Urban Nomad Adventures



こんにちは!Global Leader Tours (以下GLT)です。








GLT ではそんなあなたの想いを叶えることが出来ます!!






GLTでは、未来を切り拓くリーダーを輩出することをコンセプトにこれまでに 7か国以上の国でスタディーツアーを開催してきました!









​カンボジアツアー 「国際協力を人生の選択肢とする人を増やす」 というテーマのもと 「国際協力を仕事にしたいけど、どうすれば出来るか 分からない」そんな参加者が、 国際協力を実際に現地で行う方と対話し 自分の将来を考えるツアーです。 訪問例 独立行政法人 国際協力機構(JICA)    独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)  NPO法人 かものはしプロジェクト など


​ルワンダツアー カンボジアツアーと同じく 「国際協力を人生の選択肢とする人を増やす」 という想いのもと「国際協力を行いたいけど、 どのように続けていけばいいかわからない」 そんな参加者が、現地を見て、 国際協力を仕事にする方々と対話し 国際協力の現場に足を運ぶことで 自分の将来を考えるツアーです。 訪問例 ウムチョイーザ学園 ルワンダノオト クルクメール






自己分析や学びの整理など 様々な コンテンツを通して 1人1人が 未来を切り拓くリーダー と なれるよう ​サポートを行います。


参加者が帰国後に作成した ツアーでの学びを 発信するための冊子。 ​実際にクラウドファンディングを 行い作成しました。


研修終了後の報告会の様子 100名以上の方が集まり 参加者の学びや気付きに ​耳を傾けます。





































普通の大学生活では 得られない圧倒的成長



されているような業務です。もちろん、責任も伴います が、その分他の企業インターン




















​まずは、ここまで読んで下さりありがとうございます!!, gltでは、これから少しでも興味を持っていただいたみなさんに向けて 活動説明会を開催していきます!!, 活動に興味を持った、ぜひ一緒に活動したい! 興味はあるけれども、まだ決め切れない、、、 もっと、話や活動のことを聞いてから決めたい, どんな方でも大丈夫です!! まずは、実際に活動に携わっているメンバーたちと話してみませんか? ​個性豊かなメンバーがあなたをお出迎えします!!, ​glt東京支部活動説明会詳細.

①4月2日  (土) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

②4月9日  (土) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

③4月16日(土) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

④4月23日(土) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

⑤4月30日(土) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕



【場所】 淀川区民センター (詳細は申し込み後メールにてご連絡します)


①3月27日(日) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

②4月3日  (日) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

③4月10日(日) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

④4月17日(日) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

⑤4月24日(日) 13:30-16:30〔残り10枠〕

Q:活動頻度はどれくらいですか? A:活動の取り組み具合で変わりますが、週1.2回ミーティングを定期的に開催しています。

Q:活動はどこで行いますか? A:大阪駅近辺のコワーキングスペースを借りて行っています。

Q:2年生以上も加入できますか? A:学年関係なく、熱意さえあればどなたでも参加可能です!

Q:海外ツアーだけでなく、国内のツアーもできますか? A:もちろん可能です。ツアーだけでなく、フィールドワークやインターンシップ作成など、様々な形のツアー作りに携わっていただきます。

Q:求められる能力や出来たほうがいいことはありますか? A:特にはありません。最初はだれでも、0からのスタートです。仲間と共に少しずつ成長していきましょう!!


Leadership Tours

Travel the world and hone your Leadership Skills on these Once-in-a-Lifetime Educational Vacations!

Leadership Tours are a great opportunity to develop a variety of skills, learn these skills from different people/cultures, and see the world!

The educational learning opportunities are endless, the Professional Tour Guides and Instructors are the highest quality , and the seminars are scintillating! Leadership Tours are both entertaining and educational, with engaging subjects that not only teach specific skills but also teach you how to be a leader in your future workplace and endeavors!

Led by Professional Tour Guides, you’ll engage in a world of different Leadership Studies and Exploratory activities that will put your character to the test. Whether it’s leading a group up the mountains of Nepal or down a river of raging whitewater in Zimbabwe, learn to lead your peers with poise and integrity !

These amazing Leadership workshops are amazing for groups, company retreats, and single-person travel alike. Make new friends and learn new skills as these Leadership Tours are available for anyone with a love of traveling, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to better themselves in life!

