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A Stranger on the Frontier (ST:DS9 SI)

  • Thread starter Keiran Halcyon
  • Start date Dec 23, 2012
  • Tags star trek deep space 9 (star trek) self insert

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  • Dec 30, 2012
IHOPFan4Ever said: That's a good idea to give Janeway a heads up about her. Keep in mind though, Seska isn't actually on Voyager, she's on the Maquis ship, so Janeway will not run into her until they get to the Delta Quadrant. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

insert witty title here.

Vaermina said: Anything that is being smuggled has to pass through DS9 customs before it gets on the station through. Which means it will be scanned by DS9's sensors thus invalidating the need for a system wide border patrol. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: You guys don't seem to get that due to the fact that no smuggling laws exist in Bajoran space that the only time smuggling can occur is when a ship docks with DS9. Edit: And yes it is specifically stated that no smuggling laws exist, this is because of the role smugglers played during the occupation resulting in the provisional government relaxing laws. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
hpackrat said: How do you know that Bajor has no anti-smuggling laws? Are you saying that they have no laws against illegal substances? Illegal weapons? Nothing wrong with smuggling out precious artifacts? That its OK to smuggle out the artifacts of the Prophets without the knowledge of the populace or the clergy? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: It's nice to see you continued the star trek tradition of having deep and philosophical discussions with Morn without him saying a word on screen. Also they already have sub-dermal com-badges, they use them when going undercover in pre-warp civilizations. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Avalon Aurora

Avalon Aurora

Between genius & insanity.

Typhonis 1

Sick Little Monkey

You know more than weapons can be smuggled to the Bajorans. They have industrial replicators coming....how hard to smuggle the plans for weapons to be made by the things? If they are like Lathes you could always task one to making parts for another replicator.  


Norgarth said: How many times has the Enterprise or Voyager (ect) snuck up and hid behind a planet's moon to avoid being picked up by said planet's Warp-tech sensors? And DS( still has mostly ( old ) Cardie sensors at this point, does it not? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina, you toss out a lot of 'facts' but have yet to post any links to back up you claims. You want us to take you seriously? Start providing links that prove your point. Otherwise, we're just going to ignore you as a rabid fanboy. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Question; the kobliad, are they a Federation member? Or an independent planet? If the latter, perhaps a deal is possible. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Official job for Keiran = reason to interfere with moon power plan idiocy. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Subdermal or just disguised as something appropriate to the culture they're studying? Can you provide an episode where this is stated? Again, just cause you say it, doesn't mean shit without some evidence to back it up. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Bolos are magical

You fail to understand his point behind the stupidity of the "make the moon a powerplant" idea. The Federation has plenty of habitable worlds and can, most likely, terraform new ones in a decent timeframe. The Bajorans however *are not the Federation* and thus 1) don't have those worlds and 2) can't terraform new ones, especially considering they are still trying to fix *their own world*. Them basically throwing away their habitable moon on a power plant idea when they could literally have done any number of other smarter, safer, *better* solutions is just ... stupid. Also I can understand why people call you a troll. You have the terrible habit of replying in one-sentence "i'm right you're wrong" fashion and never really actually explain anything or give any reference to what you are talking about. If you want people to take you seriously then you could at least put some effort into explaining your point. And if you don't care wether or not people take you seriously, or think you are a troll or whatever, then why the hell are you posting in the first place?  


Planning for the inevitable day of Man's downfall.

Ladies: Acknowledging Vaermina and people like him is acknowledging that he has power over you because you waste valuable time calling him a troll. He is not. He is just ignorant. Pity him, but do not feed into his sickness.  




First, Kieran, I am really enjoying this story. It's been a while since I read a decent DS9 fanfic. Second, I can now sympathize a bit more with your SI character, since I was in a car accident tonight. I'm okay, but I'm going to be sore in the morning. (EVERYone keeps saying that!) I eagerly await the next installment.  



Slava ukraini.

