30 Road Trip Games for Couples

road trips games for couples

The car is packed, the playlist is prepped, and the passenger princess is strapped in. What are you forgetting? 

With a few long hours ahead, we suggest making note of these road-trip games for couples that will keep everyone entertained — even if rush-hour traffic stops you in your tracks! Discover your favorite road trip game for your next couple’s adventure, and you’ll be surprised how fast time will tick by. 

Whether you want to quiz your partner or want to walk down memory lane with some classic games (hello I Spy!), we’ve rounded up the best road trip games to help you pass the time. 

What can you do with your boyfriend or girlfriend on a long car ride?

Traveling as a pair with no kids or friends in tow? Take the opportunity to get to know your partner better! With countless hours at your disposal, there is a range of road trip games to keep you both entertained! 

1. Mystery gifts

Do you have a gift-giving love language? Then this could be the game for you. 

Your road trip’s going to have lots of gas station stops. Pledge to buy each other one mystery gift at the next stop. You can turn it into a guessing game or just get them something quirky as a memento.

Whether you make it into a sweet tooth stop or feel like stocking up on some quirky keychains, the options are endless! 

2. Counting your steps

Fun car games all involve sitting still, right? Next time you pull over, set yourselves a time limit. Using your smartphone, watch and any step apps, use the limited time to get as many steps in as you can. 

Will you look a little crazy running around the car park? Yes. Will it make it even more fun? Also, yes. 

This one’s a great game for competitive types – who will log the most steps?

3. 36 questions to get to know each other

Want to get the conversation flowing? 

If you’re looking for conversation starters, you can’t do better than these 36 questions to fall in love. Learn more about your deepest, most treasured memories or plan for the future with these road trip questions.

4. Would you rather?

A good old-fashioned game of ‘Would you rather?’ is guaranteed to get your significant other laughing. 

It’s a world away from those road trip games for couples questions and involves picking the best of two bad scenarios. Start small and dial it up to something more frisky! 

5. Two truths and a lie

How much do you really know about each other? Tell your partner two truths and one lie, then make them guess which one is the lie. 

Try and keep your poker face on, and no matter how many questions your partner asks — don’t give any hints! 

6. Kiss, marry, kill

This is one of the best fun road trip games for couples but it also works in groups. 

Simply pick three celebrities and say if you would kiss (or more!), marry or kill them. It’s an amazing insight into the mind!

7. The Compliment Game

Ready to get all ooey-gooey with your partner?

Begin with the first letter of the alphabet and compliment something you like about them, starting with that letter. Arms, boobs, zippers – you get the idea.

8. The Newlywed Game 

This one needs the passenger prince/princess to be in control, keeping score along the way!

Put your partner under pressure by asking them a range of intimate questions, from where you had your first date, to the first time you said you love each other. Take turns as you run through all the questions, and when you change drivers at the next pitstop — it’s your turn in the hot seat! 

What are some good games to play on a long road trip?

If you’ve got a really long road trip, or if you’re traveling with others, you’ll need to get creative. Try these on for size.

9. Road trip bingo

This one takes a little prep. Make up some bingo cards before you leave and mark them with observations like “somebody mowing their lawn” or “somebody crossing the street”. 

The rarer the spot, the better!

10. I’d like to know more about…

The one thing you have been blessed with on this trip is time. 

So ask yourselves, what’s a topic you’d really like to learn more about? Dig out some podcasts, look for audiobooks on Amazon, or just head to Wikipedia and start learning.

To make sure everyone was listening, why not break out a quiz round at the end? 

11. License plate anagrams

The license plate game is great for getting those creative cogs whirring. Look at the plates in front of you and try to come up with words – could these be linked to the driver?

Or if you want to expand your horizons, they can also use any passing billboards, signs, or any other tools to encrypt the words. 

12. The story game

Feeling inventive? Start to tell a story. It can be something simple like, “Once upon a time there was a couple driving home.” 

Your partner can start the next sentence and so on –  like your road trip, who knows where it will end up?

13. Sorry I Was Late

This one’s a great movie game for you cinephiles out there. Start by telling your partner you’re sorry you were late, then explain why – but in the style of a movie plot. Have them guess what it is.

For example, I’m so sorry that I was late, I was just bitten by a spider that gave me superpowers and then I had to go save the world with a billionaire superhero. (Any guesses?) 

14. 21 Questions 

A classic but it can get pretty interesting, especially if you’re willing to be inventive!

Learn more about the way your partner’s brain works by asking them 21 questions, and if you want to get extra competitive, give out points for every question you didn’t use. 

15. The Movie Game 

This is another great one for movie buffs, or even those who are secretly obsessed with pop culture. Start by naming an actor and then go to the next person, so they can name one of the films they were in!

Go back and forth between your group until someone runs out of ideas!

16. The Name Game 

This word game is perfect to keep you on your toes!

Start with anyone’s full name (try and be more creative than your own!) and then the next person has to name someone using the first letter of the previous person’s last name. It sounds confusing, but once you get into it, there’s no stopping you! 

road trip games for couples

What are some games to play in the car?

Traveling with kids? There are plenty of car ride games for couples and kids, with lots of distractions to keep everyone entertained! 

To avoid the constant, ‘Are we there yet?’ questions, these games could be your ticket to a fun road trip! 

17. What’s their story?

There’s nothing like a bit of people-watching to pass the time, is there? 

Look around for the first person you can see. Ask your partner and the kids – what’s their story? See what exciting versions of their lives you can come up with.

18. The cockpit game

Ready to take off? Pretend the car is your own jumbo jet. You’re upfront with the pilot and the kids are the cabin crew. Where are you going, and will the pilot take off safely? Whoosh!

19. Scattergories

This alphabet game involves picking a category and then a letter of the alphabet. So you might say something like car brands and ‘P.’ Whoever runs out of ideas loses!

20. Odd car out

Make your next road trip more exciting by looking out for automobile oddities. You might spot a classic car on the other side of the road, or it might just be a funky color. Set each other a goal for vehicles to spot and see who gets there first!

Long drives always go quicker with a game of I Spy. Have the kids guessing for hours or watch them drift off – then you can play the more adult games for couples!

22. Alpha-DJ

Another fun alphabet name game, you’ll need a music player to play this one. Play DJ and get everybody to ask you for a song title or artist beginning with a certain letter.

23. Guess the song

Still playing DJ? Start by playing only the first few seconds of a track, before the song lyrics kick in if you can. The first player to guess the song correctly wins!

24. Speaking in song

This one’s as much a memory game as it is a trivia game – can you think of a song that will keep the conversation going? 

Start a new chat with the title of a song, such as, “Have I told you lately?” Then the next player will have to respond with another song title. The player with the last word wins.

25. While you were sleeping! 

This is a great one if you have any sleepy kids in the car!

Just wait for one member of the family to doze off, while the rest of you concoct a wild story of what happened while they were sleeping. Get as creative as possible, and see if they believe you! 

What do adults play in the car?

If you’re lucky enough to be enjoying road trip activities solo, you can be as naughty as you like. You’ve also got free rein to make games more complicated – just keep those eyes on the road.

26. Degrees of separation

Start by naming two distinct objects. Let’s say a witch’s broom and a getaway car. Can you get there in six steps or fewer by word association alone? Hermione rode a witch’s broom…Hermione loves Ron…Ron drove a getaway car…you get the idea.

27. Junk memories

Who said clearing out the messes in your car can’t be fun? Go through your old receipts and tickets and try to think back to the memories of that day. Here’s a check for a burger restaurant…remember that date?

This can be a fun walk down memory lane, while also being a subtle way to clean up their car! 

28.  Truth or dare

You can make this one as daring as you like! It could be something tame like tooting your horn at another driver or making a fool of yourself in the gas station. 

Feel free to  make it naughtier too – this is a couple’s road trip, after all.

29. Fun photo ops

Nothing makes for weird and wonderful photo effects like a moving car. Take snaps out of the window or of the two of you while moving. Just make sure you don’t distract the driver!

30.  Never have I ever

Travel games for couples are great because they rely on imagination rather than just alcohol. 

In this booze-free version of this classic game, ask each other to confess your deepest darkest secrets. Take a swig of a non-alcoholic drink or try another gesture, like winking.

road trips games for couples

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30 Ultimate Road Trip Games for Couples: Bonding Beyond the Highway

Road Trips - Chrystelle Garcia - March 18, 2024

road trips games for couples

Introducing road trip games for couples

Why road trip games matter.

Traveling is more than just a road trip; They are opportunities for adventure, exploration and bonding. When couples travel together, the miles they cover often become a source of unforgettable memories. Bringing road trip games into the mix adds a new level of fun and intimacy to the experience.

road trips games for couples

The importance of bonding outside the highway

In today’s fast-paced world, quality time together is a precious commodity. Travel gives couples the chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on each other. By engaging in fun, interactive games along the way, partners can strengthen their bonds, deepen their bond and build lasting relationships.

road trips games for couples

Memories made while walking

Any road trip is a unique journey waiting to unfold. From scenic routes to unexpected attractions, the journey is filled with moments that beg to be captured and treated with care. Not only do road trip games fill time between destinations but they provide opportunities for laughs, stories and shared experiences that will become cherished memories for years to come.

Discovering Timeless Classics

Classic Games for Two

Road trip games don’t have to be complicated to be enjoyable. Sometimes, the simplest activities can provide the most entertainment. Classic games like “I Spy,” 20 Questions, and License Plate Bingo have stood the test of time for a reason. They’re easy to play, require minimal setup, and are perfect for passing the time during long stretches on the road.

Promoting Interaction and Communication

These timeless classics aren’t just about filling the hours; they’re about connecting with your partner. Whether you’re spotting objects along the roadside or guessing the answer to a trivia question, these games encourage communication, collaboration, and laughter. As you engage in friendly competition and share in each other’s victories, you’ll find yourselves growing closer with every mile traveled.

Testing your knowledge: Trivia and quiz games

Trivia and quiz games for couples

For couples who enjoy mental challenges, trivia and quiz games provide the perfect opportunity to test their skills. Whether it’s a “Road Trip Trivia” game or a personalized “Couples Quiz,” this game adds an element of fun and competition to travel. With questions ranging from pop culture to history to trivia, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

recreation and education

In addition to entertainment value, trivia and quiz games provide opportunities to learn and grow together as a couple. As you answer questions and share your thoughts, you will learn new things about each other’s personalities and interests. Whether you’re brushing up on your usual topics or learning something new, these games provide a fun and exciting way to spend time on the road.

Motivational thinking: Word memory games

Word-based games for couples

For couples who enjoy language games, word-based games provide a sweet way to pass the time. From “Word Club” to “Memory Tile,” these games challenge your vocabulary, creativity, and memory skills. Whether you’re putting words together or reminiscing about past trips, these games inspire lively conversation and laughter.

promoting intellectual awareness

Besides fun and entertainment, word memory games also provide a mental workout for couples. As you search for words or recall shared experiences, you exercise your brain and sharpen your imagination. These games not only stimulate cognitive skills but create a deeper bond as you collaborate and interact with your partner.

Igniting Imagination: Creative and Imaginative Games

Games that Spark Creativity

For couples with a flair for creativity, imaginative games offer a canvas for endless possibilities. Whether it’s building stories together or creating fictional characters, these games encourage you to think outside the box and let your imagination run wild. With each new scenario or character, you’ll discover new depths to your creativity and strengthen your bond as you share in the creative process.

Fostering Imagination and Connection

Creative and imaginative games go beyond mere entertainment; they’re opportunities for couples to explore new worlds and ideas together. As you collaborate on stories or invent characters, you’ll be building a shared narrative that reflects your unique perspectives and experiences. These games not only spark imagination but also deepen your connection as you co-create and share in the magic of storytelling.

Harmonizing with Music: Music and Singing Games

Melodic Entertainment for Couples

For couples who share a love of music, incorporating music and singing games into your road trip can add a harmonious touch to your journey. Whether you’re playing “Name That Tune” or hosting a “Karaoke Carpool,” these games infuse your travels with rhythm and melody. With each song sung and note guessed, you’ll create a soundtrack of memories that will linger long after the trip is over.

Adding Fun and Musicality

Music and singing games bring a lively energy to the car and provide a welcome diversion during long stretches of driving. Whether you’re belting out your favorite tunes or guessing the artist of a song, these games offer a chance to showcase your musical prowess and share your favorite songs with your partner. With each verse and chorus, you’ll find yourselves harmonizing not only with the music but also with each other.

Collaboration and Unity: Collaboration and Teamwork Games

Games Requiring Cooperation

In the realm of road trip games, there are those that emphasize collaboration and teamwork, fostering a sense of unity between partners. From “Scavenger Hunt” challenges to jointly constructing stories, these games encourage couples to work together toward a common goal. As you navigate challenges and solve puzzles as a team, you’ll strengthen your bond and create a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the confines of the car.

Encouraging Mutual Support

Collaboration and teamwork games not only provide entertainment but also serve as opportunities for couples to demonstrate mutual support and encouragement. Whether you’re strategizing to complete a scavenger hunt or building upon each other’s ideas in a storytelling game, these activities reinforce the idea that you’re in it together. As you celebrate victories and overcome obstacles as a team, you’ll deepen your connection and reinforce the bonds of partnership.

Embracing Technology: Technology-Based Games

Games Enhanced by Technology

In the digital age, technology offers a plethora of options for entertainment, even on the road. Technology-based games leverage the power of smartphones and other devices to provide interactive and engaging experiences for couples. Whether it’s embarking on a mobile app scavenger hunt or participating in GPS-based challenges, these games add a modern twist to traditional road trip fun.

Incorporating Digital Interactivity

Technology-based games not only entertain but also encourage couples to interact with their surroundings in new and exciting ways. With the help of GPS technology and mobile apps, you can uncover hidden gems along your route or embark on virtual adventures from the comfort of your car. These games offer a blend of digital interactivity and real-world exploration, creating memorable experiences that bridge the gap between the virtual and the physical.

DIY Entertainment: Homemade and DIY Games

Games born from creativity.

For couples seeking a personal touch to their road trip entertainment, homemade and do-it-yourself (DIY) games offer a creative outlet. Crafting your own games with everyday materials allows you to tailor the experience to your preferences and interests. Whether it’s DIY trivia cards or customized Mad Libs, these games reflect your unique personalities and relationship dynamics.

Infusing Personalization and Creativity

Homemade and DIY games not only provide entertainment but also serve as a reflection of your relationship. As you brainstorm ideas and create custom game pieces, you’ll strengthen your bond and create shared memories. These games offer a blend of personalization and creativity, transforming ordinary materials into vehicles for laughter, connection, and fun.

Safety First: Considerations for Road Trip Games

Prioritizing Safety

While road trip games can add excitement to your journey, it’s essential to prioritize safety at all times. Before engaging in any games, ensure that they won’t distract the driver or compromise the safety of the passengers. Choose games that allow everyone to remain focused on the road while still enjoying the experience.

Selecting Suitable Games

When choosing road trip games, opt for options that are conducive to the driving environment. Avoid games that require extensive setup or constant attention, as these can detract from the driving experience. Instead, focus on games that can be played casually and intermittently, allowing everyone to participate without detracting from the primary task of driving safely.

Balancing Entertainment and Rest

While games can add entertainment to your road trip, it’s essential to strike a balance between play and rest. Ensure that everyone gets adequate rest breaks to prevent driver fatigue and maintain alertness on the road. Use games as a way to break up the journey and keep spirits high, but always prioritize safety above all else.

Adapting to Changing Conditions

Be prepared to adapt your game plan based on changing road and weather conditions. If visibility becomes poor or road conditions deteriorate, consider pausing the games and focusing solely on navigating safely to your destination. Flexibility is key when it comes to road trip games, so be prepared to modify your plans as needed to ensure the safety of everyone on board.

Conclusion: Strengthening communication through road trip games

In conclusion, road trip games for couples provide a unique opportunity to bond, create and create lasting memories while exploring the open road. From classic addictive games to modern technology-based challenges, there is no shortage of ways to keep you entertained on your trip.

By participating in these games, couples can strengthen their communication skills, enhance their mutual understanding, and foster a sense of teamwork and cooperation. Whether you’re singing your favorite songs, solving trivia quizzes, or starting a scavenger hunt, shared experiences in road games create a bond that transcends miles traveled on.

As you go on your next trip together, consider adding some of these road trip games to your itinerary. Always put safety first and remember to rest as needed to rest and recharge. With the perfect blend of fun, friendship and adventure, your road trip is sure to be an unforgettable experience filled with laughter, love and cherished memories

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21 Freakin’ FUN Road Trip Games for Couples

By: Author Mitch Glass

Posted on Last updated: May 5, 2023

You’ve packed your bags, topped up your tank, and hit the open road with your partner.

Then it hits you…

What the heck are you supposed to talk about for the next 5 hours?

Sure, you could jam out to your favorite road trip playlist. But why not fill that time with some fun car ride games for couples? (And hopefully get to know your partner better!)

Maybe you’re setting off on a romantic weekend getaway. Or maybe you’re on a long-term van life adventure, realizing the reality of van life involves much more driving than you anticipated.

Either way, these wickedly fun road trip games for couples will keep you entertained for hours on end. 

Table of Contents

1. Two Truths and a Lie

2. true confessions, 3. would you rather, 4. 21 questions, 5. question and answer, 6. guess the song, 7. musical alphabet, 8. theme song game, 9. speak in song, 10. did you hear that…, 11. sorry i was late, 12. truth or dare, 13. fortunately/unfortunately, 14. mystery gift, 15. alphabet game, 16. alphabet game (challenging version), 17. trivia games, 18. categories, 19. the compliment game, 20. kiss. marry. kill., 21. finish the sentence, bonus: road trip bingo, other fun things for couples to do on a road trip, fun car games for couples to get to know one another better.

This is an oldie but a goodie, and one of the most popular games to play in the car for couples.  

You and your partner take turns coming up with two truths (two things that are true about you) and a lie (something untrue about you). 

These can be…

  • Things that you’ve done.
  • Things that have happened to you.
  • Facts about your past or yourself in general. 

Try to keep them succinct — one sentence tops, like, “I once caught a fly ball at a stadium baseball game.”

Then, your partner guesses which one is the lie, and you can reveal the answer after they’ve chosen. This is a surefire way to learn new things about each other.

To up the ante, you can keep score — loser buys ice cream.

This one came from Jimmy Fallon’s True Confessions segment, and it makes for a great road trip game.

It’s similar to two truths and a lie, but with a twist. 

On your turn, think of either a truth or a lie about something you’ve experienced. For example, “I once met Ryan Gosling.” 

Then, your partner has 60 seconds to ask questions about it to guess if it’s true. 

If it’s a lie, you have to keep creatively making up the story as if it were true. When the 60 seconds are up, your partner guesses if you are telling the truth or a lie, then you reveal whether they’re right or not.

While this car game can be a riot, it also reveals to your partner how good of a liar you are — be careful!

road trips games for couples

Another oldie, but still tons of fun.

For this game, you and your partner take turns giving each other two scenarios to choose from, phrased as “Would you rather…?” 

So, for example, you can ask your partner “Would you rather skydive or swim with sharks?” 

These are usually most fun with two sucky options, two epic options, or two batcrap crazy options. 

It’s also another clever way to get to know each other better, especially if you explain your choices.

This is a bit different than the famous 20 Questions game. It’s one of the best road trip games for two people to get to know each other better.

Unlike 20 Questions — where you take turns choosing an object or celebrity for your partner to guess — 21 Questions is about you and your partner . 

You get 21 questions to ask your partner about anything, and they must answer honestly. You can ask all 21 questions at once, or you both can alternate.

If it’s a new relationship, you might want to set some rules about topics you want to avoid. The last thing you want is to ruin the fun by asking uncomfortable questions.

road trips games for couples

Road trip questions for couples

Sometimes, just a good old game of Question and Answer can be one of the most fun things for couples to do on a road trip.

Here are some ideas to start you off:

  • What was your favorite childhood vacation?  
  • If you had superpowers, what would they be?
  • What was it about me that first caught your eye?
  • What was your favorite subject when you were a kid?
  • Who was/is your favorite family member to travel with?
  • What were your favorite childhood movies, songs, or tv shows?
  • If you could time travel to any time in the past, when would it be?
  • What was the best gift you’d ever received for a birthday or holiday?
  • If you could have a conversation with anyone in history, who would it be?

Keep the questions general, or make them a bit more personal. It’s up to you! Just remember to keep it fun. 

Music-related car ride games for couples

This is one of the best road trip games if you and your partner love music. 

Set your music to shuffle, and try to guess what song plays before your partner. To make it more challenging, you can make the rule that you need to name the song and the artist to win a point.

If you have internet, you can also search for “guess that song mix” on Youtube for a bunch of compilations to choose from. 

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road trips games for couples

To play Musical Alphabet, you and your partner take turns thinking of songs and singing lyrics from them.

The catch is you start at the beginning of the alphabet, and go in alphabetical order, choosing a song that starts with that letter. 

So, if you have “A”, you might choose “ A Part of Your World ,” and then your partner has “B”, and chooses, “ Baby One More Time ,” and so on. 

Remember — you have to be able to sing at least one lyric from the song. So if you choose a song title that fits, but you can’t remember any lyrics from it, it doesn’t count!

Theme songs are pretty ingrained into our memories, especially when they’re from childhood shows. To play this game, take turns coming up with a theme song for your partner to sing (or at least attempt to sing). 

If your partner can sing the whole theme song from memory, they get the point. 

Try to pick songs from shows you know your partner has seen to keep this game fun, or even suggest a commercial jingle.

You can also use theme songs to play the “Guess the Song” game to make it more nostalgic. Type in “theme song compilation” or something similar into YouTube, and you’ll find a bunch of options.

Here’s an example:

This music game is a bit more challenging because singing isn’t allowed. 

Taking turns, both you and your partner have to speak in song, carrying on a conversation only using song titles or song lyrics. The challenging part of this is to try to make the conversation make sense. 

For example, you could say “I Feel Good,” and your partner can say “Because of You.” 

Whoever can’t come up with a lyric, or sings it, loses.

Another version is to speak the lyrics of a song in a normal voice, and have your partner try to guess it. You’d be surprised how tricky this can be sometimes.

Creative road trip games for couples

To play this game, you and your partner take turns telling each other a fact that may or may not be true. Then, your partner tries to guess if the fact is true or false. 

For example, “Did you know that North Dakota and South Dakota used to be one Dakota?” (That is actually true!) 

This game works with any topic, such as pop-culture trivia, history facts, anything. And if you and your partner want to make it more personal, you can use facts about yourselves. Such as, “Did you know that I have ten cousins?” 

This is one of the best travel games for couples because it helps you get to know each other (or test your knowledge of one another).

couple holding hands

Sorry I Was Late is played by beginning with saying “Sorry I was late…” and proceeding to give the plot or a storyline from a movie. Then, your partner has to guess what movie you are describing. 

For example, “Sorry I was late… I was working late at the museum of natural history, and the dinosaur exhibit tried to escape the building.” (Night at the Museum.)

You can be as direct or as indirect as you want to be. Set a time limit to make it more difficult.

Who says this is just for kids on a sleepover?

This can be one of the most fun car games. On your turn, ask your partner “truth or dare?”, and if they choose truth, you get to ask them a question they must reply truthfully to. If they choose dare, then they must do whatever you dare them to do. 

Since you’re playing in a car, this game requires a bit more creativity for the dares. Think of things such as opening the window and daring your partner to sing loudly along with the radio at a stoplight.

road trips games for couples

This is one of the most fun road trip games for couples. It can get incredibly creative.

To play Fortunately/Unfortunately, the first person starts by saying something beginning with the word “Fortunately”. So, something like, “ Fortunately, I made it to work on time .” 

Then, it’s your partner’s turn. They must start their sentence off with “Unfortunately”, and alter your statement with something unfortunate happening. Such as “ Unfortunately, I got fired.” 

Then the next statement is another fortunately, and then unfortunately. As you go along, you’ll both be telling quite the rollercoaster of a story.

