Meaning of Time Lapses by Glue trip

"Time Lapses" by Glue Trip explores themes of introspection, self-discovery, and the passage of time within the context of a failing relationship.

The song begins with the narrator reflecting on the impact of someone's words on them, likening the feeling to melting like butter in the heat. This could suggest vulnerability or susceptibility to manipulation. Closing their eyes, the narrator finds solace in darkness, implying a retreat from reality and a preference for avoiding the harshness of the outside world.

The idea that if the sun doesn't shine, the moon will soon rise may symbolize finding hope and light even in dark times. It suggests that even when things aren't going well, there is always a chance for new beginnings and positive changes.

The chorus further emphasizes the concept of time and its ability to reveal unexpected outcomes. The line "silence can bring surprises" suggests that moments of quiet contemplation can lead to unexpected revelations or realizations. The phrase "time travels in my mind" implies that the narrator's thoughts and memories are constantly shifting and evolving over time, emphasizing the ephemeral nature of their experiences.

The second verse introduces the concept of a broken relationship. The narrator expresses that if they were to encounter this person again, there would be no need for pretense or pretending. The mention of the lost love implies that the narrator's feelings have changed, possibly signaling a realization that the relationship has run its course.

Ultimately, the closing lyrics convey a sense of acceptance and moving on. The line "It's too late, we are heading different ways now" suggests that the narrator has come to terms with the end of the relationship and recognizes that both parties are moving in separate directions.

Overall, "Time Lapses" delves into the introspective journey of self-discovery, the duality of light and darkness, and the inevitability of change in relationships. It encourages embracing the passage of time and the surprises it may bring while acknowledging the need for acceptance and moving forward.

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glue trip time lapses lyrics

Time Lapses

From sea at night by glue trip.

glue trip time lapses lyrics

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Glue Trip João Pessoa, Brazil

Brazilian psychedelic band [email protected]



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glue trip time lapses lyrics

Time Lapses Glue Trip Lyrics

The lyrics to Glue Trip's song "Time Lapses" depict a bittersweet and introspective journey of emotions and self-discovery. The repetition of the line "All the things you said to me, I felt like butter in the heat" suggests vulnerability and sensitivity to the words spoken by someone important in the singer's life. Despite this, when the singer closes their eyes, darkness envelops them, yet it is described as a pleasant experience. This can be interpreted as finding solace or comfort in the unknown or the absence of external influences.

The following lines, "If the sun doesn't shine, the moon will soon rise," highlight the cyclical nature of life and the constant presence of hope. Even in moments of darkness or despair, there is always the promise of a new beginning or a different perspective. The repetition of this line emphasizes the resilience and determination to find light even when faced with adversity.

The chorus takes a reflective turn, with the singer expressing a desire to someday realize that silence can bring surprises. This suggests a need for introspection and the acknowledgment that sometimes the most profound insights come from moments of stillness. The mention of time traveling in the mind further emphasizes the introspective nature of the song, where the singer explores their past, present, and future within their thoughts.

The mention of someone being in the singer's life and the plea to not fall apart suggests the end of a relationship or a drifting apart. The line "We are heading different ways now" signifies the acceptance of this divergence and the realization that their paths no longer align. It encapsulates the bittersweet nature of growing apart from someone you once cared about, but also acknowledging the necessity of moving on.

Overall, "Time Lapses" delves into themes of vulnerability, self-reflection, and acceptance of change, offering a poignant exploration of relationships and personal growth.

