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Published Jun 6, 2017

Operation Enterprise Officially Opens at Movie Park Germany

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise , the new triple launch coaster at Movie Park Germany, is officially open and taking guests on the ride of their lives. The attraction opened today, after two years of planning and construction activity.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

'We’re incredibly proud of our new themed attraction,” Thorsten Backhaus, General Manager of Movie Park Germany, said in a statement. “It’s a roller coaster that gives guests an adrenaline rush and much more, because it takes them right into the heart of the Star Trek universe before the ride even begins, making them part of the story. We’re the only theme park to have secured an official Star Trek coaster license. Movie Park Germany collaborated closely with CBS Consumer Products in the USA to get this project off the ground, and it’s a real milestone for both partners.”

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is an all-encompassing experience. Guests access the coaster from the brand-new Federation Plaza theme area via an entirely Star Trek -themed building that covers an area of more than 1000 m2. The coaster itself features a twisted halfpipe with a 40-metre elevation that is one of a kind in Europe, plus an eight-ton transfer track system. Guests can also expect to see a holodeck, two transporter rooms and a true-to-original replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D bridge as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Guests are, in fact, part of a Star Trek storyline that they become immersed in as they move from room to room and are “trained” for their first mission as Starfleet cadets. The Enterprise and her crew are on their way to a United Federation of Planets meeting when they are attacked by the Borg and taken aboard the enemy ship. The Enterprise is now unmanned and caught in a tractor beam. The only hope of rescue is the Starfleet cadets on the bridge of a nearby ship at the time of the attack. They are preparing to be launched out of their ship’s transporter room in shuttles on a rescue mission. This holodeck mission’s success depends on the cadets breaching the Borg ship’s deflector shield, destroying its main systems and saving the crew of the Enterprise. The mission itself begins when guests enter the triple launch coaster. Complementing the entire experience, the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra recorded a full and rich soundtrack that can be heard both outside and inside the attraction.

Visit for more information about the attraction and the storyline.

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Movie Park Germany

Action-packed adventures, more exciting and explosive than any blockbuster – this is Movie Park Germany. In Germany’s largest film and amusement park, you will experience more than 40 breathtaking attractions, rapid coasters, and sensational shows within seven themed areas. Get ready to be taken away into the world of movies by famous cinema and tv heroes.

In the 2024 season, the park once again presents itself as diverse as the various film genres: During summertime, the “Sherlock Holmes – A Game of Mystery” show with Christian Farla is getting another season with some new illusions. In the new “Trattoria Hollywood” guests can experience an American-Italian ambiance with a new all-you-can-eat concept. A new Tom & Jerry 4-D movie and various events also ensure a movie-like stay. Christmas wishes will come true again at the end of the year: after the positive guest feedback from last year, the winter event “Movie Park’s Hollywood Christmas” will be given a cinematic sequel, creating an original American Christmas experience with over 700,000 lights, shows, and entertainment.

One highlight and blockbuster that turns guests of the Movie Park Studios into stars, is the multi-awarded family coaster “Movie Park Studio Tour”. Inspired by the glorious film studios in California, the elaborately designed multi-dimensional coaster takes all film and rollercoaster fans on an exciting Hollywood studio tour with various sets and scenes at speeds of up to 60 km/h. Sound and special effects, two accelerations forward and backward as well as a 360-degree rotating platform provide an immersive experience with cinematic multimedia elements.

Lots of fun awaits parents and kids in the PAW Patrol themed area  “Adventure Bay”,  where younger and older fans of the popular tv show can experience the world of their puppy heroes from up close. Three very detailed family attractions, including the latest attraction „Skye’s High Flyer” and the well-known PAW Patrol command tower, bring the kid’s show to life – and all this within Europe’s largest nickelodeonLAND.

As the only amusement park worldwide, Movie Park Germany offers a spectacular rollercoaster with the official Star Trek™ license. The intergalactic triple launch coaster „ Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise “ beams guests into new spheres with warp speed. Numerous inversions, spectacular track elements, and the twisted halfpipe, which is 40 meters high and unique in Europe, make the guests a part of the mission to rescue the U.S.S. Enterprise.

For those who like it a little darker, the park will be turning into Europe’s largest Halloween Event from late September until mid-November. More than 250 monsters, numerous horror mazes, and special scare zones make even the bravest guests’ blood run cold at the award-winning Halloween Horror Festival. For even more adventures and action, the indoor rollercoaster „ Van Helsing´s Factory “ takes you on a wild vampire hunt through the darkness, and on Germany’s first wooden rollercoaster „The Bandit“   you will experience a crazy chase through the Wild West.

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Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

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Operation Enterprise logo

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a roller coaster attraction located in Movie Park Germany , near Bottrop in Germany. First announced as under construction in September 2016 , the attraction officially opened to the public on 30 May 2017 , after a week's soft launch.

Standing forty meters high, the roller coaster is based in the Federation Plaza, and sees visitors escorted through a small exhibition space before taking on the role of Starfleet cadets tasked with rescuing the USS Enterprise -D and its crew from the Borg , accessing the bridge of the deserted Galaxy -class starship before departing the ship via shuttlecraft (the roller coaster car).

The attraction features original music composed by Andreas and Sebastian Kübler that was released on disc .

