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How to surprise someone with a trip and 20 Unique Ideas For Surprise Your Loved Ones

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The minute you hear the phrase “surprise trip,” your heart starts pounding with excitement. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a week-long vacation, the element of surprise makes the experience all the more special.

But if you’re planning a surprise trip for someone, there’s a lot to consider. Here are a few tips to make sure your surprise trip is a success:

1. Do your research

Once you have an idea of where you want to go, start doing some research. Look up hotel accommodations, restaurants, and activities in the area. This will help you get a better sense of what your options are and allow you to narrow down your choices.

2. Make a budget

Surprise trips can be expensive, so it’s important to create a budget and stick to it. Decide how much you’re willing to spend on flights, hotels, food, and activities. This will help you stay on track when it comes time to book reservations and pay for things.

3. Book everything in advance

This is key to making sure everything goes smoothly. Once you have an itinerary planned out, book all of your travel arrangements and reservations. This way, you won’t have to worry about anything last-minute and can focus on enjoying the trip.

4. Pack their bags

This is a fun way to really surprise your travel buddy. Pack their bag for them with all of the essentials, including clothes, toiletries, and any other items they might need. Then, all they have to do is show up and enjoy the ride.

5. Keep it a secret

This is probably the most important part of planning a surprise trip. Once you have everything booked, don’t tell anyone about your plans. The element of surprise is what makes this type of trip so special, so make sure to keep it under wraps until the big day.

Are you looking for a way to surprise and delight someone special in your life? It can be as simple or as complicated as you like, and there are plenty of ways to make it extra special. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Plan an itinerary that includes their favorite things.

2. Make sure to include plenty of time for relaxation and down time.

3. Add in some special activities or experiences that they wouldn’t normally get to do.

4. Pack their bags for them so they can just sit back and relax.

5. Plan everything out in advance so there are no surprises.

6. include a few personal touches to really make it extra special.

7. Most importantly, enjoy yourselves and make sure to take plenty of pictures!

Here is my boyfriend and I have spent a great time together on a trip to Las Vegas

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over two years, and I wanted to do something special for him to celebrate. So, I decided to surprise him with a trip to Las Vegas! I had been planning it for weeks, and I was so excited to see the look on his face when he found out.

I had been saving up my vacation days from work, and I was finally able to take the time off. I flew out on a Wednesday afternoon, and I took a taxi to the address that I had written down. When I arrived, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There in front of me was the most beautiful casino that I had ever seen.

I walked inside, and I immediately started looking for my boyfriend. I didn’t see him anywhere, so I decided to gamble a little bit. I played some slot machines, and I won a few hundred dollars. I was on a winning streak, so I kept playing.

After a while, I started to get tired, so I went to look for my boyfriend again. I finally found him, and he was sitting at a poker table. He looked so concentrated, and I didn’t want to disturb him. So, I sat down and watched him play.

I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, my boyfriend was shaking me awake. “Hey, sleepyhead,” he said. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I must have fallen asleep.”

“It’s okay,” he said. “I’m just glad you’re here.”

We hugged each other, and then we went to our room. I was so excited to surprise him, and I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.

The next morning, I woke up early and got dressed. I put on my best dress and did my hair and makeup. Then, I went to wake up my boyfriend.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” I said as I shook him.

“What? What’s going on?” he said, rubbing his eyes.

“I have a surprise for you,” I said. “Get up and get dressed.”

He got out of bed and got dressed, and then we went downstairs. I took him by the hand and walked him into the casino.

“This is amazing,” he said. “I can’t believe you did all this for me.”

“I wanted to do something special for you,” I said. “Happy anniversary.”

We hugged each other, and then we went to gamble. We played some slot machines and poker, and we had a great time. We even won a little bit of money.

At the end of the night, we went back to our room and collapsed into bed. We were both exhausted, but we had a great time. I was so happy that I was able to surprise him with a trip to Las Vegas. It was definitely a birthday that he would never forget.

20 Unique Ideas For Surprise Your Loved Ones

20 best ideas for surprising your loved ones:

  • 1. Arrange a special dinner with their favorite food and drinks.
  • 2. Get tickets to their favorite show or band.
  • 3. Make a personalized coupon book with things you know they’ll love.
  • 4. Plan a weekend getaway to their favorite destination.
  • 5. Put together a care package with their favorite things.
  • 6. Make a photo collage or album with pictures of your time together.
  • 7. Write them a heartfelt letter expressing your love and appreciation.
  • 8. Get them a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant.
  • 9. Give them the day off from work or chores, and spend time together doing things they love.
  • 10. Buy them flowers or another small token of your affection.
  • 11. Plan a scavenger hunt leading up to their present.
  • 12. Cook their favorite meal and serve it in an unusual way (e.g., candlelight dinner in the living room).
  • 13. Do something that is outside of your comfort zone that you know they would love – it shows how much you care!
  • 14. Go on an adventure together – something new that neither of you have done before such as rock climbing, sky diving, etc..
  • 15. Give them a massage or spa treatment.
  • 16. Put together a basket of their favorite things – food, books, movies, etc..
  • 17. Plan a party to celebrate them – invite all their friends and family and make it a special event.
  • 18. Go on a road trip together and explore new places.
  • 19. Take them on a shopping spree – let them buy whatever they want! Whatever you do, make sure it is thoughtful and tailored to the person you are surprising – it’ll make the gesture that much more special.
  • 20. Show him/her our video that includes our history of the timeline.


There are a number of ways to let someone know about a surprise trip. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Tell them in person

This is the most direct way to let someone know about your surprise trip. When the time is right, tell them in person and let them know all of the details.

This is a great way to build up the anticipation and really get them excited for the trip.

2. Send them a postcard

A postcard is a fun and unexpected way to let someone know about your surprise trip. Send one from your destination with all of the details of the trip. This is sure to get them excited and curious about what’s in store.

3. Give them a call

If you’re short on time, a phone call is a great way to let someone know about your surprise trip. Just give them a call and fill them in on all of the details. This is a quick and easy way to let them know what’s going on.

4. Send them an email

An email is a great way to deliver all of the details of your surprise trip. Just write up an email with all of the information and send it their way. This is a simple and convenient way to let them know what’s going on.

5. Leave them a note

If you’re really short on time, a note is a great way to let someone know about your surprise trip. Just jot down all of the details and leave it for them to find. This is a quick and easy way to give them a heads up.

These are just a few of the ways you can let someone know about a surprise trip. Choose the method that works best for you and your situation. Whatever you do, make sure to keep the element of surprise intact. This is key to making the trip a success.

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How To Surprise Someone With A Trip [How, When, Where + Tips]

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How to surprise someone (or your family) with a trip can be a daunting task . Not only do you you need know and schedule out the logistics of it, but also how you are going let that loved one know about the secret vacation! Here is the why, how, and additional tips and tricks on how to surprise someone with a trip !

How To Surprise Someone With A Trip [Complete Guide]

Table of Contents

Why Plan a Surprise Trip

There are many reasons why you should plan a surprise trip. Some reasons include celebrating someones birthday, an epic Christmas gift, anniversary gift, or even a valentines day surprise. Or, it could be just simply wanting to surprise that loved one with a gift that they will cherish forever.

I planned a surprise trip for my husband to Hawaii and a graduation gift, and we enjoyed incredible outdoor activities while we were there!

Surprise trips are exciting, fun, and memorable . In addition, they provide the perfect opportunity to unexpectedly ditch the routine and recharge your batteries.

Just think, you could surprise someone with a trip to Alaska to escape the summer heat. Or maybe plan an epic surprise vacation to somewhere tropical during the dead of winter.

Click on a destination on the map to find a specific travel guide

Tips On Keeping It A Surprise

The number one key of planning a surprise trip is keeping it a surprise! A few ways people drop the ball include not erasing your search history or keeping up their internet tabs that reveal all. The best way to avoid this? Plan everything using the incognito window on chrome.

Also, be careful about spilling the news if you share a bank account or credit card with that individual and they regularly check the statements. Instead, buy a visa gift card of the amount you plan to spend and purchase everything with that.

Lastly, when booking flights, don’t add their frequent flier miles to the booking. Nothing ruins a surprise better than that individual receiving the itinerary straight to their email.

How To Surprise Someone With A Trip [Complete Guide]

Scheduling a Surprise Trip

Scheduling a surprise trip is going to be one of the largest hurdles you face. Here’s a few tips of scheduling that epic vacation-

  • Check his/her schedule with their academic calendar if they are still in the university to see when their breaks are
  • Ask their friends/colleagues/co-workers more about their schedules
  • Depending on the job or company they work for, you can always go straight to their boss to request time off for them
  • Lastly, just ask them directly about their schedule around the time you are planning the trip

Additional Reading- How To To Travel With a Full-Time Job [Weekend Warrior Guide]

How To Surprise Someone With A Trip [Complete Guide]

Surprise Trip Reveals

9 ways to reveal where you are going.

Giving experiences as gifts is widely accepted as a wonderful alternative to giving material objects. But have you ever wondered how to give a trip as a gift, and have it still be fun to open? Make opening the gift an experience of it’s own! Here are several ideas of how to reveal a surprise trip-

10 Unforgettable Adventures in Oahu, Hawaii! These things are so great and I'm totally putting them on my list! I especially love the secret turtle beach, the amazing hikes, and the best beaches tips!

  • Dress up as if you are in your vacation spot. For example, if you’re headed to the beach put on those flip flops and Hawaiian shirt before that loved one gets home. Going to Disneyland? Rock those mouse ears and that Disney t-shirt.
  • Nothing says exciting like a good ole scavenger hunt. Leave little clues throughout the house that leads to the end prize of either flight tickets, a packed bag, you name it!
  • Hand them a marked up travel guide of the future destination of places you’re going to see!
  • Cook a meal that is local to the area you’ll be visiting. Not a good cook? Consider eating out at a restaurant that specializes in that cuisine.
  • Buy them a camera that they can use to capture memories while on the surprise trip! Here is a complete guide to the best travel camera gear (all affordable options!)
  • Gift them a new backpack or luggage set! Below is the best travel luggage on amazon.

Where To Go On Your Surprise Trip

You probably know the individual quite well so you’ll know where they prefer to go. Although Steve loved the trips I planned to this small island and this popular Mexican city , I know he prefers forested or mountain escapes (which is why we love visiting Idaho ). So keep in mind your loved ones’ likes and plan accordingly.

fly fishing in swan valley

Still lost? Straight up ask them about their top three places they would like to visit someday. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, I like to use Skyscanner to find the cheapest airlines departing from my home airport and go there!

Here’s how to do it . Enter in your home airport. Then set your destination as “everywhere”. Next either choose the “cheapest month” or set a month of when you want to go. I’ve always scored the best flights deals while checking Skyscanner!

How To Surprise Someone With A Trip [Complete Guide]

When to Reveal the Surprise Trip

You have two options of when to reveal the surprise trip.

  • First, you can reveal the day of the trip! This one is risky yet incredible if pulled off correctly.
  • The next option is a little bit more safe by letting them know a little in advance.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Things To Plan For A Surprise Trip (That You Might Have Forgotten)

While you’re planning a surprise trip all by yourself can be quite overwhelming . Because you’ll most likely be planning your trip by yourself, you might worry that you are missing something. Here are a few travel tips while booking your trip of things not to forget about.

  • Flights – Like mentioned previously, I use Skyscanner to book my flights and always end up getting the best deals! You might consider purchasing flight cancellation coverage just in case.
  • Airport Parking – Know your airport, the fees, and the availability before arriving. You can find the cheapest airport parking with
  • Transportation when you get there. Do you plan on renting a car? Using public transportation? Or using an awesome tour bus?
  • Comfortable Travel Items- There are some things that make the traveling experience that much better (like having your favorite snack on the flight). My top thing to not forget at home is a reliable travel pillow! I absolutely love mine from PineTales. It has a designer bamboo pillowcase and offers better support because it’s filled with premium buckwheat. It’s great to travel with through the airport, plane and even makes a great knee pillow for the hotel (they never provide enough pillows anyway!)

surprising girlfriend with trip

  • Sightseeing/Plans – When we travel to a new city, I love purchasing the City Pass because it saves so much money on attractions, activities, and even food! Most U.S. cities are available on the City Pass.
  • Hotel or airbnb ? If you are planning on booking a hotel, I recommend using this site . I always score the most incredible deals by using it! If you want to save a little money, then check out airbnb! Here’s a $40 coupon off of your stay!

