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UK's Prince Harry and Meghan visit Queen Elizabeth

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Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, visit One World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City

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Pope Francis holds weekly general audience

Pope Francis invites comedians including Whoopi Goldberg to Vatican

Pope Francis, who says he regularly prays "Lord, give me a sense of humour", will welcome comedians from around the world to a cultural event in Italy to "celebrate the beauty of human diversity," the Vatican said on Saturday.

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The Queen’s 10 most memorable royal trips abroad

By Hope Coke

While most of us associate travel abroad with holidays, things were rather different for the Queen, who spent much of her lengthy reign traversing the globe in her capacity as monarch. From State visits to Commonwealth tours, she was a master (or mistress) of diplomacy, meeting a slew of high-profile world leaders (from the esteemed to the controversial), and visiting historic destinations – often in the company of her late, beloved husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. Find out more about some of her most intriguing international visits below.

Image may contain Human Person Crowd and Gunter Pleuger

Commonwealth Tour: 1953-1954 When the Queen acceded the throne following the death of her father, King George VI, in 1952, she began her reign with a monumental tour of the Commonwealth of Nations – of which she had just become head. The longest Commonwealth tour to date, it lasted an impressive six months (from November 1953 to May 1954), and traversed 44,000 miles: taking in the West Indies, Australasia (encompassing Australia, New Zealand and some neighbouring islands), Asia and Africa. It marked a significant moment for the new Queen as she fully embraced her role and the duty that came with it, as her and her husband, Prince Philip, left the young Prince Charles and Princess Anne behind for much of the trip. The family were then reunited in Malta, before they all sailed home together via Gibraltar aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia.

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Dwight D. Eisenhower Suit Coat Overcoat Elizabeth II and Face

USA: 1957 Although she had visited the USA prior to becoming Queen, October 1957 marked Elizabeth II’s first visit to the country in her capacity as monarch. She was hosted by the 34th US President, Dwight D Eisenhower, for a four-day State trip, during which she visited New York City, Washington DC and Williamsburg in Virginia. Eisenhower had first met Elizabeth when she was a young princess, so the reunion carried particular poignancy for them both.

Image may contain Human Person Art Painting Building Architecture and Dome

India: 1961 India had been part of the British Empire within the Queen’s lifetime, with her own parents, King George VI and the Queen Mother (then Queen Consort) having been the last Emperor and Empress of India until the British Raj was dissolved in 1947. Coming in light of England’s problematic imperial history, it marked a new chapter in relations between the two countries when the Queen and Prince Philip made a State visit to India in 1961 – the first trip by a reigning British Monarch since the country gained its independence. The previous visit had taken place some 50 years before, in 1911, when King George V and Queen Mary of Teck were proclaimed Emperor and Empress of India at the Delhi Durbar.

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Shoe Footwear Tie and Accessories

Silver Jubilee Commonwealth Tour: 1977 To mark the significant milestone of 25 years on the throne, the Queen undertook a special Silver Jubilee tour in 1977. The monarch and Prince Philip travelled over 56,000 miles, visiting 14 Commonwealth countries, such as Western Samoa, Australia and New Zealand, as well as making their first ever trip to the island nations of Fiji and Tonga. The Queen is said to have personally wished to undertake such an ambitious tour, in order that she could share in her Jubilee celebrations with as many people as possible.

Image may contain Helmet Clothing Apparel Human Person Elizabeth II Shoe and Footwear

Germany: 1990 Although the Queen had paid numerous previous visits to West Germany during her reign, her trip in November 1990 marked her first journey to the country since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 – a significant historical moment as the Cold War de-escalated across Eastern Europe. The Queen was hosted by President Richard von Weizsäcker, and was greeted by some 600 children waving Union Jack flags as she visited the Laarbruch RAF base for an inspection. Making a rare trip alone, rather than in the company of the Duke of Edinburgh, the monarch then went to have tea with Von Weizsäcker at his Hammerschmidt Villa in the German city of Bonn.

Image may contain Candle Human Person Suit Coat Clothing Overcoat Apparel Tie Accessories and Accessory

Russia: 1994 Another historic event was the Queen’s visit to Russia in October 1994, constituting her first trip to the country. Hosted by Boris Yeltsin, the first president of Russia following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a spokesman for Yeltsin commented on the significance of the moment, stating, ‘We realise that the British queen would never have visited a Communist country’. The Queen was joined by her husband, Prince Philip, first visiting Moscow (where they stayed at the Kremlin as Yeltsin’s guests), before going on to St Petersburg.

Image may contain Human Person Military Coat Clothing Apparel Military Uniform Officer and Hat

South Africa: 1995 The Queen visited South Africa as a young princess with her parents and sister, King George VI, his Queen Consort (later the Queen Mother) and Princess Margaret, and turned 21 during the tour. In a speech broadcast from Cape Town on her birthday, the future Queen pledged her commitment to the Commonwealth, promising that her ‘whole life… shall be devoted to your service’. Yet the dawn of Apartheid in 1948 meant the Royal Family did not visit the country for a number of years (despite the Queen technically being its monarch until 1961). So it was an important moment when the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh travelled to South Africa aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia in March 1995, coming as a gesture of support to its new government after the end of Apartheid, when they were hosted by new President Nelson Mandela.

Image may contain Elizabeth II Hat Clothing Apparel Human Person Crowd People Marching and Military Uniform

Golden Jubilee Commonwealth Tour: 2002 To mark the 50th anniversary of her accession to the throne, the Queen undertook a special Golden Jubilee Tour to visit four Commonwealth countries – Jamaica, New Zealand, Australia and Canada – kicking off in February 2002. Festivities were somewhat subdued, however, in light of the sad death of the Queen’s younger sister, Princess Margaret, earlier that month. Yet there were some memorable moments during the trip nonetheless, such as a power cut during a banquet on the final night of the Queen and Philip’s stay in Jamaica.

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Image may contain Elizabeth II Hat Clothing Apparel Human Person Flag Symbol and Sleeve

Canada: 2010 Elizabeth II was technically the Queen of Canada, albeit as a constitutional monarch with a largely symbolic function, represented by Governor Generals and Lieutenant Governors within the country. It’s perhaps unsurprising, therefore, that she has visited Canada more than any other country: an impressive 27 times during her reign. The most recent trip was in the sumer of 2010, when the monarch and the late Prince Philip were hosted by the 27th Governor General of Canada, Michaëlle Jean. The couple’s visit coincided with Canada Day on 1 July, which they celebrated on Parliament Hill in Ontario. There, the monarch gave a speech to a crowd of some 100,000 revelers, wishing them ‘all the very happiest Canada Day.’

Image may contain Philip Tomalin Clothing Apparel Elizabeth II Hat Human Person Military Uniform and Officer

Malta: 2015 The Queen had not been abroad for some seven years prior to her death. Her most recent international trip, however, was to Malta, for the 24th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November. Despite the official nature of the visit, during which she attended a summit with the theme of ‘The Commonwealth – Adding Global Value’, Malta also carries particular sentimental significance for both the Queen and her late husband, Prince Philip, who accompanied her on the trip. The royal couple lived in the country from 1949 to 1951, while Philip was stationed there as a naval officer before his wife became Queen. It is said to have been an extremely happy time for the young couple, adding particular poignancy to the fact that their 2015 visit was their last trip abroad together.

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Tracing Queen Elizabeth’s steps through the U.S.

By Danielle Paquette | Sep 10, 2022

During her seven-decade reign, Queen Elizabeth II visited more than two dozen cities across the United States. She chatted with Girl Scouts, football players, presidents and Frank Sinatra . She cheered on race horses in Kentucky. She requested a ham sandwich with the crust removed in Texas. She sported a tweed skirt-suit in Yosemite National Park.

Wherever England’s longest-serving monarch went, photographers followed, capturing generations of Americans in the throes of Royal fever (and more than a few signature handbags ).

Oct. 17, 1957 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II heads to the White House as crowd's line Washington streets to see the royal monarch.

Oct. 18, 1957 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II accepts a doll for Princess Anne from 7-year-old Pamela Springmann during a visit at Children's Hospital.

Queen Elizabeth II and Vice President Richard Nixon tilt their heads for a better view of the oil paintings on the interior of the Capitol dome during a tour.

Oct. 19, 1957 | College Park, Md.

Co-captains of North Carolina and Maryland meet Queen Elizabeth II before the start of a game.

Oct. 21, 1957 | New York

Queen Elizabeth II, wearing a mink stole, and Prince Philip, standing next to a viewing telescope, view New York City from the observatory roof of the Empire State Building. The Queen said, "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Queen Elizabeth II, in a plastic domed car, rides up lower Broadway through a shower of ticker tape and confetti during procession to City Hall.

Queen Elizabeth II addresses the United Nations General Assembly.

Her Majesty kicked off a seven-city tour of the nation’s east in 1976 with a stop in Philadelphia, where she unveiled a gift for the City of Brotherly Love: a Bicentennial Bell to celebrate 200 years of American independence from English rule. (The bell remains in storage .)

July 7, 1976 | Andrews Air Force Base, Md.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip walk down the ramp of their aircraft near Washington.

July 7, 1976 | Philadelphia

Queen Elizabeth II is greeted by the Girl Scouts of America.

July 8, 1976 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II arrives at the U.S. Capitol.

On her New York leg, Elizabeth was spotted squeezing through city throngs, underscoring the lighter security protocols of yesteryear.

July 10, 1976 | New York

Thousands surround Queen Elizabeth II as she walks from the Federal Building up Wall Street to Trinity Church with Mayor Abraham Beame.

J Walter Green

July 10, 1976 | Charlottesville, Va.

Queen Elizabeth II tours Thomas Jefferson's Monticello home.

July 11, 1976 | Boston

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip wave to spectators below from the balcony of the Old State House before the Queen descended to street level to address the crowd. The location is the site of the Boston massacre, an event which led to the Revolutionary War.

