Traveling salesman problem

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Author: Jessica Yu (ChE 345 Spring 2014)

Steward: Dajun Yue, Fengqi You

The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a widely studied combinatorial optimization problem, which, given a set of cities and a cost to travel from one city to another, seeks to identify the tour that will allow a salesman to visit each city only once, starting and ending in the same city, at the minimum cost. 1

  • 2.1 Graph Theory
  • 2.2 Classifications of the TSP
  • 2.3 Variations of the TSP
  • 3.1 aTSP ILP Formulation
  • 3.2 sTSP ILP Formulation
  • 4.1 Exact algorithms
  • 4.2.1 Tour construction procedures
  • 4.2.2 Tour improvement procedures
  • 5 Applications
  • 7 References

travelling salesman problem vs shortest path

The origins of the traveling salesman problem are obscure; it is mentioned in an 1832 manual for traveling salesman, which included example tours of 45 German cities but gave no mathematical consideration. 2 W. R. Hamilton and Thomas Kirkman devised mathematical formulations of the problem in the 1800s. 2

It is believed that the general form was first studied by Karl Menger in Vienna and Harvard in the 1930s. 2,3

Hassler Whitney, who was working on his Ph.D. research at Harvard when Menger was a visiting lecturer, is believed to have posed the problem of finding the shortest route between the 48 states of the United States during either his 1931-1932 or 1934 seminar talks. 2 There is also uncertainty surrounding the individual who coined the name “traveling salesman problem” for Whitney’s problem. 2

The problem became increasingly popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Notably, George Dantzig, Delber R. Fulkerson, and Selmer M. Johnson at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, California solved the 48 state problem by formulating it as a linear programming problem. 2 The methods described in the paper set the foundation for future work in combinatorial optimization, especially highlighting the importance of cutting planes. 2,4

In the early 1970s, the concept of P vs. NP problems created buzz in the theoretical computer science community. In 1972, Richard Karp demonstrated that the Hamiltonian cycle problem was NP-complete, implying that the traveling salesman problem was NP-hard. 4

Increasingly sophisticated codes led to rapid increases in the sizes of the traveling salesman problems solved. Dantzig, Fulkerson, and Johnson had solved a 48 city instance of the problem in 1954. 5 Martin Grötechel more than doubled this 23 years later, solving a 120 city instance in 1977. 5 Enoch Crowder and Manfred W. Padberg again more than doubled this in just 3 years, with a 318 city solution. 5

In 1987, rapid improvements were made, culminating in a 2,392 city solution by Padberg and Giovanni Rinaldi. In the following two decades, David L. Appelgate, Robert E. Bixby, Vasek Chvátal, & William J. Cook led the cutting edge, solving a 7,397 city instance in 1994 up to the current largest solved problem of 24,978 cities in 2004. 5


Graph theory.

{\displaystyle G=(V,E)}

In the context of the traveling salesman problem, the verticies correspond to cities and the edges correspond to the path between those cities. When modeled as a complete graph, paths that do not exist between cities can be modeled as edges of very large cost without loss of generality. 6 Minimizing the sum of the costs for Hamiltonian cycle is equivalent to identifying the shortest path in which each city is visiting only once.

Classifications of the TSP

The TRP can be divided into two classes depending on the nature of the cost matrix. 3,6

{\displaystyle C}

  • Applies when the distance between cities is the same in both directions

{\displaystyle \exists ~i,j:c_{ij}\neq c_{ji}}

  • Applies when there are differences in distances (e.g. one-way streets)

An ATSP can be formulated as an STSP by doubling the number of nodes. 6

Variations of the TSP

{\displaystyle u}


{\displaystyle n}

The objective function is then given by

{\displaystyle {\text{min}}\sum _{i}\sum _{j}c_{ij}y_{ij}}

To ensure that the result is a valid tour, several contraints must be added. 1,3

{\displaystyle \sum _{j}y_{ij}=1,~~\forall i=0,1,...,n-1}

There are several other formulations for the subtour elimnation contraint, including circuit packing contraints, MTZ constraints, and network flow constraints.

aTSP ILP Formulation

The integer linear programming formulation for an aTSP is given by

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{min}}&~~\sum _{i}\sum _{j}c_{ij}y_{ij}\\{\text{s.t}}&~~\sum _{j}y_{ij}=1,~~i=0,1,...,n-1\\&~~\sum _{i}y_{ij}=1,~~j=0,1,...,n-1\\&~~\sum _{i}\sum _{j}y_{ij}\leq |S|-1~~S\subset V,2\leq |S|\leq n-2\\&~~y_{ij}\in \{0,1\},~\forall i,j\in E\\\end{aligned}}}

sTSP ILP Formulation

The symmetric case is a special case of the asymmetric case and the above formulation is valid. 3, 6 The integer linear programming formulation for an sTSP is given by

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{min}}&~~\sum _{i}\sum _{j}c_{ij}y_{ij}\\{\text{s.t}}&~~\sum _{i<k}y_{ik}+\sum _{j>k}y_{kj}=2,~~k\in V\\&~~\sum _{i}\sum _{j}y_{ij}\leq |S|-1~~S\subset V,3\leq |S|\leq n-3\\&~~y_{ij}\in \{0,1\}~\forall i,j\in E\\\end{aligned}}}

Exact algorithms

{\displaystyle O(n!)}

Branch-and-bound algorithms are commonly used to find solutions for TSPs. 7 The ILP is first relaxed and solved as an LP using the Simplex method, then feasibility is regained by enumeration of the integer variables. 7

Other exact solution methods include the cutting plane method and branch-and-cut. 8

Heuristic algorithms

Given that the TSP is an NP-hard problem, heuristic algorithms are commonly used to give a approximate solutions that are good, though not necessarily optimal. The algorithms do not guarantee an optimal solution, but gives near-optimal solutions in reasonable computational time. 3 The Held-Karp lower bound can be calculated and used to judge the performance of a heuristic algorithm. 3

There are two general heuristic classifications 7 :

  • Tour construction procedures where a solution is gradually built by adding a new vertex at each step
  • Tour improvement procedures where a feasbile solution is improved upon by performing various exchanges

The best methods tend to be composite algorithms that combine these features. 7

Tour construction procedures

{\displaystyle k}

Tour improvement procedures

{\displaystyle t}


The importance of the traveling salesman problem is two fold. First its ubiquity as a platform for the study of general methods than can then be applied to a variety of other discrete optimization problems. 5 Second is its diverse range of applications, in fields including mathematics, computer science, genetics, and engineering. 5,6

travelling salesman problem vs shortest path

Suppose a Northwestern student, who lives in Foster-Walker , has to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Drop off a homework set at Tech
  • Work out a SPAC
  • Complete a group project at Annenberg

Distances between buildings can be found using Google Maps. Note that there is particularly strong western wind and walking east takes 1.5 times as long.

It is the middle of winter and the student wants to spend the least possible time walking. Determine the path the student should take in order to minimize walking time, starting and ending at Foster-Walker.

Start with the cost matrix (with altered distances taken into account):

Method 1: Complete Enumeration

All possible paths are considered and the path of least cost is the optimal solution. Note that this method is only feasible given the small size of the problem.

From inspection, we see that Path 4 is the shortest. So, the student should walk 2.28 miles in the following order: Foster-Walker → Annenberg → SPAC → Tech → Foster-Walker

Method 2: Nearest neighbor

Starting from Foster-Walker, the next building is simply the closest building that has not yet been visited. With only four nodes, this can be done by inspection:

  • Smallest distance is from Foster-Walker is to Annenberg
  • Smallest distance from Annenberg is to Tech
  • Smallest distance from Tech is to Annenberg ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest distance from Tech is to Foster-Walker ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest distance from Tech is to SPAC
  • Smallest distance from SPAC is to Annenberg ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest distance from SPAC is to Tech ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest distance from SPAC is to Foster-Walker

So, the student would walk 2.54 miles in the following order: Foster-Walker → Annenberg → Tech → SPAC → Foster-Walker

Method 3: Greedy

With this method, the shortest paths that do not create a subtour are selected until a complete tour is created.

  • Smallest distance is Annenberg → Tech
  • Next smallest is SPAC → Annenberg
  • Next smallest is Tech → Annenberg ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is Anneberg → Foster-Walker ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is SPAC → Tech ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is Tech → Foster-Walker
  • Next smallest is Annenberg → SPAC ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is Foster-Walker → Annenberg ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is Tech → SPAC ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is Foster-Walker → Tech ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is SPAC → Foster-Walker ( creates a subtour, therefore skip )
  • Next smallest is Foster-Walker → SPAC

So, the student would walk 2.40 miles in the following order: Foster-Walker → SPAC → Annenberg → Tech → Foster-Walker

travelling salesman problem vs shortest path

As we can see in the figure to the right, the heuristic methods did not give the optimal solution. That is not to say that heuristics can never give the optimal solution, just that it is not guaranteed.

Both the optimal and the nearest neighbor algorithms suggest that Annenberg is the optimal first building to visit. However, the optimal solution then goes to SPAC, while both heuristic methods suggest Tech. This is in part due to the large cost of SPAC → Foster-Walker. The heuristic algorithms cannot take this future cost into account, and therefore fall into that local optimum.

We note that the nearest neighbor and greedy algorithms give solutions that are 11.4% and 5.3%, respectively, above the optimal solution. In the scale of this problem, this corresponds to fractions of a mile. We also note that neither heuristic gave the worst case result, Foster-Walker → SPAC → Tech → Annenberg → Foster-Walker.

Only tour building heuristics were used. Combined with a tour improvement algorithm (such as 2-opt or simulated annealing), we imagine that we may be able to locate solutions that are closer to the optimum.

The exact algorithm used was complete enumeration, but we note that this is impractical even for 7 nodes (6! or 720 different possibilities). Commonly, the problem would be formulated and solved as an ILP to obtain exact solutions.

  • Vanderbei, R. J. (2001). Linear programming: Foundations and extensions (2nd ed.). Boston: Kluwer Academic.
  • Schrijver, A. (n.d.). On the history of combinatorial optimization (till 1960).
  • Matai, R., Singh, S., & Lal, M. (2010). Traveling salesman problem: An overview of applications, formulations, and solution approaches. In D. Davendra (Ed.), Traveling Salesman Problem, Theory and Applications . InTech.
  • Junger, M., Liebling, T., Naddef, D., Nemhauser, G., Pulleyblank, W., Reinelt, G., Rinaldi, G., & Wolsey, L. (Eds.). (2009). 50 years of integer programming, 1958-2008: The early years and state-of-the-art surveys . Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Cook, W. (2007). History of the TSP. The Traveling Salesman Problem . Retrieved from
  • Punnen, A. P. (2002). The traveling salesman problem: Applications, formulations and variations. In G. Gutin & A. P. Punnen (Eds.), The Traveling Salesman Problem and its Variations . Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Laporte, G. (1992). The traveling salesman problem: An overview of exact and approximate algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 59 (2), 231–247.
  • Goyal, S. (n.d.). A suvey on travlling salesman problem.

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Traveling Salesperson Problem

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A salesperson needs to visit a set of cities to sell their goods. They know how many cities they need to go to and the distances between each city. In what order should the salesperson visit each city exactly once so that they minimize their travel time and so that they end their journey in their city of origin?

The traveling salesperson problem is an extremely old problem in computer science that is an extension of the Hamiltonian Circuit Problem . It has important implications in complexity theory and the P versus NP problem because it is an NP-Complete problem . This means that a solution to this problem cannot be found in polynomial time (it takes superpolynomial time to compute an answer). In other words, as the number of vertices increases linearly, the computation time to solve the problem increases exponentially.

The following image is a simple example of a network of cities connected by edges of a specific distance. The origin city is also marked.

Network of cities

Here is the solution for that network, it has a distance traveled of only 14. Any other path that the salesman can takes will result in a path length that is more than 14.

Relationship to Graphs

Special kinds of tsp, importance for p vs np, applications.

The traveling salesperson problem can be modeled as a graph . Specifically, it is typical a directed, weighted graph. Each city acts as a vertex and each path between cities is an edge. Instead of distances, each edge has a weight associated with it. In this model, the goal of the traveling salesperson problem can be defined as finding a path that visits every vertex, returns to the original vertex, and minimizes total weight.

To that end, many graph algorithms can be used on this model. Search algorithms like breadth-first search (BFS) , depth-first search (DFS) , and Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm can certainly be used, however, they do not take into consideration that fact that every vertex must be visited.

The Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), an NP-Complete problem, is notoriously complicated to solve. That is because the greedy approach is so computational intensive. The greedy approach to solving this problem would be to try every single possible path and see which one is the fastest. Try this conceptual question to see if you have a grasp for how hard it is to solve.

For a fully connected map with \(n\) cities, how many total paths are possible for the traveling salesperson? Show Answer There are (n-1)! total paths the salesperson can take. The computation needed to solve this problem in this way grows far too quickly to be a reasonable solution. If this map has only 5 cities, there are \(4!\), or 24, paths. However, if the size of this map is increased to 20 cities, there will be \(1.22 \cdot 10^{17}\) paths!

The greedy approach to TSP would go like this:

  • Find all possible paths.
  • Find the cost of every paths.
  • Choose the path with the lowest cost.

Another version of a greedy approach might be: At every step in the algorithm, choose the best possible path. This version might go a little quicker, but it's not guaranteed to find the best answer, or an answer at all since it might hit a dead end.

For NP-Hard problems (a subset of NP-Complete problems) like TSP, exact solutions can only be implemented in a reasonable amount of time for small input sizes (maps with few cities). Otherwise, the best approach we can do is provide a heuristic to help the problem move forward in an optimal way. However, these approaches cannot be proven to be optimal because they always have some sort of downside.

Small input sizes

As described, in a previous section , the greedy approach to this problem has a complexity of \(O(n!)\). However, there are some approaches that decrease this computation time.

The Held-Karp Algorithm is one of the earliest applications of dynamic programming . Its complexity is much lower than the greedy approach at \(O(n^2 2^n)\). Basically what this algorithm says is that every sub path along an optimal path is itself an optimal path. So, computing an optimal path is the same as computing many smaller subpaths and adding them together.

Heuristics are a way of ranking possible next steps in an algorithm in the hopes of cutting down computation time for the entire algorithm. They are often a tradeoff of some attribute - such as completeness, accuracy, or precision - in favor of speed. Heuristics exist for the traveling salesperson problem as well.