Additional Reading: 5 Insanely Easy Ways To Eat Healthy While Traveling

Bear Lake Cabin, Utah

How To Document Your Surprise Trip

I’ve always said that the best souvenir is a travel photo! I recommend hiring a professional photographer is you are taking a special trip that you want to remember. Flytographer has great and affordable services! Use FLY25 for $25 off of your first booking.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Planning a surprise trip can be a bit scary, but if done correctly, can be an amazing gift that will be remembered forever.

Booking A Surprise Trip With A Company

Instead of planning a surprise trip yourself, there are also surprise trip companies that will completley do all the heavy lifting for you! There are several reasons why I would reccomend booking a surprise trip with a company-

  • You also want to enjoy the experience of a surprise trip (you don’t really get to be surprised if you’re the one booking the getaway)
  • You don’t want to worry about the logistics of picking a destination, booking a flight + hotel, planning things to do, finding restaurants, etc.
  • You don’t consider yourself a good planner and want someone else to do it for you

What Surprise Trip Company Should You Book With?

There are several surprise trip companies out there but I would recommend booking your trip with Next Where! The mission of Next Where is to “set-up your perfect weekend at an unforgettable destination. We’ll send you to places you would otherwise never visit. Or maybe you would – but with Next-Where you will travel under a completely different mindset, or at least we hope so.”

Our Surprise Vacation Experience With Next Where

We booked a trip with Next Where for a weekend getaway in February and were blown away with how much we loved the experience! Next Where coordinated our fights, hotels, and even gave us recommendations of what to do, see and eat while we were in Denver, Colorado. The best part of this experience is that we had no idea where we were going until we got to the airport!

Once at the airport, we first opened up the envelope that told us where we were going to be flying to. In our case, it was Denver. Next, we opened up the envelope of where we would be staying. We were so impressed with the hotel that they choose- The Hyatt Regency Denver At Colorado Convention Center. Lastly, we opened up the envelope that had recommendations, based on our interests, of things we could do and places where we could eat!

surprising girlfriend with trip

The flights went really smoothly and we were so happy once we arrived to Denver and checked into our hotel. As mentioned above, we stayed at the Hyatt Regency Denver At Colorado Convention Center that was in the ideal location to do some sight-seeing!

In addition to the location, the hotel provided excellent views of the city and surrounding mountains, had an amazing f itness center, pool, and rooftop hot tub! (If you ever find yourself in Denver, don’t hesitate to book a stay at this hotel!)

What I also loved about this hotel was that they had on-site dining options. We had the opportunity to dine at the Former Saint Denver for both breakfast and dinner and were impressed with the atmosphere, seating options, and most importantly, the food!

surprising girlfriend with trip

For breakfast, we enjoyed the nutella pancakes and salmon eggs benedict and for dinner we feasted on perfectly cooked chicken and lamb. Seriously, the next time that you are in Denver you need to stop at this restaurant whether you stay at the hotel or not!

The entire weekend we spend walking around the Lodo District and exploring famous sites such as Union Station, the 16th street mall, and the Capitol building. All of these places that we visited were found in the third envelope that we opened.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Overall, we would give Next Where a 10/10 for the surprise trip experience that they provided us! If you have more questions about booking a surprise trip with Next Where, you can visit their FAQ page.

Is A Surprise Trip For You?

In the words of Next Where, “ If you are a spontaneous, open-minded traveler seeking a break from day-to-day stress, you are at the right place. “

Pin for later!

Learn how to surprise someone with a vacation this year! These are all great ideas a for a surprise vacation reveal for your husband, boyfriend, or spouse. Surprise trip and the gift of travel is the perfect gift to give this year!

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7 creative ways to reveal a surprise vacation

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

The surprise vacation has been planned. The itinerary is fixed. The flight tickets and hotels have been booked. And now you just cannot wait to reveal it to your family/ parents/ partner or whoever you are gifting this surprise trip! Planning a secret holiday is a lot of hard work (don’t we know that!), and so the surprise trip reveal deserves to be as fantastic as the holiday you’ve planned. And trust us, if you are planning a week-long vacation, it is ideal to announce the vacation a few days or even weeks in advance, to give enough time to your loved ones to plan their schedule around the given dates. So here are some creative vacation reveal ideas that will be as fun as the actual trip!

surprised and happy couple on a Blind Experiences holiday

Surprise birthday trip reveal

You could choose a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary to make the grand announcement. For instance, if you are planning to send your parents on a surprise vacation to celebrate their 50th golden wedding anniversary, you could pick one of their birthdays to reveal the upcoming trip. The birthday gift would be a clue to where they are going! 1. A customized cake You can bake or arrange a cake based on the theme of your destination. If your secret is a safari holiday to Kenya or Namibia, how about a jungle or safari-theme cake ? Or you could plan a “photo rolling” or “pull-out” cake where the birthday boy or girl gets to pull out a roll of photos or clues from the cake that will reveal the big surprise!

2. Gift a travel essential Birthdays by default involve gifting. So, a creative way to reveal your surprise trip is to gift a travel essential that would also double up as a hint towards your chosen destination. How about gifting a travel wallet ? You could slip in a calendar card, with the dates of the trip crossed out to indicate that those days are “booked for a vacation”. If you are planning an adventurous trip with your partner that may include camping out, how about you gift a camping tent and leave your beloved guessing about the destination 😉 Also read: Best way to plan a surprise trip: 4 tips to gift the perfect holiday !

Surprise honeymoon clues by couple

Cool ideas to reveal a surprise trip to your husband/ wife

There is nothing cooler than planning a surprise to reveal a surprise trip! And when you’re planning a secret vacation for your spouse, you have so many interesting ways to announce your surprise.

3. Let a movie reveal the surprise Plan a comfortable Friday evening movie night at home with your husband/ wife andpick a movie that has been shot in or around your secret holiday destination! If your destination is Italy, you can build up the suspense to your reveal, by watching the beautiful movie, Under the Tuscan Sun , that showcase the beautiful landscape of rural Tuscany and the charming Italian lifestyle. If your secret destination is Iceland, how about you watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty that puts the best of this Nordic country on display. You can place a note at the bottom of your popcorn tub, that reads, “Isn’t the movie storyline and location fantastic? How about we shoot our story there?” or something equally cheesy like a surprise trip reveal poem 😉

“Fun-tastic” ways to announce a surprise family trip to your kids

Some of our favourite surprise trip reveal ideas involve announcing the holiday to the little ones. It does not take a lot of effort to keep a surprise from them, yet it is incredibly gratifying to see their starry eyes light up with joy when they get to know!

excited kid at a family beach holiday

4. Send them on a treasure hunt Make your children earn their surprise gift by scattering treasures (clues) all over the house that will lead them to the final clue that reveals the destination or the fact that they will soon go on a trip! You can draft each clue in such a way that their theme is in sync with the holiday place. For instance, if you are planning to take the family to Disney world or any other amusement theme park, you could write your clues accordingly: “ Brace yourself for a bumpy ride. Find your next clue where eggs are fried! ” (Hide the clue in the kitchen near the cooking stove) “ An adventure awaits, are you ready? Find your next clue where you study! ” (Hide the clue in the kids’ room near their study table/ school stuff) 5. Make them solve a surprise trip reveal puzzle Let the kids rack their brains a little to discover the surprise holiday that awaits them! You can draw or print out a picture that either gives a clue or announces your vacation destination directly. Now cut this up into smaller pieces – the more pieces, the more puzzling! Let them put together the entire puzzle and watch the delight on their faces!

Romantic ways to reveal a surprise beach vacation to your boyfriend/ girlfriend

happy girlfriend on a dinner date

The initial days of dating are a whirlwind of romance and grand gestures. So if you’ve planned a surprise vacation for your girlfriend or boyfriend, it definitely needs to be announced in a special way!

6. Set his/ her heart racing with a special evening full of “reveals” If you are headed to a beach destination, how about you plan a tropical meal at home (seafood) with some fresh fruits, some punch or pina colada with those cute umbrellas. You can also dress up to set the mood – flip-flops and a flowery dress/ shorts and let them get the hint!

Our personal favourite way to reveal a surprise trip

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7. Surprise within a surprise within a surprise... When the Blind Experiences team plans a "blind travel experience" for our customers, we put together a bunch of envelopes - anywhere between 5 to 10 envelopes depending on the duration of your vacation! We allow you to open only the first envelope so that you can discover where you’re heading on your blind experience! Then, you have to simply enjoy and savour every moment of your trip. As your vacation proceeds, you get to open one envelope every other day, so that you know what's next. This way, every other day you get a small surprise as each letter reveals a new experience/ activity/ destination!

You can get inspired from these ideas and add your unique touch to reveal your surprise holiday. And if you need help with planning the entire surprise travel, we are here for you !

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9 Steps to Plan A Surprise Trip for your Significant Other

  • Martina Johnson
  • 6 minute read

Are you looking for a fantastic way to show your spouse or significant other some love? A surprise trip is one of the best ways to do it. While surprise trips are fun and exciting, planning them can be stressful because you want to make sure your loved one will enjoy the trip while also keeping it a secret.

So, how do you plan a surprise trip for your spouse or significant other? One of the hardest parts of planning a surprise trip for your partner is keeping it a secret. The following steps can help you plan the perfect surprise getaway:

  • Start planning well in advance.
  • Find a few helping hands.
  • Create a new email address.
  • Use a payment option you don’t share with your partner.
  • Find out your partner’s free time.
  • Plan a budget for your trip.
  • Pick a destination that you know your partner will love.
  • Make an itinerary for your vacation days.
  • Pack secretly.

Planning a romantic getaway surprise isn’t easy — especially if both of you have busy schedules. However, this article will tell you how to plan a surprise trip for your lover that is guaranteed to be a success! 

9 Steps to Plan a Surprise Trip for Your Spouse or Significant Other

Instead of making random moves that might blow your secret, follow these steps to help you skip the overwhelming part of planning and allow you to put together the perfect surprise trip.

1. Start Planning Well in Advance

Planning your trip early is crucial for its success. You have a higher chance of making it work, and the eleventh-hour stress is avoided. 

Some of the benefits of planning your surprise trip early are:

  • Since early booking is generally cheaper, you’ll save money.
  • You’ll have more opportunities to travel at any date and to any destination.
  • Most holiday destinations provide exclusive events during holidays that are limited to early bookers.

2. Find a Few Helping Hands

Does the success of your surprise trip depend on the help of family or friends? Ask the most reliable (and trustworthy) people to help you plan the trip. For instance, if you need someone to bring the luggage to the airport secretly, they can help get it there for you without your loved one knowing.

However, minimize the number of people who know about the surprise as much as possible. Only tell someone if it’s necessary – it is a critical secret after all.

3. Create a New Email Address

To keep your plans secret, you should create a new email address for all of the bookings and other correspondence regarding the trip. You don’t want an email about the trip being sent to an account that your spouse or significant other can access. Also, never leave the email up when you leave your computer because they can easily see it.

4. Use a Payment Option That You Don’t Share

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when planning a surprise trip is using a shared credit or debit card. Your loved one might see a notification of the transactions and ask questions. Instead, use an account that you don’t share with your spouse or use other payment options available.  

5. Find Out Your Partner’s Free Time

If your partner is the type to write down their to-do lists and weekly plans, this won’t be hard. Do some detective work on their phone or calendar and find the times that they are free. But what if the schedule of your significant other is usually unpredictable? That’s when you ask them to take the time off for something else or if possible you can arrange the time off with their company.

6. Pick a Budget for Your Trip

Planning the trip with no regard for the expenses could backfire on you and make your loved one upset about the money spent. Create a budget that works with the living expenses that you and your spouse or significant other have. Also, book early to grab a bargain and keep your budget small.

7. Pick a Special Destination

It can be difficult to decide on a surprise trip location. Where does your spouse want to go? Would they like to swim with turtles in Cancun, or would they rather spend weekend nights in Las Vegas? Make sure to consider your loved one’s wants when choosing the destination.

If you listen to the things that excite your partner, you may remember their dream travel plans from past conversations. However, your spouse could be the type that doesn’t care much about trips. If this is the case, you may have to create a conversation to learn where they would love to go.

Be sure to choose a destination that will be special to you and your partner. A place away from home that the two of you can both enjoy is worth going to more than any other traditionally “magical place.” Just because a certain destination is popular doesn’t mean that it is right for you and your loved one.

