Night Earth

The Earth at Night

The Night Earth map is a fascinating tool that allows us to explore and understand the impact of light pollution on our planet. By providing a visual representation of the Earth's surface at night, the map reveals the areas that are brightly lit and urbanized, as well as those that remain unlit and remote. It showcases the stark contrasts in urbanization and population density around the world, demonstrating how cities tend to concentrate along coastlines and transportation networks.

One of the map's notable features is its ability to highlight the differences between brightness and population density. While certain regions may appear to be the brightest, they may not necessarily be the most heavily populated. The map visually portrays this phenomenon, offering insights into the patterns of human settlement and development.

Moreover, the Night Earth map uncovers the vast expanses of our planet that remain thinly populated and unlit. Antarctica emerges as a completely dark expanse, reminding us of its isolation and otherworldly beauty. Similarly, the interior jungles of Africa and South America, deserts in various parts of the world, and the remote boreal forests of Canada and Russia all exhibit limited illumination, reflecting the challenges faced by people in these regions when it comes to accessing electricity and infrastructure.

In addition to its informational value, the Night Earth map is aesthetically pleasing, allowing us to appreciate the planet's beauty from a unique perspective. It presents a captivating view of Earth's light pollution and serves as a reminder of the complex relationship between human activity, population distribution, and the natural environment.

The Night Map

Two versions of the images are available:

  • The main image of the Earth at night (2012) was captured by NASA using the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite. It took over nine days in April 2012 and thirteen days in October 2012, during 312 orbits at 824 kilometers (512 miles) to capture the whole Earth. This satellite uses the “day-night band” of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), which detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared and uses filtering techniques to observe dim signals such as gas flares, auroras, wildfires, city lights, and reflected moonlight.
  • The original image from 2000 was created by NASA using data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 's Operational Linescan System (OLS) , originally designed to view clouds by moonlight.

While the original image consisted of 87.970 images, the map from 2012 comprises 349.525 images, therefore adding a grand total of 437.495 images for this map.

Roadmap and day satellite images, obtained from different sources, are also available for reference.

The detailed images of the cities were taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station. These have been obtained from the Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth" .

Further information can be obtained from the Earth Observatory article Bright Lights, Big City , and NASA's Visible Earth website.

The 3D map was created using Cesium via OpenLayers and ol-cesium , with extensions from ol-ext . This uses imagery from OpenStreetMap , Thunderforest , Bing Maps , and Mapquest . Geocoding is supported by Nominatim via ol3-geocoder . The GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library library was used for the conversion of the projection of map images. The Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis (Northern Lights and Southern Lights) data is sourced from NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . The clouds layer is obtained from OpenWeatherMap . Hosting is provided by x10Hosting .

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33 Illuminating Photos of Our World at Night

The 2017 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest may be over, but these entries are still shining bright.

Every place looks different at night. As soon as the sun sets, wonders that were hidden in the day come to life. Whether it’s the lights of a bustling city or the stars above a remote landscape , there are always new sights to explore. Photographers head out at night to see the same locations from different perspectives.

Even though the deadline to submit entries for the 2017 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest has passed, these photos illuminated our screens. Many submissions feature stunning evening snaps, from shimmering city skylines in Hong Kong to Northern Lights displays in Alaska . Take a look at some of our editors’ favorites so far, then be sure to check out the winners in early August.

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Travel | January 19, 2024

These 15 Photos Capture the Beauty of the Night Sky

Stars shine in these heavenly images from the Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest

animal carvings on stone under a night sky

Depictions of catlike animals are visible on stones under a rotating, starry sky.

Photographs selected by Donny Bajohr

Text by Tracy Scott Forson

Light pollution may make it difficult to appreciate the night sky, but away from the streetlights and neon signs of the cities, the heavenly bodies above are clearly visible. Constellations, far-off planets and galaxies fill the atmosphere, offering awe-inspiring, beautiful scenes.

Up above the world so high, these objects—light-years away and eons old—remind us to appreciate nature whenever possible. There’s no time like the present, so take a look. 

A nighttime ceremony is performed under a heavenly, star-filled sky.

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Donny Bajohr | READ MORE

Donny Bajohr is the associate photography editor at Smithsonian . You can follow him on Instagram @donny_bajohr .

Tracy Scott Forson | READ MORE

Tracy Scott Forson is a senior editor at Smithsonian magazine.

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Night travel photography

10 Top Tips for Night Travel Photography

Posted on 20th May 2018 22nd May 2018 Author Ben Farrell

Good photography freezes the intimate dance between subject and light, making a fleeting moment immortal through vivid imagery. A moment suspended in time, pressed in pixels and recorded in ones and zeros forever…  digital data doesn’t decay… does it?

It’s no surprise that photographers worship the ‘golden hour’… a Divine moment close to sunrise and sunset where the sunlight becomes a diffused, warm gold, bringing landscapes to life with vivid colours, shadows and accents.

This makes sense but, what people miss is the incredible opportunity night-time brings, especially in cities with artificial light, moving traffic, neon signs and pulsing crowds. The night is a dark, artistic time for travel photography as it’s when most international cities come alive, providing the perfect opportunity to use your creativity to capture atmospheric and moody images.

However, after dark is different to  daytime travel photography  and it’s not for the faint-hearted. Low light requires a precise method of shooting to get the most out of low light situations.

To help you create your own sensational travel images after dark, here are 10 tips for night-time travel photography.

1 – Experiment with shutter speed and ISO

In low light, you’re going to have to use slower shutter speeds to allow more light into your camera. As a general rule, you can only go as slow as 1/30th of a second for hand-held shots if you have a lens with image stabilisation. Anything slower than this and you’ll need a tripod or to anchor your camera to something solid and use a cable release or the camera’s self-timer function to take the photo. This will help avoid any camera shake caused by pushing the button yourself.

The faster your shutter speed, the higher you’ll need to set your ISO to correctly expose your image. Bear in mind that a higher ISO means more noise/grain in your pictures. Some of this noise can be removed in post-shoot editing; however, noise is noise, and most times, you’re much better off with a crisp, noise-free image. You can experiment with different shutter speeds to generate some creative effects such as blurring movement. Just remember that an ISO of more than 800 may look fine on the camera LCD, but when you get to editing, you’ll notice the grain which can be frustrating.

2 – Blur movement

One of the most significant benefits of shooting at night is the ease of being able to blur movement. You can create compelling images with creative effects that capture the action of a city. Moving traffic makes a great subject when shooting in cities as it creates interesting light trails. Moving ocean, carnival rides and crowds of people also make sensational after dark subjects. A shutter speed of around 4 – 8 seconds can produce some tremendous abstract effects.

Night travel photography

Traffic trails make a great nighttime subject for capturing movement. ISO 200, f/19, 4 secs

night time travel images

Carnivals provide the ultimate subject for night photography with a blend of moving crowds, neon lights and spinning rides.

3 – Use a mix of still and moving subjects

Blurring motion is a great effect. It’s even better when you combine moving objects with still subjects as it creates an interesting dynamic and isolates the still subject in the environment. People in front of moving traffic or large, crowded areas where some people are walking, and others standing still are great opportunities to create interesting scenes.

Night travel photography

Capturing still subjects with moving subjects creates a great nighttime dynamic. ISO 200, f/22, 4 secs

4 – Aperture

Aperture is key to creating interesting lighting effects when the sun goes down. Aperture sets the amount of light you allow into the lens. A small aperture (high ‘f’ number) lets in less light, allowing you to use slower shutter speeds and blur more movement such as turning moving water in a river into a glass-like reflection like the photo below.

An aperture of about f 16 – 22 focuses incoming light, creating a star-like effect on bright lights. You can see this in the lamps on the bridge below, as well as the lights on the highway in the picture above. I used a small aperture of f 22 for both these shots.

Night travel photography

Slow moving water, such as the Thames River can create a glass-like reflection at night. ISO 200, f/22, 20 secs

5 – Creative use of flash

Using standard on-camera flash at night leaves you with sterile, unflattering images. However, experimenting with a speed light or even combining on-camera flash with slow shutter speeds can create impressive effects that combine the natural light of the scene with flash.

Another interesting effect with flash at night is to create a sense of movement by zooming your lens out while the shutter is open. This can be done by using a slow shutter of about 1/30th second and a burst of flash to highlight your subject like the picture below. Try experimenting with ‘first and rear curtain’ flash on your camera and see what effects you get.

night time travel images

Experimenting with flash and zooming out while the shutter’s open can create interesting effects at night. ISO 200, f/4.5, 1 sec with Speedlight rear-curtain flash.

6 – Stabilise your camera

Obviously, a tripod is ideal, however, some of the best shots are spontaneous and stopping to set up a tripod in a crowded area would cause you to lose the moment. Here, I’ll cover some tips on how to stabilise your camera without a tripod. This is where things get creative… I’ve balanced cameras on everything, railings, phone booths, shoes, my wallet on the ground and God knows what else.

If you can’t place your camera on something and use self-timer then, you need to lean your body against something solid, breath out deeply, hold your breath and dig your elbows into your sides. It’s best in these scenarios to use burst mode. This will allow you several tries at the same shot with the hope that one will be sharp enough. Remember, you don’t really want to go slower than 1/30th second with hand-held shots. If need be, increase your ISO and open the aperture to get your shutter up to a higher speed.

7 – Shoot in Raw

It almost goes without saying but, always, always shoot in Raw, not Jpeg. Shooting in Raw allows you to edit the exposure of images in post-processing. This is especially crucial for nighttime photography where you’ll likely want to boost exposure, drop the highlights, increase contrast and bump up the vibrancy a bit. High ISO and artificial light can create noise and other abnormalities so by shooting in Raw, you have a much better chance of ending up with a crisp, clean image.

night time travel images

Crowded public places are a great spot to capture movement, blurring some subjects while freezing others.

8 – Know your camera

This may seem like a strange tip but, shooting at night can have a sense of urgency about it as you want to get the right light and the right moment. However, it’s dark, and it can be hard to see your camera dials and buttons. This is where you really need to know your way around your camera without looking. Practise changing the settings on your camera in a dark room or even with your eyes closed. Get intimate with the dials and nobs and make sure you’re familiar with the key settings. The last thing you want to be worried about on a short is how to change the ISO or shutter speed.

9 – Start by taking a shot on full auto and work your way backwards

You should always shoot in manual at night. Yet, finding the perfect settings can be tricky and time-consuming. An excellent way to start when you arrive at your scene is to take a photo in auto mode and then look at the settings the camera used for that capture. This will at least give you a baseline to work from, and you can then tweak your settings to achieve the best effect. If you have your camera stabilised, start by reducing the ISO, closing the aperture and using a slower shutter speed.

10 – Experiment and have fun

Night photography is all about experimentation. Play around with settings, shoot everything you can and enjoy it. Find yourself sitting at a bar between shoots? Grab your camera out and snap some interesting candid moments. At night everything comes alive. The more you shoot, the more comfortable you’ll become with capturing low light scenes and your creativity will flourish.

Night travel photography

Bonus tip – worry less about bad weather

One of the best advantages of shooting at night is you’re not so reliant on the weather and natural light. Who cares if it’s overcast or a clear night right? Even shooting in the rain can create fascinating images as street puddles reflect neon signs and artificial light. So, put your raincoat on and get out there rain, hail, or shine.

Night travel photography

Wet weather at night can create interesting reflections, bouncing light of street puddles.

Below is a gallery of some of my night travel photography from around the world. Have some of your own images to share? Please share them in the comments below and happy shooting!

Enjoyed these tips? Follow us on Instagram for more.

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Every now and then an image appears online which people claim shows a time traveller somewhere they shouldn't be. But are they just cases of people letting their imaginations run wild?

We've rounded up some of the best and most interesting images of time travellers throughout history. Some turned out to be plain fakes or cases of mistaken identities, but others are certainly intriguing.

Which have you seen before?

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The time travelling hipster

This photo was snapped in 1941 at the re-opening ceremony for the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia.

If you look carefully, on the right-hand side you can see an unusually dressed man in what appears to be modern clothing, sporting sunglasses at a time when most were wearing hats and smart jackets.

Many argue this is a time traveller, while others have countered that he's simply a man with a fashion sense ahead of his time. Snopes has shown his clothing is relevant to the time and the area, but it's still great to imagine.

World Cup celebrations

This photo comes from the 1962 World Cup and shows the celebrations as the Brazilian team lifts the trophy.

If you look closely though, you'll see in the bottom centre of the image what looks like someone with a mobile phone snapping a photo of the event.

Could this be a time traveller as well? A bit odd to think someone in the future might have a flip phone , but then they have been making a comeback recently and we know folding phones are about to be big too .

The time travelling sun seeker

This image from 1943 apparently shows British factory workers escaping to the seaside for a break during the midst of wartime. The clothes and beachwear of most people certainly fit the era, but in the centre of a frame appears to be a man dressed like Mr Bean checking his mobile phone.

Or maybe it's a time travel device? Likely a bit of a stretch or a case of overactive internet imagination, but we still enjoy the thought. Maybe there are no public beaches in the future?

Mohawk time traveller

This image from 1905 appears to show the usual happenings of the time - including workers and a banana boat delivering its goods.

However, if you look near the edge of the boat you can spy a man in a white shirt with what appears to be a Mohawk-style haircut. A very unusual haircut for the time and possible proof of a time traveller? Who can say?

Film footage captured during the recording of Charlie Chaplin's 1928 silent film "The Circus" appears to show a lady dressed all in black, wearing a hat and walking around the set talking on her mobile phone.

The footage is a little iffy as is the idea that anyone could be talking on a mobile device in the 1920s, but it's certainly got some suggesting it might be proof time travellers are among us.

The ancient astronaut sculpture

In Salamanca, Spain, there's a cathedral with multiple sculptures carved into its sides. One such sculpture appears to show the likeness of a modern-day (or perhaps futuristic) astronaut.

Considering the cathedral's construction dates back to 1513, people have taken this as proof that time travellers made their way back to that time. However, the truth is the astronaut is merely a modern addition to the artwork carried out by Jerónimo García de Quiñones during renovations in 1992.

Time travelling celebrities

There's an interesting trend of people who closely resemble folks from a bygone era. This could just be a spooky coincidence, but maybe it's proof that time travel is possible.

Perhaps these celebrities are living a double life in another century. Here, Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Leader Mahir Cayan who was born in 1946 and died in 1972 is shown to bear a striking resemblance to TV star Jimmy Fallon. Is Jimmy Fallon living a double life as a revolutionary communist? Seems hilariously unlikely.

A man and his mobile phone

Some claim that this oil painting by Pieter de Hooch, which was lovingly crafted in 1670 appears to show a young man holding his mobile phone. In an age where such a thing would probably have seen him burnt at the stake, this one is hard to believe.

A description of the image also suggests the young man is a messenger and that's a letter in his hand, not a phone, but it's still nice to let your imagination run wild once in a while. We've often wondered what it would be like to be able to travel back to simpler times to see what life was like for ourselves.

The Adidas trainers mummy

A couple of years ago, an ancient mummy was unearthed by archaeologists digging in Mongolia. At the time, it was suggested the funky-looking footwear she was wearing bore a striking resemblance to Adidas trainers. More evidence of a time traveller visiting ancient times? Investigation of the body dated it around 1,100 years old. That's one heck of a blast through the past.

However, further unearthing showed the woman was more likely to have been a Turkic seamstress which might explain the fresh kicks. She was found with an ancient clutch bag, a mirror, a comb, a knife and more. But no mobile phone.

The time surfer

Another image of an out-of-place individual that people have latched on to as proof that time travel is a reality.

This image dates back over 100 years and shows some smartly dressed Canadians sitting on the side of a hill.

On the left-hand side though, sits a young man in what appears to be a t-shirt and shorts with ruffled hair. He was quickly referred to as the surfing time traveller due to how unusual his attire is. Others have suggested people in the photo appear shocked by his appearance, even pointing out the woman on the right who seems to be gesturing in his direction. Again, this a bit of a stretch as would a time traveller really go through time dressed like that?

A visitor to wartime Reykjavík

This photograph apparently shows a scene from downtown Reykjavík in 1943.

In the heart of wartime, soldiers and sailors can be seen everywhere in the streets among civilians. The man circled though, appears to be on a mobile phone.

We've really got a theme going with these smartphone using time travellers. Who is he calling? And how? And if he is a time traveller, why is he not in Berlin trying to assassinate Hitler?

The dabbing WWII soldier

There's an apparent theme to these time traveller photos that not only includes smartphone users, but also people visiting the second world war.

In this image, a young soldier is seen dabbing, a dance move that became popular around 2014, but certainly wasn't known in wartime.

Of course, it turns out this photo isn't an image of a time traveller, but rather just an image of some actors from 2017's blockbuster Dunkirk . The fact that most of the soldiers are smiling should also be a bit of a giveaway with this one.

Greta Thunberg

In 2019, the internet discovered a photograph from 1898 which showed three children working at a gold mine in Canada's Yukon territory.

The image seemed to show a girl with an incredible likeness to the young climate activist Greta Thunberg. Does this make Thunberg a time traveller who's come through time to save the planet? Weird year for her to choose, but it's a nice idea.

A woman clutching a smartphone (1860)

The painting " The expected one " from 1860, by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller appears to show a woman walking along a rough path, about to be accosted by an adoring young man clutching a pink flower.

A close look though and you'll see she appears to have her attention firmly glued to a modern smartphone. Is this woman actually a time traveller?

Vladimir Putin

A few years back, a number of images surfaced online that seemingly showed Russian President Vladimir Putin snapped over various decades without ageing. Either proof that he's a time traveller or perhaps just immortal?

If true, he's incredibly patriotic, with each image showing him serving his country in one way or another. Though it's more likely to just be a strong likeness.

The AI time traveller

Here's a time traveller with a difference. Stelfie the Time Traveller has been using AI to travel through time. Or at least to give the illusion of doing so.

This creative individual has been using Stable Diffusion to insert the likeness of a modern man into ancient civilisations including Egypt when the pyramids were being constructed, Rome with the centurions and the land of the dinosaurs . It's fun to imagine these as being real, though if you look closely they're clearly AI-generated. As this artificial intelligence improves we'll no doubt get even better images like this. Interestingly even the character taking the selfies isn't real here, but is also made using AI.

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Everything You Need to Know About Night Photography

Written by Dan

Updated on April 26th, 2024

The milky lights up the sky over a mountain range.

Night photography allows you to see something that your eye can't. This is why it's so interesting! Learning how to take night photos is simple if you follow these simple steps.

