THE 10 BEST Puerto Vallarta Tours & Excursions

Puerto vallarta tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
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  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

tours en puerto vallarta

1. Mega Yacht All-Inclusive Yelapa Waterfall & Snorkeling Adventure

tours en puerto vallarta

2. ATV and RZR Jorullo Bridge Experience in Puerto Vallarta

tours en puerto vallarta

3. Boat and Snorkel Tour to 5 Islands of Los Arcos

tours en puerto vallarta

4. Alma, by Rhythms of the night

tours en puerto vallarta

5. Outdoor Zip line Adventure

tours en puerto vallarta

6. Marietas Islands Snorkel Tour & Hidden Beach

tours en puerto vallarta

7. Full-Day Trail to 6 hidden Beaches, Colomitos and Snorkel

tours en puerto vallarta

8. Food and Mixology Tour: Tequila, Tacos, and Mexican Cocktails

tours en puerto vallarta

9. Kayaking Bioluminescence Experience

tours en puerto vallarta

10. Butterflies, Tequila and Beach with Food included

tours en puerto vallarta

11. Mega Yacht Whale Watching Sunset Tour [All-Inclusive]

tours en puerto vallarta

12. 3-hr ATV Mountian Exclusive Tour to Sierra Madre

tours en puerto vallarta

13. Private Tour: Puerto Vallarta ATV Adventure

tours en puerto vallarta

14. Private ATV tour with waterfall and Tequila tasting

tours en puerto vallarta

15. Canopy Zipline in Puerto Vallarta, Best Zip Lines in PV!

tours en puerto vallarta

16. Watch and Swim with Dolphins in the Wild

tours en puerto vallarta

17. Luxury Yacht & Snorkeling

tours en puerto vallarta

18. Puerto Vallarta Original Canopy Tour, Ziplining, Tequila and Speed Boat Ride

tours en puerto vallarta

19. Hop On Hop Off Tour with Free Stops in Puerto Vallarta

tours en puerto vallarta

20. Horseback Riding: Tequila Tasting, Mex BBQ & Margaritas

tours en puerto vallarta

21. Puerto Vallarta, Luxury Sunset Sailing

tours en puerto vallarta

22. Full-Day San Sebastian del Oeste Tour from Puerto Vallarta

tours en puerto vallarta

23. Natural Volcanic Hot springs, Mex BBQ and Tequila Tasting

tours en puerto vallarta

24. Las Caletas Beach Hideaway

tours en puerto vallarta

25. Yelapa & Majahuitas Tour

tours en puerto vallarta

26. Snorkel in Marietas Island

tours en puerto vallarta

27. Full-Day Puerto Vallarta City Highlights Tour

tours en puerto vallarta

28. Signature Taco and Street Food Tour in Puerto Vallarta

tours en puerto vallarta

29. Downtown Puerto Vallarta Food Tour with Vallarta Food Tours

tours en puerto vallarta

30. Sayulita & San Pancho

What travelers are saying.

Belinda S

  • Mega Yacht All-Inclusive Yelapa Waterfall & Snorkeling Adventure
  • Boat and Snorkel Tour to 5 Islands of Los Arcos
  • Food and Mixology Tour: Tequila, Tacos, and Mexican Cocktails
  • ATV and RZR Jorullo Bridge Experience in Puerto Vallarta
  • Marietas Islands Snorkel Tour & Hidden Beach
  • Outdoor Adventure by Vallarta Adventures
  • Jet's Private Boat Tours & Charters
  • Los Veranos Canopy Tour
  • Estigo Tours
  • Chica Locca Tours
  • Adventure Seekers PV
  • Akali Expeditions
  • PV Ocean Tours

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Puerto Vallarta

tours en puerto vallarta

Explore Puerto Vallarta

One of the most fascinating destinations in the world.

Discover Puerto Vallarta, a paradise on the Mexican Pacific coast. Golden sand beaches, a picturesque downtown, and the most beautiful sunset await you.

Top Excursions

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Discover things to do with NexusTours Puerto Vallarta

Explore Puerto Vallarta and its magic. Enjoy its nightlife, or immerse yourself in its surroundings and discover the beauty of the Sierra Madre. Puerto Vallarta has everything you need: sun, charming beaches, extreme activities, and culture.