DarthMetool said: First, Kieran, I am really enjoying this story. It's been a while since I read a decent DS9 fanfic. Second, I can now sympathize a bit more with your SI character, since I was in a car accident tonight. I'm okay, but I'm going to be sore in the morning. (EVERYone keeps saying that!) I eagerly await the next installment. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Brellin said: You fail to understand his point behind the stupidity of the "make the moon a powerplant" idea. The Federation has plenty of habitable worlds and can, most likely, terraform new ones in a decent timeframe. The Bajorans however *are not the Federation* and thus 1) don't have those worlds and 2) can't terraform new ones, especially considering they are still trying to fix *their own world*. Them basically throwing away their habitable moon on a power plant idea when they could literally have done any number of other smarter, safer, *better* solutions is just ... stupid. Also I can understand why people call you a troll. You have the terrible habit of replying in one-sentence "i'm right you're wrong" fashion and never really actually explain anything or give any reference to what you are talking about. If you want people to take you seriously then you could at least put some effort into explaining your point. And if you don't care wether or not people take you seriously, or think you are a troll or whatever, then why the hell are you posting in the first place? Click to expand... Click to shrink...



I'd post replies, but it'd be considered flame baiting Vaermina. Everything else though looks great.  

The events of Progress are likely moot since Swan in his capacity as Administrator likely requested for that colony package from the Federation as oppose to additional food. Starfleet would make sure that the replicators sent had all the power needed for the effort.  

Vaermina said: You mean the primitive planets who's entire military are barely a match for a single federation starship? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: It's from the EU, just like most of the really interesting background information. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: Nothing is stated either way. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: Why? Habitable planets are simple and cheep for federation science to create. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Subcutaneous_transponder Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Still thinking about it

gladiusone said: Remember, until Siskos replica had its fortunate accident with the tachyon stream, no one had any idea they could go FTL. They were considered system craft only. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

The Bajorans are a proud and spiritual people, they likely wouldn't allow robots to come around and take over jobs they could do themselves.  

Vaermina said: The Bajorans are a proud and spiritual people, they likely wouldn't allow robots to come around and take over jobs they could do themselves. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
hpackrat said: Not to mention pragmatic. They'll use robots if it helps rebuild Bajor quicker Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Liquid Metal Nanomorph

Cody Fett

Transitional Phrase Nut

Vaermina said: Also they already have sub-dermal com-badges, they use them when going undercover in pre-warp civilizations. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: Bajor badly needed the power generation when compared to the paltry amount of living space provided on the moon. That power generation was used to provide power for things like industrial replicators that were desperately needed to restore Bajor. In addition to that the moon was only rendered uninhabitable temporarily since a year or so later we see people running around it during The Seige. On top of all that the Bajor VI and Bajor VIII are both habitable along with a number of the Bajor systems moons. This means that finding habitable worlds is not something that is of any importance to Bajor when compared with the power they would get from turning the moon into a giant power generator. Click to expand... Click to shrink...



Norgarth said: Out of curiousity, anyone know what the rough population of Bajor is at this point? The closest thing I found was that the Cardassian Occupation caused over 10 million casualties. and left large areas devestated, stripmined or poisoned . Click to expand... Click to shrink...

The implants, if i'm understanding it right, have nothing at all to do with the combadges. It is so that they can interact with the haptic interface of the proposed omnitool. Since Trek style holoprojectors can actually make hard light however it is entirely possible that the implants that are need to use haptic interfaces in ME won't be needed by the Federation.  

The Unicorn

hance1986 said: Keiran: In 2371 the USS Voyager departs from DS9 to find Chakotay and the Maquis in the Badlands. They meet the Caretaker and Destiny ensues. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Vaermina said: Bajor badly needed the power generation when compared to the paltry amount of living space provided on the moon. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Herald of Dis Lev

Correction: Federation holotech isn't actually hard light. Rather, they utilize carefully modulated forcefields to simulate tactile contact. Otherwise, the sheer brokenness of the holodeck, when employed to the logical extreme, would strongly resemble Forerunner-level hijinks from Halo .  