No previous knowledge is necessary on any of the tours as our Professional Guides meet you right where you are on Leadership Tours that also feature exploration opportunities and free time to enjoy your own vacation experiences , along with comfortable accommodations and detailed itineraries to ensure you make the most of your Educational Vacation!

Check out our range of sample tours below then contact us to start your learning journey!

Our Latest Tours

Mountain & river guide course.

Mountain & River Guide Course

The ultimate mountain leadership course! Seven international certifications and access to a global network for job opportunities!

Mountain Leadership Course

Mountain Leadership Course

Join us on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure & leadership training course in Nepal's spectacular Himalayan mountains!

Add A Service Component To Your Tour!

Want your students to gain global awareness? We can incorporate a service learning component into any customized tour, in any location. Simply chat to one of our Tour Directors about how your group can help support a worthy local cause while abroad!

Request More Info

We can create a free customized itinerary and quote based on the specific needs of your group. Simply complete the form below and one of our dedicated Tour Consultants will be in touch shortly!

Thanks for reaching out! Your message has been sent successfully and we will be in touch very shortly!

“Can’t recommend these guys enough! Worldaway Learning Tours provided our group with an experience in Vietnam that we will never forget!” Kira Marybeth (Faculty Leader)
“Thank you to everyone at Worldaway Learning Tours. Our students had the most amazing time in South Africa and we are already planning another trip with you guys next year!” Flo Jacquetta (Tour Leader)
“We learnt so much on this trip and I’m forever grateful to everyone at Worldaway for all of their support!” Nanette Terry (Student Leader)
“We were very impressed throughout this entire process with how efficient and professional the team at Worldaway Learning Tours has been. The site was easy to navigate and the booking process was so simple. Highly recommend!” Theresa Haylie (Faculty Leader)


Organize a travel group

What’s better than traveling the world? Doing it for free. Our Group Coordinator program lets you share your passion for travel (and food, and history) with others—plus awesome perks, including a free spot on tour for every six travelers who join you.

How it works

Our Group Coordinator community is a diverse crew with one thing in common—a passion for sharing the world with others. Whether you’re the person in your circle who plans all the fun, a leader of your book club looking to visit the setting of your favorite novel, or a lifelong educator, you could be the perfect fit. Here’s how we can help you make your travel dreams a reality.

global leader tours

We’ll match you with a Tour Consultant who’ll share the details of becoming a Group Coordinator and help you plan your trip. Count on them for help every step of the way. Call us at 1-800-438-7672 to get started.

global leader tours

Choose from 200+ immersive, guided tours with curated itineraries that your group members will love (Spoiler alert: They’re all pretty dreamy.) We take care of everything, from accommodations to zip lining.

global leader tours

The more travelers you recruit, the more rewards you’ll pile up. (It takes effort, but we’re here to help you succeed.) So, invite friends, family, neighbors—anyone with an appetite for adventure—to hit the road with you.

global leader tours

Enjoy all the sightseeing and pasta-twirling—and do it all over again thanks to our travel rewards . Our community is here to help you dream up a travel program you (and your travelers) will keep coming back to.

Rewards and perks you won’t get anywhere else

Inspiring fellow travelers and stoking their travel fire is half the fun of being a Group Coordinator. It’s also real work that we love to reward. That’s why we offer our Group Coordinators the best travel loyalty program and perks out there (and tons of resources and support to make it all happen).

Free spot on tour

For every six travelers you bring, you’ll earn a free spot on tour—with no limit to the number of free spaces you can earn or tours you can take. You won’t find this offer anywhere else.

Personalized benefits that go far (just like our 200+ expertly planned guided trips)

Earn commission.

We’ll help you find the commission structure that makes the most sense (and fun) for the program you want to build. Flexibility is built in.

Discounts you can share

Sweeten the deal for your travelers with discounts on tours, as well as unforgettable add-ons. Did someone say sunset Santorini cruise?

Stellar rewards that add up fast

Our unmatched loyalty program, Global Rewards , lets you earn points to redeem on Convention Tours, on-tour experiences, and more.

Exclusive Convention Tours

We design special trips—to spectacular places—just for Group Coordinators, so you can swap everything from travel stories to recruiting strategies.

