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Panduan Lengkap Rute Road Trip ke Bali Naik Mobil Sendiri

Kompas.com travel travel tips, syifa nuri khairunnisa,, anggara wikan prasetya.

Tim Redaksi

Syifa Nuri Khairunnisa

Penulis anggara wikan prasetya.

Hal itu seperti yang dilakukan influencer Julian Ryan Karsten (29) atau yang akrab disapa JRyan. Agustus 2020 lalu, ia sempat liburan bersama ketiga sahabatnya ke Bali.

“Berangkat dari Jakarta sampai di Ubud, Bali kurang lebih 20 jam nonstop. Hanya berhenti di rest area untuk buang air kecil,” kata dia pada Kompas.com , Jumat (27/11/2020).

Saat itu ia berangkat dari Permata Hijau, Jakarta Selatan tanggal Kamis (27/08/2020) pukul 18.00 WIB.

Baca juga: Cerita Harival Zayuka di Pulau Dewata, Ini 6 Syarat Liburan ke Bali

Mereka kemudian masuk ke Tol Dalam Kota dan ke Tol Layang Baru yang ada di Tol Jakarta-Cikampek.

Dari sana, mobilnya terus melaju mengikuti arah ke Tol Trans Jawa hingga keluar di Tol Probolinggo setelah menempuh jarak sekitar 900 kilometer.

Setelah itu, ia melanjutkan perjalanan terus ke Pelabuhan Ketapang melewati Jalur Pantura. Sesampainya di Pelabuhan Ketapang, rombongan JRyan langsung menyebrang menggunakan kapal feri selama kurang lebih 40 menit.

Sampai di Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, ia dan rombongannya langsung menuju ke Sunset Road untuk mencari tempat makan.

Mereka kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan ke Ubud untuk menginap di private villa VB. Mereka tiba di vila pukul 15.00 WIB keesokan harinya.

Baca juga: Liburan Hemat Jakarta - Bali Mulai dari Rp 170.000, Ini Panduannya

Rute Tangerang-Bali Reymond Adnan Ibrahim…

Tag road trip liburan ke bali wisata bali road trip ke bali rute road trip ke bali rute naik mobil ke bali dari jakarta jakarta ke bali naik mobil ke bali naik mobil berapa lama road trip jakarta bali tangerang ke bali naik mobil kendal ke bali kendal ke bali naik mobil.


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Sahana Villas: Bali Villas to Rent in Seminyak

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Road Trip From Jakarta To Bali


If this pandemic has made you feel trapped in some way, the best thing for you to enjoy a sense of freedom is a road trip from Jakarta to Bali. The open road, the amazing view along the way, can more than makeup for the length of time you’ve spent indoors throughout the global pandemic. It’s the perfect getaway for the entire family.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide that will help you learn more about how to reach Bali from Jakarta by land. This guide can help you plan your route from Jakarta to Bali and find some great stops along the way. 

Road Trip

Requirements for Domestic Travel

Before setting off for your exciting trip from Jakarta to Bali by road, it’s important to understand the requirements for domestic travel. The good news is, since you’re figuring out how to get from Jakarta to Bali by land, you will most likely not have any problems. 

Until further notice, the following travel document requirements apply to Indonesian citizens (WNI).

Fully Vaccinated 

  • Proof of vaccination
  • All travellers must have Peduli Lindungi App loaded on mobile and completed eHAC

One Dose Vaccinated 

  • Negative Rapid Test Antigen 7 x24hrs
  • The test result must have a BarCode/QRCode and  be from Approved Government Lab 
  • All travellers must have Peduli Lindungi App loaded on mobile and completed  eHAC

Not Vaccinated 

  • Negative Rapid Test Antigen 1 x24hrs

Children under the age of 6 are exempted from vaccination, as long as they are accompanied by their parents/family as evidenced by a family card (Kartu Keluarga/KK), and fulfil the Rapid Test Antigen requirements according to the rules of the departure and destination ports.

For foreign traveler above the age of 18 must receive at least the second dose, while age of 6 – 17 are exempted from vaccination regulations.

It’s also important to check on local regulations for different Indonesian provinces if you plan to visit other areas. Travel health protocols for each province are issued by their respective governors.

Possible Travel Routes By Land

Get ready for an amazing drive as you travel from Jakarta to Bali by car. The distance from Jakarta to Seminyak is 1,188km, which totals approximately 17 hours and 45 minutes of land travel. This might seem like an endless drive, but the scenery along the way makes it more than worth it.

In travelling from Jakarta to Bali by land, you have three great options that will allow you to enjoy the trip the way you want it – no stops, one-stop or two stops. It all depends on how long you’re willing to drive and how restless you think you and your passengers will get throughout the drive from Jakarta to Bali by car.

The fastest way to get from Jakarta to Bali would be to drive non-stop. This would be ideal if another driver shared the drive with you. 

Note that you will all be asked for a negative antigen or PCR test (if you are not vaccinated – both on paper and a QR code) before being allowed to cross the border between Ketapang and Gilimanuk, so make sure you all get tested before departure. You will also be asked for proof of vaccination that shows everybody aged 12 and above having at least one dose of their vaccine.

Travel Route From Jakarta To Bali

Almost 18 hours of travelling from Jakarta to Bali can be overwhelming for some, so you can choose to make one stop along the way. For this, you should check out the Aston Inn Pandanaran – Semarang, which is located in the Centre of Semarang. From Jakarta Centre, you can reach this hotel within 5 hours.

The great thing about Semarang is the number of attractions that your kids will surely enjoy, like Fun and Play Semarang, Kids Fun Adventures Island and the TK YBMI Kids Fun House. Just make sure you check COVID-19 regulations before you leave to make sure these attractions are accessible during your stay in the area.

The price for one night starts at IDR 640 K and can reach up to 1,500 K, depending on your preferences.

Travel Route From Jakarta To Bali

Knowing that the Jakarta to Bali travel time is quite lengthy, you could opt to make a second stop especially if you’re travelling with kids who might get restless along the way. ILLIRA Hotel Banyuwangi is a great second stop as it’s just 9 hours away from Semarang. This means that you can leave Semarang midday and be ready to check-in at the ILLIRA Hotel in the evening.

The hotel is just 15 minutes away from the port. Prices start at IDR 425 K a night. In case you haven’t gotten tested yet, you can take a PCR test at the Rumah Sakit Yasmin Banyuwangi .

Arriving in Bali

The ferry ride from the port to Gilimanuk should be an enjoyable part of the trip as well and will allow you to truly enjoy the ocean. Once you reach Gilimanuk, you’ll only have three hours left of land travel before reaching popular spots in Bali like Seminyak or Canggu. 

To truly enjoy your stay in Bali, you can book any of our child-friendly villas here at Sahana Villas and take advantage of any of our current promotions . Our in-house tour teams can offer a range of children’s programs so that you and your children can make the most out of Bali.

If you want to fully plan every detail of your trip ahead of time, feel free to reach out to us so that we can plan a child-friendly itinerary for you.

Price Breakdown for a Road Trip from Jakarta to Bali

All in all, tolls per car for one way will be around IDR 700 K. That’s IDR 1,400 K for a round trip drive. As for the ferry ride from Ketapang to Gilimanuk costs around IDR 10 K each for adults and children and IDR 200 K for the car. 

  • https://www.welcomebacktobali.com/blog/entry-exit-requirements/travelling-to-bali-requirements/

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JAKARTA TO BALI: A 2-Week Indonesia Itinerary

JAKARTA TO BALI: A 2-Week Indonesia Itinerary

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When you have 17,500++ islands, each teeming with its own culture and color, sights and flavors, all richly laid out like patterns on a batik cloth, you’re probably eager to share these with the rest of the world as well.

Just like what Indonesia is doing. The enormously successful “Wonderful Indonesia” tourism campaign presents the country to the world in ways other campaigns can only imagine. The numbers tell its success. As a tourist sector, Indonesia is currently the ninth-fastest growing in the world, the third-fastest in Asia, and first in Southeast Asia. The campaign is probably doing something right.

To be fair, Indonesia is a promoter’s paradise. You can pick a random spot on the Indonesian map, and you’ll likely find something of interest. From the temples of Java to the beaches of Lombok, from cool Mt. Bromo to spicy Bali, there’s something for visitors of every spectrum. Feeling adventurous? Immerse between world-class diving sites and scenic mountaintops. Looking to party? There’s an entire island for that. What about the meditative pilgrims? Indonesia has enough temples to reach nirvana.

From space, one could probably hear a faint murmur above Indonesia, coming from the collective “ooohs” and “aaahs” of awestruck travelers. But once you get past your own initial gasps of wonder, you’ll see there’s a lot of work involved in promoting these destinations. “Wonderful Indonesia” didn’t occur in a vacuum. It’s a concerted effort from the government, the private sector, and individual contributors. It takes a country to promote a country.

We were invited to take part in the Airlines Influencers Trip, sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with AirAsia. For this trip, four key destinations were involved: Jakarta, Yogyakarta and surrounding attractions, Surabaya and surrounding attractions, and Bali. The entire trip took 13 days. Here’s our itinerary, which you can also follow.



You can say Jakarta is Manila’s brother from a different mother. We have the same Malayo-Polynesian heritage, same European colonial past, same intense traffic jams. Even as you step off the airport, you’ll immediately notice the traits we have in common. The hustle and bustle, the frenetic energy, the noise and bright lights and hurried pedestrians, these all kept me comfortable in familiarity.

Yet Jakarta is still terra incognita, a city full of unknown quirks and surprises, just waiting for some local-looking foreigner to discover them.

road trip jakarta bali

We got to visit Kota Tua (Old Town), Jakarta’s historical center. During the 17th to early 20th Century, Indonesia was under Dutch colonial rule. The seat of power was located here, when Jakarta was still known as Batavia.

Most of the colonial buildings in Kota Tua are still intact, especially those surrounding the storied Fatahillah Square. These buildings now serve as heritage and cultural sites, like Museum Batavia (Entrance fee: IDR 5,000/PHP 19), a national history museum, and Museum Wayang (Entrance fee: also IDR 5,000/PHP 19), which showcases traditional puppetry.

But the experience in Fatahillah Square was not limited to learning about states, puppets, and puppet states. We also got to enjoy food served at the Café Batavia. This old-fashioned restaurant with a nice ambiance lies within one of the oldest establishments in the square. A meal in Café Batavia costs between IDR 100,000-200,000, or PHP 350-700.

We then headed to Ancol, a seaside complex and popular local attraction within the city. Ancol is designed as a one-stop leisure site for Jakartans, with a theme park, restaurants, activity centers and a beachfront. We spent the afternoon playing paintball, then dinner at the Pier, a trendy resto with a view of the waterfront. We then retired for the night.

So far, so good. Too bad we only had one full day to spend in the capital. I made a mental note to return.

Early the next morning I, along with Wira, one of our Indonesian hosts, went and tried out TransJakarta, the bus rapid transit (BRT) system operating in main Jakarta roads. Instead of the usual rail system that takes up road space, the TransJakarta system uses existing roads and, with shuttles, transport commuters to stations scattered throughout the city.

It’s fairly cheap too: just IDR 3,500 (PHP 13) for an entire ride.

Via TransJakarta, we visited Monas, the National Monument, a towering symbol of Indonesian independence. It was only two stops away, and we were back to the hotel just in time to leave for Soekarno–Hatta International Airport, bound for our next city: Yogyakarta.


Yogyakarta is royal, and I don’t just mean in a superficial sense. It is the only Indonesian city/region still ruled by monarchy; the Governor is also the head of the Yogyakarta Sultanate. Jogja, as it’s colloquially called, is an important center of Javan culture, history, and education.

road trip jakarta bali

We arrived at our next stop, Ratu Boko Palace, a little pressed for time. The sun is starting to set, and there was limited time to fully explore the place and take pictures, as the ruins are only open until 6 pm. Still, even with the impending darkness, one can sense the subtle grandeur these old ruins emanate.

These ruins are named after the legendary King Boko, a prominent monarch in local folklore. However, the true origins, or even function, of the ruins remain unclear. Curiously, the site serves a different function today: as one of the best places to catch the sunset in Jogja. To get to Ratu Boko Palace from Jogja’s Adisutjipto International Airport, you can opt for either a Grab or GO-JEK ride service. The ride will take about 20-30 minutes, and will cost between IDR 15,000-20,000 (PHP 55-75) for a motorcycle, and 30,000-40,000 (PHP 110-145) for a private car.

