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morocco epic tour 2022

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Story of an enduro motorcycle trip in the Moroccan desert with the Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour. How to be prepared, what you should know, tips. Read more on Dainese Explorer

morocco epic tour 2022

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Riding in the desert: africa twin morocco epic tour, 8 days and 1,500 km off-road amid rocky canyons and sand dunes.

marocco enduro

Antonio Romero Tejeiro

When I was 12, I got my first motorcycle, a Montesa Cota 49. 50 years ago, the concept of GPS didn’t even exist but even so I used to venture on 200-km trips or even longer ones through the countryside. At 16, I made the great leap to a Montesa Enduro 250. I already had a calling for off-road riding, asphalt was only for short traits. Over the last 25 years, I organized journeys and events under the name Desorientados, and we got “disoriented” in Portugal, France, Italy, Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal. Now that I have all the time in the world, I continue to juggle my passions, trying to combine motorcycling and family. And this is how it’s going to be, until I’ll no longer be able to wear a helmet.  

The alarm goes off. It's time to go. The participants arrived early this morning, their motorcycles have been on standby for hours and everything has to be ready for the technical checks.

The 2022 Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour , an organized trip to the desert on an enduro motorcycle,  was set up months ago, and today it’ll finally come together. New and familiar faces. Hugs, photos, laughter and a great desire to set off. An 8-km “prologue” will allow the guides to assess the riders' skills. This sandy trail is the most technical part of the route and will give us the opportunity to organize pretty much everyone into groups. We’ll have the official event presentation before dinner and then off to bed.   

Ready to go – the first stage  

It’s dawn yet the park fermé is already bustling. Each guide forms a circle with their group members, to provide instructions for the first stage. Whether old-timers or newbies experiencing their first Epic, some look impatient , some nervous , some have butterflies in their stomach. This first stage, named “Mountain Oasis”, is circular with initially easy tracks and then increasingly more difficult ones as the kilometers go by. It’s an opportunity for the guides to observe the participants’ riding levels and, depending on individual abilities, make the necessary adjustments to ensure that each group is as homogeneous as possible .   

In the presence of the desert

The hidden snares of the desert    

After a road stretch, the first stage begins – a winding path with sandy terrain, a fun taste of the Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour. I cross a first river of sand, looking for the straightest and, in general, least complicated route, then turn around and see that no one is following me . Some participants stopped at the beginning of this rather more technical stretch, a few motorcycles have fallen over, others are trying alternative routes that are actually even more difficult. So, I get off my motorcycle and head toward them to help them through this first step: I’m the leader of group 5, and it’s become clear to me that this edition will be tougher than usual and it’ll involve putting many, many tipped over vehicles back on their wheels again .   

My group goes on without any other issues up to the refueling stop, on tracks that let you enjoy the surrounding landscape . We refuel at Alnif and get some Cokes to regain some zing as some are already getting tired. At each stop we have a chat, exchange tips and little by little we all lose that kind of armor we hide behind so as not to show our more “human” side .   

Although this first stage was assessed as a medium-low difficulty level stretch, physical fitness is very important . We’ll spend many hours riding off-road on big and heavy motorcycles, and Morocco, sooner or later, takes everyone down a peg or two.   

giacca moto 4 stagioni

How to choose a motorcycle jacket for traveling


A change of program for a “tailor-made” experience  

Just before reaching the picnic site, a long strip of sand has participants deciding that “that's enough for today” and go back to the hotel on asphalt , leaving the next third of the route “to the next time” – in my opinion, that’s a beautiful stretch where you can see the desert just as you’d always imagined it. An infinite space, boundless plains whose length is difficult to determine at first glance, dotted here and there with a few acacia trees and where you can spot herds of dromedaries, which most of us unexperienced foreigners insist on calling camels.  

However, some members in the group want to go on, and I won't be the one cutting short their Epic fun ; so, as we picnic, I talk to the guide of group 4, who’ll take them along. There are also members of other groups who’ve had enough for the day and prefer completing the stage by road. In this way, everyone is happy and can enjoy the tour to the fullest.  

At the hotel, everyone talks about their experience, some by the pool, some in the massage room, some sitting around a table full of empty glasses. After each dinner, a briefing on the next day’s stage is held for the participants , who also receive a document via WhatsApp, so that everyone is aware of the route’s peculiarities and is in possession of the advice needed to tackle what will come next.   

Before this briefing, all staff meets up to discuss things: medical team, motorcycle guides, audiovisual team, mechanics team, vehicle drivers, picnic catering team, Honda staff and the Epic Tour Director all go through the day’s events and the next day’s stage. There’s more than 40 of us , making sure that all is perfect, as we work on the premise is that participants and guests come here to have fun. Moreover, every evening after dinner, us five motorcycle guides hold our own specific briefing related to the next day's stage.   

On-the-fly spare parts, assistance and food stands... It’s the full package

The alarm goes off again – it's dawn and another wonderful day enjoying enduro riding in the desert awaits us. After breakfast, the participants go to the parc fermé to look for their motorcycles. The mechanics spend several hours every morning ensuring that all vehicles are ready to tackle a new stage. Participants' motorcycles are regularly checked for damage (handguards broken during a fall, rearview mirror, puncture repairs – during the stage, the service cars following us carry a complete set of tires so that, in the event of a puncture, the damaged tire can be quickly replaced with a new one, etc.). It’s also necessary to have replacements spare parts for more complex repairs : Believe it or not, when a motorcycle capsizes badly, there’s always a hidden rock popping out of nowhere to damage the crankcase, no matter how many guards you’ve equipped it with.   

The team preparing our glorious picnics every day ride on two vans and a 6x6 truck and set themselves up in the chosen spot, parking in a U-shape to ensure that, if the wind blows, we can eat with the least possible discomfort and have extra shade from the vehicles. The setup is amazing: Two marquees with water-spraying fans provide shelter from this country’s typical high temperatures and can accommodate three groups seated at tables at the same time.   

The participants can make themselves comfortable in this catering space and, while taking off their jackets and loosening their boots, quench their thirst with cool drinks and fortify themselves with ham and cheese appetizers, a selection of cocktail sausages, chips, soups… even tripe with chickpeas, as they wait for the main dish of the day. Fruits, sweets, coffee, fresh water for their camelbacks... And no napping! Staying in the shade is very pleasant but we must go on.

Not only dunes, rocky terrain, too

The importance of being prepared in an extreme environment  

As the days go by, participants start feeling the tiredness, and the number of falls increases. Fortunately, they’re all minor injuries that can be treated on the spot by the medical team . However, for those who prefer, a medical service is available at the hotel every day at set times.   

Once again, we wake up to the sound of the alarm – it's dawn and it's time to put on our “armors”. Having some comfortable equipment allowing for total freedom of movement without feeling overloaded is no less important than a good motorcycle on which to appreciate the Moroccan desert to the fullest. Dainese, sponsor of the Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour, is committed to constantly improving the active safety of motorcycle riders on all types of routes, and has provided us Epic guides with the ideal apparel for demanding desert rides , with which we always feel comfortable and protected. In fact, on the first day I had a bad fall and, thanks to such good equipment, I avoided a possible injury that would have prevented me from continuing the adventure.   

In an inhospitable environment such as the desert, it’s essential to wear garments that allow us to ride in optimal thermal comfort , as well as protect us from impact. You need a robust yet breathable jacket, so as not to suffer from the heat, even better if it features detachable sleeves, as the safety jacket worn below will protect the arms. The same goes for pants – they must be resistant but also ventilated, so it’s best if they have air vents that can be opened or closed if necessary.   

