Beautiful view over of seaside and white blue village Sidi Bou Said. Tunisia, North Africa.; Shutterstock ID 686855305; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Tunisia Destination Page image update

Shutterstock / Valery Bareta

It may be but a slim wedge of North Africa’s vast horizontal expanse, but Tunisia has enough history and diverse natural beauty to pack a country many times its size. With a balmy, sand-fringed Mediterranean coast, scented with jasmine and sea breezes, and where the fish on your plate is always fresh, Tunisia is prime territory for a straightforward sun-sand-and-sea holiday. But beyond the beaches, it’s a thrilling, underrated destination where distinct cultures and incredible extremes of landscape – forested coastlines, Saharan sand seas in the south – can be explored in just a few days.


Must-see attractions.

Souq of medina at night

This sprawling maze of ancient streets and alleyways is one of the most impressive medieval medinas in North Africa and one of Tunisia's great treasures…

Ruins of the largest colosseum in North Africa. El Jem,Tunisia. UNESCO; Shutterstock ID 112264382

El Jem Amphitheatre

This Unesco World Heritage–listed colosseum was the second-largest in the Roman world (after Rome's); it was 149m long by 124m wide, with three tiers of…

Kairouan, Tunisia - August 30, 2015: Almost all the stalls in Souq El-Blaghija market are closed after midday that's why it could be used as parking for cycles and scooters.

Kairouan’s medina feels like it ebbs and flows to a different rhythm to modern Tunisia. Long protected by its monumental walls and babs (gates), most of…

Sousse, Tunisia - September 1, 2015: The painted medieval gates to the old fortress serving as archaeological museum.

Sousse Archaeological Museum

Located inside the 11th-century kasbah, this museum showcases an extraordinary collection of 2nd- and 3rd-century Roman mosaics, one of the best in the…

Archaeological Museum

Archaeological Museum

A 1km walk from the El Jem Amphitheatre (follow the signs), this museum showcases an exceptional collection of Roman mosaics. All are richly coloured, in…

Overhead of Bardo Museum interior.

Bardo Museum

The main draw at the Tunisia's top museum is its magnificent collection of Roman mosaics. These provide a vibrant and fascinating portrait of ancient…


Arguably the most magnificent Roman site in Africa, Dougga’s ancient remains – a Unesco World Heritage site since 1997 – are startlingly complete, giving…

Roman ruins of amphitheatre at Uthina, Tunisia

On the cultivated amber slopes of Mt Mekrima, the fascinating but little-visited ruins of ancient Uthina are the remains of one of the Roman Empire's…

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SAHARA, TUNISIA - JUL 10: Abandoned sets for the shooting of the movie Star Wars in the Sahara desert on a background of sand dunes on July 10, 2012 in Sahara, Tunisia

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Tourism in Tunisia

It’s understood that Tunisia’s tourism industry really got going in the 1960s and over time, it has become one of the main sources of income for the country. Millions of people flock from all over the world and not only that – the country also attracts millions of domestic tourists each and every year.

When you take a look at the nation in detail, the above really isn’t surprising.

Tunisia is one of the few countries which can well and truly cater for the masses. It manages to combine climate, golden beaches, history and shopping and create something of an “all-round” experience.

When you also consider the cost of Tunisia – visiting is an absolute no-brainer for most people. All of the above factors arrive at a much lower cost in comparison to other destinations and it means that since the turn of the millennium, tourism has boomed.

Beaches in Tunisia

beach tunisia

Suffice to say ,there are some regions of the country which are more suited to the beach enthusiast than others. While we will take a look at some of the most prominent tourist destinations a little further down the guide, if you’re specifically looking for the best beaches in Tunisia the following regions will most certainly satisfy you:

History in Tunisia

historical sites

Then, there is the history. This is arguably an even bigger pull for visitors; Tunisia has some of the most intriguing historical sites in the world and on the whole, these have been preserved fantastically well.

This is where the country really comes into its own and if you’re the type of tourist who likes to lap up culture, sights and general history, there are countless attractions that can fill your stay.

From the famous amphitheatre that has staged some of the most renowned movies in the world such as Gladiator, to ancient towns which have hosted the Star Wars set – many people don’t realise how much the country has to offer. The following attractions are seen as the most impressive in the country:

El Jem Amphitheatre – Arguably the most famous attraction in Tunisia, this is something that we will speak more about further on in the guide. In short, much of this amphitheatre is still preserved – allowing guests to get a feel for what life used to be like for Roman gladiators. It’s also worth mentioning that this is the third largest amphitheatre in the world – it can hold 35,000 spectators.

Matmata – If you’re a Star Wars enthusiast, tune in now. Matmata is a small village in South Tunisia, focussing on caves which are used as homes. It has been used as a filming location for Star Wars, while any Call of Duty fans may recognise the area as some of the game’s missions are based in it.

Dougga – If you want a bit of everything, this is where Dougga comes into play. The area has everything from a forum, amphitheatre to public baths – with some of the sites dating back to the second or third century BC. This is yet another UNESCO World Heritage site which is based in the country.

Carthage – With La Malga Cisterns, Byrsa Hill, the Zaghouan Aqueduct, a national museum, port, theatre, villas and countless other historic attractions based in Carthage – one could argue that this is the capital of Tunisia’s history. It’s hardly primed in terms of accommodation, which means that most guests only take day trips to it. Nevertheless, with so many different historic attractions housed in one area, it’s hugely popular.

Sousse Medina – Enclosed by Sousse’s city walls, this medina is certainly one of the more interesting ones in Tunisia. It’s ideal for any shopping enthusiasts and is yet another historic attraction that has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Shopping in Tunisia

medina shopping tunis

While the former do exist, it’s the smaller establishments which can really offer gems and provide a completely unique shopping experience.

What are the major cities which cater for tourism?

Understandably, not every city in Tunisia is going to cater for tourism. While some people may like to frequent the smaller areas, the ones which are perhaps “off the track”, if you’re looking to get the absolute most out of the country there are certainly some cities which take precedence over others.

The following seven are the “big players” so to speak, and can offer the most to anyone visiting the country.

The location of Tunis would suggest that it should house some of the best beaches in the country, but in comparison to some of the other cities we’ll look at this isn’t the case. Instead, despite being the capital of the country, Tunis is one of the smaller cities on our list and is going to appeal to those of you who appreciate culture.

Some people will stay in Tunis to take advantage of all of its amenities, whilst traveling to the nearby Carthage to see the famous Roman ruins.

In terms of the must-see attraction in Tunis itself, it doesn’t come much bigger than Zitouna Mosque. The fact that this is the largest mosque in the country speaks volumes about its status, while it also dates all the way back to the 8th century and this means that it boasts some interesting architecture as well. There are several souks based around the mosque, meaning that visitors really can make a day of this attraction.

With this city having its own airport, it stands to reason that it’s going to be popular amongst tourists.

However, it could be said that the excellent transport links perhaps distort this city in the wrong light. Most people are under the assumption that any city with an airport is going to be relatively new and modern – yet this couldn’t be further from the truth with Monastir.

This is one of the most ancient in Tunisia and anyone who wants to tick off as much history and culture as possible should most definitely arrange a trip to this area.

While there are plenty of “tourism activities” such as golf, karting and scuba-diving to sink your teeth into, it’s the historical attractions which make Monastir tick.

The pick of the bunch comes in the form of Forte El Ribat, which as the name may probably suggest, is a fortress. It is incredibly well-preserved and situated right beside the sea, it also provides some fantastic views and is a photographer’s dream. There are various activities that you can engage in here, such as taking a ride on a horse-drawn cart, meaning that you really can spend a good few hours in the fortress. Additionally, and this is something which attracts a lot of people nowadays, is the fact that Monty Python’s Life of Brian was filmed here.

In comparison to the other regions of Tunisia we have looked at, there’s no doubt that Djerba is much different . This is in fact an island in South Tunisia and if you’re looking for the best beaches, this is where your vacation should be planned.

Therefore, if you’re in the business for golden beaches – Djerba should be your pick. Unlike some destinations which rely on their sands, Djerba hardly boasts a bustling and vibrant scene . Instead, it still retains a lot of its history and is a quaint destination that is ideal for anyone who is looking to relax.

Beaches are the primary reason anyone would visit this island, but there are still several attractions which can prove interesting. Arguably the pick of them comes in the form of Djerbahood – which is completely different to most of the attractions that are based in other cities we’ve covered.

On first look, Djerbahood is situated in something of a downtown district – a town called Hara Sghira Er Riadh.

However, as you venture further towards it, you’ll see some of the most stunning street art around. Again, all of the street art is based in a downtrodden area and you will have to navigate through trash and all sorts of other obstacles – but most people visiting the island can’t recommend this attraction enough.

Another area that is renowned for the beach is Hammamet. The fact that this is the oldest tourist area in Tunisia immediately makes many people think that it will be overflowing with attractions. Instead, it’s the beach which gets the most attention and most visitors are taken in by the white sands and clear waters.

Just like any beach-destination which targets tourism, there are all sorts of small attractions that you and the family can take advantage of. Water sports are popular in Hammamet and if you’re particularly keen on jet-skiing, tubing or paragliding you will be well catered for.