The most simple heuristic for this problem is the greedy heuristic. This heuristic simply says, at each step of the network traversal, choose the best next step. In other words, always choose the closest city that you have not yet visited. This heuristic seems like a good one because it is simple and intuitive, and it is even used in practice sometimes, however there are heuristics that are proven to be more effective.

Christofides algorithm is another heuristic. It produces at most 1.5 times the optimal weight for TSP. This algorithm involves finding a minimum spanning tree for the network. Next, it creates matchings for the cities of an odd degree (meaning they have an odd number of edges coming out of them), calculates an eulerian path , and converts back to a TSP path.

Even though it is typically impossible to optimally solve TSP problems, there are cases of TSP problems that can be solved if certain conditions hold.

The metric-TSP is an instance of TSP that satisfies this condition: The distance from city A to city B is less than or equal to the distance from city A to city C plus the distance from city C to city B. Or,

\[distance_{AB} \leq distance_{AC} + distance_{CB}\]

This is a condition that holds in the real world, but it can't always be expected to hold for every TSP problem. But, with this inequality in place, the approximated path will be no more than twice the optimal path. Even better, we can bound the solution to a \(3/2\) approximation by using Christofide's Algorithm .

The euclidean-TSP has an even stricter constraint on the TSP input. It states that all cities' edges in the network must obey euclidean distances . Recent advances have shown that approximation algorithms using euclidean minimum spanning trees have reduced the runtime of euclidean-TSP, even though they are also NP-hard. In practice, though, simpler heuristics are still used.

The P versus NP problem is one of the leading questions in modern computer science. It asks whether or not every problem whose solution can be verified in polynomial time by a computer can also be solved in polynomial time by a computer. TSP, for example, cannot be solved in polynomial time (at least that's what is currently theorized). However, TSP can be solved in polynomial time when it is phrased like this: Given a graph and an integer, x, decide if there is a path of length x or less than x . It's easy to see that given a proposed answer to this question, it is simple to check if it is less than or equal to x.

The traveling salesperson problem, like other problems that are NP-Complete, are very important to this debate. That is because if a polynomial time solution can be found to this problems, then \(P = NP\). As it stands, most scientists believe that \(P \ne NP\).

The traveling salesperson problem has many applications. The obvious ones are in the transportation space. Planning delivery routes or flight patterns, for example, would benefit immensly from breakthroughs is this problem or in the P versus NP problem .

However, this same logic can be applied to many facets of planning as well. In robotics, for instance, planning the order in which to drill holes in a circuit board is a complex task due to the sheer number of holes that must be drawn.

The best and most important application of TSP, however, comes from the fact that it is an NP-Complete problem. That means that its practical applications amount to the applications of any problem that is NP-Complete. So, if there are significant breakthroughs for TSP, that means that those exact same breakthrough can be applied to any problem in the NP-Complete class.

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12.10: Traveling Salesperson Problem

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Learning Objectives

After completing this section, you should be able to:

  • Distinguish between brute force algorithms and greedy algorithms.
  • List all distinct Hamilton cycles of a complete graph.
  • Apply brute force method to solve traveling salesperson applications.
  • Apply nearest neighbor method to solve traveling salesperson applications.

We looked at Hamilton cycles and paths in the previous sections Hamilton Cycles and Hamilton Paths. In this section, we will analyze Hamilton cycles in complete weighted graphs to find the shortest route to visit a number of locations and return to the starting point. Besides the many routing applications in which we need the shortest distance, there are also applications in which we search for the route that is least expensive or takes the least time. Here are a few less common applications that you can read about on a website set up by the mathematics department at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada:

  • Design of fiber optic networks
  • Minimizing fuel expenses for repositioning satellites
  • Development of semi-conductors for microchips
  • A technique for mapping mammalian chromosomes in genome sequencing

Before we look at approaches to solving applications like these, let's discuss the two types of algorithms we will use.

Brute Force and Greedy Algorithms

An algorithm is a sequence of steps that can be used to solve a particular problem. We have solved many problems in this chapter, and the procedures that we used were different types of algorithms. In this section, we will use two common types of algorithms, a brute force algorithm and a greedy algorithm . A brute force algorithm begins by listing every possible solution and applying each one until the best solution is found. A greedy algorithm approaches a problem in stages, making the apparent best choice at each stage, then linking the choices together into an overall solution which may or may not be the best solution.

To understand the difference between these two algorithms, consider the tree diagram in Figure 12.214. Suppose we want to find the path from left to right with the largest total sum. For example, branch A in the tree diagram has a sum of 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36 .

A graph has 15 vertices. The vertices are labeled 1 to 15. 10 branches into 2 and 7. 2 branches into 11 and 15. 11 branches into 13 and 8. 15 branches into 1 and 6. 7 branches into 3 and 4. 3 branches into 20 and 14. 4 branches into 11 and 5. 13, 8, 1, 6, 20, 14, 11, and 5 are labeled A to H.

To be certain that you pick the branch with greatest sum, you could list each sum from each of the different branches:

A : 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36

B : 10 + 2 + 11 + 8 = 31 10 + 2 + 11 + 8 = 31

C : 10 + 2 + 15 + 1 = 28 10 + 2 + 15 + 1 = 28

D : 10 + 2 + 15 + 6 = 33 10 + 2 + 15 + 6 = 33

E : 10 + 7 + 3 + 20 = 40 10 + 7 + 3 + 20 = 40

F : 10 + 7 + 3 + 14 = 34 10 + 7 + 3 + 14 = 34

G : 10 + 7 + 4 + 11 = 32 10 + 7 + 4 + 11 = 32

H : 10 + 7 + 4 + 5 = 26 10 + 7 + 4 + 5 = 26

Then we know with certainty that branch E has the greatest sum.

A graph has 15 vertices. The vertices are labeled 1 to 15. 10 branches into 2 and 7. 2 branches into 11 and 15. 11 branches into 13 and 8. 15 branches into 1 and 6. 7 branches into 3 and 4. 3 branches into 20 and 14. 4 branches into 11 and 5. 13, 8, 1, 6, 20, 14, 11, and 5 are labeled A to H. The edges 10 to 7, 7 to 3, and 3 to 20 are highlighted. An arrow from E points to 20.

Now suppose that you wanted to find the branch with the highest value, but you only were shown the tree diagram in phases, one step at a time.

A graph has 3 vertices. The vertices are labeled 10, 2, and 7. 10 branches into 2 and 7. The edge, 10 to 7 is highlighted.

After phase 1, you would have chosen the branch with 10 and 7. So far, you are following the same branch. Let’s look at the next phase.

A graph has 5 vertices. The vertices are labeled 10, 2, 7, 3, and 4. 10 branches into 2 and 7. 7 branches into 3 and 4. The edges, 10 to 7 and 7 to 4 are highlighted.

After phase 2, based on the information you have, you will choose the branch with 10, 7 and 4. Now, you are following a different branch than before, but it is the best choice based on the information you have. Let’s look at the last phase.

A graph has 7 vertices. The vertices are labeled 10, 2, 7, 3, 4, 11, and 15. 10 branches into 2 and 7. 7 branches into 3 and 4. 4 branches into 11 and 5. The edges, 10 to 7, 7 to 4, and 4 to 11 are highlighted. 11 and 5 are labeled G and H.

After phase 3, you will choose branch G which has a sum of 32.

The process of adding the values on each branch and selecting the highest sum is an example of a brute force algorithm because all options were explored in detail. The process of choosing the branch in phases, based on the best choice at each phase is a greedy algorithm. Although a brute force algorithm gives us the ideal solution, it can take a very long time to implement. Imagine a tree diagram with thousands or even millions of branches. It might not be possible to check all the sums. A greedy algorithm, on the other hand, can be completed in a relatively short time, and generally leads to good solutions, but not necessarily the ideal solution.

Example 12.42

Distinguishing between brute force and greedy algorithms.

A cashier rings up a sale for $4.63 cents in U.S. currency. The customer pays with a $5 bill. The cashier would like to give the customer $0.37 in change using the fewest coins possible. The coins that can be used are quarters ($0.25), dimes ($0.10), nickels ($0.05), and pennies ($0.01). The cashier starts by selecting the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.37, which is a quarter. This leaves $ 0.37 − $ 0.25 = $ 0.12 $ 0.37 − $ 0.25 = $ 0.12 . The cashier selects the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.12, which is a dime. This leaves $ 0.12 − $ 0.10 = $ 0.02 $ 0.12 − $ 0.10 = $ 0.02 . The cashier selects the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.02, which is a penny. This leaves $ 0.02 − $ 0.01 = $ 0.01 $ 0.02 − $ 0.01 = $ 0.01 . The cashier selects the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.01, which is a penny. This leaves no remainder. The cashier used one quarter, one dime, and two pennies, which is four coins. Use this information to answer the following questions.

  • Is the cashier’s approach an example of a greedy algorithm or a brute force algorithm? Explain how you know.
  • The cashier’s solution is the best solution. In other words, four is the fewest number of coins possible. Is this consistent with the results of an algorithm of this kind? Explain your reasoning.
  • The approach the cashier used is an example of a greedy algorithm, because the problem was approached in phases and the best choice was made at each phase. Also, it is not a brute force algorithm, because the cashier did not attempt to list out all possible combinations of coins to reach this conclusion.
  • Yes, it is consistent. A greedy algorithm does not always yield the best result, but sometimes it does.

Your Turn 12.42

The traveling salesperson problem.

Now let’s focus our attention on the graph theory application known as the traveling salesperson problem (TSP) in which we must find the shortest route to visit a number of locations and return to the starting point.

Recall from Hamilton Cycles, the officer in the U.S. Air Force who is stationed at Vandenberg Air Force base and must drive to visit three other California Air Force bases before returning to Vandenberg. The officer needed to visit each base once. We looked at the weighted graph in Figure 12.219 representing the four U.S. Air Force bases: Vandenberg, Edwards, Los Angeles, and Beal and the distances between them.

A graph represents the four California air force bases. The graph has four vertices: E, B, V, and L. The edge, E B is labeld 410 miles. The edge, B V is labeled 396 miles. The edge, V L is labeled 159 miles. The edge, L E is labeled 106 miles. The edge, L B is labeled 439 miles. The edge, E V is labeled 207 miles.

Any route that visits each base and returns to the start would be a Hamilton cycle on the graph. If the officer wants to travel the shortest distance, this will correspond to a Hamilton cycle of lowest weight. We saw in Table 12.11 that there are six distinct Hamilton cycles (directed cycles) in a complete graph with four vertices, but some lie on the same cycle (undirected cycle) in the graph.

A graph has four vertices, a, b, c, and d.  Edges connect a b, b c, c d, d a, a c, and b d. The edges, a c, and b d are in dashed lines.

a → b → c → d → a

A graph has four vertices, a, b, c, and d. Edges connect a b, b c, c d, d a, a c, and b d. The edges, ad, and bc are in dashed lines. Directed edges flow from a to b, b to d, d to c, and c to a.

a → b → d → c → a

A graph has four vertices, a, b, c, and d. Edges connect a b, b c, c d, d a, a c, and b d. The edges, a b, and dc are in dashed lines. Directed edges flow from a to c, c to b, b to d, and d to a.

a → c → b → d → a

A graph has four vertices, a, b, c, and d. Edges connect a b, b c, c d, d a, a c, and b d. The edges, a c, and b d are in dashed lines. Directed edges flow from a to d, d to c, c to b, and b to a.

a → d → c → b → a

A graph has four vertices, a, b, c, and d. Edges connect a b, b c, c d, d a, a c, and b d. The edges, a d, and bc are in dashed lines. The directed edges flow from a to c, c to d, d to b, and b to a.

a → c → d → b → a

A graph has four vertices, a, b, c, and d. Edges connect a b, b c, c d, d a, a c, and b d. The edges, a b, and dc are in dashed lines. The edges flow from a to d, d to b, b to c, and c to a.

a → d → b → c → a

Since the distance between bases is the same in either direction, it does not matter if the officer travels clockwise or counterclockwise. So, there are really only three possible distances as shown in Figure 12.220.

Three graphs represent the four California air force bases. Each graph has four vertices: E, B, V, and L. The edge, E B is labeled 410 miles. The edge, B V is labeled 396 miles. The edge, V L is labeled 159 miles. The edge, L E is labeled 106 miles. The edge, L B is labeled 439 miles. The edge, E V is labeled 207 miles. In the first graph, the edges, E V, and L B are in dashed lines. In the second graph, the edges, E L and B V are in dashed lines. In the third graph, the edges, E B and L V are in dashed lines.

The possible distances are:

396 + 410 + 106 + 159 = 1071 207 + 410 + 439 + 159 = 1215 396 + 439 + 106 + 207 = 1148 396 + 410 + 106 + 159 = 1071 207 + 410 + 439 + 159 = 1215 396 + 439 + 106 + 207 = 1148

So, a Hamilton cycle of least weight is V → B → E → L → V (or the reverse direction). The officer should travel from Vandenberg to Beal to Edwards, to Los Angeles, and back to Vandenberg.

Finding Weights of All Hamilton Cycles in Complete Graphs

Notice that we listed all of the Hamilton cycles and found their weights when we solved the TSP about the officer from Vandenberg. This is a skill you will need to practice. To make sure you don't miss any, you can calculate the number of possible Hamilton cycles in a complete graph. It is also helpful to know that half of the directed cycles in a complete graph are the same cycle in reverse direction, so, you only have to calculate half the number of possible weights, and the rest are duplicates.

In a complete graph with n n vertices,

  • The number of distinct Hamilton cycles is ( n − 1 ) ! ( n − 1 ) ! .
  • There are at most ( n − 1 ) ! 2 ( n − 1 ) ! 2 different weights of Hamilton cycles.

TIP! When listing all the distinct Hamilton cycles in a complete graph, you can start them all at any vertex you choose. Remember, the cycle a → b → c → a is the same cycle as b → c → a → b so there is no need to list both.

Example 12.43

Calculating possible weights of hamilton cycles.

Suppose you have a complete weighted graph with vertices N, M, O , and P .

