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Refugee travel document and certificate of identity services are now available

Find out how to apply for regular or urgent service.

If you already applied and now need a travel document urgently, contact us .

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Fill out our web form :

  • Under Type of application/enquiry, select Certificate of Identity/Refugee Travel Document
  • include your travel date
  • include the reason you need the travel document

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See  how long it may take us to process your application  under normal circumstances.

There are 2 types of travel documents non-Canadians can use when travelling:

  • refugee travel document
  • certificate of identity

The application form is the same for both types of travel documents.

They’re issued to

  • Convention refugees
  • protected persons
  • stateless persons
  • permanent residents of Canada in special circumstances

The issuing office decides how long your travel document is valid for.

You cannot use these travel documents to go to your country of citizenship.

You should contact the embassy of the country you plan to visit (opens in a new tab) to check if your travel document will be accepted.

  • Next: Who can apply

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ALERT: Afghan Nationals seeking refugee resettlement

Afghan Nationals seeking refugee resettlement:

In general, you must be given access to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The following priorities are available to Afghan Nationals:

  • Priority-1 Individual Cases: Cases are identified and referred to the program by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a U.S. embassy, or a designated non-governmental organization.
  • Priority-2 Groups of special humanitarian concern: On Aug. 2, 2021, the Department of State  announced  a new Priority 2 Designation for certain Afghan nationals and eligible family members. For further information, please visit the  Refugee Processing Center .
  • Priority-3 Family Reunification: Spouses, unmarried children under the age of 21, or parents of individuals already admitted to the U.S. as refugees or asylees are in this category.

Under United States law, a refugee is someone who:

  • Is located outside of the United States
  • Is of special humanitarian concern to the United States
  • Demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group
  • Is not firmly resettled in another country
  • Is admissible to the United States

A refugee does not include anyone who ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

For the legal definition of refugee, see section 101(a)(42) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

You must receive a referral to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for consideration as a refugee. For more information on the referral criteria, see the  USRAP Consultations and Worldwide Processing Priorities  page.

If you receive a referral, you will receive help filling out your application and then be interviewed abroad by a USCIS officer who will determine whether you are eligible for refugee resettlement. For more information about eligibility, see our Refugee Eligibility Determination page.

Your case may include your spouse, child (unmarried and under 21 years of age), and in some limited circumstances, other family members. You may include a same-sex spouse in your application provided that you and your spouse are legally married.  As a general matter, USCIS looks to the law of the place where the marriage took place when determining whether it is valid for immigration law purposes. Same-sex partners who are not married but who are qualified to access the U.S. Refugee Admissions under one of the three designated worldwide processing priorities may have their cases cross-referenced  so that they can be interviewed at the same time and, if approved by USCIS, resettled in the same geographic area in the United States.

There is no fee to apply for refugee status. The information you provide will not be shared with your home country.

For more information about USRAP and the referral process, see our USRAP Consultations and Worldwide Processing Priorities page.

If you are approved as a refugee, you will receive a medical exam, a cultural orientation, help with your travel plans, and a loan for your travel to the United States. After you arrive, you will be eligible for medical and cash assistance. For more information on benefits available to refugees, please see the  Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement  page.

If you are a refugee in the United States and want your family members who are abroad to join you, you may file  Form I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition , for your spouse and unmarried children under 21. You must file within two years of your arrival to the United States unless there are humanitarian reasons to excuse this deadline. For more information about bringing your family to the United States, see our  Family of Refugees and Asylees  page.

You may also be eligible to file an Affidavit of Relationship for your spouse, child (unmarried, under 21), or parents. The Affidavit of Relationship is the form used to reunite refugees and asylees with close relatives who are determined to be refugees but are outside the United States. The Affidavit of Relationship records information about family relationships and must be completed in order to begin the application process for relatives who may be eligible to enter the United States as refugees through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. For information on the current nationalities eligible to file, see U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees & Migration .

As a refugee, you may legally work as soon as you arrive in the United States. When you are admitted to the United States you will receive a Form I-94 containing a refugee admission stamp. We will also create a digital  Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization , for you.  After you are admitted to the United States, we will adjudicate your Form I-765. We will generally produce your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) within one to two weeks after we approve your application. We will mail your EAD via U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail to your address of record. The time frame for you to receive your EAD card may vary, depending on delivery times. While you wait for your EAD, you can present your Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, to your employer as proof you can legally work in the United States. 