The age of the town means that there are still some historic sites to take in. Many visitors are intrigued by the fortress walls and the mosque which are both very well preserved. However, it would be fair to say that Hammamet is another Tunisian region which caters for the beach enthusiast – particularly if you like to be surrounded by plenty of bars and restaurants.

Sousse is probably one of the most famous destinations in Tunisia – and it’s for good reason. It’s a city which has a bit of everything and as well as fantastic beaches, there are countless attractions to see.

One could pen a whole dissertation on the magnitude of attractions within Sousse – there really is that much to see and do. However, most visitors will be quick to recommend the Medina before anything else. While other regions of the country also have a medina, the one in Sousse happens to be completely authentic and has therefore been classed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s here where you can barter away with local merchants and attempt to take advantage of all of the local products which are on offer.

Considering Sousse also has the Great Mosque, Mosaic Museum and even a Camel market – this is certainly a city which caters for anyone who wants the complete Tunisian experience.

It might be one of the smaller towns in Tunisia, but with El Jem housing the remains of a Roman amphitheatre it means that it simply has to be included on our list.

First and foremost, this isn’t any old amphitheatre – it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site and is one of the best preserved in the world. With movies such as Gladiator and Monty Python’s Life of Brian also being filmed there – it means that it’s always a favourite amongst visitors.

While there is also a small museum, most people will only take to El Jem for a day trip. Sousse is within suitable travelling distance and has a lot more accommodation options.

Port El Kantaoui

This is actually located around 10km from Sousse, but the fact it was only created in the late 1970s means that its worthy of its own separate section. Port El Kantaoui was specifically built for tourists and while Sousse might have been formed quite naturally, this is an area which is artificial in every way possible.

It boasts its own harbour, a PGA-approved golf course and everything else that the modern-day tourist would expect. You might not see the sights, history and culture of Tunisia by visiting Port El Kantaoui, but if you’re just looking for plenty of restaurants, shops and enjoyable activities then this region could be suitable.

A summary on tourism in Tunisia

As you can see, the state of tourism in Tunisia is vast. This isn’t a country which is just going to satisfy one element of a holidaymaker’s trip – it can tick several which is why it has proved to be so popular over the years.

Of course, if you are looking to just take advantage of the climates and beaches, some areas are better suited than others. At the same time, any person who is visiting purely for historic and cultural reasons is most probably going to visit Monastir and perhaps ignore the places which are more tuned towards beaches, like Djerba.

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution, update may 10, 2024, information for u.s. citizens in the middle east.

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Tunisia Travel Advisory

Travel advisory may 14, 2024, tunisia - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued to update information to high-risk areas.

Exercise increased caution in Tunisia due to terrorism. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.  

Do not travel to:

  • Within 16 km of the Algerian border due to terrorism, except for the cities of Tabarka and Ain Draham.
  • Within 16 km of the border with Libya due to terrorism.
  • The Mount Chaambi National Park, Mount Salloum, Mount Sammamma, and Mount Mghila in Kasserine governorate due to terrorism.
  • The Mount Orbata area in the Gafsa governorate due to terrorism.
  • The desert south of Remada due to the military zone.

Country Summary:  Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Tunisia. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, museums, resorts, hotels, festivals, nightclubs, restaurants, religious sites, markets/shopping malls, government facilities and security forces. A country-wide state of emergency, which grants security forces more authority to maintain civil order and enables the government to focus on combating terrorism, is in effect. 

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in some areas of Tunisia. U.S. government employees under the Embassy’s (Chief of Mission) security responsibility must obtain special authorization to travel outside greater Tunis.  

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Tunisia. 

If you decide to travel to Tunisia:

  • Exercise caution when using public transportation, due to safety and security concerns.
  • Avoid demonstrations and crowds.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and be prepared to adjust your plans.
  • Avoid staying overnight outside of the main cities and tourist locations.
  • Obtain comprehensive medical insurance that includes medical evacuation.
  • When entering or transiting through Tunisia, avoid bringing in Tunisian currency in any amount and avoid bringing in any foreign currency, including dollars, in excess of the equivalent of TND 10,000. Upon departure including transit through Tunisia, travelers leaving Tunisia must declare any currency amounts above TND 5,000 if they wish to export or depart with that amount.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter/X . 
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Tunisia.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.  
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Border with Algeria – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Do not travel within 16 km of the Algerian border due to terrorism, except for the cities of Tabarka and Ain Draham.

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Border with Libya – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Developments in Libya continue to affect the security situation along the Tunisian-Libyan border in areas such as Ras Jedir and Dehiba along with the cities of Ben Guerdan and Medenine. The border with Libya is frequently closed to all traffic with short notice for extended periods. The Department of State advises U.S. citizens not to travel to Libya. 

Kasserine Western Mountains, Mount Mghila in Sidi Bou Zid, and the Mount Chaambi National Park in West-Central Tunisia – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist groups continue to operate in mountains of Western Tunisia near the Algerian border. 

Orbata Mountains in Gafsa in West-Central Tunisia – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist groups continue to operate in the mountainous areas of Western Tunisia near the Algerian border. 

The Desert South of Remada – Level 4: Do Not Travel

The desert south of Remada is designated as a military zone by the Government of Tunisia. Special authorization is required for travelers wishing to enter the military zone.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Valid passport, identity card for organized trips (with hotel reservation).

Travel Statement : Updated  1st December 2022

Following the improvement in Tunisia of the indicators related to Covid-19 and considering the static situation of the pandemic on a national and international level, the Tunisian Ministry of Public Health has made the following statement:

- The removal of all Covid -19 requirements such as presenting a negative PCR test, Rapid test or a vaccine certificate for all passengers entering the Tunisian territory

- Wearing a face mask will remain mandatory when showing symptoms of infection.

- Ventilation of enclosed spaces will remain implemented.

- The vaccination campaign will continue aiming at the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases.

This sanitary protocol will keep being updated accordingly with the evolvement of the epidemiological situation.

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  • 1.1 Orientation
  • 1.2 Climate
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.2 By train
  • 2.5 By louage
  • 2.6 By boat
  • 3.1 By train
  • 3.2 By taxi
  • 4.2 New town
  • 4.3 Elsewhere
  • 4.4 Further away
  • 8.2 Mid-range
  • 8.3 Splurge
  • 10.1 Budget
  • 10.2 Mid-range
  • 10.3 Splurge
  • 11 Stay safe
  • 12 Stay healthy
  • 13.1 Embassies
  • 14.1 Suburbs
  • 14.2 Further away

Tunis (تونس) is the capital of Tunisia . There are quite a few must-see attractions, especially if you include the ruins of Carthage , which are easily accessed from here, and the Punic ports are interesting, too. Tunis is an interesting mix of new and old, including colonial French buildings. The souq and the medina are among the most authentic and hassle-free in North Africa.

tunisia tourism office

Located on the Mediterranean coast but lacking much in the way of beaches, Tunis has been spared the onslaught of package tourism to the resorts to the north and south. The city center is located about 10 km from the sea, on the shores of Lake Tunis. Tunis started out as a modest village compared to cities like Carthage , Kairouan and Mahdia . It eventually became the capital of the Almohad Caliphate in 1159, and has been conquered by various Muslim and Christian empires after that. Tunis has been the capital of Tunisia since independence in 1956, and is today the commercial and cultural heart of Tunisia as well as the most important traffic hub.

In 2014, the capital was home to 640,000 people, and there were 2.9 million in the metropolitan area.

  • Tunis tourist information


Tunis is divided into the World Heritage Listed old city, known as the medina , and the new city, or ville nouvelle in French. Ave Habib Bourguiba is the large thoroughfare running through the new city from the Clock Tower to the Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul. It then turns into Ave de France, which runs for a few blocks until ending at the Place de la Victoire and the Port de France, a large free-standing gate that used to be the entrance to the medina. This can be a good landmark for taxi drivers, as some of the smaller streets nearby may not be familiar to the drivers.

The Port de France also serves as a good entry point for exploring the medina. Rue Jemaa Zaytouna leads past many shops all the way to the Zaytouna Mosque, the great mosque of Tunis which sits at the center of the medina. Running obliquely to Rue Jemaa Zaytouna, and also with an outlet near the Port de France, is the Rue de la Kasbah. This runs all the way through the medina to the Place du Gouvernment and the Place de la Kasbah, a huge bleak square subject to heavy security. It is fairly easy to move between the two streets by cutting through in the labyrinthine medina, and it is easy to keep your bearings and find an exit. Rue Jemaa Zaytouna seems to be a better entry point from the Port de France at night, remaining relatively well traveled. Rue de la Kasbah, on the other hand, is active after dark on the Place de la Kasbah side, but is extremely dark and rather menacing near the Port de France. It is recommended to get a feel for the medina during the day so that you will feel more confident if you find yourself and alone and need to find a landmark at night.

One of the northernmost cities on the African continent, the climate in Tunis is Mediterranean although a bit warmer than on the European side. Summers are hot and dry, with temperatures over 40°C not unheard of, although thanks to the sea and the surrounding mountains, it's not as hot as in the Sahara desert. Most of the rain falls during the winter months, but not even those months see more than 8-9 days of rain each month on average. In the winter Tunis occasionally experiences temperatures below freezing and in very rare cases some snow, though on average even nighttime temperatures don't drop much below 10°C. Tunis' mild climate makes it a comfortable destination year-round.

tunisia tourism office

The major carrier at Tunis-Carthage is Tunisair , serving many destinations. The major western carriers who service Tunis-Carthage are Air France, ITA Airways and Lufthansa, from London, Paris, Rome or Frankfurt. Air Malta offers occasional flights to Tunis from Malta , so you can puddle-jump through the Mediterranean. Also, flights from other African cities are common ways to access Tunis if you are traveling to Tunisia from another African destination or vice versa.