Turns out that our brief visit to Boko Temple was only a preamble to where we’ll be going next.


We were up very early the next morning to get to Borobudur Temple, in time for sunrise. It was a couple of hours’ travel by bus from our hotel, and we’re to enter another province, Magelang.

By now, the guys had a lock on their favorite spots in the bus. The loud guys are at the back, the even louder Pinoys in front, while the rest are fully settled in their own personal nests. I shared a seat with Anita, another Indonesian host, to whom I learned quite a few about Indonesian pop culture.

road trip jakarta bali

It was still dark when we got to Borobudur Temple (Entrance fee is at USD25, about PHP 1,350). There was also a light drizzle, and a few of us were a bit worried this will somehow dampen the experience, so to speak. There’s quite a ways to get to the base of the temple, and after that, some further nine stories to climb before reaching the top.

Once we’re at the topmost dome, some of us started to set up their cameras, a few found time to meditate, while others just tried to keep dry and awake. It was wet, slippery, and cold. We waited for the sun to rise and for rainclouds to disappear. We waited for a miracle.

And there it was. As the sun rose, the grey clouds briefly gave way for the morning sky, and light finally touched the temple stones. Borobudur, still wet from the rain, glistened in the sunlight, the sun’s rays seeping through cracks in the granite walls and limestone carvings. This once-dreary place turned into a regal tower of glimmering stone.

You can almost hear everyone’s spirits being lifted. It was the window of opportunity we hoped for. Like the first hint of spring, these creatures stirred and sprung back to life, frantically looking for the best spots, tugging along Wita or Kanty, two hosts who are also models, to pose for the cameras. Now that we can see everything, we got to marvel at how huge Borobudur truly is. At 115 feet, it is the largest Buddhist Temple in the world. At this height, you can witness a panoramic view of Magelang, including a glimpse of the stately Mt. Merapi from a distance.

Buddhists regard Borobudur as a holy site, a place for deep contemplation and veneration. With what I’ve just witnessed, it truly is worthy of pilgrimage. I silently uttered a prayer of thanks.


Day Five into the tour, and our next main stop is a bit more upbeat, the “Lava Tour” at the foot of Mt. Merapi. In this country of volcanoes, Merapi is one of the most active; its last eruption was May of 2018. Our visit to the Sisa Hartaku Museum, a memorial of the 2010 eruption, provided a clear reminder of Merapi’s destructive, volatile power.

road trip jakarta bali

The idea of exploring the foothills of an active volcano sounds enticing as is; pair it with a rolling landscape and rugged terrain, and you’ve got a recipe for adventure.

And the Lava Tour was all about adventure. Riding on off-road jeeps, we got to explore the boondocks surrounding Mt. Merapi. It was a rough n’ tough ride, and occasionally a pain in the… nether regions. But what’s an adventure without getting your feet wet, right?

Turned out it was more than our feet. Part of the tour was to ride through streams and rivers, splashes and all, and, with the constant rainshowers, we were pummeled with water on all fronts. The ride home was a bit uncomfortable, but was the Lava worth drenching your undies? Definitely. It was a gritty, soaking, fun divergence from our usual stops.


The next day, we went to Omah Kecebong, a guesthouse in rural Yogyakarta, to immerse in local Javanese customs and ways of life. We got to wear traditional Javanese clothing, which made me look even more Indonesian, as well as learn how to create our own wayang straw puppets.

We also saw for ourselves how batik cloth is made, entirely by hand, and went on to create samples ourselves. After a good while of dripping liquid wax on cotton (and burning some toes along the way, not my toes though… sorry Wira), I can confidently say that I suck at this.

Still, it made me appreciate how painstakingly hard it is to create even just a yard of batik , and to be able to pass the craft down many generations is a statement to the Javanese people’s adherence to heritage and tradition.


road trip jakarta bali

Second only to Jakarta in size, Surabaya is a vibrant metropolis, an important hub in almost every aspect: history, culture, commerce, even entertainment. During our time there, we were able to visit the House of Sampoerna, a museum dedicated to the leading Indonesian tobacco company. Within the city, we were also able to dine in some of Indonesia’s top eats: The popular Pondok Tempo Doeloe chain of restaurants, the Tanamera Coffee House, and the oft-praised Zangrandi ice cream parlor.


Surabaya is also the gateway to my most anticipated part of the tour: our visit to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. We actually transferred to another hotel to get nearer to the park, at the stylish Jiwa Jawa Resort. Like the previous Borobudur trip, we got up very early, and rode on off-road jeeps to get to the viewpoint in time for sunrise.

road trip jakarta bali

Mt. Bromo is actually part of a larger complex of mountains and volcanoes within the Tengger caldera. Bromo is the most famous of the group, named after the Hindu god Brahma. The caldera also contains the flat-topped Mt. Batok, Mt. Kursi, Mt. Watangan, and Mt. Widodaren. You can also see Mt. Semeru, the highest peak in Java, in the background.

We had breakfast consisting of coffee, gorengan (fried seafood batter), and Indomie fried noodles (yum!). At this altitude, this simple meal is a hot, delicious refuge from the chills. Maybe that’s why I remember it with fondness.

Locals in Bromo offer jeep tours around the caldera. Ours was the so-called Sunrise Tour. For IDR 500,000 (PHP 1800), the jeep takes you to three stops. Catching the sunrise overlooking the caldera was our first.

Bromo Viewpoint

It was still dark when we arrived at our viewpoint. As per usual, everyone proceeded to mark their spots. Soon after, I heard the distinct hum of drone propellers. Amazing shots will be made today.

The sunrise arrived like an orchestral performance. As the sun started to peek, you can almost hear strings playing the first notes. As the golden rays reached the tops of the mountains, the cadence increases. For each mountain feature that touched light, another instrument joined in on the chorus. By the time the sun illuminated the whole caldera, an entire visual symphony was revealed. It’s nature’s concerto, worthy of a standing ovation.

road trip jakarta bali

We then traveled within the caldera itself, near the foot of Mt. Batok. In a sea of sand and ash, I was able to see how wide the caldera really is. It’s just miles of flat, grey earth, surrounded by magnificent mountains and cliffs on all sides. And of course, Mt. Batok, grand and photogenic, royalty among the lowly dunes.

Bromo Savana

road trip jakarta bali

Our last stop was the Bromo Savana, so-named for the seemingly out-of-place greenness of this valley, a stark contrast to the greys and browns of the caldera. A tent market is located in the middle of the Savanah, where peeps can refresh, buy food, and check out souvenirs.

For a couple of days we stayed in Surabaya. By Day Nine, we headed to Juanda International Airport for the last destination of the tour, Bali.


Ah, Bali, what a final act. It’s the sweet desert after a satisfying full-course meal. It’s the encore to an epic rock concert. It’s the happy ending to a relaxing… telling of a Balinese tale. I know it, you know it, and I’m pretty sure the Ministry knows it, and I feel the decision to make Bali last was very intentional.

road trip jakarta bali

Before we even got to the hotel, Pinneng, the tour leader, announced something that made the whole bus erupt: we’re to extend one more day, and that day will be spent on the esteemed Nusa Penida Island. With his dramatic way of announcing it, I think Pinneng knows it, too.

Bali is all about rhythm. The rhythm of the waves in Bali’s sublime beaches. The rhythm of a hundred dancing souls, entangled in a Kuta club.

You can see it in the patterns formed by the rice terraces of Tegallalang. You can taste it in the delicious Balinese food prepared at Rumah Desa village. You can hear it in the voices of the chanters of the Kecak ritual dance. The rhythm of the ancient and new, the spiritual and carnal, of man and nature, they all converge here.

That night, everyone was in a festive mood, and we went to a nearby club. Almost everyone came, even yours truly. I was surprised myself; I have been very poker-faced for the majority of the tour, talking only when asked, asking only when needed. I had no plans to go to no freakin’ club.

But who would’ve thought that I would get pulled from the corner of the club, away from my shell, and smack right into the middle of the dance floor? Bali can do that to you. It makes foreigners greet each other like old friends. It makes middle-aged men and women dance to the tune of “Backstreet’s Back”. In Bali, the rhythm can be irrational. It will take your arm, make your body move, and make you lose yourself. I was the last to dance, but not the first to sit back down.


I head out to Day 10 still in a bit of a daze. For today, we’re off to see the cultural side of Bali, starting off with a visit to Laka Leke, an esteemed local restaurant. There we got to enjoy some native Bali dishes like urab sayur (a spicy coconut/veggie salad), Balinese sambal (a staple side-dish made from chilis), and my personal favorite, bebek (crispy duck legs deep-fried to the bone).

In the afternoon, we visited the Uluwatu temple grounds, a religious site situated right beside the Uluwatu cliffs. It’s a large complex filled with different sites for immersion and contemplation (and maybe a few pictorials), but the highlight of the day was when we were made audience to the Kecak Dance, a hypnotic display of chanting and dancing that’s a retelling of the ancient epic Ramayana, only performed when the sun is setting.


Bali has a large Hindu population, and many still live in villages founded by their ancestors. We had a tour in one of these villages, including their local markets and village centers.

We then visited Rumah Desa, a homestay in the regency of Tabanan. Rumah Desa means “house in the village” in Balinese. Rumah Desa offers group activities showcasing Balinese customs and traditions. For the day, we got to cook authentic local cuisine, ride water buffaloes, and immerse in traditional Balinese living.


For our second-to-the last day, we visited something that is quite familiar to us Filipinos: rice terraces. These terraces, however, are located in the central Balinese district of Tegallalang.

Legend has it that the knowledge to create these paddies originated from the rishi Markandeya, a revered Hindu sage. Easily accessible (it’s right by the side of the road), these rice fields have served the local populace for centuries, but is now one of the most visited attractions in the island. The more entrepreneurial townsfolk have installed swings and platforms that IG-savvy visitors can use, for a small fee. To get there from Kuta, you can opt for either Grab or GO-JEK (an Indonesian ride service), and will cost you at least IDR 160,000 (PHP 580).

road trip jakarta bali

That night, we also had our farewell party, attended not just by the participants but also representatives of AirAsia and the Ministry of Tourism. You’d think everyone would be all formal and stuff, but it’s the last night, the bar is open, and the music is blaring. What followed was something The Poor Traveler doesn’t cover. That’s all I’m gonna say about it.

But when the night was over, when the club had closed, when everyone had said their good nights (with varying levels of alcohol involved), there was time for reflection. It’s easy to fall in love in this place. Many of those who visit never wish to leave, evidenced by the number of foreigners who choose to extend their stays. Can you blame them? Bali is a bubble, a fantasy, an island of both pleasure and contemplation, where you can go wild one night and introspective the next, a place where you can get lost in the companionship of others, and still reflect on your own solitude.

It’s a song that serenades those who seek it. But like all songs, the rhythm has to end.


The Nusa Penida trip, on our last day, Day 13, felt like a cleanse. Not everyone was able to extend their stay, and we set out minus a few faces we’ve grown familiar with the last two weeks. Funny what two weeks can do.

road trip jakarta bali

Nusa Penida was an enjoyable trip, make no mistake. We get to visit the dinosaur-shaped Kilingking Beach, and the striking Angel’s Billabong. Day tour packages here are priced at IDR 500,000 (PHP 1,800), where you have a private car and your own driver/guide. You get to see the above places, and more.

But today, the atmosphere among us was different. People were noticeably more silent, lost in their own thoughts. Maybe because it’s the last day, and everyone was already planning what to do next. Some have other places to travel to right away. Others are already planning to extend. A few were probably relieved that the work here’s done. All just doing what they do best, finding ways to express all these in their platforms, sharing the beauty of Indonesia to everyone else.

As for me, my inner thoughts are only of gratitude.

Special thanks goes to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism for making this trip possible. Thanks also to AirAsia for sponsoring all our flights. To all of my fellow participants, I appreciate the friendship and awesome memories.

Also special thanks to all our Indonesian hosts. Indonesia is wonderful because there are wonderful Indonesians like you. I’m truly grateful.

Credit goes to Wira Nurmansyah, Anita Mae, Pinneng, Amanda Gracia, and Wita Juwita for providing additional information.