External links [ ]

  • Operation Enterprise (X) – official website
  • Movie Park Germany – official website
  • Star Trek: Operation Enterprise at Wikipedia

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Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise eröffnet im Movie Park Germany

Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise eröffnet im Movie Park Germany

Neuer Triple-Launch-Coaster ab sofort für Gäste geöffnet / Weltweit einmalige Lizenz

Rund zwei Jahre Planungs- und Bauzeit finden ihren krönenden Abschluss, wenn ab sofort die Gäste des Movie Park Germany den neuen Triple-Launch-Coaster „Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise“ erleben können. „Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf die neue Themenwelt, die hier entstanden ist. Unsere Gäste bekommen durch die Achterbahn nicht nur einen weiteren Adrenalin-Kick im Park geboten, sondern können vorher bereits in das Star Trek Universum abtauchen. Sie werden selbst ein Teil davon“, freut sich Geschäftsführer Thorsten Backhaus. Eine Kombination, die sonst nirgends möglich ist. „Als einziger Freizeitpark weltweit haben wir die offizielle Star Trek Lizenz für eine Achterbahn. In enger und vertrauensvoller Zusammenarbeit haben wir mit dem Lizenzgeber CBS Consumer Products in Amerika ein Projekt auf die Beine gestellt, das definitiv ein Meilenstein für beide Seiten darstellt.“

Ein komplettes Erlebnis Vom neu geschaffenen Themenbereich „Federation Plaza“ geht es für die Gäste über ein 1000 Quadratmeter großes und komplett Star Trek thematisiertes Gebäude  zur neuen Achterbahn, die mit einem 10,5 Tonnen schweren Transfergleissystem und der europaweit einmaligen, 40 Meter hohen Twisted Halfpipe aufzuwarten weiß. „Aufgrund der engen Zusammenarbeit mit CBS Consumer Products und unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in lizenzbasiertem Bau von Attraktionen ist es uns gelungen, so originalgetreu wie möglich zu thematisieren“, erzählt Thorsten Backhaus. Entstanden sind Highlights, die nicht nur Star Trek Fans beeindrucken dürften. Unter anderem Holodecks, zwei Transporter-Räume und das absolute Herzstück: die originalgetreue U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Brücke aus der The Next Generation Reihe. „Darauf sind wir besonders stolz. Die vielen kleinen Details haben uns am Ende so manche Nachtschicht beschert, aber es hat sich gelohnt“, so Thorsten Backhaus. Raum für Raum tauchen die Gäste ein in die Geschichte, werden im Laufe der Attraktion zu Starfleet Kadetten ausgebildet und stehen schon bald vor ihrer ersten Mission.

Die Storyline Die Crew der Enterprise ist auf der Reise zu einem Treffen der Föderationen, als sie von den Borg angegriffen und auf das feindliche Schiff befördert werden. Die Enterprise ist unbemannt und im Traktorstrahl gefangen. Einzige Rettung: die Starfleet Kadetten, die sich zum Zeitpunkt des Übergriffs auf der Brücke eines benachbarten Schiffes befinden. Von dessen Transporter-Raum sollen sie auf die Enterprise gebeamt werden und mit den Shuttles die Mannschaft retten. Nur wenn die Schutzschilde der Borg erfolgreich manipuliert und die Hauptsysteme zerstört werden, ist die Crew der Enterprise gerettet und – die Holodeck-Mission erfolgreich ausgeführt.

Eine beeindruckende Achterbahn Für diese Mission steigen die Gäste schließlich in den Triple-Launch-Coaster mit spektakulären Fahrelementen und zahlreichen Inversionen. „Die Twisted Halfpipe ist schon aus der Ferne zu erkennen und sticht neben dem Highfall als zweitgrößtes Element aus der Parksilhouette hervor“, beschreibt Thorsten Backhaus die Dimensionen. „Dass wir nun unseren Gästen ein solches Produkt präsentieren können, ist das Ergebnis zahlreicher Markt- und Zielgruppenanalysen sowie Besucherumfragen. Eine neue Thrill-Attraktion sollte es sein und mit einer für den Park typischen Filmlizenz. Das war und ist unser Markenzeichen. Generell sind eine gute Thematisierung und eine gute Storyline absolut unerlässlich in der Branche. Es muss ein rundes Erlebnis sein, vom Betreten bis zum Verlassen der Attraktion.“ Dafür sorgt auch der eigens komponierte Soundtrack der neuen Achterbahn. „Wir wollten etwas Außergewöhnliches und haben uns daher entschlossen, den Soundtrack, der sowohl außerhalb als auch innerhalb der Attraktion zu hören ist, vom Budapester Philharmonie Orchester einspielen zu lassen“, so der Geschäftsführer. Der vollere Klang sorge für eine noch beeindruckendere Kulisse.

Davon können sich ab sofort auch die Gäste des Movie Park Germany selbst überzeugen. „Captain Jean-Luc Picard und seine Crew warten schon“, lädt Geschäftsführer Thorsten Backhaus ein.

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Star Trek: Operation Enterprise Coaster Now Open In Germany – Photos & Video

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

| June 7, 2017 | By: Staff 30 comments so far

Earlier this year we previewed the Star Trek: Operation Enterprise roller coaster attraction at Movie Park Germany. After a “soft launch” in May, today Movie Park officially announced the opening of what is the only licensed Star Trek coaster in the world.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is now open (Movie Park Germany)

Movie Park General Manager Thorsten Backhaus states:

“We’re incredibly proud of our new themed attraction. It’s a roller coaster that gives guests an adrenaline rush and much more, because it takes them right into the heart of the Star Trek universe before the ride even begins, making them part of the story.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

The “Federation Plaza” for Operation Enterprise (Movie Park Germany)

Federation Plaza

Riders for the new attraction start at the newly built “Federation Plaza” which is a 1000 square meter Star Trek-themed area for the new attraction. There’s also a Federation snack bar and a Star Trek shop.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Outside the gift store at Federation Plaza (Movie Park Germany)

As you enter the main building, you’ll be greeted with Star Trek-themed imagery and as you make your way through the line, there are a number of Star Trek-themed replicas to view.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Entering the main building for Operation Enterprise (Movie Park Germany)

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

A Borg cube replica (Movie Park Germany)

Becoming A Starfleet Cadet

Inside the main building you will find a holodeck, two transporter rooms and a replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D bridge as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

