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Can you Bring Coffee Creamer on Carnival Cruise?

Can you Bring Coffee Creamer on Carnival Cruise?

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Coffee creamer is a must-have in the routine of a great number of people who are enthusiastic about coffee.

Coffee creamer improves the whole experience of drinking coffee in a variety of ways, including adding a dash of flavor and helping to get the ideal creamy consistency.

The good news is that Carnival Cruises allows coffee creamers . Their policy allows customers to bring non-alcoholic drinks, including coffee creamers. The creamer shouldn’t need refrigeration or special handling. Individual portions or tiny containers are advised for convenience and usability.

For many who are passionate about coffee, the quality of their morning beverage may either make or break their mood.

For some of us, things like the scent, the warmth, and that velvety touch are non-negotiable requirements.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that people who enjoy coffee frequently question the logistics of making sure their coffee is prepared properly when sailing with Carnival.

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Carnival Cruise Policies

Carnival Cruise Policies

Prior to discussing the details of carrying the coffee creamer on board, it is essential to acquaint ourselves with the overall policies of Carnival Cruise Line.

Cruise lines, like Carnival, have implemented laws to guarantee safety and enhance the overall experience of their customers.

These policies frequently encompass the items that passengers are permitted and prohibited from bringing on board.

When it comes to bringing outside food and beverages on a Carnival Cruise, there are some general rules and restrictions that passengers should be aware of.

Carnival Cruise Line has a policy that prohibits passengers from bringing onboard any food items that require preparation or cooking, as well as any beverages, except for certain non-alcoholic beverages for medical or dietary needs.

The reason behind this policy is to ensure the safety and satisfaction of all passengers.

By controlling the food and beverage options available onboard, Carnival Cruise Line can ensure that all meals and snacks served meet their quality and safety standards.

Additionally, this policy helps to prevent any potential foodborne illnesses that could arise from improperly stored or prepared food items brought from outside.

The Policies Regarding Beverages and Food

Carnival Cruise Line has established explicit regulations pertaining to the allowance of alcohol and food products brought onto their vessels.

In relation to beverages, individuals are permitted to transport a restricted quantity of non-alcoholic beverages, including water , soda , and juice .

Nevertheless, alcoholic beverages are commonly subject to limitations or restrictions.

Carnival Cruise Line has established regulations that ban passengers from bringing perishable food items or any items that necessitate refrigeration.

Restriction on Liquids

The restrictions placed on liquids are one of the components of this conversation that is of the utmost importance.

When it comes to liquids, Carnival Cruise Line strictly adheres to the criteria established by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

This means that any liquids that are carried on board must be contained in containers that are no larger than 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters), and all the containers must be able to fit into a single resealable plastic bag of quart size.

This applies not only to beverages but also to any other liquid food items or condiments, such as salad dressings or, you guessed it, coffee creamer.

As a result, it is essential that you pay attention to these laws while you are planning your cruise and take into consideration bringing a coffee creamer on board.

Bringing Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise

Bringing Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise

The answer is a little bit complex. In general, guests of Carnival Cruise Line are permitted to bring on board modest quantities of non-perishable, pre-packaged food items; however, there are some restrictions regarding this policy.

This covers things like dry products and various kinds of snacks.

Carnival adheres to the TSA’s standards on liquids.

In order to comply with this guideline, your coffee creamer must come in a container that is 3.4 fluid ounces (100 milliliters) or less and be able to fit inside a plastic bag that is quart-sized and resealable.

This is a problem for many people who enjoy coffee because the containers that are typically used for coffee creamers are typically larger than the size that is permitted.

If you are set on bringing your creamer with you, you should think about moving it into travel-sized containers or purchasing single-serve creamer capsules that are the required size.

You’re in luck if you prefer creamer made with non-dairy ingredients! at most cases, non-dairy creamer alternatives can be found onboard a Carnival Cruise Line ship, most frequently at the buffet sections or restaurants.

Guests who require alternatives that do not contain lactose or animal products can easily make use of these possibilities.

Even while it might not be your go-to brand, it’s a good option for making sure you have a pleasant experience drinking coffee in the morning.

You can discuss your dietary limitations with the dining staff at Carnival Cruise Line’s “Your Time Dining” option, which is available for guests who have special dietary needs or allergies.

These discussions may include your preferences for creamers.

Because this is a tailored service, it will ensure that you have the appropriate accompaniments to your coffee that are suitable for your diet.

Alternatives To Bringing Coffee Creamer On Board

Alternatives To Bringing Coffee Creamer On Board

There are various options available for you to choose from if you have particular dietary requirements or preferences with regard to your coffee.

In place of the traditional creamer, Carnival Cruise Line provides guests with a selection of non-dairy milk alternatives such as soy milk, almond milk, and coconut milk , all of which can be used in place of normal creamer.

In addition, some cruise ships include specialized coffee shops where customers can choose from a broad variety of flavor combinations and alternative creamer options.

In conclusion, even though you might not be allowed to bring your own coffee creamer on a Carnival Cruise, there are a lot of other options and substitutes that you can choose from while you’re there.

When it comes to the food and beverages that are served aboard Carnival Cruise Line ships, the company places a high priority on the safety and quality control of those items.

Additionally, the company makes an effort to give a number of options so that they may cater to the various dietary requirements and preferences of their passengers.

So, take it easy, put your feet up, and enjoy your morning coffee with one of the many different creamers that are offered on board the ship.

Tips For Bringing Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise

Tips For Bringing Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise

  • Pack smart: Coffee creamer container selection

If you are a coffee lover, you might be curious about whether or not you are permitted to bring your preferred coffee creamer on a Carnival Cruise.

