Itinerary for Lombok Beaches & Nature Trails for Budget Travelers

trip lombok backpacker

traveller Tanvi

Itinerary for Lombok should be planned in such a way that it gets the best out of this enchanting island destination. Lombok is a backpacker’s paradise. It is known for its stunning mountains, beautiful beaches, gushing waterfalls and diverse surf spots.

A friend and I took our first trip to Lombok together. Since we were short on time, we could spend just five days in this pretty locale. However, we made sure that we created our itinerary for Lombok in such a way that each moment counted. 

We spent a total of ten days in Indonesia and the last five days were meant exclusively for exploring Lombok. The first five were spent exploring Gili Trawangan. Our main aim was to go lounging on the lovely beaches and stay amidst locales near nature. 

Itinerary for Lombok

Exploring Lombok has been an adventure for me. This place has everything I desired for as a wanderlust lover – nature trails, waterfalls, beaches, buzzing markets – just everything. This is a picture from day 1 of my Lombok trip. I was at the Tiu Kelep Waterfalls and spent hours by the naturally flowing water. Staying close to nature makes me happy. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

In my current blog, I will share my travel itinerary for Lombok with you in great detail. My aim is to help fellow travelers, headed to the same region with their travel plans. I hope that my travel itinerary helps you make the most of your time.

Being beach lovers and nature enthusiasts, my friend and me chose places that suited our travel interests. Nature trails, seaside retreats, waterfalls and local markets are what we chose to explore in the time that we had. However, as a traveler, you can choose to explore Lombok in any other way you like.

Places Marked on My Travel Itinerary for Lombok

Before I begin to share my itinerary with you, it is important that you understand the locale I chose for my trip. My primary base i.e. place of stay was Kuta region in Lombok. My friend and I stayed at a very nominal and comfortable homestay in Kuta Lombok. 

Before Lombok, we had pursued a backpacking trip to Gili Trawangan – Another gem of a place in Indonesia. We arrived at Kuta region from Gili Trawangan and that is how our trip began.

Each day, we would wake up early and tour the places en route from Kuta in the northern part of Lombok as well as the southern part. Kuta region itself lies in Southern Lombok. The map below will help you understand my itinerary as well as my travel plan.

Itinerary for Lombok

The current map has been take from Google Maps. The route layout and curation have been done by Akriti Mattu.

Lombok as a travel destination has a lot of things to offer. However, for beach bums like my friend and me, spending quality time at the shore was a priority. Hence, our itinerary for Lombok spanning five days focused mainly on the best beaches and nature trails in the region. 

Since we just had 5 days to spare for Lombok, our travel itinerary and plan had to be designed in a way that made each locale visited and each moment spent worth it. 

My Travel Itinerary for Lombok Beaches & Nature Trails

Lombok is a large Island located in the South Asian country of Indonesia . It is almost the same size as Bali. Therefore, it is not at all possible to cover it fully in just five days. What is possible is to prioritize some places over others depending on your preference as a traveler.

Hence, our itinerary for Lombok spanning over 5 days comprised of the following travel plan.

Lombok is a nice island that is located between Bali and Sumbawa Island in Indonesia. Even though it lies so close to Bali, it is still not as visited as Bali. Now, this makes Lombok an even lovely place to visit.

Travelers claim that Lombok is now where Bali was years ago in terms of beauty. The fact that most parts of Lombok are still remote makes it quite enticing to backpackers and solo travelers.

Having this exact enticing thought in mind, a friend and I headed to Lombok for 5 days. As travelers, we knew that exploring locales close to the sea and amidst nature would be our top priority. Hence, we were all set to go on a journey that would bring us close to nature.

I’ve already stated my Lombok itinerary with you briefly above. But now, I will share all the day-wise details. These will include an elaboration of places visited. Not to forget some very fine minuscule but significant travel tips for first-time visitors.

Day 1 of Itinerary for Lombok

Being completely new to the region, my friend and I hired a travel guide – Ahmad. He was supposed to take us to Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep waterfalls. We found him through Instagram and are super glad that we did. Now, this isn’t necessary but it did make our journey much easier.

It needs to be mentioned here that we traveled to Lombok after taking a backpacking trip to Gili Trawangan . So, our travel guide – Mr. Ahmad picked us from Lombok Harbour (the sea point of entry in Lombok from Gili Trawangan) in a car and accompanied us right up till the waterfalls.

The car ride was absolutely beautiful. On our way to the waterfalls, we stopped for breakfast at Rinjani Lodge. The Lodge is extremely scenic and we enjoyed a delectable breakfast there. If you want, an overnight stay can be planned at this lovely place. 

Hiking till Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep Waterfalls

Both these waterfalls are located in the northern part of the Lombok island, at a place called Senaru. To get to the waterfalls, you have to enter a park that has an entrance fee. You will find both these waterfalls once you enter the park.

Sendang Gile is the smaller one of the two falls. A small hike leads to it. The water flow isn’t very harsh and you can even stand under it. It’s almost like nature giving you a free massage.

Though Sendang Gile is gorgeous, the real deal is the Tiu Kelep waterfall. The water is colder here. But this will be refreshing after a long sweaty hike. Unlike the small hike leading towards Sendang Gile, the hike till Tiu Kelep is a long one. But, totally worth it.

Slipping on Mossy Waterfall Trails

One of the sweetest and most helpful beings that we saw on our way to the waterfalls was a bunch of local kids. They were sitting there, playing and the minute they saw us they started to help. They held our hands while we walked through a stream so that we wouldn’t slip on any of the mossy stones.

After spending a good few hours at both these waterfalls, we returned to our place of stay at Kuta Lombok. We had pre-booked it online. It goes by the name of Sasak Lombok Bungalow . It was super affordable with a really nice location. If I visit Lombok again, I am so staying at this place.

Itinerary for Lombok

Cute kids helping me as well as a lot of fellow travelers on our way to the waterfalls. The rocks here are moss-laden and hence one needs to be very careful while crossing over. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Tiu Kelep Waterfalls in Lombok

This is my friend and me laying free under the naturally flowing water of the Tiu Kelep waterfall. Nature literally pampers you here. We spent a good few hours before heading back to our homestay in the Kuta area. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Day 2 of Itinerary for Lombok

Our second day on our itinerary for Lombok was dedicated exclusively to the tropical beaches. These included Semeti Beach and Mawi Beach. We were accompanied by our travel guide on day two as well. This isn’t required so if you think you want to visit on your own, you totally can.

Semeti Beach, popularly known as Pantai Beach by the locals, is a secluded getaway from crowds. You can find this beach in Central Lombok. It takes around 45 minutes from Kuta area (our place of stay) to reach here.

Touring rock formation at Semeti Beach

Our tour guide, Ahmad, took us all over the rock formations to view the scenic Semeti beach from various angles. It is hard to reach these rock formations. However, once you manage to reach here, your visit will be totally worth it.

These rock formations are a hidden treasure of little caves and pools. The water is so clear that you can see everything that lies underwater.

After we got done exploring the rocky formations of the beach and marvelling at its beauty, we decided to head to Mawi Beach. This beach is only five minutes away from Semeti Beach.

Visiting Mawi Beach

Mawi Beach is known as one of the best spots for surfing in Lombok. Characterized by clean water and fun waves, Mawi Beach is still one of my favourite spots in the world.

We spent a good few hours there, swimming around and basking away in the sun. A lot of travelers go for sun tanning here. So we did the same. It was good to get in some Vitamin D directly.

Note: 1 IDR=0.000070 USD, I IDR=0.000063 EUR, IDR=0.0049 INR (these were conversion rates at the time of my trip).

itinerary for Lombok

A little peak into Semeti Beach from a distance. Nature is at its best here. Check out the beautiful blue sea, green plantation and a lovely bird hovering around the sea. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

itinerary for Lombok

This is me sitting on the beautiful rock formations near Semeti Beach. Every traveler should visit these rock formations if Semeti Beach is on their itinerary. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Day 3 of Itinerary for Lombok

Surfing dominated day three of my trip in Lombok. We headed to Selong Belanak Beach early morning and were mesmerized by its white sand. Selong is primarily a white sand beach and is popular with beginner level surfers.

Any traveler is welcome to learn surfing here. I suggest that you try it for sure. You will find many surf shops and shacks on the beach. Therefore, if you would like to give surfing a try, all you have to do is find a surf shop and sign up.

Giving a shot at Surfing at Selong Beach

I have been a pretty decent diver all these years. However, I had no idea how to surf. But even then, I felt like trying and so signed up for a crash course in surfing. Sure, you can’t learn surfing in just one crash course but it was definitely worth trying.

If you know how to swim and really enjoy swimming in the sea, then a surfing crash course is the most fun thing you can do at Selong Beach. Since I was a beginner, I was given a paddleboard. My instructor taught me some drills on the sand and then we went to test them out in the sea.

Pursuing surfing till the end at Selong

I fell every time I tried to stand up and it was hilarious. The waves would just throw me out on the shore. But I kept trying. Selong Beach is a great place to learn to surf as the waves are not very big.

If you try it out you will find many beginners, swimming and falling and just having a great time. If you do have more time and money, learn how to surf properly. Sign up for a proper crash course.

Surfing in Lombok

This is me walking with a paddle towards Selong Beach. This was going to be my first time surfing ever. I didn’t know how to do it so signed up for a small crash course. It helped me learn the basics. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Surfing in Lombok

After falling numerous times on the paddle, I decided to take some rest. So, I lied down on the paddle for a while and took some time off from the continuous waves. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Day 4 of Itinerary for Lombok

Since our homestay was in the Kuta area , we thought of spending our fourth day exploring the beaches there. Kuta Lombok is a popular spot amongst backpackers. It is a well-known village in the Indonesian province of West Nusa Tenggara.

Our homestay wasn’t very far from Kuta Beach. So, my friend and I decided to walk toward the beach. Lombok is still relatively very new to tourism, so our walk comprised of just us and a scenic view. As we walked we could see the sea on our side but we decided to walk towards the main entrance of it.

Observing Jukungs at Kuta Beach

You will find lots of locals at the Kuta Beach and will also spot many Jukungs (Jukungs are traditional Indonesian fishing boats. These fishing boats are often used by scuba shops, taking the divers to various dive sites which bigger boats cannot).

The water at Kuta Beach was quite clean. So taking a dip here becomes even more fun. The beach receives a lot of travelers per day. I preferred the other beaches to this one. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fun attraction. It’s just that it was a tad bit crowded for me

Itinerary for Lombok

Jukungs riding in Kuta Beach. Jukungs are traditional Indonesian fishing boats that are often used by scuba shops. Their role is to take the divers to various dive sites which bigger boats cannot. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Itinerary for Lombok

A broken but decorated ship docked at the shore of Kuta Beach. Check out the colourful sketching on its mainframe. You could even go inside and see what lies inside. It was interesting. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Day 5 of Itinerary for Lombok

Finally, our last day in Lombok and in Indonesia had arrived.  We spent our last day going to a hotel that provided a free shuttle and was closer to the airport as it was more convenient. The homestay we were living in was quite far from the Lombok International Airport.

While we were on our way we passed through the traditional market of Lombok. So we thought of exploring it. It was a very colourful market bursting with life. It was crowded but things edible things being sold were all fresh. It was like a mix of a farmer’s market and normal goods market.

After we were done with some light shopping, we headed to the hotel and finally the airport. It was time to say goodbye to Lombok. Our hearts were heavy but there was this strong hope of returning really soon.

Shopping in Lombok

Buying small but unique souvenirs from a market in the Kuta area on our way back to Lombok International Airport. Also, try various kind of caps and hats available at a store. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

Lombok is beautiful

The beaches of Lombok will always stay special for me. The oceans keep me alive and sane. They are the reason why I wish to re-visit this locale very soon. Picture credits: Tanvi Gautama

I’d like to mention here that even though my friend and I could invest just 5 days on our trip to Lombok, you should certainly spend more time here. In fact, on my next trip, I plan to invest more time in Lombok alone. The reason being, a lot of locales are still left to be explored.

On my next trip, I surely will visit Mount Rinjani, Mangku Sakti Waterfall, Narmada Water Park, Pink Beach, Nambung Beach, Pantai Tebing, Tanjung Bloam and TWA Gunung Tunak. Seems like I am not done with Lombok – not yet.

I hope my itinerary for Lombok helps all my fellow travelers. If you have any questions to ask, feel free to post them in the comments section below.

Happy wayfaring.


trip lombok backpacker

Backpacking Lombok, Indonesia - A Travel Guide

Last updated on february 29, 2024 by greg.



trip lombok backpacker

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Experience The Unspoilt Beauty in a Land Before Time

Backpacking Lombok is like stepping back into an old David Attenborough documentary. One where he is the first non-native person to ever set foot on the island.

The crips sands lay undiscovered - waiting for your toes to gently step across their shores, whilst the green jungle canopy swish in the sky above. Sounds of monkeys howel across the central hills, and the mighty Mount Rinjani awaits your gazing eyes. Its slopes are covered in thundering waterfalls, as the low lands lay open to paddy fields, crops and agriculture.

You cannot help but think this is what Bali once was, and you question why so few tourists set foot in Lombok. Yet despite its remote wild feel, there are pockets of noise, excitement and even parties.

The seaside tourist towns of Mataram, Senggigi and Kuta breathe life and soul to this otherwise untamed island. Lombok is a world where Mother Nature reigns supreme, and the locals work with her to build a unique and remarkable land.

Having visited on numerous occasions, leading a tour group through the wilderness and partying hard within the beachfront bars, I will take you on a journey of Lombok, from what to do, where to eat, where to stay and how to get the most from this untouched paradise.

Backpacking Lombok and meeting new friends

What's Lombok Like?

Lombok is a far cry from its noisy neighbour, Bali.

Nature blossoms from coast to coast and tradition is adhered to within this simpler world. Life on the island is basic. Yet, when combined with the island's natural beauty, everything makes sense.

To the north, east and south, lush green and untouched jungles appear to walk out to greet the white crystal sands as warm waters lap over the shores.

Lines of traditional wooden longboats and crafts sway across the rippling shallows within the bays. Whilst small beach shacks line the cusp of where the jungle gives way to shimmering sands.

Within the central regions, small pockets of humanity survive in bustling towns. Little carts, open-air restaurants and basic tentlike structures flank the streets. Smoke and steam pour from within as the smell of rice, chicken and intense, local sauces waft in the breeze.

The larger towns don't necessarily mean more modern or better architectural brilliance. In fact, it's more of the same, just louder.

Overall, a sense of peace, serenity and beauty fill the air, and you'll sink into life on Lombok with a mañana nonchalant shrug of the shoulders. It's heaven, with a naughty side.

Backpacking Lombok watching locals fish

How To Get to Lombok

Despite the island's remoteness, Lombok is reasonably easy to get to, especially if you're already in Indonesia .

As expected with Indonesian islands, there are countless options for arriving in Lombok by sea. However, Lombok does offer another option, and it is one you may not expect.

That's right - Lombok boasts an International airport!

Don't get me wrong. It is small, but it is, most certainly , international - just!

So, after that bombshell, let's settle you down and tell you about the International Airport . Firstly, it's called Zainuddin Abdul Madjid Lombok International Airport, and it has an international code of LOP.

The airport is nestled into the south of the island, a short fifteen-minute drive from the famous traditional village of Sade and thirty minutes from the small beachside-party-town of Kuta.

However, most of us backpacking Lombok arrive from either the Gili Islands , The Nusa Islands or Bali , and via a boat.

Gili Trawangan is the largest of the three tiny islands that lay just off the northwest shores of Lombok. It is a famous piss-up location that rivals the European powerhouses of Magaluf and Ibiza. However, you can reach Lombok from all three of the Gili Islands via a short boat ride to the small port of Bangsal .

Nevertheless, the main port on Lombok is to the southwest, and it's called Lembar . Lembar is where you'll find all the massive car ferry's that slowly chug over from the likes of Bali and Jakarta to the west.

There are two smaller ports on Lombok's east coast, Dermaga Labuhan Haji and Pelabuhan Kayangan , which link to Sumbawa to the east.

Yet, if I was asked, "what's the best way to get to Lombok from Bali?" I would say the fast boat from Padang Bai, arriving at Bangsal.

If, however, you are further afield, the airport is going to be your best option.

Journey times are (roughly) as follows:

Airport - Mataram - 35 minutes

Airport - Lembar Port - 40 minutes

Lembar Port - Mataram - 30 minuets

Lembar Port - Port of Bangsal - 1 hour 15 minutes

Port of Bangsal - Airport - 1 hour 25 minutes

Port of Bangsal - Matram - 40 minuets

Timing your Trip

How long should you spend backpacking lombok.

Honestly, give yourself as long as possible whilst backpacking Lombok. It's one of the most visually stunning islands, where you can merge comforting home luxuries with that remoteness we all crave.

Lombok has so much to offer, from wild nights out to volcanic ridge walks and everything in between. My advice would be; if you were planning a two week trip to Bali, split it one week in Bali and one week in Lombok. You'd be mad to miss out on this vivacious island.

So there you have my advice. Spend at least a week here and get to experience the island, its thunderous waterfalls, firey volcanos and paradise beaches. You'll never want to leave.

The Best Time Of The Year For Backpacking Lombok

Generally, as with Bali, if you avoid the monsoon season (November to March), you'll be able to enjoy everything Lombok has to offer.

If you do visit Lombok in the monsoon season you will still have endless days of warmth and beautiful blue skies, but you will also have torrential rains and localised flooding. As a result, some of the waterfalls could be too dangerous to swim in, the volcano walks too treacherous to hike, and the beaches saturated, which is less than ideal.

In effect, Lombok is about the outdoors and its lush natural beauty, and if you cant get to that, it seems a bit of a waste of time. Therefore, high season is the best time of year for backpacking Lombok . It will be less crowded than Bali, but still have that idyllic weather you'd expect on an Indonesian adventure.

Views when approaching your time backpacking Lombok

Where to Stay Whilst Backpacking Lombok

When it comes to accommodation, you'll find differing levels of comfort, cost and styles across Lombok. There are cheap hostels, hotels, homestays and, of course, the all-important, five-star resorts. So don't think untamed nature means a wild night's sleep because it doesn't.

In short, Lombok has four main tourist destinations.

Firstly, Lombok's capital, Mataram on the west coast of the island. Secondly, Senggigi to the northwest and finally Kuta in the southeast. The fourth is the Gili Islands , and whilst they are officially part of Lombok, they are very different to anything you'll experience on the island itself. Hence why I have a separate blog for them. So head on over to that one if you're looking for info on where to stay on the Gili Islands.

In reality, Lombok isn't all that big, and getting about doesn't take too long. Consequently, it doesn't overly matter where you stay.

That said, I'd highly recommend either Kuta or the coastal parts of Senggigi and Mataram, as not only are they more beautiful, but you can be at all of the best things to do in Lombok within an hours drive.

With that in mind, let's look into my recommendation and where you can book them.

Chandi Boutique Resort and Spa, Senggigi

Views from my accommodation when backpacking Lombok

  • What: Spacious, tranquil, luxurious resort with sea views, palm trees and that pool. Paradise!
  • Where: Lombok's Northwest coast, south of Senggigi with a short drive to Mataram. ( map )
  • Why: Because it feels like heaven, and every last detail has you in mind. Pure luxury!
  • Why Not: Kuta has more nightlife, whereas this is more relaxing and designed for honeymoons.

The Chandi is a picture of serenity, calmness and well-being. Everything about the resort screams relaxation, from its perfectly trimmed lawns to its swaying palm trees and relaxing sea views, simply put it's heavenly.

Lavish chalet-style apartments are all large, bright, airy and well-designed, with beautiful leafy terraces to the front. Even the bathrooms are elegantly designed with outdoor showers in the open-aired courtyards.

I swear the pool has magical healing powers too, as I felt revitalised with every dip.

If the Chandi Boutique was in the United Kingdom , it would set you back thousands of pounds a night . Here, in Lombok, all this will be yours for IDR 1,200,000 (£65) per night. Expensive for Indonesia, but for what you get, it's incredible.

