Canal Plus

Voici les 100 meilleures punchlines de rap français

2020 M03 24

NTM - C'est clair (1991)

Kool Shen : «  Mon nom est Shen, inventeur de la sodomie verbale  »

Assassin - Je glisse (1991)

Rockin' Squat : «  La justice nique sa mère / Le dernier juge que j’ai vu avait plus de vice que le dealer de ma rue »

MC Solaar - À dix de mes disciples (1994)

«  Si le rap excelle, le jazz en est l’étincelle  »

Le Rat Luciano - Bad Boys de Marseille (avec IAM, 1995)

«  Une musique pas faite pour 100 personnes, mais pour des millions »

Doc Gynéco - Vanessa (1996)

«  Même Daphné me fait craquer / Ce n’est qu’un dessin mais je veux l’animer  »

X-Men - J'attaque du mike (1996)

Hill : «  Donc voici H-I-2-L-J, héros de la prophétie, en mission contre l'ennemi  »

Le Rat Luciano - Rien à perdre (en duo avec Akhenaton, 1997)

«  Si j'fais la fête, c'est qu'tout va mal dans ma tête  »

IAM - Demain c’est loin (1997)

Akhenaton : «  Je pense pas à demain, parce que demain c'est loin  »

X-Men – Retour aux pyramides (1997)

Hill : «  Mon rap choque comme une nonne qui fume le crack à Vincennes  »

Passi - Le monde est à moi (1997)

« Tu nous testes, on te tanne, tu contestes, on te canne »

Ärsenik - Quelques gouttes suffisent (1998)

Calbo : « Un gars à la hauteur c’est rare comme une pute à son compte »

Ärsenik - Boxe avec les mots (1998)

Calbo : «  Qui peut prétendre faire du rap sans prendre position ? »

Shurik’n - Samouraï (1998)

«  L’œil au beurre noir, vaut mieux le faire que l’avoir  »

Ideal J - Nuage de fumée (1998)

«  Parce que dans un simple joint ma rage je contiens »

Scred Connexion - Scred Connexion (1998)

«  Jamais dans la tendance, toujours dans la bonne direction  »

Oxmo Puccino - L’enfant seul (1998)

«  Maîtrise lancinante, sentiments en ciment / Sinon dans six ans, on me retrouve ciseaux dans le crâne / Dans le sang gisant »

Lunatic - Le silence n’est pas un oubli (2000)

Ali : «  Salam et Shalom, la même, mais prononcé en décalage / Ça devient Uzi opposé à Kalash’ »

Lunatic - Groupe sanguin (2000)

Booba : «  La vie c’est dur, ça fait mal dès qu’ça commence / Pour ça qu’on pleure tous à la naissance  »

Fabe - L’emmerdeur public n°1 (2000)

«  Si on peignait les cons en vert, les commissariats seraient des prairies  »

Oxmo Puccino - Mine de cristal (2001)

«  Casanier, mais fenêtre ouverte sur le monde entier  »

Karlito - La rue cause (2001)

«  On s’la joue artiste parce que la vie c’est compliqué  »

Psy4 De La Rime - Le son des bandits (2002)

«  Enlève-nous le son, t’auras un braqueur d’plus dans ta boutique  »

Booba - Destinée (2002)

« Les hyènes ressentent la tumeur, et moi je suis d’humeur palestinienne »

Booba - Indépendants (2002)

«  C’est bandant d’être indépendant  »

113 - On roule, on rôde (2002)

Rim'k : «  Moi j'pue l'immigration comme une vieille cassette de raï  »

Sniper - Pourquoi (2003)

 Tunisiano : «  On nous parle de mondialisation / Alors que dans nos têtes on en est encore qu'à colonisation  »

Haroun - Panam All Starz (avec Sniper, 2003)

« À mon avis, tu f'rais bien d'retravailler ton intro / Car c'que tu racontes c'est tellement “dit” que j'pourrais t'backer en impro  »

Rohff - Pleure pas (2004)

«  L'micro, c'est comme le calibre, si tu l'sors faut pas hésiter »

Rohff - Souvenirs ( 2004)

«  La vie est moche mais les souvenirs lui donnent du charme  »

Rim’k - Bouzillé (2004)

«  J'ai la dalle comme si j'sortais de taule  »

Dany Dan - Quoi de neuf (avec Moda et Disiz, 2004)

«  Appelle-moi Harrison Ford / Car je pousse un vaisseau spatial chaussé d'Air Force 1  »

Tandem - Hardcore (2005)

Mac Tyer : «  J’baiserai la France jusqu’à c’qu’elle m’aime  »

Lino - 95 Rue Borsalino (J’me confesse) (2005)

 «  On a l’âge de nos actes, la sagesse de leurs conséquences  »

Lino - Macadam Philosophie (2005)

«  Si l'amour est aveugle, j'te crèverai les yeux pour qu'tu m'aimes encore plus  »

Rohff - Regretté (2005)

«  Le monde m’a pourri la vue, pour ça que j’regarde de travers  »

Nakk - Chanson triste (2006)

«  À l'école, j'ai pas trouvé ma branche, y'a trop d'arbres  »

Sefyu -  La vie qui va avec (2006)

«  Rien ne sert de rouler en gamos si t'as pas la vie qui va avec  »

Keny Arkana - J’me barre (2006)

«  Vos lois sont immorales, ma délinquance a des principes !  »

Booba - Pitbull (2006)

«  J'ai grandi j'suis mort en silence / Crucifié sur une caravelle, sous l'œil éternel d'une étoile filante  »

Booba - Boulbi (2006)

«  C''est pas la rue mais l'être humain qui m'attriste / Comment leur faire confiance, ils ont tué le Christ  »

Casey - Chez moi (2006)

«  Sais-tu qu'on n'écoute pas David Martial / La Compagnie créole et "C'est bon pour le moral" / Et que les belles doudous ne sont pas à la cuisine / À se trémousser sur un tube de Zouk Machine ? »

Mafia K’1 Fry - Thug Life (2007)

Kery James : «  Jusqu’à la mort parce qu’on croit en la vie  »

Youssoupha - Éternel recommencement (2007)

« J’suis tellement dos au mur que ma colonne vertébrale est en ciment »

Kennedy - Nique sa mère (2007)

«  Nique le matin, j’me lève à 15 heures  »

Hugo TSR - Objectif Lune (2008)

«  On vise la Lune comme Mimie Mathy dans un concours de dunk »

Alkpote - 44 mesures de terreur (2008)

« J’ai pris en stop la dame blanche au virage, j’l’ai mise en cloque »

Despo Rutti - Braveheart (2008)

« Faut-il que je t’enfonce un thermomètre dans le cul pour que tu distingues le second degré ? »

Al Peco - Hey Marianne (2008)

«  Hey Marianne, dis-moi de quoi t'as peur ? D'être victime d'une tournante par des blacks et des beurres ?  »

Médine - Le prix de la vérité (avec Kery James, 2009)

«  Les cimetières et les bistrots sont remplis d'gars qui "auraient pu"  »

Salif - Cursus scolaire (2009)

« Dur d’niquer la vie sans l’engrosser »

Youssoupha - L’effet papillon (2009)

«  Au fond la vie n'est qu'une maladie sexuellement transmissible  »

Diam’s - Si c’était le dernier (2009)

«  Je suis venue, j’ai vu, j’ai vaincu, puis j’ai fait marche arrière  »

Nubi - Engrenages (2010)

« On rêve de vivre vieux à défaut de vivre mieux  »

Orelsan – Jimmy Punchline (2011)

«  Ma gueule de bois ferait passer Pinocchio pour un vrai p'tit garçon  »

Odezenne - Maux doux (2011)

«  J'constate des doutes dans les évidences / On s'moque de tout tant qu'les heureux dansent  »

Seth Gueko - Adria Music (2011)

« J’vais sniffer les cendres de ma mère pour qu’elle reste dans ma tête »

Nessbeal - La nébuleuse des aigles (2011)

«  Au huitième mois, j'ai voulu me pendre avec le cordon ombilical  »

Sinik - Légitime défonce (2012)

« J’ai consommé plus d’herbe qu’une putain d’tondeuse à gazon »

Nekfeu - Rap Contenders (2012)

«  J'gratte, j'gratte et la nuit, je me défoule contre tes textes / [CLAP CLAP] C'est le bruit de mes boules contre tes fesses !  »

Kaaris - Kalash (avec Booba, 2012)

«  J'fais confiance qu'en mon Desert Eagle, et en Zizou dans les arrêts de jeu  »

Booba - Kalash (avec Kaaris, 2012)

«  Ma question préférée : qu'est-ce je vais faire de tout cet oseille ?  »

Lucio Bukowski - Feu Grégeois (2012)

«  Le rap un lieu commun, comme un acteur de cul imberbe / Plus d'hypocrites que d'antisémites à Nuremberg  »