In a 100% off-road trip like this one, feet and ankles must be protected with pure off-road boots or adventure boots, which not only shield foot and joint but are also high enough to cover the shin. In terms of helmet, motocross or adventure models provide the best solutions, with a visor or goggles and a peak to protect the eyes, in this case from the sun.  

casco moto adventure

How to choose the perfect helmet

Guide to sizes, types and what to look out for.

Choosing a helmet isn’t something you can take for granted, especially when you’re starting out. Here’s a complete guide on how to choose your ideal helmet.


In hotter environments it’s especially critical to have a backpack with water bag . Having a good supply of water and being able to drink whenever we feel the need – even if it won't be that cool after a few hours – will avoid the risk of dehydration.  

Ending with a flourish  

It's the last day, and it's time to take a photo of what’s now become a family. While the trucks, 4x4s and vans take their places in the photo frame, us and the participants stay in a shelter at the foot of the dunes , waiting to be called group by group for the traditional photos.  

By now, we all know each other, participants and guests are chatting, some are drinking a cup of tea, some are having a snack and others are encouraging each other for an impromptu challenge on the dunes. Kiriam and Rodolfo once again delight us with their riding skills. A brave – or reckless – participant from group 5 takes on the dunes . He fell countless times, but he’s aware that he might never have such an opportunity again, and he’s learned to enjoy the Honda event to the full every day. This is the spirit that defines us. Hip hip hooray!   

The photo turned out very well, just like all the other ones – the team of photographers and operators has been working non-stop. They positioned themselves in incredible places, waiting for the perfect shot. The drone filmed us as we were riding, and we also had some breaks to get ready for several photo and video shoots. The team was always there, capturing every moment , on open roads, when stuck in a difficult spot, as we were having fun in the pool or going to parc fermé to check on our motorcycle.   

See you at the next Epic!

We’re near the conclusion, it's time for this event to end. Some are relieved to have got to the end of the journey safe and sound, but are also very proud of themselves for having tackled each stage, while others are disappointed of not having taken advantage of all that was on offer, opting for a more comfortable “holiday” experience. In any case, everyone is happy and the organizing team even more so. This was one of the most difficult and complicated Epic events , as we shouldn’t forget that in March 2022, when we decided to fly to Morocco and rent a 4x4 vehicle to assess the routes, we were still in the shadow of uncertainty due to the Covid pandemic, and we weren’t sure whether the 4 th edition of the Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour would take place.   

Farewell... or goodbye?  

Now that we’ve reached the end, I’d like to quote the following words, taken directly from this edition’s Road Book, in which all of us wrote: “... This journey has come to its end and we couldn't be prouder of what we’ve accomplished together. Look at yourself. You’re not the same person you were when you decided to embark on this adventure. Now you have more dreams, more stories to tell , more friends.   

It’s been great, right? You were in the best place in the world to challenge your limits and surpass yourself on your Africa Twin, the perfect motorcycle for an experience like this and for discovering the depths of authentic, pure, unspoiled Morocco.   On behalf of Honda, we want to thank you once again for all the enthusiasm you put into every kilometer – it was just as special for us. So much so that we’re already preparing next year's adventure.   And yes, now it’s over, but we can’t help to wonder what next awaits us.   See you on the next tour? ”   

Essential equipment

casco adventure

Adventure helmet

giacca moto 4 stagioni

Adventure jacket

pantalone moto 4 stagioni

Adventure pants

stivali moto adventure

Adventure boots

paraschiena dainese

Back protector

guanto moto adventure

Fabric gloves

maglia tecnica traspirante

Technical jersey

zaino sacca idrica

Backpack with water bag

Travels you may like, a dream called desert. my motorcycle trip in morocco, from tangier to dakar – west africa by motorcycle, chasing a dream.

morocco epic tour 2022



50 pilotos. 8 días. 1 experiencia inolvidable.

La IV edición del África Twin Morocco Epic Tour 2022 empezó el pasado 22 de septiembre y finalizó el 29 de septiembre. Un total de 50 participantes tuvieron el privilegio de participar en uno de los eventos más importantes de Honda.

Se realizaron un total de 6 etapas en 8 días , con una dificultad media-alta en la que nuestros participantes lo dieron todo y disfrutaron enormemente de cada una de ellas, así como de los paisajes que iban recorriendo, cada cual más variopinto.

¿Te puedes imaginar 50 Africa Twin rodando por el desierto? Suena bien, ¿verdad? Aquí te dejamos un pequeño resumen diario de esta edición 2022 para que te hagas una idea.


La espera se hizo larga, pero al fin llegó la IV Edición del Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour. Con la ilusión a flor de piel, el jueves 22 de septiembre empezó la aventura con la llegada de los 50 participantes a Marruecos. Fueron trasladados del aeropuerto al Kasbah Hotel Xaluca Erfoud, donde se llevaron a cabo las verificaciones administrativas y técnicas, la entrega del welcome pack y la cena de bienvenida con presentación de la IV Edición.


Primer día de etapa: Arrancada del Epic Tour con una etapa inicial de 339km rumbo a Alfnif, donde seguidamente se inició la segunda parte hacia los valles del Tiskaouine. Una etapa que se ha caracterizado por un amplio porcentaje de kilómetros sobre pista que permitieron un gran disfrute.

Ver vídeo resumen del día

339 km, 88,7km de enlace y 240,3 km de ETAPA (85% de pista y 15% de asfalto)


Segundo día de etapa: nuestros participantes se adentraron en zonas de pastoreo nómada y minas prácticamente abandonadas, que ofrecieron bonitos paisajes. Además, en esta etapa apareció la arena sobre pista, que exigió a nuestros pilotos una gran tecnicidad en el manejo de la moto.

245km, 20,4km de enlace y 224,6 km de ETAPA (80% pista y 20% de asfalto)


Tercer día de etapa: una gran belleza y complejidad se pudo apreciar en la combinación de picos y cerrados desfiladeros, caracterizándose por ser una de las etapas reina. La etapa se dividió en dos partes, en la que los pilotos se pudieron deleitar con varias construcciones aisladas en el desierto, además de la conocida cadena montañosa del Alto Atlas de Marruecos.

Primera parte: 160,5 km, 4,5 km de enlace y 156 km de ETAPA (85% de pista y 15% de asfalto).

Segunda parte: 100,1 km, 74,2 km de enlace y 91,3 km de ETAPA (67% de pista y 33% de asfalto).


Cuarto día de etapa: dirección al sur y suroeste, los participantes se adentraron en el Jebel Saghro, lo cual implicó una conducción impecable y atenta por su gran complejidad, pasando por el palmeral de Risani y de Erfoud para finalizar con éxito una dura, larga y cansada etapa maratón.

Primera parte: 113 km, 37 km de enlace y 76 km en la primera parte de la ETAPA (100% pista).

Segunda parte: 251 km, 146,8 km de enlace y 104,2 km en la segunda parte de la ETAPA (99% pista y 1% de asfalto).


Quinto día de etapa: Las ruedas de las Africas Twin han pisado las mismas arenas que los pies de los camellos en que se transportaban las mercancías transaharianas. Se ha superado una de las etapas más duras de este Epic 2022.

229km, 75,8km de enlace y 153,2 km de ETAPA (100% pistas).


Sexto día de etapa: La aventura ha terminado, pero ya tenemos la tradicional foto de grupo en las dunas del Erg Chebbi como recuerdo inolvidable del orgullo de haber superado un reto difícil y, por supuesto, las ganas de volver y repetirlo. Ha llegado el momento de la ceremonia de clausura de la IV edición del África Twin Morocco Epic Tour 2022.

221 km, 50 km de enlace y 171 km de la ETAPA (75% pista y 25% asfalto).