Poor word choice on my part. I meant to imply they could create what was, effectively, hard light. Force fields it may be but the point still stands that they wouldn't need the haptic interface implants in peoples finger tips like the guys from ME, since the Feds are already quite capable of making holograms you can interact with.  

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Prologue   The Alpha Quadrant   Station Log, Commander Benjamin Sisko, Stardate 46393.8: I am settling into command of Deep Space 9, the former Cardassian mining station, now a Federation outpost located in the Denorios Belt of the Bajoran system.   I have decided to take another visit through the nearby wormhole that provides a […]

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Hilarious Star Trek DS9 Outtake Straight Out of Fan Fiction

Posted: June 7, 2024 | Last updated: June 9, 2024

<p>While it has moments of hilarity and even a dedicated comedy show (we’re going to miss you Lower Decks), Star Trek isn’t a franchise that is well-known for its comedy. However, every series has bloopers that transform the most serious scenes into ones fans can’t help but laugh at. Below, you’ll find a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine outtake that feels straight out of fanfiction in the most hilariously unhinged way.</p>

While it has moments of hilarity and even a dedicated comedy show (we’re going to miss you Lower Decks), Star Trek isn’t a franchise that is well-known for its comedy. However, every series has bloopers that transform the most serious scenes into ones fans can’t help but laugh at. Below, you’ll find a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine outtake that feels straight out of fanfiction in the most hilariously unhinged way.

<p>Arguably, though, Q’s one and only Deep Space Nine episode makes Lwaxana’s episode look like high art: the episode “Q-Less” has the impish alien appear on the space station in the company of Vash, Captain Picard’s one-time love interest who ran away with the powerful alien at the end of The Next Generation episode “Qpid.” The fan-favorite antagonist alien was literally only added to this episode to show how different the DS9 characters were from their TNG counterparts. However, I contend that we didn’t need to see Sisko punch Q out and angrily state, “I’m not Picard,” to know how different he was from the captain of the Enterprise.</p>

The Pairing Of Avery Brooks And John De Lancie

So you can appreciate what makes this particular Star Trek outtake so funny, we need to provide a refresher on the episode it is from. “Q-Less” is a Season 1 episode of Deep Space Nine in which (you guessed it) the TNG villain Q makes a memorable appearance. At one point, he goads station commander Sisko into a boxing match, resulting in Q getting knocked on his butt and petulantly noting that “Picard never hit me,” leaving a stone-faced Sisko to reply, “I’m not Picard.”

<p>The Star Trek outtake in question is based on that scene, showcasing the moment that led up to the boxing match. In the finished episode, Sisko demands that Q return the various station personnel that he just snapped out of existence. When Sisko barks, “bring them back, Q,” the godlike being responds with, “or what, you’ll thrash me,” leading to their infamous boxing match.</p>

A Vicious Thrashing

The Star Trek outtake in question is based on that scene, showcasing the moment that led up to the boxing match. In the finished episode, Sisko demands that Q return the various station personnel that he just snapped out of existence. When Sisko barks, “bring them back, Q,” the godlike being responds with, “or what, you’ll thrash me,” leading to their infamous boxing match.

<p>This was a very memorable moment for a (let’s be honest) forgettable episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and we wouldn’t have wagered any latinum on any outtake making the moment any better. However, John de Lancie proves in this clip that he can be just as unexpectedly hilarious as Q. Instead of reading the line as written, de Lancie responded to the commander’s threat by asking, “or what…you’ll ravish me?”</p>

De Lancie Went Off Script

This was a very memorable moment for a (let’s be honest) forgettable episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and we wouldn’t have wagered any latinum on any outtake making the moment any better. However, John de Lancie proves in this clip that he can be just as unexpectedly hilarious as Q. Instead of reading the line as written, de Lancie responded to the commander’s threat by asking, “or what…you’ll ravish me?”