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Table of contents

  • 7 Different types of night photography
  • Setting up for your night photos
  • Understanding your camera settings for night photos
  • Tips and tricks for taking night photos
  • How I got my start shooting night photos

Night photography is one of my favorite genres of photography. I like that it allows you to capture something that you’re unable to see with the human eye. Whether you’re shooting stars, light trails or any other type of long exposure, I’ll show you the steps you need to take amazing night photos.

The ground rules for taking photos at night is the same for any genre. You need a fast lens (typically an aperture at f/2.8 or lower), a sturdy tripod or something to rest your camera on and a self-timer.

7 quick tips and tricks for night photography

  • Get a good tripod . Don’t have one? Find a study object to rest your camera on!
  • Shoot in manual mode . You’ll get full control over your camera. If you’re not comfortable with manual mode, use aperture or shutter priority mode.
  • Learn how to use your camera in the dark . If you don’t have a good light source with you, finding your buttons and settings can get tricky.
  • Shoot in RAW . RAW image files contain more data than JPGs.
  • Get a remote trigger . Taking a picture with a remote allows you be in a warm place if your camera is in a cold place.
  • Set your camera to f/16 . If you’re shooting anything with small bright lights (like a city street with lamps), you’ll get stars in all of those lights.
  • Back up your photos! . This tip isn’t exclusively for night photography, but for photography in general. Make sure you back up your photos to ensure that you don’t lose any of your data!

Red green and purple lights on water fountain in Parque de la Reserva in Lima Peru

7 Different types of night photography

All types of photography are transferable into night photography. In addition to all of the standard photography genres, you’re able to shoot and play with light, capture the stars, get city light bokeh and so much more!

Night Portraits

All of the same rules of a great portrait still should apply when you shoot at night. Having an eye in focus, having even light on the subject and getting sharp details are what I look for in a daylight portrait. When I shoot a portrait at night, I use those same concepts, but those rules can be broken!

With night photography, you have the flexibility to play with alternative light sources, like an external flash, neon lights from a store front, lights from a car and more. I like to create silhouettes so that some of the background details come forward.

Woman on escalator at mall in Hong Kong Causeway Bay night photography


Astrophotography is something that you can only do at night, although there are some places in the world that are so dark, that during sunset you can start to see the stars. Shooting the stars is the hardest thing to shoot at night. This is because your camera can see so many more things than your eye can. I’ll briefly outline some advice that I use when shooting the night sky.

  • Set your camera to manual focus.
  • Don’t trust the infinity mark on your lens when you focus.
  • To focus the sky, pick the brightest star and focus until the star-dot is as small as possible.
  • Use an external shutter release, or set your camera to self-timer mode.
  • Use a sturdy tripod and secure the tripod with a heavy object, like your camera bag.

Star photography through clouds night photography tips

Setting up your exposure is also very complicated. At a high level, here are the steps that I take to expose the night sky.

  • Set your camera to ISO 1600.
  • Set your camera’s aperture as low as possible.
  • Set your shutter to 5 seconds.
  • Take a picture!

Look at the result after the 5s exposure is over. If your photo is too dark, add more time to the shutter speed until the exposure is right. If the photo is too bright, you can decrease the shutter speed until the exposure is right.

Night sky photo with lots of stars night photography tips

Night cityscape photography

Daytime cityscapes are great. You’re able to showcase your city as it normally looks. You’re most likely going to go out on a nice sunny day with blue skies and white puffy clouds. When the sun goes down, cities really come to life. All of the lights from the buildings paint new colors in the sky and give you some nice bokeh if you focus on a subject in front of some buildings.

You can also play around with your edits and produce some interest effects!

View from Victoria Peak Hong Kong at night photography tips

Street photography at night

Street photography is one of my favorite things to shoot. Because I live in New York City, I have hundreds, if not thousands, of street photos from Times Square and other parts of the city.

With all of those photos, my favorites are the night street photos. New York City really never sleeps. It’s alive at all hours of the night. To find some of these photo locations below for night photography, check out our list of photography spots in Brooklyn, NY .

The city also has the highest amount of lights that I’ve ever seen, second to Hong Kong.

Christmas lights handing on a fence in New York City nyc how to get photos with bokeh

When you’re shooting street photos at night, there are a few things that you should know.

  • Your shutter speed should be fast enough to freeze the motion.
  • Worrying about a tripod will slow you down.
  • Shoot wide open at f/2.8 or lower.
  • Look for bright lights.

Neon streets in Hong Kong night photography streets of HK

Landscape photography

Landscape photography truthfully is best during the day. The amount of compositions that you can frame are more than what you can do at night. If you want any contrast or details at night, you need a light source. When I shoot night landscapes, I use the moon. Because you will have a single-position light source, your compositions are limited.

Night sky with very bright moon take photos at night

Light painting

What is light painting? Light painting can be achieved when you open your shutter and move light throughout the frame. The sensor will capture all of the light that moves and the photo will look as if someone painted with light.

You can get really creative when shooting light painting photos. You can spell out a word, a shape or a design! You can use different backgrounds or have a simple background. You can use light to paint in dark spots of a night landscape composition. The possibilities are endless!

I love NY light painting long exposure photograph riverside park upper west side nyc manhattan

Neon signs aren’t as visible during the day as they are at night. Numbers of neon signs are decreasing every year. They’re super cool and nostalgic. They remind me of an older time before the age of LEDs and other light sources.

Stay gold neon sign in wework bogota la 93 colombia

If you can find a city like Hong Kong, or an area that still has neon signs, I encourage you to take a visit and capture these unique lights! You can use some of the knowledge you learned from portrait photography and use the neon sign as your light source. You can use the neon lights as your subject and make a simple composition. Be creative!

Purple Neon sign through a window how to take photos of neon signs

Setting up for your night photos

Every camera is different and learning what your camera is capable of is important for mastering night photography. My camera, Sony a7 III does a good job shooting at night for 2 major reasons.

Check out how the A7 III compares to the A7 IV !

  • It has a full frame sensor and the ISO sensitivity is excellent.
  • The underlying reason for this is due to the full frame sensor.

Why is a full frame sensor better for night photography?

The reason that a full frame sensor is better for night photos is because the sensor is twice as big as a APS-C sensor. Twice the size means twice as much light. With night photos, light is everything!

Have you seen our top picks for travel cameras ? If you’re looking for a new camera, check out our favorite camera recommendations. Or if you are looking for a camera on a budget, check out our best budget cameras !

Even if you don’t have a full frame camera or even a camera where the ISO looks noisy over ISO 3200, don’t worry! Learning what your limitations are is an important step. If this is the case for you, you now know that using a tripod and not exceeding ISO 3200 would be a good combination for clear and sharp night photos.

Night photography lit upstreets of Lisbon Portugal evening

Understanding your camera settings for night photos

Focusing in the night can sometimes be challenging if there isn’t enough light. For this, I recommend setting your camera to manual focus so you have better control over what is focusing. Your knowledge of exposure will come into use when understanding how to expose for the night. You’ll be able to control the situation if you want a slow shutter, low ISO and average depth of field.

If you want to learn more about camera settings, check out the photography section on Skillshare !

What does aperture do?

A low aperture will help bring more light into the sensor and help keep the shutter speed higher to limit your use of a tripod. Also, fun fact, a low aperture will also help prevent dust sensor spots from showing up in your photos. When you shoot as low as f/1.8, your photos will still have a very shallow depth of field. Because a lot of the picture won’t be in focus, you can increase your aperture by slowing down your shutter speed.

What does shutter speed do?

Your shutter speed is like a door. Imagine a glow-in-the-dark toy in that room. That toy needs light in order to hold a charge to shine bright. If you leave that toy in a room with the door open, it will charge up. If you have that toy in a dark room, open the room for 1/125th of a second and close the door. You’ll get very little charge to the toy.

Your camera sensor works the same way. The sensor will expose the image for as long as you leave the shutter open. Increasing the shutter speeds means increasing the ISO or decreasing your aperture.

If you want a low shutter to do light painting, light trails or star photos, you’re able to keep your ISO low and you aperture high because you’re putting more light into that “room” aka your camera sensor.

If you are curious about how to clean your camera sensor , read the guide or watch the video!

What does ISO do?

The lower the ISO, the cleaner your photos will be. At ISO 100, your photos will have very little noise. At ISO 128000 your photos will have so much noise, it will look like it’s snowing! Some cameras do better in higher ISOs for various reasons.

Do a couple of test shots and learn the limitations of your camera. Try shooting at the max ISO and keep stopping down until you reach ISO 1600 or ISO 3200. When you look at your photos in Lightroom or a similar editor, you can compare the results and understand your comfortable ISO maximum.

ISO is an important part of the exposure because it regulates your ability to increase your shutter speed and increase your aperture. You can consider that the ISO adds more light to a scene that is otherwise dark.

Tips and tricks for taking night photos

By now, you should be an expert at all of the different types of photos that you can take and how to actually take then. But what if you want something else. How do you take unique night photos?

Photos can come alive in the edit. When you shoot in RAW and at night, you can play with some interesting tones of blues, purples, reds and yellows to make a piece of art. Aside from editing, there are a few other ways to set you up for success when shooting night photos.

How I got my start shooting night photos

When I started to learn the basics of photography, I discovered that you can slow down the shutter and take really cool photos. I experimented with lugging my 10-pound-telescope-tripod around my neighborhood and started shooting long exposures on film (this was back in 2003!). While my “1 car light trail” photo wasn’t going to win any awards, it taught me a lot about the basics of night photography.

The reason that I had a really heavy tripod was because it was really a telescope tripod. Before I was into photography, I would use that telescope (and tripod) to look at the stars and the moon. I lived in an area that had heavy light pollution, and shooting the stars on a camera was never worth it.

As I got older, and as cameras started getting better, shooting at night was even more possible than ever before. Back in the film days, I would mostly shoot with ISO 400 film. The shutter speed would need to be too low in order to capture anything of value. Now that cameras can easily push 6400 and even 10000 ISO, night photography is so much easier than it used to be!

Want to try out some new gear?

Consider checking out Lensrentals! You'll find a great selection of gear to experiment and practice with before purchasing. Use code "HALFHALFTRAVEL" at checkout and receive 15% off!

Now that you have all the tools to shoot amazing night photos, I encourage you to go out and try it! I’ve been able to brush up on a lot of my skills by watching photography YouTube videos . It’s a great way to learn new skills and try something new.

After sunset, most people put their cameras away. Now that you have the knowledge for trying night photography, you can keep shooting and enjoy photography in a new light!

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Rome at Night: Where to Take Perfect Night Photos in the Eternal City

Thu 23 Nov 2023

Rome at Night: Where to Take Perfect Night Photos in the Eternal City

If you enjoy our free guide to taking great night photos in Rome or if you’re planning a visit to Rome and fancy visiting the landmarks featured in our article in the company of an expert local guide after dark, then check out our  Rome at Twilight walking tour  and  Rome Night Tour by Car .

There are few sights in the world as inspiring as the streets of Rome when the city sleeps. As the sun sets over the Eternal City and the historic center is plunged into darkness, it changes. Streets and monuments that were bleached white in blinding sunshine only hours before all of a sudden take on a totally different character. Rome at night is a quieter and yet more dramatic place, a timeless world of light and dark that seems to be drawn straight from the panels and canvases of Caravaggio.

Needless to say, the sight of the city's iconic monuments bathed in moonlight as stars twinkle down from on high is a truly jaw-dropping spectacle, and it's a landscape tailor-made for photographers. So grab your gear - anything from a top of the line SLR to whatever camera phone you've got handily nestled in your pocket will do, and follow us to discover the best places to take perfect night photos when visiting Rome !

The Pantheon

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Dominating Piazza della Rotonda, ancient Rome's spectacular temple to all the gods looks too good to be true in the dead of night when most tourists are tucked up in bed. No matter how many times we have strolled past the awe-inspiring Pantheon spectacularly illuminated after midnight, no matter if we are cold or tired, or desperate to get to bed, each time we're forced to stop a moment to gaze up at those massive columns dense with history. Come late enough and you'll be able to enjoy the timeless display with only the sound of the gushing waters of Giacomo della Porta's 16th century fountain for company.

The Colosseum

night time travel images

The soaring bulk of ancient Rome's most iconic building never fails to impress at any time of the day or night, but there's something uniquely magical about the endless rows of arches illuminated by a golden glow after night falls on the Eternal City. In ancient times the area around the Colosseum was a dangerous place to be after nightfall, a stage set for dodgy deals, crimes and forbidden affairs. In the 18th century meanwhile, Enlightenment poets and philosophers rambled amidst the ruins with magical visions of the classical world dancing in their heads. These days the open space in front of the ancient amphitheater is a haven for photographers, who will be sure to appreciate the spectacularly theatrical sight of the Colosseum impressively spotlit in the darkness. You can also explore inside the amphitheater after-hours on a special Colosseum night tour . 

The Trevi Fountain

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"It was a delight to behold this untameable water, sporting by itself in the moonshine..." We agree with the great American author Nathaniel Hawthorne: few things can compare to the experience of stumbling across the wild rushing waters of the Trevi Fountain in the depths of the Roman night. It's easy to be disappointed by the Trevi during the day - the crowds that throng the fountain are often overwhelming, and you can forget about taking any tourist-free photographs of the monument. All that changes in the wee hours, when you can get up close and personal with Nicola Salvi's flamboyant design without having to use your elbows. Better still, a recent renovation has ensured that the fountain is beautifully illuminated after dusk , throwing sharper relief on one of the city's best-loved spots .

Piazza Navona

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Whether you intend it or not, all night walks in the Eternal City will eventually lead you to Piazza Navona. The beating heart of Rome, this ancient racetrack turned sweeping public square offers up a beguiling mix of monumental fountains and soaring churches that neatly encapsulates the unique beauty of the Italian capital. It goes without saying that photographs of the piazza, particularly those that foreground Gianlorenzo Bernini's epic Fountain of the Four Rivers rushing and gurgling in the tranquil surroundings of the Roman night, tend to be winners.

St. Peter's Square

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During the day St. Peter's Square is a hive of activity, with tourists, pilgrims and prelates jostling for position in the Bernini-designed square at the heart of the Catholic world. But as dusk falls and the venerable basilica closes its doors, just like that the day trippers melt away into the bustle of the surrounding city in search of new adventures. It's then that the seagulls descend, screeching and swooping and bathing in the magnificent Renaissance fountains that spew a perpetual font of water high into the Roman sky. It can be an almost eerie experience wandering around the deserted piazza in the shadow of the world's greatest church, but it offers a wonderful opportunity for some seriously atmospheric photographs. You can also visit the Vatican Museums at night, when the collections look their absolute best:  

The Spanish Steps

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The Forum of Augustus 

night time travel images

When Augustus rose to power in the wake of Julius Caesar's assassination, he wasted little time in expressing his status as Rome's first citizen via magnificent architectural projects. One of the most impressive was the Forum of Augustus, a massive public space that included a temple to Mars as well as spaces for meetings of the Senate, business dealings, displays of triumphal insignia, a hall housing a massive sculpture of the emperor himself, and much more. Today the evocative ruins cut a real dash on panoramic Via dei Fori Imperiali, and provide a fitting legacy to the man who famously boasted he had "found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.”

Trajan’s Market 

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There is something uniquely captivating about the sight of the massive ancient market of Trajan gleaming majestically in the Roman night. This huge and curving multi-level commercial complex was built into the side of the Quirinal hill by the architect Apollodorus of Damascus on the orders of the emperor Trajan in c112 AD. Rising above the market is the forbidding medieval Torre delle Milizie, whilst the remains of Trajan's forum, the last and largest of the Imperial forums built by the first generations of Roman emperors , are in the foreground. Described by an ancient contemporary as 'a construction unique under the heavens,' these days the stunningly lit ruins make for a great place to contemplate the beauty of the ancient city in the peace of an enveloping night.

Ponte Garibaldi

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The river Tiber makes for a more than willing subject for night time portraits in the Eternal City, and looks great from viewpoints along all of  the bridges that ford its rushing waters . But we think that the view from from Ponte Garibaldi, taking in the beautiful form of the Renaissance Ponte Sisto - with its immediately recognisable oculus - and onwards towards Michelangelo’s spectacular dome of St. Peter’s basilica, brilliantly illuminated in the darkness, is hard to beat!


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With its wealth of eccentric architectural details, quirky Coppedè is a great neighbourhood in Rome for photography enthusiasts. We owe the enchanting art deco charms of the quarter entirely to architect Gino Coppedè, who was commissioned to design an upscale new residential quarter for wealthy families here in the 1920s. And whilst it’s busy during the day thanks to the numerous offices nearby, at night the quarter almost feels like an open-air museum that you can wander around at will. Grab your Nikon, start exploring and get creative framing the wacky palaces and fountains that make the Coppedè area unique in the city!

Ponte Sant’Angelo

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The only figures abroad late at night on Rome's Ponte Sant'Angelo are the magnificent marble angels carved by Gianlorenzo Bernini that stand silently watch over the bridge. The river crossing leads to Castel Sant'Angelo: once the extraordinary mausoleum of the ancient emperor Hadrian, with the passage of time it eventually was used variously as a fortress, prison and Papal hideout - connected to the Vatican by a secret passage, Pope Clement VII escaped from the besieged Papal palaces during the 1527 sack of Rome and holed up here as the northern troops of Emperor Charles V laid waste to the city. Head to the bridge late at night with camera in hand and you'll be doing more than taking great photographs - you'll be capturing history. 

We hope you enjoyed our guide to taking great night photos in Rome! If you're planning a visit to Rome and fancy visiting the landmarks featured in our article in the company of an expert local guide after dark, then check out our Rome at Twilight walking tour and Rome Night Tour by Car .

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14 Best Cameras for Night Photography in 2024


Photographing at night time can feel like a whole new world. But the technical aspects of night photography can often be a deterrent, not to mention the hours you’ll be missing from your comfy bed.

For those who brave the night to experiment with low light photography, you will be rewarded with stunning images you couldn’t take at any other time.

Today, we will look at the best cameras for night photography in 2023.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV


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My main focus will be on cameras that will help night photographers out on the technical side, giving them the tools to capture incredible images.

I have sat out in dark, cold environments many times, so you don’t have to!

What is the Best Camera for Night Photography?