For more information on employment in the United States, see our guide How Do I Show My Employer That I Am Authorized to Work in the United States? (PDF, 686.31 KB) .

If you are admitted as a refugee, you must apply for a Green Card one year after coming to the United States. To apply for permanent residency, file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status . There is no fee for refugees to file the Form I-485. In addition, refugees do not have to pay for fingerprinting/biometrics fees.

For more information on obtaining a Green Card, see our Green Card for Refugees page.

If you have refugee status and want to travel outside the United States, you will need to obtain a Refugee Travel Document in order to return to the United States. If you do not obtain a Refugee Travel Document in advance of departure, you may be unable to re-enter the United States. If you return to the country from which you fled, you will have to explain how you were able to return safely.

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What happens to refugees and stateless persons who have no passport?

M ost of the time, when you want to cross an international border, you need to present a passport. And passports, as most people know, are issued by governments to its citizens. But what happens to refugees unable to obtain a passport from the government of their country of origin?  Refugees are persons fleeing persecution, conflict or violence in their country of origin, and therefore cannot, or cannot reasonably, approach the authorities of their countries of origin to obtain a passport, as this might put them at serious risk of harm. For a refugee, being in contact with the country he or she fled from might be life-threatening, or put his or her family or relatives at risk. Or what if the person is “stateless” – in other words, a person who is not recognized as a citizens of any State and therefore has no State from which to request a passport?

“Refugees and stateless persons very often do not have access to the national passports that most of us take for granted,” explained Caroline Dulin Brass, a Senior Legal Officer with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) .  “For these reasons, refugees and stateless persons rely on their host State – the State that they are staying in – for travel documents. The 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1954 Statelessness Convention recognized this dilemma, and gave refugees and stateless persons the right to a Convention Travel Document (named after the Conventions that granted this right) in their State of lawful stay.”

unhcr travel document

In spite of these obligations, only one out of five refugees worldwide have access to Convention Travel Documents which are issued in accordance with international standards. “As many as 41% of the world’s refugees are believed to have no access at all to travel documents, meaning that they have no legal means of traveling abroad, even for short visits to visit their family members, study, or obtain medical care which is not available in their host State. This is also important as the possibility of travelling abroad can help them find durable solutions, work and education, and to maintain normal contact with family members who are often spread across different countries,” Dulin Brass said.

In short, as the right to a travel document supports the right of refugees and stateless persons to travel, and to live meaningful, fulfilling and stable lives, achieving progress on these issues is therefore aligned with UNHCR’s mandate to promote the rights of refugees and stateless persons, and with ICAO’s mandate to support the development of air transport as a means for improving human wellbeing.

On this point, UNHCR’s Executive Committee, after almost six months of negotiations, recently adopted its first Conclusion on Machine-Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) for Refugees and Stateless Persons . The Conclusion refers specifically to the need for Convention Travel Documents to refugees and stateless persons be issued in line with the standards adopted by ICAO. It also refers to the benefits associated with the increased security features provided by MRTDs.

“Machine-Readable Convention Travel Documents (MRCTDs) should facilitate international travel of refugees and stateless persons. MRCTDs issued in line with Doc 9303 increase security and mutual trust among States in their respective documents,” explained Jitendra Thaker, a Technical Officer with ICAO’s Facilitation section, referring to the manual that sets forth the relevant technical standards. “An MRCTD is a more secure travel document. As such, MRCTDs may facilitate visa procedures. Moreover, they offer will offer refugees and stateless persons the same access to modern, efficient facilities at border control points as holders of ICAO compliant passports.”

The Conclusion, in its operative clauses, calls upon States parties to the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1954 Statelessness Convention to take “all the necessary legislative, administrative and technical measures” to introduce MRCTDs for refugees and stateless persons, and invites the sharing of good practices, such as the “simplification and facilitation of procedures and other administrative requirements, as well as of machine-readable travel document production systems.” It also includes a commitment to further international solidarity and equitable responsibility- and burden-sharing to support States, and the provision of capacity-building and technical support, as appropriate, in collaboration with ICAO and UNHCR.