Tunisian law requires all currency to be exchanged within the country. It's illegal to take Tunisian currency (DT) outside the country, though it can be done at most travel desks if you sign a waiver, but this is not advisable as Customs Officers will force you to change the dinars to hard currency before permitting you to travel if they find the currency. You can exchange money at the airport or at your hotel. There are many currency exchange booths with quite OK rates. You should retain the receipt for the transaction; without it, the bank may cause difficulty converting unspent dinars back into your own currency.

If you are departing and making a connecting flight, do not accept duty-free alcohol that is not in a sealed bag - the intermediate airport may not allow you to board your second flight with it. For the same reason, insist on a printed receipt.

Getting to the airport:

  • A taxi into the city center — insist on the meter — should cost around 5-7 DT during the day and around 10 DT at night. Alternatively, buses depart fairly regularly during the day (but not at night) and charge a fraction of the price. Beware of the taxi drivers. At night some will ask up to 40 DT depending on where you are going. In a struggling economy business has become even more competitive. An unspoken rule is the first taxi driver who grabs your luggage and places it in the trunk of his car makes the contract for your transportation. It's not uncommon to be barraged with over ten taxi drivers at once as you walk outside the terminal. They can reach for your bag aggressively—not to steal it, but to make an attempt at winning your business. Some meters may have been tampered with. If you don't trust the taxi's meter, then negotiate a price to where you are going before you leave the front of the terminal. It may be advisable to ask for an average taxi rate from your hotel front desk before leaving.
  • There is a public bus service (bus no. 635) to the city centre outside the Arrivals Hall, at the same place as the bus that goes to Bizerte. The bus stops at a small bus station near the Tunis Marine metro station. A one-way ticket from the airport to Tunis Marine costs 0.470 DT.

tunisia tourism office

You can travel to Tunis by train from most major cities in the country, the main line going from Gabes via Sousse , Sfax and Gafsa .

Trains are run by SNCFT and are generally cheap and comfortable, but if you want to ride first class during peak season, do reserve your seat in advance. Check train timetables on the SNCFT website before traveling as trains run at non-regular intervals throughout the day.

Driving is not for the faint-hearted in Tunisia, due to the poor driving habits of many local drivers. However self-hire car is by far the easiest and safest way to travel around Tunisia (north of Gabes). Signage is quite good as it is universally bilingual in French and Arabic script. Driving at night is doable, just look out for defiant drivers heading the wrong way on dual carriageways without lights. Outside of the city nighttime driving is safer. The freeway/motorway A1 from Gabès , Sfax , Sousse and Tunis is in a reasonable shape, and the tolls very cheap.

The best place to rent a car is the airport. Local rental companies usually have lower rates than the international ones.

Tunisia has over 70 bus lines, with Tunis at the hub. There are two bus stations in town with Gare Routière Tunis Sud (south of Place Barcelone) serving cities and towns in the south and Gare Routière Tunis Nord (by Bab Saadoun) serving those to the north and west. Buses are run by SNTRI [dead link] at both stations — see their website for schedules and fares.

Tunis is a major hub for the country's louage (shared taxi) network. Louages connect Tunis with many major cities in Tunisia. There are three main louage stations in Tunis.

  • 36.810358 10.153811 3 Bab Saadoun Station - This station is by Gare Routière Tunis Nord (northern bus station) northwest in Tunis by Bab Saadoun. Louages from this station connect cities north and west of Tunis including Bizerte , El Kef , and Beja.
  • 36.787843 10.17982 4 Bab Alioua Station - This station is by Gare Routière Tunis Sud (southern bus station) south of the medina by Bab Alioua metro station. Louages from this station connect the Cape Bon area and cities that are nearby to the south of Tunis such as Hammamet .
  • 36.791064 10.187232 5 Moncef Bey Station - This station is southeast of the medina. Louages from this station connect Tunis with cities in central and southern Tunisia including Sousse , Sfax , and Gabes .

Tunis is the country's major port and there are ferries from a number of Mediterranean ports including Civitavecchia just outside of Rome , Genoa , Livorno , Naples , Palermo , Trapani and the French port of Marseille . There are plenty of operators: Italians GNV [dead link] and Grimaldi Lines , French SNCM [dead link] and Tunisian CTM amongst others. Voyages from southern France or northwestern Italy take about 24 hours. A quicker way to get to Tunis is to (a) charter a boat, (b) hop on a ferry, or (c) travel on a cruise line, all of which can be done from Malta in a few hours.

Most ferries arrive at La Goulette , 15 minutes from Tunis centre. There are plenty of taxis around and suburban trains departs every ten minutes.


Free maps of Tunis and Tunisia are available at the National Tourism Office , to the north-east of the clock tower (directly east of the main Medina gate). The tourist office offers assistance in many languages.

Tunis is well-served by a convenient five-line light metro system run by Transtu . The interchange hubs for all lines are in the centre of town at Place de la République and Place de Barcelone. Ticket prices are dependent on how many sections of network (zones) traveled through. Single way 1-section tickets cost 0.500 DT. Most tourist attractions are within two sections of the city centre and single way 2-section tickets cost 0.650 DT.

tunisia tourism office

The TGM suburban train line, starting at Tunis Marine station on Lines 1-4, connects to La Goulette (ferries), Sidi Bou Saïd , Carthage and the beaches of Marsa. Tickets cost 0.800 DT each way. At Tunis Marine, be aware that there is an extreme dearth of signage. No obvious signs even say TGM, and on the maps on the trains themselves the station is marked as Tunis Nord. If you arrive at the station on the Tunis Metro, the TGM platform will be perpendicular to the metro cars and is easily accessed across the tracks. Tickets are sold at the end farthest from the metro stop.

Signs for station names along the TGM differ slightly from what appears on the onboard map, but if you can see the signs from the train and it is free of graffiti, a not uncommon problem, it is easy to tell where you are. It is not unusual for the trains to stop and wait on the tracks after leaving Tunis Nord or upon return. This usually does not last an extraordinary amount of time, and you will likely be better off not following the example of the optimistic youths that decide to leap from the car and walk along the tracks into the city.

Many stations along the TGM don't have full-time ticket vendors, so if you are making several trips along the line while visiting Carthage or Sidi Bou Said, you might be forced to risk traveling without a ticket. The guidebooks say that officials will sometimes get on the train and check tickets, so travel without a ticket at your own risk. It might be safest to buy a return to your farthest destination. The price difference should be minimal, and that way you might plausibly just have boarded the train, and your ticket will be valid for wherever you get on. The safest option will be to check with the ticket vendors or buy a ticket if you can find them.

Taxis are also a good and cheap option if one need to go a bit farther than the metro, though cabs picking up in front of nice hotels will charge much higher rates. These taxis will quote 2-3 times the metered fare, so you should insist on using the meter. Should they refuse then get out. It is much better to walk away from the hotel and hail one on the street, or order a taxi via the Bolt app (see below).

Taxis are plentiful so the search shouldn't be longer than a few minutes, even during busy periods. The minimum charge is 0.500 DT at daytime and 0.750 DT on evenings/nights (rates per April 2019). Assuming the driver operates per regulations, the meter is a good way to go. Only try to negotiate a price if you know what you are doing and are sure of the value of the trip. Taxis are generally safe.

Watch out for the bright red/green light in the windscreen. The red light means the taxi is available and the meter is working. Green means it has been hired. Avoid any taxi that does not have this light.

The Bolt app for smart-phones works in a similar way to Uber, but you pay in cash when you reach the destination. Rates may be more than double the metered fare, but will get you a taxi if you are somewhere that you do not want to hail one in the street, or if you don't want to argue with drivers who claim the meter is broken. When ordering through Bolt, taxi drivers will not argue the price so you will know the final price beforehand.

Transtu operates a public bus network as well. Bus fares depend on how far (how many zones) you will travel, starting at 0.320 DT for a short ride.

Otherwise, louages (shared taxis) are the most flexible of all options. The minivans with 8 passenger seats take off when they are full and therefore run on no particular schedule. Prices tend to be a little bit higher than buses, but the difference is usually negligible. This is a suitable transport medium for young people, but definitely not recommended if you have children with you as the minivans can be quite oppressive. The driving style tends to be the 'flat-out' variety. The North louage station is in the parking lot of the North bus station. The South louage station is across the street from the South bus station.

Driving is a practicable idea for getting around, as long as you are an experienced and confident driver, street signage is good in Arabic and French, but there's a lot of traffic in Tunis and locals follow traffic rules in an informal style. Driving is more dangerous in the dark as many vehicles have faulty lights. Traffic jams are common in Tunis generally, and around Habib Bourguiba Avenue and Victory Square traffic often comes to a total standstill. In Tunis the "Central Parking" multi storey car park just off Clocktower roundabout, is convenient and cheap for parking. Avoid in the streets red/white markings on the kerb as the wardens trucks WILL come and tow you away. Car hire direct at the airport is convenient - local firms usually a bit cheaper than Hertz/Sixt, etc., but car might have some bits missing!

tunisia tourism office

Non-Muslims may not enter Islamic monuments such as mosques.