Séptimo día: Ha llegado el momento de que las Africas Twin vuelvan a casa. Por ahora, este viaje ha llegado a su fin y sus participantes vuelven cargados de sueños, historias y amigos. Desde Honda lo hemos vivido igual de intensamente, tanto, que ya estamos preparando el próximo Epic 2023, ¿te apuntas a la aventura?

Cada viaje comienza con una sensación de expectación de lo que vendrá y termina con un toque de nostalgia y un deseo innato de empezar a planificar otra vez. Un viaje te cambia, ya sean por los lugares, las personas o las experiencias que compartes, qué sin duda, serán recuerdos para toda la vida de cada uno de nuestros participantes.

¡Os esperamos de nuevo en 2023!

Así fue la IV Edición del Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour

Galería de imágenes 2022 | AFRICA TWIN MOROCCO EPIC TOUR

morocco epic tour 2022


Bitacora epic tour.

Estas son algunos de los artículos que se han publicado en revistas y prensa de esta cuarta edición del Epic Tour escritos por algunos de los mejores periodistas del sector

morocco epic tour 2022


morocco epic tour 2022


morocco epic tour 2022

El Periódico

morocco epic tour 2022


morocco epic tour 2022

Epic Morocco

16 days | camp in the sahara, surf in taghazout and explore colourful marrakech on this epic moroccan adventure.

Intrepid travellers and leader cheers tea in Marrakech, Morocco

Morocco is a vibrant labyrinth of ever-changing scenery, rich culture and fascinating history. From the bustling medinas to the tranquil seaside villages and expansive Sahara Desert, this is a place of diverse beauty. Across 16 epic days you'll be thrust into the hustle and bustle of Marrakech and Fes, be swept away by the vast, endless beauty of the Sahara (on a camel’s back no less) and welcomed into the homes and hearts of Amazigh locals. Enjoy surfing in Taghazout, wandering through blue-washed walls in Chefchaouen, learning about sacred sites in Moulay Idriss and rubbing shoulders with locals in Ait Benhaddou. On this trip, you'll get a taste for adventure, nature, culture and culinary wonder and return home with more than just a full camera roll.

Trip overview

Tick off all the popular spots and enjoy unique local experiences

Affordable trips with the freedom to choose how you spend your time

You book, we donate to help support local communities

  • Enjoy sunset from the unique vantage point of a camel’s back – and ride far out into the Sahara Desert to camp beneath a blanket of North African stars.
  • Set off on a tour of the senses in the Marrakech medina, through the bustling souks of the city, stopping at the famed Djemaa el-Fna Square to sample some sweet and savoury specialities with a local expert.
  • Stay in the old fishing towns of Essaouira and Taghazout, where the medinas brush up against the Atlantic Ocean and take the chance to catch waves, bliss out and practice your yoga skills.
  • Explore the unique, blue-washed streets of Chefchaouen, where you get loads of free time to hike, meet locals, take photos and recharge amongst the mountains – there's lots of cats to pat along the way, too!
  • Prepare for the best mint tea of your life on a visit to the Tawesna teahouse. This experience is more than just a cuppa, it’s about discovering authentic culture and contributing to the economic inclusion of women.
  • On this tour, you'll need a moderate level of fitness. Ensure you bring suitable footwear, swimwear and clothing for trekking and surfing activities. In a full-day tour around the Medina of Fes (Day 6), you'll be on your feet for a good five to six hours. Keep in mind that this is one of the highlights of Morocco and will worth the exertion.
  • The weather in Morocco can be extreme. Summer temperatures can be uncomfortably hot, especially if you're not used to the heat. If you do travel in the warmer months, bring the necessary sun protection and drink plenty of water. At night the temperature can really drop, so bring your warm clothes. Camping can be especially cold at the start and end of the season. Even in the warmer months the temperature can be low in the mountains.
  • In 2025, Ramadan will take place from 1 March to 30 March. Travelling during this holy month can be a rewarding cultural experience, however, some regular services may not be available during the daytime, such as restaurants or coffee bars, and occasionally travel can be disrupted by events. Your leader will adjust the itinerary accordingly, but please consider your travel arrangements carefully before booking travel for this period.
  • As Morocco has a tipping culture, travellers are expected to tip small amounts for most services, so please be prepared. Your leader will suggest methods and amounts to tip during the trip, but it is left to the group to decide the details.
  • Although you shouldn’t expect any aggressive selling techniques in Morocco, please be aware that you may be approached regularly by shop owners and street vendors.
  • We've sourced our accommodation carefully and picked the best possible hotels in line with the Intrepid style of travel, but please note that service and accommodation in Morocco may be different from western standards.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024

Salaam Alaikum! Welcome to Morocco. Your adventure will begin with a welcome meeting at 6 pm tonight. If you have time, why not check out bustling Casablanca, the largest city in Morocco, at your own pace. Modelled after Marseille in France, this port city has an eclectic architectural style, a fusion of Art Deco French buildings and Mauresque (Moorish) government institutions. A great way to spend the day is to wander around the Old Medina and city walls, then jump in a taxi and visit the Quartier Habous – the new medina full of shaded squares, narrow streets and arcades that lead from one souk to another. This is a great place to enjoy a Moroccan coffee and maybe start working on your bargaining skills.

  • Hotel (1 night)

There are no meals included on this day.

  • Casablanca - Religious Casablanca Urban Adventure - MAD1850
  • Casablanca - The Medina and Beyond Urban Adventure - MAD700

It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late, please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

Please be aware that some of our travellers in Casablanca are being approached by locals offering excursions before their trip commences. This has been particularly prevalent in and around the hotels used by Intrepid. These guides are in no way connected to Intrepid Travel and we cannot guarantee the safety or quality standards of their tours. We strongly advise customers against joining any tour offered by unauthorised guides.

After breakfast, opt to take a guided tour of the Hassan II Mosque. More than 6000 craftsmen joined forces to build this beauty in 1993, and it's one of the few mosques in Morocco that foreigners can enter. Later, head to the station and take a local train to Meknes before jumping in a taxi and take a drive through the rolling hills to Volubilis. Head out on a guided tour of these epic Roman ruins, then head to the whitewashed village of Moulay Idriss – one of Morocco's most important pilgrimage sites. Here, you’ll witness a demonstration of the art of mint tea making – this sweet treat is a Moroccan speciality! Tonight, you'll get to hang out with a local family – an experience only allowed foreigners since 2005. Your guesthouse, an old traditional riad, has a family atmosphere and all the optional meals are homemade, so you can get an authentic taste of Morocco in your free time.

  • Guesthouse (1 night)
  • Moulay Idriss - Mint tea making demo
  • Volubilis - Entrance and guided tour
  • Casablanca - Hassan II Mosque - MAD130

Your travel time today will be approximately 4 hours.

After breakfast, take a private transfer to Chefchaouen – which translates to ‘look at the horns’, after the two mountain peaks that overlook the city. Known for the striking, blue-washed buildings (made to represent the Mediterranean Sea) and steep, cobbled lanes, Chefchaouen is a gorgeous place to spend the day wandering. This afternoon is free for you to explore, so why not head to the red-walled Kasbah, the 15th-century fortress and dungeon, or the ethnographic museum. Or, just spend the day on foot, traversing the winding roads and stopping to pat the many cats that call this city their home.

Today's travel time is approximately 5 hours.