This car game is for longer road trips. It’s also less of a game, and more of a surprise for the end of your long driving days.

Every time you make a pitstop at gas stations, tourist attractions, or shops, give each other a few minutes of private time. During your private time, search for surprise road trip gifts for your partner. The more memorable, the better. 

At the end of your day, play 21 Questions to guess each other’s gift. Once you figure it out, you get to have it. 

To avoid any disappointment, you might want to set a price limit so the gifts are more-or-less equal. Here are some creative souvenir ideas to get your juices flowing

road trips games for couples

This game is similar to Musical Alphabet, except there’s no singing or songs involved. 

Instead, you and your partner first agree on a category. It could be famous people (you can even niche down to specific famous people, such as singers, actors, historic people, etc.), places, movies, tv shows, whatever you want. 

Then, starting with the first letter of the alphabet, you’ll say something in that category that starts with the letter “A”. Then your partner says something that starts with “B” and so on.

There is a similar game that is a little spin off of the Alphabet Game.

The rules are the same except you don’t go in alphabetical order. Instead, after “A”, the next letter you start with is the last letter of the answer that was just given. For example, if the category is “animals” and you say “alligator,” the next letter your partner must start with is “R”. 

It’s a more challenging game, and makes it easier for one of you to slip up. To crank up the pressure, you can count down from 10 as your partner scrambles to think of an answer. 

road trips games for couples

You and your partner simply take turns thinking of something (perhaps you can choose a category first, such as a celebrity, a place, animal, etc.) and start listing off facts about said thing until your partner guesses correctly. 

This game helps you learn a lot about each other based on the knowledge you each have on certain topics.

If you don’t want to come up with the topics yourself, download some trivia road trip apps before you set off.

For this game, you and your partner settle on a category, such as car brands, countries, actors, movies, anything really. 

Then, taking turns, you and your partner both say things in that category. 

So, if you choose car brands, you might start with “Audi”, your partner chimes in “Honda,” and you’ll go back and forth like that. When someone pauses for more than 5 seconds, they lose.

couple standing on van rooftop

For this game, we’re doing a little variation of the Alphabet Game. But instead of choosing a topic and naming people or things for each letter of the alphabet, you and your partner give each other compliments. 

Alternating every letter in alphabetical order, you start with “A” and give your partner a compliment that starts with “A”, then your partner gives you a compliment that starts with “B”, and so on. 

It requires you both to get creative (especially when letters get to “X” and “Z”) as well as being a fun, romantic game.

This is a really popular game to play even outside of the car. 

The rules are simple: give your partner three people, and ask them to decide which of the options they’d kiss, marry, and kill. 

A good piece of advice is to make sure you don’t use people that either of you personally know. There’s a huge chance someone may get offended if you’re playing with your friends as options.

So, instead, use actors, singers, historical figures, heck, even cartoons like Mickey and Minnie Mouse can make it even more fun. 

couple playing road trip games for couples

Pretty self-explanatory, but Finish the Sentence is played by finishing each other’s sentences. 

On your turn, come up with half a sentence, such as, “Sue went to the store to…” and then your partner finishes the sentence. Then you continue the story with another half of a sentence, and your partner continues after that. 

You can improvise the game completely, or you both can decide on a character, setting or situation to start things off. You can even make it a romantic story to make it more of a couples game to play.

This is a “background car activity” you can play simultaneously with other games, and it’s super easy.

Before you leave, write down a list of 10-20 things you predict to see during your trip. These can be as mundane or as strange as you want — the stranger, the harder.

Here are some ideas to get you started: 🚗 Someone mowing their lawn. 🚗 Someone running a red light. 🚗 Someone with the exact same car as you. 🚗 Someone singing or dancing like crazy in their car. 🚗 A sign-flipper. 🚗 A hitchhiker.

…you get the idea.

Try to be the first person to call out the scenario when you see it, then check it off your list.

This isn’t the most exciting road trip activity in the world, but it keeps your mind alert.

These couple’s road trip games will keep you occupied for hours, but you can only play the Alphabet Game so many times without getting bored.

If you’re on a longer-term adventure, you may need a bit more.

That’s where this list of fun travel hobbies comes in.

By choosing a travel hobby with your partner — activities you both enjoy doing while traveling — you’ll never get bored on the road.

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Mitch is your typical nomadic backpacker. Or at least, he was . But after stopping in Colombia to take “one week” of salsa lessons, his life took a sharp left turn. He met a cute Colombian girl in dance class, fell in love, and got married. Over half a decade has passed since he left his career to travel the world as a digital nomad, and he’s never looked back.

Nowadays, he’s the blogger behind Project Untethered — where he runs an awesome email newsletter and Youtube channel teaching adventure-craved wanderlusters how to escape the rat race, earn money from anywhere, and build an “untethered life”.

His advice has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo, MSN, Reader’s Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, and more.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations: Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page. Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox. Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills. Booking.com - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel). Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation. Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones. Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills. Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

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Type and hit enter to search, 22 sizzling romantic road trip games for couples.

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Your next road trip adventure shouldn’t just be about getting to the destination or the typical activities; there are road trip games for couples to keep you interested and connected the entire time. Of course, you can’t even concentrate on your devices the entire time, while your partner focuses on driving.

There is no amount of conversation that will be enough to fill in the gaps that will fill the car when you’ve run out of stories, so you know you won’t just spend the entire time staring out the window or fiddling with your phones and tablets.

You need certain road trip activities that are specific to lovers to get along and endure a long car ride to your destination. Whether on a weekend getaway with your significant other or simply one of those daring couples that enjoy taking long road drives just for fun. 

Here are some of my favorite road trip activities for couples going on a road trip. A variety of traditional and original games are available for your enjoyment while traveling. Even on a trip that was not originally intended to be romantic, playing road trip games with your significant other is a great way to strengthen your relationship and make romantic memories.

The most fun road trip games for couples are listed below for you to try out on your upcoming journey.

Road Trip Classics Games for Couples


Road trip classic games have been played for ages, yet they still provide players with the same level of enjoyment today. Even though they have withstood the test of time, these games continue to be played frequently and are cherished by many people. Some of them include:

With Ispy, you can never go wrong. Ispy continues to be the best road game, so couples looking for games to make their car trip enjoyable won’t be disappointed.


To make it more specialized and engaging for couples’ road trip excursions, you can do away with the standard trivia questions and create your own trivia that centers around your relationship.  Make it entertaining enough.

Road trip bingos will never lose their appeal due to the excitement they provide. Couples get the opportunity to learn about one another’s tastes and experiences while still having fun. For your road trip, download as many printable bingos as you can.

License Plate Game

Another timeless game for road trips that is always a blast is the license plate game. To compete with one another and see who can find more license plates on the road than the other at the end of the trip, print out the license plate codes for each of the 50 states. It can also be played cooperatively, allowing you to learn the states on a single sheet while working as a group. Whatever works best. Good enough, you can play this game and play other games simultaneously.

Check out these 25 Most Exciting Road Trip Games You Don’t Need to Pay for .

Bonding/Building Games


Couples can play these road trip activities to learn more about one other’s personalities, tales, or even past experiences. This fosters a bond from a position of more informed understanding. It helps couples get ready for their trip by letting them know what to do or avoid in private for the greatest vacation experience.

However, these games can also be the breaking point, if the information released will not be assimilated well by the other.

These include:

Conversation starters

They might consist of 21 Questions-style games. The questions can be modified to focus on the relationship, their personalities, and values. in order to learn more about one another.

Would You Rather

This classic is not just funny but a terrific game for bonding between couples. The Would You Rather game gives players a platform to express their preferences and the other party gains knowledge from details.

Never Have I Ever

Couples are given the opportunity to share something unusual that they have never done before. It makes space for information, understanding, and perhaps even the “wow” factor between couples in addition to laughter.

Road Trip Games for Laughs


They include games that feature stories, obviously intended to make other people laugh silly. You two will undoubtedly be bursting with laughter while playing the following games:

Fortunately and Unfortunately

“Fortunately and Unfortunately” is a very common road trip game that will have you rolling with laughter from the fortunate or unfortunate stories; occasionally, it may even make you cry, but for a lighter mood between couples, it’s best to stick to the good and funny stories like “Unfortunately, I married my high school crush…” Then your spouse says, Fortunately, she still views me as the top dog in town.”

Road trip jokes

For laughs, take turns telling jokes and reading amusing memes. Collect as many amusing memes and jokes as you can, then alternately recite them out to one another to cause fits of laughing. You can also check out these 100+ Thought-Provoking Road Trip Questions for Couples

headset for song road trip games for couples

There are road trip activities for couples that incorporate songs, performers, and their lyrics if you and your partner enjoy singing. How well do you know the lyrics of your favorite artist’s recent or old albums? On a romantic car trip, some musical games include:


One person begins a song and stops midway through, either singing a few lines or just a line, and the other continues with a new song, beginning with a word from the first song and pausing before the other begins with a new song beginning with the word just paused. It must be completed without taking long breaks.

Guess the lyrics

A single performer belts out a verse from a song of their choice. The other person must then identify the music. It’s their turn to sing if they get it properly! Make it more challenging by reciting the lyrics, or singing each song to a different tune. Alternatively, you might play the song through the speakers and ask people to identify it. You can’t sing any song for the other person to guess until you get it right.

Freaky Road Trip Games for Couples

freaky road trip games for couples

Freaky games are road trip activities for couples to enjoy in order to deepen intimacy and liven up the journey. The mood between the couples in the car is transformed into one that is intense and passionate. Among the freaky car games for couples are:

Strip Padiddle

Make a list of items that can be seen along the way and whoever sees it first yells “Strip Padiddle” and touches the roof of the car. The person explains what he saw after that.  The last person to touch the car roof is the defaulter who gets to strip. The defaulter takes off one piece of clothing and the game continues till someone has taken off all pieces of clothing items on the body.  

You all know what might occur next when you’re all wearing very little clothing. It is a private game meant only for couples traveling together in complete solitude. This is one of the best road trip games for couples to feel sexy and passionate in that sizzling way.

Truth or Dare

Truth and dare is another way to get freaky with your partner during a road trip. Get to choose daring options that are possible to be done within the car. Dare each other to do crazy things. While some crazy dares may not require getting freaky, be sure to make freaky dares too.


This is one of those road trip games for couples that could get quite freaky. Do you know how it is when you meet someone and decide you want to have a one-night stand? (We’ll refer to this as a one-moment stand.) This is precisely the point of the game. Play the role of a stranger being picked up for a ride by the other. Both couples act as though they are strangers to one another while conversing, getting hitched, and possibly having a passionate moment like you would with a new acquaintance.

Know your Partner Road Trip Games for Couples

get to know your partner road trip games for couples

These are road trip games for couples to test how much of their partner’s personalities, past, and plans they know. They include:

Two Truths and a Lie

Take turns presenting three assertions, two truths, and one lie. The story or statement’s events must be well-created in order to appear genuine. Which of the three claims or stories is the truth, according to your spouse, and which is a lie? If your companion answers all the questions correctly, he earns a point; otherwise, he loses one.

Would I Lie to You? 

You two take turns reading or telling amazing personal stories as your companion checks to see if you are telling the truth or a lie by posing questions to you for you to back up your claims. If the investigation reveals that your account was false or inconsistent, the investigator wins; if it establishes your innocence, you win; and if you are deceitful to such an extent that it is believed to be real, you win.

For example, “I once went to a man’s house on a Sunday morning and found him lying dead” can be the story. And the probing goes “how did you get in, with key or door ajar”,  “No one saw you? “How did you cover your mess, no cops traced a fingerprint to you?”. Your answers will give you away or support your claim.

Camaraderie Road Trip Games for Couples

camaraderie road trip games for couples

These are the kinds of games that improve partner relationships and mental bonds. They are games that enable players to compromise and reach an understanding. These include games like:

I’m Going on a Holiday

They alternate taking turns adding lines to the stories as quickly as they can without pausing to take a breath after their spouse announces what he will do or carry for the holiday. The stories don’t have to be true.

For instance, “I’m going on vacation and I’ll meet a man…” “He’ll take you to a bar, he says…” “I will get offered some wine…” “and get intoxicated with the wine…” etc


Your partner says a word and you follow up with a related word and the list continues. For example Cops, murder, pistol, handcuff, prison…”

Read also: 20 Guaranteed Road Trip Activities for Kids .

Adventurous Road Trip Games for Couples

adventurous road trip games for couples

These are adrenaline-pumping road trip games for couples that could need you to do things that are uncomfortable for you to do or that could get you into trouble. These games consist of:

Left, Right, or Straight?

It’s one of those road trip activities for couples who have the freedom to explore and are up for the challenge. Therefore, join in on this game where you alternately choose random detours whenever you reach a junction if you have enough free time. when you reach a junction? The other person gets to choose any random road after asking whether to go left, right, or straight.

You can decide to choose random routes that lead nowhere just for the fun of exploration or pick random detours that you hope will lead to your destination. Either one, be sure to have enough time at hand and not be in a hurry because you may sure get lost. But there’s always your GPS to the rescue when you are tired.

  • Scavenger Hunt.

Make a list of the treasures you hope to find while traveling. Until all the items on the list have been removed, anyone who finds these objects takes them up. Couples should enjoy their road trip by participating in a road treasure hunt because it is action-packed and guaranteed to get their heart racing.

Read also: 14 Romantic Road Trip Activities for Couples .

card games road trip games for couples

One of the best ways to enjoy a road trip is to play cards while driving. Playing cards is a lot of fun. It is appropriate for a trip where the couples are being driven, or perhaps if you stop by the side of the road for a rest or a picnic. Several card games are:

Crazy Eights

Mentally stimulating games.

scrabble is a mentally stimulating road trip games for couples

These entail road trip games that test couples’ cognitive abilities while they compete against one another and work through issues. Among them are board games like:

What Can I Do On a Road Trip With My Boyfriend?

In addition to road trip games for couples, there are other road trip activities for couples to liven up the lengthy journey, when games have been played to the point of exhaustion, or even just to take a break from the games.

On a road trip, you and your boo can enjoy the following activities:

  • Snacking together
  • Selfies and videos
  • Vlog with Boo
  • Listen to audiobooks and podcasts together while cuddled up under a travel duvet if someone else is driving.
  • Netflix together
  • Stop by a park for a romantic picnic
  • Drop by a fancy restaurant in any city you are passing by for a quiet unplanned romantic date.
  • Get lost on the way by turning off your GPS and Maps and simply just explore the roads ahead. It leaves both of you feeling like the only ones in the world and having each other to yourselves.

What are the Most Fun Road Trip Games for Couples?

No matter how long the ride, these are some of the most entertaining games that every couple can play in the car without getting bored or tense:

  • Strip Padiddle.
  • Hitch-hiker.
  • Truth or Dare.
  • I’m going on Holiday.
  • 21 Questions.
  • Road Trip Bingos.
  • Would I Lie to You?
  • Card Games.

Don’t go hungry while on any road trip; I am sure you would love these 20 Awesome and Healthy Lunch Ideas for Road Trips for healthy dieting during road trips.

These suggestions will undoubtedly form a wonderful road trip itinerary for couples who want to create lasting memories. Road trip games for couples are a great plan to add to your travel experience for total entertainment, so the fun doesn’t have to wait until you get to your vacation or host destination.

Read also: 30 Fun Things to do on a Road Trip

Along with the activities, how you pack for a road trip with your partner is important. for an adventure. You might want to wear some hiking-related clothing, like sturdy trekking boots. You should never leave for a vacation without your camera and its carrying case because they are both crucial items for the trip.

You can make a road trip with boo memorable enough to make you eager for a recurrence by coming up with these 100+ Thought-Provoking Road Trip Questions for Couples and many other road travel ideas. 

Traveling with children? Here are some Fun Road Trip Games for Kids .

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Daisy Edikan

I’m Daisy, a passionate traveler and adventurer who loves sharing her travel and camping tips. From a young age, I’ve had a thirst for exploration, taking myself to different corners of the world. I enjoy combining my love for travel with camping trips and believe that it's not just about the destination, but also about the journey and the people you meet along the way. Through this blog and social media platforms, I share my travel experiences, recommendations, and tips to inspire others to travel more and explore the world around them. When I’m not traveling, I can be found planning my next adventure or spending time in nature writing.

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Road Trip Game for Couples: 27 Ideas That Will Surprise Your Partner

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Are you looking for the best road trip game for couples ? We’ve got you covered! Having traveled to many romantic places , Eric and I have gone on many road trips whether that’d be to discover the US West Coast , driving Route 66 , road tripping around Ireland or driving across Vancouver Island . Playing car ride games for couples together always allow us to pass time but also to turn what can be a long boring drive into a fun date idea , especially when the surrounding landscapes are breathtaking!

In this post, we’ve gathered our years of experience traveling across the world to bring to you the best road trip games for couples! You’ll find 27 of the best travel games for couples , all categorised so you can focus on games that will bring back the romantic connection, games that will give you lots of fun or even games that will allow you to share your love for music. They will help you make the most of the most romantic couple’s road trips out there!

Before we start, one of our best travel tips when it comes to playing road trip games as a couple is to keep it lighthearted! 

Us in the car with Eric driving to Tofino on Vancouver Island. It was a long way so we played car games together

Relationship based road trip game for couples

Some of the best road trip games for couples are those that are relationship oriented. In this section, we share our favourite fun relationship games for couples on road trip that will help you get to know your partner better!

1. Would You Rather, a great conversation game for couples on a road trip

Would You Rather is a great road trip game for couples because it’s all about getting to know each other’s preferences, opinions, and personalities. This communication game for couples is an excellent opportunity to discover new things about your partner while also having fun. The game is perfect for a road trip because it’s simple and doesn’t require any equipment. It can be played for hours, and the questions can become more interesting and challenging as you play. 

You can come up with the questions as you go or you can prepare some in advance. Eric and I usually come with the questions on the spot but that’s up to you! One tip that we can give you, as we’ve played this game many times on road trips , is to keep the questions fun and avoid any questions where you know your partner can’t win with any answers! The goal is to have fun, not to get mad about things that won’t happen anyways! 

By playing this game, you’ll be able to learn more about your partner’s priorities, tastes, and values.

Here’s a few examples of Would You Rather road trip questions for couples :

  • Would you rather have my toe nails on your nails or me to have your toe nails on my nails?
  • Would you rather sleep for one week on the floor or sleep for one week without me?
  • Would you rather meet your favourite band or become part of your favourite band?
  • Would you rather have breakfast in bed every day for a year or have a surprise date night every week for a year?
  • Would you rather go on a romantic getaway to a beach or a cabin in the woods?
  • Would you rather be able to teleport yourself or to read people’s minds?
  • Would you rather have a personal driver or a personal chef?
  • Would you rather have a movie theater in your house or a bowling alley?
  • Would you rather become rich and really old or stay young and poor?

2. Two Truths and a Lie, one of the best getting to know you games for couples

Two Truths and One Lie is an excellent get to know you game for couples on a road trip because it’s a fun way to learn more about each other and easy to get going. The game is simple: each person tells three statements, two of which are true, and one is false. It’s great for a road trip because it requires no equipment and can be played anywhere. This questions game for couples encourages honesty and creativity, and it’s a perfect way to bond with your partner. 

We recommend picking out false statements that could be true to make it even more difficult for your partner. You can base your false statements on true events and simply change certain facts to make them false. For example, if you have met a celebrity in Paris before, your false statement could be that you met a celebrity in London once. Make sure to keep your poker face on as well! Eric and I are both really good at keeping ours on which makes the game extra fun!

By playing this game, you’ll learn more about your partner’s experiences, achievements, and personal history. Two truths and a lie can also be played on other date occasions such as during a date at the beach or even for a cozy early date at home .

3. 21 Questions game for couples

21 Questions is a fantastic game that includes 21 road trip questions couples will have to answer by taking turns. This question and answer game for couples is all about asking and answering questions, which can help deepen your connection. The game is perfect for a road trip because it’s easy to play and requires no equipment. By asking questions, you’ll learn more about your partner’s thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. The game can range from silly to serious, and it’s a great way to get to know each other better. 

Here are some questions Eric and I like to ask each other. Some you’ll have to change as years go by and some can be asked regularly so you can reuse them!

Road trip games for couples questions on your relationship:

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how are you satisfied with our life right now?
  • What is your favorite memory of our relationship?
  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from our relationship so far?
  • How do you feel about our communication in our relationship?
  • What do you think is our biggest strength as a couple?
  • What is one thing you would like to improve in our relationship?

Life as a couple:

  • What is your favorite activity to do together?
  • How do you balance your personal goals and our relationship goals?
  • What do you think is the best way to support each other’s hobbies and interests?
  • How do you see our lifestyle evolving in the next 5-10 years?


  • What is your career goal for the next 5 years?
  • Are you happy in your current job?
  • What kind of support do you need from me in your professional life?
  • What is your ultimate dream travel destination?
  • What is your dream job, if money wasn’t a factor?
  • If you had one wish, what would it be? 
  • What would be your dream house if money wasn’t a factor?
  • If you could choose one super power what would it be?
  • If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
  • What are some of your long-term personal goals?
  • What do you hope to achieve as a couple in the future?

By playing this game, you’ll gain insight into your partner’s personality and how they see the world.

4. Kiss, Marry, Kill

Kiss, Marry, Kill is usually a game played by friends about famous celebrities. To make it harder, people usually ask you to say, out of 3 celebrities that you like, who you would marry, who you would kill and who you would kiss. 

It is also a fun question game for couples because it’s all about making choices and seeing how your partner’s preferences match up with your own. The game is perfect for a road trip because it requires no equipment and you can use anyone from famous athletes to celebrities to people you know. By playing this game, you’ll learn more about your partner’s tastes, preferences, and priorities.

5. This or That game for couples [food edition]

If you’re looking for questions to ask for couples game on a road trip that are different from questions in road trip quizzes for couples, then this is it! This or That is a fun and lighthearted game for couples who love food because it’s all about choosing your favorite dishes. If you’re anything like us, you’ll get how hard this game can become really quickly! We love most foods so it can be hard to decide which one we save! The game can be played with different categories, such as snacks, drinks, or desserts, and it’s a great way to bond over your shared love of food. You can also mix up styles of cuisines, fast food with high end restaurants and more.

For example, Eric and I do the road trip to Whistler quite often. We love to stop at WhiteSpot on our way to either get a burger or one of their delicious milkshakes. But we also love eating a Michelin restaurants like we did when we spent a couple of days in Lisbon . So when we’re on a road trip, we play this game and ask each other to pick between those foods. Some of the first questions are:

  • Milkshake from WhiteSpot or desert from Michelin star restaurant?
  • Burger from A&W or from Five Guys?
  • Smash burger or regular burger?
  • French Cuisine or Jamaican Cuisine? 

Once you’ve asked the first question, your partner needs to pick one of the options. Then for the second question, you need to ask them between the option they chose and another one.

So if Eric picked the milkshake from WhiteSpot, my second question could be:

  • Milkshake from WhiteSpot or Milkshake from Bunsen? 

6. Never Have I Ever, one of the best questions game for married couples

Never Have I Ever is a fantastic game for couples because it’s all about sharing experiences and learning more about each other’s past. The first time I ever heard of this game was in One Tree Hill 9big fan here!). This game is often played in high school and college. Usually, people who “have” have to drink. Obviously, on a road trip, you won’t be able to drink so you can simply say “I have” or “I have never”. 

This is a fun road trip game for couples because it allows you to learn more about your partner’s time before you came into the picture. By playing this game, you’ll learn more about your partner’s life experiences, adventures, and misadventures. The game can be played with different themes, such as travel, relationships, or work, and it’s a great way to bond with your partner.

Fun road trip questions for couples to play Never have I ever:

  • Never have I ever stolen from a shop when I was little
  • Never have I ever skipped school to hang out with friends
  • Never have I ever eaten food past the expiration date
  • Never have I ever peed myself
  • Never have I ever kissed a stranger
  • Never have I ever missed my alarm
  • Never have I ever texted the wrong person 
  • Never have I ever missed a flight

7. Alphabet Compliments

Eric and I love road trips. And one thing that makes road trips even better is hearing your partner say nice things about you. With the calm of the car and the peaceful nature surroundings, it’s the perfect place to throw some compliments at each other to make everything even more romantic. 