Meet some of our Group Coordinators

The fun friend who plans themed movie nights and hosts epic dinners. The bon vivant who lives for bringing people together. The adventurer who’s always dreaming up a new escape, whether to the next town over or a time zone half a world away. These are a few of the folks who make up our Group Coordinator community—a bunch of curious, adventurous explorers who share a passion for travel. And if you’re anything like them, you’ll fit right in.

Get to know some of our Group Coordinators →

global leader tours

We’re all curious and interested in learning. We love to discover. And we’re a little irreverent. Word of mouth just spreads when you’re all enthusiastic and passionate about the same things.

—Group Coordinator Dan

global leader tours

Working with Go Ahead, I can see the change that has been made in so many of my friends’ lives.

—Group Coordinator Debbie

Now that you know how it works, let’s talk support

As a Group Coordinator, we’ll never ask you to go it alone. We’ve got your back with dedicated consultants and mentors (who started out just like you) to inspire you and guide you as you make travel happen.

A Go Ahead team just for you

Your dedicated Tour Consultant will help you choose the right trip, or plan a Private or Customized Tour to suit your group. Your Account Manager will be at the ready to assist with everything from travelers’ payments to insurance options and so much more.

Mentorship opportunities

You’ll meet and connect with our Global Ambassadors. These veteran Group Coordinators have learned a thing or two over the years, and they’re eager to share their expertise—and experiences—anytime you need it.

Our free mobile app

You can use it to recruit travelers, view group members’ account status, track progress toward your group-size goal, and communicate with your group members before and during your tour—to name just a few of its handy features.

A personalized tour website

Share the link to inspire potential travelers, spread the word about your trip, and keep existing group members up to speed on your tour’s details.

Recruiting materials

To help you recruit travelers, we’ll send you personalized flyers, posters, and presentation templates to spread the word. You’ll also have access to the Group Coordinator Handbook and an online toolkit with trainings and resources.

A private Facebook group

Sign in to ask questions, share tips and strategies, post on-tour photos, and chat all things travel with other members of our Group Coordinator community .

Ready? You’ve got this. And we’ve got your back. Call us at 1-800-438-7672 or request details now.

Your best picks for epic trips

Check out handpicked tours Group Coordinators and their crews love, brimming with experiences they’ll never forget. Hot-air-balloon rides high above the Nile and rainforest kayaking in Costa Rica? Built right in.

the pyramids of giza

4.6 out of 5 stars

global leader tours

4.7 out of 5 stars

a four by four vehicle surrounded by wildebeest on a game drive in the african savanna

4.8 out of 5 stars

global leader tours

4.9 out of 5 stars

global leader tours

4.4 out of 5 stars

global leader tours

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions that potential Group Coordinators often ask.

As a Go Ahead Group Coordinator, you’ll earn one free spot on tour for every six travelers you bring with you. The easiest way to earn your free spot is by recruiting at least six full-paying travelers for your trip, but we also offer a variety of other options to fit your group’s unique needs that you can discuss with your Tour Consultant. Call us at 1-800-438-7672 to find out more.

Many Group Coordinators have existing networks of potential travelers. Think: friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, book club members, hairstylists… you get the idea!

Your dedicated Tour Consultant and Account Manager will support you throughout the process of planning your tour and growing your group of travelers. Our team will create a personalized website, flyers, slideshow, reservation forms, and business cards that you can use to spread the word.

You’ll also receive access to an online Group Coordinator Toolkit, which is full of resources that make creating and growing your group of travelers easy.

When you join EF Go Ahead Tours as a Group Coordinator, you become part of a supportive travel community.

You’ll be paired with a dedicated Tour Consultant and Account Manager who’ll help you with every step of the process. We’ll also make you personalized materials to help spread the word, like posters, business cards, and your own webpage. Plus, you’ll have access to an online Group Coordinator Toolkit full of helpful resources, info, and advice about getting travelers to join you on tour. Give us a call at 1-800-438-7672 to get started.

Choosing EF Go Ahead Tours means exploring the world on expertly-planned guided tours, sharing your travels with others, and earning rewards along the way. We’re backed by over 55 years of experience and the EF Education First global network, educational heritage, and local-everywhere expertise.

