Journey to the center of the sea moss universe. You’ll see Dr. Sebi is alive in L.A.

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Dr. Sebi collage by Elise R. Peterson for Image issue 12

This story is part of Image issue 12, “Commitment (The Woo Woo Issue),” where we explore why Los Angeles is the land of true believers. Read the whole issue here .)

Dr. Sebi’s legacy changes, depending on whom you ask. To some, the controversial, self-taught healer was a visionary, a man who claimed that he cured HIV/AIDS, sickle cell anemia, cancer, asthma and, on occasion, blindness. He was also the man who was dragged into court on multiple occasions: in 1987, he was charged for practicing medicine without a license (a case he won), and then he was hit with a civil lawsuit from New York Attorney General’s office preventing him from making his so-called therapeutic claims in New York newspapers. He was an herbalist, pathologist and biochemist whose popularization of the alkaline electric diet and herbal compounds offered a different path for people with ailments such as hypertension and diabetes.

And yet, to others, he was far from above board. Doubters called him a grifter and a fraud, while many skeptics sympathetic to his cause reasoned that he was more a master storyteller and a salesman. He was a doctor who was not technically a “doctor” — at least not according to Western medicine or certification — but he did say he cured himself from mental illness, impotency and obesity through the same herbs and diet he touted to others until his death. Born Alfredo Bowman in Honduras, Dr. Sebi was the person who said on live radio that carrots were an artificial vegetable. The figure whose name and likeness are still associated with nature’s cure-all: sea moss.

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But one of the main places Dr. Sebi’s legacy exists is a lot less debated: Los Angeles, his home base for decades. The city, whose openness to unconventionality and hunger for information served as a muse for his holistic teachings, has kept him alive in so many ways, even six years after his death. Bring up Sebi’s name in certain rooms in L.A. — especially ones where dried herbs line the walls and containers of shea butter stock the shelves — and you’ll see people’s eyes light up with recognition ... and theories. “Why do they kill all holistic doctors?” said Nipsey Hussle on the Breakfast Club in 2018, two years after Dr. Sebi became ill in a Honduran prison, where he was being detained on money laundering charges, and, according to the Associated Press , died in his cell. “You’re short stopping their grind.”

Dr. Sebi was seen, in so many communities in L.A., as an underdog hero; the mythic figure The Man didn’t want you to know about. People saw him as a champion of the truth, or a truth. If he had healed himself, maybe we could too. If he didn’t need the systems that had failed us, maybe we didn’t either.

Listen closely and you might catch Sebi’s ghost still whispering his teachings throughout the city. If you’ve ever heard someone turn down the chicken wings or mashed potatoes or even a bowl of rice and beans because it caused “mucus in your body, and mucus is the source of all illness,” you just knew: They’d been Sebi’d. Suddenly, the question of alkaline versus acidic foods — Dr. Sebi’s theory that all foods that fell below a 7 on the pH scale, therefore being acidic, were harmful to our health — entered the chat. Spoonfuls of Irish sea moss, despite tasting like the bottom of the ocean floor, were being eaten like candy for their mineral content. The superfood could grow back your hair, plump your skin, coat your joints, give you most of the minerals your body needed — 92 of the 102 our bodies are made up of. “Sea moss is a gateway to Dr. Sebi or Dr. Sebi is a gateway to sea moss,” says Dani Solorio, the founder of Compton Health Bar, which sells its own sea moss gel and capsules. “They’re very much synonymous with each other.”

Dr. Sebi’s spirit is still thick in places like Compton, where he lived for years on 143rd Street. “That small house, it was my classroom,” says Dr. Sebi’s daughter, Kellie Bowman, who was born in Carson and now runs her holistic health business, called Sebi’s Daughters, out of Atlanta. “It was a full curriculum in nutrition, and how my nutrition directly tied to the structure and function of my human body. My youngest memory of me in Compton was walking through his garden in his backyard with big stalks of different vegetables and flowers and grains. For me that was normal — in the middle of Compton.”

For Bowman, one of Dr. Sebi’s 22 children, her dad’s energy also lives in Leimert Park, where she spent countless hours with him. “The alkaline lifestyle lives in Leimert Park,” Bowman says. “And for that reason, when you catch me coming home once a month, you may see me sitting on the curb there taking it all in. Whether we were in Puerto Rico or in Honduras or Leimert Park, we would always sit and talk and watch the people go by. Those were some of my favorite times.”

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Since the pandemic, there are more vendors than ever hawking the benefits of sea moss in the Village. “He’s the GOAT when it comes to sea moss,” Bowman says of her father’s popularization of the superfood. “You can’t even touch him in it.”

Dr. Sebi also lives on at the corner of La Cienega and Hargis, in a building that houses the business he founded in 2014, Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food. Despite no longer having ties to the Bowman family, Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food sells the same supplements, formulas and compounds he created when he was alive, with recipes that haven’t changed at all, says the company. These include Bromide Plus, for the respiratory and immune system, aiding in hormone health and detoxification, and Vento, meant to target oxygenation and circulation.

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Sebi lives in Hollywood, in the homes of the celebrities he reportedly treated, including Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy . He lives in the music industry, through the memory of his mentee Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, who followed Dr. Sebi’s teachings all the way to his native Honduras, where she would tragically die in a fatal car crash (a trip that was captured in the 2007 VH1 documentary “Last Days of Left Eye.”) He lives in the lyrics of L.A. icons Nipsey Hussle and Kendrick Lamar. When Hussle was killed, fans were quick to theorize that his death was directly connected to the fact that in 2018, he announced he was making a documentary about Dr. Sebi beating his 1987 case. (Those theories, as of publication, have not been proven . Nick Cannon took over producing the documentary after Hussle’s death. The official trailer is out, but the documentary hasn’t been released.)

In “Worldwide Steppers,” a song off Lamar’s latest album “Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers,” he raps:

Yesterday, I prayed to the flowers and trees Gratification to the powers that be Synchronization with my energy chakras, the ghost of Dr. Sebi Paid it forward, cleaned out my toxins, bacteria heavy.

In “Blue Laces 2,” Hussle makes a reference to the man whose teachings resonated with him, encouraging a new generation of fans to look into Dr. Sebi:

They killed Dr. Sebi, he was teaching health I f— with Rick Ross ’cause he teaching wealth Dropped out of school, I’ma teach myself.

Sebi’s presence can be found in unconventional places too. Like on the shelves of Erewhon, which sells a full-spectrum sea moss gel “sourced from the pristine waters of St. Lucia,” in flavors like magenta-colored Cosmic Berry and radioactive-looking Blue Neptune. All over the internet, from TikTok to Instagram, there are dedicated accounts showing you how exactly to follow an alkaline electric lifestyle (no seedless fruit, no soy, no starch!). There is one TikTok from the brand Morphit Sea Moss that shows a chiseled man with brown skin and curly hair eating a coconut with his bare hands. The white text overlay on the video reads: “When you’re on Day 9 Of Your Sea Moss Fast Feeling Electrically Vibrant & Coconut start Tasting Like Some General Tso Chicken.” Another, by the creator @mayadanielle, shows “A day in the life at Doctor Sebi’s Village in Honduras,” which at more than 400,000 likes gives us a glimpse into life at Dr. Sebi’s retreat center, which people still flock to today.

But the TikToks and Instagrams ultimately cannot replicate the energy of the man himself. Dr. Sebi’s charisma was magnetic — he was a November Sagittarius — and he both looked and spoke like you might imagine a sage would. Take his final lecture in L.A. in 2014, for example. He spoke about how a 94-year-old Mexican healer changed his life when he was 30, how people of African descent should avoid specific foods (or “gene-food consistency,” as he called it), how alkalinity and fasting are a direct path to healing. He waved his long arms, inflecting his voice for dramatic effect. He cracked jokes and recounted stories about his life in painstaking detail. (“At 81, I still gotta change diapers, and somebody gonna soon change mine.”) And he encouraged the audience to practice humility and love.

“I’m not better than you, I’m not wiser than you,” he told the audience, pointing his index finger at them. “Everything I know I got it from you. … I love you very much, and I have put together a message that’s going to help you.”

The nature of belief is, by definition, not always rational. It requires committing oneself to something that isn’t necessarily easy to articulate. One of Dr. Sebi’s most memorable stories is about the time when, he claims, he healed a blind man with herbs, while he was allegedly working for the County of Los Angeles. “That shook me because I couldn’t explain to the world the mechanics behind this blind man seeing,” he says. His faith in himself was a magnet for others.

It’s been six years since Dr. Sebi’s death. Since then, his passion and his rejection of gatekeeping is still making people believers. To commemorate the occasion, we talked to six people in the Dr. Sebi L.A. universe — including Dr. Sebi himself, through quotes taken from archival footage, interviews and books — about his teachings, life and legacy. And, of course, sea moss. Their testimonies speak to the sincerity of experience — and the way in which an awakening can reorient or clarify purpose.

cutout of green sea moss

Kellie Bowman, founder of Sebi’s Daughters:

L.A. was a wealth of knowledge, of people and ideas for [Dr. Sebi]. Having a father that had so many different ways of looking at things, people were open, always open to hearing him. It was like a muse. For that man looking to get out a message, L.A. was it.

I believe that Los Angeles had a lot of heroes, and I believe that they had commonalities. I think Nipsey found a hero commonality in standing up for Dr. Sebi. Nipsey Hussle was a man about his community, and he knew that Dr. Sebi was a man about his community. The power of truth rings to everyone who’s in it — you will feel it. So when I listen to what Nipsey had to say, and I look at what he did in his life and how he was there in the community, I get why he wanted to make that connection with Dr. Sebi. [Dr. Sebi’s] words were not missed. He found them to be jewels because they were the truth. Living your truth is important, and I think he was on a journey of truth. And let me tell you, nothing denies that now. I listened to words of my father on different tapes — I have personal tapes — and I get why Nipsey got it because there’s a certain rhythm of conversation that you understand when you’re looking to grab hold of your journey and have courage to move on and use that as a tool. He just kind of stirred with it. He was like, “I get it” — so much he put it in a rap.

I had been mourning my father for two years when I came back to L.A. and walked into a grocery store — I think it was Whole Foods — and a woman grabs my arm and says, “You look just like your father and I miss him so much. I’ve been a client of your dad for over 20 years.” She says, “What are you doing now? I remember you when you were young.” That memory, right there, of who I was — I think the light bulb went off in my head. I thought it would be cathartic. I thought it will be an honor. I thought that all those talks that we had were now coming into play into my life because I never thought I’d take this position. I never thought that I’d be here without him. But I’m not, and I figured that out at that point.

Sebi’s Daughters started out with that [in mind]. For us, sea moss is Irish moss or Irish moss-bladderwrack mix. Both of them come from the ocean, but they’re only grown in so many places, and the great part about this particular plant is that it carries a lot of minerals from the sea. You’ll hear [my dad] say it a lot: those 92 out of 102 that the body requires. It’s been a sacred secret in the world forever. Those in the Caribbean knew about the Irish moss, they use it in everything. It’s a natural, growing ocean plant and it’s beautiful. It gives a power punch of minerals. [At Sebi’s Daughters,] I turned it into a whole bunch of different kinds of products, because I knew it helped from exterior to interior. The 18- to 35-year-olds will call me and they’re like, “I love sea moss. Period .”

Our mission is to educate and empower and to inspire our communities to a better way of living out of our food sources because it was done for him, and he did it for me, and we want to give it to others because this is freedom.

cutout of green sea moss

Dani Solorio, founder of Compton Health Bar:

I think part of the reason that people love him so much is because he inspires hope. You look at certain ZIP Codes and their health outcomes there — and you will likely find a lot of popularity with Dr. Sebi in those areas. He’s the folk hero. He got this better outcome by turning to nature and gaining autonomy from our health industry (I can’t even call it healthcare, because there’s no care in it these days). I’ve never been against Western medicine. I’ve always tried to work alongside of it and recommend that folks talk to their doctor. But it seems like more and more, whenever I say that, people are like, “I already talked to my doctor and my doctor had nothing useful to say, unfortunately.” I think that’s part of the reason he’s so powerful as a person, why his legacy lives on: He provides a sort of hope of what our health can look like when we tend to our indigenous healthcare systems or community systems.

cutout of green sea moss

Agustin Miller, head of growth strategy and corporate affairs at Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food

I think he was ahead of his time, honestly. He had a vision. And he did a lot of research. He had a lot of empirical knowledge. And as he would say, he spoke the truth. That’s how he was able to connect with so many people. Thirty years ago, plant-based was not a term. He was already practicing it because his nutritional data hasn’t changed in a long time. Fasting is another one. I mean, fasting has been around since the beginning — since the biblical era or hunters and gatherers — our ancestors would fast for long periods of time. There’s theories that say that we are not meant to receive constant food in our system. He would use fasting to promote healing. He would use fasting to let the body heal itself and regenerate itself because I do believe that the body’s meant to do that. It’s capable of doing that.

cutout of green sea moss

Da’ Moss Lady (a.k.a. Gwen Moseley)

I’m a breast cancer survivor. I came out with breast cancer out of the blue in 2018. I had to get a whole mastectomy. Somebody else gave me the sea moss to take and I liked the energy that I got from it. So I said, “Let me look into this.” I went to Jamaica, found a plug. I started to recover, but I noticed my skin was so dry from the radiation or chemo pill every day. My hair was falling out. So that’s when I came up with all these different products, like the Moss Butter, the Face Scrub. Not only does it work inside of your body, it also works the outside of your body. I’m trying to create a shampoo and conditioner, because you know, that saltwater is good for your hair and your scalp. In Leimert Park, there’s so much competition out there with that sea moss right now. That’s why I had to do something different with my products. I’m not trying to say, “Oh, it’s the cure for everything.” But I do know it will help you. Like, if you ain’t having no regular bowel movements, that sea moss will definitely give you a regular. Seriously. Some man told me he had eczema all his life and he used my cream and said it made his eczema go away.

cutout of green sea moss

Sayra Trigueros, brand success associate at Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food

When I came here, I had no idea what the place was. My first week, Dr. Sebi came through with a small lecture with his employees and at first I thought I had joined a cult. But I enjoyed hearing him in person, started learning everything that I could about the man, and after his passing we wanted to make sure everybody knew that his message was still going to remain strong. I accidentally cured myself from asthma just because I started taking the products. I was just curious, and next thing I knew I was no longer using my inhaler. It just grew from there. Sea moss is a product on its own and the fact that he was able to create these compounds to make sure there’s healing in multiple places within your body is just amazing.