For that, Alphabet Compliments is an excellent road trip game for couples as it’s all about showing appreciation for each other. The game is perfect for a road trip because it’s easy to play and can be a nice switch up from listening to music or having to think about answers to questions. The game involves taking turns to compliment each other, starting with the letter A and then B, C, etc. It’s a great way to express gratitude and affection for your partner while making you think about compliments that start with the right letter. Thats also a good way to be creative for compliments and appreciate your partner for things you never mention. Eric and I love to play that game as some of the compliments always surprise us and even teach us about ourselves. We also find that it’s a great conversation starter!

8. Magazine Couple Quizzes

Couple quizzes in magazines are designed to spark conversation and encourage you to learn more about each other so they re great for road trips. The quizzes usually ask questions about your likes, dislikes, habits, and preferences, and the results can be surprising and insightful. All you will need is to get a magazine before heading out. What’s great about magazine quizzes is that you can find them in most gas station so they are easy to come around. Some quizzes are a bit out there so it can trigger laughs and good conversations too! By taking these quizzes, you’ll learn more about your partner’s personality, interests, and values. The quizzes can be fun, informative, and thought-provoking, and they’re a great way to deepen your connection with your partner.

The road to Monument Valley giving us plenty of time to play a road trip game for couples

Landscape related road trip game for couples

Some of the fun car games for couples are the car games that make you enjoy the drive as you go! In this section, we share with you two favourites of ours when it comes to games to play with the landscapes that surround us on our road trips! 

9. I Spy, one of the easiest to organise and fun road trip games for couples

I Spy is a classic game that is perfect for couples on a road trip. It involves taking turns describing something you see and the other person has to guess what it is. This game is great for couples because it encourages communication and can be a fun way to learn about each other’s observations and perspectives. On a road trip, I Spy is a great way to incorporate the surrounding landscape into the game, as you can take turns spying things outside the car window and guessing what they are. To play this game, the person guessing can only ask yes or no questions! Eric and I play this game everywhere we go and it’s quite fun!

10. Road Trip Bingo

Road Trip Bingo is a fun and interactive game that is perfect for couples on a road trip. We recommend that you create a list of items you might see on a road trip, such as a billboard for a specific restaurant, a specific type of car, a bridge, animals etc. It’s best if you create the list beforehand but you can also create the list as you go and say “the first one to spot X wins”. 

This game is great for couples because it encourages teamwork and can be a fun way to bond over shared experiences. We played Bingo on our road trip to Whistler when we went back to Vancouver. The Sea To Sky Highway is one of the most scenic and romantic roads so it’s a great place to play landscape bingo! It’s also a good way tor really pay attention to your surroundings on your drive than just feeling like you passed through. This can make the journey more engaging and exciting.

Music related couple games to play in the car

A romantic road trip would not be complete without some music playing in the car! In this section, we share some of our top couples road trip games that are music based.

11. Song Alphabet

Song Alphabet is a fun game to play with your partner on a road trip. It involves taking turns naming songs in alphabetical order, with each song starting with the next letter of the alphabet. This game is perfect for couples because it allows you to share your music taste and discover new songs together. It can also be a good occasion to pock fun at each other when one is trying to make up songs (That would be Eric haha!). Additionally, it can be a great way to reminisce about past memories associated with certain songs. 

We also like to turn this game into different versions. For example, we like to play the song alphabet but sometimes we will add a rule that each song has to be from a different singer to make it more difficult. You can also add a rule that when you find a song, you have to sing or hum part of it! We don’t have to add that rule because we usually sing it anyways and it’s so fun!

12. Singer Alphabet

Similar to Song Alphabet, Singer Alphabet involves taking turns naming singers in alphabetical order. This game is a great way to learn about each other’s favorite artists and music genres. It can also spark interesting conversations about the music industry and the evolution of popular music. On a road trip, Singer Alphabet can be a fun way to break up the monotony of driving and keep each other engaged. You can also make it more difficult by choosing to only name male or female singers or to rule bands out.

13. Guess the Song and Singer, one of the best games to play in the car for couples

This game involves listening to the radio and trying to guess the name of the song and the singer. This is a really good game for couples on road trips as you can turn it into a bit of a healthy and flirty competition! If you prefer working as a team, it works too and can be a fun challenge. You can take turns guessing and helping each other out. It’s also a great way to discover new music and expand your musical horizons.

14. Finish the Lyrics

Finish the Lyrics is a classic game that involves a player singing a few lines of a song and then stopping, prompting the other person to complete the lyrics. This game is perfect for couples because it can lead to some hilarious moments and fun memories. Eric and I listen to a lot of the same music but also to very different music so we’ve had very funny moments in the past! It’s also a great way to bond over shared musical interests. On a road trip, Finish the Lyrics can help pass the time and make the journey more entertaining.

15. Themed Songs

Themed Songs is a game that involves taking turns naming songs that are related to a specific topic. For example, you could choose a theme like “California” and take turns naming songs that mention California in the lyrics or are about California. When we have played this game together, we named songs like California Girls by Katy Perry or California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and Papas. You can pick any theme you’d like though! It’s also a fun way to explore different themes and topics, and it can spark interesting conversations about the music and the culture surrounding it.

Fun road trip games for couples

In this section, we included fun things for couples to do on a road trip that are easy games to organize. These are lighthearted and will make you have a good time together! 

16. Who Am I, one of the best car trip games for couples

Who Am I is one of the funnest road trip games for two because it encourages you to think creatively and learn more about each other’s interests and personalities. The game involves choosing a person, character, or animal and giving clues until the other person guesses who it is. The partner trying to guess can only ask yes or no questions. It’s perfect for a road trip because it requires no equipment and can be played for hours in the car. Eric and I play this game all the time whether we’re on a hiking date or on a road trip and we love it!

17. Make Believe

Make Believe is one of the funniest games to play while driving. It’s all about using your imagination and telling silly stories to see how gullible your partner is. The way this game goes is that you have to wait for your partner to fall asleep. When they wake up, you tell them two stories of something that happened while they were sleeping and they have to guess which is true and which is false. This is a good way to laugh together.

18. Build the Story Game

Turn a long drive into a road trip date with this fun couple road trip game. Build the Story is a fun game for couples because it’s all about collaboration and creativity. The game involves taking turns telling a story, but the catch is that you have to stop in the middle of a sentence, and the other person has to continue. It’s perfect for a road trip because it can keep you entertained for hours and requires no equipment. The stories you’ll end up telling will be some of the craziest ones you’ve ever heard! But the crazier the better! By playing this game, you’ll learn more about your partner’s storytelling abilities, and you’ll have fun creating a story together.

19. Wordsmith, one of the oldest road games for couples

Wordsmith is one of the road trip games for couples that barely needs introduction! It’s all about creativity and wordplay. The game involves choosing a word, and then taking turns coming up with other words that have a link to it.

For example, one person says “cloud”. Your partner will need to come up with a word related to “cloud” such as “water” or “sky”. And then you keep going until you either get tired of the game or you can’t find a related word anymore. The trick is you can’t say the same words twice so once it’s been said, it’s gone! 

Though this is a popular road trip game for couples, Eric and I actually get bored quickly with that one so it’s not a favourite. But it’s a good one if you’re both tired and just need an easy game to pass time!

20. Film Alphabet, one of the cool and cultural road trip activities

Film Alphabet is another one of the road trip games adults like. It’s a fun game for couples who love movies because it’s all about guessing movies from A to Z. The game involves taking turns naming a movie that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. It’s perfect for a road trip because it can keep you entertained for hours and gets you talking about movies, actors and can lead to many different conversations that will help both pass time and nurture your relationship. 

21. Guess the State, the license plate game

Guess the State is a fun game for couples who love geography and travel because it’s all about guessing the state from other drivers licence plates. Whether you’re in France or in the USA, license plates are market with a couple letters that match a certain state or region. A fun game is to guess what they are. It’s perfect for a road trip because it’s a game you can only play on the road!

Atlas is a fun game for couples who love geography because it’s all about naming countries in a special order. Two play this game, one person starts with one country and then name another one that starts with the last letter of the previous one. For example, if the first country is China, then the second one has to start with an A like Albania. It’s perfect for a road trip because it can take a while to find certain countries depending on the letters. This game, in our experience, always lead to funny moments as one partner always try to make up some non-existing country! 

23. Make Up Funny License Plates

Make Up Funny License Plates is a fun game for couples who love humor and wordplay because it’s all about creating funny phrases using license plate letters and numbers. The game involves taking turns coming up with phrases that use the letters and numbers on a passing car’s license plate. You can play this game on a road trip in any country!

24. Charades

Charades is a French game that Marie played a lot when she was younger. It’s a fun game to play as a couple on a road trip as you can make them guess romantic messages. The concept of the game is that one partner will say a few sentences. Each sentence leads to finding a word or a sound. If your partner finds all the words and sounds, then they can make out a sentence or a word. Let’s see a couple of examples to be clearer: 

Example 1 of this road trip game for couples:

  • My first is next to my nose
  • My second is all you need
  • My third is often next to o

If we decipher this charade, we find that:

  • My first is an eye (I)
  • My second refers to the song “All you need is Love” so the answer is Love
  • My third is a u (you)

The answer is “I love you”

  • My first fixes your cloths
  • My second likes to be called quick or rapid
  • My first is a tailor
  • My second is “swift”

The answer is Taylor Swift.

25. No Yes or No, a classic car game for couples

No Yes or No is a fun game for couples who love to talk because it’s all about asking questions without saying “yes” or “no.” The game involves taking turns asking questions, and the other person has to answer without using those words. This is great practice for couples as in relationships, a lot of questions that arise are no black or white so yes and no are often out of the question answers. 

26. Rhyming Words

Rhyming Words is a fun game for couples who love language and wordplay because it’s all about coming up with words that rhyme. The game involves taking turns saying a word, and the other person has to come up with a word that rhymes with it.

27. Name Names, a good trivia game for couples

Name Names is a fun game for couples who love trivia and competition because it’s all about naming items in a category, such as types of food, until one person can’t think of any more. It’s perfect for a road trip because you can just play on the spot. You can choose the category beforehand or the first person chooses it. By playing this game, you’ll have fun trying to stump each other with obscure items in the category.

Us in the car with Eric driving to Tofino on Vancouver Island. It was a long way so we played car games together

Road Trip Game for Couples FAQs

If you want to make your journey more enjoyable, try playing No Yes or No, Bingo, Charades, or Movie Alphabet. These games can keep you engaged and pass the time quickly.

Our favourite road trip games are Build a Story, Who am I, or Would you rather. These games are perfect for long drives, and you can have a lot of fun while playing them.

If you’re looking for a romantic trip, you can’t go wrong with a road trip on the US West Coast or a road trip from Nashville to New Orleans. We’ve done both and loved it! These destinations offer scenic views, beautiful beaches, and delicious food, making them perfect for couples.

During a road trip, couples often talk about their life and dreams, things to do at the destination, what music and food to get at gas stations, and what they’re excited about for the trip. It’s a great opportunity to connect with your partner and create some beautiful memories together but there is no pressure to talk about anything. Couple games like we set out in this post can be great conversation starters too!

Any questions on which road trip game for couples to choose?  Drop them in the comments or  on insta  and we will get back to you asap.


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Mary and Eric

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

One Comment

What a fun and creative idea for a road trip game for couples! I think this is a great way to spice up your relationship and have some laughs along the way. I like how you included different categories and levels of difficulty for the questions. Some of them are really hilarious and some are quite deep. I can’t wait to try this game with my partner on our next road trip. Thank you for sharing this awesome resource. You are such a talented and thoughtful blogger.

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35+ Hilarious Road Trip Games for Couples & Digital Nomads

If you’re soon to be embarking on a road trip with your better half, or you’re a digital nomad couple traversing the globe, you may well be on the lookout for some inspiration to wile away the hours! (Especially if he or she is doing the bulk of the driving).

Great road trip games for couples can provide hours of fun on long drives, making the time spent on the road more of an adventure than a chore.

Here are a few tried and tested favorites, plus some more obscure ones where you can pretty much make up your own rules as you go along!

And if you want to make it super easy on yourself, check out the ready made road trip games for couples in the third section. My husband & I have played a few of these with hilarious results!

Maksim Tarasov | Unsplash

Table of Contents

Road Trip Games for Couples – Tried & Tested Faves

We’re starting with one of the most classic road trip games for couples and families alike, “I Spy.”

Players take turns being the guesser and the spy, and the game can last as long as you like or until you get bored!

As the spy, you say ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with …’ and then provide the first letter of something you can see either inside or outside the car.

The guesser must figure out what you are looking at, and can guess as many times as they like.

This road trip game for couples can be made even more interesting with a little bit of imagination.

For example instead of the first letter, the spy could say something like, “I spy with my little eye, something round and red”.

Or the spy could assign point values to certain objects, making smaller, more common ones worth fewer points and trickier ones worth more points.

You can come up with your own rules and keep score throughout your road trip, creating a friendly competition!

2. 20 Questions

One of the best road trip games for couples is 20 Questions. This game can teach you a lot about each other in a fun way, and it’s easy to play on the road.

To start, one of you chooses a topic and then the other starts to ask questions about it.

For example, your partner can choose a place you’ve visited and you can come up with 20 questions about it. You can ask your partner questions about what they thought about the place, their favourite memories, and anything else you can think of.

Or to make it easier you can buy a bunch of question cards from Amazon & simply ask your partner what comes up on the cards.

This game can be an interesting way to learn more about each other while enjoying the scenery.

Dino Reichmuth | Unsplash

3. Truth or Lies

It’s tough to do truth or dare when one of you is driving, so an alternative road trip game for couples is ‘truth or lies’!

To play, one person starts by making a statement about something they have done in the past, or a funny anecdote. The other person must then determine if it is the truth or not.

The guessing partner has the chance to ask their partner any further questions to make their guess more accurate, like the location or timeframe in which the anecdote happened.

If both are in agreement about the answer, then the sharer scores a point. The person with the most points at the end of the drive wins!

A simple but fun road trip game. One partner starts by naming a city, town or country. The other partner then has to name another city, town or country which starts with the ending letter of the previous name’s destination.

So for example, if your partner says ‘London’, you might say ‘Netherlands’, then they might say ‘Switzerland’ and so on.

The game continues until one or other can’t think of a place and the point is awarded to the winner. You can just play for fun or for the more competitive amongst you, for coffees, ice creams or lunch!

5. Name That Tune

No road trip would be complete without a few rounds of Name That Tune!

As a couple, you can challenge each other to a sing-off by taking turns playing snippets of different songs on your phone or car stereo.

A game like this is great for couples as it tests your knowledge of one another’s music taste. To make it even more fun, you can add a points system, with the one who names the most right genres and artists out of 10 getting to choose the next stops on the road.

It’s a great way to spend a long drive learning about the music preferences of your beloved and enjoying a laugh or two.

Make sure to come up with a shortlist of songs from various genres, from classic rock or old-school punk to chart-toppers of recent years.

Taking this game a step further, you can also use popular children’s music or TV show theme songs as a source of inspiration.

Katie Drazdauskaite | Unsplash

6. The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is a great way to pass the time on a road trip for couples.

To play, one partner starts by saying “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing…” while naming an item that begins with the letter “A.”

The other partner then follows with an item beginning with “B,” and the back-and-forth continues until someone can’t think of an item beginning with the appropriate letter.

You can easily customize the game by specifying items that fit the theme of your road trip destination – such as “I’m going to the beach and I’m bringing an anorak” or “I’m going to the Rockies and I’m bringing a – zipper.”

Alphabet Games are also recommended for couples who struggle with communication issues, as it encourages laughs and conversations about topics that don’t necessarily have to do with the relationship. Enjoy the game!

7. Kiss, Marry, Kill

Kiss, Marry, Kill is a classic road trip game for couples!

Start off by thinking of three people that both you and your partner know. They can be celebrities, friends or family members. Be sure to pick people you both know!

Then take turns and decide who you would “kiss”, “marry” or“kill” of the three people.

This game is a great way to get to know your partner on a deeper level, by finding out their likes, dislikes and general opinion of certain people.

It is also a great way to laugh together, as oftentimes the answers can be hilarious and out of the box.

Have your partner go first, take your turn and then discuss why you both chose these people. This can be an interesting and enlightening conversation that can provide further insight into the thoughts and opinions of your partner.

It’s important to make sure the game is kept light-hearted and meant to be fun though. This means not criticizing each other’s answers, especially with celebrities.

Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and don’t take it too seriously. Enjoy the game together and you’ll have a great time!

Thamlamm | Pixabay

8. Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a classic game to play while on a road trip with your significant other.

Similar to Truth or Lies, but different, the game is simple.

Each partner takes turns telling two truths about themselves and one lie.

The other partner has to guess which is the lie.

You can make the game more interesting by adding a reward for correct guesses!

Some possible variations for two truths and a lie include guessing the truth about a destination you’ll be stopping at on your road trip, or about the people you’ll be visiting.

This game is great for getting to know more about your partner and building communication and trust. Try to make your truths and lies as creative as possible and you’ll keep each other entertained for hours!

You can even make a game out of guessing why each other lies or the meaning behind each lie. Fire up that car, grab a map, and get ready to Road Trip!

9. Would You Rather

If you’re looking for an easy and fun game to spice up your road trip with your significant other, you’ve got to try “Would You Rather?” This game is sure to get you giggling, if nothing else!

All you need to do is ask your partner a “Would You Rather” question, and they have to choose between two options.

For example, you can ask, “Would you rather go skydiving or swim with dolphins?” or “Would you rather camp in a tent or sleep in a luxury hotel?”

This game provides for a lot of interesting conversations, and will definitely bring up some unexpected answers.

You can use current events, locations along your road trip, or experiences from past trips: the possibilities are endless!

Tekhnika | Pixabay

10. Celebrity Trivia

Celebrity Trivia is a great road trip game for couples. Test each other’s knowledge of famous people and entertainment with this game!

To play, one person asks a question about a celebrity and the other has to answer correctly.

You can keep score if you like or just see who knows the most. If your partner is stumped, Google is your friend!

Whenever you catch sight of a celebrity’s name or picture, ask each other questions and get to guessing!

Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn something new about each other as you go!

11. Don’t Yes or No

Don’t Yes or No is a fun and simple game that can make a long drive go by quickly.

This game involves asking questions in pairs and receiving a response other than yes or no. Players can even go so far as to make up a few of their own rules; the crazier, the better!

To start the game, one player begins the conversation with a question that their partner must answer with something other than a yes or no. This can be as outlandish as they like, but the reply must include more than one word.

For example, if one partner asks, “Do you want to go for ice cream?” the other partner must come up with a response such as, “I suppose we could stop for an ice cream” or “Chocolate fudge is my favorite!”

The conversation can go on for as many turns the couple wants, with each partner continuing to ask questions that cannot be answered with yes or no. Couples can even introduce rules like having the other partner respond with a song or using their hands to mime the answer.

Don’t Yes or No is a great game for couples to play on a road trip, as it will definitely liven up the journey!

Chris Henry | Unsplash

12. Word Association

Word association is a classic road trip game that is perfect for couples, since it requires great communication and team work to progress.

The objective is to have both partners think of creative words that are associated with one another.

To start, one partner will begin by saying one word, then the other partner will have to come up with a word that is somehow related to the first one.

This can be a noun, verb, or adjective. The game can then continue with both partners getting their turn to give words, with the goal being to establish some sort of pattern between the two words.

For example, the two words might be related in a certain way; they might share the same root word, or be opposites of each other. After a certain number of turns, the couple can pick a new pattern to follow and repeat the game.

Besides being a fun way to keep the conversation flowing, this game is also a great way to practice valuable communication skills, such as finding the right words, listening, and understanding the other person’s perspective. With this game, couples can gain greater insight into their relationship and have a great time in the process.

13. Movie Game

The Movie Game is an entertaining road trip game for couples and great for livening up a boring drive.

Start the game by choosing a movie genre – it could be science fiction, comedy, romance or anything you fancy.

Take turns picking out a movie title from that genre, and writing it on a piece of paper that you fold up in front of you. (This is to stop cheating!)

The other person has to guess the movie by asking yes or no questions. For example, perhaps you chose ‘epic romance’ and wrote “Titanic” on the piece of paper.

Your partner could ask, “does the movie include a boat?” or “Does it feature Leonardo DiCaprio?”.

For each right answer, the guesser is awarded a point. Then switch to the other person and keep playing until you reach the best of 3 or the best of 5.

The Movie Game is a fun game for couples as it forces them to think quickly, plus it also helps improve your trivia skills.

Daniel Cabanas | Unsplash

14. Music Challenge

This is one of the most popular road trip games for couples. One person selects a song and then turns off the volume on the radio or their phone.

The other person has to try to guess the song by singing it, humming it, or just describing the song. This game will continue until the other person correctly guesses the song or gives-up after five guesses.

15. Charades

This classic game is always a fun way to pass time and make the ride more enjoyable. All you need to do is pick a person, place, or thing, and then act out the selection.

The other person has to guess the selection. This is a great way to practice your acting and facial expressions!

But be careful if you’re driving!

16. Spell It Out

This is a great game to help practice your spelling skills. One person will start off by saying a random word, and then the other person has to spell it out.

If the person spells the word correctly, they earn a point. To make this game more challenging, the person that spells out the right word can select a harder one for the next turn.

Try this one on for size;


17. Song Talk

Song Talk is a great way to keep the conversation going during a long road trip.

In this game, each partner takes turns playing a song of their choice and then discussing why it has significance to them.

All topics are open to discussion, ranging from memories of a past trip to the feeling of connection to a certain artist. This game can be helpful for couples that may have different opinions on music.

This is a great opportunity to share some of your innermost feelings with your partner.

For example emotional songs might open up honest conversations about emotions and relationships, while upbeat songs might evoke positive memories or funny stories from your past.

This is both a fun game & a potential bonding experience. Enjoy!

453169 | Unsplash

18. Car Bingo

Car Bingo is a super fun road trip game!

All you need is a road trip bingo game sheet that you can print out online, purchase from Amazon or make your own.

Before the game starts, each couple chooses a row, column, or diagonal line they want to play and agree on the prizes. Like who drives next, who pays for lunch or who gets a big sloppy kiss!

During the road trip, every time one of you sees something on the bingo sheet, you cross it off your game card.

If you get a bingo, the game is over and you can claim your prize.

19. Guess Who

Guess Who is a great game for couples to play on the road. This two-player game involves guessing the identity of a mystery person based on a series of questions. To play Guess Who, each player selects a mystery person, and the other player must try to determine that person’s identity by getting as close as possible through yes-or-no questions.

This game is perfect for couples on a long drive, as it’s easy to set up and can be played with almost any kind of person or object.

To start the game, one partner thinks of a well known person or someone you both know. To stop any cheating they can write the name of that person on a piece of paper or a note app.

Then the guesser asks obvious questions, such as “Is this person a movie star?”, “Are they your best friend?” or “Does this person call you everyday?” until they narrow down the options and can make a good guess. If they guess correctly, they win the point. If they give up, you win the point!

Keep going, taking turns until someone wins, or you get bored!

Prateek Katyal | Unsplash

20. Never Have I Ever

“Never Have I Ever” is usually a drinking game reserved for a group of friends on a night out, but you can adapt it to a road trip game with your partner.

The idea is that one person states something they have never done, and those who have done it must raise their hands. All those with their hands up take a “drink”.

Instead while in the car, one partner starts by saying “Never Have I Ever X” and if the other partner has done it, they can have a sweet or a chip, or some kind of treat and tell their story!

If they haven’t done it you can discuss whether it’s something you want to do together and add it to your bucket list !

Some examples of “Never Have I Ever” statements might be: “never have I ever visited a foreign country”; “never have I ever seen an opera”; or “never have I ever won something significant”.

Make sure to think of as many fun and lighthearted questions as possible.

More Fun Road Trip Games for Couples

21. naming game.