All the things you said to me Every word you spoke to me

I felt like butter in the heat I felt soft and vulnerable in your presence

When I close my eyes In moments of introspection

It gets dark but it's nice I find comfort and solace in the darkness

If the sun doesn’t shine In moments of darkness and uncertainty

The moon will soon rise Hope and light will emerge

Someday I'll realize One day, I'll come to understand

Silence can bring surprises Lack of communication can reveal unexpected truths

Time travels in my mind Memories and thoughts constantly shift and evolve

If I see you in my life If you remain a part of my existence

There’s no need to pretend There's no necessity to fake emotions or hide the truth

Remember when you knocked on my door? Recall the moment when you sought my presence

Saying 'I think I lost your love' Admitting to the loss of affection and connection

Don't fall Don't descend into emotional despair

Don't fall apart Don't crumble under the weight of heartbreak

It's too late The opportunity for reconciliation has passed

We are heading different ways now Our paths in life have diverged

  • Translation

Couldn’t be any happier. Welcome back and please come to England ❤️


Come to Scotland too, love you guys :)


Come to Poland too, European Tour would be very nice ! ;)


Make it to Glasgow! :)


Come to México city


Come to Peru please

Cara, eu jamais vou me esquecer quando vocês se apresentaram em 2018 no CCSP, na batida do primeiro bumbo eu fui longe, pra um lugar feliz, calmo e muito vivo! Que experiencia incrivel foi assistir voces

Obrigado, pessoa linda! Saca aqui a nossa nova live que saiu ontem:

As músicas de vocês são maravilhosas! Sempre que vou tocar faço algum cover acústico de alguma delas. A chapada dos veadeiros contemplou maravilhosamente bem a essência da música. Já pulei demais daquele pico do caminho dos Cânions e passei boas tardes no vale da lua. Não sei se chagaram a ir nessa mesma jornada, mas recomendo que visitem um pico mais distante que se chama "sete quedas" (você pode pegar autorização pra ficar até três dias no parque) e coma uns Cubensis quando estiverem bem no coração do cerrado. É um renascimento mágico, absoluto.


Onde é localizado Moço?

Oi, Reny. Fica dentro da reserva do parque nacional mesmo. Pela entrada de São Jorge é mais perto. É só pedir autorização e orientação para os guias do ICMBio na entrada do parque e seguir as setas pela trilha. A cada bifurcação do caminho tem plaquinhas informando. Mas não é recomendado fazer essas trilhas maiores em períodos de seca, pois os riachos adjacentes do caminho secam também e a caminhada fica exaustiva sem água (ou tendo que carregá-la por longos percursos).


Doido pra ir tirar umas fotos !


esses lugares merecem ser conhecidos apenas como "secret point". n saia por aí falando onde ficam os poucos lugares bonitos, e preservados que ainda restam no país. :c

@@hayltonaraujo777 precisaria ser secreto se não fosse reserva. Sendo assim, as pessoas têm mais é que conhecer e valorizar o cerrado e a beleza natural do nosso país, sim.


I once had moments and vibes like this, feel so far away in time now. I may never be able to live this way ever again or even make a genuine connection with another human on any level. But im just glad to have had lived through some good times.


Much love from México 🇲🇽☮️✌🏾💯.



Hermano me representaste al 100 junto ahora


Much love from germany 😄🇩🇪🕉🙏🏻

Música boa e tranquila. Diferente das músicas atuais. Glue Trip psicodelizando o Brasil <3 Parabéns!


So falta ser em pt br

​@@inatomuve2410 Verdade! rsrs



Ayuda al pulmón del Amazonas ! Buenos humos


O Brasil é tão diverso, que da pra elogiar um, sem diminuir o resto. "Música boa e tranquila, [...] Glue Trip psicodelizando o Brasil <3 Parabéns" Carvalho, Renan.


Excelente musica para viajar hacia el interior del pensamiento...Gracias desde Chile!


Time travels in my mind

Glue trip eu escolhi te amar🖤


I love all you guys, keep spreading light, keep spreading love, do the best you can do, relax, enjoy the moment, keep the good vibes flowing :) - fellow space brother


You helped me coping with my over running mind .Thank u guys and please make more:'l


I put music in a restaurant, and literally I've played out entire albums from you guys, lyyyy

What a beautiful song.