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  • Tours y actividades

Tours y Actividades en Puerto Vallarta

La extensa variedad de actividades que puedes disfrutar en Puerto Vallarta van desde aventuras acuáticas como paseos en lancha, flyboard, windsurf, buceo y nado con delfines, hasta recorridos por los bosques tropicales a bordo de tirolesas o descendiendo ríos a rappel. ¿Qué tipo de actividad quieres disfrutar?  

Actividades Extremas

Si las aventuras extremas y las actividades cargadas de adrenalina son para ti, Puerto Vallarta tiene las mejores opciones para que tus vacaciones sean más que emocionantes.

Disfruta de la velocidad en alta mar en lanchas inflables, recorre senderos indómitos en vehículos todoterreno y cuatrimotos, pasea por la Sierra Madre Occidental a caballo o en bicicleta, o desciende las cimas de sus cerros y montañas en tirolesa. Cruza El Jorullo —el puente vehicular colgante más largo del mundo—, aventúrate a lanzarte en caída libre en bungee jump o paracaídas para admira la bahía desde el cielo.   

Actividades Extremas en Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta es sede de importantes eventos deportivos que ofrecen la oportunidad de presenciar torneos de talla nacional e internacional durante todo el año, para ofrecer a los asistentes un espectáculo de primer nivel.

Algunas de estas competencias son:  el Abierto Mexicano de Voleibol de Playa , el Puerto Vallarta Open , Down Puerto Vallarta , el Torneo de Pesca Internacional en Puerto Vallarta , entre muchos otros otros.  

torneos en Puerto Vallarta

Paseos a caballo

Recorrer la Sierra Madre montando a caballo es una experiencia que no puede faltar en tu itinerario de viaje. Planea un día para visitar los fascinantes ríos y cascadas que se encuentran en Puerto Vallarta o aventúrate a cabalgar por las montañas para admirar las mejores vistas. Da un vistazo a los tour operadores certificados que ofrecen esta experiencia.

Paseos a caballo en Puerto Vallarta

La mejor parte de practicar senderismo es que son ideales para conocer más de Puerto Vallarta a un costo mínimo; solo necesitas una vestimenta cómoda, protector solar, repelente de insectos, una botella de agua y algún refrigerio.

Los amantes de la naturaleza encuentran una gran variedad de opciones para practicar esta actividad. Algunos de los recorridos más recomendados incluyen el Mirador de la Cruz para presenciar la salida del sol y los mágicos atardeceres de Puerto Vallarta ; el sendero a Colomitos a través de la montaña hasta llegar a esta famosa y encantadora playa; y al río Palo María que ofrece caminos irregulares para llegar a la cascada y su laguna después de la caminata.  

Senderismo en Puerto Vallarta

La riqueza natural de Puerto Vallarta es fascinante y brinda la oportunidad de explorar los alrededores con una dosis de adrenalina extra. Escarpadas montañas, ríos y cascadas son el escenario que enmarca esta aventura mientras sobrevuelas las copas de los árboles.

Muchos de los tours que ofrecen compañías certificadas incluyen paseos a caballo o en mula hasta llegar al paraje donde te espera un día lleno de emoción.

Tirolesas en Puerto Vallarta

Descender a rappel por las majestuosas cascadas de Puerto Vallarta es una experiencia para los más audaces. De la mano de tour operadores que te guían por el recorrido con el equipo adecuado, explora los bosques de la Sierra Madre y ecoparques con atracciones diversas como atravesar por puentes colgantes a cientos de metros de altura, chapuzones refrescantes en los ríos y mucho más.   

Rappel en Puerto Vallarta

Las playas de Puerto Vallarta son ideales para nadar, pero si quieres poner en práctica tus habilidades de surfer, hay opciones más que perfectas desde Yelapa, pasando por Quimixto hasta la zona Mismaloya y Marina Vallarta para practicar este deporte, y con temperaturas ideales gracias a las aguas del Pacífico con un oleaje fantástico.