The Naming Game is an enjoyable and creative road trip game for couples. The idea is to take turns coming up with a creative and unique name of an object that combines two words.

For example, a stoplight could become a “stoplightnin’” or a tree could be a “treelight.”

Take turns pondering and coming up with imaginative ideas by combining words that form a whole new object. When playing the Naming Game, set rules or “odds” that need to be followed to ensure you’re both on the same page.

For example, if the first person decides on “showermirror”, the other player must then come up with an object that starts with the same letter as the last letter of “showermirror” – like “ranchbowl.”

Through this game, think outside the box and explore creative concepts and ideas that you can share with each other that may inspire a project you’re working on or provide insight on an everyday object you’ve taken for granted.

Have fun, be creative, and see where this game takes you!

Sam Burriss | Unsplash

22. This or That?

The classic car ride game, “This or That” is a great road trip game for couples.

It’s simple to play, but can give rise to interesting conversations and debates.

To start, one person will ask a “this or that” question, such as “Do you prefer tacos or burritos?”

The other person must choose one of the two options. They can elaborate on their answer, but it’s not necessary.

The opponent will then get a chance to answer the same question, continuing back and forth between the couple.

This game can cover topics like books, movies, cuisine, cars, and more.

There is no set structure for the length of the game, so couples can take as much time as they want to contemplate each answer.

“This or That” is one of the more fun road trip games for couples and can help two people get to know each other better in a lighthearted way.

23. True Confessions

True confessions is a fun way to pass the time on a long road trip.

In the game, one partner will share something that the other partner didn’t know about them. (If there is anything – I’m a bit of an open book in my relationship!)

It could be something from the past, a guilty pleasure, or a funny quirk. The other partner can then take a guess and see if their partner reveals the truth. This game can be fun and lighthearted, or it can get deeper, depending on the couple’s comfort level.

It could be as silly as, “I once got stuck in a tree!”, or as serious as, “I’ve always wanted to move to a different country.” Regardless, it can be a great way to get to know each other more while on the road.

True confessions can also give couples the chance to ask each other questions that are difficult to ask, and talk about topics that they may not bring up in everyday conversation. It could give insight and clarity on things that weren’t as clear before, and also deepen their understanding of each other.

Rebecca FInk | Pixabay

24. Storytelling

We all love a good tale and it’s even better when you share it with someone else.

Storytelling is a great way to keep things fun on a road trip and while it is important to listen to your partner, you can also take turns recounting stories.

Storytelling can range from tales of your childhood to stories about the places you are visiting.

You can even come up with silly stories together, telling a sentence each until the tale is complete.

Road Trip Games for Couples are all about creating shared experiences, so this can be a great way to break up long hours in the car and keep you both engaged with each other, while creating some hilarious moments along the way.

25. License Plate Game

This is a game that takes various forms depending on which version you want to play.

There’s the

  • Read a plate and make up a word game – Example JFD 70 might be – Jolly Fat Dad ate 70 pies
  • How many different license plates do you see on your travels – you can use different styles, colors, countries, states etc.

But my favorite is the – ‘guess where the plate is from’ game.

You might be road tripping through the US, so you can guess the state. If you’re traveling through Europe , you can guess the country. Even here in Thailand, I try to guess the province by reading the Thai words on the plates (yep I’m sometimes that bored!)

Use social media to help you research the right answers and have fun!

26. Compliment Game

The Compliment Game encourages couples to give positive feedback to each other and motivates them to focus on the positives in their relationship.

To begin the game, one person starts by giving a compliment to their partner. The partner then responds with a compliment of their own which leads to an alternating exchange of compliments.

The goal of the game is to see how long you can go without repeating a compliment.

The game also allows couples to focus on areas of their relationship they may overlook, as finding new compliments each time encourages players to dig deep into their partner’s best qualities.

This game beautifully showcases the appreciation and gratitude you have for each other and supports your goal of having a happy and exciting road trip. It’s a fun and lighthearted way to share compliments and make the most out of your shared travel experience .

paje victoria | Unsplash

27. Odd Color Cars

This is a bit of a random game, but remember that bright yellow tesla you recently saw or that turquoise blue sedan?

Yep that’s what I’m talking about. If you’re on a road trip in quite a busy area, this is more fun as you see more cars and can spot the truly odd colored ones.

If you’re driving across Australia, this could actually take days to just spot one, so choose your environment!

For an extra challenge, see if you can find unusual objects or natural phenomena in odd colors also. This can be things like the color of the sky or walls of a building passing in the background.

28. Finish It

This game is all about experimentation and coming up with creative phrases. One person starts a sentence or phrase, and the other person has to finish it with their own special style and spin.

You can come up with phrases such as “I love you because…” or “I wish we could…”. The possibilities are endless, so get creative and have fun with this game.

29. Name That State

Another popular game if you’re on a road trip in the US, is to name the states that you pass by. One partner can name the state and then give the other partner a hint as to which state is next.

This game can help pass time and also help you understand the various geographical regions of the United States. However, depending on where you’re driving it could take forever, so some alternatives include;

  • Name the biggest cities in this state
  • Name the Governor of the state we’re driving through
  • Name all the states!

Spencer Davis | Unsplash

30. Word Formation

Similar to word association but with a twist, word formation will test your literacy skills!

One partner will say the beginning of a word, such as “tele” and the other person has to come up with words associated with it. Examples can include “telephone”, “teleportation”, “television”, and so on.

The more words you can think of the more points you get!

31. Trick Taking Card Games

Trick taking games can provide hours of card game fun. In Hearts , the objective is to avoid accumulating points by steering clear of certain penalty cards, like the Hearts and the Queen of Spades. In Spades , players aim to win a certain number of tricks based on their bids, working either individually or with a partner.

Both games are excellent for road trips as they are engaging, encourage strategic thinking, and can be easily played with a single deck of cards. Probably best played when taking a break, camping overnight or lunching on route!  

Ready Made Road Trip Games for Couples

32. so cards.

So Cards are a great way to skip shallow conversation and dive straight into the deep end.

If you think you know everything about your partner, think again! So Cards will ask questions you may never have thought off, eliciting responses from your partner you will definitely not have heard before!

Each deck comes with 52 question cards, 2 blanks, and 2 rule cards. It’s the perfect size to fit in your pocket or purse, making it an ideal road trip game for couples.

Use them to get closer with your partner and learn new things about them. The cards are designed to spark connections and encourage deeper conversations.

33. Carpool Chaos

Carpool Chaos includes 160 large, action-packed cards with games, challenges, hypothetical situations and all sorts.

If you’re looking for some fantastic prompts for road trip games and challenges this games pack is for you!

Plus, the box fits perfectly in the seat back pocket or door, making it easy to take on the road with you wherever you go.

34. License Plate Bingo

A ready made version of the License plate game, if you’re traveling through the US, this is a fab road trip game!

This set includes 4 reusable bingo cards. The cards each have finger tip shutter windows, which you’ll use to mark off your squares as you spot license plates from different states.

Whether you’re on a cross-country road trip or just driving to the beach, the License Plate Travel Bingo Set is a great way to make the journey more fun.

35. Road Trip Trivia

If you want to test your trivia skills this Travel Trivia Game is for you!

This fun and easy game is perfect for couples on road trips and for anyone who wants to learn more about interesting destinations around the world.

With 80 questions featuring multiple choice game play and bonus facts, this game is sure to wile away the hours, while teaching you a thing or two!

Got a ‘know it all’ husband who always wins trivial pursuits and happens to be driving? Just make up the answers and tell him he’s wrong (he can’t drive and check! 😉)

36. Travel Puzzles / Riddles

Think Outside The Box is the perfect game for couples road trips!

Not only is it entertaining, but it also boosts your creativity and makes time fly. The portable size makes it great for on-the-go, and the simple gameplay and rules make it easy to pick up and play.

You will hear 40 stories with unexpected endings. Asking Yes/No questions only, try to restore the chain of events and find out what happened in the story. There will be 3 clues to use if you reach a dead end. The puzzles are challenging yet fun, and will require thinking outside the box to find creative solutions.

37. Shotgun Road Trip Game

This hilarious card game is great for couples road trips.

To play, one player is nominated as the card reader, and they will read the cards aloud. The other players must then respond to the prompt on the card. The game can be played until you reach your destination or until you stop for fast food… whichever comes first!

Shotgun contains 200 cards, a drawstring pouch for easy storage, and instructions. So, whether you’re on a long road trip or just looking for something to keep you entertained, Shotgun is sure to deliver plenty of laughs.

Road Trip Games for Couples – Summary

There’s no need to sit in silence or sleep all the way to a destination when you have all these options at your fingertips.

Road trip games for couples offer a great way to break up the monotony of a road trip and inject some fun and playfulness into your journey.

Whether you’re a competitive couple who love a good challenge or an easy-going pair who just want to pass the time, these games are sure to bring some much-needed entertainment.

Plus some of them will kick start some deeper conversations and you may learn things about each other which bring you even closer!

Now that you’ve explored some of the best Road Trip Games for Couples, get ready to make some lasting memories and have a blast on your next adventure!

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35 Road Trip Games for Couples That Are Super Fun

Last Updated: May 6, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Sophie Burkholder, BA . John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,509 times.

Road trips are great for couples: seeing romantic scenery, duetting your favorite songs, and spending quality time with your significant other. You can use the miles to get to know each other better, improve your intimacy, or spice things up—and this list of games will help you do all that. If you’re packing up for a road trip with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other, try these games to grow closer to your partner in the most fun way possible!

20 Questions

  • Is it a living thing?
  • Is this person alive?
  • Is this person famous?
  • Can this animal fly?
  • Does this animal eat meat?
  • Is this object smaller than a breadbox?
  • Can I see this object in the car now?
  • Is this place somewhere I’ve been to?
  • For an added challenge, only use words you see that start with each letter. Look for words on road signs, street signs, or bumper stickers.

License Plate Anagrams

road trips games for couples

The Picnic Game

  • Start by saying, “I’m going to a picnic and bringing ____.” Beginning with the letter “A,” choose something to bring to a picnic, like “artichoke hearts” or “ants.” You and your partner then take turns naming items that start with each letter of the alphabet until you reach the end of the alphabet or someone gets stumped!

Desert Island

road trips games for couples

  • One example rule is everything has to have a double letter in the word. Start with, “I’m going to a desert island and bringing a lollipop.” Your partner can bring “rolls,” “spoons,” or “spaghetti,” but they can’t bring “lemons,” “forks,” or “sushi.”

Hum That Tune

  • Take turns humming the rhythm of a song you both know. Your partner must try to correctly guess the name of the tune. When the right song is guessed (or revealed), switch off! Depending on your musical skills, this game can result in a lot of giggles. [3] X Research source

Two Truths and a Lie

  • Make all the statements about your relationship or mutual friends for a more personal touch.

Never Have I Ever

road trips games for couples

  • Turn this game into a storytelling activity by telling each other the story behind what you have done.
  • To spice this game up a little more for couples, kiss each other or take off an item of clothing for each thing you have done.

Would You Rather

  • Would you rather relax on a beach or climb a mountain?
  • Would you rather have more time or more money?
  • Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with someone you hate or be alone?
  • Would you rather never wear underwear or socks again?
  • Would you rather be the big spoon or the little spoon?
  • Atlas: “Spai n ” → “ N ew Mexic o → “ O man…”
  • Foods: “Peanut s ” → “ S hortbrea d → “ D eviled eggs…”
  • Sports Teams: “Manchester Unite d ” → “ D enver Bronco s → “ S an Francisco 49ers…”
  • Names: “Roy Roger s ” → “ S andra Bulloc k → “ K eanu Reeves…”

road trips games for couples

  • Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
  • What song lives in your head rent-free?
  • Do you think aliens believe in humans?
  • What’s your favorite swear word?
  • What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
  • Do you believe in being monogamous?
  • What’s a secret that only your closest friend knows about you?
  • What piece of advice did you receive that changed your life?
  • Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Compliment Giving Game

  • For example, “I love your a mbition” followed by “You’re b reathtakingly beautiful.”

The Newlywed Game

  • What is your partner’s dream job?
  • How does your partner like their eggs?
  • What color are your partner’s eyes?
  • Who is most likely to lose their temper in traffic?
  • What does your partner usually wear to bed?
  • When and where was our first kiss?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • Who is the better gift-giver?
  • Who gives better massages?

Kiss, Marry, Kill

  • Famous Justins: Justin Bieber, Justin Trudeau, Justin Timberlake.
  • Girl group members: Victoria Beckham, Camila Cabello, Beyoncé.
  • Fictional vampires: Angel, Edward Cullen, Damon Salvatore.
  • Disney princesses: Ariel, Pocahontas, Snow White.

Truth or Dare

  • Truth: What is the grossest habit you have?
  • Dare: Lick whatever’s directly in front of you.
  • Truth: What did you think when you first met me?
  • Dare: Dance at every red light & make eye contact with the cars beside you.

Spicy Storytelling

  • For example, start with, “This morning, we heard a knock on the door.”
  • Your partner may continue, “When we went to answer it, no one was there.”
  • You respond, “I shrugged and closed the door, only to hear the doorbell ringing!”
  • This pattern continues until the story comes to a natural end.

Junk Reminiscing

road trips games for couples

Who Are They?

  • Maybe you see a woman in the car next to you. You could say, “Her name is Marjorie Mums. She was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, and takes that cowboy hat everywhere. It belonged to her great-grandfather, but now she puts it on her dog, Frito, when she takes him for walks. Today, she’s on the way to see her long-lost lover that she met on a summer vacation to Greece.”

Fortunately, Unfortunately

  • This silly game can go on for as long as you want, and you can take it in any direction you like! [9] X Research source

The Question Game

  • ”Do YOU like fruit?” (Repetition)
  • ”I like fruit.” (Statement)
  • ”Um…” (Hesitation)
  • Instead, respond to “Do you like fruit?” with “Does fruit have seeds?” or “Is a tomato a fruit?”

Degrees of Separation

road trips games for couples

  • Bumblebees and outer space: “Bumblebees are the main characters in Bee Movie, an animated film. Animated films are also made by Pixar and Disney, who made the movie Toy Story. That movie stars a character named Buzz Lightyear, a toy astronaut who dreams of going to outer space.”
  • Jessica Chastain and Rihanna: Jessica Chastain was in The Huntsman with Liam Neeson, who was in Battleship with Rihanna.

Sorry I Was Late

  • Start by saying, “Sorry I was late…” then give an excuse that matches the plot of a famous film. For example, say, “Sorry I was late; I found a little alien and had to take him home on my bike to meet my siblings.” See if your partner can guess what movie you’re describing.

The Movie Game

  • For example, you could name Zendaya. Your partner could name Dune, which Zendaya starred in.
  • You then must name another actor in Dune, like Timothée Chalamet or Stellan Skarsgård.
  • If you say Stellan Skarsgård, your partner could say Mamma Mia or Good Will Hunting. Play continues until someone can’t name another movie or actor.

Lyrical Connections

  • Start with a line like, “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”
  • Your partner must continue, “Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.”
  • Keep alternating lyrics until someone messes up.

Speak in Song

  • “Where Have You Been” → “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” → “Wish You Were Here” → “Shake It Off…”
  • “Who Let the Dogs Out?” → “It Wasn’t Me” → “I Gotta Feeling” → “Boy’s a Liar”

License Plate Decoder

  • Read the license plates around you and use the letters to make full sentences or stories. These are probably going to be pretty silly and nonsensical, but fun! For example, “CSU S4E” could be “crazy Santa understudy scares 4 elves” or “GTGE9F” could be “got to go, eating 9 frankfurters.”

License Plate Mathematician

  • For each license plate you see, try to find a mathematical equation that fits its numbers. For example, the license plate “5J9301” could be 5 = 9 - 3 + 0 - 1. Keep track of who finds the most successful calculations!
  • Keep your eyes out for a Volkswagen Beetle car. When you see one on the road, you must be the first to say “Slug Bug!” before smacking your partner on the arm. Add other vehicles to this game with a “PT Cruiser Bruiser,” “Jeep Beep,” “Copper Bopper,” “Dodge Ram Bam,” or “Cadillac Whack.”

Strip Padiddle

  • When driving at night, look for cars with one burnt-out headlight or brake light. These vehicles are known as “padiddles.” Play by smacking each other every time you see a padiddle, or spice it up by removing one piece of clothing for every padiddle. It's a good thing you can only play this at night!

Odd Color Car

road trips games for couples

  • To level up this game, remove an article of clothing whenever your partner spots their chosen car color.

Road Trip Bingo

  • Make your own bingo sheets ahead of time or buy some premade road-trip-themed Bingo cards . [12] X Research source

Road Trip Trivia

  • Google these questions as you go or make a list ahead of time.

Mystery Stop and Shop

  • When you stop at a gas station, rest stop, or roadside attraction, find a silly or sweet gift for your partner. This could be something as simple as their favorite candy, a souvenir shot glass, or a postcard of wherever you are. This is a great way to add excitement to your stops and have more mementos of your time together! [14] X Research source

Count Your Steps

  • Every time you stop for a gas, snack, or bathroom break, set a time for 3-5 minutes. Use a step-counting app or tool and walk (safely) around the parking area. Whoever gets the most steps is the winner! Although you might look a little goofy to the other road-trippers passing by.

36 Questions to Fall In Love

road trips games for couples

  • Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
  • Would you like to be famous? In what way?
  • Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
  • What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
  • When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
  • If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
  • Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
  • Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
  • For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  • If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
  • Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
  • If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
  • Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
  • What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
  • What do you value most in a friendship?
  • What is your most treasured memory?
  • What is your most terrible memory?
  • If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • What roles do love and affection play in your life?
  • Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
  • How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
  • How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
  • Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling..."
  • Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."
  • If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
  • Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.
  • Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
  • When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
  • Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
  • What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
  • If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
  • Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
  • Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
  • Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

Expert Q&A

  • Road trips become even more romantic if you choose the destination wisely, so pick a route with stunning and memorable views. There are plenty of romantic road-trip routes in the United States and all over the world! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Preparing for a road trip (and packing for one) can be stressful, so pack some conversation cards or other couples road trip games so your focus can be on each other the whole time. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Other ways to stay entertained on road trips include reading a book to each other, listening to podcasts, and visiting kooky roadside attractions. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

road trips games for couples

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  • ↑ https://www.travelingfoundlove.com/games-for-road-trips-for-adults/
  • ↑ https://www.theroadtripexpert.com/road-trip-games-for-couples/
  • ↑ https://hillcitybride.com/2021/03/road-trip-activities-for-couples/
  • ↑ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0146167297234003

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John Keegan

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23 Fun Road Trip Games for Adults

Make time fly by faster than that maniac in the left lane with these road trip games for adults.

Samantha Leal is a food, travel, and lifestyle writer with over a decade of experience in print and digital media. Highlights: * Editorial intern at Glamour and Elegant Bride * Managing editor at Abroad View Magazine * Assistant editor at The Nest * Deputy editor at Latina.com * Senior web editor at Marie Claire * Freelance writer at Real Simple, InStyle.com , Glamour.com , and TeenVogue.com , among others * Currently the deputy editor of Well+Good.

road trips games for couples

Road trips are fun—at least, in theory. But after a couple of hours of music, podcasts , and "I'm just going to take a quick nap while you drive," things can quickly turn boring. Sometimes you can adapt party games for the car, but they don't always translate to sitting in a moving metal box. That's where these road trip games come in.

"I Spy" may have kept your attention when you were young—impressive, given that you had the attention span of a goldfish—but this list of car-ride games up the ante a bit. Pick a few of these best road trip games for adults for your next long ride.

Spin a Story From the Past

Think of this as "Who can lie better?" One player begins by telling a story about their past, and players have to guess whether they're telling the truth or spinning a tale.

Each guesser gets two follow-up questions, and then it's time for an answer. Every correct answer is two points, and the first player to 10 wins. (The loser has to reveal a super-embarrassing story.)

While the traditional license plate game involves finding a plate from each of the 50 states (yawn), this competition involves finding a license plate with random letters and creating a word with those letters. For example, if the license plate is YMT23, the answer could be "Yosemite".

Think of it as Road Trip Scrabble but, instead of taking turns, just yell when you see one and come up with a word. Other players can challenge by creating a longer word with those same letters.

To up the stakes, stipulate that the letters have to be in the exact order to make the word, and can't be scrambled. Award two points for each winning answer, and two extra points for anyone who spots a vanity plate. The winner is the first to reach 10 points.

Explain a Movie Plot Badly

This party game also works when you're trapped in a car. One player thinks of a movie and explains its plot in a way that is factual and terrible, and the other players have to guess.

The first player to guess correctly gets a point. If no one guesses correctly, the plot explainer gets a point. Our favorite: "Girl can't commit. Loses cat." (Yep, Breakfast at Tiffany's !)

Essentially the Same Movie

In another film-related game, a player starts by naming a movie. The next player has to name another movie that has the same basic plot. For example, Pretty in Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful, or No Strings Attached and Friends with Benefits .

Players continue to take turns naming flicks with essentially the same narrative until someone gets stumped. The last person to come up with a film that fits wins.

Radio Roulette

This is essentially a game of Name That Tune. Flip among radio stations until you hear a song (presets work best) and let it play for 15 seconds. Players are challenged to name that song and its artist, earning one point for each, with an extra point for naming its album. The first one to reach 15 points wins.

You know Mad Libs, that hilarious word game that solicits nouns, adjectives, and verbs from players to create an imaginative narrative. If you plan ahead, you can access a free printable Funny Mad Libs For Adults  to take with you on the road. (Don't forget to bring a pen!)

If you're not a fan of pre-technology, whip out a smartphone and play WordLibs online for free, with no app or downloads required. You can even create your own stories!

Fortunately, Unfortunately

To start this storytelling game, one player makes a declarative statement that begins with "Fortunately..." For example, "Fortunately, on this highway we will soon pass a cool roadside attraction." The next player must follow up with an "unfortunately" statement such as "Unfortunately, the attraction is a giant booger."

The subsequent player must give a "fortunately" statement, and so on as you go around from player to player. Switch from "fortunately" to "unfortunately" statements until everyone runs out of steam!

Snack the Rainbow

Along your road trip route, plan to stop at seven gas stations. At each station, find a snack that's a specific color of the rainbow. (Remember it's ROYGBIV!) You can only get one snack item per gas station.

Famous Names

Someone starts by saying the first and last names of a famous person. The next player must name another famous person whose first name starts with the first letter of the previous celebrity's last name.

For example, Justin Bieber leads to Billy Crystal. Billy Crystal leads to Catherine O'Hara. Catherine O'Hara leads to Owen Wilson, and so on. If a player is stumped, they're out, and the group moves on to the next player.

Road Sign Alphabet Game

Each player must find a word on a road sign that starts with the letter A, and then a word that starts with B, and so on through the alphabet. Once a player has claimed a word, the other players can't use that word. Whoever gets to the end of the alphabet first, wins.

Road Trip Trivia

For each city you pass through on your trip, designate one person to be the "expert" about that city's population, industry, dining establishments, and anything it might be known for. The expert can use their smartphone, but guessers cannot.

As you pass through each city, the expert asks trivia questions that other players guess the answers to. Examples are, "How many people live in Scranton?" and "Which fast food restaurant does Cedar Key have five of?"

Road Trip Bingo

Bingo is always a crowd-pleaser. Before you leave, you can create your own paper bingo cards or print road trip Bingo cards for free to distribute to each player.

If you make your own, consider a theme of fast food restaurants (McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, KFC), gas stations (BP, Shell, Texaco), or types of cars (Honda Civic, Subaru Outback, Toyota Tacoma). Whichever you choose, make sure there are enough markers or stickers for everyone to mark their cards.

Guess the Time

Look up which cities you'll be passing through on the way to your final destination, and have everyone in the car guess the exact time you'll arrive at each one. (The use of map apps are prohibited.) For example, what time does your car pass the sign that says "Entering Sacramento"? The player whose guess is the closest wins that round.

Someone chooses a category, such as movies, sweet treats, or flowers. The first player must name something in that category that starts with the letter A. The second player has the letter B, and so on.

