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tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

GALLERY: The Palatial Beauty Of The Tour Auto Optic 2000

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

Photography by Maxence Massaro

The 26th running of the Tour Auto came to conclusion yesterday after over 200 vintage sports and race cars spent a week of romping around Europe. 2017’s Tour Auto Optic 2000 is the latest iteration in a string of events that have been organized since 1992 in honor of the defunct Tour de France Automobile. While you’d need a time machine or a worrying powerful sense of memory to experience the original race and the factory-backed teams run ragged over the course of the competition, attendance at the contemporary version of the Tour will reward you with the types of cars and locales that transport you not through time, but to another world entirely. A world where the expansive volumes of Paris’s Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées are filled with cars of varied but pedigreed breed.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

The cars aren’t just candy either. Over the week-long event, the once-gleaming machines are subjected to a barrage of trials in which to test the potential of the cars and the gumption of those behind their wheels. Past runnings have descended upon such places as the Nürburgring, and Spa, and this year saw the addition of two night stages to complement the race’s usual daytime running. For over 2,500 km, the participants were also treated to postcard-esque vistas from coiled mountain switchbacks to charming towns during the road stages, and to hallowed race tracks like Le Mans. This is an example of true variety.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

Viewing the compiled collection of cars as they awaited the start of what is surely a paragon of modern road rallies, one is led to simple wonder and awe. Even if you’re lucky enough to count the lines of vintage cars that make up the entrant list as things you’ve seen before, it is unlikely that seeing them here and for this purpose will ever lose its ability to instill raw amazement. Maybe not at any particular piece of it, perhaps not any solitary vehicle or track or story will yield this reaction, but the challenge to resist the spectacle of the Tour Auto as a whole is one we don’t mind falling short of. Because where else can a single snatched moment include a Parisian palace full of the sights and scents and raucous noise of hundreds of history’s most beautiful and brutal cars? In celebration of the end of another running of the Tour Auto, enjoy our gallery of the event’s beautiful beginning.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

Over the week-long event, the once-gleaming machines are subjected to a barrage of trials in which to test the potential of the cars and the gumption of those behind their wheels.  Mike

Bill Meyer

Lordy, I espied a pair of Renault 12 rally cars. I owned a 12 for a (thankfully) short time and sold it to a crazed Algerian ex-taxi driver in Seattle. There’s always a weird tale attached to French cars for me, but I love ’em.


Good to hear about classic cars being driven, instead of being burried in a private museum…

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Tour Auto Optic 2000 : les inscriptions sont ouvertes !

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

Communiqué de presse : Les inscriptions au Tour Auto Optic 2ooo (du 30 avril au 5 mai 2019) sont ouvertes. Attention, les places sont limitées !

Chaque année, Peter Auto célèbre un constructeur ou un type de voitures ayant participé à l’histoire du Tour de France Automobile. A l’occasion de la 28ème édition, ce sont les marques anglaises disparues qui bénéficieront de toutes les attentions. Et elles sont nombreuses à avoir été alignées au départ de l’épreuve originelle ! La priorité sera donc donnée aux modèles les plus exotiques, comme ceux des marques Frazer-Nash, Jowett, Sunbeam-Talbot, Fairthorpe, etc. Parmi ces modèles, le comité en sélectionnera 15 qui bénéficieront de 10% de réduction sur leur engagement.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

De la même façon, afin de favoriser les voitures les plus anciennes, le règlement de la section Régularité évolue. Ainsi, comme pour la section Compétition, seules les voitures homologuées avant le 31 décembre 1965 pourront concourir pour le classement général Régularité. Les voitures postérieures pourront prétendre aux différentes victoires de classe en fonction de leur période, G, H ou I.

Les équipes de Peter Auto reçoivent de nombreuses candidatures au Tour Auto Optic 2ooo, les obligeant à faire des choix pour se limiter à 240 voitures. Le comité de sélection s’efforcera, comme à l’habitude, d’assurer un maximum de diversité avec des modèles de marques et d’époques différentes ( liste des modèles éligibles ). Il va sans dire que les modèles intéressants et les dossiers arrivés les premiers seront privilégiés…