Surf en Puerto Vallarta

Nado con delfines

Pocas experiencias se comparan a nadar con los delfines en su hábitat natural y Puerto Vallarta es el hogar de un gran número de ellos. Conoce más sobre estos simpáticos mamíferos y su comportamiento así como la organización de sus grupos sociales mientras te deslizas por el agua tomado de sus aletas.

Los delfines son animales sociables que disfrutan de la interacción con los humanos, por lo que puedes convivir con estas maravillosas criaturas sabiendo que el bienestar de los delfines es una prioridad para Puerto Vallarta, y todas las actividades certificadas son seguras para ti y para ellos.  

Nado con delfines en Puerto Vallarta

Ya sea que cuentes con certificación de buceo o sea la primera vez que formes parte de una inmersión, en Puerto Vallarta encontrarás lugares extraordinarios para bucear de la mano de expertos que te guiarán por las profundidades para encontrar restos de naufragios, arrecifes de coral salpicados de vida marina, reservas naturales y cuevas submarinas.

Desde admirar las formaciones rocosas submarinas llamadas "Las Iglesias" por su similitud con los pilares de una catedral en las aguas frente al pintoresco pueblo Chimo; sumergirte en la zona más profunda de la bahía a más de 400 metros en el Parque Marino Los Arcos y descubrir su famoso Cañón del Diablo mientras nadas junto a mantarrayas y tortugas marinas; o descubrir el espectáculo submarino que ofrece el naufragio de la embarcación Princesa Vallarta cerca de las playas de Mismaloya.  

Buceo en Puerto Vallarta

Motos acuáticas

Conocido también como jet ski, este deporte es pura diversión, y en Puerto Vallarta encontrarás un sinfín de opciones para surcar las aguas de Puerto Vallarta mientras admiras los irresistibles paisajes.

Además de aventura, conducir una moto acuática ofrece una experiencia para los sentidos. Es uno de los deportes náuticos más seguros y no requiere gran destreza técnica; basta con poner la moto en el agua y navegar, incluso en altamar. Su estabilidad hace que las motos acuáticas sean muy fáciles de maniobrar y sortear las olas.  

Motos acuáticas en Puerto Vallarta

Practica este innovador deporte extremo que combina lo mejor del surf y el snowboard, que resulta en un desafío al equilibrio y el control de la tabla. Una vez que domines esta primera fase, podrás realizar giros y desplazamientos a algunos metros de altura, lo que lo hace aún más emocionante.

¿Te animas a volar por lo alto del Pacífico? Encontrarás varios proveedores de este servicio e instructores a lo largo de la costa de Puerto Vallarta , principalmente en las playas   

Flyboard en Puerto Vallarta

La aventura comienza desde que abordas la avioneta que te llevará a 2,500 metros de altura para realizar este más que emocionante salto equipado con paracaídas y acompañado de un guía que te explicará todo acerca de esta práctica que no puedes dejar de experimentar en tu próxima visita a este destino. 

Imagina la sensación de descender en caída libre durante 45 segundos a una velocidad aproximada de 193 kilómetros por hora. Después de esta alucinante experiencia, activa tu paracaídas para sobrevolar Puerto Vallarta y aterrizar suavemente en la playa.  El skydiving o paracaidismo es la forma ideal de disfrutar del puerto desde las alturas y fascinarte con la belleza de la bahía abrazada por la Sierra Madre.  

Skydive en Puerto Vallarta


tours en puerto vallarta

Gastronomía en Puerto Vallarta

tours en puerto vallarta

Arte y cultura

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Vida Nocturna

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Puerto Vallarta Tours



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The best Tours in Puerto Vallarta and Bahia de Banderas

Private Yacht Tours in Puerto Vallarta


We dedicate to tourist services with the mission of designing especially for you the experience of your dreams.

For over 20 years, we have been dedicated to providing top-quality, affordable tourism services. Through partnerships and agreements with the most reputable providers in the region. Choose us as your travel partner and experience the difference that over two decades of excellence can make.


