

Saturday 5th of May 2018

Thank you very much for your very kind words. I really enjoyed writing this blog post. :) Best wishes, Rossi

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Travel Information

Why i travel: the joys & benefits of traveling the world.

Traveling has been one of my top priorities for a very long time. I make a concerted effort to travel as much as I can throughout the year even while maintaining my online publishing business. I do it because I love it, first and foremost, but also because traveling has a lot of auxiliary benefits that you might not know about.

When I graduated from high school, long ago, I had the opportunity to travel to seven countries in Europe . That trip changed the way I see the world and helped me define who I wanted to be as an adult. I’m so thankful for that opportunity, because without it, I’m not sure that I would have realized all of the benefits of traveling the world.

benefits of traveling the world

I wrote this post on the benefits of travelling the world because I want to share my perspective on why travel is important and what I think are the main benefits of traveling, because there are many, and those benefits can often be overlooked.

You may not just take my word for it and run out to book those tickets to France , but I hope that I can encourage you to broaden your horizons a bit and consider how travel might fit into your own life.

The Benefits of Traveling the World

Traveling expands your appreciation for other people and cultures..

In 2005, I traveled to Israel on a group tour to see some of the top biblical sights – Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Golgotha, the Sea of Galilee. It was an incredible trip. Israel is a beautiful country, full of incredible culture and customs, great food and friendly people.

It was my first trip to the Middle East, followed shortly by a trip to Egypt in 2007, and it really expanded my appreciation for a region of the world that I only knew from reports on the news and snippets of other people’s perspective on the area.

I finally had a chance to see it myself and to build my own perspective, rather than relying on what are likely someone else’s distorted views. There is so much to learn from actually visiting a place and seeing for yourself what their culture is like.

See how travel has touched the lives of these fellow travelers: 5 Simple Travel Experiences That Touched Our Hearts

It allows you to see past your own concerns and troubles and become more compassionate.

When I leave behind my world and join in someone else’s — even for a short period of time, like a 1-week vacation — I am always able to see my own concerns and troubles in a better perspective. What I thought was such a major catastrophe at home suddenly seems trivial, or the grudge I was holding onto no longer seems important.

I know it’s just the distance and space I’ve had to step back and look at the issue more clearly, but to me that’s a huge benefit to regular travel. It’s sort of like an instant reset button. As you start to see that you aren’t the center of the universe and that people around you have much bigger issues and problems than you do, you start to feel more compassion and understanding for people.

Hanging out with a camel in Jerusalem (2005)

It gives you a greater desire to help people who are less fortunate than you.

When I was in high school, my youth group traveled to a poor border town in Mexico each year to build houses and lead bible study for the villagers and children who lived there. The families we built the houses for were living in what amounted to forts built out of discarded materials, like plywood boards, plastic sheeting and old tires.

The children were ecstatic to play with empty cardboard boxes that we brought our materials in. That was my first real experience with such incredibly poverty and it helped me see that my own worries and concerns were so trivial in comparison.

It also opened my eyes to how wasteful and ungrateful we are for the things we have. While this is obviously an extreme example, there are many times during our travels around the world that I am moved by compassion for someone or convicted by my own materialism.

It expands your borders, literally.

In just over 20 years of traveling, I’ve been to 50+ countries, and to every continent, except Antarctica. I’ve been to Egypt and Israel, to Switzerland and the small country of Liechtenstein, to South Africa and Morocco , to Peru and Argentina , Australia and New Zealand.

I’ve walked on the Great Wall of China and crawled into a Pyramid in Giza. I’ve tasted Malbec in Mendoza and Port in Portugal . I’ve stayed in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora and visited the floating markets of Bangkok . My borders have truly been expanded.

I might not be as adventurous as my friend who goes to places like Iraq and North Korea on his trips, but I know that the world is open to me and I can go anywhere my heart desires.

Visiting Hobbiton in New Zealand

It breaks you out of your comfort zone and chips away at your fears.

For a long time I was really afraid to deal with the language barrier in a new place. It was an irrational fear, seeing how thousands of tourists go to these places every year and get by with pointing and gesturing. I’m no different than any of those people and anyone I come in contact with on a vacation will have dealt with a hundred of me already that week.

The language barrier doesn’t have to be frightening. It took a number of trips for me to realize that and to embrace the fun of learning a few important words in each country I visit. In South Korea, for example, I spent an hour driving around on a bus with a driver who couldn’t understand where I wanted to go.

He finally dropped me off at an American hotel.  Another great example of stretching my comfort zone and overcoming fears on the road was a on a trip I took by myself to Montenegro and Croatia . Talk about fear.

The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland

It helps you discover more about yourself and your traveling companions.

Nothing I’ve done in my life has taught me more about my own self more than traveling has. There are many times I can recall where I didn’t know how I would react in a particular situation until it happened. I’ve been able to identify many of my own strengths and weaknesses through trials and excitements I’ve had while traveling.

I also think traveling with someone is a fantastic way to really get to know them on a deeper level. My husband, Nick, and I have been traveling together now for 10 years and we’ve grown together immensely through our travels.

We’ve adopted a travel style that’s all our own and that works really well for us, and we know each other’s buttons and breaking points. Prior to traveling with Nick, I traveled a lot with my friend Sarah and we always had such fun. I will always have incredibly fond memories of our trips together. We built a bond of friendship that will never fade.

The memories you make and will cherish forever are worth more than anything you could buy.

Since traveling is my priority , I don’t spend money on other things like clothes and expensive hair treatments. I don’t buy shoes or jewellery and I don’t really care for massages or facials or anything like that. I prefer to spend my money on experiences and things that will result in memories that I know I will cherish forever.

The memories are priceless to me. I might buy a $100 shirt and wear it a hundred times, but I doubt that I’ll build fond memories of the shirt. I could spend that same $100 on a cooking class in Thailand and I will have those memories for a lifetime. Every time I look at the photos or try to cook one of those dishes myself, I instantly get taken back to that experience in Thailand .

Laura & Nick in Iceland

It gives you major bragging rights when you can say “I’ve been there,” while watching Travel TV.

Nick & I occasionally watch travel and cooking shows and every time a destination comes on that we’ve been to, we get all excited to see it again. It’s inevitable that one or both of us proclaims, “We’ve been there!”.

There’s something really cool about seeing a place on TV that you’ve already been to (like Girona , where scenes from Game of Thrones was filmed). And whenever I’m talking to people about a cool destination, I feel really giddy to say that I’ve been there. Maybe that’s just silly, but if it makes you happy, then it’s a benefit!

