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Tourism and Quality of Life: How Does Tourism Measure Up?

Profile image of Pierre Benckendorff

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The present notes of research centres on the problem of fragmentation, which is experienced by tourism applied research in the recent years. Echoing the original claims issued by John Tribe-followed by many others scholars-, we discuss further on the socioeconomic factors that prevented tourism its maturated and stylised form. Though we introduce a materialist viewpoint, echoing David Harvey, no less true is that the point is open to further debate-incorporating cultural viewpoints-. The impulses and bursts of interest received simultaneously from social science but also by the theory of scientifisation coined by Jafar Jafari did not suffice to gain purchase over a maturated discipline. Even if followers of Jafari envisaged that the maturation of tourism hinged on the proficiency and prolificity of published works, this obscured more than it clarified. Nowadays, the epistemology of tourism is facing a serious crisis which needs immediate attention.

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The Impact of Tourism on the Quality of Life of Communities in Tourist Destination Areas: A Systematic Review

  • Ni Made Sri Nopiyani Doctoral of Medical Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia; Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia

BACKGROUND: Tourism development can have a positive or negative impact on the lives of local communities.

AIM: This systematic review aims to determine the impact of tourism on the quality of life (QoL) of people in tourist destination areas.

METHODS: The search was conducted on the Science Direct database, Taylor Francis, EBSCO Host, Wiley Online Library, and Google Scholar. The keywords used were “residents’ QoL” AND impacts of tourism. Inclusion criteria were articles that focus on the QoL of people in tourist destination areas, published from 2015 to 2019 in peer-reviewed journals, in English. Articles were excluded if they were qualitative studies, literature reviews, and if full papers were unavailable. The review was conducted on 18 articles selected from 673 articles obtained in the initial search.

RESULTS: Tourism has an impact on the QoL of local communities. In general, the domains that are perceived as being positively affected are the improvement of the economy, employment opportunities, community pride, cultural exchanges, and increased facilities availability. Meanwhile, the domains that are negatively affected in most of the studies are health, safety, quality of the physical environment, cost of living, accessibility to public facilities, and social relations. Apart from that, there is also dissatisfaction with the types of jobs available and the low level of community involvement in tourism development.

CONCLUSIONS: Tourism can have both positive and negative impacts on the QoL of local communities. Efforts to minimize the negative impacts of tourism should be undertaken to improve community support for tourism development.

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Uysal M, Sirgy MJ, Woo E, Kim HL. Quality of life (QOL) and well-being research in tourism. Tour Manag. 2016;53:244-61. DOI:

Yu CP, Cole ST, Chancellor C. Assessing community quality of life in the context of tourism development. Appl Res Qual Life. 2016;11:147-62. DOI:

Mathew PV, Sreejesh S. Impact of responsible tourism on destination sustainability and quality of life of community in tourism destinations. J Hosp Tour. 2017;31:83-9. DOI:

Su L, Huang S, Huang J. Effects of destination social responsibility and tourism impacts on residents’ support for tourism and perceived quality of life. J Hosp Tour Res. 2018;42:1039-57. DOI:

Woo E, Kim H, Uysal M. Life satisfaction and support for tourism development. Ann Tour Res. 2015;50:84-97. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.annals.2014.11.001 DOI:

Woo E, Uysal M, Sirgy MJ. Tourism impact and stakeholders’ quality of life. J Hosp Tour Res. 2018;42:260-86. DOI:

Sajad F, Bhat MA. Relationship between tourism impacts and residents’ quality of life: A study in kashmir valley. Int J Manag Stud. 2018;5:9. DOI:

Biagi B, Ladu MG, Meleddu M, Royuela V. Tourism and the city: The impact on residents’ quality of life. Int J Tour Res. 2019;1:1- 14. DOI:

Yu CP, Cole ST, Chancellor C. Resident support for tourism development in rural Midwestern (USA) communities: Perceived tourism impacts and community quality of life perspective. Sustainability. 2018;10:802. DOI:

Hanafiah MH, Azman I, Jamaluddin MR. Responsible tourism practices and quality of life: Perspective of Langkawi Island communities. Procedia Soc Behav Sci. 2016;222:406-13. DOI:

Park K, Lee J, Lee TJ. Residents’ attitudes toward future tourism development in terms of community well-being and attachment. Asia Pac J Tour Res. 2017;22:160-72. 0941665.2016.1208669 DOI:

Su L, Swanson SR. The effect of personal benefits from, and support of, tourism development: The role of relational quality and quality-of-life. J Sustain Tour. 2019;1:1-22.

