Penalty fare sign at East Croydon tram station

Penalty fares

When travelling on public transport, you must ensure that you have a valid ticket.

A penalty fare can be issued if you:

  • travel without a valid ticket in all fares zones
  • travel with an incorrect ticket in all fare zones
  • travel in first class with a standard class ticket
  • travel on a child rate ticket when you are overage
  • travel beyond the destination stated on your ticket
  • trespass on a National Rail or Transport for London (TfL) service
  • do not correctly validate an uploaded or capped season ticket
  • do not correctly validate a Pay As You Go Oyster card or contactless payment card
  • cannot show a ticket or validated Oyster or contactless payment on demand

In some cases, an unpaid fares notice may be issued and if you have travelled beyond the validity of your ticket you may be required to pay the excess fare.

There are different appeal processes and stages to manage penalty fares, depending on which transport operating company you were travelling with when you received the notice. The information needed to appeal or pay a penalty fare is printed on the penalty fare notice itself. Therefore, please ensure you keep it and read it carefully .

What happens if I get caught without a ticket on a bus?

It is the responsibility of all passengers to ensure that they have the correct ticket for their journey. Failure to present a valid ticket on a bus when challenged by a driver or inspector is in breach of the Public Service Vehicle Regulations and is a criminal offence . Therefore, if you are caught without a ticket or an incorrect ticket on a bus by a TfL revenue inspector they may either issue you with a penalty fare or you may be prosecuted instead.

If you are stopped without a ticket but not issued a penalty fare, you should expect to receive a letter outlining where and at what time you were stopped. This letter will ask you for any comments relating to the issue and provides you with an opportunity to outline any problems you may consider are relevant to your case. TfL will decide how to proceed with this matter and this may include prosecution action.

London TravelWatch is not able to provide legal advice on such issues, and we would always recommend that you immediately seek legal advice from your solicitor or local  Citizen’s Advice Bureau  in the event of a threat of prosecution.

Appealing against a Penalty Fare

To ensure that the process is unbiased, all first stage penalty fare appeals are sent to an appeals body which is independent of and separate from the transport provider (with the exception of Tramlink). Please do not send your appeal to the rail operator or TfL at this stage.

If you think you have been issued with a penalty unfairly, you can appeal in the first instance to Penalty Services Ltd , the Appeals Service or Tramlink . There is a strict time limit for when your appeal can be received.

Regardless of which type of penalty fare method is used, administration charges may be added if you do not adhere to the specified timescales. You could, therefore, find yourself having to pay much more than the initial penalty fare. Paying the penalty fare on time will also prevent any further action, such as debt collection or prosecution for non payment, being taken.

Penalty fare appeals processes

There are three stages in the penalty fare appeal process. If the timeline allowed is strictly adhered to, you can access all three stages and the penalty fare will not increase in this time.

The process is different depending on who issued the penalty fare so please read all documents carefully.

Unpaid Fares Notices

Not all transport operators run penalty fares schemes. In these situations (usually with long distance train services) if you are travelling without a ticket or have an incorrect ticket for your journey, an unpaid fares notice would be issued instead. This is the standard/first class single fare available at the time of travel; please note that this will not be the cheapest fare available as no Railcard discounts (or advance fares) will be given.

If you think the unpaid fares notice should not have been issued, you have a right to appeal. You  must  appeal in writing and your appeal must be received by the relevant appeals body within the period specified on the unpaid fares notice – usually within 10 days. You need to give the date and time of travel and the reason why you think the unpaid fares notice has been incorrectly issued. Failure to adhere to these time frames could mean that administration charges are added.

A failure to pay the unpaid fares notice may result in legal proceedings being taken against you

London TravelWatch would always advise that you pay the unpaid fares notice as soon as possible to avoid any administration charges and then deal with the appeal separately.


Where a rail operator and Transport for London (TfL) believe that you have deliberately evaded paying your fare, refused to accept the penalty fare, or do not have the means to pay the single fare, they may decide to start the prosecution process for fare evasion. The methods of processing prosecution cases can differ depending on which rail company or type of transport you were travelling on. It is therefore important to follow the advice provided.

London TravelWatch is not part of the penalty fare or prosecution appeal process and we cannot change the decision made by the appeals body. However, if you have concerns about the way your appeal has been handled, please contact us.

If your penalty fare appeal is upheld and you still believe it is unfair, contact London TravelWatch and we will review your concerns .