L’inscription par voiture pour un équipage de deux personnes s’élève à 9.950 euros (tarif minoré à 9.350 euros jusqu'au 15 novembre 2018). La clôture des inscriptions est fixée au 1er janvier 2019. Les assistances bénéficient elles aussi d’un tarif minoré pour toute inscription avant le 15 janvier 2019 ; au-delà de cette date, l’inscription se fera au tarif normal et dans la mesure des places disponibles.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

L’engagement comprend :

• L’hôtellerie – cinq nuits en chambre twin ou double (du 1er au 4 mai inclus)

• La restauration pour deux personnes (petit déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner) à partir du déjeuner du départ jusqu’au brunch de l’arrivée de l’épreuve

• Un road book

• Trois jeux de numéros

• Deux plaques de rallye

Le départ de cette 28ème édition sera donné du Grand Palais à Paris ; mais nouveauté cette année, ce n’est pas vers le Sud de la France que se dirigera la caravane du  Tour Auto … Les circuits empruntés, la destination d’arrivée et les villes-étapes traversées par l’édition 2019 du Tour Auto Optic 2ooo vous seront révélés prochainement.

Pour s'inscrire, c'est ICI .


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Cars, Speed, Ego: Inside France's Tour Auto Optic 2000

This image may contain Vehicle Car Transportation Automobile Convertible Human Person Sunglasses and Accessories

Some years ago, my friend Sam was based in Munich, revamping a magazine. One morning in early June, he called me in New York with a command: “We’re taking a road trip in my car.” If you’ve seen *The Graduate,*you know Sam’s car: a 1966 Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto, that glistening two-door convertible with a rear-view mirror the size of a butter knife which Dustin Hoffman races through the streets of L.A. in a desperate bid to find Elaine.

I bought the cheapest Lufthansa ticket I could find. Two hours after landing, Sam and I were speeding toward the Brenner Pass, climbing toward Italy. We spent the first night in the Alps, near St. Jodok am Brenner, on the Italian-Austrian border, in a friend’s rustic chalet, cooking spaghetti and draining a bottle of pinot nero. Come morning, we barreled into Italy where, for the next two weeks, we rambled through the country, spinning our way from Lake Como to Siena to the Cinque Terre. The Alfa Romeo, I learned on that trip, was like the most-perfect guide—a chrome-accented native who not only was comfortable on the back roads but seemed to have connections wherever we went. Every time we parked in front of a café or bar, the reaction was the same: Smiling locals wandered over to gaze at the car and take a photo of their kids beside it.

It was at a café in Noli, a small town on the Riviera, that an older man told me why Italians were so enamored with our ride. In the 1960s and ’70s, the Alfa Ro- meo and other sexy Italian roadsters and racers of that era—the Ferraris and Fiats—were seemingly everywhere. Brilliant machines in racer red, British green, and cobalt blue, all buzzing the back roads and autostradas. “But,” he said, “we took them for granted.” He went on to explain that one day, models like the Duetto were gone, no longer in production. “Seeing this car, it’s like seeing the most gorgeous girl from your youth. And she has re- turned. But she is still as perfect as the day you last saw her. You have aged. She has not.”

Image may contain Human Person Transportation Vehicle and Driving

A drivers stops to greet spectators. Each car in the rally must have both a driver and a navigator—and some have a team following close behind, prepared to service the vehicle.

On that vacation, I discovered a crucial distinction between road trips: Any car can be transportation, but only a few cars can truly transport you—to a state of mind, to romance. I saw that truth on display this April when I walked into the Grand Palais in Paris and found more than 200 masterpieces of mid-century auto de- sign, all shipped there by their owners from the United States, the U.K., Italy, and elsewhere in France in ad- vance of the Tour Auto Optic 2000, an annual (and exclusive) five-day road rally that takes drivers through some of France’s most spectacular countryside and down some of its most remote roads. Everywhere I looked, I saw beauties from the 1920s through the 1980s, all the storied bloodlines of European motoring: Porsche, Maserati, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Audi, Lotus, Jaguar. (Here’s the truth about the Optic 2000: It’s like any club in that it’s open to everyone—if you meet the requirements. To drive in the Optic 2000, drivers must own a model manufactured between 1951 and 1973. Which leads to another fact: Many of these cars now sell at auction for what some people spend on Picassos.)