Eslami S, Khalifah Z, Mardani A, Streimikiene D, Han H. Community attachment, tourism impacts, quality of life and residents’ support for sustainable tourism development. J Travel Tour Mark. 2019;36(9):1061-79. DOI:

von Elm E, Altman DG, Egger M, Pocock SJ, Gøtzsche PC, Vandenbroucke JP. The strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) statement: Guidelines for reporting observational studies. PLoS Med. 2007;4(10):e296. PMid:25046131 DOI:

Bimonte S, D’Agostino A, Grilli G, Pagliuca M. Tourist season and residents’ life satisfaction: Empirical evidence from a longitudinal design in a Mediterranean destination. Int J Tour Res. 2019;21(3):323-33. DOI:

Tokarchuk O, Gabriele R, Maurer O. Tourism intensity impact on satisfaction with life of German residents. Tour Econ. 2016;22:1315-31. DOI:

Su L, Huang S, Nejati M. Perceived justice, community support, community identity and residents’ quality of life: Testing an integrative model. J Hosp Tour Manag. 2019;41:1-11. DOI:

Kafashpor A, Ganji SF, Sadeghian S, Johnson LW. Perception of tourism development and subjective happiness of residents in Mashhad, Iran. Asia Pac J Tour Res. 2018;23(6):521-31. DOI:

Carneiro MJ, Eusébio C, Caldeira A. The influence of social contact in residents’ perceptions of the tourism impact on their quality of life: A structural equation model. J Qual Assur Hosp Tour. 2018;19:1-30. 08x.2017.1314798 DOI:

Ridderstaat J, Croes R, Nijkamp P. A two-way causal chain between tourism development and quality of life in a small island destination: An empirical analysis. J Sustain Tour. 2016;24:1461- 79. DOI:

Liang Z, Hui T. Residents’ quality of life and attitudes toward tourism development in China. Tour Manag. 2016;57:56-67. DOI:

Suntikul W, Pratt S, Kuan WI, Wong CI, Chan CC, Choi WL, et al. Impacts of tourism on the quality of life of local residents in Hue, Vietnam. Anatolia. 2016;27(4):405-20. 080/13032917.2016.1138234 DOI:

Al-Saad S, Al-Orainat L, Al-Badarneh M, Al-Makhadmeh A. Residents’ perceptions towards tourism and its impacts on their quality of life in Aqaba city. Dirasat Hum Soc Sci. 2018;45(1):229-44. DOI:

Wang X, Cheng Z. Cross-sectional studies: Strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations. Chest. 2020;158(1S):S65- 71. DOI:

Wirawan IM, Wirawan DN, Kurniasari NM, Merati KT. Travel agent and tour guide perceptions on travel health promotion in Bali. Health Promot Int. 2020;35(1):e43-50. PMid:30668759 DOI:

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The Daily Digest

The Daily Digest

Coping with dementia: strategies to improve quality of life

Posted: February 19, 2024 | Last updated: February 19, 2024

<p>The data from experts is alarming: according to the WHO, 55 million people suffer from dementia in the world, and this number is expected to rise to 153 million in 2050. However, innovative tourism initiatives<span> help give meaning to the lives of older people affected by this disease.</span></p>

Strategies to improve quality of life

The data from experts is alarming: according to the WHO, 55 million people suffer from dementia in the world, and this number is expected to rise to 153 million in 2050. However, innovative tourism initiatives help give meaning to the lives of older people affected by this disease.

<p>A collaborative study between the Center for Precision Health and the ECU School of Business and Law reveals the positive effects of travel on mental health.</p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener">Never miss a story! Click here to follow The Daily Digest.</a></p>

Another way of thinking

A collaborative study between the Center for Precision Health and the ECU School of Business and Law reveals the positive effects of travel on mental health.

Never miss a story! Click here to follow The Daily Digest.

<p>Led by Dr. Jun Wen and made up of specialists in tourism, public health and marketing, Dr. Wen concludes, in an article published in Patrimoine's IG Gestion, that "tourism goes beyond leisure and its role in our current society".</p>

Healing tourism

Led by Dr. Jun Wen and made up of specialists in tourism, public health and marketing, Dr. Wen concludes, in an article published in Patrimoine's IG Gestion, that "tourism goes beyond leisure and its role in our current society".

<p>By offering dementia-friendly travel, it is possible to promote awareness and understanding and encourage greater awareness of how to support those living with the condition effectively and in different contexts.</p>

Awareness and understanding

By offering dementia-friendly travel, it is possible to promote awareness and understanding and encourage greater awareness of how to support those living with the condition effectively and in different contexts.

<p>This is discussed in an extensive article published by National Geographic. They write that, in Sydney, the Australian Museum of Contemporary Art offers classes where educators discuss the meaning of specific works of art with participants with dementia, who are then given materials to create their own works at home.</p>

At the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

This is discussed in an extensive article published by National Geographic. They write that, in Sydney, the Australian Museum of Contemporary Art offers classes where educators discuss the meaning of specific works of art with participants with dementia, who are then given materials to create their own works at home.