There is nothing to fault in the Chandi. If I'm backpacking Lombok and the budget allows, this is where you'll find me every time.

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Bintang Hotel, Senggigi

  • What: Bungalow styled hotel with hostel vibes.
  • Where:  A short walk down the beach from the Chandi Boutique Resort. ( map )
  • Why: Because you like the area but cannot afford the Chandi.
  • Why Not: It can be very quiet, and often, it's difficult to work out what the hotel is meant to be.

Ok, so this is the worst of my three suggestions, but it does have redeeming qualities, hence it being within my recommendations.

Firstly, I'll address the issue of the hotel not knowing what it is.

It's called a hotel, yet it has bungalow-style terraces with a hostel-like attitude to life. Then, to confuse things further, there are conference rooms and business areas.

It's too confusing.

Secondly, the hotel felt a little rundown and unloved, but a quick, simple freshen-up would make the hotel a very pretty place to be.

Now for why I'm suggesting you stay here. It's got a big welcoming pool, it's on the beachfront with picture-perfect sunsets which I think are the best on the island, and it is cheap.

These three reasons outweigh the hotel's downfalls, and as mentioned, if the hotel gets that makeover, it becomes a real contender for best places to stay in Lombok.

Mad Monkey Hostel - Formally Kutamara, Kuta

Backpacking Lombok whilst relaxing at the Kutamara

  • What: Relaxing hostel with cute rooms surrounding a small but perfectly formed courtyard and pool.
  • Where: In Lombok's southeast coastal town of Kuta, a few minutes from all the action. ( map )
  • Why: Because it's fantastically priced, well located and looks great. I love it.
  • Why Not: Ummmmmmmmmm, go figure!

A small, fun and friendly horseshoe-shaped hostel based around a quaint pool.

Right in the heart of Kuta, this beautiful hostel has everything you need, is well maintained, clean, tidy and very comfortable. However, its selling point is its location.

A short skip to the right is the main strip, with numerous bars, restaurants and shops. Whilst out to the left are a couple of funky, quirky bars, and a 5 minutes walk south opens up onto an absolutely gorgeous beach.

**Disclaimer** It has been renovated since I stayed and now looks a little less leafy and more built up, but still epic.

Stay here if you're in Kuta, Lombok.

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Further Accommodation

I have added three very different styles, standards, prices and locations above. However, if none take your fancy, check out my links below. You'll find accommodation to suit you right across the island, as well as in my three main locations.

To guide you in the right direction - if you want a bit of nightlife and hipster hangouts, then Kuta is the place for you. Though, if you are looking for something a little more calming, head to Senggigi.

If you find a little gem hidden in the mountains, let me know in the comments below, or drop me a message on Instagram and I'll have to come and check it out.

Airbnb Link

What to do when Backpacking Lombok

You will discover a very different vibe when backpacking Lombok in comparison to that of the Gili's or Bali.

Firstly, it can, at times, feel uninviting and almost stand-offish. Therefore, getting around the main attractions in Lombok may seem a little bit frightening, but it really isn't. On a personal level, everyone is super friendly, kind and helpful. Furthermore, everyone and their bloody dog is a driver, and for an agreed price, they will take you wherever you want to go.

Generally, when it comes to the best things to do in Lombok, they are outside and tend to involve either beaches, volcanos or waterfalls, which is pretty darn cool.

Yet, there are a couple of hands-on, traditional experiences that are enough to excite those of all ages. Hence throwing them into my what to do in Lombok guide.

So let's look at what I've got for you!

Me backpacking Lombok dressed in traditional sasak clothing

Backpacking Lombok: The Highlights

On today's itinerary is a little bit of everything. Well, a lot of beaches anyway.

However, we are going to kick off with a bit of tradition and those hands-on experiences. From there, I'll guide you on a hike around the waterfalls too. After all, it's best to have achieved something before you get too comfy on those relaxing beach days.

  • Visit a Traditional Old Sasak Village

Create a sculpture at Penujak Sadak Pottery Village

Dive into the waterfalls at air terjun benang kelambu geopark, relax on tanjung aan beach, (honorable mention) hike mount rinjani.

  • Soak up the Sun on Pantai Selong Belanak

Chill at Tampah Beach

  • Paddle the Waves at Kuta Beach

Without further ado, let's rock.

Visit A Traditional Old Sasak Village

Sasak Village is a must when backpacking Lombok

  • Why: Travel is about learning new cultures, ways of life and experiencing new things.
  • Where: Both of my suggestions are a short drive from the airport. Sade Village - ( map ) Industri Tenun Patuh - ( map )
  • How long: A couple of hours should be more than enough.
  • How much: Free! But it's good to tip the guide around 20,000 to 30,000 IDR (£1 to £1.50p).

I'll be the first to admit, this is very touristy and is a money-making scheme for the locals. Yet it is something I feel is a bit of fun and worth learning when backpacking Lombok.

A village guide will greet you at the entrance and walk you around the traditional old villages. They will introduce you to the families who are present, show you the traditional ways of life, such as weaving, beekeeping, building and agriculture.

You will be allowed to explore inside some of the old elevated straw huts, dress up in formal clothing and get some pictures with the unique weaponry the Sasak people once used.

During certain times of the year, the villagers perform native dances and ceremonies. So if you're in town for that, please make the effort to go and watch.

The only downside comes when the tour inevitably ends in the village shop. Here, you can buy almost anything, as long as it's made in the village. Prices are extortionate, and honestly, it is a rip-off, and there is a lot of pressure to buy something. However, don't buy anything if you don't want to.

Have a look around as there are extremely beautiful items on offer, but walk out the second anyone tries to pressure you.

Backpacking Lombok - Making sculptures and memories with the girls

  • Why: It's something very different to your normal travelling activities.
  • Where: Next to the International Airport. ( map )
  • How long: An hour is enough to make your Sistine Chapel.
  • How much: The cost differs depending on how many people you have in your group and what you want to do there.

Almost overlooking the western approach to Lombok International Airport, you'll find an incredible little pottery village. There is a large store full of pottery where you can purchase anything your heart desires. That is, as long as your heart desires something made of clay.

Having weaved your way through the impressive selection of goods, you'll come to the best part of the village, the design and making area.

Grab a seat, pay for your clay and get creative. We made little turtles which are common tourist items that those of us backpacking Lombok tend to buy for our shit shelves .

Sadly though, you will not be finding our turtles in the shops anytime soon. Ours were shit.

Have a bit of fun and learn another local tradition.

Backpacking Lombok and you get these waterfall views

  • Why: Because you can swim in the most beautiful of waterfalls in the jungle.
  • Where: On the southern slopes of Mt Rinjani. ( map )
  • How long: On balance, I'd say at least half a day at the falls.
  • How much: Again, it depends on how many waterfalls you visit and your haggling skills . Aim for 50,000 IDR.

Whilst everything about the entry set-up looks a little fake, it is legit. Prices set are the price you're expected to pay, but they often include a guide, which you don't need. Use your haggling skills and see what bargain you can conjure up. Obviously, if you want to see all the falls, which you do, it will be more expensive than if you only want to see a couple.

Now that's out the way, here are the good bits.

Enter under the arch, and a barricade of smells and noise smack you in the face as you walk by. Market stalls line the road to the kiosk where you pay. Haggle well and then set off through the jungle to the waterfalls. Monkeys and birds roam the jungle, and it feels and sounds as though you're miles away from civilisation. Super cool!

There are three waterfalls on offer in this Geopark, however, one of those is split into two, which in my books, makes it four. Not that I'm trying to simulate the Four Falls Trail in the Brecon Beacons, Wales.

In short, one of the falls you can dive into, the second you can swim and the third is just a magical experience of epic proportions. If you come to Lombok and don't see this place, I'd say that's the equivalent of going to India  but not seeing the Taj Mahal.

Backpacking Lombok and it's stunning southern beaches

  • Why: If you told a child to draw a beach, this would be it.
  • Where: Southeast of Kuta, on Lombok's glorious south coast. ( map )
  • How long: In reality, take as long as you so wish.
  • How much: Free, until you buy a coconut, some food or something you didn't know you needed.

As far as beaches go, they don't come much better, and thinking about it, this one would jump straight into my top three beaches of all time.

The main draw to backpacking Lombok, other than its beauty, is that it still isn't touristy. Therefore you will still find tonnes of room to relax in the sun, paddle in the shallows or swim in the bay.

Frankly, this sort of beach in Spain would have thousands of people crammed in, but here, it's tens, not thousands.

The small bay has good walks up to the clifftops that act as turrets at either side of the entrance, the sea a perfect shade of blue that slowly fades to that incredible turquoise colour, and the sand... Well, take a look, it's divine.

This is somewhere you cannot afford to miss out on seeing.

  • Why: How often do you get to climb an active volcano and hike through the jungle.
  • Where: Numerous locations around the island. But choose a tour that picks you up from your hotel. ( map )
  • How long: Excursions can last between half a day or four or five days.
  • How much: The price depends on how many are in your group and how long you want to take.

**This is an honourable mention as I haven't actually done this. However, because it's one of the most popular things to do on Lombok, I have to let you know about it**

Mount Rinjani in north Lombok is Indonesia's second-tallest volcano standing at 3,726 metres above sea level.

As mentioned, there are several routes to the top, each with different challenges, time frames and sights to see. Once at the top, there is a large creator with a lake and another smaller mountain called Mount Barujari. Mount Barujari regularly throws smoke and coughs of lava into the air, which can be witnessed across the island.

From its slopes and from afar, I have admired this volcano, but I am yet to return and take the challenge. That is still to come.

Soak Up the Sun on Pantai Selong Belanak

Backpacking Lombok is all about the southern coast beaches

  • Why: Another world-class beach.
  • Where: On Lombok's stunning southwest coast. ( map )
  • How long: Again, take half a day and just relax.
  • How much: Free until you buy something.

I don't want to appear to be repetitive, but welcome to another stunning, horseshoe-shaped pristine beach on Lombok's south coast.

Again the beach is nestled beautifully into the surrounding green hills, where the jungle meets the crip white sands, and the turquoise waters lap against the shore.

Once more, you'll find plenty of space to relax, soak up the sun's rays and enjoy a slice of heaven. Huts to the back of the beach will provide you with food, drinks and boards should you wish to ride the waves.

If you want to surf, the waves are slightly bigger here than on any of my other suggestions, but it's still very safe in the waters.

  • Why: Peaceful, idyllic beach
  • Where: Fairly centrally on Lombok's golden south coast. ( map )
  • How long: It depends if you can drag yourself from this corner of utopia.
  • How much: Free again!

Firstly, I was so blown away by the beach that I forgot to take a photo, and now I look like a right twat - so I apologise for that.

Anyway, you know how it goes from here.

Slightly more open to the elements, Tampah Beach stretches around the bay, welcoming the incoming tide to its glistening fine sands. Tampah Beach is the quietest of my suggestions, so if you're not a people person and just want to enjoy the perfect surroundings that Mother Nature has provided, try this beach first.

You won't want to move.

Paddle the waves at Kuta Beach

Backpacking Lombok means wonderful beach views over Kuta

  • Why: It's a beautiful beach and easily accessible from Kuta.
  • Where: In the southeast of Lombok, next to Kuta. ( map )
  • How long: A couple of hours should be enough unless you go hiking.
  • How much: It's free bitchesss.

Having just explored three of the best beaches in the world, it's difficult to big this one up.

If this had been anywhere else in the world, it would easily be an award winner. It has all the components, shimmering crystal clear waters, golden beaches, an abundance of colourful marine life and panoramic scenery to die for.

Yet, this is the norm for Lombok's south coast. The main reason I'm adding this one to the list, apart from its obvious beauty, is its proximity to Kuta. If you're backpacking Lombok, the chances are you'll want to be in Kuta, and therefore this little delight is within walking distance.

Similarly, there are plenty of places to grab a bite to eat or a few cheeky cocktails.

Overall, this is a top-quality beach, but when compared to the others, even this masterpiece is fairly standard.

Where to Eat When Backpacking Lombok

Food in Lombok is traditional, tasty and timeless.

Whilst the island serves up the Indonesian classics, such as Nasi Goreng and Gado Gado, it does add its twist to those dishes. It also cooks up a few delicious delights of its own.

The island is known for its wide range of vegetarian, Halal, sea-food and, of course, chicken and rice dishes. A few to keep an eye out for are;

  • Plecing Kangkung - A garlic'y seafood, nutty-chilli dish.
  • Satay (Sate) Rembiga - A sweet and spicy beef dish.
  • Ayam Taliwang - A spicy grilled chicken.

Like the accommodation, you can find everything from five-starred restaurants to street huts in Lombok, and both will have your mouth watering.

A word of warning, if you do stray slightly off the tourist path, which you should, the roadside cafes and huts will serve chicken and rice on a plate with a whole chicken (eyes and beak included) draped over the rice.

It can be hard to swallow. Not the beak, don't eat the head, I mean more the look of it all.

However, if that doesn't sound too appetising, I have some great suggestions below. Enjoy

Backpacking Lombok via amazing food places

Warung Menega, Senggigi

Backpacking Lombok wish fresh sea food at the warung

  • What: Seafood extraordinaire with sea view.
  • Where: On the beach in south Senggigi. ( map )
  • How much: Not the cheapest in town, but worth every bite. ( menu )

If fresh, sizzling hot seafood is something you love, then look no further than here at Menega.

Prices are a little higher than the surrounding restaurants, but then, in my opinion, so is the taste. I have to admit, I'm not a massive seafood fan, but gave it a go and can confidently recommend the white snapper.

With numerous tables lovingly placed along the beach, you really can enjoy a meal under the stars. However, if you wish, you can choose to eat under the large traditional styled wooden hut complete with thatched roof.

Fantastic freshly cooked seafood, great service and wonderful surroundings, you have to give it a try.

Asmara, Senggigi

Backpacking Lombok at a delicious restaurant Asmara

  • What: Authentic Indonesian restaurant with great European dishes.
  • Where: Set amid wonderful grounds in the heart of the action in Senggigi. ( map )
  • How much: Generally 200,000 IDR (£10.50) should be enough for the three courses. ( menu )

I love this place.

Every time I've been to the Asmara I've gone for the Indonesian meals, and that isn't going to change anytime soon. It is some of the tastiest foods I've had in Indonesia, and when I'm back in northwest Lombok, this is where I am going to be.

They pick you up at your hotel (within a reasonable distance) and bounce you into the restaurant. Once at the restaurant, it feels like you've arrived at a long lost hanging garden. Plants dance down from the ceiling and the sculptures lurk around every corner. This is what a restaurant should look like on a tropical island.

The menu reminded me of the original Jumanji and is a spectacular piece of art on its own.

The food is incredible, the setting is perfect and the ambience is spot on. You can instantly see that so much love and care goes into The Asmara.

When you're backpacking Lombok and feeling hungry, you know where to come.

Cafe Alberto, Senggigi

  • What: Resort with fantastic beach restaurant.
  • Where: Towards the southern tip of Senggigi sandwiched between the sea and main coastal route. ( map )
  • How much: Around 140,000 IDR (£7.80) will see you through three courses. ( menu )

There is something romantic about this place. As you walk down through the lit lanterns, past the pool and onto the beach, you cannot help but smile.

My advice is to book, as there aren't many tables at all. But what are here are beautifully decorated and with the sand in your toes and your eyes fixed on the sea what better setting is there to enjoy a nice meal.

The food is as delectable as the restaurant itself and is presented in a truly romantic fashion. No matter what you have, be it Indonesian, Italian or seafood, you are in for a delicious treat here at Cafe Alberto.

El Bazar, Kuta

Backpacking Lombok on my birthday

  • What: Mediterranean restaurant with a Moroccan feel.
  • Where: In Kuta, Southeast Lombok. ( map )
  • How much: Rough prices for a starter, main and dessert are 250,000IDR (£13). ( menu )

Again, you will have to book El Bazar, as it is only small and does get busy.

With a beautiful rustic feel to the restaurant and stunning Moroccan set-up, you feel almost compelled to enjoy yourself, and that's how a restaurant should make you feel. Right?

The amazing dishes match the incredible design with more colourful and delightful tastes of the Mediterranean, with a twist of Lombok.

The staff add to the impressive ambience and go out of their way to make your meal special. El Bazar is a fantastic find in the hipster town of Kuta.

  • What: Pizza and burger joint.
  • Where: Right Opposite El Bazar. ( map )
  • How much: If you set aside 175,000 (£9) for three courses, you should be about right. ( menu ).

A small westernised, minimalistic, trendy food joint with a very well-stocked bar. KRNK would fit in perfectly with the hipster areas of London and New York, and they've nailed the look.

Fun and friendly, within a great location in a wicked part of this little town.

Along with Strawberry Fields in Seminyak, Bali, this place throws out some of the best burgers I've had the pleasure of destroying in Indonesia, and I cannot recommend them enough.

Bush Radio aka The Place With No Name

Backpacking Lombok with a bite to eat and a drink at Bush Radio, Kuta

  • What: Another hipster hangout.
  • Where: A triple jump away from the above two. ( map )
  • How much: Smoothie bowls 65,000 (£3), and smoothies 40,000 (£2).

This place is so hipster it didn't even identify itself with a name for a long period.

Now, however, it's got over itself and has a name - Bush Radio.

I love the set-up, I love the people and frankly, I love its range of great-tasting smoothies and healthy brunches. All the hipsters and digital nomads call this place home, and that's the bit I don't get on with.

Despite wanting to really not like this place, I do, and that annoys me more than you will know.

Give it a try, but it is more of a breakfast, lunch kinda place.

Where to Party Whilst Backpacking Lombok

Now we're talking. I dunno about you, but I need a drink after all that info!

In any other under-developed, tropical island that isn't ' on the travel path ,' this would be a quick answer of; "sorry, wrong location, there is no nightlife here". Especially when you consider that Lombok is predominantly Muslim, so alcohol is technically forbidden.

However, this isn't just any tropical paradise, this is Lombok, and there is nightlife to be found. Although, it does centre around the coastal town of Kuta.

Across the island from Senggigi and Mataram to Kuta, bars open well into the night, but if you're wanting to go out out, I suggest you get yourself down to Kuta. It's kicking off in the small tropical bars here every night.

In fact, all of my suggestions are in Kuta, and that says a lot. Kuta is, as mentioned, a very hipster, westernised town in the middle of paradise, and nights out are, in my experience, safe and well priced.

So without waffling on anymore, let me show you the best bars in Lombok.

Jungle Bar, Kuta

Backpacking Lombok with a drink in hand

  • What:  Small and friendly but packs a punch with its banging anthems.
  • Where: Next to the Indomaret, and only a short walk from both, the town and the beach. ( map )

Jungle Bar is like a pitbull, small in stature but seriously lively and loud when it gets going.

If you're lucky, you might catch the bar during a live DJ set, but if not, you'll still be in for a big night out.

Cocktails, whisky, beers and more flow, and flow cheaply, as everybody squeezes into this simple little space.

I love it here because the staff are super chilled, extremely friendly and even let us serve ourselves. Complete win!

The Bus Bar

  • What: It has a VW camper as the bar. That's all you need to know.
  • Where: Less than 10 minutes from the restaurants and the town centre. ( map )

The aptly named  Bus Bar  gets its name from the VW Bus that has been turned into the bar. Again, it's located very centrally and is only a few minutes from the above restaurants.

Tyres and oil drums make up the tables and chairs, as they do in Jungle Bar. Again, it's a simple set-up, but one that works, so why change it.

Whilst the night is usually a little quieter, there are great vibes, friendly staff and a chance to lay out some of your own tunes.

Sadly, I have heard that Covid has meant the end for the Bus Bar, but let's not write it off just yet. If anyone is in town, shout me up with what's happening.

Surfer's Bar and Rasta Bar

me and the crew backpacking Lombok with drinks in hand

  • What: Beach themed party havens.
  • Where: On the beachfront. ( map )

Both Surfers and Rasta are beachfront party zones. They're open to the elements, sea views, sand underfoot and great music blast out into the early hours.

In truth, the only difference between the two is that Rasta has a more Jamaican theme to it.