“We at UNHCR are very pleased to have this Conclusion, as it’s the first conclusion on travel documents for the last 20 years, and it gives us additional support and weight in our advocacy work towards States,” Dulin Brass declared. She also noted that the Conclusion was the first to mention travel documents for stateless persons at par with refugees, representing “a large step forward for our work on the rights of stateless persons.”

unhcr travel document

Stateless persons have the same right to Convention Travel Documents as refugees. However, in practice, UNHCR has noted that only a minority of the world’s stateless persons have access to such documents. For example, while 73 States now issue ICAO-compliant Convention Travel Documents to refugees, only 30 States issue such documents to stateless persons.  Although UNHCR has seen the number of States issuing such documents to refugees double over the last five years, the same progress has necessarily not been made for stateless persons. “There is a real risk of stateless persons being left behind and, in reality, many stateless persons are prevented from travelling abroad through legal means,” Dulin Brass said. “In UNHCR’s experience, this has led to stateless persons trying to cross international borders illegally and being detained, in some cases over longer periods of time, or being subject to abuse and exploitation at the hands of human traffickers and smuggling networks.”

The Conclusion makes crucial contributions to the political momentum towards addressing these issues, in addition to providing a platform for practical progress in terms of the implementation of these documents. In regard to the latter, as compliant travel documents, MRTCDs are included in ICAO’s comprehensive Traveler Identification Programme (TRIP) Strategy. This Strategy provides pragmatic guidance to States deploying ICAO travel documents and the technology associated with the electronic exchange of information they hold. “Through ICAO’s Technical Cooperation Bureau, Member States planning to issue MRTCDs will have the opportunity to request assistance or technical support of the TRIP Technical Advisory Group and the Facilitation Section in order to comply with the specifications of Doc 9303,” Thaker said. “Other opportunities will include the exchange of best practice and the development of partnerships at the annual and regional TRIP Symposia.”

unhcr travel document

UNHCR is relying on its longstanding collaboration with ICAO, as the owner of the relevant standards, for technical expertise and seek to jointly provide support to States. This includes the provision of technical guidance, such as the joint UNHCR/ICAO Guide on Issuing Machine-Readable Convention Travel Documents, the latest version of which was published in February 2017. In other cases, it can be direct dialogue and advice to States by the UNHCR office in a country, in particular during the transition to MRCTD. The UNHCR has also, in exceptional cases, offered financial support to States to facilitate the transition to Machine Readable Convention Travel Documents, for example by providing additional funding for software or printers.

The UNHCR has many examples of how travel documents can make a very real and tangible difference to the individual holding it. For a few, the travel document might make the difference between life and death, as is the case for refugees who are not able to travel abroad for life-saving medical treatment. For others, it means the possibility of finally reuniting with their spouses and children who have found safety in other parts of the world. For others again, such as young students stranded in refugee camps with limited prospects of higher education or work, it can mean the opportunity to travel abroad, attend a university, and learn a profession. And, more extraordinary, for a handful of refugees, it meant being able to travel to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janerio and be part of the world’s first refugee team.

These are just but a few examples, but they crucially underline that travel documents are not just pieces of paper. These examples underscore that the cooperation between the UNHCR and ICAO towards enhancing the availability of these crucial documents can in fact change the course of refugees’ and stateless persons’ lives.

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Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe - Accompanied, Unaccompanied and Separated - 2023

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  1. UNHCR Documents

    unhcr travel document

  2. UNHCR Documents

    unhcr travel document

  3. Online Application: ID & Travel Documents

    unhcr travel document

  4. Refugee Travel Document Explained

    unhcr travel document

  5. Travel Document Application

    unhcr travel document

  6. 37 Printable Refugee Travel Document Forms and Templates

    unhcr travel document


  1. Note on Travel Documents for Refugees

    29. Even where a refugee holds a Convention Travel Document, he will normally require a visa to enter another country, not only to take up employment or for studies, but also for short visits. 30. The question of visas and admission is dealt with in paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of the Schedule to the 1951 Convention.

  2. Refugee travel documents

    UNHCR advocates for States to be issuing and accepting machine-readable travel documents for refugees. These documents should: be accepted as ID by financial and other institutions, supporting refugee self-reliance and the successful transfer of remittances to family and friends in countries of asylum.