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World Wanderista

Magic happens when the adventure begins

Adventure , Bali , Indonesia , Travel Guide · August 11, 2019

Bali road trip: a two week guide (incl. itinerary)

This Bali road trip begins in Ubud, famous for its rice paddy fields and rain forests. It shows you the green lush jungles, lakes and waterfalls of the North, takes you to the most magnificent (water) temples in the East and to impressive beach cliffs in the South. A day trip to Nusa Penida, known for its famous Kelingking Beach, is also included! So if you are up for a Bali road trip showing you a combination of well known places and some off the beaten path locations, this is your dream itinerary!

A two week Bali Road Trip

From the bustling towns like Ubud to the stunning natural wonders and alluring temples; this Bali road trip itinerary has it all! I planned it for months and included a few days to Komodo as well. So I adjusted this itinerary a little for those who aren’t planning on visiting another Indonesian island during their stay.

Bali Road Trip Map

Bali Road Trip: practical information

Area : Ubud, Munduk, Wanagiri, Sambangan, Sekumpul, Karangasem, Sanur, Uluwatu, Nusa Penida Hotels : I stayed at different places, some extremely cheap (15€ per night), others more expensive (maximum 115€ per night). I did one splurge of 160€ per night, but that was exceptional. Duration : 14 nights, 15 days When did I go : June Things to see & do : temples, waterfall hiking, swimming, beaches, shopping, eating & drinking Practical tips:  You can rent a motorbike for a very cheap price, but if you are not comfortable on a motorbike or driving on the left side of the road, I strongly recommend to rent a driver, like I did. Not only can you take lots of stuff on the way and leave things in the car, a driver knows places you will never find yourself. To move from one hotel to another you will need a car anyway. You can find a lot of drivers online and via Instagram. I also booked some at the hotel the day before. This is the perfect itinerary for : those who love to have an active trip combined with some relaxing moments. You will explore temples, nature, swim, shop, eat & drink. Useful links : Best Waterfalls in Bali

Day 1 – Ubud & Tegallalang

Where did I stay : Desak Putu Putera Cottages ( book here ) Total driving time : from Ubud to Tegallalang takes about 20 minutes Stops : Saraswati Temple – Campuhan Ridge Walk – Uma Pakel Swing – Tegallalang

Saraswati Temple

After a good night sleep it is time to start the first day of the Bali road trip and explore Ubud! Make sure to arrive early at your first stop; the Saraswati (water) temple. It is known for its lotus pond and is dedicated to Saraswati, (river) goddess of knowledge, art, music, literature and wisdom. You can walk freely here and don’t need to wear a sarong.

Entrance fee: free

Bali Road Trip - Saraswati Temple

Campuhan Ridge walk

After visiting Saraswati temple head to the start of the Campuhan Ridge walk, which you can find near the Warwick Ibah Luxury Villas & Spa. Just take the narrow path left from the hotel. First you will pass the Gunung Lebah temple on your left and then you will find yourself on a higher path surrounded by jungle with amazing views. In the morning temperatures are still manageable. But it gets very hot here during the day since there is little shade. You can have a few drinks before returning back to Ubud center.

Bali Road Trip

Lunch at Ubud

Time to have lunch at the center of Ubud. There are lots of lunch options in the town center. But I loved the interior and the food at Milk & Madu . The food is fresh and very tasty.

Bali Road Trip Milk & Madu Ubud

Uma Pakel Swing

After lunch you deserve some time to relax at the hotel. Bali has some amazing hotels. So it would be a pitty not to enjoy them. After that put on some nice floaty dress (I don’t know about men though, a superhero cape?) because it is time to go swinging! Before enjoying sunset at Tegallalang you will pass the Uma Pakel Agro Tourism & Swing. Here you can try the luwak coffee and go on swings, bird’s nests etc. I prefered this swing park because its entry is only 200 000 IDR and it is way less crowded than the famous Bali Swing (500 000 IDR).

Bali Road Trip Uma Pakel Swing

Tegallalang rice terraces

I visited Tegallalang twice and the first time it really disappointed me. You need to pay an entrance fee and then you enter the rice field area along with the crowds. I found it very hard to find beautiful areas to take some nice photos and it didn’t feel peaceful or authentic at all.

But the second time I came from the North and I discovered a nicer more quiet area a little further from the main entrance. So I asked my driver if it was possible to get there. Luckily he said yes. He just informed with some local people and then he took me to a quiet rice field area. You still need to pay an entrance fee and of course donations are asked, because you enter people’s personal rice fields, but I was the only tourist in this area and it was way more beautiful. Here I could explore at my own pace with no one else there.

So I strongly recommend to not enter Tegallalang at the “official entrance” but to look for other entries a little further.

Entrance fee: 20.000 IDR (parking included)

Bali Road Trip

I had dinner that night at Mama’s Warung. A very small local restaurant across the street of my hotel. It looked very basic, but the food was so good!

Day 2 – Tukad Cepung & Besakih Temple

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Desak Putu Putera Cottages ( book here ) Total driving time : 3 hours Total kilometers to drive : 90 km Stops : Tukad Cepung – Teras Agro Wisata – Besakih Temple – Mahagiri Panoramic Resort & Restaurant

Tukad Cepung

After a 50 minute drive from Ubud, you will reach Tukad Cepung. This waterfall in a cave is one of the most special waterfalls in Bali. Make sure to arrive early to beat the crowds, because this waterfall is no longer a hidden gem. The hike down is pretty impressive. Especially when you arrive at the river canyon. Jungle and Jurassic Park vibes are guaranteed! To the left you will find the waterfall. To the right there is a beautiful small stream of water with a lot of lush vegetation.

Entrance fee: 15.000 IDR

road trip jakarta bali

Teras Agro Wisata

This was just a short stop on the way to the Besakih temple. You can try luwak coffee and tea here with a magnificent view of a valley covered in rice fields and palm trees. They also have a giant swing here. I bought the ginger tea and the mangosteen tea. (I don’t drink coffee)

Bali Road Trip Teras Agro Wisata

Pura Besakih

The Besakih temple is the mother temple of Bali. It is the largest and most important temple complex on the island. It consists of about 86 temples. The temple was built more than 1000 years ago on the slopes of Mount Agung. When I was there I couldn’t see the volcano, because of the clouds, but the ground was covered with its ashes from a small explosion a few days before.

I was really impressed by all the different temples and the local guide explained a lot about Hinduism. I also saw some massive spiders over there. When you visit the temple be aware. You can buy a sarong at the nearby parking lot or rent one at the temple. A lot of people will try to sell you offerings, but it is not obliged to buy those.

Entrance fee: 60.000 IDR


Mahagiri Panoramic Resort & Restaurant

“Do you like to have lunch with a fantastic view?”, my driver asked. “Of course!”, was my answer! And he took me to the Mahagiri Resort to have lunch there. The view didn’t disappoint. It was definitely one of the most amazing views of my whole Bali road trip! The food was also delicious, so the perfect lunch break after a long morning of exploring!

road trip jakarta bali

The rest of the day I relaxed at the pool and I had dinner at the hotel.

Day 3 – From Ubud to the Buleleng region

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Desak Putu Putera Cottages ( book here ) / Shanti Natural Panorama View Hotel ( book here ) Total driving time : 3.5 hours Total kilometers to drive : 104 km Stops : Leke Leke Waterfall – (Beratan Temple) – Wanagiri Hidden Hills Swing Park – Banyumala Twin Waterfalls – Twin Lake view – Munduk Waterfall

Leke Leke Waterfall

It takes about 70 minutes to reach Leke Leke waterfall from Ubud. I arrived there around 6.30 before opening time and I had the whole place to myself. The hike down is rather easy but muddy and slippery at times. Once you cross the bamboo bridge you will hear the roaring sound of Leke Leke and it will not take long until you can admire the giant waterfall surrounded by a canyon covered with jungle plants.

Entrance fee: 30.000 IDR

road trip jakarta bali

(Pura Ulun Danu Beratan)

I wasn’t able to visit this famous water temple because everytime I passed it, it was too foggy or it poured with rain. But it is on the route. So if you are more lucky with the weather, make sure to visit the temple!

Wanagiri Hidden Hills Selfie Park

My driver wasn’t allowed to drive the road to the Banyumala Twin Waterfalls, so he took me to this selfie park to book a guided tour to the waterfall. I was able to take photos at the selfie park because it was included in the tour price. From here you have amazing views on the Buyan lake.

Bali Road Trip

Banyumala Twin Waterfalls

The North of Bali is famous for its many waterfalls and this one is probably its most famous. After a bumpy ride to the parking lot it takes a short hike down to the waterfall. Only the last part is a little heavy on the knees with its steep stairs. The waterfall is huge and if you are lucky you can see rainbows. I also recommend to walk a little further to find a river canyon surrounded by waterfalls and overgrown by ferns and other tropical vegetation. You can wade through the river to find a pool with narrow canyons. But you can’t go too far because the water is too deep to continue.

Entrance fee: 300.000 IDR (Wanagiri Hidden Hills / transport / guide to the Banyumala Twin Waterfalls)

road trip jakarta bali

Twin Lake View

This is another stop on the road to Munduk. Here you have a fantastic view on both lakes.

Bali Road Trip

Munduk Waterfall

This waterfall isn’t very famous, but my driver told me it looks very similar to the more popular Nung Nung waterfall. It only takes a short hike to reach the waterfall.

Entrance fee: 20.000 IDR

Bali Road Trip Munduk

I had a late lunch at my hotel and spent the afternoon at the pool. It had the most amazing views and great drinks and food!

Day 4 – The Secret Gardens of Sambangan & Banyu Wana Amertha

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Shanti Natural Panorama View Hotel ( book here ) / Sugi Gede Homestay ( book here ) Total driving time : 2 hours Total kilometers to drive : 50 km Stops : Secret Gardens of Sambangan – Banyu Wana Amertha Waterfall

Secret Gardens of Sambangan

Again this is a waterfall stop, only a few hundred meters away from the Shanti Natural Panorama View Hotel. But this one is a little more adventurous than the others, since you can jump from the cliffs or slide down the waterfalls that you can find here!

The first waterfall the local guide will take you to is Aling Aling. I absolutely loved this waterfall. You can only admire it though, no swimming is allowed here, due to the strong currents.

The second one is Kroya. Here you can jump into the water or slide down like I did. I thought it was very exciting to do this, but make sure to close your nose! You’ll get a life jacket, because otherwise you would never be able to reach the surface. The waterfall stream is very strong.

The other waterfall you can jump down from is called Kadek.

Entrance fee: 125.000 IDR 

road trip jakarta bali

Banyu Wana Amertha Waterfall

This is still one of those hidden gems in Bali and I am probably guilty now for giving it more exposure in this Bali road trip guide. You can not find one waterfall at this place, but four! This is the ultimate waterfall heaven!

The first waterfall looked more like a spray falling straight down in a pool with koi fish. This waterfall is bigger during the raining season.

Bhuana Sari is the second waterfall and one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. It consists of several streams coming down in different levels decorated with flowers and plants. This waterfall looked so magical!

After returning to the main path you will encounter the roaring of a big waterfall on the other side. You will first see it peeking through the trees and once you follow the muddy, slippery, steep path down you will encounter a huge waterfall: Banyu Wana Amerta. You can swim here.

The last waterfall are two waterfalls next to each other. They don’t look that impressive anymore after visiting the previous three, but the combination of the waterfalls and the tropical plants and trees is just dreamy.

Prepare for a though hike back up to the parking lot! Even my guide was gasping for air and your calf muscles will seriously hurt!

road trip jakarta bali

After visiting all those waterfalls it took a very winding road through the mountains to reach my next stay; Sugi Gede Homestay. I had a very late lunch/early dinner there and just relaxed.

Day 5 – Sekumpul & Pura Taman Ayun

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Sugi Gede Homestay ( book here ) / Calma Ubud Suites & Spa ( book here ) Total driving time : 2.5 hours Total kilometers to drive : 77 km Stops : Sekumpul & Fiji Waterfall – Taman Ayun Temple

Sekumpul & Fiji Waterfall

If you stay at Sugi Gede Homestay you can just walk from there to the Sekumpul waterfall. It will take about 20 minutes to get down. It is very steep but the views are so worth it! You will first encounter a magnificent view of both the Sekumpul and Fiji waterfall from the top. Then the hike continues down to the foot of Sekumpul waterfall. Which is one of the most impressive waterfalls of Bali.

I recommend water shoes since you often have to cross rivers to reach both waterfalls. The hike made me feel like Indiana Jones. I was the only one there for a long time. (Only around 12.00 I came across other people on my way back.)