8. Make an Itinerary for Your Vacation Days

If you don’t plan your days, you can end up with spontaneity that might become too hectic to be romantic. Choose activities that are special to your partner. You can also plan a variety of activities to partake in so that your spouse can choose what they’d most like to do.

If your partner likes adventure, make it happen. If they’d love a quiet treat day, plan a couple’s massage and a phone-free dinner.

9. Pack Secretly

Now, this is the hard part. How do you take their clothes without them knowing? You can pack the things they won’t notice are gone, and you can do it when they are not at home. 

You can also pack the stuff you know they will need first and ask them to grab a few things the moment you reveal the surprise. If they need special clothes for outings that are planned, you can let them know.

If your spouse is particular about how he or she dresses and you aren’t the stylist in the family, tell them a week or two (shipping takes time. lol) before the trip what to pack and the weather. For instance, please pack 3 days worth of clothing (dinner, casual and beachwear) for a warm climate.

Surprise Trip Ideas for Your Significant Other

You now know how to plan a surprise trip successfully, but you may be struggling with destination ideas. Not all romantic trips have to be in exotic places. Some trip ideas that you can consider are listed below.

Road trips are great for adventurous couples. Reigniting love on the road can be genuinely romantic. Pack some gear that’ll come in handy and drive off into the sunset. If you don’t know where to go, here are three great road trip ideas:

  • Ride down the Pacific Coast Highway for breathtaking ocean views.
  • Travel Route 66 and drive until you cannot drive anymore.
  • Explore the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Wine Tasting

Does your partner appreciate wine creation and tasting? You can take them to Napa Valley and spice it up with the Wine Train for an epic memory. Even better, take them for a special wine tasting experience at these exclusive wineries:

  • Vizcarra Vineyards in Niagara Wine Trail
  • Brutocao Cellars Hopland tasting room in Hopland, California
  • Cellardoor Winery in Lincolnville, Maine
  • Horn Winery in Hye, Texas
  • Santos Wines in Santorini, Greece
  • The Winelands in South Africa

Romantic Experiences

From bathing under the sun in Botswana to spending a night in a European ice hotel, there are several romantic travel ideas if you enjoy exploring diverse cultures. You can check these out:

  • A Date in the Sahara Desert in Morocco
  • Experience nature through the glasshouses in Candlewood Cabins , Wisconsin
  • A candlelit dinner on the beach
  • Visit Paris, France – the city of romance
  • The Getaway House in different locations throughout the US
  • Go on dates all weekends in one America’s friendliest and most underrated cities

To see other romantic experiences, read more here . 

Art Exploration

Is your spouse the artistic type? If so, art galleries and spectacular museums are places they would love. There are museums and galleries all over the world that can inspire awe in anyone. Try visiting one of these five galleries and museums:

  • Gagosian Gallery , which has 17 galleries worldwide
  • Storm King Art Center in New York
  • Selby Fleetwood Gallery i n New Mexico
  • The Contemporary Austin in Texas
  • David Zwirner Gallery in Paris, New York, London, or Hong Kong

In Conclusion

Planning a surprise trip for your spouse or significant other doesn’t have to be stressful! If you follow these steps, you will be able to plan a surprise romantic getaway that is catered to your partner with no issues.

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10 Useful Tips for Traveling with Another Couple

19 beautiful and romantic places in california to propose, you may also like, a romantic philly weekend trip.

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Lovely Couple’s Getaway in Madison, Wisconsin

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Glorious Wanderlust in Antigua and Barbuda

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Exploring the Charms of Cincinnati: A Memorable Weekend Escape

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A Conscious Rethink

50 surprises your girlfriend will go crazy over and love you for

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man holding surprise for girlfriend

You love your girlfriend.

You’re absolutely head over heels for her.

And, if you’re honest with yourself, you’re finding it hard to imagine life without her.

You might have been in a relationship for a month, a decade, or even a lifetime, but you want to show her just how much you love her.

If you’re reading this, chances are that she’s pretty good at surprising you and making you feel loved, and you want to return the favor.

Never fear! As a woman who loves nothing better than a romantic surprise, I’ve put together a list of things you can do to surprise your girlfriend.

It includes everything from sweet, tiny gestures that you can use to show her how appreciated she is at any time…

…to the bigger ones that you might drop in every now and then.

1. Leave her notes

If you’ve slept over at her place and you’re the last one to leave in the morning, leave a little note on the pillow for her to come back to at the end of the day.

Tell her how smart she is, how beautiful she is, or how proud you are of her.

Tell her one of the reasons that you love her . Or, break out your (fabulous, I’m sure) drawing skills and express yourself that way.

2. Arrange a shout-out on the radio

Many stations have regular times of the day when listeners can send messages to other people. Make it something short but sweet, and tell her to tune in when you know it’s going to be read out.

3. Express your feelings in your local newspaper

Most local papers have an announcements section, but you don’t need to announce anything other than how much you love and care for your girlfriend or how awesome she is. Grab a copy, leave it open on the right page, and draw a circle around your message so that she sees it.

4. Hide notes or little gifts for her to find

The notes don’t just have to be waiting on her bed. If she’s off to work, pop one in her bag, in with her lunch, or between the pages of her book.

If she’s going away, hide a tiny gift or a photo of the two of you in her suitcase for her to discover upon arrival.

5. Write a love letter

Notes not doing it justice? Go for a full-on love letter.

For extra points, send it through the post so that it arrives when she’s least expecting it.

6. Send her postcards

If you go away somewhere without her, send her a postcard telling her you wish she was there.

7. Write a poem or a song

If you’ve got any creative bones in your body, then don’t be shy. Use them!

Write her a sonnet. Or, if you’re handy with a guitar, why not go all out and compose a song?

But you don’t necessarily have to make it up yourself. There are plenty of poets out there who have probably already expressed the feelings you’re trying to get across.

Search online, then write out the poem and send it through the post. Or get it framed for her.

If you know she has a favorite poet, that’s a fantastic place to start.

On the song front, if you can play or sing, but fall at the composing hurdle, a heartfelt rendition of a love song to celebrate a special occasion will always go down well.

8. Do a job you know needs doing

If you live together, then the two of you will be dividing chores equally …

…but if you know there’s something she’s meant to be tackling that she hates, and that you could quite easily do for her, that’s a practical surprise she’ll definitely appreciate.

If you don’t live together, then it’ll be even more appreciated. Do the washing up, hang out the washing, or pop to the shops.

9. Gifts can be classic, but personalized

If you’d like to get her something for a special occasion, or just because you love her, then the stereotypical flowers, chocolates, and cuddly toys could be a good idea…

…provided that you put that extra little bit of thought into it, and get her something you know she likes.

If she’s a fan of dark chocolate, make it a box of organic dark chocolate truffles.

If she’s obsessed with sunflowers, get her a bouquet of them.

These are lovely gifts on Valentine’s Day or her birthday, but they’re best as a surprise when she is least expecting them or needs a bit of a pick-me-up.

As far as other types of gifts go, focus on the personalization.

Buy her tickets to a concert by her favorite band or her favorite author’s latest book.

Show her that you listen to her and you know her.

10. Make a little treasure hunt

Any gift can be made even more special if you make her follow some clues to find it. This could be around your/her flat or even outside if you have somewhere quiet where you can leave the clues and know they won’t be disturbed. It’s fun and you can make the clues personal to her or your relationship.

11. Buy her underwear or pyjamas

Whilst we’re on the subject of gifts, underwear is a perfect way to show her just how well you know her and makes sure you’re on her mind whenever she wears it.

If you’re not entirely sure of sizes or nervous about such an intimate gift, then a pair of luxury pyjamas is almost as intimate, and probably something she rarely buys for herself!

12. Make her a modern-day mix tape

Tapes aren’t very practical any more, and CDs are increasingly retro, but you could still surprise her with a carefully crafted playlist full of songs you know she’ll love or that remind you of her.

13. Do that one thing you’ve always talked about

Is there something the two of you have been talking about doing for as long as you can remember?

Organize it.

Get it locked into the diary. Show her that you’re not all talk, but can take action too!

14. Make plans that involve spending quality time, not vast amounts of money

You don’t need to spend huge amounts of money to have a good time together.

As they say, the best things in life are often free. Make plans that involve more effort on your part and less expenditure.

Everyone appreciates effort. Your girlfriend is sure to.

15. Perform a PDA

PDA stands for a public display of affection, and if you’re not normally the type to hold her hand or kiss her in front of others, this little gesture will be a big and very welcome surprise for her.

16. Take her to a sunset spot

When was the last time you watched the sunset together?

If you can’t think of a fantastic sunset spot yourself, then ask your friends or you could even ask Google.

Pack some yummy snacks and a bottle of something special and watch the sun go down in the company of the woman you love.

17. Get her favorite celeb to message her

Okay, this may be a long shot, but the payoff would be huge. Get yourself on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, find her favorite singer, band, actor, sports star, or other famous personality, and ask them to record a really short video message for your girlfriend. Can you imagine the look on her face…? You never know, some celebs love to do nice things for their biggest fans.

18. Make a photo album or scrapbook

A photo album is a wonderful gift on a special occasion. She’ll really appreciate the time and energy you put into it.

If you save things like ticket stubs or receipts from special days, these will make it even more personal.

You could suggest that you add to it together over the years and watch as your story unfolds.

19. Write a travel bucket list

Suggest that the two of you make a list of places that you would love to visit in her company during your lives together.

Making a list like this lets her know that you want to travel the world in her company and share some incredible experiences.

20. Build or make her something

If you’re any good with a saw or crafty with your hands, then why not create something for her?

Make it something you know she needs, and she’ll think of you every time she sees or uses it.

21. Give her a massage

A shoulder, foot, or even full body massage at the end of a long, hard day is a wonderfully intimate way of helping her relax and unwind.

It costs you nothing, but offering her a massage when she hasn’t asked will win you a lot of brownie points.

22. Run her a bath

If she’s had a hard day, run a hot bath with a dash of bubble bath and light a scented candle.

Do whatever needs doing to make sure she has an hour of undisturbed peace.

23. Pop a hot water bottle between the sheets

Before you go to bed, heat up some hot water and pop the hot water bottle between the sheets on her side of the bed to warm it up for her.

24. Brush her hair

Having your hair brushed is a wonderful sensation that women normally only get to enjoy every couple of months at the hairdressers.

Brush her hair for her occasionally to give her a relaxing head massage.

Or let her lay her head on your lap and stroke her hair as you both unwind in the evening.

25. Adopt an animal in her name

From cuddly koalas to fierce tigers, there are many organizations that allow you to symbolically ‘adopt’ an animal in order to raise funds. If your girlfriend is into saving wildlife or has a favorite animal, she’ll love this!

26. Cook a special meal

If you never cook, then something simple will suffice, but if you’re handy in the kitchen, take the time to find a new recipe and buy the ingredients.

Light a few candles and lay the table to show her it’s a special occasion.

27. Make her breakfast in bed

Cereal, toast, pastries, coffee, fresh juice – go all out and take her breakfast in bed. It’s guaranteed to give her the best start to the day and there’s always enough for you to share. Make sure to sweep away the crumbs from the bed afterwards!

28. Pack a picnic

If it’s a beautiful day, or even a beautiful evening, then there’s no need to eat indoors.

Pack up a special picnic with her favorite foods, grab a blanket, and take her somewhere beautiful.

29. Go to outdoor cinema

Movie dates are fun, but it’s even more special when you can cuddle up on a blanket with a hamper full of popcorn and other snacks, and catch a movie under the stars.

30. Light a candle

Something as simple as just lighting a candle in your bedroom whilst you’re watching a film or chatting to one another shows her that you want to make things special.

31. Leave her a treat in the fridge

Buy her that desert you know she loves or have a meal ready and waiting for her in the fridge for when she gets back from work, so she doesn’t have to cook.

A cold bottle of wine waiting in the fridge on a Friday evening isn’t a bad idea, either.

32. Recreate your first date

Where did you first meet? Where did you first go for dinner?

Suggest going back there to show you remember, and tell her just how wonderful you thought she was when you first met.

33. Take time off when she’s ill

If she’s not feeling well, take the morning off work to go with her to the doctor.

As much as she might claim she’s okay, she’ll love having you there to hold her hand. Offer to go to the pharmacy or the supermarket for her.

34. Take her lunch

If you know she’s free one lunchtime, why not turn up with food from her favorite lunch spot, for a spontaneous, middle-of-the-day date?