Frequently asked questions about penalty fares

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Transport for London Penalty Charge – Pay or Appeal? 

Scott Nelson MoneyNerd

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Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.

Janine Marsh MoneyNerd

Janine Marsh

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Janine is a financial expert who supports individuals with debt management, cost-saving resources, and navigating parking tickets.

In partnership with Just Answer.

Transport for London Penalty

Did you just get a Transport for London Penalty Charge and are feeling worried? You’ve come to the right place. Every month, over 130,000 people visit this site looking for guidance on fines and parking tickets.

In this article, we will explain:

  • What a Transport for London Penalty Charge is.
  • If you need to pay these parking fines.
  • How you can appeal against this charge.
  • What could happen if you choose not to pay the fine.
  • Ways to avoid getting a Penalty Charge in future.

In 2021, Churchill Motor Insurance reported an 8% increase in penalty charge notices (PCNs) across Britain, with over 5.2 million issued. 1 So, rest assured, you’re not alone.

We’ve got plenty of useful advice and examples to help you decide what to do next!

Most Appeals Succeed

In some circumstances, you might have a legitimate reason not to pay your fine.

It’s a bit sneaky, but the last time I needed legal advice , I paid £5 for a trial to chat with an online solicitor called JustAnswer.

Not only did I save £50 on solicitor fees, I also won my case and didn’t have to pay my £271 fine.

Chat below to get started with JustAnswer

tfl travel charge appeal

*Around 35,000 people dispute their tickets each year with the Traffic Penalty Tribunal, and a striking 64% of those appeals are successful, so it’s well worth a try. 

What is Transport for London (TfL)?

Transport for London is a government body responsible for the capital’s transport network , including buses, trains, cycling routes, and the London Underground network.

They also oversee the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) and London Congestion Charge , a fee motorists pay when they enter central areas of London.

It is important to note that the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is expanding across all London boroughs from 29 August 2023 and will include residents within these areas when they drive.

If your vehicle does not meet the emissions standards and you drive within these areas, you will have to pay a daily charge of £12.50.

What is a TfL Penalty Charge Notice?

A Transport for London Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) is a fine issued by the authority when a motorist breaks the rules.

You might be issued TfL fines for parking on a red route, not paying the London Congestion Charge by the deadline, entering an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in a vehicle that does not meet the emissions standard, and not paying the daily ULEZ penalty.

This penalty will likely be sent to the registered vehicle owner’s address.

Transport for London gets this information by using your car registration plate and asking the DVLA. After this, you have to pay TfL penalty charge notice fines within the deadline or choose to appeal it .

A Transport for London unpaid penalty charge will result in a charge certificate being sent to you.

Is a TfL Penalty Fare the same thing as a PCN?

No, you could get a TfL penalty fare for not paying to travel or not paying on time on a train , bus or underground or for ‘tapping in but not tapping out’ on the underground.

A TfL PCN is specifically for motorist offences .

What happens if you forgot to pay the London Congestion Charge?

If you forget to pay a London Congestion Charge, which must be done by midnight on the third day after you travel, you will be issued a Transport for London Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) .

To avoid forgetting to pay after your journey, you can pay the charge in advance if you wish. 

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The London Congestion Charge of £15 must be paid every day your vehicle enters the Congestion Zone between 7am and 6pm on weekdays or between midday and 6pm on weekends and bank holidays. 

If you don’t pay the Congestion Charge in London, the fine is £160 , so as I see it, it is better to pay the congestion charge in advance if possible or set a reminder to do it afterwards as the cost of neglecting charges is much higher than the original charge.

Or, if you think you have valid grounds, you can appeal it.

It’s far wiser to lodge a TfL penalty charge dispute or, if not, pay the fine rather than ignore it.

tfl pcn

Here you can see this forum user on MoneySavingExpert has received a PCN for not paying the congestion charge and is looking for advice on whether to appeal.

What are Red Routes in London?

Red routes are just 5% of the roads in London but handle daily heavy traffic and congestion.

Driving regulations in London state that you can never park on a red route unless you have a dispensation , as parking here could cause even more serious congestion.

How much is a TfL penalty?

A Transport for London PCN is initially £160 .

This is the fine if you are caught parking on a red route, fail to pay the London Congestion Charge on time, or one of the other TfL contraventions.

However, you will receive a 50% discount on the fine if you pay within the first 14 days . This means you only have to pay £80 when you receive a Transport for London Penalty Charge Notice.

You can pay TfL fines in many ways, including online and over the phone.  