With its crystal-clear waters, beaches, and truly paradisiacal landscapes, Bahia de Banderas offers a world of natural wonders to explore. Whether you’re an adventurer at heart, a nature lover, or simply looking to unwind and relax, this region has something for everyone.


tours en puerto vallarta

Private Experiences

  • Gift Certificates


The Original Downtown Tour

  • Bucerias Taco Tour

Taste of Pitillal

  • Vegan Vallarta
  • Bikes & Bites
  • Seafood Lovers Tour
  • Discover Versalles – Surf & Turf Tour
  • Discover Versalles de Noche Dinner Tour

Sayulita Tour

Vallarta by road.

  • Vallarta Brewery Bus Tour – Cervezas y Tacos
  • Sunset Bike Tour – Tragos y Tacos
  • Ultimate VIP Agave Experience Van Tour
  • El Tequilero Tequila Tasting
  • El Mezcalier Mezcal Tasting
  • Agave Spirits Experience

The Best Food Tours In Puerto Vallarta

Become a local in 3 hours

Over 6100 Reviews on Trip Advisor

#1 Rated Locally-Owned Tour in PV with over 6,100 5-Star reviews, recently awarded #4 food experience in 2019, 2020 & top 25 in world  in 2023 by Tripadvisor! 48hr hassle-free cancellation policy  ** Check out our brand new spirit-forward experiences featuring Tequila & Agave tastings, Cocktails tours, and Craft beer tours : Vallarta Mexology Tours **

Join our passionate guides as you discover puerto vallarta's hidden gems in our award-winning tours one delicious bite at a time since 2011.

Award-winning Original Downtown Tour


Immerse yourself in the culture of Downtown and Old Town and enjoy 8 one-of-a-kind food tastings and iconic regional dishes including tacos, birria, seafood, mole and more! This walking cultural food tour was recently voted #4 food experience in the world by TripAdvisor in 2019 & 2020 and #5 tour in Latin America in 2023!


A tequila, taco and Mexican cocktail tour that will make your trip to Vallarta unforgettable. Spend the afternoon strolling Old Town while savoring 6 delicious handcrafted cocktails & 5 food tastings all while exploring the hidden gems of Zona Romantica. Recently awarded best cocktail tour in Latin America in 2022 by TripAdvisor!


Vallarta Mexology Tours

We've created spirit-forward experiences that highlight Vallarta’s best agave spirits, cocktails and beers. Join us for  tequila tastings, mezcal tastings, brewery tours and cocktail experiences. All designed to help you discover the unique flavors of Mexico

Puerto Vallarta Taco Tour

The Street Taco Tour

Watch the streets of Vallarta come alive on this evening taco adventure tour. Come grab the best street tacos with us and enjoy specialty regional dishes as we share Vallarta's vibrant history and culture! The tour consists of 7 delicious food tastings. Racilla tasting and cocktail at El Tasting Room.

Bucerías Mexology

Bucerías Taco Tour

Tuesday & Thursdays

On this 3-hour walking tour, you will taste the best tacos with option for drink pairings Bucerías has to offer. We know that tacos and tequila are on your list of food and drink priorities, but we stack this experience with tasty tacos, regional dishes and option for delicious racilla cocktails, margaritas, local  beer and more!

Taste of Pitillal

Thur & Sat

Explore the local cuisine of Pitillal, a charming authentic Mexican neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta, untouched by tourism. Enjoy recipes that have been passed down through the generations including: carnitas tacos, tamales, atole, local seafood, birria, and fresh churros. Recently recognized as a top 25 tour in the world by Tripadvisor in 2023!


Seafood Lovers

Mon & Thurs

While seafood is part of the menu in all our food tours, this tour is dedicated entirely to fresh-caught seafood prepared with authentic regional flare. Both a culinary and cultural food tour, this tour is going to light up your tastebuds with some of the freshest, most authentic seafood dishes you've ever had. 

Vegan Vallarta

Vegan Vallarta Food Tour

Thu & Sat

Join us on this 3 1/2 hour culinary adventure to rediscover the roots of Mexican Cuisine and new modern twists. We'll showcase two of the most amazing neighborhoods in Vallarta; 5 de Diciembre and Old Vallarta and you'll walk away knowing the in's and out's of where to go for Vegan food in Puerto Vallarta.


bikes & bites

Mon, Wed thru Sat

Behold the beauty of Vallarta on our guided 3-3½ hour bike food tour featuring 8 food tasting locations carefully chosen to highlight the best regional flavors Puerto Vallarta has to offer. Just awarded one of top biking experiences in the world by Tripadvisor for 2021! The perfect experience for the start of your trip to help shape your view of the city.