35. Or make her a packed lunch

If you know she doesn’t have time to leave her desk at lunch, then pack her lunch and hand it to her on her way out of the door. Pop a note in there to make the gesture even sweeter.

36. Help her out with things she often forgets

Does she always forget to fill up her car? Buy toothpaste? Book a train? Do it for her.

37. Take an interest in her career

If you’re genuinely interested in a woman’s career, she’ll love you for it.

If you happen to spot a job you think she’d be interested in, pass it on. If you see an article she might find useful, send her the link.

38. Comment on changes to her appearance

Did she get a haircut? Get a piercing? Buy a new dress? Make sure you comment whenever she’s looking different or particularly lovely, so she knows you really see her.

39. Boast about how great she is to your friends and family

Don’t be shy about singing her praises to others when she’s there.

Tell your best mates about how well she’s doing in her job, or your parents how good she is at coding.

She might seem a little embarrassed, but if they’re genuine compliments, deep down she’ll love that you’re proud of her.

40. Plan a whole weekend together

Block out a whole weekend, just for the two of you.

You could go away somewhere, but even plans for a relaxing weekend at home with romantic walks and lazy mornings enjoying each other’s company will mean you can relax and reconnect.

41. Call her just to chat

Texting is all well and good, but if she doesn’t get to see you in person, then hearing your voice is the next best thing. Call her in the morning just to wish her a nice day.

42. Leave her a voice message

If you aren’t free to chat, but you want to send her something more special than a text, many messaging apps allow you to record and send voice messages. She’ll love receiving one of these and hearing you say nice things.

43. Do something that’s overly romantic and cheesy

If you’ve got a hopeless romantic hiding inside you, then let them have free reign now and again.

Go as cheesy and over-the-top as you like, without holding back. Think candle-lit dinner on a rooftop with soft music and a bunch of flowers.

44. Suggest spending time with her family

Don’t wait for her to ask you if you’d like to go visit her family. Suggest it yourself, and tell her you’d love to spend time with them.

45. Throw her a surprise party – if that’s her kind of thing

Some people absolutely hate being the center of attention, but if you know she’d love it then plan a surprise party for her, to celebrate her birthday or a big achievement.

Just remember to focus on inviting her friends, not just yours.

46. Dance like no one’s watching

Dance with her. Dance with her at parties, no matter how bad you think you are. Just have fun with it.

Suggest signing up for dance classes. Dance with her in the kitchen. Dance with her even when there’s no music playing.

47. Do the planning for a big trip

If you’ve been talking about going away somewhere, but there’s a lot of planning involved, then do the research.

Check out transport, accommodation, and activities and then present it all to her, ready to be booked.

That’ll take all the stress out of it for her, and mean she can just relax and enjoy.

48. Book a holiday, but keep the destination secret

Obviously, you’ll need to let her know you’re going somewhere so she can sort out the time-off.

But, if she’s a fan of surprises, why not wait until the airport before you let her know where the two of you are going?

Just make sure you let her know what clothes to pack!

49. Scatter flower petals on the bed

It’s cheesy, but it’s also effective. Buy some roses and take a few of the flowers apart to turn your bedroom into a romantic, snuggly place to relax in. If you have any flowers left, put them in a vase on her bedside table.

50. Hire a horse-drawn carriage

Take her to a big town or city near you and find a company that provides horse-drawn carriage rides. Enjoy the sights and share in the moment as you clip and clop along the streets.

Be spontaneous , and pay attention to details

If you want to show your girlfriend how much you love her then grab every opportunity that presents itself, and don’t be shy.

Listen to the things she tells yo u and remember the things she loves so that you can surprise her in the ways she will love best.

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About The Author

surprising girlfriend with trip

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.

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Plan a Romantic Surprise Vacation

FTC:  This page uses affiliate links.  More .  

Maureen Mattson - Assistant Editor, Excellent Romantic Vacations

By:   Maureen Mattson ,  ERV Asst Editor - Updated: Apr 4, 2023 

Want to surprise that special someone with a romantic getaway? Here's a collection of travel ideas for surprising her (or him!)...

Planning Tips:

surprising girlfriend with trip

choose the right destination

  • Give careful thought to the destination.  Think of a place your significant other has always wanted to go? A place he/she holds special, and has always dreamed of going? That’s the kind of trip we’re talking about. Choose a place that will help both of you break free of your usual routine, but don’t plan a trip that’s secretly for you!  

maintain the element of surprise

  • Be a little bit sneaky to protect the element of surprise:  How can you make sure your husband or wife takes the time off for a getaway or doesn't schedule something else for that time? It's tricky, but you could try a "fake" arrangement or booking of something else for that time period (a visit to relatives, a household project, a mundane trip of some kind, etc).  You may even need to coordinate with the boss of your significant other. 

careful with that cc!

  • If you're booking a romantic surprise vacation more than a month in advance, be careful when using a joint credit card. If your husband or wife shares the account and they see the statement, you’re busted! As well, be careful with e-mails and any other correspondence that your spouse could see that might provide strong clues or even give away your surprise trip.

book an add-on package

  • Research romantic package deals or enhancements: Lots of hotels and B&B's have romance packages with extras like champagne, chocolates, picnic lunch or romantic carriage ride. When you make a booking, ask the staff to keep it a secret until the right time. You can also request flowers in the room for arrival, or a romantic turndown service. (See our pages that suggest in-room hot tubs or plunge pools ) 

Know the eateries

  • Search ahead of time for local restaurants:  Know what is available and where it’s located. Consider making reservations. 

be a control freak

  • Pre-plan and schedule your activities or excursions:  Ensure tickets are purchased, transportation is arranged, and bookings are made so things go smoothly when it’s time to do what you’ve dreamed of. 

Pre-Packing caution

  • Packing in advance? Packing for her sounds romantic, but is loaded with risk! For many women, wrong or missing items can doom a holiday!  If it's just an overnight surprise getaway not far from home, it could be ok. Perhaps enlist help from her friends or family, or access her packing list if she keeps one.   
  • Upgrade your transportation and/or hotel room: Plan a surprise room upgrade at a hotel or inn. So, if you're booking a getaway in Southern California for example, make it seem like it's going to be the usual room, no frills, etc. But actually make the reservation for a  Romantic Hotel Getaway in Los Angeles or Palm Springs .

the big reveal!

  • Some people love to have the bags packed and not reveal the surprise until you are at the airport or train station. Others tell their loved one a day or two in advance so that he/she can enjoy the anticipation and have time to prepare. If the trip is particularly long or far away, allow time for the recipient to do some shopping and preparing. (And make sure that passport is valid!) Perhaps gift a travel essential with a note inside announcing the plans. Whatever you decide, we wish you a lifetime of good memories. 

surprise honeymoons

  • Surprise Honeymoon Vacation?   Our advice: Don’t . Plan other romantic getaways as a surprise.  Your honeymoon  is for both of you, and should be planned together. Besides, it’s once-in-a-lifetime, and too important to be left to just 1 person.

Surprise Vacation Packages: Hawaii, Las Vegas  

surprising girlfriend with trip

Sometimes, planning it  waaaaaaay  in advance increases the chance your surprise will be discovered! So for some last-minute vacation deals:

  • Hawaii Quick-Escape Hotel & Air Packages  - sneak away to Oahu, Maui or Kauai for a great and affordable vacation
  • Surprise Las Vegas Vacation Deals: $499 or Less  - Orbitz has some great deals to Vegas. All you have to do is keep it a secret!

Surprise Engagement Trips

  • Surprise Marriage Proposal:   If you're not only looking for a romantic surprise vacation but a surprise engagement as well, don't rely on the Jumbotron at the sports stadium! Instead, you could try:
  • proposing while on a romantic Gondola ride
  • renting a limo for a city tour and proposing while sipping champagne
  • enjoying a picnic in a park or on the beach on a nice afternoon
  • get to a place with a great view, and dropping down on one knee
  • popping the question while ice skating
  • take his/her to the location of your first date together

Got More Money than Ideas? Fairmont Hotels Proposal Packages are waiting for you!

More Romantic Surprise Vacation Ideas & Destinations

surprising girlfriend with trip

  • Pull the Old Switcheroo:   This is done by diverting to a romantic destination close to where you might normally travel. For example, let's say you always visit family in Northern California. So make it sound like it’s another routine "visit the family weekend", but instead, turn it into a  romantic weekend in San Francisco  or  the romantic Northern California Coast  instead.

Other possibilities for the "usual destination / nearby romantic alternative" include:

  • Atlanta -  Savannah, GA
  • New York -  Long Island, NY
  • Los Angeles -  Palm Springs, CA
  • Seattle -  Vancouver  or  Victoria, BC

Best Type of Surprise Escape from Stress:  an all-inclusive resort where most everything is looked after, and where you can relax and unwind in one place (not have to jump from location to location and pack-unpack-pack)

Are you a couple that's been everywhere? Looking to plan a unique surprise vacation and adventure? Why not try something different, like a  romantic getaway in Iceland  or a  beach vacation in Belize?  

Have Some Fun:   in your husband or wife's carry-on bag, place a travel magazine with the page corner folded on the surprise destination your headed to. Then suggest that for a "hint' about where you're going, check the bag!

Not Adventurous? For sure-fire destinations you can't go wrong with, stick to:

Plan a Surprise romantic hotel stay:

Hotel 50 Bowery NYC

Hotel 50 Bowery

Royal Sonesta Chicago River North

Royal Sonesta

Los Angeles

Shade Hotel Manhattan Beach CA

Shade Hotel

surprising girlfriend with trip

Le Meridien Dallas TX

Renaissance Hotel Atlanta

Renaissance Atlanta

surprising girlfriend with trip

Hotel Granduca

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Hyatt Regency

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Latest stories, 15 romantic surprise ideas that will wow your partner, from subtle gestures to grand plans, these romantic surprises are sure to impress your spouse..

30-something white woman hugging her boyfriend and holding a glass of champagne

While there’s something to be said for the comfort of falling into a routine with your significant other, predictability and romance rarely go hand-in-hand in the long term. In many cases, those dinners in your gym clothes and TV binges on the couch can even start to chip away at the fabric of your relationship, making what was once an exciting whirlwind romance feel increasingly like a comfortable friendship. The good news? It's easier to spice things up than you might think—all it takes is a romantic surprise , no matter how grand.

“A surprise need not be elaborate or expensive,” says marriage and relationship coach Stacey Greene . “It should be from the heart and filled with opportunity for strengthening the bond between you and your spouse.” If you’re looking for inspiration, we gathered romantic surprise ideas from mental health and relationship experts that will reignite the spark in your relationship . And for more ways to keep your relationship fresh, check out these 21 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Marriage .

1 | Make one of their bucket list dreams come true.

Has your spouse always wanted to swim with dolphins? Try the tasting menu at a Michelin-star restaurant? Spend a weekend at that beautiful bed and breakfast in the country? Whatever it may be, make a plan to surprise your partner with something you know they've always wanted to do or see.

“It doesn’t matter how small or how grand—the fact that your partner felt like you listened to them will show them that you care and are paying attention ,” says Melissa Divaris Thompson , LMFT, with Embracing Joy Marriage and Family Therapy in Manhattan. And if you’re looking to spice things up, try these 40 Amazing Date Night Ideas for People Over 40 .

2 | Plan a year's worth of dates.

No matter how long you've been together, making it clear to your partner that your relationship remains a top priority in your future is a great way of keeping the romance alive. One fun way to do that? “Plan 12 months of dates and have your spouse open up each date at the beginning of the month and follow through with the plan,” suggests Seattle-based licensed mental health counselor Rachel Elder . In doing so, “not only are your prioritizing your relationship for the year, but you are creating future memories together and expressing your desire to be with your partner.”

3 | Leave a fun reminder that you are thinking about them.

You don’t need to spend a ton of money on a romantic gift to surprise your partner —creative and thoughtful gestures that let them know you’re thinking about them and value them are sure to help spark a renewed passion in your relationship. “Whether it's a $20 bill in a coat pocket, a sweet note on their steering wheel, or a date night invitation in their coffee cup, you'll hardly be able to wait for your spouse to find your fun surprises that you leave for them,” says therapist Lauren Cook , MMFT.

4 | Or write them a love letter.

Putting pen to paper may feel like an antiquated practice in the digital age—and that’s exactly why a handwritten love letter feels like such a thoughtful and surprising gift. “Affirming or validating love and qualities of your spouse can encourage and create a connection in the relationship as well as help during times of stress when a couple is working through challenges ,” says psychotherapist and certified relationship coach Babita Spinelli .