Before we discuss each camera in detail, here are my recommended 14 best cameras for night photography:

  • Superb image quality from 30.4MP full-frame sensor
  • Nice 900-shot battery life
  • User-friendly touch screen
  • Cinema-type (DCI) 4

Sony a7 III

  • Quick and accurate 693-point AF
  • Wide ISO range with a low 50 setting
  • Outstanding dynamic range and low-light performance
  • Records stunning 4K video and has live stream capabilities


  • 45.7 MP BSI CMOS sensor
  • Excellent autofocus
  • Long, 1,840-shot battery life
  • 4K/30p Ultra HD video


  • Excellent low-light focusing
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Superb low-light dynamic range
  • Dual memory card slots


  • Relatively affordable
  • Excellent in-body image stabilization
  • Compact and ergonomic design
  • Fantastic expandable ISO range
  • Rapid burst speeds


  • 7 stops of IBIS
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Simulated Live ND filters
  • 4K/30p Ultra-HD video


  • Image stabilization to prevent camera shake
  • Great 4K video capabilities


  • Fantastic image quality
  • Impressive 45-point AF system
  • Built well and nice to handle
  • Handy built-in Wi-Fi and GPS


  • Great value for money
  • Smaller, compact DSLR body
  • Easy to handle and hold
  • Long battery life


  • A great frame rate of 15fps
  • 6.5 stops of IBIS
  • 12 Film Simulation modes
  • 4K video (DCI or Ultra HD)


  • Long-exposure presets
  • Plenty of autofocus (AF) points
  • Nice, uncropped 4K video capabilities
  • Dual memory card slots (UHS-II)


  • Plenty of manual controls
  • A wide ISO range for low light
  • 5-axis Shake Reduction II worth 2.3 to 3.6 shutter stops
  • Dynamic Pixel Shift resolution provides sharper images
  • Astrotracer tracks stars at night
  • Durable camera body with excellent weather sealing


  • High quality images for crop sensor
  • Great ISO sensitivity
  • Fast 39-point AF system
  • Not too bulky and nice to handle


  • Cheap compact camera
  • 10x fixed zoom lens
  • "Intelligent" optical image stabilizer
  • Three cheerful color ptions


14 Best Cameras for Night Photography (in Detail!)

Now, we will look at the top Canon cameras, Nikon cameras, Sony cameras , and others that will help you take stunning images at night.

I will break down each camera’s features, clearly showing its most relevant specifications. This will include its ISO range , sensor type , and megapixels .

And our list includes the best cameras for night sky photography and the best cheap camera for night photography.

1. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Best Camera for Night Photography

  • Quality sensor produces detailed and vibrant images even at high ISOs
  • Dual Pixel AF with eye detection
  • User-friendly touch-to-focus screen
  • 900-shot battery life
  • Cinema-quality (DCI) 4K video
  • Unreliable, imprecise subject tracking
  • Limited dynamic range
  • No in-body stabilization
  • No bluetooth
  • 64x crop factor with 4K video

The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV is a powerhouse. Its sturdiness and reliability are why it is so high up this list.

When shooting in rugged and unforgiving environments, having a piece of kit that is built strong with excellent weather sealing capabilities can put your mind at rest. This is particularly relevant for people who want to shoot the night sky in remote areas.

Prominent star features are its whopping 30.4 megapixels and a high ISO range . It would be hard not to take noise free images in low light with these combined elements. With its 150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering sensor, you won’t struggle to do so. This allows the autofocus system to function accurately even in low light conditions.

If you are considering buying a 5D Mark IV, you should check out how it compares to other models first. You can try the following for inspiration:

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark IV vs Fujifilm X-T5
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark IV vs Sony a7R IV
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark IV vs Nikon D780
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark IV vs EOS R10
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II vs 5D Mark IV

2. Sony a7 III

Best Camera for Steet Photos at Night

  • Noise reduction can remove details
  • Front heavy with big lenses
  • Menu system is difficult to get used to

The Sony A7 III is one of the best mirrorless cameras for night photography. It is a smaller camera, ideal for shooting on the go.

I recommend this product as the best camera for street photographers who enjoy taking photos at night. Sony has managed to reduce noise in their higher ISO range. So, street photographers can now push up ISO sensitivity without worrying about noise or loss of quality.

Another feature that shows the Sony A7 III is great for street photographers on the go is its five-axis image stabilization system. This heavily reduces camera shake, therefore giving you sharper images. With all these features combined, you can see that the Sony A7 III may not be made for shooting at night, but it certainly does excel in this field.

Have a look at these comparisons with the a7 III before you decide:

  • Sony a1 vs a7 III
  • Fujifilm X-T3 vs Sony a7 III
  • Nikon Z7 vs Sony a7 III
  • Sony a6400 vs a7 III
  • Sony a6000 vs a7 III

3. Nikon D850

High Resolution Camera for Night Photography

  • Fantastic overall image quality
  • Excellent 3D continuous AF tracking
  • Durable, weather-sealed construction
  • Sharp 4K/30p Ultra HD video
  • No customizable shooting presets
  • Slow autofocus in Live View
  • Needs an expensive XQD card
  • Rolling shutter noticeable in 4K video
  • Slow 7 fps or 9 fps with an expensive battery grip

Nikon’s D850 is favourable for night photography, with the highest megapixel count on this list. It’s the right camera for night photographers because of its high ISO sensitivity and image quality.

Its ISO capabilities combined with its stunning nine frames per second shooting gives you a camera geared up for night time sky photography. The Nikon D850 is also a camera you can trust on a tripod, allowing for fast processing of its images.

Check out the following comparisons with the D850:

  • Canon EOS R7 vs Nikon D850
  • Canon EOS R3 vs Nikon D850
  • Nikon D7500 vs D850
  • Nikon D850 vs Sony a7 III
  • Nikon D850 vs Z5

4. Nikon Z6 II

Best Nikon Mirrorless for Night Photography

  • Autofocus can be slow
  • Relatively short battery life
  • Lower MP count than main competitors
  • Needs more customizable buttons

Nikon’s Z6 II is another mirrorless camera that can be a street photographer’s best friend at night. Their strong point in night photography lies in their autofocus system. This system can detect focus points in -6 EV (exposure value) visibility. Nikon even claims that you can find focus points under quarter-moon light.

With a great dynamic range, you will be able to get information in the shadows and potential highlights in your night sky photographs. A camera with an excellent dynamic range will go a long way when dealing with night photography.

5. Canon EOS R6

Best Canon Mirrorless for Night Photography

  • Low megapixel count compared to closest competitors
  • Interface is challenging to navigate
  • EVF drains the battery
  • Camera heats up shooting 4K / 60 fps

Canon cameras have dominated the top of this list because of their excellent features . The Canon EOS R6 is no different. The camera’s fantastic ability to function as a handheld camera at night is why you can add it to the list of best cameras for night photography. And it is the other best mirrorless camera on our list.

The Canon EOS R6 has fewer megapixels than other Canon cameras but a higher ISO sensitivity. A great feature of this camera is its five-axis image stabilization system. This stabilizer allows you to take sharper images when photographing without a tripod. Canon claims you can take a four-second exposure, and it will still be sharp!

6. Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III

Best Olympus Camera for Night Photography

  • Multi-shot, handheld, high-res mode
  • 60 fps RAW and JPEG image capture
  • 7 stops of image stabilization
  • Quick-and-easy Pro Capture (action) and Starry Sky AF modes
  • Excellent video options
  • Relatively low sensor resolution
  • Not the best when pushing the high ISO range
  • Unreliable subject tracking
  • No vehicle and train recognition AF modes like the E-M1X
  • Complicated menus
  • Relatively short 420-shot battery life

Olympus makes it onto this list with a great cropped image sensor camera. Not only is the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III camera light, but it will provide sharp images thanks to its excellent autofocus system.

A new feature solidifies its place on this list. It is a new feature called Starry Sky AF (autofocus). If you haven’t guessed already, this feature will identify the night sky and get all the stars in focus, no matter how small or faint they are. It is ideal for night sky photography.

7. Panasonic Lumix DCS5

Best Panasonic Camera for Night Photography

  • Slow-burst shooting
  • Short battery life
  • Poor autofocus within camera class
  • Limited L-mount lens range

Panasonic’s mirrorless camera also gets a spot on this list with the Lumix S5.

The lightweight capabilities matched with extraordinary image quality means that you can use mirrorless cameras in both on and off tripod situations. Its off-tripod success comes from its image stabilization system.

Its new I.S. II system allows up to 6.5 stops of benefit. This comes in handy when shooting along the streets at night.

8. Canon EOS 6D


  • Affordable full frame EOS camera
  • Great low-light performance
  • Good ergonomics for handling
  • Light, durable magnesium alloy shell
  • Convenient GPS and Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Slow continuous burst shooting by modern standards
  • Limited number of AF points
  • No in-body image stabilization to minimize camera shake
  • Only one memory card slot

Since its inception, the Canon EOS 6D Mark II  has been one of the best cameras for night photography. It set a high bar for DSLR’s in its time with a high ISO range and night photography capabilities. Even now, the Canon EOS 6D has kept these qualities.

And it has kept improving, keeping this line of cameras on our list. It has improved its autofocus system so that the camera has outstanding low light performance with added sharpness. It was an issue with the older rendition.

9. Nikon D7500

  • Images not as sharp as other cameras
  • Limited to crop sensor (DX) lenses
  • No USB charging
  • Just one memory card slot

For those who aren’t quite ready to spend money on a full frame camera, Nikon’s D7500 is a great option.

The ISO capabilities here are plenty to quench your thirst when it comes to night photography. Nikon has worked on reducing fine grain. This means you’ll be able to push into higher ISO sensitivity without noise ruining the image.

10. Fujifilm X-T4

  • Decent APS-C BSI-CMOS sensor
  • A great frame rate of 15 fps
  • 6.5 stops of image stabilization
  • 4K video (DCI or Ultra HD) up to 60 fps
  • A fully articulating rear touchscreen
  • Expensive for an APS-C camera
  • Autofocus speed and accuracy depends on the lens and the subject
  • Unreliable face and eye detection
  • No external battery charger provided
  • Limited video recording time
  • No subject tracking in video mode

Fujifilm also provides cameras that function great in low light situations. My favourite Fujifilm camera has got to be the Fujifilm X-T4 .

It seems that all companies are developing autofocusing systems with excellent low light performance. The same can be said for Fujifilm. The X-T4 system works down at -7.0 EV—almost in complete darkness!

11. Nikon D780

  • Relatively expensive
  • No built-in image stabilization
  • Noise reduction can be harsh
  • No built-in GPS

The Nikon D780 comes in as a significant upgrade of its older sibling, the D750. It even outperforms its more professional sibling, the D850, with a newer processor (EXPEED 6 vs EXPEED 5).

A handy feature for night photography is the 900-second or 15-minute exposure time you can set. This relieves your duty of holding the shutter release down when exposing longer than an average camera allows. It is perfect for star trails and other long exposures you will take in night sky photography.

12. Pentax K1 II

  • AF is not as refined as others
  • A slow frame rate
  • Noise reduction always applied leads to soft images
  • Limited modern lens selection
  • Soft Full HD and no 4K capture
  • A short battery life

For professional photographers who are fans of the Pentax lens range, the Pentax K1 II  is the ideal camera for taking low light images. With fantastic quality and plenty of options for complete control over your images, the Pentax K1 II will give you spectacular results.

The main weakness of its night photography abilities is its noise reduction system. It can often be quite aggressive when shooting in JPEG mode. Even if you shoot in RAW, Pentax has a pre-processor that adds noise reduction into RAW files that you can’t turn off.

13. Nikon D5600

  • Autofocus isn't great in video mode
  • No dual memory card slots
  • No Nikon Fine-Tune function to adjust AF for specific lenses

The Nikon D5600 is a great camera for night photographers who want an up to date DSLR for cheap. The advantage of having an up to date DSLR is the quality you will get packed into a small body. This DSLR also has an impressive dynamic range performance for its size. This means it will be able to handle low light situations with ease.

14. Canon Powershot ELPH 190 IS

  • Not much manual control
  • Low-resolution LCD
  • Relatively poor video capabilities
  • No touchscreen capability

This option is for people who want a dedicated point-and-shoot that handles low light conditions well. We are now in a time where small sensors can produce whopping 20-megapixel images!

Of course, it won’t handle low light conditions like others on this list, but the portability and price make up for it. I would suggest using this camera to take low light images with more light in the scene. For instance, it would work great in nightclubs or on city streets.

What Makes a Great Camera For Night Photography?

As advancements in technology progress, camera manufacturers have developed impressive features to improve how their cameras handle low light conditions.

These features can be anything from high ISO sensitivity to how a camera’s autofocus reads focal points. Some of the best cameras for night photography even have AI capabilities that can help.

The main feature of an excellent camera for night photography is how it performs with its higher ISO capabilities. This is most relevant for images that do not require a tripod.

Aurora borealis shot at night with mountains and a reflection in water, shot with one of the best cameras for night photography

Is Mirrorless or DSLR Better For Night Photography?

There is no direct answer to this question as both types of cameras have impressive features. There is less chance that camera shake will affect the image with mirrorless cameras as there is no mirror to lift with every shot. But DSLR cameras have a greater selection of lenses and better battery life.

The type of cameras to consider for night photography should be based on your personal preferences.

City street scene with cars in the distance shot at night time, shot with one of the best cameras for night photography

How Many Megapixels Do I Need For Night Photography?

Of course, there is no set number of megapixels you will need for the best night camera. But it does help if you have more.

A full frame camera, typically meaning more megapixels , will be beneficial. As a rule of thumb, any camera over 15 megapixels will provide excellent night time images.

Our Verdict

After going through this list, it is easy to see that newer digital cameras are pushing the boundaries of shooting in low light scenarios.

With recent advancements in image stabilization sensors that can read the information in near pitch-black conditions, shooting in the dark has never been easier. We hope our list of the best cameras for night photography will help you find the perfect camera for you!

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Are These Images Proof of Real Time Travel?

Pictures, stories & urban legends.

night time travel images

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem.

This is an old post on time travel I wrote back in 2012. It’s since been updated and expanded, and the new version can be found over at Time Travel Proof: The Mounting Evidence Of A Broken Timeline . Try not to take it too seriously. However, I wanted to put this original post back up because of all the amazing comments I’ve received on it over the years.

You’ll find them below. But just to give this post at least some remaining content, let’s take a brief look back at the old pictures I shared here.

Evidence of time travel in Chinese tomb?

Chinese archaeologists investigate an ancient block of stone

This time travel claim dates back to at least 2008, when it was featured in a very short and vague article by the Daily Mail . The original images were actually found on some old backwater message board, but the story was that a group of archaeologists uncovered a “watch” in a 400-year-old tomb. Here’s the watch:

The tiny Swiss watch with the time frozen at 10:06

Now, I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t look like a watch so much as a miniature replica of a watch. Was it actually discovered in a tomb? Where is it now, and why’s it so tiny? The universe is mysterious indeed!

Oh no it’s a bridge

The time traveling hipster stands among unknowing bridge-goers

I go over this one in detail over in my post Looking Back: Canadian Museum Attempts To Unravel 1941’s ‘Time Traveling Hipster.’ It’s an interesting story if you’re curious about how urban legends get started online, check it out!

Someone holds up something to their ear during a behind-the-scenes featurette on the DVD version of Charlie Chaplin’s film The Circus . Therefore, time travel.

A woman holds something up to her ear

You can’t just hold things to your ear

It’s a sure sign of time travel.

Another woman holds something up to her ear

Andrew D. Basiago’s Trip To Gettysburg

Andrew Basiago allegedly stands among the crowd before the Gettysburg Address

I go over this particular photograph over in my post Andrew Basiago’s 1863 Gettysburg Time Travel Photo . Long story short, the picture is real, the story whatever you make of it!

Rudolph Fentz, The Storybook Time Traveler

An example of 1876 attire (John HIllyard Cameron)

This is a picture of some guy. However, the story of Rudolph Fentz is often told in support of real time travel claims, despite the whole thing originally appearing in  Jack Finney’s short story compilation About Time: 12 Short Stories.

One of John Titor's alleged time machine schematics

The above was claimed to be part of a schematic describing John Titor’s time machine. Read more about John Titor over in the encyclopedia entry or the John Titor tag .

It’s a box

A group of people open what looks like a compact disc box

A painting from the 1800s shows a box, which some claim might be a CD box. If someone shows up with a CD box today, are they also a time traveler? Maybe!

A very poor drawing of the HDR Time Machine

The Hyper Dimensional Resonator is said to enable time travel or astral projection through the use of interdimensional vortices (possible like the vile vortices ).

I drew the above picture for some reason, probably because I couldn’t find a decent photo to use. Head on over to my post  The “Real” Time Machine for more (information, not drawings).

Time Travel Proof Under the Kitchen Sink?

This was from a television commercial, but some claims it was proof of actual time travel. My post  Did This Man Find A Wormhole Under His Kitchen Sink? goes over more.

Two men compare tattoos

Safety Not Guaranteed

The wanted ad allegedly published by the time traveler

A classified ad popped up in a 1997 issue of Backwoods Home Magazine . It stated the following:

“WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 322, Oakview, CA 93022. You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.”

This led to an entire film based on the ad called, well, Safety Not Guaranteed .

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Okay, well. Perhaps the space-time continuum is safe, after all.

Is time travel possible? At the end of the day, it’s all just a bunch of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey…stuff. Like I said, this post exists mostly for posterity, but check out the comments below!

Photo of Rob Schwarz

Rob Schwarz

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Digital Humans Come to Life With Epic’s MetaHuman Creator

night time travel images

Can We Time Travel Using Computer Simulations?


 that photo of the guy with the sunglasses is real, and he is NOT a time traveller, he was pilot and the camera and glasses he was wearing were available at the time. 

The woman wasnt holding a cell phone, but on movie sets even back then they had walkie talkie type devices.

Proof of time travel will be disclosed very soon. Time travel as you perceive it is wrong. A person cannot go back and forth through time. Imagine jumping into a raging river, you are swept along the current to a distant shore. Now imagine jumping back in and trying to swim against the current to where you first jumped in, you wouldn’t be able to do it. Time travel is a one way trip, period. Various organizations in the far future have sent back people, observers if you will to study human achievements first hand. These observers are to note events, not change them. They are even forbidden to have contact one another. Their notes are hidden in preassigned areas for future pick up. Most aspects of daily life and certain events that are known of in the future are gleaned from these documents. The people who are selected to travel back have to meet several criteria before they are chosen. They cannot be married, have children or alot of close family. They must be ordinary looking so they can blend in easier and they must have studied ancient history and the texts of the time into which they’ll be inserted. Studies include daily life, customs such as religion and even the slang used in conversations. All applicants are then rigorously tested before consideration. Even though the screening process is very precise, mistakes are sometimes made such as a person being sent back with items that are not used in that time. Despite these mistakes the program has had overwhelmingly great success. The purpose of the program was not just to document historic events from first person accounts but more to study the daily life of past generations.

That’s a strong claim.  I think some equally strong evidence is required.