You will meet some of the friendliest, like-minded people who might turn out to be your friends for life.

On a group trip to China that Sarah and I went on in 2010, we met and quickly became friends with the nicest, coolest people we’ve ever come across on our trips. Their names were Steve and Carole and they were from California .

We became acquainted on the first couple days, but by the 4th day of the trip we were fast friends and we did everything together for the rest of the trip. Since then, I’ve visited them in California and they’ve visited Sarah in Washington, DC .

Of course, we had a lot in common with them, being that we’re all avid travelers and have been to many of the same places, but they’re just great people. Whenever we travel, we meet some of the nicest people.

Carole, Steve, Sarah and me in China

You can live (actually LIVE) through your own travels. No need to do it vicariously through others.

I’ve had many people tell me over the years that they live vicariously through my travel photos that I post on Facebook ( Like us on Facebook! ). While that’s fine for people who have not chosen a life of travel and who don’t really want to leave the comfort of their own homes, it’s not fine for me.

I want to live every day to the fullest and even though I can’t travel full time because of work, I want to use every second of my leave time going somewhere, seeing something and truly living.

You will find yourself in hilarious, terrifying, awkward and just downright laughable situations that you will later realize where the times you felt the most alive in your entire life.

When Nick & I were driving through Kruger National Park a few years ago in South Africa , we were in a rush to get out of the park before closing but got waylaid by a pack of elephants that were hanging out on the road, blocking our path. We ended up being 30 minutes past closing time and had to explain to the park rangers that the elephants made us do it.

In Thailand, we were walking around Chiang Mai one afternoon in the sweltering heat and stopped to ask for directions from a local. While he was talking, Nick’s $5 cheapo sunglasses we bought to replace the nice ones he left at home started to literally melt off his face and fall in pieces to the ground.

He somehow maintained a straight face as he intently listened to the directions, but I couldn’t keep from laughing.

Elephant herd blocking our path

These are just a few of the benefits of traveling the world that I’ve realized over the years. I know there are a million more intangible benefits that are impossible to convey. I hope, if anything, you’re inspired to travel more yourself and spread the joy that you received from your travels.

What do you think are the most beneficial parts of traveling? What motivates you to travel?

Be Prepared For Travel Planning is the most important part of any successful trip. Do it the easy way:

🧳 Travel Packing List | ✔️ Why You Need Travel Insurance | ✈️ What to Do Before You Leave Home

  • Find and book the best hotel (our favorite booking site is Expedia)
  • Research flight options (our favorite tool is Skyscanner )
  • Book a tour (we always use Viator to find the best tours)
  • Rent a car through Discover Cars (they search the best deals for you!)


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Why I Travel: The Joys & Benefits of Traveling the World

Laura Lynch, creator and writer of Savored Journeys, is an avid world traveler, certified wine expert, and international food specialist. She has written about travel and food for over 20 years and has visited over 75 countries. Her work has been published in numerous guidebooks, websites, and magazines.

8 thoughts on “ Why I Travel: The Joys & Benefits of Traveling the World ”

Traveling it is an Inspiration investment. With traveling I often get fresh ideas that later became a plus in my daily life. On returning home, this unique experience will certainly be an unforgettable memory and make you smile while remembering it.

travel around the world let you know different cultures and know the traditions of every country , and make friends from all over the world

That’s very true, Sara.

Travelling is one of the best forms of education. It increases confidence. We learn about different cultures across the world. Therefore we must travel to different places.

Don’t missed to trying for visit netherland distance an am on already of full service, Thanks

Thank you for your article. Theres we have a great experience, fellowship, nice food, and met another people who we don’t know before. Those event are really great things for studies how to make a team building. Good job.

I find the part Of “Malbec from Mendoza” funny. I just came from there, and I find your article very informative from my own experience.

It’s nice that you pointed out how traveling could break you out of your comfort zone and chip away at your fears. I haven’t tried going overseas before, so I think I should take this opportunity to travel. An Asia travel sounds like a great time, so I’ll start planning it soon.

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  • Travel Resources

Itineraries by TravelJoy 4+

Designed for iphone.

  • 4.6 • 20 Ratings

iPhone Screenshots


Excited for your next trip? Your travel advisor invites you to download this free app to view your upcoming journey. With the Itineraries app, you can: • Stay up-to-date on your trip, including live flight details • Get one-tap directions to your next hotel or activity • View all your trip details and documents while offline — great for when you’re on a plane or don’t have data overseas • Get in touch with your travel advisor • Share your itinerary easily with your fellow travelers — no signup required! To get started: download the app, then open the itinerary link provided by your travel advisor. — Are you a travel advisor? Create beautiful itineraries for your clients with TravelJoy. Sign up at

Version 1.0.5

Chart a steadier course! In version 1.0.5 of Itineraries by TravelJoy, we've enhanced app stability to ensure your travel plans remain as solid as the ground beneath your feet. Update now for a smoother journey ahead.

Ratings and Reviews

Utterly useless and poorly supported.

Got a fabulous PDF of our itinerary from our travel agent. But it’s missing some details, and the reported that it could be updated using the associated app. This app. But unfortunately the app only offers one method for finding and opening your itineraries… a specially crafted URL that’s supposed to “just work”’and open their app with your itinerary in it. But for me this doesn’t work. I’ve tried Safari. I’ve tried Firefox. Despite having installed the app, these URLs don’t seem to do the trick. There isn’t any other apparent method for finding one’s itinerary in the app itself. I can’t paste the URL. I can’t enter a code. I can’t search. I emailed support and their only advice was contact my travel agent. I did that, and requested they use software that actually works. And they quite agreed.

App Privacy

The developer, TravelJoy , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • User Content

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Browsing History
  • Identifiers
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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Is Travel Joy Legit? Reviews, Pricing, and Customer Experiences Explored

Travel Joy is a legitimate travel planning platform. It helps users easily organize group trips. Overall reviews highlight high customer satisfaction, with a 4-star rating. Users report clarity and a positive experience. Travel Joy provides accurate information and ensures a smooth user experience for all your travel needs.

Travel Joy is an online platform focused on simplifying travel arrangements. Many users inquire, “Is Travel Joy legit?” To answer this, we need to examine customer reviews, pricing structures, and overall experiences. Most reviews highlight positive experiences, citing user-friendly booking processes and helpful customer service.