Fiji waterfall seems to be one waterfall from a distance, but once you arrive, you will discover it are three waterfalls next to each other. The two outside waterfalls are hidden in a canyon, only visible when you stand right in front of the waterfall.

Entrance fee: 30 000 IDR if you stay at  Sugi Gede Homestay ,  otherwise 125 000 IDR

Bali Road Trip

Taman Ayun Temple

Since it started to rain as soon as I returned from Sekumpul, I wasn’t able to do many stops on the way back to Ubud. I thought I could try to visit the Ulun Danu Beratan temple again and maybe the Jatiluwih rice terraces, but it was pouring with rain! So if you are more lucky with the weather I suggest these stops!

So while driving my driver suggested we could go to the Taman Ayun temple. He said it was also a water temple and that it could be a good alternative. So I agreed and hoped it would stop raining once we arrived there.

It did stop raining so I visited this temple that isn’t very “Insta famous”, but very beautiful. There weren’t that many tourists and I had the chance to explore it at ease. This wonderful temple is surrounded by an elegant canal. It is one of the six royal temples in Bali. So if you are looking for something less touristic this is definitely a good alternative!

Bali Road Trip Taman Ayun

Entrance fee: 20 000 IDR

After visiting the temple it started to rain again, so I went to the hotel to have lunch and enjoy a massage. After all it is important to leave some time to relax during a Bali road trip right?

Day 6 – Bali Road Trip Pause in Ubud

Where did I stay : Calma Ubud Suites & Spa ( book here ) Total driving time : none Total kilometers to drive : none Stops : Rice field walk – Ubud Palace – Ubud Market

Rice field walk

This walk isn’t as known as the Campuhan Ridge walk so it is way less crowded. It is a nice walk on a narrow path, which gets used for bicycle tours. You will need to stand aside a few time to let motorcycles and bikes pass, but that is all. There are not too many people here, except for local farmers. This walk takes you along rice fields, cute little bars and restaurants and local farmer’s houses. You can probably walk for as long as you want, but I decided to cross a bridge after about 2 kilometers. There is another path along rice fields and it ends at some cute streets with local shops.

road trip jakarta bali

Ubud Palace ( Puri Saren Agung)

After the rice field walk you can visit the Ubud Palace. Its entrance is free and visiting palaces is always fun isn’t it? It used to be the home to the royal family of Ubud. In the evening you can watch traditional dance performances here.

Ubud Palace

Ubud Market

After lunch it is time to go shopping! At the Ubud market you can find everything from sarongs, rattan bags, dream catchers, jewellery to decoration items. I loved wandering through the narrow streets and stalls.

Ubud center itself also has a lot of shops with the most pretty stuff! I loved the jewellery at Blink by Kapal-Laut and the accessories and decorations at Ubudahh.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 7 – Bali Road Trip Pause in Ubud

Where did I stay : Calma Ubud Suites & Spa ( book here ) Total driving time : depending on activities Total kilometers to drive : depending on activities Stops : see options below

I include this extra day in the middle of this Bali road trip to give you the chance to explore more of Ubud and its surroundings or to just take a day off and relax. I took the time to relax so I ordered a floating breakfast and a massage/flower bath arrangement! These are some more places you could visit if you don’t need a day off from exploring (I didn’t do them, but will do them next time):

  • Ubud Monkey Forest
  • Tirta Empul Temple
  • Goa Gajah Temple
  • Tegenungan waterfall
  • Rafting (I booked this, but cancelled it, because I needed some rest

road trip jakarta bali

Day 8 – From Ubud to Candidasa

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Calma Ubud Suites & Spa ( book here ) – Villa Rama ( book here ) Total driving time : about 3 hours Total kilometers to drive : 86 km Stops : Tibumana waterfall – Sidemen rice fields – Goa Lawah temple

Tibumana waterfall

It takes about forty minutes to drive from Ubud to the Tibumana waterfall. After a short but very beautiful hike through a lush rain forest with pretty flowers, you will arrive at the waterfall. Tibumana waterfall itself is just a one drop waterfall, but it is its surroundings that make it so special. The water drops into a pool surrounded by a rock wall covered with jungle vegetation.

Entrance fee: 10.000 IDR

Bali Road Trip Tibumana

Sidemen rice fields

This Bali area is still very authentic because not many tourists explore this area. That is why I loved it so much! I was looking for a path to start a hike through the rice fields, but I didn’t find one and neither did my driver. So we were parked at the side of the road, when a local farmer approached us. He started talking to us and he offered me a tour through the rice fields of his town. I thought this was so nice!

I spent about 1.5 hours with him. He showed me what they grew on the rice fields, after the rice was already harvested (chili peppers were very popular). Of course I did a massive fall at one point, where I didn’t see the irrigation canal and fell flat on my belly in the rice field! Me and the local kids playing in the fields were laughing so hard, while the farmer was so worried for me! But besides a few scratches I was fine.

This rice field walk was definitely one of my favorite Bali road trip moments, because I got to meet the locals and explore an area where no one else was.

road trip jakarta bali

Goa Lawah temple

I still had lots of time so before driving to my villa, I visited the Goa Lawah temple. The temple is built around a cave opening inhabited by bats. I only saw locals here. They were praying and offering flowers. It is a small but beautiful temple. I loved watching the praying ritual, at a distance, because I couldn’t help but feeling a little like an intruder. But everyone was smiling at me, so I guess it was OK.

Goa Lawah is better known as the bat cave (no Batman though). There is a legend that says a prince hid away in the cave from enemies and that he followed the cave until he emerged at the Besakih temple on the foot of Mount Agung. No one has ever checked if this story is true. But according to the locals the cave leads to Mount Agung (Besakih), Talibeng and Tangkid Bangbang. It is also said that when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, ash emerged from Goa Lawah.

Entrance fee: 6.000 IDR

Bali Road Trip Goa Lawah

The rest of the day I enjoyed my villa and pool and I had dinner at Vincent’s. This restaurant had the most romantic terrace with lights in the palm trees. The drinks and food were delicious!

Day 9 – Karangasem

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Villa Rama ( book here ) Total driving time : about 1.5 hours Total kilometers to drive : 40 km Stops : Taman Tirta Gangga – Bukit Cinta – Taman Ujung

Taman Tirta Gangga

About half an hour from Candidasa you will find Taman Tirta Gangga, the royal water garden. I arrived there at opening time and I was the first to get in. If you want the iconic photo, you better be fast, because after a while there is a line forming to get that photo!

I loved how clear the water was. You can jump from one tile to the other to walk over the water, while you see the koi fish swim. This water garden is so beautiful and peaceful! The fountains and statues are just dreamy. Make sure to go early in the morning, because during the day it gets way too crowded and you won’t get the same peaceful experience as I did.

Entrance fee: 35.000 IDR

road trip jakarta bali

Bukit Cinta

My driver took me to this place, because I wanted to have a good view of the volcano. It was the first time that the sky was so clear. I was so happy when we arrived here! I waded through the tall grass to find a great photo spot. If you walk a little further you will get a fantastic view of the volcano and the surrounding rice fields!

Bali Road Trip Bukit Cinta

Taman Ujung

I arrived at the Taman Ujung water palace around noon, thinking it would be crowded and that it would be impossible to take a decent photo. But the truth is that it was almost empty! Apparently not many people visit this place, even though it is absolutely beautiful!

The complex consists of several pools connected with the most magnificent bridges, pavilions, statues,… I actually visited the site twice because I loved its vibe and I wanted to see it the next day in the morning light as well.

Make sure to climb the stairs so you get the view from up above!

road trip jakarta bali

Day 10 – From Candidasa to Sanur

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Villa Rama ( book here ) – Parigata hotel ( book here ) Total driving time : about 2.5 hours Total kilometers to drive : 90 km Stops : (Lempuyang temple) – Penglipuran

(Lempuyang Temple)

If you are interested in the famous Lempuyang gate reflection picture a local makes with a mirror (the famous Instagram shot), I suggest to visit Lempuyang temple early in the morning. It takes about 45 minutes to get there by car. (I didn’t go)

Penglipuran village

Penglipuran is a cute traditional village you can visit. The locals living there still preserve their traditional culture in their daily lives. You can visit their homes and see how they live. They are very welcoming and you can also buy some cute souvenirs there!

road trip jakarta bali

Day 11 – Bali Road Trip: touring Nusa Penida

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Parigata hotel ( book here ) Total driving time : about 3 hours 20 minutes Total kilometers to drive : 80 km Stops : Atuh Beach – Thousands Islands view point – Rumah Pohon tree house – Kelingking – Crystal Bay Beach

On a Bali road trip a boat trip to Nusa Penida musn’t be left out! To get to Nusa Penida it is best to book a tour in advance. That way you don’t have to worry anymore about buying a ticket and you can get on the first fast boat at 7.00 am. Be prepared: to get on the boat, you will have to walk through the water!

After a small hour you will arrive at the harbour of Nusa Penida where you will see a lot of drivers waving with nameplates. It can be a little chaotic with everyone trying to get on land and looking for their driver.

Tour companies offer various day trip packages. Mine included Atuh / Diamond Beach, the Thousand Islands view point, the Rumah Pohon tree house, Kelingking and Crystal Bay Beach.

My favorite stops were definitely Diamond Beach, which is an amazing white beach with the bluest water and massive white cliffs, and of course Kelingking. Which is famous for its famous dinosaur shaped cliffs. I was very disappointed with Crystal Bay Beach, which is basically a beach packed with lounge chairs and sun umbrellas. If I had known in advance I would’ve asked to visit Broken Beach instead, which is also a very popular stop at Nusa Penida.

For this Bali road trip I normally had planned to stay at Nusa Penida for two nights so that I could just rent a driver and visit Kelingking early in the morning and at sunset and explore the whole island at my own pace. But because my flights from Komodo had changed, I wasn’t able to get a fast boat anymore in the evening so I had to change my plans. That is why I just did a day trip from Sanur. Honestly, I also wonder how you would get a 20 kilo suitcase on the fast boat without it getting wet?

road trip jakarta bali

Day 12 – From Sanur to Uluwatu via Seminyak

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Parigata hotel ( book here ) – Dreamsea Bali ( book here ) Total driving time : without traffic 1.5 hours, in reality 3 to 4 hours Total kilometers to drive : 43 km Stops : Seminyak

I didn’t stay at Seminyak during my Bali road trip, but it is a nice place to go shopping or have lunch. Take into account that this place doesn’t have a Bali feeling at all. It is a modern busy town packed with hipster restaurants and bars and trendy interior shops. The traffic is crazy there and the air pollution is no joke. So I just spent two hours there and I literally fled the place. Why people love to stay in this area, I can not understand. Especially if you know you can find more authentic and quiet places in Bali.

It could be a nice area if you like to party and hang out at the beach all day. There are a lot of cool beach bars. I wouldn’t recommend Seminyak if you would like to explore the rest of Bali, simply because it takes hours to leave the town due to traffic and it is just quiet far from all the sights.

Uluwatu – Padang Padang

For the first night I decided to stay at a beachfront accommodation in Uluwatu. My beach hut was hanging above the cliffs and had the most amazing view on the ocean, beach and the sunset. If you are a surfer this place is definitely a must! The only thing I had to get used to is that, because the huts were all made of bamboo, the sound of the ocean was so loud, I thought a tsunami was coming during the night :-D.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 13 – Uluwatu Temple

Bali Road Trip Map

Where did I stay : Dreamsea Bali ( book here ) – Sal Secret Spot ( book here ) Total driving time : 30 minutes Total kilometers to drive : 12 km Stops : Uluwatu temple – Single Fin

Uluwatu temple

This Bali road trip is almost coming to an end! You still have the opportunity though to visit the Uluwatu temple! The temple itself isn’t very spectacular because it is very small, but the walk along the cliffs certainly is! The ocean waves here are breathtaking! They have so much power! I could stare hours at them.

road trip jakarta bali

After doing all the stairs at the cliffs, you can go and relax at Single Fin. It is a nice bar/restaurant where you can also have a swim! I had my coconuts and lunch there. It is also a place where you can meet new people easily. I had some nice chats!

road trip jakarta bali

Dinner at Lucky Fish

In the afternoon I went to my next hotel to relax at the pool. In the evening I had dinner at the beach at Lucky Fish. There you can choose your own fish, fresh from the ocean. They will grill it on the barbecue and then serve it with some rice, vegetables and sauce. I thought this was a very cool experience! Just make sure your table isn’t too close to the sea, unless you want your feet to get wet!

road trip jakarta bali

Day 14 – Relax at Uluwatu

Where did I stay : Sal Secret Spot ( book here ) Total driving time : none Total kilometers to drive : 0 km Stops : none

On the last day of this Bali road trip I decided to just stay in the hotel. I needed some time to rest at the pool and do nothing. There are quite some beach clubs, where you can have drinks and lie at some great pools if you prefer to do that.