Hugo TSR - Point de départ (2012)

«  Malgré les paraboles, dur de voir plus loin qu’le pas d’ta porte / On a la dalle, pas celle qu’on enlève avec une Pasta Box »

S.Pri Noir - Ceux qu’on respecte (avec Mister You, 2012)

«  J'suis comme un café, noir, souvent dans une tasse blanche  »

Klub des Loosers - La fin de l'espèce (2012)

 «  Les erreurs se reproduisent, la preuve en sont tes gamins »

Seth Gueko - B.R.N (2013)

« Dis pas à un zoophile que t’as un chat dans la gorge  »

Joke - Anubis (2014)

«  Y'a que moi et Louis XV qui ont su créer des grands seize  »

JeanJass - Pippo Inzaghi (2014)

«  Je frime mais je vais cesser / Je suis comme la meilleure table : dans le fond, je suis réservé »

Ol Kainry - Crie mon nom (2014)

« Mon rap vient d’ailleurs, tu peux l’appeler E.T. / Appelle-moi la dixième balle qui va flinguer Fifty »

PNL - Le monde ou rien (2015)

«  La misère m'emmène en balade, remballe ton échelle, au fond du trou j'empile mes péchés, j'escalade »

Seth Gueko - Val d’oseille (2015)

« Les matons c'est des bâtards, téma la tête qu'ils ont / Il pleut des cordes, il fait un temps à s'évader d'prison »

Vald - Bonjour (2015)

«  Il a pas dit bonjour : du coup, il s’est fait niquer sa mère  »

Booba - 92i Veyron (2015)

«  Nouveau riche, ma Lamborghini a pris quelques dos-d'âne / J'fais ni la queue au Ritz ni au McDonalds  »

SCH - Himalaya (2016)

«  Mon père vous a donné sa santé, je suis là pour l'addition  »

Jazzy Bazz - Le Roseau (2016)

«  C'est pas l'Apocalypse, mais le présent est lugubre / J'suis tellement loin, j'suis nostalgique du futur »

Népal - Rien d’spécial (2016)

«  La vie c'est une brasse : tu peux sonder les abysses ou nager en surface  »

Damso - BruxellesVie (2016)

«  Dans sa teu-cha j’ai nagé le crawl, pourtant son mec vient me check de l’épaule  »

Lomepal - Sur le sol (2017)

«  Il parait que je suis un artiste, c’est quoi un artiste ? Un bon à rien qui touche les autres  »

Kalash Criminel - Shottas (2017)

«  Se lever le tin-ma pour aller taffer, c'est pas pour les flemmards / J'veux le salaire à Messi, la sœur à Neymar »

Damso - N. J Respect R (2017)

«  J’suis dans le mood de finir au Louvre / Car quand je l'ouvre, j'peins avec les mots  »

Lonepsi - Sans dire adieu (2017)

«  J’ai comme une envie souterraine d’aller plonger sous tes reins »

Sameer Ahmad - South Side (2018)

«  Sameer fera du rap car Sergio fait du western  »

Vald - Réflexions basses (2018)

«  Soit je rappe soit je me défonce, dans les deux cas j’me déshumanise  »

Vald - Désaccordé (2018)

«  M'écoute pas si tu préfères ton rap de caissier qui vend pas  »

Dinos - Les pleurs du mal (2018)

«  Que les frères finissent pétés, en chien et endettés / 21 joints par jour comme si c'était le solstice d'été  »

Caballero & JeanJass - ALZ (2018)

Caballero : «  Le seul faux-cul à qui j'tendrai la main est c'lui d'Nicki Minaj  »

Kobo - All Eyez On Me (2018)

«  La rue, une pute qui te rend love d’elle / Et qui t’annonce que c’est toi l’père »

Dosseh - « À chaque jour… » (2018)

«  J’vais pas te décrocher la Lune puisque t’en as déjà une  »

Aya Nakamura - « Djadja » (2018)

«  En catchana baby , tu dead ça ! »

Jazzy Bazz - Stalker (2018)

« À l'inverse d'une cigarette, moi, j't'ai toujours trouvé plus douce sans filtre  »

Alpha Wann - Le piège (2018)

«  Ici, c'est racis me et vente d'armes, des clodos à chaque station / Tu l'appelles Mère Patrie, j'l'appelle Dame Nation  »

Infinit’ - Le tour (2018)

« Faut que j’palpe plus que mon pire ennemi / Que j’écoute "Cactus de Sibérie" dans l’Brabus de Ribéry »

Hamza - Paradise (2019)

 «  Parfois, je vis, demain je meurs, personne me sauvera  »

PNL - Au DD (2019)

 « J'vis dans un rêve érotique / Où j'parle peu mais j'caresse le monde / J'meurs dans un cauchemar exotique / Où la Terre ressemble à ma tombe »

Niska - Bon déjà (2019)

« J'suis pas là pour gratter du buzz, si demain je flop, je vendrais la beuh / Si jamais tu veux me baiser, tu fais comme les autres, bah tu fais la queue »

RK - Pardon Maman (2019)

«  Regarde maman, c'est moi sur la vitre / Sur laquelle j'crachais en attendant l'bus »

Shay - Notif (2019)

«  À s'tourner autour, on finit par tourner en rond  »

Nekfeu - Écrire (2019)

«  Les paysages sont désolés, pourtant les hommes n’ont pas d’excuses  »

Isha - Magma (2020)

« Les hommes deviennent poussière, la glace peut brûler comme le magma »

Maes - Marco Polo (2020)

«  J’sais pas compter les mesures, mais j’sais compter ma SACEM  »

Hyacinthe, l’interview punchline

2017-9-29 08:53

Seth Gueko : "Mon écriture ne se résume pas à des punchlines salaces"

2019-1-25 14:17

À Marseille, on vient de trouver le « Meilleur MC de France »

2019-7-17 10:15


Punchline 🎙️

Les meilleures Punchlines du Rap Français de l’histoire

meilleures punchlines rap francais

Malgré ce que l’on peut penser du rap français, ce dernier dispose aujourd’hui d’une solide histoire, avec ses grands noms et grands morceaux qui ont révolutionné le genre. Retrouvez, dans cet article, les plus grandes Punchlines du monde du rap français.

Ali – « Les players disent que la vie est une pute, J’suis un guerrier j’la considère comme une lutte »

Cette punchline provient de la chanson « Préviens les autres », de l’album « Chaos et Harmonie », sorti en 2005. Ses paroles tristes expriment – entre autres – de la compassion pour les gens des cités, parqués dans des HLM.

De son vrai nom Yassine Sekkoumi, Ali est un ancien membre du groupe Lunatic. Chaos et Harmonie est son premier album solo.

Ali est un rappeur discret, qui apparaît peu dans les médias, mais qui reste actif sur la scène du rap français.

Kery James – « La banlieue a une voix, je ne suis qu’un de ses hauts parleurs »

En terme de punchlines, Kery James est l’un des plus prolifiques rappeurs de France. Grâce à ses sons recherchés et ses textes engagés, il met une bonne partie du rap game en position latérale de sécurité.

Ce texte provient de la chanson « La combat continue, part 3 », elle-même issue de l’album « À l’ombre du showbusiness ».

punchlines rap français kery james

Oxmo Puccino – « La plume est mon épée, la vérité le châtiment »

Tirée de la chanson « Le mal que je n’ai pas fais », cette punchline exprime la satisfaction d’Oxmo qui – avec la réflexion et le recul – est heureux d’avoir échappé à toutes les occasions à cause desquelles il aurait pu faire du mal à autrui. Oxmo Puccino est surtout apprécié pour les nombreuses métaphores et envolées qu’il utilise dans ses textes.

Retrouvez cette chanson dans l’album « Roi sans carrosse », sorti en 2012.

Davodka – « Si t’aimes pas t’faire juger, vivre à Paris sera ta peine capitale »

Davodka exprime ici tous le ressentiment qu’il éprouve envers Paris (et peut-être les Parisiens qui travaillent dans la musique), en raison des jugements qu’ils peuvent émettre. Nous avons, dans cette unique phrase, un jeu de mots habile mettant en rapport la peine capitale (peine de mort) et le terme « capitale », désignant la ville la plus importante d’un pays.

Rohff – « J’ai assez de vices pour faire du bricolage »

Cette punchline provient du morceau « les choses simples », lui même issu de l’album « La Cuenta ». Comme le titre de la chanson, cette punchline peut paraître simple, mais elle reste assez cocasse voir marrante, dans sa comparaison. En tout cas, elle a beaucoup plus aux fans du site

rohff punchlines rap francais

Lacrim – « Ici c’est la folie, je suis bien loin de la tour Eiffel. Tu vis le rêve américain sauf qu’à la fin tu te réveilles. »

Le morceau « un arabe à Miami » raconte les dérives rencontrées par le rappeur lors de son passage à Miami, notamment avec l’omniprésence des fêtes, de la drogue et des filles faciles. Il raconte que cette ville est – tout simplement – pleine de vices. Retrouvez ce morceau dans l’album « Toujours le même » sorti en 2012.