As a Group Coordinator, you’ll:

  • Earn the industry’s best benefits, including free travel
  • Enjoy the perks of Global Rewards , our industry-leading loyalty program
  • Be part of a supportive community of passionate travelers & Go Ahead staff
  • Travel the world on culturally immersive tours guided by experts

We offer more than 200 expertly-planned guided tours across the globe. Each includes staff-vetted hotels, comfortable transportation, sightseeing with local guides, authentic meals, an expert Tour Director, and much more. There are a few different ways you can join us to explore the world as a Group Coordinator.

  • You and your travelers can join any of our 200+ pre-planned itineraries .
  • With 10 travelers or more, you can make any of our trips a Private Tour . That means your trip is exclusive to your group, and you can choose the departure date that works best for you.
  • With 14 travelers or more, you can dream up your own Customized Tour tailored to your group’s interests.

We partner with organizations looking to make a difference in their members’ lives, whether it’s on alumni travel tours, trips with local banks, special interest tours through community organizations, or spiritual tours through religious organizations.

We offer flexible benefits packages so you can choose what works best. You can generate revenue for your organization, earn a free spot on tour for a community leader, or create a custom benefits package that suits your group’s needs. Read more about our corporate partnerships .


We’re Here to Help

By providing your email address, you agree to receive our exclusive trip announcements, travel inspiration and expert tips. You can unsubscribe at any time.


A World of Wonder, Without the Worries

We are the world's most awarded private jet expedition company.


Group Jet Expeditions

Embark on a Journey of Limitless Potential Join us on the trip of a lifetime, a curated expedition led by our veteran travel experts. Experience the transformative power of travel as you explore diverse destinations with like-minded travelers from the comfort of the private jet.

Machu Picchu

Around the World by Private Jet

Do and See More Than You Ever Thought Possible on a Single Journey Our flagship expedition offers a life list of iconic destinations in a single, all-inclusive itinerary for 52 guests. Travel in comfort aboard the brand-new A321 private jet to explore some of the world’s most extraordinary places and natural wonders. Discover legendary destinations, from Machu Picchu to the Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat to Easter Island.

Upcoming Private Jet Expeditions


A Nordic Adventure

elephants, kenya

Wildlife and Natural Wonders

Le Chateaux

Wonders of the World by Private Jet

The private jet advantage.



Pioneering Innovation

Travel aboard the newest jet in the Group Jet Expedition category, with the largest cabin by height and width of any single-aisle aircraft. The Airbus A321 is 30% more fuel efficient than a Boeing 757 and for your safety, incorporates the most up-to-date, hospital-grade air filtration system that renews the cabin air every few minutes.


Comfort & Ease

The private jet becomes your home in the sky for the entire tour. Your comfort is assured with a roomy interior custom-configured with only 52 flatbed Italian leather seats that offer 6.5 feet of personal reclining space.


Experienced Staff & Crew

Taking care of you is an exceptional 18-member team of flight crew and staff. Your experienced expedition leader and two assistant leaders manage all logistics and handle all details, making your trip hassle-free. Also flying with you are an on-board chef, photographer, two subject matter experts, and an emergency-room trained physician.


In-Flight Amenities

Onboard amenities include Bose noise-cancelling headsets, iPads for streaming curated content and L’Occitane products. Onboard connectivity features an enhanced in-flight presentation system, on-demand entertainment and WiFi.

Bringing Each Destination to Life

Expedition Team

Experienced Expedition Team

Our experienced Expedition Leaders travel with you on your journey and oversee all the details of your trip so that you can just relax and enjoy it. They are full-time TCS staff members, meaning they are focused on your experience all year long. The team also handles your luggage throughout the journey so that you remain unencumbered. For your peace of mind, a physician will accompany you the entire journey.

TCS World Travel Expert Bill Saturno

World-Renowned Experts

At the heart of our expeditions is the desire to connect you with the cultures of the places we visit. Our on-trip subject matter experts travel with you the whole journey to enrich your experience, sharing their expertise both in the air and on the ground and cultural context and connections. Also available for informal chats over meals and during excursions, they come from a variety of backgrounds including history, art, science and diplomacy.

Local staff, India

Local Guides and Staff

Our local guides help bring each destination to life, providing unique insights into each location. They live in the community and connect you to the culture as well as guide you through sights, customs and airports.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Insider Access and Immersive Experiences

Our trip planners bring you special access to some of the world’s greatest sites and unique experiences you can only get with us, allowing you to make authentic connections with the people, wildlife, cultural treasures and natural wonders that inhabit the Earth.