Elizabeth returned in 1983 for a trek through the West Coast. She visited a Southern California retirement home, led a champagne toast with then-president Ronald Reagan and absorbed the mountain views at Yosemite National Park.

Feb. 26, 1983 | San Diego

Queen Elizabeth II reviews the U.S. Marine Corps honor guard as she arrives for a State visit.

Feb. 28, 1983 | Sierra Madre

Queen Elizabeth II shares a smile with 97-year-old Sibyl Jones-Bateman after the monarch was presented with a bouquet during tour of the British Home retirement community near Los Angeles.

March 3, 1983 | San Francisco

President Ronald Reagan and Queen Elizabeth II raise their glasses in a toast during a state dinner at the M. H. de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park.

Ed Reinke/AP

March 5, 1983 | Yosemite, Calif.

Park superintendent Bob Binnewies points out highlights from Inspiration Point to Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to Yosemite National Park.

The queen, a horse racing enthusiast, landed in Kentucky five times between 1984 and 2007, according to the Courier-Journal . She was known to turn up at horse farms, admiring the mares and foals.

May 23, 1986 | Versailles, Ky.

Queen Elizabeth II puts out her hand to her filly foal by the mare Christchurch and Alydar during a visit to Lane's End Farm.

May 27, 1986 | Lexington, Ky.

Queen Elizabeth II exchanges pleasantries with a line of Fayette County (Ky.) and Kentucky State Troopers on the tarmac as prepares to depart following a five-day visit.

Amy Sancetta/Associated Press

May 26, 1989 | Lexington, Ky.

Queen Elizabeth II is welcomed by a child upon her arrival during a private visit to the U.S.

David Banks

During her 1991 visit, Elizabeth addressed Congress. Lawmakers gave the monarch a standing ovation, while opponents of British occupation in Northern Ireland protested outside the Capitol.

May 14, 1991 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II and President George H.W. Bush review the troops after the Queen's arrival at the White House.

May 15, 1991 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II holds flowers presented to her at Drake Place, a housing project.

May 16, 1991 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II is applauded by Vice President Dan Quayle and House Speaker Thomas Foley before her address to the U.S. Congress.

Doug Mills/AP

Elizabeth’s last U.S. state visit came in 2007, when she arrived for the 400th anniversary of England establishing its first permanent North American settlement in Jamestown, Va.

She dined with then-president George W. Bush, watched the Kentucky Derby through bulletproof glass and checked out Washington memorials.

May 4, 2007 | Lexington, Ky.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip look out of the window of an SUV as they leave the Bluegrass Airport after arriving.

Morry Gash/AP

May 5, 2007 | Louisville, Ky.

Queen Elizabeth II chats with Prince Philip as Susan Lucci (black hat) looks on at the 133rd Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs.

Rob Carr/AP

May 7, 2007, | Washington

President Bush smiles at Queen Elizabeth II before the start of a State Dinner at the White House.

Evan Vucci/AP

May 8, 2007 | Washington

Queen Elizabeth II and U.S. Park Service Director Mary Bomar walk around the National World War II Memorial during a visit by the Queen and Duke.

TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images

May 8, 2007 | Greenbelt, Md.

Queen Elizabeth II accepts flowers from children while walking during a visit to the Goddard Space Flight Center.

Larry Downing

Elizabeth made her final stop on American soil in 2010 to address the United Nations General Assembly. “I believe I was last here in 1957,” she deadpanned to her New York audience.

July 6, 2010 | New York

Queen Elizabeth II leaves a wreath of flowers at the site of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attack during her visit.

Lucas Jackson

Queen Elizabeth II speaks at the United Nations Headquarters.

Seth Wenig/AP

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NBC Boston

When Queen Elizabeth Visited Boston: Redcoats, the Royal Wave and American Cheering

British soldiers dressed in the red coats that were infamous during the time of the american revolution stood once again by massachusetts' old state house when the queen visited in 1976, by asher klein • published september 8, 2022 • updated on september 8, 2022 at 4:14 pm.

In her long time on the throne of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II visited Boston once, for an event marking a very crucial event in American history.

For her third visit to the United States, Elizabeth attended the Bicentennial ceremonies in 1976, and ended her trip where the country began: in Boston.


Images from the time show her smiling as she walked through the streets with then-Mayor Kevin White. British soldiers dressed in the red coats that were infamous during the time of the American Revolution stood once again by Massachusetts' Old State House.

Mayor Kevin White escorts Queen Elizabeth II through Washington Mall in Boston on the way to City Hall ceremonies as Colonel Vincent J. R. Kehoe, left, and his 10th Regiment of Foot, Chelmsford, guard the way on July 11, 1976.

Tens of thousands of people came out to see Elizabeth and Prince Philip, The Boston Globe reported at the time.

"Everytime the queen smiled or let free one of her white gloved hands, barely bending the wrist fluttering regal waves, people responded in turn with beaming smiles, prolonged applause and an occasional American, but very un-British cheer," Robert Rosenthal and Nick King wrote.

But there were protests as well. As British soldiers marched in review past City Hall, demonstrators held up signs. Some read, "England: Get out of Ireland NOW!" and "No surrender to British imperialism."

Troops passing in review at Boston's Samuel Adams statue during Queen Elizabeth II's visit on July 11, 1976. Protesters outside Boston City Hall hold up signs in the background.

Elizabeth was being remembered Thursday around the U.S. and the globe after her death at the age of 96. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu shared an image of the monarch in City Hall, which was then just seven years old, and called her an inspiration for her "grace & steadfast leadership."

Boston mourns the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose grace & steadfast leadership have inspired generations around the world. Our hearts are with her family, loved ones & the people of the UK. pic.twitter.com/d8YG7sRYTN — Mayor Michelle Wu 吳弭 (@MayorWu) September 8, 2022

Elizabeth would make six trips to the United States in her 70-year reign. During the visit for the bicentennial, when she was 50 years old, she also stopped in Philadelphia, New York City, Charlottesville, Newport and Providence.

American's Bicentennial Celebration was a national party marking 200 years since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At a state dinner at the White House, Elizabeth and President Gerald Ford shared a dance.

President Gerald Ford and Queen Elizabeth II dance during the state dinner in honor of the queen and Prince Philip at the White House on July 7, 1976.

After Boston, the queen traveled to Canada, where she opened the Montreal Olympics.

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Queen elizabeth ii, britain's longest-serving monarch, dies at age 96.

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Royal visit to New York: European king and queen will soon arrive in NYC

  • Published: Jun. 06, 2024, 1:25 p.m.

Dutch Royals

Queen Maxima of The Netherlands and King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands wave during King’s Day celebrations on April 27, 2024 in Emmen, Netherlands. King Willem-Alexander and his family are celebrating King's Day and his eleventh anniversary as King of the Netherlands in Emmen. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images) Getty Images

Practice your bows and curtsies: European royalty is coming to Upstate New York this month.

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, of the Netherlands, will visit Albany on Wednesday, June 12, as part of a days-long trip to the U.S. highlighting bilateral ties between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States. The Dutch king and queen will also visit Georgia, the Netherlands’ 10th largest U.S. trade partner, and New York City between June 10-13.

According to the Times-Union , King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima are scheduled to visit Gov. Kathy Hochul at the Governor’s Mansion on Wednesday, meet CEOs of Dutch companies active in the Capital Region, and tour the NY CREATES nanotech hub near the University at Albany. The king will also give remarks at a business seminar about furthering cooperation in semiconductor research, development and production.

The royals are also scheduled for an afternoon trip to the Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site, once the home of Dutch General Philip J. Schuyler and his wife, Catherine Van Rensselaer, for a discussion on climate change with youth. Schuyler was a Revolutionary War general and a U.S. Senator in America’s first Congress; the mansion is where his daughter Elizabeth Schuyler married Founding Father Alexander Hamilton.

King Willem-Alexander is also expected to deliver a short address at a network event at the Governor’s Mansion in the evening.

Dutch Royals

King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands, Queen Máxima of The Netherlands, Princess Amalia of The Netherlands and Princess Alexia of The Netherlands at the balcony of Palace Noordeinde at Prinsjesdag on September 19, 2023 in The Hague, Netherlands. Prinsjesdag is the state opening of the parliament. (Photo by Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images ) Getty Images

“I hope this visit and others like it in the future continue to build upon our mutual respect and appreciation for one another and foster even greater partnership and collaboration for generations to come,” Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said in a statement.

According to WTEN, Albany’s relationship with the Netherlands dates back 400 years, as Dutch colonists settled in the area and built Fort Orange in 1624. Historic sites with Dutch ties include The Old English Pub, also known as the Old Dutch Pub, the second oldest house in Albany; the Van Ostrande-Radliff House, built in 1728, the only surviving Dutch urban timber framed building left in the country; the Ten Broeck Mansion; and Cherry Hill. The city’s annual Tulip Festival also features a traditional Dutch street-scrubbing ceremony.

The Times-Union reports King Willem-Alexander’s mother, Princess Beatrix, previously visited Albany in 1959. Willem-Alexander succeeded his mother as monarch in 2013. He and his wife, Máxima, have three daughters: Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane.

“With more than 5 million Americans tracing their roots to the Netherlands, there are close personal and cultural links between our countries,” the Royal House of the Netherlands said . “The U.S. is the Netherlands’ biggest non-EU partner in regard to economic and security cooperation. These close transatlantic ties are essential in safeguarding the Netherlands’ prosperity. This partnership is based on a shared history that goes back 400 years.”

Dutch Royals

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - DECEMBER 12: King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands pose for an official picture at the start of the state banquet in the Royal Palace on December 12, 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Photo by Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images) Getty Images

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Queen Express operates buses to and from the following stations:

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The most popular destinations of Queen Express are:

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The price of your bus trip will depend both on the destination and the class of your ticket. Note that not all ticket classes are available on certain routes yet for longer trips there is almost always a good choice of options. Opt for a sleeper coach for the most convenient overnight trip. Sleeper buses are usually equipped with berths or soft reclining seats, feature an onboard toilet and your ticket may also include other perks like snacks or even a lunch. Taking a night bus is also a good idea if you want to save on your hotel room. During the day an express service is often the best value for money as it makes less stops than an ordinary or standard class bus and travels faster. On some routes it may be crucial to choose the right class as, say, an ordinary or second class bus may need some 6 hours to cover the distance the first class or express bus travels in two hours!