Keny Arkana – « Les politiques sont des prédateurs qui sèment la peur, et qui ont un estomac à la place du cœur. »

Il fallait tout de même nommer une damoiselle du rap dans ce top. Keny Arkana est connue pour ses textes engagés et poignants qui racontent ses galèrent en foyer d’accueil ou simplement sa vision blasée et énervée de la société actuelle, comme le montre cette punchline.

Cette dernière provient du son « Victoria », lui même issu de l’un de ses albums les plus connus « Entre ciment et belle étoile ».

Sniper – « Fallait que je te dise que mon bonheur t’es dédié, et tu peux marcher sur mon cœur car mon cœur est à tes pieds. »

On ne cite plus Sniper, tellement les sons de ce groupe ont retourné le rap game français. Laissez-moi pourtant vous citer cette punchline, du morceau « Fallait que je te dise », touchante et encore si bien écrite, qu’elle en fait encore trembler les newbies du rap. Retrouvez ce morceau dans l’album culte « trait pour trait ».

punchline rap français sniper

Black M « Les plus grosses punchlines ne sont pas dans les textes, mais dans cette religion que Marine déteste ».

On peut dire ce qu’on veut de ce bon vieux Black Mesrimes, mais on ne peut pas nier qu’il est tout de même à l’origine de bons textes. Cette punchline en fait partie. Il y raconte son amour de sa religion (l’Islam) et la met en opposition à la haine dégagée par le parti d’extrême droite (FN), dans une phrase pleine de justesse. Pour les curieux, le morceau c’est « Les plus gros yeux que… l’an 2014 » et l’album « Les yeux plus gros que le monde ».

Orelsan – « La mort c’est la finale, le sommeil c’est l’entrainement. »

Il fallait bien, à un moment donné, citer Orelsan qui remue le rap game depuis plusieurs années. Si j’ai choisi cette punchline, c’est tout simplement pour la justesse qu’elle dégage (je vous conseille d’ailleurs le morceau « Elle viendra quand même ») et également aussi à cause du fait qu’elle me fait froid dans le dos.

Nakk Mendosa – « Si tu pars en couille, suis-moi c’est sur mon chemin. »

Pour écouter ce son, cherchez « Negative Attitude », sur l’album « Street Minimum » de Nakk Mendosa.

Dans ce morceau, le rappeur parle (notamment, mais que) de la tristesse qu’il ressent. Il raconte également quelques moments forts de son histoire.

Bien entendu il ne s’agit qu’une sélection de Rap City, n’hésitez pas vous aussi à partager vos meilleures Punchlines de Rap Français en commentaire 🙂 !

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Top 12 Best Punchline Rappers of All Time

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A great punchline rapper is a special type of artist. In the vibrant tapestry of rap lyricism, there are many ways for an MC to leave their mark. Some rely on their flow, others on their storytelling, a few more choose to write poetic bars, but there are a select few who have mastered the craft of the punchline.

From the relentless, hard-hitting quips of Cassidy and Canibus, to the intricate, clever metaphors woven by Lord Finesse and Royce da 5’9″, each MC on this list represents a different facet of punchline rap. Big Daddy Kane and Big L carry forth the legacy of the golden age, with their timeless one-liners continuing to echo in the culture.

Lil Wayne and Fabolous, meanwhile, bring a distinct charisma and slickness, their punchlines often laced with humor and contemporary references. Then we’ve got Jadakiss and and Lloyd Banks, who have built legacies as two of the most consistently impressive deliverers of punchlines, their verses housing a treasure trove of quotables.

So let’s get into it. From legendary golden age lyricists like Big Daddy Kane and Lord Finesse, to today’s most formidable MCs, Lil Wayne and Jadakiss, here are the top 10 best punchline rappers of all time.

12. Benny the Butcher

Representing that gritty Buffalo sound as one-third of the Griselda crew, Benny’s pen game is nothing short of surgical. With bars sharper than a cleaver, he paints visceral street tales rooted deep in the annals of hustler lore. His “Tana Talk” series? Bro, that’s like a masterclass in lyrical dexterity, merging raw anecdotes with punchlines that hit like Mike Tyson in ’86…. but often leans too heavy on the coke rap narrative. No cap, the man’s got depth, and it’d be fire to see him diversify those themes a bit more.

11. Papoose

Hailing from Brooklyn, Pap ain’t just Remy Ma’s other half. This dude is a lyrical samurai, often underrated in the mainstream but a giant in the punchline arena. Remember “Alphabetical Slaughter”? Dude went from A to Z, dropping knowledge with every letter. While some might critique him for not having that consistent mainstream hit, no one can deny the raw, unfiltered talent. Papoose is a testament to the essence of hip-hop: lyrical skill, unmatched flow, and bars that make you think twice.

10. Cassidy

A veritable wordsmith, Cassidy has been packing punches in his bars since he first stormed the rap scene in the early 2000s. Known for his fierce battle-rap style, the Philly rapper possesses a knack for concocting complex wordplay and pointed disses, making his lyrical delivery feel like a constant barrage of hard-hitting punches. Standout tracks like “I’m A Hustla” and “Hotel” showcase his punchline prowess, as he infuses clever metaphors, biting similes, and witty observations into his flow. Whether in his recorded discography or off-the-cuff freestyles, Cassidy’s punchlines never fail to leave a mark, solidifying his place among the best punchline rappers of all time.

With a rap career marked by unforgettable lyricism and a multitude of face-offs, Canibus stands as an indomitable force in the punchline rap scene. His verses are like well-crafted puzzles, filled with intricate rhymes and thought-provoking punchlines that often require multiple listens to fully decipher. Songs like “2nd Round K.O.” and “Poet Laureate II” serve as prime examples of Canibus’ battle rap prowess and punchline expertise. While Canibus never reached the commercial heights of his peers, the MC’s intellectual approach to rap and unrelenting assault of hard-hitting lines has not only earned him a dedicated fanbase but also respect among his peers in the rap game.

8. Royce da 5’9″

Detroit’s own Royce da 5’9″ is a lyrical titan, and his aptitude for crafting punchlines is nothing short of exceptional. As one-half of Bad Meets Evil with Eminem and a former member of the supergroup Slaughterhouse, Royce has more than demonstrated his capability to hold his own alongside other lyrical heavyweights . Nick Nine’s rhymes are often laced with hard-hitting punchlines, intricate metaphors, and vicious verbal assaults. From the late ’90s to present day, Royce’s mastery of the art of the punchline has always been on full display, hitting listeners with impactful lines that resonate long after the track ends.

7. Lord Finesse

In the realm of punchline rap, few artists wield words quite as deftly as Lord Finesse. With a career spanning three decades, the Bronx native and D.I.T.C. (Diggin’ In The Crates) member has earned his stripes as one of hip-hop’s most revered lyricists, renowned for his inventive punchlines and clever wordplay. His lyrics drip with razor-sharp humor and sly cultural references that often take listeners by surprise, ensuring his rhymes pack a potent punch. Tracks like “”Funky Technician” and “Keep It Flowing” encapsulate Finesse’s knack for verbal gymnastics, with bar after bar filled with smart quips and quick-witted puns. This masterful ability to construct and deliver quotable after quotable sets him apart, marking him as one of the best punchline rappers to ever do it.

6. Big Daddy Kane

One of the founding fathers of the punchline art form, the Brooklyn MC emerged during hip-hop’s golden age in the late ’80s with an inimitable swagger and microphone technique that has influenced countless rap greats. Kane’s punchlines are witty, often laced with both humor and menace, and delivered with pristine finesse. Naming specific examples would be too many — just listen to Long Live the Kane and It’s a Big Daddy Thing and you’ll get the picture of the rapper’s unique ability to weave complex punchlines with a captivating flow.

5. Jadakiss

Few artists in the rap game can match Jadakiss for his ability to blend gritty street tales with unforgettable punchlines. As a key member of The LOX and a respected solo artist, the Yonkers native has consistently proven himself to be a master wordsmith. Whether trading bars with Styles P on “We Gonna Make It” or delivering hard-hitting radio freestyles over Biggie’s “Who Shot Ya?” instrumental, Kiss’ punchlines carry a weight that few can match.

4. Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne, the self-proclaimed “ best rapper alive ,” has been at the forefront of punchline rap since he first started lighting up mixtapes in the mid-2000s. Known for his wildly creative wordplay and unique metaphors, Wayne’s punchlines are often absurd, comedic, and always memorable. They are idiosyncratic expressions of his unorthodox thought process and contribute to his distinctive artistic persona. Tracks like “6 Foot 7 Foot” and “A Milli” exemplify his ability to transform seemingly nonsensical phrases into incredibly catchy and potent punchlines. He might claim “real G’s move in silence like lasagna,” but there’s nothing quiet about the impact of his punchlines on the rap game.