One of the most impactful videos that you’ll find out there is of Dr. Sebi, 80-something years old, throwing himself on the floor like a little 5-year-old, just getting on his knees. He said, “Sea moss has me doing this.” There’s people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s that cannot do that. The alkaline electric diet is foods that create the least amount of mucus. When there’s mucus buildup, that’s when you experience inflammation, and with inflammation, disease shows up in different ways, whether it’s a heart condition, your diabetes, arthritis, asthma. So because of that is that we try to have people eat foods that will not create mucus, that will have them going to the restroom and eliminating everything that their body doesn’t need anymore. We try to do and make sure everything was to his standards. He already has a blueprint, and that’s what we consider our bible. There’s no use of changing it.

cutout of green sea moss

I was always a different person. I disagree with everything. I disagree with everything. Everything I heard I disagree with. At 14, I made a statement that I was going to do something to help humanity. But when I made that statement, I also knew that I was going to come up against the established or prevailing philosophy of life. That I knew at 14 years of age. I didn’t know that one day that I will become the person that I’m known for today — the healer. I didn’t know that.

Before I became the healer, I said I was going to do something for the Black women of the world, because she’s the one that has been disenfranchised, dejected and rejected by everyone, including us. What was that something was going to be? I didn’t know. I was a merchant seaman then. [At 27], little did I know that I was going to be a healer. Ladies and gentlemen, I was suffering asthma, diabetes. I was impotent. I was angry. Very, extremely angry. With the help of Mexican people, I was cured . I decided to enter the field of natural medicine. [This Mexican] was so grounded that he took your brother Sebi and healed him. That Mexican prepared me for you. You see the connection? Being a steam engineer , I knew that the pH value, the pH factor had a lot to do with healing. I begin to check the pH of all the Earth. I begin to test it. I test comfrey: acid. I test garlic: acid. I also tested aloe vera, St. John’s wort, rose hips, comfrey, all of these things are very acid. I quit my job and said, “I’m going to heal the world.” I’m going to make everybody happy. When I told my mama that I had cured my 13th AIDS patient, she said, “They’re gonna get you.” How did [I] cure AIDS ? [I] removed the mucus from the system and build the body back up. But they say, “What? It’s [a] virus.” I say no, never been. It’s mucus. The judge said, “Dr. Sebi, why do you give everybody the same medicine? I said, “Because there’s only one disease.” “One disease?!” the doctor said. “I told you this man is unscientific. And he’s insane.”

I am unscientific. I repeat, there is only one disease.

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Julissa James is a staff writer for Image, where she covers culture, style, fashion, art and L.A. She has been with the Los Angeles Times since 2019 and has written for the magazine since 2021.

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  • Health & wellness

Top 9 Best Sea Moss Supplements

Updated February 29, 2024

Sea moss is a nutrient-rich seaweed that has acquired popularity due to its possible health advantages, which include boosting immunity, promoting digestion, and supporting skin health. As more people seek to harness the power of sea moss, the market is flooded with various sea moss supplements, making it challenging to determine the best option for individual needs.

To simplify your search and ensure you make an informed choice, I have meticulously researched and handpicked the top contenders based on their quality, potency, and overall effectiveness.

In this guide, we will delve into the details of these top three sea moss supplements, alongside other remarkable products, to enhance your well-being and harness the vast health benefits of sea moss. Whether you are new to sea moss or a seasoned user, this detailed post will help you make a well-informed decision to support your overall well-being and harness the full potential of this extraordinary seaweed. Let's embark on this sea moss journey together!

What Is Sea Moss?

Sea moss, scientifically known as Chondrus crispus, is a type of red algae or seaweed that grows naturally along the rocky shores of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and other cold-water regions. It is commonly found in Europe, North America, and the Caribbean coastal areas. Sea moss has been consumed as food and used for medicinal reasons for centuries in various cultures.

This marine plant has a distinct appearance with its branching, fan-shaped fronds that range in color from deep purple to reddish-brown, and it often exhibits a gelatinous texture when soaked or cooked. Sea moss is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins ( like vitamin C, B vitamins, and beta-carotene), minerals (such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, and iron), and other bioactive compounds.

Due to its potential health benefits and nutrient density, sea moss has gained popularity as a superfood. It is commonly used to make various products, including supplements, gels, powders, and smoothie additives. It is often sought after for its ability to support overall health, boost immunity , aid in digestion, and promote skin health, among other potential benefits.

Top 3 Best Sea Moss Supplements

Simple life nutrition organic irish sea moss 1400mg capsules, nutricost organic irish moss powder, nutrivein organic sea moss 1600mg plus bladderwrack & burdock.

The Editor's Choice

Discover the power-packed blend of Organic Irish Sea Moss, Burdock Root, and Bladderwrack in Simple Life Nutrition's 1400MG Capsules. Boost your immune system, support digestion, and enhance thyroid function effortlessly. Perfect for holistic well-being, but be cautious if you struggle with larger capsules or have sea moss or iodine allergies. Your path to vibrant health starts here!

If you're seeking a natural and comprehensive supplement to enhance your overall well-being, Simple Life Nutrition Organic Irish Sea Moss 1400MG Capsules might just be the solution. This unique blend features Burdock Root and Bladderwrack, creating a powerful combination that supports immune system health, facilitates a gut cleanse, and promotes thyroid function.

  • Organic Irish Sea Moss blend with Burdock Root and Bladderwrack
  • Immune system support for overall well-being
  • Effective gut cleanse for digestive health
  • Thyroid supplement powder capsules
  • Benefits for skin and nail health
  • Some individuals may find the capsule size challenging to swallow
  • It may take a few weeks to experience noticeable effects
  • Not suitable for individuals allergic to sea moss or iodine

The standout feature of these capsules lies in the carefully crafted blend of Organic Irish Sea Moss, Burdock Root, and Bladderwrack. This combination not only provides immune system support but also contributes to a healthy gut, promoting digestive well-being. The inclusion of a thyroid supplement in powder capsule form makes it convenient for those looking to maintain thyroid health.

While the benefits for skin and nail health are noteworthy, individuals with difficulties swallowing larger capsules may find this product challenging. Additionally, like many supplements, it may take consistent use over a few weeks to observe significant results. It's crucial to note that individuals allergic to sea moss or iodine should avoid this product.

In conclusion, if you're on the lookout for an organic and potent supplement to bolster your immune system, support digestive health, and enhance thyroid function, Simple Life Nutrition Organic Irish Sea Moss 1400MG Capsules with Burdock Root and Bladderwrack blend is a compelling option worth considering for your holistic well-being.

If you're in search of a reliable and health-conscious seaweed supplement, Nutricost Organic Irish Moss Powder (1 LB) stands out as a commendable option. This gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegetarian-friendly product boasts several noteworthy features that cater to a variety of dietary preferences and health-conscious lifestyles.

  • Gluten-Free and Non-GMO: Nutricost Organic Irish Moss Powder is a suitable choice for individuals with gluten sensitivities or those who prioritize non-genetically modified products in their diet.
  • Vegetarian-Friendly: As a plant-based supplement, this Irish Moss Powder aligns with vegetarian dietary choices, offering a versatile option for those seeking plant-derived nutritional support.
  • Rich in Nutrients: Irish Moss is renowned for its nutrient content, including essential minerals such as iodine, iron, magnesium, and potassium. This makes it a potentially valuable addition to your diet, contributing to overall health and well-being.
  • Flavor and Texture: Some users may find the flavor or texture of the Irish Moss Powder to be an acquired taste or slightly challenging to incorporate into certain dishes or beverages.
  • Requires Consistent Use for Optimal Results: Like many dietary supplements, it may take consistent and prolonged use to observe noticeable benefits.

Nutricost Organic Irish Moss Powder (1 LB) provides a valuable option for those seeking a gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegetarian-friendly supplement rich in essential nutrients. While the taste and texture might not suit everyone, its potential benefits make it a compelling consideration for individuals looking to enhance their overall health and well-being. If you prioritize a plant-based diet and value the nutrients found in Irish Moss, this product could be a worthwhile addition to your nutritional regimen.

Nutrivein Organic Sea Moss is a standout sea moss supplement that has impressed me with its unique blend of health benefits. The supplement's immune-boosting properties are exceptional, thanks to the abundance of essential vitamins and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These nutrients support optimal immune system function and protect against common colds and illnesses. Even better, Nutrivein Sea Moss provides a safe and natural source of iodine, crucial for thyroid or hyperthyroidism health , without relying on salt consumption.

Beyond immune support, this sea moss supplement offers impressive digestive benefits. It promotes gut health by nourishing beneficial probiotic bacteria, improving digestion, a healthier gut lining, and eliminating harmful bacteria. The high fiber content in Nutrivein Irish Sea Moss maintains regularity, enhances digestion, and boosts metabolism.

I was thrilled to discover that Nutrivein Sea Moss contributes to an enhanced mood and increased energy levels. The significant presence of riboflavin, folate, potassium, and magnesium in the supplement plays a vital role in promoting healthy brain function, improved focus, and overall mood upliftment.

With a generous 60-day supply of 120 capsules, taking two pills daily is easy and convenient. Suitable for both children and adults, this supplement offers a comprehensive approach to supporting various bodily functions, from immune health to digestion and beyond.

  • Boosts immune system with vitamins and minerals
  • Supports digestion and gut health
  • Enhances mood and energy levels
  • Rich source of fiber for regularity and metabolism
  • Allergen-free, natural, and 3rd-party tested
  • Suitable for all ages
  • Some clients complained of headaches

Red's Kitchen Sink Wildcrafted Irish Moss/Sea Moss

Red's Kitchen Sink Wildcrafted Irish Moss/Sea Moss is a true gem among superfoods, offering many health benefits and exceptional authenticity. It excels in providing vital thyroid support through its iodine content, promoting a healthy immune system with essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. The soothing effects of Sea Moss on mucous membranes make it an incredible digestive aid while also supporting joint health and skin appearance.

What sets this Wild Irish Sea Moss apart is its genuine and sustainable sourcing from the pristine waters of St. Lucia, free from pollution and enriched by volcanic minerals. The meticulous handpicking and sun-drying process ensures a pure and unprocessed product, free from harmful additives.

I've enjoyed adding Red's Kitchen Sink Wild Irish Sea Moss to my nut milk, soups, and smoothies, appreciating its 92 minerals and nutrients essential for daily functioning. As a conscious consumer, knowing the origins, quality, and authenticity behind this Sea Moss gives me confidence in its effectiveness. With top-notch customer support, I highly recommend Red's Kitchen Sink for anyone seeking a natural and nutrient-rich superfood to enhance their overall well-being.

  • Immunity support with essential minerals and vitamins
  • Soothing digestive aid
  • Benefits for joint and skin health
  • Handpicked and sun-dried for authenticity
  • 100% natural, no additives
  • A light coating of dried seawater may be present

Vitamatic Irish Sea Moss Gummies

Vitamatic Irish Sea Moss Gummies are a delicious and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of sea moss. With a natural raspberry taste, they eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste of large capsules. Infused with Bladderwrack and Burdock Root, these gummies support the thyroid, energy, and immune system.

I appreciate that Vitamatic's Sea Moss Gummies are vegan-friendly and free from starch, soy, yeast, wheat, egg, artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. The pectin-based formula ensures that these gummies suit vegans and vegetarians.

Offering 3000 mg per daily serving, these gummies provide a pleasant and effective way to consume sea moss in various forms. Vitamatic's Sea Moss Gummies have become a delightful addition to my supplement routine, promoting overall health and well-being with their essential nutrients. The convenience and taste make them a top choice for sea moss supplementation.

  • They have a delicious natural raspberry taste
  • Contains Bladderwrack and Burdock Root for thyroid and immune support
  • Vegan-friendly, pectin-based formula
  • Boosts immunity and energy levels.
  • Free from starch, soy, yeast, wheat, egg, artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives
  • A convenient and pleasant way to consume sea moss
  • The gummies are a little hard

Double Wood Irish Sea Moss Capsules

Double Wood Irish Sea Moss Capsules are an excellent source of vital nutrients, containing a rich array of vitamins and minerals like A, E, F, K, calcium, and iodine, among others. As a powerful supporter of respiratory health, its high potassium chloride content proves beneficial. I appreciate that these capsules are vegan-safe, made with veggie capsules, and entirely free from gluten and GMOs.

Being a vegan, I greatly appreciate that Double Wood's Irish Sea Moss is made with veggie capsules and is 100% vegan-safe. It aligns perfectly with my lifestyle choices and values. Plus, the generous quantity of 180 capsules per bottle, providing a 3-month supply, is impressive and cost-effective. With 1,200mg of Sea Moss powder in each serving, I am confident in receiving an adequate daily dosage.