Once your Penalty Charge Notice payment is received, that’s it; the matter doesn’t go any further.

Successful Appeal Case Study

The Appeal Process

Scott used JustAnswer, online legal service to enhance his appeal. The  trial of this cost him just £5.

JustAnswer helped Scott craft the best appeal possible and he was able to  win his case.

Scott’s fine was cancelled and  he only paid £5 for the legal help.

What happens if you don’t pay the charge?

You are given 28 days to pay the TfL Penalty Charge Notice ; if you don’t, you’ll be sent a charge certificate .

This certificate increases your fine by 50% to £240 and provides you with another 14 days to make a full payment.

If you don’t pay the increased £240 fine, you’ll be subject to an Order of Recovery, where the fine is registered as a debt, but it won’t affect your credit file.

The debt is registered at the Traffic Enforcement Centre, and a small fee is added to your debt. You’ll then have 21 days to pay the debt. 

Ignoring the debt will result in Transport for London using bailiffs to get their money.

When bailiffs get involved, they add their own fees, which can be very expensive.

It’s also worth noting you can run a TfL penalty charge check via the authority’s website if you need to know a TfL PCN appeal status.

Plus, you can retrieve a TfL lost Penalty Charge Notice online.

Can you put in an appeal?

You can appeal a Transport for London Penalty Charge Notice as long as you lodge your appeal within the initial 28 days.

You can challenge the fine in writing by making an appeal online or by post, along with any supporting evidence you may have.

This could include photographs, videos, mechanic invoices, witness statements, vehicle ownership documents, medical emergency proof (if that was the reason for the violation), or witness statements.

We have a great online template you can use to help you write your appeal letter: PCN Appeal Letter Template – Free Sample .

Appeal Process Steps

There’s a due process that must be followed whenever an appeal is made. Here’s a quick table summarizing the different stages of it.

If you make a representation outside the 28-day PCN period, it will be considered ‘late’, and TfL do not have to consider it.

If your appeal is late, make sure that you provide evidence to outline why your representation is late. Valid reasons they may consider are illness or a holiday.

Keep in mind that forgetting is not a valid reason.

Transport for London will respond to your TfL PCN appeal by accepting it and cancelling the fine, rejecting it, or requesting more information.

What if the appeal was rejected?

If your appeal is rejected, you will receive a notice of rejection which will tell you what to do next.

You can either pay the PCN or appeal to London Tribunals within 28 days of receiving a notice of rejection.

If you want to appeal to London Tribunals, you should complete the form that came with the notice of rejection, providing any evidence and send them to:

London Tribunals PO Box 10598 Nottingham NG6 6DR

London Tribunals will notify you of the hearing date. It is then up to Transport for London to contest your appeal or not.

If they contest it, you’ll get a copy of the evidence they send to the adjudicators, who will consider this as well as your evidence.

If an Adjudicator at London Tribunals allows your appeal, TfL will cancel the PCN.

However, if your appeal is rejected and you do not pay, TfL will continue to enforce it. You will normally receive a charge certificate as a result.

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How to win a TfL PCN challenge

Unlike Penalty Charge Notices from local councils, the criteria to win an appeal with Transport for London are more stringent .

There are six Congestion Charge appeal reasons you can make a TfL London PCN appeal and win your challenge if they accept it.

  • I was not the keeper at the time of the contravention, e.g. I have never been the keeper, I ceased to be the keeper, I became the keeper after the date of the contravention.
  • I had paid the Congestion Charge due for the vehicle used on that date in the time and manner required by the charging scheme.
  • No penalty charge is payable under the charging scheme, e.g. I was not within the charging area during charging hours.
  • The vehicle was used or kept without my consent, e.g. stolen.
  • The penalty charge exceeds the amount payable in the circumstances of the case, e.g. I have been requested to pay a penalty charge amount above that detailed in the regulations.
  • We are a vehicle hire firm, and the vehicle was hired under an agreement at the time, and the person liable signed a statement of liability for any resulting penalty charges.

If none of the six grounds are applicable, you can still make a representation explaining your circumstances.

Should you appeal or pay the TfL PCN?

You should only appeal a Transport for London Penalty Charge Notice if you believe you meet the criteria and can provide evidence to support your appeal.

You’ll have to pay the PCN if you don’t qualify to contest a TfL charge.

Even if you fit the criteria, you may be worried you have insufficient evidence and will be rejected. This can be confusing, especially when you consider that there is a 50% fine discount on offer for paying within the first 14 days .