Sayulita Tour

Private Basis only until Oct with minimum of 6

Explore and enjoy this magic surf town! This private tour will take to discover the hidden gems of Sayulita. Besides the 2.5 hour guided tour, you will have a couple of hours to go on your own to shop, go to the beach, surf or just explore. We will pick you up in a Mercedes Sprinter Van and drop you off. Learn about Sayulita and discover new favorite food and drink spots!


Discover Versalles Food Tour

Starting at $55 USD

Tues & Sat

Explore the newest hotspot neighborhood of gastronomy! Enjoy regional and innovative dishes from some of the best chefs in PV. This hidden gem tour will have 6 tastings including gorditas from the famous Masame , shrimp al pastor taco, tuna tostada, pork belly taco and more!

Versalles de Noche

Versalles de Noche Dinner Tour

$75 or $85 with drink pairings

Thurs & Saturday

Enjoy a gastronomic exploration in Versalles. This neighborhood has become one of the hottest culinary neighborhoods in Puerto Vallarta and has so many secret gems to find. Versalles de Noche is a dinner safari,  you'll visit some of the hottest restaurants and try their delicious creations.


Looking for a fun way to explore our city and go to many neighborhoods? Touring by van allows us to take you to 5 distinct downtown neighborhoods, and the nearby pueblo of Pitillal. This 4 hour van tour covers more ground than our walking tours and features our favorite restaurants, artisans, and street food vendors.


It's up to you!

Looking for a fun way to explore our city? Grab your foodie friends, family, team, or colleagues and enjoy a custom food and drink tour. Our team of experts will curate an experience built for just for you.

Read about Vallarta Food tours in top local, national and international publications >>


Enjoy unique culinary Mexican culinary delights while supporting our local food artisans!

Explore Puerto Vallarta’s and it’s culture and charm while discovering it’s unique history!

A memorable experience in a small group with our entertaining tour guides.

Support, meet and engage with local Puerto Vallarta food artisans and restaurant owners.


  • Private Food Tours
  • Bike Rentals
  • Meeting Points

tours en puerto vallarta


Puerto Vallarta Tours

Discover the most incredible tours in puerto vallarta.

tours en puerto vallarta

Security measures against COVID-19

Our tours in Puerto Vallarta have the necessary security measures to take care of your health.


Why choose us?

Service of excellence.

No worries or bad experiences on your vacation.

Incredible locations

We have the most attractive tours in Puerto Vallarta.

Secure booking

Book through our website to make a secure purchase.

Guided tours

With this guided tour you will discover its most emblematic places.

Puerto Vallarta

  • Whale Watching

Humpback whale watching throughout the bay so you can witness the peculiar courtship style of these beautiful marine mammals.

From: $1,400 MXN

Duration: 4 hours, type of tour: whales.

  • Los Arcos / Las Ánimas / Quimixto

To the south of Puerto Vallarta are Las Ánimas and Quimixto, a couple of typical fishing villages that, above all, still retain their charm and can only be reached by boat.

Duration: 7 hours

Type of tour: beach & snorkel, islas marietas traditional.

Traditional Marietas Islands. The two islands that make up this archipelago are home to a great diversity of species, for example, birds and marine species that you can see with the naked eye.

From: $1,800 MXN

Duration: 8 hours 30 minutes.

Riviera Nayarit

Islas Marietas & Playa Escondida

Located to the north of Puerto Vallarta, the Islas Marietas National Park is an ecological refuge. In addition, it has become an unmissable tourist attraction due to its spectacular landscapes, reefs and clear waters.

From: $2,800 MXN

Duration: 8 hours.


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Tours to Islas Marietas, Las Animas, Quimixto, Yelapa, with snorkeling, paddle boarding, kayaking, and whale watching services.

Blvd. Fco. Medina Ascencio,

Terminal Marítima Puerto Mágico, Puerto Vallarta, Jal.