Knowing that this supplement is manufactured in the USA, gluten-free, and non-GMO adds to my trust in its quality and safety. Double Wood's commitment to transparency and purity gives me peace of mind, knowing I am investing in a reliable and effective product.

  • Rich source of vitamins and minerals
  • Supports respiratory health
  • Supports the immune system and overall well-being
  • Vegan-safe with veggie capsules
  • Generous 180 capsules per bottle
  • Gluten-free, and non-GMO
  • Free of pollution

TrueSeaMoss Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gel

TrueSeaMoss Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gel is an exceptional superfood that has become a daily treat for my body and well-being. Sourced from a marine-protected area off the coast of Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam, it is free from pollution, ensuring the purest form of sea moss gel. The gel's impressive nutritional profile, with 92 of the 102 essential minerals, supports a healthy immune system and aids in detoxification and cleansing.

The convenience of storing it in the refrigerator for up to four weeks or in the freezer for up to six months ensures its longevity. TrueSeaMoss gel provides a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus, promoting overall health and well-being. Its positive impact on thyroid, digestion, and heart health makes it an essential addition to my daily routine.

I appreciate TrueSeaMoss's commitment to providing wildcrafted and organic sea moss gel, ensuring the best possible product for its customers. Overall, TrueSeaMoss Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gel has proven to be a reliable and nourishing superfood that supports my immune system and contributes to my journey of healthy living.

  • Rich source of 92 essential minerals for healthy living
  • Supports the immune system and detoxification
  • Great with the digestive system
  • Long shelf life when refrigerated or frozen
  • It has a weird taste

Organic Sea Moss by Holistic Bin | Wildcrafted Caribbean Blend

Holistic Bin's Organic Sea Moss is a remarkable Caribbean blend that has become essential to my healthy lifestyle. Packed with 92 essential minerals, such as iodine, calcium, iron, and zinc, this superfood optimizes my body's performance. The eco-friendly and sustainable sourcing ensures its purity and raw nature, free from additives.

The triple rinsing in natural ocean waters and sun-drying from St. Lucia preserves its freshness and distinctive ocean smell and taste. As a vegan, I love that this sea moss serves as a great substitute for gelatin or eggs, adding a thickening agent to my recipes and enhancing puddings, mousses, and creams.

To enjoy it, I rinse the sea moss in spring water to remove any salt crystals or powder. From there, I can create a delicious organic sea moss gel, roasted seaweed chips, or sea moss toppings, adding to its versatility and culinary potential.

  • Natural sea moss contains essential minerals for optimal body function
  • Sustainably sourced and eco-friendly
  • Completely raw with no additives
  • Great vegan substitute for gelatin or eggs
  • Versatile and adds thickness to recipes like puddings and creams
  • Distinct ocean smell and taste
  • It can be made into sea moss gel, chips, or toppings for various culinary delights.
  • Over salty texture

B BEWORTHS Sea Moss Capsules - Wildcrafted Seamoss Pills

B BEWORTHS Sea Moss Capsules offer an effortless way to incorporate the power of sea moss into daily life. These organic capsules blend wildcrafted Irish sea moss, bladderwrack, burdock root, and black pepper, providing a potent immunity booster. With 1500mg of sea moss, 1000mg of bladderwrack, and 250mg of burdock root, these capsules support detox, cleanse, and thyroid health.

I've experienced improved digestion, increased energy, and enhanced overall well-being with these vegan-friendly capsules. The black pepper aids absorption, ensuring maximum benefits. Seamoss, bladderwrack, and burdock root contribute to the 92 essential minerals our bodies need. Additionally, the high-quality ingredients are GMO-free, gluten-free, and vegan.

Taking sea moss has never been easier with the easy-to-swallow capsules, allowing you to effortlessly enjoy the incredible benefits of Irish sea moss. The company's dedication to excellence is shown in its prompt customer service. B BEWORTHS Sea Moss Capsules are a reliable and convenient way to unlock the numerous health benefits of sea moss, making them a valuable addition to my daily wellness regimen.

  • Contains essential minerals and vitamins for optimal health.
  • Supports detox, cleanse, and thyroid health.
  • Vegan-friendly, GMO-free, gluten-free, and high-quality standards.
  • Enhances absorption with black pepper.
  • Convenient capsule form for easy consumption.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Sea Moss Supplements

Choosing the right sea moss supplement can be an overwhelming task, given the abundance of available options. To make an informed decision and find a sea moss supplement that suits your needs, lifestyle, and health goals. Let's explore some key factors that can help you navigate the sea of choices and select the best sea moss supplement for you.

1. Quality and Sourcing

Quality is paramount when selecting a sea moss supplement. Look for products from reputable regions, such as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, known for their clean waters and minimal pollution. Choose wildcrafted or organic Irish sea moss, as these are less likely to contain harmful contaminants. High-quality sea moss supplements undergo rigorous testing to ensure purity and potency, free from additives or fillers. Reputable brands prioritize transparency and ethical harvesting practices, ensuring sustainable sourcing.

2. Form of Supplement

Sea moss supplements are available in various forms, each with its advantages and applications. The most common forms include raw sea moss, sea moss gel, powders, capsules, or blends with other beneficial ingredients like bladderwrack or burdock root.

Consider which form best fits your lifestyle and preferences. For example, raw sea moss may require preparation, while capsules or powders are more convenient for on-the-go consumption. Additionally, some individuals may prefer the taste and texture of sea moss gel when added to smoothies or recipes.

3. Nutritional Content

Check the label for essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in the sea moss supplement. Sea moss is naturally rich in many nutrients, including iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins (such as vitamins C and B vitamins), and other bioactive compounds. Different types of sea moss may have slightly different nutritional profiles. Ensure that the supplement offers a broad range of nutrients to support overall health, gut health, skin health, joint health, and immune system function.

4. Health Benefits

Research the potential health benefits of the sea moss supplement you are considering. While sea moss is generally known for its nutrient density and potential health benefits, some accessories may focus on specific aspects, such as supporting thyroid health, res, or limiting blood sugar spikes. Look for scientific evidence or customer testimonials supporting these health claims to determine if the supplement aligns with your wellness goals.

5. Taste and Texture

Sea moss has a distinctive taste and texture, which may not be appealing to everyone. Some people prefer to consume it in the form of gels or capsules to avoid the taste. If you are sensitive to taste and texture, consider trying different forms of sea moss supplements to find the one that suits you best.

6. Dosage and Serving Size

Check the recommended dosage and serving size provided by the manufacturer. Each sea moss supplement may have different dosing guidelines based on concentration and potency. Follow the directions carefully to ensure you consume the correct quantity for the best effect. It is necessary to follow the suggested dosage to minimize any negative effects or squandering of the product.

7. Brand Reputation

Opt for well-established and reputable sea moss supplement brands known for their high-quality products and transparent sourcing practices. Look for certifications, such as third-party testing or organic certifications, that can attest to the brand's commitment to quality and authenticity. Established brands are more likely to have a track record of delivering reliable products and excellent customer service.

8. Customer Reviews

Customer feedback and comments can give useful information on the effectiveness and taste of the sea moss supplement. Positive customer feedback may be an excellent sign of dependable and high-quality sea moss items. Consider reviewing reviews from numerous sources to get a sense of the supplement's overall reputation.

9. Potential Allergens

If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, check the product label for potential allergens like soy, gluten, or dairy, especially if the supplement contains additional ingredients. Choosing a sea moss supplement that fits your dietary needs and does not trigger any adverse reactions is crucial.

10. Scientific Evidence

While sea moss has a long history of traditional use, look for supplements backed by scientific research and studies supporting their health claims. Scientific evidence adds credibility to the potential benefits of sea moss supplementation. Although traditional knowledge is valuable, scientific research objectively assesses the supplement's effects and safety.

What Are the Benefits of Postnatal Vitamins?

1. They help restore essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and others used during pregnancy and childbirth. What Are the Benefits of Taking Sea Moss Supplements?

Sea moss supplements offer many health benefits, making them a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their overall well-being. Let's delve into the benefits of sea moss supplements:

1. Thyroid Health Support

One of the standout benefits of sea moss supplements is their potential to support thyroid health. Sea moss is a wonderful natural source of iodine, an essential mineral that plays a vital role in thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, energy levels, and overall hormonal balance.

For individuals with an iodine deficiency or those looking to maintain optimal thyroid function, incorporating sea moss supplements into their diet can be a smart choice. By supporting thyroid health, sea moss may contribute to better energy levels, healthy weight management, and improved mood.

2. Immune System Boost

Sea moss supplements are rich in antioxidants and bioactive compounds, which can fortify the immune system. These antioxidants help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, supporting immune function and overall cellular health. A robust immune system is essential for warding off infections and illnesses, making sea moss supplements a valuable addition to your wellness routine, especially during seasonal changes or heightened vulnerability to disease.

3. Digestive Health Promotion

The soluble fiber in sea moss can positively affect digestive health. When consumed, fiber can aid in promoting regular bowel movements and maintaining gut health. As a natural prebiotic, sea moss may also nourish beneficial gut bacteria, fostering a healthy gut microbiome. A well-functioning digestive system can enhance nutrient absorption and overall nutrient utilization, contributing to better overall health and vitality.

4. Joint Health Support

Sea moss supplements have potential anti-inflammatory properties that can support joint health. Inflammation in the body can cause joint discomfort and stiffness, particularly for individuals with arthritis. Sea moss may help alleviate joint pain and enhance joint flexibility by reducing inflammation. Including sea moss supplements in your daily routine can be a proactive step towards maintaining healthy and mobile joints.

5. Skin Nourishment

The vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds present in sea moss can nourish and support the skin. These nutrients promote collagen formation, improve skin suppleness, and reduce the appearance of blemishes , all of which contribute to healthy skin. Additionally, the potential anti-inflammatory effects of sea moss may help manage certain skin conditions, making sea moss supplements an attractive option for those seeking a radiant and clear complexion.

6. Enhanced Energy and Vitality

Sea moss is a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential vitamins and minerals that play critical roles in energy production and metabolism. Sea moss supplements can help enhance energy levels and overall vitality by supplying the body with these vital nutrients. Whether you're a busy professional, a fitness enthusiast, or simply looking for an energy boost to keep up with daily demands, sea moss supplements can provide natural support for sustained energy throughout the day.

7. Cellular Health and Anti-Aging

The antioxidants in sea moss supplements are crucial in combating oxidative stress and cellular damage caused by free radicals. Reducing oxidative stress is essential for promoting healthy aging and longevity. Sea moss's ability to protect cells from damage can contribute to better cellular health and may have anti-aging effects. By incorporating sea moss supplements into your daily routine, you can proactively support your body's defense against premature aging and cellular decline.

8. Nutrient-Rich Superfood

Perhaps the most remarkable benefit of sea moss supplements is their nutrient density. Sea moss is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and other bioactive compounds vital for various bodily functions. Its extensive nutrient profile contributes to overall well-being and can aid in filling nutritional gaps in your diet. Whether you have specific health concerns or want to maintain optimal health, sea moss supplements can be a convenient and effective way to nourish your body with essential nutrients.

2. They help support the nutritional requirements of breastfeeding mothers, ensuring that both the mother and baby get essential nutrients.

3. They help the body recover after delivery by providing the essential nutrients for tissue repair and postpartum wellness.

4. Postnatal vitamins help boost energy levels.

5. They often contain calcium and vitamin D, vital for maintaining bone health.

6. Postnatal vitamins help support immune function throughout the postpartum period.

7. Some contain nutrients like vitamin D and B-complex vitamins, vital for mood regulation and emotional well-being.

8. Some potent vitamins include biotin and vitamin E, essential for healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Sea moss supplements offer a convenient and effective way to incorporate this nutrient-dense superfood into your daily routine. Packed with vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it provides many health benefits, from supporting immune function and digestive health to promoting radiant skin and thyroid support.

With various forms available, including capsules, gels, and powders, incorporating sea moss into your daily routine has never been easier. As with any supplement, choosing high-quality, organic options is essential to reap its full potential. Embrace the natural goodness of sea moss to boost your overall well-being and vitality.

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How sea moss affects allergies, ear, and stomach diseases

Genuine feedback is tenfold times more weighty than a load of advertisements — this is our approach to helping this world grasp the life-changing sea moss superfood . Let’s find out together about the health benefits of sea moss and the overall power of Chondrus Crispus red algae that changes the game for real people like you.

Stephanie’s inspiring sea moss journey

Meet Stephanie, a 58-year-old restaurant manager from California, L.A, who relied on sea moss, grasping the sea moss benefits to improve her health, but never saw how it would change everything. “One of my coworkers in the restaurant recommended sea moss supplements to me as an alternative treatment for my asthma and allergy cough ,”— Stephanie says in the interview with our team.

Stephanie’s first experience with sea moss

In the video, Stephanie says that her incredible sea moss journey began with a simple suggestion from one of her coworkers who believed Irish moss could help ease her asthma and nagging allergy cough symptoms. Stephanie’s coughing could thwart her career in the restaurant business, as asthmatic allergy dry cough would have been usually mistaken for COVID or flu — inappropriate conditions for those who serve in the hospitality industry. Initially skeptical, Stephanie decided to give it a try, even though with a curious mix of doubt and hope.