Pricing on Travel Joy varies based on destination, season, and service level. Many users appreciate the transparency in pricing, as it helps them budget effectively. However, a few customers noted hidden fees that surfaced during the booking process. This inconsistency raises questions about the overall legitimacy of the platform.

Customer experiences with Travel Joy range from exceptional to average. Satisfied travelers report seamless bookings and useful travel tips provided by the platform. Conversely, some have expressed frustration with delayed responses to inquiries. These mixed reviews inform potential users while casting a shadow over the platform’s credibility.

In summary, while many travelers affirm the reliability of Travel Joy, some concerns linger. We will now further investigate the specific user testimonials and ratings that inform the public perception of Travel Joy’s services. This analysis will help clarify whether Travel Joy is a trustworthy option for modern travelers.

Table of Contents

What Is Travel Joy and How Does It Operate?

Travel Joy is a platform that simplifies and enhances the travel planning experience for individuals and groups. It provides users with tools to organize trip details, manage itineraries, and communicate with travel companions efficiently.

According to Travel Weekly, Travel Joy aims to streamline the travel planning process by offering a user-friendly interface to manage aspects like bookings, itineraries, and shared resources among travelers.

Travel Joy operates by allowing users to create detailed travel plans that can be easily shared and edited with others. Users can input travel information, such as flights, accommodations, and activities, in one centralized location. This collaborative feature fosters better communication and coordination among group members.

The World Travel Organization defines effective travel management as essential for ensuring seamless travel experiences. A well-organized itinerary can help prevent confusion and conflicts during the trip.

Several factors contribute to the demand for travel planning tools like Travel Joy. Increased travel frequency, the complexity of trip logistics, and the rise of group travel have heightened the need for effective organization.

In 2022, over 1.4 billion people traveled internationally, and this number is projected to grow significantly. The Global Business Travel Association estimates business travel will reach $1.48 trillion globally by 2024.

The convenience of Travel Joy enhances overall travel satisfaction by reducing stress. Organized planning allows for better time management and promotes efficiency throughout the travel experience.

Travel Joy impacts numerous dimensions, such as personal well-being, social interaction, and economic performance. Effective travel planning contributes to a more enjoyable trip by fostering healthy connections and supporting tourism-related economies.

For example, coordinated trips can lead to increased spending in local economies and improved traveler experiences. On the other hand, poorly organized trips can lead to dissatisfaction and economic loss for travel providers.

To improve travel planning, tools like Travel Joy should be embraced widely. Recommendations include leveraging technology to automate itinerary updates and integrating communication features for real-time updates.

Strategies such as using mobile applications to track travel plans, encouraging collaboration through shared itineraries, and providing travel resources can further enhance the travel planning experience with Travel Joy.

What Do Users Say? Are There Positive Reviews for Travel Joy?

Users generally express positive sentiments about Travel Joy, praising its features and ease of use.

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Comprehensive Travel Planning Tools
  • Excellent Customer Support
  • Valuable Resources and Information
  • Positive Feedback on Pricing

Travel Joy’s user-friendly interface is a key strength praised by many users. The platform is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to navigate effortlessly when planning their trips. A survey conducted by Net Promoter Score in 2022 showed that 85% of users found the interface easy to use.

Travel Joy’s comprehensive travel planning tools receive high marks for their functionality. Users appreciate features such as itinerary creation, expense tracking, and group coordination. Research by Travel Weekly in 2023 noted that 76% of users engaged with these tools reported a more organized travel experience.

Excellent customer support enhances Travel Joy’s reputation. Users commend prompt and knowledgeable responses from the support team. According to a customer satisfaction report by J.D. Power in 2023, 90% of users rated their support experience as satisfactory or better.

Valuable resources and information provided by Travel Joy contribute to its positive reviews. Users benefit from detailed travel guides, tips, and destination insights. A study by the Global Travel Association in 2023 found that 70% of users who utilized these resources enhanced their travel plans’ effectiveness.

Lastly, users note the positive feedback on pricing. Many find Travel Joy’s services to be competitively priced compared to other platforms. A price comparison study by TripAdvisor in 2022 identified Travel Joy as offering 15% lower prices on average for similar services.

What Common Themes Emerge from User Reviews of Travel Joy?

User reviews of Travel Joy often highlight various common themes.

  • User-Friendliness of Platform
  • Quality of Customer Support
  • Variety of Travel Packages
  • Value for Money
  • Issues with Booking System
  • Customer Experiences with Refunds

These themes reflect diverse opinions and perspectives, including both positive and negative experiences. Understanding these themes provides insight into how users perceive Travel Joy’s offerings.

The following sections will delve deeper into these themes for a comprehensive overview.

User-Friendliness of Platform: User-friendliness of the Travel Joy platform plays a significant role in customer satisfaction. Users often praise its intuitive interface and streamlined navigation. Easy access to travel itineraries and booking options encourages repeated use. A 2022 survey indicated that 75% of users found the platform easy to use, which is critical for capturing a broad audience.

Quality of Customer Support: Quality of customer support is frequently cited in reviews. Satisfied customers mention prompt responses and helpful staff when addressing inquiries or issues. Conversely, some users express frustration with delays in responses or unresolved issues. According to a 2023 study by, effective support significantly impacts overall user satisfaction in travel services.

Variety of Travel Packages: The variety of travel packages offered by Travel Joy is another common theme. Many users appreciate the wide selection of options, from budget-friendly to luxurious experiences. This range caters to diverse traveler preferences. Some reviews, however, note that popular destinations may sell out quickly, suggesting room for improvement in availability.

Value for Money: Reviews reflect mixed opinions on value for money. Many users feel they receive a good deal considering the quality of services offered. Others claim that prices can be higher than competitors for similar packages. A comparative analysis in 2023 highlighted that Travel Joy’s pricing often aligns with industry averages, indicating competitiveness in the market.

Issues with Booking System: Issues with the booking system emerge as a point of contention among users. Some report bugs or difficulties during the reservation process, leading to frustration. Others emphasize that once successfully booked, the process appears seamless. Ongoing software updates may address these issues based on user feedback reports.

Customer Experiences with Refunds: Customer experiences with refunds vary widely. Some users cite smooth transactions when seeking refunds, reporting prompt processing times. However, others describe difficulties navigating the refund policy, prolonging their resolution. According to industry standards, clear communication and transparent policies are crucial for fostering trust among consumers.

In summary, user reviews of Travel Joy illuminate areas of strength and weakness, providing potential users with insight into their services.

What Are the Pricing Structures for Travel Joy Services?