Both, have plenty of space to throw shapes, attract the opposite sex with your moves, and grab a cheap drink. These two places are as wild as Lombok gets, and to be honest, they do a great job.

Fantastic vibe, great ambience, super friendly staff, and they're somewhere I'd go time and time again. Fantastic

Is Backpacking Lombok Safe?

Normally, when it comes to this section, I try and allay all your fears and look for the positives. And, I will do the same here. However, backpacking Lombok doesn't come without risk, and I'll cover that first.

Natural Disasters

Indonesia stands upon a major tectonic fault line below the surface of the earth. Therefore, the country is extremely vulnerable to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other activities that may arise, such as tsunamis.

In August 2018 I was caught up in a massive earthquake that caused numerous deaths, and multiple buildings were raised to the ground. Since then, there have been further large earthquakes measuring 7.0 or above around the island of Lombok.

As mentioned throughout the blog, Lombok does have Indonesia's second-largest volcano, and if that was to erupt with all its might and force, it would cause multiple casualties and could trigger tsunamis and further earthquakes in the region.

This is not here to scare you because these sorts of events are rare, and most go unnoticed. However, before I send you off backpacking Lombok and all it has to offer, I wanted to give you a quick heads up. If anything like this was to occur, the locals will help you.

Now that I've covered natural disasters, I will say the other threats to you whilst you're backpacking Lombok are minimal.

Generally speaking, crime isn't something you'll need to worry about when backpacking Lombok. The local people are very kind, helpful and friendly.

Obviously, the usual advice is still relevant, don't get drunk and walk home alone, don't start fights, keep your belongings locked away and don't flash your cash and wealth. A large percentage of people living in Lombok live below the poverty line, so be respectful of that.

Basically, my usual rules of don't be a dick, be respectful and keep your wits about you apply. If you do this, you'll have a safe stay in Lombok.

That said, I will mention one crime, and that is...

Drugs in Lombok are everywhere, and you will get offered them. Most of the time this will be locals trying to make some extra cash, but it could also be an undercover cop.

Drugs carry the death penalty in Indonesia, and that sucks donkey dick. The likelihood of that happening are slim, but it's not something you really want to chance. Either way, prison isn't somewhere I want to be when travelling.

I'm not your mother. I'm only here to inform you of what could happen. If you wanna get hi, it's your call, but you've been warned,

Beach Safety

The beaches around Lombok are great for swimming and snorkelling, and generally, due to their horseshoe-shaped bays, the undercurrents and tidal flows are easy to swim against.

Lombok's road networks are well maintained, especially throughout the major cities, coastal routes and tourist hotspots. If you step back from these streets, the roads do become a little bumpier.

The standard of driving is not at the levels we adhere to in the UK . Yet, it is far better than numerous other islands and countries in the area.

Well, we've all heard of Delhi belly and Bali belly, but now, I bring you Lombok logs.

Of course, the food on Lombok is much the same as in Bali. Yet, due to the distinct difference in tourist numbers, and wealth, some of the foods are a bit more primitive.

I never caught anything during my time backpacking Lombok, and I tried a lot of different foods. Similarly, no one I took to Lombok ever got any form of food poisoning or dodgy stomach. However, it is possible, but don't let this stop you from trying new and exciting dishes. The food is fantastic. If you do get ill, it passes. Don't lose out on incredible food experiences.

waterfall fun whilst backpacking Lombok

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As can be seen, backpacking Lombok is a truly inspiring experience.

Stepping back to a land where humanity and nature combine to create an intense, beautiful and almost fairytale-like land.

There is something for everyone here on Lombok. If you're the sort of person who likes to have the comfort of home, the luxury and yet, still talk about being "off the beaten track", this is the place for you. Similarly, if you like to grab a tent and disappear for weeks, you can do that too. Five-star luxury resorts, wilderness, party towns, and paradise beaches are all on offer twenty-four-seven.

Backpacking Lombok is something everyone should do before it's too late. The island is next in line to collide with the sways of tourists, and that's a shame. It will become the next Bali, and whilst that's not a bad thing, it's not Lombok, and that upsets me to my core. So much so I nearly didn't write about it because I don't want everyone ravaging the island.

Please respect the way of life, keep the island clean, and enjoy everything the island has to offer.

Finally, I'd like to thank you for reading everything I've blurted out about backpacking Lombok. If you have found this blog useful, please let me know in the comments below. Likewise, if you have been to Lombok and think I've missed anything, let me know below.

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The ultimate Lombok itinerary: 1, 2, or 3 weeks travel route

The ultimate Lombok itinerary: 1, 2, or 3 weeks travel route

Lombok is green, quiet and has numerous bounty beaches. Although this island has a huge amount to offer, Lombok is not very large, making it perfect for exploring the island in a few days. But what is the ultimate Lombok travel itinerary ? Well, we have those waiting for you! From surfing or relaxing in Kuta Lombok to the green heart of this island, Tetebatu, our Lombok itinerary takes you on a wonderful journey to which we have of course added our favorite and most beautiful places of Lombok. From the gigantic waterfalls of Tiu Kelep to the hidden gems of the south; this small island has so much to offer. Whether you want to tour low-budget by shuttle bus, take a private cab or take on the adventure by cruising Lombok on your own scooter, it’s all possible here!

Want to know where to find the best local eateries, discover the most secluded beaches or watch breathtaking sunsets? Check out our extensive Lombok itinerary and ultimate tips in this article.

In this article

How to get to lombok, how many days do you need to visit lombok, the ultimate route for lombok, touring around lombok by scooter, combining lombok with flores, combining lombok with bali.

route lombok

If you want to take a wonderful tour of Lombok , of course your adventure begins with booking a ticket! There are no direct flights to Lombok in the Netherlands. Often the most economical route is to fly via Kuala Lumpur. From Kuala Lumpur, you can then book a direct flight via AirAsia to Praya, Lombok’s airport. An alternative route is via Jakarta, but direct tickets to Jakarta tend to be pricier.

Another option is to fly to Bali, Denpasar. From Bali, you can then take a flight to Lombok or take the boat. Many choose to spend a few days in Bali and then travel on to Lombok.

From Bali, there are three ways to travel to Lombok:

  • Plane: This is the most expensive option, but the fastest if you want to visit both Bali and Lombok.
  • Fast boat: Ideal if you are staying in the Nusa or Gili Islands.
  • Ferry: The most budget-friendly option if you want to go from Bali to Lombok, and also our personal favorite.

LEread also the article “By boat from Bali to Lombok ”

roundtrip lombok

How many days do you need to explore Lombok? Of course, that depends on your travel style and what all you want to see on this island. We recommend at least 2 weeks to discover the most beautiful places of Lombok. Within 1 week you can also get a great first impression, but if you want to dive even deeper into Lombok, feel free to take more time.

route lombok

On Lombok, the three most popular destinations are the Gili’s, Kuta Lombok & Tetebatu. The famed Gili Islands, often mentioned in the same breath as Bali, are perfect for total relaxation or celebration. Kuta Lombok serves as the perfect base to explore the south of the island, while Tetebatu, also known as the green heart of Lombok, is an absolute highlight. These places are among the absolute must-visits of Lombok.

Depending on how many days you have for Lombok, you may be able to supplement your itinerary with additional days in the north, such as Senaru, where you can admire the impressive Tiu Kelep waterfalls. The undiscovered east also offers options, such as the tiny island of Gili Kondo or the surfing mecca of Ekas.

Take a quick look at our Lombok itineraries for 1 week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks.

Lombok route for 1 week

  • Kuta Lombok: 3 nights
  • Tetebatu: 2 nights
  • Gili Air, Trawangan or Gili Meno: 2 nights

The ultimate 2-week itinerary for Lombok

  • Selong Belanak: 2 nights
  • Gili Air, Trawangan or Gili Meno: 3 nights
  • Senaru: 1 night
  • Sembalun: 2 nights

Lombok itinerary for 3 weeks

  • Kuta Lombok: 4 nights
  • Gili Asahan: 2 nights
  • Senggigi: 2 nights
  • East Lombok: Ekas or Gili Kondo: 2 nights

route lombok

Lombok’s most beautiful destinations

Curious about all the beauty you can discover on your Lombok itinerary? We have already worked out the best spots of Lombok for you.

Kuta Lombok

Kuta is the place to explore southern Lombok. Here you will find trendy hotspots but also enjoy a serving of nasi at the local warung. Although the main street is full of Western eateries, you only need to drive 5 minutes to experience authentic Lombok. What makes Kuta Lombok extra special is the opportunity to discover a new beach or place every day, including Tanjung Aan, Selong Belanak and The secret Gili’s .

Also read the article “ 11x things to do in Kuta Lombok ”

route lombok

Selong Belanak

Just add Selong Belanak to your Lombok itinerary soon, because once here, you’ll never want to leave! Just a few years back, Selong Belanak was a quaint beach with a few simple beach bars and perfect waves for beginning surfers. Today, the first hostels, homestays, villas and beautiful boutique hotels have moved in here, allowing you to spend a few days dreaming away in this piece of paradise.

route lombok

Gili Asahan

A pearl of peace and serenity, Gili Asahan is one of the lesser-known Gili islands near Lombok. This small island, away from the crowds, offers an oasis of silence and natural beauty. You will find a few homestays and luxury resorts.

Located on the west coast of Lombok, Senggigi is best known for its beaches and luxury resorts found on the coast. If you want to completely unwind for a few days, this is the place to be.

Gili Air, Trawangan or Gili Meno

The Gili Islands are all about a different pace. Here you don’t hear cars roaring or mopeds honking. Everything is done on foot or by bicycle. Think white sandy beaches that invite lounging, turtles swimming curiously by, colorful coral welcoming you and trendy spots you discover along the coastline. It is an escape from the hustle and bustle of Bali, a place where you can completely unwind.

route lombok

Located in the lush greenery of northern Lombok, Senaru is a cozy village where many people depart from to climb one of Indonesia’s largest volcanoes, the Rinjani volcano.

But besides the Rinjani, you will also find beautiful rice fields and giant waterfalls, including the famous Tiu Kelep waterfall

Sembalun, like Tetebatu and Senaru, is the base for people who want to climb the Rinjani. Once visited primarily for this reason, it has now become a destination in its own right, thanks to its vast rice terraces and beautiful bites. But there is more than just natural beauty: Sembalun also offers immersion in local Sasak traditions, giving you a profound cultural experience.

Tetebatu , a small village located in the heart of Lombok, is definitely among our most beloved destinations in Indonesia. It forms the beating green heart of this island! This charming village, at the foot of Rinjani volcano, is a prized gem in Indonesia. Whether you climb the volcano and use Tetebatu as a starting point, or simply enjoy a day hike, this place offers it all.

tetebatu rice fields

East Lombok: Ekas or Gili Kondo

Eastern Lombok is still relatively undiscovered, even though this part is really beautiful. To begin with, in the southeast you will find the surf beach Ekas and Pink Beach. Traveling further north, you’ll find tiny Gili Kondo. A bounty island with pearly white beaches and crystal clear waters.

In fact, on Lombok it is almost a must to rent a scooter. After all, you won’t find cheap Gojeks on this island, nor is Grab available here. Fortunately, the roads here are of good quality and you can already rent a scooter for less than 4 euros per day. Moreover, it is a great way to explore Lombok.

If you really want to fully enjoy this island, throw a small backpack on your back and take a road trip around the island on your own scooter. Within a few days you can drive around the entire island. This is the perfect way to discover more of Lombok. You glide through cozy local villages, are often invited by locals for a Lombok Kopi, and discover the most breathtaking viewpoints and landscapes.

backpack lombok

Would you like to combine Lombok with another Indonesian island? Flores is a wonderful addition. Although there are no direct flights from Lombok to Flores, there are alternative ways to get there. For example, you can take the boat to Bali and then fly to Flores from there. It also includes a boat trip from Lombok to Flores.

Flores is truly a fantastic island, with the famous Komodo National Park as the absolute highlight. Here you can admire the unique Komodo dragon, an experience you won’t soon forget. This part of Indonesia is also known for its beautiful beaches, idyllic islands and some of the world’s best dive sites.

But Flores has much more to offer. Consider the unique Kelimutu volcano and enchanting Bajawa. The island is infused with natural beauty and rich culture, making it a unique addition to your journey through Indonesia.

Lombok rice fields

For a diverse Indonesian experience, combining Lombok with Bali is a great choice. These two islands are very close to each other and each offers a unique character.

Starting in bustling Bali, you can enjoy the vibrant culture, beautiful temples, lively beaches and vibrant nightlife. Then you can experience the peace and charm of Lombok, with its relaxed atmosphere, pristine nature and breathtaking beaches.

Lombok rice fields

Curious about our favorite accommodations in Lombok?

trip lombok backpacker

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Lombok Itinerary – How To Spend 1 – 3 Weeks In Lombok

Posted on Last updated: 23 April 2024

Categories Indonesia , Itineraries , Lombok

Lombok is an Indonesian island in the West Nusa Tenggara province. Sitting to the east of Bali, it forms part of the Lesser Sunda Islands archipelago.

Somewhat quieter that Bali, it is known for its beautiful beaches, great surfing, spectacular waterfalls and stunning scenery. Not forgetting a volcano to trek up if you are feeling really energetic!

It’s also the gateway to the famous Gili Islands (Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno). These relaxed and motorised-vehicle free islands offer more spectacular beaches and waters full of reefs and marine life.

We spent a solid month exploring this Indonesian island. So here’s our tried and tested 3 weeks in Lombok itinerary.

Table of Contents

How To Get Around Lombok

Before we start, if you’re looking for transfers from the airport to your hotel, you can secure a cheap and easy Lombok Airport Private Transfer by Car .

Getting around Lombok couldn’t be easier. There are generally 3 options:

We always choose to rent scooters, which start at around 50,000 IDR per day, and explore ourselves.

These can usually be rented from your accommodation, or they will at least point you in the right direction to securing one.

Another option is to rent a driver, which is pretty popular for day trips around Lombok, and they start at around 500,000 IDR per day (8 hours).

Again, you can ask at your accommodation for this service, or search for a local travel agent on the streets.

Some of the best days out we’ve had in Lombok have been on private tours.

For those short on time, or that prefer everything to be organised for them, there are some awesome tours on Get Your Guide available to book in advance.

From surfing to waterfall treks, there’s plenty to keep you busy on this bustling island!

Best Time To Visit Lombok

The driest months on the island of Lombok are July and August, although the weather is pretty good all year round with a mix of wet and dry as the climate moves towards the drier season.

The peak season for tourists is between May and October and it does get pretty busy.

Remember, this is just a guide, so you may want to mix it up and add/subtract different attractions.

What To Pack

Photography Camera

Reusable Water Bottle

Lightweight Rain Jacket

Palm Trees Things To Do In Lombok Itinerary

Lombok Itinerary

The tourist capital of Lombok, and conveniently the closest stop to the airport!

We arrived in Kuta and spent a good week exploring the south coast and all that it has to offer.

From hopping some of the best beaches in Lombok , to visiting mystical bat caves, there is so much to do in and around the Kuta area.

The main town of Kuta is one of the only places on the island where you’ll find a good standard of westernised foods. So if you’re looking for some good pizza or pasta, this could be the place.

Other than that, we’re sure Kuta will be top of your 3 weeks in Lombok itinerary, as it makes for a great place to start your journey from – or to base yourself for a few days.

Tanjung Aan Beach Lombok Best Beaches In Kuta Lombok

Central Lombok

When we say middle we basically mean Benang Stokel & Benang Kelambu Waterfalls.

We took the drive up from Kuta on scooters, which took around 1 hour and 30 minutes, and it was well worth the visit.

You could definitely work your way up and stay in a local guesthouse nearby, before moving on to the Northern section of Lombok.

If you’re uncomfortable exploring alone, or looking for a guided tour of the falls, you can even book a private Benang Kelambu and Benang Stokel Waterfalls Trek .

The falls are pretty impressive, and although there’s not a lot else to do in the area, they’re definitely worth adding to your 3 weeks in Lombok itinerary!

Benang Stokel Waterfall Benang Kelambu Waterfall Lombok Best Waterfalls In Lombok

Northern Lombok

From the middle, the next stop is the big boy, Mount Rinjani!

A must visit on your 3 weeks in Lombok itinerary.

We took the 3D2N trek of Mount Rinjani which you can read all about in our Mount Rinjani Trekking guide.

Whilst up North though, two other hotspots you should definitely visit are Tiu Kelep Waterfall & Sendang Gile Waterfall and Bukit Selong Rice Field Viewpoint .

The waterfalls are located in Senaru town which is where you’ll probably start your Rinjani trek. So save a day before or after the trek to cool off! You can even book a Tiu Kelep and Sendang Gile Waterfall Trekking Tour .

Bukit Selong is around an hour from Senaru so depending on your next destination could take a detour to the viewpoint.

Trekking Mount Rinjani Lombok Mt Rinjani

The Gili Islands

From Senaru the natural next stop is over to the Gili Islands. A trio of islands that should be top of everybody’s things to do in Lombok list!

The Gili Islands are one of the most popular places for tourists to visit on both a Bali itinerary and Lombok itinerary.

You catch the ferry over to Gili T from Bangsal ferry port. Or you can book onto a private Full-Day Gili Islands Snorkeling Trip from Lombok .

Incase you don’t know, the Gili’s are made up of 3 tropical islands – Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. They’re known mostly for awesome snorkelling, crystal beaches and laid back vibes!

They are also famous for their swings and sunsets. It’s a completely different kind of island life compared to Bali or Lombok.

Gili Trawangan is an all round backpacker vibe, with bars and water related activities along the main strip of the island.

Gili Air and Gili Meno however are way less quiet, and although there are a sparse number of accommodations on each, day trips alone are much more popular.

We also have a things to do in Gili Trawangan blog, that explains more in depth of how to get there and the best things to do from snorkelling with turtles, to having a massage on the beach and eating at the night market.

Gili Trawangan Beach Things To Do On Gili Trawangan

Senggigi used to be the main tourist strip of Lombok, stretched out along several kilometres of the beachfront, just to the north of the capital Mataram.

After spending a lot of time in the water in the Gili Islands, a stop in Senggigi for a couple of nights will complete your 3 weeks in Lombok itinerary nicely!

There’s not a lot to do in Senggigi, apart from relax, so it’s the perfect final destination to switch off and enjoy island life.

If you’re looking for the ultimate place to unwind we can highly recommend staying at Living Asia Resort and Spa . The guys really looked after us and couldn’t have made the end of our Lombok trip any more perfect!

Living Asia Resort And Spa Senggigi Things To Do In Lombok Itinerary

Where To Stay In Kuta

Mana Yoga Retreat

Boasting a year-round outdoor pool, Mana Retreat offers an accommodations in Kuta Lombok.

The hotel has a sun terrace and a spacious area with wooden flooring where guests can take daily yoga classes with a surcharge.

Free private parking is available on site. All units have a seating area with views of the tropical garden.

Every room comes with a private bathroom and a bidet.

There is a shop and a vegetarian restaurant at Mana Retreat. Guests can also enjoy a movie in the evening, 4 times a week.

Puri Rinjani Bungalows

Offering an outdoor swimming pool and an on-site restaurant, Puri Rinjani Bungalows is a beachfront property located in Kuta in Lombok.

Free WiFi access is available in public areas.

This holiday park is only about a 2-minute walk from Kuta Lombok Beach and Lombok International Airport is reachable within 30 minutes by car from the property.

The bungalows at Puri Rinjani come with air conditioning and a flat screen TV with satellite channel, a wardrobe, and a safety deposit box. The private bathroom features shower facility.

There is also a terrace with seating area overlooking the lush garden and pool.

Kebun Homestay

Located 11 miles from Selong Belanak Beach, Kebun Homestay offers a garden, a terrace and air-conditioned accommodations with a patio and free WiFi.

There’s a fully equipped private bathroom with bidet and free toiletries.

The family stay offers a continental or à la carte breakfast.

Both a bicycle rental service and a car rental service are available at Kebun Homestay.

Kuta Beach is a 12-minute walk from the accommodation, while Tanjung Aan Beach is 6 miles away.