  • Traditional Islas Marietas
  • Islas Marietas / Playa Escondida
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  • Mandatory use of face mask for travelers in all public areas.
  • Mandatory use of face mask for guides in all public areas.
  • Hand sanitizer available for travelers and staff.
  • High traffic areas regularly sanitized.
  • Equipment disinfected between use.
  • Transport vehicles regularly disinfected.
  • Requirement for guides to wash their hands regularly.
  • Temperature checks for travelers at the beginning of the experience.
  • Paid stay-at-home policy for staff with symptoms.


Tourist tours to Islas Marietas, Las Animas, Quimixto, Yelapa, with snorkeling, paddle boarding, kayaking, and whale watching services.

Blvd. Fco. Medina Ascencio, Terminal Marítima Puerto Mágico, Puerto Vallarta, Jal.

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This website uses Cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.

Recorridos turísticos a Islas Marietas, Las Animas, Quimixto, Yelapa, con servicios de snorkel, paddle board, kayaking, avistamiento de ballenas.

Reservaciones de Tour en Barco Pirata Vallarta


Marietas Islands

Tours en Puerto Vallarta

Todos los tours en Vallarta:

 Barcos, Yates, Actividades de Aventura, Barco Pirata y Lanchas de Pesca en Puerto Vallarta

Tours en Puerto vallarta 2024

 Le damos la bienvenida a Puerto Vallarta, Tours Vallarta MX y Vallarta Travel Rewards se especializan en Todos los tours en Puerto vallarta y diversas Actividades, barco pirata y lanchas de pesca en Puerto Vallarta para clientes exigentes y para todos aquellos dispuestos a resolver una necesidad de paseos en el menor tiempo posible con el mejor tratamiento involucrado. ¡Cuenten conn nuestra ayuda en cada paso para resolver sus problemas de tours en Puerto Vallarta!

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Todos los tours Estás viendo 76 Resultados

Tours en Puerto Vallarta es el cómplice de todos aquellos turistas que saben como divertirse, disfrutando de los mejores tours al más bajo precio.

Avistamiento De Ballenas Regular Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Avistamiento de Ballenas en Puerto Vallarta, "TRES ESTRELLAS"

Arcos, Ánimas, Quimixto Tours en Puerto Vallarta

Arcos, Ánimas, Quimixto

Encuentro Con Delfines Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Encuentro con Delfines

tours en puerto vallarta

Isla Marietas con visita a Playa Nopalera

tours en puerto vallarta

Isla Marietas y Playa Escondida

Barco Pirata Marigalante Tour de día Tours en Puerto Vallarta

Barco Pirata tour de día sin barra libre, Espectáculo

Barco pirata Marigalnte tour de noche Tours en Puerto Vallarta

Barco Pirata tour de noche sin barra libre, Espectáculo "Piratas de la Bahía"

tours en puerto vallarta

Tour privado de 1 a 14 personas

Barco pirata tour de noche con barra libre, espectáculo "piratas de la bahía", barco pirata tour de día con barra libre, espectáculo, tour privado de 1 a 8 personas, tour privado de 1 a 12 personas.

tours en puerto vallarta

Avistamiento de Ballenas PREMIUM ​"Avistamiento Garantizado"​

tours en puerto vallarta

Safari Fotográfico de Ballenas "Avistamiento Garantizado"

tours en puerto vallarta

Yelapa Majahuitas 3 estrellas

tours en puerto vallarta

Yelapa Majahuitas 5 estrellas

Jungla Mar Y Playa De Dia Caletas De Dia Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Caletas de Día, Jungla, Mar y Playa

tours en puerto vallarta

Ritmos de la Noche sin Barra Libre, Mar Jungla y Espectáculo

tours en puerto vallarta

Ritmos de la Noche con Barra Libre, Mar Jungla y Espectáculo

Ritmos de la noche vip, mar jungla y espectáculo.

tours en puerto vallarta

Ocean Manía

Entrada A Parque Acuatico Regular Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Entrada a Parque Acuático Regular

Entrada A Parque Acuatico Regular Mas Alimentos Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Entrada a Parque Acuático Regular + Alimentos

Entrada A Parque Acuatico Regular Mas Actividades Individuales Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Entrada a Parque Acuático Regular + Actividades Extremas