  • 36.79916 10.18086 12 Théâtre Municipal , 2, rue de Grèce ( avenue Habib Bourguiba ), ☏ +216 71 259 499 . A pretty white Art-Deco building, worth seeing in its own right even if you're not going there to see a play or concert (also see the Do section).  
  • 36.80021 10.1862 13 Tunis Clock Tower , Place du 14 janvier . The iconic clock tower is one of the city's most visible landmarks. ( updated May 2015 )
  • 36.80796 10.18065 14 Al-Fateh Mosque ( Mosquée Al-Fateh ), Avenue de la Liberté ( Métro République ). A large white mosque north of downtown.  

tunisia tourism office

  • 36.822 10.172 16 Parc du Belvédère , Avenue Taieb Mehiri ( métro Palestine ). A large park created during the French rule and featuring palm trees, mimosas and azaleas and a great view of Tunis and the lake. Sadly, the park has seen better days and graffiti is commonplace. Still, it's a popular place for locals to escape the heat and noise of the city.  
  • 36.7974 10.1657 17 Hôtel de Ville . Not a hotel, but the city hall. The building was inaugurated in 1998 and is a combination of traditional and modern architecture with large windows, Middle Eastern patterns and arches. The city hall also features a lot of Tunisian flags, and has a striking flagpole structure on the square in the front of the main entrance. ( updated May 2015 )
  • 36.8114 10.12961 18 Chambre des Conseillers . Finished in 2005, this building used to house the upper house of the Parliament of Tunisia. It didn't serve this purpose for very long; after the 2011 revolution the Tunisian parliament was made unicameral and the counselor chamber has been empty ever since.  

Further away

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Simply wandering around Tunis can be an interesting experience, especially around the medina with its ancient buildings including mosques, gates and market stalls. All types of commodities including slaves used to be traded here, but today's market is mainly that of day-to-day goods, with many local handicrafts. Shopping and haggling at this colorful place is certainly an experience different from what you may be used to at home. Another good place for a walk is Tunis' largest park, Belvedere Park, which houses the Museum of Modern Art and the municipal zoo (closed Mondays), and overlooks Lake Tunis.

The Théâtre municipal de Tunis , mentioned in See above, is more than just a sight. If interested in classical culture you can go and see an opera, ballet, or other production there.

Hammams (traditional public steam baths) are common in the Muslim part of the Mediterranean and also in Tunis. Formerly the only place for all but the upper classes to clean themselves, hammams are still a part of the local culture — so bathing in one of these is a cultural experience in itself. They are often located near mosques as people used to wash themselves before prayer; ask a local where the nearest hammam is (the medina is the easiest place to find one). Remember that a hammam is either men or women only, or open to men in the morning and night and to ladies in the afternoon. Bring spare underwear, flip flops, soap and a towel.

tunisia tourism office

ATMs are a convenient way of getting money without going to a bureau de change and there are many Master card and Visa cash-points around the city. However, ATMs are not generally found in hotels, even the major ones.

  • The 36.7994 10.1707 1 souq in the Medina makes for a fascinating stroll. Tiny shops overflowing with stuff; people selling, buying, milling about; skeletal cats lurking in the shadows; the smells of essential oils, spices, frying food and rotting garbage; the sounds of the muezzin, raï, football on the radio, Arabic and French. The Tunis Medina's main routes are labeled "touristique", but even a few steps off the beaten track it's a real, working market. Behind the often scruffy façades hide old palaces, mosques, Islamic schools. Compared to Morocco or even Sousse you will not be hassled here. Bab El Bahr (The large stone-arch "French Gate" at the head of Avenue DeFrance) is a good starting point for the Souk. The goldsmiths are close to Bab Bnet. Haggle if you wish to buy anything. Prices paid for items are given in July 2012, with the caveat that it is not known if they are good prices. They are provided just for reference. The merchant's first offer is in parentheses: 5 DT (12 DT) for a low-end scarf, 20 DT (45 DT, 65 DT for a comparable box at another vendor) for an 8" nacre inlaid hexagonal wooden box, 30 DT (80 DT) for a leather bandolier. If you are unsure, try getting a first estimate from several vendors before you buy. As always, if you give a price and they agree, you will be expected to pay.

There are little stores near every hotel in Tunis, where you can buy everything you need, but their prices are high. So it's better to go shopping to other parts of the city. Approximately 90% of goods presented in Tunis are of local origin. There are networks of state supermarkets Monoprix and General in the capital.

  • The Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages , Av. de la liberté, 47, Tunis , ☏ +216 7183 2418 , +216 7183 2923 , fax : +216 7183 3684 . 08:00 to 13:15 . Offers intensive summer sessions in July and August for anyone interested in learning Modern Standard Arabic or Tunisian dialect. Students have complained about the lack of cleanliness in the student dorms. Some students stay in a hotel and then rent a beach-side apartment for the month. It's usually easier to negotiate rental prices once you are in Tunis.  

tunisia tourism office

Most hotels include breakfast, and some include dinner. There are countless coffee shops with bitter coffee, other drinks and French-style pastries to enjoy, as well as sandwich shops. Count yourself lucky if you find a dish that does not include canned tuna! Know that during Ramadan it's difficult to find an open restaurant during daytime.

If you want alcohol when eating go to a hotel as most serve beer/wine, as do some upmarket restaurants in the Berges du Lac area of Tunis.

  • 36.81114 10.18316 1 The Corner , 36 Rue de Syrie , ☏ +216 71 834 374 . Daily, 07:00-14:00 . Breakfast cafe. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.80645 10.17834 2 Restaurant Ojja Chouchou , 11 Rue Borj Bourguiba . Popular so it may be busy, but the service is fast so people will be coming and going. Large portions. ( updated Feb 2024 )

tunisia tourism office

  • 36.79949 10.10949 3 Café de Paris Brasserie , Avenue Habib Bourguiba , ☏ +216 71 256 601 . A good restaurant with a beautiful interior and some outdoor tables. You can choose among pizza, couscous and a variety of salad. Also serves alcohol. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.79692 10.15399 4 Etoile de La Medina , Boulevard Bab Bnet . Tucked away it is something special. Traditional food and decor. Welcoming with plentiful amounts of food. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.81843 10.30261 5 La Sirène , La Goulette . Daily, noon-midnight . You pick the fish from their market and they fry it right there. Indoor and outdoor seating. Can be busy so enjoy the water views while you wait. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.80046 10.17979 6 L'Orient , 7 de, Rue Ali Bach Hamba ( close to porte de France ), ☏ +216 71 252 061 . The steaks are bland, the fish good and local food such as Berber Lamb is excellent. The service is prompt. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.80088 10.17981 7 La Mamma , 11 Bis, Rue de Marseille , ☏ +216 55 669 032 , [email protected] . Very cosy restaurant on several floors. Good Italian inspired food. Has live music and is open to midnight. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.79851 10.16654 8 Dar el-Jeld , 5-10 rue Dar el-Jeld ( near the Prime Minister's residence in a hotel/spa ), ☏ +216 70 016 190 . Reservations online. Perhaps the best of the restaurants in Tunis, this restaurant pays attention to every single detail. The food is excellent, and the management speaks English and French fluently, and can recommend various dishes. The menu is a bit complicated, with price categories, rather than prices, listed (check the last page for what each price category costs). Everything is recommended, though the couscous is simply good, but not incredible. The staff is very friendly, but can turn somehow cold if you just order main and drinks, but no dessert and starter. ( updated Feb 2024 )
  • 36.79852 10.16654 9 Restaurant Dar Slah , 145 Rue de la Kasbah , ☏ +216 58 261 026 . Luxurious seafood restaurant with a large terrace surrounded by palm trees. In medina so can be hard to find, look for the yellow sign and door.  

tunisia tourism office

Be careful about what bars you frequent, ladies should perhaps try to bring a man out with them. Local beers are Celtia and the elusive Stella, which is rarely seen but exists on RateBeer. Both are lagers. Local liqueurs include Boukha ("boo-k"), usually taken straight or with coke, and Thibina, which is usually taken straight with a single ice cube. Alcohol is mostly only served in hotel bars. The Lac 1 and Lac 2 areas do not permit alcohol to be served.

  • 36.8743 10.2452 1 Le Boeuf sur le Toit , 3 avenue Fatouma Bourguiba ( in La Soukra 10 km northeast of downtown ). The name means "the Ox on the Roof", and trendy people come for food, drinks, live music, DJs, and a dance floor.  
  • 36.80013 10.18096 2 Bar Jamaica , 49 Avenue Habib Boutguiba . On the 10th floor of the Hotel el-Hana International, this is a funky and popular destination for locals and foreigners, with music and outdoor seating available.  
  • 36.79959 10.18331 3 Hotel Africa Lobby Bar , Avenue Habib Bourguiba . A bit smoky, but has all of the local drinks save Stella, and is one of the few places that serves alcohol during Ramadan.  
  • 36.8 10.1807 4 Brasserie les 2 Avenues , Ave Habib Bourguib ( Hotel el-Hana lnternational ). Great location with views over Avenue Habib Bourguiba.  
  • 36.81788 10.1838 5 Piano Bar , Avenue Mohamed V, 45 ( Hotel La Maison Blanche ). A good place for a drink, located in a 5-star hotel.  