For more places to stay in Kuta, you can check the latest prices on Booking.com .

Planning Your Trip

Book your flight.

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Book Your Accommodation

Use Booking.com to find the best accommodation deals.

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Don’t Forget Travel Insurance

Use SafetyWing to find the best travel insurance for you.

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Conveniently book, download and access your tickets on the move all from your mobile.

Book Your Rental Car

Use RentalCars.com to find the best deals on rental cars in the area.

They compare all major car rental companies and allow you to easily book the perfect vehicle for your trip.

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The Perfect Lombok Itinerary & Guide

Sunday 6th of August 2023

Hi! Do. you have any private drivers you would recommend for the area? Thanks

Monday 1st of July 2019

Thanks for this helpful guide guys! We are heading to Lombok in a few weeks, excited to finally check this one off our bucket list :D

Charlie Pauly

Monday 8th of July 2019

Ahh thanks so much! Glad it can come in handy and have an awesome trip! :)

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trip lombok backpacker

As the gateway to the favourite Gili Islands and the starting point of the famous Lombok to Flores boat trip, Lombok is fast becoming a highly popular backpacker destination in Southeast Asia.

Only a brief 20-minute boat ride away from the world-famous destination of Bali, Lombok has so far escaped the enormous rise of tourism which has tainted its husband. Expect broad, white sandy beaches, delicious Indonesian food, a distinctive Muslim culture, breath-taking coastal views and a hard volcano increase the powerful Mount Rinjani.

There are loads of backpacker hostels offering dorm and private rooms (or a picture-perfect bamboo hut) with prices starting from approximately USD 5 per night. If you’re happy to splurge, in addition, there are lots of guesthouses and hotels offering spacious suites, private plunge pools and ocean views.

You are very likely to spend your very first night on Lombok at Senggigi since this is the stage where many backpackers will arrive around the island from Bali. While Senggigi certainly isn’t the most fascinating place on the island, it is okay to get a night or two once you get your bearings and determine your Lombok Itinerary.

Other traveller hubs would be the town of Mataram, the village of Mentigi, the subtropical jungle town of Tetebatu or the favourite beach resort town of Kuta, Lombok. Here are some of the best places to remain on the island.

  • Boogie Hostel — Kuta Lombok — From $8 US per night

Boogie Hostel is a wonderful little area with a social nonetheless laid back vibe with tasks like outdoor film nights, barbecues and palm wine nights! The dorm rooms are huge and spacious, and the bedrooms are all so huge and super comfy! Each mattress has a privacy curtain, plug outlet and reading light, and each guest gets a locker and towel to utilize during their stay. All rooms are AC and remain clean. The hostel is situated in a quiet street. However, still close to many restaurants, shops and close to the shore. Breakfast is offered daily from 7 am plus they have some alternatives from banana sandwiches (recommended!) To French toast, cereals or fruit. You may rent scooters for a fantastic price to explore the remainder of the island, and friendly staffs are ready to help you book any tours or activities that you would like to do at Kuta or in the rest of Lombok.

trip lombok backpacker

  • Pipes Hostel — Kuta Lombok — Out of $11 US per night

A gorgeous hostel that has excellent value for money if you think about the facilities there’s a beautiful pool, an in-wall pub, a café that serves tasty food (and great coffee) and there’s even a skate jar! The atmosphere is energetic, but not rowdy. Therefore it’s an excellent place for solo travellers to meet individuals and the team make sure everyone feels welcome. Additionally, there are movie nights (played on a large outdoor display) along with other events to assist people mingle and chill, and the food is yummy and affordable! When it comes to the rooms, you’ll find dorms or even privates that have AC and good quality sexy showers. You could also rent scooters from here to explore the island and see local warungs and restaurants. Highly suggested!

  • Dream Catcher Camp — Tetebatu — Out of $5 US per night

Dream Catcher Camp is a magical place set in beautiful surroundings near Tetebatu Monkey Forest. Dorm beds cost USD 5, while private rooms will put you back USD 10! Incredible value for money and also with fantastic food, lots of men and women describe Dream Catcher Camp as their highlight of Lombok. This unique experience will not, but by what you’re after if you’re utilized to 5-star luxury.

Vacation is more than just accommodation. It’s about making long-lasting memories. Discover more adventures in Lombok by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.

Diane Emery

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  • Things To Do In Lombok; The Perfect Lombok Itinerary (3-5 Days)

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UPDATED MAY 2022: Lombok is an island paradise right next door to Bali. Unlike a Bali itinerary though, Lombok is much more serene and far less developed. It has picturesque, unspoiled beaches and awe-inspiring, towering mountains. Up until recently, Lombok wasn’t really on the travel radar with Bali still the place to go for some travel fun.

Now, more people, and especially the more adventurous type of traveller are contemplating Lombok as an alternative. For many, it will remind them of how Bali was before developers had a greater influence. And with so many things to do in Lombok, at a fraction of the Bali prices, it’s the next big thing in Indonesia!

The highlight of all the things to see and do in Lombok for me? Trekking Mount Rinjani , Lombok’s active volcano and highest peak. All 3,726 metre (12,224ft) of it. It’s breathtaking.

TOP-TIP: Book a full one-day tour and do all the best stuff in Lombok. You can do that with these guys HERE .

Table of contents

About lombok, when is the best time to visit lombok.

  • How to get to Lombok? 

Lombok Packing List

Where to stay in lombok, getting around lombok, helpful indonesian phrases, things to do in lombok, day 1: surfing in kuta, day 2: the beaches of senggigi, day 3: snorkel trip to the gilis, day 4: waterfall hunting, final tips for things to do in lombok.


Before I tell you about the perfect Lombok itinerary, and all the things to do in Lombok, let me first give you some facts about Lombok that will give you an understanding of what to expect once you are there.

Lombok is roughly the same size as Bali, about 70 kilometres (43 miles) across with a total area of about 4,514 square kilometres (1,743 square miles). The capital and largest city on Lombok is Mataram, home to a population of around 420,000 (but it’s really nothign special, I avoid it when I’m in Lombok). The money used on Lombok is the Indonesian Rupiah. If you are looking to change dollars, Euros or GBP for Rupiah, there are plenty of exchange shops around the Senggigi tourist resort area. The exchange rates offered in Lombok are actually quite competitive. 

Contrasting with Bali, where the majority of the population are Hindu’s, here in Lombok, they are Muslim and have a strong adherence to cultural rituals. Although, Alcohol still flows pretty freely (thankfully!). Generally speaking, most people on Lombok either speak or understand the national language of Bahasa Indonesia, but English is also widely spoken.

Lombok has a year-round warm and humid tropical climate. Temperatures range from 21 Celsius to 32 Celsius.

Like most tropical locations, Lombok has a wet season that runs from November to March, so if possible avoid that. If you’re in Indonesia during the wet season though, I’d still come to Lombok, no big deal. Unlike Bali, Lombok seems to dodge the major storms and only gets sporadic showers. If you plan on hiking Mount Rinjani, the suggested ideal time period to do so is between the middle of June and October. You can read about my friends and I trekking Mount Rinjani, and how you can do it too, here .

trekking Mount Rinjani

How to get to Lombok? 

You have two choices, by boat from Bali, or by plane.

The easiest way to get to Lombok is to fly from Bali (for as little as $10 or so!). Most people fly from Bali to Lombok, but you can also fly straight to Lombok from Tokyo and Singapore.

Bali to Lombok Ferry : You can catch the public ferry across the Lombok Strait from Padang Bai Ferry Terminal in East Bali to Lembar Ferry Terminal in Lombok. Ferries leave every hour, 24 hours a day. The journey is 4 hours or so. Price wise, though, you can’t beat it, with a one-way fare available for around $4 dollars. The fast baot from Pedang Pai to Sengiggi (Lombok) costs $20, and takes 30 minutes. Once a day at 9am.

Bali to Lombok boat

Think of Lombok like you would the Caribbean, so pack for summer (with a chance of tropical rain!). Light cotton clothes and sandals are perfect for Lombok, as are clothes that dry quickly after a shower, especially if you’re visiting in the rainy season. As Lombok is not as commercialized as other islands, you likely won’t find what you’re used to back home here in most shops. Therefore you may want to bring your own specific toiletries.


If you’re heading to Lombok as a traveller, or a surfer, you will want to stay in the backpacker area of Kuta (not to be confused with Bali’s crazy, party area in Kuta) or in Senggigi, another traveler hotspot . Lombok’s Kuta is only 30 minutes from Lombok airport and has some of the most spectacular beaches that you will find here. 

If you want to get out and explore, your best option is to rent a car or scooter. Public transport and buses are pretty rare in Lombok. You can either base yourself in Kuta and book each tour you want, they’ll include pick-up and drop-off normally. Or as I mention, get yourself a scooter and be free!

trip lombok backpacker

Do I need a visa to visit Lombok?  

Yes, you need a visa for Indonesia. But most 99% of tourists get a visa-on-arrival so you don’t have to do anything, just arrive in the airport. Pay $35 when you first arrive in Indonesia at your place of entry. The visa is valid for 30 days for tourism, family visitation, and other purposes.

The locals adore that you try to communicate in their mother tongue!

  • Selamat Pagi: Good morning
  • Apa Kabar?: How are you? – Kabar Baik: I’m good
  • Selamat Siang: Good afternoon
  • Terima Kasih: Thank you
  • Selamat sore: Good evening
  • Sama Sama: You are welcome
  • Selamat Malam: Good night
  • Yes/No: Ia/ Tidak


Before we go into the specific Lombok Itinerary, let me list all the things to see and do in Lombok that you can tick off, one by one, when you arrive in paradise!

Multi-day trip to the Gili Islands (Gilli Trawangan is the party one)

Trekking mount rinjani, bicycle tour , beach hop (don’t miss mawun beach  & selong belanak), surfing lessons, tiu kelep watefall (the best one), sindang gila waterfall, betara lenjang waterfall, benang stokel & kelambu waterfalls.

If you do your waterfall hunting, a spot of cycling, a couple of surfing lessons, and a day or two on the beaches, followed by trekking Mount Rinjani, that means you probably need at least a week in Lombok to soak it up. This place is slow paced, so no need to rush. You could easily spend more time here and not be rushing around. That being said, if you only have 5 days in Lombok, here’s how I would form my Lombok Itinerary.



When you arrive in Lombok from Bali, take a taxi to the surfing Mecca of Kuta. (Not to be confused with Kuta on Bali as this place is much more laid-back.) At the airport, there is a desk where you can buy a voucher for the taxi ride to Kuta, or you can go outside and arrange it yourself among the keen local taxi drivers. I paid just 70,000IDR, about $5.00 to get from Lombok Airport to Kuta and the ride only took me about 25 minutes.

Sleep in Kuta.

When you wake up in Kuta, whether you intend to surf or not, you’ll notice straight away that Kuta is on the map for its very attractive beaches. The beach boys there can sort out surf lessons, and surfboard rental for $10 or so. So settle in. The waves in Kuta are great for beginners, so enjoy.

Surfing in Lombok

Your body might be aching from the surf lessons, or maybe it’s the Bintangs from the evening? Anyway, I decided to head on up to Lombok’s main tourist area of Senggigi. It’s a great hop-off point for half-day excursions, or you can wile away the day at both Senggigi Beach and Kerangdangan beach.

Here you will find plenty of western style restaurants and places selling fresh food for lunch. In the island’s native Sasak language, Lombok translated means chilli. When you sample some of the local cuisine made with mouthwatering fresh ingredients you will find out why; you’ll usually be offered something called sambal. This is a rich, spicy sauce made from local chilli peppers grown in the countryside of Lombok.

Sleep in Senggigi.

Lombok Itinerary

If you don’t have time to visit the Gili ISlands for 3 or 4 nights after Lombok, then try to squeeze in a snorkel trip to them on one of your Lombok Itinerary days. Although I really recommend you go and spend a couple of nights on Gili T at least. The most beautiflu water in all of Indonesia. The Gili Islands are a group of three small islands – Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air located just off the northwest coast of Lombok. Famous for their unspoiled palm-fringed beaches, the Gili’s are surrounded by coral reefs just teeming with fluorescent fish and marine life. You can book day-trips snorkelling here from either Sengigi or Kuta.

There aren’t too many places in the world where you can swim with turtles, which for me made the Gili Islands the highlight of my trip.

trip lombok backpacker

The village of Senaru is at an altitude of 600 metres, so it’s a little cooler than down on the coast and has some excellent walks that include a couple of amazing waterfalls. While it is possible to visit the waterfalls on your own, I found it easier to hire a guide. Firstly, this gave me someone to answer my questions, while at the same time stopping people from asking me if I needed a guide. The scenery around Senaru is spectacular, so you will have no end of ‘national geographic quality’ photographs to share. There are a lot of waterfalls dotted around Lombok, so make sure you find the right guide!

TOP-TOP: Book a waterfall tour to ensure you don’t miss out the most epic waterfalls ($50 from Sengigi)!

trip lombok backpacker

Day 5: 

Now it’s up to you how hardcore you are! I recommend booking a Mount Rinjani trek from here. But if not, then go and chill on the Gili Islands, head back to Kuta or stya in Senggigi and mingle with the other travels. Lombok is nothing but chill vibes, so try to schedule some time to do nothing!

TOP-TIP: If you don’t want to hike ALL the way to the top, you can hike to the Volcano crater rim. 2D/1N. That’s what me and my friends did. It was SPECTACULAR!

Sleep on Mount Rinjani!

Mount RInjani crater rim

  • Try to base yourself in both Senggig and Kuta. It makes the drives on your day-trips less time-consuming.
  • Try to factor in time to visit the Gili Islands after your Lombok adventure, they’re gorgeous
  • Don’t expect beach clubs, and banging night clubs like Bali. Lombok is much quieter.
  • Learn to ride a scooter, Lombok is the perfect place to get your head around driving on tropical islands!


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The Ultimate Lombok Itinerary: 5 Days On Bali’s Neighbor

Lombok Itinerary 5 days

Welcome to our Lombok itinerary, 5 days of hopping from beach town to surf break to soaring mountain escape on the island across the sea from Bali . We’ve tried to distill the essence of the place into under a week here. It’s not been easy, because there’s oodles to see, but we hope there’s a good mix of Lombok’s highlights and hidden gems.

The trip will involve the shimmering beaches of Senggigi (the main tourist town on Lombok) and the tubular surf breaks of Kuta (not the Kuta in Bali, mind you). It also has long drives through the paddy-covered backcountry and hikes to long-lost waterfalls. Finally, it finishes with a trip to the iconic Gili Islands , which are considered some of the prettiest in the world.

If you happen to have any more time in Lombok than just five days, there’s loads of scope to expand and add to this plan. We’d recommend dropping in a multi-day trek to the incredible crater lakes of Mount Rinjani, visits to each of the Gili Islands in turn, and perhaps even some time on the much less-visited eastern coast of the island.

Table of Contents

Day 1 – Sengiggi

Sengiggi beach

About 30 minutes’ drive north of Mataram and about an hour’s drive north of the ports at Lembar, Sengiggi is a good place to begin our Lombok itinerary 5 days. It offers a good intro to the slower pace of the island after Bali, along with some lovely beaches and affordable hotels. Basically, it’s the main tourist center on the island, so expect lots of amenities and good transport links to pretty much anywhere.

There’s lots of choice when it comes to places to stay. If you can afford it, we think it’s worth forking out for somewhere like the classy Sudamala Resort . It’s got an infinity pool overlooking the Bali Sea and stylish villa-style rooms with traditional thatched roofs. Alternatively, there are bargain options on the street behind the beachfront, like the charming and chilled Senggigi Cottages Lombok (which can be $15-20 per night).

First stop after dropping the bags should be the beach. The white-sand stretch of Senggigi Beach is the closest to the center of the resort. That’s an option if you don’t have access to your own ride or don’t want to pay for a taxi. However, Coconut Beach (also known as Kerandangan) is a more beautiful spot, with light waves and backing of swaying palm trees, though it’s just under 10 minutes drive to the north.

You might also want to stop by Pantai Klui. It’s another stretch of beachfront around to the north but has uber-clear water for snorkelers and even an intermediate surf spot. You will have to bring your own board, though, as there’s no rental close to the beach.

After some tanning and swimming time under your belt, beeline back to the center of Senggigi town. It’s time for some tasty Lombok food to cap off this initial chilling day. Hit the main street behind the sands where there’s an abundance of welcoming Indonesian warung (taverns that serve local food). We think the best of them is Warung Buana, which does fantastic nasi goreng rice and particularly good rendang curry.

Afterwards, hit Happy Café for some beers with the backpacker crowd and then move onto the local karaoke joints if you have the energy.

Day 2 – Kuta Lombok

Kuta Lombok

It’s easy to get a taxi from Senggigi to Kuta Lombok but be sure to negotiate on the price. Anything around the 250,000-300,000 IDR ($25-30) mark is okay. The drive itself is a fun one, cutting straight through the heart of the south of the island for about 1.5 hours in all, with visions of lush banana plantations and emerald rice paddies stretching out on both sides.

You can make a pitstop at Sade Village along the way. It’s a traditional Nusa Tenggara town stead with homes made from woven reeds. It’s been home to the Sasak tribe for over 15 generations and now offers a glimpse at the age-old heritage of the island’s people. There are currently only 750 inhabitants of the village, but there are oodles of craft stalls selling handmade fabrics and other curiosities.

Push on past Sade and you’ll soon see the Indian Ocean’s gleaming blue waters swing into view. Welcome to Kuta Lombok. Not to be confused with its namesake across on Bali, this one’s a relaxed, old beach town that’s like the Isle of the Gods was 20 years back. One thing it does have in common with Kuta Bali is that it’s a surf mecca.

Yep, the breaks here are some of the best on Lombok as a whole. They’re not generally for beginners, but intermediate+ surfers should be sure to engage the help of a local fisherman to whisk them out to the reef breaks that flank the bay at Areguling Beach – they are hollow and fast waves that offer a real challenge. Alternatively, Selong Belanak Beach is just to the west, which has some top breaks for total beginners.

After your surf session, take a walk along the beach at Areguling to the east and you can discover some lovely hidden bays. Pantai Tebuak is one of our favorites. It’s a Robinson Crusoe -style inlet with high cliffs rising to its back and some frothing swells out front. Just beware of the naughty macaques that guard the entrance!

There are some nice surf-shack-style accommodations in the Kuta region. We especially like Owa Lodge for its easy-going vibes and relaxing outdoor pool space. It’s also not too expensive. Staying here will also put you in Areguling itself, which is a small surfer town just outside of Kuta proper. It’s a cool place, with an open-air cinema for the evening and some excellent seafood warung that open later on.

Day 3 – Sembulan

Palm trees in Lombok

After enjoying the glassy waves of the Lombok south coast, it’s time to head up north. That takes you in the direction of hulking Mount Rinjani. It’s a massive volcano that soars nearly 4,000 meters above sea level; very much the centerpiece of the island and one of the most dramatic sights in all of Indonesia.

But first – the trip there. It’s a long one, taking about 3.5 hours in all. But it’s also beautiful, as you weave and wind through some of the more untouched parts of Lombok . Things get prettiest after you turn east at Kopang and into the area of Desa Pengadangan, where verdant rice fields creep right up to the roadside.

(You could make a pitstop at the Pancor Kopong waterfall here. It’s one of the more off-the-beaten-track locations on this Lombok itinerary 5 days, with wild swimming pools in the jungle that are mainly used by the locals.)

The destination for the day is the eco-tourism hub of Sembulan. This is known primarily as the gateway to Mount Rinjani National Park . Sadly, there’s just not enough time on this Lombok itinerary to conquer the mountains (most of the treks to the top take at least three days). However, there are lots of opportunities to get a taste of Lombok’s wilder side without climbing the great volcano itself. So, for the afternoon, you could:

  • Hike in Bukit Nanggi – This short hike takes you high above the clouds and offers views of the mighty Rinjani crater from the east. It can be done in about six hours, so you’ll need to get to Sembulan early to complete.
  • Bukit Kondo Savana Propok – This field of swaying grass is one of the entranceways to the Mount Rinjani trek, but it’s also now a well-known Instagram spot.
  • Strawberry Hill Gardens Ponds – Something a little less strenuous is on offer at the Strawberry Hill Gardens Ponds, where you can pick and enjoy your own berries in the shadow of the mountain.