  • Use the formula ( n − 1 ) ! ( n − 1 ) ! to calculate the number of distinct Hamilton cycles in the graph.
  • Use the formula ( n − 1 ) ! 2 ( n − 1 ) ! 2 to calculate the greatest number of different weights possible for the Hamilton cycles.
  • Are all of the distinct Hamilton cycles listed here? How do you know? Cycle 1: N → M → O → P → N Cycle 2: N → M → P → O → N Cycle 3: N → O → M → P → N Cycle 4: N → O → P → M → N Cycle 5: N → P → M → O → N Cycle 6: N → P → O → M → N
  • Which pairs of cycles must have the same weights? How do you know?
  • There are 4 vertices; so, n = 4 n = 4 . This means there are ( n − 1 ) ! = ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 6 ( n − 1 ) ! = ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 6 distinct Hamilton cycles beginning at any given vertex.
  • Since n = 4 n = 4 , there are ( n − 1 ) ! 2 = ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 ( n − 1 ) ! 2 = ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 possible weights.
  • Yes, they are all distinct cycles and there are 6 of them.
  • Cycles 1 and 6 have the same weight, Cycles 2 and 4 have the same weight, and Cycles 3 and 5 have the same weight, because these pairs follow the same route through the graph but in reverse.

TIP! When listing the possible cycles, ignore the vertex where the cycle begins and ends and focus on the ways to arrange the letters that represent the vertices in the middle. Using a systematic approach is best; for example, if you must arrange the letters M, O, and P, first list all those arrangements beginning with M, then beginning with O, and then beginning with P, as we did in Example 12.42.

Your Turn 12.43

The brute force method.

The method we have been using to find a Hamilton cycle of least weight in a complete graph is a brute force algorithm, so it is called the brute force method . The steps in the brute force method are:

Step 1: Calculate the number of distinct Hamilton cycles and the number of possible weights.

Step 2: List all possible Hamilton cycles.

Step 3: Find the weight of each cycle.

Step 4: Identify the Hamilton cycle of lowest weight.

Example 12.44

Applying the brute force method.

On the next assignment, the air force officer must leave from Travis Air Force base, visit Beal, Edwards, and Vandenberg Air Force bases each exactly once and return to Travis Air Force base. There is no need to visit Los Angeles Air Force base. Use Figure 12.221 to find the shortest route.

A graph represents the five California air force bases. The graph has five vertices: E, B, V, L, and T. The edge, E B is labeled 410 miles. The edge, B V is labeled 396 miles. The edge, V L is labeled 159 miles. The edge, L E is labeled 106 miles. The edge, L B is labeled 439 miles. The edge, E V is labeled 207 miles. The edge, E T is labeled 370 miles. The edge, L T is labeled 396 miles. The edge, B T is labeled 84 miles. The edge, V T is labeled 396 miles.

Step 1: Since there are 4 vertices, there will be ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ! = 6 ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ! = 6 cycles, but half of them will be the reverse of the others; so, there will be ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 possible distances.

Step 2: List all the Hamilton cycles in the subgraph of the graph in Figure 12.222.

A graph represents four cities. The graph has five vertices: E, B, V, L, and T. The edge, E B is labeled 410 miles. The edge, B V is labeled 396 miles. The edge, V L is labeled 159 miles. The edge, L E is labeled 106 miles. The edge, L B is labeled 439 miles. The edge, E V is labeled 207 miles. The edge, E T is labeled 370 miles. The edge, L T is labeled 396 miles. The edge, B T is labeled 84 miles. The edge, V T is labeled 396 miles. The edges, E L, L V, L B, and L T are in dashed lines.

To find the 6 cycles, focus on the three vertices in the middle, B, E, and V . The arrangements of these vertices are BEV, BVE, EBV, EVB, VBE , and VEB . These would correspond to the 6 cycles:

1: T → B → E → V → T

2: T → B → V → E → T

3: T → E → B → V → T

4: T → E → V → B → T

5: T → V → B → E → T

6: T → V → E → B → T

Step 3: Find the weight of each path. You can reduce your work by observing the cycles that are reverses of each other.

1: 84 + 410 + 207 + 396 = 1097 84 + 410 + 207 + 396 = 1097

2: 84 + 396 + 207 + 370 = 1071 84 + 396 + 207 + 370 = 1071

3: 370 + 410 + 396 + 396 = 1572 370 + 410 + 396 + 396 = 1572

4: Reverse of cycle 2, 1071

5: Reverse of cycle 3, 1572

6: Reverse of cycle 1, 1097

Step 4: Identify a Hamilton cycle of least weight.

The second path, T → B → V → E → T , and its reverse, T → E → V → B → T , have the least weight. The solution is that the officer should travel from Travis Air Force base to Beal Air Force Base, to Vandenberg Air Force base, to Edwards Air Force base, and return to Travis Air Force base, or the same route in reverse.

Your Turn 12.44

Now suppose that the officer needed a cycle that visited all 5 of the Air Force bases in Figure 12.221. There would be ( 5 − 1 ) ! = 4 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ( 5 − 1 ) ! = 4 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 different arrangements of vertices and ( 5 − 1 ) ! 2 = 4 ! 2 = 24 2 = 12 ( 5 − 1 ) ! 2 = 4 ! 2 = 24 2 = 12 distances to compare using the brute force method. If you consider 10 Air Force bases, there would be ( 10 − 1 ) ! = 9 ! = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 362 , 880 ( 10 − 1 ) ! = 9 ! = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 362 , 880 different arrangements and ( 10 − 1 ) ! 2 = 9 ! 2 = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 2 = 181 , 440 ( 10 − 1 ) ! 2 = 9 ! 2 = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 2 = 181 , 440 distances to consider. There must be another way!

The Nearest Neighbor Method

When the brute force method is impractical for solving a traveling salesperson problem, an alternative is a greedy algorithm known as the nearest neighbor method , which always visit the closest or least costly place first. This method finds a Hamilton cycle of relatively low weight in a complete graph in which, at each phase, the next vertex is chosen by comparing the edges between the current vertex and the remaining vertices to find the lowest weight. Since the nearest neighbor method is a greedy algorithm, it usually doesn’t give the best solution, but it usually gives a solution that is "good enough." Most importantly, the number of steps will be the number of vertices. That’s right! A problem with 10 vertices requires 10 steps, not 362,880. Let’s look at an example to see how it works.

Suppose that a candidate for governor wants to hold rallies around the state. They plan to leave their home in city A , visit cities B, C, D, E , and F each once, and return home. The airfare between cities is indicated in the graph in Figure 12.223.

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 250 dollars, 210 dollars, 300 dollars, 200 dollars, and 100 dollars. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 220 dollars, 120 dollars, 160 dollars, and 170 dollars. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 310 dollars, 180 dollars, and 330 dollars. Edges from D to E and F 270 dollars and 150 dollars. An edge from E to F is labeled 350 dollars.

Let’s help the candidate keep costs of travel down by applying the nearest neighbor method to find a Hamilton cycle that has a reasonably low weight. Begin by marking starting vertex as V 1 Figure 12.224. The lowest of these is $100, which is the edge between A and F .

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 250 dollars, 210 dollars, 300 dollars, 200 dollars, and 100 dollars. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 220 dollars, 120 dollars, 160 dollars, and 170 dollars. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 310 dollars, 180 dollars, and 330 dollars. Edges from D to E and F 270 dollars and 150 dollars. An edge from E to F is labeled 350 dollars. The edges from A are in dashed lines. A is labeled V 1.

Mark F as V 2 Figure 12.225. The lowest of these is $150, which is the edge between F and D .

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 250 dollars, 210 dollars, 300 dollars, 200 dollars, and 100 dollars. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 220 dollars, 120 dollars, 160 dollars, and 170 dollars. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 310 dollars, 180 dollars, and 330 dollars. Edges from D to E and F 270 dollars and 150 dollars. An edge from E to F is labeled 350 dollars. The edges from F are in dashed lines. A is labeled V 1. F is labeled V 2.

Mark D as V 3 Figure 12.226. The lowest of these is $120, which is the edge between D and B .

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 250 dollars, 210 dollars, 300 dollars, 200 dollars, and 100 dollars. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 220 dollars, 120 dollars, 160 dollars, and 170 dollars. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 310 dollars, 180 dollars, and 330 dollars. Edges from D to E and F 270 dollars and 150 dollars. A is labeled V 1. F is labeled V 2. D is labeled V 3. The edges, B D, C D, and D E are in dashed lines.

So, mark B as V 4 Figure 12.227. The lower amount is $160, which is the edge between B and E .

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 250 dollars, 210 dollars, 300 dollars, 200 dollars, and 100 dollars. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 220 dollars, 120 dollars, 160 dollars, and 170 dollars. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 310 dollars, 180 dollars, and 330 dollars. Edges from D to E and F 270 dollars and 150 dollars. A is labeled V 1. F is labeled V 2. D is labeled V 3. B is labeled V 4. The edges, B E and B C are in dashed lines.

Now you can mark E as V 5 Figure 12.228. Make a note of the weight of the edge from E to C , which is $180, and from C back to A , which is $210.

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 250 dollars, 210 dollars, 300 dollars, 200 dollars, and 100 dollars. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 220 dollars, 120 dollars, 160 dollars, and 170 dollars. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 310 dollars, 180 dollars, and 330 dollars. Edges from D to E and F 270 dollars and 150 dollars. A is labeled V 1. F is labeled V 2. D is labeled V 3. B is labeled V 4. E is labeled V 5. C is labeled V 6. The edges, A C, and E C are in dashed lines.

The Hamilton cycle we found is A → F → D → B → E → C → A . The weight of the circuit is $ 100 + $ 150 + $ 120 + $ 160 + $ 180 + $ 210 = $ 920 $ 100 + $ 150 + $ 120 + $ 160 + $ 180 + $ 210 = $ 920 . This may or may not be the route with the lowest cost, but there is a good chance it is very close since the weights are most of the lowest weights on the graph and we found it in six steps instead of finding 120 different Hamilton cycles and calculating 60 weights. Let’s summarize the procedure that we used.

Step 1: Select the starting vertex and label V 1 V 1 for "visited 1st." Identify the edge of lowest weight between V 1 V 1 and the remaining vertices.

Step 2: Label the vertex at the end of the edge of lowest weight that you found in previous step as V n V n where the subscript n indicates the order the vertex is visited. Identify the edge of lowest weight between V n V n and the vertices that remain to be visited.

Step 3: If vertices remain that have not been visited, repeat Step 2. Otherwise, a Hamilton cycle of low weight is V 1 → V 2 → ⋯ → V n → V 1 V 1 → V 2 → ⋯ → V n → V 1 .

Example 12.45

Using the nearest neighbor method.

Suppose that the candidate for governor wants to hold rallies around the state but time before the election is very limited. They would like to leave their home in city A , visit cities B , C , D , E , and F each once, and return home. The airfare between cities is not as important as the time of travel, which is indicated in Figure 12.229. Use the nearest neighbor method to find a route with relatively low travel time. What is the total travel time of the route that you found?

A graph represents the airfares between six different cities. The graph has 6 vertices. The vertices are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Edges from A leading to B, C, D, E, and F are labeled 120 minutes, 140 minutes, 85 minutes, 90 minutes, and 180 minutes. Edges from B leading to C, D, E, and F are labeled 100 minutes, 80 minutes, 95 minutes, and 110 minutes. Edges from C to D, E, and F are labeled 220 minutes, 200 minutes, and 75 minutes. Edges from D to E and F are labeled 130 minutes and 70 minutes. An edge from E to F is labeled 210 minutes.

Step 1: Label vertex A as V 1 V 1 . The edge of lowest weight between A and the remaining vertices is 85 min between A and D .

Step 2: Label vertex D as V 2 V 2 . The edge of lowest weight between D and the vertices that remain to be visited, B, C, E , and F , is 70 min between D and F .

Repeat Step 2: Label vertex F as V 3 V 3 . The edge of lowest weight between F and the vertices that remain to be visited, B, C, and E , is 75 min between F and C .

Repeat Step 2: Label vertex C as V 4 V 4 . The edge of lowest weight between C and the vertices that remain to be visited, B and E , is 100 min between C and B .

Repeat Step 2: Label vertex B as V 5 V 5 . The only vertex that remains to be visited is E . The weight of the edge between B and E is 95 min.

Step 3: A Hamilton cycle of low weight is A → D → F → C → B → E → A . So, a route of relatively low travel time is A to D to F to C to B to E and back to A . The total travel time of this route is: 85 min + 70 min + 75 min + 100 min + 95 min + 90 min = 515 min or 8 hrs 35 min 85 min + 70 min + 75 min + 100 min + 95 min + 90 min = 515 min or 8 hrs 35 min

Your Turn 12.45

Check your understanding, section 12.9 exercises.

Four graphs. Graph A has four vertices: a, b, c, and d. The edges are labeled as follows: a b, 3; b d, 3; d c, 1; c a, 2; a d, 1; b c, 2. Graph B has five vertices: e, f, g, h, and I. The edges are labeled as follows: e f, 2-thirds; f g, 5-twelfths; g h, 1-twelfth; h i, 3-fourths; i e, 1-fourth; e h, 1-half; e g, 1-sixth; f i, -third; f h, 5-sixths; g i, 1. Graph C has five vertices: i, j, k, m, and n. The curved edges are labeled as follows: k m, 20; m n, 30; n j, 40; j i, 50; i k, 10. The straight edges are labeled as follows: k j, 90; k n, 60; m i, 100; m j, 70; n i, 80. Graph d has four vertices; o, p, q, and r. The edges are labeled as follows: o p, 1.7; p q, 4.3; q r, 3.5; r o, 2.9 p r, 3.; o p, 1.2.

The Traveling Salesman Problem

  • First Online: 21 June 2020

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travelling salesman problem vs shortest path

  • Alexandre Bergel 2  

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The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical algorithm problem. It consists of identifying the shortest possible route between several connected cities. Not only is the problem relevant from an algorithmic point of view, but it also has many concrete applications, like microchip manufacturing, as you will shorty see.

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Bergel, A. (2020). The Traveling Salesman Problem. In: Agile Artificial Intelligence in Pharo. Apress, Berkeley, CA.

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Published : 21 June 2020

Publisher Name : Apress, Berkeley, CA

Print ISBN : 978-1-4842-5383-0

Online ISBN : 978-1-4842-5384-7

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Explained: What is Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Rakesh Patel

  • Last Updated: January 24, 2023

What is traveling salesman problem

  • A well-known mathematical problem called the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) aims to determine the shortest path between a number of places.
  • Logistics, transportation, and manufacturing are just a few of the industries where the TSP is useful.
  • The number of points, the form of the point set, and the algorithm employed can all have an impact on how the TSP is solved.
  • Technology advancements like cloud computing and parallel processing have made it possible to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem effectively for larger and more complicated situations.