@Bigbuddak: Though I respect your opinion, I think you should reconsider: to say time travel can only occur in one direction is not an outrageous claim; to say time travel can only occur backwards is contradictory to that claim. Every single one of us is traveling forward in time at a constant rate. We are all time travelers we just have no control over it.

Colin, You do make a lot of sense and I concur with you, though I sure would to be able to travel back in time and meet Napoleon, Julio Cesar, Montezuma, Atahualpa and the ONLY ONE AND TRUE DIVINITY: JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD !!

I am going to have to agree with mike.

Have no idea about the Chinese tomb, but the rest have been debunked ..

The woman wasn’t holding a cell-phone or even a “walkie talkie” as @gopolks thinks. It’s a hearing aid. Even those on Youtube know the story.

I hope I don’t come off as offensive here, just trying to comment on what bigbuddak was saying, though I am relatively sure he was merely trying to be silly. Backwards time travel has not conclusively shown to be viable under physics as we currently understand it. Many are of the OPINION that it is impossible but that hasn’t been shown either (though admittedly proving a negative is very hard). Forwards time travel is not only allowable by the current laws of physics but really very simple, in a way. All one has to do is go very fast. Now it is true that the speeds we are talking about are fantastically out of the reach of current technology but it is possible that eventually technology will advance to this point. Once again, though, this would allow easy forward time travel, not backwards. As it seems now, were a society to have the knowledge and technology to perform some sort of backwards time travel, they almost certainly would be capable of forward time travel, as it is a much simpler problem.

Don’t you all think maybe its a little ignorant to answer this question based off our laws of physics or to think any of us have a true idea of whether or not time travel is possible. You all right and wrong. Your right because these “hypotheses” are based on our little perceptions of what the universe is. Its all relative. All animals perceive the world in different ways so you can’t genuinely believe that the way we see and understand the world is how it actually is. Your wrong because our laws of physics only apply to our perceptions and even then, don’t apply across the universe. If they don’t apply across the universe how can see even begin to understand it? That said, if it was true we would never know about it as it would be the most protected secret in our existence as its obvious ability to cause chaos. But to think that we have any understanding of the reality of this universe and whatever is beyond it is ridiculous and ignorant, as we cant even begin to explain life, consciousness, thought, love, emotions, and instinct. If we can’t understand what these parts of our world, even though these are what makes up our world, how do you think we could understand time travel, which is solely based on a PERCEPTION of the human mind?

this is hilarious and cute if people would actually believe this, i don’t think anyone has to make another argument on this

Wibbley wobbly, timey wimey…stuff. The Doctor would be proud. Interesting ideas though. I have heard a few of these theories before.

I’m not sure if anyone will be interested but i’ve recently searched up footage of Marilyn Monroe’s funeral. Now remember her funeral took place in 1962. In the footage there appears to be a woman using a mobile phone. Something similar to “The Circus” .

Did they build cell towers in 1962 as well? Who was her service provider? I would think Verizon.

You don’t need a cell tower to take a picture with a cell phone… Everybody knows this.

Hi, where I can see footage from the funeral of Marilyn Monroe?

Personally, I’m skeptical that time travel would be possible to a time BEFORE the invention of a time travelling device. Physics doesn’t designate any point in space as unique therefore without a device creating a logical start and stop point in space, there would be no way for a traveller to just happen to end up on earth. We’re not sitting still in space. We’re hurtling around the sun at 67,000 mph while the sun is hurtling around the galactic core at half a million mph while the galaxy is no doubt hurtling through space at an insane velocity imeasurable except in relation to other galaxies. There is no “absolute” velocity with relation to space-time so there would literally be no way to predict the EXACT spacial location of the Earth nor would it be possible to know our exact spatial location with relation to where the Earth once was. In other words, if you travel through time with something like the Delorean in Back to the Future, you’ll find yourself floating around in the vacuum of space (or whatever celestial body happens to be occupying that point in space, but most likely nothing), not at the same location on Earth at a different point in time. Even going back in time one day would leave you in a quite a predicament as we will have moved between 11.5 trillion and 15 trillion miles with relation to the galactic center and this doesn’t even take into account the (impossible to obtain) velocity of the galaxy as a whole.

One would need a time machine that stays at a fixed point in space if they actually wanted to end up on Earth. You would leave this time from it and arrive at another time as if you never left the machine. The problem here is obvious. You can’t travel to a point in time where the machine doesn’t exist whether past or future. This would make travel to a time BEFORE the invention of the machine impossible.

The most realistic scenario for time travel is the scenario proposed by Kip Thorne in which a man-sized wormhole is propelled at relativistic speeds for a round-trip to the Andromeda galaxy. One end would experience time normally (and remain in the past) while the other would return to Earth thousands of years in the future. One could step through the wormhole into the past/future, but you’ll see that this is even more restricting as you can only go back and forth a certain distance in time. That is, time will flow normally at each end of the wormhole so there would be a constant number (say 6000 years) that you would be able to travel. Not a second more or a second less.

So, that being said, I highly doubt any of these people were time travellers.

For the record, I agree with you (both on how time travel would likely play out, and the likelihood that any of the above pictures are evidence of, well, anything). But I’ve always found time travel claims interesting.

Anyway, I really like how time travel worked in the movie Primer, despite how confusing it could get. You could only travel back to when the box was turned on, etc. One of my favorites.

No, you’d merely need a PERSON, ANIMAL or LANDSCAPE etc, of which the time traveler is fond or bitterly hates)-strong emotional.attachment of EITHER type TO N”ANCHOR” TO on both ends.

I assume that if backward time travel is possible, it would be at a time further in the future that our time now, when: 1- Mobile phones could be different, i.e. they are not bulky and held by hand (maybe wireless, etc..) 2- CD’s would not be used anymore to take them back to the 1800’s 3- Watches could also have different styles 4- T-shirts / sunglasses etc… could also be different What is shown from the photos’s are objects that are available at our time now, which lacks imagination.

You make a good point about most (if not all) time travel claims like this.

They always contain objects we’d be familiar with from modern time. Like you said, watches, CDs, modern clothing. Never anything futuristic or unfamiliar.

I’m not altogether convinced time travel to the past is even possible in the first place, so perhaps it’s a moot point, but you’d’ think a civilization capable of time travel would have technology that would make ours utterly obsolete (then again, maybe they’re smart like Doc Brown and make sure not to take anything from the future back with them…or not).

It reminds me of the people who used to call into Coast to Coast AM during Open Time Lines. They’d claim to be from the year 3,000 or something, yet their dialect and language would be from modern times. Funny.

Good point! Some things are obvious as soon as they are stated.

oh im sure it is posible . what goes up comes back down at least here. time travel is about energy not pressure . think of it as harnessed sound waves .

@John titor. I am huonin kyouma. I have an invention. I call it the phone microwave(name subject to change).

Video’s of people talking on a cell phone back in time… how would the cell phone get reception if there were no cell towers back then? So from a technical stand point; it doesn’t make sense.

Hello , I would like to comment , very true that cells wont be useful to make or receive calls bcaz there wont be any towers or signals . But yes you can shoot or take a picture with your phone. bcaz its just a camera ! but modern

Ok, let’s get one thing straight; time is imaginary. It is a result of memory and planning. Ever heard of space-time? Simply put there is but one time, ever. The now. One plethora of atoms that exist and are moving about producing the appearance of change, molding into new elements and being ionized into energies, blah, blah, blah. Main idea is that this is a closed system. There is nothing anywhere real that points to multiple time lines or the ability to revert google’s of tons of matter and peta-hertz’s of energy into states it used to exist in. I hope I’m wrong, but…

So….with all the soldiers and other individuals available to DARPA to choose from, to send to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address…why? Why did they choose a youth, rather than an adult? Why did he lose just his shoes, and not his coat, or his arm, or part of his colon? Why send someone at all, and why send someone to, of all things, a speech? Granted, an important speech, but still, with all of time presumably at your fingertips, why send someone to something that has been relatively well-documented already? This sounds implausible on it’s face, and as the gentleman said, I think we’ll all need to see some strong proof to even consider believing such claims.

Time travel is only theoretical at this point in time…And theoretically you can only move forward in time opposed to backwards.

@ an observer, it would be ridiculous to suggest that his colon would get left behind. He would need some way to poop in the past for him to still be alive today. Logic, please.

I also wonder why would DARPA send a boy and not an adult back in time if this time travel project were true. Did Andrew Basiago travel alone back in time? If so, who might’ve took his picture then?

Why does the photographer have to be a time traveller? Its a photo taken by someone doing exactly that, taking a photo. Looking a lil bit too much into it.

the watch in the Chinese tomb is a ring watch, My mom had one, real big in part of the early 70,s now how it got there who knows…Had a metal detector one hit a metal abject.. Dug about two feet down .. Found a penny from same year we where digging..

Why people always prefer to complicate things? If I learned something in this life, is the fact that the answer to such mysteries is always the simplest. Every man has the right to believe what he chooses to believe, but why in the world would you prefer to believe that a woman holding her hand to her ear while passing in front of a camera (which was something pretty awesome at that time), is a time traveler. Wouldn’t you say that it’s a thousand times more plausible that she was just a little shy, and she was just trying to cover her face with her purse and possibly speaking with the guy filming? Not sure if this is what exactly happened, but I strongly put this on top of the time travel theory. Why are they hiding area 51 and not tell what are they doing in there…they surely have aliens in there and UFO’s. It’s a secret testing facility where they test airplanes prototypes. They can’t just tell everyone what they are testing because then they would attract international attention on there. I think people always try to spice up the boring society we live in, and try to attract attention. One example would be the Nibiru planet that it’s suppose to come in December and the Anunakki that need our gold. Everyone need attention, and the best way to do it, is online, and presuming monsters/aliens/conspiracy/ufo each time a new old photo appears. The story gets every time more distorted and webmasters keep evolving this false information because it keeps the traffing going. People invented stories and even write whole books in order to make crystal skulls a real mystery and add value to them in order to sell them.

I guess I jumped off track a little, but what I mean is that we should all focus our attention to the root of all false information and stories…resources/money. Some are doing it for the attention, some for the money, and some just because the information gets so much circulated that it becomes true :)

Great idea for a post.Thank you!

time is non existent. we have created the idea of time, only so we can organize things and events, etcc. if you look at before, now and then as one never ending, never beginning string, then it is possible to travel to any time. and if you go to the past and change something, the come back to the future, nothing would be different because logically speaking you already would have done that in the past, ( like in futurama when fry kills his Grandfather, fry didnt die because his grandfather was never his grandfather: he is his grandfather and always was!)

The strange thing is we have just now discovered that wormholes exist within us, people talk of streching these wormholes bu as someknow this would cause all manner of problems, so l say time travel will be eventually done through infact the mind, the greatest computer ever build.

Get well soon, Bigbuddak.

Time and our perception of it is based on the interaction and decay of subatomic particles and their relation in terms of energy to the ‘light barrier’ (The speed of light where matter becomes energy and ceases to function in a way we understand.) and to gravity it’s self, which may or may not be an effect created by a subatomic particle.Anyway the point is some particles have been made to jump in time by effecting their properties. It’s a technique you’ve all heard of, teleportation, because when you make something jump in space, you make it jump in time too.

To date it’s only been done with individual electrons and photons, but the theories sound, you can make SAPs teleport to anywhere in time and space by making them instantly swop characteristics via something called quantum entanglement with each other. However in order to do this you need to know the characteristics of not only the SAP’s you want to port, but also the SAP’s you want to interchange them with (they dpnt actually trade places, just characteristics) And the only way to do that is to have a computer that’s powerful enough it can calculate a SAP’s past characteristics by anaylising it’s present ones and figuring out what’s making it behave the way it is now and so allowing it’s to simulate it’s past behaviors by eliminating present modifiers and applying a set of modifiers as they where calculated for the past.

This is obviously an insanely epic task far beyond the power of present day computers, But here’s the kicker, if anyone ever does get a computer this powerful traveling in time becomes redundant because if the computer can simulate the past to such a level of detail as to allow a quantum entanglement then all you need to do is watch the simulation on your holo deck / virtual reality projection system, you don’t need to travel there, you can effectively remote view it, you might actually be able to remote view it if you could build a device that could read and interprate the natural entanglements that happen between SAP’s anyway. The only time anyone or thing would travel in time is when they needed to change something, (which isn’t as big a no no as you think as technically all eventualities are played out anyway.) but all actual observation could be done remotely in what is actually a similar process to how radio and tv signals are remotely viewed (it would just be done across the entire energy / matter spectrum instead of just a tiny electromagnetic piece of it.)

Just wanted to bring some almost factual science and logic into this.

I wish time travel were possible, but I’m afraid it is not because time does not exist, humans invented time.

To all the people who keep saying that time does not exist: YES IT DOES. It is in fact PROVEN to exist. Do some reading on Einstein’s theory of relativity. Study time dilation. Time is not merely an artistic construct of humans. It is PART of the UNIVERSE.

Sorry Nonya but Einstein’s theory is about space-time, his theory tend to prove that gravity and acceleration forces can bend the structure of space-time. Then that induce that if we find a way to create wormholes we should be able to travel through space and “Time”… @ Anne Henderson: I do think exactly the same way, I just wany to add that for me the only thing important is to focus on Here & Now in this big experiment…

Well, well, well.

Lets say, that time travel is possible, lets just say, lets..

A: Ok, who owns the technology? B: They could presumably go back, forward, etc, seems ;like the world still is at war, and no-one is really in power, so the time bandits suck eggs, smelly eggs, mermaid old fish tail wives story eggs. C: Do you think the “owners” creators of this science would ever tell man, civilians, let alone military departments.

Now lets say they are still trying to make this science work, ok, plausible, right, ok, so who invested how much into the CERN project and if they already had the technology working CERN would already be operational and successful, trust me, and no-one would ever know it existed.

I can add to your theories, photo’s above they are all good ideas, but each one has been dropped on it’s head.

But there is a way to be in one place in one moment and another place seconds later some 400 miles away, without any damage to the person, who’s knows this?

The secret lies in the Vatican vaults, secret archives. So good luck finding it, but it is there. Jesus was one of the privileged who could do it. Hint, hint…..

But it’s not a machine…….

To travel in time you must break the speed of light. I have done this by “gating” different currents of elec. together and forcing them down a single wire.I get only wire decay and a strange distorted current.I am a nobody.If I can do this,our goverment has this and much more. Get ready.

Once we open our minds to the impossible, you realize anything is quite probable yet we shrug it off and end up feeling it’s just unlikely

All great points! Especially regarding the absence of modern health care, etc. I’d never given that particular inconvenience much thought in terms of time travel.

And I do, personally, read all of the comments here, if that counts for anything. Some are strange, but the conversations this post has sparked have at least been…interesting.

Ok, with “the cellphone lady”, what towers would she be using while talking on the cellphone in that time? So that’s disproven. The guy in the picture is wearing pilot goggles, his hairstyle is vintage and also his clothes. Disproven again. With the watch found in the tomb thingy, it is supposed that it was untouched for that amount of years, doesn’t mean it wasn’t. There is no such thing as time travel because time is not dimensional so yeah. No evidence as of yet.

Just because you say there is no evidence it is not true it still can be true it is that you just have not got the evidence as of yet.

The same goes for your disbelief in God joebe.

It would not matter what a time traveller did if we are in lets say string one including 1 set past and future going back in time would create a string two because our past is already set, going into the future i don’t really have a clue on I would assume it would continue of string one because you are not altering events that have already happened you would be creating the events that were bound to happen from what was done in present time. So by saying that we could have time travellers but that would make it so we are not in the original string of events. I don’t know about you but thats a bit mind blowing to know we could be the alternate reality and there is an original.

time travel might actually be possible if you could go the speed of light becuase if you were travling the spped of light in space for 11 hour the earth will age and you will not.

time is not linear its non linear

Time travel is possible in the far future perhaps, just not now, and come to think of it, sending a person back in time is actually a ridiculous idea, what a waste of resources, you have to de-molecualrize him and virtually assemble him from at the given point in time, which would make him a replica, not the same guy who was send in the first place, he would not even have the same conscious reality perception, in short time travel as said in Sci-fi is a waste of time, Now, the best way to actually do this is to send information back into time, electrons carefully impregnated with data , that can be send back to the past, it could be captured as light by eyes, and the person who gets it instanty gets the information that was send back, this could be useful s ideas, needed to make a change in wahtsoever direction that the sender chooses.. Come to think of it, if indeed such a thing is possible, then all the wars ad inventions and information we have know could be an uncnsious flow of information thats being transferred from some distant point in the future, Think of it.. lol.

Time travel is not possible for one reason: doing so changes the mass of the universe, and thus would enable the mass of the universe to become infinite. Changing the mass of the universe is inherently impossible because this would result in changes to the fundamental constants that define the very foundations of physics; the gravitational constant, the Hubble constant, even the speed of light, are all related to the mass of the universe. Not to mention to concomitant violations of the laws of thermodynamics and the effective reversal of entropy that would be involved in such a mass change.

To demonstrate how time travel alters the mass of the universe, consider this scenario: I transport myself back in time to 5 minutes ago, so that my current self is standing beside my earlier self. There are now two of me at the same time; thus the mass of the universe has increased by my mass. We wait five minutes. At this point we have both returned to now. My ‘earlier’ self goes back in time (because I’d already done that), but my ‘current’ self also goes back in time, meaning that five minutes ago there are now three of me at that point in time – and the mass of the universe has increased again. Repeat this ad infinitum (remember we have effectively infinite time because we’re cycling through the same five-minute period here, over and over) and you can see that there ultimately turns out to be infinite copies of me, comprising infinite mass. QED.

We know the universe does not have infinite mass, because there is empty space between all massive objects; if the mass of the universe was infinite there would be no space. In fact, an infinite-mass universe could only a be a black hole in its entirety and nothing else.

Finally, it’s become self-evident that all this extra mass has, from the point of view of the universe, been created out of nothing – a clear violation of the first law of thermodynamics. Since, by Einstein (E = mc^2), energy and mass are functionally equivalent, it would be theoretically possible, for example, to build a perpetual motion machine by recursively time-transporting any energy source until the source becomes infinite and then using that energy to run the machine forever. Again, the laws of thermodynamics can go hang.

So from this, it seems quite reasonable to draw the conclusion that time travel is impossible for this reason alone, even if no other reason existed.

When you come back you tell your self not to go back, ha ha

I have just one question. Lets assume that woman is holding a cell phone in that movie but whom would she call?

Someone who came with her

Well there you go. Proof! Swiss watches are actually Made in China. Can’t say I’m surprised!

lol, one of the best comments I’ve read thus far.