Even while every cruise line has its own set of policies and guidelines, in general, you are permitted to carry onboard limited quantities of unopened coffee creamers in sealed containers.

However, it is essential to pack efficiently and take into consideration the following suggestions:

Choose containers that you can transport: Choose coffee creamer in tiny containers that are travel-friendly and do not exceed the maximum volume of liquid that is permitted.

By doing so, you will avoid having your cherished creamer taken away from you or thrown away because you will be in compliance with the requirements of the cruise company.

Avoid glass containers:  Glass containers are more likely to shatter, particularly in the midst of the commotion that occurs during embarkation and disembarkation.

Choose containers made of plastic or that are lightweight, as these are less likely to shatter and produce a mess if they do.

  • Ensuring proper storage and durability during the cruise

Although it is essential that you pack your coffee creamer in the appropriate manner, it is of equal significance that you keep it in an airtight container to guarantee that it remains durable and fresh throughout the cruise.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Employ containers that can be resealed and do not leak: To avoid any accidents with spills or leaks, transfer your coffee creamer to containers that can be resealed and do not leak.

This will prevent any undesired mess from occurring in your luggage or cabin by keeping your creamer safe and protected.

Coffee creamer is best preserved when kept in a cool and dry location: If you want to get the most out of it, make sure you store it correctly.

It is best not to leave it in direct sunlight or at temperatures that are too high, as doing so may change the way the creamer tastes and how it behaves.

  • Use cruise ship amenities to improve your coffee experience.

Bring your own coffee creamer to enjoy your favorite cup of coffee, but don’t forget to use the cruise ship’s amenities to enhance your coffee experience.

Here are some ideas:

Discover Carnival Cruise ships’ specialized coffee bars and cafes, where you may enjoy a range of coffee drinks.

Your preferred creamer may be available at these sites.

If you’re adventurous, cruise ships offer flavored creamers. Explore your tastes and find new favorites.

Engage with the baristas: Cruise ship baristas are generally coffee experts.

Talk to someone, ask for advice, or learn about brewing methods to improve your coffee experience.

Finally, if you obey Carnival Cruise Line’s restrictions, you can bring a coffee creamer.

To improve your coffee experience, pack smart, use the right containers, store your creamer properly, and use shipping facilities.

According to Carnival Cruise Line’s policy, guests are not allowed to bring their own food or beverages, including a coffee creamer but it is allowed to bring in travel size containers.

However, the ships do offer a variety of options for coffee and creamer onboard, so you can still enjoy your morning cup of joe.

Enjoy your cruise and your favorite cup of coffee!

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cruise ship coffee creamer

  • Norwegian Cruise Line

Coffee Creamer

By cperk97 , July 19, 2011 in Norwegian Cruise Line

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50+ Club

My husband loves his International Delight French Vanilla Coffee Creamer and is wondering if he needs to bring it on the ship with him. If he can bring it on the ship with him. We are sailing on the Jewel in Sept. For all I know they may even have it on the ship. Any help with this would be wonderful. Thanks so much!

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We were on the Jewel in January and wondered the same thing.

Luckily we did bring our own International Delight (Irish Creme) because it wasn't available on the ship.

I put the container in a ziploc bag and had it in my carry on, but no one even asked me what it was.

Be on the safe side and bring it with you. Hope you have as great a time as we did!

1,000+ Club


I brought my own on my last cruise (in my checked bag).....just make sure you have a refrig....although I have seen some places where you can buy the little cups that do not require refrigeration.....also, Coffeemate (my preference) offers their flavored creamers in powder form....

Carry it on in whatever way is safe to keep it from spilling. If its dry creamer you could check it too inside your luggage. I dont think you'd have any problems in your carry on with liquid creamer though as far as NCL goes. However, if you want to try a more "aggressive" creamer, use rum runners to get Kahlua and Baileys on board in your checked bags! ;)


It will not be onboard. You can certainly bring your own with no problem. I assume you are not flying, as there are limits on the amount of liquids you can bring on the flight?


I have yet to sail but research this completely. I have seen creamer cups (like they have in restaurants), half pint milk and low fat milk cartons, some of the bars have monin syrups if you like a frosted mint coffee for instance. If you bring your own creamer be sure to keep it cold...


I recall half and half and milk on the Sky. There shouldn't be a problem with bringing your own onboard, the biggest problem would be keeping liquid creamer cold but that certainly isn't insurmountable.

Thanks so much everyone, we really appreciate it. We will be traveling into NYC on the train the day before so no flying worries. Now to find a store close to the hotel to buy some before we board the ship. Once again Thanks!



Hey Cperk: I carry on Fat Free Vanilla Creamer. The quart doesn't fit in the fridge very well so I pour it into water bottles so it seals better and i can lay them down in the fridge.

In our stores, they sell International Delight in little individual non-refrigerator cups in a box of 24 or so. They are the ones they have at gas station coffee stations. However, they do not come in fat free.

Thanks so much everyone, we really appreciate it. We will be traveling into NYC on the train the day before so no flying worries. Now to find a store close to the hotel to buy some before we board the ship. Once again Thanks!   Jo Anne live in Fulton!!?? I live in Liverpool!!! (cruise-a-holics)....anyway....I'm pretty sure that BigLots carries the boxes of the tiny flavored creamer cups from international delight....

Our last cruise out of nyc we drove down and parked right at the was about the same/cheaper than taking the train, taxi, etc....(we did take the greyhound bus once....never again)....parking at the pier is $30 day and it's so nice to just drive right up, they take your bags at the curb and when you get back, you can just hop in your car and go.....(we will also be driving to nyc for our Sept cruise)...

