Don’t Leave Home Without Travel MD

June 15, 2017.

When planning for a trip, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget important travel measures. One of those measures: vaccines.

“Patients who travel internationally may need to take special precautions to avoid getting ill, such as receiving additional vaccines,” says William B. Felegi, DO , FACEP, medical director, Travel MD® . “Patients traveling to the Caribbean, Europe and Australia generally do not need anything further other than current protection against routine disease found in the U.S.”

For travelers visiting regions outside of those areas, though, Dr. Felegi recommends talking to a health care provider with knowledge of travel medicine. Atlantic Corporate Health is making that easier for patients through the Travel MD® program, which aims to protect travelers through a variety of pretravel and consultative services. In addition to vaccines, travelers will receive advice on foods and drinks to avoid, medications to pack and other steps to take for a safe journey.

“Our services offer a team approach to the travel patient,” says Dr. Felegi, who is also medical director for the program. “Patients are given the time with a specially trained travel medicine physician to counsel them about their specific needs based on their individual itinerary. After meeting with the physician and receiving specific written recommendations, patients will meet with a nurse, be given additional travel information, and receive their vaccines, if possible, on the same visit.”

For more information on Travel MD® , call 973-971-7291 .

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Castelul Peleș este, programul prin care tu, fiind student, pleci în călătorie și vii cu bani acasă..

Ne dorim ca fiecare tânăr să aibă șansa de a vedea ce se face în afară și cum funcționează lumea dincolo de granițele țării noastre, fără vreo risipă, ci dimpotrivă, adunând un ban grămadă.

Tinerețea e pentru explorare, pentru aventuri și amintiri ce vor rămâne cu tine pe parcursul vieții. Folosește această oportunitate!


posturi vacante disponibile

Depozit de încălțăminte reno schoe, sticherarea comenzilor, formarea comenzilor, depozitarea mărfurilor, depozit   de electrocasnice, operator pe stivuitor, procesarea comenzilor, recepționer de marfă, depozit de condimente, nucușoare și fructe uscate, împachetare, depozit de colete, sortator de colete, revizor de colete, depozit de ceai și cafea, pregătire spre livrare, depozit de patiserie, operator la linia de producere, operator la ambalarea biscuiților, reciclarea tehnicii de uz casnic, sortarea plasticului, sortarea foliei de aluminiu, sortarea metalelor, dezmembrarea electrocasnicelor, depozit de produse chimice de uz casnic, depozit de haine, operator de marfă, sortator de marfă.

  • Te angajezi chiar și cu pașaportul biometric
  • Poți pleca împreună cu prietenii sau partenerul
  • Obții scutiri de impozite fiind student, adică ai salarii mai mari
  • Costuri de cazare mici, pentru că ești student
  • Fiindcă ești student, nu se muncește în schimburi de noapte
  • Ore de muncă mai puține decât la ceilalți

De ce Germania?

Probabil ai rude sau sigur cunoști pe cineva care a plecat în Germania. Potrivit statisticii, Germania se află pe locul 3 în topul celor mai râvnite destinații în care migrează moldovenii. Anual, peste 20 000 de moldoveni aleg să plece în Germania la muncă sau la studii.

Moldovenii aleg această țară pentru salariile avantajoase, și nu doar. Apa e gustoasă și se bea chiar din robinet. Orașele sunt liniștite, curate. Și dacă vorbim despre curățenie, deșeurile se reciclează în mod obligatoriu. Hârtie la hârtie, sticle la sticle (și după culoare!).

Magazinele sunt aproape și indiferent de locul cazării, se ajunge pe jos. Prețurile pentru lactate, cafea germană, cosmetică germană, sunt joase. Se găsesc haine calitative, care nu se uzează ușor și le porți ani la rând.

Fiind în Germania ai acces mai larg la piața internațională. Poți comanda online orice dorești la prețuri mai reduse decât dacă ar fi livrate în Moldova. Plus că sunt disponibile mai multe produse chiar și în magazine.