Airbus A321

Your Next Adventure Awaits

Our upcoming expeditions cover a range of destinations and departure dates. Discover the perfect journey for you.

You can unsubscribe at any time


The global leader for group-guiding and self-guiding technologies

Our audio and multimedia solutions help our partners enlighten and inspire their customers.

At Vox, enriching the visitor experience and optimising partners’ operations are our top priorities.

On group tours, our digital audio devices offer a personalised and immersive experience, while ensuring crystal clear reception, long transmission range, and unbeatable reliability for tour success.

For independent exploration, our complete POPguide solution provides expert multilingual commentary at visitors’ own pace and preferences.

With comprehensive tourism management services, including reservations, bookings, audioguide distribution, and satisfaction surveys, we collect and analyze valuable visitor data to implement best practices for efficient tour operations. Our constant drive to make our patented equipment, logistics, software, and services world-class fuels our journey to excellence.



Vox is committed to acting responsibly and doing what is best for our business partners, customers, employees, and the environment.

We partner with local government and businesses to drive sustainability and recycling in the tourism industry and we are constantly working to reduce our environmental footprint and support sustainability.

This includes reducing waste and implementing eco-friendly practices throughout our operations and supply chain, as well as phasing out single-use plastics in our offices. In addition to these efforts, we also offer products and services that help our customers minimize their own environmental impact.

We believe that sustainability begins with us and strive to minimize the negative impacts of tourism while maximizing its positive benefits globally.


21 Years of Record-breaking Achievements


Team Members

The Vox team is dynamic and stimulating, composed of professionals from different backgrounds and countries. This eclectic group of nearly 500 talents embraces a wide range of skills, ranging from developers to creatives, designers, and sales professionals.


Federica Parchetti

Senior Business Development Manager


John Boulding


Elio Epifani


Fabio Primerano

global leader tours

Claudio Bellinzona


Elisabetta Risica

Financial Department Manager - HR

global leader tours

Giuliana Tredici

Business Development Lead


Enrico Mecozzi

Managing Director Spain


Simona Marchionni

Accounting Department


Francesco Epifani

Destination Manager Italy

global leader tours

Barbara Epifani

Marketing Executive


Massimo Primerano

Managing Director UK & Ireland


Barbara Turrini

Accounting Department Manager


Daniele Marchesiello

Managing Director France


Peter Smith

Managing Director Australasia


Managing Director Asia


Daniele Bonifazi

Product Director


Lee Stupple

Account Manager


Alessio Mariotti

Head of Production


Domenico D'Angelo

Logistic Director


Laura Gucciarelli

Office Manager - Florence


Claudio Fiorini


Matteo Zibellini


Sara Broglio

Office Manager - Milan


Mattia Di Tommaso

Daily Department Manager


Guido Bolaffi

Operations Manager - UK

global leader tours

Hanan Sahnane

Operations Manager - France


Sebastien Huet

Technical Director Hardware and R&D


Moti Erdeapel

Business Development - Digital Products


Valentina Tomasetti

Business Development


Daniele Vece


Sabrina Liberatori

Business Development France


Claudia Chiodetti

Account Executive - Distribution

global leader tours

Valentina Forteleoni

Operations Executive


Veronica Gallo

Content Creator


Paolo Sabatini

Plan Group Tour

Global Leader in Socially Conscious Travel.

global leader tours

Plug-and-Go Promotional Materials

Promote your group trip with simple, plug-and-go promotional materials, including a dynamic flyer that can be printed or shared electronically, as well as an informative PowerPoint presentation. Simply plug in your group’s info and go!

Dedicated Customer Service Representative

Once our custom itinerary builders have helped you craft a tour that exactly matches your vision, you will have a dedicated customer service representative to assist you with all aspects of the registration process for you and your travelers. We focus on the logistics, payments, and administration so you can focus on what’s important—your trip! Ready to get started? Contact a MEJDI Tours representative now to start planning the group trip of a lifetime!

Your Group’s Trip Page

A convenient group trip page—featuring booking, payments, reservations, packing lists, comprehensive travel information, and much more—will consolidate all vital trip information onto one convenient web page that’s easily accessible for all participants.

