9250 Expenses, Travel Reimbursement


Northfield, New Jersey X Monitored

Bylaw X Other Reasons


Board members receive no payment for their services. With prior board approval, they may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on board business.

Travel and Related Expenses

Travel reimbursement will be paid only upon compliance with the board’s policy provisions and approval requirements. Board members and employees shall only be reimbursed for work-related travel that is directly related to and within the scope of the board member’s and employee’s current work responsibilities. Board members and employees shall only be reimbursed for travel that:

  • Promotes the delivery of instruction and is critical to the instructional needs of the school district or furthers the efficient operation of the school district;
  • Is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent; and
  • Is directly related to and within the scope of the board member’s current responsibilities, and for school district employees, the school district’s professional development plan.

As described in this policy, school district travel expenditures include, but are not limited to, all costs for transportation, meals, lodging, and registration or conference fees to and for the travel event. School district travel expenditures include costs for all required training and all travel authorized in existing school district employee contracts and school board policies.  This includes, but is not limited to, required professional development and other staff training, required training for new school board members, and attendance at specific conferences authorized in existing employee contracts.

Travel Payments

Travel payments will be paid only upon compliance with the school board’s policy provisions and prior approval requirements.  The school board will not ratify or approve payments or reimbursements for travel after completion of the travel event. All board members and employees shall adhere to the following specifications to be considered for reimbursement:

  • Reimbursement may not exceed State travel reimbursement guidelines as established by the Department of Treasury in NJOMB circular, including but not limited to the types of travel, methods of transportation, mileage allowance, meal allowance, overnight travel and supporting documentation.
  • Reimbursement must also be in compliance with OMB Circular A-87 (found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a087/a87_2004.html ). No reimbursement will be issued without submission of written documentation such as receipts, checks and vouchers detailing the amount the expenditures. Such documentation must be submitted within a 30 day timeframe.
  • Travel expenditures must be in compliance with state travel payment guidelines as established by the Department of the Treasury and with guidelines established by the federal Office of Management and Budget; except that those guidelines that conflict with the provisions of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes shall not be applicable, including, but not limited to, the authority to issue travel charge cards. The board of education shall specify in its travel policy the applicable restrictions and requirements set forth in the State and federal guidelines including, but not limited to, types of travel, methods of transportation, mileage allowance, subsistence allowance, and submission of supporting documentation including receipts, checks or vouchers.
  • Board members and employees shall provide within one week, a brief report that includes, as appropriate, but may not be limited to, a description of the primary purpose for the travel, and a summary of the goals and key issues that were addressed at the event and their relevance to improving instruction or the operation of the school district. This report will be submitted to the board secretary or other appropriate party designated by the board.
  • Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 concerning out-of state and high-cost travel events, out-of-state travel shall be limited to the fewest number of board members or employees needed to present the content at the conclusion of the event. Lodging may only be provided if the event occurs on two or more consecutive days and where home-to-event commute exceeds 50 miles. Prior written approval of the Executive County Superintendent may be required when the travel event has a total cost that exceeds $5000.

In addition to the requirements above, employee travel, to be reimbursable, must be directly related to the employee’s professional development. No district employee shall be reimbursed for travel and related expenses without prior written approval of the Superintendent of Schools and prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board (as set forth below).

Prior Approval Is Required

Board members shall only be reimbursed for travel and related expenses that have received prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board, and is in compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24 and 24.1 of the School Ethics Act.

  • Specifically, a board member must recuse himself from voting on travel if the board member, a member of his immediate family, or a business organization in which he has an interest, has a direct or indirect financial involvement that may reasonably be expected to impair his objectivity or independence of judgment.
  • Also, a board member shall not: act in his official capacity in any matter in which he or a member of his immediate family has a personal involvement that is or creates some benefit to the school official or member of his immediate family; or undertake any employment or service, whether compensated or not, which may reasonably be expected to prejudice his independence of judgment in the execution of his official duties.
  • For employees, a board of education requires that travel occur only upon prior written approval of the Superintendent of Schools and prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board.
  • For board members, travel may occur only upon prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board and that the travel be in compliance with section 4 of P.L.1991, c.393 (C.18A:12-24) and section 5 of P.L.2001, c.178 (C.18A:12-24.1).