Today is another free day in Chefchaouen. If you want the streets to yourself for the best photo ops, it’s recommended you get up early and explore the iconic sites as the city wakes up. Maybe take a guided tour of the sights, sounds and smells of the medina, or sample the delicious local specialties (the orange juice is delicious!) at a cafe in the Plaza Uta el-Hammam. Alternatively, you might prefer to get out of town and enjoy a hike and picnic in the surrounding hills. The hike is a popular option, as you can leave the shades of blue for a journey across the Rif Mountains and join your guide to Akchour Falls – a natural wonder, abundant with lush mountains, rivers and waterfalls. Cross the remarkable rock formation The God’s Bridge and then hike back along the forest, soaking in the nature that surrounds. In the evening, how about tucking into a tagine at a local restaurant or visiting a hammam – a traditional Moroccan spa. The night is yours to enjoy.

  • Chefchaouen - Hike with Local Guide (excluding transportation) - MAD485
  • Chefchaouen - Picnic lunch for hike - MAD70
  • Chefchaouen - Kasbah - MAD60
  • Chefchaouen - Hammam (public baths) - MAD150
  • Chefchaouen - Henna Tattoo - MAD50
  • Chefchaouen - Goat Cheese Tasting - MAD100
  • Chefchaouen - Medina visit with local guide - MAD300
  • Chefchaouen - Walking Tour with Local Guide - MAD350

Today you’ll journey to the spiritual and cultural heart of Morocco – Fes. Vibrant, noisy, fascinating and overwhelming, Fes is a visual and pungent feast for the senses, with a huge, well-preserved medieval city that’s the mother of all medinas. Later this afternoon, enjoy some free time and perhaps check out the exquisite carvings and tile work at the Medersa el Attarine near the spice and perfume market. Alternatively, Fes is a shopping heaven for those wanting to pick up a souvenir (or three).

Getting lost in Fes is half the fun, but you'll have your local leader with you to help you get the lay of the land. Join your group through this vibrant labyrinth of a city, alive with the many craftsmen, markets, ceramics and beautiful mosques. Look out for the Medersa Bou Inania, one of the city's coolest buildings, recently restored and now open to visitors. You'll also visit the famous tannery and its dye pits and a ceramic factory where you can see potters working in the traditional way. Today will be a big day, so remember to keep hydrated and pack some snacks.

  • Fes - Medina walking tour
  • Fes - Medersa El Attarine
  • Fes - Tannery visit

This morning after breakfast, buckle in for a long travel day. As you make your way towards the rolling dunes of the Sahara Desert, watch the ever-changing scenery pass you by, get stuck into your book, play some of your favourite music, get to know your fellow travellers and enjoy some scenic stops along the way to stretch your legs. Arrive in Merzouga, drop your bags off at your overnight camp, and get ready for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The mode of transport? Camel, of course! Brace yourself for one heck of a sunset, as you ride through the vast expanse of sand and loop back to your private camp for an overnight stay. In the camp, you'll have a thin mattress, blankets and sheets (and an auberge not so far away, just in case). Make sure you bring an extra sleeping sheet and a jumper if it's winter (you'd be surprised how cold it can get, even in the desert). Sleep under the stars and have one of those 'I’m so far from home' moments.

  • Desert camp (1 night)
  • Sahara Desert - Camel ride
  • Sahara Desert - Overnight Desert Camp

Today's travel time is approximately 10 hours.

The camel trek through the Sahara is a fantastic way to experience the desert, but it may be painful on your backside. If you'd prefer, it's possible to walk alongside the caravan on the sand for about an hour (walking isn't too demanding, you'll be okay with a basic fitness level).

You'll be getting up well before the crack of dawn this morning, so don’t forget to set your alarm. Climb to a nearby sand dune to catch the sunrise and experience the amazing interplay of light as the Sahara slowly comes alive. Head back for brekkie, collect the rest of your gear, and then travel west to Todra. You’ll come across a bright tablecloth of green that might seem so out of place you'll think you are dreaming. This valley is pretty impressive, with all the palm trees and mud-brick villages. Arrive at your hotel at the top of the valley, then perhaps take a hike into the gorge, where sheer cliffs rise more than 1000 feet above you.

  • Todra Gorge - Hike - MAD350

Today's travel time is approximately 3 hours.

From Todra Gorge, travel along the ‘Road of 1000 Kasbahs’ and enjoy views of the Dades Gorge. You'll also travel past Skoura, home to the beautiful little houses rising like a mirage beyond a dry riverbed. Quench your thirst with a mouthful of mint tea (the best in the world) at Tawesna teahouse, whose profits are devoted to the projects of the women association in the village. This experience is more than just a cuppa – it’s about discovering a culture, sharing a true moment and contributing to women’s economic inclusion. Continue to the medieval mud-brick town of Ait Benhaddou, which is at its best in the late afternoon sun. If you wonder why Ait Benhaddou looks familiar, it’s probably because you’ve seen it before! Perhaps not live, but certainly on the silver screen – think Gladiator and Game of Thrones – loads of movies and shows were filmed in this kasbah! Explore the many old streets and climb the fortress for a superb view of the Old Town. You can also (for a small fee) enter one of the most interesting old houses and climb up to the turrets for a view over the river. You'll spend the night just outside the walls.

  • Ait Benhaddou - Tea at Tawesna association

Today's travel time is approximately 7 hours.

After breakfast today, continue west, taking in those countryside views as you wind your way up towards Tizi ‘n Tichka. This is a whopping 2260 m above sea level – the highest pass on the road to Marrakech. Leaving the Atlas behind, you'll descend into the plains surrounding Marrakech and arrive in the late afternoon. With no planned activities, this is a good chance to get lost in the fun of Djemaa el-Fna Square, where there are many fire eaters, fortune tellers, actors, musicians and hawkers vying for your attention.

Today's travel time is approximately 6 hours.

Marrakech is a feast for the senses, and this morning you’ll get to venture out in the maze of streets with a local expert. Set off on a tour of the old medina, through the bustling souks and sample some sweet and savoury specialities in a tasting experience at a local restaurant. Think barbequed meats, fresh salads, mint tea and couscous. The rest of the day is free, so why not head out on a cycling trip, go quad-biking or indulge in a Luxury Hammam and Spa – the options are endless! You might also like to visit Le Jardin Secret – a traditional medina garden revived for the 21st century. Once owned by a powerful local chief U-Bihi – who was poisoned by Mohammed IV – this historic riad has one of the most beautiful courtyards in Marrakech, combining exotic and traditional Islamic gardens that are fed by original khettara, an underground irrigation system. Maybe visit AMAL Women’s Training Center for lunch – Amal is a non-profit organisation that helps disadvantaged women gain work experience by providing comprehensive training in gastronomy. Every year, 30 to 40 women complete the training, which helps them find appropriate employment and improve their living conditions. In the evening, you’ll undoubtedly be drawn back to Djemaa el-Fna for a night out on the town.

  • Marrakech - Medina walking tour
  • Marrakech - Street food tasting in Old Medina
  • Marrakech - AMAL Women's Training Center and Moroccan Restaurant - MAD110
  • Marrakech - Luxury Spa Hammam & Massage - MAD750
  • Marrakech - Quad Biking the Rock Desert & Palmgrove - MAD715
  • Marrakech - Magical Marrakech City Cycling Tour - MAD438
  • Marrakech - Le Jardin Secret - MAD60

Today is free to wander, rest or take part in a fun optional activity. Say goodbye to some of your trip mates, as others will be joining you for the next leg of the adventure. You will have another meeting at 4 pm today to meet them.  As evening falls, you might want to grab dinner or explore the bustling nightlife of the city with your new travel buddies. Marrakech has some great rooftop bars – so find one with a view and order your favourite cocktail.

As this is a combination trip, your group leader and your group will likely change here. 