For example, if the category is flowers, the first player might say "amaryllis." The second person might say "begonia." The third person might say "carnation," and so on. Be sure to choose the categories based on the players' knowledge base. (If no one in the car is interested in gardening, flowers might not be the best category!)

The Price is Right

Based on the TV game show, each player guesses the price for regular unleaded gas at the next gas station you see. Whoever gets the price to the nearest tenth gets a point. When it's time to stop for gas, the player with the least number of points buys snacks for everyone.

Guess the Song

One player sings or says lyrics to a song and the other players must name the title of that song. Stating the lyrics in a monotone makes the game harder.

For example, someone says, "And he's long gone when he's next to me. And I realize the blame is on me." The winner is whoever correctly names the song's title, Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble."

Players must name the exact title. So, if a player says, "I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In," that answer is wrong, and someone else gets a chance to name the exact title.

Guess the Quote

One player looks up a famous quote on their smartphone and reads it to the other the players, who must name the person (or fictional character) who uttered it. The quote could be from a famous speech, like "Give me liberty or give me death!" (Patrick Henry) or a movie, like "There's no place like home," (Judy Garland as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz ).

While You Were Sleeping

This is a group game to play when one or two passengers are taking a nap. While they're sleeping, the rest of the passengers work together to create a story about something the sleepers missed.

For example, you all spotted a famous person who was stopped by the side of the road with a flat tire. The celebrity lets you hold their dog, eat some of their delicious snacks, and so on. Storytellers collectively agree on the specific, weird details for optimal believability. Too bad you didn't take any photos!

Who's Most Likely To...?

Someone starts by asking the question, "Who in this car is most likely to...?" The other players have 3 seconds to name the person that fits the statement best.

Players take turns asking a new question. Here are some possibilities:

  • Who is most likely to answer the phone at 3 am?
  • Who is most likely to throw their friend a surprise party?
  • Who is most likely to give you a nickname?

If you have trouble thinking up questions, visit teambuilding.com for a list of dozens of them that'll keep you asking and answering for miles.

Triple Threat

Someone starts in the role of the judge by saying three random words, and each player has to tell a story using those three words. The player who thought up the best story, according to the judge, wins. The winner becomes the judge for the next round, offering the next trio of random words, and the game continues.

20 Questions

This classic guessing game easily adapts to a road trip. It starts with a player thinking of a person, place, or thing. The other players take turns asking yes-or-no questions to determine what they're thinking about.

Whoever guesses correctly gets a point but, if no one guesses after 20 questions, the originator gets a point. Make sure someone is keeping track of the number of questions!

Spot the Car

This game keeps everyone's eyes on the road. One player names a particular type of vehicle—like a double tractor-trailer, RV, or a Ram pickup—and players compete to be the first to see one and score a point. For a variation, consider non-vehicle items like signs or landscape items.

Scavenger Hunt

This activity works as well in a car as it does out of one, and demands much less legwork. If you're a planner, create your own list ahead of time based on what you expect to see along your drive. If not, print out a generic list for free . Either way, make a copy for each player, and whoever has seen (checked off) the most list items wins!

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A road trip is a delightful blend of scenic landscapes, impromptu pit stops, and the joy of open roads. But, let's be honest, long stretches of just asphalt can get a tad monotonous. Spice up your journey with fun and witty fun road trip games designed just for couples.

Couples will find these games particularly useful during extended drives, potentially spanning several hours or even days. These situations typically arise when embarking on cross-country adventures , traveling to a vacation destination, or even making the long haul back to family gatherings .

During these stretches, it's normal for conversation to wane or for the landscape to lose its novelty. That's when these engaging and humorous road trip games come into play, helping to keep the mood light and the journey enjoyable.

road trips games for couples

Let's dive in!

1. 'Would You Rather?' (My favorite road trip game)

"Would You Rather?" is a classic game of dilemmas that can yield an array of laughs and reveal hidden facets of your partner's personality. The rules are simple: pose two scenarios to your partner and have them choose one. Get creative, humorous, and even absurd with your questions!

2. 'Two Truths and a Lie' (A game of cunning and reveal)

'Two Truths and a Lie' is a playful yet insightful game that can lead to surprising revelations and hearty laughter. As the title suggests, one player makes three statements - two truths and one lie, and the other player has to identify the lie. This game not only stimulates your creativity but can also help you learn more about your partner in a light-hearted manner. It's especially entertaining when the truths are so incredible they seem like lies, or the lies are so believable they seem like truths. But remember, no cheating! No revealing until your partner has made their guess!

3. License Plate Game

An all-time favorite, the License Plate Game takes on a new twist when played as a couple. The challenge? Spot license plates from different states, but the catch is, you can only claim a state if you spot it first. Winner gets bragging rights or control over the radio!

4. Couple's Trivia

Put your knowledge about each other to the test with Couple's Trivia. Ask a mix of easy and tough questions about your relationship, childhoods, and interests. It's a fun way to learn more about each other while also sparking conversation. but car games are meant to be fun so don't get too serious or choose conflicting topics.

5. Story Game

In Story Time, one person starts a story with a single sentence and the other person adds to it with their own sentence. The game continues back and forth, adding twists, turns, and hilarity as you both weave an unusual tale together. This fun game tests your creativity.

6. Car-aoke

not really a car game but very fun! For those who love to flex their vocal chords, Car-aoke is a must. Have your partner choose your song and you choose theirs. The more embarrassing the song, the better! Just remember to keep your eyes on the road.

road trips games for couples

7. The Alphabet Game

In the Alphabet Game, you and your partner take turns finding objects outside the car that start with each letter of the alphabet, in order. It's a fun way to engage with your surroundings and challenge each other's quick thinking. Bonus points for finding objects that start with 'X' and 'Z'!

8. Name That Tune

A guessing game that tests your music knowledge, Name That Tune is perfect for couples who love a good beat. Hum or whistle a tune and see if your partner can guess it within a certain time limit. It's a great way to discover new songs or reminisce on old favorites.

Who says adults can't play I Spy? Take turns spotting objects outside the car and giving clues to help your partner guess it. It's a simple game that never gets old, no matter how many times you've played it. Plus, it's a great way to pass the time during long stretches of road.

road trips games for couples

10. Code Game

A great road trip game for couples who enjoy puzzles and riddles, the Code Game involves creating a secret code and having your partner crack it. Start by assigning numbers to the alphabet (e.g., A=1, B=2, etc.), then craft a cryptic message using the numbers. Your partner then needs to decipher it using the same code. You can make this game as simple or as complex as you like, and it's a fun way to test your problem solving skills together!

11. Movie Game

For the movie buffs, the Movie Game is a delightful choice. In this game, one person starts by naming a movie. The next person has to name a movie that starts with the last letter of the previously named movie. The game continues back and forth until someone gets stumped. This game not only tests your knowledge of films but also sparks conversations about your favorite (and least favorite) movies.

I2. It's 20 Questions

This is a great game. Think of something in your mind and let your partner ask up to 20 yes/no questions to figure it out. The game can lead to unexpected giggles and banter, especially when you choose something obscure or funny.

13. Truth or Dare

This classic game can be adapted for couples on a road trip. Keep it light-hearted with fun dares and revealing truths about each other. It's an excellent opportunity to learn new things about your partner and discover their hidden talents or fears.

14. Road Trip Bingo

Create your own bingo cards with items commonly seen on the road (i.e., gas station, billboard, cows). The first person to spot all the items on their bingo card wins.

road trips games for couples

15. Celebrity Name Game

One person starts with a celebrity's name (i.e., Tom Hanks), and the next person has to come up with a celebrity whose first name starts with the last letter of the previous celebrity's name (i.e., Sarah Jessica Parker). Keep going until someone gets stumped.

16. The Counting Game

One person begins by counting to a certain number (i.e., 20), and the next person has to continue counting from where they left off. The twist? If someone says a multiple of three, they have to say "Fizz" instead, and if someone says a multiple of five, they have to say "Buzz."

17. Fortunately

If you're in the mood for a laugh, fun and absurd games like "Fortunately, Unfortunately" can lighten up the atmosphere. In this game, players take turns telling a story, with each sentence alternately starting with "Fortunately..." and "Unfortunately...". The fun lies in the creative and ridiculous turns the story can take.

Fun Rewards For winning A Car Game

To add an extra layer of fun to your road trip games, consider adding some rewards for the winner. After all the best road trip games have prizes right!

These can be anything from:

❤️ Choosing the next pit stop or restaurant,

❤️ Getting to control the music,

❤️ Small prize like a snack or souvenir.

❤️ Day off the household chores

❤️ Back massage or foot rub

It's a great way to keep the competition friendly and add some excitement to the journey.

However, remember that winning isn't everything. The most important thing is to have fun and make memories with your partner. So don't get too caught up in winning, and instead, focus on enjoying each other's company.

road trips games for couples

How to Stay Happy on Couples Road Trips

Navigating the open road as a couple can be a thrilling adventure. However, it's crucial to balance the excitement with a few practical steps for a smooth journey.

  • Where? Choose a destination that interests both of you. This could be a quiet forest retreat, a bustling city, or a sandy beach. The key is to select a location that offers activities you both enjoy.
  • When? Timing is everything. Consider your work schedules, the weather at your chosen destination, and off-peak travel times to avoid heavy traffic.
  • How? Clear communication is the secret to a happy road trip. Discuss expectations, share the driving load, and plan together. A well-curated playlist, your favorite snacks, and the road trip games mentioned earlier can turn a long drive into a fun-filled journey.

Remember, it's not just about the destination, but the journey you share together. Enjoy the open road, the shared laughter, and the new experiences that come with every mile.

road trips games for couples

Different Types of Car Games

There is a wide array of car games aimed to cater to different interests and moods. If you're up for a mental workout, memory games like "I'm Going on a Picnic" can be ideal. In this game, one player starts by saying, "I'm going on a picnic, and I'm bringing...", followed by something that begins with the letter 'A'. Each player in sequence has to recollect all the items and add their own.

Word games such as "Word Association" can be both brain-teasing and hilarious. In this game, one person says a word, then the next person must say a word that is somehow related or connected to the previous word. The connections can lead to some amusing and unexpected chains of thought.

Always remember to choose games that resonate with your partner's interests and sense of fun. The goal is to enjoy the journey, connect, and create unforgettable memories. So buckle up, let your creativity flow, and enjoy the ride!

Road Trip Games For Couples Conclusion

Enjoy your road trip experience with these car ride games, but don't be afraid to come up with your own. The possibilities for entertainment on a road trip are endless when you have good company and an open mind. Keep the laughter and conversation flowing, and enjoy every moment of your adventure

A road trip can be a wonderful bonding experience for couples, and these games are sure to add some extra laughter and joy to your journey. But remember, it's not about winning or losing; it's about enjoying the journey and each other's company. So buckle up, start your engines, and let the games begin!

And when you finally reach your destination, cherish the memories and inside jokes that were created on your fun and witty road trip. Because in the end, it's not about getting to a specific place, but rather enjoying the ride together as a couple.

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fun road trip games

road trips games for couples

Switch games for couples

Couples road trip games FAQs

Can these couples games be played with more than two people?

Yes, most of these games can be adapted to include more players. Just make sure to establish the rules beforehand so everyone is on the same page.

How long should we play a car game for?

It's up to you and your partner! You can set a time limit or play until someone gets tired of the game. Just make sure to take breaks and switch up the games to keep things interesting.

Can these games be played in any type of vehicle?

Absolutely! These games can be played in cars, buses, trains, or even planes. As long as you have good company, you can play these games anywhere.

Are there any age restrictions for these games?

Most of the games are suitable for all ages, but make sure to adapt them if playing with young children. You can also come up with your own games that are more suitable for younger players. Remember, safety comes first!

Can we make our own variations of these games?

Yes, definitely! These games are just to get you started, but feel free to modify and create your own versions. After all, the most important thing is to have fun and make unforgettable memories with your partner.

Can we play these travel games while driving?

It's not recommended to play these games while driving. It's important to always prioritize safe and responsible driving. These games are meant for when the car is parked or during rest stops.

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Sometimes Home: Couples Travel

10 Free Road Trip Games for Couples (That Families and Kids Can Play Too)

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Road trip games for couples have been essential in keeping us entertained on countless road trips. Playing games in the car makes any length of driving quickly pass. It's great to be able to dig into an arsenal of games to play together.

Our personal favorite is listed below – but it got us thinking about what road trip games for couples other travel writers play. What resulted is a fabulous list of creative road trip car games.

And if you love games, be sure to also check out our recommendations for travel games for adults that are portable and worthwhile.

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post, which means we may earn a small commission if you click the link and proceed with a purchase, at no cost to you . We truly only recommend hotels, products, and services we personally use. As Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Our Personal Road Trip Game for Couples: My Cows

This is a great fun free car game for road trips if you're driving through any rural stretch of land with livestock farms. Or if there is a chance wild cows will be off in the hills or mountains on your road trip.

We pack our cars with our luggage (including our Cabin Zero backpacks , which we adore) and hope for pastures where we can count cows!

Here is how to play: whoever spots a cow (a group of cows or even a single cow) first while driving says, “MY COWS!” You get a point! Once you claim the spotting of cow(s) no one else can until the next cow sighting occurs.

The catch is if you pass a cemetery. If you do and it's on the side of the car you're sitting on you lose all your points and need to start again.

When you reach your destination the person with the most “My Cows” points wins. This game is perfect when we're driving in western New York, including Buffalo . Or even when we're in a rural part of North Carolina, like driving to Ocracoke .

From Dan + Mikkel, of Sometimes Home and Sometimes Sailing

Fun Free Car Games for Road Trips on Sometimes Home travel blog. 10 games to enjoy on long drives!

Don't Get Me Started

Considering my usual group of road trip companions is made up entirely of New Yorkers, it's usually difficult enough to get us to stop talking.

Nevertheless, we still always play a round of “Don't Get Me Started” to pass the time at least once per trip.

The rules are easy: call on one of your friends, followed by a topic you know may get them so temporarily riled they go off on a mini-rant. This could be intense, such as “Mike, don't get me started on (insert politician)”; or light and humorous like, “Tina, don't get me started on men with man buns.”

The results are hilarious; you'd be surprised how fun it can be listening to your friends go off on a tangent about their biggest pet peeves. But it's also just one of those games that makes the time fly by so much faster.

From Jasmine, of A Great Big Hunk of World

Song Predictor

This is one of the fun road trip games for couples that involves music.

When we're in a country we pick a few artists we may hear on the radio. When that singer or band's song comes on the radio you get a point. (My wife picked ABBA in Sweden and whooped my ass!) The person with the most points at the end of the trip wins.

From Romeo, of Travel the World

Three Words

I really enjoy a  game  I call, “Three Words.” You alternate taking turns making up a story with three words each. For example, one person may start with, “While walking on…” and the next person adds, “the beach I…” and then, “saw the strangest…”

It's a lot of fun to see where a story is going to go, especially because you only have half the little control of it!

From Cristal of Tofu Traveler

road trips games for couples

Word Boggler

One of the road trip games for couples my husband and I play is a word game.

Here's how it works: start with a small three to four-letter word. Then see how many words you can make out of it. If you're more than two people, let's say with four people in the car, it gets really competitive. Since it doesn't involve searching for something outside of the car, the driver can play too.

The first person selects the base word. For example, “corn” or “art.” The second person would choose a word that includes the base word, like “corny” or “start.”

The more rounds that pass, the more complicated the words get. You may start with “art,” but near the end have “spartan.” We set a time limit of two minutes to give an answer. If the person doesn't answer within the time limit, he or she is out of the round. Proper nouns are acceptable.

It's incredible how heated the game can get and how much thinking ahead you have to do to make sure that your word isn't used before your turn. It is really fun and makes time fly!

By Jaime, of Jaime Says

Movie Twist

Since my family and my in-laws both live several states away, my husband and I have taken a lot of road trips. Ten to twelve hours in the car with an extroverted husband means I've been coaxed into many road trip games for couples.

When we got tired of playing 20 Questions, we began making up our own games. We started with a simple song game, where we take turns saying the lyrics to one line of a song, and the other person has to guess what song it is.

This eventually evolved into what has become our favorite road trip game, in which we remove a letter from a movie title so it completely changes the meaning.

Dude, Where's My Car becomes Dude, Here's My Car! (A Sequel)

Jungle Book becomes Jungle Boo

Finding Emo, Harry Otter, Jurassic Ark, and Ma on Fire are just a few of our favorites.

From Naomi, of Roaming the Americas

Fun Free Car Games for Road Trips on Sometimes Home travel blog. 10 games to enjoy on long drives!

Our favorite road trip game is to turn control of the music over to our kids! We connect their iPhones to our radio and they take charge. We let them deejay and quiz us on whether we can name the song title and artist. (While this is more of a family game for us, it can be a road trip game for couples, too.)

Our girls pit me against my husband…and the competition gets fierce! As long as they are in control and listening to their favorite music, our kids are willing to play this for HOURS. If you and your partner are music lovers, this is the fun road trip car game for you!

From Lisa , of Hilton Mom Voyage

Would You Rather

This is a simple game that mostly everyone knows: would you rather do this or that? For example, “Would you rather go to Morocco or Chiang Mai?” Or “Would you rather fly 5 hours to get to a destination, or drive for 24 but see lots of sites along the way?”

There are a ton of “Would you rather” questions for kids and of course, lots for adults-only. We recommend The Gottman Institute App for your phone for adult relationship-appropriate questions.

From Mikkel, Sometimes Home

The Story Game

I read books in the car growing up, around town, and on road trips. I was an only child and books were my constant companion. Now, as an adult, books are still a constant companion of mine. My husband is too. Listening to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts in the car can get old after a while on a road trip.

He and I like to play the story game. Here's how to play: one person names an object or two; or perhaps an object and a problem. Then the storyteller gets two minutes to tell a story using the given object/problem.

If you have more than two people (and we do when my kids are involved), a new person is deemed the storyteller after the story ends and we repeat the process. Sometimes we change the rules and the next story has to build on the previous one, which gets silly and out of hand really fast. It’s a great game to play with the kids and is great for conditioning your storytelling and improv skills.

From Jillian, of Greenawalts Travel

My younger sister and I used to play “My  Car ” on road trips. It's best played on country roads and highways that don't have many cars. (Road trip games for couples doesn't have to be a love interest – you and your sister can be a pair!)

You and any passenger each pick a car color  that's dedicated to you.  The next car of that color that passes is “my  car ” and you get a point. I would usually pick red and she would pick green. All the green cars in the 1980's were huge crappy beaters from the 1970s so we'd have a good laugh!

When you reach your destination, the person with the most points wins.

From Lisa, of The Hotflash Packer

Fun Free Car Games for Road Trips on Sometimes Home travel blog. 10 games to enjoy on long drives!

Car Cricket

We used to play ‘ car  cricket' when we were kids, traveling in the car. Cricket is really popular in New Zealand but the rules might not be as familiar to people from other countries. But  car  cricket is fairly simple and one of the great fun free road trip games for couples.

Each person has an inning. When it's your turn to ‘bat' every  car  that passes earns you ‘runs.” You can choose your own colors or take inspiration from what we used:


This is best played on long, quiet stretches of road so you have time to do the math! It works really well in parts of New Zealand but we've also given it a go on our recent road trip through the Balkans in Europe. You can add your scores together from each inning and decide on a ‘first to X-number' or just play a certain amount of innings.

From Rohan of Travels of a Bookpacker

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post, which means we may earn a small commission if you click the link and proceed with a purchase, at no cost to you . We truly only recommend products or services we personally use. 

For additional fun travel tips and ideas check out:

  • Travel Games for Adults that are Portable and Worthwhile
  • Who Has the Highest Quality Photo Books for Travel Memories?
  • nodpod Sleep Mask Review: 10 Reasons We Always Travel with this Weighted, Black-Out Eye Mask

Have a great car game? Let us know in the comments! And PIN the image below for future reference.

Fun Free Car Games for Road Trips on Sometimes Home travel blog. 10 games to enjoy on long drives!

Great topic! Who knew there were this many car games and probably many more to play. I look forward to reading about more games your viewers might have to post and share.

I didn’t realize either! I had fun putting together this post.

Love this, we have a few other games we play with the kids so these will be great to add to our list

So happy they’ll be great additions to the games you play! If you want to share any other games not listed here please feel free to do so!

This is wonderful! I’ve written these down for our next road trip!! Thanks for including me! 🙂

So many great ideas! I have a road trip coming up so now I have even more games to try 😀

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DateBox Club

10 Road Trip Games for Couples

This month’s Date Box takes couples on a road trip across the good old USA! Nothing makes the miles fly by like an excellent playlist, or some good old fashioned road trip games. Ours are updated for “adults” but you can adjust them to be more family friendly if needed.

1) The Casserole Game

One passenger starts by saying, “I’m making a casserole and I’m going to need artichokes.” Each passenger takes a turn reciting the previous ingredients and then choosing the next one, which must start with the next letter in the alphabet. See if you can get all the way to the letter Z. You can change up the casserole part to anything from people’s names to packing a suitcase.

2) Who Are They?

Choose another car on the road and imagine the story of the passengers inside. Who are they? What is their relationship? Are they a group of spies, headed to thwart an international villain? Get creative and share your stories.

3) Spicy Storytelling

Get the creative juices flowing by creating a story together. The game starts by creating the first line of the story. You can start with a simple “Once upon a time, there lived a princess” or come up with something more unconventional like, “There was an empty stool in a bar.” Next, your partner adds a line, and the story builds and builds. Depending on your story telling stamina, you could go on for a few minutes or a few hours. We like to add the sexy side to this back and forth game.

4) Odd Color Car

At the beginning of the trip, each passenger chooses an odd or rare-colored car (yellow, purple, orange, pink, etc.). During the drive, passengers get a point for spotting cars of their chosen color. Alternate idea: passengers can steal points from each other if they spot another passenger’s car color first!

5) License Plate Decoder

Pretend that every license plate is a personalized message and decode it. “HDR 732″ might stand for “Hairdresser Diva Rollerderby, 7 days a week, 32 hours a day.” We like to add some adult humor to keep it creative: “HDR 732 = Hot Delicious Redhead Needs 7 boys for 3 dates with her 2 friends″ – you get the picture.

6) Fortunately – Unfortunately

One person shares a statement beginning with the word, “fortunately.” As in, “Fortunately, I remembered to pack a sexy swimsuit.” The other person must follow up with a statement beginning with the word, “unfortunately.” As in, “Unfortunately, I took it out of your suitcase to make room for my shaver.” You can also switch the game around by starting with unfortunate ideas first.

7) Speak in Song

Carry on a conversation using only the titles or lyrics from songs. No singing allowed.

8) Would you Rather

Take turns offering various options to other passengers, either wonderful, horrible, painful, embarrassing, or otherwise. Find out who would rather jump in a flaming volcano or sit in a cage of snakes. If you do some pre-planning, you can buy a book of these silly questions in an   X-Rated version   to bring along.

9) Strip Padiddle

The rules are simple: whenever you spot a car with a headlight out, you shout ‘Padiddle. and touch your palm to the roof of the car’ . The last one to shout it & hit the roof has to remove an item of clothing. You can tone it down by swapping stripping for kisses.

10) Carspotting

This might be the simplest game on this list — you try and identify every car on the road with you. The trick is to be the first person to ID a car from the farthest away. Very useful when you can make out the front lights of a Crown Vic or the hump of a slug bug at a half a mile.

Bonus: The Steamy Game

There are lots of variations to this one, but we think this one is the best.  The steamy RV game. Adding the word ‘steamy’ before the name of every RV you pass. Such as “Steamy Jamboree” – and now that you know, you will do it for life… you’re welcome!

DateBox Club Bonus

Buy our exclusive Road Trip Trivia and Connector card deck HERE .  