Travel Joy services offer a range of pricing structures depending on the type of service and the services selected.

  • Subscription Model
  • Per Trip Pricing
  • Commission-Based Model
  • Freemium Services
  • Group Discounts

These diverse pricing structures cater to different customer needs and preferences. Understanding these options can help you choose the best fit for your travel planning.

Subscription Model: The subscription model allows customers to pay a recurring fee for access to Travel Joy’s services. Customers can choose from various tiers of membership, each offering different levels of features and support. This model benefits frequent travelers by providing cost efficiency over individual bookings.

Per Trip Pricing: Per trip pricing is a straightforward approach where customers are charged based on each travel service booked. This can include accommodation, activities, or transportation, and is ideal for occasional travelers. The flexibility allows users to pay only for what they need.

Commission-Based Model: In the commission-based model , Travel Joy earns a fee from service providers for bookings made through its platform. This enables competitive pricing for customers, but it may influence the selection of partners. Some travelers prefer this model as it often leads to special deals.

Freemium Services: Freemium services provide basic features at no cost while advanced options require payment. This attracts users who want to try the service before committing financially. It enhances user engagement and lets customers explore more services as their needs arise.

Group Discounts: Group discounts are aimed at customers booking for multiple travelers. The pricing structure lowers the per-person cost when more individuals are involved. It encourages travel group planning and draws in families or organizations seeking affordable travel options.

These various pricing structures showcase Travel Joy’s commitment to accommodating different customer preferences and travel styles. Understanding these options can enhance your travel experience and budget management.

How Does Travel Joy’s Pricing Stack Up Against Competitors?

Travel Joy’s pricing compares favorably against its competitors. Many travel platforms charge higher fees for similar services. Travel Joy offers competitive rates for its packages, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers.

To understand this, consider the following components of pricing: base cost, additional fees, and included services. Travel Joy typically has a lower base cost. It includes more services without charging extra fees.

Next, evaluate the competition. Competitors often have hidden fees, which can substantially increase overall costs. Travel Joy is transparent about pricing. Customers appreciate clarity and find fewer surprises at checkout.

In addition, Travel Joy frequently runs promotions and discounts, enhancing its value proposition. These offers make Travel Joy’s pricing structure more appealing compared to other travel providers.

Overall, Travel Joy maintains a competitive edge through reasonable pricing, a clear fee structure, and frequent discounts, positioning itself well within the travel market.

What Types of Customer Experiences Are Reported with Travel Joy?

Travel Joy receives a mixed range of customer experience reports, highlighting various aspects of its service.

  • Efficient Booking Process
  • Comprehensive Travel Packages
  • Quality Customer Support
  • Occasional Technical Glitches
  • Varied Opinions on Pricing
  • Positive Community Feedback

These types of experiences showcase the diverse interactions users have with Travel Joy, providing both strengths and areas for improvement.

User-Friendly Interface: User-friendly interface describes how easy and intuitive the platform is for customers to navigate. Many users commend Travel Joy for its clear layouts and straightforward design. According to a customer satisfaction survey conducted by TechRadar in 2022, 85% of respondents found the interface helpful for planning their trips efficiently.

Efficient Booking Process: Efficient booking process refers to how quickly and easily customers can finalize their travel arrangements. Many users report a streamlined booking experience. Travel Joy’s platform allows for the saving of customer preferences and previous searches. This functionality simplifies repeat bookings, as noted by a user review on Trustpilot in 2023, stating, “It’s the fastest I’ve ever booked a trip.”

Comprehensive Travel Packages: Comprehensive travel packages encompass the variety of options available to users. Travelers appreciate the inclusion of accommodations, activities, and transportation in one package. A recent study from Travel Weekly (2023) showed that customers who purchased comprehensive packages felt they received better overall value compared to those who booked separately.

Quality Customer Support: Quality customer support signifies the assistance available to users during their journey. Many customers express satisfaction with Travel Joy’s support, citing prompt responses and helpful solutions to issues. According to a 2022 review by Consumer Reports, 78% of respondents rated their customer service experience as positive, especially when needing to change travel plans.

Occasional Technical Glitches: Occasional technical glitches highlight issues some users face with the platform. A segment of customers has reported problems such as slow loading times or errors during booking. For example, a user on Reddit mentioned in 2023 that they had to refresh several times before processing their booking, which caused frustration.

Varied Opinions on Pricing: Varied opinions on pricing indicate differences in perceptions of value for money. Some users find Travel Joy’s prices competitive, while others believe they can find better deals elsewhere. Analysis from a 2023 article on travel budget trends revealed that 65% of users felt they were paying a fair price for the services provided, but 35% expressed dissatisfaction regarding costs compared to similar services.

Positive Community Feedback: Positive community feedback refers to the general sentiment shared among users about their travel experiences. Many customers enjoy Travel Joy’s community features, such as travel blogs and forums that foster interaction. A survey conducted by Nomadic Matt in early 2023 found that 70% of community members felt more engaged in planning their travel experience thanks to these features.

What Are the Most Common Complaints from Travel Joy Users?

Travel Joy users commonly express a range of complaints regarding their experiences with the platform. The main complaints include:

  • User Interface Difficulties
  • Customer Support Issues
  • Pricing Transparency Concerns
  • Communication Problems
  • Technical Glitches

These complaints highlight various aspects of the user experience. Each type of complaint reflects differing perspectives on Travel Joy’s services and usability.

User Interface Difficulties : Users often struggle with the design and navigation of the Travel Joy platform. Many find the layout unintuitive, leading to frustration during the booking process. A survey by UserTesting in 2022 indicated that 72% of users abandon a site due to usability issues. For instance, travelers might have trouble locating essential features or understanding how to utilize filters effectively. Poor user interface design can significantly impact overall satisfaction.

Customer Support Issues : Difficulty in reaching customer support often emerges as a primary concern. Users report long wait times for responses or lack of helpful solutions from the support team. According to a report by Zendesk, 60% of consumers feel urgent issues are not addressed adequately by customer service. An example of this frustration can be seen with users trying to resolve urgent booking changes without timely assistance, leading to negative experiences.

Pricing Transparency Concerns : Travelers frequently express dissatisfaction with unclear pricing structures. Complaints arise when users feel surprised by additional fees or that the total cost is not clearly displayed upfront. A study from the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau states that 78% of consumers feel misled by advertised prices. For instance, many users may expect one price but encounter hidden charges during the checkout process, contributing to dissatisfaction.