This right here is pure bliss. I love you glue trip. Thank you for the amazing art


This song is a milestone in my life.

@@MuhMuhMamaLuigi just breathing, yeah just that


Sometimes my life It's like a beautiful dream, like a weird movie, and you guys put the perfect soundtrack always. :' V


Hearing this band today! I'm loving all the beats and lyrics which is unusual for me!


Man I absolutely love these photos. Please never stop what you guys do 🤘


I love your sound, please come to the USA I’ve been showing all my friends your music n we love it also from Mexico we love you please perform st the Tiny Desk concert series on YouTube


eu amo vcs e vou mostrar suas músicas pro maior número possível de pessoas...


Perfect! So excited to see more from these guys, Glue trip is one of my top ten albums.

essa música bate em mim de uma forma inacreditável. é incrível como todas as vezes que ouço ela, ela me faz pensar na vida como um todo, por tudo o que já passei, as pessoas que já passaram pela minha vida e infelizmente se foram, enfim... é o que a própria música fala: "time travels in my mind" simplesmente foda! sempre me emociono ouvindo ela e tenho um conceito muito único de arte que é: se te provocou uma reação, inclusive emocional, é arte pura. linda. parabéns pessoal, vocês são foda!



Oh dude, you said this incredibly precisely. Such a pleasure to remember moments and people, no matter whether they were bad or good. This music is insane


É muito difícil para mim ter que lidar com todos os demônios que me cercam. Tem dias que me irrito e os coloco para dançar distantes de mim e são nesses momentos que concordo: A morte deveria ser colorida como um sono leve.


Your songs made my lsd trips absolute bliss! Thank you :)


What a nice find.... been checking out all your music and I'm a fan... Peaceful, Powerful Vibes... life force living.. loving life.

Más de 1 año esperando su nuevo trabajo, ¡¡PORPUESTO QUE VALIÓ LA PENA ESPERAR!! Vengan a México/Venham ao México/Come to México.


Que chido, mexicano que escuchan bandas brasileñas. Saludos desde Brasil, tenemos muchas bandas padrisimas para escuchar.

@@leoaguedes y no solo México, a ellos los escuchan hasta en europa y Asia... Son muy buenos y si te creo bro, en todos lados hay bastantes grupos muy muy buenos. Saludos.

Yo los escucho desde Chile, viva Latinoamérica y viva la música


Muero de ganas de verlos acá en México! <3

@@KirasagiNath Y conmigo somos 10. :'DD <3


What a fantastic trip…


...embora lembre a banda Capitão Fausto...


A uns anos atrás eu ouvi La Edad Del Futuro e pensei ''caralho, esses caras ainda vão alcançar proporções astronômicas''. Está acontecendo.


Assino embaixo!


@@thiagoc331 assino tambem dois anos depois, eles sao demais e o caminho segue em frente

Bolei o baseado mais bonito da minha vida escutando essa musica kkkkkkk boa !

This is something else!


Such warm and transient sounds

So much love


its real good music 🔥💨


Listening to this on a playlist while watching 'From Hand To Mouth", a silent movie from 1919.


Quase 1 ano escutando quase todo santo dia e não consigo enjoar dessa música, amo pra krl ❤, assim como waves e fancy que pra mim são as 3 melhores sem desmerecer as outras claro, prq de vcs todas são de otimas para cima .


I love you Glue Trip, so happy with the new track...time to break the replay button <3 <3


Eu vou colocar o nome de vcs no meu tcc, sifude


What a Trip...!




Feliz por acompanhar o crescimento de você um novo disco, certeza de novas conquistas...e espero que elas lhes levem mais longe ainda...merecedor, o mundo é dos que fazem.


Yeaaah! Please come to brazil! ❤️

Eles são brasileiros mano hahahahhahaha



São BR mano

They are nele


Straight in love! Looking forward to the new record guys. Much love

I'm glad I've decided to klick on this, it's absolutely beautiful 💚


esse clipe é uma viagem só, um sonho poder viajar com amigos e parceiros de música com essa sinergia aí!