  • Our Road Trip Deck is 2 date nights in one!
  • The deck has 52 high-quality photo cards, that cover festivals, landmarks and local delights across the USA. Race to identify the photo with your partner.
  • Each card also has a related connector question, for deep conversations.
  • With 52 full-color cards, every state is covered!
  • This is our easiest date night yet - and can be played over and over. It also makes a great double date!

road trips games for couples

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26 fun road trip games for couples

road trips games for couples

Road trips are the best. Renting a spacious van to cruise through beautiful landscapes on a cross-country road trip route is one of the best pleasures of life. Still, the monotony of long highway stretches might have you reaching for your phone. 

Stop! Instead of scrolling Instagram, use this downtime as an opportunity to get to know your partner better. Play one or all of our favorite road trip games for couples, including word games, trivia games, and sing-alongs. Not only will these activities help pass the time, you’re guaranteed to laugh out loud and learn a thing or two about your honey that you didn’t know before!

1. Would you rather

One of the most amusing road trip games for couples or groups of couples, in “Would you rather” players are presented with two difficult, humorous, or bizarre choices and must decide which option they would prefer. The question must start with the phrase “Would you rather”.

For example, player #1 might ask something like:

“Would you rather have a lot of money or the perfect relationship?” Whoever answers the question must first explain their choice, and then ask a new question to whoever is next. You can really learn a lot about a person if you ask the right questions!

This game is great for the road because all you need is your imagination and an open mind. It can last as long as you want, with each round typically taking a few minutes.

road trips games for couples

2. Name that tune

This game isn’t for the timid! Players must hum, whistle, or sing a short melody from a song so their partner can guess the title. Equipment is not necessary for the game, though access to an app like YouTube or Spotify might be useful to come up with ideas when it’s your turn. 

The game can last as long as it’s still entertaining. It’s a fun and interactive way to test each other’s knowledge of music and enjoy some friendly competition while on the road.

road trips games for couples

3. 21 questions

In “21 questions”, player #1 must think of an object, person, or place, while the other players take turns asking up to 21 yes-or-no questions to guess what the person is thinking of. It’s one of our go-to games to play on road trips because all it requires is your brain. 

One round can last 30 seconds or several minutes, depending on how challenging the answer is and how long it takes for the other player to guess correctly. Choose topics that are related to your personal relationship, like a place you’ve visited together or an object that has special meaning to you both.

Whoever wins leads the next round. You can keep score or simply let the game lead you into interesting conversation.

road trips games for couples

4. Kiss, marry, kill

Leonardo DiCaprio, Timothee Chalamet, Henry Cavill. Who would you marry, who would you kiss, and who would you get rid of entirely? This game is highly entertaining, especially when the options feel impossible to choose from (imagine having to pick who would you marry, kiss, or kill between three equally attractive, or equally unattractive, examples?) Think about celebrities, athletes, politicians, and other famous personalities when it’s your turn.

The only gear necessary is your mind. Access to blogs or news sites can be helpful if you’re blanking on a name or you’re out of the pop culture loop. 

5. The license plate game

This game is best played in urban hubs or on a longer journey, like our New England road trip itinerary . Over the course of your journey, keep an eye out for as many license plates from different states or countries as you can. 

All you need for the game is your eyes, a big window like those in Greenvans’ passenger vans, and a pen and paper to keep track of the plates you’ve seen.

Players should determine the winnings at the start of the trip. Because the game lasts the duration of the trip, consider inviting the winner to the final dinner, or buying a souvenir along the way to give as a prize.

road trips games for couples

6. Never have I ever

If your goal is to learn more about your partner, this is an ideal way to do it. The popular conversation game is one of the best road trip games for adults. It involves players making statements about things they have never done. Each statement starts with the phrase, “Never have I ever”.

Need an example? “Never have I ever seen the Eiffel Tower in real life.” If you have seen the Eiffel Tower, you get a point. While you are welcome to tally points, there is no particular winner, as the game is meant to spark discussion. It lasts as long as you can come up with creative and entertaining statements that foster discussion and reveal interesting, previously unknown facts about your partner.

To make it more personal, we suggest writing down the topics you find most interesting and coming back to the conversation after the game. If you, say, just learned that your partner has never gone white water rafting before, it might be time to plan a road trip to the best white water rafting in the U.S. ! 

7. Two truths and a lie

Another excellent source of personal information, this car game for couples gets you knowing your partner on a new level in a really entertaining way! Players must present three statements, two that are true and one that’s a lie, and the other players must correctly guess the fib. The trick here is to choose a lie that’s hard to spot, making the game a lot of fun.

Here is an example:

I hiked Mount Everest.

I speak three languages.

I’ve never been to California.

If your partner was paying close attention, she might remember that story you once shared about a family trip to Disneyland. She might also know your affinity for hiking, and conclude that you do not speak three languages. 

There is no clear winner or loser, but you will get to know each other much better as a result!

8. Alphabet Name Game

This silly and easy game can keep you occupied for hours and is perfect for couples or groups of partners traveling together! You can choose a theme (see #22) or follow the pattern of person, place, and thing. Players take turns naming a person’s name, a place, and a thing that starts with the next letter of the alphabet from A — Z.

Here is out it might play out:

Alice, Barcelona, Car 

Anthony, Boston, Cat

You don’t need materials for this game, though a timer or counter could be useful to keep it moving swiftly. There is no time limit to the game itself, so you can choose to play one round and finish with Z, or multiple and start over with A.

Couples may want to choose answers based on experiences they’ve had together, like places they’ve traveled to or items they have bought.

9. The Rhyme Game

Requirements for the Rhyme Game include quick thinking and a creative mind. It’s one of the funniest  high-energy road trip game ideas on this list. Start with one word, preferably romantically-themed like love or marriage. Players must find as many rhymes as possible for that word. Once you’ve run out of answers, start with a new word.

Examples include:

Fish, dish, wish, swish.

Make it even more challenging by turning it into a rhyming story game and, instead of a word, start with a phrase that can be added to.

Example of a rhyming story:

We’re on the road

Far from our humble abode

In the back of the van we’ve packed quite a load

In this version, when you run out of rhymes and want to introduce a new word, introduce a new phrase that continues with the poem you’ve already started. 

10. Animal Name Game

In-depth knowledge of the animal kingdom is the only necessity to play the Animal Name Game. It’s an especially fun pastime if you’re traveling to the country’s national parks or around the Outer Banks , destinations where you’re bound to see an abundance of wildlife.

Players take turns naming animals, with each animal name starting with the last letter of the previous animal name.

For example:

Decide on the rules ahead of time — Do specific breeds count? Imaginary animals? Only animals found in the United States? Set your guidelines and continue playing until you’ve spiraled off into another conversation or run out of animal names.

road trips games for couples

11. Categories

A spinoff of Scattergories, this version is ideal if you’re looking for two person car games. The classic word game asks players to take turns naming items within a specific category and can be played within a group of couples or one pair.

For example, if the category is “trips we’ve taken together,” players might say “Boston,” “Mexico,” “Charleston,” and so on. To make it more exciting for one couple, use a timer and name as many answers as possible within the given amount of time, with 10 seconds or less to respond when it’s your turn. If a player defaults, the other player gets the point. 

12. The Story Game

Similar to the Rhyme Game (see #9), players build a story together by taking turns. Player #1 starts with a sentence, and player #2 must add to it to create a story. Up the challenge and test your memory by repeating the story from the start. Players who forget a line, lose the round.

The game is a great stimulator for the creative brain, giving participants the chance to throw in twists and turns and unexpected events to make the plot more interesting. It’s especially fun if you keep it within the theme of your road trip! If, for example, you’re heading out on a Maine road trip from our Boston rental office , you could start a story about a Salem ghost looking for revenge after the witch trials. 

Couples have a lot of story options to choose from, like how they met, their first Valentine’s Day together, or their wedding day.

road trips games for couples

13. The Name Game

The Name Game is one of the most popular games to play on road trips and follows exactly the same rules as the Animal Name Game, but using general names or those of famous people. If you choose to play with regular names, an example might be: 

If you decide on famous names, use the first letter of that person’s last name to dictate the next response.

Cameron Diaz

Dwayne Johnson

There’s no time limit to this pastime, so you can play until you’ve run out of names or until you’re ready for silent contemplation of the stunning U.S. landscapes.

14. Road Trip Trivia

Trivia games of any kind call for a bit of prep. In the case of road trip trivia games, travelers will have to do one of two things: research and prepare questions directly related to your destinations, or download an app like Trivia Crack or Trivial Pursuit online. 

Websites like Sporcle and Fun Trivia are loaded with questions and quizzes that you can use. Fun Trivia even has timed versions, like the one-hour mixed-topic trivia option. Have a passenger read the questions and either play in couples or as a group against the computer.

Depending on how many questions you have available, this game could feasibly go on for hours! Decide on a prize for the winner to spice things up.

15. Spelling Bee

Don’t panic! This isn’t the spelling bee of your youth. This is a more relaxed, adult-friendly version that might even expand your vocabulary a bit.

Before you go, print out a list of words commonly used in a spelling bee. One player must volunteer as the MC. In turn, each participant will get a chance to spell the word correctly.

Whoever spells the most words correctly wins a prize! This game should be played with more than two players, since the driver won’t have an opportunity to lead the bee. If you’re on the road with your honey, come up with a list of words related to your partnership.

16. The Movie Game

Film buffs will love “The Movie Game”, an engaging competition where players take turns naming movies based on a specific category or theme. For example, players might name movies featuring a specific actor or theme. 

The player that starts, let’s say it’s the driver, chooses “most romantic films of all time” as the theme. The opponent then has to name an amorous movie, like “An Affair to Remember”. Whoever gets stumped has to pick the next theme.

There’s really no time limit or scoring system to this game, so let it play out organically and spark conversation about your favorite, and least favorite, films! 

17. Word Association

One of the most fun road trip games for couples is Word Association. Player #1 chooses any word in the world, and the next person has to choose a new word that links to it. 

An example could be:

Fourth of July

Players can challenge others if they don’t think the word connects. When this happens, the player whose turn it is has a chance to defend him or herself. If the group agrees, the game continues. If not, it’s time to choose a new word and start again! 

Twosomes on the road together can use this word game in a way that makes things more romantic or zestier.   

18. Fortunately, Unfortunately

This is a storytelling game that has the chance to become quite hilarious. The first player starts with a positive sentence that starts with the word “fortunately”. The next player follows it up with a negative rebuttal, starting with “unfortunately”. 

An example of this is as follows:

“Fortunately, I found $100 on the street this morning.”

“Unfortunately, I lost it at the blackjack table.”

The game gets really fun when you tie in personal experiences, so think about things you might experience on your romantic road trip together and use that as your theme.

19. Scavenger Hunt

Two things are required for this game to work while on the road.

  • A predetermined list of geographically-related objects.

Before you leave, think about 10 or more items that you might pass while on the road to your destination. For example, if you’re on your way to spend Valentine’s Day in Philadelphia , you might include things like a red Corvette, a revolutionary war statue, and a hitchhiker. Print out a list for each of you. Whoever checks off the most boxes by the end of the trip is the winner.

Why does this require trust? Well, you’re in a moving vehicle, and there’s a chance your opponent sees that red Corvette zoom by when you’re busy daydreaming. You’ll have to choose to believe them without visual evidence. 

20. Head Trip

There’s nothing wrong with bringing a few props on your upcoming road trip. If you’re traveling with a group of couples who like to push the envelope, from the makers of “Cards Against Humanity” comes “Head Trip”, a provocative question-and-answer pastime that’s also one of the funniest road trip games for adults. 

The game consists of bizarre questions printed on black cards that are meant to be asked from the random perspectives printed on white cards. For example, you pull a white card that says “You are Abraham Lincoln,” and a black card that asks “What is the purpose of life?” The question card comes with four not-safe-for-work answers, and you have to choose which answer Abraham Lincoln would pick.

It’s hilarious, it’s rousing, and it can keep you and your significant other entertained for hours!

21. Sing-Off

If you and your boo are karaoke fans, why not bring it with you on the road? Whether you’re traveling with just you two or with a group of couples, a sing-off is a memorable way to pass time during long stretches in the van. 

To make it a game, either film your performance and later, over drinks, choose the winner of each round, or you can choose an onsite judge. The second option is best if you’re traveling with a few couples. Each singer gets to choose their own song. Decide as a couple or a group if there will be a time limit and a theme — for example, romantic ballads. Extra points are given for creativity in performance, lyric memorization, and singing skills.

Remember, this is meant to be fun and silly. You aren’t expected to sound like Taylor Swift, but you can embody her, if only for a few minutes!

22. The Geography Alphabet Game

Similar to the Animal Name Game and the classic Name Game, this classic road trip trivia game is based specifically on geography. You can choose a theme, like the United States landscape, capital cities around the world, or international countries. Following the first and last letters of each response, you’ll strengthen your destination knowledge within just a few rounds.

For example, if the theme is U.S.A. and Player #1 chooses Arizona, the next player would choose Arkansas. Whoever is next might choose Sonoma, and so on. This game can go on as long as you want to play, it involves just your memory, and can be played with you and your honey or a group of couples.

23. Pick Your Poison Card Game

Even though it’s technically a board game, you can keep entertained just by asking each other the difficult questions in Pick Your Poison. It’s similar to Would You Rather (see #1) but a bit more obscure and random. 

Basically, someone serves as the judge. That person presents you with a deck of cards, from which you take two. You then must choose the lesser of the two evils. For example, pick your poison between fighting an ostrich to the death or never seeing the sun again. You’re at liberty to ask clarification questions, and the judge is at liberty to answer them as he or she pleases.

No one wins, no one loses, but you’re ensured a lot of laughter and topics to discuss over dinner!

road trips games for couples

24. Jeopardy

When in doubt, play Jeopardy! There are multiple road trip game apps that recreate the world-famous trivia game so you can use a timer and keep score using your smartphone. All you have to do is follow the rules set within the app, so very little is required of you apart from a simple download.

And, of course, decide on a prize for the winner.

road trips games for couples

Perhaps the most classic road trip game of all time, “I Spy” is often attributed to children but can be just as amusing for adults. No materials are necessary for this activity, just a sharp eye and quick reactions.

Player #1 chooses an obscure object and describes it with one clue regarding the shape, color, or another particular characteristic. For example, the leader might say “I spy with my little eye, something that is green.” The other player (or players) will narrow down whichever objects they see outside that are green. Whoever wins leads the next round.

This game is best when sitting in traffic or driving through dense urban areas with lots of objects to choose from.

26. 501 Questions: A Travel Game

One of the best “getting to know you” resources out there, 501 Questions is the ultimate book of conversation starters with a travel theme. From world trivia to “if you could ” questions, “would you rather” topics to bucket list desires, you and your partner will be guessing, learning, and laughing for hours. 

All this pastime requires is the book itself and a willingness to answer a ton of fun questions! This is undoubtedly one of the best road trip games for couples and groups of couples available.

Quality time in a quality van

A road trip is an outstanding way to become closer to your partner. From planning your trip to partaking in new experiences together, travel is a surefire way to strengthen your bond. Often, the most rewarding part of the trip is the time spent alone on the road, talking, laughing and playing road trip games.

To ensure a smooth journey, rent a van with Greenvans. Our fleet of modern vans are spacious and comfortable, and our 24-hour roadside assistance will give you peace of mind so you can focus on what really matters — creating memories with your partner.

road trips games for couples

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Roadtrip Games for Couples 🚗

Long drives and travels might drag for hours and hours, but they don’t necessarily have to be boring. You can always find something to do like a game or two or three. Here are some awesome games for the road!

4 Fun Roadtrip Games for Couples

  • 🤣   1. Would You Rather
  • ❤️   2. Couples Trivia
  • 🥰   3. Never Have I Ever
  • 🐶   4. Roadtrip Zitch Dog Game

Nothing says romance like a good old-fashioned road trip. The open road, the wind in your hair, your loved one by your side, and the promise of adventure ahead — what’s not to love? However, after a few hours or even days on the road, things can start to feel repetitive and boring.

But fear not! Long drives with your partner don’t have to be dull and uneventful. They can be a great opportunity to bond, have fun, and make memories that will last a lifetime. And what better way to do that than by playing some fun road trip games?

1. Would You Rather

Couples will surely enjoy playing something that would let them get to know each other even more. Would You Rather is a simple verbal game that couples on Tiktok or Vlogs are seen doing. For the couples version of the game, everything will be all about you two and your relationship.

How to Play Would You Rather

Any couple, young or old, would enjoy this game! All you have to do is take turns asking each other questions that start with Would you rather…? followed by two options that your partner should choose from. Since you’re partners, the limits to the question you could ask are endless. No holding back is necessary for couples. Your questions can range from outrageously funny ones to rather deep ones.

👉 Wanna know more about the game? Follow this link and have some fun: Would You Rather!

Play Would You Rather Online

Wanna play Would You Rather now? You can play it online with our app or download your very own for your Android or iPhone!

Play Online

Best Would You Rather Questions

You and your partner are in for the best roadtrip ever with these Would You Rather questions:

  • Would you rather kiss me or hug me?
  • Would you rather watch a movie or go on a food trip with me?
  • Would you rather receive food or jewelry on Valentine’s Day?
  • Would you rather we hang out at the beach or in my room?
  • Would you rather watch How I Met Your Mother or Friends?
  • Would you rather kiss me or be kissed by me?
  • Would you rather spend Saturday night at home reading a book or out in the club?
  • Would you rather go skinny dipping or skydiving?
  • Would you rather eat ice cream or cake?
  • Would you rather work out in the afternoon or in the morning?

Best Dirty Would You Rather Questions for Couples

Get ready for a sexy ride with these dirty Would You Rather questions for the road:

  • Would you rather eat chocolates or eat me?
  • Would you rather have sex on the couch or the bed?
  • Would you rather fuck with the lights on or off?
  • Would you rather be on top or bottom?
  • Would you rather be a part of a threesome or a twosome?
  • Would you rather fuck a girl or a boy?
  • Would you rather have sex with someone five years older than you or someone five years younger than you?
  • Would you rather have big boobs or a big butt?
  • Would you rather have sex with Christian Grey or Captain America?
  • Would you rather kiss Katy Perry or Taylor Swift?

2. Couples Trivia

Couples Trivia is a getting-to-know-you game for couples. You each take turns asking each other questions about your relationship, each other, and life in general. Don’t bother being ashamed of telling the truth. Bear your soul to your partner in this game.

You can usually watch this type of Trivia game played by celebrity couples and loveteams on their vlogs, TV shows, and YouTube channels. They get to know more about each other and know how much the other partner knows about them, and it also lets others who watch or listen get to know their favorite celebrity couples!

Play Couples Trivia Online

The app, Coupled by PumPum , will not only be your road trip companion, but it will also become your new couple care routine ! It’s a fun and engaging way to learn more about your partner while having fun!

With fun quiz games , such as the popular “How well do you know me?” quizzes, insightful questions, and more, this app will keep you entertained and connected.

Simply download the app, share your pairing code with your partner, and start playing! Never run out of things to talk about on your road trip with Coupled.

Download the app now and try it out for yourself!

👉 Follow this link to know more about the game and have some awesome and competitive fun on your next online game night! The Original Trivia Game Online

Are you a big fan of Trivia Nights? Can’t wait to play this game with your family and friends? Download the Trivia game app to play it now!

Join Trivia Live

Best Couples Trivia Questions

Here are some of the best Couples Trivia Questions that will surely make your next roadtrip a meaningful and memorable one:

  • How do you see yourself five years from now?
  • What is your ideal marrying age?
  • How many babies do you want?
  • Where do you want to settle down?
  • What’s your ideal date?
  • What’s your favorite song of all time?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do with me?
  • What is your favorite term of endearment?
  • What would make you dislike me?
  • What attracted you to me?

3. Never Have I Ever

This is one of the ultimate favorite games for any occasion. There are many variations of this game, but this time, you’ll be playing while you’re on the road towards your destination! Since you’re driving, you obviously can’t do the drinking version of this. Don’t worry; this doesn’t make it any less fun!

How to Play Never Have I Ever

A player starts the game by saying, “Never have I ever… (followed by something he/she has never done before)”. Then everyone who has done it has a consequence at the destination which you can both agree on or simply the person who can’t get their bite of a certain treat.

The game goes on until you get bored of it or until you reach your destination, whichever comes first.

Play Never Have I Ever Online

Wanna play Never Have I Ever now? You can play it online with our app or download your very own for your Android or iPhone!

Play Never Have I Ever online

Best Never Have I Ever Statements for Couples

Can’t think of any good ideas? Here are some of the best Never have I ever statements for couples while you’re on the road:

  • Never have I ever peed inside a moving car.
  • Never have I ever cried myself to sleep.
  • Never have I ever wet myself in my sleep.
  • Never have I ever fallen asleep while driving.
  • Never have I ever watched a movie while on a road trip.
  • Never have I ever eaten soup while in a moving car.
  • Never have I ever driven outside my state.
  • Never have I ever played the Roadtrip Zitch Dog Game.
  • Never have I ever made out in a car.
  • Never have I ever had sex in a car.

4. Roadtrip Zitch Dog Game

This game was inspired by Ted Mosby and Marshall Erickson’s road trip episode in How I Met Your Mother . Ted and Marshall first played it in Marshall’s Fiero in 1996.

The whole goal of the game is if you see a dog, you have to be the first person to say, “Zitch Dog!” to score. By the end of the car ride, the player with the most points gets free dinner from the other player/s.

Can’t wait to go on your next road trip with your lover, right? Now you’re super ready, no matter how long that car ride might be. You’ll be sure that you’re equipped with the most incredible road trip game ideas to make that ride one that would go down the road to be the most talked-about car ride in history!

100+ Fun Relationship Questions for Couples

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Looking for some fun party games to liven up your next get-together? Check out our collection of 100+ party games for all ages!

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15 fun road trip games for couples.

Road trips are a fantastic way for couples to get away and explore together. It's a great way to bond, enjoy each other's company, and create memories. But planning a road trip can be stressful, especially when figuring out what activities to do along the way. One of the best ways to keep the journey exciting and enjoyable for both of you is to play road trip games! Road trip games for couples can help you have fun, learn about each other, and pass the time on the road. In this blog post, we'll look at why road trips are great for couples and then give you 15 fun road trip games for couples to play during your journey.

Why Road Trips are Great for Couples

Road trips offer a unique opportunity for couples to get away together and make special memories. Here are some of the benefits of taking a road trip as a couple: 1. Quality Time: A road trip allows couples to spend quality time together away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You can focus on each other, talk, and enjoy being in each other's company. 2. Adventure: Road trips can be an adventure; you never know what experiences are around the next corner. It's a chance to explore and discover new places together. 3. Bonding: As you spend time together on the road, you'll get to know each other better and deepen your bond. 4. Memories: Road trips create special memories that will last a lifetime.

15 Road Trip Games for Couples

Now that you know why a road trip as a couple is a great idea, let's look at some fun road trip games for couples.

1. Lucky's Road Trip Kit

Lucky's Road Trip Kit includes four games that you can play on the road OR on the couch! Games include Lucky Likes (a fun and unique guessing game), Mirror Dice (essentially charades on the road), Carn't Be True (to test your knowledge of your partner), and A-Z (a twist on the classic Alphabet Game). Lucky's Road Trip Kit is great for both couples, families, and friends!

Learn more about this fun road trip game kit for couples HERE .

luckys road trip game kit for couples and families

2. 141 Outrageous Conversation Starters

This deck includes 141 crazy, off-the-wall conversation starters you and your partner can talk through together!

3. Interstate Bingo

You and your partner can each create a bingo card of items you expect to observe on the journey to the destination. The person not behind the wheel can tick off each one as they are seen. This game is a simple yet effective way to start a conversation and make the trip more fun. Plus, it'll be exciting to see who wins!

4. Odd Colored Car

Before you set off, jot down some unusual car colors you hope to spot on your journey. As you travel, keep an eye out for these colors and record the number of times you see them. The person who checks off the highest count will be the winner!

5. 20 Questions

One person thinks of an object, person, or place, and the other has to guess what it is in 20 questions or less.

6. Name That Tune

One person hums or sings a song, and the other has to guess the song's name.

7. Would You Rather

Each person comes up with a "would you rather" question, and the other person has to answer.