În mod normal, fiecare moldovean cunoaște 3 limbi. Acum însă ai posibilitatea de a exersa germana sau de a învăța de la 0. Deși nu se solicită să cunoști germana la locul de muncă, profită de ocazia de a prinde vocabularul de la băștinași.

Majoritatea universităților din Germania nu au taxă, sau au o taxă destul de mică. Dacă dorești să-ți continui studiile în Europa, Germania ar fi o opțiune excelentă. În aceste 3 luni, vei cunoaște destul această țară ca să poți lua decizii importante mai departe.

Întrebări și răspunsuri

Cine este eligibil.

Orice student care are pașaport biometric (sau românesc) și document de la decanat care permite vacanța/concediul academic pentru perioada de vară, adică 3 luni.

Cât costă programul?

Programul costă 2000 lei pentru pachetul de documente.

Cum se înscrie la program?

Înscrierea la program se face după formularul de aici .

Cum este organizată plecarea?

Plecarea este organizată de către noi și vor fi grupuri de studenți ca tine care vor pleca cu autocare.

Când are loc plecarea?

Peste o lună sau o lună și jumătate după perfectarea actelor.

Este necesară experiența de muncă în cadrul depozitelor?

Nu este necesară experiența. Muncitorii noi veniți trec un scurt curs de instruire pentru a fi clare toate sarcinile de la locul de muncă.

Este necesar de a cunoaște limba germană?

Nu este necesar, se vorbește în rusă cu supervizorii.

Pot să plec cu un prieten?

Se poate pleca cu prietenii, dacă și aceștia sunt studenți care au pașaport valabil și document de la decanat despre solicitarea vacanței în perioada de vară.

Cum se achită salariul?

Salariul se achită lunar.

Unde are loc cazarea?

În case și apartamente din zona în care se muncește. Locurile de cazare sunt asigurate din timp de către angajator.

Ai alte întrebări?

Fă cunoștință cu managerii, ei te vor ajuta să alegi postul de muncă care ți se potrivește cel mai bine conform capacităților tale..

Tot ei te vor informa despre condițiile de plecare, ce trebuie să iei cu tine, care sunt atribuțiile și sarcinile de la locul de muncă. Managerul tău te va anunța despre data, ora și locul plecării. Vei putea contacta pe Irina, Gabriela sau Daniela atunci când vei ajunge în Germania în caz că vor apărea anumite întrebări.


Cîssa Irina


Albina Gabriela


Cazacenco Daniela

Începe aventura ta în germania, completează câmpurile de mai jos, ca să te contactăm și să îți răspundem la orice întrebare în cel mai scurt timp..

Numele tău:

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  • str. Ismail 81/1

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Frederick Travel Clinic

Passport Health offers a variety of travel vaccinations for your trip.

Typhoid , hepatitis A and yellow fever are just some of the travel immunizations Passport Health offers. We also carry speciality vaccines like rabies and Japanese encephalitis . Call or book online now to ensure you’re protected.

Yellow fever is a potentially deadly infection, make sure you're protected with a yellow fever vaccine.

All Passport Health clinics are designated yellow fever vaccination centers with the CDC. This means you can receive a yellow fever immunization and ‘yellow card’ proving you’ve received the vaccine prior to your trip.

Routine vaccinations play a key role in everyday health. Make sure you are protected with Passport Health.

It’s easy to forget when or if you’ve had routine vaccinations. Our expert staff will help make sure you are up-to-date with meningitis , MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine , pneumonia and other vaccines.

Travel supplies like mosquito repellent can help keep you safe and healthy abroad.

We offer a wide-variety of travel supplies including travelers’ diarrhea kits, mosquito repellents and even B-12 shots. See our Passport Health store to learn more !

Details & Directions

Passport Health clinics are conveniently located to serve your travel health needs.

Located in Frederick County, MD near Old Town Frederick, Passport Health Frederick has plenty of free parking and handicap accessibility.

Schedule an appointment today by booking online or calling .