In addition to these, some major beach bars and clubs are located in La Marsa , about 15 km to the northeast.

  • 36.7981 10.1714 6 Café M'Rabet , Souk Trok ( in the Medina ). Cafe and restaurant. ( updated May 2015 )
  • 36.79944 10.18161 7 Café de Paris , Avenue Habib Bourguiba . 06-24 . One of the major cafes along the avenue, very popular and lively.  
  • Panorama Medina ( west of Zaytuna Mosque in the Medina ). 09:00-21:00 . Beautifully decorated café and tea house in the heart of the Medina. A large rooftop offers stunning views over the old buildings and of the many mosques around. DT2 for tea, DT5 for shisha . ( updated Feb 2018 )

tunisia tourism office

Most tourists will be interested in accommodation in either the Medina or in Ville Nouvelle. The medina includes the youth hostel and several other budget accommodations, and the high end Dar El Jed. The Ville Nouvelle offers a large number of budget and mid-range accommodation, many grouped within a few blocks of each other north of Place Barcelone. Some places expect couples to present some sort of proof of marriage in order to rent a two-person room.

  • 36.7995 10.1699 1 YHA Tunis Auberge Medina , 25 rue Saïda Ajoula , ☏ +216 98 578 638 . Also referred to as Auberge de Jeunesse and Tunis Youth Hostel . Buried deep within the Medina and a bit of a challenge to find, although there are intermittent signs along the way. During the day you can just push through the crowd of shoppers straight up the Rue de la Kasbah from the Port de France until you see the signs pointing to your right, just after the restaurant Dar Slah, although this route might be intimidating after dark. This former palace of a sultan is architecturally impressive. Rooms are basic and cooled only by fan. The included evening meal is filling. Breakfast, a simple affair of French bread and coffee, is a bit ropey and is served in the large open courtyard. The communal bathrooms, however, are not cleaned regularly, and may border on offensive. The shower times are limited to an hour in the morning and at night, though hot water may not be available at these times. Plan on using the local hammams for all hot water and cleaning needs. 8 DT incl. breakfast .  
  • 36.79783 10.17995 2 La Maison Doree , 6 bis rue de Hollande , ☏ +216 71 240 632 , fax : +216 71 240 631 . This hotel captures a slightly faded, colonial era charm. Rooms are basic (the hotel building is old) but clean. Excellent restaurant with bar (2.5 DT Celtia) that provides room service. Breakfast is included in the price, and the croissants are better than average. Rooms come with ensuite sink and shower, but shared toilets - a room with a toilet is an extra 10 DT. Some rooms overlook the local tram, which can be excessively loud - you may want to look out the window to the street below, and possibly listen to the noise of the passing tram. Located half a block north of Place Barcelone. 32-52 DT .  
  • 36.79826 10.18145 3 Hotel Transatlantique , Rue De Yougoslavie 106 , ☏ +216 71 334 319 . Ground plus four levels, the first three accessible by lift. Nice mosaics. Lots of lounge space near the lobby. A little noisy, but nicely located. There is a roof accessible on the fourth floor (turn left after climbing the stairs, walk to the end, and open the unlocked door to your left): good for fresh air or some sun, though the view is not brilliant. Disinterested management. Poor water pressure observed on level 4. 40 DT . ( updated Dec 2010 )
  • 36.79839 10.17632 4 Grand Hotel de France , Rue Mustapha M'barek , ☏ +216 71 32 62 44 , [email protected] . Check-out: 12:00 . Located in a neat old building with marble staircases and a friendly staff. They do not speak English, although it was no problem. Free wifi in the lobby and courtyard, two communal computers, but cannot comment on price or quality, although one had a webcam attached. Breakfast was coffee and Croissant and Pain au chocolat. Easily accessed by taxi from the Port de France, where Rue Mustapha M'barek is just a quick left off of the main road running south past the front of the gate. Reservations were made via email using google translate into French, although you are expected to call and confirm the day before, and it might be easiest to find a French-speaking friend do it for you. 61 DT for two persons in a clean double room ensuite toilet and shower (2019) incl. breakfast . ( updated Apr 2019 )
  • 36.8132 10.1806 5 Yadis Ibn Khaldoun , Rue du Koweit, 30 . 130 modern rooms with cable TV, telephone, voicemail, hair dryers and internet access.  
  • 36.8186 10.1836 6 Le Pacha , Avenue Kheireddine Pacha, 4 . A kilometre from downtown, this hotel has two great restaurants and a bar, cable tv and Wi-Fi (extra fee) in the rooms.  
  • 36.8151 10.18575 7 Hotel du Parc , Avenue de l'Arabie Saoudite . A modern hotel with 51 rooms. The rooms all have balcony, phone, cable TV, Internet, minibar, private bathroom and hair dryer. The staff speaks several languages and can arrange tours to the medina or Carthage .  
  • 36.8005 10.16732 8 Dar Ya - Hostel , 6 Rue de la Carriere , ☏ +216 22 880 044 . A 19th-century property with Moorish tiles and a rooftop terrace in the souk. Offers breakfast and wifi. 113 DT . ( updated Jan 2021 )
  • 36.79496 10.17205 9 Dar Traki Medina de Tunis , 7 impasse Mesjed el Koba , ☏ +216 24 789 808 . Terrace and patio offer place for solace here in this yet another medina B&B type lodging with wifi. 127 DT . ( updated Jan 2021 )
  • 36.80045 10.16797 10 Dar Ben Gacem , 38 Rue du Pacha , ☏ +216 71 563 742 . Dignified 17th-century guesthouse with complimentary wifi and breakfast and a rooftop terrace like the others. 153 DT . ( updated Jan 2021 )
  • 36.799 10.1695 11 Dar El-Medina , 64 Rue Sidi ben Arous ( It's a few blocks' walk from Place du Government on the West side of the Medina ). A luxury hotel in a century old mansion in the Medina, with beautiful court yards, a roof too terrace offering views over the Medina, and breakfast included. The rooms are decorated in traditional Tunisian style. 200-250 DT, 150 DT for a double in off-season . ( updated Feb 2018 )
  • 36.8311 10.1608 12 Sheraton Tunis Hotel , Avenue de la Ligue Arab , ☏ +216 71 100 300 . Check-in: 15:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Modern hotel overlooking the entire city. Located in the Central Business District.  
  • 36.81367 10.17381 13 Hôtel Golden Tulip El Mechtel , Avenue Ouled Haffouz El Omrane ( métro Bab Laassal ), ☏ +216 71 783 200 , fax : +216 71 781 735 , [email protected] . Probably a hotel you should watch out you don't end up staying in. The hotel is large and modern, however overpriced. Staff is reportedly unfriendly and repeatedly tries to overcharge you for products and services. If you opt to stay here, don't leave any valuables in the room when you're away, as theft is rampant too. single room: 160 DT, breakfast (buffet): 23 DT, beer in the bar: 6 DT .  
  • 36.81771 10.18383 14 La Maison Blanche , Avenue Mohamed V, 45 . Pretty rooms and a nice Art Deco piano bar.  
  • 36.79945 10.18317 15 Hôtel Africa , Avenue Habib Bourguiba, 50 , ☏ +216 71 347 477 . A modern business hotel in downtown with large rooms.  
  • 36.81346 10.17722 16 Hotel Diplomat , Avenue Hedi Chaker, 44 , ☏ +216 71 78 52 33 , fax : +216 71 80 12 35 , [email protected] . Rooms are equipped with modern TVs, Internet (costs extra) and minibar.  

tunisia tourism office

Touts and unofficial "guides" hang around near tourist spots. Shoo them off if they start to launch into a spiel on the architectural wonders of this or that, or they will expect to some baksheesh (payment) for their unwanted efforts.

One thing that can get really annoying in Tunis is the number of "friends" a tourist will attract. There is a decent number of men who hang out on avenue Bourguiba, the main drag in Tunis. They work individually. They approach tourists and start talking to them. The tourist may think that this person is just being friendly, but don't buy it. Also beware of teens approaching you on or around av. Habib Bourguiba. They often "prey" on male tourists and try to talk you into joining them to the cinema. Later on your new "friend" will ask you for 10 DT or a pack of Marlboros or this or that. It is best to just avoid these people or to shoo them off. They also have different techniques to get your attention. They include: asking for a cigarette, asking for the time, asking for a lighter, bumping into you on the street. The most common one seems to be when they ask you for a cigarette or a lighter. It is wise to get rid of anyone who tries to just bluntly start a conversation with you on the street. Chances are that they have no good intentions involved whatsoever. Tunisian people are nice and curious towards strangers, but avoid the ones who seem too friendly - a good phrase to use could be the French "Monsieur, je connais bien Tunis." (Monsieur, I know Tunis well.)

Non-French speakers might have luck with a simple "non, merci," repeated several times and without giving them any additional acknowledgment. Some, however, are persistent in spite of this and will not leave you alone. If you can manage to not bring a backpack or large back, this seems to make you less of a target and attracted fewer hangers-on.