8. The Memory Game

Each person takes turns picking an object or place, and the other person has to remember it. The first person to forget an item loses.

9. The Drawing Game

One person draws a picture, and the other has to guess what it is.

10. The Movie Game

Each person takes turns naming a movie that starts with the last letter of the previous film.

11. The Story Game

One person starts a story and says one sentence, and the other must continue. Switch off after every sentence.

12. The Alphabet Game

One person picks a category (like animals, movies, or cities), and the other person has to name something for each letter of the alphabet.

13. The Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items you can find on your road trip and see who can find them all first.

14. Decode the Plate

Translating license plates into personalized messages can be a fun and creative way to pass the time in the car. For example, "7DA8D2F" can be interpreted as "7 Delicious Apples, 8 Donuts, and 2 Fries - that's what I want when we stop next ".

15. The Word Association Game

One person says a word, and the other has to say a word associated with it. Road trips are an excellent way for couples to get away, explore, and make memories. But planning a road trip can be stressful, so it's essential to come up with fun activities along the way. One of the best ways to pass the time and have fun is to play road trip games for couples. In this blog post, we've looked at why road trips are great for couples and given you 15 road trip games for couples to play. So, get ready to hit the road and have fun with your significant other!

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Road Trip Game For Couples

After countless road trips with my partner, I’ve found that getting there really is half the fun! As well as passing the time creatively, we also create unforgettable memories, laugh a lot, and nurture our relationship along the way. So I’m excited to share some of my favorite road trip games for couples with you in the hope that they will bring you tons of laughs and spark meaningful conversations.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Game 1: Couple’s Road Trip Trivia
  • 2 Game 2: Two Truths and a Lie
  • 3 Game 3: The Alphabet Game
  • 4 Game 4: Would You Rather?
  • 5 Benefits of Playing Road Trip Games
  • 6 Personal Experiences and Highlights
  • 7 Variations and Customizations
  • 8 Tips for a Successful Game Experience
  • 9 Conclusion

Game 1: Couple’s Road Trip Trivia

Couple’s Road Trip Trivia is a captivating game designed for couples on long trips (whether you’re driving or flying). With a mix of thought-provoking, funny, and nostalgia-laced questions, it sparks engaging conversations and fun. Just make sure you’re absolutely certain of the answers before asking your partner!

Bullhorn trivia game.

To play, you need a list of trivia questions related to your relationship or common interests, a way to keep score (I use the Notes app on my phone), and a sense of adventure. One partner asks a question, and the other tries to answer. Correct answers earn points, and the game continues until you reach your destination or a predetermined score.

Example questions:

  • What’s the name of the first movie we watched together?
  • In which city did we take our first vacation together?
  • What’s my favorite type of cuisine?
  • Which one of us is better at reading maps and navigating during road trips?
  • In which country did we try our favorite local dish for the first time together?
  • What is the longest road trip we’ve taken together, and how many days did it last?
  • Can you name three items that are always in our road trip snack stash?
  • What song or album would you say is the unofficial soundtrack of our road trip adventures?
  • Which tourist attraction have we visited together that left us both in awe?
  • Name a memorable road trip detour or pit stop we made that turned into an unforgettable experience.
  • What’s our go-to road trip game or activity to pass the time during long drives? (*Hint: it’s this one!!!)
  • What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to us during a road trip?
  • Can you recall a time when we got lost on a road trip and how we found our way back?
  • What is my favorite mode of transportation for road trips: car, RV, or motorcycle?
  • Which of our road trips had the most beautiful scenic route or landscape?
  • What unique souvenir or keepsake do we have from one of our road trips that holds a special meaning for both of us?
  • Which trip do you think I would do again in a heartbeat?
  • Is there a trip we’ve done that you don’t think I would enjoy repeating? (Bonus point if your partner can say why.)
  • Who is the best at packing for trips, you or me?
  • What is the one thing I never leave home without?

Game 2: Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a classic game that’s perfect for road trips. It’s a great way to learn new things about each other and share some laughs along the way.

To play, one partner shares two true statements and one false statement about themselves. The other partner has to guess which statement is the lie. Take turns until you reach your destination or decide to stop.

Example statements. Of course you will likely need to swap one of them out for a truth that relates to you!

  • I’ve been skydiving in Hawaii; I’ve swum with sharks in South Africa; I’ve climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
  • I can speak three languages fluently; I’ve never broken a bone; I used to be a vegetarian.
  • I’ve met a famous movie star at a coffee shop; I have a secret talent for painting; I once won a dance competition.
  • I’ve traveled to more than 15 countries; I have a black belt in karate; I played the saxophone in high school.
  • I have a fear of heights; I’ve never been on a roller coaster; I’ve bungee jumped off a bridge.
  • I’ve never seen snow; I lived in a different country for a year; I’ve been in a hot air balloon.
  • I’ve been to a live taping of a TV show; I have an extensive collection of vintage comic books; I’ve completed a marathon.
  • I can juggle five balls at once; I’ve performed on stage in a musical; I went to grade school with my doppelgänger.
  • I’ve written a children’s book; I have a pet tarantula; I’ve visited every continent except Antarctica.
  • I’ve won a cooking competition; I used to have a motorcycle; I’ve been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
  • I’ve hiked the entire Appalachian Trail; I’ve taken a pottery class in Japan; I’ve never tried sushi.
  • I’ve participated in a flash mob; I’ve been to the Galápagos Islands; I’ve met a Nobel Prize winner.
  • I’ve ridden a camel in the Sahara Desert; I’ve camped in the Amazon Rainforest; I’ve gone snowboarding in the Swiss Alps.
  • I’ve visited the Great Wall of China; I’ve swum in the Dead Sea; I’ve never flown in an airplane.
  • I can solve a Rubik’s Cube in under a minute; I’ve walked on a glacier in Iceland; I’ve attended a masquerade ball in Venice.
  • I’ve volunteered at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand; I’ve been on a zero-gravity flight; I’ve taken a hot yoga class in India.

Game 3: The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is a simple yet entertaining game for couples that can be customized to suit your interests. It helps pass the time and encourages friendly competition.

To play, choose a category, such as movies, songs, or places. Starting with the letter A, each partner takes turns naming something from the category that begins with the current letter. Continue through the alphabet until you reach the end or decide to switch categories. You could list as many things as you can think of beginning with that letter before you move onto the next letter, OR you could just name one thing beginning with each letter. For example, list all the countries starting with A that you can think of before moving onto countries starting with B, OR list one country starting with A, one country starting with B, one with C, etc.

Example categories:

  • Countries and cities: Players take turns naming countries or cities that start with the chosen letter of the alphabet.
  • Animals: Players list different animals that start with the selected letter.
  • Movie titles: Players come up with movie titles that begin with the designated letter.
  • Famous people: Players name celebrities, historical figures, or well-known personalities whose first or last names start with the nominated letter.
  • Food and drinks: Players list various dishes, ingredients, or beverages that begin with the selected letter.
  • Bands and musicians: Players come up with names of bands, singers, or musicians that start with the designated letter.
  • Books and authors: Players name books or authors whose titles or names begin with the chosen letter.
  • Sports and athletes: Players list different sports or athletes that start with the selected letter.
  • Brands and companies: Players come up with names of brands or companies that begin with the pre-decided letter.
  • Landmarks and tourist attractions: Players name famous landmarks or tourist attractions around the world that start with the chosen letter.
  • Plants and flowers: Players list various plants, trees, or flowers that begin with the allocated letter.
  • Hobbies and activities: Players come up with hobbies or activities that start with the designated letter.
  • Inventions and discoveries: Players name significant inventions or discoveries in history that begin with the chosen letter.
  • Modes of transportation: Players list different forms of transportation, from vehicles to public transit, that start with the selected letter.
  • Mythological creatures: Players come up with names of mythological creatures or legendary beings that begin with the designated letter.
  • Science and technology terms: Players list various scientific concepts, inventions, or technological advancements that start with the selected letter.

Game 4: Would You Rather?

Would You Rather? is a fantastic game that can lead to fascinating conversations, laughter, and thought-provoking discussions. It helps couples better understand each other’s preferences and values.

To play, one partner presents a dilemma by asking, “Would you rather…?” with two options. The other partner must choose one option and explain their choice. Take turns and continue until you reach your destination or decide to stop.

Example dilemmas:

  • Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere in the world or be able to speak every language fluently?
  • Would you rather spend a year traveling the world without a set itinerary or spend a month in your dream destination with a luxury all-inclusive package?
  • Would you rather never have to work again but not be able to travel or work your entire life but travel freely for six months each year?
  • Would you rather explore the depths of the ocean or travel to outer space?
  • Would you rather have unlimited first-class flight tickets for life or free accommodations at any hotel worldwide for life?
  • Would you rather embark on a challenging adventure in the wilderness with no technology or spend a relaxing week at a luxurious beach resort with no human interaction?
  • Would you rather have an unlimited budget for travel but be restricted to only visiting one continent or have a limited budget but be free to visit all continents?
  • Would you rather take a road trip with your best friends or a romantic getaway with your significant other?
  • Would you rather live in a bustling city or a peaceful countryside for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather travel back in time or into the future?
  • Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
  • Would you rather explore the depths of the ocean or the vastness of space?
  • Would you rather experience extreme heat in the desert or extreme cold in the Arctic for a week-long adventure?
  • Would you rather have the ability to taste every cuisine in the world without gaining weight or eat your favorite dish every day without getting bored of it?
  • Would you rather spend a week exploring the world’s most haunted locations or a week visiting the most remote, uninhabited islands?
  • Would you rather have a lifelong free pass to all amusement parks worldwide or have the opportunity to attend any concert, festival, or sports event for free?

Benefits of Playing Road Trip Games

Playing road trip games offers numerous benefits for couples:

  • Strengthening communication skills through open dialogue and honest conversations
  • Fostering teamwork and collaboration
  • Creating lasting memories – laughter and connection instead of zoning out on your phone
  • Learning new things about each other
  • Making long drives more enjoyable

Personal Experiences and Highlights

Some of my most treasured road trip memories involve playing these games with my partner. We’ve experienced hilarious mix-ups, surprising revelations, and moments of genuine connection. Each game has taught us valuable lessons about open communication, trust, and the importance of embracing each other’s quirks (not that I have any…!!).

Variations and Customizations

These road trip games can be easily tailored to suit individual couples and trip lengths. Here are some ideas for personalizing the games:

  • Choose trivia questions, categories, and dilemmas that reflect your relationship and interests, or that relate to your destination.
  • Adjust the game length to match your trip by setting a target score, time limit, or number of rounds.
  • Incorporate additional elements, like penalties for wrong answers or bonus points for extra challenging questions.

Tips for a Successful Game Experience

To ensure a fun and fulfilling game experience, consider the following tips:

  • Create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere by choosing some great background music and setting a lighthearted tone.
  • Encourage open communication and honesty by assuring your partner that there are no right or wrong answers—just an opportunity to learn and grow together.
  • Emphasize the fun aspect over competition. The goal is to bond, not to win.

Road trip games really have had a positive impact on my relationship with my partner AND our kids. I love that we actively choose to interact with each other and our kids, rather than switching off and zoning out. I hope these games will inspire other couples to create lasting memories and strengthen their bonds on their next road trip. So pack your bags, buckle up, and embark on an adventure filled with laughter, connection, and love. Happy travels! 🙂

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10 best road trip games for your next long drive

road trips games for couples

Road trip games not only make time fly by as you travel to your next destination, but they’re also a great way to engage and entertain the passengers in your car. Whether you're travelling in your own vehicle, a campervan, or a hire car , these fun road trip games are guaranteed to keep you entertained on your next driving adventure.

In this post

1. I spy: Classic road trip games

2. travel bingo: scavenger hunts on-the-go, 3. the alphabet game: quick-fire thinking, 4. hot seat: how well do you know your friends, 5. i went to the shops and bought: memory-based fun, 6. road trip word games: licence plate game, 7. guess that tune: road trip games for the music lovers, 8. categories: creativity unleashed, 9. road trip trivia: quizzes for a family road trip, 10. the waving game: simple road trip joy.


Concept : Someone thinks of an object they can see and others try to guess what it is.

How to play :

  • The youngest person in the car looks around, finds something, and says "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with [letter]."
  • The others in the car take turns guessing objects beginning with that letter.

This road trip game is perfect for : Everyone! This is a classic road trip game that can be enjoyed in small or large groups, as well as by families , couples, or friends.

Concept : Players use a bingo board to look for objects that are commonly found on a road trip to fill out their bingo card.

  • Each player selects a travel bingo card. You can create your own, or buy a travel game bundle.
  • Decide whether a line, X-shape, or full card is the goal for winning the game.
  • Look around during the drive, and each time you spot an object from your bingo card, mark it.
  • The first player to spot all the required objects to meet the goal wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : Families with younger children that like scavenger hunts.


Concept : Someone chooses a category and players have to name objects in that category, starting with the letter A and continuing with the rest of the alphabet.

  • Pick a turn order. The first player gets to choose a category (films, animals, countries, etc.).
  • The next player says a word related to the category that starts with the letter A.
  • Players continue to say words of that category in alphabetical order (the second player picks a word that starts with the letter B).
  • When a player can’t think of a word that starts with a particular letter, they are eliminated.
  • The last player standing wins the game, and a new category is chosen for the next game.

This road trip game is perfect for : Travellers who enjoy games that require quick thinking.

Concept : The person in the “hot seat” asks a question about themselves, and others have to try to guess the answer.

  • The youngest player starts in the hot seat.
  • The player asks the group a question about themselves. For example, "What is my favourite film?" or, "What was the name of the restaurant where we celebrated my 13th birthday?"
  • The remaining players take turns answering the questions. If someone gets the question right, they receive a point.
  • The next player is now in the hot seat and asks a question.
  • Players keep going until someone has answered five questions correctly. They win!

This road trip game is perfect for : Families, couples, and friends who want to get to know each other better.


Concept : A memory game where players build a growing chain of words that need to be recalled every round.

  • Pick a turn order. The first player starts by saying, “I went to the shops and bought [something that starts with the letter A].”
  • The next player says, "I went to the shops and bought [what the previous player said] and [something that starts with the letter B]."
  • Players take turns reciting the sentence and adding more words until a player can’t remember the whole list. That player is eliminated and the next player gets to go.
  • The last player standing whocan remember the whole list wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : People who like games that test their memory and require creativity.

Concept : Players have to create words using the letters they find on licence plates.

  • A player reads out a licence plate from a car nearby (for example, 7AP 45L).
  • The first player to form a word using the letters on that plate in order gets a point (for example, APPLE).
  • If no one can form a word with the letters in that order, then the player wh can form a word using those letters in any order gets half a point (for example, PLANT).
  • Another player reads out a licence plate and play continues. The first player to get to five points wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : Fans of games that involve playing with letters to create words.


Concept : Someone sings or hums a song and others have to guess the song and/or artist.

  • Decide on a music genre and select a player to go first.
  • The selected player tries to sing, hum, or whistle a song of that genre.
  • The first player to guess the song title and artist gets a point, or half a point if they only know one of the two.
  • After every player gets to pick a song, change the genre for the next round.
  • The first player to get to seven points wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : Families, couples, and friends who enjoy listening to and recalling popular songs.

Concept : A fun road trip game where someone names a category, and players count objects of that category until time runs out.

  • The first player names a category related to things they see on the road (such as a specific colour of a car, an animal, or a licence plate letter).
  • Players then take two minutes to spot as many things related to that category as possible.
  • When time is up, the player whohas spotted the most items in the category wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : People who like to use their observation skills during a road trip.


Concept : Players listen to a podcast that asks 10 trivia questions and try to answer the most correctly.

  • Connect your phone to your car via Bluetooth and search "road trip trivia" on your podcast app.
  • Browse through the different episodes, each of which align with a particular theme.
  • Listen along and try to answer each of the 10 questions. Every correct answer gives you a point, and the player with the most points after 10 questions wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : Families who enjoy testing their knowledge across different topics in road trip trivia games.

Concept : Wave and see how many people wave back at you.

  • This one’s simple. Each player takes turns waving at someone in another car on their side. If they wave back, you score one point.
  • The first person to get five people to wave back wins.

This road trip game is perfect for : Friends who want to share the joy of being on a road trip together.

Choose the most entertaining road trip games and the time will fly by as you drive to your destination. So, grab some snacks and get your group ready to play your heart out. For more helpful information on road trips, make sure to check out these road trip tips , as well as a handy guide on hire cars .

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road trips games for couples

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A woman in a casual winter outfit standing on the side of a wet road next to a car, looking up to the grey skies with arms raised.

The Winding Road Tripper

Road Trip Questions For Couples: 149 Fun and Deep Conversation Starters

This post may include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I (The Winding Road Tripper) earn from qualifying purchases.  Read more . 

What better time than a road trip to get to know your partner a little bit better?

These road trip questions for couples will get you laughing, talking, and wondering where the time went on your long drive. 

Use these road trip questions as a game or simply a way to get the conversation started. 

This list of 149 road trip questions provides a variety of topics and types of questions, so you’ll be sure to find questions to keep you and your partner entertained on your long car ride . 

Travel Road Trip Questions

While you’re traveling on the road, it only makes sense that you’d stop to ask some questions about traveling itself.  These questions can get philosophical, or they can be as lighthearted as you need them to be.

  • What is your favorite travel memory from your childhood?
  • Where would you go if you could go anywhere from a fictitious location, a destination from history, or a real-world location from the present day?
  • If you could bring any one thing from home that you wouldn’t normally be able to take on a road trip, what would you bring with you? 
  • What’s your favorite part about traveling?
  • What is your least favorite part about traveling?
  • Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted to go?
  • Would you ever go on a big vacation with both of our families?
  • If we could each bring one friend with us on this road trip, who would we take?
  • If you could live in a van and always be on a road trip, would you do it?
  • What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen while traveling? 

Deep Thought Provoking Road Trip Questions

The road trip you’re taking is more than just about exploring the world around you; it’s also about exploring how each other sees the world. A journey with your partner down a long and winding road is the perfect opportunity to ask thought-provoking questions. These questions will act as springboards to get the two of you talking about some introspective topics.

  • If you never had to work your day job ever again, what would you do with all of your time? Is there a way that you can bring some of that into your life?
  • What’s one of the biggest societal issues that impacts and shapes your everyday life?
  • What is life like from the perspective of a tree? Is there a way to talk about the world outside of the human context? 
  • When was the last time you tried something new? What was it?
  • Do you feel that you’re challenged enough in ways that help you grow?
  • What’s one life lesson you learned the hard way?
  • What’s one life lesson you learned the easy way?
  • If you could only fix one societal issue, which one would it be? 
  • What makes art “art?”
  • What moment in your life has had the biggest impact on where you are today? 

Funny Road Trip Questions

If the drive is starting to get long or there’s a lull in the conversation, try funny road trip questions for couples to liven things up.

  • Would you rather fight one elephant-sized chicken or 100 chicken-sized elephants?
  • If vegetables could talk, which one would be your least favorite?
  • Which Olympic game is most improved by having the athletes get incredibly intoxicated beforehand?
  • You’re stranded on a desert island with a lifetime supply of one product. What is the single worst product to be stuck with? 
  • What are some of the funniest memes, jokes, and trends you remember from high school?
  • Is cereal a soup? Is a hotdog a sandwich?
  • Can you say something sexy in the least sexy voice you can come up with? 
  • What secret conspiracy would you like to start? 
  • When we’re in our sixties, what are we going to be nostalgic for from our teen years?
  • Toilet paper: Over or Under?

This Or That Road Trip Questions

This or That questions give your partner a choice between two options. You can use these questions as fun get-to-know-yous or challenge your partner with some tough choices. 

  • Arrive early or arrive late?
  • Family or friends?
  • Comedy or drama movie?
  • Night out or night in?
  • Home-cooked dinner or dine out?
  • Big family or small family?
  • Expensive wedding or intimate wedding? 
  • Plan ahead or be spontaneous? 
  • House party or dinner party?
  • Cats or dogs?

Would You Rather Questions

Would You Rather questions of the ultimate way to put your partner to the test. These questions are designed to put someone in a tough spot choosing between two difficult options. These road trip questions make for a great game, so try taking turns and see who can come up with the most interesting responses. 

  • Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed?
  • Would you rather be able to travel back in time and tell the 10-year-old version of yourself any one thing or be able to travel forward in time and have the 90-year-old version of yourself tell you any one thing?
  • Would you rather be the star of an Academy Award-winning movie or a cult movie classic?
  • Would you rather be wealthy we’re happy with where you are in life?
  • Would you rather go to a luxury resort or go camping?
  • Would you rather have all the latest technology or be an outdoors expert?
  • Would you rather live in a library or in a theme park?
  • Would you rather travel everywhere by helicopter or on horseback? 
  • Would you rather be a bad actor or a bad musician?
  • Would you rather always be alone or always be in a big crowd? 

Just like the Marvel Comics classics, what if questions take your partner and place them in an alternate reality. These questions can explore deep topics or be ridiculous. 

  • What if you woke up tomorrow and had all of the powers, and weaknesses, of your favorite comic character?
  • What if you found out that I had magic powers and I’ve been keeping my double life as a witch or wizard a secret?
  • What if I inherited a mysterious and haunted mansion from a long-lost relative, but we had to stay there together for one month straight to keep it? 
  • What if we suddenly switched bodies?
  • What if you found out that I had been a millionaire this whole time? 
  • What if you found out that you could time travel?
  • What if you got your dream job, but you had to move to a different country?
  • What if aliens landed tomorrow, but they looked and acted just like me?
  • What if we aged in reverse?
  • What if our car could talk and had its own personality? 

Silly Road Trip Questions That Can Get Serious

Sometimes the line between silly road trip questions for couples and a serious question is just the mood in the room. We’ve got a few questions for you that can fall either way and let you test the conversational waters. 

  • If you inherited a billion dollars when you were fifteen, what do you think you would have done with the money?
  • What’s the first thing you do if we wake up tomorrow morning and all of a sudden every animal on Earth can speak and understand our language?
  • You can go back in time and change one thing about history, but it can’t be a major historical event, what do you change?
  • Your most ridiculous fear comes to life, what happened?
  • How would society change if everyone could suddenly fly?
  • What would your job be in the zombie apocalypse?
  • Would you take a one-way trip to Mars to be one of the first humans to live on another planet? 
  • What would you do if aliens landed on the planet and thought you were the leader of Earth?
  • Would you replace all weapons on the planet with their Nerf equivalent?
  • Would you want to live for free in a historically preserved building, but you can’t add modern necessities like Wi-Fi?

Get To Know Each Other Road Trip Questions

One way of looking at a road trip is that you and your partner will be sitting in the same room together for a very long time. So this is a great time to get to know each other a little better.

  • Have they ever been in love before?
  • Do you have a secret dream that you wish you could make real?
  • What was the most trouble you got in as a kid? 
  • Who is your favorite author?
  • Do you have a personal hero?
  • Has anyone ever inspired you to live a better life?
  • Do you want to have a big family or a small family?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • Do you prefer romantic surprises or planned nights out? 

Road Trip Questions About Firsts

Road trips are all about firsts, and there’s no better time to ask your partner about their firsts when you’re out on the road. 

  • Who was your first crush?
  • What was the first time you had to deal with a real adulthood responsibility in your life? 
  • What’s the first book or movie you remember enjoying as a kid? 
  • Who was your first kiss?
  • What was the first concert you went to?
  • What was your first place that wasn’t living with your parents?
  • What was your first job? 
  • What was the first time you felt that you had accomplished something good?
  • Who was there for you when you went through your first heartbreak?
  • Do you remember your first day of school? 

Quiz Questions For Couples: How Well Do You Know Me

Keep these quiz questions light-hearted, but if a serious topic comes up, don’t be afraid to use your time together on the road trip to get to know each other. 

  • What’s the name of the band or artist that I wouldn’t let anyone catch me singing along to?
  • What’s the one movie or TV show I could watch on repeat for the rest of my life?
  • What’s my favorite way of spending time with you?
  • What’s my favorite part about you?
  • What’s the fastest way to cheer me up when I come home from work upset?
  • What is my biggest pet peeve?
  • Would I rather stay in and watch Netflix or go out and try something new?
  • What is my favorite outfit?
  • Which family member do I have the best relationship with?
  • If we could only spend one more day together, what would I want to do?