Anyway...nice to see someone so close :) live in Fulton!!?? I live in Liverpool!!! (cruise-a-holics)....anyway....I'm pretty sure that BigLots carries the boxes of the tiny flavored creamer cups from international delight....   Our last cruise out of nyc we drove down and parked right at the was about the same/cheaper than taking the train, taxi, etc....(we did take the greyhound bus once....never again)....parking at the pier is $30 day and it's so nice to just drive right up, they take your bags at the curb and when you get back, you can just hop in your car and go.....(we will also be driving to nyc for our Sept cruise)...   Anyway...nice to see someone so close :)
DS#1 goes to Utica College, does that count;)? Staples might also carry the little containers (I forgot about those). Just checked at Staples:

We always bring our need for refrigeration. My wife likes French Vanilla and I must have my Irish Cream (also works well with a jigger of something stronger). Just throw the little thingies in your luggage. No problem.

Utica is close....(close to the casino too)....ever go?? The casino is my guilty when you win....but it's been awhile since I've come home ahead.....we'll be heading out there next Saturday....:cool:

Right now I'm gambling my money that he'll graduate in three more years:D.

That is too funny! It's such a small world. When in Sept are you cruising? We are cruising the Jewel Sept 3rd. We are taking the train down the day before and taking the girls to a Yankee game. Hotel is 2 blocks from the pier so we will be walking over to the ship.

cruise pup

I thought I was the only fanatic who needed to bring his own coffee lightener. I just take a small bottle of the generic non-fat creamer. The only trouble is I keep leaving it at my table and then have to run back to the dining room. Fortunately it always turns up at the table or the maitre d's desk. But it really improves on the taste of most cruise ship coffee.

That is too funny! It's such a small world. When in Sept are you cruising? We are cruising the Jewel Sept 3rd. We are taking the train down the day before and taking the girls to a Yankee game. Hotel is 2 blocks from the pier so we will be walking over to the ship.   Jo Anne

We are cruising nyc to Bermuda on Sept 27 (on ccl)....we got such a fantastic deal, we couldnt say no........this is our first year cruising with, in June, we took a quick 4 day cruise nyc to canada to test it, I've been on Carnival, RC and NCL....and honestly, they seem to all be about the same.....I will say, what I like about Carnival....each adult can carry on a bottle of wine and each person can bring 12 non-alcoholic (soda/water/juice) onboard....and also, with carnival, you can order a bottle of liquor for your stateroom....yes, I paid $40 for a bottle of beefeaters gin, but it was less than I would have spent at the bar and brought home what I didnt drink....and the other thing I like about Carnival....the size of a standard cabin is 185sf....NCL cabins tend to be small.....

We went on the Jewel last to Florida, Nassau and the private island....we went down via greyhound....never again...

Let me know how the train ride goes.....that was the way we planned this next trip, but since it's so easy to drive and park at the pier, hubby decided we would drive down in Sept...that will cost us $240 in parking + gas...but a whole lot of convenience (not having to go to the train station and lug our bags and get a taxi, etc)....

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cruise ship coffee creamer

Does Disney Crusie line offers any flavored creamers for coffee without having to purchase a specialized coffe from the Cove? If not, can we bring any creamers from the store onboard or is it sold at any of the ships stores? Is there a size requirement? ”

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Drop of Drink

Can You Bring Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise?

Carnival Cruise Lines allows passengers to bring a small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages such as sparkling water, sodas, juice, and milk packaged in cans or cartons onboard on embarkation day. However, it is not permitted to bring coffee creamer on the ship. Instead, passengers can purchase coffee and tea onboard and add their own sugar, honey, or Coffee Mate to their drinks.

If you are a coffee snob who cannot live without having flavored coffee creamer, then you can bring your own individual packets of creamer in your checked luggage, double-wrapped in a zip lock baggie. This way, you can enjoy the same great taste of your favorite creamer while onboard the cruise.

Alternatively, you can take advantage of the Holland America happy hour, where you can get beers for as low as $2.98, which is even cheaper than buying them at a bar on land. This way, you can save money and still enjoy your favorite drinks onboard the ship.

Let’s dig into it and see what secrets it holds.

How Can I Pack Coffee Creamer For A Carnival Cruise?

It is possible to bring coffee creamer on a Carnival Cruise, but there are some restrictions on the types of items that can be brought on board. According to Carnival’s Travel Documentation, U.S. citizens are not allowed to bring bottles on board, so it is important to pack the creamer in a plastic container or bag. Alternatively, individuals can purchase single-serve coffee creamer packets that can be brought on board. It is also possible to bring flavored coffee creamer on the ship, although it is not available in the main dining room or buffet.

Those who have food allergies can use Carnival’s Menu Mate™ food ingredient program to search for allergen information. When packing coffee creamer for the cruise, it is important to check the ingredients list and make sure that all ingredients are safe for consumption. Finally, it is not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages on board, with the exception of at the beginning of the cruise during embarkation day.

With these tips in mind, individuals can easily and safely pack coffee creamer for their Carnival Cruise. Be sure to double-check the Carnival Travel Documentation for additional information, and always remember to pack responsibly and safely. Enjoy your Carnival Cruise!

It is possible to bring coffee creamer on a Carnival Cruise, but it must be packed in a plastic container or bag, and single-serve coffee creamer packets can be brought on board. Food allergies can be accommodated using Carnival’s Menu Mate™ food ingredient program. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on board, with the exception of at embarkation day.

What Type Of Coffee Creamer Is Allowed On Carnival Cruises?