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At the same time, there are different classes of service to suit any budget. If you are after a higher level of comfort, buses get you covered, too.

Cons of Bus Travel

Intercity bus terminals can be located outside the city centre in the outskirts. It means you will need to calculate extra time and money to get there. In certain destinations getting from the bus terminal can cost you more than you would expect because only a limited number of transportation companies is allowed to serve the route – and prices may be inflated.

During busy weekends or high season buses serving some tourist destinations may run out of schedule and require advanced booking.

While buses are not as weather dependent as ferries, bus trips can also be delayed or cancelled due to bad weather or road conditions – keep it in mind if travelling during certain seasons or to certain destinations.

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'Home away from home': A look back through Queen Elizabeth II's official visits to Canada

Of all the countries in the Commonwealth, Canada was the late Queen Elizabeth II’s favourite destination, judging by how many times she graced our shores.

Over the course of her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II officially visited Canada more than 20 times, ranging from sweeping royal tours to visits for anniversaries and special events.

Canada’s relationship with the monarch has always been significant. The Queen was head of state for 16 countries in the Commonwealth, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Jamaica, among others, but of these 16 countries, the Queen has visited Canada the most.

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“My mother once said that this country felt like a home away from home for the Queen of Canada,” the Queen said during her last visit to Canada, in 2010.

“I’m delighted to report that it still does, and I’m delighted to be back amongst you all.”

According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, she is the “most travelled monarch in history.”

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The first time that the Queen set foot on Canadian soil was when she was only 25 years old and still a princess — in 1951, she took her ailing father’s place to visit Canada with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh.

Prince Philip, who died on April 9, 2021, was particularly fond of Canada, and travelled to the country 46 times in total, including his many visits by the Queen’s side.

Two years after her first visit, in 1953, she was crowned Queen. She made a brief appearance in Gander, N.L. that year during a stopover on the way to tour other parts of the Commonwealth, but wouldn’t return for an official visit of Canada until 1957.

John Diefenbaker, the prime minister at the time, was eager to strengthen ties to Britain and cement the Queen’s role in Canada, and even had the Queen preside over a cabinet meeting during her brief visit.

During that trip, the Queen also opened Canada’s new Parliament, an event that she was proud to mention in her Christmas speech later that year, the very first televised Christmas speech from a British royal ever.

“Last October, I opened the new Canadian Parliament,” she said in the speech. “This was the first time that any sovereign had done so in Ottawa. Once again, I was overwhelmed by the loyalty and enthusiasm of my Canadian people.”

But her longest trip to Canada — and arguably the most important — occurred in 1959, when she toured all of the provinces, as well as both current territories, with Prince Philip for 45 days. This is still the longest tour any reigning monarch has made of Canada, and although the Queen visited Canada many times after, she never did so on this scale again.

Buckingham Palace instructed the visit to be referred to as a “royal tour” to emphasize the importance, and to position the Queen as comfortable in her role as Queen of Canada.

Although the Queen was greeted with crowds wherever she went, travelled more than 24,000 kilometres on this trip, shook nearly 5,000 hands and attended sixty-one formal functions, according to the book “Canada and the End of Empire,” the tour was not without controversy. Indigenous people were present at many events on her tour, often meeting with the Queen to perform dances or demonstrate cultural knowledge — but any issues such as treaties or land rights were not permitted to be brought up.

In the years to come, the Queen would make around 20 more official visits to Canada. Including brief stopovers, the Queen has been in Canada more than 30 times.

Most trips have involved ceremonial duties, tours of the country or charity work, but she has also come to Canada to act in an official capacity, such as when she opened Parliament in 1957, and when she delivered a Speech from the Throne again in 1977.

The speech to outline the federal government’s plans for the coming session of Parliament is usually read by the Governor General as the Queen’s representative. The Queen’s second time reading the speech herself in 1977 was part of her Silver Jubilee tour, the 25th anniversary of her ascending to the throne of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

Another notable visit was when the Queen came to Canada in 1982 to sign the landmark Proclamation of the Constitution Act, the passing of which gave Canada full independence.

During her visits, the Queen often honoured Canada through her wardrobe. In 1957, on her first trip to Canada post-coronation, she wore a striking cream gown covered in sparkling green maple leaves to the state banquet at Rideau Hall, dubbed the “Maple Leaf of Canada Dress.”

During her tour of Canada in 1959, she wore a blue and pink evening gown designed by Sir Hardy Amies to a dinner at the Government House in Nova Scotia, which was embroidered with blooms representing mayflowers, the provincial flower of Nova Scotia.

In her later years, she was frequently seen wearing an iconic diamond brooch in the shape of a maple leaf, called the “Canadian Maple Leaf Royal Brooch.” It had been a favourite of her mother, and after it was passed down to the Queen, she wore it to Canada numerous times, as well as loaning it to family members such as Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, when they visited Canada.

Over the years, the Queen developed strong relationships with Canada’s prime ministers, having met with many of them in person.

The Queen appointed Jean Chretien, Canada’s 20th Prime Minister to the Order of Merit in 2009, a distinction that is restricted to only 24 living people within the Commonwealth. It is given to “persons who have rendered exceptionally meritorious service to the Crown, in armed services or towards the advancement of arts, literature and science.”

Two other Canadian Prime Ministers had received the award before: William Lyon Mackenzie King in 1947, before the Queen took the throne, and Lester B. Pearson in 1971.

The very last time the Queen visited Canada was in 2010, for a nine day visit through five different cities, a trip that saw her celebrating Canada Day in Ottawa on Parliament Hill. Continuing her tradition of honouring Canada through her garments, she even had a favourite dress adjusted to add Canadian maple leaves in Swarovski crystals down the right shoulder and sleeve to wear to a state dinner at the Royal York Hotel.

“My pride in this country remains undimmed.” the Queen said the first day of the trip, speaking to a crowd in Halifax.

The Queen never publicly declared which city or region of Canada was her favourite to visit, but outside of her numerous trips to Ottawa, she visited Victoria, B.C., five times, and visited Winnipeg, Vancouver, Regina and Toronto four times as well, not counting her 1959 tour of the entire country or brief stopovers.

Despite a lack of consensus in Canada over whether we should maintain our ties to the monarchy, a debate that has simmered for decades, the Queen’s visits always brought out numerous Canadians eager to catch a glimpse of the monarch.

And her regard for Canada was evident across her reign, from start to end.

“Throughout the years, particularly since your Centennial year, I have watched Canada develop into a remarkable nation,” the Queen said in 2017, on the 150th anniversary of Confederation. “You have earned a reputation as a welcoming, respectful and compassionate country.

"On this eve of national celebrations, my family and I are with you in spirit.”

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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Local Spotlight

queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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Here's how your support is helping CHEO

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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queen check trip

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Province to bring more nurse practitioners to rural Saskatchewan

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queen check trip

Kitchener to track visitor movement at Victoria Park

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queen check trip

One killed in fatal collision in Saskatoon

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Judge rules evidence in fatal THC-impaired driving case is admissible

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Northern Ontario

queen check trip

Timmins mobile home owners being forced to move, but have nowhere to go

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Woman dies after collision with Northern Ont. police boat early Friday morning

A 49-year-old woman was seriously injured Friday morning when a boat she was riding in collided with a boat being driven by Ontario Provincial Police in Sudbury.

queen check trip

Wortley Pride festival continues on despite protests and messages of hate

The third annual Wortley Pride festival held Saturday has tripled in size this year according to founder and president Kathy Bell, but messages of hate continue to threatened the event before it even began.

St. Thomas teen assaults stranger at festival: STPS

St. Thomas police say a teenager assaulted a stranger Friday evening at a local festival.

Grey Bruce Public Health issues alert after string of overdoses

Following a rash of recent overdoses, Grey Bruce Public Health (GBPH) has issued a drug poisoning alert.

queen check trip

Vehicle stolen from Barrie home recovered

An arrest has been made in connection to a pickup truck stolen from a Barrie home this week that contained a wheelchair for a two-legged dog.

Pedestrian struck by transport, OPP investigating driver for failing to remain at scene

A pedestrian was taken to hospital after getting struck by a white transport truck in Bolton.

Collingwood native to compete in prestigious motorcycle race

Ben Young will compete at this year's Suzuka 8 Hours event in Suzuka, Japan, a race that is considered to be the premier event on the Endurance World Championship (EWC) calendar.

queen check trip

Windsor booster and long-time business-owner Ted Farron dies

A long-time community booster and a man whose smile could light up any room has died.

CKPS K9 tracks down break-in suspects in Wallaceburg

Two people are in custody after a Chatham-Kent Police Service K9 located a pair of break and enter suspects early Saturday morning.

New expanded hours coming to Adventure Bay this summer

The City of Windsor has announced expanded hours for Adventure Bay Family Water Park.

Vancouver Island

queen check trip

Roaming peahen spends 3 days in B.C. pub after befriending neighbourhood family

When Sarah Karagianis received multiple notifications from her staff about a situation at work, she feared the worst.

Former astronaut William Anders dies in plane crash off B.C. coast

Retired Maj. Gen. William Anders, the former Apollo 8 astronaut who took the iconic 'Earthrise' photo showing the planet as a shadowed blue marble from space in 1968, was killed Friday when the plane he was piloting alone plummeted into the waters off the San Juan Islands in Washington state.

queen check trip

B.C. bookkeeper gets 6 years in prison for defrauding over $1M from employer

The former bookkeeper for a Kelowna, B.C.-based company has been handed a six-year prison sentence for defrauding more than $1 million from her employer.