Bali Road Trip Sal Secret Spot

Pin this Bali Road Trip guide for later!

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Meander Wander

Indonesia Itinerary for 10 Days: Jakarta to Bali Route

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Are you planning a trip to Indonesia? If so, then this Indonesia Itinerary can help you plan an amazing trip to this beautiful country.

I first visited Indonesia in 2017 and completely fell in love with the country. The beaches were amazing, the waterfalls are beautiful, and it was fun (almost!) to include both Jakarta and Bali in our Indonesia 10-Day Itinerary.

After coming back from this gorgeous country, I wished to have stayed longer there but my job stopped me from pursuing this thought and so, I had to make do with a short but memorable 10 days in this country of volcanoes and islands.

If you are also short on time and wondering how to make the most of the short duration, then this itinerary is perfect for you.

Indonesia Itinerary for 10 Days

If you are just like me and don’t have a lot of time to spare in this country, then this 10-day Indonesia guide will help you plan a short but amazing trip to this paradise.

Day 1: India to Jakarta (Indonesia)

My Indonesia trip started from India, from Hyderabad to be precise. I had my flights booked for Jakarta – the capital of Indonesia and had a 2-hour layover at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

Since I had chosen an Air Asia flight, it was budget-friendly and cost me only 18000-20000 INR for a return trip to Indonesia.

Note : If you are planning to book an AirAsia flight, then book it from the official website. Your PNR number should be the same for layover flights so that you don’t need to check in your bags again during the layover.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 2: Jakarta to Yogyakarta

On the second day of my Indonesia trip, I reached Jakarta around 12 p.m. and was really struggling to understand how to go to Yogyakarta. Since it was the week of the Eid holiday in Indonesia, all the trains were full and I only had the option to take a bus to reach Yogyakarta.

For this, I had to reach the Pulo Gebang bus stand from where I could book an onward bus to Yogyakarta . Since I was on a budget trip, I chose to take a local bus from the airport to Pulo Gebang . It cost me around 40,000 Indonesia Rupiah (190 INR)  a person and it took around an hour to reach the bus terminal.

From Pulo Gebang, I got an A.C bus to Yogyakarta which took around 8-10 hours to reach and cost me 425,000 Indonesia Rupiah (2050 INR) per person. The bus was quite comfortable and had an attached bathroom that was decent enough to be used. I reached Yogyakarta around 2 a.m. and had to take a cab to reach our homestay.

In Indonesia, Go-Jek App is quite famous and cheap but I didn’t have the app installed so we had to hire a taxi on the road which cost us 80000 Rupiah (380 INR) , a little more than the gojek car. I finally reached our homestay ( 50000 Rupiah (250 INR) per person) around 3 a.m. and hit the bed because we were too tired from the 24-hour journey.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 3: Yogyakarta Sightseeing and then Transfer to Kuta, Bali

Borobudur temple and prambanan temple (yogyakarta).

The next day, I planned to visit the famous Borobudur   Temple and the Prambanan Temple which Yogyakarta is quite famous for. So, we left the homestay with our luggage since we had a night flight to catch for Bali.

We left around 11 a.m for Borobudur and spent around 30-45 minutes looking for a bus or a cab. Finally, an Uber arrived and we boarded it to head out to Borobudur which was situated around 50 km from Yogyakarta.

Luckily, our Uber driver was really friendly and nice and since he knew English, we were able to talk to him and learn more about the history and volcanoes of Java and the rest of Indonesia. He told us many amazing stories and also offered to take us from Borobudur to Prambanan and then leave us at the airport.

So, we traveled the whole day in an A.C SUV for 470000 Rupiah (2300 INR).  We certainly could have reduced the cost if we knew the area well and had a clue about the bus routes but alas, we were blindsided there.

We first went to Borobudur and reached this place around 2 p.m.

Let me just say that, it was definitely love at first sight. We have always been to historical and nature-friendly places and Borobudur is one such marvelous place. You see so many Stupas here, arranged so beautifully together and you can see volcanic mountains surrounding this place which provides an amazing view.

The sunrise is said to be really exceptional here and you could easily spend a whole day just gazing around and walking through this architectural beauty.

road trip jakarta bali

We spent around 2 hours here and didn’t even realize so much time had passed when it struck us that Prambanan stays open only till 5 p.m. So, we ran to find our car and start for the other amazing site, we stopped at the pharmacy but we got lost on our way out (Yeah, the exit from Borobudur can be a little confusing). Although if you have time in hand, we would definitely advise you to not miss the sunrise in Borobudur.

Thankfully, our driver was waiting just outside the exit so he guided us to the car and we sped toward the Prambanan temple to witness the sunset over there. On our way, our guide told us an amazing story of the Prambanan princess and how the 999 temples of Prambanan came to exist.

We finally reached the famous Prambanan temple around 4.45 p.m and then we just strolled around marveling at the beauty of it all. The temples here resemble the Angkor Wat temple and you can also see the Merebu volcano from here. We were completely mesmerized by the beautiful sunset here and wished we had a little more time.

Finally, we started for the Yogyakarta airport for our flight to Bali ( 3200 INR ) and said goodbye to the cultural city of Indonesia.

Note: Entrance tickets (770000 Rupiah – 3700 INR per person) to these UNESCO Heritage sites is quite expensive and valid for 2-3 days so make sure that you make the most of it and spend at least a day at both the sites.

We reached Bali, the most popular place in Indonesia,  around 11.30 p.m. and so we headed to find a hostel for the night. The cabs are pretty expensive over here so we walked the whole way from the airport to Kuta. It took us around 1-1.5 hours to reach the hostel and to know that it was already full.

So, we went in search of another hostel that might be within our budget and that is how we stumbled upon Legion street and the Kayun Hostel Downtown which is 100000 Rupiah (500 INR) per person for a night.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 4: Kuta Sightseeing

The next day, we started for the beaches and the famous Uluwatu temple of Bali . We hired a scooty from the beachfront side for 130000 Rupiah (650 INR) .

Kuta beach was too crowded and more a place for surfers and families so we didn’t spend too much time here.

Jimbaran and Pantai Pandawa Beach

We headed to the Jimbaran beach which was actually more peaceful and spent an hour or two here. We had our lunch on the beach on a sunbed which cost me about 2150000 Rupiah (650 INR) .

Then, we headed to the Pantai Pandawa beach which was on the other side. It took us about 45 minutes to reach the place but it was so worth it.

The route to Pantai Pandawa goes through a hilly road so there are a lot of twists and turns which really make the whole adventure so much more fun. And the view near the Pantai Pandawa beach is just too gorgeous with the blue sea and the bright blue sky.

Uluwatu Temple

Next, we headed to the Uluwatu temple which was another 40 minutes through the hilly terrain. And it was certainly both exciting and scary. Driving in the Kuta region is a little scary as people speed a lot and the roads are too hilly so you have to be extra careful.

By the time we reached Uluwatu temple ( Entrance price: 30000 Rupiah – 150 INR per person), it is almost dark and the temple was about to close but we hurried a little and were able to look from the inside.

This temple on the cliff is really beautiful and there are regular shows held here which you can watch to learn a little more about the Balinese culture.

Finally, we headed back to our hostel as we had planned to party a little in the streets and so, we went back and dressed up.

We danced with random strangers in different clubs and really enjoyed the vibe here and has a really expensive meal (98500 Rupiah – 500 INR per person) at Sky Garden Bali on Legion street but the entire night was completely worth it.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 5: Kuta to Ubud and Sacred Monkey Sanctuary

On our 5th day, we were heading for the Ubud region which held the main attraction for us. We had booked a van through our hostel itself which cost us 80000 Rupiah (400 INR) per person and took 2-3 hours to reach the place.

There, we checked in a hostel named The Joker Hostel ( 100000 Rupiah – 500 INR per person) and then we made our way to the famous Ubud Monkey Sanctuary .

Ubud Monkey Sanctuary

It was within walking distance from our place so it took us just 20 minutes to reach and take the ticket ( 50000 Rupiah – 250 INR per person).

The thing about Ubud is that it has a completely opposite vibe to Kuta. It is not a party place and most shops close down here by 10 p.m. but it has a much cleaner and cooler atmosphere. Also, there are many amazing temples, waterfalls, and other attractions here than in the Kuta region.

The Monkey Sanctuary was one which is actually huge and filled with numerous monkeys (as the name suggests). It is a great place to just chill and relax and roam about.

Also, there are many exit points here so you have to be careful and always beware of the monkeys, they can snatch away any interesting items from you. 😛

Then, we headed back to our hostel from another gate which took us about 45 minutes. We relaxed for some time in the hostel. In the evening, we just strolled around the shopping street and had a delicious Pizza meal at one of the places.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 6: Ubud Sightseeing

Tegalalang rice fields (unesco heritage site).

This was our D-day when we were going to cover the most important spots in Ubud. We started with the famous Ubud Tegelalang   Rice Fields and were met with a slow downpour of rain. However, on the way, we witnessed a really pretty sunrise which absolutely made our day.

Once we reached the Tegelalang rice field, we were just blown away by its beauty and its vastness. We didn’t even realize how big this place actually is so we just walked deeper into the place and spent a greater part of our morning here. Also, there is no entrance fee for this place so don’t fall for anyone’s trap.

Teganungan Waterfall

Next, we came back to our hostel to have some breakfast, and then we made our way to another famous attraction, Tegenungan Waterfall . The entry ticket to the waterfall is about 20000 Rupiah (100 INR) per person. But make sure you visit this place in the morning because, by the afternoon, it gets really crowded.

So, we spent a couple of hours here just splashing in the water and then hiking to the top of the waterfall.

Balinese Massage and Swing at Zen Hideaway

Then, we headed back to the city to try the famous Balinese massage. ( 100000 Rupiah – 500 INR per person)

Now, this was our first time so we weren’t sure how it would be and how embarrassing it might turn out to be. But I must say, both of us were completely satisfied with our experience.

Our entire body felt completely loose and languid after it. Gosh, I can still remember how great it felt to just relax and let yourself get massaged.

After that, we headed for the highest swing in Bali at Zen Hideaway which was about 45 minutes from our hostel. The way to this place is absolutely picturesque and you can witness a gorgeous sunset from here too.

When we reached Zen Hideaway, the sun was about to set but we still had enough time to enjoy ourselves. So, I paid 520000 Rupiah (2500 INR) and then first tried my luck at the small swing to myself acquainted.

Once I was comfortable, I moved on to the bigger swing, and God, how lovely it felt. It felt as if I was just flying in the sky with no tension or fear.

Truly, that was one of the most freeing experiences of my life and I am so glad that I gave it a shot.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 7: Ubud to Kuta to Denpasar (Bali) to Probolinggo

Early morning, we started for the famous Campuhan Ridge Walk.  The place was barely 2 km from our hostel and then stopped at the Water Palace on the way too.

Both of these places are really amazing and great places to explore in the morning. We witnessed a beautiful sunrise from the Campuhan Ridgewalk although it took around 30-40 minutes of hiking on the path.

Kuta to Denpasar (Bali)

Next, we endured a series of misfortunes that incidentally made our Indonesia itinerary even more memorable. We accidentally booked the wrong flight tickets for Surabaya which was near our next destination.

As a result, we had to figure out some other way to reach Surabaya from Bali. After a lot of searches, we found a bus that would be leaving in the evening so we booked it for our journey.

We had some time to kill so we asked about the Scuba Diving cost and how much time it would take. The tour guide said it would barely take 2 hours and the cost would be 400000 Rupiah (2000 INR)  per person which was quite cheap.

Alas, we forgot to counter the fact that traffic in Kuta is unimaginable and so, we missed our bus.

Thankfully, the owner of the tour guide returned our money. We headed to the Denpasar bus in a taxi ( 115000 Rupiah – 560 INR ). All this drama certainly added the cost but we hoped to reach Bromo on time and be able to visit the famous volcano.