<p>A large part of what makes this Star Trek outtake so funny is that de Lancie cracks himself up and begins laughing at his own amorous ad-lib before apologizing to Avery Brooks. However, the Sisko actor was far from offended by this moment of levity. Instead, warmly embraces the other man and responds to the ravishing request with two words: “I might.”</p><p>Part of what makes this scene fascinating is that we will never know what the exact motivations of each Star Trek actor was when it came to this outtake. Obviously, they could just be two professionals having a bit of fun. </p>

Avery Brooks Gave As Good As He Got

A large part of what makes this Star Trek outtake so funny is that de Lancie cracks himself up and begins laughing at his own amorous ad-lib before apologizing to Avery Brooks. However, the Sisko actor was far from offended by this moment of levity. Instead, warmly embraces the other man and responds to the ravishing request with two words: “I might.”

Part of what makes this scene fascinating is that we will never know what the exact motivations of each Star Trek actor was when it came to this outtake. Obviously, they could just be two professionals having a bit of fun. 

<p>Thanks to the inherent charm of actors Armin Shimerman and Andrew Robinson, most Star Trek fans consider the root beer discussion as a very funny scene in the middle of an otherwise serious episode. Their line deliveries make everything seem that much more humorous, and the whole idea of comparing one of the most influential organizations in the galaxy to a soft drink is silly on the face of it. However, Ira Steven Behr is adamant that this was originally intended to be a scene just as sober as the rest of the episode.</p><p>He bluntly stated that the scene “was never meant as a joke,” saying it was about “two aliens giving their individual viewpoints about what it was like to live under the Federation.” Through their very different perspectives, we can see their “serious problems with the whole Federation philosophy, and the fact that it’s such a behemoth organization.” However, both of the characters are very practical, and “even though they question the giant, they want the giant on their side when they’re in trouble.</p>

Armin Shimerman Wasn’t A Big Fan Of De Lancie

However, Quark actor Armin Shimerman later claimed he enjoyed watching these two in scenes together because Brooks “is the lead and so he has the responsibility and that recognition” but that de Lancie “came on the set with his own agenda” where the Q actor performed as if “he was the guest star…and we were the visitors.

If you have a bit of paranoia (just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean Section 31 isn’t out to get you!), it’s easy to imagine this Star Trek outtake as a subtle clash between a guest trying to assert control and a series lead reminding the guest who’s really in charge.

<p>Garak’s “inclusive” sexuality was never confirmed onscreen, but it has been notably confirmed by Andrew Robinson (who helped extensively write his character’s background and eventually released it as an official book, A Stitch In Time) and DS9 showrunner Ira Steven Behr. </p><p>The showrunner pointed out that the character is “clearly gay or queer or however you want to say it” and that, if Paramount had allowed it, he “would have loved to have taken that and see where that went and how that affected his relationship with Bashir.”</p>

Star Trek And Fan Fiction

Regardless of any behind-the-scenes Star Trek drama, the main reason we love this outtake is that it feels like it came straight out of someone’s fanfiction.

If that sounds weird, consider this: Diane Merchant’s 1974 fanfic story “A Fragment Out of Time” normalized fan speculation about Kirk and Spock hooking up, and Paula Smith’s 1973 Trek parody “A Trekkie’s Tale” is where the term “Mary Sue” comes from (no, really!). Fanfic has been keeping this franchise alive for more than half a century, and it’s not surprising at all to see two of the franchise’s biggest stars jokingly creating their own slash fiction.

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    star trek dragon self insert dragon si Replies: 451; Forum: User Fiction; Naruto:Kage Quest:A New Shadow. ... so what we have here is a recursive fanfic of a fanfic set in a cross between Star Trek and The Culture. The originating fanfic is Not Quite Shodan (tropes link) by Hiver, but you can also find it here on this site. ... Deep Space Nine ...