After breakfast this morning, travel to Taghazout. This cool, laidback fishing village has quickly gained a solid reputation as one of the country’s best surfing spots. The waters stay warm all year round, and the surf is top-notch for both rookies and adept wave riders (so there’s no excuse not to catch some rolling waves). After getting your fill of the beautiful local beaches, maybe ask your leader for the best spots for a seafood dinner, before spending the night at a local surf camp.

  • Surf Camp (1 night)

Accommodation in Taghazout is in multi-share dormitories. Here you won't be staying in twin share rooms, but rather cool hangouts with shared facilities. This means travellers on the same booking may be split between rooms due to the single gender dormitories.

Kick off your adventures in the sleepy town of Taghazout with an early morning yoga session, to help you relieve any tension before diving into the water once again. Oddly enough, the skills required for surfing and yoga tend to complement each other, through concentration, flexibility and balance. Good news, if you were planning on hitting the waves again today! Don’t know how to ride a board or didn’t get the chance yesterday? No stress – today includes a half-day surfing course to teach you the basics, and if you already know the ropes, there’s always time to refine your skills in unfamiliar territory.

  • Taghazout – Surfing Class
  • Taghazout – One Hour Yoga Class

Get up early today if you want to catch the sunrise, then travel to the old fishing town of Essaouira. Along the way, stop by a female-led cooperative specialising in Argan production. Learn about how these women extract the Argan from the trees, watch the beans being roasted and pressed, then taste the Argan oil and paste, all made right here! Arrive at your destination – a place where the medina brushes up against the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the town translates to ‘little picture’ – so get your camera ready! It’s safe to say you’ll be taking lots of snaps during your time in this picturesque place. Join a local guide for a walking tour through the old medina, Jewish mullah, port and by the skala (sea wall). Then head out to taste some street food, you'll get to try harira (soup), mesman (flatbread), Moroccan sweets and sample olive oil and honey. Tonight’s accommodation is a real treat and certainly one of the more stylish stays of your Moroccan adventure – so enjoy!

  • Essaouira – Walking Tour with a Local Guide
  • Essaouira - Argan Oil Cooperative Visit
  • Essaouira – Street Food Tasting

Your travel time today will be approximately 3 hours.

Chat with locals on a shared bus ride back to Marrakech. With no activities planned after arriving, you’re free to leave at any time. Depart from the bus station or walk back to the hotel with your leader and depart from there. If you wish to extend your adventure, there are a range of optional activities to get to know the city better. Why not become a Moroccan MasterChef in an Urban Adventure’s cooking masterclass with a local guide? Journey through the souks of Marrakech and shop for the best ingredients before learning the insider tricks on how to whip up a deliciously authentic tagine in a classic riad setting while getting to know the family that lives there. To find out more about the Tajine Cookery Class, visit If you need to organise additional accommodation tonight, just speak to your booking agent.

  • Marrakech - Palmery Cycling Tour - MAD540
  • Marrakech - A Taste Of Marrakech: Inside the Medina Urban Adventure - MAD605
  • Marrakech - Cascades d'Ouzoud Day Tour - MAD2207
  • Marrakech - Hot Air Balloon Ride - MAD2090
  • Marrakech - Tajine Cookery Class Urban Adventure. - MAD640

It's best to book flights later than 4 pm this evening in case of any delays and to allow time to transfer to the airport.

15 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners

Camel, Private vehicle, Public bus, Taxi, Train

Hotel (9 nights), Desert Camp (1 night), Guesthouse (3 nights), Surf Camp (2 nights)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. How to endear yourself to the locals: don’t pose for photos where the holiest of holy people pray. If you want to take a photo of people, always ask - they may say no, so respect that. Even if it’s hot, cover your shoulders, knees and hair. Don’t shake someone’s hand or eat with your left hand - this is the one you use to wipe your butt. 2. Morocco is the land of legendary hospitality, so mind your manners. You'll need a scarf to cover your shoulders and be prepared to take off your shoes if you enter someone's home (plan ahead and wear clean socks). 3. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement excludes Day 2 (Guesthouse), Day 7 (Desert Camp), and Days 13 & 14 (Surf Camp) where you will be in shared accommodation and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.  4. Optional transfer from Marrakech to Casablanca If you are flying into Marrakech we can provide an optional transfer to the starting point city of Casablanca. This transfer is on request and prepaid. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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Morocco Tours & Trips

  • Morocco 7 day
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250+ Morocco tour packages with 7,266 reviews

Exotic Morocco (4 Star Hotels) Tour

Explorer Historical Christmas & New Year +1

Exotic Morocco (4 Star Hotels)

"Overall trip was great. Youssef was such a great guide and always looking out for everyone." S., traveled in May 2019
  • €150 deposit on some dates

6 Days Best of Morocco Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Explorer Christmas & New Year +2

6 Days Best of Morocco

"A fantastic experience from start to finish! I can't imagine any better way to discover Morocco." Lee, traveled in October 2023
  • 10% deposit on some dates

9-day cultural Morocco tour from Casablanca ( Private tour ) Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Christmas & New Year +1

9-day cultural Morocco tour from Casablanca ( Private tour )

"Our experience was enhanced by the experience we had getting to know Ismail and having him share his knowledge of his beautiful country." RobinVickery, traveled in October 2022
  • 5% deposit on some dates

The Magic of Morocco Tour 9 Days From Casablanca Tour

Active Family Explorer Christmas & New Year +1

The Magic of Morocco Tour 9 Days From Casablanca

"We received a warm welcome everywhere with a mint tea which made our trip extra special." Jeanette, traveled in May 2024

Private 5 days  from Casablanca to Marrakech Visiting Chefchaouen, Fes & desert Tour

Private 5 days from Casablanca to Marrakech Visiting Chefchaouen, Fes & desert

"I loved this trip. If you like road trips this is for you!! I honestly would have loved to been in a small group of no more than 4 people." stephanie, traveled in July 2022

3 Days High Atlas Mountains and Sahara Adventure Tour

Active Family Christmas & New Year +1

3 Days High Atlas Mountains and Sahara Adventure

"The experience was 100% worth it. Ali drives his car with excellence, and is very easy to communicate with." Vlad, traveled in January 2024

7 Days Tours From Casablanca to Marrakech Tour

7 Days Tours From Casablanca to Marrakech

"Excellent! Very good!!" KennethWilliamson, traveled in November 2023

Looking for tours beyond just Morocco?

Explore tours with itineraries going through multiple countries, including Morocco.

Morocco Kasbahs & Desert Tour

Morocco Kasbahs & Desert

"An incredible tour with an incredible guide! My first experience with G Adventures and I was not disappointed." Julia, traveled in May 2023

Timeless Morocco Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Historical Christmas & New Year +2

Timeless Morocco

"Timeless Tours truly gave me the experience of a lifetime. It was evident that Yassin, our guide, takes immense pride in his country and in sharing his knowledge with others." Nicole, traveled in March 2024

Around Morocco Tour (Guided tour/Superior Hotels) Tour

Around Morocco Tour (Guided tour/Superior Hotels)

"It was actually beyond our expectations. We highly recommend it." Cathy, traveled in May 2024

What people love about Morocco Tours

I had a fantastic experience, I booked 10 day Exotic Morocco with friends ( total of 4) & we all had a great experience. Our tour guide Abder was great went beyond to accommodate all of us, very knowledgeable, kind &funny. Our driver Kamal was excellent friendly, polite & makes sure that we get to our next destination safe. There if some hotel that were misrepresented & especially the camp site that we used at the desert, is not what we expected, it was misrepresented . Thank u
Bloody amazing. Best tour guide ever. Ali was amazing. Taking us from place to place. Ali even organised our laundry on our last day.
Our trip to Morocco was truly unforgettable, thanks to Cultural Morocco Tours and the meticulous planning by Abdellatif. From arrival to departure, everything was perfectly organized. Our private tour guide, Fares, was exceptional, showcasing every aspect of Morocco’s beauty and culture. Each day was filled with discovery and adventure, ending with relaxation at carefully selected hotels and riads. One of the highlights was the night we spent in the Sahara Desert. The camel ride to our glamorous tents, the delicious food, and the musical entertainment made it an experience of a lifetime. Don't miss the sunrise in the desert—it's breathtaking! We made so many great memories, and I would definitely recommend Cultural Morocco Tours to my family and friends.