  3. Travel Documents for Refugees

    Recalling further Article 28 of the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Schedule and Annex thereto; (a) Welcomed the Note of the High Commissioner on follow-up to the earlier Conclusion of the Executive Committee on Travel Documents for Refugees (EC/SCP/48); (b) Expressed satisfaction that the great ...

  4. Identity Documents for Refugees

    Identity documents under the 1951 Convention. 4. Beginning with the Arrangement of 5 July 1922, several of the international agreements concerning refugees adopted prior to the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees provided for the issue to refugees of a certificate which served both as an identity and. a travel ...

  5. Online Application: ID & Travel Documents

    Along with the communication on extension of permits validity to 30 April 2022, DHA also announced the extension of online services to allow recognised Refugees (section 24) and dependents to apply via e-mail for Identity and Travel Documents in an effort to continue to limit the spread of Covid-19, but restoring critical services. REQUIREMENTS FOR […]

  6. Refugee travel document

    A sample refugee travel document The bio-data page of an Australian refugee travel document issued to a Chinese refugee The bio-data page of a New Zealand refugee travel document issued to a Chinese refugee. A refugee travel document (also called a 1951 Convention travel document or Geneva passport) is a travel document issued to a refugee by the state which they normally reside in, allowing ...

  7. Convention Travel Document

    This Document grants the right of freedom of movement in Armenia and permits traveling outside of Armenia. The Convention Travel Document is valid for two years and will be extended/renewed afterwards for two years each time. Your child's (children) data under the age of 16 shall be included in your CTD. In order to receive a Convention ...

  8. The 1951 Refugee Convention

    The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol are the key documents that form the basis of UNHCR's work. Learn more about them and view the original text. ... Governments responded by drawing up a set of international agreements to provide travel documents for these people who were, effectively, the first recognized refugees of the 20th ...

  9. Traveling from and to

    If you are a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection residing in Portugal, and you have a valid travel document (passport) and a residence permit, you can travel without a visa to the Schengen Area countries for 90 days in each 180-day period for a short visit or tourism.. If you travel to a country outside the Schengen Area, you need to check the visa requirements of that country.

  10. PDF UNHCR Annual Update 2017: Machine-Readable Travel Documents for

    UNHCR Annual Update 2017: Machine-Readable Travel Documents for Refugees and Stateless persons Hide Details Document source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Date: January 2018. Citation UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ...

  11. Guide for Issuing Machine Readable Convention Travel Documents for

    Guide for Issuing Machine Readable Convention Travel Documents for Refugees and Stateless Persons, jointly published by UNHCR and the ICAO Hide Details Document source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ... UNHCR Documents. Comments on Legislation Conclusions on International Protection (ExCom) Country Guidance Court Interventions ...

  12. PDF How do I get a refugee travel document?

    I-131,Application for Travel Document. Filing instructions and forms are available on our Web site at Follow. the instructions on the form carefully. For further information please visit our Web site or. all Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283.How. ong is a Refugee Travel Document valid?A Refugee Tr.

  13. PDF How Machine-Readable Convention Travel Documents (MRCTDs) can Help

    20% of all refugees have access to MRCTDs. 19% of all refugees have access to CTD booklets (provided by UNHCR) 17% of all refugees have access to non-MRCTDs. 3% of all refugees have access to other TDs. 41% of all refugees have no access to TDs. UNHCR Hong Kong Name: Ambrose Chiu Email: [email protected] UNHCR HQ Name: Caroline Dulin Brass Email ...

  14. Note on Travel Documents for Refugees

    Note on Travel Documents for Refugees. Document source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Date: 30 August 1978. Citation. Share. Document view. Information.

  15. PDF UN Convention Travel Documents

    Convention Travel Documents 3. UNHCR's role a) Article 35 of the 1951 Convention "The Contracting States undertake to co-operate with the Office of the UNHCR (…) in the exercise of its functions, and shall in particular facilitate its duty of supervising the application of the provisions of this Convention."

  16. Apply for a travel document for non-Canadians: About the process

    There are 2 types of travel documents non-Canadians can use when travelling: The application form is the same for both types of travel documents. They're issued to. The issuing office decides how long your travel document is valid for. You cannot use these travel documents to go to your country of citizenship.