Denpasar to Probolinggo

We found a bus for Probolinggo for 320000 Rupiah (1600 INR) per person which took 12 hours.

The most interesting part about this journey was that the buses are transported to the other island via a ferry. So, they get loaded into the big ferries where you can go on the deck and stretch your legs for a while.

road trip jakarta bali

Day 8: Probolinggo to Mount Bromo to Yogyakarta

Probolinggo to mount bromo.

We reached Probolinggo at 5 a.m. in the morning. Then, we walked to the bus stand where we would find vans for Bromo.

Sadly, there weren’t any vans going so early because there weren’t a lot of passengers. Usually, you have to pay just 20000 Rupiah (100 INR) per person for reaching Bromo. However, since we were alone, we had to hire the entire van for 325000 Rupiah (1600 INR ).

After an hour, we reached Bromo and here we took a room for 100000 Rupiah (500 INR) . We freshened up and then headed to Bromo on a bike (for two people).

Mt. Bromo is an inactive volcano and looked like some alien planet. You can climb the steps to the mountain to reach the top which can take about 30 minutes. There is a lot of dust flying around but once you reach the top, the view looks spellbinding.

We spent some time on the Bromo and then we headed back to our room. We also wanted to watch Bromo from afar and climb other peaks.

So, we hired two motorbike drivers to take us around. It cost us 225000 Rupiah (1100 INR) per person for the entire trip. And, they dropped us back at the Probolinggo bus stand so that we could head back to Jakarta.

So we climbed the mountain on the bikes and it got so damn cold that we were freezing by the time we returned. But it was so amazing. We watched Bromo from afar and it looked lovely. But that’s not all, we witnessed one of the gorgeous sunsets too.

road trip jakarta bali

Mount Bromo to Surabaya to Yogyakarta

After having the time of our lives, we returned to Probolinggo. Then, we took a bus to Surabaya ( 30000 Rupiah – 150 INR per person ). We reached in 2-3 hours but we still had to reach Jakarta from here which was around 18-20 hours away. So, we took a bus to Yogyakarta for 138000 Rupiah (660 INR) per person.

Day 9 and 10: Yogyakarta to Kuningan to Jakarta to India

Yogyakarta to kuningan.

From here, things went a little downhill for us. We reached Yogyakarta early in the morning around 6 a.m. but Jakarta was still 12-14 hrs away.

So we were waiting for a bus to Bandung which would have ideally left us closer to Jakarta. However, since we were in a hurry, we took a bus to Kuningan ( 180000 Rupiah – 860 INR per person).

Now, Kuningan is a small town that is 3-4 hours away from Jakarta. Unfortunately, we confused it with Jakarta’s Kuningan. That was a huge mistake. By the time we reached Kuningan (3-4 hrs away from Jakarta), it was 1 a.m. Our flight was at 7 a.m. in the morning.

Kuningan to Jakarta to India

Somehow we got a local bus to Jakarta for 150000 Rupiah (720 INR) per person, but we reached only by 8 a.m. so we ended up missing our flight to KL.

Thankfully, we got another flight to KL leaving at 2 p.m. so we booked that and reached our destination (Additional cost of 4400 INR  per person which we could have saved 🙁 ).

road trip jakarta bali

There were a lot of other mishaps even after reaching KL but let’s keep them for some other time.

Overall, the Indonesia trip was a memorable one and I learned from the blunders that we made. I hope that you learned something too and will now be able to plan a successful Indonesia itinerary for yourself.

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Thanks for writing with lots of details and price you paid. Please share name of places you spend a night.

That is already mentioned Dinesh 🙂

Hey,Rachita good to meet you at this blog. love the information that you shared in this post. Great Read! Thank you for sharing.

Thank you Harshita 🙂

road trip jakarta bali

Ekspedisi 3.000 Km

Road trip jakarta-bali 3.000 km, buat bensin dan tol habis berapa.

Belum lama ini, detikOto bersama tim detikTravel dan detikFood berkesempatan melakukan road trip dari Jakarta ke Bali dan kembali ke Jakarta. Jarak yang kami tempuh totalnya lebih dari 3.000 km. Habis biaya berapa untuk melakukan perjalanan ini?

Ekspedisi 3.000 km ini ditemani oleh Wuling Almaz RS. Sebagai gambaran, kami membawa Wuling Almaz RS dengan posisi penumpang penuh 5 orang (termasuk sopir) dan barang bawaan sejauh lebih dari 3.000 km dari Jakarta ke Bali PP.

Dari catatan odometer, total perjalanan road trip ini mencapai 3.139 km. Dalam road trip kali ini, kami tidak langsung menuju Bali, tapi mampir ke beberapa kota untuk mengunjungi tempat wisata yang mulai pulih setelah diterjang pandemi COVID-19. Tak cuma ke tempat wisata, kami juga mengunjungi beberapa lokasi untuk menikmati sajian kuliner lokal khas di setiap kota yang kami kunjungi. Untuk liputan tempat wisata menarik selama perjalanan road trip ini, kamu bisa baca artikelnya di detikTravel. Untuk sajian kuliner yang kami nikmati selama perjalanan, kamu bisa baca artikelnya di detikFood.



Road trip 3.000 km bersama Wuling Almaz RS dilakukan selama 9 hari. Perjalanan dimulai dari Gedung Transmedia di Mampang, Jakarta Selatan, menuju Yogyakarta. Dari Yogyakarta menuju Banyuwangi, lalu menyeberang ke Bali. Di Bali, kami mengeksplorasi lokasi wisata dan sajian kuliner di wilayah utara Bali. Beberapa lokasi wisata di utara Pulau Bali di antaranya Air Terjun Gitgit di Buleleng, Desa Wisata Les, Savana Tianyar, hingga Pantai Lovina. Setelah puas mengeksplorasi Bali, kami kembali ke Jakarta lewat Banyuwangi, Jember, Surabaya, Semarang dan ke Jakarta. Berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk bensin dan tol selama perjalanan 3.000 km?

Sebelum memulai perjalanan, kami telah memastikan kondisi mobil dalam keadaan prima. Tangki bahan bakar pun kami isi penuh saat start dari Jakarta. Dari Jakarta, kami menuju Tasikmalaya untuk makan siang di sana. Menuju Tasikmalaya, kami melewati tol Jakarta-Cikampek dan Tol Purbaleunyi, keluar di Cileunyi untuk menuju Nagreg sampai Tasikmalaya.

Di Tasikmalaya, kami mengisi bensin Wuling Almaz RS meski indikator masih menunjukkan posisi setengah. Kami tetap mengisi bensin walaupun belum habis sama sekali untuk memastikan perjalanan tetap lancar tanpa kendala.

Dari Tasikmalaya, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Purwokerto untuk menikmati sajian kuliner khas. Dari Purwokerto baru kami menginap di Yogyakarta.

Hari kedua, kami mengeksplorasi Yogyakarta. Selama di Kota Gudeg, kami menuju Candi Plaosan, Pasar Beringharjo di Malioboro, Desa Krebet, Pantai Parangtritis, hingga ke Tebing Breksi.

Di hari ketiga, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Banyuwangi dari Yogyakarta. Perjalanan ini sangat panjang, kami melewati jalan tol dan jalur pantura untuk menuju Banyuwangi.

Dari Yogyakarta, kami mengakses jalan tol Trans Jawa dari Gerbang Tol Colomadu di Boyolali. Dari sana, mobil digaspol sampai ke Probolinggo. Perjalanan hari kedua ini menghabiskan jarak sekitar 600 km.

Kami tiba di Banyuwangi pada malam hari. Besoknya di hari keempat baru mengeksplorasi beberapa wisata di Banyuwangi. Di hari yang sama, kami menyeberang ke Bali.

Eksplorasi di Bali menghabiskan waktu tiga hari. Beberapa lokasi wisata di utara Pulau Bali di antaranya Air Terjun Gitgit di Buleleng, Desa Wisata Les, Savana Tianyar, Pantai Lovina hingga Danau Tamblingan.

Puas berwisata di Bali, perjalanan pulang dilanjutkan lewat Banyuwangi, Jember dan menginap semalam di Surabaya. Dari Surabaya, kami menuju Semarang untuk menginap lagi sebelum kembali ke Jakarta keesokaan harinya.

Berdasarkan catatan tim kami, total biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk melakukan road trip dari Jakarta lewat Tasikmalaya, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, Banyuwangi, Bali dan kembali lewat Banyuwangi, Jember, Surabaya, Semarang hingga ke Jakarta sebesar Rp 6.533.500. Itu sudah termasuk biaya bensin dan tol. Selama perjalanan 9 hari, kami mengisi bensin dengan total biaya sebesar Rp 5.730.000, sisanya biaya tol.

Sebagai gambaran, mobil yang kami gunakan diisi penumpang penuh 5 orang dan barang bawaan di bagasi. Mobil kami kendarai dengan normal, juga menemui beberapa titik kemacetan. Sesekali mobil kami geber dengan kecepatan tinggi di jalan tol sekaligus untuk menguji performa Wuling Almaz RS ini.

Road Trip 3000 Km Wuling Almaz

Road Trip 3.000 Km Jakarta-Bali Bareng Wuling Almaz RS

Road Trip Jakarta-Bali 3.000 Km via Tasik-Yogya, Segini Biaya Tolnya

Road Trip Jakarta-Bali 3.000 Km via Tasik-Yogya, Segini Biaya Tolnya

Nyaman dan pede melaju di tol trans jawa dengan mg 4 ev, road trip 1.400 km pakai mobil listrik mg 4 ev, seberapa irit, petualangan tri mas petir buktikan keiritan mobil listrik, dipakai ke luar kota saat libur lebaran, segini konsumsi bbm almaz hybrid, rest area km 166 cipali punya hotel nyaman buat istirahat lho, kata ahli ini alasan perjalanan pulang terasa lebih cepat daripada pergi, heboh tarantula bikin kecelakaan mobil di lembah kematian, 2 bulan naik bus keliling eropa, biayanya rp 368 juta. mau.

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road trip jakarta bali

road trip jakarta bali

Having kids is a reason to travel, never a reason to stop

Road Trip Jakarta Bali Bersama Anak-anak, Berapa Lama Durasi Perjalanan Serta Biayanya?

Di akhir tahun 2021 lalu, aku berkesempatan untuk melakukan road trip Jakarta Bali bersama anak-anak selama 13 hari. Tadinya sih sudah mau dilakukan sejak tahun 2020, tapi kondisi belum mendukung yaa.

Di tahun 2021 setahun lebih sudah pandemi melanda dan menyebabkan kami menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu kami hanya di rumah saja. Rasa bosan tentu melanda, tapi kami hanya bisa bersabar menunggu hingga covid itu mereda.

Alhamdulillah pertengahan tahunnya kami lihat memang sudah mereda, maka aku dan suami mulai merencanakan untuk ke Bali dengan mobil alias road trip .

Keputusan itu kami ambil karena kami juga masih belum berani naik pesawat, makanya memilih yang sebagian besarnya bisa kami kontrol, yaitu pakai mobil saja. Dengan menggunakan mobil, rasanya juga meminimalisir bertemu dengan banyak sekali orang kan. 🙂

Table of Contents

Perjalanan yang Tertunda

Awalnya kami mau pergi di bulan Juni 2021, tapi ternyata covid yang tadinya melandai, tiba-tiba naik dan muncul varian baru dan sangat mudah menular serta efek sakitnya sangat parah (sebut saja varian delta). Kami langsung ambil keputusan untuk menunda perjalanan itu. Demi kesehatan kami sendiri tentunya, terutama anak-anak.

Walau memang rasanya sudah sangat tidak sabar sih ya untuk bisa “berpetualang” lagi bersama keluarga, tapi ya mau gimana, kita hanya bisa pasrah dan sabar. Sampai pada akhirnya vaksin itu akhirnya muncul dan kami sudah melengkapi ikhtiar kami dengan vaksin 2x, barulah kami mulai memikirkan kembali rencana road trip ke Bali ini.

Tegalalang Ricefield

Sambil terus mematangkan rencana, kami juga sambil melihat situasi.

Akhirnya disaat covid melandai lagi, kami mulai atur strategi kapan, berapa lama, dan bagaimana kami akan melakukan perjalanan ini.