Most Americans are unfamiliar with European-style rallies like the Optic 2000, Goodwood in the U.K., and Italy’s equally storied Mille Miglia, which trace their lineage back to the early 20th century. In the United States, we like to watch our cars go round and round really fast on closed courses; in Europe, these heritage events are more refined. Drivers compete in three segments: Two timed-stage categories held on a race track and on a closed course at different points along the route, and straight-up driving on open public roads. And the spectatorship along the routes mirrors the glamour of the cars. The crowd is a mashup channeling the Royal Ascot, a British fox hunt, and Steve McQueen in Le Mans. As Steven Read, the owner of a gleaming red Ferrari 250 LM, told me, “We like to think of it as competitive tourism.”

This image may contain Transportation Vehicle Automobile Car Human Person Wheel Machine Sports Car and Tarmac

A 289 AC Cobra hardtop leaving the grounds of the château.

Your September 2024 Horoscope: Consider Your Travel Companions Carefully

Because the Optic 2000 is limited to classic cars, or what the French call VHCs (véhicules historiques de compétition), there is an inherent exclusivity: Some esti- mate the total number of qualifying cars worldwide at just 3,500. The appeal of the race, however, is not just in watching the cars spin through small villages and towns (as with the Tour de France bike race, the course is altered every year to take drivers on a new route). For the com- petitors, it is about the camaraderie. Each team consists of a driver and a navigator. Some teams this year were first-timers, but others have been doing it for decades, like the British/American duo of Fred Hampton and John Logan, who were driving a 1972 orange Porsche 911.

“What we love,” Logan told me, “is that it goes on open roads. It’s the best of its kind and the last of its kind.” And then there was Jon Pinösch and Michel Buzzi, two white-haired Swiss gents in their 60s who have been best friends since boarding school. Here they were in their tenth year in the rally, driving a 1965 Lotus Elan, a car that is impossibly chic (and made famous by Emma Peel in the original Avengers )but no bigger than a tray table. And since it is a roadster, it also has no roof. So what happens when it rains? “We get wet,” said Pinösch. “But that’s all part of it. For us, it’s about the bonds we form together and with the other people we see at each of these. I only wish I had more than two arms and two feet so I could drive more than one car at a time.”

Which is not to say the driving doesn’t get competitive. Cars. Speed. Ego. Beautiful roads. Wealth. Can one concoct a more potent mix of ingredients? There are prizes (not money, just bragging rights), and people take it all very seriously—studying not just the course for days beforehand but also how they travel. The hard-core take pride in what they call “arrive and drive”—wearing one pair of clothes and a jumpsuit for the whole trip. Since many of the cars have small trunks and the goal is to re- duce the weight they carry, stripping down the wardrobe to the minimum is something to boast about—and a connection with the heritage of long-ago drivers. On the road, days fall into an intense, precise schedule, where every minute adds up. Teams set off by 7 A.M., and the driving day is often 12 hours, broken up by a 30-minute lunch at an abbey or château nobody has time to admire. Sometimes drivers who are less experienced get a dose of what the vets call “red mist”—where your competitive nature makes you drive beyond your skill set. If you are lucky, you miss a turn. If you’re not so fortunate, you run the risk of wrapping your investment around some ancient oak tree in the Dordogne.

Image may contain Human Person Vehicle Transportation Car Car Show Automobile Museum and Hot Rod

Classic Porsche and Jaguar models fill the halls of Paris’s Grand Palais, which had its first motor show in 1901. At the Tour Auto Optic 2000 exhibition, the public is invited to view the 223 cars that will compete in the rally.

But that seemed far away in the early-morning light of Paris, as I watched a sparkly string of gasoline-powered masterpieces make their way out of the Grand Palais, cheered on by café-toting spectators. As the cars headed along the Seine and out into the countryside, the ever-cranky and give-no-quarter drivers of Paris had their royalist roots awakened; suddenly, they were yielding to these monarchs of the highway.

The allure of this world was epitomized by Macha Vananty, a 27-year-old fashion executive from Switzerland. It’s not enough that she looks like Audrey Hepburn in *Two for the Road:*Her grandfather had raced in Europe in the '30s, and this year she drove for the first time with her father, Dominique, in his 1965 Porsche 911, serving as his navigator. As she told me in the days after the rally, what she loves about this race—and the concentrated amount of time with her dad—is the rarity of the experience. “I spent seven days traveling nearly 1,200 miles in a tiny space. It was true happiness. I had so many father-daughter moments, but I was touched most of all by the lovely people we saw, smiling and waving at us along the route. Friends having a glass of wine by the road, kids dreaming about these old-fashioned beauties roaring through their streets.”