Sea moss effects on asthma and allergies

To her surprise, within just two weeks of incorporating sea moss into her daily routine, Stephanie started noticing something remarkable — her allergy cough treatment began to work, and her coughing began to fade away. The change from sea moss treatment for allergy cough was so subtle that she didn't even realize it until her coworkers pointed it out, saying, "Steph, you haven't been coughing as much lately!" Stephanie, fuelled by the effects, continued her sea moss journey for an impressive seven months. Besides fizzling away asthma, her coworkers noticed yet another unexpected transformation — Stephanie's voice sounded different. Sea moss had not only brought allergy cough relief but calmed the effects of relentless allergies caused by California's polluted winds, affecting the way Stephanie’s voice sounds.It may sound like a miracle, but in reality, it’s all about sea moss nutritional facts. Sea moss also dissolves phlegm, eases breathing, and helps prevent asthmatic attacks and stop allergy cough. With its combination of vital nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium chloride, sea moss can relieve respiratory conditions and aid in dissolving phlegm and catarrh. Stephanie’s regular use of sea moss improved breathing, and lung congestion, which eventually led to allergy cough relief.

How Irish moss affected Stephanie’s stomach issues

During the interview, Stephanie suddenly remembered that she had struggled with several digestional conditions, like gastritis and acid reflux. Belly problems were not something Stephanie aimed to solve with sea moss, but, additionally, to relieve asthma, Irish moss has gone within five months of regular use.

Again, there’s nothing magical about sea moss being helpful for gastritis treatment. Irish moss is a powerful weapon against digestion issues. There are several reasons for that:

✔️ Sea moss, a superfood rich in fiber, is a famous digestive supplement with probiotic function. With around 92 of the 102 essential minerals that our bodies need, it makes your gut flora healthier with prebiotics , reduces inflammation, and fixes overall belly problems. ✔️ The high fiber content adds “bulk” to your stool, creating regular bowel movements and preventing constipation — which makes it an irreplaceable supplement for individuals with a sedentary lifestyle. ✔️ The gelly nature of sea moss soothes the mucous membranes of your digestive tract, reducing inflammation and helping you against gastritis and acid reflux.

Surprising effect on ear disease

As a bonus story that astounded even our team, the effect of sea moss on pulsatile tinnitus . If you have just stumbled upon this term — it’s a condition where a person hears sounds in their ears or head that aren't coming from the outside world. Imagine hearing a ringing, buzzing, or hissing noise, even when it's silent around you. Though, today, it’s still not fully explored how to stop tinnitus . Stephanie had a really rare problem with her sinuses that couldn't get better, no matter how many ear surgeries she had or what kind of tinnitus treatment she tried. Her ears were always clogged and had a constant wet feeling from draining. Stephanie never saw sea moss would help with her tinnitus , but it turned out to be a tinnitus cure . When Stephanie went for a check-up, the doctor she used to visit for ten years could help but exclaimed, “Your ears look great!”.

In just seven months, the sea moss tinnitus supplements did what the ten ear surgeries couldn't. Stephanie's sinuses felt so much better, and her pulsatile tinnitus be came a thing of the past.

Sea moss and immunity system

Stephanie claims that sea moss made her immune system resistant to allergies and viruses. She was looking for that something that would help her improve her immunity naturally and support it through the ages. Many people would use sea moss for energy today . It is considered a strong solution for your immunity — no wizard’s tricks again! — as it’s packed with 92 minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. To explain how exactly it strengthens your immunity, here are some of the key vitamins for the immune system that are always present in sea moss:

✔️ Zinc — an essential mineral that supports immune function and helps regulate immune responses. ✔️ Iron — is necessary for the production and maturation of immune cells, which play a crucial role in defending the body against pathogens. ✔️ Magnesium — is involved in various immune functions, including activating and regulating immune cells. ✔️ Potassium — maintains proper fluid balance in the body, which is essential for optimal immune system function.

Besides impacting the generation of your melatonin, sea moss ensures restful sleep, which is essential for a solid immune system. This way, sea moss is also good for skin and an overall fresh look.

Final Words Stephanie’s story is not only about sea moss and how wonderful it is. It’s about bravery, hope, and desire for a better living. Sea moss did help her to beat syndromes that seam unbeatable, but what was a crucial part of this journey was the consistent use of the supplement. Stephanie wants everyone to give sea moss a try — not only those who suffer from ear conditions, digestion problems, or asthma. As someone who has been diligently using sea moss for seven whole months, Stephanie personally recommends giving sea moss a try and waiting for no less than three months before the final verdict. “You have to try it. I think it works. I feel better.” — Stephanie comments.

Now, if you’re looking for how to boost your immune system, check out our new True Sea Moss flavors and choose the one that fits your preferences:

sea moss journey


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Key ways to identify sea moss.

Sea Moss is quickly becoming a fan favourite and being recognised as a sustainable, natural way to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle. Creating delicious gels and convenient capsules  help us get the most out of this nutrient-dense sea veggie and makes it easier for our community to create long-term healthy habits.  

To receive optimal benefits of this powerhouse, it’s important to know where your Sea Moss is coming from and if you’re consuming the highest quality possible. If you’ve never had this nutrient-rich algae before, it can be challenging to determine what type of product you’re getting. If it’s being sold and raved about worldwide, it should  all  be the good stuff, right?  Unfortunately, some suppliers tend to go ‘profit over quality’ and produce a product with no nutritional value.    

The Sea Moss Journey From Pure Waters To Yours

At  Natures Farmer Sea , w e source only the best raw Sea Moss from the pristine waters of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean and the North Atlantic Ocean in Ireland,  ensuring you get the most nutritious, natural, and high-quality product to support your health goals.  

In this article, we’ll dive into the story of Sea Moss, its benefits, and how you can spot the difference between the real and fake stuff.  

The history of Sea Moss  

If we had to summarise, Sea Moss is truly  nature’s most nutrient-dense powerhouse  and has been used for its potent healing powers for around 14,000 years, dating way back to  600 BC.  It was especially crucial during the Irish Potato Famine in the 1800s when people needed to supplement essential nutrients to survive.    

Back then, the Irish believed this naturally growing algae would cure sick calves, human colds & flu, and congestion. Today, it’s still being enjoyed worldwide for its nutritional benefits and natural properties that nourish the body and mind.  

What is Sea Moss?  

Sea Moss- Natures Farmer Sea

It’s a tiny, spiny edible sea algae that can be found worldwide, naturally growing and thriving within the warmer, tropical waters of the Caribbean and cooler waters of the North Atlantic Ocean in Ireland and Canada. It comes in Green, Gold, Purple, and Red varieties. Due to its wide range of health benefits, humans primarily use it as a natural supplement to support a healthy lifestyle.  

Each colour variety is potent, pure, and  reported   to contain a multitude of essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function at optimal levels. The combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids includes:

  • Vitamin A  
  • Vitamin B  
  • Vitamin C  
  • Vitamin D  
  • Vitamin E  
  • Vitamin K  
  • Magnesium  
  • Manganese  
  • Potassium  
  • and so much more!  

There are three main types of Sea Moss species, all of which are closely related with similar benefits but slightly different tastes:

  • Eucheuma Cottonii  
  • Gracilaria  
  • Chondrus Crispus (Irish Moss)  

After years of testing and trying the best taste combinations, we found that the darker the moss, the stronger the flavour – making it difficult for people to consume Irish Moss and the purple variations of Gracilaria regularly. We use  Euheuma Cottonii gold , which creates a tasty Sea Moss gel every time, making it easy to maintain healthy habits. With this variety, you get all the nutritional benefits without the strong, earthy marine flavour!  

Reported benefits of Sea Moss  

People around the world are obsessed with the results they‘ve seen from the combined vitamins and minerals found in Sea Moss.  

Here are just some of what they’ve experienced:  

  • Increase in energy & focus  
  • Supports skin health & collagen production  
  • Immune support  
  • Improved gut health  
  • Improvement of menstrual pain & PMS symptoms  
  • Improved thyroid issues  
  • Mood support & help decrease symptoms of anxiety/ panic attacks  
  • Plus, so much more!  

Real vs fake Sea Moss  

Real:  This moss is naturally ocean grown, rich in vitamins & minerals and safe to consume. Real Sea Moss  can only be found in the oceans of the world,  flowing with the currents and pulling the natural minerals from the waters around them. This nutrient-dense Sea Moss can be sourced from either warmer tropical waters or cooler waters of the Atlantic Ocean, like the Irish Sea Moss D etox (Chondrus Crispus.)

Fake:  This Sea Moss is pool grown, and while it’s produced with a real piece of sea algae, it’s then placed in a large metal or plastic tub, filled with water and synthetic or table salt (not ideal for those with blood pressure issues) and uses a device to mimic sea waves. Because it’s not in its natural habitat, there will be  zero  nutritional benefit  with this moss – which may be why some people have failed to experience the positive health effects of Sea Moss.  

What to look out for  

Appearance & texture  .

Real:  Thin, soft, tentacle-like stems (or plant body, thallus) with minimal sea salt attached, is on the drier side with a sponge-like structure, has an ocean or marine smell and is a golden, purple, or greenish-blue colour.

Fake:  Can be up to 3x larger than naturally occurring algae, thick, incredibly salty, slightly more organised stems (similar looking to sour punch straw lollies). Fake moss may also be extremely slimy and slippery and produce a chemical-like smell.  

Real:  Ocean grown moss will be richer in ocean flavour, but can easily become virtually taste-free when soaking thoroughly (we like to add natural lime juice for extra freshness) and cleaning off sea debris before consumption.

Fake:  Unnatural Sea Moss will taste and smell strongly of synthetic chemicals.  

Sea debris & impurities  

Real:  Contains sand particles and other ocean debris, which can easily be washed off during the soaking process.

Fake:  For obvious reasons, pool-grown moss will have no sand, sea rocks, or debris.  

Other key details to look out for:  when purchasing from a company, ensure their product is ethically and sustainably sourced, and they're not labelling all varieties as Irish Sea Moss.  

That wraps up Sea Moss 101! We hope you learned heaps and will use your new moss education to seek only the best product for yourself.    

(Psst…we might know where you can find the most nutrient-dense, delicious-tasting Sea Moss around. We know a guy – or two. Check out our Sea Moss Products today .)  

Article by Natalia Florczyk.

Sea Moss Gels

Raw sea moss, sea moss capsules, follow us on instagram @naturesfarmersea.

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sea moss journey

Welcome to Boss of Sea Moss, where our brand identity is centered around valuing YOU. Our journey started with a passion for traveling and exploring what the world has to offer. As young entrepreneurs from Seattle, WA, we began taking Sea Moss and quickly realized the incredible benefits it had to offer. We wanted to share these benefits with others and educate them on the power of Sea Moss. From social media responses to sharing it with our own families, we saw firsthand how Sea Moss impacted people's lives in a positive way. As our business grew, we continued to innovate and expand our offerings to reach even more people.

At Boss of Sea Moss, our mission is to bring health and inspiration to your daily regime. We believe that Sea Moss is a powerful addition to any health journey, and we're committed to offering high-quality Sea Moss products to help you achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to improve your physical health, mental wellbeing, or overall quality of life, we're here to support you every step of the way.

We love our customers, and we're dedicated to providing exceptional service and products that meet your needs. With Boss of Sea Moss, you can trust that you're getting the best of the best. Join us on this journey to better health and let Sea Moss help you See More!

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Sea Moss: Everything You Need to Know

  • Sea Moss Nutrition
  • Side Effects


Interactions, similar supplements.

  • Sources & What to Look For

Frequently Asked Questions

Sea moss is also known as Irish moss—a type of red seaweed that grows along the European and North American continents on the Atlantic coast. Its scientific name is Chondrus crispus ( C. crispus ).

In general, seaweeds are rich sources of proteins and minerals. They also contain fiber and plant chemicals that may promote good health.

Aside from general health support, there are several other health claims for sea moss. But most available research is either in vitro studies (not tested in a living organism) or in vivo studies (tested on animals). For this reason, there isn't enough data to support these other health claims for sea moss. What's more, there are safety concerns with sea moss.

This article discusses what you should know about sea moss—some of its health claims, side effects, and interactions.

Dietary supplements are not regulated like drugs in the United States. They can cause interactions with medications or have other safety concerns.

For this reason, it’s important to be aware of what to look for when choosing a supplement , such as third-party testing, potential drug interactions, and more.

Supplement Facts

  • Active Ingredient(s) : Carrageenan , proteins, fiber, minerals, and plant chemicals
  • Alternate Names(s) : Sea moss, Irish moss, Chondrus crispus , C. crispus , red seaweed, red algae
  • Legal Status : Legal as a food
  • Suggested Dose : May vary based on the amount of iodine in the specific source of sea moss, other iodine sources in your diet, age, and medical condition
  • Safety Considerations : Possible safety concerns, with special considerations for children, pregnant people, and breastfeeding people

Five grams—about one-third cup—of dried seaweed contains the following nutrients in kilocalories (kcal), grams (g), milligrams (mg), and micrograms (mcg):

  • Energy : 11 kcal
  • Protein : 1.6 g
  • Total lipid (fat) : 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates : 2.6 g
  • Fiber : 0.3 g
  • Sugars : 0.15 g
  • Calcium : 18.6 mg
  • Iron : 1.25 mg
  • Magnesium : 24.1 mg
  • Phosphorus : 4.3 mg
  • Potassium : 62 mg
  • Sodium : 28.8 mg
  • Vitamin C : 0.25 mg
  • Choline : 3.2 mg
  • Vitamin A : 0.7 mcg
  • Vitamin E : 0.25 mg
  • Vitamin K : 1.25 mcg

Tina Horne / Getty Images

Health Claims of Sea Moss

Supplement use should be individualized and vetted by a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian, pharmacist, or healthcare provider. No supplement is intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Most research on sea moss is either in vitro lab or in vivo animal studies. There are very few human clinical trials on sea moss.