  17. Documentation

    Convention Travel Documents are only issued to recognised refugees. The UNHCR Legal Unit will facilitate you to fill the application and certify the documents. You will need to fill the passport application forms and attach the following documents: 3 copies of passport photos taken in front of a white background.

  18. What happens after I apply?

    Conventional Travel Document (CTD): Issued to recognized refugees who have been authorized to travel outside the country of asylum but NOT to their country of origin. Education Certificate: Issued to all asylum seekers or refugees who study in the country of asylum, by the Ministry of Education.

  19. Refugees

    How Do I Get a Refugee Travel Document? (PDF, 622.89 KB) How Do I Show My Employer That I Am Authorized to Work in the U.S.? (PDF, 686.31 KB) Green Card for a Refugee; Family of Refugees and Asylees; External Links. U.S. Department of State Report to Congress: Proposed Refugee Admissions Fiscal Year 2023; U.S. Department of State: Refugee ...

  20. Machine-readable travel documents

    Find country-specific contact details and information about your rights and available services on our HELP site.. Visit the HELP site

  21. Emergency Travel Document

    Emergency Travel Document. This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.

  22. What happens to refugees and stateless persons who have no passport?

    Stateless persons have the same right to Convention Travel Documents as refugees. However, in practice, UNHCR has noted that only a minority of the world's stateless persons have access to such documents. For example, while 73 States now issue ICAO-compliant Convention Travel Documents to refugees, only 30 States issue such documents to ...

  23. Travel with a UNHCR travel document to the US

    Please take pictures of the cover and the information pages of your document. Obscure personal information (name, birthdate, document number, etc) in the photo of the information page. Then attach the the two photos to the text of your question, using the "Edit" button below the text and then the "Moon and Mountains" button just above the text ...

  24. Ethiopia: Issuance of Travel Documents and Visas Regulations 1971

    Refugee Travel Document. (1)A refugee travel document shall be issued to refugees residing in Ethiopia with the consent of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. (2)Prior to the issuance of refugee travel documents the travel forms for refugees issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees shall be filled out and the necessary ...

  25. Document

    Document Type: Maps and geodata Document Type: English: Publish Date: 25 July 2024 (17 hours ago) Upload Date: 25 July 2024 (2 hours ago) ... (ODP) enables UNHCR's institutional responsibility to provide an information and data sharing platform to facilitate coordination of refugee emergencies. This was achieved using independent 'situation ...

  26. UNHCR launches digital platform with up-to-date information on

    Together with partners, UNHCR has supported the repairs of some 30,000 homes across Ukraine, helping people to return home or remain in their communities, and has provided legal consultations to 150,000 people, assisting them to restore documents, register for assistance, and access other social services.

  27. Document

    UNHCR Somalia Flash Alert #14 - Jubbaland Forces Conflict with Al-Shabaab in Villages Surrounding Afmadow District Displaces Approximately 1,800 Individuals ... Download (PDF, 1.61 MB) Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets Document Type: English: Publish Date: 24 July 2024 (1 day ago) Upload Date: 24 July 2024 (21 hours ago) Downloads: 30 ...

  28. Document

    Myanmar UNHCR displacement overview 15 July 2024 Download (PDF, 1.38 MB) Document Type: Maps and geodata Document Type: Publish Date: 18 July 2024 (7 days ago) Upload Date: 25 July 2024 (44 minutes ago) Downloads: 4: Myanmar UNHCR displacement overview 15 July 2024 ...

  29. Document

    Document Type: English: Publish Date: 24 July 2024 (1 day ago) Upload Date: 24 July 2024 (15 hours ago) Downloads: 51: ... (ODP) enables UNHCR's institutional responsibility to provide an information and data sharing platform to facilitate coordination of refugee emergencies. This was achieved using independent 'situation views' covering ...

  30. PDF Forced Displacement Survey- South Sudan 2023

    issued by national authorities and UNHCR), travel documents for free movement within the country, access to employment, and the same basic health services and primary education as South Sudanese nationals. TARGET POPULATION AND SAMPLE SIZE The main target population of the FDS is the refugee population 1 in South Sudan, as of March