Regular Business Travel Authorization and Approval

Regular business travel, such as NJDOE meetings and association events, is authorized by the board not to exceed $1,500 per employee, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.3(b). Approval by the superintendent is required, including justification for the travel. Regular business travel is authorized for regularly scheduled in-state professional development activities for which the registration fee does not exceed $150 per employee or board member.

Travel Advances Are Banned.

An employee of the school board or a school board member shall not receive an amount for travel and travel-related expenses in advance of the travel pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:19-1 et seq.

Annual Maximum Travel Expenditure Amount

The board shall:

  • Allot in its annual budget a maximum travel expenditure amount and annually review its policy to assure that it properly reflects the amount budgeted.
  • Vote to authorize each reimbursement; specifying the way in which it promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district, within the maximum annual amount.
  • Annually in the prebudget year, establish by school board resolution, a maximum travel expenditure amount for the budget year, which the school district shall not exceed in that budget year.  The school board resolution shall also include the maximum amount established for the prebudget year and the amount spent to date.
  • Provide that the maximum school district travel expenditure amount shall include all travel in accordance with this policy supported by local and State funds.

Additional Detailed Accounting Requirements which Demonstrate Compliance

In order to demonstrate compliance with this policy, documentation of all reimbursed travel expenses shall be maintained on file. This record may include receipts, checks and vouchers submitted in connection with any reimbursement. The district shall maintain separate accounting for school district travel expenditures as necessary, to ensure compliance with the school district’s maximum travel expenditure amount.  This may include, but need not be limited to, a separate or offline accounting of such expenditures or expanding the school district’s accounting system.  The tracking system shall be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the board’s policy and this section, and shall provide auditable information.

To minimize travel expenditures, school boards and staff will take the following steps:

  • “Retreats” will be held at school district facilities, if available. A retreat is a meeting of school district employees and school board members, held away from the normal work environment, at which organizational goals and objectives are discussed.
  • A school district shall not bare costs for car rentals, limousine services, and chauffeuring costs to or during the event, as well as costs for employee attendance for coordinating other attendees accommodations at the travel event.
  • One-day trips that do not involve overnight lodging are not eligible for a subsistence payment or reimbursement except in limited circumstances authorized in Department of the Treasury guidelines.
  • Per diem payment or reimbursement for lodging and meals will be actual reasonable costs, not to exceed the federal per diem rates as established in the federal register for the current year;
  • Lodging expenses may exceed the federal per diem rates if the hotel is the site of the convention, conference, seminar or meeting and the going rate of the hotel is in excess of the federal per diem rates.  If the hotel at the site of the convention, conference, seminar, or meeting is no longer available, lodging may be paid for similar accommodations at a rate not to exceed the hotel rate for the event;
  • Receipts are required for hotel expenses.  Meal expenses under the federal per diem allowance limits do not require receipts;
  • In any case in which the total per diem reimbursement is greater than the federal per diem rate, except when the going rate for lodging at the site of the convention or meeting exceeds federal per diem rates, the costs will be considered to be excessive and shall not be paid by school district funds;
  • School districts shall patronize hotels and motels that offer special rates to government employees unless alternative lodging offers greater cost benefits;
  • Payment or reimbursement is approved for the full cost of an official convention meal that the employee or school board member attends, when the meal is scheduled as an integral part of the convention or conference proceedings.  If a meal is included in the registration fee, the allowance for the meal is not eligible for reimbursement; and
  • Air and rail tickets shall be purchased via the internet, if possible, using online travel services.

Blanket or general pre-approval for travel is not authorized, and will not be permitted by the board. Specifically, approval shall be itemized by event, event total cost, and number of employees and school board members attending the event. However a school board may also approve, at any time prior to the event, travel for multiple months as long as the school board approval, as detailed in school board minutes, itemizes the approval by event, total cost, and number of employees and school board members attending the event.

Types of Expenditures Not Eligible for Reimbursement

Unnecessary and excessive travel expenditures as listed in N.J.A.C. 6A:23A:7.8 are prohibited. Prohibited types of expenditures include: travel by spouses and other relatives; costs for unnecessary employee attendance (for example employees who merely coordinate other attendees’ accommodations at the travel event); charges for laundry, valet service and entertainment; district payment for alcoholic beverages; excessive tipping and gratuities; airfare without documentation of at least three (3) price quotes; and souvenirs. Travel expenses, subsistence expenses and incidental travel expenses shall only be allowable when consistent with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.