<p>According to Jun Wen, professor of tourism at Edith Cowan University, all tourism experiences stimulate brain function through anticipation and planning. He further states that "exercise is often an important component of tourist experiences, and is often included in dementia intervention plans," according to National Geographic.</p>

Future planning

According to Jun Wen, professor of tourism at Edith Cowan University, all tourism experiences stimulate brain function through anticipation and planning. He further states that "exercise is often an important component of tourist experiences, and is often included in dementia intervention plans," according to National Geographic.

<p>Every trip begins when you are planning it. Cities offer all types of accessible spaces (parks, museums, etc.) to carry out different activities or carry out accompanying services.</p>

Tourism in your own city

Every trip begins when you are planning it. Cities offer all types of accessible spaces (parks, museums, etc.) to carry out different activities or carry out accompanying services.

<p>The Pascal Maragall Foundation recommends good family communication and maintaining basic customs and routines (meal and sleep schedules). They also suggest that you plan a few but varied activities and take a familiar object to your vacation destination that is part of your everyday environment.</p>

Transform travel stress into a healthy adventure

The Pascal Maragall Foundation recommends good family communication and maintaining basic customs and routines (meal and sleep schedules). They also suggest that you plan a few but varied activities and take a familiar object to your vacation destination that is part of your everyday environment.

<p>Another exciting and enriching activity for people with dementia, as National Geographic points out,  are known as Memory Cafes. In Australia, they already have several of these meeting places where people with dementia socialize.</p>

The Memory Cafes in Australia

Another exciting and enriching activity for people with dementia, as National Geographic points out,  are known as Memory Cafes. In Australia, they already have several of these meeting places where people with dementia socialize.

<p>It is also recommended, as much as possible, to change your environment and experience new things that renew the spirit and rejuvenate body and mind.</p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener">Never miss a story! Click here to follow The Daily Digest.</a></p>

An opportunity to continue enjoying life

It is also recommended, as much as possible, to change your environment and experience new things that renew the spirit and rejuvenate body and mind.

<p>Natural environments such as the mountains or the sea offer a wide range of sensory stimuli, such as the sound of waves, the aroma of flowers or fresh air. These stimuli can help awaken the senses and improve mood.</p>

Enjoy natural environments

Natural environments such as the mountains or the sea offer a wide range of sensory stimuli, such as the sound of waves, the aroma of flowers or fresh air. These stimuli can help awaken the senses and improve mood.

<p>Swimming, yoga, pilates and walks are other highly recommended activities for people with dementia. We are talking about gentle exercise, something that helps maintain mobility, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation and breathing.</p>

Gentle exercise

Swimming, yoga, pilates and walks are other highly recommended activities for people with dementia. We are talking about gentle exercise, something that helps maintain mobility, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation and breathing.

<div><span>When people are heading for retirement, the most common advise they receive revolves around their financial plan. And though really important, it’s not the only aspect one should be prepared for.</span></div>

Shared experiences

Adapted tourism offers a way to enjoy shared experiences in a safe and stimulating environment, giving a sense of belonging and connection with others.

<p>Many centers offer fun therapies such as laughter therapy, body expression therapies such as dance therapy, or connection with other people. Among the latter, the one known as the 'hug workshop' stands out, in which hormones that have to do with love and affection are released and bonds are strengthened.</p>

Group activities

Many centers offer fun therapies such as laughter therapy, body expression therapies such as dance therapy, or connection with other people. Among the latter, the one known as the 'hug workshop' stands out, in which hormones that have to do with love and affection are released and bonds are strengthened.

<p><span>Even if you stop working, you can stay in touch with </span><span>your former co-workers</span><span>. Experts also recommend to make plans with friends and</span><span> family and to check out</span><span> social and cultural </span><span>events</span><span> happening</span><span> in your community</span><span>.</span></p> <p>Photo: Zhang Kaiyv/Unsplash</p>

Improves quality of life

And it is a fact that human relationships shared with family or friends and positive memories of new adventures can significantly improve our quality of life.

Photo: Zhang Kaiyv/Unsplash

<p>Traveling and experiencing new and stimulating environments can provide valuable cognitive and emotional stimulation, which can help maintain your mental and emotional abilities for longer.</p>

Cognitive and emotional stimulation

Traveling and experiencing new and stimulating environments can provide valuable cognitive and emotional stimulation, which can help maintain your mental and emotional abilities for longer.

<p>And we must not forget that traveling with an elderly relative can be an enriching experience for the entire family. Family ties are strengthened, inclusion is encouraged and there is a clear cultural enrichment. It is an opportunity to create unforgettable memories and share meaningful experiences together.</p>

Family tourism

And we must not forget that traveling with an elderly relative can be an enriching experience for the entire family. Family ties are strengthened, inclusion is encouraged and there is a clear cultural enrichment. It is an opportunity to create unforgettable memories and share meaningful experiences together.