'No Okanagan stone fruit' coming to B.C. grocer this year due to cold snap

An independent B.C. grocery store says it won't have Okanagan peaches, apricots, plums or nectarines on store shelves this summer due to the cold snap the province experienced earlier in the year.

queen check trip

Lethbridge police expand online options for reporting less serious crimes

Lethbridge residents have more options when it comes to reporting less serious crimes to police.

Lethbridge veterans mark the 80th anniversary of Battle of Normandy

Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.

High winds, warm temperatures result in fire ban for Lethbridge's river valley

Despite the month of May seeing nearly 100 millimetres of rain, the City of Lethbridge has enacted a fire ban for the city’s river valley.

Sault Ste. Marie

queen check trip

Relief in the Sault as Canada/US border strike deadline delayed until next week

Cross-border weekend travelers no longer need to hold their breath: a strike at Canadian borders is not taking place, at least for now.

Manitoulin teacher honoured by Armed Forces for her work to support soldiers

A teacher on Manitoulin Island received a special surprise visit from the Canadian Armed Forces Friday ahead of her retirement.

Sault College facing challenging financial times

Officials at Sault College are looking for ways to deal with a $5.7 million deficit – without having to make staffing cuts.

queen check trip

N.L. launching disability benefit to top up federal program and create basic income

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador is launching a disability benefit that will top up the federal government's recently announced aid program.

N.L. becomes latest province to eye stricter tobacco regulations

Newfoundland and Labrador has floated an eyebrow-raising trial balloon in a bid to further the public health fight against tobacco and nicotine.

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queen check trip

The True Story of How the Kennedys Met the Queen

What really happened the day the first couple came to Buckingham Palace.

kennedys and queen elizabeth

Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

The Crown Season 2

Here's what really went down.

According to America's Queen , a biography of Jackie Kennedy by Sarah Bradford, there was some initial hesitation in inviting Jackie's sister Princess Lee Radziwill and her brother-in-law Polish Prince Stanisław Albrecht Radziwiłł to the event.

Traditionally, divorcées were not invited to State Dinners at Buckingham Palace—Stan was Lee's second husband; Lee was Stan's third wife—but the royals eventually relented and extended an invitation to Jackie's relatives. After all, this was only a banquet and not an official State Dinner.

But the Queen "had her revenge," at least according to Jackie's friend, writer Gore Vidal: Princess Margaret and Princess Marina, two attendees Jackie had specifically requested, were not invited to the party.

Jackie apparently found the guest list less than scintillating. "No Margaret, no Marina, no one except every Commonwealth minister of agriculture they could find," she reportedly told Vidal. Jackie also told him that while Prince Philip was "nice but nervous," the Queen was "pretty heavy-going."

Per Hello Goodbye , a chronicle of "remarkable meetings" by Craig Brown, "When Vidal repeats this to Princess Margaret some years later, the Princess loyally explains, 'But that's what she's there for .'"

Perhaps these rumors of name-calling and drama-filled dinners are just that: rumors. After all, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan described the evening in his diary as "very pleasant." That exact phrase was also used by Kennedy's chief of protocol, Angier Biddle Duke, when he spoke about the night in a 1964 interview. "It was a delightful evening," he said , "very pleasant, very charming, very attractive evening! I think everybody enjoyed it very much."

And the president himself wrote kindly of the evening in a birthday note to the Queen. "May I also at the same time say how grateful my wife and I are for the cordial hospitality offered to us by your Majesty and Prince Philip during our visit to London last Monday," he said . "We shall always cherish the memory of that delightful evening."

Hearst Home Town & Country: The Queen: A Life in Pictures

Town & Country: The Queen: A Life in Pictures

Unfortunately, Kennedy never made it back to Buckingham Palace. He was assassinated in Dallas in November of 1963. Prince Philip attended the funeral .

In the years following JFK's death, the British government established the Kennedy Memorial Trust , which operates in two parts: a physical memorial in Runnymede, England (the site of the sealing of the Magna Carta) and a scholarship for British post-graduates attending either Harvard or MIT.

“The unprecedented intensity of that wave of grief, mixed with something akin to despair, which swept over our people at the news of President Kennedy’s assassination, was a measure of the extent to which we recognized what he had already accomplished, and of the high hopes that rode with him in a future that was not to be," Queen Elizabeth said at the dedication of the Runnymede site.

Jackie attended that ceremony with her brothers-in-law Bobby and Ted Kennedy and her children, Caroline, then 7, and John, then 4. As they stood beside the memorial, John John held his mother's hand on one side and Prince Philip's on the other.

Jackie Kennedy at Runnymede

The modest gift Kennedy presented to the Queen during his first and only meeting, a signed picture in a silver Tiffany's frame, was displayed publicly for the first time at Buckingham Palace over the summer.

preview for The Crown Season 2

As the digital director for Town & Country, Caroline Hallemann covers culture, entertainment, and a range of other subjects 

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In pictures: The Queen’s life in travel

Jordan Waller

Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II was the longest-serving monarch in British history. But beyond that, she distinguished herself by traveling to all four corners of the globe in her role as head of state and a much-loved ambassador for her country.

The queen died at Balmoral Castle on Sept. 8, 2022, after 70 years on the throne.

Here, we look back on Queen Elizabeth's memory with a selection of some of her most striking photographs from a lifetime of service and travel.

queen check trip

Additional reporting by Caroline Tanner.

Queen Elizabeth II 1926–2022

queen check trip

The final journey London to Windsor, follow the route to the Queen's resting place

By Ivana Kottasová, Lauren Said-Moorhouse and the Visuals Team, CNN

The Queen will be laid to rest at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images

A kingdom united in grief will mourn the loss of their revered Queen on Monday. Pomp and pageantry will be on display as tens of thousands line the streets of the British capital and hundreds of millions tune in for the state funeral of Elizabeth II.

Monday’s ceremonial events are the culmination of nearly two weeks of public arrangements, codenamed “Operation London Bridge,” honoring Elizabeth’s remarkable life -- from a young princess who was not born to be Queen, to a sovereign who redefined the role and won almost universal admiration.

Following the Queen’s death at Balmoral on September 8, her coffin was flown back from Scotland and moved to London’s Westminster Hall in a somber procession. She will lie in state there until the morning of her funeral.

Crowds of mourners will flood the capital in the hopes of witnessing the coffin -- draped in the Royal Standard and carrying the Instruments of State -- one last time before the Queen makes the journey to her final resting place within St. George’s Chapel in Windsor. Here’s everything you need to know about Britain’s farewell to one its greatest ever monarchs.

Monday, September 19 The day of the funeral and the final journey to Windsor

Westminster Hall At around 10:35 a.m. (5:35 a.m. ET), the coffin will be lifted from the catafalque. A bearer party founded by the Queen's Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards will carry it from Westminster Hall to the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy. The gun carriage will set off at 10:44 a.m. (5:44 a.m. ET) on the short journey from New Palace Yard to Westminster Abbey, where the funeral service will take place. The route will be lined by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. King Charles III and members of the royal family will walk behind the coffin.

Westminster Abbey The service will be conducted by the Dean of Westminster, starting at 11 a.m. (6 a.m. ET). The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will deliver a sermon. Towards the end of the service, at around 11:55 a.m., the Last Post will sound before a two-minute silence is observed. World leaders, politicians, public figures and European royals, as well as more than 500 dignitaries from around the world, will be at the service, which will be attended by up to 2,000 people.

Click below for a 360 view inside Westminster Abbey

Procession through London Following the roughly one-hour service, the coffin will be conveyed from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch -- again with the King leading some of the family on foot, while Camilla, the Queen Consort and others follow by car.

Whitehall The route -- lined by the Armed Forces -- will pass Parliament Square and go onto Whitehall, the street that cuts through London’s government district. It will pass the Cenotaph, the site of the annual National Service of Remembrance, which the Queen personally attended most years, and Downing Street.

Click below for a 360 view of Whitehall by Downing Street

Horse Guards Parade The procession moves through Horse Guards Parade, the setting for the annual Trooping the Colour ceremony held to mark the monarch’s official birthday. Here, the King’s Life Guard will turn out and give a royal salute as the coffin passes.

The Mall On The Mall, the royal procession will pass by royal residences Clarence House and St James's Palace.

Click below for a 360 view of The Mall

Buckingham Palace As the coffin moves past Queen Victoria Memorial for the last time, the King’s Guard will turn out in the forecourt and give a royal salute.

Click below for a 360 view of The State Rooms in Buckingham Palace

Wellington Arch The procession is expected at Wellington Arch around 1 p.m. (8 a.m. ET), where the bearer party will transfer it from the State Gun Carriage to the state hearse for the journey to Windsor.

Windsor The Queen’s coffin will be driven to Windsor, around 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of the capital. Windsor Castle is where the Queen lived for the last two years of her life.

The Long Walk Once in Windsor, the state hearse will be driven just after 3 p.m. (10 a.m. ET) along The Long Walk, a picturesque avenue leading to the castle where thousands will be waiting to bid the Queen farewell as she passes.

Windsor Castle The King and other royals will join the procession on foot as it passes through the castle’s quadrangle at around 3:40 p.m. (10:40 a.m. ET). Minute guns will be fired by the King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery from the East Lawn throughout the royal cortege.

Click below for a 360 view inside the grounds of Windsor Castle

St George’s Chapel The Queen’s coffin will be greeted by an honor guard founded by the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards mounted in Horseshoe Cloister at the foot of the West Steps of St. George’s Chapel. Soldiers from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment will line the steps as the bearer party carries the coffin inside for the committal service.

A more intimate committal service will take place at St. George’s Chapel at about 4 p.m. (11 a.m. ET), conducted by the Dean of Windsor. The royal family will gather there along with a congregation made up of members of the Royal Household, past and present, as well as personal staff who have worked on the private estates.