While more extensive research is necessary, people might use sea moss for various—often overstated—health claims.

Digestive System Support

One of sea moss's health claims may include digestive system support. Data from a rat animal study suggested that sea moss may have some prebiotic effects. A diet with sea moss may encourage the growth and activity of "good" bacteria that naturally exist in your body.

While sea moss seemed to support gut health in this animal study, a review article hinted at the opposite effects of carrageenan—a substance in sea moss. According to this review article, carrageenan triggered worsening inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) symptoms. A carrageenan-free diet may relieve IBD symptoms.

Since the evidence is mixed, further, extensive research is necessary.

Until more data is available, healthcare providers may recommend limiting how much sea moss and carrageenan you take.

Thyroid Health Support

Supporting thyroid health is another potential health claim for sea moss. This might be because sea moss contains iodine , an essential nutrient your body uses to make thyroid hormones. These hormones help with bodily functions, including weight regulation, temperature, and energy levels.

While the iodine amount in 3 to 4 g of dehydrated (dried) sea moss per day is likely safe, people might typically use larger quantities for seaweed-based recipes.

One article suggested reports of iodine-induced hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) were not considered significant.

Hyperthyroidism -induced by iodine is possible. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) has been shown to increase with iodine supplementation, which is a concern. Moreover, there was also a report of thyrotoxicosis (a thyroid storm) with sea moss in people with hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis is a life-threatening condition of too much thyroid hormone.

Thyroid effects are more likely to affect infants, unborn fetuses, and older adults over 65.

If you're using sea moss, a healthcare provider may want to monitor your iodine levels closely.

Immune System Support

Sea moss's other potential health claim is immune system support. And in animal studies of rats and roundworms, results suggested some positive effects of sea moss on the immune system (the body's defense system).

In a review article, however, carrageenan—a substance in sea moss—triggered some inflammation (swelling). Inflammation is typically a response from the immune system against something foreign or harmful—like an infection. But too much inflammation can cause more harm than good. There are also reports of severe allergic reactions to carrageenan.

What's more, sea moss contains a lot of iodine. Too much iodine might result in an autoimmune thyroid condition. An autoimmune condition is when your immune system attacks parts of your body by mistake. In this case, it's attacking your thyroid, which can lead to hypothyroidism.

Since currently available evidence is mixed, further extensive research is necessary. And until more information is available, healthcare providers may recommend limiting how much sea moss and carrageenan you take.

What Are the Side Effects of Sea Moss?

 Like many medications and natural products, side effects are possible with sea moss.

Common Side Effects

There is little information about the common side effects of sea moss, but carrageenan—a substance in sea moss—is on the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) list of substances added to food.

Generally, the amount of iodine in 3 to 4 g of sea moss daily is likely safe. But if you have higher than normal iodine levels, some symptoms may include:

  • Burning mouth or throat sensation
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach pain

Aside from high iodine symptoms, weight loss might be another side effect, a marketed health claim for sea moss. But it's likely overstated, similar to many other health claims for sea moss.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, seek guidance from a healthcare provider immediately.

Severe Side Effects

In general, there is limited information on the safety of sea moss. But some severe possible side effects may include:

  • Severe allergic reaction : A severe allergic reaction is a serious side effect possible with any medication or food. There are reports of severe allergic reactions to carrageenan, a substance in sea moss. If you're having a severe allergic reaction , symptoms may include breathing difficulties, itchiness, and rash.
  • Iodine poisoning : Since sea moss has iodine, there is a chance that you might take too much iodine. If your iodine levels are dangerously high, you may experience a weak heartbeat and coma . High iodine levels may also lead to hypothyroidism. Too much iodine might also result in a life-threatening condition of thyrotoxicosis in people with hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of thyroid problems may include weight changes and excessive tiredness.
  • Metal toxicity : Generally, seaweed may have toxic metals—like lead and mercury—based on where they grew. Symptoms of lead or mercury toxicity may include headaches and changes in thinking.
  • Arsenic poisoning : Arsenic poisoning is also possible with seaweeds—like sea moss. Short-term symptoms of arsenic poisoning may include nausea and diarrhea, but longer-term exposure might result in developing diabetes (high blood sugar) and cancer .
  • IBD flare-up : Carrageenan may trigger an IBD flare-up. Symptoms of a potential IBD flare-up may include stomach pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.

If you're having a severe allergic reaction or if any of your symptoms feel life-threatening, call 911 and get medical help right away.

A healthcare provider may advise against sea moss if any of the following applies to you:

  • Severe allergic reaction : Avoid sea moss if you have a known allergy to it or its components (ingredients or parts), such as carrageenan. Ask a pharmacist or healthcare provider for a complete list of the ingredients if you're unsure.
  • Pregnancy : Sea moss is rich in iodine. Too much iodine may lead to side effects in anyone, including pregnant or breastfeeding people. Too much iodine may also negatively affect an unborn fetus.
  • Breastfeeding : High levels of iodine in breast milk may negatively affect nursing infants. High amounts of iodine might result in hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. And this risk is higher for the fetus and newborns. Before trying sea moss, discuss the benefits and risks with a healthcare provider.
  • Adults over age 65 : Some older adults may have a greater likelihood of medication side effects. So, older adults should use caution with sea moss, which is rich in iodine. And large amounts of iodine may increase the risk of hypothyroidism, especially in older adults.
  • Children : Since sea moss is rich in iodine, use caution. Too much iodine will likely lead to side effects in anyone. What's more, too much iodine raises the risk of hypothyroidism. And this risk is further increased in children, especially newborns. Talk with a healthcare provider if you're considering sea moss for your child.
  • IBD : Carrageenan may worsen IBD symptoms. If you have IBD, healthcare providers may recommend avoiding sea moss, which contains carrageenan.
  • Thyroid conditions : The high iodine amounts in sea moss might raise the risk of hypothyroidism. There was also a report of thyrotoxicosis in people with hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Thyrotoxicosis (thyroid storm) is a life-threatening condition of too much thyroid hormone. Healthcare providers may recommend against sea moss if you already have a thyroid condition or are at risk for thyroid problems.

Dosage: How Much Sea Moss Should I Take?

Always speak with a healthcare provider before taking a supplement to ensure that the supplement and dosage are appropriate for your individual needs.

There are very few human clinical trials on sea moss. For this reason, there are no guidelines on the appropriate dosage of sea moss for any condition.

Generally, 3 to 4 g of dried sea moss daily is likely safe in adults.

The specific dose may vary based on the amount of iodine in the specific source of sea moss, other iodine sources in your diet, your age, and your medical condition.

If you take sea moss, follow a healthcare provider's recommendations or label instructions.

What Happens If I Take Too Much Sea Moss?

There is little information about the safety, toxicity, and overdoses of sea moss in humans.

However, symptoms of overdoses with sea moss are likely similar to its potential common and serious side effects—but excessive and severe. For example, too much iodine in sea moss might result in a coma or thyroid problems.

For context, 3 to 4 g of dried sea moss per day likely contains a safe amount of iodine. The recommended amount of iodine is 150 mcg per day for most adults. Children usually need less, and pregnant or breastfeeding people typically need more.

Aside from possible iodine poisoning, some sea moss products contain toxic substances—like lead, mercury, and arsenic. So, poisonings from these substances are also possible.

If you suspect you're experiencing life-threatening side effects, seek immediate medical attention.

There is limited information about possible medication interactions with sea moss.

Possible interactions are based on the health claims or potential side effects of sea moss. Use caution when taking sea moss with the following:

  • Amiodarone (for irregular heart rhythm) : Amiodarone contains significant amounts of iodine. Taking more iodine could cause serious adverse effects.
  • Immune support medications : In general, sea moss might affect the immune system. For this reason, caution should be used with other medications—like Humira (adalimumab)—that affect the immune system.
  • IBD medications : The carrageenan in sea moss might trigger an IBD flare-up. This means that sea moss might work against IBD medications , such as Humira.
  • Thyroid medications : Sea moss is rich in iodine. Too much iodine is linked to thyroid problems. So, sea moss might work against thyroid medications, such as Tapazole (methimazole).

It is essential to carefully read a supplement's ingredients list and nutrition facts panel to know which ingredients and how much of each ingredient is included. Please review this supplement label with your healthcare provider to discuss potential interactions with foods, other supplements, and medications.

Sea moss might have effects on digestion, thyroid, and immune health.

Other potentially similar supplements may include:

  • Ashwagandha : Ashwagandha may also interact with thyroid medications. For this reason, it's typically not recommended for people with thyroid problems.
  • Echinacea : Echinacea has a health claim of immune system support, and echinacea might slightly decrease your chances of getting a cold . But there isn't any evidence to support that echinacea can reduce the number of days you experience symptoms—if you already have a cold.
  • Peppermint oil : Peppermint oil might be effective at relieving some irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, such as stomach pain and gas.
  • Probiotics : Some probiotics may relieve IBS symptoms, but different probiotic products might have different effects. So, the evidence isn't overwhelmingly conclusive yet.
  • Soy : Potential uses of soy may include high blood pressure , high cholesterol , and menopausal symptoms . But this supplement may also affect your thyroid function if you have low iodine levels.

Sources of Sea Moss & What to Look For

There are several sources of sea moss, but health nutrition guidelines typically place more importance on food sources to improve the diet.

Although food sources—like iodized salt—are preferable over sea moss, there still might be a place for supplements for some people. People with vegan or vegetarian diets are likelier to experience iodine deficiency.

But before trying sea moss, talk with a healthcare provider.

Sea moss is a red seaweed with claims that it may affect digestion, thyroid, and immune health. Since further extensive research is necessary, these health claims are likely overstated.

What's more, there are several safety concerns with sea moss.

For these reasons, it's essential to ensure the diagnosis and treatment of your medical conditions is completed on time.

Before you take sea moss, you should ask a pharmacist or healthcare provider about the safety of taking sea moss in light of other medications you take, as well as if sea moss may be beneficial to take.

Sea moss is available in a few different dosage forms—with capsules being the most common.

Sea moss has the potential for numerous adverse effects, including a severe allergic reaction, inflammatory bowel disease flare-up, iodine poisoning, thyroid problems, metal toxicity, and arsenic poisoning.

Healthcare providers may recommend against sea moss if you have thyroid problems or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). You should also avoid sea moss if you have a severe allergic reaction to it or any of its components (ingredients or parts).

To safely take natural medications—like sea moss—inform a healthcare provider and pharmacist about any medications you take. This includes over-the-counter (OTC), herbal, natural medicines, and supplements.

A pharmacist or healthcare provider can help you prevent possible interactions and side effects. They can also ensure you’re giving sea moss a fair trial at appropriate doses.

The Department of Defense Dietary Supplement Resource: Operation Supplement Safety. Sea moss in dietary supplements .

Petruzzello M. Irish moss. Encyclopedia Britannica .

United States Department of Agriculture: FoodData Central. Sea moss .

Smyth PPA. Iodine, seaweed, and the thyroid . European Thyroid Journal . 2021;10(2):101-108. doi: 10.1159%2F000512971

Darias-Rosales J, Rubio C, Gutierrez AJ, et al. Risk assessment of iodine intake from the consumption of red seaweeds ( Palmaria palmata and Chondrus crispus ) . Environmental Science and Pollution Research . 2020;27:45737-45741. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-10478-9

American Thyroid Association. ATA statement on the potential risks of excess iodine ingestion and exposure .

National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. Iodine .

National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement label database: Chondrus crispus .

USDA FoodData Central. Seaweed, raw .

Liu J, Kandasamy S, Zhang J, et al. Prebiotic effects of diet supplemented with the cultivated red seaweed Chondrus crispus or with fructo-oligo-saccharide on host immunity, colonic microbiota and gut microbial metabolites . BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies . 2015;15:279. doi: 10.1186%2Fs12906-015-0802-5

Patel RM, Denning PW. Therapeutic use of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis: what is the current evidence? . Clinics of Perinatology . 2013;40(1):11-25. doi: 10.1016%2Fj.clp.2012.12.002

Borsani B, De Santis R, Perico V, et al. The role of carrageenan in inflammatory bowel diseases and allergic reactions: Where do we stand? . Nutrients . 2021;13(10):3402. doi: 10.3390%2Fnu13103402

Sun X, Shan Z, Teng W. Effects of increased iodine intake on thyroid disorders . Endocrinology and Metabolism (Seoul) . 2014;29(3):240-247. doi: 10.3803%2FEnM.2014.29.3.240

Endocrine Society. Thyroid and parathyroid hormones .

Khalifa M, Aftab HB, Kantorovich V. "Fueling the fire"—Irish sea-moss resulting in Jod-Basedow phenomenon in a patient with Grave's disease . Journal of the Endocrine Society . 2021;5(Suppl 1):A906. doi: 10.1210%2Fjendso%2Fbvab048.1849

Liu J, Hafting J, Critchley AT, et al. Components of the cultivated red seaweed Chondrus crispus enhance the immune response of Caenorhabditis elegans to Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the pmk-1 , daf-2/daf-16 , and skn-1 pathways . Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 2013;79(23):7343-7350. doi: 10.1128%2FAEM.01927-13

Kulshreshtha G, Borza T, Rathgeber B, et al. Red seaweeds Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii and Chondrus crispus down regulate virulence factors of Salmonella enteritidis and induce immune responses in Caenorhabditis elegans . Frontiers in Microbiology . 2016;7:421. doi: 10.3389%2Ffmicb.2016.00421

Chen L, Deng H, Cui H, et al. Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs . Oncotarget . 2018;9(6):7204-7218. doi: 10.18632%2Foncotarget.23208

Food and Drug Administration. Substances added to food ( formally EAFUS ) .