5 | Take an interest in their favorite hobby.

Even if you’ve never found a personal passion for crocheting or puzzles, taking an interest in your spouse’s favorite hobby —especially if you’ve been resistant to doing so in the past—can be a great way to give them a romantic surprise.

6 | Whisk them away for a romantic trip.

Sure, flights to Paris may be prohibitively pricey, but you can still sweep your significant other off their feet with a romantic getaway closer to home.

Just set your sights on a spot that's important to you as a couple and book your trip! And if you want to be more romantic in general, brush up on these 50 Relationship Quotes to Reignite Your Love .

7 | Pick them up at work.

Whether your spouse had a stressful day at work and could use a chance to blow off steam or they just got a promotion you want to celebrate with them, picking your significant other up at the end of the workday is a romantic surprise they’re sure to love.

The surprise will be an instant mood booster for your partner, and you'll feel pretty good about seeing them so excited, too!

8 | Tackle their to-do list for them.

Has your spouse been complaining about the loose banister on your staircase or their messy closet for what feels like forever? If you want to surprise them in the best way, arrange to have it taken care of by the time they get home at the end of the day.

“This can be as big as a remodeling or redecorating job, or as small as sending out the laundry,” explains Rachel D. Miller , a marriage and family therapist based in Chicago. “Taking something off your partner’s to-do list can create space in their mind to be present with you in a moment or maybe a day of fun and frivolity.” And if you’re eager to keep your marriage healthy, make sure you know these 40 Marriage Mistakes No One Over 40 Should Make, According to Experts .

9 | Give them an unexpected compliment.

Hearing “I love you” is nice, but if you want to surprise your spouse, give them thoughtful compliments on top of those daily reminders of your love for them. Greene recommends everything from the gushing “You look wonderful” to the grateful “Thank you for always forgiving me when I lose my temper.” Regardless of its nature, any comment that clearly comes from a genuine place and that shows how much you appreciate them can make a big impact.

10 | Arrange for them to have some alone time.

Not every romantic surprise for your spouse has to be an experience you do together. If you want to give your partner a gift they’re sure to love, try offering them some time to fly solo . “This gives your partner a chance to recharge,” says Miller.

Looking for some ideas as to how to do that? Book a hotel room for your partner or take the kids away for the weekend. And when they return from having some time to themselves, you might just find that your relationship is better for it. “Fully charged partners are more likely to want to engage in quality time together, especially if they have had quality time alone ,” Miller explains.

11 | Help them take a trip down memory lane.

Want to give your spouse a romantic surprise they’ll love on a shoestring budget? Compile a slideshow of photos of your relationship or create a memento box and have it ready to show them when they arrive home. “Nostalgia can create emotional connection and bring the warmth of those early days back to the surface,” Miller says. “Surprising your partner with a trip down memory lane either through a scrapbook, a framed enlargement of favorite picture, or a recreation of a first date or favorite moment can be an incredibly powerful way to reconnect.” And if you want to maintain the strength of your bond in the future, try these 17 Daily Habits That Keep a Marriage Healthy, According to Therapists .

12 | Plan a spa day.

Everyone could use some R&R from time to time—including you!—so why not surprise your spouse with a day for the two of you to unwind and recharge? “Surprising your partner with a planned day of relaxation together provides the atmosphere and mood for meaningful reconnection,” says Miller.

13 | Have a picnic at home.

Who says you have to make reservations at a fancy restaurant to surprise your spouse with an unforgettable romantic meal? Instead, try surprising them with a picnic at home. Prepare a meal, get their favorite wine and dessert, and let the fun unfold.

“Creating something new in a familiar place can bring a sense novelty, which stimulates our brains," says licensed therapist Farah Harris , MA, LCPC. "And the shared experience can help you feel closer to your partner.”

14 | Or cook together with ingredients known to be aphrodisiacs.

Even if eating under the stars isn't an option, try spicing things up in the kitchen (and maybe elsewhere later on) by planning a menu full of aphrodisiacs to cook and enjoy together. “Grab a fun cookbook like Fork Me, Spoon Me  or  Romancing the Stove ," suggests Miller. “Let the books be the surprise, and you can plan a menu to cook together and have a spicy night in.”

15 | Organize a night out with their friends, but without you.

Want to really surprise your spouse? Then arrange a night out for them—without you by their side. “Set up a date or evening for your spouse to get together with his or her friends,” suggests professional life coach Carrie C. Mead , MS. By sitting the evening out and allowing your significant other to nourish their other relationships, “it shows your spouse that you care deeply about their needs and are willing to make sacrifices for them.”

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How to Surprise Your Loved One With a Trip to The Caribbean Without Them Knowing

Discover the secret to surprising someone with a mystery vacation and see some creative ways to reveal the surprise trip to your partner..

Surprises are not always easy to plan. Even if you desire to do something secretive to surprise your partner, it can be hard to know what steps to follow. So how do you surprise someone with a trip away? 

Don't worry, because in this little blog, I am going to show you exactly what you need to do to surprise that special someone with a getaway to the Caribbean . 

As far as surprises go, this is an unforgettable one!

Think about what they want

Before you go working behind the scenes, you need to ask yourself if your loved one would appreciate the surprise aspect or whether they would prefer to be part of the planning process. A lot of people love surprises but some dislike the concept so make sure you give that some thought. 

Get their details 

If they would love a surprise then let's start getting all their information together for the reservation. First, you need their full name as it appears on their ID, along with their date of birth. Next, you need a copy of their passport for international travel and you need to check that they have their paperwork in order so that they can fly to the place you want to visit. 

A really important thing to also review before you book anything is their calendar. 

Checking the calendar to help plan a surprise getaway in the Caribbean

See what other events they have planned, find out when they can get time off work, and use that as a guiding factor so that you can plan accordingly. 

Book your vacation surprise

Whilst I'm sure that you will want to review all the destinations, resorts, available suites, and local attractions of your vacation, all of this needs to be done in secret. This means that you should do it when your loved one is not at home, or when you are out of the house. 

And remember, some people will know that something is up and try to find out what it is you're hiding so make sure you leave no trail of your activity. Delete your browser history, pay with a card that they don't have access to, leave no receipts, destination guides, or other hints around the house for them to find, and make sure none of the information is going to their email. 

It's always better to book far in advance for the best deals and discounts. However, the longer you have to keep this secret the less likely you are going to do so. Therefore, you may want to consider a last minute booking so that you can more effectively keep the surprise. 

Make sure you have everything ready

If you book a suite and flight package , you will likely have most of the surprise vacation already sorted. If staying in an All Inclusive resort, then everything you both need is already at your fingertips. However, you should also consider ground transportation to and from the resort along with any other tours or activities outside of the resort that you would like to enjoy. These should all be booked in advance when possible, along with any Spa treatments or additions you want to include. 

Booking a surprise trip online via a laptop without your partner knowing

How to keep the surprise trip a secret

Some people are great at keeping secrets for the ultimate surprise whilst others struggle with it. Focus on the long term joy that they will have though, choose a time to reveal it, and stick to the plan. If you can distract yourself for a while so that you are not constantly thinking about it, that will help. 

If you have to tell someone, tell your pet. Often some of the best secrets and surprises are leaked by telling the wrong person. Lastly, do not give hints. The more hints you give, the more you will want to tell them as you see their excitement grow. 

Add in some distractions for a mystery vacation

In no way is dishonesty something to encourage. But for a brilliant surprise, you can definitely throw in some diversions to help keep things interesting. If your partner knows that you are going on vacation but does not know where; you could leave some misleading information for them to find in poorly hidden places.

For example, you could leave travel brochures about cold and windy locations, do searches online for the best time of year to visit Poland, or simply buy more winter clothes for your loved one.

What about packing the bags?

This one is tricky because you need to include everything that your partner needs but you also don't want to give the game away. There are several ways to go about this. 

One option is to pack their bag for them but not let them see what is inside or what you have packed. This is an option for partners who are very very confident about what their partner needs to bring, however, it is a problem at the airport unless you are the only one checking in bags since everyone needs to know what's in their bags. 

Packing your bags for a surprise vacation in the Caribbean

The next option is to not tell your partner what kind of mystery vacation it is or what to pack but let them pack for every possible option. This is a fun one but can lead to bringing a lot of things that they do not need and can leave them slightly underprepared if they get it really wrong. 

The last option is to reveal that it's a summer vacation without telling them the destination so that they can pack accordingly. This is the safest option but maybe not the most exciting. 

Decide on a surprise trip announcement time

When are you going to tell them that you are going on vacation? You might need to tell them this in advance so that they can get the appropriate time off work. What about the destination? When will you reveal that to them?

This is really up to you. But bear in mind that when they get to the airport they will see the destination, and when they get off the plane, the reserved ground transportation will likely have signs with your resort name on it. No surprise lasts forever so you want to choose the best moment to reveal it. 

You could reveal it all a week before your trip, a day before, or the same day, or you could just let them get to the airport and find out for themselves when they see you staring at the airport departures board.

Departures board in the airport of a Caribbean destination

Either way, make a plan and keep to it. 

Creative ways to reveal a surprise vacation

The reveal can be a big moment if you want and there are many ways to reveal a big surprise like this to your partner. Here are a few ideas:

  • Watch a movie set in the destination. Then talk about how wonderful it would be to visit that place. 
  • Write a love letter with a plane ticket in it. 
  • Give them a vacation appropriate gift. It could be a hat, sunglasses, or something else they need for their getaway. Then tell them that you thought they might need it for their upcoming trip. 
  • Create a video slideshow with photos of the destination or resort and then end the video with the dates of your vacation. 
  • Make an advert for the fridge. You can make flyers easily online nowadays with a free program. Simply make a flier that looks like a vacation advert and place it on your fridge for your partner to find. 
  • Place a QR code somewhere in your house that links directly to your resort website or the suite that you booked. 

These are just a few reveal ideas for your trip but I'm sure you can come up with many more. However you choose to proceed, may the surprise be extraordinary and may the time you spend together on vacation be full of memories that last a lifetime. 

As you go about planning your surprise trip, check out some honeymoon and anniversary packages to see if you can make this vacation even more incredible!

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Unveil the Ultimate Surprise Trip for Your Beloved

Orchestrating a surprise getaway for your significant other isn’t just a heartfelt expression of affection; it’s also an opportunity to craft enduring memories. This guide from Life, Love & Travel will help you navigate the key steps in planning a journey that not only aligns with your partner’s wishes but also infuses a sense of awe and anticipation into your relationship.

Determine Their Dream Destinations

Begin by delving into your partner’s travel dreams. Pay attention to their comments about favorite destinations or activities they wish to try. Observe their preferences in travel – do they prefer serene beaches or bustling cities? Luxury stays or adventurous outings ? This insight is fundamental in crafting a journey that speaks directly to their heart.

Budgeting with Care

Setting a realistic budget is critical, as it shapes the entire experience. It’s not just about the extravagance of the trip but about creating a seamless experience. Account for all aspects including flights, accommodations, dining, and experiences. Remember to include a contingency fund for those unexpected yet delightful opportunities that may arise. By planning financially, you ensure that the trip remains enjoyable and free from the stress of unforeseen expenses. This strategic budgeting also allows for splurging on a few special experiences, ensuring the trip is as enchanting as it is well-planned.

Crafting a Unique Invitation

To add a special touch to your surprise, consider crafting a personalized invitation. With free online tools at your disposal, you can try this : select a pre-designed template and infuse it with your own creative flair. Customize it using your choice of fonts, images, and design elements to truly reflect the spirit of your upcoming adventure. This customized invitation serves not only as a teaser of the exciting journey ahead but also as a testament to the thoughtfulness and effort you’ve invested in this unique experience.

Aligning with Meaningful Occasion

Timing the trip with a significant date adds an extra layer of sentiment. Whether it’s an anniversary, birthday, or a date that holds special meaning in your relationship, aligning your trip with these moments can amplify the emotional value of your surprise. This thoughtful timing turns a simple getaway into a commemorative celebration, enhancing the sense of the occasion and making the experience all the more memorable. It also offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect on your journey together and anticipate the future.

Incorporating Personal Touches

Personalize the trip with activities that hold sentimental value. Visit a place you’ve always talked about or recreate a special moment from your past. These personal touches transform the trip into a heartfelt experience. Add unexpected surprises along the way, like a meal at a restaurant with significance to your relationship or a visit to a landmark that’s been on your shared bucket list. Each personalized element adds depth and meaning, making the trip uniquely yours.