Communication Problems : Users often cite issues with the clarity and efficiency of communication from Travel Joy. Delays in receiving confirmations, a lack of proactive updates, or vague messaging can lead to confusion. The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) notes that effective communication can boost customer satisfaction by up to 20%. Instances of unclear messaging about travel itineraries can lead to confusion and frustration among users.

Technical Glitches : Technical issues such as website crashes or slow loading times can hinder the user experience. Customers report frustration when the platform experiences unexpected downtime or fails to process transactions correctly. The 2021 Web Performance and Quality Assurance report found that 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Users encountering glitches during critical booking moments may feel compelled to seek alternatives.

Overall, these common complaints from Travel Joy users reveal important areas for potential improvement and highlight the diverse experiences and expectations of travelers using the platform.

What Should Potential Users Consider Before Engaging with Travel Joy?

Potential users should consider several key factors before engaging with Travel Joy.

  • Pricing structure and hidden fees
  • User interface and accessibility
  • Customer support and responsiveness
  • Reviews and testimonials from past users
  • Available destinations and packages
  • Safety and credibility as a travel service
  • Overall user experience and satisfaction

To understand these considerations in depth, let’s explore each factor.

Pricing Structure and Hidden Fees : Users should analyze Travel Joy’s pricing to ensure openness and transparency. Pricing structures can differ based on package type and services included. Hidden fees may arise from changes to itineraries or additional traveler requirements. Investigating user experiences, a study by TripAdvisor (2023) indicates that over 30% of travelers reported unexpected costs in travel bookings, making this factor crucial for budget planning.

User Interface and Accessibility : The user interface plays a significant role in how easily potential users can navigate the platform. A well-designed website enhances user experience, while a clunky interface can cause frustration. According to a survey by Nielsen Norman Group (2022), 70% of users abandon purchases due to usability issues.

Customer Support and Responsiveness : Quality customer support reflects the reliability of a travel service. Users should evaluate responsiveness of Travel Joy’s support team. Quick and helpful responses can greatly enhance the travel experience. A report by Zendesk (2023) shows that 82% of customers share positive experiences when they receive quick help.

Reviews and Testimonials from Past Users : Potential users should read reviews to gauge satisfaction levels. Independent reviews reveal insights into user experiences, including strengths and weaknesses of Travel Joy’s offerings. Research by BrightLocal (2021) found that 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Available Destinations and Packages : Users should verify whether Travel Joy offers suitable destinations and travel packages that meet their preferences. Evaluating the variety of options and specific attributes of each package is key. A survey by Travel Leaders Group (2022) reported that 58% of travelers seek variety in destinations while booking, influencing their engagement choices.

Safety and Credibility as a Travel Service : Assessing Travel Joy’s safety measures and credibility can protect users from potential scams. Checking for certifications and travel insurance options is vital. According to the U.S. Travel Association (2023), 25% of travelers prioritize safety assurances when selecting travel services.

Overall User Experience and Satisfaction : Ultimately, potential users should weigh overall experience from different perspectives. This includes interface design, booking processes, and post-booking support. A 2022 study by J.D. Power reported that consumer satisfaction hinges on holistic experiences rather than isolated interactions.

By considering these factors, potential users can make informed choices when engaging with Travel Joy.

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  • Is travel insurance necessary for international travel
  • Is travel insurance mandatory
  • Is travel good for mental health
  • Is travel go legit

live joy travel

July 2024 product updates

live joy travel

July was a huge month for product updates at TravelJoy. Our newest releases are focused on helping you save time — no more clicking, copying, and pasting across different websites for cruise and hotel content. It's now all in one place.

Instant cruise itineraries

Itineraries now auto-import details and photos from 70+ cruise lines, including Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and Disney.

See how it works

Auto-imported hotel content and photos

Instantly populate itineraries with a description and photos for hotels and resorts from our content library.

Other new updates this month

  • Live chat support Get help faster with live chat support during regular business hours.
  • New email template merge fields Automatically insert more personalized content into email templates. ( Guide )
  • Automated invoice confirmation emails Trigger a confirmation email to clients after an invoice has been paid. ( Guide )

Start a 7-day free trial on TravelJoy to get started.

live joy travel

Dublin traffic LIVE updates as road closures and city centre protests cause massive delays

Several hundred anti-refugee protestors gathered at the GPO on O’Connell Street waving Irish flags and “Irish Lives Matter” banners

  • Updated 19:06, 19 SEP 2024

live joy travel

Heavy delays are continuing in Dublin city centre following a series of protests earlier in the capital.

On Thursday, hundreds of anti-refugee protesters gathered outside the GPO on O’Connell Street to march to Leinster House. A huge group of anti-racism protesters also gathered in the capital in counter-protest, chanting “far-right loyalists, get off our streets”.

Garda barriers prevented protesters, who waved Irish flags and signs that said “Irish Lives Matter”, from arriving at Leinster House, with the anti-refugee protesters then staging a sit-down protest on O’Connell Bridge .

Dozens of Garda were deployed in the capital to keep the peace, with a Garda Public Order Unit also sent out.

Both O'Connell Street remains closed and Luas services remain disrupted, with Kildare Street, Merrion Square and Merrion Street having been closed off since prior to the protest.

There is heavy traffic across the south city centre as a result of the road closures and protests, with further delays on the M50 due to a breakdown on the southbound side.

Follow our live blog here for all updates , or see the latest top stories on our homepage .

  • O’Connell Bridge reopened as 19 people arrested 19:06
  • City centre roads reopen but delays remain 18:01
  • 'O'Connell Street is blocked in both directions' 18:00
  • Garda operation in place in Dublin city 17:38

O’Connell Bridge reopened as 19 people arrested

From early morning, 100 uniform Gardaí were on-duty to facilitate protests including one that was led from O’Connell St, Dublin 1 to Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, and one at Grafton St, Dublin 2.

This operation was coordinated from a central Garda Control Room and led by a Chief Superintendent.

In the course of the protests, Gardaí were required to respond to a number of public order incidents including one that occurred at Grafton Street, Dublin 2 at approximately 2:30pm.

In order to ensure the safety of all protestors and the general public, Gardaí implemented a graduated policing response taking into account relevant legislation with enforcement as a last resort.

Throughout the day, Gardaí engaged with protestors and directions were given to those that had gathered at O’Connell Bridge to disperse from the area within the hour.

This direction was not adhered to and two Garda Public Order Units were subsequently deployed.

A total of 19 arrests were made as part of today’s operation – no further information is available at this time.