Who knows if time travelling is true or not…we will never know…maybe

Am I the only one that got the Doctor Who reference?

I was going to ask the same thing!

I got it. Wibbly Wobbly….

Strange pics…who knows if time travelling is possible or not?

John Titor saying hello,

I am not John, but you may call be John being as how popular his conquests have become. His legend, as it where, grew so big that all of our vaulenteers were code named ‘John’ from the beginning, our beginning.

Our beginning took place 8 years prior to when John’s team first accomplished time warp technology. His return to your time, coupled with his messages to the people of your time, sparked a great interest in time travel that accelerated the discovery process. We not only discovered that time can flow forwards and backward, but, like John’s team we learned to move transdimensionally, only we learned to control the direction in which we traveled. We didn’t do this alone.

Our team was visited by a group from our future that called themselves States Men. They guided us through several aspects of time travel technology and hoe to control its rotation. They made it very clear there are strict guidelines in place for traveling from one plain to the next. We moved with caution.

The States Men were very interested in how our technology was influenced by the indirect actions of John Titor. Our first task was to travel to a list of dates and times to assess if other time travelers had been there. Unlike what John has said, when you go back in one dimension it does effect the next. These changes will be discussed at a later date. Our research concluded that not only had others visited these dates, but they were not all from our future. What we discovered is that time distortion can be achieved a number of ways, and not all of them are mechanical.

The above photos are very comical, with the exception of one. The man in the sunglasses was indeed a time traveler. He and I were very close in training and he was the second of our team to travel back through time.

I thought the Statesmen were a legendary Gospel quartet!

I understand

There must have been a LOT of time travelers from the future at the 1969 Woodstock Festival!! And I will probably one day travel back in time to join them.

We cannot go into a future that is yet to exist And we cannot go back to the past that no longer exists.

The only time travel I know is in the present and I wish to be in Alaska for Christmas, because I wish to experience Bing Crosby’s White Christmas for the first time.

Happy holidays!

well what if time is perceived in a radio wave like form to the brain where we are tuning into only that moment at that moment. we could technically then tune into other parts in time with our brains. time isnt linear, and this is one explanation of how the brain may perceive time. just a thought as i am not an expert.

I promise time travel is possible. I have been visited by a traveler from the future. I know its not something i can prove a.t.m. but its true. This man’s mission was to have me eat 4 bowls of carrot soup. I know this sounds funny and I can’t tell you why, because i don’t know why. He told me of certain future events that only someone of my nature would pay very close attention to. These events have happen and the chances he was predicting them are not possible. This man was a very nice guy that was only interested in me and was not at all about himself. He knew my family and I but we had never seen this man. I got some of the best feelings from the mans intentions. I believe in Jesus Christ and feel their is no reason to lie about such things. I don’t need people to prove me wrong because it will get all of us no where. This happen after I turned 21 years old, I am now 28. Since then I have become aware of so much more then I thought was possible. Ive also been threw a lot of hard times and realize why this man didn’t warn me about anything to do with me. The man told me I would see what he was saying for myself when the time came. The events are of no importance to my well being and have not changed anything for me.

My theory of time travel is about vibrational energy’s. Only those who understand would be capable of such a feat. What people fail to realize is that we are simple people with simple minds. Just because we see no way to do what seem impossible doesn’t mean its not achievable. I can’t explain how everything works because I do not know. Inner peace can play a major role on understanding things. Listening to people that doubt everything because they don’t understand is foolish. When people become angry and curse of those things they don’t understand is no different then being cursed.

So tell us some things that will happen, Mr. Carrot Soup Eater! You can make millions and even donate to charity of $$ is “beneath your superior knowledge and intellect”.

Did I mention I traveled in time too ? :o They loved me so much that they wanted to crown me the queen of england.They insisted so I didn’t know what to do ,then I was like what the heck… just take my name and crown your daughter as me, and they named her Victoria and thus queen Victoria came into being ;)

She should have showed you how to spell “through”.

yep — I’m going here….

you might believe in Jesus Christ, but something tells me you don’t actually KNOW your bible.

Satan’s servants actually can present themselves as ‘angels of light.” Satan would be quite capable of knowing much of your family’s history, as well as events in the future — which he *could* influence, from the spiritual realm.

You didn’t “test the spirit’ of this person…

Its been a year since you posted a comment here I want you to re-read what you wrote, and tell me you don’t sound absolutely insane? Spiritual realm, Satan, angels, demons, and testing spirits… None of that sounds like craziness to you? Name one other thing in your life besides the bible that is over 2000 years old…. I bet you can’t do it without using google! Take your bible throw it away and re-evaluate your life :)

PS. And this has nothing to do with your comment or what i said but I’m stoned lol… Evolution is not a theory its a fact but the moment its announced as a fact, it would destroy all religion!

I mean really think about it, a man is crucified dies, then comes back three days later as a ghost. To me that sounds as real as Santa Claus or the Easter bunny.


Oh, look, someone else whose opinion doesn’t matter to me!!

Yet your religious or whatnot opinion is supposed to matter to us?

why do you care what people believe? you sound like someone who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing and thinks their intellect surpasses that of others. Also, just so you know evolution is a theory if you actually took a science class or looked up the definition of a theory you would see that a theory is not something relative or experimental but is “fact” as you like to call it. Now how about you go throw away your intolerant attitude, re-evaluate your life, and stop dismissing other peoples beliefs. Thanks :)

I was visited by a time traveler from the future too. It was at My High School Reunion when I was wandering around the hallway of the Hotel. He was from the 24th century and to provide proof that He was from the future, showed Me some very old looking coins from the years 2047, 2056, and 2062. He told Me the exact date that hurricane Sandy would go through New Jersey and discribed it in detail. This was in November of 2005. He also said that there will be no monetary system in the 24th century and that all products and services will be freely available without the use of money, credits, or barter and all of the Earth’s resources will become the common heritage of Humanity in general. It’s called a Resource Based Economy.

if there is no money, then how did he have coins? And what are they used for?

The poster said the coins looked old and were dated from a time that is future to us, but precedes the time period of the time traveler. Thus, they would be collectibles to the traveler. ?

The dude was an imaginative carrot soup salesman with some excess inventory he needed to move. Mystery solved.

I believe! We do not know anything about the invisible worlds and infinite possibilities…..

Think about it. Right now, we have the super rich paying for flights into space. So why do we assume that in the future, if time travel becomes reality, that people would travel to the past for scientific purposes? I can imagine a huge tourist industry built around time travel. What better vacation for world weary future dwellers, than to go back in time and experience the world at a favorite time? I would love to visit the turn of the last century, and then go back home in a week or so. Yeah, Dr. Who has a great job.

Bigbuddak, are you a Fringe fan? Sounds like it. As Walter says , “Even the impossible is possible.”

obviously he’s a Doctor Who fan, too! that reference made me super duper happy.

Sissy976’s comment was actually in response to Bigbuddak, who had left a long ranty explanation of his ideas on time travel…which apparently vanished when I switched to Disqus (I’ll see if I can get that back).

But anyway…I’ve never seen Fringe, but I’m totally a Doctor Who fan!

if you like Doctor Who, you would definitely love Fringe! it’s basically a grosser, more earth-bound (though not always!) version of Doctor Who! and all the wonderful drama!

All very explainable.

An obvious question for Basiago: WHO took the ‘photo’? How was said photo FORWARDED to Basiago’s modern era AFTER THE SILVER-PLATE NEGATIVE TOOK HOURS (!) to develop??! DId he tell the ‘photogtapher’ to U.S. mail the picture to an address he represented to the photogapher as being an 1863-address, but was REALLY his own, modern address??? Doesn;t add up…

There is a story somewhere about this. I’m not sure, it’s been awhile since this but the photographer was his father who was there also. It seems the man wasn’t happy that his son was there.

About the 1928 & 1938 women on cell phones….exactly how would they even work? No cell towers, no satellites and no one else to talk to.

Maybe in time there will be no need for cell towers, no satellites all will work like walkie talkie.

In my humble opinion the only way time travel is possible is thru meditation – like astral transport which is an ancient practice perfected after years of concentration by yogis and monks. Do they reckon time travel is the same as the teleportation Andrew Basiago refers to and which he claims he and Obama did when they supposedly teleported themselves to Mars? Man has the capacity to realize amazing feats but we often don’t see that physics and mysticism are interconnected. Lol

So let’s pretend I’m so time traveler. When I get to 1938 the first thing I’m gonna do is pull out my cell phone and talk to who, exactly??? A.) unless I know the chick from Charlie’s movie then there’s probably (definitely) nobody else with a cell phone, and B.) THERE ARE ZERO CELL PHONE TOWERS. Or satellites. (And why isn’t everyone in the picture stunned by an apparent wireless phone??) Now let’s pretend I brought back CD’s. The first thing I’m going to do with those is uhhh, nothing. Because I don’t have a computer. So I might as well let some guy take forever painting me with them while nobody makes a big deal about having different technology. As for the first picture, it’s either photoshopped or those styles really aren’t as “modern” as we think. Nobody is looking at him like he’s out of place or even really taking notice of him for that matter. As for the tomb, pocket watches had been around since the 1600’s. Wristwatches weren’t invented until the later 1800’s. Maybe a traveler from china discovered the Swiss were just ahead of the current? After all, pocket watches were making money for the time being.

The old women with the phone in the 1920s film is using an old fashioned hand held hearing aid.

the photos supposedly mobile phones ……….. can’t be cause even if they are time travellers and took mobile phones with them ..surely they wouldn’t work because the phone masts/towers that now pepper the countryside these days didn’t exsist then so any mobile phones taken back to the time of the photo wouldn’t work

Probably not. However, some would claim that any time travelers from the future would likely have the technology to communicate “through time.” Not sure how that would work, but…

Of course, I don’t personally believe this stuff is evidence of anything, really. Interesting claims, though.

Look maybe more than one came back in time and thy keep in touch by phone and there phone does not need phone masts/towers

Why take a picture of the matching tattoos? I find it convenient that there is no photograph of standing next to each other. To me, that one fact completely debunks this man’s claims.

He took a video, that was a screenshot of the video. Here’s the link to the original:

I dont know if I believe in time travel but there is something really compelling about the video that makes me question it

Actually have the video itself in another post (, but I guess I could just add it to this one, too. Thanks.

Anyway, these are just stories. I certainly don’t believe them, myself, but it’s fun to think about.

(edit: and I just realized I wrote “snapped a photo” up there instead of “took a video.” duh-doy, Fixed.)

Oh yea, thats where I first saw this story, sorry, I forgot to link it. Love your articles by the way, this is one of my favorite sites! :)

That means a lot, GirlParanormal! Thanks! ^_^

Ya of course :) keep on writing!

this video was an ad for life insurance in sweden or something.

But I heard they also specialize in Time Travel Insurance, with surprisingly reasonable rates.

It was a life insurance commercial

Wow! I’m so glad there’s no such thing as Photoshop. Otherwise these pictures would require a lot more proof than .jpgs on a web site!

I am not one that would normaly post something on a site like this, however I do have a couple of things to say. I am not saying that I believe or disbelieve the theory of time travel. I agree with arguments on both sides. But here are a couple of things that are simply food for thought. 1. When Dick Tracey comics first come out, he had things like a telephone in his watch. Once again during that time there were no Cell Towers, no satelites, yet some how he had a phone that worked. Now that technology is available. 2. During the 60s Star Trek came out and they had computers, fought with stun guns, operated with lasers, etc. Now we have these technologies. Although the technology that we have today may not be exactly what people imagined 50, 75 or even 100 years ago, but it is still there. I believe that if a person can imagine something, that somewhere at some point there will be someone that can make it a reality. As far as Time Travel goes, people have been discussing this for 100’s of years. Who am I to say if it exist or doesn’t. For all of you that absolutly refuse to beleive that this is possible, I am just glad you weren;t around the Wright Brothers, or Mr. Bell, or Thomas Edison. Because we sould surely still be in the dark ages.

Damn straight Stew! I agree completely with your comment. If we can imagine it, we can eventually create it. There are many more examples of tech from sci-fi than what you wrote and the more we imagine, the more we will have in the future. All we need as a race is drive and motivation and most importantly to have people around us that encourage us not put us down.

That is the beauty of Manifestation. I believe one of the largest problems is the direction of global consciousness. Also regarding technology, it is a beautiful age we live in where so much information (using the right sources) is directly at our fingertips. Because of this, we can now teach ourselves, (the basics anyways) of Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Carpentry, Engineering, and anything we desire. But with the boom of social networking, it seems all people want to do is study what their friends did the night previous. The internet and especially social networking was meant to bring people closer together, but I believe we couldn’t be farther apart from each other as human beings. It feels like our natural interaction with other humans is diminishing rapidly. While some of us can still see eye to eye, even if we disagree, the majority are hung up on how quickly they can try to bring others down, I see more and more every day how people are thriving on insulting others, and taking joy from it. But the way I started looking at it to stay positive is this, people are very afraid of what they do not understand, If said person is insulting towards me because of my beliefs, or they are just 100% skeptic, I just believe that they are a younger soul and do not understand yet. I sometimes ask for them to be woken up. In the end I always feel more privileged to know that I have a choice to believe or not, rather than just shutting it off and living in the dark.

All Thomas Edison did was steal Nikola Tesla’s ideas and tried to screw Westinghouse!

“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually — from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint — it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly… timey-wimey… stuff.” — The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who, “Blink”

And the whovians have promptly arrived.

Well according to stephen hawking… who knows way more than any of us about the physics of theoretical time travel… It could only happen forward in time, not backwards. The basic theory is that if the human body could somehow survive speeds faster than the speed of light, it would have different effects on the body and the person could end up years in the future with very few years of aging on the human body. So it’s kind of like time traveling because it could be 1000 years later, but your body has only aged 2 years in human time.

Backwards in time though is a totally different thing… and for that you’d have to believe in multiple dimensions to be possible which is a completely different concept.

i have thought the same about the dimensions part. i think this is how ufo’s disappear like they do. they are dimension hoping. maybe they are not from space but another earthy dimension hence we all appear to look the same.

For reals man, I have thought of that too. To travel from another galaxy is nuts…. thinking about the time it would take. Even traveling at the speed of light it would take for ever to get from one to another galaxy. But to think that all you are doing is hopping from another dimension (like in that show Fringe) is quite fascinating. We wouldn’t be talking about distances anymore, but another plane altogether. And now with the theory of a multi-verse becoming more popular… oh man! I get so excited with this topic. Another earth, where humans evolved slightly differently giving us bigger heads and bigger eyes maybe do to the fact that their earth is much darker or whatever… I can write about this for hours. But I will stop here.

Ah yes. I saw something recently on string theory and the math surrounding it and it actually works. All forces on is are the same except gravity. It’s really weak compared to all the others. When using the formula for the others when it’s used with strongtheory Iit actually fits for the math coming from another dimension to here actually which is strange it’s the same formula added into the string theory formula. I have no idea how of course bit it was on the science channel I think on through the wormhole. This would explain why ufo’s disappear suddenly and can reappear like the video from stonehenge which has one of those high intersecting magnetic fields at it. There is water underneath it just like at the pyramids that gives it it’s energy combined with what they built there. Honestly a machine of sorts but made from stone. I know the pyramids have a ton of conclusive evidence of how the water used to hit to ceiling of the lower chamber enough to where it cracked it and water eroded it and there is an aquifer below it too. Of course there is evidence of mars having life with the mathematics used in structures that are used the same in egypt and elsewhere. Then the stories of the mars god being eaten by serpent head god with feathers that is drawn looking like a comet and the ancient gods were said to have mined for god for their atmosphere which is something mars lacks now. Our bone density is more suited for mars along with muscle structure. So this would be assuming the ancient stories are correct of them using their dna with ours which was the knowledge from the tree of life in the bible which when drawn looks like a doublehelix.

Interesting stuff man. That’s all I’m saying. We really know nothing compared to all there is out there. String theory blows my mind every time I read about it. I agree. Pilots of UFOs just have better tech and a better understanding of what we are just starting to learn. Magnetism is so much stronger than gravity too, I bet that magnetism is the key to traveling between dimensions.

Extraterrestrials are able to travel anywhere due to the engines they have in their ships. Ever wonder why most portrayed as a round disc shape? It is because the ship is built around the engine. It is called a Centerfuge engine. It is essentially an electrically charged metal doughnut with a super ferric fluid inside (a liquid-metal which travels with zero resistance). This liquid-metal shaped doughnut is then set around a magnetic spindle then electrically charged. Once charged the fluid in the doughnut begins to flow at incredible speed to at which point creates a gravitational field not unlike Earth’s around the craft. Now, we all know space/time is a bendable fabric, so what this ship can now do is distort space/time around the ship in order to “jump” or “warp” to interplanetary or inter dimensional locations.

It can go both ways. The old drawings from India and their flying machines had “mercury” core type deal which it may have been something else. Not all ufos are from other worlds. I think there are intermission Al beings which would explain ghosts, demons, and other stuff. The military is supposed to havethat reverse magnetic pulse engine that runs silent and reduces the ships weight for flight by altering gravity somewhat. II’m pointing out the laws of physics don’t work fro gravity like all other forces do. The math doesn’t fit unless it originates in another dimension.

But see time travel must allow us to go anywhere in time. Just as easily as the man who went 1000 years into the future, another man could use the same gateway and visit this time and potentially alter his future as well, but because of paradoxes, there would need to be an alternate reality for this traveler from the future visiting us, the normal dimension he came from, and the parallel dimension he created. So in turn what I believe is that time travel is universal and must have the parallel fail safe running along side. In regards to the human body being subjected to speeds near and or above the speed of light, we just need to move space/time around us rather than us moving ourselves. A technology which is also related to interplanetary and inter dimensional travel.

If the women were on cell phones, they wouldn’t work anyway…the phones would require cell service.

Network coverage in the future is surprisingly vast.

bob there is no mirror reflection

yeah there is a reflection of the woman with the phone, next to the lady washing her hands you can see the top bit of the shoulder under marilyn monroe’s hair..

Doesn’t ANYONE read the text? It states that this lady makes fake ‘time travel’ images just for fun, with Elvis, etc. she isn’t trying to fool anyone…. click on the link in the TEXT! C’mon people!

I mentioned right in the post that that picture belongs to photo manipulator Flora Borsi. No, it’s not real.

Or it’s possible she’s a vampire.

A time travelling vampire? That’s pretty ****ing scary. I postulate that the vampires of the future have exhausted their human food supply, and now they are travelling back into the past to feed. That is the only explanation that holds any scientific merit whatsoever. Anything else would be complete and utter nonsense.