Explore Your Partner’s Favorite Topics

One of the best parts about getting to experience a road trip with your partner is spending all that time getting to know each other.  This time together gives you a chance to explore your partner’s favorite topics and let them take the reins of the conversation for a while. Be ready with follow-up questions to keep it going! 

  • What’s your favorite hobby and how long have you been into it?
  • Tell me more about your favorite genre of music and what about it you like the most?
  • What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen?
  • Who’s your favorite sports team?
  • What do you like most about your job and what do you like the least?
  • What’s your favorite way to relax over the weekend?
  • Do you have a hobby that you wish you could spend more time on?
  • Do you have a favorite podcast?
  • What is your favorite time of the year?
  • Do you like the city we live in or would you rather move somewhere else? 

Family History Questions For Couples 

There’s something that’s always just a little bit historical about a road trip. As you drive through the boundless highways and those old city streets, ask your partner some questions about their family history. 

  • Do you have any famous family members?
  • How far back can your family trace their history?
  • What’s something about your family that I would have never thought to ask about? 
  • Do you have any relatives that you wish you could spend more time with?
  • Did your parents have any alternate names they were considering when you were born?
  • Does your family still live in your hometown?
  • What nationalities and ethnicities make up your family background?
  • Does your family speak any languages besides English?
  • Do any of your family members live in different countries?
  • Be honest, how comfortable are you at big family events like Thanksgiving or Christmas? 

Questions That Make Memories

Whether this is the first road trip with your partner or the 30th, you’re making memories while you’re putting miles on those tires. Now’s a good time to ask some questions that will make as many memories as the road trip itself.

  • What’s the first thing you noticed about me?
  • When we first started dating, what did you tell your friends about me?
  • What are you looking forward to the most on our road trip together? 
  • When was the first time you mentioned our relationship to your family?
  • What is your favorite thing that I do for you?
  • Was there one moment when you realized that I was the one for you?
  • What was your favorite date that we ever went on?
  • What did you really think of my family when you first met them?
  • What did you think about our first night together that next day?
  • When you first walked into my place, what did you think of it?

Road Trip Questions That Keep The Adventure Going

The way back home is still part of the adventure. These are a few questions that you can ask as you complete the final leg of your road trip together. 

  • If we could change plans and drive anywhere right now, where would you want to go?
  • What’s something you’ve always wanted to do on a road trip?
  • Do you have any favorite road trip games or activities from when you were a kid?
  • What was your favorite destination on our trip?
  • Is there a place you’d like to go to again?
  • What was your least favorite place on our trip?
  • Where do you want to go for our next road trip?
  • If you could rent any kind of car for our next road trip, what would it be?
  • What’s one thing you wish we could have done on this road trip?
  • Should our next road trip be longer or shorter?

The Road Trip Book Club Question Session

Here’s a great way to add some more fun to your road trip as well as give you fodder for limitless questions and discussions. All you need to do is pick out a book that you’ll both like and use these questions as prompts for a book club built for two. 

  • What about this book stands out to you the most right now?
  • If you could change one thing about what we’ve read so far, what would it be? 
  • Who’s been your favorite character so far in this book?
  • What’s been the least believable thing a character has done?
  • If you can have one character join us on this road trip, who would it be? 
  • Would you want to go on a road trip in the world of this book? 
  • Has there been anything you don’t like about this book?
  • What do you think of the author’s writing style?
  • Would you want to read another book by the author? 

More Road Trip Entertainment Check-Out: Road Trip Activities for Adults: Fun Ideas for a Long Car Ride 15 Ridiculously Fun Road Trip Games Best Podcasts for a Long Car Ride Best Audiobooks for a Road Trip Road Trip Game Apps to Keep You Entertained 20 Intriguing Road Trip Trivia Questions

road trips games for couples

road trips games for couples

KSReds: Cincinnati Reds Road Trip Sends Season in Spiral

I t has officially gone from bad to worse for the Cincinnati Reds. When the team departed on a 10-day, 10-game west coast road trip they were on an eight game free fall of a losing streak. Then, despite winning the first game of the series in San Francisco, they would finish the trip with a 3-7 record. The offense is still struggling mightily, the bullpen can’t hold a lead even when given a rare one, and the losses are piling up in a hurry.

To put it plainly, the Reds are in the thick of the danger zone. False hope and talk of the season being young has to end at some point and now the sample size is getting big enough that the overall trajectory is quite worrisome. Yes, there are key pieces missing from a lineup that is struggling immensely. However, at 19-28 and eight and a half games behind the Milwaukee Brewers, time is already starting to run thin. After a promising start to the season that saw the Reds go 14-10 in their first 24 games, they have managed to win just five of their last 23 contests.

A Tale of Two Months

It hasn’t been all bad in Cincinnati Reds country this season. In fact, for about the first month of the season things were pretty positive. Back on April 24th, the Reds reached a high water mark of four games over .500 at 14-10. Fast forward to April 29th and they were 16-13 after a series-opening win in San Diego. That is when the wheels fell off for Cincinnati. Eight straight losses plummeted the record to 16-21 before beginning a west coast road trip with a win.

Despite that first win in San Francisco, the road trip wasn’t overly kind to the Reds. They failed to win any of the three series and now sit at a season-worst 19-28. Cincy lost three straight in Los Angeles after winning the series-opener on Thursday evening. The road trip ended with a 3-7 record as the ball club will mercifully return to Great American Ball Park on Tuesday evening following a much needed day off on Monday.

Struggling Bats Headline Slumping Reds

Every player will experience a slump or two during a 162-game season. However, the Cincinnati Reds seem to be experiencing a team-wide slump. Their overall batting average is down to .219 which is the second worst mark in Major League Baseball. Elly De La Cruz leads the qualifying hitters with a .256 average. Both Jake Fraley (.272) and Tyler Stephenson (.273) beat that number, but both have missed nearly one quarter of the season at this point. Meanwhile, players such as Santiago Espinal, Will Benson, and Christian Encarnacion-Strand all sit below the Mendoza Line. It simply is not a winning recipe when you trot out one or two batters every game that are hitting below .200 on the season.

If you are looking for a silver lining, it would be that the Reds are clearly missing a couple of key bats. Matt McClain, Noelvi Marte, and TJ Friedl would all greatly help the lineup. However, that doesn’t excuse the lack of overall competitiveness their replacements have shown at the plate. There are simply far too many games where the Reds give them zero chance to win because they cannot make anything happen offensively.

Current National League Central Standings

What comes next for the reds.

If the Cincinnati Reds are going to turn the season around it needs to start now. Luckily, the timing might work out in their favor to right the ship. A much needed day off on Monday will help reset things prior to a nine-day, nine-game home stand. This is where they will need to start making up ground. Win six of these nine games and the record still won’t be pretty, but they will at least be moving in the right direction.

Andrew Abbott will get the start on Tuesday evening with a 6:40 p.m. Eastern Time first pitch against the San Diego Padres. The following two starters are still undecided. After the three game set with the Padres, the Reds will turn around and play the Los Angeles Dodgers once again. Finally, the rival St. Louis Cardinals will come to Cincinnati to finish off the home stand.

The post KSReds: Cincinnati Reds Road Trip Sends Season in Spiral appeared first on On3 .

Photo via @Reds on Twitter/X

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This year’s best football road trips for BYU, Utah, Utah State — and NFL fans

Call up the travel agent, book those flights and fill out the vacation requests — it’s time to plan for football season, even if it’s a few months away.

On Wednesday, the NFL released its 2024 schedule.

For college football fans of the three FBS schools in Utah, there are several options to take a road trip this fall and catch a college and NFL game during the same weekend.

Some road trips, though, are admittedly better than others.

Here’s a look at my favorites.

Best BYU road trip

Baltimore Ravens at Kansas City Chiefs — Thursday, Sept. 5.

BYU at SMU — Friday, Sept. 6.

Yes, the two games aren’t in the same state, but it would be tempting to jump on a short hour-and-a-half flight in between the two and enjoy a weekend of football and BBQ.

Plus, it’s Labor Day weekend, so you can turn it into an extended getaway.

The Ravens-Chiefs game kicks off the 2024 NFL season and features a rematch of last year’s AFC championship. There are also BYU connections on both sides: Kyle Van Noy with the Ravens, and Andy Reid and Kingsley Suamataia (maybe even Ryan Rehkow ) with the Chiefs.

This particular game could be Suamataia’s first NFL start, against another Super Bowl contender, while Reid is pursuing his fourth Super Bowl championship with Kansas City after the Chiefs won the past two.

For the Cougars, the trip to Dallas will be their fifth-ever matchup against an SMU program that was BYU’s opponent in the famed Miracle Bowl.

The Mustangs are also playing their first season in the ACC, making this a matchup of two power conference programs.

Back to the BBQ, though: Wouldn’t that be amazing to have the chance to compare what two regions synonymous with excellent BBQ bring to the table?

A few other interesting BYU options

BYU at Wyoming — Saturday, Sept. 14.

Pittsburgh Steelers at Denver Broncos — Sunday, Sept. 15.

The Cougars are making their first trip to Wyoming since 2009 to face a longstanding former conference rival. And while it’s unlikely, there’s the possibility Zach Wilson could play for Denver against Pittsburgh. Even if he doesn’t, there’s a lot of intrigue surrounding the QB situations in Pittsburgh and Denver.

BYU at Baylor — Saturday, Sept. 28.

Jacksonville Jaguars at Houston Texans — Sunday, Sept. 29.

Unless Max Tooley makes the 53-man roster, this NFL game won’t feature any BYU ties. The Cougars, though, are playing their first game as a Big 12 member in Waco after splitting a pair of games with the Bears in the 2021 and 2022 seasons.

BYU at UCF — Saturday, Oct. 26.

Atlanta Falcons at Tampa Bay Buccaneers — Sunday, Oct. 27.

The Knights and Cougars have some fun history and UCF looks further along in its acclimation to the power conference level, making this a potentially huge game for BYU. Also, who could forget former Cougar running back Tyler Allgeier , who’s in his third year with the Falcons? The game is only a couple hours drive down the road.

And don’t forget, this is all happening super close to Disney World and Universal Studios, so all those theme park-loving BYU fans have a ready-made long vacation handed to them.

Best Utah road trip

Utah at Colorado — Saturday, Nov. 16.

Atlanta Falcons at Denver Broncos — Sunday, Nov. 17.

The Utes have had the Buffaloes’ number for several years now, though many times there have been some interesting tidbits in the matchup.

There’s always the Deion Sanders angle, and this will be Utah’s first trip to Boulder since the polarizing coach took over at Colorado.

Hopefully Utah won’t have to start its fifth-string QB this time around, though Luke Bottari did what it took to beat the Buffaloes last year.

As for the Falcons and Broncos, there are a ton of Utah connections in this matchup.

Clark Phillips III is in his second year in Atlanta and has a bright future.

The Broncos are littered with Utes, from All-Pro Garett Bolles and veterans Tim Patrick and Cody Barton to rookies like Jonah Elliss , Devaughn Vele and Thomas Yassmin .

Surely, one or more of these players will have a meaningful impact on the game.

A couple other interesting Utah options

Utah at Oklahoma State — Saturday, Sept. 21.

Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts or Philadelphia Eagles at New Orleans Saints — Sunday, Sept. 22.

Take your pick on the NFL game here, though either of those contests would require a flight to another state after the Utes’ game. Still, the Bears (Jaylon Johnson), Colts ( Matt Gay and Julian Blackmon ), Eagles ( Britain Covey ) and Saints ( Nephi Sewell ) all have a former Utah player suiting up for them.

The Utes’ game at Oklahoma State is also highly anticipated: It will be Utah’s first conference game as a member of the Big 12, against a team that’s expected to be one of the top challengers to win the league.

Utah at Houston — Saturday, Oct. 26.

Indianapolis Colts at Houston Texans — Sunday, Oct. 27.

The Utes should be heavy favorites to beat Houston, though this road trip wouldn’t require leaving town to catch both games. As mentioned before, the Colts have a couple of former Utes to watch in this NFL game, and the Texans are an up-and-coming team.

Best Utah State road trip

Utah State at Temple — Saturday, Sept. 21.

Green Bay Packers at Tennessee Titans — Sunday, Sept. 22.

And/or Washington Commanders at Cincinnati Bengals — Monday, Sept. 23.

OK, OK, OK, yes, there are three games listed here, and the Utah State one isn’t even against the Aggies’ top nonconference opponent.

Hear me out, though.

Utah State is much more likely to beat Temple than some of the other nonconference opponents on its schedule — like Utah and USC — and if you fly in a day early, there’s a chance to see some of the sights in Philadelphia.

From there, Utah State fans (depending on the money situation) could choose to fly to one or more NFL games that include some legendary Aggies on their way back to Utah.

First, there’s Jordan Love with the Packers. He made a strong impression during his first season as a starting quarterback last year, and this is a totally winnable game in Nashville.

Then there’s a Monday night matchup in Cincinnati where USU fans could watch one of the all-timers, Bobby Wagner , play for his new team, the Commanders.

Admit it, if money was no object and time off of work weren’t a concern, it’d be a pretty fun road trip.

A couple other interesting Utah State options

Utah State at USC — Saturday, Sept. 7.

Las Vegas Raiders at Los Angeles Chargers — Sunday, Sept. 8.

No, there aren’t any Utah State ties on either the Raiders or Chargers, but they are bitter AFC West rivals that could make this an entertaining game. Also, there’s the chance to see the famed Coliseum, even if the Trojans will be heavy favorites.

Utah State at Colorado State, Saturday, Nov. 30.

Cleveland Browns at Denver Broncos, Monday, Dec. 2.

Utah State could be fighting for bowl eligibility at this point, and the Aggies have had their success against the Rams in recent seasons. And while there aren’t any USU players on either the Browns’ or Broncos’ rosters, there are a long list of Utah ties on those rosters that Aggie fans can cheer for — or boo, if they so choose.

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May 16, 2024

Ranking 2024 Eagles road trips

Eagles fans will have the chance to see the birds play in new orleans, los angeles, baltimore and even brazil this season..


Eagles fans took over Los Angeles in 2023. Will they do that again in 2024?

The NFL schedule is out and in between penciling in the Eagles for a 17-0 campaign, some Birds fans may have begun planning road trips to see their team play outside of Philly.

The Eagles have eight official road games this season, plus a “home” game that is taking place in Brazil. Let’s rank all nine potential destinations based on the locale, the time of the year, opponent quality and importance, and whatever intangible elements I throw in the mix…

No. 9, Week 16 at Washington Commanders

FedEx Field is, without a doubt, the biggest dump in professional sports. When I sat in the press box there during the 2022 season, I watched sewage water pour from the top level of the stadium down below. Brutality.

Besides being held together with bubblegum and tape, the sight lines are horrendous and you may end up getting a “deal” on a ticket that just has you staring at a gigantic pillar for three hours. 

Getting in and out of the stadium is a gigantic pain as well.

Making this trip in the December cold just days before Christmas, too? That’s a no-go.

Perhaps this game will have major playoff implications for the Birds and Eagles fans go down and take over the stadium, but I wouldn’t plan my whole fall and winter around it.

No. 8, Week 10 at Dallas Cowboys

There’s less novelty to seeing divisional rivals since they happen annually, as you’ll see on this list.

Going down to Texas and watching the Eagles kick the Cowboys’ teeth in sounds heavenly in theory, but can quickly take a nightmare turn.

I know a guy who went to an Eagles-Cowboys game for his bachelor party. Again, in theory, it sounds like the trip of a lifetime. Unfortunately for him, it was the Cowboys who did the teeth-kicking that night. If you go down there and wake up the morning after a loss with a killer hangover, it might be the worst day of your life.

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Do you, but if you’re going to shell out thousands of dollars on the trip, don’t do it for the one that is so, so heavily dependent on the game outcome itself that it can ruin the whole experience.

No. 7, Week 7 at New York Giants

The swaps of Jersey!

This is an easy day trip, but it’s nothing special. I’ve taken a bus up during my days as a fan and have driven back and forth as a media member. These are always winnable games and you can do the road game experience for way cheaper than any of these other locales, but you’re not missing anything too wild up there.

I will say that a 1:00 PM game in late October should be fantastic football weather though!

No. 6, Week 8 at Cincinnati Bengals

Cincinnati is more than a nine-hour drive from
Philadelphia city limits, so, if you go, you’re more than likely going to fly. Are you really going to fly into Cincinnati? I don’t know. That feels anticlimactic.

Still, this should be a fantastic game with the two best quarterbacks from the 2020 draft class going at it. Maybe even it’s a dark horse for a Super Bowl preview?

Late October weather is always phenomenal for football, of course.

No. 5, Week 1 vs. Green Bay Packers in São Paulo, Brazil

The whole ordeal is just a lot. It’s a 9:15 PM local time kickoff. That’s terrible. Longest possible flight. International travel is more of a hassle than domestic. From my understanding, the area immediately surrounding Corinthians Arena isn’t the most touristy spot. What exactly are you going down there to do besides being able to say that you saw the Birds down there?

If you have the funds and want to do it, go wild, but I imagine you could do two different Eagles road trips for the price of this single one.

No. 4, Week 13 at Baltimore Ravens

If this game were in September or October, it would be my clear-cut choice for the No. 2 road trip destination. I love Baltimore. It’s a top-three U.S. city for me. Taking Amtrak there is a breeze, too.

Day trip? That works. Make a weekend of it? Also good.

I’m just worried that the weather will be less than ideal.

Based on the game itself, you’re likely getting a great one. Lamar Jackson vs. Jalen Hurts? Expect some offensive fireworks.

No. 3, Week 4 at Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Sure, the Buccaneers crushed the Birds in the playoffs back in January, but you’ll likely be able to get your last taste of summer in September in Florida. Isn’t that enough? Spend Saturday watching college football and hanging by the pool before trying to overthrow the Raymond James Stadium pirate ship on Sunday.

Now that’s a weekend!

No. 2, Week 12 at Los Angeles Rams

I once went to an Eagles-Rams game in Los Angeles. It was in December 2017. As everyone knows, the Eagles franchise changed forever that day with an injury, but that's a whole separate story. That game was at the old Los Angeles Coliseum, not SoFi Stadium, but I spent a week staying in Santa Monica and saw the Birds play along the way. It was glorious (Eagles injuries aside...). 

Getting out of Philly in late November for the sunshine of Southern California would be a welcomed development. This could be a playoff preview as well. 

No. 1, Week 3 at New Orleans Saints

The Superdome has historically been a house of horrors for the Birds, but, come on, it's New Orleans. As long as you're standing upright by Sunday morning, it's a win regardless of what happens on the field. 

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3 things to watch as Mariners gear up for season’s toughest road trip yet

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While manager Scott Servais spent much of the past homestand trying to educate fans about how improved the Oakland A’s were as a team and how good the Kansas City Royals have been this season, he won’t have to do that with the next two teams on the Mariners’ schedule.

The Mariners start a 10-game, three-city road trip with the first two series vs. the Orioles (27-14) and Yankees (30-15). Baltimore’s roster features the largest collection of young and exciting talent in Major League Baseball while New York now has the best record in the American League following a dominant three-game sweep of the Twins, who scored one run in those losses.  

This will be the strongest stretch of opponents the Mariners will have faced thus far in the 2024 season.

It starts with three games at Camden Yards vs. the Orioles. Here are a few things to watch in the series and the road trip, which also includes a three-game series vs. the much-improved Nationals to close it out.

Can the Mariners’ pitching slow down the best offense in the American League?

The Orioles lead the AL in runs per game (4.95), home runs (64), slugging percentage (.442) and are second in on-base plus slugging percentage (.746).

Baltimore’s lineup features five players — third baseman Jordan Westburg, designated hitter Ryan O’Hearn, shortstop Gunnar Henderson, catcher Adley Rutschman and left field Colton Cowser — with an OPS over .800. Westburg’s .889 OPS is also coupled with a .301 batting average. First baseman Ryan Mountcastle is a homer or two away from moving into the .800s with his .790 OPS. The Orioles just got Austin Hays back from the injured list after he missed the last three weeks with a calf injury. Hays was an All-Star last season.  

There will be no free outs in Baltimore’s lineup.

The Mariners starters have pitched well against strong lineups this season. A year ago, Seattle’s pitching held the Orioles to a .196/.252/.330 slash line, seven homers and 18 runs scored in six games.

Will the Mariners offense continue to improve?

In 30 games in April, the Mariners posted a .217/.296/.353 slash line with 109 runs scored, 29 doubles, five triples, 31 homers, 101 walks and 311 strikeouts. The offense lacked power and production, struck out too much and was painful to watch.

In 14 games in May, the Mariners have a .248/.313/.416 slash line with 59 runs scored, 17 doubles, two triples, 18 homers, 36 walks and 142 strikeouts. The production is much better. The strikeouts, well, they are still prevalent and the homers are coming at a better rate.

The emergence of Luke Raley as a major contributor has been a plus. He has a .328/.377/.516 slash line over his last 22 games with a double, triple, three homers and 10 RBI; and the continued success of Josh Rojas, who has a .330/.395/.482 slash line with four two doubles, triples, three homers and nine RBI this season, has helped.

Julio Rodriguez has had more productive at-bats, and Mitch Haniger and Ty France have shown signs they are working out of their slumps, which would be helpful.

The Orioles have yet to release their starters for the weekend beyond lefty John Means starting on Friday.

The status of Mitch Garver (upper back spasms) and Jorge Polanco (hamstring tightness) loom as possible concerns for the Mariners. Both missed the finale of the Royals series but were expected to be available in Baltimore.

How will the playing time be dispersed?

With Dominic Canzone back from the injured list, how the playing time is going to shake out will be interesting. With the Mariners facing a lefty on Friday, they will likely go with their right-handed heavy lineup. But if the O’s stay in rotation, Seattle could see right-handers Dean Kremer and Corbin Burnes.

They will find a way to get both Canzone and Raley in the lineup, but who will lose the start in the game? Will it be Mitch Haniger in right field, Ty France at first base or Mitch Garver at DH?

The playing-time dispersal was going to be more complicated with J.P. Crawford expected to return on Friday from the injured list. However, that has been delayed. Crawford was struck in the hand by a pitch while playing in a rehab assignment game with Triple-A Tacoma.

Replays showed him in obvious pain.

General manager Justin Hollander said via text message that Crawford did not fly to Baltimore on Thursday as expected. With his hand still sore and swollen, the Mariners will wait until he feels better before activated. They aren’t sure when that will be.

When Crawford does return, manager Scott Servais will have to find playing time and at-bats for Dylan Moore, who has been more than adequate while filling in at shortstop for Crawford. It means another player could see reduced playing time, specifically third baseman Luis Urias, who has been inconsistent in the field and at the plate while platooning with Rojas.

Is there a leverage setup man?

Right now, Andrés Muñoz, and to a lesser extent, Gabe Speier have been the Mariners’ most reliable relievers in the bullpen. Veteran right-hander Ryne Stanek, who was supposed to fill some of the leverage situations that would’ve belonged to Matt Brash, has struggled to not allow base runners for much of the season. In 13 of his 17 outings, he’s allowed at least one base runner via hit or walk. His last outing — a 1-2-3 inning — in the series finale win over the Royals was one of his best of the season.   

The Mariners have tried to use right-hander Trent Thornton in a role similar to Justin Topa last season. Thornton got off to strong start this season, allowing two earned runs in his first 13 appearances and 13 2/3 innings pitched with 11 strikeouts and two walks. But as the leverage situations have increased, Thornton has struggled to keep runners off base. In his last five outings, he’s allowed three earned runs on six hits with two walks in five innings pitched.

The Mariners haven’t really tried Cody Bolton or Austin Voth in higher leverage roles and there is minimal trust for Eduard Bazardo to work in those situations. It’s not an ideal situation for trying to get to Muñoz in the ninth inning.

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The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times.


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