The ultimate decision should be made on a case-by-case basis.

Even if you qualify to file a TfL PCN appeal, you may choose the reduced fine to avoid a stressful process and having to pay more later. 

The one thing you should not do is ignore TfL penalty charges .

You either pay or make a TfL Penalty Charge Notice appeal against the charge.

What about council Penalty Charge Notices?

PCNs can also be issued by a local council.

You may have received a PCN from a local authority for something like parking contraventions or bus lane violations.

A local council Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) is the official name for a parking fine issued by the council and is different to a PCN issued by a transport agency such as  Transport for London for contraventions in the capital.

London Contact Details

You’ll find the TfL Penalty Charge Notice contact number in the table below.

Hire a Parking Solicitor for less than a coffee.

tfl travel charge appeal

If you’re thinking about appealing your parking ticket then getting some professional advice is a good idea.

Getting the support of a Solicitor can make your appeal much more likely to win .

For a £5 trial, Solicitors from JustAnswer can look at your case and help you create an airtight appeal.

Try it below

  • Direct Line Group – 10 parking fines issued every minute across Britain

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Penalty Charge Notice Fines

What's That Charge?!


Learn about the "Tfl Travel Charge Tfl.Gov.Uk/Cp " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 3, 2016 , Last updated on February 10, 2018

What is it?

I have been charged £5.50 on 9th February (possibly for a supposed journey a little earlier in the week) I have not travelled on public transport since Monday 5th February (bus) and I have a freedom pass.

TFL TRAVEL CH £5.60: Barclaycard arranged over the phone, without hesitation, for this debit to be reversed. Sheepishly, I explained it must be an RFID conflict with my Freedom Pass in the same wallet.

I checked at my bank account charged £25.10 on July 2nd. I have freedom pass I don’t understand why they charged it

On 24th of Nov I made 1 tube journey from Bond St to Bethnal Green using my Oyster Card around 7pm and the money was deducted on my Oyster card but TFL CH charged me £6.00. On 28th Nov I made one tube journey Liverpool St to Kings Cross on my Oyster card around midday and the money was deducted from the Oyster card. TFL CH charged me £8.90. the other journeys on those days were by bus using my old age bus pass. My Oyster card was bought from a shop some time ago and I always top it up with cash and it had £18.50 on it on 23rd Nov.

I traveled by tube from Victoria station to South Kensington using my Barclays Contactless card, I used the card to log out at South Kensington but noticed the gate had stayed open and that a green light had come on, I have noticed on my statements that a transaction is still pending when this should be cleared can you clear this up. Thank you J Bottomley

Can you help? What is this charge?

Also appears on statements as.


Similar Charges


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Please select below to Appeal the Penalty Fare or Unpaid Fare Notice. Please ensure that all details entered match those shown on the Notice. Passengers have a specified time in which to submit an appeal, this time limit is detailed on each Penalty Fare or Unpaid Fare Notice. AS may not consider late appeals.

Appeal Online

Please have the Penalty Fare Notice or Unpaid Fare Notice ready to hand before you complete the following appeal pages. You will be guided through the Appeals Process step-by-step, which will involve:

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Appeal by Post or Fax

If you are unable to proceed with an Online Appeal, you can submit a written or typed appeal by post or by fax. Download a printable PDF Appeal Form below and complete. Post your completed form to - AS Regus Building 1000 Lakeside Western Road Portsmouth PO6 3EZ or fax to 08445 448454 Please ensure that all details entered match those shown on the Notice. Select Appeal Form I am the passenger I am appealing on behalf of the passenger Download Form

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TfL may soon have to refund 500,000 parking tickets

A High Court ruling might ban the use of CCTV to fine motorists

Liv Kelly

If you’ve received a parking fine in London sometime over the last year, you could be in luck. A whopping 500,000 refunds may soon be in order for people charged for parking in ‘red route’ parking bays. 

Transport for London are currently challenging a ruling made against them which bans the organisation from using CCTV to penalise motorists who park in bays on ‘red routes’. 

A full-priced ticket would set you back £160 and, since October 2022, 212,712 ‘penalty charge notices’ have been issued. The money raised typically goes towards improving transport schemes such as subsiding travel for elderly Londoners, with TfL having received around £17 million in revenue from such fines over the last year.

If TfL loses the case, however, a whole load of those fines could be refunded. According to the Standard , TfL argues that it relies extensively on CCTV to catch people illegally parking in bays on these routes and that without it there could be ‘significant adverse impacts’ on road safety and bus services. 