Cherry P, O'Hara C, Magee PJ, et al. Risks and benefits of consuming edible seaweeds . Nutrition Reviews . 2019;77(5):307-329. doi: 10.1093%2Fnutrit%2Fnuy066

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Breastfeeding: iodine .

American Thyroid Association. Clinical Thyroidology for the Public .

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Ashwagandha .

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Echinacea .

National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health. 6 tips: irritable bowel syndrome and complementary health approaches .

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Soy .

National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement label database: sea moss .

National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement label database: Irish moss .

Lentjes MAH. The balance between food and dietary supplements in the general population . Proceedings of the Nutrion Society . 2019;78(1):97-109. doi: 10.1017%2FS0029665118002525

National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus. A guide to herbal remedies .

By Ross Phan, PharmD, BCACP, BCGP, BCPS Ross is a writer for Verywell and has years of experience practicing pharmacy in various settings. She is also a board-certified clinical pharmacist, the founder of Off Script Consults, and director of the PharmacyChecker international verification program.

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About Myla’s Moss

Myla’s sea moss.

Welcome to Myla’s Moss! Welcome to Myla's Moss, where authenticity and purity reign supreme in every product we offer. Our journey began with a heartfelt mission—to find natural solutions for Myla's eczema, bolster her immune system, and enrich her overall nutrition. Along the way, we stumbled upon the remarkable benefits of sea moss, a cherished family tradition for generations.

sea moss journey

However, as we delved deeper into the sea moss market, we couldn't ignore the alarming trend. Many products claimed to harness the power of sea moss but lacked the authenticity and purity we knew was essential. It became clear that it was time to reclaim the integrity of this incredible superfood. Driven by our passion for wellness and unwavering commitment to quality, we set out to make a difference. Myla’s mum frustration grew as she witnessed countless "fad" businesses flooding the market with subpar sea moss sourced from questionable suppliers. These companies prioritised profit over people, offering products that fell short of delivering genuine health benefits. In response, we took a stand. We pledged to work directly with traditional sea moss farmers in the pristine Caribbean waters of St. Lucia. Blessed with nutrient-rich volcanic water, these skilled farmers have cultivated sea moss for generations, preserving its natural purity and potency.

What is Sea Moss?

Irish Sea Moss, scientifically known as Chondrus Crispus, is an edible red algae indigenous to the Atlantic coastlines of North America, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. With a rich history of use in traditional medicine and cuisine, this superfood is prized for its abundance of nutrients and health-promoting properties. In addition, this gold superfood is a time-released energising fuel that provides long-chain polysaccharides that facilitate slower and more sustained nutritional absorption.

Due to the teachings of Dr Sebi, Sea Moss has gained immense popularity for its healing properties and nurturing nature.

sea moss journey

Myla’s Moss

At Myla’s Moss, we take pride in crafting our Sea Moss gel with the utmost care and attention to detail. Our Sea Moss is sourced from St Lucia due to intense volcanic activity, resulting in high nutritional content. It is made fresh daily without harmful chemicals or preservatives. We soak our premium quality Sea Moss in a blend of key limes and filtered alkaline water and meticulously produce it to perfection, resulting in a silky smooth gel bursting with nutrients and flavour. We take great care to source only the highest quality Sea Moss to ensure our customers receive a safe and beneficial product.

While Sea Moss has yet to undergo extensive research and gain approval from the FDA, it is widely regarded as safe for consumption. Furthermore, its close relative, seaweed, has been extensively studied and is recognised as a safe and effective source of nutrients and health benefits.

In fact, numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers attest to the efficacy and safety of Sea Moss.

Hear From Our Satisfied Customers

Nutritional Properties of Sea Moss

Sea Moss contains the essential 18 minerals the body requires for optimal growth and development. Here’s a list of a few vitamins and minerals found in Irish Sea Moss or Red Algae.

  • Vitamins A, D, K, and E

In addition to its impressive nutrient profile, Sea Moss is a rich source of dietary fibre, essential amino acids, and polyphenols that offer potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. With a low lipid profile and high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, Sea Moss is a true superfood that offers a host of health benefits while remaining low in calories.

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Health Benefits of Sea Moss

Seamoss is an all-natural green superfood that is highly nutritious and incredibly hydrating. From being the perfect addition to your everyday meals to your all-time favourite skincare and haircare regimen - Sea Moss fits perfectly into all the capes it wears. It provides a host of health benefits when used in the recommended dosage of 4 grams per day. It serves as a natural thickening and stabilising agent in foods like soups and stews and can be remarkably versatile when incorporated into shakes, smoothies, porridge, or even curries.

Here are some amazing science-backed health benefits that this Seaweed offers.

  • High in Dietary Fibre: Helps to relieve constipation, improve heart health, regulate blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol.
  • Anti-Anaemic: Rich in iron that helps improve the signs of anaemia.
  • Supports Sexual Health: High nutritional value helps improve blood flow and increase libido.
  • Detoxify the Body: Cleanse the body of mucus and harmful toxins, promoting overall health and well-being.
  • Enhance Thyroid Function: Good source of iodine, making it an ideal supplement for individuals with iodine deficiency or hypothyroidism.
  • Boosts Metabolism: High Iodine content regulates hunger hormones and hence boosts metabolism
  • Support Immune Function: High vitamin C content helps to boost immunity and protect against diseases.
  • Natural Decongestant: Helps soothe mucus membranes, supports the body in removing excess mucus, and reduces congestion.
  • Enhances Gut Health: Supports gut health with the presence of good bacteria.
  • Aids in Faster Muscle Recovery: Rich in the amino acid Taurine, it aids in muscle recovery and helps relieve muscle cramps.
  • Helps Control Appetite: High dietary fibre content keeps you full longer and avoids overeating.
  • Fights Eczema and Soothe Irritated Skin: Natural healing and anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin and reduce eczema.
  • Promotes Collagen Production: Promotes collagen production, reduces inflammation, and acts as an antibacterial agent.
  • Promotes Mental And Emotional Well Being: High in Polyunsaturated fatty acids that help improve mental and emotional health
  • Reduce Fatigue and Increase Energy Levels: High nutritional value and the presence of amino acids help reduce fatigue and keep the body energised.
  • Eases Joint Pain: Anti-inflammatory properties help ease joint pain
  • Neuroprotective Activity: Research proves that Chondrus Crispus has neuroprotective properties that help against Parkinson’s disease.

Ready to uncover the remarkable glories of Sea Moss? Head over to our blog!

Disclaimer: Kindly be aware that the potential health advantages of our offerings are subjective and are not intended to serve as medical advice. Nutritional benefits may differ from person to person. It is highly recommended to seek advice from a healthcare professional before integrating herbal remedies into your diet, specifically if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medication.

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Use It In Food, Drinks, Hair & Skincare. Try The Superfood That Really Does Everything and Experience The Health Benefits of Organic Hand-Picked Irish Sea Moss

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Wildcrafted Sea Moss Gel - St Lucia Golden


Use It In Food, Drinks, Hair & Skincare. Experience The Health Benefits Of Nature’s Multivitamin. Our Sea Moss is directly sourced from pristine waters. Sea Moss contains an abundance of the minerals including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, F & K. It is a source calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, chlorophyl, iodine and packed full of antioxidants and amino acids

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Irish Sea Moss is packed with potassium iodide, which is great for dissolving troublesome phlegm in clogged airways (III) . It also rich in amino acids, vitamin C, antioxidants, as well as a host of antiviral and antimicrobial agents, these nutrients can help you to fight or ward off infections. It has also shown in clinical studies that its antiviral properties can help combat and prevent cold sores (V) .

Irish Sea Moss contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorous and magnesium which are all important minerals for bone health. Calcium is a major building block of our bones and provide structure and strength for healthy bones. Research also shows that calcium requires phosphorous for maintaining bone health as 85% of your body’s phosphorous is combined with calcium in the bone! Magnesium is also great for your bones as people with higher intake have stronger bones and it helps prevent osteoporosis (VII) .

Irish Sea Moss contains calcium, potassium and sodium (VII) all of which are required for healthy muscle function. Sodium helps regulate muscle contraction, nerve function and blood volume. Potassium is required for muscle contraction, communication between muscles and nerves, and overall muscular function. Calcium’s positive molecule is important to the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle fibre via its neurotransmitter triggering release between nerves.

Irish Sea Moss is great for the heart as it contains plant based omega-3’s which reduce the risk of certain heart diseases. It also contains plant sterols and soluble fibre (VI) which help to reduce total and LDL cholesterol.

Irish Sea Moss contains B vitamins that can help boost energy levels. It does this in a number of ways; it contains Riboflavin (B2) which is needed to break down protein, carbs and fats (III) . It also contains Folate (B9) which is required to form DNA and other genetic material.

Irish Sea Moss has a healthy dose of magnesium and potassium, which are both known mood boosters and can help with depression and tension (VII). Both minerals play a key role in brain function, and when we are low in either, we might not feel our usual self. Some research has also indicated that Irish moss can protect brain tissue from degeneration and Parkinson's disease (IX) .

Irish Sea Moss contains different iodine compounds that your thyroid needs to function healthily. One of these compounds is DI-Iodothyronine, which is commonly used to treat thyroid disorders as it stimulates the TR-beta receptor for thyroid hormones and thus increases energy expenditure (I) . Furthermore, it also contains high amounts of concentrated iodine, which your thyroid uses to make hormones that regulate your metabolism, digestion and mood (IX) .

Irish Sea Moss is a mucilaginous food, meaning its mucous like texture makes it a great healing/soothing agent for mucus membranes in the body, including in the respiratory and digestive systems. According to studies, Irish moss can have a prebiotic effect during digestion, meaning that it can increase beneficial short-chain fatty acids in the colon, influencing the composition of gut microbial communities, and improve overall gut health and immunity.


24 hour delivery.

Please allow 1-2 working days for dispatch. All Gels are sent via a 24 Hour Delivery service to preserve the nutrients in our gels


We always protect our gels by wrapping in a thermal foil pack. This protects from damage and most importantly keeps preserves the nutrients.


You wouldn’t go into your fridge and begin drinking a blended fruit smoothie that had been there for over a week. Raw fruit grows mould, which causes harmful bacteria in the gut if consumed. But what about your  Elderberry Irish Moss Gel?

Wildcrafted Sea Moss Gel - St Lucia Golden

Wildcrafted Sea Moss Gel - St Lucia Golden

Ingredients   -  100% Wildcrafted  Sea Moss (Eucheuma), Spring Water & Key Limes 


BOOST MY BRAIN | Lions Mane Mushroom Extract

Organic Irish Sea Moss Capsules (90 LARGE)

100% Organic Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gels

Real Irish Moss

Our Irish Sea Moss Gel is a blend of Irish Moss hand-picked from the rocks as nature intended. All of our Irish Sea Moss is harvested on the West Coast of Ireland. Our farmers have been hand-picking organic seaweed for over 100 years. All the seaweed we use comes from the pristine nutrient rich waters of the Atlantic Ocean

sea moss journey

Everything Sea Moss

Sea Moss: Pool-Grown vs Wildcrafted vs Wild-Harvested: Unraveling the Differences

Sea Moss: Pool-Grown vs Wildcrafted vs Wild-Harvested: Unraveling the Differences

The Dangers of Raw Fruit Infused Sea Moss Gels

The Dangers of Raw Fruit Infused Sea Moss Gels

Another red flag. If a company is selling Mango, Strawberry or Your favourite fruit Sea Moss flavour. Avoid at all costs. Why?  Put simply, fruit will always go off. You wouldn’t go into your fridge and begin drinking a blended fruit smoothie that had been there for well over a week.  But what about your  Elderberry Irish Moss Gel ?  We pasteurise and freeze dry our organic elderberries into powder before adding them into the gel.

The Gut to Brain Connection & How Sea Moss Can Help

The Gut to Brain Connection & How Sea Moss Can Help

Different Ways To Use Sea Moss

Different Ways To Use Sea Moss

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sea moss journey

My Sea Moss Journey

My name is Bianca Mele, owner and founder of Mele Moss Co. I would like to share my experience and why I started this soul fulfilling company. 

My journey into the realm of natural healing began with a profound personal experience that transformed my perspective on health and wellness. It was a journey fueled by both a deep sense of loss and an unwavering dedication to honoring the memory of my beloved brother, who tragically lost his battle with cancer. His passing ignited within me a relentless pursuit of understanding the intricate connection between nature and healing.

Learn more about my story by clicking the link below!

sea moss journey

Mele Moss Sea Moss Company

[email protected]

* Our products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease*

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Journey to the center of the sea moss universe. You'll see Dr. Sebi is alive in L.A.

This story is part of Image issue 12, “Commitment (The Woo Woo Issue),” where we explore why Los Angeles is the land of true believers.  Read the whole issue here .)

Dr. Sebi’s legacy changes, depending on whom you ask. To some, the controversial, self-taught healer was a visionary, a man who claimed that he cured HIV/AIDS, sickle cell anemia, cancer, asthma and, on occasion, blindness. He was also the man who was dragged into court on multiple occasions: in 1987, he was charged for practicing medicine without a license (a case he won), and then he was hit with a civil lawsuit from New York Attorney General's office preventing him from making his so-called therapeutic claims in New York newspapers. He was an herbalist, pathologist and biochemist whose popularization of the alkaline electric diet and herbal compounds offered a different path for people with ailments such as hypertension and diabetes.