Traveling East on Interstate 70: Take exit 48 to merge onto US-40 E/Baltimore National Pike toward Frederick. Continue to follow Baltimore National Pike. Continue onto W Patrick St. Turn left onto W College Terrace. Take the 3rd right onto Carroll Pkwy. Take the 2nd right onto College Ave. Destination will be on the right.

Traveling West on Interstate 70: Take exit 56 for MD-144/Patrick St toward Fairgrounds. Merge onto E Patrick St. Turn right onto College Ave. Destination will be on the left.

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E-travel online instructions/faq, new e-travel instructions.

E-Travel 9.2 Features “E-Travel History”

E-Travel Instructions – Detailed

Approval E-Travel Instructions – Quick List

E-Travel FAQ s

Q. How do I access E-Travel Online?

  • An employee is able to access E-Travel Online from>Guide (Topics) >Financial Services & Accounting>E-Travel Request Form OR
  • PeopleSoft Finance> Campus Workcenter> lower left bottom is UMBC Travel Menu

Q. I cannot access E-Travel Request Form from the above menus. What do I do?

  • If you are a new employee, please wait a couple days or check with your Payroll Preparer to make sure they submitted hire paperwork to Human Resources.
  • If you are an existing employee, please open an RT ticket here.

Q.What Should the Comments in the E-Travel Request Form Include?

  • Click Link for up-to-date list of Comments

Q. How do I add / remove an E-Travel Approver? A. Please complete a PeopleSoft Finance Online Approval for Departmental 9.2 Form

Q. Why am I receiving email to approve E-Travel? A. Someone submitted the PeopleSoft Finance Online Approval for Departmental 9.2 with your name on it.

Q. I transferred departments, why am I receiving email to approve E-Travel for my old department? A. Someone in the OLD department needs to complete an updated PeopleSoft Finance Online Approval for Departmental 9.2 Form.

Q. Who can I call to ask about E-Travel ?

  • Please contact the Travel Coordinator, Peggy Ingle. 410-455-2316 or open an RT Ticket

Q. E-Travel for foreign trip was submitted with an incorrect Account Number:

  • Please have Approver Deny the E-Travel Request.

Q. E-Travel was submitted with an incorrect Account Number: e.g. In-State Travel vs. Out-of-State Travel

  • After the E-Travel charge appears in your chartstring, please journal it from the incorrect account to the correct account

Q. Can the department accounting person receive a copy of E-Travel for monthly reconciliation?

  • Yes, please use the CC functionality on the E-Travel page.
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Find a Clinic

There are several places you can get vaccines and medicine before you travel.

county health dept sign

Call your doctor or local health department to see if they can provide pre-travel advice, vaccines, and medicines.

List of health departments

woman checking in at clinic reception desk

If you want to see a travel medicine specialist, the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) can help you find a clinic.

Directory of travel clinics

yellow fever vacc paper

If you need yellow fever vaccine you must get vaccinated at an authorized yellow fever vaccine clinic. Many of these clinics also give other shots and medicines.

Yellow fever vaccine clinic search

Find where you can get a COVID-19 vaccine in your area.

Need to get tested? Find a COVID-19 testing clinic .

  • Find out what vaccines you need for your destination
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CDC provides these links as a convenience to international travelers. CDC does not endorse, recommend, or favor any clinics on these lists, nor does the appearance of a clinic on these lists imply a guarantee of service quality.

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  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website.
  • Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website.
  • You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link.
  • CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website.

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Travel Medicine Practice

e travel md

Services include immunizations to prevent yellow fever, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, meningococcal meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, and other infections found in host countries. Travelers are educated about health risks and how to prevent them, including travelers’ diarrhea and other food and waterborne infections, malaria and insect-borne infections, altitude sickness, and local crime activity.

Wilbur Chen, MD, MS

Wilbur Chen, MD, MS Director Associate Professor

The Travel Medicine Practice offers diagnostic and treatment services for diseases and conditions contracted overseas.

Department of Medicine Faculty Practice Office Building 419 Redwood Street, 6th floor Baltimore, MD 21201


To make an appointment, please phone the Department of Medicine Faculty Practice Office at 667-214-1515. The Practice is open Wednesday from 1:15 PM to 4:30 PM and the second and fourth Friday of the month from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.