St. George’s should be a familiar location to many as it is where Prince Philip's funeral service was held last April, as well as more jubilant occasions like the nuptials of the Queen's grandchildren.

At the service's conclusion, the Queen's coffin will be lowered into the Royal Vault, set below the chapel, where many royal family members have been laid to rest.

The service concludes the public arrangements for the late monarch, however, a private burial service will be held for the family later Monday evening. The Queen is to be buried with her late husband of 73 years, Prince Philip, in the King George VI Memorial Chapel, located elsewhere within St. George's.

The memorial chapel is where the Queen's father and mother were interred. A casket containing the ashes of the Queen's sister, Princess Margaret, is also there.

The Earl Marshal, the Duke of Norfolk, said last week that orchestrating the event was "both humbling and daunting.” He added that Monday’s event aimed to "unite people across the globe" and "pay a fitting tribute to an extraordinary reign.”

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King Charles Makes First Overseas Trip Since Cancer Diagnosis for D-Day 80th Anniversary in France

The British monarch traveled abroad with Queen Camilla a month after resuming forward-facing duties

Janine Henni is a Royals Staff Writer for PEOPLE Digital, covering modern monarchies and the world's most famous families. Like Queen Elizabeth, she loves horses and a great tiara moment.

queen check trip

Chris Jackson/Getty

King Charles is abroad for the first time since starting treatment for cancer.

The King, 75, stepped out in Normandy, France, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings with his wife, Queen Camilla , on June 6. The royal couple traveled to attend the Ministry of Defence and the Royal British Legion’s event at the beachfront British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer.

The service was organized in honor of the massive military operation involving around 156,000 men, 7,000 ships and 10,000 vehicles that attacked German forces in Normandy on June 6, 1944. The campaign served as a crucial turning point in World War II and the beginning of the liberation of Nazi-occupied northwest Europe.

King Charles and Queen Camilla, 76, attended the British Normandy Memorial event with French President Emmanuel Macron and British veterans, where they met retired service personnel. The royals also opened the new Winston Churchill Education and Learning Centre, named after the prime minister who led the U.K. through World War II.

Standing in front of the massed names of the service personnel who died on the day and "in the many battles that followed," as King Charles put it, he said in a speech, that his grandfather George VI called the event "the supreme test."

They were a generation "of men and women who did not flinch when the moment came to face that test."

The King, who sported the Field Marshal No. 4 tropical service dress with medals and decorations, also spoke about his pride in being present at seven different commemorations in Normandy over the past four decades. "I shall never forget the haunting sights and sounds of thousands of be-medalled figures proudly marching past into a French sunset on these beaches," he said.

Moving into French, King Charles also praised the "warmth, and the generosity of the welcome" the people of Normandy had given the veterans, adding that it was "moving" and "memorable."

Talking of those who lost their lives, the monarch added, "Let us affirm that we will strive to live by their example; let us pray such sacrifice need never be made again; and let us commit to carrying forward their resounding message of courage and resilience in the pursuit of freedom, tempered by the duty of responsibilities to others, for the benefit of younger generations and those yet unborn."

"Our gratitude is unfailing and our admiration eternal," he concluded.


The ceremony ended with the laying of wreaths at the memorial by King Charles and then President Macron, the playing of the national anthems, including God Save The King , and a flypast by the RAF Red Arrows.

King Charles' speech followed a rendition by singer Sir Tom Jones of "I Won’t Crumble With You If You Fall." Jones' grandfather died in World War I and is buried in France.

King Charles' trip to France is his most major event since resuming public-facing duties in late April after Buckingham Palace announced that he was diagnosed with cancer and commenced treatment in February. The monarch continued to work behind the scenes during the interim period, undertaking state paperwork and hosting small audiences.

He returned to public duty with a visit to the University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre in London (which has not been directly involved with his medical care) on April 30, where spoke about the emotional toll of such a diagnosis.

"It’s always a bit of shock when they tell you," the King said in conversation with one patient, according to Rebecca English of the Daily Mail .

Confirmation of King Charles' attendance at the British Normandy Memorial event on June 6 was full of personal connections. The monarch is patron of the Royal British Legion, the U.K.’s largest charity for the armed forces which helped organize the service and the Normandy Memorial Trust, which maintains the monument.

In September 2023, King Charles and Queen Camilla spent time with Macron and his wife, Birgitte , during their state visit to France. The trip was originally scheduled as the first overseas tour of the new royal reign before it was postponed amid national protests around the raising of the retirement age.


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The King and Queen are not the only members of the British royal family attending events in France on the anniversary of the D-Day Landings. Prince William stepped out to attend the Canadian commemorative ceremony at the Juno Beach Centre in Courseulles-sur-Mer with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on June 6, where he made a speech and laid a wreath at a ceremony attended by Canadian veterans of D-Day and World War II, as well as active personnel.

Jordan Pettitt - Pool/Getty

"I am honored to join you to commemorate the bravery and sacrifice of the Canadian troops, who gave so much 80 years ago," Prince William said in part. "On June 6, 1944, as part of the 150,000 Allied troops that landed or parachuted into Normandy, 14,000 were from Canada."

"Far from home they stormed these very sand dunes behind me, shoulder to shoulder with thousands of British troops," he continued. "Standing here today in peaceful silence, it is almost impossible to grasp the courage it would have taken to run into the fury of battle that very day."

"I want to thank you, our veterans, for your extraordinary acts of bravery and sacrifice, on Juno Beach, and the liberation of Europe," William went on. He emphasized the special relationship that Canada and the U.K. continue to share and closed the brief speech by saying, "Thank you for our freedom and thank you for your service," in both English and French.

Vianney Le Caer/Shutterstock

Later, Prince William will join over 25 heads of state, veterans and European royals at the international commemorative ceremony at Omaha Beach in Saint Laurent sur Mer. The engagement brings the Prince of Wales' role as an international statesman into focus as he represents the British royal family.

On June 5, King Charles, Queen Camilla and Prince William made a rare engagement together on the eve of the D-Day anniversary for the U.K.’s national commemorative for the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Portsmouth, England.


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The QE2 Dubai Exterior

Inside Dubai’s five star floating hotel: The Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai

From the world’s tallest building to the largest luxury mall, Dubai has done it all. And now, the city has a new addition to impressive list of world records – the Middle East’s first floating five-star hotel, the Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai. Docked at Port Rashid Mina, the QE2 Dubai is the latest in the line of unique experiences that the city offers! Once a magnificent ocean liner, the QE2 has been transformed into a luxurious and elegant hotel spanning 13 decks along with dining, entertainment, events and so much more.

Over 50 years, the Queen Elizabeth 2 has carried a total of 2.5 million passengers and has been witness to a glorious maritime history. Today, the legendary vessel has been refurbished and restored to its former splendour, while some parts have been modernised to give guests a more modern, luxury experience. A must-visit attraction in Dubai, there’s no end to things to do on the QE2 Dubai! Dine at restaurants frequented by royalty or enjoy the best of entertainment at the onboard theatre. Read on to find out all the interesting restaurants, bars, shows, tours and offers to watch out for aboard this magnificent vessel!

10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do Aboard the QE2 Dubai

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Exhibit at QE2 Dubai Heritage Tour

The Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai is a treasure trove of history and interesting tales. History buffs will love the heritage tour around the famous vessel, which gives visitors a glimpse into the glorious past of the Queen Elizabeth 2 ship. The tour starts from the Heritage Exhibition near the ship, then tours the original rooms and interesting artefacts of the Queen Elizabeth 2 from the inside. Did you know that the ship boasted the largest cinema at sea that could accommodate over 531 people? Visitors will also be able to view the impressive restaurants, theatre and other leisure activities aboard the QE2 ship. Keep in mind that the timings for the Heritage Tours are subject to change, so make sure to confirm them beforehand!

  • Timings: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm; Daily
  • Price: AED 170 per person (incl. AED 100 worth voucher for F&B)
  • Contact: 04 526 8888

Shop at Dubai Duty Free Arcade

Shopping at The QE2 Hotel Dubai

No trip aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel Dubai is complete without the souvenir. The Dubai Duty Free – located on the Boat Deck – offers visitors ample opportunities to indulge their shopping cravings. Browse a selection of glittering jewellery and watches, quirky branded merchandise and the latest electronics. In fact, international visitors aboard the QE2 Dubai can shop to their heart’s content, and have their purchases delivered to the airport as well!

  • Timings: 12pm – 10pm; Daily

Relax at the QE2 Spa

Looking for the ultimate relaxation aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 ship? Head down to the QE2 Spa, situated on Deck 1, where revitalising massages and refreshing facials await. Managed by Dreamworks Spa, choose from specialised facials for men and women, or indulge in a full-body massage for a spa experience like no other.

  • Timings: 10am – 10pm; Daily
  • Contact: 04 526 8821

Watch a show at the QE2 Dubai theatre

Theatre at the Queen Elizabeth 2 Ship

Aboard the QE2 Dubai is the only licensed theatre in Dubai! This grand theatre can accommodate 515 people and offers the audience the chance to enjoy their drinks while watching the show. Catch a fascinating mix of local and international entertainment here. Upcoming shows include An Evening in Paris, which will transport visitors to the charming city with dance troupes, orchestras and operas, while dining on a five-course menu.

  • Timings: Check website for calendar of events
  • Contact: 04 330 3457

Stay in shape at the gym

For the health conscious, a fully-equipped gymnasium complete with free weights, mats and other training equipment is available on Deck 7 for those staying aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai. If the gym isn’t your style, then the sleek nine-metre indoor swimming pool, restored from the original, is perfect for a couple of laps.

  • Timings: 7am – 7pm

Dine on quintessential British cuisine

One of the QE2 Dubai restaurants

Ever wanted to dine like royalty? Then the fine-dining restaurant aboard the ship, Queen’s Grill is your best bet. Once patronised by members of British royalty, Queen’s Grill today still maintains the original ocean liner feel with the elegance of fine-dining. Dine on exquisite British specialities prepared by Chef Rama, who was a part of the culinary team during the ship’s sailing days. Delectable dishes like butter confit lobster and braised lamb paired with magnificent sea views make for an exhilarating experience. Browse the tasting menus on the QE2 Dubai website, and make a reservation before you visit the restaurant.