The board by this policy informs its members and staffs that the penalties for violating this policy based on state law include:

  • By law, any district board of education that violates its established maximum travel expenditure, or that otherwise is not in compliance with the travel limitations set forth in this section may be subject to sanctions by the commissioner as authorized pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:4-23 and N.J.S.A.18A:4-24, including reduction of State aid in an amount equal to any excess expenditure.
  • A person who approves any travel in violation of the school district’s policy or this section shall be required to reimburse the school district in an amount equal to three times the cost associated with attending the event.
  • An employee or member of the board of education who travels in violation of the school district’s policy or this section shall be required to reimburse the school district in an amount equal to three times the cost associated with attending the event.

The Superintendent of Schools may develop regulations to implement this policy.

Adopted: December 19, 2005

NJSBA Review/Update: December 2009; December 2010

Readopted: October 24, 2011

Reimbursement of Board Members, Board Member Reimbursement, Board Member Expenses, Employee Reimbursement, Employee Expenses, Reimbursement of Employees

Legal References: N.J.S.A. 18A:2‑1 Power to effectuate action

N.J.S.A. 18A:4-23 Supervision of schools; enforcement of rules

and 24 Determining efficiency of schools; report to state board

N.J.S.A. 18A:11‑1 General mandatory powers and duties

N.J.S.A. 18A:12‑4 Compensation of members

N.J.S.A. 18A:12‑24 School Ethics Act

and 24.1 Code of Ethics

N.J.S.A. 18A:54‑20 Powers of board (county vocational schools)

N.J.A.C. 6A:23A‑5.9 Out of state and high cost travel

P.L.. 2005, c.132 Appropriations Act

P.L. 2007, c. 52 A5 provides for various school district accountability measures

In the Matter of Anthony Esgro, Luis Perez, Clifford Meeks and Frank Speziali, Glassboro Board of Education, CO7-97, March 30, 1998

Cross References: 3571 Financial reports

*9200 Orientation and training of board members

*9270 Conflict of interest

*Indicates policy is included in the Critical Policy Reference Manual.

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Who Is Responsible for Work Travel Expenses in New Jersey?

Posted Aug 28, 2019 | Uncategorized

For employees who must travel, related expenses can really add up. In addition to paying for transportation, employees can spend large sums on lodging, food, and dry cleaning. They might also have to pay conference fees or for entertainment expenses if they are meeting with a client. Who is responsible for these expenses?

In New Jersey, no state law mandates who will pay New Jersey work travel expenses. Instead, that is up to the employer and employee. However, most employers will reimburse employees for these expenses because they can then claim them as a tax write-off. This lowers the overall tax burden on the employer.

If you must travel for your job, you should consider the following.

Read Your Company’s Policy

Every business should have a company travel policy spelled out in an employee manual or handbook. The policy could also be in the employment contract, if you have one. This policy should identify the different expenses that your employer will reimburse you for.

If there is no policy, then you don’t have legal rights to reimbursement. However, you should talk things over with your employer. If they don’t pay you, then they could lose a valuable employee.

Identify whether You are an Employee or Independent Contractor

Independent contractors pay for their own work-related travel expenses. If they want a client to pay, they should include those expenses as part of the freelancing agreement. Absent any legal agreement, the client isn’t required to pay anything.

If you are an independent contractor, you can deduct your work-related travel expenses on your taxes. Make sure to keep receipts, which the IRS might want to see.

Travel & Overtime Compensation

If you must travel for work, then the question arises whether this travel actually counts as work time. If you need to fly 6 hours to meet with a client, does your employer count those 6 hours as work for purposes of overtime? New Jersey law entitles all non-exempt employees to 1.5 times their base rate of pay for any hours worked over 40 in a week.

First, your daily commute to and from work does not count. If you travel a lot for your job, then commuting from home to your first appointment and from your last appointment back home does not count (usually). If you are asked to pick up something on your way into work, that is also considered “incidental” travel and probably doesn’t count.

However, if your employer instructs you to travel somewhere as part of your job, then that commuting time should count as work time. If you are a non-exempt employee, then this travel time could count toward overtime hours. However, independent contractors do not qualify for overtime.

Are You Being Discriminated Against?

An employer cannot choose to reimburse some employees but not others because of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, or another protected characteristic. If they are, then an employee could have a claim for employment discrimination. Reach out to Sattiraju & Tharney, LLP if you have a question about work-related travel expenses. You can schedule a confidential consultation with a seasoned New Jersey employment law attorney.