Oh no! Futuristic vampire republican videographers. We are doomed, or are we???

there is… bit of shoulder showing right behind Marylyn

the photo with Marilyn is fake. Read the text below. Its an artist who photoshops herself in past photos.

That’s just what she wants you to think ;) hehe

there is a small reflection behind Marlyin monroe”s left shoulder of the girl with the cameras shoulder so there for the photo is not photoshoped

So you think she couldn’t photoshop a reflection? Well even though she has a website of all her projects and admits she gets a kick out of putting herself with famous people I guess since you saw a reflection we have do say she is lying and it MUST BE TRUE!

You photoshop reflections in too! Yes Photoshop is THAT powerful.

well technically the waves would be able to travel inter-dimensionally like gravity and other forces. it may not be time travel but more dimension hoping who really knows lol. i do believe there are many dimensions and anything that is possible happens in them all. this would explain how ufo’s appear and disappear really fast like at stonehenge and places where the ley lines produce a lot of energy.

The things that are assumed to be cell phones are actually small hand radios and the thing that looks like a CD case is a glass plate used in cameras from the late 1800’s as film. Sorry to burst your bubble guys.

Uhhh small (transitor) radios had not been invented in 1928… I also noticed that lady was, or appeared to be, talking and acting as one would on a cell phone.

Now, maybe she was talking to the man 8-10 feet in front of her, on what appeared o be a loud busy street, and prehaps that was a small music box she was listening to, but it was not a radio, unless she was a time traveler that is. ;-) a small radio would be as much an anomaly as a cell hone in the 1920s. Makes me think the video was not made in the 1920s at all, but is a modern film of a movie set from a period picture.

There are sane people here after all!

I read somewhere she was holding an old hearing aid to her ear, the ones that look like a trumpet.

I’m pretty sure the film has been authenticated as real and of the period but the cell phone thingy, well that’s another story.

i Can hardly get signal today so how are these people getting signal in the 20’s?

If real..Maybe time machine line help her..

That’s not a phone or radio, that’s an old fashioned hearing aid.

Except they didn’t have small handheld radios back then. I’m not saying it is a cell phone but it isn’t a hand held radio either.

I heard they were hearing aides?

Doctor, is that your watch? Cause this could be something left from a fixed point in time or temporal paradox?

I think that lady in the 30s has a BRUSH. You know, to brush hair with.

You must not watch Doctor Who… shame

Exactly. Rose and Martha were able to reach their family with their cell phone way at the edge of time.

maybe she held it up just to show she’s from the future??

Maybe one day you will not need cell service.

A quantum entanglement communicator wouldn’t! You could communicate with anyone on the other end regardless of distance/time. It would not need any type of transmitting tower. :)

yeah tesla tower is near to be functional ..,..

Yeah the cell phone towers to transmitt the signals hadn’t been built so they wouldn’t work. Just because someone is seen holding something square to the side of their face and talking, doesn’t prove it is a cell phone.

Well, future people invented time travel, i think they could have invented something so simple like a cell service with network coverage reaching the past as well, or they could have established a cell service in the past for the sole purpose of time travelers having cell service, they wouldn’t have required big antennas, maybe something as small as a pocket wifi that covers thousand of miles.

what if it is not a cell phone we use…it might be any other communicating device which common people don’t know. to communicate with other time travelers…with more advance technology….

You’re thinking of current cell networks.

The cell phones may work if there is no time displacement

she could just be listening to some recording, doesn’t necessarily need to be making a call.

oh my flippen pancakes! wibbly wobbly… timey wimey… STUFF!

i have the exact video camera as the girl in the last picture

Awesome! Like I said, she’s a photographer/photo-manipulator named Flora Borsi. Check out her portfolio:

And for anyone who may be wondering, I’m just having some fun with that image. In fact, I’m 99.9% sure this entire post is ironic…

I thought the whole site was?

I believe the women are holding hearing devices from back then.

Regardless of the validity of these photos, it’s hilarious that people are actually trying to argue the possibility of time travel scientifically. How the hell does anyone know the concepts and foundation of time travel? If they did this page would be redundant!

There is this thing called physics.. knowledge of it can expand your mind a lot. This is how people are able to have arguments worth considering over the possibility of time travel. It IS possible if you understand all of the concepts- problem is, those concepts are all difficult to understand if you arent a physicist or used to reading that kind of material. Start with Steven Hawkings. Imagine if you lived before electricity was invented and someone told you I know how to use science and make light appear at the flip of a switch. You wouldn’t have a clue as to how they would do it and a debate over the possibility of it it would sound pretty hilarious, if you didnt understand how the scientific concepts they were explaining worked..

“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” -Abraham Lincoln, 1776

“Always take a banana to a party.” – The Doctor, ????

ooooooohh a banana aye? ;)

Yep, Tho it is interesting to speculate and ponder in mystery…..

I know know nothing is possible and at the same time everything is true –Abraham Lincoln, 1775

It was actually 1861

I think he was trying to be sarcastically funny, you know Lincoln traveling back to 1776!

OMGosh I just laughted for 10 mins straight ….thanks for the laugh

Are these evidence of time travel? To quote Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 3, line 87: “no”.

The one with the guy and his “future self” was probably justh im and his father, and they have matching tattoos. common.

The biggest issue I have with time travel isn’t the fact that people would purposely go back to change things. My problem comes from the millions of seemingly tiny problems that would snow ball. Lets say I go back in time. I don’t touch anything or speak to anyone. But because I’m standing where someone else was a mosquito bites me instead of them. They don’t get malaria and die. That person has a child who grows up to be worse than any dictator the world has yet seen. Perhaps, even worse, Grace Stirling Morton walks around me only to be accidentally killed by something (maybe a run away horse?) so she isn’t around to give birth to Alexander Fleming. Since Fleming wasn’t around maybe it took another 20 years for penicillin to be discovered. How many thousands of people would die from that chance accident. The problem with time travel isn’t that someone would go back and shoot Hitler, it’s that they would sneeze.

I can’t say. But i think it’s real!

By your logic, in “Time Traveling Celebrities”, Jay-Z should have on modern clothing. After all, this is your “proof” in “Time traveler caught on camera”. So he went back in time then bought new clothes to fit in? Dumb. Almost all of these pictures and videos have been exhaustively debunked, especially the lady with the cell phone clip. It’s an early 2-way communication device like a walkie-talkie – Whoop de doo!!! Lets have some real facts and proof.

It is so hard to tell what hasn’t been altered today, that there is no proof if any of these images are true to life. But, hey, I think the idea is awesome and wouldn’t be surprised if there was some way to travel through time. I do think that the the technology shows might be a bit more advanced than cellphones, but maybe not. Perhaps, the break through will have something to do with the multi-verse theories that are popping up here and there (

the woman in the dupont picture/video WAS on a cell device that dupont was testing with a range that only reached the campus. This has appeared in “time travel” videos and the woman in the video has spoken on this subject and what the device was. YES it was one of the first cell phone devices but functioned more like a walkie talkie.

Um no. You can’t say a cell phone functioned more like a walkie talkie. A cell phone functioning like a walkie talkie is a walkie talkie. Both cell phones and walkie talkies operate on radio waves but a cell phone by definition is operating on a network of cells. This is primarily what makes it a cell phone. This is one way we are able to have so many phones in so many areas with decent clarity. Cell technology and mobile phones were made commercially available in the early 70’s but had been in development for several years but not in the 30s. In the 30s we were just figuring out how to harness the power of AM and FM radio waves as a two-way communication vehicle. Walkie Talkies operate off of radio waves too but free forming waves, simply put it’s kind of like they’re flying all over the place and not directed through cells. In the 30s harnessing the power of and developing radio was brand new so it would have had to of been a very, very early version of a walkie talkie which means it would have operated on AM waves (very weak) and it would be huge, like the size of a breadbox and the battery would be even bigger like the size of a home laser printer. The woman, in short, would have had to been walking with someone else who would be helping her carry the enormous piece of equipment. Dupont was then and is now primarily involved with materials science and in the 30s they would have been completely focused on nylon and plutonium. Radio and communications was not their thing.

1) No, the tomb was not sealed for 400 years. That’s obvious by the presence of the watch-ring. 2) It’s just a guy with a forward thinking fashion sense. . . . By that logic, you might say Bjork, Dennis Rodman, Marilyn Manson, Lady Gaga, and countless others are time travelers. 3) There were no cell phones at the time, so an intelligent person might think she’s holding a small music box or using a handkerchief, or anything before assuming time travel. 4) See #3, though it looks more like she’s holding nothing at all and that her hand is just near her face. 5) Yes, lets believe everything everyone ever says. It’s just a photo of a boy. 6) Without DNA evidence, we must assume the person just had the same look. 7) This is all BS. I’ve read the whole sight and every single one of Titor’s predictions have NOT come true. Be wary of websites making fantastic claims and selling merchandise. Chances are, it’s just about the merchandise. 8) It’s just a box with a glass top. . . . Like a diorama or a music box or anything other than a CD box. 9) If this worked, someone would have patented it and sold it by now. 10) Admitted Hoax 11) So, its a guy that looks like JZ. I’ve seen several old photos of people that look like me, and I’m not a time traveler. I do, however, have genetic similarities to those in my family. Chances are, this is a photo of JZ’s great grandfather’s cousin, or something.

Man invented time , right now it is 12:17 in Florida this is just a mathematical calculation of the rotation of the earth and where the sun is hitting the planet and how long it will be before it hits where I am again . Do you not understand that time is just here to establish order so that we are not just rotating around the sun aimlessly and unaware . time is used to establish patterns in space , to help you get to work at an appropriate and calculated TIME . It is not tangible in any way you can’t alter it the only way time travel is even an idea is if you invent a device that simulates and speeds through our rotations around the sun . sounds possible until you remember that this device would have to be all knowing it would mean that we aren’t making our own decisions and that everything we do has been programmed that’s the only way you can move back and forth is if the supposed device is god and knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen . to go back it would need to know where every person who has ever lived was and what they were doing at that time . to go forward it would need to fast forward through all processes of thought and migration of every living and non-living thing . for you to believe in time travel is to believe that your not even real your just a pawn whose life has technically in time travel terms already been lived and can be re-lived whenever

There is no proof what you are saying is right but you could be right

I believe there are alot of unknown things out there still. But with the women on the cell phone since they hadnt been invented yet who could they possibly be talking to. Their cell service must have great range to go to another demension, I would hate to see that cell bill..

Love the DW reference c;

The man photographed at the bridge opening, has been explained. The type of sunglasses have been used since the 1920s. His shirt is not a graphic tee, as it appears to be. It is a sweater with a pattern woven in. It is very likely that he was just a normal person, in the appropriate time. The alleged CD case could be rationally explained as well. It could very well be glass. Why would someone assume that it’s plastic? Is it because we are so used to seeing jewel cases, that we automatically jump to the an illogical conclusion? A small glass plate could have existed for many reasons. The man meeting his future self was part of an ad campaign. That is common knowledge. Look into it. I find the other instances to be quite intriguing, but the ones that have been disproven should be removed from the site. Until I see definitive evidence against the other claims, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.

They are telling that time travel is possible but its very very dangerous, dangerous means you may get a result of de-seprated body

It’s just a pocket radio..

If time travel was available I would travel 15 minutes into the past before I read this

Paco and Pedro would be very disappointed in these people.

So who could the women be talking to? I know Fido’s service isn’t that good.

Talking to someone who came back in time with her maybe?

It could also be Dr Who…LOL

not if they were also time travel devices, they would be able to work anywhere she went,

simple answer…..transistor radios.

I have heard it said the the crowd that listened to the sermon on the mound was as about 80% time travelers. Seems reasonable. The more important the event the more likely it is to attract time travelers.

About that cd-box, that might be photographic plate. :)

And about Håkan, that was a comercial in sweden by one of a pention company. There were a few more made one by a woman in a dessert when herself in the future pass by and a couple that meet themselves in the future on a tropic island.

Sorry my bad english, im swedish… ☺️

And that swedish commercial. How can that tattoo not fade a little after so many years?

1. The guy w/ strange glasses. I have seen similar glasses in pictures from my family. But check out this link:

2. His camera looks very much like one of these: — All you have to do is research fashion or type of technology for that time period.

3. The woman on the mobile phone: that is obviously a film about that time.

4. The group of 4 women and one is holding something to her ear: that is a money purse – when I was a child sometimes women went out taking just the house keys and the money purse.

5. The modern watch in the tomb saying Swiss made has most likely fallen on the ground many years before and in the excavation was pushed in with the sand.

Things always appear strange removed from context. And the present day technology allows for a lot of very convincing pictures, specially in black and white.

People, for your sanity, do the research and use the “little grey cells” :D

If time travel wasn’t possible we would neverremember yesterday see today or hope for tomorrow

Most of this silliness above is fun but it’s not really about time travel. It’s about photoshop. That said, I have to believe time travel is possible. In fact I believe it happens all the time in a very controlled environment. I don’t believe it’s a government run program. I believe it’s something that was discovered privately in the not too distant future and used to travel back in time. This means there are time travelers among us now. I’m not sure traveling to the future is possible although if one believes time is truly non-linear I suppose traveling to the future would also be possible. I believe our government and many other governments are aware of time travel and how to do it and pay heavily to keep it tightly controlled. I also believe that there will come a day, quite soon, when time travel is understood by average folks and then time travel will become quite commonplace. In short, hold on to your hats, I think in the next decade things are going to get very interesting, but that’s just me…or is it.

Isn’t photoshop another time traveling machine?

if you a time traveler pass it on it will be here one day

Search qronos1. That guy was a real Time Traveler

Even if they take a cell phone back in time, b4 they were invented, it wouldn’t work cuz there would be no cellular network. No coverage.

I can only say that the guy at the bridge opening standing there surrounded by people who don’t seem to react to someone foreign in their midst. if I was to see someone out of character with time (well back then anyway) I certainly would be scrutinizing him. and the ring so small it could have been lost somewhere above ground and storm water might have taken it down. I remain on the fence with this one. we don’t know what is possible in the future. but I still like to think of the possibilities…….

Someone from the future if you want you can come visit me. I’ll bake a cake.

I would think that if you were to encounter yourself back or forward in time you would probably repel yourselves like similar ends on a magnet I wouldn’t believe it would be possible. same as if your to meet your father, mother, grandfather. or your great great grandchildren ect……..

The cake’s ready where are you?

So, my conclusion from this little experiment: either time travel to the past is impossible, or time travelers just don’t like cake. Hmm…

I am getting hungry, thx for the invitation, will come couple of months ago

Okay, Okay, to sweetin the deal come visit me and I will share with you this nice bottle of wine. better hurry its almost gone.

There is a video of a man who is a like a robot with x rays in eyes cellphone in hands etc…just created for fun. And after reading this article i guess the2050 people will think that this person in video is from their age and was a time traveller;-) Guys we made time for ease and is like the axis of the earth

if u have much time and nothing to do. come here with me and start farming. it will shape u. ass dump u editor. !!!

in the Marilyn picture. the women is not photo shopped, but Marilyn is, her beauty mark is actually on the right side of her face. its not supposed to be the left side, so she is the fake part, not the women.

If the old photos show people talking on cell phones now the question arises how are the cell phones working without connectivity because in those times there were no cell phone towers

If i had a time machine,i’d go back and save Marilyn Monroe. I don’t give a damn about the consequences.

Could it be a small radio or walkie talkie? The guy with the sunglasses might have sun sensitivity and glasses were make for him. They look just like the one you get after a laser eye surgery.

Great article! There is, however, something else about time travelers that really annoys the hell out of me. You know how when you’re looking for something you’ve misplaced (or think you have) and there’s literally no place where you haven’t looked, so you go back and start over again and sonofagun, there the thing is, right in front of you? This used to mystify me but now it just pisses me off, and here’s why:

I’ve developed a theory that not all time travelers are not necessarily nice people, and a goodly number of them may also have what we call a drinking or other recreational drug habit. If this is correct, then your “lost” object’s disappearing/reappearing act is, I believe, the result of something like a couple of of these folks’ getting trashed and making some sort of wager–probably a bar bet–that your item didn’t exist in the late 20th or early 21st century and, when challenged, just jumped into the nearest time machine and snagged it from you to bring back so they can get the 50 solars (with apologies to Arthur C. Clarke) or whatever currency unit they’ll be using from the other guy. And since even the biggest jerks will have it ingrained into their pin-sized brains that nothing must be left permanently changed or disturbed during their travels on pain of (hopefully) death, they must and will return the object to the place from whence they lifted it.

Makes about as much sense as anything else. Damn idiot time travelers.

ok no way there using cell phones as they wouldnt work without a cell tower .

time travellers on cell phones – who to ? bad enough getting a signal in 2014 !

The woman looks nothing like Marilyn Monroe. The incident with the tomb has probably been discredited. I could goolgle it now and probably find it to be bogus. The man in the crowd is most likely photoshopped–duh. The dude with the tattoos is full of crap. Ever see the film, “Time Chasers?” As for the rest of this crap, it is an insult to the possibility of time travel.

I thought the same thing. I do not believe that is Marilyn Monroe. Close,but no cigar.

Cell phones in the future don’t have to with the way they work today pretty sure in 50 years it would change have an open mind about anything and maybe you will learn something new

That was me and the doctor…guess we kinda got caught in a picture… ALLONSY!

It mighta been me in some…

Oy! Me maybe! I remember going back around that time!

The one with marilyn monroe is fake.. she has no reflection in the mirrow she is standing in front of

And how would the people be getting reception on their mobile phones?

Turns out, in the future, AT&T may have improved their network a little bit too much.

The Marilyn Monroe one?? Is an artist who inserted herself in a lot of photo’s. Do a little investigation before you write a story.

I believe I referred to Borsi’s photo as from her “faux” time travel gallery. I dedicated an entire post to it (which I actually linked to in the post above):

i’m pretty sure that tie machine with the crystals was from napoleon dynamite….

hmm…I think I saw most of these debunked on another site…..I know, i’m no fun.

this is the person that is creating the journey an I don’t understand the question this is racid ok so don’t bother me I

I believe this,and I think only some people wants to know a bout this secret…and I am 1 of theme…

The so called cd case is simply a wooden box with a glass lid.

The last one is a girl who photo shops herself to historical images. Most of its a hoax.

Actually, the above post isn’t really about time travel. It’s an experiment about reading comprehension and the ability of certain people to perceive irony. Or to at least read the posts they comment on.

If I may say so, the experiment is going rather well.

T-Shirts with logos were available in 1940’s. I’m holding one in my hand that my father wore during army training in 1942 with a large “Camp Wheeler” on it along with US Army insignia. Label says “Full Combed Quality, Sportswear by Welker”.

omg! 10th doctor reference!!