Entrada A Parque Acuatico Regular Mas Alimentos Mas Actividades Individuales Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Entrada a Parque Acuático Regular + Alimentos + Actividades Extremas

tours en puerto vallarta

Experiencia con Delfines

Encuentro Paquete Familiar 2 Adultos Y 2 Ninos Menores De 12 Anos Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Encuentro con Delfines 3 x 2, para delfines

tours en puerto vallarta

Encuentro con Delfines 4 x 3, para adultos

tours en puerto vallarta

Nado con Delfines, Swim Adventure

tours en puerto vallarta

Nado con Delfines, Swim Adventure Promoción 3 X 2

Nado con delfines, swim adventure promoción 4 x 3.

Nado con Delfines, Royal Swim

Nado con Delfines, Royal Swim

Encuentro Con Delfines Tours En Puerto Vallarta

Nado con Delfines, Royal Swim Promoción 3 X 2

tours en puerto vallarta

7 Best Puerto Vallarta All-Inclusive Adult-Only Resorts (2024)

W elcome to the vibrant shores of Puerto Vallarta, a premier vacation paradise. It’s known for stunning beaches, rich culture, and luxurious resorts. Moreover, adults seeking an escape from the everyday will find their sanctuary here. An all-inclusive adults-only resort in Puerto Vallarta offers the ultimate in relaxation and romance. Consequently, this guide caters to those in search of the perfect mix of luxury, tranquility, and adult-centric activities. It ensures a serene and unforgettable vacation. So, let’s dive into our carefully selected list of the top 7 Puerto Vallarta all-inclusive adults-only resorts. Each one promises a unique escape into paradise.

1. Secrets Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort

Nestled on the beautiful beaches of Puerto Vallarta, Secrets Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort offers an exclusive getaway for adults. This resort shines with a unique mix of luxury and engaging activities. Think surf lessons and spa treatments inspired by local culture.

Guests have the chance to indulge in gourmet dining, unwind in a world-class spa, or soak up the sun on a private beach. Furthermore, the all-inclusive package caters to every whim. This makes it a prime choice for adults craving both adventure and relaxation.

2. Secrets Vallarta Bay Puerto Vallarta

Overlooking the crystal-clear waters of the Pacific , Secrets Vallarta Bay Puerto Vallarta is a sanctuary of luxury and leisure. This adults-only resort offers a beachfront experience like no other, with Unlimited-Luxury® services that include endless food and beverage options, daytime activities, and nighttime entertainment.

Guests can relax in elegantly appointed suites, enjoy pool and beach wait service, and participate in adult-centric activities designed to entertain and engage. Whether looking for relaxation or adventure, Secrets Vallarta Bay provides an idyllic setting for an adult-only getaway.

3. Casa Velas

In the heart of Puerto Vallarta lies Casa Velas, an adults-only boutique hotel that offers an oasis of tranquility and luxury. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and with an exclusive private beach club, this resort is the epitome of a romantic getaway.

Guests are treated to world-class spa services, gourmet dining experiences, and the utmost in privacy and pampering. The serene atmosphere is perfect for couples and adults seeking a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life, making Casa Velas a premier choice for those in search of relaxation and rejuvenation.

4. Hilton Vallarta Riviera

The Hilton Vallarta Riviera All-Inclusive Resort, set along the picturesque coastline of Puerto Vallarta, offers panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean that captivate and enchant. This adults-only resort provides an all-inclusive experience that includes unlimited dining, spa indulgences, and entertainment options tailored for adults.

From swim-up suites to infinity pools, the resort is designed to offer an unmatched level of luxury and comfort. The exclusive adult-focused amenities ensure that every moment of your stay is filled with relaxation and luxury, setting the stage for a memorable vacation.

5. Hotel Mousai

Hotel Mousai sets the standard for luxury and innovation in Puerto Vallarta, offering an adults-only experience that is both award-winning and breathtaking. From its designer suites and rooftop pools to its avant-garde cuisine, every detail is meticulously crafted to engage the senses.

The resort prides itself on offering personalized service and exclusive experiences, ensuring that each guest’s stay is unique. With its commitment to adult guests, Hotel Mousai provides a sophisticated and serene environment that is ideal for those seeking an upscale getaway in one of Mexico’s most beautiful destinations.