Few can match Big L when it comes to punchline rap. The Harlem rapper was a master of the form, using his formidable lyrical skill to craft lines that were sharp, shocking, and often hilarious. From his debut album Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous to his radio freestyles and the posthumous release The Big Picture , L’s punchlines consistently attacked lesser MCs with a fluidity that few artists could match. His wordplay was incisive, his delivery impeccable, and his influence is evident in generations of punchline rappers who followed. A legend taken too soon, Big L’s short but impactful career left a lasting legacy that is still revered in hip-hop circles today.

2. Fabolous

When it comes to Fabolous, punchlines aren’t just part of his style – they’re an integral part of his identity as an artist. Known for his smooth delivery and clever wordplay, Fab has been serving up memorable punchlines since his debut in the early 2000s. Whether he’s dropping wisdom about relationships or recounting tales from the streets, he always does so with a sly turn of phrase that underscores his lyrical prowess. On albums like Ghetto Fabolous and From Nothin’ to Somethin’ , Fab showcases showcase his knack for punchlines that are as slick as they are memorable. Fab’s ability to blend wordplay with storytelling has made him one of the most consistently impressive punchline rappers in the game.

1. Lloyd Banks

Sitting atop this list is none other than the Punchline King himself, Lloyd Banks. A key member of G-Unit, Banks has consistently been lauded for his intricate wordplay and penchant for crafting hard-hitting punchlines. His rhymes are characterized by complex metaphors and a cleverly crafted narrative style, making his music a treasure trove for lovers of lyrical ingenuity. The Queens rapper’s potent punchlines, especially on early G-Unit mixtapes and his Cold Corner series, not only elevated him to the top of the rap game but also helped redefine the art of punchline rap itself. Even after decades in the industry, Banks remains one of the most talented and influential punchline rappers of all time.

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Punchline rap is a style where the focus is on delivering impactful, thought-provoking lines that often provide a twist or a play on words. In this form of rap, you construct your lyrics to build up to moments that are both memorable and hard-hitting. The punchline itself can be a single line or a couplet, usually distinguished by a clever or unexpected turn of phrase that emphasizes the rapper’s skill and often delivers a strong rhetorical effect.

punchline rap tour eiffel

Understanding the meaning of a punchline in rap is crucial to appreciating the craft’s lyrical depth. It’s more than just the end of a joke; it’s a line that stands out from the rest, packing a verbal punch that resonates with you, the listener. It’s the sort of line you might find yourself quoting or thinking about long after the song is over. The artistry lies in the delivery and the timing, ensuring the punchline lands with precision and reinforces the overarching message of the rap.

In crafting a punchline, you often play with language, using similes, metaphors, wordplay, or double entendres to add layers of meaning. As a listener, you get to unpack these layers, finding enjoyment in the cleverness and creativity of the lyrics. This technique not only showcases the rapper’s lyrical abilities but also engages you actively, making the experience of listening to punchline rap both entertaining and intellectually stimulating.

The Essence of Punchline Rap

Punchline rap is a skillful art form within hip-hop that showcases an emcee’s wit and lyrical cleverness. The potency of a punchline can elevate a rap to new heights, creating moments of surprise and engagement for you, the listener.

Defining the Punchline

Punchline rap refers to a style where the focus is on delivering clever or humorous lines , often at the end of a verse, to elicit a strong reaction. The punchline serves as the climax of a narrative or a payoff to a setup, similar to the punchline in a joke. When you listen to punchline rap, expect the unexpected – a line that flips the script or offers an ingenious twist on words.

History and Evolution

The history of punchline rap dates back to the early days of hip-hop . Originally, it emerged from freestyle battles and cyphers, where MCs would strive to outshine their opponents with quick wit and sharp lyricism. Over time, punchline rap has evolved, with rappers continuously pushing the boundaries of language to produce intricate rhymes and memorable one-liners.

Punchline rap has undergone a significant transformation, tracing from the raw competitive spirit of its inception to the cleverly crafted verses you hear today. It’s an integral part of hip-hop culture, reflecting the genre’s appreciation for the power of words.

Anatomy of a Punchline

In rap, punchlines are your knockout tool to connect with the audience, delivering impact through clever wordplay and metaphors.

Structure and Form

A punchline in rap can be a single line or a couplet that delivers a powerful conclusion or joke. It often comes at the end of a set of bars and is crafted to stand out. For example:

  • Single Line: “I’m not a businessman; I’m a business, man!” – Jay-Z.
  • Couplet: “But in the end, it’s still so lonely / In the end, they’re all phonies” – Kendrick Lamar.

The structure is designed to emphasize the punchline, often through rhyme schemes and rhythmic placement that makes the line memorable.

Rap Wordplay and Metaphors

Wordplay and metaphors are essential in crafting rap punchlines. You utilize these to twist language in a clever way, leaving a lasting impression.

  • Homonyms: Words that sound alike but have different meanings can create a twist. E.g., “Bank account can’t count the commas.” Here, the play on “count” delivers a punchline about wealth.
  • Comparisons that elevate your message. E.g., “Life’s a beach, I’m just playing in the sand” – Lil Wayne.

Remember that the best punchlines in rap use fresh analogies and inventive wordplay that surprise and resonate with the listener.

Crafting Punchlines in Rap

Punchlines in rap are crucial for emphasizing your lyrical skill and leaving a strong impression on your listeners. Understanding the technicality behind writing punchlines and mastering their delivery can set your verses apart.

Techniques for Writing Punchlines

To craft impactful punchlines, focus on wordplay and the element of surprise. Homonyms , words with multiple meanings, can be a powerful tool. For instance, using the word ‘lead’ to imply both guidance and the metal, can create an unexpected twist in your lyrics. It’s essential to make punchlines relatable and yet striking enough to resonate. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Metaphors and Similes : Craft comparisons that are unique yet relatable, such as “I’m swimming in the dough, call me the breadwinner.”
  • Double Entendres : Use one phrase to convey two meanings, like “I’m in a class of my own, no tuition necessary.”
  • Setup and Punchline Structure : Set up a situation in one line and deliver the punchline in the next to create a compelling couplet.

Remember, effective punchlines often stem from observational humor or clever commentary on common experiences. Originality is key. Avoid clichés to ensure your punchlines hit hard and stand out.

Perfecting Timing and Delivery

The impact of your punchline is as much in the delivery as in the words. It’s important to:

  • Pause for Effect : Right before the punchline, a brief pause can amplify its impact.
  • Emphasize Key Words : Put stress on the words within your punchline that carry the weight of the joke or wordplay.
  • Practice : Rhythm and flow are essential. Each punchline should fit seamlessly within your verse and contribute to the overall rhythm of the song.

Your punchline delivery must coincide with the beat structure to maximize impact. Record yourself, listen back, and adjust your timing as needed. This iterative process can refine your punchlines to resonate with listeners and leave a memorable impression.

Iconic Punchlines in Hip Hop

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Hip hop thrives on clever wordplay and impactful punchlines that sharpen its cultural edge. Examining the mastery behind iconic punchlines gives you insights into the genre’s creative prowess.

Notable Examples

Hip hop history is studded with lines that have stopped tracks, turned heads, and entered everyday language. Here’s a selection:

  • Big L : “Ask Beavis, I get nothing Butthead.” This line is not only witty but became emblematic of Big L’s sharp humor and wordplay.
  • Lloyd Banks : Known for his metaphors, a standout line from him is: “I’m so fly, I got arachnophobia.”

Jay-Z once boasted, “I’m not a businessman; I’m a business, man,” underlining his acumen with a memorable punch. These punchlines stand out not just for their cleverness, but their durability in hip hop culture.

Analyzing the Greats

To unpack what makes a punchline hit with such force, examine the elements of surprise, metaphor, and cultural resonance. For example:

  • Surprise : A clever twist of words that leads to an unexpected conclusion can elevate a punchline. Prodigy’s “Keep It Thoro” offers just that with its brash opening lines.
  • Metaphor : Punchlines often employ metaphors to convey a complex idea succinctly and vividly. Papoose exemplifies this in “Alphabetical Slaughter,” matching every letter of the alphabet with a smart lyrical twist.

Delivering a punchline that resonates, that can evoke nods of respect or bursts of laughter, is a testament to a rapper’s lyrical skill. Your appreciation of these lines is enhanced by understanding their craftsmanship and context in hip hop’s evolution.

The Impact of Punchlines on Rap Battles

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Punchlines elevate rap battles, serving as both a weapon and a performance art. They are instrumental in establishing a rapper’s dominance and showcasing lyrical skill.

Punchlines as Battle Tools

Punchlines are your strategic arsenal in rap battles. Consider them as precise, targeted strikes designed to out-do your opponent. A good rap punchline might reference contemporary events or employ clever wordplay to resonate with the audience. The table below illustrates different punchline strategies:

Utilizing unused rap punchlines and metaphors gives you an original edge, distinguishing your performance from others.