Day 4 – Tanjung

Beach in Lombok

The way to Tanjung is just as immersive as Tanjung itself. We’d say expect to take more than half the day on the journey, even though the whole thing can be done in just two hours if you went straight at it. The reason? You’re going to be passing through waterfall country. Seriously, there are some of the most stunning cataracts in Indonesia lying in wait, so have the swimwear at hand and be ready for lots of detours.

Mangku Sakti Waterfall is first on the list. It’s about 50 minutes’ drive outside of Sembulan down a dusty dirt road. Once you’ve parked up at the often-deserted lot, you’ll need to hike a narrow gorge above a roaring whitewater river. That takes about 10 minutes and can be hard to pass at points. The reward is the great opening in the canyon that hosts the waterfall itself. It’s 20 meters tall and has a deep pool below. There’s also a perch behind the cataract where you clamber up to see it from behind.

If you’re still hungry for waterfalls, push on to the Sendang Gile Waterfall. This is one of the most iconic in all of Indo. It’s a hidden paradise deep in the foothills of the Rinjani reserve. Blooms of evergreen palms and ferns sprout from the side of the sheer-cut cliffs all around, while the waters mist and plume in a series of ribbon-like streams into the rocky bed below. Be sure to have the camera charged.

Later on, you’ll arrive at Tanjung. It’s the gateway to a whole region of downright gorgeous beaches, so it’s time to crank up the R&R after all that adventure travel. Medana Beach is the jewel in the crown – think white sands and stooping sea grape trees. If you can afford it, stay at the Oberoi Beach Resort there, because it’s one of the highest rated in the whole country!

Day 5 – The Gili Islands

Beach in the Gili island

The grand finale of our Lombok itinerary isn’t actually on Lombok at all. Instead, you’ll make the quick crossing to one of the fabled Gili islands. They’re hailed as the great paradise destinations in the Bali Sea, with more talcum-powder sands and coral reefs than you could possibly get through in a single holiday.

The boats for the Gili chain leave from the port in Bangsal. It’s a gritty place but grin and bear it for the journey, which lasts just 45 minutes in a small passenger ferry from pier to paradise.

The only choice you need to make here is which Gili you’ll go to . There are three on offer, each with their own unique vibe. Don’t worry, the whole lot have jaw-dropping shorelines and bath-warm seas. But here’s a little guide to help you out…

  • Gili Trewangan – Also known as Gili T, this is the busiest of all the Gilis. It’s considered the party hub of the chain, with an eastern shoreline that’s filled with bamboo reggae bars and dive schools that double as after-dark clubs. Come here if you want to finish your Lombok trip with some hedonism.
  • Gili Air – A very relaxed, very easy-going island, Gili Air is about ramshackle backpacker hotels and empty beaches. It’s also established itself as something of a yogi hub in recent years, so come here to find your inner Zen after traveling Lombok.
  • Gili Meno – The honeymooner choice, Gili Meno is now home to a swathe of very upscale hotels that offer unbridled romance and sea-view villa suites. It’s the perfect place to end our Lombok itinerary 5 days if you’re traveling as a couple.

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For more than 11 years, Joe has worked as a freelance travel writer. His writing and explorations have brought him to various locations, including the colonial towns of Mexico, the bustling chowks of Mumbai, and the majestic Southern Alps of New Zealand. When he's not crafting his next epic blog post on the top Greek islands or French ski resorts, he can often be found engaging in his top two hobbies of surfing and hiking.

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Lombok is far less crowded and much more laid back than Bali. This beautiful island offers quiet beaches, challenging hikes, picturesque waterfalls, and fewer tourists.

How to get there, best time to travel, average daily budget, vaccinations, accommodation, transportation, budget tips, related posts, traveling indonesia, backpacking bali, guide to gili trawangan, renting a motorbike in bali, best things to do in ubud, 10 things to do in yogyakarta, women`s se asia packing list.

How To Get There

Lombok is a quiet little island just east of Bali, Indonesia accessible by plane or by boat. Backpacking Lombok is remarkable and I recommend it to anyone looking for a cheaper and more authentic Indonesian experience!

By Boat:   You can take ferries or fast boats to Lombok from multiple places on Bali or the Gili Islands. The ride is only a couple of hours on a clear day and costs under 688,000 IDR ($50 USD).

By Air:   Lombok has an International Airport located near the center of the island.

trip lombok backpacker

Best Time To Travel

May to July is ideal for backpacking Lombok because prices and crowds are lower and rain is minimal.

Dry season:   May to September

Wet season:  October to April

Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) 10,000 IDR = $0.95 CAD, 0.64 Euro or $0.75 USD

trip lombok backpacker

Our Average Daily Budget

370,000-600,000 IDR ($25-$40 USD) per person  while staying in a private room at a homestay, using a motorbike as transportation, and eating mostly local food. It is possible to spend a lot more in Indonesia, but we stayed comfortably within this price range. Here is our daily breakdown:

  • Accommodation:   135,000 – 210,000 IDR ($9-$14 USD) per person based on splitting a room between 2 people.
  • Food:   90,000 – 210,000 IDR ($6-$14 USD) per day.
  • Transportation:  750,000 IDR ($5 USD) per day based on $3.75 USD for a motorbike rental and $1.75 for a tank of gas.
  • Activities & Entrance Fees:  100,000 ($7 USD) per day on average.

The recommended vaccinations for traveling to Lombok are Typhoid, Hepatitis A & B, Dukoral (for travelers’ diarrhea), Rabies, and Japanese Encephalitis (because this disease is rare many people don’t get this vaccination). Malaria pills should be taken for Lombok and other islands. Always double check with a travel clinic before you leave to make sure all your shots are up to date.

trip lombok backpacker

Agoda  was perfect for finding everything from hostels and homestays to 5 star hotels.  You can search by map or by price and they have free cancellation.

Budget:  80,000-100,000IDR ($6-$12 USD) per person/night.  Breakfast is sometimes included in a hostel dorm room, you will get a fan but no A/C. For 2 people it is worth staying in a mid-range private room.

Mid-range:  180,000-280,000 IDR ($14-21USD) for 2 people/night. Breakfast and A/C included with a private room in a homestay. A home in Indonesia is made up of many different buildings on one property. Our homestays were all newer buildings with a private room, washroom, and a balcony they will bring your breakfast to in the morning.

Luxury :  375,000 IDR + ($28-$100+ USD) for 2 people/night. Includes A/C and breakfast. Treat yourself for a night or two in a private yurt. Luxury room and bathroom, A/C, and quite possibly your own private pool. By doing some research and booking ahead you can easily stay in a stunning 5-star hotel for under $100 USD/night.

Our Recommendations: 

Rinjani Lodge :  Amazing hotel with an infinity pool and a view! 1,200,000 IDR ($89 USD) per night for a private bungalow.

Bule Homestay:  A great location being 5 minute drive from Kuta Beach. 235,000 IDR ($17.50 USD) per night. Private room and breakfast included. The rooms are clean and comfortable and the restaurant is great!

Ibludan Hotel:   Great staff, beautiful pool and private room with king sized comfy beds! From 445,000 IDR ($33 USD) per night for a private room including breakfast.

80,000-200,000 IDR ($6-$15 USD) per person per meal on average

We ate a lot while traveling through Indonesia because the food is SO good! You can order a local plate of Nasi Goreng for 15,000 IDR ($1.12 USD) or a 4-course feast for 200,000 IDR ($15 USD). Trip Advisor`s cheap eats section is great when you`re in a new place without any recommendations. We never got sick when eating from the street carts but followed some general rules. First; look for the street cart where all of the locals go to. A busy cart means that the same food hasn’t been sitting out all day and the locals will know the best ones. Secondly; make sure to steer clear of the street meat. You just never know exactly what it is or where it came from, so it’s easiest just to skip it altogether.

Some of our favorite local foods:

Nasi Goreng:  Rice, choice of meat, and vegetables

Mia Goreng:   Noodle, choice of meat and vegetables

Satay Chicken or Beef:  Chicken or beef skewers with rice and a peanut sauce

Tempeh:  A thin, deep-fried soybean patty. Most places will offer tofu or tempeh as a vegetarian option. It’s packed with protein and more firm and flavorful than tofu!

Fried Bananas with Ice Cream:  A fairly common desert in Bali and it is so delicious

Pumpkin Soup:  Very similar to butternut squash soup with tons of fresh spices and vegetables

Smoothies:   Made with fresh fruit, ice, and sometimes milk or coconut milk

trip lombok backpacker

Motorbike:   This was by far the cheapest mode of transportation while backpacking Lombok. It costs $50,000 IDR ($3.75 USD) per day to rent a motorbike and about $1,500 IDR ($1.15 USD)  to fill up with gas. The roads can be dangerous and you do have to be careful but in our opinion, it’s the best way to see the island.

Related Post: Renting a Motorbike in Southeast Asia

Hire a private driver :  40,000-50,000 IDR ($30-$37 USD) per day. Do this when you have a lot planned for a day and/or the places you want to go are far away from each other. For example, we were picked up at the airport at 7:30 am. We were then driven 2 hours to a temple, then 1.5 hours to a viewpoint, and finally back to our home stay that evening. We didn’t have to deal with the crazy airport taxi mob, we could leave our packs in the car while we were exploring, and we ended up getting a steal of a deal for all the driving.

Take advantage of transportation included in tours :  Most tours will pick you up or drop you off anywhere on the same island. This can save you up to 400,000 IDR ($30 USD) on a cab ride.

Walk:   We walked A LOT in Lombok. We never felt unsafe and the local people are very helpful if you need directions.

Taxi:  Make sure to haggle with your taxi driver  beforehand . You can usually offer about half the asking price. Taxi meters are becoming more popular in which case it is more difficult to haggle. Be cautious they aren’t driving you in circles or the long way to up the meter.

What to Wear

Dressing modestly is an important part of respecting the culture when in Lombok. Cover your knees and shoulders while visiting temples or local areas. The beaches and tourist towns are generally okay to wear swimsuits and shorts. A lightweight rain jacket is good to have if you are going on the shoulder season.

Related Post: Southeast Asia Packing List .

  • Get a homestay with breakfast included
  • Book tours on travel days to take you from city to city
  • Haggle 50-60% on anything you buy from a shop or a booth.
  • Rent a motorbike for transportation
  • Eat your meals in smaller restaurants off the beaten path
  • Go to temples and attractions on your own instead of with a tour
  • The airlines will charge you up to $35 USD per checked bag so bring a carry-on-sized backpack if you plan to catch any flights.


Travel Guide: The Best Things to do in Lombok, Indonesia. Click through for information on Kuta beach, mount rinjani waterfalls, yoga, hikes and more in Lombok! #travel #indonesia #lombok #giliislands #bali

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog

DETAILED Lombok Itinerary For The BEST Places to Visit in Lombok!

Categories Asia , Indonesia , Itinerary

Lombok Island is much less known and visited than its next-door neighbour of the Island of Bali but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t visit Lombok. In fact, this is the reason why you should visit Lombok and follow this Lombok itinerary!

Lombok feels wild and still untouched by tourism , however, there are still many things to do in Lombok and places to visit in Lombok for tourists.

This, combined with the fact that the roads are good meaning it’s great to explore Lombok by moped, and prices are much cheaper than Bali, makes Lombok the best and most underrated island in Indonesia I think. 

To help you see the best of Lombok here is my Lombok blog on the places you should visit in Lombok, whether you’re planning your 1 week Lombok itinerary or 2 week Lombok itinerary!

Lombok Itinerary

Lombok itinerary

  • Related Lombok Posts:
  • How to Extend Your VOA in Lombok to a 60 Day Visa!
  • The Perfect Bali, Gili Islands and Lombok Itinerary!
  • How to Spend 3 Days in Gili Trawangan!

Best time to visit Lombok

When is the best time to visit Lombok? Well, the first thing to know is that Lombok has 2 seasons.

Wet Season is from November to March and Dry Season is from April to October . You may think that dry season sounds more appealing but this means it is high season in Lombok during these months so it depends what you want when you’re thinking about when to visit Lombok.

Personally, I’d recommend the shoulder months as the best time to visit Lombok , because November, December and April bring less rain and also fewer tourists! I was in Lombok in December and we saw a bit of rain each day but it didn’t rain all day and is avoidable.

Related Post: If you want to see some of Bali and Lombok, here’s my 2 Week Bali, Gili Islands and Lombok itinerary!

Best Places to visit in Lombok

Gili islands.

3 – 7 Days

The Gili Islands of Gili Trawangan , Gili Air and Gili Meno and part of Lombok, not Bali which is often what people think. Therefore the Gili islands have to be included on this Lombok trip itinerary!

On your Gili Islands and Lombok itinerary , I suggest spending at least  3 nights on the Gili Islands , either by spending all nights on one island or 2 nights on Gili T and 1 night on Gili Air for example.

With that being said, it’s also easy to spend 1 week in Gili Trawangan and 1 week in the Gili islands because there are so many things to do, but it is also really chilled so if you have time, plan to spend a good few days here on your itinerary for Lombok.


Things to do in Gili Islands

Getting in the crystal clear water is one of the best things to do in the Gili island s so be sure to go out snorkelling or diving .

Hiring a bike is the best way to see Gili T and you can cycle around the island in just a few hours. Be sure to look out for the Instagram famous Gili T Swings .

Come evening, be sure to watch the sunset  on this Gili islands itinerary. The Gili islands are known for their sunsets and then head out for a drink to see some live music on the beac h or get ready for a big night out because the nightlife in Gili T is famous!


Lombok itinerary, snorkelling turtles


I lived on Gili Trawangan island for 6 months so I know it well! Here are my top posts to help you plan your trip:

  • 30 TOP Things to do on Gili Trawangan !
  • 3 Day Gili Trawangan Itinerary !
  • 2 Week Gili Islands, Bali and Lombok itinerary !
  • How to get around Gili T, Gili Air and Gili Meno by Boat ! Where to stay in Gili Trawangan – Best Hotels, Hostels & Villas !

Lombok itinerary, Sunset Horse Riding

How to get to the Gili Islands?

There are a few ways to get to the Gili Islands on this Lombok itinerary, you can come from Bali, Bali Airport, Lombok or Lombok Airport.

Bali to Gili Trawangan

The most popular route that people do is to land in Bali International Airport and then travel to Gili Trawangan.

There is only one port and pier in Bali where the boat from Bali to Gili Islands runs and that’s from Padang Bai in the North.

You can book a minibus and boat package which will pick you up from your Bali Hotel, take you to Padang Bai and then will take you to your boat over to the Gili Islands. The whole journey takes about 5 hours depending on where you’re staying in Bali and they leave 2 or 3 times a day. 

Lombok to Gili Trawangan

The Gili Islands are much closer to the island of Lombok than Bali so it is quicker and easier to get to Gili T, Gili Air and Gili Meno from Lombok than Bali.

Where to stay in the Gili Islands?

There is so much accommodation on Gili Trawangan and Gili Air for all budgets, from hostels to high-end beach resorts. 

Here is my guide to the best accommodation on the Gili Islands !

Bookig.com is also a great place to look for homestays and private Villas on the Gili Islands.

Lombok itinerary, Gili T 2 Bedroom Pool Villa Airbnb

Senggigi and Klui

2 – 3 Days

After visiting the Gili Islands which are arguably the best place to visit in Lombok on your Lombok itinerary. Head to mainland Lombok .

There are regular boats leaving all 3 Gili islands to Lombok , the best thing to do is to get a local boat to Lombok early in the morning as this is the cheapest option and only takes 20 minutes. The pier in Lombok is called Bangsal Harbour .

From Bangsal, head slightly South staying along the West coast to Klui and/or Senggigi.

Where to stay in Senggigi?

If you want to stay in a really quiet place with a nice, wild beach, perfect for surfing, stay in Klui.  I recommend staying at  Diva Lombok Resort  or Jeeva Klui Resort as the best hotel in Klui.

If you want to stay somewhere with a holidaymaker feel to it with more hotels, restaurants and bars, but still with a nice beach, stay in Senggigi .

Lombok itinerary, Jeeva Klui Resort by Klui Beach

Things to do in Senggigi

If you want a surf lesson on this Lombok itinerary, go see my friends at Lombok Wave Surf Shack  in Klui for a lesson and a sunset chill, these are the best things to do in Klui and best things to do in Senggigi.

Related Post: Here’s my full blog post on things to do in Senggigi !

Lombok itinerary, Klui Beach and Surf Shack

Most people think that the Gili islands are just Gili T, Gili Air and Gili Meno, but this is incorrect, there are lots more Gili islands, they just aren’t as popular.

From Senggigi, on this Lombok itinerary you can take a day trip to the really unknown Gili Islands of Gili Nanggu, Gili Kedis and Gili Sudak.

Gili Nanggu is known as a Paradise Island and the snorkelling is fantastic, this 7 hour day tour will pick you up in Senggigi and take you to white sand beaches, bays and crystal clear water:

Benang Stokel & Benang Kelambu Waterfalls

For a day trip in Lombok on your Lombok itinerary, head to  Benang Stokel and Benang Kelambu Waterfalls . These are located close to Mount Rinjani and you have to travel through the lush green-ness of Central Lombok to see them including lots of rice terraces in Lombok. They will only take up half a day as the walk around these Lombok Waterfalls is not too long or too intense. 

Benang Stokel & Benang Kelambu Waterfalls | Lombok itinerary

Mount Rinjani

If you’re up for a challenge on your Lombok itinerary and want to go hiking in Lombok, Mount Rinjani is the answer! Mount Rinjani is the second-highest volcano in Indonesia and it is an active volcano. You have to hike up Mt Rinjani with a guide and it takes 2 nights and 3 days so be sure to plan this into your Lombok itinerary as you can’t do it in any less time.

It is a strenuous hike, but totally worth it! Here’s a look at a tour of Mount Rinjani that you can do:

If you don’t want to hike, going to Northern Lombok and staying in the area of Mount Rinjani is still a nice thing to do. Rinjani Lodge is a beautiful hotel with views over Mount Rinjani and they can help you with day tours to see the local area. Check out rates and availability for Rinjani Lodge here!

Kuta Lombok

2 – 5 Days

Kuta is the main backpacker hub on mainland Lombok so it when planning your backpacking Lombok itinerary, you should plan to spend a few days here! And if you backpacking Lombok, Pipes Hostel is a really great hostel in Kuta Lombok!


There is only one way to get from Bali to the Gili Islands and that’s my fast boat from Padang Bay.

You can wait until you arrive to book your boat or be organised and book it in advance here. Booking in advance is especially good during the summer and Christmas months!

BUY HERE: From Bali: 1-Way Boat Transfer to Gili Trawangan/Gili Air/Lombok

BUY HERE: From all Gili Islands: 1-Way Boat Transfer to Bali

How to get to Kuta Lombok?

Due to Kuta being the main hub, there are lots of taxis and buses available to take you there. If you have just hiked Mount Rinjani, your guide or hotel will be able to help you get to Kuta afterwards.

If you decide to visit Kuta first in Lombok, it is just a 30-minute journey from Lombok Praya International Airport to Kuta town.

Things to do in Kuta Lombok

If you are confident in riding a moped , this is by far the best way to get around Lombok and see all of the places near Kuta Lombok.

Surfing is one of the top things to do in Lombok and South Lombok is no different, you can go surfing on Kuta Beach which is close to the town.

These days there alongside the local warung restaurants in Kuta, there are lots of nice cafes and restaurants in Kuta serving Bali style Smoothie Bowls and avocado on toast so be sure to spend some time eating in the many cafes in Kuta Lombok.

Lombok itinerary, Cafes in Kuta Lombok

The best Kuta tourist attractions are the beaches near Kuta Lombok .

For a unique surfing experience on your Lombok itinerary, head to Gerupuk where you take a boat out into the ocean and surf in the middle of the sea , it’s such a cool experience and tourist attraction in Lombok. When you arrive in Gerupuk you’ll see lots of shops offering lessons. This is the only place you can do this in Indonesia!