  7. Deep Space Nine Archives

    Spiderweb. Deep Space Nine is in a state of panic, for Captain Sisko is away and the Federation lies on the brink of war. When Worf, Dax and Bashir take a runabout to rescue a starship they get more than they bargained for. Now only the blazing infernos of a star will save them, with a relentless enemy hunting them at every turn.

  8. StarTrek: Deep Space Nine FanFiction Archive

    Five years after the Dominion War Julian and Garak return to Deep Space Nine for a celebration (AU) A direct carryon from 'Book by its Cover'. Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,481 - Published: Apr 14 - J. Bashir, E. Garak, OC - Complete. Book by its Cover by Just-A-Beginner-2 reviews.

  9. A Stranger on the Frontier (ST:DS9 SI)

    First, Kieran, I am really enjoying this story. It's been a while since I read a decent DS9 fanfic. Second, I can now sympathize a bit more with your SI character, since I was in a car accident tonight. I'm okay, but I'm going to be sore in the morning. (EVERYone keeps saying that!) I eagerly await the next installment.

  10. Deep Space Nine

    2006.06.25. Mike Porter. Deep Space Nine. War of the Warrior - Part 1. This story takes place in an alternate DS9 timeline. In Episode 74 'The Way of the Warrior' (part 2) the Federation reinforcements fail to arrive in time, and Deep Space Nine falls to the Klingons. This leads to full scale war between the Klingon Empire and the Federation ...

  11. Deep Space Nine Archives

    08/14/17 Tags: a stitch in time, bashir, Cardassians, Deep Space Nine, garak, parmak, star trek deep space nine, Star Trek Fan Fiction Category: Deep Space Nine By: Sally Sorrell. The opportunity One Charaban offered me remained an anchor in my mind well into the next day, grounding me and guiding me silently through my coursework. Stronger ...

  12. Category:Star Trek DS9 Fanfiction

    For articles documenting individual stories based on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine canon. Articles in this category can use the FanfictionStarTrekDS9 ... Pages in category "Star Trek DS9 Fanfiction" The following 100 pages are in this category, out of 100 total. A. The Absinthe Heart; Acts of Kindness; All's Well That Ends Well; Anachronism (Star ...

  13. StarTrek: Deep Space Nine Crossover Archive

    Swallows Boldly Go by drobin5879. The Swallows prepare to set off on their voyage to a deserted planet. Crossover - Swallows and Amazons series & StarTrek: Deep Space Nine - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,337 - Published: Jul 23, 2022. What a Nice Guy! by TimeTraveller-1900 reviews.

  14. Can anybody list any great Star Trek fanfics : r/FanFiction

    2. MadeIndescribable. • 3 yr. ago. I'm a big fan of "Scorched Earth", it's a "what it" DS9 fanfic where the Cardassian/Romulan armada is successful in destroying the Founders. It was also written by Una McCormack who's gone on to write some amazing official novels as well. 2.

  15. Star Trek Fan Fiction

    Welcome to DS9 Continuing, my fan-fic project following the adventures of the characters and crew of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine after seven seasons of TV. top of page. Home. About. Seasons. Season 8 - "Twist of Faith" Season 9 - "Fragments and Omens" Season 10 - "Ascension"

  16. Hilarious Star Trek DS9 Outtake Straight Out of Fan Fiction

    Regardless of any behind-the-scenes Star Trek drama, the main reason we love this outtake is that it feels like it came straight out of someone's fanfiction. If that sounds weird, consider this ...

  17. StarTrek: Deep Space Nine and StarTrek: Voyager Crossover

    Cut down by Hirogen, Chakotay is rescued by his old flame from Species 8472. Problem: she wants to keep him. And in Fluidic Space, "love" is different. Seven, now a DS9 ensign, recruits Quark, Ro, and others to retrieve him, while Chakotay and another prisoner, Romulan Captain Sela, fight to escape.