Traveling salesman problem is not new for delivery-based businesses. Its recent expansion has insisted that industry experts find optimal solutions in order to facilitate delivery operations.

The major challenge is to find the most efficient routes for performing multi-stop deliveries. Without the shortest routes, your delivery agent will take more time to reach the final destination. Sometimes problems may arise if you have multiple route options but fail to recognize the efficient one.

Eventually, traveling salesman problem would cost you time and result in late deliveries . So, before it becomes an irreparable issue for your delivery company, let us understand the traveling salesman problem and find optimal solutions in this blog.

Table of Content

  • What is the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?
  • Commom challenges of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

What are Some Popular Solutions to Traveling Salesman Problem?

What are other optimal solutions to the traveling salesman problem, what are some real-life applications of traveling salesman problem.

  • How TSP and VRP Combinedly Pile up Challenges?
  • Can a route planner resolve Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?

What is Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?

The traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a combinatorial problem that deals with finding the shortest and most efficient route to follow for reaching a list of specific destinations.

It is a common algorithmic problem in the field of delivery operations that might hamper the multiple delivery process and result in financial loss. TSP turns out when you have multiple routes available but choosing a minimum cost path is really hard for you or a traveling person.

How difficult is it to solve?

It is quite difficult to solve TSP as it is known as NP-hard, which means there is no polynomial time algorithm to solve it for more numbers of addresses. So, with an increasing amount of addresses, the complexity of solving TSP increases exponentially.

So, it is impossible to find TSP solutions manually. Also, many mathematical algorithms and the fastest computers fail to solve TSP.

However, TSP can be eliminated by determining the optimized and efficient path using approximation algorithms or automated processes.

Common Challenges of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Being a salesman is not easy, as you need to face various unavoidable challenges in your everyday schedules.

  • Firstly, every day, salespeople have to carry out a number of deliveries in a very limited time, so there are a lot of time constraints. To overcome this, you need to plan your routes in a way that you make the most out of them.
  • Secondly, there are chances of last-minute changes. Sometimes you get extra and urgent visits to make, while sometimes, some visits are postponed or canceled due to the customer’s unavailability.
  • Lastly, a math problem, a combinatorial optimization problem, arises. A combinatorial optimization problem is a problem that is mathematically complex to solve as you have to deal with many variables.

These are major challenges in the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) as you are required to create a route with the shortest distances using hundreds and thousands of permutations and combinations that asks for less fuel, fulfill on-time delivery to customers, and are ready to modify routes considering last minute changes.

These are some of the near-optimal solutions to find the shortest route to a combinatorial optimization problem.

1. Nearest Neighbor (NN)

Nearest neighbor algorithm

The Nearest Neighbor Method is probably the most basic TSP heuristic. The method followed by this algorithm states that the driver must start by visiting the nearest destination or closest city. Once all the cities in the loop are covered, the driver can head back to the starting point.

Solving TSP using this efficient method, requires the user to choose a city at random and then move on to the closest unvisited city and so on. Once all the cities on the map are covered, you must return to the city you started from.

2. The Branch and Bound Algorithm

The Branch and Bound Algorithm for traveling salesman problem

The Branch & Bound method follows the technique of breaking one problem into several little chunks of problems. So it solves a series of problems. Each of these sub-problems may have multiple solutions. The solution you choose for one problem may have an effect on the solutions of subsequent sub-problems.

3. The Brute Force Algorithm

Brute Force Algorithm to solve traveling salesman problem

The Brute Force Approach takes into consideration all possible minimum cost permutation of routes using a dynamic programming approach. First, calculate the total number of routes. Draw and list all the possible routes that you get from the calculation. The distance of each route must be calculated and the shortest route will be the most optimal solution.

Other Optimal Solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem

  • Multi-Agent System : Involves distributing the pair of cities into groups. Then assign a single agent to discover the shortest path, covering all the cities in the assigned group.
  • Zero Suffix Method : This method solves the classical symmetric TSP and was introduced by Indian researchers.
  • Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm : This method solves the TSP using NSGA-II
  • Biogeography-based Optimization Algorithm : This method is based on the migration strategy of animals for solving optimization issues.
  • Meta-Heuristic Multi Restart Iterated Local Search : This method states that the technique is more efficient compared to genetic algorithms.

Blow Away TSP using Upper

Need a permanent solution for recurring TSP? Sign up with Upper to keep your tradesmen updated all the time. Lay off your manual calculation and adopt an automated process now!


Most businesses see a rise in the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) due to the last mile delivery challenges . The last mile delivery is the process of delivering goods from the warehouse (or a depot) to the customer’s preferred location. Considering the supply chain management, it is the last mile deliveries that cost you a wholesome amount.

At the same time, you need to sacrifice financial loss in order to maintain your current position in the market. Suppose last mile delivery costs you $11, the customer will pay $8 and you would suffer a loss. This is because of pre-defined norms which may favor the customer to pay less amount.

Real-Life Applications of Traveling Salesman Problem

This hefty last mile delivery cost is the result of a lack of Vehicle routing problem(VRP) software. VRP finds you the most efficient routes so that operational costs will not get increase. So, by using the right VRP software, you would not have to bother about TSP.

Such delivery management software uses an automated process that doesn’t need manual intervention or calculations to pick the best routes. Hence, it is the easiest way to get rid of the traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).

How TSP and VRP Combinedly Pile Up Challenges?

The traveling Salesman Problem is an optimization problem studied in graph theory and the field of operations research. In this optimization problem, the nodes or cities on the graph are all connected using direct edges or routes. The weight of each edge indicates the distance covered on the route between the two cities.

The problem is about finding an optimal route that visits each city once and returns to the starting and ending point after covering all cities once.

The TSP is often studied in a generalized version which is the Vehicle Routing Problem . It is one of the most broadly worked on problems in mathematical optimization. VRP deals with finding or creating a set of routes for reducing time, fuel, and delivery costs.

Is there any real world solution to TSP and VRP?

Many solutions for TSP and VRP are based on academics which means they are not so practical in everyday life. The reason is that many of them are just limited to perfection, but need a dynamic programming-based solution. So, if businesses really want to get rid of them, they need a TSP solver integrated with route optimization software.

The right TSP solver will help you disperse such modern challenges. It offers in-built route planning and optimization solutions in such a way that your tradesman doesn’t get stranded while delivering the parcel. Also, it is equipped with an efficient algorithm that provides true solutions to the TSP. As a result, the delivery manager can create a route plan hassle-free in a few minutes.

Can a Route Planner Resolve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?

In the general case, the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) involves finding the shortest optimized and possible route that includes a set of stops and returns to the starting point. The number of possible routes increases exponentially as the number of locations increases. Finding the best solution becomes difficult computationally, even for moderately sized problems.

But, Upper Route Planner, a route optimization software , is built differently. Upper has all the solutions you need when talking about TSP.

For example, if you are in charge of planning delivery routes with more than 500 stops in them, all you need to do is import an Excel or CSV file with multiple addresses into Upper, review, allot delivery drivers, optimize, and dispatch with a single click. This delivery route planning solution saves you hours of time spent on planning delivery routes and optimizing them.

Also, once the delivery is completed, Upper lets you collect proof of delivery. This is how the Upper Route Planner is a simple solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem.

Upper Route Planner

A simple-to-use route planner that every one is talking about

TSP stands for traveling Salesman Problem, while VRP is an abbreviation form of vehicle routing problem (VRP). In the delivery industry, both of them are widely known by their abbreviation form.

Yes, you can prevent TSP by using the right route planner. The online route planner helps you get the optimized path so that your delivery agents don’t have to deal with such challenges. In addition, they don’t struggle with multiple routes. Instead, they can progress on the shortest route.

The new method has made it possible to find solutions that are almost as good. This was done by the Christofides algorithm, the popular algorithm in theoretical computer science. This algorithm plugs into an alternate version of the problem that finds a combination of paths as per permutations of cities. It made the round trip route much longer. The round trip produced by the new method, while still not being efficient enough is better than the old one.

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) reduces the transportation costs as well as drivers’ expenses. It helps you serve more customers with fewer fleets and drivers. Thus, you don’t have any variation in the time taken to travel.

Create Optimized Routes Using Upper and Bid Goodbye to Traveling Salesman Problem

As a business owner, If you are dealing with TSP and want to get rid of them, we recommend using a TSP solver like Upper Route Planner. The online route planner is capable of plucking out the most efficient routes no matter how big your TSP is. It has an in-built sophisticated algorithm that helps you get the optimized path in a matter of seconds.

Therefore, you won’t fall prey to such real-world problems and perform deliveries in minimum time. Upper’s delivery route planner offers a dedicated driver app that makes sure your tradesman doesn’t go wrongfooted and quickly wraps up pending deliveries. Don’t just agree with our words, book a demo on Upper and disperse TSP once and for all.

Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.

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travelling salesman problem vs shortest path

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12.9 Traveling Salesperson Problem

Learning objectives.

After completing this section, you should be able to:

  • Distinguish between brute force algorithms and greedy algorithms.
  • List all distinct Hamilton cycles of a complete graph.
  • Apply brute force method to solve traveling salesperson applications.
  • Apply nearest neighbor method to solve traveling salesperson applications.

We looked at Hamilton cycles and paths in the previous sections Hamilton Cycles and Hamilton Paths . In this section, we will analyze Hamilton cycles in complete weighted graphs to find the shortest route to visit a number of locations and return to the starting point. Besides the many routing applications in which we need the shortest distance, there are also applications in which we search for the route that is least expensive or takes the least time. Here are a few less common applications that you can read about on a website set up by the mathematics department at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada:

  • Design of fiber optic networks
  • Minimizing fuel expenses for repositioning satellites
  • Development of semi-conductors for microchips
  • A technique for mapping mammalian chromosomes in genome sequencing

Before we look at approaches to solving applications like these, let's discuss the two types of algorithms we will use.

Brute Force and Greedy Algorithms

An algorithm is a sequence of steps that can be used to solve a particular problem. We have solved many problems in this chapter, and the procedures that we used were different types of algorithms. In this section, we will use two common types of algorithms, a brute force algorithm and a greedy algorithm . A brute force algorithm begins by listing every possible solution and applying each one until the best solution is found. A greedy algorithm approaches a problem in stages, making the apparent best choice at each stage, then linking the choices together into an overall solution which may or may not be the best solution.

To understand the difference between these two algorithms, consider the tree diagram in Figure 12.187 . Suppose we want to find the path from left to right with the largest total sum. For example, branch A in the tree diagram has a sum of 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36 .

To be certain that you pick the branch with greatest sum, you could list each sum from each of the different branches:

A : 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36 10 + 2 + 11 + 13 = 36

B : 10 + 2 + 11 + 8 = 31 10 + 2 + 11 + 8 = 31

C : 10 + 2 + 15 + 1 = 28 10 + 2 + 15 + 1 = 28

D : 10 + 2 + 15 + 6 = 33 10 + 2 + 15 + 6 = 33

E : 10 + 7 + 3 + 20 = 40 10 + 7 + 3 + 20 = 40

F : 10 + 7 + 3 + 14 = 34 10 + 7 + 3 + 14 = 34

G : 10 + 7 + 4 + 11 = 32 10 + 7 + 4 + 11 = 32

H : 10 + 7 + 4 + 5 = 26 10 + 7 + 4 + 5 = 26

Then we know with certainty that branch E has the greatest sum.

Now suppose that you wanted to find the branch with the highest value, but you only were shown the tree diagram in phases, one step at a time.

After phase 1, you would have chosen the branch with 10 and 7. So far, you are following the same branch. Let’s look at the next phase.

After phase 2, based on the information you have, you will choose the branch with 10, 7 and 4. Now, you are following a different branch than before, but it is the best choice based on the information you have. Let’s look at the last phase.

After phase 3, you will choose branch G which has a sum of 32.

The process of adding the values on each branch and selecting the highest sum is an example of a brute force algorithm because all options were explored in detail. The process of choosing the branch in phases, based on the best choice at each phase is a greedy algorithm. Although a brute force algorithm gives us the ideal solution, it can take a very long time to implement. Imagine a tree diagram with thousands or even millions of branches. It might not be possible to check all the sums. A greedy algorithm, on the other hand, can be completed in a relatively short time, and generally leads to good solutions, but not necessarily the ideal solution.

Example 12.42

Distinguishing between brute force and greedy algorithms.

A cashier rings up a sale for $4.63 cents in U.S. currency. The customer pays with a $5 bill. The cashier would like to give the customer $0.37 in change using the fewest coins possible. The coins that can be used are quarters ($0.25), dimes ($0.10), nickels ($0.05), and pennies ($0.01). The cashier starts by selecting the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.37, which is a quarter. This leaves $ 0.37 − $ 0.25 = $ 0.12 $ 0.37 − $ 0.25 = $ 0.12 . The cashier selects the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.12, which is a dime. This leaves $ 0.12 − $ 0.10 = $ 0.02 $ 0.12 − $ 0.10 = $ 0.02 . The cashier selects the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.02, which is a penny. This leaves $ 0.02 − $ 0.01 = $ 0.01 $ 0.02 − $ 0.01 = $ 0.01 . The cashier selects the coin of highest value less than or equal to $0.01, which is a penny. This leaves no remainder. The cashier used one quarter, one dime, and two pennies, which is four coins. Use this information to answer the following questions.

  • Is the cashier’s approach an example of a greedy algorithm or a brute force algorithm? Explain how you know.
  • The cashier’s solution is the best solution. In other words, four is the fewest number of coins possible. Is this consistent with the results of an algorithm of this kind? Explain your reasoning.
  • The approach the cashier used is an example of a greedy algorithm, because the problem was approached in phases and the best choice was made at each phase. Also, it is not a brute force algorithm, because the cashier did not attempt to list out all possible combinations of coins to reach this conclusion.
  • Yes, it is consistent. A greedy algorithm does not always yield the best result, but sometimes it does.

Your Turn 12.42

The traveling salesperson problem.

Now let’s focus our attention on the graph theory application known as the traveling salesperson problem (TSP) in which we must find the shortest route to visit a number of locations and return to the starting point.