On Carnival Cruises, you are able to bring your own coffee creamer with you. Coffee Mate individual creamers that don’t need refrigeration are allowed, as well as your own bottles of creamer. Vanilla ice cream in coffee is also a popular option. However, bear in mind that all liquor, beer and other forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages outside of the exceptions referenced in the travel documentation must be purchased through the onboard shop. If you have any food allergies, you should be sure to let the staff know so that they can enter any restrictions into the program. Finally, don’t forget to check out Swirls, the late-night ice cream and frozen yogurt shop on the ship.

On Carnival Cruises, you are allowed to bring Coffee Mate individual creamers that don’t need refrigeration, as well as your own bottles of creamer. Vanilla ice cream in coffee is also a popular option.

Are There Any Restrictions On How Much Coffee Creamer I Can Bring On Board?

When travelling on a Carnival Cruise, you can bring powdered coffee creamer on board, but it is best to limit the amount to containers of 12 ounces or less. This is due to the United States restriction or ban of many agricultural products when travelling from an international last-point-of-departure to the U.S., and powder-based substances in carry-on baggage greater than 12 ounces are not allowed. In addition to this, you should be aware of the 3-1-1 liquids rule established by the TSA, which states that liquids and gels in containers larger than 3.4 ounces are not allowed in carry-on baggage.

Carnival Cruise Line also prohibits weapons, illegal drugs, and certain items that could interfere with the safe operation of its ships or compromise the safety of its passengers. Grocers may use any method of determining the amount of their sales of exempt food products which does not result in an overstatement of the amount of sales. It is important to be aware of the amount of coffee creamer you are bringing on board, in order to avoid any issues.

In conclusion, you can bring powdered coffee creamer on board a Carnival Cruise, but it is important to be aware of the restrictions and regulations set in place by the TSA, the United States government, and Carnival Cruise Line. Make sure to limit the amount of containers you bring, and always be aware of the 3-1-1 liquids rule.

You can bring powdered coffee creamer on board a Carnival Cruise, but it is recommended to limit the amount to containers of 12 ounces or less, and follow the 3-1-1 liquids rule established by the TSA. Be aware of the restrictions and regulations set by the U.S. government and Carnival Cruise Line.

Where Can I Find Information About Carnival Cruise Coffee Creamer Restrictions?

Carnival Cruise has recently implemented a new program that requires guests to answer questions about food allergies and enter any restrictions into the system. This is a great resource to find out what type of coffee creamer is allowed on board. Guests are also prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages on board, but they can bring their own flavored creamer on the day of embarkation. Unfortunately, the cruise line does not offer flavored creamer in the main dining room or the buffet, so it is best to bring your own. It is also important to note that items such as coffee makers, clothes irons, and travel steamers are not allowed on board. Therefore, it is best to check with Carnival Cruise for specific restrictions. If you have any other questions about bringing coffee creamer on board, it is best to contact Carnival Cruise directly for more information.

Guests can find information about Carnival Cruise coffee creamer restrictions by answering questions about food allergies and entering any restrictions into the system. They are also prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages on board, but can bring their own flavored creamer on the day of embarkation. It is best to contact Carnival Cruise directly for more information.

What Other Coffee Items Can I Bring On Board A Carnival Cruise?

When cruising with Carnival Cruise Line, there are a few items that passengers are not allowed to bring on board, including weapons, illegal drugs, and certain items that could interfere with the operation of the ship. However, passengers are allowed to bring some coffee items on board, such as a refillable water bottle/coffee mug and a travel-sized electric charging bar.

In addition, passengers can also bring items such as a laundry pen, adhesive note sheets, a waterproof bag, a highlighter, and a mesh bag on board. They can also purchase gift cards and cruise cash photo and cruise cash bar to use while on the cruise. Lastly, passengers can also bring a deck of cards or travel-sized magnetic board games on board.

Carnival Cruise Line has reached an agreement with PepsiCo to be the preferred beverage provider onboard. This means that passengers can purchase Pepsi and Diet Pepsi, as well as other soda products, on board. However, guests are not allowed to bring their own coffee creamer on board.

In conclusion, while guests cannot bring their own coffee creamer on board a Carnival Cruise, they are allowed to bring other coffee items such as a refillable water bottle/coffee mug and a travel-sized electric charging bar. Furthermore, they can also bring items such as a laundry pen, adhesive note sheets, a waterproof bag, a highlighter, and a mesh bag. Lastly, passengers can purchase gift cards and cruise cash photo and cruise cash bar to use while on the cruise.

Passengers on a Carnival Cruise are allowed to bring items such as a refillable water bottle/coffee mug, travel-sized electric charging bar, laundry pen, adhesive note sheets, waterproof bag, highlighter, mesh bag, gift cards, cruise cash photo, and cruise cash bar. However, they are not allowed to bring their own coffee creamer.

Can You Take Creamer On A Carnival Cruise?

Yes, you can take creamer on a Carnival Cruise. The cruise line does not provide flavored creamer in the main dining room or the buffet, so it is advisable to bring your own creamer. It is recommended to bring individual creamers in order to avoid any disappointment. However, you should keep in mind that you should check with the cruise line to make sure that the item is allowed on board. Additionally, make sure to keep the creamer in a sealed container in order to prevent any spills or leaks during the voyage.

What Is Not Allowed On Carnival Cruise Ships?

Carnival Cruise Ships do not allow passengers to bring any weapons, candles, irons, alcohol, or other dangerous goods on board. These items are strictly prohibited for safety and security reasons. Passengers should not bring items that could cause harm to themselves or others, such as firearms, explosives, or any other hazardous material. Additionally, passengers should not bring any flammable or combustible materials, such as fuel, fireworks, or aerosol cans.