Customary Itinerary Building

Our custom itinerary builders—locals from the destinations you will be visiting—work side by side with group leaders to create unique itineraries customized for your group’s values, goals, needs, and interests. From classic sites to the people and places only MEJDI can connect you with, we’re here to help make your travel dreams a reality.

A few things you’ll need:

Hotel accommodations

Dietary needs and restrictions, sites you’re interested in visiting, basic group information, guide preferences, transportation needs.

Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Don’t have time to fill out the questionnaire?  Fill out this short form and we’ll contact you asap!

global leader tours

We empower and advocate for tour guides around the world.

Tour guide. tourist guide. docent. tour leader., whatever you call yourself, global guide alliance aims to create a space to connect and empower guides, and to raise the standard of the tour guide profession in the travel industry..

Guides are the most important part of any tour.   We aim to highlight guides and put pressure on the travel industry to raise the standard of the tour guide profession.

We create learning opportunities for guides to continually improve their craft and industry knowledge. Our Flagship project, the   Global Guide Summit , (piloted as GuideWeek in May 2021) had over 400 guides from around the world in attendance.

Through our programming we bring guides together within their region, and also across the world, to better  forge relationships and business connections .


Guide Conference, NYC, USA ( August 2023)

Details coming soon.

Subscribe to our newsletter.

global leader tours

Global Guide Alliance is a collective of volunteers helping to create community, education and work opportunities for professional guides around the world.

Weekly Briefings for Guides to Stay Informed & Stay Connected

A weekly digest of industry updates, trends, and tips for better, easier tours. All curated by a guide community that speaks your language.

global leader tours

Overseas Travel & Volunteer Programs. Exclusively for Teens.

GLA Fall 2020

Global impact virtual internship.

The Fall Session of the Global Impact Virtual Internship is now open for registration. Global Leadership Adventures offers this 6-week virtual internship to student interns ages 14-19, where they will develop essential leadership skills and build toward career development goals.

Taking place entirely online, this part-time virtual internship gives our young leaders a unique opportunity to work in partnership with GLA and active non-profit organizations across several countries.

global leader tours


global leader tours

Community Service

global leader tours

Exploratory Travel

global leader tours

Immersive Learning

global leader tours

One-of-a-Kind Adventure

Video: the gla perspective.


• Animal & Wildlife Conservation

• Building From Start to Finish

• Children and Education

• Community Development & Children

• Europe Discovery

• Language Immersion

• Ocean & Climate Action

• Photography & Journalism

• Public Health & Medicine

• Sports Leadership

global leader tours

Request a Program Catalog

We’ll send you a free, full-color GLA program catalog with dates and details for all of our programs.

Featured Videos

Gla through the lens.

The GLA Experience: Join the Movement

Global Leadership Adventures: Our Founding Story

Summer Staff Training: What Sets GLA Directors Apart

GLA Fellowships: Honors and Arts & Letters

GLA Vlog from Peru: Machu Picchu Expedition

GLA Vlog in San Diego: Our Team Beach Clean-up

Why choose gla, the gla difference.

global leader tours

Leadership & Intentional Program Design

We believe that leaders are made and not born, and that leadership is as critical life skill that can be developed. Everyone can be leader who rallies others around a vision or a goal.

global leader tours

5-Point Safety System

Safety is our first priority. Our 5-Point Safety System is a set of rigorous standards that support the safety, health and well-being of students on every program.

global leader tours

Home Base is your home away from home. We aim to provide lodging that’s out of the ordinary. On GLA programs, our student groups stay in well-vetted locations with staff on-site.

global leader tours

Full-Service Parent Support

We provide superior service to every family before, during and after the program. This includes our 24-hour helpline providing staff support throughout the program.

global leader tours

Expert Staff

GLA’s international staff are more than chaperones. Students are led by program Directors and Mentors who have in-depth professional experince working with youth.

global leader tours

Local Partners

As local leaders who live and work in the community, our partners are able to conduct community assessments, prioritize needs, and execute projects on the ground.

global leader tours


Fellowships invite students to step up and learn to be leaders in their field of interest. Students are invited to apply to be a GLA Arts & Letters Fellow or Honors Fellow.