Top operators

Travel Talk

"The tour was OK. I do not think it was a 4 star stay as advertised but could be according to local standards. The tour felt rushed as we kept being taken from market to market without being given time to experience it and shop. When we were given time to shop, it was in specific shops chosen by the guide (tourist traps with higher prices than in the normal market). The last stop Ouarzazate was not worth it therefore may be better to take the 9 day option. Regarding the price - it was sold at a "50% discount". If it had been "full price", I would have been bitterly disappointed.

Travel Talk is an expert in:

  • In-depth Cultural

On The Go Tours

"Great tour to introduce you to Morocco. Lots of driving between cities. The overnight in the dessert camp was awful, sheets not changed from last visitors, facilities not useable, would rather just have a sunset camel ride and dinner or pay more to upgrade to a comfortable dessert camp. Jamal our guide was great. Morocco is truly a beautiful place with lots of culture and amazing sites. I feel it was great value for what we paid (except the dessert camp!).

On The Go Tours is an expert in:

  • Hiking & Trekking

Morocco tours

"Our family of 5 booked this private tour. We had no good idea on what to expect, although looking back, the description said it all. Our private driver Abdou picked us up with his 9 person van from our hotel in the morning after our arrival and from that moment the adventure began. We have seen so many things during the 9 days, visited so many places. Most nights we slept in authentic Riads, one more beautiful than the other and of course there was something to criticize everywhere, but overall and without exception they were beautiful and special. We received a warm welcome everywhere with a mint tea which made our trip extra special. We spend many hours in the car driving through changing sceneries, but there was so much to see that it never got boring. The Sahara was a special experience, the overnight stay in the tent was good, but it was a shame that the camp lighting did not work due to an electricity problem. The surrounding camps were attractively lit, but ours was like a dark hole. In our opinion, this could have been solved with candlelight to create some atmosphere, but unfortunately that was not the case. Luckily the lighting did work inside the tent. Big shout out to our driver Abdou who guided us safely through the crazy traffic in the cities, but also during the many hours driving through the mountains. We felt safe and secured, he is a very skilled driver and a nice person. He was there when needed, ready to answer any question but never too much present so we spent hours in silence as well while driving. I can really recommend him. All together we had a wonderful journey, above expectations and now, 2 weeks later, we are still processing all the impressions. It was a really good trip, highly recommend it. But next time we skip Marrakech: scooters in a Medina should be forbidden! :)

Morocco tours is an expert in:

Morocco Destinations

  • Sahara Desert (382)
  • Central Morocco (247)
  • Northern Morocco (144)
  • Atlantic Coast Morocco (31)
  • Desert (14)
  • Toubkal Trek (11)
  • Southern Morocco (8)
  • Erg Chebbi (5)
  • Atlas Mountains (140)
  • High Atlas (122)
  • Mount Toubkal (76)

Travel Styles

  • Small Group (931)
  • Budget (393)
  • Luxury (207)
  • Singles and Solo (1364)
  • For Couples (334)
  • Young Adults (15)
  • Seniors (350)
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  • Fully Guided (1182)
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  • In-depth Cultural (833)
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  • Explorer (571)
  • Partially Guided (307)
  • Active (232)
  • Custom (129)
  • Hiking & Trekking (105)
  • Coach / Bus (35)
  • Self-Guided (17)
  • Jeep & 4WD (14)
  • Bicycle (10)
  • Intl. Flights Included (8)
  • 3 Day Tours (208)
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  • May 2025 (1006)

Morocco Tours starting in

  • Starting in Marrakesh (649)
  • Starting in Casablanca (541)
  • Starting in Tangier (132)
  • Starting in Fes (81)
  • Starting in Agadir (36)
  • Starting in Rabat (24)
  • Starting in Malaga (11)
  • Starting in Madrid (10)
  • Starting in Chefchaouen (9)
  • Starting in Imlil (7)
  • Morocco Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • Best 10 Morocco Vacation Packages 2024/2025

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Epic’s journey started in Morocco, a land of rich diversity, superb landscapes and people who light up the visitor experience. It’s a country that beckons you to explore and that delights in the surprises it offers at every turn.

Get started

morocco epic tour 2022

Discover Morocco

What we love about Morocco is its unique variety – from deserts to mountains to wild Atlantic shores and ancient medinas. Discover our very own regional map to help get you started.

Experience Morocco

Morocco is a land of colour, character and contrast. The Epic brand of discovery unlocks under-the-skin experiences that really get to the heart of what we find special about the place. From exploring some of Marrakech’s more off-beat locations by vintage sidecar to learning to cook the Moroccan way with a Fez family, there’s something for all ages and interests. Choose a category and explore some of our suggestions.


Morocco Inspiration

Everyone likes to travel their own way and we pride ourselves on our fully-customizable approach to travel planning, but a bit of inspiration doesn’t go amiss. See below some suggestions we have crafted from years of experience.

Family Adventure

Family Adventure

Morocco is a perfect destination for adventurous families. It’s the mix of active experiences, the family-friendly culture and the pure excitement of the place that make it such a top choice for families who really value the benefits of travel.

Grand Discovery

Grand Discovery

This bucket-list trip is designed for those who like their vacations to be journeys. A see-all, do-all voyage of discovery through a country that is unparalleled in its blend of culture, adventure, great landscapes and exhilarating towns

Honeymoon Escape

Honeymoon Escape

It’s hard to imagine anywhere as romantic and exotic as Morocco. Honeymoons and vacations for today’s couples often go beyond the traditional idea of sitting on a beach, so read on for our fully-flexible suggestions.

The landscape and culture, and absolutely fantastically knowledgeable, skilled and caring guides made it a trip to remember and left me desperate for more Moroccan experiences.

LH San Francisco, CA

morocco epic tour 2022

Where to stay

Morocco is all about surprises. Nondescript doors open into palaces, crumbling village alleyways give way to chic, adobe-brick havens of eco-style. With a strong heritage of locally-made artisan products, decoration is at the forefront of the diverse and extensive range of possibilities. Add to this the Moroccan tradition of hospitality and you have an enticing blend of world-class attributes.

The Epic way is to focus on character, friendliness and style, and less on facilities and generic chain properties. Experience, insider knowledge, and constant curiosity, keeps us exploring and developing our portfolio of places to stay on an ongoing basis. Discover some of our favourite picks throughout the country and follow up with our experienced team to home in on your perfect choices.

Converted Kasbahs

Converted Kasbahs Moroccan Sahara

Mountain Retreats

Mountain Retreats High Atlas Mountains

Stylish Riads

Stylish Riads Medinas of Morocco

Luxury Glamping

Luxury Glamping Moroccan Desert

Cool Hotels

Cool Hotels Marrakech & Beyond

Emma's Story

Emma's Story

Grass Roots luxury for families, discover Emma’s story here. 

Gary's Story

Gary's Story

Discover Gary’s Transformational Travel experience.

Erin's Story

Erin's Story

Discover how Erin fell in love with Morocco. 