Choosing Strategic Accommodations

Select accommodations that encourage exploration and activity. Opt for places with high walkability , allowing you both to immerse yourselves in the local culture and maintain an active lifestyle during the trip. Staying in a location that is central or has unique characteristics can also enhance your experience, providing easy access to local attractions and opportunities to interact with the community. This strategic choice not only makes the trip more convenient but also more enriching and memorable.

Prioritize Wellness & Bonding

Incorporate elements that promote health and wellness into your itinerary. Choose accommodations with fitness facilities or plan activities that keep you both active . This approach not only enhances your physical well-being but also strengthens your bond as you engage in these activities together. Consider enjoying local activities to enhance your wellness practices, like a yoga session at sunrise or a nature hike. These shared experiences not only invigorate the body but also bring a deeper connection, making the trip a rejuvenating experience for your relationship.

Planning an Inventive Reveal

The reveal of the trip should be as memorable as the trip itself. Consider organizing a scavenger hunt or a series of puzzles leading up to the announcement. This creative approach not only builds excitement but also makes the revelation a fun and engaging experience. Tailor the reveal to your partner’s interests, perhaps leading them through a series of their favorite places or activities. The anticipation and surprise of each clue or challenge add an extra layer of joy and playfulness to the start of your adventure together.

The essence of creating the perfect surprise trip lies in the thoughtful details and the love that goes into planning each aspect. It’s an opportunity to celebrate your relationship in a way that is uniquely tailored to you and your partner. Through this journey, you’ll not only discover new places but also rediscover each other. The memories created will be cherished, serving as a beautiful reminder of the love, creativity, and effort that made your surprise trip a magical experience.

Life, Love & Travel shares tips and stories for fellow travelers – and those who want to be. Feel free to find me on Facebook and Instagram , too!

Guest article written by James Hall at . 

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Tanzania Safaris

Beautiful blog post. Thank you for sharing

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Life, Love & Travel

You’re most welcome!

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April Vera Lynn Travels

How to Plan a Surprise Trip for Someone

How to Plan a Surprise Trip for Someone

Is it your SO’s birthday? Are you celebrating an anniversary or wanting to blow your best friend away with the best Christmas gift ever? Above all else, do you and your special someone love to travel? Then perhaps it’s really time to treat them (and maybe yourself too) to a surprise trip! Here are some surprise trip planning hacks along with how I planned a trip for my partner.

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My partner, Arturo, had his birthday on August 31. I wanted to give him a gift he would never forget. We spent the past summer in Mexico City visiting his family. While there we missed seeing the Northern Lights four times in my hometown, Kelowna, BC. This was kind of disappointing for us because neither of us have ever seen the Northern Lights before. Yes, even though I’m Canadian I have yet to see them. My hometown of Kelowna is located in South-Western Canada and the Northern Lights are not a common sight there.

For his birthday I decided that we needed to see the Northern Lights. . I’m excited to say that in November we will be going on a road trip to Jasper and Banff, Alberta. Hopefully, we will be able to see the Northern Lights, go snowshoeing and visit some hot springs. So how did I plan this trip without letting him know until his birthday? Here’s how I did it and how you can plan a trip for someone you love as well.


Table of Contents

Surprise Trip Planning: Find Out When They Have Time Off… Secretly

Surprise Trip Planning

This was probably the hardest part. Arturo was back in school at UBC Okanagan this fall and I wasn’t so I wasn’t sure when the long weekends were going to be for him. I ended up finding UBCO’s academic calendar for this year online. Through this, I was able to see that there would be a long weekend for Remembrance Day* (Nov 11).

A few ways you can find out when your friend or SO will have time off are listed below.

  • If they’re in university , try to find their university’s academic calendar online. Alternatively you can ask one of their classmates for it.
  • If they have a steady job you may already know when their days off are. Or you can try to talk to their boss to see if you can plan a few days off for them, without them knowing of course.
  • If they keep an agenda or updated calendar either somewhere in their house or on their phone you can look at their schedule that way.
  • You can straight up just ask them . I asked Arturo if he knew around which times of year he would have midterms. This was to double check and see if he would have midterms to study for around the long weekend. You could also get another friend to ask them so they don’t start to suspect that you’re planning something.

Figure Out What Kind of Trip To Go On

Surprise Trip Planning

There are a few questions you need to ask yourself when planning a trip for someone else. First of all, are you going to go with them or are you going to send them away with a friend of theirs?

  • Are you going to go on the trip with them?  If you’re an avid traveler yourself you will probably want to do this and enjoy the trip with them. If you’re not but your friend or SO is, then you could always send them on a solo trip or plan a trip for them and another friend. One of my English students in Mexico told me that her husband planned a trip for her and her best friend once.
  • Is it going to be a long or short trip?  Short trips are definitely easier to plan when you’re planning in secret for someone else. This way you are less likely to have to ask someone’s boss if they can have time off. On the other hand, the longer the trip, the more fun is to be had!
  • Are you going to fly or road trip?  This totally depends on your financial situation as well as timing and how far you want to go. It’s all up to you but take into consideration your friend’s preferences. For example, does this friend or SO of yours get car-sick easily? Are the terrified of flying? Plan according to what you think they would enjoy best. I planned a road trip because we have access to a car and we’re saving up for our wedding so it’s definitely the cheapest option at this point.
  • Where will you stay?  Are you going to go camping, stay in a hostel or bed and breakfast or are you planning a luxurious stay at a fancy resort? Don’t just think about finances, take into consideration the kinds of places your friend/SO likes to stay.

Surprise Trip Planning: International Trips

Surprise Trip Planning

If you plan an international trip for someone or with someone it’s going to be a little bit trickier. You will have to do the following things and may need to tell the person a little sooner than planned about the upcoming trip so they can do the following things.

  • Passports.  If you plan an international trip for someone you need to make sure that their (and your) passport is up to date. If they don’t have a passport or it isn’t up to date, you will have to tell them about your travel plans a lot earlier on.
  • Travel Insurance.  If you take someone to another country you will need to get travel insurance for both parties. While you may be able to purchase insurance for someone else you will likely need a lot of their personal information that you may not already have depending on who you are planning the trip for.
  • Travel Clinics.  It’s always a good idea to visit a travel clinic before you travel outside of the country. You could talk to someone at the travel clinic alone and if they say you and your friend will need certain vaccines then you will have to tell your friend about the trip earlier than you had perhaps planned.

Add a Personal Touch to the Surprise Trip

Surprise Trip Planning

Has your friend been talking non-stop about a country they really want to visit? Maybe you and your SO met in a city that neither of you have visited in a while. Or perhaps your special someone’s favorite band is playing in a distant city. For Arturo and I, it was that neither of us have seen the Northern Lights before, we missed seeing them while in Mexico, and we both really want to see them together.

The Big Reveal

Surprise Trip Planning

When to Reveal the Surprise

There are two times that you can reveal a surprise trip to someone. If you have planned it so that the trip starts on a birthday or anniversary you could surprise them that same day. The other option is to plan a future event and gift them something they can have to look forward to the trip on their special day. Since we were in Mexico for Arturo’s birthday and it was in August, I planned a future trip to celebrate his birthday in November.

How to Reveal the Surprise

On his actual birthday, I gave him a collage of a starry and colorful night sky with cutouts of snowshoes on top. This picture got him a bit confused but I told him it was a clue. Then I gave him a card that had the outline of Alberta surrounding a message letting him know that I was taking him to Jasper and Banff to see the Northern Lights.

Other ways you can let someone know about a surprise trip are listed below.

  • Simply tell them or give them an envelope with plane/concert tickets inside.
  • Give them a travel guide book or a novel set in the place you will be visiting.
  • Buy them a new backpack, suitcase, passport cover or luggage tag and attach a letter detailing the upcoming trip.
  • If you’re going to a different country, take them to eat that country’s food at a restaurant and tell them about the trip there. For example, if you’re going to take someone to Thailand then why not take them out for Thai food? You can tell them about the upcoming trip there!

I hope this post has helped to answer any questions you may have about planning a surprise trip for someone else. Have you ever planned a surprise trip for someone else? Has someone ever surprised you with a trip? I want to hear about it! Let me know in the comments.  

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8 thoughts on “How to Plan a Surprise Trip for Someone”

Love this!! I had a surprise birthday trip two years ago and it was absolutely wonderful – you’re inspiring me to plan a surprise for my hubby now 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Aw that’s great! I’m glad you found it inspiring. Happy travels to you and your husband!

Best gift ever! I would love to do this for my husband some day. I have an idea in mind, just waiting for the right moment…Thanks for the tips on pulling it off!

That’s awesome Emily! Good luck with all the planning! It’s so hard keeping surprises like this!

It’s my other halves 30th in just over a year and this is exactly what I’d like to to surprise him x

AW that’s amazing Rhian! I hope your trip goes well and that he doesn’t find out the surprise early 😉

Awesome post and very helpful as well. After reading your post I got ideas of how to plan a surprise trip as I was planning it for my parents anniversary. Keep sharing such great tips with the readers.

Hey Kanika! That is so awesome! Good luck with the planning, that’s super exciting! You have very lucky parents 😉

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How to give a surprise trip as a gift

Summer Hull

There's really no better gift to give yourself or others than the gift of experiences and travel. Surprising someone with a trip can be the ultimate present ... to give and receive. There's just no question that a memorable travel experience is almost guaranteed to deliver more long-term happiness than another fuzzy sweater or gadget wrapped up in a bow .

Personally, I'm a sucker for putting slightly over-the-top gifts under the tree from time to time — including surprise trips. The pandemic slowed down that type of gifting at my house, but this may be the year that is right to try it once again.

For more TPG news delivered each morning to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter .

Even in normal times, giving a trip as a surprise can be complicated, or even disastrous, if you aren't careful. Here are my tried-and-tested tips for gifting a surprise trip to a close friend or family member.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Be certain they'll love it

If you can't be 100% sure whether or not the gift recipient will love the trip's itinerary and be available to travel on the scheduled dates (with an appropriate passport, COVID-19 requirements, etc.), you shouldn't book the trip as a surprise.

You can still surprise them with the idea of the trip, but don't make the actual bookings (or at least any nonrefundable reservations) until you know for sure they want to go and are available.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Don't use frequent flyer numbers in the booking

The easiest way to have your secret plan foiled is to have the trip show up in the recipient's email inbox or frequent flyer account. This will almost invariably happen if you use their frequent flyer or hotel loyalty numbers in the reservation. It sounds like an easy step to skip, but be aware it can happen automatically if you have booked a trip for them before and their frequent flyer numbers are stored in your account.

For example, one year I booked trips for both my mother and husband for Christmas, and both were already travelers in my United MileagePlus account. I had to enter them as new travelers in order to not have their frequent flyer numbers loaded into the reservation.

Related: Beginners guide to earning points and miles

In the end, it all worked, and once Christmas had passed, I added their United frequent flyer numbers and Known Traveler Numbers to the reservation.

Booking through a third-party site, such as Expedia, and leaving off the frequent flyer numbers can also work. There's a small chance it will make it difficult to use PreCheck (or a similar program) if the names don't 100% align, so there could be a potential slight downside to this form of secrecy — but it can keep your surprise under wraps.

Use an incognito browser

I won't even pretend to know all the ways that the internet is always "spying" on you, but I do know that when I'm shopping for someone on one computer in the house, the others often start to get targeted ads for that item or destination. So, to cut down on the likelihood you tip off anyone that may live with you about the surprise, do your research and purchases in an incognito browser.

Don't use their points

This one should be pretty obvious, but don't use someone else's miles or points to book a surprise trip -- even if it is your partner.

This is a bad idea for multiple reasons but on a practical level, they are likely to see the redemption in their account or inbox, so the surprise will probably be ruined.

Think about the 'extras'

It's a weird time, and so you need to think through things that used to just be extras when it came to trip planning. For example, if they need a rental car, you'll want to make sure that price and availability aren't going to be a problem.

Some ski resorts also limit lift ticket sales during peak dates, so if you are gifting them a ski trip, make sure they can still get lift tickets. Even Disney World sells out of tickets on certain dates, so ensure you make them Park Pass reservations to go along with gifted tickets in the case of a theme park trip tied to specific dates.