Be aware of possibilities of fake guides trying to either scam you, or lure you somewhere less safe, and use your common sense.

Sadly, terrorist attacks are also possible. In March 2015, 24 people, mostly tourists, were killed when ISIS-affiliated terrorists opened fire in the Bardo National Museum. Later that year, a terrorist opened fire against tourists in Port El Kantaoui . The government has tried to give tourist areas higher profile policing to reassure visitors.

Stay healthy

As with Tunisia in general, medical staff are skilful and highly educated, but the public hospitals are usually fairly basic. If you get ill, try to get to a private clinic — these are better-equipped and more modern - charges are modest by European/USA standards.

Barbershops (for men) can be found widely, and there are women's hair salons commonly. Many of the nicer hotels also have spas, and fitness centres (open to visitors)

tunisia tourism office

Reachable by the metropolitan train service, Métro Léger de Tunis. Tickets are less than one dinar and service is frequent, but busy during rush hour. The station is located a few hundred metres to the east of the clock tower and the raised Trans-African Highway No. 1 directly east from the main drag ( Avenue Habib Bourgouiba ; the one with the main Medina gate - just keep walking away from the Medina). The station is impossible to miss - it's a large building parallel to the road on the south side. Note that if you're heading out this way, there is also a national tourism office on the north-east side of the clock tower (that effectively demarcates the edge of Tunis' larger buildings before the highway), and they provide free maps and advice regarding Tunis and Tunisia.

  • Carthage , famously razed by the Romans with the few remnants now safely encased in a museum, easily reached by train. Get the TGM from east of the clock tower
  • La Marsa , a beach-side settlement at the end of the TGM train line, just north of Sidi Bou Saïd
  • Sidi Bou Saïd , a lovely village of white-and-blue houses and fancy cafés and restaurants, easily reached by train
  • Kerkouane - Phoenician and Punic historical site 80 km west of Tunis
  • Dougga - Impressive ruins of an isolated Roman village
  • El Jem - With one of the world's best preserved Roman amphitheatres.
  • Kairouan - An important pilgrimage destination for Muslims, known for its many mosques. Also worth visiting are the medina and the basins constructed during the Aghlabide dynasty.
  • Sousse - A UNESCO World Heritage site thanks to its architecture, and one of Tunisia's most popular beach resorts.
  • Tabarka - Old Phoenician and Roman port city near the Algerian border. It's also a great diving destination.

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17 Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Tunisia

Written by Jess Lee Updated Jan 24, 2024

Often seen as simply a beach destination, Tunisia has a bucketful of surprising tourist attractions and things to do for those that venture off the sandy shores.

This is North Africa wrapped up into one bite-sized package.

There are alleyways of pastel-washed houses and crowded souk streets to explore in the cities; ancient ruins to discover out in the countryside; and the vast desert expanse of the Sahara to the south with its sweeping dunes, craggy mountains, and hidden, palm-tree-filled oases.

Tunisia was Rome's breadbasket, and the cultural riches the Romans left behind are more than enough reason to visit. But the history of Arab Empires has also bestowed the country with some of the region's most beautiful examples of Islamic architecture.

When you've craned your neck at Kairouan's minarets and played gladiator at El Djem , it's time to head into the Sahara to sample the raw, empty beauty of the desert.

The sun-soaked beaches of the Mediterranean coastline, fringed by palms and lapped by gentle waves, will still be waiting for you when you get back.

Discover where to go and what to see in this diverse country with our list of the top tourist attractions and places to visit in Tunisia.

1. El Djem Amphitheater

3. carthage, 4. the national bardo museum, 5. sidi bou said, 6. grand erg oriental, 7. bulla regia, 8. kairouan, 9. sousse medina, 10. chott el djerid, 11. hammamet, 13. tunis medina, 15. matmata, 16. ribat of monastir, 17. ancient sufetula.

El Djem Amphitheater

The walls of the mighty Roman amphitheater of El Djem dwarf the surrounding modern town.

This incredibly well-preserved Roman relic is Tunisia's big sightseeing highlight, one of the most popular things to do on day trips from the coastal resorts, and one of the best examples of amphitheater architecture left standing in the world.

The monumental bulk of the walls are a reminder of Rome's once-mighty grip across North Africa.

You can still walk the corridors under the arena, just like the gladiators did. Or, climb up to the top seating tiers and sit staring across the arena, imagining the battles that took place below.

This is one of Tunisia's most famous historic sights and attracts coach-loads of day-trippers so the way to enjoy the amphitheater without the crowds is to stay the night in El Djem and visit early or late.

El Djem has a couple of decent hotels and away from the star attraction there are a handful of smaller ruins (and a museum) to explore that can easily fill an entire day in town.


If you're looking for the picture-perfect beach escape, then the island of Djerba checks all the right boxes.

The island town of Houmt Souk is the main point of interest off the beach, with an old town district that is a muddle of whitewashed houses.

Houmt Souk's shopping is an attraction in itself, with plenty of handicraft vendors for browsing and haggling opportunities off the beach.

But it's those sandy strips of shoreline out of town that are the island's most popular highlight. Pristine and trimmed by date palms, the beaches are relaxing, get-away-from-it-all settings where summer daydreams are made.

Antoine Baths at Carthage

Once Rome's major rival, Carthage was the city of the seafaring Phoenicians, forever memorialized in the Punic Wars.

The atmospheric ruins of this ancient town now sit beside the sea amid the suburbs of Tunis, a warning that even the greatest cities can be reduced to rubble.

The ruins are extensive but spread out, and if you've been lucky enough to visit ancient city sites such as Ephesus in Turkey or Volubilis in Morocco, which are well-preserved, Carthage can seem quite underwhelming at first.

But these UNESCO World-Heritage-listed remnants are hugely important historically, and any tourist interested in North Africa's ancient past shouldn't miss a visit here.

Many visitors opt to visit on an organized half-day tour from Tunis (often bundled together with a visit to Sidi Bou Said), but if you prefer to spend more time exploring the ruins, you can easily head to Carthage independently.

Tunis is connected to Carthage by the city's light rail network . Disembark at Carthage-Hannibal station, and you can walk a circuit of the ancient city's most famous ruin sites and the museum. Make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and, if you're in Tunisia during the hotter months, start early to beat the heat.

The National Bardo Museum

If you only have one day in Tunisia's capital, Tunis , this museum should be high up on your to-do list.

Even non-museum fans can't fail to be impressed at the massive haul of beautiful mosaics exhibited inside the Bardo.

This is one of North Africa's top museums, and it houses one of the world's most important mosaic collections, all curated beautifully.

The museum has recently reopened after an extensive renovation and re-curation of the exhibits, which now take in more of the scope of Tunisia's history.

Its highlight though is still the mosaic collection which showcases the dazzling, intricate artistry of the Roman and Byzantine eras, with pieces cherry-picked from every major archaeological site in Tunisia.

Sidi Bou Said

Impossibly cute, and amazingly photogenic, Sidi Bou Said is a clifftop village of petite dimensions that seem to have fallen off an artist's canvas.

Unsurprisingly, artists have feted this little hamlet, now a high-class suburb of the capital Tunis, for decades.

The whitewashed alleyways, wrought-iron window frames, and colorful blue doors are Tunisian village architecture at its finest, while the Mediterranean backdrop is the cherry on top.

Keen photographers will want to head here early in the day, to capture Sidi Bou Said's famed scenic alleyways without the bustle of day-trippers. For panoramic vistas across the whitewashed houses and rooftops, head up to the terrace on Rue Taieb Mhiri.

This is a place to while away a lazy afternoon, simply soaking up the laid-back atmosphere and maybe indulging in a spot of shopping at one of the many local artisan and handicraft stalls.

You can easily hop on Tunis's light rail network to chug directly to Sidi Bou Said station from the central city. If you prefer to stay in Sidi Bou Said rather than in Tunis, there's also a decent range of upscale accommodation here.

Grand Erg Oriental

Tunisia's vast Sahara covers much of the country's interior, and the most beautiful corner of the desert is the field of sand dunes known as the Grand Erg Oriental.

These poetically beautiful dunes are a surreal and gorgeous landscape of huge waves, shaped by the ever-shifting desert sands.

For many visitors, this is an adventure playground for riding dune buggies and camel treks, but nothing tops the simple pleasure of sitting atop one of these mammoth sand mountains and watching the sun set over the Sahara.

The nearest center is the desert town of Douz, from where you can organize camel, hiking, and 4WD excursions and multi-day trips to the dunes.

Bulla Regia ruins

Tunisia has no shortage of Roman ruins, but Bulla Regia near Tabarka is the country's most interesting and intriguing site.

Here, the Roman inhabitants coped with the harsh summer climate by ingeniously building their villas underground, which has left the city houses incredibly well-preserved today.

For history lovers, this is a unique opportunity to walk through actual Roman houses, with their walls still intact, and with some of the expansive floor mosaics still in-situ. It's a glimpse of the residential life of the ancient world that you often don't see.


With mosques, madrassas, and tombs aplenty, Kairouan has more than its fair share of monuments as the fourth most important city for those of the Muslim faith.

The Arabic architecture here is truly inspiring, and the skyline is full of skinny minarets and bulky domes. But it's probably the back alleys of the city's medina that steal the show.