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M&IE breakdowns

The meals and incidental expense (M&IE) breakdowns in the tables below are provided should federal travelers need to deduct meals furnished by the government or included in a registration fee from their M&IE allowance consistent with Federal Travel Regulation 301-11.18 . Meals provided by a common carrier or a complimentary meal provided by a hotel/motel do not affect per diem ( 301-11.17 ).

M&IE breakdown for foreign and non-foreign areas outside the continental U.S. (OCONUS)

For M&IE rates greater than $265, allocate 15%, 25%, and 40% of the total to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, respectively. The remainder is the incidental expense allowance.


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2021 and 09/30/2024.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.

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You’re our first priority. Every time.

We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. And while our site doesn’t feature every company or financial product available on the market, we’re proud that the guidance we offer, the information we provide and the tools we create are objective, independent, straightforward — and free.

So how do we make money? Our partners compensate us. This may influence which products we review and write about (and where those products appear on the site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in thousands of hours of research. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. Here is a list of our partners .

How to Get the Best Car Insurance

Ryan Brady

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

For a lot of people, buying car insurance is like buying sliced bread. It’s not the most exciting purchase, and the options all seem similar. So thrifty shoppers might simply reach for the cheapest thing on the shelf. But like cheap bread, cheap car insurance may leave you wishing you spent a little more on quality.

“The cheapest is not always the best,” warns Jessica McNally, an agency owner with Goosehead Insurance in Dallas. That’s because there are lots of factors that make up a car insurance company. And while price is one of them, it’s best to look at the bigger picture.

Here’s what to look for when picking the best car insurance company.

1. Choose a financially stable company

The best car insurance companies have plenty of money on hand to pay for customers’ claims. It’s important to check an insurer’s financial stability before buying a policy, especially if it’s a smaller insurer you’ve never heard of.

There are several independent agencies that evaluate the financial strength of insurance companies. One example is A.M. Best. You can use its online search tool to find an insurer’s financial strength rating. Companies with a rating of A or higher are considered to have an excellent ability to pay out customer claims.

2. Check customer satisfaction ratings and reviews

Not every insurer is customer-first. That’s why it’s important to research the customer satisfaction of insurers you’re considering.

You can turn to surveys from companies like J.D. Power to find insurers with the best customer satisfaction scores [0] J.D. Power . Auto Insurance Customer Satisfaction Plummets as Rates Continue to Surge, J.D. Power Finds . Accessed May 21, 2024. View all sources . Or, if you don’t mind doing a little detective work, you can compare customer complaints against insurers by using the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ website . But take other people’s emotionally charged comments about companies or agents you might read online with a grain of salt, McNally advises.

3. Look for convenience

A great auto insurer should offer multiple ways to manage a policy. For example, some insurers allow customers to use a mobile app to file and track claims. But it’s hard to tell how simple it’ll be to file a claim or perform other essential tasks, like paying your premium, before becoming a customer.

Some telltale signs that an insurer will be easy to work with are high mobile app ratings, flexible customer service hours and an easy-to-use website with helpful content. Consider asking a company representative to walk you through the claims process to learn what you’ll need to do if you have to file a claim. And pay attention to how the company communicates with you. "If they don't properly communicate, well, that's a warning sign," says Michael DeLong, a research and advocacy associate for the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America.

4. Pick an affordable company

Car insurance premiums are stretching to record-breaking heights [0] U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS . Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) . Accessed May 21, 2024. View all sources , and almost half of U.S. consumers shopped for a new car insurance policy in the past year, according to an April 2024 report by J.D. Power [0] J.D. Power . Half of Auto Insurance Customers Currently Shopping for New Policies, J.D. Power Finds . Accessed May 21, 2024. View all sources . The best car insurance companies offer competitive rates and a variety of potential discounts.