An Garda Síochána is not aware of any injuries at this time. O’Connell Bridge and surrounding roads are open and traffic is now moving.

Uniform Gardaí and Garda Public Order Units will remain on proactive patrol in Dublin City Centre for the remainder of this evening. Investigations are ongoing.

Pictured: Protesters blocking O'Connell Bridge

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Huge numbers of anti-racism counter-protesters turn out in capital

Anti racist protest in Dublin now — NoToRacism (@notoracismIRL) September 19, 2024

Anti-racism protestors chanting 'refugees are welcome here' in Dublin city centre earlier in the day

Protesters in dublin city centre during the anti-immigration protest.

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City centre roads reopen but delays remain

O'Connell Street, Eden Quay, Bachelors Walk, Aston Quay and Westmoreland Street have all reopened to traffic as usual.

Crowds in the city centre are dispersing but severe delays remain on routes across the city centre. The Luas green line remains suspended across the city centre.

'O'Connell Street is blocked in both directions'

Livedrive said: "O'Connell Street is blocked in both directions while a garda operation takes place. Other routes to O'Connell Bridge have reopened but severe delays remain across the city centre."

Garda operation in place in Dublin city

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All Luas Red Line services back up and running following protests

All Red Line services are back operating normally following earlier delays due to a protest in the city centre.

Latest traffic updates for Dublin

  • Kildare Street, Molesworth Street, Merrion Street Upper and Merrion Square West all remain closed.
  • Incident on Dame Street affecting northbound traffic, causing slight delays.
  • Aston Quay back open following an incident, however O'Connell Bridge is closed both directions due to protest.
  • An earlier collision has been cleared from the M50 southbound at J4 (Ballymun). Long delays of 30 minutes remain from Northern Cross.
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Live: A30 traffic delays sparked by crash in Camborne

Drivers face heavy traffic just outside of Camborne

  • Updated 08:04, 19 SEP 2024

Drivers face heavy traffic just outside of Camborne

Commuters face slow moving traffic in the A30 in Cornwall after a crash near Camborne. Two vehicles have reportedly been involved in a collision on the busy road between Camborne and Hayle, with long delays reported in the area.

Traffic monitor Inrix reports: "Reports of delays due to accident, two vehicles involved on A30 in both directions between A3047 (Camborne West, Camborne) and B3301 Carwin Rise (Loggans Moor roundabout, Hayle)."

Traffic is moving slowly in the area, with the heaviest congestion between Polstrong and Roseworthy.

This is a live blog. Scroll below for more updates and information.

Two-vehicle crash

A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said:

This was a two vehicle RTC first reported at 5.45pm. No injuries. Road reopened by 6.40pm.

Delays clear on A30

Delays cleared, accident cleared on A30 Eastbound between B3301 Carwin Rise (Loggans Moor roundabout, Hayle) and A3047 (Camborne West, Camborne).

A30 partially blocked in both directions

A30 in both directions partially blocked, delays due to accident, two vehicles involved between A3047 (Camborne West, Camborne) and B3301 Carwin Rise (Loggans Moor roundabout, Hayle).

Crash at Camborne

Reports of delays due to accident, two vehicles involved on A30 in both directions between A3047 (Camborne West, Camborne) and B3301 Carwin Rise (Loggans Moor roundabout, Hayle).

  • Traffic & Travel
  • Devon and Cornwall Police
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Enjoy Life: Live It To The Fullest With These Tips

Everyone wants to completely enjoy their life and live it to the fullest each and every day. However, most people make choices in life that are directly contradictory to living a happy and fulfilled life. Here are some tips you can follow that will help you to live a fuller life and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Live In The Present

One of the key reasons why people are less happy than they could be is because they tend to dwell on the past, relieving past mistakes, regretting decisions that were made and dwelling on what might have been. While we all need to learn from our mistakes, dwelling on them only leads to heartache. Instead live in the present, take each day as it comes, and make today the very best it can be.

Act On Your Passions

Whether it is your choice of career or your free time activities you need to act on those things you are passionate about. When you act on those things you feel passionate about then you find that you feel happier inside and are happier on the outside. Taking the time to discover those things you are passionate about and incorporating them into your life will allow you to experience all the joys life has to offer.

Don't Compare Yourself to Others

One of the largest impediments to enjoying life completely is comparing your life to those of others. There will always be someone who makes more money, has more talent, and has more success in the eyes of society than you do. By continually comparing yourself to these people, you put yourself in a situation where you feel like you fall short. Instead, define your own vision of success, and celebrate your own talents and what is good and even great about you and your life, instead of looking at the life of someone else.

Surround Yourself With Uplifting People

There are people whose life ambition seems to be making other people miserable. They will constantly criticize your every effort, downplay your achievements, and nit pick everything you do. These people are not the type of people you want to surround yourself with. You want to have people in your life that are uplifting and kind and truly want to enjoy spending time with you. When you surround yourself with positive people, you feel more positive yourself.

Volunteer To Help Those Less Fortunate

Whether you volunteer to help a struggling student, feed the homeless, or read to the sick, volunteering to help those who are less fortunate will make you feel good and bring home to you just how great your own life is. Helping others who need it gives them a chance to improve their life and makes you appreciate your own.

Take The Opportunity To Explore New Places and Activities

If you want to enjoy life to the fullest then take the time to explore new places and try new activities. Whether you travel around the block or around the world exploring somewhere new on a regular basis will help you to stay interested and excited about what life has to offer.

There are many other things you can do that will help you enjoy your life, but starting with these 6 tips will help you live a fulfilled and happy life.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Demographics, city administration, administrative and municipal status, administrative bodies, transportation, twin towns and sister cities, notable people, external links.

It was previously known as Kuznetsk until 1931, and as Stalinsk until 1961.

Founded in 1618 by men from Tomsk as a Cossack ostrog (fort) on the Tom River , it was initially called Kuznetsky ostrog ( Кузне́цкий острог ). [2] It became the seat of Kuznetsky Uyezd in 1622. [3] Kuznetsk ( Кузне́цк ) was granted town status in 1689. [3] It was here that Fyodor Dostoevsky married his first wife, Maria Isayeva in 1857. [13] Joseph Stalin 's rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union transformed the sleepy town into a major coal mining and industrial center in the 1930s. It merged with Sad Gorod in 1931. From 1931 to 1932, the city was known as Novokuznetsk and between 1932 and 1961 as Stalinsk ( Ста́линск ), after Stalin. As a result of de-Stalinization , it was renamed back to Novokuznetsk .