Durasi Perjalanan Road Trip Jakarta Bali

Kalau dilihat melalui google maps, rasanya durasi perjalanan Jakarta – Bali bisa ditempuh dalam waktu 1 hari saja (19 jam 46 menit). Mungkin kalau kita paksakan langsung plus bisa bergantian menyetir ya bisa-bisa saja ya.

Tapi kan kita sama anak-anak ya bu, jadi aku dan suami pun sudah berpikir gak akan bisa ditempuh dalam sekali jalan nih, jadi ya kami memang merencanakan untuk singgah 1x untuk menginap sekaligus beristirahat di Surabaya. Eh, singgah di Surabaya ini sekaligus untuk tes antigen deng, karena pada saat itu, tes antigen masih menjadi syarat wajib untuk bisa menaiki kapal feri.

Singgah Surabaya - Road Trip Bali

Durasi Berangkat (Jakarta – Bali)

Kalau ditotal sih, perjalanan berangkat sampai Bali itu sekitar 23 jam. Oiya, berhubung kami pernah ke Bali Utara, jadi kami memang memutuskan perhentian pertama kami ya Bali Utara dulu. Selain memang mau melihat Lumba-lumba di pantai Lovina, jarak Bali Utara dengan pelabuhan Gilimanuk juga lebih dekat, jadilah rasanya pas untuk jadi tempat perhentian pertama kami 🙂

Baca juga: Wisata Bali Utara Bersama Balita

Bali Utara - Lovina

Soalnya kalau langsung menuju Bali Selatan butuh sekitar 4 sampai 5 jam lagi dari pelabuhan Gilimanuk. Kalau ke Bali Utara, hanya butuh sekitar 1 sampai 1,5 jam saja. Makanya deh kami memutuskan untuk ke wilayah Bali Utara terlebih dahulu.

Dari total 23 jam Jakarta – Bali, kami bagi menjadi 2, yaitu 12 jam sampe Surabaya, berikutnya 11 jam sampai Bali. Ini sudah dengan waktu beberapa kali mampir di rest area serta sudah termasuk waktu untuk menyeberang. Berhubung bawa 3 anak (2 anak di atas 5 tahun plus 1 anak balita), jadilah kami mengutamakan kebutuhan mereka ya.

Menunggu Suami Istirahat di Rest Area

Kami memikirkan waktu ke kamar mandi, juga waktu makan. Jadi, begitu sampai rest area, biasanya kami “paksakan” encourage anak-anak untuk makan dan buang air. Supaya perjalanan berikutnya bisa jalan dengan lancar dan minim “tantangan” (yang punya anak tau nih maksudnya, ihihi).

Durasi Pulang (Bali – Jakarta)

Tepatnya Depok sih, pinggiran Jakarta lah yaa, hehe. Sayangnya nih, durasi pulang dari Bali menuju Jakarta tidaklah semulus perjalanan berangkat.

Soalnya, ternyata total waktu yang diperlukan adalah 25 jam . Oh, ini sudah dibagi untuk menginap di Banyuwangi terlebih dahulu ya. Kebetulan juga persinggahan terakhir kami adalah Nusa Dua, jadi kami melakukan perjalanan dari sana sejak sekitar jam 11 siang.

Merusaka Nusa Dua Bali

Baca juga: Menginap Pinggir Pantai Di Merusaka Nusa Dua Bali

Eh, tapi tepatnya kami mulai jalan sekitar jam 1 siang sih, karena di jam 11 itu kami berhenti untuk tes antigen terlebih dahulu, juga makan siang sekaligus bertemu dan mengobrol dengan teman suami, CEO dari RevoU .

Jadi kalau dihitung, perjalanan Bali – Banyuwangi totalnya adalah 6 jam (sudah termasuk menyeberang dan pergantian zona waktu).

Makan Siang Sebelum Pulang Road Trip Jakarta Bali

Terpaksa menginap di Banyuwangi juga karena sudah terlanjur malam dan kalau dilanjutkan, kami tidak tau harus menginap di daerah mana lagi sih, hehehe.

Keesokan paginya, kami berangkat sekitar jam 5 subuh dan ternyata sampai di rumah sekitar jam 12 malam. Ini dikarenakan kami banyak berhenti. Total berhenti 5 kali, 3 kali untuk makan (setiap kali berhenti bisa sekitar 1 jam), dan 2 kali untuk beristirahat dan tidur untuk suami.

Mampir Di Rest Area dalam Road Trip Bali

Sebetulnya mungkin bisa lebih santai kalau menginap di 1 tempat lagi sih. Jadi saat sore dan sudah sekitar 12 jam melakukan perjalanan, kita singgah dan menginap lagi. Tapi, saat itu kami sudah tidak sabar sampaai rumah, jadilah suami melanjutkan perjalanan pulangnya (plus kayanya gak nyiapin baju untuk nginep 1x lagi sih, haha).

Membeli Tiket Kapal Feri Ketapang – Gilimanuk

Road trip ke Bali ini adalah sekaligus pertama kalinya kami melakukan perjalanan menggunakan kapal feri, yang ternyata menurut aku sudah sangat baik penanganannya. Daftar/membeli tiketnya mudah, cukup melalui https://www.ferizy.com/ , serta masuk pelabuhan sampai masuk kapalnya juga cepat dan mudah.

Aku bilang mudah karena memang tidak lama prosesnya untuk membeli tiket (kami membeli tiket feri ini sekitar 1 jam sebelum berangkat). Walaupun pada saat pembelian tertera waktu (pada jam berapa masuk pelabuhannya), tetapi begitu kami sampai di pelabuhan ya akan selalu dipersilakan masuk selama nama penumpangnya sudah terdaftar dan selama kami membawa tes antigen terbaru.

Pelabuhan Ketapang - Road Trip Bali

Setelah memasuki pelabuhan, kita akan langsung diarahkan menuju kapal yang sudah bersandar dan begitu kapal itu penuh, langsung saja berangkat tanpa menunggu dan menghabiskan waktu lama lagi. Makanya aku bilang cepat, karena memang ternyata prosesnya cepat dari masuk pelabuhan sampai kapal berangkat. Proses tersebut hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 15-30 menit saja.

Mobil Memasuki Kapal

Oiya, untuk tes antigen, sekarang sih sudah tidak wajib ya. Beberapa waktu lalu kami juga melakukan perjalanan menggunakan feri, dan sudah tidak mewajibkan tes antigen ini, jadi kami tidak melakukan tes ini deh 🙂

Berbeda dengan kapal Merak-Bakauheni yang menyediakan kapal feri ekspress, kapal dari Ketapang – Gilimanuk ini tidak ada yang ekspress, sehingga fasilitas kapal (sebut saja tempat duduk) ya biasa saja dan tidak ada yang menyajikan pemandangan laut dan tempat berAC seperti di kapal feri yang ekspress yaa.

Tempat Duduk Penumpang Kapal Feri

Total Biaya Road Trip Jakarta Bali

Disclaimer dulu, total biaya road trip di sini adalah total biaya sepanjang perjalanan pergi dan pulang ya. Jadi tidak termasuk biaya-biaya yang keluar selama liburan di Balinya 😀

Baca juga: Liburan ke Bali Bersama Anak, Sudah Coba 5 Aktivitas Seru Ini Belum?

Tapii termasuk biaya makan dan biaya menginap selama perjalanan (kalau kita memutuskan singgah di suatu tempat kok). Plus ini termasuk antigen juga sih :).

  • Tes Antigen 396.000 x 2 (pergi dan pulang). Total Rp. 792.000
  • Total Beli Cemilan Rp. 329.000 (cemilan ini penting ya kalau kalian membawa anak-anak xp)
  • Total makanan (10x makan, 5x saat berangkat, 5x saat pulang) Rp. 1.300.000 (ini porsi 4 orang sebetulnya ya, karena 2 dewasa 2 anak dan 1 balita itu tidak menghabiskan terlalu banyak makanan)
  • Total penginapan: Darmo Hotel (Surabaya) Rp. 389.000, Latansa Hotel Syariah (Banyuwangi) Rp. 221.000 = Rp. 610.000
  • Total kapal laut (Ferizy): 182.500 x 2 (pergi pulang) = Rp. 365.000
  • Bensin Rp. 1.200.000 (Pakai pertamax, harga Desember 2021, 3x isi bensin pergi dan pulang)
  • Tol Rp. 1.500.000

Kalau ditotal, biaya perjalanan road trip pulang pergi Bali – Jakarta adalah sekitar Rp. 6.096.000, dibulatkan jadi 6,1 juta lah yaa.

Tips Road Trip Membawa Anak-anak

Nah ini nih, kalau road trip sama anak-anak harus siap untuk segala kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi ya, hehe. Perencanaan matang itu perlu, tapi kita harus siap dengan kondisi lapangan yang mungkin sangat berbeda dengan ekspektasi kita. Hitung-hitung pelajaran untuk bersabar sih kalau road trip bareng anak tuh 😀

Road Trip Bali Bersama Anak

Anw, beberapa tips ini mungkin bisa mengurangi “masalah-masalah” yang mungkin bisa muncul saat road trip bersama anak ya:

  • Sediakan makanan dan cemilan yang banyak. Selain karena demi kesehatan, juga penting untuk mengendalikan suasana di kendaraan sih. Dengan perjalanan darat dan di mobil terus begitu, sangat amat mungkin anak-anak menjadi bosan dan gak betah. Nah, cemilan ini bisa jadi salah satu penyelamat untuk kebosanan mereka (bosen kok disuruh ngemil ya xp)
  • Persiapkan dan perhatikan kebutuhan anak. Bawa mainan atau buku favorit anak, supaya di mobil anak bisa tetap beraktivitas dengan mainan kesukaannya atau malah membaca buku kesukaannya. Selain itu, perhatikan waktu waktu mereka memang butuh ke kamar mandi untuk buang air. Atau juga perhatikan waktu waktu mereka harus makan. Pokoknya bener-bener memenuhi kebutuhan utama mereka lah ya selama di jalan tuh. Jadi ya gak usah ngoyo harus bisa sampai dalam beberapa jam ya, lebih ke nikmati waktu alias nyantai ajaa kalau bareng anak-anak mah 😀
  • Lebih fleksibel. Fleksibel dalam hal waktu maupun dalam pemberian gadget. Selama di jalan gak mungkin juga sih kita strict banget dengan aturan pergadgetan, hehe. Di rumah, anak-anak memang aku batasi, setiap anak hanya mendapat waktu 20 menit saja untuk bisa menonton atau bermain game. Nah kalau sedang jalan begini gak strict segitu, tapi gak yang diumbar juga sih. Tetap dikasih saat kita memang butuh ketenangan, tapi gak jadi keasikan dan kelamaan juga. Karena anak-anak itu bisa menemukan solusi kebosanan mereka sendiri sebetulnya. Mereka bisa menghitung awan, menghitung mobil, atau memperhatikan hal lainnya deh. Pokoknya gadget fleksibel saat dibutuhkan saja deh 😀

3 tips aja tapi kok panjang amat yaa, ahaha. Kalau ada yang mau menambahkan tips membawa anak-anak road trip, boleh juga yaa tulis di kolom komentar 🙂

Private Pool Villa Adiwana Arkara Resort

Semoga postingan aku ini bisa sedikit banyak membantu kalian yang sedang merencanakan road trip yaa 😉

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Halo, salam kenal ya.

Aku Istiana Sutanti, seorang ibu dari 3 orang perempuan yang hobi sekali mengajak anak-anak untuk traveling bersama.

Di blog ini aku sharing pengalaman traveling kami sekeluarga plus pelajaran parenting yang aku dapatkan, baik dari pengalaman pun dari seminar parenting.

Semoga kalian suka membaca pengalaman traveling kami dan semoga membantu untuk menentukan tujuan traveling kalian berikutnya! ;)

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Kalau saya pastinya harus bawa mainan edukasi yang bikin mereka ga bakalan bosan selama di jalan. Apalagi buat anak sulung, cewek tapi suka bosan. Semoga bisa trip juga deh bawa anak tiga seperti kisah di atas.

Mbak, aku salfok sama outfitnya. Bisa senada biru-biru di setiap foto. Jadi keliatan segaar. Dulu waktu masih remaja, kami juga suka road trip Surabaya-Bali. Menyenangkan banget dan jadi kenangan manis sampai sekarang.