Psychology Behind Battle Rap Punchlines

The psychological impact of rap punchlines lies in their ability to sway both the opponent’s and audience’s perceptions. A potent punchline carries the power to undermine the opponent’s confidence while bolstering your own perceived lyrical prowess. By delivering an unpredicted line, you can shift the battle’s momentum in your favor. This cat-and-mouse game of lyrical one-upmanship keeps opponents on their toes and the audience engrossed. Remember, psychological supremacy can be as impactful as the words themselves in a rap battle.

Incorporating Punchlines in Songwriting

punchline rap tour eiffel

Crafting a song with punchlines requires a balance of wit and lyrical dexterity. Your punchlines can transform a track from simple to unforgettable, making every bar impactful.

Creating Memorable Tracks

To create memorable tracks , focus on your punchlines. A punchline in rap is a line that delivers impact, often through clever wordplay or a surprising turn of phrase, providing a moment of realization or humor that resonates with your audience. It’s the ‘mic-drop’ moment in your lyrics. Consider these steps:

  • Set Up the Punchline : The lines leading up to your punchline should build suspense and curiosity.
  • Deliver the Punchline : Follow up with a line that offers a powerful resolution or twist, making sure it’s concise and striking.
  • Use Rhyme Schemes : Rhyme increases the memorability of your punchlines, anchoring them in the listener’s mind.

Integrating Metaphors and Punchlines

Metaphors are a core component of rap punchlines. They allow you to draw comparisons that surprise your audience and deepen the meaning of your lines. Here’s how you can integrate them effectively:

  • First, choose a theme or idea for your metaphor that is relatable and vivid.
  • Craft your metaphor to lead the listener down a path, then use the punchline to reveal an unexpected destination or twist.
  • Make sure your punchline fits seamlessly into your overall narrative, enhancing the song’s theme without feeling forced.

Remember, your punchlines should serve the song and not simply stand out on their own. They’re the moments in unused rap lyrics with punchlines that listeners quote and remember, giving your tracks a life beyond the last note.

The Art of Storytelling through Punchlines

Punchline rap sharpens the narrative edge of hip-hop, using the power of a single line to encapsulate a story or message with unforgettable impact.

punchline rap tour eiffel

Narrative Rap and Punchlines

You encounter narrative rap when a song creates a storyline within its lyrics, often weaving intricate anecdotes that capture your imagination. Punchlines in this context serve as the climax of the story, delivering a powerful resolution or a twist that reshapes your understanding of the narrative. These punchlines are pivotal, similar to the concluding scene of a film that leaves a lasting impression.

  • Example : In the realm of storytelling, consider Biggie Smalls’ narrative craftsmanship in “I Got a Story to Tell,” where the punchline unravels the surprising twist in a tale involving a New York Knicks player.

Conveying Messages with Impact

Punchlines are not mere ornaments in rap; they are strategic tools to convey messages with maximum impact. Whether addressing social issues, personal triumphs, or rivalries, punchlines crystallize the essence of the message, ensuring it resonates with listeners.

  • Key Elements : Your punchline should be sharp, memorable, and often includes a twist or play on words that drives the point home. It’s what people quote and remember.
  • Effectiveness : The brevity and wit of a punchline can articulate complex ideas succinctly and potently.

For educational or illustrative purposes, you might find resources like a “rap punchlines PDF,” which could provide a curated list of iconic lines, demonstrating their effect and usage in the genre.

Punchlines in Mainstream Rap

punchline rap tour eiffel

Punchlines are a powerful tool in rap, using wit and wordplay to make lines that are memorable and impactful. They often encapsulate the essence of a song, making it relatable and catchy to a broad audience.

Commercial Success and Punchlines

Your appreciation of mainstream rap may have been heavily influenced by the clever use of punchlines. A well-crafted rap punchline can elevate a song’s appeal and increase its commercial success. These punchlines often become the most quotable parts of a song, bringing sharp wit or shocking humor that resonates with listeners. For example, chart-topping artists employ punchlines to seal their verses with lines that linger in your memory.

  • Example : Jay-Z’s “I’m not a businessman; I’m a business, man!” distills an entire ethos into a sharp, easily remembered line.

Punchlines in mainstream rap aren’t just about humor; they can pack a poignant message too. They give artists a way to underline their point succinctly and powerfully, often making a social statement that resonates well beyond the music charts.

Punchlines in Popular Culture

The impact of rap punchlines extends into popular culture, becoming catchphrases or references in everyday conversation. Social media, television, and films feature these catchy lines, demonstrating their influence.

  • Popular Usage : Kanye West’s punchy lines about personal struggles and luxury are echoed in memes and discussions, bridging music and cultural commentary.

Punchline mastery is a craft that has built and sustained careers, propelling artists to iconic status. You’ll notice punchlines woven into marketing, clothing lines, and the branding of artists, anchoring their lyrical identity in the cultural lexicon. They are a testament to the artist’s creativity and ability to engage with you on multiple levels, through both the music you hear and the culture you experience.

Advancing Your Punchline Technique

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To elevate your punchline rap skills, you’ll need to concentrate on both developing your writing prowess and refining through feedback.

Advanced Writing Workshops

Participating in advanced writing workshops can propel your punchline creation skills to a new level. Workshops provide a structured environment where you can learn specific techniques to enhance the wit and impact of your punchlines. In these sessions, you’ll focus on wordplay, metaphor construction, and the strategic use of homonyms—words with multiple meanings—to craft lines that resonate with listeners.

  • Wordplay Mastery : Explore multi-layered puns and intricate rhymes.
  • Metaphoric Creativity : Develop metaphors that add depth to your punchlines.
  • Homonym Utilization : Practice integrating homonyms for clever wordplay.

These workshops often offer materials such as how-to guides or a how to write rap punchlines PDF download to supplement your learning.

Feedback and Iterative Improvement

Incorporating feedback is crucial in the iterative process of improving your punchlines. Record your rap sessions and present them for review in a community of peers or with a mentor who has a knack for punchline rap. The key is to identify both the strengths and weaknesses in your punchlines, then revise accordingly.

  • Strengths : Acknowledge what works well to reinforce these elements in future work.
  • Weaknesses : Recognize areas for improvement to focus your refinement efforts.

Remember, the goal is to create punchlines that are not just clever, but also deliver a memorable impact. Continuously editing and improving your lines will lead you to more sophisticated and effective punchline rap.

Resource Toolkit for Punchline Rap

punchline rap tour eiffel

In pursuit of mastering punchline rap, ensure you’re equipped with the right tools. This section breaks down essential books and guides for foundational knowledge, and online resources and communities for enhancing your skills and staying connected with fellow artists.

Books and Guides

To understand the craft of writing compelling rap punchlines, here are a few resources to get you started:

  • “How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip-Hop MC” A comprehensive guide that includes insights on writing punchlines and metaphors.
  • Rap Punchlines and Metaphors PDF An extensive collection of examples that can inform your own punchline development.

Online Resources and Communities

Maximize your punchline potential by leveraging these online tools and communities:

  • Online Rap Punchline Generator Use an algorithm-based tool to get inspired or kickstart your punchline writing process.
  • RapPad ( ) Join a community of rappers, share your verses, and get feedback.
  • Reddit HipHopHeads ( ) Dive into discussions, battles, and share resources with a passionate group of hip-hop enthusiasts.

Frequently Asked Questions

punchline rap tour eiffel

In this section, you’ll find targeted questions and concise responses designed to help you sharpen your punchline rap skills and understanding of rap composition.

How can one effectively write punchlines for rap songs?

Your rap punchlines should deliver surprise or humor, utilizing wordplay, metaphors, and cultural references to leave an impactful impression. Practice is crucial, as is studying skilled rappers and experimenting with different structures.

What are the elements that make up a strong rap punchline?

A potent rap punchline often includes clever wordplay, a setup that builds anticipation, and a final line that resolves with a twist. It should be concise, relate to the song’s theme, and resonate with the listener.

How does one improve their skills at freestyle rapping?

To boost your freestyle rapping abilities, engage in regular practice sessions, read widely to expand your vocabulary, listen to various styles, and challenge yourself with improvisation exercises. Frequent collaboration and participation in rap battles can also hone your skills.

Can you explain the structure of a bar in relation to writing rap lyrics?

In rap, a bar typically consists of four beats and is the basic unit for measuring the rhythm of the lyrics. When writing, ensure that your punchlines fit within the confines of a bar or two, maintaining the rhythmic structure and flow.

Where can aspiring rappers find resources for enhancing their punchline creativity?

Aspiring rappers can improve their craft by studying rap lyric analysis, participating in online rap communities, watching tutorial videos, and analyzing the punchlines of established rappers. Resources like books on lyricism and workshops are also valuable.