The Holodeck from Operation Enterpris e (Movie Park Germany)

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

One of the two transporter rooms from Operation Enterprise (Movie Park Germany)

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

USS Enterprise D bridge replica (Movie Park Germany)

The story of Operation Enterprise

As they move from room to room inside of Federation Plaza, guests are immersed into the story of Operation Enterprise while they are “trained as Starfleet cadets” for their first mission.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

The storyline for Operation Enterprise is revealed as you move through the attraction (Movie Park Germany)

This is a synopsis for the storyline for the coaster which is revealed as you make your way to the coaster:

The Enterprise and its crew are on their way to a United Federation of Planets meeting when they are attacked by the Borg and taken aboard the enemy ship. The Enterprise is now unmanned and caught in a tractor beam. The only hope of rescue is the Starfleet cadets on the bridge of a nearby ship at the time of the attack. They are preparing to be launched out of their ship’s transporter room in shuttles on a rescue mission. This holodeck mission’s success depends on the cadets breaching the Borg ship’s deflector shield, destroying its main systems and saving the crew of the Enterprise.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

The “cadets” as they board Operation Enterprise coaster after being briefed (Movie Park Germany)

The coaster

As for the roller coaster itself, it is a “triple launch coaster,” meaning there are a number of elevations where you are again launched as opposed to a single launch at the beginning. Operation Enterprise also features a twisted halfpipe which is the second highest element within Movie Park.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Riders on Star Trek: Operation Enterprise (Movie Park Germany)

This video released earlier (before construction on Federation Plaza building was completed) shows you what you can expect from the roller coaster portion of your experience.

Operation Enterprise features a new soundtrack composed exclusively for the new attraction. “We wanted to do something very special, so we decided to arrange for the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra to play the soundtrack that can be heard both outside and inside the attraction,” explains the General Manager. The Budapest Philharmonic recorded both this new music as well as a number of pieces of Star Trek film and TV scores, all of which is provided as atmosphere around the attraction.

The new music was composed by IMAscore of Germany . MoviePark has released a video with a behind-the-scenes look at how the music was composed and recorded.

For those who don’t speak German, the video features IMAscore’s Managing Director Xaver Willebrand who states:

The collaboration with CBS as the licensor of Star Trek was basically very pleasant but a challenge at the same time, because we simply wanted to create music which fits perfectly into the Star Trek universe. On one hand we had themes you could adapt, but of course new material was needed for the attraction. This was intended to be a way of integrating itself completely into the Star Trek music universe.

Speaking specifically about the new track “Starfleet Academy,” Sebastian Kübler states:

It was important for us to keep the theme of Star Trek. The big known themes are often played with a lot of strings, very solid and we wanted to make the Academy audible. It should sound military. This is mainly due to the rhythm that drives the whole track forward, and we want them to feel like “We go on a mission and now we start.”

And lead composer Andreas Kübler explains why they made a specific theme for Operation: Enterprise :

The music for Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is very dynamic. This means we have epic huge tracks besides the Star Trek titles, but also some quieter music such as “Endeavor,” which is very quiet, almost romantic. But it still carries this Star Trek sound in it, where you do not immediately realize that this is a soundtrack for a roller coaster, but you still feel in the Star Trek universe. In addition to the original themes, we also gave the roller coaster its own identity with the Star Trek: Operation Enterprise Theme, which we also recorded with the orchestra. It also fits into this universe but has a very own melody and is played several times both on the outside as well as indoors. We were not quite sure whether the roller coaster should get its own theme because we had the well-known tracks from the Star Trek universe. But we decided to go for it since this is a special project and it deserves its own theme.

Movie Park is asking fans who have experienced Operation Enterprise to show their ‘Warpface’ on social media using the hashtags #MoviePark and #WarpFace on Twitter and Instagram, as can be seen in examples below.

#Moviepark #WarpFace — Rollercoaster-Junkie (@_stoe_) May 30, 2017
  You have 2 types of persons on a rollercoaster… 😂 #moviepark #warpface ! Vorige week met mn broer A post shared by Lily van Kooten (@lilwesttt) on Jun 7, 2017 at 10:39am PDT

Marina Sirtis event June 14th

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is located inside the Movie Park Germany theme park in Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. There will be a special event on June 14th with Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Marina Sirtis, which will include her signing autographs at 2:00 PM.

More information on prices and packages can be found at , and more info on the attraction can be found at .

Keep up with all the Star Trek events and attractions news at TrekMovie .

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Set a course for fun.

The main negative would be that they are going with the TNG motif. Would be a lot more fun if it were TOS style.

That said, it would have been cool to have something like this years back when Paramount owned the local amusement park in my neck of the woods.

> Would be a lot more fun if it were TOS style.

Only if you’re over 50! For everyone else the TNG motif looks amazing.

Ahmed, I am well under 50 and I would find the TOS style fantastic and a lot of fun.

I had no idea you spoke on behalf of everyone under 50. I’m sure they all appreciate it.

God you guys are awful. There is enough negativity in the world.

I can understand the decision. In Germany, TNG was much more popular than TOS. Also, with the reboots if feel there is an oversaturation of TOS right now. And speaking of TOS, the decision was probably influenced by the fact that it was CBS handing over licenses, not Paramount. It could not have been Abrams-TOS anyway.

Who says it has to be Kelvin TOS?

It’s just a subjective personal thing anyway. I enjoyed TNG overall. But I never warmed up to the uniform style nor the look and feel of the E-D.

I think that TNG is much more popular in Germany than TOS. At least, the TNG movies sold far more tickets than the TOS movies. Actually, the TNG movies except for Nemesis sold more tickets in Germany than the reboot movies.

Nowadays both are old series. If you ask non Star Trek fans in Germany about them, they will likely know more about TOS, because the characters and series are simply more often mentioned in the media. I guess because of their higher cult factor. So it is really hard to say, which series is more popular today. Among Star Trek fans it might be TNG, not sure though.