  • Timings: 7pm – 11pm; Daily (Dinner); 3pm – 5pm; Thursday to Saturday (Afternoon Tea)
  • Ages allowed: 7 years and above

Take in Dubai’s impressive skyline from the Yacht Club

Another one of the original QE2 restaurants, Yacht Club offers visitors a selection of house beverages and sparkling grape to enjoy. In cooler temperatures, visitors can even head to the sweeping terrace to admire Dubai’s skyline or watch a stunning sunset.

  • Timings: 4pm – 1am, Monday to Wednesday; 4pm – 3am, Thursday; 12pm – 3am, Friday and Saturday

Dubai Transactions

Watch live sports at The Golden Lion

The Golden Lion Pub at QE2

The Golden Lion will take visitors back in time with its quaint and traditional pub atmosphere! Serving up a variety of house beverages, The Golden Lion in Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai lets visitors delve into the ship’s past through the stories of its voyages around the world. Sip on your drink while you watch a spot of live football or give the pool tables and dart games a try.

  • Timings: 12pm – 12am; Daily

Curl up with a good book at the Q Cafe

Located near the entrance to the ocean liner, Q Café is a sun-drenched space where visitors can refuel with coffee, quick bites and light pastries. Letting in plenty of natural light, Q Café is the ideal spot to relax, catch up on work or sink into a good vintage book from its extensive collection.

  • Timings: 7am – 11pm

Stay aboard the QE2 Hotel Dubai

QE2 Dubai offers you the chance to experience the thrill of staying in an ocean liner while being in the heart of the city. With some fantastic ongoing offers, visitors can truly immerse themselves into the QE2 Dubai’s history, by staying onboard this floating hotel. The rooms aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel have porthole windows with breath-taking views that will truly give you the feeling of being at sea. Visitors will have the chance to explore the entertainment and dining options at leisure when staying on the ship. Guests have the choice of a variety of rooms onboard, from standard rooms with sea views to club rooms that come with a balcony to enjoy the fresh air.

The prices to stay aboard the ship vary according to room types and dates chosen. Visitors can book their stay online through the QE2 Dubai website. However, to make the most of your stay, keep an eye out for the offers for hotel reservations! Take a look at some QE2 Dubai offers below we think you’ll love:


This amazing offer is the perfect way for UAE residents to experience the QE2 Hotel! Book your stay aboard the ship and get:

  • 15% off the flexible rate available online
  • Enjoy complimentary buffet breakfast for two
  • Upgrade yourself to the next room category
  • Receive 25% off food and beverage during your stay!

You’ll also get entry to the brand-new Laguna Waterpark at an exclusive rate of AED 180 for two. It doesn’t get better than that!


Book your stay through this offer and receive complimentary access to the thrilling Laguna Waterpark at La Mer, where you can surf, splash, slide and more!

Other Restaurants in Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel Dubai

Other restaurants at QE2 Dubai

  The Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai is home to 13 restaurants, cafés and bars, which serve sumptuous British cuisine. Apart from the ones mentioned above, keep an eye out for The Chart Room. Here, you can sip house beverages and try the classic fish and chips, while observing old world maps used by former captains of the QE2 Dubai. Or head to The Pavilion, that offers alfresco dining for the whole family and stellar views of the city skyline. Lido, Gin Bar and Casino Coffee Lounge are QE2 Dubai dining options for visitors or hotel guests.

The Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai Location

Location of QE2 Dubai

The Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai is permanently docked at Port Rashid Mina, just off Al Khaleej Road, and near the popular districts of Al Fahidi and Al Raffa. Centrally located in Dubai, the QE2 is easily accessible via car and metro. There is ample parking outside the QE2 Dubai terminal, and taxis are easily available there. The nearest metro station to the cruise liner is the Al Ghubaiba Station, which is part of Dubai Metro’s Green Line. If visitors are travelling via metro, it’s best to take a taxi from the Al Ghubaiba Station to QE2 Dubai.

The QE2 Dubai Contact Number

Visitors can inquire about reservations, general information and events through the contact number for Queen Elizabeth 2 Dubai below:

  • General Information: 04 526 8888
  • Reservations: 600 500 400
  • Restaurant Reservations: 04 526 8811

Our Verdict

The Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel Dubai is a thrilling new experience that has quickly worked its way up the list of the city’s attractions! With sweeping views, charming restaurants and bars, nuggets of history and plenty of entertainment, a stay or visit aboard the QE2 Dubai will certainly be a novel experience for the whole family. 

Looking for more of Dubai’s mind-blowing attractions? Take a look at our review for the Museum of Illusions Dubai , where your senses will be tricked and deceived! Dazzled by the ship’s dining options? You may also love these amazing rooftop restaurants in Dubai , that also come with gorgeous views of the city! And follow MyBayut for articles on Dubai’s best attractions . 

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Clip of crowd celebrating Trump conviction is edited video of 2016 soccer win | Fact check

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The claim: Post implies video of crowd celebrating Trump’s conviction is real

A May 31 Facebook post ( direct link , archive link ) from the anti-Donald Trump group the Lincoln Project includes a video in which a bar crowd erupts in cheers as news of the former president's conviction is shown on a large TV screen. 

“Every. Damn. Charge. #TrumpGuilty,” reads the caption on the post.

Comments in the post indicate some people took the scene as real.

“Where was this, I would have loved to have been there!” reads one of the comments.

“I can’t stop watching this,” reads another. “Gives me chills. I love NY.” 

The post received more than 4,000 shares in one day. Other versions of the claim spread widely on X, formerly Twitter .

More from the Fact-Check Team: How we pick and research claims | Email newsletter | Facebook page

Our rating: Missing context

The implied claim is false. This is an altered version of a video that originally showed a crowd celebrating England’s last-minute soccer goal against Wales in the 2016 UEFA European Football Championship, also known as the Euro 2016. It has since become a meme template used to show supposed reactions to various news events. 

Video modified to show crowd cheering Biden's stair trip, release of Trump's mugshot

The original video was uploaded to YouTube in 2016 , predating by eight years Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records. 

It shows soccer fans in England erupting in celebration, as reported by CBS Sports .

Fact check : Trump jury had to be unanimous in hush money trial to find him guilty

The clip has since become a meme that is edited to fit various scenarios. 

It was modified to show the crowd cheering after President Joe Biden tripped on stairs while boarding Air Force One and in response to Kyle Rittenhouse ’s acquittal in 2021, for example. The edited clip also circulated after the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office released Trump’s mugshot in August 2023. 

USA TODAY has debunked an array of altered content pertaining to Trump, including a photo showing him and Melania Trump posing alongside Stormy Daniels , a video showing him vowing to release former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan from jail if elected in 2024 and an image purporting to show his mugshot .

USA TODAY reached out to the user who shared the post for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

Our fact-check sources:

  • Bristol Post, May 31, The Bar Goes Wild meme – the real story behind that Ashton Gate Sports Bar video 
  • CBS Sports, June 16, 2016, Watch as a bar in England goes nuts after late winner vs. Wales in Euro 2016 
  • Heart News West Country, June 16, 2016, Fans at Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol, celebrate England winner against Wales at Euro 2016 

Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or e-newspaper here .

USA TODAY is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network, which requires a demonstrated commitment to nonpartisanship, fairness and transparency. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Meta .

Five things to check before taking your car on a road trip, from Holman car experts

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If you're planning to hit the open road this summer, don't forget to make sure your car is up to the task.

After all, winter is not known for being easy on vehicles. Between the cold, ice, potholes, road treatments and more, car experts at Holman say a spring service check is key to keeping your ride road-worthy.

The automotive company, headquartered in Mount Laurel, says there are five essential maintenance checks every owner should complete before taking off on an adventure.

Correct alignment

"A vehicle’s tire alignment is essential for proper handling and maximum tire life. It ensures tires roll straight and make proper contact with the road, improving the vehicle’s overall performance and drive quality. A misaligned vehicle, on the other hand, causes uneven tire wear, poor vehicle handling, and, in some cases, reduces fuel economy," Holman says.

You should watch out for uneven tire wear, a vibrating steering wheel or the vehicle pulling to one side.

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“Regular alignment checks are crucial, especially after the winter,” said Frank Carbone, senior vice president of automotive at Holman. “By addressing alignment issues promptly, drivers not only save their tires, but also improve their overall driving experience.”

Tire pressure

Drops in temperature over the winter cause the air in tires to contract, which reduces tire pressure, according to Holman. With lower pressure, there is more resistance between the tires and road, which leads to tire wear. On the other hand, increased pressure as the temperature rises can lead to overinflation.

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These issues can lead to punctures, blowouts and flat tires.

Even with modern tire pressure monitors, it's a good idea to check tires manually periodically, according to Holman.

"Brake systems are not just about stopping the vehicle, but doing so in a controlled and safe manner,” Carbone explained. “Ensuring your brakes are checked regularly can be the difference between a near-miss and a collision. And with heavier vehicles, such as EVs, the importance of timely brake maintenance can’t be overstated."

According to Holman, most manufacturers recommend replacing brake pads once they wear down to 1/8" of thickness. EV brakes and tires should be inspected and replaced more frequently.  

Cold temperatures put a strain on car batteries.

Usually, the lifespan of a gas-powered car's battery is between three and five years. Mechanics should check the battery whenever a vehicle is serviced.

For electric vehicles, cold temperatures also matter.

"Low temperatures reduce the chemical activity within lithium-ion batteries, which decreases their capacity and efficiency. To maintain the efficiency of EV batteries in winter, drivers should warm up their vehicle’s battery and interior before charging and keep it parked in a garage, if they can," Holman says.