This story was updated to correct the name of Macha Vananty.

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After many uncertainties and ups and downs due the global health crisis context and postponed to early September, the Tour Auto Optic 2000 cars were finally displayed at the Grand Palais on Monday 31 August. They officially hit the road on Tuesday September 1 from the Linas Montlhéry circuit. Definite feat of the Peter Auto organization, but above all courage of the participants, including those arriving from afar, taking turns and detours to participate in this… Tour! They had to trust, but even if for some of them the adventure ended before the final finish, they were rewarded. This crazy week will indeed have allowed its participants to finally find their beautiful mounts again to cover 1986 km through the most beautiful French landscapes. A unique moment paced by encounters, emotions but above all passion, that of the automobile.

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On Saturday 5th September after a special road stage at Mont Ventoux and a circuit session on the Paul Ricard layout, the competitors crossed the finishing arch. The 29thTour Auto Optic 2ooo was over and time for truth had come. Who were the winners?

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In the Regularity section, a family duo was on the topmost step of the podium. Aboard a Ford Mustang, Jean-François and François Nicoules , who had already racked up three victories in the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo (Jean-François’ first win in 2012 and victories together in 2013 and 2015). They formed a redoubtable pairing, the father-son alliance proving to be a winning combination that gave them a fourth victory to add to their Tour Auto Optic 2ooo’s laurels. – congratulations! Complete general classifications here .

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“Thank you time has arrived: to all participants in the event 29th staging who answered the challenge in this very special context, as well as to our partners faithful partners for their loyalty. We will neither forget the French authorities –prefectures and town halls, whose help enabled this rolling open air museum to cross the whole of France while respecting the health measures in force. An amazing caravan which, judging by the public along the roads, remains very successful.”

Report by Photos by Mathieu Bonnevie

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Tour Auto Optic2000 : le parcours 2019

  • NewsClassicRacing
  • Publié le 11 dé 2018

La 28ème édition du Tour Auto Optic 2000 se déroulera du 29 avril au 4 mai 2019 . Les 240 concurrents s’élanceront du Grand Palais (Paris) en direction de Deauville, via cinq étapes.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

Comme le veut la tradition, l’édition 2019 du Tour Auto Optic 2000 commencera le lundi 29 avril par une exposition des voitures au Grand Palais à Paris. Le lendemain (mardi 30 avril) les 240 concurrents quitteront la capitale dès les premières heures de la matinée pour se lancer sur les routes de France et se mesureront lors d’épreuves chronométrées (Compétition ou Régularité) sur 4 circuits (Dijon-Prenois, Magny-Cours, Charade, Le Mans) et 10 épreuves spéciales sur routes fermées.

Le parcours du Tour Auto Optic 2000, chaque année renouvelé, fera étape à Dijon, Lyon, Vichy, Tours et Deauville où les concurrents seront attendus samedi soir. L’itinéraire détaillé, avec les horaires de passage dans les communes, sera communiqué le mardi 2 avril 2019.

Parcours 2019 :

LUNDI 29 AVRIL GRAND PALAIS PARIS Contrôles techniques et administratifs Ouverture au public de 10 heures à 17 heures

MARDI 30 AVRIL PARIS - VAUX-LE-VICOMTE - DIJON (environ 400 km) + Circuit Dijon-Prenois + 1 Épreuve Spéciale

MERCREDI 1ER MAI DIJON - LYON (environ 500 km) + Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours + 2 Épreuves Spéciales

JEUDI 2 MAI LYON - VICHY (environ 400 km) + 3 Épreuves Spéciales

VENDREDI 3 MAI VICHY - TOURS (environ 530 km) + Circuit de Charade + 2 Épreuves Spéciales

SAMEDI 4 MAI TOURS - DEAUVILLE (environ 430 km) + Circuit du Mans + 2 Épreuves Spéciales

-> Le parcours détaillé

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Organisation : Peter Auto

-> Liste des modèles éligibles -> S’inscrire

photos : JM Biadatti -

-> Les éditions précédentes

Les engagés 2019

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Voici la liste des 211 premiers équipages sélectionnés au Tour Auto Optic 2000 2019. Ils seront 240 au départ du Grand Palais (Paris) le 29 avril.