Recall from Hamilton Cycles , the officer in the U.S. Air Force who is stationed at Vandenberg Air Force base and must drive to visit three other California Air Force bases before returning to Vandenberg. The officer needed to visit each base once. We looked at the weighted graph in Figure 12.192 representing the four U.S. Air Force bases: Vandenberg, Edwards, Los Angeles, and Beal and the distances between them.

Any route that visits each base and returns to the start would be a Hamilton cycle on the graph. If the officer wants to travel the shortest distance, this will correspond to a Hamilton cycle of lowest weight. We saw in Table 12.11 that there are six distinct Hamilton cycles (directed cycles) in a complete graph with four vertices, but some lie on the same cycle (undirected cycle) in the graph.

Since the distance between bases is the same in either direction, it does not matter if the officer travels clockwise or counterclockwise. So, there are really only three possible distances as shown in Figure 12.193 .

The possible distances are:

So, a Hamilton cycle of least weight is V → B → E → L → V (or the reverse direction). The officer should travel from Vandenberg to Beal to Edwards, to Los Angeles, and back to Vandenberg.

Finding Weights of All Hamilton Cycles in Complete Graphs

Notice that we listed all of the Hamilton cycles and found their weights when we solved the TSP about the officer from Vandenberg. This is a skill you will need to practice. To make sure you don't miss any, you can calculate the number of possible Hamilton cycles in a complete graph. It is also helpful to know that half of the directed cycles in a complete graph are the same cycle in reverse direction, so, you only have to calculate half the number of possible weights, and the rest are duplicates.

In a complete graph with n n vertices,

  • The number of distinct Hamilton cycles is ( n − 1 ) ! ( n − 1 ) ! .
  • There are at most ( n − 1 ) ! 2 ( n − 1 ) ! 2 different weights of Hamilton cycles.

TIP! When listing all the distinct Hamilton cycles in a complete graph, you can start them all at any vertex you choose. Remember, the cycle a → b → c → a is the same cycle as b → c → a → b so there is no need to list both.

Example 12.43

Calculating possible weights of hamilton cycles.

Suppose you have a complete weighted graph with vertices N, M, O , and P .

  • Use the formula ( n − 1 ) ! ( n − 1 ) ! to calculate the number of distinct Hamilton cycles in the graph.
  • Use the formula ( n − 1 ) ! 2 ( n − 1 ) ! 2 to calculate the greatest number of different weights possible for the Hamilton cycles.
  • Are all of the distinct Hamilton cycles listed here? How do you know? Cycle 1: N → M → O → P → N Cycle 2: N → M → P → O → N Cycle 3: N → O → M → P → N Cycle 4: N → O → P → M → N Cycle 5: N → P → M → O → N Cycle 6: N → P → O → M → N
  • Which pairs of cycles must have the same weights? How do you know?
  • There are 4 vertices; so, n = 4 n = 4 . This means there are ( n − 1 ) ! = ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 6 ( n − 1 ) ! = ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 6 distinct Hamilton cycles beginning at any given vertex.
  • Since n = 4 n = 4 , there are ( n − 1 ) ! 2 = ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 ( n − 1 ) ! 2 = ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 possible weights.
  • Yes, they are all distinct cycles and there are 6 of them.
  • Cycles 1 and 6 have the same weight, Cycles 2 and 4 have the same weight, and Cycles 3 and 5 have the same weight, because these pairs follow the same route through the graph but in reverse.

TIP! When listing the possible cycles, ignore the vertex where the cycle begins and ends and focus on the ways to arrange the letters that represent the vertices in the middle. Using a systematic approach is best; for example, if you must arrange the letters M, O, and P, first list all those arrangements beginning with M, then beginning with O, and then beginning with P, as we did in Example 12.42.

Your Turn 12.43

The brute force method.

The method we have been using to find a Hamilton cycle of least weight in a complete graph is a brute force algorithm, so it is called the brute force method . The steps in the brute force method are:

Step 1: Calculate the number of distinct Hamilton cycles and the number of possible weights.

Step 2: List all possible Hamilton cycles.

Step 3: Find the weight of each cycle.

Step 4: Identify the Hamilton cycle of lowest weight.

Example 12.44

Applying the brute force method.

On the next assignment, the air force officer must leave from Travis Air Force base, visit Beal, Edwards, and Vandenberg Air Force bases each exactly once and return to Travis Air Force base. There is no need to visit Los Angeles Air Force base. Use Figure 12.194 to find the shortest route.

Step 1: Since there are 4 vertices, there will be ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ! = 6 ( 4 − 1 ) ! = 3 ! = 6 cycles, but half of them will be the reverse of the others; so, there will be ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 ( 4 − 1 ) ! 2 = 6 2 = 3 possible distances.

Step 2: List all the Hamilton cycles in the subgraph of the graph in Figure 12.195 .

To find the 6 cycles, focus on the three vertices in the middle, B, E, and V . The arrangements of these vertices are BEV, BVE, EBV, EVB, VBE , and VEB . These would correspond to the 6 cycles:

1: T → B → E → V → T

2: T → B → V → E → T

3: T → E → B → V → T

4: T → E → V → B → T

5: T → V → B → E → T

6: T → V → E → B → T

Step 3: Find the weight of each path. You can reduce your work by observing the cycles that are reverses of each other.

1: 84 + 410 + 207 + 396 = 1097 84 + 410 + 207 + 396 = 1097

2: 84 + 396 + 207 + 370 = 1071 84 + 396 + 207 + 370 = 1071

3: 370 + 410 + 396 + 396 = 1572 370 + 410 + 396 + 396 = 1572

4: Reverse of cycle 2, 1071

5: Reverse of cycle 3, 1572

6: Reverse of cycle 1, 1097

Step 4: Identify a Hamilton cycle of least weight.

The second path, T → B → V → E → T , and its reverse, T → E → V → B → T , have the least weight. The solution is that the officer should travel from Travis Air Force base to Beal Air Force Base, to Vandenberg Air Force base, to Edwards Air Force base, and return to Travis Air Force base, or the same route in reverse.

Your Turn 12.44

Now suppose that the officer needed a cycle that visited all 5 of the Air Force bases in Figure 12.194 . There would be ( 5 − 1 ) ! = 4 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ( 5 − 1 ) ! = 4 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 different arrangements of vertices and ( 5 − 1 ) ! 2 = 4 ! 2 = 24 2 = 12 ( 5 − 1 ) ! 2 = 4 ! 2 = 24 2 = 12 distances to compare using the brute force method. If you consider 10 Air Force bases, there would be ( 10 − 1 ) ! = 9 ! = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 362 , 880 ( 10 − 1 ) ! = 9 ! = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 362 , 880 different arrangements and ( 10 − 1 ) ! 2 = 9 ! 2 = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 2 = 181 , 440 ( 10 − 1 ) ! 2 = 9 ! 2 = 9 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 2 = 181 , 440 distances to consider. There must be another way!

The Nearest Neighbor Method

When the brute force method is impractical for solving a traveling salesperson problem, an alternative is a greedy algorithm known as the nearest neighbor method , which always visit the closest or least costly place first. This method finds a Hamilton cycle of relatively low weight in a complete graph in which, at each phase, the next vertex is chosen by comparing the edges between the current vertex and the remaining vertices to find the lowest weight. Since the nearest neighbor method is a greedy algorithm, it usually doesn’t give the best solution, but it usually gives a solution that is "good enough." Most importantly, the number of steps will be the number of vertices. That’s right! A problem with 10 vertices requires 10 steps, not 362,880. Let’s look at an example to see how it works.

Suppose that a candidate for governor wants to hold rallies around the state. They plan to leave their home in city A , visit cities B, C, D, E , and F each once, and return home. The airfare between cities is indicated in the graph in Figure 12.196 .

Let’s help the candidate keep costs of travel down by applying the nearest neighbor method to find a Hamilton cycle that has a reasonably low weight. Begin by marking starting vertex as V 1 V 1 for "visited 1st." Then to compare the weights of the edges between A and vertices adjacent to A : $250, $210, $300, $200, and $100 as shown in Figure 12.197 . The lowest of these is $100, which is the edge between A and F .

Mark F as V 2 V 2 for "visited 2nd" then compare the weights of the edges between F and the remaining vertices adjacent to F : $170, $330, $150 and $350 as shown in Figure 12.198 . The lowest of these is $150, which is the edge between F and D .

Mark D as V 3 V 3 for "visited 3rd." Next, compare the weights of the edges between D and the remaining vertices adjacent to D : $120, $310, and $270 as shown in Figure 12.199 . The lowest of these is $120, which is the edge between D and B .

So, mark B as V 4 V 4 for "visited 4th." Finally, compare the weights of the edges between B and the remaining vertices adjacent to B : $160 and $220 as shown in Figure 12.200 . The lower amount is $160, which is the edge between B and E .

Now you can mark E as V 5 V 5 and mark the only remaining vertex, which is C , as V 6 V 6 . This is shown in Figure 12.201 . Make a note of the weight of the edge from E to C , which is $180, and from C back to A , which is $210.

The Hamilton cycle we found is A → F → D → B → E → C → A . The weight of the circuit is $ 100 + $ 150 + $ 120 + $ 160 + $ 180 + $ 210 = $ 920 $ 100 + $ 150 + $ 120 + $ 160 + $ 180 + $ 210 = $ 920 . This may or may not be the route with the lowest cost, but there is a good chance it is very close since the weights are most of the lowest weights on the graph and we found it in six steps instead of finding 120 different Hamilton cycles and calculating 60 weights. Let’s summarize the procedure that we used.

Step 1: Select the starting vertex and label V 1 V 1 for "visited 1st." Identify the edge of lowest weight between V 1 V 1 and the remaining vertices.

Step 2: Label the vertex at the end of the edge of lowest weight that you found in previous step as V n V n where the subscript n indicates the order the vertex is visited. Identify the edge of lowest weight between V n V n and the vertices that remain to be visited.

Step 3: If vertices remain that have not been visited, repeat Step 2. Otherwise, a Hamilton cycle of low weight is V 1 → V 2 → ⋯ → V n → V 1 V 1 → V 2 → ⋯ → V n → V 1 .

Example 12.45

Using the nearest neighbor method.

Suppose that the candidate for governor wants to hold rallies around the state but time before the election is very limited. They would like to leave their home in city A , visit cities B , C , D , E , and F each once, and return home. The airfare between cities is not as important as the time of travel, which is indicated in Figure 12.202 . Use the nearest neighbor method to find a route with relatively low travel time. What is the total travel time of the route that you found?

Step 1: Label vertex A as V 1 V 1 . The edge of lowest weight between A and the remaining vertices is 85 min between A and D .

Step 2: Label vertex D as V 2 V 2 . The edge of lowest weight between D and the vertices that remain to be visited, B, C, E , and F , is 70 min between D and F .

Repeat Step 2: Label vertex F as V 3 V 3 . The edge of lowest weight between F and the vertices that remain to be visited, B, C, and E , is 75 min between F and C .

Repeat Step 2: Label vertex C as V 4 V 4 . The edge of lowest weight between C and the vertices that remain to be visited, B and E , is 100 min between C and B .

Repeat Step 2: Label vertex B as V 5 V 5 . The only vertex that remains to be visited is E . The weight of the edge between B and E is 95 min.

Step 3: A Hamilton cycle of low weight is A → D → F → C → B → E → A . So, a route of relatively low travel time is A to D to F to C to B to E and back to A . The total travel time of this route is: 85 min + 70 min + 75 min + 100 min + 95 min + 90 min = 515 min or 8 hrs 35 min 85 min + 70 min + 75 min + 100 min + 95 min + 90 min = 515 min or 8 hrs 35 min

Your Turn 12.45

Check your understanding, section 12.9 exercises.

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  • Authors: Donna Kirk
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Contemporary Mathematics
  • Publication date: Mar 22, 2023
  • Location: Houston, Texas
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  • Data Structures
  • Linked List
  • Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Segment Tree
  • Disjoint Set Union
  • Fenwick Tree
  • Red-Black Tree
  • Advanced Data Structures
  • Graph Data Structure And Algorithms
  • Introduction to Graphs - Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials
  • Graph and its representations
  • Types of Graphs with Examples
  • Basic Properties of a Graph
  • Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Graph
  • Transpose graph
  • Difference Between Graph and Tree

BFS and DFS on Graph

  • Breadth First Search or BFS for a Graph
  • Depth First Search or DFS for a Graph
  • Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Depth First Search (DFS)
  • Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Breadth First Search (BFS)
  • Iterative Depth First Traversal of Graph
  • BFS for Disconnected Graph
  • Transitive Closure of a Graph using DFS
  • Difference between BFS and DFS

Cycle in a Graph

  • Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph
  • Detect cycle in an undirected graph
  • Detect Cycle in a directed graph using colors
  • Detect a negative cycle in a Graph | (Bellman Ford)
  • Cycles of length n in an undirected and connected graph
  • Detecting negative cycle using Floyd Warshall
  • Clone a Directed Acyclic Graph

Shortest Paths in Graph

  • How to find Shortest Paths from Source to all Vertices using Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • Bellman–Ford Algorithm
  • Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  • Johnson's algorithm for All-pairs shortest paths
  • Shortest Path in Directed Acyclic Graph
  • Multistage Graph (Shortest Path)
  • Shortest path in an unweighted graph
  • Karp's minimum mean (or average) weight cycle algorithm
  • 0-1 BFS (Shortest Path in a Binary Weight Graph)
  • Find minimum weight cycle in an undirected graph

Minimum Spanning Tree in Graph

  • Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Algorithm
  • Difference between Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm for MST
  • Applications of Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Total number of Spanning Trees in a Graph
  • Minimum Product Spanning Tree
  • Reverse Delete Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree

Topological Sorting in Graph

  • Topological Sorting
  • All Topological Sorts of a Directed Acyclic Graph
  • Kahn's algorithm for Topological Sorting
  • Maximum edges that can be added to DAG so that it remains DAG
  • Longest Path in a Directed Acyclic Graph
  • Topological Sort of a graph using departure time of vertex

Connectivity of Graph

  • Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a Graph
  • Biconnected Components
  • Bridges in a graph
  • Eulerian path and circuit for undirected graph
  • Fleury's Algorithm for printing Eulerian Path or Circuit
  • Strongly Connected Components
  • Count all possible walks from a source to a destination with exactly k edges
  • Euler Circuit in a Directed Graph
  • Word Ladder (Length of shortest chain to reach a target word)
  • Find if an array of strings can be chained to form a circle | Set 1
  • Tarjan's Algorithm to find Strongly Connected Components
  • Paths to travel each nodes using each edge (Seven Bridges of Königsberg)
  • Dynamic Connectivity | Set 1 (Incremental)

Maximum flow in a Graph

  • Max Flow Problem Introduction
  • Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm for Maximum Flow Problem
  • Find maximum number of edge disjoint paths between two vertices
  • Find minimum s-t cut in a flow network
  • Maximum Bipartite Matching
  • Channel Assignment Problem
  • Introduction to Push Relabel Algorithm
  • Introduction and implementation of Karger's algorithm for Minimum Cut
  • Dinic's algorithm for Maximum Flow

Some must do problems on Graph

  • Find size of the largest region in Boolean Matrix
  • Count number of trees in a forest
  • A Peterson Graph Problem
  • Clone an Undirected Graph
  • Introduction to Graph Coloring

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Implementation

  • Introduction and Approximate Solution for Vertex Cover Problem
  • Erdos Renyl Model (for generating Random Graphs)
  • Chinese Postman or Route Inspection | Set 1 (introduction)
  • Hierholzer's Algorithm for directed graph
  • Boggle (Find all possible words in a board of characters) | Set 1
  • Hopcroft–Karp Algorithm for Maximum Matching | Set 1 (Introduction)
  • Construct a graph from given degrees of all vertices
  • Determine whether a universal sink exists in a directed graph
  • Number of sink nodes in a graph
  • Two Clique Problem (Check if Graph can be divided in two Cliques)

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) : Given a set of cities and distances between every pair of cities, the problem is to find the shortest possible route that visits every city exactly once and returns to the starting point.  Note the difference between Hamiltonian Cycle and TSP. The Hamiltonian cycle problem is to find if there exists a tour that visits every city exactly once. Here we know that Hamiltonian Tour exists (because the graph is complete) and in fact, many such tours exist, the problem is to find a minimum weight Hamiltonian Cycle.  For example, consider the graph shown in the figure on the right side. A TSP tour in the graph is 1-2-4-3-1. The cost of the tour is 10+25+30+15 which is 80. The problem is a famous NP-hard problem. There is no polynomial-time known solution for this problem.   