High temperatures can lead to overheating of EV batteries. Drivers should park in the shade and consider charging during cooler periods.

Cold temperatures can make windshields more brittle, which increases the risk of cracks and chips from flying debris.

Any cracks or chips should be repaired before they spread.

Holman says drivers should also check their wiper blades, which should be replaced every 6 to 12 months.

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  • Best overall
  • Best for cruises
  • Best for reputation
  • Best for preexisting conditions
  • Best for digital nomads
  • Best low-cost
  • Best for road trips
  • How we reviewed travel insurance companies

Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Travel Insurance in June 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

Traveling is an adventure, a leap into the unknown, a story waiting to unfold. But every story needs a safety net, and that's where travel insurance comes in. In this guide to the best travel insurance, we'll embark on a journey to help you better understand travel insurance and uncover the benefits that make it an indispensable companion for any traveler.

Our Picks for the Best Travel Insurance Companies

Best overall: nationwide travel insurance.

  • Runner-Up: AXA Assistance USA
  • Best for Cruises: Travel Guard
  • Best Reputation:  C&F Travel Insured
  • Best for Pre-existing Conditions:   Tin Leg Travel Insurance
  • Best for Digital Nomads:   WorldTrips Travel Insurance
  • Best Low-Cost Option:   Trawick International Travel Insurance

Best for Road Trips: Travelex Travel Insurance

How we rate travel insurance »

Compare the Best Travel Insurance Companies

The best travel insurance companies offer comprehensive coverage options for a wide range of people and needs. For this guide, we looked at coverage options, customizability, and the best companies for specific situations, such as pre-existing conditions.

Here are Business Insider's picks for the best travel insurance companies in 2024. 

Nationwide Nationwide Travel Insurance

  • Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of trip costs (for cruises) or up to $30,000 (for single-trip plans)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Three cruise-specific plans to choose from
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Annual travel insurance plans available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong trip cancellation coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cancel for any reason coverage available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. CFAR insurance not available with every single plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage is lower than what some competitors offer

Nationwide Travel Insurance offers many of the standard benefits you might see with a travel insurance policy. This can include things like trip cancellation coverage, so you can recover pre-paid costs or trip interruption in the event your vacation is interrupted by an unexpected event. There's also baggage delay coverage and medical coverage.

  • Cancel for any reason coverage available

Nationwide Travel Insurance is of the largest players in the travel insurance space, offering nearly endless options for any customer on the travel spectrum, including annual travel insurance plans which can offer frequent travelers the flexibility to "set it and forget it" on their travel insurance coverage.

Nationwide Essential also offers some of the most affordable policies in the market compared to similar plans from competitors, which makes it a great pick for just about anyone. Buyers can discuss bundling options as Nationwide also sells homeowners, auto, pet, and other insurance products. Its travel insurance quoting is just as easy as it has been with other Nationwide insurance products.

Read our Nationwide Travel Insurance review here.

Best Travel Insurance Runner-Up: AXA Assistance USA

AXA AXA Assistance USA

  • Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous medical evacuation coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1,500 per person coverage for missed connections on cruises and tours
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Covers loss of ski, sports and golf equipment
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous baggage delay, loss and trip delay coverage ceilings per person
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage only available for most expensive Platinum plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. CFAR coverage ceiling only reaches $50,000 maximum despite going up to 75%

AXA Assistance USA keeps travel insurance simple with gold, silver, and platinum plans. Emergency medical and CFAR are a couple of the options you can expect. Read on to learn more about AXA.

  • Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans available
  • Trip interruption coverage of up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Emergency medical coverage of up to $250,000

AXA Assistance USA  offers consumers a great option for no-stress travel insurance: low-priced plans, generous coverage limits on key categories including primary insurance on lost luggage, and up to 150% reimbursement for qualifying trip cancellations.

While add-ons are limited and rental car coverage is not included by default on cheaper plans, AXA is a perfect fit for travelers who don't plan to drive (or who already hold a travel credit card with rental car coverage), and don't need any additional bells and whistles.

Read our AXA Assistance USA Travel Insurance review here.

Best for Cruises: AIG Travel Guard

AIG Travel Guard

Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost and trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of the cost, for all three plan levels
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. CFAR covers up to 75% of total trip costs (maximum of $112,500 on some plans) 
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Medical coverage of up to $500,000 and evacuation of up to $1,000,000 per person
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes COVID coverage 
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Above average baggage loss and delay benefits
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. High medical evacuation coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Premiums may run slightly higher than competitors

Travel Guard is a well-established and highly rated name in the travel insurance industry. It offers three main coverage options to choose from, and in general its policies have above-average coverage for baggage loss and baggage delays, plus high medical evaluation coverage limits.

  • Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Preexisting medical conditions exclusions waiver must be purchased within 15 days of initial trip payment
  • Annual travel insurance plan and Pack N' Go plan (for last-minute trips) available

Travel Guard is well-known insurance provider, and a great fit for travelers who want to ensure that they can get their money back in the event of canceled or interrupted travel plans.

While the company's policies can be pricey compared to its competitors, the high medical and evacuation limits make AIG a solid choice for older travelers who value peace of mind and simplicity over highly customizable plans that may be bolstered with medical upgrades.

Read our AIG Travel Guard review here.

Best for Reputation: C&F Travel Insured

C&F C&F Travel Insured

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers 2 major plans including CFAR coverage on the more expensive option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cancellation for job loss included as a covered reason for trip cancellation/interruption (does not require CFAR coverage to qualify)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Frequent traveler reward included in both policies
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1 million in medical evacuation coverage available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage is only $100,000
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Reviews on claims processing indicate ongoing issues
  • C&F's Travel Insured policies allow travelers customize travel insurance to fit their specific needs. Frequent travelers may benefit from purchasing an annual travel insurance plan, then adding on CFAR coverage for any portions of travel that may incur greater risk.

While every travel insurance company has negative reviews about its claims process, C&F Travel Insured 's claims process has a consistent stream of positive reviews. One customer wrote that C&F processed a claim within 48 hours. Additionally, C&F regularly responds to customer reviews within one business week, making reviews a consistent way to reach the company.

Additionally, in C&F's fine print, it mentions that any claims that take more than 30 days to pay out will begin to accrue interest at 9% APY.

C&F's reputation isn't the only thing to speak highly of. It offers an array of add-ons uncommon in the travel insurance industry, such as Interruption for Any Reason insurance and CFAR coverage for annual plans. C&F also offers discounts for children on its Protector Edge plan and free coverage on its Protector plan.  

Read our C&F Travel Insured review here. 

Best for Pre-Existing Conditions: Tin Leg Travel Insurance

TinLeg Tin Leg Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Policy coverage includes most pre-existing health conditions
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous medical and evacuation amounts for peace of mind
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. COVID coverage included by default on all insurance plans
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers a wide range of plans for various budgets and travel needs
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Some plans offer CFAR, “cancel for work reasons,” financial default, and unemployment coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited add-on coverage options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Baggage loss and delay coverage is low compared to competitors

Tin Leg travel insurance offers eight travel insurance plans to meet the unique needs of travelers.

  • Tin Leg was founded in 2014 by the travel insurance industry experts at Squaremouth. Designed to meet the most common needs of travelers, these policies offer comprehensive Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption benefits, and a range of Emergency Medical and Medical Evacuation limits.

Tin Leg Travel Insurance is a great fit for travelers with medical issues in particular. Seven of Tin Leg's eight travel plans include coverage for pre-existing conditions as long as you purchase your policy within 15 days of your initial trip payment.

Thanks to coverage for pre-existing medical conditions as well as for potential COVID-19 infection while traveling, this company offers some of the best financial investment options for travelers who are or will be exposed to higher health risks and issues.

Read our Tin Leg Travel Insurance review here.

Best for Digital Nomads: WorldTrips Travel Insurance

WorldTrips WorldTrips Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable base plans that can be customized with add-ons including rental car, pet care, hunting and fishing, and vacation rental coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Insurance plans available for international student travelers
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip delay coverage benefit that kicks in after just five hours
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Pre-existing conditions waiver can be purchased within 21 days of initial trip payment
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Lower medical, evacuation and accidental death limits
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited, secondary baggage loss coverage although baggage protection can be upgraded at a low cost
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No special coverages for pets, sports equipment, etc.

WorldTrips has been a reputable travel insurance provider for more than 20 years. Unsurprisingly, it boasts an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and positive reviews from thousands of customers.

  • Travel medical insurance (Premium, Group, Annual, and International Student options)
  • Trip cancellation insurance
  • Trip protection insurance

WorldTrips Travel Insurance has affordable premiums, highly customizable add-ons, and generous coverage for core categories of travel insurance. All this makes it a great option for digital nomads, students studying abroad and backpackers.

However, travelers should keep in mind that plans are not particularly flexible, and coverage amounts are limited unless you plan ahead to pay for the areas and amounts that you need.

Read our WorldTrips Travel Insurance review here.

Best for Affordability: Trawick International Travel Insurance

Trawick Trawick International Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Useful for adventurous travelers headed to higher-risk destinations
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable plans with varying levels of coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. 10-day free look option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous baggage loss replacement policy
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip delay coverage kicks in after just six hours
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Some policies allow a CFAR add-on
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1 million medical evacuation coverage limit
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Baggage and trip delay coverages don’t kick in until after the 12-hour mark
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. International student policies available for temporary stints abroad
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Complaints about claims not being paid or involving an intermediary to resolve claims

Trawick International travel insurance offers plans customized to diverse travelers' needs. We look at coverage options, claims processing, pricing, and other important factors for savvy travelers.

  • Travel medical insurance
  • Trip protection and cancellation
  • International student insurance
  • Visitor medical insurance (for traveling to the US)

Trawick International Travel Insurance is another insurance provider with robust medical travel insurance  that can help higher-risk and anxious travelers find peace of mind while on the road. This company offers one of the most generous medical evacuation policies in the market, although travelers will need to remember to add on rental car coverage if they need it.