Basically, go through all components of the trip and pre-plan or at least adequately research the availability of all of the essential components.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Be careful of what the trip will really cost them

If you're going to gift a trip (and that's very kind of you), think through how much the gift will ultimately cost the person traveling. For example, if you're giving them a cruise, will the recipient still be on the hook for flights to and from the port? What about a potential overnight at a hotel near the port and ancillary costs on the cruise ? If so, is that still a reasonable "gift"? These days, you may also need to factor COVID-19 testing into the equation.

In the case of a cruise, those ancillary expenses could total $1,000 or more, depending on the details, so think through if you're accidentally signing someone up for expenses they may or may not be ready to handle. Again, when in doubt, don't actually book the trip as a surprise.

surprising girlfriend with trip

Consider gift certificates

One thing we've given extended family members in the past is airline gift cards , if we know the recipient likes to travel, but we aren't in a position to know exactly when and where they want to go.

This is an especially great way to give travel to grandparents who have grandkids and bucket list-worthy travel destinations scattered around the country and beyond. Hotels, Disney and even some cruise lines also all sell gift cards, making this a flexible way to gift travel without having to dive into a specific booking.

Related: The best starter travel credit cards

Wrap it up in a creative way

The gift of travel doesn't need to be packaged in fancy wrapping paper in order to be awesome.

If you're like me, however, it's fun to strategize an unforgettable way for the recipient to discover the gift. For example, you could give a trip to Paris in a box of macarons, a ski trip in a box of fake snow or, in our case a few years ago, a trip to Spain using a huge map that your mom had in her high school Spanish classroom for over 30 years.

It isn't totally necessary, of course, but it sure builds up the fun and excitement for everyone in the room, as you can see by our trip reveal to my mom on Christmas morning a few years ago.

Giving the gift of a vacation may be a bit more risky than a sweatshirt, gift card or blanket, but it can also be way more rewarding for everyone involved if you can pull it off.

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10 Ways to Surprise Someone with a Disney Trip

Is there anyone who wouldn’t like to be surprised by a trip to Disney? Okay, I’m sure there are a few curmudgeons out there who don’t want to go to Disney (although I’m not sure why you’re reading this blog post), and I guess there are also some people who like to plan everything themselves and don’t want to be surprised. But, if you’re hoping to give someone a trip that does not fall into those categories, and are trying to think of a good way to do it, here are some ideas!

I have a couple of tips before we start. First, if you’re giving this trip to someone who’s a planner, or to someone for whom anticipation is half the fun, give it early. Don’t do a “day of” surprise! Give them some time to plan and get even more excited. There’s nothing to say a surprise can’t be 6 months before the trip! Second, if you tell anyone other than the person you are booking the trip through, you’re risking it no longer being a surprise. If you must tell someone else, MAKE SURE THEY KNOW IT’S A SURPRISE! My husband once ruined a surprise for an adorable little 6 year old who had no idea she was leaving for Disney the next day (although to be fair, hubby didn’t know it was a surprise either). Smooth, Honey.

2. Scavenger Hunt – If you want to drag out the suspense a little more, have a scavenger hunt! The first thing the recipient opens could only be a clue! A clue to the next destination where they’ll find – another clue! And then – well you know how scavenger hunts work. The final clue leads to the final destination which will give away the surprise! Fun right?

3. Decoy Trip – Plan a decoy trip. That will explain the suitcases and maybe even get you some help with packing! Or, if you’re surprising adults, a decoy trip will explain the time they need off work! You could go all the way to the airport the day of the trip and keep up this ruse! Or even farther! What if they thought they were taking a Carnival cruise they’ve done a million times before, when instead the limo (yeah limo, I’m going big here) pulls up to a majestic Disney ship in the port? Just make sure of two things. First, don’t let the decoy trip be overly exciting. If they have wanted to go to the Grand Canyon all their lives, don’t tell them they’re going to the Grand Canyon. There are not too many trips that Disney would pale in comparison too, but a lifelong dream might be one of them. Second, don’t tell them you’re going somewhere cold if you’re going to Los Angeles in the summer. Pick a similar climate to your destination so they pack appropriately.

5. Have Mickey Call – Now that I think about it, having Mickey tell you you’re going on vacation may actually be the best way to find out. How can you do that you ask? Well, let me tell you! If you book a Disney Cruise, you can sign up for a Mickey call right in your reservation! Just be careful, because I had a client not realize how quickly Mickey was going to call, and Mickey didn’t complete the surprise, he spoiled the surprise if you understand the distinction. Sometimes Disney includes character calls in their packages. It’s included right now for the Stay Play and Dine package at Disney World . Another option is Disney’s Enchanted Calls . The calls are only $2.49 each and you can pick your favorite character. The “Good Morning” theme has a “taking a trip” option. And if you’re a Disney Movie Rewards member, you can get one free call with the code ENCHANTEDCALLS. I must warn you, these calls are a little addictive.

6. Fake Date – Are you worried you’ll slip up and ruin the surprise? Then this idea is for you. Tell them you’re going! Just don’t tell them when. Tell them you’re going the next week, the next month, or even the next year! That way they can help in the planning, they can enjoy the anticipation, and they can participate in all of the pre-trip fun! But just when they least expect it – they’re on the way!

8. Make Your Own Disney Parks Video – Have you ever ordered a vacation planning DVD even when you had no trip planned just so you could watch it? People love those videos! Well, what if you edited your own video with a surprise ending? How exciting would it be to pop in that video and find out it’s not just any trip planning video and you’re actually going? In this day and age with all the video editing software out there, it shouldn’t be too hard! And if it is, ask the nearest teenager. Better yet, give them $20.

9. Disney Florist – How about a special delivery at work or home? A bouquet of flowers with Mickey in the middle? A basket of Disney themed gifts? Any delivery announcing your intention to take the recipient on vacation! If you can’t work out a Disney theme with one of your local florists, try somewhere like for ideas!

10. Pick Them Up and Take Them – When no other surprise idea seems right, just pick them up and take them. Pick them up from school, pick them up from work, pick them up anywhere and go. Of course, you’ll have to either have packed for them or be prepared to purchase a lot of Mickey clothes upon arrival. But that may be part of the fun, too!

Now I know some of you have other ideas! Bring it! We want to hear them! It’s practically a public service announcement to share your plans with the rest of us!

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Tammy Whiting

Tammy has been a lover of all things Disney for most of her life. There’s nowhere on this Earth she’d rather be than on a Disney cruise with her family. She’s a Space Force wife and proud mom of two wonderful children and one beautiful daughter-in-law . She fulfilled a lifelong dream in 2008 and became a travel agent specializing in Disney vacations. She now owns her own travel agency - Storybook Destinations. You can reach Tammy at [email protected].

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10 thoughts on “ 10 Ways to Surprise Someone with a Disney Trip ”

I planed two trips for my sons and myself the past two years and they had no idea that we were going either time. On our 1st trip my son, who was 10 at the time, was mad because he was going to miss a day of school. He had NO idea what a trip to Disney was going to be like. Once we got there he had the time of his life. Last year when I planed the trip Disney mailed me a fast past before the trip and my son found it. I fibbed to him and said that it was about our trip the year before.

Disney almost ruined your surprise!! I’m glad you pulled it off though. 🙂

I would love to have Mickey call my granddaughter. Unfortunately, we live in Kentucky . Any reason why they won’t call Kentucky? Also, would they call my husband’s cell phone? He has an Ohio cell phone number .

I don’t know why they won’t call Kentucky, Kathy! That is interesting. They called my cell phone, so I can’t imagine they wouldn’t call his with an Ohio area code.

Do you have an Ohio cell phone number? I dunno why there a’re a few states that won’t allow it . Maybe the wakeup call from our hotel on the road (probably in Georgia . )

No, I’m sorry, I meant they called my cell so they’ll call cell phones in general. I would think a cell phone with an Ohio area code would work.

For a 12th birthday, we surprised someone who likes fortune cookies, with a birthday cake decorated with fortune cookies containing a special fortune. You can see it here:

We also did the scrapbook (just the first page). About a week before I asked her to pose three ways to test out some face recognition software in Picasa: one sad, one normal and one happy. Used the last one on the page in the scrapbook.

Oh my goodness, Dave! I love the fortune cookie idea!! That is so cute!! Great idea for the scrapbook too!

Me: Hey I feel like having some icecream and do some people watching by Cindy’s castle Husband: ok sounds good (hour and a half later) eating icecream and people watching followed by a ride or two and then an hour and a half drive home.

Ahhhhhh the joys of living in Tampa 🙂

Oh the jealousness from people that don’t! 🙂

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How to Plan a Surprise Trip

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Whether it’s for Father’s Day, graduation, Christmas or a birthday, there’s no gift quite as exciting and surprising as a trip to a thrilling new destination. If you can manage to keep it a secret, that is — which is easier said than done.

But we’ll help you line up the perfect experience with this handy guide on how to surprise someone with a trip of their dreams.

How do you give a trip as a gift?

Keep the following tips in mind if you want to give a surprise vacation gift to a loved one.

1. Get the recipient's info

First things first: Bookings require some personal info, so before you start lining up a surprise vacation, collect all of the information you might need for airfare, train bookings, hotel stays, etc.

Here are the particulars you should have on hand:

Full name as it appears on their identification.

Date of birth.

A copy of their passport (if booking international travel).

Known traveler number for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry .

It is sometimes possible to book international travel without each travelers passport information, but you'll be required to submit it to the airline at some point before checking in for the flight. So if you can't get that info right away, look into the requirements of the specific airline you're planning to fly and find out whether you can add the passport information post-booking.

You’ll notice their email address and phone number aren’t on this list. That’s because you should avoid using their contact info, offering yours instead for confirmations. If you use theirs, one stray email about a tour or seat assignment could give it all away.

Avoid using the recipient's frequent traveler numbers during booking, as they will likely get email updates with booking confirmations, ruining the surprise.

Travelers can always get credit for flights or accommodation post-vacation by logging into their respective accounts and claiming points and miles retroactively. A known traveler number, however, can be added to a flight booking without tipping anyone off.

2. Recruit a friend or family member

If you’re not already closely related to the trip recipient or living in the same house with them, it’s smart to recruit a family member, close friend or roommate to help you collect all of the information you’ll need. They can be on the "inside" as a co-surprise trip planner, assisting you in locating numbers, availability, etc. with less risk of you spoiling the fun.

3. Check (and double-check) their schedule

Before you begin the actual booking process, be sure to check — and then double-check — the trip recipient's schedule. The last thing you want to do is to book airfare, a cruise, condo or rental car just to find out they have a wedding that weekend or are celebrating a parent’s birthday.

With the help of your accomplice you've recruited, check work, social, school, even family activity calendars to ensure you’re not trying to surprise someone with a trip on a week they absolutely cannot leave home. Even better, consider making faux plans with them for something mundane during the trip time to ensure they're available.

4. Get insurance

When you book a surprise trip, check to make sure that any bookings you pay for in advance come with some sort of cancellation coverage (or at the very least can be rescheduled for no additional fee). If they aren’t, opt for travel insurance that allows you to cancel or reschedule any and all travel without hefty fees or penalties.

This way, if something does come up and the person you’re surprising can’t go, you — and they — are covered.

» Learn more: How to find the best travel insurance

5. Stay abreast of travel restrictions

Travel during the COVID-era can make surprise trip planning tricky, but it can be done. Research in advance any restrictions or travel bans that exist in your preferred destinations before booking. If you have to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival, but the gift recipient can only take one week off of work, for example, they’re not going to have a very enjoyable stay.

If they’ve been vaccinated and the destination requires documentation, make sure they have proof. And if they have to present a negative test before departing or arriving, coordinate so they don’t get turned away at the gate.

6. Keep it a secret

There's an art to figuring out how to give a surprise trip as a gift. Since keeping the vacation a secret can be tricky, especially if you live in the same space, it takes added consciousness and communication to not give it away.

Don’t leave tabs or your browser history open and available if you occasionally share a computer. If you share a bank or credit card account and the recipient checks it frequently, be careful not to use those cards and accounts to pay for travel.

Instead, purchase a Visa or Mastercard gift card, or sign up for a new travel credit card under just your name and pay for things that way. It's even better if you’re traveling with them and the card offers perks like free checked bags or lounge access.

Tell others in their circle that the gift is coming and that the news of it shouldn't be shared with the recipient — otherwise even if you can keep it under wraps, someone else might accidentally spoil the surprise.

7. Don’t forget the details

There are big things, like flights and accommodations, to think of, but don’t forget about the little things. Consider a car rental at the destination , comfort items like blankets or snacks for the trip and tours or bus tickets once they’ve arrived.