In addition to the items mentioned above, passengers are also not allowed to bring any pets, illegal drugs, or any items with obscene, offensive, or inflammatory content. Passengers should also not bring any items that could damage the ship’s infrastructure, such as scuba tanks or any type of corrosive material. Furthermore, any type of food or beverages that are not purchased from the ship is not allowed on board.

In order to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all passengers, Carnival Cruise ships strictly prohibits these items. Passengers should check with their cruise line before bringing any items with them to ensure that they are allowed on board.

Can You Bring Coffee On Carnival Cruise?

Yes, you can bring coffee on a Carnival Cruise. You can bring your own instant or ground coffee, tea and teapot (or tea ball), French press or any other non-electric gadget that will make you your drink of choice using only hot water. However, you should note that electric coffee makers, espresso machines and other electric coffee-making devices are not allowed on board. Additionally, if you bring a French press, you are responsible for keeping the press clean and properly stored during the cruise. You should also remember to bring your own coffee filters, as filters are not provided on board. Finally, you should consider purchasing a travel mug to bring your coffee with you on shore excursions.

Can I Take A Yeti Cup On A Cruise?

Yes, you can take your Yeti stainless steel travel mug or other travel mug with you on a cruise. Most cruise lines allow passengers to bring their own personal items, including travel mugs, onboard. You may have to declare the mug at security and it may be subject to inspection. It is important to check with your cruise line for any specific restrictions or regulations regarding the type of mug and its size. Make sure to also check the cruise line’s rules on whether you are allowed to use the mug in public areas, such as the pool or dining room.

Can You Bring Coffee Creamer On Royal Caribbean Cruise?

Yes, passengers are able to bring individual coffee creamers onto a Royal Caribbean Cruise as long as it is still sealed. Room service can provide coffee, but not creamer. Passengers may bring their own coffee mate, sugar, or honey to mix in with their coffee, and they can also purchase coffee and tea on board.

Can You Bring Your Own Cup On Carnival Cruise?

Yes, you can bring your own cup, such as a Yeti cup or reusable water bottle on a Carnival Cruise. Small coolers, up to 12 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches, and 12 cans of non-alcoholic beverages per person are also allowed. Cremated ashes must be kept in an appropriate vessel. Weapons, illegal drugs and certain items that could interfere with the safe operation of the ship are not permitted. Cups provided on board should be used to fill up water bottles.

What Are The Best Tips For A Successful First Time Carnival Cruise?

To have a successful first time Carnival Cruise, it is important to pack for both warm and cold weather, arrive early at the cruise terminal, ask for advice from seasoned cruisers, bring clothespins for packing, check for included tips, take advantage of discounts and promotions, and consider the cost and value of upgrades.

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All in all, bringing coffee creamer on a Carnival Cruise is a great idea if you want to enjoy your favorite coffee with a delicious and creamy taste. If you want to make sure you have the best experience possible, be sure to bring non-refrigerated coffee creamer and store it in a cool place during your trip. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that your coffee creamer is not a liquid, gel, or aerosol so that you don’t have any issues with the cruise line’s security protocols. Now that you know the ins and outs of bringing coffee creamer on a Carnival Cruise, it’s time to start planning your next adventure! Don’t forget to check out our website for more tips on how to make your cruise the best it can be. Who knows, maybe you’ll find the perfect coffee creamer to really make the experience unforgettable!

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Things I can bring? Liquid coffee creamer and wine questions.

  • Thread starter Crysaline
  • Start date Jan 16, 2023


  • Jan 16, 2023

Leaving on Magic in 2 weeks. 2 quick questions. Can I bring an unopened bottle of liquid coffee creamer? And, if I bring wine can I take the bottle with me to dinner having opened it in room without a fee or bring an already poured glass?  



No problems bringing the liquid coffee creamer as long as it is still sealed. You can place it in your checked or carry on bag. Bringing an already poured glass would not incur Carnival's "corkage fee". Bringing a bottle (open or unopened) into the main dining room or any restaurant onboard technically would incur the $15 corkage fee. Carnival's Corkage Fee Details : A $15 USD corkage fee, per 750 ml bottle, will be charged should guests wish to consume their wine or champagne in the main dining room, specialty restaurant or bar. A corkage fee is a charge assessed at time of service at a restaurant for every bottle served that is not bought on the premises.  

  • Jan 17, 2023

Thank you. That answers both of my questions perfectly.  


  • Mar 24, 2023
Greg said: No problems bringing the liquid coffee creamer as long as it is still sealed. You can place it in your checked or carry on bag. Bringing an already poured glass would not incur Carnival's "corkage fee". Bringing a bottle (open or unopened) into the main dining room or any restaurant onboard technically would incur the $15 corkage fee. Carnival's Corkage Fee Details : A $15 USD corkage fee, per 750 ml bottle, will be charged should guests wish to consume their wine or champagne in the main dining room, specialty restaurant or bar. A corkage fee is a charge assessed at time of service at a restaurant for every bottle served that is not bought on the premises. Thanks for sharing the answer. If you're seeking for essay samples online but can't seem to discover any, go to you may get many fantastic ideas for essays on our website, which will help you finish it quickly. Click to expand...

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cruise ship coffee creamer

12 Things to Bring from Home to Save Money on Your Cruise

L ooking to save money on your next cruise while sticking to a budget? There’s an easy way to do so—bring things from home instead of buying them on the cruise. Buying things onboard can get expensive, as prices are often marked up in the cruise’s gift shop. So, what can you bring from home? Here are some things to pack on your next cruise that will save you money.

What to Bring to Your Cruise to Save You Money

1. refillable water bottles.

Bringing refillable water bottles tops my list of things to bring on a cruise to save money. Cruise ships don’t provide free water in your cabin, so you’ll need to buy bottled water from the cruise line. 