Read our Trawick Travel Insurance review here.

Travelex Travelex Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Options to cover sports equipment
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Option to increase medical coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can cancel up to 48 hours before travel when CFAR option is purchased
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable coverage for budget-conscious travelers
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes generous baggage delay, loss and trip delay coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Optional "adventure sports" bundle available for riskier activities
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Only two insurance plans to choose from
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage maximum is low at up to $50,000 per person
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Pricier than some competitors with lower coverage ceilings
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Some competitors offer higher medical emergency coverage

Travelex travel insurance is one of the largest travel insurance providers in the US providing domestic and international coverage options. It offers a basic, select, and America option. Read on to learn more.

  • Optional CFAR insurance available with the Travel Select plan
  • Trip delay insurance starting at $500 with the Travel Basic plan
  • Emergency medical and dental coverage starting at $15,000

Travelex Travel Insurance  offers three plans:

  • Travel Basic
  • Travel Select
  • Travel America

The Travelex America plan is meant for trips limited to the U.S., but it has the highest coverage limits in many areas compared to its other programs. If you're flying somewhere, the lost baggage limits are higher. Its natural strengths shine for road trippers, though. Travelex America adds coverage for roadside service and rental car coverage for unexpected accidents. It also covers pets should you be involved in an accident while on the road.

While your standard auto insurance does extend to car rentals within the U.S. for a limited time, any accident would affect future rates. Travelex would eliminate the risk of reporting to your auto insurance provider for minor incidents within its purview.

Read our Travelex Travel Insurance review here.

Introduction to Travel Insurance

Why travel insurance is a must-have.

The unpredictable nature of traveling – from flight cancellations to medical emergencies – can turn your dream vacation into a nightmare. Travel insurance acts as a personal safeguard, ensuring that unexpected events don't drain your wallet or ruin your trip.

Understanding Different Types of Travel Insurance

Not all travel insurance policies are created equal. From single-trip travel insurance policies to annual travel insurance plans , from minimal coverage to comprehensive protection, understanding the spectrum of options is your first step in finding the right fit for your journey.

Key Features to Look for in Travel Insurance Coverage

Travel insurance for medical emergencies.

Imagine falling ill in a foreign country; daunting, right? A robust travel insurance plan ensures you don't have to worry about how much emergency medical care while traveling will cost, even in the most remote corners of the globe. This coverage will often come in tandem with emergency medical evacuation coverage.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption Benefits

Life is full of surprises, some less pleasant than others. Trip cancellation and interruption coverage ensures that you're not left out of pocket if unforeseen circumstances force you to cancel or cut your trip short. You may also look for cancel for any reason and interruption for any reason options, which will reimburse you for a percentage of your nonrefundable fees, but expands the covered reasons you can cancel a trip. You can find our guide on the best CFAR travel insurance companies here.

Coverage for Personal Belongings and Baggage Loss

Losing your belongings is more than an inconvenience; it's losing a piece of your world. Insurance that covers personal belongings and baggage loss ensures that you're compensated for your loss, helping you to rebound and continue your adventure.

Support and Assistance Services

In times of trouble, having a lifeline can make all the difference. Look for insurance that offers 24/7 support and assistance services, giving you peace of mind that help is just a phone call away. Also, check websites that field customer reviews like Trustpilot, the Better Business Bureau, and InsureMyTrip , to see how well a company responds to customer requests.

Choosing the Best Travel Insurance

Reputation and reliability of the travel insurance provider.

A provider's reputation is not just about being well-known; it's about reliability, customer satisfaction, and the ability to deliver on promises. Researching and choosing a reputable provider is a cornerstone in ensuring your safety and satisfaction.

Understanding the Policy's Fine Print

The devil is in the details, and understanding the fine print of what your travel insurance policy covers is crucial. Be aware of coverage limits, exclusions, and the process for filing a claim to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

In the age of information, customer reviews and feedback are goldmines of insight. Learn from the experiences of others to gauge the reliability and customer service of the insurance provider you're considering. While the ratings are important, you should also look at whether or not a company responds to customer complaints.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Travel Insurance

Knowing your policy inside out.

Familiarize yourself with every aspect of your policy – what it covers, what it doesn't, how to file a claim, and who to contact in an emergency. Being informed means being prepared. 

Steps to Take When a Problem Arises

If you face an issue during your travels, knowing the immediate steps to take can make all the difference. Keep important contacts and your policy details handy, and remember, your insurance provider is there to assist you.

How to Pick the Best Travel Insurance Company for You

There isn't a one-size-fits-all policy that works perfectly for every traveler. Young, healthy solo travelers can opt for much cheaper plans that offer bare-bones coverage, while families juggling complex itineraries will do best by investing in a robust policy that can help defray any costs associated with lost baggage, delayed transportation or other trip-impeding obstacles.

That being said, you can't go wrong with a travel insurance provider that boasts a reputable history and offers a wide range of customizable plans. In some cases, you may be comparing plans that are only a few dollars' apart from each other. In such situations, you should generally opt for the insurance company that offers the strongest customer service. It's also worth considering whether or not the travel insurance provider has been reviewed by other travelers with similar itineraries to your own. 

An insurance aggregator like InsureMyTrip or Squaremouth is one of the best tools for searching travel insurance policies. Once you input the specifics of your travel itinerary, you'll be able to see hundreds of search results to compare the ones that catch your eye. If the options are too overwhelming, use the filters to the left of your search page to eliminate as many irrelevant plans as possible.

How We Reviewed the Best Travel Insurance Companies

To come up with our list of the best travel insurance companies, we evaluated each insurer based on the following factors:

Guide Methodology: What We Considered

Policy Types

Travel insurance is essential, but often underused partly because people aren't getting what they want. Business Insider's 2023 travel study showed 10.65% of travelers surveyed bought cancel for any reason insurance. Cost may be a factor, but in many cases, the coverage is more affordable than you might think. Regardless, companies must offer a diverse range of coverage options. We award five stars to companies offering all standard coverages and additional options like pet and sports equipment protection.

Our 2023 travel study indicated the majority of purchases were made through the travel provider (ex: flight protection insurance when you're purchasing your airline tickets). While these may be sufficient for some customers, we look for companies offering a more comprehensive range of services.

According to the U.S. Travel Insurance Association, the average cost of travel insurance will be between 4% and 8% of total travel expenses. Anything beyond that price point should include additional benefits beyond the standard inclusions, such as CFAR protection or upgraded medical coverage. Anything below that 4% threshold may leave you lacking important or sufficient coverage in an emergency.

Convenience and Flexibility

Whether you're an infrequent traveler or a suitcase warrior, a good travel insurance company should have you covered. In many cases, you might not even have to talk to a person in order to purchase your policy.

Many people think of travel insurance in context with specific trips, but most of these top contenders sell both single-trip and multi-trip policies, also known as annual travel insurance. Some companies also offer plans specifically designed for cruisers, students abroad, and business travelers. (Read our guide to the best cruise travel insurance companies for more details.) Finally, all of these providers offer multiple options for getting the specific areas and amounts of coverage that you want.

Claims Handling

Most travelers never have a large claim. Premiums are low, and it provides peace of mind for the just in case situations. So they leave reviews based on their reduced stress levels. But what happens if you lose your luggage or have to stay a few extra days due to an unexpected accident? Will your insurance carrier cover your claim without all the hassle? We check real customer reviews to sort this out for you.

Ease of Use and Support

When purchasing, during your trip, and throughout the claims process, you may need extra support. Does the company have a 24/7 help line? Does it have an online or mobile system allowing you to self-manage? Essentially, what are the options when you need help? We look at the big picture to evaluate the average customer experience with each company.

You can read our full insurance rating methodology for even more details.

Best Travel Insurance FAQs

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for every traveler. Determine the benefits that are most important to you, like baggage delay coverage, medical coverage, and trip delay coverage, then look for a company with solid customer ratings, especially when it comes to processing claims.

Travel insurance will pay out if you experience a covered event, such as a travel delay or delayed or lost baggage. If you're looking to get travel insurance for a specific reason, such as needing to potentially cancel your trip due to work reasons, make sure your policy will cover you in that situation before purchasing it. You should also check customer reviews to see other travelers' claims experiences, as it varies wildly from company to company.

The average cost of travel insurance is 4% to 8% of your total trip cost, so it could vary widely depending on where you're traveling and the length of your trip. Your age, the number of people in your group, and other factors can also influence how much you'll pay.

Most comprehensive travel insurance policies include travel medical coverage that can come in handy if an emergency occurs and you need medical evacuation. Some travel insurance plans offer more specialized coverage for travelers with pre-existing conditions , so shop around if medical coverage is a top priority for you. 

$100,000 should be a sufficient medical coverage limit for travel insurance. If you're planning on doing extreme sports or anything particularly risky on your trip, you may want to increase your coverage level. A high medical coverage limit is especially useful when you're purchasing cruise travel insurance, since medical evacuations are more involved at sea.

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Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

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Ealing Arts Events 2024: Dates, Itinerary & Tickets Price

In the vibrant borough of Ealing, the year 2024 is set to be a landmark for the arts scene. The Ealing Arts Events 2024, a curated collection of cultural happenings, will showcase the best of local and international talent. This year, the focus is on diversity and innovation, with a rich tapestry of events spanning various art forms. From thought-provoking exhibitions to captivating performances, Ealing Arts Events 2024 promises to be a feast for the senses. The borough's galleries, theatres, and public spaces will come alive with creativity, offering a unique opportunity for art enthusiasts to immerse themselves in a world of artistic expression. The Ealing Arts Events 2024 is not just a celebration of art, but also a testament to the borough's commitment to fostering a vibrant and inclusive arts community. It is an invitation for all to experience the transformative power of art, and a reminder of its role in shaping society. As the year progresses, more details about the events will be unveiled, promising an exciting and enriching journey for all who partake.

The Chamber Music Collective Summer Showcase | Ealing Green Church

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