6. Villa Premiere Boutique Hotel & Romantic Getaway

Villa Premiere Boutique Hotel & Romantic Getaway offers an intimate and serene setting, perfect for couples looking to immerse themselves in romance and tranquility. This adults-only resort prides itself on providing bespoke services and amenities, including personalized butler service , romantic dining experiences, and wellness activities like yoga and cooking classes.

The focus on wellness extends to its spa, offering treatments designed to rejuvenate both body and mind. Villa Premiere’s commitment to creating a uniquely romantic and peaceful environment makes it a standout choice for adults seeking a private and luxurious vacation experience in Puerto Vallarta.

7. Marival Armony Luxury Resort & World Spa

Marival Armony Luxury Resort & World Spa combines the beauty of nature with unparalleled luxury in an exclusive adults-only setting. Situated where the lush jungle meets the azure sea, this resort offers a unique blend of tranquility and sophistication.

The World Spa features treatments from around the globe, providing a truly international spa experience. Guests can also enjoy gourmet dining, adult-centric activities, and private beach areas designed to offer a serene and indulgent getaway. Marival Armony’s focus on harmony and luxury makes it a perfect destination for adults seeking a peaceful retreat with a touch of global flair.

Choosing the right Puerto Vallarta all-inclusive adults-only resort can elevate a simple vacation to an unforgettable journey. Each top resort presents a unique array of amenities, services, and experiences. These are specially tailored for adults in search of luxury, relaxation, and romance.

Whether the surf and spa offerings of Secrets Bahia Mita catch your eye, you’re enchanted by Villa Premiere’s intimate setting, or the global spa treatments at Marival Armony call to you, these resorts promise an unmatched vacation experience. Embark on this journey of discovery and luxury. Let Puerto Vallarta’s charm and tranquility wrap you in an unforgettable embrace of serenity.

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Welcome to the vibrant shores of Puerto Vallarta, a premier vacation paradise. It’s known for stunning beaches, rich culture, and luxurious resorts. Moreover, adults seeking an escape from the everyday will find their sanctuary here. An all-inclusive adults-only resort in Puerto Vallarta offers the ultimate in relaxation and romance. Consequently, this guide caters to those... View Article

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Jorullo Point Mirador de Cristal Vehículo todo terreno 5-6 Pax

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Marietas + Playa escondida

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Combo ATV Sencillo – Jorullo Bridge – Canopy

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Tour Sayulita – San Pancho

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Tour a San Sebastián

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Fiesta En Las Montañas

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Barco Pirata – Playa Majahuitas Tour de Día

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Canopy Punta de Mita

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ATV Punta de Mita Doble

Combo atv – jorullo bridge – canopy doble.

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Combo RZR – Jorullo Bridge – Canopy 3 -4 PX

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RZR Jorullo Bridge 3-4 pax

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  1. THE 10 BEST Puerto Vallarta Tours & Excursions

    25. Yelapa & Majahuitas Tour. Have fun and relax on the Yelapa and Majahuitas Day Tour from Puerto Vallarta. The quaint little villages of Yelapa and …. 26. Snorkel in Marietas Island. Marietas Islands National Park located in front of Punta de Mita village is one of the best destination to practice snorkel….

  2. LOS 10 MEJORES Tours y Excursiones en Puerto Vallarta en el 2024

    ATV y RZR Jorullo Bridge Experience en Puerto Vallarta. 309. Durante esta excursión de medio día llena de aventuras, tendrá la oportunidad de bajar el puente Jorullo, el puente colgante más largo de América Latina, en su propio vehículo ATV o RZR resistente.

  3. THE TOP 10 Puerto Vallarta Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    Marietas Islands Snorkel Tour & Hidden Beach. 738. Discover the enchanting Marieta Islands on this snorkeling adventure from Puerto Vallarta. This tour has a 97% chance of visiting Hidden Beach—accessible only through a water tunnel—than other tours.

  4. Puerto Vallarta Tours

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  23. 7 Best Puerto Vallarta All-Inclusive Adult-Only Resorts (2024)

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