Overall the popularity of Star Trek as a whole went down a lot since the mid/end 90s. That is the main reason, why TNG movies were so successful. They came in the cinemas at the hight of popularity of Star Trek in Germany. Big channels aired every weekday at least 2 Star Trek episodes. TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY aired all the time. That is the best promotion Star Trek movies can have. Much better than a few 30 seconds trailers shortly before a movie gets in the cinemas.

Really? Why? It’s still a roller coaster at the end of the line, and lets face it, a TOS motif is going to look a little dated.

TNG started 30 years ago. It’s looking pretty dated too…

If we are going to be brutally honest, Trek (tech) as a whole looks dated. Something bearing a bit more of a resemblance to a futuristic tablet is going to be more relevant then a box with a flashing light on it.

You really want jelly buttons and cardboard? 60s are gone, pal. Long gone! TNG-tech is the future. We all like TOS for what it was (and still is), but when it comes to Trek tech, as well as Roddenberry’s vision of the future, TNG is the way to go.

Nice theme park. The bridge looks kinda cheap, but it serves the purpose. I hope I’ll pay it a visit. : )

Most TV and movie sets are made out of the flimsiest and cheapest materials. TNG was no exception. Not really sure what your point is there….

The German fans are having great time, hopefully we will get something simialr here in Toronto.

I really like the score that was composed. Would be great to have the opportunity to download it.

And wouldn’t it be great wearing a VR Headset during the ride which gives you the impression of beeing in real space?

Looks just like the ride from the now-dead Vegas experience at the Hilton.

Vegas was a motion simulator, similar to the Star Wars attraction at Disneyland. No roller coaster in Vegas.

Why go with TNG, why not the Abrams Trek stuff. The younger generation is more familiar with that.

Also, did anybody notice that the diagram on the transporter room wall is wrong?

Well the younger generation is not THAT stupid. It’s not like TNG was 100 years ago (*eye rolling*). It was only 30 years ago. TOS, on the other hand, was half a century ago. And abrams stuff is just plainly dumb anyway.

Yes, the diagram is wrong. It says engineering instead of transporter room.

“The collaboration with CBS as the licensor of Star Trek”

I guess this is the reason. They got the license from CBS so were restricted to their property.

And either way people who grew up with TNG are at the right age of having kids, who want to go to theme parks. And in the end the parents will decide, which theme park it will be. So this way they will not only get some Star Trek fans, but their families into the park, too.

Re: got the license from CBS so were restricted to their property.

CBS OWNS the starship ENTERPRISE under both copyright and trademark laws. In the NYT 2005 reporting of the split, CBS retained ALL merchandising rights. This was later verified by JJ Abrams when he discovered CBS called all the merchandising shots.

Even IF Paramount contractually negotiated some sort of “new art” royalty retention from CBS for their designs, as you suggest, Paramount can’t license them as merchandise with the names “STAR TREK” or “ENTERPRISE” without a Trademark license from CBS. You can just take a gander at the bottom of this page to see “STAR TREK® and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.”

Paramount, being so hamstrung in merchandising by CBS, would be absolutely foolish NOT to make using their designs as attractive as possible to them. So if CBS is opting out there HAS to be some other reason than the one that you offer.

I just hope they build roller coasters better than they do bridges in the 24th century.

That replica of the bridge is terrible. Looks very cheap.

The bridge on the TV show looked that way too.

The bridge on the E-E was a vast improvement.

Man… you should have seen the one at the Starfleet Academy Experience, that was dreadful! Search YouTube for my video review, it’s bad. Very bad.

I’ve always thought that Jean-Luc Picard was an ‘Absolute Boy’; I hope that in years to come, I’ll be proven correct…

What’s with the purple uniforms? Ran out of red?

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Operation Enterprise Officially Opens at Movie Park Germany

By Vic , June 7, 2017 in Starfleet Command Database

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Vic    17.

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise , the new triple launch coaster at Movie Park Germany, is officially open and taking guests on the ride of their lives. The attraction opened today, after two years of planning and construction activity.

Star Trek, Star Trek:Operation Enterprise, roller coaster, Germany

'We’re incredibly proud of our new themed attraction,” Thorsten Backhaus, General Manager of Movie Park Germany, said in a statement. “It’s a roller coaster that gives guests an adrenaline rush and much more, because it takes them right into the heart of the Star Trek universe before the ride even begins, making them part of the story. We’re the only theme park to have secured an official Star Trek coaster license. Movie Park Germany collaborated closely with CBS Consumer Products in the USA to get this project off the ground, and it’s a real milestone for both partners.”

Star Trek, Star Trek:Operation Enterprise, roller coaster, Germany

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is an all-encompassing experience. Guests access the coaster from the brand-new Federation Plaza theme area via an entirely Star Trek -themed building that covers an area of more than 1000 m2. The coaster itself features a twisted halfpipe with a 40-metre elevation that is one of a kind in Europe, plus an eight-ton transfer track system. Guests can also expect to see a holodeck, two transporter rooms and a true-to-original replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D bridge as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Star Trek, Star Trek:Operation Enterprise, roller coaster, Germany

Guests are, in fact, part of a Star Trek storyline that they become immersed in as they move from room to room and are “trained” for their first mission as Starfleet cadets. The Enterprise and her crew are on their way to a United Federation of Planets meeting when they are attacked by the Borg and taken aboard the enemy ship. The Enterprise is now unmanned and caught in a tractor beam. The only hope of rescue is the Starfleet cadets on the bridge of a nearby ship at the time of the attack. They are preparing to be launched out of their ship’s transporter room in shuttles on a rescue mission. This holodeck mission’s success depends on the cadets breaching the Borg ship’s deflector shield, destroying its main systems and saving the crew of the Enterprise. The mission itself begins when guests enter the triple launch coaster. Complementing the entire experience, the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra recorded a full and rich soundtrack that can be heard both outside and inside the attraction.