Tanjung Aan Beach

Tanjung Aan Beach is a beautiful white sand beach and is just 20 minutes from Kuta town. There are some swings on the beach which make for great photos and plenty of sunbeds to sunbathe on. This beach is a must-visit on your Lombok itinerary!

From Tanjung Aan Beach you can see smaller beach coves to the right and you can actually walk up the hill and down to them if you fancy adventuring to a private beach!

Make sure you also stick around for sunset and head up Merese Hill for sunset.

Lombok itinerary, white sand in Tanjung Aan Beach

Selong Belank Beach

1 – 2 Days

For another beautiful quiet beach to visit on your Lombok itinerary , drive from Kuta to Selong Belank. The drive takes about 40 minutes and it is a beautiful drive, especially on a moped!

Selong Belank Beach is a white sand beach, also with plenty of sunbeds but what I love most about this beach is only part of the beach has restaurants a long it and you can easily walk to the end and be totally on your own.

Surfing in Selong Belank Beach is the most popular things to do in Selong Belank because the waves are good and there is no coral in the ocean meaning it’s super soft when you fall off! Go and see my friends at Aqia Surf Shop in Selong Belank Beach for a lesson with a great surf teacher!

Lombok itinerary, Selong Belank Beach

Be sure to stay on Selong Belank until sunset because not only is the sunset amazing, just before sunset, you’ll see some farmers taking their water buffalo along the beach which is a pretty iconic scene and Selong Belank Beach is only 1 of 2 beaches you can see the water buffalo at sunset in Lombok .

Lombok itinerary, water buffalo on Selong Belank Beach

When you are finally ready to leave Lombok whether thats after 5 days in Lombok, 1 week in Lombok, 10 days in Lombok or 2 weeks in Lombok, you can easily fly out of Lombok .

Lombok Praya International Airport is just 30 minutes away from Kuta in Lombok and you can book a transfer car to the airport here or once you are in Kuta. Lombok Airport and it is well connected to cities in Australia and South East Asia so I would recommend looking at flights on Skyscanner from here.

If there are no flights from Lombok to where you want to go, you can get cheap, internal flights from Lombok to Bali or elsewhere in Indonesia and fly elsewhere from there.

I hope you found this Lombok itinerary and the best places to visit in Lombok helpful!

  • Here are more of my Indonesia blog posts to help you plan your trip:
  • 2 Week Bali, Gili Islands and Lombok itinerary!
  • Your Complete Guide To Visiting the Gili Islands!

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Car Rental | Indonesian Tourism

7 Backpacker Style Lombok Tours

Lombok Tourism Ala Backpacker

Backpacker Tour to Lombok

Lombok style tourism backpacker Many people are starting to be interested because holidays are only on a low budget!

No one can deny the natural beauty of Lombok. lots of beaches, water , mountains, waterfalls that invite admiration and attract the heart to visit immediately.

The proof, every day tourist attractions on this island are always full of local and foreign tourists.

One way to travel to Lombok which is now quite popular is by backpacking .

The reason is, there are many advantages that you can get from travel tips to Lombok backpacker style. Among other things, time is more flexible, challenging, independent, more destinations, and cost-effective.

Lombok Tour Packages you can choose to accompany your vacation trip to Lombok.

For those of you who are planning to go on a backpacker-style Lombok tour, you should read this article first to the end.

Because planning a tour to be visited is the most important aspect when you are a backpacker. You can set how much needs that need to be prepared.

Backpacker Visiting Spot

Lombok tourist attractions This backpacker style will start from the Lombok destination which is in the eastern region. All the tours on the following list have affordable fares and the distance between places is quite close.

1. Pergasingan Hill

You can start your adventure as a backpacker by visiting Bukit Pergasingan. The location is located in Sembalun Lawang, East Lombok.

You only need 2 hours drive from downtown Mataram. Here you only need to pay IDR 15.000 as an entry fee.


Pergasingan Hill has a height of 1700 meters above sea level and only takes 30 minutes to reach its peak.

There is no doubt about beauty. During the climb you will find beautiful views of rice fields and colorful village settlements. If you come in the morning, you can also enjoy the warm and beautiful sunrise.

Then when you reach the top, you'll be instantly mesmerized by the landscape Mount Rinjani which is amazing.

Yes, this hill is usually an alternative for those who cannot climb Rinjani or warm up before conquering the 3726 mdpl mountain.

2. Mangku Sakti Waterfall

The next destination is to go to Mangku Sakti Waterfall in Sajang, Sembulan. The journey takes about 30 minutes from Bukit Pergasingan.

The entrance ticket to Mangku Sakti Waterfall is IDR 5.000. Very suitable for you backpackers to lombok.


This nature tourism is famous for its unique green water tosca. First comes the rumbling sound of water falling so heavily on a 30 meter high cliff, welcoming you.

In general, backpackers will sit back and enjoy the natural show while capturing the moment through selfie or landscape photos.

Don't skip it for swimming, you have to swim... A 2-4 meter deep pool under the waterfall.

3. Senggigi Beach

If you have previously enjoyed waterfalls and hills, then you can continue your journey to Senggigi beach. The location is on Jl. Raya Senggigi, Batu Layar.

The next trip from Mangku Sakti Waterfall is about 2 hours 18 minutes to this beach.

The price of admission to Senggigi Beach is Rp. 15.000.


This beach has water that is so clear blue. It is suitable for those of you who like to swim and snorkel to witness the beauty of marine life.

Meanwhile, for those of you who want to pump up your adrenaline, you can try surfing and canoeing at certain spots where the waves are quite challenging.

After playing in the water, you can rest leisurely on the soft sand while eating the food served at affordable prices.

For more details, please read full info on Senggigi Beach .

4. Yarn Netting Waterfall

Where else is the next backpacker-style vacation trip to Lombok?

Yes, you can visit Benang Kelambu Waterfall which is located in Aik Beik, North Keliang. Travel time is about 1 hour 20 minutes from Senggigi Beach.

The entrance fee for this waterfall is very friendly for backpackers, which is IDR 5.000. Haven't you been to the waterfall before?

Wait a minute, Yarn Netting has a different uniqueness from Mangku Sakti. This waterfall comes out of the sidelines of the gambang tree which forms 6 points of the current path.

Then, the cliff has three levels with a height of 30 meters, 10 meters, and 5 meters. The fun thing is, under the waterfall there is no pool formed, so you can immediately bathe under the stream.

5. Tanjung Aan Beach

The next backpacker-style vacation to Lombok, you can move to Tanjung Aan. The location is in Sengkol, Pujut. Travel time can be taken about 1 hour 31 minutes from Benang Kelambu Waterfall.

To enter the beach, which is included in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ), you do not need to pay an entrance ticket, but only a parking fee of Rp. 10.000/car and Rp. 5.000/motorcycle.

Wisata Lombok ala backpacker Pantai Tanjung Ann

Tanjung Aan Beach is a beach with water so clear that the corals are clearly visible. The beauty is increasing with the surrounding green hills. There are many activities you can do on this beach.

Starting from sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, surfing, around the beach by boat. In addition, the thing that makes this beach different from before is that you can hike Batu Payung and Bukit Marese.

6. Mount Tunak Nature Park

The next destination that you can make as a backpacker-style Lombak tourist destination is the Gunung Tunak Nature Tourism Park (TWA).

It is located in Mertak, Pujut sub-district, and takes about 29 minutes from Tanjung Aan. The entry ticket price for WTA Gunung Tunak is IDR 10.000.

The reason is that here you will be presented with a journey through the Tunak Hills which is so beautiful, until it ends on a beach that invites admiration.

The distance from the entrance to the beach is about 5 km. You can choose to use a motorbike or walk tracking.

  • Boat ticket from Bali to Gili Trawangan
  • Cheap car rental in lombok
  • Rent a snorkeling boat on Gili Nanggu

7. Cape Poki

You can close this backpacker-style vacation trip to Lombok by visiting Tanjung Poki.

The location is in Sekaroh, Jegorawu. You have to travel for 1 hour 32 minutes from TWA Gunung Tunak. The good news is, you don't have to spend a dime to enter this beach.

wisata Lombok ala backpacker Tanjung Poki

For those who like adrenaline, Tanjung Poki beach is the best choice because the waves here can break the cliff height.

Yes, tourists often call it by the term devil tears lembongan Lombok style.

It's amazing if you can capture the moment. For safety reasons, do not swim in Tanjung Poki. You better try activities like tourists in general, namely fishing.

FAQ Frequently asked questions for backpackers to Lombok

Di Republic of Indonesia . Lombok is the name of a large island in Indonesia West Nusa Tenggara Province and one of the tourism destinations besides Bali Island.

The most interesting thing about this island is of course the sea tourism to do snorkeling and diving. Here also there is Mount Rinjani and other highlands.

Exploring various tourist attractions by means of a backpacker is guaranteed to be much cheaper while also interacting more deeply with local culture.

If you want a backpacker-style vacation, then first you have to hunt for cheap promo tickets. Also make a draft of the tourist spots to be visited.

Come from November to February, it's the right time.

By saving here and there, approximately the budget you have to prepare is around 800 thousand. The fee includes the entrance ticket to the object as well as backpacker vacation accommodation.

  • Eastern Indonesia Tour
  • Bali Waterfall Tour
  • Labuan Bajo Rangko Cave | Rangko's Natural Pond

This is a list of backpacker-style Lombok tours or backpack travel which you can try to fill the time off.

Prepare carefully all the equipment you may need. Starting from vehicles, supplies, clothing, budget, to a healthy physical condition.

Then when you travel, manage your time and budget well. Hopefully the list of tours above can help your backpacker trip in Lombok be successful.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to us YouTube Channel to support us in presenting tourist videos. You can also find us on Instagram or direct to WhatsApp me to consult your travel plans.

Backpacker-style Lombok Tour

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Rinjani trekking adventure. With our expertise in mountaineering survival and adventurous trekking, we guarantee an unforgettable experience at Mount Rinjani National Park, Join us now and embark on a remarkable journey.

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half day walk explores the foothills of spectacular of senaru villages

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the beuty of farmed viewpoint overlooking the Sembalun valley

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PAULIN D. Adelaide, Australia

"We were 3 friends who did the 3D2N trek to summit via Sembalun. All 3 of us were impressed by every aspect of the trek including the pickup from airport and drop to our next destination. Jamal and team (Porters, guide and drivers) were very friendly and never in our trip did we fall short of food, tea/coffee, water, tent, sleeping bags etc. Offering isotonic sports drink when we landed in Lombok airport was a nice touch. Will definitely recommend backpacker lombok to all."

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Robert K The Hague, Belanda

I can't speak well enough about this trekking agency. They arranged amazing trekking for us and gave an unforgettable experience. The guide team is very friendly and has deep knowledge about the trekking area. The equipment provided is very good and makes the trip more comfortable . I feel energized and inspired after joining this adventure. Thank you so much!"

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PATRIZIA Bargara, Australia

"My 13 year old daughter and I went on the 4 day/3 night Mt Rinjani trek.lombok backpacker were great to deal with - everything was organised from arrival in Lombok to our departure. The driver Ali was wonderful - after collecting us from the airport, he took us up to the waterfalls the first day despite getting soaked with the rain. Herman our guide was brilliant - including coaxing me up to the summit when I was ready to quit! He knows so much about the area, and clearly loves it - it is a very special place."

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BARBARA Arezzo, Italia

"I did the 3days hike on mnt rinjani with lombok backpacker. It was an amazing experience ,the day before i got a guide to see the waterfalls. The hike itself was bit hard but totally worth it. The food was amazing and i could never do this without my guide ,Andy and porter, mur,who took both good care of me!

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Lombok Backpacker stands to serve climbers as the pinnacle of adventure and exploration, attracting climbers from all over the world to experience the splendor of Indonesia's second highest volcano mountain. Located in the Lombok region, this trip is an iconic trip that embodies the spirit of mountain climbing and the attractiveness of the beauty of Mount Rinjani.

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Plan your trip with Lombok Backpacker.

Recharge your soul with the opportunity to experience nature in depth. Immediately visit our website at www.lombokbackpacker.com or contact us at +6287711133633 for further information and reservations. Your incredible adventure awaits – get ready for life-changing trekking!

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Lombok on a budget | sunset surf

Top Things to do in Lombok on a Budget

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Indonesia is one of the top backpacker-friendly countries, thanks to many inexpensive hostel options, restaurants, and cafes. That being said, traveling to Lombok on a budget is easy and you will be able to find plenty of activities from waterfall hunting and beach hopping to discovering traditional foods and cultures. Check out this guide to discover the best things to do in Lombok on a budget.

Lombok on a budget | ocean swing

Explore the Beaches: Top Things to do in Lombok on a Budget 

Lombok is known for its beautiful white-sand beaches and luckily, there’s no entrance fee to any of them. If you want to rent a sunbed and umbrella, it usually costs around 50k IDR — but if you consume food or drinks, you won’t even need to pay that amount. Here are some of our favorite beaches in Lombok:

Kuta Beach : Explore the Heart of the Island

Located in the main town of the island, Kuta Lombok, Kuta Beach is a long stretch of sand with views of lush green mountains. Take a dip in the water, get a suntan, and check out the nearby restaurants and shops. Here you can buy colorful sarongs and bracelets from the locals on the beach and find many local restaurants to have an inexpensive meal.

Lombok on a budget | buffalo

Selong Belanak : Beach for Surfing and Swimming 

Selong Belanak is one of the must-see beaches in Lombok that is popular for swimming, surfing, and relaxing. Sunbeds can be rented for 50k IDR and there are many beach shacks offering traditional foods between 40k IDR–70k IDR. 

Mawi Beach : Perfect for Chilling  

Thanks to its white sand and crystal clear water, visiting Mawi Beach is one of the best things to do in Lombok on a budget. Enjoy swimming in the turquoise water, sip a coconut on the powdery sand, and enjoy a beach day with roasted corn in hand. 

Semeti Beach : Enjoy the Scenic Views

If you are looking for picturesque views, you should definitely visit Semeti Beach. Unlike the other beaches, you will see a lot of different rock formations covered with green foliage. Spend a chilled day on the beach or give cliff jumping a try!

Watch Sunset in Lombok: Budget Friendly Things to do in Lombok

Thanks to its amazing landscapes, Lombok offers amazing sunsets. Here are three spots where you can catch the island’s best sunsets.

Lombok sunset surf

Due to its central location, Kuta Beach is the most easily accessible in Lombok and is one of the best places to watch the sunset. Take a stroll along the beach and watch a spectacular sunset with a drink in hand. You can buy beer for 25k IDR from the market and grab corn from the street vendors for 15k IDR. 

Siwa Cliff 

Set literally on a cliff, Siwa Cliff is a restaurant and cafe in Kuta Lombok where you will have a panoramic view of Lombok. There is an epic infinity pool that’s complimentary to use if you order food or drinks. They also have breakfast and lunch promotions for 100k IDR if you want to spend your day here and end it with a stunning sunset. 

Siwa Cliffs, Lombok

Bukit Mesere

Located at Tanjung Ann Beach, Bukit Mesere is a viewpoint that offers incredible views of Lombok. There’s no entrance fee and parking costs 5k IDR. You can grab snacks and drinks on the way from the nearby local shops and enjoy watching a surreal sunset. 

Try local food

Indonesia’s cuisine is quite unique so you should definitely try some local bites during your trip. The local restaurants in Indonesia are called “warungs” and you can get fresh and delicious meals on the cheap. Some of our local foods are nasi goreng (fried rice with vegetables), mie goreng (fried noodles), and gado gado (Indonesian salad made with steamed vegetables and egg). In the local warungs, meal prices range between 20k IDR–50k IDR.

Traditional Indonesian food

Explore Waterfalls

Lombok is home to many beautiful waterfalls and exploring these natural beauties is one of the best things to do on a budget in Lombok. Here we’ve gathered the most famous and beautiful waterfalls on the island. 

Lombok on a budget | trek

Tiu Kelepand and Sendang Gile Waterfalls

These two impressive waterfalls, Tiu Kelepand and Sendang Gile Waterfalls are ten minutes walking distance to each other. You can rent a scooter for 50k IDR to explore them or arrange a driver to take you for around 500k IDR for three people. 

Benang Stokel 

Benang Stokel is a spectacular park with three scenic waterfalls. It’s a great place for trekking, cooling off in the fresh water, and getting those perfect Insta shots. The entrance fee to the waterfall is 30k IDR. 

Benang Kelambu 

This waterfall is one of our favorites in Lombok. These falls rush over lush foliage, offering otherworldly views. If you are into hiking, there is a great trail that is suitable for all levels. You can arrange a local guide for 200k IDR to explore Benang Kelambu and surrounding trekking paths.

Have a coconut at Tanjung Aan Beach

Just a 15-minute ride from Kuta Lombok, Tanjung Aan Beach is our favorite place to sip a coconut on the beach. You’ll find lots of local beach shacks with iconic swings and thanks to its calm water, Tanjung Aan Beach is also one of the best beaches to swim at. When you buy a coconut (only 20k IDR!) you can use the sunbeds for free. We also recommend Tanjung Aan for sunset watching.

Lombok beach coconut

Where to Stay in Lombok

Stay in the center of town at Mad Monkey Kuta Lombok ! Not only do we have a spectacular pool to cool off in after your day adventures, but we’ve got a kitchen and bar serving up all your favorite dishes and drinks. Be sure to stick around from 4–6 p.m. to enjoy two cocktails for 100k and 150k Bintang buckets during happy hour! We’ve got both private rooms and dorms and the same Mad vibes we’re famous for!

Mad Monkey Kuta Lombok

More Information About Things to do in Lombok on a Budget

Getting ready for your Lombok trip and want to learn more about things you can do on a budget? Then check out these articles we’ve rounded up for you so you can plan your travels with ease!

  • Budget Guide to Lombok Indonesia from Travelling King
  • Budget Travel to Lombok from Liv at Sea
  • Lombok Itınerary from The Broke Backpacker 
  • Lombok’s Best Budget Hotels & Restaurants from Sunshine Seeker

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Things to do in Lombok on a Budget

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Katie Caf Travel

How to Take a Komodo Boat Trip from Lombok to Flores: AKA the “Backpackers Boat”

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Taking an ultra-budget Komodo Boat Tip from Lombok to Flores should be a part of every backpacker’s Bali itinerary. The boat from Lombok to Flores is bare-bones, with absolutely no frills – I can’t state this enough! There’s no AC, you sleep on a mat on the floor with 20-something other people, and the toilet has to be flushed with a bucket of water, (there are also only two toilets, for 30-some people!). That being said, it’s a lot of fun and the #1 tour I recommend to everyone traveling in Indonesia.

✔️ Essential Info

  • 💵 Price: 3,200,000 IDR – 3,600,000 IDR including Komodo National Park fee
  • 📍 Location: Boats sail to/from Lombok and Labuan Bajo, Flores
  • ⏳ Duration: 4 days / 3 nights
  • 👉 Note! Tours don’t run from January-March (Rainy Season)
  • 📆 Departures from Lombok: Every Monday and Thursday
  • 📆 Departures from Flores: Every Monday and Friday
  • ✈️ ⛴️ Getting to Lombok from Bali: 1-hour flight or speed boat/local ferry
  • ✈️ Getting to Flores from Bali: 1-hour flight
  • 🏆 Best tour company: I recommend Wanua Adventure
  • 📧 How to book: [email protected] m

Where Is Komodo Island Located?

trip lombok backpacker

Komodo Island is located in Komodo National Park, which is a cluster of islands off the coast of Flores. Flores is an island in the Indonesian Archipelago that belongs to the East Nusa Tenggara Province. You can see on the map that Komodo & Flores are far east of the island of Bali, where most travelers fly to. The islands of Lombok and Sumbawa lie between Bali and Komodo National Park, making overland transport between the two islands difficult.