But why pay for water when you can get it for free from the buffet? Simply bring your own refillable water bottle, fill it up with water and ice and take it to your cabin. This will also come in handy when you go ashore. It’s best to bring water bottles without straws so you don’t have to wash them in your cabin.

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2. Travel Mug

I always bring an insulated travel coffee mug with me on a cruise. I love drinking tea and coffee all day long, so I fill it up with coffee at the buffet and carry it around the ship. 

Because I have a travel mug, I don’t feel the need to buy coffee from the cruise specialty coffee shop. This not only saves me money but also saves me time from having to go back to the buffet to refill my coffee. 

Even if you’re not a coffee or tea drinker, you can fill up your travel mug with free juices, iced tea, or lemonade from the buffet during breakfast. It’s so convenient to have a travel mug on sea days because it will save you the hassle of constantly going back and forth to the buffet for water. Trust me, you’ll thank me later for this tip! I like this insulated mug with lid .

3. Flavored Coffee Creamer

I like having a little bit of flavor in my coffee, so I always bring flavored coffee creamer from home. I usually pack a few packets of powdered coffee creamers so that I can have my hazelnut coffee without having to buy coffee at the specialty coffee shop.

4. Flavored Water Powder

I always make sure to bring some flavored water powder when I go on a cruise, like Crystal Light or Gatorade powder. I’m not a big fan of plain water, so I like to add a bit of flavor to my water so it tastes great. 

This saves me money because I don’t have to buy drinks on the cruise. It’s especially handy when we’re out exploring the port—I’ll mix some Peach Mango flavor with some ice-cold water, and it’s super refreshing to drink. 

My kids really love them too. They have these flavored packets that taste just like Skittles , Welch’s fruit snacks, and Starburst !

I’ve also made my own alcoholic cocktails mixing wine with some flavored water- it’s my own version of sangria!

5. Bottle of Wine 

Many first-time cruisers don’t know this, but they can bring wine onboard the ship for free. It’s a great way to save money on your cruise!

Most cruise lines allow you to bring one bottle of wine or champagne per person, up to 750 ml, on the ship when you bring it on embarkation day. Some cruise lines even allow you to bring two bottles. 

Remember this only applies to wine that you bring on the first day of your cruise. Any alcohol that you buy at the ports will be taken and kept until the end of the cruise. It’s also important to note that cruise lines charge a corkage fee if you drink the wine in a restaurant or public area. 

It’s best to double-check with your cruise line before bringing wine since their alcohol policy can change. 

What you can bring will vary depending on the cruise line. For example, Carnival allows one 750-ml bottle of sealed/unopened wine or champagne per person in their carry-on luggage. Royal Caribbean allows each adult to bring one sealed 750 ml bottle of wine or champagne on embarkation day. Boxed wine are prohibited. 

Norwegian cruise line is different. They allow guests to bring bottles of wine and champagne on board. When bottles are brought on board and served or consumed in any restaurant, public room area, or stateroom , a corkage fee will be charged according to the bottle size. 

Princess Cruise guests are allowed to bring one 750ml bottle of wine or champagne on board. There will be no corkage fee if you drink your wine in your stateroom. 

Disney Cruise Line’s policy is more generous. They allow guests 21 years and older to bring a maximum of 2 bottles of unopened wine or sparkling wine (no larger than 750 ml) or 6 beers (no larger than 12 ounces) on board at the beginning of your cruise.

One way to save money on your cruise is by packing your own soda and juice. Most cruise lines allow you to bring a few bottles or cans of non-alcoholic beverages with your carry-on luggage when you board the ship on the first day. 

Every cruise line has its own policy of what you can and can’t bring onboard. For example, Norwegian has a strict policy of not allowing any non-alcoholic beverages on board.

Royal Caribbean, on the other hand, allows guests to bring non-alcoholic beverages as carry-on items on embarkation day. These non-alcoholic drinks cannot exceed 12 standard (17 oz.) cans, bottles or cartons per stateroom.

Carnival also allows non-alcoholic beverages, such as sparkling water, sodas, energy drinks, juice, and milk, in cans or cartons, on embarkation day. These must be carried in the guest’s carry-on luggage. Carnival allows you to bring a maximum of 12 sealed, unopened cans/cartons of 12-ounces/354-ml each, per person.

Again, check the cruise line policy before bringing any beverages onboard the ship.

7. Snorkeling gear

If you’re planning to go snorkeling during your cruise, a great way to save money is to bring your own snorkel gear. Not only will you be able to save on rental fees, but you’ll also enjoy the added benefit of using your own snorkel gear, which is much more hygienic. 

Just keep in mind that some cruise lines impose restrictions on bringing your own snorkel gear, so it’s important to check their policy beforehand. Bringing your own snorkel gear is definitely worth it if you plan on snorkeling frequently during your cruise.

8. Water Shoes

One way to save money on your cruise is to bring your own water shoes. Protecting your feet against jagged rocks while swimming, snorkeling, or kayaking is important. Plus, water shoes can prevent you from slipping on wet surfaces and provide more comfort than flip-flops. 

I have been on several Caribbean cruises where I thought I could do without water shoes but ended up buying them from a beach gift shop at a premium price. Now, to save money, I always bring my own water shoes .

9. Collapsible Beach Toys

If you’re traveling on a cruise with your kids and planning to spend most of your time at the beach, you should bring your own beach toys. Otherwise, your kids will end up using plastic cups as buckets, which is no fun! 

If you’re like me, you will feel guilty letting your kids play with plastic cups so you end up buying overpriced sand toys from the beach vendors. To save money and keep your kids entertained, it’s best to bring your own beach toys. 