Lugar mágico, que trampo lindo 🙏🏻❤️


Time travels in my mind.... 🌈 Love you glue trip, love from México City ❤️



One of the greatest things ive seen in a while.


Time travels in my mind love the new single


Gente, vocês arrebentaram!!! Mais uma vez um vídeo maravilhoso! Nota 10! Amei! ♥️


Ese atardecer hermozo , magia pura.


what a chill track


Que som é esseee??? Maravilhoso!! ❤❤❤

One of the dopest groups out right now!!

Great track lads


Fantastic as usual ! Love from France <3


one of my go to bands


que homens! que homens!!! obrigado glue trip pela arte, poesia e musicalidade! muito amor de minas <3


Ponra galera, ficou massa!! Parabéns ai pra galera da produção audiovisual também


Finally! This is awesome guys cant wait For the whole album. Please do a usa tour.


Maravilhosos como sempre <3, orgulho dessa banda!


O trabalho de vocês é insano! Quando achei que vocês não podiam me surpreender mais, por que o primeiro álbum é incrível, vocês vem com esse tiro! Glue trip é sem dúvidas a minha banda favorita. Por favor, nos deem a graça em Belo Horizonte!


Minha música favorita de vocês. Grandíssimos artistas!


Caramba! Como nunca conheci vocês antes? É a primeira música que escuto e já sei que as outras devem ser incríveis.


Ouça (waves ) ou ( francy )


Sempre incríveis! Lindo clipe! Salve a Chapada dos Veadeiros!


Love you guys! So happy you're back

singing along today


nada mais brasileiro que o cachorro caramelo em 1:00



Noone is here from the acid interstate V4? Oh come on...


Hahaha what is that?


You been to Goa?

Finalmente coisa nova!! Saudades de vc!


so glad you're back :)


Me encanta! Es mi cancion favorita de mi artista favorito!❤

Me encanta esta canción,nunca dejaré de escucharla.


O que vocês fazem é terapia! Delícia de som...

time travels in my mind 🖤


Sweet chill band


🌊🌊🌊 this just made my life that much better. 😎 wonderful


Obrigado pelo trampo guys!


ahhhhhh ! wonderful ! my favorite group trip <3 salutes from peru !


Cada obra dessa dupla!!!💙💙💙

Que clipe lindo, Lucas e cia... parabéns!

Chapada dos Veadeiros! Sensacional.

Su música es más que genial, me alegraría que dieran un concierto en México, valdría totalmente la pena ir a escucharlos


come to sp please! 100% ansiosa pelo discão e pelos shows


A musica não morrerá enquanto houver artistas transcendentes.




my favorite band ❤


Boa! Glue Trip em uma good trip na Chapada. Pra série "chapados na chapada"

estar chapado na chapada eh a melhor coisa do mundo hahaha


@@felipecmartins89 ficar chapado na chapada é a obrigação de qualquer um que cole lá, principalmente se for no pico do vale da lua igual o clip hahahaha

exatamente, melhor pico do universo! um dia vou morar la

love this 💎💎💎


Glue trip, vcs são demais..


Holyy shitt, como eu não conheci vocês antes!!!!??? Tomei um susto quando vi a legenda em português kkkkk

pensei a msm coisa, ja viajei nos sons deles e n tinha ideia q eram br

tambem cara! queria ter conhecido antes, mas ca estamos agora e vamos ficar atentos hein.


Keep on tripping


é um som transcendental ! Parabéns !


Muito feliz por ter descoberto essa banda, melhor do que muita banda gringa de nome! Séria fantasia demais aguardar vocês e o Boogarins colaborando juntos algum dia?


Come to el salvador, guys!