It’s not hard to get car insurance quotes online from many companies. Make sure you compare the same coverage options throughout the quote-gathering process. And don’t forget to look for car insurance discounts, like breaks for being a good driver, paying your premium in full or driving a new car.

More tips to find the best car insurance

When shopping for the best car insurance, keep the following tips in mind.

Assess your needs. Before buying car insurance, take a moment to reflect on what’s important to you and your family. For example, maybe you prioritize affordability and a well-polished mobile app, but don’t need accident forgiveness .  

Consider small insurers. There are lots of small insurance companies you’ve probably never heard of. These regional insurers may provide lower rates and better customer service than the big companies you see advertised on TV.

Work with an independent agent. While it may be easy to get quotes yourself, independent car insurance agents and brokers can streamline the process. These experts vet companies and compile quotes from small and large insurers on your behalf. Independent agents and brokers can especially come in handy if you have a less-than-perfect driving record and can’t find insurance on your own.

Do your research. Search online for recent mentions of a company in the news before buying a policy, recommends DeLong. If you find a company has lots of recent lawsuits against it, you may want to think twice about signing on the dotted line. “And if they've had to pay out settlements, that's an even bigger red flag,” DeLong says.

Shop around once a year. Make a practice of shopping for car insurance every year — especially if price is important to you. Insurers adjust car insurance rates regularly, so what might have been the most affordable option last year may no longer be a bargain.

On a similar note...

Free car insurance comparison

Instantly compare top auto insurance companies.

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  1. Maryland Traffic, Weather, and Travel Advisories

    Middle River, MD 21220-5060. 888-321-6824. ©2024 DriveEzMD. To ensure a safe and smooth trip with your Maryland E-ZPass, we offer the latest local traffic reports, weather forecasts, and other travel advisories.

  2. Maryland E-ZPass and Pay-By-Plate Home

    Maryland E-ZPass and Pay-By-Plate resources for residents, commuters, and frequent travelers, including account registration, discount info, and notice payment.

  3. Travel Medicine Services

    Travel Medicine. Request Information. Atlantic Corporate Health's Travel MD® services protect employees against native diseases that could be caught while on international business or personal vacation. Using the most current information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the International ...

  4. Travel Medicine

    After meeting with the physician and receiving specific written recommendations, patients will meet with a nurse, be given additional travel information, and receive their vaccines, if possible, on the same visit.". For more information on Travel MD®, call 973-971-7291. Atlantic Health System's Travel MD offers vaccines and other ...

  5. eTravel este programul prin care tu, fiind student, pleci în călătorie și vii cu bani acasă. Ne dorim ca fiecare tânăr să aibă șansa de a vedea ce se face în afară și cum funcționează lumea dincolo de granițele țării noastre, fără vreo risipă, ci dimpotrivă, adunând un ban grămadă.

  6. Maryland E-ZPass On the Go Transponder Package

    E-ZPass remains the most cost-effective way to travel toll roads in Maryland, saving drivers up to 77% versus the higher rates and additional paperwork that come with Video Tolls. Standard transponders (windshield-mounted) are free and there's no monthly fee for Maryland addresses. You must register your transponder before the first use. Upon registration, please be sure to associate your ...

  7. DriveEzMD is LIVE and Ready to Serve Customers is online to serve you and the toll-free 1-888-321-6824 service line is staffed with customer service representatives ready to welcome you to the next generation of tolling. Call center hours have been expanded to assist customers, and are now Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  8. Maryland E-ZPass FAQ

    E-ZPass is an automated toll collection system that allows individuals and businesses to pay tolls in Maryland and other states where E-ZPass is accepted.. E-ZPass has two components:. An electronic transponder mounted on your vehicle's windshield or license plate; An overhead antenna at the toll facility; Each time you travel through a participating toll facility, the overhead antenna reads ...

  9. About E-ZPass and Cashless Tolling in Maryland

    And by reducing engine idling, we're helping together to reduce carbon emissions. As we continue to remove toll plazas across the State, Maryland's new, statewide cashless tolling system will allow you to travel at highway speed across our network of bridges, tunnels and express lanes, with or without an E-ZPass. Getting started is easy!