In this post, the implementation of a simple solution is discussed.

  • Consider city 1 as the starting and ending point. Since the route is cyclic, we can consider any point as a starting point.
  • Generate all (n-1)! permutations of cities.
  • Calculate the cost of every permutation and keep track of the minimum cost permutation.
  • Return the permutation with minimum cost.

Below is the implementation of the above idea 

Time complexity:  O(n!) where n is the number of vertices in the graph. This is because the algorithm uses the next_permutation function which generates all the possible permutations of the vertex set.  Auxiliary Space: O(n) as we are using a vector to store all the vertices.

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traveling_salesman_problem #

Find the shortest path in G connecting specified nodes

This function allows approximate solution to the traveling salesman problem on networks that are not complete graphs and/or where the salesman does not need to visit all nodes.

This function proceeds in two steps. First, it creates a complete graph using the all-pairs shortest_paths between nodes in nodes . Edge weights in the new graph are the lengths of the paths between each pair of nodes in the original graph. Second, an algorithm (default: christofides for undirected and asadpour_atsp for directed) is used to approximate the minimal Hamiltonian cycle on this new graph. The available algorithms are:

christofides greedy_tsp simulated_annealing_tsp threshold_accepting_tsp asadpour_atsp

Once the Hamiltonian Cycle is found, this function post-processes to accommodate the structure of the original graph. If cycle is False , the biggest weight edge is removed to make a Hamiltonian path. Then each edge on the new complete graph used for that analysis is replaced by the shortest_path between those nodes on the original graph. If the input graph G includes edges with weights that do not adhere to the triangle inequality, such as when G is not a complete graph (i.e length of non-existent edges is infinity), then the returned path may contain some repeating nodes (other than the starting node).

A possibly weighted graph

collection (list, set, etc.) of nodes to visit

Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight. If any edge does not have this attribute the weight is set to 1.

Indicates whether a cycle should be returned, or a path. Note: the cycle is the approximate minimal cycle. The path simply removes the biggest edge in that cycle.

A function that returns a cycle on all nodes and approximates the solution to the traveling salesman problem on a complete graph. The returned cycle is then used to find a corresponding solution on G . method should be callable; take inputs G , and weight ; and return a list of nodes along the cycle.

Provided options include christofides() , greedy_tsp() , simulated_annealing_tsp() and threshold_accepting_tsp() .

If method is None : use christofides() for undirected G and asadpour_atsp() for directed G .

Other keyword arguments to be passed to the method function passed in.

List of nodes in G along a path with an approximation of the minimal path through nodes .

If G is a directed graph it has to be strongly connected or the complete version cannot be generated.

While no longer required, you can still build (curry) your own function to provide parameter values to the methods.

Otherwise, pass other keyword arguments directly into the tsp function.

What a lovely hat

Is it made out of tin foil , paper 2024/626, exponential quantum speedup for the traveling salesman problem.

The traveling salesman problem is the problem of finding out the shortest route in a network of cities, that a salesman needs to travel to cover all the cities, without visiting the same city more than once. This problem is known to be $NP$-hard with a brute-force complexity of $O(N^N)$ or $O(N^{2N})$ for $N$ number of cities. This problem is equivalent to finding out the shortest Hamiltonian cycle in a given graph, if at least one Hamiltonian cycle exists in it. Quantum algorithms for this problem typically provide with a quadratic speedup only, using Grover's search, thereby having a complexity of $O(N^{N/2})$ or $O(N^N)$. We present a bounded-error quantum polynomial-time (BQP) algorithm for solving the problem, providing with an exponential speedup. The overall complexity of our algorithm is $O(N^3\log(N)\kappa/\epsilon + 1/\epsilon^3)$, where the errors $\epsilon$ are $O(1/{\rm poly}(N))$, and $\kappa$ is the not-too-large condition number of the matrix encoding all Hamiltonian cycles.

Note: Added a sentence in the last section on why kappa cannot be exponentially large. Some typos fixed too.


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  • Published: 24 April 2024

Energy-efficient superparamagnetic Ising machine and its application to traveling salesman problems

  • Jia Si   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Shuhan Yang 1 ,
  • Yunuo Cen 1 ,
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  • Xuanyao Fong   ORCID: 1 &
  • Hyunsoo Yang   ORCID: 1  

Nature Communications volume  15 , Article number:  3457 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • Magnetic devices

The growth of artificial intelligence leads to a computational burden in solving non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP)-hard problems. The Ising computer, which aims to solve NP-hard problems faces challenges such as high power consumption and limited scalability. Here, we experimentally present an Ising annealing computer based on 80 superparamagnetic tunnel junctions (SMTJs) with all-to-all connections, which solves a 70-city traveling salesman problem (TSP, 4761-node Ising problem). By taking advantage of the intrinsic randomness of SMTJs, implementing global annealing scheme, and using efficient algorithm, our SMTJ-based Ising annealer outperforms other Ising schemes in terms of power consumption and energy efficiency. Additionally, our approach provides a promising way to solve complex problems with limited hardware resources. Moreover, we propose a cross-bar array architecture for scalable integration using conventional magnetic random-access memories. Our results demonstrate that the SMTJ-based Ising computer with high energy efficiency, speed, and scalability is a strong candidate for future unconventional computing schemes.

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The demands for future data-intensive and energy-efficient computing tasks overwhelm the computational power of conventional von Neumann architectures 1 . For example, NP-hard problems are often encountered in combinatorial optimizations 2 , resource allocation 3 , cryptography 4 , finance 5 , image processing 6 , tour planning 7 , and job sequencing 8 , and their computational time and hardware resources increase exponentially with the problem size, which makes them very difficult or impossible to be solved by conventional computers in a finite time. These problems can be mapped to the Ising model, a mathematical model to characterize interactions between magnetic spins 9 . The dynamics of the model is algorithm- based, i.e. by constructing a proper coupling matrix and allowing the system to evolve utilizing an intrinsic convergence property of the Ising model, the ground state could be obtained as a solution to the corresponding problems. However, as the system might be trapped in many local minima, the annealing process has usually been adopted in Ising computers to address such limitations. It is commonly agreed that adding fluctuations prevents the Ising computer from being stuck at the local minima.

Efficient algorithms and hardware systems for finding an optimal or near-optimal solution of an Ising model at a fast speed and low power have been sought. Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) 10 , 11 and quantum computing 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 based on superconducting qubits are capable of converging the Ising model by tunneling out of local minima to the global minima. A 100-node Maxcut problem was solved using a quantum computer of 2048 spins with huge power consumption 16 . Besides the high cost and complexity of cryogenic temperature, this proof-of-concept system was limited by the sparse connections only between the nearest neighbors, which leads to sub-optimal outcomes 17 . Simulated annealing based on CMOS implementations was exploited for parallel Ising computing, including central processing units (CPU) 18 , 19 , graphics processing units (GPU) 20 , and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) 21 , 22 . These hardware have reported as large as 16,384 spins, however, it requires huge hardware resources for generating random numbers to introduce stochasticity to escape from the local minima 4 , 18 , 23 , 24 . Coherent Ising machine (CIM) is an optical scheme with competitive energy efficiency. However, it requires a long fiber ring cavity and relies on external FPGA for implementing coupling 25 , 26 . The temporal multiplexing process is also time-consuming and hard to expand to large systems. Recently, experiments and simulation works have investigated various devices to emulate the behavior of Ising spins by taking advantage of their intrinsic physics. An 8-spin asynchronous probabilistic computer based on superparamagnetic tunnel junctions for solving integer factorization tasks of values up to 945 was demonstrated 4 . SPICE simulations of 16-city TSP using simulated annealing method were presented 27 . Other works such as 8-spin phase-transition nano-oscillators 28 , multiferroic oxide devices with a high thermal stability 29 , and magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) 30 , 31 have also conceptually proved that spin-based devices are suitable for representing Ising units. However, these works have encountered challenges in either partially-connected Ising spins or small scalability which limit the Ising computer from solving practical problems.

TSP discussed in this paper is a well-known problem which is much beyond the limitation of locally connected Ising models. Other combinatorial optimization problems, such as knapsack problems, coloring problems, and number partitioning, need all-to-all connection to satisfy specific constraints 9 . In practice, an additional graph embedding process is often required when mapping to 2-dimensional CMOS circuitry which only considered the coupling between adjacent spins 32 , 33 , 34 . Since the embedding increases the required number of auxiliary spins and causes spin connections to change, the annealing accuracy is degraded significantly, especially when the problem size is large. This means that supporting a fully connected Ising model is highly recommended for dealing with a wide range of problems. Another problem is the rapidly increasing connectivity when considering large-scale systems, which usually results in huge energy consumption and latency. Since the number of spins that a particular annealing processor can handle limit the scale of the problem that can be solved, how to solve complex problems with limited hardware in an energy-efficient way has also drawn significant attention.

In this work, we experimentally report a scalable Ising computer based on 80 SMTJs with all-to-all connections and successfully solve the 4761-node TSP problem. The intrinsic stochasticity in SMTJ enables ultra-fast and low-power Ising annealing without using extra resources for random number generation and Metropolis determining process 7 . By combining global annealing with intrinsic annealing in SMTJ, the convergence of the Ising problem is guaranteed especially in large-scale Ising problems. The method to determine parameters of global annealing is discussed. With an all-to-all connection among Ising spins, the combinatorial optimization of 9-city TSP is solved with the optimal solution. We further develop the algorithm for constrained TSP (CTSP) with no extra auxiliary Ising bits both in algorithm and hardware, indicating the superiority and flexibility of this Ising computer. Furthermore, we propose an optimization strategy based on graph partitioning (GP) and CTSP and experimentally solved a 70-city TSP, which typically needs 4761 nodes, on our 80-node Ising computer with a near-optimal solution. The system can obtain the lowest power consumption of 0.64 mW as well as high energy efficiency of 39 solutions per second per watt among state-of-art Ising annealers. We have experimentally demonstrated that large-scale Ising problems can be solved by small-scale hardware in an energy-efficient way.

SMTJ-based artificial Ising spin

Various NP-hard problems can be solved by constructing corresponding Ising models and observing the ground states during evolution processes. Figure  1a shows an all-to-all connected Ising model, whose Ising Hamiltonian can be written as

where \(H\) is the total energy of the system, \(N\) is the total number of spins, \({s}_{i}\) is the \(\,i\) -th spin with one of two states; “+1” (Ising spin up) or “−1” (Ising spin down), \({J}_{i,j}\) is the coefficient of coupling between the \(i\) -th and the \(j\) -th spins, and \({h}_{i}\) is the external field of the \(\,i\) -th spin. For a fixed configuration of other spins than \({s}_{k}\) , the probability of \({s}_{k}\) staying in the down-state is given by

where \(\Lambda=\frac{\partial H}{\partial {s}_{k}}\) (see Supplementary Note  1 ).

figure 1

a All-to-all connected 12-spin Ising model with s represents the spin and J 1,6 represents the coupling between s1 and s6. b Sigmoidal fit of probability of AP state ( \({p}_{{AP}}\) ) of an SMTJ under different input currents ( I ). \({p}_{{{{{{\rm{AP}}}}}}}=\frac{1}{1+{e}^{-4.672\times (I-3.905{{{{{\rm{\mu }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{A}}}}}})}}\) . Inset: diagram of an SMTJ. A tunneling barrier layer is sandwiched by a reference layer and a free layer. c Time-dependent resistance of an SMTJ under different input currents ( I ). d Photograph and schematic diagram of SMTJ-based Ising computer. The system contains 8 processing elements (PEs), 4 digital-to-analog converters (DACs), a comparator array, a multiplexer and a microcontroller unit (MCU). Each PE has 10 SMTJ computing units. Each computing unit includes a transistor and a resistor to adjust the property into stochastic. Blue lines and orange arrows represent the control and data flow, respectively.