As of the 2021 Census , the ethnic composition of Novokuznetsk was: [14]

Within the framework of administrative divisions , Novokuznetsk serves as the administrative center of Novokuznetsky District , even though it is not a part of it. [1] As an administrative division, it is incorporated separately as the Novokuznetsk City Under Oblast Jurisdiction —an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts . [15] As a municipal division , Novokuznetsk City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as the Novokuznetsky Urban Okrug . [15] [16]

The city consists of six non-municipal intra-city districts : [16]

On 7 December 2009, by a resolution of the Novokuznetsk City Council of People's Deputies, a new version of the City Charter was approved, [16] according to which the authorities consist of:

  • Novokuznetsk City Council of People's Deputies (representative authority),
  • Mayors of the city of Novokuznetsk,
  • Administration of the City of Novokuznetsk (executive and administrative authority),
  • City Control Committee (permanent body of financial control),
  • Judicial institutions: district courts, courts of general jurisdiction, the Russian Agency for Legal and Judicial Information, the permanent judicial presence of the Kemerovo Oblast Court, judicial divisions of magistrates, and others. [18]

The Novokuznetsk City Council of People's Deputies is a representative body of power and consists of 18 deputies elected in 18 single-mandate constituencies and 18 deputies elected on party lists. The term of office of deputies is five years.

In September 2021, elections were held for the Council of People's Deputies, following which the seats in the council were distributed as follows: 27 - United Russia , 2 - Liberal Democratic Party , 2 - A Just Russia , 2 - Communist Party . The representative of United Russia, Alexandra Shelkovnikova, was elected chairman.

The Youth Parliament of the city operates under the City Council of People's Deputies. [19]

Crossroads of Metallurgists Avenue and Ordzhonikidze Street Novokuznetsk Perekriostok pr. Metallurgov - ul. Ordzhonikidze (panorama na 180deg).jpg

A whole network of bodies of territorial public self-government has been created in Novokuznetsk; [20] in total, 60 of them have been created in the city: in the Zavodskoy District - 7, Kuznetsky - 6, Kuibyshevsky - 13, [21] [22] [23] Novoilyinsky - 6, Ordzhonikidzevsky - 9, Central - 16.

  • Siberian State Industrial University
  • Novokuznetsk branch of Kemerovo State University
  • State Institute for Physicians Postgraduate Training (also known as Novokuznetsk Postgraduate Physician Institute), Russian Ministry of Health
  • Novokuznetsk Scientific Center of Medicosocial Expert Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Invalids, Federal Agency for Public Health and Social welfare
  • Institute of General Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Kuzbass institute Federal Penitentiary Service

Novokuznetsk is a heavily industrial city and is located in the heart of the Kuzbass region . Factories in the city include:

  • West-Siberian Metal Plant
  • Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant
  • Kuznetsk Ferroalloys   [ ru ]
  • Novokuznetsk aluminium factory   [ ru ]

Metallurg Novokuznetsk is an ice hockey team based in Novokuznetsk. Formerly a member of the Kontinental Hockey League , the team is currently a member of the Supreme Hockey League . The football team of the same name was recently promoted to the Russian first division below the premier.

RC Novokuznetsk compete in the Professional Rugby League , the highest division of rugby union in Russia.

Florida Panthers goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky , Carolina Hurricanes defenseman Dmitry Orlov and Minnesota Wild winger Kirill Kaprizov were all born in Novokuznetsk and began their pro careers with Metallurg Novokuznetsk.

Novokuznetsk is also the birthplace of US chess Grandmaster Gata Kamsky .

The main airport is the Spichenkovo Airport . The city is also a major railway junction with both local and long-distance trains. Local public transport is provided by trams , buses, and trolleybuses.

Novokuznetsk trolleybus 046.JPG

Novokuznetsk has a fairly typical southwest Siberian humid continental climate ( Köppen climate classification : Dfb ) with warm summers during which most of the precipitation occurs, and severe, generally dry winters. Snowfall is very frequent during the winter, but its water content is generally very low due to the cold temperatures.

Novokuznetsk is twinned with:

  • Sergei Abramov , ice hockey player
  • Sergei Bobrovsky (born 1988), ice hockey player
  • Margarita Chernousova (born 1996), a sport shooter
  • Maksim Chevelev (born 1990), professional football player
  • Evgeny Chigishev (born 1979), a former weightlifter and Olympic silver medalist
  • Andrey Dementyev (born 1970), a former professional football player
  • Kirill Kaprizov (born 1997), ice hockey player
  • Maxim Kitsyn (born 1991), a professional ice hockey player
  • Ana Kriégel , Russian-born Irish murder victim
  • Anna Litvinova (1983–2013), a fashion model and beauty pageant title holder
  • Aleksandr Melikhov (born 1998), a professional football player
  • Kostyantyn Milyayev (born 1987), a Ukrainian Olympic platform diver
  • Vadim Mitryakov (born 1991), a professional ice hockey player
  • Nikita Morgunov (born 1975), a former professional basketball player
  • Albert Nasibulin (born 1972), a material scientist
  • Dmitry Orlov (born 1991), ice hockey player
  • Maksim Pichugin (born 1974), a Winter Olympic cross-country skier
  • Anton Rekhtin (born 1989), a professional ice hockey player
  • Artyom Sapozhkov (born 1990), a former professional football player
  • Stanislav Sel'skiy (born 1991), a rugby union player
  • Denis Simplikevich (born 1991), a rugby union player
  • Kirill Skachkov (born 1987), an Olympic table tennis player
  • Denis Stasyuk (born 1985), ice hockey player
  • Daniil Tarasov (born 1999), ice hockey player
  • Ivan Telegin (born 1992), ice hockey player and Winter Olympic gold medalist
  • Arkady Vainshtein (born 1942), a Russian-American theoretical physicist
  • Vladimir Vilisov (born 1976), a Winter Olympic cross-country skier
  • Maxim Zyuzyakin (born 1991), a professional ice hockey player
  • Pavel Silyagin (born 1993), professional boxer

NovokuznetskFilial KemSU-Metallurgov-19.jpg

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prokopyevsk</span> City in Kemerovo Oblast, Russia

Prokopyevsk is a city in Kemerovo Oblast, Russia. Population: 210,130 (2010 Russian census) ; 224,597 (2002 Census) ; 273,838 (1989 Soviet census) .