I like this beach toy set because it’s collapsible and can easily fit into your luggage and is convenient to carry around.

10. Laundry Detergent and Wrinkle Remover

If you want to save money and avoid running out of clean clothes, you can wash some of your lightweight clothes in the sink or the shower. Bring some laundry detergent to make it easier. I like these travel detergent packs .

I also always bring a small wrinkle releaser spray to smooth out the wrinkles in clothes. You never know when it might come in handy, especially when you are traveling and have limited access to an iron. You can keep your clothes clean and fresh without spending extra money on laundry services.

11. Luggage Scale

I always make sure to bring a luggage scale with me when I go on a cruise. This way, I can weigh my baggage and avoid paying overweight fees at the airport. I like this luggage scale because it’s both compact and portable, making it easy to bring with you when you travel.

12. Foldable Duffel Bags

I don’t know about you, but every time I return from a cruise, I always end up with more baggage than I started with. Sometimes, I end up buying extra luggage or duffel bags from the port or cruise gift shop just to fit all my stuff, which I hate because I feel like I’m wasting money on overpriced luggage. 

So now, I always carry an additional foldable duffel bag in my luggage in case I need an extra one. It saves me money and the hassle of having to buy an extra bag at the port or gift shop. I like this foldable duffel bag because it’s easy to use.

Check out these cruise packing lists with free printables

Alaska cruise packing list

Caribbean cruise packing list

Mediterranean cruise packing list

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10 Ways to Score Free Champagne at a Cruise (How to Get Free Drinks!)

8 Easy Ways to Get FREE Onboard Credit on a Cruise

8 Reasons Why Cruise Ship Beverage Packages are a Waste of Money

The post 12 Things to Bring from Home to Save Money on Your Cruise appeared first on Suburbs 101 .

Looking to save money on your next cruise while sticking to a budget? There’s an easy way to do so—bring things from home instead of buying them on the cruise. Buying things onboard can get expensive, as prices are often marked up in the cruise’s gift shop. So, what can you bring from home? Here […]

Celebrity Cruises

Can you bring coffee creamer on board.


By judydoc , January 22, 2016 in Celebrity Cruises

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500+ Club

I always take International Coffee Creamer with me when we cruise. We were on a Carnival ship a couple of months ago and they have changed their rules. Even if the container has not been opened, you can no longer bring it on board. Does Celebrity allow it still?

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Of course you can. Really surprised that Carnival will not allow it.


Carnival changed their rules because of alcohol smuggling. You can only take canned beverages onboard now. You probably could bring it onboard Celebrity, but since a container of liquid creamer must be refrigerated after opening, I would take a box of the 24 individual creamers. The refrigerators in the cabins don't always seem that cold.


I'm not sure if this help, but this is part of the email I received re what food is allowed to be brought on board when I asked about a celiac diet - "... dry, nonperishable food items such as cookies, crackers, chips, energy bars, etc... also individual packets of salad dressings. Guests may not bring on board any potentially hazardous food items. (Items that require refrigeration, freezing, reheating, or storage by the galley)."

I would also agree with a previous post that mentioned the cabin fridges - they really aren't cold enough!


I've taken the individual packets onboard Carnival without any problem. I just put them in a Ziploc bag inside my suitcase. That may have been before the rule change, though.


I always bring a box of the individual creamers onboard X when we cruise. It doesn't need refrigeration and we have never had an issue getting it onboard. What they want to avoid of course is people showing up with perishable food items and asking to have the crew refrigerate it, wasting space and crew hours.

Thanks for the replies. Going out to get my creamers today!

Celebrity Cruises

Guests are not allowed to bring on board any food items other than dry, nonperishable snack items (cookies, crackers, chips, energy bars, etc).

I find it funny that celebrity answers this question rather quickly, but often times when people post substantial questions there is no answer by celebrity.


Enjoy! I always bring along a bottle of International Delight creamer in my carry-on. Has never, ever been an issue! It would be nice if Celebrity would provide the small "flavored" creamers for coffee - possibly to go along with "Modern Luxury"!

For crying out loud -- who are you any way -- have you ever even taken a cruise? I ALWAYS take individual creamers - you know those tiny little cup things. They hold a teaspoon of creamer - that doesn't need to be refrigerated. What next - you going to confiscate creamers? I can't believe that you get paid for these responses. :cool:


Wow, Jane. Maybe more creamer and less coffee, okay.


Now that's funny, I don't care who you are. :D

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cruise ship coffee creamer


  1. Can you Bring Coffee Creamer on Carnival Cruise?

    cruise ship coffee creamer

  2. Can you Bring Coffee Creamer on Carnival Cruise?

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  4. Can you Bring Coffee Creamer on Carnival Cruise?

    cruise ship coffee creamer

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    cruise ship coffee creamer


  1. Coffee with Cream

  2. A rare thing from a sunken ship 🚢 #restoration #nft #Queen_Louise #Ship #creamer


  1. Can I bring liquid coffee creamer onboard?

    A Pisces said: I bring a bottle for my morning coffee in my room, and individuals for the dining room. On occasion, I have put some creamer in one of the glasses in the cabin, and cover it with the little paper glass cover, that they put on the clean glasses. As long as the bottle is still sealed, you shouldn't have a problem bringing it on board.

  2. Bringing Coffee Creamer onboard

    Posted March 30. 24 minutes ago, mz-s said: You should contact special needs before bringing on something like this since bottles are not allowed. But for a dietary restriction it should be fine as long as it's cleared ahead of time. Cartons are allowed. Also, since it is 11.2 oz, it is below the maximum per unit size.