Incrível demais, mal posso esperar pelo álbum novo!


só agora percebi que eles sao brasileiros, muito orgulhooooooo



Desde o lançamento dessa música eu sempre que quero viajar e pensar na vida, coloco ela e saio pra andar por aí pensando na vida hahaha É mto bom

Sempre me pego colocando esse som quando tô na máxima


A friend from Hong Kong says hi, love your trip

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Time Lapses

Glue Trip


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Time Lapses by Glue Trip

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  • Time Lapses

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Todas as coisas que você me disse All the things you said to me Eu me senti como manteiga no calor I felt like butter in the heat Quando eu fecho meus olhos When I close my eyes Está escuro, mas é legal It get’s dark, but it’s nice

Se o sol não brilhar If the sun doesn’t shine A lua vai subir em breve The moon will soon rise Se o sol não brilhar If the sun doesn’t shine A lua vai subir em breve The moon will soon rise Se o sol não brilhar If the sun doesn’t shine

Algum dia eu vou perceber Someday I’ll realize O silêncio pode trazer surpresas Silence can bring surprises O tempo viaja em minha mente Time travels in my mind O tempo viaja em minha mente Time travels in my mind O tempo viaja em minha mente Time travels in my mind O tempo viaja em minha mente Time travels in my mind

Se eu te vejo na minha vida If I see you in my life Não há necessidade de fingir There’s no need to pretend Lembra quando você bateu na minha porta? Remember when you knocked on my door? Dizendo: acho que perdi seu amor Saying: I think I lost your love

Não caia Don’t fall Não desmoronar Don’t fall apart É tarde demais It’s too late Estamos seguindo caminhos diferentes agora We are heading different ways now

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  • Between Jupiter And Mars
  • Lucid Dream
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  • Conta Outra
  • Marcos Valle
  • A New Place To Start
  • Água da Jamaica
  • Birds Singing Lies
  • Friend Zone Forever
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  2. Glue Trip : Glue Trip, Glue Trip: CDs y vinilos}

    glue trip time lapses lyrics

  3. Glue trip Lyrics, Songs, and Albums

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  5. Glue Trip

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  6. Glue trip

    glue trip time lapses lyrics


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  2. Glue Trip

  3. Glue Trip

  4. Glue Trip

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  1. Glue Trip

    I felt like butter in the heat. When I close my eyes. It get's dark, but it's nice. All the things you said to me. I felt like butter in the heat. When I close my eyes. It get's dark, but it ...

  2. Glue Trip • Time Lapses (Official Video)

    Listen to 'Sea At Night' now: to 'Glue Trip' debut album: Glue Trip on Tour: http://www.glue...

  3. Glue Trip

    Listen to "Sea at Night", our new album: Lapses is the first single from Glue Trip's upcoming album, "Sea at Night".Song and Lyric...

  4. Meaning of Time Lapses by Glue trip

    "Time Lapses" by Glue Trip explores themes of introspection, self-discovery, and the passage of time within the context of a failing relationship. The song begins with the narrator reflecting on the impact of someone's words on them, likening the feeling to melting like butter in the heat.

  5. Time Lapses

    Time Lapses by Glue Trip, released 08 October 2019 Kristina Moore aka koleżanka's debut is a work of arty soft psych exploring the liminal spaces between urban centers and desert wonderlands.

  6. Glue Trip • Time Lapses (Official Video)

    Listen to 'Sea At Night' now: Listen to 'Glue Trip' debut album: See Glue Trip on Tour:

  7. Time Lapses

    Lyrics to Glue Trip Time Lapses - Ao Vivo: All the things you said to me I felt like butter in the heat When I close my eyes It get's dark but it's nice All. Glue Trip is a brazilian psychedelic pop band from João Pessoa. They are curren…

  8. Time Lapses

    LYRICS: Time Lapses All the things you said to me I felt like butter in the heat When I close my eyes It get's dark but it's nice All the things you said to me I felt like butter in the heat When I close my eyes It get's dark but it's nice If the sun doesn't shine The moon will soon rise If the sun doesn't shine The moon will soon rise If the sun doesn't shine… Someday I'll ...