Olivia's Story

Olivia's Story

Travelling with her favourite pooch. Discover Olivia’s story here. 

Epic Stories

Read our journal of eclectic stories, journeys and discoveries across the Kingdom of Morocco. If you have any of your own, let us know!

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morocco epic tour 2022

  • 10 Days Tour From Tangier To Marrakech
  • Day Trip From Marrakech To Essaouira

7 Days Tour From Casablanca/ One Week

One week tour from casablanca.

7 Days tour from  Casablanca is going to be a fabulous  One-week tour in Morocco . The  7-day tour from Casablanca to Marrakech  starts in Casablanca and ends at your accommodation in Marrakech. This  1 Week tour from Casablanca  will take you to the top Moroccan cities and will introduce you to the four imperial cities of Rabat,  Meknes , Fes, and Marrakech. 

The main attraction of this  One Week tour itinerary from Casablanca  is the link between imperial cities and the Sahara Desert. Our 7 Days tour from Casablanca involves two incredible nights in the Sahara Desert, one in a hotel and one at your camp accommodation (standard or luxury). Ride camels across the dunes and watch an unbelievable sunrise and sunset. 

Spend a stunning night at the camp in the heart of the Erg Chebbi dunes. Visit a Nomad family and learn about their tradition and lifestyle. A local guide will show you the sights of Fes.

Travel through the landscapes of Morocco’s Middle and High Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert in just a one-week tour from Casablanca. See the Barbary monkeys in the cedar forest. Stop to discover Ouarzazate, also known as the Sahara Desert’s gate. Stop at the historic and famous kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou. This 7 Days tour from Casablanca to Marrakech is the best way to explore Morocco.

Itinerary: 7 Days tour from Casablanca to Marrakech

Casablanca will be the starting point of the One Week Tour in Morocco. This 7 Days tour from Casablanca will start when we pick you up from the airport or your accommodation. Casablanca is Morocco's economic center and largest city.

Our first stop is The Hassan II Mosque, one of the most iconic landmarks in the Islamic world. This mosque is the largest in Morocco and is on the city's west coast. We'll proceed to the hotel, where you'll spend your first night.

We will drive from Casablanca to Fes via Rabat and Meknes after breakfast. We pass through Rabat, the capital of Morocco and one of the imperial cities. You will visit the Hassan Tower, one of the city's highlights.

Head to Meknes to explore the Ancient Berber-Roman ruins of Volubilis. This latter is preserved because it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has many beautiful mosaics sprawling throughout historic pillars and archways. After exploring the ruins, we'll drive straight to Fes, where you'll spend the second night of your 7 Days tour from Casablanca.

After breakfast, our epic One Week Tour from Casablanca starts with exploring Fes' best historical sites. The city is an imperial city and Morocco's cultural and religious center. Fes is Morocco's fourth largest city and acted as one of the country's former capitals during the reign of the Idrissis dynasty. You'll enjoy strolling through its narrow streets and past its massive ancient gates.

To start the day, we go to the Royal Palace gate. Then you'll visit the Quaraouin mosque and university, the world's oldest. Following, you will head to the Jewish quarter, called The Mellah.

After exploring the Jewish quarter, we will visit the Chouara leather tanneries, the largest in Fes. Our guide will show you the most attractions sights in Fes. Finally, you will spend the night at the riad.

We will start our journey after your breakfast on the fourth day of this 7 Days tour from Casablanca to Marrakech. We'll make several stops between Fes and Merzouga to take in some incredible sights, including Azrou, Midelt, Ziz Valley, and the Merzouga Desert.

First and foremost, we will pick you up from the riad, and then we will pass by the Atlas Mountains to enjoy the panoramic views of the Atlas Mountains. Pass through Ifrane and continue to Azrou's cedar forest, where the Barbary macaques live. While strolling through the cedar forest, feel free to feed them.

Later, proceed on our 7 Days tour from Casablanca to Midelt, where we will have some free time for lunch. Explore Ziz Valley, Morocco's second-longest palm-tree-lined river. The highlight of our one-week tour from Casablanca will be camel trekking and camping in nomadic tents in Merzouga.

When we arrive in Merzouga, our camel guide will greet you, and he will accompany you on an epic camel ride through the sand dunes. On the way, you'll stop to watch a beautiful sunset. We will show you your tent where you will spend the night when you arrive at the camp.

Enjoy a traditional and delicious dinner, followed by a drumming and dancing party around the fire performed by locals. Finally, you can rise to one of the dunes and gaze at a starry sky.

It's a must to get up early in the morning to catch the beautiful sunrise in the middle of the desert, and then you can go sandboarding near the camp. You'll enjoy a delicious breakfast before riding the camels back to Merzouga village. The best aspect of the 7-day tour from Casablanca is the Erg Chebbi desert trip.

Today, we'll go sightseeing in the Sahara Desert and discover the Sahara Desert's best spots. First, we'll start our desert tour at the Emirati-owned National Auto Museum. This location is reminiscent of a palace, and we will see a mix of old and odd cars. It's also famous for its proprietary dual Jeep car.

After exploring the Auto Museum, we will travel to Khamlia Village, well-known for its Gnawa music. They show music to display their rich and unique culture and traditions. You'll be eager to hear their music and know about their history.

Then, we'll learn about another style of life: Berber nomads. They even now reside in Berber tents in the desert. Merzouga's nomads are from various tribes with distinct traditions. We'll spend some time in their tents and learn about their way of life.

The nomads make a living by herding goats and sheep, which they sell in nearby towns like Rissani and Erfoud. Their hospitality and benevolence are their most distinguishing characteristics. After a quiet stay with nomads, we will depart for Galb El Nas, one of Merzouga's best desert views. In English, it means people's heart.

We'll also visit Mifiss to explore its kohl mine, which was once under French administration control. Make several scenic stops to take in the various views of the Sahara Desert. Finally, we'll spend the night at the hotel.

The following day of our 1 Week tour from Casablanca will begin in Merzouga and end in Boumalne Dades. We'll leave the desert to visit Rissani, Tafilalet's old capital. Rissani remains an economic center in the region, with the largest souk bustling three days a week.

After a walk through Rissani, we will go to Erfoud to visit one of the fossilized marble workshops. The 7 Days tour from Casablanca to Marrakech continues via Touroug and the palm plantations of Tinghir to the Todra Gorges.

The Todra River has cut a massive canyon through the mountains and made a canyon with towering red cliff sides. The Gorges are an ideal spot for rock climbers. Feel free to roam through the gorges and take in the scenery. Have lunch.

We proceed to the Dades valley, passing via Boumalne Dades. Following, stop at the Monkey Fingers rock formation and a spot overlooking the Dades Valley. Finally, have dinner and a hotel stay.

We will gather in the hotel park on the last day of our One Week tour from Casablanca. Today's journey will lead you from Boumalne to Marrakech via many fascinating sites. We will be going to Kalaat Magouna to see the Rose Valley. Every year in May, a Rose Festival is taking place, where residents offer rose items such as perfumes, rose water, oil, and cosmetics.

We next drive along Skoura's palm groves to Ouarzazate. Then we'll go to the Studios, where famous films have been made. Following that, we head towards Ait Ben Haddou's famed Kasbah, a fortified settlement designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Besides, the Kasbah has appeared in several films, including Gladiator, Queen of the Desert, The Mummy, and others.

Then we drive to Marrakech over the Tizi N'Tichka pass and the High Atlas Mountains. Make many stops for lunch and photographs at fascinating locations. When we get to Marrakech, we take you to the airport or your accommodation. The 7 Days tour from Casablanca to Marrakech   ends.