  3. Can you Bring Coffee Creamer on Carnival Cruise?

    Bringing Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise. The answer is a little bit complex. In general, guests of Carnival Cruise Line are permitted to bring on board modest quantities of non-perishable, pre-packaged food items; however, there are some restrictions regarding this policy. This covers things like dry products and various kinds of snacks.

  4. bringing coffee creamers on board

    July 28, 2010. Tennessee. #9. Posted August 12, 2018. They also make the small concentrated bottles of creamer about 4oz that you could toss in your luggage, it might be easier than the individual packets. We. Take two bottles for a week. They don't need to be refrigerated and they have a right closure on them.

  5. Cabin Coffee Creamer

    A short while back, there was a flurry of activity here on CC about NCL replacing UHT coffee creamers ( such as Mini-Moos), with powdered coffee whitener, such as Coffee Mate, in the cabins. Can someone tell me what they are offering now. Thanking you in advance.

  6. Coffee with your creamer?

    We also bring disposable hot cups with lids. Carnivals coffee cups are too small for us. Hubby goes & gets some coffee and brings it back to the to the room while I get ready then we add the creamers and any Bailey's that might have made it's way on board.:D We put it the creamers in our checked luggage and didn't have a problem.

  7. Coffee Creamer

    Are we allowed to bring on liquid coffee creamer on board? the last cruise they told me i was not allowed and had to throw away 4 unopened bottle. very dissappointing

  8. Can you bring coffee creamer on board

    Carnival changed their rules because of alcohol smuggling. You can only take canned beverages onboard now. You probably could bring it onboard Celebrity, but since a container of liquid creamer must be refrigerated after opening, I would take a box of the 24 individual creamers. The refrigerators in the cabins don't always seem that cold.

  9. Bringing Coffee Creamer

    We were on the Breeze in Feb 2016 and brought a little bottle of Coffee Mate creamer. Not the one's in the refrigerator case, this was found in the coffee aisle. It's small, kind of the size of those flavorings you add yo water. ... Cruise Food Photos Cruise Ship Photos Ports of Call Photos Towel Animal Photos Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome ...

  10. Tea and Coffee on a Cruise: What to Expect

    On mainstream cruise ships, you typically pay extra for espressos, cappuccinos and other coffee drinks, as well as "fancier" regular coffee and tea in an onboard cafe. Prices range from $2 to $9 ...

  11. Coffee Creamer

    My husband loves his International Delight French Vanilla Coffee Creamer and is wondering if he needs to bring it on the ship with him. If he can bring it on the ship with him. We are sailing on the Jewel in Sept. For all I know they may even have it on the ship. Any help with this would be wonde...

  12. Does Disney Crusie line offers any flavored c...

    I definitely recommend bringing your own flavored creamer for your daily cup of joe onboard. You will want to pack it in your carry-on luggage and make sure to keep it sealed until you are aboard the ship. There is not a size restriction for this type of item, so you can bring however much you think you'll need for your seven days on the high seas.

  13. Can You Bring Coffee Creamer On Carnival Cruise?

    Passengers on a Carnival Cruise are allowed to bring items such as a refillable water bottle/coffee mug, travel-sized electric charging bar, laundry pen, adhesive note sheets, waterproof bag, highlighter, mesh bag, gift cards, cruise cash photo, and cruise cash bar. However, they are not allowed to bring their own coffee creamer.

  14. Can I bring a bottle of coffee creamer onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise

    I'm very partial to my natural bliss creamer in my coffee. Coffee is part of my morning routine and I'm excited to sip it while watching the waves on our upcoming cruise. ... This is a place to discuss anything and everything about cruising, working on cruise ships, and experiencing the lifestyle of cruising! Members Online. Designers gone ...

  15. Things I can bring? Liquid coffee creamer and wine questions

    Greg said: No problems bringing the liquid coffee creamer as long as it is still sealed. You can place it in your checked or carry on bag. Bringing an already poured glass would not incur Carnival's "corkage fee". Bringing a bottle (open or unopened) into the main dining room or any restaurant onboard technically would incur the $15 corkage fee.

  16. Coffee creamers : r/CarnivalCruiseFans

    r/Cruise • Just got back from a 7 day cruise with Deluxe Drink Package. I now think the real question to be asking, is what DURATION of cruise makes sense for the drink package.

  17. 12 Things to Bring from Home to Save Money on Your Cruise

    3. Flavored Coffee Creamer. I like having a little bit of flavor in my coffee, so I always bring flavored coffee creamer from home. I usually pack a few packets of powdered coffee creamers so that ...

  18. Coffee and creamer question

    The coffee on that ship from the Lido, room service and most of the time in the dining room was HORRID. I can usually doctor just about any cup of coffee up to make it drinkable but that was a challenge on this ship. Not sure why as all of our previous cruises had much better coffee esp in the dining room and room service.

  19. Can you bring coffee creamer on board

    Carnival changed their rules because of alcohol smuggling. You can only take canned beverages onboard now. You probably could bring it onboard Celebrity, but since a container of liquid creamer must be refrigerated after opening, I would take a box of the 24 individual creamers. The refrigerators in the cabins don't always seem that cold.

  20. Coffee on board/creamer question

    3. September 16, 2017. Gloucester Point, Va. #3. Posted September 16, 2017. I have been on 5 Carnival cruises and the coffee is beyond horrible. Last time we purchased a refillable cup at the cafe and paid $1.00 for every refill. It was worth every penny.

  21. Coffee creamer : r/CarnivalCruiseFans

    Odd question, but I am wondering if carnival has flavored coffee creamer? RCL only has milk, so I always bring my own individual packets. ... Saw a woman with her own small powdered creamer canister on my last cruise. Seems smart if you like flavored coffees. ... Type of coffee creamer on ship.