<p>By offering adapted tourism options, we combat the stigma and social exclusion associated with dementia, promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for all people, regardless of their cognitive abilities.</p>

Reducing stigma and exclusion

By offering adapted tourism options, we combat the stigma and social exclusion associated with dementia, promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for all people, regardless of their cognitive abilities.

<p>In each city and country, there are human, technical and support resources available for recreational and tourist activities that benefit the entire family. <span>Don't hesitate to make the most of life and, why not, also explore all the available options to the fullest.</span></p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener">Never miss a story! Click here to follow The Daily Digest.</a></p>

Quality of life

In each city and country, there are human, technical and support resources available for recreational and tourist activities that benefit the entire family. Don't hesitate to make the most of life and, why not, also explore all the available options to the fullest.

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Maine Lobster Festival, Smashing Pumpkins and actress Kathleen Turner are all here this weekend

You can also enjoy an epic ice cream sandwich and some local hazy IPAs.

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Still from Cat Video Fest. Contributed/Cat Video Fest

Hello, August!

The dog days are summer are here, so let’s celebrate with the Cat Video Fest at Portland Museum of Art and Strand Theatre. Or head to the Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland. Those are just a few of the choices in this week’s events roundup .

Maine Lobster Festival, Wild Blueberry Weekend and Lyle Divinsky

tourism and quality of life

Lily Philbrook, Kathleen Turner and Colin Anderson in the Ogunquit Playhouse production of “A Little Night Music.” Photo by Nile Scott Studios

Actress Kathleen Turner is one of the stars of “A Little Night Music” at Ogunquit Playhouse,  playing through Aug. 17. You’ll recognize her from her many film roles, including “Peggy Sue Got Married,” or maybe as Chandler Bing’s father in “Friends.” Here’s an interview with Turner, who unpacks how she got the role and how the show is going.

Actress Kathleen Turner, now performing in Ogunquit, on being in her first musical

tourism and quality of life

Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins in Memphis, Tennessee in 2022. L Paul Mann/

There are still tickets left to see The Beach Boys at Snow Pond Center for the Arts in Sidney on Friday and the Smashing Pumpkins at Maine Savings Amphitheatre on Sunday. We’ve got details on these and dozens of other upcoming concerts .

See The Beach Boys or Smashing Pumpkins in Maine this weekend

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Styx. Left to right Todd Sucherman, Lawrence Gowan, Chuck Panozzo, James “JY” Young, Tommy Shaw, Terry Gowan and Will Evankovich. Photo by Jason Powell

Two other notable shows are Jerry Harrison (Talking Heads) with Adrian Belew tonight in Portland and Styx with Foreigner on Saturday in Bangor. Here are interviews with Harrison and Lawrence Gowan from Styx. Tickets are still available for both shows.

Members of Talking Heads, Styx and Foreigner all perform in Maine this week

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Twin Tin ice cream sandwich. Photo by Peggy Grodinsky

Sweeten up your weekend with a quintessential summer treat. The Twin Tin Ice Cream Sandwich combines ice cream from Twin Swirls with cookies from neighbor Tin Pan Bakery. Find them at the ice cream shop on Brighton Avenue in Portland.

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Hazy IPAs from Allagash, Fogtown and Rising Tide. Photo by Ben Lisle

Fans of hazy IPAs have reason to celebrate because Allagash has finally come out with its own take on the style. Want more options? Beer writer Ben Lisle also recommends a couple from Fogtown and Rising Tide. Read his tasting notes on all three.

Allagash has finally joined the hazy IPA party, and it was worth the wait

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Ethnic Tourism and Quality of Life: Community Perspectives

  • First Online: 24 September 2023

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tourism and quality of life

  • Li Yang 11 ,
  • Xiang (Robert) Li 12 &
  • Xingyu Huang 12  

Part of the book series: International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life ((IHQL))

405 Accesses

1 Citations

Ethnic tourism has recently been promoted as an economic development and cultural preservation strategy in many destinations. This tactic can have significant impacts on residents’ quality of life (QOL) in ethnic communities whose development potential is limited. This study reviews research at the intersection of ethnic tourism and QOL to examine how such tourism affects host groups’ culture, ethnicity, and QOL from a community perspective. The review indicates that although substantial attention has been devoted to the impact of ethnic tourism in general, little effort has been made to link these insights to residents’ QOL. It is argued that a more comprehensive framework is needed which integrates objective and subjective measures to explore the potential of ethnic tourism to contribute to QOL as well as the degree to which it can extend across situations.

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Department of Geography, Environment, and Tourism, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

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Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA

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About this chapter

Yang, L., (Robert) Li, X., Huang, X. (2023). Ethnic Tourism and Quality of Life: Community Perspectives. In: Uysal, M., Sirgy, M.J. (eds) Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research II. International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 24 September 2023

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