With narrow, maze-like lanes lined with crumbling colorful houses, Kairouan's old town has an enchanting, lost-in-time atmosphere that is a true highlight of a visit here.

The town is well known for its traditional carpet-making, and if Kairouan is part of your planned itinerary you will want to wait until you've seen the range on offer here before making a purchase.

Wily visitors elect to spend a night or two in Kairouan rather than day-trip here from Sousse or Monastir, so they can spend their time exploring. Kairouan is also a good base from which to launch out on day tours to points further west, such as the ruins of Kasserine.

View over the medina in Sousse

Overlooked by the mighty fortifications of the ribat and kasbah, the medina in Sousse just begs to be explored.

This lovely old town district is a warren of looping lanes, rimmed by whitewashed houses, and a shopping paradise with a tempting selection of ceramics, leatherwork, and metalwork on display.

Away from the stalls along the bustling souk streets, the quiet and rambling back alleys, dusted in white and blue, are a charming place to dive in and sample local life.

Sousse is one of Tunisia's top vacation destinations and is a very easygoing introduction to the country's charms, for first-time visitors. Likewise, the medina itself is small and easily navigable.

Some excellent restaurants serve up local Tunisian cuisine within the medina so, even if your accommodation is out on the beach, it is well worth your time coming into the medina for lunch or dinner. Make sure to sample the couscous at Café Seles, near the ramparts, and chill out with mint tea at Café Kasba.

Chott el Djerid

This sprawling salt pan (most easily reached on a day trip from the desert town of Tozeur ) is a desolate and otherworldly scene that wows all who visit with its stark and brutal beauty.

The scenery here depends on the season you visit.

In summer, the moonscape surroundings of the Chott el Djerid are a storybook panorama brought to life, filled with shimmering mirages on the horizon and jigsaw puzzle pieces of blindingly white, cracked land under foot.

During winter, though, the basin partially fills with water, creating a bizarre lake amid the desolate surrounding desert plains.

A sightseeing trip here proves that nature produces much weirder landscapes than you could ever imagine.


Hammamet is all about the beach. This laid-back town on the Cap Bon Peninsula is Tunisia's top sun-and-sea resort, dedicated to easygoing beach vacations.

The town itself, with its pretty white buildings set beside a bright blue sea, has bundles of Mediterranean charm, which woos all who come to sunbathe on the soft, white sand.

For many who come here, off-the-beach pursuits total up to nothing more strenuous than gentle strolls in the medina (old town) and a spot of shopping in the restored old town souks.

It's a no stress kind of place that sums up the pleasures of Tunisia in one pretty package.

Roman ruins at Dougga

Easily reached on a day trip from both the Tunisian capital of Tunis and the northern beach town of Tabarka, Dougga is one of the most important Roman sites in North Africa.

The site is feted by travelers both for the well-preserved state of its main monuments and its tranquil rural setting amid rolling countryside.

It may seem far off the main routes today, but this expansive, hilltop site was once a thriving town, first settled in the 6th century BCE and today containing remnants leftover from all its major historical eras, from Berber and Punic to Roman and Byzantine.

The Roman-era ruins here are the grandest of Dougga's monuments.

Come here to admire the Roman Theater, Forum, and numerous temples with their pillars still raised in place, but don't forget to also explore the numerous bath complexes and remains of villas.

Tunis medina

Although Tunisia's capital is mostly visited to view the two major tourist attractions of Carthage and the Bardo Museum, the medina district of central Tunis is well worth spending an extra night in the city for.

The winding alleys of this old town neighborhood, with their souks (shopping streets), mosques, and monuments, are fun to explore.

Don't miss visiting the rooftop of the Umayyad-era Olive Tree Mosque, the medina's most famous landmark, while wandering the medina, and make sure to seek out the clutch of small museums and restored dars (medina mansions) hidden within the narrow lanes. If you're short on time, Dar Hussein Palace is the top pick.

This is a great district to get stuck into Tunisian cuisine and some of the dars, and other historic buildings, within the medina have become atmospheric restaurants serving up traditional dishes.

Dine on signature couscous dishes amid the courtyard of an old caravanserai at Fondouk El Attarine. Or sample spicy, classic flavors with creative modern twists, in the salons inside Dar Slah .

Traditional architecture in Tozeur medina

Tozeur is a desert oasis town, sitting in the country's southeast.

For many visitors, it's a practical base for the tourist attractions of the Sahara with the chott el djerid salt pans, sand dune vistas, and the oases of Tamerza and Chebika all within day-tripping distance from town.

Tozeur town is an attraction within itself, though, rimmed by vast date palm gardens and home to an interesting medina district brimming with examples of the town's traditional decorative brick architecture.

Although it's a long journey across a stark desert plateau to get here (Tozeur is 211 kilometers west of the coastal city of Gabes), it's well worth it for the laid-back desert outpost atmosphere and the swag of Sahara attractions to explore on its doorstep.

Matmata traditional house

This Berber village, with its troglodyte housing, was made famous when one of the dwellings (the Hotel Sidi Driss) was used as a location during the filming of the original Star Wars movie.

Matmata's traditional troglodyte-style housing is its main attraction. To escape the extreme heat of the area's arid plateau, locals dug deep into the ground, excavating a large circular pit below the surface, which would act as a courtyard, and then burrowed into the pit walls to hollow out cave rooms for their living spaces.

Today, some of the houses are open for visits and/or provide accommodation for travelers who want to experience a night of cave living.

Matmata is in south central Tunisia, 43 kilometers southeast of Gabes and 108 kilometers northwest of Medinine.

Ribat of Monastir

One of Tunisia's most recognizable monuments, the Ribat of Monastir was the earliest fortress built in Tunisia during the 8th-century Abbasid conquest, and one of the earliest in the entirety of North Africa.

This sea-fronting fortress is an exceptional example of medieval defensive architecture, with its main features of high crenelated walls, watchtowers, and internal courtyards.

For many visitors, the ribat is most famous today because of its use as a film location during the mid-20th century, including its starring role in Monty Python's cult classic Life of Brian .

As Monastir is only 23 kilometers southwest of Sousse, the ribat is easily visited on a day trip from the city.

Sufetula ruins

The Roman ruins of Sufetula in the small town of Sbeitla are too out of the way to attract the tourist crowds, but it's well worth making the journey.

Known for its exceptionally well-preserved Roman Forum building, as well as numerous preserved Roman-era public buildings, including a triumphal arch, public bath, and temples, Sufetula is one of the best places to visit in Tunisia to imagine the Roman world.

Founded by the Roman Emperor Vespasian, Sufetula prospered due to its cultivation of olives for the empire. Later, during the Byzantine era, it also enjoyed further importance, becoming a bishopric.

Today the archaeological site sits right on the northern edge of modern Sbeitla town in central Tunisia. There are only a handful of accommodation choices in town, but it's possible to day trip to Sbeitla from Kairouan, 107 kilometers to the northwest.

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Warnings and insurance

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Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Western tunisia, including the tunisia-algeria border.

FCDO advises against all travel to:

  • the Chaambi Mountains National Park
  • Mount Salloum
  • Mount Sammamma
  • Mount Mghila

This is due to cross-border terrorist activity and operations by the Tunisian security forces. 

In addition, FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:

  • areas north and west of the town of Ghardimaou in Jendouba Governorate, including El Feidja National Park
  • within 30km of the Tunisia-Algeria border in El Kef and Jendouba governorates, south of the town of Jendouba, including the archaeological site of Chemtou
  • Kasserine Governorate, including the town of Sbeitla
  • within 10km of the rest of the Tunisia-Algeria border south of Kasserine Governorate
  • within 10km of Mount Mghila
  • Mount Orbata

Southern Tunisia, including the Tunisia-Libya border

  • the militarised zone south of the towns of El Borma and Dhehiba
  • within 20km of the rest of the Tunisia-Libya border area north of Dhehiba
  • the town of Ben Guerdane and immediate surrounding area

This is due to cross-border terrorist activity and fighting in Libya.

In addition, FCDO advises against all but essential travel to within 75km of the Tunisia-Libya border, including Remada, El Borma and the town of Zarzis

Find out more about why FCDO advises against travel .

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide and any specific travel advice that applies to you: 

  • women travellers
  • disabled travellers
  • LGBT+ travellers
  • solo and independent travel
  • volunteering and adventure travel

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

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Tunisia reported a sharp rebound in foreign tourist arrivals in 2022 while recording some 6.3 million foreign travellers according to first estimations from the tunisia national tourist office (ontt)..

According to reports, a total of 6,116,756 foreign visitor arrivals were registered in Tunisia from the beginning of the year until December 20, compared to 2,354,755 tourists during the same period of 2021.

China’s national news agency Xinhua quoted Lotfi Mani, central director of promotion (DCP, marketing, at the Tunisian National Tourist Office (ONTT). According to the director, the total number of tourists in Tunisia is likely to reach 6.3 million by the end of this year, with France, Germany, Poland, Czech and Algeria being the main source countries for foreign travellers. Four of the country’s 29 incoming European markets already surpassed their 2019 results. They are the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and a combined UK/Ireland figure.

For Lotfi Mani, the current indicators for the tourism sector “have so far met the objectives set since the beginning of the year, in particular those achieving 50 to 60% of the rate of tourist activities of the reference year (2019), which stood at 9.5 million tourists”.