Visit for more information about the attraction and the storyline.

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Das ist „Star Trek: Operation Enterprise“: Mit der neuen Katapult-Achterbahn im Movie Park Germany in die Weiten des Weltalls

Star Trek Movie Park germany Immelmann Heartline

Mit "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise" hat der Movie Park Germany die weltweit einzige Achterbahn mit Star Trek-Lizenz eröffnet. Wir verraten euch, was die Attraktion und der umliegende Bereich zur Neuheit 2017 zu bieten haben.

Der Movie Park Germany ermöglicht Parkbesuchern bereits seit Ende Mai 2017 – zu der Zeit noch im öffentlichen Testbetrieb – mit der neuen Katapult-Achterbahn „Star Trek: Operation Enterprise“ eine Fahrt mit mehreren Beschleunigungen und Überkopf-Elementen. Wir verraten euch, was die Neuheit zu bieten hat und wie sich der umliegende Themenbereich „Federation Plaza“ in die Filmwelt von „Star Trek“ eingliedert.

Nachdem „Star Trek: Operation Enterprise“ offiziell Anfang Juli 2016 als Neuheit angekündigt wurde, schuf der Freizeitpark neben der Achterbahn auch im Bereich des ehemaligen „Marienhof“ einen auf das Science-Fiction-Franchise angepassten Themenbereich und Wartebereich für die Achterbahn, damit die Gäste vollends in die Welt von „Star Trek“ eintauchen können.

Schon beim Betreten des neuen „Federation Plaza“-Bereichs, inmitten dessen sich auch der Eingang zur Achterbahn befindet, tauchen Besucher des Freizeitparks thematisch in die futuristische „Star Trek“-Welt ein: Große Flaggen der Sternflotte, eine eiserne Statue der „Starfleet Academy“ und mehrere progressiv gestaltete Gebäude kennzeichnen den Fortschritt der aus „Star Trek“ bekannten Föderation.

"Federation Plaza" im Movie Park

Der „Federation Plaza“ entführt Gäste in die Welt von „Star Trek“. (Foto: Timur Dag,

Des Weiteren laden viele Sitzmöglichkeiten und ein Snack-Stand zum Verweilen im Bereich ein, in dem durch eine gelungene musikalische Inszenierung aus versteckten Lautsprecher-Anlagen außerdem eine besondere Atmosphäre vermittelt wird. Auch finden Besucher im Themenbereich mit dem „Federation Center“ einen kleinen Shop vor, in dem Fans allerlei lizensiertes „Star Trek“-Merchandise und bald auch eine Soundtrack-CD zur neuen Attraktion kaufen können.

Der Hauptanziehungspunkt des „Federation Plaza“ ist das „Starfleet Academy Recruitment Center“, das den Eingang zum Wartebereich der Katapult-Achterbahn markiert. Unweit davon entfernt finden Gäste im Übrigen auch einen Testsitz und eine digitale Wartezeiten-Anzeige für die Attraktion vor.

Im "Starfleet Academy Recruitment Center" beginnt die Mission. (Foto: Timur Dag,

Im „Starfleet Academy Recruitment Center“ beginnt die Mission. (Foto: Timur Dag,

Im Wartebereich in der Halle des ehemaligen Filmmuseums finden Besucher verschiedene Exponate aus dem „Star Trek“-Universum vor, darunter auch ein nachgebautes Enterprise-Raumschiff, einen Borg-Kubus und verschiedene Uniformen. Dadurch sollen sie zu Starfleet-Kadetten ausgebildet und so auf die bevorstehende Fahrt mit der Achterbahn vorbereitet werden.

Star Trek Operation Enterprise Wartebereich Exponate

Der große Warteraum mit vielen Ausstellungsstücken aus dem „Star Trek“-Universum. (Foto: Alexander Louis,

Nach dem Passieren des Wartebereichs werden die Gäste schließlich durch das in „Star Trek“-Uniform gekleidete Personal in Gruppen zu je 20 Personen aufgeteilt und gelangen zu den aus der Filmreihe bekannten Transporterräumen, in denen die fiktive Hintergrundgeschichte der Attraktion erzählt wird.

Um die von feindlichen Borgs in einem Traktorstrahl gefangengehaltene Crew der U.S.S. Enterprise zu retten, müssen sich die Besucher in den Transporterräumen auf die Brücke der Enterprise beamen lassen, um von dort aus mithilfe eines Shuttles – dem Achterbahn-Zug – die Crew der Enterprise aus den Händen der Borgs retten.

"Star Trek"-Wartebereich im Movie Park

Nach dem Durchlaufen des Wartebereichs gelangen die Besucher zu den Transporterräumen. (Foto: Alexander Louis,

Nach dem mit mehreren Stroboskopen inszenierten Teleportationsvorgang öffnen sich die Türen der Transporterräume und die Gäste befinden sich plötzlich auf der Brücke der Enterprise, wo sie durch eine Videobotschaft von einem Crewmitglied der Enterprise auf die bevorstehende Mission vorbereitet und vor den feindlichen Borgs gewarnt werden.

Die Brücke wurde detailgetreu dem Set aus den Filmen nachgebaut und zieht dadurch besonders „Star Trek“-Fans in ihren Bann.

Star Trek Achterbahn Movie Park Germany Wartebereich Brücke

Auf der Brücke findet eine weitere Inszenierung statt. (Foto: Timur Dag,

Nachdem die Videoübertragung beendet wurde, machen sich die Besucher auf den Weg zur Station, in der sich die Shuttles, also der Achterbahn-Zug, befinden. Der Gang dorthin wird durch eine spannungsaufbauende musikalische Untermalung unterstützt.