  10. Maryland E-ZPass Discount Plans

    Five or More Axle Vehicles. E-ZPass Maryland business account holders will be automatically enrolled in these discount plans for vehicles with five (5) or more axles: Post-Usage Discount Plan. Supplemental Rebate Plan. Discounts for both plans are credited to accounts thirty (30) days after completion of a cycle. Post-Usage Plan (POSTUSG)

  11. Frederick Travel Clinic

    Frederick Travel Clinic. 3 College Avenue Unit 2, Frederick, MD 21701. ★★★★★ ( 6) Directions. Nearby Locations. Common Travel. Immunizations. Typhoid, hepatitis A and yellow fever are just some of the travel immunizations Passport Health offers. We also carry speciality vaccines like rabies and Japanese encephalitis.

  12. Welcome to Montgomery County, Maryland

    AccessMCG Application Portal. Warning! Unauthorized access is prohibited and punishable by law. By logging onto this system, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and will adhere to the County Information Security policies/procedures as outlined in the Administrative Procedure AP 6-7, Information Resources Security document.

  13. E-Travel Online Instructions/FAQ

    New E-Travel Instructions E-Travel 9.2 Features "E-Travel History" E-Travel Instructions -Detailed Approval E-Travel Instructions - Quick List E-Travel FAQs Q. ... Baltimore MD 21250 . Contact. Contact Us; University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 Directions & Parking Information. Resources.

  14. Maryland E-ZPass

    <iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>

  15. Find a Clinic

    Find a COVID-19 testing clinic. CDC provides these links as a convenience to international travelers. CDC does not endorse, recommend, or favor any clinics on these lists, nor does the appearance of a clinic on these lists imply a guarantee of service quality. Page last reviewed: August 11, 2022.

  16. E-Travel Boutique

    E-Travel Boutique, Owings Mills, Maryland. 171 likes · 1 talking about this. Live. Love. Travel. Boutique travel agency providing personalized liesure...

  17. Discover Maryland: Your Guide to Adventure

    Plan Your Maryland Vacation. Fleet Week & Flyover Baltimore. Celebrate the Year of Civil Rights. Travel A Scenic Byway. Great Chesapeake Bay Loop. Only In Maryland Experiences. Maryland's Travel Bucket List. Family Travel. Getaways.

  18. Google Maps

    Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

  19. Travel Medicine Practice

    The Travel Medicine Practice at the University of Maryland School of Medicine is directed by Wilbur Chen, MD, MS and staffed by Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health internists and pediatricians. The practice is located in a convenient downtown location and offers comprehensive health care, including travel consultations, education, and vaccinations for those planning trips overseas ...

  20. M&IE breakdowns

    M&IE breakdowns The meals and incidental expense (M&IE) breakdowns in the tables below are provided should federal travelers need to deduct meals furnished by the government or included in a registration fee from their M&IE allowance consistent with Federal Travel Regulation 301-11.18.Meals provided by a common carrier or a complimentary meal provided by a hotel/motel do not affect per diem ().

  21. 104 E Seminary Ave, Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093

    104 E Seminary Ave, Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093 is pending. Zillow has 32 photos of this 3 beds, 3 baths, 1,690 Square Feet single family home with a list price of $425,000.

  22. Travel

    Plan your trip with Google. Find flights, hotels, vacation rentals, things to do, and more.

  23. Philippine Travel Information System

    Philippine One-Stop Electronic Travel Declaration System. In compliance with Ease of Doing Business Law (R.A. 11032), an act promoting ease of doing business and efficient delivery of government services.

  24. Maryland

    Hours of Operation: 1:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Monday - Friday, by appointment only. Contact Information: (410) 865-2100 ext. 0. Last Modified: Feb 28, 2024. Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Address: International E Pier - Arrivals Lower Level Door 18, Room E1709 Linthicum, MD 21240.

  25. How to Get The Best Car Insurance

    There's more to car insurance than a rock-bottom price. Here's how to find the best car insurance for you. Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us ...