The case of whether or not TfL can use CCTV has been brought to the High Court after the network operator challenged the original ban by the London Tribunals. The network operator would have to recruit hundreds of staff to monitor parking on the ground, if the ban stands. 

Campaigners have said that the wording on parking regulations was changed to include bays on these routes in 2020, and many want the refund period to extended back to then. Campaigners also argue that it’s harder to challenge a ticket sent via post rather than one left on your windshield. Clearly, this is a pretty contentious issue. 

We’re still awaiting the High Court’s ruling on TfL’s right to use CCTV, so stay tuned for some updates. 

At Time Out, we’re all about keeping up with all the latest transport news. We’ve covered that you can ride vintage London buses for free next week , and also that the District Line will be partly closed for three days this week . And if you’re looking for to-the-minute updates on those pesky tube strikes? We’ve got a comprehensive guide to those, too . 

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Justin Timberlake arrested for suspicion of driving while intoxicated in the Hamptons

tfl travel charge appeal

Justin Timberlake has been arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

The " Selfish " singer was apprehended by police in the Hamptons at 12:37 a.m. Tuesday, according to a press release from the Sag Harbor Village Police Department.

According to police, Timberlake was pulled over after failing to stop at a stop sign and "maintain his lane of travel." "Upon investigation it was determined that Mr. Timberlake was operating his vehicle in an intoxicated position," the release claims.

The singer was held overnight following his arrest and was released on his own recognizance following his Tuesday morning arraignment.

USA TODAY has reached out to Timberlake's representatives for comment.

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Justin Timberlake's arrest comes amid his Forget Tomorrow tour

The 43-year-old's arrest comes ahead of two concerts on The Forget Tomorrow World Tour in Chicago on Friday and Saturday. 

The "Mirrors" singer, actor and former member of the boyband NSYNC announced the tour in January , his first in five years. The North American leg of the tour kicked off in April at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, Canada, with stops including cities in the U.S., Canada, Europe and the U.K.

Timberlake's return to the stage follows the release of his sixth album,  "Everything I Thought It Was ."

"I worked for a long time on this album and I ended up with 100 songs," he told Zane Lowe for  Apple Music 1 in January. "So narrowing them down to 18 was a thing, and then, yeah, I’m really excited about this album. I think every artist probably says this, but it is my best work."

He added: "There are moments that are incredibly honest, but also, there’s a lot of fun on this album. … Some of the songs are more introspective and some of them are more what I think people know me for."

Timberlake also performed several free shows , including a stop in his hometown of Memphis, New York City and Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles show in March included a surprise performance of his song "Paradise," which features his NSYNC bandmates.

Videos on social media  showed Timberlake standing as the curtain behind him slowly revealed  Lance Bass ,  Joey Fatone ,  Chris Kirkpatrick  and  JC Chasez . The crowd instantly went wild, screaming louder than the group as they began singing.

The group performed "Paradise" and "Bye Bye Bye" together, bridging their new music with their classic hit. The night marked their first performance with all five band members since their reunion at the 2013 VMAs.

Contributing: Jay Stahl and KiMi Robinson


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  1. Make an appeal

    To appeal you need to complete the form sent with the Notice of Rejection. Do not send this to us but to the address shown on the appeal form. You may opt for either a personal or postal hearing. Remember you only have 28 days from the date of service of the Notice of Rejection to appeal to the tribunal. You need to provide all your evidence to ...

  2. Penalty fares and how to pay them

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  3. Challenge a penalty charge

    Make a Statutory Declaration. In the event that you did not receive the PCN, or a response to your representation or appeal, you may be able to make a Statutory Declaration. The necessary form is provided with the Order for Recovery. How to make a Statutory Declaration. What to do, and how long you have, to challenge a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

  4. Refunds and replacements

    Top up online, see your journey and payment history and apply for refunds. Sign in or. How to claim a refund, or replace your Oyster card or season ticket.

  5. Didn't touch in or out

    Before you claim. Please wait at least 48 hours as you might receive an automatic refund: Oyster - we'll automatically add it to your card the next time you touch in or out of a rail journey. Contactless - the refund will show on your next card statement, or we will adjust the fares charged when you next travel. If you do not get an automatic ...

  6. TfL Appeal Service

    Appeal Service assist people who have been issued with either a Penalty Fare or Unpaid Fare Notice and who wish to appeal against the issue. Penalty Fare Notices and Unpaid Fare Notices may be issued for a variety of reasons and people have the right to appeal against these, within a specified time, if they believe they were issued incorrectly ...