How To Get To Komodo From Bali

The Backpackers Boat departs from Lombok or Labuan Bajo, Flores. You can choose between sailing from Flores to/from Lombok, depending on what fits your itinerary better. 👉 Read my more detailed guide on how to get to/from Bali to the Komodos

  • Departing from Lombok , You can get to Lombok from Bali by ferry, fast boat, or flight. If you’re flying into Lombok Airport, it’s located outside of Kuta Lombok, which is a nice surfer town. I recommend visiting the Komodos after the Gili Islands, so the itinerary would look like Bali > Fast boat to the Gili Islands > Ferry to Lombok > Embark for Komodo .

👉 Note: Your overland shuttle transfer through Lombok from Kuta or the Gilis should be organized by your Komodo Boat Tour provider.

  • Departing from Labuan Bajo, Flores: You can only get from Bali to Flores by flight, but the flights are inexpensive (typically less than $50) and less than 1 hour.

👉 Note! Because the cruise is not round trip, you will have to fly between Flores and Bali once regardless of which port you depart from.

Best Time To Visit Komodo National Park

Komodo Cruises typically don’t run during the peak of the wet season, Jan – March.   Indonesia doesn’t have winter, spring, summer, and fall – instead, they only have two seasons: the dry and the wet. You’ll want to visit Komodo National Park during the dry season which stretches from April – to October. I sailed in Komodo at the beginning of the wet season in November and didn’t have any problems with the weather personally, but the people who sailed the weekend before me in mid-November had it rain the whole weekend! 

Do You Need A Tour To Visit Komodo?

YES – You 100% need a tour to enter Komodo National Park. It’s actually  illegal  to visit the Komodo Islands without a guide, plus they can only be accessed via boat. So, it’s not a DIY kind of tourist location and you need a tour. 

Is Komodo worth visiting from Bali?

Komodo National Park is not an  easy  place to visit from Bali, since you need multiple days to explore the Komodo Islands + you have to take a short flight to Flores. But, in my personal opinion, it’s one of the most worthwhile things you can do in Indonesia.

trip lombok backpacker

12 Reasons You Should Take A Komodo Boat Tour from Lombok To Flores 

I have been full time traveling for over a year at the time of writing this and there have been so many “Instagram vs. Reality” disappointments that I felt myself getting  kinda  jaded. I’m happy to report that not only did the Komodo National Park sailing trip live up to my expectations, but it also  surpassed  them.

The trip to Komodo from Lombok is now my favorite tour I’ve ever taken in a year and a half of full-time travel! Every. Single. Day of the 4-day tour was a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience – I’ve never done anything like it before, and it’s left me with a need to start exploring Indonesia’s other amazing islands outside of Bali stat .

trip lombok backpacker

1. You Get To Swim With Whale Sharks (!!!) 

Swimming with the wild whale sharks was the highlight of the whole trip for me, and the reason I originally picked the tour that goes from Lombok to Flores over the tour that only sails within Komodo National Park (and then I did that one right after !). At 6 in the morning, the whole boat wakes up to the most GORGEOUS sunrise and a  giant  whale shark swimming around the boats. Our tour guide was honest with us, these are wild animals – sometimes they’re there, sometimes they’re not. Occasionally there will be up to 5 whale sharks at once, other times none! 

trip lombok backpacker

I think we were pretty lucky because there was one whale shark present for our encounter, and one was honestly enough for me! Even though whale sharks are considered “gentle giants”, I think having a 5 swimming all over would have been kinda intimidating because they are  huge . The whale shark was very curious and was swimming up to get fed and then going all around the boats and people snorkeling. 

trip lombok backpacker

🚩  Ethical Issues  – About animal welfare, know that the whale sharks are fed for this experience. I’m always conflicted about “animal encounter” things. It’s slightly comforting that Whale Sharks aren’t predatory animals, they filter plankton and other super small fish, so by feeding them people aren’t  necessarily  making them unequipped to survive in the wild – but it’s still something to keep in mind when deciding to participate in the activity or not! 

trip lombok backpacker

2. Visit the Pink Beach 

Komodo’s Pink Beach gets its candy-hued sand from the ground-up coral. The pink color is made bolder when it’s wet, so you’ll find the most beautiful pink sand at the ocean’s edge. In addition to being pink, I found Pink Beach was all-around one of the nicest beaches I’ve visited in Indonesia. There’s great snorkeling off the coast of the beach, and the white/pink sand coupled with  impossibly blue  water made for the perfect setting. 

trip lombok backpacker

Everyone gets disappointed when we first see the beach because it looks like normal white sand from the boat, but as you get closer you can see the whole strip of beach by the water is  bright pink!  If you want to find a good snorkel spot at Pink Beach, once you dock you’ll want to go towards the right of the beach. If you want to see where the sand is the pinkest, go more towards the left side.

🛶 When I took the nicer Komodo Cruise my second time going they had kayaks available for us to use at Pink Beach and it was  so much fun! 

trip lombok backpacker

3. Get  Really  Close With 30-ish People 

If you take the backpacker’s Komodo Cruise from Lombok to Flores you will be sleeping on a mat on the floor with  roughly  30 other people. There are around 6 private cabins available on each boat for a small additional fee (I think it was around $30 per person to get a private cabin), but they’re right above the engine and most people report a better sleeping experience in the common room. 

There’s no AC, and while the cabins and common room are unbearably hot in the daytime, you will be doing activities outside of the boat anyway! The good thing about the kinda cramped conditions on the boat is that it allows you to make friends  fast  with your boat mates. That’s why I recommend taking the Backpackers’ Boat from Lombok to Flores to solo travelers! 

sleeping room on a boat from lombok to flores with mats on the floor. The "Backpackers" Komodo Boat Tour from Lombok to Flores is cheap for a reason!

4. It’s An Extremely Cheap Trip (Even By Bali Standards!) 

💰For my 4-day / 3-night Komodo Islands Cruise from Lombok to Flores, I only paid around $50 per day. This included all meals, accommodation, tour guides, activities, and the entrance fee to Komodo National Park. Of course, it was so cheap because I was sleeping on a mat with 30 other people, the toilet flushed with a bucket, and we were eating mostly rice, tofu, and cabbage,  but still!!!!  Taking the backpackers’ cruise from Lombok to Flores is a very affordable option.

Budget Tip:  My Komodo boat trip from Lombok to Flores actually included a ferry ticket from Gili Air and Gili T, and then cross-island van transportation to the port in Lombok where the tour set off – making it the  perfect  addition to any Bali > Gilis > Komodo itinerary. 

Komodo Boat tour at sunset at kanawa island.

5. You Can Sleep Under The Stars On The Open Ocean 

So, the sleeping arrangements on the backpackers’ boat aren’t ideal – I’ll admit that. The mats have 0 space between them, so unless you sleep like a mummy with your hands crossed over your chest or by your side it can get a  little  cramped. After the first night, people started bringing their mats outside to sleep on the deck, which freed up some (much-needed) space in the main room for everyone else and was also a  super cool  way to spend the night.  

💸 When I took the nicer Komodo Island Cruise a few weeks later I had a proper comfy bed  with  AC , but no option to sleep under the stars. If comfort is a priority for you I would recommend booking a 🚢 Luxury Komodo Cruise for around the same price! (I paid $50 more for a bunk-bed room).

backpackers jumping off the boat on the komodo islands boat tour from lombok to flores.

6. They Let You Jump Off The Boat! 

My favorite part about the backpackers’ cruise from Lombok to Flores is that they didn’t really care what you did. Is that bad to say??? Haha. Basically, it went like this: 

“Can I jump off the boat?”


“Can I jump off the roof of the boat?”

“Go for it”. 

On some nicer (i.e. more expensive) boat tours, they might be fretting about the passengers’ safety, worried about bad reviews, etc, but on the backpackers’ boat, they  just didn’t care . 

trip lombok backpacker

As long as you weren’t going to do something  really  stupid or dangerous, the tour operators were chill about things like jumping off the boat, which wound up being one of the most fun memories from the trip! 

trip lombok backpacker

7. See Komodo Dragons Up-Close 

This is part of every Komodo tour, and I’m going to be 100% honest – I t’s the most disappointing part of the trip.   I’ve been to Komodo Island to see the dragons  twice  now and I can say with complete and total honesty that it’s the  worst  activity you do on a Komodo Island Cruise. People come from all over the world to see the dragons, but they’re mostly just sleeping on the beach while throngs of tourists line up to pose behind them for a photo op. 

trip lombok backpacker

The locals on Komodo Island have  really  leaned into tourism, so after your photo opportunity you get harassed endlessly to buy some dragon-shaped trinkets, overpriced Bintangs, or t-shirts that say  “I survived Komodo Island.” 

It’s a cool experience to tick off a list, but if you’re going to do a Komodo National Park boat trip, do it for the amazing nature; swimming with whale sharks, giant manta rays, and sea turtles – the Komodo Dragons are kinda just  there . 

trip lombok backpacker

8. Enjoy Ice-Cold Bintangs In Beautiful Places!

Okay, so the super-cheap, super-dinky boat that goes from Lombok to Flores is known as the “Backpackers’ Komodo Cruise” as well as the “Party Komodo Cruise”. Enjoying an ice-cold Bintang while playing cards on the roof of the boat with Komodo National Park on either side is a fantastic memory I have of the trip. 

🍻 Fun Fact:  Bintang beer is essentially just Heineken beer that’s produced in Indonesia. 

trip lombok backpacker

9. Hike To The Viewpoint At Padar Island 

Very few places in the world actually look as amazing as the photos on Instagram, but Padar Island is one of them! We got to climb to Padar Island’s viewpoint, which is about a 20-minute trek straight up, at sunset on our second day. The view from the top of Padar Island is AMAZING, I really can’t overstate it. 

Tip: Pack decent shoes for this! People who just bought flip-flops were struggling on this half-hour hike.

trip lombok backpacker

10. Take a Short Hike to Kanawa Island’s Peak 

Kanawa Island is one of the most underrated in the whole of Komodo National Park (in my opinion). It’s super tiny viewpoint trek that only takes around 5-10 minutes and looks great in photos.

trip lombok backpacker

11. & Watch an Unreal Sunset

We climbed to the viewpoint at Kanawa Island at dusk and then watched the sunset from the boat. Kanawa Island at sunset looks unreal, like a screensaver that’s an AI-generated photo of paradise. 

trip lombok backpacker

12. Take in the Sights of Komodo One Last Time at Kelor Island

Kelor Island is the closest to Flores, where the boat tours start or end. Although Kelor doesn’t look like the most exciting island in Komodo, its viewpoint has a truly jaw-dropping view of the neighboring islands that looks exactly like the photos above. By the end of the trip, we were all tired from 4-days of activities, but I highly recommend mustering up the energy for this last hike – It’s so worth it!

4-Day / 3-Night Boat Trip Itinerary

  • Set off from Lombok ferry port
  • Hike to Kanawa Island’s viewpoint
  • watch the sunset on Kanawa Island from your boat
  • Wake up at 6 AM to snorkel with the wild whale sharks!
  • Free time to swim and jump off the boat
  • Komodo Island to see the Komodo dragons in the morning
  • Swimming at Pink Beach in the afternoon 
  • Hike to Padar Island’s viewpoint for sunset 

Day 4 

  • Snorkeling in the morning 
  • Climb to the Kelor Island viewpoint
  • Dock at Labuan Bajo

How To Book The Backpackers’ Boat & How Much It Cost

The Backpackers’ Boat sailing trips that go from Lombok to Flores do not have an online booking option. They operate through word of mouth and usually only accept cash. I recommend the company Wanua Adventure, which you can email to reserve a spot. You have the option to book a general admission spot, which is basically just a mat on the deck, or a private cabin. The private cabins only cost $30-60 more than sleeping on the deck with everyone else, but they’re right above the engine and can get really hot and noisy.

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💰 Cost: The Komodo Tour from Lombok to Flores costs 3,200,000 Indonesian Rupiah in total, and includes entry tickets to Komodo National Park.

Which Tour Company to Use?

In general, the experience is 80% similar across all the companies that do the route. I did the tour with the company Travel Wise, and while I don’t regret it, there were some small issues like not having enough cups and snorkels for all the passengers. ➡ I recommend booking with Wanua Adventure, which is the most famous company.

My full review of travelwise

The backpackers’ boat is supposed to be a less glamorous and rough time, but there were a few times during our tour that just made me sigh. For example, there weren’t enough cups on board – there were only like 8 cups for 30+ people. 

So, in the morning everyone would want coffee and tea they put out for the passengers, but you couldn’t have any… because there were no cups. Similarly, there weren’t enough (working) snorkels for all the passengers – which really sucked because snorkeling was a huge part of the trip! 

We also had a bit of a problem with the alcohol people brought to the store in the cooler. Travel-Wise was having people operate on the honor system, as in “if you put 10 beers in the cooler, please just only take out 10 beers”, which is a bit hard to uphold with 30+ people drinking on a boat. 

On the last day, some Dutch passengers were very upset when they found out someone had drunk their Bintangs. On the other boats, there was a system where you write your name on your items in the cooler that seemed to work better. 

food on the backpackers komodo boat tour from Lombok to Flores.

I was talking to a friend who did the tour with Wanua Adventure, and he said that his tour had none of these problems. 

It’s hard to know which company to go with because there’s very little written online about the Backpackers’ Boats that sail from Lombok to Flores. They’re not advertised online and mostly operate through word of mouth.  For the reasons I list above, if I were to do the tour again I would chose the company Wanua Adventure.

What To Bring

✅ Bintangs!  They don’t sell alcohol onboard the ships, and it’s quite a party boat – so you’ll want to bring your own Bintang beers and other drinks if you want to enjoy them onboard. I also recommend bringing a Sharpie to write your name on them so they don’t get confused with other passengers. 

✅  Reef-Safe Sunscreen  – I can’t overstate how  crazy  sunny it is in Komodo National Park, you’ll want to bring some high-strength sunscreen from home. They sell sunscreen in Labuan Bajo, but it’s insanely expensive and they don’t have any reef-safe options (which is necessary to protect the wildlife in Komodo).

✅  Snacks  – The food on the boat wasn’t great, I was skipping the breakfasts they were providing because I thought they were kinda nasty (one day was just pineapple on wonderbread covered in cold margarine 🤢). I recommend bringing some good snacks with you! 

✅  A Towel  – There’s a shower on board but towels aren’t provided. I’ve been using an XL Microfiber Camping Towel for two years and it’s big enough to use as a beach towel.

✅  Flippers + snorkel set  – If you’re taking the Backpackers’ Boat from Lombok to Flores they had  terrible  snorkels! And no fins. Sometimes the current is strong in Komodo and pretty much everyone wishes they brought their own fins.

✅ Proper shoes!!!  You don’t need trekking shoes for the Komodo Island Nature Walk or the trek up to the viewpoint on Padar, but I really wouldn’t suggest only bringing flip-flops! The people on the boat who only brought flip-flops were  really  struggling on these small hikes.

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Katie Caf, founder of Katie Caf Travel, is a seasoned travel expert who has explored over 30 countries and lived abroad in places like Egypt, Morocco, Mexico, India, Indonesia Thailand, Europe, and the USA. Her goal is to help other traveler see the world by providing first-hand accounts of what to expect on the road.

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Home » Southeast Asia » Indonesia » 15 STUNNING Resorts in Lombok [2024 Guide]

15 STUNNING Resorts in Lombok [2024 Guide]

Home to an insane active volcano, majestic jungle waterfalls, and thousands of miles of pristine beaches, Lombok is one of the most sought-after surf destinations in Indonesia. Resorts in Lombok make a welcome change of scenery from its infamous neighbor, Bali.

Lombok is a more remote, more serene experience – with just as much natural beauty and cultural excitement. The volcanic island is a natural oasis of jungles, beaches, coral reefs, and mountains. Indonesia’s beautiful places to stay hold no bounds!

With amazing opportunities to find amazing resorts, Lombok attracts all kinds of travelers from family vacationers to adrenaline seekers and everything in between. Having everything in one place is very attractive – even more so when it’s the place you’re sleeping!

I have stayed a MANY of the best resorts in Lombok over my years living here (and found many of the worst too). But my favorites always show off the traditional hospitality of the locals. Resorts have high-end service, combining comfort and convenience, along with a promise of fun activities and entertainment.

Come with me, friend!

girl with a red bathsuit surfing in Lombok

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Premier Suite at Katamaran Hotel & Resort

Premier Suite at Katamaran Hotel & Resort

  • > Private beach area, fitness and wellness center on site
  • > Overlooking the beach in Senggigi

Deluxe King Room at Amazing Lombok Resort

Deluxe King Room at Amazing Lombok Resort

  • > Outdoor pool and free private parking. Bicycle rental available
  • > In Selong Belanak, a short walk from Serangan Beach

One-Bedroom Superior Villa with Private Pool at Batatu Villas

One-Bedroom Superior Villa with Private Pool at Batatu Villas

  • > Private pool and terrace with garden view, delicious breakfast served daily
  • > Overlooking Laut Lombok in Kuta Lombok

Staying in a Resort in Lombok

The top 15 resorts in lombok, final thoughts on resorts in lombok.

Indonesia is FULL of incredible places to stay. They can be luxurious, affordable, unique and straight up magnificent! From the beachfront to the hillsides and everywhere in-between, staying in Lombok is an unforgettable experience.

Resorts in Lombok are perfect for the more luxe adventurer, families and couples . They have all the amazing amenities you could want from a villa, but with hands-on 5-star service, a restaurant, assistance in organizing extra details for your stay and more!

While you’ll have absolute privacy in your room, you can also enjoy using the hotel facilities and amenities. The top resorts have spas and wellness centers , fitness centers, and restaurants . It goes without saying that the resorts in Lombok have beautiful swimming pools , often majestic natural views and lots of places to lounge and relax when you aren’t out exploring the island.

Man on rocks in Indonesia looking out to sea

For a fraction of the price you might pay elsewhere in the world, the resorts are super luxe and special, surrounded by outstanding nature! For those  traveling to Indonesia , this is the ideal place to stay.

What to Look For in a Resort in Lombok

Many of the amazing resorts in Lombok provide a whole load of different amenities and services, from entertainment and food to child-care facilities. 

If you’re visiting the island with young children, you will want to double-check that the resort is kid-friendly. You many even find a resort with babysitting services! Take advantage of the hands-on service to enjoy moments of peace and quiet exploring while the kids are having fun at the resort.

Many visitors rent a scooter to explore the lesser-known parts of the island – it’s all part of the Indo experience! Your resort may be able to assist with arranging a rental, they will also be able to help with private tours, excursions and taxi services.

For adventure visitors, there will be resorts in Lombok that are perfectly located to explore off the beaten track and hit up spots that are on top of your Lombok itinerary . With stunning surroundings and must-see sights, Lombok is a dream destination.

Lots of these top resorts can be found on Booking.com , which makes it easy to filter out the best properties according to their location, services, and core offerings. There are also a few properties listed on Airbnb.

Ready to make yourself comfortable in a spacious room with ocean views and room service just a call away? Take a look at these resorts in Lombok!

Overall Best Value Resort in Lombok – Mana Retreat

A bedroom in Mana Retreat with a four-poster canopy bed draped in white curtains.

Mana Retreat is a magnificent villa in Kuta Lombok that is more than just a place to stay. The luscious tropical getaway is a community of travelers who are looking to live a slower, more intentional life.

There is a selection of different types of rooms to choose from as well as 4 yoga classes per day and spa treatments. When you aren’t out adventuring around Lombok, you can spend a day lounging around the shared jungle pool, soaking in the sun and getting to know the other guests.

Only 15 minutes walk from Kuta Beach, you can venture around the town with your own piece of paradise to return to.

Best Budget Resort in Lombok – Amazing Lombok Resort

Deluxe King Room at Amazing Lombok Resort

Make your money go a little further during your Lombok getaway by staying in a more affordable, yet just as beautiful resort.

While places to stay are typically good value for money, the Amazing Lombok Resort is probably one of the best resorts in Lombok on a budget.

The resort has a relaxing pool area that is surrounded by submerged loungers and tropical foliage. All of the rooms are stylish and modern, each with their own personal workspace and a spacious bathroom with a tub.

There is also a restaurant, bar, and room service for a touch of luxury without the high price tag. 