NESCSO proactively invests in State employees to improve the effectiveness of Health and Human Service agencies.

NESCSO helps State agencies improve the effectiveness of publicly funded health and human services by investing in State employees

State Employee Resources

The New England States Consortium Systems Organization (NESCSO) proactively invests in State employees to improve the effectiveness of Health and Human Service agencies. NESCSO strives to provide a diverse set of supports for our members, partners and employees to ensure they can accel at achieving outcomes. We provide training and professional development support to cultivate upcoming leaders in health and human services.

For additional information, please click one of the links below:

NESCSO Member State Benefits

This section applies only to NESCSO Member State HHS staff seeking to utilize NESCSO member benefit funds for conference travel, training and professional development.


Pre-approval is REQUIRED for any NESCSO member benefit funds to be used or reimbursed. Please complete the pre-authorization request at the below link:  NESCSO Pre-authorization Form

Pre-approval requests should be submitted at least 30 days in advance.


A request can only be submitted if you have received an approval email through the pre-approval process. To seek reimbursement, please follow below instructions.

1. Collect all of your receipts and complete the following required form

NESCSO-2024-Expense Reimbursement Form-021524

2. Scan your reimbursement request, all receipts into a single document. Please save the file using your name and date of submission as the file name.

3. Upload your travel reimbursement document to our portal at:

NESCSO Reimbursement Submission Portal

Requests for reimbursement are processed on an ongoing basis and should be completed within 30 days of submission.

MESC Scholarship Reimbursements

This section applies to MESC Scholarship recipients seeking reimbursement of conference and travel costs for attending the annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference. We are currently only accepting scholarship applications for this year’s conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Please visit us at our MESC website for more details.



Links to useful resources.

State Employee Resource Forms

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  • Per Diem Lookup

Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rates

GSA has adjusted all POV mileage reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2024.

* Airplane nautical miles (NMs) should be converted into statute miles (SMs) or regular miles when submitting a voucher using the formula (1 NM equals 1.15077945 SMs).

For calculating the mileage difference between airports, please visit the U.S. Department of Transportation's Inter-Airport Distance website.

QUESTIONS: For all travel policy questions, email [email protected] .

Have travel policy questions? Use our ' Have a Question? ' site


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2021 and 09/30/2024.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.


  1. FREE 13+ Travel Reimbursement Forms in PDF

    nj state travel reimbursement

  2. 92 reimbursement form template

    nj state travel reimbursement

  3. New Jersey 1040x 2020-2024 Form

    nj state travel reimbursement

  4. SAMPLE State Travel Voucher for Reimbursement

    nj state travel reimbursement

  5. Travel Reimbursement Form

    nj state travel reimbursement

  6. NJ Request For Travel Authorization 2006-2023

    nj state travel reimbursement


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  1. PDF State of New Jersey Department of The Treasury

    PHONE: (609) 292-5040 (609) 376-3800 (609) 984-6233. Changes to Circular 20-04-OMB include updates to per diem rates per GSA schedules and provides for the reimbursement for the use of transportation network companies; also known as ridesharing services. There continues to be restrictions on out-of-State travel.

  2. FY 2024 Per Diem Rates for New Jersey

    Breakfast, lunch, dinner, incidentals - Separate amounts for meals and incidentals. M&IE Total = Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner + Incidentals. Sometimes meal amounts must be deducted from trip voucher. See More Information. First & last day of travel - amount received on the first and last day of travel and equals 75% of total M&IE.

  3. 9250 Expenses, Travel Reimbursement

    9250 Expenses, Travel Reimbursement. NORTHFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION FILE CODE: 9250. Northfield, New Jersey X Monitored. X Mandated. Bylaw X Other Reasons. EXPENSES AND REIMBURSEMENTS. Board members receive no payment for their services. With prior board approval, they may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on board business.


    DRIVER NAME: NEW JERSEY MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TRIP LOG Must be sent to: ModivCare Claims Department 798 Park Avenue NW, 4th Floor Norton, VA 24273. DRIVER NAME:_. RELATIONSHIP TO MEMBER:_.

  5. Travel Reimbursement Directive

    New Jersey State Grand Jury Reporting Information Atlantic Bergen Burlington Camden ... Directive: Travel Reimbursement Directive Section: Personnel Document Date: June 20, 1991. Relationships: Modified by: Directive: #06-08 Back. MISSION STATEMENT. We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just ...