  7. PDF Penalty fare appeals policy

    An appellant will then be advised of a new timeframe within which payment must be made or a further appeal must be received. If neither payment nor. a further appeal is received within this new timeframe the Penalty Fare will revert to its original level of £80. Section 2.1 provides further details of the appeals timeframes.

  8. TfL Appeal Service

    You should explain why you were unable to produce a valid ticket or other authority to travel and provide any further information or evidence to support your explanation when appealing. ... Any appeal received outside of this deadline will be considered 'out of time' in accordance with Transport for London's Appeal Policy for Penalty ...

  9. Challenge a Penalty Charge Notice

    The charge associated with the PCN then increases to £240. If you don't pay within another 14 days, we'll send you an Order for Recovery which further increases the charge. Making an appeal to London Tribunals. You can lodge an appeal with London Tribunals within 28 days of receiving a notice of rejection from us.

  10. Challenge a penalty charge

    Make an appeal. If your representation is rejected, you may appeal against this decision on specified grounds to the independent adjudication service London Tribunals. An adjudicator will consider your appeal and make an independent decision, which in the normal course of events we will both have to comply with. How to make an appeal.

  11. PDF Penalty Fare Appeals Policy

    The following appeals deadlines apply (accurate on policy issue date): 1st Stage - within 21 days. 2nd Stage - within 14 days. 3rd Stage - within 14 days. 3 Alternatively, information on how to pay or appeal a Penalty Fare may be provided on a separate information slip at the time of issue.

  12. Challenge a Penalty Charge Notice

    Timing your representation. You have 28 days from the date of service of the PCN to either pay the penalty or challenge the PCN by making a representation. If you pay within 14 days of the date of service, you'll receive a 50% discount and the amount payable will be £250 rather than £500 (or £500 rather than £1,000, depending on vehicle size).

  13. Penalty fares

    Penalty fares. When travelling on public transport, you must ensure that you have a valid ticket. A penalty fare can be issued if you: travel without a valid ticket in all fares zones. travel with an incorrect ticket in all fare zones. travel in first class with a standard class ticket. travel on a child rate ticket when you are overage.

  14. Transport for London Penalty Charge

    Transport for London PCN contact number: 0343 222 3333 Lines are open 08:00-20:00 Monday to Friday: Website: Pay a PCN online: pay a penalty charge notice: Appeal a TfL PCN online: Appeal PCN: TfL PCN appeal email address: N/A: TfL PCN appeal address: Transport for London PO Box 335 ...


    TFL CH charged me £8.90. the other journeys on those days were by bus using my old age bus pass. My Oyster card was bought from a shop some time ago and I always top it up with cash and it had £18.50 on it on 23rd Nov. posted 12/01/2022 by CHRISTINE MARY DICKINSON.

  16. TfL Appeals Service

    If you are unable to proceed with an Online Appeal, you can submit a written or typed appeal by post or by fax. Download a printable PDF Appeal Form below and complete. Post your completed form to - AS Regus Building 1000 Lakeside Western Road Portsmouth PO6 3EZ or fax to 08445 448454

  17. TfL Might Soon Have to Refund 500,000 Parking Tickets

    TfL may soon have to refund 500,000 parking tickets. A High Court ruling might ban the use of CCTV to fine motorists. Written by. Liv Kelly. Thursday 26 October 2023. If you've received a ...

  18. TFL Rail Penalty Charge Notice

    The Appeals Service (AS) is not associated with TfL Rail. AS provide a service which gives the recipient of a Penalty Fare Notice the opportunity to dispute the issue. To ensure consistency, AS follow a Code of Practice compliant with the criteria set out in the Railways (Penalty Fares) Regulations 2018 when making assessments of Penalty Fare ...

  19. Tfl Travel Charge

    TFL Travel Charge is a company that specializes in providing transportation services and fare payment solutions for customers in London. With a focus on efficiency and convenience, TFL Travel Charge offers a range of products and services to help commuters navigate the city seamlessly. The Oyster Card: This contactless smart card allows ...

  20. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  21. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  23. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport includes buses. Sports

  24. Justin Timberlake arrested for driving intoxicated in New York: Police

    Justin Timberlake has been arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. The "Selfish" singer was apprehended by police in the Hamptons at 12:37 a.m. Tuesday, according to a press release ...