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  10. Glue Trip Lyrics, Songs, and Albums

    Glue Trip is a brazilian band from João Pessoa (PB), consisting of Lucas Moura and Felipe Augusto, who record and produce their songs on their own studio. They began making music in 2012, when ...

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    Time Lapses Lyrics. 5. Friend Zone Forever (Ft. Joy J Music) Lyrics. 6. The ... When did Glue Trip release Sea at Night? Album Credits. Featuring Joy J Music. Producers Glue Trip.

  12. TIME LAPSES CHORDS by Glue Trip @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Create and get +5 IQ. [Intro] Dmaj7 Em9 (4x) [Verse 1] Dmaj7 Em9 All the things you said to me Dmaj7 Em9 I felt like butter in the heat Dmaj7 Em9 When I close my eyes Dmaj7 Em9 It get's dark, but it's nice Dmaj7 Em9 All the things you said to me Dmaj7 Em9 I felt like butter in the heat Dmaj7 ...

  13. The story and meaning of the song 'Time Lapses

    The lyrics talk about someone saying nice things to the protagonist that make them feel good. When they close their eyes, it becomes dark but it feels nice. The lyrics also mention that if the sun doesn't shine, the moon will rise. The protagonist talks about time traveling in their mind and how it brings surprises.

  14. Time Lapses (Ao Vivo)

    Listen to Time Lapses (Ao Vivo) by Glue Trip & Showlivre. See lyrics and music videos, find Glue Trip & Showlivre tour dates, buy concert tickets, and more!

  15. Glue Trip

    SONG INFORMATION ARTIST - Glue TripTITLE - Time LapsesALBUM - Sea at NightTRACK - 4YEAR - 2018Please check my channels: - STREAM MUSIC - https://www.youtub...

  16. TIME LAPSES Chords

    Time Lapses Chords by Glue Trip. Learn to play guitar by chords / tabs using chord diagrams, watch video lessons and more. menu ; top tabs; top lessons; music genres; instruments; ... Glue Trip. Time Lapses. Time Lapses Glue Trip. chords advanced. by ANDRSOUZA. chords ukulele cavaco keyboard tab bass drums harmonica flute Guitar Pro.

  17. Time Lapses, by Glue Trip

    Clip, Lyrics and Information about Glue Trip. Playlists based on Time Lapses. Listen to Time Lapses, track by Glue Trip for free. Clip, Lyrics and Information about Glue Trip. Playlists based on Time Lapses. comment FEEDBACK. notifications people person {{user_data.username}} Log out {{ snack_text }} Close


    Glue Trip - Time Lapses (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - All the things you said to me / I felt like butter in the heat / When I close my eyes / It get's dark, but it's nice / All the things you said to me / I ... Time Lapses. Todas as coisas que você me disse All the things you said to me Eu me senti como manteiga no calor I ...

  19. Who wrote "Time Lapses" by Glue trip?

    "Time Lapses" by Glue trip was written by Felipe Augusto & Lucas Moura. ... Genius is the world's biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge.

  20. Glue Trip

    𝑫𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆? 𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 ...

  21. Glue Trip: best songs · discography · lyrics

    Elbow Pain - Glue Trip; La Edad del Futuro - Glue Trip; Lucid Dream - Glue Trip; Fancy - Glue Trip; Lazy Dayz - Glue Trip, Arthur Verocai; Time Lapses - Glue Trip; Birds Singing Lies - Glue Trip; Marcos Valle - Glue Trip; Old Blood - Glue Trip; Água de Jamaica - Glue Trip

  22. Glue Trip

    Fancy Lyrics: You don't understand what I am feeling now / There's chaos in my head / And I can't feel the ground / Why they want to keep our heads so down? / Follow me! Says the road in front