In der Station können die Besucher schließlich wählen, in welcher Sitzreihe sie mit der Achterbahn fahren wollen. Nachdem man eingestiegen ist und die Bügel kontrolliert wurden, wird die Ausfahrt aus der Station mit roten Lichtblitzen und einer kraftvollen Soundkulisse untermalt.

Station von "Star Trek" im Movie Park

In der gut gestalteten Station starten die Besucher ihre Rettungsmission. (Foto: Alexander Louis,

Nachdem die Mitfahrer der Attraktion aus der Station gefahren sind, befindet sich der Achterbahn-Zug auf einem Transfergleis, das die Schiene von der Strecke trennt und den Zug damit seitlich auf den Katapult-Abschnitt manövriert. Währenddessen ertönt erneut der vom deutschen Studio IMAscore produzierte Soundtrack und baut Spannung auf die bevorstehende Fahrt auf.

Transfergleis von "Star Trek" im Movie Park

Durch das Transfergleis wird der Zug auf den Katapult-Abschnitt befördert. (Foto: Alexander Louis,

Daraufhin rollt der Zug langsam nach vorne und wird auf dem folgenden Abschuss-Segment katapultartig in die Auffahrt eines Top Hats beschleunigt, welche der Zug mit der Geschwindigkeit allerdings noch nicht überwinden kann und deshalb zurückrollt. Nun wird der Zug rückwärts beschleunigt und man fährt in die europaweit einmalige „Twisted Halfpipe“ ein – eine um 180 Grad gewundene Auffahrt, in der Mitfahrer besonders in der letzten Reihe ein besonders intensives Gefühl erleben.

"Star Trek: Operation Enterprise" im Movie Park Germany

Die „Twisted Halfpipe“ ist ein europaweit einmaliges Element bei der neuen Achterbahn. (Foto: Alexander Louis,

Die „Twisted Halfpipe“ wird nun wieder vorwärts hinabgefahren, woraufhin der Zug erneut leicht vorwärts beschleunigt wird und diesmal die Auffahrt in den Top Hat passiert. Die höchste Stelle des Elements wird zwar mit einer geringen Geschwindigkeit durchfahren, trotzdem erleben Mitfahrer hier ein Gefühl der Schwerelosigkeit, bevor es in eine steile Abfahrt übergeht, in der die Fahrgäste erneut aus den Sitzen gerissen werden.

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise Fahrt Nahaufnahme Movie Park Germany

Nach dem Top Hat durchfährt die Achterbahn eine steile Abfahrt. (Foto: Timur Dag,

Im Folgenden erleben die Fahrgäste eine Aneinanderreihung zweier Überkopf-Elemente, die ein besonderes Gefühl der Hangtime aufweisen, bevor der Zug über eine leicht übergeneigte Kurve in eine als Borg-Kubus gestaltete Halle einfährt, in der grünes Laserlicht weitere „Star Trek“-Atmosphäre erschafft.

"Star Trek: Operation Enterprise" im Movie Park

In den Überkopf-Elementen werden die Fahrgäste nur durch die Bügel gehalten. (Foto: Timur Dag,

Nach der Durchfahrt durch die Halle durchfährt die Achterbahn mehrere aneinandergereihte Airtime-Hügel, auch „Airtime Humps“ genannt, auf denen die Fahrgäste teilweise ein sehr starkes Gefühl der Schwerelosigkeit erfahren und aus den Sitzen abheben. Darauf folgt eine Kurve, die in eine Zero-G-Roll als finales Überkopf-Element mündet, bevor der Zug in die Schlussbremse einfährt und langsam in die Station einfährt.

"Star Trek" im Movie Park Germany

Die Einfahrt in das finale Überkopf-Element. (Foto: Florian Hüermann,

Nach der Fahrt gelangen die Gäste durch einen weitläufigen Gang zum Ausgang der Attraktion, wo sie optional noch ein während der Fahrt geschossenes Erinnerungsfoto von sich selbst erwerben können. Der Preis dafür beträgt aktuell acht Euro.

Resümierend stellt „Star Trek: Operation Enterprise“ eine gelungene Neuheit für den Movie Park Germany dar, der nun wiederholt auf eine Partnerschaft durch Lizenzen setzt. Die neue Achterbahn bietet eine abwechslungsreiche Fahrt mit unterschiedlichen Elementen, die in dieser Form nicht häufig in Streckenverläufe integriert werden und dadurch eine gewisse Einzigartigkeit besitzen. Fahrgäste erleben besonders oft Gefühle der Schwerelosigkeit und Hangtime, doch trotzdem ist die Neuheit auch familientauglich und bietet allen Altersklassen ein Erlebnis. Durch die Inszenierungen vor der Fahrt lernen die Gäste die „Star Trek“-Welt kennen und können durch eine detailgetreue Gestaltung in die Geschichte der Attraktion eintauchen. Lediglich die Gestaltung des „Federation Plaza“-Themenbereichs lässt eine gewisse Detailgetreue vermissen, was dem Erlebnis an sich allerdings keinen großen Schaden zufügt.

Einen weiteren Eindruck von „Star Trek: Operation Enterprise“ bietet unser OnRide-Video:

Für den nächsten Ausflug: Günstige Tickets ab 36,90 Euro sichern!


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2 Kommentare

Wir waren von Bahn auch sehr positiv überrascht. Durchaus ein Grund den Movie Park nochmal in dieser Saison zu besuchen. Eine schönere Erinnerung ist außerdem sich das Onride-Foto als Magnet auszustellen zu lassen.

Wenn ich nur die Werbung lese „mit Warpgeschwindigkeit in neue Sphären beamen“, dann weiß ich, dass zumindest die PR-Abteilung keine Ahnung von Star Trek hat und man sich keine Mühe gibt, das Fandom zu begeistern. Albern.