What are the differences between traditional poetry and rap when it comes to crafting metaphors and punchlines?

While traditional poetry often prioritizes structured meter and rhyme schemes, rap focuses on flow and delivery in addition to complex rhyme patterns. Rap also frequently incorporates contemporary slang and cultural references in its metaphors and punchlines, setting it apart from conventional poetic forms.


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How to Write a Rap Punchline

Last Updated: April 10, 2024 Approved

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The punchline of your rap is a heavyweight hitter. Pummel your rap rivals to leave ’em bruised and bitter. No matter if you’re a one-liner or a couplet punch spitter, you’ll never hit hard as a quitter. Prep to punch by training and building stockpile, execute the line with class and style, use expert techniques to your audience beguile, and your fans will remember your punchline till old and senile. Knock ’em senseless, flat cold, laid out in the aisle.

Prepping to Punch

Step 1 Familiarize yourself with the structure of a punchline.

  • Eminem gives a great example of this in “Nail in the Coffin,” where he says, “But then again you’ll finally get your wish, / Cuz you’ll be all over the street like 50 cent.”
  • High class like a senior in secondary.
  • You couldn't make fans cheer if you were the leading genius in the wild rap frontier. [3] X Research source

Step 2 Listen to and imitate rappers you admire.

  • Chino XL in “Creep,” says: “As far as that album you dropped, I ain’t feelin’ it / I wouldn’t buy your record if it had a hundred-dollar bill in it.” [4] X Research source
  • You might imitate Chino by saying something like, “As far as your skills, I’ll admit, they’re polished / But rhymes don’t have to sparkle to leave fools demolished.”
  • Some prominent punchline rappers you might want to study include Biggie, Big L, Lloyd Banks, Nas, Eminem, Jay-Z, and more.

Step 3 Pre-write punchlines.

  • To create a punchline from a proverb, you might say, “Two wrongs may not make a right / But it ain't always wrong to fight.”
  • A punchline that uses a timeless theme like love might look something like, “It’s true that only fools fall in love, / But for what it’s cost me, it’s an emotion I’d get rid of.”
  • Using common experiences in punchlines might look like, “Elevator muzak is a practical symphony, / Compared to your rappin’, this audio villainy.”

Step 4 Practice using your environment in punchlines.

  • A punchline that uses a natural disaster might say, “My words rush at ya like a Japanese tsunami / Your rhymes sound more like you're callin’ for mommy.”
  • Punchline about the local climate, like in the example, “Though I spit rhymes on stage cool, precise, and clear, / Is the AC here broke? It's hot up in here.”
  • If you noticed someone tapping their fingers to a beat, it might inspire the line, “I seen you dancin' your fingers on the edge of the table / Could just be nerves, but I think you're unstable.”

Step 5 Train your flow and delivery.

  • Nervousness very frequently makes artists rush when performing. This can result in your rap being too fast to be clear. Massage your face and neck lightly by rubbing them with your hands in small circles to help release tension.
  • Tongue twisters can be a valuable resource for warming up your mouth before rapping. Do a few of these before you go on stage.
  • Try to speak clearly while you have several ice cubes in your mouth. This is an old technique for training greater precision in speaking.
  • Change up the delivery of set lines you plan on using to prevent your speaking from becoming robotic or wooden. Try varying speed, volume, and stress.

Executing the Line

Step 1 Build up to the punchline.

  • “I would never claim to be no Ray Benzino / An 83-year-old fake Pachino / So how can he hold me over some balcony / Without throwin’ out his lower back out as soon as he goes to lift me / Please don’t, you’ll probably fall with me / And our [butts] will both be history / But then again you’ll finally get your wish / Cause you’ll be all over the street like 50 Cent.” [6] X Research source

Step 2 Surprise your audience with a one-liner punchline.

  • Lil Wayne had a particularly impressive one-liner in the song “6 Foot 7 Foot,” where he said, “Real G’s move in silence like lasagna.”
  • In “Just a Memory,” Notorious B.I.G. utters the memorable one-liner, “Climb the ladder to success escalator style.
  • Big Daddy Kane throws down the gauntlet in “’Cause I Can Do it Right” with, “I won’t say I’m the baddest, or portray that role, but I’m in the Top Two, and my father’s gettin’ old.” [8] X Research source

Step 3 Form a punchline couplet.

  • Foo’, in front of y’all here I’ll thoroughly embarrass / Yo’ [butt] like a whoppin’ by your ma on the terrace.”

Step 4 Deliver the punchline.

  • Add pauses between revealing moments in your rap, like where the setup begins to transition to the payoff. The shift in meaning created by the payoff will be highlighted by the pause preceding it.
  • Stressing certain words can create interesting sound patterns in language. This can result in ordinary things sounding weightier and deeper than they might otherwise.

Using Literary Techniques

Step 1 Use puns for punchlines.

  • Lil Wayne puns the line, “Don’t [mess] up with Wayne / ’Cause when it Waynes it pours.”
  • Childish Gambino evokes the suave image of the actor and his role in the movie The Fly with his Goldblum pun: “More green than my Whole Foods and I’m too fly, Jeff Goldblum.” [10] X Research source

Step 2 Employ metaphors and similes.

  • ”She was the nastiest hornet to sting my heart / Lucky me, when I met ya’, I bought an EpiPen dart.”
  • ”His momma wasn’t cucumber cool, she was iceberg lettuce cold.”
  • “My words are leopards / They quick, they real, and on stage, they got spots on ’em.”

Step 3 Draw on irony.

  • Irony in your rap could might look something like, “I roll real big / Every time I ride a Ferris wheel.”
  • The following is an example of irony with a little buildup: ”You might feel like a million dollar [smash] / But you are what you eat, / And Imma make you eat [trash].”

Step 4 Increase surprise with slant rhyme.

  • Some words don’t rhyme as easily as others, like orange. However, with a slant multi, you can rhyme “orange” with “door hinge.”

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wikiHow Staff

To write a rap punchline, you can either write a single line punchline or a couplet. For a single line punchline, you want to come up with something that's clever and to the point. For example, you could write "High class like a senior in secondary" or "I climb the ladder to success escalator style." If you want to write a couplet, come up with 2 lines that rhyme and convey the message you want to get across. For example, your couplet could be like "Two wrongs don't make a right. But it ain't always wrong to fight." To learn how to get inspiration to write rap punchlines, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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punchline rap tour eiffel

Turning Point (Explicit)

punchline rap tour eiffel

eMC is a hip hop crew composed of rappers Masta Ace, Wordsworth and Stricklin. Punchline was also a member, but left the group in October, 2014.   Though not officially formed as a group until 2005, the crew came together in 2001 while touring together on Masta Ace's Disposable Arts tour. Ace described the group's formation in an interview with  :   “ It came about back in 2001, I went on tour to promote my album Disposable Arts and on that tour I travel with Strick. Strick was from Milwaukee, where we found Tommy Boy at the time. And I also travel with Punchline. We ride on the road for about a month or so, we really just got to liking each other and over the course of the last 5 years we collaborated together on a lot of different records. You know, whether it be me and Strick or me and Words. Or Words and Strick. Or Punch and me. We just done so many different collaborations. I mean probably some in the area of 20 different records. That one, or two, or three of us had been on together. That one of us has been on a record that they done with me on my album and it just seems like the right thing to do. Also like some of the fan-sites it was kinda being spoken about before it was actually a reality. It became like a rumor. People was just like "Yo" and started putting it in the chatrooms that we was forming a group and at the time it wasn't even true and then we started talking about "yo, maybe this is a good idea, let's think about it." That's how it came about.” ” Career In 2006, the group's first collaborative track was released online, titled "Four Brothers". eMC's first group effort, The Show was released on iTunes on February 26, and the CD release was on March 25. A single from the album, "What It Stand For", was released in July 2007, and is available for free download on the group's MySpace page. . It features production from Nicolay.   On January 21, 2014, it was announced the group was signed to the newly re-founded Penalty Entertainment, which is run under Sony and distributed by RED Distribution. "Spun A Web" was their first single since the new signing, produced by David E Beats and released on February 24th, 2014. It samples Coldplay's "Trouble", from their debut album Parachutes.   In October, 2014 Punchline left the group after many years. According to Masta Ace, Punchline "just wasn't on the same page as the three of us".   On February 20, 2015, the group announced their second full length album, 'The Tonite Show, will be released on May 5, 2015, on M3/Penalty Entertainment/Sony Red.  This will be their first project as a trio.   Masta Ace Masta Ace (born Duval Clear, Brooklyn, New York) debuted in 1988 as a member of the legendary Juice Crew. He released his acclaimed debut, Take a Look Around, in 1990. In 1992, Ace formed the crew Masta Ace Incorporated, and released two albums with the group, 1993's SlaughtaHouse, and 1995's Sittin' on Chrome. Save for a number of vinyl singles, Ace was missing from the hip hop scene between 1996 and 2000, until returning with his acclaimed concept album Disposable Arts, which featured guest appearances from Strick, Punchline and Wordsworth. Ace returned again in 2004 with another acclaimed concept album, A Long Hot Summer, which also featured guest spots from his fellow eMC members.   Punchline & Wordsworth Punchline (born in Lower East Side, New York) and Wordsworth (born in Brooklyn, New York) originally gained popularity through their appearances at the Lyricist Lounge & All That! open mic events. The two debuted as Punch-N-Words in 1998, making a number of guest appearances that year, dropping in on A Tribe Called Quest's The Love Movement album, Mos Def & Talib Kweli's Black Star album, and Rawkus Records' Lyricist Lounge, Volume One compilation. The duo released their self-titled debut Punch N' Words EP in 2000 on Mona Records, then continued their careers with guest appearances and solo efforts. Wordsworth released his solo debut album, Mirror Music, in 2004 to positive reviews. Punchline left the group in 2014.   Strick Strick (also known as Stricklin, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) made his official debut in 1999, when he signed to rap label Tommy Boy Records. Strick was featured alongside Detroit MC Royce Da 5'9" on Tommy Boy's Black Label, and the two collaborated on the track "It's Over" from the Hip Hop 101 compilation. After his deal with Tommy Boy fell through, Strick began making numerous appearances on underground mixtapes, one which attracted the attention of Masta Ace, who enlisted Strick for an appearance on his 2001 album Disposable Arts. Strick then joined Ace for the album's supportive tour. He also appeared on Ace's 2004 album A Long Hot Summer, and was featured on that album's supportive tour as well.