  6. PDF (See sample Facsimile attached) NJ TRANSIT's Accounts Payable

    Due to recent changes in staff across the state at the subrecipient level we wanted to remind all personnel of the proper guidelines/procedures to follow when submitting reimbursement requests. To ensure compliance please see below: Reimbursement Form: • The reimbursement form sent by NJ TRANSIT with the fully executed operating, administration

  7. Section 6A:23A-7.11

    Section 6A:23A-7.11 - Subsistence allowance - overnight travel (a) Pursuant to the State travel guidelines as established by the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, Office of Management and Budget, and presented in the OMB Travel Circulars, one-day trips that do not involve overnight lodging shall not be eligible for subsistence reimbursement, except for meals expressly authorized by and in ...

  8. Who Is Responsible for Work Travel Expenses in New Jersey?

    New Jersey law entitles all non-exempt employees to 1.5 times their base rate of pay for any hours worked over 40 in a week. First, your daily commute to and from work does not count. If you travel a lot for your job, then commuting from home to your first appointment and from your last appointment back home does not count (usually).

  9. Mileage Reimbursement Law Requirements in New Jersey (NJ)

    In my research I found that the only laws governing reimbursement for mileage are with regard to employees of the state, and claimants of Workers Compensation benefits. For the state employees using personal vehicles to travel on official business, the mileage rate is $.31 and has been since 2001.

  10. PDF NJDOE PD Travel and Reimbursement Information

    See N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.9(c). For out-of-state events, the regulation now provides for attendance of no more than five persons without prior written approval of the executive county superintendent. Reasonable Meal Expenses May be Reimbursed The regulations now provide for "full" reasonable reimbursement for out-of-district one day training

  11. Travel resources

    Plan a trip. Research and prepare for government travel. Per diem, meals & incidental expenses (M&IE) Passenger transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.) Lodging. Conferences/meetings. Travel charge card. State tax exemption.

  12. N.J. Admin. Code § 6A:23A-7.12

    Section 6A:23A-7.12 - Meal allowance-special conditions-and allowable incidental travel expenditures (a) Meals for in-State travel shall not be eligible for reimbursement except as expressly authorized within this subchapter. (b) A meal allowance may be provided to employees or district board of education members in relation to one-day, out-of-State trips required for school business purposes ...


    STATE OF NEW JERSEY . FY . DATE : TRANS . DOC NUMBER : TYPE . DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ; TV . TRAVEL VOUCHER ... that no part of the account has been paid by the State, but the full amount is due. I also CERTIFY that on the dates(s) when the ... ATTACH ORIGINAL RECEIPTS WHEN REQUIRED PURSUANT TO STATE TRAVEL REGULATIONS. Copy - to FISCAL ...

  14. State Employee Travel Reimbursement Forms/Resources

    To seek reimbursement, please follow below instructions. 1. Collect all of your receipts and complete the following required form. NESCSO-2024-Expense Reimbursement Form-021524. 2. Scan your reimbursement request, all receipts into a single document. Please save the file using your name and date of submission as the file name.

  15. Per diem rates

    GSA establishes the rates that federal agencies use to reimburse their employees for lodging and meals and incidental expenses incurred while on official travel within the continental United States (CONUS). A standard rate applies to most of CONUS. Individual rates apply to about 300 non-standard areas (NSAs).

  16. New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub

    Department of Health: Updated COVID-19 and Annual Flu Shots Offer Best Protections This Season. Updated COVID-19 Vaccines for Everyone Ages 6 Months and Older Expected to be Available in New Jersey by End of the Week The new 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines recommended today by the federal Centers... This story map was created with the Story Map ...

  17. PDF State of New Jersey Department of The Treasury

    FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: STATE AGENCIES - LESLIE A. NOTOR PHONE: (609) 292-5040 LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS - DAVID JOYE (609) 984-4900 TRAVEL CARD - AFRICA NELSON (609) 984-6233. Changes to Circular 12-14-OMB include agency establishment of event codes and updates to per diem rates per GSA schedules.

  18. Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rates

    GSA has adjusted all POV mileage reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2024. Modes of transportation. Effective/applicability date. Rate per mile. Airplane*. January 1, 2024. $1.76. If use of privately owned automobile is authorized or if no government-furnished automobile is available. January 1, 2024.