One natural implementation of this Ising spin is based on a stochastic nanomagnet. The inset of Fig.  1b shows the sketch of an SMTJ, consisting of a tunneling barrier sandwiched by a reference layer and a free layer (see Methods section). Because of the small device diameter (~50 nm), the energy barrier of the free layer between the anti-parallel (AP) and parallel (P) states is low that the retention time of either state is in the range of μs to ms, similar to previous studies 4 , 35 . The SMTJ resistance, measured as a function of time in Fig.  1c , shows preferred AP states at high currents and P states at low currents. When the current ( I ) is ~4 μA, SMTJ shows an equal chance of AP and P states. The probability of the AP state under different input currents over 0.1 s is fitted in Fig.  1b by a sigmoid function:

where \({{{{{\rm{a}}}}}}=4.67 \, {{{{{\rm{and\; b}}}}}}=3.9 \, {{{{{\rm{\mu }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{A}}}}}}.\) In order to emulate Ising spin \({s}_{k}\) with our SMTJ device, we only need to make the probability of the down-state of \({s}_{k}\) to be equal to that for the AP state of SMTJ, namely \({p}{\_}{{{{{{\rm{\_}}}}}}{{{{{\rm{AP}}}}}}}={p}{\_}{{{{{{\rm{\_}}}}}}\downarrow }\) , with two calibration coefficients. Thus, we can derive the form of the current \({{I\_}}_{k}\) injected to SMTJ as (see Supplementary Note  1 ):

where \(c=1/{kT}\) is the effective inverse temperature which can be conducted for global annealing.

Intrinsic annealing in SMTJs-based Ising computer

By integrating 80 SMTJs with a peripheral circuit and a microcontroller unit (MCU), we build an 80-node Ising computer (see Supplementary Note  2 ). Each Ising spin in Eq. ( 1 ) is emulated by an SMTJ with intrinsic randomness, where P (AP) state represents spin-up (down). Figure  1d shows the photograph of the printed circuit board (PCB) and the diagram of the system (see Methods section). The system contains 8 processing elements (PEs); each PE has 10 SMTJ computing units. Each SMTJ computing unit includes a transistor and a resistor to adjust the state of SMTJ into stochastic. During the computing process, an MCU examines the states of all SMTJs by reading the output of comparator arrays through multiplexers and generates new input voltages for digital-to-analog converters (DACs) according to the updating rule in Eq. ( 4 ) (see Supplementary Note  3 for calibration of 80 SMTJ computing units).

During the evolution process, an Ising solver could be easily trapped in a local minimum state. To avoid this non-optimal solution, annealing algorithms such as simulated annealing (SA) or quantum annealing (QA) were developed. The general idea of SA is to make the system evolve from a high temperature to a low temperature gradually 7 . The convergence and relaxation of SA can be mathematically provable 36 . During each iteration, a random number is generated for stochasticity and introduced to determine whether the result in this iteration should be accepted or not. In QA, quantum fluctuations cause quantum tunneling between states 17 . In both SA and QA, stochasticity needs to be introduced into the annealing process. In contrast, our Ising system utilizes the intrinsic stochastic behaviors of SMTJ to perform the Metropolis process of standard SA in hardware, which greatly saves the solution time and hardware resources for generating randomness (see Supplementary Note  4 ). Besides, our Ising computer has an all-to-all connection which has wider application scenarios, as well as a better capability of escaping from local minima.

Ising mapping of N-city TSP and CTSP

We have applied our Ising computer to the TSP problem, one of the combinatorial optimization problems, which applies to various sectors, such as vehicle routing, logistics, planning, and scheduling. The goal is to find the shortest route that visits all listed cities once and only once given distances between the cities in the list. In order to solve this problem, we first map N -city-TSP to an \({N}^{2}\) -spin Ising model, or \({(N-1)}^{2}\) -spin model assuming a fixed starting city. Figure  2a shows the coordinates of 9 cities and Fig.  2b shows the 81-spin Ising model, whose rows indicate the cities and columns indicate the visiting order. We define the binary spin, s , as \({s}_{i,j}\)  = 1 if city i is visited as j -th city or \({s}_{i,j}\)  = −1 otherwise. The total Hamiltonian of TSP is expressed by 9

where the first term is a constraint that represents only one city is visited at the j -th visit, and the second term represents one city is visited only one time. \(w\) is a constant small enough ( \(0 \, < \, w \, < \, 1\) ) not to violate the two constraints of the TSP cycle. \({d}_{i,{i{{\hbox{'}}}}}\) is the distance between city \(i\) and city \({i{{\hbox{'}}}}\) . According to Eqs. ( 1 ) and ( 5 ), coupling matrix \(J\) of 81 spins could be obtained, as shown in Fig.  2c (see Supplementary Note  5 ). It shows that spins in the same row or column have strong coupling, as indicated by the first two terms in Eq. ( 5 ).

figure 2

a Coordinates of all 9 cities used in this problem which are the first 9 cities in the dataset Burma14 from TSPLIB. b Ising spin representation for 9-city TSP (81 spins). Rows indicate names of cities and columns indicate the visiting order. Each spin can be 1 (visited) or −1 (not visited) in each iteration. c Color map of the coupling matrix J TSP of 9-city TSP, and the color bar represents an effective energy with the unit of kT . Here, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. d Constrained TSP (CTSP) with a fixed vising sequence from city 2 to city 7 or from city 7 to city 2. The arrows represent the visiting sequence. e The Ising spin representation for CTSP with the fixed visiting sequence in d . Arrows represent possible vising sequences. f Color map of the difference of coupling matrix between TSP (J TSP ) in a and CTSP (J CTSP ) in d . Arrows represent the fixed vising sequences from city 2 to city 7 or from city 7 to 2.

We define CTSP as the visiting orders of some cities are enforced during the traveling. This is quite useful in real-life scenarios. For example, a delivery man collects food and drinks at shop A and must deliver hot drinks to B first even though the total cost is higher than optimal. We propose an algorithm for solving CTSP by adding negative “distance” to the Hamiltonian. For example, suppose that city A and city B are required to be connected in the CTSP as city 2 and city 7 shown in Fig.  2d , and then we add the term

such that the energy of a path, where city A and city B are connected, is always lowered by \(\theta .\) When \(\theta\) is sufficiently large, the optimal path must have city 2 and city 7 connected. Thus, the total Hamiltonian of the CTSP is expressed by

Constructing an Ising model for CTSP is exactly the same as TSP except for extra allowed visiting sequences, as shown in Fig.  2e . This would lead to a modification of the coupling matrix of \(J\) according to Eq. ( 7 ) (see the deduction of \({J}_{{CTSP}}\) in Supplementary Note  6 ). From Fig.  2f we can clearly see the differences between \({J}_{{CTSP}}\) and \({J}_{{TSP}}\) . This algorithm of CTSP fits for arbitrary constraints of visiting sequences as well as their combinations.

Experimental demonstration of 9-city TSP

We first run a 9-city TSP in the 80 SMTJ-based Ising computer at a relatively low but non-zero effective temperature to examine the intrinsic annealing in SMTJ. The iteration time is set comparable to the longest retention time of SMTJs to avoid reading previous spin states. In our experiments, we set the iteration time as 0.1 ms. As shown in Fig.  3a , as the effective inverse temperature ( c ) is increased quickly to 0.5, the system converges rapidly to a low energy state within 50 iterations and reaches the ground state after 4000 iterations. It should be noted that the intrinsic stochasticity in SMTJs helps the system escape from local minima without an extra annealing process, as shown in the right inset of Fig.  3a . Figure  3b illustrates the evolution of 9 spins out of 81 spins. The evolution of all 81 spins can be found in Supplementary Note  7 .

figure 3

a Total energy transition of 9-city TSP with 5000 iterations (the optimal solution with the energy of 18.23 corresponds to the dashed horizontal line). Insets: effective inverse temperature ( c ) and total energy within 3500–4500 iterations. b Evolution of 9 representative SMTJ states in 5000 iterations. An offset is used in the y -axis to show each SMTJ clearly. c Visiting routes of state A, B, C, and D in a . d Corresponding Ising spins of state A, B, C, and D in a . The yellow squares represent ‘visited ( \({s}_{i,j}=1\) )’ and the purple squares represent ‘not visited ( \({s}_{i,j}=-1\) )’. e Total energy transition with increasing c from 0.2 to 1.8. Left inset: zoom-in view of total energy transition with increasing c from 0.392 to 0.52. Right inset: transition of c with iterations. The red dashed line represents the optimal path (success). f Success probability of solving TSP with varying the node size. The data points and shadows represent the median value and the interquartile range (IQR), respectively.

We choose four states in Fig.  3a to inspect the traveling path in Fig.  3c and their Ising spins, namely \({s}_{i,j}\) , as shown in Fig.  3d . The yellow square in Fig.  3d represents \({s}_{i,j}=1\) (visited) and the blue square represents \({s}_{i,j}=-1\) (not visited). In an initial state A, the spin states are randomly set and then converge to a relatively low energy at state B. State C is an intermediate solution during the annealing process. State D is the optimal solution satisfying two constraints of the TSP. Because we anneal the system to a relatively low but non-zero temperature so that the convergence to a sub-optimal state could be guaranteed, and at the same time, the intrinsic randomness in SMTJ helps the system to escape from local minima and find a ground state quickly. We test 10 different random initial states each with 5000 iterations and find that in all cases the system can obtain a relatively small energy, as shown in Supplementary Note  8 . However, there is a probability that the system jumps out of the ground state because of the non-zero temperature. If we continue to observe the evolution in a large timescale, the system would move back to the global minimum state. In some cases, where the speed and near-optimal solution matter but the accurate optimal solution is not, the number of iterations can be chosen to be small.

Further global annealing of the system to a lower effective temperature may guarantee the convergence of the computation. Here we use linear annealing as an example to examine the convergence of this algorithm in a very large-iteration limit. The initial temperature should be chosen sufficiently high to ensure that the thermal energy exceeds any energy barrier ( \(\Delta H{=H}_{\max }-{H}_{\min }\) ) within the system, while still adhering to the fundamental constraints of the specific Ising model. For a given N-city TSP, \({H}_{\max }\) in Eq. ( 5 ) can be estimated as \(w\times N\times \bar{d}\) , assuming that the distance between any two cities is the same as the average distance \(\bar{d}\) . Similarly, \({H}_{\min }\) can be estimated as \(w\times N\times {d}_{\min }\) . Therefore, the initial \(c\) of 9-city TSP in our experiment can be estimated as \({c}_{{{{{{\rm{initial}}}}}}}\, \sim 1/\Delta H=0.07\) , where \(w=0.5\) , \(N=9\) for a total of 9 cities, \(\bar{d}=4\) and \({d}_{\min }=0.8\) for the average and shortest distance of each two cities, respectively in Fig.  3c . We then choose \({c}_{{{{{{\rm{initial}}}}}}}\)  = 0.2 which is sufficiently safe for annealing. As the temperature linearly decreases, the dynamical system gradually stabilizes. The final temperature should be low enough i.e., \({c}_{{{{{{\rm{final}}}}}}} \, \gg \, 1/\Delta H\) , to freeze all possible fluctuations. Here we set \({c}_{{{{{{\rm{final}}}}}}}=1.8\) which is at least one order larger than \(1/\Delta H\) . This can also be verified by observing randomly generated states under \({c}_{{{{{{\rm{final}}}}}}}\) for long iterations. Regarding the annealing speed, if several changes in the spin configuration are observed under each value of c , then this annealing speed is valid. Plenty trials are required to find the proper annealing speed (details in Supplementary Note  8 ).

In Fig.  3e we can find the first global minimum energy appears after 16,500 iterations, and converge to the ground state after 40,000 iterations. Temperature schedules can be optimized to reduce iteration numbers, e.g. increase the effective temperature in the first few time steps, and then decrease gradually, or learned by the reinforcement learning method 37 . In practice, we use one memory to store the minimum energy state during the computation, and another memory to record the final energy state. We take the minimum value of these two results as the solution. Figure  3f shows the success probability (defined as finding the optimal path) of TSP with various node sizes. The success probability of 9-city TSP reaches 95% after 10 4 iterations. The success probability with the parameter \(w\) in Eq. ( 5 ) which determines the relative strength of the constrain term and distance term is also discussed. If the \(w\) is too large, then the probabilities of violations, namely the invalid path, would increase, as shown in Supplementary Note  8 . If \(w\) is too small, then the effect of the distance term is small, which results in a slower convergence to the ground state.

The advantages of this annealer are threefold: (1) Selective working modes by using different temperature schemes. One is the probabilistic sampling mode working at a constant temperature, which is similar to an asynchronous probabilistic computer 4 ; the other is the annealing mode conducted by reducing the effective temperature. (2) Fast speed and low power consumption to find the ground state because of the intrinsic annealing properties in SMTJ. (3) Global annealing outperforms probabilistic sampling in achieving efficient convergence, especially for large-scale problems.

We have implemented a synchronous design with a lower requirement on the speed of peripheral circuits. This design also effectively mitigates issues such as leakage, sneak currents, and parasitic resistances which might encountered in asynchronous hardware with a memristive (or resistive) crossbar array.

Compressing 70-city TSP to 80-node Ising computer

Generally, the number of spins required for an N -city TSP is ( N -1) 2 , which limits the scalability of TSP on state-of-the-art computing systems. Here, we propose a graph Ising compressing algorithm based on CTSP that can significantly reduce the number of spins and interactions for solving a TSP. Figure  4a is an example of how we apply this algorithm to our 80-node SMTJ Ising computer for solving a 70-city TSP (4761 nodes, st70 data set from TSPLIB 38 ). The major steps of this algorithm can be described as follows: (a) divide the cities into several smaller groups until the number of cities in each group is less than 10 by GP method; (b) solve TSP within each group separately; (c) integrate neighboring groups to obtain an initial path of the whole group; and (d) optimize the path in (c) by a CTSP window sliding over the whole map.

figure 4

a Optimization algorithm for 70-city TSP. b Number of required SMTJs for various problems using different methods. Burma14, berlin52, eil76, and eil101 are TSP of 14, 52, 76, and 101 cities, respectively. c Comparison of total Ising energy (path) and total clock cycles for final solution with different SA-based algorithms, including symbiotic organisms search 40 , ant colony optimazation 41 , multi-offspring genetic algorithm 42 , and gene-expression programming 7 . Our method is tested on our Ising system and others are tested on Intel Core-i7 PC. In this comparison, our system runs at a main frequency of 10 kHz.

It is worth mentioning that GP is also an Ising problem. When converting a global TSP into local TSPs, using GP would be more hardware-friendly for our Ising computer compared to other clustering algorithms. It is based on the idea that the original graph can be separated into multiple sub-graphs depending on the Euclidean distance. The number of spins required for solving GP is ~ N and thus, GP is quite efficient for local TSPs since the problem size can be reduced to ~ \({\left(N-1\right)}^{2}/a\) , where \(a\) is the number of groups, and each TSP can be optimized independently (see GP mapping in Supplementary Note  9 ).