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  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Best of Moscow by high speed train

By shuguley , February 15, 2014 in Regent Seven Seas Cruises

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Cool Cruiser

Sure would appreciate someone who has taken "Best of Moscow by high speed train" from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day.

Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also what time did you leave the ship and what time at night did you return? Were both legs of the trip on the high speed rail (I read that slower trains also travel the same tracks)?

My wife and I are considering this excursion. We thought that if we are making all the effort to go to Russia then how could we pass up going to Moscow, walking in Red Square, seeing St. Basil, etc.

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If you are considering this on the 2015 June Baltic cruise on Voyager; my suggestion is don't. There is so much to do in St. Petersburg and although a train is one of my favorite ways to travel the time would be far better spent in St. P.

Thanks for the advice. Yes, this would be on the Voyager during the 2015 season but not yet sure exactly which cruise.

5,000+ Club

We did the Moscow excursion "on a different luxury line", but from your brief description it sounds very much like the same trip, so I will operate on that assumption. It is a VERY long day! We left the ship at 5:30 AM and returned at 12:30 AM. The highspeed train trip is comfortable, and while they call it "Business Class" it does not compare well to the equivalent class on say Rail Europe. When we did it in 2011, we did have highspeed both ways, and the trip back seemed much longer as the adrenaline and excitement had worn off!:D

Moscow itself is not that terribly different from any other big city in the world, but this Cold War kid never thought he would ever stand in Red Square, never mind walk the grounds of The Kremlin, or tour The Kremlin Palace, or see (but not visit) Lenin's Tomb, or visit The Armoury. But he did, and he loved every minute of it! Yes, it is a long day, and you barely scratch a scratch on the surface, but it is worth it. There is a tremendous amount to see in St. Petersburg, but every Baltic cruise goes to St. Petersburg, so you can go back if you choose to. Not every cruiseline offers you the chance to see Moscow.


I have not personally done this tour, but our last time in St Petersburg, the private guide that we hired for a day was leading the regent tour to Moscow on the high speed train the next day. He said it was way better than the previous alternative, which was flying to Moscow and back. He said that you actually got to Moscow faster because you didn't have to deal with airline checkin etc. it did seem like a very long day to me, and there is so much to see and do in st. Petersburg that I didn't consider doing it.



We toured to Moscow from St. Petersburg via the hi-speed SAPSAN train last September, from a Baltic cruise on the Oceania Marina. You need to have a two-night, three day port call in St. Petersburg to take this tour because the tour typically leaves the ship around 5:00 - 5:30 AM and doesn't return until after midnight the next day. We didn't take the ship's tour; we made private arrangements with TravelAllRussia for three days of touring, the first and third days in St. Petersburg and the second day the tour to Moscow by train. Our cost for the private tour for three days was about the same as what the ship charged for the excursion to Moscow alone. There are a number of private tour agencies that operate in St. Petersburg and offer the Moscow train tours; we would strongly recommend them over the ship's tours.

All three days had private guides with car and driver. The second day, the driver picked us up at the ship and took us to the train, but we were alone on the train, and met in Moscow by the guide on the station platform. After our tour and dinner, we were brought back to the train and after the return train trip met by the driver and taken back to the ship. Because you are alone on the train you must have your own Russian visas.

If this is your first visit to St. Petersburg, I would agree there is much more to see there. We found Moscow somewhat a disappointment, particularly Red Square. The Kremlin and the cathedral in Red Square were also worth seeing. But the best thing we saw was the Moscow subway! I worked for the Washington Metro system back in the 1980s as it grew from 40 to 80 miles and although I was in the computer area, I learned a lot about the challenges of running a subway system. We used the Moscow system to get across the city from where we had dinner to the train station, and I was amazed at the cleanliness', speed of operation, the short headways maintained, and the courtesy of everyone involved. A very impressive experience!

We had been to St. Petersburg before, and so had the time to take a day and go to Moscow. Also, I really like trains, and the SAPSAN is a German train set running on Russian rails. Seats are like first class domestic air, spacious but not too plush or comfortable, but with enough room. Not too much recline, and almost 8 hours on the train in two shots is a lot for an old man. They come through and sell drinks, candy, etc. but the sellers don't speak English and no one around us helped, so we had just poor coffee once coming, and brought stuff with us for the trip back. Not too much to see from the train either, particularly on the return when it is night the whole way.

If you decide to go, take a private tour and avoid the overly expensive ship's tour. I'm glad we did it, but wouldn't bother to repeat the tour; we've seen Moscow.

Thanks so much to all of you for the thorough and thought insight. Yhe information you have provided is most helpful.

countflorida: Your detailed post is very helpful. We are not quite ready for a Baltic cruise but should do so within a year. Time enough to do our pre travel research, bookings and visa gathering.:) Thank you!

Emperor Norton

Emperor Norton

Sure would appreciate someone who has taken "Best of Moscow by high speed train" from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day.   Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also what time did you leave the ship and what time at night did you return? Were both legs of the trip on the high speed rail (I read that slower trains also travel the same tracks)?   My wife and I are considering this excursion. We thought that if we are making all the effort to go to Russia then how could we pass up going to Moscow, walking in Red Square, seeing St. Basil, etc.

I did this on Seabourn. IMO DONT. Take Aeroflop (er Aeroflot). The train has non folding seats where you are literally knee to knee with your fellow passenger (facing each other). Further they don't believe in air conditioning. It's also the worlds slowed bullet train. I think I would have found more enjoyment wandering around the St. Petersburg and Moscow airports.


This is a little off topic,, however we had planned a river cruise in Russia but decided we would rather stay on land and have booked about two weeks with Travel-All-Russia using the private guide and driver. I'm curious as to how you found them as a tour company.

The guides they provided were fine. We had a different guide each of the days in St. Petersburg, but both were flexible, pleasant, knowledgeable and spoke English very well, as did the guide in Moscow, incidentally. She was a bit aloof, distant, not too friendly, but otherwise fine. In fact, she was the one who suggested taking the Metro, which unexpectedly became one of the highlights of the Moscow excursion. If I have a complaint with AllTravelRussia, it is with their plan and its execution (more later).

I had requested emphasis on World War II (in Russia, the Great Patriotic War) sites and info. In scheduling us, they weren't careful about dates and a couple of the sites we wanted to see were scheduled on the third day, after we'd been to Moscow. But both sites were closed that day of the week, and that info was readily available, right on web sites describing them. Also, the included meals (lunches in St. Pete, dinner in Moscow) were not what we asked for: light meals with some choices, so we could avoid things we didn't like and choose things we did like. My request was ignored; we were given full Russian meals with a fixed menu, no choice. On the first day, a fish dish was the entre, but I am allergic to fish. Fortunately, I had the e-mail I'd sent with me and showed it to the guide, and she was able to change my entre to chicken, which was very good actually. But we didn't want a 3-4 course lunches or dinner (in Moscow). We had the guide drop the lunch the third day, although we never got any credit or refund. But, particularly in contrast to the ship's tours, the prices were so reasonable we didn't worry too much about it.