  • Pick up from Casablanca & drop off at your Marrakech accommodation.
  • Private 4x4 vehicle or minibus with A/C.
  • English / Spanish speaking driver/guide during the tour.
  • Nights in hotels / Riads.
  • Night in the desert camp.
  • Camel ride in the Sahara Desert.
  • Breakfasts & dinners.
  • Lunches & drinks.
  • Entrance fees monuments.

If you want to modify this tour, let us know your thoughts and plans. We can make a similar or diverse one that suits your needs. Our goal is to help you create your best Moroccan adventure. Contact us for more information.

7 Days in Morocco Tour Itinerary from Casablanca / One Week in Morocco

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  5. Epic Morocco by Culture Trip with 14 Tour Reviews (Code: MOR

    Epic Morocco, a 11 days tour from Casablanca to Chefchaouen, Volubilis and 6 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments. Shop 2,500 operators. ... Compare Hot Air Balloon Safaris in Africa 2022; Best Explorer Tours and Trips 2024/2025; Morocco from Casablanca; Morocco Explorer; 11 days Morocco; From Casablanca to Marrakesh;

  6. BIENVENIDOS AL EPIC MOROCCO 2022 (with subtitles ...

    Tras dos años sin poder celebrarse a causa de la pandemia, Honda me llamó para la cuarta edición de la experiencia Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour. Como puedes...

  7. Epic Morocco by Intrepid Travel

    Epic Morocco, a 16 days tour from Casablanca to Moulay Idriss, Chefchaouen and 8 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments. Shop 2,500 operators. ... Compare Hot Air Balloon Safaris in Africa 2022; Best Explorer Tours and Trips 2024/2025; Morocco from Casablanca; Morocco Explorer; 16 days Morocco; From Casablanca to Marrakesh;

  8. EPIC TOUR 2022

    La IV edición del África Twin Morocco Epic Tour 2022 empezó el pasado 22 de septiembre y finalizó el 29 de septiembre. Un total de 50 participantes tuvieron el privilegio de participar en uno de los eventos más importantes de Honda. Se realizaron un total de 6 etapas en 8 días, con una dificultad media-alta en la que nuestros ...

  9. 18-35s Morocco Tour From Casablanca

    18 to 35s. From. EUR€840. Add to my wishlist. View dates and book. Show all the images. This trip is for the 18 to 35 year olds. Morocco is a vibrant labyrinth of ever-changing scenery, rich culture and fascinating history. From the bustling medinas to the tranquil seaside villages and expansive Sahara Desert, this is a place of diverse beauty.

  10. IV Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour 2022

    El IV Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour 2022, el evento de aventura por excelencia para los propietarios de Honda Africa Twin, regresa tras 2 años de ausencia más épico e interesante que nunca. Se llevará a cabo del 22 al 30 de septiembre por tierras marroquíes. Para asistir, todos los interesados podrán preincribirse entre el 29 abril y el 6 de mayo.

  11. 11 Days Morocco Epic Private Tour

    Embark on an 11-day journey through Morocco's most enchanting landscapes and vibrant cities with the '11 Days Morocco Epic Private Tour - Casablanca to. ... May 15, 2022: 2: June 5, 2022: 4: July 20, 2022: 6: August 10, 2022: 8: Selecting the perfect date and number of travelers will ensure a personalized and memorable experience on the Morocco ...

  12. 11 Days Morocco Epic Private Tour

    Explore the best parts of Morocco on this guided, organized, 11-day excursion around the country from Casablanca to Marrakech. Visit places like ait Ben Haddou, Dades Valley, Todra Gorge, the Sahara Desert, Midelt, Ifran, Fes, Chefchaouen, Rabat, Casablanca, and more. See the scenery change, and learn all about the history and culture of the region, too.

  13. Morocco Epic Travel

    Experience the ultimate Morocco with Morocco Epic Travel. Offering private tours, desert adventures, cultural explorations, ATV tours & more. ... 3 Days Desert Tour From Marrakech To Merzouga Dunes & Camel Trek. 6,651. Historical Tours. from . C$150.14. ... Dec 2022 • Couples.


    Epic Morocco Travel Agency. Epic Morocco Travel is a company that organizes a wide range of Morocco Tours. We will work alongside you to design the ideal experience for you or your group. It is your holiday and travel, we want to hear from you, and we can discuss your needs. All of our guides are experts in the country's customs and cultures.

  15. 10 Best Morocco Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Morocco Tours 10 Days Tour From Casablanca. 4.5 (26 traveler reviews) "Morroco is beautiful country with very friendly people that will try to accomodate you any way they can." Alexander, traveled in April 2024. Destinations. Casablanca, Rabat, Chefchaouen, Fes, Ifrane, Midelt, +9 more. Age Range.

  16. 11 Days Morocco Epic Private Tour

    In may 2022, my wife Jane and I had a week's tour to North of Morocco with Ahmed as our personal drive/guide. The tour included all of Tangier, Chefchaouen, Fes, Meknes, Rabat, and flying out from Casablanca. ... 11 Days Morocco Epic Private Tour - Casablanca to Marrakesh via Chaouen & Desert provided by Morocco Getaways.

  17. Luxury Morocco Adventure Holidays & Tours

    ExperienceMorocco. Morocco is a land of colour, character and contrast. The Epic brand of discovery unlocks under-the-skin experiences that really get to the heart of what we find special about the place. From exploring some of Marrakech's more off-beat locations by vintage sidecar to learning to cook the Moroccan way with a Fez family, there ...

  18. 12 Days Tour In Morocco From Casablanca

    The 12 Days tour in Morocco from Casablanca starts and ends at your Casablanca accommodation or Marrakech. We designed this 12-day tour in Morocco to allow you to experience Morocco in a comfortable and inspiring way. You will be able to travel through Morocco from North to South at the same time. You will visit the Sahara Desert and Morocco's most famous imperial cities, namely Rabat, Fes ...

  19. Morocco Epic Travel

    Experience the ultimate Morocco with Morocco Epic Travel. Offering private tours, desert adventures, cultural explorations, ATV tours & more. ... Dec 2022 • Couples. ... Niagara Falls Day Tour with Boat and Behind the Falls Hands-on cooking class of Pasta and Tiramisu in Rapallo Avila and Segovia Full Day Tour from Madrid Vatican Museum ...

  20. 11 Days Tour From Casablanca

    The 11 Days tour from Casablanca begins and closes at your Casablanca accommodation. Explore the Sahara Desert and Morocco's most famous imperial cities, including Rabat, Fes, Meknes, and Marrakech.You will have the chance to travel through Morocco from North to South. The link between the imperial cities and the Sahara Desert is what distinguishes this 11 Days Casablanca Desert Tour.

  21. 7 Days Tour From Marrakech / One Week Tour

    This 7-day tour from Marrakech to the Sahara Desert will be a stunning week in Morocco exploring old centuries of Kasbahs such as the Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou (fortified village). This Kasbah has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. The One-week tour from Marrakech to the Sahara Desert will take you via the old Moroccan medinas, Atlas ...

  22. ABOUT US

    Epic Morocco Travel is a tour and transportation company devoted to make your trip in Morocco an unforgettable experience.EMT has the best team of expert drivers and multilingual guides of local Berbers who are very knowledgeable about their motherland's history. With over ten years of experience in the tourism field and the organization of tours throughout Morocco.

  23. 7 Days Tour From Casablanca

    Our 7 Days tour from Casablanca involves two incredible nights in the Sahara Desert, one in a hotel and one at your camp accommodation (standard or luxury). Ride camels across the dunes and watch an unbelievable sunrise and sunset. Spend a stunning night at the camp in the heart of the Erg Chebbi dunes. Visit a Nomad family and learn about ...