And yet, to others, he was far from above board. Doubters called him a grifter and a fraud, while many skeptics sympathetic to his cause reasoned that he was more a master storyteller and a salesman. He was a doctor who was not technically a “doctor” — at least not according to Western medicine or certification — but he did say he cured himself from mental illness, impotency and obesity through the same herbs and diet he touted to others until his death. Born Alfredo Bowman in Honduras, Dr. Sebi was the person who said on live radio that carrots were an artificial vegetable. The figure whose name and likeness are still associated with nature’s cure-all: sea moss.

But   one of the main places Dr. Sebi’s legacy exists is a lot less debated: Los Angeles, his home base for decades. The city, whose openness to unconventionality and hunger for information served as a muse for his holistic teachings, has kept him alive in so many ways, even six years after his death. Bring up Sebi’s name in certain rooms in L.A. — especially ones where dried herbs line the walls and containers of shea butter stock the shelves — and you’ll see people’s eyes light up with recognition ... and theories. “Why do they kill all holistic doctors?” said Nipsey Hussle on the Breakfast Club in 2018, two years after Dr. Sebi became ill in a Honduran prison, where he was being detained on money laundering charges, and, according to the Associated Press , died in his cell. “You’re short stopping their grind.”

Dr. Sebi was seen, in so many communities in L.A., as an underdog hero; the mythic figure The Man didn’t want you to know about. People saw him as a champion of the   truth, or  a truth. If he had healed himself, maybe we could too. If he didn’t need the systems that had failed us, maybe we didn’t either.

Listen closely and you might catch Sebi's ghost still whispering his teachings throughout the city. If you’ve ever heard someone turn down the chicken wings or mashed potatoes or even a bowl of rice and beans because it caused “mucus in your body, and mucus is the source of all illness,” you just knew: They’d been Sebi’d. Suddenly, the question of alkaline versus acidic foods — Dr. Sebi’s theory that all foods that fell below a 7 on the pH scale, therefore being acidic, were harmful to our health — entered the chat. Spoonfuls of Irish sea moss, despite tasting like the bottom of the ocean floor, were being eaten like candy for their mineral content. The superfood could grow back your hair, plump your skin, coat your joints, give you most of the minerals your body needed — 92 of the 102 our bodies are made up of. “Sea moss is a gateway to Dr. Sebi or Dr. Sebi is a gateway to sea moss,” says Dani Solorio, the founder of Compton Health Bar, which sells its own sea moss gel and capsules. “They’re very much synonymous with each other.”

Dr. Sebi’s spirit is still thick in places like Compton, where he lived for years on 143rd Street. “That small house, it was my classroom,” says Dr. Sebi’s daughter, Kellie Bowman, who was born in Carson and now runs her holistic health business, called Sebi’s Daughters, out of Atlanta. “It was a full curriculum in nutrition, and how my nutrition directly tied to the structure and function of my human body. My youngest memory of me in Compton was walking through his garden in his backyard with big stalks of different vegetables and flowers and grains. For me that was normal — in the middle of Compton.”

For Bowman, one of Dr. Sebi’s 22 children, her dad’s energy also lives in Leimert Park, where she spent countless hours with him. “The alkaline lifestyle lives in Leimert Park,” Bowman says. “And for that reason, when you catch me coming home once a month, you may see me sitting on the curb there taking it all in. Whether we were in Puerto Rico or in Honduras or Leimert Park, we would always sit and talk and watch the people go by. Those were some of my favorite times.”

Since the pandemic, there are more vendors than ever hawking the benefits of sea moss in the Village. “He’s the GOAT when it comes to sea moss,” Bowman says of her father’s popularization of the superfood. “You can’t even touch him in it.”

Dr. Sebi also lives on at the corner of La Cienega and Hargis, in a building that houses the business he founded in 2014, Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food. Despite no longer having ties to the Bowman family, Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food sells the same supplements, formulas and compounds he created when he was alive, with recipes that haven’t changed at all, says the company. These include Bromide Plus, for the respiratory and immune system, aiding in hormone health and detoxification, and Vento, meant to target oxygenation and circulation.

Sebi lives in Hollywood, in the homes of the celebrities he reportedly treated, including Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy . He lives in the music industry, through the memory of his mentee Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, who followed Dr. Sebi’s teachings all the way to his native Honduras, where she would tragically die in a fatal car crash (a trip that was captured in the 2007 VH1 documentary “Last Days of Left Eye.”) He lives in the lyrics of L.A. icons Nipsey Hussle and Kendrick Lamar. When Hussle was killed, fans were quick to theorize that his death was directly connected to the fact that in 2018, he announced he was making a documentary about Dr. Sebi beating his 1987 case. (Those theories, as of publication, have not been proven . Nick Cannon took over producing the documentary after Hussle’s death. The official trailer is out, but the documentary hasn’t been released.)

In “Worldwide Steppers,” a song off Lamar’s latest album “Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers,” he raps:

Yesterday, I prayed to the flowers and trees Gratification to the powers that be Synchronization with my energy chakras, the ghost of Dr. Sebi Paid it forward, cleaned out my toxins, bacteria heavy.

In “Blue Laces 2,” Hussle makes a reference to the man whose teachings resonated with him, encouraging a new generation of fans to look into Dr. Sebi:

They killed Dr. Sebi, he was teaching health I f— with Rick Ross ’cause he teaching wealth Dropped out of school, I’ma teach myself.

Sebi's presence can be found in unconventional places too. Like on the shelves of Erewhon, which sells a full-spectrum sea moss gel “sourced from the pristine waters of St. Lucia,” in flavors like magenta-colored Cosmic Berry and radioactive-looking Blue Neptune. All over the internet, from TikTok to Instagram, there are dedicated accounts showing you how exactly to follow an alkaline electric lifestyle (no seedless fruit, no soy, no starch!). There is one TikTok from the brand Morphit Sea Moss that shows a chiseled man with brown skin and curly hair eating a coconut with his bare hands. The white text overlay on the video reads: “When you’re on Day 9 Of Your Sea Moss Fast Feeling Electrically Vibrant & Coconut start Tasting Like Some General Tso Chicken.” Another, by the creator @mayadanielle, shows “A day in the life at Doctor Sebi’s Village in Honduras,” which at more than 400,000 likes gives us a glimpse into life at Dr. Sebi’s retreat center, which people still flock to today.

But the TikToks and Instagrams ultimately cannot replicate the energy of the man himself. Dr. Sebi’s charisma was magnetic — he was a November Sagittarius — and he both looked and spoke like you might imagine a sage would. Take his final lecture in L.A. in 2014, for example. He spoke about how a 94-year-old Mexican healer changed his life when he was 30, how people of African descent should avoid specific foods (or “gene-food consistency,” as he called it), how alkalinity and fasting are a direct path to healing. He waved his long arms, inflecting his voice for dramatic effect. He cracked jokes and recounted stories about his life in painstaking detail. (“At 81, I still gotta change diapers, and somebody gonna soon change mine.”) And he encouraged the audience to practice humility and love.

“I’m not better than you, I’m not wiser than you,” he told the audience, pointing his index finger at them. “Everything I know I got it from you. … I love you very much, and I have put together a message that’s going to help you.”

The nature of belief is, by definition, not always rational. It requires committing oneself to something that isn't necessarily easy to articulate. One of Dr. Sebi's most memorable stories is about the time when, he claims, he healed a blind man with herbs, while he was allegedly working for the County of Los Angeles. "That shook me because I couldn't explain to the world the mechanics behind this blind man seeing," he says. His faith in himself was a magnet for others.

It's been six years since Dr. Sebi's death. Since then, his passion and his rejection of gatekeeping is still making people believers. To commemorate the occasion, we talked to six people in the Dr. Sebi L.A. universe — including Dr. Sebi himself, through quotes taken from archival footage, interviews and books — about his teachings, life and legacy. And, of course, sea moss. Their testimonies speak to the sincerity of experience — and the way in which an awakening can reorient or clarify purpose.

Kellie Bowman, founder of Sebi’s Daughters: 

L.A. was a wealth of knowledge, of people and ideas for [Dr. Sebi]. Having a father that had so many different ways of looking at things, people were open, always open to hearing him. It was like a muse. For that man looking to get out a message, L.A. was it.

I believe that Los Angeles had a lot of heroes, and I believe that they had commonalities. I think Nipsey found a hero commonality in standing up for Dr. Sebi. Nipsey Hussle was a man about his community, and he knew that Dr. Sebi was a man about his community. The power of truth rings to everyone who's in it — you will feel it. So when I listen to what Nipsey had to say, and I look at what he did in his life and how he was there in the community, I get why he wanted to make that connection with Dr. Sebi. [Dr. Sebi’s] words were not missed. He found them to be jewels because they were the truth. Living your truth is important, and I think he was on a journey of truth. And let me tell you, nothing denies that now. I listened to words of my father on different tapes — I have personal tapes — and I get why Nipsey got it because there's a certain rhythm of conversation that you understand when you're looking to grab hold of your journey and have courage to move on and use that as a tool. He just kind of stirred with it. He was like, "I get it" — so much he put it in a rap.

I had been mourning my father for two years when I came back to L.A. and walked into a grocery store — I think it was Whole Foods — and a woman grabs my arm and says, “You look just like your father and I miss him so much. I've been a client of your dad for over 20 years.” She says, “What are you doing now? I remember you when you were young.” That memory, right there, of who I was — I think the light bulb went off in my head. I thought it would be cathartic. I thought it will be an honor. I thought that all those talks that we had were now coming into play into my life because I never thought I'd take this position. I never thought that I'd be here without him. But I'm not, and I figured that out at that point.

Sebi’s Daughters started out with that [in mind]. For us, sea moss is Irish moss or Irish moss-bladderwrack mix. Both of them come from the ocean, but they're only grown in so many places, and the great part about this particular plant is that it carries a lot of minerals from the sea. You'll hear [my dad] say it a lot: those 92 out of 102 that the body requires. It's been a sacred secret in the world forever. Those in the Caribbean knew about the Irish moss, they use it in everything. It's a natural, growing ocean plant and it's beautiful. It gives a power punch of minerals. [At Sebi’s Daughters,] I turned it into a whole bunch of different kinds of products, because I knew it helped from exterior to interior. The 18- to 35-year-olds will call me and they’re like, “I love sea moss. Period .”

Our mission is to educate and empower and to inspire our communities to a better way of living out of our food sources because it was done for him, and he did it for me, and we want to give it to others because this is freedom.

Dani Solorio, founder of Compton Health Bar:  

I think part of the reason that people love him so much is because he inspires hope. You look at certain ZIP Codes and their health outcomes there — and you will likely find a lot of popularity with Dr. Sebi in those areas. He's the folk hero. He got this better outcome by turning to nature and gaining autonomy from our health industry (I can't even call it healthcare, because there's no care in it these days). I’ve never been against Western medicine. I've always tried to work alongside of it and recommend that folks talk to their doctor. But it seems like more and more, whenever I say that, people are like, “I already talked to my doctor and my doctor had nothing useful to say, unfortunately.” I think that's part of the reason he's so powerful as a person, why his legacy lives on: He provides a sort of hope of what our health can look like when we tend to our indigenous healthcare systems or community systems.

Agustin Miller, head of growth strategy and corporate affairs at Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food  

I think he was ahead of his time, honestly. He had a vision. And he did a lot of research. He had a lot of empirical knowledge. And as he would say, he spoke the truth. That's how he was able to connect with so many people. Thirty years ago, plant-based was not a term. He was already practicing it because his nutritional data hasn't changed in a long time. Fasting is another one. I mean, fasting has been around since the beginning — since the biblical era or hunters and gatherers — our ancestors would fast for long periods of time. There's theories that say that we are not meant to receive constant food in our system. He would use fasting to promote healing. He would use fasting to let the body heal itself and regenerate itself because I do believe that the body's meant to do that. It's capable of doing that.

Da' Moss Lady (a.k.a. Gwen Moseley) 

I'm a breast cancer survivor. I came out with breast cancer out of the blue in 2018. I had to get a whole mastectomy. Somebody else gave me the sea moss to take and I liked the energy that I got from it. So I said, "Let me look into this." I went to Jamaica, found a plug. I started to recover, but I noticed my skin was so dry from the radiation or chemo pill every day. My hair was falling out. So that's when I came up with all these different products, like the Moss Butter, the Face Scrub. Not only does it work inside of your body, it also works the outside of your body. I’m trying to create a shampoo and conditioner, because you know, that saltwater is good for your hair and your scalp. In Leimert Park, there’s so much competition out there with that sea moss right now. That’s why I had to do something different with my products. I'm not trying to say, “Oh, it's the cure for everything.” But I do know it will help you. Like, if you ain’t having no regular bowel movements, that sea moss will definitely give you a regular. Seriously. Some man told me he had eczema all his life and he used my cream and said it made his eczema go away.

Sayra Trigueros, brand success associate at Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food 

When I came here, I had no idea what the place was. My first week, Dr. Sebi came through with a small lecture with his employees and at first I thought I had joined a cult. But I enjoyed hearing him in person, started learning everything that I could about the man, and after his passing we wanted to make sure everybody knew that his message was still going to remain strong. I accidentally cured myself from asthma just because I started taking the products. I was just curious, and next thing I knew I was no longer using my inhaler. It just grew from there. Sea moss is a product on its own and the fact that he was able to create these compounds to make sure there's healing in multiple places within your body is just amazing.