Soalnyaa aku yang suka warna biruuu, jadilah kalau beliin baju juga seringnya biru xp

Seru banget para gadis traveling! Isti tahu-tahu udah ada 3 gadis cantiknya yaaaa alhamdulillaaah

btw di jalan mainan gadget memang jadinya malah mual, mending mainan kayak tepuk tangan – tebak tebakan ya, semoga bisa traveling terus ya!

wkwkwk, iyaa oma udah 3 aja yaa, ihihi. Aamiin doanya, seru traveling apalagi road trip kayak gini 😀

mau banget sih road trip ky gini,kayaknya seruuu banget, cuma mikirin capeknya itu hahahah, soalnya anak-anak masih kecil2, yang bisa mandiri baru satu anak, dan emang budget segitu untuk berlima sih bisa dibilang ditengah2 ya, masih terjangkau, tol juga kukira abis banyak ternyata 1,5 juta ya, sampe ujung jawa heheu

iya, itu udah bolak balik pula mbak tolnya. Tol sama bensin dan makan sih pengeluaran terbesarnya 😀

Utk perjalanan jalur darat aku rasanya baru sanggup lintas jawa. Tapi jadi momentum yg berharga dan mrnyenangkan karena perginya dgn org2 tersayang Anak2nya hebat ya mba ga banyak ngeluh karena road trip kan butuh ekstra waktu

Penasaran pas di Balinya berapa hari plus biaya total Jenderal Jakarta-Bali-Jakarta berapa sama wisata2nya sekalian? Pengen banget roadtrip gini deh tapi kalo suami yang nyetir aja takut capek dianya, huhu.

wah, kemarin itu lumayan lama sih, sampai 13 hari, ihihi. Nah, suami aku tipe yang perfectionist, jadi dia justru mau menantang dirinya sendiri gitu lho mbak untuk nyetir Jakarta-Bali-Jakarta gini. Sempet gantian sebentar sih sama aku, tapi baru beberapa menit udah ganti lagi, ahaha. Gemes ya kalau gak nyetir sendiri xp

Aku dan suami kalau jalan sama anakpun nggak ngoyo sama target durasi perjalanan (kalau jauh). Soalnya bawa anak jalan jauh itu ya begitulah banyak pertimbangannya. Yang utama anak nyaman sehat di jalan.

betul, yang utama anak nyaman dan sehat sehat selama perjalanan yaa

Aku bisa bayangin pasti barang bawaannya heboh. Hehehe. Soalnya kemarin aku yang jalan ke ancol sehari doang bareng 3 bocil udah rusuh banget. Tapi tentu semua itu tergantikan dengan rasa senang bisa jalan2 bareng keluarga ya mbak. Oiya, kalau road trip seperti ini enaknya kalau anak minimal usia berapa ya?

nah aku gak tauu mbak minimal usianya. Aku tuh jalan ya jalan aja *tutupmuka. Mungkin saat mereka udah biasa duduk di carseat mobil dengan tenang dan lama ya, sekitar 2 tahunan ya. Anak aku yang paling kecil itu 2,5 tahun soalnya, lagi toilet training juga pas raod trip itu, hee

Seru banget ya jalan-jalannya apalagi lengkap dengan foto bersama keluarga kalau aku jarang banget itu fotonya bisa selengkap ini

Anak2 udah biasa difoto mbak, ihihi.

Happy bangeettt, kak. Kompak yaa, dari pakaian sampai senyumnya anak-anak dan suami. Meski lelah, tapi begitu difoto, bisa ceria kembali. Aku seneng liat Dress codenya yang biru cerah. Bikin perjalanan bersama anak tetap menyenangkan gini tipsnya apa kaak?? ((selain camilan hehhe))

ada di postingan lain kaa, hehe. di https://istiana.sutanti.com/2022/07/17/6-tips-mengajak-anak-road-trip/ yaa 😀

kami planning di April 2023 ini roadtrip Karawang-bali

Wih, ntaps mas. Good luck dan semoga lancar yaa perjalanannya, have fun sepanjang perjalanan dan di Bali! 😀

seru seru, pengen juga deh Bandung – Bali road trip

cuuss mbaakk. Seruu deh ngajak anak2 gini. Liburan sambil berpetualang, ihihi

ini kami banget sih, sudah 2x roadtrip berlima ke bali dari jakarta. terakhir tahun baruan tahun ini. ini lagi nyari referensi mendaki g batur dengan anak, karena rencana roadtrip lagi lebaran ini. Thanks infonya

Waah, Salam kenal yaa mbak. Asik ya road trip tuh, pace nya bener2 kita yang atur jadinya. Sip mbak, semoga infonya bermanfaat yaa ????

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    Itinerary 7 Hari 6 Malam Jakarta-Bali Dengan Mobil Pribadi. Berapa lama AutoFamily akan melakukan road trip Jakarta-Bali? Bila perjalanan berlangsung selama 7 hari 6 malam, Anda perlu membuat itinerary perjalanan yang cukup lengkap. Itinerary ini akan membawa AutoFamily mengunjungi tempat-tempat menarik di sepanjang perjalanan dari Jakarta ...

  7. Jakarta to Bali

    6 alternative options. Fly Jakarta Halim Perdana Kusuma to Ngurah Rai • 3h 26m. HLP - DPS. $62-252. Train to Kertajati, fly to Ngurah Rai • 5h 50m. KJT - DPS. $68-175. Fly Soekarno-Hatta to Banyuwangi International, car ferry, drive • 5h 44m. CGK - BWX.

  8. A Week Long or Longer Road Trip Jakarta-Bali

    Here is a route for a road trip from Jakarta to Bali that you can try for a 7-8-day trip: Road trip tips for Indonesia here >>. Day 1: Jakarta-Tasikmalaya. Depart early in the morning from Jakarta to Tasikmalaya for lunch there. This trip passes through the Jakarta-Cikampek and Purbaleunyi toll roads, then take the exit at Cileunyi to go to ...

  9. A Road Trip Jakarta-Bali

    A Road Trip Jakarta-Bali. Get ready for an amazing drive as you travel from Jakarta to Bali by car. The distance from Jakarta to Bali is approx 1200 km, which totals approximately 18 hours of land travel. This might seem like an endless drive, but the scenery along the way makes it more than worth it.

  10. 9 Tips Road Trip Jakarta Bali untuk Perjalanan yang Aman ...

    Tips Road Trip Jakarta Bali. 1. Ketahui Rute yang Akan Dilalui. Jika naik mobil sendiri dari Jakarta ke Bali, kamu tentu harus mengetahui rute yang akan ditempuh. Banyak orang mengandalkan alat GPS untuk mengarahkan pengemudi selama menyetir mobil. Namun, akan lebih baik lagi jika kamu telah melakukan riset perihal rute yang akan dijalani.

  11. Bali road trip: a two week guide (incl. itinerary)

    Bali Road Trip: practical information. Area: Ubud, Munduk, Wanagiri, Sambangan, Sekumpul, Karangasem, Sanur, Uluwatu, Nusa Penida Hotels: I stayed at different places, some extremely cheap (15€ per night), others more expensive (maximum 115€ per night).I did one splurge of 160€ per night, but that was exceptional. Duration: 14 nights, 15 days When did I go: June

  12. Indonesia Itinerary for 10 Days: Jakarta to Bali Route

    Day 1: India to Jakarta (Indonesia) My Indonesia trip started from India, from Hyderabad to be precise. I had my flights booked for Jakarta - the capital of Indonesia and had a 2-hour layover at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Since I had chosen an Air Asia flight, it was budget-friendly and cost me only 18000-20000 INR for a return trip to Indonesia.

  13. The Perfect Road Trip In Bali: Your Ultimate 4-Week Itinerary 2024

    Summary Itinerary: Scooter Route In Bali. A quick summary of this 4-week Bali itinerary so you can see exactly where we are going. (Full itinerary below) Start Point: Denpasar. This itinerary assumes you are flying into Denpasar. Visit Jagatnatha Temple, which is the biggest temple in Denpasar. Stop 1: Canggu.

  14. Rekomendasi Rute Road Trip Jakarta Bali

    Rekomendasi Rute Road Trip Jakarta - Bali image source: www.unsplash.com. Kamu yang memulai perjalananmu dari daerah Jakarta atau Jabodetabek punya seenggaknya dua pilihan rute road trip yang bisa dicoba. Dua-duanya sama-sama efisien, efektif dan cepat karena memakan waktu sekitar 20 sampai 26 jam aja untuk sampai ke Bali.

  15. Ide Road Trip 7 Hari di Bali Anti-Mainstream, Dijamin Puas!

    Adapun rekomendasi rute road trip hari pertama di Bali yaitu ke tempat wisata terkenal di Bali, di antaranya yaitu: 1. Pantai Kuta. 2. Pantai Seminyak. 3. Tanah Lot. Di akhir road trip hari pertama kamu bisa mengunjungi Tanah Lot.

  16. Bali's 5 best road trips, plus tips on scooter hire and more

    2. East Bali Loop. Best road trip for hiking and snorkeling. Start and end - Candidasa or Padangbai; 130km (80 miles); two or more days. East Bali offers some of the island's most dramatic landscapes, as well as slender but satisfying beaches where you can evade the crowds. Experience all of this on a leisurely multi-day loop that can take ...

  17. Road Trip Jakarta-Bali 3.000 Km, Buat Bensin dan Tol Habis ...

    Road trip 3.000 km bersama Wuling Almaz RS dilakukan selama 9 hari. Perjalanan dimulai dari Gedung Transmedia di Mampang, Jakarta Selatan, menuju Yogyakarta. Dari Yogyakarta menuju Banyuwangi, lalu menyeberang ke Bali. Di Bali, kami mengeksplorasi lokasi wisata dan sajian kuliner di wilayah utara Bali. Beberapa lokasi wisata di utara Pulau Bali ...

  18. Road Trip Jakarta Bali

    Road Trip Jakarta Bali dengan Rincian Detil Lengkap ! Road trip perdana tanpa rencana matang-Bisakah road trip dadakan tanpa persiapan?-Repot gak sih road tr...

  19. Astounding Bali & Jakarta Holiday Tour

    Brief Itinerary. Day 1: Jakarta Arrival. Day 2: Jakarta Historical Tour. Day 3: Jakarta - Puncak. Day 4: Jakarta - Fly to Bali - Kuta. Day 5: Water Sports - Tanah Lot Sunset Tour. Day 6: Bali Departure. Please note that every element of the tour below can be tailored. Tell us your specific interests and we are happy to make adjustments ...

  20. Road Trip Jakarta-Bali? Jangan Lupa Mampir di Kota-kota Ini Ya!

    Dan memang seru sekali ya, road trip Jakarta- Bali. Karena kota-kota yang dilewati semua keren-keren. Ya, wisatanya juga kulinernya. Semoga bisa nih, segera roadtrip Jakarta-Bali. Reply. Farida Pane. July 20, 2022 at 3:13 pm Kalau ke Bandung dulu apa enggak menyimpang, ya? Tapi memang kota ini sayang untuk dilewatkan, sih.

  21. Biaya Perjalanan Roadtrip Jakarta-Bali

    Jakarta, IDN Times - Roadtrip Jakarta-Bali jadi salah satu cara berwisata yang bisa kamu tempuh pada musim liburan ini. Sebab menempuh perjalanan darat ribuan kilometer dengan mobil akan memberikan pengalaman dan keseruan tersendiri. Tapi ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu perhatian sebelum road trip agar perjalananmu lancar dan menyenangkan, salah satunya adalah biaya.

  22. Road Trip Jakarta Bali Bersama Anak-anak

    Maka diputuskanlah kami melakukan road trip Jakarta - Bali di bulan Desember 2021 lalu. Lihat itinerary lengkapnya di 13 Hari Road Trip ke Bali Durasi Perjalanan Road Trip Jakarta Bali. Kalau dilihat melalui google maps, rasanya durasi perjalanan Jakarta - Bali bisa ditempuh dalam waktu 1 hari saja (19 jam 46 menit).

  23. Road Trip Jakarta

    Halo Sobat Dyarga, pada pertengahan Juni 2023 lalu keluarga kami kembali melakukan Road Trip. Dan kali ini, kami mengunjungi Pulau Bali. Kami berangkat dari ...

  24. Bali a dental paradise for tourists

    entists are at the forefront of Indonesia's effort to turn Bali into a global hub for health travel, with a growing number of patients from Australia and elsewhere visiting the island for ...