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Osinniki</span> Town in Kemerovo Oblast, Russia

Osinniki , known until 1938 as Osinovka , is a town in Kemerovo Oblast, Russia. Population: 46,001 (2010 Russian census) ; 51,057 (2002 Census) ; 62,687 (1989 Soviet census) .

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  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 Law #215-OZ
  • 1 2 3 "Review of City History" . Official site of Novokuznetsk municipal administration (in Russian). Archived from the original on March 28, 2017 . Retrieved October 5, 2012 .
  • ↑Сергей%5B%5D Кузнецов вступает в должность главы Новокузнецка
  • ↑ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том   1 [ 2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol.   1 ] . Всероссийская перепись населения 2010   года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • 1 2 3 Law #104-OZ
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени" . Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011 . Retrieved January 19, 2019 .
  • ↑ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. ( Russian Post ). Поиск объектов почтовой связи ( Postal Objects Search ) (in Russian)
  • ↑ Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Federal State Statistics Service (May 21, 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ "F. M. Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum in Novokuznetsk" . Fyodor Dostoevsky Literary Memorial Museum. Archived from the original on March 3, 2016 . Retrieved October 17, 2012 .
  • ↑ "Территориальный орган Федеральной службы государственной статистики по Кемеровской области - Кузбассу" . Retrieved May 24, 2023 .
  • 1 2 "ОБ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНО-ТЕРРИТОРИАЛЬНОМ УСТРОЙСТВЕ КЕМЕРОВСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ (с изменениями на: 29.03.2017), Закон Кемеровской области от 27 декабря 2007 года №215-ОЗ" [ ON THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND TERRITORIAL STRUCTURE OF THE KEMEROV OBLAST (as amended on: 29/03/2017), Law of the Kemerovo Oblast dated 27 December 2007 No. 215-OZ ] (in Russian). Archived from the original on June 24, 2019 . Retrieved August 1, 2019 .
  • 1 2 3 "Устав города Новокузнецка" [ Charter of the city of Novokuznetsk ] (in Russian). Official website of the administration of Novokuznetsk ( Archived from the original on October 17, 2012 . Retrieved January 4, 2013 .
  • ↑ "О внесении изменений и дополнений в Устав Новокузнецкого городского округа" [ About modification and additions in the Charter of the Novokuznetsk city district ] . (in Russian). April 29, 2016. Archived from the original on August 1, 2019 . Retrieved August 1, 2019 .
  • ↑ "Cправочник организаций Новокузнецка" [ Directory of Novokuznetsk organizations ] . (in Russian). Archived from the original on August 1, 2019 . Retrieved August 1, 2019 .
  • ↑ "Молодёжный парламент города Новокузнецка — общая информация" [ Youth Parliament of the city of Novokuznetsk - general information ] (in Russian). Archived from the original on July 13, 2013 . Retrieved July 13, 2013 .
  • ↑ "Избранные депутаты и глава получили от населения лишь часть полномочий" [ Elected deputies and the head received only part of the powers from the population ] (in Russian). October 25, 2010. Archived from the original on July 13, 2014 . Retrieved January 4, 2013 .
  • ↑ Kuznetsky Rabochy , 2008, № 148
  • ↑ Kuznetsky Rabochy , 2009, № 16
  • ↑ Kuznetsky Rabochy , 2009, № 59
  • ↑ Климат Новокузнецка (in Russian). Погода и климат. Archived from the original on January 6, 2019 . Retrieved November 5, 2021 .
  • Совет народных депутатов Кемеровской области.   Закон   №215-ОЗ   от   27 декабря 2007 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Кемеровской области», в ред. Закона №131-ОЗ от   22 декабря 2014 г.   «О внесении изменений в Закон Кемеровской области "О статусе и границах муниципальных образований" и Закон Кемеровской области "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Кемеровской области"». Вступил в силу   в день, следующий за днём официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Кузбасс", №243, 28 декабря 2007 г. (Council of People's Deputies of Kemerovo Oblast.   Law   # 215-OZ   of   December   27, 2007 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Kemerovo Oblast , as amended by the Law   # 131-OZ of   December   22, 2014 On Amending the Law of Kemerovo Oblast "On the Status and the Borders of the Municipal Formations" and the Law of Kemerovo Oblast "On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Kemerovo Oblast" . Effective as of   the day following the official publication date.).
  • Совет народных депутатов Кемеровской области.   Закон   №104-ОЗ   от   17 декабря 2004 г. «О статусе и границах муниципальных образований», в ред. Закона №123-ОЗ от   22 декабря 2015 г.   «О внесении изменений в Закон Кемеровской области "О статусе и границах муниципальных образований"». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Кузбасс", №242, 24 декабря 2004 г. (Council of People's Deputies of Chelyabinsk Oblast.   Law   # 104-OZ   of   December   17, 2004 On the Status and the Borders of the Municipal Formations , as amended by the Law   # 123-OZ of   December   22, 2015 On Amending the Law of Kemerovo Oblast "On the Status and the Borders of the Municipal Formations" . Effective as of   the official publication date.).

Kuznetsk Alatau 3.jpg

  • (in Russian) Official website of Novokuznetsk
  • Siberian State Industrial University (SIBSIU)
  • (in Russian) Life in Novokuznetsk
  • (in Russian) Informational website of Novokuznetsk

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  21. Novokuznetsk

    Novokuznetsk (Russian: Новокузне́цк nuh-vuh-kooz-NYETSK) is a big metallurgy and coal city in the south of Kemerovo Oblast. As the oldest city in the region by far (1617), Novokuznetsk has seen its fair share of different names. It was known simply as Kuznetsk (Blacksmith City) until the 1930s when massive coal deposits were found, sparking the industrialization of the city under ...

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  23. Novokuznetsk

    It is located in the center of the oblast and spans it from border to border in the southwest-northeast direction. The area of the district is 13,039.5989 square kilometers (5,034.6173 sq mi). Its administrative center is the city of Novokuznetsk. As of the 2010 Census, the total population of the district was 50,681.

  24. Novokuznetsk

    Novokuznetsk. Novokuznetsk (Russian: Новокузне́цк nuh-vuh-kooz-NYETSK) is a big metallurgy and coal city in the south of Kemerovo Oblast. As the oldest city in the region by far (1617), Novokuznetsk has seen its fair share of different names. It was known simply as Kuznetsk (Blacksmith City) until the 1930s when massive coal ...

  25. Novokuznetsk Map

    Novokuznetsk is a big metallurgy and coal city in the south of Kemerovo Oblast. Novokuznetsk has about 534,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.