One of the most impactful videos that you'll find out there is of Dr. Sebi, 80-something years old, throwing himself on the floor like a little 5-year-old, just getting on his knees. He said, “Sea moss has me doing this.” There's people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s that cannot do that. The alkaline electric diet is foods that create the least amount of mucus. When there's mucus buildup, that's when you experience inflammation, and with inflammation, disease shows up in different ways, whether it's a heart condition, your diabetes, arthritis, asthma. So because of that is that we try to have people eat foods that will not create mucus, that will have them going to the restroom and eliminating everything that their body doesn't need anymore. We try to do and make sure everything was to his standards. He already has a blueprint, and that's what we consider our bible. There's no use of changing it.

Dr. Sebi 

I was always a different person. I disagree with everything. I disagree with everything. Everything I heard I disagree with. At 14, I made a statement that I was going to do something to help humanity. But when I made that statement, I also knew that I was going to come up against the established or prevailing philosophy of life. That I knew at 14 years of age. I didn't know that one day that I will become the person that I'm known for today — the healer. I didn't know that.

Before I became the healer, I said I was going to do something for the Black women of the world, because she's the one that has been disenfranchised, dejected and rejected by everyone, including us. What was that something was going to be? I didn’t know. I was a merchant seaman then. [At 27], little did I know that I was going to be a healer. Ladies and gentlemen, I was suffering asthma, diabetes. I was impotent. I was angry. Very, extremely angry. With the help of Mexican people, I was cured . I decided to enter the field of natural medicine. [This Mexican] was so grounded that he took your brother Sebi and healed him. That Mexican prepared me for you. You see the connection? Being a steam engineer , I knew that the pH value, the pH factor had a lot to do with healing.  I begin to check the pH of all the Earth. I begin to test it. I test comfrey: acid. I test garlic: acid. I also tested aloe vera, St. John’s wort, rose hips, comfrey, all of these things are very acid. I quit my job and said, "I'm going to heal the world." I'm going to make everybody happy. When I told my mama that I had cured my 13th AIDS patient, she said, "They're gonna get you." How did [I] cure AIDS ? [I] removed the mucus from the system and build the body back up. But they say, “What? It’s [a] virus.” I say no, never been. It’s mucus. The judge said, “Dr. Sebi, why do you give everybody the same medicine? I said, “Because there's only one disease.” “One disease?!” the doctor said. “I told you this man is unscientific. And he's insane.”

I am unscientific. I repeat, there is only one disease.

More stories from Image

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times .

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Mrs. Tay's Sea Moss LLC

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Welcome mrs. tay's sea moss family, check out my journey and i hope you share yours with me, mrs. tay's sea moss journey.

My journey towards becoming Mrs. Tay's Sea Moss began with a deep desire to live a healthier lifestyle. A few years ago, I started researching the best ways to improve my physical and mental wellbeing, not just for myself but for my family as well. As I delved deeper into my research, I discovered the incredible health benefits of sea mo

My journey towards becoming Mrs. Tay's Sea Moss began with a deep desire to live a healthier lifestyle. A few years ago, I started researching the best ways to improve my physical and mental wellbeing, not just for myself but for my family as well. As I delved deeper into my research, I discovered the incredible health benefits of sea moss. This amazing plant has been used for centuries for its numerous health benefits, including boosting the immune system, improving digestion, and increasing energy levels. I decided to incorporate sea moss into my daily routine, and the results were immediate and transformative. I felt more energized, focused, and overall, healthier. I knew that I had to share this incredible discovery with others. That's when I started making and selling my own sea moss gel. With the support of my husband, family, and friends, I launched Mrs. Tay's Sea Moss Gel on Facebook in May 2020. Since then, my business has continued to grow, and I have expanded my product line to include a variety of natural health and wellness products. But my journey didn't stop there. I wanted to deepen my knowledge and expertise in the field of natural health and wellness. In January 2022, I became a certified Wellness Vegan Coach under the SVA. Today, I am proud to be Mrs. Tay's Sea Moss LLC- a business dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health and wellbeing through natural, plant-based solutions. I am passionate about educating and empowering others to take control of their health and live their best lives.

Menu / Price List

100% wildcrafted irish ocean grown sea moss, sea moss gel.

 16oz BPA free jars w/lids contain our Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gel. Non-GMO & Vegan approved. This seaweed contains 92 out of 102 natural vitamins/minerals our bodies need daily. Sea Moss can also be used for a face mask and on your hair as a natural conditioner.     

16oz BPA free jars w/lids contain our Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gel. Non-GMO & Vegan approved. This seaweed contains 92 out of 102 natural vitamins/minerals our bodies need daily. Sea Moss can also be used for a face mask and on your hair as a natural conditioner.     

All of our natural herbal product-Please note none of our products are FDA approved these products are help aids but have not been classified as a cure aid by the US government. Do consult with your doctor before removing yourself off any prescribed medication.

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The last flower at the top of the world—and the perilous journey to reach it

Scientists journeyed to a stretch of gravel off the coast of Greenland—the farthest north you can go and still walk on land. These photos show what they found there.

sea moss journey

At the top of the Earth, the northernmost stretch of land a person can stand on is Inuit Qeqertaat, also named Kaffeklubben Island by early 20th century Danish explorers. The region is a dark gray stretch of gravel on the northern coast of Greenland where land slowly gives way to frozen sea ice.

To find what lives amid these rocky soils, climate change researchers and National Geographic Explorers Brian Buma and Jeff Kerby and their team embarked on a journey to survey the region. There, they found a common species of moss ( Tortula mucronifolia ), the world's northernmost plant, and a yellow and lime-green Arctic poppy ( Papaver radicatum ), growing just a few inches south of the moss.  

On the nearby mainland, Greenlandic archaeologist Aka Simonsen discovered a ring of roughly 700-year-old Inuit stones, which may be the northernmost archaeological remains.

The research team left their own mark on the mainland coast, staking plots and recording the vegetation they contained to create a highly detailed digital map of the area they surveyed. Information collected from this trip will be the first data logs in what Buma and Kerby hope will be a long timeline of research in the far northern region.  

Here, above the Arctic Circle, the planet is warming four times faster than anywhere else on Earth. Changes here will have ripple effects across the globe, which is why the team braved harsh conditions to find what lives on the edge.  

sea moss journey

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There’s a lot at stake for an orphaned and starving pup like Spaulding.

Right now,  there’s a $15,000 gift match waiting for the pups , and your support is needed to unlock it.

Yes, your $5 = $10 today, meaning you can help provide double the fish meals for a pup like Spaulding.

California Sea Lion Zalophus californianus

Book a Tour to Meet Our Patients

This patient is a California sea lion , our most commonly rescued species, with animals of all ages stranding throughout the year with a variety of ailments. 

Pups are born in June but stay with their moms for 10 months, so we typically see an influx of young animals in the spring. Other common reasons for stranding include domoic acid toxicosis , cancer , entanglement , malnutrition and leptospirosis . 

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You’ll be giving sick and injured animals the best possible care at the Center’s state-of-the-art hospital. With your gift today, you are giving a patient a second chance at life in the wild.

  • $35 You'll buy food for a hungry animal
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How To Use Sea Moss Powder To Totally Transform Your Recipes

T he idea of dessert rarely conjures thoughts of the ocean, or more specifically, the algae growing in the ocean. So it may come as a surprise to learn that sea moss contains the key to deliciously thick ice cream, cheesecake, frosting, and more. Carrageenan, a polysaccharide with incredible binding and thickening qualities, is derived primarily from red Irish sea moss (although it can be extracted from many forms of algae). It's one of the more common additives for thickening foods, and if you're not using it in your cooking already, you may want to reconsider. 

In the world of plant-based diets, many great strides have been made in finding a substitute for animal-derived products . Sea moss extract (or more commonly, carrageenan) is used as a gelatin substitute in many recipes. Whether you're a lifetime vegan or simply exploring plant-based options, you may want to consider using carrageenan as a substitute for gelatin in your next mirror glaze or homemade Easter marshmallows . That said, do look for conversion charts online before diving into substitutions.

Read more: What These Imitation Foods Are Actually Made Of

The Upsides And Downsides Of Carrageenan

Red sea moss is harvested, cleaned, and boiled to separate the carrageenan from the fibrous moss. Once separated, the carrageenan extract is processed with potassium chloride to activate its gel-like binding qualities. That gel is then pressed, dried, and milled into a powder, which is how you'll most likely encounter it at the market. Unlike Irish sea moss, carrageenan or sea moss extract is devoid of all the nutritional value that its unprocessed form contains. Unrefined sea moss is chock-full of vitamins and minerals; there's evidence that sea moss may improve immunity as well as aid in preventing dementia -- that is, as long as you're eating pretty big portions of the stuff. However, if you're looking for an effective thickener to use purely to enhance texture in your favorite recipes, you'll be hard-pressed to find better than carrageenan.

According to Healthline , carrageenan has been somewhat vilified in recent years -- whether or not it's safe to consume regularly is hotly debated. There is some evidence that carrageenan is highly inflammatory and can cause or exacerbate conditions such as IBS, arthritis, and food allergies. It's even been purported that the algae extract is carcinogenic and long-term consumption can lead to colon and bowel cancer. The FDA still allows for carrageenan additives, but if you're concerned about these issues maybe limit your consumption to be on the safe side.

Incorporating Sea Moss Into Your Cooking

There are three kinds of carrageenan: Kappa, iota, and lambda. Each possesses a different chemical composition, creating different textures and uses among the varieties. Kappa-carrageenan thickens when potassium is introduced, creating a gel texture suitable for emulsion and suspension. Lambda-carrageenan does not gel and is used to thicken exclusively; you'll find it most often in dairy products like yogurt or ice cream.

Iota carrageenan works well as a vegan gelatin substitute, and pairs especially well with dairy products. There are two basic rules for using carrageenan powder: It disperses best in cool liquids and hydrates best when warm. When making classic baked cheesecake , for example, you can mix the carrageenan in with the other dry ingredients; then add the eggs, milk, and cream cheese. If you want to use carrageenan to thicken a liquid like chocolate milk, blend the liquid and powder together while the milk is still cool, then heat above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The milk will thicken as it cools back down. Follow the same process when making a gel with carrageenan; just add more of it to achieve the proper texture.

Read the original article on Daily Meal .

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Tribeca festival co-founders robert de niro and jane rosenthal condemn sentencing of iranian filmmaker mohammad rasoulof, chloe east, jacqueline novak & jennifer grant join sony’s ‘a big bold beautiful journey’.

By Matt Grobar

Matt Grobar

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L-R: Chloe East, Jacqueline Novak and Jennifer Grant

EXCLUSIVE : Chloe East ( The Fabelmans ), Jacqueline Novak ( Get on Your Knees ) and Jennifer Grant ( Babylon ) have boarded Sony Pictures ‘ romance A Big Bold Beautiful Journey from director Kogonada.

Starring Margot Robbie and Colin Farrell, the film’s plot is under wraps, but it’s described as an imaginative tale of two strangers and the extraordinary emotional journey that connects them.

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The supporting cast also includes Lily Rabe, Jodie Turner-Smith, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Lucy Thomas, Hamish Linklater, Billy Magnussen, Sarah Gadon, Brandon Perea and Yuvi Hecht.

Breaking out as Monica, the love interest of lead Gabrielle LaBelle’s Sammy, in Steven Spielberg’s semi-autobiographical drama The Fabelmans , East will next star opposite Hugh Grant in the A24 horror thriller Heretic . Her other credits include the Max dramedy Generation , the ABC fantasy comedy-drama series Kevin (Probably) Saves the World , and HBO’s True Blood .

A stand-up comedian, actor, and author, Novak’s breakout stand-up show Get on Your Knees , directed by Natasha Lyonne, debuted on Netflix to critical acclaim in January. The show’s multiple extended off-Broadway runs earned her a Drama Desk nomination for Outstanding Solo Performance. On screen, she’s a regular on both Late Night with Seth Meyers and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon .

Most recently appearing in Damien Chazelle’s Babylon , Grant’s other credits include Beverly Hills, 90210 , Friends , Ellen and CSI , as well as several features. She also exec produced the ITV/Britbox series Archie , starring Jason Isaacs, who portrayed her father, Cary Grant.

East is repped by WME, Link Entertainment, Vault Entertainment, and Felker Toczek Suddleson; Novak by WME and Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz; and Grant by Teitelbaum Artists Group.

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  1. Journey Sea Moss

    Welcome to Journey Seamoss. We specialize in thoughtfully crafted, reputably sourced wildcrafted Jamaican Seamoss gel infusions. Our product is coral grown, wildcrafted and packed full of the nutrients you're looking for. What we are best known for is making the experience of daily consuming your seamoss and enjoyable one. Pick your ideal ...

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    Aka Simonsen, a Greenlandic archeologist, prepares to leave camp with Brian Buma, just as the weather begins to turn. After just a few hours the northernmost island, the team left, intending to ...

  20. Eelgrass

    This patient is a California sea lion, our most commonly rescued species, with animals of all ages stranding throughout the year with a variety of ailments.. Pups are born in June but stay with their moms for 10 months, so we typically see an influx of young animals in the spring. Other common reasons for stranding include domoic acid toxicosis, cancer, entanglement, malnutrition and ...

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    If you want to use carrageenan to thicken a liquid like chocolate milk, blend the liquid and powder together while the milk is still cool, then heat above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The milk will ...

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