In all time travel ‘discussions’ one thing is missed. In order to travel through time you also have to travel though space – lots of space. A person stood on Earth near the equator is moving at about 1000 mph as the Earth rotates; the Earth itself orbits around the sun at around 66,000 miles per hour; the solar system is orbiting around the galactic core of the Milky way at over 500,000 miles per hour and the galaxy itself is travelling through deep space at around 1.3 million miles per hour. This means that if you were to simply travel back through time, and even if you said that during that ‘travel’ you kept the same velocity, you would undoubtedly find yourself somewhere out in deep space! In order to travel through time and arrive at some specific point on Earth you would also need to do some fairly hefty mathematical calculations AND have a method of ‘beaming?’ yourself to that specific spot at at specific motion. Of course… if you could build a time machine I imagine the space part would be easy right? ;p

Don’t dismiss everything as silly or funny,the military is at least a century ahead of the technology you buy in the marketplace,while not evidence of time travel it could certainly in one of the videos be proof that cellphones have been around a lot longer then what we think….television was used in world war one yet not available to the public until the 1940s

How could any of this girls be talking on their cel phone? There were no antenas to bounce the signal, and who would they be talking to? Did they bring a friend with them just to converse over the cel????

is this really true????

I don’t know what’s happening here but I’m sure The Doctor has something to do with the cell.

the picture of the woman taking a picture of marlin Monroe is a lady who likes to Photoshop herself into historical photos with her phone. if you look it up you can see more of the photos she makes.

Yes. In fact, I mentioned that in the post up there. Her name is Flora Borsi.

Someone kidnapped me and left me in 1956. I am 88 now.

I’ve traveled to the future, and it’s terrible, Americans have no values, everyone is on welfare and they think it’s ok, and the government takes over health care and slowly takes the rights of all Americans! O wait, that’s happening now! O forget it I’m not a time traveler!

Something has changed in the worldline, these are not the same photos I saw and read about on here earlier. It must be the will of Steins;Gate.

That was great… I have seen renaissance paintings which crop half of the face of character or people portrayed to me this hints to photographs at least obscuras.

I dont know to belive…interesting


I just had a brainwave. What if when someone dies and they are buried or cremated, their body is actually taken by time travelers in the future with extremely advanced technology and they are revived. When the body is taken to the future, they put a copy of the body in it’s place and that’s why people cannot be revived after a certain time. They then have the ability to live forever due to the advanced technology of the future along with all their loved ones they have lost. As well as waiting for younger generations to pass away and be brought into the future and revived…FOREVER!!!

that guy at the bridge opening is not a hipster those are his transition glasses with safety side shields. the m on his shirt is the same from the marathon oil

they had me at time traveling hipster lol. but man the cell phone bit was just retarded. that could be anything a hearing aid, a wallet, cigaret cantine. and the guy who went to see his future self , unless he got taller in the future and his tatoo got bigger, I aint buying it.

I find it hard to believe that most humans do not know how to time travel. All you need is 3 solid iron core cylinders, that are 3 feet long and 1 foot in diameter. Also, you need a continuous 500,000 volts and 1,200 amps passing through 3 inches thick copper bare cable. This should make it a continuous circuit. The electromagnetic fields confuses time gravitational electrons, there for messing with God the Father’s time placement with people or any other objects, in time. Now to me this is just common sense. This project might cost under $1,800. Plus, I had so much fun beating atheist in debates in 2007. Yes, I am a scientific show off. But I do not have a good paying job yet.

I forgot to include that the Bermuda Triangle has 3 points. So you must place the 3 super strong electro-magnetic iron core bars, with thick bare copper cables wrapped around them, 4 feet apart from each other. This will speed up all the atoms in the body of the person standing in the middle, in the confused time electron gravity area.

The guy with the “cd” cases is Joseph Smith showing off the golden plates.

the woman talking to her makeup case in 1928 is schizophrenic and delusional . maybe she is space truckin’ but not a travelling time at all .

I know everything is right b’coz I’m one of them

I don’t think so if time traveller existed, as fas as I know only God do this procedure nobody else, if this was true event please show me and I will volunteer to become traveller travel from time to time, generation to generation,

If time traveller existed show me so that I will volunteer myself to be come time traveller. This are for all time traveller if you truly existed please let me know and tell about how to be come like you, if this message what I ask will be granted I’m The first Filipino time traveller it’s easy for everybody recognized Asian people like me if I will travel in the past, it’s sound crazy but I will have desire to travel from generation to generation from.time to time,

Now show me? Then I don’t think so if they are truly existed????? Once again time traveller if you are existed, show me,,,, I will give you my address 28ipil B Nova Tierra Lanang davao city, philippines, then I will wait you,

Recently , I and my significant other discovered that we had missed a scheduled event, after waiting a certain period of time for that event. I will restrain myself from divulging details, but it appears that both of us simply lost a week ! No, my significant other does not do psychedelic drugs.

Time travel device = photoshop.

How come those people around are not curious about the “strange” devises people are holding up their ears and talking to…? I can’t deal…

Is time travel possible? I believe it is. Have we discovered it yet? No. Will we discover it? I doubt it but if it was a person would keep it secret.

Would you go back in time to be an extra in a Charlie Chaplin movie? No Would you go back in time to work in a factory? No Would you go back in time to do any of this in the article above? Maybe some.

I’d go back, put in some money in the bank and simply collect the interest for one. I’d go back and find gold, jewels, etc. that are found later in history and claim them for my own, then put it where only I could find it when I returned. I wouldn’t be greedy with all this, just enough to live comfortably.

I’d go back to find out real history. There is a ton that is just speculation. This is just me, as I adore history. I’d probably try to go back to just before the burning of the Library of Alexandria and see what documents I could take back and preserve.

Let’s say the time traveling cell phones were real and they actually worked when there is literally no cell coverage at all. What would that mean if it WAS real? That would mean the way the signals are sent are not subject to space and time OR it means that the person(s)using the cell phone moved backwards in time but not in space.

well, the watch looks like the eleventh doctor’s wrist watch. it was most likely The Doctor. Doctor, what did you do? The laws of time and space s different. this could just be some fixed point in time, or something left over from a temporal paradox

People please stop and think about this time travel thing.1 if you could travel back in time it would be inpossable for you to remember somthing that hasn’t happend yet. 2 if you could remember it wouldent be the past. 3 how can the past be the past if it hasn’t past, or the future be the future if its the present!

Time is a man made concept. In whitch we can keep track of the past And The presnet. If you could travel into the the future and I were still hear how could we keep track of you. That being said you would have to be a deminsion all your own, Which would make sense but when we talk about deminsions they are allways parallel. If you are aren’t next to us you would be by yourself in oblivion. why you might ask, will if light hasn’t got there yet it would have to be dark.

And as for the past well, if you went there everybody else would be like ghosts why well matter is why, while the effect of light might still be there the matter of people and things would still be moving. So they would physically be in your future. And in order to see the light from the past you would have move faster then it.

The girl whith the cell phone is just holding her heir.

Actually, I developed a time machine but I culd only go back about 10 minutes. It was only useful if I was late for a date with a nice blonde (or my girlfriend).

These pictures are photoshop, also some were in the movie set.

Could it be secret federal governments such as paranormal agencys and off the map secret military bases that specialize in the dealing of UFO sightings ghosts and secret new military aircraft and the testing of possible new and advanced technology for new weaponry etc It could be that the people you see in the photos are indeed the people who work for these government test labs and they could have the technology (Secret to the public) already somehow to move people thru time but as seen in these photos it seems they can only go backwards the past. The people you see maybe are employees for these places and are the testing subjects this would make sense because you need a live person to share the results when he or she gets back. Also as for the phones they can too be some kind of technology not yet shared with the public that do work special made and there using them to communicate back and fourth with there government supperiors back in the present time. Celeb’s movie stars singers and such can be on this too they are very rich and lets face it no average Joe blow is going to go into a secret military base and get the chance to try out any chance of time travel first over more important people that have fame and fortune and prob better connections. Further more even if indeed time travel is possible and they wanted to test it on certain people first it would not be free to try most likely Id say a very heafty like millions amount would have to be paid that certainly lots of Celeb’s can afford over any or most average people. But they would test this on there own employees first thats forsure and theres prob a safefail for this type of procedure they had to have been perfecting it for years and years up untill now so no one would be harmed in anyway while doing this. But again this is just a thought and hunch what I see here and whats talked about How time travel is possible?

The photo of the time travelling hipster looks like a young Justin Trudeau, wibbly wobbly time traveling ooooouuu

Time Travelers with Cameras… Both are holding Kodak folding cameras, the guy forward is holding his so you only are seeing the back and the gentleman with the cool sunglasses, the bellows of the camera is dark and looks like a long lens but it isn’t…

not a time traveler, rare aging disorder that is extreme was recently discovered that .5% of the population have, it is a repressed gene that sometimes activates very young but most of the time it wont until the 20’s or 30’s. Most have the minor version of it aging 5% slower but me and others I do not know by name have the one to where we age 85% slower, I didn’t look 30 until I was 94.

Our Government using time travel to change some of our countries history would be really be something wouldn’t it?

Basiago’s claims are definitely bunk but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a slight possibility he was involved in MK Ultra as an unwilling test subject and that the rest of this madness is the result of that. Makes more sense than him landing on Mars with Barry at least.

Uhh, the marilyn monroe picture with the woman holding a “cell phone” is actually a deck of cards

Looks like a little purse or compact with a flower on it. She’s probably looking in a little mirror.

Everyone needs to research the Philadelphia experiment. In there you will see just how easy it is to have time displacement. They were trying to make a force field back then using the generator trucks instead the power was to great and they not only made molecular separation they also went into time. About 2-5 years later they started to develop solid state products which they had no break through anywhere previously. Break down Einstein’s theory of relativity = time travel. Its not hard to figure out.

Cell phones reall!!!! Anyone ever hear of Transistor radio’s????? New technology in the 1930’s and a must have for trend setters back in the day. Just like the Zenith tombstones radio’s from the 1930s. Not uncommon for people following the news or listing to Music. Yeah that what people used back then….not i-Pods

Cell phone, transistor Radio or clutch purse???? believe what you want, I know which two I’d choose. Doubtful anyone under the age of 40 has ever seen one or the common sense or life history to think it could anything other than a cell phone.

Those fancy goggles look like old school multi-paned sunglasses, the kind that people were wearing at least as far back as the late 19th century. Fella does look out of place though.

Time travel is real, an alien from the future told me!

If rime traveling is real i really wanna do it.

If you want to make a time travel machine first you have to make a big cover or body like car or something where anybody can sit.then make that cover or body in the form of that substance or element where internal vacuumforce does not pass through that body you can say that body vacuum body..but the external force of the world or earth can pass through that body. If external force of the world passes through that body but internal force cannot passes through the inside of that body or cover then u can jump past time or future time. That is my opinion ..abhishek gupta

Time traveling is possible? I want to time travel to past 5 year’s 2011 to go you need help me, my email id [email protected]

And the woman with Marilyn is probably holding a box of cigarettes…

Actually none of John Titor’s predictions ended up happening, and there were several flaws in his predictions anyway.

My Wife is 11.08.2016.  04:10pm death my Wife age 25 year my baby age 4 year please help me time traveler please help me please help 

I think someone found a black and white camera, with a Marilyn Monroe look-a-like wearing contacts and a mole painted on, with a woman in the background, trying to reenact something.

I literally took images of Marilyn, and matched up with this one, I can see the differences in them.

Don’t take the above jokes too seriously. Problem with time travelling is that it is still very rudimentary (also in the future, at the present). Travelling back in time is easy, but also pointless. The other way is a mess. I cant figure out what epoch I started from, they’ve all become history now. And the idea of going back is not tempting having learned what will happen. So most people end up jumping forward repeatedly. Which is why the world is perceived as accelerating in time.

To travel through time is impossible, those showned pictures, videos and the so-called witnesses who claimed to be a time travelers are fake.

Those are not a hard evidences, but Believing in UFO is possible for me indeed.

A flying saucer without lights, first time to saw and how I wish I could ride with it.

To see is to believe.

I once accidentally dropped some sewing needles on floor. The floor was carpeted, I looked high and low, crawled around with a flashlight, and felt around with my hand. Couldn’t find them. I was sitting at a table when they fell, I wasn’t walking around with them so they should have been right there. A day or two later there was a news report that people on an airplane found needles in turkey sandwiches served by the airline. I never found my needles and it did sound like the least likely thing an airplane would have on board. Probably just a coincidence, but it made me wonder.

The need phone towers ha, ha no doubt a photo shop image. But just imagine if we went back in time with our solar powered watches, mobile smart phones, lap top computer it would be a shock to people of that time.

The lady talking on the communicator, while clearly a fun fake video, does suggest that, perhaps, a time traveler could 1) be in contact with home time via a stable/ artificial wormhole or 2) an “accidental tourist” whom is intentionally sending an (SOS) to the future by being caught on film in the subjective time in hopes of rescue.? Fun anyway, and thought provoking to be certsin.

Oh, one more thing: given the current state of afairs in the 21st century, if you ever do find yourself ” Twilight Zoned” into some previous era”, ( and barring such concerns as wars, disasters, witchhunts, and “prehistoric monsters” ) would you truly desire to come back here?! Seriously?! If so, you would have to have some exceedingly good reasons… my opinion, of course.

So during that brief point in time, when cell phones were flat, but people still actually made phone calls, that’s when we had time travel?

cigarettes were big back then and so were cigarette cases. If they were cell phones they wouldnt work and if they were from the future they wouldnt have a prehistoric cell phone to hold.

I wish time travel was possible but I doubt it. First of all the guy with the sunglasses doesn’t look all that out of place to to. I can’t even make out what they’re talking about in the picture with kid looking to the right. The picture is so fuzzy that I can’t see his shoes. The women walking with “cell phones” are thought to be holding an old fashioned hearing aid up to their ear, the commercial with the guy and his “older self” is from a foreign commercial. Look it up on YouTube. And the CD case and what appears to be plastic is probably glass. Who knows what the case was used for.

photoshop is answer for everything

Totally fake

If this is true ….and the creator is yanking our chain from the future can you please go back in time and prevent me from being born. I was born on December 24 1998 Florida fort Myers

No, they are not proof.

Actually cell phones would work, provided they were close enough to the wormhole. See the documentary “Stargate SG1”, they use 2-way radios all the time.

Anyone here want to travel with me? I would enjoy a ride to the 1200s anyone?

There is documentary showing what is all this .. Man with goggles..this goggles all pilots from 1912 there was wearing them … Womans with cellphones .. is a radio … first radio is made in 1860 ..think a little bit more there was already a television difficult to make a handly radio … The other pictures is normal for that time nothing weird ..only if you want to make it weird … Merlin photo was in times magazine ..photoshoped and the story was *imagine how will be if merlin was at our times ? Dont believe so easily ….

The picture with Marilyn Monroe, look at the mirror. The woman standing there with the thing in her hand, she has no reflection at all.

This is fake.

Ok, I’ve been searching the net and I can’t find one article of a blonde woman time traveler. Has no one else noticed the same woman shows up at events in history in the background over and over again? She’s everywhere! And she must not care or she is trying to get in as many photo’s as possible? bragging rights?

Photo of her in the background taking picture of Marilyn Monroe with small camera or cell phone. Hindenburg, San Francisco earthquake and on and on. apparently there is a saucer seen at these sites as well? Anyone doing research on this?

if a person only didn’t fear for there life what things we could tell and in some cases still prove

Comment: The woman behind Marilyn Monroe Holding the cell phone photographing Marilyn DOES appear in the mirror… However. You can only see her shoulder as the rest of her image is obscured by Marilyn’s body. Look closely. Also. time travel forward and backwards is entirely possible as proof is offered with the existence of the past, if there is a past there must be a future. THE REAL QUESTION IS: How far into the future does the future go? You can only travel into the future as far as the future exists. Nostradamus proved there is a future because he saw it. The future can be traveled and viewed. The evidence is there, you only need to open your mind to understand it.

The universe is round. Look at the spiral of galaxies and the shape of planets and stars as proof. Galaxies have the same shape as hurricanes in the confines of our round planet. That’s what I see anyway.

‘ Why ASSUME that painting of an Incan using a — is evidence of ? ‘ Look at the “motov’l” video by ‘advex’ — the scene (long.view FROM ABOVE) of ‘business.dressed’ pedestrians walking {rapidly, seems} across a paved open.area–CAN YOU PICK OUT THE 2 WHO have a different gait ?

Electrically–ions are either positive or negative, achieving positivity results from loss of 1.or.more.electrons–which i presume are pretty valuable to the molecule that lost them\it. Either generosity or theft can account for such loss.

Well, it’s 20/20 right now, and I guess commenting now is somewhat a time warp of some sort. At the moment time travel is just a fantasy wrapped up in a over reacting imagination. Where would we even start? Still it’s a lot of fun to imagine the possibilities if we could surf the molecular field.

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15 Odd Pictures That Could Prove Time Travel Is Real

Time travel is something that Hollywood has popularized in the past few decades. So much so that many want it to actually exist, and will go to great lengths to attempt to prove it’s existence. Some of these claims are ridiculous while others hold a bit more uncertainty. Many people believe that just because an actor looks like someone of the past, it means they’re time travellers.

This claim is by far the most absurd, due to the fact that genetics exist, and pure coincidence. However, more in depth looks at these photos sometimes prove that the two are at least related, if not the same person.

Other photos exist of more convincing proof of time travel. These photos include technology being used during times it wasn’t even invented. Often times this includes cameras capturing huge events of the past. Many believe people of this age decided to travel back in time, and capture higher quality images of these events to share in modern times. While this sounds strange, when you see the types of images, it’s hard to disprove. Many of these images have made their way up the ranks, and were analyzed by top photo analysts to attempt to disprove their legitimacy.

15. The Caged Time Traveler


Everyone’s favorite early 90’s actor Nicolas Cage may be a potential time traveler. You may think this is just a bad summer blockbuster that Cage wrote, but many believe the Cage is indeed a time traveler. The image of the supposed time traveling Nic Cage surfaced after a collector of antique photos came across it in a lot, and quickly uploaded it to the internet claiming it was Nic Cage.

Many people took to disproving this, and for the most part they did. The main feature that differs Nic Cage from the man (his doppelgänger), is his chin. Photo analysts proved that the photo was doctored, and changed the man’s chin to resemble that of Cage’s. However, for many people this wasn’t evidence enough, and still believe the Cage is a time traveling action star.