Another Great Affordable Resort in Lombok – El Tropico Boutique Hotel

Scandinavian-style bedroom in El Tropico Boutique Hotel

El Tropico Boutique Hotel has a stunning Moroccan vibe , with a modern white exterior and decorative arches.

Across multiple levels, each of the rooms are their own haven with cool air-con and a quaint decor. You can spend days lounging beside the shared pool or on the rooftop terrace, soaking in the island sun.

Incredibly chic and stylish, the resort is perfect for budget travelers who want a bit more of a contemporary style. Pictures in the room will be among your faves of your holiday. Just a short drive from the nearest beach and restaurants, you can venture the town with your own idyllic room to relax after.

Best Resort in Lombok for Couples – Katamaran Hotel & Resort

Premier Suite at Katamaran Hotel & Resort

A curated world-class resort experience, Katamaran Hotel & Resort is the perfect tropical gateaway for traveling couples . Set in the heart of Senggigi, the resort boasts an array of outdoor pools and an exclusive private beach area.

All of the rooms are as opulent as they are comfortable, with high ceilings, natural wooden furnishings, contemporary lighting, and semi-outdoor bathrooms.

Every room has a terrace or a balcony, and some even feature their own private pools! You won’t have to scour the town for food, the resort has an incredible variety of restaurants serving everything from international to local Indonesian cuisine .

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

Best Resort for a Group of Friends in Lombok – Jeeva Klui Resort

Bedroom interior with a king-size bed and a balcony at Jeeva Klui Resort

Set in a remote region of North Lombok, Jeeva Klui Resort is close to pristine beaches and tropical greenery looking back over to Bali. The luxe resort is designed with traditional Sasak architecture – wooden touches, thatch ceilings, and neutral-toned interiors.

A top resort in Lombok for luxury hotel seekers , it has two spas and an adults-only pool and gym. That said, you’ll likely spend most of your time lounging at the infinity pool or private beachfront. The only thing that might get you off the beach is the complimentary breakfast and afternoon tea time snacks served each day.

If you’re itching to explore the island, you can rent a car directly from the hotel or join a day trip curated especially for you.

Over-the-Top Luxury Resort in Lombok – Batatu Villas

Bedroom interior with king-size bed and balcony with a pool view at Batatu Villas

Villa resorts are the best of both worlds – your own private oasis with all the luxe amenities of a resort.

At Batatu Villas you will have your own piece of paradise, with a peaceful garden, pool and living space. Super modern and luxurious, all of the villas are beautifully styled and designed with wooden accents throughout.

You can enjoy your time venturing around the island, relaxing beside your own private pool and enjoying quality time with your loved one. This Lombok resort oozes luxury.

Best Resort for Families Visiting Lombok – Amber Lombok Beach Resort by Cross Collection

Two-Bedroom Beachfront Pool Villa at Amber Lombok Beach Resort by Cross Collection

There are some beautiful resorts in Lombok perfect for families. Amber Lombok Beach Resort sits right on the beach in Selong Belanak, Central Lombok. It boasts gorgeous contemporary rooms and suites, all with a luxurious flair.

This is one of the most idyllic villas in Lombok with space for up to six guests – ideal for a family! Featuring two bedrooms, a living space, a private pool and terrace, you can enjoy your own private space with your loved ones.

You can wander the tropical gardens, and kids can enjoy the outdoor play equipment, as well as the resort pool filled with pool toys.

Best Resort in Lombok for Backpackers – Tetebatu Sama Sama Bungalows

Backpacker Bungalow with Garden View at Tetebatu Sama Sama Bungalows

If you make some friends staying at hostels in Lombok , why not book out this 5-person backpacker bungalow in the heart of the jungle on the slopes of Mount Rinjani National Park?

The traditional structure is simple yet comfortable, with spacious rooms, free Wi-Fi, and private parking.

When you aren’t socializing with other guests or listening to live music at the outdoor restaurant, you can prepare your own BBQ meal. This is a great way to bring down the  cost of living in Indonesia !

Just a short trek from Jeruk Manis Waterfall, you can explore the stunning nature of Lombok from the paradise oasis.

Top Self-Catering Resort in Lombok – Tropik Resort Lombok

a bedroom interior at Tropik Resort Lombok with four-poster canopy bed and private balcony

Mixing the convenience of a self-catering villa with the luxury services of a resort, Tropik Resort Lombok is one of the most beautiful resorts in Lombok.

It is located in the popular destination of Selong Belanak beach with a restaurant, lounge, bar, garden, a swimming pool and terrace.

Each of the lavish suites has a kitchen and living space that opens into a garden and pool terrace. If you don’t fancy cooking yourself, you can enjoy hotel-like services like a delicious breakfast served each morning, an airport shuttle, room service, and a car rental service.

Close to beaches and natural sights, Tropik Resort is an amazing base for your island adventures.

Resort in Lombok with the Best Views – Pullman Lombok Merujani Mandalike Beach Resort

Deluxe King Room with Balcony and Ocean Views at Pullman Lombok Merujani Mandalike Beach Resort

Pullman Hotels are known for their world-class service and incredible hospitality. This particular Pullman is known for its impressive ocean views and beachfront location .

Set on a stretch of private beach on the south coast of Lombok, the modern resort has been designed with a chic modern style and top-tier amenities.

Each room is a contemporary masterpiece, with mood-enhancing lighting and neutral toned interiors. You can book a Deluxe King Room for unrivaled ocean views, and enjoy your morning coffee watching the waves lap against the sand. This place inspires you to slow down your travels and embrace a great authentic experience, 

The resort also has a restaurant, 24-hour front desk, kid’s club, fitness center, as well as a garden and pool.

Best Resort for a Weekend Trip to Lombok – The Chandi Boutique Resort & Spa

Ocean View Villa at The Chandi Boutique Resort & Spa

Nestled in the lush tropical jungle of Senggigi, just a few short steps from the calm ocean, The Chandi Boutique Resort & Spa features a spa, sunny pool, a beach bar and restaurant. 

A super chic and special resort in Lombok, it provides a boutique service with everything available upon request.

Each of the villas have spacious living areas, tons of natural light, high ceilings, private terraces and modern interiors. Depending on how you want to spend your weekend, you can choose to tag along on a resort-planned boat adventure or enjoy a full-body treatment at the spa .

Top All-Inclusive Resort in Lombok – Sundancer Resort Lombok

Two-Bedroom Grand Suite at Sundancer Resort Lombok

Those after the all-inclusive luxury experience need to check out Sundancer Suites Lombok. This 5-star resort features exquisite sun-drenched suites overlooking the sea or mountains, set in a lush tropical oasis in Sekotong. 

While the self-catering villas have a private kitchen, living room, and balcony, you can also grab a daily breakfast spread, with the option to enjoy lunch and dinner at 2 on-site restaurants. Order up from room service and sip cocktails beside the pool, dining won’t be a problem during your stay.

To top things off, Sundancer Suites features a spa, fitness center, and private beachfront for the ultimate all-inclusive experience. Honestly, you may never want to leave.

Resort with the Most Epic Location in Lombok – Cocotinos Sekotong Lombok 

Superior Double Room with a king-size bed and a seating area at Cocotinos Sekotong Lombok

Cocotinos Sekotong Resorts looks out over the Gili Islands in west Lombok. It’s a perfectly located resort in Lombok for those who want to take an adventure to the Gili islands and enjoy even more paradise islands in Indonesia.

Spend your days in the sun lounging by the beachfront pool, or grab a snorkel to explore the local reef. The resort has a ton of unique services not typical to the area, like a library and a digital room for video and photography editing. 

Inspired by a traditional local Indonesian village, the resort is constructed with natural materials and has an indoor-outdoor living environment.

Most Beautiful Resort in Lombok – Dome Lombok

Superior Double Room at Dome Lombok with a canopy bed and an open balcony door

Dome Lombok is one of those bucket-list resorts you see dotted across social media.

Just a short walk from the Muluq Indah Permai Beach, the incredible resort is hidden in the jungle yet close to the ocean.

The building is inspired by a mix of local Indonesian and adobe-style architecture, with rounded walls and ceilings, neutral tones and interiors, and wooden finishes. Traditional wooden Balinese doors lead to exquisite balconies and decks overlooking the tropical landscape.

With private workspaces and well-working Wi-Fi, this resort is great for digital nomads. 

Best Resort in Lombok for Adventurous Travelers – Ombak Resort at Ekas

Superior King Room with a king-size bed, a couch, a nightstand, and a desk at Ombak Resort at Ekas

Budget backpackers can still have a super comfortable and cute resort in Lombok.

Designed for surfers, kite surfers, and ocean lovers, Ombak Resort at Ekas is in a remote part of the island, surrounded by wild tropical flora.

The resort features a swimming pool, shared lounge, and terrace frequented by evening entertainers like local dancers or musicians.

Spend a day around the resort, ordering room service from the restaurant or enjoying your meal in the indoor-outdoor dining room, which serves English, Indonesian, Italian, and vegetarian cuisine.

Don’t Forget Your Lombok Travel Insurance

Always prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I recommend getting  comprehensive travel insurance  for any trip abroad. Be wise my friend. Be wise!

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

trip lombok backpacker

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

A dream destination for beach bums and adrenaline seekers, Lombok has something for every type of traveler. It is home to some of Indonesia’s most magical beaches, exquisite coral reefs, impressive volcanic mountain trails, and unique culture.

From low-key hostels to boutique guest houses, the places to stay in Lombok are always beautifully styled and designed. The resorts in Lombok are TOP TIER with 5-star amenities, amazing facilities and magnificent views.

Many are located in incredible settings, surrounded by tropical jungles and overlooking the picture-perfect ocean. What more could you ask for?

Before you travel, make sure to organize really solid travel insurance for you and everyone you are traveling with. Lombok is an exceptionally safe island – however, some losses and injuries are unavoidable, and being prepared with insurance is always the safest idea.

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  • Backpacking Southeast Asia
  • Where to stay in Gili Air
  • Best tropical islands

Man on moped in Lombok

Rose Wilson

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The 3 best travel backpacks for men (also good for work).

Explore the top hands-free travel bag options for every type of journey.

The Best Travel Backpacks for Men

Man with his back turned wearing the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L in a field.

Courtesy of Peak Design

The Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L is the top backpack choice for men.

Whether you're into rugged adventures in the wilderness or getting lost in bustling cities, a backpack may be the most essential piece of travel gear there is. If you choose your pack right, it doesn't need to be something you only use for your vacation: Some of the best options out there are ideal for both leisure and business travelers, and they're so stylish and professional that you can easily take them with you to work. No matter what kind of traveler you are, this trio of the best backpack options – compiled with the help of travel experts and consumer reviews – has got you covered.

Read on to discover the top travel backpacks for men from U.S. News.

The Top 3 Travel Backpacks for Men

  • Best Overall: Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L
  • Jump to features and traveler insights ↓

Best Overall, Budget Pick: Inateck 40L 17-Inch Carry On Travel Backpack

Best small: zomake ultra lightweight packable backpack 25l.

For more information on how to choose a backpack for travel – and how to pack it – check out the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.

(Note: Prices were accurate at the time of publication; they may fluctuate due to various factors. We update this article quarterly to ensure the bags we're recommending are in stock and continue to have great overall reviews from consumers, while also considering new product launches. Dimensions are listed in order of length by height by width.)

Best Overall Travel Backpack: Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L

Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L in black and sage against white background.

Dimensions: 13 x 22 x 9.5 inches | Weight: 4.5 pounds

What sets it apart: If you're looking for the ultimate in convenience while traveling, Peak Design's 45-liter Travel Backpack is a serious winner. The bag's two main compartments can be accessed from the front, back and sides, so there's no need to stress about accessing those socks or shirts you packed in the deepest part of the bag. It's the kind of bag where everything has its place: There are mesh pockets inside the main compartments, two hidden external pockets for valuables like your passport, and an easy-to-access top pocket on the outside for anything you need to get quickly, from keys to boarding passes. A padded sleeve inside also helps to keep your laptop or tablet safe. There are also straps to attach equipment like a tripod to the outside of the bag.

The Travel Backpack isn't just for weekend trips – if you're not a compulsive overpacker, it's feasible to use this as your main piece of luggage for a weeklong trip or more. The bag can be both expanded and contracted beyond this size, in case you do some shopping along the way or want to use it as a daypack. In its non-expanded form, this carry-on backpack is also within the size limits of many international airlines and some domestic ones. It's only a half-inch too deep for some airlines like United and Delta, so if the bag isn't jam-packed, you may still be able to get it on board – although this is very much at your own risk.

With an industrial-strength nylon-canvas shell that's waterproof, this backpack is also a safe bet for outdoorsy travelers who may be exposed to the elements. You can choose between two colors: classic black, or the muted-green sage option. Travelers looking to save have the option to buy pre-owned backpacks directly from Peak Design's website for substantially reduced prices (although stock and prices for these secondhand items vary).

Travelers appreciate: Owners of this bag praise it for its massive capacity, with several saying it is deceptively small for the amount of clothes, shoes and toiletries the bag can fit.

Price: $299.99 or less Shop now: Peak Design | Best Buy

Dimensions: 21.65 x 13.4 x 7.87 inches | Weight: 3.52 pounds

What sets it apart: This sleek black backpack from German company Inateck checks a lot of boxes. It's both professional and stylish, with plenty of capacity for a weekend trip or longer, and with a price tag under $60. With a rectangular shape and a main compartment that can be zipped open, this 40-liter bag can be packed like a suitcase. That compartment also has mesh pockets with zips so that you can squirrel away smaller items without losing them in the bag's spacious interior.

A smaller zippered compartment that sits next to the wearer's back offers a safe place to stash a 17-inch laptop and a 13-inch tablet, as needed. Security-conscious travelers, take note: Both the laptop compartment and main compartment feature dual zippers that can be locked (although you'll need to provide the lock).

There are two smaller pockets on the front of the bag for easy access to essential items while traveling, and a semi-hidden pocket on the back (which would sit alongside your body) as a safe place for passports and other valuables. If you're not using the bag's full capacity, there are also compression straps to make the pack a little more compact. The company also includes a waterproof cover in case you're traveling through rainy weather.

Given its size, this Inateck pack should be accepted as cabin baggage on a fairly wide range of airlines both domestic and international. Of course, be sure to double-check your airline's baggage rules, as a limited number of airlines draw the line at 21 or 21.5 inches in height, such as Aeroméxico, Air Canada and Canadian carrier Westjet.

Travelers appreciate: Buyers of this bag rave about how much it can fit and its hidden pockets. Many note its lightweight construction makes it comfortable to carry, and that it works well for business travelers.

Price: $58.99 or less Shop now: Inateck | Amazon

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Dimensions: 16 x 10.6 x 7.9 inches | Weight: 0.64 pounds

For a small but mighty bag that's ideal for day trips up to overnight or weekend trips, look no further than this uber-functional option from Chinese company Zomake. Sold in a wide selection of colors from neutral black or gray to light blue or bright orange, this lightweight pack is made with water-resistant nylon for anyone embarking on outdoor activities.

The backpack offers three zippered compartments: The main chamber should comfortably store bulkier items like everyday clothes or a light jacket, as well as a small to midsized laptop up to around 15 inches.. Meanwhile, two front pockets offer easy access to essentials like snacks, important documents, a cell phone, or whatever else you may need to access quickly or repeatedly. There are two mesh pockets on the side for water bottles or other necessities.

For flyers, this backpack could count as your personal item, leaving you free to bring another main piece of carry-on luggage if your airline ticket allows this. Alternatively, the bag can be folded up into a tiny pouch measuring 5.5 by 6.7 inches – so if you're on a bigger trip, you can pack it in your other luggage and grab it out for day-to-day use while traveling.

If you're in need of something bigger or smaller, Zomake has a range of other bags with similar designs, mostly around the $20 mark.

Travelers appreciate: Wearers of this bag like the wide and comfortable straps, along with the amount of items that fit in the bag, and the way it folds and packs easily

Price: $20.99 or less Shop now: Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many details to consider when it comes to choosing the perfect travel backpack. Whether you want it big or small, stylish or functional, or equipped to protect laptops and other important items, one of the most important features to look for is the bag's organizational layout.

Rudy Maxa, host of the TV series "Rudy Maxa's World" and a convert to travel backpacks, likes options with lots of nooks and crannies to hold everything from earphones to magazines to travel documents. Wendy Perrin, travel expert and founder of travel planning site WendyPerrin.com, agrees, saying she's a fan of compartments when it comes to her travel backpack and likes the ability to get to her items quickly.

Tom Wahlin, travel gear expert and founder of Pack Hacker, says he prefers a backpack that combines spacious sections with smart organization. He recommends using packing cubes to organize items in the backpack's main compartment.

Weight should be a consideration as well. While you may need something more durable for long outdoor adventures or round-the-world trips, a lightweight travel bag can be easier and more comfortable on your back for daytrips, sightseeing or day-to-day travels. Wahlin errs on the side of going lighter, noting a backpack can be both lightweight and durable. (However, if a heavier bag has the appropriate supports, such as chest or hip straps, the bag's weight may be less of an issue.)

Wahlin also suggests choosing a bag with durable zippers. "We typically look for Japanese YKK zippers," he says. "They're tried and tested and are on most of the best bags out there."

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question – the perfectly sized backpack might depend on whether you're a heavy packer, whether you need it for multiday trips or quick flights, and various other factors. However, there are still some general guidelines to consider. Take note: Backpacks are usually measured by their volume in liters, even in the United States.

If you only need a smaller backpack – for example, for daylong excursions or to carry on the plane while most of your stuff goes in a separate suitcase – a 20-liter (5.3-gallon) backpack should suffice. If you're using a backpack as your primary baggage, you'll want to choose something a little larger. Bags in the 25- to 30-liter range are usually considered good for shorter trips, from an overnight stay or weekend away up to five nights (at least if you pack wisely). For longer trips where your backpack is your main luggage, you may need a pack with a volume of up to 40 or 45 liters.

But, pay attention: If your travel plans involve flying, make sure that you're bringing a backpack that fits within the carry-on limits of every airline you'll be taking. This is particularly important if you're flying with budget airlines, as they tend to have more restrictive rules on baggage size (and often enforce those rules rather strictly). Backpacks with a volume of 35 liters or less should be accepted on most airlines, and you may be able to take a backpack of up to 45 liters on airlines with a more generous allowance, so check with your carrier before you leave.

Think about two things when preparing your backpack for travel: what to pack and how to pack it. If you're bringing a backpack in addition to other luggage such as a checked suitcase , try to put only the necessities in the backpack. For a long flight, for example, these items could include important travel documents like passports and boarding passes; a few basic toiletries such as your toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant; a laptop or tablet for work or entertainment (plus headphones); some extra clothing (especially if you're going someplace with a different climate); and snacks and a bottle of water or something to drink.

If you're flying, remember to comply with the Transportation Security Administration's rules for what's allowed in your carry-on : Containers of liquids and the like can't exceed 3.4 ounces each and must fit in a quart-sized bag, so you can't bring drinks through airport security, although an empty water bottle is allowed.

When you're packing your bag, keep the items you'll need more often in the most accessible places. So, consider putting your passport , headphones and lip balm somewhere close, such as the exterior pocket – and definitely not at the bottom of the main compartment underneath all your other possessions.

Once you've put those necessities in easy-to-reach places, you can pack the rest of your belongings and travel accessories . Think about weight distribution here: Ideally, you'll want to put the heaviest items (for example, laptops) close to your body, so your backpack won't weigh so heavily on your shoulders and will be more comfortable. Pay extra attention when packing delicate or breakable items, like sunglasses or electronics. It's best to put these in the exterior pockets of your pack so they can't be crushed by heavy items in the larger main pockets. Protective cases are also a wise purchase for items like glasses. Of course, if you're carrying a laptop or tablet and your backpack has dedicated pockets or sleeves for these items, use them.

Read: Things You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-on Bag

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Tim Forster is a U.S. News & World Report contributor. As someone who mostly travels with carry-on luggage, he's an expert when it comes to backpacks. Forster used his travel experience and research expertise to write this article.

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