-> Liste des engagés provisoire

-> Liste des engagés définitive 2019

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Peter Auto

Eligible models


According to the eligibility rules, any car having participated in the Tour de France Automobile between 1951 and 1973 (plus some exceptions), is admitted. The year featuring after the model is the year of its participation in the event. The same type from another year is accepted.

The fame of the event has always been attracting major car manufacturers but also many small workshops looking for sporting success. These cars are from popular cars at the time such as the Citroën 2CV or the Renault 4CV, to the most desired Ferraris via race prototypes.

tour auto optic 2000 voiture eligible

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  1. Peter Auto

    TOUR AUTO Modèles éligibles < RETOUR. Conformément aux règles d'éligibilité, sont admises toutes les voitures ayant participé au Tour de France Automobile entre 1951 et 1973 ... GTAM 2000: 1970: ALFA ROMEO: GTV 1600: 1969: ALFA ROMEO: GTV 1750: 1970: ALFA ROMEO: GTV 2000: 1972: ALFA ROMEO:

  2. Tour Auto Optic 2000

    Pour être éligible au Tour Auto Optic 2000, les voitures (ou modèles identiques) doivent avoir disputé le Tour de France automobile entre 1951 et 1973. Les participants sont des amateurs ou d'anciens pilotes professionnels, qui sont en moyenne pour moitié des étrangers venus d'une trentaine de pays à travers l'Europe et le monde [réf.

  3. Peter Auto

    ÉDITION 2024. Au départ de Paris, Tours (La Grange de Meslay), Limoges, Carcassonne, Pau et enfin Biarritz ont été les villes étapes de chaque journée du 21 au 27 avril. Les concurrents se sont affrontés sur les circuits du Mans, du Val de Vienne, de Nogaro et Pau Arnos. Les grands gagnants de la catégorie Compétition du groupe VHC ...

  4. Tour Auto Optic2000 : inscriptions ouvertes

    Les inscriptions au Tour Auto Optic 2ooo (du 29 avril au 4 mai 2019) sont ouvertes. Attention, les places sont limitées ! Départ au Grand Palais (Paris) Chaque année, Peter Auto célèbre un constructeur ou un type de voitures ayant participé à l'histoire du Tour de France Automobile. A l'occasion de la 28ème édition, ce sont les ...

  5. Tour Auto Optic 2000

    The 30th edition of the #Tour_Auto_Optic_2000 takes place from 30th August to 4th September 2021. It starts from the Grand Palais Éphémère (Paris) to finish in Nice, by five legs and 1 930 kilometers on the most beautiful roads in France. The 2021 Tour Auto Optic 2000 begins on Monday 30th April in a completely new setting, the Grand-Palais ...

  6. 125 Photos Prove The Tour Auto Optic 2000 Is The ...

    Peter Auto, the organizing body of the Tour Auto Optic 2000, gave the rendezvous point to all the teams and their cars in Paris at the Grand Palais on Sunday, April 22nd. A marvelous place even without the cars, the green lattice of arches and buttresses and domes is full of airy light and complex architecture, and the glass roof overhead ...

  7. Tour Auto Optic 2000 : inscriptions ouvertes

    Communiqué de presse : La 29ème édition du Tour Auto Optic 2000 partira du Grand Palais à Paris et posera ses valises dans le sud-est de la France. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes mais ...

  8. Tour Auto Optic 2000 : Registration is open!

    Entries for the Tour Auto Optic 2000 (from April 23 to 28, 2018) are now open. Entry fee is € 9,800 per car for a two people-crew. Minored entry fee... | motor car, information

  9. GALLERY: The Palatial Beauty Of The Tour Auto Optic 2000

    The 26th running of the Tour Auto came to conclusion yesterday after over 200 vintage sports and race cars spent a week of romping around Europe. 2017's Tour Auto Optic 2000 is the latest iteration in a string of events that have been organized since 1992 in honor of the defunct Tour de France Automobile. While you'd need a time machine or a worrying powerful sense of memory to experience ...

  10. Tour Auto

    Tour Auto Optic 2000 entry list. This first provisional version of the comprises 117 entrants (52 in the racing section, 65 in regularity), and there are already some exceptional cars on it including...

  11. Tour Auto Optic 2000 : les inscriptions sont ouvertes

    Endurance-Info couvre les championnats majeurs d'Endurance à travers le monde depuis 2006. Devenue une référence dans le milieu, Endurance-Info ne cesse d'être au coeur des acteurs de la ...