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a steel launched roller coaster located at Movie Park Germany in Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The attraction opened in 2017 and was manufactured by Mack Rides . It is the second tallest structure in the park behind their drop tower , High Fall .

The first track and supports were installed in August 2016. [1]

Testing began in February 2017. [2]

In April 2017, the ride was signed off by Mack Rides . It first opened to the public on 24 May for technical rehearsals, but didn't open officially until 14 June.

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a shuttle coaster similar to Capitol Bullet Train at Motiongate .

5 cars per train . In each car, riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows, for a total of 20 riders per train.

As the name suggests, the coaster is themed around the rebooted Star Trek movie series. This was confirmed along with the ride's name on 6 July 2016.

The park's manager stated in the press release that Star Trek: Operation Enterprise would be located near to the park entrance, acting as a landmark for the park.

View of the ride's construction

View of the ride's construction

  • ↑ "New Star Trek Coaster Now Testing at Movie Park Germany" . NewsPlusNotes.

External links

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise – Movie Park’s new launch coaster is out-of-this-world!

Words:  Owen Ralph

| 6 min read

Amazingly, no one in Europe’s ever  done a Star Trek themed rollercoaster before . Movie Park Germany general manager Thorsten Backhaus (below right)  tells Blooloop why he’s thrilled his facility is the first with Star Trek: Operation Enterprise, and how pleased he was to receive the Trekkies’ approval.

During the last few years we’ve built a lot of new attractions at Movie Park Germany. In 2011, we opened the coaster Van Helsings Factory, followed by the kids driving school Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: License to Drive. In 2014, we launched The Lost Temple , an immersive tunnel. All these attractions appeal mainly to families.

Finding the right IP

We wanted to have an intellectual property (IP) that most people know. We thought about about different movies, TV shows and genres. Star Trek quickly turned out to be the best opportunity. For 50 years, it has appealed to fans. Characters such as Captain Kirk, Spock and Captain Picard are household names. Now the new generation with Star Trek Beyond is in the cinemas. So most generations who visit Movie Park have been in contact with Star Trek somehow.

Mack Rides , as one of the largest German manufacturers of rollercoasters and amusement park attractions, stands for reliability, safety, comfort and ultimate ride fun. In 2000 they supplie d our Wild Mouse coaster, now called Ghost Chasers. Choosing Mack again for Star Trek: Operation Enterprise reinforced our focus on quality at Movie Park Germany . It seemed like the perfect match.

A fully immersive Star Trek experience

Guests access the coaster from the brand new Federation Plaza via an entirely Star Trek-themed building that covers an area of more than 1,000 square metres. The whole area, including Federation Plaza, pre-show and coaster itself, covers about 8,000 sq m.

The pre-show has so many themed elements including a 3D mapping effect , plus different rooms like the Holodeck or the Transporter Rooms. But for sure the most spectacular part is the detailed reproduction bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D.

Reaching out to the Trekkies

We had contact from some Star Trek fans sites during the creation of Star Trek: Operation Enterprise. They followed our construction blog and we had an open communication concerning pictures. They’ve been really thankful for that. We know that “Trekkies” can be really critical, but until now they’ve been fascinated by what we’ve achieved here. Now that the attraction is finished, the feedback is amazing.

To match fans’ expectations, we worked closely with CBS in the US. We had a lot of calls and on-site visits to make sure that every little detail is exactly like in Star Trek – The Next Generation. We celebrated the opening of the new attraction in June together with Marina Sirtis , who has performed as Counselor Deanna Troi, a crew member of Captain Picard. Marina felt at home on the bridge! She said that she has seen a lot of Star Trek attractions around the world but ours is the best. Even better than in Las Vegas. What else can we say?

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a rollercoaster that gives our guests an adrenaline rush as they go from 0-90km/h during the first of three launch sequences. The Twisted Halfpipe element can be seen from quite a distance and stands out next to the High Fall (freefall tower) as the second largest attraction in the silhouette of Movie Park.

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise, year-round thrills

For guests who really like to get their heart pumping, The Walking Dead Breakout is still proving very popular. We launched this last summer after constant requests for a permanent scare attraction guests could enjoy outside the Halloween season. We’re offering now also backstage tours where we’re explaining some key facts and funny anecdotes not only about the construction of our attraction but also about the TV series. It’s still one of the most popular and strongest brands in the market. And our Halloween Horror Fest continues as one the biggest events of its kind in Europe; this year will be our 19 th year.

Our business year, which started with Halloween last October, has so far been better than the previous year. Now with Star Trek: Operation Enterprise open, we expect attract even more guests in the coming months. Weather remains one of the most most challenging factors for our industry. In the past years, we’ve seen it change from one day hot summer to the next day like autumn and then heavy rain, storms etc. I guess that’s just how it is in our region, North-Rhine Westphalia.

Changing tourism trends

In 2011 Movie Park Germany established its own travel agency. We see a transition from our status as a single day visit to a destination; guests are spending more days in our park and our region. I think this mirrors the general trend in tourism industry towards shorter trips and weekend getaways. We will continue working with hotels around us, but have no immediate plans for our own hotel. In the coming years we will pursue a balanced strategy focusing on the target groups of families and teenagers/young adults.

Anyone who is aged seven or older and at least 1.3m tall can ride Star Trek: Operation Enterprise. For our younger visitors we are proud to offer Europe’s first Nickelodeon-themed land. To experience The Walking Dead Breakout, however, you must be at least 16 years of age …and then only if you dare!

All images courtesy Movie Park Germany

Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a custom-designed LSM triple launch coaster by Mack Rides. It features 720m of track and ride elements as follows:

  • 40m-tall 180° twisted vertical spike
  • 30m top hat
  • Heartline roll
  • 100° over-banked curve
  • Zero-G roll.
  • Top speed: 90km/h

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All onride photos and videos on this website were taken with the permission of the park by a professional ride photographer. For yours  and others safety, please do not attempt to take photos or videos at parks without proper permission.