Are they driving? Consider gas cards.

Do you want them to eat well while they’re gone? Score a few gift cards to great dining establishments in the destination.

And when you finally reveal the surprise, offer informative things like brochures, travel guides and lists of helpful resources to help them get excited and plan any must-do activities.

If you gift a surprise vacation

How do you give a trip as a gift? With secrecy, stealthy planning, organization and a whole lot of creativity. But all of your hard work will be worth it when they take that first photo in their destination.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels, vacation rentals and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options

75,000 Enjoy $250 to use on Capital One Travel in your first cardholder year, plus earn 75,000 bonus miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within the first 3 months from account opening - that’s equal to $1,000 in travel.

surprising girlfriend with trip

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How to Surprise Your Girlfriend

Last Updated: April 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Courtney Quinlan and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden . Courtney Quinlan is a Matchmaker and Dating Coach and the Owner of Midwest Matchmaking. With over 15 years of experience, she specializes in finding individuals a compatible partner, providing guidance throughout the dating process, and crafting events for singles in the Midwest. Courtney holds a BS in Broadcast Journalism from The University of Nebraska at Omaha. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,073,238 times.

Courtney Quinlan

Write a love note.

Your girlfriend will love a sweet hand-written note.

  • Don’t live near your girlfriend? No problem! Send her your letter in the mail for a lovely surprise.
  • You could also write little notes and leave them throughout your house! Try putting a few love notes in her coat pocket, her coffee cup, or underneath her pillow.

Run her a bath.

Let her lounge in a warm bathtub full.

  • Play her favorite music or read her a book while she sits in the bath.

Make her a playlist.

A mix of her favorite songs is sure to make her smile.

  • This is a great long distance gift idea! Since you can send a playlist anywhere, you don’t have to be in-person to give her this gift.

Watch the sunset together.

This romantic date is super easy to do.

  • Don’t forget to bring a few snacks!

Do a few of her chores.

Let your girlfriend relax by taking on some of her tasks.

  • You could also run an errand for her if she hasn’t had time, or go pick up some groceries for her.

Engage in some PDA.

A public display of affection lets your girlfriend know you love her.

  • If you or your girlfriend aren’t into PDA, that’s totally fine! Pick a different surprise that she’ll like instead.

Cook her dinner.

Show off your chef skills and make your girlfriend happy.

  • Try making pasta, lobster, or steak.

Make her breakfast in bed.

If you’re a morning person, use your time to surprise your GF.

  • Pair your meal with a cup of coffee or tea to make it extra special.

Have a picnic.

Move your lunch or dinner outside to make it extra special.

  • If the weather is crummy or you don’t feel like going out, have a picnic inside instead! Spread out a big blanket in your living room and eat off of paper plates to make things feel special.

Leave her a treat in the fridge.

Surprise her with something yummy that she’ll really like.

  • You could also grab her a milkshake, a coffee drink, or some ice cream.

Gary Chapman

While grand gestures can be romantic, often the most meaningful surprises come from simply noticing your partner's daily needs and filling them. Prepare her morning coffee, leave an encouraging note in her car, bring home her favorite dessert — small acts of service and care tailored to her personality will feel more personal than extravagances requiring less thought.

Bring her lunch at work.

If she forgot to bring food to work, take her something delicious.

  • Try packing a sandwich, some chips, and a drink for an easy lunch option that she’s sure to love.

Put a hot water bottle on her side of the bed.

Give her something warm and cozy to fall asleep with.

  • You could also use an electric heating pad.

Build or make her something.

Use your trade skills to create something special for her.

  • For instance, if you’re good at woodworking, you could make her a cutting board or a nice wooden box.
  • If you know how to knit, you could try making her a hat or a cozy scarf.

Create a slideshow of memories.

Walk her down memory lane from the beginning of your relationship.

  • If physical photos are more your thing, get a bunch printed out and go through them in-person together instead.

Frame a photo of the two of you.

Give her a gift she can hang on her wall.

  • You can get photos printed fairly cheaply at most drug stores.

Make her a scrapbook.

Compile a ton of fun memories into one sweet book.

  • Use stickers, patterned paper, and Washi tape to make your scrapbook extra special.

Buy a bouquet of flowers.

This classic gift makes almost every girl smile.

  • To make those flowers last, buy a vase and keep them in water.

Fill a gift bag with her favorite things.

Show your girlfriend that you remember everything she likes.

  • You could also buy notebooks, pens, stickers, nail polish, or stuffed animals.
  • For some cheap and easy gift ideas, visit the dollar section of your local home goods store.

Give her a full body massage.

Relieve her stress and make her feel relaxed.

  • Use some lotion to make your massage extra sensual and smooth.

Give her lingerie.

Get your GF in the mood with some new underwear.

  • In a long distance relationship? No problem! Order her some lingerie online and have it delivered to her home.

Set the mood with candles.

Make your home extra relaxing with dim lighting.

  • This is also a good way to set the mood before getting intimate with her.

Sprinkle rose petals on the bed.

Make your next time in the bedroom extra special.

  • Dim the lights and play some mood music to really get the vibes right.

Plan a day of pampering.

Book a day at the spa to let your girlfriend relax.

  • Don’t have a spa day in the bank? That’s okay! You can pamper your girlfriend at home. Buy a few face masks, some nail polish, and some fancy lotion, then offer her the same services that a salon would.

Send her on a scavenger hunt.

Plan a romantic...

  • “I’m in the kitchen, and you’ll never eat me, but the dog sure loves to greet me.” (The clue is in or near dog food).
  • “Turn out the lights in the room and go rest your head on me. I’ll help you fall fast asleep.” (The clue is under her pillow).

Recreate your first date.

Relive your fondest memories by taking her out for the “first” time.

Plan a romantic weekend away.

Surprise your girlfriend with a hotel or an Airbnb.

  • Make sure you double check her schedule before making any plans. Otherwise, there could be scheduling conflicts.

Host a surprise party.

Celebrate your girlfriend with her friends and family.

  • Get your girlfriend out of the house by taking her on a shopping spree. Have a friend decorate the place while you’re gone, then come home to a party that your girlfriend will never forget.

Check off something on her bucket list.

What’s something your girlfriend has always wanted to do?

  • If she’s always wanted to go skydiving, sign her up for a lesson.
  • If she’s always wanted to travel overseas, buy plane tickets for the two of you.

Surprise Texts and Love Note to Your Girlfriend

surprising girlfriend with trip

Expert Q&A

Courtney Quinlan

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    Consider adding a message to your puzzle's image like, "Surprise! You're going to Hawaii!" or "Happy Birthday! Mickey's waiting for you!". If the puzzle comes in a box with the puzzle's image on it, put it in a blank box or bag, so your loved one won't know what they're revealing until the puzzle is complete. 2.

  2. 10 Creative Ways to Reveal a Surprise Trip

    First of all, the little gimmicks must be cheap (and you can also use what you already have). For example, if you want to hint a trip to Paris, you could use a baguette; to a sea resort, you could use sunglasses or suncream; to a music festival, you could use some earphones… etc., etc., etc. Be creative!

  3. How to surprise someone with a trip and 20 Unique Ideas For Surprise

    Here are a few of our favorites: 1. Tell them in person. This is the most direct way to let someone know about your surprise trip. When the time is right, tell them in person and let them know all of the details. This is a great way to build up the anticipation and really get them excited for the trip. 2.

  4. How To Surprise Someone With A Trip [How, When, Where + Tips]

    When to Reveal the Surprise Trip. You have two options of when to reveal the surprise trip. First, you can reveal the day of the trip! This one is risky yet incredible if pulled off correctly. The next option is a little bit more safe by letting them know a little in advance. Chasing incredible hot springs in Utah.

  5. 7 creative ways to reveal a surprise vacation

    There is nothing cooler than planning a surprise to reveal a surprise trip! And when you're planning a secret vacation for your spouse, you have so many interesting ways to announce your surprise. 3. Let a movie reveal the surprise Plan a comfortable Friday evening movie night at home with your husband/ wife andpick a movie that has been shot ...

  6. 9 Steps to Plan A Surprise Trip for your Significant Other

    Start planning well in advance. Find a few helping hands. Create a new email address. Use a payment option you don't share with your partner. Find out your partner's free time. Plan a budget for your trip. Pick a destination that you know your partner will love. Make an itinerary for your vacation days. Pack secretly.

  7. 50 surprises your girlfriend will go crazy over and love you for

    50 surprises your girlfriend will go crazy over and love you for

  8. Plan a Romantic Surprise Vacation

    Surprise Vacation Packages: Hawaii, Las Vegas. Sometimes, planning it waaaaaaay in advance increases the chance your surprise will be discovered! So for some last-minute vacation deals: Hawaii: Las Vegas: Surprise Las Vegas Vacation Deals: $499 or Less - Orbitz has some great deals to Vegas.

  9. Surprising My Girlfriend With a Trip to The Maldives

    This is the most incredible trip we've ever been on and we can't wait to share it with you. Videos every Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the next few weeks! ...

  10. 15 Romantic Surprise Ideas That Will Wow Your Partner

    7 | Pick them up at work. Whether your spouse had a stressful day at work and could use a chance to blow off steam or they just got a promotion you want to celebrate with them, picking your significant other up at the end of the workday is a romantic surprise they're sure to love. The surprise will be an instant mood booster for your partner ...

  11. Need help surprising girlfriend with a trip. When do I tell ...

    Surprises are overrated. For many people, looking forward to a trip is a positive experience for months in advance (pleasant to think about, can make daily stress and pressure easier to bear). Surprises are nice but wear off quickly. Revealing the broad outlines (such as the destination and date) does not take away from all new experiences you ...

  12. How to Surprise Your Loved One With a Trip to The Caribbean Without

    How to keep the surprise trip a secret. Some people are great at keeping secrets for the ultimate surprise whilst others struggle with it. Focus on the long term joy that they will have though, choose a time to reveal it, and stick to the plan. If you can distract yourself for a while so that you are not constantly thinking about it, that will ...

  13. Unveil the Ultimate Surprise Trip for Your Beloved

    Timing the trip with a significant date adds an extra layer of sentiment. Whether it's an anniversary, birthday, or a date that holds special meaning in your relationship, aligning your trip with these moments can amplify the emotional value of your surprise. This thoughtful timing turns a simple getaway into a commemorative celebration, enhancing the sense of the occasion and making the ...

  14. 47 romantic and special ways to surprise your girlfriend

    47 romantic and special ways to surprise your girlfriend

  15. How to Plan a Surprise Trip for Someone

    Other ways you can let someone know about a surprise trip are listed below. Simply tell them or give them an envelope with plane/concert tickets inside. Give them a travel guide book or a novel set in the place you will be visiting. Buy them a new backpack, suitcase, passport cover or luggage tag and attach a letter detailing the upcoming trip. ...

  16. How to give a surprise trip as a gift

    Wrap it up in a creative way. The gift of travel doesn't need to be packaged in fancy wrapping paper in order to be awesome. If you're like me, however, it's fun to strategize an unforgettable way for the recipient to discover the gift. For example, you could give a trip to Paris in a box of macarons, a ski trip in a box of fake snow or, in our ...

  17. 10 Ways to Surprise Someone with a Disney Trip

    Smooth, Honey. 1. Open a Present - If you search YouTube for "Disney Surprise," you'll see this is a very popular option. Give someone a present with something inside that represents your Disney trip. A friend of mine gave her sons a little model cruise ship for Christmas and they knew they were going on a cruise.

  18. Need help surprising girlfriend with a trip. When do I tell ...

    At the very least, ask her if she can take time off now for a trip. She may need time for work to know, but also you don't want her inadvertantly committing to things around those dates e.g. traveling to see a friend or go to a wedding. It would depend on the gf's personality, I guess.

  19. Surprising My Girlfriend with Trip Around the World

    a trip w my family and @urmomashley ️ DO WHAT EXCITES☞ INSTAGRAM - -☞TIK TOK - https:...


    Hey Pham! We hope you enjoy today's video where I surprise Holly on a glamping getaway trip. I have spent months planning this, and even through the poison i...

  21. How to Plan a Surprise Trip

    1. Get the recipient's info. First things first: Bookings require some personal info, so before you start lining up a surprise vacation, collect all of the information you might need for airfare ...

  22. 29 Ways to Surprise Your Girlfriend

    29 Ways to Surprise Your Girlfriend


    Thumbs up if you smiled during the video! Thanks for watching, see you guys on Monday!