The marketing executive pointed out that the number of tourist nights spent in Tunisia during the above -mentioned period amounted to 18.5 million, bringing the receipts of the tourism sector to $1.256 billion (€1,179bn).


Strengthening Tunisia’s tourism sector

Tourism is an important pillar of the Tunisian economy, representing 14% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and offering nearly 400,000 direct and indirect job opportunities.

During 2022, three important steps gave new impetus to the country’s tourism sector: the presentation, on September 27, of the “national strategic vision of Tunisian tourism by 2035” by the Minister of Tourism to the Head of Government;

The project “Promotion of sustainable tourism in Tunisia”, a joint action of the European Union (EU) within the framework of its program “Tounes Wijhetouna” and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development ( GIZ Tunisia agency ) in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts;

The project of USAID “Visit Tunisia Activity” . This is a five-year, USAID-funded project designed to grow and diversify Tunisia’s tourism sector, generating sustainable jobs and increasing tourism revenues. It aims at small and medium-sized enterprises with training and support for young people.

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Hammamet and Cape Bon

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Dream beaches of Hammamet, Nabeul, El Haouaria…

But if you don’t want to spend your whole holiday sunbathing, a large variety of sporting activities are available for you: jet ski , parasailing , catamaran, sea cruises , scuba diving … Children can also take part in suitable activities such as kayaking, windsurfing lessons or games in the mini clubs. More peaceful beaches await you all along the Cape Bon peninsula which starts to the north of Hammamet – such as Haouaria , or the one of Kelibia at the foot of the medieval fort.

The beach of Kelibia:

Where to sleep in Hammamet and Cape Bon?

Choose your accommodation and book without intermediaries

Clubbing or bird watching : activities and discoveries

At night, if clubbing is your thing, you will find the best Tunisian and international DJs in the nightclubs of Hammamet. Prefer to peacefully enjoy the balmy summer nights? Dine in a rooftop restaurant in the medina , in an interior courtyard, or in the Yasmine Hammamet marina .

tunisia tourism office

In the mood for walking and outings ? Go shopping in the souks , climb the ramparts of Hammamet fort to admire the view of the sea, stroll around the marina … and go to sea on a pirate ship ! Visit Medina Mediterranea , a theme park in the form of a giant medina, have fun as a family in the Carthage Land amusement park . Visit Nabeul , the neighbouring city, where numerous artisans still practice. Go shopping in the pottery stores, a speciality of the town. Finally, there is much to see on the Cape Bon peninsula : fields and orchards, rocky coves and  historical sites , villages and fishing ports...


Have a mint tea or a Moorish coffee at the Sidi Bouhadid café , ideally located under the ramparts and facing the sea.

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Hammamet has a beautiful sea and many water sports facilities. Make the most of it!

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Hammamet is known for its lively nights . In summer, its nightclubs on the beach attract clubbers from all over the world.

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As for golfers, they will appreciate the three 18-hole golf courses (two at Golf Citrus and one at Yasmine Valley ) that snake through the lush green hills. Read more .

With family or friends, spend a day at the Carthage Land amusement park to enjoy the most entertaining games and rides.

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If you love markets , the one in Nabeul will enchant you and is a place to eat many local specialities on the spot.

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Discover the incredible wild beaches of Port Prince and Oued el Abid , on the northern coast of Cape Bon. Read more .

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Watch the birds on the waters of Cape Bon: the peninsula is one of the most important migration corridors between Africa and Europe. Read more .

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What to see in Hammamet, Nabeul and Cape Bon?

The medina and the fortress of hammamet.

A former fortified village, Hammamet then became a peaceful fishing village. Its minuscule alleyways and houses washed with white and blue lime give it a unique charm.

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Nabeul museum and site of Neapolis

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Discover the Roman African mosaics and Carthaginian terracotta statues in Nabeul’s small archaeological museum . It also explains the operation of the huge saltworks factory whose remains are visible at the exit of the city: it is the site of the ancient city of Neapolis .

Opening hours, rates: Site of Neapolis - Nabeul museum

The city of Nabeul

City of handicrafts and orange blossom, Nabeul is the capital of the Cape Bon region .

The fortress of Kelibia

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At its feet lie the fishing harbour and long sandy beaches .

Kerkouane archaeological site: in the footsteps of the Phoenicians

This site offers an exceptional view into the way of life of the Carthaginians : houses , temples, workshops, ramparts etc.  Kerkouane has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO .  Opening hours, rates

El Haouaria and its Roman quarries

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Its inhabitants traditionally practice falconry , taking advantage of the migratory birds who pass through. You will discover its “ grottos ”, old subterranean quarries which open out onto the sea; they allowed stone to be loaded directly onto the ships bound for Carthage (currently closed to visitors).

Where to sleep in Hammamet and its surroundings?

Korbous and its thermal springs.

A stop in Korbous will let you discover a quaintly charming spa town and beautiful sandy beaches at the foot of rocky hills . One of its thermal springs discharges directly into the sea, and many of the inhabitants go there to bathe.

Must-see attractions near Hammamet

Thuburbo majus archaeological site.

A cultural visit and an agreeable walk in a beautiful ancient site surrounded by lush hills . 

Mount Zaghouan and Water Temple: nature and culture

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Mount Zaghouan peaks at 1295 metres . On its flanks perches the small town of Zaghouan, once inhabited by Andalusians . In ancient times, the springs of Mount Zaghouan provided Carthage with water; it is still possible to see the Roman monument that surrounded these springs (the Water Temple ) and the gigantic aqueduct which measured 132 km in length.

Oudhna archaeological site

Takrouna village: one of the most unusual places in Tunisia

South of Hammamet, this small Bedouin village at the summit of a steep rocky outcrop  dominates all of the surrounding plain.

The capital: Tunis, Carthage and Sidi Bou Saïd

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There is much to see and visit in Tunis and its surrounding areas: the great medina , the Tunis of 1900, the village of Sidi Bou Saïd , the Bardo museum , the ruins of Carthage … More about Tunis and its surroundings . The medina of Tunis and the ruins of Carthage have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. 

Sousse and Monastir: witnesses of medieval Tunisia

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More about Sousse and Monastir . The medina of Sousse has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

Kairouan, a must for cultural tourism in Tunisia

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First capital of Islamic Tunisia, Kairouan has kept its impressive relics of that golden age: the Great Mosque (the first founded in the Maghreb) and the Aghlabid basins (water reservoirs). Stroll through the traditional atmosphere found in the medina and visit the charming mausoleum of Sidi Sahbi , nicknamed the “Mosque of the Barber”.

More about Kairouan and its surroundings. The city of Kairouan has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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Nabeul and its Jewish memory

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KELIBIA’s beach

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A shop in Nabeul

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Ras el-Am sugar dolls

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The MEHARI HAMMAMET Thalasso & Spa hotel

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Palais Didon: stay with medical support for senior citizens

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Stroll through the BARDO MUSEUM

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Tunisia’s Culinary Journey

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On the trail of Djerba’s mosques

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Thalasso, a good reason to go to Tunisia

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The Bardo Museum reopens!

Our partners.

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  3. Contact

    The head office 1, Avenue Mohamed V - Tunis. Tél: 71 341 077. Fax: 71 341 145 . 8, Avenue de Mexique - Tunis. Tél: 71 145 000 . 84, Avenue de la Liberté - Tunis

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    Explore Tunisia, a land of contrasts and surprises, with the official website of the Ministry of Tourism. Find useful tips, news, statistics and more about this amazing destination.


  7. Tunisia International Travel Information

    CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS FOR ENTRY: Import of Tunisian currency is prohibited. Visitors must declare cash brought into Tunisia in excess of TND 10,000 (or foreign currency equivalent). They must declare amounts above TND 5,000 if they wish to export that amount upon departure. CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS FOR EXIT: Export of Tunisian currency is prohibited.

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  12. Office National du Tourisme Tunisien

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  14. Tunisia Travel Advisory

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  15. Entry Requirements

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  16. Tunis

    Free maps of Tunis and Tunisia are available at the National Tourism Office, to the north-east of the clock tower (directly east of the main Medina gate). The tourist office offers assistance in many languages.

  17. Safety and security

    FCDO travel advice for Tunisia. Includes safety and security, insurance, entry requirements and legal differences.

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    All inclusive spa holiday Enjoy great deal spa holidays in Tunisia. Star Wars holiday Take off on a Star Wars holiday in Tunisia. Watersports holiday Dive in to an amazing family holiday in Tunisia. Scuba diving in tunisia Under the sea: Scuba diving in Tunisia. Adventure holiday Travel back in time on an adventure holiday in Tunisia.


    Tunisia reported a sharp rebound in foreign tourist arrivals in 2022 while recording some 6.3 million foreign travellers according to first estimations from the Tunisia National Tourist Office (ONTT). According to reports, a total of 6,116,756 foreign visitor arrivals were registered in Tunisia from the beginning of the year until December 20 ...


    Hammamet is known for its lively nights. In summer, its nightclubs on the beach attract clubbers from all over the world. As for golfers, they will appreciate the three 18-hole golf courses (two at Golf Citrus and one at Yasmine Valley) that snake through the lush green hills. Read more. With family or friends, spend a day at the Carthage Land ...