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Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

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Make: Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG Model: Launch Coaster / Custom

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star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Movie Park Germany: Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise eröffnet

Testphase abgeschlossen.

Neuer Triple-Launch-Coaster ab sofort für Gäste geöffnet / Weltweit einmalige Lizenz

star trek operation enterprise movie park germany

Davon können sich ab sofort auch die Gäste des Movie Park Germany selbst überzeugen. „Captain Jean-Luc Picard und seine Crew warten schon“, lädt Geschäftsführer Thorsten Backhaus ein.

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Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise

Movie Park Germany

Historical queue times (2024-06-01)

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  6. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise Coaster Now Open In Germany

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    Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise. Launch into new worlds at warp speed! We have to be quick. There's no time to think. Every move has to be just right, because we only have one shot at this. The evil Borg are holding the U.S.S Enterprise hostage in their tractor beam. The ship and the crew are powerless to do anything.

  2. Star Trek Operation Enterprise Attraktionen

    Stark Trek™: Operation Enterprise beamt Dich mit Warp-Geschwindigkeit in neue Sphären. ... Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise. Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise. Auf der Karte zeigen. 20 min. ... die neue Mission in den Weiten des Weltalls für die Gäste des Movie Park Germany.

  3. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

    5 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a steel launched roller coaster at Movie Park Germany in Bottrop, Germany. The ride was manufactured by German company Mack Rides and opened to guests on 24 May 2017; however, its official opening ceremony took place on 14 June ...

  4. STAR TREK Roller Coaster: Operation Enterprise Front Row POV

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  5. Operation Enterprise Officially Opens at Movie Park Germany

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  6. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

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    As the only amusement park worldwide, Movie Park Germany offers a spectacular rollercoaster with the official Star Trek™ license. The intergalactic triple launch coaster „Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise" beams guests into new spheres with warp speed. Numerous inversions, spectacular track elements, and the twisted halfpipe, which is 40 ...

  8. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

    Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a roller coaster attraction located in Movie Park Germany, near Bottrop in Germany. First announced as under construction in September 2016, the attraction officially opened to the public on 30 May 2017, after a week's soft launch. Standing forty meters high, the roller coaster is based in the Federation Plaza, and sees visitors escorted through a small ...

  9. Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise eröffnet im Movie Park Germany

    Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise eröffnet im Movie Park Germany. Neuer Triple-Launch-Coaster ab sofort für Gäste geöffnet / Weltweit einmalige Lizenz. Rund zwei Jahre Planungs- und Bauzeit finden ihren krönenden Abschluss, wenn ab sofort die Gäste des Movie Park Germany den neuen Triple-Launch-Coaster „Star Trek™: Operation ...

  10. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise Coaster Now Open In Germany

    Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is located inside the Movie Park Germany theme park in Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. There will be a special event on June 14th with Star Trek: The Next ...

  11. Operation Enterprise Officially Opens at Movie Park Germany

    Star Trek: Operation Enterprise, the new triple launch coaster at Movie Park Germany, is officially open and taking guests on the ride of their lives. The attraction opened today, after two years of planning and construction activity. We're incredibly proud of our new themed attraction," Thorsten...

  12. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

    Star Trek: Operation Enterprise was officially opened on June, 14th 2017 together with Marina Sirtis from the original Star Trek movies. This videos shows th...

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    Mit "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise" hat der Movie Park Germany die weltweit einzige Achterbahn mit Star Trek-Lizenz eröffnet. Wir verraten euch, was die Attraktion und der umliegende Bereich ...

  14. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

    Star Trek: Operation Enterprise is a steel launched roller coaster located at Movie Park Germany in Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The attraction opened in 2017 and was manufactured by Mack Rides. It is the second tallest structure in the park behind their drop tower, High Fall .

  15. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

    Amazingly, no one in Europe's ever done a Star Trek themed rollercoaster before. Movie Park Germany general manager Thorsten Backhaus (below right) tells Blooloop why he's thrilled his facility is the first with Star Trek: Operation Enterprise, and how pleased he was to receive the Trekkies' approval.. During the last few years we've built a lot of new attractions at Movie Park Germany.

  16. Movie Park Germany

    Movie Park Germany Warner Allee 1, Bottrop 46244 Germany +49 (0) 2045-899-899: ... Star Trek: Operation Enterprise - Page 1 . ... All onride photos and videos on this website were taken with the permission of the park by a professional ride photographer. For yours and others safety, please do not attempt to take photos or videos at parks ...

  17. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise

    Operating schedule. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise had its official opening on June 14th 2017. The ride however has been open for park guests on a solid and regular basis since May 24th 2017 up until the official opening.

  18. Movie Park Germany: Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise eröffnet

    Testphase abgeschlossen! Neuer Triple-Launch-Coaster ab sofort für Gäste geöffnet / Weltweit einmalige Lizenz Rund zwei Jahre Planungs- und Bauzeit finden ihren krönenden Abschluss, wenn ab sofort die Gäste des Movie Park Germany den neuen Triple-Launch-Coaster „Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise" erleben können. „Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf die neue Themenwelt, die hier ...

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    The guests in Movie Park Germany can expect an exceptional roller coaster in 2017. The coaster will not only be the second highest construction in the park but will also be a worldwide unique attraction in an amusement park utilizing Star Trek. "We are excited and proud that we obtained the Star Trek license from CBS Consumer Products in the USA.

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    Abonneer je om niets te missen van Looopings: Looopings:Facebook: http://twitt...

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    Queue times, information and statistics for Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise. View historical average queue length by day, and view ride availability. ... Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise Movie Park Germany Submit queue time Historical queue times (2024-04-18) Date. Loading... Ratings. Children age 3-7. Children age 8-12. Young adults. Adults.

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