The final step (d) is based on CTSP, where a rectangular window slides over the path and cuts it into several disconnected lines, among which the two longest lines are chosen and the edge cities are connected as a circular path (Supplementary Note  10 ). The CTSP is solved within each window for sub-area optimization without changing the visiting order of edge cities. After this, the two lines at the edge cities are opened and CTSP is carried out again after sliding to the next window. GP-CTSP-based optimization algorithm provides an efficient way of finding near-optimal solutions for large-scale TSP on limited hardware resources.

Figure  4b shows the comparison of numbers of spins for different TSPs by a conventional Ising method 9 , cluster Ising method 39 , and our method. The required number of spins in our method is relatively unchanged for various TSPs, while that of other methods increases substantially with the scale of the problem. Figure  4c shows the total path of 70-city TSP as a function of iteration number using different SA-based algorithms, including symbiotic organisms search 40 , ant colony optimization 41 , multi-offspring genetic algorithm 42 , and gene-expression programming 7 . Finally, we obtain the near-optimal path with a total energy of 700.71, which is slightly higher than the optimal solution of 675. However, the iteration number for an optimized solution is 4.9 \(\times\) 10 6 by our method, which is two to three orders lower than that of SA-based algorithms running on Intel Core-i7 CPU 7 with the main frequency of 3 GHz, as shown in Fig.  4c .

Ising computer scaling and cross-bar architecture

The above experimental demonstration shows our Ising computer with 80 SMTJs is capable of finding a near-optimal solution to a medium-scale NP-hard problem. We then explore the performance with increasing from 70 to 200 cities. The simulation of complete TSP task is carried out using MATLAB, incorporating a stochastic model of the SMTJ employed in our experiment (details in Supplementary Note  11 ). The solution quality is defined as

Figure  5a illustrates the solution quality of the best results obtained for each TSP task (Supplementary Note  12 for the best solutions). Notably, as the number of SMTJ (M) increases, higher quality solutions can be attained. It is worth emphasizing that the shortest path obtained for the 101-city TSP is 640.9755 in our study, surpassing the optimal path of 642.3095 provided by TSPLIB (Eil101.opt.tour). This outcome serves as evidence of the superiority of our method. The utilization of more SMTJs solving TSP per sliding window leads to improved optimization of CTSP annealing, resulting in an enhanced solution quality, as depicted in Fig.  5b . Consequently, the time to convergence s would also increase with the use of more SMTJS. When dealing with a fixed hardware capacity, an appropriate number of SMTJs for CTSP optimization can be assigned, taking into account both the solution quality and convergence speed. Figure  5c showcases the success rate (defined as achieving 95% solution quality) as the problem size increases. The success probability of 200-city TSP, whose complexity is ~40,000 nodes, can reach as high as 90%, demonstrating the scalability of our method compared to typical TSP (without GP and CTSP) 9 .

figure 5

a Solution quality of various problems using different number of SMTJs (M) in the array. The datasets used are St70, Eil101 and KroA200, for 70, 101 and 200 cities, respectively. b Total length of KroA200 TSP at different convergence speeds using different number of SMTJs. The dashed line represents the best demonstrated solution. c Success probability of different TSP algorithm (without/with GP and CTSP) as the number of cities increases after running for 50 times. A total of 512 SMTJs are used. Here we define the success as achieving the solution quality of 95%. d SMTJ cross-bar array which contains row decoder, SMTJ, select transistor and read sense amplifier (RSA). BL represents bit line, WL represents word line, Vin, Vout and Vdd represent the input voltage, output voltage and supply voltage of RSA. e Circuit of one RSA which contains a current mirror, voltage equalization circuit (VEC, with a control signal of EQ which initializes the voltages in Q and QB points, under a reference voltage of Vdd/2), voltage sense amplifier (VSA, with a control signal of SEN), reference resistance ( \({{{{{\rm{Rref}}}}}}=\frac{1}{2}({{{{{\rm{Rap}}}}}}+{{{{{\rm{Rp}}}}}})\) , Rap and Rp represent SMTJ’s resistance in AP and P state respectively), and control transistors. f Signals of writing/reading two adjacent SMTJ cells in one BL, selected by WL0 and WL1 in sequence. All signals are defined in e and f .

We also propose a cross-bar architecture for large-scale Ising computer implementation, which can be integrated by using modern MRAM and CMOS technologies. The core part of this architecture consists of SMTJ bit cells organized as a cross-bar array, integrated with row decoders and read sense amplifiers (RSA), as shown in Fig.  5d . Each SMTJ bit cell contains one select transistor and one SMTJ (1T1SMTJ), whereas the gate of the select transistor is driven by word lines (WL), and the source of all bit cells are connected to the ground. Each bit line is assigned with an RSA. The current flows through SMTJ can be continuously adjusted by Vin of RSA, and the state of SMTJ can be read by RSA at the same time. Figure  5e illustrated the circuit of RSA, in which two clamp transistors control the current flow through the bit cell path and reference path by the gate voltage (Vin), and a current mirror is used to guarantee the same current of the above two paths. Then different voltages would show in the Q and QB point when the resistance of SMTJ is higher or lower than the reference resistor (Rref). By utilizing an enabled voltage sense amplifier (VSA), the voltages at the Q and QB points are sensed, allowing the SMTJ state to be determined as either Vdd (P state) or 0 V (AP state). Particularly, a voltage equalization circuit (VEC) is designed for initializing VSA to avoid incorrect readout. Electrical coupling through a resistance change 43 is evaluated to have neglectable effects (details in Supplementary Note  11 ). Figure  5f shows the signals to control and read bit cells. In phase 0 (PH0), one row of SMTJs is selected by WL, and Vin prepared by peripheral circuit is applied to the corresponding RSA. EQ is set high to initialize Q, QB and Vout as Vdd/2. In phase 1 (PH1), the SMTJ fluctuates from the falling edge to next rising edge of EQ. Finally, in phase 2 (PH2), RSAs read the data of one row in parallel at the falling edge of SEN. After the first row has been retrieved, the partial sum starts to be computed. Meanwhile, the same process for the second row can be started, so and so forth. To avoid reading the previous state, the duration of PH1 is preferred to be comparable with the retention time of SMTJ, which limits the main frequency of the system (see details in Supplementary Note  11 ).

We compare our system with other state-of-art Ising solvers, including CMOS annealer (Intel Core i7 processor) 7 , quantum annealer (D-Wave 2000Q) 16 , 17 , CIM with FPGA 26 , memristor Hopfield neural networks (mem-HNN) 44 , and phase-transition nano-oscillators (PTNO) 28 in solving 4761-node TSP70, as shown in Table  1 . We use the experimental data for benchmarking from literature, and two kinds of SMTJs for comparison. One is our perpendicular anisotropy SMTJ device and the other is assuming recently reported in-plane anisotropy SMTJ with a retention time of 8 ns 45 , 46 . The major attributes are the main frequency (defined as 1/iteration time), power, time-to-solution as well as energy efficiency (defined as solutions per second per watt). As quantum computers, CIM, mem-HNN, and PTNO only demonstrated ~100-node max-cut problems, we estimate the time-to-solution for solving TSP70 by assuming that the algorithm and the total number of spins to find a near-optimal solution is the same as our work (details in Supplementary Note  13 ). Here, we set 80-spin Ising computer as a standard and fix the number of iterations of 400,000 for a good solution to TSP70. Only Ising computing parts are calculated for power consumption.

In Table  1 , although the main frequency of CPU is the highest among all candidates, the energy efficiency is lower than our SMTJ-based approach. This is due to the redundant logic and data transfer delay between the memory and PEs in a conventional von-Neumann architecture. The SMTJ-based approach currently outperforms the quantum annealer both in the power consumption as well as time to solution. The power of quantum annealer is huge which needs to be optimized further for real applications. CIM is another promising architecture with a fast speed and acceptable power consumption. Current CIM systems are proof-of-concept systems which are not at present optimized for energy efficiency. Mem-HNN has a relatively fast speed assuming the 180-nm CMOS technology. However, the required number of devices is large, which limits the integrated density. The PTNO approach uses capacitors or resistors to mimic spin coupling, whose main frequency would be limited by the system scale and parasitic effects. It is reported that the ideal main frequency would decrease from 500 to 87 MHz when the system scale increases from 8-node to 100-node 28 . Our SMTJ-based Ising computer outperforms other approaches with low power consumption with 0.64 mW (details in Supplementary Note  13 ).

We experimentally demonstrate perpendicular MTJs with a retention time of ~0.1 ms and solve TSP70 Ising problems at an energy efficiency of 39 solutions per second per watt. Furthermore, we simulate an Ising computer with 4 Kb SMTJs using 40 nm commercial CMOS technology. The simulated energy efficiency for solving TSP70 by using the same SMTJ can reach 68 solutions per second per watt. By using reported in-plane SMTJ 45 and advanced CMOS, the system could obtain the highest energy efficiency of \(5.4\times {10}^{3}\) , which shows several orders of magnitude improvement over other approaches. This result suggests that an SMTJ-based Ising computer can be a good candidate for solving dense Ising problems in a highly energy-efficient and fast way.

In summary, we have experimentally demonstrated an intrinsic all-to-all Ising computer based on 80 SMTJs, and solved 9-city TSP with the optimal solution. Furthermore, a compressing strategy based on CTSP and GP is proposed to experimentally solve 4761-node 70-city TSP on an 80-node system with a near-optimum solution as well as ultra-low energy consumption. A cross-bar architecture is then proposed for large-scale Ising computers and the 200 city TSP task is simulated. Our system provides a feasible solution to fast, energy-efficient, and scalable Ising computing schemes to solve NP-hard problems.

Sample growth and device fabrication

Thin film samples of substrate/[W (3)/Ru (10)] 2 /W (3)/Pt (3)/Co (0.25)/Pt (0.2)/[Co (0.25)/Pt (0.5)] 5 /Co (0.6)/Ru (0.85)/Co (0.6)/Pt (0.2)/Co (0.3)/Pt (0.2)/Co (0.5)/W (0.3)/CoFeB (0.9)/MgO (1.1)/CoFeB (1.5)/Ta (3)/Ru (7)/Ta (5) were deposited via DC (metallic layers) and RF magnetron (MgO layer) sputtering on the Si substrates with thermal oxide of 300 nm with a base pressure of less than \(2\times {10}^{-8}\) Torr at room temperature. The numbers in parentheses are thicknesses in nanometers. To fabricate the superparamagnetic tunnel junctions, bottom electrode structures with a width of 10 µm were firstly patterned via photolithography and Ar ion milling. MTJ pillar structures with a diameter of ~50 nm for the superparamagnetic behavior were patterned by using e-beam lithography. The encapsulation layer of Si 3 N 4 was in-situ deposited after ion milling without breaking vacuum by using RF magnetron sputtering, and top electrode structures with a width of 10 µm were patterned via photolithography and top electrodes of Ta (5 nm)/Cu (40 nm) were deposited by using DC magnetron sputtering.

MTJ characterization by probe station

The setup includes a source meter (Keithley 2400) for supplying DC bias currents and a data acquisition card (NI-DAQmx USB-6363) for the read operation. A single SMTJ operation cycle comprises two steps (i.e. bias and read). A small DC input current with an amplitude of 1–20 μA is applied to SMTJ. Simultaneously, the DAQ card reads the voltage signal across the SMTJ at a maximum sampling rate of 2 MHz. The MTJ switching probability varies in accordance with the amplitude of applied currents. The retention time of MTJ is determined from random telegraph noise measurements over 250 ms. The expectation values of event time τ is determined by fitting an exponential function to the experimental results.

80 SMTJ arrays and peripheral circuits are integrated on a 12 cm × 15 cm PCB, controlled by an MCU (Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3). Four 12-bit rail-to-rail DACs (AD5381) with 160 output channels in total are used to generate analog DC inputs for PE and comparator arrays. Half of the DAC output channels are used to provide stimulation to the gate terminal of NMOSs (2N7002DW-G), and others are used to provide reference voltages to comparators (AD8694). The drain voltages of NMOS are compared with reference voltages and generate outputs in parallel. Outputs of comparator arrays are read by MCU through four multiplexers (FST16233) and then are calculated to obtain new inputs for DACs. The supply voltage of the PCB board and SMTJs is 5 V and 0.8 V, respectively. The value of resistors in each computing unit can be designed to adjust the center of sigmoidal curves.

Data availability

The data generated during this study are available within the article and the  Supplementary Information file.  Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The codes that support this study can be available from the corresponding author upon request.

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This work was supported by National Research Foundation (NRF), Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore, under its Competitive Research Programme (NRF-000214-00 to H.Y.), Advanced Research and Technology Innovation Center (ARTIC to H.Y.), the National University of Singapore under Grant (project number: A-0005947-19-00 to H.Y.), and Ministry of Education, Singapore, under Tier 2 (T2EP50123-0025 to H.Y.). We thank Yuqi Su, and Chne-Wuen Tsai from National University of Singapore and Zhi-Da Song from Peking University for useful discussions.

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Jia Si, Shuhan Yang, Yunuo Cen, Jiaer Chen, Yingna Huang, Zhaoyang Yao, Dong-Jun Kim, Kaiming Cai, Jerald Yoo, Xuanyao Fong & Hyunsoo Yang

Key Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Nanodevices and Center for Carbon-based Electronics, School of Electronics, Peking University, Beijing, China

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J.S. and H.Y. conceived and designed the experiments. J.S. designed, fabricated, and coded the hardware system. D.K., and S.Y. fabricated the devices. J.S., S.Y., and K.C. performed device measurements. Z.Y. bonded the components on PCB. J.S. designed SMTJ-based Ising system. J.S., J.C., Y.C., Y.H. and X.F. developed the optimization algorithm and performed simulations. J.S., S.Y., Y.C., J.Y., X.F. and H.Y. analyzed the data. J.S. and H.Y. wrote the manuscript. H.Y. proposed and supervised this work. All authors discussed the results and revised the manuscript.

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Si, J., Yang, S., Cen, Y. et al. Energy-efficient superparamagnetic Ising machine and its application to traveling salesman problems. Nat Commun 15 , 3457 (2024).

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Received : 16 June 2022

Accepted : 11 April 2024

Published : 24 April 2024


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