14. Cell Phone on Set


Many people spotted a strange discrepancy in Charlie Chaplin’s film  The Circus . A scene shows a woman walking on screen in the background, and shows her holding a strange device up to her face, as if she’s talking on a cell phone. It’s worth noting that the film was made during the 1920’s, a time when cell phones weren’t even thought of. So, why is it so blatant that this older woman is using a cell phone in this scene?

Many people point to this film as definitive proof of time travel, however for some things didn’t add up all the way. It turns out that many skeptics believe the woman was hard of hearing, and the device she’s holding up to her face is a hearing aid, and not a cell phone. Several noteworthy publishing sites such as  The Atlantic  have attempted to debunk the theory of time travel based on this claim alone. However, for some it’s not proof enough, and they believe this woman is a time traveler.

13. The Time Traveling Hipster


This image was first posted to the internet in 2004, from an unknown source. The image captures a group event of a reopening of a bridge in the 40’s. Everyone in the picture looks normal except for the man in the middle of everyone. Everything from his strange attire to his hair, screams he’s from he 21st century. Many people have given this man the title of the time traveling hipster, due to his attire.

Many skeptics have disproven the fact that this image is proof of time travel, and it’s simply an unfortunate coincidence. The man in the photo isn’t photoshopped in, but is just wearing strange clothing during the time. Many believers say that this isn’t proof enough, and don’t believe that this strong a coincidence is proof enough to disprove time travel.

12. Recording the Big Tyson Fight

One of the biggest fights in boxing took place back in 1995. It featured one of the best known fighters of this era, Mike Tyson. However during a certain segment of the fight, a crowd member can be seen in the background holding what seems to be a smart phone, with a camera. While some mobile devices were made back then, they certainly didn’t have a camera installed in them.

Many people quickly jumped to the idea of time travel, however many have disproven this throughout the years. While camera phones weren’t available in 1995, cameras that resembled the one in the video were available. They were large in size, and had many different colors including white. When you see a picture of these cameras, it may prove to you that this audience member isn’t actually a time traveller…

11. Alright, Alright, Alright Back in Time

You may know Mr. McConaughey from his many five star films, in which he plays a smooth class older man. However, you may not realize that he’s also a time traveller, and no this isn’t some sort of strange fan fiction, based on his film  Interstellar . A Reddit user uploaded a photo of one of their relatives they found in an old box of photos, and noticed the striking resemblance to McConaughey.

While the reddit post simply says “my great grandfather looks just like Matthew McConaughey”, many speculators, and commenters on the post started to see too much of a resemblance, and claimed that Matthew was a time traveler. Good new is if he’s actually a time traveler that Reddit poster will surely see some money in her future, if she is related to Matthew McConaughey.

10. Front Row Picture

This picture was taken in 1962 during the Fifa World cup, and shows the winner proudly holding up their prize trophy. However, if you look closer in the front row, you can see someone in the crowd holding up what appears to be a flip phone, capturing the moment on camera. While the photo is convincing it was simply a trick of the eye, due to the angle at which the photo (above) was taken, it makes it appear as a flip phone.

It makes you think that when people see old pictures like this, and see technology, they immediately assume it’s time travel. However, if you were a smart time traveler you’d bring a higher quality camera, like an iPhone or something. Who knows, maybe there’s a time travelers guide we should brush up on.

9. Time Traveling iPhone

Speaking of iPhones… This photo was taken from a scene in a movie that was filmed in the late 30’s. The woman can be seen walking, and holding up what appears to be a cellular device, small enough to be an iPhone with a large case around it. However, cell phones weren’t even thought of in the 30’s. The photos, and the scene taken from the movie convinced people all around the world, time travel must be real.

However, while she isn’t talking on an iPhone per say, she is talking on a mobile device. She was testing out the device, that resembled that of a walkie talkie. It can be assumed she was talking to someone else, who had the other walkie talkie. Walkie talkies were invented many decades ago, to help communicate during war times, therefore they were quite common during this period.

8. Astronaut Sculpture Proves Time Travel


This cathedral home in Salamanca, boasts a large sculpture of an astronaut in one of it’s walls. The strange part is that the cathedral was built in the late 1700’s a few centuries before anyone even thought of shooting off into outer space. This left many scratching their heads, and for a long time many believed it was just a coincidence. However, time travel believers took this to the grave as definitive proof.

That is until it came out that the building saw restoration in the 1990’s, that added int eh statued astronaut. Many people believe this is a cover up, but have no evidence that the astronaut statue was there before the supposed reconstruction. This is the best explanation that was given, and many people decide to believe it.

7. Game of Time Travel


While many Game of Thrones fans are eager to learn more about the characters in the world, leading up to the last season, this was one they never knew they wanted. Peter Dinklage most known for his role in the hit HBO series  Game of Thrones  is thought to be a time traveler based solely off this painting.

A Spanish painter named Diego Velázquez painted this portrait of a small man, in 1645 who shares a strange resemblance to the present day dwarf Peter Dinklage. A little too strange a resemblance. While the two share obvious similarities, this is simply a strange coincidence. It’s unknown the reason Dinklage would want to travel back in time that far back, but maybe it was simply to study up for perfecting his role in  Game of Thrones. 

6. Late Night Time Travel

Everyone’s favorite late night host, boasting tall hair, may have a secret he’s not telling anyone. That secret is he’s a time traveller that decided to travel back in time, to serve in the military; a life long dream of his. This sounds ridiculous, and it is, but based on the similarities in the above photos, many believe that Conan O’Brien is indeed a time traveling late night host.

While the photo of Marshall Harvey Titchwell is the only definitive proof of Conan time traveling, after doing some digging in the late night host’s Twitter, we found this. “I saw the time travel movie Looper. I saw it twice, the day it came out and when they rereleased it in 2044.” This tweet all but confirms peoples suspicions. Rule number 34 of time travel, make it too obvious…

5. Eddie Murphy Stuck in the Past


While many people may think Eddie Murphy needs to be a time traveller to save his comedy career, many actually believe he is. The photo taken of Eddie Murphy to the left is of him in the 1800’s posing for a picture, with his suit, and bowler hat on. While the similarities are strange, there is no definitive proof linking the two together. Or any proof that the two are even related.

Not much is known about the man in the picture, which leaves many to believe that it is indeed Eddie Murphy. The dates also get confusing of when the picture was taken. While many sources say the photo was taken in the late 1800’s, many believe the attire to be that of the 1920’s or later. There is too much mystery up in the air for this one, and it leaves many people believing it’s purely coincidence.

4. The Grand Time Traveller

After many photos of old celebrity time travelers began to hit the internet, many collectors began to trifle through their collections, in hopes of starting rumors, and claiming internet fame. However, one collector found this image of a John Travolta look alike, and decided to make a profit on it. He decided to list the item for 50,000 dollars. In his listing he also wrote “I know you are saying John Travolta is alive today in 2011 and he doesn’t look 151 years old, John Travolta is a Scientologist, and many Scientologists believe in a type of reincarnation. Of course, time travel can’t be ruled out as well”.

While his argument on the front of scientology sounds accurate, it doesn’t prove that time traveling exits. Also, the photo he dug up doesn’t even look like John Travolta. The photo never proved to be convincing enough to sell, and they’re still present in the man’s collection.

3. Timberlake Through Time

Another photo of another famous actor has surfaced due to the popularity of look alike. However, unlike the rest, this one seems to be the most convincing just based off of looks. The picture of the supposed Justin Timberlake time traveler looks to be taken during the Civil War era, and it shows a man who looks like a military man.

Not much else is known about the origins of the photo, just that it shares distinct similarities with the super star Justin Timberlake. Many people believe that the lack of info is enough to prove that Justin Timberlake is in fact a time traveler. However, many people believe that it’s purely a coincidence, or possibly even a distant relative of Timberlake.

2. I’m Thinking I’m Back In Time


💪 NCAA athletes in Paris 2024

🏃 Where USA T&F went to college

🏀 3x3 men's basketball roster

🏐 Where USA volleyball played in college

Tennessee wins the 2024 Men's College World Series

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  • Championship Info
  • Game Program

Men's College World Series

  • 🗓️ 2024 schedule
  • 🔮 Future dates
  • 🤔 How the MCWS works
  • 🏆 Programs with the most MCWS titles
  • 💪 Coaches with the most MCWS wins
  • ⚾ Every champion in tournament history

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Everything you need to know about how the Men's College World Series works

Di baseball news.

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  • Finishing 'unfinished business' — how the Vols conquered the 2024 Men's College World Series
  • Tennessee vs. Texas A&M : 2024 Men's College World Series Finals Game 3 highlights
  • Tennessee baseball wins the 2024 Men's College World Series | Final out
  • Here's what's happened in every Game 3 in MCWS finals history

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College baseball career home run leaders

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Here are the baseball programs with the most Men's College World Series titles

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The 7 longest home runs in MCWS history (that we know of)

Follow di baseball, 🔸 good ol' rocky top | tennessee wins 1st title 🏆.

Tennessee baseball

The Tennessee Volunteers beat Texas A&M in Game 3 of the 2024 Men's College World Series finals, 6-5 . With their 60th win of the season, the Vols won the first national title in program history.

Texas A&M beat the Vols, 9-5,  in Game 1 of the MCWS finals, then Tennessee completed the come-from-behind feat for the title,  using late offense to top the Aggies in Game 2, 4-1 , and maintaining an early lead in Game 3. With an RBI and a home run in Game 3, Dylan Dreiling won Most Outstanding Player of the 2024 MCWS. Dreiling also made history as the first player to hit a home run in all three of the MCWS finals games.

The Vols went up 6-1, highlighted by Hunter Ensley's acrobatic slide to avoid Jackson Appel's tag, before the Aggies scored four straight runs in the final two innings to cut the deficit to one. Tennessee closer Aaron Combs finished the job, striking out Ted Burton for the Tennessee victory.

📌 Texas A&M tacks on 2

The Aggies get two more on the board with Hayden Schott's RBI single and Caden Sorrell's RBI double, scoring Schott. The scores brought Texas A&M's deficit to three, 6-3.

Keep chipping away! #GigEm x @CadenSorrell x #MCWS — Texas A&M Baseball (@AggieBaseball) June 25, 2024

🪄 Two-out magic for the Vols

Tennessee conjured three runs with empty bases and two outs in the bottom of the seventh.

Billy Amick singled first, then Dylan Dreiling swatted his third homer in the last three games, sending a no-doubter over the right field wall for two insurance runs. 

Hunter Ensley then singled to left and Kavares Tears' double bounced off the centerfield wall to grant Ensley just enough time to round the bases. Watch his slide to the bag to avoid the tag ⤵️

SAFE!! 111 mph off the bat from KT and an incredible slide at home by Hunter to avoid the tag!!! 📺 (ESPN) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 25, 2024

🤫 Aggies & Vols add RBI hits in the 3rd

Texas A&M centerfielder Travis Chesnut stole third and advanced home on Gavin Grahovac's single to knot the score at 1-1 in the top of the third.

The Vols responded with Dylan Dreiling's sac fly to score Blake Burke at third, granting the Vols the lead again. Dean Curley slammed another RBI single to extend Tennessee's lead, scoring Hunter Ensley. Tennessee finishes the third up 3-1.

Vols add another 🍊 #MCWS x 🎥 ESPN / @Vol_Baseball — NCAA Baseball (@NCAABaseball) June 25, 2024

👋 C-Mo sends one out of the park

A leadoff homer off the bat of Christian Moore puts the Vols up early, 1-0.

C-Mo came to play! Vols strike first! 📺 (ESPN) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 24, 2024

Game 3️⃣ lineups

Here are the starters for Game 3 of the 2024 MCWS finals:

Tennessee starters

MCWS Game 3️⃣ | The Grand Finale

Texas A&M vs. Tennessee for MCWS Finals

This is it. Tonight's game between Texas A&M and Tennessee will determine the 2024 Men's College World Series national champion. The series is tied 1-1 after the Aggies won Game 1, 9-5, and the Vols secured a 4-1 win with a late rally in Game 2. Each team is within reaching distance to claim their program's first-ever national title.

Here's how to keep up with tonight's game:

  • MCWS Final Game 3 :  Tennessee vs. Texas A&M

Check back here for live updates on big plays, scores and more. |  Tap here for the full bracket.

🙂‍↕️ Vols force Game 3

Tennessee baseball

Tennessee held on to its 4-1 lead to force a winner-take-all MCWS Finals Game 3 tomorrow. Two 2-RBI homers in the seventh and eighth innings gave Tennessee the advantage as the Vols held the Aggies scoreless after Jace LaViolette's first-inning homer. Though the Aggies put two runners on in the bottom of the ninth, they were unable to finish the job against Tennessee closer Nate Snead, flying out twice to end the game.

This marks Texas A&M's first loss in the 2024 NCAA tournament — the last time the Aggies had lost a game this season was to Tennessee in the SEC tournament (7-4). 

The Aggies and top-seeded Volunteers will face each other once more in Game 3 — the winner will be crowned the 2024 national champion. Tune in tomorrow at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN.

Vols add ✌️

STARK INDUSTRIES 🚀 BANG! 📺 (ABC) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 23, 2024

😏 Tennessee takes the lead

The Volunteers struck big in the seventh. After Christian Moore walked and stole second, Dylan Dreiling sent a ball over the right field wall to plate two. Tennessee leads in the top of the 8th, 2-1.

They don't make 'em any more CLUTCH than DYLAN DREILING! LET'S GOOOO! 📺 (ABC) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 23, 2024

⚔️ Pitching duel thru 4

GOT HIM IN TIME #GigEm x #MCWS — Texas A&M Baseball (@AggieBaseball) June 23, 2024

🔥 Drew Beam strikes out the side

Drew Ks the side in in the second and has struck out five in a row! 📺 (ABC) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 23, 2024

☄️ Aggies strike first

AGS STRIKE FIRST 💣 #GigEm x @JaceLaViolette2 x #MCWS — Texas A&M Baseball (@AggieBaseball) June 23, 2024

MCWS Finals Game 2️⃣ Lineups

MCWS Game 2 lineups

💪 Texas A&M takes Game 1

Texas A&M baseball

Despite Tennessee's effort to gain runs back in the final innings, Texas A&M's massive third inning and lockdown defense sealed its Game 1 win, 9-5. The Aggies set the tone with a leadoff homer from Gavin Grahovac and didn't let off the gas in the third, plating five with Kaeden Kent's two-RBI single as the exclamation point. The Aggies did not err once defensively as the Vols racked up three errors, one resulting in an A&M RBI. Evan Aschenbeck secured the win, pitching 2.2 innings while striking out seven and allowing two hits and no walks.

The teams face off in Game 2 of the MCWS finals at 2 p.m. ET Sunday on ABC.

Colombia Draws Brazil 1-1 and Will Play Panama in Quarterfinals While Seleção Face Uruguay

Daniel Muñoz scored the tying goal during first-half stoppage time, and Colombia won its first-round group at the Copa America with a 1-1 draw against Brazil that extended its unbeaten streak to 26 games

Godofredo A. Vásquez

Godofredo A. Vásquez

Colombia's Luis Diaz gestures to fans after Colombia tied Brazil 1-1 in a Copa America Group D soccer match Tuesday, July 2, 2024, in Santa Clara, Calif. (AP Photo/Godofredo A. Vásquez)

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) — Colombia coach Néstor Lorenzo challenged his team to stay sharp and energized through every physical and emotional moment against mighty Brazil, all the way through two scorching-hot halves of soccer and nearly another 10 minutes of stoppage time.

“This was a match that we all wanted to have our strong moments of play, and I think we have taken another step forward," Lorenzo said. “With Brazil, you cannot be careless not even one second."

Daniel Muñoz scored the tying goal in the first-half stoppage time, and Colombia won its first-round group at the Copa America with a 1-1 draw against Brazil on Tuesday night that extended its unbeaten streak to 26 games.

Colombia goalkeeper Camilo Vargas saved Brazil's final chance on a shot by Andreas Pereira in the fifth minute of second-half stoppage time.

Colombia plays Panama in a quarterfinal on Saturday in Glendale, Arizona, while Brazil fell into what appears to be a more difficult game against Uruguay later that night at Las Vegas.

“It will be a difficult game against Uruguay, but they also know they will have a difficult game against Brazil," Brazil coach Dorival Júnior said.

Los Cafeteros, who finished with seven points to Brazil's five, had back-to-back scoring chances in the 84th minute but couldn't capitalize.

Brazil went ahead in the 12th minute when Raphinha launched a left-footed free kick into the upper right corner of the net just above the outstretched hand of Vargas.

The Brazilian winger jumped and pumped his fist as the seasoned Seleção struck first at Levi's Stadium, home of the NFL's San Francisco 49ers.

Players put on an entertaining show in the Group D finale, with Brazil’s Bruno Guimarães calling Colombia “a stone in our shoe” in the lead-up to Tuesday.

“There’s a sense of satisfaction after playing such a strong opponent,” Lorenzo said. “Now we need to think about Panama.”

What was expected to be a tense, foul-filled match more than lived up to that hype, featuring five yellow cards as a sea of jerseys of the same color representing both countries packed the seats — once the fans finally got inside, that is. Some scanning equipment became very hot and slowed the entry process.

A crowd of 70,971 attended the game, and the 24 group-stage games drew 1,115,400 for an average of 46,475.

The Bay Area is facing an excessive heat warning and the temperature at kickoff was 98 degrees — though about half the field on one sideline was shaded.

In the eighth minute, James Rodríguez had Colombia's best early chance when he hit the bar on a left-footed shot on a direct free kick from outside the penalty area He had another shot in the 16th that sailed high.

The midfielder, who turns 33 on July 12, has three assists this tournament for Los Cafeteros.

“It was like a final. It was super competitive game," he said. “It’s such a thrill facing star players. It’s the beautiful part of all this. ... There’s still a lot of work to do and on Saturday we have to come out and play very focused.”

Brazil, a team so accustomed to chasing championships in this event, faces a tougher road without a win against Colombia.

The Seleção have captured nine Copa titles and were runner-up in the 2021 tournament.

Colombia already had secured its spot in the quarterfinal round and has a 26-match unbeaten streak — including a 5-1 victory against the U.S. in a pre-tournament friendly, while Brazil then settled for a 1-1 draw with the Americans four days later in another tuneup.

Colombia beat Brazil 2-1 last year in the South American qualifiers and their first meeting since three matchups in 2021, when Brazil topped Colombia 2-1 in the Copa America.

AP Copa America coverage:

Copyright 2024 The  Associated Press . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Photos You Should See - June 2024

Beverly "Cookie" Grant reacts to the Fanflashtic experience, an operational replica of one constructed at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, at the Museum At Bethel Woods, Friday, June 14, 2024, in Bethel, N.Y. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

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