  12. Cars, Speed, Ego: Inside France's Tour Auto Optic 2000

    A 289 AC Cobra hardtop leaving the grounds of the château. Photo by Dewey Nicks. Because the Optic 2000 is limited to classic cars, or what the French call VHCs (véhicules historiques de ...

  13. Tour Auto Optic 2000 : le parcours de l'édition 2021

    On connaitra alors le nom de l'équipage qui succédera palmarès de l'épreuve au duo Raphaël Favaro / Lucien-Charles Nicolet, lauréat l'édition 2020 du Tour Auto Optic 2000 avec une Jaguar ...

  14. This Was The Tour Auto Optic 2000

    A unique moment paced by encounters, emotions but above all passion, that of the automobile. On Saturday 5th September after a special road stage at Mont Ventoux and a circuit session on the Paul Ricard layout, the competitors crossed the finishing arch. The 29thTour Auto Optic 2ooo was over and time for truth had come.

  15. Start of the Tour Auto Optic 2000 Course Exposition Automobile Grand

    Tour Auto Optic 2000 Place Joffre - 75007 Paris From April 17, 2023 to April 22, 2023. Historic models of the Tour de France on show at the Grand Palais Éphémère The famous historic car race takes place from 30 August to 4 September 2020. On the programme: a route from Paris to the Paul Ricard circuit via Limoges, Toulouse and Pont du Gard ...

  16. Tour Auto Optic2000 : le parcours 2019

    La 28ème édition du Tour Auto Optic 2000 se déroulera du 29 avril au 4 mai 2019. Les 240 concurrents s'élanceront du Grand Palais (Paris) en direction de Deauville, via cinq étapes. Comme le veut la tradition, l'édition 2019 du Tour Auto Optic 2000 commencera le lundi 29 avril par une exposition des voitures au Grand Palais à Paris.

  17. 2020 Tour Auto Optic 2000

    The 29th edition of the Tour Auto Optic 2000 starts from the Grand Palais (Paris) to finish in Marseille, via Clermont-Ferrand, Limoges, Toulouse and Pont du...

  18. MosVoyage Tour Agency

    Get fully personalized tour program, depending on your interests and budget. Learn more: Travel concierge. Online assistance 24/7 + unlimited Internet access during your trip. Learn more: MosVoyage Tour Agency offers tailor-made tours in Russian cities. We specialize on private tours, individual excursions and tour packages in Moscow & Saint ...

  19. Peter Auto

    by the Automobile Club de France, the Tour Auto is the oldest motor racing event still in operation. It has become one of the most prestigious rallies in the world, attracting legendary makes such as Ferrari, Porsche, Jaguar, Mercedes, Maserati, Matra driven by equally renowned drivers such as Maurice Trintignant, Stirling Moss, Phil Hill ...

  20. Events

    Geneva 2019: 1 of 1 Bugatti "La Voiture Noire" ... Tour Auto Optic 2000: Paris - Cannes: 23 - 24 Apr: Keels & Wheels Concours d'Elegance: Seabrook: 25 Apr - 04 May: Beijing Motor Show 2016:

  21. Moscow Tours

    Moscow by Night Private Tour with a Local Guide. Enjoy Moscow's historical sights and city lights on this private evening walking tour. With a personal guide, view must-sees including the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square, enjoy coffee (own expense) at the 19th-century GUM arcade, admire the illuminated skyline from various ...

  22. Peter Auto

    TOUR AUTO Eligible models ... GTV 2000: 1972: ALFA ROMEO: Spyder 1750: 1971: ALPINE: A 106-747: 1956: ALPINE: A 108-845: 1960: ALPINE: A 108-904: 1958: ALPINE: A 108-998: ... Peter Auto s'est forgé une réputation internationale, aussi bien dans le domaine de la voiture historique que moderne, devenant l'un des acteurs majeurs de cet ...

  23. Top Moscow Tours & Vacations 2024/2025 [reviews & photos]

    Compare tour itineraries from 45 tour companies. 308 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating. Popular Moscow Tours See all 60 Moscow trips. Save this trip to your favorites or other list. Compare. Quick View Trip Details. Lower Volga Voyage. By 50 Degrees North. none. 5 /5. 53 reviews. Vacation / Holiday Package-NaN % $0.