Life-changing international journeys for high school students & beyond.

global leader tours


*Based on a survey of alumni 3 years post-program

  • Participate in a range of experiences: From community service and immersive learning, to exploratory travel and adventure
  • Discover new places and meet new people: Travel overseas and make friends with like-minded teens
  • Earn community service hours: You will earn between 5-80 community service hours while on-program
  • Boost your college admissions: Write about your GLA experience in college applications or essays
  • Choose your ideal dates: Spring break and summer program dates are available; sessions run 8-21 days
  • Make a meaningful impact: GLA is a recognized leader in international volunteering and community service programs for high school students
  • Travel solo or with a friend: Most teens on GLA programs are solo travelers who join the rest of the student group upon arrival; we also welcome friends or siblings who wish to travel together
  • Enjoy small group sizes: Most of our program sessions enroll between 10-30 students, and participants are woven into even more intimate teams for service and mentor groups
  • Tuition is all-inclusive: Scholarships and payment plans are available

GLA on Instagram 📷

Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed.

global leader tours

Free Program Catalog

Use the form below to receive a free, full-color program catalog. or call us now at 1-858-771-0645 (usa) or +1-888-358-4321 (outside usa)..

global leader tours


  1. Seven Crucial Global Leadership Qualities & Traits

    global leader tours

  2. Study explores how to develop global leadership

    global leader tours

  3. What is Global Leadership? Global Leadership Defined

    global leader tours

  4. Global Leaders Today Magazine Releases List of Global 100 Inspirational

    global leader tours

  5. Global leadership conference

    global leader tours

  6. Global Leadership Tips: What Global Leaders Need to Remember

    global leader tours


  1. ツアー、海外、ビジネス

    こんにちは!. Global Leader Tours (以下GLT)です。. 私たちは、世界で活躍する様々な人たちと一緒にスタディーツアーの企画・運営を行っています。. 新たに大学に入学された皆さんの中には. ・大学生活を通して成長したい!. ・人の夢を見つける応援がし ...

  2. Global Leadership Adventures

    GLOBAL LEADERSHIP ADVENTURES. Request a Free Program Catalog. Embark on an unforgettable adventure to destinations across Africa, Asia & the Pacific, Central America, Europe, North America, South America and the Caribbean. Spring Break and Summer program dates are open for enrollment. Enroll in a GLA Program.

  3. Global Leadership Adventures

    At Global Leadership Adventures, we believe meaningful teen travel can be life-changing. In addition to travel programs for high school students ages 14-18, we also offer programs for middle school students ages 13-14. Family and custom group travel are also available. Enroll in a GLA program and travel to destinations in Africa, Asia, Latin ...

  4. Landing: Global Leadership Adventures Programs

    It is Global Leadership Adventures' founding belief that young people - given the opportunity and privilege to embrace different cultures, confront timely challenges and develop their own unique leadership styles - will make this world the kind of place we can all share and explore together. We believe leaders are made, not born, and that ...

  5. Global Leadership Conferences for Teachers

    Join us at EF's 2024 Global Leadership Summit to discover The Impact of Water on Society. Let's dive in to better understand water's influence on transportation, agriculture, energy, and more. Together, we'll explore ways to harness this fundamental resource to make a bigger difference around the world. Browse Berlin 2024 tours.

  6. Berlin Global Leadership Summit

    Save $300 when you enroll on our 2025 Global Leadership Summit through July 1, 2024! 21 results. Special offer. Dublin, London & Leadership Conference. Travel dates: June 28-July 10, 2025. 13 days. ... Show more tours. Tales from our tours. 7 things that happen at an EF Summit. Discover the life-changing magic students get to experience at ...

  7. Global Leadership Adventures

    Global Leadership Adventures, San Diego, California. 146,950 likes · 471 talking about this · 417 were here. www.experienceGLA.com | +1 (858) 771-0645

  8. Global Leader Tours

    Global Leader Tours. 223 likes. 【社会を変えるリーダーを輩出する】 社会を動かしていけるグローバルな志を持った若者が集まるコミュニティ 主な活動は、楽しかった!だけでは終わらせない社会にインパクトの与えら

  9. Leadership Tours & Trips for Students

    Leadership Expeditions and Immersive Field Study Centers. Through our unique partnership with "Camps International" field study centers in 9 developing countries, service-learning trips for high school groups can become a transformative adventure in personal discovery, leadership-building and design-thinking. These are true expeditionary ...