The people who were on the ship's tour to Moscow saw us boarding the same train for which they were forced to queue up and wait on the way back, and asked us what we had done. I was candid and open so they were not happy when I explained what we had arranged and particularly what it had cost. Also, when we returned to the ship, we found they had laid on a late supper for those who had gone to Moscow, so up we went and had something. Well, it turns out the late supper was supposed to be just for those on the ship's tour, but we and others on 'independent' tours, there were a dozen or more of us, crashed the party, actually got there first, and they didn't realize it until the larger group arrived and there weren't enough tables/places set. By that time, the 'independents' had all gotten served and were eating; what could they do?

A couple from the larger group sat down with us and asked us about our tour, and they were the ones I told about our arrangement and its cost. They turned to others who’d been with them and announced the details, loudly enough so the whole room heard, which started a lot of bitching and complaining. I gathered they weren't very happy with the ship's tour to begin with, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. We finished up and beat it out of there, but overheard later that one of the excursion staff came to check on something and ran into a real mess. I caught a cold on the trip, which forced me to bed the second day following in Tallinn, so by the time we reappeared we heard about the contretemps' but apparently no one recalled who started it, thankfully.

Because of what happened to us, I would probably not use AllTravelRussia if I were to go again, or if I did, I would be sure to get confirmation of every detail of the tour. They do have good reviews generally, and we were certainly helped by their visa department and liked the guides and drivers. Their weakness, I say now with full 20:20 hindsight, is that once the sales person who plans the tour, sells it to you and collects your money, he (or she) transfers the plan to their Russia office for implementation; there is no follow-up to make sure it gets done right. And that is where our problems arose; we paid for a custom tour but got a standard package with a few destinations switched, and no one checked them out, even to see when they were open the day we were scheduled to go. If you check every detail that’s important to you, it should be OK, but that’s a hell of a way to have to do business, in my opinion.

Thank you for the 20/20 hindsight observation on your Russian tour operator, and better priced than the ship's excursion cost.

Thanks very much for the feedback.

We had the same experience as you so far as price. We originally booked a Viking Cruise but, hearing some things about the river cruises that made us unhappy, looked into other options. T-A-R cost the same or less than a cruise and had us in hotels for 11 days. We opted for the private tour. They have three tour levels, based on hotels. We originally opted for the four star as it did not cost much more than the three star hotels. Finally we decided to throw it all in and upgraded to five star. In Moscow we will be at the newly opened Kempinsky which is two blocks from Red Square. In St. Petersburg it is the Grand Hotel Europe, one of the most vaunted luxury hotels in Russia. Location is important for us as the tours use up only part of the day so being in the center of everything for our independent touring is important. As with many other cities, the less you pay, the farther out of the center of town you are.

We have been working with our salesman in D.C. and he seems to get back to us with the changes we want. He recently returned from Russia so is up on everything. When I asked they said they paid the full TA commission if I wanted so I got my usual TA on board so he is watching our back and giving us that extra level of comfort. He also set up our air, which I know pays him little or nothing, and got us business class for much less than T-A-R wanted for economy, though it took working for a while with a consolidator. He's happy to get his 10 percent on this trip without having booked it. He also took care of the trip insurance. We've been doing a lot of research on the CC sister site Trip Advisor and will write a report there. We will, I guess, become a source of info for CC members after having spent 5 days in Moscow and 6 in SP.

  • 4 months later...



Anybody considering a day trip to Moscow from St. Petersburg on the Sapsan may want to look at our travelogue filled with pictures.


Very informative. Thanks dor sharing. Jeff

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  1. Voici les 100 meilleures punchlines de rap français

    Confinement oblige, le temps s'étire et des idées folles viennent à l'esprit. Comme de compiler au sein d'un même papier les 100 meilleures punchlines de rap français, selon un ordre chronologique et des choix purement subjectifs. Au menu : des métaphores, des figures de style à faire jalouser les poètes et des artistes prêts à faire du sale à vos mamans.

  2. Les meilleures Punchlines du Rap Français de l'histoire

    Comme le titre de la chanson, cette punchline peut paraître simple, mais elle reste assez cocasse voir marrante, dans sa comparaison. En tout cas, elle a beaucoup plus aux fans du site Lacrim - « Ici c'est la folie, je suis bien loin de la tour Eiffel. Tu vis le rêve américain sauf qu'à la fin tu te réveilles.

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    4. Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne, the self-proclaimed " best rapper alive ," has been at the forefront of punchline rap since he first started lighting up mixtapes in the mid-2000s. Known for his wildly creative wordplay and unique metaphors, Wayne's punchlines are often absurd, comedic, and always memorable.

  4. eMC (hip hop group)

    1998-present. Labels. M3 Records, Penalty Entertainment. Members. Masta Ace, Wordsworth, Stricklin. Past members. Punchline. eMC is a hip hop crew composed of rappers Masta Ace, Wordsworth and Stricklin. Punchline was also a member, but he left the group in October, 2014.

  5. Punchline Rap Essentials: Crafting Hard-Hitting Bars in Hip-Hop

    The punchline serves as the climax of a narrative or a payoff to a setup, similar to the punchline in a joke. When you listen to punchline rap, expect the unexpected - a line that flips the script or offers an ingenious twist on words. History and Evolution. The history of punchline rap dates back to the early days of hip-hop. Originally, it ...

  6. Punchline Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Buy Punchline tickets from the official site. Find Punchline tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.

  7. PNL (rap duo)

    PNL (French pronunciation: [pe ɛnɛl]; acronym for Peace N' Lovés, lit. ' Peace and Money ') is a French rap duo consisting of siblings Ademo (born Tarik Andrieu, French: [taʁik ɑ̃dʁijø]) and N.O.S (born Nabil Andrieu, [nabil ɑ̃dʁijø]), from Corbeil-Essonnes. Formed in 2014, they released their debut studio album, Le Monde Chico the next year. In 2016, the duo released their second ...

  8. Punchline

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  9. The OFFICIAL Eiffel Tower website: tickets, news, info

    Discover or visit the tower: buy a ticket (10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults and 2.6 to 13.10 € for children and young people), news and practical information

  10. "Punchline" Mère d'Armand, le terroriste de la Tour Eiffel: « Je

    IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers.

  11. Punchline Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024)

    Punchline is an American pop-punk/rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They formed in 1998. The band signed to Fueled By Ramen records in 2003 and released "Action" in 2004. ... The Spill Canvas / Ace Enders / Punchline. 20th Anniversary Tour Rumba Cafe: Columbus, Ohio, United States: Jun 20, 2024 Upcoming. Buy Tickets. The Spill Canvas ...

  12. How to Write a Rap Punchline: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    To write a rap punchline, you can either write a single line punchline or a couplet. For a single line punchline, you want to come up with something that's clever and to the point. For example, you could write "High class like a senior in secondary" or "I climb the ladder to success escalator style." If you want to write a couplet, come up with ...

  13. Sorties

    Pour son nouveau clip, le groupe de rap PNL se met en scène en haut de la tour Eiffel

  14. Punchline: The band from Pittsburgh, PA

    Punchline: The band from Pittsburgh | Stream, Listen, Watch their videos here.

  15. Punchline rap dz

    Punchline rap dz, Alger. 7,829 likes · 118 talking about this. ᢏ

  16. The Turning Point-Turning Point (Explicit)-在线听书-酷狗听书

    eMC is a hip hop crew composed of rappers Masta Ace, Wordsworth and Stricklin. Punchline was also a member, but left the group in October, 2014. Though not officially formed as a group until 2005, the crew came together in 2001 while touring together on Masta Ace's Disposable Arts tour. Ace described the group's formation in an interview with ...

  17. Eiffel 65

    EIFFEL 65 - LIVING IN A BUBBLE (LIVE IN MOSCOW) [28-04-2000] Rare Panico Europop Concert

  18. How do you guys come up with punchlines? : r/makinghiphop

    A teenage boy is getting ready to take his girlfriend to the prom. First he goes to rent a tux, but there's a long tux line at the shop and it takes forever. Next, he has to get some flowers, so he heads over to the florist and there's a huge flower line there. He waits forever but eventually gets the flowers.

  19. L­a Grande interview Europe 1

    Listen now to 📣 L­a Grande interview Europe 1 - CNews présente Punchline - Israël / Hamas : l'acte terroriste de la Tour Eiffel est il la conséquence du conflit en Israël ? from L'interview politique - Sonia Mabrouk on Chartable. See historical chart positions, reviews, and more.

  20. Punchline rappeurs francais #1

    Punchline. Rappeur. Tu m'calcules pas, mon cœur s'déchire, c'est pas ma faute si t'as pas eu c'que tu désires. Jul. Laisse-moi me taper des barres, quand j'entends qu'ils disent "l'avenir est à nous". Tiakola. Mettre un voile sur mon cœur, mais l'amour est un établissement laïque.

  21. FORMULA, OOO Company Profile

    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for FORMULA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  22. Best of Moscow by high speed train

    Sure would appreciate someone who has taken Best of Moscow by high speed train from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day. Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also wha...