  10. Leadership Tours

    Leadership Tours. Travel the world and hone your Leadership Skills on these Once-in-a-Lifetime Educational Vacations! Leadership Tours are a great opportunity to develop a variety of skills, learn these skills from different people/cultures, and see the world! The educational learning opportunities are endless, the Professional Tour Guides and ...

  11. United States

    Experience all the wonders of the majestic Pacific island chain of Hawaii has to offer. Discover scenic Utah as you dedicate half your time to a rafting and camping expedition. Visit one of the contiguous 48 states through a custom group travel experience. Go off the beaten path and experience The United States through a unique lens.

  12. The Global Citizen Program

    Contact Us. The Global Citizen Program is a series of domestic and international student travel programs designed and curated for middle, high school and college students. Our programs help students develop their ability to make informed, meaningful decisions and encourages them to grow as future leaders and global citizens. Teen travel ...

  13. Executive Global Tours

    Executive Global Tours | 811 followers on LinkedIn. The World Leader of Custom Travel, Golf Vacations & Celebrity Lead Experiences. | Executive Global Tours (EGT) is a prime provider of custom ...

  14. Global Leader Tours TOKYO (@GLT_Tokyo) / Twitter

    【Global Leader Tours TOKYO始動】 過去、開催されていたツアーを2023年を目処に帰ってきます! まずは、世界一幸福な国「デンマーク」から! 🇩🇰 そして、そもそもGLTとは?という方に向けて、説明会を行います! 詳細はDMにてご連絡下さい! 😆

  15. Group Travel Program

    Call us at 1-800-438-7672 to get started. 2. Choose your (picture) perfect trip destination. Choose from 200+ immersive, guided tours with curated itineraries that your group members will love (Spoiler alert: They're all pretty dreamy.) We take care of everything, from accommodations to zip lining.

  16. See an EF Global Leadership Summit in action

    These extraordinary annual events combine educational tours with a weekend-long leadership conference, giving middle school and high school students the tools to tackle significant global challenges in eye-opening destinations. Inspired by the likes of Sir Ken Robinson, Jane Goodall, and Al Gore, students ideate, collaborate, and create ...

  17. TCS World Travel

    Our flagship expedition offers a life list of iconic destinations in a single, all-inclusive itinerary for 52 guests. Travel in comfort aboard the brand-new A321 private jet to explore some of the world's most extraordinary places and natural wonders. Discover legendary destinations, from Machu Picchu to the Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat to Easter ...

  18. The global leader for group-guiding and self-guiding technologies

    Discover how Vox Tours leads the way in providing personalized tourist experiences with our cutting-edge radioguide and audioguide solutions. ... Vox Group is the global leader for guiding solutions in tourism and culture. Vox Group distributes 25 million guided tours annually, to 30 million travellers, in more than 150 countries, via its 5600 ...

  19. Plan Group Tour

    Global Leader in Socially Conscious Travel. MEJDI Tours provides innovative group leader tools that make planning, promoting, and embarking on an exciting group tour easier than ever. From a customized web page for group participants to plug-and-go flyer templates, MEJDI takes care of the logistics so you can focus on planning a trip based on ...

  20. Travel Programs

    Global Leadership Adventures operates travel programs for high school students ages 14-18, and we also offer an option for middle school students ages 12-14. Custom group travel is also available. Programs combined community service, hands-on learning, adventure excursions and leadership development. Enroll in a GLA program and travel to ...

  21. Landing: Teen Travel Programs by Global Leadership Adventures

    TEEN TRAVEL & VOLUNTEER ABROAD PROGRAMS. It is Global Leadership Adventures' founding belief that young people - given the opportunity and privilege to embrace different cultures, confront timely challenges and develop their own unique leadership styles - will make this world the kind of place we can all share and explore together.

  22. The Global Guide Alliance: empowering and advocating for local tour

    We empower and advocate for tour guides around the world. Tour guide. Tourist guide. Docent. Tour leader. Whatever you call yourself, Global Guide Alliance aims to create a space to connect and empower guides, and to raise the standard of the tour guide profession in the travel industry. WHAT WE DO Advocacy Guides are the […]

  23. Global Leadership Adventures

    Free Program Catalog. Use the form below to receive a FREE, full-color program catalog. Or call us now at 1-858-771-0645 (USA) or +1-888-358-4321 (outside USA). Explore the world on our summer volunteer programs for high school students abroad. At GLA, we believe meaningful teen travel can be life-changing.